Stumpt – MINECRAFT FOR VIKINGS! – Valheim – #1 (multiplayer gameplay)

Video Information

All right y’all we’re getting into some valheim uh this is brand new uh co-op survival game that to my very pleasant surprise is actually voxel bass um it’s published by coffee stain if i have read the details correctly as well it looks like it was primarily developed by just one guy as well

Um i’m very excited for this one because i’ve popped into it a little bit and had a lot of fun um let’s we’ve not yet tried to play this online multiplayer yet so i believe i’m going to start a new world here so new so if anyone out there wants to

Play along the same seed we’re going to go with the seed hot dog jam um welcome to valham y’all i think me and rick have played a bit but price and a jazzy sort of like at the very beginning of garden pause you’re going to want to run

Around and find like the little sticks and the little stones on the ground to collect first oh i just been watching trees and get wood that way you can punch trees uh you can punch i guess branch or not little saplings you can punch until you get tools you can’t cut down

Trees um and one thing i’ll say is i know that this game has a skill based system where like the more you do something the more you gain right so like punch more and you become stronger at punching acts more and you become better at axing right

Correct yeah jump more you become better at jumping basically all the things you do at all times you’re leveling them up i appreciate that i love games like that it’s a great system timber i i met you i paid i played for like an hour

In my own thing and apparently all of my skills and items have transferred over to this server oh well aren’t you cool-ish it’s not server-bound it’s actually bound to your character i did read a little thing at the beginning saying as you join online games you might want to make an alt account

Because you will potentially lose all of the things bound to your character so you can go from server to server with different characters and retain your uh your same skills yeah because it’s like uh yeah that makes sense because it’s a character it’s like terraria or like garden paws where like the character

Is its own instance interacting with the world and so like you can move them between them which is cool because that means if you if you want you can take a powered character and start over at the beginning and so as you get the resources that you need to make

Different tools you’ll get the recipes for them so as i just picked up the stones i got recipes for axes and hamburgers here how do i pick up or is it just punching oh yeah it’s just e it’s e yeah cool killed that grayling and so in

If you uh create a club like i have um and then you go into your inventory if you right click the club it’ll equip it but if you press r it will put it on your back oh so you can which does nothing really

Well i mean it it frees up your hand to do other things yeah it’s it’s uh you’re you’re if you were like picking stuff up i imagine sometimes you would want to like just i would say it’s not that much different than just unequipping the hot bar

What is there oh i guess how do you unequip the hotbar i guess that’s just what you just tapped i killed some pigs you feel like a monster you killed some bores yeah so i can make my first axe i’m going to make another charge yeah the first thing we’re going to want

To do y’all is uh get a bunch of wood and then we’re going to want to find like a nice open plane to build i mean we can build a house anywhere but usually the open plains is like the nice areas um huge over here telling me to do

Stuff oh so just so you all know huge i don’t know if you know he’s one of odin’s ravens you probably figured that out oh yeah yeah but hugin and mugen and a couple of other ones i think thor gets really drunk and has to marry one of the giants

Yeah it’s pretty pretty funny have you all seen any of the set photos for the new thor by the way no no chris how i just saw the like the rad the opening day of production like they did like a little almost like a little prayer type thing

With some like indigenous dancers and stuff which was pretty cool like the hawkeye yeah um oh cool so i got beat seats as i’m chopping down trees so it looks like we’ll be able to plant those too picking up dandelions in the new one he’s got this like wicked

Like leather uh red leather vest and like a shirt with like ripped off sleeves he looks like the most um dude who is in an 80s metal band that’s not like that successful you know it looks so good it’s perfect he’s like in striper or something

You know yeah he’s like he’s in a gun Yeah poison yeah well so i just knocked over a tree and the trees are um they give you logs and then you have to smash the logs i know that um but the tree actually fell into another tree like they don’t just despawn once they fall down like it can fall over onto

Other trees and then you just have a big log leaning against the tree yeah it’s kind of interesting you don’t believe these voxel-based games when you chop something down it just falls into several pieces not this what’s this thing jess i don’t know there’s just random uh

Houses that are just all over the place yes so the food is it is that house jazz and in the middle of an open plain no it’s just an exo bank well then i saw the houses are the the the abandoned houses are some of the best ways to get free wood

But you need to build a crafting bench right next to it and then you can disassemble that crafting bench once you’re done um but i found what looks to be an open plane uh here let me swim over to it so that tree that can we eat raspberries and mushrooms where are the

Berries and if you will be able to make a cook fire here in a sec price and then uh the boar that you killed should have dropped some meat that you can cook yeah i just i’m like i have four hp so i need to eat

Something i’m gonna die yeah where do i get the berries i haven’t seen any you’ll see you’ll see better yeah you’ll see them they’re hard to miss um and so that tree i knocked down into the other tree actually ended up breaking the tree that it fell into that was pretty amazing

