The Ultimate Showdown – Pirates SMP VOD 47

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Decide to ruin my bounty will you decide to kill my crew will you decide to just shun me out from the entire faction Isles will you this place stands for everything that I hate Unholy communions marriage between Pirates sickening and now you’re having a stupid little sleepover huh yeah yeah where was

My invite where was my invite to the sleepover well guess it’s about time you try and put everybody to sleep say night night to everybody cuz this thing’s going Sky High going to pop a few of these here some there they’re never going to know what hit

Them and all I have to do is give the call the signal to my crew they’ll know exactly what to do when the time is right it’s amazing how much damage one little lever can cause and I reckon my final one you know what I’m going to put the final one

Right where we dropped the Anvil on Jeffrey right [Laughter] here nice all right well when I give the signal bye-bye Castle bye-bye Castle it’s all going to go bye-bye to the ship blonde beard will have his victory after all and it’s going to be so so so good when I

Do right tell you what we don’t need any more need for this get rid of you fantastic thought that was coming towards me then it creeps me out a little bit let me see what do we got yeah this all do lovely all right let’s get rid of that

Brilliant you know I might do as well just for good measure just a couple if you really love them that much you’ll notice they’re gone if not and I’m calling you a bluff there we are Thanksgiving might of pasts but everybody’s still eating good lovely right now there’s just the Lesser

I say lesser the more frustrating task of trying to recharge this useless thing where has its power gone where huh can anybody answer me that question why am I now just on the same level as everybody else why am I now just as weak

As them it makes no sense to me I don’t get it I don’t get it but I’ve got a few more ideas on how to recharge this I think first and foremost we need to head Southeast down here there is an island that has what was described to us before as being

Magical Hot Springs it burned with a a flame so hot and bubbled so horribly that it actually killed me so would it be enough to bring life back to the sunset Stone I think it could I think it could so that’s how goal today rats that’s what we’re going

To be doing we’re headed straight out and if that doesn’t work then I’ll just have to find more lava and if that doesn’t work then maybe I need to go and have a speak with this church of Iris and see what they have to say for themselves because I’m not getting out

Of here unless I can cause a Ruckus I need something big enough to happen that dock if he’s not ignoring me to be able to see what’s happening in the code I need some kind of flag bug report whatever you want to call it whatever you want to phrase it as I need

To send a message not just to these other Pirates but to him as Well how far away are we let’s see ooh uncharted waters see now there’s an altar there but I don’t think that’s where we’re headed I’m pretty sure our hot springs are just here okay we’ll turn this way Slightly I wonder who’s at this sleepover this slumber party that Ros has organized today what is it about Ros and just ruining every single one of my plans my first ever Bounty supposed to be a mutual benefiting situation she gets to live I get money it’s Happy Days ruined that blew me

Up and then water I held on to that Bounty for 6 weeks I missed my shot I don’t know who on the crew plac the Torches in the wrong place it was perfect last I checked it should have gotten her that’s why I’ve had Grim go in this time

Grim will be the one to set the TNT off cuz Smithy awful I can’t trust him again it’s like I’ve got a whole crew of idiots and dummies how far off are we we’re pretty close but when the time is right I’ve got one Shire way of luring them away from the castle or to be honest to be frank I don’t mind if it blows up with them in the castle even better I don’t know where they’re having this sleepover I just heard about it in the in the tavern seems like everybody’s

Going to be at it Scott AO Owen all of them whoever’s around is supposedly invited but not me right Sunset Stone we’re here now you you better sort yourself out because if I’m ever going to find this one piece of treasure then I need you to start

Behaving right I need your power to be able to overcome any foe in this world at the moment I’m just as pathetic as the rest of them I have sharper wids but sometimes that’s not enough you know what I’m sick of respect in the world I’m breaking

Blocks right is this going to be Enough but it looks like somebody else took a dip and never came back Out not sure what happened there not sure what happened I’ll L it with you did I die or did the server die that’s the Question it’s fine this will all be great in the YouTube version of it chat so went poof right there but anyway hi everybody just out of character for a moment um how are we we all all right it isn’t a l stream without bloopers am I right hey it happens it

Happens that’s why we edit down the the vods into Videos slightly worried no you should be should Be your secret life episode gave me heart palpitations you got your tcg booster box ooh I wonder if mine’s on the way let me have a look want to check the app I ordered three booster boxes and then a game box cuz it was a cap of four items per order wasn’t

It oh it’s saying it arrives on the 11th I don’t know what day that is the e8th today and we are on Friday 11th is Monday all right fair I can’t remember if I’ve got anything on on Monday I could potentially uh do a little unboxing Stream brand thing you said well I mean that’s that’s the daytime that’s that’s me I would stream me opening the T CG if it comes in time and then um yeah we go from there unboxing stream please I’ll have to figure out if I’ve got enough

Mic uh sorry not mic arms enough camera arms to move my camera over my desk to do it I don’t really have a portable camera setup really I just have the one nice Camera take a few days after the end of pirates to rest up I’m not sure I’m going to be able to fully rest up but I’ll try my best boot in 30 seconds no worries This music is very um Harry Potter feeling isn’t it I need to actually look at this email about one of the brand deals Um cool I think that’s one of the brand deals locked In Oh pressed the wrong button There Wizards SMP that would be fun Wizards SMP would be fun there was one recently though wasn’t there didn’t um I feel like I remember Scott and I was Lot doing it and pesent uh not pesent Moon uh pris Marina was in it and stuff they did like witches or Something what were the names I said a second ago by the way chat I made them up on the spot but what the name of those two crew mates I said I don’t remember it’s back up cool what the crew mate name Rim that was it Smiffy nice all right cool um I think we’re about to go back In should we change the music what we got think this one will do all right cool and then we can wander back in there cool all right got It ooh look like I was back on the Boat Oh where am I oh dang I’m all the way back there all right let’s go back to where we were before we um put our LW hat back On this is fine there are some timings i’ I have to hit today but I think we’re all good I think we’re all flexing times around crashes and stuff so should be good this will be fine Have you tried the new Lego fortnite I haven’t yet not just Yet that is very much on my to-do list it’s just between MCC and Pirates and jingle jam and uh and all that sort of stuff is the boom boom still there yeah it will be cuz if I’m back at this position in the ocean it means that anything placed beforehand will still be

