TheWaffleGalaxy – 🤖 REDSTONE GOLEM, POWERFUL ENCHANTS, REDSTONE MINES! – Minecraft Dungeons Ep.9 (Gameplay Let’s Play)

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Who is going guys – suave here and welcome back to some more minecraft dungeons now last time we left off we went over here to the rip oh I almost caught it rich haven or CH haven it kind of look like rich right there anyways one over here to the arch Haven got

Someone loot that apparently this our children has of course we missed out on like one piece of secret blue or something like that so that sucks but not too big of a deal either way this episode we’re finally going to go over to the redstone mines

Of course we’re going to be doing this at the highest difficulty to fault 6 so I’m like we’re actually matching the power for once we’re not like over or we’re not under so that’s good recommended power 27 we’re at 27 right there so it’s gonna be Normal difficulty

At least for us 32 37 gear and our Mike powers a school or still we we have all the stuff already or naw over here so I guess hopefully it’s just gonna get us better versions and that stuff real quick before we jump in I kind of want

To look at set stuff oh I did get a count from someone saying hey why don’t you go back to where was it was a creeper once uh no it was not that one cacti can’t and I think it might have been if I burned maybe not that one the

One up over here desert temple is that it the farmer Grimm armor I think it’s a step above I think with our armors a step above brim armor right or maybe where’d I get that I guess I did get over here at the desert temple huh the

Farmer grandma I guess it counts as a grimoire more perhaps than whether armor that we have I think it a common saying yeah you should go back in and try and get a higher level version of your armor cuz of course this one’s a way at level

21 so it’s relatively low compared to everything else our current armor we have right now is the hunters armor one six hundred level thirty right there power 3169 health 10 extra arrows per bundle and 30% ranged damage so that’s really good of course our melee still this glaive oh here thirty two powers

Common 75 to 110 melee damage with a really good reach lee that longer may later each that’s amazing occur a bow right now is 5300 259 ranged damage with the long way of course is going to be 30% more thanks to our arm road here so that’s gonna be great so I

Think we’re pretty well set let’s figure out what artifacts we’re gonna be using here though kind of would change things up we used to fire arrows alongside these two things last time might continue using the fire arrows because I do have the hunters armor on right now

But the other stuff maybe out gets you know what the firework arrow because we just got a really good upgraded version of that power level 35 or attack level 35 or whatever 222 range damage that seems amazing you guys but do I want that to replace something like the

Corrupted beacon that does almost the same damage but that one’s damaged for Sagat no that requires souls and stuff I’m not really gonna gather too many souls with only one plus one soul gathering of course this would help me out with another plus ones old gathering or current armor doesn’t get any soul

Gathering so that sucks let’s just yeah let’s just get the firework and I guess we’ll replace that with a fire right that’d be really cool yeah and of course her with full pull back on our bow over here we do extra damn it was supercharged what is that plus 20% nice

Maybe here in the future we’ll upgrade to plus 30% oh man we’re doing an insanely good damage with our current setup right now you guys it’s amazing I know is his head over to redstone mines default six difficulty and let’s just start the mission shall we oh whoops

Should read the I never read the description at the land last episodes it’s not that big of deal there are unsettling rumblings in the mountains of the overweight whispered rumors say the eligibile ding something dreadful far beneath these ancient mines something of sucked metal and flame only

A hero such as yourself could brave the cavernous underground and uncover the truth hey that’s me was my chicken friend yeah sounds like they’re building some sort of machine or something like that over here yes just like I suspected of course using redstone as like a a way

Of building it kindly here you build like a hacking computer out arrest no it’s kind of crazy there anything Oh what doesn’t run button immediately hit the wrong button anyway over here at the front of eggs I think we’re fine this is really cool though I wish you that

That’s a [ __ ] minecraft there’s like a little blocks of redstone on the Bali ground right there it’s really interesting although that would be kind of weird to have that like Minecraft what are these over here these weird crystals I guess they’re just decorative crystals huh just kind of on the ground

Nothing really over here just a random abandoned mine cart right there I don’t think we could do anything with that it seems like there’s a small little path here to the left it goes back but I doubt it does anything sounds like a minecart Roland somewhere maybe getting that my old well

Poison spider cave spider right there ooh we did that minecart just kill that side I think it it killed the zombie and the spider ooh interesting so we use that to our advantage but we have really good range stuff right now so it really makes sense to do that

