Suffering in Explorer’s Eve! Defeat the Wither Storm

Video Information

All righty here we go huzzah that actually no that’s a little off that’s not right that’s not right YouTube oh well I can’t really do too much about that I’m going to check in here that I actually yeah okay I can hear myself just fine that’s a little off I can’t

Really that’s not right that’s not right YouTube oh well I can’t really do too much about that I’m going to check in here hopefully that actually I think I think it’s fine I think yeah okay the A and everything is fine it’s okay I can’t really let me post it here now that’s

Not right that’s not right YouTube oh well I can’t really do too much about that I’m going to check in here hopefully I think I think it’s fine I think yeah okay like AIO everything fine okay I want to know I don’t want an overlap no thanks no overlap I hope okay no

It’s yeah that’s fine I have Minecraft full screen I just hope it doesn’t Crash well it shows there that’s good okay good it didn’t break that’s what I wanted um uhoh what’s hold on um lower than recommended let use stream bit rate of 68 kilobytes okay um whoops I forgot to change that oh well I’ve already started streaming there’s not too much I can do about

That suffering yep survival normal no cheats but I’m turning keep inventory on because God is it brutal it’s real brutal and I might un full screen Minecraft cuz it’s annoying every time it closes but at the same time yeah no I’m going to leave it I’m going to leave full

Screen I don’t know how this will do we’ll find out but hopefully it automatically uploads it after I’m done this street should I’ll find out afterwards okay good the game hasn’t crashed yet oh oh right okay so well never mind I guess I don’t have to search to find it it’s

Right here so first things first I haven’t changed any of my keybinds I should have done this beforehand dang it h I didn’t check any of these crap I thought I had way points do I not have way points no I don’t okay well that’s fine I’ll just have to write them down

See way points are 92 let’s write this down 92 1028 10 oh my God my bra is not huz now I can check chat in uh minut let’s see there it Is so for anyone that’s watching this after the stream I have done test runs before and the reason why I’m doing one with keep inventory on and two uh waiting for the Wither t storm to waiting jeez waiting till I progress to Su storm is because before when I had summoned the

Wither storm in and not done any preparation it was fine in the beginning but after I had gotten all of my gear the Wither storm was to the point where it was fast as fast as me if not faster than me so I made it really hard to progress I

Had to legitimately go so far away and well die because well it eventually got me and be yeah so far away that its AI I was outside of its range so it couldn’t detect me to actually progress without you know dying every two seconds and keep inventory on because

Well I’m really good at dying in this game and also I haven’t played any like the Twilight Forest any of these mod once in a while also the Wither storm is brutal in this I don’t know I don’t know about the fall damage I don’t know how I’ll

Deal with that if there is the fall damage stuff [Applause] but I’m just going to have to find out and wait and I’m starting to think that I should have full screen on because that’s going to be annoying if I want to say n you know it’s

Fine so that’s that’s there I don’t have any way to wayo it so we got to hope I’m sorry what who laughed at me who dares laugh at me you want to laugh again I dare you I dare you to laugh again that’s what I thought I don’t know why I got so

Aggressive there but that’s besides the point after this I should probably have enough wood yeah that that’s more than enough wood make crafting table and sticks maybe a few more sticks yeah that should be good and I need to get stone or no I need to focus on getting

Iron first I need to find a cave that’s a river so if I need to search around for any other biomes and stuff I can go there but I need to get myself a shield iron armor and iron tools so I need to get all Iron stuff first that’s first goal then I’m

Going I’m going to fight the NOG first so I need I will need to get a shield for that especially because the charge attack you need to use a shield otherwise you’ll just get flung and take a bunch of damage he I’m not finding like a single cave oh

Finally oh oh no yeah that’s a cave probably could have gone down a bit more elegantly oh hello Hi well there goes the item I was going to try to figure out what it was in a while doesn’t matter I need iron and fast perfect let me do with this [ __ ] first and not die holy [ __ ] you do a lot of damage Jesus not even like 10 minutes in and

I’m already freaking almost dying it’s just regular simple mobs a lot more Careful ow don’t make I thought that was oh my gosh where are these zombies coming from there is just an infinite supply of them is there a spawner or something nearby what the Hell there’s a lot of zombies God damn get out of this place there we go that didn’t lead anywhere great [Applause] um boy oh boy I not going to find anything else there’s that place where the zombies were but I could always just go to other places cuz that’s 12 stone so

Stone for Cobble more tools if I need to get more tools and far jeez furnace out of here I’m going to a different cave cuz oh my gosh that one was not nice to me at all okay well that’s where I can find the lunch but I should probably get a few more

Bosses that killed before I fight the Lich last time when I tried to fight him after I defeated the the Naga it did not go well probably have to go and get some or got up the wiki the Twilight Forest some W there so I have to get it later

All I need is one more white sheep so that I get white Hool I just need one more guess there would be Rams here I just need one more RAM so I can get white wool to make a bed here pit See what I can find so far nothing that’s that’s Great okay good cave just what I need and it leads nowhere and no iron lovely just wonderful make a new p uh not Pi axe one durability lovely I don’t know why I did that like I was going to be two cuz I’m not all right um gu I’m not swimming

Fast oh it’s the um any no you three get bad your I would kill you but I that would not make me any closer to having more beds and I already have enough for a bad so I don’t need to kill any more of them unless I need food then I will have

To kill more I should need food and I’ll well actually I will but I’ve got pork chop can I always get more by killing bores so I’m going to see the M I need to find some more BS because I need to make myself a lot cook cooked pork

Chop and for that I need to kill some BS I’m not finding any ators so it’s not good find a lot of sheep so honestly I might go just them instead mutton instead but I am not sure search around a lot more to see if I can find some beautiful beautiful

Bors the brain Rod is amazing I should probably pull up the wiki now because I know I’m going to need it since I’m not sure what exactly I should Target after the Naga and I don’t remember how many BX I think there’s only like what five or so

Here oh they give me leather I forgot about that but with there being only a small amount of mob or bosses jeez I want to try and make sure I get as much information on progression here in the Twilight Forest while I’m here because I can get a lot of good

Stuff that I can make use of later on take care of these spots here I will take the leather and uh God am I going to make leather armor am I honestly going to get enough leather that I’m going to make a full set of leather

Armor cuz I’m getting kind of close if I kill more theair resy spiders I kill enough of those spiders I will or not SP if I kill enough of the deer I will be able to make a um full set of leather armor never mind things are just fine

Oh can I stop breaking the grass you otherwise going Die game I swear stop targeting the grass Please spy glass oo that’s good 21 leather wow yeah I almost have enough for Lea armor I need to run back heal actually do need crafting table furnace that works put in to do that I should I should probably turn into that that in there then the pork chops wait a little Bit oh yeah for anybody watching something that you can do is you’ll be given in the beginning this EXP expor book here or explorers guide you right click and see in the chat you’ll have major pack features advice progression challenges challenges makes it harder progression kind of just tells you what

You should really be focusing on doing such as escaping the Twilight force it kind of tells you to escape you need to get an echo sharp you can find them in many different places explore and if something feels too tough go to a different place um just know that the portal won’t

Function until the Wither storm is summoned so you know can’t get out unless the Wither storm is live advice just kind of tells you what the storm is doing what to do with it’s chasing you and getting away from there this also tells you basic information about the dimension your

Forest has more Treasures but it doesn’t have anything like I think too much food is difficult to stock pile probably want to leave and return later which you know hint hint you’re probably going to do that uh current structur is kind of tells you about the tructure which I’m

