Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – Savanna Only World

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Here we are in a savannah only world now this 100 days is actually going to be very interesting because Savannah is one of those biomes that I really never do anything in I never actually build anything in it I usually don’t use the wood so I decided to actually play it so

That I could somewhat get used to the biome and maybe incorporate some ideas into some later builds or projects and also the Savannah really does not fit my Santa skin that’s for sure but I think the first thing that I want to do is actually just explore for a little bit

Because I want to find a village because I think a village would be very helpful for me with actually getting a bunch of food and just overall getting a little head start but I think before I do that I’m going to go kill a whole bunch of

Sheep to make sure that I do have a bed just in case I’m wandering in the middle of the night all right I got more wool than I needed but raw muton would be a great food source and we do have a lava pool here that is uh causing some Havoc but I

Think I’m going to head this way and see what I can find oh it looks like we found a village that is great okay I’m going to go swim over to that all right what do you got in this chest do a sadle and some leather armor I will definitely

Take that another chest here with some emeralds and bread and also some torches and saplings got another chest in here with just an emerald that is interesting and a stone cutter so I will definitely take this some more bread and leather armor Blast Furnace that’s great some

More bread and some gold nuggets another blast furnace I’ll definitely take this off your hands ooh and a buck that’s amazing oh and we got bookshelves this is perfect I love having bookshelves means I’m one step closer to making an enchantment table right off the start and the rest of these houses really

Don’t have anything of use so I’m going to head over this way a little bit and probably build my home maybe over there because I do want to stay close to the Village before I do any of that I’m definitely going to go ahead and kill

This Iron Golem here because I need it iron okay four iron that’s good enough right here seems like a flat enough place so I think I’m going to build my home in this area first things first going to upgrade to an iron pickaxe and I think I’m going to put everything else

In this chest over here just because I don’t really need it for right now next thing I’m going to do is actually just go down here and see if I can get myself some pieces of iron or coal maybe oh it doesn’t look like there’s anything down

Here but I will definitely be grabbing some Stone cuz I do need to make myself a full set of stone tools for the future all right we got an Axe and a shovel and I think I’ll make a hoe as well cuz why not and now I’m just going to chop down

As many trees as I can all right I think just under two stacks of Acacia logs is good enough there is this Enderman right here I do want to kill it just in case I get myself like an actual ender pearl which would be great for me actually going to

The end so I think what I’m going have to do is do something like this and then look at it okay I think I should be okay as long as I stand in this middle block here and now I’m just going to keep hitting it until it ends up dying okay I

Killed it but I didn’t get an ender pearl that’s very unfortunate now for my house here I was thinking of doing something very very simple something that isn’t going to take a lot of resources and something that’s not too big because I’m not planning to have

This whole house be my main feature so I’m thinking something like this on either side going to like a circular pattern so it’ be like two in between and then we’ll go with another three and another two and then it’ll be another three right and there’s two on each side

But I think I’ll only have one singular doorway here so I’ll have a bottom floor and then I’ll have a top floor and maybe a staircase on this side or the back or maybe over here that goes up to the second floor and maybe a ladder in the

Middle maybe something like this I think I could add a little bit of Oak with the acacia I think that would look pretty good cuz it would fit the biome seeing that there’s a bit of Oak and Acacia everywhere so I’m going to start a time

Lapse of me building this and I probably won’t be able to finish the entire thing but I’ll at least get the bottom part Done so here is most of the house done I still need to add some details on the house but you can see the basic idea of what I’m trying to go with here so there is going to be a balcony up top here that’s going to go all the way around

And there’s going to be a second floor maybe an enchantment table on it and then down here I’m going to have some chests over here maybe like furnaces crafting tables and stuff on this side maybe some other miscellaneous things on this side I’m going to have a downstairs

Area that’ll probably hold more storage or just other items but what I want to do now is actually go mining because I’m living off of leather armor and a very badly damaged wooden sword and some stone Tools oh my God there is a zombie spawner right next to my home that is crazy I will definitely loot all of this cuz this will be useful I don’t have any torches that I can make some wow that is actually nuts like here is the spawner

Here is my house so at least I’ll have a really good source of XP to actually be able to enchant a lot of my stuff so this is a wonderful F so I’m back from mining I did find 20 something iron that I’m cooking right here and I also did

Get a lot of coal now I think it’s time for me to make an iron sword and another iron pickaxe here and now with this 24 iron I think I’m going to make myself full iron armor so I can really ditch all this leather stuff that really

Doesn’t keep me safe now I’m just going to wait for my food to cook up here and I’m going to finish my house interior so here is the finishing touches on my house I’m not sure about the floor that I decided to go with here I used a

Mixture of The Acacia logs the strip deaa logs some Cobblestone and some stripped Oak here I also decided to change the plant in here a little bit so just having chests on either side going up the wall here and then have the furnaces crafting tables go in the

Corners and I think overall it fills the area really nice but it also makes a deal like it’s not too cramped I also did go and grab a whole ton of cows and put them in this little pen right here I am going to make a proper pen for them

But I’m still not sure on a design so for now they’re just going to stay in a giant pit and it is turning night time so I think I’m actually going to go to sleep and make it day six and then in the morning I’m going to go mining to

Find some diamonds while recording my mining session for some reason I lost like more than half of the clips I don’t know where they went but at least I got the important Clips which was me finding diamonds I also did find a skeleton spawner but I couldn’t explore the cave

That I was in fully because I just forgot to bring wood you know like the one thing you always need to bring while you’re mining yeah I forgot it so I had to end up leaving a little bit early but overall what I found was still amazing

For now and I’ll definitely be going back caving later to get the rest of it so I am back from Mining and this is what I got I got a pretty good amount of diamonds a lot of iron red stone and Lapis I also did kill an Enderman and

Got another ender pearl which is great but I think it is now time to First make a diamond pickaxe that is amazing I’m also going to make an axe a sword and a shovel and just like that we have a full set of diamond tools five diamonds to

Spare the next thing I’m going to do is actually start heading in this direction just to explore and see what I can find and maybe I’ll come across some more Villages or maybe something else that’s interesting because there’s a lot of things that I do need mostly hay bales

For future builds coming up and finding them in villages would probably be my best Bet I am back from exploring and I got a lot of stuff so going around exploring Villages I did find a library so I did get some bookshelves I also killed a ton of cows so I’m pretty much good on food for probably the entire 100 days I also grabbed some miscellaneous things like

Smithing tables and grindstones cuz those will come in handy later on I also grabbed Fortune obsidian enough to make a nether portal and enchantment table and I also got a pet horse I think I’ve created an idea for a pen for the house but in order to make it I’m going to

Need to get myself a good amount of cobblestone and the reason I’ve made this iron pickaxe here is so I can go to this area and just mine all of this exposed Cobblestone so I can actually make my pen the way I want to and hopefully the design ends up working out

If not I’ll have a whole ton of cobblestone which I will use for something later on all right I think I got all the different pieces I’m going to need so let’s start building this Thing so here is the finished pen I decided to go for a rundown cobblestone look I might add some more texture later on maybe with some stone brick and some tough blocks and maybe andesite but for now I do like to look at this pen because I’m not really a big fan of

Making pens out of just fences cuz I feel like that’s too basic but having something like this where I can maybe add some more detail in here like some water or maybe some wheat that’s grown I feel like doing something like this just expands your options a little bit and

Now they should shouldn’t be able to get out of here I don’t think actually maybe right here okay I’ll put something there yeah there’s some places where they might be able to get out but I’ll be able to sort of find those areas and block them off so next thing I want to

Do is set up the zombie spawner because I laid out a little area for some things coming up here I think this is where a barn is going to be and there’s probably going to be a weed Field behind here but doing this is going to take a lot of

Tree chopping and a lot of mining so having some Enchanted gear would probably be the best back and I am close to 30 levels but I think the best way to get the five levels that I need would be to convert this into an actual Grinder all right this entire thing is complete I just have to remove the Torches then they should start spawning yes there we go all right zombies are now set up and ready to be spawning just going to block this up I think there’s no more torches in here nope looks like

We’re all good and I think now if I go down to the ladders here yes zombies are now falling down here that is great so I’m going to sit here AFK a little bit and make sure I get enough levels to enchant my pickaxe and my axe and then I