So i found a nice open plain y’all i think this is where i’m gonna build us a house for tonight um where are you and don’t forget that you can block with uh the right mouse button so from our spawn i am southwest i just ran along the lake uh edge

Okay so if you run southwest uh you will find the open plane that i am in oh so i found the uh summoning place of one of the forsaken make the correct offering at the altar and they will come be wary though the forsaken are not easy prey

So craft a wicked weapon don your finest armor and eat a hearty meal before engaging them in combat okay oh i found another house this one looks like it has like a chest inside of it i’m gonna come to you guys now that uh oh yeah collected some resources i’m like

Forcing myself to run up the side of this cliff and it’s like boosting the crap out of my jump in my run i thought i’d be able to see you on the map i cannot see you on the map wait visible to other players click the visible to other players on

Your map if you guys would then we can see where each other are ah how do you do that let’s see yeah just hit him and then there we go perfect perfect so ash i’m coming to you yeah i’m coming to you oh that’s a deer okay oh did a deer oh dear

Just looking for berries because your boy is hurting oh there’s a mushroom there we go mushroom so i can just eat the mushrooms as they are i’ve never ate raw mushrooms i think you can definitely eat the berries as they are here i’m gonna eat them you can eat them

You can eat them okay okay you can’t eat like the same kind of food over and over again you need a variety of different foods i found a runestone heat the words and then i walked away before i read yeah i’m gonna start building a house here

Okay almost there guys slowly but surely ah they were ash what’s up okay so first i need a crafting bench so i’m gonna just build that so how do you uh get access to crafting benches ash with your hands uh to get to get access to crafting benches you

Have to first build the hammer okay but then you just equip your hammer oh crap more get wrecked i’m gonna put a uh fire here ta-da hammer there we go did not drop any meat bro and then rick with the hammer equipped you can right click to

See the recipes the only thing that you can build before you’ve even built a crafting bench is the crafting bench but now i’ve built a crafting bench does that work for all of you actually no because now i can build a work uh cooking station so i imagine that

That’s because you built the workbench i don’t know um but i can build a cooking station does uh the cooking station needs to go over the fire yes yeah that’s right there we go okay so then and then you can cook items oh and then it just automatically cooks

The item in your inventory i had some meat it just automatically puts it on there neat wait i don’t have any cookables i killed like three boars and i got like one two leather yeah they don’t always drop them because uh i’ve killed a couple too and it’s

Not that never mind that was the board that was just hiding in the ground with this tool you will raise mighty halls and towering fortifications start by building a workbench done this is in turn will enable you to construct other things other things okay and you do need to fuel the fire

Too i can see that it’s got three of ten i’m just gonna fill it up there we go oh yeah that tree hit another tree and that tree hit another tree yeah see that look at that oh but this is a i was hoping for a

Domino effect but didn’t i know this is kind of what happened to me but when you break this log here jazz hold on don’t break that tree check this out okay oh do it i thought oh god so guys this one here and watch as you break this log

It probably will break the tree next to it that’s what happened to me oh new crafting recipes uh crafting station needs a roof there we got it look at me so are you just clearing some ground or something ash what are you doing yeah so this is the hoe which um the hoe

You would think is used for farming no it’s really just the terrain modification tool ah okay wow we can build a lot more stuff now okay oh but honestly not as much um oh i’m gonna go murder some more stuff i think oh wait where’s the cook fire i’ll cook

Up some meat it’s right here and by the way i was trying to cook some food and apparently i failed um i think it cooked too long and then i got called you to watch it yeah you need to watch what you’re cooking and you’ll see sort of like a

Burst of flame come from your food once it’s done oh that’s kind of annoying let’s watch this rick you can sit here and walk with me you can you can grab one of these that’s okay i don’t need food right away um it’s just i i was surprised to see that

I had burnt my food gotcha can i use the workbench to um repair it yes so everyone can go to the workbench and repairing stuff you’ll see a repair button on the right-hand menu and it’s free it costs nothing to repair oh and it says that the crafting station needs a roof

Yes that’s what i’m i’m trying to build a house right now okay so i’m just gonna keep chopping trees and stuff i guess like what what should we be gathering yeah gather a ton of wood if you guys can um i just got like a 100 freaking recipes

Yeah just by walking by the thing huh well i’m trying to repair and i’m trying to figure out how to do that so i think that we need to put a roof over this before we can use it okay it’s a big tree right here go peach seeds

So i guess we can we can plant beech trees neat i’m breaking something called a stump and i don’t feel like that’s appropriate here i’ll help you put down some floors here buddy Okay eat that there we go so we might need to build up like a little bit because the the wood there’s like a slight incline right here let’s build farther this way rather than back this way because this isn’t quite even here all right uh let me see if i can make it

