Surviving 1000 Days as ICE WITHERSTORM in Minecraft!

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On day one I spawned into the frozen lakes as an ice wither storm wo even as a baby ice wither storm I’m pretty awesome and thank goodness because I don’t feel cold out here either but my celebrations were interrupted when I heard the flapping of Mighty Wings

Coming towards me I looked up and saw a huge ice dragon floating in the air above me you uh me don’t be funny with me boo what’s your name I’m Zozo mister I’m Ivan Ivan the ice dragon and that means ice is my thing you think you can

Steal my thing you wey little wither storm I’ll teach you what it means to be truly ice cold Ian fired a huge ice blast down towards me it nearly hit me but I was lucky enough to dodge at the last second hey you almost hit me yeah

That’s what we in the business call a warning shot dummy the next one will come when you least expect it you want to keep the icy cred you’ve got 100 days to earn it or frostbite is going to be the L was of your worries he Unleashed

An even more powerful ice blast and this time I just had to run for my life got to beat Ivan or he’s going to freeze me to my doom on day two I wandered further across the frozen lakes and WEA this freezing even I started to feel the cold

This is so embarrassing for an ice wither storm maybe I just need some food I only have 10 Hearts it’s important to keep my hunger bar filled up I searched across the frozen lakes until I finally found an apple tree it’s not easy to grow food in a place this cold so I

Needed to enjoy everything I could get I broke down the tree and ate some of the apples solving the hunger situation but it didn’t solve the situation of a dread th charging out of the distance H enjoy those apples you little baby that’s such

A baby thing to do eat apples is it I’m not sure I follow your logic here it makes sense when you’re a dread thrall okay it’s like a cultural thing anyways let’s fight I been told me that a Wither storm was trying to Jack his St style I

Owe it to him to put you down the dread thrall ran at me and Unleashed some powerful attacks I wasn’t strong enough to fight him yet so all I could do was break away from the fight and run for my life I got out of there as fast as I

Could but as I cowered behind a pile of snow I heard something approaching I was terrified worried that it could be the dread thrall instead a cyclops stepped out come with me if you want to live how could I deny an offer like that on day

Three the cyclop s led me across a safe part of the frozen lakes telling me to keep as quiet as possible you need to keep a low profile around here if you want to last Ivan’s dread thrs are all over the place where are you taking me

Sh somewhere safe that’s all you need to know I kept quiet has the Cyclops led me then he suddenly stopped this is as far as I’ll go it’s too dangerous for us all to be in one place go forward 50 paces and you’ll see a Dodo hippogriff at a

Campfire speak to him and then come back back to me when you’re done okay understood I followed the Cyclops instructions until predictably I found myself at the campfire where the doo hippogriff was waiting he sent you good you follow orders you might have a better chance of surviving than the last

One wait what do you mean the last one you think you’re the first ice wither storm to spawn here there have been many and Ivan has destroyed them all out of his evil jealousy but if he’s after ice wither storms why are you in that Cyclops guy so afraid of him and his

Goons your people have the worst of it but Ivan is a nightmare for all of us anyone who bruises his ego gets destroyed we want him gone and with our powers combined we can make it happen what do I need to do go with Cyclops train get stronger if he finds you this

Threatening now imagine what you can do when you reach full power from day four to day five I carried out the dodo hippogriffs wishes and left with the Cyclops I knew that if I was going to survive this I needed to put a roof over both of our heads sit tight Cyclops I’m

Going to make us some tools and get started I knocked down a tree with my weather storm strength and made the pieces into a wooden pickaxe from there I mined into the ground and collected some Stone I had to be careful where I mined and built because some areas were

Just a thin layer of ice over water when I had enough Stone I built myself a stone pickaxe and a stone sword with my spare Stone I started building a basic two room base to protect myself and cyclops from the elements this is a good start Zozo solid but low key this won’t

Attract any undue attention thank you I think but it may not have been that low key all that building had attracted a dangerous dirt scorpion a long way away from home as it attacked this time I fought back until the dirt scorpion Was Defeated this gave me the XP to level up

Getting 30 hearts and a new power ice blast now I can finally start living up to my ICE wither storm name from day six to day eight I left the Cyclops back to the base while I went out to explore a nearby Frosty mountain range called the

Alps wow the air is very thin up here I probably wouldn’t make a habit of hanging out up here but my thoughts were interrupted by an adorable orange and white kitty running up towards me please stranger I need some help there’s something terrible happening back there

Calm down calm down what’s going on here kitty a Dr scuttler it’s horrible and it was chasing after me I was so scared don’t worry Kitty you just hang back here and I’ll go take care of it thank you stranger thank you please call me

Zozo I braced myself and went off in the direction that the kitty came from it didn’t take me long to find the dread scuttler and with the help of my ice blast and my stone sword it didn’t take long for me to beat it either afterwards the kitty approached me happy that I’d

Taken care of the nasty dread scuttler zoo that that was amazing you’re the best please it was nothing well if it was so easy maybe you’ll help me take care of a dread not far from here he’s been causing a lot of trouble sure I’ll

Always do my best from day N9 to day 10 I followed Kitty’s instructions and went further into the Alps that’s why I found the dread L waiting so you’re the one who destroyed my dread skler do you have any idea how hard those are to summon

I’ll make you pay for this you wretched little ice weather storm Tu is cheap dread let’s duke it out but it didn’t take me long to regret being so gung-ho The Dread L was way tougher than I thought he tanked my attacks and returned with some magical attacks of

His own my only option was to run away and survived a fight another day I met with Kitty again and told her the bad news don’t beat yourself up Zozo you tried your best and you did an amazing job getting rid of the dread scuttler

And I’m going to take care of the dread l too but I need to get stronger first why don’t you come and stay at my base in the frozen lakes it’ll probably be safer there that’s a very generous offer Zozo and I think I’ll take you up on it

From day 11 to day 12 I returned to my base with Kitty and quickly set about building a new room in my base for her to stay I made sure it was the kind of room that’d be really cozy for a cute little kitty what do you think Kitty I

Think you did an amazing job Zozo so amazing in fact that I made a few base upgrades of my own to repay you and kitty certainly had made some awesome upgrades she created a sheep farm full of yep you guessed it sheep she’ also created a furnace and a storage room are

You implying I should go and Forge myself some new weapons Kitty nothing gets past you Zozo I searched until I found a decent Cavern for Mining and searched until I found a healthy vein of iron ore I dug up the ore and took it

Back to my base with me there I used the furnace Kitty built to smell my ore into iron ingots and with those and some sticks I made myself an iron pickaxe and an iron sword now I’m stronger than ever before that’s what I’m talking about

From day 13 to day 15 I spoke to the Cyclops again asking if he had any advice on how to get strong enough to defeat Ivan the ice dragon well what have you fought so far I fought a lot of things fought and beat I mean oh uh a

Dirt scorpion and a dread scuttler you’re going to need to fight stronger things than big bugs if you want to really level up Zozo go back to the Alps and find something worth defeating there only true challenge will help you grow your skills great advice Cyclops

Following his advice I went back to the Alps even making my way up there was exhausting this was going to be more challenging than I thought hey if it isn’t a big Goofy Apple eating baby I knew I’d find you eventually and now you’re doomed it was the same dread

Thrall who’ hassled me earlier but this time I wasn’t going to talk to him I was going to fight him and I was going to win with a combination of of ice blast and lethal strikes for my iron sword The Dread thw was vanquished and I picked up

A healing potion he dropped once I’d swigged it down I started to transform I got bigger stronger I had 60 hearts and a new ability shooting with a Wither Skull half ice half wither storm my power is really coming along from day 16 to day 19 I went from the mountains of

The Alps to the even higher Frozen Peaks if getting challenged makes you tougher I’m going to be as tough as one of these mountains soon during myy j i happened upon a book laying on the ground it’s title read dread th’s diary well this seems like a central reading there was a

Section that read Ivan’s been such a drag since that ice wither storm turned up he’s so paranoid and stuck in his own head he started staying in that base in the eroded Badlands what kind of ice dragon hangs out in the Badlands it’s way too hot there he’s staying in the

Eroded Badlands that’s really useful information I looked up and saw another dread thw standing a few feet from me hey that’s my diary you jerk oh before he said another word I blasted The Dread thrall with a powerful Wither Skull and he was no more from day 20 to day 22

While heading back from the Frozen Peaks I wiped out a small but vicious gang of coyotes it feels good to be so powerful I think I’ve earned myself a treat I returned to my favorite mining Cavern and collected a few extra trunks of iron ore then I returned to my base and used

The furnace to smelt them into iron ingots from that I built myself an iron chest plate and equipped it you probably can’t see it in all my wither storm swirls but it feels good to know it’s there with my new power and new armor I felt the confidence to go back and

Settle an old score I returned to the Alps where I saw the dread waiting ready for me to hand you your ice wither storm heiny a Zozo I’d like to see you try dread this time it was a much more even fight with my wither skulls and Ice

Blast this time I put him down for good kitty is going to be so pleased when I tell her suddenly a chill went down my already chilly ice wither storm spine I heard the great flapping of wings in the sky above and saw Ivan the ice dragon

Coming towards me a there you are you little plagiarist you lazy copycat I’m going to be the only ice beinging out here as strong as I’d gotten I still wasn’t Tough Enough To Take on Ivan yet I did the only thing I could and ran

From day 23 to Day 26 I made it safely back to my base and rushed to tell Kitty the good news hey Kitty remember that dread lit you were having trouble with you mean the one you were having trouble with Zoo well those troubles are over I

Defeated him perfect nicely done Zozo I didn’t want to rest on my victory for too long after all I had only just narly escaped from Ivan I still needed to get much stronger if I was going to take him down for good I decided to venture back

To the mines and have another shot at Gathering up some more iron ore luckily for me there was plenty to be found in another vein underground and I hacked away with my pickaxe once I had gathered up enough ore I smelted it into some shiny new iron ingots I had plenty to

Smith myself an iron helmet and sturdy pair of iron boots to match my chest piece now I was fully protected Sozo come have a look what’s new kitty cat wa Kitty had been working on an upgrade to my base as a way of saying thank you for

Helping her out she’d built a brand new perimeter wall to keep danger at Bay now I wasn’t the only one with that added protection my base and my friends were too from day 27 to day 31 I headed back to the Frozen Peaks now that a few of

The dread and that pesky dread Lich were taken care of it was a bit safer for me to explore the area although I had my guard up when I spotted a mighty Beth but was he a friend or Foe relax little ice wither storm take a chill pill sorry

I can’t be too careful with Ivan and his dread hord around oh that buzz kill yeah I can imagine he would have given an icicle like you a really icy reception are you going to keep making jokes like that all day sorry man I’m just feeling

Pretty good since you took out all those dread throlls it’s made things around here way cooler but you know there’s still plenty of Ivan’s minions around right you’re right and it’s not safe for you here Beth head back to my base with me sweet you’re a pretty chilled guy

Zozo I made my way back to the base with the Beth once we had returned I was able to grab some wool from the flock of sheep in the pen and use that wool to make some nice decorative banners that really liven the place up once the

Decorating work was done the Cyclops ran over in a panic Zozo come quickly I need your help there was another challenge that might help build your strengths then lead the way from day 32 to day 35 my Cyclops friend and Mentor took me towards the Frozen laks where we came

Across a sight that even made my ice wither storm self shiver a swarm of ice the ice dragon’s dread THS were chasing after dodo the hippogriff Zozo help it’s Ivan he’s found me he’s onto US I leapt into battle swinging my iron sword to chop down some of the dread THS I let

Off an ice blast then another attack my Wither Skull blast I was desperately trying to clear a path to reach the dodo hippogriff but there were just too many dread THS in the way no The Dread THS destroyed the dodo hippogriff I slashed my sword at them taking down each and

Every one of them until not a single thw was left standing but I was still too late from Day 36 to day 39 I decided to wander off on my own for a little while I needed to clear my head and be alone with my thoughts I hadn’t known the dodo

Hippogriff all that long but I was still sad I couldn’t save him he’d had a lot of faith in me being able to take on Ivan so I figured maybe my sadness was a reminder that I couldn’t take his wisdom for granted I had to make sure I lived

Up to the dodo hippogriffs expectations on my travels I encountered a cactoid in the elves oh oh my my will you please help me I’m being pursued by a beastly creature sure thing just point me at the nasty Critter and it’s as good as gone the cactoid led me to the creature that

Had been coming after him a horrible hellhound I grabbed my sword and Reed for a fight after all the dodo hippogriff had told me the path to victory was getting stronger and any battle was a chance to improve I took down the hellhound with little effort

And went back to the cactoid to tell him the good news oh my oh my my thank you kind chilly stranger I’ve seen Ivan’s Minions on the Move more and more lately his ego must have been pricked something fierce yeah that Dragon really is vain

He took out one of my friends just to get at me well he wants to be the only ice creature around I imagine he feels threatened by you take it from a guy covered in spines some people only act tough on the outside to protect themselves on the inside from day 40 to

Day 43 I decided it was time to rejoin my friends back at the base the Cyclops and I had parted briefly after we lost the dodo hippogriff but I thought about what he’d said before only with our powers combined could we take down Ivan hey there Zozo glad to see your back

Don’t worry I’ve been keeping an eye out while you were gone thanks Cyclops say this place looks a little different well I wasn’t going to just sit around on my hands have a look around the Cyclops had worked really hard at making the base more homely just the thing I needed to

Lift my spirits after losing the dodo hippogriff he’d built plenty of new bookshelves and even a few comfy couches you know Cyclops it’s not like we can sit on more than one of these couches at a time about that Zozo I was wondering if I could invite some guests there are

More cyclopses like me who have had it up to their eye with Ivan would you mind if they came to stay not at all the more the marrier after the other cyclopses came in and found their places the bmth came over to talk to me say zoo when

You’ve got a moment I also have a favor to ask you from day 44 to day 49 I set off from my base to carry out a quest that my friend the Beth had given me he said that there was a silver Lobo hiding somewhere in the Frozen Peaks and that

He had some useful info that would help me taking down Ivan if I could take him down that is but while I was beginning my search I heard the flap of two icy wings and had to LEAP out of the way as Ivan arrived swooping in for an ambush

There you are I thought you would have given up after my dread throlls killed your poor friend the dodo hypog you know he’d still be alive if you had just turned yourself over and let me destroy you little wither storm what’s your problem Ivan you’re really going out of

Your way to try and stop me from getting stronger seems like you might be a little insecure you you’re a pest nothing more than a chilly Breeze I’m an ice dragon I should be the master of the freezing cold I’ll unleash a whole new Ice Age on this world and endless deep

Freeze but as long as you’re around you’re in my way so let’s see if we can’t fix that little problem suddenly a monstrous Reaver burst out of nowhere and came charging towards me Ivan had already flapped away leaving his minion to take me on this creature might be my

Toughest fight yet from day 50 to day 53 I got to fighting the Reaver this thing was one of the most powerful mobs I’d ever seen it was all brute strength and rage I deflected its blows with my iron sword the occasional hit knocking into my armor and causing me a little damage

I’d need to keep my cool if I was going to defeat this monster wait that’s it I blasted the Reaver with my ice blast while the icy attack didn’t freeze it completely it did slow down the Beast attacks I could Dodge out of the way of

Its fist a lot easier now and got around behind it to deliver the final strike with my sword the Reaver fell I had not only survived but I’d beaten the creature too but my trusty iron sword was looking a little worse for wear now although much to my surprise the Reaver

Dropped something that could come in real Handy later on some mystical diamonds I’ll stash these in my inventory for now but they could make me a great replacement for my sword as soon as I touched them I was granted a magical Vision by the mystical diamonds they showed me a little dragon just

Newly hatched it was Ivan as a baby he was scared and all alone left abandoned on the top of a frozen peak so that’s why he was such a bully he’ felt so helpless and now he wanted to be the strongest around to avoid that feeling

Even if it meant being mean to others from day 54 to day 57 I continued my search through the Frozen Peaks until I finally came upon the creature I’d been searching for the silver Lobo this thing was nasty I didn’t even have a chance to negotiate or come up with a peaceful

Solution it just lunged straight for me lucky for me I had already Tangled with a Reaver and survived not to mention all the dread thrs I’d taken down so with a few blasts of Wither skulls the battle was over as quick as it began and then I

Saw the thing that was so handy that the bmth had sent me here in the first place the silver Lobo dropped a map it had been tasked with guarding a location that obviously Ivan didn’t want me getting to so I grabbed the map and made

The track back to my base I needed to speak with the Beth hey there Zozo it sure is cool to see you back in one piece say Beth why send me after this map well I figure you should go to where it leads and find out for yourself well

I find out why Ivan wants to stop me from getting stronger oh I can tell you that he doesn’t like being the weak one and you intimidate him an ice dragon like him can harness the frost in the freeze but you you’re cooler than cool you’re ice cold ice Withers are made of

Pure Frozen magic he only wants to hold you back because he knows you could outmatch him from day 58 to day 62 I decided to do some more work on my base now that I was back for a while I upgraded our sheet pen making it more

Spacious for the flock so they could roam around a bit easier then I took a look at the map I had gotten from the silver Lobo and started to follow it to see what all the fuss was about it only led to a mine filled with diamonds no

Wonder Ian didn’t want me finding out about this place I got to work mining as many diamonds as I could carry and race back to my base so I could turn them into useful items before long I had a brand new diamond sword to replace my

Worn out old iron one along with a new diamond pickaxe to make mining a breeze then just as I was finished my Cyclops friend came up to talk to me Zozo I noticed some of my fellow cyclopses were a little bit chilly so I made a brand

New fireplace with them hope that’s okay sure even though the cold never bothered me anyway I’m glad you guys can keep warm the Cyclops and his new Pals had even built a whole new comfy living area for everyone to show their appreciation for being allowed to stay in the base I

Had to admit I was pretty impressed with what they’d done with the place from day 63 to day 66 I decided to ask around my base for some advice I knew I still wasn’t tough enough to go head-to-head with Ivan yet but I had to do something

To get back at him and besides the dodo hippogryph had made me realize that teamwork was the best way to putting a stop to Ivan’s plans eventually the best advice came from Kitty you know from that dread thalls diary that Ivan has a base in the eroded Badlands right well

Why not go and Scout the place out you don’t have to go in or try and face him just take a look from the outside to see what it looks like and how to get there good idea a recon mission thanks Kitty no problem Zozo I made my way to the

Eroded Badlands making sure I kept to the shade as often as I could since the bad lands were so much hotter than the frozen lakes even though ice wither storms like me were pure Enchanted ice I didn’t want to run the risk of melting I

Was able to get a good look at Ivan’s base it was well guarded by plenty of his minions the place was crawling with Dread thalls getting inside was going to be tricky unless I got a lot stronger so suddenly I caught the sound of someone

Sneaking up on me it was a siren oh no I thought one of Ivan’s perimeter guards had found me but to my surprise she wasn’t with Ivan at all you you’re an ice wither storm then the rumors were true come come with me there is something I need your assistance with

From day 67 to Day 70 I followed the siren as she explained what the problem was one of Ivan’s dread Beast drove me out of my home not far from here it’s an incredibly territorial creat teacher and I can’t convince it to leave I need someone to well not to be in delegate

But someone that can remove it no problem Miss siren I’ll handle it sure enough there in a clearing set the vicious dread Beast it immediately sensed the presence of an ice wither storm in its territory and I got ready for a fight after all I’d been looking

For a chance to test out my new diamond sword the snarling dread Beast was quick but only a little bit harder to defeat than one of the dread thalls I swung my sword at the monster and it fell bested in combat and now the siren’s home was

Free from the nasty Intruder oh thank you Zozo I wish I could offer you more than just my gratitude but know that should you ever need a helping hand I will come to your Aid wow thanks Miss siren from day 71 to day 74 I ventured out across the eroded Badlands trying to

Get a better feel for the area and see if I could come across any hidden passageways or other areas that could offer me some secret way into Ivan’s Lair I just needed to find something to give myself an advantage and if I could get a drop on that egotistical ice

Dragon maybe that would help me defeat him I didn’t find much in the way of secret tunnels although I did pass a strange rock formation when I looked at it from a certain angle it almost seemed to spell out a word if you’re enjoying this video and want to see more then

Find our other ones by searching Zoo zo or clicking the channel icon below suddenly I heard a familiar flopping of some fierce some wings Ivan I must have wandered close enough to his base for one of his dread thrs to spot me you never should have come here Zozo I’ll

Tase you to trespass Ivan fired his icy attacks at me under the sun of the Badlands he was weakened either that or because I was Stronger now I could take more of what he could dish out feeling confident I swiped my diamond sword at him as he swooped down low but it wasn’t

Enough to cause any lasting damage I still wasn’t strong enough so I dodged out of the path of Ivan’s next ice lost and took cover until he flew off frustrated he couldn’t find me he wasn’t the only one feeling frustrated though from day 75 to day 78 I headed back to

Base and went to sit quietly in my room I was annoyed that I still couldn’t beat Ivan in a fight I knew all about him now how he had become the meanest toughest around so nobody else could harm him but he still needed taking down and if I

Couldn’t even manage to do that then no one else had any hope of stopping him I wasn’t strong enough and that made me feel like I’d let down the poor dodo hippogriff hey Zozo don’t feel so disheartened come and check out the base we’ve made some improvements that are

Pretty they’re good it’s okay bmth you can make a nice joke they’re pretty cool that’s what they are here I’ll show you the BMF showed me around the base eager for me to see the new battlements he and the others had been working hard to install there was now a brand new

Watchtower offering a great vantage point to spot Ivan or any of his minions coming if they ever tried to attack our base I had to admit even in my low mood it helped to lift my spirits a little but not as much as what came next Zozo

My Cyclops Brethren and I have been talking and I’ve been thinking about what the dodo hippogryph said to you about combining our powers this battle axe is a sacred item to us and well we think you should have it I was honored I took hold of the Cyclops battle ox and

Hoisted it high I could feel its magic coursing through me as I suddenly grew larger a granted me 100 hearts and even passed on some ancient wisdom to me how to perform a special attack called a whirlwind attack from day 79 to day 84 I was feeling pumped for a rematch with

Ivan the ice dragon so I made my way back toward the bad lands to take him on with my increased strength and the Cyclops power at my side much to my disappointment Ivan was nowhere to be seen probably hiding back in the safety of his base I did come across a fire

Ogre though this was one mob I really didn’t want to let get the better of me his burning blast of flame could have melted me but luckily a huge gust of wind from my Whirlwind attack and some ice Blast for good measure quickly snuffed out the fire ogre for good but

Before I could celebrate I got quite the Fright when a ghost appeared behind me hey don’t sneak up on me like that my apologies I’ve been wandering these bad lands for longer than I could remember just looking for where I fell in my last life well I’m sure I could help you look

The Ghost and I searched around for a while and he seemed to be pretty grateful just to have someone to talk to after being on his own for so long after a little digging we came across a shiny Diamond Helmet you found my helmet this must have been where my body was thank

You Zozo now I can rest here take my helmet I’d rather had went to someone worthy like you this was perfect some added protection from attacks would give me an edge against Ivan from day 85 to day 89 I headed back to my base only to find a terrifying sight waiting for me

Dread THS they were attacking my base I jumped into action and Drew My Sword I let out a blast of my Whirlwind attack sending dread THS toppling over and flinging them into the air I cut down two with my diamond sword then froze another with an ice blast a heavy strike

With my sword and he was gone ah jeez they promised that ice wither storm was just a big Goofy Apple eating baby that’s no baby let’s get the heck out of here with that the remaining dread thrs ran off and I rushed after them I had to

Make sure they didn’t make it back to Ivan if they led him to where my base was located he could destroy all of my friends I wasn’t about to let that happen I chased the dread thrs across the frozen lakes until they were pretty far from my base I almost lost track of

Them but thankfully I passed a pink pixie who pointed me in their Direction hurry Zozo those horrid brutes are tearing through the Lakes causing chaos please give them what for from day 90 to day 94 I caught up with the dread THS they’d ran all the way back to the

