Taco Game Time – Lego Fortnite vs Minecraft! You won’t believe the winner!

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You got The High Ground Anakin the Anakin did not oh my gosh oh but now I do take that Sith Lord it P out of lightsaber Taco game time welcome back Taco game time today we’re playing Lego fortnite Lego fort fort what are you doing craft uh I’m going to hit

Play and we are ready do you have to download this yeah it’s it takes forever fortnite is the biggest download ever I was trying to tell me it took it took like an hour and a half to download here and we have you to download fortnite yes well you download the whole freaking

Thing you know what I’m saying and then within that you’re playing online it’s huge but okay so today I know that caves are a thing caves exist we can agree on that yes caves exist I think we should find a cave and to get in said cave we

Need torches are you did you hear this from somebody I had a little conversation with a with a good friend of mine Sam tabber no so Sam tab’s not a good friend of yours he is a good friend of mine but I didn’t talk to him about

Lego for typ what’s why is there we just magically warp here yeah man it’s great so as far as I know you cannot uh speed up time like sleeping you know what I’m saying just get busy that’s how time speeds up I do know we should we need to

Get a torch though so I need to dude I’m just going to can I get I get a strawberry can I get a strawberry please no you can’t guess that’s a Rasberry I’m going to get some Granite I’m going to get some Granite I’m going to Source materials I’m going to smash this

Up got you now you broke it good on your right on the right there you go X you don’t have any wood but because you do not Source materials Brian ases oh I Source materials no you don’t we just use all the materials in s holding

Cornn uh we need to uh figure out how to put something in our off hand take this Power Stone oh look at all this wood that I’m getting get all this wood that I’m getting I’m a guy that cuts trees down got so much you’re hungry barrels of

Wood eat some food man okay can I eat this yeah that’s the most epic way to eat corn yeah dude just freaking po Damron in the sunlight you like nailed that way too good all right all right oh wait how many pumpkins did you eat you just ate

Like a bunch of pumpkins I thought was the same pumpkin no you’re just over there crushing Pumpkins I’m back to use this crafting bench I’m back to use this crafting bench I have a freaking Pi get an axe too man all you think I need another one

Yeah I have you need wood to make a pickaxe yeah the handle duh shut shut your shut take that all right get what you think we need then we got to go we have to go on a Grand Adventure I want to I

Want to dude I want to have a a good I want to have a good stack of materials so that when you get killed by a wolf you’re just holding it is it because it’s dropped in your backpack I can put it somewhere also I’m

Not going to get killed by a wolf I’m not you okay yeah fly down there let’s just fly down the thing I’ll never have enough strawberries apparently raspberries raspberries can we get a leveled up pickaxe yeah fly on the the freaking run away ran to the tree so you chopped down that

Tree why wouldn’t the ax do more than a wooden pickaxe don’t you augre I agree you hold it down you don’t have to spam it it’s just called rapidly hitting it or continuously hit hitting it spam the the new internet has just taken control of you the new internet you know what

I’m going to keep smashing it new internet I can’t wait to chase all this down the hill I was going to say it is going to go down the hill or it’s not goes went right into my pocket we have 25 pieces of wood no way

That’s a lot of wood man it just goes away so fast they grow up the the wood grows up so fast all right let’s just search where would a cave be cave well hold on hold on we got to get a torch first man see if you got to CRA I I I

Assume you have to craft it I have no idea torch there you go it’s not that bad should I get two oh we got three yeah and then I think you can put it in your offand so we need to figure out how to put it in your off hand I don’t know

How to put quick bar and off hand I don’t know how to put in your off hand oh it’s in your off hand right now should I not use this right now uh probably not who no with that button what the Y button the Dodge yeah you

Need to know that all right dude it’s going to be it’s see if you upgrade see if you upgrade anything go back to the yeah go to that right there going to upgrade my Village so do you think this is the Minecraft killer I it might be it

Might be uh you have 10 planks you can get a gate or something we’ll do that at the end we can where should I go uh that way you think so look at look at that gigantic mountain in front of you if not you you should just go to the top of

