Tanuki SMP: Legal Chaos Live Stream

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M This Winter M Ah Flo yeah this is this is old news all this terrifying signs left for me they’re a thing of the past I’m over them I’m over them it was you kidding who keeps closing this door it was probably me now I think about it but still how are you doing man how you

Doing love you man um you know what even happened last time I I’m at the point where I don’t even know um you know I’ve just been chilling uh key doesn’t like me anymore because apparently I killed him I don’t I don’t know why he’s wearing this Arc I don’t

Know if if someone’s paid him off or something like that to hate me and say that I murdered them to get me in trouble I don’t know I don’t know what this is uh but but now we find ourselves in legal trouble is PR M and yeah it’s fine the

Thing has been changed uh but yeah know we we found ourselves in some legal trouble um and as you can see you know there’s I don’t know what this is but this is here before that yeah I would Kappy ain’t the biggest fan of us which

Is quite sad love Kappy but uh know he he apparently has been paid off or something that to say that I’ve murdered him I’ve never murdered him okay my knowledge and my memory I have never murdered my boyy ah I don’t know if he’s had a

Really bad dream and he just believes it but no I’ve been getting all these legal forms in the mail and it’s saying like by the way you’re in you’re in trouble uh you’re you’re kind of [ __ ] uh uh yeah we’re we’re kind of [ __ ] I I’ve not been I’ve not I’ve been given

Some harsh letters and all that stuff uh I’ll show I think yeah ooh ooh another ladder yeah this is like one of the main laders I’ve received I’ve received so many letters all saying like bye way H you know you don’t appear in court and that’s one date you’re going

To get we’re going to we’re going to come to the blow up your house uh so you know I’m legally bound to go to court I don’t want to break the law you know I’m a legal man uh you know in times like these we got to we get prepared and you

Know we have to stay formal and we have to stay you know uh and you know in line we got to stay you know best way to describe it is we we got to we got to stay dropped out uh so I got you know I

Got a s tailored for me you know so in the times of where I’m being sued I am DED out as you can see uh so oh okay then uh right yeah so I’m dropped out uh see the lad dear radio oh is this car

Oh you know what he’s he’s a nicest guy at least when he was I was getting accused of being H you know you know H excuse him being a murderer he backed me up he backed me up what is the goolag done is that oh my don’t mind that H right let’s

Go see the gag and then I’ll read this little note uh I mean it’s a gag there’s a big ch right I’ll read this note then we we’ll go side we’ll get some yeah right here sounds like a nice place to you know read my little note the autism Shack

Perfect we can read my little thing in here we there we are right dear radio we can do B this dear radio I know we haven’t had the best Encounters in the past but I just wanted you to know that I believe you didn’t kill kabby all you ever want wanted was

Peace and to let the BBM Imperium grow and expand so if you never he help with anything I’ll be there to help you I do ask for a little payment of five animals for the first time cuz I got a [ __ ] ton of villagers I got to pay you know one

More thing if you remembered when you stopped by my house and left to go an adventure I know where you went when you have the emeralds made the place the place our last battle commence legary car um okay well I was just about to say

I need to find a lawyer and this guy seems like a good lawyer and so I make him to represent me in court I I think that’s something I got to do but I got to find five emeralds so uh to B much’s house yeah B mucher you

Know you five emeralds he man I’ll pay you back one day okay I’ll take a loow now I’m going to need to loan someone for my illegal fees hello I I I will be your lawyer you look you look like you’re a [ __ ] Celtic fan what are you doing

Here wait I can’t see your gamer tag is that me am I just going uh I don’t know I can’t see myself stay St stay still what it do to me oh oh oh he’s gone okay he’s gone no I just can’t see it okay so I’ll be your lawyer I’ll I I’ll

Represent you in a court of law uh what yeah do you have a loyer well I’m currently in the process I’m just need to pay him but LS you know what you don’t seem like the most mentally sane Paris to be my lawyer how about Waits

I’ll give you a deal I’ll give you a deal you can be my the lawyer’s assistant okay no no come here come here come here come here come here come here okay well you be the judge and I’ll just get me five emeralds from here you have know where any emeralds are

I’ll do it for free I’ll do it for free yeah yeah L you can yeah BL I will [ __ ] murder you see this is why this is why I didn’t want to be my lawyer ask some questions ask some questions um lawyer where’s your legal experience 13 years and badcck

W okay well LS it’s not nothing personal to you but I’m looking for someone that’s led by everyone like car and listen we aren’t LED no no no no this is how I this is my Redemption Arc that’s how I get that’s how I can force myself into the lore I

Don’t care what [ __ ] K say I’m doing this I’m taking this I’m the only person you know that came in an argument against you know I’m the best candidate for this job what which lawyers are liked see lawyers that win who likes them see old Simpsons lawyers they won

And and they liked probably not yeah but l CU I didn’t kill him I’m not guilty I need I just need someone to prove it you know sure oh yeah yeah yeah sure you never killed him and I’m the 4 first president but like what do you mean I

Didn’t kill him I I genely could not kill himing as your lawyer as your lawyer you don’t have to prove to me anything I’ll defend you no matter what the charges are look noticing or not what the [ __ ] I’ve seen this last time do you see that Island over

There what one right directly in front of us you’re your head’s in the way I hope you know that look to the left then you dumbass yeah I see that but what’s the wooden stuff on the ground that a ship oh there’s a ship here so so I feel

I feel like you’re not letting me become a lawyer is quite like okay well it’s not that I don’t want you to be my lawyer I just you know I it seems it seems a bit okay so you know I need someone to represent me that Everyone

Likes so they trust him blade are you saying no one likes me LS I think we’re the most hated people in Tanuki no I think I am well yeah I’m close every knows every know my right what’s this uh Construction Construction Construction Construction I can’t read that I’m not going to read

That all everyone [ __ ] ignores me on that [ __ ] Discord server right five emeralds five emeralds five netherite bricks wait is there nether what the [ __ ] what do you mean wait get me out of here netherite bricks yeah those are nether okay well that’s not what I thought it was how do we get

Out of here I’ll only tell you to get out here if you if you make me become your lawyer look you can have two lawyers but I want to be the main one what is this you want to be the main lawyer the main lawyer yeah you could have another one

But I’ll be the main lawyer sounds reasonable actually I like to have two be good to have like a a team of lawyers all like doing stuff that sounds good actually so can hold my books and I’ll do the speeches and do the talk well

Give me a okay I need to get two perspectives here I’ll ask him and I’ll ask I’ll work out what the best you know Direction forth is and you know I’ll choose I’ll choose at the end of the stream so you have to watch the entire

Way through to see what I pick no no okay no [ __ ] sake yeah you [ __ ] cun meet us a video meet us a video so when is the the court a uh I don’t know I’ve just been told I have to appear here in court but they didn’t

Really give me a court date so now I’m ter ified that what if I sleep in one that random [ __ ] Monday and it turns out I’ve missed court and I’m now a [ __ ] criminal go how we go converge lawyer well I need to pay him first he’s asking for five emeralds and

I can mute him I give this that’s not netherite I’m sorry to break that’s NE brick no wait what the [ __ ] wait what emerald armor okay we give him that we give him that we see it’s Emerald I don’t know if it’s Emerald I never checked what the

[ __ ] it was in bbm’s you know why is there emerald armor uh how do we get out of here look it says the exit this way but I can’t find it okay how like we get out of here look we’re stuck down this [ __ ] hole R boy come back see the [ __ ] exit

Here did you like the edit I made you I yeah I don’t want to show it on stream yeah so I would say I WN the glaze first mean just wait till the animation from Jox comes out where is this going oh I’m just mentally okay well ignore

Me the new update means new armor I didn’t realize that get me out of this [ __ ] box okay I’ll bring you to my office okay you office where okay if you can get me five emeralds what is this why you pay this [ __ ] poser you know okay I need to okay well

You know I I I use facts and evidence I need I need okay LS you can be the lawyer that’s the the you know the one that’s the one that’s qualified and he’ll be the one that Everyone likes cuz no one likes us lugs okay okay listen listen to me

Yeah [ __ ] here listen listen listen listen listen yeah I I can make you General how you doing I’m getting help doing I’m doing all right General yeah you’re going to do that and general we’ve had some you know things in the past we’ve had some we’ve had some you

Know quarrels and stuff with that oh yeah bro I’ve got to thank you thank you so much for killing key man got to thank no no no I I didn’t I yeah sure yeah we killed key yes we killed ke how about as pay you give me five emeralds yeah five

Emeralds I can get you what the [ __ ] okay what as your lawyer I would advise you not to say you killed someone before the court this looks I’ve got I’ve got prop four Unbreaking through leggings yeah General because I Mur I’ve I’ve got I’ve got villagers

Feel because I totally murdered KY can I get five Emerald I think you owe me that I don’t have five anals I can show you where my villager station is yeah what’s up get me five emal is Radio blade well liked in the server what you’ve got okay okay listen this if

