TheCampingRusher – Fortnite – Minecraft Cube UHC Season 8 Episode 2 – Securing the Mineshaft ( Minecraft Ultra Hardcore )

Video Information

Hey what’s up guys kevin rush here we’re back hell how’s it going you guys feeling good good going good guys all right thank god episode 2 recap episode the last episode for us uh we had a really good start only thing we’re lacking is iron right now we’re in a

Mine shaft a little bit scared to be honest i hear a lot of mobs found some iron that’s about it though we’re doing good yeah i’m not loving it i think i think we get some string and i i don’t know i’d rather not be here personally yeah yeah stacy’s a little i

Think we’re all scared stacy uh stacy’s playing cautious though that’s what that’s what we need on the team we need cautious i wish that i had that milk bucket on me you know yeah yeah and then in case one of us gets poisoned we are team tiger milk

Yeah that’s cautious though but it works for me i usually end up being like one of the last to take damage oh yeah stacey i trust you’re just fast oh there he is there’s the skeleton got it i’m trying to find this cave over here that’s outside the mine shaft

Because i hear spiders yeah i’m trying to fight there’s i know there’s another cave near here that’s not next to that that’s not in the mine shaft i’m just trying to find it i’m trying to get this skeleton’s attention come on buddy oh wait oh now he sees me oh geez

All right you know what i need to not do anything before i get a little bit armored oh i hit the skeleton oh you hit him oh yeah i got stacy this thing really opens up there’s a big cave over here skeleton down right i hear another one though son of a gun

Oh man you have no idea how close that was i just stared at a skeleton right in the face and i didn’t take damage wow okay oh boy where’s this zombie at though uh well i want to get this iron cooking so i’ve got a nice path around that other entrance to the

To this one really yeah because ours is kind of a dead end we’ve just been kind of like yeah got nothing over here um okay i found another i got another skeleton so i’m not swinging you guys can take there i’m gonna cook up some iron

It seemed i killed two skeletons it may be pretty safe now i’m not sure i’m yeah but i hear a spider wait did you not go up this way oh i see okay so yeah i’ve done that i’m gonna go up i’m gonna know balls it okay all right be careful

That that zombie’s walking i hear him yeah all right there’s iron down here more iron oh there’s a skeleton a skeleton okay back it up back it up block it off and come back to the skeleton killing zone no yeah here i blocked it up i’m gonna

Get this iron real quick um yeah yeah grab the loot the iron again once we have full armor we can be a little bit more risky than we’re being right now right yeah we’re still here in spiders though oh yeah if we see a spider we

Just block it off and game over we’re down there yeah dude i’m not gonna even try what’s everyone’s string count i got zero i got eight so i think we need a minimum we need minimum eighteen eighteen oh wow that’ll work that’ll give us both all of us power two bows all right

I think we can get i think i can get 18 though oh yeah no doubt yeah oh gosh let’s block up joe let’s [ __ ] up okay sorry i’m going ham on this mine shaft right now okay this mindset is absolutely huge honestly what level are we at though that’s good to hear

I mean no that thing goes down like several more we’re at level 23 so this is gold territory that’s why i’m liking it i’m picking over here so be careful when you turn the corner okay i’m not hearing spiders though yeah i haven’t seen him yet space

God this is safe to yeah there’s one spider on one of those exits that i blocked off so watch out um okay lock that up so this iron what do we got for armor you got cause i got six this is the way we want to go why

It just it looks like it really opens up and it goes down all right oh yeah that one i just blocked off yeah yeah that’s the way to go yeah i think so too but i want i need armor but i don’t know the other one led into a really really

Open cave and stuff yeah look that way though russia look that way in the middle but be careful because i think i hear a skeleton god wait how much armor do you guys oh yeah that’s gonna go that’s the way i got nothing oh really oh yeah yeah get back there i

Got some iron cooking up for you stacey okay yeah i’m at iron leggings and iron boots okay every vein that i found so far has been a vein of one oh my god okay well i’m going to head to the left here and wait for you guys for the big

