The Ultimate Gilded Hunt – Minecraft DLC Gameplay

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I think uh i think everybody can hear me right now so um i was just getting myself a drink there we go it’s a green screen drink i think yeah oh and i can hear myself i think everybody can hear me right now oh this is not nice there we go where’s my

Gloss all right yes i see so many people say yes it’s a sunday fun day guys we’re just gonna chill a little bit we’re gonna do some apocalypse plus we’re gonna do some uh seasonal no we’re gonna do seasonal travels we’re gonna do asian hunts asian hands y’all

127 people already right here oh that is insane man so um you can only hear the music when i’m actually in the game so let me just fix this for a second as well art of mute game off because it’s really annoying when i click on something else then um

Yeah it just goes to mute and that is not really nice how is everybody right now by the way i am um just chilling i mean um i’m actually working on a video uh this one is gonna be live in the evening and um it’s about all the new big changes that

Came along with the flames of the nether dlc update i’m gonna cover all the things that can be viable right now for endgame builds for apocalypse plus and um i still have to do quite some editing editing for that wow um but seriously i think it’s gonna be a very interesting

Video for you guys to watch it will be uh live like a couple hours after the live stream i’m going to do a stream for i think two hours something like that it’s for 4 p.m central europe time right now and um let’s say it’s gonna be until 6 p.m because

I have a lot to do today but um nevertheless very happy to see you guys let’s read the chat for a second for him do you have a ps4 no i don’t have a ps4 my cat is fat oh that is nice to hear alicat 101

I love the vids oh for what do you think about the 30 minutes cooldown in the trading channel in the discord um i think it’s cool because then you won’t be able to spam it but of course if you want to trade if you have some problems with that you

Should definitely go to the discord channel um where you can suggest some changes to the moderators alike this is my first stream let’s scroll up a little bit because some of you guys already said something dude not to brag but i just found the most op guild items of all the time

In a matter of minutes that is nice that’s nice um i’m very curious what you just found though i just got back into the game after a long time what’s the new meta the new meta guys the new meta there is no new meta but this is

Pretty overpowered you can um spam the mechanized saw blade or uh the broken saw blade more really because it’s pretty broken but um it’s pretty crazy if you want you can check out my video with uh um like i uploaded it yesterday got quite some views already because

This is seriously broken but um guys let’s just go for some ancient hands we just want to chill a little bit it’s sunday i’m extremely tired of all those uh video editing from the pause days but um yeah i currently have quite some items right here

I also have to showcase all these the pride of the piglens the the golden piglet armor the weeping fight bowl so many things to do but um yeah today we’re just gonna take a chill we’re gonna equip some gear and do some ancient hands so uh let’s take the wither armor

This one is by far my favorite right now because it’s first of all super tanky with the chilling in the final shot so um of course mobs will be slowed it’s gonna be way more difficult to take me down and with a snowball oh my god oh my boy

I want to say oh my god oh my boy at the same time and then you get more bar but um this is just so nice every time when creepers get too close you can take them down um also by the way for the audio how is

The audio right now because i think it might sound a little bit low the in-game volume uh let’s scroll back down oh man what the hell is going on i have to all tap right here but um there we have it do you only need cooldown hey for him

Where are you from i’m actually from uh from the netherlands dutchy so um what i’m gonna do is um i’m gonna take some nice artifacts right here i actually got rid of my iron height amoled accidentally so maybe we have to buy one of those i’m just gonna do some restocks and i

Know you guys don’t like me doing this but um i will find new emeralds don’t worry about that i play this game a lot so um let’s do just one restock okay we have bad luck right here but we do fi did find a harvester so uh

As you can see i already have 176 177 because i did some cheesy uh for those bosses so maybe we should show you that first right i’m just going to go for the highest apocalypse by the way my recommended is 12 right here but it is possible

For a piglet confirmed he is from the nether for him how did you get that skin which skin i’m purely on um this armor the hungry horror but i do have my cape of course i actually made this one it’s a mod for him have you encountered a glitch

Where three inches show up in one room yes yes i talk about that in my video which i’m gonna post this evening but um all right let’s just go for the cheesy tactic right here so um we’re gonna equip some speedrun gear armor there we go double kuda reduction with

Schwift footage and um also the cape so i can just show you guys how crazy this actually is um then also the fighters bindings really doesn’t matter um this is extremely difficult already because we’re only on the recommended 12 and we’re going for 18 but hey

After this uh we are also going for some ancient hunts i just want to show you how insanely powerful this method is because seriously guys if you want to get to those highest apocalypse plus difficulty levels this is the way to go but i’m gonna get one shot right here so be careful

Um i’m gonna get one shot by these cows probably just gonna try to get past them very quickly there we go so speed running is still interesting especially against cows because they are super slow but don’t get hit by them because they hit like a truck at this difficulty

Especially when you have speedrun gear on because so there we go okay so we already reached the boss so um you can go to this place very quickly right now we’re gonna equip the torment quiver a kong of weakening and also a weapon which allows us to get

Our hands and souls a little bit faster there we have it the truth seeker because we have to stack our torment quiver guys oh okay look at that they can one hand kill me almost i’m just gonna jump away right now wow we hardly did we actually get some souls

Oh this guy though I’m not really sure oh i think that’s gonna be enough actually we just got lucky yeah we got enough and wow the other guy just fell off oh look at that they want to kill me right here for him is this insane just try not to die

Yes i actually did die right there but um it’s fine it’s fine let’s just kill these very quickly so uh with a gog of weakening um you could take it down pretty easily but this guy was pretty funky right oh that’s why you also want to have the

Gog so you can weaken them and this guy also dropped a claymore so that’s cool but um right now you guys are probably interested so we’re gonna take them red snake this is powerball so we will have strong charged attacks chance for arrows to explode and with dynamo and supercharged this guy hits

Like a truck it will destroy bosses so um hopefully it will work on this high apocalypse difficulty because i’m currently way under geared power level 168 average so that’s even lower but um yeah let’s just give it a shot so we’re gonna go for a fighter’s bindings and um actually as

Artifacts i’m just gonna take this one for a second so i can just do some rolls more frequently so i can stack up my dynamo to 20. normally when your average power level is uh conform the the difficulty of what you’re playing then um you will be able to do this pretty quickly

Harp is the best ranged weapon for dynamo oh yes the harp is really nice lord force nice to have you on the live stream by the way it’s uh it’s pretty insane but i just really love the powerball powerball also because you’ll be able to take him down from afar

And we are actually on 20 stacks already but um i’m just gonna take that deathcap mushroom and uh right now we’re gonna gone so permit quiver gone and from afar we can just bam there we go you did see the tick right there it didn’t instantly die but um with this weapon

I don’t know man if the torment um quiver arrow shoots through it it will hit it multiple times and that is why it’s so powerful so um yeah we just got our hands on a 174 black wolf armor let’s see what we got our hands on wow this one is pretty interesting guys

Look at all these lava effects reduced roll cooldown uh health potions healer by allies weapon damage boost era of course that is the black wolf armor but right here we have so many llama things beast burst a beast surge maybe we should try a beast uh

Build what do you guys think about this i should do it i should do it because i saw the wolves are getting buffed big time so i’m not really sure if i actually still have those uh no i don’t have any bones anymore that’s so sad but these birds using a healing potion

Causes your explosion at your pet’s locations dealing damage to mobs around them research using your health potion boost pets attack and movement speed as well so um you can go ham with this seriously and then we could also go with some poison um i can definitely try something

Interesting with that later on but um you guys are probably interested in how much damage i actually dealt with the powerball as well so um yes it’s also wolf armor so it fits yes for the for the build it’s definitely gonna fit right i do 1 million hp um yes for sure

I can i can do some glitches i can do some uh i can definitely show all that stuff with you guys um oh we did almost 100 million damage right here with that just one single torment arrow it’s a crazy bojang if you’re watching the stream would be very awesome

If you could fix this but at the same time i’m really enjoying it while it’s still buggy but um yeah we get the points we shouldn’t be able to do this because it’s way too powerful but if we get lucky guys we will be able to find a

About doggy bone come on nope nothing hey guys i know i shouldn’t be restocking 24 7. let’s just go for some ancient hunts uh papa pum we’re gonna first of course take the kong as last one we’re gonna take this guy and as armor i’m gonna go this way i’d love to

Take uh the pet builds but for that of course i first need to get my house on some uh some pet uh artifacts i am so poor right now i only have 5 000 emeralds and then also the um the artifacts i just salvaged all

Of them or i use them on the asian huts because this bad boy guys seriously it just takes all your gear so um let me just quickly all tap um go to my ancient hunt tab right here so i can just see uh which enchantments which things i have to focus on

We’re actually no no no no we’re not gonna do that we’re gonna we’re gonna play full random i think it’s gonna be the nicer thing to do right here so um we’re just gonna put in some things we’re gonna explore new uh ancient mobs which we haven’t seen before we’re just gonna sacrifice

Everything guys one thing sacrificing uniques is not very awesome of course because you will lose them especially for example this rear wheel it isn’t that bad but at the same time the lost enchantment isn’t fantastic but um yeah right now we can get our hands on

Gilded items so then it would be nice to of course also um see a gilded enchantment on the roll with so if you want to if you want to get the best gear in the game right now um like already lord 4 said so guys would be awesome in the chat if you

Could say thanks lord force um word for said if you go to the maximum power level or the highest power levels uh i mean highest apocalypse plus difficulty levels then you will also have a higher chance or at the very top of course i have a 100 chance

Of finding gilded items let’s search if we have a gilded item right now um with tier three enchantments so right here we have the burns nearby enemies and um this one is tier three uh tier one because i found it on apocalypse level uh seven plus twelve something like that

But if you’re on apocalypse level seven plus twenty five then those uh gilded enchantments will always be tier three so of course if you want to go ancient hunt farming in the most efficient way if you want to get your hands on the best items right off the bat but

Then um yeah you should just first farm your way up to the highest apocalypse difficulty but that would be a shame if we do that with cheesy tactics i’m gonna do that in a regular way but right now i just really feel like playing some apocalypse um i mean some ancient hunts

And of course we don’t necessarily need uh the tier three i mean a tier one or tier two could be pretty cool as well we just wanna have some guild items drop right now right for em can i buy a title shroud from you um

I have to say i only have one right now but um i might be able to share it let’s see we’ve got uh aya the reckless this is actually one that i wanted to try because it has the chilling and also uh protection so you can become extra tanky

But then we also have the reckless and with reckless you will deal plus 80 melee damage so maybe this one is actually going to be a lot of fun to play with many people said like oh why would you have an enchantment like this one and um i think with plus 80

Melee damage you will deal a lot of damage guys so um let’s just try this one out i think it’s gonna be pretty fun to play with um then also the chilling so we will be extra tanky we already have the boost damage 35 damage reduction and we’re also gonna take the protection

