Surviving 1000 Days as a Robot in Minecraft?! Insane Adventure!

Video Information

On day one I spawned in as a baby robot wo I’m a tiny robot but where am I why am I in a cage I looked around and saw there were a couple other bigger robots nearby they must be my parents I decided I would go ask them what we were doing

Here but before I had a chance to ask them the door to the cage opened and a giant rat walked into the cage all right you junk it’s time to get to work we’re tired of taking orders from you we can’t stand by and watch this Factory pollute

The world any longer you think you could rise up against us sounds like I need to teach you a lesson pal the rat lunched forward and started fighting my robot dad as they were fighting my robot mom came up next to me Zozo the door is open

Move quickly and get out of here we will hold him off but I don’t understand why are we working for this guy what are we doing here there’s no time to explain but he isn’t even the one in charge of everything I hope you never run into his

Boss no hurry get out of here my mom hurried away to help fight off the rat and I took the chance to rush out the door and Escape as I drove away I turned around and saw the rat destroy my dad dad no I thought about going back but I

Noticed I only had six hearts if I was captured or killed my dad’s sacrifice would be in vain as I drove away I noticed that I had just escaped from a huge Factory there were big pillars of smoke coming out of it which must have been causing all of the yellow Haze I

Better get out of here before that rat shows up or Worse his boss I was driving away when suddenly I started beeping and my battery started to drain oh no my battery is going to run out in 30 seconds what’s going on in a panic I

Backed up into the sunlight and saw that my battery immediately started to recharge and returned to fullo that was scary I must be a solar powerered robot I’ll have to be sure to stay in the light when I’m out and about I soon found a good place to build a shelter

For the night and quickly put up some walls I made sure to leave the roof open so I can power back up in the morning on day two I woke up to a full battery and sunlight coming into my shelter looks like my shelter kept me safe through the

Night but I have a lot I need to figure out today starting with rescuing my mom if she’s alive I knew I wouldn’t be able to get back into the factory without gearing up first which is when I noticed that my arm was a permanent drill well

Bet I can break all kinds of loocks with this arm I’m going to try and go get some supplies I stepped outside my base when I was suddenly attacked by some kind of tiny animal ah what the heck are you get back I swung my drill arm and

Quickly defeated the enemy that looked like some kind of mutated bunny I wonder where he came from I’ll have to keep an eye out I headed over to a nearby Hill where there were some trees growing and collected some wood and stone then I set up a crafting table and made an axe

Shovel and sword my drill arm was pretty handy though so I decided to start building a mine inside my base I drilled into the ground and saw I was able to break a bunch of blocks at once wo mining is going to be a breeze I was

Digging down and my battery alarm went off again I was so excited about my drill I almost forgot I had to stay in the sun luckily I was able to get out before the timer ran out too quickly looks like I’m going to have to be a lot

More strategic every time I want to leave the sun on day three I decided to venture out a little further to see if I could find some more supplies I knew I still wasn’t strong enough to break my mom out as I got closer to a nearby cave

I saw something strange inside what is that it looks like there’s a deactivated robot in there their battery must have run out as I got closer to investigate I was attacked by a mutant pig whoa get back the mutant pig had come out of nowhere but I was able to quickly fight

Them off as they disappeared I saw a whole horde of pigs coming over the hill still I better get out of here as I was driving away I couldn’t help but wonder what was happening to all of the animals and who was in that cave maybe they

Would be able to help me in the fight i’ would have to try and come check on them later on days four and 5 I was running away when I stumbled across a small farming Village but noticed none of their crops really seemed to be growing I decided to try and get more

Information so I headed to the house at the top of the hill hello is anyone home the door opened and a farmer stepped out hey there I’m trying to find out what’s going on around here what’s wrong with your crops she explained that the M coming from the factory was killing all

Of her crops not only that the smog was also turning all the animals into mutated versions of themselves she explained that the only way would be to take out the Factory’s boss fat cat but everyone was too scared to get close to the factory so she didn’t know any good

Ways to do that well I’ve been there once I can try and get close and see what I can find out thanks for your help I drove off in the direction of the factory hopefully I could learn something new before trying to break in

On day 6 to 8 I started making my way back towards the factory as I reached the top of the hill I ran into a mutated sheep ah another one take this you creepy sheepy by you using my sword I was able to take it down that farmer was

Right the smog is making all the animals crazy I kept going on my way when I ran into a zombie as I started to attack him I noticed he had something interesting in his hand are those robot tracks I’m sure you won’t mind me taking those off

Your hands after a few hits he was down and I was right he dropped a new set of tracks I picked them up oh nice these mark1 tracks will give me an armor upgrade oh and check it out they gave me a speed boost too now I’ll be able to

Get farther on my limited battery on days 9 to 10 I rolled up to the gates of the factory and took a look inside h i don’t see much on this side the workers must be inside I’ll go see if there’s anything on the other side as I got

Closer to the other side I could see someone in a suit yelling at a robot that suit it must be fat cat I looked into the yard and saw who he was shouting at it was my mom we know you helped that little Robot Escape you’re

Going to walk over time until we find him my mom didn’t say anything she was so brave if I was going to help her though I was going to need to find a way to get in just then I heard some Pistons moving and snuck over to where I heard

The noise as I peaked over the edge I saw an opening in the wall of one of the guard towers and a couple of rats were talking outside what do you think of about s door pretty nifty huh now he can sneak out and Skip work nobody will know

I still wasn’t strong enough to fight but knowing this will help me sneak in in the future as I turned to leave though my new track squeaked getting the attention of the rats hey what was that the rats rushed over to where I was hiding but thanks to my new speed I was

Able to get away without them seeing me don’t worry Mom I’ll come back for you on days 11 through 14 I was heading back to my base when I realized the sun was starting to set I started putting together a small Hut to protect me for the night when I was suddenly attacked

By a giant Mutated Zombie holy cow this guy is huge I started to build even faster but couldn’t focus as I had to keep running away from the zombie if he keeps chasing me I’m not going to be able to finish my house before the sun

Goes down the sun kept going down and my battery soon started to beep starting the 30second countdown oh no if I could just finish as much as I tried I couldn’t finish the house all I could do was jump into the unfinished build and hope for the best my battery let out a

Final be then I deactivated on day 15 I awoke to an unfamiliar face looking at me huh good morning little friend how are you feeling what what happened who are you don’t be alarmed my name is Gary and I’m here to help I managed to grab

You before that zombie could rip you to pieces thank you you saved me whoa and what’s this did you upgrade my battery I did I wish I could do more but I only had Parts on hand to give you a 60-second charge when you’re out of the

Sun wow that’s great how did you know how to do that the old man inside before heading into his story my wife and I actually used to work at the factory building robots just like you it was a clean safe place for everyone and the factory didn’t produce the pollution

That you see today but then one day fat cat showed up and turned it into the mess you see now he mistreats the robots and makes them work non-stop which causes the factory to pollute the land my wife and I had to flee for our safety

We plan to save the land from the factory but my wife got sick and wanted to spend her last days growing her flower garden but nothing would stay alive she passed away soon after I can’t take fat cat down by myself and everyone else is too afraid to help but if you

Are willing to work with me I think we can do it I’m so so sorry to hear about everything you’ve gone through fatat has taken enough from us let’s take this guy down on days 16 to 19 I left Gary’s house and went to find a good place to

Build myself a base of operations after a little bit of searching I found a good spot to start building I first cleared out the land then got to work laying the foundation of the house then I put up walls to keep the mutants out and finally put up the base itself making

Sure to leave windows in the ceiling for light to get in once that was finished I filled the interior with everything I would need home sweet home I hope this can be a place of safety for anyone who wants to help in our fight that reminded

Me what happened to that robot I saw in the caves if I could just get a little stronger I could fight my way past those mobs and see what was going on on days 20 to 22 I woke up to sheep sounds outside my base oh nice I could use

Their wool to build some things I hurried to my base door and saw a bunch of mutant sheep outside all right I forgot everything here was green oh well good to know my walls kept them out I opened the door and started to fight them I noticed a little mutant bunny was

Also joining in on the fight how’d you get mixed up with these bad people I finished them all off no problem after the fight I could feel a power surge and I suddenly grew into a bigger robot all right I even gained four more Hearts I

Looked closer at my drill it now had a diamond tip I decided to go and give it a test looks like I can break blocks even faster than before this is great on days 23 to 27 I left my base to try and look for that robot in the cave I had no

Idea if they would still be there but maybe they could help in our fight against fat cat since I had just gotten my new upgrades it felt like the right time to try again before I got back to the cave I stopped by an abandoned M

Shaft I had seen earlier I’m going to need a way to transport the robot back so I can take these old rails to do it I soon gathered up all the rails and found myself looking over the cliff to the cave it looked like the robot was still

In there so I rushed down the hill and attacked the mutant pigs I’m not going to run away this time they put up a good fight but my new abilities were too much for them I fought as hard as I could and won finally now I can get this robot out

Of here looks like they’re deactivated I quickly laid down some tracks got the robot into a minecart and started heading back to the base on days 28 to 32 I arrived back at the base and I saw Gary had moved a lot of his supplies in this will help us coordinate our plans

Much easier Gary I found this robot out in a cave do you think you can help her oh I recognize this model they call her Eve Gary took a look and could immediately tell what was wrong yep looks like her battery’s fried she must have been caught out in the wilderness

So what can we do do you think you can fix her not with the supplies I have on hand but I know of a warehouse in the desert that used to have the components I can tell you where to go to find it Gary told me where to go but before I

Left I made some improvements to the base I added a second layer to the walls and got to work on Building Gary a house to work out it everything was looking great and I even built a working drawbridge no one is going to be breaking into here on days 33 to 36 I

Was getting ready to leave when Gary stopped me and said had something to ask me Zozo I had a question to ask you why are you so nice to everyone well I wish I could take all the credit but there’s a robot I really look up to who has

Inspired me to be nice and always try and help he’s a sassy dude but in the end he always does the right thing that’s great I think we should build a statue of this robot as a symble to everyone but they’re still good in this world that would be a great idea I

Rushed out and was able to find some non-mutated sheep to use for the build I led them back to the base and put them in a pen I had made then I got to work on the Statue I started with a Bas then moved on to the Statue itself after a

While I had finished the first part this is coming along great I hope you’re enjoying it so far too if you like what you’re seeing be sure to subscribe to the channel that way you’ll never miss my next adventure on days 37 to 40 I entered the desert to begin my journey

To the warehouse I can already feel the temperature rising but that means lots of sunlight for my battery as I made my way toward a small hill I heard a strange sound up ahead I wonder what that could be as I came over the hill I saw a group of mutant horses who

Attacked me oh this feels so wrong to be fighting horses but you guys aren’t as nice as your non-mutant brothers after a tough fight I was able to finish them off I made it through but these mobs were getting tougher I’m going to have

To find a good spot to build a camp and craft some upgrades who knows what could be waiting for me at the warehouse on days 41 to 43 I found a nice spot against the cliff full of ores wo look at all these ores I can use these to

Give myself an upgrade I also noticed there was a nice spot in the corner where I could build a camp I quickly laid down some blocks for a foundation and then set up all the tools I would need then I worked on building the walls and finished it up with a glass ceiling

With the base setup I headed over to the ore deposit and mined out some gold and some iron I can use this iron to upgrade my armor and I’ve got a special item in mind for the gold I quickly smelted down all the iron in my blast furnace then

Got started smelting all the gold then I made an iron chest plate iron leggings and an iron helmet with the leftover iron I decided to make myself an iron sword axe shovel and hoe as well to finish up I then made a gold block which

I then mix with some gold bars and my tire tracks this let me upgrade my tracks to the Mark I version which gave me even more protection than before I feel like I can take on anything now let’s go find that warehouse from Days

44 to 49 I left my house to finally find the warehouse after a while I could finally see it that must be it I hope the parts we need are inside as I entered the building I could see the place was in Ruins this place has been

Completely picked apart it looks like I might just have to head home and figure something else out hey you a little rat came running over to me what could he want what do you want aren’t you working with fat cat no no not at all you think

Rats want to work with cats that giant rat has betrayed all rat kind and I want to take him out you think you can help it sounds like we want the same thing thing but how do I know I can trust you you came here to this Warehouse cuz

You’re looking for something right giant rat cleaned all these warehouses out and moved everything to his base I can show you where it is I didn’t know if I could trust him but I agreed to work with him so we head it off to the base on days 50

To 53 the rat and I were traveling when a gazelle called out to us from a village it looked like something was wrong hey what’s going on she told us that a group of husks were attacking their Village and they needed our help if we would help them she would give me

Something useful I’m always happy to do what I can she led us into the village and I charged at the husks the rat even joined in on the fight maybe I could trust him after all it wasn’t long until we had eliminated all of the husks and

Stay down the gazelle thanked us for our help and told us to follow her to the Village Workshop when we arrived she told me to take what was inside the chest wo are These Blueprints on how to build a focus lens if I can build that

Then I could use it to redirect light into deep holes for mining on days 54 to 57 I decided I would construct a lens and try to mine for diamonds I first needed to gather some resources though so I headed out into the desert while I

Was on my way I was suddenly attacked by a gang of mutant cats these mutant animals are just getting weirder and weirder I noticed there was a little mutant bird fighting along them too a bird fighting with cats and rats are working with fat cat this world is crazy

After beating the mutants I got to work digging up some sand to make glass once I had collected all the sand I needed I headed back to my base and started smelting the sand all righty time to start building this lens I constructed two pillars for the base then put the

Lens together using the glass I had just smelted there was a shadow on the ground for now but once I turned the lens that should disappear okay let’s see if this thing works I headed over to the activate button and gave it a press as

The lens rotated I saw the shadow on the ground disappear I quickly got to work digging a deep hole it’s nice to not have to worry about my battery running out once I started to hit Bedrock I built an angled mirror at the bottom so I could do some strip mining the mirror

Was able to reflect enough light for me to be able to start mining to the side before long I mined into a room full of diamonds amazing this is just what I needed I quickly mined all of the ores that I could and then headed out of the

Mine to craft on days 58 to 62 I headed into my base to start crafting with the new materials I had just mined I noticed that while I had been down in the m the rat had made himself a small Hut off to the side of my base pretty cozy back at

My crafting table I made a diamond chest plate helmet and leggings with the remaining diamonds I also made myself a sword feels good to know this armor will keep me safer than before the fight against giant rat will be a tough one on day 63 to 66 I met the rat outside my

Base before we get going is there anything else that I need to know yeah you’ll need all the support you can get so anyone who is listening to this should subscribe and like the video that OD give you the strength you need that’s true that would help a ton the rat and I

Headed off to go fight the giant rat we soon left the desert and entered the bad lands as we made our way we suddenly saw a pack of Newton wolves headed right at us mutton wolves now this just doesn’t even surprise me anymore the rat and I launched into attack mode and fought

Against the pack the rat was proving to be a good teammate and we were able to defeat them in no time nice job I feel like we’re making a great team on day 67 to 70 we made our way to the edge of a cliff overlooking the giant rat’s

Warehouse wao do you see that running into the warehouse was a huge pack of rats all carrying different pieces of loot we were definitely in the right place all right buddy what’s the best way in I waited for the rat to reply but he didn’t say anything suddenly I heard

A bunch of squeaking and saw the pack of rats come screaming out of the building they were headed right towards us he had betrayed us no I thought you were my friend soon the rats were on me and I tried to fight them off oh no there’s so

Many of them I don’t know if I can get out of this one I managed to take a few of them out but it felt like a fight I couldn’t win and I was right the rats injected me with something that depleted my battery and I shut down while I was

Shut down the rats pushed me down the hill into the warehouse and locked me away in a cell on days 71 to 74 I started the day deactivating the Gil cell when suddenly there was a huge explosion in the ceiling the roof blew away which let light come in recharging

My battery to full as I turned back on I saw Gary jump in from the ceiling Gary you’re here come on Zozo let’s get you out of here Gary set some TNT by the jail doors and blew a hole in the bars as we jumped through we were attacked by

The gang of rats you guys aren’t going to shut me down again with Gary’s help we were able to fight off the hord of rats but since we were out of the sun my battery had started to deplete again don’t don’t worry Zozo I’ve got a solution to your battery problem Gary

Took out his bazooka and blasted a hole in the roof which let the sun come in I quickly recharged just take a look in these Supply closets I’m sure there’s going to be some useful items Gary and I started looking at all the crates and there were tons of useful items

Netherite scraps I can use this to upgrade my gear I went ahead and grabbed the emeralds too just for good measure we continued moving through the warehouse with Gary blowing holes in the roof as we went in the Next Room we found even more supplies more netherite scraps and healing potions woah and

Check it out gold nugget just what I need to make some netherite ingots we’ gotten some good loot but we still needed to get parts to fix Eve there was only one place we hadn’t checked giant rats office on day 75 to 78 we reached the giant rat’s office watch out ratman

We’re coming in I punched the door open and headed inside with Gary giant rat was inside on his desk he’s battery was on the wall behind him give us the battery or we’re going to have to take you out too this battery Powers the one robot with the code to shut down Fat

Cat’s Factory you found it didn’t you I know where you little BAS is once I’ve taken care of you I’ll destroy that little robot once and for all we’ll never let you destroy her we’re taking that battery and shutting the factory down just then the giant rat leaped

Forward and started attacking Gary we both pulled out our weapons and started to fight stay strong Gary we can beat this guy the giant rat was really powerful and my health bar got really low but in the end we were finally able to defeat him we did it nice job Gary

Let’s grab the batter and get out of here Gary I turned and saw that Gary had been seriously wounded Gary you don’t look so good come on let’s get you some help there’s no time Zozo but there’s something you should know first I was the one that hid the robot evil way she

Needed to be in a safe place I thought telling you what Cod she contained would put you in too much danger the more he spoke the worse he looked it’s okay it’s okay maybe you should sit down Gary slumped down against the wall you’ve been a great friend Zozo I know you can

Do this she would have loved you too she I had hoped to see her flowers bloom one more time my wife her name was Eve Gary put his head down and he was gone thank you for everything Gary I won’t let you down on day 79 to 84 I grabbed the

Battery off the wall and left the office I couldn’t believe Gary was gone as I headed down the stairs I heard a familiar voice so now that the giant rat is gone you need a new leader and that leader should be me this whole time that

Rat was just trying to take over the rats I couldn’t let this stand you cost me everything I charged down the stairs and attacked the rat I was so angry I was able to defeat him in no time all the other rats were so scared they

Didn’t even try to get involved I’ve got to get this battery back to Eve and shut down the factory I headed out to return to the base on days 85 to 89 I arrived back at the base and put Eve’s battery pack in after a moment she booted up and

Looked right at me hello what’s your name hi I’m Zozo Gary told me that you should have code to shut down the Fat Cat Factory is that true that is correct I would be happy to assist you with doing so where is Gary I would love to

See my Creator again he didn’t make it but he would have wanted us to work together I see I’m sorry to hear it but I agree Gary and Eve are my best friends and I’m sure we will be good friends too I agree which reminds me do you think

You could help me with something Eve and I headed outside and I got her help finishing the robot statue finishing the statue gave me the courage to be brave brave like my robot hero and brave like Gary before long the statue was complete this looks amazing thanks for all of

Your help Eve from there I went to work on building Eve a place to stay as well I made sure to give her everything she needed to be comfortable once I finished the outside I worked on decorating the inside with all the tools she’ll need with everything complete I just had one

More task to finish using the nether scraps and gold I had collected I made a netherite Ingot then I use that to upgrade my diamond sword nothing’s going to stop us now on days 90 to 94 I decided I should go through Gary’s room to see if there was anything he may have

Had to help us in the final fight as I was looking around I came across Gary’s diary his last entry confirmed his plan to follow me to the warehouse under that entry was a note meant for me if you’re reading this I didn’t make it last thing

I need to tell you is that Eve knows how to do something something special she can also craft a battery for you with such battery you can function without the need for sunlight wow what an amazing gift I’ll go ask her I headed back out and found Eve I asked her about

The battery let me check my data lcks scanning oh yes I found the recipe right this way Eve grabbed some supplies from a chest then headed over to the crafting table moments later we headed outside and she tossed the new battery pack to me I put it in I immediately felt a

Power surge and turned into a giant robot my battery pack showed it was upgraded too wo look at me I feel great fat cat isn’t going to know what hit him on days 95 to 96 I headed outside to meet up with Eve today’s the day Eve let’s go save the

World Eve and I took off in the direction of the factory after a while we arrived near the edge looking ahead I could see some rats patrolling the perimeter once they had passed We snuck up to the hidden entrance I had seen before if we hit this button it will let

Us inside I hit the button and even I snuck inside once we were in we didn’t see anyone else around it looks like the coast is clear let’s see if we can get to the robots inside as as we ran across the open space we heard a squeak a

Single rack guard was standing there maybe he can tell us where the robots are hey don’t move and we won’t hurt you where are all the robots cat gathered them all in the incinerator room he’s threatening to melt them all down because one lady robot keeps trying

To lead revolts that sounds like my mom thanks for the tip we can’t risk you giving us away though so I’m sure you won’t mind us locking you up Eve shot a ratet at him which put him in a rat sack I picked him up and put him in my safety

Compartment come on let’s get to the incinerator room on days 97 7 to 98 we entered the incinerator room and saw my mom dangling above the lava pit we have to save her hang on mom we’ll get you out I looked across the room and saw a lever that controlled the device but

Then I noticed a rat on the other side of the room watching us he ran towards the lever oh no you don’t I ran toward the rat while eeve started shooting her Laser cannon it was a close one but we managed to take him out before he could

Pull the switch Zozo is it really you mom I’m so glad to see her still alive where are all the other robots we have to get everyone out fat cat is keeping them locked in the Next Room over I can get them out but I don’t know how we’ll

Get out of here unnoticed there’s a secret entrance that we used to get in you guys can use that to escape thank you Zozo and be safe fat cat will be in the main Factory I love you good luck on day 99 we left the incinerator room and

