The Ultimate Minecraft Longplay Begins

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And we’re in this seems like a pretty I mean it’s a oh a village straight away wonder if I do that’s why meant to have optify on why is it so it’s probably at 29 chunks turn to 12 okay goad and we spawned right next to a village we got sheep’s

Going away I think I see a I think I see a nor Forest over there because of the different uh Leaf colors that’s okay like those as well ah it doesn’t really anywhere that’s great wait is this a PLS biome or is it yeah I think it’s a it’s

Like a very thin strip of PLS Between the Ocean and the savan all right anyway oh my God I have a Santa hat yo I forgot the um what to find does that oh that’s so cool yeah oh Merry late merry Christmas by the way late late merry Christmas by the way and

It’s probably probably New Year for you by the time this comes out because it’s literally New Year’s Eve today so yeah uh Happy 2024 this is how I’m going to be starting my New Year so you’re probably wondering where did my hardcore world go well it hasn’t gone

Anywhere I didn’t die I didn’t die guys I didn’t die as many of you might be speculating in the comments section but my my hardcore world is still around but there’s a reason why I’m starting on the normal survival world and I guess I can go over that now really

So the kind of the kind of the paste I was going at for with my YouTube channel with all my videos just it wasn’t it wasn’t comfortable for me I put myself through a lot of pain making those videos you know with all these massive projects

That took days I’ll would stay up until like I literally go with sleepless nights doing these projects because I wanted to get them out as soon as possible I wanted them would be great but by sacrificing like my health it just it wasn’t pleasant for me and it

Was kind of hindering the quality of what those videos could have been so I wanted to kind of try out making slower pce content and I know it’s probably not going to do as well because I’m not building Dwayne Johnson or making a massive Mega base or whatever but you

Know because I I lost my passion for Minecraft when I was doing my hardcore series because the whole reason I started that channel is because I was like oh yeah all these hardcore videos they perform so well and that like if I made them two it could

Boost my channel and it did we got nearly a th000 subscribers in like what four five months which is crazy but I think making those videos it kind of helps me realize that I don’t really want to sacrifice my Health purely for the performance of my channel because then it just sucks the

Life and it sucks the soul out of just the simple things just like playing the game and you know I don’t want that to happen I want to enjoy playing this game still but it it would literally be like I would only hop on Minecraft when I’m

Recording and like like nothing else I’d never play it for fun I’d always play different games for fun because Minecraft felt like a job for me it was like it wasn’t pleasant to do I just play it while I’m recording to get out of the way and then just you know relax

And post a video yeah I don’t want my life to be like that you know I don’t want my YouTube career to be like that I want to do what I find fun even if that means slower paced content not getting subscribers as quickly or whatever that’s what I’m going to do and

It was a pretty tough decision to make because as much as as um as much as I’d like this style of content it’s the thought of my channel not doing as well that kind of stopped me from doing it and it kind of forced me into making content that I didn’t like

Making like I don’t want super epic hards Hardcore Minecraft you know I just want to chill out play the game because I in my first video I literally said that all I used to do in Minecraft was play creative and build things and it’s like I forced myself so

Much out of my comfort zone purely for um purely for views the I just stopped H having fun playing the game that I’ve been playing all my life you know so yeah that’s why I’m making this type of content and I’ll probably keep making this content even

If it doesn’t do as well because you know as I said I want have fun playing this game again and I don’t mind if it sacrifices performance because you know I need to focus on my health too anyway probably lock these Villages up and make a trading Hall later should

I I mean this gu’s just going in his house right now so I might as well uh is there any other guys here oh there’s some vill over Farm here anyone in here nope so yeah hopefully this Ser hopefully you enjoy the series because as much as I said I’m going to

Focus on my health I also still want to make content that you guys enjoy which is why I ran that poll in my Discord server just to make sure that it wasn’t entirely just what I wanted but also what you guys wanted as well hello would you guys mind getting into

Your house for me that would be that would be greatly appreciated just going to stand there judge me okay yeah if I could at least get two villagers in the houses I can make a village bre later make can we get a clutch into the fountain oh ow that was that’s was kind

Of sad all right let me just get some dirt I don’t want to waste my valuable resources okay okay oh on Lads get inside there we go that should be good enough the great thing about these Villages is that they always have a lot of hay

Bales so it makes um getting tons of breads very easy yeah I’m just going to take this a lot slower because I know the first thing that people usually do is to make tons of Automatic Farms and stuff just to to make everything super efficient but

Uh as I’ve said many times before I think I said it once before I’m not the best At Redstone and if something is even remotely hard to do I’ll probably end up messing up okay we got need a stack of bread that should be chill should probably

Venture into the mines to get some iron we’ve already got some coal here copper I don’t get when they haded copper the game I mean like it doesn’t really have any like proper uses since you can’t make tools out of it like you should at least be able to make like a

Copper pickaxe or something so you does it m should do I don’t need to kill the ship I’ve only got two beds right there should be some yeah I swear I saw a cave down here but I need to find like a reasonably big one if I want to get a

Decent amount of iron so I guess I’ll go and explore in a bit yes honestly this mountain seems like a great place to I could either build my base in the mountain or I could build it on this little flat bit next to it I don’t know I don’t really have any plans

For what my base is going to be yet you know we can take our time think of a cool idea actually focus on getting resources first there we go this is this is what I was talking about I can see some iron down there as well all right it’s going to be sunset

Soon I have a bed on me so I should be able to just sleep whever soon as it starts getting dark I’ll just do some tactical sleeping on the go oh my God bro what is this gravel doing here man this is just all right bro none of the other

Blocks have gravity what they decide to make gravel have it too I just need a some Co because you only need like eight pieces of coal to smel a stack of um something so yeah I’ve already got like two stacks worth of smelting smelting potential in

Here but then again I can make a block of swear I heard a baby zombie I’m probably just um I’m probably just Bing but I heard a baby zombie I don’t know maybe I’m just oh I I can definitely here one it’s h somewhere down there I could just make blocks of oh

Iron nice I could just make it into blocks of coal but I don’t know so when it’s a block of coal you can either turn it back into its components or you can use one of them to smell 80 but then that’s all your coal gone straight

Away and I always like to um turn leftover coal from smelting into torches just so it all gets put to use because I could just use a block of coal to smell like half a stack of something and it’s just gone and I can’t use the leftovers

To smell anything because you know it just uses up the whole block in mango yeah it’s starting to get bit dark now want Iron down here don’t think so some lava some more coal but not much iron got seven so that should be enough to make our first

Couple di diamonds I wish our first couple iron TOS time to do some tactical sleeping this is very very safe very very safe sweet dreams indeed in a massive Ravine with lava and zombies you know a nice place to sleep how do I get out of

Here I guess I could just use some this gravel to pill up and we are out oh this um I don’t know if that goes into a cave does it think it does does it though I don’t know I’m going to have to craft out some torches for for

Sure I think it leads into a bigger cave I hear mobs though so I got to be careful never got to pass up on coal but my stone pickax is getting a bit low so might save the pickaxe for some more iron if I can find

Any we are oh this is very very sketchy iron there we go oh it’s only one piece of ir still something this very very tight cave it reminds me of those um videos on YouTube where there these guys scy through like the tightest like squeezes and caves like

Um yeah it really reminds me of that especially with like the the tight like um angle and stuff it does go into a bigger cave but I don’t really want to drop down there because then I’ve got no way back out I’ll keep exploring around the top bit

If I can’t find anything I might I have to risk going down there okay yeah this oh I see I see lights that could mean a that’s a glow l oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no hey heyy wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait there’s no need no needs oh no okay okay okay okay I literally got absolutely jump scared by that skeleton oh oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness I know I’m not in hardcore but it’s still scary man like I don’t want

To lose all my stuff like oh that was terrifying yeah I’m going to I’m going to make some iron TOS actually so I haven’t made any yet so make furnace PL that down there and boom might as well get some more coal while I’m here there we

Go I got to think of some like topics to talk about because I saw some I don’t know if you’ve heard of him you probably haven’t heard of him because he’s from a different niche in YouTube he’s from the bodybuilding niche in YouTube but there’s this guy called Sam

