The True Gingershadow – INVESTING IN MAGIC SECURITY! Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Mod Episode 33

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Hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more that time I got reincarnated as a slime with me we’re back for another session b b and Hanah is still here with us because we cannot be rid of her so that’s going to be an issue today

Uh I want to live here and wants to end my existence so we need to come to some sort of arrangement here mainly something it stops her from getting over where I live would be the main thing uh yeah say we’ve got a couple of things

Going at this point we’ve managed to get three eggs for the three various uh versions of dragon St we make one so that’s the thing where is she where she’s somewhere over here where is she where is she gone to I’m saying she’s somewhere over here maybe she’s

Not anymore she may have Bloody moved at this point all I know is her name tag has remained so so she is going to be R I don’t see the red do anywhere I think she’s an underground yeah she can fing stay there uh I don’t know where she is I I dare

Not go down lower cuz like if I get caught in her thing I I begin that chase all over again I’m not for that okay anyway plan is to live over here we got the things to Dragon X so we can make a forge raise a dragon got it to work the

Forge bo uh slight issue there though is we need to stop random things from killing the dragon H well you know we’re using the forge and we to obiously get all the materials actually use the for to make all the things we want so that probably means more blood being one

Thing so that’s a bit oh yeah and then the Charis cor that we got a hold of we probably should do something with that shouldn’t we that would make sense too so yeah know there’s a couple of things in the agenda oh yeah and yeah mil is the answer pretty much yeah like

If I can put some barriers up that could potentially help us quite a bit Al where Bop see a red dot where is it ah it’s just you Bonk yo heart me for a second you’re not really hting me this is unfortunate I need there we go just

So I can get my Hunger back I me you know the slightest of injury so I can hear myself lovely dly right anyway so where are we starting today then well we’ve got this area so I’d rather secure it first so I feel like yeah maybe starting the Mal

Mods to die might be a good idea maybe starting with that in this area then probably building something around this area probably be a good way to get us going so uh yeah I don’t remember how you start that much so that’s going to be fun

Uh that’s not how you spell it uh wait oh hold on Red Dot red dot h yes okay yeah I did for a second I thought I felt Han is [ __ ] thing ability yeah yeah I did yeah my my my fov changed for moment there I fing noticed it cuz now I

Started moving around again kill all right she’s killing stuff over that side and the better she STS over that se the better Han’s got injured I mean it won’t be for long she’ll blow the you but you know that’s interesting anyway no matter so anyway

Um but that it’s not a u it’s an H that’s why blop there we go hot the way know to start this off probably the knowledge can on me so paper leather red dye I have none of those things all right let’s go get those things really

Quick just to start res off if she can bleed she can die yeah but I can’t make her bleed SL issue I’m not the one making her bleeds I can’t do that to her she just she literally shrugs off my attacks I am nothing compared to her

Cently I can be your guys see I might believe that a if you didn’t also Gaslight and lie and pretend and you know lead me into doing things for your own Amusement you know you’re not exactly trustworthy as a book are you like you have the knowledge I don’t

Doubt that it’s just how much you’re willing to give it to me without causing some level of um you know misdirection also there be a make thing but right okay base thing acquired so do tell me tbook how do you work while I Retreat to a tree for

Safety I I don’t fancy reading on the ground yet you know okay so uh why spook’s got a whole bunch of stuff going on with it that is made oh my God why is it so fancy okay I need to go get some purple D which means I need blue

D well we can mix the all just to check you can in fact make blue Dy that way that’s like blue Dy okay that’s useless oh that was the stepid okay yeah it’s just they made it so it wasn’t just lapis it was yet to make blue dye with

Lapis that was the change that I was thinking of cuz I was pretty sure they changed something yeah they did they’re still using lapis ain’t that big a change uh sticks okay so wrong thing so Bonk Bonk me forget how this works I’m pretty

Sure yeah you to what oh yeah D that was it a it’s all vaguely coming back to me also repair Stick repair let’s get not done as well while I’m here okay yeah we have more and pedestal I could probably make the fancier one can I I need bricks

Clay I can get that quite easily oh I so touch um pop over here I was wondering what that was I thought it was a really weird looking [ __ ] o bunk bunk bunk bunk anyway y prick all right let’s try this again oh wrong thing ow fcker be gone all right back to

Business careful you do not get extra clay for using the mega Fortune to increase the odds getting uh pred with Mal mod oh I think it’s have anything that adjust the uh the rat unless you’re talking about something that lets you the real break oh that would make sense that was that

Was that was a oh God what’s the Fate thing called where so it’s someone’s ultimate move I forget what it called but yeah I remember there being a thing was super powerful thing it allows you to change the odds of everything is like a super later on

Thing like it is there’s the r breaker okay that’s something to think about dark first the Excalibur is op I’m pretty sure all the Excalibur to some degree are kind of op cuz like you can generate like tons of power in them or something I seem to recall noal fantasm that’s the one

Sounds really cool that and I shouldn’t enough but there were some really cool ones and weirdly enough yeah I need toting for this the real breaker one uh it broke logic in the Fate series you know you weren’t really supposed to be able to do the things that they did with

That no master right Diamond M and pedestal Co done other thing I don’t know what f is uh powder stuff so basically yeah you take an Essence thing you use the P you break it down so pwder ey powder wait okay yeah the ey is an i

In there uh gold iron quartz is a wild card here I don’t have very much quartz I could go get Quartz I’m going to have to go get Quartz I don’t really have any okay let’s drop some of this stuff off then we’ll go we’ll go visit hell temporarily

We’ll grab quartz cuz I’m pretty sure it’s actually isn’t it quartz that I used to like abuse was it quartz I used I I trade in tons and tons of quartz in to get other materials I’m pretty sure that’s what I this to so which button did I make

It that one apparently there we go and there’s our manometer nice so I barely hurt myself with that excellent I can just heal myself yeah I can just do that a bunch uh up to five damage of enchant the me stuff oh I know the meing staff exists I probably will try that

