Survival Minecraft Day 11: Building My Real City!

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Okay if something goes wrong this time I’m giving up for the day this is technically the fourth attempt now I’m just it’s already off to a bad start that Minecraft is opening up trying to open up on the wrong monitor play for once work didn’t go that bad

It’s just everything has been a spiral downward since I came home not a single thing has gone right literally I don’t think a single thing has gone right so far had something pack in the mail come in and um well it came not in great condition uh go to make coffee hit the

Wrong button and there’s no way to undo it let’s see Mike follows apart not once but twice then I knocked down my left monitor trying to set it up the second time um knock down a heater surprised I didn’t spill water all over my floor um

Move I got rid of a rug that was under my chair because I basically had to it’s kind of been in the way but I’ve been trying to make it work um mik arm is hopefully in a better spot but is limited because there’s a [ __ ] wall

In the way I need to watch my cussing because YouTube’s probably not happy right now I’ve dropped the f bomb quite a lot already today I know nobody’s here right now but hopefully if my PC does not blue screen again everything should be fine should be fine I have no idea why I

Blue screened I don’t know what caused it don’t know what that was um I just hit alt apparently live okay yep the first one is already limited already Limited that is awful um I’m just going to delete whatever the heck this was because um actually no I’m going to let it because

I’m curious what it what it says I’m going to mark it as unlisted but I’m curious what it says oh YouTube and of course why would I expect YouTube to do anything less I try and save a setting and it doesn’t work I don’t even have my chat open so hopefully nobody’s

Saying anything um nope probably because people think this one’s um the fake one I am now finally live after three failed attempts temps okay and Discord doesn’t even show my username oh that’s it’s supposed to do that okay and for some reason this one just shows a different thumbnail than the

Rest don’t know why don’t know how I just kind of want to drink my coffee right now and chug it and get the caffeine even though I’m already hyped up on whatever the hell right now no sugar no food this is not where I left myself in game so I guarantee something

Got broken I was ins inside that house when my computer crashed so that means Minecraft didn’t save um but something happened is uh usually whenever a game when your computer crashes when you have a game open and something doesn’t save usually something goes wrong so I can’t

Wait for something to be corrupt in this world I hope the mic sounds fine because I have no way to test it right now it’s not in the same placement it’s been and um I’m just gonna hope right now that it’s okay what time is it in game 301

Okay yeah I completely reset everything that’s there this is here this still won’t let me save anything but we’re just going to discard changes apparently because it won’t let me save the changes even though it saved them now going to remove that or copy this paste this save go back am I fine

Now yeah that 17 minute struggle is already limited it’s already I said the FW too many times uh hi uh there was a comment apparently on that stream hi my uh mic fell apart twice twice than my PC blue screen I am now now live hopefully with no more problems user

Zc2 TM whatever that is let’s see if we can get you back um yep that’s what I lost because uh you know my computer does whatever the hell it wants close that okay am I fine no dropped frames yet so I’m going to assume we are fine I assume everything’s fine chat was

Working earlier but I kind of think um it won’t be working H yet okay any more problems oh that person that um hasn’t texted me back now for five over 5 days texted me back this morning at 9:00 a.m. you want to know what the response was what question mark nothing

Else I waited five days for a text back from somebody that used to be very close to me not not like girlfriend boyfriend close like family close without being blood or family waited five days for a text back and I got four letters and punctuation I texted them back it’s now

5:30 p.m. text some text them back around noon so 5 hours later still nothing so let’s just say that adds icing onto the cake of how my past few months have been love it start off real negative because it can only get better right oh today

Will be the day I finally die in this world um yeah now I’m texting my brother back real quick a damn of course you know you go to Taco Bell and of course course they mess it up even though technically I drove 40 miles not for Taco Bell but in general

Drove 40 miles to go take somebody home from work and then get Taco Bell and then drive the complete opposite direction back home 10 miles south 10 miles back North and then 20 more miles north yep it has been a day are my headphones working okay they are it’s just that

Quiet in game I’m hoping chat’s working because it is suspiciously quiet like dead dead suspiciously dead um what’s weird is that my view count on YouTube just dropped by a significant amount in the past 4 20 past 48 hours when I say significant amount I mean it was like

300 something and now it’s 200 something that was literally have been looking at it for the past 30 minutes or so as I’ve been failing to get the stream started live um so good to know that this has no information on it no information on it it is

Empty on it so that tells me that something’s probably bugged out empty and it gave me an own my it gave me an ad on my own stream at least it was a skippable ad okay after all the chaos that has happened is everything else

Fine when I say chaos I do truly mean chaos I feel like this mic is in the way somewhat too but I’m just not used to it being here I’m used to having the U free motion with my right arm and not having

A mic arm in the way now the mic arm is in the way and it also is in my vision more the mic arm used to kind of just stick out from the left to my right and that was fine and now it’s just all on my right

And it’s in the way but it’s fine it’s fine I don’t think it’s going anywhere I think the mount is going to hold the desk uh the board the desk board is flexing I just shook the mic I’m like okay so the mic arm seems fine mounted down but the desk is

Flexing that might be why it looks like it’s falling towards me or the um designers are [ __ ] and uh I should need to stop cussing I probably already limited anyways but I played an ad so maybe not the um the mount is sloped downward so from my angle it

Looks like it is leaning towards me even though it isn’t like I’m literally I felt around it I moved my head and yeah it’s it’s flush it’s flush it’s not leaning but it’s um it looks like it’s leaning I have been ranting on for literally like seven minutes now that’s

Not a joke because uh it’s about to be night time in game okay after all that I am going to go to sleeping game and we’re going to find I don’t know something to start on right now it’s just something uh I guess I can go ahead and um that’s

The wrong browser open up Google Maps uh yes I would like you to restore the pages please thank you my monitor it will now forever not look right because it’s at a different angle okay excuse me it has been I saw my view I Saw My Views jump

Up to three and then go back down to one nobody’s commented yet but that’s fine I don’t expect people to I’m just like there were a couple people here or maybe actually more than a couple at one point and they’re all gone because my computer we had issues and then my computer

Crashed and here we are it’s lovely how much Cobble do I have on me enough to do what I I need to do over here okay got it we’re just going to try and get positive enough and continue on not off to a great start when I teleport in a local

World that’s not a great start but we’ll see um see where what it does don’t know why I’m breaking all of this because I only need to break this actually I should eh I’ll break it all right now because I’m right here doing it yep at least it’s I think

Everything’s fine now I hope my Mouse is having problems right there let’s hope that’s the only time it’s going to have problems yeah this mouse is not even 3 years old it no no it can’t be 3 years old that literally is not possible because I got

In I think I purchased it in the summer of 21 it’s the win it’s the uh winter of early winter of 24 so yeah no it’s not even 3 years old and it’s you know a Corsair Mouse it’s expensive it was like $80 I bought it specifically because it felt nice in

The hand and like there was display models of mice at Best Buy and I went there with a friend we tried them out I didn’t buy at that trip and uh I went back and I bought a 5 terab hard drive portable hard drive which I barely use anymore because I’m not editing

Videos and bought this mouse bought a couple other things spent like over $300 because I don’t remember what else I bought but the mouse and hard drive only added up to about 200 a little bit more with tax oh I bought also an $80 pair of

Your but bus yep I did jlab uh sport buds which I still use quite often I would have used them at work today when I was on lunch but I didn’t take them because these pants don’t have great pockets and I didn’t want to lose them but

Yep it’s uh it’s one of those days okay this actually now looks more level I think it’s fine even level whatever it is I just leave this even though this is not this road here isn’t here in real life but I might leave it

Because I kind of am I think I can turn it into something a little bit nicer than real life something that looks like it’s taking up more space more than just literally an open circle that I’m not even sure if this is like an office or what this is in real

Life but I don’t have street view to see what it is and I’ve never driven down there and if I had driven down there I could tell you what it is but I I genuinely have no clue what the hell it is okay this has been a day already it’s quarter till

6 man I could have definitely use a drink right now I’ll tell you that much I’m not going to speculate Cur spectacular ant how’s it going it’s been a day it’s been a time in just trying to get my stream to go without problem and I think I’m finally

Fine I hope after my mic has fallen down twice and then I had to reset it and put it in a completely different area then once I finally got that situated my PC BL blue screened and yeah it’s uh it’s been it’s been a struggle but we’re here I guess

Now and now I just need to find a place to start it’s looking Immaculate uh it’s supposed to it’s going to look a lot better just give it time and give me time to actually give give everything color and detail like yes this is a flat building it’s a trailer home in real

Life this is like a trailer park they will look better than that thing does and that’s made simply with chisels and bits and not well but once I actually get proper dieses and everything proper dyes proper wool proper concrete powder and concrete or flat colored blocks whichever things will be

Better but it’s only been a week so we got time now I’m just trying to figure out where to start because there’s a lot more here I’m building a town oh that’s a yeah I’m building a town I’m building my actual the you know town I live in in real life

In Minecraft so I’m actively looking at an image of a satellite image of Google Maps trying to figure out where to start I mean where to continue technically not start I’ve already started I think that one still needs a roof but that’s not what I’m here for at the exact

Moment this entire thing is going to have to be leveled off not doing that right now uh I think I’m just going okay it is 65 degrees in my room no wonder I’m finally starting to get cold yeah I’m starting to get cold after I’ve been all fiery and warmed up after messing

Around with a lot of things uh struggling to hold up a boom arm with a heavy mic on it on one end trying to get it situated finally I think we’re good I hope I forgot that that was going to break the dirt very quickly underneath if you were smart enough you could

Probably dox me yeah well the problem is I could build the entire thing and you still wouldn’t know where I live because I wouldn’t say which place I lived and my base of operations whatever where I live in game is like a church north of town which is doesn’t look like

Much of a church it’s just a building but that building took a lot more time than any of these did by themselves a lot more time and that was the first thing I built chaos just utter chaos so far okay if I want to do this right I’m

Going to try to make this completely even and I know it’s not going to happen but I kind of need a mirror I need to mirror this distance on this side maybe not perfectly but I kind of need to so I need the house spacings and sizes to be relatively the

Same I say relatively the same not exactly but um going of yeah I’m just going to start we got one two three four five six 6 7 8 9 10 11 got it one two three four five nope three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 right I

Think you know what so which ones do I live in um let’s say probably by the time I get to where I actually live um it’ll probably be I don’t probably over a year so this is the very top Corner Bas like Norther north northeastern corner of the town

This is like 1% of it yeah there is an insane amount down south here um I kind of underestimated how big everything was actually going to be when I put it in Minecraft so I expected this area to not take up much and in reality it took up a

Huge chunk of this entire PLS biome so I’m gon to say approximately in real life I think I live somewhere around here somewhere maybe uh maybe a little bit more North but yeah it took me basically 45 hours in game to get to this point now that has been a lot of

Screwing around though with uh Tinkers and and everything and levels and the Nether and farming but I it’s fine it’s about to be sun so again I haven’t done anything and the sun’s already going down it’s lovely two well three four five six seven make sure there’s a middle block

