The True Gingershadow – HOW TO COPY CURSE TECHNIQUES! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 3

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Hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some juto Ka and stuff with Amari and zoom B Zoom I decided to actually go and do something with my living arrangements because you know I was living down there under that thing and I felt a bit not safe so I figure

Yeah I’ll make sh a bit bigger I’ll take one of these things boom then fcking learned that if I do parkour I explode I forgot about that little information if I jump down here apparently if I GA enough speed I explode upon impact now I’ve been vaguely aware of

This fact because i’ been jumping up that thing line the water and been the little explosion but I honestly just I didn’t noce the det of the explosion I just saw power cruise and I thought oh so power cruise I didn’t realize I was exploding that much so I’m there trying

To build so I’m like throw myself pillar to Pillar To Get Up on the Roof only for the whole [ __ ] pillar to explode and for me to go flying off the edge because all of a sudden there’s no faking pillar to catch me anyway yeah I cleared out

That bit though so um now it’s just a matter of building a place I want that is one thing to do other thing I want to build a dagger real quick I want to build a dagger I want have an actra weapon cuz so far we haven’t found a

Jutu kaen weapon I haven’t got a hold of one yet and I want something actually applies some sort of weapon based thing so quickly knit back up here we’re not going to get attacked by the bird because that is literally a bird it’s a crow it won’t go for me and we’re going

To quickly that will go for me that’s a fish it’s not going for me though it’s fine uh okay get a quick skip up here which [ __ ] am I in right now uh this place confuses me this is place is not anywhere near as simple as my fcking

Place and slame place and slame is so simple place and slame I just know where everything is to a degree so much here now Al I’m just craw play over The Farms as I go beautiful I should make a dummy net I think about it I make dummies again so I can test

How much damage I do is one of them plus the thing that is made from smoo sh that is made from that made sming that all seems very doable given the fact I I think I’ve got Stone up there cuz to put some Stone down for the wall bit so yeah okay we’re

Going to move some stuff upstairs not that we really going very far doing very much but you know I figured I might as well move stuff bit by bit and make this up here my place I figured I’ll go for somewhere High I which actually I think was a dumb

Idea actually I should go for somewhere low because okay uh the main expansion if it goes off it shreds anything that’s above it it doesn’t shred below it weird L enough so I made a terrible mistake here we just have to hope it it get summoned up there then it won’t uh

Okay a fun thing to deal with later pop that in there just out of curiosity for the whole you know damage wise process just that Curiosity for how strong we are and boom but might as well just throw that in there for now get one of these ready

Bomom got a stone Hammer I have a table somewhere yep there we go I need to rearrange all this I already know this but it’s fa we’ll fix that at a different point for now we just see if it this uh Hammer Hammer B bom iron Hammer I can’t craft anything too fancy

As we currently are so I’m probably going to go for either a diamond or a em Digger makes the most sense uh okay let’s just craft the sword first then we’ll figure out where we’re going for I just need something in hand because trying to do it with the axe is such a

Pain and I do kind of want to see if the damage does apply cuz like if the damage does apply onto my attacks depending on the weapon I’m holding get some pretty powerful weapons I assume that works I assume the damage stacks and applies cuz like there’s a bunch of sorts and Arc

Strong damage wise so like I have to assume that that means that we’ll get stronger okay iron blade short blade booom we have a diamond we have an emerald so what are the differences Diamond does slightly more damage has way more durability uh the am has slightly more speed and more enchantability

Yeah we’ll go with diamonds makes the most sense Diamond dier here a flimsy handle simple handle okay what are options here so we have wood okay have a wooden thing that will slow us down increas by tiny bit and give us Integrity up to there cool and go with

Iron that’ll give us up to six that will dramatically slow us down or we can go with a bat all these things are going to slow is done but it will increase my Integrity by something Fe so sure right now bone it is uh decate the bumel uh I think yes