It’s not a very awesome enchantment in my opinion but uh this is gonna be interesting though this is gonna be quite interesting uh looks a little bit lame but with my cape it’s cool it’s cool um so we have the hero cape right now the sinister cape

Also looks really awesome on this uh apocalypse plus 25 is so easy that reckless is okay really alert for us have you already tried it i think it’s gonna be great fun for sure so um let’s see we have the fighters bindings we could also go with another weapon um which

Weapon do we have right here we have the thundering shockwave the pacquiao saw blade it’s a little bit op not gonna use it i mean it’s not that op either it’s um it’s a strong weapon but uh there are way stronger weapons out there so we have some blades i think the

Fighters bindings just the fighters bindings is gonna be cool then um yeah guys i don’t know i think we are just cool with this we’re going to deal a lot of damage so um let’s check it out also the chat please luke actually um yes i tried to answer the chat but uh

At the same time it’s a little bit difficult when you’re trying to explain 100 things as well so we’re just going to throw in some random items right here i just want to get rid of all my uniques like i already said gilded items are the best so

I really don’t care about my uniques anymore we’re just going to throw in a couple of those right here we’re gonna throw in a pickle in armor or whatever guys really i think i have enough of those goggs as well so this will bring up a force first

Enchanter no no no no no no i don’t wanna do that by the way i know there is a sheet a cheat sheet where you can um make all the agents pop up right now with this combination we actually got our hands on three uh which i haven’t seen yet maybe if i

Okay no no no this is not good this isn’t we just want to go for something else right something which will make more random mobs pop up nope nope i think we’re just going to go back with the jailor scythe it wasn’t three random ones this was cool because we still have

To explore these 94 percent here we go and uh apocalypse 11 it says let’s hmm i’ll i want to try the right now we’re just going to be super squishy maybe so i’m just going to try the regular one the regular difficulty it will be it will be nice

There is wind bears with beard you mean all right friend can you do the infinite health glitch in ancient hunts i can’t do that i can do that if i uh happen to die and i by the way i really like this cave it’s like it’s like a small spider cave also

Exclusive to the ancient hunts so let’s see how hard these guys actually hit me oh this guy though this guy is going to be scary look at that our damage is insane we just melted this uh leap leaf i think the creepers will be able to one and kill me

But the damage with this is definitely insane so you will be able to heal up very quickly but at the same time i’m super squishy so i have to be careful guys i have to be careful oh boy look at that we just got hit by two pillars and we’re gone um let’s

Scroll in wait a second i have to alt tap for that so many people are spamming the chat right now oh boy look at my hp it goes down so quickly i’m not sure if this is the way to go maybe we want to go with an iron height

Amulet in this combo because then of course you will have 50 tackiness so this piece of armor with um this is really bad this piece of armor with iron height amulet and final shot i think it’s definitely going to be interesting bam so with the torment quiver guys as you can see

I can destroy these enemies i’m just trying something different this time of course if i die three times i will be able to show you guys a live boost glitch which is of course clearly still working um for him how do you do i join your smp the sap is securely um

Inactive um i’m working on a new update so uh the s p will be live in the future again but uh right now i’m just so um occupied with minecraft dungeons and of course also uh with real life i mean my job etc so um it just has to wait a little bit

But yeah working on that smp before i have the resolute tempest knife oh wait a second wait a second which with built-in radius duty for swirling shockwave and oh that is really nice bro that sounds like a very strong uh resolute tempest knife it’s like probably the best outcome

Right there okay we have to take the the spider spawns these are a little bit annoying but you can see them popping up on the map so every time when you have this level what you have to do of oh no this is not true this is not real guys

Okay we’re gonna have to roll onto the platform from there this is gonna work and sometimes they just keep popping up on exactly the same location for him you can leave the ancient hat and cut to you later but the level restarts okay well i’m not interested in

That we’re not gonna do it i’m just gonna complete the ancient hunts we’re just gonna wait for it to pop up there we go i think this is a pretty stupid uh pretty stupid uh objective you just have to look at the map and look for the yellow dot to pop up really

And now right now it’s it’s always there and we aren’t fighting any mobs i think there should be like a survival uh mind of waves where you can just keep fighting these mobs and at the same time you have to destroy the eggs that would make it more interesting

How long is the stream um very long my friend no um we started like uh 20 25 minutes ago and um right now i’m gonna i wanted to kill these leaf leaves look at that oh it’s so sweet man but um i think we’re gonna stream for about two hours in total

Maybe just a little bit longer maybe not really depends on when my girlfriend gets home because um we have dinner to make to prepare so yes real life is also important guys we have to eat i just ate a pizza by the way it was a pretty nice one with the

Pepperoni and with salami some um spices on there for him a user by the name of stan erickson can chat on your premiere wants to know why that’s strange is he oh i just got one shot by a leap leaf that’s not nice these guys are super scary okay what

We’re gonna do because you guys know this armor isn’t really working very well and we’re actually gonna prepare we’re actually gonna prepare the other armor the op armor the live boost armor because you guys wouldn’t know it is actually working right so um we will have it ready

For when we actually happen to die right here freeman isn’t eating kosher no no no no i don’t eat kosher and i eat uh meat as well like a lot of meat many different kinds of meats i love meat really some people are vegan or vegetarian i

I can’t do that i i need to have my meat now and then and we have to check out this location as well we’re taking it slow by the way and we already have our first asian application oh look at those guys destroyed my friends you got destroyed

We have 500 plus people watching right now that is pretty impressive guys big thanks for the support it’s awesome to see every single one of you guys right here so we’re just trying out some new things this armor with um increased eighty percent increased damage it’s pretty insane but it makes

Me super squishy i think for a higher apocalypse plus it’s not interesting um until you get your hazel like um iron height ambulance for him i had pizza too and it was too good man it was so good nice that’s awesome to hear pizza is life pizza is life

What’s up dudes yes for sure i i don’t live in edward but um i live pretty close to it with the anthropo’s life right now these days when we have corona we aren’t allowed to um do anything no restaurants no parties nothing so i think antwerp is

Not really the place to be right now i think the best place is just behind my computer right okay we’re gonna drop super low right here this is scary and the weather effect is quite scary what and i solos if i hate pizza half pizza alice vickerman i’m your favorite

Biggest fan that is so nice to hear so many happy people in the chat guys seriously we’re on sunday it’s a sunday fun day right bam i sent them to valhalla look at this guy oh i just rolled in the abbess that wasn’t part of my plan i just

Wanted to get my house on another dynamo stack oh he’s gonna step away a little bit but yeah if we don’t see any leap leaves it works just fine with this bolt wow my attack speed goes so fast i love it we have a chest right here this is a

Pretty weird location for chess right okay okay we’ve got our first mob this is cool so um um why the name 4am um well when did you start making valheim videos uh because i love all high volume is an epic game i’m definitely going to make more videos for it

But we just discovered a new ancient hot mob guys so i’m pretty excited about this one we’re just gonna stack up our dynamo just a little bit so we can uh cheese this guy as well we love to cheese him right oh whoa whoa whoa

I soldiers to the bone man this is scary they actually damaged each other or what the hell happened right here crust warden oh look at that he’s right there bam oh frost armor guilded frost armor nice so um yeah all you have to do is just you know is just make sure

That you oh wait a second this guy has the thor’s on him look at that i also get killed just make sure you stack up your dynamo a little bit and then the torpedo but that was a nice one right deck door you don’t like falheim what’s wrong with you man

Falheim is literally the best game since years which got released uh it has the best elements of zelda breath of the wild we have uh minecraft things in there we have skyrim things in there there is so many epic elements of all the best my all my favorite games actually combined into one

Game and it’s it’s like a perfect child in my opinion you should use growing on your bow oh yes oxalis uh i should it’s um it’s pretty cool uh right now i only have two enchantments which i use i also have radian shots rapid fire and gravity and these are not

Really interesting for uh the thing what i’m doing right now but uh supercharged dynamo definitely already do the trick if i find a better superchargeable then i will definitely consider putting growing out there or maybe just the power i don’t know really depends are the pets and chances good for afk forms um

Might be might be i have yet to find out one which is gonna be interesting so uh here is our first portal guys do you think i should use the new pigbet uh you could you could i think it’s pretty cool but uh we have one ray oh we also have the

Yeah of course the baby girls the baby goats the arctic fox the baby chicken the parrots i really like the gust because it’s not in the way all the times it’s just flying it’s just chilling and actually my very very favorite guys is the arctic fox you guys know why

Because i actually have a fox maybe i should fetch uh fidet maybe i should fetch for that my my dog by the way you guys have to see her um i just heard something weird on my xbox bar or whatever but then i’m gonna fetch

For that so you guys can see my dog many of you probably haven’t seen her yet so um big hype big hype let’s just get rid of this cable behold my puss ah there she is look at that let’s go boys oh this is fedexa

So this is my little dog she is awesome and um wow she is a little bit scared i think um age fever i’m gonna bring her back guys So yeah that was um no it’s not the memes dog um but she looks like it a little bit but um that was for that uh she’s afraid of the camera a little bit i guess because she didn’t really want to go there but yeah that’s my little doggie

Part of the family let’s say and oh we just found a woodlands mansion and then there was silence yeah guys um i there was a little bit of silence when i had to uh bring her back of course but she was just sleeping i woke her up she

Was like what the hell is going on just leave me in my in my little bed let’s say my little uh post throne she has a throne guys fluffy throne i wish i had one so i can sleep in the in there the big human fluffy throne

And i think the garage just opens all right guys this is a woodland mansion pretty cool place uh we have to find the key first wow the place almost killed me right here um norbi can you show your gear for ancient hands um sure

What i really like to use and by the way we actually didn’t even check out the frost armor zap’s enemies were rolling tier one swift footed okay this is all not very fantastic but um for asian hunts i definitely recommend you guys to get your hands on a wither armor

So with chilling final shot snowball snowball is not um something that you should go for but it’s really very powerful um reason why you’re gonna go with final shot of course if you have an iron knight amoled makes you extra tanky the chilling of course reduces this both

The movement and at the attack speed of enemies so um you will be of course stomping through those levels a lot easier because the enemy mobs won’t be able to hit you quite often and quite hard let’s say and the final shot i don’t know it’s just really nice

In combination with all the artifacts i’m currently using they have a very long cooldown so you don’t have to focus on cooldown reduction and snowball is just really awesome for when like a big pack of creepers are sneaking up on you and um you can just stun them one by one

Take them down one by one wait that’s gifted yes that’s gifted somebody gifted it to me because i wasn’t able to find one myself but worry not guys i will be able to find a gilded one of these pretty soon as well i guess i find like almost all the items

On my own but the wither nope then we also have some other ones uh this one for example it’s almost the same i think this one also has the snowball um hungry horror melee attack speed damage reduction weapon damage boost chilling a final shot so those two enchantments for sure uh