There yep all these trailer homes are basically seven wide uh it’s not the tool that I was supposed to be holding 45 hours for just this part yeah I mean keep in mind that you know I’m also just playing Minecraft so it’s not like I’m I’m only Gathering blocks and placing

Them no we’re we’re playing a video game so I’m also screwing around having fun doing other things also trying to keep myself occupied and trying to uh not get bored of everything so quick because obviously when you work on a big project like this it’s not natural to get bored of

Building rectangle houses because I mean it’s that’s fair they’re it’s that’s a boring thing I mean that’s kind of why there’s a giant hole in this mountain here before I ever made it over here this has been here for a bit because I wanted to

Uh have a little bit of fun and erase a good chunk of it every spot around here that’s missing grass like this is part of raised block and you can see how tall that one already is 10 12 blocks up that I erased all the way out to here doesn’t sound

Like a lot when I’m saying it right now but I mean what thousands upon thousands of blocks removed just in that section alone oh there’s a zombie already I mean I think on my weekly update I did yesterday uh I had what almost 40,000 blocks of cobblestone

Mined and 11,000 placed so I just want to say I have hand placed 11,000 pieces of cobblestone and it actually worked out about 11,000 pieces of dirt as well yeah it’s a uh we’ve done a lot already it would be a little it would be significantly less impressive if that

Was all done incre creative I’m doing all of this in survival I’m doing this all the hard way you put an effort and you you get results right hopefully I’m Manore I’ve also been you know messing around with hostile mobs and stuff so yeah there’s a lot of times where it’s not super

Productive I got a dark mantor egg and I truly don’t know what to do with it I have like four of these now and I’m just going to plant it and place it inside here and see what happens oh that’s not where that was supposed to go egg hatching soon keep

Watch the hatched creature located at and will be lost if you leave the area okay so it’s going to get lost plain and simple it’s going to get lost that’s fine we’ll see what happens egg hatching soon keep watch the hatched creature yep yeah I have no

Idea I didn’t bounce there that was weird usually I have been bouncing for now based on everything else I’ve been doing I think I’m just going to build the foundations like I have build like six found four to six foundations or so and then build the walls up put the roof on

And go from there that was a very loud phone was my phone vibrating I also keep not having my phone on my phone I just keep my phone on vibrate all the time and I missed several important calls at work not supposed to be using my phone at work but definitely have needed

Do yeah let’s see I’m going to guess that this is I guess guess probably isn’t the right word here but uh this one is the same depth so one two right there that’s is that right yeah it’s fine okay don’t know how deep to make this or

How far back to make it but based on the others it’s going to be a decent width a lot more than I thought it would be for just something simple like a gravel driveway in between three mobile homes which I think is kind of normal I just

Have never really been in many trailer par trailer home parks because I don’t need to be now we’re just going to clear this out I’m just going to I’m actually going to try and find the proper spacing in between these based on the other side

And once I have that that might make it easier to build everything South once I have a grid already kind of set up everything will probably get messed up anyways so it’s fine can I can I count blocks in between is that a thing I can do I definitely can it’s

Five right I just want to double check five how about this if I made sure make sure this was like 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 yeah I did not know I could do that I didn’t know Journey map zoomed in that

Far I never had a reason to zoom in that far okay well the distance between this one is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 really where did you even come from why can’t I hit you where where did you come from I guess it spawned under there maybe I

Don’t know I don’t remember what the number was thanks yeah 1 two 3 four five six 7 8 nine 10 10 e does not take it out of Journey map okay one two three four five six S 8 nine 10 got it okay what’s the width of this one H

It’s going to or the length it’s going to be same or one more than that Yep this is what we’re doing I got to go get a whole bunch more gravel there’s a lot of the work that needs to be done and I’m just trying to get started trying to be

Productive trying to trying anything lurking on stream while I cook some dinner nice you know what’s a shame is that you used uh black for your color of your usern name and I can barely make out what that says but hey at what’s going on yeah I can barely

Barely read that because my chat has a dark blue background and with that black text it is damn near impossible to read every all the other text on my on my chat is blue or white okay the coffee is no longer too hot to drink drink and did not smell burned like my

Other coffee maker I had you know it’s annoyed people for years City’s starting to look good it’s starting to look like something I mean it’s everything’s made out of birch Cobblestone and stone but it’s getting somewhere it’ll yeah when I actually decide to take the time to go do dyes

And everything yeah that’ll that’ll change it up a lot got three four it’s not doing the block thing like it was earlier why okay oh now right click works and now it doesn’t and now that I don’t get Journey map’s a little bugged apparently got it yeah one one two

Three that’s a grid line I was trying to figure out why it’s like a light gray got it yep okay so here’s there’s six eight okay 2 4 68 um yep I should double check that yep that’s eight okay I guess I should also double check on maps that these

Are oh well this one’s covered up by trees so I can’t really tell anything with this one but it’s a guesstimate it works well enough uh I’m going to make it one shorter than that one because it it lines up better with the other one over there than this one on the

Map I’m already going to use up all my cobblestone in my inventory but I don’t think I’m going to be running out of Cobble anytime soon yeah a project that was probably stupid to start on but I mean you gotta got to put an effort to get

Results right that’s the reason that I kept trying to stream today after three failed attempts and a damaged Monitor and probably a damaged mic and probably a damage psyche just had to keep going going to throw some of this stuff well I did not mean to fall down here uh yeah don’t

Need that don’t need that don’t need those I’ll keep the leather don’t need those I should keep clay I keep saying I don’t need clay but deoc craft you need clay I don’t know why there’s a random hole here I know why actually I was about to

Say I don’t know why I covered up that up yeah I do this looks like it goes right to the corner of this I feel like I should have pushed these back one more block but it’s fine because I think it lines up with the other ones down there

Anyways I like how I mine all this dirt I’m like I already found copper and coal more coal more copper and I don’t need any of it I just broke dirt and I got more coal at least uh that’s torches I guess like a like I don’t already have an

Unlimited source of coal theoretically by just collecting Cobblestone oh my brain is really fried right now I just don’t want to do anything I think I just want to not exist at this exact moment which isn’t an option but uh that’s just kind of

What I want to do I want to sit here and not do anything it’s very odd I know I mean I am lazy but this doesn’t have anything to do with that I want to make sure I did the right spacing yes I did no I didn’t I didn’t do the right

Spacing but I don’t think it matters anyways this one was supposed to be six yeah it looks like it’s six or it’s seven and I did eight it’s fine it’s fine but it’s one block and it actually is probably better to be extra wide than short so this one

Is then eight because I go from yeah you get got a six wide tree and two all right we’ll just do eight two four 6 eight Bonk uh what’s the length of this one oh W this one is longer but in the front and back that’s actually kind of odd for

Once I mean all of these are technically different I Assume but they’re trailer homes and I figure most of these would be the same length but they really aren’t aren’t I also apparently don’t know how to count it’s for some reason that’s tricking my brain and it looks like it’s not seven but it is this one sticks out compared to the

Rest this one is scarily scarily close to the road like I’m going to make this one literally three blocks longer in the front cuz that’s kind of what it is in real life and I’m going to refill up I got three more Stacks Cobble not much but it’s something going to finish this

Foundation before I go to sleep it’s also kind of nice to just watch mobs spawn and deal with them too bad it’s mostly just zombies because they’re the only ones that spawn far enough away and we’ll actually still be able to track you anything else just will mind its own

Business at least the shaders are looking good to bad I still can’t get the game to run at 60 frames but eh one day one day we can uh get a insanely overpowered computer that can run shaders at high frame rates and when I say insanely over uh

Overpowered computer hi I got there’s a little manacor here not sure what to do with it is this mine now I put the egg here it’s not counted as a monster when I try to sleep so that’s good I probably need a pet or a leash or

Something a pet amulet or something oh I know what I can do with it I had I just remember about a year ago on my last Minecraft streams the playing with video playing with viewers that world that went horribly wrong uh I had a pet manacor I actually

Did on top of my uh Tree House house based thing and uh I could fly on it I didn’t have to feed it unless it got low health I think I still had to put a Le Le on it though pretty sure a lead sorry and I perfectly I don’t have

The ingredients on me to make a lead but I will I will I just have to give it a little bit of time ignore that I’m just leaving it for now what oh ghost I was wondering what the hell was green up there nice too bad I already have to

Start leveling off that I thought it was far enough back but I would quite wrong was quite wrong indeed well let’s see if we can figure out where the some of the front doors are on these might as well get that part started is take the Birch Throw Dirt away in

Here throw that crap in there for now just do a little bit of inventory maintenance not mean to fill my hot bar with Birch but it’s fine oh this isn’t going to make paths this is just going to make Farmland so that’s why I need the other shovel

Now yep shift and CRA control don’t change it either got it that’s real Annoying man that’s disappointing and annoying that’s real disappointing I made this special tool so I could it was like a use forever everything I finally found something I can’t use it for besides

Stone it’s to make a gra it’s to make a path I mean I guess I can make a Farmland path but I think we can all agree that would look like complete garbage where is my shovel I had it on me the entire time yep hading on me the end entire

Time it’ be really nice if I could find a modifier too that uh increases durability that isn’t a diamond that’s a onetime use or an emerald that is basically worthless on stone tools okay oh now there’s no grass there so I can’t convenient that’s uh that’s how things start yep

I’m just going to go like this it’s Minecraft can only work with so much I can’t make a porch that has a railing right on this Edge without bidding it by hand and making that take an insanely long amount of time an insanely long time so for now it’s fine I’m also

Trying to figure out there’s supposed to be something over here and I truly don’t know what it is I have a slight oh there might be trees in the way I have a slight Google Maps street view image for this one but that’s it that’s just a crappy little porch so I don’t

Know yep there’s trees in the way so I cannot see it no matter what yeah there’s street view doesn’t go back enough oh ah well that’s funny street view that just got updated a um in September somehow for this road not sure how it got in September of

2023 this house isn’t even there anymore it is on satellite but um it’s an empty lot on street view it is an empty lot now which is hilarious and that also proves the point that is truly is a mobile home trailer park because uh it’s gone that’s

Hilarious oh well I mean I guess it doesn’t matter too much how I build this one it does but doesn’t so it’s it’s fine we’re just going to make a crappy little door there and call it the next one I guess I shouldn’t make out of Oak because street view actually

Has a much darker color of wood that didn’t I just swap them it’s not swapping there we go third time’s a charm for that got it let’s see if I can see any other paths uh this one doesn’t really have a path I’m just going to make

It yeah doesn’t directly have one but yeah it’s fine it’s little details like this that are crappy but in the grand scheme of things still looks decently nice like this I can’t see at all how this looks um there’s trees a lot of trees so far the most trees that are blocking the

View and I’m just going to make it like almost identical to this one just for shits and giggles because uh it I mean you got to change it up why not I don’t know why I did that because now it’s going to take even longer for the grass to get there it’s all

Right eating got oddly quiet there that was weird eating was insanely quiet but everything else has been normal volume and there’s gravel here I need gravel as much as I can get my hands on why is there so much gravel here this is weird not going to complain I’m just

