TheNeoCubest – Let’s Play NeoDood SMP Episode 1 (Minecraft Server Survival)

Video Information

Hello welcome to the stream everyone thank you for watching if you’re watching this after the fact i would highly recommend skipping ahead a little bit we’re going to do of course a little bit of setup um for the actual like you know stream itself we’re going to wait for people to

Join and stuff like that uh but yeah we’re gonna be playing survival and uh there’s already quite a few people up there i’m gonna have to do this broadcast basically do slash slap do slash warp neo to come build in neo’s area warning any rules broken here uh lead to insta perma ban

So what i’m gonna do is uh basically i have a bunch of mods watching me and i think they’re vanished right now and they’re gonna be watching very closely so for those of you who come on and want to build in the neo land be warned you will get banned

Literally instantly so i’m going to go in creative mode and i’m going to remove this block right here in just a second i’m just going to wait for everyone to build up up there it’s going to be absolutely i should probably make i should probably just break it right now

Honestly um so let me put myself in creative for just a second and we’re gonna break that barrier block and there we go now people can uh come here and uh yeah we’re just gonna be playing survival so you guys are of course welcome on the

Server and again the server ip is just so you can come on whenever you want and play i have my little areas like right here you guys can’t really build anything here but you guys can feel free to build anywhere i see you right there don’t you

Think you’re sneaky i wonder which mod that is i can see the mods they’re just up there watching because we don’t know how this is going to go right i see a lot of people i’ll do the broadcast again um um just so people know but yeah let’s just

Get our first pieces of wood now i can stay in this area people can’t oh my goodness people can’t like stay or people can’t build and break blocks in every single area but obviously i gotta get wood we gotta start this and uh i’m pretty sure the

Server might be a little laggy and it’s not normally like that it’s just when you have this many people on it gets to be a little laggy so i do apologize if it’s ever like a little bit laggy um java is kind of weird and that you can’t like

Like i don’t know it’s just you can’t make it work good with 1.17 servers but yeah we’re just getting wood i already see people near me clinton holst thank you for your super chat i appreciate it clinton and i hope you enjoy the first episode you’re forever

Memorialized as the first donator on the first ever episode of the neodude let’s play stream so i know people people are just hanging out and if people start like getting annoying ever like i will literally just instantly permaban them so you guys never really have to worry and also oh no

I think the server might be a little bit laggy right now oh that’s because i have world edit oh i can’t oh that’s why i literally i cannot use a wooden axe um so that is actually a shame because you know technically you know i’m a moderator oh thank you i appreciate it

Guys just watch it thanks thanks that’s actually very helpful um i don’t want people to give me a bunch of stuff though but i will i i will take an iron axe it just kind of speeds up the beginning of the game i haven’t actually played

Any survival on the server yet so this is the first survival i’ve played and if you guys are watching the stream you guys just do slash warp neo to come to this area so everyone on the stream just do slash warp neo once you’re on the server the server ip is just

Angel noel thank you so much for your super chat you said hi neo i hope all is well i’m thinking of starting a neo versus bridge thing because so far neo2 bridge 20. i hope you had a great little vacation i did it was nice and thank you for coming

On to another stream i really do appreciate it and thank you so much for your super chat we got all these people they’re just like staring at me which i mean i understand like i understand you know like like growing up you know i always watch a bunch of youtubers and stuff um

Although i can’t remember ever coming on the server and seeing them so i can imagine that that was kind of exciting um that it is kind of exciting so i’m gonna come in here i’m just going to get some some you know some stony as you guys know

As you guys know it’s called what are you doing i’m trying to get my stone you guys get out of here uh but yeah if people if people ever start like getting really bad i i’m gonna be i’m gonna be you know nice for a while

All right all right all right all right all right i’m just trying to get some stone but apparently no stone for me i’m just gonna go get stone from somewhere else uh but yeah if people come here try to grief the paths or anything i mean they’re just gonna get banned pretty

Permanently i wonder if i can like escape people if i run away quickly enough like do they know where i went i don’t know if they know where i went they don’t know dude they’re not looking like that guy they have no idea okay so now i can just dig right here

And i can cover myself up okay that’s not good oh that’s not good i can’t see either and i know that you guys can’t see either um although i’m sure there’s some people spectating me i don’t know who but i don’t have any uh they don’t have any coal

This is bad jj jaser thank you for coming on to another stream and thank you for the donation i do appreciate it thank you guys for sleeping i’m sorry about the phantoms i know they’re very loud um i can’t do a whole lot about it just because they’re oh you guys are

This is crazy okay i’m gonna come over here i’m gonna get out of here i’m gonna go to my actual area where i can build um no one should be able to mess with me over there for the most part i see people are chasing the phantoms away honestly

Phantoms are the one mob i’m okay with mojang or moving they’re so loud eyes are so many jeez dude yeah i can build in this area no one else can really build here um for the most part yeah i think people need to realize that eventually if they

If they mess with me too much i’ll just be like please go away people give where did i get all this stuff like where where did i actually get all this stuff i assume people just gave it to me at some point um but i do not remember okay okay okay okay okay

No no no no no i don’t want i don’t want stuff i’m sorry please no no no no no no no no no i don’t i don’t want i don’t want stuff there’s so many people see this this might not go the way i’m i’m i’m hoping it goes and that’s just because

There’s a lot of people here and uh you know you just never know so we’ll see but hopefully this can become a series i think it’d be kind of fun if people are trying to grieve stuff already justin gabbard thank you for your super chat he says spazzfrag75 online here with you you’re

Surrounded so i bounced back to my base hey well i appreciate it i you you feel free to come you know like hang out and stuff but like there’s a lot of people here right now and they seem to be swarming me which is fine i guess um i will just uh

I think people know this is gonna go up on the internet and they’re just like oh man i gotta i gotta get it i gotta get in the frame we should do good i will i will take some bread i’m not gonna eat steak yet because i don’t i don’t have anything

Yet really so i don’t want i guess i gotta take my wooden pickaxe i could just make some stone tools though that would probably be the easiest option uh but yeah even though like i’m in survival i can still mod like it’s still like no no no no i don’t want any items

I’m just gonna go somewhere over here why did i make that of all things i made an axe now that is interesting now that is interesting you’d think that i would make something other than an axe of which i already have an iron version of but

You know that’s just how it goes i’m trying to run away that way people maybe like not find me i don’t see any name tags behind me i think i think i lost them i think i lost them dude hi to you thank you for your super chat

You said keep up with the great work amazing youtuber hey i appreciate it thank you so much joshua collins thank you for your super chat i said me and the wife are glad to join in watching while playing on bedrock heck yeah thank you for joining in on the stream and

Thank you for the donation i really do appreciate it so i did finally lose everyone which i was surprised i didn’t really run that far but for some reason i lost them i can see the mods up there i can see them while they’re vanished so i can

You can do like slash v if i ever wanted to i could just do like slash v and then people can’t find me like they can’t see me anymore so if i ever need to do that i honestly can but i i don’t think people are going to be

Too crazy with it yet but yeah let’s actually build let’s actually build a base like surprisingly the server’s not lagging i don’t know how many people are on right now i guess i could do slash list and c um that’s a lot of people 94 people wait

What’s the tps with 94 people 12 hey we’re holding steady at 12 ticks per second but right as i say that look it’s like there’s so much lag what what thank you for your super chat what i appreciate it world download i mean if you want the world it’d be

Like 40 gigabytes because it’s a giant server world oh yeah and i have minecraft music pulled up and i was gonna play it and i forgot i’m sorry okay not that loud we’ll do like volume level five and we’ll see if that ends up being too loud so shout out to c418

If people want to come over here oh no i see someone i see someone coming up they’ve they’ve been on the server a lot so i’m not too worried about them um but some people if they come on here just to troll they’re going to be i have 16 terabytes of storage

That’s a lot of terabytes might not need that much um unfortunately making bedrock and java work together with all the plugins we have is pretty close to impossible we’ve been trying but none of us are like java developers so it is uh it is quite difficult um especially to get like donations and

Everything working properly together because we don’t want people to come on the server and like donate right they don’t get their stuff um that would not be what we want to happen so we’re going to try to figure it out it’s just like it’s kind of hard

Then i’m going to be a bad person and i’m just straight up not going to leave i’m just gonna leave uh the tree hanging there econ g thank you for your super chat i hope i said your name right ekeng it looks right to me haven’t watched you

In a while good to see you hey well it’s good to see you on the channel and thank you for coming back and thank you for your erroneous donation amount i appreciate it or i don’t know if erroneous is the right word thank you for the meme donation

But just thank you for the donation in general i appreciate it so yeah people can feel free to like build out here at everything like you guys can just play survival out here um it’s just gonna be survival but hopefully we’ll create a town i’m excited to see what people come up

With around here it should be interesting to see yeah hopefully people don’t bother me too much because i mean i may give people like one warning okay that’s too loud i may give people like one warning what are we on uh but after one warning i just gotta ban people because they

They just won’t listen unless you unless you’re mean i don’t want to be mean though i’m a nice guy in real life so like i don’t want to be mean but people don’t listen otherwise sometimes sometimes you know like when you’re doing something bad and your parents you don’t

Listen till they start yelling at you something like that although i’m not their parent but i can’t yell at them either so each and g thank you for another erroneous donation you said it right lol good job you can gee did i actually say it right i’m proud of myself i can never

Say things right yeah please don’t give me items because i i want to play survival i know you guys could come over here and just like give me everything in the world but like i’m trying to like actually play and be uh be a legit man

Um so i don’t know what i’m gonna do for the roof here i mean i honestly have no idea what’s funny too is i can like make a door and people can’t get out no no no no i don’t want bread no bread please no giving me adams please

Although i did appreciate it i know who that is oh okay bye bye oh dude no no no no no no no no no no no you don’t you don’t break stuff if people start breaking the path and stuff like that i’m literally instantly perm abandoned there was anyone messing with my path

Is anyone messing my path you you messing my path again you mess with it again i’ll tell you what i’ll tell you what hey we got people building already shell decor aka my mom thank you for your super chat yay lauren and neo oh yay what

But thank you for the super chat mom i love you and i appreciate it thank you so much okay so what i’m gonna do i think i’m gonna make i’m gonna make a funky house okay you may be asking me what is a funky house you guys gotta move

I’m trying to i’m trying to i’m trying to explain a funky house to you guys okay all right come on i’m trying to i’m trying to build here come on guys i’m trying to i’m trying to build here oh no not like that i need to go get

Some glass to make this work and i also want to get some dye i want to have something unique something different than your typical house so i’m just gonna get get some flowers which for some reason are oh they all bunch up the server isn’t really lagging that bad at all