There also there was a lot lot of boom boom a lot of that boom boom was placed earlier on today but yeah I’ll eventually get R to Lego fortnite for Sure oh my God I’m going completely the wrong way aren’t I it Is I will admit that I loaded up Lego fortnite but I was unable to interact with uh the NPCs so there’s like Brit bomber or whoever it was that was there to like I think introduce me into the mechanics my interact button middle Mouse button but I couldn’t seem to

Middle Mouse button on her for some reason which was a bit strange so I don’t know if I have to rebind it or whether I was just having weird issues with it right almost there at least as long as I’m sing the wrong the right direction almost there yeah okay

Cool there’s a completely new bind set for Lego fortnite might need to change it there I did look in that menu but I couldn’t find interact I can see every other option attack move jump uh Sprint all that sort of stuff could not seem to see an

Interact why does this Tower feel like 10 times further than it was before we’ll carry on for where we were I knew the ship was technically facing the other way but it’s Fine did Ross spot the boom boom yet no get back up to where I was stood this is almost like a live recording session it’s fun sorry that it’s a bit broken up but hey it happens well I think this is a pretty clear sign that I should not step foot

In here now before I didn’t actually have to step into the lava at that creepy Tower over to the far north in order for it to power up the sunset Stone and I feel like the same would ring through here so hotring one dud hot spring two anything from

You I mean that fox seemed to make it look okay oh right I can stand in this bit there you go I’ll Stand in that bit any better what about if I crouch really soak the stone in it how is the stone gotten colder the water’s boiling this thing feels like

I’m holding an ice pop how’s that happened this thing is utterly broken look at it so stupid right what if that’s not working any other Springs right there’s another one there oh there’s actually way more here than I remember there being right ready there oh oh

Oh you know what stupid island anyway I don’t even care flam’s going to recall my ship I’m so done with this Stone just brings me nothing but pain and just frustration kind of wish I never had it I’ve just been teased with what could have been a great thing and this just

Ruined everything for me so stupid flam get me my boat back have you ever spoken I like you just a starer there it is right let me get this thing out of sight I don’t want them to know where I am or what my next move is I’m going to part this around

The back of the casino cuz as much as people go to the casino they never look at the island behind it so I think that’s the perfect spot to place This I have tried speaking to flam before no Response right I’m going to put this here this is a big boat though jeez right put this here let’s all do right well I I kind of feel as though I’ve exhausted all my options at this point Hot Springs dud Volcano Island here worked great one time never again though everywhere else

Is ice walls I’ve seen this map from one of the other kols there’s barely anything there I asked him if there was any lava it was sausage who told me about it said there was buger R all there’s only a few more lava Pockets I

Can think of and it’s going to be the ones that are actually around the faction Island that’s that’s my last thread of Hope so we’ll go by old Caravel and see what we can do I’m pretty sure there’s a few of them I’m pretty sure I can go to like

The foot of the mountain and go around in like a a circuit and I’m pretty sure I can test the sunset Stone there what I should probably start doing is bringing a bed with me cuz I didn’t respawn in that island and cuz I didn’t

Have a bed let’s make a couple beds feel like that’s a bit of a necessity who the hell are you Simon Foley all right hold on that is way further across than I Thought what we’ll do is we’ll get a couple beds just to be sure because I still don’t know maybe we’ll go check with saffre as well whether there’s a bounty out me I actually wouldn’t even mind taking out a brand new Bounty given that my previous

One was ruined right beds beds beds beds beds beds there’s enough wool there for one bed that is concrete I guess I could dye numerous wool into the same color I just make a bunch of yellow beds they’ll be easy to spot right there you go you two into there great that

One uh I’ll only do one of those yeah there you go that’ be that’ be a bunch of beds right where’s wood yeah that’ll Do I guess I’ll techn yeah maybe I should die that last one yellow Actually a green bed on many many Tropical Islands is not going to be a good mix is it right that goes into there I’ll bring some wood with me cuz why not I’ll keep one bed just there and the rest of them can disappear how am I doing for rope right

Now yeah I’m all right for Rope but I think that is going to be good perfect Chuck those in there I don’t really care for those they can go right let’s drop off drop off some dollar with Allison although knowing my string of luck Allison is probably at this bloody slumber

Party oh no she’s not all right well you went to the wedding but not the slumber party inconsistent is that it is that all my money how full of my pockets right now 2728 all right that’s fine by me right let’s go try charging this Sunset

Stone the only other hot place I can think of just because I spoted the elephant there is maybe I could try looking at I guess like was it this island or was it one further in it was that one wasn’t it yeah look you can even see the

Cacti still that Island there could be a candidate for what we’re looking for let me pop over to saffre First and just see if I can take out a new Bounty I’m not holding on to it for as long as I did last time I’ve been missing out on some

Very steady and clean income as clean as blood on your hands is I certainly could have had more in this time Frame you know what I’m only just now realizing that I haven’t seen cppy for a long time that makes me feel real good stupid little pin cussion don’t you start I’m not in the mood for you Yet know actually take that didn’t get did I there you go take that one Idiot Brio then saffre are you there’s no way saffre is at that Slumber Party surely not I mean I guess she doesn’t have to be here for me to o is that a new Ros one I feel like that’s the old Ros one that I failed

And that one should have been gone as well you know what seeing as we’re here I’m going to use this as an opportunity I’m not going to be able to give it to her am I you know what just so that he has a fire lit under his ass cuz he

