The ULTIMATE Factorio-Minecraft Crossover Finale?! E26

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Hello friends and welcome back to Enterprise architecture now we have reached the end of this pack today you’re going to be watching the last episode of our feed the factory series and I just want to take a quick second to thank everybody for watching and making it this far the last video I

Posted has been the absolute most popular single video that I posted at launchtime on my channel in about a year and I just can’t believe all of the amazing support I’ve gotten off of that video we’re climbing over 750 subscribers now which is totally amazing and we got over, 1300 views on that

Video that’s that’s a lot for me as a teeny tiny content creator so as we’re getting towards the end of the year I just wanted to thank everybody for watching and thank you for all the support you all have given me as I’ve been growing this channel this year I’m

Really excited about it and I’m really excited to start off the new year and keep growing and making amazing content but I do have one teeny tiny request of you all and that is if you would click on the link below in the description to my most recent Community Post in that

Post I’m asking what you all want to see me play next what Minecraft mod packs you think are worth checking out now I’ve been thinking about going back and maybe playing another round of Sky Factory 4 that’s been a really fun one maybe picking up mechanical Mastery or manufactio technopolis 2 some people

Recommended dungeons dragons and space shells a bunch of really great mod packs so drop into the thread let me know what Minecraft mod pack you think I should play next I’m really looking for something that’s got a nice little quest line to it and a lot of Technology

That’s the stuff that I really really love playing but I’d love to be able to do some design and building in there as well I think that would be super fun so drop into the thread let me know what you all think now we are getting the

Holidays and this video is coming out a little bit late so I just wanted to state that I actually do have a a new series coming out that’s recorded I’ve been playing a brand new game which i’ never played before and it’s not Minecraft although it’s like Minecraft

So if you stick around till the end of this episode you can check that out the new series starts right now but I’m going to be playing that game in parallel with whatever Minecraft mod pack that you all recommend next so please do vote and please do stick

Around for my new series and can’t wait to see what you all think of the surprise reveal all right friends let’s dive in now last last episode we got everything that we needed for Quantum research set up we’re not automatically producing everything for Quantum

Research but as you can see I have in my hand a whole bunch of quantum research is slowly being produced now I let that all go and run and percolate for a while between episodes here and now I have myself about a little more than two stacks of quantum research and that

Means today is the day that we are unlocking the last pieces of this quest for this mod pack so we are really close to the end so as I mentioned here we are we’re at the end of the pack this is the last Quest over here and we just have a

Couple of tiers to get there so first things first we need to unlock these pieces of the puzzle for portal research so I already filled in everything but the quantum so let’s unlock these things the frame the coolant and the locator probe good so with those unlocked we now can start drilling into

These other additional elements that we need to make so first things first I’m going to pick the portal frame task we need a th000 extreme alloy 1,000 lumium ingots a th000 of our graphite ingots and also 100 device frames now the lumium ingots should be the easiest because we’ve been bulk crafting those

I’ve had graphite production automated in the last episode so we should have a decent amount of graphite ingots by now and the extreme alloy is probably going to be the hardest one because we need to make our hard carbon and our tough alloy for that we have enough ingredients but

I don’t know if we’re going to have to do a lot of extra processing to make the intermediate pieces and how long that’s going to take so let’s start with our lumium ingots so I’m over here at our production facility where we were making all of our lumium our signalum and our

Enderium so now we can go ahead and grab up a bunch of our lumium here I think we have enough to hold the Thousand okay we do and did we complete that without having to submit it oh we did that’s great okay so it says we’re going to

Need this to construct the frame but I’m going to go ahead and put these all back in here for now and it looks like I have a few extras that’s okay and the reason why I’m going to do that is because we don’t actually know how to construct the frame yet that’s

Going to be a recipe I assume that we get after we’ve submitted all of these all right so with that in hand let’s go take a look at how our graphite production is looking and if we are close to having a thousand of that yet

Oh it looks like we do have a th000 we have 2,000 so we’ll grab that up real quick should that complete the task oh but you know what I don’t think this is how we we need the Hop graphite don’t we right so for this we actually need coke