Think I already have enough books or can make enough books to make a full level and 30 enchantment table and then hopefully we’ll be able to get really good enchants on both these items all right I have 33 levels I’ve been grinding a little bit let’s see what we

Get on a sword first of all sweeping Edge three that’s pretty good on a pickaxe Unbreaking three okay on this Unbreaking three I think first things first I’m going to go with a pickaxe just because I hopefully will get fortune and it’s just Unbreaking three that’s unfortunate okay oh next

Enchantments Fortune okay I’m going to go grab my uh grindstone so I can actually disenchant the pickaxe and get Fortune I am back and I actually decided to make a new pickaxe of the three diamonds I had left just because even if this gives me fortune 3 and it doesn’t

Give me Unbreaking I can combine the two so what do I get with this oh and it gives me Unbreaking okay since that one already has Unbreaking I’m going to disenchant this and see what I get on it okay E4 that’s definitely the next one I’m going to go for sword sharpers three

And that’s okay this is E4 and this is E4 yeah I’m definitely going to go grind a little bit more levels and get an E4 pickaxe and then combine the two all right I’m back up to 30 levels going to get that E4 and there we go E4

Unbreaking three and an Unbreaking three fortune 3 and now I just need to go grab an anvil and combine these and I’ll have a pretty good pickaxe let’s see what the other enchantments I get though okay E4 axe I get on the sword knock back two

That’s terrible on the axe it is E4 so what I’m going to do is I’m actually just going to go back down get 30 levels again and enchant both the axe and the shovel and then I will combine the pickaxes I did get a pretty good amount

Of enchants on my tools and my sword here although I wish my sword had sharpness but I am going to enchant a different sword at some point to replace the Bane of Arthropods sharpness because no one likes Bane of Arthropods but I was thinking instead of making a barn

Over here I’m actually going to make a stable for my horse because I was thinking that maybe I should just have different pens similar to this design for all the different animals and in order to make my Stables here I am going to need a ton of wood so I’m going to go

Sleep really quick and then in the morning go and chop down as many trees as I possibly Can all right I got all the wood I think I’m going to need I think a stack in 44 cacia log should be plenty for this build now what I’m going to go with is a slanted roof going going down this way and then there’s going to be little

Spots over here on either side for different horses or maybe one for a horse here and one for like a mule or a donkey and then maybe I’ll add some detail around like a pathway connecting to this and maybe some barrels and like a little small second floor but I think

Without further Ado let’s get into [Applause] it And here is the finished product I decided to add two different pens like I said before I added some hay bales in there and I also added a different Barrels in here just for extra storage as well as barrels up here just in case I also decide to add these little arches

Here on either side just to kind of make the door seem a little bit different from the other area here and I am missing some glass which I need to put on the sides but I do not have any sand so I’ll have to do that later on and

Maybe eventually add some mud blocks in here to give it a little bit more detail but I think what I’m going to do now is connect this up to my pathway here and I think it’s going to go like this and connect up to here like so I think

That’s pretty good maybe extend it a little bit more okay there we go that looks good but I do need to fill the other side with a donkey so I think in the morning I’m going to go search for a donkey there should be one pretty close

By while searching for a donkey look what I found over there that is a whole Pillager Outpost I think that probably will have some good loot so I’m definitely going to go over there at some point but I never thought it’ be this hard to find a donkey especially in

A Savannah Biome I have been running around for like an entire day and I still haven’t found a donkey which is really unfortunate and I know mining hay bales with a hoe is faster but I always forget to bring one so punching hay bales it is oh my God is that what I

Think it is it’s a donkey oh my goodness look how much stuff I have in my inventory look like I’ve been running around in a giant Circle looking for you oh my God I thought it would never find one okay now where is Home 457 blocks that way okay Donkey let’s go okay

Donkey in your new home oh you’re too wide to fit in there that’s great okay I’m going to have to redesign this a little bit maybe add an extra fence gate because uh the horse the donkey can’t get through here but after searching for a donkey for what feels like forever I

Did grab a whole ton of stuff just from like extra Villages I found and just running around mining exposed coal and all that I think I’m going to go back down to the cave and mine some of those diamonds I saw last time with my fortune

Three pickaxe but this time I will not be a fool and I’ll bring a crafting table and go and grab some wood I’m probably going to go mining for a little while and all the diamonds I find of course you’ll be able to see them in replay m oh So I am back from Mining and this is what I got I got a whole ton of iron a bunch of coal way more Redstone than I’m ever going to use a bunch of lapis and 46 diamonds as well as a bunch of bows I

Don’t know what it is right now my luck with killing skeletons and them dropping bows is insane it’s like every other skeleton drops a bow I also did grab some name tags and I did Kill Enderman and got an ender pearl and there’s also other few miscellaneous things but now I

Think it is time to actually craft full diamond armor because I have way more diamonds than is needed there we go full diamond I have 22 diamonds to spare as well which I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to grab this wood here make

Maybe an extra diamond sword and see what enchants I can get all righty what do we get here sharpness three that’s actually not that bad I will take sharpness three cuz I can combine it and make a sharpness four the next sword enchant is fire aspect 2 I actually like

Fire aspects so I’m definitely going to go for that and I need one more level to enchant so I’m going to go back down here and farm some zombies all right back up to 30 levels let’s see what I get here and it’s ban of Arthur pods

Again oh my God I hate this enchantment but I do like fire aspcs so I’m going to keep it next is Unbreaking three okay hopefully this comes with sharpness four or sharpness three so I can attach the fire aspect to it and then attach it to

This sword and get rid of the Bane of Arthropods all right here we go okay looting three and smite I’d actually rather take Smite over Bane of Arthropods so if I do this out of smite four sweeping Edge three Unbreaking three looting three I think that’s actually pretty good so I’m going to

Take this sword and then to add fire as to it I will need 10 more levels but that should be very easy to get ever since they buffed smite it’s been a more enticing enchantment to get because it just destroys the undead there we go

Fire aspect 2 has been added and I have a pretty much a godsword except you know it doesn’t have sharpness but Smite is okay this regular diamond sword here I’m just going to disenchant that so I ended up staying at the spawner a little bit longer just to get a full Enchanted set

Of diamond armor and these enchants are pretty good Unbreaking 3 respiration 3 I wish I had protection but I’m just going to have to deal with this for now prod 4 Unbreaking 3 amazing prod three Unbreaking 3 is pretty pretty good and prod 3 dep strier 3 is also pretty good

But now the next project I want to do is actually create a nether portal and the design I have for the nether portal is going to be very interesting so in this area here I was thinking of building a cemetery where basically you’re going to

Walk up the middle and it’s going to be you know those buildings and cemeteries are like white and made out of like marble or whatever and they have doors at the front and they’re usually like a grave for a very important person yeah basically one of those things except

Another portals in it yeah my brain comes up with some really weird ideas but I thought it would be very fun to build something like that but before I end up building the actual Cemetery I need to go into The Nether and grab quartz because quartz is going to be the

Marble equivalent for my house thingy for the nether portal I I don’t know what they’re called but let’s head to the nether here hopefully I get a good spawn that’s close to a fortress because that would be great okay I spawned next to a Crimson Forest which is not amazing

And my frame rate is also terrible when you spawn in good to know no Fortress in sight unfortunately and we got these guys attacking me and there’s nothing really I can do about it because I forgot to bring a piece of golden armor so uh sorry guys uh you’re all going to

Have to die because I can’t really uh I can’t really stop you from killing me lucky I Enchanted all my armor because these guys would be doing a lot of damage if I didn’t have protection just quickly taking a look around I am not seeing any Fortress unfortunately you

Know my my luck was is going to run out sooner or later the last few worlds I made I’ve basically spawned next to a fortress but this one it’s not looking like it okay I’m going to go grab a whole ton of quartz so I can end up

Starting to build my Cemetery thing and then hopefully it’ll end up turning out pretty good All right I think this much quartz should be good enough we even got our Undead friend here that’s going to probably watch me build this entire thing all right I think without further Ado let’s build this [Applause] Cemetery So here is the cemetery mostly finished but I really did not have enough quartz I thought I did but I really underestimated how big this was going to be but you can see here you have this thing little Archway that goes over there’s going to be doors here on this

