Terroriser’s Top 2023 Moments

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Another year has passed and you know what that means another best of video so let’s just sit back relax and have a look back at the best bits of 2023 oh and also do me a favor make sure you like the video and subscribe please for

The love of God I want 4 million Subs it’s been 12 years so 2023 has been another interesting year with some new games that we’ve really enjoyed but also some Classics too so we’re starting off strong with some Minecraft The Purge server return and with that so did a lot

Of the group to Minecraft we had a lot of of fun I got to play with some really nice people on the server John uh nothing John John that’s a joke what you found Diamonds oh oh okay we Brian do you have do you have do do

You have iron do you have iron you have iron we got to do this we’re going to we’re going to be famous we’re going to be famous going be famous [ __ ] how did you do on the first try all right I don’t know how no’s done it world but he

Has found diamonds already he’s a genius dude we need to get black genius we need to get iron we need iron yeah let’s go no human all right I’m going to keep digging down because maybe I’ll find more more diamonds and maybe I’ll how much money to break this but how much to

Break this and just leave how much I’m gay how much to just break this and leave 100 bucks don’t care that I’m gay 100 bucks no we know we knew oh what do you think what do you think yeah yeah uh oh I found iron I found iron I found

Iron W no way oh my God he’s amazing how much I think we need to make hold on to make what level is iron need three I think we just need three I can make a furnace I can make one hold on uh get out of the way there we go I

Made a furnace right there okay and then this and then uh can we just put wood in there let’s just put wood in there oh that’s working that’s working EV we’re about to get diamonds about to get diamonds [ __ ] they already made a pickaxe they probably found diamonds too though

Who who made a pickaxe the [ __ ] there people in the chat I keep seeing people getting iron no no they keep making like iron pickaxes [ __ ] doesn’t matter though doesn’t matter we’re going to be the ones that smell or iron the quickest and then you’re going to need you’re going

To need sticks you’re going to needed some sticks the diamonds are gone we uh EV what the [ __ ] Brian Bri you [ __ ] [ __ ] he took them did you break them I Brian Brian Brian’s not here right now [ __ ] kill him I’m going to have to kill him I’m going to have to kill

Him who was worth every [ __ ] let’s go we started with a bite boys let’s Brian I need you to load up some creeper sounds and and [ __ ] into your soundboard now okay okay oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me so how do the sound in game you cut

It can you cut it right before the explosion yeah yeah yeah I can remember no weapon in your hands no weapon no things in your hands and eat your food now I see pasta so yeah I saw pasta up on the hill to our right at the Snow

Hill okay I’m just past the buildings now coming to the first tree I see uh Speedy’s place to my top right I’m almost at the top oh there’s like four people there where where where’s there at their house I can’t see it though oh yeah I see pass yeah yeah pass is there

I see I see I see I can lure him outside what the [ __ ] was is that the Fortress over there is that no that is he’s freaking out he’s freaking out he died to a bush a [ __ ] bush oh my God I’m Bush that’s the worst

Death ever [ __ ] oh my God oh my Lord a bush in town he’s going to walk right past us I’m ready with the sound board I’m ready with the sound board please please let him just come over this hill should we go inside their house and play the sound it’s possible

Trust me on this he’s at speedies he’s like underneath speedies over here to our right to our right yeah come over to Marcel toward where’s their house walking towards the hill he just walk past me he just he didn’t Flinch what get in the house just get in the house Bud skeletons skeletons

There’s a [ __ ] there’s a there’s a moer moer loes all right just stay away from that bur Bush on the other side oh a bed your bed sorry about that there’s your bed yeah keep no keep the keep the whatever the booties that I had the okay

The dog covers do you have a pressure plate on this [ __ ] oh and I oh and I think I have a diamond oh [ __ ] what was that sounds like a bsy horn what is with the door bro I’m [ __ ] with the door in front the passor she’s having a mental breakdown

Thank you what is it I keep closing and opening the door oh do you like where is this buy horn coming from don’t even know holy [ __ ] you got there’s somebody with an invisibility clo okay that’s that is really [ __ ] scary to me it’s [ __ ] Harry Potter

Yeah there goes the buy horn I don’t like your home right now I’m scar [ __ ] happen trying to keep positive you know I’m trying to keep POS everything’s like really right now you know there’s a moer oh my God face you’re wearing someone else’s face hey whoever’s got the moan horn if you

Don’t mind putting that on my Boo Hole giving it a toot the door dud no there’s somebody with an invisibility close you see their name though unless they they’re like Rogue or whatever or what’s that unless they’re Rogue look is freaking ass what is that somebody’s farting somebody stop farting

Somebody said Daddy you’re haunted this place is haunted specy enjoy the pool I’m moving out yeah yeah ghost people enjoy the sweet pool that we built [ __ ] for sale sign on the front of the house God damn the your house is haunted specy chest I’m just opening the

[ __ ] is going on I don’t know what you guys brought we’re on [ __ ] MythBusters or no wait it was Ghostbusters I need a goddamn priest to bring it out I need a God I don’t know what you guys brought over to this house nael brought those oh okay what okay

Okay okay I need a godamn priest anyone a priest we need a priest I need oh my God that is rumbling exorcism yeah this is a yeah this is a [ __ ] house this is [ __ ] great I need all right ghost if you can hear me blow the

Horn I’m preaching I’m preaching her I’m preaching oh [ __ ] dude oh they can hear us they can herar us I just see all opening oh my God I’m not going to lie you know when you like you got the base turned up in your car and it kind of tickles your

Undercarriage that’s what that horn sounds like it’s doing yeah oh wait whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] oh my God no this is okay this is specy what did you do get back in the holy water I don’t know what the brought this this house oh yeah we might need

All just be in holy water my God this is incredible oh this is what how are they there’s so many there’s so many so many crates being open they’re so fast out and CR it okay okay stop that [ __ ] stop that [ __ ] Lucifer is there Lucifer wait son

Of Lucifer no what the [ __ ] I said summon you [ __ ] idiot summon junkyard junk you probably just [ __ ] up we’re freaking we sacrificing they have freaking destroyed the house now we have a ghost and look at we’re being haunted we’re being haunted yeah junk run you know how to do exorcisms junk

You know how to do excis sacrifice the entire virgin oh well they don’t need a I’m going to keep it real yeah sacrifice a virgin you must sacrifice the Virgin guys I’ll take one for the team like Virgin Mobile you guys want to cell phone just sacrifice a goddamn virgin we

Need to be I just don’t know how to sacrifice murder murder murder oh murder oh B oh my godate happy now oh [ __ ] bro he was definitely a virgin the spirits shall leave you you have you have satisfied Lucifer absolute freaking like we’re being haunted right now we’re being

Haunted they my house has been destroyed it’s just it’s Absolut it’s absolutely even a bit I have detected the presence of another virgin oh gosh no virgin may enter this home think about it bu I can’t even do it don’t even think about it germs what

The freak I don’t know what you guys brought to this house but it’s absolutely haunted now I’ll tell you what you brought you brought some f you showed up it’s absolutely Haun should we just take off the armor and then walk in the front door Sade if you can hear us

We have a real virgin in here now that’s rich coming from you send [Applause] it yeah Nate you probably want to go home and get your put your [ __ ] in a crate or something oh no one’s [ __ ] touching me you’re back guys on three we have to sacrifice the Virgin look at the

Signs outside kill there your cherri’s back you heard voice effect I’ll take some of them though sorry my balls didn’t drop for a second there again godam it kill the you [ __ ] dumb ass virgin is dramatic replays not me no we’ve seen your dating record it’s non-existent kill

Sand god damn it I got to die again hold on Nate Crouch around here take my [ __ ] with you kill the Virgin I’m going swinging oh my god oh yeah wor oh wait you’re right dramatic replay was a virgin actually do kill him oh no we’re not killing