Fabian for him do you need anything so i can get it um no i think i’m good for now i’m i really want to get my hands on all those items myself i actually really like to farm for items but um with the previous patches it wasn’t very fun

Right now it’s actually a lot of fun so um yes guys with there are more way to go so um right now you’ll be able to see that i am pretty tanky and we just leveled up so um if we get close to enemies look at this this blaze won’t be able to

Do anything to me uh because it’s done permanently of course you will only be able to do this on one target but you get the point so right now uh this other zombie is sneaking upon me and i’m just uh stunning them one by one but of course

If there is like more than two uh of course then you will be in trouble after a certain time i’m just gonna use her gong right here bam so this is also why i’m using the torment quiver allows me to simply just roll once then shoot my torpedo with the torment

Quiver and i can just take down every single mob guys look at this bam it destroys every mob in its path it’s it’s quite insane once again bam there we go necro monster defeated it’s super easy i think you should definitely focus on getting your house on the tournament wafer it’s very

Powerful and i think even after they nerfed this one uh it’s still gonna be pretty strong because they are going to nerf this for sure now we’ve got a swiftness potion how is the game audio by the way guys uh let me know in the chat

Okay we just didn’t use our roll you should definitely roll first if my game audio is too low let me know oh this guy just ran away with my key guys stop spamming um you’re a brand powerful message deleted by herobrine king oh hebrew king you’re here as well

Welcome dude that’s awesome herobrine king is uh is a really awesome guy also a moderator member of the channel supporting the channel in all the different ways guys seriously raise the lightning so right now we’re gonna have some lightning creepers sneaking up on us it’s gonna be scary

I’m gonna have to pull these levers oh come on let me just kill him from here right there we go devoker interesting very interesting bam ciao amigo another one what the hell the second evoker there he goes so with the wither armor we can of course keep stunning these guys

But it’s a little bit scary if there are more of them around me look at that easy peasy right wow man almost 500 people watching still it’s it’s really really awesome to see you guys supporting the channel like this oh boy this is scary last chance okay okay okay quickly equip this armor

It was all of part of the plan guys look at this it’s it’s it’s unbelievable that this is still working it’s um it’s a live boost glitch so when you want to activate this one if you actually want to get your hands on a um live boost glitch going on well my

Throat i just talk too much if i talk too much let me know but um if you get your last chance in that window in that loading screen the the timing screen uh you’re gonna have to equip this armor so you just press inventory quickly equip it and then um the live

Boost will be applied so right now i have 13 million electric creepers park oh yes for sure uh jamie hall hey what’s up dudes welcome uh i think you were a new member of the new member of the channel right because i haven’t seen your name popping up yet

But it’s really awesome to see you uh supporting the channel as well very very much appreciated i actually like both games i played falheim for a great deal um like for a couple of hours yesterday also with euro ranking we we took down some bosses but um i think

Both games are fun i think this this game is definitely a lot of fun for streaming and of course most people the majority of my channel like this game so um yes i am forced to play minecraft dungeons guys i don’t like this game at all deeply saddens me to stream today no

Really i i really enjoyed this new update so they definitely did a lot of fixes changes to the game right now it’s it’s way more fun uh it finally has an interesting end game which it didn’t have before and uh yes cheers to that server can you speak german

So good my deutsch is uh um i can say bratwurst midbone and i can say ein biabito or pizza which is a two beer please but um yeah my german is horrible i didn’t get german at school so um there’s that my fringe is a little bit better

So right now we have a basalt delta with the live boost glitch so uh it’s op guys seriously diablo or minecraft dungeons um actually i am very interested in the new diabolo i am definitely going to play it when it releases i was a huge fan of diablo 2 and 3 um

And i actually didn’t get to play diablo 2 because i don’t know i felt forced to play diablo 3. uh because and i’m actually making no sense at all i said i’m a huge fan of the doubler too i mean i what i i looked at streams etc i saw the game but

It looks so cool but at the same time diablo 3 got released big hype around that one uh there was an auction house many different things that made it like super fun so that’s uh when i started playing diablo 3. um got my hands on many builds i even made

Videos for diablo 3 like four or five years ago i don’t know how long it has been but um it was uh it was a lot of fun and diablo 4 is is going to be like an improved version of minecraft dungeons i think uh like difficulty wise

So it’s definitely going to be worth a shot when you get raped shadow legends and at it’s so bad oh blondy bear13 um i have to say something it’s a fun it’s funny thing because i actually got contacted by uh red shadow legends um team they asked me if i could make it

Out for the game in my real videos so um we’re talking about that right now but it’s it’s pretty you’re mentioning this i always see like many of these rage shadow legends uh ads popping up on tv even in belgium it’s insane so many of those i think this company

Has like big big bucks man a lot of money in frame you should put the gravity on the ball because it sucks in all the enemies so the thurman’s great for errors can kill even more mobs i i should do that actually i think it’s not gonna be huge but um

We’ll see we’ll see maybe it’s gonna make impact so um just hunting for some ancients guys already found one of those and um normally i play this a lot faster but i just want to chill with you guys read the chat a little bit i mean um we have 360 people right here

We just want to chill right i mean i can just go full ham on these levels but we can also do this relaxing it’s sunday man don’t push me right now i can actually go for some more speedy items oh i just got hit by the lava right here

While i was changing my gear oh i’m still downstairs why okay we just killed them from the floor so nice that this one actually travels through the ground guys hey for him did you find any new agents yes i did i did i just found some um

Icy ice soldiers and uh they dropped me a frost armor not the best one out there but um it’s a pretty cool one it’s this one frost armor damage reduction freeze resist chilling auras up enemies but then um these enchantments yeah we have like almost all the the focuses for uh

The elemental damage increase which is definitely gonna be interesting for uh showcasing congrats on 41k steps fabian thanks bro well we actually hit 41k already oh that is insane like yesterday or two days ago we were on 40k so i guess we are flying through this guys man

Are the pet enchantments good for afk form um comic underdog actually i think they will be i haven’t tried it out yet i definitely want to try it out um when i’m like on a higher apocalypse plus difficulty i’m gonna make many different builds for you guys many interesting viable builds because

They are interesting right now and oh looks like we found another ancient mob guys in the creepy crypts interesting i already have our thingy ready oh man this is so cheesy we just found a firebolt for a power level 171 gg this is a pretty interesting weapon detector oh yes for sure

So oh my god this is the worst you can get your hands on chance of chain reaction greater damage and we only got our house on the dynamo wow 35k though so um we could easily shoot this bad boy i can go with the dynamo and also the gravity but

This is probably one of the worst things i found is this even possible two enchantment slots on apocalypse level 12 let’s say seven plus twelve it’s so bad this is v-rex bro yeah but it’s it’s it’s pretty bad at least it has dynamo on it guys

If you want to have it if you want to have it let me know i’ll just give it to you whoa that is harsh it’s okay dudes it’s okay i have plenty of those uh enchanted thingies so the thing to the bottom right there is a um

Another chest location so where you get your hands like three four gold bars i’m not interested in that we just want to get our hands on the ancient mobs right i would salvage it herobrine king yes yes i would saw to do please can we play multiplayer i’m

Definitely going to do multiplayer um in the future um with a community stream right now i just want to show you guys the ancient hands and of course also the flames of the nether dlc levels you really were on the bazaar deltas there we go there we go oh boys

Die one by one i think we’re actually fighting for no reason right here there aren’t any mobs bam so yeah they do get sucked in a little bit because of the gravity but not so much so i’m not really sure if it’s actually useful so

We fired two rooms so far guys that’s uh average of 2.6 so i definitely expect a third room to pop up but um time will tell time will tell oh it’s already the end of the level wow my what the hell is going on this is weird my own stream just dropped

It’s just gone right now that is super weird man accurate viewers it says 300 and then it also says 160. the stream is very laggy kicked me out of your video lost so many views oh that is not nice guys that is not nice how is the stream quality right now

It looks good to be honest yes we just lost what the hell we went from 300-ish let’s let’s see this for a second whoa conquerors viewers 18 what the hell is going on it’s really flashing right now quality is good it’s okay good good good all right right

Okay nice i thought we were going to lose everybody right here that’s not cool fine for me it’s buffering it’s kind of laggy for me f and i please have some fighters bindings wow good good the stream is a blit glitch you should get better at streaming oh

Yes i should get better at streaming such a small youtuber such good youtuber for you thanks ben thanks ben that’s very much appreciated i’ll take it bro i’m gonna be the guy who gets mad if somebody else gets it for him i tried dynamo on the balls and at one shots thanks

Yes i also tried it on bosses the stream stopped for me for everyone actually okay sorry guys was not my fault i mean my internet is working like a charm otherwise it was already gone um for me on my ends but um i think sometimes youtube has some problems it is glitching

Are you dutch yes dutch can you give me a monstrous katana i don’t have monsters katana all right guys let’s um equip the witter armor once again we’re gonna do another ancient hunt right i want to find more of these bad boys and i also want to check out the piglet

Merchant because this guy always sells us some sweet loot at this time not so much i always do like one or two restocks like 30 bars in total it’s fine and if we do like two more asian hunts one then we can actually unlock the third slot that would be

Super cool so um fighters bindings ciao amigo then also the monsters both this one is pretty cool though no no no no no never mind this one maybe no no no no no we want to get our hands on some new mobs right this one i think we all looked almost

All of them already scatter crossbow no i don’t know i wanna i wanna search for some new ones guys i’m gonna go for the ancient hot sheet right here um overview so where do we want to go i’m just gonna quickly check out the sheet guys so we don’t see any enchantments right

Here so that is not so nice rune mop ah there we have it okay so which one haven’t we seen yet uh guards are so we need one of those pink icons one trident one why and then also that thing let’s check this out guys oh no no no

Can we sacrifice this one i’m gonna get rid of this one so we made with the pink one the trident one okay we need not too many of those a try not pink this is going to be difficult i guess this one yes this one will help us trident and then also

Hey why oh boy i don’t have the wise anymore i need ancient i need i need some what is it called the uh mystery armor for this so maybe we do have some mystery armor right there no we don’t so i’m just checking the combinations on

The sheet guys so i will know exactly what i can trigger um let’s restock this one okay that’s actually not that bad look at this okay the first two chapters are bad though never mind never mind never mind this one is cheap but um it’s not what we were looking for

Oh boy we don’t fight what we’re looking for it’s it’s horrible i’m i’m i’m just gonna do something random again a4 did you know i mean just jager on your discord fabian yes i know man awesome but um i have so many direct messages right now it’s insane i have to

Start working on those really you’re just gonna savage some random things i think it will be just fine i’m just gonna try some new things okay this is good we found something random um 92 we’re just gonna go yolo on this one guys we only have seven more enchantment points left