That can I take damage on big jump no idea Reading Rainbow yeah I can go right here got to get that wood did you see the intro to our first episode no we called it a Reading Rainbow and then we put the intro to it it’s great that’s

Great hope Al killed it is that wolf can to eat you no I’m going to eat it why that’s how you dodge perfect why is how you do I did hit Y there you go Andy you’re learning I’m better than you at this you are cuz I I

Learned how to I didn’t how to dodge the first time I told you how to dodge I was like look at this button remember I was jumping back boom good job Andy all right where did Reading Rainbow go there it is one day you’ll learn how to hit X it

Just X should not be there I’m not use that I know you looked down every single time I’m following a magical butterfly what it happened a slap Berry is that what it is that what it was a slap Berry I don’t know you died those thing kill you so

Much yeah a little crab just one hit killed me it didn’t one hit kill you okay two hit in within half seconds better get back to it that was gnarly I had just had a pumpk in my hand I was trying to hit him with it mhm you have

No torches you have nothing but luckily it’s really close yeah I’m not worried about it I’m going to beat the crap out of those crabs screw those crabs I’ll it’s raining that is my one qualm about this game is that okay all right breath

Of the wild is back to life now we can do it yeah thankfully it’s very close good you have the torch that’s good where are those little guys they they’re hiding man I wanted Revenge dude you’re not going to get it can I swi across this uh I don’t know this is like

This is the most depressing moment in all video game life that I ever I’ve ever existed in like this sucks you’re enter what is this I don’t know you’re I’m going to go write a blue song You’re entering a Shore a sad book oh hey remember you can swim for just a little

Bit I don’t know you probably make you’ll probably make it I mean what’s the worth it can happen what is that that is a wolf man here’s Luke wrestleing bear at night you hardly made it all right murder oh gosh what what what are you what are you

Dude man oh my gosh use a different item yeah don’t use the pickaxe use the other that’s clear doing no damage there you go yeah he’s beef you man well that was like I did him in the butt appropriately or is just getting weaker you got The High Ground

Anakin I got The High Ground Anakin but he did Anakin did not oh but now I do take that SI Lord the P out a life saer be awesome bamn what is that there’s a saw a question mark over there what’s that I don’t know little skeleton guy oh gosh it’s night

Time yeah you already know that guy’s going to mess you up oh yeah he’s got no power no he has two life oh no no yeah but if but I if he hits you like you know you already know you’re like done I want that I want the sparkly

Bone we got a pickaxe from him yeah that’s awesome where’s it I feel like if I don’t get a piece of Voldemort’s Soul by the end of this like I am finding a a freaking horcrux right now piece of Voldemort Soul what is that what the H floating Rock I don’t know

It’s just a ghost Granite oh there’s a a magic pickaxe dude I’m the most annoying I would be so annoying to fight you would be I like kind of am like like when yodo they’re like let’s have Yoda do a fight which was a bad idea he just blasted them good yeah

That’s what I kind that’s kind of what I what I’m harnessing okay I’m depressed in the rain eating a potato pumpkin whatever stop eating I stopped eating a while ago it just it like had to finish the animation I think that there was an enemy back there you hear the music

Changed who don’t jump down there I fought enough you think caves exist oh they exist not as not as much as in Minecraft I don’t know how to get to a cave here’s the there’s something up there this is a like the artwork don’t go there don’t

The artwork to a Magik turn around Baron Wasteland yeah don’t go to the baron Wasteland why because look at that look at that gigantic monster right there can I zoom in but I can Crouch yeah and there’s another monster up there I I don’t feel like you want to go that direction

Probably a cave down there in the middle you’re probably right in the middle of the night that I can’t see and I’m like I’m literally like I’m going to need glasses by the end of this this episode I hope that thing’s not coming for you oh he’s strong he’s real strong oh

Boy now you’re here come on Cerberus here’s the other axe please it doesn’t matter we we it does the other one does two damage that one that does one damage man did he did was I low on health he do a lot of damage yeah the brown we need more Hearts is

What we need brown wolves well I I say corrected that wolf did get me yeah how do you get more Hearts good question this is we got to we’ve got to go through the Shire through freaking Rivendell through so many freaking things to get to where we’re going it’s