Made our way towards the main Factory on our way toward the factory doors we heard a terrifying voice well well well if it isn’t little Zozo fat cat was looking down at us from the Factory’s Second Story window fat cat the madness has to stop we’re shutting down this

Factory one way or another we’ll see about that r attack just then the largest pack of rats I had ever seen came charging at us this must have been every rat in the factory time to see how good my upgrades really were bring it on you little creeps even I threw

Everything we had at the rats with my new abilities these rats didn’t stand a chance you shot them with her Laser cannon and I hit them back with my new gear before long we had managed to take most of them out which made the remaining rats all run away in fear yeah

You better run even and I walked up to the factory door but before going in I turned to talk to Eve Eve I could really use your help in this fight but we can’t risk you getting hurt we need you to stay safe so you can shut down the

Factory I understand and Zozo there’s something else I want to say before you go in there yeah what is it I know you’ll make it through this and I just think everyone should subscribe so they can see what you’ll do next wow that really means a lot to me Eve thank you

I’ll see you when it’s all done on day 100 I entered the factory and saw fat cat looking down at me from the second story balcony it’s over Zozo I have The High Ground what this little Revolution ends today I don’t care how many rats you

Kill or how many robots you free I’ll never shut this place down and just like that he attacked as we exchanged blows it was clear to me that he was way stronger than I could have thought you could have had a great life working in my factory and making me Rich but it

Looks like it’s over for you my hearts were getting really low it didn’t look like I was going to make it but just then a laser came out of nowhere and hit fat cat Eve Eve came in and started fighting with fat cat which gave me a

Second to use my potions and heal up then I got back into the fight you’re in trouble now fat cat as I started to fight I was able to distract fat cat and lead him away while I did that e snuck around to the main Factory shut off and

Input her Cod no my factory suddenly fat cat stopped moving and a tiny cat popped out he was a cat in a robot suit this whole time there he is boys get him the pack of rats appeared and chased fat cat out of the factory we did it Eve I’m

Sure the world will return back to normal in no time now let’s go find my mom we have a lot of catching up to do I think Gary would have been proud on day one I spawned in as a baby dragon whoa I’m No Ordinary Dragon I’m a warden

Dragon I opened my mouth and shot out some dragon breath and shot off a sonic boom they were both pretty weak but still cool that’s when I noticed a nearby Ender Dragon and Warden hey I have the same Powers as you guys you must be my parents my mom and dad were

Excited to see me and everything was happy but suddenly a big buff Evil Steve came out of nowhere what’s this a warden and a dragon combined I already hate dragons but a dragon combined with a warden is even worse run Zozo we’ll hold him off I

Wanted to help but she was right I was too weak as I watched the battle I saw that buff Steve was able to destroy my dad no how can he be so powerful buff Steve then captured my mom I had to hurry away you get back over here or

Your mom will never be free don’t worry about me run to a portal and destroy it behind you I listened to my mother like any good boy should and ran away before buff Steve could capture me I ran into a nether portal to escape on day two I

Came teleporting through a nether portal Landing in the Overworld I turned and shot off my Sonic Boom destroying the portal behind me I don’t know how much time that buys me but I have to get stronger to save my mom if I was going

To save my mom I had to get the gear to do it using my claws I began Gathering up some nearby materials in order to build a base I don’t need anything fancy yet I just need something that can keep me safe speaking of being safe I was

Suddenly attacked by a bear get back I have claws too but trying to win this fight was foolish I had no choice but to run oh boy it looks like the Overworld is just as dangerous as the nether I kept running until I found myself on a

Nice steep Mountain if I Hollow this place out this could make for a perfect base excited with the idea I got right to it building my base I have so many ideas of how I can improve it but we’ll start simple for now soon the start of

The base was ready I feel like it’s going pretty good so far tomorrow will bring me one step closer to saving my mom on day three I kept mining down into the mountain when I popped out on the other side but as luck would have it there was something unexpected is that

An Ender Dragon Nest it looked like there was there was an egg inside of it too just then a phantom appeared he got closer to the egg he was going to eat it oh no you don’t the dragons are my friends the Phantom clearly didn’t

Expect anyone to be here and I was able to hit him hard in no time I managed to take him out finally it feels good not to run away for once and what’s this the Phantom had dropped some Fantom skin which I picked up with it gone I was

Able to get really close to the egg that’s when I saw there was a note nearby my dear child if you are reading this then something has happened to me I was setting out in search of food for us it is very likely that a powerful being

Called Steve may come after us he collects powerful creatures like us dragons take care and stay safe oh no it’s not just me dragons everywhere are in trouble it’s not enough to just save my mom from buff steeve I’m going to have to defeat him I quickly picked up

The egg to take it back to my base I could keep it safe there on days 4 to 5 I arrived back at my base I got Right to Work building an incubator for the egg if it was going to hatch safely it needed a good environment to thrive in

Just as I finished up I heard a noise outside I ran out and saw even more Phantoms oh man you guys really want this egg we’ll just try and take it the Phantoms did their best to take me out but they were no match for me they would

Have to try harder than that if they wanted to win with the two Phantoms defeated I picked up the Phantom skin they had dropped oh I know just what to make with this I went over to my crafting table and used the Phantom skin to make myself some Phantom skin armor

It was about as strong as leather armor but it would be better than nothing on day 6 to 8 I was starting to get hungry and decided to go look for food I was a little nervous about leaving the egg behind but if I couldn’t get food then

No one would be able to protect it I soon came across a village hi there please do you have any food to spare the villagers took one look at me and ran away I guess they weren’t used to meeting friendly dragons or friendly wardens for that matter well no one is

Around so Bon Appetit I got Right to Work attacking the animals around sure it felt bad to hurt other animals but hey a dragon’s got to eat and there’s no way I was going to eat a salad at last I found you I looked and saw buff Steve

Standing there this time he had on dragon armor he was even stronger than before you what do you want isn’t it obvious you he clearly wasn’t in the mood to chat and I had no choice but to fight I started swinging but it was clear he was too strong looks like

You’re all mine I saw a window to escape and I took it I had to get out of there and fast you might have slipped away this time but mark my words I’ll find you he was probably right but today was not that day on days 9 to 10 I had made it

Back to my base that’s when I heard a noise coming from the ink incubator oh no the egg is in trouble I ran into the room to find the egg was still there but it was hatching suddenly a small Baby Ender Dragon climbed out are you are you

My mom who me no I’m Zozo oh so where’s my mom uh I’m not sure but she left this note in your nest it was there when I found you and then I brought you here to keep you safe the little dragon read the note I guess being able to read was a

Gift us dragons get a birth I see H I wish I could have just stayed in my egg it’s sad out here hey it’s okay there’s a lot of cool things to do in the world too really like what I thought about it for a moment then told

Her to follow me I instructed her to mine out a big room in the mountain because we were going to build a cool statue I wanted to be sure we built it out of sight though so buff Steve wouldn’t be able to find our base the little dragon seemed to really enjoy the

Creative process and was much happier as we finished the first part this is a good start but do you have any guesses as to what it’s going to be I then got to work building her a room to stay in I knew how hard it was to get your mom

Taken away from you so I wanted to be sure she was happy and comfortable soon her room was completed too on days 11 to 12 the little dragon came out of her room to chat hey Zozo what’s my name oh I guess you were born yesterday and

Could probably use one of those how about cth cth yeah that sounds cool oh and Zozo yes ith I’m hungry oh right hang tight I’ll get both of us something to eat I went out into the land to try and find some crows to eat after a bit

Of searching I spotted a few as I got closer though I spotted a human nearby oh no it’s Steve I went to run away when they called out to me wait little dragon that’s when I realized it wasn’t buff Steve I waited until they got a little

Closer hey don’t worry I’m not here to hurt you like Steve my name is Alex what do you want I want to help you Steve and I used to be friends but not anymore what happened Steve and I used to adventure together along with our friend bana one day we were exploring the

Nether and came across the nether dragon the dragon didn’t mind us being there until Briana decided to mess with the dragon’s eggs there’s something magical about them and Briana got too close the nether dragon destroyed her as the three of us tried to escape I was sad but

Steve Eve was angry he vowed to take revenge on all dragons he finds them and locks them away in his base is Revenge through this he has become stronger but more evil turning into what he is today I feel like it’s my responsibility to stop him thank you for sharing that with

Me he captured my mom and my friend’s mom if we team up we can stop him yes I was thinking that as well although I think it’s important for me to keep searching for more dragons so I can warn them about Steve but here take this horn

If you ever need to talk to me you can use this I took the horn and thanked her for her help maybe we could defeat him after all on days 13 to 15 I continued looking for food as I thought about everything Alex had told me oh no it’s

That bear again I have to fight him off otherwise I might not be able to find more food for days I was Stronger now so I charged in to fight the bear was still really strong and really pack to punch but everyone was counting on me I couldn’t lose I kept swinging and

Finally took him out what’s this I feel so much more powerful suddenly I leveled up growing in size and gaining more Hearts wo I feel amazing if I keep growing like this maybe I can actually stop buff Steve I quickly gathered up the chickens and started leading them

Back to the base on days 16 through 19 I arrived back at the base with the chickens I got Right to Work building a CPE for them to live in once the coupe was complete I went over to Civ to tell her about the chickens and also Alex

It’s Alex sounds really nice but I do have one question about everything you told me what’s that why are we eating eggs dragons come out of eggs too so that seems kind of weird uh yeah I don’t know it’s different try not to think about it too much I left Civ to think

About life and got to work building a mine I might be able to grow in strength but I can also build strength by making better armor and weapons speaking of which I found some iron oh perfect I can finally get rid of my leather armor this

Is great back in the base I smelted down all of the iron then used the iron to make myself a fresh set of armor and weapons I’m feeling better already on days 20 to 22 I woke up with a bad feeling in my stomach I went to CV’s

Room and saw she was missing cth cth where are you just then I heard another sound it was the horn Alex had given me she was calling me I ran out of the base toward the sound maybe Alex knew what had happened to her soon I saw Alex

What’s going on on Zozo I called for you as soon as I could I caught sight of Steve he was chasing a baby dragon that’s not your friend right I don’t know it might be she wasn’t in her room this morning oh no I’m not strong enough

To face Steve yet but I’ll tell you where you need to go Alex explained where she saw them and I hurried off I soon got to the place Alex described and saw Steve was about to capture civi I had to do something hold it right there

Steve I jumped between the two of them ah out of my way I hate dragons and this one is no different wait you’re that Warden Dragon I saw earlier you’re the worst kind of dragon of all quick cth run Steve wasn’t paying attention and cth was able to get away Steve was then

So distracted by her escaping that I was able to escape too hang on you’re not getting away this time Steve chased after us and I tried to knock him back while Civ got away he was still too strong but I was able to get enough hits

In to stop him from capturing us Civ managed to get away soon after I was able to lose Steve in the trees Civ and I met back up then hurried back to the base on days 23 to 26 cth and I arrived back at the base I was really worried

About what had happened I’m so sorry Zozo are you mad at me that depends what happened did Steve find our base no I left to go and find more supplies to upgrade our stuff when Steve came out of nowhere and tried to grab me so so you

Don’t need to be mad because he didn’t find our base I would have been worried if he found our base but I’m mad that you left you could have been captured and I would have never seen you again I could tell cth felt really bad look it’s

Okay I’m sorry for being mad I know you were just trying to help but right now it’s too risky promise me you’ll stay at the base from now on okay I promise but Zozo yeah before Steve popped out I did see something interesting I I think you

Should go check it out cth explained where I needed to go and she was right it did sound like a good place to go nice one cth I’ll go take a look after a bit I arrived at the place she described it was a large Temple I stepped inside

And was immediately attacked by a bunch of husks oh go drink some water you dust heads the husks did their best to bring me down but I took them out first after the last one had disappeared I saw something interesting oh and what might

This be I took a look and saw that there was a bone sword wow this is cool that’s when I realized that the sword also gave me a special ability now I could spit spikes wow now that is awesome and mildly confusing I tested it out sending

Spikes shooting at the wall as I hit the wall mural started to appear just then a mummy came out and attacked me someone is jealous of my spit takes I kept launching spit spikes at him slowly wearing him down he was not a fan but it didn’t matter because I had to survive

Survive this soon enough he was gone so what’s up with these murals I took a closer look and realized they told the story of an epic adventure one you can watch if you search for my channel Zozo zo zoo this is when I survived 100 days

As Moses you’ll really like that one if you’re liking this one so far on days 27 to 31 I had left the temple and arrived back at the base as I entered my base I could barely recognize cth she was now the same size as me wow cth you’re even

Stronger now and I know just the way to celebrate cth and I headed out to do some more work on the Statue cth felt like a little sister to me and I was happy to have someone on my side together we could do anything we were

Finishing up the next part of the statue when Civ had a thought of her own to share this is looking good but something isn’t quite right feels like it could use a different material H I think you’re right and I know just what to get

I took off to grab the material I had in mind I am a little bigger now I wonder wonder if I can fly I gave it a shot and found that while I couldn’t fly I could Glide well that’s better than nothing I soon arrived at the bottom of the hole

But was soon attacked by straddlers out of my way I’ve got a statue to save the straddlers did their best to knock me down but they were no match for me with them out of the way I quickly found what I was looking for this amethyst is just

What we need I can’t wait to see if it looks good on the Statue I mined up as much amethyst as I thought we’d need then got ready to head back to the base the statue is going to look amazing now on days 32 to 35 I was on my way back to

The base when I was attacked out of nowhere by piglins what are you nosy oinkers doing out here I fought them off using everything I had until the last of them were defeated that’s when I heard something nearby hey were you hiding from the piglins it’s okay now the

Dragon is talking to me the Villager was so scared and tried to get away from me but just then another piglin popped out and started chasing after him hey watch out I rushed over and took on the piglin in no time I was able to defeat him you

Saved me wow thanks no problem where did all of these piglins come from anyway I’m not sure but my Village is full of them we could really use someone like you to come and clear them out for us would you be willing to help say no more

I’m on the case on days 36 to 39 I followed the Villager back to his village as we got closer I could see he was right the village was full of pig let’s try to get a better view of what’s going on We snuck around the outside of

The town to get a better Viewpoint of what was happening you see that structure in the middle of the Town that’s where everyone is probably hiding out got it hang back I’m going to rush in there and get everyone out whoa hang on I know you took those guys out back

There but those were just low-level Scouts you can’t hope to take on all of those guys down there at once okay so what do you suggest it will be night time soon soon enough I think we might be able to sneak in and get everyone out safely I’m good with that plan we’ll

Give it a shot on Days 40 to 43 the Villager and I waited for Nightfall soon we saw that the piglins had begun falling asleep it was time to make our move let’s do this We snuck into the village doing our best to keep quiet even the smallest of noises could wake

Up the piglins which just then there was a clang my new villager friend accidentally bumped into something sorry it was too late though the piglins were awake and not happy to see us looks like it’s plan a after all my new friend was right these piglins were much stronger

Than the scouts I had fought outside the village what he wasn’t right about though was my ability to take them on I was tough and the piglins fell one by one as I took them out soon enough they were all defeated Zoo you did it we then

Went over to the scared villagers who weren’t exactly happy to see me don’t worry everyone he’s a friend I know dragons can be scary but Zozo here was the one who rescued all of us we owe him our lives the villagers were happy to find out I wasn’t there to eat

Them and it felt good for people to see me as the hero thanks again Zozo and in the future if there’s anything we can do for you just let us know we’ll do now I’ve got a statue to go work on on days 44 to 49 I returned to my base and got

To work adding the amethyst to the statue cth was right this was was just what it needed all right now we’re making some good progress but still have a ways to go what do you think so far all of the building and rescuing from the previous days had made me realize

How badly I needed to be protecting myself from Attack so I made sure to do some work on the base we were going to need strong defenses and traps if Steve ever found us it had been a while since I had run into him but I was sure

Something was going to happen with him soon on days 50 to 53 I received a message from Alex Steve even his goons were on the way to my base how did they find us all I know is that he was told something by a villager a villager after

Everything I did for that guy he still didn’t trust me oh no not the guy that was working with you just someone from his village still it’s a shame they would sell us out like that well thanks for the warning I’ll go tell cth I ran

Over to cth get ready cth they’re coming for us and we’re going to be in for the fight of Our Lives meanwhile outside the castle Steve soon arrived with a gang of other players oh Zozo The Jig Is up we’re here for you and that little

Friend of yours I don’t care what you want we didn’t do anything to you let us live our lives in peace peace is not an option attack Steve motioned for two of his soldiers to charge as they got closer to the door our trap started firing arrows which quickly took them

Out you’re smarter than you look but there’s plenty more where that came from next up came an Archer who did their best to try and disable our traps shooting flaming arrows into them unfortunately that seemed to do the trick and the trap stopped working two Griefers came up to the door laid some

TNT and lit it but suddenly the traps came back to life taking out the Archer and trapping the Griefers in there was an explosion which took them out but also took out the traps and door the base was open now though and the players started to run in but not before falling

Into my pitfall trap another Noob tried running in too but fell right into the hole just then someone vented in through the side and took a look in the hole unfortunately for them their spec ops teammate popped in and knocked them down the hole these guys really need to learn

To work together he filled in the hole and the rest of the team charged in Bring It On The Players charged at me while I did my best to fight them off leave us alone we didn’t do anything to you most of the players were pretty weak

But I could hear someone setting off explosions in the background I had to hurry I had defeated most of the players but one stronger one with a flaming sword stepped up to fight look man you don’t want to mess with me the player simply attacked his flaming sword was

Really strong and kept setting me on fire yeah okay I see why people don’t like dragon’s fire breath ouch he was tough but my attacks were getting the job done I could tell he was getting weak and I got him lined up with the edge have a good flight I hit him hard

Sending him flying over the edge just then I felt the energy surge through me and I grew into an even bigger dragon with more Hearts yes I feel amazing just then I heard cth let out a cry she was in trouble I looked and saw she had been captured by

Steve say goodbye to your little friend Steve ran out of the base with cth in Chains I’ve got to stop him I ran out of the base but two more of Steve’s players were waiting for me they weren’t very strong but they gave Steve enough time

To get away I knocked them out but it was too late hang on cth I’ll find you on days 54 to 57 I got out the horn and gave Alex a call she arrived soon after Zozo You Look so Sad what’s wrong they got cth I’ve never felt so hopeless do

You know where they might be taking her I’m sorry Zozo I really wish I could help but I have no idea where they could be going I could tell Alex felt really bad and she offered me some beef to cheer me up look we’ll find her in the

Meantime let’s get this place fixed up you won’t be of any use to cth if they come back and capture you too I agreed and Alex and I got to work repairing the base we had soon finished up the repairs but I was still feeling a little bit

Down one thing that I thought might help though was working on the Statue Alex offered to help on that as well which made me grateful to have a friend in her I was so worried about myself and my problems I hadn’t really thought much about what Alex was going through thanks

For all of your your help Alex I know you’re going through a lot too so it means a lot you are willing to help me anytime Zozo now take care I’ve got some things to take care of I said goodbye and got ready for bed tomorrow I would

Figure out what I needed to do to save cth on days 58 to 62 I headed into the mines I didn’t know where I needed to go to find cth but I knew I needed to be stronger before I could do anything anyway as I explored the mines I was

Suddenly attacked by silverfish ah these guys have always grossed me out they were quick little buggers and hard to hit lucky for me though I was able to take them out without taking too much damage I continued into the mines and soon found some diamonds excellent this

Is just what I need I swung my pickaxe and gathered up lots of diamonds I was going to have much better gear now with all of my diamonds collected I made my way back out of the mines back in my base I got Right to Work crafting all of

The diamond gear that I could Steve wasn’t going to know what hit him on day 63 to 66 I woke up with a brilliant idea I might not know where Steve is but I know someone who might and something tells me they are not going to be happy

To see me I took off towards the village I had saved days earlier it was time to have a chat with the Villager who ratted me out as I arrived in the village I saw my friend from earlier I explained the situation to him as well as who I was

Looking for I’m sorry to hear it but I can’t say I’m surprised billiam has always been the Village rat I know just where you can find him we headed off and found billam wow wow W you’re uh bigger than the last time we saw you I am I’m

Quite a bit stronger too I can break little villagers like you with no problem oh wow uh yeah well you’re not going to do that are you that’s up to you my home was attacked by Steve and his goons my friend was taken prisoner I can’t forgive this but I might be able

To look past it if you you tell me where I can find her I’m sorry but I don’t know where they might have taken her uh-oh that’s the wrong answer I took a deep breath and got ready to blast him wait I’m telling the truth I don’t know

Where they would have taken her but I can tell you where to find Steve’s messenger that I talked to I thought about it and decided that was probably the best thing I was going to get from this guy all right then looks like today’s your lucky day William spilled

Everything he knew about where I could find this messenger after he had told me everything I headed out something tells me billam is not going to be very welcome in his village anymore sounds like that’s in the best interest of everybody on day 67 to 70 I arrived at

The Fortress that Bill had told me about I charged up to the base and immediately started attacking the guards where is your leader where is cth the guards weren’t interested in my questions and simply did their best to fight me off but my friend was in danger and nothing

Was going to stop me out of my my way tin heads as I fought my way through I soon came across an even bigger guard this guy was tougher than the first ones but I wasn’t going to let that stop me he swung at me and did some serious

Damage it really hurt but I swung back and was able to take him out the bigger they are the harder they fall I had made it into the castle and more of the big guys were trying to take me down they swung I dodged and knocked their blocks

Off hang on cth I’m coming on days 71 to 74 I had officially made it into the Fortress it was as if the whole base had been alerted to my presence as every bad guy in the place was swarming in on me I don’t care how many of you there are I’m

Going to make it to the top as I knocked guard after guard out of my way I eventually found myself inside a library wait a second what’s this I had found some kind of special item with this I have the strongest Spike attack I can get excited with my new ability I