Dust so let’s go ahead and grab up all of the coal Coke that we have at this point I think we have a decent amount and turn that into Coke dust in our Crusher is that it the crusher the big multi-block crushing machine that we have created and I

Believe I was collecting Coke here oh yeah we’ve got a bunch all right so let’s get ourselves oh what’s the ratio here though when we crush it h I think eight Coke dust gives us one is that right just one well let’s take a bunch of this we’ll take about a

Thousand and see how that does when we put it into our system here so let’s teleport over here and we use this into our crushing machine let’s go ahead and put all of our Coke in there that’s giving our Coke dust back out and then our Coke dust we put into

Our industrial squeezer here okay so I think that is yeah it’s basically 8 to one at this point so that’s not super great so I’m going to go get a whole bunch more of our coal Coke and use that now the graphite dust we can then just smelt in any of our

Generic smelting machines so that’s that’s not really worrisome so let me go get the rest of our coal Coke and we’re going to let this run for a while until we have enough all right so this is another one of those that is taking forever honestly at this point I think

The major bottleneck is really my Crusher we have a metric ton of Cal Coke due to our massively over engineered setup of Coke Ovens that we’re using for all of the rest of our power production which you can see about three or four episodes ago where we’ve got like what

20 of those 30 of those I think cold Coke Ovens making all of our cold Coke needs but the crusher is really slow and it’s perfectly content to load all of the ingots in here but the crushing is actually the thing that’s taking forever so I’m just going to have to hang out

And wait for these to go through I’m just going to dump these into my Redstone furnace and those go real quick into graphite ingots so let’s dump that in there and sooner or later yeah there we go they’re going to start coming in here so we’re going to let that do its

Thing it’s probably probably going to take me a couple of hours for all that to run through so I’ll see you all back here in a second okay we are almost there I think I just got the last of the graphite dust that we need so with any

Luck this will be the last of it oh and it looks like a bunch had already processed okay wonderful so there’s all thousand and change of our hop graphite we’re just going to wait for the rest of this to come in and then we’ll put that into a store drawer as

Well okay and we’ll put all of those in there okay 1,49 great perfect okay so that is the next ingredient now knocked off our list here so extreme alloy or device frames maybe let’s go ahead and make device frames because we only need a 100 of those and that requires only

100 copper gears so let’s see here device frame and let’s see we’re going have to do that here 64 and now we just need another 36 it’s awfully nice when you have a whole bunch of stock already made and we have just thousands of pieces of glass

And ingots and all of that stuff okay there’s the device frames let’s go ahead and plunk those back in here for safekeeping and now last but not least what is it that we need not tough alloy it’s the next one up right extreme alloy so we’ll

Need a th000 of those which means we need a th000 carbon hard carbon Alloys that’s easy enough we do have all of the graphite for that and then and that makes two so that’s that’s good so we actually only need 500 and then we’re going to need 1,000

Of our or 500 of our tough alloy as well maybe a thousand so let’s see how much tough alloy we have laying around already looks like a couple that’s what 200 we can make a bunch more of that and then our hardened alloy I don’t think we have any in here

Yet so we’ll have to make that as well okay so back here at our alloy I’ve gone ahead and set up some automation just a little bit so that we can put in multiple items in here without having to tend it so I’m going to go ahead and put

Eight stacks of Steel in this side and then I’m going to go ahead and put eight stacks of boron in that side and I’ve got three inputs going into a side at once so that’s not really going to keep up here it’s still going to be a bottleneck but it’s going to be

Better than nothing for our tiny item input okay so there’s the last of our Ferro Boron coming in now while all that’s being sucked back through the pipes let’s go ahead and make ourselves a bunch more of the what is the alloy that we combined puff alloy that’s what

I thought okay so let’s go ahead and put a bunch of stacks of this in here see that’s three that’s 12 Stacks there and lithium we’ll just put whatever we had brought with us it looks like 10 Stacks so we’ll have a little bit of overage

Here on fob Boron but it should still crank through pretty quick and there’s our tough alloy coming out so I’m going to drop my tough alloy that I have in my hand here and the rest of my Ferro Boron into the other side and then we’re going