More even than so i was gonna do like this and then we can have like a little upstairs where can i drop off wood for y’all I can make a chest here in a bit but the chest needs a roof okay i will all the things you need to use it’s roofs interesting okay there i threw 40 wood on the ground over there almost time i’m excited about the houses we can build here

Yeah this game’s neat so i i really appreciate that this game is voxel i had no idea coming into it that it was but like because it’s voxel it’s only one gigabyte in install size and it’s uh it can basically i feel like run on anything

Like at least any computer in the last six years or so like it’s it should be there’s definitely going to be there’s definitely going to be some floor somewhere of like anything below a certain processor will get wrecked by this game right legitimately anything that can run minecraft minecraft is

Probably more intensive than that oh yeah um do anything that can run deep rock galactic you know could probably run with this ah my axe is broken my axe i just make a new axe it’s fine my ex your ex thorax thor is here zorax Oh look at all that wood i’m a level 10 axeman look at you go mr axeman okay i need to come repair my axe can we repair yet you had said we could repair but i wasn’t sure if we needed a roof we need a roof first

Then i will just make a second axe when i need it can we just like do like this let me see something I’m gonna make a simple little like hut for this little hmm you in fact you don’t even need to fully place it and just put one roof over it and that will be enough that’s what i’m doing right now oh my gosh broke Oh so when your things break they do not break break as well yeah come to the workbench yeah come to the workbench you can repair it for free oh cool oh because that counted as a roof got it whoops oops oops uh mouse three is removed okay there you go

I’m almost done so as far as uh increasing your stamina do you just oh i feel cold hold the ground i feel cold yeah okay uh fire stand by the fire oh oh now i’m on fire i got too close to the fire guys it’s not like i stepped in the fire i

Was close but jeez oh no are you okay tell me i’m hot next time oh no jesus thank you again what do you want when the temperature drops at night or if it’s wet you will suffer from being cold this reduces your stamina regeneration okay it doesn’t seem like it kills you

It just lowers your stamina region yeah we’re just gonna need clothes at some point as my guess so yeah i’m out of wood i just worked that grayling over i have some i can give you i made a little tiny roof let me get my food cooked here i’ve got

Some wood um station is too exposed what still sits to expose um needs a door maybe maybe no it doesn’t need a door but it probably needs a flooring underneath it maybe oh yeah you’re right all right i’m gonna go ahead and say dear game that’s silly

Let me let me build a workbench i could use a table outside look you’re not gonna you’re not gonna live on dirt floors like some kind of heathen okay you gotta have most people with floors have you seen people’s workshops they know what stuff’s gonna be like people who actually make stuff their

Workshops are dirt holes because they know it’s going to be a dirt hole if everybody jumped off a bridge would you jump off a bridge too huh no but if i’m building if i’m building some engineering stuff i’m going to look to an engineer you know and i’d be better than dirt

Floors okay i’ve watched forged in fire all right those forges are hideous okay i’ve watched reign of fire okay those dragons were awesome those were awesome mcconaughey what was it yeah yeah it was kind of it was going that’s right they were both in it it was the both of them actually

That’s why that movie is i thought no it’s christian bale and wait a minute wait i think they were all in it hold on christian bell and christopher and uh they definitely were yeah woody harrelson i might be i don’t think it’s woody i think woody was in something else matthew mcconaughey

Christian bale yeah there’s no gerard butler he’s the other big guy in it yeah but that was before he was like big big so he was kind of like um how do i repair yeah that’s mine so you need to you need to use the workbench

And then on the right hand side oh god hold on get intact yeah right hand side i’m looking there’s a little like repair icon oh i found it i found it okay okay got it there we go oh did i have to drag my axe over to it did you have to

Do that uh if you just like quickly tap that button it will repair one by one everything in your inventory it was repairing my tunic i guess which is fine it costs nothing to prepare okay cool well i’m gonna get to chopping some more oh dude yep yep

I i am such a beast at chopping trees now this forest belongs to me yeah man i i i feel like quite the axe man right now yeah here let me help you almost fell on you man oh look at this teammates there we go look at that yep whoa whoa whoa whoa

What just hit me split into the tree with the two i know i think the tree might have hit me on the rebound i think you can it only did two damage not that that’s the thing you’re um when you eat it also like maxes out your uh your endurance bar or whatever

Your stamina thing thing yeah it makes your stamina bar higher it makes your um your maximum hp higher oh there’s that little red bar you see that where your food is yeah it fills up to like being brown when you’re full um yeah yeah yeah so that i hadn’t i didn’t

Let’s go there go there we go escape six eat meat there we go i died what did you do this tree fell on me so jazz you’ll come back to spawn because you haven’t slept yet once we sleep that’s that’s your point the tree oh okay i could open your your

