The Horror of Minecraft: SystemZee #99

Video Information

How’s it going everybody welcome back to another episode on the minecraft letsplay my name of course is System z and today is episode 99 can you believe that we are getting so close to episode 100 that means the world tour is next Friday can you believe that so that does

Mean the world download will be available next Friday that is absolutely insane to me I cannot believe it’s already come here that has been so quick now today I know you’re wondering what we’re doing today given that it’s the episode right before the world tour I’m

Gonna be honest as I walk by the noisy chicken farm we’re not really gonna do any building at all today today is not going to be a building episode because I’ve got a lot of things I need to do for preparation before tomorrow or not tomorrow before episode 100 in last

Episode the fish died last episode we worked on the aquarium here and as you can see here there are no fish meaning it does not work which is very sad but that’s not really a big deal it’s more for aesthetic than anything maybe eventually we can make this some sort of

Fish form I think that could be pretty cool but it’s basically just something that looks a little bit better than a gigantic void but anyways guys today we’re actually going to be doing something with villagers it’s gonna be kind of interesting every now and then I like to do these survival type episode

She sorry attention span of a squirrel or a chicken boom but yeah I like to do these survival type episodes and that is what we’re doing today in this world I have yet to actually explore one of those forest mansions the woodland mansion I have not done one of those yet

And I’d love to check one out so that’s what we’re gonna be using today on it’s kind of a cop out in a way but I’m doing a lot of building behind the scenes just to get some last minute chores done before episode 100 so guys let’s go

Ahead and get straight on into it my name of course is system Z you guys are totally awesome make sure to leave a thumbs up if you do enjoy today and guys without further ado let’s get straight on into it if I am not mistaken there is a village

Really really far out this way I remember I was flying randomly one day and did find one and it did have a cartographer which is what we need now I’ve got some basic supplies here I remember that Kurtag refer took paper so I’m bringing some sugar cane or sugar

Canes apparently I just that seems weird shouldn’t it just be sugar cane for like floor I don’t know anyways an enderchest just in case we need more like resources and just the random crafting table because why not but yeah I do believe it it’s off this

Way I think I have a little ways to go to fly out that way so I’m gonna go ahead and do that and just try and make my way all the way over there and I will see you guys once we are there incoming I’m gonna cry

Almost right into the guy hello man librarian wrong person I’m so sorry I almost hit you today I can tell you don’t like that don’t worry hello there’s so many people they don’t know me they’re like what are you doing here oh this is creepy

Okay uh not creepy at all I don’t know why I would say creepy leatherworker come on guys where’s your cartographer we don’t have time by the way I turned around to grab a bed because I realized we’re probably gonna need one of those and if I die that’s gonna be pretty lame

Because this is probably gonna be pretty far away I mean I’m pretty sure we’re already two thousands of the blocks away which is far enough already is there any I think he last I saw hello okay wrong place he’s got to be around here somewhere cartographer I’ll look at him and all of

My glory I remember the days of being a villager baby I ran around collecting seeds onto the old farm and I would deliver them and and do some cool things I remember getting my friend bored already Wow well there he is and his wild but

He’s coming to us as well he came really quick cartographer what up dude time to whip out that a good old crafting magic and get sugar cane is with an S for some reason just get loads of paper here okay let’s do this alright we’re just gonna do one

Just in case we need to unlock more remember we’re trying to get the woodland map here I guess Oh No hmm that is so not good I’m actually gonna need to get one more sugar cane or two more in order to get one more piece of paper come on lucky

Number seven well really number two here all right come on give us a woodland okay okay an empty map all right we’re getting somewhere I know this is gonna be an absolute steal from his part we’re gonna buy that map that empty map we’re gonna do it that’s such a ripoff what do

You got okay ocean Explorer woodland map okay there we go so we actually need one compass how do you make a compass let’s see I’m a googly minecraft how to make a compass because I’ve been playing for so long and I don’t really go pretty easy so you

Just do that you grab one good old stack of iron there and then you go ahead and do that and I have never made a cap compass actually which is insane there we go cartographer come here you silly head all right here we go this could be