Still hasn’t reported back to me yet about whether he’s taken out AO and I’m not sure I’m going to trust that he has I’m going to make him think he’s being Hunted that’ll get him going that’ll speed up proceedings if saffre is not there to account for it then that’s on her throw that piece of paper away no one’s going to find that not a Chance right lava don’t know who you are be your mine now what are you looking at never like the merchant never right let’s go find these lava Pockets I’m pretty sure there was a lava pocket between the castels and the kites as you go along the path there’s little openings little

Mouths yes this is the sort of thing I’m looking for right then Sunset Stone you got magma you got lava what else could you need I don’t even stand on this look but I will literally hold this in the lava yes look at it you’re literally getting doused in

Magma lava’s pouring all over you it’s not doing anything is it it feels like it’s only getting warm just purely from like natural conduction it doesn’t seem to be doing anything based on Magic useless is there one over this way is it time to maybe putt it

Back rats why do you try to undermine me every time Try again lava pool number two it right next to it it’s not in it but it should be close enough come on back here yeah here we go yeah look at that that is fully submerged that couldn’t be closer is in it did he just copy what I

Said yeah how do you like that you want to feel the fire I can feel the fire too yeah look at me when I’m speaking to you huh we can both get hot you want to mock somebody mock yourself you’re the sunset Stone yet I’m hotter than you are right

Now I can stand the Heat just remember who brought you out of that stupid little Shrine of yours you like you were in a daycare you like you were in a preschool before I came along and grabbed you what were you doing before then just sitting there twiddling your your

Dust why is that your coated in anyway it’s horrible it’s like sherbet but really hard to wash out I don’t even know what the original color of the stone was there we go right here we go this is what we’re talking about this is a little bit more

Enclosed lava on pretty much all all three nearly four sides how does this take you fancy anything I tell you what I’ll leave you there for a second to think about It no nothing why are kids so insubordinate speaking of where’s the horse gone it’s fine I’ll do it on foot stupid Horse do they have lava at the herens The Ice would probably indicate no I’m not going to throw it in the lava I didn’t bring my lava goggles today unfortunately did you get out from that’s right anything that snuck out of Rosa’s little bird house gets it anym

No I I can’t just throw it into the lava I would have to keep a hold of it myself did I miss another another lava spot is there one just here nope not one There let’s try this one stupid birds man why there’s so many of Them ooh maybe put it in a freezer see how it likes it I like that I like that idea maybe it’ll warm up out of necessity right well this is to my knowledge the last lava pocket here all right there you go drink it in Buddy any more Thoughts nope Nothing we’re trying the freezer I know there’s one place where there’s a freezer I remember there being a kitchen the very first day we got here I remember going into into the tavern at the top of town having a little raid in there the newspapers run dry nobody’s buying from that

Anymore Scott’s not even stuck in the shop what kind of dumpling establishment is that when he’s got nothing in it you at least put a store clo sign up right it’s laziness man I’m telling you the herens they just FP about just looking for things they don’t for facilitate anything

Right oh okay wait hold on this might be warm enough magma assisted by fire how about that there you go just dunk a hand in tickles a little bit I can handle it M no nothing perfect right then let’s play a game of chicken you’re going to sit here and

You’re going to think about what you’ve done or more likely the lack of what you’ve done what you’ve refused to do and what you’ve stopped doing do you not want to get out of that horrible little chamber of yours and go and see the world we went to some really

Cool places we did parkour Towers fortresses we did a few CPS little were puzzles monsters treasure all of it and yet you want to sit in a room and look at a rainbow explain that to Me no explanations no nothing at all nothing in response idiotic zero response does feel again it feels colder but I think it’s just environmental cold it doesn’t feel cold cold it’s been pretty neutral for a while now hey Creator what do you know about the sunset Stone marvelous relic of great power it

Fiery H is had to harness the essence of the Setting Sun granting strength and resilience to its Bearer a truly remarkable find well I can tell you none of that’s true it’s useless every artifact is a piece of History regardless of its perceived usefulness what good is this Stone if I

Can’t use it for power it is quite literally a paper weight and not even a good one at that it’s dusty it’s horrible it’s it’s going to get stuff all over my parchments I don’t want every addition of the noisy parrots come with an allergy warning

Like so is this what you want you you want to be back here is that what you’re telling me the stone of Radiance is of equivalent power to you right now bam there you go anything any Flames any tickling any tingles any Feelings you feel the room go cold as if it’s sad let me even your happy place you just cry and moan what do you want from me like what what am I supposed to do I could walk around with this and get in a whole lot of trouble because people

Think that it’s you you’re in here sulking you won’t even make a bubble bath you w even make a little hot tub let alone save an entire Island sun god wasn’t going to do anything with you sun god seems to be knocking around just just fine without

You is that what it is are you now realizing that you’re actually useless this whole time you thought that you were something special that you were the source of sun God’s power yet Sun God still seems to be knocking about perfectly fine without you or is it my ambition is not big

Enough is that what it is is it you like the idea of muasa taking you so you could boil the oceans why is it that helping me finding a treasure which you can’t even fathom what this treasure is I don’t want to say anymore because there’s no way I’m

Awakening an an animate object especially I’m out of ideas Get away get Away did we loseing who’s that oh that’s clawed that’s not even Shep right I think we need a timeout you have a nap I’ll stand guard you just decide when you want to come out okay you you decide when you want to do something with your life just

Wasting it away sitting inside reading books why read about other people’s Adventures when you can go on them Yourself stupid stupid Stone I didn’t even realize it was possible for stones to snore must be doing that thing where it vibrates so dumb I’m giving it like two more minutes and then I’m Waking it up I don’t know what I’m supposed to do who else could know about oh wait

Enchantress come here you’re waking up she might know she’s used to the Paranormal and the Supernatural right maybe it’ll be warmed up by the Heat and the passion between two very important people maybe that’s what it is maybe it needs chemistry to kick in hello my dear you probably don’t recognize me with the beard what do you know about the elements of

Fire she seems to have one here pretty often ah the fiery Embrace of elemental power fire is a force that consumes destroys yet also brings warmth and light What specifically would you like to know how to make something hot again that’s lost it’s warmth to return warmth to something