The thing gives us extra reach that would be fabulous how does this work again uses one Integrity gives plus extra speed plus extra durability not really good reason for one of the other to be honest uh I don’t I don’t I don’t see the difference I see this one

Taking slightly more Hammer okay sure uh I need lapus quickly upgrade this socket gem b boom double damage kol reinforcer b boom that gets way less speed holy [ __ ] why why so little speeds H yeah we need a fing filler right now we’re going to need a filler don’t

We oh we’re going to need a filler ah so get it B all right there we go there’s a digger see how that treats us right you should be ready by this point babou give us a bit of that then give us sticks give us dummy give us

Thatnk then give us that mixed with a bit of that and B we got dummy I guess I’ll PL you over here there we go so dummy normal we do 15 damage Dy fist we do 10 damage neat crit we do 23 normal fist we do 15 Co

Curiosity now if I do an attack I do 18 if I do attack normal I do 2 wait a second no no no no no no no no wait a minute my my attack went back to full power there also the attack is not acknowledging the fact I have this weapon in my

Hand cool so what we’re saying is it makes no [ __ ] difference only many difference it makes is you know my damage for when I’m actually just swinging normal you know I’ll take it I’ll take it at this point something I’ll take it if it’s going to at least give me some

Level extra defense when I’m desperate I have to roll with it want I I don’t think getting a Shield’s going to help farmy wants to get a shield but I I I don’t think it blocks any of the attacks so I think it’s pointless that

Said I’m going to try it real quick I know it won’t block a lot of the base attacks but like it might block them from punching me honestly that’s it’s all that’s all I need really just if it if B could just stop punching me as much

That might actually help so you know what yeah I will take a shield cuz s this might actually be a good idea uh theah okay the these are being awkwardly placed now you’re realizing put that there you’re an awkwardly place oh dear I’ll fixer uh Shield wooden thing H

Tower Shield B bom thing St spikes bom bom iron grip I think I can do too much with that right now sure I’ll be fine right let’s see if this helps us even a tiny bit oh there’s a dwarf here um sure let’s give this a go also what

Do I keep pre what am I pressing here how do I keep resetting what’s the reset button what something I’m doing it oh wait is it me switching oh it’s going over that which is you are the issue you keep making can we going to knock back attack that’s not

The one I want to use primarily I just want to use regular attack a lot of the time right should we pop down see what we can do I’ll die at the ground down there probably there’s still water there there we go me trying to remember where all the

Water is we are running out bit by bit oh oh my oh no there used to be stuff there oh this Line’s getting carved out by I’m assuming Sak and stuff oh it’s going to be issues later there’s claps that’s probably fine okay I really really oh you’re you’re a

Guy oh wait you’re using an axe fck that that works against me I this is a mistake I don’t have the power to really do with him ra get him okay r did something there I don’t heal very quick I so badly need reverse curse technique I so badly need reverse curse

Technique so much just I can survive against these people where’ the fcker go I don’t I don’t I don’t like the fact I don’t know where he is cuz that means he could jump out anywhere he’s F here going to block away real quick yeah that’s nothing to do with me nothing to

Do with me at all I think the fer died I think R killed him which is unfortunate cuz it was nowhere near me so I’m getting points for the first time we actually does something you that thing will murder me will it murder me probably will hold on ra seek

Him o I saw it take quite a bit of damage though the problem is it’s so far away that ra can’t really okay I don’t did actually kill it oh re is just on point today apparent probably keeps doing it when I’m not nearby why is she do this I’m getting killed by

Things where is all this destructive mate when I’m getting murdered I require her assistance why why why why are we now facing it full capacity what’s this all about exercise I got one thingy Point pointless need far more than that bunk come on there you come you’re worth so little you’re

Barely even worth the effort you’re worth slightly more though hello ow Bonk 14 I’ll take it I can yeah I can just hit it this works I can in fact use the shield against the cirk spirits just the basic ones though holding available it might work in the long run