To go get a bunch more lithium to top this up as well okay so there we go we’ve got a little over five Stacks here hanging out that we can use and then the other thing we need to go get is the graphite that I put back that it turns

Out I actually need so 1 2 3 4 five okay so that should be about 300 to Stu start and then once we’ve done that I believe uh production should have caught up on diamonds again and we should be okay and won’t need to worry for a little while

Here so let’s put all of our diamonds in there and then all of our graphite in here and we’ll let this percolate okay so we have 10 stacks of hard carbon and way too many tough alloy so let’s go ahead and grab up a bunch of these I

Think all of these and then we’ll grab 10 stacks of tough alloy 6 7 8 9 10 like so and then let’s go ahead and deposit these into our alloy and that should make the rest of our extreme alloy we already had a bunch left over as you all probably remember

From the previous episode I had made way too much of this so that’s going to cook through here I went ahead and set up a Storage St Network for this real quick just so we’ll have a place to put these and we can get them out easier okay so I

Had to go back and make a bit more tough alloy but now all of our extreme alloy has come in and again I once again made way too much but we’re just going to clear this out long enough to yes complete the quest and that takes care of all of our portal frame

Ingredients wonderful okay so we’re just going to leave this here and then we can come back for it at a future date as needed now the next bulk item creation that we need to do is our multiblock capsules so for that we need a bunch of machine casings and machine casings are

Of course made with modelli and copper and that means we need a whole bunch of modium alloy so let’s go and take a look real quick at how much of that we have laying around on hand see here we’ve got some one machine casing and here we have uh zero

Modium okay that’s less than great how about here no we are we are short on modium so let’s go ahead and grab up Redstone from our other facility and then we can make our modium okay well mystery solved I couldn’t figure out where all of my modium was going but

Apparently between episodes I had set up other autocrafting that I had completely forgotten about because this was breaking down I set up these machines instead so this alloy furnace has slowly been sucking up all of my Redstone and I’m just going to tell it to stop doing

That now um or maybe I’ll just turn it off here um because that was sucking all of my Redstone up to make modium and then that modium was getting sucked up with all of my copper to make machine casings and those machine casings are making the multiblock

Capsule base so I for I had set that up between episodes and so that has been slowly draining my reserves so that means when I came back here to look for them I saw these two and I was like why are these empty the modian machine casings are basically empty and then I

Looked up yes I had already made a th000 multiblock capsule bases more than a thousand so that’s that’s making just an epic amount and there is our task completed so we can actually go back over over here and turn off those machines entirely not just the one that

Was making the alloy so let’s let’s just stop that you need High signal on both of you and just just hang out just just be cool just be cool okay so that is half of that but now we need a capture base this looks astonishingly simple to capture with a capsule hm

Okay so we can we can make this real quick here so capture base capture base okay so first things first we’re going to need to make the compass because I know I don’t have any of those on hand let’s get rid of that and then do we have everything else that we need

Everything but the torch we have one torch left in our inventory from previous construction so that is super lucky and there is our capture base Okay so that is our portal compression all done great so now we need 1,000 Quantum probes several Stacks this is a lot more

Than that so that means we need plutonium RTG which we make from plutonium 238 I don’t know if we have enough of that yet we should have enough graphite for this now we should have enough basic plating for that okay let’s see here let’s going to add that recipe circuit boards that’s easy

To make we have a boatload of vacuum tubes and then plastic plates we are slowly making I think we might have a couple thousand of those now at this point especially if we turn off any of our other research production so let me go gather these up real quick from the

Various corners of our base so let’s start with the circuit boards that should be easy enough to make those we first need to make vacuum tubes and vacuum tubes need copper wire and nickel plates so let’s start off with those two things we’re going to do 700 nickel plates which means we need

700 just to keep the numbers even 700 uh of these ingots so that’s going to be a little more than 10 Stacks let’s just grab up that pile and we’re going to go drop that into our metal press now we don’t have a generic compactor over here