Trying to figure out why it’s here and I my mouse did whatever it felt like and just mind upward H seem to have found a problem I think I know why my mouse glitched out because my entire body glitched out okay Yep this tool is a little little buggy

It’s fine now I need to place torches down here so nothing gets a rad idea spawning okay I mean I don’t think it’ll matter that much if something were to spawn but if they did yeah and this has to be removed anyways so does all of this has to be turned into

Dirt my M what is what is wrong with my mouse it’s not a mouse pad issue right actually well I guess when I was messing with my mic earlier yeah there’s a whole bunch of dirt or something on my mouse pad I doubt that’s the reason but it

Could be could be messing with the sensor it it still uses no it uses an infrared laser it doesn’t use a red one I thought it still did nope not this one okay now that I think we have everything sorted out just continue where we left off there was a weird

Floating block of dirt there not sure why that happens beautiful F in this hole nothing ever happened nothing went wrong you didn’t see anything how is this one um I don’t I guess I don’t really have to cover that up because uh this one has a gravel path to it it’s

Fine actually gravel path doesn’t start until probably inside that Cobblestone so we’re fine we have to we got to do some deconstruction first and I don’t plan to work on that for a bit that going random crafting table because every house needs a crafting table in Minecraft why not

And one day it’ll just make things easier potentially if we can grow the stream enough and we just turn it into a uh world where people can join yep maybe one day God damn it I also realized what I was going to do a second ago I was going to see if

This stream has already been uh restricted I bet it has h not yet um the other one got restricted very quickly within like well within less than 17 minutes I mean that is when you know my mic fell twice I for some reason just thought I heard myself twice that was weird yep

Mic fell twice and then knocked over Monitor and once that uh once I knock that monitor over yeah I think I unplugged the mic and just ended that stream right then and there but it wouldn’t have matter that much anyways because my PC still decide to blue screen after I

Accidentally shut it off while trying to adjust the mic cord under my desk trying to find what which it was plugged into and uh yeah messed up a lot well you know what’s sad is that the porch is on that side with the opening Road here and this one

Isn’t I mean it’s fine I just noticed that I’m like oh that’s that’s sad there’s so much opportunity that could have been here so much opportunity so much opportunity I’m going to make this a big window want to talk about opportunity there’s your opportunity I’m already that that Birch went quick very

Quick okay just continue this on continue this on even though there’s probably mobs getting ready to spawn it’s fine it’s fine we’re fine good thing you can’t strip down logs accidentally like or planks accidentally like you can with logs so I am holding an axe right now and right

Clicking I need to make doors crappy Birch doors but if there was a problem with doors I think we can always just go back and replace them all anyways hi there anything else want to fight I can’t hit you there we go there is a werewolf guy on top of there

Beautiful another zombes several creepers we got a werewolf oh I only saw two Creepers well there’s three now yep that could have went bad a skeleton horse mantor flying horse it’s a it’s a busy night out here bad it’s not Halloween otherwise uh these would fit

Right in and uh yeah he’s starting to grow he’s uh he’s getting up there he’s getting up there I probably have to craft a saddle actually to ride it well that was you making that noise wasn’t it ow how dare you attack me huh I’m the reason you’re alive you’re

Still growing too by the way we’ll just close that close that on you it’s fine he’s fine he’s it’s normal for him to be like that he’s just a little grumpy I’m actually going to try and keep that thing in there as long as possible because why not it’s not like

It’s doing any harm might be doing some harm to me but nobody else think I need four string I don’t know leads are weird and I never make them okay can I put a lead on you I can well we’re just going to put you there are you still going to attack me

No yeah see you chilled out we took a chill Phil yeah see you’re not attacking me anymore ah there we go ow why were you fine a second ago and then all of a sudden I know where you’re attacking again I know I probably have to do something to actually tame it

And I don’t care to because uh it’s not the point that’s not the reason that I’m here of course I hit that damn fence yeah out of all the spots of course I would hit the fence perfectly now we got this going somehow I M messed that up what version

12.2 that yep just simple 12.2 this is not going to look good it’s fine it’s fine it’s not going to look good probably anyways so it’s fine it’s all right could be a lot worse I need to go and actually color some houses so when new people show up

And they see things they see um houses that look good instead of ones that are as basic as possible yep that’s a that’s about it right now that going got a window did I mess up that badly yep yes I did wow that’s that’s a first that’s a first

One I should turn this into a stream like um I don’t I’m not looking to have people help this is just kind of like a solo project I’m working on I also don’t think any other viewers live in this town I’m like 100% certain nobody else lives nobody else

Who is ever going to be in my chat is going to live in this area there’s a reason it is my actual city in Minecraft and not just a random City that I am using Google Maps to make this it might not be done well but it’s being

Done and that’s about it much about as much as I can say there one day if I uh get popular enough I could actually probably purchase a dedicated server a high-end dedicated server that could take a large population of people and um I would upload this but I’ve talked about this in several

Streams already that as of right now that’s not going to happen I wouldn’t like to make future plans on it but I can’t guarantee that I’m going to have a large enough audience or ever make money where I could do something like that I am curious

Um 100 person I’m have caps lock on 100 person Minecraft server hosting I’m just going to look this up Pebble host I used Pebble host in the past and it worked well but I don’t think it was meant for uh oh extreme Minecraft hosting what is

Extreme uh I know this had mods because I used mods on them one of them for a bit I think maybe I’m wrong ex um well this doesn’t actually say how many people it can take but it works it’s verified that it works with curse

Forge it is verified how but what I want to know is how many people can be on a modded server with 25 gigs of RAM with dedicated CPU threads whatever that means what are five dedicated CPU threads I know how CPUs work I know how

CPUs host but what I don’t get is how I can select different amounts of threads for the same CPU that first of all has more than five threads that’s a rizon 75800 x yeah more than five threads um I’m just trying to get rough estimates here 100 player

Slots but with only okay need more uh we need a lot more than that let’s just start the price at probably triple digits you use wise hosting for your server you have no problems with them and the customer support is amazing uh why is hosting let’s look into that real quick

Okay well it’s off to a bad start that the website is slow uh okay so mod packs are supported hopefully you can install your own I assume you can that would make it wouldn’t make sense if you couldn’t where can I see order now um unlim unlimited

Players a Shuler for 32 gigs of RAM with unlimited players the problem there’s a big problem is that it’s only 32 gbt of ram I’m pretty sure that that could not support1 players with all these mods with only 32 gigs could be wrong I could be insanely

Wrong but I’m trying to think of like how people have giant Pixelmon servers like I’ve played on a Pixelmon server that had a Max of 500 people and the server was a little bit laggy here and there but it had like a time reset every 10 minutes and it fixed it and it

Only started to get laggy after like the ninth minute in every set you can manually add RAM and probably but I’m just trying to think of but the mods that I have and there would definitely be more added over time um 32 gigs of RAM for 100 plus

People seems like it definitely isn’t enough and that’s starting at $100 basically starting at so there’s definitely other hidden fees or it’s missing information like you might have to pay extra for mods I don’t know either way I’m not really concerned about it use 10 gigs but your server has

Plugins yeah and these mods are I think significantly more uh demanding than any plugins you have I could be wrong and I don’t have the most I don’t have super demanding mods Tech technically but still when they’re all put together and if you were to have an insane amount of people on it

Yeah see if I can place this door nope that’s not the side I want it on see if it’ll yep there we go and so the doors match because why not yeah I would like to turn this world into a server One Day by that by the

Time that would or could ever happen obviously everything would be significantly bigger everything would be more full and I would have to figure out a um land claim hosting kind of thing that’s not too bad but how many people do you have run on it though at

Once because uh people go crazy for like streamers or YouTubers when they try and play on the same server or whatever that’s people go crazy for crap like that and uh if I ever did get have that opportunity I don’t think it would uh don’t think there would be a small

Amount of people on it man I cannot speak anymore my uh my tongue is fried a four size window there is fine that’s fine oh and how much more Birch one stack that’s all I have left this Birch is going so so damn quick do that uh this that leaves that that’s

Fine 4 to 12 most amount of people we had during a stream was like 22 yeah I mean that’s not that’s not bad at all but if it were to ever get to that point I think I would have to expect a lot more than

22 but I don’t don’t think it will ever get to that point if it does it does if it doesn’t well then no no problem see it lets me sleep next to the mantor even though it’s been attacking me but right now it’s docile like he’s fine he’s

Chill he’s literally coming towards me and is not doing anything I mean that’s fine I know I’m technically supposed to tame it but I haven’t been I’m going to let you’re not what I think you are at least I don’t think so oh you did a lot more damage than I thought you

Would no you were not at all what I thought you were at first because I think the thing I thought about at first would not have burnt in the sun nope man I need so many more trees like that in between houses tall trees not tiny short Minecraft crappy trees

But I need trees that you know aren’t um aren’t that tall it’s a little excessive d I think jungle trees usually grow taller than like a standard oak tree of that size right I could be wrong but I don’t I don’t plant a lot of jungle trees I’m mostly

Spruce like I’m like almost dedicated to Spruce only I love Spruce it’s great uh where’s the entrance of this house I’m not really sure it’s definitely on that side though and since I have the Birch here and I’m already doing it I might as well get it

Started and we can do a rough estimate of if there you have three sidewalk there then we’ll do a little bit more sidewalk one two three four that’s fine good enough I have a nice Discord server very simple yeah I set it up Three four four years ago I think I set it up haven’t touched a single setting since probably because there’s not really much of a point in it when I have been streaming off and on or creating content off and on and there’s like you know never anybody in it and I don’t use

Discord myself but I think I set it up for basic principles and that’s about it and it does the job I guess for Discord but the problem is there’s I’m the the only uh moderator there are other people that are listed as moderators but they’re people from high

School and they’re people that I basically don’t talk with anymore most of them not by choice but that’s just kind of how it is can’t really control that sometimes yeah I think uh one of them is online quite often but yeah yeah no never never do anything okay that

Uh try and get this to make a little bit more sense for a window there why not do that yeah if this is a front door then it’s fine window good fine crafting table make a door doors door can’t even get through over there that’s fine it’s

Something did I put a door in this one I did okay well I have two extra doors right now I’m going to have to come back and make a whole bunch of fence I’m already going to have to make a lot of fence like that uh I did collect some

Gravel I’ll use all of it right here now I can also switch this that any nope we do that one that one I can’t do yet okay placing gravel it is the one time I actually want and need gravel and then I haven’t gone mining since I’ve actually needed this uh large

Portion of gravel where did you come from and why did you only now start burning where was it under there that entire time there’s no way no way it was I would have seen it earlier and I would have heard burning when it got a lot

Closer to me before it was you know I would have heard that thing burning and dying before it ever growed me it’s whatever it’s fine there’s no sense in putting torches over there it’s not like things spawn and they’re going to kill me they’re not much of a threat that anything that’s