I’m probably going to have to go do the whole Shenanigans of getting like oh I leveled up oh it’s been ages a I’m a great three sorcerer I I thought I was already that I now have what 1,600 energy got if I can get a reverse curse technique I can do great

Things if only I could reach that level uh I would like more damage please not that I’ve applied any damage so far but yeah against basic experence this actually could be useful like this specker here like he can do basic attacks or or I’m going to get attacked

From behind either way really uh oh hello frog Bonk yo this is so much easier when I’m not using an axe I was struggling with the axe previously yeah no wonder it’s slow as heck fish where is Fish there is fish I think that this will be useful for against fish

Because fish are Pricks they fly over the place I can barely see them only why I deal with oh oh wow they actually have a fill on D are they quicker are they better than before I swear they never used to be I didn’t they used to just bob up and

Down am I going mad what the God he doesn’t have a technique and I can just kill him oh my God is adori and him fighting oh my God Ador no I get it for him probably because he didn’t give a technique yet yo is and go here an interesting combination it’s

No yeah I got the points for whatever this thing I want to fight though come here over here over here over here before ad door gets you come on we no Dory holding available that was quick what the he is it [ __ ] there we go and next for you no

No no I’ll do it don’t worry I think I still get the same amount of points as long as I’m this close to them I still get the same number of points this is F this is actually an optimal place then I can literally have it

During I was saying Gojo no what did I say I don’t tell me I called him Gojo it’s Joo no it’s too oh God I’m getting confused there’s too many names they’re similar that is an actual thing too uh Gojo and Joo they all have all oh names It

Generally confused me early on like yeah I know it’s Gojo but like then part of my brain I I I hear the oh part I just think Gojo speaking of Gojo a so I don’t know how many people here follow death I am an avid fan of it though cuz I’ve

Been watching it since forever and yeah like yeah sure people it’s I don’t really care they do cool fights I like watching it but also sometimes I like like sometime I don’t know who the participant like some of them are or I haven’t seen everything in their stories about them so sometimes

It’s interesting to hear more things about theme in point the last fight that just happened there Frieza versus Megatron sounds like a weird fight I not one I personally would have matched together then I don’t know that much about Megatron I only know them from literally

Cartoons when I was a child so that makes sense but no I figured no the two of them are getting pushing together and normally like normally Dragon Ball gets bed up against things from like wild Universe like DC Marvel there was Silver the hedgehog at one point and you know

Sh actually like they must have done some wild stuff probably do space travel in that there’s probably some wildness in there yeah there was it turned out it was a pretty good fight I won’t spoiler winner but you know it’s a pretty good fight in then the next fight gets

Announced and it’s only fing goel versus Mara from chainsaw man and that got people talking in understandably oh my God those terrifying thingy there I cannot help in this I would love to help in this I’d love to get involved I have 2,000 curse energy I’d love to get

Involved I feel like I will die look look I’m charging his energy wait oh I must be a second I must upgrade my dagger to do defense penetrating attacks a oh there oh that’s not good hold on quickly Now quickly uh thingy is it serrated serrated uh does yeah that does occas a

Bit of extra damage okay sure take that uh also is it tempered uh greatly increases hardness causes some damage to armor yes beautiful beautiful things this dagger can now do if that works as a tense perhaps this dagger can help against some of the more armored opponents like these fers I can just

Break through them a little bit I’m not I don’t want to go for them though you’re too strong I can’t deal with you I still at a point where I can’t take a technique head on so you know I can’t I can’t copy anything yet like I’m hoping I’m getting closer

To the point where I a to tank a techniqu I just went upgrade so now my armor is slightly better I probably should put on some actual armor I think about it so I me there that aspect you will absolutely destroy me who is someone I could take a hit

From I’d love to see oh yeah no you’re coming you’re coming okay okay okay no wait no you’re not Oh no you’re just killing it Dory Okay I just there’s two adoris can I kill it adori you get free free points real quick what what can you

Do in the water he has armor yeah but yeah I have literally this dagger ow okay the St did a little bit damage re actually I test this now I’m grade three ra what can you do get ra ra did one attack okay I I think R went for the second attack it