Part but i can take out this spider quickly say stick that thank you um just keep our eyes open he’s on right yeah yeah keep our eyes out for getting jumped that’s what i was just about to say i’m gonna make an iron sword then yeah but i think most people were saying

That they won’t attack on that episode because it’s just like general courtesy not to kill people on their like second episode yeah yeah it is general courtesy yeah i’ve been there though i’ll just say things could get rough oh god all right my armpit is about to break

Um yeah i’ve just been using my stone until i get some uh some more iron yeah i think we should uh save all these minecart tracks build a minecart what do you think why not does that have like a roller coaster at zero zero time okay well i’m in here

I don’t know where the spider is i can hear him yeah i can hear him too oh we’ll slap this though uh yeah let’s see i saw he’s not to the left is he oh there he is i see him i see him i see him he’s just like a regular

No it’s a regular there he is block yourself in how can they fit through here no they can’t fit through these yeah if it’s a one hole then they shouldn’t be able to okay i should be getting them here all right oh what the oh is it lagging i feel like

It’s lagging yeah he’s lagging a bit all right stay there stay there yeah yeah you should be able to get him the hell there heads up let me break this wood thing here all right watch out dude i get him i can’t it’s not working it’s lagging

Oh god um here heads up let me try from a different angle okay i’ll get this lapis when you’re over there okay just don’t walk backwards okay got one piece of lapis all right no this is just rusher i’m trying stacy all right i got one hit on it i see a

Skeleton to the right i think oh geez all right and i why can’t we hit him i gotta go underneath him joe i did hit him if there’s a skelly though how close he’s gonna they’re just way back way back way back alright he’s waving anyway all right

All right you got him oh yes yeah there we go he’s down let’s see we have lots of zombies oh yeah there’s a skeleton you’re like hidden back there oh yeah i’m over there that’s sketchy okay yeah he knows where we are he’s tracing us over here so watch out

There we go um dang it no iron i thought we’d get some iron loose here i know dude did i pack up the base um um yeah should we move down to that one area yeah move it down to that move closer yeah move it to this junction over here yeah

Um all right oh god well i’ll talk nervous yeah i’m nervous too it’s just we don’t have armor yeah that’s the only that’s a really thing i’m really nervous for well i did find a patch of iron though oh you did okay good yeah but it just just mined randomly

Into this and then came out all right if we can get diamonds pretty soon then we can start enchanting actually because we already have the lapis yeah we got some lapis oh god he scared me oh yeah geez yeah all right stacy you’re moving down here right

Yeah i’m here perfect yeah move close like move really close to this entrance that we’re planning to go into yeah right there i got some iron to cook up here oh yeah stacey’s geared now so let me make some oh gold yes nice fine buddy oh 11 iron

Going up i’m gonna get myself some pants after this yeah boy and then you can get some pants too i have uh oh no we’re one short oh yeah dude i already got pants anyway okay all right you rolled in the full stacey oh sorry that’s right is this mine shaft

Or is this just cave this is cave now oh it’s okay yeah it’s just cave right here i’m gonna mind this iron everyone watch that oh spider over here regular spider cave spider regular spider he doesn’t see me though but with this leg i’m taking all precautions yeah really

Let’s go all right how much gold is right there two oh right hooking up this iron um yeah i found some iron here oh you got it okay stacy i walked off over there but all right so most of us okay i just need my chest

Plate that’s the next big thing i need yeah i just need a second piece of armor i got two on me though so i should be able to get pants and you probably can okay make some pants thanks oh yeah all right i just put mine oh okay okay uh

Scared me i didn’t notice that there’s a whole other mine shaft over here that was blocked off okay but it’s so laggy over there so watch out all right joey you’re maybe lagging i think you’re back now you were lagging there but i think you’re good now

Okay all right all right there’s a creeper around this corner oh there’s two over there watch that all right i know how to do this all right be careful don’t pick each other up all right there’s an iron right here too um perfect uh i’m gonna get this uh this