Currently in the Hedge maze so I can find Saddle and spy glass but other than that there’s not too much here uh but there is food here which is why I’m here actually so I’ve got the spy glass which is what I really wanted to get here because that

Way I can get the fa phas ometer phaser I don’t know but the phas ometer which I can make with leather leather lapis redstone dust and a redstone repeater that’ll give me the phom meter which acts like a normal spy glass and then looking through the at the weather storm

Tells me it’s phase and uh good information there love to have it Stu so this is a very useful thing and if you’re starting off with the mod pack because of how little there is online about the mod pack I highly recommend you use the book because it will help

You out a ton because it tells you everything you need to know about the mod pack uh get myself more food and yeah I think I’m just going to some full leather armor I will not be taking that second SP but I think that’s all I want from

Here so if I can find an exit that’ Great okay here sure take everything I can hey more and more cooked food is better yeah I like the Hedge maze because it’s got a lot of food in it like I mean a lot got chicken potatoes apples melons

Bread so you know it’s pretty good for if you need a little bit of food to last you a bit so you know find it and you need food explore it if you don’t really need food it’s not worth it well I need to actually I need to find caves that

Was a cave right there I believe I’m doing this but first I want to in a long time I’m going to be making myself full leather armor because it’s more than nothing oops there we go looking stylish uh not really oh hello rat a crow it’s not a

Rat wow there’s nothing down here lovely all right how I get sticks keep that in mind okay let’s see this could give me a lot of wood jeez I forgot about the C damnos hello this oh God this is going to take forever it’s not even worth it nope I’m not I’m

Not minding that that’s not worth it oh finally Naga that’s good I will mark this down afterwards I’ll look at the wiki because I don’t remember what boss is next and I don’t have anything to really help me out with that so let’s see Um 7 seven five thought that’s really important four five there we Go I’ve also seen a few playthroughs I think like one or two um but they’re usually just kind of some reviews of it more or less kind of thought why not do a stream on it because it’d be fun also because I barely post anything on this channel and I need more

Content so why not okay field well find another cave that’ be great I need more iron before I fight the Naga um I can find some food here be very helpful oh Hello Su against not here we go don’t need you oh I actually completely forgot about there being a basement to these ones I’m hoping that I don’t die too much cuz with how much exploring there is it’s just it’s going to take forever getting back to places X

Thinking Pick X break wood yep that that’s totally what you use um okay well that’s great good lovely I missed the ladder well that’s death number one out of probably a lot oh boy oh boy this this is going to take a while before I can even fight the

Naga well lesson learned don’t open the double chests they’ll explode you and you will die so where was that cave I found initially I kind of want to explore it again I missed part of it you know honestly I should have expected the TNT too like a bunch of

Chests in a structure of a decrepit house oh wow this is a lot closer to the spawn I don’t know how I missed this something that just like always done yeah I probably I probably could have checked for Redstone and with how thick the flooring was between the floor of the house and

The roof of the uh of the basement I kind of should have expected there to be at least some Redstone trickery for some trap H that’s annoying but hey there’s another another house here and if this one has a basement I will try to get rid of the TNT because actually oh it

Doesn’t have a basement I could save that TNT to make the super bomb super bomb or super TNT not super bomb please and if I get enough then I can make multiple super TNTs and finally figure out what in the world the mod pack means by giving being a new use to

The super TNT oh hello Naga I don’t want to fight you yet though I I’m greatly unprepared uh I was walking for probably a good 10 15 minutes ow cave lapis good I need lapis I I need to stop porting all these items and probably should have gotten aack it doesn’t have

One and honestly with how much like stuff you’re going to get in in this and all the dimensions you’re going to be traveling through probably should have a backpack mod see if I can get some well actually no I already have a bunch of dirt don’t I yeah okay never

Mind I can already built down hello sir to kill you all I this not die Again I probably could have been critting oh well I don’t know what it is with this oh wow that is an opening never mind that’s just a river okay don’t go there the river again there’s a lot of zombies in the caves for some reason they just love to be everywhere in

Caves which is is annoying because they constantly interrupt my Mining and of course my a broke I’m going to kill you now hopefully I’ll have enough after this vein because uh Twilight Forest iron veins are massive which I’m so thankful for and 26 I have just enough enough for

Armor and a sword but I don’t have enough to make a shield that is annoying I need to make a new axe otherwise I can’t kill things give me a second um Goblin I’m going to call you Goblin I don’t ow I forgot your range is kind of

Stupidly far and you do so much damage please die thank you my gosh I need to be more careful about that’s copper I don’t have a use for now yes I I will always use axe in mod packs because it’s just everything there is I really need to be more

Careful with everything there is it’s it kind of gets a bit hectic for you to be using a sword especially with bosses uh because there’s going to there bunch of bosses um hello Enderman hello to Enderman okay cuz there’s just buds hanging out in the cave Co finally oh my gosh I’ve been

Going so long without Co I’m not fighting the knock don’t need to drink I get it I’m under the arena but I’m not fighting I just simply am not ready to fight yeah usually that’s true but for this because you’re really focusing on just one thing I don’t know

It it kind of is up to preference I just find that axes I’m more used to them and plus because I’m going to be trying to crit them and keep distance having the axe distance really nice though I might later on switch the sword because a faster attack speed will

Be very useful for the Aether cuz bosses like to move a lot though for the Naga the best weapon really is the axxe so for the Naga I’ll be using an axe but I don’t know about any every other boss they kind of also very hectic and move around a

Lot I almost threw my pickaxe I don’t want to do that I need to mine I yeah I’ll break it first and then I’ll make a new pickaxe I don’t really have inventory space and there it goes yeah I tried to fix my mic audio but I just couldn’t so I’m probably

Going to have to lower the game audio or desktop audio rather which oh boy that’ll be fun especially since in a uh Discord uh Voice Chat thing just in case anybody want to pop anybody wants to pop in and laugh at me while I’m dying in real time I need to pick up

The furnace no that is a crafting table right spider is uh I can’t think of any potions that I really need too much yeah the only issue with that is that in Discord my mic will be way too loud and then I’ll be if if anybody joins in I’ll just basically be

Absolutely way louder than I should be and I would rather not explode eard drums this is backwards um I can check up there I can probably just go into OBS and uh lower my uh game audio okay now I did change this good I was worried for a second I almost

Thought I didn’t change my game AIO oh baby zombie well at least you’re not like running at 1,000 miles per second like in normal Minecraft that means I can actually deal with you without getting hit every two seconds hey level 20 probably not going to use that for a

Minute and I already have a bunch of coal I don’t think I need more at least for now we’ll see later on I’ll probably set up there cuz if I need more coal I can always grab more coal only I could find a redstone and I be able to make the phaso meter

Now cuz I can get all the resources here it’s just Redstone that I don’t know how to get if I can even get it in the Twilight Forest wow great no more iron that’s lovely time to go to a new cave and hopefully find iron there actually wait oh that’s because I

Was full stack of it that makes sense I should at least make armor or well smell the iron because I can I could just instead go with armor a shield and then use the stone that could go well while that’s smelting I’m going to load my G my desktop audio a little

Bit I’m going to see a black screen for a little bit sorry about that but that hopefully should be better uh I’ll have to go over to the arena activation area and then kind of have to check and see if it’s too loud or if it’s just fine but