Cold seek flames of Life stroke Stoke a fire with kindling breathe life into the Embers life being an analogy or do you literally mean feed it life I’m trying to understand what she means analogies have their place but here I speak of literal flames and fuel feed the fire to restore

Warmth feed it life that’s what you’re saying wood or coal I thought you were on a whole different path just then enchantress GL you clarified that I was about to go down Church of Iris route ah the Church of Iris a path paved with mysticism and strange rituals may I

Be of assistance with anything else no that’ll be All well I thought we were having a breakthrough moment there turns out that’s not the case so even the magic wielder knows nothing about this magic I’ve taken it to its resting place I’ve taken it to every hot spot that I can think of I don’t have to feed it life I don’t

Have to give it sacrifices it doesn’t like the simply the the cold is not enough to scare this thing there’s no way I’m sailing East absolutely no way there’s no way I’m sailing far out to the east to meet the ice wall or maybe that’s what it deserves maybe that’s what you do

Deserve maybe you deserve me to sail all the way to the the edge of the great border leave you at the foot of the ice wall maybe chip some out with the pickaxe wedge you in it cover you back over with snow and let you just Thor out in a

Couple hundred years or something yeah how does that sound you want to just be left somewhere when nobody knows where you are freezing Cold all right you want me to feel it coal what was that I’m sorry did you just yoink my arm huh least you reacting to something now let me find a furnace she said give it fuel we’ll give it fuel where’s a regular Old Furnace why are you pulling me that

Way I’m trying to find you a furnace which way do you want me to go try it again right are we playing hot or cold right now are you really going down this route I love a pun but this is ridiculous this Way okay I guess if I’m going cold you’re going to P pull me the other way you just tell me where we’re going you want to go back to the freezer is that what you’re saying then you call in my bluff oh right okay I am I picking up what you’re putting

Down pull me twice if if the volcano is what you’re after for God’s sake you do know that I’ve tried to climb that thing before and it’s impossible right last time I tried to go there the game rules weren’t letting me place any blocks I can place rope come place

Blocks couldn’t use all right I get it I get it well you’ve got to help me you got to do something to help me out you’ve got to ah unless you really are oning me to the tavern they’re oddly in the same direction let me try this furnace idea one more

Time what about going in here any good for you have I got any coal there you go here some coal I don’t know if that’s how you’re cooking this thing nah nothing is there a oh there’s a smoker let’s try that No well that clearly isn’t the right thing to do get rid of that right okay I mean I guess you did say the volcano I just wanted to try and avoid that now the issue is with me climbing the volcano somebody could definitely spot me doing it we’ve got the advantage

That it’s night time right now but I might need to try and pull people away where’s that Bell where’s the Bell that everybody rings when there’s like a meeting and stuff in fact this is all working up perfectly I’ve just realized I told Grim that the Bell was

The signal for blowing up the castle H maybe I ring this that’ll pull everybody away to here that gives Grim some time to send the cast Castle Sky High and then as they wander back and they’re like oh no my castle oh no I spent ages making it I spent all my

Gold on it and never bought a good ship then I can scale this bad boy what do you think SS good idea I need to make sure they’re definitely out the way though I don’t know where they’re having this stupid sleepover is the issue are

They having it at the castle or is it is it somewhere else you know what oh my God I thought it was a pirate it’s just an NPC see oh okay you know what s it we’re doing it how the hell do I ring this

Thing oh oh God that was a lot of time that was a lot of times hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide hide okay oh God here we go hold on a minute wait wait wait wait it doesn’t matter Claude will shut his mouth Claude won’t say Anything o Claude you tell them who rang that Bell you’re done for all right you’re going to tell them you did it otherwise I’ve got an anvil and a lot of height on you right now zip It I can’t go until they come here First where would they be coming From should I bring it Again do you reckon Grimm already pulled the pulled the lever maybe it was properly night night for all of the uh the slumber party I was oh no wait wait I’m stuck I’m running I’m running I’m running oh even crappies here there we go I’m going to quickly eat cuz I’m a

Little bit hungry right now okay I’m actually scared guys why does someone ring the bell I don’t know just clawed it’s just Claude what do you want hi Claude hi Claude hi yeah you all right ah they have to be fine crappie is scary aren’t you crappie

You’re a little scary you’re a little scary no you’re you’re not scary do I think you’re scary I think buy more pies all right I’m joking I’m joking you’re not scary guys I don’t see anyone here should I scream hello anyone here has this trap has this trap door always been

Here oh don’t know usually usually there’s like free drinks or something just on the table so yeah there’s food and stuff oh there is drink drink always just drink I love drink guys yeah what can I drink this am I allowed to yeah do no one St do it

Slumber py slumber party oh even SG good just a question how you throw I can’t run right now they’ll spot me always been here I want to know for certain that they’re going to be gone worrying about the castle whil I scale that thing you remember when we you wer here room I

Was they’re not going to come upstairs I’m sure I hope so and if they do I’ll just what’s going on I have for this we crammed like 16 people in that hole wow guys look at the uh the fraction rep the uh C are doing

Awful what we lost first oh yeah a come on I work so hard to track down why why are you no longer go faction oh yeah none of us hey hey do I have a faction do I have a you do you’re the only one

On the server who does yay look at me why am I not not want to do SL slash faction I’m so cool cool look at me with my cool name that has Heron in front of it so cool guys look I’m a ning girl it’s me oh my God you got faction right

Okay is that why the Bell was ringing I don’t I don’t think anyone was here so maybe we should just’s here but I think he’s f Go go go go go run run run run run run all right all right I think I’ve bought myself some time they’ll make their way back and they’re going to be so busy I think we’re good I think we’re good oh I wish I could see Rosa’s face when

She sees all of our hard work absolutely blown to smithin that’s why you don’t mess with the blond beard Pirates we’re a crew and we mean what we say and we do what we do right Sunset Stone you better start working for me okay