For the funsies of it I can’t remember how strong it actually is but you know it exists uh okay uh I think I’m going to go grab quartz before we do anything else cuz you know I I literally have a fortune seven pickaxe I feel like I can

Get quite a few of those fairly quickly but oh staff doesn’t work in t bosses I still think it’s just a fun thing though to try out like I I don’t want to get it so it can like one shot bosses I want to get it just cuz it’s a kill

Thing same is like I might make the swords for the sake of having them but I don’t really want to use them for like the sake of killing bosses and one hitting things oh no my minions but on just for the sake of you know doing it even if it won’t do very

Much okay we must find the quart but there we go go I didn’t think I’d be back here didn’t think I’d be back here but here we are back again in hell right uh I need a section of biome yeah there we go that’s a lot of quartz but don’t you’re not

Necessarily wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay kind of a lot there I don’t realize that gave me so much holy F he quart six quarts get like six per a thing that’s not even bad if I can find a very large thing of anyway

Um oddly yeah I’m not getting nearly as much of this compared like you got you got a few but like with the wait hold on I’m wrong picking pickaxe no wonder go away wrong pick hold on I at 32 yeah it’s get like 48 per thing that’s

Ridiculous cuz like if I if I convert that over to Gold like there several ingots of gold per thing that’s absur bnk yeah I’ve got like 30 bits of gold already yeah okay if I need gold for anything there you go I can just come here with that

Pickaxe and get fing heaps of the stuff wa done with that so where be the there Is quick warpy warp over here lovely buk but but I didn’t ra have it take me to spawn okay cool where where where beh home where be other home where be there is I should remember what color marker I’m going for it’s the golden one I still

Don’t see Han in area good good all right quickly just lob all this L away all this junk better right so we got a whole heaping amount quartz there lovely thr those in there as well AR I guess I use the morar now how do this work just use this on I

Don’t keeps of quartz go um leave them in here for now okay that was one part of it so right I don’t remember exactly how this stuff works but I remember the a big factor of being you make powder you put them on the circles the circles do

Things I remember that being a big carit I don’t remember the combinations or all the other little factors all know I’m going to a bind to these circles so right one of these circles is pretty much yeah I know the B tell me I’m just trying around off the top like how the

System work before I look at the book how much do I actually remember anyway so to perform magic need a few things uh Mana option depending on rpe a cloth a blood Circle and three powder Catalyst if the recipe is for a scroll you put the cloth down first well

I don’t think her stuff is currently for a scroll but you know uh and you draw blood ccle on top of it otherwi it will put blood CC on the floor take oh no she found me run run quicker I can’t use the thing it’s still

She’s still after me then I just saw lightning coming from right there I just saw my f change and it was over fcking let me be free you [ __ ] oh my God come on we can swim pretty quick we can swim pretty quick quick I I just did a spatial warp there

That’s so unfair El she’s now away from home to be fair into the water we’re free right I got a 200 blocks away from home God Dam oh hey that’s one fcking problem out the way until the next one spawns that was so unnecessary right anyway bom so she’s

Relentless luckily you can escape her just cuz I’ve got speed boosts and stuff okay anyway take your part catless and right click on the circle to add them ACH gems if you crafting a chiner with diamond Emerald you can get the ACH gem these gems will store Mana for you if you

Right click while holding a gem spells will automatically draw from the gems on your person K good to know uh Catalyst there are seven Catalyst we know all the takes for them BM spell categories boundaries deal with AOE effects okay we don’t need to know that L Lin I forgot those existed the

Fay phas of spirits Fay Essence Fay cake Mystic colle okay that’s going into a bunch of other details at this point um so right where’s where do we want to start where do we start with this I think the main things are what contracts so we can get Mana back

Quicker and probably the exchange one so we can like spam it to get other things from the uh quartz there is lightning over there uh so that’s a thing also you’re saying start with Chrono I don’t know what that means man circuit Bo oh God there’s so many bits

Here you’re probably one of a few that can sa your character two times lives only CU I have the speed boost on now if I didn’t have the jump boost on my boots I would have got killed again like that last adjustment to my uh

Boots is a big one also I need cloth uh for things why is the lightting straight here around me Spell cloth it is willo on a thing okay uh we can do that we have none currently with us though so for now string goes in there b uh stick thing

Nope it has to be white cool you that’s fair we can make a bunch wonderful uh just need your Farms away from your dragon so why not put them on top of other side are kid Theory would you be able to ches a gas thing with dragon skulls or do the

Skulls still count as dragons I don’t know maybe also youve never REM me that’s called the guos where is the guos marble there’s so many C sounding things Nish where is your gas or is it called contract no it’s not guos there is powder gold iron Emerald cloth required guas are self-imposed

Taboos by placing a guas on oneself you can prevent yourself from doing some undesirable things for example using on a player will prevent you from harming that player using a a sheep will prevent you from harming that sheep burning a guos girl will remove all gooses using it on a name sheep will

Prevent you from harming that Civic sheep lastly using it on uh a ATM will prevent you from picking up that item use it without a Target to see your current gases creating and removing gases cost 30 Mana each and having manyi gases Target un mobs will you regenerate

Nana fallen down a it’s silver Lord thing okay so I’m going to need iron gold emerald we have those things let us I’m probably going to need a few of these actually guess I’ll make eight okay apparently targeting a thing in this cool love it wonderful right so we require El lot so

O yo that’s different from before oh it’s updated this version or the version I’m currently playing with there we go then we watch shift right click G scr right so now we have to make friends with things and say hey we’re never going to hurt you so like this this salmon

Here you’re G no no how do I how do I Gass for the salmon come on yes I saw C okay apparently the circle shows up when it’s the thing that’s new as well I don’t remember that damn it fish why must you be afraid of me ah no [ __ ] work damn