He’s one of the jues you have to convince at least one jury that that you didn’t do it to be not guilty and he no if he says you’re not guilty then you’re free man what’s the even about bro I’ve missed so much uh apparently I’m being

Accused of murdering Cy which I uh never did no I mean I did do it so you give me Emerald I’m going to stay in the I’m going to stay in the corner with my third player kills you just do you have emeralds any any emeralds at all just

Five EMD at the moment just go do you have access to getting emeralds I need emeralds yes I do I’ve got plenty of them I have access to plenty of emeralds I can get can you give me five emeralds as payment can get we can give him we

Can give them two here I’ll give I I’ll give you my two lovely daughters for my ran uh bro killing ke is enough here I’m going I’m going to head to my Village I’ll get you five Emerald like right thank you very much General yeah okay so he okay he’s the only

Person that that I I’ll tell I killed Kev cuz I didn’t kill ke play play play play I need speak to you here as as loyal tow yeah I know but we we can manipulate him into thinking I killed and then he’ll give me Emerald so I can pay for a

Lawyer come to my office is your office D it’s a nice place you build this no I stole it from Han right okay so so okay so so so you said to me that legendary card is well liked in the server yeah wouldn’t that apply to as

Liking him there could be a conflict of interest between and lying that’s the point that’s the the problem realizes he’s tearing friendships apart he goes like oh wait this is not worth lying about cuz what I’m think let me talk for a sec let me speak halfway done there you just bar

Your [ __ ] [ __ ] sorry okay so if car likes cap the slightest chance he he’ll be he’ll be more inclined to not believe you in a way cuz um it’s psycholog he say that for money he’s a lawyer he might not believe you done it but he still anyway so for one

We need to know ke’s lawyer here if it’s no we’re [ __ ] if I’m the lawyer okay we need to find the lawyer yeah but I want know one I want one thing to be known that I’m the main lawyer sure but what the [ __ ] okay well that’s something uh but anyway lawyer LS

We need look look so we can we can lie to General and tell him that I killed key okay so I can get these emeralds so I can as your lawyer as your lawyer it would not be wise to lie to someone with full neite armor but at the same time

It’ll kill you not me so yeah I don’t care really yeah well no he won’t tell anyone that you know it this won’t come to bite me in the ass that I’ve told him I’ve killed to get you [ __ ] rat what’s upstairs okay come back to me no okay it’s Han’s house

And that was a villager and it may have died on Jesus Christ a [ __ ] this place need some decoration okay come back to me I have to get back to the lawyer stuff okay so yeah sorry man so so so so what’s like what are you being accused of Bic I’ll

The start basically I got home one day from going an adventure I don’t I remember the venture to be honest but it was a good Venture I guess but I got home and all of a sudden ke’s uh accusing me of killing him and I thought

He was joking at first but he was being Ser like he’s seriously accusing me of this so on that day or the day before did you make any contact with ke not no I spoke to him when we we passed by each other in boats and I told him secrets

About like what secrets I’m your lawyer it’s under law it’s I’m you know how South and we found all the things the random buildings that we don’t know where came from well I went down thereit was I there at the same time we just how

About we just say I was there so I can be like you wer there we’re not okay we’re not lying no I’m not I’m not lying Lu I’m believing the truth I I’m serious I did not you believe in the truth but you just lied to to General

Moral I think you’re I think your moral compass you’re quite well off here so if if your words he’s a [ __ ] I can lie to him would that mean my me being a lawyer would mean nothing cuz I’m a [ __ ] listen you need [ __ ] see no one remers I’m

Hypocritical okay blade you only remember [ __ ] in your life tell me one person who’s a nice person who you don’t speak to regularly ke or no a nice person I him if K’s a nice person why did they lie about you killing him I don’t know I don’t that’s

What I’m trying to work out is he being paid off he sounds like he genuinely believes what he’s saying that’s scary maybe the god the god of pen told him to do this why would he tell him to do that wait it’s pen nor in this I’m

Confused is he is the Pen Island thing still here I don’t [ __ ] know you’re talking about okay okay okay back to Loyal talk okay so your main defense is you know deny obviously depending on on the way the there’s no proof I didn’t kill I’m serious I did not kill him he’s

Lying but that I don’t know unfortunately unfortunately this is Minecraft so a lot of people who are who are wrongdoers and Minecraft streamers are blamed for something they’ve definitely done but since there no proof they’re allowed to do it like what if you know what I’m example just an example of some just

Give be an example of a YouTuber who’s or like a anyone that’s got away with something the Galaxy is so bright to damn that was Smo anyway um anyway so I would say that our main course of action if it’s if it’s based on Juds if

It’s just the if we have to convince the judge we need to hope that the judge does not hate me but to be fair there’s only only people in the C actually don’t like me is no the rest just don’t really know who I’m are so um I feel like as as

As a lore kind of thing you know just in the history of this of this great area this is my come up is the the Redemption Arc we I can sent as an innocent man the death penalty we should we should get key the death penalty for lying about

Such a heinous crime know I like key though I just need to work out why he’s do who’s paid them off to lie about me someone’s walking about downstairs by the way just say is it General General oh my God love you General I’ve never hated you my entire life holy crap five

Emeralds man that’s thank you that’s why I murdered C I knew You’ give me five emeralds yeah I totally killed him yeah I killed him totally I’m not he’s not I genely did kill him yeah definitely I’ll see you later man General would you be on willing to

Be a witness to the event oh yeah sure he didn’t see it see I didn’t see it he was actually farming some wood nearby the instant where nothing took place yeah exactly you just w w you just see me walk down the street go huh nothing’s happening today I guess

He was just lit listen I was out one day and I was walking and nothing happened how about you listen listen to this so who was with ke who’s backing up key here x for some reason X really so x no X just went I believe you

We should X Out radio boy I like wow so if if he’s really fast to say we should exhale him this might be a you know a hand from G if you will maybe a a forceful court so you’re kind of [ __ ] if that’s the real

Case we need to no we just need to work out his motives now I’m saying that we get CAU we need to have a meeting with all the lawyers get my lawyer team General it was good speaking to you love can I give you a kiss in the forehead you you not

Get he’s ready there we go let’s go we we I’ll shake your hand now General wow they’re so there’re so they’re so they’re so they’re they’re just so formal L wait take off your armor for a second do you expect to [ __ ] represent me wearing that listen

This listen this is my religious my religious clothing you look like a [ __ ] terrorist are you saying my alleged clothing make me look a terrorist no then then you best believe if this assassination assassin no not not my Arabian oh they’re gone right um I guess we can

Now get car I guess I’ve got the I’ve got the money he said to meet me here but how you know if I have the emeralds he just always like watching from my distance listen just flash out listen I ow you good over there as your lawyer I feel like I need

To say to you now if you replace me as your main lawyer I will leak devastating information but won’t do that so this devastating information that you’re plan to lie to shut up okay no wait that that would that would clear me if if he finds out I was lying subtle subtle

Just did you did you see that message over the over the waves yeah the on the on the pag yeah okay I feel like we need to where would the qut be I don’t know I don’t the construction also look there’s Dusty divot from fortnite over there

Don’t mind that but the meteor’s moved the meteor maybe that’s the the place what in the metor what with this massive [ __ ] floating island that’s the metor you [ __ ] OT what no that’s not a meteor that’s a floating island you dumbass yeah it’s from the you know the

The for night’s event the two we event that happened two week ago speak to him just find them we’ll find them but no um oh my god do you remember the call seam logs you [ __ ] cron C up my old house this is where I used to make tea what for a second

Is a it’s a t Tesco fish a look how beautiful this place is this make tea for everyone that’s actually your office this going to be your BL wait this is going to be the legal farm right oh yeah the Coliseum you know this is where H more terrible stuff has

Happened why is there a fighting arena here it looks nice oh we speak of the devil I can’t resum in so I don’t know if that’s neither it’s no it’s car it’s car car how are you doing this morning weit you can call what happened to your

Eye oh I’ve been in prison man what my lawyer has been in [ __ ] prison what the lawy second lawyer the what yeah the law ignore him uh anyway your payment is right here man I seen your letter oh thank you H you know and for good faith there you go an emerald

Helmet you can keep that second yeah I’m going to go speak to my uh Second Law first lawyer man two seconds yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] see that [ __ ] this guy he just [ __ ] he just threw like a [ __ ] F Napp at me he’s Rich car so what happened to your eye

What happened in present man um well basically um General the did some things to remember the underground yeah yeah yeah we sadly Sly what well General did some things and apparently Galaxy was a part was supposed to be a part of the on theground and he attacked Galaxy stole

His armor and then X imprisoned me and N to get in general to give it back and while I was in prison he accidentally you know slashed my eye sounds fun so you so my my so my is my lawyer EXC convict is that something

That’s happened no no no no he just put me in prison ex prisoner is is the more you know respected term I’m not I was put in prison for bra convict a prisoner you can pick that you know the the refer term in court any car H

Car I think we should talk about the whole situation come on come come over here we’ve got that little place over here uh that I use often to just chill out here why don’t we go to Bo M we we’ll talk about stairs and P it’s