Me wants him murder dramatic and satisfy Lucifer oh God I’m about to get crossfir oh my satisfy me I’m putting a goddamn for sale sign on this house I’m putting a godamn for sale sign on this house I would too man don’t do that don’t put a

Sign in front of my right now what you say I’m sorry Satan don’t yeah I’m going to go behind a tree I’m sorry my eyes are bad I seeu I didn’t see that time the sign say watch out for the creeper there’s a creeper there’s a creeper

Behind you watch out no got you no creeper stop it Nola check the jellyfish check the jellyfish it’s a what the lava jellyfish they drop like a really good um like gunpowder thing let’s go kill them okay no you’re going to beat me no oh I’m a but oh [ __ ] I didn’t think

It would kill him okay I didn’t think that would kill you yeah why did it kill me I heard an explosion after I killed it or something it explodes when you die when it dies yeah when they explode when they die they explode you flew before I could

E mhm yeah thanks for think the adventure is done that was not worth it [ __ ] I need a normal iron sword that’s what [Laughter] saying he probably just like doing random [ __ ] in his house and we’ll just walk past his set up and just come it get him [ __ ] get him oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] get him he’s pin he’s going to the Escape menu we got new weapons [ __ ] we got he’s running manin he’s [Laughter]

Manin Scotty watch it make him don’t pick up his stuff don’t pick up I just want the horn where’s the horn the Horn’s in the middle there no you [ __ ] r the horn blown up [ __ ] I have nothing to live for on This Server now [ __ ] I’m not getting back on

Until I get a new horn you [ __ ] Mor Mye bad sound Scotty me he he squeaked you know you can knock me off and I won’t die yeah I mean even if I don’t land in water as long as I as long as I have my ability yeah I’m I canot well actually Wait please please no okay well Bri it doesn’t work if you burn me first it doesn’t work if you burn me you you burnt me and so when I it activated my potion instead of feather falling it gave me fire resistance I to send you oh you’re invisible

Huh John uh nothing John John nothing John I’m not doing nothing okay really really John God damn it John he’s got [ __ ] what is that knockback [ __ ] that stick that’s stick is broke I thought that was like an admin too God damn it John you little fing [ __ ] everyone speaking at

Me we uh we lost our base our base is Fallen but we landed at Goose Bas we annihilated red rocket red rocket does not exist anymore and then this used to be the sad that oh my God who destroyed your Base this is unfortunate yes uh-oh uh-oh oh my God you blew up no no GL I did blow up no you no h John John is dead John is dead bro what do you want what do you want do I look like I want to

Talk zot we’re W to get big we’re W to get big look at me I’m drippy as hell bro holy [ __ ] get it all get it all what the is this I’m a squid oh my God what a get find where’d you find what’d you find open open this chest take it take

It take it take it take it take it all take it all I’m pretty loaded with weapons I’m not alive behind you no you there goes your boyfriend [ __ ] there goes your boyfriend get out of here get of here you’ll do fing nothing you’ll do none

Marcel I did it baby you’ll do fing none absolutely none your dog [ __ ] get out of here you made it big all right [ __ ] made a [ __ ] big big literally did nothing I had nothing still winning still [ __ ] winning look at what’s left yeah I was going to say who the [ __ ]

I’m so angry at John I’m like Michael Jordan I took that [ __ ] personally now I’m fuing pissed I you know look at that oh he put a sign on top of I have to see what that sign says okay here we go and the big re does it

Say I’m I I live around the corner from you I’m going to take a [ __ ] on your doorstep I I don’t care I am going to get a paper bag dog [ __ ] set it on fire uning believable unbelievable entire base got destroyed I thought it was a dick who was

That who was did you T that was John he just TP John to you guys got any food up there yeah I yeah I got I got oh oh Brian you’re on one heart there you go there burnt you try again I don’t have a pickaxe to break

This hey ammo you have any cool weapons I could have I do come on down so are you able to swim in lava yeah oh that’s unfor no wonder you zipped through it no wonder you went right down ah so you is my worst enemy H she look at his head

You do have half a heart though half a heart you’re a that is so tempting you’re in a predicament you’re in a I know and I can’t kill I can’t kill you come on in dude it’s actually shut up shut up dude really oh we fin oh by the way [ __ ] yes

And after the pur server lasted about 2 weeks the next time we ventured back into the world of blocks the boys decided it would be a good idea to venture into the space world of Minecraft at Astra and yeah that went very smoothly good job good job

Everybody look at you Evan I gave you yellow cuz you’re Asian yeah I mean I’m always yellow thank you all right nice this is this looks more like it’s gold though whatever it is go but there’s no okay and then upstairs upstairs yeah yeah yeah okay so let’s uh let’s let’s

Start building the Rockets you should you should have your book if you don’t have your book there’s one on that on that stand over there that you can read so yeah you guys ready yeah we’re ready we’re ready also guys there’s no Oxygen uh on the moon so the

Soul torches will be able to light the way oh okay yeah and make sure you bring your Launchpad with you because you have to put a Launchpad down on the get back to get back correct correct correct correct correct all right so we click on

This machine oh I I only know how to make a chicken rocket how do we make a real one chicken rocket you use the book what the [ __ ] holy holy [ __ ] did you holy [ __ ] is that the sound it makes when you make a rocket I think that was a lightning strike Clock

Tower I bu a rocket I bu a rocket I am an engineer I am an enger get off my rocket get off my rocket spot hell yeah yes yeah boom I love the sound it makes when it you make a rocket sound you make do we make more Rockets or do

We just make no no no no okay fine no we’re not suiting up yet well Tyler took his one is he is he wearing it I am wearing I just you know what I mean it’s just like you see they announced that today like NASA are planning on making

Space uh Moon houses by 2050 nah they going to achieve that just in like 25 years you think there’s going to be SP everybody just [ __ ] suit up okay space let’s suit up let’s suit up it would have been nice to do it all together as an epic little thing but you

Know don’t blame me Tyler Ty was gone I thought it was fine all right I’ll put it back [ __ ] [ __ ] I thought we did it last put it back helmet has crossed the Bing [ __ ] there’s no Oxygen in my suit we haven’t fueled it up yet CU you have you

Don’t have cring on yours Brian did it to you just you Brian did it what did you do he put curs the binding on no’s helmet he can’t take it off he’s still looking like a condom he’s he [ __ ] I knew he would just put it on without thinking oh no HS

Why would I think before putting it on why would I act like it’s a [ __ ] genius prank this this is the moment in which you will put a car on it I’ve been listening to orders for 30 minutes you think I’m going to think for

For myself at the end of that I can’t take [ __ ] ANS stupid [ __ ] yo there’s a villager that’s isolated by himself come here we got to prevent this dude from killing himself you told him don’t worry I’m going to I’m going to go and get help and then you bring me yes

Sirla did that to my thing sir attention this is Brian Michael handob from the Minecraft LAPD I don’t know why I said LA but still this Minecraft police department sir please do not jump there’s so many beautiful things to live for mcpd like what like he said like diamonds

Emeralds um Vanos gaming videos 6 weeks after it’s recorded there’s so much to live for and wait for and you can watch my videos before then because they’re normally don’t you’re going to make him jump hey what the you Lou sir please do not jump and give me a

Ha if you can hear me huh Lou is building across to you sir don’t jump do not jump stay with me listen to my voice oh you going to save him I’m going to Try oh and he’s about to oh wait guys sir can you hear me well good job team another person successfully saved space extra special launch sequence initiated wait how do you launch just listen don’t please don’t press it we are going to hold space bar get out get out get out watch wait

[Applause] wait we have a false lunch we have a false launch I’m on fire I was just seeing what buts did and I I’m going I’m burning from Rocket Fuel I’m burning from rocket Fu a good phase one launch separation sequence looking good this kind of

Scary I wish we heard just a giant explosion should we should we just go should we go I’ll wait for you I’ll wa when I go in third person it it like maybe if you leave maybe if you disconnected no to make it again no just because I