It can can it not work on it I haven’t done it yet no I’m going to assume it’s cuz of the water isn’t it aha try and Dodge me now Pricks it’s still not working you told the Mana wait what I didn’t I still made a gear everyone

No wa it used it but like I thought it used the I thought it used the contracts I’m so confused this makes no sense okay I have to wait for my my man to come back then oh dear gingi make a circle with two Emerald dust and one quartz okay one

Why into I need the gas so I can get Mana regeneration so we’re prioritizing this first I’ll get to other things after my top priority is getting a couple of gases up because each one gives you like what three regeneration or something like hey this pig I never

Have to kill a pig I’ll make a gas thing with a pig for fast Mar regen wait a second I’m trying to remember which thing you’re talking about now cuz you said Kronos earlier is this one of the ones where it’s like it gives you tons of Mana at

Certain points but then gives you none another point or something also I’ve got sorry how do I do this thing and just turn in new 1K bits badge huzzah also yeah thank you for the bits also okay that one works that one actually works there we go we’ve made a

Gas with the pig so now we cannot harm pink and then we regenerate energy it comes back in Forth instead of ones yay why did it not work with the bloody fish then me assume it’s because the water was getting in the way and it was trying

To make a deal with the water block [ __ ] okay okay okay okay I want to make a deal with a fish like it has to happen at this point where’s the another fish Al it did work with fish but I’ve only got a pig currently Al thank you for the the bits

But yeah I don’t I don’t I I don’t currently have one with a fish so I must find a fish and make a deal with it I think the water got in the way so it tried to make the deal but it didn’t trigger cuz if it triggers it uses a

Scroll I also know I want to use it with a squid but I’ll deal with that a different day fish are more important cuz I I have no reason to kill a fish Dolphins as well I have no reason to kill dolphins either like any animal that doesn’t produce anything that I’ll

Never like I’ll never need I can just make a deal with so yeah foxes actually there’s another one I no reason ever kill a fox I’ll make a deal with the fox hello Fox I need to catch the fox first oh no hello there careful there we

Go I can’t check the thing right now but I’m pretty sure it should be up by yeah no it’s going up by eight box and pig you can eat DOL from a predator I mean you’re not wrong but I’m pretty sure it’ll bypass the guos any

When it comes to the aspect okay uh right that’s two creatures who made well there we go is another one there are certain creatures you never want to harm I give for the 100 bits a Mystic code would allow you to store a stack of Scrolls each

Okay how those work yeah that’s the handun thing isn’t it also wolf there we go all right now we’ve got a little bit more Min energy recovery I would like to make one if nothing else because it look really cool also there’s Berserker yeah okay so we

Don’t want to make dues with Berserker in that cuz you know bunk bunk there we go condenses Three Stacks into one hand okay that would be ideal when I’m making like a lot of contracts and things I actually I I do want to make one of those as well just cuz they

Look really cool like anything it gives you like a Mana Circle it it’s kind of a thing I want although right now I kind of want look who it is look who it is look look who’s just appeared in chat look who it is it’s that guy it’s that

Guy who went and played valerin and then decided to go do homework and then went off to work and B like here it is also what is this white do I’m seeing oh it’s this thing I can make a deal with this thing it’s that guy thank you

For 100 bits hard carried demon to Gold he is a [ __ ] well there we go we heard it here first also come here you I’ll make a deal with you come here I I have no reason to kill you okay I didn’t work cuz I missed I stay still for a second you

Prick water you f actually hold on nope gotcha got better plan bro got a slow reaction time LOL are you talking about demon are you talking about me cuz I could be either f come on come on come on see you get the angle right oh there we go that

Work salmon huzzah there you go you can live actually I’ll let you go back your friends good luck no don’t fate the current you idiot I’m trying to send you back a m an Ender man yeah we’re not we’re not making dos with this slot that’d be terrible idea

Me just realize I canally make dos apparently with any animal because these fers will kill them get out of here I am friends with these sheep apparently now also where is this prick he keep Hing me from this guy Wait no that’s not who’s hting me there’s a skeleton somewhere isn’t

There is kill all the cuz the come here come on come on come on there we go why are they just Le on to it just Le them to it nothing to do with me I want nothing to do with that I’m out of there there armasaur where’s that

Hippogriff there is that hpog I knew it was a hypog living around this area I’ve seen it numerous times there we go deal made with typograph oh h no no you prick got you anyway Bonk where’s the next Guy where is he you me her where are you there you are

Bunk does this mod have a magic to copy mobs easy souls he just be friends with villagers till he needs to harvest them yeah but the thing is when it comes to gases once you make a guas you need to stick with them otherwise you need to

End all your gases and then go get them all again so it’s like you know it’ be a bit irritating going and get in them all again so I’d rather just you know not make a dumb one to begin with just you know I’d rather just Harvest what I can

So here you go little Goblin we’re now bef friends with little Goblin hello fcker can give me anyway there’s a bom so with that we should be recovering like I think 25 Mana per thing now which is way better than what we were getting before silk worms we can make friends

With those that’s another option b Bon we’re back right anyway now we’ve done that other things we want to make so the exchange one being a big one uh the exchange one would let us Exchange in all these quartz thingies for other thingies BS on the flip side it would let

Us use a bunch of our energy and us grow it at the same time so that could be a good one also a was talking about the the Kronos One check it I don’t remember what it really does off the top of my head properly uming gravity boundary strengthening projection proximity there’s so many things in this the staff of explosive Mana the cup of Heaven oh the shared pain there there’s so many cool Concepts in this reality M

Aro one some familiars butterfly f garden shared Vision gas fallen down contracts immunity exchange real breaker caliber yeah there’s all the big stuff oh there there is chronal exchange P quart and two arrows no claws when placed on the floor they generate Mana for 12 hours centered

On the time of placement for the other 12 others it will drain Mana from the cter gems or Mana circuits it will drain or restore up to 10 Mana every so often depending on how far uh it is from its peak no that Skippy time will only delete the cycle instead of skipping

