Surviving 100 Days in Hollow Earth – Hardcore Minecraft!

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They said it does not exist they said it was a myth they said it was a theory they said it was a lie but I know for a fact that Hollow Earth is real and for my 100 days I will locate it survive in

It th in it tame it and expose the truth to the world and you better stick around as you don’t want to miss that it’s going to be wor I crafted a nuke yeah I crafted myself on you first and foremost I pre-located a underground cabin that

Happened to be right beneath the world spawn my intention is to spend most if not all of my time down in Hollow Earth and the underground cabin is my key to finding it so as I spawn I quickly grabbed some sugar canane broke down a tree to craft myself a shovel and began

Digging straight down you see to find Hollow Earth or the primordial cave I must first craft a special map using a codex found in a cabin oh I got an achievement for the cave but where is it where’s the cabin where’s the cabin I got the you is that Cobblestone I didn’t Place

Cobblestone oh there it is oh I found it so coy in here oh iron don’t mind if I do perfect and a bed I’m going to take this bed as well let’s look aha we got the tablet oh we got a book as well just going to

Quickly make myself a you know I’ll make an iron sword give me the string ooh iron how you told you can hide from me huh makes me wonder if there’s more iron hidden under here there is not and here’s a special cabin crafting table how it works is that I must crack this

Code or language all of these words looks gibberish right but actually not it’s a Canadian language and I must try to find the English word on the left side with limited attempts okay I press something I press the word and I can use this glass thing here to like see what

It says so egg F on egg but you know what I figure out the E kind of looks like an L so if I find two L’s next to each other that might be the word I’m looking for let’s see two L’s next to each other these are

Closed just got to go lme oh here’s two L’s next to each other yes I got it okay next word is uh extinct I got another word that is called uh I don’t know actually I’m just hoping there was an X in there there’s no X in this word but

There’s a c and a t right yeah so a t kind of looks like an upside down L and the C looks like a uh I I want to find I and upside down l oh here actually I upside down L yes okay okay this is the fine word reptile

Let pick something random here so the r is four dots the E is an L so four dots and an l four dotts and let’s start from the top uh uh uh uh not that line not not here nope nope nope

Nope no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no here four dots and an L I did it and I got the scroll Al I forgot to look at this book ah there’s no information in the book are you joking me can I make a map

With that am I missing one paper are you joking me I going take this crafting table with me oh okay here’s a sad thing I uh I lost the index that I just got I pasted in uh this book of mine we not I have more

Tablets so we got to make a new one yeah I got it there got a new scroll this time I’m not going to waste it now I just got to get out of here so I need more paper to make myself a map I’m back

At the surface and there we go some more trigar cane like this I think that’s how we make a map ah I got my map that’s good we’re making progress I can’t help but notice that the sun is going down maybe I should consider sleeping some cows as well I need the

Meat for the journey guys I need the meat for the journey it’s a long journey ahead of me actually I have no idea how long it is it might be short it might be long who knows but I need to meat anyways thank you there’s a tower over

Here look at this Tower I’m kind of going off course but uh I just want to see if there’s any good loot for me hello anybody Inside you know what I’ll do I’ll just cook some of my meat real quick I see more meat meat come here Yum Yum Yum hopefully it won’t take me to like the a village oh boy guys I found a village oh I just have to visit the village okay oh

More yes yes yes yes going to take some seed and wheat here from you hope you don’t mind thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for the wheat watermelons you know what I don’t need watermelons it’s like useless what’s inside here a sticks I love sticks so glad I

Got six the one thing that I’m worried about if is that once I actually enter the cave there won’t be much food for me down there besides like killing dinosaurs and that could be potentially really dangerous so I want to bring with me some seeds and stuff that I can

Plant it seems to have gotten already dark so I wonder if I should sleep that direction here they got to run this direction it’s saying it’s next to a Tiger Biome yeah it’s saying it’s next to a Tiger Biome so once I see a Tiger

Biome I might be close okay I just can’t help myself but I see more sugar canane here oh no there’s an ocean here do I need to cross the ocean guess I got to make a boat there I have my boat off we go oh more sugar Cane more more sugar cane I want to make books and enchantment I need it no more no more sugar canane no matter what people say no more sugarcane okay there’s a ship here does this ship have anything that I want he has nothing on board it actually has nothing not a

Single thing on it look at me just Sailing sailing across the land okay so right ahead I have a a swamp it looks like oo I’m actually getting closer I can see that I moved on the map Hollow Earth or Prim primordial cave primordial cave yeah Hollow Earth or the primordial

Cave should be straight ahead oops oops is that what I think it is where’s my where’s my bucket the ugly fish here it is I got it a small catfish okay wo is that a shark what is that I’m just going to is that a shark I actually don’t know oh more sugar

Cane I’m just happy that I’m actually getting closer so if I see a tiger forest soon that means I’m there oh oh both both both both oh oh my goodness that was a Commando Dragon I was so close to death there where’s my food oh my goodness I almost died freaking

Commander Dragon are you joking me okay I got to watch out for those guys now just got to keep an eye on any Commando dragons that might be hiding it’s really hard to see them they kind of like there there’s one so far so good what is this oh I see

Command dragons oh they’re fighting each other I I I have no time to look at that I want to get out of this one I don’t want to mess with any commander dragons oh another sure I’m tempting to look at it but no this swamp is Big this is the

Biggest swamp I ever been in I don’t see any command dragons put on Torch right there and put my bed right next to it here we sleep okay what way where I’m supposed this way okay we have not reached uh the caves yet we have not reached Hollow

Earth I’m calling it Hollow Earth okay it has a different name but for me it’s Hollow Earth okay so I see some different biomes I see see a mountain so we are actually leaving the swamp finally and now I’m in a birch Forest at the map yep I’m getting closer it is

Also saying that it’s next to a tiger and a plains biome so if I see a tiger and a plains biome I know I’m close tiger tiger forest am I here now is there planes nearby I might be here now it’s it’s said to be next to a tiger and a place

Biome so here’s a Tiger Biome but I don’t see a single plan biome oh I’m here I’m I’m actually here it’s saying there’s planes biome over there but I don’t see any PLS I just see forest look at that the cave is right under me now

I’m not sure if I understand the map correctly but it looks like around the biome there’s like a line and I’d rather not come from the ceiling so I wonder if I should go to one of the edges and start digging down I’m not sure what

White level I have to go to I do imagine it’s like at the deep dark like What look at these rocks here these are different rocks what is this oh I got achievement I must have arrived the cave That Time Forgot I go s here I’m hearing dinosaurs you guys hear them I got to be smart about this so what I will do actually furnace melt

Down my iron here and I’m making a shield I can’t go down there with without a shield don’t be don’t be stupid I cannot be stupid how do oh there we go Shield perfect you guys hear that that was a T-Rex just keep digging digging digging okay I just heard a spider

That’s interesting I have actually no idea where I am now I’ve been digging so long it’s really hard to find a way down can I melt this Sandstone can I melt that make glass I wonder guys I made it down more or less oh my good and we got the T-Rex

It’s right there you got two of them actually you see that and we got a raptor over there oh boy are they going to fight is that T-Rex hungry it is hungry oh no yeah I don’t I don’t want to doal like he’s coming for me okay these guys are

Actually coming for me I got to run oh boy oh boy boy boy boy I don’t want to deal with T-Rex that is like one of my end goals to deal with you guys not now that’s not the first thing I’m going to do when I come here

Okay I think I managed to get away look at this place it’s so beautiful it is actually so beautiful they’re coming they’re coming okay I thought for a second and maybe I could be able to like trap them but you know on second thought I don’t

Think I will be able to do that oh my God I have these thousand legs things how do I avoid them oh my goodness where’s my pickaxe oh my God this is bad is really bad yeah I’m not quite sure what to do here everything wants to kill me I don’t

Have armor guys I don’t have I don’t have armor how am I supposed to deal with these guys I did not expect uh to get swarm like this here you know what I think I will do I go a bit further oh they all have fallen down to the hole

That’s so good that’s actually perfect for me oh oh no the T-Rex fell down there they all fell down into the pit that’s perfect that means I can make a run for it w that was a bigger fall than I thought it was okay good no nobody’s chasing me oh

God oh God there’s a raptor here my God why did I not think of why didn’t I think of getting armor before I went in there yeah I see you question is can can I take out a single Raptor I should oh no it didn’t see me the Thousand like did not see

Me that’s so good otherwise he would have climbed this Tower okay Raptor where are you he’s not attacking me oh he he’s attacking me never mind Oh half heart I’m not going to lie that was not fun there’s no dinosaurs there’s no dinosaur near me I can make a house huh oh no and we got another Raptor back of course we do is that an Enderman down here you guys see that left corner there’s an