Was so close to the corner [Laughter] oh yes yes yes how do we mess this up I knew I knew I knew somebody was going to [ __ ] I [ __ ] knew it don’t press it I said don’t press it Tyler presses every button on his keyboard and blows

Up what that is not what happened guys I need a new rocket got a spare rocket he needs he’s got nothing honestly kind of want to just I kind of just want to be done now we put a rocket down I lost all my [ __ ] you’ve got a rocket you’ve got a

Rocket you’d be fine space extra special Lots sequence initiated counting down in five 4 3 2 one May the force be with you launch yeah 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 what good luck lift off we did it alien uh guys guys

I’m going to space you went up and hit his house can I get reimbursed from my living room wait wait did you build a ceiling did you build a ceiling no listen listen listen when I first launched I was able to click the moon I was descending to

The moon and I just crashed right yes okay listen listen so so me Brian and Brock all know that you have to hold space bar to land on the moon we weren’t going to tell you guys that you were all gonna die but Tyler launched early Evan’s house being above Homer did not

See that coming oh my God no you got to jump up here to block my view swish to just said swi that was so good oh yeah noo still AFK huh we must you got one of those TNTs we going to prank him he’s going to [ __ ] die he’s

Going to run out of oxygen he’s outside with the slaves he’s literally going to dive yeah I would go watch it’s going to be [ __ ] hilarious why he has his clothes on yeah he’s going to run out of oxygen though there’s no oxygen tank over there push him outside now do it

How far could he go if you were To holy [ __ ] oh yeah he goes pretty far is that knock back yeah oh interesting Okay [ __ ] one sec look at him up there one sec hanging from him bro is dangling from his ass so if I go up here [ __ ] okay I think he might just fall right now uhoh uhoh okay is he going to land on it he’s okay there he is he’s okay

Yeah but now we just take out the bottom yeah wait wait M no t t t I’m I’m not going to I’m not going to but I’m prepared this is one small stuff for man one dried Lea for a potato okay sorry sorry sorry I had to do

Something oh great wait I should be I should be fine we’re on because there’s no um yeah I’ll be fine I shouldn’t die because I’m at a oh we forgot about gravity now now $50 stand when that puts water underneath me$ on the moon it freezes it freezes

Inant all water under oh no actually we can are you sure he’s going to die though floating pretty gracefully see gentle random Expos did you hear great yeah that truly was a great clip Nola thank you so much for that next up we have the new fan favorite and one of

My personal favorites lethal company it’s the most random games they’ taken off this year but it’s amazing for Content we’ve had tons of fun and with all the mods we’ve been finding I’m sure we’re going to be playing plenty more of this in 2024 so enjoy the game of the

Year there’s something down here keys I got keys here something Tyler help Tyler Tyler there’s something on my face there’s something on my face help get it off of me get it off my face is sucking me like a goddamn Twi streamer in a twitch called convention holy

[ __ ] I ran away cuz I saw you being attacked I need a claymore oh is that what killed me I’ve been dead for like a minute bro we never you guys had no idea I tried we never heard you I was wonder why no one

Reacted to this thing suck me off like a twitch Brian Brian I heard you screaming I opened the door door saw it on your face and Clos the door game is amazing I ran away immediately into a claymore my God don’t don’t tell the plane to leave

Make can deal with this [ __ ] help help help help help I can’t get out of the goddamn ship it’s going to get him through the door watch watch watch please that the best game ever for real though where’s Brian I’m dead I’m dead oh [ __ ] close the door close the door I

Know yeah I know that was it was no it was running right to me Brian is dead how ons on Brian being dead there’s literally two monsters behind there’s two monsters on our ship right now I’ll be right here [ __ ] I think is that Brian trying to get back ran CL Close I freaking hate this P pull the lever pull the lever pull the l Pull what I knew you were dead why did you open the door the door opens automatically and then we should have left I know like I was saying the entire time I got you I’ll guide you I’ll guide you go backwards go backwards go backwards I’ll guide you go backwards what are you

Doing Tross me go a little left go a little left you’re don’t trust me don’t trust me I I you know backwards I’ll [Applause] get holy [ __ ] let’s go all right everything goodes okay engine engine engine no there’s already stuff yes spider air horn I want air horn hello hello

Hello I might die I have to make a jump no I lived sorry help help reard me oh my God you saved my life He’s in there in there in there are we going right way C mate ladies and gentlemen welcome to lethal company danand I hear something around here you need a Crouch one this thing’s very sens oh there it is there it is right there look look at the of it

Can you see C it’s a big c it’s a big right there that in the world is known as Di’s Mom all right and they’re big they suck really hard we need to get closer yeah we need to get closer now these are aggressive creatures and they can suck really

[ __ ] out oh look at the mouth on this look at the mouth on that one it’s big old sucking mouth can get about three in its mouth and it sucks the life out you right swe where is it right up here look it’s scared of me come here sweeth there

It is it’s a lizard wow these don’t attack you these are actually scared of you right sweetheart don’t attack him off don’t attack him man he’s no back off no you stupid oh suck me go suck me good Lu that’s it I’m not afraid I’m not

A [ __ ] FR ran we didn’t see the clip but we we heard it [ __ ] oh boy is there anything over this way guys I think we should loot a bit wait wait hon of crocodile don’t you dare this is his this is where he would want to be buried

In the wild no it’s not we we need the money any words for crocodile Ambi mate good night no body b or not hey how you doing hey I’m I’m trapped behind this metal door and there’s no way out really really no I thought I told you that for no reason

Oh you too I’ll go open it at the computer you can do that great now if you die that would be unfortunate okay I’ll bring some stuff back guess I swear to God if he dies and is watching me and purposely isn’t voting I feel like we’re on Weasley I need to find a way out no look can you hear me can you hear me I hear you come on you just got to leave and play I’m coming this way this way hurry hurry hurry where where you yeah yeah oh my

God oh my God you have no idea wait till you see the footage wait till you see the footage no get out please don’t like this get out of here no you’ve no idea what I’ve been through you’ve no idea I’ve seen things Brian relax it’s only a video game jeez save

Yourself from saying it I did it for you anyway we’re moving on to GMod and yes we’re still playing Gmod is that joke getting old I don’t care all right there goes all my Liv I’m going to play some Clash Royale no don’t Jesus Christ Clash Royale has

Never let me down is there a currency in Clash Royale yeah gems gems I have like 2,000 gems yeah crypto gem they scammed one man the whole business is running off of one source of income they sponsored me at least that one time yeah with your own money back

Just a fraction of it they gave you back your own money it’s not funny they sponsored me and then I played the game and I put more money into the game know that’s J that’s that’s yeah there’s also it yourself dnp and he got sponsored to

Do a gambling stream he got addicted and then he used uh tons of investors money in these tree companies to gamble more and he made me a goober so I have a scam goober it’s like it’s like the gambling promotional scams but it’s just it’s just let’s promote it to this guy Nola

He’s going to put it in his video and then he’s going to convince Nola to play and give us her money back plus more you guys you guys you guys want you guys guys want to see my goober no I’ll show you my goober check the chat look at

Check that goober out it’s pretty good goober the [ __ ] is that that’s an nft my friend don’t screenshot it oh open in browser save image where is chat it’s in our recording chat yeah I see it on my computer right now jpeg oh is it this thing here

Nola hey hey hey man don’t touch my goober time to tweet out copy and share with your friends don’t steal my goober I’m tweeting it out at Terrorizer the cost of this goober is tanking already that that is actually my only nft and how much is it worth probably [ __ ]

Off he has to pay someone it’s not worth the electricity to charge my phone to look at it that’s how worthless it is you can imagine someone in marketing for clash Royale sir sir we found one we found a [ __ ] where a big fan base yes and you sound just like him

Sir we’ll hire him sponsor sponsor so they what PID you like 15 grand and you put 20 grand back into the game all right all right Nola it’s fine fine God man my life sucks all right Nola you there no guys we could do anything anything we want to