I’m going to get as high as I can and you got to make it possible for me to go all the way otherwise this is going to be have they left I don’t see them you know what s it I’m going to try again it works oh my God yes okay okay

Okay okay okay I don’t have many of these so I need to make them count this is fine uh oh jeez wait I think I remember that can place them like at my head height yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is what we

Want oh yeah this is for sure going to work Uh yes lovely up and up and up we Go if this doesn’t work then friendship ended with the sunset Stone I thought I heard something shut that I think shooting will be too obvious that’ll give me away in a heartbeat uh up we go man this already was impossible without rope how far away are we oh my God it’s still so

Far I don’t know if I’m going to have enough rope for this trying to be conservative with it now there a way that I can break it and oh I can okay I can be kind of Within Reach to use it properly right right got it yes yes yes

Yes yes yes oh dude I’m a pro this is great order of that training in there we go yes yeah yeah yeah got it yeah all that trading in Tomb Raider definitely paid off oh man this is steep uh got it can I take that one with me nice got

It you know this would be a lot easier if I had a a grapple hook okay wait hold on we’re getting to jumpy spaces again okay yeah yeah yeah good good good good good good good up to there ah tricky tell you what then let’s go to here again

Nice can’t about your Ros is crying right now oh man right up we go are we up oh we’re so close um okay I’m going to have to do this and across yep yep yep yep yep yep almost there almost there okay wait hold on this looks good to me oh wait

Moss did we do it oh my God we’re up lovely lovely stuff right then now the question is is during that horrific nightmare sequence I got pulled up here by the demon and it showed there being lava in there but equally the entire ocean was filled with

Lava back then now was that just figments of our imagination because the water down here certainly isn’t lava I’m so high up I can’t even see the ocean please please tell me that there is lava in here or am I just completely wasting my Time there is oh oh wao oh my God wait can I do I should I dude I’ve do you want me to go in there give me give me a yink if you want me to do that I’m going to take the hissing as a yes um right hold

On uh here we go who yeah yes oh [Laughter] amazing wait oh dude oh my God amazing all right good we’re in this is incredible oh my God okay sure we we can we can work with this right tell you what it’s actually a good idea that I brought a bed with me I don’t know what I’m going to encounter

Here but at least I’ll respawn here hold on I need you in hand dude need a shield as well I don’t know what we’re about to encounter do I even have enough food oh dude I’ve got dumplings for days okay let’s have a wander through here oh my God this cern’s huge

I’ve no idea what I’m supposed to be looking for here though should I try Get Low to like the lava maybe I can get down closer towards it maybe the stone Will Spring to life it’s about as low as I’m going to get right there we are I’m in a literal

Volcano if this doesn’t work then I don’t think anything will you got any more juice in you Stone seemingly not um I guess let’s just keep going oh my God this there’s a lot of treacherous jumps here Jesus uh that way how was nobody found this place

Before there has to be some magic here right right there’s no way there there’s no way that thin layer of lava can just exist like there has to be something magical holding it up oh jeez you’re really making me work for this oh my word okay hold on Is it that way I go it feels like I go that way do people used to live in here is that part of the story sometimes structures like this you just you can never know I mean does it does erosion by lava happen I know it does for water but I

Don’t know about for lava oh jeez can I make that oh God here we go yep just got it oh that was a close one okay oh mind my head take my time there we go yeah oh this is good this is good things are starting to feel a little warmer in my

Hand are you home buddy is this where you’re from I knew that stupid little Shrine wasn’t where you lived oh who oh oh okay all right I’m feeling it this is what I’ve been trying to claim back so you do want to work together you

Do want to go see the world well let’s go see it together then oh yes crystals now I’m not going to get too excited because I’ve seen those before and it wasn’t always oh oh now there are monsters well I can safely say flame

Monsters is a is a new one on my bucket list got to put that one in the journal whoa whoa whoa whoa ow ow Hold On You Want to Fight Fire with Fire I’ll do it ow okay you you can die come on then what did I just get That’s almost as hot as the sunset Stone this is crazy oh my God there’s so many of them though I think I need to be careful here I need to not get too Brash the sunet stone still hasn’t given me quite as much power as it did before

I’m feeling chipper I got a spring in my step but it’s not quite what I’ve previously held hold on let me use it got to land my shots if I want to do something with it uh try the other gun oh oh it was already baked it was already shot in

It no maybe they’re inv vulnerable maybe you can’t kill fire with gunpowder feels quite fitting no you can’t you can oh sweet okay just keep going you know what I’ve not done oh oh ow ow ow ow ow you know I’ve not done it in a

While I’ve not I’ve not set my spawn point let me stand around the the corner and just there you go thank God I brought numerous beds I normally cap out of to I’ve got one more left in me I don’t know how much deeper this thing goes oh surely

Not oh God oh my God to there as well oh God he hit me mid there oh my God wait wait wait wait I need a breather oh right okay this is fine wo wo wo wo wo there is there are way too many of you

Dudes wo wo whoa wo W wo wo wo wo wo right oh jeez go ow the Fireballs are everywhere yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is what I’m talking about all right I’m taking that as my my sign to head on in ready bam yes all right okay I like where this is Going so any obvious signs of where to head next oh God right hold on uh cannibals are going to be of no use to me ow all right let’s go what the hell is that thing oh my God there’s so many of you uh feel like I should place a bed

Feel like I’ve got one bed left in me I should place it all right don’t get cornered whoa whoa wo wo wo wo W wo wo wo wo right hold on a minute maybe this is just one of those like checkpoint things right most games have waves of mobs you take them out

You’re rewarded justly and I’m feeling strong dude I’m feeling powerful I’m feeling like I could do this with my fist oh what’s that you set me on Fire doesn’t bother me dude I’m feeling pretty spicy right now yes who’s next oh more over here all right come on