Oh boy this is bad but it’s cool it’s cool we’re gonna do this start the asian hut 388 people watching again that is really awesome guys appreciate it uh welcome to the stream my name is foreign if you’re new to the channel make sure to subscribe but um qar what

Is your current opinion on the state of the slow weapons in the game actually uh the katana got buffed it’s uh 30 faster right now and wow this is literally exact same room which we had before as well you should check out the katana and uh the hammer also got buffed pretty nicely

So um i’m actually gonna talk about all the changes all the buffs uh this evening i already recorded the video i just have to edit it so after the stream i will do that wow the worst chest guys how can i get some gold just uh farm ancient hands bro

So right now as you can see it’s working like a chart we don’t need any uh live voice glitches with the wither armor it’s extremely tanky it will slow down all the mobs around me there’s also why i really really love this one i don’t think we will be able to find

Anything right there so i’m just gonna do a cheesy roll to just avoid all the mobs ciao bye bye what do you think about the dynamo cap oh there is no dynamo cap guys you don’t need not many of those dynamo stacks you just

Want to go for wait a second i think we found a room oh no no we didn’t really if you have a tournament quiver there is no cap because you only need like one or two of those and you’ll be just fine can you make some nether unique guides uh martin wolf yes

Yes i am working on those actually but um there is so much to do really i have like 20 videos on my schedule right now and wow these guys almost killed me bam so that’s the dynamo there of dudes you just said the dynamo is not very strong but um

It’s super powerful it’s even more powerful right now destroy those pawns okay the spots are gonna pop up where are they we’ve got the first one right here oh that was sad for him can you do multiplayer with three with fans yes yes yes i already replied to this somebody else asked it

Um we’re definitely gonna do community streams in the future again so right now i’m just super hyped to share all this new info with you guys and i remember last time when i did a stream with the community uh many people they just kept dying and i couldn’t really play

Actually couldn’t really play the game so um then of course it’s not gonna be nice for the people who are watching the stream um because yeah they just only see people die 24 7. but um we can do something about that if we just equip everybody with um

With a live boost glitch armor right then it will be easy i guess to carry people through those hard difficulty levels oh baby look at that bam easy peasy baby i think we’ve got a room right there nope we don’t what’s up foreign lighthouse what’s up

Dudes i am doing fine it’s just sunday just doing the chill stream right here not doing anything too fancy but oh electrified electrified we’re just gonna bam look at that it’s insane yes of course if we don’t have the dynamo stacked up it will be a little bit tougher but uh really

Very powerful and there we have our very first asian hut portal wow these guys they just keep popping up right these guys can hit with books right now these days it’s insane oh there it is guys new mob new boss i am very curious about this one to be honest

It’s definitely gonna drop jungle awakens items a leap leaf oh shadow walker achievement unlocked ancient hunter nice that’s cool that’s really cool i i like this uh this shadow walker armor i got my first 100 guild that’s nice dude for him i use fortune spirit and glitch

So good for dynamo oh yes for sure there we go last one 171 shadow walker let’s check it out reduce oh my god guys this is insane brief invertibility when rolling reduce cooldown tier 2 and foster roll this is actually pretty interesting um it has the chilling it has oh

Fire damage could we go with something like fight ah that’s too bad like the the enchantments right here aren’t fantastic but um the reduced real cooldown is actually a very nice guilded guild enchantment right here i am very curious what we could take he’s using hilly potion yeah

We could go with lightning right tumblebee wait a second i see an interesting combo guys hola mike’s hola guys mike the weather right there remember to my channel is uh machaman check him out on twitch the matcha man you should follow him and um oh wait a second so my

Quality of my stream is like super bad again what’s going on i mean that’s uh my own quality on ah there we go it’s fixed it’s fixed but um you should check out the machama on twitch mike just promote your um league for a second because maybe some

People like to watch uh dutch uh war zone streamers you never know but um i think this is a really cool shadow walk actually saw a very awesome combo right here guys the tumblebee so since we roll super fast frequently we could actually do a um pretty interesting build with the bees

Right i think it would be pretty nice but uh normally for casual build these enchantments aren’t fantastic so guys give the macho man a follow he just shared his um information right there shout out to myself yes that’s really awesome dude even if you’re not gonna watch his

Stream just just give him a follow just give him a follow he deserves it he also sells machadi by the way it’s like the election of the gods really you should try to drink it and um you will get buffed in combat guys real life combat

Andrew what platform are you playing on i’m actually playing on the pc dude so um yeah you can see that i’m clearly using my mouse when i’m attacking mobs right that is uh the pc anyone play rainbow six siege on xbox dm um fabio relax bro it’s nothing entirely different but yes

For once it’s okay for him can i please have the trash bowl my bow is worse really how is that even possible i would so much dutch streamers ditch accents like yours are so awesome yes um i’m actually talking english right here he talks dutch but yeah for sure you can

Maybe find similarities right there wow this guy was tanky okay so let’s uh check out this location maybe we’ll be able to find a little area right there oh yeah baby we’re in business once again a um a ancient i mean um jungle awakens boss we’ve got

Six stacks on our dynamo so that means a one shot guys overpowered there it comes it’s so much fun mojag if you’re watching this poor favor fairly fix your play so uh this one is just also arm response food and use and uh it has two things with beasts

Using health pressure causes explosions at your past location dealing damage to mobs around them hmm 999 we’re not gonna do this one but uh we found quite some gilded pieces guys please make a forum kappa mode i need it we do have um the park we have the almost korean

Park we have a parklane so there’s already quite some things so with an average of three we already killed three i mean average of 2.6 so that means we probably won’t find another one but um never say never guys just the bieber said this as well never say never

Oh baby sweet baby jesus we were kind of low right there right now we can just sneak past him i think we saw a room right there guys let’s check it out nope oh oh oh oh oh this is bad news this is bad news this is really bad

So many enemies they’re gonna kill me right now i might lose a life right here actually if we stay close to the walls guys the walls of the level the boundaries then the isolators won’t be able to hit you it’s uh pretty crazy yeah we just did all that for nothing

Because this room is a fake one but that’s cool it’s i think i see another one right there another one right there so uh we have quite some more things we can check out 463 people watching guys seriously awesome really awesome i love you guys

I said i wanted to say like i haven’t got a blow kiss but i just did it okay we’ve gotta we’ve got a room right there all right all right here we go guys this time we’re gonna take some coins we’ve got two of the seven oh guys we have a secret

It means we can do some secret hunting uh metal covered waffles can you show us your loadout please yes for sure i’m going to do that in a second let’s first get the cash so we just got the cash 1063 already so uh for the people who are new to the

Stream where there are more um i think the most important piece to get your hassle for this um pretty tanky build so i already made quite some videos for this one but um chilling really because um your enemies attack speed and movement speed will be reduced by 60

Very very good for higher apocalypse plus because of course they hit like a truck they hit very fast and this reduces it then also the final shot so i can just trigger my death cap mushroom and my gong when i get into trouble so i don’t have to rely on the

Cooldown on the deathcap mushroom you can just force um the final shout if you want to uh get it on cooldown let’s say and also the snowball i don’t know i just really love the snowball because it triggers every second it stands mobs that are very close to

You of course only one by one but um it’s really awesome against creepers and other mobs that can hit like a track cooldown would be better instead of final shot lord force yes you keep saying this but i don’t agree let’s agree to disagree on this one because

Um i think maybe yeah maybe this time with a cooldown because cooldown is 40 right now it can be nice but um sometimes i get in these situations where i really need uh my cooldowns and of course with cooler reduction you’ll be able to trigger it more often but um

If you want to have an ironing amoled working 24 7 i think um then it would be nice to have it triggered by the final shots of course if you rely on consistent um consistently being able to use your artifacts then the cooldown is always a better option

But um i like to play a little bit risky from time to time and then you definitely uh really like it when uh you get the final shot just sent this guy home guys we’ve got two okay this one i really guys i really don’t get it when you have these uh

We have these walls popping up because you just have to fight for it to open and of course you get your hands on the wooden chest but um it’s only interesting when you can actually find an ancient location right there 420 people watching guys that’s awesome for 20 it’s a really great number

Last stream we reached 900 people watching it was insane of course i was at the release of uh the release of this dlc but it was pretty funky but these guys are tanking by the way lord force um since you’re watching the stream still uh what do you think about snowball because i

Didn’t hear you about it yet i don’t think you play with snowball right but what do you use instead because um guys lord force is also a guy with uh some brains he knows what to build on higher apocalypse difficulties he probably is already on the highest about this difficulty right now

I’m just uh taking it slow i mean i want to i want to do it casually this time i don’t want to rush i use my own guides to get there as quick as possible but i’m not gonna do that ouch these guys aren’t making it easy for me there we go

It took me two hours to get to apocalypse 25 fourth force yeah i reckon it’s like it’s not very difficult um i think in like two three hours will definitely be possible for uh regular people who are like focused on getting their hands on the best gear 24 7

And just want to do it casually but if you cheese it you can get there in no time really have you ever grabbed a matchbox and started a grass fight outside when you were little boy um i don’t know i think i did it actually i

Was like a crazy pyromanic like you were but um actually i um did use a um uh a glass like the zooming in glass i don’t know the english word but um you use it to zoom in on paper right um i use those to um to burn insects

To burn ants it’s it’s quite uh next level but um i thought it was a lot of fun to do but it’s so sad really when i think about it right now it’s like dude what the hell were you doing in the past but we all have our things we did right

Snowball is definitely nice lord force i think it’s good if you want to go tanky but apocalypse easy it’s so easy that you don’t need it is it really that easy man i don’t even want to rush it anymore at all right now it has to be a challenge right

I think i’m gonna try something like the full metal armor with um the the reckless uh reckless enchantment which we just checked out let’s just stun this guy for seconds so um we have uh this one with rekkles if we have full metal guys we can go full ham

Uh yeah when will people join uh next time when i’m gonna do a committee stream for sure arch and what strategy you use lord force i think he also use the strategy you allow you to pretty quickly take down the bosses spider armor with reckless oh that sounds nice with life steal

Wow then you go super squishy man are the mobs really not hitting you very hard because on the daily trials the seasonal trials like um a couple of weeks ago it was insane they were always almost one-shotting you with the squishy gear i simply wasn’t able to do a higher

Apocalypse difficulties with the speed ring gear of course only thing you can do is speed during your way to the end but the mobs were so unforgiving really ah there we have it yet so um yeah we just um we just um with the other nine enchantment points i guess 167 million damage

Zero healing then zero players down mob’s defeated 74 speed rating also got faster with a cooldown shot yes cooldown is really nice right now so let’s see 174 right here hmm slowest mob speed birds aftermath defeated it’s actually a good weapon the chill game oh no no no it’s a chill game it’s

Not the resolute tempest knife it’s slows mobs we don’t want the slow mobs we already slow the mobs with our uh so i actually want to get my hands on some new artifacts because i got rid of most of them but um yeah they did just keep hiding from me