Is whoops I just teleported into the middle of a machine I don’t think we built ourselves a generic compactor yet no but we do have our handy dandy metal press now that’s going to take a while so maybe I should make myself a compactor while I’m doing this okay so

There’s our basic compactor we can put this this down over on the rest of this weird Machinery that we have uh manufactured and then we’ll grab up a bunch of our nickel here and we’ll put this in here maybe we’ll just do like half okay so Auto input there we go all

Right that’s slow going so while that’s doing its thing let’s go ahead and make some upgrades for it real quick here okay so we knock those in real quick and there we go compactor is going to go a little bit faster now it’s burning through Power pretty quick but I’m sure

It’ll be okay we are making more power over here it’s not a big deal so we’ll just use that let that go for a second and we will make a bunch of our nickel plates I’m also going to go ahead and make all of our copper wire at the same

Time here so I’m going have to go to my other store of copper and make that and I think that’s also oh I guess 700 is basically what we were targeting there so I’m going to go make the 700 copper wire which means I need 350 copper

Ingots if I remember correctly is that how much copper wire if I put it in the metal press yeah so I’m going to go get a bunch of copper ingots and I’ll drop those into this metal press and then we’ll have our copper wire okay I have

My silencer on but there we go making our nickel plates and our copper wire slowly but surely and also more nickel plates over here so in I don’t know 20 minutes or so we should have all of the pieces that we need so we’re just going

To hang out and let that do its thing okay so we’re getting pretty close here on our nickel plates and our copper wire so in the meantime while we’re working on that we’re going to need to come up with about a th000 pieces of copper plates 1,000 insulating glass as well

And for that we need it looks like about 500 cactus green now cactus green is easiest for us to make not from Cactus but leaves so we need to grab ourselves up about five stacks of leaves which is real real quick in this pack we just

Need to use our shears on all these leaves and in just a few short minutes I should have all of the leaves we could ever want okay so there is our boatload of leaves and now we have to do is take that over to our smelter and start

Cooking these down now we also want a good place to store this cactus green temporarily so we’re just going to go ahead and take one of these drawers and use that and it should prioritize inserting in there now that I’ve created a spot for it and yeah let’s go ahead

And top that up okay great we might need to upgrade this drawer as well but I think we’ll be okay for now so that should cook down and we should have enough cactus green in a few so besides the cactus green what else do we need for the insulating glass it looks like

Just pulverized iron and I started pulverizing iron over here so we should have plenty pretty soon and actually we might need more than that but I think we’re getting pretty close and is there anything else that we need just glass and we have a just a ton

Of glass over here okay so that should be all of the ingredients that we need now the main thing is that we need to have the right blueprint for this so I think we need this one does have circuit board and vacuum tube yes say circuit board and vacuum

Tube okay okay so let’s make ourselves up a ton of this insulating glass cuz we need a th000 circuit boards for this uh drone to be able to create it so that means 500 insulating glass okay that should be easy enough now let’s take the pulverized

Iron and do the same thing let’s put it into a drawer here and that way our system will have access to it and that doesn’t look like it’s enough so let me go ahead and make a bunch more while we start working on this all right so let’s

Grab up our storage remote and how many of these insulating glass can we make one stack two stacks there’s three stacks four five and almost a half okay that’s a good place to start okay so we’re going to grab up our glass we we’ve already got our Redstone in

Hand here from the other storage location let’s drop our engineer’s blueprint in here and see how many of these vacuum tubes it will let me make a time oh a lot okay that’s good so we’re just going to keep doing that for a little while here okay so at long last our copper

Plates are done we’ve got more than enough insulating glass and a bunch of vacuum tubes so with those we can start making up our circuit board now this is going to also take a while here so we’re just going to have to make all of this stuff by hand if I’d been

Smarter and planned ahead a little bit better I could have used one of our automated workbenches for those and I never built that tier of machine the immersive engineering what do they call it the automated Engineers workbench and quite frankly I just don’t feel like

It’s worth it this close to the end of the pack to do that so let’s go ahead and put that in there and looks like we’re at 320 so we’re a third of the way there so I’m going to finish this up real quick and there we go 1,24 circuit