Suck and he makes um pretty much just like how I think he makes hour long videos and I saw one of his videos I think it was like an hour long it’s very minimally edited and all he does is he just kind of does his daily routine but most of

The time he’s not even working out well of course he does work out in the video because he’s a bodybuilder and all but most of the time he’s just like driving or at the grocery store or just um making food and eating and stuff and he

All he does is he just talks to you like his like you’re his mate or something and it does really well and I think we are starting to see a bit of a Resurgence in or itic on YouTube these days which I love because like sure the Mr Beast style editing is

Really like you know cool it’s very impressive but just you know the feeling of just sitting down watching YouTuber and he just like talks to you like you’re his mate and stuff it’s just like a very kind of personal connection a kind of missing that personality in YouTube oh yeah bro I said

The most important item to get is a Shields and I didn’t even craft one there we go now I have the most important it in the game e yeah as I was saying about authenticity like sure the Mr Beast style stuff is great but you know we do need to see some more

Authentic creators on the platform and that is also another reason why I kind of started making this type of content all let me just mine this back up I think I’m going to head back to the surface now I know I didn’t get much but

Should I I might risk it I might risk going to fight the skeleton I don’t know if he’s got any of his bodies out there but I’ve got Shield his arrows uh they can do nothing to me now The Shield is pretty overpowered I mean when when you’re pvping someone on with

Shields you know they can break them with axes or whatever when you’re fighting mobs they can’t really break your Shields unless you know the durability goes down to zero but then just get Unbreaking and you’re pretty much Invincible all right where are you where are you he was down here wasn’t

He all right come on Mr skeleton where is he he’s like down here right I’m scared man he was literally right here and now he’s not here oh God okay it’s probably gone further in has he I don’t know man maybe he despawns h yeah this is a very tight cave but we

Did find oh we find more iron though oh we got a bunch we got a bunch this is great anyway as I was saying about authenticity you know this is kind of the reason why I started this is because I felt my content kind of shifted in St

Highly processed Mr Beast like lack of personality type thing and I was like it’s not really what I want to do I really want to just sell my soul for the views but I was like nah I’ll um I’ll try and just be myself you know slow paced not like highly Pro System

Package just just me playing Minecraft hopefully you enjoy it okay I know I kind of Built My audience on on that highly processed kind of videos all right oh that is a big cave iron lovely lovely lovely I can heal a lot of mobs but I

Can see a lot of iron so you it’s balanced I hate when oh hey hey hey buddy I didn’t see you there oh crap yeah the annoying thing about axes pretty slow but if I can get good distance between my enemy I can like run back while um the bar things

Recharging and then you know I’m just an absolute Menace you know me best hello hello I did not see you there sir I did not see you there would you mind not exploding right next to my IR in that would be appreciate appreciated okay by the way that stutter there when

I was talking wasn’t just um it it was just oh my God I dropped my pickaxe mid um Mid swing yeah had at started there was literally just pure anxiety man I was like oh there could be a mob around the corner let me just listen out for a

Sec before I go for this iron because my past experiences mining in my other episodes in my other videos they’re not the best you can probably look back I do scream a lot it is pretty pretty cringe but those are screams of Terror okay mine this bit

Here yeah Sam suak is a great guy oh he just see he’s just a genuine dude now he’s got like millions of subscribers he get like millions of views per video just from being himself I think YouTube’s actually starting to reward off incity just from just from seeing

That because sh he’s a very impressive bodybuilder but most of the reason my people watch his content is because they just want to see him you know they just want to see what he’s going to talk about next see what he’s doing today you know just like what money

Makes so yeah he does he does inspire me in this kind of aspect of content creation that you can just be yourself get rewarded for being yourself and you can build a community arounds people that just like when you be yourself which is what YouTube was just all about in the first

Place and I’m glad that YouTube’s may or may not it seems like it’s going back to its roots I’m not going to say that I’m certain of this but from what I’ve been seeing recently especially with not just Sam suck but other small um Minecraft creators who just do Let’s

Plays you know they get um tons of views and they just they’re just themselves I’m just hoping we can get that era of um of YouTube back I need more torches I’m not running low on coal so I can afford to just craft a bunch more I was thinking about getting full right

Because I know some people see it as um a hack you know it’s just less hassle really mobs still spawn in the dark even if you have full bright on and everything looks bright I don’t know I was thinking about just going purely vanilla I mean of course this isn’t

Purely vanilla as you can see for my for my lovely lovely little hat here but all I have installed is OptiFine just to make the game run smoother and that’s that’s it I do I have a modded installation with tons of my um like content creation tools if you

Can call them that just like replay mods in the moat mod and stuff fabric I was like I don’t really need that am I going to be using isn’t it probably not it’ll just uh make the game run smoother if I just made a new installation with just optify on it [Applause]

Oh okay okay I got to be more careful I got to be more careful I did not know that there was a massive drop right there it wasn’t thought I was going to do the same thing again all right I don’t this this new Minecraft World Generation is whack man like how the

Hell is there grass down here oh wait I think that was the cave I saw earlier I was like yeah there’s probably not anything down there but now I’m just coming back out of this massive cave and I was like oh I guess there was something down there oh that’s really dark without

Torches I might have to brighten this imp poost because I have a really good monitor I really thought I heard an arrow yeah my monitor is like it’s got like a high color range and brightness and whatever so I can see a lot more than you can because you know when it’s

On YouTube you know you most likely don’t have the same monitor as I do also of YouTube compression it really messes it up oh man it didn’t really BL much the car yeah especially with YouTube compression it makes her feel look very dark and grainy so I might have to brighten this in

Post hopefully I don’t oh God that voice C but hopefully don’t have to bright up cuz I am using my torches quite quite generously I’ve used up quite a lost in such a small space right if I can get like two more iron I can make myself a full set of

Armor oh I see you I see you mate what are you doing what are you doing yeah I’m going to do some tactical sleeping right here right beneath you know the the gravel that could just fall on me while I’m asleep and suffocate me okay we

Should it’s just like I need two more iron for the full set uh hey you what do you think you’re doing I mean there is more there is more stuff here I don’t think there’s going to be any iron oh spoke too soon that is a oh that is a massive

Cave I mean that was the one I was just in but seeing it from this angle really emphasizes how big it is okay don’t don’t take that phrase out of context oh no cuz I know um in my other video when I says wow that’s deep people

Were just taken a whole different way and I was like no man I’m trying to trying to stay familyfriendly here oh God all right I’m going to try and bridge over should I speed bridge probably not am I going to speed Bridge no no I’m not going to speed

Bridge I don’t know why I even said anything about speed bridion I’m going to get tons of stuff from people in the comments saying bro why didn’t you speed Bridge you could have obviously just speed bridged all the way over there and it would have been so much quicker and

I’m like bro just chill out mate I’m not playing bedwars am I I’m just kidding I love my fans my fans are what make me and that’s that’s true so yeah I really do appreciate all you guys being here I don’t think I’m going to get 1,000 subscribers by a new

Year but come on 96 you want that is crazy I did not expect to grow this fast I’m sure I wanted to grow this fast but I didn’t think I was actually going to grow this fast you know all right well we’ve got enough iron for a full set of armor which is

Great uh this is a big mountain I mean technically it’s a hill because um that’s a mountain I hate when people like because I okay so one day I went to this hill right it’s called Box Hill and it’s in so which is in the UK and it is absolutely

Ginormous like literally it borderliner mountain and I was like why don’t they just call it Box Mountain instead of Box Hill because of how how tall it is because when I was driving up it with my granddad like literally out the window I was just looking at it and it just looks

Like a wall oh just a wall of grass like it was literally that steep that the roads going up it had to keep twisting and like going from side to side just to get up it just because of how steep it is because it’ be impossible to build a

Road that goes straight up it it’s called a hair pin Bend I think it’s it’s type of Road that’s used on stuff like Hills that are very steep so they can’t just got normally but yeah M it was giant normous here and I was like why