Wasn’t really able to get really stuck in there you know but ra did good do good damage that short period oh I don’t have that Shield would helped there I hate this being in the water thing though it’s uh speed attack yeah it didn’t work

Okay uh I could summon R and have ra kill him ow Val not though I’d rather just kill him using mate can you actually yeah there we go yay actually works okay this ises way more now I say having no idea what it did toor before the power up you’re just

That Crow you’re you’re not though I probably do like 7even to you per heit you have 370 Health that oh no wait what okay who went for me there I thought it was you but I heard electricity sound which makes me think it was also another fck not here though

I don’t know where he is RA seek Him ra didn’t kill him okay he’s got 21 Health go go go ow oh God jump it’s not a fing Cliff oh work oh oh I was thinking about it okay I look TR for here I see how much this

Does to people with the just to see the difference cuz I I want to believe that using this this type of blade is actually going to be beneficial okay level up power up yeah like getting I can’t use Ser okay Ser can upgraded by yeah okay that’s fine we can work

With that that’s all right damage increase sure why not defensive M oh that’s home blade okay was confused there for a second o what what oh we have a technique we’ve copied something I don’t think it’s going to be very useful you

Know okay so so so so so so to put it to the rest cuz people have been confusing me how this fcking thing works all I have do is get hit by technique apparently and copy it which does confuse me to why when I was testing

This fcking thing why it didn’t guess it cuz I thought I got hit by a technique apparently I didn’t then okay all right all right hold on to test let’s how to see how this works go I missed H it’s got a bit of an are of

Effect to it though how much does it do the problem is this is a technique used by a semi- Gren one Spirit which means it’ll be awesome against lower than that level Spirit but it’s probably going to be hit about the same like what’s the power based off of

Is the power based off of me or is the power based off of the thing I copied it from like cuz I want to assume if I copy Gojo’s technique by somehow surviving it and getting alive then I I don’t even know if I don’t know if you can do that

But anyway if I managed to copy that would it get more powerful depending on my level or get more powerful because simply gojos they sending skill don’t they once as the user gets stronger I think so hly I need to go find something I can hit with this which

Me mean I’ve trip back to base cuz I have a dummy there I can just go hit the dummy with this real quick hey we finally got technique I’m so something something I have I have exactly one technique so for how this works now people say I can copy up the five

Techniques does that mean that once I click to use technique that’s it copied or does that I I need to test this I’m not entirely sure basically what keep rotating so like once I have five uh Things fill if I get hit by a new technique again will it paste over one

Again or will I just not copy anything else once I have five cop techniques I don’t know we need to figure out on it oh I love I love it got new mechanic thing to play around with so exciting my God I have nothing to do with this destruction this is

All this is all people living down here when I’m up base oh I’m so glad I put this guy the thing in cuz before I really couldn’t wait what what what what oh my what oh no no apparently this area has been destroyed who did

That okay then I guess I just can’t huh yeah just don’t use that waterfall then I guess cuz literally it will take me nowhere I I I can’t do anything with it it’s it’s yeah okay no master right yeah anyway I’m really glad I put the sky B because now I can kind

Of sort of avoid all the horrible things trying to kill as I say as I hear explosions and horrible noises that is either Joo that is I don’t know which one also attack 31 well it’s stronger any technique I’ve currently got wait can I hold it

Yo oh I can I can I can atas four bursts of it using a powering up my energy but wait hold on oh no no no no no no no if I if I click it once it us 100s if I hold it it only uses 50 for

Each consecutive blast after that so basically I can either get one for 100 or I can get four for 250 it’s going to be a shame when I die and lose this thing but at least now I know I can get hit by that thing and actually C I didn’t know I could I didn’t realize I could copy this technique I forget which things even have techniques in this didn’t even

Realize that was a technique I could take hey there we go we live and learn and so give me this thing it’s bothering me give me it we’re [ __ ] doing this plop no no no I don’t care enough Von put all away put all away for a second