286 damage was I hitting the wall right there unfortunately I can I drag this very okra all nice multi shot right there is it gonna hit all men I was what in the heck in my car to kill the zombie right there that didn’t worry unfortunately I know ya need to watch

Out for our arrows right now cuz we’re just starting out we don’t have a ton of arrows despair just yet yeah I don’t think there was an alternate pathway right there that we missed out on let’s get that creeper to left oh I missed okay we got right there shot of who

That’s kill oh that’s a lot of creepers let’s get that creeper get that one too I can one-shot creepers now nice awesome stuff we do 90 damage straight up and then of course our combo attack and of course we’re really good distance away with this really good flavor right here

132 yeah that combo tag didn’t write like 132 right there of course we have weakening as well so we’re not doing good damage your first time around we could we do a good damage a second time around without weakening should I get these guys work not nice a cup of ice I

Was about to say I want to get these guys with multi shot and hey got him right there nice and when the zombie and another creeper back there yeah this is amazing right here of course it’s using up a lot of our arrows was try and get a nice cobble on

This guy and he’s down nice kept him at bay with a really good range of the whoa what happened oh woops accent let’s just take the health right there he just fell through the world I think happened to that guy’s crazy I yeah I kind of explored that way a

Little bit kinda wanna see what’s over here where those creepers order that we shot down see if there’s anything over here in it wait Oh any chest or anything like that is your secrets but three chests apparently of course that doesn’t mean that there’s zero secrets over the

Whole map is zero secrets that we know of they could just be hidden secrets like we seen before no I think old secrets beforehand have been secret so I guess maybe there are actually no secrets on this map big horde of zombies over here you guys whoa I don’t want to

Get the firework arrow whoa that was a lot of Hecate damage man really good hey we swipe attack right there nice put the second glaze this is maybe I don’t they should definitely add this snack in minecraft reach its really really good range damage make sure to

Hit by the my car that’s good Mitch do you guys see how many zombies are were right there Oh yep we got a bunch of arrows right there thanks to the to the hunters armor that we have that’s good 630 naked damage more farmer that’s I guess comparable to our current armor so

It’s not showing a green or a red arrow right there what else do we have around – yeah do think there’s an altar a pathway over there as well as it’s just behind us just making sure we clear out this area oh yeah I didn’t see that

Chest thank well I leave in the mini-map right there let’s one chest out of three apparently alright yeah that’s one out of three there may be more that it is hidden you can’t see what’s with that sword that’s kind of sticking out of that piece of paper that map and I

Grabbed that I guess we can that’s X I know it’s not stay next is rail too long because we might get hit by a hanging minecart and what that’s happened I don’t know how much damage will actually tell whoa whoa there’s like a cage over there is that some oh that’s the spawner

Hold on can we just roll yeah you can you can damage your spotter nice that’s good but it is foggy and a bunch of zombies Oh should I should I just dried all these zombies let it continue small audience aw bees and just give me you know potentially get loot because

Apparently I’m like where we have the the difficulty maxed out right now if we continue killing all these second zombies over here we may get a good chance of getting like even better armor although all we did just get some wolf all right there I don’t know if it’s in

Any but haste it is oh they’re like stud there’s so many of them right there the rack they’re actually stuck but I don’t look at the other arm we got right there though plus 170 health plus 12% weapon damage boost or a health items Co nearby

Allies yeah we saw that before it does have two enchantments though snowball try our trail deflect interesting there’s a small chance to deflect incoming projectiles interesting they’re not bad don’t know if I actually get it though but yeah seems like uh you know let’s just kill all these guys let’s

Just I can get them all and I’ll destroy the spawn or two there yo just cuz it’s kind of in the way there you go and there’s a pathway over here too so where’s this actually go last week you up there you go yeah I didn’t even really drop anything

Over there is that ghost spawner no just regular zombies I guess huh still have a pretty decent mount of arrows right now don’t really want to use him if I don’t have to especially with these big hoards of zombies over here in big groups makes more sense to

You so you leave and do that a OE attack and actually you know swipe multiple home at a time and hopefully kill multiple at a time I’m like we can’t do that with the openly and almost got hit by that minecart right there with a DOI

Ed we can basically do that with the all decent placement right there of the TT with a multi shot we can technically hit multiple oh oh I thought I should creep shot earth one shot creepers and creeps up but yeah I don’t think the multi shot

I’m like it was it like if I forget the percentage 30% or something like that I think it’s happened one time we got like seven them in a row oh do not get who did not get hit right there that’s good oh yeah I need to look at the