Important over there no not here it’s um yeah but we can we can go in the tax office and turn it into legal firm temporarily cuz there’s an actual office there we’ll go to the actual office just a little bit up north man uh we can’t speak about stuff like this in public

You know lawyer patient patient lawyer Cent confidentiality something like that wa you’re going to court oh is that not what you’re helping me out with you’re not being my lawyer what do you expect I said I said whatever you need oh well basically I’ve so see key after you know H accusing me

Of murdering him for like no actual reason uh he’s he’s genuinely taking me to court you said five for anything does that apply for anything or just you know legal stuff you five ANS for anything holy [ __ ] he didn’t think it was what what were you thinking yeah I

Got oh you got villagers you got so it’s not slavery you’re like the first person in the server who’s not enslaving his yeah that’s actually a first I think I think you’re the first person in the server that isn’t an active slave trader I mean we’ve killed Natives and you know

Land right boys good I give them oh what kind of boat class is that he look at that boat class there that’s that’s wood straight from Barbie Island the original trust me yeah that that [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah plastic test what yeah yeah yeah so L where’s your

Suit this is my suit it looks [ __ ] LS pry muncher we need to speak to him he’s going to give you a class on style and you know looks all I’m saying is if they a man ripped out an emerald they were going to believe what he

Says they’re probably going to leave a man down NE right by that logic anyway here we are right we need to speak to buy muncher he’s going to give you a class in style we also need to speak about the case h this case could be terrible for B MCH Imperium you know

Right up here to the office right my my two lawyer my my team of lawyers come come come and speak to me yes yes I would see you would s okay actually so if I I’m I’m you know I’m commissioning you two lawyers to help me

Out here I I have been accused by key my beloved you know love key but he’s randomly when accusing me of murdering him which we both know which is basically impossible with what he’s decked out on okay second of all I didn’t there’s I with my full soul I can

Say that I never would that be the first reason wouldn’t that be the first reason yeah I didn’t do it not I couldn’t do it true yeah yeah that’s that’s important in court say in court say you didn’t do it because if you say you couldn’t do it

It means you want to that maybe but anyway um for some reason he’s going around spreading lies about me I don’t know why he think that I murdered him or how I could even murder him if I even if I wanted to and he’s genuinely upset now I’m

Wondering what are his motives why is he doing this yeah why is he doing this and I was thinking his X fees are someone like xes that is a [ __ ] paid him to get me in trouble has he paid him to lie about me has he paid him

B I mean no it’s not something out of the ordinary from him but K’s a great guy I love key but he’s spading his [ __ ] accuse you of M why you still a man trying to get you what the [ __ ] officer of the B Munch Peri oh my

God by muncher I was to say you had a stay to show LS you like my attire is that the muchi uniform here yeah let me the arm band there you you may have to get you in that and have your hat be your like your mask be his

Face oh what the okay so see for court you able to pull your suit for the court this one no wait the suit suit the DP we’re going to court I don’t I don’t want to change though I S I’m going because you’re lazy you’re not

Even a good lawyer no because no it’s iconic yes look at us look how beautiful me come stand next to me look at us ready for court yeah you look like a terrorist listen I’m going to r teror on that defense that’s why I don’t want see if

He says this something like this see if he goes like ask me like wait so what’s your proof and he goes shut the [ __ ] up you weren’t even there what am I going to do I’ll have you know that was not in the Pro that you didn’t you know kill we

Need like evidence We need he doesn’t have the thing is he doesn’t have evidence to accuse me why is it guilty until proven innocent you know are we the Defenders or the defense we the defense’s he’s suing me no no I mean key did like you know try and

Kill me during our battle you know he set up a trap there so we are we sure we the defendants or are we the guys instead of trying to prove my innocence cuz you know I’m already innocent you know we can’t really do much to prove

Our innocence how we work in making key look is guil is possible how about we leak him with some child what lugs you’re you’re like a smart man aren’t you we could put him in in our uh new camp the goag well we no I need to be in

The good side of okay basically spawn is going to Exile me if I don’t if I don’t win this court battle okay and I want to get in their good s because I want to go to spawn speaking of the camp have you seen it yeah no I didn’t really look ins

The S of it um yeah how we give K the dream treatment in what way that mean that could mean a lot of terrible things minor LS dream are are you about to dream him are you about to be like dream and make him no no no no no make him dream make

Oh my God Jesus Christ I was like what the [ __ ] do you mean the [ __ ] is Carmen that’s what you told me to name it you [ __ ] idiot that’s what which one which one one it’s the Middle Island between and Tai oh it’s it’s on it’s one of the islands at England you

[ __ ] anyway guys um so the defense rests yeah so guys we need to work out what to do the list H we I need a sign someone give me a sign oh it just disappeared a sign how about I get a book I’ve got a book I’ve already got a

Book okay I’m wrting this this is Du list two I’ve got a book logs you [ __ ] CR Todo list uh find KY we’s full legal name by the way key we’s motives uh for lying about me two find ways to prove me innocent or my innocence will be more fancy three

Find dirt on CY wey okay those are the three things we got to do we got to find find Key’s motives for lying about me whether he’s been paid whether he’s something like this find ways to prove my innocence and find D and Cy sounds reasonable so who does key not like who

People who are people that don’t like key General n General L wait leg wait can we call in for General L to come here and speak to him ask him ways get information wait message yeah let me call him on the page yeah go call him up in the pay phone we

Have to pay for each time you use it your honor look at your drip how can you judge anything your honor shut the [ __ ] up you weren’t even there oh maybe I’m not going to say that but okay let’s just remove that bed holy [ __ ] uh

Your okay [ __ ] you there should back you can you can take that book uh so we can we’re doing well with the legal the legal Court here okay the legal Court we can maybe convince them that we’re not murderers or I’m not murderer at least

We need to get Darton KY so if we can’t prove my innocence we’re taking him down with me love Kappy he’s a great guy but I don’t I don’t I don’t negotiate with terrorists or Liars yeah you know the thing that stands out to me yeah why why would X just immediately

Yeah I feel like X may be funding him his legal what if x is funding his legal fees and trying to get me Exile what if he does don’t like me could we make an argument here that they tied into this somehow we need to find that out as well

Cuz actually would not just like go up to KY and be like hey put dirt on radio Bo yeah and how could he trust KY K likes me that’s the thing me and K are Bas good friends so why something bad must have happened to convin I think I

Think right now you I think you should agree right now that um you can’t refer to K as your friend he was my closest he was one of my closest friends okay okay we’re fine son one of my closest friends you [ __ ] one of my closest friends okay

And he’s now accusing me so I we to work out why we do that but did you did your call generally up on the pay phone he’s on his way okay cuz you know we have to pay we have to pay the call people each

Time we use it it’s K I’m not paying for [ __ ] because you take it back out you like it’s my [ __ ] phone wa going to pay the bows for the the okay I don’t know so when’s General going here General get upstairs oh there he is there I’ve got I’ve got something

To discuss get up here yeah ignore my attire could be trying where can I get BBM I’ll see if I’ll contact my Taylor yeah yeah could we play the race C of being bbms race right guys General we’ve brought you here here this is my legal team

About ke accusing me of murdering him there his legal team um present we need D Cy General oh KY what your thoughts on them what your thoughts on capy like General uh mass murderer who just the write everything bad about K all the dirt you have on KY and that book on the

Second page the first page is for leave yeah leave that all right um just put it all in there don’t care how long you have to do it for this is the first one car do you have any D and KY yeah well you must be really I know I know he did

Try and kill me during right second page of that book fill it up boys I’m some fresh air why did you just [ __ ] do that I’m getting some fresh air on you [ __ ] you you just put your hand you just roll down the window it has a

Handle have you got a [ __ ] tyer yeah know these I’m getting the leg into TY stuff out here right legal team get your dirt I’ll be back here in 5 minutes LS let’s M lugs we’re going to let them go up there all their typew writers and work at legal legal forms and

Stuff yeah yeah yeah B can you send me that skin by the way though like that your skin you’re wearing and I’ll put it on my thing I don’t I should that one no I’ll send you I’ll send you the soldier one how did I do the soldier one but

With the mask I don’t know how to do that for can you not make it you make Germany that what do you mean that looks nothing like Germany can I can I have a Ting of blue for the mask just that’s the bit much Imperium flag anyway take

Us take us to your beautiful show was the bag the boag the gagen seen it yet I’ve seen it it’s um the C well well well well our legal team types and the typewriters we’re going to work out all this we’re going to you

Know see all it’s going yeah the M no no the minec M guys we playing some main Camp I think we stop calling it that does anyone have a camp table I call it the amusement park for the camp blade will have to not

P this V blade don’t P this V don’t just cut this out just cut this out make it private you can’t put M camp for a [ __ ] V on YouTube M Camp you build you’ll built outfits in [ __ ] Minecraft look stop speaking holy [ __ ] you’re going give me bad one more