At least a gravestone okay i have 108 uh wood let’s see what i can build nice um how many wood does it take to okay it only takes two wood to make a wall okay i should have plenty of wood when you die you come back almost naked and

The the cold drains your stamina so it’s gonna take me a minute to get back to you i can’t wait to make some clothes i want to make like a bow and arrow go hunting yeah make some awesome uh i so i’ll admit y’all i said after

Playing this for an hour i hadn’t figured out how to make a bow and arrow yet i think we need to get our crafting station to level three to do that okay um what did you do price what did you do tree fell on me

Same day yeah did you die so so here’s what happened i had like a tree one of my trees had fallen on another tree and then that tree said it was that tree said it was too hard for me to break so i was like oh okay i’m not

Gonna be able to break this tree i’ll go focus on my other nonsense um my tree that fell on that tree then broke that tree and it fell on me so like it lied to me that that tree was too hard to break uh open the door cool we got a door guys

We got a door i just need my baby gosh darn it okay so we want to make this be the upstairs part let’s just put a roof on we can expand upstairs later um how much does it lower your skills um i think we’re too low level to do it

Because mine says no skill drain at the moment when i died it said lowered skills y’all yeah what kind of roofs thatch roofs that’s what kind we’re making some things yeah i’m just trying to trying to see if i can it’s actually because we’ve made the roof now

It’s getting ready to get over there yeah there we go i think i could do it oh come on yeah i got huge i get it all right i died i know is that a corner piece though rick that’s to build the 45 degree um

That’s not a corner oh okay yeah i see how you’re gonna make the roof yeah that’s fine oh okay careful when you break down trees sometimes they roll on top of you and that also hurts you yeah i know that’s how i got a little baby bite a little tree baby bite

My goodness yeah it is difficult to put these on top honestly um you know build yourself like yeah like a ladder stairs or something um there we go and then you can break it yeah there we go what am i missing oh that’s right so to build y’all

You even though the house is in the this is the man this side is going to be really hard so you need to be step standing inside of the workbench area honestly i could just make another workbench yeah i was going to say yeah i just made that little tiny

Hut to at least get it started i i don’t even need the this workbench to be like functional i just need it to be i’m back but um i didn’t get my clothes back yeah i don’t have my clothes either right um is it something you need to quit

There is nothing that i can acquit yup no i see it it’s it looks like a folded cloth it’s equipping rags but how do i equip this yeah right click how do i break the there we go it’s just it’s very tough i see this um i’m making a bed guys

Okay that that mechanic can you please move where i can’t see what i have equipped there you go that needs something like why isn’t there like an equipment so i could see what i have like what i’m wearing hugan can you please get out of the way so i can claim

This goddamn bed you can just like thanks for making me a bed right too much bed needs some proof okay putting things down the roof is difficult okay there we go i’m up on top of the roof now all right wait a minute is this not the right 45 days

Huge i need you to stop talking to me so i can actually see what i’m doing oh you’re right rick that’s not the right angle so what’s the point of this angle there’s not a roof that matches that angle for flare whatever come on trees that’s 45 degrees there we go because

This is like 30 degrees whereas the thatched roof yeah the that’s just like 30 degrees these are 45 degree pitches why have 45 degree wood walls if you can’t make a 45 degree wait 26 degree wood wall is that 26 degrees is that what the thatch is good goodness me

This is 26. yeah that’s that’s a very specific yeah that’s not necessary that doesn’t look right either um No that’s not right either then how do we build oh my goodness come on how is there not a roof piece that matches the angle of the thatch that doesn’t make sense it’s a little bizarre this is it’s it’s it’s a weird choice all right y’all i built a chest um dude

Y’all good job on this house all right is that we should sweet well i’ll leave it to jazz if you want to make a second floor or something because figured out we should all make beds and then that sets our spawn point yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Yes yes yes yes um so oh someone made a bed and i already claimed it i thought it was fine i thought it was like everybody could uh use the same one here we go i’m just gonna put my bed here we can always move it look at that look at that yeah

Screw off grailing more like deadling okay got a spawn point there we go i’m coming back because i do have 10 flint so we can make that next chopping block thing i think i kind of want to make bunk beds do it like but i don’t know how this works when you like

Sleep do you like spawn i don’t know who knows the day passes when everyone sleeps well i don’t know if only one person needs to sleep or if everyone needs to but um i’m gonna like this but i’m going to put a crafting bench inside the house as well um Well then do you want me to upgrade the other one or this one i think they’ll both upgrade as long as they’re within radius so actually yeah maybe we only need that one you know what price i’m sorry your bed’s gone for a second wow price

Put the uh build the the chopping block okay right next to the thing so how do i okay how do i build it uh with your hammer do you have a hammer okay i have a hammer in my hand now what do i do uh right right click on the hammer ah okay