Percentage of this cuz I forgot it’s been a little while it’s been a couple days since I last reported more errors right there that’s good though the spawner a tenner makes us to throw TT right next to that thing nice and big explosion killed every zombie right there nice even it’s some substantial

Damage should have spotted let’s take care of it before next minecart spawns oh we got a strength potion mmm that’s good I can only imagine how much damage we gonna do here just a bit look at those elevators right there polling tons egg and redstone up to feed into this

Machine that they’re apparently building and you know here we might have missed down things to us just a spawner there’s a tent and a supply chest yep supplies over here nice bunch of arrows icing we’re at 102 right now 165 that’s amazing right there you guys this armors

Great free the villagers okay when we have until right there we have a villager we could free freed one of them three of them in total Oh dead it was your right there how’d he die – no idea I don’t I don’t want to shoot this TT

Right now cuz I don’t know where these other villages are just yet no I don’t want to do any accidental damage oh so there you go I’m just gonna swipe these guys with microwave make sure I stay nice and sealed up make sure all dice out seems like there’s an enchanter someone over

Here who say uh not hold on Gigi Oh what you through it that way wait that way so weird huh there you a nice little swipe and there you go to care of them that’s good but there is a some sort of guy with strength potion perfect Trinity damage oh there’s an

Enchanter there’s an enchanter instead of Hilla it is he stuck mining redstone freedom nice let’s kill this other guy really good brain trait they’re amazing and the other ones over here let’s get them and you’re free go home go home you’re free anymore over here alright

I’m gonna get on this model I don’t know if there’s anything actually up there though it’s gonna be kind of risky to go up that yeah think there is it just kind of goes down over here oh whoa there’s Annie Volker what oh my gosh what do you just say our distance

Thankfully we have some really good range stuff right now you guys we got a no vote committee boss battle when you watch out for kill these little I think they’re we called vexes you guys reminded me they’re called vexes not little demons although I guess they are still technically divas right sheesh

But where is the evoker himself may these all the way over there that’s where he is do it some okay damage to Hamlet of course we’re taking some substantial damage really good hit right there with the arrow oh man don’t think we actually hit him right then I think

We hit something else there you’ll kill that Dex oh it’s kind of like following us – we need lunch oh oh he’s a little bit of chop damage right there I gotta get him of the beacon if we ask some Souls we get spend oh my god I’m almost

Dead actually kill that fix Oh get away kill these vexes get away get away I’m almost dead I’m almost dead oh my god I almost ii i’d kinda want to get the oh no oh no oh no no kill the vexes oh there we go we got him I don’t get

The soul heal where is that at where is that there it is right there soul healer there you go use my souls to heal up a little bit of health and make sure I’ll it’s to die that’s good where’s the Evoque ER is he dead I don’t

Think I know okay and we just got far enough away okay there we go full heal right there with a heal Posen let’s get up roll me oh I get the environment at the environment mana ones are all right next to him in melee I’m down but I couldn’t there we

Go he’s down that’s good shadow prove they can’t see me anymore I’m going to sneak attack on them really good damage right there and the shadow brew does extra damage when we’re using a a we too so that’s great I know which we did level up right there

So that’s good we’re level 20 now we have another enchantment what are we gonna spend it on do I want to get cowardice too so we do extra damage one we fil can’t afford it though cuz that requires too much ants do we have no new

Melee yo whoa whoa get hit all zombies spawn in or something over here that’s X and then over here in this room before we leave though we can almost get another heal poacher to go full health that’s good I don’t see anything not say anything on the minimizer uh yeah we’re

At two out of three chests right now so I guess there’s still only one chest I don’t how big or small this map is it seems like it’s relatively small look at how many chests there aren’t we’re all ready to thirst away there you guys might be as long as last episode this

Continues its current pace right yeah couple creepers there nothing really too crazy we’ve got a shadow brew right there might just get up next to all these I can zombies wait for him to surround me and then uh man the aisle that are not surrounding me yeah cuz it

Can’t see me but now they gets around me so you know what there you go roll past them and I’m gonna do what do I go into the firework let’s do firework arrow it’s been a little while well multiple fireworks you want off right there nice no their

Shadow brew and now I can do oh man I messed up my opportunity I want to do the AoE attack right there you up and there you go nice yeah we’re still doing really well on arrows might as well use it so bulb really get it right there