Going to spawn under there isn’t a threat it wouldn’t even be a threat if there was probably like a hundred of them the threat would be the damn uh game lagging with that many mobs trying to move around at once and yeah I had an entire stack and

Half of gravel and it went away and I swear just a few seconds Rotting Flesh Birch Birch Birch we’re going to throw that in there do I have more doors in here right now I do I need to start kind of splitting up some stuff here like all the oak fence and

Slabs it’s fine I have more gravel let’s actually use it then landed right in the hole can’t complain with that this is I think the first time I’ve actually built beyond the road that I’ve uh that I haven’t done yet every house I’ve done there’s always

Been a road in front of it not so much here I mean there’s a marking for one but I’ve always kind of had the the crappy Cobblestone Road which will eventually not be Cobblestone um I’ve always had this be built before anything else all right there so much dirt here yeah have

A biggy backa mod thing that uh was weird to find randomly that apparently I have now and can use well how much durability 370 it won’t last long yeah trust me on that it will not last long oh well that didn’t last long period of me

Mining ohuh I mean that’s good I guess that means it’s not as tall as I was thinking it was going to to be it’s still tall whoops wasn’t supposed to break one of those things to Stone it’s fine that’s fine we just replace it and nothing ever

Happened no replace it like nothing ever happened yeah this direction is going to be the one that’s going to be full of stone no matter what full stone for a while get this get the co uh copper yep I dug into a room yep and now we start leveling

Everything and I do mean everything uh W this perfect Mark that not sure why I really need to mark it but it’s fine and I’m not going to have uh any durability left on this P it broke it didn’t even tell me that it broke once again that’s really annoying when you

Break a tool and it it barely does the animation and it doesn’t even make the noise like I know it works because I’ve done it so many times but it’s fine over the tree perfect actually on top of the tree not over it landed on the damn thing

Okay put the crappy ores away that I don’t have any need or want for Cobblestone I’ll throw diorite in there Cobalt I really need to just make a tool station and leave it in here and I just never do broken we got 1,50 more durability I need more coffee here

Beautiful now I need to abouted to say I need to empty this but do I really cuz I’ll use everything that’s in here I will except for that but it’s a single block oh well how much food do I have left a full stack of donuts I think I’m

Fine think I’ll survive about to be night time already don’t land in the corn perfect barely missed it but we did miss it dirt snack out of all the out of all the things that I can actually do with dirt in this world um eating it is not one of

Them yeah eating dirt is not an option but I think I have more than enough food anyways I have more Donuts than um a lot of things I’m man I’m doing these sometimes in the worst ways possible I mean it’s getting the job done I guess but not in any any way

Shape or form and if anybody has uh ADHD or add they’re probably hating on me real bad no dirt snack not by choice I could probably find a mod that allows you to eat dirt but I don’t think it’s worth my time um and no it’s a little more than I

Don’t think it’s worth my time I know it’s not worth my time to make it to get a mod that allows you to eat dirt if I knew how to code and I knew how to make Minecraft mods that seems like a great idea just screw around have

A little bit of fun with something like that and I filled my inventory full of garbage so now I can’t pick up any of the dirt get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that get rid of that

Get rid of those get rid of those and dirt throw full Stacks in there do that that’s fine all this in there I can still fill that beautiful I see no problems here besides that it’s night time already I don’t think think that dirt’s going to despawn yet even if it

Does won’t take me long to acquire more oh no there’s a big scary manacor in here whatever shall I do go to sleep even though it can actually attack me and hurt me come on you know you want to no why are you randomly docile again you’re randomly aggressive I don’t like

It because I don’t know if you’re going to attack me or what but it lets me sleep next to you still so clearly it can’t be that off hi wolf I did not expect to one hit KO that I will not lie it’s a little little sad God I hit the fence

Again that is not what you want to do go flying across the uh world and then just land straight into a fence yep what it’s fine oh no I just realized I’m going to get to the point where I’m going to drop my frame rate significantly oh

No I mean that’s what I get for leaving all this garbage on the ground I guess it’s all on me I okay thought I had a space here to get back up I just failed in every way possible there every way trying to get that done all right it’s

Time yep it is time to eat dirt and shovels already broken that quick good think I have this thing oh B leveling off mountain is um I don’t know not as easy as I initially thought but I’m also doing it some of the most inefficient ways possible so that might have something to

Do with it not sure why did that suddenly get slow and then got fast again yep okay well on the bright side after 5 minutes all this stuff will do spawn on the downside I’m constantly adding to it and the 5 minutes is just getting reset every second so it’s

Fine it’ll progressively be getting worse be getting a lot worse before it gets any better probably it’s fine uh my view view count number right now does not make sense but I’ll go with it I’ll ignore it for the most part I made enough of a comment on it and that’s

Fine because I usually don’t make comments whenever my uh view count changes randomly chish hi welcome back yeah um pretty sure you were there whenever I was having the computer and mic issues right it could be wrong but I thought you were there earlier yeah P what about P what about

P he said P what about it if you’re going to say something in chat like that you got to you got to elaborate and yeah you were uhhuh yeah in the that 17 minutes of that first stream with the mic not working for half of it I said so many cuss words and

Dropped the f bomb so many times that that instantly got restricted it’s unlisted now because it wasn’t really anything besides me being on a pause menu the entire time and cussing for half of it but yep that was that was a time and then you know he got to restart the stream

Again and after not even two minutes of the stream your PC blue screens with an uh error I’ve never seen before love it it’s great any diamonds in this mix there’s a few gold bars but uh actually I think I should collect the gold yeah I don’t care about the clay as

Much or the iron I have I have more than enough iron but out of everything here I think the thing I need the most would be the gold I don’t have a lot of usage for it but I need it for casts I need it for apples I do need it for chest

Upgrades um apparently there’s shulker box upgrades did not know about that this is the first time seeing it there’s curtains that require gold for some reason a silk touch modifier requires gold yep I think it does at least maybe I’m wrong maybe it was glowstone or something

Else but here we go erasing dirt and once again I swear that I smell somebody baking bread I don’t know why and it smells great though it makes me in insanely hungry and I’m already hungry I have dinner um and I’m not I wasn’t planning on eating it until I finish

Streaming so yes I have dinner I have had decent amount of caffeine without food and actually the only thing I’ve eaten today Artic hi welcome back uh the only thing I’ve eaten today is um a small bag of popcorn that was made with too much canola oil I didn’t make the popcorn but

You remember your old account Anonymous that does sound familiar actually it was like did you have uh something on the front and back of your username too it might have been yeah Anonymous does sound familiar yeah I’m not good with usernames by the way I’m definitely mention this a

Lot but uh yeah there’s I Anonymous hacker I don’t remember Anonymous hacker I remember like an anonymous with like something in front of it and behind it I think also you remembered who it was Blackwater boss what about Black Water yeah what about Black Water cuz I

Remember who he was too or who he is what about him though the one who tormented you yeah well like I said he was the one that I actually knew in real life and I did give him all of those points but yes that was a I’m pretty sure I got

Insanely pissed off in some of those streams we couldn’t remember at the time yeah I didn’t know if you’re meaning him or uh somebody else at the time I when you mentioned it the other day I was thinking you were meeting somebody else but yeah no that was

Blackwater he also used to have a different username too but yeah that was yeah those were streams mhm streams where Seven Days to Die never wanted to run properly streams where I got insanely pissed at a video game insanely pissed at him because he always thought it was funny and just kept doing

It but it just always made things harder like there’s a limit on how far to take things and uh yeah he never he never knew Li the limits was not something he ever never knew he never cared it just like he did what he wanted and that was

It he’s just that kind of guy you miss no neck I remember that yeah because I remember taking the time and uh making that I remember what computer it was on specifically when I made that video I remember um what location where I current where I lived I

Remember that the sun was out it was like a day where I wasn’t working so it was it was like 11 11 12 11:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. something messages aren’t going through that’s a problem are they not showing up on my end or are they not showing up from you trying to send

Them that’s the problem is that I don’t have an easy pop out chat yes there is a pop out chat option on YouTube and twitch at least I think there still is the problem is it doesn’t work properly for streaming it doesn’t like pop out into a permanent

Browser oh yeah there is a problem with YouTube chat Um maybe if I just open up this real quick and log back in oh because I’m not logged in anymore great now I have to okay I’m going to pause the game because um I have to do that like recapture thing where you have to look at nine images

And select all of them with crosswalks the problem is this usually takes me like five six attempts because um they’re never good recapture things oh first try perfect can’t complain okay now send a whole bunch of just send just maybe don’t spam messages because it might block you or something send

Just send a few messages and we’ll see if anything are coming through so for example my test does that come through on my end like I said be careful not spam because uh YouTube might block it I won’t but uh my test hasn’t come through so that’s

Concerning oh never mind it all just updated at once at least on my chat that I look at it all just popped in at once did it pop in on screen though at least it is there on screen yeah I don’t know why it’s making me log back in on like everything now

For this not YouTube directly but the uh restream oh my God this thing I can’t even view the fire hydrants this browser isn’t big enough fire hydrant fire hydrant fire hydrant that is a moped that looks like a sports bike that is a moped that’s designed to look like a

Duke uh KTM Duke I think okay I selected all the ones with a fire hydrant invalid email or password thanks that means I have to do it again bicycles oh this is one that usually causes problems because uh there’s always one hidden bicycle or they’re counting one of these mopads as a

Bicycle never mind that one worked okay fix that okay am I fine is it all working Daniel hi how’s it going you kind of randomly showed up in the middle of all this testing but I just now saw it hey test hello hi how’s it going hopefully you’re still here hopefully

You didn’t leave because that we accidentally ignored you hopefully it’s not the first time won’t be the last but can only do so much I’m one person and the internet you know is always flawed there’s always a pro a bug in some kind of program things never work 100%

And I work for a company that um needs intelligent it people and sadly I know a lot about computers I know a lot about Electronics but I can’t go and make a website I can’t go and uh fix somebody’s coding I can’t go and make their program

Run better I can’t do that but I can tell you problems I can tell you what causes some of those or more than some a lot of those problems I can tell you not directly how to fix it but I can tell you like okay this is causing this

Problem clearly and we need this we need this done in order to get this to work um for example like two months ago when um my part of my job got turned back on because it was off for like two months it came back on that first week

Uh for shipping making boxes packing things up we were not able to make a lot of shipping labels and nobody knew why and I finally found out at least part of the reason was on the website where you order it there was no shipping weight the old system used that shipping weight in

Order to automatically generate a label the new website did not have the weight and so that in turn that would not allow us to make those labels we could still manually make them but it wouldn’t automatically generate them because it had one of those fields missing so whenever the system would automatically

Go and try and look at that it would have an empty section that would bug it out because it was empty it couldn’t fill in anything and it could not finish its job I couldn’t go and I I’m not I can’t go and you know add that to the website

Myself but I’m like if you add this back to the website the program whatever that read that’s making that label can actually see that there’s something there will autofill it and it might fix the problem and then shortly after that they went and added the uh weight to the