String watch out okay yeah i don’t want to jumble up we’ll end up hitting each other yeah whoa here just stay away from over here i’m just trying to kill this paper so three more diamonds then we’re looking good i killed one of the creepers we’ve got the zombie

I’m getting them okay god dang these explosions i fee keep feeling like he’s gonna go off yeah i know just be really careful leg plus creepers doesn’t end well uh i just killed the creeper and there we go got all of them nice boom by bada

And i’ve got 19 strings so we’ve all got power to bows if we get enchanted all right guys more gold as well perfect oh yeah did you get that gold from before yeah yeah oh yeah this is a full vein of gold right here perfect if you want to grab

That that’s an apple baby y’all get it oh god how if we don’t found diamonds in any of these we’re at diamond level right now and i don’t know we haven’t found any yeah that like some more iron so i’m going to try and tackle this cave now see what i can do

Okay are you staircasing yeah i’m just staircasing a little bit while i wait all right i’ll do the same wait wait russia you’re doing that cave right there yeah right over here we just need more iron i’ve got two to smell i can’t believe it yeah okay i have none uh

I feel like we’re still we’re just so tense until we get fully armored up yeah it literally that is that is what’s going on right now all right i’m in full armor oh i found another mine another mineshaft lead off here i mean really listen we have enough string

Unless you just want to run it for diamonds and gold oh a little bit i think there’s gonna be a lot of stuff in here all right joe spider over there be careful oh yeah i see it miss him i’m on level seven what am i doing i

Hear skeleton and stuff vocals are fine oh my god do not fall into that small area oh my god dude blossom off not even joking there’s three skeletons and two zombies they’re blocked off though no no they’re forced down by that water so they can’t get up but

Don’t stop that water up there don’t stop this water no no the water over there okay you can stop this because there’s a bunch of iron up here buddy yeah i’m grabbing some of this too okay i’m grabbing the stuff up here all right we’re getting close to full iron here

Oh my god dude pat’s almost dead he’s at half a heart oh there’s my boy pat man oh man all right so mitch still has the first death yeah and uh uh oh gosh that’s that over there all right i think we have enough iron for all of us to get

Full iron now yeah yeah uh which way did we come in here coming through here i think yeah ready oh i am here yep i need to scam some food from whoever has it too oh yeah i have it all scam a little bit of food all right stacy

I’m coming by be careful found a big vein of iron finally where are the chests out of here i don’t think we have any chests i haven’t put i haven’t put it back down our dress uh the furnace yeah we can cook up some more iron here yeah we

Haven’t set up a base yet all right where do we want it yeah we just have this there you go you cannibal all right cool thanks all right let’s see i have three gold on me i have um seven i wanna set up the base where we’re gonna be working so where

Yeah um there’s a we should go over here where we just were joe hey wait where yeah that’s on the good spot actually because there’s another mine shaft leading where okay uh over on that cave over there oh god all right i have two iron ingots on me

Uh russia how much do you need dude i need uh i need everything i got nine cooking but i need boots and helmet sword i don’t care about right now all right i almost have enough for you to get uh some boots real quick cuckoo all right boom there you go

Then stacey can take some pants all right i’m putting in nine iron oh we might even have enough here to top it off all right guys look how stacked we are we’re looking good i mean it’s actually kind of hard to get full uh three full sets of iron armor i

Mean i would i would be surprised if a lot of other people had it yeah do we want to go ahead and make one apple or yeah i mean there’s no head so why not oh there’s oh there’s no heads okay oh that’s good to hear

Yeah heads are like honestly how you can win yeah the gold’s up in there all right oh yeah stacy take that and make some uh pants oops did you just fall into your truck yeah oh my god oh yeah you have enough iron right there uh to make some pants and hopefully a

Helmet too yeah so we’ll head this way next day all right i can go ahead and i’ll kill that spider and then we can set up base in here yep oh god actually i don’t know how to kill the spider did anyone know what i did to

Make my little crosshairs like uh a red green and blue line no i i don’t know that happened to me a couple days ago is that what you have too no i don’t anymore but i don’t know how it fixed it just happened one day i don’t like it