Hopefully it’s not too loud now is there anything else I can well I don’t need to Saddles um yeah I probably should cook that medicine but first I need to work on getting iron armor so that I can fight the Naga and not die immediately thanks for that message iron definitely needed

That just now seeing It I I’m too used to the speed of a uh I don’t remember what they’re called wow good job bra but it’s the smelter that’s just for um ores fly my brain or a larger I had a higher memory capacity or yeah we’ll go with that now to do everyone’s favorite thing

Yeah Blast Furnace thank you but now for the favorite activity of every Minecraft gamers sit and wait for things to smelt This truly is Peak gameplay two more then I can make leggings oh yet this is the most uh riveting and intense gameplay you’ll find on YouTube right here right now

Zombie don’t pick up that arm that’d be great thanks for not doing that and listen to me the first time a zombie ever done that usually AI decides to be crazy and just goes I’ll just Gand over here and pick up this armor you’ve just thrown down whenever I do make leather

Armor the rare like once every 2,000 decades that I make Le Le armor okay make boots and shield and then I should be ready to fight the Naga is I don’t need to make a sword ow okay thanks for just doing that how very kind of

You okay never mind I have enough to make a sword um but does it do more damage uh it just does a little bit under it it would not be worth it to make it all next I put the two times better yeah two times better attack speed would be

Nice yeah I’m going to make an iron sword I meant to do that centered but it’s fine shouldn’t anger that many people course right inventory well I don’t need you leather shirt not anymore now it’s time to go attempt to kill the Naga and there’s a pretty good chance that

I’m not going to win I got have that Gojo Minds side I just got to go n Win and win wherever this thing is where are you please oh wait was yeah there you are hey buddy I want to kill You good oh not anymore perfect I’m going to attack Oh think I have my computer audio a bit too Quiet oh hi okay I don’t know why you did that but Thanks okay Not going jump scare oh oh right he splits into two I forgot about that gosh okay I’m going to who is calling me why are you I’m fighting the Naga I can’t call try can not die in Minecraft and I’m not doing too great at it well at the moment

Ow it’s fine I’m doing okay actually perfectly fine okay wow wow thanks for that game jeez wow um oh oh thanks thanks I need that need okay there’s one dead I go quickly I can break this chest and then I’ll get both to them or something I don’t know or no it’s not

Dead yet never mind ow probably should have been a lot more careful ah yeah that was on me now I just got to hope that my memory is good enough that I can refine this place um I probably should have checked the coordinates well it’s not across the

River I know that so that can narrow it down a lot I should have just waited for it to charge instead is that it no that’s just me hallucinating as per usual oh well never mind there just not get HP that means I’m nearby okay never mind it wasn’t

Hallucinating it actually was the place I lied I wasn’t hallucinating okay I to find the place that I got in by I could make a another entrance but I don’t feel like doing that I feel like just searching around and I’ll eventually find it

Right yeah I kind of saw its HP like go down to basically zero and I thought oh it’s dead no it just had like it’s just like you think you killed something and it’s just got like 0.01% HP it’s like when azal tried to beam Frisk and it didn’t work you’re regenerating that’s Annoying stop your regeneration eventually get to the point where you’ll split get I want to fight three nagos I want to fight just Two slap you there we go see now you’ll hopefully stop regenerating all die this time actually die please okay actually dead this time good I keep on forgetting inventory space I really need to manage my inventory um I don’t know I I’m going to save saddle um that there equip this immediately since

That gives me a chance to just not take damage which is really really nice but now I’m not sure which boss I should be focusing on fighting next cuz I think it’s the yeti but I haven’t played the Twilight Forest in so long ah if only my memory was actually

Good hav I gone into this house yeah I’ve already been here okay jeez I don’t know if there’s anything else I should really do before the next box too I don’t know if I should jump right into it or should I try to get something so what is it that I should

Get I’m used to going into the Twilight Forest already having a bunch of gear so just basically fighting any boss I want to in any order almost any order cuz some mod packs have a quest mod that forces you to fight bosses in certain orders this is not one of them though

Which is nice I like being able to choose when I want to fight a boss can can I just get up this okay fine I’ll mine I’ll do part of the Game’s name I’ll mine so far this just seems like a normal tiger yeah um the only thing is is that I’m not

Sure if I can get a diamond cuz the whole reason that it adds the echo Shard is because you can’t get diamonds here so that’s why there’s the whole Echo shard thing pork chop cook chop jeez cooked pork chop not pork cook chop is there anything even

Here uh I should probably make that bed I was talking about making yeah the thing I don’t know is if there’s uh like obsidian or like a way to get enchantment table and such cuz I know if you go to the or actually I could make an anvil

Um at least I don’t think there’s a way you can get a diamond here I don’t yeah no I don’t think so cuz why else would they add the echo Shard yeah cuz it specifically says Echo shards uh Twilight Forest lacks diamonds and other resources yeah okay so it doesn’t have diamonds

Okay well I think that kind of confirms it if not and I find diamonds I will focus on saving them for gear yeah I’m thinking bed cheese is probably going to be the best thing but the thing I’m thinking about is that for the L’s uh Tower there’s the uh enchantment book

Enemies and they have a chance to drop Enchantment books so I could go into one of those places and just continuously Farm the Enchantment books but I don’t know if there’s also other items that get dropped by other bosses cuz in my test runs I kind of just

Skipped right to the Lich which was a horrible idea it took me like eight billion tries to finally kill it it was horrible I hated it and I’m not doing it again I’ve already learned the mistake of doing it it works it just it it’s it’s really really

Annoying and takes a lot of luck because the only reason I was able to beat it was that its AI broke so I was able to just cheese the boss if it didn’t break I probably would have just been stuck unless I just stopped finding the

Lich and went on to do other things because I mean it does say if something’s too hard stop doing it go do something else I should probably pull up I really should just pull up the wiki and see what the next recommended boss is because I think it’s the yeti but I

Honestly don’t remember also hello unfinished biome place thing I wonder when it’s when the twi the for is eventually going to add the boss to that place cuz hasn’t it been in development for like years and we still don’t have the boss for that place oh hello I guess that’s the other

Nugo place hold on wait what can I I can make right I can make the Naga armor which is slightly better than iron armor by like two points um do I have enough 2 three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I’m just

Short so if I kill this one then yeah I’d have enough well it’s time to do the thing that you recommended and honestly I don’t know how I didn’t think about this beforehand but jeez I want to see if it’s even possible to get daytime here nope it just goes

Right back to night so I can just keep on sleeping but I’m not going to do that good to know that the devs did think about you sleeping good I could I should kill those but my ax is one hit kill I heard you get over here give me your I need the Bacon yeah I mean I think it’s twilight God I can’t read the F3 menu I I’ve been playing Minecraft for years and I still can’t read the F3 menu but honestly I I know like only one person that can read in they’re a YouTuber that I don’t actually even know personally

So I should cook that then I’ll cook the mutton and and then the chop I just got but while that’s going on I’m going to grab the forth jop again because I don’t know why it’s not in my hot bar and I’m going to go kill this Naga because that means more scales

Which means a better chance of survival because three that will be instead three um no not three two more points be a whole chest plate in the hot Bar the not ising to Le nice it’s nice because it gives you to fight the Naga but it’s annoying because it means that get you get flung back further so guess double EDG Sword yep there it goes splits into two I don’t like that position okay you’re charging charging no not yet you are I’m focus on one at a time okay oh jeez well you’re stuck I might as well just never mind your hit box is massive yes it is let’s

