Surviving 1000 Days as GODS in Hardcore Minecraft!

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For the next 1,000 days I’ll be ruling over the world of Minecraft as different types of gods along my journey I will transform into more and more powerful beings as I gain all kinds of Godly powers to dominate my enemies will I keep my Godly status or will one of my

Many Challengers knock me from my Throne you’ll have to watch till the end to find out on day one I spawned in as baby death in the nether wo I have a cool Scythe this is so fun to swing around oh oops sorry Steve after killing

Steve I noticed I had one Soul wa with this Scythe I can instantly take the souls of people wait what’s this I noticed another portal already built nearby so I decided to go through when I got through the portal there was a village so I decided to start collecting

Souls take that stupid villagers I killed so many villagers with my sight nice I got 39 Souls from here I wonder what they’re used for suddenly a spooky creature appeared before me glad you asked you have been chosen to collect 1,000 souls in 100 days or you’ll be

Sent to the void for all of eternity what I have high hopes for you as I remember you were pretty crazy when you were alive just like that the Banshee was gone wait I used to be human for day two it was time to collect more souls

Perfect it’s Soul snatching time I moved quickly through the village starting with the farmers nearby and chasing others into their homes I ran around that entire Village until I had every soul I walked inside a house nearby to make sure I hadn’t missed anyone when I

Saw it was empty I turned to leave and look for my next hunting ground when I noticed some toys in the house just then I had a vision of when I was a human kid my parents were praising me we’re so proud of you sweetie you’re such a

Creative boy we know you’ll be such a good person one day Mom Dad wait is that me the vision cut to one of my parents screaming and then ended abruptly I had no idea why they were screaming huh wait was that a memory of when I was alive I

Looked back at the toys with some regret now maybe being evil isn’t the answer I left the house and decided to go meditate I was hoping it would be more Visions to appear but instead at night the Banshee appeared she stormed up to me while throwing a fit what do you

Think you’re doing you’re wasting precious time even the Grim Reaper doesn’t have eternity you mentioned that I used to be human I’m just trying to remember who I was forget it your past doesn’t matter anymore the only thing that matters is what you are now so get

Going and bring me those Souls but I before I could argue she disappeared once again I was frustrated but I knew I couldn’t do anything about it just yet day two and I already hate this job obeying the bansi I wandered around and looked for more souls to take eventually

I came across a small home out in the boonies finally I approached it and looked through a window inside I could see a mom dad and a daughter all cozy and happily sitting by a fireplace those are some perfect souls to take I walked up to the door and was ready to enter

But I started to second guess myself no I can’t do this not tonight I turned around and left the family was none the wiser to how close they came to dying that night on day three I tried to be a good person so I went to go pet a cute

Little pig hey little piggy let me love you oh no I’m a freak everything I touch Di eyes as I moped around I saw the Banshee again talking to what looked to be a scarecrow so I hid and EAS dropped you are a failure behind on Souls again

Remember what happens when you’re behind on Souls please my dude I promise I’ll have more next week extra even just don’t kill me sh let a no life live if they can’t even do a simple task but I’m feeling generous today you sir I mean ma’am but you better start working

Otherwise I’ll turn you into a pile of Ashes the bansi Disappeared in a Flash so I approached the Scarecrow who’s there I’ll kill you I could tell he was powerful he started shooting red orbs of energy at me but I was able to dodge

Most of them or maybe it was his bad aim I could tell he wasn’t very good at killing and I felt bad for him wa chill out man I’m a friend I also work for the banshee makes us competitors and ain’t nobody got time for that look I’ll help

You meet your quota for Souls if you team up with me you drive a hard bucket and it seems you’re getting the better end of the deal but sure we can team up I’ve never been on a team before well I’m glad you are now let’s get started

Together we went to chop down some trees so I could make a crafting bench and a wooden pickaxe now for some Stone I started Gathering Cobblestone and made a full stone tool set as well as a New Stone sight now killing is going to be even easier now that we were more

Prepared I told the Scarecrow that we needed to do some mining in the nether oh I know where nether portal is follow me we made it to the nether portal and it was already lit and everything I’m going to continue collecting Souls while in there you know how it is never stop

Working okay good luck meet back together tomorrow we went in and I immediately started collecting materials for my future base I traveled through a few of the ne’s different biomes and gathered things like Netherrack Blackstone and Crimson wood with my newly acquired resources I made my way

Back to the Overworld on day four I need some materials for this build H I know I made my way to a dark oak forest and began chipping away at the bark this almost feels as good as collecting Souls once I collected the sufficient amount

Of wood it was time to build my spooky Mansion base this seems like such a great spot I began with the outside using polished Blackstone to build the walls as well as Crimson wood to make the foundation eventually what AM masked was a horrifying yet beautiful home all

In a day’s work hey scarecrow time for bed wait I want to tell scary stories before bed let’s sit by the fireplace oh all right let me tell you the story of how I became the Scarecrow I used to be a farmer spooky right while on my farm I

Had a scarecrow to keep my crop safe one night I heard an unusual noise coming from outside what in the world was that noise I better go investigate I grabbed my gun and I went out into the fields if anyone’s out here I suggest you leave

Now the noise persisted and I made my way closer until ah you dang scarecrow you’re useless I could do a better job than you your wish is my command the next day the farmer woke up and no wow super spooky well I’m off to bed

Good night see you what a long day don’t forget to wake up early good night well now I know why he’s a scarecrow I’ll get him back later for now sleep in the wee hours of the morning of day five I was tossing and turning in my sleep no you can’t do that

I dreamt that innocent people were being attacked and their souls taken by evil creatures wait those are the wrong Souls they did nothing wrong I woke up in a panic a feeling of empathy washed over me as I thought about those poor people in my dream I realized I only wanted to

Take the bad Souls from people who deserve to die I decided to take a walk to clear my head it was still somewhat dark as I walked after a while I was startled by the sound of screaming nearby what was that people being attacked by zombies

And mad cows stop zombies I fought the zombies and killed them all come out with ease oh thank you we thought we were goners no problem stay safe out there the people left and I looked at the meat I had gotten from the cows hm perfect timing I was getting

Kind of hungry I happily ate the raw meat and after that I grew to full size and now I had 20 Hearts not only that but I gained a new Scythe this looks awesome I wonder what it can do I tested out the the side and it was able to

Teleport me wherever I was looking it basically had the powers of an Enderman however I guess I used it wrong and it teleported me to a Pillager Outpost wa I wasn’t expecting that the pillagers immediately started attacking me I tried fighting back but without a shield I had

No way to block the tons of arrows they were shooting when I got up to the top of the Outpost the Banshee reappeared look at you sympathetic you gained more strength and yet your still losing she then killed all the pillagers at once and took their souls thank you now I

Have 147 Souls you think that’s a reason to celebrate you don’t impress me in the slightest I even had to help you not get killed a second time the Banshee flew away and I started carefully making my way back home on days 6 through 8 I explored more of the Overworld world to

Collect Souls when I spotted something in the bottom of a valley ooh a village more souls to reap but as I approached the village and the fog began to clear up it became apparent that this Village was completely abandoned everyone’s gone what happened here all my questions were quickly answered when some Undead

Creatures showed up uh-oh skeletons wait I’m a skeleton oh these are Strays using the ruined buildings as cover I began to take out each of the Strays one by one take that surprise ha when the dust settled I was the only one left standing I had gained some arrows of slowness

From my Fallen enemies if I want to make use of these I better craft myself a bow let’s just get some string from these cobwebs some sticks and voila a bow seeing that there were no souls left to collect I began to leave the village I passed by a destroyed house that called

To me as I walked through the house and and into the backyard there was an old Tombstone that was barely still intact I wonder who’s buried here buddy why does that sound familiar then it hit me wait a second that was the name of my old dog

Suddenly I had another vision of when I was a kid and got a dog for the first time you’ve been such a good boy bronzo we got you a dog I love it I’m going to name it buddy I’ve missed you so much buddy I would love to have you back

Something interesting began to happen my love for buddy brought him back to life buddy wait you’re a skeleton bronzo I’m so glad you’re back same here it wasn’t fun being down there all this time from Days 9 and 10 I brought buddy back to the base H so what

Do you like to eat these days boy I have this craving for zombie flesh so we set out to kill even more evil zombies to gather some of their flesh we killed a bunch of zombies and got to feas in here you go buddy aged to Perfection K

Me while buddy was busy chowing down I got busy building a nice little home for him where he can rest when that was finished I had something on my mind that I wanted to talk to Buddy about hey I’m glad you like your little dogghouse but

I was hoping I could ask you something sure pal what is it well I’ve been thinking about how you were part of my old life you know when I was alive yeah well uh what was I like exactly well my memory is a little e but I do remember

You being quite the silly little boy silly you were always trying to Spook people for fun one time you nearly gave your grandmother a heart attack really I must have been pretty good at this then huh I couldn’t help but wonder why I turned into a Reaper what exactly did I

Do he just checking in and seeing how that Soul Gathering is going got any recent scores oh uh collecting Souls I had completely forgotten about that I needed to quickly change the subject hey buddy want to go mining boy do you we need some nice armor to protect

Ourselves from weirdos don’t we buddy Tick Tock Reaper the sand in The Hourglass is running all the same sorry uh can’t hear you too far away bye I set out with Buddy on days 11 through 13 to search for some caves buddy helped me look for iron and coal and I would mine

Them up we managed together enough coal and iron to make a full set of armor tools and an iron Scythe when when we were done we left the caves and decided to keep exploring we soon came across a village where we heard a commotion we went closer and saw two kids starting to

Fight we stayed back and listened ha you got stupid glasses but but but I need them to see shut up loser I should punch you again for that I had enough and decided to stop the bully I walked up to him and shot him with an arrow of

Slowness you leave that kid alone if you don’t just the touch of my finger could make you vanish from this Earth ah stay away from me he ran as fast as he could while still being slowed and I turned to the other kid thanks Mister uh I should

Go home now no problem the kid ran off and Buddy and I continued walking we looked through the village some more and found a mother screaming my son that man kidnapped my son someone please help that’s when I noticed a Pillager trying to run off with a little Villager come

Back here I ran up to them and used my Scythe on the Pillager killing him in an instant the scared little boy ran back to his mom once he was free oh thank you thank you so much glad I could help as we left I could still hear the villagers

Talking excitedly about what I did hm I’m kind of like a hero now in a way I guess I’m a super Reaper on days 14 through 17 I decided to keep up my hero work I continued walking happily ready to help anyone I could find I was so

Excited I failed to notice the Banshee was watching me from a distance I wonder who could use some saving today right then a fox darted out in front of me oh please help me stranger I’m being chased by bears they attacked me while I was eating and they’re trying to kill me hey

You come back here not so fast you stinky furball take this hey what gibbes why are you laughing the Banshee said you’d be gullible but I didn’t expect you to be this dumb the Banshee I can’t believe you’ve done this the bear was only chasing me cuz I stole their food you

Fool ha I’m the Lord of death and I will not be trifled with I killed the fox in anger but he deserved it he was messing with me I can’t believe the Banshee would have set me up like this I’ll have to be more careful with my judgment next time maybe

I shouldn’t always be acting like a superhero on days 18 through 21 I made it back to the base and decided it was time to do some more expanding I started digging down and building out a basement underneath the base next I finally built a bedroom for the Scarecrow pretty cool

Dude thanks I hope you like it I left scarecrow to settle into his new room and I heard some strange noises coming from behind the base I went back there to discover a large Skeleton Man with a coffin on his back hello anybody Here I

Seek to make a trade hello sir if you don’t mind me asking who are you and what are you doing here I am known by many names but you can call me the Undertaker oh okay and again what are you doing here I am a traveling salesman

Of sorts and I have an item for you okay what is it it is a sword known as the flesh eater and it is super cool wo sweet how much for it if you want this sweet sword you will need to go on a mission to kill the sea Haag she has

Been taking all of my client souls and I need to stop but alas I cannot swim who is your client the drowned King leader of the drowned okay I’ll do it with that I left for the sea to find the sea Haag during days 22 through 25 I traveled to the

Ocean and I made a new friend so that’s how me boot got lost in the ocean interesting I thought about killing the pirate and taking their soul but I decided against it uh are you still listening oh yeah I’m listening so you’re going to help me defeat this sea

Monster or what I’ll do it but only if you can take me to the Sea Hag it’s a good thing I know where she be we set sail as the pirate took me to where he last saw the Beast should be around here good luck I dove beneath the water and

Then I realized I can still breathe W I don’t need any special equipment to breathe underwater I guess I am a skeleton just then the Eater of the depths showed up there there you are you ugly beast the sea creature was immense and Powerful with every bite he took at

Me I could feel it what the I thought being the Grim Reaper made me Invincible but luckily I was able to overpower him ha I win I always win I’m bronzo death I then swam back up check on the pirate all righty well I am a man of my word

Let’s go to the hag we then set off towards the Sea Hag on days 26 through 29 I said my goodbyes with the pirate and sailed up to the seah haag’s base I ran into a group of freaky water creatures and I had to fight them off

What are you some kind of fish zombies I overpowered those creatures and the Sea hack emerged I charged in full force until I got closer and realized I recognized her wait Grandma I had a vision of my childhood oh bronzo you’re such a sweet little boy here AB some

Freshly baked cookies yay thanks mimo aome is that you mimo I can’t believe it’s you I can’t kill you well I would hope not who sent you here the Undertaker he wants you to stop stealing Souls from the drowned King oh that drown King is always making a big bus

When he can’t do his own job well that guy is bad news bronzo he’s the one stealing all of my potential Souls oh okay well maybe just try to work something out with him I’ll try but I doubt it well it was good seeing you mimu love you wait before you go take

These I made them just this morning yay grandma’s cookies bye Mommy okay thanks Muma on days 30 through 33 I went mining for diamonds on my way home eventually I found some and made myself a diamond tool set including a diamond Scythe fancy once I was finished with that I

Made it back to the base and went to to find the Undertaker hey dude I’m back excellent how did it go with the Sea Hag well I didn’t kill her turns out she’s my grandma huh what a coincidence and a touching story nonetheless I’m positively moved great do I still get

The flesh eater then no but um I’ve got this old thing lying around you could um you could have that instead the The Undertaker handed me an electro bow and a stack of arrows well it’s better than nothing I guess the bow electrifies arrows shocking my enemies actually it’s

Pretty dope is there something else I could do to get the flesh eater well I suppose you could kill the Spider Queen for me sweet I can do that hopefully she’s not your aunt or something n well I don’t think so with that we set off to

Find the Spider Queen from days 30 34 through 37 we stopped to gather some food before making our way to the spider Queen’s Lair sorry little chickens we need your meat come on we don’t have much time we then came across an abandoned village with an abnormally

Large amount of webs she must have been here already the Spider Queen wasn’t the only one here her little minions began attacking me look out take me to your leader we fought through all the little spiders and I was able to onshot most of them woo that was easy we looked around

And found an open cave mouth she must be down in here let’s go on days 38 through 41 I entered the spider Queen’s chamber and there were cobwebs everywhere there were even some villagers wrapped up in cocoons just then the Spider Queen emerged boy are you ugly you’re not my

Aunt or something are you what now okay good I leftt into battle and swung at her with my diamond sighte and she started summoning a bunch of spider Minions that swarmed around us I started fighting them off until the Undertaker spoke up you only focus on the minions

You’ll never kill the queen you have to stop spawning at the source I’ll try but there’s so many of them I fought my way through the spiders and reached the queen a few more swings at her and I was able to take her out after killing her

All of her minions died with her thank you for your help your deathliness having her out of the way will be very helpful in my business here is your reward he tossed me the flesh eater sword and disappeared uh bye I took the sword and used it to cut down all the

Villagers who were held captive but as I was leaving the village the Banshee appeared in front of me hello there oh hey Banshee what’s up oh nothing much just wanted to say you’re doing a great job so far hey thanks I am impressed with the number of souls you collected

Despite being so selective huh thanks I guess with that she flew off and I started traveling home during days 42 to 45 I ventured back home boy it’s been a crazy adventure so far you don’t say good one I thought so myself you know what I’ll be back later see you at

Home I decided it was time to get back at him I made my way into another cave and search for some supplies after mining a bit here and there I found my way into a big cavern while slimes were spawning perfect I need slime too I fought off the slimes easily and

Collected a ton of slime gathered a bit more Redstone and iron and left the cave I went home and crafted a sticky piston armor stand slime block and two trip wire hooks it was time for Revenge time for operation spook traion next to the door from inside the house I got to work

Setting up the Redstone and the armor stand then placed a carved pumpkin for the head and then carefully added the string as I finished I could hear the Scarecrow whistling to himself outside hey buddy when did you get back the Trap was his success and the Scarecrow jumped

Back in fear while I laughed take that now we’re even the Scarecrow finally realized what I did and laughed as well I guess I’m not the only scary one yes I’ve been defeated her now on days 46 through 49 I decided to start a farm with the seeds I had collected this

Looks good while I was admiring the work I had done I started thinking if I’m going to fight the king of the drowned I’m going to need a trainer but who can train me I went to ask the Undertaker but he refused I don’t have the same

Dread Powers as you I wouldn’t know where to start H but I do know someone who can de eat you really who there is a Powerful Beast who lives in the nether seek him out and he will be able to help you the nether thanks Undertaker if I

Was going to survive a long stint in the nether I was going to need to suit up with some better armor I took buddy with me down into the caves to mine us some diamonds ooh look at those Sparkles we did it buddy we returned back to the

Surface and I crafted myself a diamond armor set now time to go to the Nether on days 50 53 I returned to the nether with my newly crafted armor set as I was traversing the nether I came across a huge area of Soul Sand so slow I sure

Hope nothing ambushes me right now spoke too soon suddenly a gas rose up over a cliff and I was only halfway through the Soul Sand patch it started spitting Fireballs at me I’m hit if I take another direct blast I could be done for I used some extra blocks I had mine to

Rise up out of the Soul Sand and run out quickly while dodging gas bombs eventually I made it through and was able to escape the range of the ghast pH that was a close one after that I ended up in a Crimson Forest and I was careful

To avoid the Toads along the way at least until I could get healed from the last encounter on days 54 through 57 I made it to a cave home in the nether this must be where my new trainer lives he came out of his house and sized me up

And down hello sir I am seeking a trainer and I was told that you are the one who can teach me no no no no I will not train you but I’ve come all the way here not my problem is there nothing I can do to convince you he thought for a

Moment and then responded answer this question correctly and I shall consider it okay what’s the question what is the worth of a single soul H the worth of a soul what does that mean I thought for a while and came up with my answer a soul is worth sacrif sacrificing everything

For your answer is satisfactory yes your instruction will begin tomorrow thank you you won’t regret this wait how can you tell when it’s morning in the nether he was already inside and didn’t answer me hello n okay on days 58 through 61 I got up to begin my 3 days of intense

Training okay first you’re going to kill some pinkies pinkies they don’t sound very tough he showed me the pinkies and they were creepy little demon creatures I fought off a hord of them and they were pretty tough but I managed to kill them all off good good next you must

Practice deflecting gas attacks back at them you got it I drew the attention of a gas so they would start shooting Fireballs at me and I started deflecting them back at them at first I missed a few but then I got the hang of it and I

Was deflecting them all back well most of them actually only a couple excellent finally you learn about proper spacing you need to keep your distance from your opponent in order to avoid being hit okay I ran into a group of piglins and he showed me how to use my sight to

Knock them back and build up block towers to get distance so they couldn’t hit me this concludes your training good work here take this as a reward for your hard work he gave me a molten Scythe which allowed me to set my enemies on fire and look super cool awesome thank

You for teaching me sir one more thing before you go if you’re looking for Souls the piglin boss holds most of them down here in this realm if you kill him you’d be doing the nether a great service maybe but right now it’s not the time I have some important things to

Attend to like making sure everyone watching this video has liked it left a comment saying what mob they want to see me be next as well as pushing that subscribe button and and hitting that Bell so they never miss a bronzo video with that we said our goodbyes and I

Headed back to the portal to the Overworld during days 62 through 65 I returned back to the Overworld but when I looked around Nothing Was the Same what the heck is this another Vision I walked into my old home and saw my parents talking in the kitchen something

Was wrong we can’t tell him you’re right it would shatter his world if he found out we were dying from this disease what they hid that from me suddenly I was transported into another memory the funeral I remember this who is that next to me it’s okay my love things will get

Better with time my love did I have a wife who is she suddenly I was back at the entrance to the portal H I must keep learning about myself as I collect more souls it was time to pay the king of the drown to visit with my new found

Strength days 66 through 70 began with me having to cross a desert on the other side of it would be the ocean domain of the drowned King this reminds me of when I was a camel for 100 days but boy it sure is hot here thank Notch there’s no

Thirst mechanic as I passed through a field of cactus one of them came to life and began attacking me ah what the it was a cactus Tyrant I had to fight back as he shot Cactus spines at me and tried to give me prickly Cactus hugs no thanks

I don’t want your spiky PDA I defeated the cactus Tyrant and finally made my way to the door time to dive in I jumped in the water and began to explore the warm ocean as I looked for the drowned King’s base I ran into a group of

Drowned at a shipwreck I must be getting closer I proceeded to kill the drowned and carried on with my search until I could see something in the distance I entered an underwater dome that had an air pocket for days 71 to 74 well well well so you’re the one who has been

Stealing all these Souls that’s right the strong take from the week that’s how it has always been and that is how it shall remain nuh-uh the water Elemental threw a trident at me and used his bubble powers he fought me with both projectiles making it difficult to dodge

His attacks I moved as fast as I could to avoid getting hit but it was no use all the souls you collected will be mine once you fall no I won’t let you take them I was able to hit him quite a few times from a distance with my flesh

Eater however my molten side was going to do nothing to him since we were surrounded by water and as the battle progressed that’s when he started absolutely wailing on me I won’t give up I kept on fighting and managed to get enough hits to take down the awful King

Looks like the only Souls being taken today are yours I got back to the base on days 75 through 78 ready to celebrate my victory the Scarecrow and Buddy greeted me when I returned and congratulated me that’s great news good job bronzo the three of us then decided

To add some more extensions to the base with the Scarecrow and Buddy’s help we made a dining area downstairs we were all feeling happy but then the Banshee appeared I see you’re as worthless as ever scarecrow here you are doing pointless things and not Gathering a

Single soul for me I’m sending you to the void for this wait don’t do that I’ll help him gather more souls if you you spare him very well but you better make it first the Banshee disappeared and we all sighed in relief oo that was close yeah

Come on we better hurry before she gets back we left to gather more souls I took the souls of several zombies but noticed that the Scarecrow still hadn’t gotten any he was just standing there hey man what’s wrong I’m sorry I’m just I’m afraid to take life especially after

What happened last time oh I see I thought for a moment before making a decision I walked up and gave some of my souls to the Scarecrow my soul meter went down as he looked shocked at me what why would you do that for me bronzo because you’re my friend and that’s what

Friends are for right I guess so thanks as we were talking the Banshee appeared again in front of us you have quite a few Souls now good you’re saved from the void this time she vanished and we finally got to resue back at the base days 79 through 82 started with me

Having another Vision I saw my past self with my wife again I really got you that one time Mercedes you and your jump scares oh we look so happy but what happened to her I wonder if she’s okay the vision changed and I noticed my wife