Time okay dangerous chemicals do not end I believe that actually do that yep uh this is wait this is wait so the boy Munch goag is looking pretty nice right I don’t know why but it seems a bit unoriginal I don’t know where I’m getting like you

Know where this is from but I had a bit of inspiration oh okay girls boys I mean at least at least there’s at least there’s you know that’s that’s respectful I guess there must have be Galaxy that told me about this so that’s good let’s go see how our

Legal team is doing with the typ rers with all their 20 they have he’s going to stay in the go leg just okay something man I don’t know what he’s up to yeah yeah he’s having power I don’t know what’s happening with very much Imperium I thought we were like nice

Little like Island kind of like so they like the HMS L BBM it looks amazing yeah it’s not done yet we build Fleet but don’t move though okay X Can Do Magic shitz he’s [ __ ] hello guys we’re done oh yes my legal team let’s I I want to review them please

Well I’m I’m going to put them all on this one but I’m just going to copy and paste them in here so uh cars Dart cars dartt and then wait no this is General no this is this is I a [ __ ] sh man yeah give it give it h generals

Dirt I’ll copy paste cards to your one by the look so you have as well okay does anyone want a golden apple I would take it yeah there there there’s your there’s your legal book be spotted no wrong one right I’m going to read this inside my office

Okay TR to kill me during B right I’m you by the way talking about some things let’s see this I’m going to read this this book of Dart this could be really useful in court H here just sit here and read it for uh cars Dart tried to kill me during our

Battle seems like a oh okay got me a traitor and bu my own team kill the the start I’m not I’m going to lie kill General first I to put the things kill General first they and stole diamonds pickaxe uh okay killed grego multiple times before uh griefed underground base

And killed lots of villagers tried to bring General into an unfair fight that was wrecked so we have some dir guys well done legal team uh you know as much as I love key and it pains me to have to do this to him I I I would say the one that can’t

Be used in qu as they try to kill me a battle because how B work yeah exactly Trust have purple Dy D we do you even get purple dy I you need blue Dy and but you can use La I think to anyway yeah uh well done boys legal

Team he is a terrorist brothers and sisters we’ve done very well today that sounds like a speech given by terrorists brothers and sisters we will not fall to the tyranny of the legal system that currently rules over SP we stop throwing your Emerald clothes around [ __ ] will [ __ ] to make it

Look better look at my suit do I not look legal no I’ve got suit at all times uh you legally forced to be on a register do you think Ace has D on CY she might she may or may not have uh contact me let’s go speak to the ace

Yeah Ace might not like me don’t there public channels in general this secret this is secret yeah is p keep this a secret secret my bad you guys have purple die I do not right guys we going to head up to we got to head to Ace I’ll

TR you blade you even know where Ace lives yeah my my assistant found it North I I’m [ __ ] going okay I trust you but yeah no we we’ve made progress legal case going the wrong way well no I’m I’m getting closer I’m I’m them L ignore them [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] river

Right here we can get closer [ __ ] yeah LS we got to we could we’re doing really well here I’m really happy I have you and all this legal team here we have most of the [ __ ] cons server and they [ __ ] like hands now so don’t think they that’s people onl the spawn

We’re not talking these These people aren’t from spawn the people that are spawn key lives in spawn okay everyone in spawn loves key and it’s a spawn is it spawn is where the thing’s happening I mean by way this an Island by the way wait this is an

Island that could be the secret Island where we keep onland we invite all our powerful friends over and then oh we have like fun times like what play like snooker who and two kills is that a type of pill game or something like a balls and sticks I mean

You know it does involve balls and stacks if you know what I mean so is it like pill I mean you can pill some of them but like I would be advised oh so it’s like pill oh that makes sense I was just I was I was really curious I just don’t

Understand what you’re talking about do you pill hookers is that g is is that how you play the game is that like the verb for the game you have to like you have to like verb is that the verb so it’s like you how like you swim

You swim swimming you swim Triathlon or I I run I run dolon is it like that is it like you you pull hookers is that how you play the game see say you pull hookers and you’ve got a lot of STDs is STDs like the point like

Socially transmitted um Debs oh so I speak quite a lot and loudly you know I like I like you’re ging me some good advice here LS you’re a great lawyer I’m glad I got you on my side to give me this advice if this happens at 3 in the

Morning I’ll be I’m not playing it’s better happen the next [ __ ] half an hour what happened the [ __ ] court it’s not happening today it’s not happening today no it’s just been preparing see see when it happens can you tell me yeah know I will don’t worry I’m not going to be

There you so you’re not that IND dedicated to be my lawyer religious duties oh okay I get that I get that you can’t the car of that can you they’re already AC’s Base by the way I think we’re wrong no well cuz if you look at the map we went through the

Riverway cuz boats are fast and walking I would say so yeah but they’re oh wait they’ve got yeah right [ __ ] they probably had some like Trident or some [ __ ] left left you’re on the wrong way left I’m not going to lie I don’t think Ace is very happy with me being there does

Ace not like you wait weit get to sign the book yes wait because these these can be signed that’s just I’ve killed a few of our friends oh L wait if you go here I I killed GD I shot him an NFL and broke his leg so technically wasn’t my fault

Fair Bor lives by the way be care careful he lives next door to it’s time for me to improve my social class where you go I go where you see I see I know going to be follow please get signature hi guys red boys get the signatures get the signatures we need we

This so Ace you’ve heard of my my legal case yeah doesn’t have a shle oh yesie we’ve got one about accusation um right car can you say in your accusation here yeah oh wait accusation can put these in the legal fails can you just say that do you want

Me to sign mine as well yeah but I don’t have a book for it sadly I only got my book The Notebook if you have your own book I can do it maybe I I have the save the arc thing just overwrite that that’s not important I’ll just I’ll just copy paste

Your second go to here [Applause] yeah all right say your book wa take away bit bit Dart don’t let wait it can’t be called General’s Dart it’s just an accus there you go sign that I get your accusation thank you oh God it’s called cars Dart it’s

Fine we I’ll change the name with the Anvil is that possible accusation was too long so I just called it car okay that’s fine car work um come over here is this slavery I’ve got some three accusations I’m read A’s accusation key D I guess he killed me

During the start of the S SMP after accepting a job to protect me using lava and accidentally placing it while I had one heart I did not like my build at spawn so hated it without confronting the issue hand with others but GD or others right we have

Dart uh right we have Dart I’ve got a notepad I’ve got my Dart got three files don’t [ __ ] yawn keep the end chest it’s long yeah need put my fails in here P fails what what’s that it’s just speak to you oh yeah what’s up Ace she can’t hear

You and my brain oh I was over here oh what L to be here this I’m given this gift BL as your lawyer I would invite you a girlfriend oh what do you mean wait what What’s happen that is not what a does what what’s going on Good In Radio that’s awesome oh

Armor on your [ __ ] yeah try me you get set in fire if you [ __ ] touch me a that’s absolutely amazing thank you so much my it’s still coming just watch it’s a private moment guys you can’t watch this the he this is amazing you’re funding my legal fees here this is amazing

Ace we’re no longer bro more emeralds my god oh guys um the first person on their allies was this cppy what the first person on their was I didn’t even I that’s fair yeah I mean I added myself on there yeah me too Asis is brilliant thank you so much big hug

It’s still going it’s still going it’s still coming stop watching me it’s private moment I’m getting given gifts you want emeralds we can pay two cars now you can pay me your payment I to be honest ending book what is happening how is she lasting this long at this

Jesus Christ is so much stuff Banner thank you this is amazing this is amazing care people fall this it was good seeing you thank you I’m giving you a big hug right now someone animate this I’ll aveng your death a don’t animate someone animate this right let’s get out of here that’s

The wrong block oh oh oh yeah but when I break the walls is a [ __ ] crime yeah cuz cuz you’re wearing a mask right oh yeah uh radio I need to kind of speak to you in private oh well yeah of course I have F we’ll go up here

You guys stay down here no I’m a lawyer LS I will n I’m a lawyer LS know your boundaries I’m a Loy get out of here I’m a loyal do want me you want to H as a what if I pay you to guard him guard him this this is

Private what’s up car sorry for killing you that one time we’ve been through a lot man yeah yeah a lot so do you remember in my little letter deal I said I know where you went when you were going on that Adventure yeah you you you said that

Uh I don’t know I just don’t remember much about what happened but I went South Southwest East sorry Southeast I I got um I was a bit curious you know I wanted to know what was going on here cuz there’s been a lot of [ __ ] happening

Recently yeah and um I talked to n cuz she also has quite an idea of what’s going on here she told me she told me to find a a railroad you’re looking for no I already found it I found you show me it I mean yeah can I thought wa I

Thought you already been there cuz you literally went in the direction what I I I don’t really know if I did maybe it gets a bit hazy past past yesterday or like the day before I don’t really know what happened can you show it to me now yeah yeah

Cool so you really don’t remember I mean I kind of have an idea where XV took me somewhere and then I kind of just was back at spawn and then you show me a a a a hole I’m not I’m not 100% sure where did key say that you killed