With full pull back that’s amazing oh I thought these were creeper face isn’t lava there or redstone or whatever that is Oh maybe hit the crystal right there yeah arrow bundle I don’t know how many arrows a gala it everybody owes a lot it looked like sheesh gonna cancel this is

Now whatever all is a moldy shot that I think there’s anything over here random zombie arrows there if we can eat on that zombie that’s good nothing down here Mancha zombies up there might want to get on with the arrows there you go nice we got it with a multi shot that’s good

It’s melee this one right here that’s armored and a bunch of souls right there yeah we’re full of souls right now even though we only have 1 or +1 soul gathering or whatever still gathering some souls we’re not even really old man I hit the wall whoops but I really using

Our soul abilities too often I don’t switch out that other soul ability for the fire arrows cuz I like those get like what 7 or something that’s you get a pretty Stern now so let’s switch that back over artifacts fire arrows there you go slow that up just cuz I like

These I could fire arrows boom oh you would let this guy on fire I guess it not good zombie bag and lift and some people hide huh [ __ ] that’s amazing let’s get ourselves more Ambrose right there you’re actually starting gates more emeralds right now which is good

Its course we spent like all of our emeralds a couple episodes ago trying to get some really good artifacts and of course you start doing that with the the blacksmith because of course he does gear like armor weapons all the kind stuff while the other traveling trader guy does artifact stuff which we’ve

Already got some really good artifacts Mazal try getting some better gear right you know better armor weapons etc especially if we get like a better wither armor that’s amazing I would like to save myself a trip back to whatever map that was that that one guy told me

To go back to but either way it looks like I’m not seeing anything over here in this room so it will continue on yep I’m going over every uh every bit of the edge here or if I switch over to the wither armor just yet I think we’re fine

I think we’re pretty much just fine we threw off fire arrows right now so don’t want to forget about that because we’re going to be moving into a new area right here creeper oh man oh no we could sneak up off this good Oh a pig get on the

Fire workout and let’s kill him to get the loot you got some daggers oh my god I killed two creepers right there with one swipe that’s amazing you straw fire arrows so there we go I won’t hit the slider there’s zombies in the way and there we go really good hit

Right there nice and let’s hey are we these little mini slides as well as the last armored zombie nice an era bundle with a bunch of arrows great stuff there have a little bit of swiftness right now but as right there whatever you know what kinda

Want to use our beacon it’s been a little while there you go Spence no horses you know I don’t know at least do a little bit of damn show I don’t think I don’t look at those uh the daggers how good are those oh they’re not good at all

Only throw to one male damage what how Mike it’s oh we have another supply just over here yeah I figure I remember the supply chest does not count oh nice Bowl you Volker there can I get them man I don’t know if I can I want to

Get on with their arrows you’re full pull back and everything from a really good distance let’s go back to fire work arrow really good hit right there with a fire working or one more and he’s down man that was really good right there that evoker mini-boss battle from that’s

Hitting last very long jeez he went down quick quick quick another set of terrible daggers right there unfortunately it’s gonna heal whoops that’s the wrong button but anyways yeah we got firework errors right there SAS Couture fire arrows SP I’m not going to clean it off that yeah what else try to

Say I don’t think that tests Y just counts as a a regular chest down there bottom left yeah so we still have it oh my gosh look at all those Megan’s dog he’s there with the [ __ ] man these fireworks or yeah these fire arrows are amazing you guys awesome stuff you get

Like collaterals with them and everything I think you’re only able to do that with a four-pole back though I was testing it right there I think so we have one more full pullback behind him on fire but it didn’t it didn’t like go through them so that’s so maybe it

Was the multi shot that was doing that actually now that I think about it yeah sure you use a firework I kind of want to let’s get back to Pete we’re gonna get him down Skelton was in the way there you go yeah yeah yeah we’ve got a

Lot of arrows almost 400 we’ve started using them you guys Pacific there yo there’s another one freeze the villagers again how many this time six to pull a lot of villagers here it’s just your old man we’re actually taking substantial damage I want to keep our distance specially with these crossbow guys

Probably doing some substantial damage to us from a distance trying to snipe them down before they could actually do damage to us and actually kill us before we can save these these villagers here there you go take them down Oh a couple more I can hear some tink tink tink of the innocent

Villagers that are being kept here where that area is right there there’s one there’s a couple of melee guys here we could take out no problem especially when their weakened like that as well as decent like I should be able to out range them with my melee so that’s good

One free that’s good a couple more over here let’s try and keep our distance somewhat it’s hard to do it when there’s this environments just kind of crazy there you go oh man I could’ve got that guy in the minecart right there oh another villager nice freedom there you