Was coughing badly are you okay I’m fine don’t worry sweetie the vision fast forwarded to her being bedridden be honest doc how does it look I’m sorry to tell you this but she doesn’t have much longer to live there are treatments we can give her but they’ll cost you a

Pretty penny but we don’t have that kind of money I understand but sadly there’s nothing we can do otherwise I’ll leave you two alone now to talk the doctor left and I could see my past self looking defeated the defeat quickly changed to determination though no I’ll

Find a way to get that money she’s too important my past self took out his phone and started contacting friends to help him steal money seeing as he needed it so quickly that’s where the vision ended and I was back in my room again the New Vision left me with even more

Questions but what happened did I make it on time is she still alive as I thought of everything that could have happened I drifted off to sleep once more on days 83 through 866 I went in search of more souls after walking for a bit I found a nearby cave that was said

To be active with zombies upon entering I was immediately charged by the zombies luckily they were slow I began striking them down one after another this is a walk in the park under the dying breath of one of the Fallen zombies it whispered to me

Bronzo huh how did he know my name at a sudden realization this cave began to feel more and more familiar it couldn’t be these were my friends suddenly the Banshee appeared from behind me I see you’ve been busy have you finally recognized Where You Are this place is the very reason you are

The way that you are huh I did this to all of them did you orchestrate all of this this was all you’re doing before I could finish she had already disappeared at the beginning of days 87 to 90 I started off with another Vision my friends and I had gathered together

In a search of a way to gain more money we had found a heap of treasure deep inside of a cave it was filled to the brim with gems armor and golden apples all together we took a bite of what we’d soon realize would be the death of us

One by one my friends began dropping to the floor I started to feel woozy the world around me spun as if I was set on a carousel oh no not now this can’t be where it ends stumbling out of the cave I hobbled home as fast as I could I can

Make it I can make it only a couple more steps before I knew it I was on the ground I screamed for my wife but my words were inaudible I could see her from the window directly outside of our house in my time of desperation the Banshee appeared oh you poor soul it

Seems that your time is only dwindling down to near second do you have any last words please I can’t end like this let my wife live I’ll do anything anything you say I’ll make a deal with with you take my life for all of eternity and extend

Hers we have a deal however you must collect 1,000 souls for me if you fail to do so then the deal is off Fine Days 91 through 993 left me with a wave of emotions now that I finally knew the truth I was confused and just as I was

Contemplating what to do the Banshee appeared again ah so you figured it out finally good why couldn’t you have told me all of this if I’d known from the start then I could have saved so much time was that part of our deal no it wasn’t it was

Your job to remember again not mine to tell you g whatever I just want to see my wife again tell me where she is oh no no no no no you aren’t allowed to do that yet not until you’ve gotten me the last Souls you promise proed oh yeah

What’s stopping me from just finding her myself have you forgotten what power I hold I’m the one who extended her life I can take it away just as easily and send you to the void on top of that if you want to avoid that then get me those

Souls fine I’ll do it I went off angrily and gathered Souls from various creatures in a hurry I took on imps mummies man those guys were gross and some sectoid workers to name a few after a long and exhausting day of collecting Souls I realized I was still a few

Hundred off seriously all that worked and I’m still not even close luckily I remembered the piglin boss I heard about and decided to head back to the nether I made my way through the Nether on days 94 through 96 as I went I gathered more souls and killed any red nether spoiling

I came across after searching and killing for a while I finally stopped stopped and asked the last living spoiling in front of me for directions you Spore can you tell me where the piglin boss is oh uh it’s up ahead in the Bastion Remnant with a gold wall

It’s pretty big you can’t miss it thanks bye now loser I followed the directions from the spoing and made it to a large Bastion with a huge gold wall built into it Yep this definitely looks like the place I walked inside and found the Undertaker talking to the piglin boss

Undertaker you think I’m stupid I know what you’re doing you can’t de the king of the nether some business but I could use your help closing the deal if you know what I mean I see I’ll be happy to help you close the deal wink wink you

Think I’m stupid I know what you’re doing you can’t Dethrone the king of the nether we charged forward at the piglin boss but I dodged his attacks get him the fight was difficult the piglin boss actually had Enderman Powers as well as a powerful punch but ultimately he was

No match for me and The Undertaker we had won our battle with the king of the nether good job bronzo you came at the perfect time I would have died again if you hadn’t no problem I’m glad I got here on time with the piglin boss

Defeated I had gained a lot more souls I’m only one away now it was then that I became very curious about something I had noticed oh hey um out of curiosity who are you carrying in that coffin oh this pretty ironic actually check it out

I jumped as a body fell out and landed with a thump what the that’s me I was dumbfounded as the Undertaker put my body back I know pretty crazy right well I’m off to bury you in peace good luck Al there uh okay I’ll see you later Undertaker thanks for the help

Thoroughly creeped out I made my way back to the nether portal once again on days 97 through 98 I had finally arrived back at the Overworld it was almost over and I was more than excited to be done with it all while I was still at the portal the Scarecrow frantically

Approached me bronzo I need more souls please I’m at the end of my rope I’m sorry scarecrow I’m so close to Gathering all the souls I need I just need one more in the midst of our conversation the Banshee flew in it is Time Scarecrow present the souls youve

Promised me I I don’t have him then this will be the end of you wait there has to be another way black flame surrounded the Scarecrow and his pumpkin head began to fade away showing his true face he had turned back into his original Self and the Flames around him disappeared

I’m I’m me again F I never want to see you again the Banshee had lifted scarecrow’s curse and made the farmer vanish but it all came out a price the Banshee turned to me with a grin spread wide across her face thank you for showing him Mercy at the cost of this

Good deed you must bring me 500 souls or he’ll never live the same again the Banshee had flown off and I was frozen in place shocked by the amount that was Dem Ed I was already so close to my goal but now it’s so far away how am I

Supposed to get 500 Souls within the next 2 days what do I do it was already day 99 and all I could do was think of how I could get a hold of all of those Souls within one day this is madness how am I supposed to gather that many souls

In just a single day just then I saw another Vision I was back with my parents during the time I had hurt myself while playing outside ouch what happened honey everything okay I I I was running and I tripped it hurts real bad don’t worry son Falling Down is half the

Battle getting up is the hardest part you’ll figure it out you always do always do the vision had ended and I had come back to reality with a new course of action that’s it I have a plan thanks Dad day 100 finally came I decided to to

Sit in a nice open field and wait for my time to run out and right on Q the Banshee returned your time is running out bronzo I’m still missing a bunch of souls I need someone or some thing worth thousands of them if I plan to make

It you better get to it then what are you waiting for you imbecile actually my answer is right in front of me I stood and took out my Scythe the Banshee seemed amused by this you’re mad do you really think you can kill me well bring it on bonee head

I focused every bit of my anger and frustration I had into fighting the Banshee she repeatedly swooped towards me slashing at me and flying up when I tried to hit her oh you’ll have to do better than that flame shot from her hands as I was dodging she started to

Spit poison at me gross take that I shot her with my electric arrows and wither skulls and finally got a hit she screamed and continued her attacks but the projectiles were too much for her now to can’t take my soul you can’t was that part of our deal no no it wasn’t

With one final shot the bans she died and disappeared for the last time after defeating her I suddenly felt a Sur verge of holy life and I was teleported away when I reappeared I was a tiny little demigod while I was wandering around learning my surroundings a villager spotted

Me the Villager wanted me out of the town and got the Iron Golem to try to kick me out oh please don’t hurt me big guy I started running away when my speed increased what’s happening why am I so fast and I can jump super high I was now

Wearing hermes’s Wings this was now given giving me a speed and jump boost where did I get these boots from after running for a while I found an abandoned castle I can rest and hide here for the night little did I know that this Tower was not fully abandoned and I was

Attacked by spiders oh no please don’t bite me ah I’m a God among men I didn’t have any weapons so I had to run away I need a better place to hide for the night I came to a house in the middle of nowhere hello anyone home

No one was there so I stayed inside for the night hiding from from the mobs since I didn’t yet know how to protect myself for day two I started cutting down trees and Mining stones to make some tools like an axe sword and pickaxe ooh I’m so hungry I have to find food

Quickly luckily I had found chickens roaming the land I used my sword to kill a few of them and gather their meat with the stone I acquired I made a few furnaces as well I better cook this meat so I don’t get sick I went back to the

House I found earlier but it turns out someone was already living there the Villager was not happy with me staying at their house and tried to kick me out the Villager charged at me but luckily I stopped them with music Take This Wait what Apollo’s lur I can use

This to paralyze anyone who tries to attack me I kept using Apollo’s lur to paralyze the Villager over and over again you’re not touching me you stinky old villager after a few hours I realized that this was wrong I shouldn’t be doing this I should be a kind God not one who

Tortures his followers I will stop this foolishness even when I stopped the poor villager was still afraid of me and ran away wait no come back oh man I’m sorry on day three I noticed that my hunger bar was going down I guess even Gods

Need to eat I headed back to the Village from earlier trying not to be noticed and I stole their vegetables ooh this hits the spot and just like that I grew full-sized heck yeah and I have 20 Hearts now however my celebration was cut short when the Iron Golem attacked

Me I fought back with my stone sword and blocked up to dodge his attacks but just then my sword turned into a gauntlet of some sorts the Golden Fleece this looks awesome I used it to defeat the goem leaving the villagers unprotected and scared of

Me I only kill those who oppose me and those who do not worship me if you change your ways you will be spared and I will give you you a full prosperous life the Villager seemed skeptical so I spawned in a compost turning him into a farmer the Villager thanked me for

Giving his life purpose and they wanted to repay me how about a place to stay for the night the Villager took me to a Hut with a bed and left me to get some rest for the night for days 4 and 5 I woke up to the sound of villager

Screaming I have to help them there was a huge red figure with strange purple Hooks and a huge helmet glowing red from the inside back to the ground you insignificant worms I tried to stop the fires and all of a sudden I was holding Poseidon’s trident how does this work I threw the

Trident and a large amount of water spawned on top of it okay now everything is flooding great I couldn’t help but wonder where all my Powers were coming from and I wasn’t the only one who was asking this question curious you have the power of the oceans just like my

Uncle I will need to converse with my father about you you little gy God they then left the village forcing me to help the villagers rebuild what was damaged huh you’re welcome I’m here to protect you as long as you continue praising me and doing my bidding the

Villagers were grateful for me and I was feeling more and more power being given to me through their faith I went mining for iron to make some iron tools and armor for protection I’ll make an iron pickaxe and sword I even have enough to make myself an iron

Armor set this will protect me from those spiders I needed to learn more about my Powers it seemed like they only showed up when I needed them most not when I wanted them it’s time to figure out how to control my abilities while I was pacing in a field I saw a

Three-headed snake in the distance whooah a Hydra this is the perfect time to test out my new powers and defeat it I went straight for the Hydra in hopes of using my newfound powers to take him down I’m going straight for its heads as I began to fight the Hydra I soon came

To realize realized that I was no match for this Beast it was way stronger than me okay nope the Hydra is overpowering me even my Godly gifts can’t destroy this snake I tried to use my stunning ability and tried it but I had to run away they just weren’t working I’ll be

Back for you Som day I returned to the Village to catch up on some rest but when I got there the villagers had a gift for me H they had made me a garden filled with flowers and a fountain all dead ated to me wait what’s this you guys put a sign

Right here it says subscribe to bronzo that’s a great idea cuz only 13% of our viewers are actually subscribed to the channel so if you weren’t subscribed already what are you waiting for subscribe now and turn on notifications after a long day of Mining and battling

I needed to finally go to sleep and rest what a wild couple of days this sleep is going to feel so good I had a long dream that lasted all of day nine and I was was in the presence of Zeus hello my son welcome to Olympus wait you’re my father

What a shocker you’re like everyone’s father I asked him if he knew about the giant red guy that was burning down my Village was that Hades destroying Villages sounds like something he would do Hades no my brother is not an evil guy just because he’s God of the Dead

Doesn’t mean he wants people dead don’t believe everything Disney tells you so who was that then that was your half brother Aries the God of War was that Village at war with another Village no aries brings violence everywhere he goes trying to spread war and famine I have

To stop him but I need to grow my Powers first that is correct my boy and you can do it for you are bronzo God of mining but how can I stop such a powerful oh God harvest my Powers mark my lightning Bol that will be your first step but

Where do I find it Zeus started to fade away as I awoke up from my deep sleep now I knew what I must do find the lightning bolt and Destroy Aries to save the world from his torment for days 10 to 12 I began to search for Zeus’s

Lightning bolt so that I could defeat Aries where could Zeus’s power be I better start looking as I was searching for Zeus’s abilities I ran into some creepers who were not not happy they’re chasing me ah I got to fight them off some of the creepers exploded while I

Was fighting them actually most of them exploded you creepers are no match for a God Like Me woo that was a close one I wonder who or what lies within these trees I better start exploring as I began treking the jungle I ran into some of the locals they called themselves the

Mandra Gora hey little guys what are you up to a giant please do not hurt us I’m not going to hurt you guys I only hurt people who oppose me thank you what is your name we are mandor my name is bronzo God of mining is there any way

You can help us bronzo a goddess’s pomegranate is missing what’s in it for me I’m on a mission myself at the moment goddess pomegranate may be able to help you in your quest to rescue her okay fair trade I’ll help you find the goddess’s pomegranate I went onward to

Look for the mandor’s goddess maybe she can help me find Zeus’s lightning I better start searching through this jungle where would a goddess be in here I looked all over the place but no sign of goddess’s pomegranate instead I ran into something else wao is that a hypocritic the hippogriff Wing was

Broken I had to help it hey buddy are you okay would you like to come with me I can help you I’m a God great come on let’s go I’m looking for a goddess whose name is pomegranate I think okay let’s go on an adventure we set out to look for the Pixies who might know where the pomegranate is hey you need a name how about happy happy the

Hippogriff on days 13 through 15 we were able to discover the pixie’s base oh this must be it as I approached the base the Pixies didn’t seem happy to see me the pixie attacked and started firing explosives at me wao is that the pomegranate it looked like the explosives were coming from the

Pomegranate they were strong but as we were fighting Athena’s Shield popped into my inventory this should do the trick with Athena Shield I blocked the pixie fiery attacks and killed them all yes get wrecked once the Pixies were killed I gathered up all their pixie dust and scooped up hara’s pomegranate

You can use the pixie dust to float here happy now you can fly [Applause] again next we began the Journey Back to the Mador base between between days 16 and 19 I returned to the Village of the mandragoras with hara’s pomegranate in hand but when I finally got there the

Village was on fire oh no not again I searched through the smoldering Rubble looking for any survivors come on there has to be Somebody I turned to The Familiar sight of burning and destruction I was face to face with the God of War Aries I’ve been waiting for you bronzo you you did this why to get your attention you are but a fledgling God the gods of Olympus sit

Upon Thrones of Lies their domains are r with deceit and Corruption none of what he was saying made any sense deceit and Corruption what are you talking about why would the gods do that because gods are selfish look upon how I have ravaged this land not a finger was lifted by

Your Gods since you are my king I implore you to join me in my war against the gods I don’t believe you there has to be more to this I refused to join Aries in his campaign of Conquest I will be victorious with or without you

Standing in my way will only result in more misery he finished by saying he would give me time to think about his offer and then disappeared in a huge flash of light he’s lost his mind I returned to the original Village I was making my home at when I arrived the

Villagers offered to make me a castle that seems like a huge undertaking the villagers had all the Manpower needed but lacked the stone to build it up I can get the stone if you want before I knew it I was descending deep into the bowels of the earth my trip was going

Great until I saw is that a gorgon oh no the Gorgon whipped its head around her man of snakes wried and hissed as she Drew closer don’t look into her eyes don’t look into her eyes as long as I can avoid that I’ll be fine right suddenly a villager had apparently

Followed me into the caverns below his Gay met the Gorgons and his body was instantly petrified no there’s absolutely no way I can deal with this right now but I’ll be back with that encounter behind me I returned to the surface and brought the loads of stone I

Collected to the villagers this should be enough right on days 20 through 22 I started to help the villagers build a castle using all the stone that I had gathered we built massive walls tall spires and even a grand throne room for me to rule from I also put stained glass

To give it a really cool Sun effect wow this is amazing I sat down on my new Throne made of gold and it felt perfect building this Castle was such a great idea the villagers worked up an appetite building the castle so I decided to go searching

For some livestock thankfully I was able to find some cows pigs and even chickens welcome home everyone we started to take care of the animals and breed them but it became painfully clear that the villagers had no idea what they were doing um I guess we have some work to do I

Taught the villagers about farming thankfully they were fast Learners after some lessons on breeding killing and cooking the animals the villagers gathered enough food to throw a large Feast while we were eating happy kept reminding me that we desperately needed to find Zeus’s lightning bolt for days 23 through 27 I continued

My search for Zeus’s lightning bolt maybe I should check the ocean for answers Poseidon might be some help I need to make a boat so that I’ll be safe on the water luckily I have all the material for one as I set sail I quickly ran into some of the ocean dwellers who

Might be able to help me hey what are you doing out here the ocean is a dangerous place or you maybe but for me this is my home I’m a siren I’m in no danger I’m a God you see the most powerful being in all the lands you

Remind me of Poseidon he was a great God was what happened to him the siren told me Poseidon has been missing for hundreds of years ever since Aries destroyed Atlantis and sunk it even further into the ocean floor I have to look for him so he can help me but I’ll

Drown if I go under the ocean water you are a God you know that you’re capable of breathing underwater right I am a God I got to try and see for myself I jumped off the island and went beneath the water to see if I could breathe and it

Worked I can really breathe in the ocean depths I better start looking for Poseidon as I swam in the the dark depths of the ocean I ran into some drowned oh no drowned are up ahead as I battled I noticed Apollo’s liar worked even better in the ocean waters but the

Pomegranate would just float down I should use my shield just then lightning struck it seemed Athena’s Shield harnessed some of her father’s Powers but only for protection you guys are no match for my abilities I’m a God I was able to fend off all the drowned and continue my search for Poseidon’s Army

On days 28 through 32 I stumbled across a coral reef and it was completely surrounded by hippo campuses wo they’re everywhere as I was searching through the coral reef one of them spotted me as they began to charge me I whipped out my Trident and they immediately stopped do

My eyeballs deceive me it’s the almighty padan oh no no no no he’s my uncle I’m actually looking for him though do you guys know where he might be the hippoc campuses explained that only the Elder Guardians would know where he may be thanks for the help don’t mention it kid

I left the coral reef and set out to find an ocean Monument thankfully it didn’t take long and I found one pretty quickly sweet that wasn’t hard and was immediately struck with mining fatigue what the heck it was the Elder Guardians and I tried to fight them off and even

Reason with them but they wouldn’t fudge please I just need some help I tried to defeat them the oldfashioned way but my hits weren’t effective I desperately needed milk to ward off their effects but I was losing focus and couldn’t control my power hours to conjure some

Oh no I got to get out of here I fled the ocean monument and started to head back home to get some milk on days 33 through 36 I arrived back home at the base and the villagers were ecstatic to see me H is it a statue of me huh the Villager was sad that I guessed it right but we’re still super excited to build a statue in my honor so I found some sheep in a field near the castle and brought them home for the village welcome to your new home guys just then

A villager did something I didn’t know was possible oh boy after Gathering sheep for the villagers I decided it was time to go mining to upgrade my tools I scoured the mine for diamonds and was able to find enough to craft a diamond pickaxe and sword these are perfect as I

Was making my way to the exit I happened to cross a group of angry trolls ready you think you’re going Punic B the trolls lunged at me using their numbers to to try and overpower me they were not the smartest Fighters I’d come across and I killed them with ease

Take that stupid trolls as the last troll died he dropped an item I hadn’t seen before wo power gloves I equipped the gloves making my attacks more powerful while I was wearing them these are awesome when I arrived back at the base I used some of the iron I gathered

To make buckets and milked the cows the ocean Guardians won’t know what hit them after collecting enough milk I stopped by the Villager building project to see how it was coming along wow you guys build fast the villagers had already finished a good portion of the legs of

The statue and it looked great I can’t wait to see when it’s finished on days 37 to 39 I made the Trek Back to the ocean Monument as I arrived I was immediately greeted by three ocean Guardians I attacked them with my new power gloves I was far more powerful

This time I easily killed two of the ocean Guardians and the last one surrendered tell me what you know about Poseidon the ocean Guardian told me that Poseidon had locked himself away in a deep ravine guarded by sea monsters they gave me a map that pointed towards where

Poseidon should be thanks and sorry for killing your family I left the ocean Monument following the map to the Ravine that the ocean Guardian spoke about that should be it but there’s so many Monsters the entrance to the Ravine was absolutely swarmed I tried to kill as

Many as I could but there were far too many don’t worry I’ll help the hippocampus from earlier showed up to help me fight together we killed them all thank you for helping me man no problem I’ve waited all my life to meet Poseidon it’s a dream come true just

Then a rogue sea monster snuck up on us and killed the hippocampus in one hit no I Avenged the hippoc campus’s death and then began the descent into the Ravine hoping Poseidon was there and the hippocampus didn’t die in vain on days 40 through 43 I finally found Poseidon’s

Lirer deep in a ravine beneath the waves what the what is this place it’s so dark and humid who goes there reveal yourself at once wait don’t attack me I’m a God just like you my name is bronzo bronzo there’s no such God prepared to feel the

Wrath of Poseidon I don’t want to fight I need your help to defeat Aries he’s burning down innocent Villages someone has to stop him what of it this world was made for the taking it is the right for Gods like us to rule these lands to

Conquer the weak if you agree with him why don’t you F by his side H his battles are none of my business and you should do the same now go before I change my mind I learned that Poseidon was going to be no help in taking down

Aries maybe I could change his mind if I show him his own Trident wait before I leave I want you to look at this it’s your Trident I acquired it when I was in grave danger please you must know someone else who can Aid me in my quest

H go forth and seek Hades ruler of the underworld he may be of great knowledge on how to defeat Aries good luck as I was about to leave leave the ceiling of Poseidon’s lirer exploded and water rushed in oh no the roof this place is

Going to flood as the hole in the roof got larger Aries entered and struck Poseidon with a swift blow no aries you’re a monster you’ll pay for this this is but a mere warning bronzo do not get in my way or there will be more lives taken just like Poseidons more

Dead Gods soon the third Runner will be taken down I began swimming up in a panic Aries had gone mad third brother Hades I won’t let you take any more innocent lives Aries just you see I returned home and between days 44 and 49 the villagers gave me some bad

News what is it they told me the Gorgon from the underground was going crazy and petrifying every single Miner that ventured into the caverns below though I am a God I can also still be petrified the villager handed me a blindfold to help me avert my gaze from

The Gorgon I told them that they needn’t worry about it anymore and ventured down into the gorgon’s caverns oh oh oh I heard the familiar sound of pissing snakes and the slithering of scales across the rough Stone floor so I put on the bandan and charged the Monstrous

Creature hey you take this I tossed hara’s pomegranate in the gorgon’s general direction but couldn’t tell if it hit or not jeez I can barely see with this thing on she could poison me and was trying to turn me into a stone with her glowing green eyes however In the

Heat of battle I unlocked a new item wo artemis’s bow but how am I supposed to shoot what I can’t see I took a deep breath and listened to the sound around me as I became more in tune with my surroundings I started Landing hits on the Gorgon yes it’s working my last