Go no okay water good thanks water water my beloved okay someone just die I didn’t even kill it oh the Thorns I didn’t even realize that they’re in the arena well I guess that works um it died okay then uh just that just happened I have

Two Charm slots don’t I no I only have one charm slot oh no I do have two okay um I’ll leave that chest there I don’t have any reason to take it with me there’s an opening there the whole time oh no I made that opening I mean hey a win’s a

Win I ain’t complaining okay is set or no just Do well I have resistance to uh explosions a bit which is good that’s nice uh I don’t need this armor this iron armor anymore I don’t need that and I should finish cooking this stuff did I dig what’s in this chest yeah I did um I’m going to take that because it may

Be sure it’s a milk bucket and it can’t be too useful but it gives me a free bucket which is very useful so I will take the bucket I will take the free bucket oh well that’s what fire does to things I guess that Crow learned the hard way and the painful

Way and the funeral way oh well how much that can be done rest in peace Crow or Raven okay this this is a very important question which are better crows or Ravens very important question personally I like Ravens more but that’s because they live longer and uh yeah that’s pretty much my only

Reason oh Raven is a good name though you know honestly I’d be I I well no actually I wouldn’t be too surprised if I met somebody named uh crow like first name Crow I mean it’d be an interesting name it it’d be unique you’d never get confused

Okay now that I have more food which is good uh and also better armor by like 1% uh and Yeti what is the yeti drop oh Yeti armor how much okay oh o that is pretty nice uh un it chills attackers ooh that’s really nice and it’s made by yeah Alpa Yeti fur

Okay so I think I’m yeah I’m going to go after the yeti next and then I’ll try and make the boots and helmet first since that’ll give me more armor and then if I have enough I’ll try to make the chest plate and leggings I actually you know I’ve heard

A lot about Persona 5 and like I know a good bit well not that much I know a bit about Persona 5 but I’ve never actually played Persona 5 I’ve heard it’s a good game and it’s a lot of fun I just I I don’t know I don’t know how much it

Costs I don’t know if I have enough money for it I don’t know if I’d be if I play through the entire games because there’s so many games I play that I like I pick up and then I just like stop playing it for a

Long time and then I pick up again and finish it and then there’s other games that I just pick up and finish [ __ ] then and there I don’t know why I am like that why I just like sometimes I’ll completely finish a game and one go and other times it’ll take multiple

Times uh I don’t need polish andesite uh anyone oh another hog good that’s all of them yeah the style of Persona 5 is really good and as an as anime enjoyer myself I love the style of Persona 5 style is absolutely amazing I just don’t know if I’d complete the

Game that that’s my only thing about it is that I don’t know if I’d complete the game I am not finding a cold biome know what I didn’t even think about it but I need I need to either get more iron or find a way to get a better weapon

Ah it’s hard to see cuz like I’m I have on my second Monitor and my second monitor is like a TV and it’s not even a good one it’s like one of those cheap $50 ones that you get like off of eBay it’s a old TV and the coloring on it is

Horrible like the lights are the brights are too bright and the darks are too dark and not in a good way and I’m making Mak makes it annoying to look at things on away oh my gosh a cold biome finally I just got to hope that it

Actually has an alpha yeti in it I I haven’t made a boat how have I gone this whole time without making a single boat usually that’s like one of the first things I Make it’s like an essential item every Minecrafter ever makes boat because Water oh my gosh if only my nose wasn’t so like angry at me right now I don’t know why for the past few days my nose has been not so happy I was thinking about streaming this uh yesterday but like I was not feeling good at all I had like a stuffy

Nose I had a headache my stomach was just not having can you not do that sir I don’t think there’s anything I do with regular ow I forgot everything’s mean here I don’t know how long I’m going to stream for it either cuz I’m planning to go over to a friends later

Today okay ow there’s also going to be people uh coming over to my house uh to do some work on air conditioning and boiler cuz we’ve been having issues with our boiler going to try and figure out what’s wrong with it I don’t know when they’re going to be

Coming but they might need to uh come into my room because the AC is literally right next to me uh to my room the access point is in my room because it’s um my room is attic space converted to into room I should heal first and did I

Grab okay good I did grab the bed I almost thought I didn’t grab the bed I’m I got so worried there I also don’t have a schedule at all I need to like get down ow ow that hurts okay um I can’t see the projectiles this is kind of unfair oh

God oh God this is way different than how he used to okay wow okay this is very different what in the world what am I what the hell oh God this is horrible okay wow this sucks I wish I had a bow uh I don’t have Flint crap never mind

Okay okay well I guess this is going to just be a trial in Everything ow ow okay oh God my shield die please die please die yes I need to run now oh my God oh my God why wow holy hell I don’t I I like had no idea what was going on there I could not tell that was very hectic now there’s these things

Everywhere I think that’s a chest God these things are really annoying oh my gosh also that was h ly easier than the Naga but only because my shield didn’t break on me which is nice well I actually no I don’t know about easier but it was faster than the Naga that’s for

Sure can you please like these things are not going to despawn unless I break them are they well I guess I should make another axe then just use an axe to break these all lovely oh God I don’t have I don’t have iron to make another shield and I’m

Going to need one throughout this entire thing I’m going to have to mine for more iron and that’s annoying dang it ah oh well the Minecraft experience you always need more resources cuz you never have enough time to kill these things okay wow um rude see spawning Frost shooting wolf okay I

That’s I forgot about that looks like a bunch of them did despawn which is nice that’s good what I love to see okay well that just happened please just die can I stop missing that’ be great can’t even get the loot yet please I just want to get to that chest finally

Oh what oh of course okay ice bomb don’t know what that does but it sounds good um I need the AL oh that is not enough at all to make the full set okay that’s fine can you leave me alone I trying to look through my inventory to see what to get rid

Of uh no I need the gunpowder for later I don’t need those I have more than enough okay let me read this now Cloud staff summons two Cloud sentries to shot Cloud crystals on command hold on what can I use this for for the fur and that’s it okay um cool

Great all right well I should probably make the helmet and Boots I’m sorry I I didn’t see the joke until now and my brain is is working on overdrive to try and understand that uh hold on let me just reread it oh now I get

It I love that my brain just likes to not process things until they’ve seen it like eight times or rather it my brain is not a living well no it is living cuz I’m alone I’ll have to figure out what those ice bombs do but I’ll do that on the next boss

Which after that boss probably okay I don’t need or wait no cuz I can smell that I just thought about it I can smelt these so where’s my furnace I don’t think it’ll make an Ingot though and I’m going to smelt it anyways because I don’t remember what it makes but I’ll find

Out and I need to now make a helmet I’m looking snazzy now my armor does not match at all but that’s fine oh yeah it just turns into one iron nugget um I’m going to need to fight another one of these things cuz I want to make the full

Set because that chills attackers thing is really nice yeah okay that that’s not going to that’s not going to be useful I’ll just have to I’ll have to mine for more iron yeah I don’t know why they decided smelting a whole piece of armor that takes multiple

Ingots just smelts down to a nugget like yep that makes sense yeah uhhuh oh well um oh like should C cook all that pork chop and uh I could test an ice bomb out on one of those thing one of those mobs but I much rather save it for a

Boss which next boss I think is the ice queen either ice queen or Hydra and I don’t remember which one oh Cloud Crystal no Cloud Crystal I don’t know why I was thinking Ice Crystal Oops I did not mean to hit you Mouse sorry true barely moved but that doesn’t