End my goodness if I killed the Enderman I could actually throw ender pearl potentially I have a plan I’ll try to attract the Enderman I will kill the Enderman I’ll get his Pearl and I will teleport out of here where did go I saw him where is he I see

It I have eye contact I have it look at me end look at me look at me look at me yes now where did that Enderman go he must still be attracted to me right what are you doing down there come up here I need ender pearl Enderman please I need

You come up to me I’m right up here what is it is something wrong with these blocks you don’t like them I have dirt would I make you more happy you want to teleport to that instead why is he not teleporting up here I guess I just got

To run for it again now where would I run to though that is a big question where do I run catfish I’m sorry about this I need to sacrifice you that hurt you didn’t it Enderman huh yeah that’s hurting you if you won’t teleport to me I can’t

Have you chasing me on the ground either yeah so just uh oh oh oh the Raptors can swim oh you you came up here you did come up here per Pur Pur Pur I got no pearl are you joking me but now I don’t need to

Deal with him anymore so that’s good one problem at a time and now I run oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I don’t like any of this oh they’re coming they’re coming they’re all coming oh there’s more of them oh there’s so many of them there’s just so

Many of them wood wood wood yes got some wood that should be I should be able to make a crafting table with that are you friendly I hope you are otherwise I’m screwed look at the M shaft over there okay a bunch of raptors after me when I

Say a bunch I actually mean a bunch here this is a good place to build a house oh you scared me bird please don’t bite me oh you didn’t hey I need a safe space that’s all I ask for a safe space there’s only one Raptor I should

Be able to take it out right I did it once I can do it again there’s no other creature near near me never mind I cannot kill it look at them they’re just taking fall damage and dying 3 2 1 run I love you dinosaur you kind

Dinosaurs I love you guys the Kinder the dinosaur is the more the more I like it okay I will completely lost track of where I am oh T-Rex oh my goodness how I I’ve been running in a circle I’m back where I came from but maybe that’s good

Maybe I can make my house now make the roof there a safe space O O Okay so let’s get a crafting table going there let’s make a new pickaxe cuz I need a new pickaxe I have a long way to go that is for sure let’s just empty some stuff

Here I need to mine I think I need to mine I am a bit worried now is there no ores down here I kind of assume there were ores below me so I could mine to get iron and stuff like that uh okay not a single or yet okay so

I have reached Bedrock I’m at bedrock and there’s just sand down here not a single ore no Stones no nothing guys I don’t know what to say to all this how am I supposed to get iron then you know what I got to abort I got to get out of

Here it is clear to me that I I am too unprepared I got to get out of here how do I escape oh he beat me oh God poon that’s bad so I don’t want to I don’t want to get bitten by that guy there you go come on I need armor I need iron I need stuff like that look at the M shaft up there bet I can find some good stuff up

There so you know I I would run this direction so far it seems safe up here Barrel oh iron oh yeah cave spiders yeah I’m good if this one thing I don’t want to deal with is freaking cave spiders and look what we have here more iron

Beautiful or iron for days this is a really scary M shaft I’m not going to lie oh what’s this oh oh more coal a lot of coal and I will have strings for days guys look around are you thinking the same that I’m thinking I’m going to collect

These I’m going to collect as many of these as I can with these drip Stones I’m sure we can make a really really good trap for dinosaurs I will just get out of this m shaft yeah I think I will do that I will jump down

Land in that water pool and run into the cave yeah that’s a solid plan I see nothing wrong with that oh put some iron now oh I forgot creepers was the thing okay so here’s all the regular mobs great who are these skeletons this will be my temporary base

Just to get some iron and resources before I venture out again Redstone could be useful here we have some more iron look at that let this be a warning to everyone don’t enter Hollow Earth before you have armor I went in there with no armor what was I thinking there’s a skeletony

What is he wearing I’m very pleased with myself I found a lot of iron so far oh look at oh we found diamonds we have found diamonds excellent shoot the shter please there we go now you guys fight perfect I just kill whoever loses who will lose he

Lost and that is how I do it oh two diamonds here three diamonds more diamonds Yoo just a single one that’s kind of disappointing I do want Lava there we go these are weird strange caves they’re so Square you know you know what I mean I made it back let’s see what I collected I have 56 iron and five diamonds that’s not too bad I got to make a great weapon

I think I know what to do ah I only have one letter I can’t make my weapon if I don’t have more of that I think I’ll use these diamonds that I have for a I’m just going to make a helmet I think yep made a diamond helmet it’s day 11 I got

Some better armor I mean look at me slightly more prepared well I guess I’ll find out now can I take out that guy oh I killed one oh god oh these guys are not joking around still okay so I didn’t manage to take out two of them but I got to say they

Did a number on me I am also super curious can I do something about these eggs or I’m just destroying them that’s not what I want to do oh I didn’t make the jump I thought I would make the jump oh my goodness then now is to find

A nice flat location that I can uh make into my base I was going to say this place is nice until I saw these rep titles oh my God I’m running around here like a maniac I don’t know how many I have no idea many the dinosaur I

Attracted enough of them at least here I like this place here I’ll settle down this is just a temporary house got to speed build this he wants to kill me hey you stopped that oh my goodness you can jump oh God oh God that’s not

Good I have a plan how to deal those guys you didn’t expect this huh you didn’t know that I had lava and now you shall all burn don’t tell me these guy oh the T-Rex going to walk into my Flames T-Rex please please I don’t want to I do not want to

Disturb you I’m not here because I want to I’m here because of those freaking things oh I killed it don’t mind me guys just running past you all oh my God I’m so tired of running around is the T-Rex gone now okay so I made a square now you

Don’t to eat me I’m small you need something bigger this base is going to be so ugly but it’s the only thing I have oh God they have they have returned I got to run again the Raptor the Raptors are all over me oh you

Raptors oh you just oh one of them beat me oh my God you R you guys going to pay later I’m going to make so many evil plans for you guys there go kill another Raptor you see I can be dangerous too I’m going kill you oh more

Them I was a bit more of them more than I wanted I’m sorry for attacking you guys I’m sorry for attacking you I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m back with my house after doing 400 laps and there’s still a ton of dinosaurs here all wanting to murder me oh oh stop stop

Please oh look that found something well look at all these weapons Limestone spear primitive Club oh my wow I was planning on Crafting that but now I I don’t have to it looks like I throw it I can throw it is it stackable it is stackable oh man a

Throwing spear what’s in the other ones more Spears Fiddle Head what is a Fiddle Head I want to check out the other buildings I want to see what’s inside of them primordial helmet is three armor this basically my diamond now can I finally finish it okay okay I have closed up the ceiling

Oh oh boy oh boy it’s all safe right yes it’s all safe oh my goodness goodness let’s put on some torches here this club here is meant to use for T-Rex and I just found it so I don’t need to craft it I don’t have Windows

But I have these let’s kind of like Windows right oh are you joking me right now make some iron bars to make a fence oh they’re opening the doors oh my goodness stay out of here get out of here you’re making me do this I’m going to kill you all stop that

Oh I’m closing the door Stop opening the doors Raptors are you joking me at least I’m safe in my bunker I’m stunning them where you joking me there you go so hey I don’t have a sponsor for this video but I do have a server my own Pixelmon server so if

You’re into Pokemon and Minecraft please come and join us I for one would absolutely love if you came and perhaps grabbed a rank with some nice benefits yeah know I love my server and I and I hope you can check it out you’ll find a link on how to join in the video

Description but for now let’s go back to the dinosaurs finally I have my safe space but I need to learn more about Holo Earth or the primordial cave but I could not find my special crafting table so I began backtracking from where I came from to find it but you know what

It turns out I forgot to bring the table with me I left it behind by mistake honest mistake after getting the first codex I did pick up the table and then I apply the Codex to my book and as you know I had to make a New Codex So I

Placed down the table again but this time I forgot to pick it up so yeah I began backtracking everywhere I’ve been in this H Earth I thought I left it behind in a chest or something but it was not a total waste of time as I got

Some resources but I really need that table to learn more so yeah I got coordinates to a new underground cabin somewhere nearby and I began walking and Mining a path to it I have to travel like 200 blocks this way okay I going just add a couple of

Cobblestone here so so that I remember the way back oh a log a log yes perfect oh this is something else what is all of this this this area is so different a grinder I’m going to take this grinder with me as well yeah this is a crafting

Table that I wanted to bring with me ooh an enchanted iron pickaxe and now I can return long way back home and there’s my house so now I can drop off some of my stuff here oh look at the old iron I have I have so much

Iron now I need to make another furnace I need to make multiple furnaces I need to plant food I need to plant plant of food I don’t want to lose my potatoes just plant the potato there I have some more just plant them I have bucket but I

Don’t have water where’s the nearest water there we go let’s just make a infinite water source as well perfect making progress It’s slow progress we’re making progress a lot of stones now that should be good I can make some nice stone bricks let’s try secure this area I’m going to start