Boards are now done so let’s see here what is the next ingredient that we’re going to need here for this plastic plates we’ve already got not a big problem the plutonium RTG this is going to be a problem so what I have gone and done so that we can get plutonium 238

Faster is I actually started making h233 fuel now the reason why I’m making this is because after this goes through the fishion reactor the result of that gives us 32 neptunium 236 to only 8 neptunium 237 and as we know that’s one of the two ways to get that neptunium the other way

Gives us 32 236 and 8 237 so to have a balance of these two so that’s about even even which is what we are aiming for cuz we need four of one and five of the other to make that next level of fuel this way we’re going to have a

Little bit of extra here but the bottleneck for our plutonium 238 remains let me see here the fact that this is only coming out very very slowly from our ATN 236 fuel this takes like 10 minutes for it to go through my reactor that I’ve built So eventually we’ll get the depleted

Fuel but it it isn’t happening in a timely fashion that’s a problem so we’re just going to have to wait a very very long time for that to eventually come into our system now while we are waiting for that let’s start working on a couple of these other remaining tasks I’m going

To start with the power to the portal now that one is relatively easy I went ahead and made us a task screen so we can insert power into it again it’s going to take a while to do this but it’s really just our Quest book wrapped

In stone and that gives us a task screen so if we teleport back over here to our nuclear facility and put down our task screen on this conduit I think we can connect this up maybe it’s because the direction it’s facing ah there we go

Okay so now can we tell it to insert only and we want this one well it’s set the task but it doesn’t look like it’s getting any power into it h we have to look at this for a second oh never mind look the power is going up and it’s going

Up relatively rapidly we’re already at uh a third of a billion so 3% so that’s going to keep ticking away and because we’re doing a lot of power production that should eventually get us where we’re going we just need to let it do its thing so that’s that’s cool we’re

Just going to let that hang out so while that power is going while our plutonium is being generated that only leaves us with the portal coolant now the helium is the one that worries me because we don’t have a way of getting liquid helium yet so how do we get helium in

This pack liquid helium from one of these fluid extractor centrifuge super cooler oh okay so we need a helium collector and it looks like we have three tiers of helium collectors that we can make and these are made with zirconium so earlier I had planned that

We were going to need zirconium so I did set up a rock Crusher with our dir right here between episodes in preparation and we looks like we have a decent amount of zirconium already so let me grab up all of the zirconium that we’ve made so far

So let’s just go ahead and drop it into our Redstone furnaces here and get this cooking up and it looks like this one actually we need to pull off our flux augment as well so let’s do that put the rest in here and those should go really

Quickly to make the zirconium now okay while that’s cooking we’re going to grab up all of the thorium 230 that we have on hand which is a decent amount and then the only other thing we need to do is go back and grab our basic plating now we have plenty of basic plating

Because our basic plating kept running over let’s just grab one more stack there yeah Okay so we’ve got a lot of basic plating now after that’s been running in the background forever so with those bits and our zirconium here let’s grab all that we’ve made so

Far and we should be able to make our helium collector so let’s see how many of these we can make okay great so that’s a decent number and then we can take those and combine them with our bronze ingots and make the next tier of them

Great and now we have nine of those and now with nine of these actually we only need eight combined it and there’s our dense helium collector and I think that’s the top layer so yeah we actually made more than we needed of our helium collectors here so that’s fine we can

String them these together and use the extra ones that’s not really a problem here so let’s see here this just gets power and with power it makes helium and then we need to store our helium and something and I think I have some Dynamic tanks left there’s a reinforced portable tank filled with

Chum yeah that’s from the Meltdown so let’s just take this portable tank and we’re going to go ahead and fill that with helium now we need a good place for this cuz we are going to need to cool it so I think we go over here in our nuclear craft facility down whoops

Here and we should install it somewhere in this region maybe put it on the back side of where we’ve got everything else processing I think that’s a a fine place for it here let’s put our dense helium collector here and is that oh it doesn’t look like it needs