It’s just sometimes items bunch up and for good reason because otherwise they would cause a lot of lag spread out over these this many players i do have anti-grief plugins put in you can use golden shovels to claim your land and you can use well you guys can’t use

It but you can use a stick to check it i don’t even have enough man i need to make a door so people quit coming in here people are just gonna flood it here i know it but it’s okay it’s all good you know i could i could

Actually just put the door now because i really i you know what hold on i’m gonna go get some stone because i do know where some stone is and also i see this right here i’m gonna go grab that i need this coal hunter andrews thank you for the super

Chat you said my guy you know what my guy right back at you uh but thank you for the super chat hunter oh my goodness i’m trying to collect trees but i can’t break blocks you got to go far enough away from the spawn area you can’t uh you can’t be really close

For the most part how do we join you just do the ip is you got to be on minecraft java though unfortunately if you’re not oh my gosh how many people are on right now so we’re at 10 tps which is half of what it should be

But to be fair how many people are on 103 people that’s a lot for a minecraft server especially for a 1.17 server but we’ll make it work we’ll make it work we may eventually add like a a limit how many people can join it once i like your skin it is literally

Entirely void of any color at all it’s just like straight darkness that’s crazy i know you can make a skin like that best person at getting cold yeah see i am one of the best cold collectors it is somewhat annoying you know when you mine a block and it just doesn’t

Appear or disappear instantly but to be honest with you i’m not going to be mining a lot of cobblestone for very long um i should have made a shovel which honestly i can just kind of make a shovel right here i know my ui is

Smaller than it is in the let’s play and that’s just because when i’m on this the chat would be huge otherwise and it gets really annoying see sam it’s thank you for your super chat he said hi neo want cobble unfortunately i don’t need any cobblestone because i’m trying

To play legit you know um oh look at these people already starting their houses what do you guys got going over here what do you guys got going over here the cultist debase sign up today what are these iron blocks are these even claimed no i guess are clean oh they’re not

Claimed okay well i’m not gonna take any i feel like they should claim those dudes someone’s gonna come steal them oh we already got people building some nice looking houses over here now i will tell you if you if you come over here and you choose to build

It’s at my discretion if i remove your base if you build a base and it looks like doo doo i will remove it because i don’t want i don’t want that i don’t want that viber on this area like that or or like that

Nah too close if you want to build a box go far away i know that sounds mean but like if you’re gonna build a box and you’re gonna build it near my base think twice dude so i’ll take this sand normally i don’t take sand close to my base but like

Someone’s gonna take it some point anyways so might as well just take it i’m your second favorite youtuber well hey i’m glad to be in the top 10 because i don’t know how i deserve that what do you think you’re doing huh you think you’re funny because i can see vanished players but

Like monster like if i do slash v like i’m probably gonna do this while i build the windows now i’m completely vanished so people cannot see me so they’ll think either i stop streaming or something and i don’t want them to think that but at least they won’t be in

My base for right now so i claimed quite a big area over here um you just take your golden shover shover take your golden shover and you click around the corners uh yeah just just click with a golden shovel and you basically just get everything taken away

Okay so i’m gonna put a door on here eventually i’m gonna go out of slash v and come out of my base the way i just want i want people on my base right now i’m self-conscious about my base it doesn’t look good yet okay where are people greeting where where

Where are people griefing where where are griefers they get insta perma man band where are the griefers okay so someone died there that is unfortunate i feel like this person’s gonna steal all that stuff someone’s gonna steal it who’s streaming who is streaming who is griefing who’s who’s griefing my iron box

I don’t know what to do about your iron box ah oh i’m sorry i’m sorry about your box they seem to be angry about the iron i’m just going to run away and i don’t know what this sign is b you can’t you can’t put that on the path

None of that no no signs on pads so i’m gonna do slash v and i’m completely gone now people are gonna be like wait where’d he go well little do they know unless you’re watching the stream you’re not gonna know that i’m just like literally right here if you’re watching the stream you

Can technically screen cheat you know exactly where i am but i feel like the people are watching the stream would be the people who aren’t going to mess with me but actually i don’t know so don’t grief over here if you want to agree if you get banned

Yeah see i think they’re watching the stream maybe they know they know the secret of the neocubist wolf’s bane do you know i’m in here do i you they know i’m in here i people are in here because they know it’s my base i think oh yeah dude i think people are

Watching the stream and they just come in here yeah i think you guys are watching the stream okay i shouldn’t have said anything now they’re saying yes they’re watching the stream but you guys are fine it’s just like some people are just going crazy on

Me and it’s like i can’t i can’t do that okay so we’ll make all this and then we’ll just make this and then i don’t know if that’s even close to enough um yeah i’m going crazy i’m gonna make a funky base with funky windows that should be nice

I hope they realize that once i build all this are people really trying to break my furnace guys really trying to break my furnace i would appreciate it if you wouldn’t break my furnace what are you guys doing there’s so many people over here what are you guys what are you guys

Doing by the way if you ever want to come over here like i’ll pull up the command again so i just spam it i can’t get kicked for spam but yeah it’s just if you want to join in um okay how much glass do i need eight

This is like the most painful thing in the world okay we’ll need one more glass okay i if you guys are on the stream could everyone get out of get out of the out of the base for now and then i will i will let you guys

Know when you can come back in if you don’t leave like i’m not gonna ban you but like you’re not gonna like what happens if you don’t leave let’s just put it that way that sounds threatening i’m not actually gonna like do anything but like just yeah they’re actually watching i appreciate

It guys thank you just just for right now so here we go no okay no okay all right all right i’m trying my best here but you guys you guys got to get out okay well now they literally can’t leave oh oh someone teleported him out thank

You thank you moderators in the sky i appreciate you guys so now people just stare at me people just staring at me through the walls that’s so creepy it’s literally so creepy i know you can water bucket in here still you can you can you can only claim so

Many blocks when you first start you can buy more claim blocks or you can just earn them by play time you can’t afk and get claim blocks you got to actually like play and get claim blocks um but yes you can get claim blocks okay um

What do i need to do what do i need to do i’m gonna put all this stuff up i’m not just clearing my inventory leads me to having a clear head okay we don’t need that we do need this we need this okay so we have a lot of wood i don’t know

You know want to use wood for my roof but i don’t really have a lot of options right now i guess i could technically make a mine now and people can’t really mess with me so what i’m going to do is probably just make a mine and when i go underground people are

Going to not be able to like see me at all what’s the tps now it’s actually doing really well oh wow it’s at 11 but it feels like it’s like fine there’s no lag anymore nice if i say something about it it’s gonna start lagging so let’s just not say anything

But now maybe people actually start building you know i i am gonna do this now now maybe people will start building instead of standing up in my house neo come here unfortunately i cannot i’m in the process of gathering the cobbles of stone variant i should probably light this up a little

Bit things don’t spawn down here okay so i’m just going to build a little area down here to mine i know people can technically i mean i have a claim it’s not like super huge but people are going to be able to come over here let’s see it okay

How much cobblestone are we gonna really really need see if i was doing a normal survival let’s play big all right i will come right back after i’m done getting a little bit of cobble but i can’t do that i just have to sit here

So you guys so you you guys ever collect cobble before yeah that’s pretty fun isn’t it that’s how it goes my pc specs before nzxt i had an i7 8700k and then for the longest time i had a 1070 ti but near the end of my pc’s life

I got a 30 70 from stockx so i ended up paying like 700 for it but now they’re like even more for 30 70. bro why are you playing on your own server what kind of question is that um because i like it i guess

You blow up claims of the tnt cannon no you can’t blow up claims with any block or anything um there’s no exploits that i know of and if there were i totally would would just tell everyone okay i’m gonna simulate everyone sleeping because i’m just not gonna do it

It’s the beauty of being on a server we can uh stretch the truth sometimes not by a lot i’m never gonna cheat but i don’t really consider that to be cheating maybe like diet cheating okay so now we can get up here i’m just gonna make i’m just gonna make some ladders

Because i’m probably gonna have more than one story on this thing anyways okay now where can a ladder go that’s the only problem there’s not really an area where a ladder could go if this is going to be the front of the base then i could probably put a ladder like right here

That’s where my staircase is you know what here let’s go ahead and put it there because eventually we’ll have a door like people can’t use the door i know you guys can get in here with water buckets if you really want to get in you can but please leave

Like if you want to come in here you can but you shouldn’t okay i’m gonna bring these one block down don’t need these to be so big okay yes you can uh go ahead you can leave no you can just you can just leave goodbye anyone have three iron

They may have three iron hmm are they griefing should we should we uh is anyone around here griefing if i just see someone grief i’ll just instantly almost instantly kick them you griefing are you griefing are you griefing i don’t know i don’t know it’s kind of

Hi to you thank you for your super chat i appreciate it thank you thank you so much hi to you i’m building here okay sounds good isn’t else building you technically you’re not like you’re not breaking the rules here dude but like why like for what reason do you have

Okay i’m trying to think of how i want to do this i think i’m just going to go one off of here let’s do this over good luck with you you said i have to go good luck with the server well thank you i will do my best you know sometimes

People can be a little rowdy uh but i have like three or four mods watching me right now so i will be okay because i literally there’s like three or four mods watching so if anyone wants to do anything dumb then uh that’s uh unfortunately what’s gonna

Happen i see the chat and game is also going crazy it’s like i can’t read i can barely read the chat on the side i have two chats going i’m the chat man get out of here get out of here dude oh with pickaxe hey hey hey no no no

No no no no no no i don’t need red carpet okay um i don’t have any more cobblestones we gotta get somewhere i also don’t have a pickaxe anymore i don’t have any iron do i no i guess i would remember if i had iron

Didn’t i just go in the mine and not find anything just make two of these okay not bad we don’t need glass we don’t need most of this stuff i really only need the bread and then the cobble okay yeah i know about geyser but the problem

Is is that when you have a lot of plug-ins on a server like this it starts to get kind of tricky how many people are on it’s 122 people jeez dude that’s a lot of players and the server’s doing okay i bet it’s at nine now ten point four i’ll take

Better than nine how would i sign an autograph in minecraft i suppose there’s not more people watching the stream i think people will watch it after the fact and maybe each stream like it’ll get a little bit bigger maybe potentially um i can always expand my claim as well

And have different claimed areas but i’ll probably be doing a lot of vertical work because i foresee a good bit of people just kind of playing around in this area which is what i want you know i want everyone to join in and have fun but we may go mining sometime later in

The stream too because obviously i’m just trying to get a base bill right now the way people are like hello yes you’re finally on alive indeed you are uh no there’s not a limit of how there is technically like a hard limit on the server of 300 players but we’ve never

Gotten close to that and if we did honestly the server would probably not be doing too good with over 200 i’m gonna do this again so the way people know yeah if you want to come over here to the world not the world to the area i am