Immediately put it to the test there were some guards up on the balconies and I managed to take them out oh yeah whoever this guy is he’s in for a real surprise on day 75 to 78 I made it to what looked like the lair of the

Castle’s boss you there you must know where Steve is keeping his prisoners tell me or else H you really think I’m going to help a dragon look at me Steve has been stealing the power of the dragons to make us stronger and there’s no way you’ll be able to defeat me what

What does he hope to gain from all of this not only will he finally destroy all dragons but he will become a powerful Dragon himself then no one can stop us yeah well this Dragon isn’t going to let that happen bring it on the henchmen and I started to fight I did my

Best to fight him off but since he had been given Dragon Powers he was incredibly strong this wasn’t going to be a simple fight do you really think Steve will let you live your life once he’s King he’s going to turn turn on anyone who has even a little bit of

Power silence you don’t know what you’re talking about but it doesn’t matter because you’re going to lose it looked like there was no talking sense into this guy the fight was getting intense but it was time to end it I focused all of my energy used all of my attacks and

At long last I won the henchmen was nearly defeated no how can I lose to a measly Dragon last chance tell me where Steve’s base is never the hen leapt forward to attack me but I took him out instead well maybe there’s something around here that can help me out on day

79 to 84 I started taking a look around the castle wait what’s this inside of a chest was a bunch of golden apples suddenly there was a sound outside as I ran out to look I could see Steve in the distance and he was looking right at me

Ah Zozo just the one I was looking for what do you want Steve where’s cth who huh who cares all you need to know is I finally finished my potion the power of the Dragons is finally mine I received word you were here so I thought I’d let

You be the first one to see Steve drank down a potion and suddenly started to change he turned into a disfigured but powerful Dragon Steve what have you done here let me show you up close Steve took off into the air and flew toward me

I was Str but not strong enough for this I couldn’t even fly yet I had no choice but to run come on Zozo what’s the problem afraid of a little fire I kept running toward my base as Steve continued to chase me I had to get to

Cover we ran across the land and I finally snuck into my base Steve flew around for a bit but realized he couldn’t fit inside after a while he left I fear for the worst with cth is she still alive on days 855 to 89 I got

Out of out of bed after a sleepless night I had no idea if Steve would be waiting for me outside and I couldn’t risk going out there I went back over to my statue I had planned on completing it with cth but I was worried I might not

Have that chance I worked on completing the final part well it’s all done it reminds me of cth and she would have been proud of what we did here I only hope I can avenge her and save everyone else from Steve’s Insanity I was feeling more confident than before and stepped

Over to the ledge maybe I was strong enough to fly I leapt over the edge and sure enough I was able to get my wings going and fly yes finally I took some time to get used to Flying luckily it looked like Steve had left the area I

Was able to get some good practice in when I heard Alex sounding off on her horn I flew toward the sound and saw Alex was waiting for me Zozo you did it you’re flying this is great news thanks I just wish I knew where Steve’s base

Was one way or another I’ve got to end this well I’ve got some good news for you H I found it I couldn’t believe it maybe now we could finally get revenge for all the wrongs Steve had done even though I was feeling stronger though I was still worried about how we could

Defeat Steve Steve is afraid of anything that might harm him so he likes to keep that close to him when we get to his base we should take a look around there might be something there that can help on days 90 to 94 I flew to Steve’s base

As I landed outside the base I met up with Alex wait a second how did you beat me here I was fing oh I have another Highway set up so I can get around pretty quick oh yeah that’s a good idea so have you seen Steve not yet I think

You should be good to head inside I’ll wait out here and let you know if Steve shows up sounds like a plan stay safe I took off and flew over the wall Landing in the courtyard the place was full of half dragon guards oh man what happened

To you guys as I fought off the guards I realized that these must have been Steve’s failed Dragon transformation experience that guy was twisted even though they were failed experiments they were still really strong I was able to hold them off but I lost some pieces of my armor

In the processo okay that was tough let’s move in deeper and see what we can find on days 95 to 97 I moved even deeper into the base jeez this place is huge I soon found myself in what looked to be a forge room I decided to take a

Look around and see if I could find anything that could help me in my fight there was a cool dragon statue nearby then I noticed a chest was near it I wonder what could be in here I opened the chest and saw it was full of netherite gear this just might give me

The Boost I need to win the fight I kept on exploring when suddenly I was attacked by more of Steve’s minions how many of you guys are there I smacked as many of them out of the way as I could if there were guys down here I must be

Getting close I was finally going to be able to get my revenge after I defeated the last of the minions I came face to face with another one of Steve’s stronger Dragon guards the last fight against one of you was hard let’s hope this time can be better we both sprang

Into action hitting each other and firing off different attacks he was still really strong but my new equipment was doing its job I managed to get him lined up with a cliff hang on to your horns I gave him a good whack and sent him flying over the edge to his Doom bet

You wish you had the power to fly on day 98 I moved even deeper into the base it was starting to get really cold and wet how deep undergound round had I gone more guards no problem at this point I was getting pretty good at fighting these guards that’s when I realized

There was a dragon in a cage nearby it was Civ I defeated the last of the guards then hurried over to the cages hang on I’ll get you out I used my Sonic attack and opened up the cage freeing my small friend I was excited to see she

Was still alive but had a question to ask her I was scared to ask but I had to know the answer cth I’m so happy you’re alive have you by any chance seen my mother down here a sad expression came over Civ face I have but unfortunately

She’s gone we were only both here for a short while but I believe she saved my life what do you mean when Steve came to extract her powers from her she gave him even more power than she needed to more power why would she do that that just

Let him turn into a dragon sooner it’s true but you have to understand that she was out of time and Steve would have used my power next he was going to figure the transformation out but your mom sacrificed herself to be sure Steve wouldn’t need to hurt me too wow I

Understand she was always looking out for others she also told me that she believed in you and she knew even if Steve was able to harness Dragon Powers you would be able to defeat him she told me to give this to you when you arrived zith tossed something out on the ground

Warden’s heart this was a gift to my mom for my dad I had always heard that there was a special power inside of it that combined the power of the dragon and and the warden but before I could investigate any further I heard a noise from Alex’s horn Steve must be here come

On cth let’s get out of here on day 99 cth and I arrived back outside of the base Alex was waiting and we hurried over to her watch out Steve is just then Steve came smashing down into the courtyard in his Dragon form sorry to break up the party but you three have

Been getting on my nerves it’s over Steve you might look like a dragon but you will never TR be one it’s time for you to pay for your crimes is that so well come and get me Warden Warden Zozo use the warden’s heart I quickly grabbed the warden’s heart and activated it I

Felt an amazing amount of energy flow through me and I leveled up into my strongest most powerful form I can feel the full power of the Ender Dragon and the warden within me you’re going down Steve Steve let out a growl as we started to fight we flew around

Launching our dragon’s breath at each other the sound of our battle could be heard for Miles give it up Steve I have the power of the two most powerful beings in the land you can’t hope to defeat me you’re just a freaky mix of two creatures hey man look who’s talking

I finally landed a powerful blow which brought Steve down to his final heart I soared high and dive bombed him delivering the final blow oh no Steve started to explode as his head spun violently his entire being was glitching out of existence and stay out of our land on day 100 cth

Alex and I all made it back to our base we had lost our families and close friends but together we would be our own new family and if anyone else was in trouble we’d be here to help them out on day one I spawned in as King Kong check

Me out I’m the king of the world but wait why do I only have a few Hearts I’m a massive ape for crying out loud that’s when I realized I was on a playground looks like I’m not the king quite yet from out of nowhere came a man wearing a

Black suit and tie oh oh he must be super nice we can always trust strangers in nice suits right don’t run alien you’re coming with me you’re in trouble alien why is he calling me that just then the man in Black started to try and capture me I’ll never go with you

Kidnapping is wrong I couldn’t believe this guy I had no choice but to run stop making a fuss and get into my unmarked vehicle I have candy the man in Black was chasing after me and kept calling me an alien what’s this guy’s deal I ran

Into the forest and climbed up a big tree nice try kidnapper after resting for a bit in the tree I jumped down to see if the man in Black was gone the coast was clear pH I hope I never see that guy again just then I heard some

Rustling was he back nope it was a badger oh boy I’m glad it’s just you there was a really weird dude chasing me earlier the badger didn’t want to chat he was mad that I was on his Turf and tried to attack me back off badgy I

Punched him and knocked him away huh I’m not so weak after all nice try Punk that Badger had definitely learned his lesson or so I thought because it wasn’t long before I was surrounded by an entire Badger gang I’m having a really rough day they had me surrounded suddenly I

Felt something in my chest and I let out a giant Roar the Badgers jumped and ran off I have no idea where that came from but it worked I’ll have to remember that for the future it was getting dark so I climbed back up into a tree for the

Night to sleep in the branches wow from up here it’s almost like I could touch the moon it’s huge as I fell asleep I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d ever find a family out there so I wouldn’t be so alone on day two I decided it was

Time to make my way in this world I started to wander around and it led me to a jungle oh this certainly feels like the place to make a home I started to cut down wood and gather Stone I made my crafting table and got to work creating

Tools and a couple of weapons easy squee easy weapon pleasy I knew I was going to need a base very soon so I started collecting resources for that too but this was the jungle and it wasn’t long before I was disturbed by a very grumpy

Venom snake I know how to handle this I took a deep breath and roared and nothing happened uh-oh maybe snakes don’t have very good hearing oh well I’ll just have to take care of him the oldfashioned way it was a good thing I had just made a sword which I used to

Quickly take him out now that the snake was gone it made me want to build a really well- hidden base I didn’t want the man in Block to find me or anything else for that matter as I went deeper into the jungle I soon saw a giant

Boulder that Rock would be a good foundation for my base I got Right to Work constructing the beginnings of my jungle home it was coming along nicely but I soon got tired and needed to rest for the night it was cozy in my small but sturdy base I fell asleep thinking

Of plans to eventually construct my home into a jungle temple on day three I woke up bright and early to explore the jungle suddenly I heard a squeak and saw a cute little green creature running away from a big crocodile I followed them and saw the poor little green

Creature was cornered by The Croc hey stop right there Croc how about you take a bite out of this I started hitting him with my sword he snapped at me but I was able to dodge his blows and brawled for a bit but eventually I was able to knock

Him out I looked around for the little green guy and saw he was running away hey I’m not mean I promise he didn’t stop running so I followed him don’t be scared look I’ve got a banana want one the little green creature turned and stopped running you’re probably hungry

Here you go he really liked it and I think it helped him trust me m like the nana I do oh he can talk I asked him his name and where his home was luno my name is lunarian I am on the moon I live but

From the Moon I fell lost I am a lot of mean creatures here there are but you nice you are alone I am I’m alone too that’s pretty cool you’re from the Moon though I have no idea how to get you home but I’m happy to try the alien was

Relieved to hear I would try and help him I invited him to stay at the base until we figured something out he agreed and we went back together on days four to 5 I made it back to the base we added another room so that luno had a space of

His own H I’m going to need more materials to build some more of this Temple you stay here luno I’ll be back I walked around the jungle and began Mining and collecting all sorts of things from the temple what was that I thought I heard something guess not I

Got back to collecting things I heard some more rustling behind me and some malicious giggling I turned and saw the group of badgers that had ganged up on me earlier oh brother not you guys again when are you going to just leave me alone already I took in a big breath and

Gave my best Banshee Roar some of the Badgers ran off but some of them just stayed there that’s strange well now I wasn’t defenseless like last time he brandished My Sword I got this in the badger I started swinging and hitting the Badgers that had stuck around all

Bet they wish they had run away after I had gotten rid of all the Badgers I noticed one of them had dropped something it was an item that protected against sound attacks pretty clever Badgers got to hand it to him I finished Gathering materials and headed back to

The base I told Luna what had happened with the badger strong fighter you are ah Shucks Luna it was getting late and had been a long day so we settled in for the night Luna looked up at the Moon before he fell asleep he missed his home

It was close yet so far on day 6 to 8 I woke up ready to face the day I wanted to find upgrades for the base and Luna wanted to explore a little bit too I told him to be careful and call out to me if anything happened while I explored

Below some aala trees I noticed an entrance to a cave I know what this means iron time I hopped down into the cave it was so Lush down here I got on my sword and quickly took care of the slimy pest I found some really neat dark colored Cobblestone plus plenty of iron

This cave rocked unended I couldn’t wait to check out more but it was then that I heard something from outside the cave huh I better take a look I carefully peaked out of the cave and saw the Men in Black running past he was back that

Was close he could have seen me what is he up to now that was luno scream I rushed out of the cave to find luno I no longer cared about my safety I couldn’t let the man in Black kidnap him this is terrible I should have never let let

Luno go off alone I wasn’t going down without a fight feel my wrath kidnapper I went to knock his blocks off but before I could get over there he suddenly evaporated into particles what kind of kidnapper magic was this I was left alone with only my regrets to keep

Me company what was I to do on days 9 to 10 I was so discouraged the man in Block was too cunning there was no chance I’d be able to save luno I didn’t even know where he was taken maybe a walk will clear my head I wandered around the

Jungle and through the forest eventually I ended up in a familiar spot it was the playground I started off at I climbed back onto the small skyscraper there was something comforting about being on top of it I’m supposed to be king kong king of the jungle but I couldn’t even save

My friend sitting on the skyscraper gave me an idea though I know I can build a statue to help take my mind off of things so I went back towards my base I stopped at an area that was nearby but not so close that it would give my base

Away I started clearing the area for my big project once I was done clearing the area I started the foundation of the skyscraper not too shabby it was a great start but that would be enough for now it was about to get dark and mobs would

Be spawning I headed back to the base and crafted some Gear with iron to pass the time I HED was okay after a while I decided to call it a night and got some sleep on days 11 to 12 I got up bright and early I was looking forward to

Building my statue but I was going to need a ton of materials to build my skyscraper I headed out of the Jungle and into a bamboo forest as I was exploring I noticed a large building hiding among the plants well I’ll be a monkeyy uncle there was an old spooky

Looking Mansion I was so intrigued by it I went inside and had a look around I wonder who used to own this place maybe it was an Explorer I was taking a closer look at things when I was startled by the sound of someone clearing their

Throat I turned and there was an old man looking at me hello there may I help you old chap sorry I didn’t think anyone lived here anymore indeed I do this old house isn’t what she used to be but I’m too old these days to keep up with the

Art oh well I like the way it looks it’s very earthy and you have some really cool artifacts here what a collection thank you dear boy but these relics are all fake you see I’m an Explorer where I was when I was a bit more spry ho when I

Would find something fascinating whether it was an animal artifact or Relic I didn’t want to take it no I wanted others to enjoy finding it too so I would come home and recreate it that way the original would be right where it should be that’s very honorable of you I

Have mad respect for your respect cheers you know you remind me of someone I met before this might Fascinate you if you’d like to see it he led me into his backyard and there in the middle was a model of a giant king kong looking gorilla I found this gigantic creature

On an island where it was worshiped as a God I was so amazed I went home and built this replica here it’s my most treasured Discovery and I’ve always hoped I’d meet another as I’ve heard this creature is no longer living I could tell he was thinking I was just

Like this great speci this is inspiring to see but I’m much too small I’ll never reach that size his ape started out as a small booger just like you day by day he grew stronger and bigger until he was a towering fearsome giant maybe you too

Will steadily grow so big I wasn’t so sure about that I mean I hope so but I failed to save my friend it was hard to believe I was destined for greatness I said Cheerio to the old Explorer I was glad I had met him then I continued collecting materials while also heading

Back towards home while I was mining I couldn’t help but daydream about one day being a real king of the jungle on days 13 to 15 I was making my way back to my base when I got the feeling I was being followed I picked up my Pace hoping that

Would help but I still couldn’t shake that feeling when I looked behind me I finally caught a glimpse of something nope I wasn’t going to wait around to find out what it was I booked it I ran as fast as I could but I was right something was following me and that

Something was just as fast as I was it was a tiger it looks like I have no choice I flipped around and faced him no more running I would just have to give it my all chew on this tiger I used my strength my Roar and my sword I gave it

My all he hit me a few times there was no denying that this Kitty was tough this battle is intense even though it was a hard battle I actually was holding my own wa all of a sudden we both went tumbling off a cliff but did that stop

Us no we landed in the water and kept at it there was a fire that got ignited in me something instinctual something Primal I let out a huge Roar we kept brawling but in the end I got the last blow and he was done he came out

Victorious yes I was so proud of myself I could really step up to the plate when the odds are stucked against me and come out on top I felt strength welling up inside of me and I instantly evolved into a bigger version of King Kong okay

I wasn’t quite the size of a jungle King but I’d say I was at least a prince just call me Prince Kong Prince pong pong yeah maybe I’ll just stick to being called Zozo for now on day 16 to 19 I was feeling so confident that I had some

Pep in my step maybe things weren’t so hopeless with helping Luna I had figured out how to defeat the tiger maybe just maybe I could figure out how to rescue Luna I decided to return to the place of the kidnapping to see if I could find

Any clues Bingo and sloppy was his Neo there it was a map on the ground looked like he dropped it in the chase his mistake was my advantage I looked it over and saw that had a building on it labeled Men In Black secret lab these

Dudes really need to do some training on how to not compromise classified information what a bunch of rookies the map changed everything this meant I had a shot at finding luno and this time I was going to save him but first I better get ready for battle I wanted to upgrade

My gear so I went back to the Lush cave and mined a bunch more iron some spiders called up and tried to bother me but I showed them who was boss real quick mine your business spiders get it the spiders weren’t amused oh well you go squish now

I was on a mission I would not be deterred once I gathered enough I went back to my base and got to work crafting a full set of heavy duty iron armor and iron weapons now I was ready I hoped on day 20 to 22 I set off following the map

To the secret lab that was no longer a secret seriously can you believe they just dropped that really important map I approached the area where the place was supposed to be but I didn’t see anything anywhere at first but then I spotted it it was a very well-hidden bunker lab

Without the map I’d have never noticed it I guess I can give him a little credit for camouflaging just then some guards came out of the bunker I quickly ducked out of sight yeah that little green alien is really a adorable it’s too bad he won’t be around after today I

Was just getting used to having the little guy around I think I think I’m going to cry pull yourself together Fred hey I have feelings too I’m sorry Fred I know what this is really about it’s about the last Bagel that Jerry took he already had one Megan who does that a

Monster that’s who let it out buddy have a good cry talk about drama I had to get in the door just then two more guards came out to talk to the other ones the door was a jar this was my chance to sneak past the guards while they sorted

Out their feelings or whatever that was about okay I’m in that wasn’t so hard just got to find out where they’re holding luno kick booty and get out no biggie I turned a corner and found myself in a cafeteria full of guards uh-oh Wrong Turn everyone turned and

Looked at me ah so how about them Burgers huh talk about beefy well I’ll see myself out Intruder get that gorilla that was my cue to run I ran deeper into the base they were so shocked to see a big gorilla they weren’t ready to fight

I took them out with just a few big punches ooh one of them dropped a key I know what to do with that I put the key in the lock of the door there regarding open sesame luno was inside the room Zoo he was so excited to see me he was

Surprised how much I had grown I told him I was sorry for taking so long to rescue him he was just happy to see me and told me I was very brave what a guy no time to lose luno we got to break you out of here the battle is only half one

We tried to hurry and make our way out without running into anyone else but of course that was too good to be true the man in Black cut us off and blocked us from getting any further I’m not the bad guy here this is what needs to happen

Surrender I will have to use this he flashed a fancy looking gun the gun didn’t shoot bullets instead it produced a terrible debilitating sound I quickly equipped my noise cancelling ear protection that I picked up from the Badgers but poor Luna was spinning with confusion no one was going to hurt my

Friend on my watch I charged the man of black I gave him a super punch and knocked him to the ground he didn’t get back up he was out cold Total Knockout you didn’t stand a chance against these guns luno was still a bit disoriented

But he was okay we rushed out of the lab and Into the Wilderness the man in Black never knew what hit him on day 23 to 26 we returned to the jungle temple I kept apologizing that I hadn’t been able to stop the Men in Black from taking him

But he told me he didn’t care that it wasn’t my fault blame yourself for other actions do not I guess he had a good point I tried my best and sometimes bad things just happen so are you okay after being captured heavy is my heart

Homesick I wish I could help if only I could reach the moon wait a minute I’m building a skyscraper sculpure what if I build it so tall that it can reach the moon great idea that is great friend Zozo is we ran over to the sculpture and continued building together phw this was

A huge undertaking we definitely were going to need way more materials than we had in our stash we would go find more supplies tomorrow that night as we both sat and looked up at the stars we saw an interesting constellation does that make you think of anything on days 27 to 31 I

Spotted a Wandering traitor walking by with his llama I ran out and flagged him down good morning can I see what you’re selling I in need of a lot of andesite is that so I don’t have a lot on me right now but I’m on my way to a quarry

That has tons of stuff I often go there to apply my wees a huge source of materials that I can use for the skyscraper what good luck thanks for that info I’ll certainly be taking a visit there I got other stuff though if you want to make a trade I don’t have

Any money that’s okay you can buy on credit and I will come collect later it’s the newest craze bye now figure it out later that sounded good to me I looked at his Wares and saw an enchanted iron chest plate and a better helmet I selected these items and then bid

Goodbye to the trader I’d have to remember to come up with some money later and went over to where Luna was and let him know I needed to make a journey to the Quarry I told him to wait at the base and make himself at home I’d

Be back as soon as I could eat all the frogs and bananas you want while I’m gone I headed out and eventually found myself wandering through the Savannah at one point I started hearing some weird laughing around me back up buddies trust me you don’t want a piece of me they

Clearly did want a piece of me they didn’t waste time in Jumping All Over Me There were so many of them and they were fighting like there was no tomorrow I was able to take quite a few of them out but with so many around me they

Definitely got a few good hits in my sword proved to be strong too but I had to give these guys some credit they may have been smaller than me but they really fought with a lot of heart unfortunately for them it was me who ended up taking all of their hearts