Now where is he yeah safe all right so uh come come to SpongeBob’s house yeah yeah I’m here I’m here okay see me flying oh yeah yeah yeah so so he’s right he’s right in here in this spot here now could you grab another Burger

To like pretend it’s me so that way he thinks he’s not alone and put it next next to him over there oh that’s too many burgers too many only need one wait he removed one yeah there okay okay okay now he thinks that’s me we’re going to we’re really

Relying on him finishing his poop him finishing his poop in less than minutes I actually don’t have much Faith by the sounds of it it sounded like a girthy bastard oh I have to go I’m texting him to hurry back he’s damn okay like he’s going to stop mid poop He

Decapitated he just guillotined a [ __ ] he had to pinch it off you guys were you guys were were close you guys were real close we were getting some we were getting some good footage getting some good footage in SpongeBobs I looked around yeah I mean I mean SpongeBob you

Know he doesn’t have the nicest backyard he does he doesn’t have the nicest backyard I didn’t even poop okay we’re good right we’re safe Tri to open up the v in Spong okay okay okay come to the backyard come to the backyard come back to the backyard what backyard SpongeBobs

Yeah when we were Brian you remember when we were trying to figure out the name of the the food delivery service and you killed me up above that thing on the cliff thing remember that go up there all right I’ll make it you’re you’re playing a dangerous game here in

OG it’s all right dude I I it’s all worth it it’s all worth it’s all worth it that you didn’t take your there you go you’re perfect perfect now you will you you will seek the answer you find by visually seeing with your eyeh holes okay all right that was a good

Spot no um wait isn’t Evan there too um Evan how did you get out did you we might have worked together you might have put a decoy Burger beside you made it look like you’re still with me did you really I oh fake friend bro fake

Friend I’m going back I’m going back to take my [ __ ] oh hi what are you doing heit what are you doing what are you doing taking a shower yeah don’t touch me I’m a little boy well hello there I’m a Catholic me I’m going in the shower

Stop oh Lord I’m glad I left I’m canceling joining in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost amen all right if you’re in Hell BR don’t blame me you want to see where I am he’s on that roof oh my gosh on roof wait wait wait

Where I’m calling the terminal shooting at me did he get what trick teleport teleported teleported oh [ __ ] come here come up here Evan I see I got one I got one Health come on we going Bo someone me up onto the roof please please please I see you [ __ ] oh get him

Who’s blocking me all right well Kobe son of a let’s go 360 360 where I need to know where you were when you hit that good oh my head hurts I need to know where that from who’s up there fan house right there I jumped up and N I’m lightheaded

Bro I’m lightheaded greatest Noob Tube of all time give you my Call of Duty shoes now I no you can keep them you can keep them those are dog [ __ ] I’m not getting deployed no no I don’t want to get bullied at age of 32 no I’m all right there’s Bri out out Count it’s real to me doesn’t count I gotta wait I’m I’m doing something I’m doing a mind psychology thing I’m waiting for a lapse of concentration stop ran get off life okay waiting for our laps in concentration who the [ __ ] and now I can do this something

Yes with the Ping Man I was here I was here and I’m dying to the track Brock is a genius he [ __ ] internet sucks he just went flying by at the speed of light look at this look at this I was going to say look no flashlight no flashlight lights will be

Given to you have fun oh look look look look oh tonight is the night the fog is here I’ll stop all the masturbating Fisher all the masturbating fishermen are back in town and are not leaving the P until the The Fog the fog wait a minute hold the F hold on the fog

Enhance clears enance okay enhance fog enhance dog enhance clears the rumor goes that whoever leaves uh this place while the is here at night never returns some say the will swallow you and the others say travel it in time whatever it is I’m going to find out tonight I rented a

Boat in a small white boat next to the big ship can’t wait to get swallowed by the big mass of [ __ ] okay there you go that’s it all right is there anything with water Brock’s pants I see Brock oh cool look what you walk if you walk through the sign there’s another world

God damn what yeah if you walk through here there’s another [Laughter] world sorry right that hey I’m back what’s I have 45 HP and a lizard staring at me yes yes let’s go I got two groups [Laughter] left that was amazing that was actually amazing oh my God such a good place to

Put it oh are you mad you are no way no way come from yes yes he did a 360 off the roof oh man no I see that player model walking around oh no he’s going to make a Tik Tok with Finos his AI voice at the beginning oh you see those those

Are going going great you should be ashamed you see my voice like oh they smell royalty $10 for my Tik Tok is like really kind of scummy to [Laughter] do I roted a ious so good oh my God I was wondering weren’t enough I was wondering you

Give anymore can’t use f AI yes everyone else was thinking that right yes they were over here [ __ ] where you at where you at man God damn why did you look behind you J the description hey what’s up girl why you look behind you huh [Laughter] [Applause]

Huh get out of the don’t go in there bro don’t go where hell you go EV welcome welcome welc I hate the back rooms bro I hate this [ __ ] right it’s true I do hate the back rooms next up we have a classic phasmophobia this one was an interesting

One because we even got a video claimed by Michael Jackson himself for copyright I guess I was a little too convincing You’ been H you been so I’ll take this as a very expensive compliment thank you Michael anyway here’s the best of phasmophobia I’m going to find these girls and the little

Boys take me to Neverland I like how it’s just happening in the activity Corner hey come into my come up here we’re going to play some games would you like to play some games little boy on hey little boy would you like to play with my little bean bag stay in character little

Boy I’m going to call you maau cuz you’re white milky and I like you [ __ ] microphone CH are we are we doing are we doing the the the bit where where where little Lou goes to Neverland talk about sunrise I want to free Willie sing that song were you free Willie Michael

Jackson gonna free that [Applause] [Laughter] Willie um yeah no this is totally normal it’s not turned on it’s 1944 and the ghost is hunting the boys in blue the the is on the run it seems like our boys com be in a bit of a stiffy liffy

Uh it’s hunting I think it’s hunting I see oh hello there I see it do projector tell the world I love them what’s happening it’s 1944 and Brock just got killed by another ghost will the boys be able to figure out this mystery who knows what’s happening we’ll be back in 5

Minutes a [ __ ] what the hell is going on not what the hell happened welcome to 1944 the B it’s 1968 it’s 1968 I think the ghost is coming I see I see it’s got it got it it seems like we’re going to be coming back after these commercial Messages chill out [ __ ] [Laughter] [ __ ] you I don’t want to be here anymore I want to be here anymore you I [ __ ] hate you I hate you I hate you so much much oh my God just wait till you go to sleep I’ll put you the Jack finally a bit of action shut up

Shh okay now you guys cuddle guys of the camera now cuddle I have to go come on no go go grab him grab [ __ ] [ __ ] please let us out the whole room turned red please let oh my God oh my God oh my God now it’s time for the

Blind to lead the blind let’s see who takes the lead here uh no no no no no no she’s on my ass she’s on my ass no no no no no run run you stupid character run run run run run no no no no no no [Laughter] [Laughter]

Mark can you show me a sign all right everyone out of the room anal anal why you [ __ ] [ __ ] by by the way I got the par parabolic so we’re good there you’re such an [ __ ] a parabolic you [ __ ] [Laughter] [ __ ] I we done ladies and Gentlemen

Let’s keep the donations going for St Jud let’s go it’s going to be Dot’s projector you’ll see him running around is this church music yeah this is from his private Playlist please don’t die on Me don’t give up don’t give up on me George helps helps on the way helps on the way George earn it George earn this You’ve Got To Earn It season D projector D projector D projector right you for this we need a song for this we need a song for this Huah okay no go we need one more song to represent how we turn the corner and now we’re we’re Victorious we saw him again there he is just running around is that a fart that’s the fart Evan he’s [Applause] so oh is this is this the soundboard thing oh For okay think no is that the is that the sound of my editor taking the fart that I said that you I don’t know this one is called dramat oh this is base boosted diarrhea [Laughter] sounds who’s [ __ ] in a tin can I like how there zero Bas because of