Take what I need back out and we’ll go for re wonderer me starting to think I’d be better putting a mod in like his some team skip day tonight which a couple of mods that accomplish let go Demon Slayer is one of them and I have to turn off

All the demons otherwise they take up slots and things plus drank up using the demon slay system and is far more giving than what the uh the J Kaizen system is cuz we got a new level difficulty thing so that’s probably a good idea that said though there is

One what’s it called I forget it name I used to use it in one piece though I don’t know I can’t remember what it’s called but it’s the mods out there basically there’s a mod it creates a hammock that you can line in it lets you pass through basically sleep through the

Day until night time hits that might be a good thing to get we can nap during the day if we just want to go and fight things at night yeah that there proba mod out there but yeah my God this area my God I thought this area survived pretty well

Not realizing as I got closer over no no no no it’s um it’s pretty n why is that wait what how what why is that under here why is there broken nether floor under here BR go block and C recently destroyed too still got a carrot on it

Blonk ow still got four carrots on it ow ow ow fish fish F off go on Hit The Shield yeah there we go fcking things module has settled oh God it sh broke murder blonk wait what it’s much easier to kill them when it’s in the corner yeah if you hit them

All dumb fish anyway uh yeah this area is looking completely ACD now this is another thing that should make uh interesting different Dynamic if I hang around mountains enough and have a strong enough technique and stuff I’m wondering if if I could just expose the Tetra things without having to hunt for

Them come on you shooting oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I don’t have my defense I have my Sho currently oh God I yeah I’m going to die no no no no no I oh I should have just kept running that was stupid I should have Stood

Still I should have still I was going to try and use my C ability either I misclicked on the fcking thing does it work indoors I’m going to take a b it is not working indoors I should have summoned recer okay we lost our technique but

It’s fine we can get it back we can get it back it’s fine what we are going to do real quick though is Shield power up we want to increase the damage we want to repair it I’d like to make it out something sturdier but I don’t really have anything right now I

Need better things for that I need wait can I actually can I eat no okay yeah the carrots are pointless then I just have them I have this thing as I keep forgetting I’ve got it in my inventory I should use it use it things will be easier that

Way okay this Shield does not have the durability can last against like one spirit for like one fight and it instantly is like cripples I need a stronger material to build a shield out cuz actually a shield kind of works for a bit it can it can a

Little bit of damage given my healing process is so slow it could be a tiny little bit useful only a little bit you Ness get I’m going have to go get level for Hammer I have to go through this hill again I’ve been through this

Process once we know how it works now it won’t be as bad but finding the bloody thing was never easy so I’m hoping people be do dumb things in mountains and blow areas open I’ll just find one very simply because of that okay hold on plate terwer plate materials bom Repose

Plate terrible uh bone dragon bone yeah dragon bone one’s pretty good damage 10 kill then 5. durability 1400 compared to Iron oh there’s silver there silver damage 8.5 uh dur 13 that’s terrible uh where where where be Iron there’s iron yeah durabil 290 damage name I didn’t damage his name for this

Starting blah blah BL well the Dron B is still a lot better still a much better thing in order to handle it though ain’t happening time soon jump okay luckily I land in a bit of water that regenerates if I don’t like the water that regenerates ain’t coming back at

This point oh follow special grade oh you’re a problem though you do explosive hurty attacks who did what there me is scared what happens okay it’s below oh no it’s not no it’s just you go away there where is the fcking thing there is please be gone die fish I do hate the

Fish is still alive go away bloody fish uh do I want to play a bit with that special grade over there I kind of want to fancy my CH just to see what happens ra see you can do some good work right questionable H did 14 also he’s there prick

Uhoh okay well I’m not coming from me oh now you’re I forgot you had an attack like that okay okay okay I need to get you in this area get in this area get down here do it still hurt crabbit ra seek Him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where F you come