It I that doesn’t sound very good like trust me Chron is the best one but like in what regard it sounds like it’s going to you know sound sounds like it’s going to do bad things it’s going to take half a day it’s going to drain my energy which

Means half day I wouldn’t be able to do anything I know people are biged up I’m just trying to like is it bugged like is there a reason but like doesn’t okay hold on we’re get thing thank you 500 Bri if you craft a magic circuit you can store all the excess

Marah you gain in those 12 hours and turn on and off the magic circuit stopping it from losing magic you can turn it off before before anything else let me let me let me deal with the one thing I do recognize then we’ll try that hold on yeah how does

This work exactly like that excellent then I should be getting 25 back I am in fing 2 for back lovely okay let’s do the thing thank you for high BR the magic circuit cost less than 10 diamond attune gems and no you can’t turn off Chrono you can turn off

The magic circuit oh so you can turn the magic circuit so that it doesn’t connect with you so when the timer is draining all your energy it doesn’t drain that Mana then it’s worth the 10 gems okay hold on how let’s look how to make a

Magic circuit then cuz is a fate thing that I do remember it sounds really cool magic Z kit how do I make one of these uh Mana circuits Mana circuits are blocks which store mana mana and them can be used by the player when nearby as long as the player owns the block

Whoever right clicks a man circuit first after it is placed owns the block right click to put m in it shift C click to turn it on or off Mana circuits can be right clicked with f Essence to open them to use with fire players okay so wait it’s an item then so

Where yeah that replica thing that looks quite cool uh where where’s the block is thing here oh that’s one of the worm things which it is it wait oh weapon bomb projectile Hammer Mystic codex Mystic codex for sorcery R breaker replica her wait a minute is that thing there no

That’s a fog projector that’s a m projector that’s a MAG Manus circuit there is a Manus circuit it looks basically invisible from here interesting okay so it requires P cool and F Essence not that one uh what the magitech Mana circuit magitech Mana circuit is three powered emerald and six

Iron let’s plop this block down put it right there so power currently off is no main we can toss Mana in there we can turn it on turn off this look thing looks cool for one uh I said it’s worth 10 Oh Oh you mean for storage

Purposes oh I see what you mean okay so yeah I think the downside of this thing is it’s a block in an area I don’t know what the range of the thing is but yeah okay I I I don’t know what the thing ranges but the other ones you can carry with

You so it’s 60 by 60 okay so it’s not a big range then can you pick it up and move it instead of losing its Mana yes you can pick it up with your bare hand oh okay that also means it’s really easy to break though oh okay in that case let’s make

The Chrono circuit then uh blah blah blah what did we say it was what was it it was uh what quartz two EMD one course everything costs emerald in this apparently everything good requires Emerald interesting go is it now is it doing a thing I should recovering what 30 oh wow

I got 52 back oh cuz it’s it’s it’s giv and amount back thing okay so basically I can like cuz for every every 100 you get a Mana so basically I get a bit back and it’s not bad actually no this thing is it just Chon percent yeah it’s just

Doubling my output or my my thingy so if I made more gues and made more contracts I could do the thing so I guess store energy in here for a minute turn this thing off so it doesn’t lose all its power then go make contracts and make deals while I’m losing energy I

Guess it just does mean that part of the day I can’t do Mana stuff that I have no idea what we’re making gases with but we’ll worry about that one later Bonk right uh I guess spending the ocean and go make deals with the fish will be a good

Idea there’s a lot of fish punching in the direction of the Sur to delete the scrs B sorry this is this is one of those mods that would be really good in a big grip series thing cuz like it only takes like one person getting really good with it

Without everyone else understanding it really and they could just cause chaos for a bit was that even not even being abusive chaos just like fun chaos also me realizing hold on yeah my my my uh my energy regen slow down into basically nothing it’s not draining energy yet but I’m not

Getting bonuses from this thing anymore okay uh yeah let’s just go let’s go towards the ocean there’s fish in the ocean we can make deals with fish we know this if we could find another one of the silk worms can make deals with it I’d love to say we can make deal with

Chickens but I don’t think that’s true I feel like we need to keep the chickens in case we e feathers don’t B uh oh there’s a worm all right mate I have no intention of ever hurting you I swear I will Shear you though there we

Go and hello you you’re the prick that can normally actually try and kill me ow you actually still can hurt me you prick babo right anyway water um fish I need to make contracts with them so tropical fish Bonk all right fish Let’s Make a Deal dolphin hello come here come here come

Here I can’t I can’t put you in the thing I can’t put you in a thing mate I can’t H all right J I can’t make a deal with a dolphin cuz I can’t catch the [ __ ] dolphin cuz dolphins are dolphins put a dolphin in a hole close

Hole you say that as if that’s easy it’s a dolphin mate it doesn’t he doesn’t just sit there you ever tried to Wrangle a dolphin before that’s not a simple task if you can’t hold the fer still can’t you kill squid for sever sever uh actually probably I I don’t normally need Black

Die it’s like it’s not even about that PR a concern Turtles wait a minute do you have any reason to kill the turtles like what do you get from Turtles Ah that’s like literally it isn’t it like there’s no there’s no good reason to kill them so we simply won’t

We’ll make friends with them we’ll make contracts with them and promise to never hurt them again I’d like to say the same to eackers actually I don’t need to kill Hogs either the hippocrips are cool the hippocrips are you know they’re chill they’re did I make a deal with the turtle there

Or not I did okay Turtles then you you prick come on God every time I click thr the problem is I get I I need to wait for my en recharge come on I’m like right on you you fcker come on come on you are a prick look at this thing you’re predictable

Pricks look at you zigzagging ah ow what seriously from over there no oh [ __ ] off that is so annoying why would you feel like this spirits in the tree no so much I you inter with them walk SI that’s a walk for that attempt now I’m going to go I’m going to

