Surviving 1000 Days as Elemental Wolf in Hardcore Minecraft!

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On day one I spawned into the Ancient Forest as a super cool Elemental wolf a wolf spirit tuned into the power of the elements this is aome and I’ve got 10 Hearts too that’s so exciting I wonder what I can do I concentrated hard and blasted a powerful

Ball of energy this would be an excellent weapon if anybody tried to attack me and that was exactly what happened a ghast floated out between the trees before me what why are you here our supposed to stay in the nether you know nothing Little Wolf the world is

Changing and The Wheel of Time turns on the command of our Master fungi the mushroom Lord will you swear Your Allegiance to him what fungi the mushroom Lord I’m not going to swear allegiance to anyone if I don’t know what they stand for if you are not the

Servant of the mushroom Lord then you are his enemy and it is my duty to destroy his enemies all glory to the mushroom Lord the gas started firing deadly Fireballs at me I was lucky that with my elemental powers I took less Elemental damage from the fire than a

Normal wolf did I turned and ran as fast as I could losing the gas somewhere behind me I wasn’t expecting to get attacked so early and who was this fungi the mushroom Lord before I could take the time to process any of this zombies came shambling towards me out of the

Trees in a moment of panic I hit them with an energy blast destroying them using my powers like this is exhausting I need to find somewhere to sleep and figure all of this mess out I found some shade beneath the tree and laid down to

Get some sleep on day two I woke up from under the tree and went exploring the Ancient Forest it seemed that this experience wouldn’t be as awesome as I thought I need to find out everything I can about this mushroom Lord and why nightmarish nether creatures like the

Gast are serving him but first seeing is how my Powers exhaust me I need some tools and some food I started on the tools first in the ancient Forest I was completely surrounded by trees that’s why it was so easy to break one of them down and collect enough wood to make

Myself a trusty wood pickaxe well not that trusty but it’s a decent means to an end I used the pickaxe to mine up some of the stone blocks between the stone and some spare sticks I soon had a stone pickaxe and a stone sword not quite as defenseless now that brings me

Some small Comfort at least I continued to exploring the forest with my new tools until I happened to upon an evoker standing in a clearing I approached to ask him a few questions greetings proudy voker I’m Zozo the elemental wolf I have an important question to ask you but

First an even more important question do you have any food of course Zoo here have some of this meat it’s what a growing wolf needs evoker gave me some meat which I ate seeing my hunger bar replenish thank you for this great kindness and as for the other question

Do you know anything about fungi the mushroom Lord I ran into his guest he seems like some kind of threat to this land you speak the truth o fungi is a great evil some say he rose up from the deep dark others say he was grown in

Some kind of fungle patch of Pure Evil all we know for sure is that he controls mutants monsters and Abominations across the world and if he isn’t stopped the entire Overworld will descend into corruption and filth that sounds like a job for a certain Elemental wolf rest

Assurity velker over the next 100 days fungi the mushroom Lord will be defeated on day three I knew that I needed to seek shelter I couldn’t hope to defeat the mushroom monster if I didn’t have a place to rest and H my abilities as an elemental wolf I have deep knowledge of

The ancestral home of the elemental wolves in the Ancient Forest perhaps I could seek shelter there but when I arrived at the ancestral home I was devastated to find that it was already in ruins it looked like nobody had really lived there in centuries this must mean I’m the last and only

Elemental wolf no matter I have a duty and I still need to see it through I’ll rebuild the ancestral home myself I crafted a stone Axe and chopped down trees to gather raw materials then set about painstakingly repairing the broken ancestral home until it was a brand new

Base of mine for a brief period I took a break to admire how the work was coming along when a huge vicious giant came charging Out of the Woods he must have been another one of the mushroom Lord’s monsters well the giant was big and I

Was small I didn’t back down I held my ground and fought back against the huge creature until he was no more and this AC of heroism gave me the power I needed to become bigger and stronger I also rose up to 20 hearts and gained the elemental ability to breathe fire yes

This is more like it I spent the rest of the day finishing up work on the base proud of myself for how well it was all developing from day four to day five I ventured out further into the forest wanting to find more wood and stone that

Would help me rebuild the ancestral home to its former glory when I have a fortress that’s truly fit for an elemental wolf it’ll give me the confidence I need to Vanquish the mushroom Lord and save the world but I must have been talking about saving the mushroom Lord a little too loudly

Because suddenly the same gas I’d run away from earlier had popped out of the trees you insolent brat you have no idea the power you’re messing with the mushroom Lord is a God and you are a mere ant why are you so devoted to serving that nasty toad stool you have

No idea the power He commands they say he cannot be destroyed and all who f him are doomed to fall ill and wither away such is his Supreme toxic power the only thing that’s toxic to your devotion is this evil wannabe ruler so how about we

Cut the talk and fight this one out that’s the first intelligent thing you’ve said all day the ghast was a formidable foe with his deadly exploding Fireballs but in the end it was my Elemental energy blast that won the day the ghast Was Defeated and I gathered up

The materials I’d come to collect before making my way back to my b face from day six to day eight I ventured into a deep dark mind Network that contained many Treasures secrets and deadly enemies I crept through carefully trying not to attract any unwanted attention I was

Here for one thing and one thing only some valuable iron ore perfect for upgrading my weapons we’ll see who wins gross squishy mushrooms or reliable cold iron I looked up after the mining was done hearing footsteps it was a ghost Miner walking towards me out of the

Darkness but once again I wasn’t going to fold I Unleashed my Elemental flame breath on the ghost Miner easily defeating it then I proceeded further into the dusty old cave where I found an abandoned furnace there I forged an iron sword and an iron pickaxe the mushroom

Lord is going to love these I’m sure from day 9 to day 10 I decided to leave the cave and the Ancient Forest and explore the automo Valley it’s been an intense few days I think I need to go to a nice calm place and clear my head so I

Can make a plan of action but because the universe has a cruel sense of humor during this mission of relaxation I found fungi the mushroom Lord himself waiting for me a huge terrifying fungus man ah so you’re the Little Cub they call Zoo you’re far less impressive than

I was led to believe such a shame I thought having an interesting Challenger might liven up this whole process this process being the great change I will alter and rebuild this Sad Little World in my own image so far none have offered up a meaningful Challenge and I don’t expect

That you will change this allow me to prove you wrong fungi I Unleashed my strongest attacks on him energy blast fire breath and even the strikes as my new iron sword but it had no effect that’s when he struck me with an energy blast of his own that almost destroyed

Destroyed me all I could do was run away in Terror I ran as fast as my Elemental wolf legs could carry me even when I could no longer see fungi the mushroom Lord I still felt terrified of him I don’t think I’d ever been so close to total Destruction in my darkest moment

Yet an air Elemental appeared be calm child fear will not save you here how could I be calm I couldn’t even slightly hurt him and hurting me was nothing to him I’m outclassed here but Zoo you’re the only one who can defeat him do you not know of the prophecy about the

Elemental wolf prophecy look I don’t want to talk here he could pop up at any time come back to my base with me the ancestral home of the elemental wolves we’ll talk more there from day 11 to day 12 I returned to my base to find the air

Elemental already there waiting for me how did you do that I’m an air Elemental young Zozo I can move as Swift and silently as the wind then I guess I better build you a new room right now there’s only one for me that would be much appreciated Zozo I spent the rest

Of the afternoon building the air Elemental a new room in the ancestral home when it was done he fited in there nicely you have done well Zozo allow me to give you your first mission you must Source armor but wolves can’t wear armor air Elemental what use would armor give

Me you’re not going to wear it Zozo you’re going to keep it in the chest at the ancestral home having it in there will harden the strength of your spirit it’s an ancient tradition you see very well master I shall do this good take this potion of strength should you

Encounter trouble on your way I returned to the cave where I Min for more iron ore however my little Adventure was interrupted by a huge terrifying Dead Worm burrowing through the ground towards me I tried to shoot it with an energy blast but it resisted the attack

I needed to quickly drink the potion of strength the air Elemental had given me that gave me the Boost I needed to pull out my sword and finally defeat the Beast then I took the iron ore down to the underground furnace and smelted it into a full set of iron armor and

Finished my tool set after that I went back to my base and the air Elemental created a chest in my room I put all my new iron armor inside and just hoped that the air Elemental was right I’ll take anything that could help me right

Now from day 13 to day 15 I convened with the air Elemental in his room he told me that he wanted to tell me about the prophecy he had mentioned earlier you said something about an elemental wolf prophecy yes yes that I did it’s an ancient one

That I studied back when I was a mere monk before ascending to the level of air Elemental the prophecy says that a Darkness would rise up from the ground and spread evil and tyranny across the Overworld many would fall but in the end a Great Hero the final Elemental wolf

Would rise up discover his true power and turn back to the dark I believe that prophesied one is you Zozo but but that’s impossible the last time I fought fungi the mushroom Lord I didn’t leave a scratch on him and he almost destroyed me I can’t be the one from the prophecy

You can be and I truly believe you are Zozo but you must train hard and fight with all you have only then can you stand a chance against the terror that faces you are you up for the challenge I I’ll have to think about it from day 16

To day 19 I woke up to find that the base was eerily quiet I searched around but I couldn’t find the air Elemental anywhere this isn’t good I sense that something terrible has happened I need to follow my Elemental intuition and find him before it gets any worse I

Followed my senses out to the cold swamplands there I couldn’t help but feel paranoid it was like I was being watched every step I took and those senses paid off because suddenly an Ender Creeper teleported in front of me the mushroom Lord was right you fell right into our trap little silly wolfy

And you think you’re going to be the one who who defeats him embarrassing what did you do with the air Elemental if you hurt him all you’re what there’s nothing you can do nothing except be destroyed the Ender Creeper ran at me preparing to explode he probably would have blown up half the

Swamplands if I hadn’t hit him with a quick energy blast destroying him before he had a chance to destroy me man the people that the mushroom Lord are sending after me really are dangerous suddenly the air Elemental popped out of nowhere he must have been bound by some

Kind of dark magic until I defeated that awful Ender Creeper Zozo you saved me you’re a true hero thank you so much for this master air Elemental I’m so happy you’re alive this is amazing news I’m going to return to the base to regain my strength stay safe out here Zozo fun guy

The mushroom Lord has agents everywhere the air Elemental left and I continued exploring the Eerie cold swamp plans during my search I found a few zombies and was able to defeat them with my deadly iron sword that gave me enough XP to level up again becoming bigger

Stronger going as high as 30 hearts and gaining a new ability claw attacks that feels appropriate for a wolf I decided to leave the swamp but on the way out I ran into a wise looking gold Pig you seem like you’re in a hurry son of

Course I am I’m going to defeat fungi the mushroom Lord no you’re not what yes I am am no you’re not fungi the mushroom Lord is a monster of Pure Evil he’s literally Invincible unless you have the Halo which is almost impossible to get there’s no way you can beat him oh from

Day 20 to day 22 I returned to my base only to see a couple more zombies Milling around the grounds the corruption of fungi the mushroom Lord seems to spread everywhere I used my claw attacks to destroy the two zombies then slinked off to my room feeling

Defeated maybe there really was no way for me to defeat the mushroom Lord maybe the prophecy was all nonsense as if sensing myself out the air Elemental wafted towards me Zozo I’ve been working on something for you I wanted to wait until it was done but I think you need

To see it now it’s a statue a kind of Monument meant to inspire you and remind you of your inner strength perhaps you can help me finish it I went out behind my base and saw the beginnings of a statue already it was amazing even on

Inspiring I felt so grateful to the air Elemental for everything he’ done can you guess what it is yet if you can tell me down in the comments and while you’re down there remember to subscribe to Zozo and hit the Bell to make sure you never

Miss one of our adventures from day 23 to Day 26 a swarm of gas floated towards my base launching explosive Fireballs trying to damage the statue we’ve been working on oh no more of the mushroom Lord’s minions don’t worry I’ll handle them be careful Zozo I leaked into

Action I had already taken on one guas so I was feeling pretty confident about this fight but they outnumbered me I had to be careful not to take any hits since they’d come from the nether the gas managed to resist my fire breath but luckily my energy blast seemed to do the

Trick one of them even dropped an item I’d never seen before a fire aspect enchantment for my sword wow this is so cool i’ better try it out I ventured off to the ainal valley to practice my new fire aspect sword on a horde of Meandering zombies

Each hit of my new weapon made them burst into flames once the zombies were dispatched a mysterious stranger approached me wow that’s a mighty impressive blade you’ve got there thanks who are you well I’m a weapon Smith see I specialize in quality crafted swords bows you name it I’ve been trying to get

To safety since the mushroom Lord’s forces started swarming all over the place I don’t suppose you know anywhere I can stay sure come back to my base in the Ancient Forest we returned to my base and the weaponsmith saw some of the damage the gas had left so they

Suggested some ways we can improve the defenses making my ancestral home better protected against attacks I built a perimeter wall to keep the mushroom Lord’s minions at Bay and in return for giving me the idea I surprised the weaponsmith with a new room that he could stay in this looks fantastic Zozo

Thank you from day 27 to day 31 I decided to ask the weapon Smith if they knew anything about the Halo the mystical item that could supposedly be used to defeat fungi the mushroom Lord once and for all oh yes sir I’ve heard many Legends of such a thing supposedly

An ancient and Powerful being fell from the sky many centuries ago it was the first being to wield a Halo and it used the power to create the Overworld and fill it with life then it created balance between all the elements between light and dark good and evil but then

The dark and evil it had created to balance out all the good tried to overthrow the mighty creature and steal the halo for their own dastardly means in the end the ancient Thing cast its Halo out into space some folks like to think it’s what formed the heart of the

Sun and keeps it burning huh that’s quite the story you think you could Forge a Halo of our own well that’s no small feat Zozo it would just be a knockoff if I made it besides a Halo requires a powerful being one able to bring balance to all the elements in

Order to wield it but the real thing could be out there somewhere there’s some stories about it being lost at the heart of the swamplands so maybe start there my search for the Halo took me into the swamplands again but I wasn’t able to get very far a witch

Ambushed me sent by the mushroom Lord to stop my progress the witch was wielding dangerous spells and although I fired a few energy blasts back I couldn’t get close enough to use my claw attacks so I had to retreat from day 32 to day 35 I was still determined to track down the

Ancient Halo maybe the prophecy of the elemental wolf meant I could wield it and you used its power to stop the mushroom Lord I ventured back to the cold swamplands and luckily that pesky witch had gone but the place wasn’t empty completely by chance I stumbled across a weird creature that looked like

A mix between a chicken and some kind of lizard hey what the heck are you why I’m a catri but my friends all call me Clarence are you with the mushroom Lord I heard he controls all sorts of monsters and mutants that’s rude I’m actually trying to get away from the

Mushroom Lord sorry I didn’t mean to offend you say why don’t you come back to the Ancient Forest my base is there sounds like a plan Zozo I’ll see you there Clarence ran out of sight adding another person to my forces in the war against evil but then all of a sudden

The mushroom Lord emerged Clarence Clarence there’s no use in hiding you will be mine oh no I need to make myself scarce before the mushroom Lord could see me I quickly dug a small pit into the ground and hid in it until he passed through through pH that was a close one

From Day 36 to day 39 I made my way back to my base where Clarence was waiting for me I immediately started working on a comfy new room for him and when the room was done Clarence and I sat inside discussing our common enemy so what made

You want to leave the mushroom Lord’s armies he’s just so cruel all he cares about is controlling the Overworld and making everyone do his bidding some of us just want to live our lives do our own thing without him telling us what to do all the time say Clarence I’ve been

Searching for a Halo so I can use its power to stop the mushroom Lord once and for all do you think you could help me find it Well what do you know I heard about something like that they say that the Halo glows bright with the heat of

The heavens so why don’t you head someplace hot to find your Halo that’s a pretty good idea I’ll head to the desert things are pretty hot out there listen Zozo I wanted to repay you for letting me stay I notice you had an unfinished statue outside so I thought I’d give you

A hand with it what do you think I went to take a look at the statue’s progress wao I’m really impressed thanks Clarence you didn’t need to do that I’m happy to help but I still appreciate the gesture the statue was looking better than ever a large Recreation of an elemental wolf

Like me that perfectly told everyone around not to mess with us and that this forest was protected even if the statue was unfinished seeing it closer to completion made me feel inspired from day 40 to day 43 the weapon Smith informed me that I’d need some much

Stronger gear if I was going to explore the desert in search of a magic Halo listen here Zozo you don’t want to get stuck in the desert without the right equipment luckily I can make you what you need I just need you to head into a cave near here to grab the right

Materials no problem just be careful there could be all sorts of Critters down there I set off to the cave that the weapon Smith had pointed out and it didn’t take long for me to meet some Critters just like they’d warned me I had to fight my way through the nasty

Insects but lucky for me my fire aspect sword was burning through them pretty easily it was only as I got deeper into the cave that I just discovered a nest of the bugs with a merx queen in the center I used an energy blast to clear

The path too much fire and I’d run the risk of getting burned myself with the nest cleared out I found what I needed diamonds bringing them back to the weapon Smith they were able to turn the diamonds into a matching diamond pickaxe and Diamond Sword for me now I was ready

To head off to the desert from day 44 to day 49 I was certainly glad to have a diamond sword handy when I first made my long journey to the desert I encountered a troll a huge ugly beast that tried to smash me to Pieces luckily I was able to

Dodge out of the path of his attacks he was much bigger and slower so my Wolf’s speed made it easier to duck and weave between his clumsy cumbersome swings before I could land the final blow with my sword with the troll defeated and out of my way I continued towards the desert

But when I arrived it was clear just how dangerous this place was someone was already in trouble help somebody help it was a cyclops who was being crowded by vicious husks they were using the fact he had only one eye to take swipes at him from all sides I jumped right in to

Help hacking all the husks down wow thanks so much for your help no problem I don’t suppose you know where I can find the ancient Halo the Halo I’m pretty sure there’s an old Temple around here somewhere that might have what you seek come on I’ll lead you there just

Keep an eye out from more husks will you from day 50 to day 53 we made our journey to the Ancient Temple and looked around the place was pretty much deserted all just ruins like when I had found what was left of my ancestral home back in the forest the Cyclops and I

Went into separate directions to search leaving each of us alone suddenly I was confronted by the witch I’d found in the swamp you again I’ll deal with this metalsome pup once and for all then I’ll find that Halo and destroy it to win favor with the mushroom Lord our battle

Began and I had to move out of the path of the witch’s spells I’d faced off against that powerful magic before and it had almost taken me out but I had more experience now I’d learn from my past defeats and I’d come with new weapons so I leapt into action and

Swiped my diamond sword at the witch it worked I landed some strong hits then used the rubble of the temple as cover jumping back out at the right time I was finally able to beat the witch for good the Cyclops had been hiding but reappeared to show me around the Temple

There was a hidden area underneath the floor go down there alone Zozo I’m way too scared I went into the underground area alone and there we found something I never expected to see it wasn’t the Halo it was a Lightning Dragon ah you must have come seeking the Halo sorry to

Disappoint but don’t worry you’re on the right path you cannot merely find the Halo it must find you how can I make it find me you must master balance Zoo become the balance of all elements then and only then will you find what you

Seek from day 54 to day 57 I made the long journey back to my base when I arrived I was so happy to see how much it had improved I took a look at all the upgrades that my friends had made well i’ had been gone there were more

Defensive walls around the perimeter we even had a watchtower where I could keep a lookout for the mushroom Lord’s forces it was all coming together really nicely I spoke with my mentor the air Elemental about the advice the Lightning Dragon had given me achieving balance between the elements is your destiny Zozo but

It’s no easy task you need to seek out the root of evil and start tipping the scales and as you do you’ll learn more with every Victory here there is one of the mushroom Lords cronies scouring the Ancient Forest for you go and tilt the scales back towards balance I set off to

Find the mushroom Lord’s mob and sure enough discovered a dread L this thing was scary I’d never fought anything like it before but my focus was on my goal I had to master the elements and bring back balance and I used that to guide me through the fight with my goal in mind

Battling The Dread lch seemed Easy by comparison and it fell at my flame breath and Diamond blade I moved as Swift as the air with the ferocity of fire and held my ground with the strength of Earth I was starting to learn what it really meant to be an

Elemental wolf when I returned back to my base the weaponsmith had a new Diamond Helmet forg for me so I added it to my armor chest feeling happy I was making so much progress from day 58 to day 62 I was woken up by the weaponsmith who seemed super excited to show me

Something come take a look Zozo we’ve been working hard on getting this place looking M fine come see the best part it was the statue it had been almost finished and it looked amazing it towered over the main area of the Fortress proud and a inspiring I was so

Happy to see it almost finished it looks awesome thanks so much suddenly an explosive Fireball rocked one of our walls I ran outside to see the air Elemental panicking Zozo Gs are attacking we need to fend them off remember what you’ve learned about balance Yes master you and all the

Others should hide in the buildings I’ll take them all on with everyone else in safety it was time for me to take on the ghast attackers I hopped Into The Fray this time I tried to imagine water how fluidly it moved but also how strong and dangerous it could be my elements had

All the strength and speed of a flash flood and it meant I was able to take down all of the gas in no time but I wasn’t fast enough to save one of my friends a gas had launched a fireball as it ran away retreating to the mushroom

Lord and the fireball had struck my trusty weapon Smith from day 63 to day 66 I was still feeling sad at the loss of my friend the weapon Smith I had decided to venture back to the desert to seek more information from the Lightning Dragon although I was sad I wanted to

Use the Halo to stop the Evil Mushroom Lord I remembered my goal balance not just balancing the elements but also finding the right balance of my emotions too I allowed myself to be sad for my friend but also had to make sure I didn’t let anger or hatred get the

Better of me when I returned to the temple in the desert the Lightning Dragon was nowhere to be found that was strange I thought but then again he had been cooped up underground for who knows how many centuries maybe he just needed to get out and some sightseeing but in

His place was an old book he must have left it behind I opened it up to read and it told the story of the Halo in much more detail and even better there was a clue about where to look for it I couldn’t allow myself to get impatient

Learn how to master balance and the Halo would find me that’s what the dragon told me suddenly I was attacked by the gas the one who had escaped this was my chance to defeat it but well I could have done so out of Revenge for my Fallen Friend the weaponsmith instead I

Remembered my lessons about about balance and dealt with the last cast from day 67 to Day 70 I headed into the heart of the Ancient Forest like the book had suggested there was a Sinister Fortress waiting for me it was the mushroom Lord’s Hideout it was no wonder

His forces had been able to find my base so easily and so many times his face wasn’t far from mine it had been under my nose the whole time I tried to get closer to the Fortress but it was guarded on all sides by mutant zombies