Eroded Badlands if I didn’t act quickly they’d reveal the location of my friends the Ivan then he’d attack they were approaching Ivan’s base when suddenly the thraw stopped a hideous creature came out to meet them it was a gorgon what news for master Ivan we uh we found

Where the big Goofy Apple eating baby was hiding but he wasn’t no goofy Apple eating baby he’s a powerful ice wither storm silent lower your voice don’t let our Master hear I will break the news to him first tell me where I can find this troubl some ice wither storm after the dread

THS left I ran in to take on the Gorgon alone I’m right here the Gorgon gave an angry hiss as I jumped out from my hiding spot and cut down one of the THS I took them out much easier than when I first started out but getting rid of

Them was only the beginning the Gorge attacked I had to use all the attacks I had learned to fend him off this was by far my toughest fight yet from day 95 to day 97 I continued trading blows with the Gorgon I thought of the dodo hippogriff and his wise guidance and of

The Beth Kitty and the cyclopses and all they had done for me I couldn’t let them down an icicle like you can’t best me out here in the bad lands is where a serpent like me can Thrive yeah well if if you’re anything like your boss then

You’re just talking a big game to hide how uncertain you are and I never met a snake I could trust a snake that was it a coldblooded reptile that’s why the Gorgon lived out here where it was warm if I used my Frosty Powers I could make

Him drowsy slow him down so that’s what I did firing off as many ice blasts as I could despite the scorching sunlight it was working the gorgon’s attacks got slower easier to dodge and I could slash the Frozen parts of his body to chip away at his health soon he had been

Defeated i’ done it I’d taken down Ivan’s top henchmen the Gorgon even dropped a key that would get me into Ivan’s base wait don’t you want to know what happened to the others others the other ice wither storms yes how my master destroyed them all with his dying

Breath the Gorgon told me that Ivan after being abandoned on a frosty Peak devoted himself to being the coldest creature around he had hunted down other ice Withers to absorb their freezing powers and make himself stronger that was why he had been trying to get to me

This whole time I had to stop him but I’d need to gear up before the final fight on day 98 I made my way back to my base hoping to prepare myself for my final showdown against Ivan it had all been building to this and I hoped I was

Ready first I spoke to Beth don’t worry Zozo I’m sure you’ve got what it takes to take down Ivan you’re the coolest customer I know thanks for that bmth then Kitty zoo take care remember to lick your wounds and don’t fight if you’ve got a hair ball trust me on that

One I’ll take your word for it Kitty and finally the Cyclops listen Zozo I can’t thank you enough for giving me and my Cyclops friends a home I think the dodo hippogriff would be proud of how far you’ve come we combined our powers and it made you the powerful ice wither

Storm you are I just hope that I’m ready to take on Ivan none of us are ever ready ready for challenges Zozo we just have to tell ourselves we are and remember what challenges are for there to make us stronger on day 99 I made my

Way back toward the lair of Ivan the ice dragon passing the Alps of my journey towards the eroded Badlands when I finally reached my destination it seemed Ivan hadn’t taken the fall of his Gorgon too well the place was crawling with Dread thralls I knew I could handle a

Group of them but this was way more than I had ever seen what I could really do with is getting help getting past these dread thalls but of course you only had to ask Zozo Miss siren my siren song Can distract these THS for a time that

Should help you deal with them you go in there and take on Ivan once and for all on day 100 I made my way into the heart of Ivan’s Lair and came face to face with the Frozen Dragon himself so you’ve come to get melted like all the other

Ice wither storms no way Ivan I’m here to stop you I understand why you feel the the need to be so tough but it doesn’t excuse hurting people I am tough why do you think that me an ice dragon would make my home here in the eroded Badlands because I’m strong enough cold

Enough to withstand the heat let’s see about that we clashed the fight was on Ivan was much bigger than me and could fly so he already had a few advantages I didn’t but I had plenty of my own I was smaller faster and far stronger than

When we had last fought like before I kept trying to take some swings of my diamond sword whenever Ian swooped down low and came in for an attack this was working for a bit but Ian quickly realized what I was doing and began to stay hovering in the air to evade my

Sword strikes flapping his wings to stay above me he launched icy blast my way and I had to dodge as quick as I could but that gave me an idea Two Can Play That Game Ivan I’ve Got The Power of ice and the cyclopses on my side moving

Quickly I used my ice blast then I stayed Out Of Reach and fired some wither skulls his way it worked one more swipe of my diamond sword would finish it hey Ivan you really need to chill out boom Ivan the ice dragon Was Defeated on day one I spawned in as a

Fire wither storm a force of pure fiery destruction why am I so puny I only had six hearts to begin with but I knew wither storms grew stronger by absorbing blocks and mobs I tried to absorb some of the nearby blocks and grow bigger but it didn’t work maybe I needed to unlock

That ability first it also looked like I couldn’t really fly yet at least I’m immune to fire the area I spawned into was a molten lava field that would be really dangerous for regular mobs it was like home sweet home but there was nothing to destroy I didn’t see any

Other wither storms either so I figured I had been left behind by the others well they went off to grow bigger wait for me guys I ran around looking for my friends until I saw something really strange there was a snowy bi them right next to this fire one what’s the deal

Everyone knows that Fire and Ice don’t mix I heard a growl behind me and saw a fire Cerberus looking really hungrily at me hey wither storms aren’t nutritious I hit the Cerberus but because I was so small the damage was nothing I was losing heart’s fast to its bite so I

Decided to run away I ended up running straight into a Vex that wanted a piece of me too all of a sudden Fireland doesn’t feel that much like home I jump down into a lava pit and hid myself away I knew they couldn’t follow me because

Of my fire immunity so I stayed there safely until the next day on day two I hopped out of the lava pit and found some burnt out trees it wasn’t what I was expecting but at least I could gather some wood to make my first tools I’ve never seen a Wither make anything

Before but it’s nice to be the first at something these tools would probably burn up if I used them here so I made my way towards that snowy biome that I saw the other day on the border between the Fire and Ice biomes there was a wide

River with a strong current if I try to cross that I’ll be put out like a campfire I didn’t have enough wood to build a bridge so I followed the banks of the river to see if there was a place where it was safe to cross that’s when I

Noticed something small flying towards me from across the river it was an imp with icy Wings do not cross this River I’m warning you fire face that’s rude first of all my name is Zozo second why do you care if I cross it it’s not me

Who cares the ice Meister is the one who doesn’t want anyone from the Firelands coming over here I’m a wither storm first and a fire creature second I’ll go where I want my warning still stands there’s a war going on and Ice Meister plans on winning it a war between the

Creatures of Ice and Fire that sounds heated and chilling steer clear of the fire face I mean Zozo thanks I finished the day by mining some stone blocks from the side of the river with my new set of tools on day three I started building a

Base on my side of the river with some stone blocks as the foundation whoever ever this ice Meister guy is he can’t be mad at me if I don’t leave the fire lands I was still really weak for a fire wither storm and needed something to protect me from all the wandering mobs

Until I could unleash my full potential I was betting that the mobs could sense my true potential and that’s why they were attacking me almost done putting up the walls I’ll be safe now it turned out I spoke too soon because a dread Beast ran inside the base and started trying

To infect me with its plagues I pulled out my wooden sword and swung away at the mob the wooden sword caught on fire as soon as I started using it it felt good to be the one attacking for a change probably because I hadn’t gotten to do any actual destroying it with the

Final blow the wooden sword got destroyed but I down the Beast bye-bye beasty hey I wonder if I can use my absorbability on it now come on let’s go absorb the ability actually worked this time the dread beast and a bunch of the surrounding blocks got added into my

Body I had gotten way bigger and my total number of Hearts was 14 now I had three tentacles now instead of none I could make three three times as many melee attacks now the only downside was that absorbing more material into myself made part of my base disappear I better

Be careful what I absorb in the future I replaced the blocks that got absorbed and made sure to finish the foundation and replace my broken wooden sword with a new stone one this one should last longer now I plan to go and gather more Stone tomorrow on days four to 5 I went

Looking for more Stone by the Riverside this time I noticed that part of the river was frozen solid like somebody had built a bridge of ice blocks over the running water if I tried to walk on it the ice would melt but something told me the ice and snow Bobs wouldn’t have the

Same problem I was right there was already a Tiga zombie on the Fireside of the river how many times does the ice Meister need to teach a lesson hey I’ve stayed on my side why can’t ice Master stay on his it seems you don’t remember

What you used to be what did I used to be you were the ice meister’s greatest rival the leader of all the fire mobs in this world you almost melted all of the snow Zone before he defeated you wa I used to be the ruler of the Fireside of

The river that’s really cool what happened that made me so small and weak that’s not your business anymore I’ll destroy you before you become that powerful ever again the tiger zombie clearly wanted a fight so I made sure to give it one the zombie had only one

Weapon and I had three tentacles and a stone sword so he was quickly outmatched I won now I’ll absorb you too the absorption didn’t work this time which probably meant that the ice mobs were totally immune that was disappointing but important to know I finished off the

Zombie and gathered as much of the stone as I could before my wooden pickaxe broke I went back to my base with the stone I gathered If there really is a war I need to get fortified on day 6 to 8 I found some lost tentacles lying

Around in the Firelands I wonder if these used to be mine when I was big and strong the Mysteries grow deeper I couldn’t attach them back onto myself but I did know of another way to put them to good use first I had to gather sticks from around the burnt trees next

I upgraded my wooden tools to Stone this let me mine for a couple ingots of iron and gold beneath the Firelands with access to both sticks gold and iron I was able to craft a hook then I combin the Lost tentacles with my hook in order to make a tentacle grab this special

Item would let me grapple enemies and keep them from getting away it would be perfect for keeping mobs within melee range not long after I crafted the tentacle grab I noticed a few ice mobs on this side of the river they were ice piglins and they were not happy to see

Me get out of here go tell ice Meister that I survived and I’m going to become big and strong again theyve started moving towards me time to test out my new weapon I quickly struck down the first mob and then the second I then snared the ice piglin with a tentacle

Grab and pulled him in for a tentacle beat down bet you weren’t expecting that those old lost tentacles were good for something after all the piglin Was Defeated ice Meister would have to do better than that if he won wanted to eliminate me for good and next I was

Going to strike back it was time to see what this snowy biome was all about on days 9 to 10 I gathered as much Stone as I could find and built a sturdy bridge over the river now I can cross over to ice Master side of the river and see

What I’m up against the snowy biome had tons of materials that I had never seen on the fiery side of the river there were blocks of lapis and the polar bears dropped some pelts which I used for decoration on my base I continued through the tundra seeing all sorts of

Wonderful things along the way this was a nice area it would be a shame if I had to burn it all down that’s when I saw him ice Meister memories of the last time we fought came flooding back to me I was a lot bigger than I am right now

When I lost to him but it seemed like he used some kind of enchantment on me I had to find out more I approached ice Meister confidently remember me it can’t be you’re the fire wither Storm from across the river that’s right and you’re going to stop sending ice mobs Into the

Fire Firelands or we’re going to have a problem huh pathetic little puff of smoke I’ll let you live just this once but only because I’ve already sealed your power away I didn’t know what he meant but I had the feeling he wouldn’t be so understanding if I stuck around I

Turned back towards the river so that I could make my way home when I got to the stone bridge I noticed a brown bear halfway over the bridge oh hey don’t mind me please don’t tell me you’re another ice mob invading my territory me not all I’m trying to get somewhere

Warmer are you from the Firelands actually I used to be Top Dog over there I am Zozo the fire wither storm I’m Reginald all the other bears like the cold but I’d rather be in a nicer climate everywhere icem goes He freezes the terrain and starts building cities

Made out of ice well then you’ll be right at home in the Firelands it’ll always be warm there on days 11 to 12 Reginald and I returned to my base on the fires side of the river I soon made an extra room for him with a sunroof so

He could get the most out of the Pleasant weather after that I went to mine for more iron with my stone pickaxe because of all the lava Firelands were rich in obsidian which I could gather later it’s a sturdy material that would make my base stronger but before I could

Get enough ingots I was ambushed by a wildkin it did a ton of damage with a single attack ow my heart I couldn’t get any further into the iron mine with that mob down there so I ran back above ground I have to unlock more of my former abilities what else do wither

Storm do I concentrated as hard as I could on one of the nearby magma cubes with some effort I was able to fire a Wither Skull projectile the mob was destroyed in one hit wither skulls that’s it the wildkin would take more than a few Wither Skull attacks to be

Defeated but I could at least weaken it before it got close I went back down into the iron mine and put my plan into action the wildkin was waiting for me so I wasted no time blasting him with three wither SCS now I could fight at close range without worrying about getting

Worn out wildkin’s clubw were still doing damage to me but I had three tentacles so my attacks were much faster once I beat him I crafted an iron pickaxe and M the obsidian from the surface of the Firelands this obsidian will look great on my base I was right

The Obsidian made a perfect addition to the outer walls my base was becoming a real fortress on days 13 to 15 I started to remember more of what happened back when I was a fully grown fire wither storm I was huge and absorbing everything in sight I remember the

Terrain being covered in ice but like the snowy biome next door it was the middle of the ocean I must have been able to fly here from the Firelands down below I saw ice Meister he was slightly smaller than the present day so this must have been its younger self you’re

Not so tough move aside pipsqueak I won’t let you destroy my home he sounded really upset and from the look of things it seemed like I was the one who had attacked first I saw ice Meister hold a black block and it began absorbing me no impossible my destructive power your

True form is sealed now it will never escape this enchanted block I fell down to the ground a tiny and weak version of what I used to be I’ll be back one day ice Meister called some other snowmen to put me on a block of ice which floated

Away from this land and Down the River to the Firelands back then the Firelands were on both sides of the river the dream ended there it seemed like ice Meister just wanted Revenge because of what I did but he showed Mercy to me the

Last time I was there in spite of that I can’t believe I used to be the bad guy I should just leave the ice mobs alone from now on that might be the only way to make up for all the destruction I caused when I was big on days 16 to 19 I

Decided to tell Reginald about the memories I was having I felt really bad about what I did so I needed to talk to a friend I thought ice Meister was the bad guy but it turns out I made him that way because I bullied him and melted his

Home that is a lot have you thought of saying sorry and trying to do something nice for him I might have messed up too badly for that there’s no way to Undestroyed behind he was better off without me anyway I was a destructive bad guy and he was just a regular bear how could he understand what I was feeling right now while I was out wandering the Firelands I saw a village under attack by Tiger zombies oh no I

Have to help without even thinking I raced to the aid of the villagers the zombies were easier to defeat this time now that I was bigger and I could clear out several at once the villagers cheered as I drove the last of the ice mobs off their home was saved and I

Actually felt good the fire lands were attacked because of me but I’m going to save them anyway I can’t change the past but I will stop this war and save my home thank you Zozo we were hoping someone would protect our Village from the ass mobs but we never expected you

Would return to save us I’m back and better than ever the villagers brought a large stack of blocks out of their houses and set them down in front of me we were storing these blocks for you to absorb so you could become strong again you’re not afraid of my True Form no way

You are always nice to us fire mobs and with you around nobody messed with us go on absorb those blocks I did what the Villager said and became an even larger fire wither storm my total number of tentacles was five and I had three heads now hi hello my armor and hearts were

Both increased too with iron level durability and 25 Hearts I was really starting to resemble my old self in a good way I hoped do you villagers know anything more about how I used to be we do know one thing the legendary block that contained your true form was hidden

Away by Ice Master after he defeated you the first time if you can find that you’ll be back to full power in no time full power I like the sound of that even though taking my old form could make me a bad guy again I decided to find the

Sealed block anyway if I’m going to end this war I may as well be prepared to do whatever it takes takes on days 20 to 22 I went back to the base so I could apologize to Reginald for running away I found him outside the base fending off

Some polar bears it’s over Reginald you’re coming home with us no this is my friend’s base and I’m protecting it until he comes back you’re a fool we were right to kick you out of the Polar Bear Club I ran over to help Reginald

I’m back I’m so sorry I yelled at you oh it’s The Firestorm Retreat poar ran away in fear in the side of me thank you Zozo I’m glad you came back what are friends for now that the base was safe from the ice mobs I started laying the foundation

For a statue I would need a lot of obsidian so I got to mining as much as I could with my pickaxe I diverted part of the river into the Firelands to create even more obsidian where the lava was flowing freely this also let me improve

The base with a moat that even the ice mobs would have trouble Crossing I made sure to give it a drawbridge and I filled it with lava that should be enough obsidian to get started what do you think i’ building also subscribe to zoo if you want to see more of my

Adventures on days 23 to 26 the base was attacked by more ice mobs those polar bears who bullied Reginald must have told ice Master where I was there was a whole pack of frost stalkers trying to get in there were some strong mammoths but fortunately they weren’t the kind

That were clever enough to open doors thanks to the blocks I absorbed in the village I was big and strong enough to give them a real thrashing the last one to be defeated dropped their Pelt which I used to craft a frost stalker clo with this I could disguise myself as a frost

Stalker and infiltrate the snowy biomes I traveled over the stone bridge and into the cold Forest where the frost stalkers lived the cloaks disguise worked like a charm I could tame the frost stalkers and have them keep other mobs out of the forest the trees here were made of spruce wood which couldn’t

Be found in the Firelands I should take some home with me since I’m here I would have stayed longer but I was worried about being discovered by the ice Meister I went back to the base and built myself a fireplace that would put the spruce wood to good use when when I

Went back outside I saw a fire Elemental hanging outside the walls of the base excuse me is this where the resistance is resistance you know the resistance against ice meister and his army of Ruthless conquerors some villagers told me that the fire wither storm was coming

Back is that you yep that’s me oh wow I’m your biggest fan I wanted to join up with you and help save our home you’re a fan of me wow I’m not sure how I feel about that but I’ll let you in it’s safer inside of the base sweet I added a

Room made completely out of obsidian to the base for the fire Elemental to live inside on days 27 to 31 I had another Vision but this time it wasn’t from the past but from the present I could feel my sealed destructive power calling out for me from inside the enchanted block

It seemed like it had been locked away inside of some kind of underground Vault I didn’t get to see the outside of the chamber but my best guess was that the entrance was somewhere in the snowy biome I went to the stone bridge in order to across but saw that it had been

Destroyed while I was away that must have been the ice meisters doing it looked like the mob who did it was still there a ferocious Yeti that was bigger and batter than any ice creature I had faced yet it snarled and charged at me you may have wrecked my bridge but I’m a

Lot tougher I launched a Wither Skull at him before hitting him with the tentacle grab the yeti attacks were strong but so were mine after fighting the big lug for a bit I let go of the grapple and pushed him into the river the fast moving current washed him far away I jumped

Over the gaps of the bridge and made it to the other side on days 32 to 35 I came across a village of Icemen they’ll probably attack me if they find out who I really am I’d better blend in I used the frost Walker cloak in hopes that

They’d think I was just a mammoth passing through it didn’t really work it’s the leader of the fire mobs darn it there goes that plan what do you want with us don’t be afraid I’m not a bad guy anymore I just want my powers to be unsealed do you know where the ice

Meister is keeping the block I can tell you that it’s not anywhere in the snowlands ice Meister didn’t want you to invade us looking for it I’m not invading I swear like we’d believe you it wasn’t on this side of the river that was bad news on its own it was even

Worse because the villagers were really scared of me I figured I might as well leave and then ice Meister showed up what’s this Iceman Are you seriously being friends with a fire mob that’s not cool no ice Meister it’s the leader the fire wither storm you seal the away

That’s even worse I should have you all Frozen for this betrayal hey don’t blame them I’m the one you want and you I told you I’d only spare you once then come and get me ice Meister started chasing me so I ran away from the Iceman Village

Back to the river thinking quickly I took a risk and jumped in the water would deal damage to me but I had enough Hearts to withstand it now I had gotten away from the ice Meister but the current took me for a ride that was until I hit an ice Bridge further down

The river and and was able to swim back to shore it was the Iceman they had come to save me thank you for distracting ice Meister he’s gotten really angry lately and he’s obsessed with war you protected us so I guess we misjudged fire mobs no

Sweat come on follow me back to the base on days 36 to 39 I made some big changes to the base so the Icemen who were staying here wouldn’t be too uncomfortable with the heat I carefully made a big pool filled with water for them to cool off you can never have

Enough water fun well I can but you guys have a good time you got that right now that you’re all here why don’t you tell me more about that block that contains My True Form ice Meister said he hid it in a place that is neither fiery or icy

A pasture with a balanced climate and huge fields of crops it sounds like there wouldn’t be any War happening there yeah wherever it is after talking to the Iceman I did some more work on my statue I’ve moved past the foundation and it’s starting to take shape do you

Know what it could be on days for 40 to 43 the base was visited by a friendly dragonfly salutations I’ve heard that you’re trying to take the fight to the ice Meer you heard correctly all right it just so happens that I know about a way to upgrade your wither skulls oh

Tell me tell me there’s an ice mop Outpost up River from here where they are keeping the power up which will turn your wither skulls to Blue wither skulls it’s guarded by a goat Centaur Archer so be careful I followed the dragonfly’s advice and went to The Outpost as soon

As I got there the Archer started opening fire I avoided the arrows and struck back with my wither skulls Kabam I’m a pretty good shot inside The Outpost was the blue Wither Skull power up I absorbed it and my projectile attacks became twice as strong these

Blue ones do serious damage I felt the call of my sealed self further up River so I decided to trust that feeling and keep going on days 44 to 49 I was astounded by how beautiful the biome around me was there were crops growing everywhere and the grass was Lush and

Green so this is what the world would look like if Fire and Ice weren’t fighting there were still dangers out here A whole pack of coyotes tried to eat me but I was too spicy that’s a fire joke the coyotes turned away from me and

Ran back into the field of crops I saw them a couple seconds later chasing a poor scarecrow help help if only I had a way out of this Mass hang on I’m coming I ran in and smacked the coyotes with my sword scaring them off why were they

Chasing you I thought coyotes ate meat they’re vegetarian coyotes and most of my body is made out of vegetables oh glad I could help I’m straw Bastion feel free to make yourself at home there are plenty of crops here all nourished by the magical power source we keep underground this magical power source

Wouldn’t happen to look like a black block would it oh I’ve never seen it personally all I know is that it has a great fiery power which can keep the ground nice for cultivating crops that has to be my sealed form on days 50 to 53 I followed straw Bastion as he showed

Me around his peaceful land I was Keen to get my hands on my True Form but I didn’t want to scare him since he seemed like a nice guy has this place always been so peaceful there isn’t any Great War if that’s what you’re asking but we

Do have our own problems huh like what look around all this delicious food and nobody they eat it every season so much of it goes bad because the people in the surrounding lands don’t come to visit well I’ll make sure that changes that reminds me there’s another traveler here

Oh how nice do I know them turns out I did the yeti who broke my bridge jumped out and attacked me he must have swam all the way back up let’s finish what we started I grappled him and we began to fight straw Bastian got scared so he ran

Away I wanted to go check on him but I had to teach this Yeti a lesson first don’t break people’s stuff I hit him with my Wither Skull and the yeti was no more after the fight I looked around for straw Bastion but couldn’t find him I

Guess I’ll come back later I was walking home when I ran into another vegetable person this one had a tomato for a head wait are tomatoes fruits or vegetables what’s it to you sorry I’m just looking for the legendary enchanted block how do

You get to it you got to dig for it but you’ll need better DS the that there’s a garden shed nearby with a strong shovel you can use I took the Tomato man’s advice and found a diamond shovel inside of a nearby abandoned shed the shed was

Too small for me so I used my tentacle to pull the shovel towards me without damaging The Shack on days 54 to 57 I told everyone at the base about the peaceful Fields Upstream all the Fire and Ice villagers were excited about all the food there and wanted to visit to

Make the journey easier I made Rob boats out of the Spruce Wood while I was working Reginald came outside to join me he said he wanted to ask me something what is it buddy I wanted to mention something about this place with all the vegetables doesn’t it sound amazing it