Side there’s probably going to be maybe some walls here that go up and some little windows then you have the nether portal here and then the back’s probably going to be blocked off by a little wall of quartz but I’ll probably add some more detail to the cemetery later I want

To add some soul lanterns and stuff cuz I think that would really fit the cemetery theme yeah I’m going to go back into The Nether and finish this thing up and show you the finish results all right here is the finished product here so we got the graves on either side and

We finally have this whatever you call this but you click a button here you go inside and inside is just the portal I also got to add two more shroom lights up here we can also walk straight out this way I decided to make it like this

Just because if I’m doing something back here I still want to wait to be able to just get up into the portal or through something yeah I think this okay for a little mini Cemetery because there’s not very many people that live around here maybe those villagers over there and I

Don’t think a lot of them are dying so a couple Graves should be good enough but the next thing I want to do is to make a chicken and a sheep farm we do already have one chicken in here with the cows and he’s not supposed to be there so

What I’m thinking is making a chicken cop that is sort of similar in design to the cows here and sort of have it connect to the cemetery and what this will do is sort of create a wall around my area and then over on this side I’m

Going to do something similar for sheep where it’s going to go around and connect to here and we’re going to have a doorway right here and the Sheep will just be roaming having a nice grand old time in here so I think without further Ado let’s build these two Pens all right the two pens are now complete the Sheep one is a little bit smaller than the cow one because sheeps I’m not really going to use for like food or anything they’re mainly going to be there for wool and the chickens I don’t really need chickens unless I’m

Making arrows for a bow which I don’t have Infinity on this bow so I think it’ll probably beneficial but now I think I’m going to go grab chickens and sheep to actually fill the pens okay we got two chickens pretty close to home we’ll have four chickens which should be

Good enough cuz if I breed them we will get a nice chicken farm going come on chickens there you go and we’ll breed you too there you go another baby chicken and I do see some sheep up there so I’m going to go grab of those guys

All right we got the conga line of sheep here come on guys I know you want to get in here follow me in there you go oh we lost you of course they get distracted I don’t know what it is about sheep but I swear out of all the mobs they get

Distracted the easiest all right now it’s time to breed all of you and we got a bunch of baby sheep how are the Sheep escaping oh no the Sheep are escaping oh no oh no they’re they they’re escaping oh no this isn’t good no oh oh my God

Okay I thought this area was sheep proof it was not sheep proof okay well I’m just missing like half my sheep now and this is not great because I don’t know how I’m going to get them out of here because both sheep and cows love wheat

So maybe I can just cycle two of you okay one cow got out that’s not great all right we’ll get you in there and um sorry about this cow but um you’re going to have to die move away from the Sheep so sweeping Edge doesn’t kill everybody

There we go oh my God there is a creeper in there how did a creeper get in there why is everything going wrong okay sheep no I don’t need the cows hold on I know I have to do I have to lead the cows this way okay I got the last two sheep

And I got two cows with me unfortunately but they’re going to have to end up dying because I’m not bringing them out of here so sheep in here and cow dead cow dead okay now let’s add some lighting around here cuz I feel like I’m definitely going to need light because

That creeper is uh definitely a Telltale sign okay the lighting has been added and hopefully I won’t have to deal with any more creepers ending up in my sheep pen another bit of detail I want to add is to add a little Shack here because I

Feel like this area is very open and has nothing in it and I think having a couple barrels and maybe an armor stand and some hay bales could be really cool to sort of tie all of this together so I’m thinking maybe something like this where it’ll have just a little Shack and

Then using the same slanted roof designs I did over there but a little bit smaller I think something like that could work I will say it is pretty tight though but it’s not like I’m going to be really going under there very often to do anything it’s just there for extra

Decoration and extra storage maybe something like this looks pretty good we got some smokers in here A bunch of hay bales and a bunch of barrels to store some extra stuff I think that’s okay and we could also extend the pathway out a little bit there we go but the next big

Thing I want to work on here is adding farm and I was looking at this area behind my Stables here and I really realiz there’s not really much to it of course we do have the hole here where the enchantment table is but I’m not

Going to go all the way to here I’m going to maybe go around to this block here and go in a circle and connect it to this side and maybe have something that maybe opens up so it’ll go to here it’ll open up and you can walk in

There’ll be fields of maybe wheat and then potatoes and then carrots on this side and I think that would be pretty cool so I’m going to make a simple outline out of cobblestone to give you more of an idea of what I’m thinking so here’s the Cobblestone outline ESS

Keeping the same theme as I did for the animal pens just going all the way around and instead holding the different types of crop so I split it up into three different spaces here so this one would be for wheat this one would be for potatoes and this one would be for

Carrots or maybe the middle one here for wheat and then like potatoes on this side and carrots on this side yeah I think I’m going to go with that and then maybe keep this Cobblestone barrier here but have maybe fences or fence gates in the middle to sort of separate the

Different Farms yeah I think that’ll work so I’m going to basically copy the same design I did over there on this and then basically plant in all the different Wheats carrots and potatoes that I need and hopefully it’ll turn out Good so here is the finished Farms it will look a lot better once everything is fully grown and completely filled in but this should solve my food situation for pretty much the entire 100 days because I still do have a stack of steak left so I don’t even really need to eat

A bunch of carrots or potatoes or even make bread yet but I think the next thing I’m going to do is actually go back to the Nether and explore it a little bit mainly because I need to find myself a fortress to hopefully get blaze

Rods to go to the end at some point and maybe grab some wither skeleton skull since I do have loading three I’ve never really fought a Wither on camera before so it would be prettyy cool to do that and maybe get a beacon and put it like

Right here in the middle or something I think that’d be pretty cool so somewhere in the middle here we just put a beacon and it gives us like haste and regen for the entire Village that I’m creating since there is no Fortress near here I

Think I’m just going to go dig in a straight line this direction and see if I can find one oh my God there is a fortress okay I’ve been digging for a long while I did end up taking a right turn somewhere because I faced a lava

Pool and I’m not going over a lava pool and I’m glad I did make that right turn because right here is the Fortress that I’m looking for all right here we are we got a bunch of blazes already shooting me that is fun but we do have a wither

Skeleton here who is okay we died from Fall damage okay blazes I am going to need a couple of blaze rods from you guys please step away from the Pigman so I don’t accidentally cause a zombie apocalypse here you would think there would be a spawner in here look how many

Blazes there are but there’s zero spawner I don’t know where they’re coming from usually I would have found a blaze spawn right oh there’s one right there okay good we do have some wither skeletons here oh I got a Wither Skull let’s go one out of three definitely

Going to grab some of this Soul Sand and uh nether Ward here because it will be useful for potions oh we got a chest over here and this has a satellite in okay I’ll take that oh my God a skeleton shot a pigman oh no that poor skeleton this Fortress wasn’t very big

Unfortunately only one chest inside of it so what I’m going to do is stay here for a little while until I get three Wither Skeleton skulls to make sure I will will be able to fight the Wither at some point I am back home now and I got

My three Wither Skeleton skulls I also did find some other things the weird thing about the Fortress was that where there was a wall it felt like there was supposed to be a tunnel so I was digging through walls and I found chests with diamond horse armor and other Saddles

And just so many other things I’m to put these in there and I also got a ton of coal now my armor is pretty beat up as well as my pickaxe and I think the thing that would be able to fix this problem would be mending which would open the

Doors to making a trading Hall and I was thinking the trading Hall would go right here reason being is you can see you got the cemetery across the street and if the villagers don’t decide to give me a mending book they know their fate okay I

Did a little layout for what the pods are going to be I don’t think I’m going to need more than this there’s basically going to be a mending villager and then all the other ones are going to be Fletchers because that’s probably the easiest thing to trade with for emeralds

So what I’m going to do is build this entire thing and then transport some of the villagers from over there using mine carts and hopefully it’ll all turn out okay now for this design I’m going for something pretty simple it’s not going to be very big it’s going to be very

Similar to this or to that it’s going to go up and then have a slanted roof that’s going to end right here and then maybe I’ll have a little back room where I can store extra books or materials so without further Ado let’s get Building all right the little trading Hall here is now complete as you can see you got the pods for the villagers I also added some lanterns underneath there so no zombies or any mobs spawn in there I also decide to add this Bell Tower up