Eventually they were nothing but dust look who’s laughing now actually I feel a little bad for taking them all out but fish got to swim and zozo’s got to survive on days 32 to 35 I spotted the Quarry in the distance on a mountain as it got closer I noticed it was pretty

Quiet I didn’t see any activity where is everybody I poked around the Quarry searching for someone anyone finally I came across an office I walked in and saw foremen sitting alone well how do you like that it’s one of them big gorillas I’ll be mine never seen one of

Your tops around these parts I came here to get some skyscraper materials where is everybody shoot you’re out of luck big Feller this your Quarry had done shut down yes sir W this Quarry used to be a real resource ho down we had to shut things down cuz that gosh darn

Monster monster as sure as I’m standing right in front of you there’s a terrible lizard creature snatching up my workers no one dares work here anymore it was an HR Nightmare and if I ain’t got laborers then I can’t get no resources to sale well if I take care of that monster for

You would they work for you again I reckon that’ do it looks like I had my next mission slay the lizard get the Quarry back into working order get boatload of materials I started searching around for the monster lizard creature I jumped down the mountain and eventually noticed a Cave opening that

Seemed like a good place for a monster to hide I crawled around the cave following its twists and turns eventually the cave opened up and there laid a giant kodo dragon it was snoozing I cleared my throat hey um I’m Zozo I was just popping in to ask that you

Don’t kill any more of the workers at the Quarry cuz it’s really buming everyone out and the dragon jumped at me and snapped whoa whoa I’m sure we can talk this through nobody has to get hurt the dragon was not interested in negotiations I had no choice I had to

Fight back this Dragon had a Mighty Bite I was striking the lizard whenever I could and dealing some major blows but this lizard wasn’t going down easy there was a reason it had become king of the Quarry Koto dragons had a terribly venomous bite thankfully I had upgraded

My armor otherwise I might have fallen prey to this clever lizard’s Venom the dragon chased me all around but I could tell it was was losing Hearts fast it doesn’t have to be like this you can go find another place to live don’t make me do this these workers just want to make

A living you don’t need to keep eating them the lizard would not listen to reason can’t say I didn’t try with my sword drawn I dealt the final blow I vanquished the dragon ooh and it dropped a pendant most importantly I can get this Quarry up and running again and get

Luno back to the Moon I looked around the Koto Dragon’s Nest for a second to see if there was anything of Interest I didn’t see anything but then I heard a little voice mama oh she was a girl dragon with a baby my bad this poor Bab

Baby was without a mother and it was my fault I felt terrible hey there baby dragon I’m not going to hurt you I hope you can forgive me about your mom she wasn’t my real mom she was a really mean stepmom honestly you did me a favor pH

That was a relief to hear imagine if they had gotten along this would have been super awkward I told the baby that she was welcome to be my friend and to let me know if there’s anything I could do for her then I headed out of the cave

And back to the office the baby followed at a distance on Day 36 to 39 I told the foreman that the monster had been taken care of and that the workers could come back now yeah well ain’t that just to kick in the pants That’s mighty Grand there’s just one pensy winsy problem

Another problem you see my workers ain’t around no more with no work here they were fixing to make a new quarry of their own Over Yonder but word is that dog won’t hunt they trapped in the middle of a newly formed Lake after a big flood in that there area all right

Point me in the direction and I’ll see what I can do go that way I stepped outside the office and saw the little dragon poke his head out from a nearby mind I felt so bad she didn’t have anyone to care for her now so I told her

She could come with me I hope this wasn’t a Fool’s errand eventually We Came Upon the lake and sure enough just as the foreman said out in the middle was an island with some small houses I crafted a boat we sat out across the water and soon reached the other side

Once we got on the shore the Quarry workers came out to greet us are you the rescue team we have been waiting so long monster kill our monster oh no I should have realized the baby would trigger these workers no no no I took care of

The monster for you this is just a cute harmless baby there’s no need to be alarmed I am here to rescue you and take you back to the quy as I said there’s no dangerous monster anymore you now have a safe work environment so what do you say

Want to get out of here the work cheered they were tired of being on the tiny Island I offered them my boat but they said it wouldn’t be possible because they needed to take all their equipment with them that was quite the conundrum but that’s what I was here for to fix

All the problems I sailed back across the lake and started chopping down a bunch of trees eventually I had enough to construct a simple Bridge before going back to the island I found a cave and collected some Cobblestone after grabbing some of that I decided it was a

Good idea for me and the baby to take a nap we had had a really long day and would need the energy on days 40 to 43 I started to construct the bridge out of wood and stone to get across the lake halfway through making the bridge though

I had a problem more like a problem tried to hit me there was a shark in the water huh I should be able to give this guy a nice big conk on the head I reached down to hit the shark but it bit me I kept struggling to climb out of the

Water I saw the shark coming for me I’m done for it but just as it reached me the baby komoto swiped its tail smacking it hard in the face the shark turned its attention onto the baby and she snapped her venomous mouth at the shark it didn’t stand a chance after that thank

You for saving my life little one and I’m still sorry about your stepmom she really didn’t seem upset by it by the way do you have a name it’s bubblegum nice that’s a cute name I finished the bridge and made a back back over to the workers thanks Mr Zozo we’ll start

Heading back to the Quarry with all our stuff that was good to hear I hadn’t expected so many bumps in the road but that’s just how the cookie crumbles Bubblegum and I got back to the Quarry before the workers did so I went to the office and let the foreman know the good

News he was so giddy that he was hooting and hollering we’ll be open running licky split you’ll be the first one to get what you need and we’ll give it to you on the house for all your troubles sounded fair to me I thanked him and he

Let me know it’d be ready soon enough on days 44 to 49 I returned back to my base with Bubblegum by my side I told Luna about the drama and introduced bubblegum then I know not that the wandering Trader was still hanging around hey it

Took a bit of trouble but I got things at the Quarry back in order they’ll be starting production immediately he was so happy to hear that his line of work was no longer compromised you know I have a network of other traders who could help bring the other materials

Over that way you can get your stuff quicker what do you say sure that would be great just let me know the cost just put it on the credit okay I sure hoped I wouldn’t live to regret that oh well I noticed that Luna and bubblegum were

Getting along really well hey luno I was thinking that bubblegum could stay at our base are you okay with that luno loved the idea so I started cutting out a spot to make room for for bubblegum to enjoy then it was time for some much

Needed sleep on days 50 to 53 the first load finally arrived from the Quarry you people sure work quick talk about a speedy delivery we upgraded you to wandering Trader Prime what’s that going to cost me don’t worry about it we’ll just put it on your credit okie dokie I

Realized I was going to need somewhere to store all these materials that was no problem I built more of the skyscraper but unfortunately I realized the next Turtle glass I needed a lot of glass this project was surely exhausting I know what will help me figure out my

Problem sleep in the morning I spoke with the traveling Trader and asked if he had any connections to some serious glass stash you know I do actually know of a glass factory although it’s some distance away well sounds like I’m due for another adventure I’ll set out now I

Felt better leaving luno alone now that bubble gum was there to keep him company I traveled through a few different biomes and eventually wound up at the Glass Factory it felt like dja Vu I had a sneaking suspicion that this place was not in working order just like the query

I entered the factory and saw that it was staffed by piglins you dare we have lost enough just leave us in peace I’m not here to cause you any trouble I’m here to purchase some glass is there a problem with the factory oh there’s a problem all right we’ve been overtaken

By Raiders they told us they won’t let us do any more mining for coal unless we paid them for Access but where’s just piglins how in the world are we to pay them that stinks I’m sorry but I had brussels sprouts for lunch it makes me

Gassy oh I didn’t mean it like that well anyway let me know how to help you I’m pretty good these days at roughing up bad guys let me go have a chat with them the piglins were excited to hear it and pointed me in the direction of the

Raiders I was happy to get going because there was a really stinky smell around that pigling I went in the direction they pointed me to and saw the mind was full of Raiders I’m ready to raid the Raiders who raided the mine No More Mr Nice Kong these dudes were slowing down

My skyscraper production not to mention being jerks to the piglins I charged into the Mind muscles of Blazing I was tired of all this drama I had a moon to get to I didn’t have patience for these punks it’s choing time they didn’t know what hit them I swung my sword and took

Out a bunch of them with ease that’s what I’m talking about I got lower into the minds and saw diamonds all over the place sweet Sparkles Don’t Mind If I Do Is that pun getting old I don’t care I’m just going to keep saying it I quickly

Mined a bunch of diamonds and then went back to kicking some mob bum there were a lot of them so they got a few hits in but these guys were like pesky fleas annoying but no match for what I’d been through sadly my armor was getting pretty damaged once at the bottom a

Vindicator with hoarding the stash so you’ve been keeping the piglins out of the mind so you can have all the diamonds to yourselves diamonds May last forever but your reign of terror is over but then it came at me hard now I was starting to get nervous my hearts were

Starting to go down then I got a weird idea The Vindicator was instantly drawn to it as if he forgot all about the fight if itats I seats The Vindicator captain was trapped oh I can’t believe that worked I jumped down and landed endless blows to Vindicator if you sits

I chop you to bits finally The Vindicator was no more and I was left the champion in the room of diamonds I looked around the room some more and also found some chests full of gold I can pay back the Traders with this I really had come a long way since my time

On that playground on days 58 to 62 I woke up and took a bunch of coal and diamonds and went back to the Glass Factory I walked in and they all squealed with delight that I wasn’t dead praise Cole you weren’t overtaken does this mean you won or did you flee I’ll

Let all this Co do the talking I showed them some coal you got coal but coal can’t talk you know you are very strong but you seem to have knocked a few marbles loose up in that Noggin of yours I know it’s just a saying oh never mind

Anyways yeah I got rid of all the Raiders now you can go and get everything you need huzzah now we can mine our business for free about that you said you didn’t have a way to pay the Raiders but why didn’t you use the diamonds to pay them pigin seemed

Confused they had no clue what I was talking about Oh you mean these shiny rocks bless your heart those silly rocks are utterly useless yes too hard to even craft or melt down into anything again I think you might need to see a doctor soon about that

Head of yours oh brother I’ll just let them think what they want they weren’t the brightest Bunch but they knew how to make some good quality glass that’s all I needed them to know about so should I be able to get regular deliveries of glass soon piglins let me know that they

Would make sure I was their priority for sending glass to and as a gift for helping them out they gave me a furnace sword it showed how much they valued coal over Diamond this sword was so cool I thank them for the great Treasures I now possessed I couldn’t wait to show my

Friends what I had found on day 63 to 66 I returned back home to my base I had glass from the factory and now would get regular deliveries coming from the depot very soon I was very excited about how things were looking up I told my friends

All about my Adventures fighting the den of dangerous Raiders at the mind they were both so impressed and excited to hear about it and then I said if you sits you’d be chopped to bits huh nice one Zozo yes got it you still have I decided to craft diamond armor for each

Of us once I had the armor finished I walked out and found the wandering Trader I was excited to fix my credit score with him hey I’m ready to settle my debt he couldn’t believe I had enough to pay him he gave him a giant amount of

Gold and he was super happy about it finally my wife won’t be so mad at me anymore for not getting paid for my labors all the time the stash of new materials I had acquired I began to add more to the skyscraper you know some windows some walls that kind of thing

This bad boy was getting some good height to it Muno came and admired the work I had done he said he was lucky to have a friend that cared so much about getting him home I knew he would do the same for me I also know he would like

And comment on my YouTube videos and you should too on days 67 to 70 I was on top of my skyscraper when luno pointed to Something in the sky a good distance away what could that be oh I think it’s a bird wait no it’s a plane no it’s the

Man in Black oh no he had found us it’d be pretty hard not to see I guess I’m sure you could see it from miles away the man in Black was traveling via jetpack through the sky I’m sorry but that alien must come with me give him up

Or I’ll have to take him by force his name is luno and he is staying don’t make me beat you up again I would like to see you try I jumped at him but he flew off the skyscraper get over here and fight me like a man he zoomed around

Me every time he got close I would swat at him but he was always just Out Of Reach I was running all around the sky scraper top then the man in Black dive bombed me dude I almost fell off he dive bomb me again and I slapped him away the

Next time the man in Black didn’t come at me he made a beline for luno instead luno was about to be taken luno luno held his little green hand up towards the man in Black and the Man in Black stopped moving in midair the little alien had mind Powers luno you never

Told me you had special powers on the moon they are not so special you’re on this planet we consider that a superpower now hold him right there luno I’ll finish him off I punched the man and Black’s jetpack enough times that it malfunctioned and he went plummeting to

The ground look he’s falling with style we sure make a good team luno thank you friend a great warrior you are a good heart you have a secret I must tell you fell from the Moon I did not come here to seek help I did being killed by a

Moon monster my people are in need we are for a champion told you I should have worried I was that you would not accept the challenge but now I know you are the most Brave hero sorry I am for not being upfront don’t be sorry I would

Be happy to help once we reach the moon thank you for being honest our convers was interrupted by screaming from down below what happened to the MIB we should see h on days 71 to 74 luno and I got to the bottom of the skyscraper only to

Discover that the man in Black was still alive I felt kind of bad for him well I felt bad until I saw he had bubble gum on a leash the man in Black managed to get his jetpack working and took off with bubblegum leaving us shocked at the

Turn of events this guy is the worst I can’t believe he survived that fall and now he has sweet baby bubble gum luno and I were so sad why would he take her it just didn’t make sense did he think she was an alien what did he want with

Her I spotted something on the the ground maybe it was part of the jetpack it was a strange material I didn’t recognize it you okay there Zozo sounded like there was a big fight happening a piglin delivery guy stopped over to check on US ah yeah there’s this jerk

Who’s been trying to capture us and he took off with our friend he dropped this I’ve seen that material before it was over in Stony Peak Mountain yep definitely seen that stuff but I don’t know what it is it wasn’t much to go on but it was all I had and decided to

Follow the clue on day 75 to 78 I hurried and made it to the Stony Peak mountains it was beautiful up here lots of Stony Peaks imagine that at top of the Peaks I noticed something that actually wasn’t a peak it was an observatory right on that’s got to be

What I’m looking for I knew it wouldn’t be a walk in the park getting up the mountain and I was right mobs mobs mobs say hello to my little friend I used my new furnace sword I was on fire I kept swinging and Swinging hitting them as

Hard as I could eventually I made it out on top to the top of the mountain the fun had just begun I was at the observatory door facing two robot guards I don’t suppose you just let me pass turn back you are not permitted to enter

Yeah that’s not going to happen I came this far so either you’re going to going to let me through or I’m going to rip your arms out of your metal sockets hostile enemy detected annihilate looks like it’ll be the hard way I dodged their weapons and got a hold of them and

Let it rip didn’t take too much to disassemble these dudes I kicked open the doors and went ape crazy I really tore it up in the place there were plenty more robots as I searched them many hallways and sure they dealt me some damage but I managed to obliterate

Them you won’t be back I fought my way to the basement but there was no sign of bubble gum I couldn’t help but wonder if I had come here for nothing what if my friend wasn’t here no I had to stop that kind of talk I still had to search to

The top on days 79 to 84 I headed for the top of the observatory and what do you suppose that smug Man in Black was waiting for me at the top bubblegum was in a cage next to him well well well if it isn’t the man in Splat get it cuz we

Tossed you off a skyscraper I noticed there was a giant telescope pointed at the Moon didn’t anyone tell you it was rude to spy on people you don’t know anything about me or this operation I demand that you bring me the little green alien I will trade you for your

Non-alien friend here let me think about that h no but you will give me back my kodo dragon and leave us alone forever and if not well then this conversation has got me really fire fired up let’s Rumble we went head to-head this guy had all sorts of techy weapons he knew he

Had to up his game against me clearly he had expected this fight he aimed we hit we blocked we jumped why do you even want the alien just so you can torture him in your stupid little lab with your emotionally distraught guards yeah that’s right I know all about your bagel

Incident I won’t let you hurt my friend oh Fred I’m so firing him when I get back listen we aren’t going to torture the aliens I’m trying to protect it from violent animals like you and yes we will study it a little but nothing harmful I

Saw that alien come down from the Moon in my teles go I’ve been searching for him ever since and then you buted in we continue to fight but I slowed down a bit hold on we both want to help Luna that’s the alien’s name by the way you’d

Know that if you were friendly for once instead of using Force to get the alien he needs help There’s a Moon monster destroying their lives and I’m going to help stop it we stopped fighting that explains a lot of what I’m seeing in my telescope I think I had the wrong idea

About you and I think you had the wrong idea about me I’m sorry I see now that you were looking out for the aliens Luna’s best interest maybe we better stop fighting each other and team up instead what do you say well as much as I was looking forward to kicking your

Butt King Kong style I guess we can let it be now can you let my baby friend go please yeah sorry we thought she was an alien too you really need to get out more so what was your plan to save the lunarians building that skyscraper to

Touch the moon then I’ll go to the moon and face the monster we got bubblegum out and the Man in Black told me to return to the base and that he would be there soon first he needed some time to work on a tech weapon and started the

Track home with bubble gum a jetpack would have been handy but oh well walking was fine on days 85 to 89 I arrived back to the temple with the baby and toe luno greeted us excitedly he couldn’t believe I had found bubble gum nothing there is that you can’t do a

Hero you are I was excited to tell luno all about the encounter with the man in Black I explained that he wasn’t going to be a threat any longer but in fact he was going to help luno and bubblegum went inside to catch up I was lucky to

Have found those two I didn’t have a family and if I really was a King Kong it sounded like I was the only one family comes in many forms there’s the family you’re born into and the family you make along the way a Wandering traitor interrupted my monologue I’ve

Been watching you I’m moved by how much you care for your friends it reminds me of our good friend Johnny rip he he was always sticking his neck out for me and saving me from things in his honor I’d like to give you an upgrade free of

Charge this will make you even stronger if you can imagine that I thanked him profusely what a nice guy I climbed up into the temple and realized I hadn’t had much time for renovating the temple I wanted it to look impressive for the man in Black I added upgrades and a lab

Area for the man in Black in case he needed it it took a lot of hard work but after a while I was able to get everything completed that’s when I heard some shouting Oh what now it was a piglin and a delivery person they weren’t in any trouble quite the

Opposite they were excitedly letting me know that the deliveries were complete oh thank you for your hard work on day 90 to 94 I crafted the enchantment materials the trader had given me I was able to fully enchant all my armor and gear I was super excited about that this

Armor is perfect I was ready to finish the work on the skyscraper I buzzed around building it taller and taller and taller and taller this skyscraper was truly a ridiculous height now and it was practically out of the Earth’s atmosphere I steadily climbed to the very top of the skyscraper to see how

Much closer I needed to be to the Moon I realized I was having a hard time breathing there wasn’t much oxygen up here I guess I hadn’t thought about that this could be my undoing just then as if he had planned it this way the man in

Black appeared beside me nice work on the skyscraper Zozo it’s looking pretty stellar that’s a word kids still use now it is right at any rate I made you the space to help you breathe out here wow I was really glad he and I were on the

Same team I thanked him and then he also gave me an item that would make me super strong wait to use it until you’re on the moon with the change in gravity it’ll work really well just don’t use it here on Earth it hasn’t been studied yet

And I don’t think it’ll have the same effects I guess that man in Black wasn’t so bad after all on days 95 to 97 it was an exciting day the skyscraper was finally complete now I really am king of the world I knew that little tiny gorilla on the playground skyscraper

Would have been really proud of me now that I had come a long way unintended luno joined me at the top he was used to the atmosphere and didn’t need anything special to breathe so what do you think incredible it is strange to be back in

Space it is I am scared to face the monster but with you by my side win we will I told luno to go back down to earth and that he didn’t need to come to the Moon with me this time instead I would let him know when it was safe

Again Luna listened to me and went back down I built a small bridge to connect the tip of the skyscrape ER to the moon the bridge reminded me of how it’s important to stay connected by subscribing to the channel so we can always connect you to our exciting New

Adventures on day 98 I took one small step for me one great leap for the lunarians Houston the King Kong has landed on the moon it was so cool being on the moon this gravity was crazy it started to bounce around to take in my surroundings I didn’t see a single soul

But I did see a half- destroyed moon base something had definitely been here causing trouble it was then that I remembered what the man in Black gave me I pulled out the strength potion and chugged it down I could feel the power coursing through my veins wo this feels

Amazing I started growing like crazy becoming a mighty King Kong just like the one the Explorer had told me about he was right I did have it enemy to become a great Kong zong Kong zong zong either way I was mighty and check out my hearts now that’s what I’m talking about

All this commotion must have gotten the attention of the Moon monster though because he came out of his hiding space next to the ruined base prepare to meet your match the monster opened up its mouth and breathed lasers at me wao I didn’t expect that and then crashed into

Him knocking him off balance he continued to shoot lasers at me those lasers are wicked hot we rolled and brawled all over the moon he had some really powerful attacks they hurt and did some major damage to my health I wouldn’t have stood a chance if it

Wasn’t for this Mega strength potion I took so I sucker punched him real hard I opened my mouth to test out my super sized Roar but the sound waves didn’t work right on the moon shoot I was really hoping to use that ability I would just have to make do with what I

Had heart counts for a lot and I was doing this for the creatures I cared for on day 99 the fight raged on and I found myself losing this Beast was just too powerful and I was sure he had advantages of being on his own turf I

Was pushed towards my skyscraper I had to make a decision if I didn’t ret now I could lose the battle altogether I got onto the bridge and started destroying it as I ran across to the skyscraper at least I’d have the last minute to regroup and heal myself before oh no the

Beast took a running leap and jumped onto the skyscraper I just let this heinous creature off the moon oh this was bad this was very bad I couldn’t allow him to climbed down and start destroying Earth and it was all my fault I fought with all my might and I was

Super weak now things are not looking good I think this is the end the monster got ready to deliver his final blow when suddenly he stopped he was frozen I looked around to my great relief and surprise I I saw not just Luna but a bunch of other little aliens that looked