Go find the lizards that’s gr tree hello lizards Contra maid okay wait you’re hold on I don’t know if you can I made a contact with legs I I don’t know if they car separate species or what so going to try it and see okay contracts are done boom back to

Ground home there’s ground home they Dragon yeah they still count as the same thing though so yeah is it name yeah I figured I probably I probably just made a contract specifically with my name guy but whatever it got the contracts done so we’re just not going to think about

It too hard also bad we back store energy how much do we get for thing now 61 okay I’m assuming that’s without booster thing being on there also the hogl I want to make contact with hoglands though yeah okay yeah I get 61 now get 27 after that because this thing’s

Training my energy currently makes logical signs right well um guess now we’re at the point where I’m just going to have to like you know slowly build up my energy and fill this fer up that’ll be a thing but yeah and then once I got a

Bunch of power this thing just go nuts making things I want to make all actually I can recycle this energy cuz I can use it to thing this oh yeah I can do that yeah I can I can put energy in here I can take the energy out and like transform into

Things now let me reuse it and I’ll get a bunch of points for it yeah that is a thing okay that just a t based thing so realistically though once it reaches the other Mark of this thing powering up I should get way more now yeah like I

Should be getting like over 100 per thing if it’s working percentage base I don’t know maybe we shall see anyway let’s get us the basics of this going so we can build up our our power build up our energy a something okay I think since internet’s being

Dodgy and boom bom I’m going to make this a short stream day not feel like 100% but hey Basics are going can always hopefully stream more tomorrow and you can do should be probably try filling some of this up off camera or something before I stream

Like build myself up I have to sit here FES building myself up and then we can go and experiment more into the deeper stuff of this but yeah I I’m just not I’m not trusting internet right now because it’s lit did the C thing I yeah yeah next time we can experiment for

With this the carabus cor the dragon things still we get things sping we’ll see we’ll see all right people for now though thank you all very much for watching this little short stream hope y all enjoyed the show I shall see you all next time for some more of

Our I like to say just slim based St but it’s also like whatever this is I mean Magic’s and slim we’re still SL Bas off sure yeah see the Slime go by from Budd also just want to say a quick thank you to all of the channel members for

The extra support and a special thank you and shout out to our late members the joining members Sebastian Ramsey Alex barar 13 and BG the loser and our onu member monster Q thank you all very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘INVESTING IN MAGIC SECURITY! Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Mod Episode 33’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2023-10-18 19:00:05. It has garnered 1678 views and 132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:56 or 2756 seconds.

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INVESTING IN MAGIC SECURITY! Minecraft That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime Mod Episode 33

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Channel Art done by Parshey Parshey – —————————————————————————-

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Animal Hoard Encore

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Animal Hoard Encore In Minecraft, we roam, seeking animals to tame, Expanding our farm, giving them a new name. From cows to pigs, and even a llama or two, They’ll work for us, that’s what they’ll do. But beware of the creepers, lurking in the night, Ready to explode, giving us a fright. So gather your animals, keep them close by, In this Minecraft world, where we reach for the sky. Join us on Discord, for more gaming fun, Like, comment, and subscribe, our journey’s just begun. In this blocky world, where creativity reigns, We’ll capture more animals, breaking free from the… Read More

  • Vampires Attack Kerem and His Family in Minecraft!

    Vampires Attack Kerem and His Family in Minecraft! Vampires Attack Kerem and His Family in Minecraft! In a thrilling Minecraft video, Kerem Komiser and his family find themselves under attack by vampires, leading to a transformation into vampires themselves. As the entire city turns into vampires, a fierce battle ensues as Efekan and Alperen struggle to resist the transformation. Will Efekan and Alperen be able to overcome these vampires? The Battle Against Vampires The video showcases a dramatic showdown as Kerem Komiser and his family face off against the vampire attackers. With the city engulfed in chaos, the struggle for survival intensifies as Efekan and Alperen fight… Read More

  • Blok Surprise in Minecraft AMA

    Blok Surprise in Minecraft AMA The Exciting World of Minecraft: Exploring AMA Like Geldiğinde Blok Geliyor 🟥 Step into the blocky world of Minecraft where creativity knows no bounds! In the video titled ‘Minecraft AMA Like Geldiğinde Blok Geliyor 🟥’, viewers are treated to a showcase of the endless possibilities within this popular game. Discovering New Adventures From building towering structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, Minecraft offers a diverse range of activities to keep players engaged. The video showcases the excitement of AMA events where blocks come to life, adding a unique twist to the gameplay. Engaging Content With weekly videos released at… Read More

  • Mac’s Speedy Upgrades in Moosey Town

    Mac's Speedy Upgrades in Moosey Town Surviving Forever Stranded: A Modded Minecraft Adventure Introduction to Forever Stranded In the vast world of Minecraft, players often seek new challenges and adventures to test their skills. One such challenge is presented in the form of the modded Minecraft 1.10.2 pack called Forever Stranded. This unique mod-pack, available on the Curse Launcher, plunges players into a harsh desert planet where survival is anything but guaranteed. Crash Landing and Survival Challenges Imagine crash-landing on a barren planet with nothing but sand as far as the eye can see. In Forever Stranded, players must navigate this unforgiving environment, following quest… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Unforgettable Gaming Experience! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like the one you just watched? If so, you’ll love the immersive experience of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a diverse community of players from around the world on this exciting server where the possibilities are endless. Explore unique gameplay features, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and unleash your creativity in building magnificent structures. With a dedicated Discord channel, Instagram page, and Telegram group, you’ll always be connected with fellow players and stay updated on server events. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of something special…. Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Video Creation

    Mastering Minecraft Video Creation The World of Minecraft Videos: Tips for Creating Engaging Content Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to share your adventures with the world through videos? Creating engaging Minecraft content for YouTube can be a fun and rewarding experience. From building epic structures to surviving in the wilderness, there are endless possibilities to explore in the blocky world of Minecraft. Choosing the Right Topic When it comes to making Minecraft videos, the first step is to choose a topic that interests you and will captivate your audience. Whether you want to showcase your building skills, embark on thrilling adventures, or… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Setup on Android: Forge, Mods, Skins & Tips for Android 11+