Yeah i blocked off that cave the skeletons and zombies aren’t going anywhere okay good all right stacy the rest of the stuff’s yours that’s jill over there perfect this cave’s safe now we got a better home base set up now so we should be good there we go

And also i have three strings so i can make a bow if we need one i got 21. kinda wanna you’re venturing in there quick oh there’s nothing in here there’s nothing oh geez yeah it’s just a little dead end all right oh i’ll get this coal real quick

Um but we should all try to get a a base amount of 13 levels because i’m pretty sure that’s what you need for the level two enchant okay and then it only cost us two levels right yeah yeah i’m full iron finally all right it’s just you rusher dude oh

No i’m full on sir how much what do you need i i’m good okay wait i thought you didn’t have a helmet oh i made it we had another okay where are you guys where’d you go i’m just in uh our new base over here no i think what the heck i’m scouting

Right now lit lighten it up baby all right this is too exposed for me don’t worry oh did i just see diamonds or am i blind blind not i thought i saw diamonds my minds are playing tricks on me not cool rusher not cool guys did you just fly here baby zombie i

Know no don’t go over there don’t go over there i think there is one nearby over there where’s over there because i’m over somewhere right now uh no i think you’re in the clear i have no idea where you are but i i know you’re not i’m literally lighting up so

Much right now oh yeah zombie i’m hearing a skeleton i’m hearing a baby zombie i lit pretty close or pretty far okay yeah um there’s tons of iron in here this is good we’ll need an anvil anyway so this is good oh yeah god guys our luck just seems to never end

Yeah but let’s let’s let’s be careful because this is this is pretty still exposed right here yeah it’s not full it’s not closed off so it stays right around that corner there it could be uh somebody yeah i don’t love it all right i got it there we go

Let’s say are we exploring this area way too exposed i’m gonna block off behind us oh lapis oh arizona now we’re finding all this iron yeah be careful joe lots of pathways over there i’m heading to the left here okay all right there’s a cave up there that might have mobs in it

Oh god that’s what that was over there okay those are zombies and skeletons okay i know that’s what that was yeah we just need uh some more gold hey gold and three diamonds right now is our priority uh three dude if we get three diamonds we’re honestly set yeah we’re feeling good

Aggros get skeletons get aggroed on me dude there we go okay there we go okay i’m just gonna do a little staircasing here actually yeah yeah that’s good because we’re we’re we’re still up at 20. yeah we need to get down to diamond level yeah um

All right god all these mine shaft ends are just end at a dead end it’s really annoying no we need a down path uh all right yep that was a dead end dang it all right um um one two three dead end over there more to go over here

Lots of places to go okay oh yeah that cave looks like it’s really big yeah lots of places over here a little scary yeah be careful lots of iron though too what i got over here uh this mine shaft is huge dude jesus oh more gold careful guys careful

Oh yeah there’s gold right here i’m just lighting everything up that’s what i’m doing too hey creeper buddy you’re a jerk come over here end of episode guys wow all right block yourselves in yeah see you guys next yeah bye yeah see you guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cube UHC Season 8 Episode 2 – Securing the Mineshaft ( Minecraft Ultra Hardcore )’, was uploaded by TheCampingRusher – Fortnite on 2014-06-30 21:00:03. It has garnered 50804 views and 1823 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:32 or 1292 seconds.

Welcome to Minecraft UHC Season 8! Minecraft: Ultra Hardcore is a gamemode originally created by Guude and the group Mindcrack. In UHC mode, health does not regenerate, you must use a golden apple or instant health potion.

In this season of UHC, we have 24 participants split into 8 teams of 3 with a border shrinking to dimensions 200×200 over the course of 3 hours. The last remaining team is deemed the winner. The season was recorded in a single-session.