Don’t they just call it Box Mountain and it was like oh you know I think it has to be a certain a certain height to be a mountain that’s said and I was like but what is that height so I actually don’t know how tall like um something has to

Be to be Mountain because I looked up how tall the smallest mountain is and it’s this place in Japan I think see is somewhere in like Asia oh the mountain is so small it’s literally just it looks like it’s it looks like it’s not even there it’s just

Like this Square on the ground and has like this um this side on it that says like a w shortest mountain like bro what because it’s not even a hill it’s literally just completely flat like if that’s a mountain and this boxal thing isn’t like you know the classification system is a

Bit I think it needs to be more refined really it’s not that refined I don’t know man I’m just running about what CL what’s class of the hill and what’s class of the mountain but I really do need to look CL at some point if you know anything thing

About hills and mountains feel free to comment below anyway this going to take a bit oh we should be set let’s craft the Yeezys there we go that guy is in a bit of a sticky situation right here he’s a bit of a pickle should I help him I mean if you

Like walk down there and around there and uh I we could make it down but the chances are pretty low I might help him yeah I could I could help him let’s go and help the cow all right I gu I can make him like a little

Staircase maybe that is just an awkward place how did he even get up there man I don’t know let me I don’t know why I’m helping this guy he’s not going to thank me for it he’s not even a real cow bro he’s a virtual

Cow you know he’s he’s in need he needs a bit of help he needs a little help in hand and you know I got spare time so I might as well help out the cow hey Cal is this a mountain or a hill bro his head is

Empty if I get like a stack of d that should be good enough let’s mine this up oh oh all right chill out man chill out just chill out bro just calm down I’m coming to rescue you so you don’t need to don’t to do anything risky bro

Don’t need to be a risky biscuit yeah bro stop being a a risky biscuit man okay just come over here if I could get him down to there come on man just make the stairway oh okay we should have enough just do this and there we

Go now I need to get him what oh I thought I was in for a sec okay you I have wheat I have wheat yeah yeah yo cow man come down here come down here come on come on come on nearly there bro nearly there hey we saved the

Cow we saved the cow no what here you go mate have a little snack oh I just saved the cow is my iron done and my iron’s done so let good way to pass the time I guess all right let’s make some leggings and make ourselves a helmet as

Well and we are now completely kitted up now the Santa hat is a lot stronger than help it it gives me the Christmas spirit you know that is stronger than any any metal on the planet I’m going to move my stuff I don’t really want to St Camp here but

Now that we’ve got a full set of iron stuff we could probably start building humble boat I want to build it pretty close to the Village so uh yeah I said I was going to build in front of this uh Mountain I’m going to call it a mountain you can’t stop me

Mate it’s a it’s a big a very big hill it I’m just going to call it a mountain ooh that could be cool we could just bu like put our house on there surrounded by the water of the mountain over it a that would be so cool

You know what I’m going to swim over there scout out and then get some of the trees from the forest over there set up a little base okay well mentals his first time make making a build without light MAA this could be this could look very

Bad or it could look very good so I have to find out and that is the beauty of authentic content you never know if the content you’re going to make is going to be bad or not don’t take my word for that that’s a very very bad description of what authentic content

Is oh mate yeah this is this could to be cool yeah oh there’s a little tree here too should I destroy the tree I mean it’s a I’ll destroy the tree I’ll probably replant some around it though if I have space okay wow we’re already on like what is

It Dave two oh we’re about to hit Dave free all right oh by the way my uh day counter for my hardore series is really messed up like it says I’m on like a day 10 or something so that’s why I don’t have a day counter in my movie that I made

Because I literally it’s hard to discern what the days are so my hardcore 100 days is it’s probably more than 100 days honestly but I just put 100 days title on it to just make it you know nice and neat like a 100 days it’s not 462 days in hardcore or something like

That all right let’s do some more tactical sleeping this place is a bit more pleasant than the last time we did some tactical sleeping I’ve not got the threat of death looming above me a threat of death looming above me in my Slumber I’m going to grab some Birch

Here just for um just a spost place up no pun intended would there really be a pun if I’m not getting Spruce Wood and I say Spruce Place up I mean they’re both wood types so I guess it would be a p but that P was not intended so

Yes all right I don’t think I’m going to do the same design as I did for my hardore series I want to try something different what what would I do I don’t know I’m going to get a bunch of materials and then figure something out

When I get there what up dump some of this junk as well have a lot of just random stuff keep the chicken like an arrow keep potatoes of the d uh yeah I’ll get rid of the bones as well I don’t really need bones right now get rid of and

Flesh and get rid of wheat too oh also all my old tools I completely forgot about those get rid of those and my inventory is a lot cleaner now I’m going to make a chest actually just so I can have my stuff somewhat organized and not just scattered around my

Inventory I’m not a very organized person if you could tell if you couldn’t tell okay I kind of want to build the house on this bit here it’s the most elevated part of the island I have like a little path going up here and I could the house

On top yeah that would be cool all right so I’m going to put my chests and stuff just um just here should I use chests or barrels I’m going to use battels they’re they’re classy man classy well so even though I don’t know if my pronunciation for class

Is really how it’s meant to be pronounced I know some people say classy but I I don’t it doesn’t feel right me so I’ll just say classy it makes it more its own word instead of just like sounding like class you know like you can have class but you’re not classy you’re

Classy I really am just yapping aren’t I okay I might put little little signs on these just to different differentiate what each battel was four two three that should be enough yeah so we get three signs from M I’ll say uh food food here we got uh building ma materials this uh

Valuables is it valuables or valuables no it has to be valuables uh and I guess I put crops in here too there we go now isn’t that lovely nice and organized all right so I should probably get like a stack of logs first I startop marking it out though at least

Okay bre some This Grass some seege from it too so I start work on a on a wheat farm I put it around Islands I might extends your Islands at some point you know only extends if it’s necessary all right what could I do I need to have a

Vision in my head what is going to be I think something like this and I think this is a decent should I go all the way to the edge I mean it would be pretty small if I didn’t so guess that could I have extra dirt it’s probably not

My best decision to throw the Dirt away because I can do some terraforming to make this build a lot nicer just a lot more refined okay so I’ll place a bit of dirt here like extends the top so that’s bigger make it look a bit more natural maybe s like that maybe like

That should I extend it one more then this gets a bit steep right I’m going to trim down this bit because it looks a bit bit meh and use a d on it from it to kind to shape out my building area So okay Place some dir here dir here maybe do this then I got a flat thingy on the sides oh Ming a bit more for this bit I can go yeah then we got a decent amount of space I could have it like then I could have it come

In go to like here maybe yeah go to like here a this this planning is very scuffed but it doesn’t matter if it’s scuffed if it gets the job done that’s what I always say and we could put this bit here shape this out a bit

More and yeah I think this is going to be I know that you guys ain’t seeing what I’m seeing I’ve got the Builder mentality right here let me get some more woods and I can show you kind of like the design I’m going for all right I’m heading for the planes

So I can head for the literal Forest just over here all right let me grab some of this so when I’m recording I don’t have OBS pick it up but I do listen to music because it makes so experience a lot like um I wouldn’t say more chill but like keeps

My brain occupied it keeps the juices flowing you know if I was just sitting here in silence just listening to like Minecraft’s noises and I know you’d say I’ll just turn the music on but I don’t know Minecraft music I I kind of just listened to it in my free

Time so I don’t really have it playing like while I’m actively like playing the game a that is lit this could not be the most perfect there cannot be a set more perfect for a base than this like it’s literally asking me to build something there

Anyway as I was saying so sometimes I listen to like Nintendo music but right now I’m listening to lowii you know um low fire live stream that’s been since the since the Big Bang since the beginning of the universe I just listening to that right now

And it is very very chill because I I think I saw some sort of scientific scientific scientific analysis on why Loi is like good to listen to and they say it’s like a mix of being Jazzy like the old kind of record noises that kind of just chills you out

And yeah I do get that low fire does help me a lot for concentrating not just for Minecraft also for when I’m you know working on school stuff just just out and about you know just just doing random stuff it’s got just like background music for like my