Securing it by making some walls around here oh my god there you go oh my God okay I’m nearly dead now this is getting dangerous I’m so hungry right now is anything I can eat here anything that I can eat that I have a lot of man I have nothing

I’m planting some seed at least but there’s nothing I can eat I got to go hunting for a bigger dinosaur I need food badly like big time I need to go hunting for dinosaurs let’s start by making a fence now I’m not sure if they can jump

Over this wall I don’t think they can I don’t know why I’m putting all this vegetation in my house yeah this is so bad I have I have three and a half heart trust me I don’t want I don’t want to be cooked up inside of here but uh at

The same time I don’t know what to do all right I have to do something I’m going to eat the golden apple and then I’m going hunting I did not intend to capture you just so you know you did that to yourself somehow there we have one I love you man but I

Need food die stay away oh no I can’t be deal with Rapture at the same time oh boy oh boy oh oh boy he hit me he hit me oh boy this was more dangerous than I thought it was going to be oh boy I need my spars give me back my

Spars I can’t fight both of you at the same time come on this is getting out of hand oh boy I’m retrieving this was this this went bad I used up two golden apples and look at me yeah I’m eating another Golden Apple I just need a

Health back I do have a plan I got to make a trap a nice hole for the dinosaurs to fall into I’m not sure if the drip Stones does more damage if it’s taller I don’t know so if I have these oh God I’m middle of something here please stay

Away I killed it hey beautiful trap now I just got to lure him fall into my hole fall into my hole come on yes yes just keep going just keep going yes still alive somehow but I got you now how much health do you have there you go I killed

Him I killed my first dinosaur not my first dinosaur but my first big one I guess oh boy that a good plan proud of myself and now I should have meat right I got some thing so I got a dinosaur Meat Block what I do with that can I not slice it

In more pieces do I just have to eat like one thing I don’t know like am I supposed to eat this block of meat is that what I’m supposed to do what did I just break it where did my meat go did I place my meat and I destroyed it

I am so confused what is happening I don’t know what to I don’t know what to say I kill a big dinosaur and what do I get nothing I need food guys this is bad for me wait a minute where’s That I caught something oh I can make a soup of you okay the worst Food yes come on Blue friend let’s see how smart you really are let’s see if you’re a clever girl are you a clever girl tell me nope you’re not a clever girl is that a

Frog hey frog a yellow frog where do you come from legit I’m starting to feel safe here and I I’m really happy about that collecting all that iron was a good thing he’s moving my direction is the T-Rex coming for me that T-Rex is coming for me I

Can’t believe it how do you spot me I was so far away okay he’s turn around he just said don’t cross this line okay maybe he said something else the T-Rex is entered my oh my God I have a T-Rex inside of my base now don’t

Kill my frog okay please he’s going to ruin my farm what are you doing here oh my God why can’t a man like me catch a break yeah I kind of want to kill at haops still is there a Triceratops that I can kill somewhere okay this this bird here can I kill

It it doesn’t seem to care about me I need food you are my food like this big boy here I don’t know he could have so much health how would I know it’s not very aggressive I like that he he’s just like taking it come on oh yes yes I killed

Him what did he drop from me some bones and meat now can I eat this thing I can’t eat it I must use it for I I have to use it for a recipe it looks like I forgot that I wanted a sugar cane Farm oh God okay so my wall is working

At least that’s good to know I’m actually getting established down here now finally I have a wall that protects me from these Raptors and I’m working on all my all my Farms I need to get rid of the trees surrounding my house that is

For sure why is all the TX around me I don’t understand it or I see something I actually see something I saw something on this tree leaf I got it a tree star look at the T-Rexes not not the both stuck down there oh well not my problem are you

Jokeing me this entire tree only had one this entire tree here here I will cut it down and see if I can get a sapling cuz if I can get a sapling I might get more of these three stars cuz if I going to have some good food I need a tree star

And I need a supply of them I’m getting a lot of wood though so that is good oh a tree star another one you’re actually dropping from the leaves I almost have all another tree star where there so many of them another one oh my good they’re all over the

Place wait a minute the T-Rex escaped I’m too hungry I can’t Sprint oh this is bad the twox is at my entrance oh my God this is actually bad I cannot run okay I might be able to get indoors after all I cannot run I hate this why can I not run

I need to Sprint please is a raptor still down there yeah it is yes I’m indoors I’m indoors oh do not like that I have my ball I have this flower thing I have the bones and I have the meat tada this better tastes good are

You joking me oh what what I got rage oh my I got an ability called rage what what does that do I have no idea what that what that does did I do more damage now or something oh I’m so angry I have rage

Now so it gives me rage but what is Rage good for I’m still super hungry I got to make my wheat farm here I think got get rid of some of these blocks here they’re in the way can you go hunting somewhere else there’s nothing for you here here

How am I supposed to grow a farm here when you are walking around oh my goodness I will not attack it cuz I if I do attack it it’s probably going to go into like a rage mode don’t trample my potatoes you’re breaking my Potatoes oh boy oh boy he fell into my trap wow well at least I don’t need to worry about him anymore now I can actually make a farm right now I’m under this thing here and that is why these are growing I believe and also thanks to my torches obviously

Do you see on the floor like there here has a light spot I’m getting light source from the ceiling so that is something to consider I guess beautiful look at all this look how I flatten out this area now I can actually see stuff I

Can see the Border or my Cliff still I can barely work cuz I’m so freaking hungry it’s a bit too dark here I don’t have any light sources above me this is so beautiful look take it take a look at this this is so beautiful what a lovely sight kind of

Funny how I unintentional captured two T-Rexes like none of them were my attention to capture another Lantern there put another Lantern here now I should be able to make my farm and instead of having like a dirt floor here let’s get a wooden floor it will look a

Bit nicer I think there we go slightly better it’s kind of hard working on the wall when that thing is around I don’t have health so I don’t want to I don’t want to take I don’t want to fight anything right now but I should be able

To make some food very soon I’m still just working here on my farm while I wait for my crop to grow and stuff like that I will do some learning so I’ll take out my tablets take my paper and I will just begin learning flly Trap I did it I completed all the Scrolls now look at them so now I can just like apply them to my book nothing more to learn about this biome did I make four extra for no reason whatsoever is that actually a joke they know everything now

Well look at that guy that has 120 Hearts no wonder I was struggling to kill it if I feed it this soup it will go crazy and knock down trees and Stu for me I can be breed with a tree star and will produce a single large egg

Afterwards I looking for you guys here you are and with them I have the recipe for the soup perfect I honestly don’t know what to expect there we have one eat the soup I gave it the soup now what happened nothing’s happening what I doing I just oh he’s oh

He cutting down all of the trees oh nice oh my goodness oh my goodness he’s destroying all the trees feel like I got to replant these trees now I don’t want to remove all trees down here I’m not done with you I want to see if I can get an egg you are

Following me oh my goodness maybe if we find a friend of yours oh why did they kill the other one I’m so dumb okay I found a lot of them actually Four there’s more Raptors than I like or I prefer oh I Le getting there’s a bit too many

Of them here well there’s a bit too Many oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God why am I doing this Jesus half a heart why did I Risk Everything why did I try to take the fight get out of here all right let’s try that one more time you guys want to make a baby here

Instead can you guys make a baby now make an egg please I fed you come on where are the eggs oh my God annoying little creatures aren’t you I was promised eggs when I F you guys that thing when I fed you guys the free star I expected to receive eggs I

Want you guys to give me an egg is that so so hard some more tree star many more tree stars please can you guys make a make a baby now make an egg yes yes yes I did it where’s the egg where’s the egg where’s my

Egg there’s oh my goodness egg is big can I pick it up I’m going to take a chance can I pick up this egg I destroyed it that’s awkward I was really hoping I could bring the egg with me baked potatoes oh my goodness yeah baked

Potatoes all the way that’s going to be my main focus for now screw the bread who wants bread not me I want potatoes kind of want to give this another go if I can lure these guys to come over to me that would be great oh boy that a lot of raptors that

Was a lot of raptors what the I’ve never seen so many at once you want to follow look what I’m holding come on let’s let’s keep going no raptor is going to stop us you will have it I swear and you’re going to make beautiful babies come will you be killing fish

Down here yeah keeping yourself busy I like that you guys are so close now come a bit further Yes we finally did it all right come down here you guys got to make the egg down here then I just got to trap you guys here I don’t want I

Don’t want you guys to leave there you go make a en close enure a small enclosure for these guys my first dinosaur enclosure and they even made an eggs I wonder if these guys will give me feathers and stuff I’m not entirely sure it’s about to hatch I want to be here