    Ultimate Minecraft Setup on Android: Forge, Mods, Skins & Tips for Android 11+ Exploring Minecraft on Android with PojavLauncher: Forge, Mods, Skins, and Tips for Android 11+ Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft on your Android device using PojavLauncher? In this video guide, you’ll learn how to set up Minecraft step by step, from installing PojavLauncher to customizing your gameplay with mods and skins. Let’s break down the key stages: 1. Installing PojavLauncher Start by installing PojavLauncher on your Android device to access Minecraft with enhanced features. 2. Setting up Forge for Minecraft Enhance your Minecraft experience by installing Forge, a modding API that allows you to add… Read More

  • Minecraft Glitch Chaos

    Minecraft Glitch Chaos The Glitch That Ruined Minecraft… Imagine a world where everything you’ve built, every adventure you’ve embarked on, and every friendship you’ve forged could be destroyed by a single glitch. This was the reality for the players of Minecraft when a catastrophic bug wreaked havoc on the game. The Obscure SMP The Obscure SMP server was once a thriving community of Minecraft players, coming together to explore, build, and create. However, everything changed when the glitch struck, turning the once harmonious server into a chaotic mess. The Catastrophic Impact The glitch not only disrupted gameplay but also caused rifts between… Read More

  • Crafting a Spider Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Spider Portal in Minecraft Minecraft’s Bou’s Revenge: Exploring the Poulinia Spider Portal Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, continues to captivate players with its endless possibilities and adventures. One such exciting feature is the Poulinia Spider Portal in Bou’s Revenge, a unique realm waiting to be explored. Let’s delve into the mysterious world of Minecraft and uncover the secrets of this intriguing portal. Discovering the Poulinia Spider Portal As players venture into the Bou’s Revenge realm, they come across the enigmatic Poulinia Spider Portal. This portal serves as a gateway to a realm filled with challenges, treasures, and new experiences. To activate the portal,… Read More

  • Insane Survival House Build Tutorial

    Insane Survival House Build Tutorial Minecraft Tutorial & How To Build a Crazy Survival House Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in Minecraft? Building a survival house is a crucial aspect of the game, providing shelter and safety from the dangers that lurk in the blocky world. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and learn how to construct a crazy survival house that will impress your friends and keep you safe! Exploring Minecraft Building Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows players to unleash their creativity and build anything they can imagine. From simple structures to intricate designs, the… Read More

  • 💥 ULTIMATE GAMING KINGDOM – Roblox, Minecraft, PUBG, PlayStation! 👑

    💥 ULTIMATE GAMING KINGDOM - Roblox, Minecraft, PUBG, PlayStation! 👑Video Information This video, titled ‘#roblox #minecraft #gaming #pubgmobile #pubg #bgmi #automobile #playstation #brawlstars’, was uploaded by 👑BYYUCELGAMES 🎮 on 2024-07-22 13:06:48. It has garnered 8426 views and 190 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft collab with Celestee!

    Insane Minecraft collab with Celestee!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft co-op’, was uploaded by Celestee on 2024-08-02 01:49:00. It has garnered 5 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:36:59 or 16619 seconds. Welcome, welcome. It’s screaming at Skeletons (and various other creatures) time! Be sure to check my channel description to find the Discord! Support the stream: Read More

  • Unbelievable Spiderkloc ep. 6!! Minecraft edition #shizo #clickbait

    Unbelievable Spiderkloc ep. 6!! Minecraft edition #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spiderkloc odcinek 6!!! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #spiderman #spiderkloc’, was uploaded by xDsQ on 2024-07-23 10:15:00. It has garnered 7727 views and 641 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. SPAJDER KLOC WOAH OMG ALE SPOKO JAPIDI ALE MEGA WOAH SPIDERRRRRRRRRRRRRKLOOOOOOOOOOOOC ODCINEK SZOSTY, TAK JEST! ALE MEGA GIGA SPOKO SPRAWA!!! #minecraft #minecraftmemes #modminecraft #memes #gaming #minecraftbuilding #mc #farmminecraft #gamingvideos #shorts #minecrafshorts #minecraft rap #minecraft 360 #minecraft 4k #minecraft 666 #minecraft 8k #minecraft enzzi #minecraft 0.0.0 #minecraft 2013 #minecraft bajka #minecraft quiz #minecraft 9/11 #minecraft dungeons #minecraft kingdom #minecraft legends #minecraft trailer #minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the INSANE mayhem when starting Minecraft Bedrock Edition! 😂🎮

    Experience the INSANE mayhem when starting Minecraft Bedrock Edition! 😂🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘POV you boot up Minecraft bedrock edition (funny short)’, was uploaded by MAGgamerz on 2024-05-05 18:42:41. It has garnered 417 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. POV you boot up Minecraft bedrock edition (funny short) #POV #you #boot #up #Minecraft #bedrock #edition (#funny #short) Welcome to my Minecraft channel! In this video, I’ll be sharing some incredible build hacks that will take your Minecraft creations to the next level. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, these tips and tricks will help you build jaw-dropping structures that… Read More

  • Gözlük LIVE: Minecraft LAVA RISES 😱

    Gözlük LIVE: Minecraft LAVA RISES 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘CANLI: Karışık Minecraft – LAV YÜKSELİYOR 😱’, was uploaded by Gözlük on 2024-07-23 07:33:32. It has garnered 8945 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:28 or 6388 seconds. Hello, I’m Gozluk, welcome to my gaming channel. We’re Playing Mixed Minecraft – Roblox Live Broadcast #roblox It was a surprisingly interesting, funny and entertaining gaming video. You can subscribe to my channel to support me. For job interviews ► Contact (Business): [email protected] Hello, I’m Gozluk. I’m here with fun-filled videos. I’m here with entertainment, challenge, comedy, joke, game, montage, reaction and similar… Read More

  • PolyCraft SMP 1.21 GreyList

    Poly-Craft Server Welcome to Poly-Craft, a semi-vanilla Minecraft server with a focus on community. Our map started on 6/26/2024 and we are looking for mature players to join our friendly and active community. Features: Waystone Double Shulker Shells Invisible Item Frames Structure packs Master Stonecutter recipes More Food data pack Chest/Shulker previews /trigger gotospawn Treefeller Graves Come fill out a quick application and get greylisted today! Join us at and chat with us on Discord at Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Americans fail to name country in Minecraft… Seriously, wrong sub?”