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Participants ==========

The Sheps ———————— DField: Pat: Shep:

Deep Voice ———————— HBomb: MrMitch: Tomahawk:

The Nudists ———————— Devon: Going: King:

Roflcopters ———————— Parker: Straub: THOSE:

Shake N’ Bake ———————— Dolphin: JWong: M4M:

Soup-A-Stars ———————— Description: Grape: Kevin:

The Ninjas ———————— Graser: Jon: Poke:

Tigermilk ———————— Rusher: Stacy: Tofu:

=Intro Music= “Life” by Tobu

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    Kingdoms at War IIIWelcome to Kingdoms at War:III The Final Frontier, a truly immersive fantasy factions modpack designed to transport you to a world filled with adventure, magic, and epic battles! Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey and establish your dominance over rival kingdoms? In this modded Minecraft server, you’ll find a plethora of exciting features that will keep you engaged for hours on end. One of the highlights is the diverse selection of advanced RPG classes that allow you to customize your playstyle and master unique abilities. Whether you prefer the brute force of a warrior or the mystical… Read More

  • Hotdog Water Hardcore Vanilla Semi-Anarchy Voted World Resets

    🌭 Hotdog Water 🌭 HARDCORE VANILLA SURVIVAL Hardcore: Votes for world reset are held on our Discord. Vanilla: No random teleport, bed TP, or land claim. Rules: PvP, griefing, stealing, and fun are allowed. No cheating or hacking. Join us! IP: Website: Discord: Video Intro: Read More

  • A mole

    It will take place at the beginning of the summer holidays an unforgettable event to mark the launch of our server. Come to our Discord server for details!We are a starting survival server and we are preparing interesting events for you.Krtminec – your server for the summer! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft 2 Meme Madness!

    It’s so popular, even Creeper’s are jealous of its explosive success! Read More

  • Midnight Fright: Ceiling Crawler in Minecraft!

    Midnight Fright: Ceiling Crawler in Minecraft! In the dead of night, a sight to behold, A scary thing on the ceiling, a story untold. At 3am in Minecraft, panic sets in, As the fear of the unknown begins to spin. What could it be, lurking up high? A mystery to solve, with a curious eye. The viewers await, their hearts aflutter, As the narrator describes, with words that stutter. But fear not, for our hero is brave, Facing the unknown, with a rhyme to save. In the world of Minecraft, where anything goes, The story unfolds, as the fear slowly slows. So join us now,… Read More

  • Spicy Steve: The Minecraft Legend

    Spicy Steve: The Minecraft Legend When you accidentally hit a villager in Minecraft and suddenly become the most wanted criminal in the village. #minecraftproblems #villagerjustice 😂🤣 Read More

  • 3 Years of War: The Epic Finale

    3 Years of War: The Epic Finale The Epic Finale of a 3-Year Minecraft War Journey Embarking on a Virtual Adventure In the vast world of Minecraft, players often find themselves immersed in various adventures. One such journey took place on CCNet, a Minecraft war server that offered a unique experience set on a realistic map of the Earth. The server boasted custom features that added depth and excitement to the gameplay. The Long Road to Victory For three years, players on CCNet engaged in a fierce war, battling it out for supremacy and control. The server became a virtual battlefield where alliances were forged, betrayals… Read More

  • Discover Mind-Blowing Texture Packs from Top Youtubers!

    Discover Mind-Blowing Texture Packs from Top Youtubers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Explore the Texture Packs UNIVERSE of Top YOUTUBERS!’, was uploaded by X15q on 2024-05-03 19:47:45. It has garnered 60 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Link in comments The texture packs are not mine, credits to their creators #Minecraft #PvP #BedrockEdition #Bedwars #Skywars #VideoGames #Gaming #Blocks #Adventure #SurvivalMode #CreativeMode #Building #Server #Community #Multiplayer #Competitive #Strategy #Combat #Battles #Survival #Resources #TexturePacks #HDTextures #Landscapes #Graphics #Animation #Entertainment #Fun #Gameplay #Customization #NewTextures #Updates#Weapons #Armor #Recipes #Secrets #Tips #Tricks #Challenges #Achievements #Techniques #Strategies #Skills #PvPvE #Events #Minigames #Races #Mazes #Worlds #Biomes… Read More