Arrow from artemis’ bow embodied itself in the Gorgon eliciting her death throws I won yes I removed the blindfold and picked up the head of the Gorgon as a trophy oh that that’s that’s disgusting turns out she was guarding some diamonds which I happily mined and made into a

Helmet when I returned with the head the villagers were so grateful but I also wanted to test out the head’s power maybe this thing still works hey cow come here okay it does still work uh sorry about your cow dude the villagers gifted Me by continuing construction on the

Statue finishing up the Torso really bringing out my toned ABS on days 50 through 53 happy and I had to get serious about visiting the underworld world and searching for Hades shh just pretend we needed some obsidian to build a portal so we hit the mines jackpot luckily we were able to

Find plenty of obsidian and brought it back to the surface without issue happy you should stay here we need someone to Watch Over the base and I don’t want you to get hurt again with happy agreeing to stay behind I assembled the portal lit it and

Entered the underworld I made it time to find Hades as I began to explore the underworld I suddenly conjured up Hades Seria staff into my hands wa what does this do the staff shot out some bubble like beam but it didn’t seem to do anything as much as I would try so I

Just kept it in my inventory and continued searching for Hades in the distance I saw a fortress I decided to see if any of the locals may know where Hades is so I approached some blazes and they did not seem happy to see me I just

Want to talk to Hades the blazes had no interest in talking and neither did the wither skeletons so I had to kill them all and defend myself and continued on the hunt for Hades on days 54 through 58 I finally found Hades Hades I’ve been looking for

You Aries is coming to try and kill you I explained the situation to Hades and he seemed confident we have much to discuss bronzo Hades then explained the reason why his staff wasn’t working for me that staff you are holding instantly banishes mobs to the underworld since

You are already here its powers are mute do not use it too often though as it as a chance of B banishing you as well I’ll be careful with it I promise now let’s discuss Zeus’s lightning bolt Hades explained that the bolt was being guarded by a powerful Dragon in their

Layer and I’d have to defeat them to retrieve it as he was explaining though we had an unwanted visitor why hello there Aries we’ve been expecting you well I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long suddenly Aries lunged at Hades they started scuffing and I joined

In to help Aries was way too powerful to fight he did so much damage and could really take a hit I had an idea though I whipped out the gorgon’s head and tried to get Aries attention hey Aries you big smelly nerd look over here as Aries

Turned to face me I used the gorgon’s head to turn him into stone well done bronzo is is it over I’m afraid not the goon’s petrifying Gaze won’t last for long Hades used his power to send Aries back to the Overworld for the time being thanks for everything Hades you know for

The god of the underworld you’re a pretty chill guy thank you bronzo before you leave take this it should help you upgrade your tools Hades gave me hephestus Anvil which I stashed away for later and then began my journey through the nether back home from Days 59 to 62

I journeyed back home and took my new staff for a spin let’s try it on some Hostile Mobs with one Fell Swoop the zombies and skeletons were dragged down into the underworld awesome the next morning one of the villagers approached me they wanted me to build a temple but

Lacked the materials needed for concrete since I am a benevolent God I can get those materials for you I dug up sand and went underground for gravel and when I came back to the base I encountered some skeletons in the field oh they are

So far away and there’s no way I can get closer without being pelted with a volley of arrows H just then the Crimson Black Keys of proximity projection showed up in my hands it’s a set of daggers that don’t do that much damage on their own but they have a special

Ability I can teleport this thing is awesome with the Crimson keys I swiftly dealt with all the skeletons I collected their bones and broke them down for the white dye required to craft white concrete powder the blacksmith had a solidifier chamber this allowed him to turn the powder into a solid concrete

Thanks Broski with the building materials all gathered the villagers constructed a temple in my honor I loved it so much that I gifted them with a bountiful Feast on days 63 through 66 I used H festus’s Anvil to upgrade all my Godly tools wo this is awesome that

Dragon won’t stand a chance as I was about to head out to hunt down Zeus is lightning bolt I was stopped by a frantic villager happy tried to convince me to continue my journey but I couldn’t I had to help my followers don’t worry little

Guy I’m on the case I’ve began to follow the villagers directions to where the Cyclops cave was but as I was searching for it Zeus appeared before me bronzo do not fight the Cyclops yet you’re not ready but Dad I have to try I can’t just let those villagers die I see entering

Your rebellious teen years aren’t you it’s not a phase Dad it’s my job as their god well if you insist then here take this Zeus gave me aphrodites golden apple good luck brono but don’t say I didn’t warn you Zeus then disappeared and I continued searching for the

Cyclops’s layer as I was exploring though I ran into a pack of death worms and they attacked me stay back you worms thankfully my upgraded weapons made it super easy to kill them and I continued on with my search I had to find The cyclops’s Hideout so on days 67 through

70 that’s what I did this must be it look at how big the structure is with my new upgrades I had to prove to Zeus that he was wrong come fight me you oneeyed freak hey man why you got to make fun of my eye that’s kind of mean I’ll make you

Pay for that my gifts were not working as well as I was hoping though come on on I can’t lose now I’ve come so far using Hades staff was not an option here if I did it would send all my loyal villagers to the underworld along with

The Cyclops just drop already you’re no match for a God no matter how big you are I was taking a lot of damage but luckily I ate aphrodites apple to heal me back up and it gave me resistance yes try to hit me now you big idiot even

With the resistance the battle still continued this thing just wouldn’t die eventually my resistance wore off and I thought I was Cyclops Chow until I unlocked a mystical staff wo what is this a new Godly weapon take this you oversized baby as I used the Mystic staff I obliterated the Cyclops this

Staff was indeed Godlike the Cyclops is no more my fellow villagers let us rejoice the villagers were both thankful and afraid of what they had just witnessed come on let’s get back to the village and celebrate on days 71 through 74 the villagers were so grateful I killed the Cyclops that they finished

The statue of me as a gift as much as I wanted to stay and admire their handiwork I had unfinished business I needed to hit the road again and hunt down Zeus’s lightning bolt thanks happy let’s do this Abby and I traveled through the tundra searching for the dragon’s layer as we were

Exploring though we were ambushed by an army of Undead beasts oh no this isn’t good the beasts attacked us and we had to fight back to defend ourselves I used the Crimson keys and Hades staff to get in range of the beasts and banished them to the underworld have fun visiting

Hades thankfully I was able to defeat all the Golems without accidentally banishing happy as well huh it must not work on my friends that’s convenient happy and I resumed our travel through the tundra continuing to search for the dragon’s lirer it was on days 75 through 78 where things got really interesting I

Found the dragon’s layer happy and I fought the dragon together as a team team but it was no easy opponent come on happy we got this we can defeat the dragon with teamwork the dragon swooped down and attacked us with crazy flashy lightning powers enough to light up an

Entire city look out for the lightning happy one good strike and we’re going to be toast luckily I had my upgraded Godly gifts to fight against the dragon hey dragon how do you like the taste of pomegranate not so good is it the dragon was split into pieces and died yes we

Did it we slayed the dragon could this be yes it’s Zeus’s lightning power I can use this to finally defeat Aries when I acquired the lightning abilities I also gained an extra 10 Hearts this is so awesome 10 extra Hearts I’m really starting to feel like a God now before

We left the dragon’s layer I gathered as many diamonds as possible check it out happy I got Zeus’s lightning abilities let’s test it out after doing some testing with my new ability happy and I headed back home on day 79 through 84 I returned home and the villagers were

Ecstatic to see me they said that they wanted to give me something as a gift but weren’t sure what I know you guys should build more homes I also told the villagers to invite more followers to come live with them the villagers split up some leaving to search for more

Followers to join them in their Village and the others beginning to gather materials and build more houses they even used some of the leftover material to build a larger Farm to feed everyone this looks amazing guys but I’m feeling pretty pooped though it’s been a long

Few days I’m going to get some rest I made my way back to the temple and Zeus was standing there waiting for me dad you’re here yes bronzo I’ve been very proud of what you’ve accomplished so far but I have a challenge for you Zeus wanted me to test myself further by

Taking on the Hydra again I’ll do it I’ll defeat the Hydra That’s my boy they grow up so fast on days 85 through 89 I said goodbye to the villagers for the meantime don’t miss me too much while I’m gone and set out to search for the Hydra in my travels I met

A strange bonga tribe and asked them if they’d seen a Hydra yeah in fact we have we loved the Captain America movies um good for you guys but that’s a you know what okay bye they weren’t able to help me so I kept moving and soon I ran into

A Godly looking kid hey have you seen a Hydra around here I’m supposed to slay one no way that’s a kind of epic Adventure I usually go on my name’s Percy who are you bronzo I’m the god of yeah yeah sounds cool I saw the Hydra in

A field over that way good luck man oh all right thanks I followed Percy’s directions and came face to faces with the Hydra all right time to earn my dad’s respect I ran in and attacked the Hydra dodging its heads and striking it with lightning it was no match for my

Powers I even started flying as I evaded its attacks it took so long to take the Beast Down but in the end I stood Victorious yeah I did it did you see that Dad above me Zeus nodded his head in approval my mission was complete and

I headed back home on days 90 through 93 I arrived back at my base and was greeted by a whole host of new villagers wow welcome to your new home everyone I announced to my followers that I was finally able to defeat the Hydra while the villagers were busy

Celebrating my victory I decided to slip away and finish my diamond armor set yes that should be just enough I used the diamonds from the dragon’s layer to craft the rest of my armor and I was looking good Aries won’t know what hit him I decided to use hesus as Anvil to

Try and upgrade my lightning powers wao it worked I waited until night to find something to test it on take this you stupid mobs the lightning killed a ton of mobs all at once that’s amazing it did have some small side effects though what what happened to me oopsie I

Arrived back at the village on days 94 through 96 to find that disaster had struck oh my gosh what happened here no kidding this place is completely ruined if you do you’ll just be feeding into his power you need to stay here and help me bring peace I was able to

Convince the villagers not to declare war and we spent some time rebuilding the village but while we were at work a band of pillagers began a raid ah leave my villagers alone they’ve been through enough I used all my powers to kill them keeping my Village safe and return to

The rebuilding efforts on days 97 into ’98 tension was running high as we rebuilt many of the villagers told me they were scared that Aries would return to finish what he had started as long as I’m here you will be safe I promise I will stop Aries after finishing up the

Bulk of the Reconstruction happy let me know that that it was time to go find Aries to everyone who has followed me thus far thank you if you want to perform a true show of Devotion to your God be sure to subscribe like the video and let me know down in the comments

What mob I should do next I set out with Happy by my side a few hours into our journey we were encountered by a group of strange pink and brown creatures happy told me they were called spider pigs are they friend L as if on Q the spider pig sprun into

Action and swarmed us there’s so many of them suddenly I felt something strange I have Aries is blade well there’s no better time to get a new weapon heyya I set the spider pigs on fire with ares’s blade making quick work of those strange creatures yeah don’t mention it

Seriously I never want to talk or think about those things ever again happy and I continued on our way but I was left wondering why I gained some of AR’s power on day 99 I was traveling through the desert when I ran into Hades bronzo you’ve made it you are nearing aras’s

Coliseum yes I’m finally going to defeat him once and for all I believe in you bronzo be careful though as Aries will be by far your toughest opponent he lives for the sole purpose of inflicting violence and destruction I know I can take him yes now go make your father

Proud bronzo go defeat that monster I thank for the words of encouragement and continued on with happy towards the Coliseum as we neared closer though we ran into a group of gusterson to have to take them down we fought the custers and they were strong their hallow winds did a ton of damage

And while we were able to defeat them happy was injured in the battle don’t worry happy you need to heal I will take down Aries alone he can’t continue his path of Destruction I bid happy farewell and continued my journey to Aries AR’s Coliseum it was

Now day 100 and I made it to ares’s Coliseum it’s time to face my destiny I entered the huge structure and there was Aries waiting for me welcome brother come to join me in my Quest To Rule everything never I’m here to bring this world peace and rid them of your evil

The gods are corrupt we must stop them together you are just as ignorant if not more you killed Poseidon he would have joined you in your quest but you were just too power hungry to notice it seems that we will not be compatible Partners to rule this world prepare to die we

Started a fight both of us having great Powers they had fire and could summon up purple spikes as well as summon green swords that fired at me and the heads of Fallen Warriors that would follow me until they hit me but I had all my Godly weapons along with my lasers and

Teleportation daggers you think your weapons are enough they are just fr of us God’s Powers even with all of the other God’s strengths you still couldn’t defeat me I am a God too and I have my own powers as well the fight was long and we were even in our capabilities and

Power Aries could withstand a great amount of pain they even had the ability to summon swords out of thin air that would be thrown at me eventually I had enough and needed help and to hide for a moment I ran into the side of the Coliseum where I found Zeus waiting for

Me bronzo take the Olympic this blade this will finish him and banish him from all worlds why didn’t you give me this earlier I needed to know you were worthy quick finish the battle save the world I took the blade and with one swift swing I finished Aries just then I felt my

Body start to stretch and I turned into my next form a snake God in Olympus my home was under siege by none other than my brother the god of Darkness Mom Dad where are you my brother’s men were storming Olympus and killing my people left and right I knew I didn’t stand a

Chance against their power so I desperately slithered through the crowd in search of our parents when I finally found them they were being confronted by my brother who killed them both before my eyes no now if I’m out of the way nobody can stop me from becoming the

Ultimate God T brother the god of Darkness began to charge an epic attack I ran away my brother chased after me and cornered me at the edge of the city I’m only a baby my wings are too small to fly see you never I couldn’t react quickly enough my

Brother hit me with his tail sending me flying over the edge towards the ground below on day two I fell down and down as the clouds whipped by me and I knew this would be the end of me but wait there was a little Pond down below so I

Concentrated all my efforts in order to land on it aha I made it my celebration was cut short when my brother’s Dark Forces caught sight of me there he is after him uh-oh got to keep moving I slithered away as fast as I could but my brother’s forces were quickly gaining on

Me I couldn’t keep this up forever and knew it luckily I had a genius idea to hide in a cave the darkness would surely cover me giving me enough time to slip away unnoticed the cave was also too small for them to get in unfortunately for me the second I stepped into the

Shadows I realized there was no exit oh come on we’ll wait out here as long as we need to catch you my Escape hadn’t lasted very long at all as I scrambled thinking about what I could possibly do to get away I could feel something

Brewing deep inside of me it was power a sort of raw power that I had never felt before I Unleashed it all out in a powerful attack that summoned the head of a dragon and Unleashed an arrow of holy power unfortunately this caused the ground below me to crumble w Wait as the

Ground fell around me I fell too deep down into the unknown ownn Abyss Below on day three I awoke in a dark Cavern in front of a massive monster it was letting out a loud and boisterous snore this is not good there was no way I

Could fight such a creature not in my current form anyway so I had no choice but to try and sneak around it as I used all of my innate sneaking snake abilities I felt I had this in the bag unfortunately my overconfidence led me to slithering right over a stick with a

Loud crack the monster turned around with intensity as it bring to life furious at having been awakened from its Slumber I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry you disrupted my sleep you will be smashed I tried to reason with the cave Guardian as it whipped itself into a

Flurry of pure blind rage it wouldn’t listen to my please so I had no choice but to try and defend myself I reached deep inside and tried to tap into my Godly Powers once more for some reason though it didn’t seem to work no right

When I needed to instead I noticed I had a Godly bow its arrows weren’t as powerful as the other attack but it was reliable and just as cool this way I was able to shoot the bow and Dodge his attacks at the same time unfortunately for me though I was still pretty

Inexperienced and the cave Guardian was able to strike me over and over again with deadly accuracy cuy serpent I’m going to make you in the Beast as I struggled to keep up with the cave Guardian strength it knocked me down to only half a heart I knew deep down that

This was it I apologized to my parents for failing them and closed my eyes to accept my fith on days 4 through 7 out of nowhere a tiny Angel flew in to help me she cast a healing spell on me that restored my hearts and bought me some

Time Lonzo I’m Angie I did what I can but you need to escape thanks Angie I’m working on it I looked around the cavern for something anything for me to use to my advantage but the only thing I could see was walls thankfully that gave me an

Idea hey Bozo I’m right here the Beast roared in Rage as it charged right right towards me at the last possible second I jumped to the side and his attack fully connected with the wall breaking it down to rubble and clearing a path for my Escape come on Angie this way the angel

And I ran through the hole in the wall with the monster hot on our Trail we were hopeful that we found the path to freedom on the other side waiting was not freedom however but rather a secret base for my brother’s Army my brother’s forces must have heard the commotion

With the monster because they all turned towards me and readied themselves to attack I was sandwiched between the Army and the Beast with nowhere to run this was the end on days 8 through 10 I remembered that I had wings I might not be able to fly properly yet but I knew I

Could use them to give me a jump boost here I go I used my wings to jump way up high as Angie followed along looking very happy my brother’s Army and the Beast clashed into each other way down below die snake thing you did it you used your wings I did now they’re

Distracted with each other that ought to keep them both busy for a while and Angie and I used this opportunity to head towards the exit of the underground area and together we booked it we got to the end of the cave but before us was a massive Warrior ah bronzo I was hoping

I’d find you here scurrying around in the dark who are you I am one of the god of darkness’ six top generals it’s my job to destroy you for him before I could react he lunged at me and hit me with a weapon embodied with the power of

The Gods his power was crushing suddenly I was down to only half a heart before he could wipe me out completely Angie cast a healing spell to keep me alive but she warned me she was running out of Mana if I took another hit like that one

I was a goner I knew I couldn’t escape from this battle so I braced myself for the toughest fight of my life the demon General was extremely powerful so I had to do everything I could to not get hit I tried to use my smaller size and

Superior speed to my advantage but as a result I wasn’t able to do much damage back although I did unlock a new new multibow attack for my Godly Powers however it wasn’t long into the battle that I realized I would never win in a straightforward fight I would need to

Get sneaky Angie leure the cave Guardian from earlier over here on my goahead but if I do that it could hurt you it’s the only way just do it now angre flew away and attracted the guardian’s attention by flying all around him like an insect it followed with its familiar rage like

A bull fighter I waited until the last moment and jumped out of way but the general wasn’t so lucky the Beast lunged directly into the general killing him on impact suddenly I felt the General’s godly power enter into my body and I transformed into an adult snake God

Giving me 10 more Hearts wao defeating the generals make me stronger I couldn’t focus on that for too long the Beast was temporarily stunned from ramming into the general and I had to use this to my advantage come on Angie we’ve got to track down more of my brother’s generals

It’s the only way to stop him on on days 15 through 17 Angie and I made our way out of the caves unfortunately it happened just as my brother was flying overhead we quickly took cover to avoid his gaze but it was no good somehow he spotted me immediately like he knew

Exactly where I was you stubborn snake how are you still alive how did you find me I’m your brother since we share the same blood I can find you anywhere you try to hide my brother charged up an immense attack and if I didn’t move out

Of the way I’d be toast thankfully I could feel that with my new form I’d finally be able to fly just as the attack would have connected I flew out of the way and took off into the sky my brother launched several attacks in my direction but Angie and I were able to

Avoid them go ahead and run brother I will find you I knew he wasn’t lying so I needed to prepare Angie and I decided to build a base to defend from any surprise attacks and found a nice patch of land we could call home we quickly got to work building an ancient looking

Temple perfect for a snake God like me I used blocks such as ter aotta chiseled Redstone and waxed cut copper to add some trim around the pyramid Angie of course got a room of her own before long the temple was done I looked upon my creation and it was good before I could

Rest I heard shouting off in the distance so I went to investigate on days 18 through 21 I made my way over to the source of the shouting only to find my brother’s men holding a group of fish people hostage please we’re peaceful people let us go no can do the god of

Darkness has plans for you fishy I had no idea what my brother’s plan was for them and I wasn’t about to find out I charged into battle using my newly unlocked Godly Powers but I couldn’t perform any advanced spells yet despite their numbers the fight was pretty even

And I was even gaining The Edge call for backup one of the guards called for backup so I knew it was only a matter of time before I was surrounded I used the last chance to break the fish people out from their captivity hoping they could

Help me thank you so much we are forever in your Deb just as he finished his sentence my brother’s reinforcements arrived I was outnumbered there was no way I could take on that many of them quickly follow us the fish people took off running and I followed closely

Behind on days 22 through 25 I was following close behind the fish people while being chased by reinforcements there wasn’t much land left for us to keep running I didn’t know what we were going to do come on this way he led us to a body of water and we all jumped in

I can breathe underwater cool luckily I was a God so I had water breathing after a while it seemed like we lost the reinforcement that were trailing us I continued to follow closely behind the fish people until we swam through a crevice Welcome to our home the fish

People lived in some kind of underwater Camp it was run down with oxidized copper and not even enough space for all of them why do you guys live down here don’t you have an ancient city or something our great city is under control to one of the god of darkness’

Generals we need your help to reclaim it I thought about it and remember the last time I faced a general I got stronger if I could defeat another one I could gain their Godly Essence for myself all right let’s do it during days 26 to 28 one of

The fish people led me to their City when we arrived the place was in ruin and there was a statue in honor of the god of Darkness it was still being built by the captured fish people I’ve had enough with all this tyranny I began my infiltration there were guard sharks

Swimming around and I did my best to evade them there looked to be too many for me to take on all at once I’m almost to the entrance just got to hide in the seaweeds as I was approaching the entrance to the city I noticed one of

The Sharks picking on a fish person I knew I had to intervene even if it meant blowing up my cover pick on someone your own size and who do you think you are your worst nightmare the snake God the shark darted forward in the water aiming

At me with its powerful jaws and then I was able to retaliate by shooting it with my Godly bow and holy arrows the shark definitely packed a punch but with a one-on-one fight it was no match for me as I thought I was winning the battle the sound of our fighting had attracted

More sharks to our location I was outnumbered but I knew I was Stronger come on is that all you got I won’t give up that easily it was looking Grim for me the Sharks just kept coming I thought this was the end for the days of 29 to

32 a group of fish people intervened in my fight go on bronzo continue after the general and we will hold off as guards thank you I won’t forget this with the sharks now distracted I swam as fast as I could through the rest of the city

Until I got to the very heart waiting in the center was my brother’s sea General so bronzo the little snake God has appeared the god of Darkness mentioned you might be paying me a visit so my brother warned you about me that means he sees me as a threat more like an

Inconvenience yeah right I’m giving you one chance to surrender the city or else or else what I’ll have to take it back from you by force I’d like to see see you try let me show you what true force is the sea General reared back then charged at me

This guy was fast he was also definitely way better suited for the water than I was he was able to harness it in ways that I never even dreamed of he dragged me in with whirlpools and launched currents of water at me then would snap at me with his giant fangs I wasn’t

Helpless though thanks to all of my Godly Powers I shot Arrow after Arrow at The Serpent and wited away at his health it was a tough fight tougher than any other battle I had come up against before I was down to my last few hearts

And just as I was beginning to think I might not come out on top I landed one more hit on the sea General that wiped him out so it seems that I have been bested the city is no longer yours perhaps not but watch your back snake

God Vengeance will seek you out as the sea General died I gained his Godly Essence and became stronger I attacked 10 more hearts and I was able to use the Godly dragon head power that I only been able to use once before wo this is awesome with no more time to waste I