Really far away as the sad part I this is the first time I think I’ve ever done this we’re gonna waste all of our emeralds on this woodland Explorer map boom so we’ve got the map and then I should probably get one for the ocean as well because I don’t think we’ve now

I’ve found one that’s right it was just a little far away okay so we’ve got the map here let me go ahead and try and put everything up here and just try and get a little organized we’ll put that in there we are true Explorer star oh man

That’s not good I forgot that you couldn’t collect those unless you had so touch oh whatever that’s fine we don’t really need it anymore I don’t think we should be good to go all right so that is there let’s check this thing out okay oh okay

So the house is in that corner we are in the far corner there I don’t I don’t really know how to I don’t know how to do this guys I don’t know how to read maps in any way shape or form so I which way is north okay this is north I

Have a feeling that this thing is going to be north into the east so I’m gonna fly a little bit that way and hope that we can find something I mean if I hold it I can at least oh no that’s gonna steer me in the wrong direction

Let’s fly up really high here I can show you the world okay so now we can check them out I think I could actually do that and see it perfect look at us the flying in style so the problem here is that oh you know what actually let’s

Just go east that way we can actually see this this could potentially be my mistake here I I actually do not know how to read these maps so here’s the trying hopefully we can find it alright so as you can see there on the map we are actually on the correct plane going

The correct way now this way takes us across the map as you can see down at the bottom Oh a Mesa check that out what a nice vine but yeah we are getting apparently very close so we now have a direction change so I was right north

And east was correct so we are correct we’re on the right mark now we need to get to the correct north mark so I guess I just need to keep going here I know I’m on like negative 14,000 which is absolutely crazy so now we just have to see how far

This is gonna take us to go north there’s no telling so I guess I’ll see you guys once we’re getting a little bit closer alright guys judging by the map you can see it there in the top corner we are extremely extremely close to this so I

Don’t know what to expect here I haven’t I don’t think I’ve ever been to one I might have in creative mode but I don’t think I ever really did this in survival so I could die that’s the crazy thing I can actually die and lose everything I

Didn’t think this through but yeah we are we are very very close as you could probably tell by the map so I’m gonna fly on through here and hopefully okay that’s going a little bit outside but it’s definitely in a rude forest biome there it is

Oh wow okay we should transform the same that would be awesome I think Korean did that didn’t he oh man oh no I don’t want to fall I want to be up top I want to get a good view here okay so this is the first time I think I’ve ever made it

Here on my own and survived oh okay this is this is becoming overly difficult to parkour I’m no longer hard coring or part coring oh wow okay this is this is the place I’m I’m up in the trees with some binoculars hello now I gotta be

Quiet I don’t want them to know I’m here okay so we have officially done that let’s go ahead and put the map up we definitely don’t want to lose it oh man I am so concerned here guys I don’t really know what to expect at all

Okay we’re on top I see some some obsidian there this is I know I’m not the only one out here say let me turn out my noises I don’t know if you guys can hear that okay we’re gonna go 60 do you hear that hmm okay oh man I don’t know how well

Like this commentary is gonna be for the next few minutes here’s the hoping we can actually do this okay that’s the entrance guys oh man I’m really spooked out actually I like I said I don’t think I’ve ever conquered one of these on my own oh it’s really really dark in there

Too good thing we have torches right okay let’s just we got to beautify it up a little bit there we go now we have a nice stairway welcome to the dungeon oh man we should have just brought a flint and still to be honest wouldn’t that

Have been neat hello is anybody home I feel like this is the kind of thing where someone’s just gonna like like the doors just gonna slam closed on its own oh man what have I gotten myself into this is a little crazy alright oh there’s our first victim I’m

A little afraid though to be honest because like I don’t know if you attack one if they’re all just gonna flow out towards you oh you’ve got an that is extremely fast whoa would you think of that boy yeah that’s right you don’t know what to do with my sword

Ah me an emerald that’s perfect and some pumpkins okay this is our first room that guy didn’t know what hit him though ooh melons I’ll take those definitely we’ve got so touch so this is perfect but yeah we’ve officially fought our first Vindicator I think is that what they’re