Change that I hit it actually I think this does have the reverse craft mod cuz it looks like cuz in the in the crafting thing when I looked in for these things there was uncrafting table Yeah okay it does have an uncrafting table okay um how do I make an uncrafting table what

In huh you can craft a command block in this okay all right then or you can uncraft a CRA a uh a command block rather but no you can actually craft one too that’s interesting that’s really cool huh I’m not going to try to say that I already know I’m going to butcher

It how do you make an uncrafting table uh un crafting table okay NOP not that uncraft how do you make it it okay no recipe apparently great um well hold on if I just put this in here no okay well that’s fine uh I guess I’ll just

Have to figure out how to get the uncrafting table which I probably could find on the wiki or I could just wander around aimlessly and hope I find it which would not be very efficient um think that I think I have everything I don’t think I need oh I don’t think I

Need anything else okay yeah I guess now oh well I guess that answers what I’m doing next as long as the palace is up there or whatever it is I think it’s a palace okay well there it is right there I just need to get

Up leave me alone I’m going to kill you now up it’s annoying guess I’ll just grabb a bunch of spruce and use that all right go get another and I should have enough afterwards Le I hope I do that should hopefully be enough I’m going to make a Stairway up so that

I can actually get back down oops oh was hoping it would go up further come back down for it wait gravel that means Flint um I don’t need the knock trophies as much as I want to keep them I don’t need them plus I can worry about getting them

Once I’ve returned cuz I am going to be coming back eventually I don’t care enough to fix that I could make these stairs safer but I don’t feel like it except I actually do and I keep on making mistakes I don’t know what is wrong with me today but I making so many

Mistakes with these stairs it’s fine I hope almost there and H we have arrived to I don’t remember what this is called the ice place this is going to be annoying to Traverse I just not remembering how long it took me to actually fully go through this place in the uh just

Regularly oh jeez oh boy right this stuff takes a while to mine with stone I don’t have iron so wait isn’t there an entrance to this place or am I just thinking incorrectly I hope there’s an entrance cuz oh wait uh yeah that looks like

One yeah there is okay let me go grab my bed there’s the block aora block I don’t need you now when I’ve finally killed the Wither storm I can come back and worry about getting the Aurora blocks because they look cool well when you have a bunch of them

You have one alone it’s just a block look let’s see um oh boy uh maybe there I want to explore a little bit never mind that’s a wall up it is and I was off fantastic there we go okay well that’s great there done nothing time to break my way

Through cuz if you can’t get to somewhere normally make it so that you can okay I wanted to finish mining first okay wow I forgot how annoying those things are a chest that has um nothing useful right anything here nope up I go which leads to more up which leads to you

Which doesn’t go up normally okay okay I’ll just have to make my way up then that’s fine I’m used to it just with ooh well those I don’t need but Power one to Protection One I will take that gladly but now I have met a dead end uh guess I’ll

Just wish I had an iron pickaxe the struggles of not having an iron pickaxe that leads to outside great okay not that way this way also nothing lovely fine fine we’ll go this way a wall then what’s behind the wall well hopefully not more please this takes stuff this stuff

Takes forever to mine oh great okay just lead St more if I’m not finding anything after this third block I’m just going to go to the next wall next wall it is I really don’t want to have to climb up this on the outside okay fine I guess

I’m going to have to do that climbing on the outside it’s annoying and I don’t want to have to do it but well I don’t really have another choice so here I go do somewhere somewhere here oh boy that’s the one thing that I hate about this place is just it always ends

Up being that like you’re going through it and you just constantly run into dead ends to the point where like sometimes you just don’t find find a way to the top you just don’t get to game’s like no climb your way up on the outside

Don’t don’t build a way up not going to give you a way to get up just build your way up I’m hearing things so let just sign something I guess but I’m going to go to the top so that’s usually where the uh Frost Queen I think that’s the

Name is I don’t remember though just going to basically keep on climbing until I see a health bar usually that works and if it doesn’t then I’ll figure it out well there’s more to climb so well uh no health bar yet can I get a help bar please pretty

Please if I were to mine into these man the RNG of these places always is a pain okay something that’s better than nothing lightning knife iron wood wait iron wood I can make a new sword with that I will take that and I’ll also take those knives I’m not going to

Get I can always get those again I don’t really need them well I want to keep the saddle just in case okay let’s make myself an iron W sword oh nice iron wood sword there we go for when my regular iron sword breaks perfect anything else not really seeing

Anything I don’t really think there’s anything worth notice down yeah no not really seeing anything okay on to the next Tower oh hello you join us hello spiffy want me want know something I know you’re saying about know something funny I’m in school right now but my

Teacher let me out 50 minutes early that’s crazy so now I just have to stand here until my bus gets here so guess I’m going to be on the enig Enigma stream real really do be like that yep damn I’m hearing a lot of these things you about to die

You know what no I I didn’t want to do that I didn’t want to switch though great now the mining of this is reset oh crap man I want to go home can can you like drive me home dude I don’t live anywhere near you dude just pick me up

Okay come on I don’t have a car of my own I don’t have that much money I don’t care I’ll buy you a car just like pick me up okay in after way too long Mining and I’m just sitting in theand hallway Thunder oh my Lord yeah I probably should stream in the

Uh dude I’m going to be here for like 50 minutes please is I need I need a form of entertainment yeah okay let me pause I I just need I need to stand just looking outside this mirror oh jeez uh it’s just all the way in the corner

What yeah Firefox even though it it crashed yep thanks for crashing Firefox even though you literally weren’t even open why does it crash all the time when it’s not even open I need to go back here so I can see string chat okay back to full screen hopefully Jesus there’s a lot of

You man you make me waste my battery I think the brightness where the are you help and this is I wish I wish I knew how to drive back so annoying just struck what in the world just happened I’m sorry huh okay um moving

On I need to get all the way back over there this is quite the fun game play I’m sure everyone that’s watching this is enjoying it so much I am this is such game playay nothing tops it bro I don’t know what to do my next assignment is January 10th impaling to Protection

One I don’t know what I would do with that though so I’m just going to leave it there right also later do you want to play some of ather uh see cuz later I’m going to be going over to a friends oh not necessarily today like

Later as in like a week oh oh yeah yeah yeah for sure also I think it’d be fun to host a little VR chat event now that I have an actual Discord server think I’m probably going to do streaming more then I’m going to do recording videos because streaming is a

Lot easier the setup was a little annoying but this is way easier than could out editing a video ah do you want honestly that’s based um watching a stream and eating food at the same time I do that all the time I don’t blame you oh sh these things

Are go down fall the bottom of the wherever and despawn oh right yeah building not I should be subscribed to you I’ve got a whole grand total of four subscribers oh dude this I’m going to turn this into a series for sure I’m just not sure when

I’m going to stream next cuz I don’t know I don’t know when I’m next I’m going to next be available to just play this for hours like this is fun it’s just holy hell it takes long to it takes forever to progress progression takes so long why

Am I going down here there wasn’t even anything here for me down wasn’t anything it’s so cold and in this so I’m talk like 20 minutes oh when the dark cold lands spiffy in the dark cold lands what if I die or get kidnapped or I don’t know abducted what’s in the

Chest nothing of any worth really I should have made stairs down I don’t know why I just jumped down whatever and one of my friends like gave me some food I’m like and I fell down good job me oh that that just covers that well I

Can’t have it there if it’s going to cover freaking there there me actually using my brain for once what crazy and then I immediately don’t and where the hell is this Frost Queen please I just want to kill you that’s all I’m just going to scroll Tik