Top I just need to put the bell in there now if we go out back here it’s not very detailed but you do have this small room where I can store a bunch of books and emeralds and other things but now it is time to go and get the villagers now it

Is a good thing that I do have a lot of iron and gold because I’m going to need a good amount of rails to get them all the way from over there to that area over there and I’m probably going to have to build something that goes over

My Farms because we probably be a lot less materials in going around everything I’m going to go to sleep first and then I’m going to tackle this and hopefully villagers don’t give me a hard time because they always tend to give me a hard time okay the track is

Complete it goes all all the way from here up there across to there into the villager trading area and I may have gone overboard with the powered rails but I just want to make sure this thing works the first time now you’re going to be my first subject basically you’re

Going to get into the boat okay hopefully this guy will get into a boat please get into the boat into the boat okay there we go he’s in the boat that’s good okay I’m actually going to break this so what’s going to happen is I’m going to boat this guy into there then

I’m going to break the boat and then hopefully should be okay here that’s not what I wanted okay you’re inside here now you just got to get into this mine cart somehow if you would please I I I I don’t okay this guy’s stuck in the

Corner why is he stuck in the corner why buddy move please move please move this way I just want to push you into the mine cart that’s it why are you stuck in the corner why is this guy what if I do that okay there we go now he’s in this

Corner into the mine cart no into it oh no this isn’t good the mine cart’s going up no no mine cart oh he’s in it but he’s not on the track okay all right okay he’s in it that’s good that’s good to know okay you’re going to you’re

Going to back on the track that’s it back back on it there we go he’s off oh my God that took forever he should be okay now I’m just going to follow him to make sure that he gets to his destination yeah he’s going come on

Buddy you I know you want to get there I know you want to come on goes up this it goes down and he should be right where he needs to be that is perfect all right so I’m going to go ahead and break this thing and I think I can break the mine

Cart as well there we go and now he is stuck there and I should be able to put a lect turn and then he will take this hopefully this guy won’t take the the Le turn I don’t know why he won’t take the Le turn he just won’t take it okay you

Know what we’re going to leave you there and we’re going to set up for the next villager okay the track is now set up for another villager and this guy finally decided to be a librarian so I’m going to do this for the other set of villagers and hopefully it all turns out

Okay all the villagers that I got from that Village are now in place I thought there was a lot more more villagers before but maybe they died somehow but I do have the one villager that I’m going to keep recycling for mending and pretty much all these guys are going to be

Fletchers now I’ve run into the problem where for some reason these guys will not get trades unless I walk away a certain distance I don’t know if it’s because these are too close or whatever it is but okay now yeah now this guy has a trade let’s see what he got okay

Sticks yes that’s very useful but this guy oh he has a trade now too it’s very very weird and he has mending this is perfect I need to trade for this oh my God mending live on camera ladies and gentlemen this is perfect I have a total

Of three emeralds I need 10 emeralds and a book to secure that mending so I’m going to have to go grab a ton of wood to trade with these Fletchers okay I got 10 emeralds and a book there we go mending this is actually a very cheap

Mending trade to be honest but I will definitely take it first thing I’m putting mending on is my pickaxe because this thing really needs to be repaired but what I’m going to do now is keep trading with the Villagers to hopefully get a ton of mending books to put it on

All my armor and my tools I have put mending on all my armor and my tools I also did enchant another pickaxe and got silk touch and only silk touch unfortunately but that’s better than having no silk touch but now what I’m going to do is pretty much clean up all

The mess that I made and I also want to build a well right here and the reason why there’s one block open here is because this is where the beacon is going to go and it’s going to hopefully shine straight through the well all the

Way to the wherever it goes but in order to get the beacon I need to defeat the Wither and I got three Wither Skeleton skulls and four Soul Sand which is good enough so I’m going to basically just head down as far as I can mine out a

Little area and destroy the Wither that way I have built a decently long tunnel that hopefully should be good enough and I’m in deep slate so that the Wither doesn’t completely just blow through the top and just go and destroy everything that I’ve built but I think without further

Ado let’s go do this all right wither let’s see what you got buddy and he’s off the weird thing is I can shoot him even though I’m not actually shooting him his hit boxes are a little bit bigger than what you actually see so I’m still shooting him

Even though I’m not actually aiming at him which is really weird oh and now I need to hit him with my sword he’s almost dead oh I got hit once ouch and there we go wow that was very quick I think Smite really helped me right there cuz I’m pretty sure Smite

Does help you when killing the Wither but um yeah I will take all the extra blocks that it destroyed I do like that okay I do have another star which is amazing so I’m going to make myself a beacon so I think I have enough iron

Blocks here for a small Beacon I don’t really need haste or anything like that I’ll probably just have it stick to regen because I’m not really doing any mining in this area but I do need to go grab some obsidian to actually make the

Beacon I think I need three so off I go all right I got the beacon I think I think we should dig down a little bit here think this will be good enough I can clear out a little space and the beacon will go right here and I think 12

Iron blocks should be good enough for like a small Beacon nothing too spectacular there we go okay we can get haste or speed you know what I’m going to go with speed cuz I really don’t need haste haste is not going to be that useful for me but we’re going to go

Ahead and place a piece of glass right there and then make my way back up so for the well design I was thinking of doing something very similar to what the village has over there where there’s going to be a C Wood it’s going to go all the way around like this there’s

Going to be water in the middle and then maybe something that will go kind of across and I’m hoping yes okay beacons to go through water that is good to know and there should be some fences that go up just like this I do not have enough

Wow there we go and I think that there is some stairs up here just like so and I will need a piece of glass here and I’m thinking of making this one colored red and yellow make orange which I think would actually fit for the beacon because everything else here is orange

So might as well make the beacon orange there we go orange chain glass and there we go an orange Beacon okay great Beacon has now been complete we got speed around our base which is really nice but I was thinking I do have this giant area

Here because when I was breaking all the trees I was clearing this entire area out and I need to put something here so I was thinking when you’re going to a small little town or Village like this there’s going to be two ways you’re

Going to get here one is by boat and two is by plane so I’m thinking of adding a little air strip here and kind of using the same path block idea just in a straight line with maybe a little Tower that’s your like air traffic controllers or something and then building a plane

On the runway which I think would be a very cool thing to sort of fill in this area with So here’s the runway complete I decided to go for something a little bit different and add tough and cobblestone in here just to make it look a little bit more used and run down like a lot of planes are coming in out of here now the

Next thing I want to build is the little control tower which is going to be over Here Here is the tower complete now it seems like every single time in my 100 days I always do a tower of some sort and I never really get better at building them because this Tower is okay and I have to fix that over there it didn’t really

Turn out exactly the way I wanted it to but I’m not going to go back and fix it so that’s what the tower is going to be now the next thing I have to build is the plane but I do need iron so I’m going to have to go back into the mines

And get a good amount of iron because this build I’m about to do requires iron trapid doors and 31 iron is just not going to do it I am back from Mining and I found a lot of stuff I stayed down there for a little bit longer than I was

Expecting to mainly because I just found a giant open cave and there was a ton of stuff in there so I decided to silk touch it all and bring it back to my base and what I’m going to do is equip this Fortune pickaxe here and go Fortune

Basically everything and see what I can Get okay we got almost half an inventory of iron I was thinking I was going to get a little bit more but this is more than enough iron than I’m going to need but I still got these four things to tackle so let’s go ahead and do [Applause] [Applause] That after mining all that I just had enough inventory space to fit it all but we got a ton of gold a whole ton of lapis a good amount of diamonds some coal and the iron that I needed but now I think it’s actually time to start building the plane and not getting

Sidetracked the plane is now complete and I forgot to press the record button when I was making it so unfortunately there’s no record of me building it but the design I decided to go for here was a mixed between like the jet powered and like a prop plane so you got the wings

Of what would be a prop plane but you also got like the back of a jet engine so I don’t know I decided to mix the two together just to make it something a little bit different from reality also I know this Runway is pretty short but in

Order for me to make it longer I would have to clear out an entire amount of dirt on this side or this side and I I really don’t want to do that so you know planes in this world they just land on very short runways you know they just