Halt by order of the mushroom Lord I’m not halting for him his time is up I need to end his reign of terror once and for all I attacked the mutant zombie and easily chopped it down but in the commotion more of them started swarming to my location there was a huge horde

Too many for me to take down alone just as I was about to be defeated I heard the voice of the air Elemental in my head Zozo don’t give up hope things are tough right now but you can’t take on the mushroom Lord until you’re ready get

To safety with that I ran back back to a safe distance where the air Elemental was waiting for me from day 71 to day 74 once we had made our way to safety the air Elemental noticed my discomfort I know you’re frustrated Zozo but you can’t give into that frustration if you

Hope to succeed I understand we all do but you just want to do right by others but don’t worry Victory will come in its own time as we headed back to our base we came across a note that some of the mushroom Lord’s forces had left on a

Tree we thought it was to send a message to all of his various mutants and monsters but it was entirely possible he wanted to brag to me specifically good news my minions I have in my possession the ancient Halo it was not lost I have had it all along but we cannot be

Complacent the last thing we want is Zozo getting his hands on it so be alert and if you spot that Elemental wolf you know what to do the air Elemental offered me some food to replenish my hunger and we continued towards the base from day 75 to day 78 we returned to my

Base in the Ancient Forest although my spirits were pretty low seeing how much my home had been improved was enough to make me smile again the place had gotten much bigger not quite the size of the mushroom Lord’s fungal Fortress but still with more rooms and better storage

And crafting areas it reminded me of the weaponsmith and how he’d be proud to see how far we’d come suddenly there was an attacker at the per wall it was one of the Mutant Zombies it must have followed our Trail back from the mushroom Lord’s base immediately I went in to attack it

But not out of anger I had to make sure to follow the air Elementals teachings and not let myself be too frustrated I thought with all the ferocity of fire but also the calmness of Still Water I stood my ground like Stone and finally moved with the Swift speed of the air I

Was in tune with all the elements and it allowed me to beat the mutant zombie to my surprise I leveled up up my victory had made me even stronger I now had 50 hearts and a new understanding of my Elemental abilities this gave me a special power the dragon Fireball attack

Even better the mutant zombie dropped a clue fungi the mushroom Lord was going to be in the ainal valley soon from day 79 to day 84 I headed off to the automnal valley where I had first encountered the mushroom Lord back then I had learned that he was planning to

Unleash the great change and turn everything in the Overworld into an awful fungus filed realm but how is he going to do it was that what he needed the halo for and why come to this place specifically my thoughts were interrupted by another cockatrice popping out in front of me hey who are

You I’m Carl the cockatrice and you must be Zozo the elemental wolf so are you friendly like Clarence I know not all cockatrice agree with the mushroom Lord oh you want to find the mushroom lord well he’s planning to use the winds here to carry his fungus spores across the

Overworld here I can take you to him I trusted the cockatrice like Clarence but to my surprise he turned on me he was still loyal to fungi we battled and I used my dragon Fireball attack to finish off Carl from day 85 to day 89 I decided

To find anyone else that could help me put a stop to fungi the mushroom Lord’s plans I thought the most knowledgeable person to ask after my mentor the air Elemental would be the Lightning Dragon so I headed back to the temple where he had been before but sadly he still

Hadn’t returned that’s when the Cyclops popped back up oh hey there Zozo hi you’re the Cyclops from before right yes sir Simon’s the name didn’t get a chance to thank you for dealing with that witch and those zombies before no problem I don’t suppose you know where the dragon

Went no idea I haven’t seen him since he left the temple that’s a shame I really needed his advice anything I can help with it’s the least I could do after you helped me out I don’t suppose you know how I can get the Halo and defeat fungi

The mushroom Lord fungi well the Halo would help you for sure but you mean you haven’t tried netherite yet netherite yeah Fung’s weak to netherite and lucky for you I know a place you can get yourself some from day 90 to Day 94 I headed off to the place that Simon the

Cyclops had pointed out for me it was a cave where apparently someone had stashed some netherite ingots and forgotten about them I kept my guard up after being betrayed by Carl I couldn’t be 100% sure that this wasn’t a trap and at any rate the last time I was in a

Cave I had a whole nest of nasty meraxes to clear out but much to my pleasant surprise I found the chest without any trouble and sure enough it was filled with netherite Ingus but I couldn’t just hurl them at fungi and call it a day no I needed to craft them into something

That could help me win the day I thought back to my old friend the weaponsmith and it gave me the perfect idea I’d make a netherite sword luckily there was something something that looked like a Smithy right next to me by combining the ingots with my trusty diamond sword I

Was able to turn it into a brand new netherite sword one that would weaken the mushroom Lord when we next battled from day 95 to day 97 I made my way back to my base in the Ancient Forest it had been a long journey and the ancestral

Home of my fellow Elemental wolves was almost restored to its former glory there was just one final touch here Zozo we’ve been working on it to keep your spirits up but you should be the one to put the final piece in place with that I added the final piece to the elemental

Wolf statue with the Statue done the air Elemental approached me it’s time Zozo you’ve learned much about harnessing the elements and restoring balance to the Overworld before you face the mushroom Lord once more you deserve to give yourself a moment to remember just how far you’ve come and just how much

Progress you’ve made taking a moment I realized that I’d grown and gone stronger as the statue had gotten bigger it was there as a reminder of how much I’d gone gone through and how big I felt on the inside now it had been one heck

Of a journey and not always an easy one but I wasn’t the same wolf cub that I’d been when I started ow on day 98 I got ready to set off to take on fungi the mushroom Lord one more time first I spoke to Clarence the cockatrice Well Clarence this might be

Goodbye for good Zozo wait I want to come with you are you sure I thought you were scared of the mushroom Lord I am or at least I was but I should have stood up to him instead of running away if you’re going to take him down then now’s

As good of a time as any for me to do what I should have done from the start glad to have you with me Clarence as we went to leave my air Elemental Mentor had one final bit of wisdom to impart Zozo you must remember all you’ve

Learned you can restore balance as an elemental wolf with the Halo in your possession you’ll be able to bring all the elements of the Overworld into harmony once again but there is one one final thing you must do if you’ve been enjoying this video be sure to hit the

Like button leave a comment and subscribe to the channel on day 99 Clarence and I marched up to the huge fungal Fortress of the mushroom Lord our plan was to get inside ween fungi and get that Halo back from him we were met by a horde of zombies ahead of us but I

Remembered all I had learned so far and relied on my elemental powers to fight back my dragon Fireball attack took out a bunch of them as I used Fire and Air at the same time I swung my netherite sword at the zombies taking them out in

One hit the air was guiding My Sword and the netherite hiding within the Earth was strengthening my blows the zombies had once been a challenge with their numbers but now I was better attuned with the balance of the elements staying calm and cutting through them one by one

As more and more zombies flooded out Clarence hung back to distract them and I ran right into the base ready to take down the mushroom Lord himself on day 100 I I searched the fungus Fortress for the mushroom Lord but instead I found what I’d been looking for the Halo but

It was guarded by a mighty pigas I used all of the elements to defeat him and sure enough just like the Lightning Dragon had promised I obtained the Halo I leveled up getting 80 hearts and even one more extra ability a lightning blast I hurled crackling bolt of lightning at

The pigas before long they had been defeated which only left their Master Zoo you won’t stop the great change even with that blasted Halo you’ll never stop my plans soon the Overworld will be mine a filthy fungus ridden Paradise for me to rule over no fungi you’ll never win I

Have mastered all the elements but most importantly I know why you’ll never win because there must be balance the Overworld can’t just be one thing foolish w wolf you have been a thorn in my side for too long right before my eyes fungi the mushroom Lord grew into a

Huge version of himself although I was surprised I didn’t let my fear rule me after all two could play that game I channeled the balance of all the elements and called on the power of the Halo to transform into my ultimate form a the battle was on I swiped at fungi

With my netherite sword and it worked diamon was right netherite made him weaker I fought with all the attacks at my disposal energy blast Then followed up with a claw attack and some extra Dragon Fireball and lightning strikes for good measure the netherite made my attacks do some real lasting damage the

Mushroom Lord was almost beaten I summoned up all the elements Earth Wind Fire the water lightning and energy of the Overworld and channel them into one last swing of my sword boom it worked fungi the mushroom Lord Was Defeated he exploded into tiny little spores but

This wasn’t a chance for me to be cruel so I called up the wind to carry his spores across the Overworld just enough so that fungus and mushrooms would grow after all everything had to be balanced that was my job as the elemental wolf on day one I spawned into the beautiful

Flower Forest as an elemental monkey this is awesome I’m out here living my best monkey life but some people didn’t want me to live my best monkey life or rather some skeletons I saw one of them coming towards me through the flowers trespasser Stop in the Name of the war

You shouldn’t be here but I just spawned here it isn’t my fault how about you just point the way out and I’ll leave it doesn’t work like that there are spies everywhere and if I have a reason to believe you’re one of them I’m taking you in for interrogation I really didn’t

Want to be interrogated so in sheer panic I just turned and ran as fast as I could until I couldn’t even see the scary skeleton behind me I don’t know why they’re picking on me I’m just a baby Elemental monkey with 10 Hearts it’s not like I could do any real damage

To them but my thoughts were interrupted when suddenly another skeleton with a bow popped out in front of me stop right there criminal you make any sudden movements and you’ll taste the steel of my arrow heads okay okay what do you want me to do I’ll follow your commands

If you don’t hurt me come with me then and no funny stuff my arrow finger is extremely itchy and so I followed the skeleton through the flower Forest worrying about my future on day two the skeleton with the bow led me towards a dark Drury base in the middle of the

Flower Forest it didn’t look like anything good went on in there maybe we can just talk this out Mr skeleton you’ve already tried to run criminal that’s why we’re keeping you on a short leash we’ll talk sure but only when we have you behind bars now move it I was

Sent into the deep dark depths of the base and locked away in a large and Sinister holding cell but I wasn’t the only one in there there was also a Wandering Trader ah a fellow businessman unfairly imprisoned for merely trying to make a living in this hard cold world it

Isn’t easy being a Wandering traitor in this world is it my boy oh I think you’re a little confused I’m not a Wandering Trader I’m an elemental monkey who just got trapped after I spawned my name’s Zozo oh Zozo I see well either way we’re in this together old chop

Perhaps we could start a business a million dooll idea we’ll be rich I tell you rich uh I don’t know if we’ll ever make any money if we’re still trapped in here we need to figure out a way to escape I wonder if I have any Elemental monkey powers I concentrated hard and

Suddenly I fired an ice blast okay this has potential I blasted ice against the wall until a section of it was frozen and then smashed through it freeing myself and the wandering Trader brilliant work my friend I’d go with you but I need to go speak with my

Shareholders may we meet again Zoo good luck with all your uh business stuff Trader I ran off feeling pretty sick of the flower Forest hopefully there are some Chiller folks Elsewhere on day three I went to the Frozen Peaks knowing I’d probably be safe from the skeletons

There I’m freezing out here so I imagine how cold a skeleton would be they don’t even have any skin but I wasn’t just cold I was also hungry because it was so cold out there I wouldn’t be able to find any yummy bananas instead I was able to find some yummy winter kissed

Carrots M snow and carrots such a classic combination who doesn’t enjoy eating that having had my fill of the carrots I carried on exploring the Frozen Peaks hoping that I could find something that would help warn me up but instead of finding a nice warm coat or

Crackling fire i instead found a huge creature the towering High raver oh no are you going to attack me too why would I attack you monkey are you going to attack me uh no then we have nothing to worry about I am the Mighty High River

And these are my frozen Peaks oh that’s great do you know where I can find somewhere warm I’m kind of freezing out here yes I believe I could take you somewhere nice and warm but you’ll need to do me some favors in exchange follow me Zozo it was only as I followed him

Away way that I started to wonder if I ever told him my name from day four to day five the high Reaver took me to his base up in the Frozen Peaks which was warmed by a huge roaring fireplace my apologies for the mess if I knew I’d be

Entertaining guests I would have cleaned up a little please no need to apologize this place is amazing how did you build something like this it’s huge it wasn’t always me once I had workers so many of them and they loved working for me I kept them all warm and happy and safe in

Here until one day one day what happened well some terrible terrible people banded together and attacked my base all my workers were either destroyed or chased away and I was left all alone oh no that’s horrible and that’s not even the worst part the ones who did this are

Still out there walking free after they destroyed my life I can’t let something like that stand I’ll help you get revenge on all the people who did this to you high Reaver that’s very kind of you Zozo in exchange I will bestow upon you power and tools suddenly the high

Reaver transferred some of his power to me it was amazing I got bigger stronger I now had 20 hearts in total and a new power the claw attack after that the high Reaver gave me a stone sword and a stone pickaxe thank you high reav I’m

Going to go build my base somewhere a little warmer but then I’ll begin my quest for you I went to the glowing Ancient Forest where I felt more confident in my elemental powers and started mining stone and collecting wood from trees it didn’t take me long to

Start building a basic base where I could at least sleep at night after it was done I stood back and took it all in finally appreciating that I could have a place of my own but my appreciation was interrupted by one of the skeletons from earlier suddenly emerging his bow at the

Ready there you are I knew you couldn’t be trusted I’m not giving you a second chance this time but before he could shoot me I blasted him with an ice blast and then ran in finishing him off with my claws nobody is pushing this Elemental monkey around anymore from day

Six to day 8 I was hanging around at my base for a while psyching myself up for my next meeting with the high Reaver I was excited to go on the mission but I’d only ever fought a skeleton before so I didn’t know if I was ready am I going to

Be strong enough to take on the people who kidnapped or destroyed all of the high raver’s beloved workers while I was thinking it over I saw a familiar face the wandering Trader walking through the glowing Ancient Forest I immediately ran over to see how he was doing Zozo my boy

Such a delight to see you in such troubling times I hope all of your own Ventures and Enterprises are going well business Marches On I told you before Trader I’m not a business guy but what do you mean troubling times oh you see I travel all the way across the Overworld

Trading this and that doing business bus and such but LLY well something is wrong missing people destroyed Villages it’s like there’s a plague across the land there’s no way this is a coincidence it must be the same people the high Reaver told me about I need to look into this

Further I left at once and later that day I arrived at the high raver’s base and told him I was ready to take on my first mission it’s good to see that you’re eager Zozo you’ll be doing me in the world a great service first you must

Go further into the Frozen Peaks and annihilate the onion Queen I still remember all the Terrible Things She did destroy her and we will go from there yes H Reaver I’ll do it at once from Day N to day 10 I made my way to the Frozen

Peaks climbing higher and higher as I went to take on the onion Queen my first big enemy I wasn’t quite sure what horrible things she’d done the high Reaver hadn’t gone into much detail about it but maybe that was because her crimes were too terrible to even talk

About soon after we met face to face halt Who Dares approach her Regal onus the onion Queen we meet at last let me guess a lacky for the high reav of course how predictable yeah I’m here to take you down you’d be wise to reconsider your next actions there are

More layers than you could possibly understand otherwise this will will all end in tears let’s see shall we I leapt into the battle using my Elemental Monkey ICE blast and Claw attacks along with my stone sword but I couldn’t cut through all the onion Queen’s protective

Layers I wasn’t tough enough yet all I could do was flee suddenly someone else came speeding in he was some kind of sorcerer who could wield powerful Rock attacks I watched in awe as he was able to defeat the onion queen I’m glad I found you Elemental monkey

Hey I’m Zozo who are you I am the last of the noble geomancers masters of the elements of earth time is short we must get you to safety and train you to harness all the elements hold on I’m not so sure about this I think I should go and speak to

The high Reaver first your path is your own Zozo seek me out if you find yourself lost from day 11 to day 12 I made my way way back to the high re’s base things were just getting stranger and stranger I wasn’t sure who to side

With the high Reaver seemed like he was just a guy in need of help but what had that old geomancer wanted to train me for you’ve done well Zozo with the onion Queen no longer stinking up the place my plans I mean our plans can move forward

I need you to complete another task for me the high rever sent me off to a deep cave nearby to mine for some useful resources that I could craft iron armor with after after all I might need the added protection on my quest there wasn’t much in the way of enemies down

There but I came across some iron ore and was able to use a furnace to make iron ingots with these ingots I made a few iron armor pieces as well as an iron sword and an iron pickaxe but then just as I was leaving the cave and venturing

Off I was ambushed by some Icy creepers I tried using my ice blast on them but quickly realized they could withstand the freezing cold so instead I had to resort to using my sword to shatter each of them before heading off to my next objective from the high raver from day

13 to day 15 I traveled to the ancient glowing forest in search of another of the high raver’s enemies he told me to seek out an Alpha’s hyena but wouldn’t really explain why he needed me to take care of it I assumed like I had done

With the onion queen that this hyena had wronged the high Reaver in some way perhaps being responsible for him losing all of his workers but the high Reaver seemed oddly evasive about the specific details when I spotted the alpha hyena I’d been expecting to come across a wild

Ferocious beast but instead it was just an ordinary animal taking care of its pack this didn’t make any sense why would the high Reaver want me to destroy innocent animals the alpha hyena wasn’t hurting anyone in fact it was just Gathering food and providing for its

Hyena pups taking care of its family I couldn’t go through with it I had to get a straight answer so instead of attacking the alpha hyena minding its own business I decided I’d return to the high Reaver to get my answers from day 16 to day 19 I marched back to the high

Reaver base full of purpose and determined to get an honest answer out of him that was fast did you take care of the alpha hyena no I came back for the truth what really happened to your workers and why are you sending me out to defeat all of these mobs what’s

Really going on here Zozo I have already told you all you need to know I suggest you go and cool off somewhere little Elemental monkey unsatisfied with that response I headed back to my base deep within the anient glowing Forest when I got there my pal the wandering traitor

Was there waiting for me oh thank goodness Zozo you’re here I need your help why what’s going on it’s the high Reaver he was the one behind the plague across the land someone must have angered him he’s attacking a nearby Village as we speak it’s just terrible

For business the high Reaver had really been evil this whole time he tricked me into doing his Dirty Work full of Rage I rushed to try and stop him and sure enough came across him ransacking some of the ancient glowing Forest we could have worked together zoo I would have

Trained you a powerful Elemental monkey with control over all the natural elements could have been perfect for reshaping the land in my image but if you won’t follow me then I’ll just have to tear everything down and rebel from scratch I leapt in to try and fight the

High Reaver but he was much stronger than I could have anticipated in my anger I lost my concentration he hit me with a powerful energy blast that set me flying and I hit my head so hard that I fell unconscious from day 20 to day 22 I

Finally came back around by the time I woke up the high Reaver was gone and the area within the ancient glowing Forest had been destroyed I swore I’d stop the high Reaver somehow nobody was ever going to trick this Elemental monkey again excuse me I saw you trying to

Fight off that brute the high Reaver you made made a valiant effort allow me to introduce myself I Am The mandora Prince and I believe I was who the high Reaver was after that’s why he attacked this place oh how come well you see he’s on a rampage trying to remove anyone that

Might be a threat to his power the onion Queen is already gone although she really was the worst but now I fear I may be next okay Prince you better follow me I’ll give you a place to stay for now hope where the Reaver won’t find

You we made our way back to my base and I went out to chop down some trees Gathering wood to make wooden panels so I could build the mandora prince his own room it helped to take my mind off of things for a little while from day 23 to

Day 26 I decided to retrace my steps back to the flower Forest to see if I could uncover any more information about the high Reaver or what I could do as an elemental monkey in order to stop him but it was while I was there I once again encountered a familiar face get

Away I said get away you can’t attack me think of all my business ventures my portfolio would be ruined if I’m destroyed by E mushrooms it was the wandering Traer he was under attack with some nearby fungus throwers hurling poisonous spores at him the wandering

Traer ran for it and I rushed in and tore one of the fungus throwers up with my claw attack freezing the other with an ice blast when the coast was clear the Traer reemerged Zozo many thanks again if you keep saving me like this I might have to put you on retainer

Well that’s your business I guess from day 27 to day 31 while searching for answers around the flower Forest I came across a flock of lost sheep they looked to me like they’d previously been looked after and cared for but were now wandering the wild of course they must

Have lived at one of the villages that the high Reaver destroyed so I decided I would adopt them and bring them back to my base I headed back home with the sheep and toe and got to work building a pen for them I crafted some wooden fencing and arranged it so there’d be

Plenty of space for the Sheep to roam about they’d be be much safer than roaming about unprotected in the wild then the mandra Gora Prince approached Zozo well you’ve been gone I’ve been working on a game room for us just a little token of my appreciation for you

Letting me stay here wow your princeless this looks great you don’t need to thank me though I’m happy to help anything that’ll make it easier to take down the high Reaver speaking of the high Reaver he was making upgrades and allies of his own up in his base in the Frozen Peaks

Ah Vex my diabolical old friend you’ve returned to serve me once again yes I reever what would you ask of me my plans have to accelerate I thought I could trick that Elemental monkey to my side but now we must make sure Zoo never reaches his Full Potential from day 32

To day 35 I decided I’d try a new approach making some more allies of my own after all I had already clashed with the high Reaver once in a one-on-one and it hadn’t ended well for me and before when I’d been trying to evade the skeletons I hadn’t really listened to

Their side of things and the H had used that to make me think they were the bad guys that’s why I returned to their base in the flower Forest but I wasn’t given a warm welcome hold it right there it’s you again you’re with the high Reaver we

Knew you couldn’t be trusted without warning the skeletons attacked I had to take cover using my monkey agility to dodge their arrows I needed to convince them that I didn’t mean any harm no wait I’m not with him I was tricked but I came back here to make amends it must

Have worked because they stopped firing but kept their bow trained on me you better come with us the shepherd will want to speak with you they took me to their leader a wise old Shepherd say did you lose some sheeps lately my name is more of a metaphor these skeletons are

My flock you see Zozo we were once the workers for a beastly Tyrant he commanded us to build a kingdom for him and we had no choice but to obey but he planned on working us to death so we turned our backs on him before it was

Too late in retaliation he put a curse on those of us that passed so that their bones may never rest he really is the worst but I intend to stop him if what you say is true then I ask you to prove your fty then I will be able to share

More with you from Day 36 to day 39 after making a rocky start with the skeletons and the shepherd I ventured off to M for some more iron ore I needed to complete myself of iron armor it looked like my luck was beginning to turn around because the iron wasn’t all

I managed to find buried deep in the cave were diamonds not enough to use just yet but definitely worth hanging on to by the time I returned back to the base there was someone waiting for me that I’d never seen before he told me that his name was Mason and he’d been

Sent as a messenger by the shepherd He needs your help Zozo the time has come to prove your filty if you can act fast then the shepherd and his skeletons will be at your side before I left to Aid the skeletons I turned iron ore into iron