Just like him they were using their mind Powers together bravely and triumphantly you saved me saved us you did showed us bravery you did help zoo we must now finish him they positioned the monster on the edge of the Tower and I used all my King Kong strength to knock him into

Next week he fell from the skyscraper down down down to his death we had done it together on day 100 we were back at the jungle temple I figure you guys might like this big telescope for my base that way you can check in on your family super easily I really misjudged

You man and black you can call me Kim Kim I’m really glad we’re friends now please feel free to visit anytime you like it was time to say goodbye to my space friend I didn’t want to tell him but I was super sad about him leaving he

Felt like family to me but he had his real family to get home to and I would not get in the way of that I guess this is goodbye I’ll never forget you we all looked up at the Moon together I’ll never forget you either because

Returning home I am not doing I wish to stay here I couldn’t believe my ears I was so happy to hear he wanted to stay it was the perfect situation and bubblegum was really happy to hear that Luna was staying too and waved at the

Lunarians waving back at us on day one I spawned in as Iron Man and look I’m not a baby I’m all powered up I flew around firing lasers this was really cool these zombies have met their match Time to Say Goodbye I blasted the zombies out of the

Way there were no match for the might of Iron Man once they were all destroyed I was floating over the forest scanning the area suddenly something hit me out of nowhere what was that I didn’t see who it was but I Heard a Voice say goodbye to your power I had hit the

Ground but managed to survive but look now I only have five Hearts I had to hurry and leave the area though whoever that was could come back later as I was escaping through the forest a group of zombies came running up to me I know how

To handle these guys but that was when I had my suit and Powers I didn’t stand a chance now I had no choice but to run away I can’t believe someone caught me off guard they better watch out because I’ll stop at nothing to get my power

Back but that was another day so I settled in for the night on day two I woke up all alone still feeling weak without my Powers I had to figure out who was out to get me I’ve got quite the mission ahead of me I’m going to be

Building and making all kinds of really cool things but before I can do that I need to start with the basics I went out outside and got Right to Work punching trees with the wood I had collected I then made a crafting table using the crafting table and my leftover wood I

Made myself some wooden tools including a sword time to find some lunch I went outside and soon came across a rabbit that’s going to have to do for now I chased it down and got its meat I might be trapped in the wilderness with no powers but that doesn’t mean I have to

Eat raw meat as I took a look around I soon came across a village in the middle of the village was a campfire let’s get cooking I laid down my rabbit meat and let it Sizzle soon I had some cooked meat I took a bite and was feeling much

Better suddenly I realized what kind of Village it was It was a Pillager Village uh-oh time to run pillagers chased me but I managed to get away without losing my life later that evening I took the simple supplies I had collected to start making myself a house to stay in if

Those pillagers found me at least I would have some walls to protect me soon the Hut was complete and I settled in for the night on day three I awoke to a knock on the door who Could That Be I opened the door and saw it was Captain

America or well I guess it was just Steve Rogers he wasn’t looking so good Steve what’s wrong you’re not looking like your normal fit self I was worried something had happened to you I see now I was right your friend Iron Monger is to blame for this I was minding my own

Business when he suddenly came out of nowhere I don’t know how he did it but he managed to take away all of my Powers we might not be strong enough to help him right now but we need to hurry and warn the others he’s coming for him

That’s a good point let’s stick together while we figure this out Steve agreed and so we figured it would be good to start building a proper base we did some Scouting Around And Soon found a nice Cliffside that would work perfect I didn’t have my Powers but I could still

Get shipments of stuff sent to me after a bit an express delivery with all the supplies we’d need showed up and we got to work building a house on a cliff like this reminded me of my mansion in Malibu it wasn’t going to be quite like that

But I was hoping to eventually make something just as impressive soon the beginning of our base was complete thanks for your help Pete we’ll let you know if anything else comes up on days 4 to 5 Steve came over to talk he wanted to know if I knew where any other

Superheroes were sorry buddy I don’t I really wish I did though well you’re a pretty smart guy right is there something you could invent I thought it was a good question but nothing came to mind I stared at my empty crafting table when suddenly I had an idea oh wait

Maybe that could work I headed out to the caves to gather the materials I would need if I could just get everything I would need this special item would be the perfect solution to our problem by the time I had made it into the deepest part of the cave I had

Already managed to make myself some iron gear it was about to come in handy as I was suddenly attacked by a bunch of magma cubes all right box heads you’re just what I was looking for I swung my sword and managed to take a few of them out as they disappeared they dropped

Some charged coal once the threat was taken care of I also found some nearby Palladium which I happily mined up all right that’s everything I’m going to need let’s make this special item I soon arrived back at the house and got right to it smelting down the Palladium into

Ingots I also needed a compass which Steve gave to me at long last the final pieces were starting to come together I went to the crafting table and used the padium charged coal and Compass to make my special item a superhero radar sure hope this works Steve and I headed into

Another room and I set the radar down in the center I placed a lever on the wall and flipped it the radar started to make a sound and a purple line came out of it that line is pointing us to a nearby superhero now we can help them on day

6’8 I checked the radar again to get a clear direction of where to go I told Steve to hang back at the base and keep an eye on the radar just in case anyone else popped up on it let’s go see who it’s going to be I left the base and ran

Off in the direction the radar had indicated hopefully I could get to them in time after a bit of traveling I soon reached a village but it looks like the place was abandoned hello is there anyone here thought it was you stomping around Black Widow had come out of

Nowhere Natasha I can’t believe I found you there’s no time to explain but I need you to come with me listen I don’t trust anyone that much even you you’re going to have to give me some kind of explanation okay uh Steve is back at my

Base and you see neither of us have our powers anymore so we’ve got to hurry to get out of here or the same will happen to you don’t have your powers who or what did that to you iron monger it was an answer to her question but also next

He had popped up out of nowhere Black Widow had sprung into action trying to fight him off I was still too weak though and had to run away hang in there Natasha they continued to fight but it was no use iron monger was too quick and

Managed to hit her with a special gun he had taken away all of her special abilities huh I don’t know what you two are up to but knock it off go live normal lives like the Ordinary People you are before he could do us any more

Harm we ran away I couldn’t believe he was able to do it again on days 9 to 10 Black Widow and I arrived back at the base we met up with Steve Natasha it’s good to see see you wait did something happen it was Iron Monger I had gotten

There in time but he showed up and was able to steal her power oh no did you see where he went no we had to get out of there I hate this feeling I’ve never felt so useless it’s okay keep your head on straight I need some time to clear my

Head I decided to get to work building Natasha her own place to stay at the base it was good to have a project to keep my mind busy I couldn’t believe I was beaten by my own friend soon Natasha’s room was complete on days 11

To 12 I went to check the machine and saw there was a new signal but this time it was different what is it what does it mean not 100% sure sure it’s a new invention that even I don’t understand completely well if it’s pointing to a friendly it’s worth a shot trying to

Save him yeah I’m not so sure cap what good are we as Rescuers if we can’t really rescue someone Iron Monger is just going to show up again you don’t know that and come on you know there’s more to this than just being the strongest that’s certainly something

Coming from you I’ll see what I can find I left the base and headed in the direction the radar was pointing as I looked around I felt like I wasn’t seeing anything that’s when I realized I was back of the place I had crashed on day one suddenly I noticed something

Nearby on the ground I picked it up Jarvis is that you what are you doing out here buddy hello sir I’m delighted to see you have found me so am I how are you I am here but I am damaged I am sorry for the loss you have suffered so

Am my buddy but hey do you think you can help you’ve got all that information from my suit stored in your memory don’t you I do or rather I believe I do my memory banks have been damaged but it seems plausible they can be recovered we will need to find the correct materials

In order to recover it sure sure we can do that I built a suit once I can surely do it again what’s on that materials list of yours Jarvis gave me the list of what I needed and I headed off right away on days 13 to 15 I arrived at some

Caves and headed on in to gather up the materials Jarvis had mentioned first I gathered up a bunch of iron which was one of the main things I would need then I found some titanium which was also going to come in handy all right that should be everything I need from here I

Then left the cave and found myself in a herd of cows I took some of the cows out in order to get some leather that was all the ingredients I was going to need time to get back to the base on day 16 to 19 I made it back to the base and

Went into my garage it was crafting time I put the iron in the furnace and started smelting iron ingots then it was titanium’s turn which started smelting into titanium ingot while the ORS were smelting I then opened it nearby chest and grabbed some glass I had then at the

Crafting table I added the glass to some iron and Palladium to make myself a new arc reactor at last power with my new padium arc reactor I could start to put together a new suit I grabbed the ingots I needed Out of the Furnace then used iron titanium leather and the Arc

Reactor to make myself a chest plate oh yeah here we go with the chest plate finished I then used the rest of my materials and made the leggings boots and of course the helmet this isn’t the best suit I’ve ever made in fact it’s

Just as good as the first one I built in a cave in the desert but it’ll be better than having nothing hey what have we got here steveen Natasha had walked into the garage you built a new suit it’s going to be so good for you how did you pull

It off it was with the help of Jarvis I found him at the crash site his memory is damaged but he remembered enough to help me build the suit you think that’s a good idea do you think it’s not no no it’s great it’s just that you said

Jarvis was damaged I’d hate to see something go wrong I assured him that Jarvis was working well enough to help me make the suits again without putting any of us in danger that seemed like an excuse though Steve was probably just jealous I was getting my powers back and

He wasn’t before I could say anything anything else though Natasha mentioned that she and Steve had gotten more food and stored it in the kitchen all that crafting had made me hungry I went over there to cook up some steak this is going to be much better than wild rabbit

That’s for sure when the steak was ready I scarfed it down delicious I then went and started to make some more upgrades to the base I was a man of luxury so I decided the house needed a swimming pool I picked a good spot and got the thing

Installed all this building has given me an idea for one more big project I headed out and got to work building a statue these were dark times and there was always one thing that could be a light in the darkness let me know what you think I’m building soon the first

Part was complete on days 20 to 22 I heard a notification go off on the radar telling me another superhero had been found and wind told Steven Natasha the good news they both wanted to come with to find who it was but I told them it

Might be good for just me to go given that I was the only one who had regained any of my power as I put my suit on I saw my health increased to eight hearts I was also stronger and had a flamethrower attack it was time to help

Our fellow superhero as I got closer to the place the radar was pointing me to I saw a large Tower in the middle of the forest I knew just who I would find inside as I reached the top I could see doctor strange was there Steven be on

Your guard Iron Monger is running around stealing everyone’s power what he immediately got ready to fight it was just in time too as Iron Monger came flying over firing down on us huh the good doctor I think you’ve got just what I’m looking for Doctor Strange was ready

Though and he started to put up a good fight Iron Monger was going to have a much harder fight this time I may have spoke too soon though as Iron Monger managed to land a hard hit knocking out Dr Strange Iron Monger lifted his weapon and started draining dror Strange’s

Power I had to do something oh no you don’t even though I wasn’t super strong I charged in and managed to stop iron from taking all the power problem was he was now focused on me Doctor Strange was back in the fight though and together we

Put up a good fight in the end we managed to hurt Iron Monger enough that he backed down this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me he flew off Steven are you okay I still have some of my Powers but I’m definitely weaker than before I

Need to go rest Doctor Strange opened a portal and walked through it huh well that was a quick exit but at least we could stop him from losing everything I better get back to the base and see who else we can help on days 23 to 26 I was

On my way back to the base when Jarvis piped up with some helpful information sir my sensors are indicating a lot of silver nearby I think that could help Jarvis then told me what direction to go and I headed there right away as I arrived at the location he was sending

Me to I didn’t see anything are you sure this is the right place there doesn’t seem to be anything here the Sila may be beneath something but I’m 99% sure it is here well guess I better start breaking blocks I started breaking things as I looked around and soon saw an entrance

To a dungeon what is this all about as I went deeper into the dungeon I ran into a bunch of piglins you Piggies better watch out that’s when I noticed that they had all kinds of material stored down here hope you guys don’t mind if I

Use some of this stuff as I fought my way through the gang of piglins I noticed that they dropped silver ingots there sir the silver I was detecting I happily picked the silver up and continued to fight the piglins there were hoglins around as well and they

Were a tough challenge but I was up for the fight and soon made it to the dungeon’s boss a piglin brute with armor you look strong but I’m stronger it turned out I was right The pigin Brute was really strong after all he knocked me back but I stayed in the fight he

Wasn’t going to to get the better of me after a long fight I finally took him out huh he didn’t drop anything but look a chest I went over to the chest which was filled with silver this should be more than enough I hurried back out of

The cave on days 27 to 31 I arrived back at my base I met back up with the team to tell them the good news guys I was able to find Doctor Strange and together we were able to fight off Iron Monger Doctor Strange was weakened but he was

Able to keep his powers everyone was really excited to hear the good news and couldn’t believe Iron Monger had shown up again everyone that is except Steve he kept his powers huh well uh good for him I guess I didn’t know why Steve wasn’t excited like everyone else he

Really must be jealous someone else got to keep their powers I left the room and went to work on a new set of armor with all the new silver I’d collected I was going to be able to build an even better suit I took my time making each set and

Soon I had a full set of Iron Man mark 2 Armor oh yeah now this is what I’m talking about with my new suit on I noticed I had more Health than before I still couldn’t fly yet but I could jump a little higher and felt stronger too I

Showed it off to the game and everyone was really impressed if I kept finding more materials I’d be back to full strength in no time I had to find more materials on days 32 to 35 I decided to see what else Jarvis could find for me I’m thinking of adding some more weapons

To the suit what do you think it can handle scan showed is not strong enough to handle your repulsel Cannon but there is something else that might work we’ll have to travel far away but I believe it will be worth it show me the way Jarvis explained the way to go and eventually

We made it to an entirely new biome all right Jarvis what direction down sir looked like it was time to dig I think I knew what he had in mind I kept digging and digging and soon made it into a magma chamber let me guess we need some

Lava no sir we’re searching for a very specific mob it should be here I started to explore could you tell me what I’m looking for just then I almost ran into a monster it was a mutant blaze yikes thanks for the warning sorry sir but my sensors aren’t quite as sharp down here

The mutant Blaze’s fire attacks were strong but my new armor was doing its job I was taking much less damage than I normally would have I’m going to put you out Firehead I kept on swinging and at long last defeated the blaze as he disappeared I saw he had dropped a blaze

Core The Blaze core that is just what we need sir on days 36 to 39 I made it out of the hole and headed back towards the base as I arrived back at the base I went to the crafting area and got right to work on the new suit attachment using

The blaze core I was able to make myself a flamethrower oh yeah I’m starting to heat up now I called the others over and showed them my new toy wo that new flamethrower is so hot right now Natasha was really excited about it but Steve less so no surprise there he was just

Jealous on days 40 to 43 I heard the power detector going off again it must have found another superhero maybe with my new gear I can even defeat iron monger this time I let the others know that I would head out by myself again until they could get their powers it

Just didn’t make sense to put them In Harm’s Way I would handle everything I set off in search of the superhero and soon found myself in a thick forest hello is there anyone around here I kept shouting and looking around but couldn’t find anyone all I saw were a bunch of

Bats flying around suddenly they attacked me what the get away from me using my new attacks I managed to fight off the bats but then I was attacked by some wolves this Forest is crazy what’s going on around here the Wolves snapped to their teeth and swung their claws but

I was able to keep them away and knock them out I still don’t see anyone but it’s starting to get late I better build a shelter for the night I soon found a nice clearing and got Right to Work building a shelter after a bit my Camp

Was set up time to get some sleep I’ll keep looking in the morning on days 44 to 49 I woke up in the middle of the night to a rumbling sound what was that I ran outside and saw there was a huge castle that had appeared out of nowhere

Well nothing else to do but take a look I ran into the castle and was suddenly attacked by a whole bunch of spooky mobs there were bats and all kinds of skeleton creatures I had to fight for my life back off you Undead creatures you’ll never take me alive I kept

Fighting my way through the castle until finally I saw something different than the mobs it was blade blade what are you doing here what are you doing here I’ve tracked a vampire to this castle and I’m so close to finally beating him I’ve come to warn you iron monger is going

Around stealing power power from superheroes you’ve got to get out of here thanks for the warning but I’ve come too far to quit I don’t see Iron Monger anywhere so I think I have time to finish my mission well let me help together we can get it done even faster

We soon noticed a coffin and walked up to it to take a look we opened it but it was a trap oh no what is this I can’t move me either Jarvis clear this gas out of my suit Jarvis got right to work but he wasn’t quick enough Iron Monger had

Shown up huh stay still this won’t hurt at all Iron Monger used a special item and was able to take away blad’s Powers Jarvis had just cleared the gas from my suit though and I was ready to fight I thought I told you to keep out of this

Iron Monger didn’t stick around to fight me but instead released the vampire before flying away without his powers blade was in for a real fight come on blade I’ll help you blade and I got to work swinging at the vampire even without his powers blade was a good

Fighter getting lots of hits in he wasn’t good enough though and the vampire was able to really hurt him you’ll pay for that I started attacking him even more than before and could tell I was starting to win when he was at his weakest blade jumped forward and knocked

Him out with a steak for good good thanks for your help I couldn’t have done this without you here take this steak you never know when it could come in handy thanks I’ll be sure to keep it close I’m sorry about your powers how about you come back to my base with me

And we can figure this out that sounds like just what I need right now on days 50 to 53 blade and I returned to the base then we met up with Natasha and told her what had happened I’m sorry to hear it didn’t work out this time sounds

Like he’s getting smarter I’m sorry too but hey we’re Steve oh he said he had some errands to run and left he didn’t tell me what those errands were huh that’s odd just then Steve came back to the base sorry about that I was just collecting some more materials to

Upgrade the base I thought you could use some new materials for our new guest that was a fair point he was right too blade needed a place to stay using some of the material Steve had gathered I was able to put together a room for blade Steve had also mentioned wanting a

Training room so I got to work on that just because they had lost their powers didn’t mean they couldn’t stay in shape soon everything was complete on days 54 to 57 I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right I decided I needed to talk to Natasha in private hey

I wanted to ask has Steve been acting strange to you now that you mention it he has I haven’t seen him do anything strange specifically but he doesn’t seem like he’s been his normal self I usually try and let people just do their own thing you see the thing is Iron Monger

Always seems to show up right around the same time I do I’m not saying Steve is somehow tipping him off but I want to be sure he’s not involved say no more the next time you guys go I’ll keep an eye on him that would be strange but we’ll

Feel better if we can rule it out thanks Nat I appreciate it I then reached out to Jarvis to help with the next stage of rigging up the superpower detector if Steve was really tricking us I needed to get the super detector to trick him

Jarvis said he knew what I needed to get but there were some special items I needed to collect first let’s get exploring on days 58 to 62 Jarvis led me to a cave that was filled with spiders I was pretty strong at this point and these spiders were no match for me I

Easily knocked them out of the way aha there’s the gold or you wanted me to get I quickly mined up all the gold I needed then hurried back to the base there I crafted some special wiring out of gold and took it to the superpow detector after I attached the new wiring the

Detector started to go off everyone came running into the room the detector found another super hang tight guys I’ll go get them and help them out everyone agreed and as I went to leave I gave Natasha a nod to let her know the plan was on she nodded back I soon reached

The mountain toop where the detector was pointing me to of course no one was here but I needed to put on a good show oh hey Thor I can’t believe you’re here just then Iron Monger popped out aha huh I was ready for him and gave him a good

Hit what the there’s no Thor here I can’t believe I’ve been betrayed and trick like this what do you mean betrayed how did you know I would be here I’ve said too much iron monger flew away something was definitely going on I hurried back to the base as I arrived I

Could see Natasha was waiting for me you’re not going to believe this what happened after you left I followed Steve just like you asked once he had gotten far enough away from the base I saw him pull out a communication device I got close enough to hear who he was talking

To it was Iron Monger you’re right I can’t believe this we’ve got to confront him right away on day 63 to 66 I headed into the base to find Steve I soon found him hey you weren’t gone for very long did you find anyone there was no one

There but you probably already knew that what do you mean how could I have known that because you’ve been in contact with your friend Iron Monger give it up Steve we know you don’t know anything just then Steve started to transform suddenly Steve was gone and Mandarin was standing

There Mandarin so it’s been you all along I should have known it was someone evil trying to trick us well you just aren’t very smart are you you’ve been leading us to superheroes this entire time what do you want with us I’ve been absorbing all of the powers soon you’ll

Be unable to stop me I was hoping could wait for you to build another super suit so I could steal its powers too but no matter you’d never stop me I leapt forward to attack him but he was right he was really strong he knocked me out

Of the way and was able to escape he wasn’t fully powered up yet but if he was this strong already we were going to be in real trouble on day 67 to 70 I went to talk to Natasha and blade I couldn’t believe I had been tricked I

Apologized to them for leading Mandarin right to them don’t worry about it you were trying your best now that we know who we’re really up against we have a better chance of stopping him thanks Nat I appreciate the support and speaking of support I appreciate all of you watching

Too after this video search for more Zozo zo zo sir I’m sorry to interrupt but I’ve managed to repair my memory banks and unlocked a new design for another part of the suit oh that’s great news what do we need to build it it looks like we’ll be needing some

Diamonds but I’m not detecting any on my scanner you need diamonds I haven’t seen any underground but while I was tracking the vampire I stayed in a village full of them I’ll tell you where to go blade explained where the village was and I set off to find it I soon arrived and

Saw that blade wasn’t lying there were diamonds everywhere here the villagers had all kinds of diamond tools and armor hey there nice armor do you guys have any extra diamonds you could spare I might have some but I can’t just give you them for free that’s understandable

How much do they cost you know we’ve had quite a bit of a problem here and if you can solve that problem I’ll give you everything we can spare sounds like it must be a pretty big problem then yeah there’s a monster that has started living in our diamond mine and we

Haven’t been able to go in there for weeks take care of that monster for us and we’ll give you our spare diamonds okay I’ll do it tell me where to go on day 71 to 74 I arrived at the diamond mind but the place looked abandoned I guess the monster really cleared this