Website it’s it’s not a big thing but I mean for somebody who can’t code I am decently educated and how like the frame not framewor but I know how things work and how they should work what of my PC specs I have an i7 8700k 32 gigs of 32 00 megahertz

Ram I have a I think it’s a terabyte no 512 gig heart or SSD with a one tab hard drive both are very full and um I have not taken any time to really fix them my back is hurting a lot right now scarily a lot I have a 36 DTI which

It’s starting to not be as good as I ever thought it was I’m finding out slowly more and more that it’s kind of lacking in some areas which is sad and of course my dumbass bought it during the GPU crisis with bit mining so I paid

Way more than it was worth but I also bought it when it was inside of a computer so not this computer but I paid over $1,000 for a computer with 3060 TI I still have that computer and um it has a rx580 in it because that’s

What was in this computer with that CPU but I wanted something more powerful GPU wi and I’m starting to learn that at least for seven days to die pretty sure my CPU is the bottleneck not my GPU I could be wrong but based on everything that I’ve

Learned and experimented with um the ram was an issue for streaming because I wouldn’t if I was streaming 7 days to die I could not even open up a browser my Ram was maxed out and I didn’t even know it was that easy to max out

Um 16 gigs of RAM but it it it yeah it did it Max that [ __ ] out yeah so then eventually I got um I think I watched a YouTube video from toasty Bros where they found well they I mean they build computers for a living they

Have a small business and they found an actual respectable and supposedly reliable set of cheap ddr4 Ram 16 gigs for 2 eight sticks it was like literally I don’t even I think it was $29.99 I bought it installed it haven’t had a problem with it if there has been a problem I have

Not noticed a problem my computer likes to crash about half the time when I first turn it on anyways and adding more RAM did not change or worse than the problem obviously Ram shouldn’t have anything to do with a computer crashing but it said something about having

Memory issues with some of the error codes and so I was thinking maybe there was like a problem with one of the sticks of ram so may I was thinking maybe if I had four for some reason whatever the problem would was it would go away clearly didn’t happen but it’s fine you

Are somehow surviving with eight gigs so 8 gigs of RAM is usable 8 gigs of RAM specifically is not enough to run seven days to die while streaming it isn’t uh Minecraft as long as yeah no Minecraft 8 gigs of RAM You Can Do It video editing I would say you

Could probably run an entire YouTube channel with 8 gigs of RAM and a reasonably powerful CPU you have an i5 specifically what I5 because that can make a difference because some i5s nowadays are are significantly more powerful than my i7 but there’s also you know significantly older i5s that are uh

Lacking you have another 8 gig stick ordered yeah it’s it’s 16 gigs of RAM eight technically is the bare minimum for a lot of games so it’s always good to have at least 16 nowadays especially with Windows starting to take up like up to four gigs of RAM by itself

Sometimes um let’s see I’m going to actually look at my specific Ram so I am using while streaming and playing Minecraft I am using 14 gigs of RAM right now uh I have one tab open in Google Maps or Google Chrome and I have my chat open I have

OBS so for Ram um Minecraft is using five and a half gigs OBS is using not even half a gig Google Chrome not even half a gig all of this that adds up to maybe eight gigs of RAM that is shown that is actively being used that means somewhere

There is a program within windows that is using almost 6 gab of my Ram without being listed this is this has been a problem on this computer ever since I owned it I did not build this PC I have done slight modifications to it I did not build it I

Did not do the windows install I did not do drivers besides the 3060 TI drivers I have not done majority of the work so wherever the uh I I remember this being actually a problem is that it’s always been between four and six gigs of RAM

That is being used I have no programs opened on Startup besides Steam and I just have six gigs of RAM four to six gigs of RAM used that doesn’t say I was checking the chat I was just had the task manager open that’s how I know what Minecraft

Was using that’s how I saw all that everything adds up to not even 10 gigs of RAM being used yeah I I genuinely do not know what takes up the RAM and that’s what I’m thinking as part of the memory error codes that I get sometimes when the

Computer crashes when I turn it on might have something to do with whatever is using that much RAM in the background I haven’t figured it out it hasn’t caused any problems that I’m aware of I haven’t it’s not like somebody’s out there stealing my information because if they did I think

I would have noticed after two to three years if they are stealing my information they’re doing a hell of a good job because they’re not doing anything with it uh I don’t have any credit cards saved to my computer I do have them saved to certain

Um websites but they are not saved in the browser they are not saved locally they are only saved on that specific website for example Amazon has my credit card saved on Amazon only but my browser will not autofill a credit card if it needs one for any website I will not allow

That so I I just don’t know CU I’m just like okay maybe somehow somebody’s hacked something in the computer computer and whatever thing they’re using isn’t being displayed and it’s using 6 G gigs of RAM or whatever but I don’t think that’s the case it’s very unlikely that that would

Be the case but it’s not impossible it’s just at this point I think it’s a little impossible I would have noticed by now I would have noticed a long time ago it’s not like new Pro programs have ever shown up out of nowhere on my computer that was stupid that I just

Destroyed all that dirt like that but it’s fine and my inventory is full of garbage yep don’t need the windy Gardens don’t need poppies don’t need seeds don’t need dandelions arguably don’t need dandelions don’t need sticks slime balls don’t need clay should probably keep bowls I don’t need string I’m going to keep

Okay copper I don’t need copper but I’m going to keep it man I’m starting to get real hungry but I want to keep streaming I actually have a decent amount of people chatting so I can’t complain it is 7:01 I’ve been streaming in this session for an hour and 33 minutes that’s

Fine that’s not bad at all not bad at all I’m just going to continue breaking this up no wonder my game’s dropping frames a little extra because I had OBS displaying on the other screen chat what about chat you just say chat to say that you’re chatting or what I don’t

Know uh silty dirt yep has no use so that’s fine all right time to mass remove dirt still kind of have to do this in order to make space for houses for once I’m not wanting to do this at the moment every other time I’ve broken blocks around here it’s like okay

I wanted to do that just to screw around for a bit eras dirt and now I’m here I’m like okay well I kind of would like to continue building like I was earlier it’s fine pretty sure my character just moved sideways by like half a block and I was not

Moving like I moved but I did not move it weird uh well now I’m just going to have a lot of items sitting here in the way it’s fine it’s time to lag the lag the game again by having way too many blocks floating oh I need to actually go more

This way did not think about that beautiful you know in whichever message you mention Discord that doesn’t show up on my window whichever one you uh well I’m GNA open up this real quick and see open up YouTube I Wish I Could view my chat on YouTube without opening the live stream

And forcing it to watch an ad forcing me to watch an ad on my own stream Valor Christian College Valor Christian College that’s a new ad I haven’t seen that one before but uh yep it just showed me an ad on my own stream uh you know in whichever message

You mention Discord that doesn’t show up whatever you’re talking about with Discord it still hasn’t shown up if you’re talking about wanting to join the disc if you aren’t already in it um the uh link is down below but I yeah I don’t know you know in whichever message you mention Discord

That doesn’t show up on my window it doesn’t show up on my window and YouTube either so I don’t think that’s a issue with my chat something tells me that’s an issue with Discord or an issue with YouTube Discord I mean that went well went through on my

End doesn’t mean it actually went through send that thing super chats that’d be stupid if you can give yourself a Super Chat wow that’s sad that is really sad that it’s a legitimate thing you can it lets you okay what’s also the super stickers thing that was not here oh

Um stupid that’s what they are a young hippopotamus named popo left the Waters of his home it’s night time I was just reading something stupid on YouTube with the stickers I’m like uh it’s night time I didn’t bounce that was weird there we go come on let’s get

Inside before things try to kill me yeah why are super stickers like this that’s odd I’m going to get out of here before creeper shows up out of nowhere just sit on the rooftop for a bit why not I mean I don’t think anything’s going to go

Wrong I feel like YouTube’s Really T trying to do some stupid cash grab things there’s an you can pay 99 cent to do a fancy poop emoji why why is that a thing why just just why okay don’t know um oh I was hoping I would go

Through the window it was close it was very close but not close enough damn it uh Enderman I’m not going to accidentally look at you as you teleported towards me or towards my vision okay uh throw that in there that’s fine should probably repair this mat talk real quick before it’s too late

Yeah my uh my that’s made out of cobalt that I can upgrade with stone sounds a little cheaty but if the game allows it why not there we go yeah man I’m just realizing more and more how actually hungry I am probably because I’ve literally consumed maybe 300 calories Max today probably not

Even I’ve had three cups of coffee today maybe yeah three and one of them was absolutely Ely disgusting at work it was Sour not sure how it was Sour not sure why it was Sour but it was what is this Golden Rod oh it’s just yellow dye I mean it looks nice

But I don’t I don’t know it doesn’t look like Golden Rod to me I’m too used to Golden Rod from 7 days to die I’m too spoiled I also have mentioned seven days to die a lot recently in the Stream but I do genuinely love the game it’s just streaming it has

A streaming it has never really went well I’m pretty sure every time I’ve streamed seven days die within the past year or three I’ve had an average of zero viewers like when Blackwater was there he was usually about the only one there was couple other people occasionally but

It was was mostly empty streams the last time I know the last World I streamed 7 Days to Die it was insanely empty the entire time cuz I went back and looked at him I’m like oh yeah why did I even I it was so bad that I completely forgot that I even

Played a world like that because my memory just deleted it because it had no reason to keep it it wasn’t good memories it was boring Bland things and I had no reason Reon to think back on it and want to remember it I guess I don’t

Know yeah it’s weird when you go back at a on like a stream or a video and you don’t even remember ever making that video or that stream or that world and I have a lot of cases like that surprisingly um I have an entire Pixelmon series that I don’t remember

Making I have like a few crappy pixel someon series but there is one that I do not remember making at all it’s made with um very crappy frame rate okay is my heater just constantly been running all right give me a second give me like 30 30 seconds maybe

Old ver memory not quite I think old ver memory I wouldn’t remember anything but it’s kind of weird that I have like an basically entire series that I don’t even remember making and I’m pretty sure I’ve been using unintentionally using my El tiny electric heater here to uh try to heat

My entire place by leaving the door open because it hasn’t been turning off this entire time and it’s still not that warm in here for it been running for almost two hours straight good thing it doesn’t actually use that much electricity I don’t think I think it’s like s cents an hour maybe

Maybe it’s more like 14 with winter rates not entirely sure on that but my power bill is definitely going to be a lot higher this month and for the next few months my gas bill is also going to be a lot higher because uh you know having a

Furnace and keeping that going and yeah I had to keep this place warm enough warm enough so pipes don’t burst I guess John gaming hi how’s it going it’s uh it’s it’s a day all this random garbage sitting here way too much I really need to also just kick down this entire

Wall and uh uhhuh that entire Mountain it doesn’t seem like that big of a mountain but when it’s still you know 20 to 30 blocks tall it’s going to take a while okay let’s just give it an estimate okay flat here is 68 that’s fine the entire city is going

To be at level 68 how high is the actual Peak over here I don’t think it’s quite 30 up but I mean maybe I’m maybe it’s nice between 30 and 20 so we had 68 well we’re at 89 so about 20 yeah it looks like it’s a