Rushed back to help the fish people on days 33 through 35 I saw the fish people and the sharks battling it out this battle looks neck and neck I should probably go help them as quickly as I could I rushed over to assist the fish people in the battle with my new dragon

Head power I was a lot stronger and I managed to defeat the sharks with ease those sharks were no match for me thank you snake God for helping us reclaim our city this isn’t much but I want you to have this to show our appreciation he then tossed over some snakes skin armor

Hey this is great I’ll be able to defend myself a lot better now thanks I then made my way back to the surface after some traveling I got back to the beach only to stumble upon my brother standing right in front of me give stead of enough trouble brother it’s past time I

Took care of you he then charged up an attack and let loose spewing flame and smashing everything with his massive claws uh-oh this isn’t good his powerful attack struck me over and over until I was left in a blaze of fire the heat was too much for me to handle in mere

Moments everything went black during days 36 to 39 I woke up in some sort of sky Arena there were crowds of creatures watching me what’s going on suddenly the cave Guardian from earlier dropped into the arena like we me again immediately the molten Knight began attacking me

Dealing lots of damage his fiery blast felt like the power of a Thousand Suns against my skin the crowd cheered it was almost like they were against me look you don’t want to mess with me I’ve gotten a lot stronger since the last time we battled stop ying and start

Fighting I used my new found strength and powers to fight back with my arrows snake God head and holy divine power I push back against the might of the giant Beast East the guardian was just as impressive as I remembered summoning waves of heat and attacking at me with

Its sword recklessly i’ had grown a lot since the last time I faced him though and within minutes I had him on his last legs with only one last attack I defeated the guardian once and for all take that no one beats the snake God the

Crowd began to boo at me I was right in my previous guest that they were against me don’t boo me aren’t you entertained I headed towards the exit as summon the crowd through snow snowballs at me I then jumped from the sky Arena down to the ground floor tough crowd on days 40

To 43 I returned to my base to resupply and heal up woo that was more difficult than I expected it to be when I got there I noticed a lot of the fish people were at my base oh snake God we have spoken to one another and decided we

Wish to serve you please take these offerings from the sea surely they will be to your liking oh wow this is a lot thank you as I accepted their offerings I felt my SC grapes and bruises heal up as I was restored to full power I hereby

Accept you as my people let me build you a place in my home I immediately got to work making the fish people an area they could live in I made sure to make it aquatic themed so they would feel comfortable after I finished building Angie came up to me you see how much

Good this did for you you need to find more followers the more a God has the more powerful they can become that sounds like my plan of action then with that in mind I set off to search for anyone willing to dedicate their services to the snake God on days 44 to

46 I had been wandering around the desert searching for new followers to join me while traveling through the desert I heard an explosion and screams in the distance what’s that I should probably go check it out I followed the screams and it led me to a desert

Village being attacked by fire mobs oh no what’s happening please someone help us please I got to help them I rushed in with no hesitation and attacked with my powerful strength I quickly defeated the fire mobs that was too easy my brother’s goons are nothing for me now thank you

For saving us glad I could help as I was talking to the villagers a giant fire monster fell onto one of their buildings he started shooting Fireballs striking the villagers killing most of them No so you’re the reason why this is all happening yes and you’re next he then started to attack me the general wasted no time in summoning meteors to rain down on me they exploded with terrifying Force scattering fire and Embers everywhere then he leaped up into the

Air and slammed down with his gigantic fists I was able to attack back with my trusty Godly bow after what felt like hundreds of arrows I Reed the finishing attack my awesome God snake head I charged up and launched at him and the fire General fell dead after I absorbed

The General’s power I gained 10 more hearts and a new power that emitted powerful beams of sound from Days 47 to 50 I checked in on the few surviving villagers are you okay is there any way I can help there’s nothing left for us here how would you like to come back

With me and stay at my base that would be fantastic heck up guys we’re heading off with a snake God as we made our way back to the base I heard a ghostly voice whispered to me it seemed to be coming from a cave in the distance bronzo hey

You guys keep moving on the base is just up ahead I’m going to go investigate something all right see you soon as I got towards the Cave the voice kept beckoning me to come even closer come to the cave I made my way to the entrance

Of the cave and I could still hear the voice I decided to continue further inside on days 51 to 54 I traveled through the twisting tunnels of the cavern which led me all the way to the underground dungeon wow wow this place is huge as I stepped into the dungeon a

Snake Spirit appeared in front of me young snake God the power to defeat the god of Darkness can be obtained by completing this trial should you wish to accept consider it already done very well you may answer the gate that had been blocking disappeared along with the Medusa allowing me passage I slithered

In and began to make my way through the dungeon right off the bat there were enemies that left out to attack me one after another who put all these skeletons here I fought my way through them as I traveled through the dungeon fending them off with my Godly Powers

There were archers skeletons with swords and ones who could even do magic at last I made it to what appeared to be the final chamber of the dungeon there in front of a skull statue was the Lich King ruler of the skeletons in this dungeon I’m here for the power to defeat

The god of Darkness a little worm like you wishes to defeat the guard of Darkness that really tickles My Funny Bone what could a thing like you ever hope to achieve against someone like him you’re nothing I don’t care what you say I’m here for that power and I’m not

Leaving without it the Lich King’s taunting had really upset me using my rageous fuel I launched an epic volley of attacks at him the Lich King would disappear and reappear behind me only to slap at me with his giant sight that’s fighting dirty the Lich King then reared

Back and from him a wave of Darkness emitted I continued using all of the powers in my Arsenal including my newest Roar ability it took a lot out of me to fight this guy but the Lich King finally perished as I stood there relishing in my victory the snake Spirit from earlier

Appeared again your anger makes you stronger you must embrace it if you wish to defeat your brother but I don’t want to rule with Ang and fear then I’d be no better than my brother the Medusa did not reply as she disappeared with no one

Left to talk to I left the dungeon and headed back to my base on days 55 to 57 I was almost to my base when I encountered the villagers in an open field hey everyone what happened why are you stopped we’re so tired and we don’t have the energy to continue any further

You know what I’ll build you all a home here this seems like a nice place to settle down I immediately went to work there were a lot of villagers so I figured that I might as well go ahead and make them an entire Village I put a

Lot of work into each house and the Landscaping so they wouldn’t feel like they were missing anything from their old home by the time I was done the village looked perfect thank you so much snake God please take these offerings no no I can’t accept that I already have

Enough then allow us to help you build an idol of yourself so that we may thank you that sounds a lot better let’s do it the Villager and I got to building the statue we started with the shape of my head as a base then began to add the

Details with all different kinds of blocks it was fortunate that the villagers had so much and I had gathered plenty of cool things in my journey so far because it really came in handy we also made sure to make it super big so that it would scare off any wbe

Attackers the villagers needed a place to put all of their offerings to me so I put out a place in front of the statue mouth with lots of pots so they could store the items there we are all done this is wonderful we’ll take good care

Of it I was tired after all that work and it left me wanting to take a nap I figured where I was was pretty safe so I fell asleep right in front of my statue on days 58 to 61 I had a nightmare I was back in Olympus during

The Great Siege I Revisited seeing my parents getting killed by my brother no not again I won’t let you get away with this brother and how do you plan to do that I’ve grown stronger I’m powerful enough to fight you oh really all I see is my

Weak little brother just then I was transformed back into my smaller self no my Powers still think you can take me on little brother I hate you in a furious rage I charged to attack my brother to my surprise I flew straight through him he was just an illusion I had heard the

Voice of someone laughing from above I can’t believe you fell for that in an instant I transformed back into my larger form and the illusion began to dissipate on day 62 to 64 I realized I was in a misty swamp not only that I had been duped by someone who are you face

Me there it was again there was nothing but that laugh as I looked around for the source of the laughter I was attacked by a hoorde of zombies wao where did you come from there were so many zombies I used my Godly bow and my snake godhead to cut them down one by

One eventually I defeated the horde and continued into the swamp The Voice had to be coming from somewhere confirming my suspicions only a little bit away was an enormous Arena and in the center was none other than the amethyst General the fourth general of the god of Darkness

What’s wrong bronzo not sleeping well you crossed the line no one interrupts my nap time the amethyst General wasted no time in attacking me shooting magical beams and trying to whack me with their scepter I was quick to dodge out of the way and fire back with my Godly bow and

Beams of energy next did summon some eyes on chains to chase after me as well as some podiums that fueled their magical abilities I went and broke them as fast as I could while still attacking the amethyst General in the end despite all of the amethyst General’s magical

Effects I was able to defeat them that shows you not to mess with me as they died I absorbed their Godly Essence it granted me 10 more hearts as well as transformed me into my final form wow look at me I look awesome it was at that point that the Dreamscape began to

Crumble around me and I realized I was waking up on days 65 to 68 I woke up in front of my snake god statue I was surrounded on all sides by my followers whoa what’s the occasion snake God we were concerned you have been asleep for several days well I’m all good did

Anything happen while I was out yes in fact some Raiders came by but they were scared off by the statue what stay here I’ll go take care of them right now hang on bronzo what is it these people need my help jeez I just found you can’t you

Say hi now listen to me you still can’t face your brother alone we need more allies fine who do you have in mind I think you should look for the craftsmen who live in the mountains their skill at forging armor and weapons will be vital for destroying the armies of Darkness

That sounds like a great idea thanks Angie I’ll get right on it with a new goal ahead of me I headed off to the mountains during days 69 to 72 I made my way towards the mountains through a thick forest eventually the forest turned into a wasteland around some kind

Of lumber mill seeing the beautiful nature being destroyed filled me up with rage I approached The Lumberjack and demanded to know why they were destroying this place go on explain yourself or I’ll hurt you wait wait the dark Gods General ordered us to level this whole Forest what do they need all

That wood for nothing we’ve been ordered to burn it all I looked around and saw Lumberjacks tossing logs into large bonfires this is horrible where is the general only the foremen would know that they’re in the mill take me to them I want to give them a piece of my mind on

Days 73 to 75 I arrived to the mill the inside was filled with Bunches of logs and crates stacked into piles The Lumberjack I was with ran up to the foreman pointed back to me then quickly ran away I’m going to talk to him myself you I’m demanding right now that you

Cease all operations but but I can’t do that the general would have my head then tell me where this General is don’t make me take your head instead yes right away the General’s base is in the mountains in the mountains where show me I would

If I could please I swear it’s just at the general destroy the bridge connecting the mountains so I cannot travel there I felt an allc consuming rage overtake me I was so upset that I began to destroy the mill with fire take me to the bridge now of course R away

Follow me on days 76 through 79 the foreman took me to the ruins of the bridge beside the mill why are you still taking orders from the general couldn’t you just run away some of my Lumberjack friends are being held hostage across the bridge for misbehaving according to

The general if we resist him then he’ll do the same to us well I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen to you but only after you repair the bridge yes sir the foreman went to work repairing the broken bridge just as I demanded however as they were working some of the dwarf

Generals men arrived back off I jumped into the freay to fight off the attackers I fought off the dwarves with my powerful Godly bow but their cleric kept healing them I set my sights on them instead and took out their healer so I could deal with the rest of the

Army uninterrupted I shot volleys of my Godly arrows into the minions and then used my roaring ability on them they went flying off the side of the cliff into the chasm below bit by bit I picked off the Warriors but they had me in numbers I had to fight carefully

Otherwise I could easily be overwhelmed I fought with everything I had at my disposal but there were still too many for me to win I honed in all my powers and Unleashed one final attack killing the Warriors all at once by the time the final goon went down the bridge was

Finally complete great job foreman thanks scary snake God now go set your friends free the foreman did as I said and freed the other Lumberjacks but they didn’t run in fact they looked scared what’s wrong please don’t eat us we’ll do whatever you say tell us what can we

Do to appease you do not destroy any more of the forest and someone take me to the General’s base if both things are done I will not eat you on days 80 through 83 a lumberjack led me through the mountains eventually we reached the outside of the General’s base it was a

Massive mine inside of a Mountaintop you know this is going to get messy right oh I know I seen what the dwarf General is capable of I ventured inside of the mine and saw the fifth General thank you for slithering Timmy I hate having to hunt

Down me prey is that why you’re cutting down the forest easier hunting actually it’s to keep the Lumberjacks tired and busy let’s trouble that way well you got some trouble today the dwarf General was unlike any opponent I had faced he wielded a shield and charged at me I

Tried slithering around to dodge his attack a he then welded a spear and threw it at me dealing a good amount of damage then he smacked the ground releasing Flames around him he also conjured up a sword and used it for spinning attacks and slashes however his

Arsenal of weapons was no match for my tough God snake skin you think you’re better than me I’ve seen ye strike more fear in those Lumberjacks than I ever could maybe because I’m a God and you’re just a mere mortal finally I destroyed the dwarf General and with that I gained

A new godly power the ability to harness the strength of the Sun and create a beam we give up we give up here take this dwarf forged armor is an offering I accept your surrender and your armor now join me and follow I will build you a

New home on days 84 through 886 I had found a new spot to begin building the dwarfs a new home one better than what the dwarf General gave them I started by Excavating the site of a mountain then I added some support beams all around so that the cave wouldn’t collapse and

Finally I added some furniture all around so they could relax after working hard in the mines once I had finished making the area for the dwarves one of the lumber Jacks caught up to me this place is amazing you’re not so bad after all snake God could you maybe build us a

Home too thank you and I hope you can continue to spread the word I’ve been getting somewhat of a bad reputation lately I’m sure I can build you and your Lumberjack friends a fancy log cabin out in the tundra that would be great I then traveled to the snowy Arctic and began

Building the cabin I made sure use lots of the wood that was chopped down from the other Forest to conserve Mother Nature I added rooms and even a fireplace to keep them warm in this cold weather thank you so much snake God please take this offering wow thanks a

Diamond axe this is one of the best offerings I’ve gotten thus far although I had gotten so powerful by now there was still one General to take out and I was feeling confident on defeating them as I was about to leave Angie had found me again bronzo I just wanted to warn

You that the next general is the nastiest of them all you need to be careful how bad could they be just as I said that there was a large explosion in the distance I need to investigate that on days 87 through 89 I arrived at a village that had been

Ruined what happened here a horrible creature flew overhead and destroyed our village in a matter of seconds it must have been the general where did they go after they went in the sky thank you I made my way up to the sky and looked for

The general as I was flying I saw a stronghold ahead in the distance that must be where the general is I headed over to the Fortress to check it out I explored the area and no one was around while I was looking I saw a note on the

Ground from the final General unlike my allies that you took out I will finish you off myself for good once I had finished reading the note I looked up and saw her goons flying around me if I want to find the general I have to fight

Their goons on days 90 to 92 I fought off all the goons one by one they were the toughest I faced so far I really had to dig down into my bag of moves to retaliate I used my Godly bow with my dragon attack I also showed off my new

Sunbeam that incinerated the flying BEAST’s armor the goons would shoot poison at me and swirl around midf fight to attack me I managed to take them all out except for one I use this opportunity to interrogate them where is your general I ain’t talking you should

Just finish me off okay that’s not a problem wait I is just bluffing then talk she’s at the headquarters just west of here thanks for your cooperation and good riddens I then didn’t keep my promise and fired my Sunbeam killing the final goon instantly next I flew West

And eventually I found the HQ it wasn’t hidden but rather wide open almost as if they wanted me to come great I love traps they never expect me to actually fall for them I landed and looked around but nobody was present come out you coward suddenly I was hit with with a

Multitude of explosive attacks what the heck is going on during days 93 to 995 I was under attack I couldn’t figure out where all those explosions were coming from you want some of me then come get some above me was a massive serpent in the sky dropping explosives from above

The serpent looked Angelic like she was sent from the heavens who are you come down here and fight me the sky General circled around my head like a hawk stalking its prey she was trying to intimidate me with her massive amounts of radiant power can you tell you

Imbecile I’m the sky General the strongest General in command what makes you so strong back down or I’ll make you regret it go ahead and try it I Unleashed an attack and tried to take the oversized General down she was high in the sky so my best bet was using ranged attacks to

Have a chance of Landing a hit on her I shot at her with my G Godly arrows to dwindle her health down bit by bit all the while the sky General summoned powerful spikes from the sky to pierce through my scales they dealt loads of

Damage but I held on to life I couldn’t lose now I retaliated with my son’s blessing just scorched through her armor but she hung on after the hit no matter how many times I attacked her the sky General seemed prepared for all of it I thought with all of my might but they

Were incredibly strong neither side was giving in you can’t defeat me I’m going to fight until you’re finished you foolish God I haven’t even shown you a fraction of my power take this suddenly the General fired a powerful attack I tried to avoid it but I wasn’t fast

Enough it hit me and my whole body grew dizzy what’s going on I can’t focus on anything I couldn’t help but to succumb to their spell soon I blacked out on days 96 to 98 I found myself in my childhood home I was at Olympus again as

A baby and next to me was my baby brother the god of Darkness where am I and why am I so small I looked around and noticed that our parents were standing before the both of us we are so proud of you my sons one day you’ll both

Be the gods of Olympus and rule this Kingdom together I don’t need bronzo I could rule this Kingdom alone now son you have to share the responsibilities with your brother together Olympus will prosper no I want all the power for myself if you let me take it all I can

Show you just how much better Olympus would be watch your mouth that is no way a god should treat his kingdom or family go to your room this instant and think about what you’ve say my brother left the room in a fit of rage as I watched my brother walk away he mumbled

Something I will show everyone how powerful I can become alone I’ll take all of the godly power for myself and make everyone bowed out to me the god of got this brother wait I rushed after him hoping that I could stop this tyranny but as I slithered closer I was

Teleported into thin air on day 99 I teleported into the mysterious end Dimension there was nothing around me but Darkness for miles and somehow I was floating on air this place is creepy what’s going on I looked around when out of nowhere a massive figure walked in

Front of me it was my brother the god of Darkness but as a powerful adult hello bronzo brother you don’t have to do this why are you taking all of the Power for yourself I don’t need any help from the likes of you our parents spoke of unity

But they were wrong all I need is more power and I can rule this entire world singlehandedly please you can still stop this and we can rule together quiet in a fit of rage the god of Darkness attacked my brother blasted at me with his Godly

Breath I was blasted Away by the sheer force of it all and I was forced to run for my life I would have tried to defend myself but I was only a baby without my incredible power his strength was too crushing to retaliate I ran for my life

Unsure of how or why I was in the void just then I heard the voice of the sky General Echo through the realm what’s wrong snake God are you scared wait a second all of this must be the work of the sixth General this is

All in my head my courage caused me to transform back into my Godly adult form regaining all of my hearts and Powers afterwards my brother vanished Into Thin Air he was just an illusion made by the sky General I snapped back to reality to find myself with the sky General like

Before no my magic it’ll take more than an illusion to stop me I continued my battle with the sky General but this time I meant business she reigned down her Godly projectiles onto me and I evaded them with speed and Grace the nightmare she put me through only

Strengthened my resolve further I was going to defeat her and stop the Wrath of the god of darkness no matter what I fired my attacks onto the sky General with everything I had and they seemed to do far more damage than before the sleeping spell must have drained all of

Her energy leaving her vulnerable for my counter attacks I didn’t let up this was my chance for victory finally I managed to bring the sky General to her breaking point I may die here but tomorrow your brother will bring ruin to these lands not if I have anything to

Say about it I fired into her with one final blow killing her while she flew the sky General died and I gained her godly power making me stronger than ever and it felt like I lost all of my rage yes I’m back to normal time to return to

Olympus on day 100 I took to the skies and returned to my home of Olympus to my horror my brother had changed the area to be corrupted by his Dark Energy what did he do to this place this has to end now I swooped in and landed onto the

Cloud there my brother was already waiting for me so good to see you again brono do you like what I’ve done with the place turn everything back to how it used to be and maybe I’ll consider sparing you even after I took all of the godly power for myself you still think

You have a chance to stand against me I’ve gotten some power of my own have you been able to check in on your generals those worthless swine they were just more pors clearly they underestimated you but I won’t make the same mistake no amount of their power

Will save you I’m willing to take those chances the two of us collided in the final battle it was God versus God brother versus brother of who would claim Olympus he started by flying super high in the air and then flew down at me stopping on the ground and making it

Shake beneath me I knew then that he was not going to take it easy on me I blasted my arrows at him so I could keep a good distance from him to evade his air attacks as he flew through the air I struck him with my powerful Sun blessing

Which dealt a great amount of damage and slowed him down my brother was smart though he knew I was trying to avoid his air attacks he then blasted me with his powerful Flames feeling massive damage I was on the ropes but so was the god of

Darkness I put everything I had into my final attack and blasted my evil brother into Oblivion as he died I absorbed all of his power and I felt a sudden burst of Rage I was transported into the mind of another demigod I saw my father right in front of me fighting against Hades

They struggled against each other as they bashed and jabbed with their weapons father let me help you fight no son you’re too weak right now stay back I obeyed his order as they continued fighting Hades had a giant axe that that he used to continuously slash and chop

At my father as well as a strong fire blast my father was right I was nowhere near ready to stand against Hades go back to your own realm Hades you’re not welcome here Aries jabbed at Hades violently with his Godly Spear and bashed and blocked attacks with his

Shield despite his great weapon and abilities my father was quickly worn down hadti struck him with a severe blow injuring him badly my father had no choice but to stop fighting no longer do I have to live in Exile in the Underworld a new land is to

Be conquered Hades left to continue his Rampage elsewhere I immediately ran to my wounded father listen to me carefully son this war has been raging on for 10,000 years there’s been too many lives lost when I die I want you to take over as the new god of war and you must end

This once and for all I will do my best good thank you son my father passed away leaving me on my own no his Spear and shield fell where he had been and I picked them up transforming me into the new God of War as I did some of Hades Undead soldiers

Began emerging from the ground ready to fight I sprung into action and readied my spear they swarmed me and I began jabbing at them while using my shield to defend myself I kicked them away as they got closer they were were tough to kill but luckily not too strong with their

Attacks that didn’t stop them from trying to use their numbers against me I won’t let you stop me I have a promise to keep with the power of my new weapons I was able to bring them down one by one winning my first battle unfortunately I had no time to celebrate more soldiers

Were everywhere and they noticed me they started making their way towards me there were too many for me to handle alone I had no choice but to run before they caught me I was still running on day two trying my best to lose the undead Army I ran until I had to stop

Completely out of breath I got to keep going to escape they’re right on my tail but I’m so out of breath suddenly I heard something heavily breathing behind me I turned around to see an ogre eyeing me hungrily uh nice ogre you’re the new god of war a pey

Thing like you hey I’ve earned it watch this what how do you look so cool it’s easy I got a new bronzo skin that’s now available in the Minecraft Marketplace that’s awesome I want one too well lucky for you you can click the link in the description and it’ll take you right to

The marketplace so you can check them out sounds great right Minecraft Marketplace wait I don’t have a computer you can also use Bedrock Edition just search for the bronzo mutant creatures in the marketplace I then transformed back to my God of War form in preparation of the ogre attack

Attacking me they hit me hard I used my shield to keep me from being crushed and started swinging my spear at it the ogre used duel Stone swords to slice at me so I had to be quick as we fought I started figuring out different combo attacks I

Could do for extra damage one involved using my kick before striking with my spear I also managed to do a multiple jab motion to wear it down even faster with a final hit I was able to defeat the ogre yes now it’s my swamp I didn’t

