The Ultimate Technological Awakening: BIG BUNKER

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On my Own so s Change be you be you Got Oh yeah there’s two of me I still haven’t gotten around to figuring that out not figuring out fixing uh I mean I do have a way of fixing it that I might just it’s called changing everything really um give me a second Okay so uh it’s been a bit you know it’s just

Been a bit been a while um has been a uh very while uh like a lot it’s been it’s been a bit it’s it’s been just a bit you know what I mean at least I’ve still been editing videos and whatnot but I’m here now um I’m gamer for real

Um so yeah I uh actually have everything ready already so I’m probably just going to go into Minecraft I’m currently being attacked by pillagers because raid love it um I don’t have chat on like another monitor right now so I can’t actually see if anyone’s saying anything

Um so like let me deal with this and then I’ll figure it out where’ they go now where did they go well I’m just going to stand here a little bit while I do the thing called getting my uh chat up on the other monitor the other

Monitor being my laptop yo I’ll LM that WiFi man I’m going to invite an to the to group though whoa well you can see that hold on give me a second I’m going to Hide okay okay um hello I don’t actually know where these these Raiders are I hear them oh there you are my mic sounds not quiet right hope so at least um I have absolutely no clue oh yeah it sounds good it looks like it sounds good speaking I cannot hear it I

Am speaking to myself on purpose of course not on accident yep yep of course of course I’m not done with the rage yet what the hell We don’t talk about that in case you heard it it’s totally not my laptop booting up you know Raiders [ __ ] it we opening one was that loud was that loud and did you die uh no no I didn’t die I I oh I keep I keep hearing you twice

Oh no I can hear myself in this first stream that is awful I do not like this hello Goomba and hello toj and godamn yeah don’t play that near me I don’t want to that was play Pick step I think well that’s cool is my backpack could be oh

No there’s a no there’s some mobs sometimes that spawn with backpacks that play pix step or other disc there’s some mobs sometimes that spawn with backpacks that play music discs oh yeah I keep forgetting pushed to talk because of lethal company so I I keep talking to

Myself you keep what I keep talking to myself because I forget that there’s push to talk because I have it on because I’m used to lethal company Now maybe yeah oh my [ __ ] god oh [ __ ] what’s doing this I don’t know what this means it’s caused by Raiders It’s cost by the Raiders it’s actually cost by the Raiders um so I’m going to have to turn I can’t spell entity entity so that’s a bit of a problem okay well that’s got to go off uh I guess group type open whoa and I’ve got to switch over to

Intermission because I don’t want you to know the password to the group chat and we can go back and um the VC chat is the same as before also I’ve got to figure out like to make space for my laptop on my table so I can proper see the chat without

Having to turn my head moving one can at a time I’ll get there in a second where did I put the C that’s open oh it’s in front of me I’m [ __ ] blind Um okay this is totally not scuffed hello you should see my total you should see my totally not scuffed setup I heard that you have a laptop uh yeah it’s cuz I haven’t gotten monitors that support uh display port and I only have one HDMI in my GPU

As yours probably also does cuz you have a 470 yeah and um so I’m just using them laptop for my uh my my chat damn I I I have a monitor for display p is in the garage I don’t have one but I’m going to get

Three I I just have old monitors that my dad just didn’t throw out because he is a can’t relate anyway plan is simple boys and girls and whatever else there is um boys girls and BRS boy guys GS and non primary Pals I think people say that’s the thing I’m thinking of

We i d i could do that right but those don’t support like uh up to the maximum frames that I can get it doesn’t support uh the uh 165 htz that I want in a monitor um also I might as well just get new monitors because I need that

Anyway okay and you can make your way over here whenever you want uh how do I do it that you walk all right where where’s where do I walk to um give me a give me a second uh can I not yeah oh uh I like how I can just do

That yeah there’s a there’s a waist Stone here though so when you actually do uh where the [ __ ] did I put the I placed them I’m I’m I’m stupid that is wait no that’s the wrong way point I’m actually I’m not 200 blocks away I don’t know why I thought

That so um I don’t have a way to check my stream notes of what to talk about um because they are on another screen so I’m just going to pull up a little thing um so yeah I’ve been I’ve been playing some PS5 games that I got recently I have Spider-Man 2

I finished it 100% of it already I know um God of War Ragnarok still getting through that you know it’s it’s it’s something it’s great great game actually um it’s been fun in my opinion I’ve been playing it a lot like a lot I played it earlier today

Okay this is H holy [ __ ] an yes we need sea lanterns sea Lancers uh let me think you know what’s good about that though using Create we can get the things for sea lanterns using lapis P what lapis La piss Los Angeles piss That’s stupid what what is Los Angeles piss I know I know that’s why I said it a dumb joke dumb joke why does the schematic have that well that’s annoying I kind of want to go into creative world to fix that look at my stream

Yeah why does it have that why does it have logs yeah yeah and it’s going to like I can’t just get it to skip that I need to go remove it I mean can’t just set this Canon do not place like just like ignore anything that it doesn’t

Have I need the logs though and it places in order can you set it to ignore everything it doesn’t have well yes you can but then I need to math out how many logs that is true how God damn it how do I check the Waypoint I don’t think way point is

Enabled [ __ ] it we baller okay where do we want to get where do we want to put this should be here where do where do we where do we put where do we put this uh that is up to you I do not have a good division it is appar in this direction

And I cannot see it anywhere I should be able to see this but I just do Not just cleaning up a little bit here I can stand up when gaming now it’s kind of cool that sounds nice it is I’m not standing up right now though I could but wait I think I see the way point now oh [ __ ] what did I do

Uh oh yeah I found out the max I can have in a stack in in in my mineral like thing is like my backpack is 260,000 things in one stack that’s a lot and no I do not have a flexy spot desk cuz those would be incredibly expensive to import to the D

Land you have incredible commentary cut out I said you have incredible commentary it cut out though it just said you have incredible com whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey chill chill okay that’s what I heard and I think that’s funny no bro what the hell why did I hear a Baby Enderman I

Heard I he instead of hearing a like a normal loud anoral noise I heard a helium Enderman helium Enderman get the scam of the oral Cannon are you coming yeah I’m on the way coming [ __ ] [ __ ] is do we have pork is cork here can I justad enable oh I can’t enable they

Like continuously go forward thing no I cork isn’t out for 1.20 it isn’t oh I want that just so I can just you know go eat something I relate on on another server I had whenever we had to go like Adventure and there came a big ocean I just enable

That and then I just lean back and commentate and just sit there and chill it was great it was lovely didn’t really come into a lot cuz I forgot but it happens you know I’ve been spoiled by Pigman I think because I’m so used to just being able to like click a

Button and I PA to anyway that’s not cool that’s hacking it’s pin I don’t think it would work well anywhere else probably not oh my God I’m back here it works in they do it in League I don’t want to hear about league so other than me gaming I’ve of course been editing videos if you’ve seen because I’ve uploaded them I’m not a big fan of editing it’s time consuming I don’t want to spend that much time on editing a video I just want it out now

Theowing up anywhere is it works I’ve been figuring out like how to get faster at it it still sucks in according to me um I mean it’s fun for some people not my copty uh on that note I have actually recorded today and I have like two more

Hours of footage and another point of view which is the same length like not really that I have to edit into that making it so I could see so that’s cool that’s an L they show up for me yeah it’s only if it’s too far away and even without the shaders I can’t

Look directly at it they disappear when I look at them that is so annoying I don’t know why it does that and have you have and have I ever told you how much I hate editing no I hate it like it wants it makes me want to

Jump I’ve seen you editing a few times and it it’s not it just it takes so long I’ve found a way to make it quicker now which is just called skimming until I see audio um yeah it’s better than what I would do what would you do man you watch

Everything yeah I did that I used to do that and like skip forward slowly but now I can just like skip quicker and then find the parts that are funny what what the [ __ ] am I listening to what what what is it some something not

English yeah I I I have no clue what I it’s p definitely a foreign language it’s it’s according to what I’m using it’s pup it’s not slamic I can tell you that much oh that I am sure of okay where are you which way do you live I’m on the way

Yeah but I don’t remember I don’t remember which way you live neither do I I’m already gone from there okay what direction are you walking right now uh I am walking wait let me open up after me oh normal to many uh Northeast that’s a Raider well okay Northeast you’re walking Northeast so

You’re coming from Southwest yes oh I see you I see you on the map now how far out of my way oh you know a bit you’re you’re going to find you’re going to find a meteor thing in a bit if you keep walking forward I’m looking at

Your screen screen your stream yeah what the [ __ ] why is there just that’s a big ass Patrol why are they just chilling like that what do you mean oh my that is a massive Patrol why did it sound like he loaded a gun oh hello suck uh I just want to show you

This real quick oh hey there’s that cool yeah what’s so cool about this that is the uh material checklist that’s not too bad I’ve had worse well that’s like half of it your uh oh yeah the other half is in the nether I’ve had I’ve had material checklists that have 48

Pages oh no it’s it’s not the it’s not how how many pages it’s how many items oh no yeah I had a chocolate factory that [ __ ] oh my God I had need like 50,000 bricks Jesus Christ and it I got to do blocks of bricks I had to make an

Automatic brick thing and a super smelter and it took so long but I made it and I made chocolate I need like 3,000 F stained glass ah I have no idea how to even go without getting that called die farm and a glass Farm well I mean yeah I have I I

Have the glass A I have just make a die Farm it’s not that difficult color block for the D is probably going to be hard n i just make a farm for it every color block Factory you can um wait what D is it white Dy oh

That’s I can just make a bone meal not the worst part though 12 says it on your back you’re 12 years old bam that is not you know if I had if I had the essentials Geo lookup I could look up your general direction just with a

Command that’s [ __ ] scary to think of that’s a Minecraft plugin yeah that that is actually kind of scary I mean I I can see everyone’s General IP anyway so yeah yeah I can too real but I can do it without being weird about it I it just happens on my server

Whenever anyone joins yeah I know that number Burger trigger all right I will be uh wait I need slime blocks please don’t tell me I need slime and honey if you need slime blocks just go where there’s slime it finally is disappearing when I look at

It blocks 4 blocks away my stream just [ __ ] died I need honey so guys I’m back imagine being a child um yeah I can’t relate my my stream just I’m going go start my stream just died for a Second I’m here I’m here Yi oh hey oh also one more thing suck where do you suppose I should build this because if it gets loaded in while it’s firing it will uh explode why do you want to make it then uh because orbital Cannon cool okay

So far away uh that’s for sure just build it build it on Mars somewhere no it has to be in the same Dimension a [ __ ] can’t it’s not a dimensional Cannon what who are you trying to Nuke wait can you shoot anywhere with it yes how does that

Work uh you will see uh because cool okay and it doesn’t it doesn’t blow things up does it it just does damage uh it can but I could also make it fire anvils I thought that’s what we were doing yeah um okay I think you should build it I don’t know where

Everyone lives but you can see everyone’s claims on the map just build it like far away from every CLA I know where everyone loves even the sandwich makers yes I think I believe so oh okay cool I’ve gone around the entire border oh okay because yeah just put it somewhere

In a border no one lives near the border uh yeah I just I have to make sure it doesn’t get loaded but the chance of people going to the border to get stuff might be yeah that’s what I was thinking like probably somewhere South South wsh May or that’s I don’t yeah

That’s that’s the only problem go to the ather fly really far and then jump down uh yeah I might just go what’s yeah what’s the rate that s wa actually you haven’t you should get on right now maybe around come on that’s a good I’m going to figure out

Where I want to build this big bunker yeah um but yeah there is there is a uh if someone does find it and like finds out how to use it they can just nuke everything awesome so yeah that’s also a problem but I put it can’t you

Put it in a claim chunk so no one can do anything with it well yes but also that complicates stuff why U but what I could do actually why en uh because it uses insanely complicated Minecraft mechanics so I just realized I made out that skin God damn it yeah you are that’s

SC God uh no yeah I don’t I don’t know I haven’t tried it with claiming it but I don’t suspect it’ll work because it uses like specific thingies yeah uh I know I me I haven’t made an old cannon before yeah I haven’t either such a [ __ ] sentence man

Oh yeah how would I know I haven’t made an orbital cannon that’s an insane thing to say I made like seven okay it’s like some like someone would saying a psychic W anyway I’m going to figure out where to put this yeah psychic W that’s not that’s you

Know what I mean psychic psych you know what I meant okay I have the where is it I have the thing okay I’m going to go cry what was what were you just drinking holy [ __ ] I was thinking there’s pillagers in here there’s pillagers I

See I just see an arrow fly out of the nether portal do you have obsidian no fine I’ll get some and then we can just travel in the nether wait you don’t have a way to fly do you [ __ ] [ __ ] well it’s going to be fun I’m going to have to

Walk you could just also go there and I’ll just find my way there eventually yeah actually could we use a actually cre will probably be slower what I was about to say could we use create to do something or to go to move yeah I don’t know about that

Um hey an do you want to play with yes one yes but yeah I’ve been I’ve been uh I’m drinking uh this look you can’t really damage them we don’t we don’t talk about the fact that I have a flux point that connects to P I know youve talk no but

It straight up I I have it where it just says it and I forgot about it help me I’m busy I’m being attacked and I can’t fight back oh wait yes I can why wouldn’t you be able to I don’t know some in some claims you can’t I think no

No that’s not how the server works oh that’s usually the default in most claiming things so I’m just us that I guess yeah know this this you can still attack entities which kind of sucks but you can disable that right nope what what huh really yeah how did he guess my wife

Well how did he guess the password I don’t even remember the password that I I mean how did I I straight up don’t remember the password I’m not surprised I’m not going to lie I forgot well I’m just going to go change it then yeah I’m going to I’ll be right