When it hatches can’t believe I’m still alive down here that’s crazy a bit cooler entrance oh it hatched where is it the egg is gone where is it oh look at it I made a baby a baby dinosaur I have will come back and breed you guys later okay

I probably should continue on my wall right just do some work on the wall here oh God oh God we got trors inside you guys want to go huh I got to beat you to submission huh you like this you I killed it oops he is awful close but he can’t get up

Here so I so I am safe let’s go outside and do some reading let’s read while we look out on our beautiful world I want to know more about these Raptors yeah they would kill anything yeah we know that I did not know this the Raptors usually have an

Elder ah and if I kill the leader they will all run away yeah I can open doors and chest why will they open chest they will steal meat I can tame it if a raptor eats a dinosaur nugget it will enter a relaxed state after consuming it

And uh during this this relaxed State I can approach it and feed it a Serene salad in order to tame it oh my goodness I’m going to make so many Raptors that is awesome I I need to make a raptor then and we will start taming Raptors

How do I get dinosaur nugget well I can make it so easy I have so look at this where’s the meat where’s my meat there it is and if I put it like that nuggets 12 nuggets so I need this I need a fern I need a bowl obviously like so

It’s really solid okay before I do what I want to do I just need to do some mining there you go diamonds more diamonds there’s a chicken in here how do I kill yes chicken is alive got it we did it chicken let eggs please can I make you

Follow me I’m kind of scared that you will die along the way but if I could get you back to my bed base alive oh my God I will be so happy be careful I don’t want you to fall into lava getting you all the way back home is going to be so

Difficult oh boy you’re you are living dangerously aren’t you follow me follow me follow me the fact that you spawned is so lucky we’re going to do a lot of mining is that diamond oh there more diamonds perfect we got to run to to the base to our base

Chicken where are you going oh my God you go okay Shen where did you go you’re not following me you did not follow yeah so now keep following me okay no joking around CH we’re so close come on we’re so close come on you’re so close just get indoors come come come come oh he’s freaking

Out the T-Rex is scaring it yes come in yes beautiful now you just got to lay eggs chicken just go into it okay here you go you got to stay down there okay so before I build my Raptor then I wanted to craft an enchantment table I

Had the diamonds for a pickaxe but that’s about it so I returned to the cave to get the obsidian and the final Diamond I needed but then I also sto upon something new this is the toxic cave and here is where I must go to craft myself the nuke but but not now

Now I will focus on taming some Raptors and building the Raptor Den within my base I found a location where I would like to build the Raptor den and I also kind of by accident manag to capture myself a raptor that’s good I will move this guy inside the den once it’s done

But for now I flatten out the area to give myself a good foundation to build it then and as time went on the Raptor Den took shape the walls were up and I had a viewing platform then sadly I learned about something I don’t know how

Or when but as I was going to check if my chicken had dropped an egg it was suddenly gone how could this happen I spent an entire day moving this chicken to my base and now it’s gone I guess I won’t have a chicken farm anytime soon

But I continued building the Raptor then it was nearly done I also wanted some sort of door or a gate and I decided to make one out of Pistons I wired everything with redstone beneath the ground that would lead to a lever at the opposite side so that I can open and

Close the gate freely and with that the Raptor then is more or less complete I just have to cover up the Redstone and H do some final touch-ups and if we jump ahead it’s done so my plan on how to get the Raptors inside then is kind of it’s

Kind of dangerous but my plan is to have the Raptors chase me inside of it then I will quickly climb out of it and hit the lever closing the gate behind a solid plan I just got to be quick to avoid being ripped to pieces by the Raptors

The Raptors are in packs and they often have a Le leader and I want make sure I get the leader after me oh found him oh my goodness is that a full group yeah it is a full group all right follow me Oh oh oh almost died I did I got I think I got two of them but there still there’s one guy left come on jump jump what an idiot but it worked I got three of them now oh that’s beautiful look at my Raptor Then nice that was a huge success and now we’re going to do something even more fun well that’s the leader we got to tame the leader chest there put some nuggets in there oh oh oh boy okay that that wall needs to be worked on he he just jumped right over

It oh so did he oh God here T nuggets this is my piece offering eat it where you go no no no you idiot you were the chosen one for me ah what a beautiful day this is the day I would tame a raptor and I have a

Plan so I have this hole here with some nuggets inside and I will lure the Raptor into it okay I got two two now maybe I can t them both hopefully they on my tail hey walk down I killed it that’s not on purpose he just walking past

Me how have you not fall down into there we go I got him I know you like to SN he’s snoking I saw him snook he open the chest you guys saw that is are you happy you look happy you’re not attacking me hey you are attacking me if he’s standing on

His chest he might be able to jump out I didn’t think about that he ate it he ate it how are you feeling okay that monster is still trying to kill me okay he went need my chest again okay he’s laying down there I tamed him best friend get out of

Here who is following me he’s following Me oh that’s so cool he’s wandering he’s staying he’s following he has three modes hey eat some nuggets I have some nuggets too would you look at that guys my own Rapture friend you think we can convince your friends in here to uh I don’t know like

Me so I made friend with this Raptor you guys want to be friendly with me I have to tame these guys inside here this will be like my Raptor farm so whenever our new Raptor dies I will have Raptors in here to make eggs for me yes

I want to tame my new Raptors and uh you know what I accidentally captured another dinosaur a tracer Toops has fallen into my enclosure that’s kind of funny but if I want to tame the rest of my Raptors I would need to craft more of

This Ren soup the thing is I need a special vegetation item called a Fiddle Head to to craft the Serene soup and I’m not entirely sure on how to actually get more but I decided to just venture out to see what I see oh there it is is this

It it is I found one can I grow them somewh oh my God there’s so many T-Rexes here there’s three of them why but I’m finding a lot of them it’s raining oh my goodness there a hole in the ceiling are you joking me that’s

So cool ah now I’m back with this m shaft look at that I did not I did not see this door before Oh a spawner actually do I want to oh a villager spawned a zombie villager can I save Him okay so I’ve locked myself in here name tag probably I might want that I want to bring this Anvil with me home it’s kind of nice to have I will get the Villager back to my base um using uh railing so I got to make a railing system to my base

I just got to know where my base is what a cool find and I already have a railing system here that I can use this is excellent I’m not I don’t have to move the Villager too far why are there so many T-Rexes here where where did all of you come from now

We can make this soup now how much you guys eaten so far all of it oh stop stop hurting me oh he went into the chest is that another T-Rex are you joking me no no stay away from my dinosaurs stay away from my dinosaurs you do not have my permission

To enter no no no no no no no no no no he’s he has entered my no no no no he’s entered get out of there who said you can come in there no you’re not supposed to enter oh my good this is this is becoming a a disaster oh no he’s eaten

All of all of my dinosaurs he’s actually eaten all of them I don’t know where he went but they’re all dead only one remained go this is time of Sorrow G ofair there go yes he loves me there he loves me now they all loves me oh my goodness

Thank God and now guys can you guys make some baby did I did I just make a baby I got some experience points but where’s the baby oh an egg rtor egg that’s beautiful make another egg yes did I just step on it or did it grow I’m not entirely

Sure look at that I have four Raptors now which dinosaur is mine I I don’t know how did I want how am I supposed to know the difference hey Dino Pals yeah makes Mi more eggs nice the guys it’s time to build a proper base is

That Enderman ah not tough nowm are you huh there we go and I got a pearl what a good boy I got to give him a name I shall name you BL BL you’re you’re my new best friend there we got him BL perfect okay so so BL can we kill this

Uh T-Rex here you think in case you’re hungry BL take some food L you’re not doing anything yes L take him L yes BL you go BL we got him together we take him out don’t give up BL we got him BL I can’t help but notice you’re not doing anything right now

You got to keep fighting BL what are you [Applause] doing go go get him BL get him BL Yes I found a good spot just attacking from oh oh we got him oh just in time BL oh my goodness I thought I would die there when I fell down oh we killed him did we get anything good yes you deserve that now that the T-Rex

Is gone I can both plan and prepare to move the zombie villager back home and gather some building blocks so I brought with me blow and return to the zombie spawner again then I guess I got kind of distracted by the M shaft I found a lot

Of spawners and loot and I’m also Gathering these railings got to save iron when I can but once I was done exploring I began mining a tunnel leading from the zombie villager spawner all the way back to my home base I figured I can use these limestones as a

Building blocks for the new an improved base and luckily for me the distance is not too great and once I made it home I ran back and placed down the railings but of course I was short of 10 railings or less so typical so I quickly returned

To the m shaft again to get the rest oh yeah I have I picked up way more than I needed there go oh oh here it goes there it goes look at my zombie villager so I need another booster around here somewhere he’s actually still moving funny enough stop hurting

Me no no no no blue BL BL BL are you crazy you almost murdered him HH a baby Raptor the egg has the egg has hatch at least one of them look at him he so tiny oh there’s so many of them so many tiny ones I have to go say hello