Kind of like hover there and they they just plop down like a ship from Star Wars or something after building everything around this area I cut down basically all the trees and I feel like it makes the area seem a little bit disconnected from everything else so

What I’m going to do is go around and place some trees maybe some hay bals and some other little details just to make the area feel a little bit more lived in and a little bit more Secluded So here is the finished product as you can see I went around and placed a whole bunch of Acacia trees and some oak trees as well I also decide to add some campfires under these hay bals to have smoke going up to make it look like the

Area is lived in and like it’s a full-on village I also bone bu a lot of the grass so I can get some Tall Grass to make this area feel a little bit more secluded from everything around it and I think I will probably add some more

Detail going forward but for now I think this gets the point across for how this place is supposed to look but here in my valuables chest you can see that I do have over 16 pearls which is definitely more more than I need to get to the end

So I think that’s the next thing I’m going to do after I enchant some more armor to hopefully get full prod four and also to fix this pickaxe here and get maybe efficiency or Unbreaking on I’m back from enchanting my gear and as you can see for the pickaxe I did get

Efficiency for and I’m breaking three added to it for my boots I got prod four for the pants I also got prod four chest plate prod 4 and for the helmet for some reason it was not giving me protection I was down there for many days just recycling helmets over over and over

Again just putting enchants on them taking enchants off trying to get protection and I couldn’t get it so we’re just going to leave it with this but I have almost two stacks of arrows here which will probably be good enough to defeat the Ender Dragon hopefully

That is if I don’t miss every single shot which has a very high likelihood I’m going to throw the first one where does it go this way okay and it broke the first one I threw broke are you kidding me okay I’m just going to keep

Going until I find this thing guys I think I have found it I threw one of the under eyes and it went in the ground and I never saw it again so down here definitely looks like the place that the end Fortress should be I have found the

Fortress finally and there’s a whole ton of skeletons shooting at me like I I don’t need you guys please please leave me alone so first things first here we got a library which is great not seeing any chests in here which is unfortunate but we’re going to make our way over

Here to see if I can find the actual portal because there doesn’t really seem to be any spawns here oh there’s a spider spawner right next to this place that’s interesting okay a golden apple I’ll actually take that red I’ll take that too you know what I’ll take the

Rest of this stuff because I will end up using this at at some point so oh I found another Library I think this is a different one than the other one I’ve been running around for a very long time I still have not found the portal unfortunately this chest has wow that’s

A really good book right there that’s also a good book and I love these armor trims so I’m taking that so I finally found the portal it took me a very long time to find this I was going in circles but it is finally time to go and oh hold

On you’re not knocking me in there that’s not happening all righty I think I got everything hold on let put this on real quick all right let’s go this is the weirdest end I’ve been a part of I don’t even know what to say this is this

Is just weird so I’m going just going to Chuck a pearl over there actually okay all right we’re we’re okay we’re good the Ender Dragon is over here here let me put my thing on yeah this is very odd I don’t know why did I spawn over there

Of all things and why is there an island over there I don’t know okay so I forgot to get a texture pack that allows me to see so we’re going to be kind of shooting in the dark here but that’s okay okay I got three down there’s one

More here I can’t really see oh my God that’s his breath don’t like that maybe maybe shooting a third person no that’s not a good idea okay all right I’m taking this off for a second I can’t see what I’m shooting at there we go there’s

One more up here it’s in the bar so I got to hit it from below there we go Oh I thought I was being hit by an Enderman I thought I looked at one I was like are you kidding me this one is down this one’s over here

Oh boy don’t want to get by his breath that one’s down yeah this is such a weird end why is these random pieces disconnected usually they’re not like that but we’re going to go break this hopefully if I can line it up properly this is the easy one how am I missing

This there we there we go that took way too long all right I’m going from this side I’m done with this I’m not shooting it from afar we’re going over here there we go okay that one has been destroyed okay I might have to destroy

This one by hand because I’m down to 23 arrows which is not great so I’m going to go quickly destroy this before the Ender Dragon gets off his little perch there and um I think this is the last one and I should be able to actually end

Up killing the ender dragon after this there we go and let’s get back down ow come on buddy it’s time to die oh and he’s off again I think it’s starting to come down again which is good hit it with many more arrows now I should be able to come up behind

It it’s almost dead oh ow come on buddy just a little a bit more I know you want to die I know you want to I’m out of arrows okay I’m going to have to wait for you to come back down I have no arrows left okay it looks like he’s

Coming back down again which is great going to get underneath here and he should be dead there we go and all the XP I will ever need and of course we’re going to take our trophy which is the egg and let’s head out of here this really weird looking end

Island and I spawn far from home okay well I have to make my way back home so let’s go do that I am finally back home I was thinking of the place to put my a would be right here but not inside this hole I was thinking of building like a

Little mountain thing with the egg at the top and maybe a beacon but I also want to add a little bit more of these walls around but not have them connected like this sort of have a couple of them and then like a space between like they’re broken through and then another

Bit of wall then a space in between and do that all the way around to make the area a little bit more fenced in but not so fenced in that I can’t just walk out One Direction and walk back in over there because I do like the trees and

What they do for the area but I feel like there’s something missing there so adding a couple of these walls here I think would be really nice here are some of the walls I ended up adding you can see it connects over here but there’s a space open then it connects over here

And then it leaves space open these are connected all the way down that’s connected over there and then it’s a big space and this is a wall and then this all here is connected but this is open so you can see the IDE IDE that I was

Going for but now it’s time to tackle the wizard tower thing that I’m building over here and these trees are in the way so I’m going to have to cut these down I think this already naturally forming outline works because it’s going to be like a big rock coming out of the ground

So having it be sort of random really does fit the idea so it’s basically going to start like this and then I’m going to go around with some stairs slabs and sort of have it be a little bit random and then once that’s done in the middle a Beacon’s going to go all

The way up kind of like over there and we’ll probably get more speed for this area and the dragon egg should be somewhere up top as well all right here is the rock that I built and as you can see the dragon egg is right at the top

And there’s supposed to be a beacon right under where the dragon egg goes I don’t know if a beacon can go through a dragon egg but I’m going to find out if not I guess I’ll move the dragon egg somewhere else but in order to make my

Beacon I need to go back into The Nether and kill some wither skeletons so I’m going to do that real quick and return with three Wither Skeleton skulls I am back with three Wither Skeleton skulls and the Soul Sand I need to spawn another wither so I’m going to head back

Down into the mines into that tunnel I made earlier and kill another wither and hopefully we’ll have another Beacon and be able to set up in that giant rock wizard tower thingy I made all right is now time to spawn in the Wither hopefully this tunnel is still long

Enough I got myat bow I got basically a stack of arrows and we should be good once this guy pops there we go and it’s going to keep hitting his non-existent hit box cuz I can keep hitting them even though I’m not even actually shooting him which is interesting but we’re just

Going to keep doing this until he gets ready to be hit by a sword and we can just do this and this guy is almost dead there we go pick up all the blocks left behind ooh and we have some diamonds any more diamonds in here no okay well one

Diamond that’s great I’ll also take some of the gold here as well the beacon is set up now the Moment of Truth does the beacon go through the dragon egg yes it does that is great okay I can leave the dragon egg here and the beacon will go

Straight through it one thing I did realize though is I didn’t add speed to this so we’re going to go ahead and add some speed to this Beacon so we’ll have speed basically everywhere around the base now the more and more I look at this air strip the more I realize iiz

That this area is in need of a hanger for the plane and I’m thinking right here would be a great place to put the hanger so I’m going to remove these trees and build a hanger that will hopefully fit this entire plane I think this thing’s like 18 blocks wide which

Is very very wide so I’m probably going to make this thing 20 blocks this way and then maybe like 25 blocks this way a little bit longer than wide so I going to make an outline for it and then I’ll build the rest using replay mod here is

The outline I have for the hanger as you can see got this bar that goes across you also got the arch that all hangers have pretty much what I’m going to do is replicate this going all the way this way to the other side and then for the

Walls I’m not sure exactly what I’m going to use for this So the roof is now complete and I started experimenting with the walls I tried to make it in a way that I could add windows but if this was like one block longer I think it would have worked out because if I do twos it doesn’t work threes it doesn’t work even