Does for everybody else but Bears don’t eat greens we prefer fish and lots of it oh I get what you’re saying you want me to rustle up a source of fish so that you can have your favorite food too yeah as long as it’s not too much to ask

You’ve got nothing to worry about my friend I decided to go fishing but not with nuts or fishing p I dug a gigantic hole in the ground it was big enough to be a pond Just Add Water Reginald would have all the fish he needed right here

At the base thank you so much here’s a weapon I think you could use like you it’s a destroyer Reginald handed me a powerful breaking weapon my excavations would be a lot easier with that bad boy in my arms on days 58 to 62 the statue was really starting to come together you

Could almost guess what it was going to be a new wave of ice mobs suddenly broke through the Bas defenses there were ice piglins Frost stalkers and even new enemies I hadn’t seen before who let them in Zozo help I saw Reginald being attacked by those polar bears again

Thinking quickly I put on my Frost stalker helmet and sent some of the frost stalkers to deal with them Reginald and I ran away to another part of the base together when we were there we saw that the fire villagers and Icemen were fighting hey break it up

What’s going on here I knew we couldn’t trust the people of the snowlands you’re the ones who couldn’t accept us enough I shouted loudly and got everyone’s attention I probably scared them but at least they stopped fighting stay here and don’t hurt each other I’ll go deal with the enemies outside Reginald you’re

In charge yes sir I left Reginald in the villagers in the safe place behind my house and fought back the ice mob single-handedly there was one friend I hadn’t seen in there and I was becoming worried come on fire Elemental where are you I discovered him at the drawbridge

Surrounded by Ice mobs they had already depleted most of his health by the time I got there I wanted to do something but it was too late sorry zoo I thought we could win so I called for a battle it’s okay I’m here now we’ll win oh good you

Can do it Zozo with that the fire Elemental faded away he had been so brave and unlike me he wasn’t coming back from this this was Ice meister’s fault he was going to pay on day 63 to 66 I went to the snowlands and tried to convince the local creatures to stop the

War this battle is between ice meister and myself none of you need to get involved if you don’t want to fight me there is a place at the top of the river with plenty of food and no war if you stay here ice Meister will force you to

Invade the Firelands a few of them seemed to listen and started heading Upstream but one ran out of the crowd of snow creatures and attacked me for ice Meister I will defeat you you cannot be allowed to reclaim your true form he was strong so I had to fight back at at

Least I wasn’t picking on the weaker ones stop it more fighting is not the solution it’s too late you already melted our home once and most of the world too how do you think the fire lands ended up burned and destroyed I did that yes you are the fire wither

Storm you are the true evil in this world please I’m going to be nicer you don’t have to do this he wouldn’t listen I had no other choice I defeated him with a blue Wither Skull attack the other ice creatures ran away I’m sorry

On days 67 to 70 I caught up with some of the other ice mobs that had gone to the crop field at least they are safe I saw some ruins in the distance and went to check them out with the Destroyer I started to dig into the Earth until I

Came Upon A vault made of Bedrock even the Destroyer couldn’t get through this probably because of enchantments I dug around more and found an entrance but it was guarded somehow this Guardian seemed familiar I was wondering when you’d show up who are you and why do I feel like I

Know you that’s when I received another memory of the past I saw myself as a fire wither storm raging across the land I saw everything on both sides of the river get turned to Ash and lava by my side the whole time was my loyal pack of Cerberus mobs and their leader Tartarus

The same tardus that was standing in front of me guarding the entrance to the Vault Tartarus you remember now I don’t understand why are you guarding the Vault buddy my true form is inside of there and I need it to defeat ice Meister the only thing you need is to

Return home and give up on this quest for the legendary block I can’t do that people have gotten hurt because of this war people have gotten hurt because of you too I’m here to stop you from becoming your worst self again even if that means ice Meister becomes my worst

Self instead yes even if that happens then I’m sorry for what I have to do as tardus and I began to fight all of his special attacks started to come back to me I avoided his breath weapon and his breaking claw strikes I pelted him with wither skulls until we clashed head

To-head you were really strong old friend sorry again I drew the destroyer and swung it at him but he dodged and ran away rather than chase after him I checked the Vault for my sealed form on day 71 to 74 I entered the room that had haunted my dreams this was definitely

Where the block that held my True Form had been I said had been because it wasn’t there now someone had taken it I felt its call again from far away and realized immediately what had happened Tartarus must have been keeping the Block in his own inventory he was really

Determined to keep me from returning to my full self he’s probably on his way to ice Meister right now to hide the block again I didn’t want to have to fight tardus again but if he was with ice Meister the two of them would be unbeatable at my current level dejected

I left the empty Vault behind on day 75 to 78 I asked the frost stalkers I had recruited during the ice mob attack what they eat like Reginald the frost stalkers ate fish too so I used the Destroyer to make the pond bigger all of them will have enough to eat now you’ve

Really made this place feel like home for me I have this I think it’ll help regginald gave me a book with an enchantment that could make me take no extra damage from water thanks re this will come in handy next time I cross the river you’re welcome pal well aren’t we

Awfully buddy buddy oh no tardus seems like you have a new best friend I should have known you’d leave me behind tardus where is my true for wor doesn’t matter you’re not yourself anymore I’m going to end this bitter memory once and for all he lunged forward I drew the Destroyer

Run Reginald be careful Zozo the second battle between me and tardus began I could still sense his moves but he was fighting like I’d never seen him fight before it took everything I had to keep on fighting until I struck him down at last that was good hit you weren’t

Totally different after all tardus why listen closely because I only have time to say this once I brought ice Meister the legendary block and he probably still has it that means I can get it back from him yes but pay attention that sealed block has had its destructive energy reversed through enchantments

That’s why all the plants grew so beautifully in that field above they are all going to wilt away if you don’t put it back but what about me my power looks like you’ll have to make a difficult decision I wish you luck tardus Tartarus hey I’ll still be there for you just

Absorb me then I can help Okay I absorbed tardus and grew even larger I was close to a full-size wither storm now I had 60 hearts and Diamond level durability thanks buddy I’ll never forget my oldest friend on day 79 to 84 I crossed the river without the bridge

Because I was too big to get swept up in the current I took the forest route saying hello to my friends the frost stalkers along the way hello oh hey there The Voice came out of a nearby tree or should I say treant wao I didn’t

See you there didn’t mean to sneak up on you I’m The Gardener of the field and I’ve come to give this ice Meister fella a Stern how do you do how do you do doing quite well thank you yourself I’m actually looking for ice Meister too

Believe it or not we might be after the same item you mean the legendary power source that nourishes our crops yep I used to want to have it for a different reason but I’ve decided it belongs in that Vault where it can help people I like your thinking you’re not as mean

And Evil and scary as you look thanks I guess I traveled together with the gardener until we saw a formidable Fortress of snow and ice on the horizon I suppose that must be ice meister’s place I would keep walking but I’m pretty tired you could say I’m bushed

Same and I have a feeling that he’s not going to make this easy for us to get the block back how about we return to my base for now and discuss strategy I like where your heads at all three of them on days 85 to 89 I told the gardener of the

Field everything about my my journey so far including how I used to be a bad guy when I was the ruler of the Firelands and how I was trying to stop the war sounds to me like you’ve seen and done a lot of things since you first spawned

Into this world so long ago changing into a better person from who you were in the past isn’t easy but that’s what growing up is all about if only I could make ice Meister understand that I don’t think he’ll ever forgive me and that makes me sad well to be honest with you

Ice meister and you might never be friends but there’s a lesson in that you are a being of pure destruction who brings fire down upon the world while ice Meister creates snowy Landscapes and gives a sense of urgency to all the creatures he meets you two are Polar

Opposites and this world needs both of you okay I sort of understand but how do I stop him from creating War I just want the mobs to live in peace I’ll let you in on a little secret Zozo I was the one who Enchanted that block wait you helped

Seal my Powers yes and look how it turned out don’t you feel free now I do actually well there is your answer together we will free ice Meister from his Ambitions and the war will come to an end I’ll enchant the new ceiling block but you’ll need to gather the raw

Materials done on days 90 to 94 I searched high and low for as many emeralds as I could find after that I traveled to every village on both sides of the river that would let me in sorry sorry I know I’m scary little by little news spread across the land that I only

Wanted to trade emeralds for bottles of enchanting they started treating me like a regular guy which I really appreciated even though I was too big to get inside the villages throughout my travels I gathered a whole bunch of bottles of Enchantment and returned to the gardener

These will do give me a few days and I’ll have the seal ready awesome with some of the leftover enchantment bottles I decided to give myself the fire aspect enchantment it worked my wither skulls had turned red I could now catch any enemy that they hit on fire on days 95

Arrived in ’97 I completed the statue it had been a statue of tardis all along I didn’t even know that when I started building it but I guess there are some things you never forget no matter how much you change my oldest and most loyal friend would now be remembered as a

Beautiful statue for all to see and every time I saw the statue I would remember him you’ve done all right Zozo thank you for remembering me tardus yep it’s me I heard his voice inside of my head okay this is kind of really weird don’t worry worry I won’t be doing this

All the time just wanted to tell you that I’m proud you chose to put the legendary block back where it truly belongs well some things are more important than getting back something you lost or even being the most powerful fire wither storm in the world you’ll

Always be number one in my book thanks Tardis on day 98 I told the villagers that they could all go home if they wanted to because very soon there wouldn’t be a war on either side of the river but this is our home oh right I

Guess you fire guys can stay what about you you Icemen we’re not sure there were so many great memories in this place I don’t know if we want to leave yet a stay as long as you like well I’m definitely staying of course Reginald I wouldn’t have it any other way you’re

Going to go fight ice Master soon aren’t you yeah buddy it sure seems that way do your best okay and come back safe this base is not a home without you of course I’ll be back shortly after that the gardener walked in with the new enchanted block we’d be using to seal

Ice meister’s evil side Zozo my boy it is time the ceiling block is complete we’re going right now to the Fortress of ice Meister all right let’s go I said my goodbyes to everyone at the base this adventure is almost at the most exciting part so soon I’ll be saying goodbye to

You too but don’t worry we’ll have lots of other adventures together subscribe to the channel and go watch some of my other ones after this there are so many to enjoy like the time I spent 100 days as a lava Wither on day 99 the Gardener

And I returned to the Fortress of ice meister and found that it wasn’t guarded at all where is everyone it looks like you’ve brought Beast to this land after all Zozo must have been all that traveling and trying to do the right thing yeah and most of all he has no

Other mobs to fight for him this is our chance I blasted my way in and realized that I wasn’t completely correct there were traps everywhere that shot ice and snow at me in the gardener oh help I’m not an evergreen tree these cold temperatures are going to make my leaves

Fall off just stay close to me I’ll keep you warm a trap door opened up beneath us no no this is it no way I jumped over the spikes and landed safely on the other side then I used my tractor beam to catch the gardener and grapple him to

Safety thanks you’re using your fire wither storm powers for good never thought I’d see the day you’re right I don’t have to be a bad guy even though I’m fiery and scary I can help people just the way I am now you know let’s go get your true form back you mean you’re

Letting me have the other block sure the field only needs one at a time and you’ve had your turn now it’s ice meister’s turn I can’t believe I’m going to be returning to my true form after all this is so exciting on day 100 The Gardener and I came face to face with

Ice Meister he was holding the block that contained My True Form it’s over ice Meister give back what you stole and we’ll make this easy easy you think there’s an easy way out of this I don’t think so you’re a fire wither storm and you’re bad to the bone your path of

Destruction won’t stop as long as you still exist no it stops now I’m good and I can prove it to you Zozo is telling the truth ice Meister why don’t you call it quits our plants need that block you mean this block Ice Meister held up the

Block with my True Form inside and absorbed it becoming a terrifying new version of himself as if that weren’t bad enough ice Meister also spawned to my bunch of other snowmen to attack us seize them little ones The Gardener looked at me and held up the new enchanted block I’ll fight her the

Ceiling spell up you keep him and his minions busy you got it I Unleashed all my powers on the miniature snowmen I made sure to clear all of them out first before facing off against ice Meister you’ll never defeat me Zozo I already have you thought absorbing that power

You took from you would help you win but destructive power like that should only be used responsibly and what would you know about that more than you’d think we all get to decide who we are and I’ve decided that this is my true form as soon as I said that I instantly grew

Back to full size I had 180 Hearts now the playing field was even while the ice Meister was distracted The Gardener finished charging his spell Zozo now move I dodged out of the way as a beam shot forth from the Block in an instant it absorbed ice meister’s evil form and

Left behind only a tiny snowball I’ll get you for this okay but take your time maybe you could be the good guy this time with the seal set in place The Gardener was able to save the crops at his field meanwhile I went back to my base in the Firelands it was peaceful

For now and I hoped that would last either way it was a good day to be myself on day one I spawned in as a lava wither wow I’m so little and I only have four Hearts I can still hover in the air a bit though and can I yes I can throw

Flaming wither skulls awesome I don’t see seemed very powerful though it looked like I was in a town of some sort all of a sudden I was attacked by some villagers one of them threw shears at me how rude but I’m keeping the shears hey

I know I threw some wither skulls but I didn’t hit anyone I wasn’t doing anything to you I hurried and flew away slowly I wasn’t very fast yet man that was mean but I can’t afford to fight right now I found a little cave and managed to find a corner that seemed

Safe tomorrow I’ll gather some supplies and with that I fell asleep on day two I woke up feeling refreshed I better get some some supplies so I can build a shelter for myself I actually liked the cave I was living in so I decided to stay there I chopped down some trees and

As I hit them I saw that the trees were catching on fire oh whoops Smokey the Bear is going to be so mad at me I’d have to be careful about what I touched since it seems like I was pretty hot literally I had enough wood to make some

Tools for myself though they were simple but they did the trick then I almost made myself a nice little Nook in the cave but the pickaxe broke I went to craft some stone tools and while crafting the crafting table set on fire oh man I’ll have to figure out a

Solution to this I noticed that my hunger bar was getting a little low but I didn’t really know what Withers like to eat I guess I would have to go out and try a few things I flew around the forest and found some mushrooms and other berries I tried them but it seemed

Like Withers didn’t like mushrooms looks like no fungi for this wither continued on and saw some animals maybe I would like some eggs or chicken sorry guys I ate the raw chicken but I didn’t like that either and it barely refilled my hunger bar I explored some more but it

Started to get dark so I decided to head home for the night I’ll try looking for some other food tomorrow maybe a nice s salad on day three I went looking around for some plants and grass I went for the grass but it only dropped seeds then I

Had the idea to use the shears on it and VOA I got some dried grass I decided to eat some dried grass and finally it refilled my Hunger a decent amount weird but whatever does the trick I guess as I was eating I thought I saw something

Moving behind a tree hello I didn’t hear anything so I assumed I was alone I kept eating my dry grass I went exploring and realized that I was on an island the water was so clear and beautiful I wanted to touch it I reached out and it

Hurt me I don’t think I like water anymore I mean I’m literally made of lava so it makes sense I made sure to gather up some grass for later I flew away from the shore I decided to explore closer to the center of the island there were lots of trees and bushes there

Seemed to be a mountain in the middle of the island wait no it was a volcano oh wow I flew a little closer to the lower part of the volcano and realized there was some lava inside ooh that feels nice all of a sudden some lava spewed up at

Me hitting me out of the air ouch I quickly flew away and headed back to my cave for the night on days four to 5 I left the cave to go exploring some more I realized later that someone was following me I wasn’t sure what it was

But I could see it darting away when I wasn’t looking I decided to hide behind some rocks and then pop out at it it came around the Rock and I scared it it was just a little butterfly hey what are you doing following me I’m not

Okay sure I kept going and waited again for the butterfly to come around the bend of a rock you are following me admit it fine I am but I need your help me what can I help with you need to keep the island from exploding uh what the

Butterfly sighed and flew away anxiously the island has been shaking and there have been small lava explosions the town wise woman said that the island is going to be destroyed with a huge explosion it can be prevented by a hero me the town summoned you and you came but one

Villager and his family were opposed to the whole thing and he’s the one that is hacked you rude right anyway you’re only hope why me um I assume it’s because you’re made of lava that would make sense but I have no idea how to do that

I need to talk to the Village wise woman agreed the butterfly who called herself Vanessa led the way on day 6 to 8 we arrived back at the Village we saw a few people around but not many those are the people who attacked you Bruce and his son Bobby Vanessa pointed out some

Villagers outside with some pitchforks they were arguing with some of the other villagers yeah I know how to get to the wise woman’s house Vanessa led me around the back of some houses when we arrived at a home with a bell hanging outside nice I’ve been expecting you young hero

I flipped around to see a wise old woman with a basket of various dry grass on the table next to her I assume you are hungry yes thank you she welcomed Us in and she made Vanessa some tea you want to know how to defeat the volcano well I

Don’t even believe that I can I’m so small you can you just have a few steps to take she brought out what looked like an orb I knew that the volcano would erupt someday the villagers turned to me to help and I gave them a solution but

Some would not listen they will seek you out to hurt you they believe believe you are evil and have ill intent why would they think I’m evil some Withers are but that is a choice young friend you choose your path and for the sake of our Island

I hope you Choose Wisely the orb suddenly started to glow and I saw a figure inside it looked like me but bigger and stronger you can gain the ability to control the lava and tame the volcano but it will take time you will need to complete tasks in order to

Become the hero we so desperately me what do I need to do only you will be able to know the volcano will speak to you huh speak to me interesting it had gotten late so the woman invited us to spend the night on days 9 to 10 Vanessa

And I woke up and went outside to collect some food from the old woman before we left the wise woman said that in the vision she also saw our struggles with setting things on fire that’s when she tossed out a cobblestone crafting table just what we need thanks Vanessa

Started to fly away I need to take care of some things but you should go see what Bobby one of the villages is doing I went ahead and that’s when I noticed a villager who I assumed was Bobby was outside among the other towns Folk he

Looked angry then all of a sudden he jabbed his Pitchfork at an innocent villager defend them where did that voice come from I decided to listen to it hey leave them alone I dashed over to help the Villager and stop Bobby get back you devil we don’t want you here

Bobby tried to stab at me but I moved out of the way I’m not here to hurt you I’m here to save the island just please stop hurting people Bobby looked surprised you’re not going to eat us ew gross I mean no why would I do that

Bobby looked shocked and he lowered his pitch for my father has been telling everyone that Withers are evil and can never be trusted they feed on The Souls of men well I definitely don’t I just like grass Bobby seemed confused but also relieved he looked at me and nodded

I Will Follow You tiny wither I know that I had my doubts but you seem like you really care about our people in our Island and I did I knew they were just trying to make their way in the world like me we could all live together in

Harmony just then Bobby’s father Bruce ran out of the house with a pitchfork he ran towards me but Bobby blocked him Dad don’t hurt him he’s just trying to help get out of the way boy you don’t know what you’re talking about then Bruce jabbed his Pitchfork at Bobby defend

Them hey leave them alone I spun towards Bruce pushing him away as I did I threw one of my tiny little flaming wither skulls at him it wasn’t much but it did a little bit of damage it also gave him some weaer effect you see he’s an evil

Creature he will only cause pain and misery wherever he goes I am not evil the only evil here is you and with that threw another flaming Wither Skull it didn’t take Bruce out but it did bring him down stop him make sure he doesn’t hurt our friend again Bobby smiled at me

And changed Bruce up took his pitchforks and took him off to the jail I’ll come for you wither you won’t succeed in your evil plan Bobby came back over as Vanessa flew back as well thank you Zozo Zozo thank you Zozo you are a welcome

Friend all of a sudden I felt a power surge through me and I leveled up into a slightly bigger wither I had more hearts and my flaming Wither Skull seemed more powerful too then I heard the Ethereal voice again well done zo zoo I looked around but I didn’t see where it came

From Wow neat Vanessa flew around me and did a little happy dance I don’t know but it looked fun wow that was amazing thanks now let’s see what my new wither skulls can do I launched some skulls and saw that they did more damage than before there was more room to grow but

This was definitely a good start I felt amazing I also felt the warmth in my heart I think the voice I heard was the volcano calling to me I defended the people and it was happy on days 11 to 12 Bobby helped me build a house in the

Village well it was more like like a nice cave in the side of a rock since I would burn wood if I touched it we figured that I should stay close Vanessa flew in and saw that I was making a new home and informed me that while she was

Gone before she had decorated my old cave and now that I was building a new place to live she was sad I wouldn’t be using her improvements I told her not to worry as I planned on bringing everything she had done in the old base

To this new one she seemed to like that and did her little happy dance as I made my way to the cave I noticed some spiders outside of it they weren’t too much of a threat and I took them out easily easy peasy I hit a bit of grass

While looking at the new entrance of the cave and one of the small spiders jumped up behind me and tried to bite me I took it out with one hit I went in and gathered my things but before I could grab all of them a huge spider dropped

Down from the ceiling a gross who are you calling gross you three-headed freak hey that’s not very nice the spider lunged at me and I dodged around him I was able to use my Fireballs but he kept getting hits in I didn’t think I could defeat him but I managed to take him

Down pH that was close I guess I wasn’t as strong as I thought I still had a long ways to go before confronting the volcano I gathered the rest of my things and headed back to the village on days 13 to 15 I made my way back to my new

Cave on the way I noticed a small Al Cove and decided to mine out some materials I found some Cobblestone iron clay Blackstone diorite and of course some flowers perfect I can make these into better tools and armor I can also use them to upgrade my base I made my

Way back to the village with my new materials excited about what I had found when I got back some of the houses were on fire Vanessa flew up to me Zozo the volcano erupted it was just a small one but some Fireballs fell down from the

Sky and burned up some houses I looked around and knew I needed help Bobby threw an empty bucket at me and I hurried to the ocean to help take out the fire with the water bucket since I wasn’t touching the water directly I was fine and didn’t get hurt I asked Bobby

To come with me and we mined out some more Stone we needed to fireproof the houses just in case we helped the villagers make some improvements to their homes so they wouldn’t catch fire again it was hard work but we all felt a little safer afterwards except I didn’t

Get why the volcano was telling me to do things and then attacking people there had to be some sort of explanation well I thought about that I decided to finish up my cave home by adding all of the things I had gotten from my old base I

Also used some of the materials I had mined earlier and last of all I smelted down the iron so that I could craft some better tools and armor on day 16 to 19 I woke up to the voice again be strong for them I didn’t know exactly what that

Meant but I needed to find out I went to the wise woman again and told her that the volcano had spoken to me I also told her I didn’t understand why it would attack the villagers to answer that question you must talk talk to Bruce Bruce the guy that tried to hurt me

Precisely I didn’t understand why but I’m sure I would figure it out subscribe subscribe well I guess if the volcano said it then it’s pretty important I made my way out of the house into the jail cell where Bruce was being kept I need to talk to you Bruce never he spit

At me why do you hate me so much he ignored me I guess I could try again later I headed out and went to find Bobby and Vanessa I told them all about the volcano speaking to me and about Bruce Bobby didn’t seem surprised I dad doesn’t really talk that much it would

Take a miracle to find out what he knows great off to a strong start I got back to my cave and made some better upgrades to my house I even built Vanessa a little Nook to stay in she seemed to really like it thanks Zoo you’re awesome

She really did know how to put a smile on my faces on days 20 to 22 I woke up with that same voice in my head be strong for them huh can you at least tell me how silence great I got up and decided to go out to the beachfront to

Look for some things and gather supplies it was beautiful but I had learned my lesson about water just then a huge crab came out and tried to snatch me luckily I Was Made of lava and I burnt him ouch that’s rude I wanted to eat you trust me

You don’t want to eat me the crab looked at me confused you’re not a shrimp with three heads no I’m a lava wither Zoo to be exact a lava wither haven’t seen one of those since the last one was summoned wait there was another one when the crab

Clicked his claws for a minute and thought probably like 40 years ago something like that that was a small thing then this this was new information thanks you’ve been a big help I would say thanks to you but you’re not a shrimp so I’m even hungrier and with