Back I’m going to go get a can of how do I change the password I couldn’t tell you what what the [ __ ] I don’t know why I said what the [ __ ] I’m stupid I don’t really care and you have going to come back right now I’m going to explode that’s sus also okay I am I am never looking I’m never looking in my group chat that I have named the council ever again why through

Currently sending inflation images that I almost just choked yeah I I wasn’t either I looked in there and went no I’m back with a can of [ __ ] and bread STI oh I also have a can of Cocko same I just shered on [ __ ] okay we are so mature real did you ever get a thing to fly with no well I’ve been upstairs stealing bread sticks oh my God you didn’t give me any no mind man this is my dinner that’s so unhealthy it’s the nothing I think

Yeah still super unhealthy it’s it’s it’s Nerf for nothing real it’s nurse or nothing it’s a n the one gender what the one gen nothing that’s what the hell I’ve I’ve got to I see a notification and I go look at it I’ve got to stop I did it again I looked again I I need I need to stop real do it do it Li and sub lick subscribe Li and subscriber be sure to check that off and that off and then real yep yay look yo I think you should be of

Of of like uh not the action yeah that’s the word I’m Mak sure you meet your call the action oh yeah yeah yeah my my my my quota I have reached quota I won’t be sent into space yeah Space by wait who’s the CEO of YouTube again I I don’t R anymore I’ve

Got to stop looking in that group chat man how what did you I just saw you going to f on your stream for like a split second it looked like he didn’t have a head no I didn’t go in F5 I did um I did this

Oh okay that makes sense yeah real real click that Bell so you get notified when I upload or go live and then you’ll also be super cool and um I will give you back your Tim like the really funny lethal company uploads yeah there’s one there’s there’s one on the way on the

Way in a year eventually eventually okay move go on why can’t you I’m eating I’m eating B sticks wait what is it what do you have on steady body how do you get that oh I have that I have that never mind I’m level 69 though nice and I have a Yeti Head why is it so detailed that’s just what I look like what the [ __ ] what is he saying I I do not know what that means if you want oxygen or just power power yo did you just hit my Shields too bad I I’m drinking you’re drinking beas not quite you’re drinking

[ __ ] yeah kind of weird bro can’t relate I also just drank [ __ ] I heard it yeah I know that was on purpose um I know that was a genius genius Nagasaki number two I probably should make you had what the other day isn’t not isn’t is a typ sui go nakaki right I

Mean there’s also a city that got bombed that was named that but okay I know but I is there’s a ro there’s a sush roll called Nagasaki right I don’t know that there should be a clip clip feature on YouTube oh wait I’m not is always

Been I’m am I it’s because I’m not um partnered oh I mean I still have the clip set like options in my like YouTube settings so I don’t know yeah it’s uh have the uh rice on the outside and the like uh like like the inside holding the food

Instead of you yeah that’s just a dub that dub is just skill issue cuz TJ can see the clip button where did you get all these signs they they were just in my inventory I’m not going to lie no oh wow okay wait they placed for me I actually lose them

What and you can’t oh I can’t remove them oh I got six back but they’re still here sign moment oh no what I have them what music am i listening to I hate this Hi H I’m back bu there you go what the what that the dog to a cat what look at

Me dog diad the owner of the D doad yeah I I what I think of my it’s wait is that can you see the signs can you see the signs oh they’re there for me and I can’t I can’t can’t get rid of them okay now they’re gone I can’t see

Them they’re gone now yes you can you can see them stop I can’t what stop man now I have poison to for 3 minutes I you I I I don’t have any [ __ ] to get rid of this with I have some h Huh oh I do not have some

Man I should probably get some of that do you know where the local cow is hold on Yo guys do you have any [ __ ] no thank you eating R sck [ __ ] you I got poison to for 3 minutes yo yo Chef LM holy [ __ ] screenshot what Chef LM oh my God

What do you mean h me look at my stream you’ll see it op Optimist I had I had the coolest rat I don’t remember what I named him it was before the reset I don’t remember what I named him I see it yeah you want a burger I want a burger

Hell yeah why are you so quiet for me might be the fact that I’m listening to music it probably doesn’t help what do you want in a burger in Burger I want uh I want everything Burger you want everything Burger I want everything Burger I don’t I don’t know how do I get

Coins hold on no pay on no pay on you oh my God we haven’t set up the currency this so as you can see this is our exchange rate system we have set up Curr this is my honest reaction what what is it sorry wasn’t boring me

Sorry was it this is my honest reaction no come here come here I’m going to get you I got 1,000 coins for free yeah real do think I bought y man they didn’t have coins back when I got mine okay I need 200 more and I can get the spider

Flip guys I’m getting out my credit card no God St this is what I’m kidding I don’t I don’t I I don’t make money on YouTube there’s Point where’s our cheese curdler I had I had there’s coins now what the hell yeah deserve oh I search G

On where’s where the [ __ ] all our cheese you want some muscle uh no thanks I don’t like muscle oh whoops the muscle really I don’t Oh I thought you said mustard I thought you said mustard I do want I do want look at the cook musle look how much it gives

You n bro what the hell yeah I’m going to be B I don’t remember if you were there when I built bunker last time but I’m making another one uh maybe maybe not I was there the last time I I think the last server I played on you was whenever it was with

LM making the um Subway oh yeah on the origins way back then yeah we live did you add did you add some cheese did you oh I I still remember I still have the picture of of him oh of of lem’s driis on my Twitter timeline lm’s drip yeah I

Know all hail dripp oh [ __ ] let us yeah we and um we we we know the whole like he was God he could walk on water kind of thing yeah I remember that that’s a lot of buns godamn burger burger burger for you bro this is a Scooby-Doo moment this

Burger is half my size free burger what do you mean it hasn’t showed it hasn’t the stream hasn’t caught up yet I can’t wait holy [ __ ] let me take a pi let me take a pi let me take a picture let me take a can I get two of them one each

Hand I need yeah I need you to stand side by side so I have the chef and his ingredients oh yeah yeah okay okay one second one one second one second is he making a golden apple Burger where where’s I didn’t mean to where did your armor go

Oh get out don’t step into the British Roots man there’s no need to sh sh Chef get angry Chef Angry Run something optometrist how the [ __ ] do I pronounce this I can’t my English optomet that is true optometrist optometrist what the oh oh my God holy [ __ ] look he our

Easier I make it very easier come I I follow be the same as the last one oh Lithuania Lithuania that’s easier to pronounce what was the last one pronounced man British is going for Lithuania again what did he name the last one uh that well that one was named SM the other one

Was named smegma smegma uh that is this is my public server M you should know this you want Burg I I do want Burger you want Burger I don’t want cooked rat in my burger you said everything you said everything Burger okay you did you ever

Get the the the the screenshot of the the chef and his ingredients no not yet not yet look at the look at the knife look at the little knife look the I like how the accent switched up just for him saying thater I need to go I need to go build my

Bunker he’s cooking he’s literally cooking give me one moment I am working on something where’s my [ __ ] bucket huh there want to see John yeah is John a blob fish come ready come ready come no John is not a oh job jobed I love jobed job you leave you leave our

Skeleton horses alone oh yeah I won’t steal that kind of goes against the rules of the server that I made why you why you do that I have a question would you like a milkshake or a sundae none the one with the com look look at thank you holy

[ __ ] how you fit in that bro how you fit in there show him the bucket show him the bucket no he ate the water no it’s in your inventory there you go show him the bucket show him the bucket show them what it looks like in your hand look at

Him look at how how he fit in that wait I should have it on okay I’m going to go build my bunker that won’t have underground meth lab I do on my screen hey that’s our plan no our plan okay no hear me out hear me out

Hear me out guys stop stop stop stop hear me out hear me out okay I make train I make train in Bunker oh my bad bro I make train and bunker and then I connect and then we go did you say I gave you stage five

Yeah you know what LM I think he he paid our Hospitality with hostility I think he owes us a few golden coins okay how do I how do I exchange uh it’s about it’s a diamond per golden coin what you say lamb um oh

I’m I’m guys guys if you want to open my stream I think I’m good on diamonds how many how many Dam you think how many how how reparations you know this this this this good oh wait I have a I have a I have a I have a magnet turn

The magnet off damn it yeah I’m Dum dumb I’m is that good oh that’s a stack yeah we’ll take it I’ll take what about uranium you need some uranium see you sucker you want some uranium you can put it you can put it in burger what what [ __ ] I don’t have an extra

Back oh my God hey yo what the [ __ ] this dude doing hey yo hey yo hey yo I disarmed him he was walking up while I was sleeping die John get him I’m level 69 John no running holy [ __ ] that’s a big fish yeah

A John here you go wait I can just do this little space guy you that tasted pretty good I got to say that was pretty tasty tasted here here yo yo dude use if you use if you put this on your head you can breathe under the

Water that is sadly a lie but it would be kind of cool Sor I don’t see charer man give me one I got to go take care pulls out a rocket this pretty cool oh I can’t right click him no I don’t but I think I know it one I’m

Going to go to my house hey you can use mine I don’t know dude just join hello hello where’s an just left you just missed as soon as I leave as soon as I the second I leave come on man what the hell can an fly now uh yes but she is

Getting she’s having issues with uh charging her I pretty I’m pretty sure I see them fly yeah yeah I’m see okay and I was wondering because it said 98 which way do we go you need a you need a you need a flux controller controll I mean

There’s mine and just use this I I don’t have access To oh give me a second chill dude I hate chilling chilling I can’t why why does it say I can’t invite you oh yeah you have your own uh no I just invite I’ll just Ally you okay okay I mean I was okay with leaving it oh requested an invite to essential and

You know you you’ll have your own um flux Network right wait how do I do this uh it’s fine so this is so complicated well I can’t access it while you’re in there so yeah wh which one do I press what what do I press what do I do go into the one

Called wireless charging enable wireless charging and then click the armor slots thing in the top left and then click apply I I would also do hot bar I mean when you don’t have anything Electric in your hot bar doesn’t really [ __ ] matter I mean well there’s no point in not having it on

Buger bug t y oh my that is a large bug that is oh my God sandwich oh I can sick yeah we talked about this but like don’t break I know I know oh what the what the H oh I think I just duped water buckets no they’re just

Yep I have a [ __ ] Shake anyway and uh which way you want to fly This Way West is West is always best in my opinion don’t go south because that’s where I’m building okay shim shim shim my music stopped I’ve got to land oh no actually I should put on my own

Music now there’s no way you’re not listening to me twice SM I would never damn what is the TPS suck are you your froze in midair for Me third time round well [ __ ] oh for [ __ ] sake hello hello welcome back I don’t know what I don’t know I just know we’re flying this way how far do you want to go uh I mean it’s up to you we were building this on land right uh I thought you said the ocean but I

Did but then I found had a proper entrance but that proper entrance will be underground so I mean we could build it in the ocean cuz that seems cool then we have like an underground then we can have an elevator through the water and into the ground who lives here I Azam that’s

TRX yeah he had the same on Theo’s server there’s nothing no never mind bro this this some this looks sad what let going to activate this Waypoint the galactic Republic of azerin what a name real bro is Star War oh my God star of War I was just checking the team

DPS okay I think I move faster in the water I mean I do not well I do because hold On yeah you definitely Mo faster that’s because I have a thing that has death Strider and it gives me uh 17% swim speed it basically gives me dolphin’s Grace 2o so you should make one I don’t know what it is though it’s a rubber ring J Braes are really cool it’s a nice

Mod yeah it is but now I have to get out of the water to Fly my my my backpack is cooler than yours well not backpack my Cape is cooler than yours cuz it’s animated I oh wait I I usually have the trans flag Cape what happened to it it died no I mean what are you using how did you get the trans flag cape uh I

It’s an OptiFine Cape yeah this pack doesn’t have OptiFine I know but like I used the packs having like cape mods that like oh yeah get OptiFine capes why am I opaque um good question it’s it’s it I Shad her back if you turn it off it

It you no longer be op isn’t opaque doesn’t opaque mean that I’m not see-through I I actually I think it does yeah he might be right here so why is he ask wait I see I see a meteorite what did you do yeah on the map is that good

I don’t know I don’t remember what’s in them I just found them cool meteorite this is this hit a town I think what this hit a look there’s there’s there’s a Remnant tier look is there is there a town here there I think there was supposed to be

Look it was supposed to be like a campsite or something there’s someone di here there was supposed to be a campsite and they just got blown up they got blown they got blown okay I found ocean yippe so how deep into this ocean we want to make

This that is entirely up to you what about right here where are you you not see me on the map the goddamn the battery I thought is covering it up oh you don’t have the big map yeah I don’t like I don’t SM okay right here seems

Good then uh I’m going to make a little platform fast pleas I do not have any blocks I think I have no blocks three obsidian that’s about it oh [ __ ] I didn’t mean to do that well do I do I break the bottom layer yeah at least one of yeah just the top

One hate that I can’t use blocks out of my backpack with this thing that would be neat but oh hey there’s oil right there I think yeah fing fish reference is it I mean they exist in ter Terraria I think they also exist in real life yeah okay uh schematic there where’s my

Schematic Cannon wait do you also have a uh wavelink W I do have a w Stone on me you don’t or you do okay I am struggling with getting out platform Jesus I can’t find my schematic cannon in my backpack did I leave it at the

Base I didn’t where is it can I I want to rename it I want to rker noker where is the game of all time is it on your back not my backpack my schematic Cannon oh sorry I’m a bit do you want a do you want my old space

Uh space suit I mean the one you have now is technically better so you don’t need it you have a space suit on I it helped me completed eight T so that is something can I cut it back you don’t considering you don’t need it it’s not

Really where the [ __ ] is my schematic Cannon and my schematic table hard to craft I can probably help you yeah but I I don’t want to craft another one why not cuz I’m stupid I I know I have one where is it oh wait I have a rubber ring on I