So i guess we can upgrade some items get some machama points back and go for some more ancient hunts right actually i shouldn’t have put them there and also i’m just gonna get rid of this mechanized saw blades sorry guys i just want to get some each other points back

And um i think they aren’t fantastic salvaging some items right here many people are gonna go mad if they see all this disappearing actually we’ve got so many frost layers should i keep this one ah let’s just keep it i can give it away later on oh another stream

So many people are saying oh no guys don’t worry don’t worry it’s it’s not gilded so it’s not fantastic it’s not fantastic this hurts so much why did you salvage the song oh yes i just had to do that guys for if you have something explaining to do

You just sold it why did i sell it well guys let’s be honest uh the mechanized sawblade is definitely gonna get patched gotta get fixed um i if i find another song like if i find many of them i will i’ll give them to you no worries

It’s just that i really don’t like using glitches i mean that the live boost glitch is fun it’s it was um meant to just fix apocalypse plus a little bit because it was insane but um these items are all not gilded so that means they aren’t that

Great you want to get your hands on a gilded item with these stats and then you are a business and you are in business you know you can do max asian hunts for free word force what are you saying what are you saying you can do asian hunts for free if you

Play with a friend oh yeah for sure if you play with a friend you can do it for free but somebody has to pay right or maybe it’s another cheesy method i don’t know or i think i already know it i haven’t tried this yet but um

Probably if you join an asian hunt with a friend um somebody will be able to start it and then the other guy could just leave or something like that we’ll probably reset the points give the items back i don’t know it it will probably work a little bit

Like that so um let’s search for another guy this one is cool actually just gonna try some more random combos i like the random combos no no no no no this one is okay so we didn’t try this one yet might come something interesting nope you already saw that one

Oh come on i want to see something new something new guys oh yeah there we have one okay no no no no no this is not good oh four of them seriously oh man i’m screwing up big time right here i’m screwing up big time i just found

Okay there we have it if we get rid of this one okay this is already a better odds we’ve got 19 90 enchantment points maybe yes if we get rid of that one okay so we will be able to farm this one three times no no no no maybe this guy no

Okay this will allow us to spend nine enchantment points which is the current maximum um and then we will have uh one guy it will always be this guy but um i i just want to see what it is i i can’t use the sheet but this is way more fun

Uh for him could you please leave me your best xp form in the chat vrex okay guys let me just um get to this one very quickly um xp form and we’re just gonna use google um minecraft dungeons afk xp form and probably find the ultimate afk emerald unique in xp

Form made by foreign um i think this is the one you’re looking for i think it’s really nice maybe it’s gonna be a little bit different this time because we have some item changes um afk wait a second i’m gonna copy paste the title is the updated one since um the holley

Peaks dlc there we go enter bam the ultimate afk emerald unique nxp farm built for apocalypse plus in minecraft engines updated so there you have it and right now the stream quality looks a little bit weird on my end once again but let’s just f5 looks better this time this looks way better

All right confirm this we’re gonna confirm this guys confirm difficulty we’ll be fine and we’re going to start the ancient hunts herobrine king right now i’m eating pizza and janine i’m watching the stream the dream nice i’m i’m not sure what jun jinjai ninja food or whatever it is but it

Sounds pretty epic dude all right this is a pretty interesting start already abominable weaver if i saw it correctly abominable weaver okay don’t splurge force please don’t spoil what it drops i want to see it myself i want to see it myself it’s it’s always

Way more fun like this you have to join with the next to the step one oh do we have somebody who wants to join that is so cool guys supporting the channel a little bit to get your hands on some extra exclusive perks make my channel great again oh yes that

Is very sweet all right we’ve got our first room right off the bat that is sweet probably going to be a gold one yeah there we go always the goldies we have eight go eight chests not eight gold chess when you get eight chests let’s get it across the level

I’m not even sure if these count with it if somebody knows leave it in the comments uh leave it in the chat i like to know that really and herobrine king says it’s a national dish loads of vegetables and chopped lamb meat cooked into a stew one of my favorite ooh

Sounds good but i actually honestly i’m not a fan of um of lamb meat i like pork i like chicken i like beef but lamb i don’t know it tastes so funky man and we actually skipped the chest right there but i think it’s just a wooden chest

I’m not gonna go back for that why are so many bast yields well that’s part of the cold hunt i guess okay this one is not working oh baby baby baby no sweet baby leave me alone help help oh man with my sister actually miss her oh we did so many funky sounds

During the day every single day okay we’ve got a weaver um lord 4 said weaver so it’s gonna be some kind of spider mobby ready pretty excited about this one look at the cave guys Thorium have you ever had baguette dude have you ever had baguette baguette is life man oh we just got erect by the creeper this is actually interesting i like this one creepers and then of course also yes that’s really nice it just dropped a wolf armor and it just keeps

Spawning in those creepers it’s funky it’s funky i like it so we will have more of these but next time i won’t be caught off guard that easily use gong on deathcap motion yeah for sure dudes it’s um it’s just that i was reading at the same time already it’s really gonna create

The best enchantments for fighters bindings um i think so but instead of crit you could also go with the committed some people like committed more some people like crit more committed is actually just a little bit better but i just really like these red numbers i’m all about the red numbers guys

But consistently dealing the most consistent damage of course you want to get your hands on committed it’s the most reliable one it’s better than sharpness it’s better than crit we actually made a video about that um some time ago so if you want to see my full in-depth um if explanation

The best weapon enchantment best single target uh damage enchantment i think it is called you just google that and you will find me for sure all right i’m tired of these guys bam damn vanguards man they are so annoying if you if you hate them just let me know

Oh yeah lord force radius running shockwave also works really well if you want to have like nice aoe damage and um single target damage at the same time it’s probably the best for um bigger packs of mobs single target it will also be super interesting spying pro you have four five six still

I was your 456 subscriber right yes you need more dudes everybody go subscribe to um to spike pro and to uh lord force right now i mean they uh they definitely deserve it they definitely deserve some extra subs um i’m not really sure what spying pro is doing he’s making some pretty funky

Videos but lord force gives you very nice tips about minecraft dungeons as well spike bro if you will uh another that you’re here why what are you making man i saw some of your content like a couple days ago and some of those videos and they are so red on them

Are you trying to um like farm for views or i don’t know it’s uh it’s literally trying to break some algorithms it looks like that i can’t i can’t really make any good videos because my pc sucks oh dude we talked about this don’t buy this

Camera you wanted to buy camera and even though i think you make awesome pictures really um you already sent me some of your photos from nature and stuff they look really awesome but if you have a really bad pc go get a better pc a bad pc in 2021 is no option really

You want to get your hands on one asap win the lottery um i don’t know ask your parents beg your parents to buy one you just you should just get a good one if you don’t have a good pc in these ages man oh man it’s the ultimate thug life especially during

The corona pandemic i can buy both well go for it or buy a beast pc i mean yeah you can buy a camera you can buy a pc you can buy a nintendo switch you can buy everything at the same time but will it then also be a good pc will it

Be a good pc i think with like 1 000 euros or maybe even less you can make like the craziest pc ever and we just lost our piggy there it is just drop some gold nothing too fancy but what gpu are you using i am a rtx 2070 user right now 2070 super

For minecraft engines it’s way overkill but um i also render my videos quite fast uh because of that of course allows me to make my editing as efficient as possible with my previous pc i had a 1060 ti i think or just 1060 and um with my cpu also was a very old

Cpu it took me like two hours to render a video of 10 20 minutes and guess how long it takes right now if i go for regular hd quality not like the super hd quality it went from like two hours to five minutes gg one plate so of course that allows me to

Edit a lot faster and export a lot faster so yeah it’s definitely necessary for a video editor i guess what is your current power level i’m currently actually pretty low on my power oh wait we actually want to check out those rooms as well i’m purely power level 168.69 i think

457 people watching wow man great stuff great stuff i love you guys nope nothing the game is gonna disappoint me right here i think we’re gonna have to travel to the end already we already killed two times the the web guy i’m actually curious what else he can drop and there we go

Nope nothing too bad trust me when i say it i like it get g thanks bro you like my hair that’s nice it’s uh it’s pretty casual and guess who uh cut my hair my girlfriends she always does and i think she does a pretty good job on it as well

We had no barbershops open for like months but um no problem for me guys corona is not ruining it for me um she is actually cutting my hair for like 10 years right now for almost 10 years so um yes it’s epic teamwork oh just hitting nothing right there just

Quickly reading the chats fires bindings go all right pilot cave once again it’s like the third time we’re seeing this well third ancient hunt third spider cave okay right here we have the event once again where we’re gonna have to take out the nests if you want to get your hands on

Fighters bindings from soggy cave oh yes the place to be the red numbers and sound is satisfying uh the big bottle you only stream on youtube or you also stream on twitch actually clearly only youtube and um i think it’s cool like this i mean we get 463 people watching it’s insane

But if i stream on both i guess that would be interesting as well but um then i’m gonna have to read two chats two times maybe 450 460 people that’s gonna be madness i don’t think i will survive that so um for now i think i’m just gonna stick to

Uh youtube and i see also many people um going from um twitch going to youtube really because twitch is delivering a worse and worse uh stream viewer experience or that is what i heard and wow we just filled the role right there but um we just have to take a couple

More of those nests no pleats no twitch please i don’t have that well twitch is free dude you can actually um sign up for free i think most streamers are on twitch because it’s of course the streamer platform but youtube these days is actually doing a pretty pretty good thing they they are

Doing some real effort to make it interesting to stream on youtube as well and i’m actually not streaming for a long time guys it’s like my 10th stream i guess but it’s already really cool to see so many people popping up at my 10th ish stream

There we go all right let’s check out the south maybe we’ll be able to find another uh room right there oh enchanted creepers that’s evil bam bam wow look at that we just stun him and then we shoot him let’s do it and run guys i’m just gonna drink for a second

Because right now i’m finally safe gary jenkins you’re so good hey dude thanks by the way the music in this cave is so good yes okay i’m gonna shush hey when do you come on discord um every day actually but um i kind of read all the messages every day and

I don’t visit every channel of my discord every day because man there is so much you guys talk about there’s more than 2 000 people right there seriously if you haven’t checked out my discord yet guys make sure you do because it’s a it’s an awesome community right

There and i try to um be active right there as as many times as possible but um of course it’s it’s a lot it’s a lot uh frame is it apple juice or beer actually it’s um iced tea green uh biological made iced green i’m not drinking beer right now

But um maybe this evening one of my friends actually made a joke um when i started streaming like yesterday yesterday like a couple days ago um i was i was also drinking this ice cream green and he was saying oh he’s already drinking beer in the morning

And oh i’m also getting called um that’s gonna have to wait for a little bit later i guess i’ll just call her back oh look at that the creepers the creepers the creepers we’re very prepared guys or while we wear more or less we’ve got another one right there