  • The Craziest Minecraft Cursed Moments

    The Craziest Minecraft Cursed MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cursed moment 🤣🤣🤣 #trendingshorts’, was uploaded by Facts’Full on 2024-03-06 08:42:08. It has garnered 7 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Minecraft cursed moment 🤣🤣🤣 #trendingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC SKY SMP LIVE – JOIN NOW!” #minecraft

    "EPIC SKY SMP LIVE - JOIN NOW!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE | SKY SMP LIVE | ANYONE CAN JOIN JAVA + BEDROCK #minecraft’, was uploaded by SKY GAMING on 2024-03-21 07:38:15. It has garnered 174 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:09 or 7269 seconds. Hi guys.. It’s me akash.. Welcome to the stream of minecraft… Here we can play public server with you all.. Just need your support to grow.. Make sure to like and subscribe the channel.. ❣️ #minecraft #mcpelive #minecraftlive #mcpe #smp #publicsmp #publicsmplive #minecraftservers #minecraft1.20 server #minecraftliveindia #minecracthindi #minecraftsmpbedrock #minecraftjava #minecraftbedrock #mcpehindi #technogamerz #gamerfleet #fleetsmp #skygaming… Read More

  • Unleashing Sam’s Insane Steam Skills in Minecraft! 🔥

    Unleashing Sam's Insane Steam Skills in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Revolutionizing Steam Mastery | Minecraft Tier 0.5 Steam Age Quest Tree | Part 6’, was uploaded by Gaming With Sam on 2024-01-15 21:15:08. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:16 or 1096 seconds. Subscribe to my channel for more content: Support me financially and get your own custom 3D prints in a wide variety of colors and materials visit this link here link to modpack: Welcome, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts, to a groundbreaking episode in our gaming odyssey – Part 6 of the Tier 0.5… Read More

  • INSANE Nether Entrance Build!! – Minecraft Survival Ep. 8

    INSANE Nether Entrance Build!! - Minecraft Survival Ep. 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Live | CONSTRUINDO A ENTRADA DO NETHER – Minecraft Survival pt. 8’, was uploaded by Bieelzy on 2024-06-02 15:20:44. It has garnered 128 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:21 or 11481 seconds. #bieelzy #vtuber #pngvtuber #vtuberbrasil #minecraft #minecraftsurvival 【CHAT COMMANDS】 ➤!pix: link to my Livepix ➤!insta: link to my Instagram ➤!zap: link to the WhatsApp channel Donation to Rio Grande do Sul: Pix: Virgí[email protected] 【❤️ DONATE BY PIX 】 ➤ LIVEPIX: 【🎨 ABOUT ME 】 ➤ My name is Bieelzy, a VTuber, passionate artist and technology enthusiast. Sign up… Read More

  • Burning OXY in NETHER?! Insane AnimalMace Moments

    Burning OXY in NETHER?! Insane AnimalMace MomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘OXY IN THE NETHER | Pt.7’, was uploaded by AnimalMace on 2024-02-28 13:50:42. It has garnered 4336 views and 225 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:37 or 6697 seconds. Oxy and I have prepared ourselves for weeks, and it’s finally time to enter the most dangerous place in Minecraft. Will they make it out alive, or will they run into 9 bastions again and ragequit? NEXT STREAM: I streamed this with friends on my server named Haven ! SOCIALS YT: TikTok: Discord: Twitter: This post is powered by… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cherry FarmTown Adventure with PrncsErosephone_VT!

    EPIC Minecraft Cherry FarmTown Adventure with PrncsErosephone_VT!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s play-Cherry FarmTown-EP.1’, was uploaded by PrncsErosephone_VT on 2024-04-07 17:36:52. It has garnered 31 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:07 or 1867 seconds. Hello, Loves.Thank you for watching! I’m still working on the model. and some other art related videos to upload.I’ve been practicing so i hope its better:3 If you like this video please like and subscribe and tell me any requests for videos you might have:3 here’s the tumblr account where im most active. you can ask me stuff before i debut as a vtuber, or… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build on ChillSMP!