Lot more than 20 but I’m wrong Swifty hi how’s it going I you don’t know I don’t know anything either I don’t know anything anything besides I uh guess I should chop down these trees but not right now I should eat eventually eventually ouch I just realized that I have an

Insane amount of dirt on me like I somehow made it to the point where I unintentionally had almost every stack in my inventory full yep did I already break this thing I just repaired it like two minutes ago maybe a little bit more than two minutes but literally it’s been maybe five

Minutes maybe not even 880 durability does not last long not at this rate yeah no not at this rate yep just keep leveling things that’s all I can do for now God damn I can level things I can uh make the world lag more yep that’s what

I’m best at actually I am pretty good at um lagging worlds I definitely can make a make a world that would crash and you would never be able to open it again with redstone I messed around with that jokingly um a little bit before I moved

Out of my parents house and I probably still have those videos on my channel too maybe it’s only like two videos but those were videos that I remember actually spending a decent amount of time trying to edit and everything and then of course you know getting like no results out of the effort

But I think those videos are still uploaded or at least public now I have to go back and look at it I’m curious I have to know got to know search across my channel we’re just going to go Redstone they are or yes it’s still there okay that thumbnail is kind of

Crap oh I know why the thumbnail is crap is because I had to use a paint 3D to make it this was before I knew how to use [ __ ] which sounds like a a Bad Thing [ __ ] is a very nice free video editing or photo editing software when I mean nice I mean

It is beautiful to use uh yeah this thing is um it is public still that is odd yeah this thing’s still on the channel how low quality um this was May of 2020 so I had a kind of gaming PC not the best but definitely could run Minecraft and record in respectable

Quality recorded in 1080 but I think I had a non 1080 monitor yeah definitely non 1080 yeah I can see the artifacting from go from having an incorrect uh oh my God it actually looks really bad the record quality must have been horrible you know I bet you I didn’t

Even have OBS at the time and no no I definitely had OBS actually um I discovered OBS before I even had a desktop God that quality is really low actually I’m going back and looking at this it is exactly as I remember super flat world that I made this thing in and uh

How low did the frame rate get it definitely got to zero FPS oh yeah it got to zero and I think I was able to break it and fix it oh my God I can see the graphics card that I had before I knew what a graphics card

Was this is a nerd [ __ ] to me I had an r9380 R9 380 versus 3060 TI we’ll just do this comparison real quick okay how about let’s go to a 2060 mobile that okay that’s a not as big of a jump as I thought damn I really kind

Of kept wish I kept that PC then r9380 too I gave it back to the guy who made it because he gave me a different one a better one with a 580 in it but I remember this r9380 being I don’t know something was off about it I didn’t know much about

Graphics at the time but it kind of struggled to run 7 Days to Die probably because at this point the it’s um it’s an eight-year-old or nine-year-old graphics card so how does it compare actually against the 580 which doesn’t appear on here oh there it is oh 580 is actually not that much

Better wow that’s huh weird I don’t know that’s so unusual though that I can see that it also had an i oh my God no wonder no wonder I had trouble doing stuff it was a third gen i7 the graphics card was not the problem on this PC it was the

CPU that would definitely explain why I remember uh seven days die running really poorly for what I thought that PC could run it at and uh yeah that would explain that would also explain why the uh video quality that I just watch was so bad is because the

CPU Okay so so and oh come on i7 3700 release this back in 20 okay yeah back in 2020 I was using a CPU from 2012 yeah that would that would definitely explain why it was struggling to uh do any kind of video encoding and it looked kind of pixelated and

Everything yeah that would explain it huh I mean I still am using you know a CPU from what is it I have an eighth gen are we on 14th gen CPUs for for Intel now or are we still on 13 either way I’m five or six Generations you know out of date which

Isn’t too bad but it’s still I mean simp I could get an three that’s probably cheaper open YouTube chat why is it not going through the stting to piss me off that it’s not going through because I don’t have a way to monitor the chat properly then if it’s not going through

I can’t properly monitor it and every time I open up my own stream it gives me another ad open YouTube chat uh there’s nothing different no I don’t see anything different on YouTube chat it’s the same thing as it’s spin it mat YouTube chat matches what I show does the stream match it

Matches okay I don’t know just hear the Manore growling it’s fine what it it what YouTube just showed me versus what my chat shows is the exact same thing doesn’t show that there’s like any messages that went through on YouTube but didn’t come through my end so is are there a lot of

Messages I’m missing now I see no no I see the oh high what now I see the way better open up YouTube chat that’s that’s all that it just showed me there was nothing more you join the okay let’s see did the Discord thing come through uh okay the hey Mary join

Discord might say it needs a glow up I definitely need to glow up but I mean I don’t ever use it anymore you can help me make it it’s Discord and right now I have no plans to make it any better no offense um I literally rarely use Discord and it’s

Still the exact same way it is um from when I set it up or years ago I think it’s because of Discord well I don’t know why Discord should mess things up but I guess YouTube has some kind of moderation thing I don’t know you know what I can check I

Can check to see if Discord if YouTube is doing some kind of weird um comment censoring I doubt it but it’s not impossible hey my stream has not um hasn’t been limited yet but you okay I’m gonna say this right now YouTube’s having issues I just looked at some of the

Statistics of the stream so far and uh I have more live viewers than total views yeah YouTube’s not working properly um comment moderation let’s not hold back any comments um it also doesn’t say anything about it says they’re holding yeah no it’s not holding them it’s just probably

Blocking them that’s fine yeah um I have more likes than views which is obviously impossible uh oh that that number makes a lot more sense okay that one that one makes a lot more sense got it it’s definitely not one of my blocked words um I don’t think I even have

Blocked words on YouTube I have blocked words on restream which is is like blocked cuss wordss yeah that’s fine so it doesn’t appear you know on screen and stay there for the entire time but no I don’t have have uh censored words on YouTube it’s whatever

Their Auto sensors in is and I did just turn off basic moderation it was Moder basic moderation for chat your comments was on I turned it off not sure if it’ll make a difference or not but you can we can try I did my part I guess but YouTube is clearly having

Issues um it might be related to the fact that this is like the third stream I had to do within a short period of time that it kind of bugged something out it’s very possible I also went all the way over there there to empty dirt

And I did not even do that because I got a little sidetracked just a little bit Yeah I need to empty just all this dirt I’m going to be getting a lot more so it’s fine no mobs in here good uh sticks Cobble throw Cobble in

There because I know I’m going to be getting a lot more here soon I did not know this chest was this full of dirt that’s a problem that’s a big problem you know it’s out of context but how tall am I 56 I’m between 5’6 or 5’4 depending on

What Doctor you ask apparently because uh I have a friend that their doctor says they’re 5’4 but they’re literally the same height as me and and the I Sav my doctor like I have an active doctor but like in high school I was 5’4 I haven’t got I

Haven’t gotten any taller or shorter I’m pretty sure the only thing that’s happened is that I’ve gained weight that’s about it I uh I like food too much I’ve gained weight and then also lost weight and uh I may have drastically lost weight recently in a potentially bad way due to

Uh my belt not fitting nicely any more causing problems obviously you know when your belt loosens up to the point where you’re on the last belt hole and you have to switch up your belt so I’ve been using the same belt hole belt loop hole for years upon

Years and until like the past couple weeks I finally had to switch to the uh the tightest one because uh my pants simply wouldn’t stay day up no matter what pair I have different pairs of pants that are kind of different sizes because they’re different brands you know manufacturers do things slightly

Different and yeah it’s uh kind of been a problem I remember saying that someone might be stealing my personal info guess what you’re doing right now I don’t think you can do much by stealing my height yeah I don’t think you’re making it far by knowing how tall I

Am I think you can make it farther by knowing what uh GPU and CPU I have and that still isn’t much why am I doing this I literally have all this dirt that I have to go do something with um I just saw I just noticed

Something I need to do I have to cover up this entire River maybe not entire but a lot of it has to be covered up huh fun all right well it’s about to be night time in game but I’m just going to start placing a crap ton of

Dirt uh this this s should be fine all right what’s sad is that I can’t place this dirt like I did uh was it yesterday morning or the morning before where I literally spent like 2 hours placing dirt and I literally emptied 7 two stacks of dirt full stacks of dirt in a

Surprisingly quick amount of time small steps there is a drowning Mouse yep small steps got to make it somewhere I feel like there’s a more efficient way of doing this there’s definitely a better way to do it than this what is that is that a dolphin that’s not a

Dolphin wow you do a lot of damage but you also don’t have a lot of Health wow that’s that thing did more damage than any other mob I think I’ve been attacked by except for well obviously creepers do an insane amount when they blow up right

Next to you well I have a shark tooth even though it a shark teeth plural I can make a shark sword or a fishnet or a chain mail and interesting but I think bone meal would probably be the best use of course I get this far and it’s night

Time it’s not exactly where I meant to go I literally watched that skeleton spawn game come on could have done a little bit better than that mantor isn’t attacking me not sure why I am officially done with that cup of coffee I will not be getting more because I probably should not be

Drinking caffeine at 7:30 p.m. probably not going to end well for sleeping but I have dinner oh come on I have dinner waiting whenever I stop streaming don’t shoot me [ __ ] yeah I have dinner waiting it’s just Taco Bell but I mean I haven’t had Taco Bell now for like 2 months

Actually when was the last time I had fast food pretty sure the last time I had fast food was was Taco Bell and I want to say it was in October I don’t I know I never had fast food in December I know I didn’t um I haven’t had Wendy’s in

Literally probably almost exactly a year uh yeah it was last January that I think I last went to Wendy’s uh Sam’s Club doesn’t count as fast food because it’s much better quality and uh you actually have healthy options which uh I think last week I had

Like a pasta salad kind of thing it sounded good tried it it was good it was only like $4 too compared to like yeah you go to fast food places $4 doesn’t get you much but this was a respectable size a salad that tasted amazing for technically less than

$4 yeah fast food um haven’t had haven’t had McDonald’s McDonald’s is a waste of money I don’t eat burger I haven’t had Burger King in I want to say have I ever no I had Burger King once I had my license I moved out twice I haven’t had Burger King in over two

Years yeah huh I remember the last time I went to Burger King and that specific location I will never go back to because uh the employees locked customers in there and I was in there and I had to manually unlock the door keep in mind this was at like 600 p.m. they weren’t

Closing it was because there was a person that they knew about that they didn’t want coming inside I’m stuck I am stuck there’s a person outside that they did not want coming in uh yeah so they locked the doors with like four people inside so I had to unlock the door

Myself to get out and that was the last time I went to Burger King last time I went to that location last time I went to one in general why am I breaking dirt I literally am was placing dirt I’m getting insanely sidetracked insanely sidetracked yep okay let’s go back to trying to

Efficiently Place dirt trying to well I’m just going to say right now if I clear out all this grass it will definitely help I will collect Golden Rod because Golden Rod has some use and actually looks nice if I had a field of only Golden Rod in Minecraft I wouldn’t