Bring it on let’s go head to head I’ll stand on the magma doesn’t face me Who yes now usually usually when you do this there’s something bigger something scarier these are usually the babies before the Mama comes looking and hey I can respawn here so I’m good all right that might be the mama what the hell am I looking

At oh my God I don’t think it spotted me just yet um okay just let’s just take a moment to assess I guess that’s probably going to be the smart thing to do right okay all right I’ve got an idea I’m going to guess that the hit box is in the

Head I think I’m going to try and shoot this thing head on start with oh it this thing has babies too oh no right hold on let’s try a head shot let’s see what see if this counts for anything yep there we go I can hit it

There let’s do some theories the tail the tail also works all of it is hitable oh this is Good right there we go got it nice it didn’t give me as much grief as I thought man the developers this pirate World they didn’t expect somebody like me oh okay oh wait every time I kill one of them more of those spawn out of it oh my

God do I have another sword I do I got another sword I’m good ow ow right anything left Not seeing anything I’m just going to grab my bed real quick where did I oh oh yeah all right all right this is what I came for we’re now net positive we’ve had some pretty bad times we are now net positive I’ve never felt so good the

Whole time I’ve been in this world I’ve never felt this great oh yes right hold on let me throw some stuff away yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is what it’s all about Sunset Stone me and you are going to do some incredible things I just got to figure out where

The hell I’m headed to Uh where are we going nothing there nothing there oh wa wao oh okay we’re Fine what am I looking at Do we do we go this way Sunset Stone how does this feel to you you think this feels Good oh okay yeah you did the hisses before I’ll take the I’ll take the hint what am I looking At okay I’m going to be really careful Here this is not like anything I’ve ever encountered before before we found it oh my God yes doc doc we got it oh my God but I’ve got no way of getting rid of it DOC if you’ve been ghosting me this whole time if you were just let me have fun like before

Then Now’s the Time We Found The Shard we destroy it we get out of here dog seek what the hell am I supposed to do I have this but I I’m so new to it I don’t know how to use it I’m going to have to call him aren’t I

I’m going to have to call son God right fine I’ll do it oh g h oh my God that was faster than I anticipated you told me a bit by surprise then I’m not going to lie that was um awfully creepy what what are you holding nothing um oh okay random

Question well this looks a little creepy yeah do do you know what that is no but I I can tell that it shouldn’t belong here where’s what happened to this place this place used to be full of lava yeah and it seems to seems to be filled with other things

Now um I don’t want to go into it too much because frankly I don’t want to awaken him that’s not going to work um I need your help I think okay I need to get rid of this thing but this thing yeah all I’m going to say is that I’m somewhat familiar

With them you know this whole time I’ve been looking for this one piece of treasure oh yeah I remember you kind of searched everywhere for something never told me what it was though and frustratingly it was on my doorstep the whole time so I don’t think I can get rid of this

On my own I the the strongest thing I have in my Arsenal is the sunset Stone you have my stone yes do you know how many stars I had to sacrific to even have a form because of that thing not longer being around I I could deal with just being

Mortal I needed a little something extra to to try and find this thing I only borrowed it for a little while I thought better of you Martin that’s your mistake you should never think great of me I’ll be honest with you I’m a piece of work

Um I don’t know what to do with this if you want it back you can have it I I I I don’t know if that will work I need basically an overwhelming amount of power to hopefully just destroy it I’ve been trying to find it and I’ve been

Calling it a treasure but I actually need it gone I need you to just annihilate that thing I I I can definitely do that um uhhuh but there’s going to be a consequence I I kind of need to use all of my power get rid of this um including

All the power of the stone wait when you when you say all your power you mean like you’ll just be a bit knacked afterwards yeah I I’m I’m going to have to basically Slumber for a bit just have a sunset wa pause pause Stone banished look away look away

Look away loading loading the stream could always use more subscribers we’ll rewind to uh what was I going to say uh all right so wait hold on so using all your power you just mean like you like you be fine afterwards right you just will be a bit

Exhausted I I I’m I’m I’m going to have to go away for a bit I’m you’re going to die use no no I can’t die I am the Sun but okay sure I’m I’m going to have to basically uh not be around for let’s say 200 years 300 years maybe four oh Jesus

But that’s okay I you know I come and go when uh Pirates need me it’s it’s quite fun to see what changes humans have made over the the years which is surprisingly not a lot oh what we’re just always in a pattern of cycle yeah I mean I’m pretty

Sure I must have done this at least once um I don’t remember but yeah um would you would you be willing to do that for me all I can say is that it is in everyone’s interest to do this everyone everything every wisp of wind every lava bubble that pops all of

It I am here to help every pirate then I will do this I need you to help me get rid of that will you look after the Pirates while I’m gone crossing my fingers behind my back I will okay all right stand back this is uh going to be quite explosive um quite

Warm oh and uh you you might feel a little tingle am I back far enough or yeah yeah I think so all right ready I guess all right here goes nothing wait what was that son son God SG you’re going to let me get out before you do

Any of this it might take you up but I don’t want to get taken out with you where am I supposed to go I’m trying to escape but there’s no time some God oh my God no not again oh my God what is it with this world and throwing me into the middle of the ocean first DOC now you dog dog oh God I really hope that was enough to cause a Ruckus surely that’s caused a a bug report a flag a glitch just

Something for doct to figure out where I am did they get did they get to him did chest find him doc where where are you I can’t stay here forever I can’t just be left in this world like it’s this can’t be it in Well I guess that’s law oh man that’s the end of uh heated exchange my little lore event so no sign of dock Sun God has gone into some form of hibernation pirate Martin appears to be stuck and he has no idea what to do next maybe he just has to wait you Out so just for like a behind the scenes bit by the way um when that black screen came up I originally wanted to have like a little just like just a couple of simple frames if you will like you know like some simple illustrations of me getting spat

Out of the volcano and maybe me looking panicked inside of the volcano as well um so when when I edit this down for a YouTube video that will be present there but like I said I’ve had an unbelievably busy week or two um and I’ve genuinely