Power it’s just it’s just doing the thing so since that doesn’t need power maybe we pull that off okay for whatever reason you need to actually put the portable tank directly on here it’s not going to let the endro iio conduits work so this this works fine but I am going

To need to upgrade it if we’re going to do that and now it has a amount of helium a good amount of helium in it so we can live with this now this needs to go into a cooler I believe so let’s see here Helium to make liquid helium we need a super cooler yeah it looks like a super cooler and a super cooler we need to make with Advanced plating magnesium diboride whatever that is server mechanis Advanced plating we know how to make hard carbon we know how to make machine chassis we know how to

Make how do we make magnesium whatever oh magnesium and Boron okay that’s that’s super super easy so one magnesium to two Boron and we only need one of those all right and we just drop in our magnesium and we drop in our Boron and that should give us yeah the Magnesium

Diboride diboride immediately with that in hand let’s goad ahead and grab up some of our hard carbon alloy and now we should be able to make our super cooler make a Servo mechanism really quick here and then we have our super cooler easy enough we’ll just take these extra items

That we have left over perfect so let’s teleport back over here and let’s see let’s put the super cooler there and let’s see if our fluid pipes will work in this instance should be able to extract from here and insert into here oh and it looks like it’s working

Already okay so that should turn it into liquid helium for us we just need liquid helium buckets or a fluid infuser okay and a fluid infuser we make with a machine chassis and Servo okay so all stuff that we also already have so let’s grab that up real quick there’s our Servo

Mechanism and then there’s our fluid infuser okay great okay so before we can do anything with our fluid filler or fluid infuser we need to make a bunch of these empty coolers now I tried to do this automatically with the machine inventory manager from Super Factory

Manager it was not working I don’t know why I don’t know what the deal is but for whatever reason it does not want to craft these coolers for me so instead we’re going to have to do this by hand it’ll take me a couple of minutes here

Maybe a couple of seconds so basically we just want to maximize our production here so we’re just going to do the shift clicking and we’re just going to keep doing the shift clicking and you know what we don’t even want to do this this way we want instead use a crafting table

Because this only does one at a time when you’re doing the storage remote so let’s grab up our wood here real quick just make ourselves a crafting table now a crafting bench also would be or excuse me crafting station would also be appropriate here but the crafting station doesn’t connect to storage

Drawers so it doesn’t really give us any benefit but we’ll make one just because I like it it looks neat all right so there is 64 four of those and now we need to keep making a bunch more Okay so we’ve got 2048 there and a little bit

Extra here we have a whole stack of empty coolers and then 22 more to spare so this should be plenty for what we are needing to do so we’ll go ahead and put our fluid infuser on the other side of our super cooler and let’s just try a

Regular cable here and see if this will work a low pressure cable we’ll extract from there and we will insert into here here and with any luck this will be yeah slowly filling with liquid helium and then all we have to do is dump our stack of liquid coolers in here and that

Should eventually turn it into our helium cooling tanks okay so the next thing we’re going to need to make is the enderium coolers now I made a bunch of these previously for our nuclear Factory but not to this scale and we’re going to need a thousand of them is that right is

That really right a th000 of them yeah 1,000 enderium 1,000 cium okay so same as before let’s put down a crafting station we’ll grab up a couple of stacks of these and a couple of stacks of enderium and we’re going to start crafting these up manually so again this

Is another one of those exercises that’s going to take a while so I probably just need to edit this out and come back once we have it all done so back in a Flash okay and that should be the last of those okay there’s a thousand so we just

Have to grab all these up into our hand to get credit for the quest there we go and we just are going to put that back into our drawer wonderful so let’s remove that from our shopping list now we need to do the same thing with cium

And thankfully this should be a lot easier because we are producing a lot of cryotheum dust over in our other facility so let’s gather up our supplies and go over there okay so as you all saw in the previous episodes our cryotheum production is automated over here so I’m

Just going to need to turn this off so that this drawer stops having all of his ingredients sucked out immediately but we have a huge backlog of blizz rods so this shouldn’t take long to craft up so let me do that through the magic of editing okay so the last few of these