Ingots and forged myself a full set of iron armor better to be safe than sorry from day 40 to day 43 I rushed to the location Mason had given me deep in the heart of the ancient glowing Forest when I arrived I finally saw the source of all the commotion some skeletons were

Under attack by Vex the high Reaver right hand henchmen Zozo we’ve been trying to fend him off but we need you I don’t know if I can this guy looks tough please we’re counting on your help it was me versus Vex one-on-one I leapt into the fight and cross swords with Vex

Who seemed to be weirdly happy to see me ah there’s the Troublesome little Elemental monkey I’ve heard so much about th Reaver will reward me handsomely when I bring you back to him in pieces we battled hard I tried using my elemental powers like the ice blast

It had no effect Vex Shrugged it off like it was nothing nice try I don’t really feel the cold I went in for a claw attack but it barely left a scratch it was becoming clear I wasn’t going to win this fight and if I Was Defeated or

Captured I had no hope of ever stopping the high Reaver so I decided to retreat ashamed at my weakness from day 44 to day 49 I headed back to my base feeling a little crushed that I hadn’t been able to defeat Vex or help the skeletons it

Was made even worse by the fact that now the shepherd probably wouldn’t want to help me anymore in my fight against the high Reaver at least that’s what I thought at first only to see him waiting for me when I arrived back at my base I

Owe you an apology Zozo I was wrong to bring you into such an intense battle so early without all the skills and tools you’d need but you showed a great deal of restraint out there and initiative too a fool would have kept fighting it takes one Wisa to know when it’s time to

Retreat and live to fight another day thanks although retreating won’t do much good against the high Reaver well I I might have just a thing for that as a show of Goodwill I will help you construct something that should take care of the high Riva once and for all

The Destroyer it is a powerful weapon once capable of undoing even the high Riva but there is one condition we must work together to build it under the shepherd’s directions we made a start making what we needed to create the Destroyer it was going to be a special

Build and the shepherd didn’t have all the directions on hand so after we had done all we could to get started he pointed me in the right direction to learn more about how to complete the weapon from day 50 to day 53 I left for the precarious Frozen Peaks making sure

I was careful to avoid the high reavers territory if I got too close no doubt he’d launch another attack on me I was searching the dangerous Peaks for a hidden cave the shepherd said there was a secluded Shrine somewhere up there which contained a book that could tell

Me more about The Destroyer after a whole lot of searching I found what I was looking for the book was old and dusty but it told me everything I need needed to know long ago a group of Mystics had divided the land into different regions and each of them had

Taken control of an individual region however they learned that one among them was building an empire on the backs of workers and he was planning to take control of the entire Overworld he was none other than the high Reaver when the other Mystics learned about this they crafted a magical weapon called The

Destroyer however it backfired they were able to weaken the high Reaver and halt his progress but in doing so they destroyed their primary weapon against him but what I was still wondering was where did I fit into all of this what was so important about me being an elemental monkey those questions would

Have to wait I was getting uneasy being in the Frozen Peaks for too long so I made my way back to my base from day 54 to day 57 I was on my way back to my base when I crossed paths with the last

Person I wanted to see Vex he was on his way back to the high Reaver base after the fight with all the skeletons and he instantly left at me to to attack well well well what do we have here come to turn yourself in Little Monkey you’re

Making my job too easy all I have to do is beat you and walk a few more feet to the high Reaver stronghold to collect my Kudos back off Vex I’m not in the mood for you we Crossed Swords once again and I knew that the horrible henchman was

Trying to irk me and get under my skin but as much as I wanted to teach him a lesson once and for all I had to force myself to remember that I was wasn’t tough enough to beat him I could hear the shepherd’s wise words too a fool

Keeps fighting but a wiser person knows when it’s time to retreat so I fled and lived a fight another day meanwhile the high Reaver had been watching from afar and wasn’t too pleased that I had gotten away Vex you buffoon we need that Elemental monkey gone for good only his

Energy can power the Destroyer he has the potential to harness all the elements and that makes him the perfect one to the wield such a powerful weapon do better from day 58 to day 62 I was finally able to make it home safely and was greeted warmly by the mandragora

Prince back at my base I’ve really been taking to working on these improvements Zoo come have a look we have plenty of storage space now if you need a place to sash your weapons and armor sure enough the prince had whipped up an impressive Armory for me which reminded me my iron

Armor and iron sword were looking pretty worse for wear but I still had those diamonds on me so I headed back to the caves to do some more Mining and search for more after a while spent looking I hit the motherload there were tons of diamonds glimmering in the cave walls

And I quickly pickled them free bringing them back to my base I crafted a shiny new diamond chest plate along with a matching sword and pickaxe these would be perfect for some added defense as well as extra damage while I was fighting and the pick would make mining

A breeze from day 63 to day 66 the mandora prince suggested I should try searching for the leftover pieces of of the original Destroyer to save building it from scratch I know exactly the place you could start looking and with your diamond pickaxe you should be able to

Get there with ease following his directions took me to the magma waste a deadly area filled with dangerous pools of lava I had to watch my step and make sure I didn’t slip and fall to my Doom I couldn’t use my ice blast to freeze a

Safe path the magma was too hot but lucky for me my Elemental monkey agility did the trick with enough searching I came across an Old Stone structure that looked like it had been there for a long time it was too thick for even my diamond pickaxe to get through but there

Was a small slot that looked like it had been made for a key that was a nuisance I’d have to either finish the Destroyer using the book or come back if I ever found the right key from day 67 to Day 70 the shepherd returned to my base and

I was expecting we’d soon be getting back to work on building the Destroyer but it turned out there was trouble a foot and the shepherd needed my help to resolve it I followed the shepherd to where the trouble was occurring a clearing within the ancient glowing Forest where a mighty hellhound was

Waiting I’d never seen a beast like it what could I possibly do against that try to connect with it Zozo you are the elemental monkey you are more attuned with nature than the rest of us use that to speak to this creature so I left the shepherd to do just that um nice

Hellhound maybe stop attacking skeletons I get you’re probably after a bone right well then heal boy the hellhound growled and bounced at me and I had no choice but to fight back in self-defense I tried my best not to cause too much harm to the creature after all it wasn’t

Working for the high Reaver it was just an animal living its life like the alpha hyena I’d seen before eventually after a lot of struggle I managed to get the hellhound to back down that’s better now come and join us I promise I mean you no

Harm but a hellhound like you could help us stop the high Reaver oh sorry I mean uh good doggy that seemed to work from day 71 to day 74 I returned to my base with the hellhound and toe but when I arrived D we were ambushed it was Vex

He’d been following me ever since I’d clashed with him at the frosty Peaks so this is where you’ve been hiding Zozo why don’t you come quietly or I’ll burn your base to Ash we clashed once more my new diamond sword was definitely leaving more damage against Vex this time around

But I still wasn’t strong enough to beat him it’s too late Zozo we already kidnapped the mandra Gora Prince you can’t help anyone with that Vex rushed off I rushed inside but it was too late they’d gone I was devastated the prince had been a helpful friend we needed to work on

Improving the base so I set about building a perimeter wall to defend against any further attacks after all Vex and the high Reaver now knew where we were there was no telling if they’d come back from his base the high Reaver was thrilled with the mandra Gora Prince

Captured there were no other rulers in the area to challenge his Ascent to power his plan to take over was one again coming to fruition from day 75 to day 78 the shepherd came by the base word had reached him and the skeletons that the prince was captured by the Vex

And so he showed up to help with the base finishing up the extra defenses Vex and the high Riva have a rather strange connection to each other Vex has been the underling of the high Riva for as long as anyone can remember but he has his own ulterior motive too he’s playing

The long game waiting for his master to take control of everything so that he can steal that power rat from underneath the H Riva Vex wants to overthrow him after all the hard work is done maybe I can turn them against each other somehow along with that useful

Information the shepherd also offered me a fancy new weapon a firework crossbow this was sure to be a blast to use with that in my Arsenal I headed off to track down Vex and get the mandora prince back to safety from day 79 to day 84 I

Followed the tracks left behind by Vex and came across him not long after he still had the prince held hostage and there was no time to waste I had to save my friend and stop the high reavers henchmen once and for all so coming along to join us Zozo you and the prince

Here can be taken before the high Reaver together how long do you think it’ll take your boss to realize you want to overthrow him oh you’ve done it now I’ll make sure he never finds out when I silence you little monkey I opened a fire with my firework crossbow blinding

Vex to start as I rushed in with my diamond sword but he quickly regained the upper hand and even with the help of my special attacks and new weapon I couldn’t beat him I ran away from Vex instead meeting up with the imprisoned mandora Prince Zozo here I lifted this

From vex’s pocket when he captured me the mandor Prince threw something towards me a golden apple you’re an elemental monkey you’re meant to be one with nature maybe this magic Apple can help you I rushed and grabbed the Apple eating it I could feel myself self getting stronger it was like my

Connection to Nature had been strengthened more than ever before Vex started to back away I now had 60 hearts and I had unlocked a new ability a powerful Whirlwind attack I had been connected to the element of air I left the prince and ran back to battle the

Vex one last time no no with a huge gust of wind I was able to finally defeat Vex he fell from the Frozen Peaks until we could no longer see leaving the mandor Prince and I free to return to the safety of my base from day 85 to day 89

The Prince and I returned to the base and he imparted some new information to me you see we mandora aren’t just rival rulers to the high Reaver he’s also afraid of me because I am the Last Descendant of the mystics who weakened him and caused his workers to turn

Against him and he wasn’t the only one to survive this key has been in my family for many years it will unlock the Tomb of the last Mystic and in there you’ll find what you need to finish the Destroyer with the magic key from the prince I headed off to the dangerous

Magma waste to retrieve the components from the original Destroyer I followed his directions and came across the Tomb of the last Fallen Mystic using the magic key to open it up and get inside however there was a security measure in place just in case the high Reaver got

His hands on the key it was a ferocious ravager guarding the tomb I drew my diamond sword and hit the ravager with the black for my Whirlwind attack knocking it over I left into battle swinging my sword and even getting a few scratches of my claw attacks in there

For good measure the ravager was tough but I took it down and I was able to claim the component I needed to complete the destroyer from day 90 to Day 94 I was making my way back across the precarious magma WS when a familiar foe approached me it was the high Reaver ah

There you are my former friend we aren’t friends you tricked me Reaver I know all about who you are now and the horrible things you’ve done what about you Zozo you did follow my orders for a Time didn’t you without you the onion Queen would still be alive so would Paul Vex

It isn’t too late to redeem yourself though come on join me I have need for a new henchman now that you’ve best at my last one I won’t make that mistake twice I clash swords with the high Reaver I knew I couldn’t beat him on my own but I

Just had to get away if I could just make it back to my base and finish building the Destroyer I’d finally have a chance at beating him but the high Reaver must have known what I was trying to do and used one of his energy blasts

To send me flying back into the mystic’s tomb he caused a caveen sealing me inside and dashed off with the piece I needed to finish the Destroyer I was trapped from day 95 to day 97 I had to mine my way out of the Tomb with my

Diamond pickaxe once I was free I rushed toward warn my allies now that the high Reaver had the component of the original Destroyer he’d no doubt be going after anyone who could help me finish mine from scratch as I made my way back to the flower Forest I was horrified to see

The skeletons hide out in Ruins I found the shepherd amongst the wreckage and he was on the verge of death I tried to find something that could heal him but it was already too late Zozo you have to know your part in all of this the

Destroyer is just a way to channel power but it’s useless without an already power powerful being to wield it you are that being an elemental monkey in your hands your connection to the Natural World could be directed through the Destroyer all the elements combining to defeat the high Riva Avenger Zozo

Putting in to his tyranny once and for all as the shepherd passed on I swore I’d get revenge and stop the Reaver on day 98 I rush back to my base if the high Reaver had attacked the shepherd to stop me from finishing the Destroyer

Then maybe he’d been back to my home to wreck the progress I’d made on it so far sure enough I was met with an awful sight I’d been dreading my base was in ruins the Destroyer I’d been working on was wrecked even the Sheep pen had been

Smashed to bits I sat in what was left in my base feeling defeated I’d fought so hard and now it felt like everything I’d gone through had been for nothing the high Reaver was so strong he’d put me right back to square one just like that don’t give up Zozo Andora Prince at

Least someone survived you can’t let this stop you Zozo don’t you see this Carnage is meant to slow you down because you’re closer than ever to beating the high Reaver destroying your base and attacking your allies is him acting out of desperation remember what the shepherd told you live to fight

Another day and I’m still alive which means I can still stop him exactly and he’s made one mistake he’s made it even easier for you to stop him because he has the piece of the Destroyer with my elemental power it can still be used to

Stop him on day 99 I made my way back to the Frozen Peaks this time intentionally going to the high Reaver stronghold he had no Army serving under him he was just one crazed monster trying to Scrabble up power all I needed to do was get that piece of the Destroyer back ah

Zozo I expect you’re not too happy with me yeah but you’re going to be even less happy when you see what I’ve got planned what you think you can beat me you’ve lost every battle we’ve ever had you’d be a fool to keep fighting but a wiser

Person knows when it’s time to retreat we clashed once more but this time I wasn’t trying to beat the high Reaver one-on-one I knew I couldn’t instead my focus was on one thing getting back the piece of the Destroyer he’d stolen he was too focused on trying to defeat me

That the high Reaver didn’t realize what my plan was until it was too late I grabbed the component it and rushed away making it back to my base as fast as I could before he could catch up to me but he wouldn’t have to wait too long for me

To come back at my base with the mandor Prince’s help we used the ancient book I’d found and the knowledge he had from his Mystic ancestors to focus all of my elemental power into the broken piece of the Destroyer it wasn’t going to work the way it was intended but we had a

Different plan boom on day 100 our plan had worked I’d fused with the destroy and absorbed its power now my connection to Nature as an elemental monkey was greater than ever I was so attuned to the elements I could even restore all the damage done to my

Base this would finally allow me to get the upper hand against the high Reaver whooshing there with the speed of the wind I arrived back at the stronghold in the Frozen Peaks as fast as I’d left the high Reaver was surprised to see me back

So soon and I used that to my advantage we fought for the last time I had all the powers and skills I had learned along the way way at my disposal I used my mighty Whirlwind attack to knock the Reaver off his feet then swiped at him

With my diamond sword and my claws whenever he’d attack me I’d move out of the way with that smooth fluidity of water then turn hard as ice when I needed to return the blows to him you combin with the Destroyer no this is not

How this is supposed to go it was a long hard fight but by remembering all the lessons I’d learned I was finally able to land a final strike on the evil High Reaver no with one more hit he fell from his stronghold at the top of the frosty

Peaks and plummeted to the ice below I had done it I defeated the high Reaver and stopped his plans to rule the Overworld on day one I spawned in as an elemental shark in the middle of a tropical rainforest and before I could understand what any of that even meant I

Was surrounded by a gang of terrifying fire Elementals led by a massive magma Golem they looks like we got them boss the last Elemental who wouldn’t bend the knee for you what I feel like I’m missing something here everyone laughed at me for saying that and it definitely

Didn’t make me feel good the magma Golem was the only one who remained Steely and serious I think I’m missing something too I’m missing the part where you swore absolute loyal to me Magnus the magma Golem lord of the Elementals who made you lord of the Elementals I’ve never

Even heard of you I made myself the Lord and if you don’t bow to me I’ll make you into shark Elemental Sushi I think I’d rather make myself scarce before the magma Golem or his fire Elementals could attack me I used one of my elemental

Powers to warp out of there and run away as fast as I could as if this day wasn’t stressful enough as I was running away I got incredibly hungry and didn’t have any food did this get any worse the only food I could find in the tropical

Rainforest with some apples but it was being guarded by an angry Earth Elemental would you be down to share one of those apples with me no these apples can only be enjoyed by Servants of Magnus lord of the Elementals is there anyone around here who doesn’t work for

This guy I fought the Earth Elemental with my bare fins until I gave up and ran away finally I was able to at least enjoy an apple this is the one nice thing that’s happened to me today what’s going on here on day two I kept running

Through the tropical forest until I was convinced I’d lost the magma Golem and his nasty gang of fire Elementals if there’s one thing I can be sure of in this crazy confusing world it’s that those guys are bad news when I felt safe I punched down one of the trees and made

Myself a wooden pickaxe and with that it wasn’t hard to mine down into the ground and collect myself enough stone blocks to get started on a base I think after all this craziness I’ve really earned a roof over my head tonight I used the stone and wood I collected Ed to start

Building a basee with a basic bedroom and living area complete with a sofa and a couch I also made myself a stone sword and a stone pickaxe it wasn’t much but at least it was something as long as that awful magma Golem doesn’t come and

Try to burn it down but I soon wished I hadn’t said that because a few of the magma Golem’s fire Elementals came blazing through the forest towards me you thought you could Escape us didn’t you kid nobody escapes Magnus or his minions sooner or later you going to

Give into his demands or be destroyed but why would I want to work for a guy like him what is he even planning you’re not important enough to know that come on boys let’s torch them the fire Elementals came for me and I used my stone sword to fight them back until

There were nothing more than ashes I still don’t understand what’s Happening Here what is this Magnus guy planning and what part do I play in all of this you better watch to the end if you want to help me find out on day three I de decided it was time to investigate what

Was going on after all if I didn’t know the truth I was at a disadvantage I started exploring around the tropical rainforest until I found someone who wanted to talk to me about it and that someone just so happened to be a scary looking monster mushroom named Fungo to

My surprise he was friendly please Fungo tell me about what the deal is with Magnus the so-called lord of the elements he’s been hassling me ever since I spawned here ah that makes a lot of sense you’re a sharkk Elemental right and as his name suggests Magnus the lord

Of the Elementals wants to get control of as many of the Elementals as he can and if you want to get him too chances are the only way you’re going to be able to do it is by taking the fact to him defeat Magnus maybe if I get stronger I

Could do that but why I don’t understand why he’s doing this well take a seat on that log over there buddy cuz that’s a much longer and Wilder story so I did as I was told and sat down but nothing could prepare me for what I was about to

Hear from day four to day five I sat down and listened to the story Fungo the monster mushroom told me about Magnus the magma Golem first you need to understand that Golems are always created by villagers they are not natural creatures and as such they are completely at odds with the natural

Elements of the world but when Magnus was created he learned to hate his own unnaturalness he was so frustrated by it that he wanted to conquer the elements and make them work for him one by one he subdued the fire Elementals the Earth Elementals the air Elementals and the water Elementals through their

Allegiance he may be able to control all the forces of the natural world and in order to defeat him before he becomes too powerful you’ll need to master all four of the elements and gain their powers oh just like an avatar the Last air bender wait you’ve seen Avatar sweet

That’s going to make all of this a lot easier to understand be careful out there Zozo if you can get strong enough and gain all these Powers you can save us all but to help with the learning process you’ll need to find a mentor do

You know where I can find one nope good luck from day six to day eight with all the new information that Fungo the monster mushroom had given me stewing around in my head I started making my way back to my base so I need to find a

Mentor how can I track one down it’s not like they have a directory website but my frustration and self-pity was interrupted by seeing an innocent swamp Pig being picked on by more of those evil fire Elementals please guys leave me alone I’m just doing my daily exercise little piggy trying to exercise hilarious

We can help you warm up oh yeah we’ll fry your bacon these are extremely insensitive jokes guys please leave me alone but I knew they’d never leave that poor swamp pig alone not unless I made them that’s why I pulled out my stone sword and ran in to fight them off leave

That innocent pig alone you meanies it didn’t take me long to defeat them all and rescue the swamp pig from a fiery Doom needless to say he was relieved thank you kind stranger I’m Sammy Sammy the swamp Pig you have done me a great kindness today and I’ll never forget it

No problem Sammy I’m Zozo by the way say do you have any idea where I might find a mentor I really need one to help me save the world well I did hear rumors about a great teacher who lived near water somewhere but that’s all I know

Still I want to help you Zozo I really owe you one how about you come back to my base I could really use some allies right now I led Sammy the swamp Pig back into my base and started building a new room in my base for him to stay in and

Make sure you keep watching until the end because the craziest parts are yet to come from day N9 to day 10 I found a huge underground Cavern in the tropical rainforest where I could search for rare materials the deeper and darker I descended in the more veins of iron ore

I found I mined and collected the iron ore and then constructed a furnace under ground to smelt into iron ingots now it’s time to make myself some awesome new equipment I made a set of iron armor an iron sword and an iron pickaxe and not a second too soon as I heard

Something terrifying skittering around in the dark I turned and saw a giant skull scorpion crawling towards me looking like it was ready to attack and it turned out that it actually was I tried to attack it with my iron sword but it didn’t seem to have much of an

Effect on the monster which was as strong and fast as it was and angry in the end I needed to use my location warping ability to zap out of there and run deeper into the darkness of the underground Cavern can’t see how this would ever end badly from day 11 to day

12 all I could do was try to hide deeper in the underground Cavern and hope that the skull scorpion didn’t find me down there how am I going to save the world from a powerful magma Golem if I can’t even defeat a nasty underground bug deep

In the dark my greatest enemy wasn’t the skull Scorpion or even Magnus the lord of the Elementals it was just pure boredom so when I found a Dusty old book you can only imagine how relieved I was I certainly never expected that this book would contain the secret to

Magnus’s rise to power it was filled with strange Latin text but then I opened the book to a section called the three enforcers it described three terrifying and Powerful Golems who worked for Magnus the bone Golem the diamond golem and the bedrock golem these three Golems were vital for

Keeping all the Elementals in line and if I was able to defeat all three of the enforcer Golems magnus’s control over Elementals would probably collapse now I know what I need to do if I defeat the three enforcers defeating Magnus afterwards would be easy but I was celebrating a little too loudly suddenly

A vicious fire salamander a powerful underworld creature ran towards me he was a tough mob to defeat since he shot flames in me he had something that looked like an organic turret protruding from his back a truly bizarre and scary mob but with the knowledge of what I

Needed to do fueling me I was able to do it and this gave me enough XP to level up becoming a bigger stronger Elemental shark with 18 hearts and the ability to breathe fire looks like I’ve mastered one element three to go keep watching to

See what I evolve into next from day 13 to day 15 I returned to my base bigger and stronger than ever before and when I was back I saw that Sammy the swamp Pig had made an awesome addition to the base well I was gone a whole new floor who

Sammy this room looks so cool what exactly is it look it’s a lounge area Zozo you need to stay relaxed if you want to be in harmony with the four elements an excellent idea Sammy do you have any news on where I might be able to find the mentor I’ve been searching

For too I’ve heard of some strange activity near a pond deep in the tropical rainforest maybe that has something to do with it on Samy’s advice I ventured out deep into the tropical rainforest until I found the pond and what looked like a crimson wizard waiting outside it