Go he’s freed and all another enchanter villager got him down sniped him great shot right there self myself on that get back over here get these guys down nice crossbow guys down that’s good a boy that guy and got him down to 240 cm of damage good stuff GT right there I don’t

Know if I should use it just yet man yeah now do we have the TT on our heads we can’t use our bow unfortunately that sucks I won’t actually figure out where we’re going to throw there you go throw it that way that seems good there’s another fellow man I’m actually getting really

Low right there oh you know what you know what you know what can I do it again yes I can’t oh my god I got stuck right there hold on hold on oh there we go and you know what you know what you know what

You can time go down that’s good oh nice bought myself enough time to get myself a go on it stayed forever come on I’m trying man I’m getting the time here there we go a full heal almost a full hill I guess it only does like 200 Toy Story there we

Only got you into two points right there so that sucks but we have no life steal from this oh boy that’s a really good crossbow guy right there might want it yeah 35 damage yeah I want to watch how you guys all knives actually lured that guy into the minecart right there great

Stuff true 247 damage right there kinda wanna switch over to the to the widow armor I’ll switch over to that there you go so now we’re going to be stealing some some aura or life from these guys when we actually yeah leave that plus two plus three free that villager we have

For our six freed right now which is good the other ones are up there so let’s keep an eye on them there’s a mess oh nice didn’t get hit by the crossbow that’s good and we stunned him weakened him and killed him right there great stuff anymore any chefs or anything like that

Over here this probably were gonna hide them to be quite honest so I’m gonna check every corner every crevice where they can potentially hide a chest and here’s good to be a villager a villager and we do have our fire trail remember this fire trail does a really

Good amount of damage don’t want to forget about it at all cuz we upgrade this thing it just like 22 something damage per se almost a shot like that with a Genaro these all right well that’s all the village is saved so that’s good are you gonna go this way

Yeah all they’ll a free thang and zombies and the spiders the cave spiders some poison spiders have another pickaxe there’s the Bowser’s gives it what we had beforehand I guess huh and there’s a bunch of zombies down here Oh almost took damage right there I wonder if I took a lot of damage

Before all Oh No oh my god I just I rolled like writing to all those I get lobbies you know what am i I might want to lorem oh onto the minecart track and actually get hit by the mine covers it’s not working but do you smart they know I’m gonna get

That strength potion I’m going to annihilate every I can guy over here man we did some amazing damage right there oh god get away from the Quixote Oh big explosion they’re nice and an apple get me some regions for a little while at least kill that conspired Rostova oh yeah I do

Still have a strength right now nice CT killing things take advantage of the strengths that we have it’s right now we’re doing substantially more damage like what devil or something like that so might as well use this opportunity try and clear out the path and then wouldn’t go back backtrack a little bit

And of course every time we’re doing damage we’re getting a little bit of health back lunar health completely fools soaking up damage we have a little bit of uh what’s it called we’re taking less damage to another strength amazing just clear out these paths over here is

That the final chest I think it is the third and final chest perhaps unless there’s a hidden fourth chest around here somewhere get that cave spider right there did I get him biggie is yep he’s dead that’s good is this the final room it might be yep

Leave the mine seems like that’s where we need to go oh we know there’s there’s a room above that room this range is crazy you guys leave that that’s too awesome let’s check your map right here yep three on three and zero zero secret spouse that’s good almost mr. Admiral thing right there

What of course there is a little bit up there that we missed out on or you know just kind of past because we had a strong erosion or we just kind of pie past everything right there so let’s see what are these two rotating things I’m seeing down there

Oh they’re at molds how do I get down there I don’t think I can I think I think we opened up like an emerald chest or something and they fell down there now they didn’t go down oh do not get hit yeah all they can go down there unfortunately that sucks

Anything else in this room I don’t think so not seeing anything right now I think we’re going to be leaving the mine and that’s going to be old I guess I could attest it right there how much damage we don’t want to be taken oh yeah I guess

We can go back to that one map I don’t know if I’ll do it on camera off camera or what but I really want to get another up like a higher power level version or what boss battle Oh yep boss battle time the our children is spawning in what a

Widt so Gollum guru hold on how much damage we doing this guy actually okay amounts but we’re taking oh oh that’s lava that’s lava I’m staying away from that Aiden I am staying away from that beacon do your thing there you just watch out for his I guess I electrified