Place out better see what I can find I went into the cave but didn’t see any diamonds I didn’t see anything for that matter the place was super dark as I went deeper into the mine I placed torches to help me see the mine kept going deeper and deeper I was starting

To wonder if it would ever end at long last I reached what seemed to be the final room there’s nothing here maybe the monster left or something just then I noticed that the Torches I had placed along the wall were starting to go out one by one they broke getting closer and

Closer to me suddenly the vampire from before appeared what I thought we defeated you the vampire smirked and then attacked he was even stronger than before and this time he had some tricks up his sleeve too he burst into a ball of smoke summoning a group of bats what

In the world this is crazy the vampire had disappeared I had to defeat these bats I ran around trying to cut down as many as I could suddenly I felt a hit the vampire had reappeared get out of here Dracula I still couldn’t believe this guy was still around but I guess

It’s true vampires can never really be defeated that’s when I remembered the steak the the vampire was getting weak now and it was time to finish him off I grabbed my steak and hit him finishing him off he would be back eventually but at least I could get my diamonds in the

Meantime I hurried back into the village and met up with the Villager it’s done the monster is gone now let’s see about those diamonds amazing you saved us here you can have everything we have to spare the Villager tossed out a single Diamond I gave him a look I thought you said you

Were going to give me all the diamonds you have to spare I did we only have one Diamond to spare Jarvis piped up that should be all we need sir M thanks well here you guys might need this I tossed him the steak and headed off back to the

Base on day 75 to 78 I arrived back at the base it was time to make what Jarvis had remembered as I went to the crafting table Jarvis told me what I needed to do to craft a new Repulsor it wasn’t my full suit but at least it was a stronger

Weapon than before just then Natasha came into the room you’ve got your repulser up and running that’s great yeah problem is I don’t know where to go to find Iron Monger or Mandarin yeah I was thinking about that when I heard Steve or I guess Mandarin talking to

Iron Monger I thought I could hear some machines in the background blade came into the room machines there’s a factory not too far from here maybe he’s hiding out in there it’s worth a shot I’m not sure where else to look they all agreed and I decided that before I would leave

I would go ahead and finish the statue it took a lot of hard work to get it done but I soon had it all finished in no time so what do you guys think did you guess what it was correctly on day 79 to 84 I soon arrived at the factory

Blade had told me about I’m not sure if this is right but we’ll find out as I got closer I was suddenly attacked by a group of zombies if there were zombies around here there was a good chance Iron Monger or Mandarin were around too I managed to fight through the wave but

Avoided using my repulser in case Iron Monger was watching I didn’t want him to know I had it soon all of the zombies were defeated on days 85 to 89 I entered into the base that’s when I saw Iron Monger standing amongst a bunch of zombies trapped in cases of liquid what

Are you doing I knew you would show up here eventually I’m doing what needs to be done you superheroes think you can just do whatever you want zombies can be controlled so I’m taking your powers and giving them to them then I will control all the power poers on earth oh I see

You don’t want to stop superpowers you just want to be in charge of them yourself I won’t let you get away with this huh you’ve been trying to stop me this entire time and have never beat me today I will finish you for good we’ll see about that Iron Monger flew up in

The air as a door opened letting zombies into the room there were a ton of them uh-oh I better take care of these first I ran around the room trying to take out as many zombies as I could this was a tough fight with so many things going on

At once I had to defeat iron monger though my friends were going to need all of their powers back where is Mandarin hiding you’ll never find him because you’ll never leave here Iron Monger and I were now fighting each other directly and it was getting intense he hadn’t

Expected all of my upgrades though and I was really hurting him how did you get so strong I thought I took everything away from you suit isn’t a brain and that’s what’s going to defeat you I fired my Repulsor at him and took him out for good as he disappeared I saw he

Had dropped some unique Parts which I picked up sir we can use these materials to remake your strongest suit yes now we just need to find Mandarin and get everyone’s power Towers back let’s do this on days 90 to 94 I made it back to

The base I ran right over to Natasha and blade to tell them the good news I was able to defeat iron monger the bad news is that he was trying to inject zombies with your powers that’s horrible it’s a good thing you beat him though speaking

Of any way to get our powers back before I left I saw I had some kind of machine that must be storing your powers if you guys go there you may be able to get them back right on thanks for all of your help you’ve got it now I’ve got to

Get to work returning to my final form I rushed over to the garage as the other set off for the factory using the materials Iron Monger had dropped I got to work building my final Mark II version of my armor after a lot of hard work my armor was restored yes it’s

Going to feel so good to fly again I ran up the stairs of the house and over to a balcony here we go I jumped off and nothing happened I landed in the water below Jarvis what’s going on sorry sir but while your suit has been restored the flying capabilities still need some

Repairs don’t you think you could have told me that before I jumped off the cliff my apologies sir it’s okay no harm done now where where do we need to go on days 95 to 97 Jarvis instructed me that we would be heading to the nether so I

Got to work building a nether portal I hadn’t been able to get a diamond pickaxe so I had to get creative by using lava and some water I managed to Fashion a nether portal together it took a bit to get it all done but soon I had

My own nether portal ready to go all right Jarvis show me the way I stepped into the portal and soon found myself in the nether this place always gives me the creeps let’s make this quick there was some quartz nearby so I quickly ran over to it and mined it up luckily that

Was all I needed so with my pockets full I jumped back into the portal back in the garage I got Right to Work crafting the flight module it didn’t take too long and soon it was all complete I walked back towards the cliff jumped off and it worked Yahoo I’m a flying man

Once again I took some time flying around feeling good that I was finally powered up just then Jarvis delivered some interesting news sir the superhero detector at the base is going off the signals are off the charts I hurried back to the base and went into the detector room the machine was going

Crazy this signal is way too strong for it to be Natasha and blade getting their powers back Mandarin must be up to something it was time to take him down on day 98 I headed off in the direction the detector was pointing not too much

Later I saw a giant base rising out of the ground this has to be Mandarin’s base just then I was attacked by a bunch of zombies oh no he must be trying to do the same thing Iron Monger was I’ve got to get to him and quick I was so strong

That I knocked the zombies out of the way no problem but there was still a lot of them I also couldn’t help but notice some of them were stronger than others I had to hurry and get to the top out of the way zomos I kept firing my Repulsor

Cannon and until at long last all of the zombies were defeated I ran over to the stairs and started heading up to the top as I got close I passed a sign in the distance oh subscribe you should do that right now and once this adventure is

Over go look up some more of my other ones just search Zozo zo zoo to find them on day 99 I reached the top of the tower and saw Mandarin floating in the sky wait how are you floating impressive isn’t it you’re too late I’ve absorbed your friend’s powers

And now you’ll never be able to defeat me no I don’t believe leave it I’m going to knock their powers out of you bring it on rich boy mandrin started firing energy blasts at me causing some big explosions I returned fire launching attacks with my Repulsor Cannon I had to

Be careful though getting caught in those explosions really hurt the time of the superheroes is over and the time of the super villain has begun I managed to get a hit in with my Repulsor which stopped his monologue but suddenly a bunch of Yellow Smoke appeared and

Mandarin was gone where did he go looking for me Mandarin reappeared launching more energy blasts he could t Port now this wasn’t looking good I had started to fly around but this was tough I was hanging in there but I didn’t know how long I could last what’s wrong am I

Too strong let me make this easier for you and finish this there was another plume of yellow smoke and Mandarin copied himself I was getting attached from all sides oh no he’s too strong I was taking out some of his clones but there was no way I could keep this up I

Finally took out the Clones but took a heavy hit one more hit and it was all done for me I removed my mask I’m going to enjoy this you have been a thorn in my side for too long suddenly a portal opened and all of my friends came running through including doctor strange

And Captain America thought I ought to pay you back this guy stole my face that’s America’s face not his we were able to get our powers back all thanks to you now let’s return the favor well well well aren’t we all just one big happy family well you’re too late I’m

Not just as strong as all of you I’m stronger manderin cloned himself again and we all started to fight it was on now he was still strong but there was no way he could take us all down because even though we might be equal in power we had something he didn’t friendship no

It can’t be how can I be losing we had defeated all of his clones and surrounded him in the center of the platform well thanks for playing tell Iron Monger we say hello no I blasted him with my Repulsor destroying him for good my friends and I all gathered

Together Steve I was wondering what had happened to you thanks for showing up yeah the doctor here came and Found Me by the time we met up with the other two they had just gotten their powers we came here right away just in time too suddenly another portal opened and Hulk

Came through wait a second this isn’t where I was trying to go where’s Abomination uh-oh that Hulk sounds like me looks like me from another video somehow wound up here can you help him get back after this video is over go watch my Hulk video on day 100 we had

All arrived back at the base the world was safe once again and everyone had their powers but we would stay vigilant and keep an eye out you never know when trouble could strike again on day one I spawned in as a baby na’vi from the movie Avatar I was surrounded by a bunch

Of other na’vi but I was the only baby why am I a baby are you my parents just then Colonel corit showed up with a bunch of soldiers consider this a warning in 100 days I’m going to attack and destroy the Tree of Souls without the Tree of Souls all the na’vi will

Disappear everyone around me was angry and they attacked it was no use though we were no match against the colonel and his men quick Zozo take this my parents threw me a ceremonial bow and some arrows and told me to hurry and hide deeper in the cave no wait my parents

Joined the fight but they too were quickly defeated I had no choice but to run away and hide in the cave I have 100 days to stop the Army from destroying the tree but how can a baby like me stop an entire Army on day two I ran deeper

Into the cave I had to be careful because I only had four Hearts just then I heard footsteps behind me someone was coming I hurried and hid a a few military guys came running up and stopped in the tunnel did you see where that little baby na’vi went Colonel is

Going to make us do 200 push-ups if we don’t find him you mean that baby uh-oh they saw me I hurried and pulled out my bow trying to hold them off it’s not working I can’t die already suddenly something came running up to me it was a

Hexapede on my back hurry what’s your name little guy it’s Soo what about you niku pleased to meet you on day three nicario and I had reached an area deep in the woods the space was filled with all kinds of creatures wow I was wondering where you guys went to hide

From the soldiers Naru then brought me to the wise old leader of the hexapede and what brings such a small na’vi to a place such as this I told him about the soldiers and how they had ambushed my Colony I also told him that I had less

Than 100 days to save the Tree of Souls if they destroy the Tree of Souls all life on our planet will disappear we must protect the tree at all costs you aren’t planning on taking the whole Army down alone are you they took out my whole tribe so it’s just me you’re going

To need all the help you can get I’m too old to fight but please take these supplies to Aid you on your journey thank you I don’t know how I’m going to stop them yet but I will do everything I can we believe in you but be careful

Colonel quet will not hesitate to destroy anyone who stands in his way I nodded and prepared to leave before I could get too far Naru stopped me this battle affects us all all I’m strong and can help you in the fight I would love to have your help let’s do this on days

Four to 5 I decided it was time to start preparing myself for the fight I went around punching trees and got enough tools to make myself a crafting table with the crafting table completed I then made myself a wooden pick Let’s Get Stony using my wooden pick I mined a

Bunch of cobblestone then use the Cobblestone to craft a full set of stone tools after I finished crafting I realized it was starting to get late I better start building my base I can’t risk getting it attacked at night I quickly got to work building myself a

Base I had found a giant tree and decided to build a base inside of it I built rooms for both Naru and me to live in it’s just a simple base but it should keep us safe for now by the time I finished building it had gotten late

That’s when some spiders attacked out of nowhere oh no I spoke too soon I swung my sword furiously and was able to take them all out just then I felt a burst of energy and gained 10 Hearts oh yeah I’m even stronger before I went to bed I

Decided to set up some torches no more random mob attacks for me on day 6 to 8 I woke up and decided to check the Village from earlier for survivors as I looked around I saw that the soldiers had totally trashed the place then I saw

A girl running from a soldier hey why don’t you pick on someone your own size the soldier heard me yelling and stopped running after the girl then he turned and ran toward me I had gotten stronger so I wasn’t afraid I used all of my weapons and abilities but he was still

Really strong it was an intense battle and we ended up on a balcony I swung as hard as I could and knocked him over the edge as the soldier disappeared I saw he dropped something the girl he was chasing ran over and picked it up find

Anything good it looks like a map to a prison thanks for taking that guy out by the way what’s your name my name’s Zozo what about you n TI nice to meet you what were you doing out here anyway when these soldiers attacked the village I escaped during the fighting I came back

To try and find my parents it looks pretty empty here but maybe the prison on that map is where they’re being held I’ll try anything let’s go on days 9 to 10 natti and I made our way toward the prison we carefully followed the map and

Soon saw a small prison in the distance that must be it but it looks like there’s no guards let’s get closer and find out just then a grenade was tossed in front of us blinding us when we came to a tough looking Soldier jumped out and attacked they must have seen us

Coming I tried my best to fight him off but he was too strong this was a fight I wasn’t going to win nater and I had no choice but to jump down the tree and run away once we had gotten far enough away we paused to talk it looks like we’re

Not strong enough this all feels so helpless don’t worry we can figure it out in the meantime you can stay at my base on days 11 to 12 natti and I arrived back at the base I hurried and built her a room to stay in thanks for

Looking out for me Zozo no problem I wanted to ask you though what do you know about the colonel and these humans I doubt I know much more than you but when our village was under attack I did overhear the colonel saying he will rule over our planet once we’re all wiped out

We can’t let that happen I was feeling angry about the colel so I decided to look for more materials I soon found some iron and coal back at the base I loaded up some furnaces and started smelting then I crafted some iron tools along with some iron boots and leggings

Naru then came over to me and let me know he was feeling a little hungry so I went out to try and find some food after some walking I found some carrots oh yes I’ll love these I returned back to the base and dropped off the carrots to Naru

Then headed outside to start a carrot Farm now we’ll never run out of food on days 13 to 15 I wanted to get stronger so I asked nateria if she could help the strongest Warriors would Train by hunting manacor but only the adults true Warriors never harm the babies okay I’ll

Give it a try I left the base and soon found myself in a tundra The Manor should be close by that’s when I noticed some mantor feathers on the ground aha I must be getting close I looked a little further when I saw two Manor up ahead a

Baby and its mom I started to sneak toward the adult when suddenly a couple military guys jumped out and took out the baby those cowards they then tried to fight the mom who quickly took out one of the soldiers it wasn’t enough though and the other Soldier took her

Down I rushed in what do you think you’re doing the colonel has given us orders to destroy all the animals we can’t have you na’vi trying to get stronger now can we that’s assuming I’m not strong enough already I charged at the soldier angry at their disrespect

The soldier thought he was a tough guy but in a few moments I showed him up and took him out as he disappeared I saw had dropped a Manor heart I picked it up and took it with me back to the base back home I went over to ntii and told her

What happened then I showed her the manor heart that is what our Warriors are after when they fight the manor eat it eat it if you say so I scarfed down the manor heart and to my surprise I gained six more Hearts now that’s some

Powerful stuff on days 16 to 19 I headed out to do some more exploring as I wandered I soon found an ogre Village as I watched the ogres living peacefully in their home I suddenly remember remembered my own life a time where I lived peacefully with my own parents

Those evil humans want to break up all these wonderful families I won’t let that happen speaking of which a group of soldiers had just shown up and they were attacking the village the ogres all ran into their homes afraid it was up to me to help them not today humans I charged

In using all the weapons I had at my disposal these soldiers were tough but with my training and upgrades I was getting tough too after a bit I had won a dad and his baby ogre came out of their house he thanked me for defending

The village then offered me a jar to say thank you is this a jar of farts I’ll uh find a good way to put this to good use thanks on days 20 to 22 I started heading back to my base I was thinking about the jar of farts when I was

Attacked by a crimson mosquito how do you like this I unleashed the jar of farts which took him out with ease well that didn’t stink later I saw some iron ore which I mined up back at the base I smelted the ore into ingots then crafted

Them into a chest plate and sword with my new equipment I returned to the prison maybe I’d have better luck this time as I arrived back at the prison I saw another stun grenade pop out it was the guard he fired his weapon at me but

I was able to sneak up behind him and knock him out of the tree this guy was tough and managed to hit me with a poison dagger which really hurt even though he had grenades and weapons I was able to get him down to half a heart

Before I could finish him off though he started to laugh what’s so funny whoever you’re looking for here is already dead I suddenly saw a vision of nti’s parents being interrogated in the prison they refused to tell the colonel anything about the Tree of Souls then you will

Die goodbye back in the present the soldier tried to attack me again he was weak though and I finished him off inside the prison I saw it was empty apart from a necklace momento I’ll have to take this to ntii maybe it can help

On days 23 to 26 I arrived back at the base with some bad news for ntii I soon found her hey ntii I managed to get into the prison but I’m afraid it’s not what we were hoping for my parents are gone aren’t they I’m afraid so I thought that

Might be the case but was hoping maybe I’d be wrong if it helps I did find this I gave her the momento I could tell it really helped her feel better thank you Zozo but hey I have something to show you ntii brought me outside and showed

Me that she had collected some chickens this was perfect as I was starting to run low on feathers for arrows I got Right to Work building them a chicken cop then bringing them into it I then went out to get more supplies I found more iron as well as some diamonds I

Made an iron helmet to complete my armor set then crafted a diamond pickaxe to finish it all off I got to work improving the base I wanted to make it a little nicer for everyone when I finished I realized it was missing something H I think it just needs to be

A little bit more avatari on days 27 to 31 I headed out to find the materials I needed on the way I ran into a couple chocobos hey are you guys okay we’re looking for our favorite food night shade berries these soldiers kicked us out of our land so we don’t know where

To find it h i don’t know where to look but I’ll keep an eye out I invited them back to my base in the meantime to which they happily agreed I soon came across the soul lights I was looking for and started mining suddenly a flock of petas

Started to attack me hey I’m not bothering you leave me alone I managed to fend the patas off and then I finished mining up the soul lights back at the base I used the soul lights to finish the decorations it was looking really great I then built the cobos

Their own rooms to stay in they were really happy about that then Naru came running up to me the soldiers are attacking my herd come quickly I jumped on his back and we rode off to help on days 32 to 35 we hurried back to the

Herd as we arrived I could see the place was filled with soldiers we’ve got to help them I rushed in knocking out as many soldiers as I could the hexs had really hurt them so I was able to finish several of them off that’s when I saw a

Soldier fighting the Elder hey get away from him the soldier hit the Elder a hit he surely couldn’t survive no I rushed in and took out all of the remaining soldiers I approached the Elder but it was too late Zozo stay strong and keep fighting and please keep looking after

My son and before I could respond he died Naru I’m sorry I didn’t know he was your dad all I could think about was the moment my parents died my heart hurt for Naru it’s okay Zozo looks like we’re both orphans now we still have each

Other you can stick with me for as long as you want on days 36 to 39 I decided to spend some time out alone it had been a rough few days that’s when I heard someone call out to me hey you wait what’s going on my house has been taken

Over by a boar everyone is too scared to help me okay sure I’ll help tell me where to go I headed off in the direction the goblin had pointed me I soon saw the cave he described and when I went inside the boar attacked me hey

Don’t be so mean the boar was tough but I finally managed to beat them back I was about to deliver the final blow when a voice cried out wait please don’t hurt my mom I turned and saw a baby boar I asked them why they’re in someone else’s

House but before they could answer the Goblin from earlier showed up what are you waiting for take them out wait something isn’t right about this just then the goblin went to attack the boar but before he could do any real damage I stepped in and took him out thank you

That Goblin was trying to kick us out of our home wait that’s what he said you did to him he was lying so you’d come after us that’s when I noticed he had dropped a note it was from the colonel it read destroy as many animals as you

Can and you will be rewarded greatly he’s trying to turn everyone against each other we’ve got to hurry and stop him on days 40 to 43 I arrived back at the base I felt bad for everyone who had lost a friend or family so I decided to

Improve the base I went around and made each room a little nicer now that’s looking great I’m really worried about the herd my father had really given them a home then tell them all to come live here Naru went to tell the other animals and I got ready preparing a place for

Them to stay we were all going to be one big happy group and I couldn’t wait for everyone to arrive just as I finished up the chocobos from earlier came over to chat they told me they were now big fans of carrots but unfortunately they were going to need their favorite food

Otherwise they couldn’t survive okay don’t worry guys I’ll find it they explained what it was and where I could find it then I hurried off on days 44 to 49 I arrived in the location that the chobo had told me about as I was exploring I nearly ran into the konel

Aha I knew I would find you here what do you want you you keep attacking my men and saving all the animals stop getting in my way I’ll never stop not until you’re defeated good luck with that the colonel waved his arm and a super soldier dropped from a Samson aircraft

In front of me the colonel chuckled and left us to fight this was going to be my hardest fight yet the super soldier was WR bigger than normal humans and had attacks I had never seen before he shot Rockets from a tube he was carrying on

His shoulder what lab did this guy crawl out of I did my best to hit him with my bow but it didn’t seem to do much damage the arrows weren’t working looks like it might be time to try something new on days 50 to 53 I kept fighting against

The super soldier it was time to stop fighting from afar and get up close and personal take this I charged in and started swinging my sword with me being this close his Rockets were completely useless now that he wasn’t hitting me as hard it was only a matter of time at

Long last I delivered the final blow looks like I’ll be the one fighting another day as I looked around I saw the colonel had been watching the battle I’ll be back for you Zozo mark my words I charged at the colonel but before I could get a hit in he threw a stun

Grenade right in front of my feet When the Smoke cleared the colonel was gone I’m the strongest I’ve ever been but it’s still not enough I have to get stronger on days 54 to 57 I remembered I was supposed to be finding the chocobo’s food at long last I saw what I was

Looking for as I got closer though I was suddenly attacked by two Hammerhead Titan oh man I must be on their Turf the two Hammerheads were incredibly strong working together to hit me with their attacks it wasn’t enough though and I managed to take one out uh-oh looks like

The other one is really mad now the remaining Hammer had charged at me no longer trying to be strategic it wasn’t much longer and I had taken them out as well as it disappeared I noticed it had dropped poisonous skin I bet I could use this to make poison arrows oh this will