Called or like a wicked villager or something I don’t I don’t know what they’re called but I’m definitely taking as much loot as I can here is that an inner man it is I wish I would have brought a bow like that probably would have been smart but I didn’t ask okay a

Skeleton not a problem not a problem and a shovel not a shovel oh yeah what are they called a old that would have been smart as well but I didn’t do that you know what I do want to take these flower pots I I definitely enjoy using flower pots so I

Will take these as much as I can this is the next room and we’ve actually got loads of saplings that’s neat desert there’s really no benefit to this room is there no not really other than green wool actually I don’t and it’s just carpet so I’m not going to

Take it but we do have a chest which is just more saplings I should have probably expected that to be honest oh all right continuing on so I hear some crazy noises right now though okay so these are other rooms that we have not yet been in horner

That’s what I just heard okay there’s okay I’ll take it we’ve got a little bit of redstone and some good ol loot there don’t mind if I do I’ll take the knock back why not how are you oh hey you found me stay back back it’s like some

Bowling pins that could be a game all right what do we got back here a chest how did I know golden apples we will definitely take those in a CD that’s nice let’s see if we could do this oh sorry not trying to wreck you guys this

Place or anything but I’m trying to wreck your place haha I’m just kidding alright so if we run through here I’m pretty sure it was glitchy through here I just have a feeling just by the noises that you can hear that if we go through and break this

That should take us somewhere pretty cool hello Oh spider stay away that way an axe that’s pretty much it that is pretty lame I’m not gonna lie okay so this is I’m pretty sure the first floor are done I don’t think there’s really anything we

Missed we should be all good to go so now we just need to go to the next floor which is probably gonna be the spookiest floor I’m not gonna lie okay this is it we’re going upstairs this is this is it this is where everything really starts

To get crazy unless it doesn’t because so far it’s been a breeze I’m not even know why these guys are weak oh this is a nice modern lounge room I guess this is where I’m gonna stay for the evening all right well I’m gonna hit the hay

Here ah all right daytime there we go now I figured I’d go ahead and sleep because why not was there anything in there I may have missed something definitely not all right now you guys are probably gonna tell me there was something where isn’t okay so bookshelves will definitely take those

Because bookshelves are just one of those things that like you can craft them but if you don’t have to you may as well not so that’s what we’re doing is we basically came here to Jack their bookshelves ah the outdoors how nice there’s still a higher floor oh no okay

It’s just a little crazy this is a bigger room hello I feel like that would have been a trap there anything back here nothing there must be something up there though there was a little bitty bit mmm I could definitely use this why not man these

Guys really want me to find them they’re clearing their throat it sounds like I’m interrupting them they’re just like hmm yeah all right there’s a room over there did we already check them out we did okay so we’ve already been through here I think now we need to try the other

Side possibly I’m breaking out I’m breaking out guys now I’m gonna go collect some like charcoal basically I’m gonna get some logs here and I’m gonna mine them up that way we can actually get some charcoal so we can have more torches because I feel pretty weird not

Having any torches on me all right guys I can’t seem to find a way up to the top layer so we’re just gonna through how about them apples huh that should work so yeah now we just need to find a way to climb up there I don’t really want to use bookshelves that

Would be lame so we could do that or you know what we could just do this and just do it like this as if we’re running on top of the super mario 64 castle that’s what this reminds me of where you find Yoshi no no just me

Okay all right so I chose this room because I remember that on videos I’ve seen there should be a diamond block in here boom look at that I will definitely take that treasure for sure don’t really need anything else don’t really need that obsidian so not really gonna go for

That what in the world is this there is a big old face in my face all right busting through wait a minute what where did this lead okay so there was a stairway where at oh you know oh okay I completely forgot I was trying to find

A bow there that didn’t work all right I way let me eat oh oh gosh oh no I thought that was a normal Vindicator that sure wasn’t alright alright guys um we are gonna go back here and explore like we were before oh crap oh crap this