Hello here make more babies beautiful oh what happened what happened what did I do what did I just do did I accidentally kill a egg no oh boy oh Boy the baby Raptor almost killed me oh my goodness what happened yeah he’s in a boat dude why don’t you love me I was so happy to see baby Raptors and then they they all tried to murder me anyhow where was I so where did our zombie friend go he’s

Coming back he’s coming back no no no blue no blue um are you some Joker is is that what you are uh just a joker huh there you go ow you got to be careful with that I have a friend named BL and he will kill

You we did it we did it we got the zombie zombie guy here one for you one for you you guys making a baby now yes they did is there no way for me to pick up this egg but this is so much better why didn’t I do this at the start

He you get one and also you get one now you guys make a beautiful egg okay now the fence is taller there’s absolutely no way a T-Rex will be able to enter now no way what what’s up with you BL you’re just walking in just walking through and

Out the door what is your deal he starts missing me be like hey Kim hey hey BL what’s up are you leaving again oh I I guess I see you later okay then he walks he goes to the left no he oh you’re back already you

Miss me so much fine here take some food guys we waited long enough it is about time that we build and improve my home base and that means my old ugly one needs to go I can’t believe I’m living in these conditions so I’m glad we’re making a change around here and that

Will be my main focus for the next few days build my house but I had some issues along the way yeah uh a wild T-Rex appeared and that made building my home base uh difficult yeah know it was impossible to build with that thing around but don’t you worry I managed to

Lure the T-Rex over to a family of Triceratops with a feast like that the T-Rex won’t be bothering me for a while but this made me realize that I probably want more protection so I spent an entire day trying to get my Raptors out of the Raptor dead at least get the

Raptors that likes me I’d say half of them likes me and the rest just wants me dead it okay how many do I have 1 2 3 4 six okay guys are you guys ready for a challenge this a monster is about to come here and eat me and I need you guys

To rip it apart all of you come on kill it kill him kill him come on yes yes yes yes good perfect yes yes yes kill it hey baby what’s going on oh the baby are you joking me oh my God the baby Raptor attacked the cherat chops and died of

Course oh my Goodness oh oh my goodness I did not know that t- Rox was here it was basically standing on me oh my goodness that was freaky can all of us take out the T-Rex together oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God I got to hit it oh I I sted it

Oh boy oh boy boyy oh boy this was not I expected I did not expect that oh God oh God how is it not dead yet that’s what I want to know how is it still alive he even ate my soup but it’s still pissed off I’m going to hit it now

Oh my Goodness was that all of my soups I have one more I have one more soup oh he’s running he’s running he’s running I didn’t know he could run oh other way other way oh my goodness that guy is freaky I hit him once I’m going hit him Again how is that guy still alive that is what I wonder I missed it there we go there go I hit him let’s go guys let’s take him out I Missed oh oh my Raptors oh don’t get scared you guys had him why do you guys stop get him get him go get him Guys Bo hit him hit him go go go let’s go we got him now what how is he not dead H him let’s finish this now yes we did it we did it finally he’s dead let’s let’s get some food okay let’s kill him oh that was um not as cool as I

Thought it would be I just I’m just I just feel bad good now that the crisis is averted I can return to building my base in peace and quiet I’m heavily inspired by The Visitor Center from Jurassic Park I mean it would fit extremely well in here

In my my well I guess I have a Jurassic Park 2 thus far I actually have two dinosaur enclosures and yeah I also did craft the enchantment table way back but I never placed it down as I never really had the space for it but soon I will but

Eventually I needed more building blocks like wood so I ventured off with my pack of Raptors and we quickly got the wood and then I got slightly sidetracked nothing too bad just just seeing what else is out there and what else I can find but not too long after I did return

Home and worked on finishing the entire roof I’m kind of sad that I don’t have access to glass as I can’t melt sandstone and I haven’t seen a single patch of sand down here but it is what it is and uh my house is mostly done and

Guys I want to attempt a new dangerous challenge yes one of my end goals and that is taming a T-Rex I just need to gather more fiddle heads for the Serene soup recipe so I ventured off again ended up finding some more spawners and other fun things but I did collect my

Fiddle head and and returned home now I should be able to make the salad I can make a lot of them I’m ready to start uh taming that dinosaur all right guys today is the day that I tame this T-Rex I missed how did I miss oh

Boy oh boy oh my God he took a bite of me I’ll smack you oh boy took a bite with me okay I hit him twice at Least I’m so glad I built this Farm the way I did that’s only way he can get to me he can’t reach me okay next time he screams I’ll hit Him go I’m hitting you there you go eat salad come on come on you’re Mine you won’t be able to win this I did not expect to a r to to hit me as well I’m going for the attack just going to charge up take this hel oh I tamed him I did it and I’m riding him too I cannot believe it I tamed the T-Rex

Oh so that is how I attack I just melee okay I see how it is oh my God nobody can fight me now I am the king die that’s beautiful I have my house I have my RoR done I have still a lot of soups almost wonder if I should try

Catch another one I’ll Try got got got hey which one which one is mine I tamed him I did it I T two of them now look at them they know who’s boss and that is me right Raptor BL where’s BL BL BL what what is actually going on

How did you end up in here there’s two of you there’s three of you there’s a legit suit under my house Tom we got to go and find BL BL is my Raptor we must have left it behind at some point BL where are you everyone get the hell out of

Here get out of here everyone oh I don’t know what to say anymore I don’t I cannot find my friend how ironic that I get this guy and I lose my first friend now I I’m really sad that I lost my friend BL let me explain my issues

Besides the missing BL I cannot craft any more bookshelves cuz I need leather and from what I can tell here there’s no dinosaurs that provides letter and I also want potion of weakness to uh cure that villager zombie so I got to make a nether portal let’s take a look at myself

Diamond Helmet primordial tunic with protection too both I don’t know if that’s good or not but um that’s what I have and I will go mining to get more obsidian so we can make our portal go to the Nether and you know hopefully find a

Fortress so I can uh make a potion of Weakness there we go and let us open my portal there we go beautiful and now I got to expand this door I need you guys to make a baby so here you have some food and then you have some food and now you guys make a T-Rex baby right are you

Guys making a baby oh experience points does that mean Baby yes good I got a T-Rex baby we’re going to the nether yes you can get through do you fit here yikes this uh this is not where I expected us to land why are you not going through that’s why I made a portal

Big just for you is your hit box like in the wrong Place it’s gone T-Rex is gone the t-x went through it went through it worked no no no no no oh I thought you would die there how did you get through here go back home this is not what I had in mind I did not expect those to spawn here in a ravine

It’s going to be very tough to get that guy out of here I don’t know what to say I don’t know how to get you out of here oh my good I just realized it I don’t need to ride it out of here as long as I get out

Of here find a path I will put it to follow and it would just like teleport to me ah I’m so smart Okay T-Rex I need you to follow me if everything goes as I in uh anticipated yes he’s here awesome there we go screw you skeleton you guys didn’t expect this

Huh are you scared now there you go what is that that’s Temple I going to take me down good look at me in the nether with two dinosaurs I not expect to find a desert Temple it’s really hard to hard hit my enemies there you go he’s down is this a Trap oh it is a trap I knew it I knew it I knew it I will be taking those okay I’m done I got what I wanted we have no time to waste okay come come come come come ooh got to make a a bridge here is that

Blaze o guys look look below look Below who shot at you who’s SP that oh yes yes yes he’s killing the blaze that’s what I want I need blaze rods how do I get down there get me [Applause] down I’m not prepared I’m not prepared I’m not prepared no don’t burn up my T-rex BL Rod yes that’s awesome what

Else is in here music disc NE warp that’s also what I wanted I think we should get more let let’s yeah yeah yeah get him get him kill it kill it nice T-Rex so good so easy for me I don’t even need to go to a fortress I need a

Lot of Soul Sand I just realized that is what um I got a grow the nether war on right yes I’m correct wo wo wo wo mosquito wa thank guys the thing is uh I can easily get back right but how do I get my big boy home the nether portal that

Spawned was way too small so I believe I got to make a new one so if I can find some obsidian that actually would be great uh just stay there for now okay I’m going to check out this Temple are you friendly so does this one have the same traps

Yeah I don’t know how these traps works oh boy let’s see what they were hiding down here or a spawner Unbreaking oh nice and a sh book I like that yeah there’s nothing else down here okay off I go I got to I got a man to collect this obsidian we got to

Make the poral larger for to get you home killed it hey joke me there we go I killed it breaking the portal you got to fit yeah it worked there we go I got you back home it all worked out I just realize something how did I get B bottles I need

Sand right we are going to get our zombie villager back the current one died somehow not sure how that happened but that’s no problem the only thing on my mind really is how do I get a glass bottle that’s all I need a glass bottle