Not that far away pretty far oh the sun’s coming up it’s a brand new day he Andy says screw those raspberries I don’t need those well I’m going to get my backpack oh that guy remember that guy where’s the where’s the blur beam it’s right there jeez

It’s not even that far am I getting chased by the demon crab you sure no I’m not but they sure made me think we are I see what the sucks is that when you buy by the time you get back to it you can’t get revenge on Wolf Master or

Chief I’m cool with that I’m not there’s a baron Wasteland mhm now now I’m allowed to walk down there Dad you can now if you’d like there’s there’s that guy will kill you whatever that little two cenim thing yeah that spider will kill you there’s your backpack run

Away run away no because they give you milk he can probably hit you right now he’s hitting you he’s he almost died please run away please run away gosh just trying to eat like I’m just trying to eat gosh good job Andy one more time beautiful

All right I’m going to get this demon crap who sounds like like when they used to make fun of nerds in the 90s that’s what this guy sounds like yeah you would oh my gosh yeah one more hit you die oh my gosh that’s Wyatt all right

Where’s nerd crab man this guy sucks mhm you really want to kill this guy yeah right say pickaxe dude this guy’s tough that’s so go get go get him no you can’t find him head on oh no oh no he’s like stuck in there man boom good job Andy what did that

Give me Health charm I got a shell I got uncommon all right I’m going to down to the baron wastelands oh really it’s an uncommon thing I want more Hearts you’re going to have to I mean you clearly need to level up it’s probably going to happen in our our

House got him yeah I just I did a lot better on the spider you did a lot better on the spider yes dude the x button is like the the last place that I would I would you have to look down every single time it’s amazing I don’t

Have to look down I just have to think about it that’s the weapon that does more damage by the way not when against the wolf I think it did I think it did literally twice as much I love collecting wood except when I jump right over I

Like a ninja what’s that something great probably another heart Dynamite that’s something and a crossbow dude I don’t think you’re gonna get your cave on this this episode dude we’ll see dude if you have two dark rituals I know I’m hot I’m po Damron get out of there okay trying to a boom

Barrel oh gosh that Scorpion’s hotter he was like red you’re better now yeah just go this way for a while now is that cave uh I don’t know I think it’s just a just a ledge two shot man you you think the spiders would be annoying but they’re really not bad those was Fast spicy peppers I like this guy we are we are in breath of the wild SL teer of the Kingdom epic consumable I like that that will never harm us sweet animal I think you’re headed back to our um yeah yeah I’m kind of keeping it central what is this

Pumpkins good because I’ve been eating a lot of pumpkins those Vines good need those hey I’m pressing that X right so this is Uncharted Territory right now at the moment yes o what’s that cake is that desert cake desert cake yeah on the rock over there getting wood on my way

To the desert is that a tornado that’s a mountain bro no look oh it’s smoke it’s going to be hot oh it’s a it’s a hot springs don’t jump in that sorry chickens okay you live dude they’re they’re not easy to kill all right whatever you know what

You deserve to live it’s getting dark Andy I think or it’s about to rain one of the two probably both it’s probably going to like my backpack’s at capacity we really yeah it is we really need you can you can make a chest yeah we need to

Do that you want to go drop some stuff off probably so back this see we can so we can level up man you think I could cross Grande here I don’t have to okay just go around yeah yeah build a chest level some or see if we can level up get

Some new Hearts new Hearts better step back corner the cob get a new job Limpus get Fred D and Jonathan Davis you can swim that hopefully there’s no like Lock N monsters in here I started at like three Force energy which is not wise of me can you make it I think I’ll

Make itoo oh man these sheep should be so dead proud of you oh you got to punch him now yeah sucks I’m sorry sheepy five meat oh no just one meat all right well let’s upgrade our house and stuff this is really cool though honestly I feel like this is yeah see if

You can make more of a game than Minecraft like as far as like a campaign type thing goes you know age which I like I would actually love if Minecraft launched something like in the Minecraft world not like the Minecraft thing they do uh which is also a fun game like the

Arcade mm whatever that one’s called what are you doing going over to our little totem fish pole why would this be the thing that we upgrade because it’s the The Village Center see if you can do it got make some PL 10 planks we knew that but now really there will never be