Just not had time to pull that together um but for the YouTube video you will get the full experience the music selection will probably be a little bit different and stuff like that trying to change music whilst live is a bit of a doozy it’s a bit of a bit of a tricky

One but there we go that’s that’s that’s the uh the law that’s that’s the law stream done I definitely want to do more of those in like future projects um I’ve just had a lot of plates to spin during Pirates but I’ve liked doing you know the the blonde beard streams the past

Week or two we did the church uh or sorry I should say the church the wedding um but yeah no this is this has been good can we see the castle blowing up we’ll probably save that for for for next time it may not be blown up for all we

Know there’s every chance that Grim didn’t pull the lever and didn’t actually get everything to to kick off he could be just as useless as Smithy he really could be but um yeah there we are and I think that just about wraps me for today everybody so very much appreciate you

Watching I think I’ve actually timed that perfectly I think I can see the doorbell going off which means that I think the family yep the family have just gotten home so this is where I will leave you your jingle jam has past 3,000 has it really oh that’s

Brilliant um thank you very much to uh to Sun God by the way for um helping uh program a few bits for that putting the crystal in um having the camera Shake effect and all that sort of stuff I literally made that that audio the uh the Earth uh the volcano eruption

Sound and everything um I made literally between the jingle jam stream earlier on and this one so Lally just threw that together and I had planned for ages that getting spat out of the volcano would drop me back in so it’s a repeat of the very first stream my very first moment

Of the series um so yeah so that’s pretty cool shout out to s for the amazing build yes absolutely what was really nice with the um with the volcano stuff was I I’m sure pal will talk about this in the future on the patreon but elements of the volcano’s interior

Already existed so when I asked them hey can I just throw myself into Oblivion they were like well there is actually something in there that we’ve not been able to utilize so it was actually A really lovely coincidence and saved them a little bit of work but all of those

Parkour platforms the mobs being in there all of that sort of stuff was um was just so perfect it all sort of slaughtered together really well so um yeah it was such a circular symbolism but we tragic anticlimax with the dock being missing yeah that was fun I didn’t

Want it to be that um things resolved straight away and they may not that’s the thing the things may not resolve character Martin may be stuck as pirate Martin indefinitely but what happens now hey that’s the question that is the question I’ve got no sequencer I’ve got no clue how to reach

Dock if that failed I’ve shattered a loot Shard which means we’ve at least protected and Cleanse This world/ server um but who knows we could be here for a while I think now with the sunset Stone gone and pirate Martin’s objective clear I’m imagining that he’ll start to warm

Back up to people pun somewhat intended I think now we I think villain Arc is over is what I’m saying I think we can sail into Sunday being back on the same dock being back on the same deck and thank you very much for watching today everybody much appreciated

This video, titled ‘[LORE FINALE] A Heated Exchange… – Pirates SMP VOD 47’, was uploaded by InTheLittleWood – Live! on 2023-12-09 12:00:01. It has garnered 1501 views and 130 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:26 or 5426 seconds.

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    Shad's Crazy Minecraft Transformation: SUKUNA!Video Information This video, titled ‘Shad Becomes SUKUNA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-05-30 20:27:18. It has garnered 41502 views and 1052 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:46 or 1306 seconds. Today, Shad Becomes SUKUNA in Minecraft! ! Will Shad become the ultimate king of curses? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • Nothing mc

    Nothing mcA network built in just 4 weeks! And yes, the anarchy is without anti-cheat 😀 its crossplay able so you can join with any devise :DD pls vote ;( Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded SMP No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! This is a 1.20.1 and updating server focused on fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity. Whether you’re a nomad, builder, PVPer, or trader, you’ll find a place here. Have a suggestion? We’re all ears! Key Features: Great Performance: Minimal lag with optimized vanilla+ modpack and top-notch server specs. Safezone-Borderlands System: Enjoy peace or bloodshed within our unique gameplay area. The Origins Mod: Explore custom origins and balance for a truly unique experience. Join our server at Read More

  • A FreeBuild minecraft server…

    A FreeBuild minecraft server...just another minecraft serverjust another mc server that you can contact mr john doemann from. he will always expect you here even though he lives outside of your life, watchout and lookout. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Dungeon Update Hype! 🌟

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Dungeon Update Hype! 🌟Looks like someone is really missing their dungeon-crawling adventures in Minecraft! Maybe Mojang will hear your plea and give us that much-needed update soon. In the meantime, keep crafting and exploring in the original game! Read More

  • Tree Trouble: Minecraft’s Timber Taboo #shorts

    Tree Trouble: Minecraft's Timber Taboo #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where trees stand tall, I can’t cut them down, it’s a challenge for all. But fear not, my friends, for I’ll find a way, To survive and thrive, in this game I play. With tools and tactics, I’ll mine and craft, Building my world, with a creative draft. Exploring caves, and battling mobs, In this blocky world, where the adventure never stops. So join me on this journey, as we explore and create, In Minecraft, where the possibilities are great. No tree cutting for me, but I’ll find my path, In this game of… Read More

  • Iron Golem Logic: Absolute Unit in Minecraft #lit #minecraft #memes

    Iron Golem Logic: Absolute Unit in Minecraft #lit #minecraft #memes Iron Golem logic be like: “I see a tiny zombie trying to attack the village, better go full Hulk mode and smash everything in sight just to be safe.” Read More

  • Oops! I Accidentally Turned Off the Lights in Minecraft

    Oops! I Accidentally Turned Off the Lights in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: A Missclick Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and creative world of Minecraft with Martinouxx in the hilarious video “J’ai missclick sur un interrupteur.” Dive into the realm of blocks, crafting, and exploration as you follow Martinouxx’s misadventures in this popular sandbox game. Missclick Mishaps In the video, Martinouxx encounters a humorous mishap when he accidentally triggers a switch in the game. Watch as chaos ensues and Martinouxx navigates through the consequences of his missclick. This relatable moment adds a touch of comedy to the gameplay, showcasing the unpredictable nature of Minecraft. Exploration… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Series: Stark Begins His Panzer Empire LIVE!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Series: Stark Begins His Panzer Empire LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Create – 1.Rész (Kezdődjön a Ház & Városépítés) – Stark LIVE’, was uploaded by Stark Panzer on 2024-03-24 22:43:14. It has garnered 53216 views and 1885 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:00 or 15480 seconds. » In this section, we look at a mod package that looks promising, which could even be the start of a new series. » Discord Server: » Instagram: » Tiktok: » Twitch: » Strong products: » Channel membership (for 1 month on dino icon chat :D): » Live support: (Read… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Troll Stream

    Ultimate Minecraft Troll StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘chill minecraft stream’, was uploaded by GGFLUIS on 2024-03-17 15:03:54. It has garnered 97 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:20:13 or 15613 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 24/7 Server App with Anime & Bass Boosted Music!