    Minecraft Memes - "Americans fail to name country in Minecraft... Seriously, wrong sub?"Well, looks like 90% of Americans aren’t well-versed in Minecraft geography! Maybe they should stick to building houses instead of trying to name countries. Read More

  • Survival Server Unveiled: Menje’s Followers Forge Ahead

    Survival Server Unveiled: Menje's Followers Forge Ahead In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Menje’s Followers Server is a gamer’s dream. Join the Discord, link up with the crew, Survival and fun, there’s so much to do. Menje’s the name, with skills to flaunt, Streaming on Twitch, every move on point. Instagram pics, showing off the game, With music by Kevin MacLeod, setting the frame. Sneaky Snitch playing, as the adventure unfolds, Fair use in action, as the story is told. Copyright claims, a hurdle to face, But Menje’s got it covered, with style and grace. So follow along, as the journey begins, In… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #gamerhumor Read More

  • Unbelievable Mishap in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Mishap in Minecraft! The Latest in Minecraft: Exploring New Features and Updates As Minecraft continues to captivate gamers worldwide, the community eagerly anticipates new updates and features that enhance the gameplay experience. Let’s delve into some of the recent developments that have taken the Minecraft world by storm. Exciting New Builds and Art One of the most appealing aspects of Minecraft is the endless creativity it offers to players. From intricate castles to sprawling cities, the possibilities are truly limitless. The #minecraftbuild and #minecraftart communities showcase stunning creations that push the boundaries of imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or a newcomer,… Read More

  • Sneaky Prank on Friend Goes Wrong

    Sneaky Prank on Friend Goes Wrong Minecraft Adventures with Jack Murga Palk🤣 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft with Jack Murga Palk! Dive into the realm of #gamerfleet and #shorts as you embark on thrilling adventures in this popular sandbox game. Exploring FleetSMP Join Jackbhaiya and the FleetSMP crew as they navigate through the virtual landscapes of FleetSMP Sunday. From hilarious roasts to epic battles, every moment is filled with excitement and laughter. Witness the rivalry between Jack and Bob, the scams, the pranks, and the ultimate showdowns that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Meet the Characters From the mischievous Jackbhaiya… Read More

  • 3RICtion – DREAM RETURNS and TRANSFORMS Minecraft! (Manhunt 2 included)

    3RICtion - DREAM RETURNS and TRANSFORMS Minecraft! (Manhunt 2 included)Video Information This video, titled ‘DREAM IS BACK and Changed Minecraft FOREVER (also Manhunt 2)’, was uploaded by 3RICtion on 2024-07-30 09:22:10. It has garnered 4066 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:53 or 953 seconds. This video me and my friend jasper discuss, review, and reaction to dream’s new video after 7 month break and all the drama. Ty dream for commenting Manhunt 2 is coming as well. minecraft vr fusion humans dream is back I added humans to minecraft reaction TWITCH: DISCORD: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: TICKETS: Read More

  • Haunted Pizza Job Exposed!

    Haunted Pizza Job Exposed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Working at a cursed pizza place 🙀’, was uploaded by @Bobby TV on 2024-09-11 11:01:24. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:19 or 739 seconds. #dankmemes #meme #memes #minecraft #roblox #robloxedits #robloxmemes #adoptme #bloxburg #dank Read More

  • Enderman DESTROYS my Minecraft World!!!

    Enderman DESTROYS my Minecraft World!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enderman Ruins my Minecraft World’, was uploaded by Clevooo on 2024-06-13 12:19:29. It has garnered 57924 views and 5076 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #shorts​ #Minecraft​ #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme Read More

  • “Aayan Ansarii mind-blowing Minecraft logic 💥” #trending

    "Aayan Ansarii mind-blowing Minecraft logic 💥" #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic💀 #youtubeshorts #shorts #trending #viral #logic @MrBeast’, was uploaded by Aayan Ansarii on 2024-01-10 03:16:24. It has garnered 7877 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Meets Elder Scrolls Online: Epic Fantasy Mashup!

    Minecraft Meets Elder Scrolls Online: Epic Fantasy Mashup!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Elder Scrolls Online Meets Minecraft: Shale Ahmad’s Journey Through Fantasy and Creativity’, was uploaded by Shale Ahmad on 2024-08-24 15:01:07. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:22:24 or 4944 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to Shale Ahmad’s Gaming World! 🌟 Dive into a dual adventure with Shale Ahmad as we explore the immersive realms of The Elder Scrolls Online and Minecraft. Whether you’re drawn to epic quests or imaginative building, this video has something exciting for every gamer. What’s Inside: The Elder Scrolls Online Adventures: Epic Quests &… Read More

  • Escape Fail: Trapped 4 Times in Minecraft Funland! 🤣🪤

    Escape Fail: Trapped 4 Times in Minecraft Funland! 🤣🪤Video Information This video, titled ‘I got trapped 4 times in minecraft😂🪤4️⃣’, was uploaded by Funland on 2024-08-02 20:51:00. It has garnered 37 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. In this video, I got pranked four times While playing Minecraft. Watch this video and see witch trap is your favourite! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to our channel it would help a lot and we would appreciate it a lot. Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Hacks for Minecraft Action