That the crab skittered away what a weird guy we had almost forgotten why we came to the beach but then remembered and picked up some more sand on days 23 to 26 I headed back to the village and started smelting the sand Vanessa and Bobby came to say good morning I told

Bobby and Vanessa about what I learned from the crab another wither was summoned I wonder why nobody ever mentioned it yeah I wonder I decided to talk to the wise woman again she would have been around then so she must know something I confronted her and she

Sighed I had hoped that Bruce would have told you but I suppose I must she grabbed her orb again and I saw images flash across it about 40 years ago two young men in the village decided to play with magic they had read about Withers and decided that they wanted to summon

One they grabbed the items required from a weird magical room they went about it correctly but there are always risks once the Wither was summoned using magma blocks and wither skulls it befriended the two young men they kept it secret for a long time but the Wither wanted to

Be free the boys promised that they would let him go but they never did the Wither grew bitter and despised humans especially the ones who had summoned him one day he managed to break free from its bonds there was an argument between the three but the Wither had had enough

He attacked the village and the two young men let me guess Bruce was one of those young men the other died trying to save Bruce’s life his name was Marcus so what happened to the Wither it laid the village to ruins destroying most and then escaped taking captivity in the

Volcano it grew over time and now inhabits it it seeks revenge on All Humans but it’s been biting its time so it’s not the volcano that is attacking people it’s the Wither living inside the old woman nodded but the spirit of the volcano has been battling with it for

Many years it has grown weak nearly on the brink of collapse that is why we need you Zozo you must restore the volcano and defeat the Wither corrupting it that was a lot to process this wither had been growing for over 40 years how could a small wither like me stand

Against something so powerful on days 27 to 31 I woke up and knew where I needed to go I went to Bruce and told him what I had learned he looked tired today not as angry I know what I did was wrong I messed with power that I had no right to

Use I wanted something special and I treated it like garbage it’s all my fault that this is happening but I can’t fix it he seemed so sad but I knew what I needed to say that’s why I’m here I will protect you all of you Bruce looked at

Me and he smiled I owe you my life Zozo thank you I unlocked the gate and let Bruce out of the jail he couldn’t embrace me so he bowed a little bit instead I will follow you little wither you are our strength just then I felt

Another surge of power and I leveled up into a bigger wither I was now adult siiz I felt that calm again and then I heard the voice well done I was on the right path now I just needed to prepare on days 32 to 35 I tested out my new abilities I could

Shoot bigger fireballs and could even fly faster Bobby heard the explosion and came to take a look at what was happening he was impressed Bobby gave some materials and helped to set up an obstacle course with some targets to train with we had to keep some water on

Hand though so I wouldn’t burn up all the trees careful Zozo I’m trying I just have no idea what to expect I’ll be fighting another wither and I’m not even sure what Trixie has up his sleeve just then I saw Bruce he came over and

Decided to help me out too he showed me how to do The Crawling exercise I was too big for it so I just flew over the obstacle Bruce was not impressed he then showed me how to aim my shots with some target practice I think I’m getting the

Hang of it I had hit the target but Bruce suddenly drew his bow at me he started shooting and I successfully dodged some arrows but some hit me when he stopped he told me he was trying to teach me how to dodge you could have

Given me a heads up first but hey thanks for your help no problem Zozo anything for you anything um within reason good to know he smiled and we all headed back to the village for some food when we got there there was a commotion at the center Square what’s going on a small

Eruption came up out of the ground and swallowed a house we looked and indeed there was a large spot where the house should have been instead there was a pool of lava was anyone inside No thank goodness but it’s not safe here the villagers all argued until Bruce hushed

Them we will take care care of this we will fortify the village and take precautions the Villager seemed a little at ease but still scared I was going to give it my all to protect these people I just needed to know what to do next on

Days 36 to 39 I waited for the voice of the volcano to guide me there wasn’t anything and I felt a little bit frustrated why aren’t you talking to me nothing I decided that I would just wait patiently or at least try to Bruce and I helped to further fortify The Village he

Threw us some materials and we made some Cobblestone walls as we were doing so Bruce brought up another idea hey Zozo we want to build a statue in your honor also as a reminder of Hope do you have anything in mind I thought for a minute

And then told Bruce what I would like he smiled that sounds perfect we gathered the needed supplies and started to clear a spot for the Statue we built part of the base and hope to get it all done in a few days can you tell what it is on

Days 40 to 43 we went out to explore the island I guess I had some other things I needed to do before the volcano would speak to me again we went looking around the volcano when something caught my eye ey it was a large cave I went in and saw

That there were some diamonds I quickly mined them all up along with some other materials with this I can make some diamond armor neat I noticed some lava running through a part of the tunnel and wondered if that’s how the houses were being swallowed up I tried to create

Some barriers just in case it felt so nice and warm I decided to take a break and enjoy the lava just then I felt something grab me from behind I managed to squirm around and saw a giant squid was dragging me into the water I wasn’t burning him because his tentacles were

Wet so I was helpless oh no he swam into the water pulling me with him when I touched the water I solidified and was basically useless I tried to gurgle to make him stop but he kept swimming further and further down I saw my hearts dropping and thought this was the end

Just then the squid released me into an Al Co out of the water I transformed back into a lava wither my warm heart was enough to melt the stone back into lava hey there you go friend I have saved you huh saved me you almost destroyed me the squid looked confused

Wait you’re not Lily no who’s Lily my daughter huh I looked around and saw some Axel coming up to me that’s not her Paul you need to stop snatching people I looked at the axal and she looked at me there was absolutely no resemblance sorry about Paul he is Lily’s friend and

She disappeared a few days ago we think she might have been kidnapped by the other clan of axelos they live nearby but their keep is protected by a shark well it sounds like you need help I’ll go look for her and bring her back to

You really wow that is so kind of you here you will probably need this the oxel gave me a diving suit I guess that solved the problem with me not being able to go into the water off onto another adventure on days 44 to 49 Paul

Guided Us close to the Rival Axel Clan he suddenly stopped and told us he saw the blue Axel somewhere around here one time but not sure exactly where we thanked him anyway I was close to the surface and took a look to see where I

Was I recognized the area I was next to the dry grass field this was a great opportunity to use used the diamonds I got so I crafted a diamond sword pickaxe and shovel that’s when the crafting table caught on fire ah not this again the bench broke before we could craft

All of the diamonds darn it well at least I got some tools better than nothing I guess that’s when I noticed a nice looking Lagoon inside of it I spotted a cave it seemed empty so I made my way underwater to take a look inside

The cave I thought I could see the Axel hiding in there just then I was attacked by a shark hey I’m just trying to save Lily the shark didn’t respond he kept attacking me luckily I had crafted a new sword so I was able to take him out

Pretty quickly I swam up to the cave and emerged from the water onto a dry area the Axel looked terrified of me I just want to take Lily back home one larger blue Axel moved forward Lily is where she belongs she loves me and wants to

Stay here huh I didn’t see Lily anywhere so I really didn’t trust this guy then I Heard a Voice help I’m in here that must have been Lily her own choice huh Axel jumped at me and attacked the other Axel backed away clearly frightened I was

Able to take down the leader quickly and the other Axel thanked me thank you stranger we’ve been captive to Blake for far too long he wouldn’t let us out and he kidnapped lily as a way to start a war with the pink ax ladles why he was

Obsessed with Lily for months and wanted to marry her but she said no then a few days ago he captured her well you’re all safe now I went around the corner and found Lily trapped in a cave I freed her and we all left the Lagoon I knew what I

Had to do on days 50 to 53 I went back to the alov of the pink Axel with the blue Axel and explained the situation they made a truce and Lily’s mom was more than happy to have her daughter home we owe you a great debt Zozo take

This as a token of our gratitude then Lily’s mom gave me a huge stash of diamonds wow wow thank you of course if what I heard is true you are embarking on a great quest to save our Island you will need it more than we do I thanked

Them again and then started the long journey back home on days 5 4 to 57 I heard the voice of the volcano speak to me sacrifice for them sacrifice I could do that I just needed to figure out how I quickly made myself an armor stand and

Hung my diving suit up as I got to town I noticed that the wise woman was outside looking at the sky welcome back Zozo you have been gone for a long while I got mistaken for an aelott and ended up saving the kidnapped daughter and joining the Clans together H yes as I

Expected I looked at her she was still looking at the sky she was an odd one she was another two houses have collapsed while you’ve been gone we did our best but the Wither grows angry he is nearly on the brink of taking over the volcano I was really worried maybe

The villagers could leave the island and find Refuge somewhere else I suggested it to the wise woman we don’t run away from our problems Zozo not run away just stay somewhere else we are safer here with you huh I turned and saw Bruce and Bobby approaching me are you sure yes

Young friend all will be well soon enough we all looked at the sky together for a minute then Bobby leaned over and whispered to me what are we looking at we slowly backed away as the wise woman continued to look at the sky we went and gathered some more supplies so we could

Continue to work on the Statue it was basically done we just needed a few finishing touches we also built some new houses and made sure that the foundations were solid we also built them over the water in hopes that the other wither would be less likely to

Attack them the Wither would try to take us down but we would Prevail on days 58 to 62 I woke up to Vanessa flying around nervously what’s wrong van Nessa I think there’s a storm coming Zozo look I looked outside and sure enough it started to rain I guess I could try to

Walk around in my diving suit but it would definitely make me slower I don’t think I should go outside I can’t either one raindrop could really hurt me badly I hadn’t thought about that but it made sense that Vanessa was pretty fragile her wings were paper thin it’s okay

Though we can have a day in we can play a game Vanessa flew around me excitedly we ended up playing some games and she shared stories of her family where are they now I’m I’m not sure exactly they all migrated when I was still little my

Wing was hurt so I couldn’t go with them that made me really sad so they abandoned you Vanessa landed her wings drooped a little bit it’s okay Vanessa I won’t abandon you I promise her wings lifted a little bit and she fluttered around again thanks Zozo you’re a good

Friend sacrifice for them I sighed I’m trying Bobby and Bruce eventually came over looking for us we explained the situation and they helped build a little overhang so we could travel to and from the village safely I was really grateful and made some food for everyone a little

While later I took the diamonds I had been given and made myself some nicer armor WoW this stuff was amazing I could take on anything with this on day 63 to 66 I went out to go test my new armor I went out to the Jungle area where I

Hadn’t been before maybe I could find some more food items I was getting a little bit low on dried grass and only had five peas left Vanessa had told me about something called chocolate and it didn’t sound half bad I would go looking for some cocoa beans I was foraging

Through the trees when I entered a to clearing it looked like there was something written in the ground huh it was that thing that the volcano had said to me be sure to listen to that little voice in your head telling you to subscribe I started Gathering some dried

Grass when all of a sudden I heard some loud screaming I didn’t see anyone around me but then I realized it was coming from the sky the volcano was spewing Fireballs I hurried and dodged around them but one hit me it was small but it was enough to knock me over

Apparently these Fireballs are extremely hot since they set me on fire what is this magic I’m not supposed to burn another Fireball hit me ouch stop that what’s the matter can’t take a little heat I looked around but didn’t see anyone it sounded like the voice of the volcano but much

Harsher hello small little wither you are nothing but I can make you great I assumed it was the Wither inhabiting the volcano I’m not listening to you why not we are after all Brothers I’m not your brother you are a bully praying on the innocent innocent they captured me they

Kept me as a pet I knew I was destined for more I had my revenge with the power I possessed but I am so much more now the time will come when I obtain all the power of the volcano and then I will truly have my revenge what they did was

Wrong but they’re sorry you don’t need to blow up the entire Island because you’re mad The Voice screamed and Fireballs rain down around me I tried to dodge but I couldn’t handle all of it a fireball hit me and everything went black on days 67 to 70 I woke up in

Darkness after a minute my body L up the space and I realized I was buried uhoh oh great now I have to dig my way out I started using my tools to chip away at the hardened lava it took a few minutes but I was finally able to free myself

The clearing I had been in was now just a large pool of lava good thing I was made of the stuff otherwise I would have been trapped I flew over the hot magma and started to make my way back to the Village if the Wither had thrown this

Big of a tantrum here I’m sure he did some damage to the Village when I arrived nothing seemed out of the ordinary I realized the Wither must have used up all his strength trying to hurt me that was relieved just then I saw Bobby running up to meet me Zozo come

Quick huh I followed after him into his house what’s wrong it’s my dad I can’t find him anywhere I thought for a minute then something dawned on me he must have gone to talk with the Wither in the volcano that’s the only thing I can think of Bobby looked sick to his

Stomach he doesn’t need to do that he probably feels responsible but don’t worry Bobby I’ll go find him I hurried and flew back to my cave to gather some supplies on my way out I noticed Bobby was waiting for me with a pack on his back I’m coming with you it’s too

Dangerous Bobby it’s my dad I have to do something he was right I wouldn’t want to stay behind either he will probably go back to where it all started on the desolate side of the island then that’s where we’ll go on day 71 to 74 we went tromping through the island slowly Bobby

Couldn’t fly like me but I wanted to keep a low profile anyways we mostly traveled in the jungle and gathered food as we went hey more cocoa beans I totally forgot to make chocolate when I was in the village I’ll have to do that when I get back sacrifice for them huh

Sacrifice what the cocoa beans I think the volcano was losing it we kept traveling and Came Upon a small pond we made a small shelter and decided to stay there for the night Bobby couldn’t really sleep because he was so worried about his dad it’s okay Bobby we’ll find

Him I sure hope so it was quiet for a while but then out of nowhere came some more spiders oh gross Bobby helped me fight them off and in no time they were all gone now I really won’t be able to sleep I’ll keep watch don’t worry Bobby

Nodded and then managed to eventually fall asleep I hoped I could keep my promise to him he really needed his dad and I didn’t want to see him lose him on day 75 to 78 we kept trekking Through the Jungle I could tell that Bobby was really tired but he kept pushing through

We came to a large Cliff side and realized that we needed to climb up it we started to ascend but then the island started to shake Zozo the the island kept shaking and then suddenly the cliff side split Bobby fell halfway into the cliff and managed to hold on to a ledge

I looked down and noticed Bobby was barely holding on I went to grab him but remembered I would burn him uhoh Zozo move I maneuvered around them and managed to get to the ledge then I mined some blocks and created a safe path for Bobby to get back to safety wow that was

Intense you’re telling me we waited for a minute just in case there was another earthquake I hope the villagers are okay I’m sure it’s fine I wasn’t too sure but I had to be hopeful I need a break and some water I nodded and let him rest for

A bit we decided to make camp and I made a small shelter we set up a fire and Bobby was able to fall asleep right away having a near-death experience will do that to you on day 79 to 84 we treed further down the side of the volcano we

Finally made it to the bottom and just as expected there was a Barren Wasteland everything was dried up and Dusty Bobby looked around in awe this is empty sad I nodded in agreement so much destruction and pain it needed to be healed and restored to the way it once was we

Started to make our way through but then Bobby was attacked by some snakes ouch he stabbed them with his Pitchfork but more were getting bites in hey stop it I threw Fireballs at them and managed to take them out but Bobby looked pretty bad you okay buddy I think I’ve been

Poisoned I need some medicine it’s in my bag he managed to grab some and take it the Wilderness is not kind to you my friend Bobby laughed no it is not after this I’m never leaving home again his laugh got quiet I wonder how my dad is doing with all of

This you’re weak I’ll go get you some food where I looked around touche instead I located a large dead branch and severed part of it off I gave it to Bobby to use as a crutch thanks we slowly but surely made our way further into the Wasteland on days 85 to 89

Bobby and I arrived at what looked like the remnants of the village some of the stones were still there but there wasn’t much this must be it my dad has got to be close by Bobby threw down his crutch and went scrambling around the ruins I went looking around but didn’t see much

Then I noticed something shining across the land huh I flew toward it and saw a metall looking container buried in the ground I Unearthed it and discovered it was a cage Bobby came up beside me is that it’s where I kept it we both flipped around to see Bruce emerging

From a small hole in the ground it was partially hidden by a rock which is why we didn’t notice it in the first place Bruce approached us and touched the side of the cage it’s where I kept Aiden the other wither Bruce seemed really upset

And he started to cry I’ve made so many mistakes all of this is my fault I need to fix what I broke not like this Dad don’t sacrifice yourself you only give him what he wants Bruce didn’t say much else but we followed him into a small

Cave we stayed there for a while to rest up while I devised a plan on days 90 to 94 I woke up to Bobby yelling at Bruce it’s not your responsibility yeah yes it is don’t try to stop me Bobby I’m doing this for you for all of you what about

Zozo he promised he would help us and he will I can’t let someone innocent pay for my mistakes not anymore sacrifice for them I knew what I needed to do Bruce went back to his room in a huff and I came up to Bobby I know what I

Have to do just promise that you won’t follow me and make sure your dad stays here is this goodbye Zozo no I’ll be back don’t you worry Bobby nodded and then went up to the opening of his dad’s room we lured Bruce towards the cage telling him that we found something

Interesting in there when Bruce wasn’t looking we pulled him inside the cage and locked the door he looks stunned this is for your own good Bruce don’t follow me he sat there and begged me please Zozo it’s okay Bruce it’s what I’m supposed to do on days 95 to 97 I

Continued flying toward the volcano it spewed lava here and there but I dodged past it when I was a good distance away I stopped and hovered Aiden I’ve come to talk to you the voice I heard before let out an ugly scream and spewed more lava

At me you dare to call me what that monster named me I’m here to take his place Aiden I know you hate him but he needs to live take me instead I saw the lava spew out further almost hitting me why would you sacrifice yourself for such measly humans because it’s the

Right thing to do the voice laughed oh this will be fun I moved closer to the volcano to see if I could spot Aiden suddenly the volcano reached out and snatched me pulling me into its burning Embrace everything went black on day 98 I woke up inside the lava I heard

The voice of the volcano well done Z I felt a powerful surge run through me and I burst from the ground into the air I leveled up into a full-sized wither but then I felt a different kind of power it was much bigger and stronger than me I

Realized I could control the volcano wow I focused my energy and forced Aiden to fly out it was out of the volcano but the fight wasn’t over he was as big as I was probably stronger but what choice did I have I flew toward him spewing lava and shooting withhe heads he fired

Wither heads back at me but at long last one of my wither skulls knocked Aiden down on day 99 I approached Aiden he looked like a normal wither like me but he shook with anger how dare you that was my hope you have no right to use all

That power for evil this ends here Aiden I commanded the lava to burst up and around him and solidify to his body caging him in he was stuck and he knew it let me go I have to make them pay they’re all evil and can’t change they

Don’t deserve to live you’re wrong Aiden and with that I slashed at Aiden and defeated him thank you my friend you have proven yourself worthy of my power the volcano spoke to my mind and I felt a stronger connection with it I was now it’s Guardian if I stayed worthy of it

It felt right on day 100 I freed Bruce and told him the good news he followed me and Bobby back to the village where we all lived happily and safely the people celebrated and I finally made some chocolate chip cookies we also finished the last part of the statue and

It looked awesome everything was right on the island finally on day one I spawned in as a lethal poison lizard in the middle of the deep dark zova Forest oh I look like I’m one red reptile even though I’m just a little baby lizard I wonder if I have any powers I walked

Over to a tree and swiped at it I didn’t even have a tool or weapon but it turned out I had a set of awesome poison claws that I could use for claw based attacks I certainly wouldn’t want to mess with me but just because I wouldn’t mess with

Me doesn’t mean other people wouldn’t this point was proven when a huge dog-headed guy charge through the forest towards me you you dares invade the Overworld of the mighty Lord Anubis you are a trespasser and all trespassers will be annihilated maybe we can work

This out what if I did some work for you I’m I’m really good at completing quests what kind of value would I ever find in a nasty little poison lizard to have you in my Royal sight disgust me I will crush you destroy you leave not even a

Memory of your presence prepare to meet your doom lizard before I could even try to reason with him Anubis blasted a fireball near to me I didn’t feel like taking my chances I just turned and ran off as fast as I could oh no I’m going

To need to get strong enough to defeat that guy or I’m toast I guess being a poison lizard doesn’t win you many friends right off the bat I hid in the forest but that didn’t mean I was out of the woods yet literally on day two I continued my journey through the forest

It wasn’t long until I felt my reptilian stomach Rumble and decided that I needed to Source some food I don’t see anything meaty around here so I guess I’ll settle for some fruit is there an apple tree anywhere near me I searched for a little while until I found one before striking

It down with my poison Claws and grabbing some yummy apples to eat at least I know now that I won’t kill over from Hunger that’ll probably be that evil Jackal god with the Fireballs that does me in speaking of the devil I saw a desiccated desert mummy walking out of

The trees near to me he didn’t look friendly I could tell you that much you must be the nusty little lizard that the great Lord Anubis told me about of course you work for him but why he doesn’t seem like he’d be a chill boss fool Anubis was the lord of the

Underworld and with our help he has conquered the Overworld too all who defy him must be eliminated not if I have anything to say about it I struck him with my poison claw attacks but seeing that the desert mummy was already Undead my poison didn’t affect him much he was

Too strong uh-oh all I could do was turn around and run and I kept running until the desert mummy was fully out of sight it was so frustrating to not be strong enough to defeat anyone but when I stopped to rest a ghost Miner suddenly materialized right in front of me oh no

Are you going to attack me too no Zozo I am your spirit guide it is up to me to help you fulfill your destiny my destiny it is unsafe to discuss here come with me he talked a good game so I walked after the mysterious ghost Miner on day

Three the ghostly Miner kept leading me through the zelkova forest Until We Came Upon a strange little cottage in the middle of the woods this place seems a little suspicious this is the dwelling of the mystery sheep zuu he is one of the Allies that will help you along your

Journey to fulfilling your true destiny trust in me and all will be okay in the end the ghost Miner disappeared he was certainly a strange guy but who was I to disagree with the advice of my spirit Guardian time to speak to the mystery sheep I guess I patiently waited at the

Door until it opened and the Mystery sheep trotted out what brings you here stranger I was told to visit you by my spirit guide he told told me that you could help me fulfill my destiny oh yes and what is your destiny good question I’m not entirely sure but it’s got to

Have something to do with defeating this Lord Anubis guy who attacked me as soon as I arrived ah Lord Anubis an arrogant little God and vain too I can see why he would despise a little poison lizard like you but there’s good news in that my friend if he underestimates you then

You can take him by surprise if you do that then you may have a chance to defeat him with that advice I left the cottage to go make my own way in the world the mystery sheep is Right underestimating me might be the worst mistake that Anubis ever made from day

Four to day five I kept searching until I found a little clearing in the zova forest big enough to build a little base for myself I’m never going to get strong enough to defeat Anubis if I don’t learn to be independent but I can’t accomplish

My goals if I don’t have the right tools that’s why I slashed down a tree and used its resources to build myself a wooden pickaxe then I didn’t waste any time digging into the ground to collect some Stone and craft myself a stone pickaxe and a stone sword the stone

Sword will be useful if I run into another one of those freaky desert mummies with my tool building work done for the day I finally put some effort into building a little base I made it out of wood and stone to keep it sturdy and made myself a little bedroom where I

Could relax when I wasn’t out adventuring my day’s progress made my spirit guide the ghost minor materialized right in front of me Zozo you have done well every step you take brings you closer to your destiny thank you ghost Miner your advice has been super helpful good I have a gift for you

Take some of my ghostly energy and feel your power grow the ghost Miner hit me with a blast of powerful Spirit energy right in my face and I could immediately feel myself getting bigger and stronger I now had 20 Hearts more powerful attack attacks and the ability to fire poison

Blasts you will be the one to save us all Zozo from day six to day eight I ventured out of the zelkova forest for the first time I decided to wander around the Badlands which had a warmer climate that’s perfect for a coldblooded poison lizard like me feels good to feel

The warmth on my scales but my trip to the Badlands wasn’t just an exercise in pure escapism and relaxation as I walked I was suddenly ambushed by the same desert mummy who had attacked me earlier here time for some Pest Control I’m going to destroy you once and for all