Bam oh baby look at that the stunning is so awesome it’s the dream so it’s 5 30 right now i think um my girlfriend called because um she is currently at work and she was going to be finished like 5 30 6 o’clock but i also said uh that i was

Going to do some streams and we found another room guys freedom dynavo doesn’t affect the burst bowstring that’s correct it got fixed oh wait for him did you what don’t get you that’s a weird phrase bro there’s a templar temple with my power 251 virgin rope with that health glitch you get

340 million 41 million wow that is a lot dudes that’s a lot yes herobrine i almost died but it’s not gonna happen again promise Destroyed them and they also destroyed me that’s fantastic i was i was unarmed guys i was unarmed be fair to me i was unarmed but um that was fun i destroyed every every single one of them in um in just one hit drake4am no no no no i’m not drinking i am not

Drinking here you’re mad bro can’t get consumables on potion use increase poison damage really bad ones really but you will be able to get your hands on a um how’s it called again the the where is it there it is the splendid robe i think

The splendid rope is still a lot of fun 30 melee damage artifact damage artifact cooldown i think it’s a lot of fun to play with i used it like in the first months of uh minecraft then just you were ranking you lied lol what what what i lied

What i lied i i wasn’t armed for a second i was doing this right when i died i i i can’t follow right now so we’re gonna have to go this way we’re gonna have to go up there i guess wait did you get a guild of guilded glory armor yet uh mark

Either no unfortunately not but i think it’s gonna be pretty epic right way to fight one of those what is your favorite ancient mini boss alexander the great oh we have alexander the great in the chat guys um actually oh this is the end already i think also

The end looks pretty cool but um my favorite boss i think so far i really like this one with the creepers it’s pretty pretty interesting so you have um this guy spawning right in the middle snaring you with a multi shot and then all the creepers just run after

You and try to kill you asap but um we also have this crazy pick this this swine that instantly charges to you and then it also has all this companions um shooting crossbow arrows i think that’s a pretty crazy boss as well he deals so much

Damage he can probably win it kill uh most of your times most of you times most of you guys most times exactly just like that so um we’re gonna handle this one it’s interesting i’m not gonna be able to use it just yet but uh we just unlocked this one guys

Spawn poison class tier two oh increases poison damage okay no no no this is not good i always do just restock till 40 guys because then it starts to become seriously expensive fabian for him just don’t drink and don’t drive don’t even dude i don’t do it relax um i hate

Creepers super pug 8 million yes i also hate creepers for you is there a legit a chance that you can get three ancient mobs in one room yes it’s legit possible i actually had this happening uh in one of my videos i think or my live stream my pause live stream

Reckless enchantment with the live boost glitch is broken us mama oh i reckon dude it sounds insane reckless enchantment with a live boost glitch we should try it out actually do we have it do we have it live live we have something like this i don’t think so

All my items all my armor pieces are like old ones let’s see guys we do have reckless right here reckless reckless no life boosts i don’t think so so we won’t be able to do it unfortunately but um i’m gonna do for another go for another hunt guys

This one is pretty bad okay lava guy we don’t want lava guy i want to have some random ones popping up okay let’s see let’s see i’m gonna i’m gonna go to the ancient hands google street once again so we have the ocelot armor the leap leaf

Uh the goat wind wind beard we should go with wind beard guys that was knife wind ball climbing gear yes this one is funny um two times the n and one times the a so n a uh let’s get back to the chat for a second

Two times the n and one time the a right so we need n and a we have an a right there no no no do we have something with a only yes dude i’m not gonna sacrifice this are you mad maybe if i sacrifice an n no no no no we

Won’t be able to do it i guess this one does have an a only this one has n and a okay so now we need one more n right what what does have only an n i don’t know um we’re gonna check this one out for a second so

Um two times the n and one a so right now we’re gonna check out weapons and just i just need an end guys imploding crossbow This is going to be piglet armor okay if we have a regular piglet armor do we have this i don’t think so wait a second i thought i saw one somewhere let’s go back to the chat for a second we’re gonna we’re gonna search for a new ancient mob guys

Pickling armor come on okay we did find a new iron height hamlet that’s great because i i actually sold mine no piglin oh we did find a mystery armor so that’s cool just gonna buy this one as well because then we will be able to um trigger that new level

Uh we’re just wasting all our emeralds but um we can do a new fighters bindings asian hunt as well but i really really want to get my hands on this um n and a so we need two ends what else does give only one end uh what’s your best guillotine item

Right now i will show you in a second right now i wanna and corrupted seeds corrupted seeds enchanter tome crept seeds and a cheddar stone and updraft tome okay love medallion lightning rods all these things seriously oh my god i think i saw some of those updraft dome

Dude i don’t want to restock for 800 that’s madness that’s madness updraft home can’t afford guys oh we are so broke right here i’m gonna buy the updraft though because it is gonna have the the last room we’re gonna need so um but this is also how you can cheese it

But as you can see i’m so poor i’m just gonna get rid of some of these because i’m not gonna use them in any way far well my friends there we go up drop top right now we will be able to summon the codes can you please say pub g pop g pop

Pop there we go all right guys the updraft home should be able to fix this what what this ain’t working where is wrong with this oh boy we just got owned by the sheet two times the end one times the oh boy we just went for the wrong rune seriously

We took the wrong rune we need the yellow a withdraw so we need the yellow a thingy where where is this yes this a we need okay and an a and an a where are they so we don’t see it on weapons right only see it on armor most of the times

So right now we only okay well it’s it’s really frustrating so this one also has an h okay so we need to orange a guys i’m gonna check out the sheet one more time the orange a will pop up when when will it pop up ancient bow but then

It also pops up with something else hunting bow okay on a hunting bow it will pop up hunting boats be lunker armor hunting ball just a casual hunting ball okay we’re just gonna get our hands on a casual hunting ball that will do the trick i think boat speed lunker armor

Maybe one of those guys nope okay hunting ball where do we get the hunting boat this one right no no no no no no hunting ball is soggy cave i think hunting bow is soggy cave what else what else what else so of course also the lower our difficulties

So if we go to default and go to soggy game right now it has a 25 chance to drop so i think we’re just gonna very quickly run through this level um open the the chest asap i can actually show you guys some jumping as well i think it’s gonna be interesting

So um we’re just gonna run this one very quickly get our hands on a hunting ball um because then we can check out the goats i’m very excited about the code actually arranged speedrun armor as well of course so we’re just gonna spam our way through the boss i’m into the chest

Right now we don’t even have to do cheesy puzzle jumps or whatever because this is such an easy level i mean we’re just gonna deal with the mops very quickly and right here you always have to deal with them all right guys we’re getting our hands on the hunting ball

Maybe we have to do this three or four two or three times but i think it will pop up very quickly but there’s a problem with the ancient heads if you don’t have the item so definitely save all the items you find really okay this one just opens

Oh that was epic we just instantly opened this one how are you poor you made two videos for afk emerald farms i know i know uh hierarchy i actually don’t use these farms myself because i don’t like afk i don’t like glitching i don’t like cheating in general

Uh you know me right you know um and we even got rid of our feathers oh my god i won’t even be able to do this jump i am so poor guys this is sad we don’t have a single feathers i sacrificed all my feathers on the asian hunts

Oh man they just keep coming please it’s sunday guys i don’t want to have so many waves yes there we go and now you’re gonna see that it’s not gonna drop any uh antique bows i have 1.4 million emeralds dude are you for real okay so no hunting about this time gg guys

Oh my god there we go maybe we will be able to find one at the at the merchants right now 531 people watching guys you’re awesome i love you really really great support but um with the lord your screen let me just quickly go to the toilet i’ll be right back So All right i just got my hands on some new water some drinks so um guys are you ready hunting bow come on please four four of course it’s not gonna pop up oh it’s no balls really guys slayer crossbow oh man are you for real there goes my

Very last penny i’ve got 50 right now seriously okay let’s just run that for another time sucky cave or maybe something else hunting but where’s another hunting ball something with like many chests where’s the hunting bow i don’t see it i don’t see it i made a

Guide for this where all the loot is but i entirely forgot guys okay screw this screw this we’re gonna we’re gonna just go for the stucky swamp we will find it eventually we just have to do this a couple times don’t worry guys i promise we will find we will find the

Hunting bow and then we can take down um the goat i think the goat is gonna be epic to see all right fight the bruce no no no wrong level wrong level what are we doing right here 493 people watching guys you’re the best seriously so we’re clearly hunting

Currently farming for a um hunting bow so we can summon the goat the legendary goat this is a special ancient mob and it’s gonna drop some special gear i didn’t want to cheese it i didn’t want to uh check out what the loot table is of this guy but um

It does look pretty funky if we look at um if we look at the google sheet guys seriously it’s probably gonna be pretty funky it’s gonna be the howling pigs dlc uh boss ancient hunt let’s say which we’re gonna fight i’m just gonna have to find this ancient

I mean this uh hunting ball and then we can summon him uh what’s your best gilded item right now um i think i found a very good um a very nice piece of um how is this called um are more armor armor this one right here

The titan shrouds i think this one is really good but um i don’t have like super awesome good items just yet i’m i’m not really focused on finding the perfect one right now i just want to experiment a little bit with these runes and i know i know i already made a video

On how you get your gets ah how you can get your hands on wow and we just did it again gg oh you can get your hands on um like um the best and the highest but i don’t know we just we do is just doing relax mode right now

So we don’t have feathers guys it’s so sad and i won’t be able to do the jump it’s so sad and well we just feel big time it’s only going to be a matter of time before we find the hunting ball guys many people are probably thinking like

What the hell are you doing man what the hell are you doing on this difficulty i completely agree you can just use all the slot or shadow walker to do the jump read oh really i should have done that really oh my god once again the cutlass and the soul healer

Ah garbage garbage garbage it’s the true garbage how are you doing for you look asleep what’s up dude are you the brother of rick astley well done here’s the spreadsheet the cheat sheet okay thanks uh herobrine i already know it but um for all for all

The others it’s going to be a lot more interesting of course go david hey what’s up man yes i don’t have money to restore guys i’m so sad i’m so sad we’re gonna quickly salvage all the garbage we’re gonna do one or two restocks if it will allow me to

Man it’s it’s it’s so bad it’s so bad what are you guys thinking of this we’re just doing some default to get our hands on the perfect item to summon the goat but oh man it’s so inefficient i don’t know if you want to get your hands on a certain mop

It’s it’s definitely going to take you some farming for this if only i just saved up all those items i found in the past then this would have been so much easier but really i didn’t now we even have to get our hands on a new feather don’t have feathers anymore

Somebody said i should use my shadow walker armor that would do the trick but i don’t think it will really how can i do the jump without the feather especially right here you guys have to stand oh wait a second we did it gg that’s nice