Have a rubber ring in my uh goddamn stupid backpack oh what the [ __ ] oh wait you can’t I can’t wear them in the belts lot damn I’m doing good I don’t know how an is doing and someone chat’s asking how you doing at least it says how are you two doing so

What in chat at least my YouTube chat yeah I I mean I person doing go goo where the [ __ ] is my schematic Cannon and table I might have placed it somewhere cuz I know I have one goog I love goo saying goog is PE comedy

H [ __ ] it I might have to craft a new one I’m already on I’m already on it I just didn’t want to you know what I mean maku maku oh yeah maku remember get your ass here little bro okay oh I’m so [ __ ] stupid look at my stream okay I’m

Looking stre is going to be like I was looking through my backpacks for my schematic Cannon it’s in your backpack isn’t it no where is it much worse it’s in your inventory so so you know you know how how yeah we’re not talking about this ever again

Oh yeah no no no no of course uh can you bring a bed a bed okay yeah I need I just got to break the one in in the old base so actually no wait people live here uh do I have wool I do not do I have enough

String I do not I’m one string short that is phenomenal funny lovely even where the [ __ ] I should have what happened what you oh um so you see these two items here I’ve been looking for them through my backpacks for at least at least 10 minutes probably an

Overstatement and not in any three of my backpacks that were in my inventory I’m blind okay are you coming back sorry I’m I’m also by the way if you want to join the server you can I’m getting I’m crafting a bed you know as the server is

Public to anyone in my Discord if you want to join my Discord you can get the link by going to my description I think or doing exclamation mark Discord oh oh I ignore the fact that that’s this is the most live the server has been in [ __ ] weeks look I I I I

Might be [ __ ] blind hello hello I got the bed oh my Gog that’s pretty goo okay I’m turning off my shaders for this I’m I’m ironically stupid as hell what no I I can’t even make fun of you for L finding the schematic an because I would

Do the same so this thing is too big to fit in this part of the ocean what H it goes under it always goes into the ground oh you think we can find a deeper ocean oh we either find wait wait we could also look at my

I mean look at my stream it sticks out of the ocean kind of out of the floor kind of it looks kind of cool let me see let me see let me see it’s it’s you know YouTube stream play oh yeah you are that is true I

Forgot uh I am not help I’m starting to float I’m not holding space I’m flying locational might be my wife I just died I’m um I don’t see it stand out yet is it like the top part of it with all the glass and all that that’s

Standing out and like some of the rooms it goes out of the floor like a bit actually actually that would be kind of dope but that also means that the the glass DM is like right at the top like of the water it’s just below the water I don’t

Know oh I am lagging I don’t know what’s happening oh no we cut out oh no yeah I’m I’m dying dying right now I mean we could also move into help I am not moving but you know [ __ ] it Real actually I was not holding anything and I just started moving Ow um help um I I wasn’t touching anything and I just got forced that way by my keyboard that is unfortunate yeah also I don’t know what’s wrong I don’t know if I am doing it but every time I join the TPS goes down a

[ __ ] T I don’t know also why is it that when you’re far further away the your forehead is larger on T because the second layer of my skin disappears oh it looks like a balding when it isn’t I know I’ve been told I just need to fix

It okay do you I think we need to find a deeper ocean because this looks goofy or we could just remove it to land instead move it to land but but one of two options it needs to be underground anyway true and I honestly can’t be asked to dig okay wait actually it’s

Either remove water or dig out the ocean no no not dig out blocks within the tunnels I mean and I honestly yeah actually I’d rather remove water or day would we don’t have sponges oh okay yep no dig yeah Okay what what is this a Pokémon a Tanuki oh it’s I only saw the top no don’t kill it no why does he make both oh I I got sidetracked I I you know this is fine how do I well that’s weird hm okay I don’t know where we want to build

This do we want to build it up here then like on this part I I was looking at something wait I’m going to look at the map see if there’s anything cool where we can build this place uh I mean if we could build it like

Closer to the meteor right n we going we’re going to keep going west keep going west West is best [ __ ] you apparently oh my God my concurrent viewers just dropped from 7 to one that is what did I do lag out I guess like other the server I don’t know

Something I think probably nothing actually the server doesn’t like me I don’t think cuz the DPS went down when I got here the servers damn say homophobic but uh St what I I just I just teleported downwards I think actually I need to that’s always fun

Found more I heard a funny noise land a Hoy I found a penguin penguin what are the toxic caves yeah the what are they yeah I don’t know oh what the hell what the did you hear that that was me yes I know but

What why was it like the G mod sound you know what I mean oh that I didn’t hear I just took damage no no it I heard like you know when you’re like when you like moving a Gmod prop just into a wall and it just does the uh like yes it’s doing

It again yeah that’s me hitting everything I know but it like makes the sound of you hitting it every frame oh it’s not doing that for me that’s funny uh the server is not liking me again it’s probably because we’re loading new chunks well I don’t I

Shouldn’t be doing this cuz if I leave hold on I’m going to test Something the TPS goes all up as soon as I leave and the punch I am I am I am a lag machine as soon as I as soon as soon as and and as soon as I shut the [ __ ] as soon as I join the the TPS goes down by

Either a little bit or join the group and when I and when I leave it goes back up you were singing singing the Donkey Kong sound I was I Am hello H and suuck and I cannot hear you [ __ ] I got all what some you here to say something ban for making lag real oh good night mate man oh okay wait I’m going leave I’m leave rejoin wait a I don’t know why it’s doing this could it be my back

Packs hello hello oh I can hear you yes I don’t know what we’re I don’t know what we are doing but as soon as either of one of us leaves the TPS goes back up God damn it we’re cursed that’s the only reasonable explanation it’s a curse I mean it’s

Probably because we are loading new chunks yeah I mean that cuz the loaded chunks are right now at 2,000 and before before uh we did this it was way lower I can’t jump I hate this if I jump I just do this and I don’t like it

I just before we joined before we started doing this the um the loaded chunks were not this high this is what it happens if we try to find a if we try to find a actually what about here this o I like it but it’s still going underground but isn’t that the

Plan how far under okay okay so now the top is right here like right here inside this block how many times down do I do it uh wait let me uh I’ll say four that’s not a lot huh that’s not a lot okay seven okay now we just need to get the

Things for it okay uh yeah you have the way Stone here so we can back and forth uh I’ll put I’ll put a cboard in so I can have my own checklist of things hold on I’ve got to check I’ve got to check which way the entrance is on this

Thing it’s going to be the death of me we want to make sure the entrance is the correct way real which way do we want the entrance uh let me think hey you know that hole in the ground that’s glass uh what hole I talked about the

Schematic having a hole in the ground so we could have it like underwater and that’s glass I mean we can just remove it and make a dry ass elevator cuz that’s cooling okay but the the entrance which way we want it I think I think it’s an

Entrance I think hold on that’s not an entrance that’s just a wall oh yeah I just realized I don’t have my usual uh [ __ ] free C I just realized yeah uh none of these are entrances I think how does the entrance work then what do we do I think the hole

In the bottom is supposed to be the entrance so it’s supposed to be floating yeah I mean we can still just make one of these an entrance let’s make the short side the entrance then which way do we want to put it so I think we look at me I think

It should like pointing in this direction pointing that direction okay I’ll just rotate rotate okay all right cool you hear the mouse wheel no do you not have a noise cancelling on I have settings on to make lower noises not be there but if I talk you know

Yeah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 no cuz that breaks my other things oh ow I don’t have a checklist I’m going to die do you have another checklist can I disable F you can take the chest plate off am oh my God I can actually move normally this is so much

Better okay and do you have another checklist I only have one man uh I can go craft one I’ll be right back you can have that one no read it before you do that oh it’s only four pages 8,000 Stone braks though that’s fine that’s

Fine do I have a I do not have a self touch pickaxe I can I don’t either but I can make a we can make a super smell if you want I can just I can just like remove Fortune off of this one and add

No we can we can make we can make a quick uh super smelter like super smelter as in it can melt Stacks in literal seconds okay I’m I’m down for that that that works yeah I was going to make one anyway at some point okay do I not have okay I do have

Wait do I not have it okay I do have it B I accidentally crafted 17 I accidentally crafted 17 of them I am so incredibly intelligent and that the wrong goddamn Okay four Bells a bell okay I I can work on the bells that should be something I can do I think please I cannot work on the Bel as easily as I thought I could I don’t remember what I named my smelter schematic oh that’s the the the most fun

Thing I love when when that happens not I don’t have blast or sand that’s so [ __ ] fun what did I name it do I not did I forget to save it I might have forgotten to save it oh there’s a looter chest here damn found it nice I

Think let’s hope uh do you have the things to make a new schematic I kind of don’t want to get rid of the one I have uh what do you mean paper and blue dye light blue dy I I have I I have blue dye light blue dye light that’s easy to

Make I have I know I just need paper then I have I’m going to I’m going to go to the sandwich people sandwich people spent all my paper on 17 paper came in at the wrong time we were talking about stuff do you have paper uh what is your skin what is your

Skin oh wait never mind it’s because um it’s the same one no it’s not that it’s because when I look at the map it shows icons but for you two it shows a random thing that is not anywhere near your skin not for me for mine for mine it

Shows perfectly fine for for me it doesn’t so it’s really weird anyways do you like my CH do you like my trans B chest plate he’s so big you’re not going to be legal in some states soon no please get back on did you just say I’m

Not going to be legal in some State soon I’m already not in my state real America moment y America moment Poland moment Pol you’re not polish no I’m not polish no but Poland has worse than America does real in PO is illegal everywhere oh yeah not that people really do anything

About it I know a lot of people who’s gu that live in Poland yeah the problem is more just the government kind of thing than yeah um you want to bur again I can’t I can’t relate cuz I live in a country where basically everything is legal when it comes to that basically

Claiming all it country is that say it on stream do yourself no I people know I’m Danish I’m or as I used to be named on the server as I used to be named on the as I used to be named on the server cream filled

Pastry Finland ah yeah I know I know I know that yeah Santa oh yeah look I’m Willy Wonka by the way I I don’t know if you could tell oh nice actually uh you know talking about Willy Wonka do you have your do you have the Jukebox do you have

Your juke box noises up no probably not a good idea to have it on no cuz I’m going to get copyright stru for uh for the create one I wait what the create one red wolf the bright side create confectionary oh I’m not sure is it copyrighted I don’t know but it doesn’t

Have any lyrics I don’t know but I know it’s really I know it sounds really cool there’s also Over the Rainbow which I just play people and go I have to apologize CU it’s just yeah I can’t play that well at least not on the old server when I tried

To do it it just disappeared yeah I figured no like actually last time on the on the the magic version of this and when I tried to play that it straight up disappeared when I put it in the truth box oh well if you come look over here

We have a lot of them if you want to listen to One Jesus [ __ ] I like I just a link to the [ __ ] la la loca yeah okay those are copyrighted those are those are no no no these are all of those are parodies yeah that’s why I’m going to say it’s

Copyrighted cuz the you know yeah what is honey be there’s ratac boy wait what is wait what would ratac boy be uh if I I I mean Flight of the Bumblebee I can guess but what would ratac boy be be right back relaxing with the homies what are you doing

Just okay well I’ve got stuff to do I’m at the bunker anyway um did yeah I got the paper I just need to die and and and and and and and oh huh well [ __ ] and chilling I guess being CH okay you oh you left I just need to

Die uh oh yeah here uh here take it two stacks I don’t need this much but okay it’s hey you asked for blue dye I gave you blue dye I need like one but now I have for the future real okay okay bulk blast is this the correct one is the

Question it is not well that [ __ ] sucks it was the wrong thing man this is annoying I think I know I can find it because I have the backup files of the server before the server before this I think and that’s where I I used it on

There so it should be in the files what is M saying in the chat I found it I think I want my man I want what my man’s smoking just look at the chat you’ll see what they’re I I read it yeah and you got to see

This I it’s the correct thing um I’ll explain to you oh yeah oh yeah holy [ __ ] this is the wrong one of them but um uh wrong thing But I am just working on getting okay I made this and it’s basically anything you put into it it bulk blasts within seconds it’s the wrong one it’s the this is the big one where it’s like four different things where it auto separates them um it’s the wrong one of them I

Have one where it’s just a normal one where you can just bulk blast anything there it is it’s just eight fans and then you put whatever you want like water whatever and then you fit put the right filters and then it just goes then it’s done we need brass though

And some way to power this we just use a water wheel cuz we have to slow it down as much as possible anyway you can slow fans down where they use 0.1 stress units and it still does the same speed because that’s how it works they they smelt stuff the same speed no

Matter what okay so I am getting to work on the uh getting the bells that we need for this can we do this first make the auto smelter that might be a good idea make the auto smelter we need a lot of stone so thing is we also need brass Can you

Steal some from dub it’s not stealing your teammate uh do I have any there’s no none in here sir oh yeah we need so much [ __ ] that I don’t have I have the things to make them but okay I need eight fans do you have wood I for some reason don’t

Have any wood there’s a forest near me there’s be God damn it okay this oh i d uh I have copper and zinc in here uh there is 51 copper here and there is here just take these why are you giving him sink and copper

For he’s going to use it to make I don’t have the here to make grass so I’m just going to give him the things to make it oh we could build a uh Allin one machine it’s basically like a little thing and it has everything to make basic things in it I

Mean that could be useful later Yeah just going to you know keep doing trading until I get K squared not squared that’s cubed real G cubed man get cubed have you watched Loki wait never mind you don’t watch shows okay I got the Bell tra yes is that how you’re doing this yeah how else could you get

Bells oh yeah right right there are no crafting recipes for it you sure I clicked I I there none okay I mean I haven’t made one so that makes sense and I knew so like God damn it they’re not training me anything anymore L I hate I swear the song just said mad