Stay back Elemental I will not serve your master he fired an energy blast at me that took off a few of my hearts and prepared to fire another wait you don’t understand I’m an elemental but I don’t work for Magnus I’m trying to defeat him I’m just looking for a mentor that will

Help train me to stop him oh I see sorry about firing an energy blast at you there old chop you can’t be too careful these days with Magnus and his minions around it’s okay I understand so can you Mentor me Mr Wizard I’m afraid that isn’t my area of expertise but I also

Wish to stop the Diabolical Magnus you and I can work together to make that a reality it never hurts to have magic on your side I guess come on back to my base with me let’s work together lead the way Elemental shock I set off back

Towards my base with one more Ally and toe for from day 16 to day 19 I returned to my base with the Crimson wizard because Sammy the swamp Pig figured I might be returning with a mentor he’ already built a room for the Crimson wizard my base is practically becoming a

Hotel I should start charging people I’d be happy to pay this room looks wonderful before you get too comfortable Crimson wizard I need some advice do you have any idea where I should go next in my quest to master the elements and take on Magnus good question Zoo personally I

Would suggest the moal desert to master all the elements you must first experience them all that sounds like a good idea to me time to go after a couple days of traveling I’d reached the Mojave Desert and started searching around for any clues as to what I needed

To do next the last thing I expected was to run into a talking desert cat hey little kitty do you have any idea what I can do to help defeat Magnus lord of the Elementals no Magnus you mean the magma Golem I think some of his henchmen are

Around here just a little further west in this very desert maybe go defeat them and I’ll see whatever information I can provide afterwards that’s so convenient thank you desert cat from day 20 to day 22 following the cat’s instructions I went further west into the Mojave Desert

It didn’t take me long to find a gang of Rowdy air Elementals who were just itching for a fight Hey look it’s that Elemental shark who defied the orders of Lord Magnus yep that’s me but I’m not here for you you small fries that’d be a

Waste of my time small fries oh buddy you are going to regret saying that they flew over to attack me but I was ready with my iron sword I cut them down and defeated each one of them until I was the last one standing or so I thought

Turned out one of magnus’ head enforcers the bone Golem had been sneaking up behind me I turned just as the bone Golem hit me taking off a shocking number of Hearts immediately I was was fighting for my life striking him with my iron sword but it wasn’t having any

Effects he was so confident he started throwing his own bones at me I needed to pull out the big guns and use my elemental powers on this nasty overgrown skeleton fire breath go I breathed a powerful jet of flames onto the bone Golem finally defeating him and with

That I was a third of the way to Bringing Down Magnus and his Empire of evil from day 23 to Day 26 I went back to tell the desert cat about My Success hey little kitty I found those hunman and I kicked their butts W that’s great

News those jerks kept making crazy wind and messing up my fur now I can nap in peace without worrying about any air Elementals bothering me so what can you tell me about Magnus and how can I defeat him well Magnus doesn’t like to fight his own fights he prefers to have

His henchmen take care of that for him so if you can defeat all of his Elemental wounds he won’t have anyone left to fight for him and he’ll have to face you himself I guess I just need to make sure I’m strong enough when the time comes that sounds about right oh before

I forget maybe you can use this the cat gave me a potion of power thanks I can definitely use this glad to hear it now scam it’s my nap time and I just found the perfect Sunny Spot you got it I left the cat and continued walking through

The desert until I found a new a area when I got there I was jumped by some Earth Elementals say it’s the wise guy who thinks he can defy Lord Magnus let’s get him boys not if I get you first fire breath go I blew a blast of fire at the

Earth Elementals and followed it up with an attack with my iron sword pretty soon all but one of the earth Elementals Was Defeated wait if you let me go I can give you some information oh yeah yeah Lord magnus’s headquarters it’s guarded by earth air and water Elementals is

That helpful yeah get out of here he ran away and I took the moment of Victory to drink my potion of power when I did I gained 24 Hearts evolving into an even bigger version of myself and I gained the Earth ability I can shoot an earth

Charge that leaves behind a pile of dirt on the ground looks like I just mastered Earth two down two to go from day 27 to day 31 I I headed back to my base on the way there I passed the pond again there was a diamond golem there waiting for me

He attacked me and I tried to fight back but he was way too strong in the end I had to run away before he dealt me too much damage that was a close one I was scared he’d chase after me but finally I made it back to my base safe and sound

Wow Zoo look at you you’re so big and strong indeed your stature is most impressive thanks guys but I’m not done yet I’ve still got two elements left to master and I need to get way stronger if I’m going to defeat Magnus still you must take time to celebrate how far you have

Already come speaking of progress I have a sense that there is something useful to you waiting at a nearby location the Rainbow Beach then I’d better get going and see what it is from day 32 to day 35 I travel to the Rainbow Beach to see what the wizard might have sensed out

There there I sure wish magic would be more specific oh well I guess that’s just how magic is as I was looking around I spotted an iron golem up ahead hey there do you know anything about Magnus don’t you ever say that name to me how dare you bring him up in my

Presence oh wait I didn’t mean to offend you before I could explain he attacked me I drew my sword and fought back but he was really strong turns out though so was I after fighting for a while it became pretty clear that we were evenly matched please let’s stop this and just

Talk you’re lucky I’m getting tired fine talk I get the feeling you don’t like Magnus much don’t like him that’s an understatement we used to be best friends a long time ago one day though he started getting obsessed with the elements he wanted to control them all

Of them and when I tried to argue with him Elementals think they’re so great huh see how great they think they are when I find a way to control every element what’s wrong with you having one specialty all I do is iron but you don’t see me complaining that’s because you’re

A loser and I don’t need to spend my time with losers if you’re not with me you’re against me he knocked me out and left I never saw him again pretty soon I started hearing about what he was getting up to and I real realized that

The friend I used to know was gone his jealousy and hunger for power turned him into a villain that’s terrible I’m so sorry I’m trying to master all the elements too but it’s so I can beat him and stop him from hurting people if that’s true then that is a noble goal I

Wish you luck Mr shark thanks the name Zozo from Day 36 to day 39 I traveled back to the tropical rainforest I really need to upgrade my armor let’s see what what I can find here if armor upgrades you do seek then it is to me that you

Should speak who’s there and why are you rhyming a monster mushroom jumped out from behind a tree sorry when I get nervous I talk in Rhymes I know where you can get some upgrades Lord magnus’s base is empty right now and there are plenty of supplies to be found in there

It’s not like he deserves them you might as well take them sounds good to me but where’s his base in the swamp surrounded by lava do me a favor though if you see a big mean fire Elemental running with a gang of other fiery jerks would you

Defeat him for me he tried to hurt me and I’d rather he not get a chance to try again you got it thanks for the help following the monster mushrooms directions I managed to make my way to the swamps and magnus’s base from day 40

To day 43 I fought my way into magnus’s base there was only a few Wither Skeleton guards and it it was easy to beat them then I ran inside jeez this place really suits the guy it looks as mean as he is I didn’t have much time to

Look around because the diamond golem from earlier was inside uh-oh this guy again I’ve got to do a better job this time I started with my fire breath Then followed it up with a sword attack it was pretty tough and I wasn’t sure if I

Would be able to do it but finally I was able to defeat him when the diamond golem fell he dropped a whole bunch of diamonds this is just what I need now I can go back to the base and upgrade my gear I grabbed all the diamonds now I’ve

Got to get out of here before Magnus gets back I may be a lot stronger than I used to be but I’m still not ready to face him maybe with some upgraded armor and weapons though I’ll be closer to my goal from day 44 to day 49 I traveled

Back to my base and got to work on upgrading my armor and weapons using all of the diamonds I got from that diamond golem I was able to craft a diamond pickaxe a diamond sword and some Diamond arm armor awesome look at all this stuff I feel more powerful already okay back

To exploring I need to see what else I can do to improve and work toward mastering those last two elements I headed out into the rainforest and started exploring as I did I came across a group of fire Elementals they didn’t see me at first but I could hear them

You guys remember that loser mushroom that got away from us before I think I know where we can find him and finish the job nice he was so pathetic H let’s go get him that’s the fire Elemental he was talking about if I fight and defeat

These guys he won’t have to worry about them anymore wait there’s some shocky freak listening to us that’s the guy the boss told us about yep and I’m here to kick your butts using my new diamond sword I was able to defeat those fire Elementals in no time this new gear sure

Is great I can’t wait to see the look on magnus’s face when he realizes I’m finally strong enough to take him down but I can’t get ahead of myself I got to focus on mastering water and air time to get moving from day 50 to day 53 I

Traveled into the Red Rock Highlands to seek out new ways to master the elements I feel like the highlands can teach me air stuff right that seems right or maybe water is there water here as I explored I came across an open book lying on the ground inside it said I’m

Gentle enough to wash your hair light enough to fly through the sky strong enough to crack rocks what am I that doesn’t make any sense how can one thing wash hair fly in the air and break rocks I don’t get it it took me a little

While to think about it but suddenly it came to me wait a second it’s water that’s right Zozo an earth Elemental jumped out at me guess you’re smarter than you look too bad you’ll never get a chance to master water because Lord Magnus sent me to take you out out to

Dinner no out of this world oh oh no I got my diamond sword ready and started swinging I followed it up with some fire breath and the Earth Elemental crumbled after the fight I could feel myself getting bigger and stronger I’m evolving again as I got stronger I gained more

Hearts now I have 35 of them I also gained the ice blast ability I can freeze enemies in place with this I guess I finally mastered water only one more to go from day 54 to day 57 I returned to my base the Crimson wizard had a surprise for me he built some

Protective walls around the base while I was gone as a token of appreciation for letting me stay at your home rentree I thought I might work on our defenses a little bit these walls look really nice I feel safer already thanks no problem now I’m feeling pretty good but I know I

Need to get stronger and master the fourth and final element I need some help I wonder if there’s anyone who can mentor me I looked around the base for ideas but as awesome as my new friends were none of them would be able to teach me about without fighting wait a second

That Iron Golem I met before was really tough and cool I should go ask him if he can help me I returned to the place where I met the Iron Golem and sure enough he was there hey it’s me Zozo remember me I do how is your quest to

Master the elements and defeat Magnus going I’ve got three out of four down but I still need to get stronger would you train me train you to take down Magnus it would be an honor let’s get to work Zozo from day 8 to day 62 I started

My training with the iron golem he set up a wall of blocks for me you see these blocks break them without touching them uh oh I’ll try my best I used my fire breath to break the blocks now try to dodge my attacks he ran at me and

Attacked and I dodged he had me do a bunch of different challenges and training exercises I had to run up and down the beach go out into the water and swim back and test out all my new powers by the time I was done I was exhausted

But I also gained more strength sweet this will help my sword hit even harder but oh I haven’t mastered air yet not yet but you’ve made some great progress I’m proud of you thanks for all your help you’ve been a great mentor from day

63 to day 66 I went back to my base when I got there I saw a group of water Elementals running away from the base what the oh no they had destroyed my base and destroyed some of the walls Zozo help these Mis crans kidnapped the

Swamp Pig no I was able to catch up with one of the water Elementals and I hit him with my pile of dirt tell me where they took my friend or I’ll hit you again zoinks don’t do that they took the pig to Lord magnus’s base there’s a

Prison cell attached to it they’re going to throw him in there and I’ve got to get over there too no time to waste I need to save my friend I’d let the water Elemental go and set off toward the Wailing G to rescue the swamp pig from

Day 67 to Day 70 I traveled to magnus’ base on a swamp Pig Rescue Mission when I reached the swamps I saw a big cage in the base and there was the swamp Pig trapped inside don’t worry I’ll get you out of there yeah right you’ll have to

Go through us first the water Elementals closed in around me but I had a plan maybe I should give you guys the cold shoulder I fired my ice blast ability at the water Elementals freezing them in place then I used my diamond sword to take them out one by one the last water

Elemental dropped a key to the cage now let’s get you free I used the key to unlock the cage and let the swamp pig out thank you Zozo I knew you’d save me what are friends for now let’s get out of here before Magnus comes back we ran

Back to the base together and much to my surprise when we got back all the damage was fixed wow who did this I did I also added some guard towers so we can see threats coming if any more of magnus’ henchmen decide to attack us again awesome thank you so much

From day 71 to day 74 I wasn’t sure what to do next can I learn about how to master air I just don’t know wait a second there was that skull scorpion I couldn’t fight before I bet I could beat him now maybe then I’ll figure out what

To do next with my new plan to fight the skull scorpion I headed down into the underground Cavern hello Mr scorpion are you down here still sure enough there it was the Scorpion ran at me and tried to sting me with its stinger but I thought

Better back with a fire breath and my sword and I used my ice blast to freeze it and follow up with the sword to finish it off I did it I did it hey look at this there was a book on the ground the book of exposition what’s it say the

Answers you seek lie deeper in the cavern but there you must face the bedrock golem well who am I to argue with a random book let’s go from day 75 to day 78 I followed the instructions from the book of exposition and headed deeper into the underground Cavern there

I saw a gr group of Earth Elementals and a big bedrock golem behind them before I could say anything or attack the Earth Elementals spotted me I’ve had enough of this clown why don’t you just give up already because what Magnus is doing is wrong and I can’t just stand by and let

Him get away with it okay then don’t stand by just stand die the Earth Elementals rushed at me but I was ready for them I fought them with my diamond sword once they were all gone I turned my attention to the Bedrock fum now it’s your turn he was much tougher than the

Earth Elementals in fact he was tougher than anyone else I had fought so far I had to use all of my special abilities to knock him down and out of his misery that was a relief and good because I felt myself evolving again my hearts increased to 80 and I gained the ability

Whirlwind attack I did it I mastered air I’ve got to tell everyone from day 79 to day 84 I ran back to the base to deliver the good news and hey look look I showed my friends my new evolved form and tested out my Whirlwind attack for them

Wow Zoo you’re amazing most impressive so now what should I do excellent question my friend I believe the answers await us at the Red Rock Highlands shall we go there now yes let’s go from day 85 to day 899 the Crimson Wizard and I travel to the Red Rock Highlands okay

We’re here now what let me see I had hoped the highlands would reveal the truth to me when we arrived but it remains unclear perhaps we should see if we can acquire any additional items that might allow you to upgrade your gear sure why not together we searched the

Area for cool items I found some more diamonds and gathered them up from day 90 to Day 94 I was gathering diamonds while the Crimson wizard headed back to the base all of a sudden Magnus appeared behind me still haven’t given up yet I see nope and I never will I finally

Mastered all the elements and I’m coming for you oh yeah how are you going to do that from underground what what are you talking about the one element you haven’t mastered the element of surprise Magnus Hit me hard knocking my diamonds out of my hands then he got me again

Knocking me out cold when I woke up I was in an underground chamber oh no I’m trapped in here what should I do wait a second Magnus didn’t count on still having this iron pickaxe I’ll use it to Tunnel out of here I wasn’t sure how

Long I’d been out so I had to work fast and make up for lost time I dug faster than I’d ever dug before until I broke through to the surface nice try Magnus but you can’t get rid of me that easily from day 95 to day 97 I started making

My way back to my base on the way I was ambushed by a group of Earth Elementals see I told the boss burying him wouldn’t work weeds always grow back I’m not a weed I’m an elemental shark and I’m stronger than you and I’ll prove it I

Fought back and with my Mastery of all four elements it didn’t take long for me to beat them I finished my fight with the Whirlwind attack and blew them away awesome okay no time to celebrate yet I’ve got to get back to the base on day

98 I finally made my way back to my base Zozo Where Have You Been we were worried about you Magnus surprised me and trapped me in an underground chamber I had to dig myself out monstrous that’s awful it’s okay I’m totally fine I made it back and we still

Have time for me to use my Mastery of the elements to defeat Magnus and restore peace it’s going to be great you’re right Zoo gee this sure has been a wild adventure and to see more Adventures like it make sure to like this video subscribe to the channel and

Search zo zo Zozo allow me to accompany you to magnus’s Lair there you can finally end this nightmare for good on day 99 the Crimson wizard walked with me all the way to the swamps and magnus’s base he couldn’t come with me but I didn’t want him to it was important for

Me to face Magnus on my own there outside the base were Earth Elementals air Elementals and water Elementals guarding it I was pretty nervous at first because there were loads of them and they all attacked me but I knew I could do it I fought my way through the

Elemental guards freezing them with my ice blast burning them with my fire breath and blowing them away with my whirlwind attack it took a while to get through all of them but in the end I managed phew all that fighting made me hungry Magnus must be anticipating me

Because he really did gather all the remaining Elementals to guard his base now let me find him on day 100 I headed into magnus’ base to finally complete my quest he was sitting on a throne waiting for me I escaped your trap so I see I had a feeling you might it doesn’t

Matter you’re going to lose I don’t think I am see there’s something you don’t get about the elements they require balance they’re equal none of them are better than the others elements don’t have Lords they’re all equal and work together foolish words from a foolish Shar no more talking let’s fight

He didn’t have to tell me twice he didn’t even have to tell me once I was already getting my sword ready I used my dirt ability to hopefully trap him but he dodged it he came back at me with an attack but I dodged it and attacked

Again all of a sudden Magnus started shaking and growing he evolved into a bigger stronger version of himself right before my eyes uh-oh I’ve got to step up my game ice time I used my ice ability to freeze Magnus so he wouldn’t have a chance to hit me with his new evolved

Strength this gave me just enough time to use all the other elements back to back Earth fire air with all my Powers combined I finally defeated defeated Magnus it’s over now we can all coexist in peace again on day one I spawned as an itty bitty fire Godzilla this is rad but wait

I’ve only got three hearts what that’s not rad at all but when I focus real hard I can make little fires look I just set that tree on fire oh it looks like I upset the baboons who were living there they’re coming after me I better hight

Tail it out of here I ran off deep into the forest being a tiny baby fire Godzilla wasn’t working out great for me so far maybe if I can get bigger and stronger I can use my powers to help people rather than just burn their houses down that’ll help me make some

Friends around here maybe that big tough warped mosow will be my friend hey I’m Zozo I’m pretty new around here want to hang out not so fast buddy you want to hang out here you got to pay the toll empty your pockets little fire Godzilla

But I don’t have any money then I guess you better come with me Zozo if you can’t pay you got got to work that was another Bridge I’d already burned I needed to run before the Warped mosow could get his big buggy hands on me I

Grabbed a few sticks from the forest and hid in a cave these would make some pretty good torches with a little bit of my fire so it won’t be too dark in here I proceeded to place down some torches before deciding to go to sleep for the

Night I’m going to need to get a lot stronger if I want to last out here this place isn’t kind to baby fire Godzillas like me on day two I woke up in the cave to find my torches had gone out overnight it was so cold and dark what

If there are spiders in here I should get moving I left the cave and entered the forest to explore my surroundings wow this Forest is huge so many trees so much wood to burn I needed to be careful in here or I’d set everything on fire

When I build my own base it should probably be made out of stone I needed to break down a couple of these trees and gather some sticks and wood to make a wooden pickaxe perfect this will be great for mining stone now I needed to

Find a good place to build my base maybe somewhere around here wait has somebody already built a cabin here what’s Happening Here a druid rushed out of the cabin hey hey keep your distance friendo I just finished this place I don’t need you burning it down I’m sorry I wasn’t

Trying to burn your cabin down I just needed to find a place to make my base base what are you one of loar’s guys what no I’m Zozo who’s lochar he’s a necromancer he’s trying to raise an army of the dead he and his boys have been harassing people about around here

Lately the Druid returned back into his cabin after bidding me farewell money that sounds just like that warped mosco from yesterday he must have worked for this locknar guy I better start mining for Stone near the druid’s cabin he’d probably make a decent neighbor by day three I started Gathering materials for

My base I used my wooden pickaxe to start mining stone in a cave next to the druid’s place hope he doesn’t mind a little construction noise hey keep down that rocket Zozo I’m reading now that I know there’s a Necromancer out there building an army of the Dead I should

Probably go pay attention to home security first of all I took the time to clear out an area and build a big stone wall this should keep out that wared mosow if he tries to hassle me for more money and I won’t be able to accidentally burn this wall down either

While I was at it I needed to get myself a weapon maybe I could use some of my spare sticks and wood to make a wooden sword hopefully I don’t burn it to a crisp now I’m looking well prepared while I was making my way towards the druid’s cabin I noticed something

Crawling out of the forest it looked like an elder skulk better take care of it before it gets too close to my base don’t you know it’s rude to trespass Mr skulk let’s go Haya with this sword the Elder skull was no match for me after I

Hit it a few times skillfully dodging its attempts to hit me back it went scuttling off into the forest again nobody beats fire Godzilla and clearly that fight made a big difference because I was starting to get bigger and stronger I had five Hearts now and I

Could let out a terrifying Godzilla roar on days four and five I decided to go a little further into the forest to mine some more stone for my base the wall was nice but it wasn’t exactly cozy I needed a roof over my head I already used some

Of my spare Stone to make a stone pickaxe but when I ventured out into the deep part of the woods I ran into an old enemy the Warped Moscow you really thought you could get away without paying the toll you really have no idea who you’re dealing with kid you don’t

Want my boss to have a problem with you your boss is he a necromancer huh you you’re smarter than you look Zozo my boss lochar The Necromancer he’s going to come take over all this soon enough and if you’re not with him you’re against him I’d never be the guy who

Wants to take over a forest by force I may burn stuff down sometimes but I’m still a good guy then I guess I’ve got to destroy you the Moscow came at me so fast I was knocked back off my feet I pulled out my wooden sword and tried to

Parry all of his attacks you can’t hold me off forever Zozo but I was a little faster than he he was even with my wooden sword I was able to get the jump on the Warped mosow and defeat him looks like I can handle myself decently now I

Should probably spend a little more time out of the forest though on day 6 to 8 I depleted my mind in the forest at least I was able to find some iron or though and craft myself a cool iron sword and an iron pickaxe let’s just see someone

Try to mess with me now but after getting attacked by the mosow I wanted to get away from the forest for a while I decided to take a trip up to the mountain and enjoy that clean Mountain Air there and I can’t burn anything down up here either it’s perfect but suddenly

A mountain troll approached me and it seemed like he didn’t want to share the mountain with anyone this mountain isn’t big enough for the both of us even if you are the puniest fire Godzilla I’ve ever seen I’m just visiting man you don’t need to be so mean about it how

Dare you call me mean I’m going to crush you into dust for that he was so big and he started chasing me my only Advantage was that I was much faster than him so I could keep my lead that’s where my iron pickaxe came through with my iron

Pickaxe I quickly mined a big hole in the ground then carried on running with my trap set I decided to taunt the mountain troll by calling him a Slowpoke he ran up to me not looking down until he fell into the hole and he couldn’t climb back out little help in here I