In the world just do slash warp neo and uh that’s where i am and keep in mind the rules here are like extremely strict so if you break them you just get instant permaband i know i’ve said it a billion times but to join on the server

You got to be on java just can we build an automatic farm you can if you want there’s no rules against that that’s just minecraft that would be kind of crappy if like he built an auto farming get banned don’t play minecraft on this server well you

Can only use manual farms a lot of people above me i think i think someone’s actually inside of the inside of the area act really i’m sorry about your iron blocks i will make you whole after the stream although i see you in your full netherride armor so i’m sure you’re not

Hurting too much but i i why you put a bunch of iron blocks down without claiming them is beyond me but i will give you them back because people shouldn’t be griefing but unfortunately people can’t grieve i just saw techno i just saw that person down here but they’re not here anymore

I don’t know where they went okay so we probably have enough we’ll go back up and actually finish this little base area yeah we’ll go back up i know i have another pickaxe but no you cannot use illegal versions of minecraft you should support the developers and not steal

Don’t think i don’t see you up there you’re not breaking the rules but but but you’re on the cusp you’re on the cusp if you were to do anything more then you get dead kid but yeah make sure you’re using golden shovels out here and claiming your stuff

Because otherwise people can grief it and like our mods can’t stop every bit of griefing like they’re only human you know they’re not robots so not always on uh but you can protect it yourself and you can earn more claim blocks by just playing on the server more all you gotta do

Okay i know this base is extremely basic but i don’t really have i don’t really have an idea of anything else right now i just want to get a basic area to be able to build in yeah for those of you who are watching it after this isn’t live thank you for

Watching it i hope it’s kind of enjoyable you know like i feel like it’s a different experience than watching my normal let’s play you actually get to see like every little bit of it like you could see every grindy part and stuff i plan on doing this at least once a

Week i don’t know how often it will be but i’ll always kind of pick up where i left off i’m not going to play survive i’m not going to play this area when i’m not here you know i’ve never really done that on the let’s play series i don’t plan on doing that

For this series either so don’t worry if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t want to miss anything you probably won’t miss anything um i won’t do anything major like if i’m grinding something it’s it’s you know whatever but i’m not gonna miss anything too major i see people are building over

This ravine over there i’m glad they filled that in because yeah i was scared people were gonna fall in that no there’s free golden shovels um at the beginning you guys can get now i’m gonna set my home in here the way i can get in

Here i’m not gonna have a door like i’m just legitimately not gonna have a door so let me do this slash set home okay so my home is set okay so that means i can come out here and actually do a few things so i’m gonna go i’m gonna do slash home um

I’ve devised the perfect method for preventing people from messing with me cameron stringfellow thank you for your super chat so keep making great videos you are the greatest hey well thank you i appreciate the kind words i don’t know about being the greatest um but i appreciate it nonetheless thank

You for the super chat and i hope you enjoy the stream oh no okay we’re gonna have to yeah i already know we’re gonna do there i’m not sure why i hadn’t already done it this will uh simplify the whole process make things much simpler here

I’m just gonna just gonna fill this in and i’m not gonna have a grass floor in here don’t worry um okay let’s start smelting a little bit no i don’t have enough i don’t have enough never mind okay we’ll craft this trap door here we’ll just put that that way just for

Right now i can still like get up here i’m going to have a second floor up here i think i think that’s going to be the move nicole wilson thank you for your super chat you said hey you know i’ve been a fan for a while finally excited or

Excited to finally super chat well thank you i appreciate the super chat you are my favorite youtuber just wanted to say keep being you and that type of deal you know being yourself is a type of deal that’s all i got to say yo you should always be yourself you really should and

Thank you for the kind words and thank you for the super chat i do appreciate it thank you so much nicole thank you i think i’ve seen you on a stream before but i’m not sure there’s so many people joining now i can’t ever remember anyone and it makes

Me sad because i used to remember people and then all these people came and like i’m happy i grew but it’s like it’s bittersweet you know it’s bittersweet i am under the water well hey i hope you get above the water uh but thank you for the super chat

Um i am under the water says can you say happy birthday to my cat happy birthday to i am under the waters cat i hope it is an amazing beautiful birthday filled with uh lots of catnip or something now what is going on over here is it creepers i don’t know

See sam it’s thank you for another super chat you said neil i was grief please help um i can’t help you right now like because you know i’m like doing like a let’s play series but i can have a moderator help you if any of them

Are watching so if one of the mods who’s watching the stream go check that out and let me know what’s going on i would appreciate it because yeah i can’t unfortunately do that right now let me make sure here um i don’t know but yeah someone should be able to help you out

Okay we’re at 12 now i’m really surprised the server is actually doing very well uh which i was not expecting at all okay we’re gonna put this up we’re gonna see how many grass blocks we get just to see how big our floor is see i have no idea

How big this is but if it’s 32 i can just use strypto gloves for the floor or strip darko clogs and i’m fine with that swarden i’m sorry for missing your superchat sword and thank you for the super chat he said can you give my fiance michelle oh flip and son

Ethangaming6386 a shout out they’re in playing with you right now all right well shout out to michelle aka flip and shout out to ethangaming6386 i don’t know i don’t see i don’t see either of them if i do i don’t know who has the dragon head you got the dragon head nice

That curly’s been on here for quite a while okay how many dirt okay so it’s 33. okay it’s 35 do i have 35 logs i do i actually do somehow we’re gonna make them face all the same way too now i could just use the normal log

But i don’t know maybe i want to use stripped i should kind of i kind of dig i never use law i can’t dig that i’ve never used logs for that now let’s see how is this up here this area feel cramped is it a little bit

Dark up here we’re going to help we’re going to help the area out we’re going to give it some more light but yes thank you sword and for the super chat i appreciate it i am under the water thank you for another super chat do you remember from last stream

Um if you super chatted maybe if you didn’t then i think i’m thinking of the wrong person uh but thank you i am under the water and nice roku remote ek g thank you for another super chat another erroneous amount do you prefer building an odd or even numbers also

What’s your favorite style build oh definitely definitely odd numbers i just kind of messed up with this build and they’re not odd numbers which is really actually kind of bothering me um but it’s a unique house i think it looks pretty good how do you have a dragon how do you

How does there two dragon heads how is there three dragon heads hmm huh i need someone i need some assistance with someone being a foolish idiot near me nice adjectives nandi suba d thank you for your super chat i appreciate it i am under the water thank you for another super chat

He said thank you neo well hey thank you um i’m going to go out we’re going to explore the world a little bit i actually don’t have a way to get out currently um i guess i could do something like this yeah i actually have an idea so for me

To get out all i’m gonna do and this is gonna be nice because people can use water buckets to kind of like cheat cheat the system someone have a horse near me uh but yeah they can kind of cheat the system so what i’m gonna do

Is i’m gonna put a trapdoor right here and then a door and that way oh they can do slash you they could they could use these things that’s not good okay so if they can use the doors can they really okay they can use them okay well then we’ll we’ll just remove

It okay can they use the door okay that’s unfortunate okay well you know what since they can do that i’ll fix that before next stream i’m just gonna build the door like right here that way they no they can probably still hit that i should i shouldn’t have to do

This i’m just going to make a hole in my wall and use that how about that that’ll work fine clinton holst thank you for another super chat i you didn’t use spaces let me read this can you do a survival series on xbox i don’t have an xbox unfortunately but thank you clinton

Pulse for the super chat sword in 1992 thank you for another super chat i said do you plan on building a balcony around the house i could do a balcony unfortunately right now there’s so many people running around i can’t do much save the world zetix thank you for your super chat you

Said neo people are blowing up your path and breaking it hurry okay i’ll go check it out really quick save the world thank you for the super chat i am under the water thank you for another super chat so you’re welcome can you say

Can i say sus i sure can uh but thank you i am under the water i appreciate it so i’m just going to come right here and i’m just going to like do this because people people want to act people want to act childish we’re going to find out where this is happening

Where are people breaking the path because i will permanently ban them as quick as they possibly can i hope no one is messing with the path i really hope no one’s messing with the path i don’t see i don’t see any path meddling hello i appreciate it hello

Build a beacon i’m probably gonna do a beacon on the uh pyramid i did get all the gold i’ve been playing afk for a while so i did get all the gold which is awesome use an iron door i like your thinking style you know what

I could do probably just go in a cave and actually find some iron instead of just running around with these stone tools uh i just don’t have any torches i’m a no torch man i could definitely hide in the caves i know you guys can’t see and i do

Apologize these people are chasing me so close i hope they don’t steal my resources if they if they steal my resources i will be kind of upset because i really do i need the coal i need the iron desperately i desperately need these things and it’s

Hard for you guys to see i can’t add my brightness corrector unfortunately since we’re not you know editing this it’s live but oh my gosh it’s just a mob of people by i’m just trying to i don’t understand how you guys keep swimming on the ground

But you know what i’m just not gonna question it i am just not gonna question it there we go that makes it infinitely harder for people to follow me no they can’t just so i can get some some iron real quick i do appreciate the attention but

Unfortunately right now i really need to get some coal they built over the path but they’re fixing it okay good but yeah thank you christian vlogs for the super chat that that is a very good idea and i’m definitely going to do that as soon as i can get some iron

So whenever you guys play on the server it won’t be this laggy while i’m streaming it might be just because how many people are on here um there’s 115 people on so again if you guys want to join in feel free you just go to and then do slash warp neo

If you would like to come over here that’s pretty much all you need to know yeah people won’t really be able to find me because i ran into a cave you know and like unless they were watching my stream and they exactly like watched exact path where i ran they’re

Not gonna find me so i have a little bit of time and yeah there is mods that can come to you and for some can i not get it in slash v oh maybe i can i don’t know and i am gonna do this because for some reason people

Aren’t sleeping but let’s just pretend that everyone slept how about that okay i’m gonna find some iron hello goat are you gonna no you’re not gonna attack me you would never do such a thing right mr goat right i still don’t see any iron which is really odd usually by now i’ve found

Some iron but like i have found absolutely none like in any of these caves there’s none just so odd thank you save the world zx for another super chat he said i got the guy’s name that’s destroying it techno never dies uh yeah i think we’ve had some problems with that player before

So if i see them do it or a moderator sees them do it they will be permabanned because we’re not doing that crap anymore sorry to bust out the c word like that you know i didn’t mean to but what the crap dude okay so i i obviously do not know

How to mine in minecraft because i still don’t have any iron brian dara thank you for your super chat i appreciate it brian and i hope you’re enjoying the stream thank you kyle p for your super chat i as well hope you’re enjoying the stream not i as well as and

Someone else just said that but i hope you as well enjoy the stream i’m skipping this song sorry about tiny minecraft but i cannot stand the song is so spooky dude it’s just so spooky okay i don’t know where iron is dude i mean i should probably just find oh