Pat okay I just need oh I made just enough just the right amount of fans for this are we going to be building a uh Cobblestone like machine cobblestone generator probably not okay because I know a really good design I know I have same one it’s a

Really good design it have ad it’s kind of laggy it is but I mean like if we just like turn around real quick and then like just turn it off then we have enough yeah and I was going to say break it break it I mean we want to read it afterwards so

Real I am going to love how much brass did you guys uh I don’t know I should be should be getting close to two stacks okay we technically there’s it says rotational speed controller we technically don’t need that cuz we have an electric motor does the same thing um oh wait I’m coming

Up uh shaft on the way I’m here where is my shaft where there you go thank you DB I know what it call doob indubitably okay so I do you have andesite andesite alloy or just andesite both are fine I have 84 no I have 300 Insight aloy cool I need

That all right oh well we need it and I’m not even stealing it because I made this myself what yeah that’s pretty cool and not stealing for once what do you mean for what I’m kidding it’s a yach I never steal D Eon I like saying D colon okay oh you said D col I thought you said E I was like the [ __ ] okay and I am almost okay I got one out of the four Bells we need Jesus Christ look I I got I’ve got some other

Things can you make seven can you make 17 glass yeah I know can you make 17 shafts there’s 17 of them uh I need belt and I know how to who to go ask for that also we need eight smart shoots and four brass funnels thank you can you make

That you’re welcome I’m just going to actually okay and come here I need four brass funnels and eight smart shoots uh I’ll give you some Redstone grass H whoops funnel and eight smart shoots yes and here’s some IR I do not have the inventory space for

This uh I don’t have an extra backpack right now um okay Jes Christ there’s so much also four chests okay I can do that hey you guys have kelp I’m going to blend a little bit bad time again it’s [ __ ] full [ __ ] it’s full four chests robing us he’s robbing

Us I’m not robbing hold on hold on [ __ ] Robin is blind you see this [ __ ] the [ __ ] we going to do with that cancer I need I need you have cancer now L you I heard the how did you hear how did you what I don’t have testicles I have P oh

You huh good luck with your good Lu your stage four ovarian cancer no no stage five it’s vaginal it’s on the lips it’s on the lips can you can sit down please what what unemployed unemployed kill him get him get Thea it’s not very get him it’s not very nice of youthia

Second holy [ __ ] I do a lot of damage to people with with with not the best armor Lithuania Lithuania attack I need you to follow me oh yeah yeah what do you use to power all of this what do you use this to power stuff the rats no what do you

Power your things with oh steam engines I can’t heyy I’m going to I’m going to show you a cool thing no I’m Good yeah and it’s better I have an alternator over here yeah then make an electric motor I don’t have [ __ ] power generation outside of the alternator right now cuz I’ve been too busy trying to make sandwiches you don’t need more than this for a for this speed of so you’re

Telling me an alternator can power an electric motor and it makes infinite power basically at the right speed well if you look at uh if you look at our stress capacity from these self from the self fueling engines what are you fueling it with oh cool uh come over

Yeah uh dude dude I had a um I don’t care I I’m happy with what I no no no no I on another server I had I had I had a giant steam engine that gave me a million stress units yeah I know steam they’re very powerful uhuh they just lag

A bit you know it’s just frame intensive you know what I mean not for me oh yeah I I no no if you make the 1 million one that’s [ __ ] a skill issue me I mean to be fair have you ever run the current biggest mod pack there is nope takes 22

Plus gigs of RAM a sko I ran it earlier uh someone you hear about this guy’s skill issue can’t he can’t look at a steam engine I can I well okay to be fair on the old PC the PC I had that I used to look at that on was like a 1080

This is now a 4070 ti so I can the same PC I had whenever I played back then I don’t remember like three years ago I the exact same I don’t uh I bought a new one this year last year Tech I need I need

To upgrade mine I have a 470 TI and 64 gigs of RAM m still very bad and an AMD ryzen 7 7,800 3xd go my rats suck X is what I mean he’s albino your rat on your head’s albino anyway uh yeah I’ve got to go again I’m

Making a bunker you know how it is yes and I need to tr kelp if you have oh yeah yeah I have kelp I have kelp where are you uh I’m at uh the like like small house earlier yeah I keep accidentally teleporting to cuz it’s called home yep

That one I have kelp not dried kelp okay Lov I can is there a furnace in here why do you not have a furnace uh honestly don’t have this slightest blue you stra there’s none none anywhere h I don’t know I need a furnace look this

Operation is a mess yeah I’m going to t you to my old house real quick my house in the middle of the street my house I don’t where’s my furnace oh it’s in my inventory you like judge me for not having that and then just don’t have I have a smoker in my

Backpack why is there a Wandering Trader here I was just was expecting you guys to have like an energized smelter but okay huh I was expecting you to have an energized one what I was expecting you to have an energized smelter fu is that a furnace

Better very fast very good like as in you can if you have a better one you can do multiple Stacks at once okay so I got eight brass what them and eight and four what shac call them yeah it’s a scientific term no it’s not yes it is okay well I’m smelting up

Some me up here um I’m smelting up some dried kelp so we can get belt okay uh where should I put them the watcham colums the watch colums um just put them in the backpack they need to go in the backpack we need them for this we need them for

The um for the uh the the uh smelter that we’re making bulk anything VT yep okay also the four chests so yeah and the funnels as well isn’t there yeah I’m going back all we need is 17 shaft and four mechanical belts and I’m working on the Belt I already handed you

The shs yeah I’m working on the belts so so we technically just need the belt and I need a little bit more kelp for that so that’s what I’m waiting waiting on yeah right would be useful I stole some well I didn’t steal it I lended

It cuz I did I did go up to them just said I’m going to lend some kelp you have a full chest of it and they said okay well they said you’re you’re robbing Us blind and then I said it’s not robbing I asked not really but I did

It’s not robbing also it’s their their Farm was literally full so it was overflowing okay yeah that it’s the help the server then yeah yeah yeah yep yep it’s of no beneficial use to me only the server oh yeah that reminds me I’m switching server host next month

Hopefully it works just as good I’m switching to the ones that have partnered with me so that’s probably a good idea yeah I don’t know I I was so confused as why you didn’t use them I’m going to be real cuz I at the point when I checked originally BCT was

Better and I don’t think they are anymore my friend likeing a bis and they had so so many ISS unit I’ve had none Theo server on the other hand oh yeah no with wait with the yeah the Reas bying there were a few issues right oh just more than a few a few

Hundred seems about right yeah I can’t believe how how how like consistently everything went wrong in that real it probably doesn’t help that people intentionally try to break stuff but you know okay I didn’t no I said people I have like dementia you aren’t a person you a dog no

Don’t I am not a [ __ ] dog why do people keep calling me that I don’t know it was funny you got the dog in you do people keep calling me a dog cuz he why did the schematic stop oh yeah it’s missing the rotation speed controller we don’t need

It you got that dog in you no did you no how they get in here penis make a new one make a new password no what the hell okay what huh hello why is my flux Point not working is they’ve blocked my access I did but that was because I

Wasn’t expecting anyone to go into it they blocked my access to Petra’s power Petro’s power stuff like they they cut my access man real it’s kind of cringe you’re a Mario Maker YouTuber I don’t think I’ve ever seen you play that game okay so we need

Lava I don’t have enough lava but we need it not really uh but I am going to go to my home and then go to the Nether and then get stuff you know this this password is so super duper secret no how will anyone ever guess gex cubed y hello

Everybody I love saying that nah what’s he even talk about like I don’t know what he I am showing oh I I forgot to switch back to Minecraft oh my God I thought the steam delay was just really bad nope that’s just me I can’t find a lava pool

Du uh do you have emeralds wait why am I fire resistant d do you has emeralds why are you asking dub I have emeralds I said out loud you have emeralds waiting because I know I have like three brain cells yeah BK bunner so uh 17 + 36 is uh that

Would be not 53 right what are they doing yeah the ather 53s that’s crazy actually look the default price for emeralds is [ __ ] 36 Jesus Christ I I don’t have the [ __ ] [ __ ] to zombify him so I just capitalism in Minecraft is m is is a okay I might have

Dyslexia I i’ believe I’d honestly believe that I I’m not saying I’m not saying I do but I might I believe that there’s a SL chance I oh wait uh wait who here is making making um you know math yeah no one they’re making sandwiches no one’s making math mhm

They’re making sandwiches if anyone asks they’re making sandwiches I can sell I can sell math for emeralds that’s funny if anyone asks they’re just making sandwiches they don’t make anything else it’s just sandwiches so I do not have a waypoint there but I would need a total of

We don’t really have a currency on the server any oh yes I haven’t unlocked that skill yet it’s true though I haven’t that’s later on as a skill for of reading and are you looking on my stream I I’m looking I have it on my second screen okay I’m I’m going to put

All this Cobble in here and then I’m going to go look in the chest down here oh what what I set the filter a stone how did the lava get through no not the lava how did the Cobble get through am I stupid you stupid I’m cupid cupid I’m

Cupid I said it’s a Cobble M live me broken okay so I have an atomic disassembler now oh okay okay I’ve had it just in my backpack this entire time I’ve just never used it okay go I’m going to die because the [ __ ] like weird jump that the uh get that the [ __ ] jet suit adds

Real oh my God I’m actually really close to just getting getting the Bell without math speaking of a bell you should hit that I uh I honestly I think I I just do this type of [ __ ] like normally I I know you do uh which is concerning um you and

You and my you me and your mother have had a talk you need to stop no like I I just do it even when I’m not like someone’s not streaming or like I just do this okay I put it through now let’s see how fast it is it should be really

Fast unless I [ __ ] up the filters again oh no there it goes well I just smelted I just smelted like 14 stacks of stone so are you going to put the uh uh correct other schematic in here now oh yeah just give me a second I’m just lagging a bit yeah I can

I can see that you’re lagging quite b y C up right now there go how do I get how do I make one of those oh the that thing glows whoa what does oh yeah had that yeah I need a crafting upgrade I like how TJ said they come online after they’ve

Eaten at this point I think they should have eaten considering that was very long ago do chests burn and when on fire yes wow wow so wait what other storage block are there wait hash storage I think no how do I search this again how do I search for this God damn

It ji config fer uh ingredients how do I do this re mod ID format just once uh I do not know how to do this um someone’s [ __ ] with the TPS they to see every time you go online no the TPS is three oh I have an idea what is

It oh might just be some people out there that don’t like me um who might have set something up that detects when I go online really oh I don’t know it’s just an idea oh uh sorry I’m a bit slow I see what you mean

Now oh I’m moving like oh why is my camera moving I’m moving physically so yeah I just realized what you mean they really go on the server and do that [ __ ] I don’t know I don’t think they’ve ever been on here I can see who who’ve ever been on here and they haven’t

So yeah from what I can see they haven’t and I don’t think Petro would do that yeah I don’t think P would do that does say nous joined on two different accounts which is funny cuz I banned the other one wait who what NOA oh

Is there a way to find out where the lag is coming from like you have uh I do have a thing that shows me like crashy Tails do that I don’t know if you have access I don’t think you have access to it if it there but what from what I can

See fully loaded and Ticking prepared for loading there’s nothing that really looks like it should it would be lagging and there’s not a lot of entities SE either how are they what is doing the lag I know because it is when you join which is strange really there’s 480 skull senses

Somewhere yeah oh there’s the fire break it yeah the chest just started burning I I put it out so we need some sort of better uh could it be Dub’s orbital Cannon you know what if he started building it might be like if he you know if he because he’s moving far

Away oh yeah could also be the fact that this isn’t a dedicated server and someone else might just be getting a what the [ __ ] look at the map what what about it hello hi dub what’ he do he’s here he is I don’t know what

He’s trying to do though dub do you know of any do you know of any chests Alternatives that we could use that don’t burn we can’t hear you yeah I mean we can use vaults vs yeah that’s a good idea okay sorry I was in a group my bad yeah wait how can

You hear us when we’re in a group uh your group is open yeah also chests don’t burn I just Googled they don’t burn yeah did you not know that I said they I asked cuz I wasn’t sure and an said I think so because I keep an’s kind

Of on the just because the just because the yeah just because the fire shows up doesn’t mean it breaks Stone doesn’t break either uh it chest burn but they like chests get lit on fire but they don’t burn yeah that’s what I thought fall in pretty please I take no

Knock back fall in pretty please thank you I’m just taking and and have you realized I’m not taking any D I know yeah you’re fireproof what’s good bro M so I I had to make the group open I had to make the group open m so

I’m going to break that at some point again so that’s okay so what what do we what do we need now uh are you uh whoa whoa whoa thank you what want some math talk no that’s not what it’s called that’s not what sorry sorry ma some math I do want some

Math sorry what’s what’s what’s that other word I I don’t know I I don’t know what that worth means I what do I do with this uh you can trade it with villagers from three emeralds is that all you can do with it it straight up doesn’t do anything you can’t even eat

It I I think so yes a man oh okay look I need the emeralds oh yeah yeah yeah okay do you need those emeralds by the way uh I just got I just I just traded everything I need for it but I might need some more but I I have

To kill a lot of squids I’m going to go get a lot of I give you that sword I I think so gave you sword I gave you the Sword and the atomic disassembler didn’t I yeah I still have the atomic disassembler of course yeah I

Know so I need black dye and a lot of it for 221 glass T oh I don’t have that cave oh we just Crush coal we can just Crush coal yeah I know that oh wait can you give me like a wait let me think I have crushing Wheels why

Do I have 700 Black die 221 I should have crushing Wheels right there oh what M eight so can you give me like 28 black okay or few or like four Stacks yeah sure that works yo what’s good I meant to go here for real

Um I did not mean to go there God damn it okay and yes I forgot what I was going to say lovely damn I hate [ __ ] string why do I not have any string okay so I do not have any string but oh