Your voice effect it just sounds like oh my God oh my God it’s too Loud this is this doesn’t sound like what you think it does no I know what’s stupid is we’re playing phasmophobia heing it the way it sounds like making popcorn and like it went to like celebratory music to this he ran out of songs this is the

Sound of my editor he sent me this audio Yeah that’s what no was playing no this is my editor wait it’s like you you said this is the editor and the way you’re coughing is like you went into the bathroom to hear it like to record that right

Now he’s he records himself [ __ ] and sends it to his friends to brag to brag about it I can only apologize Clyde begged me to feature that in this year’s best of video I’m sorry guys we are busy this year with a lot of new IRL content

We did our first carting race video I opened a peel box for our mail toown videos and no’s favorite addiction Pokémon packs has slowly become mine too here is the best of our IRL videos all right carolus M M M the Lang rolu what did I say carus wmer Weedle lord’s

Name in V oh right okay right yeah I think he was right this is a hollow wash energy feeling washed energy lately and then okay how did you know how the hell did you know I’ll tell you all pick up some of the code cards you’ve been doing yeah just pick up a

Few just keep picking up a few pick up a few there just yeah uh turn them around turn them around okay pick up some more is there ones that are different oh like this yes all right but does that mean it’s really good yes all right oh for

Say so this whole time you’ve been knowing you’ve been knowing which your basic packs and then you just when to talk I knew you were going to get something good or oh my God are you serious unbelievable so when you open up the crap [ __ ] you can I can’t ruin the

Fun for you you’re just like a kid at Christmas dude God oh my God warning look at this before you look at the shirt got you hi Brian I’ve been watching your videos since the you know who era oh for [ __ ] sake is that offer I

Got my mom to make this shirt to show my appreciation for getting me through hard times so thank you also I I got my mom to make the shirt because I thought of you and Evan uh would laugh at it sincerely Tyler P.S your mom gay thank

You Tyler shout out to uh his mom’s uh business I think Western charm there you go Western charm look them up if you like this t-shirt oh my God L your mom made that your mom your your m it’s a t-shirt it says I love and then a

Word that rhymes with vos’s DJ name and with a very stereotypical H clip art Emoji is character of Um I’ll wear this next time I see ev here you go guys here here’s the Pokemon content for you ignore I’m not going to watch it bro no I’m not showing you is that a Scarry oh Skarmory yeah you’re definitely not getting anything good what is that oh what the

[ __ ] oh what the that is really good holy [ __ ] oh my God that’s the sick is that the AL that’s the one you that’s the one that’s so cool looking that’s actually really sick when no GL reacted I was like why what is it woo wo yeah

Baby oh my God look at the snowstorm outside wa [ __ ] D look at the three pups they’re just oh my god dude they’re all playing they’re having the best day ever they’re so happy oh that’s hilarious they’re so happy oh okay I don’t really have bro that’s so

Cool that’s so cool I still have coffee in this oh yes I can’t really do it without a Pringles can but thank you for oh no it’s all over the M oh no I’m covered it’s everywhere thank you oh I knew I should have finished you up don’t say that sentence Brian that

Could have been it sounded bad wow that’s why you use a Pringles can hello microphone still works doesn’t sound like it’s underwater it was bought off of Amazon whoever you are I hope me snot myself with a spread o doing the Bame voice was worth it for you so thank you and [Applause]

We’re thanks Al what the fck that’s amazing so we got the yellow flag on because someone found their Brakes give me the slip stream slip stream look at the lap s they’re definitely going to lap s now he’s chasing he’s getting frustrated composure wins races unbelievable unbelievable unbelievable guys we did it that’s for all the kids in the world that think they can’t be the top Fest YouTuber that’s what everyone

Unbelievable unbelievable thank you I love you build Meister build Meister build Meister sexy bastard yeah yeah Yahoo Luigi number one w a this is where it all comes down so once again if you haven’t liked the video hit the like button make sure to subscribe to Terrorizer me versus my

Prick of a boss I got to take him down if he wins I’m just going to say he paid us off so I’ve got to cop out at least hey no cheating I see that extra inch I wouldn’t know anything about an extra inch ready Yeah here we go baby [Applause] hey just remember boys Ring’s racing if you ain’t rubbing you ain’t racing St watch out that was sick all in the plan that was a sick fight there all in the plan I’m not giving him an easy [Applause] race come on

Baby look at him go look at him go oh look at him go come on I got to catch up this is way better than editing video say that much catch him here Here We [Applause] Go Mama Mia you to drive red Jesus C where you learned to break

Unbelievable breaking he break checked me as long as sty doesn’t crash it gives me a way better opportunity oh saves it saved it bad driving have to shave our milliseconds let him make a mistake kind of got to play it safe got a decent lead

W now is quiet going to catch s that is the [Applause] question let me get South and of course guess who crashes what did I just see yes the yellow flag could have save me here this is my time to shine that’s it that’s it Seth hold him up hold him up

F this pressure’s on I tried I tried we’re bringing it home boys w we take it we’ll take it we’ll take second what take second good race that was sick you and set almost killed me these are way faster I thought these are way faster the skitting was constant I tried I tried

Boo boo that’s fcking right boys Terr your Grand Prix that looks so sick [Applause] oh that’s amazing that guy was using hacks you should have talked to your mechanics Before the Race started should have got with the race team really let really no I think I just burned the tires bro first off we have Salvatore in fourth [Applause] placek

You and in third place with the bronze trophy we have [Applause] And in second place we have none other than himself Brian hamy Luigi nobody nobody thank you and then in our grand first place we have wiggin also known as Waluigi do do the you know the Smash Bros thank you for us let do it again’s not

Invited read first hope you like this I watch v i watch every video you drop and I’m sub to the whole group except the pedo Harry Pot I love all your content don’t kill Nola in Uno signed PS I had this from my questionable father so don’t call me in

Not oh no oh no it’s actually happened oh no it’s actually Happened oh my ah open the Box oh oh no Brian no I thought I was like all we’re throwing it out away put it in the no we’re chucking put it in the Box get your fingerprints off of it moving on we are playing some GTA I bet you’re wondering will we play GTA 6

Yeah well of course we will but until then here’s the best of GTA 5 moments [ __ ] I hit my mic should G ah don’t go on my Reddit page please epic cutscene epic cut scene nice C wait what are you drinking uh Ron juice you had nothing in

Your hand Ron juice diet Ron is that going to be our like uh our special drink yes it’s like our Baja Blast all right well I’ll see you next time Terrorizer is this like the end [Laughter] of it’s like the end of that fast and the furious was like V Diesel and Paul

Walker but that happens that’s you my friend all right until next time this goes flying VI oh my God I see don’t just walk in there okay all right I guess yeah I guess I didn’t specify driving in there and he’s dead as I say that he crosses frame as

His [ __ ] goes balls to the wall I’m still alive I came back I took the one life this is for y’alls is all right we did it here be careful there there’s enemies inside are you sure is that with those three no my [ __ ] God my

God I di stick of your laptop you’re stupid laptop I wish that thing would have blew us throwing secret right there ah yes ah yes good way to end we did it boys we did it we did it there were no hiccups there’s no Sidetrack you know like modded little missions and clips

Just straight up GTA 5 online gameplay I can write down another brand that will never work with me ever again don’t do it goodbye loser goodby suckers that good all right Lou what seat are you in front seat yes oh my God this will fail the mission what

Are you doing it’s going to make the NPC get out listen man s get off get off Brian get off get off oh oh no Lou get back in we need to see we need to see how smart these guys are how smart this

AI is I think she’s going to get off and stand she’s going to yeah she’s going to she’s going to Lou get out what oh holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] she standing on okay back get back to uhoh uhoh uh this is where she flies off oh wait no this is where

He she’s smart you got to be kidding me what what she is Smart okay all right all right we got it we got it the we got it boys we got the let’s go the a the AI is smarter than Delirious I hit why I hit why and my character just walks off and save recording thank you and that was all worth it right