Yeah there was that ravine over there okay what’s going on here What’s going on there huh okay so yeah people can come over here i’m gonna do just so people know you just do slash warping neo once you get on the server so you can’t take fall damage in this area just because you know this is like

The spawn area i like how my house is like the worst someone’s building a castle but to be fair some of these people already have stuff i don’t have anything i like the town is turning out okay so far i’m sorry to hurt someone’s feelings but this house a cheater gotta cheat parkour

The parkour wait what how is this parkour i’m too go oh i see i see okay we can try i’m still vanished do people know where i am oh i guess they’re watching the stream okay okay okay okay okay good okay and then okay i just keep falling i’ll do slash v

Since i’m not getting iron obviously right now i didn’t find any iron so this is why i like doing it on a server because so many people oh my gosh okay there’s too many okay now i run this looks nice over here oh people are already sprucing it up

With a little bit of berry bushes so you know i don’t mind if you guys modify the path and make it look good but i don’t care you can’t just don’t grief it but nice brian thank you for another super chat you should love your vids hashtag give neo space

No no no no no no who just did that who who just or no wait maybe those were already on the ground i don’t know okay but now now i don’t want them dude there’s literally no iron i’m distraught okay i’m just gonna vanish i’m gonna go in this ravine over here

See if i can find this find this iron i’ve been looking for it’s over here in the start now i can mine in the all these areas since i’m opt on the server you know because i own the server but most people can’t dude this is sick dude

You loon thank you for building something so cool right at spawn i that you came in clutch with that someone’s already been in here no they already got all the iron i’m gonna start i will steal people’s stuff like no joke i will steal some stuff if i got it

I’m not no cap dude i’ll steal [Laughter] but you guys can’t only only me since i own the server i can steal some some iron oh no what is this what did i just break what is it what did i just okay i am gonna go in the ravine you loon i

Hope you don’t seem too upset by me coming into here okay i could die if i fell in that okay i don’t have any smooth stones so i’m gonna replace it with cobblestone please don’t kill me i’m very sorry for this there’s actually mobs down here this thing doing

I love mobs on servers are just so dumb i think they’re like how did how did that person die i think people are coming people coming down here now they know where i am i’m the one who space you spawned to gaston oh yeah as soon as i go around i’ll just mess

With people but in a good way and i’ll give him a diamond block if i really mess with him like one time i accidentally killed someone so i gave him like four or five thousand extra claim blocks and like three diamond blocks i felt so bad

Like i was trying to mess with them but i didn’t realize they were afk and i spawned a blaze next to him and they died i didn’t mean to do it okay i mean i meant to like do it but not kill the iron really it’s like the worst luck with iron i’ve

Literally ever had like ever i’ve never had how much iron even is that four i need at least five at least five we’re gonna add a better economy at some point um it’s just right now we don’t really have a lot of economy uh but at some point we’re gonna have a

Better economy now is this zombie even gonna notice me like i’m serious like the way we have our lag tech set up mobs are kind of dumb on the server they’re not very smart and like that’s fine i’m never really like damaged by mobs anyways so i’m not too worried about it

I think people have caught on to where i am which is fine see these people don’t seem to be you know trolling or anything they’re just kind of hanging out which is nice it’s nice to have some people around this is like a triple iron pocket it’s like a lot okay

Is there any iron over here yes there is thank you thank you iron for for showing yourself okay now i do slash home sorry i know you guys are all over there but i got i got to go home now we got we got to smelt up our loot

Okay and i’m not doing it like that i’m actually nine and nine okay we use one piece of wood at first one piece of wood and then one coal maximum efficiency right there boys maximum efficiency dude okay so ever said do an iron door you’re

A genius i am gonna do an iron door because yeah i’m just gonna have a button on the inside well you can’t do a button like that i’ll do but i could just do a pressure plate right wait i could just do a pressure plate right yeah they have dark oak pressure plates

Nice diaper hat thank you for your super chat i’m very sorry i missed i try my best not to miss super chat but thank you diaper hat for the super chat my house is across the river near your house please rate it dude this is what’s cool about being on

A server because i can live roast now i’m not going to roast your house i’m going to be honest with you though okay my house is across the river near your house what river is that you diaper hat that is you diaper hat i like i really like that balcony actually

Let me let me get a clo okay the only thing i would say i love your skin the only thing i would say is the roof is flat okay i’m not claiming that my house is some like marvel to architecture but your roof is a little bit flat and all i would do

It’s not even that hard you just gotta do a little bit add some depth make it a little bit taller okay it’s a good house it’s not a bad house at all um i can’t talk because look at my house okay so i’m not here to judge but thank you

For the super chat i do appreciate it i don’t know how people got on top of my house i don’t i have no idea whoever’s punching me i’m gonna ban you i’m serious whoever’s punching me i’m gonna ban you all right who is this just gonna keep doing it and then if

They if they don’t quit who’s punching me i’m savage dude okay i get it i get it you can jump on my i’m on my pillar i get it you guys taking my cobblestone i get it i don’t have much okay you want to take

What i take what little i have right now feel free but i will become the king of the server i will have one netherright piece of gear by the end of the stream probably not i won’t even have anything past iron but okay i am not a fan of that because it

Makes it dark over here why are you building in the sky of all the places to build why the sky i got built in the sky thank you diaper hat for another super chat i said thank you dude can i get a quick screening shirt let me bounce over there for a second

But you understand what’s going to happen when i run over there right like you you guys understand i don’t want fortune three i don’t want it i want to get it legit okay i can’t can’t come around here okay no people are gonna chase me just

Shut the door shut the doors boy they can’t open them where are you i don’t know where you went hello okay i’m trying to okay dude they’re all in your house now i’m sorry okay all right all right please please stop i don’t i don’t want oh man that’s nice

That’s real nice i don’t want it though i feel like i can’t just like throw this away i’m sorry did you claim your house diaper hat if not you really should claim your house okay okay i think people are gonna mess with it if you guys mess with the house i’m

Gonna watch this if someone mess with the house i’m literally i’m gonna instantly ban you i’m gonna go and slash v i’m gonna fly for one second i’m not gonna cheat but i’m gonna fly for one second if i see someone mess this house straight permaban

Okay i don’t see anyone griefing it what i’m gonna do though i know it’s controversial i’m gonna go creative i’m gonna claim this for this person because i don’t want them to lose their house because i really feel like people are gonna lose their stuff i’ll go around

And do a lot of this after stream too but oh they already claimed it well that’s my claim oh i see my claim ends like right there okay here i’ll just claim it super small for you here clay will be too small okay there you go and then transfer claim to

Diaper hat there you go now you have a claim no one can mess with your stuff enjoy i’m gonna take fall damage for cheating i was really cheating i’m just kind of helping someone okay um so my house looks uh how you say uh how

Do you say bad oh no no no no no no no no no no i don’t know how that just happened but we’re just gonna not deal with that oh no what did i do what did i do i definitely shouldn’t have done that no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no someone oh my gosh okay i’m just kidding i gotta unban blackfire is it 108 was that who i banned yes okay so now someone’s in here could some mod tp them out of here did they dude

These spots are so quick dude why did you do that don’t don’t do that please please jacob don’t do it no he’s he’s not cheating he’s a mod i know i’m in real life i got an azalea i still have this but i don’t want it so

I’m just gonna throw it out this window whoever gets it gets it okay whoever gets the mending helmet gets it no way you got a vending helmet and i also i don’t want that like i i don’t want it i’m not gonna be i’m not gonna be cheating like that i

Probably should do slash feet okay like i said i’m gonna put an iron door up here the way people cannot uh cannot repeatedly open and shut the door and i’m going to make one of these because i’m going to go get some leaves i’m going to clean up my inventory a tad

Bit because it is jam-packed full of junk and then we’re going to go an adventure okay i’m going to put up everything okay only need this i’m gonna make more tools i want this i want the wood we’re gonna have to go get more wood though

I just make that into actual planks okay i’m gonna make a real pickaxe here i’m gonna make a real sword i don’t foresee using it too much i have an axe i might as well make a shovel and then while we’re at it we’re gonna

Make some boots so i can protect my feet because you see right here no protection now my feet are protected from from from the elements diaper hat thank you for another super chat you don’t know how happy you’re making me go well hey i appreciate your your donations i really do

And keep in mind you can also donate on the server if you guys are ever on the server and you know like super chatting is one thing i really appreciate it but if you also join the server you can actually get something for it so if you

Ever feel like you’re like wasting your money then uh you don’t actually have to you can uh donate on here and get something get like a rank okay so now i can’t go back in you know what you could take you could take my old tools there you go feel feel free okay

Now we’re gonna go explore some bases let’s let’s see what’s let’s see what’s popping over here let’s see if i can do the parkour real quick nope there’s no way dude every time i get near it it just gets so full of people oh that’s such a is that a that’s a four

Block gap that’s so hard where does it even go fin finesse finesse if you cheated i hope no one cheated what is this this looks nice did someone claim this though that’s a question let’s see this base looks so cool over here what’s this is this base looking like rebecca

Rainbow looking good got the halloween skin nice what’s this up aha i see someone trying to grief wait maybe this is the actual person now this i can appreciate i’ll like this a whole lot whose is this no griefing please well if it’s claimed then it shouldn’t be is it claimed

No one has claimed this block you should claim it you should claim it okay we’re going no who just did that who just did that i’m gonna claim it for them because i feel bad that they don’t have a claim okay who’s whose base was this transfer claim there you go oh

There’s no claim here what i just made the claim oh there we go there you go now you have the claim no one can grief your stuff but some of these houses look so cool and like i know i keep going into creative but like i really just i

Don’t want people to like lose their stuff all right what’s going on over here okay i don’t think they’re claiming right you got to click on the corners you you you got to click on the corners i know i bring all these people up here i’m sorry guys i’m not trying to annoy

You i promise i promise i’m really not trying to annoy people okay now now they can’t get up here okay now they’re up here now they’re up here okay i do need some leaves so i will oh where’d my shears go dude i put up my shears

Literally said i was gonna need those okay where are my shears here they are we got the shears you guys ready okay we’re gonna 360. nice i like this is it claimed yeah there we go someone claiming their stuff i like it is this claimed no yes no no it’s not

So i can right click with a stick and see if stuff is claimed now what about this because this looks really cool dude people are building some sick stuff out here okay this is claimed good if i see someone break some stuff right here ban undercover pig you better put it back or

You’re banned all right you almost got banned here you were very close to getting banned i’m not putting up with it dude people are building some cool stuff here and i i’m i’m like i’m like i got my hammer right next to me and i will smack it down on your head