Know it at the time but someone was watching me closely from a distance observing my every move woo glad that’s over I’m starving now I began looking for food and stumbled across a village I found some barrels full of food and seeds I ate some to replenish my health

Before I could finally rest one of the villagers noticed me and started yelling it’s him it’s the god of war and he’s stealing our food they all ganged up and started attacking me what what did I do stop hitting me they wouldn’t listen so I attacked packed them back easily

Killing most of them they continued to swarm but my blows had an unfair Advantage their numbers dwindled quickly with every swing soon the few that were left started ringing the Panic Bell before yelling at me you’re just like your father killing the innocent they ran away terrified and I was alone again

In this newly abandoned Village just like my father was my father evil am I evil no I’m doing this to end the war and they attacked me first all that fighting had made me tired so I just stayed in the village for the night I found myself in some kind of dream on

Day three I was my younger self there was another kid in front of me and we were in the middle of a fight I was doing my best to win but he was too strong you really thought you were tough huh I wanted to beat him I swung at him

With my wooden sword but it was no use he got the upper hand and knocked the wind out of me he won how is your father so strong and you’re such a weakling suddenly leave my father Aries showed up father I I lost I’m sorry don’t worry

About him son you’ll be a great warrior one day you really think so dad no the image morphed from my father into Hades you are nothing but scum and I will rid you from this Earth I panicked as he struck me with the same blow that killed my father instead of

Dying I found myself waking up on a mountain with Zeus before me Zeus what am I doing here so it is true a new God of War has arisen Zeus please I need your help I I would never help the God of War he ascended from the ground and

Summoned a lightning bolt ow wait what are you doing I will Edge you fight me coward I dodged another bolt of lightning as he continued to strike me there was nothing else I could do now but fight back I took my Spear and started trying to jab Zeus with it I

Managed to get close enough to use my shield to bash him a few times though it wasn’t much use against someone so powerful why are you attacking me what did I do die you pest he wasn’t listening and continued to wail on me mercilessly my Spear and shield weren’t

Enough to face his Onslaught he summoned Circles of electricity to shock me and threw bolts my way whenever I was a bit further from him no I have a promise to keep things can’t end like this My Cries went unheard as Zeus floated up and curled himself into a ball this summoned

A huge sphere of lightning that struck me down killing me I woke up in a cold sweat the fight with Zeus had all been a dream as well but what did it mean I walked around for a bit to clear my head on day four I needed to catch my breath from that

Crazy nightmare just then I sensed the blade behind me wait what don’t kill me she looked to be some kind of assassin don’t make any sudden movements and I won’t have to why are you in such a panic it’s nothing what do you want from

Me your bronzo the new God of War right yeah what of it I want to join your side I’ve lost too much family for this war to go on any longer okay that’s good but if you’re going to join me let’s see what you got I charged the Assassin and

They were quick on their feet and retaliated with speed I gave her everything I had I used my kick lunge and Bash but she was good at dodging and taking hits she struck back with her Crimson sword actually doing some real damage to me not bad but how do you

Handle poison she quickly dodged one of my strikes and pulled out a crossbow armed with poisonous arrows and it hit me directly I could not do anything to stop the slow death the Assassin walked right up to me at the last moment and dropped a bottle of milk for me to lose

The poison effect I thought I was a goner so what do you think of me pretty good I think we work great together the name shaza pleasure meeting you God of War come on let’s get out of here I know a spot actually you can call me bronzo God of

War was my father on Days 5 to 6 we arrived at what looked like a regular wooden house hold on just one moment oh hello dear you brought us to your grandpa’s house shaza ignored me and kept talking to the old man Blood for Blood eye for eye Fortune for all come

Inside make yourself a home we walked inside the house and behind a secret wall was a set of stairs leading down into another area we went below and into a room full of other assassins welcome to the Assassin’s Guild W this place is amazing yeah there are several assassin

Guilds all over the lands most people down here didn’t have a choice to be here they’re all fighting for something as shaza was explaining everything to me a massive undead zombie chimed in well if it ain’t the God of War himself come to hide from Hades what did you say to

Me I said come to hide here like a little baby come on if you’re a man enough let’s take this to the jeweling arena ronzo don’t it’s not worth it bring it on you rotting piece of Flesh we were in the dueling area for days s

And 8 both of us were eager to go at it be ass sure you’re up for this shiny boy more than ever we each charged and slammed into one another he released a poisonous fog around him that damaged me continuously as he tried to swing at me

With his fists I used my spear often and tried to keep my distance from the awful Cloud he’d made one of his hits caused me to have a blindness effect making it difficult to watch my footing I continued to stab him even if he bit me

And gave me nausea disorient me all you want I won’t be stopped we’ll see about that despite his confidence garbage was no match against the new God God of War you can’t win against me you’re mad I am not mad I am bronzo with a final kick I sent the

Brutish monster to his Doom as I won I also gained 10 more Hearts yes every time I win I feel so much stronger I left the arena and entered the main assassin area again very impressive garbage was a tough opponent huh it’s about time someone put him in

His place now come with me I want you to meet the head Assassin of this Guild she led me to another room with a lot of gold and treasure all around at the head of the room was a throne and someone standing in front of it glad to see you

Shaza and could this be the God of War himself great fight back there I watched the whole thing thank you uh creme call me creme thanks creme quite a nice place you have here indeed but we all have come from nothing here much different than your upbringing maybe you can end

This awful War for all of us I never asked to be born into this war but I’ll do what I can indeed if you ever need the assistance of the Assassin’s Guild don’t hesitate to ask I’m sure shaza can guide you yes sir come on bronza let’s

Get out of here from Days 9 to 10 shaza and I walked along a Snowy Mountain where exactly are we going she abruptly stopped and explained to me Hades isn’t conquering this world alone he has help from ton the giant Minotaur and his base is around here

Somewhere so what we’re going to go in there and defeat them just the two of us that’s the plan just then some four armed corrupted skeletons from Hades Army attacked us come on we got these guys together shaza and I destroyed the forearmed fiends I tore them apart with

The use of my shield and spear shaza used her sword to get up close and personal and her crossbow to make some distance finally we defeated them all this place isn’t safe let’s keep moving after moving along for a bit we discovered Ton’s base embedded within the snowy mountains we spotted ton

Speaking with none other than Hades ton my good friends I have defeated Aries nothing can stop me now I love to hear it Hades I myself am doing well in this front thanks to your Frost Army you have granted me soon I will have full control

Of the tundra regions my king not unless we do something about it well then I’m off to do more damage to this world keep up the good work Hades is leaving let’s get the jump on this guy while he’s alone we approached toron on days 11 through 13 so you’re working with Hades

If it isn’t the god of war and some Mortal human R I thought Hades killed you no he killed my father I’m bronzo the new god of war and I’m going to get Vengeance for my father the new God of War if your father couldn’t defeat Hades you’ll never stand

A chance that’s it stand back shaza I want this one for myself take him down toron stormed towards me with his horns ready to pierce I stepped back while using my spear to fight him back when he couldn’t hook me with his horns he brought up his axe and swung it down

Hard propelling himself up so he could smash me from above I did everything I could to block and react but he then started using a strong Spin Attack that sent me flying backwards he was too strong for me and he was about to finish me off for good luckily shaza stepped in

Just in time to distract him for me hey hor head come and get some of me actually I think I’ve had enough of both of you I call upon the power of Hades the ground shook the sky went gray and out of nowhere a bunch of Undead began coming towards us toward watched

As we got bombarded together shaza and I fought the soulless creatures but they seemed to come non-stop shaza did her best with her skills to dwindle them down but I was still getting surrounded by them I felt like it was the end until out of nowhere I did a powerful spinning

Move sending all the undead away from me and giving shaza and I enough time to escape come on let’s get out of here right behind you run away little soldier run away during days 14 through 17 shaza and I were exhausted from dealing with toron and Hades

Minions we almost had toron he was right on the ropes almost you mean we almost died at least I learned a new fighting move from the battle though no we were close I know you can beat him with some more time in training but for now we

Need to find a place to keep you alive and out of sight when needed you mean like a base why not use the Assassin guilds no it’s too dangerous assassin have a big ego someone there’s always going to want to harm you let’s make our own place come on eventually we landed

On a nice spot to build at we chopped down some trees to make a clearing and I used the logs as walls for my new battle dome base shaza helped add details and built a floor of calite andesite and glowstone on the inside I made the Dome

On top with more andesite for support and red stained glass for the roof when we finished I had a proper base and we could use it to continue training in while being a little more protected from potential threats now this is what I call a base nice job this is nice but

What would be even nicer is Hades head on a stick huh I know yeah maybe you can seek out Zeus your grandfather Zeus from my dream I wouldn’t even know where to look and if he would even help me he killed me in my dreams dreams aren’t

Real why don’t you try him out Olympus heard he has a temple there all right I think I’ll go at this one alone good luck out there oh and one more thing I think you’ll be needing these shaza then handed me a full set of diamond armor

Wao where did you get these from I may or may not have stolen them from the Assassin’s Guild it’s okay I have way too much treasure to even notice it’s gone thanks shaza see you soon I traveled across the lands from days 18 to 21 from grassy Plains to scorching

Deserts and snowy Hills it felt like forever but I finally made it to Zeus’s Great temple sitting on top of a mountain I made it the weather got worse as I approached the temple it began to thunder that’s still a Long Way to the Top it just had to start storming now of

All times just then some odd Frozen spiders sprang out and attacked me they fired multitudes of frost arrows at me and spawned ice webs to try and trap me I kept getting stuck and taking damage from the webs and found it difficult to to break free luckily my spinning attack

Helped to free me as well as send the spiders flying they were persistent and continued showering me with arrows but my spear was able to stab through their icy bodies enough to chip away their health with a few more spinning blows I defeated the frost arachnids the weather

Continued to batter the landscape as I continued onward I kept heading up and made it to the peak stepping into the temple I called out Zeus grandfather are you here I was answered with silence he was nowhere to be seen didn’t come all this way for nothing I’ll rest here

Tonight and search more in the morning during days 22- 25 I found myself in my human form my father was there showing me his fighting techniques I want to show you a crucial fighting move Son watch me I watched as he jumped up before slamming down with his spear I

Was in awe of his awesome ability now you try uh okay I Reed my training Spear and launched it with all my might it bounced off my father’s armor with a tiny clink what I can’t do it I can’t it’s okay bronzo I’m sure you’ll get the

Hang of it when you need it most just remember what I’m teaching you now just then Zeus barged in already very angry Aries what are you doing here you should be on the front lines leading your Army against Hades I will be right now I’m teaching bronzo here everything he needs

To know if I fall if you fall you’re talking like you’ve already lost if you’re so desperate to lose but I’ll show you loss I said no such thing I’m not afraid to fight you old man they started going all out on each other completely forgetting about me still

Being there Zeus struck my father with his lightning abilities and my father countered with his Spear and shield they didn’t hold back as they angrily lashed out at one another dad Grandpa please stop stop stop it please I awoke from my dream on days 26 to 29 still at the top

Of the temple I felt a presence and turned before my eyes Zeus himself appeared in front of me stop what what are you on about boy oh grandfather I’ve been looking for you bronzo is that you yes I’m here because I need help dealing with Hades I need your guidance to get

Stronger well you seem to do just fine defeating that giant piece of garbage back at the Assassin’s gild wait how did you when did you I was the one who let you in I can take many forms I am a God after all oh I see but still Hades is a much stronger

Foe than that assassin I’m still not as strong as my father was here’s a little secret you’re actually stronger than him you just need more experience to unleash your true potential really so what do we do about that throw you into the fire for the days of 30 to 33 I followed Zeus

As he led me into the bad lands where are we this is where all the wildest creatures come out at night you wish to defeat ladies you’ll have to battle strong creatures first eyes up here comes one now good luck I looked over and saw a dire werewolf charging right

For us wait but Zeus didn’t wait even a second he teleported away in the next moment the creature basted right into me all right you asked for it I took out my Spear and fought back against the werewolf Zeus wasn’t kidding when he said the wildest creatures lived here

The creature slashed me with his claws and I tried to retaliate it continued to force its way closer to me grabbing me and biting at my armor as it held me in place I used my Spin Attack to break free and push it away it was relentless

And its heavy body was difficult to fling away from me get off I refused to lose to a wild creature its bite was strong even with my armor I did what I could to focus despite the pain as we fought I remembered my dad doing the

Running jump move maybe it was time to try it out again I moved exactly like he showed me to and to my amazement I did it perfectly the blow was strong enough to kill the Beast as I stood there celebrating my victory Zeus reappeared not bad I see you learned a great move

Yeah I almost died oh don’t be so D come now we don’t have time to waste all right we were back inside Zeus’s temple on days 34 through 37 I was waiting patiently for my grandfather’s next instructions you’re sitting to your Father’s son I remember when I used to

Spa with your father often it was excellent training for us both wait you guys were training I always thought you were actually fighting him no no nothing like that think of sparing as a way for two Warriors to improve their fighting abilities with someone who already knows

Their weak points it’s very important to find and deal with weaknesses you may not realize you have otherwise I see I get it now good then you’re sparing with me right now Zeus quickly let loose some lightning completely catching me off guard look alive boy yeah I’m trying in

H i leapt at my grandfather in an attempt to hit him back he was super tough and didn’t appear to take any damage for my attack Zeus continued to strike at me with the fury of attacks whirling and slicing with lightning quick movements I countered with some twirling spear attacks and spear thrusts

But Zeus wouldn’t let up finally Zeus finished me off with one last lightning bolt I couldn’t take anymore you win no matter few can hold their own against me as long as you did for this reason you are worthy of greatness I believe it is now time time time for what patience

Follow me on days 38 to 41 Zeus led me to a grand old looking nether portal wow what is this this is the portal to the underworld where Hades resides your next task is to travel through it inside you may find the answers as to how to stop

Him or you may find yourself standing before death itself sounds dangerous but if it’ll get me first further in my quest I’ll do it I stepped right into the portal my vision began to warp as it teleported me away I heard Zeus began to say one more thing best of luck boy oh

And watch out for thee before I could hear the rest of what he had to say the portal whisked me away wait watch out for what but it was too late I was now in the Underworld everything was either covered in fire or like it was rotting I

Wonder where to start as I was thinking about it a small group of little fire breathing imps ran into sight tackling fresh meat on the Overworld get him these are probably what Zeus was going to warn me about the imps hit me and caught me on fire they

Stayed near my feet trying to tip me up as I fought I threw them off of me and stabbed down at them to get them away they shot fire at me and occasionally flew up and fell down hard with a fiery slam attack I was lucky my spin moves

Seemed to help put out the Flames whenever I was set a blaze you’re nothing but flaming pests get lost finally I wiped out the last of them with my awesome Spin Attack that does it now where should I start looking for those answers I traveled around the

Underworld during days 42 to 45 and eventually I stumbled upon an outpost of some sort hello is anyone here out from the tower appeared death himself Thanos you don’t look like you belong here I don’t I’m bronzo the God of War I know exactly who you are and what you are

Have you come to defile us like Hades has no I’m not like him I’m actually here to learn how to end him Zeus sent me Zeus making you do his dirty work I see well I may be able to help you but I’ll need to brew a potion what do you

Need I can go get it for you good 10 Cinder shell shards five Undead souls and six goat horns you can find all these things by wandering around careful you don’t wander in the wrong area all right I’ll be back soon going around the Nether on days 46 through 49 I

Looked for any potion materials I could gather eventually I got lucky and stumbled upon some Cinder shell turtles just what I needed I attacked them and they hit me with a flaming bite they weren’t very strong even with their hard shells I gathered their shards as I killed them they were definitely the

Easiest of the ingredients to get that’s one thing off the list Undead souls are next I think I know where to find those I searched a good while before finally finding the river sticks I remembered stories of the river trapping Undead Souls there however I didn’t just find

The river the guardian of souls Cerberus was also there standing stoically and surveying the area they probably didn’t want another orus incident I knew I’d have to distract serbus to get to the river somehow H maybe I can take a page out of history and use music to my

Advantage I looked around for any lost items from previous Travelers and spotted a liar likely left by orus himself all those years ago I took it and began to play while watching the three-headed demon dog he soon began to fall asleep before knocking out entirely it worked time for some soul collecting

I snuck to the edge of the river careful not to fall in and grabbed any Souls that floated close to the edge once I had enough I very slowly retreated before the demon dog awoke again all right time for the next ingredient on days 50 to 53 I stood there wondering to

Myself where I could find the goat horns I was missing for the potion I’ve looked everywhere for these goats I don’t even think they spawn in the nether just then I heard the sound of a goat cry nearby what the heck are goats doing in the Underworld must be Destiny though I

Charged at the goats and killed them one by one until I had six horns I hate to do it but I needed to with that I headed back to thanatus hello boy return so soon yes and I have all the ingredients you asked for good hand them here I gave

Them Manus all the items and he magically brewed a potion out of thin air drink the potion and you’ll find what you’re looking for here goes nothing Bottoms Up I drank the potion and soon after passed out on days 54 to 57 I began to have a vision of myself in

Human form the strange thing was that I didn’t remember any of this before me stood Hades we were in the Underworld and he was talking to some kind of huge skeleton wait maybe this is Hades memory that’s got to be what this is Artimus I

Require more of your power lend it to me and for what now Hades have you not borrowed enough are you not Zeus’s rival and strength it is not enough for me to merely be equal I want to be stronger than seus I want all to feel me I want

To control the Overworld you’re too ambitious too prideful you know the price one day you will will die by your own blood by your own blood like from a relative with the power you give me that day will never come as you wish I will

Grant you an army of the undead to use as you please feel as Hades laughed the dream faded away to nothingness on days 58 to 61 I woke back up something was off though I wasn’t where I fell asleep I was in a Bastion Remnant locked up in a cage

Vanitus stood in front of me with a piglin army behind him thanatus what are you doing why am I locked up so I can kill you of course or perhaps my Army can what you work for Hades what are you dense oh I can’t be bothered I’ll let my

Army take care of you piglin Army kill him vanitus turned and rode off leaving me behind get back here and face me as soon as he was gone the cage opened around me leaving me vulnerable to the piglins oh boy here we go again the piglins began to swarm me I quickly

Fended some of them off with my awesome spinning attack I managed to send some flying into nearby fire and lava setting them Ablaze but they kept coming regardless they continued to swing at me with their weapons and hit me with powerful tusks it was getting to be too

Much I needed some kind of protection fast I vaguely remembered my dad making some kind of move that boosted his defense rapidly I tried mimicking what I recalled and a shield was spraying to life in front of me sweet new power now that I had my defenses settled it was

Much easier to swap between shielding and attacking I blocked the hogland husks easily with my shield ability I managed to stab at them all in between their hits they finally began to dwindle down in numbers at last it was down to me and the final piglin I channeled all

My might into the last attack my spear pierced right through the piglin and it died marking the end of fetus’s army now I got to find that Skeleton tardus on days 62 to 65 I recalled what I had seen in my vision tardus was likely the

Source of Hades Army and power I had to destroy him before going back to the Overworld I tried to recall more of what I had seen in my vision but it was like trying to grab water I couldn’t do it out of the corner cor of my eye I

Noticed a little funny looking blaze it was looking at me oddly where’d you come from little guy I have something you should see it seemed like it wanted me to follow it why not okay lead the way the blaze took me through a twisting route if I didn’t have its guidance I

Definitely would have gotten lost eventually we made it to a pit okay here we are bye the little Blaze quickly flew off what is this there isn’t anything here but there’s this weird energy flowing around come out I know you’re there out from the pit emerged tardus he

Was indeed like the vision a huge spectral skeleton Who Dares call on me it is I the god of war and you’re the one who gave Hades extra power I’m here to kill you I knew this day would come but I’m afraid I’ll have to change fate

Myself carteris lunged at me with his massive arms I retaliated with my Spear and luckily I could actually do some damage to the being he breathed a powerful beam of energy towards me before trying to crush me with his fists I held my own against the giant despite

His strength I will not be taken lightly die God of War he swatted at me like I was aest and it knocked the wind out of my chest regardless I pushed on his powers were impressive but he was no match for the son of Aries your time has

Come tardus no I cannot die I no finally tardus fell and along with him the powers he granted Hades I’ve done it I’m so close to defeating Hades time to go back home from day 66 to 70 I escaped the underworld back into the Overworld I have to hurry things are

Getting worse I began making my way back to my base as I traveled back home I ran into none other than Taron well if it is a coward so the rumors were true you did escape the nether I am no coward and you should have known I would Escape I am a

God after all I knew something was up when my Army wasn’t coming to me anymore what did you do just evening the playing field here you’re going down we’ll see about that come at me puny God we bashed one another with our weapons he hit me with a slamming attack that sent me

Flying backwards get flung away like the pest you are you’re the real pest I continued charging and slashing avoiding his slam attack as best as I could he switched to a whirling attack with his axe that was difficult to block or Dodge I responded with my own spinning ability

But I was still losing Health as much as I didn’t want to leave a second time I did I couldn’t let ton defeat me here or everything I did would have been for nothing that’s right coward run away again whippy God I was humiliated but

Glad to still be alive what I didn’t see though was thanatus watching everything from afar I made my way back to my base for days 71 to 74 to check up with shaza and see if she had any intel for me when I arrived I found her talking to someone

Inside it was creme hello again shaza creme what are you doing here bronzo good timing I was just telling shaza about the awful things occurring it seems Hades troops have been making advancements on the other Assassin’s Guild s and they’re making their way towards ours next I saw them myself

Before I came here to speak with you in shaza that’s not good as I was just saying creme I’d be more than willing to come and help you fight them off no I mean no shaza you’re incredibly strong but we’ll need someone much stronger if

We want our Guild to survive maybe I can be of help it would be good training for me anyways creme turned back to me quickly and accepted almost too quickly perfect thank you for the assistance bronzo yes perfect Bron can I speak with you a moment before you

Go shaza pulled me away to talk outside where creme couldn’t hear us what’s the matter shaza it’s creme I’m not sure I can really trust him anymore are you sure why can’t we trust him he’s your guild leader after all yes but he’s an assassin Guild leader remember also he’s

Acting much stranger lately even more so than I’m used to I see don’t worry it’ll be fine if he does anything weird then I’m strong enough to obliterate him now you don’t have to worry about me well I guess that’s true I’m still not sure but I trust you bronzo creme impatiently

Came to the door and I turned to him all right creme lead the way I followed crem on days 75 through 78 as he led me to a large Rocky Shore I was confused since there was no signs of Hades Legions here and the only thing before us was Stone

And ocean scrm stopped suddenly on an open spot and faced me uh creme where are the troops you mentioned he ignored me bronzo are you truly the God of War yes what’s going on what are you up to he ignored my question again what happens if you die you have no air for

The role to pass on to will the person who kills you become the next God then I’m not really sure maybe I don’t really know but what does that have to do with Hades minions crm’s men suddenly emerged from behind some boulders to surround me creme what is this about what are you

Playing Manning I’m going to be a god creme and his men began attacking I blocked them with my shield and tried to push them back but they were stronger than I thought creme stop I don’t have time for this I have to stop Hades once you’re dead I’ll become the god of war

I’ll be the leader of all the guilds they will all bow down to me even Hades will submit to my command your title is mine there was no use reasoning with him he was mad with power and wouldn’t hear a thing I said his loyal followers were just as