There three two one Flo it Lou let’s try to fly this thing try to fly this thing pull up go pull up I am I am going to it’s heavy it’s heavy it’s heavy we hit a pole we hit a pole all right we need uh we need some kind

Of like lift off good just go just go just go let’s just do it here we go here we go fly try to keep it straight try to keep it straight try to keep it straight yes well we’re good we need no roads yeah it would have been so much

Better to just get a pler hel look how cool this is yes how do we turn I got turn next I’m falling out I’m falling the the we’re still alive we’re still alive we’re still alive it still drives still driv still it’s broken no it’s no it’s gone stay away from

Me get a [ __ ] life dude oh based on hitting one guy come on give me some good oh no nice long long Johnson guys take off [ __ ] take off on just land just land you got I totally got this man totally got this ignore the explosion I’m coming

Back up uhoh oh no Bri stop get in my car use the turret oh my God stop go to the circle kiss I I done it can’t just do it ow what the hell am I driving what is this doesn’t just [ __ ] off the little kiss off the edge B die you motherucker

Please change I need to change oh I feel bad get you back Brian I’m sorry we got so far to oh what the hell is it’s the movie It’s the movie theator please that’s actually a nuts move if you land that and get in that is

Like how did I die what the hell happen died on the how did I die oh no where’s my parachute I went flying I’m alive though I’m alive I’m alive bro he went zipping holy [ __ ] dra LS do you want me to do you want me to

Drive man protect I am I am you want to drive clown I could drive okay all right go ahead hang on hang on hang on no they’re going to blow it up are you kidding Lou it’s okay no it’s not no it’s not what Lou I’m surprised that’s something that’s something I’d

Expect from me I’m flying what are you mean that that I did expect you to kill them but not like that I was look at that teror 20 kills yeah cuz two of them were us we got tracers equipment added Tracers thaty he feared to kill you yeah that guy’s not a fan anymore no you’ve changed yes yes we have changed and so is our view counts speaking of the better days we went back to the nostalgic gold Call of Duty days when the games were fun and the voice chat

Quality was [ __ ] gun game made its comeback and even some zombies were sprinkled in here and there enjoy the best of Call of Duty Cruz I just blew up Tom Cruz you blew Tom Cruz oh my God you Mele layer yo y’all some [ __ ] dude hey little man God you are a

Terrorizer language please I have feelings let’s try slums yeah slums is the is the Nola Nord one that’s the Nola Nord map oh you so lucky you so lucky that [ __ ] second one never went off you say what you say well for Nostalgia purposes yeah all right what do you mean G

You have you have like an orchestra behind You what the did I come back to you heard him you see this guy dancing if you go up to the blue guy and you press F he starts dancing oh wait no oh no l you didn’t fall we get you did not fall for oh you’re such an

[ __ ] You’re such you are I hate you so much it’s it that’s it that’s it I don’t care anymore I don’t care anymore I don’t care I don’t care W she she didn’t even die she she tried to kill herself with a grenade she can’t you can’t even kill

Stupid this is so dumb I [ __ ] you oh my I can’t L calm down you you could afford another one you know where to find it I know but I have to walk my ass all the way back there and now this other round just when he said press F to make this

Guy dance I was like no one’s going to fall for that so genuine I’m like did is he actually dancing or sh the punch it was right here Brian you go right like this I said the blue guys if you go oh my God it does like that’s that’s horribly

Good she’s so focused on that guy yeah [ __ ] you yeah we did it we got an awesome clip I hate you oh my god a yes look at that look at that I fell for why do I listen to him why did I listen to 11 downs six revives and one prank

You definitely have the most Downs at least I used it a little bit is that real boxman are [Laughter] you your videos him I’m stream sniping him I’m stream sniping yeah I’ll put him up I’m P it up we got I’m stream sniping his ass he’s got sniper rifle look out for sniper

Rifle this sniper rifling I was s it too didn’t mean to get rid of my ray gun dude me Tyler it’s just a ray gun bro Tyler relax dude I like that his brain is like what do I do right now oh bro this is cold this how many

Noise have I got happened in there all I know is I died I didn’t get the mot so I’m a bit happy I hope not my next game you got 42 High the amount of kills I got literally what the [ __ ] 42 you put it on here right this one

Yeah wait wait no no on the sign you do it on the sign on that work thank you it still works hey um can you add me I can’t hear anything you’re saying you’ve got the worst microphone of all time I’m sorry yes he does you know it’s

It’s it’s nice it’s nice when we play the game and have to listen to your TV speakers for the whole game can you add me can you get a a non Walmart headset I don’t think he got his headset from Walmart I think he got it from family dolling did it sound like

This attention little boy with the shitty ass microphone please get a new headset thank you no way it’s you wait you were the guy with the um Walmart microphone with the um Walmart thing where you speak shut the [ __ ] [Laughter] up amazing shut the shut the [ __ ] up

Take a shower tell you again and wash the [ __ ] out of your hair because it’s nasty that smells I oh no she didn’t mom’s coming in wash your hair hold on wait big um ain’t nobody going to add your ass ass bro shut the [ __ ] up

You I wonder if that kid did make any friends in 2023 H anyway for our last category we played a lot of random games throughout the year and some of those moments might actually be some of my favorites now these are all the moments that didn’t fit into the other

Categories but by no means were they not as fun to play I hope next year we continue to find more random games for us to play and get some great videos for you guys to enjoy oh who wrote this crap we all put snake Clan’s Link in the description above

Nola uhoh uh-oh it’s going to happen happen so he so Louis won okay just go silent I don’t know what happens what happens when I block someone that was just for fun take cargo to match the player with the most cargo okay what’s that mean that means I

Got a cargo cuz snake Clan is op oh here we go snake I should be able to get rid of all these all right all right all right all right all right you got it you got it got go ahead you got it you have to have one blue I do have one

Blue no I have a lot of blue oh [ __ ] what the the did I get he got disconnected that was too many that was too many oh got Li headed I’ve got Li headed I think I farted and I went Li headed I think I farted and got liad and

Nearly fainted oh my ooh G oh I’m not reading out the name of that kind of game boy no no no no no oh oh but look at the look at the full name though of it what’s the full name game lad Spectrum oh for [ __ ] sake

This guy this gargoyle looks nice oh yeah there is a gargoyle here can you [ __ ] move am I this lever has to be this lever has to be something right guys there’s a gargoyle with goggles Googling there’s a gargoyle gargling with goggles or Google somebody Google that please you

Get an award if you’re the first person to Google something look dead guy that guy what dead guy how do we get over to this a googly eyed gargoyle gargling with goggles did you type it in no see this is see this is why it’s great this is

This is why it’s good that you’re backseat gaming cuz you could think of stuff like that you have the time yeah Google it go Google that Google that BL say it again googly I Garo Garling with Google’s on Google with googles on Google oh no wait with goggles sorry a

Googly I gargle garly with goggles on Google South Earth North there’s also that product to take away sticky Stu called Goan go thr that in there dude I hope you don’t good luck Lou don’t slip up a googly eyed gargoyle Garling googan with goggles on Google call G statues when the Pegasus

Takes flight its wings unleash a wind of Peace so that’s air okay all right okay we’re missing all we’re missing is Art to go north that’s it to go North to go nor fiery skin de radiates planes that never cease the Lion’s Majestic name was a a blooming Meadow Terr being a gargo

Garling Google on goggles on the goiz is Garling Googling on the gargoyle Google on the go Googling go g gol oh Fucku said it again did you hear no did he just say what I think hurt that Lou I don’t think I did that censored by every edor I think it was censored by every editor sh I [ __ ] up again editor edit I have come to apologize I said the G

Word I was trying to say goop I was trying to say did not work it’s me m we going going to play some Roblox with the kids we’re going to play some Roblox with the kids we’re going to touch them I’m sitting down on my