You nasty little poison lizard for the glory of the great Lord anubus I’m not going to be that easy Mr Mummy I’m A lot stronger than I used to be you think that matters to Lord Anubis I’m just one of his mummy servants death is just the

Beginning zoo no it’s the end I fired one of my poison blasts at the mummy to slow him down and ran in with my stone sword to dash him and slash him until he poofed into nothing that’s what you get for bullying me you beastly bundle of

Bandages I’m impressed Zoo well done I turned and saw a mysterious Forest Guardian standing right behind me you have proven yourself to be a potential friend of the forest my son and if you help me rid the sacred place of evil then I can give you wondrous prizes and

Powers do you agree to help me Zozo that sounds like a great deal to me let’s go from day N9 to day 10 I followed the guardian of the forest deeper into the Badlands it didn’t take him long to lead me to a location where a huge terrifying

Spider Queen was waiting that’s what he wants me to slay yikes I guess I’ll try my best I ran in and tried to mount a sneak attack on the Spider Queen but my attacks weren’t strong enough to leave any lasting damage and I couldn’t say the same for her attacks against me I

Ran away as fast as I could until I rended with the guardian of the forest and told him what happened I’m sorry for sending you into danger like that zozu all things considered you’re lucky to be alive perhaps being a poison lizard allowed you to have a greater immunity

To her Spider Queen Venom I think when I’m stronger I’ll be able to take her down in the meantime why don’t you come and stay at my base I really need to gain some allies right now for a battle I’m fighting against Lord Anubis right now of course you have assisted in my

Battle so I will assist in yours lead the way Zozo from day 11 to day 12 I return to my base with the guardian of the forest I immediately set to work making him a room on the grounds of the base where he could stay while I was

Training it wasn’t all that impressive but it was probably a decent place to get some rest at night after I was done building the guardian came over to me with some good news I’ve built some upgrades for your base Zozo as an apology for putting you in a dangerous

Situation before go take a look the guardian of the forest had clearly used his Supernatural powers to work fast he built three upgrades a chicken farm with a few chickens already hurted inside a storage room for spare equipment and a furnace for smelting raw materials this

Is incredible thank you and in fact this gives me an idea I went into a deep cave next to my base and I explored inside until I found some iron ore and used my stone pickaxe to mine it then I went back to my base used the furnace to

Smelt the ore into ingots and turn those ingots into an iron sword and an iron pickaxe I’m really moving up in the world from day 13 to day 15 the ghost Miner my spirit guide materialized into the base Zozo you must return to the bad lands but why spirit guide another one

Of anubis’ minions the desert mummy is waiting there if you defeat him you will Ascend to the next level of strength as you wish spirit guide I ventured out to the bad lands again and it didn’t take me long to find the exact desert mummy

That the ghost Miner had told me about I pulled out my new iron sword ran in and attacked until the desert mummy was no more and this gave me enough XP to upgrade again and level up getting me up to 30 hearts and giving me a bigger stronger body and more powerful attacks

Wo the ghost Miner is always worth listening to from day 16 to day 19 I decided to go and explore the strange Eerie weeping witch Forest it’s like something out of a fairy tale a really weird spooky fairy tale and it was an interesting place to explore anyway it

Was cold and dark and it felt like something Eerie could pop out from around any corner so it didn’t surprise me when another desert mummy emerged right in front of me ready to battle you have slain my Undead Brethren but you won’t slay me zoo I will annihilate you

In the name of my master Lord Anubis I still don’t understand why you’re so desperate to destroy me doesn’t your lord Anubis have bigger fish to fry he is a literal God after all your presence offends him we need no more reason than that to send you to the underworld cold and lifeless

Not if I send you first I battled the desert mummy just like the mystery sheep said the mummy had underestimated me just like his boss and in the end I defeated him wait did he drop some kind of note I looked around and found a note that had been dropped by the destroyed

Mummy it came straight from Anubis and it said you bandaged buffoons have failed me for too long You Must Destroy This Zozo before he gets stronger if he reaches full power his poison will be able to harm me we cannot allow that destroy him now so that’s why he wants

To destroy me so bad I understand it now from day 20 to day 22 I returned to my favorite mining cave to collect some more iron ore for crafting purposes all this Iron Will perfectly match my iron will I took the ore back to my base and

Used my furnace to smelt it into some ingots soon after I had myself a tough new iron chest plate now I can really take a mean punch it’s time to settle an old score and go squash that evil Spider Queen afterwards I returned to the B

Land where I’d first met the guardian of the forest and promised to him that I’d defeat the spider queen that had been plaguing the area a poison lizard always PES deaths I arrived at the spider Queen’s location and this time I was truly ready with my weapons and Powers I

Attacked and destroyed the Spider Queen once and for all freeing the Badlands from her Terror for good but my Terror was just beginning after defeating the Spider Queen I heard something coming quickly towards me I turned around and it was Anubis himself Zozo you monster you destroyed my pet spider you are

Truly my Arch Enemy what I didn’t know she was your pet spider I just knew she was terrorizing creatures of the bad lands yes because I told her to I have even more reasons to destroy you now I know the actual truth in nubis I know

That if I get to my full power my poison will be able to destroy you oh yes but you’ll never get strong enough to be a threat to me I’ll destroy you first hubis blasted me me with fireballs and I ran away as fast as I could from day 23

To Day 26 I managed to get back to my base in the forest with barely a scratch Anubis had given up chasing me but only for the time being even if he wasn’t on my tail now he was still out there and knew that I could put a stop to his evil

Plans if I just got stronger and luckily for me that was already happening I met with the guardian of the forest again you’ve done well to slay the Spider Queen Zozo thanks I didn’t realize she was the pet of a new but hey without his creepy Crawley he’s

More vulnerable right we can only hope Zozo I was on a roll and I couldn’t stop now I headed back to the mines to search for more materials and came across some more iron ore buried underground I already have an iron sword pickaxe and chest plate what else could come in

Handy oh a helmet that would be perfect having some added armor to protect me so I turned the iron ore into Ingot and crafted myself a brand new helmet that’s when the ghost Miner materialized again Zozo come and see what is it I followed my spirit guide he’d been working on

Improving my base while I’d been off on my Adventures we’ now had a whole security bunker safe near the main base a place where we could be secure just in case anubis’ forces ever tried to overrun our base the bunker was nice and fortified so they would have had no

Chance of ever getting in and we could be nice and protected inside from day 27 to day 31 I made the decision to venture back towards the Weeping witch Forest even though I’d gotten rid of that nasty desert mummy the last time I was there the whole place still gave me the creeps

Suddenly I heard a faint voice so I looked around to figure out where their voice was coming from as I turned around I was startled to see a gigantic Axel right behind me whoa don’t sneak up on me like that oh no sorry about that man people usually spot me coming on the

Count of me being a big bright pink oxel didn’t mean to startle you that’s okay just tell me you’re not working for that big Jackal jerk Anubis oh no no man man in fact I just wanted to come and say thanks for taking care of that desert

Mummy of his us amphibians and reptiles have got to stick together right that mommy destroyed my home so I’m glad to be rid of them why don’t you come back to my base with me a thanks man well me and big Axel were heading home he had

Tons of suggestions about how I could make my base more homey with some new couches and bookshelves once we got home I started to add his suggestions to the base adding some couches and some bookshelves to liveen up the place I actually have a real passion for

Interior design after I left big Axel to relax the ghost Miner reappeared zoo I have another task for you my son what is it more trouble indeed I sense there are more of anubis’ forces nearby we must act swiftly from day 32 to day 35 my

Spirit guide and I both left the safety of my base and headed back to where I had met the mystery sheep according to the ghostly Miner the poor sheep sheep was under siege from more of anubis’s dastardly desert mummies the mystery sheep had given me some helpful advice

Before and offered me guidance when I wasn’t sure what my destiny was so the least I could do to repay him was help him out in his time of need help someone please help we arrived at the mystery sheep’s dwelling only to see it was swarming with desert mummies I had only

Ever beaten a couple of them before and only in one-on-one fights but I had been getting stronger and my confidence was already increasing so I leapt into battle I swiped my iron sword at the mummies launching a few poison attacks while making sure the ones up close got a

Taste of the full Fury of my improved combat skills I took out one and another but while I was busy fighting my way through them some of the desert mummies went after the mystery sheep Zozo things look bad it may be too late for me remember your destiny I know you won’t

Let us down I wasn’t able to save the mystery sheep even by the time I had defeated the Other Des desert mummies there was no one feeling more defeated than me from Day 36 to day 39 I left to clear my head the ghost Miner offered to

Come with me so he could comfort me in the wake of losing the mystery sheep but I told him I’d rather be on my own for a while I decided I’d head back to the Badlands feel some more warm sunlight on my scaly lizard skin in the hopes that

That might cheer me up I was contemplating what had gone wrong I was Stronger but not strong enough to save my friend suddenly while I was thinking to myself a phantom Fox appeared greetings zoo I am Phantom Fox a spirit of swiftness I know you are grieving the

Loss of the mystery sheep but I have a test you must complete okay I know the mystery sheep wanted me to make everyone proud so I guess me carrying on getting stronger is what he would have wanted the Phantom Fox led me toward another of anubis’ minions an Ender Gast from The

Jackal God’s underworld I ran towards it prepared to fight and Reed my poison attacks but I quickly found out that my poison had no effect on the Ender Gast so my my sword had to do and with a few strong swings I was able to defeat the

Gastly minion well done Zozo I know that the mystery sheep would be proud he and all the other Spirits are counting on you to defeat the one who turned on us you mean Anubis was once one of you indeed but he betrayed us and to control of the underworld becoming its God now

He’ll stop at nothing to expand his power up here and control everything that is that was and that will be from day 40 to day 43 I made my way back to my base in the zelkova forest I was still feeling sad about the loss of the

Mystery sheep but a little better after chatting with the Phantom Fox but any of my sadness quickly disappeared when I saw what awaited me my friend the guardian of the forest had been working on improving my base to cheer me up the place had been adorned with plenty of

Pretty banners draped over the walls to decorate the place wow this place looks great what made you want to go to all this trouble well Zozo I knew you needed your spirits lifted after losing an ally and by improving the look of our base I

Hoped it might bring new allies to us so that we can honor the mystery sheep and stand up to Anubis once and for all decorating the base clearly worked because a little while later a spider llama arrived looking for a place to stay so I gladly let them join us when

The day was almost done I was finally approached by the big Axel hey man listen I’ve got a favor to ask I left some of my special netherite ingots back in the Weeping witch Forest just after my old home was destroyed think you could help me get them back from day 44

To day 49 I headed back to the Weeping witch Forest to recover the netherite ingots that big Axel had sent me to look for he still seemed a little uneasy about heading back to where he’ used to live just in case there were more of anubis’ desert mummies creeping around

The place so I agreed to take on the task after all big Axel was a cool guy and he’d made some really nice improvements to my base so I thought I’d return the favor to my friend but I hadn’t made it far before Anubis came bursting out behind the trees to Ambush

Me I knew there was something creepy about this place there you are pesky little poison lizard you’ve been trying to get yourself stronger and I can’t have that scared of my poison then on the contrary I have more important things to do than waste my time on a

Little pest like you for once I control both the Overworld and the underworld I’ll be able to have full control over who lives and dies you can’t do that thatd make you a monster oh you want a monster I’ll show you a monster Anubis vanished but left a powerful warped

Phantom in his place I was about to have one heck of a tough fight on my hands against this monster from day 50 to day 53 I defended myself against the Warped Phantom’s attacks since it was a creature straight from anubis’ Underworld it could blast bolts of

Powerful Undead Spirit energy at me I tried my best to fend it off retreating deeper into the Weeping witch Forest to try and regain my health and come up with a better plan of attack but the Warped Phantom wasn’t giving up the pursuit you can run all you like little

Lizard my master Lord Anubis has told me not to return until you are destroyed I used the cover of the trees to stay out of the Phantom’s line of sight sneaking around so that I could outlink it and take it by surprise my plan worked and I

Caught the Warped Phantom off guard and was barely just able to defeat it but when I did I noticed it had drop some something it was a map with directions that led right to anubis’ Pyramid it wasn’t a desert biome though it was all the way over in the snowy tiger of

Course Anubis might be the god of the underworld but all his minions and mummies up here in the Overworld are Undead so he must have needed to keep them cold now I knew where I could find that jackal-headed jerk when the time came to take him on from day 54 to day

57 I did my best to find my bearings and get back on task to find the netherite ingots my friend big Axel had stashed but but when I got to Big Axel stash there was a new problem blocking my path a swarm of fire Guardians these things

Looked like they would be a tough fight so I decided to use the same tactic that had helped me beat the Warped Phantom I snuck up on them and before they spotted me coming I leapt into battle I used my poisonous attacks and they worked the poison slowed the fire Guardians down

And allowed me to have the upper hand one by one I extinguished their flames and after I defeated them I looted the netherite ingots from the stash and headed back to the base to returned them to my friend and he was thrilled oh thanks so much man you hang on to them I

Didn’t really need them but I thought they’d come in handy for you so that’s why you sent me to get them yeah I told you before we amphibians and reptiles have to look out for each other from day 58 to day 62 now that I was back at the

Safety of the base I decided it would be best to stick around and work on improving things after all if the banners the forest Guardian had put up were going to bring in more allies then we’d need to be able to feed everyone I used some wood to craft fences and

Expanded the chicken farm at the base so that we had plenty of room for the chickens to lay loads of eggs for everyone who doesn’t love eggs for breakfast it was after I’d worked on expanding the chicken farm that I noticed the state of my iron armor it

Had seen a lot of action and all the bumps and Bings of battle had Whitted away at its condition this wasn’t going to keep me protected for much longer so I headed off back to the mine to search for something stronger and sure enough digging deeper I found some diamonds

Bringing them back to the base I turned them into a fresh new set of diamond armor and a sword and pickaxe to match now I had way more defense against anubis’ Undead cronies my sword could do much more damage against them too and my new pickaxe would make Gathering

Resources all the easier Zoo Behold our latest addition my spirit guide the ghostly Miner showed me around the base’s brand new party room we could gather all our allies here either to have a good time as friends or coordinate who would be heading out on adventures who would be gathering

Resources and upgrading the base wow this place is looking great you must have been listening to Big Axel’s interior decorating tips from day 63 to day 66 the guardian of the forest had some suggestions for where I should head next you still have a ways to go but

Time is on our side while Anubis is regaining his forces and planning his next move yours should be getting stronger head to the desert Zozo it can be a harsh place but the heat there should invigorate a coldblooded lizard such as yourself and perhaps you will encounter some new challenges to improve

Your skills and grow your strength and so I headed off in the direction of the desert there didn’t seem to be much there mostly just lots of sand it was coarse and rough and it got everywhere but at least here there was plenty of

Sunlight to warm me up all of a sudden I was startled by an Abrupt growling coming from nearby I drew my diamond sword trusting it could fight off whatever was coming I was greeted with the sight of a Wolfman and expected him to be one of anubis’ allies relax friend

I mean you no harm oh that was surprising it turned out the wolf man was friendly actually I’ve been looking for someone to help me with something and you seem like just the lizard for the job what do you say you up for it sure thing I came here to get stronger

So let’s get to it from day 67 to Day 70 The Wolf Man led me to an open plane in the middle of the desert you see there’s these pesky Soul Blazers they attacked me and took all my armor and weapons I have CLA attacks like you but there are

Too many of them for me to fight alone especially without protection from armor so what I need you to do is draw their attention well I’ll grab my stuff then I can help you take the rest of them out so when we spotted the soul blazes I

Rushed straight at them they all turned and charged towards me as I swung my diamond sword and started dishing out much more damage than ever before meanwhile as I battled the soul blazes my new Wolfman friend used his wolf speed to get get closer to his gear that

Laid on the ground he hardly got it all on while I chopped at the soul blazes and with our combined might we reduced them to dust a woome what a great fat you can really hold your own I’m glad I could help from day 71 to day 74 I was

In the snowy Tiger Biome feeling much tougher than I had when I started all the hype that the Wolfman had given me made me think I was about ready to take on Anubis himself I used the map to make my way toward anubis’ pyramid it was way

More accurate than some of the old wooden signs I passed one of them said if you like this video then you can find more by clicking on our Channel or searching zo zoo once I’d made it closer I started to feel strange like I was maybe a little tired but that all went

To the back of my mind The Moment I Saw anubis’s pyramid towering over the rest of the frosty landscape and I didn’t have to get much closer for the underworld God to rear his ugly Jackal head so you’ve come to give yourself up already filthy poison lizard nope I’m a

Lot stronger now in nubis I came to give you a nice big dose of poison and stop all your crazy schemes you will try I’m sure we clashed head on and I took some Swings with my diamond sword but it felt heavier all of a sudden and so did my

Armor like I was somehow weaker of course it was the cold weather this place wasn’t just perfect for keeping anubis’ Undead Minions on ice but the environment of the snowy tiger also made it harder for me to fight him he dealt me some pretty bad damage so I had no

Choice but to retreat for now from day 75 to day 78 I made the long trik back to my base in the zelkova forest the whole time I felt glum I had been so eager to take on Anubis but in doing so I had overlooked one of his major

Advantages over me it didn’t seem to matter how much stronger I got now I would still be a poison lizard and that was why Anubis had set up his pyramid in the snowy tiger the longer I was in that place the more dangerous it became for

Me thanks to my cold rep in blood I didn’t even feel like talking to anyone once I was back in the base instead I just went to my room to be on my own for a while until of course the ghost Miner materialized Zozo don’t be disheartened there will be another opportunity to

Stop Anubis for now come and see we’ve all been working hard to make some new improvements to protect this place I didn’t really feel like it but I let the ghost Miner show me around the base now had a tall watch Tower reaching high up above the forest’s tree line so we could

Keep a lookout for any approaching danger even though I was feeling down I had to admit it was pretty neat then the big Axel came to speak to me alone hey man don’t worry nobody stays down in the dumps for too long I got you this thought it might help consider it a

Thank you for all you’ve done for me big Axel had given me a magic Apple it really did lift my spirits some more I was lucky to have him as a friend and even luckier when I ate the magic Apple I felt the magic from the Apple

Transform me into a larger poison lizard giving me 60 hearts and even a new power a jump boost so I could leap even higher on my reptilian legs from day 79 to day 84 I was ready to pick myself up and try to take on Anubis again my extra Hearts

Would have made it easier to survive the snowy Tiga and now I had my jump boost I could get up in the air right into a smug Jackal face and his attacks would miss me when I made it back there was no sign of him though but a of thorn wolves

Tried to take some bites at me so I showed off some of my newfound strength they were no match for me my my very impressive I turned around to see a huge creeper spider I kept my guard up but then realized that if they were going to

Harm me they could have used the element of surprise when I was fighting the Wolves Instead The Creeper spider offered to show me around the snowy tiger teaching me a few tricks for staying warm while I was traversing this Frosty part of the Overworld but best of

All they showed me how I could use some of Big A salad’s netherite ingots by combining them with my diamond sword I had now made an even more powerful weapon a netherite sword from day 85 to day 89 I was heading back to my base to

Tell my friends the good news but I was shocked by what awaited me there was a horde of desert mummies attacking the base with no time to waste I rushed into battle to defend my home and my friends from the bandaged batties luckily my blade of netherite cleav through most of

Them with one swing seeing i’ taken their numbers down the remaining mummies ran off into the forest I couldn’t let them get away if they made it back to the snowy tiger they could tell Anubis exactly where to find my base and he’d send even more powerful mobs to harm my

Friends I rushed after them into the forest they were a ways ahead of me and before long my base had disappeared from view behind all the trees and so had the desert mummies darn it I had to figure out a way to stop them while searching

The forest I came across a villager hey have you seen any of anubis’ mummies go this way oh I have have please get rid of those horrid Undead things they pointed me in a Direction but the mummies who’d been causing the Villager trouble were a different group still

They were anubis’ minions so I thought it’d be better to take them out nice and quick my netherite sword made light work of them and then I kept up the trail of the others hoping I could reach them in time from day 90 to Day 94 I had been

Following the desert mummies for quite some time all the way to the snowy tiger oh no it was too late they’d be able to report back to to Anubis about where my base was I made sure not to get too close as they approached the Jackal God’s pyramid where they were greeted by

A huge Beast of VI ogre good job tracking that poisonous lizard I will head to that base and Destroy what’s left on behalf of Lord Anubis go and report your findings to him not so fast I leaped out of cover and stood in the

Way of the vi ogre a there you are Lord Anubis will be pleased when I tell him him you’ve been destroyed do you even know who you’re messing with reptile I’m vogga anubis’s number one henchman tougher than my poison and netherite sword from day 95 to day 97 my fight

Against the vi ogre started he was bigger and stronger than me but I had to remind myself that so was I I’d come a long way since my humble beginnings but even more importantly I wasn’t fighting just for myself this time I was fighting to defend my friends who had all worked

Wirelessly to improve my base who had helped me persevere when I thought Anubis might beat me and who had been there for me at my darkest moments they all deserve protecting so every swing of my netherite sword or blast of my poison attacks was for them luckily for me the

Vile ogre didn’t realize just how familiar I was with the snowy tiger thanks to the lessons I’d had from the creeper spider I was able to use the landscape to my advantage finding some Higher Ground that I could leap off of with my jump boost it sent me high into

The air and allowed me to get the jump on on him so to speak I was able to give him one last strike with my netherite sword and a blast of poison to weaken him you bested me how how is that possible Lord Anubis promised I’d be

Heralded in his new world he lied you and I both know he’s not the type to keep his word he betrayed all the other Spirits when he took control of the underworld my poison will Whittle away your remaining Health in the next few minutes maybe think about using that

Time wisely fine a no but desides in a chamber in the heart of his pyramid surrounded by his Undead armies you’ll never make it to him you just one lizard all alone who said I’d be alone with the vi ogre defeated I knew my time to take

On Anubis for the final time would soon be at hand but I was more determined than ever to beat him I just needed a Little Help from My Friends On day 98 I made my way back to my base to see that my allies had already made repairs after

The desert mummies had attacked since I didn’t have to worry about repairs I went to take a quick rest before the big battle and just like that the ghost Miner appeared to give words of wisdom afterwards you’ve come quite a long way Zozo I am very proud and the Mystery

Sheep would be too thanks I couldn’t have made it this far without such a great spir guide I won’t let you down I’ll get to Anubis and put a stop to his plans once and for all the guardian of the forest also had some wisdom to

Impart to me before I set off on the last part of my journey remember Zozo that wherever you are your true friend will always be with you even if we aren’t by your side we can still take us everywhere we go we all live in the

Hearts of those that matter to us and we care about you just as you care about all of those you’ve helped I’ll remember thanks for everything and last but by no means least my friend big Axel seemed to get a bit emotional just as I was about

To leave just look after yourself zoo man you’re going to do great great just make sure you come back in one piece oh man I promised myself I wouldn’t cry on day 99 I made my final return to the snowy tiger prepared for our final showdown with Anubis the forest Guardian

Was right I had all my friends with me and I was fighting to keep them safe not just them but everyone in the Overworld if Anubis got his way he’d be in control of life and death and I couldn’t let that happen even to strangers because

They say a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet there was a huge horde of desert mummies waiting for me as I arrived at the pyramid the cold was making them a little tougher than usual but hopefully it wouldn’t take more than a few strikes of my netherite sword to

Get through them suddenly before I could get down to the fight I was stopped by the Wolfman come on Zozo did you really think I’d leave this fight all to you can’t let you have all the fun hey nice new sword that looks aome thanks it’s still pretty new you go

On ahead Zoo my friend I’ll take these Dusty old clowns go give that Jackal jerk wol for The Wolf Man rushed in and led the desert mummies away as I ran in to confr Anubis on day 100 I finally came face to face with Anubis at the

Center of his pyramid you a cursed reptile you really think you can put a stop to my plans I am a nubis god of the underworld and soon the ruler of the Overworld too you are nothing just a little lizard with no hope of defeating

Me you talk a big game but you’ve been scared of me from the start you tried to stop me from getting stronger at every turn that tells me that my poison really can stop you not if I destroy you first the final battle was at hand Anubis came