Tock I mean yeah when you’re sitting in in the cold and you have nothing like almost nothing to do Tik Tok and stuff is not the cold yet I’m just sitting on the steps sitting on the steps waiting inside just waiting for I don’t need one must imagine spiffy 131

Warm yeah yeah I don’t know I have’t showing my PC his brand new home I built I think after the stream I’m going to go eat something cuz I haven’t eaten in a while oh no it’s almost like you need to do your basic human I can’t be

Talking yeah the one yeah say saying the person who decides it’s healthy to stay for hours uh editing instead of sleeping dude come on you need your basic human Necessities come on yeah disc T I do need to eat I am getting pretty hungry get some food then we’ll get food

After the stream I got to have that spiffy 131 mindset bro dude have theing mindset something the spiffy one through one mindset is not one that most mortal should have he says I’m a moral you know what never mind you’re good then I’m just going to chill no I but I want

To fight this last boss I want to that that my goal is to at least summon the wither storm before I end the stream finally oh my gosh streaming Grim the school right now H who streaming Grim YouTube and I’m in school right now you’re at what I’m in school right

Now hello why are you on school is in your winter break like win break oh my winter my that is very far no it’s not CU I I can’t drive so I just have to like sit here and wait for my bus I missed stop running away well well I’m

Going to go play finding of Isaac uh that is Bast and I died makes sense I’m going to be leaving in like 4 hours since I have a birthday party to go to yeah I’m going to be going God is it your birthday no my birthday in February I

Still need to finish packing and everything and also my birthday isn’t anytime soon it’s in like three months I can’t even even if I were to I’d not even be able to do much of anything right now because or even if I were to stop streaming right

Now I still have to wait um for anyways I’m going over I think D might be dead there why why might he be dead he hasn’t answered any of my messages and he hasn’t been online for a week n views yeah okay he might saying my most

View who am I going to stream with now because always busy dude I’m sorry the grind is real I can’t stream with d because he’s probably 6 6 feet in the grave now you’re you’re on the YouTube grind you’re on the YouTube grind I’m going to be streaming tomorrow

I need to stream every week and I haven’t streamed this week yet yeah I get try to get I’m going to try to have semi-regular streams I just when college starts up again I don’t know how what I’m going to do man it’s it’s going to be hard jeez everybody’s joining now why

Why did you B barge in my room ven two warnings what happened Grim is streaming on Twitch and on YouTube I don’t I’m not streaming on Twitch I back I’m yesterday I had a whole conversation thing where I was just talking about why I I’m in

School right now can you guys me and take me home I don’t want to be here I already had to leave work again today my teacher let me out 50 minutes early so I to walk around these hallways until my bus gets here okay um I forgot

To check what my health was at um I should have did that save me you know what I should move my bed up there because now just picked me up I’m scared to climb this entire Tower every single time I die in SCH now I should play aor yeah just bust out

Omori I on my PC not my like computer let me pull up a school laptop and play some omori omori on the Chromebook God vus please help GE is coming to my house he’s he’s like one of the mappa um managers he’s going to make sure I’ve

Been working guys guys I get I get to eat food they’re letting me order food from the door dashing the door nice what what is it what what is it sister bread you’re hungry well well I haven’t I haven’t show them what I’m going to eat I want to I want to finish

This I’m probably going to eat Jack in a box by the way stop saying for the whole three people guys guys don’t don’t mind these people are from the spiffy 131 Discord server oh my God I got a triple shot not going to make a Discord server for a very long

Time Join This Server is better they should all join this I should go up can I make an Ironwood Shield I really hope I got it why are you opening my wallet I have no money that’s just like me for r for r don’t don’t don’t don’t mind don’t mind

My sister she’s just she’s being she’s being special ed stop calling through my phone who’s calling wait wait wait hold up hold up hold up not really okay um they hit the second tower I’m going to place my bed over here because this anyways I want to order Dragon bot you just want Fries what oh oh my um huh why why okay I’m back fellas my fellas okay that I love how I I love how that song got popular because of a anime that I read the Manga before he even got popular I was I was so cool I felt so

Cool knowing I knew the I you know I love how I said I’m going to check to see if I can make a shield and then didn’t do that enough oh my goodness I want a grenade I mean a bomb a bomb give me a bomb you

Should tell all your viewers to go follow me instead um no why I’m I they should go follow me I’m such a good streamer know your name is my name is load of breadsticks on that’s crazy oh my God this turd is chasing me leave me alone you got

Tired he’s going to shoot his red [ __ ] at me I love B of Isaac I love biding on Isaac ow how did he hit me still HP and damage up how’s your day Enigma how’s your streaming going Enigma hello thank God hey um remember what I talked about

The whole thing about the I see people coming later yeah they’re here now so I might just occas a I thought you died or something like now okay guys guys welcome to Ling stream I’m I’m his friend BR sck I also I also do stream I stream Tomorrow again hi nigma Oh h what is this is this more damage up so I I do even okay I do even more damage now only only not close range Loveely I want I want bomb I want to be able to get those Coins this is not a bomb come on Guys So I’m just faster lovely I want I want bombs it’s just it no no bombs have been given there’s literally like two blue rocks just going to go buy something from the shop maybe maybe they have a bomb for four B never mind I found more rooms ow um let’s

Go maybe if I place it right here I’ll get both bombs duplicate my bombs he I don’t need keys I want to open that bomb yeah yeah sure whatever I’ll open that bomb I got another bomb oh yeah is it just a ladder I don’t really need a ladder

Maybe there’s another place I could blow up bro this is annoying I I died and my bed got exploded oh no back to the lobby B Lobby all the way back bada Lobby yipp I’m go fight the boss now actually I’m going to go into this room maybe

Something good there was something good oh my goodness not taking my HP I need that boy boy oh boy hope I can get there in time no you will if your trunks are unloaded uh your stuff won’t despawn even though the limit is off like even

Though like f minutes are out it won’t despawn if the chunks aren loaded yeah no the only thing about that is I’m not sure how long climbing the tower takes well it takes 5 minutes for your um how do you call it for your uh stuff

To despawn it used to be 15 I I used to thought it would be 15 but they changed it yeah no I know about that I’m just where’s the C Place thought this was it I’m so Speedy you know what I really need right now move this

Way this is why have the map mod or rather mini map mod more so it’s also good it’s nice because check that I’m literally shredding through everything right now holy butt face which oh that’s a tel pill hold 10 views on this so far that’s crazy is this I can see forever

Okay we knew where exactly I was when I died should have marked down the place in chat oh not nice not nice not nice my HP my HP no no this is not Good I guess I’m on to the IR wood sword where’s the snow biome oh my God I thought that was a spike I thought I was about to die and lose everything just in case I think I might make another bed just because I don’t know if the bed

Was like exploded and dropped or it just exploded and just didn’t drop I’m not sure and just to be safe I’m gon to try to make another bed I just become just became like Filthy Rich that’s a lot of money only I knew where the

Heck was did you did you not save your coordinates I didn’t I didn’t write them down anywhere no and I don’t have my coordinates up anywhere that is that is no good well I I believe in you I believe I believe in you you know what I should have those up

At all times from now on now on my coordinates are in the top corner so hopefully okay Ma oh hey I can get to you here let’s go at least one good thing so far I found another one of the double deck your houses which means I grab the TNT battery lovely should