Is not good my health is low as you guys probably saw I’m not afraid I will take care of you guys no problem even if there’s more than one ok so there’s definitely more up here than I remembered okay okay okay this is working no

Problem I know that I got this oh okay alright let’s let’s throw some stuff away cuz oh my gosh okay I’m gonna do that do that don’t really need these flowers but they I mean flowers have good luck I guess I don’t know these cute noises they’re so deceptive or just

So deceptive okay I don’t want to go to I thought that was a mom I don’t want to go down there again until I’m prepared because I went down there for a second and nearly died so I don’t I thought that was not I thought that was a normal

Vindicator these noises are so spooky you’re the guy making all this noise around here aren’t you that’ll teach you hmm I still hear those noises though hello oh jeez okay stop get away all right okay so there’s oh man okay he can see oh okay I was trying

To get a screenshot I’m sorry you don’t like pictures Dean I’m not even afraid of this guy let’s just run in and try it tackle this guy okay no okay okay uh uh health health health health health health health let’s just jump out the window

I can’t no we’re just gonna have to find him no no no no please please please no no no no ha oh gosh I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die gonna die got it got it you get II get it

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die I don’t wanna die I

Don’t wanna die no no get away get away get away get away get away yeah you no way oh gosh oh no oh okay we’re in the wrong room this is so not the place to be right now oh gosh Oh No Oh No there’s another one they’re everywhere

Guys this oh no guys my Elijah oh no this is so not good I don’t know where that is I don’t know the coordinates to that place and I lost the mat I just lost all my items I’m so alone how’s it going guys welcome back to Minecraft episode 1 my name is

System Zia today we’re getting some blogs to some trees you hear the walking oh man it’s not safe anywhere how did you just appear there oh man guys I don’t I don’t really know how to fix this situation at all we’re literally back at spawn right now if I can get

There I don’t even think there’s a village anymore I remember deleting it or not really deleting it but I I destroyed it during a live stream so that sucks yeah I literally I want you guys to know the severity of this situation I literally lost everything I

Had just then like I know what you’re thinking Oh movie magic you could just go back no I really cannot do that I literally have nothing I don’t even know where that is this might bring back some memories oh man back in episode 1 and we can sleep there we go

Wow oh my gosh I cannot believe that just happened guys like how did I even get in this chest before this makes no sense but yeah I don’t know if you guys remember this this was pretty okay oh thank god there’s an ender chest here thank goodness there is an inner chest

Here I’m really bummed out though I I don’t have an ax lighter anymore I’m gonna have to go get one now that’s lame here wow I just lost everything that is absolutely crazy to me at least I don’t really have too many items on me Wow

I feel really really sad right now that is you guys are probably lolling in your chair alright do we have any food we do a little bit of melons looks like we’re starting from scratch I genuinely don’t have anything so I think what we’re good that was close

That was way too close I think there’s some cobblestone in here maybe hmm tons of food what is that noise Oh creeper I knew you were there jerk stay back stay away you’ll heaven I don’t have like an inner Chester or not an inner chest I don’t think I even have

Like an XP forum so I can’t really get XP or anything are these cows still here I’m so sorry I left you guys here I haven’t fed any of you that’s crazy man so I guess welcome to the original house this is what started it all so I guess a

Pre World Tour here yeah I think that is gonna have to do it for today guys I just got my butt kicked by those nasty nasty men I think what I’m gonna have to do is is find my way back there and just try and you know I don’t even know man

This is crazy you know what while we’re here because this is becoming nostalgic at this point I’m pretty sure there’s a village farm over here that would be pretty cool to see again yeah there we go so we’ve actually got a mini village farm back when we were exploring some things hello friends

Nice to see you again and they’re all like whoa it’s been forever your cartographer friend screwed me over he basically got me killed and lost everything Wow Wow all right guys we have pretty much lost everything today I don’t really know what I’m gonna do

This video, titled ‘OH THE HORROR!! – Minecraft – #99’, was uploaded by SystemZee on 2017-11-10 20:00:02. It has garnered 5052 views and 238 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:37 or 1417 seconds.