So crafting this thing all right so just put it right next to it like here yep and so you can’t actually use it but you’ll see that it flows to that gotcha it just needs to be like around cool well now i can make a flint x if i

Get six flint and i want to do that for sure there’s also flint knives and flint spears cool and so to level it up to level three there’s a what was it there’s another thing that we need to build and basically place it next to it and that will

Allow okay well yeah we’ll probably need to find another material is what i’m going to guess um oh but you already have them unlocked let’s see oh so what do you want to move the uh did you guys you didn’t already okay we’re talking about moving the crafting

Bench inside i can make a new crafting bench jazzy what’d you do with the uh the bed i’m gonna put them upstairs i’m gonna put them upstairs i’m gonna make like a ladder that goes up here okay it may not be as useful so rick um because the way that the

Upgrading the crafting bench works uh-huh you’ll you’ll also have to build the upgrade things next to that crafting bench inside if you want to have another one inside if you want to also be upgraded um i mean is this already upgraded did you do the one outside i just upgraded it basically

You see that thing next to it that’s what upgrades it okay well then yeah if you guys already upgraded i was gonna build this in there um yeah i mean you could probably pick it up and you can put it in there right you can disassemble and you get i think

You get everything back yeah so if you just want to also like help rick and jazzy could both unlock the flint stuff right if they don’t already have it yeah i’m just to build it in here then we can build it next to it sure and and

They’re not that hard to make those things honestly it’s 10-foot it’s just it does not i think i picked it up in 10 minutes i’m gonna start looking around yeah i’m gonna go exploring two because i’ve been go build in for long enough i wanna like work on my swim skills so

Much that i can like swim infinite speed if that’s how it even works oh hey boris there’s a lot of bores over here oh my god you got to be careful then boars man which way did you go for the river right uh south uh actually no east east

You can see the riverbed on the map it’s like um the kind of like clay terrain oh my god there are so many graylings that they’re throwing rocks guys claim your bed oh thank you That is cute all right you have to actually put down supports because the thing will fall after a certain amount of time oh okay oh that’s cool yeah so i put down these like half blocks these have like a ceiling blocks because yeah it can’t fall y’all there are three gray links chasing

Me come on dorks oh be safe oh safety i’m gonna make some railings interesting so so just heads up y’all um i just killed like that was probably like my fifth bore on this server but probably like my 10th or so bore overall with this character and i

Unlocked the ability to make a boar trophy i know for the first boss to summon it you need to make a deer trophy gotcha so we’re going to kill a bunch of deer got it yep so keep your eye out for dinner let’s try and take them out i

Guess once we start getting our bows it shouldn’t be an issue they’ve been hard to catch otherwise i’ll double check it’s something dear related that you need to but i think it’s the trophy guys i i love the crafting in the building in this game yes this game rocks i died okay

Where’s my bad dress i’m sorry i just was cleaning up You

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT FOR VIKINGS! – Valheim – #1 (multiplayer gameplay)’, was uploaded by Stumpt on 2021-02-16 16:00:01. It has garnered 132356 views and 2537 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:25 or 1885 seconds.

Stumpt plays Valheim, a brutal exploration and survival game for 1-10 players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. Battle, build, and conquer your way to a saga worthy of Odin’s patronage!

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    Goodnight Minecraft: Cozy Bedtime Story for Gamer Kids Goodnight Minecraft: A Calm and Cozy Bedtime Story for Gamer Kids In this soothing animated story, join beloved characters inspired by Minecraft classics like Steve, Alex, Creepers, and Villagers as they wind down for the night in the magical blocky world they call home. Why This Story? This calming Minecraft-themed sleep story is designed to gently ease your child into a restful night’s sleep. With the familiar faces of classic Minecraft characters like the Pig, Creeper, Skeleton, and even the mighty Ender Dragon, each saying “goodnight” in their unique way, your child will feel comforted and relaxed as they… Read More

  • The Most Logical Minecraft Myths

    The Most Logical Minecraft Myths Minecraft Myths: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where myths and legends come to life, shaping the way players interact with their surroundings and each other. Unraveling the Myths While exploring the vast expanse of Minecraft, players often come across myths that add an extra layer of intrigue to the game. From hidden treasures to mysterious creatures, these myths spark curiosity and drive players to uncover the truth behind them. The Legend of… Read More

  • From Mafia to Minecraft: EfeKan’s Rich Poor Life

    From Mafia to Minecraft: EfeKan's Rich Poor Life In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Mafia Commissioner Kerem, a story to be told. Adopting poor Efekan, a twist in the plot, In Akademi Craft city, where dreams are sought. With a heart of gold, Kerem takes Efekan in, A new chapter begins, a chance to win. In this rich-poor life, a bond is formed, In the pixelated world, where hearts are warmed. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore this world, day and night. Subscribe, like, and share the joy, In the realm of Minecraft, where dreams deploy. Read More