Be take another HP absolutely comboed I’m doing so much goddamn damage holy butt face more money oh goe head TT no stop I stop there we go TNT okay now find the other ones should probably be think nope there’s one more I disconnected the red doesn’t matter but there we go that

Should be on the TNT I hope I hope it’s on the TNT it probably is maybe I’m not even watching your stream what am I talking about there’s anymore but uh there’s no really way of me really being well I mean yeah that no more TNT that was all of

It I realize that there was chest over here more milk buckets I don’t have the inventory space for them oh you know what I didn’t even use the cloud staff I forgot about that oh you know what I can Ah that’s okay well going wrong direction lovely at least in the Z coordinate

Going the wrong way ow this way this way okay well still want to make a new bed but I can’t get oh I need to get more just I just need to get three of any EV but thank you for reminding me about that completely forgot you could press U

To see recent death location so they’re making bed and yeah oh yeah I need to also check and see if I can use the iron rout to make a shield hopefully I can let’s see no that’s unfortunate let’s see Shi okay I don’t have resources to make any of this yeah

Okay all right we need to get iron then oh boy what fun the the ex5 I could not imagine having the weather storm after me at the same time of all this God that’d be horrible it’s just a zombie zombie I’ll just follow this room till I’m at 1,500 or negative 1,500

X and then I will continuously go in the negative Z direction is this a new still place if so I might just go here just to get the another Yeti you know yeah this is a new one so I think I’m going to get more of

The Yeti for and or not Yeti for another can I use ye oh jeez let’s see doesn’t look like I can use it for bed yeah I know I mean one of my runs I literally went like 5,000 blocks away or one of my not my runs but one of my test

Runs just to kind of see what my plan would be for this I had gotten the um the feather storm like 5,000 blocks away from the spawn so that it wouldn’t chase me was just like yeah if I’m going to end up doing that I might as well just wait on for spawning

It it shouldn’t be us to bring these all right I don’t have a shield so I could can’t really fight the alpha Yeti too well since it throws snowball is like crazy or some sort of projectile it’s really annoying Al I don’t have a bed so I can’t set my spawn think

I’ll write down the coordinates to it in chat anyways so that I can return here so let’s see one 775 four un important I don’t even know why I put that yet um Alpha Yeti to there we go probably have to write that down in a

Notep pad after stream so that I don’t completely lose that what the world is that what is that light no just that stop stop no yeah I think it’s really nice that you can choose when to spawn it because having it starting off being spawned it kind of then just forces the

Player to just be like progressing uh with the weather storm always as a threat rather than letting let them choose to progress a little bit then have it spawn in which is nice um usually people I mean it if it’s just the mod itself you just spawn it in instantly cuz I

Mean waiting just kind of doesn’t make too much sense since you already since nor in the normal mod uh you have plenty of time to progress and everything uh because gives you like an hour and a half two hours to get to die uh to get um okay

Gear then when you defeat it again then you can progress even further or rather when you youat it the first time then you can go ahead and start okay I’ve going in the wrong direction and I didn’t realize wow good job right this went too far the positive ex uh

Which is there three oh is there any color there’s two take that I need to find a thir Brown sheep yeah uh I just I take a while to progress so I end up just having to cheese the Wither storm so that I can actually

Progress it’s more so of a me thing than it is something with the mod pack I always just take eons to progress in this especially with like all the bosses and everything I would I like to kill all the bosses my test runs and everything I

Never did but in this I would like to just because i’ like to get all the stuff try to make myself as prepared as possible but I’m thinking after killing the yeti again I I’ll have to get a shield oh hello Hydra um pleasant surprise don’t mind if I mark this location

Down just you know just put down so I either after I kill the alpha Yeti and get it armor or after I kill the Hydra I’m going to be spawning in the um the Wither storm because that point I think I’ll have enough time to let the weather storm

Like strengthen up here and also allow me to progress and do all the things I want to do here before leaving I’m obviously going to come back because because there’s just some things I don’t think I’ll be able to really explore like I don’t think I’m going to be able to explore

The uh the highlands I just don’t think I’ll be geared enough to really explore that place and fully go to all the places that it has also because well later on coming back there’s probably things that I’ll have missed then I can also get more

Of I don’t know maybe I’ll need more of something who knows I just want to get myself as ready as possible for like the ather and such because although I can go to the Overworld and just find the super TNT there that’s the boring way I ain’t doing that I’m going to the

Aether hello doggy yeah before I go I should search for sheep or are they Rams I don’t remember are they sheep or Ram huh or for the Twilight Forest are they sheep or are they Ram oh I I do not remember remember I haven’t played the Twilight Forest thing in a while

Yeah yeah that’s fair I this is the first time of me actually playing the Twilight force in a long time as well so I have a doggy in my room Looking Out My Window where’s the cold place that’s good that means I’m almost there yippe sound more excited but I I don’t

Know the doggy goes hello you wolf perish thank you this is the one that I killed right yeah but I can cut through it and to go to the other side be much closer to where I need to be oh food no wonder sprinting oh there’s the HP bar should

Be around this one right should be like here yep there it is either a she hasn’t been hasn’t healed started healing yet or B um she doesn’t heal hoping for Beed just case not just in case but rather so that I have it ready to be placed so place this one right

Here and if the one up there is still real then I will grab it and set my spawn up there that way I have one one that spawn point up there and one that’s safely all the way down there away from any danger right here oh all the way up to the very

Top let’s see oh hey the bed is actually still there nice go place it there and uh continue this fight go down in a totally careful Manner D it it’s Fine I know is there anything that drops at all but do I have to travel all the way back up there so oh yeah the chest is all the way up there okay that’s fine are you kidding me you piece of [ __ ] God kidding me right man those things are annoying all

Right clim I do Echo Shard nice fish okay and an echo Shard which technically means I can leave but do I want to leave yet not really I still want to fight the Hydra must I could come back for the Hydra that is something I could technically do so

Yeah I’ll replace it once it’s destroyed oh but there we go now I have my bed back the original bed too oh there’s the path down a totally very safe path I don’t see how anything could possibly go wrong with going down that path none it’s very

Safe I mean nothing went wrong so you know safe all right I do want to have both beds but I don’t know what to get rid of guess the alpha Yeti for I can always get more can’t really use one or wait no it’s over this way over back this

Way let’s see it’s not here it’s here there we go down my very safe path and now um now I have a choice to make do I return to the other world I continue exploring here po down CM down woles my goodness okay well I’m not 100% sure which I’m going to do

But I do want to see what this is all about it’s like a spider place I don’t know haunted grounds totally that structure or just combination of trees and sky or no wait that’s a structure or no that’s a hill or no that’s oh okay no it’s that Forest the thi Forest

Cook up this food and I’m going to go eat breakfast see you later see you no you know I forgot about time yeah cuz it’s uh the afternoon for me forgot that people in the server are in multiple different time zones oh that spider right after I got my food

Back I have food in my inventory but I now have more food so to do do I summon the wither storm or do I fight the Hydra the Hydra okay it’s this direction P’s on the way so I don’t have a shi still yeah I should probably get a

Shield okay let’s see any Cav nearby oh there’s one well that was Perfect a for second fall any iron anyway iron hello are you in this cave not seeing any Nice oh hello oh that’s gold I don’t want gold though I want iron He there’s coal but I don’t need coal not not now at least it’s cold I thought this got iron got a little excited my search for Redstone that is redstone and gold no that’s red Redstone I need to get rid of something no dang I need an iron pick I have