Like metaphorically with banning you from my server did someone claim this no one claimed that okay really you guys this stuff’s gonna get griefed if you don’t claim it this is claimed oh this is so pretty is it claimed is it claimed no one’s claiming the block no one’s claimed a block

All these people in there oh my goodness oh my goodness you got it you gotta claim this stuff please claim this stuff god you gotta gotta you gotta claim it gotta claim it dude okay well hopefully people are just nice because i can’t like i mean i can like

Go and creative but like since there’s two people here i don’t know how to like add them i don’t think they know how to add people to the claim i just hope people are nice can you guys just be nice you guys are being nice like i don’t see

Anyone doing anything so far which is nice so okay we’re just gonna do this people aren’t sleeping 13 players were sleeping how many are on though by the way this is incredible there’s 108 people well welcome everyone to the server drop of the hammer neo got aggressive because this place i

Just looked over here and this place is looking beautiful guys people are building stuff this makes me so happy i feel like i’m a part of the community let’s just say hi just claimed yes good job guys you’re actually claiming stuff nice you start off with enough claim blocks

To claim a good bit of stuff and you just get more as time goes on so and i’ll also i’ll build some more paths probably um but since i’m in survival now in this area it’s gonna be difficult to build paths neo you are the community nah dude no way

I don’t believe you did someone claim this nice okay good i’m glad i’m just like running around i’m so worried for people i’m like you’re gonna get your you’re gonna get your stuff stolen you just got a trail of people behind us nice i swear mosquito just bit my leg now my

Legs all itchy it’s nice i like whoever put the snowberries down i like it people improving the path let’s go over here to the ninja 198 memorial bridge let’s check out what’s going on look at all these people all these people okay so no one’s built over here which

Is not surprising because this area it’s okay but it’s kind of hardcore you know if you’re coming up here in the mountains you’re coming up here in the mountains things are going to go crazy i hate the neocubist because he is dumb jk dang dude

Yeah so the path i remember making it it goes all the way up here and then i was like i’m gonna stop it right here because i’m like there’s no point in making any further so this is technically the end of the path here i think technically now

You could build up here i wouldn’t recommend it it seems like kind of hard man something did bite my leg it’s so itchy dude no who threw a diamond at me i know that wasn’t a diamond okay i need to keep i need to keep in mind that i’m in survival because i’ve

Been on the server a lot in creative just going around helping people and like i’m gonna damage myself quite a bit yeah guys doing it you’re damaging i will come see the castle if it’s in this area who is the savage dude who is the heathen that didn’t finish breaking their log

Please guys you gotta break the law you can’t leave trees like that that’s a bannable offense brian that’s the coolest thing i’ve ever heard i hope you’re doing well my man and thank you for coming on the stream brian i appreciate it and is anyone else watching brian’s stream too because guess what

If you’re watching it with him brian is cooler than all of you get wrecked okay oh this is a nice castle though it’s a real nice castle [Laughter] how many times they spam that though for real okay so my house looks oh gosh okay so maybe that iron door is a little

Uh you know maybe i should turn it off and make it where people can’t use that in my area i don’t see the castle i mean i see this castle obviously i do not see a way to get in you loon may i have entry to your castle please

I know i can go in but other people obviously i think this is claimed yeah but they can’t go in i have ignore claims on so here i’m going to go over here and draw people away and i can do this because i have a few seconds before people realize what

Happened and now i can go back here okay come on please leave you can’t break that block all right watch this no no ha wait there’s that oh dude there’s literally an entrance right here literally look at this we’re gonna have a party in the castle guys

We’re having we’re having a party in the castle only only only i am invited to the castle party okay i can’t get up there though now technically i can place blocks other people can’t like you know because i have ignored claims on because you know i like own the server oh my gosh

Oh there’s oh i see i can get it over here nice your castle is now invaded okay you better finish this quick because people are about to swarm up here come on you too loon or you loon you got this now watch this i could just do this that

Way no one else can come up they’ll never know it’s to stop the people because if we don’t then they’re gonna come up here and now they can’t come up here nice i beseech thee stop climbing thine ladder okay fine i’ll let him up but this could be a lot of people

No it’s only a few all right all right i’m doing it can i have a bucket i want to mlg bucket this so bad but does someone have a bucket on them i know some of you have buckets but is someone willing to give me their bucket

To have me mlg oh dude no way the the response time is too quick i appreciate it i already got a bucket though here we go whoever gave me this bucket you’re you’re the real og oh we hit it dude we actually hit it not bad okay we’re doing slash home okay [Laughter]

Okay we’re gonna go mining a little bit i’m gonna actually dig down really deep down here and we’re gonna see how far we can go what are we at right now 58 okay we’re gonna go all the way down now i’m gonna put this torch in my

Offhand so that you guys can see i’m gonna actually make make some torches as well and i’m gonna do this command as well so people know where is it people know where to go uh yeah the ip is but thank you for whoever gave me the

Bucket i see someone who said they gave me the bucket but like anyone could say they gave me the bucket you know so like it may have been you i’m not saying you’re a liar but i don’t know who it was but thank you jeremiah keller thank you for your super

Chat you said love your videos from tulsa hey i just drove through tulsa not too long ago pretty cool to think about there’s there’s a fan of mine that lives in tulsa interesting but thank you jeremiah keller for the super chat i do appreciate it i always love hearing

About fellow oklahomans you know i feel like there’s not you know many oklahomans when in reality there’s tons but like you know there’s not that many you know type of deal so okay let’s do list how many people are in here 107 dude no way dude people that fake donations are like

It’s like it’s like how dumb do you think the person who’s streaming is you know what i mean like i know they want attention so bad that they will fake a donation but it’s like it doesn’t look the same at all oh there’s iron this is what i really need oh this looks

Like a big old pocket this looks like a big old pocket iron arm oh see i’m from an all state where oil drives the economy so come on down to oklahoma all for everyone dude yes i talk about iron it’s like oh you like me huh here’s more take my iron

Take my arm don’t don’t take my all because i’m america dude well i’ll be right back okay i’m back i need to keep digging down we’re gonna get it guys we’re gonna get diamonds before the end of the stream i don’t know how long each like episode

Will be i assume about one to two hours uh which would equal the length of one of my normal episodes because it takes about one to two hours per normal like let’s play episode it’s just you guys have to keep in mind that you know when i record those you don’t

See a lot of stuff because like you don’t want to watch me digging a staircase down to layer 12. but then there’s some people that really want to watch who take a staircase down to layer 12. there’s still people hanging out like above my base but like

Do they not realize like i can’t i can see your name tag kind of far away no you cannot play you cannot play on the server with an illegal copy of minecraft if you’d like to play on the server you can purchase a copy and play on the server

But otherwise you are stealing and no you cannot steal the game and then play on my channel and you just can’t do it dude you can’t do it dude bedrock we’re trying to work on bedrock but like i said earlier in the stream it’s very difficult to get it all to

Work together so we’re trying our best guys but it’s it really is hard it really is hard i mined out in the area set home i went to spawning a golden shovel someone claimed i was gone for 30 seconds i’m sorry i really am sorry that just

That does suck and like oh dude i hear i still have the water bucket yes dude i was like man i don’t have a water bucket i hear the lava but i know what that means i’m not going to be able to handle this but someone gave me a water but

Dude i love playing on this robert shark gaming thank you so much for the big super chat i appreciate it robert shark gaming i hope you’re enjoying the stream shout out to robert shark gaming everyone sorry robot shark game did i say robert the whole time thank thank you robot

Shark gaming for the super chats pretty cool name robot pretty cool but thank you for the super chat i appreciate robot shark gaming i swear i said robert good on bedrock but java eludes you well they’re like 99 the same except for like like they’re just pretty much the same i

Wonder i wonder what on uh what on java trips you up i see i’ve been playing java for like 11 years now which oh man that’s kind of that’s crazy to me i remember hearing people when they’re like i’ve been playing world of warcraft for like 23 years and i’m like what

And now i’ve been playing a game for 11 years so i slowly am starting to understand that because so the lava lake it sounds very large oh and it’s that oh layer 11. that’s right i’m going to be on layer 11. okay i’m sorry for the loud noise i

Can’t make it quiet but it’s going to be loud for you guys well it’s definitely not like single player it’s like you know because these are diamonds i just want to know if there’s diamonds i’ll of course come back here and get stuff if i want to know if there’s diamonds

I’ll try to get away from it so it’s not as loud where’s the light coming from in here i guess i’m i have some light with me i got a little bit of light with me you know how it is type of deal ethan beasley thank you for your super chat

Ethan i will ask you this since there is someone big on the office you know the tv show named pam beasley do they ever ask if you’re related even though pam beasley’s not a real person you know what i mean but like it’s the only time i’ve seen that last

Name but thank you ethan for the super chat i really do appreciate it okay i do need coal so i’m gonna get it i know normally i’d be like i’m gonna pause the recording and get it but i gotta get it okay just hop up here get the arm

Wish they had all in minecraft they did you know with industrial craft and buildcraft in the good old days of my modded minecraft i missed those days sometimes they had oil and you could make like big big oil pumps they weren’t like big or anything but i don’t know holly thank

You for your super chat i appreciate it holly and i hope you’re enjoying this stream i’m out i’m out of pickaxe is there diamonds down here is your diamonds done here okay if there is i gotta oh no no i don’t want to discover them because i

Can’t come back here quickly thank you holly though for the super chat brian darya thank you for another super chat you said super chat type of deal so that is a type of deal so technically it is a type of deal if you were to super chat

That is technically a type of deal i appreciate it brian and thank you for another super chat so yeah it’s just if you guys want to join go to and then do slash warp neo to get to this area i’ll run the command

Some more if you guys want to see it robot shark gaming thank you for another super chat and said thank you for the server i used your old tutorials to build my underwater base nice you know i used to love making tutorials but over the years it just got to a

Point where i was like i don’t want to oh gosh i don’t want to make tutorials anymore so i just quit making tutorials but thank you for the super chat i really do appreciate it i really really do genuinely okay i think i need to turn this down

Actually what was it at plus five what if i turn it down here am i really quiet what about right here what about right here dude i think that’s actually wait it was like right there oh no i see people still swarming around my face they’ve been gone for so long and

They’re just still here it’s like why are you guys sitting here man one two three that would be three each if we want to go for maximum efficiency here okay while our iron is melting let’s go explore the world a little bit and check some stuff out go see what people are doing

Oh i realize i don’t have any food so let me go slash home real quick uh oh oh i have the three steak i was donated i guess i’m gonna need to start a farm yeah aren’t i yeah probably okay let’s go get some grass which i’m sure i can find around here

Here we go we got one seed i see you up there i see you up there i’m interested to see how everything went who is running around taking my seeds are you guys serious all right i’m going in slash vanish this looks really cool though out here does someone steal all the