Life you know always keeps me in a decent mood I recommend all of you to listen to it I’m pretty sure that some of you watching this video listen to it already any of you haven’t listened to it yet I highly highly recommend it I’m going to need a lot of

Logs because you know me I don’t like building with planks stripped wood is where it’s at and I guess uh the reason I like using strips wood a lot well a lot more than planks is because like when I see planks I think of like flooring you know I

Don’t really see it as like a a wall type texture whenever I think of like a a wooden house I think of like stripped logs because you know it looks like um one of those old cabins in in the woods or cabins in the forest that’s like the

Texture is smoother than just like straight up logs and stuff it it’s great you know at the end of the day just my personal preference I do think it looks quite nice when I just use um stripped wood I also use it for ceilings sometimes I sometimes I use it for

Floors but if I was going to use it floors I would I wouldn’t use it for like my walls you know like I wouldn’t have like stripped wood for all three things like sealing walls and floor if I was going to use it for the floor I’d probably have like

Stone walls or something and even then when I use stripped wood for floors I mix it in with planks as well just so has more texture it’s not like overly smooth you know you got when I build stuff I think more about the story behind the builds rather than just the

Build itself I’m like okay if this is a a stripped wood floor and lots of people are going to be walking on it it’s a floor so it would it would have some texture it wouldn’t just be super smooth all the time I guess I texture pretty much every

Floor I do whether it’s stone or or Woods like if it was Woods I’ll texture it like planks and stripped Woods if it was Stone I would do like stone bricks and Cobblestone yeah I always like to make sure my builds even though most of them

Are unrealistic I like them to have some sort of story behind them some sort of reason for why they are the way they are and I know half the time no one’s going to notice it but subconsciously when you see my builds you know it’s not

Just like a surface level thing you know like all the the floors is a bit ruins the walls are a bitu ruined or something you know they feel lived in I think in a game of Minecraft where especially in single player you’re going to feel like a pretty lonely game make a

Build feel lived in just adds the extra layer of um life to everything that isn’t there originally speaking of um Minecraft’s feeling like a lonely game I watched this YouTube video about how Minecraft oh crap my ax is broken and I have two ingots are you serious oh man flipping that yeah that

Sucks I guess I can make it Cobblestone one for now and then just get one piece of iron later on should be good oh man anyway uh yeah I watched this YouTube video and it’s was about how mine is kind of losing like what it used to

Be and like how the more stuff Mojang to the games you know with like um new structures new mobs and whatever it feels less and less like a lonely open worlds and more like yeah know it kind of loses the lonely vibe that it used to

Have back when there was less stuff in the game and I don’t know I think that’s that’s kind of true Minecraft what you make it honestly I think every time Mojang adds something new to the game it’s good because it keeps the game fresh if if Minecraft was never updated it would

Have died years ago I it’s a pretty controversial thing to say oh my I could I can literally just F the comments agent at me after saying but think about it the most popular games Minecraft fortnite you know those are the two big boys and the reason you know they last

So long it’s because they’re always updated and even if the updates are kind of crap it always just makes the games feel fresh when you open them up because there’s new stuff in it and I do think updates are a key to keeping Minecraft like fresh yeah come

Back to like Minecraft loses and its Vibe I guess that’s kind of true but I don’t really mind it I feel I wasn’t really fond of the whole lonely vibe to begin with honestly that’s probably why I’m not really mind it but I know some people did like the

Kind of lonely V hads see if I can escape from reality like this world’s yours and no one else’s and like you can do whatever you want you know I do like you know the villagers and the pillagers and piglins or whatever just makes it

Feel like I I like the game to feel alive there’s not really much to it it’s just my personal preference honestly yeah yeah I do like my builds to have a layer of kind of lore to them I guess I’ll pick up some these saplings so I can replant

Later so the forest doesn’t look as Barren plant a few here one up here yeah know team trees for real for real plant these around yeah I don’t know I think even with all the questionable updates Minecraft’s had recently you know I’m not going to stop liking it like sure Phantoms are

Annoying but you just just sleep and they don’t exist like you know glow squids pretty useless but like just something’s useless doesn’t mean it’s actively bad you know half the time you’re not going to see it and if you do it’s just kind of there it’s not kind of hindering your

Gameplay in anyway but I do see like you know a better mob could have been added that could have been that could have provided something more useful to the game I don’t know man I think glow squids are cool even though I don’t like use glory in ink sacks to make glowing

Signs or whatever I do still think um glow squids are pretty chill all right back here the grass is the grass has grown in these things because it’s been so long but now I can finally show you kind of like my plan for this so if I do this here and this

Here break these bits it’s a bit small but like I don’t know ah okay okay I’ve got a better idea instead of just straight up changing the shape like fully I’ll just move this back like flat wall like back maybe like one block or two and then I’ll add like tons more

Space so if I just do this we’ve already got a bunch more space maybe one more block back would would do the job let me just mine these quick yeah uh I don’t know Korean green why do I just say green I want to talk about

Green I used to watch a lot of green videos back in the day because I was crap at building you I’ve got respect for the guy he’s a chill dudes fellow Brit pretty pretty chill guy I used watch a lot of hermit crafts um when green was

Added I was like oh my God this dream come true cuz I used to watch hcraft a lot before green joined it and yeah I was just pretty chill I didn’t really watch it as much before he joins though I think when he joined it kind of reignited my interest for the

Series so I always used to like watch Mambo J play it was like my one of my favorites before green came along and now like Mumbo and green are like my favorites on there yeah I do like how you know not only is green provides a lot to server through his personality

But the server’s kind of brought out his personality you know see before that you know of course he had personality in his content but he was more focused on tutorials so it kind of limited him in that aspects but I do think the kind ofnp style of about like

Hanging out with other people does bring out your personality a lot more in your content which is why I was thinking about switching to S&P content actually I don’t know the thing with smps is that I’ve I always say this thing when anyone asks me if I’m going

To join an S SMP I say I don’t like it or I have to rely on other people to make my own content because say you know something’s up on their ends and they can’t get on to like you know make the video or whatever and that stops me from making my

Video and I’m just like you know bro yeah I don’t know man I might join an SMP in the future if the opportunity ever comes up if I was going to make SMB content it would it wouldn’t be your average how I got the egg on this server or something

Or something like that no I was it would pretty much be like a single player like let’s play is type thing like this but just with you know other people being around I know I think that could be cool but most snps these days are very very

Strict on how you yourself make your content and that kind of put me off it because I got invited to to ANP with some pretty pretty big YouTubers in it like um don’t if you’ve heard of them but like scavio Zenith so pretty much um other upcoming hardcore

YouTubers I mean zenith’s like upcoming scavio is like kind of you know he’s pretty set you know he’s got millions of views or whatever yeah I got invited to that server and I was like oh wow this is so cool it’s an opportunity to network with other people like Network

For bigger creators and stuff but then like they had these like I as soon as I joined like a voice chat to like talk to one of the people there talk to one of the people there there was just full on like if you don’t make a video this week then uh

You’re getting banned and I’m like what I have to make a video in like in a week or I’m just getting permanently banned and I’m like bro no I’m not doing this and people just there’s a lot of bias especially in that server I’m not going to name the exact server it is

Because I don’t want you know any of you to go out hating on them they’re great people I just don’t really agree with how they do things which is you know I think it’s totally fair on my end and totally fair on their ends you know they

Do things one way I don’t like it so it’s not for me so don’t go hating on anyone in that Community but yeah I just because YouTube is a very personal thing to me so when I have people bossing me around with my own content

You like if I don’t make a video this week I’m not going to have the opportunity to make content at all I’m just like no mate no I’m not I’m not doing that I’m not doing that at all so yeah that was kind of my last interactions with them

Really that was a bit after that whole conversation that’s the owner pretty much said oh don’t listen to that guy it’s not true but it ends up being true anyway yeah I don’t really like to talk about drama or anything much because luckily I haven’t really gotten into any

YouTube drama yet oh iron iron y m mate I haven’t checked this cave out have I let me light up just so it doesn’t get filled with Mobs like in like 5 minutes we got some more iron so I can actually make myself a decent axe is there any