A Minecraft keep going four five we need five it’s 10 uh there will never be a Minecraft killer Minecraft has made it claim and it’s going to stay there I agree now back out and just hang out yep and I’ll see if you can build a chest I want a crap I

Think you can build a sword too there’s that too oh yeah dude I’m pressing y look your inventory is full now I need a chest you need to build a chest do you see the iron in this you need you need planks so you got

To drop some stuff I can’t pick up the planks I know you got you got to drop some stuff go and hit B thank red Traer feel like that stuff like this is here you want me to do this here yeah let’s do uh just like milk silk

Bones this wheat I would do the 30 is bad you know uhhuh what are the other bones up there like the weird bones yes a wheat of course uh the wolf CL yeah sure that’s a really tiny storage box Ian that way that’s way you can build more of them you probably

Upgrade it too all right upgrade us I think I did my math right I didn’t do my math right granted great of course quick move and grab one plank we don’t have planks so we you’re making them right now no I’m not I’m making uh wooden rods all right then

Stop this take them well I’m going to wait two seconds what happens now I can’t believe you you didn’t like I can’t believe you build us on like the the theit what’s wrong with the summit you can see it from Super far away boom we can make

Spoons we can eat apparently this is so cool dude this is a lot of fun this would be fun to play with uh my my child I get a sword or something man oh that’s what I meant to dude I’d make another one if you can I mean I

Can we can just do it next time though got to figure out how to upgrade our people we need need a like pickaxe you should get another pickaxe I think that’s the off hand oh it is the off hand there we go that makes sense I get

It now dude that’s awesome po Damron is in business there he is guys this has been game Taco Tim game Taco Tim game Taco Tim I guess we’re going to have to find that uh C next time yeah I like this this is we could go down this route like

We did with Minecraft though like I think we should I think we should so watching this um I like this game a lot and I think there’s room to this should be a new you’re about to die staple there we go never mind you’re go never mind Raptor took care of it

Wow all right talk off tees [Applause] out [Applause] you de every night well my dear it’s just talking us

This video, titled ‘Is Lego Fortnite THE MINECRAFT KILLER?!’, was uploaded by Taco Game Time! on 2023-12-19 21:00:15. It has garnered 3025 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:29 or 1229 seconds.

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Edited by a guy’who won an award for the worlds best squirrel documentary: Adi Dzehverovic Extra effects by Sir @AlexBplaying

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    🔥 SCARIEST MINECRAFT SEEDS EVER 😱 #666Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY SEEDS 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED 666 | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by Prabhat Playz on 2024-04-25 03:41:32. It has garnered 415 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:47 or 1007 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art… Read More

  • Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex’s Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraft

    Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex's Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Touching Story about the brotherly love of Baby Steve and Baby Alex |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraft’, was uploaded by DinoToons – Funny Animation on 2024-05-06 09:00:33. It has garnered 46405 views and 1343 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Good Deeds VS Bad Deeds? Baby Alex VS Baby Nugget |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraftshorts #story #steve #alex #animation #minecraft #nuggets 👇👇👇 https://youtube.com/shorts/d5Hunp9oDvs 🦖If you like our videos please help us reach 10M Subs 👇👇👇 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmPD2hUI5xlN17sX2HxDKsQ?sub_confirmation=1 ♥ THANKS FOR WATCHING! ♥ ⛔️ Copyright by Antztoons – Do not Reup #antztek #antztoons #antzanimation Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

    "Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys" #glavstroy #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Girls vs Boys in minecraft… #glavstroy #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Shadow Despot on 2024-05-02 16:30:18. It has garnered 10708 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore a pixelated, procedurally generated 3D world with infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. The game features various modes, including survival mode where players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, and creative mode where players… Read More