In today’s episode of the Minecraft let’s play, we attempt to defeat the lost souls in the woodland mansion! 🔥 Click Here To Subscribe! – Click the 🔔 bell icon to get notified of new uploads and livestreams!

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    Hydriel defeats Sharpness with insane PvP skills! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘he beat sharpness… #shorts #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by hydriel on 2024-05-16 16:38:54. It has garnered 2188 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. This video isn’t by me, it’s by ArtualCM (ACTUAL GOAT) #pvp #minecraft #shorts #sharpness Tags (ignore)- Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18 pvp, how to get good at 1.18 pvp, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am… Read More

  • “Unleashing Bloody Herobrine: EVIL DEVIL 👹 #MinecraftMadness” #YouTubeTerrors #ShockingEncounter

    "Unleashing Bloody Herobrine: EVIL DEVIL 👹 #MinecraftMadness" #YouTubeTerrors #ShockingEncounterVideo Information This video, titled ‘I make bloody herobrine #youtube #youtubeshorts #minecraft #herobrine’, was uploaded by EVIL DEVIL on 2024-08-09 04:20:59. It has garnered 4011 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Multiplayer 🚚, 🌍 & 🎮 Gameplay in One Video!

    Insane Multiplayer 🚚, 🌍 & 🎮 Gameplay in One Video!Video Information This video, titled ‘GeoGuessr, Euro Truck Simulator 2 TMP konvoj (Sraz: TruckersMP HQ, SIM2), Minecraft Sub Server’, was uploaded by Gamekeepers_cz on 2024-07-17 03:58:35. It has garnered 3213 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 05:48:25 or 20905 seconds. 👕 GKCZ MERCH: 🎮 Farming Simulator 25 PRE-ORDER: Support-A-Creator: GKCZ #EpicPartner 💎 Membership: 💲 Donate: 💜 Twitch: 📷 Instagram: 👕 Merch: 🌐 Web: 💬 Discord: ETS2/ATS TRUCKERSMP VTC SIGNATURE: ETS2/ATS TRUCKSBOOK FIRMA: Plugin for chat as on Twitch: You must have the BTTV and… Read More

  • SkyesToo – SCARIEST Minecraft Mod Ever!

    SkyesToo - SCARIEST Minecraft Mod Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Horror Mod is TERRIFYING! – Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by SkyesToo on 2024-07-03 19:15:00. It has garnered 16512 views and 1012 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:14 or 2894 seconds. One of Us DID NOT Survive The Fog! – Minecraft Survival __ The mods just keep getting more creepy… can Skyes and Darman survive the fog??? __ Thumbnail drawn by Icy – Check them out! __ Video edited by Darman – Check him out! __ MY MAIN CHANNEL! – ☁️ MY SOCIALS ☁️ 🐦-= Twitter –… Read More

  • Bryan’s Heroic Transformation Gone Wrong! Voice Acting Cover!

    Bryan's Heroic Transformation Gone Wrong! Voice Acting Cover!Video Information This video, titled ‘”You were supposed to be a hero, Bryan! what happened to you?” meme – cover + voice acting’, was uploaded by WompyWompie on 2024-09-12 10:23:46. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. REAL GUYS… This would singlehandedly save and carry the entire Minecraft movie! Credits/sources/Inspiration Tags Herobrine, Herobryan, Minecraft movie, Minecraft movie 2024, Minecraft movie parody, Minecraft movie meme, Minecraft movie trailer, Minecraft movie if it was good, Minecraft movie looks ugly, Minecraft, I am steve, Minecraft Jack Black I… Read More

  • NightfallMC

    NightfallMCWelcome to Nightfall MC! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun and make new friends. Features: – Land Claiming – Cross play – Skills – Economy – Teams – A welcoming community and much more! Our server is designed to provide you with the most rewarding experience possible! Read More

  • ✨Perakee’s Survival✨ SMP 1.21.1 land claim teams Random Spawn dynmap voicechat optional

    ✨ Perakee’s Survival ✨ MAP: or JOIN: or DISCORD: Vanilla survival – go solo or team up! Random spawn – world border can be expanded any time. Hard difficulty – night can’t be skipped. Fresh & new community! Voicechat mod optional, cheaters banned, runs on dedicated hardware in Europe. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Storymode: Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I loved it!