More two oh there we go but yeah if the opportunity ever arises where I get to join an SMP that lets me do things my way and at my Pace I I think about it I might uh take that opportunity right now I’m focused on myself gr my own Community you know

Making content for you guys just by myself because I feel like when I’m doing single player videos like this I have complete control over it I can do whatever I want whenever I want and no one can tell me otherwise it’s just how I like to do

Things I like to have control over my own stuff but I do think you know some other people being in that Community would they would’t have much of a problem with how it’s done you know fair enough it’s just personal preference at the end of the day all right let’s

Uh get the Old Furnace back out smell this iron that I got seven uh make myself a new actually I can make myself a new shovel right now actually boom boom boom I’m going to throw this one away because it’s about to break I’ve only got some plans I’ve got some

Plans so what I want to do is I’m going to finish this house up here and I’m going to have a little path going down to there I could have a bridge going over that bit like over there I could have some Farms along the sides or maybe

Some trees scattered around so I can make like a little Port here oh it’s all coming together I going have like a little like Pier over here you know a this is going to be great we going have a tradeing all over there more Farms get some animal farms

Around a I’m going to love this I can craft myself up a fresh brand new iron ax so I have to use this crap Stone one anymore there we go there we go lovely jly D I’ve been recording for an hour now and I still haven’t made a house I’m

Really bad at this game I can’t Li I don’t really think people can be bad at Minecraft just like um the other game I was talking about in my hardcore episodes Star Valley like games like Minecraft and Stu Valley it depends on how you play them not how good you are at playing

Them it’s like there’s different things you can be you can be like a in in Minecraft for example you can be a pvper be a builder you can be a redstone guy there there’s lots of things you can be but for example if if someone was

Just good at building bad at PVP they’re not bads at the game they’re just bads at that aspect of the game just like someone who’s know oh it’s that guy again if he doesn’t have good trains so I might have to evict him from my Island

I can’t lie he just moved in it didn’t even ask but if he’s got some decent trades I might I might let I might let him Vibe let’s see right mate what you got flower blue dye Vines SP all right sir I’m going to need to evict

You from this island I’m going to need to evict you you moved in here you don’t have any good trades hey that’s not your house buddy why are you walking over yeah off off get out of here mate get out of here bro don’t make me swing this

Ax at your head man look I’ll show you how we do it in the UK I I’ll show you the Road man behavior do you really want to go that way man boss man I have no enemies you know what I got to be the bigger man step away all right anyway

Anyway finished the floor which is great I think I’ll make these struts like uh four Block store maybe so that’s two three four 3 four three four and three four what are you mate this ain’t this ain’t your house go away flipping should I be your four blocks

Door this looks taller than four blocks to me even though it is four blocks four blocks that all I don’t know man now what I’m going to do this is a similar design to my hardore house I knew I said I was I know I said I was going to do something different

But oh it’s a decent design it’s easy to do and you know I know how to build it so it’s not going to look that bad when it’s done what I’m doing is putting in the corn corners of the windows be the corner putting in the edges of the

Windows so it doesn’t go straight from the struts to the glass panes mate mate please please man oh my go okay yeah I can to strip these strip these I strip that one I’ll strip that strip that and do these as well because okay there we go then where’s my

Crafting T there it is I’m going to make some planks 35 there there we go then going to do this I could make the windows two blocks tour that would be better than my uh my hardcore house then I’d have to make stairs and stairs are not very resource efficient I don’t

Know we just do this yeah yeah fine I’ll I’ll do two block High windows with the stairs on top me it looks looks all right gets the job done it’s not meant to be Fancy okay I might just have to do this just because I I need it to be even man need to be even I could have both them that there there we go now they are both two blocks wide hopefully jubly might separate this one then there we go let’s divide it

Here then place the oh place the wrong way oh my God bro what am I doing okay there we go let’s I can assure you I’m not I’m not usually as bad at building okay right this here now I’ve got all the windows framed down I might make this planks should I

Make it planks I don’t know I don’t know man I don’t know bro put my beds here where’s my other beds I leave it some I left it down here do oh my God the stairs they’re after me guys stairs are literally after me okay uh smid it’s

Miz the sleeping up kind of M I’ll admit but as I said doesn’t matter have scuffed as long as it gets the job done it’s a new done it’s a new day it’s a new life for me and I’m feeling m all right I’m going to slap these in the

Chest col some more Birch you know how I am with my oh it looks so good already oh I can see it now man oh my God I’m get I’m getting excited I the path there you can’t see it man I’m literally getting giddy bro I can’t oh my oh this looks so

Good oh it looks perfect got the sunset there like the have house there wondering trailer and then we can have the yeah this is going to be so cool okay all right I’m actually getting excited man okay should I get the should I get the Birch or the I’m going to get

A win those first at least I won’t have massive holes in my walls I of the extra protection from you know skeletons trying to shoot me up outside my house a this is going to be so cool with it’s going to be so cool all right I get some sand for a glass

Panes I’ll get 16 sand I’ll get 18 so I can evenly get them smelted so I’m going to smelt the Sands turn into glass panes and I can fill in those windows I’m going to go get some Birch for the ceiling maybe a bit of stone for like the

Roof and then there be any Spruce around there I don’t know if it’s worth it trying to get Spruce I might do it just for the just for the just so the fun they all looks good when it’s like a picture of the house and it has a spruce roof okay

Boom that should be done in a sec I guess while it’s melting I could go out and get some get some B I don’t know what this guy is doing he’s just kind of vibing him I’m going to name him Jerry hello Jerry how’s your day been

You right you know I’m sorry about earlier Jerry I’m not actually a old man I’m not actually from the that a bit rude joery leave me you know maybe maybe I am a raw man fan maybe I am a raw man what are you saying what are you saying what are you saying

V you want me to back out the chef want me to back out the chef fam yeah that’s what I thought fam that’s what I’m not actually a road man guys I’ve just been around a lot of Road man I know the I know the dialect also any of you American viewers

Don’t know what a road man is pretty much like a like a you you guys know the hood right pretty much uh people from the hood but in the UK they usually wear these uh puffer jacket thingies and Bal lavas and when they say back out the chef they uh

Mean take out the stabby stabby device so if you if you Americans ever come here and they say they’re going to back out the chef I would recommend running if I get like a stack of these I get I’ll get like a I’ll get stack if we need anymore just run back over

Here also guys have you seen s Fiction’s new video I saw a bit of it and mate looks like Sandy is gotten the authentic r as well I mean most of his content is pretty authentic but I like how it’s usually like the perfect start to hardcore videos are like my favorites

They are the most authentic but it’s usually after episode one or two where they just start doing these crazy projects like um how I built a planet in my basement in the sun I’m like chill out bro you don’t need to do something crazy like

That yeah I do like um stion he’s a great guy he inspired me to start my hardore series I mean kind I honestly I didn’t really watch much sand addiction I used to watch him a bit like like a while ago like a year or two

Ago like when he was relatively new and I kind of stopped watching him for was late stuff but you know hearing it’s coming back it’s pretty exciting I actually have a friends that knows him he’s uh name is Sonny awell I don’t know if I pronounced that

Right but his name’s Sonny and he does hardcore content as well and we used to you we mates we used to chat quite a bit when I was doing my series talk about video ideas and stuff son if you’re watching this keep up the good job and

Anyone else watching this check out his channel I’ll link in the description no reason just you know he’s a pretty cool guy he deserves uh all the exposure you can get honestly his content is really underrated like I watched it and I was like damn that’s some good editing

Surpris he isn’t um like super famous anyway house is looking pretty good we got over a stack when I’m talking like this I’m just doing some narration or whatever this isn’t narration by the way this is um it pretty much just be dialogue since it’s um

Live but yeah since I’m doing all this talking I don’t really want it to be this low I might pill up when I’m doing all that it keeps me very very occupied like I’m not really paying attention to anything else while I’m doing it I’m kind of like on autopilot