Yeah I it’s a little to oh uh how do I use the smelter by the way oh never mind I don need it oopsies this good last Stop perfect and then there’s maku did he just show up did he just show up yep he just showed up uh uh that I’m holding yes wait why do I have two crushing Wheels why is so I need 12 w why Is [ __ ] okay I trying to figure out what the password this to something I think I knew it I thought I knew it but I don’t um that’s awesome it’s really not like man for uh don’t mind me being quiet by the way I’m just I’m just existing you

Know what are you do guys why why are you mining emeralds M’s doing something I Think what are they doing I have no no no thanks I’m out of there I need CH [ __ ] of andesite much andesite do I have apparently [ __ ] none lovely Yeah boy okay config turn everything off m so apparently I can’t mine Stone using the it’s probably because I have to set I probably have to set it to Cobblestone I’m just stupid are you been struggling with the farm what no okay that doesn’t work either I am just trying to gather

Materials we apparently need a [ __ ] [ __ ] ton of anite 16 Stacks to be specific oh I have I’m just mining a lot of different kinds of stone I have 11 of it I’m just mining a lot of stone you know how it is yeah I I I’m

Getting a lot of Cobble Stone from this oh that’s awesome I’m just I’ve just set up my digital minor mine Forge Stone there’s 200 15,000 blocks there’s just people on this server that are very good at setting passwords for their things you know H what you know the password being the

Same as the network name and all that oh yeah yeah yeah okay it happens not to us no 12 14 16 17 okay I have enough polished antiy now okay I’m just going to leave this thing going because we needed at some point okay so now I can go up oh

Well what I just they left okay I’m at the bunker again why is maku up here what they’ve just been here for a while okay well we need a lot of cobblestone for a lot of these things oh we need a lot of wood I have a lot of cobblestone so yeah I

Forgot we need a lot of wood I’ll see if I can find some spru oh they’re moving here now that I’m here where’s the spruce trees what do you think there would be spruce trees uh I do not have I found out where it’s just not

Enough Spruce I don’t think I there’s a lot of wood here where are you uh you know Dub’s base yeah there’s a [ __ ] ton of trees here it’s just not Spruce do you have Spruce oh Spruce uh that mean there might be Spruce saplings there are not lovely uh are there any in

Here there that not for the saplings I’m [ __ ] blind oh there’s a tiger thing near spawn okay but I got all of the Polish andite that we need awesome I don’t know how much it is we need but that’s good a thousand or so Jesus

Okay and now I’m just going to craft it has been 2 hours holy [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] okay so I have 18 uh like around 22 stacks of cobblestone I think there’s got to be a way to mine these trees in a better manner uh both to mine

Yeah but like multiple trees at once kind of thing no I mean probably the digital Miner but I’m kind of using that somewhere else I could just move it y so how much Cobblestone do we need oh know but I know I’m mining it so okay yeah I have the whoops quite a

Bit of it wait we need two sand apparently two not just two it says two no oh it is it it is straight up just two I thought it had 200 earlier not quite basically the same thing true yeah if you just don’t think about it item frames that should be

Easy only has Birch that’s fine it’s mining Spruce logs now so that’s fine okay nice iron bar so should be easy my phone won’t why is my phone not turning on oh it’s updating f okay I love phone updates they’re definitely not annoying isz that a bear kill it

Basket we need a lot more than that so we’re going to need a second backpack or something yeah or just use chests I know but they don’t hold as much like as like as Diamond backpacks wait why have I not made a netherite backpack yet I mean I fair I

Mean I don’t know what you haven’t I can make so many of them okay we need a [ __ ] ton of thyroid apparently oh that’s fine I have I should have a lot of course you do I I only have 200 we need I we need

700 well I do have the auto Miner to mine all Stone so I know but I can just do this myself Okay okay I will right I need smithing templates that’s why I haven’t I don’t like I I for just forgot to make a crafting recipe to remove it time to go mining for uh that for some diorite which is the sentence I’ve never seen in my life before this point Probably never say again real I’m not a fan of diid oh my God I finally Enchanted uh the boots and [ __ ] like that with the thund p mm I’m no longer dying awesome wait you didn’t have feather falling before I have nothing oh that’s fun dub just gave

Me them I didn’t put anything on them yet oh oh yeah he did just kind of give you those I need oh there’s no stack upgrades in that backpack yeah I it was just my spare backpack I don’t have any St back there we go that should help a

Lot I put one in there okay that should help at least a bit wait uh what tier Diamond okay I know that I don’t really have another right one you know oh yeah I can just make more netherite smithing templates did you break no was that you yeah I don’t have any

Netherrack I’m unsure if I do I’m going to go make a clock a what every inch yeah it took every inch of my being do not say clock I thought you said PL I was like the [ __ ] are you talking about PL I kend 6 as in the SNS

Game I did not know that was a thing [ __ ] P I think it’s a super nintend game is EI that or 64 game huh yeah it’s a Super Nintendo game the more you the more you Know why do I know that off the top of my head what is wrong with me good question I ask myself that self that often is real real real real sh now we just need some deep slate which shouldn’t be too hard how many smithing templates should I

Make uh I mean I would love one if you can spare one at least I made a few okay I made four and I need three of them have to I need I need four I know I need I need three I have four polish deep slate I think was the

One yep that was it Okay I should make this thing mine sand as well probably while I’m at it what do we need sand for I don’t know just for glass we already have all the glass for future bro okay fa fairsing time something okay so I’ve been making some steady progress

And if we wait it’s there so there’s a flight cow cow what what’s the issue so you know the uh thing you made what thing SM it yeah what about it so if we if we want to make it you know uh like Soul like

Things we have to like do a lot of we have to do like five XL well I didn’t make this for for haunting I know but I mean b hting would be useful I have another thing for that also you know you don’t need to change a

Lot you remove the lava and put Soul fire campfires I forgot those existed I’ll be real mhm they’re very forgetable block yeah I have a multi version of this where it’s for haunting washing and Blasting and smoking a schematic for it we just need to make it and it works I’ve tested it

Nice it’s not very pretty so we can hide it something okay what was next lanterns need chist Stone Brees oh yeah we need lanterns and buttons I’ll work on the L I do not have any coal apparently what the hell wait oh yeah it’s stone bricks we need and not just

Stone how the [ __ ] do I C the lantern hello dub this schematic is laging my game out what schematic the oral Cannon one oh that’s funny I know okay anyways uh where is It I forgot it had to be stone bricks so I’m turning them into stone bricks Now we need we need 7,000 storm bricks oh yeah I know it was eight it it was eight we could technically just make a giant drill if we really want I mean I was going to say I think the best I think it’s better to you know autom

Process turning like the M stone or whatever you get yeah we can make a lot of drills if you want like a an eight a 4×4 drill real quick wait wait what do you have wait what do you have again like get this cob what uh wait where I just have a

Digital Miner somewhere oh and wait does it give you Cobblestone or stone I can make it be Stone but I’m doing Cobblestone I mean it’s one less step if you make it beat Stone it’s not like it takes that long I know but it’s one less

Step and then e I’m just saying you said about I say we set up an auto crafter for it auto crafter for stone brakes yeah I mean sure we can don’t okay I’m going to make I realize I’m allowed to open stuff in your clim a

This loot chest there nothing in it what chest there’s a loot chest on the H flim you know that’s fun yeah and just in the open and I was curious what was in it and it is nothing I’m going to make an auto Miner I forgot how to make an auto

Miner an auto huh an auto Miner what is I figured it out okay I’m coming back to the bunker okay I hate that I need hate that I need um I don’t remember what they’re called I need uh casings for everything man yeah wait there’s a wa

Where did I put that backpack oh it’s on my so I have no clue what to do because now all we can really can do is just wait real you can get I’m not allowed to check where you can get you can go get a lot of you can um do sea

Lanterns okay so how do you search it up I mean I know lapis do I just do the uh Haunt It yep do I I mean like do I just like repurpose the [ __ ] thing I mean you can do that that’s probably what I’m going to

Do I just need to make up I just need to make something so can fire and I do not have any the things to craft it it doesn’t have to be Soul could be anything I just need eight of them yeah why is there a gold Block in the

Mob spawner at d space Oh well I just made a [ __ ] ton of rails on accident ah how fun that was a lot of iron oh yeah uh do you have a deployer or the things to make a deployer uh I am what the hell I don’t think I do damn ask

To you have a [ __ ] T of brass though yeah but I don’t I just don’t wait I think wait I’m looking for a Soul Sand I’ll get back to you I also don’t have glue how do I not have glue finally I found Soul Sand how do I not have glue at this

Point in the server that’s actually how do you not have a lot of things real cuz I’ve not really been doing things I forgot to mark down the way to get back you have a Way Stone I know but the way to get I I just went into

The Nether and I have no how to get back to my Portal real where did I put all my chests right where is this it says 28 26 no and DM real quick I saw I saw it I just I don’t know what to make of that I think that’s a real Cannon and I that real I’m guessing he made the orbital Cannon

Now I think it is no it’s oh oh my God why does the mini map say do XZ y instead of XYZ what the [ __ ] Mhm I’m so confused it is kind of annoying Um okay now I know where to go why does it do that okay now I’m no longer lost there and then much lapis do we need do you think not a lot I’m going to try 400 more what okay cool but do you have um did you have a

Deployer oh the deployer I for Bor so you could ask D yourself he has The Way Stone no I’m busy how do I get a deployer again deployer please don’t tell me needs bras it does not need bras yeah that’s at least something okay that was four

Right that was four I KN I know how to count yippe look I need I I I need some wins in my life I guess I can’t just all the L’s basically is I know that’s the issue uh I love spreading misinformation on the Internet isn’t that your my what is your

Favorite pastime and why is it spreading misinformation you need what nothing nothing oh I will [ __ ] talk as much as I want to especially on my own stream they’re going to get angry I don’t give a [ __ ] you Shouldn’t I will laugh it is really funny get Ang I will go hea and they will go g g I can’t I can’t be a God awful person g girl I terrible person and ruin and try to ruin someone girl girl bird bur burger yippe

Burger God I want a burger now same too bad it’s midnight no it’s 1:00 a.m. time zones no what do you what do you mean no what do you mean n uh the [ __ ] you mean nuh where the [ __ ] is the brass [ __ ] is Nebraska I ate it where the [ __ ] is

Nebraska I ate it oh oh yeah I handed you all of my hand inside alloy uhhuh you have it uh-huh I need it uh can you hand me one just one just one give me I know to be just a singular there it is where are

You I’m on the way [ __ ] here here I am there’s not a crafting table here lovely oh I am half stupid give me a second okay this thing called a magnet I don’t know if you know about it ah I hate I hate those oh my God magnet Breaking Bad reference

What did you not watch Breaking Bad I have I don’t remember anything about a magnet though there was a whole like Story play about magnet yeah [ __ ] magnet you don’t remember that no you should be watch Breaking Bad that’s is the plan it’s on the

List breing bad is like the one one show I watched it is the one like there’s that and then amphibia where I got my name from is that is that where the name is from yeah that’s where Ann is from oh an oh I I thought you meant your

Username step m i mean that b that’s my my old one oh from twitch chat okay I was part of a cult real man I just need me some I just need one deployer it’s on the way it has been 2 and 1/2 Hours it was supposed to be it was supposed to be one block to the other side okay what are we doing oh drills got uh updated today how updated oh I mean the texture oh yeah that’s a long time ago holy what do you mean they got they got updated the

Same time as the entirety of create like got updated to the new stuff hello clinks yes I am an old woman apparently real I’m younger than you what do you mean I’m younger than you I will make you ancient all all wise suck so one’s still not percepted by the

Way oh yeah I got away from doing that cuz I’m busy yeah there’s also chunk that just kind of got what small bit of it just got removed huh H wait what part pardon what does he mean a small bit of it got REM what do you mean it got removed where are

Oh well that’s fun oh yeah uh that the chunkier reset cuz this did not used to be in the wall ah okay that makes sense well that’s fun um great [ __ ] it adds the the aesthetic it’s on purpose yeah the scuffed the aesthetic look kind of aesthetic okay I need to

Find a cave somewhere oh there’s a copy at barrier panel here stop yeah it’s kind of smart you you could just break the block around and up you showed me no that’s because you can break stuff in spawn you’re not supposed to be able to do that it’s

Brokey also why ises he break it I mean he just didn’t take any anything okay good you aren’t you can’t normally break anything there it’s just broken yeah he was just doing it for edate educ SC entertainment entertainment UC educat educ educat educational purposes look I’m sh I’m stupid

Sorry I have to leave you I may [ __ ] this is the wrong [ __ ] you made [ __ ] I yeah I made sex what it’s me the inventor of sex I hate that why what’s wrong with it it’s stupid yeah so are all of my jokes what

Do you mean where did I did I place the deployer in the wrong place I’ve never made not stupid jokes in my life all I to all of my jokes are dumb and bad that’s like the that’s like my thing real anyway I need to come back to the

Bunker cuz I [ __ ] up something then I need to get [ __ ] lapis how do I is there a better way to get lapis than just mining no okay should probably fix that same because you have a creative motor where create Subs you can’t break the creative

Motors you know you put a creative motor where all that create you can’t break them with your pickaxe can you I am yes you can oh well I should probably fix that soon then yeah that would probably be a good idea I just don’t know much okay so you

Want to ask me questions I’m not Dub C why would I ask you questions I I don’t know you have sometimes that I don’t know why you do you questions asking for help that’s a different story that stuff you kind of know what you’re doing I mean I’d be surprised if I

Didn’t it it was my job teaching it for a bit yeah why do you think this the kids don’t know how to do it they did though I was good at it I’m kidding it’s a Yol it’s a yoke egg Yol I love eggs where am