    EFEKAN TRANSFORMS INTO A CAT?! 😱🐱Video Information This video, titled ‘EFEKAN KEDİYE DÖNÜŞTÜ! 😱😺 – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Parodileri on 2024-07-04 08:00:11. It has garnered 945208 views and 15005 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. In this video, Efekan turns into a Cat and has a bunch of new cat friends. While walking with his cat friends, they suddenly encounter a Dog gang and things get bigger. SUBSCRIBE NOW: https://www.youtube.com/minecraftparodileri?sub_confirmation=1 Don’t miss our #richpoor series, be the first to comment. Subscribe to my #Minecraft channel! Don’t forget to turn on notifications 🙂 Episode: 1860 MOST LOVED MINECRAFT VIDEOS… Read More

  • Vycital SMP

    Vycital SMPA fun Vanilla Minecraft server for you and your friends to play on! We offer solo survival adventures, factions, and more! Read More

  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

    Welcome to my custom survival world! If you’re looking for a new world to explore with friends, you’re in the right place! I’ve created a form for anyone interested in joining. Just fill out some general information and how to contact me. Join the adventure here! Read More

  • NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado

    NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado🔱NAVY SEALS🔱NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE CORONADO”We train for war and fight to win…”——————————————————–⚓Who are the Navy SEALs? – Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, the Navy SEALs are a nimble, elite maritime military force suited for all aspects of unconventional warfare. In this role, you will provide immediate military relief in crises around the world.⚓What is a milsim? – A MilSim, an abbreviation of military simulation, refers to live-acted simulation of armed conflict scenarios. The goal of this Minecraft milsim group is to replicate groups that spring from Roblox and their military simulator communities. Therefore, we attempt to perform… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 4 years and still stuck in ancient Minecraft?

    It’s like that one friend who refuses to update their phone even though it’s ancient technology. Read More

  • Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts

    Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts In Minecraft, lying in bed so real, Creating a cozy spot to feel. VABLOCK shows us how it’s done, In the world of blocks, we all have fun. Crafting dreams in pixelated land, With VABLOCK, we understand. Lying in bed, a simple delight, In Minecraft, we sleep tight. So follow along, let’s build and create, In this blocky world, there’s no debate. VABLOCK’s tutorials, clear and concise, In Minecraft, we find our paradise. Read More

  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

    Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft Nether portals from different hearts leads me to… a whole lot of confusion and lost items in the lava! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

    Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11 Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11: Tôi Và NeyuQ Farm Đồ Cho Cuộc Chiến Thị Trấn Hòa Bình Vs Ghost Wing In the latest episode of Siro’s Minecraft Mega SMP series, the focus is on the intense battle between Thị Trấn Hòa Bình and Ghost Wing. Siro and NeyuQ team up to gather resources for this epic showdown. Teamwork and Strategy Siro and NeyuQ demonstrate excellent teamwork as they work together to farm resources. They understand the importance of preparation in a battle and are determined to emerge victorious. Resource Gathering The duo spends hours collecting essential items such as… Read More

  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

    Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack! Minecraft’s Most OVERPOWERED Villager Trading Hall Introducing Lazy Trading In the vast world of Minecraft, a new method of infinite villager trading has emerged, known as Lazy Trading. This innovative approach has revolutionized the trading experience for players, offering unprecedented speed and efficiency. One of the prime examples of Lazy Trading is the Lazy Overworld Villager Exchanger, lovingly referred to as LOVE. Designed by MadMan25 for the NubTech SMP, LOVE boasts some of the fastest void trading cycles in modern Minecraft, along with a host of other useful features. Key Features of LOVE Fast Void Trading Cycles: LOVE allows… Read More

  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

    Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 - Fay KurodaVideo Information This video, titled ‘【🔴Minecraft】Anomali SMP #10 | Venturing to the unknown’, was uploaded by Fay Kuroda on 2024-06-10 18:26:07. It has garnered 629 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:11 or 16931 seconds. You can find me on my social media here ⚙️『Twitter』 https://x.com/FayKuroda ⚙️『Facebook』 https://www.facebook.com/KurodaFay ⚙️『Instagram』 https://www.instagram.com/faykuroda/ ⚙️ 『Treat』 https://trakteer.id/faykuroda ⚙️ 『Youtube』 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz94tYWlEnyfJDy80gKUMFA #VTuberID #minecraft #vtuber #faykuroda #anomalismp #gaming #faykurodalive Read More

  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More