In quick with fast powerful attacks so I had to take up my sword to defend against him he was ferocious part of me wondered if I could really beat him my netherite sword was just enough to deflect his blows but I couldn’t get a good swipe in on him he was just just

Too quick but I knew I had to stop Anubis once and for all I leaped High into the air with my jump boost and launched the strongest a poison attack I’d ever made it blasted Anubis right in the face and the poison started to immediately take effect it chipped away

At his health more and more enough for me to jump back towards him and land a final blow with my netherite sword I’ve done it I survived a 100 days and defeated Anubis once and for all the Overworld was saved from this jackal-headed jerk I had fulfilled my destiny and most importantly protected

All of my friends too on day one I spawned into the alien Fields as a Charmander oh wow I’m a fire type Pokémon this is awesome I wonder if I can collect enough XP to evolve into a Charizard but before I knew it something

Wet hit me in the face it was some kind of water blast so strong that it felt like it was shot out of a cannon this could only mean one thing thing I turned around and saw a big powerful Blastoise laughing at me from a treetop I knew I’d

Find a fire type around here somewhere you’ll make perfect target practice wait so you’re the one who hit me with that water blast why I don’t even know you you don’t need to know me and I don’t need to know you you’re a fire type and I’m a water type we’re opposites and

That’s why we should be natural enemies that doesn’t make any sense why can’t we be friends just just cuz we’re different types no I think being enemies is way more fun now run away before I drown you in water blast and then he started blasting at me so all I could do was

Turn and run away as fast as I could before his water blast could do too much damage to me that guy has some really scary beliefs there’s got to be some way I can stop his ideas from spreading before everyone hates each other on day two I traveled away from my spawn point

Through the alien fields in search of experience points with only 10 Hearts I wouldn’t be winning any Pokémon championships I’m also one hungry Charmander better find some food I did some scaming around the trees and managed to get some apples to refill my hunger bar I do like them apples shortly

After my meal I was approached by a group of Squirtles water type Turtle Pokémon that evolve into Blastoise hey fire type you aren’t welcome around these parts if you don’t get lost we’ll spread you with water oh no all of you must be listening to the hateful words

Of that narrow-minded old blaster o don’t dis Blastoise we’re the Squirtle Squad and we make sure everyone knows the water types are the best why are you being so mean all I was doing was eating apples doesn’t matter what you were doing you’re not the same type as us so

You’re our enemy get them boys the Squirtles attacked altogether and I started losing Hearts I couldn’t even fight back because they outnumbered me just then I Heard a Voice from nearby hey Squirtle Squad leave him alone it was a Bulbasaur a grass type Pokémon known for having a sprouted plant on its

Back no a grass type we’re afraid of those because they’re strong against us the Squirtles ran away leaving me hurt but alive with half a heart remaining I turned to the Bulbasaur and expressed my gratitude thank you for saving me those guys were going to tear me apart just

For being a fire type you don’t have to worry about that from me new Charmander friend follow me there’s someone you should meet on day three bulbas sword led me to a campfire where another fire type a Flareon was waiting boy am I happy to see another fire type no

Offense Bulbasaur you’ve been through a lot so I forgive you how about you go talk to Flareon I listened to Bulbasaur and approached the campfire Flareon greeted me with a nod and I told him everything about what had happened to me because of Blastoise and his Squirtle

Squad that Blastoise is fully evolved he should know better than to pick on Pokémon of different types especially Pokémon of the fire type because of how few of us there are compared to water types trust me I felt that part Firs hand and those Squirtles totally

Outnumbered me how am I supposed to get A Moment’s Peace it can be difficult young Charmander Zoo I’ve struggled a lot in my life because of how some other Pokémon have treated me but I also have many friends who are different types than me like Bulbasaur who you’ve met

The more we get along despite being different types the less the beliefs of Pokémon like Blastoise can defect us so you’re saying I should go out into the world and make friends with lots of different types of Pokémon precisely and if you see another Pokémon being bullied

Because of what type they are you should stand up for them Pokémon of different types make a more balanced team after all wow thanks Flareon I think I know how to make life a little bit easier for all types of Pokémon I’m going to get

Out there and stop the hate I left the campfire and returned to Bulbasaur telling him about my new quest to stop the spread of blastoise’s terrible ideas so that’s why I’m going to find different types of Pokémon and get to know them that sounds like a lot of fun

Can I come with you Zozo sure bubblo let’s be friends and work together from day four to day five I knocked down a tree for wood and crafted a wooden pickaxe which I used to gather Stone I think I’ll make a whole set of stone tools I cast aside my wooden pickaxe in

Favor of a stone pickaxe I also crafted a stone sword to help protect myself from the next time I’m in a fight hey Zozo we should build a base around here that way we’ll have a place for all our new friends to hang out in great idea

Bulbasaur it’ll be a Pokémon home that welcomes all types I laid the foundation for the and stone and built two different rooms designed for Bulbasaur and myself for Bulbasaur’s room I added lots of plants and green textures that were fitting for a grass typ my room had

A fire pit and a bunch of coal to keep it warm a fire typ Pokémon needs to have fire after all while our rooms were really different from each other they were still close enough that we could visit each other how do you like the room bubbles sore it’s very nice Zozo

I’m glad you made it specially for me it shows you’re really accepting of different types of Pokémon awesome I want everyone to feel welcome when they come to live here I went outside to search for more materials I was digging another hole when I popped a sand slash

A fully evolved ground type Pokémon before I could offer a friendly greeting the sand slash attacked me it must have thought I was easy pickings because fire types are weak against ground types why can’t we get along I fought back using my sword and drove the sand slash back

Underground before I knew it I had won the fight and the experience points from the well experience and it caused me to evolve into a charm milon I learned how to use fire breath and my number of Hearts increased to 30 from day six to

Day 8 I travel to the black forest in search of new Pokémon friends Woods that are this deep and dark have to be hiding some truly mysterious Pokémon and now that I’m a charmeleon I’m sure I can protect myself if I need to it turned

Out that the one I needed to protect was another fire type Pokémon known as a Vulpix stop it Beedrill leave me be I ran to where I heard the vulpix’s cries and saw that she was fending off a Beedrill a poison bug Pokémon with powerful Stingers buzz off Beedrill I

Dove into The Fray and hit the Beedrill with my stone sword which gave the Vulpix a chance to get to a safe distance Beedrill tried hitting me with its needle Stingers but I dodged and hit it a few more times with my sword just as the Beedrill started to use its

Poisonous range attacks I attacked with my fire breath dealing super effective levels of damage the Beedrill fainted so I went to go check on Vulpix are you okay Vulpix I’ve had better days I’m really lucky that a charmeleon like you came along call me Zo I’m on a quest for

All kinds of Pokémon friends hi Zozo would you be able to help me one more time I was poisoned by that Beedrill and I need some help getting Peach berries to work like antidotes Count on Me Flareon told me that us fire types have to stick together too from day 9 to day

10 I walked through the black forest with Vulpix until we reached a berry bush that was covered in pach berries I grabbed one of the berries off the shrub and fed it to Vulpix how do you feel I feel great which means the poison status effect is cured thanks Zozo sweet we

Should stock up on some of these berries for the base just in case anyone else is poisoned I went back to the peach berry bush to gather more but I was stopped when the ground shook a Doug Trio burst up from the ground and stared me down

With its three heads I knew a stomping around above my home I’ll have you earthquak in your boots Charmeleon I didn’t mean to disturb you Mr Doug Trio I’ll just take the berries and be on my way you’ll take nothing but a beat down you fire top brat Doug Trio hit me with

Its powerful ground type digging moves I used my fire breath but it barely did any damage the ground Pokémon was also way too fast to hit with my sword the only thing I could do was run away back to Vulpix I didn’t get the berries that’s all right you saved me at least

You’re a real friend Zozo thanks Vulpix I’m heading back to my base now and you’re welcome to tag along from day 11 to day 12 I constructed another room fit for a fire type so that Vulpix could live comfortably inside the base it was nice to know that there was one more

Fire type friend who would be safe from the Squirtle Squad in blastoise once I was finished with the room I went to see Vulpix who had been doing some building of her own hey Zozo I made us a storage room to store all of our food and other

Supplies I looked around at the base and saw that Vulpix had done exactly what she said the base was looking more like a home than ever before that’s really nice Vulpix did you do this because you already like living here you got it I wanted to thank you for all you’ve done

For me I really look forward to seeing this place for of new Pokémon friends it will be Vulpix and you’re one of us now thank you truth is I’ve needed a place to belong for a while I’ve been struggling because other types of Pokémon have picked on me especially

Because I was a fire Pokémon especially Blastoise and his Squirtle Squad don’t worry Vulpix I’ll make sure to create a world where nobody is picked on because of their types after the base was renovated I went down into the mines to get some stronger materials I dug for

Iron ore and found enough to make some iron ingots with that I upgraded my stone sword and stone pickaxe to an iron sword and an iron pickaxe back on the surface I discovered some sheep in the alien fields and went to work creating a pen to keep them in kind of weird that

These are regular old non-pokemon sheep but oh well I have sheep from day 13 to day 15 I went to talk to my first Pokémon friend Bulbasaur about how I could evolve even further right now I’m a charmillion but if I can become a Charizard I’ll be able to face that

Blastoise on the same level it’s not that easy that Blastoise still has lots of experience and his type is strong against yours I still have to try that Big brute nearly waterlogged me when we first met and now that I know he bullied Vulpix too I’m all fired up maybe you

Should try facing off against the Squirtle Squad to gain experience fighting against water types that’s a great idea Bulbasaur away I go I return to the Black Forest where I met Vulpix and called out for Squirtles to test my strength against come on out you weren’t

So afraid of me when I was a Charmander and we’re not afraid now get set to get splashed fire boy a lone Squirtle appeared ready to take me on I was game so I drew my iron sword and fought against the turtle likee Pokémon now armed and evolved I was having a much

Easier time holding my own even though I was still taking a bit of damage give up chameleon a fire type can’t be a water type stop thinking about other Pokémon just in terms of types I used my fire breath to deal a bit of damage and distract the Squirtle before I swung the

Iron sword and finished him off like it was a metal claw attack he dropped some experience which I utilized to fully form into my most iconic form the fir flying Pokémon Charizard yeah Charizard I had 60 hearts and a brand new fireball attack that could be launched even farther than my

Fire breath and dealt way more damage from day 16 to day 19 I took my newly evolved Charizard self on a trip to the CRA Gardens biome I was feeling strong getting used to being being an evolved Pokémon I couldn’t wait to use my new Charizard powers to defend all types of

Pokémon from those who would hate and divide them while I was wandering around I found a book of information it’s like an old-fashioned Pokedex the inside of the book had a Pokémon article about Charizard and Blastoise this would probably be worth the read while both are considered to be powerful and fully

Evolved Pokémon Charizard and Blastoise have a number of differences between each other as a water type Blastoise is known to be strong in a battle with the fire type Charizard but even so Charizard has always been the more popular Pokémon beloved by trainers and other Pokémon everywhere this has made

Blastoise extremely jealous and obsessed with proving his superiority I see so Blastoise started this grudge against other types of Pokémon because he felt weak on the inside i’ almost felt bad for him if he wasn’t causing so much hate I put the book down and found that

I was surrounded by a bunch of Squirtles from the Squirtle Squad we had you took out one of our Squirtles and evolved so we here get to get even Blastoise is making you do this isn’t he I guess I’ll have to teach you a lesson through

Battle I used my fire breath attack to hit the Squirtles all at once then I used my iron sword to deal strong damage to each of them this battle went very differently than the one when I was a Charmander even though I was still outnumbered I managed to defeat all the

Squirtles and make them faint oh yeah I’m strong enough to protect myself now from day 20 to day 22 I gathered more iron from the mines so I could craft my first piece of iron armor and decided to take the iron ingots I made from the

Iron ore and create an iron chest plate now I could have defenses where it counts now for the true test of my fully evolved power I’m going to go see if I can defeat that mean Doug Trio in the Black Forest I went to the same Bush

Where the pach berries were and waited for that wild dug Trio to appear and soon he did hey aren’t you that Charmeleon looks like you’ve evolved but you’re still no match for me we’ll see about that that Charizard attack I opened the battle with my brand new

Fireball it didn’t deal too much because Doug Trio was a ground type but it caught his attention his melee attacks and speed were still a force to be reckoned with but with my newly improved defenses I was able to tank several hits and deal damage back with my sword

Before long Doug Trio was begging for mercy please Charizard no more I didn’t know a fire T could be this strong you’re about to see how strong I really am I SP you Doug Trio really you’re not going to knock me out of course not all

I wanted to do was show you I could protect myself we could even be friends now well you’re all right Zoo the Charizard have the berries if you want Doug Trio disappeared back underground I was about to celebrate my victory and the fact that I resolved the battle peacefully when Blastoise appeared

Blastoise looks like the little Charmander has grown up into a Charizard I knew I should have gotten rid of you when you were small now we’re destined to be Rivals you can stop this now if you want to Blastoise water types and fire types don’t need to be enemies you

Think you’re better than me don’t you well you’re not Charizard might be a lot of people’s favorite Pokémon but there are more water types than any other type of Pokémon you fire types should leave us alone and stop stealing our Spotlight and Blastoise stamped away furiously we

Didn’t end up fighting this time but unless he let go of his hatred towards fire types someday we would have to from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to base with several bushels of Pacha berries which I planted outside the base so that any Pokémon living here could cure poison

Status effects Vulpix was very happy since it was her who had trouble getting the berries when she was poisoned now that you’re a Charizard it seems like there’s a chance for things to get better for fire types it’ll take a lot more than me to make the world a place

Where all Pokémon can live in harmony but I’ll keep on doing my best and part of doing my best was adding to my suit of iron armor so I I went back to the caverns and mined until I had enough iron material to craft myself an iron

Helmet and iron boots with all this iron I’m wearing I’m practically a Steel type when I was done crafting I went outside to see that there was a great big wall built around the entire base Vulpix was standing nearby looking proud did you do this Vulpix yes I did what you said

About doing your best struck a cord with me I wanted to do my best too you did awesome Vulpix I’m so glad you’re living here with us from day 27 to day 31 I was exploring the CAG Gardens when I met a type of Pokémon I had never seen before

Lapras the ice type Transportation Pokémon known for swimming along the waterways actually Lapras had two types it was a water type too hello are you that same Charizard that fought with the Squirtle Squad yep that’s me please don’t tell me you want to get revenge for your fellow water types not at all

I’m glad that someone is teaching them not to mess with other types of Pokémon that kind of thing gives us water types A Bad Name well that’s a relief good to know there are water types out there who don’t listen to Blastoise Blastoise doesn’t even consider me a true water

Type because I’m part ice type I get bothered by those Squirtles too so sorry come to my base it’s welcome to all types of Pokémon I returned to the base with Lapras and let them settle in I decided I should make the base more inviting to Outsiders so I harvested

Some wool for my sheep and placed down some decorative banners as soon as I was done Bulbasaur ran up to me looking panicked Zozo quick it’s the Squirtle Squad they’re attacking other types of Pokémon again from day 32 to day 35 I ventured out into the alien fields to

Find the Squirtle Squad and sto them from causing trouble I recognized the area as near the campfire where we had met Flareon many days prior oh no Flareon he’s probably in trouble and so are you a bunch of Squirtles jumped out to attack me but I managed to fend them

Off with my iron sword afterwards I saw Flareon getting hit with attacks from other members of the Squirtle Squad that’s all show you Flareon Squirtle Squad for Life the Squirtles attacked again and destroyed Flareon right before my eyes Flareon no I blasted the Squirtle Squad with

Fireballs and cut the rest of them down with my sword if I see any more of you Squirtles on the Squirtle Squad again I’m fighting you right then and there from Day 36 to day 39 I was in the Black Forest when I met a Caterpie a friendly

Bug type Pokémon who was crawling along through the tall grass you startled me I saw your wings and thought you were the flying type Pokémon who had been attacking me Charizard is a flying type as well as a fire type but this one doesn’t mean you any harm honest that’s

Good it seems like Pokémon like me always have to worry about Pokémon a stronger types you understand how that feels I do understand Caterpie take me to this flying type bully of yours so I can settle the score Caterpie showed me to a clearing in the forest where a

Pharoh was swooping around that must have been the fire type he mentioned the Pharaoh turned towards me and charged right at me I shot a few Fireballs at the Pharaoh defeating the bird in a single attack I returned to Caterpie and told him that he wouldn’t need to worry

About Pharaoh anymore thanks zoo I knew I could trust a Charizard even if you are a fire and flying type why is that I know I’m nice but still how did you know you could trust me because everyone knows Charizard is a heroic Pokemon who defends the weaker Pokémon from danger

You’re a hero Zozo I’m glad everyone thinks so highly of me but being a Charizard doesn’t make me better than anyone else is that what Blastoise thinks from day 40 to day 43 I went back home to the base to check in with Bulbasaur about what we should do next

Regarding the Squirtle Squad when I arrived I noticed that Bulbasaur had added a bunch of couches to the base in order to make it look nicer what’s all this for Bulbasaur I’m inviting another Bulbasaur to the base so we can talk about Flareon I wasn’t the only other

Bulbasaur he was friends with of course you can have another Bulbasaur visit I didn’t know Flareon for very long but he was a good poke Pokémon and had lots of friends what happened to him wasn’t fair the Squirtle Squad is crossed the line that we can’t forgive if we don’t fight

Them they will never be peace between different types of Pokémon you’re right we have to make it impossible for them to hurt any other Pokémon Bulbasaur and I talked for a while longer before the other Bulbasaur showed up I could tell the grass types wanted to be alone for a

Bit so I went outside there I was greeted by Lapras hey Zoo have you decided to take on Blastoise in the Squirtle Squad now yeah the Hayden some Pokémon goes too deep and sadly fighting might be the only way if you’ve chosen to fight then you should know there are

Other water types that follow blastoise’s scary beliefs there was a Gyarados back in the crack Gardens who is particularly nasty about it then I show him a thing or two if he listens to reason I’ll spare him but if not I’ll do whatever it takes to keep other Pokémon

Safe from day 44 to day 49 I went to the CAG Gardens to seek out the nasty old Gyarados that Lapras mentioned if Blastoise was gathering together water types to gang up on and hate other types of Pokémon then I’d need to act quickly before he convinc too many of them sure

Enough there was Blastoise himself it was like he knew I’d show up here Blastoise I’m through letting you get away with trying to divide everyone I’m not the problem Charizards like you are Lapras must have told you I friends out here the traitor Lapras was just trying to keep you from

Brainwashing more innocent water types into hating fire types and now your Squirtle Squad has destroyed one of my friends take responsibility no you’re a Charizard not a Blastoise you don’t know how easy you have it and now I’m going to make sure you never will stormy I Choose You Blastoise withdrew from the

Area leaving behind star me the water and psychic type starfish Pokémon to face me bring it cheap bizard you are no match for my dazzling water type moves that’s what you think I’ll teach you to judge me by my type star me from day 50 to day 53 I started my struggle against

Star me this was the first time I had faced off against a fully evolved water type Pokémon and as I expected it was tricky but even so I refused to back down in the face of one of blastoise’s followers why aren’t you dead yet I thought you fire times were supposed to

Be pushovers for his water times looks like you don’t know as much about Pokémon as you think now check out my moves I launched a few Fireballs then finish the job with my fire breath after those fire type attacks star me was weak and unable to fight so I decided to

Attempt to communicate with the water type Pokémon why do you work for Blastoise in the first place star me don’t you know that he’s hurting people yes of course I know that but if I defi him I’d be cast out by the other water type Pokémon I’m already part psychic

And that means I have to be loyal or else that’s just living by his narrow view of what Pokémon types are what you know is wrong yes I know but what can I do you can run away for now I’ll deal with Blastoise and then you can return to this land

When there is harmony between types star me understood and fled but before they ran away they dropped a diamond which I could use to make a stronger weapon I thought a bit more about how Blastoise and his beliefs were making the world a more difficult place to live in even

Other water types weren’t safe onwards to Gyarados from day 54 to day 57 I searched through the KAG Gardens until I found the G garados that Lapras had mentioned sure enough Gyarados attacked me on sight with a water blast it then bit me so I drew my iron sword and hit

Back it was clear that this Gyarados really didn’t like any other type of Pokémon and just wanted to hurt me so I showed no mercy for the blast of my Fireball and a strike from my weapon I took the flying water Pokémon down when I got back to my base Lapras was waiting

To congratulate me for winning the battle now you’ve seen how far Blastoise has gone to make others believe the same ter terrible things he does yeah all those water Pokémon even the Squirtles are just copying somebody they look up to but his ideas have been hurting them

By making them hurt others and he won’t take responsibility that’s why you’re going to have to stand up to Blastoise and show the world that he’s actually a loser you have to succeed where the last Charizard failed there was a Charizard that fought Blastoise before me there

Was but even defeating his rival didn’t remove the hate from blastoise’s heart Pokémon like him are never happy even when they succeed I had no idea how crazy this whole thing was Blastoise is the worst from day 58 to day 62 I expanded the farm so we could hold even

More sheep Down Below in the mines I used my iron pickaxe to dig out some diamonds which combined with the diamond that star me had given me allowed me to craft a hecking awesome new diamond sword the diamonds I had left over went towards upgrading my pickaxe from Iron

To Diamond once I was done mining I saw that Bulbasaur had added a brand new fireplace outside oh vulvasaur you made a fireplace even though you’re a grass type of course hanging out with you and seeing how nice you are has made me totally unafraid of fire Flareon would

Be so proud of me I guess the Pokémon who are living here had started to adapt to being around each other’s types so being comfortable around fire had become no big deal the harmony between the types that we’ve been striving for feels closer every day from day 63 to day 66

Fpix came to visit me in the mine she had a hint about a biome I hadn’t yet explored the Dead Sea is home to a bunch of Pokémon I used to be friends with before the Squirtle Squad chased me away you think we might be able to recruit

Any of your old friends I don’t know the Squirtle Squad is pretty unforgiving and might have already chased them away or worse but you should try anyway I went to the Dead Sea and looked around but at first there didn’t seem to be any Pokémon there then I heard a buzzing

Noise from behind me I have finally found you I turned around in shock and saw a bug type Pokémon Butterfree fly flying in the air do you know Vulpix huh who’s that okay then this is about me are you an enemy what no no Zozo it’s me

Caterpie I evolved into a Metapod and then a Butterfree oh good to see you I’ve been so on edge lately that I guess I was expecting a fight you’re right to be careful around here I’ve heard blastoise’s Bas is here in the Dead Sea somewhere I was looking for it so I

Could help you out well thanks Butterfree I guess I can help you find it while I’m here from d 67 to Day 70 Butterfree and I explored the Dead Sea for any signs of Blastoise in his Squirtle Squad I appreciate that you remembered me even after you evolved

Butterfree you saved me once and I didn’t want to see another Charizard get absolutely Washed by Blastoise this time he’ll win and prove him wrong like I always say I’ll do my best we continued through the Dead Sea until we encountered a wild eradicate a normal type rodent Pokémon with an abnormal

Need to Super Fang us into submission but instead of running away I used my fire breath to burn the radicate and scare him off yeah run away you don’t want to fight us there were so many Pokémon in the world that were quick to jump into a fight probably because

That’s what they were used to Pokémon battles are one thing but all the fighting and hatred is getting us nowhere a little bit later Butterfree pointed out a military looking Fortress there it is the Blastoise Fortress I found it all right Butterfree well done

This is as far as I’ll go for now feel free to keep exploring Charizard but don’t do anything Reckless from day 71 to day 74 I decided to head back home to get prepared to face Blastoise while thinking about the Pokémon that had helped me make it this

Far and all the subscribers like you that have helped me make it to 1 million subscribers remember to search zo zoo for more of my videos home isn’t far now here it goes kept on walking but then my progress was halted by the sudden appearance of Blastoise himself stormy