Think you’ve earned yourself a timeout mountain troll on days 9 and 10 I decided to travel further up into the mountain until I found a mountain cave hidden among the rocks maybe there will be some Treasures hidden in here better take a look I walked into the cave iron

Sword at the ready using the natural light of my fire to light the way that’s when I hit the jackpot gold door deposits now that’s what I’m talking about I started to mine the Gold when suddenly despite my fire it started to get extremely cold inside of the cave it

Sent a chill down my spine hello there little creature I turned and that’s when I saw him right there staring at me it was lochar The Necromancer somehow I could feel the power coming off of him him it was time for me to even the score

And use my fire Godzilla roar but lochar just laughed in response be quiet boy do you have any idea who you’re dealing with when my Army walks the Earth every flame like yours will be snuffed out I wasn’t going to take that sitting down I ran at

Lochar with my iron sword and prepared to hit him but with one strike from him I was thrown back across the cave you’re so weak it’s pathetic you’re not even worth destroying yet Perhaps when you’re a little stronger and with a flash locknar was gone and I was left

Terrified if even my fire Godzilla roar did nothing what hope did I have against him but it wasn’t all bad I noticed then that I still wasn’t alone in the cave there was a fire villager waiting in there too when lochar was gone he ran towards me I can’t believe you survived

Lochar has been going after all of the flame creatures in the land but why what have we ever done to him he’s a necromancer he’s trying to raise an army of the undead and everyone knows the weakness of the undead is fire he needs to destroy us because we’re the biggest

Threat to him then you’re not safe here either you better come back to my base so we can figure out a plan to stop this on days 11 through 14 I started expanding my base to make room for my new fire villager friend just like me he was perfectly suited to a fireproof

Stone House I built rooms for him and me and another room where we could hang out together but this took a lot of stone and I soon needed to leave the base and mine more I returned to the mine near the druid’s cabin and even though it was exhausted it still contained some

Materials while I was gathering more Stone I suddenly felt that cold feeling again oh no does this mean The Necromancer is behind me again not quite Zozo I’m merely one of his servants he brought me back to life so I will serve his every order including destroying you

It was the Black Death a plague doctor brought back from the dead I drew my sword and prepared to battle but by then the Black Death was already on me he hit me and took out some hearts this guy was way more powerful than me I ran further

Into the mine hoping to find some kind of Escape Route but the Black Death was gaining on me I needed some kind of Advantage wait is that a chest it was a chest maybe something in there can save me I opened up the chest and found a fire aspect enchantment inside this

Would give my sword flaming strikes perfect I quickly used the Anvil next to the chest to apply the enchantment to my sword take this black death boom that got him the Black Death was set on fire and went running back out of the cave fire really does scare off the undead

Safe from the Black Death for now I traveled back to my base and started making the wall even taller but now knowing just how effective fire was against the undead I made some flaming torches to put on the wall this should keep out any uninvited guests on day 15

I went to to check on the fire villager and make sure he was settling in nicely I know from firsthand experience it isn’t easy to be a fire creature I find it very comfortable in here Zozo thank you it’s much nicer than having to stay

In some damp old cave all day so tell me what’s the deal with this lochar guy everyone’s been telling me that he’s trying to raise some kind of army of the undead who is he everything you’ve heard is true but there’s more people say that lochar is over a thousand years old and

Because he’s already dead he can’t be destroyed centuries ago he was defeated by a legendary hero and locked up in the swamp of vess but somehow he came back again and he’s trying to finish what he started all those years ago making an army of the undead so powerful that

He’ll rule the world forever can the legendary hero come back to defeat him it sounds like we really need him right now that was a long time ago Zozo the legendary hero is probably extremely old now if he’s even alive alive no if we want to defeat lochar The Necromancer we

Need to find a new hero like who well like you Zozo you survived an encounter with him and saved me back in the cave no way have you seen me I’m just a little fire Godzilla the only reason I survived was because he said I was too

Weak to be worth destroying I’d stand no chance against him in a real fight do you think I could survive a fight with lochar I think I’d need to get a lot stronger first on days 16 to 19 I started putting together a plan with the fire villager if locknar is destroying

Fire creatures because he knows they’re a threat to his Undead Army we better gather up as many fire creatures as we can great idea Zozo if memory serves loar’s Undead minions were keeping a blaze prisoner in an underground Cavern near here then I guess I better go

Rescue him after hours of searching the forest I found a secret entrance to an underground area sneakily hidden among some trees hopefully I’m not too late to help the blaze down there I rushed through the entrance I made my way into the insides of the underground Cavern

And took a look around trying not to draw too much attention to myself I saw a lava river running through the bottom of the cavern so my fire wasn’t too out of place here wait are those wither skeletons they were a bunch of wither skeletons were scattered everywhere

Along the path leading deeper into the cavern they must be guarding the prison cell where the blaze is I ran in with my new fire aspect sword and started to fight them off as I went deeper and deeper into the cavern after I took most of them I Unleashed My Fire Godzilla

Roar it scared some of the wither skeletons so bad they ran off faster than their bones could shake clearly all of this fighting was worth some pretty great XP because I grew to almost twice my size with almost twice the armor and twice the hearts maybe I can be strong

Enough to take on locknar with the right training but first I broke open the prison with my iron pickaxe and freed the blaze thanks for getting me out of there it was really starting to get stuffy don’t mention it buddy how did you get captured well I was out here

Searching for the kther of light when I got ambushed by all those skeletons you were looking for what the kther of light it’s the weapon that the legendary hero used to defeat lochar all those years ago it’s said to be the most powerful weapon against the undead in the world

Oh wow then I should probably start looking for it too come back to my base I want to know more on days 20 to 22 blae and I returned to the base only to see it being attacked by a horde of zombies even the Torches I had added to

The walls didn’t seem to scare them off lockar was making some really tough Undead for us to face thankfully with blaze at my side the fight didn’t last long with his flames and my fire sword we were able to take on the zombies and send them back from once they came so

Long you Undead meanies it feels so good to be free and fighting again glad your back in the groove Blaze but while the zombies weren’t too difficult to defeat this incident did make me realize our base needed some better defense or at least something to scare off potential

Attackers that’s when I had a great idea for the Statue the perfect thing to keep the undead away I started working on the base of the statue with excitement this is sure to keep the mobs at Bay once it’s done can you tell what it’s going

To be and if you want more Adventures like this subscribe to Zozo cuz believe me the best is yet to come with blaze here at the base I’ve still got to do one more thing had a new room for him with me Blaze and the fire villager all

Together we’re a fiery force to be reckoned with on days 23 to 26 the base came under attack worse than ever before I woke up to find the base surrounded by mutant skeletons who were bigger faster and stronger than even wither skeletons I ran out with my fire aspect sword and

Started attacking them one by one each mutant skeleton took several hits with a sword to down these guys were tougher than any grunt enemy I’d faced so far A little help here guys luckily for me Blaze and the fire villager were there to help with the three of us working

Together we were able to drive off the remaining mutant skeletons back into the woods that’ll teach you to attack our base skellies oh look one of the mutant skeletons dropped a bow that’s perfect I needed a good longrange weapon for my Arsenal H what should I do next Zozo yes

Please now we fought off the mutant skeletons you should start exploring the deep dark woods for the kther of light we need it to defeat lochar The Necromancer good idea Blaze I journeyed out into the deepest darkest part of the forest knowing it would be the exact

Kind of place where Loch North minions would be waiting for me and I was right but I wasn’t the only one there was a Elemental being surrounded by mutant zombies the strongest zombies yet lucky for me I had my new bow I pulled it out keeping a distance as I fired arrows at

The mutant zombies they seem so shocked by my surprise attack they retreated further into the dark of the forest i’ had saved the fire Elemental want to come back to my base little buddy I’m collecting fire creatures he seemed eager so we headed back to the base I

Built a new room to house the fire Elemental and built in a new base defense large holes dug into the ground around the base so when many stumbling zombies thinking of attacking would fall right in I’m feeling safer already on days 27 to 31 I started off by asking

Blae to tell me everything he knows about the kther of light seeing as it may be our best chance to defeat lochar The Necromancer it’s an ancient weapon Zozo supposedly created by a powerful group of sorcerers for if there was ever a great evil they needed to strike down

The legend goes that only someone pure of heart can wield the kther to a being of evil it’s useless but how can I find it even the most powerful weapon in the world is only useful if it’s in our hands h perhaps the legendary hero would

Have hidden the Kaa in the last place the undead would think to look the nether oh no the nether that’s one of the most dangerous places out there I guess if it’s the only place I can find the kther it’s off to the nether I go

With my sword and my bow I set off for an old nether portal in the woods it’s now or nether yeah bad joke sorry on the other side of the portal it was all flames and lava a fire Godzilla honestly looked kind of at home here what it

Didn’t look at home was a huge scary pigas Running straight towards me you must be zoo I guess you’re here looking for the kther of light Brave kid and I guess you’re here to find the kther too before I can find it you’re a smart kid too but I’ve got orders direct from

Lochar only one of us is leaving the nether let’s go I tried to draw my bow but the pigas was too fast for me I was lucky enough to pull out my sword just in time to counter his attack before he knew it I hit him back and eventually

Managed to hit him in a way and made him touch lava and due to that he screamed a bit and moved away You’re tougher than you look but I’ll get you next time you little twerp and with that he ran off into the depths of the Nether on days 32

To 35 I traveled deeper into The Nether leaving the waist and entering the Crimson Forest wow this place is super scary if the legendary hero really hid the kther here he must have been one tough Warrior the nether has some of the scariest mobs around around but I was

Surprised to see a familiar face amongst all the trees in lava it was a baboon just like the one I met on my first day here hey aren’t you the one who burned down my tree I’m sorry Mr baboon it was an accident I’m a fire Godzilla

Sometimes I burn stuff down whatever it doesn’t matter now what are you doing in the Crimson Forest I’m looking for the kther of light to defeat lochar The Necromancer wait you too he attacked my family with some zombies I heard the kther my be hidden in the soul sand

Desert Let’s Travel together we have better odds sounds good to me Mr baboon we traveled together to the soul sand desert which was every bit as Bleak and Barren as the name suggests I then noticed lochar the Necromancer standing on top of a floating island hello again

Zozo was it nothing about you was particularly memorable you’re all smug now lochar but you won’t be when we find the kther and defeat you you won’t be able to find anything when you you’re dead suddenly the ground below me and Mr baboon began to shake I drew my bow and

Fired at lochar but he didn’t even Flinch it was useless if we couldn’t escape we’d be done for that’s when I had an idea I turned and fired my bow at one of the gas that should get the attention of him and his ghastly friends with lochar preoccupied with the ghast

Mr baboon and I ran away back towards the nether portal that was some quick thinking back there Zozo you really saved our skins I couldn’t have done it without you come back to the base with me you can join our anti locknar Squad and with that we exited the Nether on

Days 36 to 39 I returned back to the base with the baboon I built him a little treeh house because he didn’t find the stone Fortress as comfy as me and my fire creature friends I gathered my new basem mates together the fire villager Blaze the fire Elemental and

The baboon I needed to hear their thoughts on my hunt for the kther it wasn’t in the nether waste the Crimson Forest or the soul sand desert if the kther really is hidden in the nether where could it be you’re telling me you didn’t check the basalt Deltas the

Basalt Deltas what’s that it’s the most dangerous place in the nether Zozo if the legendary hero really didn’t want the kther to be found that’d be the best place to hide it the most dangerous place in the nether I can’t go there yet the rest of the nether was already

Dangerous enough if the kther was really in the basalt Deltas I needed to get stronger to get there and I needed a little more inspiration that’s why I started working more on the Statue I must say it’s coming along quite nicely from Days 40 to 43 Blaze approached me

Knowing I was feeling nervous about going back into the nether look Zozo the nether is a scary place I know I used to live there but sometimes when you can’t fight your way through you need to sneak but Blaze I can’t sneak I’m a fire

Godzilla I’m too easy to spot I know I know but that’s where my new plan comes in there’s a potion recipe hidden in a book I left in a lava canyon near here if you can go get it for me I’ll make you a potion you’ll find extremely

Useful so that’s exactly what I did I found my way to the underground lava Canyon it was really hot down there but thankfully fire Godzillas don’t mind the heat there had to be a chest down there somewhere someone left a book down here on its own it just burn up but my

Thoughts were interrupted when suddenly a huge serpent tried to grab me it was a heck of a jump scare I’m not on the menu so Slither on by you reptile I managed to hit it and knock it into the fiery depth below that will teach you to mess

With a fire Godzilla as I continued to explore I saw the chest tucked away in a corner let’s take a look inside a book jackpot and then proceeded to leave the lava Canyon and make my way back to the base I gave the book over to blaze and

He made me a potion this right here is a potion of invisibility it might make your journey into the basalt Deltas a little less dangerous thanks Blaze this is perfect on days 40 to 49 I made my way back to the nether portal deep in the forest here goes nothing after

Landing in the nether I made my way way through to the basalt Deltas my friends weren’t kidding when they said this place was dangerous it looks impossible to even build here I took the potion of invisibility and started to sneak through there were Shear Cliffs

Everywhere I had to be careful so that I didn’t fall help me please someone help me oh no is that an illager what’s he doing in here and why is he surrounded by Enderman I can’t just leave him like that I need to help him even if it means

Wasting my invisibility still keeping my distance I pulled out my bow I opened fire at the Enderman causing them to teleport away that gave me a window to get the eler out of there come with me if you want to live me and the eler ran

For the hills until we were out of the basalt Delta and back in the much safer Soul Sand Valley thank you kind stranger you saved me how can I ever repay you you can tell me everything you know about the kther of light I need it to defeat lochar The Necromancer wait the

Kther of light that reminds me of an old poem I used to hear all the time when I was a kid who seeks the kther Brave and true Venture into the forest blue the forest blue wait that sounds like the Warped Forest it’s the only place in the

Nether I haven’t checked come with me we’ll go find it on days 50 to 53 me and my new friend the iller made our way into the Warped Forest one of the slightly nicer parts of the nether I might have even enjoyed it if we weren’t ambushed by that pigas I fought earlier

Hey look here it’s that dweeb Zozo name calling really that’s just uncalled for man no Zozo what’s un called for is you being here me and the rest of loar’s boys have already found thether and it’s far away from here you’re going to get destroyed in the nether for nothing

That’s it you’re going down pigas but pigas pulled a dirty trick he didn’t go for me he went straight for the iller taking him down immediately no you can’t do that I can do whatever I want let’s Tango Zozo we clashed again but this time I was Stronger than before I dodged

His attacks easily and with a few well-placed strikes from my fire sword pigas was done done for with him gone I was all alone in the nether again maybe pigas had lied about them taking the kther I had to explore and find out there was a Bastion Remnant an ancient

Ruined Fortress nearby and it seemed like the exact kind of place the legendary hero might have hidden the kther instead all I found was a great Beast cowering in the shadows is the pigless gone that guy dragged me along with him to help him find the kther most

Of the rest of our team was destroyed by nether mobs it was horrible it’s okay I defeated the pigas he said he made you work for him do you have any idea where they may have taken the kther well tough to say I think pigas mentioned something

About taking it back to the camp he probably meant the one in the Wasteland back outside the nether perfect so at least I know where to look next let’s get out of here wait before you go you deserve a reward for taking out that jerk pigas I was going to use it myself

But here it’s a knockback enchantment your strikes will knock back your enemies now a fight finally some good luck from Days 54 to 57 I returned to my base and started making some adjustments I added some guard towers so that we could spot any incoming threats faster

Just as I finished repairing and adding the knockback enchantment to my iron sword the fire villager staying in the base approached me looking very worried Zozo I need a hand I’ve been looking into it and I’ve seen that a mutant Zombie is skullking out in the forest

Outside you should probably go take care of it while I’m working on an extremely important potion this would be the perfect opportunity to try my new knockback ability I ran out into the forest and just as the fire villager had told me there was a mutant zombie making

Its way towards our base I needed to put a stop to it come on mutant zombie you’re no match for me and I was right with the knockback enchantment on my fire sword I defeated it in no time and headed back to the base great work Zozo

And here’s your reward I made a potion of slow falling when you take it it eliminates fall damage you never know when that’ll come in handy on days 58 to 62 I continued work on the Statue I was really pleased with how it was coming along can you guess what it is yet

Suddenly I heard the baboon yell out in panic from his Treehouse guys something is coming towards us I looked out and saw a mob coming towards us creepers courtesy of locknar The Necromancer this is bad this is really bad but before we could do anything the first wave of

Creepers had already hit several of them exploded taking out huge chunks of the defensive wall and others started crawling through the new gaps I decid to rush in and finally get rid of the creeper Menace they started exploding again taking out chunks of the base by

The time I managed to turn the tide of the fight huge portions of our base had already been destroyed when I had the advantage the last surviving creeper ran off back into the forest the fight was over for now we need to start rebuilding immediately Blaze fire villager wait

Where’s baboon that’s when we realized the creepers had blown up baboon’s treehouse with baboon inside of it from Days 63 to 66 hungry for fiery Vengeance I followed the last remaining creeper back into the woods you and your friends aren’t going to get away with destroying

Mr baboon I chased him into the forest and saw him disappear down into an underground Cavern I was so angry I didn’t even think about how dangerous it could be to chase a creeper into an enclosed place I hopped down into the cavern but the creeper was nowhere to be

Seen instead I found a book laying on the ground containing a secret note invade the base and Destroy them all any survivors must return to the camp in the desert g a w go a w who’s that wait they camp in the desert that’s where they

Must be keeping the kther of light it was only then that I looked up and saw the creeper crawling quickly towards me no time to think on pure Instinct I pulled out my bow and fired Boom the creeper exploded taking out a portion of the cavern lucky for me thanks to the

Quick reflexes I was out of the Blast Zone from Days 67 to 70 I traveled for 2 days all the way out to the desert it was a really tough Journey but by the end I finally saw the camp it was a cabin surrounded by campfires with a

Ghostly figure floating around it it looked like the ghost of an ancient warrior lochar The Necromancer must be able to race skeletons zombies and ghosts wait ghost of ancient warrior that must be go a w the one who wrote the note he must be a pretty big deal as

I got close I noticed there was a gorge in the desert just outside the camp better not fall in I drew my bow and fired at the ghost but predictably the arrow went straight through him that’s when he threw through the air and lunged at me he didn’t even talk he was all

Action I managed to dodge and strike back with my sword but he parried this guy was a better fighter than anyone I’d ever faced I didn’t even know if I could defeat him that’s when I had an idea if I’m not strong enough to beat him yet I

Can still trick him before he could attack me again I quickly drank my potion of slow falling then when he attacked me again I jumped back and fell into the gorge to him it looked like I fell to my Doom but thanks to the potion I was just fine when the ghost finally

Floated away I climbed back up to the top kther of light here I come on days 71 to 74 I was finally able to make my way into the cabin being guarded by the ghost of the ancient warrior except the kther wasn’t there the cabin was empty

All I heard was the echoing laughter of lochar The Necromancer he was always a few steps ahead once again it all been for nothing I made the long trick back to my damaged base and empty-handed on day 75 to 78 I came back to the base and

Noticed how damaged it really was it was still heavily damaged from the creeper assault and I needed to start the repairs immediately so I did just that I felt terrible knowing that now Mr baboon is gone I didn’t need to rebuild the Treehouse as I finished up the repairs

The fire villager approached me hey Zozo I just wanted to say I’m sorry you didn’t find the kther but I know you’re strong enough to beat lochar anyway I figured this might help that’s when he handed me a diamond sword with fire aspect the strongest weapon I’d ever had

My hands on wow thanks fire villager it may not be the KYR of light but it’s the next best thing and it turns out that the diamond sword couldn’t have come at a better time because suddenly the ghost of the ancient warrior had returned and

He was flying at me guess it’s time for a rematch but this time I didn’t need any cheap tricks to take him down using my new diamond sword I dodged his blows and struck him again and again until he burst into ghost vapor and disappeared I immediately started growing larger and

Larger as well as doubling my hearts but it wasn’t just that with my new size I gained Godzilla strength making all my close-range attacks three times as powerful just then the fire villager ran up to me you did it Zozo you defeated the ghost of the ancient warrior that’s

Amazing wait Zozo I found this where the ghost vaporized it looks like a notebook the latest note read lochar is nearly at his full power the final arrangements are being put into place destroy Zozo and the Druid wait the Druid from the cabin he’s involved in this too on day

79 to 84 I knocked on the door of the druid’s cabin to find out how he was involved in all of this just like when I first met him he wasn’t eager to have me as a visitor keep your distance fire Godzilla you’re even bigger than last

Time and my house is very flammable I don’t want to burn your house down Druid but I know someone who does I’ve seen instructions from lochar The Necromancer he wants to destroy me and you what does he have against you G logar again I thought I was done with that guy what do

You mean I defeated him a few hundred years ago and sealed him away I figured he’d stay gone for good but I guess not wait does that mean you’re the legendary hero I was sure but then I retired to become a druid it’s a much easier life

And besides you should be fine as long as you have the kyar he won’t be that hard to defeat but he has the kther oh oh okay this could be bad after our conversation the dreu had led me back out into the forest to find another nether portal he’d HD another weapon in

The nether all those years ago as backup if ever the kther fell into the wrong hands but when we arrived at the side of the portal it had already been destroyed this isn’t good if lochar destroyed the nether portal it means he doesn’t need it anymore he’s reaching the full height

Of his powers what do we do now well from where I’m standing the only option is to an arrow shot out of the woods hitting the druid and destroying him before he could even finish his sentence no this can’t be happening I turned to see a small gang of skeletons emerge out

Of the thicket behind us as they ran at me I made short work of them with my diamond fire sword but now I was out of options and out of time there was only one thing left to do I need to find the swamp of viess and Destroy lochar myself

On days 85 to 89 I made my way out to the snowy Landscapes of the north where I finally found the great Beast I’d met back in the nether as far as I could tell he would be the only one who could tell me where to find the swamp of viess

And finally track down lochar the Necromancer himself I know where to find it but it won’t be easy it’s Beyond the Forest but you can only go at night and that’s the thing that creep is strongest at night so if you’re going to take him on you better be well defended that’s a

Useful tip thanks great beast from Days 90 to 94 I decided to take the great BEAST’s advice and armor up I used my iron pickaxe to mine some diamonds and turned them into a full set of diamond armor helmet chest plate leggings and boots but I didn’t want to stop there I

Needed some enchantments to really make sure I could take a punch from lochar and his evil Army of the undead I gave myself the protection enchantment that makes my armor twice as durable against close range attacks and projectile protection which kept me safe from ranged attacks let’s see lochar take me

On now from Days 95 to 97 I finally finished the statue its flame could be seen from miles away and should keep all the bad mobs away from my base once and for all it was a Beacon of Hope for all fire mobs a bright brilliant Beacon that