From yeah it doesn’t matter I’m going to die now dodge dodge run I got caught in the trees F run quicker oh actually wait oh my God I was not expecting to get away I actually thought he would just blast me again and I die I need the first curing so badly so

I’ve got this cursed energy I can’t use it for anything it for healing is what I need it for this prick surely you we can beat right wait did I what I survived this fire thing I can’t even copy the bloody thing oh that’s just not

Fair I feel cheated by that I feel like I should be able to copy that uhoh ow ow fck oh God and you L for me back away Bonk Bonk ra seek him how much do you do not very much if I’m being honest okay going

To a as I can reach him never mind I in fact cannot reach him he in fact can knock me the [ __ ] away um I do have this for a reason though get crushed it did something it did make him stop for a minute uh K

Attack yeah I didn’t work for well uh ra murder don’t kill it no no no there we go there we go there we go just just enough just enough so I can get him after he’s currently on slowness but I’m currently in water and he’s fre again never mind come here prick

Ow come on come on come on come on block 82 H something I took so much effort just to beat that guy God damn it hardly feels worth it I I need kill big F like him he’s big for me right now he’s he’s kind of Lev like

In sort of handle in water in a contained environment cuz he doesn’t have any curse technique can start me for a long dist really things like that oh so oh [ __ ] oh God no no C spee technique there we go let’s grab that back again you should have got it I absolutely hammered

There that did not go to plan okay now uh Z jump off it’s fight missed [ __ ] come here H the man is on the Move fcking choso coming out nowhere I thought I was just going to take care of the little set food I thought everything was going to be great go on

Then you guys they have speed attacks backers there we go oh my God they have speed attacks for moving through you did they always have that I really they never used to I feel used to be so much simpler ah this this prick hold on a minute minute I’ve never properly fought you

Mate um curiosity do you actually like like you don’t have a technique cring ow oh oh I get what that’s for now is for like if you get S against a building so it explodes no no no no no no no no no go away attacked I miss back no okay the

Exploding thing is infinitely more killer now I know the idea of it is if you get blasted in something so you explode into it with your back that is so much Kar then I look at it that way oh my god there I heard M zombie there no way they don’t actually exist

They’re just a myth oh buk Joo I want to get hit by exactly one of your oh God I I need someone else to take over now I’m dying never mind never I think someone took over over I might get away quicker quicker Now quickly now there we go uh

What yes I Tech I just need to live now so I can use it flee flee quickly oh is zombie blood beam I forget I think it’s is it is it slicy exis that technique I think it is I don’t care I just took good J I like my entire

Planner was get hit by one show technique in flee okay we successfully copied one technique Part B of the plan copy more techniques that sort of another thing can we even copy more becomes my next question yo toads get away all right go on hit my shield a bunch more get get

The Integrity out go on go on go on get the get the horning up a bit more go on you are very awkward about this you know but you move around a lot I’d rather probably get someone else with and it’s done I thought I saw one of the whites here where is

It oh that’s not my skeletons I am still not at full HP I would not trust anything right now wait oh yeah I’ve got this techic yeah SM I just kill him using that struggling in really oh you are [ __ ] kidding me no no no no no no no I have no Firebase

Techniques [ __ ] that I don’t know why that thing com out of its hole but I don’t care I want not to do it I killed the chicken oh actually a good kill skeleton there well done me pat on the back we need to escape the Hydra give

That we repair b boom b boom lovely right uh I’m starting to think maybe okay either we defend a dragon or we defend an ocean that is my thoughts right now I want to get better armor than and this stuff like I’ll still wear this as my

Shy armor but I want to put on stronger armor for defense it may not help by much but given how fragile I currently am with at my reverse curse technique I would like to not take as much damage per Hit And even if it only takes like half a heart off attacks

That’s like a few seconds sa I need to slowly heal it back so I’ll take it so in that regard let’s just go Wonder me realizing right now these red dots are probably hydras that’s not a Hydra is that a Hydra it’s not a Hydra okay it’s something underground now we’re just