    EPIC Minecraft 24/7 Server App with Anime & Bass Boosted Music!Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft 24/7 sever app #anime #music #phonk #bassboosted #bass #naruto #animeedit #minecraft’, was uploaded by UG EDITZ on 2024-05-09 12:57:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. your question minecraft video 1 (1.7%) mrbeast 1 (1.7%) news 1 (1.7%) not your type 1 (1.7%) notgamerfleet 1 (1.7%) pizza 1 … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Boss Battle: 2 Withers vs Ur-Ghast!

    Insane Minecraft Boss Battle: 2 Withers vs Ur-Ghast!Video Information This video, titled ‘2 Withers Fights Ur-ghast. 2 Withers Vs Ur Ghast – Twilight Forest #minecraft’, was uploaded by MATTHEU GAMING on 2024-01-14 01:25:45. It has garnered 185 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Pranks in Minepur SMP! ft. Top Gamers 😱

    Insane Pranks in Minepur SMP! ft. Top Gamers 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Day 4 In Minepur Minecraft SMP! with @rio_gamer @Xashrein @vasu008 #minecraftlive #minecraftindia’, was uploaded by Katsura on 2024-03-06 18:10:52. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:17 or 13937 seconds. ✨Minepur SMP: Day 4 Thumbnail by @vasu008 ♥ Hello everyone, and welcome to Katsura’s channel! I bring you the best in entertaining gaming content right here. I stream games such as Valorant and have a great time playing with my friends. You’ll find thrilling gameplay, epic plays, and hilarious moments on my channel, all accompanied by my friends’… Read More

  • INSANE mash-up! Don’t DISTURB me 🔥 #shorts #YTshorts

    INSANE mash-up! Don't DISTURB me 🔥 #shorts #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Don’t disturb me 😵(Masha mash-up)#shorts #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #minecraft’, was uploaded by Break Gamerzz on 2024-05-22 02:47:42. It has garnered 10132 views and 280 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Don’t disturb me 😵(Masha mash-up)#shorts #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #minecraft#minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #mashup #trending #viral #gaming#viral #memes #youtube #suscribe #views #viral @breakgamerzz8064 Subscribed Minecraft Top 100+ ‘Ulta Super MORE TNTs’ 😱🤯 #minecraft leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt 1M Dislike 8,435 Share Description leaked Concrete mega tnt in minecraft 1.21 !! 😱😍 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmegatnt Break Gamerzz… Read More

  • HEROBRINE IS WATCHING – Who Will Survive? 🤯😱 #minecraft

    HEROBRINE IS WATCHING - Who Will Survive? 🤯😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Hai saath Toh Darne kA kya BAAT 🤯😱 #gaming #shorts #minecraft #viral credit by- @LostEdge’, was uploaded by CHILL SWANIK on 2024-04-12 11:49:55. It has garnered 20220 views and 1149 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Herobrine Hai saath Toh Darne kA kya BAAT 🤯😱 #gaming #shorts #minecraft #viral @LostEdge wait for end Share the shorts with your friends! Have a good day. 🙂 Copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching,… Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Battle with KingOCookies! 🚀🔥 #minecraft

    Insane Bed Wars Battle with KingOCookies! 🚀🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mind-Blowing Bed Wars Showdown! 🤯🎮 #shorts #minecraft #bedwars’, was uploaded by KingOCookies on 2024-05-09 15:59:31. It has garnered 3823 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. ➡️ Enjoy my videos? Watch me live: Email me your inquiries: [email protected] Sponsors, Business, Media: [email protected] ⭐️ Follow Me If You Are Amazing: ➡️ TIKTOK: ➡️ TWITTER: ➡️ INSTAGRAM: ➡️ KINGOCOOKIES DISCORD: ➡️ DONATIONS: Read More


    INSANE BANK BUILD | MINECRAFT TUTORIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘@minecraft|| HOW TO MAKE A BANK 🏦 IN MINECRAFT || Tutorial ||#minecraft#viral@MrBeastGaming #132’, was uploaded by SKY GAMER 0005 on 2024-03-12 14:31:10. It has garnered 335 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftmemes, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses#minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters#dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly… Read More

  • Magic Network

    Magic NetworkThis is a Lifesteal and PVP Server. With Tons of Ranks, Crates and More. I hope you enjoy and have fun! Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist Hermitcraft-like LGBTQ+ Friendly Community-focused 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula Project Nebula Hey! Thanks for checking out our server! Project Nebula is a Hermitcraft-style SMP where we focus on community and fun gameplay. Our goal is to grow a friendly and diverse community of players who enjoy playing Minecraft together. Quick Links Nebula Photo Album Dynmap Discord About Us & Values Project Nebula is run by college students who love playing Minecraft and fostering a welcoming community. Our server has been running for over 5 years with a focus on providing a fun Vanilla experience. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming Community-driven & transparent Mutual trust & respect Commitment… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sunrise? More like lava-rise 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Sunrise? More like lava-rise 🔥“Who needs a real sunrise when you can wake up to blocky pixels instead? 🌞 #MinecraftLife” Read More