I I’m not mining stuff with this thing and it broke itself that was early all right ready I did kind of [ __ ] it up so that’s fair that was like a solid two seconds though you saying that it breaking oh I know why oh what was it I forgot to redo the

Filter on the the deployer after I moved it so yeah it’s holding Cobblestone F yep bunker I’m going to n saw like a frame no oh wait how do I do the filter again um what like SM do like how do you change the filter no like what where do I change what

Do like for what when it picks up uh there’s smart shoots at the bottom you just can’t kind of see them you kind of need to break some blocks for it that is underneath the lava so you kind of need to get rid of the lava I already got rid of the lava

Okay God damn it I’m just G to make I think how much more Cobble do we need I don’t know a lot 4,000 5,000 78 Stacks okay I need build here no yes I do no you can just place it in like as a block so here’s the thing haunting lais

Which is what I’m using this for right now give us two items yeah I know um yeah just make filters then yeah I don’t have any string grind wool I don’t have any wool well [ __ ] look I nothing and you I have 25 string can I have how do I craft a filter

Again you need oh wait you need wool for it I not that still doesn’t help me yes it does you can craft wool from string that mean that no that still doesn’t make it better I mean oh can you come back here then I have string for you okay I’m I

Have me some strink string time pink pink so how much is this is six of them I think I need I need four never mind I’m actually yeah yeah you are I’m the most intelligent person on this server I don’t know I don’t know about

That if you just don’t think about it at all I’m the smartest person sure about that yeah if you don’t think about it so ban list of this and then we could just yeah b b list b b a ban ban list that’s stupid oh wait you’re yeah you’re using

That now I kind of have Cobblestone I wait no it’s fine it’s it’s fine it’s fine God damn it can I can I just it’s fine just use it as you’re doing it look look look at what I did w now we can access it wa that’s so

Cool look now we can access it at least without having to break everything whoa yippe It’s good okay let me have this yeah I never said it wasn’t you sounded like you man what my music stopped I’m going to Clum it has now been two nearly 3 hours it has been 246

Hours it it has been 46 hours holy [ __ ] uh I might have lapis and a oh wait why did you go out mining for lapis you I asked you if there was a better way in you said no how much lapish did you mine like a few Stacks oh I have I have

7K look in that chest look in it look at it oh oh my God hold on I’ll just give you a few which one do we need we need more no no I mean need more of yeah but we need both the one we need more of is the

Prismarine crystals Yeah by one which I did not realize so it doesn’t really matter as my phone made a roughly out are you good do you need more uh I’m unsure but since we need you know 200 of them I don’t think we need more okay so

Is there a crafting table here there’s L of why do we not have a crafting table I I cuz I use my backpack I don’t have that and make a crafting table then yeah making one I made five I’m going to do something very important mhm no no crafting no crafting penis crafting

Plus look crafting plus big Chad guys plus that’s a mod pack huh big big Chad guys plus that’s a mod pack that’d be fun to play probably it looks really cool and it has Pokémon okay and then we I have uh two stacks of it yet but I

Have but I have a quite I have a bit of uh so we do not have enough crystals for this I’ll be back actually wait do we do we do we do we do we do we do you mean h do you mean h l and Dey or doy Dey God damn it

You need more I’ll use the rest of my lapis if you want so we we need over two stacks more so but like it’s going to overflow with [ __ ] uh I accidentally picked it up andan slam ban uh so it’s just full of click the oh that’s why I love my Wi-Fi I love refrigerators I love my Wi-Fi so uh do we just throw out some of these shards because we don’t need this many keep them from the for the Future Boy where do we store them I in my inventory okay here take I I can I can straight up I kid you not hold

200,000 things in one stack okay oh that’s well not in my normal backpack but in my ore backpack cuz I have three stack uh yeah four stack three upgrades dam I’ll make another wait make another H another stack upgrade but I don’t have the upgrade thing I hate making stack upgrades cuz I

Need the previous ones yeah I’m not doing all this can’t be asked yeah wait do we have computer craft no I should have added that actually it’d be cool there’s one there’s also an add on out that integrates computer CRA create and yeah I know that would have been

Kind of cool we should I’ll do that I’ll put it to the on the notepad you could make a CNC machine oh I what it’s just the word CNC to me it just took a little bit no no did you did you no what wait sorry did you it took a

Little bit for me to figure out the word what do you mean nothing do you are you talking about what I think you’re talking about no I think you are I know what you are no no but any a CNC machine would be really [ __ ] cool to make because I know

Someone made the CNC machine M okay it’s on the to-do list yeah someone made a CNC machine in Minecraft why would you need this again which really cool might want to make one what does it do uh it basically ucking it it basically just basically so a computer terminal you can deactivate

And activate any no I want to know what the CNC machine in Minecraft does What is a CNC machine doing Minecraft uh I mean I I don’t remember I’m a be uh computer craft create I remember seeing this cuz I don’t know what that would mean in Minecraft it’s CC tweaked I don’t remember no I don’t I for I I look I found this before you forg

Or wait you can make elevator screens with this what do you mean elevator screens like what floor it’s on uh like no like full on floor a display oh no like you can you know you know elevator buttons yeah you can make that brain activation moment singular Brain Cell Activation moment neuron

Activated elevator button that’s a crazy lyric what what is what the lyric got my finger on the pulse avocado and toast that’s crazy bars oh there’s no there’s just a missing a space but you you get it yeah yeah that’s actually crazy I just realized we’re the only people on the

Server yeah LEM and hit left at the same time huh LEM and hit as in lemlem oh yeah and yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they did I they did that a while ago they do live at the same place in the game so man complains that we should get on then

I get on then he leaves within an hour it was two but yeah where’s your can you put the I don’t have anymore I thought you said you have 7,000 yeah we’ve used all of it God damn it I’m back I’m going to go grinding for it then oh also could you

Pick these I left okay I’ll F be what is it for Mar charge okay do we want lapis or do we want sea no not L do we want stone bricks or sea lanterns right now uh I mean we need less I mean honestly it’s

Easier for me to grind out for the sea lanter so we just want yeah we just want the we just want this the stone bricks because I I can grind this out okay this is too difficult actually actually are there ways to get lap lip

Lipus wait I forgot what are the best y levels wait do we not have do we have a better like the uh [ __ ] no we do not I don’t remember I don’t remember the like the like generation thing and ji oh no I don’t think I ever added that damn yeah I

Know that is so it’s such a useful mod I know where did all my stone go oh there they are I at it I’m just running around mining stone now would have been so much easier on the magic server cuz I had a pickaxe that could do 5x five in a large

Tunnel that was kind of crazy it also did lag a bit you know yeah was it the uh like giant pickaxe no it was just uh like I did a tunnel with the FTB ultim mine and I had a pickaxe to could do 5x five and it

Does it to that as well oh yeah I never made an auto Miner on that server oh wait I did but I didn’t really need to wait no I didn’t but what I didn’t I never made an auto Miner on that server because I had that pickaxe oh yeah that’s

Fair wait is that diamonds no that is diamonds never mind that is Diamond singular I still find that lyric [ __ ] got my fingers on the pulse avocado on to what kind of like those two things do not Rel go is so Hard that bar goes hard you can’t say anything else we listen to we listen to very different styles of music oh I don’t listen to that kind of music normally I’m just streaming so I don’t have a choice I mean you could listen to the

Music I listen to No it it is stream safe I know if you give credit yeah I know turn it up which isn’t the hard thing to do oh no I I know I am now fix my pickaxe at TJ XP farm I still want to make my silverfish XP farm that shit’s

Op want to know how like it just spawns a [ __ ] ton of silver fish and you get level 30 and one hits yeah I’ve seen that it’s really [ __ ] dope wait uh where is it uh or spawn level Fun I want [ __ ] lapis I need a sanite sword site sanite sanite cuz the more you use it the more damage it the more damage it does I could make I could make one I have site I think why don’t I why don’t I have a site sword am I stupid Chad I’m

Stupid I’m the best I’m the best I make flirt noise with mouth all right you’re I’m just trying to find the what oh there I found some lapis oo I love the advancement sound for for ather it makes like plays music don’t think I’ve heard it oh it’s cool it’s pretty

Poggers anyway I have a lot of Cobble now so it’s kind of a problem that you’re oh you can put it back oh yeah I I have the lava uh-huh uh how do I get back up oh I need Sky root do you have any Sky root what Sky

Root I said that I don’t know what that is ather I do not man I to the Nether and the over World well then I guess I’ll be going to the Aether kind of sucks that I can’t just fly upward and reach Aether or orbit for that sake

I mean it makes sense I mean I could add immersive portals and then just do Dimension stacking and then do it so if you fly to a specific height then you reach the Aether and then if you fly higher you reach the or like Earth orbit that could be kind of

Cool okay so yeah I’ll Place everything back wait I need silk touch oh my shovel has touch Sh did you just say [ __ ] no oh I swear [ __ ] insane no me mother says I’m not you turn Scottish no do do you have any books boobs no books I know he said books just be funny and failing horribly do you have any books I do not [Applause] Man [ __ ] Angry Bird Man your fck Angry Birds no maybe I [ __ ] Angry Birds Angry Bird porn definitely exists oh yeah that I hate I know I hate that fact would you say that like you’ve seen you’ve seen it haven’t you no I like how you I like how you

Believed I did because I said it like that I know I I wouldn’t be surprised man what the [ __ ] no I mean like you look I’m just saying you probably seen a lot of [ __ ] you don’t want to see holy [ __ ] is that

A sprout I can be a Pikmin if I pay if I pay essential hear me out it would be so awesome it would be so awesome it would be so cool the most incredible superer it would be so awesome it would be so cool special effects like it would be so

Awesome it would be so Cool shim shim shim it not letting me claim the free items Andals which is really fun oh right why is there a bare feet option in Essentials you know why I mean yeah I know why I mean just look at where I am just look at me right now oh yeah give me

A are you a giant toe yep I P money for this I know I hate this I’m going back to the m outfit I prefer that wait emote we oh my God I again I have you’re silent you are disappointed I I would I would be to to

Be honest uh yeah uh the more durability you use on sanite tools the more damage they end up doing that’s what it sunite tools work get better better and better the more D like less durability they have apparently oh I mean they can one shot if you have

Aod thing thing then they can onot with their skeletons and armor so damn at least the one TJ has all right oh wait I have 19 books are you [ __ ] I know I don’t need them anymore sorry are you [ __ ] are you [ __ ] can you sleep oh yeah here you’re not [ __ ]

Cringe I don’t get bites real I [ __ ] oh my God don’t I don’t want to know and I’m streaming I was I was going to say I was going to look I wasn’t going to say something actual I was going to say something funny oh you

Funny [ __ ] [ __ ] you hey you said it earlier I know only I’m allowed to say it okay okay and I’m coming back I need you to put lava in the thing I already did oh like I did like 20 minutes ago okay now that’s just wrong okay I did like

Five minutes ago at least that’s also wrong no it isn’t I say it is therefore you are gay yeah I’m gay what about it that’s pretty gay hey hey hey hey heyy you forgot to change the building a you could have told me would you mean I didn’t that was your job not

Mine telling you huh huh your job was to change the do you know what meme I’m referen referencing I have no [ __ ] clue okay so there’s this it’s a frog and C like said this it’s oh it’s yeah it’s a frog it’s a frog and it like

Does a little weird back flip and then it plays the you’re the Queen no why don’t you love that song no don’t you love froggy Queen by by APPA why is it what [ __ ] fing this this thing is this thing right here what about it

It’s it just tilted and it just went up it just went horizontal no on my screen it I saw I saw that I saw the same thing earlier why did it [ __ ] do cuz it’s it’s special this game perfectly perfect game with no bugs whatsoever yeah bugs

Minecraft bugs and Minecraft in the same sentence have you gotten any lapis for that no I’ve said it to Only Mine Stone oh I said I mean like using this hav you been using never mind huh huh that’s just a normal Auto that just mines in a tunnel right oh that

Thing know I’ve have gotten no my lapis from that just finger on the pulse avocado and goes hard okay you know who El stop what did you do I hit you with the Twilight oh how does TRX keep going offline and online do you know no do you know why TRX keeps going

Online and offline wait he does yeah on Minecraft I I haven’t seen that oh are you friends with him on Essentials no that then that would probably why have you thought about that I like what is this this what is this Coco melon ass music listen wait wait what do you Mean why did I hear something Burn I I can hear it that is that is not Coco melon though I know you’re wrong and stupid then you’re snch a snch I we have enough we have enough um Stone brakes now now we just the rest of the stone here for 3 hours and losing

And I’m losing my sanity now I’ve it’s at that point you should have been there when I did my 8 hour stream the last two hours was just was just was just crazy crazy if you do want to get hit me up I’m down to stand well I wasn’t planning

On it for being 8 hours it just happened now we just need stone brick stairs and stone brick slab and all that you want to do that stream what you want to work on the Storm brick stairs and what not is it just crafting it I don’t know know

How many hold on I’m going to remove a few Stacks from in here so I can figure out how many stacks we have oh well we definitely have enough hey let me yeah oh we have more than enough in here Um we need okay we just need 27 Stacks Plus okay all of this is stone brick that we have extra right now here’s what we need oh wait no I need eight of the I need eight eight stone brick put back in this thing just eight just eight oh I made eight

Stacks no just eight just just the number eight you know I don’t I what’s the number real don’t you win an iner shut shut up I would be punched in the face if I said that IRL oh yeah and I would deserve it yeah God that’s God awful joke I just

Made though yeah I’m never making that en joke again yeah do you think anyone’s ever unly said that no you’d be the first no unironically yeah you’d be you’d beat the first I’ve never said that on ironically yes you have no n hold on I’m finding the video

26 is it this one my my classmates reference it in a way where they just grab objects and then do like move them backwards like that I can’t I can’t find the actual one but I can find the the video oh okay uh wait a minute