    Minecraft Memes - Storymode: Not everyone's cup of tea, but I loved it!Well, I guess this meme has a higher approval rating than Minecraft Story Mode! Read More

  • 100 Enderman roast endermite 🔥

    100 Enderman roast endermite 🔥 When you accidentally start a war between Endermen and Endermites and suddenly realize you’re the one who has to clean up the mess in your Minecraft world. Good luck with that! Read More

  • Join Our Free SMP in Minecraft & Crafting

    Join Our Free SMP in Minecraft & Crafting Welcome to Daosao Gamers’ New SMP Server! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and Crafting and Building? Join Daosao Gamers’ new SMP server for free and start your adventure today! No sign-in required, just pure gaming fun. What is SMP? SMP stands for Survival Multiplayer, a game mode in Minecraft where players can interact, collaborate, and survive together in a shared world. It’s a great way to connect with other players, build amazing structures, and explore new territories. Joining the Server Joining our SMP server is easy and hassle-free. Simply follow the instructions provided… Read More

  • Ender Pearl Chunk Loader?! Update Snapshot 24w37a Minecraft!

    Ender Pearl Chunk Loader?! Update Snapshot 24w37a Minecraft! Minecraft Snapshot 24w37a Introduces Exciting New Feature: Ender Pearl Chunk Loader! The latest Minecraft Snapshot 24w37a has brought a groundbreaking new mechanic that allows players to use Ender Pearls as chunk loaders! 🤯 What Does This Mean? Now, when you throw an Ender Pearl, the surrounding area will remain loaded within a 3×3 chunk radius. This opens up a world of possibilities for automatic farms and exploring new horizons! Unleash Your Creativity! Just imagine the incredible structures and contraptions you can build with this new feature! Will you be incorporating it into your survival world? The potential is limitless!… Read More

  • Join Me in Private Bedwars on Hypixel LIVE!

    Join Me in Private Bedwars on Hypixel LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Private Bedwars Games Live With You’, was uploaded by MitBlade on 2024-07-27 20:45:08. It has garnered 129 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:03 or 8163 seconds. Leave your IGN in Chat to Join #hypixel #bedwars #pvp #minecraft #bedwars Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Damage-Free Challenge

    Surviving Minecraft Damage-Free ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Beat Survival Minecraft WITHOUT Taking ANY DAMAGE (Hitless Run)’, was uploaded by Bubbo on 2024-07-22 14:00:29. It has garnered 25705 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:36 or 1416 seconds. I Beat Survival Minecraft WITHOUT TAKING DAMAGE (1.21 Hitless Run) In this video, I push my skills and knowledge of survival Minecraft to their limit. I attempt to beat Minecraft without taking a single point of damage! Is it possible? This is the hardest Minecraft challenge video I have done yet… Minecraft Hitless Run Check Out My Merch: Need… Read More

  • 🤯EPIC Minecraft Starter Home Build!! #shorts

    🤯EPIC Minecraft Starter Home Build!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beginner House🏠 #shorts’, was uploaded by CraniazShorts on 2024-04-05 11:30:24. It has garnered 5731 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ For More.. minecraft,minecraft funny,minecraft challenge,munecraftsecretbase,minecraft survival,minecraft fr,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft bedrock,minecraft gameplay,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft pocket edition,minecraft mais,minecraft java,minecraft 1.19,minecraft phone,aphmau minecraft,minecraft horror,türkçe minecraft,minecraft videoları,mob battle minecraft,clean minecraft videos,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft pc,minecraft pe,minecraft nl minecraft,minecraft build,minecraft build tutorial,minecraft building,minecraft build hacks,minecraft builds,build,minecraft house,minecraft survival,minecraft 1.20 build hacks,minecraft redstone builds,minecraft tutorial,minecraft timelapse,minecraft 1.20,minecraft building tips,minecraft building ideas,minecraft building hacks,how to build,minecraft build hack,minecraft build hacki,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE House Build Hack by Snody Insaan