I thought we needed to fetter for this but we actually don’t okay that’s cool i found the guard i get it it’s so fun but it was kind of hard since i was low level all right all right all right we’re gonna see it pretty soon dudes

You don’t need the feather for any of the ones you can do with feather really so i can also do this one without a feather how am i supposed to do it without a feather i think it will always knock me off lord force teach me senpai

Do you want me to give you a feather nah it’s cool dude i will get my hands on one one day again off stream i will oh a verted rope it’s probably gonna be tier one for the rope with one enchantment slot up there oh it’s

Actually not that bad but at the same time it’s bad okay okay so um i’m really bad at doing this jump without feathers guys how much do you play luke astley uh actually before the witches and will said do you want me to give you better it’s fine

It’s fine it’s fine i don’t need the feather i’ll i’ll take care of it i’ll maybe i’ll just find one in the base here give me your hero’s armor please man man so many messages sorry by the way if i don’t respond to every single one of you guys but um

It’s difficult with 500 people watching seriously where is the hunting bow i am getting mad right now oh boy we’re just gonna keep salvaging items right here i have so many things that are very much worthless really wait a second what’s this what’s this it’s a monster’s bow of course it’s the

Upgraded hunter’s bow so it won’t be it won’t be interesting nope also looking for feathers right now because of course we need feathers yep guys i guess are we gonna have to do another run sorry cave can i get a tighter shroud lord force i

Can’t well i only have one dude so i won’t be able to give it to you unfortunately how long have you played this look um not much a couple hours i guess i streamed for five hours um i did some more farming another five hours with recording i think 15 hour stops

Something like that but i’m just experimenting just chilling um when i get to the point where i want to make like the best the best builds etc then you guys will see that i will have the maximum power of everything and but that is not the case right now

I just want to find a hundred whoa how hard could it be there we go here we go there we go would be soggy swap better to get that ball i don’t know i i don’t think it’s on the loot table but uh we could check it out as well really

So people said i can do the job without right how am i supposed to do it without it’s not working i think i have an idea i think i have an idea i’m just doing some ridiculous things right here wait a second so if you stand right there

No never mind i’m just gonna kill these mobs it’s gonna be easier some of you guys are probably thinking oh my god for him are you for real you can’t do it without a feather no i can’t i learned to do it with a better guys it was a luxury thing i have

If you have feathers everything is luxury and if you don’t have feathers and pepperonis all right you just sent me a video that’s nice lord thank you bro i could do those puzzles in five moves that’s really cool i actually did solve it in one move

Two times in a row right it’s um was nice but let’s see oh my god cutlass once again okay let’s go for the circuit circuit swamp let’s go for the serious one maybe we can uh restock the merchants right now nerf dynamo is so hard no dude actually not

It’s uh it’s it’s way stronger right now uh samuel you just joined hey what’s up dudes welcome um so we are trying to get our hands on a hunter’s bow and then we’re gonna summon a goat boss uh yes a goat boss this one is going to be really fun i guess

Man oh man it’s just not popping up now is it but we also have this one our soul oh okay interesting with soul damage right there so we could go for the circuit swamp this one also drops the hunting bow and yes yes that’s true we can actually find more uh

Chests more uh mobs like um another man and wow there is a feather or a little hair ditching right here a solid ccc would be the best enchantments for a gilders fighter’s bindings i think there are many possibilities really with um swirling shockwave radiance committed

Could be very awesome or if you go with crits i think all these things are pretty cool so right now we just have to search for the chests right maybe in just one run we can actually get our hands on one i really don’t get it why i didn’t do this level earlier

Right guys final cauldron so for the people who are new um we’re searching for a hunter’s bow because it has the roon so we can um activate the goat the code boss so we have two mobs right here okay this one dropped a piece of armor this one dropped the daggers oh man

That’s such a fortunate business right here we have some more rooms right there with some more potential chests arrow bundle seriously if only i had a hunter’s bow guys stupid comment one and i will probably find unique pretty soon wait a second okay this is just a

An invocation roll but i’m just going to take every single life that i can get my hands on right now because you know that we need these rooms big time come on give me some chests okay a glaze no don’t need a glaive we do find many items evocation rope come on drop

Me a hunter’s bow it has a 20 chance to drop as item so of course it’s pretty low and then we can summon the goat boss the howling peaks exclusive or well not really howling peaks exclusive but it is a holly peaks mob which will drop howling peaks items of course wow yes

We fart we’ll fight a hunter’s rope hunters hunter’s rope a hunter’s bow so right now we can just return to the camp and we’re gonna summon the goat the sheep oh it’s past six i actually have to go this so um this is gonna be our last asian hunt guys

I promise it’s gonna be great it’s gonna be great but um it’s gonna be the last one as well so um let’s equip our armor once again gang of weakening torment quiver and what was the combo again offer melee no no offer arranged i think we had one a and two ends right

Yes we have something new right there i think this is it wait a second i smell something fishy i think it is it but will we just do it let’s just do it screw this okay uh difficulty change to apocalypse and i am a little bit afraid though um wait

Change we’re gonna press change so we have one t two of those and then an a let’s double check if that’s not not something else um so when we go to rune mob uh we see uh two ends is ensign a this is the only mob that gets

Par with this so we should definitely confirm this yes it should it should be like it should work like this start asian hunts uh solid ccc what would happen if you use the live boost glitch with two or three times the live boost um you can only get one live boost of course

On your armor but if you have um if you have an editor so you can edit your gear then i think it will give you like a lot of uh a lot of those um hp all right guys hopefully we will be able to find the code right now

I have to go man see you on the server all right herobrine see you soon it was really nice having you destroying this guy for seconds damage of the ravages got nerfed guys oh we got some creepers that was scary oh we actually got killed that’s not nice

Listen to the music it’s really cool all right let’s do the music guys i can’t wait to check out the code really i’ve got a room right there oh we still have the word the wrong uh oh what’s that we still have the wrong uh item the wrong range we’re gonna have to

Go with this one bam look at that we instantly killed every single zombie right here all right guys going for the goats i can’t wait to see you there’s still 470 plus people watching guys you are awesome this is gonna be the end of the stream or

Almost the end this is gonna be our last our very last asian hunt so we’re gonna make it count right but we’re gonna fight a legendary goat probably so um i’m curious i’m extremely curious if you find a fight him yourself as well you should check out my

Last video where i show you guys how you can get your hands on pretty much any guilded item in the game right there you will be able to see the rune combos you need to do in order to find certain mobs and of course the loot tables are right there

Everything is right there so it’s definitely worth checking out oh man i’m just getting destroyed right here with all these walls man it’s horrible these guys are really annoying nice we’ve got the next room right there bam there we go actually i didn’t want to use my arrow but we did

Oh that was powerful man let’s murder a goat not begging he will notice you more all right he just died two times that’s so sad if we happen to die one last time guys i can actually show you the live boots glitch so that’s actually

A good thing if he doesn’t get the goat then what fabian i can’t go with a live boost i can’t do that i can do that let’s that’s already prepared the armor right here so it’s uh it’s at the very first slot so that’s cool so we don’t want to forget equipping

This one of course normally i’m able to do it without i’ve just caught i mean and that’s very focused right now because i’m actually over time 15 minutes over time i promised i was gonna shut down the stream at 6 pm but that is not the case right now oh boy

Bam there we go just do this ancient hunt there we’re gonna quit oh boy all these piglets all these little piglets they don’t like me guys oh man seriously the knockback is unreal these guys don’t like me what i love about your videos is not only you drop some amazing tips and

Wisdom but it really shows that you have so much but it’s effectiveness thanks jamie hall that is really awesome to hear i do have a lot of fun with what i’m doing right now it’s uh especially when you find a cheesy way to to break the game

It’s it’s a lot of fun bam look at that bam once again it’s so much fun to cheese this damn bro i’m sending them home by one but one by one sup random mod spy pro you don’t say some things like that mike is actually one of my best

Friends so uh be careful he’s a real life friend he’s getting married pretty soon and um i’m his witness and he’s one and only with gg yeah random motel wow mike it’s a warm welcome right here it’s a very warm welcome uh for him if he dies and it does count

With death bartender doesn’t count as a death no no no no you actually get revived so of course you won’t lose your progress all right let’s trigger this one and um pretty soon my friends we will find the gods they will kill the gods and we

Will get their hands on some very nice sweet treasure i hope to find the coat right here though we’re going to talk with a french accent right now so make sure to subscribe to the channel no no i will stop guys i will stop so um

I really have to see one of these rooms popping up right now i’m too excited to see the goats yes there’s a room guys we’ve got a room it’s it’s the room it’s the room for 20 people watching this right now that’s the perfect the perfect number

This is also why we got our hands on the goat room guys with 420 people of course of course what else can you expect so um we’ve got a legendary goat i will press this button we’re gonna push the button right now holding parks guys not holding peaks oh i failed

I failed but i won i won again i actually won and i failed and i won at the same time that’s perfect that’s perfect so we just found a window nothing too crazy but um it was pretty cool to see the code being guarded by all those guys

Four four four views um 666 viewers would be cooler actually but um we’re gonna search for another guy we only found one room guys um i think we will be able to get our hands on two at least right so um this time it should drop in unique unique gilded

Gilded armor that would be so nice there’s some scouters in the distance nope no room right there the howling pogs guys remember that howling box we don’t have a room right there come on there’s another room in the distance these guys are scary these guys are scary leap leaves they are

My friends damn i just want to take him down from afar then it’s all food how often do you play this look aslee um almost every day i guess because i make videos about it every day that would make sense right oh these guys hit hard they hit really really really hard all

Right here we go oh treasure room treasure rooms are nice though but um i want to see more of those goats bam oh boy these big dudes how to correct sucks oh boy it does other cracks is the worst the method dlc is so worth it yes this is actually not

The dlc dude this is um the ancient huns but i get your point the the level design is really awesome and um i think it’s a lot of fun i think it’s it’s definitely a great deal of fun but i do miss the secrets i should have added more secrets to these levels

And also feels rushed a little bit because we didn’t get our hands on a boss i mean like no buzz in a deal seats let’s do that they should have included one all right here we go that’s just oh i hear something yeah boy just found a secret i guess we

Actually have two secrets right here okay i take back my words guys sometimes you can actually fight secrets on these maps maybe it’s only because we have um the ancient hands on maybe it’s on a regular dlc they don’t pop up i don’t know but of course that would

Make sense that wouldn’t make sense okay just a wooden chest nothing too fancy 419 495. oh i think everybody is tuning in to see the goat right we’re gonna take down the goat balls once again they all feel it in their fingers i feel it in my fingers i feel it

In my toes okay that’s funky and we could have found one there but uh ah another basalt deltas mini balls mini balls so many people have you ever seen the mojang building no i haven’t where where where did they build this one is it like a cobblestone house