How do I get that you see these are only sand blocks I can’t make sand out of them let’s get rid of these torches hey zombie guy come Here get in no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that’s not part of the plan stop stop stop stop stop how could you how could you do this are you joking me idiot come back oh my God I got to

Run all the way back now blob would have never done this to me okay stop stop s don’t go don’t go any further no no no I didn’t mean to push you stay there okay you will just stay there okay zombie villager I’m back why are you not getting in It he stole my mine cart what is going on give it Back oh perfect perfect it is done thanks work to hatch okay follow me follow me stay away from any dinosaurs you don’t want die if you see teeth stay Away there you go I trapped you okay we uh these flying birds can be lured and bred with with a Cod and we produce one of their eggs which can also be found in their nest uh they can be tained by feeding a few uh tree yeah those I got to feed those

Crabs things is that all I had to do so I’ll try to tame one of these guys who who is honor me so uh here oh it worked here H did not work that’s a raw one you like that instead what about you oh he loved me

Teleport out teleport out of out of my basement there you go no not Wondering okay oh God he’s holding me oh bo bo bo bo oh oh oh that’s so cool I’m flying I’m actually flying that’s so cool look at my base I mean it could be better but it’s not too bad right oh this is so awesome is that diamond that I

See you got to collect the diamond and get out of here Quickly I got it let’s get out of here before you get eaten ooh look at that guys there’s another cave here there a lot of flying dinosaurs inside a magnet biome regular mob spawn in here I did not know that I’m really tempted to check that out actually maybe

They have a glass bottle thing is I know nothing about this biome I enter and check what’s going on here smithing table anvil I’ll check out that later I love flying around that is it it is so much fun and here’s a poison area I’m

Back home so my plan is now get a glass bottle no come back is what did I just do now I told it to like wander and it just flew off you’re my right home are you joking me don’t tell me I lost my bird already

Huh it died it was murdered oh my god there you go I see you back home okay what’s going on down here you guys are being very loud oops no oh well there you Go another one just wait just wait until I get the nuke nope nope that’s what you get oh another one oh the whole family oh God there we go that’s what you get where is my bird oh baby T-Rex baby T-Rex look at that guy welcome to the family oh one of my birds died again of course it did you want to be my new bird yes I need armor Big Time wo W are you joking me did you just kill my new that’s it you’re misbehaved that’s that’s where you stay now there you are hello there we go he fell in the only thing I need now is a glass bottle You Want To Be Tamed yes take me out of here you

Know what I got to break my one rule I think being that I I was not supposed to leave this area but but I’ve already been to the nether do you guys remember there one area that were where they had an opening in the ceiling P

It flying out I’m trying to fly out I’m out I made it out oh my goodness oh I haven’t seen this on in such a long time yeah let’s just quickly grab the sand I got to kill cows I need leather to craft myself that great weapon just a

Few that’s good I got my letter I got my sand I will not spend any more time in the on the surface yeah I will not spend any more time on the surface and we are back we’re home my Raptors are doing fine they all hate me but they’re alive

Oh no why are you alone again what happened to your family my God you’re the most unlucky bird I ever seen I got three bad T-Rexes here I got to learn them away you get you getting angry now getting pissed at what I’m doing yeah follow me dumb T-Rexes

I think I have a T-Rex problem here oh he’s walking over he’s walking over you big idiot finally there we go some glass beautiful glass I go here I put one in put one in there I need a furnit spider eye furnit spider eye and let’s See oh my goodness there’s so many T-Rexes here without a doubt this is where I need to Nuke when I build my nuke I’m going to Nuke all of you guys just you know all of you guys are getting nuked something called uh HT I believe yes H uh there

We’re going to pull ah this weapon here it has armor piercing good Reach two-handed This weapon here has 15 damage knockback or sharpness I think I’ll go with knockback actually I kind of want them to be knockback so guys I did rewatch my footage and I noticed that BL I have set

Him to wander so BL is not dead BL is around here wandering and I need to find him I need to find BL oh that’s Raptor could be BL is that you BL is that you BL BL it’s BL there you are I thought you died oh my goodness I’m so happy I

Really thought I lost him what I will do now is H save the Villager and I need to get brown mushroom that is the that’s the last thing I need from a recipe you you can get brown mushrooms from the nether so that’s where we’re going okay

We’re now in the Nether and we’re going to try find a brown mushroom and would you look at that we got some brown mushrooms right below us oh that guy attacked me why do he attack me all right there he goes look at all my mushrooms perfect was that all eight

Nine mushrooms ooh I found a spawner I think we can go back to H Earth I think we done what we need to do here there we go there you go that’s what you get just make the potion of weakness fitted the spider eye good so if I put that in here

Ah and now I have potion of weakness and if I put gun powder in there yes splash potion of weakness there go one for you and one for you okay so while we wait I will make something called a hilt using the letter and uh with the hilt I can craft myself

A longbow yes a long bow a really powerful bow and yeah I got a shant that I’ve set my villager free I got one guy so far I just see if I can trick him hey are you f a job that’s not your job you’re joking me get in there get in

Your hey no do as I say get in there no no no no here some baked potatoes where’ he go where did he go he went through that portal are you joking me where you’re dumbest Village hello where are you going yeah follow this bed what are you doing oh my

God oh my goodness where are you going for crying out Cloud what are you doing why are you causing so much troubles I just saved your life here we go Come why are you being so difficult Jesus there we go stay get in there there we go I did it finally there’s no way around of saying this but I spent a ridiculous amount of time just getting the Villager where I needed with the trades I wanted I was having so many

Issues for example the villagers almost never took the job yeah I put down a workstation and nothing happened they just stood there I did read that it might be because of a lack of access to a bed but even with beds around both of them they still did not accept the new

Job only sometimes so yeah due to that finding the trade that I wanted took some time but to be completely honest I don’t even know what trades I want there’s so many good ones to pick from but after a long time I found a solution I expanded the space behind and suddenly

Now the Villager accepted their jobs instantly and after going back and forth many times with the Villager I decided to get the fortune free enchantment that way I can mine way more iron and diamonds and that’s good so I purchased the book and applied it to my pickaxe

Currently I have two villagers and the other guy is just a farmer so why not get more and that is what I did I tried to breed the villagers but more issues occurred relating to their beds I think but after moving the beds around eventually a baby villager was born we

Are going to build ourself a nuke we’re going to head over to the poison cave and in the poison cave we got to kill a a nuclear creeper y apparently there’s a creeper there and if he blows uh it triggers a freaking nuke we here the poison cave okay careful guys careful careful

Careful careful guys careful careful uh to craft the nuclear bomb we need iron that’s fine we will we know where to mind that and I need a fistal core to get the fistal core I got to kill that creeper and I also got to get a block of

Uranium uh those are easy to come by you see them all over the cave and I got a to craft this Rod here uh should be easy to craft as well especially since I already have the Blaze Rod let’s uh make a bridge here no no yeah I think actually having these

Guys follow me here was a terrible idea now let’s try this new pickaxe of mine I only got one okay um I I have fortune on it kind of assume that we get more than one oh god oh there’s a creeper I got to kill

It oh God oh God oh God oh God die die already die already oh my goodness I I didn’t get the fistal core I did not expect to find creeper so soon that was loud that was really loud got a barrel a bottle of uh radon oh

There we got more of this these things ooh is that diamond let’s use my uh Fortune pickaxe how much do I get only One ooh I got a lot there I I got five ooh I one shot that skeleton and that Creeper what is that what is that that what is that what is that thing what is that I killed it what was that it’s spaed again he’s Coming oh my goodness oh my Goodness I killed him oh my God this getting a bit too much for me I Think oh my goodness Jesus Christ die already he dropped something I have not read enough about this biome I just know some stuff but not enough guys I was sick it was really bad I was not regaining any health I started kind of panicking as I thought I would never

Regain Health ever I even started Brewing some potions but it turns out it was because of all the radiation items that I collected yeah everything that I collected from that toxic biome gave me radiation so I can’t be walking around with that but now since I’m home I can

Give a job to the new villager and that is what I spent the time on just trying to find a trade I like it was also important to me that the Villager sold me bookshelves as I can’t make books myself but yeah once I found a trade I

Liked I return to the toxic cave to find more nuclear creepers who sh me okay no creeper here just be careful no BL died BL just died how how you was blown by creeper there was no creeper here what Happ What what are you all about oh God oh one shot him my bow is so strong what a nice surprise all right TX don’t follow oh you are following me this is not safe for you or me I’m also worried that you’re going to push me into this poisonous water if you do that it’s all over

Probably T-Rex be careful please I’m worried that one of these days we you don’t push me into the freaking nuclear waste water what is all this I’m not getting anything I got something smell the situation I don’t know what it is I still can’t believe I