Mentally gone as he was I knocked them away from me and shielded myself from their Onslaught they continued trying to chop at me with their axes and slice with their swords I hurled them away with my whirling ability but they came running right back I kicked at them to

Get them away from my legs they were beginning to annoy me finally they were wearing down and I started taking out each of cr’s men until he was the last one standing I once respected you creme I think shaza will be a much better choice for the leader of your guild with

A final jump attack I had defeated creme his necklace dropped so I picked it up I need to tell shazza I guess she was right I quickly went home and warned shaza about what happened on day 79 to 84 this is kem’s necklace I knew something was off I’ll go and take care

Of the other assassins just in case they seek revenge that’s a great idea but let’s see if you’re strong enough to go alone I accept this challenge the battle began in the base we went back and forth with blows but shaza had one new trick up her sleeve she upgraded her crossbow

And her aim had improved she also had a stronger great sword so she could have her own version of the Spin Attack we tussled a bit but although she was good I was better I’m still not strong enough are you out of your mind you’re much stronger now and worthy of respect I

Think you can handle all the assassins thanks hope I see you around again now to end ton on days 85 5 to 90 I returned to Ton’s base I could feel that I was ready to beat him this time toron the god of war is here to end your cursed

Rain on the winter regions ton lumbered out from behind his base cackling the last time you came here you ran off like a coward God of War don’t make me laugh I don’t think you will be soon this time you won’t have Hades Undead Army to help you I have no need

For them come now and meet your doom I won’t allow you to escape again coron charged at me and immediately swung down with his giant battle axe luckily I put my shield up just in time he was relentless in his attacks whirling at and smashing everything he could I

Equally gave it my all with my own special moves I had learned from the best after all after several more moments of intense battles I saw the opening in his defense that I needed to land the death blow with one last thrust of my spear coron went down I had won

But the battle had left me wounded thank Zeus that’s over as I stood there recovering I felt a potential energy gathered nearby that can’t be good Hades had appeared he didn’t look upset about the fact that I had just defeated one of his underlings well well you have my

Congratulations on defeating toon Bronto however despite being the God of War you claim to be you will not win soon you will die and I will ru all the Overworld I wanted to attack him but that fight had really taken it out of me I was too weak to do anything I’ll get

You I swear you don’t have your army to hide behind anymore you thought that would get rid of them you wish I took most of tas’s power when he gave me that Army destroying him did nothing farewell God of War Hades then disappeared leaving me behind

On days 91 to 995 I returned to my birthplace Olympus it looked beautiful just like I had remembered it being this is where it all began I must be the one to end this cycle Rono I thought I would find you here in a very Zeus likee

Fashion he had appeared right behind me from thin air indeed you must be the one to end the cycle Hades has gone entirely mad with power what are you doing here Zeus h it feels like it was just yesterday I was here with your father living a

Peaceful life I know you will be able to do it but perhaps you should rescue your friend in the meantime wait who shaza was that her name yes Thanatos has her captive I believe you will need her assistance to succeed why are we still talking then take me there that’s the

Spirit come along now boy Zeus summoned some lightning that teleported me away I was teleported by Zeus on days 96 to 98 to where than took was he was in front of a cage holding shaza captive just as my grandfather had said shaza was angrily yelling at him from her prison

You crazy Emo Freak I’ll tear you to shreds when I get out of here you wait until I tell brono about this ha you certainly are a feisty one I’m death itself what do you expect to do to me mortal shaza seemed to notice me just then why don’t you ask him yourself

Thanos what is the meaning of this this I walked up to confront him he didn’t seem surprised by my sudden appearance it was as if he was waiting for me hello oh great God of War you’re just in time for your end thano sent me flying with a

Powerful blast I ran at him with the jumping spear attack and he slashed with his axes sending out a fury of light Moores I knocked him back too with my own spear whirl sending him reeling Thanos brought out a new power at that point leaping up and slamming back down

Into the ground causing me to launch into the sky it’s time for you to stop running from Death bronzo now join your father in the afterlife I’ll do no such thing my long life is only just getting started I had refused the clutches of death for this long there was no way I

Would accept it now I released another onslaught of attacks and brought down bitos by my own sheer will you actually just killed death how the heck does that work I have no idea but I’m glad I won yeah you and me both as I released shaza

She told me how she had been captured as well as the information she had overheard dantist say from what I heard of him mumbling to himself it seems Haiti set up a new Fortress for himself here in the Overworld I memorize the coordinance to

It so I could relay them to when I got the chance that’s perfect then I know exactly where to find Hades enough fighting is troops it’s time to get to the root of the problem perfect you take care of Hades I in my guild will fight off any Minions that try to interfere

Wait your guild that’s right with cremone I was elected the new leader well in that case go gather your people I need to have a word with them before I go it was day 99 and time to say goodbye to my new Assassin’s Guild friends at the base thank you all for coming

Firstly I just want to say like the video If you all enjoyed it so far subscribe so you never miss another video and leave a comment on which Greek god is your favorite oh I think you forgot something that’s right hit the Bell to get notified when a video comes

Out you got that right but one more thing I have the coordinates to hades’s new hideout in the Overworld it’s some sort of massive portal he’s planning on bringing the entire underworld here then I think it’s time to finish this fight I headed off to hades’s new Hideout and

When I arrived it was unbelievable the portal he made stood hundreds of feet tall and was highly decorated with Dragons and Knights when did he have time to build all that just then I was ambushed by some more Undead freaks I fought them off with speed hoping not to

Waste any time I used all my moves I had learned to fight them they had strength and numbers but by now I had too much fighting experience to lose get off of me now that the fiends were dead there was only one thing left to do it was

Finally day 100 and I went to confront Hades as I arrived at his Fortress I saw him standing there waiting for me Hades I’m done fighting your minions I’ve come to the top to fight you and end things once and for all H how do you expect to kill me when you

Saw your own father fall at my feet I’ve trained for 100 days to reach where I am today I’m better than my father ever was I’ve dealt with so many of your underlings you have hardly anything left your time to die has come Hades the God

Of War will be victorious you think you can kill the god of the underworld how cute let me show you exactly what I’m capable of Hades and I charged at each other both preparing our biggest attacks to unleash at once he swung his axe to and fro slicing through

The air until he swung down with an explosive force I channeled everything my father ever taught me and everything I learned and trained for into a massive spear attack hitting him dead on as we clashed there was a pause where Hades stopped and Drew back Doo nephew give up

Don’t you see that this is fruitless join me and we could be the greatest team to ever walk this world I would never I may be the God of War but even I know there is a balance this world needs peace yes yes I will bring peace freedom

Justice and security to my new Empire yeah Empire of the Dead I’d rather have no Empire and have the world be teaming with the life it deserves so be it Hades took up his axe once again and attacked he used his fire beam attack the Embers sprayed

Everywhere searing my skin I didn’t have time to care though I charged right on through to jab at him with my spear as he took another solid hit I could feel him getting weaker I was nearly there finally I leapt up into the air one more

Time and brought down my spear with all my strength it was the winning BL Hades collapsed and crumbled into pieces but then I felt a strange hot Breeze of Desert Air and I was transported again into another Godly form wa look at me wait I only have six hearts I

Immediately began chopping down all the Deadwood trees around me this hurts my hand but I got to do what I got to do suddenly I was attacked by a Scarab that came out of the tree it was small but it packed a big punch yuck get away from me

You little bug I quickly killed the Scarab and ate it eh not the tastiest in all the lands then without warning a desert wolf pounced at me and began biting my limbs ah I can’t catch a break here can I I wanted to fight back but

There was too many of them I had to run away how dare you treat a pharoh like this I’ll be back I ran into a deserted looking building and stayed there for the night on day two I made a pickaxe to start mining some Limestone I wonder if

Limestone tastes like eh probably not once I had enough Limestone I used it to craft some Limestone tools like a sword pickaxe and an axe these are rad while I was searching through some of the Deadwood crates I found a bunch of cloth scrap I wonder what I can do with this

Guess I’ll save it for later just in case while I was rumaging around I couldn’t help but wonder why I was here was I the newest Pharaoh Pharaoh bronzo hey that almost Rhymes I needed to find some sort of civilization maybe then I could get some answers I set off for a

Long trk across the desert as I was traveling I was ambushed by the pack of desert wolves again this time you guys are toast they were strong but I was Stronger and I killed them all easily that’ll teach you to mess with a phow after getting payback on the Wolves I

Continued walking around when I spotted a group of desert rabbits in the distance ooh that looks like dinner I chased the rabbits down and killed as many as I could for their meat sorry guys but my tummies are rumbling after that I dug out a nice cave to settle

Down in for the night crafted a limestone furnace and fired up the rabbit meat down the hatch M that was tasty after I finished all of the meat I grew up into a full-sized Pharaoh wo I have 10 Hearts now this is awesome on day three I continued my

Search for civilization come on there’s got to be something out here and I was right there was an entire Desert Oasis up ahead oasis’s have water there must be civilization nearby um excuse me hello what do you oh excuse me how may I assist you I am the next Pharaoh take me

To your village ha yeah right there hasn’t been a pharaoh in hundreds of years but I’ll take you to my Village anyhow they’ll judge for themselves great let’s go before scarabs get us on the way to the Village it became dark and we ran into some skeletons wrapped

Up in gauze what the heck are those things they are forsaken we must fight them if we are to live we wasted no time and plowed The Forsaken to dust too easy let’s keep moving by days 4 and 5 I had arrived at a village nested in the

Desert finally civilization as I walked the streets I saw the members of a thriving community of Egyptians each going about their daily tasks and lives wow there are so many people here yes indeed when we work together humans can accomplish great things I was brought up

To a little stand where my guide showed me how to use a spinning wheel with my cloth to make a linen thread and then a bolt of lenen okay but what do I do with this the guide had me use the lenen materials to craft some Wanderer cloth armor

Hey what’s that ringing sound he looked very concerned barbarians barbarians what are they doing here he told me that these barbarians raid the Village from time to time taking the community’s resources for themselves well somebody asked to do something about this bronzo wait I was already rushing into battle

The villagers put up a decent fight but the barbarians were as fast as they were strong I carved my way through the band of Barbarians driving them back and out of the village yeah and stay out you’re quite the warrior bronzo allow me to express my gratitude please

Follow me I want to show you something I was taken to a field of crops and was a little confused you wanted to show me wheat wheat no no no no this is emmer our main source of food I was taught how to use a qun using the hand Mill to

Grind down the emmer into a powdery flow turns out when you add water to that you can knead it into dough we put the dough into a furnace and waited around for a while until a loaf of bread was finished baking I had to try a piece wow this is

Delicious I thanked my Egyptian guide for his heal and found a place to rest my head for the night it was days 6 through 8 and it was time to leave the village thanks for everything guys I stumbled across a cave system and began to mine some iron I smelted the iron

Into some iron ingots and made an iron tool set such as a pickaxe and a sword now I’m ready for battle well I spoke too soon because I ran into a stone War Warrior you don’t want to mess with me I’m a pharaoh I quickly defeated the stone Warrior and it dropped some

Strange dirty items ew G I may have to wash these they might be worth something after some adventuring I left the mine and found another Village oh no it’s being attacked by some Undead thing I tried to help but it was too late this Undead Pharaoh sent everyone into the

Underworld and then vanished that’s not good I wonder who that was and what they want I thought it was was a good opportunity to collect some resources from the now abandoned Village oh this bed will be useful on days 9 through 10 as I was searching for a new home I

Spotted a small Oasis in the distance wo is that a mirage no that’s real as I approached the Oasis I found that it was teeming with plant life this is the perfect spot for my new home I started building a small farm and planted some Emer seeds I had gathered this is a

Great start then I chopped down one of the nearby palm trees for wood I was surprised to find that a small date fell from one of its fronds oh guess I got a date with this date that sounded better in my head I chowed down on the date and

It was delicious I got to get some more of these I used the palm tree wood I had gathered and some Limestone to start building a small home I even filled it with palmwood crates Limestone furnaces and a comfy bed a house fit for a king

Or a pharaoh after building my house I went searching for materials in a cave nearby as I was exploring I was attacked by a group of tarantulas e you guys are gross the Tarantulas put up a tough fight but they were no match for me and

I killed them all with ease who’s your daddy long legs now when the Tarantulas died they dropped a bunch of string so I gathered up some Flint from the cave and was super close to having a working bow to defend myself now all I need is some feathers for arrows night time was

Approaching though so I began my journey back home but as I was approaching my base I noticed a bunch of creepers lurking around oh no this isn’t good I tried to lure the creepers away from my base without them exploding but that was easier said than done W wa Nelly

Unfortunately most of them exploded and I had to fill up the holes they had made I then placed torches around my base to deter future mobs and then hit the hay for the night on day 11 I had an insane dream I was in the field of reads and

Someone came before me it was King Tuten common himself King Tut is that you yes bronzo it is there is something I have to warn you about about what is it is someone or something in danger it’s my father he’s left the afterlife and is creating an army of the undead so that’s

Who I saw earlier how can I stop him the thing is I’m not so sure yet I know I’ll become the next pharaoh and gain the influence of the people together we can stop him I won’t let you down what I witnessed next was pure horror King Tut

Transformed into king aanan and the world went dark and in Flames let her down you you’ve already failed I’ve already begun forming my Undead Army I promise I’ll destroy you and free all of the people you’ve cursed just then I woke from my nightmare I

Better get to work from Days 12 to 15 I was fully awake and determined to get followers so I went to a village to find villagers to join me come on guys you need to follow me no one at the Village was listening to me and somehow through

My anchor I made a sandstorm happen did did you do that uh yeah yeah yeah yeah I did that it was all me the villagers began to talk amongst themselves I thought I might have convinced them but no they still didn’t believe I was the new Pharaoh you’ll see you’ll all see

That night I got the chance to prove myself to the villagers and that was because a band of mummies attacked the village help I was able to kill the rest of the mummies who were not as easy as they looked we lost some of the villagers but

At at least some of them survived I then gathered all the surviving villagers and guided them back to the base so we could all start a new life together as I walked away I noticed a little sural following me hey buddy are you okay that’s a great idea wait you need a

Name I know I’ll name you snowball snowball and the rest of the villagers followed me back to the base from Days 16 through 19 I took everyone back to the base and beganing making houses I also started giving out occupations to the villagers I hope you

All enjoy it here snowball also needed a place to stay so I made a tiny cat house this looks comfy I went back to the mines to find some iron so I could make an iron tool set and some iron armor all these tools and armor should protect me

Well I discovered combining my wandering clothing with the iron armor creating desert armor now I really look like a true Pharaoh the arrows still needed feathers so I asked snowball for Advice great idea snowball snowball helped me find some quail in a different Oasis good looking out help me catch some we were able to kill some Quail for their meat and Feathers as well as collected their eggs I then made an enclosure for the quailes and threw some

Eggs hoping some would hatch luckily a few did wow look at them go from Days 20 through 23 The Village was attacked by assassins how dare you attack this peaceful Village prepare to die I tried to fight them off but it was difficult one of the Assassins even had a bow That

Could set things on fire hey watch where you shoot that thing eventually I killed the assassins and got raw bow it can set anything I shoot on fire I should watch where I aim this thing the villagers were eternally grateful for saving them no problem guys it’s what a good Pharaoh

Is here for they wanted to thank me by making a giant statue of Me by dying some lenen they were able to start on the legs wow you guys are far too kind I’ll help with it too saving the Village from a few assassins was great but I

Needed a Sure Fire plan to stop aonan I better start traveling and finding more clues before leaving a villager gave me a camel so I could travel much faster thank you I’ll be on my way now I was traveling from Days 24 through 28 and a wild Sandstorm began forming where is

All this sand coming from I can’t see anything I hate sand with all the sand I started losing my sense of direction and I got lost I saw a nearby building and hid for some shelter while the storm died down I spoke too soon because the building was home to some Brigade and

Nomads they were not happy with my intrusion and started attacking me you want to fight come get some I used my new bow to set them on fire and they died a gruesome death ha fire beats armor I was able to leave when I noticed my Camel had been slain no that poor

Camel poor me walking in this desert won’t be very productive suddenly I was ambushed by more desert wolves not again wait take this Dusty bone luckily the dusty bone worked and I was able to tame the Wolves though some of them just started attacking each other I guess

Because they were hurting me yes now I have a loyal wolf pack just then King Tut reappeared and told me some bad news bronzo you’ve come a long way but the bad news is you went the wrong way what how so you should be training not looking for answers well then thanks for

The guidance and with that I headed back home and on days 29 to 33 snowball began to feel replaced by the pack no need to worry snowball you’re my best friend I built a little house that could fit all the Wolves inside there all done do you like

It one of the villagers had wolf armor and gave it to them as a gift they fitted the largest wolf in the pack with a saddle so we could ride him I Ed the wolf and began to explore let’s see just how far we can go during my joy ride a

Series of mysterious figures arose are those greats they were super fast but two hits killed them instantly and when I defeated them they dropped ectoplasm huh this is weird but that was a close one nice going Wolfie we then found an abandoned Village this place must have

Been raided by aanan I looked around and found a tm’s bounty a fishing rod that can catch rare fish so I found found in an oasis and spent the rest of the day fishing and got some gold fish as well as a bunch of tropical fish on days 34

Through 37 I made a beautiful aquarium for all my fish all the villagers stood around the aquarium admiring it glad you like it guys the aquarium reminded me of when I was an axel a for 100 days and gave me some bad vibes since Steve kind

Of locked me up I never want to be trapped in there again when I finished being distracted I noticed a leopard nearby it pounced onto a villager and killed him what you killed one of my people I thought the leopard and didn’t hesitate to kill it Ron suddenly a lot

More leopards came this battle wasn’t over yet where are you all coming from whatever you’ve come here to die I outsmarted the leopards silly leopards you never stood a chance against bronzo the villagers were so impressed with my skills they all thanked me and gave me a

Bunch of dates thanks for all the food these might come in handy later on days 30 8 through 40 I traveled and found a Great Pyramid wo there must be answers in here I better check it out as I began to dig I was attacked by some Nomads

Back off I’ll light you on fire and I did I let all the nomads on fire with my bow and remained Victorious ha bronzo I tried to enter the pyramid but I had to light torches next to the doors all of a sudden snowball came up to stop

Me well it would be less dangerous if you went with me we quickly made our way into the pyramid but when we got inside it was really dark hello is anyone here I regretted asking that because I was surrounded by rates ah I should have known this happens in movies all the

Time eventually I killed the rates I then continued down to the next layer which was a maze filled with booby traps o Poison Poison Poison after going back and forth through the maze I finally figured it out eventually finding the room with the pharaoh’s sarcophagus got

To be be careful this place must have more booby traps by days 41 to 43 I had a sinking feeling in my stomach that things were about to go bad I had realized that by placing torches around the sarcophagus I could release the pharaoh’s Spirit I’m finally free thank

You can you help me find the right weapon to defeat aanan big mistake Cleopatra betrayed me so I began fighting against her and the mummies she had summoned why are you doing this I helped free you oh men must stop she claimed that she wanted revenge

For her death then take things up with Octavian not me but I prevailed eventually ridding this world of this now dead Beauty after she died I gained 10 more Hearts yes now I’m even more powerful I then started looting her tomb and inside I found Nephi’s banishing a

Sword that could double damage to Undead foes this will come in handy against aanan after looting I left the pyramid and decided I needed to go back home on days 44 through 49 the villagers continued on the giant statue in my honor finishing up the Torso and arms we

Are almost finished your honor thank you for this wonderful gift I will now continue with my journey I headed towards a cave in search of diamonds I need to upgrade all of my stuff right now I found so many shiny diamonds that I could use for tools so I quickly

Crafted a sword Axe and pickaxe I then carried them with me and headed out but when I left the cave I was met by a lion hello traveler I am Shu the god of the wind then why are you a lion I’m not lying I’m telling the truth I want to

Challenge you in a race if you win I will grant you my speed I needed shu’s speed to Aid me with my battles ahead so I agreed to his challenge all right you want a race meet me tomorrow at Sunset I then headed back home to rest and to

Come up with a strategy on how to win against a literal Egyptian deity on days 50 through 53 I practiced my racing skills with snowball in an attempt to win the challenge I need to practice more if I’m going to beat the mighty lion I needed

To come up with the strategy in order to beat Shu when suddenly I thought of a great plan aha I have an idea on how I can win this race if I Ed the alpha wolf in the race then I could be 10 times faster than before and beat shu

I can’t say for now snowball it’s a secret and you’ll have to find out tonight at the race when it was sunset I rode up on my alpha wolf and Sh was waiting for me at the starting line you ready to take this L you’re racing with a wolf that’s

Cheating how is this cheating you’re a lion so I can’t keep up with you fair enough I’m still going to win so I guess it doesn’t matter the race began I was in the lead but all of a sudden I was ambushed by by some bone storms what the

I thought this was a race not a survival test see you later loser cheater even worse my wolf got distracted by the bone storms and died no you were the chosen one after everything was settled Shu felt bad for me and still granted me his

Power in the form of a necklace it was a good race W I can run so fast now look at me thank you so much no problem now Sho that’s a good one Shu no really leave I’m hungry and you’re looking like a whole snack and so that was the last

Time I’d come in contact with Shu on days 54 to 58 following my victory the villagers finished off the statue in my honor so I decided to surprise the workers hey guys really love what you’ve been doing out here and seeing as you’ve been working so hard I wanted to give

You guys a little something some Emer bread and dates for everyone just then King Tut came from the Horizon to talk with me what are you doing here I’ve Tred very far to bring you this here take it a map where does this map lead

To it will take you to my father’s base you must leave now I looked across to see the faces of the villagers around me they looked worried but I grabbed the map and thanked him thank you for bringing this to me I looked back at the

Villagers and asked them if any of them wanted to accompany me on this journey this mission’s going to kill us all there has to be a better plan deep down I knew they were right I couldn’t force them to join up on this endeavor I

Mean I totally could but I chose not to I’ll go by myself that way none of you will be subjected to the dangers that lie ahead all right it’s your funeral pal the villagers began to work on a pyramid which would act as my tomb just in case

This this is incredibly unnerving it’s going to happen someday is that supposed to be comforting I became really worried as I started to see more and more villagers plan my funeral but I knew I must stay focused on my new Journey as it is requiring great strength here take

This camel it will help you with your long journey thank you I’ll take care of them I set off on my new camel and followed the map on days 59 to 62 I followed the map to some spiky mountains and while I was there I was attacked by

Hyenas stop laughing at me and fight honorably after I finished defeating the hyenas I found a chest with a sign on it beneath the monument lies riches beyond my wildest dreams what does that mean I opened the chest and found a golden date I took a bite and

Wow this is delicious I need to find where I can get more I decided to listen to the sign and looked for an entrance in the mountain soon enough I found a huge Cavern the answer must be in here somewhere something was in here but not what I hoped for giant cave centipedes

Came crawling towards me this can’t be happening I knew the sign was a trap luckily with rbow I was able to kill the arthropods since I was already so deep beneath the surface I decided to mine some diamonds while I was there I’ll use these to start making diamond armor on

Days 63 through 66 I ran into T the Creator God what’s up bronzo bro did you enjoy my golden date did I that was the best thing I’ve ever eaten I do anything for some more anything you say t offered to give me more golden dates in exchange

For all the diamonds I Min seems like a pretty fair tra if you ask me I was hesitant at first there are a few things more valuable gold and diamonds only maybe love life and friendship but eh who needs any of that these days you got