Uh so now we just need not too much wait so we need a a little bit right so we need seven yeah no we need a little bit we need around 15 stacks of stone bricks stone bricks I found it no it’s the I thought I found it but it’s the wrong one oh what I I’m reciting Minecraft with Gadget off of memory so have I sh you Minecraft with Gadget Yeah Actually damn it never mind it’s the crack one I’m just going to send you this I found It I I feel like you found that funny that is very funny indeed oh what the [ __ ] what suck what we have a visitor huh yo what’s good bro wait wait you what do you mean you can make him into a boss you can make

Him into you can trade with him and you can make him into a boss but I don’t remember how uh wait can I right click him oh wait I know how I we can’t do it though I am the Cure wait he sells a plague Ence he sells a lot of things you

Can also just kill him food I didn’t know you’d actually do you eating he ate the [ __ ] cooked rat what the [ __ ] the rat did no he ate the cooked rat I tried to get I tried to kill the rat it here you can make stairs now oh

My oh he’s still here yeah he’s just Invincible he’s just title card seven okay so eight Stacks is it enough oh yeah we need the 66 Stone buttons just going to make 66 Stone buttons real quick It almost over now that I know what you’re [ __ ] referencing it’s funny yes love me four five 6 7 yippe I think originally when they started doing it I was like the [ __ ] are they doing and then I was like oh my God it’s the Frog then I understood chiseled stone

Bricks how do stone bricks why are you why do you say like that okay so wa let me send you the video stone brick uh Minecraft but it’s stone bricks no Minecraft with Gadget oh that’s what that’s what you’re referencing the way he says Brown bricks Brown bricks oh yeah is that why

You have the whole Brown bricks thing yeah I love it’s I love that [ __ ] video so you say it so much I’m like what the [ __ ] are you talking about it’s a [ __ ] Mike m video it’s old cin Massacre video it’s a hoop video it’s old cin Massacre video Mike m

Was a remember of cine Massacre along with angry along with the Angry Video Game Nerd I thought you were about to say Angry Birds no along with the Angry Birds that’s bad pickies but no no no that bad thing Is oh yeah I I hate that I don’t have the um the music mod on This Server oh I had I had a just with instruments cuz I had a midi thing like where I could turn MIDI files into midi input so I could play piano songs like

As MIDI files into the piano wait does emot craft exist for uh Forge I don’t know OT craft doesn’t exist for Forge oh emote craft yeah I’m not getting you emotes man why not around the world around the world okay look I’m just saying I’m going to

Go buy cool Cosmetics why can we have remotes St around the world I hate that I am so close to be able to get the spider flip but I miss I’m missing 200 and I can’t buy just 200 I have to buy 1,000 you can’t buy them why not 200 I

Have to buy a, I need 200 oh yeah it’s kind of stupid oh I can get the T or I could get the okay so we need a ship of I can get evil laugh I want boxing but I can’t you need a [ __ ] ton of lapis and Spruce logs yeah

Oh there’s a dab I’m trying to figure out I really want the anim no oh yeah that’s what I want I want the Chica dance do you know what I mean yep you’ve told me about this yes the guy every day yeah yeah yeah and I found out later he’s still

Single I found out later on that he apparently did things I don’t know no no please not the Chica guy yeah I apparently uh said no to getting a date oh oh yeah that’s fair I thought I thought I thought you meant things like oh some other things also but U not

Talking about those on stream not that gu no my hero it’s just being a it’s just being just a little bit of a [ __ ] that’s Oh Oh I thought you meant I thought you I thought you me he he didn’t do crime he did not do crime I

Was getting ready for you to say he was a PDF file no no he no no I love I love saying PDF file I mean it is it it works computer she was playing it on her computer book Brown bricks I have not gotten to that part and I’m not getting oh my

Concurrent viewers have reached zero ah man and and be entertaining I’m going to go get how do I be entertaining I’ve never done that and I’m going to be at base come be entertaining and then I’ll go get something to drink wait I don’t know how to be entertaining uh just do

It uh start playing Minecraft no start playing Nintendo switch if you get it if you get it I know if you get it you get it you get it you get it even though that video hasn’t come out yet uh uh uh uh wait wait so guys uh what What’s the best

Thing about Switzerland I don’t know but the flags are big I hate this B I hate this [ __ ] I I don’t want to go through with this [ __ ] I do not want to go [ __ ] it weball uh I at a new world wordis if you get it you get it if you

Don’t get it you don’t get it I’ve I’ve been I’ve been doing I I just I just panicked and look up looked up jokes and I immediately and I started cringing too bad too badly fin that’s fun okay I just started cringing gave up uh uh uh shim shimm shim shim shim

Shimm how can I make that sound with my [ __ ] throat what why can’t I make this one Kirby the Frog here I’m literally going to kill myself Kirby the Frog no way I love Kirby Kirby the Frog I said Kerman I know Kirby Kirby the frog goes Kermit the Frog Goes why I can I not take the story of underdale I I I’ve apparently been entertaining enough on my own streams for people to enjoy watching them which is a shocker like people enjoy watching me that’s shocking yeah when I found out people like my streams I went what no [ __ ]

Way when I got donate when I got donated like 60 sub Subs on Twitch I went what 60 that’s how isn’t that like 30 I I some guy basically gave me $150 who yeah he was kind of cool and I never saw him again why don’t you stream on Twitch anymore only on

YouTube you know why is it the r split no what did they do again they changed the to in a bad way so oh that thing didn’t they revert it kind of but not really um they didn’t revert it not fully I mean YouTube does the same thing

But YouTube doesn’t enforce it they just kind of yeah they have the same rule but YouTube I video I watched on it he said it’s probably they only do it on like people who content Farm where it’s just AI content with ads you know what I

Mean nope not at all well like where they just have like multiple streams going on different accounts where they get a lot of views and have talking about the artistic rule or no no no no no no no uh they changed their TOS policy a while back where it was like to

Do with ads and whatnot where you couldn’t they said you could only have if you have ads on screen from like a sponsor they have to be this size they can’t be bigger than that and um and it’s like very little very small and um what and you couldn’t do embedded

Streams like playing video no embedded ads like playing video ads on your PC or in the Stream itself it had to be like only twitch ads Spotify ad your B and no like you couldn’t pull up a it cuz like when you do raid sponsor they tell you

To play like their ad for at least at least twice or something like that and you can’t do twitch said nah you can’t do that anymore um so I was like I mean I know I don’t really make money right now I’m not really sponsored that much but I was

Like nah it’s not happening mate um and they reverted it kind of but not fully YouTube has the same rule but they don’t really enforce it and a YouTuber watch said it’s prob they they the reason the rule is there is probably to stop people from like streaming on six different

Accounts and running ads and making money like that because that kind of [ __ ] everything for YouTube yeah if I make the thing do haunting now uh but yeah okay nice because that’s all like we only need that and Spruce logs yeah I’m getting the spruce I know so we

Only and so did you actually set the M do you know I’m doing Spruce right now with it uh did you add uh did you add Stone to The Blacklist or did you I just added it as a thing that can mine right now I’m doing Spruce no I I mean the uh

Like the black of f why would I do that you did that earlier I didn’t have Spruce I had to I add Stone I meant sorry my bad I don’t know how to speak I’m so [ __ ] if you’re tired then go to bed no no for nerves I’m going to sleep when we’re

Done with this probably oh yes same I’m going to I’m going to [ __ ] pass out you’re going to you’re going to [ __ ] I’m actually not going to say that okay I don’t know what you were going to say but okay sounds like not a good thing it’s

Just a bad joke oh it’s not funny so you yeah for can’t relate honestly 700 Spruce left I was pretty funny at leave compy at least this is not haunting I just placed it back but I thought you were doing haunting I was and but I don’t have any more lapis so we definitely need a lot of lapis yeah I’ll make it mine that when I’m

Done yeah so we can’t really do much ask if you has Spruce oh wait he didn’t real you have lapis SE lanters oh that’s the wrong can leiss and join group or do we let him I don’t know that’s up to you that’s a no I said that’s up to you

Uh man I I said I’m not making decisions I have I I have I have Choice anxiety don’t do this to me I don’t care I’m doing it no Get Wrecked nerd get shreked that’s not an emote dumb it is dumb ass I have it I’m going to send you at a right

Now there’s no way can you sleep look I sent it to you right now can you sleep I’m doing it look at DMs I sent you ah yeah I’m just looking for more Spruce I’ll look in a second I just need to find more spru is that a yes

Go but you can’t share the super secret super duper secret code you can’t just cackle super duper secret did you say you can’t just cackle you can’t just I just sent him the password and he’s going to be I think he’s going to be a little bit

Angry why like I don’t know the fact that you said the password like eight times he just said I figured he just said I figured I did not say the password three times I said eight times idot oh yeah I did say I did immediately

When we said the code I did say the code is so super duper secret yeah I I’m before you even said that what yeah and sent it to me before you said that no I said it earlier like an hour ago no no an hour ago I was eating man

That’s CR no you were on the Ser you were on the server I wasn’t watching your stream it was no it was right it was at when you joined the uh the other group and we left and we made a new one and I said this password is so super

Duper secret I immediately muted your stream actually no I didn’t have your stream un any yeah I need a oh well the funny thing about that is you can make sea lanterns with lapis I know that’s why I asked for either yep oh okay uh well I have like 9,000 would

That uh lapis would that suffice uh hopefully oh I can set up like a couple digit miners if I need more uh no yeah head to the bunker hold on let me grab my digital Miner yeah I’m also using a digital Miner right now but that’s for mining

Wood yeah I have like four something like that I could use need them not to brag or anything not to brag or anything not to shimmy shimy shim shim shim not shim shim shim shim I’m standing in the soul campfire and I’m not taking damage yeah the armor

You have on is fireproof oh DN it doesn’t say that no it doesn’t but you use it to go to plan say that anywhere [ __ ] you it doesn’t but you use it to go to a planet that’s basically at the sun yes I didn’t know that stupid [ __ ] you

Stupid [ __ ] you suck I’m helping you what the [ __ ] what dumbass both of you so you want to [ __ ] you I’d rather you didn’t I’m helping an which is helping you no [ __ ] you I’d rather you what the hell was that if I download the VOD and I go look

At the stream audio track it’s just going to randomly go what scre it that was my party horn that I I know I know it is it’s going to go CH loud oh my God I’m suck when M yeah are you using silk touch when you’re ring ores I might be what

Huh h uh let me set this to let me add a new filter to this what what now what kind of food do you eat the automatic in real life no yes what food do you eat I have like 9,000 vegetable sandwiches in a backpack vegetable sandwich they’re incredibly easy to make

Bros a vegetarian vegitarian I’m sorry damn they there’s the easiest food source to make that’s like really good I mean I I mearian with my canteen honestly wait you can eat from just water no no it’s a nutritional paste oh that sounds disgusting it’s what know the best part

What know good part about it though what um it can max out your uh if you don’t have no hunger it will and you you can just eat it once and it max out I just have saturation three at my base real I know but if you have no hunger it

Maxes out F you were going to give me lapis digital he was going to get you schap I wasis uh logistical transporter sh we only need that now by the way we only need sea lanterns look look an look look at it look at it right click it look at it

No sorry my bad and took took my clippy board give it back give it back not I have a question can we make this into two chests because that would be much more storage space what do you mean can I get off I mean we could you could but one chest easier

Access well no yes easier Asing I don’t need to go into two different chests stupid you cannot be that lazy I mean you could also just put down a you could also just put that you could also just put down a netherite backpack with a magnet upgrade you also just put down

A a vote no cuz those I can’t just right click yeah those you can’t just right click deot just put a de out no no what the [ __ ] is wrong with you what the hell what is wrong with you kill you what what the cuz that’s you then I need to

Right click every single thing instead of just being able to okay then put a logistical transporter connected to a chest connected to the Vault that’s too hard that is that is that is two extra blocks suck that is I need to craft them I have all of that here there’s a logistical

Transporter man shut the [ __ ] up that’s no just hand me the lapis yo suck my dick yo oh I don’t have the LA y suck my dick yo I was getting M more I’m getting lapis right now and other getting more lapis though man shut the [ __ ] up yo

Suck my dick yo yo suck my dick yo hold on let me claim this chunk is why dub why aren’t you parking in y suck my dick dub no oh okay what did he do I thought I thought he just claimed the chunk next to the bunker

Claim all your shot I will straight up just remove it did claim around it no I claimed it so you don’t take my [ __ ] no I can straight up just remove any claim he makes I don’t care I will well no I claimed it say you don’t take my stuff

That Ison and I claim I’ll still remove it I thought you I’m going to remove it after I know I thought you did this for no reason I was like dude what the hell man the [ __ ] dude what the hell man the hellu dude so and I want to say you something

Cool yo suck my whenever whenever I make one of these I put one of these cool qio importers and it automatically does stuff yo suck my dick yo yep yo suck di y uh set frequency I love that the audience has no [ __ ] clue what actually oh I don’t either I’m just

Saying yeah he’s got no clue oh yeah uh so should I send you the video that it’s referencing no I’ve looked at it you have I’ve also looked at it I just never you know yo suck my dick suck my dick y suck my dick yo we’re just saying it because you know

That video was funny yeah and at this point we’ve Des entered into madness oh yeah we said no an hour ago an has an hour ago I did 5 minutes ago round bricks I mean round bricks Brown bricks no brown brick BR SS BR bricks bro sounds like a pair of

Brown bricks Brown bricks you’re just descending even descending even more right now you are not the teacher from Charlie Brown what hey how are you doing C I’m having a lot of I am brown brex brown brown I can recite the first minute of that video for

Memory what the Impressions no the uh Minecraft with Gadget video oh yeah I could recited for memory because I watched it like that’s mentally illness of you Gaga Gadget m go go don’t he doesn’t say that he he doesn’t say that he never says go go gadget he does shoot someone