Does someone steal all the stuff from here well i i don’t all this stuff is gone i don’t know maybe not because i feel like it was all like this around there did someone come by and just like break all your stuff because i really hope not

I do like this i’m not gonna steal that though i just need seeds we’ll just run around and get some just get some seeds okay whoever does this i don’t like you please don’t do this it bothers me to the most intense of degrees nice that’s a lot that’s a lot of

Saplings i appreciate i appreciate the regrowth here guys good on you so i don’t think people can like break my farmland on my claim i mean actually i know they can’t that’d be kind of crazy if they could okay we have eight seeds we’ll just start with eight seeds how about that

Not nearly enough to really do anything with but it’s what we got for now quinn kelly thank you for the super chat i appreciate it quinn and i hope you are enjoying the stream thank you quinn kelly thank you thank you thank you one diamond for three amethyst shards that’s a terrible deal

One divided for three shards hmm yeah you can’t hit that chicken can you huh you really want a troll but you can’t okay i’m gonna make oh i’ll just make a stone one i don’t really need to make actually um decent one not yet at least i should

Probably go back down there and check for diamonds because i feel like someone could just go down there and then check for me you know but i don’t know if it’s technically in my claim or not we’ll do the farm like right out here so it’s good for now

Technically i have nine so we’ll put one more down right here okay now i go home make some pickaxes make some pickaxes if i can actually do if i can actually do it now let’s see if we can actually get everyone to sleep that’s the big that’s the big thing how

Many people are on the server 108 people i literally can’t believe it okay we’re gonna do vanish again desert is the best biome for desert for diamond mining now i don’t know if that’s true because i don’t think biome is a dependency for or spawn rates

But maybe maybe you’ve had the best of luck in deserts and there’s nothing wrong with that it could very well be true very well be true oh my gosh is this the longest little path ever longest little path now that is a that is an oxymoron look at all these people

They’re still up there okay i gotta find out is there i put the water down and i put it down for my farm oh okay and there’s no diamonds i do see this iron though i need the iron really bad okay got it any diamonds please please please oh that’s a big cave

Oh there’s diamonds down there i need water is there any water i see some water but it’s really far down there okay we’re gonna play the slow game here i really hope people don’t start trying to dig down to me i’m gonna do vanish i don’t want people doing something like that

That would be an absolute shame also if i get shot by a skeleton that would also be an absolute shame but here’s to hoping that doesn’t happen okay how close am i okay not that close i’m gonna i’m gonna i don’t want anything besides these diamonds dude i need them so bad

I need i need i need the diamonds so bad dude for those of you who are watching after the stream by the way if you’re not subscribed to the channel and uh this is like your first like video of mine you’ve ever seen if you enjoy it i would really

Appreciate your subscription but you of course you know you don’t have to subscribe but but just know that i really would appreciate it if you chose to do so but thank you for watching either way okay first diamonds quinn kelly thank you for the super chat

You just your super chat is okay i was like dude no way oh thank you yes thank you quinn kelly for the super chat i appreciate it this is just in case okay there’s nothing down there so this was how many this was three diamonds there’s nothing else here right

Okay i’m not missing anything no okay let’s go out here because there might be more somewhere else now they can actually let go kind of quickly i see iron obviously we need iron so let’s go get it um no more diamonds but that’s okay we will go find the diamond somewhere else

Three is good enough for me i mean i just need a pickaxe now if i go to the nether out here it should be a fresh nether because we’re like the coordinates are like 40 000 40 000 on the world so it’s pretty far away so if you guys do

Want to come over here feel free there might be something back there i’m eyeing this hard okay i can’t say i didn’t expect that but it’s okay and there wasn’t anything else in here right this was just more cave yeah i guess i couldn’t see back there is there anything though okay

That’s fine i’m gonna dig the opposite way and i’m gonna see if there’s anything over here we’ll do a little bit of strip mining because i really want to get more diamonds it’s not lagging very bad right now as you can see i don’t know what the tps is

Which is ticks per second it should be at 20. it’s a 12. it’s okay but 1.17 for some reason is notoriously laggy and no one really knows why except the game’s law and optimized just a wee bit okay i just realized that the music has stopped playing again i do apologize i

Don’t know how to make groove music which is like the windows 10 music player i don’t know how to make it loop so that’s that’s my bag guys i’ll try to get better about it oh dude i literally just minding these diamonds i was staring over at my stream

Screen because i thought it went black but no it’s just because it went tiny because it all tabbed out look so we just found three more okay i’ll take it again and people can come down here and mine with me just just don’t steal my stuff

Like i feel like people are is anyone around me trying to get in here okay i thought i saw a name tag out my heart dropped i was like how did you get in here dude like how did you get in here dude how how doth you find me

Yeah again the stream will be about two hours somewhere there about and uh again feel free guys if you ever want to come on the server at any point just and then again you just do slash warp neo if you would like to come over here

I know it’s so annoying okay we got enough diamonds we’re going to come up for now that’s enough mining i know it wasn’t very much but maybe we’ll have a stream where we only mine and that would be interesting okay let’s get out of here now this is something you know i

Normally wouldn’t record because it’s like you’re just bouncing up and down in a circular staircase you just type in to get on the server but you have to be on the java version of minecraft so the computer version if you don’t have that you can’t join unfortunately at least not yet we’re

Trying to work on it but not yet a man just stole a diamond how did they steal a diamond okay we finally have enough stuff for diamond pickaxe which makes me feel a lot better um and i probably am going to go with the diamond axe controversial i know but i’d much rather

Have um diamond axe than a sword because we don’t want that or that anymore i will of course keep the water so oh i do have a bone so if i had any bone meal that would be awesome okay i’m gonna go vanish because this is something that people could mess with

The heck is messing with my farm already nice nice i hear someone trying to strip my house joke’s on you you can’t do it oh yes yes i will take the seed i will take the seed yes dude thank you for the seeds i appreciate it thank you so much

Okay nice now i have 17. okay oh we’re getting a community garden going okay i appreciate it now i can finally plant i can finally plant more than people are too kind to me they’re too kind this is how the community life is wait can you not play oh there’s baked potatoes

Oh my gosh no no no no no i don’t want all this i don’t i don’t want stuff like that that stuff’s too good i will take the bones okay okay guys okay okay now hold on hold on here i don’t want people to get angry and lose stuff here let’s uh

Every time i go anywhere there’s so many people it’s not a bad thing it’s just like it’s hard to see like i want to plant my seeds you know trying to trying to plant my seeds oh my gosh how many people how many people are up here

How many people i just want to plant the seeds dude just want to plant the seeds and the carrots dude do i even have enough no not even close okay i can at least get all of this tilled and that’s all i need and then we’ll get out of here we’ll skedaddle

Let’s get out of guys onwards how many people is that geez dude you come to my base real quick i have orchids okay i’ll just go slash v people don’t know what i’m talking about so you got about five seconds before the stream catches up to what’s actually happening in reality right now

I am here but but very quickly this is me this is me this is me turn around before the horde of people before the horde of people come in okay i got it i got it i got it i got it thank you thank you thank you thank you

Diaper hat for the super chat and thank you for the blue orchid i will go and put this what is subspace bubble i don’t even know what that is it sounds crazy though like i did not know that was an achievement sound space bubble okay we will put it you know what we’re

Not gonna use the same material here i have any other materials i really don’t oh i mean i could make it out of cobble that’s fine put these stairs up i need to clean my inventory my inventory is disgusting i will throw these things in here though

So go ahead and throw more iron in two of those a bunch of those i don’t i can’t count okay that’s fine okay i can finally make a little bit of armor too i know i have the boots now i just need chest plate cool we will put it down right here

Thank you for the blue orchid i really do appreciate it oh no i was gonna go get leaves a long time ago and i just literally never got that i want to get dark oak leaves running running running running i’m trying to get them without other people stealing them but it’s so hard

Hopefully people won’t just like steal my leaves i mean if you want to you can okay there we go we got 50 leaves that’s perfect that’s all we need yeah i don’t think they should have linked the accounts and it gets tricky like if people have claims on the server

I encountered an issue day where a player had had their account migrated and it like didn’t transfer their stuff so they couldn’t they couldn’t use their claimed thing which i get like it’s not like the plug-ins fault but it’s like why do you guys do that

I left a gift in the swamp for you neo dude i don’t even know where the swamp is my guy where am i or or do i i don’t think i do yeah i don’t know can confirm i don’t know where the swamp is but

At some point i will figure it out and i will go check out i’ll go check out the gift but for right now i literally have no idea where it is yeah and we’ll just leave the farm like that and i’ll probably put some walls or something there

I don’t really know that’s blank up there i need some more windows dude need some more windows dude i need some of that blue glass some blue glass we had a little bit extra which we can make into these beautiful pains i think i might have even had some extra

I think i might even had some extra pains in there too nope i have 48 though that’s nice okay now i can’t put the window over there not yet at least because i keep having issues with players okay no i don’t get it back and by the way i

Don’t know what happened to my let’s play series but i can break glass and i get this stuff back don’t ask me i literally have no idea no one changed anything on the server like that shouldn’t be happening but for some unknown reason it is happening so we’re trying to fix it but

It’s not that big of a deal right like it’s not going to hurt the game or anything but it is interesting it is interesting so i’m trying to make this look a little bit better you know obviously it’s not a oh well it’s not gonna work you know what

Is better than it was okay it’s it’s better than it was it is an interesting looking house we’ll give it that and now this house artist 100 is building a beastly house if only i could build like this maybe my channel would be bigger is this claim though

Okay i gotta take these out of my hand no no diamonds yes it is good i was gonna say if it’s not claimed they’re gonna agree someone left a gift for me in the swamp okay is it shrek anything to do with shrek i hope not i can get seeds while i’m running

I don’t know who said that i don’t know how he would find the gift okay okay in in the swamp i mean someone else could find it too i don’t know i’m not gonna spend the whole my whole time looking for it but i do not see what you’re talking about

So if it’s something obvious i apologize but i can’t find it i have no idea no earthly idea what it is nice dude lots of seeds around these parts i’m liking it and as i say that i get no seeds so that’s great oh some blue orchids oh thank you

I didn’t think there’d be water there i was like dude i’m done for i’m absolutely done for taking my sugar cane i think my inventory is literally full so people can’t even give me stuff anyways so i need to keep my i need to like turn

It off or people can’t throw things down these people keep trying to give me items i don’t i don’t need the items i do need these though is the best thing in the world in the whole game okay i think i got them all dude i keep getting my okay i’m going vanish

I can’t stand it i need to get my seeds i need to be alone with my seeds here i guess people can kind of follow me based on the sound technically that have to find what i’m doing yeah i think i already lost everyone anyone wants free dirt not a bad offer