A deal here you go good sir I gave to all of my diamonds and in exchange he gave me to’s decadence wa thanks man to explained how with decadence mining iron now had a chance of dropping gold as well and here here’s me Mom’s Golden date recipe a family secret who this you

Should be able to make as many as you’d like thank you so much man no problem brph yeah D me up barar soil I gave T A righteous knuckle touch and continued on my way back home to my Village on days 67 through 70 I found a cave and went

Spelunking for some gold luckily with to’s decadence I was able to get some just by mining iron this is tubular I Love mining I spoke too soon though because I was ambushed by a stone Warden stay back you pile of stones I tried to fight off the warden but he was far too

Powerful he did a ton of damage wo there I was isn’t strong enough to fight him and I had to flee to save myself that’s it I’m out of here I headed back home to make some golden dates hello everyone I come bearing gifts I gave some golden

Dates out to my villagers and they loved them the villagers were so thankful for the dates that they decided to finish the pyramid tomb in my honor and it came out amazing wow guys this looks great I can’t wait to die so I can live there for eternity after admiring the pyramid

I went back to the mines to find some diamonds so I could finish my diamond armor score this should be just enough while I was down in the mines I also gathered up some obsidian so I could visit the nether I ended the day by crafting my diamond armor ooh I look so

Shiny on days 71 through 74 I decided to create a nether portal in hopes of finding aanan we must enter I need to meet with aonan in order to defeat him snowball felt unsafe but still decided to join me we entered the portal and immediately felt a wave of heat hotter than the

Desert this place looks terrifying but we must search through it good find let’s go there The Fortress was filled with wither skeletons who did not seem happy that I was on their territory it’s about time you guys wither away how how was that one that was bad I fought them off able

To kill most of them I searched some of the chests and inside I found raw’s step a ring that allowed me to run on lava woohoo check me out snowball I can run on lava along my journey I ran into a Strider who gave me some great advice

Hey ugly looking fella what are you doing here that’s so rude anyways I’m a Strider and my home has been taken over by some dumb Undead King you mean aanan is he here I don’t know probably us NE dwellers wish him to be gone well have

You come up with any ideas maybe I can stop him hm I think piglins may be able to help you there I don’t even have arms makes sense thanks for the help my next mission was to search for a Bastion Remnant but I couldn’t find one keep

Looking snowball what do your cat eyes see unfortunately with all the noise I was making I attracted an unfriendly ghast it shot explosive Fireballs at us oh no no no no I got two choices hit those Fireballs back or run I’ve never been good at baseball so I think I

Better get running let’s get get out of here snowball going on from day 75 to 78 snowball and I continue to explore the nether when I finally found a Bastion Remnant I don’t want the locals to attack me so I better make some gold armor I sat down a crafting table and

Got to work making some gold helmets for snowball and I and there we go looking spiffy bronzo oh I thank you bronzo just let me have this snowball just then I found a piglin I approached him and asked him about aan never speak that name again it rings painfully on

Our ears every time I say aanan it hurts you yes okay I won’t say aanan anymore I decided to ask the piglin to take me to the one in charge you have a leader right here in the Bastion yes may I see them no the piglin forced my hand

I had to use a forbidden strategy in order to continue my journey aan aan aan aan aan a canot fine fine okay okay I’ll take you to our leader just please stop saying it okay but take me to your leader the disgruntled piglin took me to

His leader the mutant hoglin what do you know about aanan the mutant hoglin began to tell me the history of the nether this place wasn’t always like this you know we used to call this place the Aether an expansive Paradise that floated above the clouds so what

Happened aatan was jealous of the beauty and Majesty of this realm in his Spite and envy he burned it all down I asked the mutant hoglin if he could help me defeat aanan but he refused vestages of a time that has long since passed truth be told ever since akatan was summoned

Back to the Overworld life has never been better for us since the Calamity I wouldn’t want to ruin that can’t you give me any help the mutant hogin handed over eight blocks of gold for me to craft one enchanted golden date with well thank you for what you could give

With the golden blocks from the mutant hogland and toe snowball and I went back through the portal up to the Overworld on day 79 or 84 I woke up to the sound of horror all the town’s people were frightened what’s going on out here it was aanan he had summoned a horde of

Undead to destroy my Village I killed off as many of the undead as possible but when I was finished aanan vanished unfortunately some of the town’s people died and the village was on fire but I was able to stop the Undead mob curse you aanan you’ll pay for this right at

That moment King Tut appeared Tut my dude what are you doing here bronzo if you want to defeat my father you’ll need to be much bigger and stronger but how I’m running out of time here here hold still wao I’m huge I could be the next Mr Olympia thanks King Tut don’t mention

It seriously I’m not supposed to be doing this unfortunately King Tut couldn’t stick around I have to leave again before my absence is noticed take care bronzo I helped the town’s people put out the fires and made the entrance to my home bigger so I could fit with my

New size by days 85 to 89 my window of time to find aanan was closing I need to find him and fast I traveled from Village to Village looking for any clues I could find take these diamonds I can only hope they will be of some use to

You on your journey huh okay thanks what I thought was a one-off occurrence kept happening as I passed through Villages the people showered me with gifts and everything from precious materials to delicious food word must be getting around that I’m the new Pharaoh finally I’m getting the respect I deserve one of

The villages I passed through needed help they were having a problem with a husk infestation that kept endangering the villagers oh that’s awful is there any way I would be able to help do you know where the husks are spawning from yes of course but if you really want to

Go you should take this the Villager gave me montu’s blast a bow that turns my arrow shots into explosions I went to the area outside the town that the Villager told me about and started mowing down husks just when I thought I was finished I felt the sand Quake

Beneath my feet oh my gosh it’s a mutant husk I didn’t think the fight would be anything I couldn’t handle oh jeez low on health low on health no matter how many hits I landed the mutant husk kept seeming to shake them off that’s when I noticed the local villagers were also

Joining in the fight we finally defeated the mutant husk and the villagers were so incredibly thankful they let me keep montu’s bow awesome thanks guys from Days 90 to 93 I was continuing my search for aonan far in the distance over the desert Dunes I found another Village oh

No that Village doesn’t look like it’s in good shape I raced into the village that I can now see was in Ruins there was only a few people left and they looked worse for where what in the world happened here are you guys okay our village was attacked by Raiders Undead

Wearing bronze armor were they acting alone no they were led by an undead king of some sort just then a familiar voice rang out ronzo King Tut boy am I glad to see you do you know anything about this attack an attack look around everything is destroyed ah I see how unfortunate it

Seems like youve made the wrong choice by coming here what do you mean King Tut began walking around me and I immediately felt like something bad was about to happen you seriously think that defeating my father was a good idea of course it was part of the plan and I

Needed to defend my people well my friend big mistake King Tut was acting incredibly strange I grew with confusion and knew what he was about to tell me was not good but I had to defend myself King Tut I don’t understand what you’re telling me wasn’t this your idea perhaps

It was perhaps it wasn’t we’ll have to find out what King Tut then pulled out a staff and used it to send the villagers to the afterlife stop why are you doing this you think you can just come here and save everyone King tutut was about

To send me to the afterlife I had to do something before he killed me you are weak my friend wait I have something for you oh really some sort of gift something better I pulled out my sword as king Tutt got closer to me to

See what I was about to give him then I slashed him across the face aaan what are you doing here aanan grew with rage and began to fight me with his sword I will destroy you you trick me I will not let you get away with this we battled

Against each other and just as I was about to defeat him he vanished be careful when choosing your battles till we meet again hey come back here I knew this was only the beginning of my fight against aonan he was now planning his revenge and I was determined to kill him it was

Days 94 through 96 and I was finally back home and so I got to work and made that Enchanted date that I was putting off this should come in handy against aan mountain now I was ready to find out where the map King Tut gave me lead I

Wish I could be home a little longer but I got to do what I got to do I set out for the desert and then eventually into a jungle what’s a whole jungle doing out here venturing through I ran into a family of pandas and showed them my map

To see if they could guide me what do you mean I’m nowhere near my destination well thanks for the help anyways as I was leaving a tiger attacked the pandas so I had to intervene go find food somewhere else you tiny tiger I defeated the tiger and made my

Way back to the desert on days 97 through 98 I reached the final destination of the map King Tut gave to me it led to mantu the God of War this reminds me of when I was a God for 100 days which you guys should watch that

Video after this episode is done I had to know why the map LED here after all this time so I asked Manu so you’re the new Pharaoh it’s about time you made it here here what’s the deal I thought this map would lead me to aanan you are not

Ready to defeat the great aanan plus only I know how to defeat him well you have to tell me this entire world is in grave danger you don’t think I know that already anyways I’ll tell you if you can pass my final challenge defeat 100 Undead foes before the sun rises only

100 sheesh that sounds easy enough to me I was a little bit wrong it wasn’t an easy task but I fought through the night and killed exactly 100 Undead just like monu asked me to I thought I was going to fail but then I remembered all the

Countless lives stolen by aanan and it pushed me to succeed the sun is rising soon I better get back to mantu when I returned I showed MTU all the remains I required he was kind of grossed out that’s enough proof I think I’m going to

Buff now tell me how to defeat aanon you are a worthy Pharaoh the only way to defeat him is by striking him in in his Undead heart with nepus is banishing that’s it super easy he will be dead in no time the hard part will be getting

Close enough to him here’s a compass this will lead you directly to him thank you Manu it was time to get back home and say my goodbyes to The Village on day 99 I got back to the Village of my people and had to say my farewells all

Right everyone I will be leaving to finally battle aanan and rid this world of his evil but before I go I need everyone to like this video subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and comment down below what I should be for my next 100 day

Challenge Etc now I had to do the hardest thing ever say goodbye to snowball this isn’t goodbye forever I’ll be back soon it’s too dangerous I don’t want to take any chances losing you I Then followed the compass and it took me to the biggest Egyptian Palace I had

Ever seen it was finally day 100 and I found aon’s base it’s time to face my destiny I confronted my enemy and peacefully asked him to die again I mean it’s the circle of life and it would really help us all out I can never die

Not anymore you should join me join me and we can rule for eternity it’s not natural for humans to live eternally but we are Gods H not really I don’t want to go into all the technical mumbo jumbo so let’s just fight this conversation scene

Is taking too long anyway so be it we started the battle charging at one another it was fast and I had my trick bows I also ate my enchanted date and got a bunch of effects from it but I needed to use Nephi’s banishing to strike him in the heart however he kept

Avoiding my attacks can you just stand still why so you can use your pink sword on me never eat lightning aanan used his powers on me like shooting bolts of lightning and summoned strange spikes out of the ground is that the best you got you have

No idea how powerful I can be just then snowball showed up and wanted to help snowball this is no place for You ooh a cat I must worship you somehow it worked snowball distracted aanan and gave me the perfect chance to stab aonan through the back and into the heart just then I felt a creepy sensation come over me and I was transported into the body of the ultimate Minecraft God where am I

Wao I’m a person this time I was Herobrine but I was also tiny guess I need to find safety while I was leaving the shrine I saw someone spying on me is that a player got to hide before he attacks me I tried to hide but they kept

Looking for me all right run run run the player spotted me running and started chasing me ah it’s a Manhunt suddenly I teleported myself to a beach wa how did I do that I wasn’t sure why I teleported myself to a beach but I felt like I had

Powers that I needed to unlock oh what else can I do just then I saw the player again guess I didn’t travel far enough the chase continued and as I was trying to get away I double jumped and started floating wo I can also fly being

Herobrine meant I had crazy Powers but I didn’t know how to control them or what all my powers are yet I also needed to know why I was summoned to this world on day two I spotted another player approaching me Oh no I got to stay hidden I started away from my pursuer

And before I knew it I was flying again wo these powers are insane I landed far away from the player I had seen and knew I needed a way to defend myself from them instead of just running away so I started chopping trees for wood and mining stone before long I crafted a

Full set of stone tools all right time to start building some protection in a huge Forest I built a small cabin using Cobblestone and wood planks I filled it with chests furnaces and crafting tables well it’s not much but it’s home for now suddenly some zombies spawned into the

Forest oh no hey guys I’m kind of like you I don’t like players either don’t attack me I guess zombies aren’t that smart cuz they didn’t listen fighting them off was surprisingly easy though even though I was so tiny because I had 10 Hearts yeah I’m not a weak little

Baby you could pick on take that after I killed all the zombies I mined for coal so I could craft torches and light my base with the thread of mobs gone I hunkered down for the night on day three I was getting hungry so I really needed

To find a source of food maybe a village will have something I can eat I traveled to a nearby Village and grabbed all the wheat and items from the chests then I found some chickens and pigs I approached the chickens and asked them if they would come with me back to my

Base uh really is it that easy it seems that I have some kind of mind control Powers I tried it out on pigs and villagers but with little success I would have to learn more about my powers and how to strengthen them but for now it’s just the chickens I made a

Little chicken coup and showed them their new home sorry guys but I’m going to have to kill some of you okay moving on after killing the chickens I went inside to cook their raw meat into something that would taste better after eating the cooked chicken I

Grew to a full-sized Herobrine wo I have 20 Hearts now on days 4 and 5 the player I saw earlier showed up at my base but this time I was ready for a fight I knew I saw someone out there I braced for impact for her attacks but I just

Teleported out of the way before she hit me who where’s are true he does have teleportation Powers I can do a lot more than that oh gosh no no no no no the M are ult woo I was surprised that I teleported again without meaning to I

Tried to replicate it but it wasn’t very successful oops uh sorry about that I destroyed all the leaves in the area with all the leaves in the forest suddenly gone I could see some skeletons and zombies that had been hiding under the trees let me guess you guys are

Going to be mean to me too I fought them all but that didn’t trigger my teleporting ability either once I killed them all I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye huh guess I’m seeing things better go ah it was a pig with glowing eyes just like me No I just got spooked the pig froze in place and I realized he was actually forced to obey my commands it was another new ability I had no idea how to control oh gosh I’m sorry little guy you can move now and I promise I’ll never control your actions ever

Again well friends trust each other right you want to be friends thanks man I’d love to company hey what’s your name uh that’s kind of hard hard to pronounce how about Hannibal it was a good day my new friend and I headed back home together for days

6 through eight I extended the base to make a room for Hannibal and I wanted the base to look like a haunted mansion so I started turning Cobblestone to regular Stone and later I will turn them into Mossy stone bricks to make them look more spooky I like the start of it so

Far oh Hannibal I needed some iron so I continued the strip mine near the base and eventually I made it to a cave system look at all this iron and coal while exploring the cave I ran into some cave spiders I was able to overpower those spiders killing them both however their

Poison took away my extra Hearts I picked up the string the spiders dropped to make a bow and then dug up gravel to find flint for some arrows now I’m ready for some ranged fighting while I was still in the cave I had the sudden urge

To dig out 2x two tunnels all throughout the cave I guess to leave my mark so that everyone knows Herobrine was here by days 9 and 10 I had lost track of time so I decided to head back to the base Man flying makes this a whole lot

Easier I used the iron I mined to craft some iron tools a helmet and some boots but just as I finished I heard a knock at the door who Could It Be At This Hour to my surprise it was Steve Steve what are you doing here I have been

Contracted by Mojang to delete you from this game delete me from the game what are you talking about without any words he sprung into action and attacked me I tried my best to defend myself I flew above him and was able to get a lot of

Sneak attacks I held out long enough for Steve to call off the fight mark my words after I get a few mods from Jeb you’re finished time to brush up on my Swedish Steve was hired by Mojang to delete me but why I haven’t done anything wrong I didn’t understand what

Exactly was going on but I understood that I needed to get stronger and discover how to better use my Powers maybe I should meditate here on the beach to focus suddenly a sand pyramid appeared in front of me in the water where did this come from did I do that

Now I had more questions about my powers and what all I could do on days 11 through 13 I traveled to a jungle to collect some more materials for my base but as I walked I couldn’t help but feeling I was being watched hey where you think you’re going freak that being

Such a wuss and face me like a man another player why won’t you just leave me alone I started running faster than my normal sprinting speed and eventually I lost him huh I’m learning about Herobrine abilities every day thanks to my burst of speed I reached the jungle

Faster than I expected to I met a tiger at the tree line who is guarding her territory huh I wonder how you’re going to stop me from just running past you I took off expecting to outrun her but it didn’t work I had to fight her to gain

Entry to the Jungle she was fast so I had to use all my cunning to overcome her I did it with the tiger defeated I was able to freely explore the jungle so I sheared some Vines while I was there as I was exploring the jungle I

Discovered a hidden temple I broke all the traps and took the treasure it was some gold as well as collected up some of the mossy cobblestone to use for the base with the spoils gathered over the past 2 days I began my journey back home

From Days 14 to 17 I traveled back home but I ran into the same player from earlier I got you now what do you want with me why are you people chasing me just like a game Dust everyone’s trying to catch Herobrine on their screen wait

This is live yeah I got like for followup what what do you I could feel the power flowing through me as I made the streamer disappear what just happened where did they go I couldn’t focus on it too much I was feeling too tired so I gathered some sheep from a

Village to get wool hey would you mind coming back to my base uh I’m going to use the Sheep to make carpet for the mansion and I dyed them blue and dark blue to get started on the Herobrine statue y’all are so colorful You’re welcome I went back to the mines to find more iron and then finally crafted an entire set of iron armor all this excitement sure has made me sleepy I went to bed for the night happy with all the work I have done so far but for

Day 18 I went into a deep sleep and dreamed that I was visited by notch Herobrine you should not exist you are just a fan-made Creepy Pasta nothing more but I do exist and I’m growing more powerful every day this worri me you are not supposed to be in the files and I

Can’t get rid of you I scared of what you may become but I have no power here anymore now that Microsoft owns Minecraft don’t remind me he tells me that I should be careful and that Steve will stop at nothing to have me deleted since he has direct orders from Bill

Gates himself I will remain neutral in this conflict or I think it is funny that you exist but it may be for the best that you are deleted good luck brono or herob I don’t know what to call call you the dream then faded away and I

Was more determined to stay alive than ever I must harness all of my power if I want to continue being in the game on days 20 through 23 my base was being attacked by creepers oh man I have to keep them away from the base I led the

Creepers away and into an area that I didn’t mind getting blown up too much take that and that eat arrow in the leafless forest there were so many creepers one by one I took them down with the creeper slain I collected the gunpowder they dropped hey this gives me

An idea I went to the beach and collected some sand which I combined with the gunpowder to craft tnt I went back to the mines and gathered more Redstone and I ran into some spiders as well oh can’t let this go to waste I fought off the spiders and all of a

Sudden my extra Hearts came back yes awesome I can feel the power flowing through me I set all sorts of traps around the area of the base using the string and Redstone to make Arrow traps as well as a TNT trap with a pressure plate now let’s see if any of these

Actually work I searched for any player in the area and when I found one I let them chase me through the forest hey get back here I also set off one of my own traps to confuse them and make them fall for the other one what’s This yes they actually exploded look at them die on days 24 through 28 I heard something outside my base it must be one of those players again wait Steve I watched him as he disassembled one of my traps I couldn’t stand for this I Reed myself for battle

Hey what do you think you’re doing oh hey there you might want to be careful I’ve gotten a bit stronger since we last met suddenly Steve transformed into a monstrosity I’d never seen before what do you think I’m Blaze Steve now I dodged his Fireballs by teleporting while slowly wearing him

Down with my sword he was definitely stronger than before but still not enough to defeat me fine I’ll get even stronger than I I am now I’ll kill you one day Herobrine mark my words my name’s actually bronzo whatever I needed some more arrows after

The fight so I headed over to my chicken enclosure to get some more feathers all right guys who’s going first wa your eyes are glowing too I felt such a connection with this sweet little chicken that I couldn’t kill him no matter how badly I needed arrows his

Friends with regular eyes however sorry boys I need feathers I also tended to the sheep shearing and feeding them so there would be plenty of colorful land on days 29 through 33 Hannibal and I continued expanding the base decorating it to look more like a mansion replacing

Wood with stone bricks and using dark oak it might be wishful thinking but what if I find more creatures with eyes like mine I got to have rooms in case they want to move in with me I was proud of my work but I wasn’t

Done yet if Steve was going to make good on his word and come back stronger to fight me I needed to be ready so I went mining for diamonds I found enough to make a sword and a pickaxe oh yeah strong enough tools to take down Steve and obsidian when I emerged from

The cave I was surprised by another player ah stay back they attacked me my fists turned red and I punched them somehow setting the player on fire I felt bad for hurting them but I was also a little proud that I discover another hidden power how many more did I have

Also I ended up killing the player eh I am Herobrine whatever I felt bad hurting them but I needed to get rid of them but I was also a little proud of what I discovered on days 34 through 37 I wanted to search for more answers which

Meant leaving the base unguarded for a while hey Hannibal can you take care of things while I’m Gone well you can subscribe to the Channel with notifications on we just passed 850,000 subscribers and I’d love to get to a million thanks buddy off I went but I wasn’t sure exactly what I needed to do or where I needed to go I tried testing

My Powers but all I could manage to do was fly eh at least the views pretty I ran into some Enderman which I fought hoping it would awaken my Powers ah come on Fire Punch teleport why can’t I do anything after killing all the Enderman I decided to meditate while I was

Relaxing I suddenly turned all the dirt around me into stone well well that’s weird I guess I can manipulate blocks while I meditate and fly whenever I want but I have to be near players to use my other powers to test my theory I searched for anything that resembled a

Player’s base eventually I found one and it was pretty cute aw they must have good taste let’s see what kinds of valuables they have ooh a bucket of water lots of fish what’s this a diamond helmet with thorns too score I waited around in case a player came back home

But they were taking a while so as I was about to leave the player walked in and I suddenly teleported all the way back to my base what the how did I do that on days 38 through 40 I felt like the the area surrounded my base needed a little

Sprucing up once I cleaned out an area near the beach I began working on the Herobrine statue I figured I’d start from the ground up this time and just make a general framework to come back to later starting with the legs which were pretty easy cuz they’re just blue jeans

I knew these giant legs would attract attention I better make some traps around here so no one tries to grief it while I’m gone after setting up some traps I went back home but on the way there I ran into a wolf wo the wolf

Stared at me for a very long time uh nice doggy in an instant the wolf’s eyes began to Glow what I didn’t even mean to do it this time come with me I guess I made a dogghouse for my new friend what should I call you oh I know I’ll call you

Sarbus for days 41 to 43 Steve came back ready to fight this time I’m going to harness the power of one of the strongest mobs in the game Steve turned into a Steve Golem and like me now dang you hit hard I noticed that he still attacked like a Golem though so I

Towered up three blocks and hit him from above you can’t outsmart bronzo I hit Steve enough that he finally yielded this isn’t the end Herobrine I’m going to get more powerful sure you are I knew Steve was going to get stronger so I needed to get some more protection so I

Went mining for diamonds again finally this takes forever to find I headed back home and made a diamond axe and diamond leggings this will help for now I wanted to continue practicing my Powers so for days 44 through 49 I went searching for more players this looks like a place a

Player would live I started looting the base taking all their food and riches is that a bow with multi-shot oh yeah it is just then the streamer who owns this base showed up and I teleported to another room wait where’d he go give me back my stuff they opened up the door to