Really help me out I then collected the nightshade berries and headed back to my base back at the base I met up with the chobo and gave them the nightshade berries they jumped for joy and told me that they could now access their special power special power you should have

Mentioned this before the jobos explained that they can tap into the planet’s life force and communicate with those who have passed on but only for short amounts of time so so my parents the chobo nodded and then put their head down there was a glow and suddenly I

Could see my parents in front of me Dad Mom it’s us Zozo we’re so proud of you and what you’re doing keep fighting we know you can defeat the colonel there was another bright light and they disappeared thank you for doing that for me now let’s win this fight on days 58

To 62 I got to work planting some of the nightshade berries so that you cobos would have a constant Supply as I finished ntii came up to me thanks for getting these planted I’ve been enjoying taking care of the other plants so I’ll make sure these are good as well I

Thanked her then left to try and go find some more diamonds as I went deeper and deeper into the mines I soon found a whole bunch of diamonds before I could start mining though I was attacked out of nowhere what are you doing down here you creep I then mined up all the

Diamonds and went back to my base with my diamonds I made myself a couple of pieces of armor then I headed out to the farm and made some improvements so niter could feel happy while she worked on the farm on day 63 to 66 one of the chocobos

Came running over to to me they told me they had spoken to a great warrior who had died long ago this Warrior told him about a powerful weapon that could defeat the colonel that could be the very thing we need to win the chobo told

Me that it was in a different biome and told me where to go I set off right away and I soon reached the vortex as I searched I soon saw a temple and I noticed there was a leon opter flying around overhead as long as he doesn’t

Bug me I won’t bug him I approached the temple and headed inside this had to be where the weapon was kept suddenly a Thor jumped out I took my sword ready to fight then the thanor spoke wait wait don’t attack I thought you were going to

Attack me of course not I’m super nice this Temple is my home but some other not so nice mobs have kicked me out oh man well I’m looking for some kind of ancient weapon here do you know anything about it it’s possible the temple is filled with all kinds of old relics

Clear the place and you can take whatever you want deal on days 67 to 70 I followed the thanor deeper into the temple as we walked I noticed several pieces of Art and books that looked like they were centuries old eventually we stopped outside a room and he turned to

Me they’re in there Viper wolves and lots of them I’ll take care of it you hang tight I ran into the next room and sure enough there were a bunch of Viper wolves they immediately attacked and I did my best to fight them off my ticket to beating the colonel could be hiding

Here I had to win Time to Say Goodbye I kept swinging and at long last the Viper wolves were all defeated I heard a noise in the corner and saw there were some smaller thanor hiding nearby thank you Zozo this is my family they all thanked

Me and I took off to look for the weapon the ancient warrior had mentioned I looked and looked in every nook and cranny but there was nothing shoot the weapon must not be here anymore I met back up with the thanor and invited him

And his family to live at my base but he said they were happy here I thanked him for letting me look and then left to go back to my base on day 71 to 74 I left the temple as the Leon opter circled in the sky above I paused for a moment did

You know this isn’t my first Adventure you can watch more of my videos after this one is over just search for Zozo zo zo I was getting closer to my base when I came across a group of soldiers more of these guys huh not for long I charged

In and started taking them out the less pesky soldiers there were the safer the land would be soon I had taken them all out that’s when I noticed one of them had dropped a note it said to all soldiers there is a na’vi named Zozo who needs to be defeated immediately I

Colonel corage and working on a special weapon to destroy the Tree of Souls it will be done at the end of The 100 days but this Zozo needs to be dealt with immediately all soldiers will be on double shifts until he is destroyed it looks like I’m making a dent but what is

This weapon he’s working on I have to find a powerful weapon of my own and fast on days 75 to 78 I arrived back at my base and went to talk to the jacobo I went to the temple and searched everywhere but I didn’t see it anywhere

The jacoba was really confused as the spirits they talk to are rarely wrong but unfortunately they didn’t have any other ideas they promised to try and figure it out I decided that in the meantime I would improve the base it was starting to look really good now I could

Tell everyone was really happy and I hoped it could always be like that when I had finished making my upgrades ntii came over to talk to me Zozo I have some great news what is it I have been experimenting with the plants and developed a superfood I want you to be

The first to try it I picked it up and ate it down it was delicious suddenly I felt energ flow through me and I grew even bigger with even more Hearts wo this is awesome on days 79 to 84 I decided to test out my strength I soon

Arrived in a new place and spotted the perfect test subjects how do you like me now I jumped in and managed to take them out in just a few hits Now That’s What I Call power just then I spotted someone Watching Me From Afar it was another

Na’vi he came over to me you’re pretty strong thanks I can take on anyone you could be stronger though oh what makes you think so well I’m stronger than you check it out the na’vi hit me and he was right he was strong ouch okay you didn’t

Have to hit me I believed you what’s your secret come I’ll show you the na’vi then put me through a training program he had a lot of good advice and I was able to learn so many new things in a short amount of time once we were done

Training the warrior tossed me and upgraded bow thanks I’m feeling even stronger already by the way how did you get so strong it was my mission to ride a leon opter but I’ve never been successful now I don’t even know where to find one I didn’t know you could ride

Those I actually saw one not too long ago I could show them to you no I’m much too old now but I think you could do it yeah I’ll give it a try say why don’t you come live at my base with me no thanks the Wilderness is where I belong

I thanked him for his help then turned to go back to my base on days 85 to 89 I returned to the base and saw it had been attacked buildings were broken and no one was around oh no what happened where is everyone I ran around the base

Looking to see if I could find anyone I soon found Naru he was injured and hiding in one of the ruined buildings what happened here the soldiers they came out of nowhere they took nateri oh no I have to save her where did they go are you okay yes I’ll live quick they

Only left an hour ago they went that way I hurried in the direction Naru had mentioned looking for any signs of the soldiers then I heard someone calling for help ntii I ran toward the sound but saw it wasn’t ntii it was a dire horse who was clearly injured before I could

Say anything it spoke are you looking for that girl yes have you seen her I tried to stop them but they knocked me out of their way they’re moving quickly faster than you can run but there is another way what’s that nearby is a special plant blue orchids grow on top

Of that tree right over there Harvest one of the leaves and rub it on my wound then I can carry you to them in no time okay show me the way he told me where to go and I ran off I soon saw the tree it

Was extremely tall and the Le Lees I needed were at the very top let’s get jumping I jumped from Branch to Branch doing my best not to fall at long last I reached the top and grabbed the leaves I needed sometime later I was back by the

Dire horse I applied the leaves and he immediately hopped up hop on there’s still time on days 90 to 94 the dire horse and I could see the soldiers appear in the distance there was no time to waste as we got closer I could see ntii she was being guarded by a few

Guards as well as another Super Soldier but this super soldier looked even stronger than the first one I jumped off the dire horse and told him to get a safe distance away I faced him let her go come to save your friend huh you’ll never win get this na’vi punk out of my

Sight the normal soldiers charged at me but I knocked them out with just a few hits huh you’re stronger than you look but not stronger than me the super soldier charged at me unleashing a special attack I didn’t see it coming and it did a lot of damage this was

Going to be tough you’ll never take our land our people I took out my bow and landed a perfect shot which seemed to disable his special attack now the fight was really on you’ll pay for that on days 95 to 97 our battle raged on he was

Madder than ever now that he didn’t have an advantage both of our hearts were dropping and it was only a matter of time until one of us fell suddenly he stepped back one more hit and I would win you think beating me changes anything I’ve done my job already what

Is that supposed to mean huh the colonel has already completed his weapon to destroy the Tree of Souls we took the girl to take you out of the game you’re too late no I jumped toward him and destroyed him for good then I noticed he dropped something with this I can do his

Same special attack I quickly freed ntii hurry back to the base using the dire horse I’m not strong enough to defeat the colonel yet but I think I know what I need to do ntii nodded and ran off to find the dire horse and get back to the

Base I don’t know if this is going to work but I’m crazy enough to try on day 98 I rushed back to the temple the ancient warrior said this was the location of the weapon but he never said it was inside of the temple I looked up

At the Leon opter if I caname it I’ll finally be able to be the ultimate warrior the Leon opter kept flying around ignoring me completely I thought about it for a moment and pulled out my bow I aimed and fired the arrow was a direct hit the Big Bird let out a

Screech and headed right at me oh boy I may have really stepped in it this time the bird swooped down to hit me I jumped to the side and tried to get on its back I was close but missed shoot I’ve got to keep trying the bird was interested in

Attacking me now and I did my best to avoid it sometimes it hit me but most of the time I was able to land on its back finally after several attempts it worked got you the Leon opter was mad at first flying around like crazy but soon it

Recognized it had lost and soon it was smooth sailing we bonded through the flight and soon landed back on the ground I hopped off as the bird flew away then suddenly I felt the power flow through me and I leveled up into my biggest final form long last I’m ready

To take this Colonel down on day 99 I returned back to the village where it all began the Tree of Souls was nearby I passed through the tunnels I had run through nearly 100 days ago I had grown so much since then suddenly there was a

Flash of light and I could see my parents standing before me I was so close to the Tree of Souls it made it possible for them to show themselves to me Mom Dad great job Zozo we’ve been watching your journey and are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished thank

You I just wish I could have saved you too don’t worry about us son everyone on the planet is counting on you but we know you can stop the colonel and save our way of life I will do my best we will be watching and supporting you do

Not lose hope there was another flash of light and they disappeared I soon emerged from the tunnel into a large Cavern I could see the final tunnel to the Tree of Souls but an army of super soldiers were blocking the path oh no how could I possibly get past all of

Them you won’t be alone I turned and saw Naru along with all of the the friends I had made along the way we will distract them you go for the colonel I don’t deserve friends as great as you we don’t deserve a friend as great as you I

Smiled and thanked them for being my new family it was going to be a tough fight but it was for our home everyone ready attack my friends charged at the super soldiers who were shocked to see that they were the ones being overpowered as they fought I saw a chance to run

Through the tunnel I took it and headed in hopefully my friends could stay alive long enough for me to take the colonel down on day 100 I entered another large Cavern in the center of it was the Tree of Souls it was still standing but the

Colonel was in a mech suit shooting it with energy beams Colonel it’s over I’m here to stop you for good you’ll pay for the lives you’ve taken stop me can’t you see you’re too late this weapon can’t be stopped especially by a weakling like you you’ll have to destroy me first I’ve

Spent 100 days developing this weapon that will be easy the colonel then turned and fired his Beam at me it landed near me causing unex explosion the explosion knocked me to the side causing a lot of damage I hurried and got out my bow firing off arrows as fast

As I could I got some hits in but it looked like it wasn’t doing much damage arrows really do you see what you’re up against give up now and I’ll let you stay alive as my pet I’ll never stop fighting he shot off a beam again this

Time hitting me it nearly took all of my hearts I ran and hid behind some rocks so that I can hurry and heal up see what I mean you have no chance cowering like a small child because that’s what you are just then I saw a Wood Sprite land

Near me a Wood Sprite it’s a pure seed from the Tree of Souls I could tell it wanted something with me except me I closed my eyes and the Wood Sprite flew into me I felt myself get stronger suddenly more and more Wood Sprite started to appear and start flying into

Me the power of generations began flowing through me I grew even bigger and now had 100 Hearts I stepped out to face the colonel again again what how you failed to understand the world around you and so now you’ll fail to defeat me the colonel yelled and started

Firing his energy beams of me they still did some damage but I barely felt a thing I charged at him sword in hand I jumped into the air slamming my sword down on top of him his suit exploded and he was destroyed the world was safe once

More I celebrated with my friends if anyone else tried to hurt us again we would be ready on day one I spawn inside of Gotham City as Batman well that baby and to no surprise it’s under attack being this tiny is a little intimidating with all the fires and criminals running

Around it’s a giant disaster someone needs to clean this town up just then the Joker appeared here ye here ye in a mere 100 days I will be launching my new product yes that’s right I will be flooding the world with Smile X gas everyone will will be turned into

Clowns stay tuned for the big drop here’s a little teaser just then he grabbed a couple Thugs and turned them into clowns with a sample of his clown gas this clown gas was serious business I had to get out of there so I ran into a nearby alley I

Have 100 days to figure out how to stop Joker before he sends in the Clowns on day two I made my way around Gotham’s Alleyways getting to know them I realized I only had three hearts so I’d have to be very careful just as the thought left my head I bumped into a

Couple of Joker’s thugs they weren’t very friendly you wouldn’t hurt a baby would you aw a puny Batman let’s Smash It joker will be so pleased they had no mercy and they started to attack me my only defense was to run I tried to lose them in the alleys but eventually they

Cornered me in a dead end I had nowhere else to run I was done for you’ll never get away with this just as they were closing in on me I heard someone called to me from above I looked up and saw a cop looking out a window quick use your

Grappling hook kid grappling hook I checked my supplies and yep sure enough I had one I shot it into the air it locked onto the window and I whizzed Out Of Reach of the thugs that was a close one thanks for the life-saving tip I see

You’re a cup why is there so much crime in this city sorry champ but there’s no time to explain come with me I’ll get you out of here on day three the policeman took me through a secret path passage way inside the apartment and through a tunnel that led to the Gotham

City police station so this is where law enforcement is H up can I have a word with whoever is in charge the policeman took me into an office Commissioner Gordon I have someone here who wants to speak with you yes I quickly explained to the man about Joker’s plan to turn

The world into clowns in 100 days well 97 days to be exact the man named Gordon was very concerned but looked defeated hm that’s good Intel I wish I had the resources to go after him I really do but most of my men are injured from

Fights and we are low on supplies do you have anyone to look after you Mom Dad can anyone help me no not anymore but I’m tough I don’t need anyone well you won’t last long alone here take these he handed me a potion of healing a potion of regeneration a chicken sandwich some

Extra bread and a smoke bomb to help get away undetected wo that is super cool of you commissioner thank you I won’t rest until I have stopped the Joker how about I come with you I know this city like the back of a donut and there’s not much

Left to do here sir I finished mopping the bathroom twice that would be amazing well it’s all right with me just take care of you two Joker is not someone you want to mess with well be careful we understand Joker is seriously Twisted I followed the policeman back out of the

Headquarters and into the city on days 4 through 5 we were back in the city and trying to avoid the thugs running a muck I decided that if we wanted to remain with our hearts intact we would have to find a place to lie low until we got

Stronger the policeman whose name was Joey had an idea on a safe place to go it was an abandoned house outside the city he called it Wayne Manor it sounded promising and so we headed out of the city Into the Wilderness as we passed by

Some trees I punched a few to craft a table and make some wood tools then I mined some Stone to upgrade my tools uh bad baby we got some company the hairy kind there was a pack of wolves getting ready to attack we dashed away but we

Couldn’t outrun this foe I had to think on my feet I instinctively grabbed the smoke bomb and created a giant Cloud smoke the Wolves were disoriented and we made a break for it we lost them wait there’s still one on our Tails I’ll handle this with the help of my stone

Sword I was able to defeat the lone wolf with the battle won black particles shot up into the air and bats spawned around me I started to grow into a slightly bigger bat with more Hearts my suit also looks way cooler now the rest of the

Wolves had now now caught up but seeing me change before their very eyes scared them off they turned and ran nice work kid now let’s get out of here we finally made it to the empty Manor I fixed up a couple of the rooms and called it a

Night I showed the policeman to his new room and we went to bed on day 6 to 8 I woke up and explored outside to get more wood I ended up near the outskirts of the city and saw a woman being chased by one of Joker’s thugs with a knife hey

Leave her alone the thug turned his attention to me and came at me we brawled for a while and thankfully I could tell he was on his last leg and I was able to best him with the thug gone the woman approached me wow no one has

Ever come to my rescue like that before thank you my name is Vicky by the way nice to meet you I’m Zozo sorry that guy was chasing you yeah I’m used to it you see I’m a photographer and I’ve been documenting all the destruction Joker has caused since taking over I was

Getting some really great shots when a monster attacked and I accidentally dropped my camera but had to keep running I’m mostly devastated about that that’s awful luck we can go on a recovery mission to get your camera back I’m down to clown with those clowns Vicky was so

Surprised and excited that I would help her but hey I am Zozo it’s what I do on days 9 to 10 Vicki and I waited until the cover of Nightfall to sneak back into the city over there Vicky motioned to the end of a long alley where her

Camera was on the ground we looked around and with no sign of the monster I took my chance to seize the camera just as I was about to grab it a big mob jumped down from his hiding place he was blocking the camera I could not get to

It I tried to take him on but he was too strong Vicki we have to abandon our mission we got to get out of here we ran away until we reached the outskirts of town we stopped to catch our breath once it was safe I’m so sorry we couldn’t get

To the camera I failed you it’s disappointing but it’s not your fault you’re the first person to offer to help me I’ll just have to try again another day I’m glad you’re not in angry with me well for the time being you’re welcome to stay at my base it’s a safe location

Vicki accepted my offer on days 11 to 12 Vicki and I returned to Wayne Manor I asked her if she knew anything about Joker’s evil plans with the gas I overheard he has planning to release the gas up from the sewers but that’s all I know that was a hot tip thanks Vicki

Vicki was going to need her own space in the manor so I fixed up a spot I showed her what I had done this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me ain’t no thing but a Batwing I then turned my attention to the fact that I was

Seriously underprepared to go back to the city I’d need to get stronger so I headed out to M some iron and coal then I went back to the base and built a furnace to smelt the materials into some armor and a couple other handy tools my stomach started to growl I’m sure my

Friends were hungry too I poked around for some food and ended up finding a cemetery on the premises there were two graves there the gravestones read the name of my parents and C the Waterworks I felt sad that they were gone gone but comforted that I could visit their

Resting places eventually I came across a small wheat and lettuce field I used the seeds and wheat to lure some cows sheep and chickens back to the yard welcome to the Wayne Manor Farm I built them Corrals and got them all set so we could have a constant food source and

Breed them on days 13 to 15 I wanted to find a way to get stronger so I asked Joey if he had any ideas we need items kid potions enchantments protections that kind of thing and most of all Donuts it’s the way we cops keep sustained we had stashes of this stuff

All around the city I can tell you where to find one it’s worth a shot I quickly went back to Gotham to find a stash after a bit of sneaking around I reached the location where the policeman said it should be but it had already been looted

Thed again wait what’s this I found a map left behind I inspected it and it led to a new stash hopefully no one had beaten me to it but the map seemed untouched that was a good sign I followed the map ouch what the I was being pummeled by arrows from a Mossy

Skeleton nearby I was covered in them I looked like a hedgehog with those arrows in me this was not good the arrows were poisonous I would have to act fast I attacked him with all my bat Gusto after a lot of back and forth I managed to emerge Victorious despite my wounds with

The mossy skeleton out of the way I found the nearby stash jackpot it hadn’t been raided and there were all sorts of goodies inside potions enchantments a police badge and you guessed it Donuts hm there’s an inscription on this badge it says he who wears this badge so also

Wears great responsibility I remembered the vow I had made after those thugs had hurt my parents to do everything in my power to fight crime in Gotham City I put the badge on I’m powering up with righteous Vengeance the badge leveled me up and it gave me more Health on days 16

To 19 I made my way back out of the city as my newer bat self I saw a child on their own and tried to approach them to see if they were all right but they ran away from me I trailed behind the kid and saw them slip into a building I

Walked up to the door of the building and saw the child with their mother I stepped into the building and greeted them mommy I’m scared you don’t need to fear me I’m a friend my name is Zozo leave us alone my son has already lost his father we don’t want any more

Trouble no please don’t do this I felt for this poor kid I knew what it was like to lose a parent I’m going to help protect this city and get rid of all these thugs I promise I will stop the joker as I said this a couple

Of thugs appeared behind me they started hitting me but being this much bigger gave me a fighting chance I beat them up until they went poof wow we you really are strong you’re going to be a hero for our city aren’t you mister I don’t know

If I’m a hero but I am Vengeance I am Knight I am batso I thought you said your name was zo though yeah I was trying out a cool name never mind with that I Disappeared into the night and left the city on days 20 to 22 I fought

Off some zombies and skeletons on my way back to Wayne Manor I fought them off with e I’m so much stronger now that was a piece of cake as I got closer to the manor I found a cave with some iron I mined some for later use can’t have too

Much of that handy finally I arrived back at the Manor and got straight to work adding some more armor to my suit and a strong iron sword with this upgrade I felt much more confident I think I can take on those earthy monsters that guarded the camera once

Night had fallen I snuck back to the city and down the different Alleyways to where the camera was miraculously still laying on the ground and the monster was still there too he lunged at me and I drew my iron sword I sliced away at him it was really difficult to keep my

Health up each hit really dealt a blow he was not holding back but neither was I my armor although not quite finished held its own too and thanks to that I started chipping away at his health I was coming out on top with a final blow

He crumbled before me and to dust he shall return I recovered the camera and inspected it to see if it was damaged as I flipped through the pictures I saw there were videos too it looked like Vicki had been chased by a group of henchmen she managed to lose them before

Taking a final picture wait the last photo taken on here that Thug could it be the one that hurt my parents my head was reeling on days 23 to 26 I returned to the manor and gave the camera back to Vicki you cut it back I can’t thank you

Enough you really do have a superpower you never give up that’s a pretty cool catchphrase I might have to take that one off your hands now that you have the camera does this mean you’ll be going back to Gotham actually I was thinking it would be great to stick around here

For a while is that all right I’ve grown kind of used to the safety you can stay as long as you want thanks I’m going to take some photos out my window it’s got quite the view cool I’m going to finish my armor it’s almost complete there was

Just one problem I didn’t have enough iron so I went to a nearby cave and mined a bunch more iron I took the iron back to the manor and finished up my armor I made some more tools too once I was done with those projects I passed

The time by upgrading the manor with Vicki sticking around I wanted her to feel more at home and things to be less run down besides it would be great to restore Wayne Manor to its former glory on days 27 to 31 I decided to explore some more but in the opposite direction