  • Solving Scary Minecraft Seeds with PrestonPlayz

    Solving Scary Minecraft Seeds with PrestonPlayzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds To Solve Them…’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2024-09-07 14:15:04. It has garnered 646177 views and 12114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:29 or 2549 seconds. ❇️ SUBSCRIBE – 👕 FIRE MERCH – 🔥 DOWNLOAD APP – 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! ☛ TikTok – ☛ Instagram – ☛ Twitter – 🎮 MY FAN DISCORD! ☛ —————————— Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! If you believe your copyrighted work was unintentionally used in this video without… Read More

  • Unbelievable Lifesteal SMP – Join Now!

    Unbelievable Lifesteal SMP - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Actual BEST Cracked Public Lifesteal SMP (free to join!)’, was uploaded by ScarlettFrostyYt on 2024-07-12 20:30:56. It has garnered 6315 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #smp #minecraft #best #minecraft #best #new #minecraft #best #new #smplive #minecraft #best #minefiresmp The Finest Minecraft 1.19+ Network. The Minefire Network, best for ALL including Minecraft Launcher, Tlauncher, and everything. Try us today! Java IP: soon Bedrock IP: soon Bedrock Port: soon This server is hosted in Singapore, Central of world meaning all EU players, American players & Asian players… Read More

  • Princess Gaming – Laggy Duel in Minecraft! #gaming

    Princess Gaming - Laggy Duel in Minecraft! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘duel but the game was lagging ….#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by princess gaming yt on 2024-02-20 09:49:01. It has garnered 27 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hack: OptiFabric Mod 1.20.4 Download!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hack: OptiFabric Mod 1.20.4 Download!Video Information This video, titled ‘OptiFabric Mod 1.20.4 – download & install’, was uploaded by Minecraft Guru on 2024-04-05 12:30:44. It has garnered 77 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:30 or 90 seconds. OptiFabric Mod 1.20.4 – download & install 🔥 Get A 24 Hour DDOS Protected Minecraft 1.20.4 Server from Apex Minecraft Hosting! ✅ Download OptiFabric Here: 🔴 Join my Discord Server! 🔔 Please take a minute to hit that subscribe button —————————————————————————— 🎵 “Sappheiros – Dawn” is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Stream – Join Now!

    Insane Bedwars Stream - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘chill bedwars stream Join up y’all’, was uploaded by Seven tbh on 2024-06-18 14:07:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hive live #hivelive #hive #mcpe #minecraft join the discord Read More


    SHOCKING REACTION! HoloFam ID's Kaemiko EXPLODES in HARDCORE EVENT!Video Information This video, titled ‘MOMENT KAEMIKO AFTER LAST MINECRAFT HARDCORE EVENT~ |Kaela kovalskia & sakura miko hololive|’, was uploaded by HOLOFAM ID [V-tuber Cliper] on 2024-05-21 01:45:48. It has garnered 92 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:50 or 110 seconds. KAEMIKO OR MIKOELA try to choose gess ____source video___ kaela pov; miko pov; channel sea neck kovalskia; Sakura Miko; _________________________ #hololive #kaelakovalskia #sakuramiko #minecraft #holoh3ro #holoid #holojp Read More

  • Ultimate PVP Watermelon Sky Drawing Madness!

    Ultimate PVP Watermelon Sky Drawing Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum BOL AMA BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ GÖK ÇEKME PVP KARPUZ’, was uploaded by Kuibrid on 2024-04-03 18:59:55. It has garnered 573 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:34 or 7834 seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open area rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to cheat minecraft sonoyuncu 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, minecraft sonoyuncu play with friends, minecraft sonoyuncu not opening, yasintnc texture pack,… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Building: No Plan, No Problem!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Building: No Plan, No Problem!Video Information This video, titled ‘MineCraft NovaCraft :: Building in MineCraft with no Plan’, was uploaded by Rev Arco on 2024-09-09 12:00:35. It has garnered 49 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:21 or 1941 seconds. Hey there Traveller, wake up, grab your headphones! It’s a new Minecraft Monday video! 🎶 Welcome back, welcome back, in today’s video I am recovering from a shot, however we still manage to get some things done, AND we left a gift for a friend. I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think!… Read More

  • VulpesMC

    VulpesMCHi there, VulpesMC is a 1:500 scaled version of Europe. The server features plugins such as Towny, and has all the features you need on a server to be satisfied, along with a small and nice community that we are trying to expand. Hope to see you there! 🙂 Read More

  • UneasyVanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20.6 EU No Hacks No Reset