    Insane Minecraft PE House Build Hack by Snody InsaanVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Easiest House in Minecraft PE | Snody Insaan’, was uploaded by Snody Insaan on 2024-01-02 11:16:00. It has garnered 130 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. How to Make Easiest House in Minecraft PE | Snody Insaan Hello Blue Gang! Welcome to Snody Insaan Channel. You See Gaming Videos. ________________________ 👇Mention👇 @liveinsaan @SpunkyInsaan20 👇Hashtags👇 #snodyinsaan #liveinsaan #spunkyinsaan #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecrafthouse #houseminecraft #easy #house 👇Links👇 YouTube: X: Instagram: Facebook: FB Page: Threads: 👇Keywords 👇 Easiest house in Minecraft tutorial Simple… Read More

  • 24/7 SMP Minecraft – Win Real Discord Money Now!

    24/7 SMP Minecraft - Win Real Discord Money Now!Video Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-06 17:57:43. It has garnered 103 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:10 or 9550 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to the World of MineCraft! 🌟 🎮 Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether it’s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, we’ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: Port: 57892 Discord :- Youtube :- Instagram… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft’s Scariest Myths?! 😱

    Surviving Minecraft's Scariest Myths?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Myths..’, was uploaded by RageElixir – Minecraft on 2024-04-12 16:00:24. It has garnered 184571 views and 3438 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:03 or 3063 seconds. Day 3 – We Tested Minecraft’s Scariest Myths.. w/ @Darkomode @YaBoiAction Subscribe if you ENJOYED the video! ❤️ #Minecraft #RageElixir Read More

  • Insane New Update in Minecraft PE – Riad Craft Lobby 2024 & More!

    Insane New Update in Minecraft PE - Riad Craft Lobby 2024 & More!Video Information This video, titled ‘Open Member Server Minecraft PE Official Versi 1.20 Raion Craft Lobby Terbaik 2024 Dan Baru Update!!’, was uploaded by AFKEWERRRR on 2024-01-07 07:32:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IP : Port Java : 25565 Port Bedrock : 19132 Fitur : – Vote Reward – Survival Only – Land claim – Pinataparty … Read More

  • Insane Villager Battle in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Villager Battle in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘OP villagers fight in minecraft #shortvideo #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Taufiq Tricks on 2024-09-18 12:30:15. It has garnered 430 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. OP villagers fight in minecraft #shortvideo #youtubeshorts #shorts #shortvideo #minecraft #mimecraftbuildhacks #youtubeshorts #gaming #mimecrafthacks #games #mimecraftbuilds #memes #mimecraftpocketedition Read More

  • Unbelievable Royal NRN gameplay in Minecraft & bgmi!

    Unbelievable Royal NRN gameplay in Minecraft & bgmi!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft and bgmi’, was uploaded by Royal NRN on 2024-09-11 00:44:37. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds. Pls Sub 🙂 need ur support 🧸 Device-POCOX3PRO ( key binds) pubg live stream / pubg live telugu / pubg live tamil / pubg live custom rooms / pubg live tournament / pubg live room / pubg live malayalam / pubg live kannada / pubg live video / pubg live custom / pubg live dynamo / pubg live lite / pubg live jonathan / pubg /… Read More


    PLEX SMPTHE BRAND NEW Vanilla survival SMP for Minecraft Java 1.21! While this is vanilla, we still have all the useful commands + more! – /echest – /sethome (You get 2!) – /spawn – /rtp – /warp (to shops, spawn, ect.) – and more! We are brand new and would love to have you try us out! Discord: IP: Read More

  • TreuCraft | Semi-Vanilla

    Welcome to Truecraft Server! Come join us at! We are a new server working on growing our player base. Our only rules are no hacking or cheating – everything else is fair game. Enjoy freedom of speech in our chat and use commands like /tp, /set, and /spawn. Check out our website at Think 2b2t, but without the hacking and cheats! Read More