Brought the T-Rex in here we got more of them okay so like I got something called toxic toxic paste from that uh bug oh boy kill it kill it oh God good job we killed it together that’s how we roll oh he’s running it what the oh he’s also run what’s going on

Here if I don’t see a nuclear creeper now I will go somewhere else and look nuclear creeper he not there let’s go somewhere else oh he’s here he’s actually here let’s kill Him oh God die I got him another one youing me I killed it too did they not get anything did not get anything two of them spawn next to each other and I got nothing wait a minute I have returned huh this is where I was before oh that is so

Funny I’ve gone in a circle I didn’t know That oh I found one I killed it I killed it but I got nothing is it because is it because of my weapon all I want is to kill one of those get that thing from the creeper that’s all that I want nothing less nothing more I kill it I kill

It I kill you with my bare axe did not get the things that the thing I needed I will never give up nuclear creeper be aware oh nuclear creeper there yes I got one I finally got one oh my goodness how I need two though

I need two of them man that took a long time so let’s try get one more but I have a good way of finding now I made a good route that can run back and forth and it’s likely it will swamp I am hearing a strange sound yeah I I I

Hear it still I wonder if there’s saw nuclear creeper nearby somewhere close initially I figured I could make a c oh die die die die yes I got two all right we did it I can’t believe I actually got it in the end I have to kill so many uh nuclear

Creepers to get these fistal cores loing blow kind of sucks but uh it is what it is let’s see how do I make the nuke I need to craft ranium Rod two blaze rods where where have I put my blaze rods there I have two of them

Excellent one like that and like this and two iron there we go then I need a block of iron like so and like so and uh for our final recipe I need to make a block of this perfect and now girls and boys boys I got it I got the nuclear bomb I

Am become deaf what who said that I actually have a nuke in my possession guys before I even use a nuke I probably want to make a hazard suit yeah I got to make a hazard suit okay so iron sulfur dust okay I think I should have all of

That there we go I made a polymer plate only six what am I missing I need more bottle of radon figured it would be a good idea to have a hazard suit before triggering any nuclear bombs I can’t get the redun from the lake itself I have to go to those um pipes

Things so I take this glass bottle and I receive did it work yeah I got a bottle of Ron all right 15 bottles of radun part of me kind of wants to see if I can find more nuclear creepers I kind I don’t know why I just want I want more

Nuclear bombs let’s get this get this get that and let’s craft more how many can I make this time ooh 28 I got 36 of this now there we got the chest plate the boots got the boots and there we got the masks yes ah guys look at me I am

Ready to drop a nuke down here and with this suit I should be protected from like radiation but I wonder can I give it some enchantments maybe actually can only buy one bookshelf oh my goodness Protection free and Unbreaking free did I get both I can

Get uh protection two for this one ooh protection three not only do I have a hazard suit it’s also enchanted now my boots I have protection two uh leggings also protection two the chest plate protection three plus Unbreaking free and Protection free for my helmet you

Know what I think I need to make my entrance slightly nicer actually there’s a lot of work that needs to be done just do some clean up around here and just make things a bit nicer these have become very nice and flat now actually okay so I’ve done some

Uh work here just trying to do something about the entrance I definitely need some lights what the what am I doing getting some lights makes a huge difference not going to lie oh my goodness there’s a flock of T-Rexes there too what is going on there’s so many T-Rexes I I don’t

Understand what’s going on right now this are completely out of hand there’s like four of them coming my direction oh my God okay I got to get that one TX over the fence so here some blocks you can walk on okay go over walk over

Yes oh my God guys this is getting out of hand how many T-Rexes is here now it’s more than I can count this this is insane look at all of the T-Rexes these guys know I’m about to do something silly they’re trying to stop me okay guys where soon we’re going to trigger

The nuke very soon but I just want to quickly make some small improvements to my house so yeah that is what I going to do now but it’s not too exciting it’s day 97 today is the day that I used a nuke so here’s a nuke and here’s my

Flint and steel so my plan is actually not to Nuke these T-Rexes uh that is too close to my base but you you know what I’m going to do I’m going to Nuke the ceiling I did tell you guys at the start of this that I would expose Hollow Earth

And I’m going to do that by blowing up the ceiling I just hope uh the distance is good enough I’m I’m worried I’m I might be too close to the explosion I’m not sure there’s the bomb Oh my God I cannot believe this oh well you know what I should make a

Siren I’m going to do something real quick I’m going to make a siren for the nuke where’s all of my my nuclear waste oh yeah I got two of these things and I got the iron and I got this and with that I should be able to make a siren I

Could and now I have a siren on top of it oh my God where did my bird go I need you I need you where are you Dino Bird yeah yeah come now I have a ride home So the plan is to uh trigger the nuke

And I got to fly out of here as quickly as possible uh I’m not sure what the safe distance would be oh my God you T-Rexes are so screwed but actually do wonder if I should get to my Raptor then behind yeah I should land with my Raptor

Down I think that will be a safe distance guys are you ready I’m doing it oh boy oh boy oh boy Oh it blew it blew oh my goodness I didn’t have time to land oh oh I’m safe I’m not ding oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy I can see I can see this Sky I can see this sky

My God I got to wait for the explosion to be done I can’t get too close is it over is it safe for me to go there I don’t know how did the T-Rexes survive look at there’s so many blocks there there’s so many blocks how did the

T-Rexes survive how did they survive I don’t understand well look at all the blocks I got blocks for days here there’s so many blocks there it’s crazy and experience points so some things did die I just don’t know what died oh my God I blew I blew a hole in the

Ceiling oh all of the blocks despawned look at that oh my God there’s just some waterfalls that I have to get rid of that’s kind of ugly all right d bird where are you I need to get out of here Dino bird I got to run back home I don’t know

Where my Dino bird went I thought for sure these T-Rexes will get blown to Pieces but nope all of them survived somehow somehow all of these T-Rexes survived on nuclear explosion now let’s take a look here’s my beautiful base and here’s the surface of course my

Bird just got murdered by a T-Rex of course why wouldn’t it okay come bird we have to fix the the water whoa who the T-Rexes are swimming up here to kill me are you Jo what what are the T-Rexes doing I’ve never seen anything that crazy before

There you go the water is keep disappearing oh you guys got to stop doing that there we go stop the water and would you look at that you guys are kind of Ruin of view the top of the tree is still remaining they got to go still a lot of trees that

Need to go look at this I can’t believe I made a hole down to H Earth a big hole is there a way for me to go faster down I don’t know there we are my home oh boy guys it’s day 99 I cannot believe that I did that I canot believe

That I broke a hole where’s my bird most of the T-Rexes have returned it looks like it’s still a bit of a mess up there I think I will get my stone I’ve been smelting some of the stones that I got and with the stone bricks I will make

Walls so what I would like to do now today is actually uh secure my base further like I I don’t have a wall on this side I just got to burn the remaining wood up here cuz I if there’s one thing I don’t like it’s uh Lo the blocks are

You on fire oh you are on fire oh it’s the final day it’s day 100 guys almost all of the leaves are gone now but my God these T-Rexes are actually making me crazy and I’d say I have done all I want to do I have created my own settlement I

Even kind of began making my own Jurassic Park with a few dinosaurs I tamed the dinosaurs I tamed the T-Rexes and I also crafted a nuke and blew a hole in the ceiling exposed using Hollow Earth to the world and I’m not scared of anything anymore oh

God ow so I don’t know if it’s possible but uh I kind of want to see if I can craft a final nuke on my final day can I make it in time I want to kill the T-Rexes I’m back in my cave if I’m lucky I might find the nuclear

Creeper actually this is the wrong cave this is not the cave I supposed to go in yes here’s where I want to be my weapon is so powerful oh Creeper he did not drop the fysal core of course it did not oh nuclear creeper up there is he coming he’s coming oh there another one oh this good no fistal core are you joking me let’s try this guy down here drop the fistal core yes he dropped it I got one one

More one more just one more come on just one more just one more I’m surprised how many I found in such a short amount of time and I just got to kill one more oh creeper yes yes yes yes I got it I got it I got it yes I got

Two of them I can make another nuke so I need my blaze rods I have two blaze rods that should be just enough here’s the uranium yes so I need two rods right then I need iron blocks all I need now is more iron I just got to wait for this

One to melt faster more iron more iron make an iron block make another one nuke I did it I managed to make a nuke in time now these T-Rexes are in trouble follow me uh I think two of them I lost but that’s fine oh I’m doing it I got them I’m doing

It get away I got to get behind the house behind my house this should be a safe distance now I can watch my T-Rexes the T-Rexes die where’s the explosion oh is that one of the T-Rexes did one of the T-Rexes land on my roof you oh that’s another T-Rex I think

I got him I got to stay away from the impact that could be dangerous oh boy I must have killed so many T-Rexes there technically we are on day 101 but I just have to inspect uh what happened oh boy look at this Creator and all the T-Rexes are gone all

Of them are gone where’s experience points I mean I guess it won’t be any experience points here they kind of flew away oh my God what a crater kind of wish I could could have seen that up close but all of the T-Rexes are now

Gone all of them and I really did uh nuke these dinosaurs back to Extinction and there we have it look at that my goodness all right thank you guys so much for watching that’s all I Say

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days In Hollow Earth In Hardcore Minecraft | Alex’s Caves’, was uploaded by unsorted guy on 2023-11-29 18:51:42. It has garnered 105139 views and 3587 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:00 or 6780 seconds.