Going to leave it alone nothing to do with us ah Mountain there’s something I’m going to need later ah good I here stuff fitting here as well excellent hang out here one day and wait for the explosion to happen and go underground we just find the thing we

Need hopefully cuz I’m assuming curs techniques won’t break the tech mod structures cuz those blocks are near indestructible right so like I I can just chill and go anywh right totally how that’ll work he’s really hoping that is how that’s going to work that significant easy so I can get a faking

Better Hammer cuz I vaguely understand how that system works though from doing it in SL mod hello you like to come over and fight yes there we are Bast the shoes booom so far I’ve not seen this shoe once damage something what’s going on with that

Weird weird weird why is this sh not damaging anything oh cuz they’re Cur spirits of course it can’t damage them cuz they’re curse Spirits I forgot about that wait no but I wait I’m using this weapon though it’s hurting them oh no but I have Cur energy yeah I

Have curse energy and I’m hitting them unless it does damage cuz that’s how that works but yeah if I had pure physical my attacks won’t work unless I had a curse blade that makes sense and the shield doesn’t obey those LS because it’s doing reflection based damage and as en countes my

Damage probably I I’m assuming this why they’re not getting hurt is because it does I sound like a frame getting broke okay probably the photograph technique uh I want to go get fish skills if I get fish skills I can make more fish armor fish armor is a lot better than this

Armor so I don’t really need to F giant Ser for this I just need to find some of those two thingies kill a couple of those and they’ll get me some of the Shain SKS yeah I need to go find some of the thingy the sirens why is there a witch over there

What was no over there never mind okay we’re going to go I don’t really have anything for moving quick wait hold I just could to build a boat hold on I need to swim don’t be silly there’s BS for my brain is just like yeah swim everywhere Bo you’re

Quick no we’re not that quick though oh is that is that is that a dragon pill over it oh looks like a dragon pit how come I never found any of these bloody things while I was playing sling mod and yet here I found two of them stacked

Together it’s probably just one big one but still I can’t fight a dragon I’m well aware of that I’m not going anywhere near I’m just aware of the fact that thinking this and the fact that yeah playing slim I couldn’t find a single [ __ ] one of them yet here we

Are not even trying to find a big dragon I like a little Dragon Op but you know not even trying to find a big dragon and we just having to find one without any bother what the heck blood technique there we go a slicing exorcism what a

Technique to copy Al because of my current guess up with the uh the old armor I believe I can breathe underw forever that makes life far simpler uh where did that other thing go there is oh it’s getting away I need a few more shinies

Preferably I want to go fight a big sea sharper now actually that slicing X works on the water not a couple of them at me I I feel like I could probably take her this point just don’t thr toy Dragon at me that will kill me God I hear a lot of

Destruction going on down below there’s a sea boy to one of those though not a fan not a fan of being near this SP for I slicing exorcism it’s a terrible technique for taking on fairies it requires aiming uh the you’re are not all we how is this slicing exorcism

Do at least that much good to know I haven’t tested this why I don’t know how much it does yet six and six fabulous oh that could get me some better armor but not at That could go looking for more big sea serpents might as well take advantage of having this technique it’s only a matter of time before I die and lose it is that oh is that a sun boat there oh let’s go take a look at that why don’t we maybe some

SE Pro we’re fine yeah might find some potatoes I’ll call that win cuz I’m pretty sure the Skyland so far has only had carrots available so hey that was something I thought I’m not really seeing any of the [ __ ] I keep seeing there is that

See in the middle of my screen at the very top I see see a black dot up here what I I’m just going crazy never mind let’s test my slicing exorcism oh actually works uh do their skills s out to the top though yes they do okay I don’t even

Have to go to the boat for this I got a whole one from that f h I don’t get the boat I can just shoot them from here slice the exis Apparently one shots a lot of things I need to find something tankier to see how much the [ __ ] move does