Fell to defeat you I should have known that dual type was good for nothing awful thing to say about one of your supposed friends you’re a real disgrace Blastoise no you’re the disgrace here taste my water blast Blastoise hit me with a water energy blast and it almost

Caused me to faint no way am I still this much weaker than him that’s what you get Charizard you think you’re so popular but I’m going to make sure you face the same fate as the last Charizard I was still too weak so I ran away as

Fast as I could from day 75 to day 78 after my crushing defeat at the hands of Blastoise I hid Myself Away inside the base in complete shame that was my chance to take him on and prove in front of the whole world that his beliefs were

Wrong if I couldn’t defeat him he’d still be out there making trouble for other Pokémon and fire types especially would get hurt because of me I was still a cryan Charizard when Lapras came to visit me to cheer me up it’s okay Zoo nobody expected you to be able to beat

Him on the first try Plus what’s more important is the friendships we build with each other that’s the real way to stop Blastoise from winning come on out of your room he listened to Lapras and walked outside to see the watchtowers that had been added to the base even now

The Pokémon who had come to live here were together to make it better thanks Lapras I just remembered what is really important sometime later Bulbasaur handed me an item of mysterious power what is this Bulbasaur it’s a lava bottle but all of us here at the base

Made it stronger by adding our Elemental energies to it if you drink it you’ll be able to gain the power of our friendship wow I might even be able to evolve past my limits with this I drank the lava bottle and the power of friendship caused me to mega evolve into the mighty

And Unstoppable Mega Charizard X I’m a fire and dragon type now my Fireball upgraded even further into a dragon Fireball and I had 100 Hearts to boot from day 79 to day 84 I went through the Dead Sea with my new mega form and fought against some pure water type they

Ped or on who are loyal to Blastoise the dragon Fireballs power was many times stronger than the regular Fireball and hit with dragon energy so it was effective against water types too now this is the power of friendship I’ll be able to use this form to defeat

Blastoise I just know it as I took stock of my surroundings an energetic electric type Pokémon approached jolon hey nicely done those were pons were not nice to anybody by the way I’m jolon he might have met my brother Flareon he was a good guy shame what happened but hey

You’ll do something about it right right wa wao slow down you talk so fast but yeah I’m looking to bring peace between the types by facing off against Blastoise oh wow you’re a good guy too just like Flareon boy that’s just incredible Flareon would have been so

Very proud I hope so a lot of people miss him and I’ve been fighting this whole time to make sure what happens to him isn’t going to happen again that’s excellent stupidness super duper cool here take this Diamond Helmet it’ll guard your head from blastoise’s attacks jolon gave me some diamond leggings

Which I immediately equipped this would come in handy in the next battles thanks jolon I consider you a friend and soon Pokémon of all types will be able to be friends from day 85 to day 89 I went back to the alien fields to check in

With the others at the base I’ll be so excited to hear that I met jolon but when I arrived things were not as I had left them the wall and watchtowers had been damaged and the Squirtle Squad was wreaking havoc inside of the base yeah Squirtles take down this place Pokémon

Of different types shouldn’t live together that’s not true this Bas is for everyone who wants to live here regardless of type I hit one of the Squirtles with a dragon Fireball taking him down with one hit oh no it’s mega chazard X we got to get out of here boys

Where do you think you’re going I rushed at the Squirtles and used my diamond sword and Fireballs to heue through their ranks a few managed to escape so I followed them through the alien Fields until they were nowhere near the base looks like the coast is clear I better

Return to the base and make sure nobody was hurt while I was walking through the fields I noticed an incredibly rare Pokémon floating around in the air no way is that it was Mew the mythical psychic type Pokémon that has almost never been seen before Mew that’s me you

The world is full of danger right now I’m trying my best to bring Harmony to the world but it’s really hard to change people’s minds don’t worry Zozo I’ve been struggling with the same problem I have the psychic power to talk to many people in their dreams but I never know

What to say tell them this Mew that we should all try to be friends no matter what type we are yes I like that that just might work I’ll try to remind everyone what is the same rather than what is different thanks Mew from day 90

To Day 94 I treed back through the Dead Sea and got a better look at blastoise’s Fortress there were some formidable looking cannons mounted on the side of the Fortress that would probably blast me if I got closer I could see Squirtle Squad patrols all across the base but

All that doesn’t scare me I’m going to use my mega evolved power to bulldoze through anything in my way a water Pokémon came Greening towards my location it wasn’t a squirtle but it looked slightly similar only larger and more warlike so I ran away but he caught up to me T Hut

Attention I am Commander War Turtle of the Squirtle Squad I hear you’re the upstart fire brand who is standing in the way of our glorious future what glorious future all you guys do is make life harder for anyone who isn’t you that’s because water types are the best

We’re strong we’re good swimmers and we’re the majority so everyone should have to do what we want what you want is to hurt others then I can’t accept your worldview game on war Turtle I hit him with my fire breath and Drew my sword his defensive shell would be hard to

Crack but in Mega Charizard X form I was fast and I was Furious I hammered him over and over again with melee attacks for my sword from day 95 to day 997 I continued to chip away at War turtle’s Health but the water Pokémon was resilient I could see his strength in

Battle was why he had become the commander of the Squirtle Squad well that and the fact he’s completely bought into all of blastoise’s ideas about different types of Pokémon war Turtle used a water blast it wasn’t as powerful as blastoise’s but it was still super effective he followed up with a combo of

Powerful melee attacks that had me barely hanging on guess I’ve got no choice I have to use that move I Unleashed dragon Fireballs four of them the dragon power caught War Turtle off guard and dealt enough effective damage to put him in his place hey that wasn’t

A fire typ move what a cheap trick it’s a move I learned through the power of friendship someone like you who think a Pokémon’s type is all they can be would never understand whatever zuu it’s not going to matter when Blastoise brings down the rain across the land and

Creates a world for water types and only water typs you mean he’s even willing to do that I thought Blastoise was bad enough but he really can’t live in a world where anyone is a different type it’ll be a perfect world I wish I could have seen it but I’ll settle for that

Horrified look on your face goodbye Zozo enjoy your last few days alive War turtle passed on but he was oddly proud of himself it was sad that he had bought into his hate so completely brainwashed until the end now that I knew what Blastoise was planning to do I went to

Warn the others about the coming flood on day 98 I said my goodbyes to my friend who were living on my base as I prepared to go and take down the Blastoise who had caused all this trouble first Lapras you can do this zoo over these last 100 days you’ve proven

Yourself to be a true hero you will unite the Pokémon world and then Vulpix You Can Heal The Great Divide Zozo I believe in you you can write the wrongs of this imperfect world and finally the first ever friend I’d met here Bulbasaur do it for Flareon Zozo it’s what he

Would have wanted on day 99 I made my way back to the Dead Sea I needed to conserve every ounce of my strength if I wanted to defeat Blastoise and as aenda of hate but when I reached the outside of blastoise’s Fortress I saw a large gang of Squirtles this was extremely bad

News if I fought those Squirtles I’d lose energy i”d be weakened in my fight against Blastoise oh this is terrible I don’t know what to do that’s when I heard a fluttering sound and saw Butterfree floating next to me this is where I may be of assistant Zozo you

Helped me now I’ll help you let me distract the Squirtles while you take on Blastoise it’ll all be worth it if you can bring peace to the land thank you Butterfree I’ll make sure that your risk won’t be in vain on day 100 Butterfree rushed in and distracted the Squirtles

While I entered the Fortress and came face to face with Blastoise for the first time in quite some time finally you nasty little fire type you’ve grown the courage to come and fight me this is the final battle whoever wins will decide the fate of all the Pokémon in

The Overworld I’m not here to fight you Blastoise what this is impossible it must be some kind of dirty fire type trick you just want me to let my guard down so you can burn me to a crisp don’t be silly Blastoise aren’t you tired of all this fighting all this hate haven’t

We both lost too many people but but I’m a water type that makes me better if I don’t have that what do I have you can have anything you want Blastoise you can decide who you are not just what you are we can all be our own people and be

Friends you just need to let all this hate and pain go Blastoise thought about it for a long moment before sighing I’m so sorry for everything I’ve done can you ever forgive me I can try and you can try too come back to my base with me

Blastoise we’ll get it all smoothed over thank you Zozo you haven’t just saved everyone else you’ve saved me too just like that the Overworld was saved not with violence but with kindness and understanding on day one I spawned into the middle of the Black Forest as Herobrine Minecraft’s spookiest Phantom

Well a baby version of Herobrine anyway but why am I here I was on some kind of altar with a Sinister robed figure standing and staring at me yes yes my plan worked this is the growing sign that my powers are growing plan Powers who are you and what’s going on here you

Don’t know the name of your master boy I am Dorian the drown Necromancer Master of the undead and you are my servant servant I didn’t sign up for that I don’t even want to be a ghost I want to have a body what you want doesn’t matter

Without me you wouldn’t exist and unless I choose to give you a body in the next 100 days your spirit will fade away into nothingness bow to me boy never and my name is Zozo with all my might I jumped out of the Altar and ran off into the

Forest as fast as I could I didn’t want anything to do with Dorian the drowned Necromancer and his plan to get more power I need to work on my plan getting my body back when I was convinced that I’d lost Dorian I hid under a tree for

The rest of the day as a Restless spirit I couldn’t even get any rest being Herobrine sure isn’t easy on day two I decided to further explore the Black Forest it was dark and spooky the exact kind of place that a scary Spirit like me would be summoned if I wasn’t a ghost

Myself I’d be afraid of running into a ghost around here and oh jeez I only have five Hearts I thought ghosts were meant to be more durable than this but I didn’t have time to wallow in self-pity for long because a gang of frightening dread litches emerged out of the trees

Why is everyone around here so Eerie we serve our glorious Master Dorian the drowned Necromancer he gave us new life so we owe everything to him oh that’s just my luck and I guess you want to kidnap me and take me back to him for his Sinister

Plans huh we didn’t expect you to already know this I guess it saves us some explanation time at least in the name of Dorian we come and dare your soul The Dread lies punched me with no weapons and very low health I didn’t have any hope of fighting back against

Them instead I turned around and ran as quickly as I could my soul my rules the Black Forest seemed dark and infinite so at least it wasn’t difficult to lose those nasty liches the downside was that I’d gotten lost myself and as I wandered through the forest getting more and more

Creeped out I ran into a siren oh another ghost how exciting wait you can see see me of course I can see you I’m a psychic Sarah the psychic siren General Services place to meet you so you’re not going to try to steal my soul like everyone else I’ve met steal your soul

Heck no I’m a huge supporter of spirits rights come with me my new ghost friend I’ll introduce you to my boss finally having met someone nice I followed Sarah the psychic siren through the trees on day three Sarah led me through the forest Until We Came Upon a small

Cottage a sign outside r psychic services for all ghosts wow I had no idea this kind of place existed Sarah there are more ghosts in this Forest than you think it’s got to be someone’s job to take care of them and help them along their way suddenly the front door

Opened and a geomancer stepped out Zozo meet my boss Jerry the geomancer Jerry I found Zozo here wandering through the Black Forest like a Restless Spirit he needs our help is that a fact it’s nice to meet you Zoo tell me how did you find yourself in this difficult situation to

Be honest I’m not entirely sure I was summoned and bound by this guy called Dorian the drowned Necromancer and he told me that if I didn’t serve him I’d Disappear in 100 days it’s gotten me pretty worried that’s concerning I’ve heard of many cases caused by this Dorian fellow a truly dangerous customer

I’m going to put Sarah on your case she’ll come and help you build a base and get situated and together we’ll get your body back thank you Jerry and Sarah I’m feeling better already let’s go Zozo with the mission to get my body back decided on Sarah and I journeyed further

Into the forest to get started from day four to day five Sarah and I explored the Black Forest until we discovered an area with a nice flat terrain so Sarah what do you think we should do first I’d say cut down a few of these trees

That’ll give you some of the wood you need to build a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe great idea Sarah I cut down a tree and made a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe from there I mined enough Stone to also create a stone pickaxe Axe and a stone sword it’s

Difficult to hold this stuff being a ghost but I’ll try my best that’s the spirit Zozo I cleared enough space in the forest to start laying down a basic base collecting some extra wood along the way it started off with a pretty basic setup with just a room for me and

A room for Sarah oh this is a nice setup Zozo I guess living with you technically means we living in a haunted house yeah I guess so say this is probably a pointless question to ask but is it possible for ghost to eat because I’m getting really hungry right now you’re

In luck Zozo I have an enchanted Apple that ghosts can eat in my inventory right now enjoy Sarah gave me the apple and I ate it instantly I felt my power starting to grow I had 20 Hearts now and I developed a new ghost ability warping from place to place this is fascinating

Zozo I feel so lucky that I’m getting to see it from day six to day 8 I went wandering around the nearby Twilight Valley looking for more rare Enchanted food as a ghost my ghostly hunger was really difficult to satisfy and Sarah didn’t know how to enchant more food it

Kind of sucks to be a ghost I still have a lot of the downsides of Being Human plus a bunch of new downsides but while I was wandering around the valley I heard some commotion and ran in to see what was happening maybe I can help

Someone in the distance I saw a vind Chef one of the most powerful types of chefs in the world being attacked by a nasty gang of skeleton vanguards a chef huh what a stroke of good luck I used my new ghost power to warp over there and

Pulled out my stone sword with all my focus and determination I fought all of the skeleton vanguards until none remained it was only me and The Vindicator Chef you saved my life sir I owe you a great debt what is your name I’m Zozo Zozo a strong name for a strong

Hero I am Victor Victor The Vindicator chef and if you do a favor for me I will repay your kindness by any means necessary that sounds like a good deal what kind of favor would you like me to do follow me and I’ll show you I followed Victor The Vindicator Chef

Deeper into the Twilight Valley excited to get him on my side from day 9 to day 10 Victor took me to a clearing in the valley where a huge mutant skeleton was waiting oh jeez that thing is a monster you want me to defeat a mutant skeleton

I Believe In You Zozo seeing you take down all those skeleton vanguards makes me completely confident in your ability to slay this Beast go forth uh thanks for the vote of confidence Victor I stealed myself as best as I could and warped over to the mutant skeleton it

Immediately started attacking me and I started attacking it back but my attacks were barely doing anything and its attacks were taking way too too many hearts off of me I got to get out of here I warped away from the fight and ran back to Victor telling him the

Disappointing news oh well I’m sure you tried your best nonetheless I suppose we’ll go our separate ways no hear me out I could really use a Vindicator Chef back at my base you’re the only type of Chef who can cook the type of Enchanted

Food I can eat how about you stay at my base and I promise I’ll come back and defeat this mutant skeleton when I’m strong enough that sounds like a good deal to me lead the way dear Zozo from day 11 to day 12 I returned to the base

With Victor The Vindicator Chef I know it isn’t much but it’s home I’m going to make you a room thank you Zozo I’ll get working on a little something of my own in the meantime I got to work Gathering up new materials and started building a new little Bungalow for The Vindicator

Chef to stay in while crashing at my base what do you think Victor this is a nice little room Zozo thank you and you can come and see what I made for for you too go and check your room I walked over and saw that Victor had made a high-end

Kitchen in my base perfect for cooking up the kind of Enchanted food I could eat this is amazing Victor I’m getting hungry just looking at it but the kitchen is only one side of the equation Zozo I need some good quality ingredients perhaps we should build a farm on the base that’s another

Excellent idea I decided to build a little enclosure I went out into the black forest where I found a bunch of chickens it wasn’t hard to H them back my base I can taste the eggs and fried chicken already when I returned to my room to relax I found that Sarah the

Psychic siren was waiting for me with some new information I did some research into Dorian the drowned Necromancer Zozo and found some interesting information he used to be a flesh and blood Necromancer terrorizing the Overworld by raising the undead until one day the people rose up and drowned him in the

Ocean somehow Dorian returned and he’s been acting on his evil plans ever since wow this sky is really scary from day 13 to day 15 I returned to Sarah once again and asked her what she thought I should do in order to get my body back right

Now Zozo knowledge is power the more we can find out the more likely we’ll be able to help you get your body back head out to the Twilight Valley and see what you can find out that’s an excellent idea Sarah I journeyed out into the Twilight Valley which reminded me of the

Time that I’d failed to defeat the mutant skeleton why is nothing ever easy around here but my difficulties were only just getting started one of the dread litches who worked for Doran the drowned Necromancer came from behind me ready to fight me I serve my glorious Master Dorian the the

Drown Necromancer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I get it let’s just fight fine but the way to take all the fun out of this I battled The Dread with all my might he was a formidable opponent but in the end I defeated him all the same and that

Gave me the XP I needed to level up again I got bigger stronger rose up to 40 hearts and gained a new offensive power lightning strikes finally some actually cool Ghost powers from day 16 to day 19 I found my way into the wooded Badlands where I continued my search for

Any useful information that could help me defeat Dorian the drowned Necromancer and get my body back during the first couple days of my search through the Badlands I didn’t find anything but on day 19 I happened upon a Dusty old book hidden out of the way yay reading I love

That but it wasn’t just a fun reading experience that would engage my imagination it was also a book that contained some critical information about Dorian the drowned Necromancer it read like all Cardinal Undead the drowned Necromancer has a beard of ice therefore he must spend most of his time

In the freezing cold and he has a severe weakness to fire so that’s two useful pieces of information Dorian has a weakness to Fire and he must be hiding somewhere cold I can’t wait to tell Sarah about this but my celebration was shortlived as suddenly a couple of dread

Litches ambushed me trying to get revenge for their friend I defeated back in the Twilight Valley thankfully this time I had the power of ghostly lightning in my hands I fired some lightning bolts at The Dread litches until they were destroyed I’m getting my body back no matter what from day 20 to

Day 22 I can continued through the wooded Badlands feeling strong and confident about all the information I’d found recently I ran into a nasty gang of hungry spiders and used my new lightning ability to zap them these spiders are hardly a threat to me now I

Decided that now was the perfect time to upgrade my gear too I searched until I found an underground Cavern and looked around until I found some iron ore I mined the ore and smelted it into some ingots creating an iron sword and an iron pickaxe now I’m stronger than ever

Come to think of it I have some unfinished business to take care of now remembering the debt I owed to Victor The Vindicator Chef I returned to the Twilight Valley and hunted down that scary mutant skeleton I agreed to defeat when I saw the mutant skeleton I first

Unleashed a lightning strike stunning it then I ran in and struck it again and again with my new iron sword until it was no more a Herobrine always pays his debts from day 23 to Day 26 six I returned to the base to let Victor The

Vindicator Chef know that I had paid my debt to him by defeating the mutant skeleton I can see that you’ve gotten strong just like you promised you would that’s right and I plan on becoming even stronger Victor they’ll start calling me Victor too because I won so many battles

But that’s my name Zoo won’t that get confusing true I guess I’ll just stick with Zozo after my talk with Victor I went to the underground Cavern where I could mine for more iron with my iron pickaxe I was able to mine the iron ore

In no time in the same area I found a treasure chest with a bunch of iron ingots that I could use to craft a full set of iron armor I’m like a ghostly Knight I went back above and went to see Victor The Vindicator Chef again he said

He had some news to share with me Zozo I’ve made an addition to the base that I think you might really enjoy he showed me a relaxation room that was perfect for ghosts like me you did a really good job on this Victor we ghost might not be

Able to rest in peace but at least now we can relax about it it was no trouble at all friend from day 27 to day 31 I was out exploring the same area of the wooded Badlands where I defeated the dread Lites I came across a farmer who

Was jumping for joy at the sight of me that’s not the usual reaction people have for Herobrine so I went over to ask why he was in such a good mood what’s got you so happy Mr farmer it’s because of you Zozo those dread litches were a

Real snake in my boot but ever since you defeated them I’ve had no worries glad to hear it slaying evil monsters and improving lives is totally my thing well there is one small worry when those dread lies was still around one of them scared off all my sheep I needed them

For war I’ll help you out you can even come live at my base if you’d like that sounds pretty Keen Zozo I led the farmer back to the base then set off through the Black Forest to find some sheep so I could gather the the wool that the

Farmer was looking for taming them was easy enough and soon there was enough wool to go around afterwards I decided to do some decorating these Herobrine banners will show the mobs that this base is home to one Mighty Ghost with the decorations done I found Sarah the psychic siren waiting inside there you

Are Zozo you have to leave the base with me now it’s an emergency what’s going on come on I’ll explain when we get there from day 32 to day 35 I left the base with Sarah and traveled through the Black Forest along the way we were

Ambushed by a small gang of dread Lites Bo does this feel familiar I should have seen this coming I am a psychi after all we serve our glorious Master Dorian the drowned Necromancer they really do say it every time don’t they Sarah they sure do hey don’t diss our catchphrase or we’ll have

To get mean well meaner The Dread litches began to attack so I zapped them my ghost lightning strikes none of the dread litches I had fought before had seen that ability so it took them by surprise and I was able to quickly defeat them we traveled on and I soon

Noticed that Sarah and I had come to the place where Jerry the geomancer had resided before this time it was completely destroyed and the area was full of dorian’s dread litches hey this is Jerry’s Place get out of here it looks like we were too late Zozo this is

Exactly what I foresaw in my psychic Vision I knew what’s sent when I saw Jerry backed against a corner he had tried to fight The Dread lies on his own but he was about to die Zozo is that you it seems I won’t be able to see you get

Your body back Jerry I’m sorry we got here as fast as we could don’t worry about me Dorian will surely pay for this make sure you and Sarah protect each other we will rest well Jerry I was so enraged by Jerry’s death that I destroyed the dread litches with my

Lightning strikes and there were none left in the area from Day 36 to day 39 I made a return trip back to the Twilight Valley it hadn’t changed much since the other time I was here but there was a fisherman at the local pond who I hadn’t

Seen before hello there I’m Zozo well hi there Zozo I’m fishing no I’m just kidding my name is Fred the fisherman and I could use a hand sure Fred what seems to be the problem I know I’d be able to catch more fish if I had some

Twilight worms as bait but they’re all way up there in in the higher parts of the Valley can you go get a couple for me you can count on me Fred I climbed up the terrain of the Twilight Valley enjoying the view along the way with all

That happened recently it was nice to gather my thoughts for a moment the moment didn’t last long though because I was attacked by a giant even though it was big it had gotten the drop on me I took a few Swings with my iron sword to

Make it think twice then I warped back a short distance and hit it with a few lightning strikes I closed the distance back into melee range and finished it off with my sword soon after I returned to Fred the fisherman with the bait he was looking for happy fishing hope you

Catch a big one thanks I only came here to the valley because the fishing in the ocean ain’t that good anymore ever since that drowned Necromancer Rose from the sea people have been afraid that he might have left a curse on it he is really evil that Dorian a curse on the

Place he was drowned sure sounds like him from day 40 to day 43 I was looking at the base after coming home from my short journey and noticed that it had been redecorated to look even spookier whichit for ghosts and spirits is incredibly cool this place looks amazing

I predicted that you would like the changer Zozo Sarah was this you I do like it but what was the occasion I wanted to invite some of my siren sisters to come live at the base then you look as so they’ll feel right at home is that all right with you of

Course if the other Sirens are anything like you then we’ll all get along nicely a while later the other Sirens that Sarah had mentioned arrived at the base it was right at the time she had predicted that they would arrive hello everyone make yourself at home friends

Of Sarah are friends of mine thanks for being so understanding Zozo living at this base together always works out when we compromise sure the more the merrier soon after I greeted the sirens the farmer who was also living at the base approached me so that we could talk well

Hey there Zozo you’re just the ghost I was looking to see I have another job for you if you’re willing of course I’m always willing to help a farmer in need I heard from some other Farmers that there was a mutant Enderman running around and ruining everyone’s crops if

You could take care of that mob you’d be helping Farmers Everywhere You Can Count On Me from day 44 to day 49 I took up the farmer on his request and traveled to the Tiger Mountain that mutant Enderman who was causing problems had to be around here somewhere but it wasn’t

Just mobs I had to worry about Dorian was here on the mountain too alongside a zombie well well well if it isn’t the Herobrine who defied me how has the spirit been fairing you’re probably close to fing away into nothingness by now you wish Dorian my ghost form has