IR there we go perfect Redstone acquired Man right as I found iron to that is annoying is a cave oh my helmet I don’t know what I picked up but I picked up something oh huh realiz looked it’s interesting jeez I cannot find a cave cave there W be one over here uh you know what maybe I should

Just start digging down I can find one just by chance Yeah might just do that yeah why not to just dig yay it worked somehow get of those finally after all this time iron probably won’t smelt it immediately but or well I’ll smell some of it or no I’ll smell all of it now I wait yippe well you

Actually I have enough to make the shield so I should probably make it oops there we go Shield reacquired finally is calling me why jeez oops probably should have turned off calls honestly my plan is simple finish smelting this iron then I summon the wither storm or do I wait till after the

Hydra feel like I kind of want to wa I kind of want to do it after the Hydra because I want to know what the Hydra drops but at the same time feel like I’m at the point where I really should summon it in so I’ll summon it in and then I’ll go

Fight the Hydra I’ll just have have to go in a Direction that’s kind of in the direction but not in the same direction as the Hydra as to not have the weather storm out on me at the same time I’m fighting the Hydra cuz that would be a

Pain got to wait for all this to smelt yippe f this is done just a little bit more of waiting in this aame spot there we go finally it is completed all the iron has been smelted now then where is that where’s the house um slightly music where is this place where’ it

Go this that’s a direction of the map at is it damn yes it Is oh it’s literally right here I am blind that’s not the door that is though there I run in that direction so no on there I to finally do it that the spawn thing that this whole mod pack is centered around three two one all right I’m not even sure it’s following

Me it is following me I forgot about this Hill I got I’ve got no way I think I got distracted which is good it’s just what I needed hopefully this goes left it does not okay well looks like I’m going that way instead that’s fine all right is it taking me forever to load cannot be good

Strange I leave and rejoin the server just to refresh everything y okay let me save and quit and then join back in because think it’s uh just needs be refreshed so that everything can work properly or something okay yep there we go okay I think what I’m going to do kill the Hydra

Head to the Overworld then I think I’ll end this the stream there after I’ve gone to the O world because I’ve been streaming for a while now and also I’m getting pretty darn hungry but the weather storm is now in the World though maybe I should let it grow before I head into the open world how it get stronger I can do that in the over world because I’m going to be doing I’ve got some plans for the Overworld which will be the next stream Overworld and probably ather

Combined or not that I need check oh I did not write back down where hyra is I sort of remember where it is though should be able to find it again I have 1,700 something I go there 1,700 something the X and theoretically I keep running in the negative Z I’ll find it Oh never mind I guess it’s here okay cool works out perfectly hello Hydra got to pick up go a bit of a distance away Jesus I don’t know what the hell that was but that was not nice some distance between me and the hill Oh obsidian I don’t have diamonds though so

And I can’t get diamond so I can’t exactly grab that that a LV damn it is forgot about that all right well put the entrance there yeah that’s where the entrance is so rest in piece that Axe make a new get that down set my spawn let’s go slay the Hydra

Time to go kill a Hydra oh okay Wow right that’s not the Strat Just reflect This that just get me too far out does more damage if I at the heads doesn’t look like any Oh a Oh [Applause] W w oh oh that’s E This is every single one of those One Missed stup course yeah the fireball shoot out it’s a Big great lovely just K Me I not getting out say you qu See All right of course the weather Storm’s here too because why wouldn’t things get Worse all right Wa coordinates are all messed up or let’s go back over there to get the chest but the Wither Storm’s there so great I don’t know if it’s destroyed the chest or not I don’t want to have to find another freaking Hydra just to do all that over

Again I guess I got to get the Wither storm away from there oh boy hey man hey yeah come on After Chas me Great He J no Just okay that chest he coming after me I guess we CH and slow yeah that is what it is he got angry at me calling me slow this This All right sh Than That was that O Oh Peace will Be This Chance to quickly make a boot also check out what the hydr dropped as long as the chest isn’t gone I hope it doesn’t nope still there nice Hydro chop interesting fiery blood fiery Ingot oo I don’t remember what that does charm of Life One I’m not sure what that does but I’ll take

It I will eat one apple well I think pretty much done here actually no I can make the you make this right I just need three stone make that real quick torches there we go phom meter perfect oh I do have my boat I thought I lost my

Boat oh wait no I made a boat I’m I forbore but I think we’re done here at the Twilight Forest I mean’ done everything can so far I don’t think there’s much of a point of doing anything else except leaving this place and then after that will be the end of the

Stream because I’ve been streaming for a very long time yeah three and a half hours jeez oh I know it’s at least phase 4 sl5 because I have wither sickness Yi just need some flowers um guess I should write this down somewhere yeah let me let go on full

Screen but I’m going to write these down so that I don’t uh don’t lose uh this because I could use this in the future um for there we go so flowers jeez have to be in bies I don’t have flowers lovely there’s one here does right be we go all right

Back now it’s time to fulfill your purpose milk bucket the reason why I grabbed you water get another one On see you through the Leaves Pleas four okay good to know blink ow well I will meet you on the other side wither Storm all right the Overworld Yippe took a took a while but we’re finally here we’re in the Overworld get a little bit away from portal I don’t know when the Wither storm is going to be coming back through coming to the other world follow me so I’m just going to get

Away know I have a minute time until it comes Through Well I guess while I’m sailing away this is been quite the journey and there’s still quite the bit of journey ahead of us but I think that’s all I’m going to have for this stream like I’ve said I’ve been streaming for a long time now pretty hungry myself So my boat I think I’m going to end stream here so thank you all for joining me I’m uh not 100% sure when the next stream will will be but I will be continuing this journey in the next stream oh boy it’s going to be even more

Suffering and even more running from the Wither storm so be ready for it hopefully I’ll be able to stream it soon rather than later but again thank you all for joining me in this journey and I will see you all in either the next video or next stream

Byebye it’s not ending properly well

This video, titled ‘Suffering In Explorer’s Eve! | A minecraft modpack surrounding defeating the wither storm’, was uploaded by GrimMystery on 2023-12-23 11:48:42. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:56 or 13136 seconds.

Come join me in this journey playing a modpack focused around you defeating the wither storm!

The modpack can be found here:

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    R1ckson's Insane 2b2t Base Hunt! 🚨 Live Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t: BIG Sunday base hunting! (Vertical Minecraft Stream)’, was uploaded by R1ckson on 2024-08-25 18:05:01. It has garnered 7786 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. JOIN DISCORD: Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai passé Minecraft 1.21 en difficulté EXTRÊME !’, was uploaded by Myrolame on 2024-03-21 18:37:04. It has garnered 15241 views and 1071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. 10th episode of the Skyblock Hardcore adventure on the latest Minecraft 1.21 snapshots! My goal is to reach 100 days of Minecraft while staying alive! If I die, the adventure ends! This series aims to create a video: I survived 100 days in Skyblock on Minecraft Hardcore #minecraft #skyblock #survival Datapack: Skyblock – Recipes+ – Resource pack: none Shaders:… Read More


    24/7 SHIZO MINECRAFT MADNESS ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 247 ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE @YASHGAMERYTYOUTUBER@GamerFleet’, was uploaded by YASH PLAYZ on 2024-08-24 18:50:01. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox-style video game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a procedurally generated world made up of blocks. The game offers a unique blend of creativity, adventure, and survival mechanics. Key Features: – Blocky World: Explore and interact with a vast, blocky 3D world made up of cubes, which can be mined for resources…. Read More