Though yeah that I need to wait until night time yeah I’ll probably die I’ll lose my technique that’s my only concern I’m quite liking having this technique I’d rather not lose it but you know things happen don’t they oh there’s this CHF again hold the bu you’ve got like 120 Health slicing exorcism

H with his armor on that didn’t do nearly as much as I thought it would 25 I guess maybe if it was a bit closer to more 23 he’s also that was R get back lighting exm also does that whole thing of the you know making you st when you

Still for a bit very good uh these chaps again oh no blood Tech that did very little wait they’re fighting each other I can just wait and fight the winner maybe actually maybe not oh that thing’s there that did Nothing but he’s not I looked in my direction F oh I think he’s scoped me oh I can’t fight him ezel so normally ezel’s no bother also his brother is there normally he’s no bother normally he’s not too big a deal like you know he’ll move up to you he’s a bit strong

You know he’s got t h you no now he’s get his whole blood Wing thing with projectiles everything Al he’s Danish okay I makes life simpler that did that just get bought by grass wait a second no yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s no good oh they’re fighing over there oh

That’s not good either holding available go Bonk get away there we go H you oh hello oh I haven’t seen you spawn before oh you’re new me is wondering can I get hit by your Cur you can make it out alive the only problem is I don’t know how

Powerful you fcking are like oh Max elephant I’m on the Assumption I can get hit by his technique well he’s gone now never mind there’s tell oh how much I want to risk this can if I summon ra and go for it maybe that would

Work cuz I can get H Techni then summon ra and flee maybe ra get him ra did in fact not get I did get a technique there though I don’t what the heck it does but I got it red we got the Cy flee oh God these

Techs are actually so chasing is H the bus okay can I think we’re good uh What the [ __ ] is this technique I have not a Scooby uh there’s Toto I need a Target is the problem I need a little Target I can taste the technique it seem to be some type of

Curving attack thing what is this oh it’s launching skull things at people oh that’s what was chasing me I had no idea well then yeah okay it is curving though that part I was correct on Al me realizing probably want to get rid of all these Al probably want to Mark fing

Home I haven’t done that so far okay another little projectile technique I don’t know the fers get more of them but I don’t really want to risk it I do want to kill him though for the points but he’s started messing me up pretty quickly there oh there’s a guun

H okay what if I went for slash actually a you’re fine there’s the other blood related guy okay that’s show she fine uh where’ the bad Spirit go ah there it is I just hit it from here I can it doesn’t do very much though bunk bunk bnk get get out of

Here I can’t in just shoot it from here oh that thing looks powerful I’m worried God damn it is that Dagon over there no it’s just Snail I hate the fact snails get that little body like that it makes me think it’s dag on every time actually you’re not moving very

Much what if I just send these at you most of them still missed okay uh charge in he makes me float before doing it blast blast blast blast blast where’s R where’s R where’s R there’s R there R get never mind well you know what we had

A good run there um yeah I didn’t expect that to go too well me not quite I I forgot how that guy works I haven’t really fought him very much and I paid for him and yeah can’t tank his techniques and stuff I don’t if I can

Use a shield against them I doubt it but yeah using the Tetra mod for small assist may help a bit maybe I don’t know hey at least we got right killed some stuff we got the copy techniques now working for us we’re able to use it boom

Boom so that’s cool and uh we’re able to at least take a couple of little techniques not too many we’re able take a couple of little ones so we can copy some stuff so he improvements all right for now little people thank you all very much for watching Hope y all enjoyed the

Show I shall see you all next time for some more of our jutu kaisen adventure go bye everybody also just want to say quick thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support and a special thank you and shout out to our late members the joining members Sebastian

Ramsey Alex barar 13 and BG the loser and our on member monster Q thank you all very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘HOW TO COPY CURSE TECHNIQUES! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 3’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2023-10-11 21:00:14. It has garnered 5567 views and 278 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:34 or 2974 seconds.

Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod –



GingyGames Channel –

HOW TO COPY CURSE TECHNIQUES! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod Episode 3

#JujutsuKaisen #Minecraft

Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ

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