Of the city I wandered into a desert I eventually came across a camel hey I don’t want any trouble Mr B guy me neither I’m just passing by pH I like just moved from Gotham and like I get beat up a lot some of these humps are

Just swelling can you believe that’s why I’m out of here but to be honest life is still like tough you know I’m a hipster camel I’m not like fit for Desert life just then some husks popped up and started attacking us the camel was spooked but I won the brawl with ease

I’ve got a place not far from here and so far it’s been safe from thugs you’re welcome to join me and my friends there’s plenty of space at the old Manor the camel was relieved to get an invite back to the manor since I was in the

Desert I had to take advantage of all the sand everywhere I mind some so later I could smelt it into glass once I had enough I returned to the manor to fix up all the broken windows with the smelted sand then I made a cozy Barn for the

Camel hopefully this Barn will help him stay camouflaged from the bad guys as I put the finishing touches on Joey rushed in Hey kid you’re going to want to see this we walked outside and saw that in the sky there was a light high in the sky with a bat symbol in it

Coming from Gotham it had to be a signal Gotham needs us on days 32 to 35 Joey and I hurried to Gotham we saw that the signal was coming from the police station it was under attack evil little penguins and Joker’s minions were setting fire to the station and knocking

Giant holes in the walls I should have known the Penguin and Joker were behind this Joey and I drew our weapons and got down to business annihilating the cronies and flightless fiends one by one we picked them off with the two of us fighting we could deal more damage but

Even that wasn’t enough to stop the Carnage going on all around us we fought our way into the building we have to find Gordon Head for the elevator we made it to the top floor to find a hurt Gordon surrounded by bad guys you want to act crazy let’s get crazy then Haya

These punks were no match for the bat dude H the name is still work in progress anyways back to fighting I kicked their trash with no mercy we rushed to Gordon’s side he was pretty badly wounded and was the Lone Survivor of the attack we had to get him out of

There before more henchmen came wait open that chest real quick before we go I followed Gordon’s orders inside the chest was a Batman Armored suit and a grappling hook upgrade holy bougie upgrades Batman it was time to blow this Burning Popsicle stand we helped Gordon

Escape out of the city and back to the manor there we fixed up a room for him so he could have a quick recovery Joey also volunteered to stay and watch over him on days 36 to 39 we let Gordon rest while I harvested food for the growing

Number of Roommates pardon me sir huh I turned to see a nicely dressed English gentleman meekly standing before me my name is Alfred I used to be a butler for the Mansion some time ago now that the household appears to be up and running again I wish to assist as a butler once

Again I know a lot about this place sir for for instance did you know there’s a batcave under Wayne Mana a batcave sounds cool and of course you can be Butler again we definitely could use someone like you around here you might also like to know that there’s a giant

Bat creature who has taken over down there I tried to shoe him away but well no such luck Alfred knew everything I had him lead the way through this hidden elevator sir straight down there’s only one stop you can’t miss it before going I crafted a grappling hook I entered the

Elevator and it opened up up to the Batcave more like a massive Tech Lab with rock walls this is awesome there was a deafening Screech I was grappling with what to do next wait my grappling hook this is like roping cattle Yeehaw I was able to cast The Hook and take hits

At the bat while also blocking his attacks we brawled for a while but I got the last hit Batcave was safe at last I heard slow clapping Alfred was entering the cave he showed me around the Batcave including a weapon stash and how to use the high tech computer we can use the

Computer to find the source of Joker’s gas I think we know where his gas is coming from am I right Alfred potty humor is loow hanging fruit sir I will work on the findings for the gas but it will take a while great I’ll grab some weapons out of the stash I equipped

Myself with a gnarly hippogriff Talon sword an extra grappling hook a C4 remote control Detonator and some smoke bombs there was also a nice Batman suit in the chest it was slightly better than iron but worse than and Diamond this place had it all on days 40 to 43 we

Headed back upstairs to the main floors I spiffed up the manor and then fixed up a room for Alfred he was very pleased and promptly took a nap on his sofa while Alfred snored I moved on to the dining room to do some Renovations in there as well home is where the Batcave

Is to my surprise the little kid from Gotham and his mother were walking up to the manor I was hoping I’d find you here though though gossam has gotten even worse we can’t stay there anymore stay here then we will look after you too can some other children seek Refuge here too

Bring them all I immediately got to work upgrading the manner to accommodate all the new arrivals while I was working the camel came up to me so I was like totes eavesdropping and heard you guys talking about Joker and some crazy evil gas Ploy I totally saw a sus Factory out in the

Desert that was serving a massive Joker Vibes like no joke I thanked him for his awesome hot lead I knew knew where I needed to go to the desert to locate that sus Factory on days 44 to 49 I was traveling alone in the desert when I

Heard a vehicle approaching it was a mean looking dark purple Roadster and it was heading right for me this could only be one person my my my what do we have here it’s our little batsy friend who is ruining all of our fun Joker that’s my name please wear it

Out and don’t be such a party pooper clowns just want to have fun you know I see where you’re headed but I’m afraid you’re too late I already have all the gas I need the only gas you’ll be releasing is from the prison burritos when I’m done with you oh is that so

Tell me have you ever danced with the devil in the pale Moonlight cuz I have Joker started talking to someone I couldn’t see Chester where’s your manners aren’t you going to offer our batch for friend hear a snack I was thinking a knuckle sandwich Out jumped a creepy clown Golem

And Joker sped away laughing maniacally Chester was big and scary but he was just one dumb Thug how hard could it be well I was about to learn Bring It On on days 50 to 53 I was going toe-to-toe with this giant armed Golem his thick

Long arms really packed a punch and he had a lot of range go I need to get close so I can hit him where it hurts this was my hardest fight yet but I had some tricks at my sleeve hey Chester I’m hooked on you I whipped out my grappling

Hook pulled him in range of my fancy sword and slashed him up and how do you like this I threw a smoke bomb down to make the Golem dizzy and Confused then I darted around him dealing him blow after blow eventually the Golem started to crack now was time I acted quickly he

Didn’t even see it coming 3 2 1 kaboy the se4 exploded as the Golem walked over it he went soaring into the air you play with the bat you get the wings I turned my attention to where the Joker had sped off to I began to follow the

Tracks to the factory something Joker said was echoing in my ears just another Dance with the Devil in the pale Moonlight that’s what the killer said could The Joker be the same person who hurt my parents on that horrible night so long ago I kept heading towards the

Factory I had to investigate on days 54 to 57 I finally reached the desert Factory to no surprise there was a guard out front excuse me did you order a drink the guard was confused no hm that’s funny because you look like you could use some punch I knocked the guard

Down he was out cold one down probably a million to go I marched inside inside the factory were large machines producing Joker’s clown gas as well as you guessed it a bunch of cronies clowns attack the bat they sent the creepy clown creature after me clearly they had

Been transformed by the gas hey no funny business now the clowns were crazy but I handled them you know for a bunch of clowns you’re really not that funny when the henchmen saw I was defeating the clowns they came at me themselves take it easy I just want to shut down your

Entire operation chill out this is the most hostile circus I’ve ever been to I loved messing with them while I beat them silly eventually there was only one hman left I’m the ring master of this circus and you just bought a ticket to die ah Mr tough guy huh let’s see how

Tough you are against my little toys I hit him with my extra damage sword oh that’s going to leave a mark I noticed the henchmen dropped a crowbar and a gas mask I hope this can protect me from the clown gas in the future now I need to

Search for a way to shut the factory down after looking everywhere I found a big lever with a sign do not press why do we even even have this lever signed the Joker yeah I’m going to press it I pulled it and I heard all the machines

Shut down Victory on days 58 to 62 I made it back to the manor and thank the camel for his information that led me to the factory I saw that the orphans from Gotham had arrived welcome to Wayne Manor hope you feel at home here kids if

You happen to find any weapons uh don’t play with them with more kids around there were more mounts to feed I needed to expand the farm I’ll be back got her on some errands did I just become a father to a bunch of kids yeah too late

To go back on it now if I can best an iron golem I can keep a horde of children fed I found some seeds for planting then tracked down some animals here piggy piggy you’re coming home with Papa I lured the pigs back to the Corrals so we could have some more meat

I planted the seeds so they could start growing with that out of the way I decided I wanted to find some Diamond so I could really have the edge when fighting Joker in his gang if that wasn’t enough once I got back to the manor from mining diamonds I could tell

The kids were a little Restless after the horrors the kids of Gotham had seen they could use a safe and fun place to play I decided to build them a playroom yeah this is pretty good I think they’ll like it better than the dirty Gotham streets anyway that was enough building

For the day I was pooped so I went to sleep on days 63 to 66 I was sleeping in bed when Alfred came and woke me up you scared the living bats out of me Alfred what do you want he came to inform me he had located one of Joker’s cashes of gas

In the Gotham sewers good work Alfred but next time try knocking I could have been sleeping in just my utility belt it looked like it’s time for another trip into the City Alfred walked me through where to find the gas I prepared my armor and weapons and waited for

Nightfall then I headed to Gotham I found an entrance to the sewers and jumped in I snuck through the sewer trying to remember the instructions Alfred gave me but I started to get confused about where I was once I was down there eventually I came across a

Sewer rat rats guess I got to take out out this aggressive rodent I drew my sword whoa whoa whoa I’m not going to attack you I’m not like that anymore I’m all about peace and love now that’s great news I’m looking for a certain place in the sewers but I’m getting a

Bit lost let me guess you’re hunting for Joker’s container he’s stuck down here aren’t you if so I know where it is you do where is it I’ll tell you but I’m going to need a a her first you seem like you could help me with my monster

Problem it’s been terrorizing the rat Community down here what do you say you down for vanquishing a foe I agreed to the challenge and followed him deeper in on days 67 to 70 the rat and I reached an area with a large pool of sewer water

I don’t see a monster just wait after some time I saw something rising to the surface and out emerged a giant crocodile the rat scurried away with a squeak I would too if I was his size but I was big and strong enough to take him

On hey Croc let’s rock it crawled right at me ready to make me his midnight snack I drew my sword and SWAT it away it was strong enough to cut through his scales I jumped and dodged his great big snout full of teeth until splash I fell

In the water The Croc is faster in water better hurry and get out grappling hook go I whizzed out of the water and was able to deal a blow from above I let him have it he was super strong and got a Few Good Hits at me but he was no match

For zat I got the last hit and he was finished see you later alligator that was actually a crocodile but at any rate I knew you were skilled enough to handle him thanks my rat Community can go back to living happy lives now let me make

Good on my end of the bargain the rat led me to where Joker’s clown gas was he couldn’t get too close as it was already emitting clownish gases luckily I still had the mask from the factory I put put it on and knocked the tank to bits the

Gas was destroyed getting rid of that gas has me feeling relieved on day 71 to 74 I trudged my way out of the smelly sewers but it wasn’t the stinkiest situation I’d been in to see more on that check out my other Adventures by searching zo zo I climbed out of the

Sewer and saw Joker sitting inside a cauldron he jumped out when he saw me well well well looks like you’ve been busy find what you’re looking for Betsy just visiting my rat friends in the sewers you’re making house calls to sewer rats when I’ll soon be releasing

My clown gas all over the world you’re the worst Batman I’ve ever tormented it’s probably why you were orphaned you aren’t very good at being a hero my blood boiled how would you know anything about that is this because you’re the evil Thug that took my parents’

Lives I drew my weapon and lunged at him Joker dodged and grabbed a golf club he swung it at me and hit me hard in the head ouch he was so much stronger than I expected uh-oh Joker pulled out a bomb and threw it at me Kaboom then he

Somehow shot poisonous gas out of his hand I quickly put on my gas mask nice try Joker but I’m immune to your poisonous gas are you immune to plasma guns we both knew the answer to that I threw a smoke bomb and took the opportunity to escape where did you go

Baty we aren’t done playing don’t tell me you’ve run away oh you spineless rant come back and take your Beating I wasn’t finished blowing you up Joker began throwing a fit he shot his plasma gun and tossed Bombs all around him one bomb landed a little too

Close to him and blew him backwards I silently Slipped Away out of the city on day 75 to 78 I got back to the manor and looked out over my balcony I looked worse for Weare but that was nothing to the way I felt on the inside I felt so

Defeated I barely escaped Joker with my life at this rate I had no chance at saving Gotham but everyone was counting on me I was in over my head I decided to work on the one thing I knew I could help the manor I cleared out the cobwebs

Sticks and rocks in the upstairs room then I replaced the broken glass windows and rearranged the furniture that looks much better I went to the archery range and boxing ring getting these in working order would be good for training I got them looking tight and was ready to call

It a day oh wait I need to finish the downstairs hallway as I worked on the hallway the boy I had met in the city came up to me hi you Mr Doo sir I wanted to thank you for letting us stay here and making the cool playroom I’ve never

Felt this happy and safe in my whole life here this is for you he handed me a dirty looking friendship bracelet as soon as I took it I began to level up this little kid’s love was so pure and Powerful that it literally gave me strength this is exactly what I needed

Thanks buddy you’re my hero on days 79 through 84 I went off the grounds to try out my new strength as I walked through the spruce Forest a mob of spiders came at me and then a short time later I came across a few Endermen they were a piece

Of cake how do you like me now a woman dressed in an all black cats suit came bounding up to me seemingly out of nowhere me Yow well hello there bat boy what’s a big guy like you doing in these parts what what’s the matter cat’s got

Your tongue something like that you look like you’re pretty fast care for a race to the other end of the forest you’re on WE race through the forest I used my grappling hook to swing through the trees while the Catwoman swiftly glided jumped and flipped through the air she

Was fast but so was I we basically tied no I wouldn’t buy a whisker she was one cool cat after explaining the situation with Joker I invited her to come to Wayne Manor and be on our team but she wanted to remain neutral for now I

Didn’t say I was a good kitty but I’ll do you one favor I know where another stash of gas is I’ll destroy it for you she assured me she would take them out from a distance as to not intake any of the fumes here take these consider these

A reward for nearly beating me in a race Catwoman handed me a flashy new sword of fade and a stack of battering finally a range weapon before I could thank her Catwoman was out of sight as quickly as she had come on days 85 to 89 as I

Approached the manor I saw that it was under attack by more penguins and thugs not again I was even stronger this time though they were messing with the wrong orph and rich boy I started annihilating them I had pecked them off one by one that’s when Joey came running out to me

Hey kid wa you’re not a kid no more are you anyways some of the penguins have run off with Vicki and when that away I took off on foot to track them down I eventually followed them to a snowy biome and I could see their tracks were

Fresh it wasn’t much longer before I saw a group of penguins marching along with a distressed Vicki in toe without alerting them I swung in silently and started to kick the Penguins Tails feathers ice to finally catch up to you guys they squawked and tried to fight

Back but there were no match for my newly upgraded strength there was one penguin left and he was much bigger and tougher looking than the rest time to take out the mob boss ooh this bird is not going down without a fight I’m a penguin cuz I’ll

Bring the pain you’re a pain in my rear that’s for sure we began duking it out flipper to sword after we smacked each other around for a while I finally got the last hit now you’re a gonduin I went over to Vicky you okay Vicky I am now

Thank you you’re really getting good at this those smelly Penguins were taking me to their Lair as a trap so you would come get me they didn’t expect you to catch up waddling at their super slow speed what a bunch of bird brains you head back to the manor I’ll go take care

Of the penguin once and for all on days 90 to 94 the Penguin and his minions were waiting around the base funa sake where are they they should have shown up with the baate by now I worked hard on getting a Yeti here I shouldn’t have to

Keep waiting to have the yeti tear the bat dude limb from limb Gunter tell me a joke while I wait I had stealthily perched on a high point above and decided to respond what’s black white and red all over a newspaper no it’s you after being thrown to that Yeti you have

In that cage gun that was uncalled for and highly unprofessional bad dude I had gotten the jump on penguin and boy was he surprised I soared down from the ledge and began to fight it was me against an entire den of penguins maybe I was crazy or maybe I

Was Batman Penguins attack they charged at me and I began taking blows and dealing hits the fight was Bonkers so many feathers flying around but I was knocking the Penguins out pretty good it was then that I saw some ice fly past me penguin had an ice gun he hit me a

Couple times with it and I was trapped in ice with me unable to move the Penguins were able to hit me all they wanted I’m going to need a good ice breaker for this crowd on days 95 to 97 I continued tearing it up in penguin’s

Lair I had gotten Frozen a couple times but I had my batter Rings now I dealt trouble right back at penguin eventually I had defeated all the Minions now to deal with penguin I neared the yeti cage and saw switch next to it I quickly pressed it the yeti came right for

Penguin his own plan backfired on him penguin was toast yet he smashed his cold blooded capter to bits vengeance is best served cold I searched penguin’s base for anything of use would you look at that a grappling hook rocket attachment okay hey this was going to be

Fun woohoo I searched some more and although I didn’t find any more cool weapons I did find something of great importance the map to the final cash of gas in the city on day 98 I mined some diamonds on my way back to the manor

Once I arrived Joey was excited to see I had made it back safe and was impressed that I had defeated the penguin he also wanted to tell me what he had been up to I have a little surprise for you I’ve been collecting materials so you can

Make an enchanting area and now I have everything you need for it you can thank me later I took the materials down to my Batcave and set up my enchantment area I crafted the rest of my diamond into an armor and a pickaxe and then Enchanted my weapons and armor with some basic

Protection I then found Alfred to tell him about the map Alfred I’ve discovered the final location for the cash of gas with the help of this map that is a relief to hear sir as I have not been able to do it with the computer I did

However find some wings down in the Batcave here try them on I took them outside and with my new rocket attachment and wings I could fly short distances my bat skills were looking sharp I bet the orphans would get a kick out of this I better go show them I

Found the orphans they were playing and running around they seemed at home here at Wayne Manor I was happy to see that I saw Commissioner Gordon and Joey nearby how are your wounds healing up Mr Gordon I am healing up pretty good I’ll be back

In the field in no time looking out from over the balcony I felt a very strong sense of pride in what we had done here but now it was time to go face The Joker on day 99 I flew off my balcony and reached Gotham with the map as my Aid I

Was able to locate the final stash of gas I swiftly destroyed it so long as Catwoman held up her end of the bargain all of the gas should have been destroyed now we’ll see if Joker finds that funny I flew into the air and soared around the city looking for signs

Of Joker At Last I found a crazy looking Mansion ahead and instinctively knew that it had to be Joker’s lair I landed in front of the mansion and started fighting the couple of thugs out front then I was quickly overwhelmed by thugs running at me from every direction okay

Maybe I was in over my head o get your dirty little clown hands off our friend I looked and saw Joey walking towards me with a big group of his police buddies I’d never been so relieved his Squad started taking on the thugs which allowed me and Joey to go

Inside and confront the joker I’m glad I have you by my side Joey now let’s make Joker pay for what he’s done to the city gladly on day 100 we entered Joker’s basement which revealed a funky circular room Joker was waiting for us it’s about time I was growing bored waiting for you

You going to do the whole thing where you try and stop me and then I tie you up and make you watch the world descend into madness I suddenly remembered the face of my parents killer you were the one who killed my parents oh trust me I

Wish I could take credit for that that I’d have to be an old man by now to be the one who killed them are you saying I look old or something rude much evil existed in this city before I got here maybe you didn’t notice because you were

Too busy being a spoiled rich boy in your fancy mansion and evil will continue to be here long after I’m gone good will also exists before now and forever I will do everything I can to fight the evil I find in the city while I’m still here you can bet on that

Oh I hope so it makes it so much more fun like a game of Captain Mouse you’re the mouse by the way and you took too long to figure out how to stop me little mouse 100 days is up it’s like Christmas Day technically I don’t think you can

Count day one so it’s only been 99 days no no day one and definitely counted it’s 100 days 99 100 99 100 it’s my plan and I decide I’m pushing the button Joker slammed his hand down on the button to release the gas huh that’s weird I don’t hear any reactions to the

Gas must be because I destroyed all the gas before I came here my bad he pushed another button and this time some poisonous gas came rising from the vents I was trapped in the gas but again I just quickly threw on my mask any effects it would have had dissipated

Face it Joker it’s over you lost it’s far from over batsy Joker pulled a lever on the wall this caused the pipe doors to open and a mixture of smx’s liquid and gas came pouring out Joker stepped into the ooze and gas he really was mad Joker started to

Transform before our very eyes he was morphing into a giant super Joker monster you know I think it’s time to play rackabat Joker swung his golf club bludgeoning me I used my enchanted batarangs Grappling Hook sword and C4 explosions to fight the Joker Joker used his plasma gun Golf Club gas attack and

Occasionally some bombs it was a battle royale well more like a battle Carnival I looked up and noticed a giant chandelier was above us barely holding on at the right moment I threw a batarang at it and it dropped and crushed Joker he gave a weak laugh and

Then drew his last breath Joker was dead his reign of terror was over Joker was gone but as he said evil still remained so here I wait in the night to help the innocent and reap vengeance upon thugs of the city a bat symbol shined across

The sky that’s my CU Gotham needs me

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a ROBOT in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Iconic Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-11-05 01:15:00. It has garnered 331264 views and 3467 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:35 or 11855 seconds.

I Survived 100 DAYS as a ROBOT in HARDCORE Minecraft! Today, I’ll explore the wasteland and the Abandoned VILLAGE! As a Baby Wall-E (baby robot) going to a bigger robot and then a giant, my goal is to save my friends and other living creatures from the fat cat and the polluting factory. During my quest, I will have to fight ZOMBIES, zombie animals, other robots, RATS, and other creatures in MINECRAFT!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as a ROBOT 0:24:28 100 DAYS as a WARDEN DRAGON 1:00:40 100 DAYS as KING KONG 1:36:52 100 DAYS as IRON MAN 2:07:14 100 DAYS as an AVATAR 2:37:12 100 DAYS as BATMAN

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    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – 💵TRADE HaYaRy – ✅VK GROUP – ✅TWITCH –… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More