Like one slit Windows it doesn’t work so I’m just going to fill both walls in with acacia wood and have like just a flat orange wall on either side and I also want a little bit of an indent in the top here so this is going to be the

Front and then I’ll maybe have Oak Wood Go from that block all the way to the top all the way down on this side to here and then do the same on the other side to kind of have a little bit of an indent and then I’m going to go to the

Nether to get Blackstone which is what I’m going to use for the flooring so yeah a lot to get done but I think I’m going to focus on the walls and the oak indent here in the roof and just because it’s easier to get wood than black Stone Here is the almost finished hanger what I’m going to do next is just add some of this all the way across just to have a roof and then maybe some ladders going up to this top area maybe a little thing on the side here which holds like different different tools and stuff and

Maybe workbenches on the side cuz I imagine the plane will turn it will go down here and then you’ll have like a room where the guy would repair the plane and then you’ll have a whole bunch of tools on the sides I also might close this side off I know some plane hangers

Have like two sides open so that they can like bring the plane out backwards or bring it out forwards but I think just because I’m adding the little buildings and stuff on the sides I think I might close this so here’s most of the interior of the hanger finished I

Decided to fill in the roof add a bunch of shroom lights and I did miss one so about to add one right there there we go but I want to do some of the detailing on camera because I have some ideas for in here so The Shack on the right I’m

Going to add a bunch of like tool benches and stuff to the side so I think smithing tables work really well but they do sort of blend in with the floor because the top and the floor is very much the same block so I am going to

Split it up with just some little tables here that maybe put like Stone Cutters on top and maybe like a brewing stand and another smithing table actually I think I’m going to make sure the smithing tables are only on these just to make sure it looks different than the

Floor then maybe I can add like a crafting table to the side now I’m going to do something similar in this back corner something like this should be good so add one of those and add a brewing stand there also fill in the glass for this Hut here also want to add

Some chains just hanging around a little bit just to make it feel like when the plane goes in there’s like different things hanging that will be added to repair it like maybe add some slabs underneath some of these to kind of be like little magnets or just like

Different parts maybe some iron bars as well these can sort of act like tools and I’ll also put some lanterns under some of these also add some tables over here on this side I’ll put a bunch of these smithing tables there you go I think that looks pretty good for the

Inside of a hanger now I was thinking of adding maybe part of a door coming down here but I tried so many different blocks and nothing really seems to work for a door so I’m just going to leave this thing completely wide open and actually I think adding some trap doors

Over these yeah I like the look of that yeah I really do like that that looks a lot better but it is turning night time so I’m going to sleep and make it day 90 wow we’re already at 90 days and for the last 10 days I’m just going to go around

And add some details to things maybe some more trees maybe some other mini things and then I’ll tune back in when it’s close to day 100 to show off the final tour of the world it is the beginning of day 99 and I did a couple

Things to make sure this world was so to start off with the tour we got the cemetery to the right we got the villagers to the left I wish I did find some more villagers but I I don’t know why the village over there only had like

Four of them I swear there was more they must have died we got the chicken Coupe over here with a lot of chickens we got some storage here the detail that I added with the campfires and hay bales I really like that on the trees as well we

Got the cow Farm over here and some sheep unfortunately got in here because I broke a block and they all kind of walked in unfortunately but we do have where the Sheep are actually supposed to be over here and we got the stables for the horse and the donkey we got the

Farms back here carrots wheat and potatoes we also got the rock with the dragon egg on top with the beacon as well and down here is the spawner and the enchant table so I did update this a little bit no longer is it just a bunch

Of cobblestone I decided to make it an actual room using some of the Crimson wood and stone brick to make the room feel a little bit more cozy and warm than just a bunch of cobblestone we go down even further this is just a room with a bed in case I’m sitting here

Afking for a while killing a bunch of zombies I do have a bed to be able to sleep off the nights down here is the zombie spawner and if we go all the way down here there is a lot of stuff for me just killing zombies mostly rotten flesh

You know Mojang they really need to add a use for rotten flesh because the only thing you can do is trade with villagers which is okay but I mean like there should be something else you can do with rotten flesh moving over here we have

The air strip we have the plane that I built I’m honestly really proud of this plane like I just built it by hand like no tutorials no nothing I just freehanded it and it turned out great usually most things I freehand turn out like this Tower here that just doesn’t

Look proper but this plane honestly looked pretty good and I like the design I also like what I did with having the airst strip be a little bit worn so you can tell the lot of planes have come in and out because you got like different Cobblestone and tough blocks to make it

Look like the wheels have been sort of scraping on the ground as a plane comes in and a plane leaves I also added these little lanterns here to act as Landing lights you know what airports have those lights on either side of the runway that’s what these are supposed to be if

We go into the tower here I forgot to add a floor to this unfortunately but if if we go up to the second floor you will see I added a little spot for the controller so you got like a microphone or something like that here you got a

Map which has the runway on it you got these signs up here which would show like different flights coming in or out or different ones that are delayed and then finally we move to the hanger which I really do like this hanger I like the design I went for although I really do

Wish I could have figured out a way for a door to be implemented but none of the colors really worked so I just decided to leave it completely open but we have room lights underneath these trap doors we have a little Hut here and I decided

To add a music disc just because you know with I’m thinking the mechanics probably listening to music while they’re repairing the planes or refueling them so you know might as well add a music disc in there we also got a sign out here which is more of just like

A sign saying hey this is the main building got some tool stuff back here and over there and over there and different things hanging from the ceiling that relate to the plane itself and last but not least the first thing that I built was my house and I haven’t

Really changed it since the first like 10 minutes of the video but a bunch of chests a bunch of furnaces and then we go up here all that’s up here is a nice double bed but yeah that is the entire world honestly it was really fun surviving 100 days in AA biome because

This is a biome that I never really explore or do anything in because the grass is really dull and like this whole biome is like taking the contrast out of Minecraft that’s kind of what it’s like but being forced to live in a world that is entirely this one biome for 100 days

Really allowed me to think of different building styles for a biome like this and different ideas and honestly it pushed me out of my comfort zone a little bit the sun has set behind the mountain and it is starting to turn nighttime and I’m prepared to make it

Day 100 and just like that 100 days have been survived I hope you all did enjoy this video please be sure to like And subscribe if you’ve made it all the way to the endend and you haven’t subscribed I don’t really know what you’re doing you probably should be subscribed by now

But we are really close to 1,000 subscribers here on the channel any feedback for the videos please put that in the comments below I’m always looking for constructive criticism to make my videos better but yeah this has been really really fun and definitely my next video will be a lot quicker than this

One I know it took me a while to get this out but I was pretty busy but again I hope you all enjoyed please like And subscribe and I will see you all in the next video but bye and have a great day

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In a SAVANNA ONLY WORLD in HARDCORE MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Commodore on 2023-11-24 16:40:25. It has garnered 6071 views and 181 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:26 or 3986 seconds.

Hello everyone in todays video I spend 100 days in a savanna only world in hardcore minecraft 1.20. I focus on building a house, air strip, multiple farms, fighting the wither twice , making my base look nice, setting up a town, enchanting table, villager trading hall and beating the ender dragon. Feedback is greatly appreciated as I am very new to recording and upload 100 days content.

pvp channel: @CommodorePET

#HardcoreMinecraft #Hardcore #100days

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  • Defeating Minecraft’s Scariest Boss!

    Defeating Minecraft's Scariest Boss! Minecraft’s Most Terrifying Boss: The Wither Storm The Dreadful Encounter SparksXV, the owner of the Momentum SMP server, summoned the terrifying Wither storm, setting off a chain of events that led to chaos and destruction. The server, known for its unique concept of revisiting previous seasons, became a battleground for survival. The Battle Begins As the Wither storm wreaked havoc, Spwiggle and his fellow creators banded together to face this monstrous threat. With lives on the line and the server at stake, they fought valiantly to defeat the boss and save their world. The Final Showdown After a grueling… Read More

  • Crafty Cat Chaos: EfeKan’s Traffic Mishap!