    Welcome to UneasyVanilla IP: Version: 1.20.6 About Us Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Join our community today and unleash your creativity in a tight-knit, relaxed environment. Our server offers a blend of anarchy and survival gameplay with rules to ensure fairness. Our Vision We put an emphasis on authenticity, staying true to Minecraft’s original vision. Explore a 4+ year old world where your imagination has no limits. Build bases, explore, and engage in surprise encounters with other players. Join Us Join us now at and experience the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Chill out, it’s just Minecraft

    Looks like this meme is more popular than my social life. Read More

  • Guilty Parkour: Minecraft Shorts Episode 7

    Guilty Parkour: Minecraft Shorts Episode 7 In Minecraft Parkour Shorts, we take a dive, Episode 7, the challenges thrive. Faster Gaming Plays, the hero of the hour, With skills and wit, he shows his power. Parkour Guilt, the theme of the day, In Minecraft world, where he’ll play. Subscribe and like, show some love, Join the Discord, fly like a dove. Twitter follows, for more fun, Faster Gaming, number one. Stay tuned for comedy, coming soon, In Minecraft Parkour, under the moon. So join the adventure, don’t be late, Faster Gaming, the master of fate. In Minecraft Parkour Shorts, the legend grows, With rhymes and… Read More

  • Minecraft meme #bootyshorts

    Minecraft meme #bootyshorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Palestine 2024 in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Palestine 2024 in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Building and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity, exploration, and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky, pixelated world where they can build, mine, and survive in various environments. Let’s delve into the fascinating features and elements that make Minecraft a beloved game for all ages. Building Your World In Minecraft, players have the freedom to create their own worlds using blocks of different materials. From simple houses to intricate castles, the possibilities are endless. The game’s creative mode allows players to… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Iceberg Secrets Revealed!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Iceberg Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The MINECRAFT Iceberg: Secrets & Easter Eggs’, was uploaded by atlaste on 2024-09-01 19:00:17. It has garnered 1001 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. Uncover the mind-blowing secrets and mysteries hidden deep within the Ultimate MINECRAFT Iceberg! *SUBSCRIBE NOW to join the adventure!* Huge thanks to SecretlyMC for the amazing help! Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:34 Layer 1 5:39 Layer 2 8:58 Layer 3 11:24 Final Layer #minecraft #minecraftvideos #iceberg Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Playing and Chilling with İsim Memo

    Minecraft Madness: Playing and Chilling with İsim MemoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sizlerle Minecraft Oynuyoruz Takılıyoruz #38’, was uploaded by İsim Memo 2 on 2024-08-31 15:04:18. It has garnered 1052 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:13 or 7573 seconds. My kick address: If you want to donate, you can do so here (it would be a great support): We play all kinds of games Roblox, Minecraft and more of course if you want 😀 If you like my broadcasts, you can like and subscribe. Thanks in advance 🙂 discord; Read More

  • 🔥 Insane MC RTX 4090 Gameplay 😱😮 #Minecraft | #NabiGaming

    🔥 Insane MC RTX 4090 Gameplay 😱😮 #Minecraft | #NabiGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic MC RTX 4090 😍🤤 #shorts #minecraft | #11’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-19 17:37:52. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing… Read More


    INSANE BUILD: MY CITY IN SURVIVAL - DAY 33Video Information This video, titled ‘Making My Actual City In Survival Minecraft Day 33’, was uploaded by MirraKirra on 2024-02-10 02:52:03. It has garnered 181 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:48 or 13728 seconds. My Etsy: AGR Read More

  • 👻HAUNTED MINECRAFT SERVER – Join NOW! Java & Bedrock | 24/7 Survival | IP in Description

    👻HAUNTED MINECRAFT SERVER - Join NOW! Java & Bedrock | 24/7 Survival | IP in DescriptionVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴24/7 Joinable Minecraft Server SMP (PUBLIC) | 2.10 Java & Bedrock Survival Server | !ip (ReRun)’, was uploaded by GHOST HAMMER GAMERTZ on 2024-01-14 11:44:53. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:41 or 401 seconds. TO BECOME A SPONSOR /MEMBER: 1.Click the JOIN button next to the subscribe button 2. IF your on ios use the link above MINECRAFT INFO: Pocket Edition : ip – Port:38990 Java Edition ip: This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • INSANE NathanMC Livestream! 🤯

    INSANE NathanMC Livestream! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 chill livestream!’, was uploaded by NathanMC on 2024-08-20 05:00:46. It has garnered 1124 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:48 or 2628 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #Bedwars #shorts Read More

  • Lunaria: Zombie Apocalypse Minecraft Madness!