Could be seen from miles away and that’s when I realized why I had to take on locknar and his Undead minions I could either use my Firepower to destroy like when I accidentally burned down Mr Babin’s tree or I could use it to be a Beacon of Hope to fight back against

Evil whenever I can because it’s the right thing to do so it’s exactly what I was going to do on day 98 I spoke to the fire villager in blaze about my plan to attack the swamp of violence and finally take down lochar you can’t do this alone

Zozo you’re strong but lochar is so powerful and he has an entire Army he’s right Zozo why don’t you let us come with you surely we’ll be stronger together I can’t put you at risk like that you need to stay here as backup in case lochar defeats me and his Undead

Army escapes but I can’t let that happen trust me no matter what I’m going to defeat lochar and put an end to his evil reign of terror with that I exited the base but was sudden ly stopped by someone I haven’t met before uh can I

Help you he said nothing and dropped me a note and left the note said if you want to help me defeat lochar you should subscribe to Zozo and check out our other Adventures you can even suggest what you want to see next down in the comments H all right I’m sure with the

Help of you guys I’ll actually manage to defeat lochar on day 99 following the instructions of the great Beast I made my way to the swamp of vness in the dead of night it was every bit as creepy as I’d imagined M Tong low the mossy skeletons minions of lochar were

Patrolling back and forth I didn’t have any more potions of invisibility I needed to fight my way through okay skellies come get me I want to speak to your manager that got their attention suddenly waves of Mossy skeleton started running at Me While others fired bows at

Me from a distance thankfully with my enchanted diamond armor I could deflect most of the damage and my enchanted diamond sword could destroy them in one strike each but that wasn’t the problem the mossy skeletons may have been we week but every single time I defeated

Them more just kept coming out of the fog don’t you guys know when to quit they are the least of your worries Zoo it was locknar I could hear his voice but I couldn’t see him it was like he was everywhere around me if you survive this Onslaught come a little further and

Meet me in my Crypt it will be the last thing you ever do I wasn’t going to let him get away with that no matter how many skeletons he threw at me I keep fighting to the very end with my sword at the ready and my Flames brighter than

Ever I moved in towards the Crypt of lochar on day 100 I fought through the mossy skeletons and reached the Crypt which looked like a big rickety pile of ancient stone but there were stronger enemies waiting for me there mutant skeletons and mutant zombies came

Running at me but my sword was ready I hit them again and again sending one after another down but just like the mossy skeletons more of them kept coming I’m really starting to get sick of you guys I Unleashed a mighty fire Godzilla roar that could be heard across all of

The swamp of vness and it knocked out all of the undead at once it was just me and the Crypt so I pulled out my iron pickaxe and started destroying it just despite lochar but just then I fell down deeper into the Crypt oh my gosh there

It is that’s the kther of light this is where he’s been keeping it I grabbed the kther now I was ready to take on lochar I wouldn’t be so confident Zozo boom lochar appeared behind me more powerful than he’d ever never been before do you really think you can beat to this lochar

Began to grow as his power increased becoming a huge monstrous super Necromancer like this he really did look like he could take over the world but I wasn’t done yet and do you really think you can beat this I summoned up all of my power and channeled it my Flames got

Brighter As I Grew taking in the power of the kther of light I became Ultra fire Godzilla with 30 hearts and almost unbreakable armor you can’t do this it isn’t fair life isn’t fair lochar let’s go lochar threw everything at me hitting me again and again but getting nothing

Now it’s my turn with one Mighty swing of the kther with all my power behind it locknar was destroyed once and for all never to raise another undead minion again safe at last I returned to the base to celebrate with the fire villager and Blaze things were finally looking up

For all of us on day one I spawned into the bad lands as a slippery fiery fire eel I’m one spicy unagi but I wouldn’t be very filling I’m only a baby eel but I’m sure I could still pack a fiery punch I breathed a jeta fire one of my

Awesome fire ill starter Powers I was feeling super confident about what the next 100 days could hold but my confidence didn’t last for long because a huge dread Beast came running across the Badlands towards me there was no way he was up to anything good still I tried

My best to be polite hey hey there dread Beast I’m Zozo it’s nice to meet you what a lovely day we’re having right yes a lovely day even Lovel Now That I Found You a delicious fire eel wait what what do you mean delicious I am the all

Devouring dread Beast Zozo all that matters to me is finding and eating tasty things because I’m always hungry oh no and don’t even think about slithering away little eel I love fast food but I slithered away anyway going as fast as I could there was no way I

Was going to be devoured by a dread beast on my very first day in the Overworld but I don’t think that nasty dread Beast is going to quit either I need to get strong enough to beat that monster or I worry I’m going to spend a 100 days preparing to become its lunch

On day two I kept slithering until I finally found a place in the Badlands to stop and catch my breath it’s not exactly the most hospitable place to spawn then again given that I’m a fire eel it’s probably better than spawning some more cold and hey at least I have

10 Hearts I realized that all that talk about eating me had weirdly made me kind of hungry these will make for a perfect snack I busted down the tree and started eating those delicious crunchy apples feeling my hunger bar replenish that’s when I felt something that a fire eill

Should never want to feel the cold I turned and saw that it was because a ghost was floating right behind me give in zoo to be devoured by the mighty dread Beast is your destiny what you don’t even have anything to do with that you’re just some random ghost why would

You want the dread Beast to eat me you’re so foolish Zozo I have everything to do with it I was a villager once and then the dread Beast ate me I came back as a ghost forever enslave to his will that’s terrifying I’m sorry Mr ghost but there’s no way

I’m letting that happen to me I turned and ran for my life in the opposite direction that spooky ghost and his master Slater had already freaked me out enough for one day when I came to a stop alone in the middle of the Badlands I was exhausted and honestly felt like

Crying that’s when I was approached by a surprisingly friendly Gorgon hey little buddy you look sad I’m Grace Grace the Gorgan why don’t you come with me I can help you out that that sounds nice thank you I’ve had a really hard day oh don’t

I know it come with me I’ll take you to a friend of mine’s place you’ll be safe there on day three grace the gorgon and I traveled through the bad lands until we found a small shack with a troll waiting outside but rather than posting mean comments on the internet he seemed

Happy to see us Grace the Gorgon hung back while I approached to get acquainted with the cheerful troll the name’s Terry Terry the troll you look like you seen a ghost fella I have seen a ghost actually and it was the Ghost of one of the past victims of a giant

Monster that wants to eat me wa that’s heavy man a monster wants to eat you that sounds like something The Dread Beast would do yes the dread beast that’s the one is there anything I could do to stop that awful monster from eating me isn’t it obvious you’re going

To need to slay it get it before it gets you you get me slay the dread Beast that doesn’t sound like it’s going to be easy sure it won’t be easy but is anything worth doing ever easy get out there make a base get some allies who will work

With you it’ll be tough and it’ll take time but the way I see it little fire eel it’s the only way you’re going to get out of this well an Neil’s got to do what anil’s got to do thanks for the advice Terry I’m going to try my best to

Get strong enough and make enough allies to defeat the dread beast from day four to day five Grace the gorgon and I went deeper into the bad lands until we found an area that looked like it’d be perfect for building a base but you’re going to need some tools first Zozo maybe start

Out by gathering some wood good idea Grace I used what little baby eel strength I had to break down a tree and collect the wood for building a wooden pickaxe it’s mining time and then I mined into the ground collecting enough Stone to build myself a stone pickaxe

And a stone sword but I didn’t stop there I continued Gathering Stone until I had enough to build myself a basic base with two rooms one for me and one for Grace the Gorgon these rooms both look awesome Zozo thank you it wasn’t easy to build them but I’m glad I did

Out of curiosity Grace why did you choose to stay with me because I hate bullies and I wasn’t going to leave you out there vulnerable to The Dread Beast we’ll stick together and win this thing oh you’re the best Grace and that moment was so heartwarming my hearts grew twice

As big literally I was bigger stronger had 20 hearts and I gained an awesome new ability shooting flaming wither skulls a yeah that’s more like it from day six to day 8 I ventured out to a new location the basalt Barrera it’s nice to take a load off and see new places it

Takes my mind off the fact that a terrifying monster wants to eat me alive oh no now I’m thinking about it again but I didn’t have any more time to stand around feeling anxious because the same ghost that was hassling me earlier emerged out of the trees zo zoo I found

You I really wish you’d UNF find me you still have your sense of humor good you’ll need that when you’re a ghost the days are dark and the nights are long it will never end actually it’s going to end for you right now I was sick of

Being chased Away by monsters so I Unleashed my fire breath onto the ghost weakening him and making him physical before finishing him off with my stone sword nobody’s eating me I won’t allow it my battle with the ghost must have caught the attention of a cyclops who was wandering through the basalt barer

He immediately approached me with an offer the name Sid Sid the Cyclops I may not have great depth perception but I can see a real strength in you think you can do a job for me I got a local freaky customer who needs attendant to sure

I’ll give it the old fireal try from Day N to day 10 I went out to a remote part of the basalt Barrera with Sid the Cyclops following close behind who exactly do you want me to fight here Sid believe me when you see him you’ll no

And Sid was right the second I saw him I did know it was a huge frightening dread night I could see why Sid didn’t want to take him on himself well here goes nothing I ran in and faced The Dread Knight alone do thou wish to challenge me Nave oh yeah consider yourself

Challenged is a battle then I thought the dread Knight but none of my attacks seemed to do any damage the fight seemed hopeless and in the end all I could do was turn and run I met back up with Sid the Cyclops not far from the side of the

Battle I’m not strong enough to take on this dread Knight yet Sid but until I am how about you come and hang out at my base just sounds like a guess let’s go from day 11 to day 12 I returned to my base with Sid the Cyclops I got to work

On building him a new room right alongside the rooms I’d built for myself and Grace by the time I was done Sid looked delighted I’ve always wanted a second home this is a big deal for me I feel like a celebrity or something I’m glad you like it Sid be it ever so

Humble there’s no place like home well it’s not quite as humble now go take a look at some upgrades I created while you were building my bedroom I took a look at the upgrades and I was extremely impressed he’d built a furnace which would allow me to smelt ores into ingots

For building weapons and armor and he’d also built a storage room where I could store more weapons and resources speaking of resources I’m hungry I should probably find a way to keep my food supply sustain stainable to that end I started hurting some chickens from the surrounding Badlands and created a

Small farm with some cops to keep them for eggs and chicken and now it’s time to put that furnace to good use I searched until I found a deep cave and inside it didn’t take me long to find a nice vein of iron ore I mined it with my

Stone pickaxe until I had enough to take back I returned to my base and smelted the ore into iron ingots with the help of a few leftover sticks I made myself an iron sword and an iron pickaxe this will give me something to put in the

Storage room too from day 13 to day 15 I started feeling antsy thinking about the fact that the dread Beast was out there biting its time waiting for the right moment to strike I realized that I needed to get stronger so I returned to Grace the Gorgon for some advice on what

I should do next one of the biggest sources of the dread beast power is the Legion of ghosts created from his former meals the more of them you can free from their bounds on the Overworld the weaker he’ll be I actually think there’s another one near here here at the basalt

Barrera because Grace always seemed to be right I ventured out to the basalt Barrera and exactly as she’d predicted there was one of the dread Beast ghostly servants waiting for me looks like I have my work cut out for me here through a mix at my fire attacks and the work of

My strong new iron sword I was able to defeat the ghost it even dropped a potion of strength on the ground which I picked up and drank wait I can feel something happening suddenly I started to grow getting bigger and feeling my number of hearts grow to 30 I also

Experienced additional damage on every single one of my attacks Grace was right I’m much stronger already this really was the trip out here from day 16 to day 19 I went out to the Bayou as a test of my courage it was dangerous to wander around there with so much water

Everywhere still what’s life without a little risk here and there I can’t be a truly powerful fireal if I’m not brave but this journey was more valuable than just building up my confidence while I was slithering along I just discovered a strange old book of fairy tales and

Decided to give it a read man’s hunger for wealth and power once unlocked darker and deeper hungers greedy miners who wanted diamonds and gold dug deeper than they should and uncovered the Monstrous dread Beast a creature with a hunger to Devour the whole world wow so

That’s where the dread Beast came from I wonder what I can do with this information but I didn’t have time to ponder on this for too long because I looked up and saw another Eerie ghost floating toward me out of the darkness of the Bayou you can’t escape Zozo I thought I could

Escape I was so silly he ate me like he ate all the others he’ll eat you too Zozo he’ll eat you too I vaporized the ghost with a Wither Skull and then ran out of there I didn’t feel like spending any more time in the bayou that day from

Day 20 to day 22 I went back into the mining cave to collect a little more iron ore before returning to my base and smelting it into iron ingots I’ve got some cool weapons and tools now it’s time to get myself some awesome armor I made an iron chest plate which

Admittedly you couldn’t actually see on my Fier old body but would provide me some valuable defensive abilities anyway I’m stronger than I’ve ever been but now it’s time to use that strength for good there’s an old score I have to settle I returned again to the basal Perera with

One thing on my mind finally defeating the dread Knight when I found him again I pulled out my sword and squared up to him Dost thou return to fight me you sad little fire ill you cannot destroy that which has already been destroyed what does that even mean once upon a time I

Was a knight a brave and Powerful night I battled many a monster and believed that I could also slay the dread beast but I was wrong terribly terribly wrong The Dread Beast devoured me and now my soul soul is bound to his I’m a shade of

My former self then let me free you from this terrible State dread Knight I fired a Wither Skull at The Dread Knight then ran in to battle him directly with my new skills and my iron sword I was able to hold my own Against The Dread Knight and eventually destroy him rest well

Tragic Knight I’ll avenge you and all the others oh will you now I turned with horror to see The Dread Beast itself standing close behind me even with my new Strength he still looked just as frightening tasty tasty little eel it’s almost time Zozo I’m getting so hungry I

Can barely control myself I didn’t want to stick around and see if the dread Beast could keep a leash on his appetite instead I just turned and ran away as quickly as I could from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to my base to tell Sid the

Cyclops that I had managed to defeat the dread KN and free him from his torment in the process Zozo how did the go go my guy The Dread Knight won’t be bothering you anymore I don’t feel much like celebrating about it though he was just

As much a victim of the dread Beast as me he’s really really evil evil is as evil does I guess what can we do about it we can help each other we can fight back I like way your heads at kid but where do we start should probably

Upgrade my gear if I want to do that I’d better get mining I headed down into the mining cave to see what I could find I managed to gather some iron ingots and I took them back to my base and smelted them making an iron helmet I feel

Tougher already then Grace the Gorgon approached me I heard what you did for the dread night that was an amazing start as a thank you for your hard work I’ve added an improvement to the base that I believe you’ll approve of it’s a security bunker a safe place to retreat

To in the event of an ambush by The Dread Beast or one of his ghostly Armory awesome thank you you from day 27 to day 31 I went back out to the Bayou equipped with my new helmet and a renewed sense of purpose I was a little worried I

Would run into another ghost but instead a big friendly Panda came ambling up to me I heard you’re the guy who got rid of that ghost who is terrorizing us out in these parts thank you kindly for that of course are there any more ghosts out

Here none that I’ve seene but if you’re offering help I sure could use a place to stay see that nasty ghost critter H my house right up any chance you’ve got a spare room and that room is Panda sized sure well I don’t have a room for

You yet but I can build one let’s go back to my base and we’ll get you settled in thanks by the way my name’s Patrick I’m Zozo you sure are impressive for an eel Zozo well that’s kind of reductive but thanks anyway come on Patrick the panda followed me back to my

Base and I got to work on building him a room where he could stay when I was finished Grace the Goran came to talk to me Zozo Terry the troll needs help there’s a ghost attacking his home but I can’t fight it alone will you come with

Me and help of course poor Terry let’s head on over there right now from day 32 to day 35 Grace the gorgon and I traveled to the Badlands to help Terry the troll when we got there Terry Shack was a mess and I don’t mean he forgot to

Pick up his dirty socks I mean the whole thing had been knocked down and Terry was nowhere to be seen instead there was just a creepy ghost hovering out front you too late Zozo your friend has already left this life behind pity he died this way and not in the jaws of the

Mighty dread Beast he was not as lucky as you will be what do you mean that can’t be true ah but it is one way or another you will join us I have heard that the dread Beast is craving eel pie and his hunger will soon be sated no it

Won’t you may have taken my friend but I’ll never let you beat me I shot a Wither Skull at The Ghost and vaporized it it felt good but I was still heartbroken about Terry we can’t let Terry’s death be in vain Zozo I may only

Be a little fireal but as long as I have fire breath in my body I won’t let the dread Beast do this to anyone ever again from Day 36 to day 39 I returned to the basalt Barrera now that I got rid of the dread Knight this place is pretty

Peaceful I’d love to kick back and relax out here well not kick I don’t have feet but you get the idea I was just about to try and squeeze in a little relaxation between quests when another ogre approached me o your name’s Zozo is it

I’ve got a right awful bloke in me house he just won’t leave I tried to chase him out and he said he’d burn me to a crispy did WOW people from the nether sure have a funny way of talking but I get what you mean friend show me the way and I’ll

Do my best to help he took me to his house where sure enough a great big fire ogre was getting ready to burn the place down luckily I threw a Wither Skull and stopped him before he could torch the nether ogre’s house here you go still

Just is not burn down as it was before well Bob’s your uncle say you’re that bloke what’s looking to get rid of the dread Beast I am Well’s only out there in the swamp lands is that’s good to know I just won’t go there until I’m

Strong enough to fight and win from day 40 to day 43 I traveled back home to my base when I got there I was surprised to find Sid the Cyclops waiting for me hey there Zozo while you are out I built some additional rooms oh that’s amazing

I need a room for my friend here but what made you think of that well I was hoping we could invite more guests to come stay I know a few guys it turns out that very guy was Patrick the panda who I’d already met the more the merrier

Here’s your new room Patrick holy it’s perfect Zozo say could you do me one more favor could you go to the Bayou and get my favorite book I left it out there and I’ve got a hankering for raing sure I’ll head over there now from day 44 to

Day 49 I traveled to the Bayou to look for Patrick the Panda’s favorite book I probably should have asked him what it looked like or what it was called oh well I’m here now but I wasn’t the only one here the terrifying dread Beast popped out right in front of me indeed

You are Zozo tasty eel it’s almost my supper time once it is I will feast and the prophecy foretells that once I eat a fire eel I will reach my ultimate power and devour all that I see I’ll never let you eat me especially not after you said

All that scary stuff when the time comes you will not be able to escape with that he disappeared but I didn’t get a chance to wonder where he went in his place he left behind a huge mean looking blue manacor look upon your your future Zoo

If I could not defeat the dread Beast then surely a tiny insignificant fire eel will not be able to you will be devoured like the rest why still work for him after what he did to you fool there is no choice once the dread Beast has eaten you there is no Freedom that’s

Terrible I could tell he was the toughest opponent I’d face so far but if I wanted to save myself and free the blue Manor from The Dread Beast grip I was going to have to win from day 50 to day 53 I continued my fight against the

Blue manticor he was even stronger than he looked I was pretty worried that I might not make it out of this one just accept your fate never no one deserves that I used all of the strength I had and fought as hard as I could and with

The help of my trusty Wither Skull I finally managed to defeat him but by the time I did The Dread Beast was long gone I was hoping to find out where exactly his base is I know it’s in a swamp but where just then I noticed something on

The ground the manticor must have dropped it I took a closer look and it was a map with Dread Beast Clubhouse ritten on it this must be where his base is once I’m strong enough I’m going straight there from day 54 to day 57 I continued my search for Patrick the

Panda’s book finally I came across a book lying on the ground I went over to pick it up but a hell ostrich leapt at me and started attacking hey that’s my friend’s book I need it back the hell ostrich didn’t say anything it just kept attacking me okay we don’t have to chat

About it but you just have to let me take the book with a few well-timed attacks I was able to defeat the hell ostrich and grab the book sure enough it said Panda’s book on it it also dropped something else netherite ingots maybe I can use these later I hurried back to my

Base to find Patrick the panda Patrick I got your book Thank You Zozo I reckon I’ll never know how to repay you you can pay me back with your friendship and by enjoying that book I also happen to have heard tell of a magic apple one that

Gives anyone who eats it a massive boost of strength might be just what you need I’ll keep an eye out for a magic Apple then from day 58 to day 62 I took a look around my base this place is pretty great but it could be even better I

Wandered over to the chicken farm and had an idea that’s it I’ll expand this area so we can have even more chickens with all of these new people staying at the base we’ll need lots of eggs after that I headed back into the mining cave to look for anything I could use to

Upgrade my gear it took a long time but I managed to find some diamonds I took them back to my base and used them to craft a set of diamond armor a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword wait until the dread Beast gets a look at this good

Luck eating all these diamonds Grace the Gorgon then approached with some more good news Zozo come and see what I’ve done I’ve added to the base this is the party room where we can all celebrate when you’ve vested the Beast I know you can do it thanks for believing in me

Grace from day 63 to day 66 I was hanging out at my base practicing my dance moves in the party room when Sid the Cyclops came to see me Zozo I heard that there might be some helpful materials in Birch Forest where’d you hear that got a tip from my materials

Guy it’s good enough for your guy it’s good enough for me I traveled to the Birch forest and got to work looking for anything useful as I searched I spotted a mained wolf stalking her way toward me please don’t attack me I’m busy I wasn’t

Going to attack you I was going to say hi and ask you for a favor if that’s okay I’m mallerie nice to meet you I’m Zozo what kind of favor my baby was kidnapped by a silver skeleton please help me get him back of course where did

You last see him let’s go from day 67 to Day 70 I followed the main wolf to another part of the Birch Forest there I could see a silver skeleton where are you hiding the baby mained wolf I’ll never tell she’s definitely not locked in that building over there huh I

Tricked you time to fight I didn’t give the silver skeleton any more time I shot a Wither Skull at the skeleton he attacked me in return but my armor kept me from taking too much damage then it was time to test out my new diamond sword I was able to defeat the silver

Skeleton with only two swipes then I opened the door to the nearby totally not suspicious building and there was the baby wolf thank you so much I’ll change her name to Zozo after you that’s really nice but please don’t do that a thanks is Enough from day 71 to day 74 I

Decided to follow the map to the cold swamplands and try to sneak a look at that dread Beast Hideout while I was following the map’s path I started thinking about how much had already happened I’ve had some amazing Adventures so far to find even more of

My awesome Antics make sure to search zo zo that’s my name finally I reached the cold swamplands jeez they call it cold for a reason this is definitely no place for a fire eel then in swooped the dread Beast you will have plenty of time to