Only gotten more powerful and I will use everything I have to get my body back easier said than done Zozo you really think getting your body back will be so simple I was counting on your ghost to become a vengeful Spirit wait what do you mean do you think the Restless Dead

Can return so easily to the way they used to be why do you think I still carry the curse of undeath after the villagers drowned me it’s because there is no way back to life for us evil spirits it can’t be have I been getting stronger for nothing yes embrace your

Rage and frustration become the monster Herobrine and forget about reclaiming your body my Undead will help you become what you are meant to be Dori and the drowned Necromancer disappeared into a fog leaving behind the mutant zombie to battle me from day 50 to day 53 I started my battle against the mutant

Zombie that had been sent against me my lightning strikes were proving effective but because of what Dorian the drowned Necromancer had said I was starting to get worried about using my ghost Powers I switched my sword and hacked away at the mutant zombie I didn’t use my warp

Or my lightning strike it made the fight a lot harder but I had to believe that I was more than just the monster Herobrine I am going to get my body back no matter what the mutant zombie Was Defeated after a big struggle and it dropped a

Spellbook once it was defeated I took a moment to examine it and I saw a flashback to dorian’s Revival he had just emerged from the ocean as a drowned Necromancer and was looking to get revenge on the people of the world for what they did to him casting down

Lightning strikes in his wrath he researched the legends of other powerful undead beings and eventually came across the story of Herobrine it looked like he didn’t just steal my body to make me into a ghost he wanted to make me just like the dangerous and evil herobrine

From the stories maybe then he’d finally have someone else as tortured and wicked as himself to hang out with from day 54 to day 57 I resumed the farmer’s quest to stop the mutant Enderman in the Tiger Mountain I found the mob in the process of a rampage and with some nervousness I

Approached can I actually defeat this mutant Enderman without my ghost Powers the mutant Enderman sprinted at me and swiped at me with its powerful limbs my hearts were getting low and I was still weakened from the fight with the mutant zomie is that all the great Herobrine

Can do against me I thought you were more powerful that’s what the story said believe everything you hear I may not be the same Herobrine that is feared by everyone but I am Herobrine myself when I said it out loud it made sense I could use my ghost Powers because I was the

One in control of them and I was using them to help take this ow lightning strikes hurt I thought I could be the scariest but now I’m done for my ghost Powers made short work of the mutant Enderman he dropped an item upon his defeat which turned out to be an antler

Headdress with this headgear equipped all of my attacks would gain greater knockback what a neat upgrade I returned to the farmer at the base and told him that I had defeated the mutant Enderman it seems that I can always count on you Zozo as a reward for getting rid of that

Mutant Enderman I’ll tell you a secret about Dorian the drowned Necromancer what do you know about him I was there when the villagers drowned him in the ocean his last words were a curse to everyone he said soon you’ll all feel the loneliness that I had failed what

Did he mean I don’t know but he probably had something real evil in mind when he said it from day 58 to day 62 I managed to HT some more chickens into the base just to make sure we had a big enough food source for everyone then I made my

Way deep into the underground Cavern so I could do some mining for better materials I used my iron pickaxe to dig until I struck diamonds and mind myself enough to create a diamond pickaxe I equipped the new tool and kept mining diamonds until I had enough to craft a

Diamond sword leggings a chest plate and Boots this new weapon and armor would serve me well in battle against the undead forces of Dorian the drowned Necromancer with my first pieces of diamond armor and gear and toe I returned to the base and there were now floating lanterns of ghost lights around

The base I even found that a new room had been added Sarah had been hard at work making our haunted house into a haunted home this is just my way of saying thanks Zoo you’ve really been a friend to everyone after we lost Jerry the geom

I feel like I could stay here for a very long time thanks Sarah that means a lot too because for ghosts like us a really long time might mean eternity from day 63 to day 66 I was down in the underground Cavern making some expansions to the mine when Victor The

Vindicator Chef came to see me hey Zozo I heard that you were still looking for your original body there’s a biome nearby where you may not have looked yet oh really well I’m glad you thought to tell me about it Victor I went back above ground and traveled to the place

That Victor had told me about the wooded Badlands I looked around for any signs of necromancy magic or gravestone anything that might lead me to my body that’s when I noticed a scary Gorgon sneaking up on me boo hey don’t say boo to me I’m a ghost that’s our thing sorry

Sorry I thought it would be fun to startle you I didn’t mean any offense it seemed like she meant it that was a relief because I thought I would have to fight this Gorgon you’re a lot nicer than you look I could say the same thing about you you’re the Herobrine aren’t

You sort of I’m the new Herobrine my name is Zozo Zozo huh I’m Morgan you could still help me with a Herobrine Quest right I think so what did you have in mind you agreed this way a new ghost friend from day 67 to Day 70 I followed

Morgan the Gorgon through the wooded Badlands to find out more about this Herobrine Quest she had mentioned so aren’t you curious about this hero brine quest of ours Yes actually I was waiting for you to tell me more well according to the scary stories about herobrine he

Is supposed to be the most powerful Undead because of his ability to rebuild and Destroy rebuild and Destroy yes Herobrine can destroy and rebuild the world however he wants and anyone who is able to control him would be able to gain the same power I don’t have that

Kind of power not yet that’s why we’re on this Quest you need to regain your power by facing down another being that herob BR thought that’s why we’re headed to the lair of the dread Beast we soon arrived at a part of the wooded Badlands where the dangerous Bob known as The

Dread Beast was known to have her Lair come on out dread Beast I am Zozo the Herobrine and I challenge you the dread be soon emerged and roared with anger you think you’re Herobrine please I battled the real Herobrine in the past you’ll never be as powerful a ghost as

His in we’ll see the dread Beast charged in but I knocked her back with a couple slices from my diamond sword combined with the increased knockback from the antler headdress she tried to resist and charge at me but I warped out of the way and brought down lightning strikes until

She was defeated from day 71 to day 74 I thanked Morgan the Gorgon for helping me learn more about the Herobrine from the stories and left her to travel further across the wooded Badlands in search of my body I was starting to get the hang of this new spooky Herobrine story and I

Was also starting to think it was going to end up being a pretty good one but it’s not the only story that you can find on this channel so you should look for my other videos by typing zo zo into the search bar I arrived at a rundown

Structure in the middle of the wooded Badlands I thought it maybe had something to do with how my old body might have lived yeah I can feel it I was definitely here before I was a ghost but that’s what you are now so why try to go back Dorian it’s you still still

Chasing after the past Zozo you will become my Herobrine and I will use your powers to rebuild a world where everyone is as lonely as I’ve been that’s a terrible thing to do and I won’t let you get away with it I tried to lightning stagon but he was immune to the damage

When I swung my diamond sword he struck back with his own weapon doing far more damage than I could do to him fool you actually thought I wasn’t prepared to fight you you’ll get a bit stronger but your ghost form will still fade away before then I do hope you help me

Achieve my lonely world what else do you have to continue on for Dorian the drowned Necromancer spared my ghostly life probably because I was still important to his plans one thing’s for sure I need to get stronger than he ever imagined I could be from day 75 to day

78 I kept thinking about how I should face Dorian the drowned Necromancer he had been a Restless spirit for a lot longer than me and maybe I’d have to become just as evil as him to have a fighting chance but I don’t want to be

Evil I don’t want to be that kind of Herobrine seeing that I was down Sarah the psychic siren came to my room to cheer me up Zozo I foresaw that you would be sad so I made sure to give the base an almost invisible Enchanted Mist

So it’d be hidden from attacks that way nobody will disturb us without us expecting it that’s really good Sarah thank you let me tell you Zozo in my professional opinion as a psychic I don’t predict that you’ll turn evil I hope I can live up to your predictions I

Went outside for a bit to get some air and shortly after Victor The Vindicator Chef joined me with a fresh new magic cake that he had just baked give this a try Zozo I think it might just pick you up thanks Victor I gobbled up the cake

And felt a transformation coming on I doubled in size and my heart gauge increased to contain 80 Hearts Victor sure knows how to cook from day 79 to day 84 I went back to the wooded Badlands to see if I could face Dorian the drowned Necromancer again I knew

This whole thing would be over if I could just shut him down Dorian wasn’t here himself but it seemed like he might have used some of his necromancy to mobilize a few random skeletons to fight me with my lightning strikes I was easily able to blow away these weak

Undead I wasn’t satisfied with the amount of searching I’d done here so I examined the structure more closely that’s when I noticed doors that led to a dwelling where a pink pixie was staying hello there I’m Zozo you know anything about who used to live here

Yeah I do there was a village here that was destroyed by storms a blizzard and a thunderstorm there was only one surviving villager and he was really alone was that villager Herobrine yeah this is the place where Herobrine’s story began the land has been cursed and plants have never grown as well here

Since it’s just like that curse that Dorian put on the ocean I’ve got to put the hero in Herobrine and find a way to lift both of those curses this may help you in your journey Zoo pixie gave me a netherite helmet an extremely durable piece of armor that would certainly give

Me a Fighting Chance the next time I saw Dorian from day 85 to day 89 I returned to my base excited to show my friends the awesome netherite helmet I’d been given instead I found a bunch of dread lges invading my base trying to find and

Attack those same friends oh I can’t let this slide I don’t want to overuse ghost Powers but for the sake of my friends it’s a risk worth taking I started firing lightning blasts left and right destroying them quickly and dropping their morale the rest saw my skills and

Took off running but I wasn’t going to let an attack on my own base slide I came running after them but while chasing them I ran into a troll who seemed to be crying as much as I wanted Revenge I didn’t want to leave a clearly

Distressed guy on the hook like that so I asked him what was wrong I’ve been working on my novel but I can’t seem to get through it I’m losing confidence in myself you can do it Mr troll just believe in yourself and try to get past

The first draft I’ll be excited to read it when it’s done thank you kind stranger I’ll never forget this from day 90 to Day 94 I followed the surviving dread Lites into the snowy Plains it was freezing I remembered what I had read about Dorian before he needs to be cold

He must be hiding somewhere out here I on his territory now but I couldn’t afford to worry about that just yet I needed to track down and defeat those liches eventually I caught up to them they must have gotten exhausted and stopped I finally had my chance you guys

Are going to pay for attacking my base oh Zozo you’re so naive Dorian knew everything he predicted exactly what you do and now you’re going to get destroyed you’ve never been able to destroy me before what makes you guys think you’re going to be able to do it now oh it

Won’t be us Zozo it’ll be him a huge terrifying dread Knight stepped out and the dread lies all ran off he must have been one of doran’s most dangerous henchmen yet even as a ghost I think I’m going to ache after this one from day 95

To day 97 I went head-to-head with the dread Knight and he was as fast and as powerful as I’d fear and as the battle went on I was worried I might be doomed until I got a second wind and fought back with all of my might soon enough I

Defeated even the terrible dread Knight the deadliest of Dorian the drowned necromancer’s henchmen I’m stronger than I’ve ever been but does this mean I’m doomed to become evil and end up serving that monster but my worried thoughts were interrupted by a new discovery when the dread Knight Was Defeated he dropped

A notebook containing instructions direct from the enemy destroy Zozo he is Unworthy of the title of Herobrine return to the ice cave when you are done if you need anything extra to finish the job check the chest behind the broken Boulder so now I knew that Dorian was

Hiding in some kind of ice cave and that note about the chest really intrigued me I searched the snowy plane until I found a boulder that looked half shattered and then I found a chest behind it and inside the chest was a battle axe this belongs to Dorian I can’t wait to give

It back to him on day 98 I returned to my base to tell everyone who’d helped me how all of this was going to unfold for all I knew it might be my final chance to speak with them guys I wanted to thank all of you for how much you’ve

Helped me I never could have gotten this far without you this final part is so dangerous that I have to do it alone Dorian is more powerful than ever but I’d rather be destroyed than let him use me as an evil tool there’s no way he’d destroy you Zozo you’re too powerful and

Too good-hearted and in the end the good guys always win and the bad guys always lose here here after you defeat him Zozo I’ll bake a mighty cake that we can all enjoy ah and I’ll Farm all the best quality ingredients you’ve got this zoo I have full confidence in you you’re all

The best I’m going to defeat him for you all of you and I’m going to get my body back on day 99 I ventured back to the snowy Plains with everything I needed to finally take on the big bad Beast of a necromancer who stole my body it’s time

For me to show you the door Dorian didn’t actually take me that long to find the ice cave that was dorian’s Hideout because I spotted a large guard force of dread litches waiting outside keeping a lookout talk about an undead giveaway there were so many of them and

They looked better armed and armored than usual Dorian must have known I was coming and put them here to slow me down before the final battle it’s an ingenious plan what can I do I think I may be of service I turned and saw that Morgan the Gorgon was behind me Morgan

What are you doing here sorry for following you I was going to yell boo again but it didn’t seem like the right moment I feel like I’ve been missing out on all the action let me distract these Undead creeps and you can go in there and take down the big bad guy sounds

Like a great plan Morgan let’s do this on day 100 while Morgan was distracting The Dread l outside I entered the ice cave and found Dorian the drowned Necromancer waiting for me you made it through my servants how it’s because I don’t have servants I have friends oh spare me all that self-righteous

Foolishness you can’t talk your way out of serving me I brought you back I bound you you belong to me Zozo and nothing will change that I’m going to keep fighting no matter what for myself and my friends and when I’m done all you’re going to be is a bad memory then let’s

See time to go back to the void silly little ghost I Unleashed everything I had onto Dorian not giving up even as he fought back against me I could tell as the battle went on he was getting weaker and weaker I pulled out the battle axe

The battle axe that Dorian had left for his dread Knight to destroy me I’m sure the void will welcome you Dorian and with one more strike Dorian was no more there was a tremendous Flash and in the moment that Dorian was destroyed my body was returned to me wow it feels amazing

To be back

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as an ICE WITHERSTORM in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Witherstorm Stories Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-11-16 02:15:02. It has garnered 12304 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:20 or 13400 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as an Ice Witherstorm in Hardcore Minecraft! Infused with the power of ice, I’m the most powerful witherstorm ever created! But will it be enough to fight off the rule of the ice dragon?

0:00:00 100 DAYS as an ICE WITHERSTORM 0:35:11 100 DAYS as a FIRE WITHERSTORM 1:15:12 100 DAYS as a LAVA WITHER 1:50:04 100 DAYS as an POISON LIZARD 2:27:24 100 DAYS as the FIRE POKEMON CHARMANDER 3:04:46 100 DAYS as HEROBRINE

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    Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-15 02:30:27. It has garnered 1299 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► ✨INSTAGRAM ► ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘ dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft’s Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft's Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!"I guess you could say this meme really knows how to moss-tivate people with its score of 8! Read More

  • 100 Days: Minecraft’s Explosive Score

    100 Days: Minecraft's Explosive Score In the world of Minecraft, a challenge arose, “100 Days” series, where the story unfolds. Luke the Notable, a gamer so bold, Survived and thrived, his journey retold. From humble beginnings, with just a few views, To millions of fans, all eager for news. The challenge was simple, but not for the weak, Survive 100 days, with dangers to seek. Creepers and zombies, skeletons too, Luke faced them all, with skills so true. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Each episode gripping, fans at his command. The series took off, like a rocket in flight, Capturing hearts, day and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes for You!

    Hot Minecraft Memes for You! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle

    Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle – A Death-Defying Challenge! Embark on an epic adventure with the ‘Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle’ map in Minecraft! This thrilling boss fight created by Tape_Eater will push your skills to the limit with its three challenging phases. Intense Phases and Deadly Attacks Prepare yourself for a battle like no other as you face off against the Hellfire Reaper. With nine different attacks, including Missiles, Napalm, Shockwaves, and Sawblades, each phase ramps up the difficulty, keeping you on your toes throughout the fight. Unlockable Phases and Chaos Unleashed As you chip away at the boss’s… Read More

  • 肾结石喵的悲惨生活17

    肾结石喵的悲惨生活17 Minecraft Character Model: Klee from “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to add a unique character model to your game? Look no further than the Klee model from the “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” series. This character model can be used in the Minecraft: Java Edition by loading it with the Yes Steve Model module. How to Get the Klee Model To access the Klee model, you will need to download the Yes Steve Model module. You can find the module link here. Additionally, you can obtain the… Read More

  • Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥

    Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴TERTINGGAL JAUHH! | BRUTAL HARDCORE II #14’, was uploaded by Samsul CH on 2024-07-23 00:09:22. It has garnered 5553 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:41 or 5861 seconds. #minecraft #brutalhardcore2 ==================DONATION===================== You can help me with donations yes, friend. You can use: GOPAY / OVO / FUNDS: Hopefully I can be helped by your donations ^^ ======================LINK================== ========– Join My Discord : / discord Follow My Instagram : / bagasbuat_ ~~~ Command ~~~ !ig !age !original !donate DON’T FORGET TO SUBS, LIKE, AND SHARE YA GUYS! Read More

  • Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!

    Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 2 – Upgrading Tools! New Equipment and Armor!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-06 19:00:27. It has garnered 21682 views and 618 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:55 or 2695 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 2! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building new stone tools and leather armor as we build up our base! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T Pros

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T ProsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Minecraft VS 2B2T Players’, was uploaded by NottaG on 2024-06-02 23:28:20. It has garnered 314 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. song creds BongEatBong – 2b On My Mind (YNW Melly Murder On My Mind Anarchy Minecraft Parody) Read More

  • Insane mods dominate Minecraft game

    Insane mods dominate Minecraft gameVideo Information This video, titled ‘How mods completely took over Minecraft’, was uploaded by NickNameHidden on 2024-05-10 12:52:51. It has garnered 1510 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:13 or 253 seconds. In this video, i explained how mods took over Minecraft, literally forcing the player to play with them, as well as how they are making Minecraft so special because of them. Shaders that i use in my videos: Complementary Reimagined, SEUS PTGI HRR 3. Texture Packs that i use: Unique Dark, Smaller Crosshair, Fresh Animations. Support my channel: Follow my social media: X… Read More

  • Hoobs 24/7 Interactive Minecraft LIVE – Battle Commands!

    Hoobs 24/7 Interactive Minecraft LIVE - Battle Commands!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 24/7 INTERACTIVE MINECRAFT LIVE STREAM !COMMANDS !HELP !BATTLE’, was uploaded by Hoobs Live on 2024-01-22 21:48:25. It has garnered 161 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds. This is the video archive for Hoobs Live SMP of 1465 PM 👉 The LIVE STREAM can be found here: Hoobs Live SMP is a vanilla survival server that everyone can join! 💻 JAVA SERVER ADDRESS: 🪨 Bedrock IP: PORT: 19314 🎮 GET HELP ON DISCORD: Made In Portugal ♥ With Love #LIVEMINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSERVER #SURVIVALSERVER *Special… Read More

  • “Friend saves my life in Minecraft!” 😱 #shorts

    "Friend saves my life in Minecraft!" 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Friend Saved my But i Did This in Minecraft 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by RTERO on 2024-07-11 00:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello everyone Please Like, Share and Subscribe… Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft … Read More

  • “Unleashing Gods with Bread in Minecraft” #CrazyAdventure

    "Unleashing Gods with Bread in Minecraft" #CrazyAdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘『Let’s Play!✿ Minecraft』พาท่านเทพผจญภัยไปกับขนมปัง🐉🍞 ft.@lnw_neuatong #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Fumi Hausu on 2024-09-18 16:22:38. It has garnered 2435 views and 227 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:12 or 8052 seconds. Support the softest bread at this link ✨ 🍞 *:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・ Fumi’s Tag ! #FumiHausu Live: #FumiLives Fanart: #Art4Fumi Meme: #Fumememe Sing: #Fumising Gaming: #Fumigaming Cooking: #fumicook Don’t forget to talk about Fumi’s live and tag us a lot. Fumi will see everyone’s messages❤ BGM sugar popcorn by 柊 羽音Hiiragi Hanon • *:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・ Don’t forget❗️ press SUBSCRIBE and press the Fumi bell… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: I Built BenX XXL OP Gift in Minecraft!!

    UNBELIEVABLE: I Built BenX XXL OP Gift in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘ich BAUE BENX XXL OP GESCHENK in Minecraft HELDEN!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-09-21 10:00:09. It has garnered 17842 views and 717 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:52 or 2152 seconds. I BUILD BENX OP GIFT in Minecraft HEROES! Included: ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Duck ► 🐤 Twitter ► Minecraft: 🎮 The Site ► Minecraft Prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft a block is a funny / funny Minecraft challenge… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE (epic fail)

    Unbelievable! Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE (epic fail)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hypixel LIVE (im trash)’, was uploaded by GoldenSomeThing on 2024-09-23 03:17:57. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:59 or 12299 seconds. hope you enjoy like and subscribe #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars Read More

  • GoatZone Reborn Modded Super Powers SMP Whitelist

    Experience GoatZone Reborn Looking for a unique Minecraft Java experience? Join GoatZone Reborn for special superpowers that make every player stand out! Features: Exclusive superpowers for each player Collaborative building of a modern Chicago-inspired city Exploration with new biomes, dimensions, and mods Ready to Join? If you enjoy building, exploring, and mastering your superpowers, join us at Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Today’s Minecraft Live: Thoughts on Upcoming Updates?

    I guess you could say this meme has mined its way into the hearts of 271 people! Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed!

    Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed! In this Minecraft tale, we journeyed far and wide, To the End we ventured, with courage by our side. The portal we found, with eyes of ender’s guide, Through the stronghold’s maze, we did stride. The Ender Dragon awaited, fierce and strong, But with strategy and skill, we battled along. Destroying the crystals, we fought with song, Victory was ours, the battle won. Into the End City, we ventured next, With loot aplenty, we were truly blessed. Elytra in hand, we soared and flexed, Rare items collected, our inventory impressed. Enchanted gear and shulker boxes galore, Our Minecraft journey,… Read More

  • Minecraft meme #litaf

    Minecraft meme #litaf “When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole squad of pigs starts chasing you like you just insulted their momma #foryou” Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming and looking for a new adventure, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Just like Luigi De Rose explores various topics in his talk show, Minewind offers a diverse and engaging environment for players to immerse themselves in. Whether you’re interested in building, exploring, or simply connecting with other players, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and experience the magic of… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure

    Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts: A Fun and Entertaining Look at Minecraft Are you tired of sitting in biology class? Well, in the world of Minecraft, things are a bit different! Join the adventure as you explore the exciting world of Minecraft shorts on this channel. From funny skits to entertaining gameplay, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Exploring Minecraft Shorts Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before. These shorts offer a unique and entertaining look at the game, showcasing funny moments and creative storytelling. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, these… Read More

  • INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3

    INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3’, was uploaded by BEDCRAFT GAMING on 2024-09-01 13:27:10. It has garnered 344 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3 Thanks for Watching #minecraft #herobrine #minecraftpe Your Queries creeper smp is creeper aw man copyrighted a minecraft creeper in real life a creeper in real life a creeper song dream smp crafts is minecraft creeper copyrighted creeper school i am creeper lifesteal smp intro… Read More

  • Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 ji

    Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 jiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Play Fakepixel SMP | 💲Free SMP Promotion | Playing With Subscribers📍| #minecraft #hindilivestream’, was uploaded by Oye Raghu 22 ji on 2024-08-29 22:59:15. It has garnered 97 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:03 or 5403 seconds. 🚀 LIVE SERVER SHOWCASE: Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience! 🚀 🎉 Welcome to our exclusive livestream event! 🎉 We’re thrilled to have you join us as we dive into the incredible world of our cutting-edge servers. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer, a server administrator, or just curious about what makes our servers stand out,… Read More

  • Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & Rusherhack

    Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & RusherhackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Surviving 2b2t Anarchy Server. Trail Hunting for Base, Stash. Meteor & Rusherhack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-07-26 05:30:06. It has garnered 129 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:21 or 4461 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. As of October 2023, 2b2t is over 28,300 gigabytes in size and has had more than 821,220 unique player 2b2t… Read More