Him he he hasn’t he hasn’t spoke to me about it like at all he just kind of accused me of murdering he didn’t he didn’t see where I did it what I did you know he’s that’s why his claims are terrible no one didn’t tell me much but she must know what’s going

On she knows something and she she’s not telling me I just don’t know what’s up with I don’t know why you would do this I don’t know the I know you love K man I do I know you do this is out of the ordinary for all

Of us right now this is is there something wrong with him is he is he okay this is a weird time for all of us man yeah what was done the that I didn’t go down that far I I stilled like iron armor on my bottom half I didn’t want to

Like you know I didn’t want to find out what was down there do you also worry about the Border I mean there’s stuff Beyond it then I don’t know cuz every time it expands more stuff is found there’s a there was buildings there was there’s signs of civilization and I’ve just got

The fear that the more this expands it’s we’re going to find something we don’t like and Tanuki is not going to be prepared for it and I don’t know that’s why I’ve been trying to prepare myself for the worst man I don’t even know what the border is

What causes the Border what there’s a lot of questions you know yeah I’ve been through a lot man I lost my eye my arm look look at my arm do lost your arm oh my God what happened to you I’ve been through L I lost my arm a long time ago

And I don’t like to talk about it no man no h I’ve got all my limbs and parts I think and I also been through a lot here too man like I said in my dirt I’ve been accused of being a traitor by my own team yeah I was thrown into

Prison I’ve been accused being a tra by as well so in that in that way we were we’re the same has a history did you did you prove your innocence I didn’t I we could use this if if you proved your innocence and beli you that means

We we could show that he has a history of lying about people they thought that I told Captain where Conor and X were they yeah it’s all because key found me in that one mind that ruined everything for me do you know ever since what sorry did did you see the

Tunnel every time I think about the tunnel I just think of a name do you know them canel Otis the guy from the book yeah the book that everyone got wa do you know anything else about him other than he wrote that book doesn’t ring a bell I

Didn’t even know he had alus in his name just a Cano I just canis is his full name yeah just I don’t I don’t know what’s down that tunnel I can remember it now I can remember standing outside of it and looking in and like the pure darkness

And the length of it I don’t remember what’s down there or if I even end that I don’t actually remember anything something if you don’t remember then something’s got to be down there well no I I swear I I’m just really close to remembering it I swear no like

Start of the day I couldn’t remember there was a tunnel and now it’s so clear that I stood outside that tunnel and I looked in and I just stared at it then I don’t remember much after that what if the more we talk about it

The more I learn about it the more I remember maybe if you see it you’ll remember that that usually helps me if I see something I remember like that yeah I just why did I not go in I would have went in I don’t know why I

Didn’t like I it’s not something okay I’m not a [ __ ] okay if there’s a big tunnel that looks really dark I’m probably going to go in it so why didn’t I just can’t remember why I didn’t go in why did you not go in I I just thought I wasn’t ready to

Witness what the hell was being what was down there you know I was all by myself I had like half netherite armor at the time I didn’t think I was ready that’s why I’ve been gearing up I’ve been preparing ing myself to face the worst do you think we’re going

Today would you be would you be okay with that cuz I don’t know why I didn’t go in the last time and if if if I at it again I’m not going to be able to stop myelf car I need I need to remember what I

Seen what happened because all I know is that I stood inside the tunnel and it just didn’t go in I’ll go down there I’ll go in there with you but the thing that makes me think about why I didn’t go down is what no told me

What what did no tell you she told me she told me that there was there had to be like something down there or something she’s seen something she knows about something and she’s not telling me he’s hiding something from us she must she’s got to know what’s

Going on to be honest Deep D I canot trust now I feel like if she’s hating something she’s doing it for the better I know we we been I’ve had people oh wait this is it this is the tunnel wait no this wait

I went down and I I stood at the edge of rails and this is where I didn’t go forward I just chose not to go down it I don’t know why I didn’t go down it look at it it just goes on forever I don’t know

We I don’t know if we should do this but I don’t know if I’m going to stop myself car you don’t you don’t need to come with me here I I need to know what’s done in this tunnel hello it’s a main character moment guys have you guys SE this before

Just we didn’t stream snipe don’t worry do you know what do you know what’s down here let [ __ ] LS zombie down here there’s a zombie down here ready to die it’s a good idea this is origin story BL you a [ __ ] no let’s do it then exactly that’s what I

Thought damn it how do he manag to convince me with that the the like a book or something a movie I I I don’t know why I didn’t go in the first time though I stood here and I looked in and I just didn’t go in

Yeah it’s just going to have a dead end bro there’s no more lights work in progress well they for lights obviously wait look there’s lights oh let you the Ed y we have this is completely copied off of so War the drill Road the what the railroad they got it

Straight from wber said bro’s down here oh there’s signs there’s signs wait there’s signs guys a sign um this is r Wait what this is Radio blade I’m going deeper in staying here for a bit and using the safe spot if I’ve gone messing you need just come find

Me wait my [ __ ] wait my stuff wait a minute my weed Prof four Unbreaking three I had this stuff I swear how did they get down here obviously not wait L lag sto them get these [ __ ] okay good really good laging there guys this says property of the Imperium yeah

We how is this sign here I was I don’t remember going down here I think meds there I say we keep do we have to keep on exploring or yeah [ __ ] it I’ve literally never been here in my life why is there say saying it’s me and my stuff’s there the

Moment car I don’t know if this is a good idea bringing them all down here this is a great idea it what is down here we need think about this before we can come down what we don’t know what’s down here that shed some light on the

Situation yeah but why would we let radio go by himself I’m not saying we have to let him go by himself I’m just saying I don’t think it’s a good idea if we go down here cuz what if we all go Ming or something like

That I mean if we all go messing then we won’t we be together still though we won’t really be missing if they’re all together yeah car who knows about this tunnel other than you and the people made it no one now this has to be a secret guys the

Admin there could be something dangerous down this tunnel and if there’s something dangerous down this tunnel we need to make sure no one knows about it and no one like awakens It Whatever are we going to have to um make this Imperium property here and just cut it

Off I mean my SC already says Imperium property so this has already been colonized I I already came here and colonized but I just don’t remember oh ow don’t worry about that I got how far does this go bro I don’t know you can see the sunset in the distance well goes forever

Guys um I’m prepared to go forever what if it actually isn’t an end yeah what if it’s like just like it gets to the Border ands yeah what if the Border hasn’t even expanded past the end of it where you see I see you’re going a bit far ahead

This is really this is really terrifying least I’m not alone did I go in alone last time I must have cuz why would I put those signs in and why do I not remember this place I’ve been here before I have to what happened if I don’t remember this what

Else do I don’t Remember what this is actually so long this is infinitely long this is like why is it still going yeah just guys this is this has going for a long time mind fine we want to be main characters too yeah end Pearl oh end PE you get it before him main C

Syndrome yeah is that the last p uh I’ve got four more but I’ve got to save them in case we can’t do some fight just man I don’t know X is my jump bu for being part of this war too much what’s he going to do edit out he can’t

Ed it’s it’s not guys this is actually going for so long I don’t know if I yeah we Legends right now I need more the coms we’re in the comments wait your head so it’s like so I can just not need to move hey BL um I

Don’t want your [ __ ] little voice in my ear is this is the worst this is a nightmare for me I’m your lawyer I can do what I want I can legally do what I want is that true think so I think that’s true what what do you mean you I’m paying

You you do what I want yeah but if I’m doing it for free then really there’s light there’s light there’s light there’s light oh there is have I died there L the end tunnel is this the end what if a train comes down yeah we’re actually [ __ ] I realized this

These are must be wide trains look at the train tracks if two trains come are oh it’s two guys there’s an there’s an exit there’s an exit hold on is an actual station what’s this what’s this what’s this it’s a little room bro what the Hell would you see I see level I forgot we have to walk back oh I might be able to craft a portal out of here so expl is this is is is this the GL go underground I don’t know hello is is there anyone there

Huh this is this a ticket booth can I like put my young scull card in this and get a ticket I guess just wait for a train you know I swear no no no do you want to I something ah [ __ ] I you deserve that

I wait wait follow me a minute man I’m I’m enjoying this scenery at the moment I guess we could just sit and wait for a train and this darken terrifying place that’s like absolutely terrifying and I guess that will do okay no no train is coming no train is

Coming me yeah let’s go trash what’s oh Ender Chest oh dibs all right hopefully X won’t kill me for that oh there’s a t guys there’s a TV head here I want it back me I want I want the TV for the office TV for the office yeah what is this place

Guys what the [ __ ] oh do not go in there no genuinely do not go in there genuinely there’s no General General get away from the edge guys there’s a house here wait a guys this was in the screenshot this wasn’t screenshot there’s a sign there’s a sign

Property of BB this is M Place wait no no I claimed this wait this makes sense now I claimed this I remember I claimed it there’s a portal here guys there’s a portal where it’s not open but we can open it yeah we might be able to escape