    EPIC Minecraft Build on ChillSMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘This is one of the most epic builds of all time #Minecraft’, was uploaded by ChillSMP on 2024-02-12 20:59:42. It has garnered 6350 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. This is one of the most epic builds of all time Read More

  • Insane Gacha Club News! Minecraft Collab

    Insane Gacha Club News! Minecraft CollabVideo Information This video, titled ‘Quais as novidades? #gacha #gachaclub #minecraftshorts #fyp #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Lurani_KF on 2024-01-12 17:00:13. It has garnered 224 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Our girls just came home from school full of news to tell their mom, but what could they be about? Last episode: Kibouno Family Part 0: Latest GCMV: Learning from Marks: #gacha #gachaclub #gachaedit #gachatiktok #gachalife #series #tiktok #shorts #anime #fyp #foryou #story #music #musica #edit #capcut #funny #fpyシ #alightmotion #gachaanimation #brasil #minecraft #gachaindonesia #animation # livros… Read More

  • PrinterMC

    PrinterMCWelcome to Printer SMP a Vanilla Minecraft server with a difference! To make the server more challenging you can’t make netherite armor or tools, you can only get totems from mansions and villagers no longer sell diamond armor or mending. Another unique feature of the server is the custom events you can compete in such as ice boat racing or PVP tournaments to win one-of-a-kind items like a protection 5 chest plate or depth strider 4 boots! The world border is 10K in each direction so there is a lot to loot and explore. We hope to see you on… Read More

  • TotallyNotSuspicious SMP 1.20.4 LGBTQ+ Friendly Hermitcraft-like WhiteList Fabric Java

    Apply here: click here (Applications are rarely denied unless there is a lack of effort!) INFORMATION TotallyNotSuspicious is an SMP established in 2018, focused on creating an inclusive community where interactions between members are highly valued. Every member is welcome with open arms; no judgment here. Why join us? Servers hosted in North America, with constant 20 TPS Discord to Minecraft chat Simple Voice Chat integration Suggestion forums Ticket systems, answered immediately Diamond economy, no shop plugins Organized Dragon Fights and various events DISCORD Our server uses Discord for communication and events/updates. Joining the Discord is required to be whitelisted… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villagers are screwed now 😈

    Minecraft Memes - Villagers are screwed now 😈With all these new updates, the villagers are probably going to start giving discounts on emeralds just to get rid of all the extra items they’re collecting from us players! Read More

  • Crafty Clash: Minecraft Rich vs. Muscle Poor

    Crafty Clash: Minecraft Rich vs. Muscle Poor In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Rich vs muscle poor, a story untold. The battle begins, with diamonds and gold, Who will emerge victorious, brave and bold? The rich with their riches, shining bright, Or the muscle poor, ready to fight. In this epic showdown, day turns to night, As the players clash, with all their might. But in the end, it’s not about the loot, It’s about the journey, the thrill and pursuit. So let’s all join in, in this Minecraft salute, For in this game, we all find our truth. Read More

  • Minecraft Mobs: Hotter than a Blaze! 🔥

    Minecraft Mobs: Hotter than a Blaze! 🔥 Why did the creeper break up with the skeleton? Because he couldn’t handle his bone-headed jokes! #minecraftmobs #relationshipproblems Read More

  • Unveiling the Infinite Worlds of Minecraft

    Unveiling the Infinite Worlds of Minecraft The Mathematical Magic Behind Minecraft’s Infinite Worlds Step into the fascinating world of Minecraft as Professor Mobius unveils the secrets behind the game’s infinite world generation. Dive deep into the realm of procedural algorithms and discover how mathematical magic shapes the unique terrains and biomes that players explore. The Power of Procedural Algorithms At the core of Minecraft’s infinite worlds lies the power of procedural algorithms. These algorithms, such as perlin noise, are responsible for creating the diverse landscapes and environments that players encounter as they journey through the game. By using mathematical formulas and randomization, Minecraft is able… Read More