La Lou Lou on his would you like to sit on Santa Claus La take me to Neverland please I’ll take you for never Neverland and we can doing what am I doing what are you doing what the hell you climbing I’m like climbing you climbing on my LA

Hit you with my my claw foam rice you don’t get so distracted thank you thank you we W get distracted is that food I don’t want to type this that a glow stick no okay I’m sorry just in case the Honker on that gentleman what is he

Touching himself yeah one big giant boob um it’s like a spatula of something this has the letter i in the middle stop has a h in it oh no is that a word God damn it oh I didn’t know c words God damn it hey man it’s

It’s worth the risk to get a couple points and bro I don’t I can’t even you close Scot very close oh my God it looked like Ramen a little blurred oh my God who on whoever on the inside is screwed yeah never wi I’ve never seen works I’m just going to stay

Still he still gone this is the best I’ve ever seen jeez I was touching your shoe he’s Concentrating I was waiting for it shot’s fired we got a 601 report of shot to my I look exactly like that in real life right now here we go the little boy coin Club to the Moon that sounds so weird I don’t know how I did that dude I

Couldn’t do that if I tried all right here we go here we go here go three 2 one Kya little boy [ __ ] Did that get you I screamed like a [ __ ] what do you think I thought that was the game another to dance it off yeah there another MP3 they put in there God um guys s EV Evan kelvin’s Gathering wood Kevin’s Gathering wood for us what

Kin stop what is he doing he’s like look I got a I got a bunch of wood guys I got a wait wait wait drop drop it Kelvin drop it that’s it going drop it Kelvin I did good I did good Kevin good jobin my god dude Kelvin

Honestly I never could have imagined he would get us this much wood yeah you C Master stairs oh [ __ ] there’s more there’s more Lou Lou oh he can go down no is that no CL really embrace the Shadows [ __ ] off [ __ ] off barbit burd burn burn I always hated you I always hated you you’ll do none you’ll do none later pushies there he go I’m gone oh my God I’m hauling ass later mother Evan I pressed B it didn’t take it out

Evan died oh God damn it Evan oh I got boots I got him I got him I’m still come out all why did my book come out dude oh man I went so far dude I come on I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming come on come on come on come on

Go go go go goel’s in the air marel dude none of you got even close to as as I that for holy [ __ ] I even walked back to you guys yeah oh my god wow I flew and learned how to build a tent nice one nice dude is that a glitch

Or is that just yeah that’s yeah that’s a glitch no I’m coming boys here I come I don’t know that is game design that the book is allmighty here I come boys it’s the magic book these magic book allow us to fly I’m still gone I’m still

Gone what is that what is that voice that is like um r [Laughter] Why what was there Evan I looked away was it propane it was a tiny ass like camping propane tank or something I saw that none of those ever blew up none of them have blown up ever when I except for that one that one right at the exit

Where the [ __ ] out of me dude you come over here guys you go in over here come on around the back around the back everybody going to shoot out from this side need more stamina need more stamina jump in jump in there you go my baby won’t holy

[ __ ] dude four flaming cars came and ran his ass over playing in traffic yay that was amazing well I’m is about giving why does it wobble dude why does it wobble is it such a narrow entrance what the wble [ __ ] wait that works that works you no way he just cooked Delirious so

Bad yes I got a new hat yes I got I got a rice hat nice hey hey Evan does it say anything no don’t say it no merry Merry Christmas yeah actually this it’s word now yes Mary SAS with the power of editing Brian Brian do you have

It do you have it Brian of editing can you edit my name where Terrorizer name is and put his where Panda Mary Mary Ching Miss yeah it’s all right s like I’m saying like there’s a y at the end of it like C blame well in Ireland that is the racial

Term is the why at the dude I got I can’t believe I got third place wa it’s a Christmas miracle I don’t know how to play this what do I do you just you want to go to college and pay 100K up front or do you want to get a career right now

Drop out become a yeah drop out youer right now that’s pretty much what you did Evan don’t go to college all right fine all right I’m down $287,000 wa it said pet it said pet oh F what it said pet you got to choose a career what do

You want to be a pop star or a groomer what the [Laughter] I know many people who dropped out of college to become that I mean the groomer makes more that’s what I’d pick that is true all right let’s do it it pays to groom all right now let’s see if

You got a lucky number lucky number one I do this to groomer you ready that [ __ ] Vanos grooming that SC man [Laughter] grooming God what a banging start to this video a great title who has that who has that toy thingy look at there’s a toy there’s a mouse toy part right

Here look put that key in it oh I hit three but what what what what is that what is that what the [ __ ] wa I’m liit a minute I’m lied I’m liad wait a minute I’m minute wait a minute wait a minute what did you do I I what did you do I

Think I just [ __ ] myself again what did you do again I hit I hit three buttons I hit three buttons and I spelled the name Emily and there was five things you had to press one and it makes another button move and then I figured out the last

Button and now you’re in the game are you serious someone made this for you I hate you bro what do you mean dude I had no idea I actually had no idea oh my God maybe that’s not me that could be another owl one oh that that was this Jack maybe

It’s another owl yeah oh yeah definitely that is definitely just a random owl give me this oh my God 18 away you get us you could technically get I Have a Dream Baby come on Yoshi come on you a dream it is folks show me a at least boom

Yes I heard this slam test my elato hold on okay we’re back all right here we go I knew it was bad before I saw the yes oh hey you get an item you get an item no he don’t no he doesn’t [ __ ] you get nothing at least you

Thought you were going to get an item yo look at this card is that is that plus 99 did that say yeah wait what a no you have a nine already holy [ __ ] the game ever My Game just crashed wait really no no no you

Wish my hard drive is now full holy [ __ ] my computer’s running slow now he has every single car I don’t know if this makes them all powerful he has all the cards of every board game I think I’ve got some Pokemon cards in here suffering onto onto the person next to him

Dude here we go here we go here we go let’s not this is what we full length cartoon here we go have your popcorn viewers at home I’m curious where this one ended up just a little angrier I moved it a little bits more evil bit yeah go on wow this

Is exhilarating all right what Boogie [Laughter] bomb I can’t wait for my oh beautiful yeah oh my Gody bomb bomb I was going to say I I can’t wait for my BR as soon as it was done should have flashbang going out why did you take your pepper spray I don’t know Evan

Looking left still you Fu son of a [ __ ] is he dead I I see we’re sticking together no no no you just you just see a dead oh Marcel Marcel you just see a dead Evan and then a crouching Tyler coming around the corner like hey you won’t believe what

Happened it wasn’t even time to react dude we cor mission complete great now probably can go work on his his hockey career nice job guys you know job good job nice nice guys hey we’re back at medicine Square Garden oh my god oh I got ketchup all

Over me no is anyone else recording I stopped Rec recording thank God Son of a I was trying to eat a hot dog while we were playing and I must have out the back I’m just covered in ketchup I’m glad I could play this with my best friends shut

Up I’m going to take the car commander and press the button oh my God I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t mean to do I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to do that I didn’t mean to do that I confetti yay we did it we did it what

Happened we did it is that a friend of yours no I don’t have any friends you’re our friend me neither I got friends noi I might shoot you in the head if you continue that my let’s go I like how we just this random friend now what do we call you me

Yes you yeah we need a name you forget your name spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti all right spaghetti all right that’s good enough for me okay spaghetti Don’t Forget Where You going where he going oh God it’s autistic put it down hey come over here spaghetti come

On where are you guys is he stupid I’m going slow my friend this guy definitely has ADHD for sure hey I like your energy reminded me of my friend Marcel you want that R all mother I’m Going this is like this guy is built different go get him spaghetti where were we going actually oh oh spaghetti down spaghetti down oh no I’m dead I think I got my first skill but I don’t know oh that’s a bad turn no oh my

God oh no I hope you [ __ ] suffer oh no I’m so sorry I’m so [Applause] sorry oh oh God I was right behind him that was amazing oh my God oh that b came out of nowhere crocodile d d you dumb ass [ __ ] this my campire win I’m