When I’m playing the ow when I’m playing the game but you know it does help the time go by I guess but a kind a con of that is you know if there’s a bunch of creepers I’m out Mining and there’s a lot of mobs around I might not spot them there’s

Diamonds around I might not spot them either there are some cons to this live animation thingy but it also is nice it’s kind of like therapy like I just get to spe my Minds get all my thoughts out you know that’s just just nice to do put that

There don’t worry I’m not going to keep the dirt in guys I’m not going to keep the dir I think this house is coming along pretty well so far CU When I’m building houses s of thing I I usually I’m kind of like AI want to

Build it like okay I know that’s going to sound weird but when I explain it to you hopefully it makes more sense so the thing about Ai and like AI image generation is it doesn’t just have a database of images like I don’t just have a database of like builds in my

Heads that I can just straight up build and like one to one I have concept concepts of like how they’re meant to be like the materials to use you know the the shape to make you know just basic stuff like window placement like I have one window every so and so blocks Etc

Like this this looks similar to the one in my other series but it’s different you know cuz I’m using the same kind of Concepts but it’s not one to one so that’s kind of how I am when I’m building stuff like if I was going to

Build a castle be the same thing etc etc oh yeah wait okay so how am I going to do that am I out of oh N I put my yeah I dropped off my Oak in here why do I put in the food one oh my

Goodness F I cannot be organized I am just it’s just not who I am I’m just not organized all right should I do planks for it yeah I’ll do I’ll do um Spruce stripped um stripped oh my God my brain is dying stripped Oak and and then oak stairs all

Right build some these make some doors and then I have like the first kind of section of my house done probably turn this into dir actually since the doors are going to be on the inside bit bro okay oh my goodness why do I always Place downstairs when I’m going to place down

Something else there we go there we go there we go all right I can all chill out now if finish if’s okay I want IDE do I don’t know this could look bad eh I don’t know maybe if it was a different material it would look

Good this I don’t know I’ll just keep it how it is what if I just did stairs straight up like that oh that looks decent that yeah all right go down here and my glass is all done my Sands all smelted craft this up into paines and we could be able

To should be able to spend our first night in a decent looking home also this is another reason why I have op the fine installed it’s not just the performance it’s the connected glass panes man I don’t know why that’s not a vanilla feature all right and oh the misplaced

Glass it always have that’s always bound to happen I swear should I do the Lantern’s thing yeah let’s do the Lantern’s thing two three four boom land like a there we go boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom it’s a bit dark in this corner I could probably get away

With can I do two more no I can’t do two more do one more and I’ll put it right there there we go this looks just great I I might change this out for like stone or something just just for variety ah another night in this brand new survival

World the Sun’s shining birds are tweeting and this wandering Trader is still being still just hard even though we doing man when are you going to leave this ain’t a flipping Hotel bro you know what Jerry maybe fliping it maybe I’ll give you a chance you can hang out Here but just don’t go in my house all right thank you J I think me and jery have came to a an agreement ah the floating on my house man flip it I have an idea oh the strats the strats are real just pick this up quick there we go back Downy

This this is coming together pretty nice I’m loving this I’m I’m I’m actually loving it okay what else do I need I need to build the roof what a lovely day to build the roof you know all right so I might go venturing out for some

Spruce just go into my food chest real quick to grab my wood make a little boat and be on my way I may or may not die on this EX Expedition but it’ll be worth it for the Vibes it’s pretty big jungle over here I don’t know if we’re going to find

A spuce forest anytime soon I’ll go down this way it’s pretty nice area very mountainous there’s a cave over there so uh by the way feel free to comment what your New Year’s resolutions are going to be oh there’s another bamboo thing over here yeah feel free to comment what your

New Year’s resolutions are going to be I know this might be a bit random but I’m genely curious because you know New Year’s resolutions they only come around once a year obviously so that makes them pretty special but also you know like everyone has an aspect of their life they want to

Improve me included every everyone wants to improve their life in some way so no one’s perfect no one’s perfectly content with how they are so yeah just feel free to let me know what your resolution is my one is probably to get famous on YouTube but also to get

Fitter because you know playing Minecraft a lot gaming a lot making these videos I don’t really I don’t really do much to keep myself healthy so I’m going to try and focus more my health next year damn it is storming I might turn back this is just open ocean over

Here see I’m going to turn back there dolphins it’s pretty cool ah yeah I’ll just use uh I don’t really want to use Oak though I could use Birch like I did before or you know what I could make stone bricks I just need a lot of

Cobblestone a lot of coal to smell that and then turn those into stone bricks and then turn those stone bricks into stone Bri stairs oh it’s SC hello I’m not really fond of um bamboo forests because they don’t really that Goods also they’re quite they take your

Performance quite a bit because of how much bamboo there is like it make more sense if um you know it was more scattered maybe something like this you know like one or two shoots but when it’s like that it’s kind of out of control and I don’t know if anyone else

Feels like that but I do think bamboo is way too danc in bamboo forests hey hey stay away bro H we should be nearly home should nearly be home there we go there’s the house this base is going to be great especially when I’m done building

It I don’t think I’ve be done fully building my base I always add stuff but know just this house by itself right now look really really neat to of its um placement oh my God is invisible I’m going to sleep through this thunderstorm MBE compression is going to hate the

Rain it’s really annoying cuz one thing that always happens is it always seems to rain when I’m recording my pickaxes seem B days whenever I start like I’ll be playing Minecraft like before recording just like you you know just for fun or like with my mates

Okay you know what this signs are pretty much meaningless at this point I’m just putting all my stuff in the food the food Barrel yeah I’ll just be playing Minecraft my friends and everything will just be chill and I’ll just click Record 5 seconds after it just be the worst

Thunderstorm you’ve ever seen for like half an hour straight my luck isn’t the best of the weather okay let’s get some more Stone I going to do the block pickup sound effects just uh yeah it’s pretty satisfying sound so plip plop what I talk about next I I I should definitely uh write

Like a topic list for these videos just like a bunch of subjects I want to talk about but I don’t know I like these to be as authentic as possible but I don’t think going in with like a plan isn’t authentic if it’s all scripted word for

Word then it’s not if I’m just like here’s the points I want to go over that’s authentic then because I’m kind of Bridging the gaps of improvised speech I’m going to need a lot of this we going need like what multiple stacks I’m excited to see what sand oh

No I crafted all my iron into nuggets as well see this is what we call a f in the chat moment wait what the hell wait what there’s cherry blossoms here am I in the CH a Cherry Grove what no way no way okay we need to check this out we need

To check this out right now there’s no way there’s been a Cherry Grove here this whole time this is so steep okay if we come up if we come up to the top we should oh my God there’s so many if we go over here it’s weird there’s like no cherry trees

Here that’s a pretty pretty small Cherry Grove yeah the entire Cherry Grove doesn’t even have any trees just has slightly lighter grass in these um leaves everywhere these flowers everywhere yeah that’s interesting looks very slightly brighter than Plains grass so we’ve got the plains grass got the Cherry Grove grass very slight

Difference that’s pretty cool though hey pink petals use these for decoration I’m going to head back down now I’m going to need to craft myself up a stone stone pickaxe cuz I am really not paying attention to my durability yeah don’t really iron that’s fine Stone isn’t the worst if we had to

Start back from wood again that would that would be pretty bad that’ be pretty bad luckily I’m not that that bad of my resource management i’ say uh what four five stacks of stone maybe I’d say four Stacks because I don’t think I could mentally cope with getting five stacks

Of stone with a stone pickaxe I don’t think I physically could either juil run out yeah as I was saying about sand dition see series goes will he become more authentic or really become more fast based guess it’s just something we have to find out he definitely did spend a

Lot of time working on his episode on season two and so I might that it’s been like like a year technically it was 11 months but it’s pretty much a it’s pretty much a year SP on that that’s pretty crazy hopefully this episode two doesn’t take a year as

Well that would not be nice yeah I like uh how my Minecraft tour base is how it’s kind of like a theme of being cyber Punk is it cyber Punk it’s like futuristic I mean okay it doesn’t really have like a theme honestly it’s all over