The room I was in boo I continued teleporting from room to room messing with the streamer until they started shooting fire arrows at me are you so dumb to think I can’t Dodge arrows you hear that chat this guy called me stupid somehow I then turned all the wool

Blocks into TNT and as soon as he was about to fire the fire arrow I teleported out of the base to watch the place blow up what a sight to behold on days 50 to 53 I thought it was about time to hone in on my powers and

Abili ities the first thing on the docket was the teleportation if I could get the hang of that the remaining half of this challenge will be turbocharged this should be a good spot to practice I took a deep breath and focused on being at my base when I opened my eyes I was

Standing next to my bed I didn’t have much time to celebrate though because I heard this horrible squealing noise from out back Hannibal oh no Hannibal my pig was being attacked by another player they must have slipped in while I was gone oh my gosh what’s happening it appears as though the other

Infected animals have a fraction of my Powers it was time I tested this out so I took my chicken friend over to the woods go on just do your thing it took a while but the chicken focused its energy and made all the trees disappear in the

Area wo you’re crazy just like me while journeying home I discovered that cabus my dog could teleport to my side if he gets too far away amazing oh wait all dogs do that oh yeah on day 54 through 58 I went out searching for more animals who had

Similar powers to me when I was out on a prairie I met an infected horse hey there I feel like there’s a connection between us do you feel it too well too bad I’m going to make you love me the horse threw me on the ground

Over and over but eventually I tamed the beast ha I told you you’d be mine I rode the horse home and built him a nice stable next to the dogghouse what do you think this is way better than that random field I found you in after the horse got settled in I built

The shirt part of the statue it didn’t look quite right yet but adding more colors would help a lot later on after that I tried to train my teleporting abilities more without having any players around all right Envision the base Envision the base suddenly I appeared back at the

Base wao I did it I could do anything then I teleported back to the player’s base that exploded earlier and found him still alive what the oh okay yikes that guy’s not happy for the days of 59 to 62 I continued decorating the base I placed down carpeting as well as more Mossy

Stone and dark oak planks to make a new room underneath the base which is going to be my new library as well as Brewing area so I placed down some barrels and furnaces just in case next I just need some books so I traveled to a village

And started stealing all of their books Don’t Mind If I Do I then got to work on making my library look like an enchanting room now now he just needs an enchanting table I went mining for some diamonds lapis and I mined up a lot of obsidian you’ll never know when you need

This I got back to the base and used the diamonds I mind to finish up my diamond armor set as well as made an enchanting table now to make my stuff magical I placed down the table and got to work mostly getting protection and Thorns for the armor knock back and Unbreaking for

Some of my tools ah yes experience boost on my axe great awesome love that after all of that I stepped out side and there was Steve waiting for me in the field again this time you’re going down he then turned into a ghast Steve these just get weirder and weirder I dodged

Some of his Fireballs he was getting a bit stronger now but he acted like I’d never fought a gas before you realize I can fly too oh dang it stop hitting me stop hitting me finally Steve gave up and flew away yeah you better run on day

63 to 66 I wanted to make potions but didn’t really know how after a little bit of of research I learned that you need blaze rods and powder to really get Brewing I grabbed some of the extra obsidian I had laying around and built myself a nether portal once the frame

Was finished I was a little nervous the nether is super dangerous and could easily end the challenge right here okay bronzo you can do this let’s go I lit the portal up with flint and steel and hopped in but nothing happened it didn’t work Hannibal told me that because I was

Herobrine I was incapable of traveling to the nether are you sure I was going to have to find another way to get these items so I searched for a witch’s Hut and when I found one I threatened to delete the witch from the game if she didn’t give me the blaze

Rods oh you’re welcome to try little man why you I tried using my powers on her focusing all my energy into it but nothing happened and then she just laughed at me again you know what little man oh little display of idence right there made my

Day I haven’t laugh like that in years here I’ll just take them I’m not using them right now I took the blaze rods not really knowing how to feel about what just happened she also handed me Nether wart thanks for the help lady I guess on

Days 67 through 70 I got back home and crafted two Brewing stands time to brew some potions I started with simpler potions like fire resistance and potion of strength while I waited for them to finish Brewing I headed to the Badlands to get some terracotta for the Herobrine

Statue all right here we are oh no got to battle these things while I was searching I ran into some husks and I decided to take the opportunity to train in fighting you guys aren’t a challenge at all take these arrows I love having multishot I finished them off and then

Started Gathering the Terracotta huh these colors could work for my head too bad there aren’t blues and purples for my clothes I took my materials back home and when I arrived I saw that my potions finished Brewing all right now I can use these in my fights to stay safe from

Fire and grow my strength for days 71 through 74 I used the Terracotta I gathered to build the head and the arms of the Herobrine statue this took a long time but it’s a good thing Hannibal and I can float it’s almost complete now I just need a few more colors afterward I

Meditated on the top of the statue but my concentration was broken by a voice approaching the base aha I found it ugh not this guy again I teleported down to keep him from ruining my base and maybe scare him a bit so he doesn’t come back you shouldn’t be here I then teleported

Us both High into the air and watched the player fall to his death my Powers grew even more I turned day into night and just then grew an extra row of Hearts soon I will be all powerful from day 75 to 78 I remembered that the witch knew about my power and

Wanted to learn more from her I traveled to her Hut but she wasn’t home hello witch you he G I came all the way here for nothing I headed back home but I heard a commotion coming from a village on the way so I stopped to see what was

Happening huh why is everything on fire there was an infected villager who was flying around and setting the whole village on fire the villagers ran from house to house terrified of him hey hey it’s okay look I’m just like you so you can trust me I don’t know but I found other

Creatures who are infected too if you come with me you can meet them nobody’s mean to us at the Mansion we just hide out in the forest together eventually the Villager calmed down and agreed to come with me so we headed home together uh sorry about all the fire guys once we

Arrived I built a room for my new guest and filled it with things to make him feel at home H don’t sweat it we’re all family here between days 79 and 84 Steve showed up at my base again he claimed that he would definitely be able to take

Me down this time and he transformed into a Wither Steve this time you’re going going down I’ve got more tricks up my sleeve than you know Steve I drank my potion of strength and Reed my sword when Steve attacked me Hannibal rushed to my side to help me fight him off the

Potion made my attacks more than twice as strong as they were before you’ll never defeat me Steve no amount of training is going to overpower me and my friends Steve surrendered but his pride had taken a few hits during the battle how can someone like you defeat me I was

Programmed by the greatest creator of all time before Steve left he said he had one final plan to finish me once and for all I’m not too worried are you Hannibal Hannibal and I cleaned up the statue repairing any damage from the fight after that I planted a carrot farm

For him since he’ just been foraging for food this whole time when I was done a hungry rabbit came out of the woods sniffing the carrots hey those are for my friends but here you can have one but leave the rest alone the rabbit took the

Carrot I gave him and then also became infected oh uh whoops I guess you’re one of us now I wanted to continue on the statue for days 85 through 89 but I had no idea what to do for the eyes I have an idea oh my gosh where did you come

From it doesn’t matter you should use Sea lanterns to make the eyes glow like yours that’s a great idea I know I came up with it while I had the witch with me I asked if she knew how I could get stronger and control my Powers better

But she told me that she only knows magic and my Powers come from a virus in the coding of the game so yeah I have no idea to train you sorry uh but oh but I do have these she gave me snorkel these will help me breathe underwater while

I’m fighting the Elder Guardians you also need a lot of milk and I mean a lot so I set off to find a village and milked as many cows as I could find except for one you also have glowing eyes you should live with me at my base with all the other infected

Animals the cow then teleported away I guess he already knew where to go now it was time for me to find this ocean mon Monument so I got to an ocean made a boat and set sail as I was at sea for days 90 to 93 I realized that I couldn’t

See the ocean floor while in the boat so I put on the snorkel and had to swim e this looks more like floating I had to float wait you can hear me H don’t think about it too much okay anyway as I was floating I ran into some drowned who

Started attacking me take Diamond Sword you stupid seam monkeys I took them all down since I was a lot faster than them bronzo always wins well there was that one time just continue on with the scene finally after searching so much of the Open Water I found an ocean Monument all

Right let’s get those sea lanterns as I approached the Elder Guardian already gave me mining fatigue so I drank some milk to get rid of it can’t outsmart me when I found the Elder the fight started I was able to get a few hits in and then

Drank more milk then hit them some more repeating this process until I successfully killed all the Elder Guardians now time for my treasures I gathered up the sea lanterns sponges and the gold blocks now with all these riches it was time to head back home on

Days 94 through 96 I expanded the base’s storage by adding a treasure room filled with my new loot from the monument man I’m glad I made this extra room otherwise I’d have nowhere else to put this stuff when that was finished I put sea lanterns on the eyes of the statue

To make them glow looking at it made me feel so powerful I wanted to make the Ultimate Weapon what kind of weapon would only be worthy of being held by herobrine I was struck by inspiration and headed to my mind digging down as deep as I could Bingo time to get some

Bedrock for the most epic sword ever I managed to dig up two blocks and crafted it into a sword all I needed was a player to test it on so I teleported one to me wao where am I wait is that sword made of Bedrock that’s right welcome to

The last fight of your life he would have put up a decent fight if he was fighting any ordinary player but against me he didn’t stand a chance my sword cut right through his armor and killed him yeah I’m unstoppable by days 97 and ’98 it was

Time to finish the statue I went in and added little details for texture and clothing folds blocks like concrete concrete powder terracotta and other types of wool as well as a few other things to try to match the colors as closely as possible I really like the

Way it turned out and I hope everyone watching does too I was admiring the statue when Alex showed up Alex what are you doing here trust me I don’t like like this any more than you do it’s about Steve she told me that Steve had gone off the deep end defeating

Herobrine has been the only thing that he can think about when he came back home after your previous fight he was Furious when I woke up the next morning he was gone this was all that was left behind she handed me a map to where Steve wants to do the final battle why

Are you giving this to me because you’re the only one powerful enough to stop him please do this before he hurts himself it was time to go face Steve I said goodbye to to all my friends at the base I also told them to like the video as

Well as subscribe to the channel if they haven’t already and comment what mob I should be for my next 100 day challenge and with that Hannibal and I set off to find Steve on day 99 I ran into the witch again bronzo I’m so glad I found

You the guards of Steve’s fighting area are very strong and not ones to mess around with here take this potion it’ll heal you when the time comes she gave me a ocean of regeneration and one for Hannibal thank you these will Aid Us in the battle good luck you’re going to

Need it we continued our search and we finally found the arena but the witch wasn’t lying there was this huge pink Steve being ridden by a smaller pink Steve guarding the place you ready Hannibal we rushed in I took the big guy while Hannibal flew around attacking the

Strange little men running around we can do this Hannibal we are a team we fought hard and they had great defense as well as an army of of weird looking Steves the big Steve had strong attacks but we were able to defeat both of the pink Steves now the moment we’ve been waiting

For now it was day 100 Hannibal and I entered the fighting arena you think you can stop me well say hello to my little friend Steve pulled out a bazooka that shot out other Steves he’s gone mad quick kill the Clones I took the ones on the left while Hannibal took the Clones

On the right together we were able ble to take them all out using our fire punches and amazing evasion skills you think that’s my only trick get a load of this Steve then turned into a monstrosa Steve and wasted no time on attacking me how are we supposed to battle this

Thing you’re right the giant pile of Steves had great punches explosions and would spawn out little mini Steves I had to use my healing potion to keep up but after a long battle that seemed evenly matched we were surprised by the entrance of another stop Jason Martinson

The CEO of Mojang what are you doing here I have had enough he then waved his hand and I started to disappear no I don’t want to go wait I’m alive where am I is this another server yes

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days as GODS in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Bronzo on 2023-11-05 18:00:04. It has garnered 383685 views and 5452 likes. The duration of the video is 04:01:05 or 14465 seconds.

► SUBSCRIBE to the Channel! –

For the next 1000 days, I’ll be ruling over the world of Minecraft as different types of Gods! Along my journey I will transform into more and more powerful beings, as I gain all kinds of Godly powers to dominate my enemies! Will I keep my Godly status, or will one of my many challengers knock me from my throne?? You’ll have to watch til the end to find out.

Plugins Utilized God of War – Archer – Demon Hunter Boss – Dreshtark – Dwarf Pack – Enchanter – Ergeox – Fire Beast Pack – Pet Pack – Skeleton Pack – Starfall – Water Elemental Boss Pack –

Mods Utilized Artifacts – Aquamirae – Blue Skies – Creatures and Beasts – Deep Dark Expasion – Deeper in the Caves – Dramatic Doors – Endless Ocean – Greek Fantasy – Hostile Mobs and Girls – Mahou Tsukai – Mutant Monsters – NoCube’s Sea Dwellers – One Twenty Backport – Olympic Gods’ Attributes – Placeable Items – Pyromancer – The Gold Rush – The Nexus – Visual Workbench – Warden and Sculk – YDM’s Weird Mob –

Suggested rating: TV-PG This video contains material not suitable for younger audiences.

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  • Insane Minecraft Craziest SUPREMIUM ARMOR Crafter!

    Insane Minecraft Craziest SUPREMIUM ARMOR Crafter!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crafting SUPREMIUM ARMOR In Minecraft Crazy Craft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-09-09 22:02:15. It has garnered 41955 views and 1960 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:28 or 2488 seconds. Crafting SUPREMIUM ARMOR In Minecraft Crazy Craft My Server: Thanks for supporting me with purchases on the server! Buy My Shirts: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Modpack: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – Gaming – Real Life – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: Follow My Instagram:… Read More

  • The Dame of Amel: Seeds of Survival

    The Dame of Amel: Seeds of SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Seeds of Survival ~Minecraft: The Dame Of Amel [S2 E2]’, was uploaded by Cover0fNight on 2024-09-06 22:34:43. It has garnered 327 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:23 or 983 seconds. 💛 Connect with me! 💛 ☆ Instagram- ☆ Twitch- ☆Tiktok- ❤️ SUBSCRIBE ❤️ Resourcepack: *The Dame of Amel is a roleplay Minecraft series that follows the journey of Cover, a mysterious traveler who arrives in the tranquil village of Amel, only to discover it shrouded in secrets and haunted by shadows of the past. As Cover… Read More


    🔥  MINECRAFT 1.21 BEDROCK OP GLITCHES! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ALL OP GLITCHES IN 1.21 BEDROCK! DUPLICATION AND XRAY GLITCHES (WORKING)’, was uploaded by ItsTrey on 2024-07-18 06:03:55. It has garnered 16718 views and 553 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:41 or 461 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftduplicationglich #minecraftbedrock I will show you a duplication glitch for the latest edition of Minecraft Bedrock being 1.21. To ensure this glitch works for you, please follow each step carefully. I really do hope you enjoyed this video and if you did a sub or a like will be greatly appreciated – sub to see more useful… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival with Primordial Team ft. Drehmal

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival with Primordial Team ft. DrehmalVideo Information This video, titled ‘The ULTIMATE Minecraft Survival Experience | Drehmal’, was uploaded by Primordial Team on 2024-04-05 19:00:21. It has garnered 24901 views and 999 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:25 or 145 seconds. DOWNLOAD: DISCORD: PATREON: TWITTER: Trailer edited by Nicholas Fisher: Drehmal: APOTHEOSIS is a massive, one of a kind Minecraft survival/adventure map with a heavy emphasis on exploration. Originally released in 2020 by Keeko & Rift as Drehmal: PRIMORDIAL, the APOTHEOSIS update has been in development for more than 3 years with support from a team of more… Read More

  • Surviving ONE Night in Horror Minecraft?! 😱

    Surviving ONE Night in Horror Minecraft?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Can we survive just ONE night in horror Minecraft?’, was uploaded by JNO on 2024-03-26 14:30:16. It has garnered 75 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:03 or 1023 seconds. To sum it up, this is HORROR Minecraft… Watch as we try and fight our fears of the night and at least survive. Watch the full video if you enjoy and don’t forget to try horror Minecraft sometime! Join our journey to getting to 1000 SUBSCRIBERS! SOCIALS: Linktree: Contact us at [email protected] Twitter: Instagram: ABOUT OUR CHANNEL: Our… Read More

  • Insane stream server in Minecraft!! Join now!

    Insane stream server in Minecraft!! Join now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I made a stream server for people to join! | MInecraft Server’, was uploaded by Cable on 2024-07-08 22:52:51. It has garnered 21 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:20 or 15440 seconds. Feel free to subscribe if you enjoy the stream! just chilling and having fun! Read More

  • SHOCKING: Minecraft film stirs controversy! New revelations for Gamers | Rk News

    SHOCKING: Minecraft film stirs controversy! New revelations for Gamers | Rk NewsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Filme do Minecraft gera polêmica e mais Excelentes noticias para jogadores de video game | Rk News’, was uploaded by Rk Play on 2024-09-06 20:48:55. It has garnered 5426 views and 350 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:07 or 487 seconds. This week is full of news for video game fans! If you are a passionate player about PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, or even a fan of the universe of films inspired by games, this post will keep you up to date with everything that happened. From releases and rumors, to surprising news about… Read More

  • “Master Builder Reveals Insane Minecraft Hack” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

    "Master Builder Reveals Insane Minecraft Hack" #minecraft #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build hack . #minecraft #shorts #gaming #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Abhay pro gaming on 2024-06-20 16:22:25. It has garnered 41 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecraftbuild #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecrafter #minecrafthouse #minecraftdaily #minecraftserver #minecraftideas #minecraftart #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafts #minecraftxbox #minecrafthouses #minecraftsurvival #minecrafttutorial #minecraftcake #minecraftuniverse #minecraftyoutuber #minecraftbuildings #minecraftcreations #minecraftforever #minecraftersonly #minecraftbuilding #minecraftdiaries Created by Inflact Hashtags Generatorminecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts minecraft,shorts,minecraft but,minecraft animation,minecraft memes,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft tiktok,minecraft funny,minecraft mod,minecraft short,youtube shorts,minecraft parody,cash minecraft,minecraft sad story,minecraft sigma,minecraft challenges,help herobrine shorts,help shorts,minecraft meme,minecraft but challenge,alan becker… Read More

  • Insane! Kanye West’s Carnival in Minecraft!

    Insane! Kanye West's Carnival in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Carnival by Kanye West but it’s Minecraft’, was uploaded by Inso on 2024-09-02 01:55:34. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:24 or 264 seconds. Heavily inspired by @FortyeBest , @jaundoce , and @staticamour I had fun making this lmao it was made in Bandlab. “SURVIVAL” – CARNIVAL but its Minecraft Tags: #minecraft #minecraftmusic #minecraftmemes #music #bandlab #tiktok #tiktoktrending #tiktokvideo #tiktokviral #parody #viral #viralvideo #viralshort #kanye #kanyewest #ye #stronger #graduation #ys #everybody #tydollasign #vultures1 #vultures2 #vultures #carnival Read More

  • The Bob SMP

    The Bob SMP Welcome to The Bob SMP, a Bedrock Survival SMP with Kingdoms and more! Join us for a unique gameplay experience with mods like Farming, Furniture, and Gravestones. Our friendly staff is excited to have you on board. Don’t hesitate to join us today! Join our Discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme: Jack Black dominates Minecraft

    I guess you could say Jack Black is really “rocking” the Minecraft world! Read More

  • Lost it all, Minecraft brawl: Hindi gameplay uproar!

    Lost it all, Minecraft brawl: Hindi gameplay uproar! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our hero faces challenges, like a never-ending dream. Losing everything again, a common theme, But our gamer remains undeterred, like a laser beam. With each new episode, the stakes are high, But our hero never fails to give it a try. Crafting, building, exploring the sky, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity can fly. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we watch our hero’s adventures take flight. In the realm of gaming, shining so bright, Roohsclues, our favorite, always gets it right. Read More

  • Hot diggity Minecraft memes!

    Hot diggity Minecraft memes! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide

    Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide The Observer Block: A Redstone Marvel in Minecraft One of the most intriguing blocks in Minecraft’s vast array of redstone components is the Observer. This block, introduced in the 1.11 update, revolutionized redstone contraptions with its unique ability to detect block updates and emit a redstone signal. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of the Observer block and explore its applications in the game. What is the Observer Block? The Observer block is a redstone component that resembles a small, robotic eye. When placed facing a block, it can detect changes in that block’s state, such as block updates,… Read More

  • Minecraft’s End of the World?

    Minecraft's End of the World? The Mysteries of Minecraft’s Far Lands and Sky Grid Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead players to discover some truly fascinating and mysterious elements within the game. Two such phenomena are the Far Lands and Sky Grid, which have captured the imagination of players worldwide. The Far Lands: A Glitch in the Matrix One of the most intriguing aspects of Minecraft is the existence of the Far Lands, a bizarre and glitchy terrain that appears at the edge of the game world. These distorted landscapes are a result of a quirk in the game’s programming, causing the… Read More

  • INSANE TWISTS in Ninwiindo Minecraft PS4 Ep 2!

    INSANE TWISTS in Ninwiindo Minecraft PS4 Ep 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | PS4 | Episode 2’, was uploaded by Ninwiindo on 2024-09-09 04:32:27. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:35 or 5615 seconds. Minecraft Lets Play Read More

  • Survive RL Craft with Lion LIVE!

    Survive RL Craft with Lion LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT SURVIVAL RL CRAFT!!’, was uploaded by Lion HIMSELF on 2024-08-06 04:38:50. It has garnered 1140 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:54 or 13974 seconds. Minecraft Survival Caseoh #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftharcore #caseoh #minecraftfirstday #minecraftsurvival #minecraftchallenge #minecraftmeme #minecraftmemes #minecraftvideos #minecraftcreepers #minecraftcreeper #creeper Discord ► Donation ► CashApp ► $Shlonkboi Live! ► Live on Twitch 8pm Monday-Saturday! ►Instagram: ►Twitter: ►TikTok: Read More

  • R1ckson’s Insane 2b2t Base Hunt! 🚨 Live Minecraft Madness!

    R1ckson's Insane 2b2t Base Hunt! 🚨 Live Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t: BIG Sunday base hunting! (Vertical Minecraft Stream)’, was uploaded by R1ckson on 2024-08-25 18:05:01. It has garnered 7786 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:59 or 10439 seconds. JOIN DISCORD: Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.21 on Extreme!Video Information This video, titled ‘J’ai passé Minecraft 1.21 en difficulté EXTRÊME !’, was uploaded by Myrolame on 2024-03-21 18:37:04. It has garnered 15241 views and 1071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. 10th episode of the Skyblock Hardcore adventure on the latest Minecraft 1.21 snapshots! My goal is to reach 100 days of Minecraft while staying alive! If I die, the adventure ends! This series aims to create a video: I survived 100 days in Skyblock on Minecraft Hardcore #minecraft #skyblock #survival Datapack: Skyblock – Recipes+ – Resource pack: none Shaders:… Read More


    24/7 SHIZO MINECRAFT MADNESS ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 247 ON HEADSTEAL SMP LIVE @YASHGAMERYTYOUTUBER@GamerFleet’, was uploaded by YASH PLAYZ on 2024-08-24 18:50:01. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Minecraft Minecraft is a sandbox-style video game that allows players to build, explore, and survive in a procedurally generated world made up of blocks. The game offers a unique blend of creativity, adventure, and survival mechanics. Key Features: – Blocky World: Explore and interact with a vast, blocky 3D world made up of cubes, which can be mined for resources…. Read More