Once we have to hold on a we’ll do that later wait there’s something over here too there’s something over here wait this is the strip cup from barland this is yeah from where bar Barbie land I’m remembering guys Barbie land what is what is Barbie we’re we’re all archive members

Except for you car I don’t know what the [ __ ] Barb land is man a strep Club I remember this through here oh nothing where’s where’s the gamer cat house in the Cooper’s house yeah where’s the gamer cat the Cooper’s houses no I’m remembering I’m remembering wait this I’ve been here

Guys guys get a shortcut we can get a shortcut here someone open this portal we can get here quicker open the portal first that seems like an absolutely terrible idea I mean if you if if you can get in you can get out that’s what I’m saying is that

True you believe that inventory you inventory nothing no you’re not going in that portal I’m not letting you push the creeper or not we’re breaking we’re breaking this set guys oh we found I hid I hid in cave it’s War guys this is can oh bro

Get away from the edge car I don’t like this I’m guys five bucks five bucks yeah actually IED sub IED sub do it wait’s space to hold like the valuable stuff I’m not let you go in there TV no I’m I’m not like no no we need a TV for

The you know the they go put in the office I don’t have any I’m actually got full inventory now I don’t have any space I’ve got I can pick up some stuff I’m not I’m not I’m L I’m not I’m not letting you go in that portal oh he’s gone he’s dipped he’s

Gone guys we lost logs what the [ __ ] just happened to logs where’s L it’s just us guys no wait L is gone I got his emeralds I don’t I’m not I don’t we can we follow men I mean I say we follow I’m not following him in I’m not doing

That is this part of the script or no I don’t even know we’re going off script guys what’s in here we’re going have to explore this without m is there any way over here we we we have to escape the portal wasn’t lighting for some strange reason [ __ ] okay

We I can’t believe this we’ve just actually just lost lugs well guys hold on there’s another area over there with lava hope I don’t get run over by a train okay here the [ __ ] is this this place is blocked off what has just happened to logs where

Is he gone I’m I’m actually going toan his L’s Gone what they mention his log just went enter he’s in he’s ination guys he gave me this TV head between world I’ve got a TV head also yeah he gave this to me this is the last thing he gave to me before [ __ ] went to went to that [ __ ]

Dimension man you should have actually made this type of train this would have been faster I think it may have used to have trains in the past oh I we can move so fast bro I can’t do it correctly oh yeah you’re doing it okay man I wish we had

The radio I think we saw things we weren’t supposed to see we went in the dimensions we weren’t supposed to go don’t know where logs went he’s meant he’s [ __ ] meant to represent me in court see if he’s gone yeah you watch lawyer bro no see if I’ve lost my

Lawyer here’s what we do radio we blame it on I don’t even know if I want to blame that in capy this seems this seems above capy man this goes on for thousands of blocks dude oh I can’t believe this what what an actual idiot why did he do

That his L’s gone like forever and we getting him back we going try we’ll do a don’t worry why didn’t I jump in then I don’t know what’s I don’t know what that goes to I don’t know why but I feel like if I go in there and

And and if you’re uh confused what’s going on you should probably watch the last stream this is all reference to the last stream just selling you know just let you know yeah and a lot of important stuff happen and this all makes sense oh yeah

Wait wait wait wa wa did you see what happened we’ve already been here before and I’m just don’t remember yeah a long way home I can’t believe he did that I can’t believe actually just went into that Dimension I feel like we M should have actually went back for luxs why did he just jump in is he gone CH I can’t believe that right we’re about we’re at the base I mean I generally don’t okay I’m back I’m in a little bit of denial that LS is

Gone see if log is actually gone he’s not coming back he might have ended up at spawn maybe he got kicked out by like whoever’s in there whatever is in there second chance maybe he got reincarnated we got pish stuff in here there’s the base how did I even

Write these signs I have no memory of doing this oh some tea obviously they’re down here okay let’s keep going maybe maybe multiversal stuff might explain the weird stuff that’s been going on i f we remembered the um stuff over there as well you know archive car by the way um thanks for

Showing me this um means a lot that you would show me this I I don’t know why but I don’t remember being here but I’ve been here before maybe it’s just like a memory block or something I I don’t know what happened here what I what else do I not

Remember do you think someone is trying to prevent you from remembering the person cing all this the one who built the railroad whenever whenever I think of this place I always think of the name canel outus wait canel canel yeah canel whatever his name is I had okay so I

Logged on a couple days ago and I got a book that said fix the ark apparently everyone got this wrote that yeah it was aign to me the first letters radio and I followed the book I did what it there was a series of books all for

Me by other people that led me to to places from another place I I don’t even know that’s strange every time I think of this tunnel when I’m in thisel the only thing I’m thinking of is the name canel who the [ __ ] is canel other books only I only know the book radio

Got and the book um everyone else got right I have to go home this was not politics right General you’re great okay yeah um you know I’m glad that I could got get that Dart and capy from you but something much bigger than capy just happened in that

Tunnel do you want me to be quiet about what happened yeah that’s this tunnel is is a secret yeah between us and maybe if lugs comes back we to I don’t know where lugs went I don’t know if we should go back but I don’t know when was in the tunnel

And I’m not geared out enough to go down that tunnel I can do an investigation if you want me to can you research you smart enough for that I can I can res I can research it yeah okay if you can do that for me if you can research the tunnel

And find where log is went I’ll do whatever man I’ve got my own War stream going on now okay you can work it where LS went I’m going to get geared up cuz you guys are geared but I’m not if I went in that tunnel and there’s something dangerous down there I’m I’m

Not going to win a fight okay you’re going to need this oh my God thank you I don’t have any inventory space two seconds there we go oh my God car are you sure yeah don’t worry man look look at my sword oh okay thank you man that

Means a lot um right I’m going go home uh but yeah thank you keep this a secret yeah we need to go back and find logs I don’t know if I’m ready today but we need to go back and find lugs I don’t know where give stuff to lugs this is

His stuff if we ever find him we to I will yeah I’ll stay here I’ll work on stuff I wish you luck okay um thank you I’m I will come back here in a couple days I probably need you for court but court doesn’t seem important anymore after seeing

This this we’ve just found something bigger something more dangerous than Cy man I don’t want to go all the way back into the area I’m going to probably stream tomorrow do some stuff right okay you have fun researching that tunnel um yeah car I’m going to go home you can

Come with me if you want but I’m going back to B much impi I’ll see you later General all right see you right I’m I know I’m going to do it I think that’ll have to be me then H I guess I’ll see you right what you

Said you had other books correct yeah I don’t know where they all are I think someone in my Ender Chest do you have an Ender Chest I don’t General has General all we can just use the one at my house okay take me to your house yeah

Seconds me just turn on Min map let getting where’s the butt where’s the map saying but there is there there we go can see now all right take take me to your base oh I was deed sorry that makes me like think you know yeah did any did anyone else get other

Books well what happened was I had a book of s I had that book that I woke up with then I found a book in a chest it said to radio to me so there’s like someone that wants speak to me I don’t know who it is this

Team to do list find k mo for lying about me find way see this doesn’t even important but I’m going to have to fight for my my innocence now I can’t believe this we’re all going through our them some worse than others so where about do you

Left you my house remember the um oh yeah no no I know where it is I know where it is yeah um yeah I can get my end chest and show you those books if you want if you if you have books you can copy with I can

You can get take copies if you want yeah I just need to like prob books and qus yeah books and qus we can make coffees yeah like if you saw my basement you would be in like shock with how many Bucks I’ve got got BS dog dog come back here yes good

Dog I’m going to name you to think to think I mean I got some name tags so you can name them yeah I’ll do that oh thank you what a cliff you want to go down there right I’m actually struggling I’m going need to get lead so

I can t across oceans now I’ll do it another time do you have any leads at home like one or two I’ll let you do that how am I going to get across this ocean you you have your own boat no but I can push him in yours and I just

Getting your head yeah like come the water I’m going to push him this B there we are oh I have no inventory space is one bit of sand ocean let’s go this is comfy your head is very comfy I’m going to give you that I appreciate that is that BL

Bear yeah ever since the ice smed you just see random polar be in that’s very sad yeah Mor for you I’m trying to think of a name I would desent Troy Robertson Troy reron yeah that’s a good name Troy rierson he gives Troy rierson I don’t

Know why when I look at him I see Troy rierson you know I mean I’ve got my own pet now too I it’s not a dog it’s but um you you’ll just see in my house when we get there I’m going give my blue collar that’s do oh sweet home right

Try you just park up here to be honest just trying to make perfect we can park here for a bit I guess or do you want to leave him yeah I’m going to go home anyway so right I’ll read you the books uh Ender Chest yeah I’m just going to put

Some stuff in end chest cuz I’ve got a lot of stuff in my inventory show all that right what’s up red wait do I have the books yeah I do have the books here wait do I not the boooks yeah here’s one um this is explaining who can you says I guess if

You can get me a you can make a cop if you’d like yeah just take a peek oh my God yeah I’ve been a couple places guess uh right you can just read it for now I guess cuz I trust you it’s about it’s like I don’t know what