Though math go go Gad dick but he does kill someone in the video and and and man I’m not done what what did you no we don’t need shards we don’t need shards you don’t need shards we have too many shards we mainly need the crystals

Suck what I’m just I’m just doing the uh the lapis to haunting and it’s just giving me those I know so we throw them out you don’t need the swords you need the um yes you do to make lanterns yeah I know but you also need yeah I know and

It’s giving me both and I just gave an all I had of both okay I’m throwing out most of the [ __ ] shards because we do not need this many no you do you’ll need them no don’t throw them out I I actually I need them no okay don’t give

Them to Du why not cuz I want them yeah I’ve given you so much stuff I want them for absolutely no reason has helped us out of lot I think I deserve something back capitalist what what you mean what the [ __ ] that is the most capitalist thing

To say though you know what that’s it I’m shutting off your power because I can do that apparently no no I’ll just connect to one of the other ones did you shut off the did you shut off the power did you shut off I am now General Electric did you

Shut off the power to pH fro one Mr Electric Fri nuts I know we just don’t use that one yeah cuz it gives me zero power but it has so much of it and I’m just like what oh I shot specifically your flux point off sry a uh wait wait where’s the

[ __ ] so okay I I just multiply my lapis by two I don’t okay uh do you where are theine crystals that you have suck I gave no you didn’t I did I don’t have any I don’t have any well I don’t know where they went you checking your inventory

No backpack or whatever I don’t have an arrow do you have an arrow on You by I don’t I don’t have crystals I have shards I have crystals not that kind of Crystal what kind of crystals Oh I thought you were talking about math yes oh I do also have that he

Also has math crystals I do also have math Crystal mathematical mathematical No are you sure you don’t have prismarine crystals y because I might have accidentally thrown them to you but I threw them back are you sure yes I have hit boxes on and they’re not here never mind they are here and and do you see this bird over here and oh my God

Mory you know how he sounds how I don’t remember I don’t remember yeah I don’t remember yeah wrong character you’re yo y if someone’s watching this they’re going to be so Fu I don’t think anyone is it says two concurrent viewers it was seven earlier I don’t know what happened

One of one of them is people are watching this [ __ ] earlier it was seven I don’t know what happened why is your [ __ ] stream defaulting the 144p what turn it off auto turn turn it off auto no but I’ve only said it to be able to do 1080 why is it doing

1440 I have it to set to a th000 I can only do 1080 yeah well I I can do higher but I don’t because my actual screen isn’t 1440 yet in the future will be I do it still dude if you still have Auto quality on Discord on Discord that on Discord oh

Wandering oh not Discord I YouTube but I can’t change it it doesn’t let me no it doesn’t let me put a different default no oh which is [ __ ] stupid I want to have the default be highest as possible but it just doesn’t it say to Auto oh

[ __ ] how did you do that what happened my grav is all the way up there I can go get it hold on how did you do that what the [ __ ] happened what the [ __ ] was that oh here unclaim the chu so quick so

I can grab the so I can grabb no how did you do that away 5 seconds and then I hear an explosion what the [ __ ] did you do the [ __ ] that’s my armor what Fu what do you have why did you float what the f kind of

Armor you don’t have anything weird on your armor what do you mean it does that sometimes it does that sometimes no it doesn’t that’s not your armor oh no it’s Gloom no it’s not it’s Gloom chance to apply negative status effects that’s a crazy effect man I know what that’s was

Everything what does it mean that was every effect like every negative effect what the [ __ ] no I blew up that blowing up yeah that’s a negative effect mine also has that but not to that degree apparently why are you dying oh I’m kind of uh what now why are you

Dying oh is it no it’s probably because of the explosion [ __ ] self-destruct God that bring that bring very specific memory that I have we need we need more lapis I was on I not so I played on this was an alaa member I played on this um Origins Minecraft

Server that we can have our own custom like origin yeah I did that and so I made a nuclear reactor that could blow itself up that’s funny so I just blew myself up in combat it was very funny I I asked the one of the earlier servers I

Asked if people wanted Origins they said no so okay well I love basic or like the the default Origins kind of sucks no but like a lot of modded one as well I mean the only good thing about Orin is the ability to make custom on oh yeah I

Wonder if I can just add wait I’m going to ask chat GPT if it knows what Origins mod is ask you to make it for you ask it to ask it to make a nuke whereas it just blows up everything so okay sock you know the engling origin

Yes I love that [ __ ] much um me and a few friends you know all of them probably uh we had a Minecraft server and we all had Origins I I could just fly basically I also had the I had cthulu I had cthulu at one point where I could just grow

Big but yeah someone else had the inching there’s two of people that had the really small ones it was funny cuz we just took them everywhere cuz they couldn’t they had moved so slow they had to walk on like they could ride on me so they just walked around that’s wait

Pause hey would you possibly want an hour of poison no because I can do that D I’m going to find you that I’m going to find you and spit on you I’m going to go make a wooden sword with only Venom and vending on it I hate

You what is wrong with you say this Cam and a cam I have a question why do you need the large Cog wheel here um I don’t but originally what I made this the sign it did lovely anyway and I it can make an explosive origin for me oh my God wait what

Now if he does it using t it does it using tags though so that’s kind of weird yeah because it doesn’t really do good coding okay um so sock I’m making the most annoying weapon ever we need more lais by the way oh I

Can see any more I added more to it are you sure yeah I know we still need more we need uh 24 more sea lanterns okay so sock here’s the thing I currently have a wooden sword with mending in breaking and Venom it does like no damage but it just

Gives you poison that’s so stupid it’s just the most annoying [ __ ] weapon hey and you want to test it Out I mean I did ask you to make a data pack instead of a instead of just a mod I should make it do a well I don’t know I haven’t tested it yet well I know what I’m doing after stream oh will you put like a funnel on

Top of this chest so I can put lais into It wait why don’t just throw it into the shoots dumbass the shoot scope give me the lap give me lais give me Lait also so here’s the thing M oh wait that’s hot oh um okay I don’t get why you know know I okay I give up me for real and

For real every time they say a word what I can’t drop all at one time what did you say and for real I heard my name what did you say and for real and talk get it I didn’t hear it so I don’t get it I think this is enough for once it’s

Enough yipp suck sucking up it’s enough we have enough I have the sword don’t don’t you dare I have the sword I’m gonna rename the sword of annoyance hold on suck it’s done y I think died no I’m here I won’t be doing this now CU it

Takes forever we’ll do that next stream so you’ll have to wait as well okay um give me a second as you could hear from that as you can feel from that I’m going to be ending now I will see you all whenever next time is can’t promise when could be

Like a week from now could be longer I have no clue um but yeah I’ll see you all whenever that is and uh goodbye

This video, titled ‘Power & Precision: Technological Awakening | BIG BUNKER’, was uploaded by IsuckAtEverything on 2024-01-14 02:09:16. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:03 or 14103 seconds.

Main channel: @isuckateverything9551 Discord:

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  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More

  • Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops!

    Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops! Minecraft Cheating with Ore-Dropping Items! Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where cheating with ores that drop items takes center stage! Join the excitement as new possibilities unfold in the world of Minecraft. Exploring New Horizons Delve into the innovative concept of cheating with ores that drop items, adding a unique twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Witness the magic as these ores reveal hidden treasures and unlock a realm of endless possibilities. Unveiling the Cheating Mechanism Discover the mechanics behind this intriguing cheat, where ores become the key to obtaining valuable items. By leveraging this cheat, players can… Read More

  • Unbelievable Build!

    Unbelievable Build! Minecraft Madness: Exploring the World of Build Battle and Lucky Block Skywars Unleashing Creativity in Build Battle In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Players like 3omry_ on Twitch showcase their building skills in exciting challenges like Build Battle. In this fast-paced competition, participants have limited time to construct themed creations. From fire engines to intricate scenes, the possibilities are endless. The thrill of the clock ticking down adds an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay. Victory in Second Place Despite the pressure, 3omry_ and their team managed to secure second place in a recent Build… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill

    Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill Building a Windmill in Minecraft with Create Mod In this Minecraft video, Ubu demonstrates how to build a windmill using the Create mod as part of a 30-day build challenge. The windmill is designed to produce bread and is powered by a series of intricate mechanical components. Setting Up the Foundation To begin the construction, Ubu replaces Moss blocks with grass blocks and lays out the initial framework using gearboxes, mechanical bearings, water wheels, water, stone, oak planks, and plows. The plows are used to mark out a circular area for the windmill’s operation. Constructing the Windmill After setting… Read More

  • EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop

    EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop Minecraft Pixelmon Mod Adventure: Finding Legendary Pokémon! Welcome to the second episode of the thrilling Pixelmon adventure! In this episode, Noofunk, Kartonkopp, and our protagonist delve into the Minecraft Mod Pixelmon, adding Pokémon to the game. Excitement ensues as they discover their first legendary Pokémon! Join us on this incredible journey filled with exciting moments. Don’t forget to like the video and leave a comment to share your thoughts with us! Social Links: Twitch (Livestreams) TikTok (Short Clips) YouTube Kanal (Videos und Shorts): @FasteinVince Discord (Streamer Discord Server) Follow along to not miss out on exciting moments and engage… Read More

  • Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash!

    Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of rich and poor football players, their stories untold. Efekan, a talent, with skills so bright, Becomes a millionaire, his future alight. Training hard, scoring goals with ease, Fans cheering, cameras clicking, a breeze. But Yusuf, watching from afar, Dreams of glory, a shining star. The coach, the manager, all in awe, Of Efekan’s talent, his football law. But in the end, it’s not just about fame, It’s about passion, love for the game. So whether rich or poor, young or old, In Minecraft or real life, let your story be… Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: 💀 Discord! ✨TikTok! 👻 Twitter! 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

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  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

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  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

    Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiantVideo Information This video, titled ‘[XDEFIANT] Ini gimana cara mainnya? #xdefiant’, was uploaded by Kyo Lectio Ch. on 2024-06-07 04:39:03. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:31 or 8191 seconds. #minecraft It’s time to do 2 weeks of minecraft then forget it for 6 months. ⭐ Support me ⭐ 『 Trakteer 』 『 Saweria Mediashare 』 Discord :3 ————————————- ◊『 Rules 』◊ ENG • NO BACKSEATING, unless requested. • No spamming or harmful words please! • No hateful content, and no racism! • No sensitive topics please! • Please be mindful and respectful…. Read More

  • Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!

    Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-04-10 17:00:09. It has garnered 14689 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:00 or 12660 seconds. CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun. #blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft Read More

  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

    "INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro started headshoting creepers 💀 #music #musica #remix #memes #funny #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by xardsp on 2024-04-09 22:00:37. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: TICKETS: Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More

  • Medieval Realms

    Medieval RealmsLooking for staff and Playerbase! Hoping to grow a server of people looking to enjoy the new minecraft updates! If interested in a staff position, please be above age of 18, and add DemonDeathAngel on Discord! Read More

  • Terrashift SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.2 Community Whitelist UHCs Bluemap

    Server: Who are we? Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla SMP 1.20.2 server focused on collaboration and building a community. If you enjoy a server similar to Hermitcraft with a strong community focus, feel free to apply using the form at the end of this post. Details: Whether you love building massive redstone contraptions or just want to relax in a cozy hut, we have something for everyone. Server rules are simple: no griefing, stealing, pvp without consent, rudeness, or unfair advantages. We have around 30 active members and value input from all members on server decisions. Currently running various… Read More

  • CrossFireMC – Comp Factions 1.8.9

    CrossFireMC - Comp Factions 1.8.9IP: [​] RELEASE DATE: [​Thursday July 4 @ 3pm EST]1.8.9 Version▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬PAYOUTS:🥇 $200 to “charity” or 10,000 Gold🥈 $50 to “charity” or 5,000 Gold🥉 2500 Gold▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[​CrossFireMC] – [​Murder Map 1]MAP LENGTH: [​3 Day Grace/4 Day TNT]FACTION SIZE/ROSTER SIZE: [​5/10]SHIELD LENGTH: [​20 hours]BUFFER SIZE: [​15c]CANNON SPEED: [​3s]ECO: [​RaidOutpost/DarkZone/Fishing/SugarCane]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Anarchy – Minecraft Realm- Do /server anarchy- no rules, cheats are allowed on this realm. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – First tool to craft in Minecraft?

    “I always craft a shovel first because I like to dig myself into a hole right off the bat.” Read More

  • Insane RomanG6 PvP Montage

    Insane RomanG6 PvP MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minewind and Sharpness’, was uploaded by RomanG6 on 2024-07-04 23:18:08. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:52 or 17032 seconds. BAHHH Read More

  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂

    Villagers Get Trolled: Moye Moye Edition! #minecraft 🔥😂 When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and they all start chasing you with pitchforks, it’s definitely a “moye moye moment” for sure! #minecraftproblems #runforyourlife Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour! The Ultimate Safehouse Tour in Minecraft Pocket Edition Prepare to be amazed as we take a virtual tour of the ultimate safehouse in Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock Edition! This survival base is equipped with everything you need to stay safe and sound in the world of Minecraft. From a working elevator to a secret underground base and even an escape vehicle, this safehouse has it all! Exploring the Features Let’s dive into the incredible features of this safehouse. The working elevator adds a touch of realism to your Minecraft experience, allowing you to move between different levels with ease. The… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST See

    INSANE Minecraft Mods You MUST SeeVideo Information This video, titled ‘[마인크래프트] 일단 알아두면 좋은 모드들’, was uploaded by 마소의 마크일기 on 2024-06-01 03:00:15. It has garnered 469657 views and 14320 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. ✅Mods used in the video [CMDcam] [CreativeCore] [JEI] [JER] [Rubidium] [Oculus] [Jade] ✅Timestamp 0:00 Read More