There we go 1,000 exactly let’s drop off all the rest of our ingredients and then we just need to fill our inventory with these until yeah there there’s the quest perfect so now we can catch all of these up and we’ll go back and check on our

Helium in a minute but not quite ready to do that yet the next thing that we need here for this same Quest whoops the cooler Quest is these thermal mediators and for that we need a bunch of device frames Redstone servos Etc Redstone servos are easy device frames are easy

So yeah let’s make up a bunch of those real quick so we need a th each of those and 2,000 iron gears and 2,000 invar all right great so let’s go check our stores here at our autoc crafter and see if we can go ahead and make

That okay so we actually only need 100 not 1,000 I got my counting wrong there so let’s go ahead and start with our Redstone Servo easy enough let’s do 100 of those slowly but surely coming in there there and now what’s the other thing that this

Needs a device frame so we’ve taught how to make device frames here as well so let’s make 100 of those and there’s the last of our iron gears coming in that I’ve also autoc crafted and now we should be able to make as many of these thermal mediators as we want

So there’s a stack and there’s 36 more okay and there’s our 100 thermal mediators that was really not too to bad okay so we after a long session of fluid infusing have now got our 100 portal coolers so that task is now completely done while we were doing that we also

Got all of our 10 billion Fe into our energy requirement so that’s done so everything is now done here except for one little thing a th000 Quantum Pro we already have the circuit boards we already have the plastic plates we already have the basic plating we have

The graphite what we are missing is the plutonium so while I was waiting for all of that what have we done about the plutonium well I created this huge massive new reactor it’s a 9×9 and it is indeed water cooled now the water cooling doesn’t seem to be doing an

Especially good job even though 75 85% of the blocks inside of this are water cooling blocks again I use that same calculator that I linked to in the previous video to build this but I still have to run this Redstone Loop to turn off the heat because it’s overheating

Really really quickly for whatever reason that cooling rate just cannot keep up but it is actually going through these very quickly technically it’s only taking what about 15 seconds to go through a piece of the hen 236 fuel that’s down from about 2 and A2 minutes

Of the reactor next to it so that’s a massive Improvement but it takes a little while longer because it’s turning off and turning on and turning off and turning on now even with all of that we are not near where we need to be this has been running for couple of hours and

Let me show you where we are at unfortunately we are still way way back here with regard to our plutonium 238 at less than 100 pieces that’s abysmal that is the only way to get plutonium 238 in this entire pack and that’s it that’s that’s how we do it is with that machine

And there’s no other way to get this there’s no other way to speed this up I have these cranked up for isotope separators and all of our making of our fuel you can see we still have a lot more hen 236 fuel but the rate at which

This is coming in is just going to be ridiculously sad so friends it’s time to have a conversation so look we have spent hours in this pack we’ve we’ve probably spent over a 100 hours in this pack I would say at this point between building stuff crafting stuff creating

Stuff and this is the only remaining thing between us and completing the pack and I’m going to be frank with you all I play these games to have fun I don’t play these games to leave my computer running in the background for a week at

A time I don’t find that to be fun so we are going to do something that I very very rarely do we are going to shamelessly cheat yes I’m saying it right now I’m admitting it this is just we’re we’re at an impass here there’s there’s no way forward and quite frankly

If you all are a mod pack author I hope you will take this to Heart having your game make it so that people are just leaving their computer running in the background is not fun that is not enjoyable for anyone involved so what we’re going to do to complete this pack

Is cheat in this last item I feel like we’ve given it a good shot we’ve completed everything else basically by hand that we’ve had to create in this entire chain and it be stuck at this one point where I’m just going to have to leave my game running while I go out of

The house for a few days doesn’t sound like a good time so that’s what we’re doing folks we’re cheating in the last items that we need okay so there we go we’ve now cheated so there is all of our plutonium in that container there so now

What we have to do is put all of this stuff together so let’s go ahead and do a couple of things here first things first let’s grab up this plutonium box again I’m sure this is a very very safe storage container for the plutonium okay so now we have the plutonium that we