It is it’s like a funeral for canel out or something God this dude was a god apparently work my god oh damn what’s your what’s the P oh well he he does 27 R foot for an emerald two gold ingot for an emerald one rabbit foot for an emerald

He’s got he’s got good prices yeah he’s all right celestial force that once danced Among the Stars now extinguished in of the in our Arena of Destiny can you allow to engage not with Theos with the valant protector with the Clash of voids echoing through the heavens

Defend of the land a mere moral fied by love for the sacred soil beneath his feet can you H us The God Who dared to tread the moral path embrace the moral will and leaving behind a legacy that transcends the imperial dance of existence let his sacrifice be eded in

The annuals of the Divine v a testament of comence of gods IM Mortals where threads of Destiny intertwine made the land he sought protect find peace and may his Essence linger in The Whispers of the wind and russle of the leaves sub subtle reminder of God who chose stand

Alongside he once watched from the heavens farell can you us as as your Celestial light dims your memory sh shall illuminate the cosmos a beacon for all who dare to defy the boundaries between Gods and Men lies lies all right this just says lies now they’re Capital liar the train man never

Fell the train can youis lived that foul demon you lied false reality master manipulator traitor train man lived radio radio blade isn’t the demon yes it mentions me kill canel out home radio what the [ __ ] so who the hell is the train man I don’t know we went to the train station well

Obviously those railroads have to be connected to the train I guess so I should probably go back now and uh speak to logs uh sorry to Bo Munch and tell them that LS is missing um nothing better to do honestly you want to come with yeah

Then [ __ ] uh you can drive I guess Fred you not coming or you want to stay yeah I was just saying bye to Fred oh Fred all good right you can drive then you can help me get Troy there safely yeah it’s a b much Imperium uh

But I don’t know what’s going on I don’t know why what’s happening that’s what I’ve been trying to figure out you said there was other books right besides that one yeah did they give you like did they send you anywhere or bring you anywhere what the

Books yeah they took me to places I recognized that I don’t remember that well I don’t I don’t know how to recognize it took me to a place called Pen Island uh a place called Barbie land and one of my old houses but I never lived in it

You know it’s one of those places you know you lived in but you never did yeah it was I don’t know what what was up with it it was weird but yeah um following me and how she told me about the train station she did she be

There no she told me to find it for her how did she know existed that’s what I’ve been trying to figure out why is Troy not following me by the way is he saying probably but if no one knows about the train station then she knows more than

We know yeah I need to speak to all about this uh yeah I think you may be saying she wants to explore the station oh wait oh name tag we forgot name tags right can still Bo muncher that’s what he’s wor want to go down there too let’s go over

Here the one thing I can’t allow myself to do is let her go down there by herself I me to find out what what’s going on how how do she know about it um she want tell me I tried but she I mean she might not trust me but she

Might like relate to me because I know about it apparently and I’ve been down there I need to I need to ask her what she knows about it so I can find out what what’s going on why I don’t remember being there I need to go down there with her

So she doesn’t die but I’m down there I think General’s down there right now researching the portal or something making like a a lab I don’t know what he’s doing she wants to go down there I can’t let her go down by herself she’s going to get killed there if there’s even

Something lingering beyond the Shadows didn’t let’s grab yeah you must be done there research right know that all right boy mcho yeah let know we’re here ah the Glorious Imperium actually quite sad it LS I hope we find very mucher uh something bad happened PR much Prett much El President we got to

Talk y what’s up man um oh you got a dog yeah his name is Troy rierson but this this is important pretty much tro Ron um yeah what happen can we can we talk inside the the main building give me a second this this is like bad oh wow

You’re you’re pimped out yeah don’t mind me you do want some stuff actually no I want that you can have you can have this pretty much oh and this nice nice thanks you’re welcome but I much talk I just name my dog second got an it’s fine just we got to talk

Something something bad’s happens hey pleas it down for me so what happened where’d you guys go H let’s talk about upstairs let me just name a dog first there we are why is he not you see it yeah can I think um I can’t but it’s F come upstairs come

Upstairs so you may have noticed that um we’re Man Down H logs oh um what happened to him it wasn’t being an idiot like usual um basically we went basically car told me something about and I you know a couple days ago I went an adventure you know this H I went

Somewhere and yeah didn’t I tell you not to follow me you did remember I said you you were going to follow me and I said not to O well might have misinterpreted that what did I say no I mean I I might have misinterpreted what you said what do you think I

Said oh no I heard you loud and clear I just I just still follows you to the tunnel did I go did I go you know where I went I don’t I don’t remember anything did I where did I go no I stopped following you once you

Reached the tunnel did I go in I felt some weird presence around it I saw you going in so I went in okay basically I went down that tunnel and I can’t remember anything what happened I thought deep down in my soul that I thought I didn’t go down I thought I

Pussied out what did you see anyone else there no just him B I thought I pushed it out okay I didn’t realize I went in but I had this memory of this but now now I don’t know because we went down that tunnel and I seen messages that i’ had left bases

Signs of me living there my stuff I had ventured down that tunnel I’d been there down there I just don’t remember anything about it um and we went down there and we found some weird stuff it was a train station it was weird as hell but um we found a massive portal

And lugs went end it do you know where he is no we didn’t go in we’re not I don’t know what’s in there what the [ __ ] man we’re man down now what the [ __ ] are we what the [ __ ] are we gonna do now oh my I got a [ __ ] have to think

[ __ ] I don’t know if leaving LS is the best thing to do but I just don’t think we’re prepared to go down that we don’t know anything about it it could literally lead to just lava or something I don’t know where that goes that’s the thing that scks about it

Man okay I’m I’m I’m going to I need to tell him about General researching it so he knows wait a second Prett much Prett much before you Byer before you hate me where did he gocher did he sail away I’m going to plug stuff in here yeah yeah put his stuff

In I can’t believe this oh where did where does boy muncher go when he’s most sad oh we’re here apparently PR muner not all hope is lost B mucher where is is he down in the secret bit wait where actually did he go down the tunnel I think his

Down muncher you’re scaring me Here pretty much what’s in your hands nothing very much not all hope is lost we’re currently re rearch in the tunnel I currently have General researching the tunnel trying to work out researching the portal trying to work out where lugs went and how we can get to them and save

Them I just don’t think it’s wise to go in there when we don’t know what’s in there at all I don’t really give a [ __ ] about what’s in there I just needed someone to be my you know what’s it called little little soldier you know that’s what he

Was we don’t have one of them who who’s going to fight for us he’s passionate I’ll give that but we need okay he’s we’re going get’s the only one he’s the only one he’s also my lawyer he’s also my lawyer I thought he was your lawyer they’re both my

Lawyer that’s the stupidest [ __ ] I’ve ever heard I have two lers right I’ll see you later I’ll see you later b muner car he’s [ __ ] pissed he’s angry he’s quite angry ah we may have [ __ ] up a little bit we might have made a little bit of a

Mistake if you know what I’m saying there may be a little bit of a problem here lapis oh I’m going to make blue collar I’m use oh thank you I’m just going to make a poer bam Troy rierson right there we may have [ __ ] up a little bit

Uh I think PR much is angry with me for that well um I guess there’s nothing more we can do well I’m glad I have have you now confirmed as my lawyer um I will need to try and work out how we can get lugs back whatever’s in there man whatever

Thing he just jumped through I’ll be there okay thank you man but yeah I’ll see you in court I guess I’ll see you own car see you why did LS do that man what a [ __ ] idiot love him but he’s an idiot he jumped through a portal with no

Exit get out of here man get in here F then you [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] yeah can remove all these signs now like desperately we need you we need you we need you the floaters are coming signs whatever this is hey man how you doing oh my am I Alive Me What am the [ __ ] am I dreaming about right that’s me for the night boys and girls and others that h

This video, titled ‘Tanuki SMP: Legal Trouble (New Minecraft SMP) – Live Stream’, was uploaded by Radioblade on 2024-01-07 14:05:40. It has garnered 96 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:33 or 6753 seconds.

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    "Lost in Minecraft: Day 24 Madness!" #gamingfunVideo Information This video, titled ‘2 Week Minecraft Phase: Day 24 (in-game days) #minecraft #minecraftgaming #memes #gaming #funny’, was uploaded by Queezy99 on 2024-07-17 20:15:02. It has garnered 3202 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “GODXPHAHORAH: My Loyal Minecraft Companion” 🐶❤️ #shorts

    "GODXPHAHORAH: My Loyal Minecraft Companion" 🐶❤️ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Loyal Friend In Minecraft ❤️ @godxpharoah #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by 𝐆𝐎𝐃𝐗𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐇 on 2024-01-06 12:20:12. It has garnered 2634 views and 112 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. A Loyal Friend In Minecraft ❤️ @godxpharoah #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts created by- @godxpharoah keywords- Minecraft Minecraft tutorial minecraft builds minecraft building minecraft tutorials minecraft design minecraft interior design minecraft build tips minecraft building ideas minecraft simple tutorials minecraft easy tutorial minecraft shorts minecraft short tutorials minecraft building video top 5 minecraft builds 5 minecraft interior designs 5 minecraft designs tags-… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures Begin Now 🔥 Mad Mads Gaming

    Insane Minecraft Adventures Begin Now 🔥 Mad Mads GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE START OF SOMETHING AWESOME || Minecraft ?? #1’, was uploaded by Mad Mads Gaming on 2024-05-19 18:00:06. It has garnered 11 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:19 or 919 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #coop #cooperative #gaming #coopsurvival #cooperativegameplay #minecraftsmp Channels featured in this video: @darkbeast2336 Read More

  • EPIC NEW SERVER – HyperWorld MC Day 1!