    Lunaria: Zombie Apocalypse Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT pero ES UN JUEGO DE ZOMBIES’, was uploaded by Lunaria on 2024-08-13 04:37:24. It has garnered 2017 views and 238 likes. The duration of the video is 05:49:38 or 20978 seconds. 💝 Lunaria Ayaren 💝 🦁 Pink Chimera self-proclaimed as your new mother. 🐯 💝 Streamloots Cards (Interact with the stream!): 💝 MINI: ✦•··············•💝•··············•✦ 🎸 NETWORKS: 🍷 ~ Twitch: 🍷 ~ Discord: 🍷 ~ Youtube: 🍷 ~ Twitter: 🍷 ~ Kick: 🍷 ~ Facebook: 🍷 ~ TikTok: 🍷 ~ Instagram: 🍷 ~ Site: ✦•·············•💝•··············•✦… Read More

  • Get Ready for the Most Insane Bedwars with Senkhi! 🚨

    Get Ready for the Most Insane Bedwars with Senkhi! 🚨Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT BEDWARS (facecam)’, was uploaded by Senkhi on 2024-09-07 04:03:12. It has garnered 10226 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:05 or 7745 seconds. #minecraft #funny #gaming #memes #minecraftmemes #boy #vs #girl Thank you for watching! Follow my other socials! – ➢ Discord: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Twitch: ➢ TikTok: ➢ NameMC: Read More

  • EPIC 300th Episode Q&A + Podcast Launch!

    EPIC 300th Episode Q&A + Podcast Launch!Video Information This video, titled ‘300 – Episode 300 Q&A + Video Podcast Launch! // The Spawn Chunks: A Minecraft Podcast’, was uploaded by The Spawn Chunks on 2024-06-04 03:00:22. It has garnered 4516 views and 323 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:14 or 10034 seconds. Joel and Jonny celebrate 300 episodes of The Spawn Chunks with an extended, all listener email Q&A – but first – Tricky Trials has a release date, ender pearls now portal, and Minecraft is coming to Netflix. Also, welcome to the new and improved video podcast! Starting with episode 300, you can… Read More

  • PegasusGG

    PegasusGG¡ʙɪᴇɴᴠᴇɴɪᴅᴏ ᴀ PegasusGG! Contamos con una modalidad survival que incluye una gran variedad de cosas que harán tu experiencia mucho más divertida: – Full Soporte para Java y Bedrock (incluyendo paridad en interfaces custom) – Staff activo para resolver tus dudas sobre el servidor dentro del servidor de Discord y de Minecraft – Comunidad sana y libre de toxicidad – Biomas nuevos para Overworld, Nether y End – Economía y Trabajos – Habilidades y Encantamientos especiales – Pase de Temporada con recompensas exclusivas – Mapa con límites ampliables con tareas comunitarias – Puedes tener tu propia land y expandirla a… Read More

  • Alathra: New Frontiers – Semi-Vanilla, Worldbuilding, Geopolitical, Light Roleplay, 1.20+

    Alathra: New Frontiers A Worldbuilding, Geopolitical, Light Roleplay Server. NOW WITH ALL NEW FISHING! IP: Discord: Website: Join Alathra, a top world building server where players shape the story. Create nations, cultures, trade, guilds, religions, or live as a hermit. Start your journey today! Key Features: Custom Fishing: Now with mini games, brand new baits, and a variety of new fish. Towny: Build towns, cities, nations, or villages with Towny. Lore, RP & Worldbuilding: Engage in captivating lore, RP, and geopolitics with player-driven events and conflicts. Custom World: Explore a custom map with unique biomes, continents, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Jack’s soulless Minecraft stare.

    Minecraft Memes - Jack's soulless Minecraft stare.Jack must have run out of diamonds in his inventory, poor guy! Read More

  • Shady Heights: My Minecraft Mountain Plight

    Shady Heights: My Minecraft Mountain Plight In the mountain hole, risking my life, Exploring caves, facing danger and strife. Iron to find, to finish the house, Every step taken, as quiet as a mouse. With shaders on, the world looks bright, Every detail, a pure delight. Vanilla tweaks and mods in play, Enhancing the experience in every way. Exploring Minecraft, at a slower pace, Enjoying each moment, in this vast space. New episodes out, every other day, Join me on this journey, come what may. So subscribe and follow along, As we sing the Minecraft song. Crafting, building, exploring the land, In this blocky world,… Read More

  • Herobrine pranks sheep in hot Minecraft meme

    Herobrine pranks sheep in hot Minecraft meme Why did Herobrine bring a sheep to the village? He wanted to pull the wool over the villagers’ eyes! #baaadpun #minecraftfunny Read More

  • Ultimate Stealth PvP Texture Pack

    Ultimate Stealth PvP Texture Pack Welcome to the World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition! Embark on an adventure like no other in Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition, where players can explore infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game offers endless possibilities. Unleash Your Creativity In creative mode, players have access to unlimited resources, allowing them to build anything their imagination desires. From simple homes to grand structures, the only limit is your creativity. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine deep into the world, craft weapons, and armor to protect themselves against… Read More