That would be funny korean here is how you can tell if it’s not a treasure room if you don’t fight at the beginning of the room it’s not treasure room but if you fight mods and there’s a gate there’s a treasure room yeah but that’s not always dude sometimes

For example in the basalt deltas you’ll be able to see that then um sometimes it is a room but yeah that definitely most of the times you have this gate defense uh indicating so where is where is the guy oh it’s an enchanter like so that’s that’s what’s going on right here

Bam get licked on it all right let’s check out all the rooms because i don’t want to skip any goatees okay we’ve got a big guy coming up oh not so big anymore right now that’s so big all right almost there okay i think we can just make the jump

Okay this actually skips almost the entire level that’s a bad idea i’m curious if we’re actually going to need the live boost glitch right here because so far so good right as long as we’re just a little bit focused might as well just jinx my death right here

When will you stream next um fuzz i don’t know yet uh probably somewhere next week it’s um i find a pepper next stream should be like somewhere during the week next week and of course also one in the weekends i at least try to do that because um i

Have a very busy schedule next week oh come on these guys though so many mobs damn just gonna get rid of them like that there we go oh yeah get eaten boys okay um no this is a platform right okay well oh this is bad this is really bad look

At my hp right now i’m gonna die i’m actually gonna die last chess okay okay okay we we needed this artwork so um we just equipped the live boost glitch armor so right now we are affordable guys literally or not what the hell is going on that’s weird man wow it’s 100

It’s the wither armor is insane i mean the wither look at this it’s dealing 167 000 what the hell that’s insane so this is actually a counter to the to the live boost so right now i’m on super low hp that’s crazy wither breaks live boost oh yes it does

That’s sick man that’s actually very scary so uh right now i’m just gonna wait yeah it does percent damage i just realized just now so it’s super scary actually bam okay now we have nine mil once again so withers are my best friend right this with this percentage damage

Okay guys where are the where the big the the goats at really i don’t think we will be able to find any rain here because these are both these uh platform uh islands so i think we’re gonna have to skip this area i mean we can go for those platforms we

Will find some more gold but um right now i really want to focus on finding those goats and um we’re almost like 30 minutes over time this isn’t that nice we really have to start cooking dinner guys does the live boost thing still work um attack dog yes i’m currently using it oh

Seriously that was the end already we only saw one goat in the entire level that is insane no we we killed two right i think we killed two um yes we did we did kill two but um sometimes i get like five levels that’s pretty insane 22 million damage taken or 141 million

Damage done that’s insane i’ll have to go guys see you next time mike see you next time do it very nice to see you on the stream once again and um yeah i think that is pretty much the end of the stream so we did only found one that is madness

They ripped us off literally i spent nine enchanter points on uh we searched for the bow for so long and right now um yeah too bad but um i think the asian huts are really fun guys you should you should check it out yourselves as well i mean if you haven’t played

Minecraft dangers yet after the updates then um i really recommend you guys to check it out also the piglet merchant maybe he has some nice things in store for us we can buy hunting balls we can buy i’m actually gonna reserve this one so i’ll be able to um

Bite with gold whenever i need it i’m gonna do uh two more restocks okay this one is cool this one’s pretty cool no i’m not gonna go for that let’s let’s just do one more restock oh okay too bad guys big thanks for watching big thanks for being here at

The live stream um we had like 500 plus people watching at certain points so um really big time appreciate it um you also saw my dog somewhere in the beginning if some people missed it out uh make sure to rewind the video a little bit you will

Be able to check out for that really awesome doggo it looks a little bit like a fox guys this is also why um i have my uh arctic fox equipped right now i actually have to make a skin for this a mod so it becomes orange right so then

It will look like my dog but um guys big thanks for watching once more i’ll see you very soon in the next live stream of course also in the next video which is going to be live later today and um yeah just let me know in the comments down

Below what you want to see next which guides you want me to make uh currently working on the patch notes and of course also all the unique weapons and armor so um more of that is coming very soon right now it

This video, titled ‘🔴GILDED HUNTING – Ancient Hunt Gameplay @ New DLC in Minecraft Dungeons (Livestream)’, was uploaded by 04AM on 2021-02-28 17:41:42. It has garnered 49541 views and 1036 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:02 or 8762 seconds.

Today, we are doing some Gilded Gear Hunting in the new Ancient Hunt feature of the Flames of the Nether DLC! We will try out some new weapons, armor and artifacts from the Flames of the Nether DLC update and play on the higher Apocalypse Plus difficulty. I will show you guys some cheesy ways to defeat high level bosses and take down Ancient Mobs. Lets go!

I spend a lot of time on my research and editing to make my videos easy to understand and accessible for everyone. If you like what you see, please don’t forget to hit that like button. It helps me out a lot! Also, don’t hesitate to subscribe for more. A lot more is coming your way and it will be entirely free!

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Cheers and love,


#04AM #minecraftdungeons #minecraft

  • 100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse!

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  • Ant Man Feast in Minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Secret Revealed!

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  • INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #Minecraft

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  • 🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd Podcast

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  • ElementalMC – Network PvP Factions

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  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Skills on Point

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft 1.21 Update Unleashed!

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

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    ANOMALY FOUND IN FANTASY MINECRAFT WORLDVideo Information This video, titled ‘[DUNGEONS HEROES] ANOMALY TERJEBAK DI DUNIA FANTASY DI MINECRAFT #1’, was uploaded by Bangdaap on 2024-08-26 15:50:14. It has garnered 67 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:49 or 9769 seconds. JOIN MEMBERSHIP GET MANY FEATURES Don’t Forget to Support Me at Saweria Join the Fourmalin Team Discord for various information Join Saluran WA Don’t forget to subscribe, guys. Don’t forget to follow my Instagram social media ► TikTok ► For Business Emails, You Can Enter Email ► daftra12@ Thanks For Watching And Subscribe Guys….. Command… Read More

  • Revolutionizing Minecraft Horror Gameplay

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  • Insane Minecraft Build: SHULKER Farm in UFO!

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  • Etho’s Minecraft Chaos Transformation!

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    🔥ULTIMATE $$$ OP PICKAXE! GET RICH FAST! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘THIS *ULTIMATE* MONEY MAKING PICKAXE IS *OP* ($$$) | Minecraft OP Prison | OpLegends’, was uploaded by R0yal MC on 2024-08-04 22:59:23. It has garnered 3844 views and 142 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:35 or 1235 seconds. THIS *ULTIMATE* MONEY MAKING IS PICKAXE IS OP! ———————————————————————————– Server | (Prison Neptune) ———————————————————————————– Texture Pack: Stimpy Eum3 Remake ———————————————————————————– Hit “LIKE” for more MINECRAFT Prison! ———————————————————————————- Community Discord : ———————————————————————————- FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA! Livestream – Twitter – Read More

  • Epic Minecraft madness with friends live now!

    Epic Minecraft madness with friends live now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with friends_A nice long stream’, was uploaded by SmokeyGames on 2024-04-09 15:16:37. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:26 or 18026 seconds. IF it doesntt crash Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Trial Chamber with Hololive!

    Insane Minecraft Trial Chamber with Hololive!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】フレポルでトライアルチャンバー行ってみる!【不知火フレア/尾丸ポルカ/ホロライブ】’, was uploaded by Flare Ch. 不知火フレア on 2024-08-27 18:37:38. It has garnered 142377 views and 8208 likes. The duration of the video is 05:18:04 or 19084 seconds. This is Flare Shiranui, a 3rd generation member of Hololive ~ @OmaruPolka It seems like the collaboration between the two has been 10 months ■Hololive official LINE stamp “Shiranui Flare Vol. 2” is now on sale! ✨ ■Shiranui Flare 5th Anniversary Goods Until September 9, 2024 18:00! ■New single “Marble Saeru” MV now available✨ Also available on iTunes, Spotify, etc.✨ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ■Shiranui Flare… Read More

  • INSANE ASMR: Building Mini-Wonders in Minecraft | Whispered

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  • “EPIC Minecraft FAIL: Warrior Disaster💀” #shorts

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    Welcome to A New World Explore a challenging version of Minecraft where survival is a triumph. Start from the Stone Age and progress through different eras, tackling new challenges and discovering new mechanics along the way. Join our Discord server here to start your journey in A New World. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “That which takes the image of an angel becomes an angel” in Minecraft

    Looks like we need to start a Creaking image purge before they take over the world as angels! Read More

  • Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft’s Melodic Mix

    Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft's Melodic Mix In Minecraft’s world, the rain softly falls, A peaceful melody, as the night calls. The air is crisp, with a hint of chill, But in this moment, time stands still. The music box plays, a nostalgic tune, Bringing back memories, like a balloon. The crackling fire, the gentle wind, In this moment, peace we find. So close your eyes, let the stress unwind, In Minecraft’s world, tranquility you’ll find. Listen to the rain, feel the air so sweet, In this peaceful moment, let your worries retreat. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it’s LIT!

    Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it's LIT! When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but at least you can say you went out in style with this meme. #minecraftfail #hotstuff Read More

  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6

    Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6 Welcome to Spanish Boost Gaming! 🎮 Welcome to Episode 6 of the Minecraft series on Spanish Boost Gaming! In this episode, viewers will continue to explore, gather resources, and build new structures while practicing Spanish through comprehensible input. The host speaks slowly and clearly, making it easier for Spanish learners to follow along and pick up new vocabulary while immersing themselves in the Minecraft world. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate learner, this episode is perfect for improving your Spanish listening skills while having fun with this beloved game. Watch as exciting adventures unfold and new creations are crafted,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide Exploring the Snifferent Mod in Minecraft 1.20.1 Embark on a new adventure in Minecraft with the Snifferent mod, which introduces exciting new items that can be unearthed by the mysterious Sniffers. Let’s delve into the world of Snifferent and discover the wonders it has to offer! Club Moss One of the intriguing additions brought by the Snifferent mod is the Club Moss. This unique plant adds a touch of greenery to your Minecraft world, offering a refreshing change of scenery. Globar Tree Step into the enchanting realm of the Globar Tree, a majestic addition that brings a sense of… Read More

  • Mall wizard’s hilarious antics in Minecraft!

    Mall wizard's hilarious antics in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘little green mall wizard #minecraft #memes #xd #funnymeme #humor’, was uploaded by Juano Games on 2024-07-11 14:38:46. It has garnered 569 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE 1.21 – FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY STREAM!! – DAY 3’, was uploaded by Robotic Crafter on 2024-06-22 20:56:41. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:30 or 10050 seconds. Join my Discord server: Sub to my friend from real life! TheGrayEmerald: My sister’s channel: Tweet me! Follow me! Read with me: Reddit: Pinterest: Spotify: Outro made with Panzoid (Outro came with music) NOTE: This video and its content is intended/directed towards a “general audience” or “family-friendly”, which is… Read More