Complain cuz it kind of looks better than corn to me it looks better than the corn actually does so maybe there’s a way I can make a field of golden run but I think I have to probably use this biome with uh bone meal to specifically get golden rod that’s what it looks

Like okay now that I’ve broken an insane amount of this stuff we will continue on uh let’s see actually I need more here broken can I reach that yes thought I had another block let’s see how far we can make it here yep immediately like a grass is always in the

Way grass is in the way there are reasons that I have to remove all of this grass I thought I was out of run already for a second there oh there’s a n it’s not a ravine nope that’s just a kind of Cave thing and there’s an albino Mouse

It looks like it’s white and also had red eyes I think that would be albino I think come what the I jumped up here was on top of it and then still fell the opposite direction I don’t know how that happened feel like there’s a better Direction I should be doing

This if I fill in the low spots here that’ll make things a lot easier for me don’t even know what to say because I’m simply placing dirt it’s it’s dirt that’s all I have to say about that it’s dirt I’m going to trap myself in at this rate and any

Randomly plac blocks that are underneath this I’m not going to care about cleaning up it’s I don’t need a clean them up so it’s fine too bad I just have a lot of this to fill in uh yeah we can go this way it’s fine pretty sure I misplaced I did yep

Left a hole I thought I did kind of look like I did I was right congratulations I have re received a 100 messages uh just in general on restream today not bad not bad your MC base just got raided uh were you playing on a public

Server or were you playing on like a competitive server I don’t know all I know is if I was playing on a Minecraft server that didn’t have uh rules that didn’t have like land claims or stuff like that I don’t think I would be I don’t think I would like

It I don’t I’m not the kind of person that I want to log into Minecraft U make a hidden base just for somebody to find it take everything and then I have to you know restart yeah not uh not what I want to do that damn grass is in the way already

This tree is going to be in the way and I kind of just want to leave it here for now I can I can gather the tree at another point so what are these though dates what the hell that does not look like a date but all

Right I don’t remember dates being pink and spotty but it’s fine my foot is going numb like I’m cutting off circulation that’s weird I mean I I was like half crisscross but has claims but raid TNT what do you mean raid what is raid TNT what is it a specific item that

Ignores the claims that people can craft or did somebody launch TNT with a TNT cannon I also remember uh when I was younger TNT cannons were the [ __ ] like that’s what that’s what everybody wanted to make that’s what I always wanted to make and I never once made a successful TNT

Cannon yeah raid TNT allows you to blow up stuff and claims H yep I yeah I if it was me I simply would just not play on that server because I wouldn’t oh what happened with my tooth that was weird it’s like my tooth just got locked in

Place which not sure how that’s possible but yeah I would not want to play on a server that uh would allow something like that because I wouldn’t want to put an effort and then have it ruined I mean I guess if it was specifically a server like that maybe for

Fun like I’m not the kind of person that I’m ever going to go out and play Rust by myself not going to happen if I play Rust it’s going to be on like a friends kind of server where it’s it is accessible 24/7 but it’s not like it’s random

People it’d be where we probably have groups and uh teams and stuff and we we would probably have some fun with it but I I don’t have a group of friends nor do I own rust nor do I plan on playing rust anytime soon if I do anything um with people or

Viewers it would be a Minecraft server and that one is still I would say a pipe dream and is going to be a pipe dream for a while man this is slow there’s got to be a better way to to do this right I mean I’m doing it so

I can run sideways and play like place like this which is quick but the setup here seems slow there’s got to be a quicker way right I mean I can’t reach it from down there and if I did it from down there I would just be it would take longer

Yeah won’t be able to reach it and it would take longer at least I know how to do this sideways strafe that’s quicker with shift and placees block quier soz I’m not coming to a stop placing a block coming to a stop placing a block I’m just smoothly placing block after block after

Block that was the most control I’ve ever had with block placement right there that example was just me placing like one two 3 4 it was solid and then there’s this where I’m just slowly making a bridge that looks like messed up Farmland on the map really does not look good at the

Moment then we’re just going to go back over here I’m just going to keep holding shift because I can yeah this works surprisingly well you’re going to go eat good good luck with that go eat I need to eat something here soon myself yep it is 7:40

Uh wow I Lin that up damn near perfectly without meaning to once it hits 8:00 I probably am going to go ahead and try and head out not try to head out but just head out unless unless by some miracle there’s a whole bunch of people in chat constantly

Talking then that’ll stop me from heading out but that’s don’t think that’s going to happen take no offense but it’s been a day it’s late I’ve went to work I worked to full shift I have work tomorrow I can’t just sit here and stream all night trust me I would love to but

That’s not an option yeah I can put in work every single day and maybe my effort will one day pay off but don’t think it’s going to don’t think it’s going to start to pay off within a week that’s a little unrealistic actually more than little unrealistic that’s um

Impossible except for I think I’ve seen you know St story of one specific YouTuber that uh made one video in a certain topic first day hit a thousand subscribers in less than 24 hours with one video because he up accidentally uploaded a video into a topic that had high search results but no

Competition smiley face 3rt hi how’s it going not sure what your username is supposed to be but um out of all the ones I’ve seen I don’t even know what to call you usually whenever I see a username I can kind of go off of it but I’m like

That you you gave me nothing you gave me two letters a number and an emoji and I can’t do anything with those because I can’t go like a smiley face 3rt no 3rt th threat I don’t know that doesn’t sound good that sounds awful actually I unintentionally got got that perfect

Again yeah I don’t I don’t know that’s an odd username no Indian streamer is doing right now so you come watch my streamer no Indian I assume no you mean like nobody in India or Indian is currently streaming and so you’re just watching me because it’s probably that

You’re you know in a completely different part of the world and that it is not the same time for you than me right now it is 7:43 p.m. so if you’re in India I don’t even know what time is over there but probably just call me th tho threat threat not smiley face

3rt I think we’re just going to go with rt that seems a little easier there’s no way I used all my dirt no not even close yeah RT seems a little easier little more simple all this poor dirt it is 7:13 a.m. in India okay yeah you are literally 12 and a half

Hours ahead that’s not right you’re 11 and a half hours ahead there we go yeah it is morning time for you and it is night time for me yeah 7:44 p.m. and I don’t plan on going to bed soonish I’m just really hungry I want to

Eat and I don’t want to like I don’t want to pause streaming just to eat I would if um it was more worth it but yeah no I’m not going to pause the stream just to go eat and come back I’m just would go eat and not come back and

Just relax for the for the rest of the night and then wake up for work but I’m starting to get to the point where I’m like if I just keep streaming what even why would I what’s the point in eating it would be so late

I’m just like I’m not going to eat I’ll just go to bed but I don’t want to waste the Taco Bell because the Taco Bell is not great when it’s uh not the first day yeah I should probably yeah I’m shooting to shooting to and stream around 8 that’s that’s what I’m going

With my throat is also getting irritated from talking so much I don’t think I’m drinking enough either even though I have been drinking coffee but uh coffee doesn’t really help that much and man my tooth is doing that weird thing again where it feels like it’s somehow getting stuck but it’s not like

It’s loose or anything so I don’t know what’s happening there it’s like slly concerning only slightly oh eh that’s not bad well I guess I can fill in the gaps now H I should have checked how much dirt um I had placed before I started this but it’s fine it’s fine many

Streamers don’t wake up at 5:00 a.m. in India but you wake up at 5:00 a.m. nice I wake up at 5:00 a.m. but I have to go to work and that’s the reason I wake up early yeah I don’t think majority of streamers don’t wake up early they they

They go to bed really late they wake up at like 12 and then they go to bed at like well a lot of streamers actually probably go to bed around 5 a.m. and trust me I would too if I did this for a living actually uh H yeah yeah I probably would

Stream that late I don’t know if are there more people watching at that time I think there’s actually more people watching YouTube at midnight than um any other time from my audience I’ve noticed that within like the past week is that the 12 a.m. 12 to 1:00 a.m. has like a weird Spike

Sometimes you sleep at 1:00 a.m. but before 1 a.m. you watch some anime yeah I can tell you one thing um staying up until late in the morning when it’s like a midsummer day not Midsummer day but a nice cool summer night whereas like you know daytime it’s like 80°

Fahrenheit nighttime is like down to 60 it’s nice and cool it’s dark there’s nobody out the roads are mostly clear so it’s nice and quiet outside that is like the perfect perfect time to have the window open and just watch like an anime series or something specifically that makes me think of

Uh when I when Co started in the US I was um before I got a job when I was technically fresh out of high school I was watching a certain series on Netflix that I will not repeat because it technically is against YouTube’s guidelines to even simply say it but it was

A ated mature uh Netflix series and it was Netflix original it was a very good series and I will just say watching that series and playing a friends Minecraft server until 3: or 4 in the morning while using a candle to um cook beef jerky it sounds weird but it was fun as

Hell and it was good times have you ever had like heated up beef jerky or beef jerky that has a nice little sear on it that you made a small piece and you you’re cooking it literally over a candle it it s it’s so much better than it sounds it was just

Amazing if I could go back to those days I would those were also the days where I had some of the most successful streams of uh my entire Channel and I lost out on them because of Co and a job your highest screen time is 16 to 18

Hours because of anime and don’t say about beef because we treat that as your God uh sure how about meat jerky meat jerky I’m not even sure if it was actually beef that’s the thing is that it could have been it probably was actually it’s probably fake beef

More like it which probably it claims to be real meat but um companies get real cheap with some of their stuff and it’s kind of hard to believe actually that that texture is even real meat nowadays because that um H I don’t think meat can even be that stringy

Sometimes but meat jerky will go with cooking meat jerky over a flame yeah over a candle seems stupid it is stupid tasted good it was good it properly cooked it’s just like cooking it over cooking anything over a small fire it’s just it was slow quiet cool mornings with the windows

Open I was just relaxing enjoying the time alone and I wish I could go back to those days not having bills to pay not having to go to work not having to worry about anything not having any responsibilities and uh if I could make YouTube a career I think I could go back

To those days I think I legitimately could go back to that true relaxation of I don’t have to do anything I mean I would probably still have the responsibility of having to stream or make videos to make money but I could do that on my own time whenever I

Wanted many s many people in your class say your waifu is cheru I don’t even know who that is J resu I shiseru wow I’m bad at reading how the hell jeru how did I mess that up so bad um how did I mess that up that bad okay well I’ll tell you one thing I don’t even know who this person is what are they from oh rent a girlfriend that sounds

Um one not like uh something I would watch and based on some of the Google Images um yeah people definitely have feelings for that person yeah or that anime character yeah people uh like that person maybe a little bit too much that’s I don’t like

That I don’t like trying to look up you know random anime character and seeing um suggestive images on that I don’t like that that’s not what I’m looking up that looking that first that uh thing up for I mean I guess people do it with Pokemon

Too but your wife who is shiky shiky Mor is this another one from the same anime uh no not the same anime I like the pink hair but not uh Le less fan service than the other images tell you that much I don’t know that pink hair is kind