Need for our plutonium RTG let’s go grab up our box of basic plating and our box of graphite and we can add those to our collection here okay so there’s all of our ingredients we’re just going to start grabbing these up and combining them into our system here to make all of

These plutonium rtgs and there we go go a little over a thousand of those perfect so with those in hand we can now add our plastic plates and our circuit boards and use that to make the next ingredient our Quantum probe so let’s go ahead and make a bunch of those and we

Need a storage container for it so let’s put that down here perfect turn that around real quick there we go and there’s some Quantum probes so I’m going to keep at making Quantum probes now for the next few minutes so here we go okay a little

More than we need but there we go 1,24 Quantum probes great that is the last of the quests now that we’ve cheated and so we now can make our home portal so let’s see it’s a simple item and we activate it by right clicking it

Okay so this is it this is the home portal well friends this is it this is the end of this mod pack at long last I know we got a little cheaty there at the end but I think this has been an exciting Adventure you can see all of

The massive construction that we’ve done behind us there I wish I’d spent a little more time in the architecture before leaving this world and you know putting up some walls and stuff but this has been an astonishingly Fun Pack so than thanks again for watching us here on Enterprise architecture and we’ll see

You back here next time for the next mod pack bye Friends what The

This video, titled ‘Factorio in Minecraft – SERIES FINALE – E26 Feed The Factory Minecraft’, was uploaded by Enderprise Architecture on 2023-12-14 05:00:18. It has garnered 1133 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:30 or 2670 seconds.

Community Note: Hi friends – Please take a second to vote in the community poll I’ve posted, to let me know what modpack you’d like me to play next! Thanks a lot! ➡️➡️➡️ ⬅️⬅️⬅️

We’re finally at the end of the pack! After almost a hundred hours of playing, we’re ready to make the remaining coolers, ingots, drones, and other ingredients for our portal home!

The quest for the best Minecraft mods continues! Today we’re playing Feed The Factory, and amazing modpack that recreates the game of Factorio in Minecraft!

Get the modpack:

00:00 IMPORTANT Community Note 02:29 Portal Frame Research 04:58 Graphite Ingots (again) 08:43 Device Frames & Extreme Alloy 13:22 Multiblock Capsules 16:35 Circuit Boards 25:38 Portal Power & Zirconium Ingots 28:18 Helium Collectors 34:42 Enderium Coolers 35:50 Cryotheum Coolers 36:33 Thermal Mediators 38:34 Plutonium Problems and Cheating 42:12 Probes 43:32 The Leap Home(?)

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  • Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!

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  • Philippines’ Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook Group

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    Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft music + val clips’, was uploaded by kwaixy on 2024-03-21 16:04:51. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:35 or 215 seconds. had no music ideas In-game Settings: Sens: 0.175 DPI: 1600 Crosshair: 1-6-2-2 inner lines white Resolution: 1440×1080 Graphics Settings: All low (ignore tags) Minecraft music, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft music video, Minecraft building, Minecraft parodies, Minecraft funny moments, Valorant clips, Valorant funny moments, Valorant highlights, Overwatch clips, Valorant, Phoenix, Aim, gaming, fps, First Person Shooter, FPS games, movement, valorant, valorant montage, minecraft, valorant highlights, montage, montage… Read More

  • Insomnia SMP

    Insomniacs SMP – The Minecraft Server That Never Sleeps! Hey there, night owls! Looking for a Minecraft server that’s up and active 24/7, just like you? Then come join Insomniacs SMP—where creativity and adventure never rest! This is a Minecraft Bedrock server with plenty of add-ons to enhance your gameplay. Why Join Insomniacs SMP? Active and Supportive Staff Growing Community Always Active Laid-back Vibes Server Staff Owner: Billyjr(Definitely Real) Founder: Fumi/Sam Co-Founder: Deadpool Head of Admins (HOA): Cody Head of Staff (HOS): Existing Admins: Existing, Cody, Deadpool Ready to dive into chaos and adventure? Join us now and help create… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Demise of the Villager #9 🔥

    Looks like Villager #9 didn’t quite make it to level 10 in this game of life! #sorrynotsorry Read More