Get used to it after I’ve had my meal and your spirit is trapped here forever The Dread Beast found me before I found him time to see if I’m ready to fight this guy I shot a Wither Skull at him but he tanked it with complete ease I’ll

Try the sword I attacked with my sword but he barely seemed to feel it like a mere paper cut uh-oh he hit me back and my new armor protected me from getting completely knocked down but I knew I wouldn’t last too much longer I’m not

Ready to take him on from day 75 to day 78 I ran all the way back to my base I wish I could fight him now but if I do that before I get stronger I’ll lose for sure I decided to lie down in my room

For a while I want to be a hero but I’m starting to think that sadly I’m only an eel Grace the Gorgon knocked on my door interrupting my sad thoughts hey Zozo I know you’re disappointed but I wanted to show you an addition I’ve made to our

Home here come and look I followed her all the way to a new Watchtower oh this is pretty cool thank you Grace I feel better well Grace and I were admiring the Watchtower and all the watching we be able to do up there Patrick join me

Take a look at what I found he handed me a magic Apple hey this is like the one you told me about not just like it it’s the same one try it I hate the apple and I felt myself growing bigger and more powerful my hearts increased to 60 and I

Gained a new attack I could shoot a fireball I’ll show that dread Beast what being a fire eel is all about from day 79 to day 84 I traveled back to the cold swamp swamp lands this time if the dread Beast ambushes me again I’ll be ready I

Didn’t spot him anywhere but I was able to test out my new strength and my Fireball on an undead scorpion that tried to sting me nice try but I’m not a little fire eel that people can pick on anymore I’m a big strong eel that plays

By my own rules that awesome Act of Firepower attracted the attention of a friendly polar bear you sure are I know what that’s like well not to being an e pop as you can see I’m a polar bear hi I decided to sit with the polar bear for a

Little while and when I finally got up to go he stopped me for a second thanks for the company hey is that netherite attach it to your sword like this then he crafted a netherite sword for me thank you this is great from day 85 to

Day 89 I said goodbye to the nice polar bear and took my new netherite sword back to my base when I got there I saw that someone had destroyed my new Watchtower hey Grace worked really hard on that I looked around for the culprit and I saw

A ghost floating away into the bad lands oh no you don’t I chased after the ghost as fast as I could as I did a painted Kitty stopped me excuse me could you point the way to the Birch Forest I’m terribly lost I quickly pointed her in the right direction then kept running

After the ghost looks like he’s running toward the cold swamp lands from day 90 to Day 94 I finally managed to catch up with the ghost he ran into the dread Beast Hideout I stopped just outside I’m not ready to go in there yet but I can

Wait out here and see what happens the Ghost came back out of The Hideout like he was looking for me I got a better look at him and saw that he wasn’t just a ghost he was a huge tough looking dread ghoul my my my look who took the

Bait it’s the main course for the coming Feast I’m so sick of you all saying stuff like that then try and stop me if you dare I shot a fireball at The Dread ghoul and it barely even faced him uh-oh he’s the toughest minion I’ve fought yet

From day 95 to day 97 I continued my battle against the dread ghoul I really need to do my best if I’m going to win this one with the help of my new netherite sword I was finally able to knock the dread ghoul down for good his

Helmet fell to the floor and I grabbed it who was netherite this goes great with my sword hey what’s this I spotted a note on the ground it says the dread Beast is getting worried about me he thinks I might be able to destroy him before he can eat me and fulfill the

Prophecy this is great news it means I’m definitely on the right track I can’t back down I’ve got to get everything I possibly need before I enter the final battle on day 98 I returned to my base Grace the gorgon and the rest were waiting for me I’m really starting to

Think I can do this it wasn’t so sure before but now I know everything will work out it will and look I fixed the watch Tower The Dread beast in his Oak can’t keep us down yeah next I spoke to Patrick the panda Zozo before you head

On out of here to fight that big boss take this it’s a potion of strength it’ll power you up good thank you this is just what I need and finally Sid the Cyclops I don’t have any potions or any repairs done just this I may only have

One eye but I can see a bright future ahead of you and the rest of us too because you’re going to do it kid thank you well no more waiting around I’ve got to go see a dread Beast about a battle on day 99 I traveled back to the cold

Swamplands and the dread Beast Hideout when I got there I started to get pretty worried because the whole place was crawling with ghosts well they were floating but they were everywhere but the mained wolf from before came bounding up to me I can handle these ghost you get inside while I keep them

Busy while the M wolf took care of the ghost I finally end entered the dread Beast Clubhouse on day 100 I entered the dread Beast space and found him waiting there for me yes I knew you’d be here soon my stomach has been growling time

To Feast why do you have to eat all these innocent victims why can’t you just have some pie or a sandwich like everybody else because no sandwich in this world tastes sweeter than absolute power what about pie pie’s pretty sweet yeah enough talk I’m much tooo hungry

And I’m craving fire eel he lunged at me and attacked but I was ready I dodged him and shot back a fireball in return it hit him but he kept going he rushed at me again and this time he knocked me back but I wasn’t done yet I used my

Netherite sword to get the upper hand Zozo imagine it if you join my ghostly Army then you will share in my infinite power the world will will be ours no thanks I’m not taking that deal I drank the strength potion and finally got the better of him and with one more swipe of

My Sword I destroyed the mighty terrible dread Beast I did it I saved the day I’ll say it this eel is on fire on day one I spawned into the sea Woods as an adorable little fire rabbit I may just be a wly wabbit but if you mess with me

That doesn’t mean you won’t get burned I decided to hop through the woods and explore hoping I wouldn’t accidentally set anything on fire with my burning bunny body at least I know I’ll never get cold I wanted to stay optimistic but it got a lot harder when a big scary bug

Came crawling out of the forest behind me it was a MMX Soldier halt by order of her majesty the merx queen what is your business here don’t worry sir I was just looking around I spawned nearby I can just leave if you want not so first

We’ve been told to keep a lookout for suspicious rabbits and you’re both suspicious and a rabbit come with me but what if I don’t want to come with you then I’ll just have to take you by force I didn’t like the idea of being taken by

Force so I turned and hopped away as quickly as I could I may have not had any weapons but at least I was extremely fast I’m just a baby fire rabbit for now with only 10 Hearts but if I can get away from these cre he crawlies I’ll be

Able to get bigger and stronger but my little self- pep talk was interrupted by another mmes Soldier popping out from behind a tree and stopping me in my tracks don’t you know it’s rabbit season silly bunny us Merm soldiers are everywhere in the SEO Woods you better

Come with me or someone somewhere is going to enjoy a bowl of rabbit soup tonight that was clearly a threat so I decided to play along and follow him so I could save my fire rabbit skin on day two The Merck Soldier pushed me all the

Way way to a weird beel likee looking Hive base on the edge of the woods not the kind of place where i’ typically like to spend my day what is this place this is the hive you misbehaving little rabbit this is where me and my fellow mxes live with our wonderful Queen she’s

Currently in a different biome on Royal business but when she returns she’ll question you personally how long will that take though it will take as long as it takes do not question the Judgment of our beloved Queen he didn’t talk to me much after that I was taken to some kind

Of holding cell in the hive and pushed inside to wait for the return of the queen but she could be gone for weeks I don’t want to be trapped in here for all that time you’re telling me I turned and saw a pink pixie fluttering around the

Cell looking bored I’m Paris the pink pixie I feel like I’ve been trapped in here forever I was just flying through the SEO Woods minding my own business when those merma scons grabbed me and dragged me in here for being suspicious sorry for making assumption here but

Can’t you use your pink pixie magic to get us out of here nope these walls are magic proof H but are they fireproof I walked closer to the wooden fence gates until they caught fire and the block started breaking soon enough we were free as we escaped a merma soldier

Almost caught us but we managed to get out of there thank you for freeing me Zozo I’m going to go see my family they’re probably worried about me but I hope we meet again someday I hope that too Paris say travels Paris left and I decided to get out of the sea Woods

Before more mxes were sent after me on day three I found my way into the meadow where I figured that no murm Soldier could ever find me man escaping that Hive was hungry work though I wonder if there’s some food around here that’s perfect for a little fire rabbit like me

Not long after I found a patch of carrots perfect I dug them up and ate them feeling my hunger bar replenish it made me feel a whole lot better until another bigger rabbit hopped over to me and and he didn’t seem pleased hey those are my carrots you just ate they were

Prized award-winning and you just ate them without even asking me do you have any idea how messed up that is oh no I’m so sorry I didn’t know they were yours I never would have eaten them if I did you think that makes me feel better I’m

Still down a bunch of carrots we rabbit should stick together not steal from each other is there any way I could make it up to you in the name of rabbit solidarity H well there are a few favors you could do for me follow me I’ll

Figure out a way for you to pay off your debts thank you so much for your forgiveness I’m zoo by the way I’m KR let’s go and I followed KR eager to get back into his good graces from day four to day five KR escorted me back to his

Base in the meadow he must have been pretty brave to live out here in the middle of nowhere this is my place don’t tell anyone about this place under any circumstances why because I like my privacy don’t ask too many questions it’s not a likable quality inside the

Base he explained to me exactly how I could repay him for eating his special carrots as you know the world is hard for little rabbits like us people think they can pick on us look down on us and I’ve seen too much of that throughout my

Life I’ve kept a list of the kind of people who have made my life harder over the years rabbit haters you know help me get through my list and not only will you be happier you’ll have repaid your debt that sounds like something I could

Do where should I start KR you can start by getting out of here and making your own base it’d be dangerous for us to be seen together take this stone sword and stone pickaxe and make something of yourself before you come back to me you

Gave me the tools and I got out of there the meadow gave me the creeps so I decided I’d set up my base in the ebony Woods instead I used the pickaxe to mine some Stone I made myself an Axe and cut down some trees for wood I found a nice

Clearing in the forest and built myself a basic base where I could at least sleep with a roof over my head for the night but when I was done building I got my first unwelcome visitor one of the Merm soldiers who had captured me earlier there you are I knew you were

The killer rabbit and now I’m going to put you down killer rabbit what that’s not me I’m not going to listen to your lies time to battle You Bad Bunny he seemed strong and as I was I felt like I couldn’t beat him I summoned up my

Strength and leveled up I got bigger stronger I now had 20 hearts and a new ability the fireball attack and with one blast of that fireball the mmck soldier was gone I really am living up to the fire rabbit name from day six to day eight I was exploring the ebony Woods a

Little further it was a strange and magical place made even more magical by a sudden reappearance Paris the pig pixie I immediately hopped over to meet her Hey Paris is everything okay I wish I could say it was Zoo but no something terrible happened I went to see my

Family but they were were all gone and their home was destroyed I don’t know what I’m going to do oh Paris that’s terrible do you want to stay at my base I can help you in your time of need thank you Zozo but right now I need to

Be alone we’ll speak again soon be safe out there Paris the pink pixie left I felt terrible for her and started to wonder if maybe the ones who’ destroyed paris’s family were the same ones that KR warned me about maybe it was time to begin my quest I returned turned to K’s

Base in the meadow and asked him what I should do first to complete my mission your first Target is the hairy troll further into the meadow he’s a violent dangerous individual so you should take him out with extreme prejudice do you think he could have been behind the

Destruction of the pink pixie family what how do you know about that I know the Survivor H there’s a strong possibility but don’t ask him about it when you meet him just destroy him he’ll try to deceive you from day N9 to day 10 I followed k AR’s instructions and went

Further out into the meadow wow this is fast and empty but I pressed on I needed to avenge Paris and repay my carrot debt to KR there was no backing out now suddenly the hairy troll jumped out and ambushed me ready to attack I knew he’d

Send someone after me of course he’d be too cowardly to go after me himself pathetic cowardly no what’s cowardly is destroying a whole family of pink Pixies rather than picking on someone your own size I’m just doing a favor for a friend you have terrible tasted friends I’ve

Never hurt any pink Pixies he told me you’d lie let’s battle the hairy troll was a tough enemy but with my sword and Fireballs I was able to defeat him in the end shortly after his defeat a wolfwoman came out of the forest wow you really fried that troll I had no

Idea anyone could do those awes some fire tricks thanks I don’t like hurting people but I needed to stop him from ever hurting anyone like he hurt the pink pixie family oh the pink pixie family I heard about that it was terrible but I don’t think a troll was

Behind that it was some kind of other creature so the attacker is still at large oh no I need to speak to KR about this from day 11 to day 12 I returned to K’s base telling him that i’ defeated the hay troll but that the one who’d

Attacked the pink pixie family was still out there somewhere if the hairy troll wasn’t behind it then it must be the thorn wolf a truly dangerous and evil creature that lives deep in the ebony Woods it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the thornwolf was behind the pink pixie

Family attack Thorn wolf even the name sounds scary it’s definitely a scary creature I recommend getting better weapons and tools before you go to destroy it otherwise wise you may find yourself at a disadvantage good idea KR I’ll get right on it I found my way to a

Cave in the meadow and explored until I found some iron ore veins inside I used some of my spare Stone to make a furnace then mined the iron ore and smelted it into ingots now time to do some crafting I created an iron sword and an iron

Pickaxe an iron chest plate and then left the cave where I ran into a creeper spider oh no rather than engaging I ran away as quickly as I could the creeper spider exploded behind me leaving a huge crater in the ground from day 13 to day 15 I ventured further into the ebony

Woods than I ever had before my little fire Rabbit Heart filled with fear if the thorn wolf really was as powerful and as dangerous as KR told me that I could be in real danger even being around here as I was exploring I heard a

Sound behind me so I turned and saw the thorn wolf he was right there and I was totally surprised I braced myself for an ATT attack but he didn’t attack instead he spoke with a kindly voice is everything okay young rabbit you seem nervous are Are You The Thorn wolf oh

Yes it is my duty to patrol the ebony woods and protect the creatures there so you’re not a bad guy well we always try our best don’t we stay safe out there little rabbit The Thorn wolf left and I was confused he was nothing like KR told me something really wasn’t right here

And I needed to speak to KR immediately from day 16 to day 19 I returned to the meadow to find K’s base but it was empty and KR was nowhere to be seen this is strange maybe he’s just out there running some errands I returned to my

Base only to find that Paris the pink pixie was there waiting for me this couldn’t have been a good sign I knew that much what’s wrong Paris Zozo it’s an emergency I know who destroyed my family who it was a creature that called all the killer rabbit it’s one of the

Most dangerous things in the Overworld killer rabbit k r oh no and just like that it all came together KR was the killer rabbit and he was behind everything that meant I needed to get back to the thorn wolf as quickly as possible he was in terrible danger and I

Was right and I didn’t realize it soon enough when I was there Thorn wolf was already gone and only the killer rabbit remained I wondered how long long it take you to figure it out oh well you are at least a good tool for a while

Even if you’re useless to me now I don’t get it why were you using me like that I needed a fall rabbit someone to take the heat for me and who’s better at taking heat than a fire rabbit besides you really did eat my carrots and I couldn’t

Let that fly could I you may have used me killer rabbit but now I’m going to take you down I fired a fireball at him and it seemingly had no effect and when he he hit me it was like being hit by a train everything went dark and I was

Gone from day 20 to day 22 I woke up and the killer rabbit was gone instead a mysterious figure was standing next to me a large hippogriff do you work for or with the killer rabbit answer quickly no I only ever worked with him when he was

Tricking me now I know who he truly is I’m 100% against him good then we have a common enemy I am larl the hippogriff and was a friend of the thorn wolf we were Defenders of the people Guardians of the forest but now he’s gone and only

I remain you’re not alone I want to be better I’m Zozo let me become a guardian of the forest too we’re going to defeat the killer rabbit together come to my base with me and we’ll start to plan agreed we will defeat that monstrous creature and keep the people of the

Forest safe forever more I went into the forest with a laral and we gathered enough Stone and wood to construct a new house for him to stay in together we’d be stronger than we’d ever been before from day 23 to Day 26 I was hopping back through the sea Woods where I first

Spawned when I saw the pink glow of Paris the pixie predictably Paris the pixie was in Peril perpetuated by a pestering pursuer excuse me so much alliteration Zozo is that you help this wind serpent is trying to blow me away the wind serpent did indeed look fierce

But even a gust of wind will only fan the Flames of this fire rabbit I hopped forward and hit the wind serpent with a fireball the slithering mob stopped chasing Paris and started to fly towards me we battled it out in melee and I was able to bring it down with my sword

Somehow I knew I could count on you Zozo I’m just glad you still trust me I attacked all the wrong people because of KR and I let that Menace Run free all the while that killer rabbit gives our kind a bad name you weren’t the only one

Fooled by his goody good act don’t worry Zozo I know that you’re out here trying to do the right thing doing the best best that I can and I’ll work with anyone else who is willing to help me take that Lon killer down count me in my

Family got hurt because of his Wicked Ways he won’t be getting away with that thanks Paris from day 27 to day 31 I found a flock of sheep wandering through the woods they looked really tired like they had been walking for several days I hopped over to see what was going on and

Soon found out what had happened these sheep were friends of the thornwolf from the ebony woods and since he was gone they’d been looking for a new protection to save them from the killer rabbit you’ll be safe at my base sheep not only is it back where you used to live but

I’ll be your protector now when I got back to my base in the ebony Woods I helped the Sheep settle in and then went to go see how larl was holding up welcome back Zozo I made the base cooler by adding some red banners wow awesome

Work larl all the buildings of the base now had awesome rabbit banners on them which suited me just fine meanwhile over at the real killer rabbit’s base not the pretend base over in the meow he was now in the process of maniacally planning his next Wicked plot from his evil air

Now there may be a few people around who know that I’m the killer rabbit but I think we can arrange some accidents for those individuals what say you my fine Warden Dragon friend if there’s anyone who is good at causing accidents it’s me they might as well call me Daisy first

Name oopsy full name Oopsy Daisy you just had an exent of the you’re not going to be around anymore kind we’re really going to need to work on your threatening lines there oopsy it’s difficult wa evil boss is a rabbit I mean sorry boss you better rise up I’m

Not just any rabbit I’m a killer rabbit from day 32 to day 35 I remembered that one of the mmck soldiers that I had encountered said that they had been looking for suspicious rabbits so I made the choice to go and seek out the hive

Of the mx’s queen I might be a rabbit but I know what suspicious one they might be looking for if I tell them who the killer rabbit is maybe all the other rabbits will stop being captured like I was I made it to the hive and found that

It was guarded by murm soldiers I guess I should have expected that Halt and stay halted I’m not halting I’m here to see the queen like we’d fall for that one rabit the mermi soldier tried to fight me but I dodged his attacks I didn’t want to hurt anybody while I was

Trying to make an alliance so I shot a fireball away from them to let them know who I was look I’m not the you’re looking for I’ve got firep poers firep poers but that means you’re the one who broke out of the cell that is true but

Only because I shouldn’t have been there in the first place I know which rabbit really did the crimes so he should be the one who does the time okay we still have questions but that rhyme convinced us to take you to the queen yes don’t be

Mean let me see the queen you can stop rhyming now the mmck soldiers let me in sight of the hive so that I could have my important meeting with the mx’s queen naturally the room where I was able to speak speak with the queen was her own

Throne room I am the Merm Queen what is your request to my Majesty small rabbit it concerns the fade of all the land your mm’s queenliness I know who the killer rabbit is you do oh at long last that monster has been found how do you

Know about him he went by the name KR and now he’s on a new spree of attacks on innocent creatures all throughout the biomes he always was like that even in my mother’s time she was the Merm Queen before me and when the creatures of the woods started being attacked she

Suspected everyone but the innocent looking rabbit it was her mistake because the killer rabbit claimed her as another one of his victims I had to take over the throne just as my mother’s killer went into hiding I’ve been hunting him down ever since it’s such a

Sad story I promise to help you bring the killer rabbit to Justice with all the fire in my heart there is more but it’s far too painful to talk about you should go home for now I will send a soldier to visit once I’ve emotionally

Prepared myself from Day 36 to day 39 I got ready to take my armor up a notch and defense by preparing to go back into the cave for some more iron ore the killer rabbit was a lot older and more experienced than me so I had to be all

The more prepared for our eventual Showdown I soon found a spot in the cave where iron was abundant and mined away adding the iron ore to my inventory next I got out my crafting table and smelted the iron ore into the iron ingots I would need to craft the rest of my armor

That should do it all right time to become an iron fire rabbit I made myself an iron axe since I had been Gathering so much wood lately and an iron helmet iron leggings and a pair of iron boots to complete my full set of iron armor

You can’t see it on my fur but believe me it’s there now equipped with all this brand new iron gear I ventured deeper in the cave and found that beneath the iron there were a few diamonds to be mined I made sure to get them before I left

Later on I was back above ground when I got an unexpected visitor he was half rabbit and half wolf a rabbit wolf how there bet you never met nobody like me before hey you’re right anyway the Merm Queen said I could leave the dungeon sell at The Hive if I went and brought

You back to her let me guess her soldiers locked you up because you were a suspicious rabbit well yeah I mean look at me I’m such a suspicious rabbit it’s hard to know if I’m even a rabbit anyway you should go meet the MX Queen

Over in the eony woods from day 40 to day 43 I went to meet the mmax queen over in the ebony Woods your queenliness I am excited to work together and solve these crimes I knew the rabbit wolf wouldn’t fail to bring you here if you

Ever see him again make sure to thank him for me I certainly will so are you ready to tell me more about the killer Rabbit and his previous Rampage yes it’s time you knew everything about what happened with him even though we had met in a secret location and we trying to

Keep our conversation quiet Oopsy Daisy the warden Dragon had super powerful hearing and was able to pick up on our voices from another part of the woods Oopsy Daisy time for an accident to happen on purpose he barged into the clearing and fired a Sonic laser blast

At me which did many hearts of damage hey what’s the big idea nothing I just happened to be totally unintentionally getting rid of two people who know who the killer rabbit is by accident aha now I know who you work for you just said it was the killer rabbit ah darn it I

Actually didn’t mean to do that oh well I’ll just make you disappear then nobody will know he fired another Sonic Blast my way which I almost avoided I countered with a fireball that didn’t seem to do much I looked around for the murx queen and saw that she had escaped

While I had been talking to the warden Dragon yeah I should probably do the same thing I ran off into the woods trying to go a different direction so that the warden Dragon wouldn’t know who to follow from day 44 to day 49 I had gotten away from the warden dragon and

Safely arrived back at my basee I never expected the murx queen to be there as well waiting to continue our conversation from where we left off I was happy to see that she was okay and could fend for herself even without her soldiers I guess the killer rabbit knows

We both know about him that’s why he sent that Warden Dragon to destroy us perhaps he needs to rely on his henchman now because he isn’t as strong as he used to be you mean that he used to be stronger he totally demolished me the