I attempted to survive for 100 Days In the new Alex’s Caves Mod in Hardcore Mode. The caves are named Primordial Caves, but I like to call them: Hollow Earth! Can I manage to build a shelter, tame and capture all the dinosaurs and craft myself a Nuclear Bomb?

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Alternative titles: Unveiling Hollow Earth: 100 Days Survival Challenge in Minecraft

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    Labrash's Minecraft Mishap: Elevator Monitor Blockade! Labrash plays Minecraft, a tale to tell, Sin of Suspicion, where mafia dwell. Blocking the elevator with a monitor bold, But security tight, the story unfolds. Shot to death, a pile of corpses amass, But catching the leader, a successful task. Interrogation phase, the plot thickens, Labrash’s gameplay, always quickens. New videos every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, Highlights on Monday and Friday, a fun way. Check out the playlist, the series in full, Minecraft maps to explore, an adventure to pull. Join the Facebook fan group, for more news, English versions of drawings, Twitter to amuse. Live streaming on… Read More

  • Minecraft Bro Moment

    Minecraft Bro Moment When you accidentally hit your friend’s dog in Minecraft and suddenly become the most hated person in the virtual world. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Quest: Abandoned House

    Ultimate Minecraft Quest: Abandoned House Exploring the Most Challenging Quest in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you uncover the most challenging quest yet – the Abandoned House quest. Join BezzubickMCPlay as he navigates through this intricate puzzle, testing his logic and skills to the limit. Unraveling the Mystery The Abandoned House quest in Minecraft is not for the faint of heart. With hidden clues and cryptic messages scattered throughout the house, players must use their wits to solve the puzzle and unlock its secrets. Will BezzubickMCPlay be able to crack the code and reveal the truth behind the abandoned house?… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Silent Terror

    Minecraft's Silent Terror Exploring Minecraft’s Scariest Mod: A Quiet Place Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft with the scariest mod yet – A Quiet Place. This mod, available on CurseForge, introduces players to a world filled with eerie silence and lurking dangers. Are you ready to test your survival skills in this spine-chilling environment? Day One: The Silence Descends As players enter the world of A Quiet Place, they are immediately struck by the absence of sound. The usual bustling noises of Minecraft are replaced by an unsettling quietness, setting the stage for a truly immersive horror experience. Every step taken… Read More

  • EPIC TRANSFORMATION: Monster to Mermaid in Minecraft!

    EPIC TRANSFORMATION: Monster to Mermaid in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Minecolonies Mod Multiple Styles including Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-07-20 09:42:49. It has garnered 42 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:48 or 11988 seconds. – Two Towns Continue – Recovering from the excitement of a new food system, decisions have to be made in regards to farming, cooking and food service. Meanwhile, let them eat pie. Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft Showdown: Creeper vs TNT!

    Explosive Minecraft Showdown: Creeper vs TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT : CREEPER VS TNT…😍 WAIT FOR IT WITH DUBIDUBIDU🥰 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ASTROM YT on 2024-04-03 13:51:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, Charu ghai maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey … Read More

  • INSANE 2b2t Minecraft Spawn Exploration!!

    INSANE 2b2t Minecraft Spawn Exploration!!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t on Minecraft 1.20. Exploring Spawn. Sothern Canal. Visiting Hermeticlock Base’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-06-22 14:00:27. It has garnered 126 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:24 or 7164 seconds. Going to explore spawn 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Magnetic Minecraft Mansion Build

    Mind-Blowing Magnetic Minecraft Mansion BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft IRL – Building Steve’s creepy mansion’, was uploaded by Magnetic Cubes on 2024-05-03 22:51:06. It has garnered 11926 views and 233 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Secret Mysteries in Minecraft NOW

    Unlock Secret Mysteries in Minecraft NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Hidden Mysteries of Minecraft’, was uploaded by Max PlaYZz on 2024-04-30 13:28:25. It has garnered 20 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Did you know there are over 100 million registered users on Minecraft? Learn more fascinating facts about this popular game in our latest video! Get ready to learn some fascinating facts about Minecraft in this video! Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned pro, you’ll be amazed by these interesting tidbits about the popular game. Watch now to expand your knowledge of Minecraft!Discover… Read More

  • 🔥Insane Minecraft GF REVEAL! #shorts #crafts

    🔥Insane Minecraft GF REVEAL! #shorts #craftsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft girlfriend😭🤣 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spicy Crafts 124 on 2024-07-09 14:45:37. It has garnered 10182 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. minecraft girlfriend😭🤣 #shorts #minecraft Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft animation, Minecraft movie, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft funny, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft best moments, Minecraft compilation, Minecraft showcase, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft montage, Minecraft epic moments, Minecraft 2024 update, Minecraft new features #minecraftsmplive #minecraftsmpip #minecraftsmpserverstojoin #minecraftsmpapplicationsopen #minecraftsmpapplicationsopen #minecraftsmpep1 #minecraftsmplifesteal #minecraftsmplifesteal #minecraftsmpseries #minecraftsmpvideo #minecraftsmpwar #minecraft Get ready to have your mind blown with… Read More


    INSANE SWITCH! GTA V to MINECRAFT NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘SAB KHELKE HO GAYA AB MINECRAFT PE ATE HE AB…… GTA V /TLRP 3.O’, was uploaded by Omee plays on 2024-03-19 04:08:51. It has garnered 95 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:16 or 12976 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: Support the stream PLEASE DO SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Chat Rules ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Avoid spamming Avoid hate against any streamer Avoid Abuses against anyone Read More

  • Minecraft’s Most INSANE Mario Party with Biffle!

    Minecraft's Most INSANE Mario Party with Biffle!Video Information This video, titled ‘ILLEGAL Mario Party in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Biffle on 2024-05-29 21:35:00. It has garnered 33857 views and 1958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. ILLEGAL Mario Party in Minecraft ✅ SUBSCRIBE HERE! – 👍 Friends! @SSundee @sigils @Zud 🔻FOLLOW ME🔻 🐦 Twitter: 📸 Instagram: 📺 Twitch: 🎙️ Discord Read More

  • Teraso gets INSANE upgrade on PRIMECRAFT SMP Live! #minecraft

    Teraso gets INSANE upgrade on PRIMECRAFT SMP Live! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PRIMECRAFT SMP Live Gameplay | Getting an upgrade (No Commentary) #minecraft #mclive’, was uploaded by Teraso on 2024-05-16 02:34:08. It has garnered 51 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:48 or 2448 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftshorts #minecraftindia Primecraft Server : The stream will be funny and more laughs, And I will be streaming in Tamil and English language. Hope everyone enjoys ! ************************************************************************************* SMP IP : ************************************************************************************* Membership : *************************************************************************************** Twitch : Discord : Gpay : 9790724373 *************************************************************************************** ⯇DON’T TRY THIS IN CHAT⯈ 💀 Self-Promotion 💀… Read More

  • LeerMC

    LeerMCLeerMC! Brand New Server! Build, Battle, Thrive! ** Grand Opening! ** Thrive in our Town Plot System: Build your dream home & establish your shop! Challenge in the Wild: Brave the dangers & collect valuable resources (PvE)! Defeat Bosses and Dungeons: Dare to tackle Minions, Dungeons, and Bosses for Epic Loot! Test your Might in Duels: Stake currency or items for epic PvP battles! Cross-Platform Fun: Play with friends on Java & Bedrock! Join our brand new server and forge your destiny! Read More

  • BirdCraft SMP Semi-Vanilla 21+ Purpur 1.21 Whitelist HermitCraft Style Datapacks Shopping District Active Community Voice Chat Discord

    Welcome to BirdCraft! BirdCraft is a 21+ Minecraft Discord community and vanilla-ish Minecraft Java SMP. Join us for Season 5 starting on the 27th with the new update 1.21. What to Expect: Chill community of adults Incredible builders, farmers, and redstoners Monthly events and build contests Active Discord community with VC hangouts Diamond based economy and client side mods encouraged Join Us: We are looking for new friends for this new season. Visit to join us! Read More