The place you know you got little little wooden Hut then we got Dwayne Johnson then we got a massive futuristic skyscraper floating islands around it like doesn’t really have a theme but I do want this space type of theme I want it to be like like medieval you know

Like classic kind of Minecraft build style which yeah it’s like medieval like tons of cozy cabins and stuff like that I don’t know if I end up building like a castle or something if I end up getting far into this series I’m like I’ll probably end up building the

Castle I don’t want to build anything too futuristic you know I don’t really enjoy building stuff that’s futuristic okay this should be enough hopefully hopefully hopefully y hopefully yeah I’m just going to do an oak roof I can’t lie M building this entire thing out of out of stone when uh take

Ages so what I’m going to do is I’m going to smelt this up and then we should be good to go I’ve got enough Woods to fill it in yeah that should be good I’ve already got some stairs crafted so that’s great craft up the rest of the

Stairs now we got one two three four four and a half stacks of stairs yeah we should be good to go that well I’m going to cut back until this is all smelted all right now I’ve got all the stone done I can turn these

Into stone bricks and make it a roof I really hope I have enough have enough Stone all right that’s that’s all the stone bricks we’ve got I’m I’m just I’m really hoping this is enough because if it’s not and that’s going to be a bit painful I probably

Have to just try and find some more iron and upo yeah I think this going be cool I like doing Stone trims and having the main part of the roof be like some sort of wood all right should I do it like yeah I’ll do it like

This some people find roofs hard roofs hard to do but I don’t think it’s that hard to do I think it’s just awkward I think it’s just awkward like the kind of like concept itself itself is pretty simple just make the stairs go up come back down fill it

In but you know you got to make sure it’s all lined up all the stairs going white white Right Way Etc okay put that like that let going so let’s go up to like a a point of one block it’s two blocks on this side though that’s the thing H SP come

Though it should be fine on a small island I make it got of one yeah or should I have a pickaxe I’m so dumb I’ll just focus on the front first now we can focus on the back afterwards ow two one then there’s a lot of pillaring involved in making roofs

Okay should I do this I mean I should probably something like this the roof that could be cool yeah M that so where would I go up to boom boom boom [Applause] boom okay so if we like three blocks in from there it should go up to a point

Here and we can cut this off then we can go over here come from here place that there and then just build back up to it and there we go all right get rid of this dirt and then just go across to the other side two three four five 6 78

Nine I don’t know what I’m going to do with the back I could separate this but then I need like so much ah I think I’ll just make it identical to the front even if it doesn’t look the best on the back yeah wise words is um green as what said

Before okay build this back down here might need some stone brick slabs I can go about slabs for now I them prob next video because build this house really taking my energy out of me not saying it’s not pleasant it’s nice to build this house it’s relaxing

But at the same time it takes my energy which is uh probably a bit stupid to say but I don’t know okay yeah that makes sense okay so do that there I could just oh oh my God that terrified me okay we’re placing oh God yeah we’re placing a bunch

Of bunch of torches around this island I did not expect that mobs would be such a hassle actually I thought since the island was so small it would have like space to spawn but yeah I was being a bit too optimistic there I’m just going to light up Island

For now I’ll make it look pretty one when when I have the opportunity to right now I’m just going to keep working on this I should fill in this nasty looking creeper hole here as well I know I don’t feel them all the way fight me bro

The thing is like if they dropped the same amount of blocks were there and I got blown up I could afford to completely fill it but since some of the blocks just get straight up destroyed I can’t really I don’t really have that luxury there we go it’s good enough for now

I’m going to put I’m going to put Birch in the little gaps here let’s peel her up ah darn it let’s put up around the other side I’ll put that there I could probably I around a sign I have my Oak stairs on me so I could probably fill these in but I’m

Going to start by filling in the the little triangular gaps boop boop boop boop boop my ax is probably going to die stripping these I might need an extra plank for these bits so I’ll leave these bits empty and fill in these we going to break off this one why

Not it’s got like one or two more swings in it and it’s completely gone I’ll just fill these in oh come on oh my God I hear drowns they scared me I’ve had bad experiences with drown in the past there we go only’s filled in I’ll fill these in I I’ll um strip

These as much as I can ah what the hell how are how are you on land oh my goodness I’m going to have to whack this guy of a shovel a the crits I just C him with a shovel oh my goodness this is so scuffed okay

Please am I safe I hope I’m safe I’ve just jinxed haven’t I have any Cobblestone okay thank God I do have Cobblestone have Cobblestone that could have been very very bad craft a pickaxe first and craft an axe I go and get some iron later okay do I have

Any no I don’t have any wooden logs I’m just going to strip these get some logs and fill in the roof and we should be done I just fill in these like so it’s really coming to together now actually really happy with how this this house is turning

Out do this here get these little tiny bits here and this roof is a bit it’s a bit strange but know enough the formula works out probably take this down maybe try and fill fill in this bit a bit more look like it’s about to become day

Again make sure we sleep in the next few nights otherwise this could be bad you f PHS oh God I hate Phantoms yeah I’m going to grab some some more Oak so yeah next year is um it’s going to be now for all you guys 2024 this my last video of

2023 I remember when I made my um my last video of 2022 back with my old friend Dez I don’t really talk to him anymore he’s kind of just doing his own thing now but we used to be buddies back in the day did YouTube together it’s

Back when I used to oh my God that look looking so good so far yeah we used to do YouTube back in the day back when we um we did smps actually met him on an S SMP yeah we met him on a Time SMP well I’m time he pretty chill

Guy he was very clever I give him that he’s very clever guy he actually codes his own games now which is crazy I’m very proud of him he’s kind of just doing his own thing recently I did actually talk to him even though we don’t really talk

Anymore but he got me to record a video with him where he makes he’s made this horror game it’s it’s very Cur like not in the horror cast but like it’s very very memy meme worthy I could put this here that it’s very meme worthy I don’t want to spoil

It should be coming out some in the next few months hopefully yeah I really hope he releases this it it was a very fun experience if that’s the that’s the word for it it was strange but yeah it was a fun experience it was very strange it’s raining again oh my

Goodness that’s smelting to GES the end of the time when I cut the video I went on call with one of my friends ukids I have actually kind of mentioned ukids on my channel before he’s he’s pretty chill guy he doesn’t really make content he made those animations you’ve

Seen Channel you know those shorts of mos goes to Russia MOS explodes it’s just yeah it’s all good fun it’s a great guy he he’s been talking about making YouTube videos at some point so if he ever gets into it I’ll shout out his channel yeah I was just um when I was

Talking with him while I was while the recording was paused it’s pretty much just talking about what I was talking about earlier about authentic content Sam suac and whatnot wow this house is coming together la la oh I just realized we haven’t I haven’t done the roof they forgot about

It all right just build up yeah I was just talking about authentic content on YouTube and Samu like that’s crazy this man is getting hundreds of thousands of views from being himself and the funny thing is one of my friends UK was watching his videos he was instinctively replying to

Sam because of how much it felt like he was just chilling with his friends like he was just replying to him like it was actually talking to him which I thought it was pretty funny I think it further emphasizes the point I was trying to make about having that

Personal connection with your viewers people that Mr Beast and stuff don’t really have yeah that’s what I I really want to become I really want to become that YouTuber who has a very strong Community you know has a personal connection with my viewers and whatever that is the

Dream the ends of the day I’ll be happy if I have like couple 100,000 Subs 100,000 I’ll be happy if I was in the tens of thousands but if I had a strong Community that’s all I really care about Al I like getting subscribers and whatever but you know

If I have like the the strongest community and only like a thousand Subs I’ll be pretty happy with who I am I hate channels that are like super big you like join the Discord server or something and it’ll be pretty much dead because they focus so much on videos and

Not the people who’s watching those videos anyway this this kind of this style reminds me of a old series I used to do back on my other channel mentors 2o I used to do a series I don’t know if it’s up now it might be unlisted but I

Used to do this thing called build and talk i’ make a builds in Creative modes and I’d just talk about the subjects while I was doing it and it would be pretty CH I’d have some like low far music or I I’m playing in the background and dead content I really