Last time we fought well he still is the killer rabbit but he used to carry around a secret rare battle axe that made it really easy for him to make anyone he wanted disappear forever he was a killer rabbit with a killer battle axe that’s so scary how did you stop him

I didn’t a mysterious mob known as a crimson Phantom La a curse upon the battle axe so that the killer rabbit could never use it again I know maybe if we find this battle axe we could use it against him didn’t stop the killer rabbits from being evil but it did

Weaken him then I’m off to the meadow that’s good good thinking Zozo I heard that the battle axe was crafted deep down in the depths of the meadow you can find some clues about it there from day 50 to day 53 I delved all the way to the

End of the meadow in order to find out more information about who crafted the battle ax that the killer rabbit used in his previous reign of terror after a lot of searching I came across an abandoned Workshop that looked like it was once used for smithing weapons this must be

The place I reckon I found a book near the crafting table that was titled axe maker notes and opened it up to read the words of inside I have made a lot of axes out of a lot of different materials in my day and boy do I love doing it

It’s my favorite thing to do in the whole wide world in fact it’s the only thing I do I’m the axe maker after all but this latest axxe it’s not like the other ones it’s got an evil Aura around it like it’s too sharp and too scary

Just to be used on trees this axe seems like it could kill someone it’s a killer axe I better get rid of it before someone uses it for evil oh wait what’s that that someone is coming the sentence in the book ended there and the rest of

The pages were blank oh no the killer rabbit must have snuck up behind the ax maker and gotten rid of him so he could steal the killer axe what a fiend still from what I’d read the battle axe was a powerful weapon it must be able to hurt

The killer rabbit if he was willing to do so much to get it I looked around for more clues but couldn’t find any so I gave up and started to head back to my base from day 54 to day 5 seven I was making my way through the meadow when I

Happened to pass by the area where I had found those carrots before didn’t the killer rabbit say that those carrots were his if I know rabbits and I probably do because I am one then that could mean that the killer rabbit’s base might be around here too I was excited

That I had discovered a clue but that excitement was quickly lost when the warden Dragon showed up to blast me with a Sonic laser attack oops pardon me that time I was trying to get rid of you and I accidentally didn’t do enough enough damage you did enough actually you don’t

Have to do any more damage no I think I do as a matter of fact I’m going to do all the damage to you as much as I wanted to I was still not strong enough to take down the warden Dragon so I made my Escape as quickly as I could even

Though I didn’t find it I was right about the killer rabbit’s base being nearby the horrible hair was there right now scheming up a storm soon yes very soon I will find a way to reverse the curse and take back my battle axe all of

Them will pay then from day 58 to day 62 I had made it back to the base and saw that laharl had created a storage room for all of our weapons great work laharl thanks I just figured since you were talking about a rare secret killer

Battle ax I should make some room for it one thing led to another and now there’s a whole room full of every other weapon we had there seems to be a lot of empty spaces I guess I’ll have to make us some more we could definitely use some

Diamond ones since we don’t have any yet good point I’ll see if there are any more diamonds down in the mine I went down to the mines and it was just my luck there were some more diamonds right in the same Cavern where IID found the

Previous ones I dug all around so that I could have enough for a diamond weapon to put in the weapon storage room once the diamonds were gathered I chose to craft two diamond swords one for myself and one for storage I also crafted a diamond chest plate and a diamond

Pickaxe because diamonds make everything better from day 63 to day 66 Lahar and I were hanging out in the base when our conversation suddenly turned serious when are we going to do something about that killer rabbit Zozo he’s starting to become a real problem for everyone I

Know larl but I can’t even defeat the colums warden Dragon he sent to make me disappear much less the killer rabbit himself but if you had that secret rare killer battle axe you might stand a chance but that’s the trouble I don’t have that secret rare killer battle axe

Not yet you don’t but I think I I might know where it is take me to it then don’t you know how serious I am about wanting to stop the killer rabbit larl listened to how serious I was and took me to the eroded Badlands where we found

Some cursed ruins we walked up to them until we hit an invisible barrier how did these ruins get so cursed a long time ago the Crimson Phantom put a curse on these ruins that won’t let anyone else enter the Crimson Phantom isn’t that the same creature that cursed the

Battle axe yes but it looks like we need get him to lift the curse before we can check to see if the battle axe is here from day 67 to Day 70 the MX Queen came into the base and told me that she had also been searching for the Crimson

Phantom he’s been cited in the ebony woods but my gods weren’t able to capture him he’s even taken a few down I didn’t realize this Crimson Phantom was such a dangerous creature he sure is I could really use your help bringing the Crimson Phantom in and let’s do it you

Can count on me your queenliness he left my base and went through the woods to find the Crimson Phantom flying away after having just defeated one of the murm soldiers you’ll never take me alive I’m the dang old Crimson Phantom you bunch of goofballs knock it off Crimson

Phantom we need your help nah who needs my help he attacked so I had to blast him with fire the Crimson Phantom was definitely strong based on the way he tanked my attack so I whacked him a few times with my diamond sword please don’t

Fight we just want to stop the kill a rabbit and we know that you do too you put Aur on his battle axe so he couldn’t hurt people with it so what if I did it was probably the nicest thing I ever did for anyone it doesn’t have to be if you

Help us again please Crimson Phantom a shs how can I say no to an innocent rabbit and just like that I convinced the Crimson Phantom to help us retrieve the secret rare killer battle axe so we could defeat the killer rabbit from day 71 to day 74 that pesky accident prone

Warden Dragon showed up at my base to try to get rid of me again come on come on out and face me Zozo what’s the worst that could happen it will I hadn’t gotten any stronger since we fought before but my weapons and armor were a bit more

Durable so I hopped out and decided to take them on take this Daisy Fireball circled around the warden Dragon shooting fireballs and trying to avoid a Sonic Blast but I wasn’t fast enough and my armor couldn’t protect me I took many hearts of damage I got down to just half

A heart oh no is this how I’m going to go out apparently not because instead of doing you in I’m accidentally going to steal your best friend the harl and completely not on purpose hold him hostage somewhere you monster why I don’t know I’m not sure why I do anything anymore

But I am evil the warden Dragon dragged lar away and there was nothing I could do about it because I was too weak I can’t do this I’m just a rabbit I went to the room to mope about it and closed myself away from everyone else I

Couldn’t let them see me after such an embarrassing defeat that was until the Crimson Phantom arrived hey there Zozo don’t blame yourself for what happened you’ll get laar back really think so Crimson Phantom of course I do and once you do you won’t have to worry because

I’ve given your base some sweet defenses you wasn’t kidding the Crimson Phantom had made a wall around the base which had a curse on it so it wouldn’t allow any of my enemies to pass through from day 75 to day 78 I learned more about the perimeter wall like how would only

Let people that I trusted into the base the mmex queen was definitely someone I knew I could trust the perimeter wall let her right through greetings your queenliness Zozo there is one more thing I didn’t tell you about the killer rabbit but I’m going to tell you what

That is now what is it Merm Queen your friend Lal he kept this secret from you because he wanted to protect you the truth is that the curses of the Crimson Phantom can be reversed by the feathers of a live hippogriff you mean that now the killer rabbit can reverse the curse

And reclaim his Ultimate Weapon yes you must go and rescue larl before the killer rabbit extracts his feathers I will I think I know now where in the meadow his base is the mmix queen gave me some javelins to serve as a ranged weapon and wished me luck as I departed

From day 79 to day 84 I searched for the killer rabbit’s base in the meadow I knew that it had to be somewhere around where I had found that fateful carrot patch sure enough Oopsy Daisy the warden Dragon was wandering around in plain view of that area he had taken lar

Captive earlier and now he was going to tell me where he was hey you give me back my friend oops you weren’t supposed to find me well now I have and I’m going to Scorch you I rained fireballs and javelins down on him from a distance but

It still wasn’t enough and his Sonic Blast still hurt quite a bit what was I worried about it’s not like you could defeat me even if I accidentally let you I was beginning to think I was done for and then laar swooped down from above and attacked the warden Dragon while his

Sonic blasts were focused on me oh no I should have seen that coming but I accidentally did not the heart’s attacks did enough damage to bring the warden Dragon down and defeat him for good after the warden Dragon Was Defeated I approached larl larl you’re free I sure

Am Zozo that Warden Dragon accidentally let me go before we even got to the lair of the killer rabbit I’ve just been down here in the meadow trying not to get caught again and R I’m glad you managed to get away I was worried about you I

Found something else while I was down here a golden apple that is said to imbue the one who eats it with true strength as long as they are pure of heart it’s yours now Zozo gee thanks I’m starving I ate the golden apple and could feel myself transform I must have

Been pure of heart because I grew into a super siiz fire rabbit and had a grand total of 60 Hearts my jump was given a big boost too allowing me to reach higher Heights than ever before from day 85 to day 89 larl and I went back to the

Base where things were once again becoming super ultra serious all of a sudden Zozo it is time I’m going to take you back to the eroded Badlands so we can get that battle axe but how are we going to bypass the curse oh wait aren’t

Your feathers the way to do it yes my feathers can make a magic key that will let you get through I held off on telling you until I was sure that you were pure of heart but now that I know you are and that you won’t become

Another killer rabbit once you get the battle axe I can give you the key Laro gave me a bunch of his hippogriff feathers and I crafted them into a key use the key at the ruin it’ll be like I am with you I did as my good friend L

Harl said and traveled back to the cursed ruins in the eroded Badlands with the magic key I was able to bypass the curse and enter the ruins inside I found the battle axe lying in wait for me to claim it I’m going to put the magic key

That larl made away it’d be pretty silly if I accidentally reversed the curse and made it so that the killer rabbit could use the killer axe after I had safely stowed the key I took the secret rare battle axe from its place and left the

Ruins from day 90 to Day 94 I stepped out of the ruins and found the killer rabbit standing out there to confront me in the eroded Badlands how do you do fellow rabbit it’s over KR I have the battle axe now and you’ll never break the curse on it that’s the thing about

You Zozo you’ll always think you understand everything that’s why it’s so easy to trick you nuh-uh this time I do understand everything I understand that you are a ruthless monster who must be stopped before he hurts anyone else but think of what we could accomplish if you joined me nobody would disrespect us

Bunnies anymore we would be the top of the woods I’ll never join you killer rabbit Suit Yourself by the way I accidentally picked up some feathers that your hpog friend larl dropped down in the meow that’s not good the killer rabbit leaped for forth and wrestled

With me for the axe I was a strong rabbit but he was still stronger and before I could stop him he reversed the curse on the axe and took it back no you tricked me I thought I understood but I didn’t you’re too naive now wow here in

This sand pit he jumped on the sand I was sitting on and the impact of his Landing made the sand collapse so I fell into a deep hole from day 95 to day 97 I used my boosted jumps to slowly but surely make my way back up to the

Surface of the eroded bad land there was no time to lose now that the killer rabbit had the super secret rare killer battle axe he was going to go on his biggest spree of attacks yet and I know who he’s going to go after first I

Rushed back to the SEO woods and entered the hive of the mm’s queen her soldiers were destroyed and that wasn’t even the worst part in her throne room the mm’s queen was dying after having just been attacked by the killer Rabbit and his killer axe no your queenliness Zozo so

You made it I’m so sorry I tried tried to stop him but he tricked me once again and now he’s wiped out your entire Hive do not worry as long as there is a merx queen The Hive will be able to replenish itself what you must do now is get the

Battle axe away from him at all costs I’ll do it even if I have to risk everything I will do it in a few days my final egg will hatch and become the new Queen you need to protect her for me I will I will your queenliness she passed

On leaving me behind in the world that I must save on day 98 I returned to my base in the ebony woods and found that the perimeter wall and the rest of the base was destroyed laharl was there but nobody else had survived the attack he

Came for the Crimson Phantom Zoo to make sure that he was never cursed again now the battle axe is his forever don’t say that larl I know that you and I get serious sometimes but we always keep on trying to make things better the only reason he left me alive is in case

Anyone else cursed the axe so that I could reverse it so that killer rabbit only spared you for his own reasons that makes me so mad they’ll probably fool you again if you give in to your emotions well my emotions are pure right now and Every Spark of fire in my being

Demands Justice then what the heck go get that battle axe you’re strong enough now I can feel it laharl cheered me on as I marched off through the woods on day 99 I arrived in the meadow with a burning passion in my heart I was ready

To take down that killer rabbit with all my strength and all of my fire once I was inside his base I came face to face with my Nemesis once more you never learned do you Zozo like fire you think you’re bright but when it rains you go

Out the only rain I see now is your rain of terror and it ends here a clever use of two words that sound alike but you’ve forgotten already that I have the killer axe actually it is you who has forgotten that battle axe was accidentally forged

To be evil but it was touched by a hero who was pure of heart I jumped at him and once more we wrestled with the axe this time I managed to get it away from him and ran out of his base the secret to the battle axe that I was finally

Able to understand was that it was cursed twice once I was back home I used some more of laharl’s feathers I found in his base to undo the first curse that happened when it was made turning it into a weapon of pure goodness and Justice now no even doer could ever

Wield it only I could wield the battle axe on day 100 I returned to the meadow with the new UN improved super Justified hero ax and faced off against the killer rabbit why did you come back I might have let you live for a while I had to

There is a whole world out there that needs to be protected from rotten rabbits like you there is a young mmex Queen who will hatch today there is a hippogriff who is my best friend for them for everyone my fires of good will burn out you’re evil the killer rabbit

Hopped at me but with the battle axe in my hand my attacks were strong enough to take his Hearts away curse you Zozo haven’t you got it yet I can’t be cursed I blasted him with Fireball after Fireball and then swung the battle axe down on him ending the fight there was a

New rabbit in this land and he’s a protector rabbit

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL WOLF in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Elemental Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-12-10 02:15:00. It has garnered 21926 views and 419 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:03 or 13203 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as an Elemental Wolf in Hardcore Minecraft! I’ve been blessed with the power of the elements, but what should I do with them? Watch as the mystery unfolds, and I destroy the evil taking over the land!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL WOLF 0:39:17 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL MONEKY 1:16:37 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL LAND SHARK 1:50:57 100 DAYS as a FIRE GODZILLA 2:29:13 100 DAYS as a FIRE EEL 3:01:03 100 DAYS as a FIRE RABBIT

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    Reuniting with Old Gaming Buddies in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Fun Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and fun is always just a block away! Join 方块轩, a dedicated creator in the Minecraft realm, as he brings joy and laughter through his unique animations and content. Let’s dive into the fascinating universe of Minecraft and discover what makes it a beloved game for players of all ages. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft is its limitless creative potential. Players can build anything their imagination desires using various blocks and tools… Read More

  • EFEKAN & Friends vs Cops! – Minecraft

    EFEKAN & Friends vs Cops! - Minecraft EFEKAN VE ARKADAŞLARI VS POLİSLER! 😱 – Minecraft Introduction In this intense Minecraft battle, viewers witness a showdown between the adults, led by Kerem Komiser, and the kids, with Efekan at the helm. The question on everyone’s mind is: who will emerge victorious in this epic clash? Exciting Minecraft Adventures The Minecraft community is abuzz with the latest video showcasing a thrilling battle between two rival factions. With Kerem Komiser leading the charge for the adults and Efekan spearheading the kids’ team, tensions run high as both sides strategize for victory. Engaging Content Viewers are treated to a spectacle… Read More

  • JJ & Mikey Save Possessed TV Woman

    JJ & Mikey Save Possessed TV WomanVideo Information This video, titled ‘TV WOMAN Gets POSSESSED! JJ and Mikey Save TV WOMAN in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN and MIKEY on 2024-08-22 11:30:34. It has garnered 2113 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:01 or 3661 seconds. TV WOMAN Gets POSSESSED! JJ and Mikey Save TV WOMAN in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Kuang3461 takes on PliantTuba40609

    Ultimate Battle: Kuang3461 takes on PliantTuba40609Video Information This video, titled ‘Kuang3461 vs PliantTuba40609’, was uploaded by Kuang3461 on 2024-09-28 10:19:27. It has garnered 499 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:17 or 257 seconds. legend vs legend @pliant5937 #minecraftpvp #pvp #minecraft #hypixel tags : xWqter,Ozan12,DatPigmaster,Vrysed,Czeoh,Khxqs,zyn,F5,Aluzay,Chayn,,Budhism,Budhism Yeet,cameron,cameronisgey123,chiekooo,Curt,CurtPlayzMC,Czeoh,D3MoNiqK,DocPenguinPlayz,Dreacho,egirlresort,eKowz,El Windo,FaastPvP,Phenzyy,flexazert,GGL1TCHB0Y,Glitch,harmfuldillon1,IDontWantToDiie,IDontWantToDie,JavaJar,KingSlme,KingSlime,KingSlmeMC12345,LOLTooka,Tooka,JuiceyPlayz123,M0DIFIER,numb,DripAcquired,OhSad,Pj772,Raidse,xraidse,RyanguyYT,setinal,Setinals,Swimfan72,xSwedeachu,tachy,ItsTachy,Oreologist,VelqtePvP,Unrusting,Wicholaloo,Bichomaloo,Wichomaloo,Wqrro,xBlyqt,xernah,asitkiller,asit,babelv,littleschitt,babyylevel,Fipzi,DesiredWolf,Desired,DesiredWolfy,HeyItzKillerMC,xWilliqm7w7,NigerianRacks,Aweigs,ShElD0nMC,SheldonMC,audi,Audimatics,FriteQc,kuxiz,kuxizYT,Patinal,EJUKAD,bll9,SoyMaGames,Talkey,xTalkey,TalkeyVI,Taquillo,xTaquillo,iMwaaT,ReachIsToggled,Pedalvael,Pedalvael7654,RareChernobyl,XsLightningsX,wsot,zDksss,Shappel,TinchoCR,CustomKB,yunghesu,mgnarsha,Leqked,wxlked,Drqgs,NotEnsar,ItsTreathz,Void2Stepping,Tybze,reaqxrs,pumpd,Daequaqn,FoulDrip,LeoMaster60MC,Trysten,Trystennnnnn,TecnoRod,P0TIONSTATUS,POTI0NSTATUS,P0TI0NSTATUS,PotionStatus,tookyouregirl,fullsendegirl,EGIRLSLAYER2,ShortyNO,HoneyJae,HcneyJae,BirdoCalled,Fazed,TheFazedUltra04,ClownTap,Rememory,Rememoryyy,StopPotting,PackPorted,PackBundle,Cashanovva,sleepwalkinqqq,SilverBlood,xJqsh,xWqki,iiTaliyah,ChxmpVI,ChaqsXP,RestartFU,RoyaleXI,SharpnessXII,recoist,Hulcuh,Huncho,xvqle,Fifoka,Fifoka45,Fifoka46,FifokaBlinds,Strqfx,TDBClient,Lyreoz,Peaqhy,UknowPManchi,Manchi,PManchi,Medic,W10GANGZ,Skind,Sosa,Snipez,1400,1500,400,300,bedrock texture packs,minecraft bedrock texture packs,mcbe texture packs,minecraft bedrock edition texture pack,mcpe texture pack,minecraft pocket edition texture pack,texture pack,pack folder,minecraft windows 10 cheats,minecraft windows 10 hacks,minecraft bedrock, ecpe, ecpe pvp, ecpe combos, ecpe classic, ecpe op factions, ecpe takeover, ecpe montage, cheats,minecraft bedrock hacks,fate,fate client,anarchy client,ascendency,atani,atani client,coffee client,cnd client,cnd,eclipse client,eternium,eternium client,infernus client,moon client,nitr0,nitr0 client,quadrix,quadrix client,strike… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Guess Baby’s Age in Minecraft

    Unbelievable: Guess Baby's Age in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘AAJ KUCH AAGE BADHTE HAIN #2 (MINECRAFT)’, was uploaded by Sypher gamer on 2024-02-08 06:30:07. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:36 or 5556 seconds. Certainly! Crafting adventures and building dreams in the pixelated world of Minecraft! 🌍🎮 Join me, [SYPHER GAMER]on an epic live streaming journey as we dive into the endless possibilities of this sandbox masterpiece. 🔨 *Title: [AAJ KUCH AAGE BADHTE HAIN #2 (MINECRAFT)]* 🌟 Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft Live! | [SYPHER GAMER] 🕹️ *Gameplay Highlights:* 🏰 Embark on a quest to create breathtaking… Read More

  • Barnava Gaming – 😳 Live Minecraft: Epic Challenges & Memes on 24/7 Server!

    Barnava Gaming - 😳 Live Minecraft: Epic Challenges & Memes on 24/7 Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live: Epic gameplay, challenges, and memes on our 24/7 server! || Live Minecraft 😱🔥’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-04-09 05:42:49. It has garnered 194 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:31 or 4771 seconds. 🔴Minecraft Live: Epic gameplay, challenges, and memes on our 24/7 server! || Live Minecraft 😱🔥 #survivalhouseminecraft #virel #episode2 #Minecrafttutorial 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe… Read More

  • Birchwood Keeps Growing in Minecraft! Season 2 Ep 13

    Birchwood Keeps Growing in Minecraft! Season 2 Ep 13Video Information This video, titled ‘Birchwood still Growing! Minecraft Bedrock Members Season 2- Session 13’, was uploaded by Skyhurricane on 2024-05-29 03:46:56. It has garnered 93 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:45 or 16065 seconds. We continue more land development at Birchwood, aiming to make it a seat of power in the world! We have 3 Minecraft Bedrock 24 hour servers! More info below: *Freedom Server- Just simply join our discord (type in verification how you found the discord and we’ll get you verified) and then the IP address and port are pinned in the… Read More

  • My House is Now a Minecraft Wonderland! 😱

    My House is Now a Minecraft Wonderland! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘[Once Human] Rumahku jadi rumah Minecraft :O【Verin Varenya | VTUBER ID】’, was uploaded by Verin Varenya Ch. on 2024-07-21 07:40:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SEA PVE-20 Send me coffee Local: International: … Read More

  • Xerlios fights for survival in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Minecraft game

    Xerlios fights for survival in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Minecraft gameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Jujutsu Kaisen as Jogo. (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Xerlios on 2024-07-30 14:00:50. It has garnered 1448 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. Join me on the ultimate Minecraft adventure as we explore the world of Jujutsu Kaisen with the formidable character Jogo! Together, we will face off against the toughest creatures in Minecraft using this incredible mod inspired by Jujutsu Kaisen. Alt account: Modpack: Discord server: Kinetic Hosting Code Xerlios for a discount: Tags: #game #gameat #jujutsukaisen #minecraft Read More

  • Mushroom Rain: Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa in Zombie Apocalypse

    Mushroom Rain: Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa in Zombie ApocalypseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa 2. Zombie Apocalypse #peppapig #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Mushroom Rain on 2024-08-24 07:59:49. It has garnered 3062167 views and 43462 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More