On that free dirt especially the beginning of the game you know dirk can be kind of tricky to get not everyone’s got time for that i feel like someone came around here and like broke the broke of the sugar cane and was a nice person and like left it to grow more but

I’m just taking the whole thing this is a no griefing server right yeah if you agree if you just get instantly banned at least in this area um the rules are a little more relaxed i mean you can’t you’re not supposed to grief but you won’t get like instantly perma-banned if you grief

Unless you’re like just coming on here and just griefing if we see you’re a new player in your grief and you’re just permanently banned instantly got no time for that guys okay 13 out of 15 we’re sleeping that’s fine that is close enough i want lots of flowers i really like how

Flowers look around the house so i’m gonna go over to this flower forest i tried to pick a good spot in the world this spot really spoke to me it had a lot of different biomes oh i don’t have any inventory space that will never work okay i’m going back

Uh yeah i tried to pick a spot that had a bunch of different biomes and this one looked pretty good there’s like a swamp and all that stuff okay now i can do slash v again i think people can find me again if they want oh i see someone building a little

Base out here that’s the back of that one base that looks good i appreciate you guys for building all these really cool houses over here this is going pretty well it’s going pretty well i hope some people that have the cool bases on other parts of the world will

Come over here and make another one although if you’re using all of your claim blocks i get it talk to me maybe we can work something out or you can always just play more and earn more claim blocks i think there’s a limit to how many you can earn but it’s like

Some insane number like 20 000 so like you know if you get past that point okay i’m gonna do it i feel kind of crummy for that i’ll leave the wheat you know what i’ll go give the wheat to them just want the seeds what can i drop one rose that’s fine

I’m so sorry i’m gonna run away my guilt has caused me to run away this looks so pretty though i don’t know what this is like the moss stuff it looks so good my house just you know it fits in i don’t know what is this person trying to do nice

Dude that looks pretty cool that looks pretty cool okay now i can do slash home no not vanish you know yeah slash vanish actually might be a better idea because i know people are going to be over here acting a fool real soon because the stream has like a five or six second

Delay from what i’m doing is that all my seeds already dude do you have some seeds you get some seeds dude you got some seeds dude yeah yeah you got some seeds let me see them seeds let me get a couple of seeds where all the seeds going i need the

Seeds dude not the no i don’t need that i need the seeds yeah dude thank you so much for the seeds i appreciate it so much thank you no no no i don’t i don’t need diamond i don’t need the amethyst i don’t need anything but seeds

Okay thank you guys for the seeds i appreciate it i don’t know what this person is doing okay now i don’t have infinite water i guess i could make infinite water it could actually make infinite water kind of easy let’s go out here with our bucket be prepared for people

And then make infinite water just do it like around the back of the house we could just do it like over here actually okay okay and then boom and then boom boom okay i’ll take more seats whatever whatever i’ll take more seats the gift is a lot of floating trees hey

No no no no no i don’t want to deal with the floating trees where’s the what is in here what does this say hello what is going on here i have so many seeds already i don’t need seeds you guys are showering me with gifts like i’m some deity i don’t need these

I don’t need they’re making me uncomfortable i don’t need all these seeds no no i don’t even have room i have some food i don’t kept getting out of here oh my goodness michelle lafield thank you for another super chat i mean you super chat so much before maybe not on

This stream but you’ve been here anyways hi neo i already have a claim area if i build by slash warp neo will i lose my original claim right now you won’t lose your original claim area just make sure you go back there like once a month so that it thinks you’re still active

Um also in our council migrate we’ll lose our claims if you do if your accounts migrate i will just manually add them back to you um if i can confirm that you’re like that person again just try to make your username as close to the old one as possible

Because otherwise you know i don’t know if people are being truthful and i don’t want to like you know give someone’s claim to someone who isn’t that person that would be interesting okay we’re going to put everything up we’re going to go look at the world a

Little bit i know this is a disgusting chest management i don’t talk about it right now but thank you michelle lawfield for the super chat and for the very valid question you ask a good question and i hope my answer helped you okay we’re gonna go fill this in before

People decide to water bucket in because i guarantee you someone’s already trying to water bucket i hope not and then we can copy this same window just put it right over here okay i just need some blue there we go i need some of some of this and i need to make some

More trap doors just a few more i’m actually going to fix this too we’re going to go and add these okay i guess i need one more actually one more set of trap doors now we can’t even get out of here yet oh i guess we can technically get out of

Here okay we’ll put this like that and then have these trapdoors oh i guess we can’t even put trapdoors right there oh never mind okay we’re gonna do slash home now the problem if i put it if i put a trap door if i if i put like

I had i don’t know i’m trying to figure this out right so if i put a door here and i open it people can just come in whenever they want now if i put two iron doors then it becomes a situation where like if you

Want to do it you can but you’re gonna get stuck so maybe i should just do that right so i’m just gonna have two doors here controversial i know but this will prevent what i’m expecting to happen here so i’ll have this door right and i’ll

Wait for it to close and then i’ll go out to my second door which wait hold on i need another button but a button on the inside so i’m gonna put this door right here oh wait like okay okay i put this one right here let me make another button

I don’t know why i have to come out of here to make the button don’t ask me okay so now we have okay a button there so that opens that door and then it goes to right here and then i’m gonna put a door right here

And then i can do slash home and i can actually put the buttons down so put a button here and then okay that’s not gonna work i’m just gonna have to have it up top because that’s yeah that i could already foresee exactly what’s gonna happen if i

Were to do it like that no way jose okay i change anything about that window no we’ll figure out a better spot for the door because yeah it just looks bad when it’s up here but like i don’t see of another way i can make this work hmm

Angel noel thank you for another super chat and thank you for always coming onto the streams you said neo starts a new server community yay neo gifts neo ah i’m not a deity i don’t know why but that made me laugh i feel like when you guys are throwing all these like

Diamonds and stuff at me like i don’t deserve it dude i guess i could just do warp neo whenever i want to leave these are the rules by the way what does work does warp neo not work wait what okay well apparently slash warp neo does

Not work well i’ll fix that before too long neo can you give me some shulker boxes i don’t have any shoulder boxes what is this cobblestone self-tendermil stack please don’t steal i’m just kidding i’m not gonna steal cobblestone sell for 10 emeralds of stack please also that is a terrible

That is a terrible terribly expensive rate that’s like terribly expensive oh my gosh it’s terribly expensive okay thank you clinton hulse for the super chat i appreciate you now before the stream ends i’m gonna go around we’re gonna check out the community a little bit i’ll figure out a better way to do

That and what i’m also going to do is eventually eventually i’m going to add some sort of way to get in and out of my house i’m sure i’ll think of something off camera interesting there’s a giant heart here and then well not a whole lot

Oh do you see these people oh maybe they can’t open the doors okay these people have the same skin i thought they had the same skin i was like dude what so i don’t think this person is here anymore or they’re down there wild african lion

I hope there’s not a lion on my server because then i would die the pond with bamboo okay i will come over and look at the pond with bamboo i’m gonna check out all the builds on this area and then we will call it a stream and the next episode of

Course will be i don’t know when we’ll have to see what people have done after uh the stream is over and you guys come back the next time but if you want to see for yourself like in between or you want to come check out my house you

Know you can’t go inside but you can check out the outside at least but if you guys want to check out anything of course feel free um again the server ip is just well it looks pretty good got any resources please no ban because it’s ugly it’s not ugly i think it

Looked really good i think so at least now this looks cool empty arrow strawberry god one’s house do they have this claimed okay good i like it you’re not supposed to be in here dude can i enchant this i don’t have any lapis lazuli better watch out i see you guys trying

To grief if i see a griefer yeah dead kid dead on the server of course you’re just gonna get banned neo my island is way out of the way oh looking good it’s not claimed though you know it’s gotta be claimed you gotta claim this please i don’t want you to lose your

House please claim what is going on well someone jumped at the fireplace anyways guys thank you so much for tuning in to the first episode i really do appreciate your support and i’d love to see you guys on the server i’m kind of on here on and off throughout the

Week i won’t be playing in survival until i stream next um so if you don’t want to miss that then please do make sure you check out the stream i’m going to go home and i’m going to put up all my stuff because i don’t want to like have this

In my inventory because again like i have to play in creative and moderate and do stuff but i’m not going to like come to this area until i have started streaming again which will be some time i don’t have a plan but join my discord server link is in the

Description um if you never want to miss a stream i send out an at everyone notification whenever i start to stream anyways thank you guys all for coming to the stream i really do appreciate it thank you for those of you who are playing in the server all this is still over 100

Nice all 103 of you thank you guys so much and uh yeah i will see you guys next stream thank you so much

This video, titled ‘Let’s Play NeoDood SMP Episode 1 (Minecraft Server Survival)’, was uploaded by TheNeoCubest on 2021-09-08 03:33:28. It has garnered 63485 views and 2674 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:14 or 6554 seconds.

Server IP: This Minecraft SMP server let’s play series is a vanilla 1.17 SMP Minecraft survival server let’s play in stream episode format (episode 1, episode 2, etc.). It is a no gimmick, plain old vanilla SMP Minecraft server made into an SMP survival let’s play.