Enjoyed making it I slide up the interior yeah it’s just um it’s very chill I could I could do videos like that every day that’s why I’m really hoping this pops off just because um if I could make videos every day and be healthy doing it that would just be

The dream cuz don’t get me wrong I love making content it’s just like my health you know focus on it I can’t just be pumping out videos 24/7 like the quality of Mr Beast I want to do videos like that it take months between videos and it makes me feel bad

Because I’m not uploading for ages it makes you feel bad because I’m not uploading for ages you know anyway uh I’m loving that loving it I think I’m going to move my barrels inside make a little path going down and I think I’ll end the video

There let me just get rid of some of this junk I didn’t pick up any of the back oh M that is just okay the furnace get rid of the Apple get rid of the stone okay there’s my little humble Bo so far yeah I’m going to put these

Here I’m going to you know we have to have the the crafting table and the furnace oh we have to have the crafting table and the furnace together it’s just how it’s meant to be you know a there we go all right I’m going to slap some

Signs on these and I’m going to try and stick to them all right so this is going to be food chest chest um Barrel I’ll keep it adds character as I always say and we got building materials I have the valuables chest Valuables and I’ll just have a some for like tools or something have some signs left over so I’ve got IDE do so I could put these on here for extra decoration and with the last one I could put this on here I could say mem’s epic

Cabin and I’ll number it as well just so the post man can find me honestly I’m really happy with how it’s turning out so far what else could I add though I mean we’ve got the storage got the I can make more furnaces need more Stone

And can I sleep through this I know it’s raining it’s not funer St all right well I’m going to make a little path going down to here and I think I’ll end the end off the episode let me just uh I don’t want it to be too I hate

Having a shield in my hand I don’t want it to be too you know neat I want to be like rustic you know like organic there we go this is great might make the path a bit thicker up here and yeah looks like amazing I’ll plant some trees around as

Well just to spruce up the place a bit more that one here one there and plant one down here as well maybe and plant some around the side plant some around sides as well this looks great and yeah there we go if you enjoyed let’s get okay yeah this looks great if you

Enjoyed watching this video thank you so much and I’ll see you in the next one have an amazing day and happy New Year oh

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Longplay Day 1: Authenticity’, was uploaded by Memtoz on 2024-01-01 04:38:11. It has garnered 722 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:24 or 6744 seconds.

This is a new series I will be doing from now on! Everyday of 2024 I will be uploading a new video of close to unedited Memtoz content 😀 Inspired by Sam Sulek.

My Discord Server!: Sonny’s Channel!:@SonnyAthwal

  • Minecraft: The Ultimate Comparison

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  • Longbirch Vanguard Roleplay SMP 1.20.1 Java Races Classes Quests Pets Mounts

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  • PixelPvP

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  • Minecraft Memes – Test it to flames!

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  • Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd’s Minecraft Caper

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  • Unveiling the Haunting Cave Dwellers in Minecraft

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  • 🐼 Mega House Items Haul! Live Now – Its Panda Gaming 🎮

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  • 🤯 Insane Miko Boiz Minecraft Mod IQ Test!!

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  • “Top 8 Songs of War Characters – Deathsinger Revealed!” #songsofwar #minecraft

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  • “Lurlene Crotty’s EPIC Pokemon battles in Minecraft!” #clickbait

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    YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS IN THIS ANIME BEACH EPISODE! | Minecraft CDRSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘O EVENTO CANÔNICO DOS ANIMES (Episódio de praia) – Minecraft CDRSMP’, was uploaded by Lioju_MJ on 2024-04-14 04:38:01. It has garnered 284 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:37 or 18697 seconds. Come join the lives and videos!!! Lives every day at 8pm (EXCEPT TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS) Videos almost daily! SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL, IT HELPS A LOT! LARAY’S TWITCH CHANNEL: give her support! Youtube Channel: @laray_OFI OVERTAKE SERVER: CDR SERVER: MESSAGE BY PIX ON LIVE: SOCIAL MEDIA Discord: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: Kwai:… Read More


    kevolve.netWelcome to, a free SMP server open to everyone, currently looking for Minecraft survival mode enjoyers. We run some good mods. Read More

  • Hermitcraft-style server recruiting SMP players, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! We are a friend-based Minecraft server built around community and trust. We offer a classic survival SMP experience without major game-changing mods. Join us for events, hang out on voice chat, and play Minecraft together! Interested in joining? Fill out our short application form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I hope my grandkids can still play Minecraft

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  • Craft a Hive, Survive: Minecraft Beehive Build Guide

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  • POV: I become MrBeast’s Minecraft guardian angel!

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  • NOOB vs PRO Building Battle Trolled with ILLEGAL Mod! – Minecraft

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  • Embark on an Epic Adventure with Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Glitch Revealed!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Glitch Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cool Minecraft Bugs!’, was uploaded by Provolone on 2024-04-20 13:00:45. It has garnered 10695 views and 226 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Been a while since I made one of these…loving the parrot one 🙂 #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #shorts #facts Read More

  • Playing Minecraft while sick…what’s gonna happen?!

    Playing Minecraft while sick...what's gonna happen?!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m sick, so I might as well play Minecraft’, was uploaded by ArkticDragon Gaming on 2024-04-12 04:27:19. It has garnered 91 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:19 or 8839 seconds. Hey guys! I’m gonna work on the SMP world and work on some projects! 😀 ​Rules: no harassment, racial slurs, homophobia, NSFW, or politics. Don’t ask to be mod, spam, self promote, vent, or roleplay. also no saying you’re going to go watch another streamer. No 911 jokes either. Basically don’t be a dick and we’re chill! Have fun! You… Read More

  • Unbelievable Chained 360s in FLQMZE!

    Unbelievable Chained 360s in FLQMZE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Chained 360s…’, was uploaded by FLQMZE on 2024-05-16 23:18:08. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:04 or 64 seconds. ROAD TO 100 Subs ❤️❤️❤️ ———————————————————————————- ➢ Song & Texture Pack: Ask in Comments ➢ Sub Count: 79 Subs ———————————————————————————- #shorts #minecraft #pvp #hypixel #minemen #combos #sumo #boxing #zeqaboxing #duelsboxing #duels #zeqaduels #4k #zeqa4k #bedrock #mcpe tags (ignore) #hive, hive treasure wars, hive pack folder, #packfolder , hive skywars, hive minecraft, packfolder, minecraft, hive pack folder mcpe, mcpe, pvp, treasure wars, yoga and stretching, mcbe, controller, the hive,… Read More

  • 🔥 Ep. 007: Mind-Blowing Aesthetic Stream!

    🔥 Ep. 007: Mind-Blowing Aesthetic Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mine O Sphere Season 3 Stream 007 | Aesthetics’, was uploaded by Digital Rian on 2024-04-23 05:21:57. It has garnered 179 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:47 or 4787 seconds. #minecraft #redpill #podcasts Merch live! Chat was here Sign up to the channel subscribers and get whitelisted to the server! voice mod Rian Stone, Red Pill, Relationship, Married stuff, don’t forget fuccfiles on audio All music by Birocratic and Home and Epidemic Sound Read More

  • INSANE! Guavacado UNLOCKS SECRET in Day #0003 of Minecraft SMP

    INSANE! Guavacado UNLOCKS SECRET in Day #0003 of Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day #0003 – Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by guavacado on 2024-04-05 21:37:08. It has garnered 60 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:51 or 531 seconds. messing around with jon join the server: #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #smp #letsplay #roleplay #gaming #chill #minecraftmarketplace #server #series #casual #join #whitelist #nostalgia #multiplayer #javaedition #theboys #playtogether Read More


    INSIDE TV WOMAN'S FRIDGE?! HOUSE BUILT BY JJ & MIKEY in Minecraft - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s FRIDGE! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Myzen on 2024-04-05 11:00:42. It has garnered 29217 views and 422 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:45 or 4005 seconds. JJ and Mikey BUILT a HOUSE inside TV WOMAN`s FRIDGE! BUT TV WOMAN CAUGHT THEM! in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we… Read More