    Ultimate Survival Hacks for Minecraft ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creative Solutions Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Enter Action gaming on 2024-05-09 09:52:06. It has garnered 51 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. In this intense episode of Minecraft Survival, join me as we face a critical challenge: NO FOOD in our castle! With hunger gripping our virtual world, we embark on a desperate quest to scavenge, farm, and cook whatever we can to survive. Will we conquer the hunger games or fall victim to the famine? Watch now to find out! Don’t forget to leave a… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Rocket Launch 😱

    Insane Minecraft Rocket Launch 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Rocket 🚀’, was uploaded by Lolnz on 2024-07-23 03:27:23. It has garnered 10121 views and 330 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #lolnz #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftgaming #minecraftvideos #shorts #trending #viral #fypシ゚viral Read More

  • Epic Minecraft madness! Poi Poi gameplay 🔥

    Epic Minecraft madness! Poi Poi gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Poi Poi #minecraft #uhuru #memes #trending #shortsfeed #gaming #daily #minecraftmemes #funny #edit’, was uploaded by Stenoky PlayzZ on 2024-08-08 09:35:55. It has garnered 13369 views and 1143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Poi Poi #minecraft #uhuru #memes #trending #shortsfeed #gaming #daily #minecraftmemes #funny #edit Your queries :- minecraft shorts,#minecraftshorts,minecraft sad shorts,minecraft story,minecraft gaming shorts,minecraft trending shorts,minecraft moments,minecraft but,minecraft sad,minecraft help,minecraft trend,yt shorts,minecraft,minecraft tiktok,sad shorts,#minecraft,minecraft funny moments,minecraft tiktoks,helping shorts,minecraftmemes,minecraft always help,emoz shorts,help shorts,trending shorts,#minecraftmemes,minecraft funny,#minecrafthacks,story shortsminecraft,minecraft mods,minecraft funny,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft aphmau,shorts minecraft,aphmau minecraft pranks,minecraft realistic physics,minecraft but i cant touch… Read More

  • Minesfera

    MinesferaServidor en Español Semi-Premium. Survival y Skyblock RPG con Misiones, Clases, Ciudades (Towny), Comercio, Arena y mucho más. ¿Minecraft Survival se te sabe a poco? ¡Prueba Minesfera con su Survival RPG! Grandes aventuras te esperan Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.21 Discord DiscordSRV Bluemap Voice Plugin Coreprotect Age 16+ Crossplay

    Welcome to Our Community! Tired of your SMP dying off? Our community has stuck together because of our shared interest in Minecraft. Join our Discord server to play a variety of games with other members while keeping Minecraft at the center of it all. We welcome dedicated players who share similar gaming interests. Why Join Us? Major build projects are always underway and we have a friendly and mature community. We are light on rules but do not tolerate hackers or griefers. Respect other players and you will fit right in! Join Our Server All members must join our Discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine spotted in latest flick!!!

    I guess Herobrine finally landed his big break in Hollywood! Read More

  • Island Survival: Building Frenzy Unleashed!

    Island Survival: Building Frenzy Unleashed! In this Minecraft world, a small island to survive, Building structures, keeping creativity alive. From docks to mines, each task a delight, Crafting and creating, under the sun’s light. The island grows, with each block placed, A world of adventure, never to be erased. So join me on this journey, let’s explore and play, In this Minecraft world, where we’ll always stay. Read More

  • Minecraft Movie: Hot Mess 🤡

    Minecraft Movie: Hot Mess 🤡 Why did the creeper go to the movies? Because he heard it was a blast! 🤣 #minecraftmovie #creeperjokes Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans in Minecraft: Bear Hill Mystery

    Sneaky Shenanigans in Minecraft: Bear Hill Mystery Exploring the Latest Minecraft Update: Beware of the Enchanted Perfume Flower! Welcome to the latest update in the world of Minecraft! In this edition of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Tales 62, a new and mysterious creature has emerged – the Enchanted Perfume Flower. Let’s dive into the exciting details of this intriguing addition to the game. The Enchanted Perfume Flower The Enchanted Perfume Flower is a unique and enchanting creature that has captured the attention of Minecraft players worldwide. This mystical flower emits a mesmerizing fragrance that lures unsuspecting players into its vicinity. Once under its spell, players must navigate… Read More

  • Minecraft Goes Industrial

    Minecraft Goes Industrial The Industrial Revolution Comes to Minecraft Imagine a world where the industrial revolution has taken hold in the pixelated realm of Minecraft. Thanks to a new mod created for Minecraft 1.21 on Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, players can experience a whole new level of technological advancement within the game. Features of the Mod This innovative mod brings a range of new features to Minecraft, inspired by the industrial revolution. Players can now explore new crafting recipes, machinery, and automation systems that revolutionize the way they interact with the game world. Key features of the mod include: New crafting… Read More

  • Unlock the Ultimate Cartoon World in Minecraft – Find the Perfect Size!

    Unlock the Ultimate Cartoon World in Minecraft - Find the Perfect Size!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-09-04 13:01:09. It has garnered 2520 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:36 or 1956 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Secretly Building Easy Item Sorter

    Secretly Building Easy Item SorterVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Long Will It Take Me To Build The Easiest Item Sorter?’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-05-26 07:43:14. It has garnered 16089 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 06:02:59 or 21779 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft and Making The Biggest Build EVER! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock Read More

  • Hezelpowers dies in End City! Insane MINECRAFT cok fail

    Hezelpowers dies in End City! Insane MINECRAFT cok failVideo Information This video, titled ‘sekarat di End City cok (MINECRAFT)’, was uploaded by Hezelpowers on 2024-05-09 05:37:23. It has garnered 11116 views and 214 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. My Instagram My TikTok #Hezelpowers #minecraft #minecraftindonesia i appreciate your support!!!!! Saweria: Paypal: [email protected] Read More