    Crafty Cat Chaos: EfeKan's Traffic Mishap! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Cat Efekan and his family, so bold. A traffic accident, a neighbor’s cruel deed, Leaving them injured, in desperate need. The bad neighbor hit them, then ran away, Leaving them in pain, with no delay. But fear not, for justice will prevail, As the truth unravels, like a tale. The narrator watches, with eyes so keen, Describing the scene, so sharp and clean. The crowd awaits, with bated breath, As the story unfolds, leading to death. Cat Efekan and his kittens, lying on the ground, Hit by a car, a… Read More

  • Telepathic Minecraft Guess Who Challenge

    Telepathic Minecraft Guess Who Challenge Minecraft Guess Who? Part 3 In the latest installment of Minecraft Guess Who?, 656 members are embarking on the Guess Who challenge. This exciting challenge involves players trying to guess the block selected by their friend on a grid. The tension is high as they navigate through a series of questions to narrow down the possibilities and make their guess. Engaging Gameplay The gameplay involves players asking strategic questions to determine the characteristics of the block chosen by their opponent. With each question, the players must carefully analyze the responses to eliminate blocks until they can confidently make their… Read More

  • Tricking a Farmer into Labor! | Minecraft Couple Survival #22

    Tricking a Farmer into Labor! | Minecraft Couple Survival #22 Convincing a Farmer to Work! | Boyfriend & Girlfriend Minecraft Survival Series #22 Introduction In the latest episode of the Boyfriend & Girlfriend Minecraft Survival Series, EpicAlyssa1250 and Andrew embark on a mission to convince a reluctant villager to work on their farm. The duo faces challenges and comedic moments as they try to increase their village’s economy. The Villager Conundrum The episode kicks off with EpicAlyssa1250 attempting to place a villager in a house, despite the potential aesthetic drawbacks. The duo’s banter and interactions add a humorous touch to the gameplay, keeping viewers entertained throughout. Building and Redstone… Read More

  • Mastering Mace Enchantments in Minecraft

    Mastering Mace Enchantments in Minecraft The Ultimate Guide to Mace Enchantments In Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to enhance their gameplay. One popular method is through enchantments, which provide various benefits to weapons and tools. Today, we delve into the realm of mace enchantments, exploring the best options to unleash your full potential in the game. Unleashing the Power of Mace Enchantments Maces are formidable weapons in Minecraft, known for their ability to deal significant damage to enemies. To maximize their effectiveness, players can enchant maces with powerful abilities that can turn the tide of battle… Read More

  • Prosto Vanilla

    Welcome to our vanilla Minecraft server! We always update to the latest version of the game so you can enjoy the latest features and fixes from Mojang. Feel the true spirit of Minecraft without any mods, just a pure game and nothing extra. Join us, explore worlds, build your masterpieces and play together with a friendly community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Basic Ocean Meme? Try Totally Spicy”

    Minecraft Memes - "Basic Ocean Meme? Try Totally Spicy"Why is this ocean meme scoring higher than me on a test? Must be using some advanced sea-crets! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Growth Spree

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Growth Spree In this Minecraft world, we journey through time, From Alpha to Release, each version a climb. Exploring the past, where chunk errors did reign, To the ‘golden age’ where memories remain. Building a shelter, a place to call home, Navigating terrain, no need to roam. Creating a base, a fortress so grand, Unlucky exploration, in a vast land. With each update, the game evolves anew, But the essence of Minecraft, forever true. So join me on this journey, through versions of old, In this Minecraft world, where stories are told. Read More

  • Oi Oi Oi, Hotter than a Lava Bucket! 😂🔥

    Oi Oi Oi, Hotter than a Lava Bucket! 😂🔥 When you accidentally type “oi oi oi” instead of “lol lol lol” and suddenly you’re a pirate in a Minecraft meme. #oops #piratelife #minecraftmadness 🏴‍☠️🤣 Read More

  • Shulker Farm Shenanigans: Minecraft Hardcore Setup

    Shulker Farm Shenanigans: Minecraft Hardcore Setup Minecraft Hardcore: Shulker Farm Setup Part 1 Overview In the latest episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, Doc Brennan dives into the intricate process of setting up a Shulker Farm. This challenging task requires strategic planning, resource management, and a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics. Shulker Farm Setup Setting up a Shulker Farm in Minecraft is no easy feat. Shulkers are unique mobs found in End Cities, and farming them can be incredibly rewarding. By creating a farm, players can efficiently gather Shulker shells, a valuable resource used for crafting Shulker Boxes. Key Steps – Locating an End… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Gamer Fleet Vs LILLEVILE

    Epic Showdown: Gamer Fleet Vs LILLEVILE Minecraft Showdown: Gamer Fleet Vs LILLEVILE Members When it comes to epic battles in the virtual world, Minecraft never fails to deliver. The recent clash between Gamer Fleet and LILLEVILE Members has taken the gaming community by storm. Let’s dive into the details of this intense showdown! The Rivalry Unfolds Both Gamer Fleet and LILLEVILE Members are well-known factions in the Minecraft universe, each with a loyal following of players. The tension between the two groups had been simmering for weeks, and it finally reached a boiling point in a fierce battle for supremacy. The Fight for Dominance As… Read More

  • INSANE Maelstrom Mod in Minecraft 1.12.2!

    INSANE Maelstrom Mod in Minecraft 1.12.2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Into the Maelstrom Mod (Minecraft Mod Showcase 1.12.2)’, was uploaded by Topothetop on 2024-06-12 09:39:38. It has garnered 728 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:27 or 1587 seconds. Into the Maelstrom Mod (Minecraft Mod Showcase 1.12.2) This is the into the Maelstrom Mod, a work-in-progress adventure RPG. If you enjoy journeying into unknown worlds and dungeons while testing the limits of your combat, this mod is aimed to provide just that. It has arguably the best progressive story that doesn’t fall completely out of line from typical minecraft stories, as… Read More

  • Droplet’s Skyblock Adventure with Subscribers!

    Droplet's Skyblock Adventure with Subscribers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky blocks with Twitch Subscribers (Stream 2)’, was uploaded by Little_Droplet on 2024-03-25 22:04:04. It has garnered 51 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:01 or 9601 seconds. Playing Sky Blocks on Hypixle with Twitch Subscribers! If you would like to join the world head over to my Twitch and Subscribe as it helps me, put more into my YouTube and Twitch Channel 🙂 TikTok: Discord: Twitter: Twitch- Kick- Read More

  • Shizo Clickbait: “Unbelievable GamerzMine Moment 😱🔥 #anshubisht”

    Shizo Clickbait: "Unbelievable GamerzMine Moment 😱🔥 #anshubisht"Video Information This video, titled ‘The Fleemtu Bhaiya 😎😂 | #anshubisht #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by GamerzMine on 2024-04-19 13:44:00. It has garnered 3696 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Hii Domsto ❤️ Welcome To My Gaming YouTube Channel @GamerzMineog 💖 ♦️ I Provided Funny Moments Various Popular Games/Gamers Edit 😈🔥 ♦️ If You Like My Content So Don’t Forget To Like, Subscribe 😍🫶❤️‍🩹 ♦️ For Credit – @Gamerfleet ‎@AnshuBisht  ‎@NotGamerFleet  📌 For Credits/Business/Removel 👇 [email protected] 🎧 I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC AND PICTURES. THE CREDIT GO TO *RESPECTIVE OWNERS* 📌IF YOU ARE… Read More

  • Uncover secret dimension mods in Minecraft

    Uncover secret dimension mods in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Minecraft’s Forgotten Dimension Mods’, was uploaded by Daiazal on 2024-04-20 08:08:18. It has garnered 706131 views and 40994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:52 or 1552 seconds. MODS FEATURED: Aether: DimensionalDoors: Tropicraft: My silly little social media: Read More

  • 24/7 Minecraft Survival Server – Java + Pe | EPIC gameplay

    24/7 Minecraft Survival Server - Java + Pe | EPIC gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | Java + Pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive Survival #shorts #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by AnxoIsLive on 2024-02-26 08:50:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Live Public SMP | Java + Pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive Survival #shorts #shortsfeed Minecraft Live Public SMP … Read More