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Wanna watch some of my other series?? Links below:

Minecraft Hardcore Season 1:

Let’s Play Minecraft 1.16 Season 1:

Minecraft 1.14 Let’s Play (TheNeoCubest)

1.14 Sky Grid Minecraft Custom Map Let’s Play

Falling Falling | Minecraft Custom Map Let’s Play Series

Minecraft Scramble Craft Let’s Play (TheNeoCubest)

200×200 Falling Falling Minecraft Custom Map Let’s Play

Music: Minecraft Volume Alpha: Created by C418 – Go buy his music and support him! Usage policy:

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    Mob Mysteries: Minecraft's Savior Lore In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of ancient Builders and their trials bold. The trial Chambers, a place of training, For soldiers to fight, their skills attaining. The breeze, a mob with wind charge might, Designed by Builders, to train for the fight. Illagers, allies in this grand scheme, Providing magic and items, like a dream. Crossbows and axes, rewards to gain, From completing trials, a victory to claim. The illagers, a crucial part, In creating the breeze, with a magical art. From Gail Sanctum to trial Chambers deep, The collaboration of friends, secrets to keep. A… Read More

  • Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft

    Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft Enhancing the Farm: Day 10 in Better Minecraft On Day 10 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid explorer set out to improve the farm by adding a touch of natural beauty. Armed with a variety of materials and a creative vision, the farm was about to undergo a stunning transformation. Materials Used: Spruce Fence Dark Oak Fence Ancient Ochre Froglight Crop Heater Crop Chiller Season Detector Redstone Dust Magenta Flower Birch Leaves White Flower Acacia Leaves Apple Acacia Leaves Charcoal Block The farm was about to receive a makeover that would not only enhance its… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More

  • Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft’s Triangular House Quick Fix

    Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft's Triangular House Quick Fix In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house with triangular vibes. Wooden planks arranged in a unique way, Creating a structure that’s sure to stay. With each block placed, a story unfolds, A home for our character, brave and bold. In this virtual world, the possibilities are endless, With each design choice, our creativity transcends. So grab your tools and let’s get to work, Crafting a home that’s sure to perk, Up the spirits of all who pass by, In this Minecraft world, where dreams can fly high. Read More

  • Town Center Construction Chaos

    Town Center Construction Chaos Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: Town Center Construction Begins Welcome to a daily Minecraft adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG (PowerChordGames) on YouTube. In this vanilla survival let’s play series, Solomon embarks on a journey to build, explore, and collect all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. The twist? Natural regeneration is turned off, adding an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay. A Relaxing Escape Unlike many high-energy gaming channels, Solomon’s approach is refreshingly calm and laid-back. Each episode offers a chance for viewers to unwind, chat, and enjoy some relaxing gameplay. The… Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

    Real Life Minecraft Pranks Minecraft in Real Life: Exploring the Trend Many content creators have been exploring the concept of bringing Minecraft into the real world, blurring the lines between the virtual and physical realms. Let’s delve into some of the most popular videos and trends that have emerged from this unique fusion. Real-Life Minecraft Adventures Creators like Musa Belir, Enes Batur, Burak Kuloğlu, and Oğuz Aslan have been at the forefront of this trend, showcasing their adventures in real-life Minecraft scenarios. From crafting tools to building structures, these videos offer a fresh perspective on the beloved game. Testing Minecraft Legends in Real… Read More

  • Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!

    Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!Video Information I’m going to play the intro [Music] St [Music] CH what’s good what is up fellas um second stream today cuz I’m bored whoa I know so Chatters today actually let me put this light on who crazy um I’m alive again I’m alive I’m streaming I know I know kind of crazy um but I’m going to go in here screw that dumb song it’s actually not a dumb song It’s a sick song but we got we we we’re gaming here we’re gaming here Momo raid no way yo Momo thank you for the raid W… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!Video Information cette nouvelle technologie va révolutionner les serveurs Minecraft ça faisait un an que je n’avais pas rejoint un serveur multijoueur et j’ai été choqué par ce que j’ai découvert Minecraft a autoriser les serveurs à utiliser des packs de texture grâce à ça il y a des nouveaux objets incroyables comme ce multitool qui permet de casser des blocs à l’infini ce boss est ultra stylé mais un petit peu dangereux ah on peut même avoir des pets celui-là est vraiment trop mignon pour jouer lance Minecraft clique sur multijoueur et rentre d’IP This video, titled ‘Cette… Read More

  • Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️

    Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист но цветных кра искупалась ми начинают ики рисовать дала не спрятать не потерять моё зание справляюсь ятим с нами немножко пока Да это не забрати не справляем ничего не хитрого ло не чудес Я даю поила смея нет Потому что дети три собак Y This video, titled ‘Minecraft traps at different ages 💀#viral #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Black Devil Af Gaming on 2024-07-04 04:55:54. It has garnered 10593 views and 413 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. minecraft but minecraft minecraft animations minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Sights at Sinj’s 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMG

    Shocking Sights at Sinj's 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMGVideo Information [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] derivative that I love I absolutely This video, titled ‘2024 annual Minecraft Art Show #memes #minecraft #greenscreen’, was uploaded by Sinj on 2024-06-04 15:52:36. It has garnered 608 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • GingerShadow’s life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!

    GingerShadow's life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!Video Information hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more Bach Sky Block with me and brother why is there a we H uh didn’t it exactly um um um um I don’t remember this being here when I logged off what have you been up to well me remember that really funny thing that happened where uh we recorded a video and I forgot to press record oh yeah you’ve been doing that a lot the last week yeah we don’t need to talk about that thanks very much um yes let talk about it so… Read More

  • INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Construindo casa simples de madeira #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-06-13 12:45:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts herobrine minecraft memes #shorts minecraft meme memes minecraft challenge meme funny … Read More

  • Tico Anarchy Server

    Tico Anarchy ServerThis Server Is Created By Tico Group Full Anarchy Server Whit No Rules Free For All No Pay2win Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon server: Progression system, Endgame PvE, Weekly Tournaments, Fun Events

    Silvermons Pixelmon Reforged Server Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. Join our custom level cap and rank progression system featuring exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. Enjoy Weekly Tournaments, Player Gyms, Fun Events, and more! Server IP: Current Version: Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack – Download Here Read More


    1 BLOCK ANARCHY MINECRAFT SERVER (REBRAND)Welcome newbie!😎Normal survival but we can hack and soloIts an anarchy server but it a variation of anarchy(1 block map in the server lol)*I installed a few things to make the server interesting*You can join the server from 1.12 to 1.21Make your history in the Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands”

    Minecraft Memes - "From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands"Looks like the builder in Minecraft has some serious fashion sense – even when it comes to choosing blocks! Read More

  • Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF

    Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF “Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 10: panicking and running in circles. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 20: calmly strategizing and building a staircase to freedom. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 50: calling my grandkids for help because I can’t figure out how to jump.” Read More

  • EPIC Funny Moments in English Class!

    EPIC Funny Moments in English Class! Minecraft: Hilarious Moments in English Class!【方块轩】 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one creator stands out for his humor and joy-sparking animations. 方块轩, the mastermind behind a series of entertaining Minecraft animations, brings laughter and fun to his audience. Let’s delve into some of the hilarious moments captured in English class! English Class Shenanigans In a typical English class scenario, 方块轩 finds himself in a predicament when asked to translate a word on the blackboard. The banter between classmates adds a touch of comedy as they navigate through words like “banana” and engage in… Read More

  • Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans

    Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans Welcome to Herobrine SMP 2.0 Season 1 Episode 1: Making a Food Farm! Shadow Striker, also known as Chirag, is back with another exciting episode of Herobrine SMP 2.0. In this episode, he dives into the world of Minecraft to create a food farm that will sustain him on his adventures. Let’s join him on this thrilling journey! Setting Up the Farm As the sun rises in the Minecraft world, Shadow Striker wastes no time in getting to work. He starts by clearing a patch of land near his base to make room for his food farm. Using his… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz – Rate my skills now! ⚔️

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz - Rate my skills now! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥rate my skills Minecraft pvp! ⚔️’, was uploaded by Godz on 2024-06-19 16:16:02. It has garnered 31 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:44 or 1244 seconds. 🔥 **Welcome to [Godz]** 🔥 🎮 **About Me:** Hey there, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! I’m [Your Name]and I’m passionate about all things blocky and pixelated. On this channel, you’ll find epic adventures, creative builds, survival challenges, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or a newbie to the Overworld, there’s something here for everyone. 🌟 **What to Expect:** – **Let’s Play Series: * Join me… Read More

  • Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!

    Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!Video Information man that’s another successful store trip my brother I’m saying now is the party at show crib or mind you know what I’m saying we about to turn up ain’t that right M don’t we hosting mush done made mushroom soups for the whole gang let’s go they starting to grow on me I’m really enjoying the mushroom soups nowadays man y’all getting into it y’all get into it come on guys walking is healthy let’s walk the rest of the way home and then we’ll be solid oh so we going to your crib to party that’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥Video Information and done our new house is completed oh this house is ugly well it’s much better than the old one Grazy it’s not my fault that you burned it down well I’m sorry I just wanted to put all my cakes in the outfit at once now they’re all burned wait what’s going on you put the house down again Gracie no it’s not me it’s a fire girl what are you doing stop buing our house down we just built this terrible news the ele mental Army is going to come here to destroy everything I need… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Satisfying

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art SatisfyingVideo Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:17:12. It has garnered 1932 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWalt

    INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWaltVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft server mode:vee craft server (Modded)’, was uploaded by jon dewalt on 2024-04-05 00:50:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More

  • OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmau

    OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘#short Is this My Inner Demon Noi coming out??? #aphmau #minecraft #roleplay’, was uploaded by Ori_Moon on 2024-03-31 14:36:00. It has garnered 44 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-05-28 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you … Read More

  • EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55

    EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55Video Information This video, titled ‘April Fools Day Minecraft #minecraft #youtubegaming #shorts’, was uploaded by DonPianta55 on 2024-04-02 23:48:38. It has garnered 1621 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. Become a part of Don’s Crew⬇️ Join the Discord Read More

  • Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!

    Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Groomer Baby — Hazbin Hotel Loser Baby Parody’, was uploaded by Duke Rancid on 2024-06-17 13:28:45. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:52 or 172 seconds. My friend and I spent way longer on this than we honestly should have. We were originally gonna do a Minecraft parody and then I was like, wait I have an idea. Read More

  • DreamZone

    DreamZonegreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfv Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP – Java 1.20.4 – Age 18+ – Whitelist – Hermitcraft-like – LGBTQ+ Friendly – Community-focused – 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ Hey! Thanks for checking out Project Nebula! ▶ Nebula Photo Album! ▶ Dynmap ▶ Discord ▶ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-driven Minecraft server focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players. We value diversity, transparency, respect, and commitment to the Vanilla Minecraft experience. ▶ What’s new on Project Nebula? 1.21 update coming soon! Successful Emu Freedom Fest event Opening of the Cobblestonewall Inn ▶ Applications If you’re interested in joining our server, apply through our Discord channel. We have a thorough whitelist process to ensure a friendly… Read More

  • Island PVP

    Island PVPCreate your island and upgrade to become the island top!You can use a boat to stalk your enemies with stealth!Or take them head-on when they least expect it!If you leave your chests unlocked, they can be raided! So make sure to strategically build your storage area! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not a Noob: logged 1287 hrs in Minecraft

    “1287 hours in Minecraft? That’s just the warm-up! Ain’t nobody got time for a score of 9, we’re aiming for a perfect 10, baby!” Read More

  • Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft!

    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Hack: Trollin’ & Rollin’ #lit #trollface

    Minecraft Hack: Trollin' & Rollin' #lit #trollface When you try to hack in Minecraft but all you end up doing is trolling yourself with that troll face meme. Maybe stick to playing the game legit next time! #minecraftfail #trolledbytrollface Read More

  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

    Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack The World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition offers players the opportunity to delve into infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game has something for everyone. Game Modes In creative mode, players have unlimited resources to construct their dream structures. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine resources, craft weapons, and fend off mobs to survive. The choice is yours! Marketplace and Customization Explore the marketplace to discover unique maps, skins, and texture packs created by talented individuals. Slash commands allow you to… Read More