Of weird to me I don’t know why shouldn’t be especially when I’m should be used to it but I don’t know I don’t have a lot I don’t take a lot of time to watch anime uh I watch way too much YouTube randomly throughout the day not randomly

Throughout the day just in my free time throughout the day as of the past like two weeks I’ve been streaming most of my free time for example today and you know what yesterday I streamed for five hours day before that I stream for over six I it would be great if YouTube paid

You for the amount of time you streamed even if you didn’t have many viewers just like to still get something from something it would be nice that’s not how things work cuz ad Revenue doesn’t really work out too well when you have less than 10 total people per stream

Yeah yeah ceru is R the girlfriend shikori is from shikori not just cutie yeah haven’t watched either of those and uh they don’t look like my kind of anime my kind of anime is um sort basically put simple Sword Art Online uh rising in the shield

Hero um I haven’t really watched it I can’t even think of the name of it that time I reincarnated into a slime I think is what it’s called I haven’t watched it in years and I never finished it but I need to go back and restart it and

Rewatch it um Naruto I like but I can it’s just it’s too long to watch I do enjoy Naruto but it’s it’s very slow and D at times at half the time um haven’t watched Bor so leech I think I used to like as a kid and not

Anymore Sailor Moon I need to go back and watch I think I’ve watched like one two episodes and I may have been drunk at the time when I watched them I’m not really sure a one piece I will never watch no offense um everything I’ve seen about

One piece I despise very tale I just remembered I meant to watch I started watching then kind of stopped watching after like three episodes and I still need to go back um anasha like it but I’ve just never taken the time down I’ve never taken the time to sit down and

Finish it I think I’ve watched like two seasons you completed one piece four times because you have so much free time how the hell do you get so much free time your grades in uh School are usually very good my grades in school were almost always um above 90 except for my physics

Class now don’t get me wrong I am very well educated in physics it was the applying it in the mathematical tense whenever um we were basically shown the concept once and we were expected to remember it for 9 months so I think physics I ended up

Getting a a c in the last semester the only C I ever had and I only ever had two be’s one in one of my math classes sometime in high school and then the other one was physics in a different semester other than that I was straight A’s all throughout high school and

Everything um oh I I only ever got a D on one test and it was in physics yep got a D somewhere in the 60s of percent I thought about retaking it and I just didn’t I like math I do I truly do like math what I don’t like is that

When school try to force certain types of math on you without the proper practice and or um well use case before they just throw a test at you I I was I’m good at math I always have been I’m definitely kind of rusty in math because I haven’t really been

Doing any math for well three years now for the most part besides very basic math here and there at this point I don’t remember any any like um any equations or anything I’m very Rusty at doing like solve equ at solving equations it’s just I haven’t been using it so I’ve forgotten

It but I don’t think it would take much for me to relearn did I play csgo and cod um I played csgo a little bit and I played it on a computer that really couldn’t run it and then I feel like I played csgo a bit more on a computer

That could run it and then haven’t touched it since is CS go even on Steam pretty sure Counter Strike 2 is apparently free and I have it on my list did not know that wait so Counter Strike two is here oh no did csgo turn into Counter Strike 2

Because I have 31 hours in Counter Strike 2 and I last played it in 2019 didn’t Counter Strike 2 come out like two years ago when did CS2 come out CS2 came out September 27th of 2023 and I last played CS2 on 2019 um not quite how that works did

They really change did they did they just change csgo into CS2 is that what happened I thought they just made CS2 like ran on a different engine and everything it wasn’t like they updated it I thought it was a completely different thing you spent $1,000 in CSO okay where

Do you just get $1,000 to spend in a video game how in the hell how does that work if I could just acquire $1,000 man I would be I’d be set $1,000 I would not I could I could actually do a lot if I had an

Extra, I could probably do a lot YouTube actually no not really I probably say I could do a lot with YouTube advertising but $1,000 probably get a lot of views but once the ,000 was up it probably would have make a difference yeah CS2 came out in 2023 of

September but it says that the last time I played CS2 hear me out was in 2019 which can’t happen I did not realize that they updated csgo to CS2 I don’t like that that’s honestly really stupid why would they just make the game and basically turn one game into another

Game and just remove the old game I wonder if they did that so they didn’t have to keep the old Game Servers Alive and it’s just the same servers don’t know doesn’t matter but who knows also are these just oak leaves cuz I thought that was a pine

Tree and I guess it was just Oak that’s disappointing that’s grass how dark is it oh not very dark I thought I filled in more of this than I did I was expecting to come down here and see monsters but nope CS2 is different well I don’t know how it’s

Different than CS goo but the problem is on Steam it’s the same I’ve never downloaded CS2 what how did you shoot me that quick but yeah I’ve never downloaded CS2 but it’s in my library I’ve never played CS2 but it says I have because last time I played

CS:GO would have been actually yeah in 2019 on a laptop that couldn’t run it so that means no I’ve never actually played csgo on a computer that could handle it never have nice and I don’t plan on playing it either uh Call of Duty I would play War

Zone if I had actually a group of people to play it with but that probably wouldn’t last long and I’m not one for playing with strangers no offense I say that every time I mention something that like that that like I would play a game

If I had a group of people but that doesn’t mean I want to play with people in chat cuz people you some people think that that they just want to play with a random streamer or content creator whatever I’m like yeah that’s not my thing I don’t I’m not I’m I’m an

Introvert and technically technically the entire time I’m streaming I’m still talking to myself you’re just a figment of my imagination definitely you don’t know why you spent $4,000 on your PC how how my PC technically isn’t even worth $1,000 anymore and uh I bought a PC couple

Years back for over $1,000 and it probably wasn’t really worth it I mean the PC is completely is still completely usable um I say the worst problem about that computer is that the ram is Li speed is limited and you cannot change the ramp speed you have met many streamers in real

Life well I don’t think you’re going to meet me in real life I don’t think I even count as a streamer technically I mean I stream off and on for several years and that’s about it um it is 8:00 pm let’s see I did a good amount of work

Today I would say um I cleared out a decent SE here added this and that’s about it but in reality that doesn’t seem like a lot but it’s not like I’ve been standing here doing nothing for a lot of it I have been actively moving and this did take a decent time to

Amount of time to cut down I added a little bit I think here filled in a little bit oh well it’s today I worked and I had a lot of trouble at the beginning of the stream when you know my mic fell apart twice Then I then you know dropped a

Monitor then I crashed my computer and then I just had to do a whole bunch of stuff but goodbye I’m going to go eat myself because I haven’t eaten since 12:00 p.m. it is 8:00 p.m. and I’ve ate only a small amount of food so I’m going

To head out hopefully you guys enjoyed I plan to stream again tomorrow unless something stupid happens I say that but I mean something stupid happened today and I still streamed anyways I will hopefully stream again tomorrow thank you for watching

This video, titled ‘Making My Actual City In Survival Minecraft Day 11’, was uploaded by MirraKirra on 2024-01-09 02:16:31. It has garnered 91 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:29 or 9389 seconds.

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  • Mob Vote 2024: Minecraft’s Election Encore

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  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience!

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  • How a Rose Messes with Me?【Better MC EP5】

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  • EPIC New Mods and Adventures in Craftoria – Shizo Clickbait

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  • Late Night Crafting Showdown in Minecraft VSMP!

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Logic Hack REVEALED! 😱 #Gaming

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  • Mind-Blowing Discovery: Tiny City Found Under Bed in Minecraft!

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  • Unlock 240+ FPS with TNGY’s Pro OBS & Premiere Settings

    Unlock 240+ FPS with TNGY's Pro OBS & Premiere SettingsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Smoothest OBS and Premiere Pro Settings for Minecraft! (240+ FPS) – UPDATED 2024’, was uploaded by tngy on 2024-07-08 08:29:40. It has garnered 963 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:56 or 416 seconds. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments or join my Discord below. For AMD cards, make sure to still select Hardware with the HEVC encoder for OBS. This does not apply for Integrated Graphics (no GPU). If you want a configuration for that setup, watch my previous guide: Open Broadcaster… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Fooling Friends with SHIN SONIC MORPH! 😱

    SHOCKING: Fooling Friends with SHIN SONIC MORPH! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Fooled My Friends with SHIN SONIC MORPH in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-09-21 21:46:05. It has garnered 317523 views and 4702 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:24 or 8004 seconds. Today, Johnny fooled his friends with the new SHIN SONIC MORPH in Minecraft! What will there reactions be like? Watch to the end to find out! #minecraft #johnny Read More

  • 💥 Ultimate Bedwars Chaos LIVE 🎮

    💥 Ultimate Bedwars Chaos LIVE 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDWARS | LIVE | 🤩’, was uploaded by JMI Rudra YT on 2024-07-28 09:02:19. It has garnered 32 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:48 or 1308 seconds. MINECRAFT BEDWARS | LIVE | 🤩 👉 Instagram – 👉Discord – Like…👍 Share…📲 Subscribe…❤ Keywords :- valorant live, valorant live stream, valorant live india, valorant live tournament, valorant live game play ladla gaming, valorant live wallpaper, valorant live pubg mobile live l, valorant live vct, valorant live game play f2u h88, valorant live rush gameplay divuo4twdly, valorant live game play… Read More

  • WARNING: DON’T BLEED in sonoyuncu titanium

    WARNING: DON'T BLEED in sonoyuncu titaniumVideo Information This video, titled ‘KAN CEKME GİTME – ZAR – sonoyuncu titanyum’, was uploaded by Pranty on 2024-09-05 00:53:29. It has garnered 369 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:41 or 7781 seconds. titanyumpvp sky cutting minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft endoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft endoyuncu settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friend , minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip… Read More

  • Insane Gaming Challenge: Do Not Kill Steve in Minecraft! 😱

    Insane Gaming Challenge: Do Not Kill Steve in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Never Kill Steve 💀 | memes | #shorts #minecraft #memes’, was uploaded by Suhan all… gaming on 2024-06-25 15:21:17. It has garnered 6902 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Never Kill Steve 💀 | memes | #shorts #minecraft #memes _—credit—_ @suhanallgaming _—-song—_—credit—_ ( ) YOUR QUERIES“`= #gaming #minecraft #trending #shorts #tondegamer #totalgaming #ajjubhai #dream #suhanallgaming #redstoneminecraft #howtomake Minecraft Suhanallgaming beating minecraft camman18 minecraft minecraft 1.17 minecraft 1.19 minecraft but minecraft but challenge minecraft but i cant touch grass minecraft but you cant touch the color minecraft challenge… Read More

  • The Diamond Rush

    The Diamond RushThe Diamond Rush offers a near vanilla experience, with a bunch of quality of life/cosmetic addons (/home, /tpa, land claiming, invisible item frames & more). The server has a diamond economy along with a custom diamond bank plugin. Diamonds can be used to level-up & trade with other players. The main goal of the server is to level-up through the 13 levels, each level unlocks a new perk. The requirements to level-up are diamonds & skill levels. The skill level system is purely cosmetic for the leaderboard system, it’s similar to mcMMO but we’ve removed all the perks/abilities (due to… Read More