  • JedKai Uncovers Secrets in Peter’s SMP: Minecraft Blockterria! 🔥

    JedKai Uncovers Secrets in Peter's SMP: Minecraft Blockterria! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘A New Adventure Through Peter’s New SMP: Minecraft: Blockterria[Live]🔴’, was uploaded by JedKai on 2024-03-10 04:14:33. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:43 or 11023 seconds. A new Adventure starts now Game: Minecraft Fwends: Peter: @PeterHowaryou Jill: @Eywa828 #minecraft #smp Read More

  • Shocking: NOTMINEXD Terminated 🕉️ #minecraft

    Shocking: NOTMINEXD Terminated 🕉️ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What happened to NOTMINEXD 🕉️ ( Channel Terminated ) #minecraft’, was uploaded by Notnikhil on 2024-03-24 06:45:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. youtube channel how to recover terminated youtube account my youtube channel suspended youtube channel suspended … Read More

  • EPIC Custom Warp System in My Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #minecraft #smp

    EPIC Custom Warp System in My Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Custom warp system for my Minecraft Server! #minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #mc #cozy’, was uploaded by StinkySurvival on 2024-05-20 13:50:13. It has garnered 781 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Toilet Fight in Minecraft ⚔️ BHALIYA OFFICIAL #skibiditoilet

    EPIC Toilet Fight in Minecraft ⚔️ BHALIYA OFFICIAL #skibiditoiletVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Skibidi Toilet 🚽 Fight #minecraft #skibiditoilet #phonk’, was uploaded by BHALIYA OFFICIAL on 2024-06-13 08:03:45. It has garnered 502 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. minecraft minecraft animation minecraft shorts shorts #minecraft minecraft mods minecraft pe minecraft edit minecraft 1.20 minecraft memes minecraft meme phonk minecraft funny edit minecraft minecraft video minecraft but shorts minecraft minecraft noob minecraft challenge animation minecraft meme minecraft minecraft tiktok noob minecraft minecraft live best phonk zonecraft minecraft hacks cursed minecraft phonk edit video phonk pvp minecraft minecraft mod minecraft… Read More

  • EuropeSMP

    EuropeSMPWelcome to EuropeSMP, the ultimate CPVP shop survival server where you can become the best player in the game! Join us and embark on an epic adventure as you build, mine, and conquer your way to the top. With a thriving economy, endless possibilities for customization, and a dedicated community of players, EuropeSMP offers a unique and immersive gaming experience like no other. So what are you waiting for? Join us today and start your journey to greatness on EuropeSMP! Read More

  • Ezartla SMP 1.21+

    Welcome to Ezartla Survival Server! We are excited to announce the grand opening of Ezartla Survival Server in just 2 weeks! Join us for an unforgettable survival adventure with exciting features for all players. Key Features: Land Claiming: Protect your creations with our intuitive system. Player-Run Economy: Trade and become the ultimate entrepreneur. Ranks: Earn perks and abilities as you progress. Custom Enchantments: Customize your gear with powerful enchantments. Massive World: Explore a vast 50,000×50,000 block world. Minecraft 1.21: Experience the latest version. And More: Stay tuned for exciting updates! Connect With Us: Server IP: Join Our Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate love in Minecraft

    The love in this meme is so high, it’s like trying to reach level 105 in Minecraft without even mining a single block! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Director Ao’s House Renovation in Minecraft World

    Crafting Chaos: Director Ao's House Renovation in Minecraft World In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Mengxuan Renovation School, where building skills come alive. Director Ao’s house, a masterpiece in the making, With every block placed, a new chapter in the remaking. 1 million guardians, a formidable force, Can they defeat the Ender Dragon, stay on course? In one second’s time, a challenge so grand, Only in Minecraft, where legends stand. Mengxuandada, the hardcore MC player, Crafting videos with style, a true innovator. Sharing insights and trivia, with a playful twist, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams exist. So leap into the verse, let the story… Read More

  • “Spicy Minecraft Memes” 🔥 #minecraft #game #memes #shorts #minecraftshorts

    "Spicy Minecraft Memes" 🔥 #minecraft #game #memes #shorts #minecraftshorts Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #boomtherapy 💥 Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial Minecraft Tutorial: Building a Trash Can with Zurtox Welcome to another exciting Minecraft tutorial with Zurtox! Today, Zurtox will guide you through the process of building a simple trash can in Minecraft. If you have any other building ideas or suggestions for tutorials on his channel, feel free to share them in the comments section. Building a Trash Can in Minecraft Creating a trash can in Minecraft can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Follow Zurtox’s step-by-step instructions to add this essential element to your Minecraft world. Materials Needed: Iron Blocks: For the main structure of the trash can…. Read More

  • Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?!

    Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?! Minecraft Myths: Villagers Sleeping in The Nether? Exploring Player Myths in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players often come up with myths and theories about the game’s mechanics and possibilities. Today, we delve into some of the most intriguing myths shared by players, including the question of whether villagers can sleep in The Nether. Unveiling the Myths First Myth: Players speculate about the existence of hidden dungeons beneath the ocean, waiting to be discovered for rare treasures. Second Myth: Some believe that certain biomes hold secret portals to other dimensions, offering unique adventures. Third Myth: There are… Read More

  • EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMP

    EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lost Books { SkyBoundSMP EP 34 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-07-09 01:28:30. It has garnered 330 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:33 or 2433 seconds. Hello! Welcome to Episode 34 of Rune’s journey on BoundSMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Rune and Sylph meet someone new! Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! SkyBound: Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok:… Twitter:… Instagram:… Alright that’s all from me, see… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0

    Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay’, was uploaded by Dinar Gamerz 2.0 on 2024-04-06 04:00:25. It has garnered 300 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay #craftingandbuilding #Roblox #clashofclans #craftingandbuilding #mecharena #indianbikerider3d #bestgameplayathome #grannyremake #mobilegameplay #pcgameplay #banglagameplay Hey Everyone! This is Dinar ! Welcome to My channel ..”Dinar Gamerz 2.0″ .. I created this channel for PC & Android games. I upload daily videos about pc & mobile related games, gaming news Reactions… Read More

  • Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore Minecraft

    Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Ep.1’, was uploaded by Midnightbirds on 2024-02-19 18:00:10. It has garnered 31 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:42 or 1662 seconds. Sorry for the audio issues. they will be fixed next video. Hardcore Minecraft is Minecraft locked on the hardest difficulty. You have one life where you have to try to survive as long as you can. This is my attempt Read More

  • Insane Mining Academy for Creepers – The Respecter

    Insane Mining Academy for Creepers - The RespecterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Если бы криперы могли пойти в шахтерскую академию’, was uploaded by The Respecter on 2024-02-21 20:15:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling’s FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMP

    INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling's FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘First vid subscribe #minecraft #smp #viral #hack #funny’, was uploaded by Ander Blings on 2024-01-07 23:35:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2

    Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-03-25 11:00:23. It has garnered 55611 views and 2253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:09 or 789 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2) 0:00 -Epic Fight: Obsidian Can Cry 1.18.2 (Forge) 7:47 -Airstrike Mod 1.20.4 —— 1.20.1 (Fabric) 9:59 -Back Weapon Slot 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge) 10:25 -Instant Sleep 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) 10:49 -Item sharpness 1.20.1 —— 1.19.4 (Forge) 11:17 -AutoHarvest 1.20.4 (Fabric) 12:10 -Xp from… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024

    Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024Video Information This video, titled ‘POV: So-Called Phone Addiction. – (Minecraft Short) – #Minecraft2024 – @simonbreaofficial .’, was uploaded by JakeyDboy47 on 2024-06-12 06:48:50. It has garnered 8943 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Hello, I am JakeyDboy47. I like to play Plants vs Zombies, Fortnite, Minecraft, Rocket League, Rogue Company, Among Us, Goat Simulator, Fall Guys and Multiversus. I also like to post cartoon videos and Minecraft Skits I’ve made. My Favourite YouTubers are Typical Gamer, SypherPK, Nick Eh 30, LazarBeam, Lachlan, Loserfruit, GhostNinja, CourageJD and Ninja. My best friends are… Read More

  • ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!

    ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vídeo completo en el canal #viral #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #mods #minecraftpemods’, was uploaded by Gotenks333 on 2024-02-20 00:10:57. It has garnered 1013 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More