So sorry on the finish line so excited there is a guy in the head that is creeping me out and he suddenly crowed and looked around like he was trying to find me but then he yeah hey an it’s me I’m stuck in your maze again I don’t know how I’m going to

Get fir man [ __ ] you man I’ve been going around find a FEMA find a Lima Arina my girlfriend star sign she’s a [ __ ] Libra [ __ ] you man I used to love you dude call R this man trying to [ __ ] play with you leaving tape recordings all over this place this [ __ ] pet

Fell no he looks like a [ __ ] in his face sorry the last I don’t know what last great man thank you damn don’t worry it look like it look like you’re just doing an impression of a black woman though I want to talk to your manager

Again what happens if you you kept if you if you’re playing right now Marcel but it takes you like 15 minutes to try to yeah whereas we could restart and it could take us you okay yes yes did you imagine you got it wrong it’s like for some reason they

Updated the game and they spawn on the other side it’s annoyingly perfect it’s annoyingly perfect look at the stupid grin on his face hey man I won hey man I could do your avatar $20 20 20 bucks my thumbnail 20 bucks okay well congratulations Evan making us

Wait 40 minutes so you can do that photoshop job work out for one job J 40 minutes for one joke so there it is guys 2023 is come and gone just like my views but before you go from the bottom of my heart thank you to everyone for giving

Me this career filled with success and money and for keeping us all employed here in Terrorizer Inc who wrote this absolute garbage I hope you guys have a wonderful 2024 and we’ll see you all in the new year thank you for watching goodbye okay editor bring back to Shan

My balls outro for them we’ll see you next time goodbye next up we have a classic phasmophobia this one was [ __ ] [ __ ] F this one was an interesting one because this year we even got a copyright claim from Michael Jackson That’s [ __ ] you [ __ ] kidding me Brian but by

No means we’re not as fun to play see you next year what do I even say goodbye who wrote this garbage

Terroriser on 2023-12-21 00:06:13. It has garnered 107554 views and 7381 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:27 or 6627 seconds.

Thanks everyone for a great year of videos!

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Send stuff to my PO BOX address! TERRORISER 19215 SE 34TH ST STE 106 BOX 188 CAMAS, WA 98607

Friends in the Video @VanossGaming @DaithiDeNogla @Moo @wildcat Lanai: https://www.twitch.tv/Ms_Vixen @H2ODelirious @KingLuiCalibre @BasicallyIDoWrk @BasicallyIDoWrk @fourzer0seven Mike: https://www.twitch.tv/vG_Mikes_Amazin Ewing: https://www.twitch.tv/mrewing Send1t: https://www.twitch.tv/justgonnasend1t Speczii: https://www.twitch.tv/speczii Recent: https://www.twitch.tv/pastaroniravioli @Bigpuffer @Kryoz @Wiggss @TooFastForSeth

Timecodes: 0:00 – Intro 0:40 – Minecraft Purge Server 19:28 – Minecraft Space Program 30:14 – Lethal Company 38:34 – Gmod 50:36 – Phasmophobia 59:18 – IRL 1:12:07 – GTA 5 1:20:11 – COD/Zombies 1:26:20 – Random Games/MISC 1:49:22 – Outro 1:50:00 – Bloopers

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  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/steam-punk⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

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  • “UNBELIEVABLE! Minecraft Day 7 Shocking Gameplay” #minecraftsurvival

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    Dangerous Muslim Kid's TV: Explosive Music Minecraft Madness! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Muslim dhamaka short #mmuslim #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv ❤️👈’, was uploaded by Muslim dhamaka short on 2024-04-05 01:06:51. It has garnered 837 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #music #muslimkidstv #mela #motivation #m #motivation #love#muslimkidstv ❤️#music❤️ #minecraft❤️ #mela 🌍#mMuslim dhamaka short subscribeMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #music #minecraft #motivation YouTube#music #minecraft #mobilelegends channel video #comedyvid #music #minecraft , #muslimkidstv z #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #memesMuslim dhamaka short subscribe YouTube channel video #comedyvideo #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #m #mela #mela #motivation #music #minecraft #muslimkidstv #muslimkidstv… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥

    Insane Minecraft Adventures! All Hail King Funkie!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Junkie SMP S4 | All Hail King Funkie! [Part 1]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 2 on 2024-06-17 19:00:06. It has garnered 4492 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:20 or 4580 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_SMP Owner!_* @FNAFJunkie *_SMP Members!_* @Alextheunamazing @AsenEye @deadchannellmaooooo @CFMeibo/@CFMeiboVODS @ChevilFNAF @ClapzFolded @ConnerTheFozhead @DravenJV01 @EmmaTheTransFox @fnaf_and_the_gang @Foxy-Boy @FuntimeGmod @GJ_XD @inkmangmod0813/@inkmanlivestreamschannel662 @jakub_the @MimikTheRatRabbit @MrWarriorOffical @navilingyr @ofek105 @peggo_delego666 @Prowler18 @REDACTEDVODSANDCLIPS @SoraHeals @ThatOneFearMan *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7233 @Xman7234 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* www.youtube.com/channel/UCWgGbqJcseB43Q7x7b2NLDA/join #minecraft #survival #smp Read More

  • Chest Speedrun Madness in Minecraft

    Chest Speedrun Madness in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SPEEDRUNNING Minecraft In A CHEST’, was uploaded by SwapFlip on 2024-03-05 17:41:28. It has garnered 62 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. NEW BEST Hosting – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RTT4QNYKqA –~– DONT CLICK THIS – http://surl.li/qwdoy MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST SPEEDRUNNING MINECRAFT IN A CHEST #speedrun #minecraft About this short – MINECRAFT SPEEDRUN IN CHEST Hashtags:- #minecraftspeedrun #minecraftspeedrunning #speedrun #minecraftchest Keywords:- Chest speedrun,Chest speedrun Minecraft,Speedrun,chest speedrun,dream speedrun music,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrun in the chest,minecraft speedrun seed,minecraft speedrun world record,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft speedrunning,minecraft speerun,minecraft swapflip,speedrun,speedrun in chest,swapflip chest,swapflip minecraft latest,swapflip minecraft,swapflip latest minecraft,swapflip… Read More

  • XGaming

    XGamingJoin us at play.xgaming.club for an unparalleled gaming experience! Dynamic Gameplay – Endless Possibilities! NPC-Crafted Quests Tailored Rewards Multilingual Interaction Personalized Trading Magic Spells in Any Language! Refer code: /refer xgaming Website: https://www.xgaming.club/ Ready for a gaming revolution? Join play.xgaming.club and redefine your adventure! play.xgaming.club Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP – McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets – 1.20.4

    Join ExeosCraft: The Ultimate No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQ+ SMP! Tired of servers with strange rules and pay-to-win schemes? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where your experience comes first. Donations go entirely to charity. Why Choose Us? Stability: Our server has been up and lag-free since June 2020, with a massive map that will never reset. Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players. Giving Back: Donations support charities and giveaways. Inclusivity: A safe space for all, no hate speech tolerated. Custom Plugins: Enhance the vanilla experience with hand-crafted plugins. Cross-Platform: Optimized for Java and Bedrock, with unique features for Bedrock players. Our Features: Permanent World:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Called it! 😂

    “Looks like someone’s Minecraft predictions are as on point as a creeper exploding in your face!” 😂 Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit

    Spicy Minecraft Texture Pack #lit When you spend hours meticulously crafting the perfect texture pack for Minecraft, only for your friend to say it looks like a potato threw up on the screen. #fail #minecraftprobs Read More

  • Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft

    Tricking Mom into Eating Burgers in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Fun Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and fun is always around the corner. In this virtual universe, players can unleash their imagination, build incredible structures, and embark on exciting adventures. Let’s dive into the enchanting realm of Minecraft and discover what makes it so special! Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft One of the key features of Minecraft is its sandbox gameplay, allowing players to create anything they can imagine using various blocks. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. The only limit is… Read More