    EPIC NEW SERVER - HyperWorld MC Day 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘HyperWorld MC – Survival Multiplayer Day 1 – NEW SERVER’, was uploaded by HyperLethalNova on 2024-04-08 09:48:44. It has garnered 50 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:16 or 5716 seconds. Hello Crafters! Join us for some Sunday Fun as we play some Minecraft on HyperWorldMC! This is a fresh start so who knows what will happen! Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe. PEACE! Server Name: HyperWorld — Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/t5ZNc9wkpn IG: hyperlethalnova twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hyperlethalnova twitter: @HyperLethalNova Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HyperLethalNova Music: Inception by Karl Casey @ White… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Squad LIVE! Join now for FREE!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Squad LIVE! Join now for FREE!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVE || PUBLIC SMP LIVE | JAVA + PE | 24/7 | FREE TO JOIN’, was uploaded by Kraft Squad on 2024-02-20 17:36:34. It has garnered 283 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 04:08:25 or 14905 seconds. —————————————————— ★ Hi, I am KRAFT SQUAD – INSHORT – KRAFTY★ ★ I am NooOoOoOoOB ★ —————————————————– ★ Social Links ★ Discord: https://discord.gg/XN3CHRG7Y2 Instagram: raghav_13804 E-Mail: [email protected] —————————————————– ★ Edits ★ • 🟢 Highlights 😀 ★ My Potato PC ★ device specifications processor – i7 12 gen graphic card – RTX 3050 RAM… Read More

  • Minecraft Ghost Encounter: INSANE Reactions!

    Minecraft Ghost Encounter: INSANE Reactions!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft insane ghost 👻😲’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-10 13:20:40. It has garnered 473 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:19 or 439 seconds. minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips and tricks, Live insaan new minecraft part, Beastboyshub minecraft, Techno gamerz new minecraft part, yessmartypie speedrun, Himlands new video, himlands season 4, yessmartypie himlands, Techno Gamerz hardcore, loyal smp new video, loyal smp ip, mr… Read More

  • INSANE SEARCH FOR RARE AXOLOTL | Minecraft ft. Primrose

    INSANE SEARCH FOR RARE AXOLOTL | Minecraft ft. PrimroseVideo Information This video, titled ‘LOOKING FOR AXOLOTL | Minecraft w/ Primrose’, was uploaded by ChuChu on 2024-07-16 03:27:35. It has garnered 110 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:40:48 or 16848 seconds. I’m gonna have 0 DEATHS 🌸Donations🌸 https://streamlabs.com/chuchustreams Primrose: https://www.twitch.tv/primroseevt 🌸Join my Lovelies🌸 Discord: https://discord.gg/Wvp9z4bfuJ CREDITS: Thumbnail: Chuchu 🌸Viewer Guidelines and Rules🌸 1. Be respectful to Chuchu and the chat members. Offensive language, hate speech, bullying and excessive trolling is unacceptable. 2. No controversial topics, No spamming. 3. No backseating or spoiling unless asked by Chuchu or mods. 4. Do not mention other streamers… Read More

  • CraftMVM

    CraftMVMNajlepszy serwer MINECRAFT ip do: CRAFTMVM.pl The best MINECRAFT server ip for: CRAFTMVM.pl Owners: KapiHappy300 Wyklockowany Niewiem5 Wlasciciele: KapiHappy300 Wyklockowany Niewiem5 CraftMVM.pl:8267 Read More

  • Slapstuck SMP Vanilla+ 1.20.4 Java/Bedrock+ VoiceChat, Terralith, Dynmap, Graves, TreeCutter

    Welcome to our SMP Server! Looking for friends to join and play in our small SMP world! Both bedrock and java compatible. Features: Terralith world gen mod /home and /tpa commands Tree cutting datapack Claims system Bonus Features: Voice chat available Dynmap for online world viewing Join us: Java IP: play.slapstuck.net Website/Dynmap and Bedrock IP: https://slapstuck.net Stay Connected: Join our Discord for server announcements: https://discord.gg/K8sCPb45Sg Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Salty gamers dissing glow squids

    Why does no one give glow squids a chance? They just want to light up your life, but instead they get dragged down by all the iceologer haters. Give glow squids some love, people! #JusticeForGlowSquids Read More

  • Field of Luck: 15 Ways to Magnetize Good Fortune

    Field of Luck: 15 Ways to Magnetize Good Fortune In the realm of Minecraft, we find our delight, Crafting worlds with blocks, under the moonlight. Updates and news, all in a rhyme, Spinning tales of adventure, every time. Join us on this journey, full of fun and cheer, As we explore the depths, without any fear. Meditation and wisdom, intertwined with glee, In this world of Minecraft, we are truly free. So boost your luck, with every rhyme we share, In this world of creativity, beyond compare. Embrace the joy, let your spirit soar, In the realm of Minecraft, forevermore. Read More

  • Super Dog goes BARK BARK BARK in Minecraft

    Super Dog goes BARK BARK BARK in Minecraft “Super dog is here to save the day in Minecraft, but first, he’s gotta get his groove on with a little ‘Oi Oi Oi’ dance party! Watch out creepers, this pup’s got some bombastic moves!” Read More

  • Ceiling Surprise in Minecraft!

    Ceiling Surprise in Minecraft! Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and imaginative world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez. This channel offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to thrilling fighting games and everything in between. Whether you enjoy the adrenaline rush of Hill Climb Racing or the challenge of hidden object games, there is something for every gamer on this channel. 🎮 Supporting the Channel If you want to show your support for @ricplayzgamez, there are several ways to do so. Consider sending a “Super Thanks,” participating in a Superchat during… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 Update: Insane Challenges!

    Mastering Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 Update: Insane Challenges! Surviving Minecraft Hardcore in the New 1.21 Update: Epic Challenges! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the latest Minecraft update, version 1.21, as players dive into Hardcore mode for the ultimate survival challenge. From new features to unexpected obstacles, this update promises an adrenaline-pumping experience like never before. Join the journey as players explore new biomes, battle fierce mobs, and unravel the mysteries of Minecraft 1.21. Will they emerge victorious or succumb to the dangers lurking in the shadows? Exploring New Biomes The 1.21 update introduces players to a plethora of new biomes, each with its unique landscapes and… Read More

  • Scarlett Flameheart Ch. [VReverie] – Minecraft Castle Build NO interruptions!

    Scarlett Flameheart Ch. [VReverie] - Minecraft Castle Build NO interruptions!Video Information This video, titled ‘VSMP Minecraft: finishing my castle with NO distractions!!’, was uploaded by Scarlett Flameheart Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-07-09 21:31:11. It has garnered 1026 views and 170 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:34 or 11554 seconds. I’m Scarlett Flameheart, VReverie Gen 3 Guardian’s sweet and spicy flame knight 🏰 here to protect you! Support me: https://streamelements.com/scarlettflameheart/tip Clipping is 🆗 and appreciated! MOD CREDIT: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/82495 ◇◆◇༺♥༻Rules༺♥༻◇◆◇ 1. Kindness is so slay of you. Please consider your words before speaking. 2. Ignore those who break rule 1 or those who spam. My sword will take care of… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Building Stream

    Insane Minecraft Building StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Live Streaming: Minecraft Buildings’, was uploaded by Berserk 308 on 2024-04-22 05:30:45. It has garnered 72 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:36 or 4956 seconds. Hi everyone, I’m Edoardo and this is my first channel. Games, Vlogs, and many more topics will await you. I recommend you subscribe to the channel, leave a like, share my channel with all your friends, and activate the notification bell to remain updated for my future videos. If you want to follow me, I’m on: Instagram: edoardo.minuti Facebook: Edoardo Minuti Discord: Berserk 308# 0308… Read More

  • Join us to fix Minecraft’s major issue – Frogsplat

    Join us to fix Minecraft's major issue - FrogsplatVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Can Solve Minecraft’s Biggest Problem, Together.’, was uploaded by Frogsplat on 2024-06-21 19:27:26. It has garnered 22029 views and 1689 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:07 or 1207 seconds. Let’s do this 🙂 My Discord server! https://discord.gg/vdJrS5dz Music: (non-minecraft) Jet Set Radio – Recipe for the Perfect Afro Saddyowner – Cover of Minecraft Cat https://www.youtube.com/@UC5_PdagggsYOzTT2C4ASSkg Read More