Charged oh my god land mines down there I guess cuz I say I stepped on one just ammo to go see if I’m getting with a firework arrow or something like that I don’t know where he is actually there he is strong my god I rolled right oh this is bad

Oh get away get him with the arrows again with the arrows with full super charge and everything trying to do as much damage as possible as steal some of his health to took him out right there no problem some daggers a self potion right here 598 damage we can almost

Steal up here just a moment daggers are actually green whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa 36 minutes 20 does that mean they do more DPS than the glaive maybe let’s test it out now what in Shamus do we have potentially echo what is that one some of you were told that’s just like

Weird while I get sicily on the ground golly that’s actually a decent boss battle right there I like that one that was really close right there though you guys if I didn’t have the lifesteal or oh whatever that you call it from this this wither armor yeah the lifesteal aura I don’t

Think I would have survived cuz I had like basically no life I was hitting with the arrows getting some life back that’s amazing damage right there you guys awesome stuff I don’t know if he actually took any damage from our fire trail there are 23 damage per second

Nice what do we have here echo we do have an enchantment so we can do this some of your attacks be followed up by another attack in rapid succession interesting fast and cooldown committed deal extra damage gets wood and enemies weakening we already know about that

When gravity pop whoa why is it so powerful oh I never even look at these yeah these enchantments here at common powerful powerful shockwave whoa and then here we have changed let’s read these real quick seems like a relatively safe area for us to read about these

Gravity this effect pulls moms in range towards the weapons impact point huh but it because it’s powerful it requires to enchant points to actually get round the bats what about this other one shock wave the last attack in a combo launches the shock wave damaging enemies all that

Seems really good too I’m thinking about the shock wave one you guys 21 damage and then the next one 31 now how big of an area is this shock with it what about chains I think we worried about that one before has a 30% chance to chain a cluster of

Mobs together and keeping them bound for a short time interesting there and that was that’s just common there hmm then we do have one enchantment can I can I get rid of anything right now Oh what was that leaching or radiance powerful and anything maybe I’ll keep these at least temporarily exploding

Mobs explode after their defeat and deals 20% of the enemy health as damage and then radiance has a 20% chance to spawn a circular area that heals all allies in it interesting so kind of like the healing totem I just just spawns randomly and it does

Ol 16 health field not that much but I can’t complain either way right but would that one be better than this exploding mom saying that does 20% of the enemy health is damaged I don’t know then of course we stop these daggers over here oh these are just regular ones prospector was this

One oh yeah find more emeralds yeah I get week approaches out out well honestly we have pickaxe here smiting yeah extra damage against the undead yeah we know about that one freezing yeah these are pretty boring 16 melee damage with a pickaxe oh that’s not too bad but of course our baseline melee

Damage is 75 with the glaive really good range so could be better right it’s 35 with that pickaxe ooh of course once again 75 to 110 extra range and the enchant well we have weakening there we have the time to cloud way of thundering there I’ll still salvage that pick

Though now but the daggers yeah which way yeah we have this one but the gravity in the shockwave currently equipped is there anything right now that I want to get rid of it potentially test out this because I don’t have any oh yeah we can go straight to a chance right here

The trick bow we haven’t used in a while we could probably get rid of that you guys still let’s salvage that there you go and then our old oh yeah that’s our other arm or hunters are meowing just save that one a mercenary armor plus 129 health 35% damage reduction

Same as it with our armor that was good and then 20 percent women danger boost aura and then we know about the wolf armor from earlier to use there’s nothing in it I’m not too crazy about honestly but we can now afford either shockwave or gravity I’m I’m leaning

Toward shockwave if it sounds really good you guys now we haven’t used a Gers in a little while but there you go now we have an excuse to use daggers so this seems really good you guys let’s see what’s up ahead now we just took on that boss

Battle right there damage right there 36 36 taking these guys on pretty fast of course with to get like right up next to him we’re not really testing out the shockwave vest yet it seems like that’s the end of the map right there you guys seems like we’re not able to really test

Out the shockwave they’re not too many enemies around here for this test it out on fortunately that sucks but we didn’t get everything off here though so that’s good zero zero three out of three oh yeah I did get a comment from someone saying these levels are actually I feel what

It’s called me I’ll put it at the bonus screen for the technical name for it but yeah these levels are like randomly generator which is interesting stress that actually is really cool for you guys if you guys are playing the game to see how it differs from how your world

Generated and it was let’s leave let’s finish the second map shall we so the room for true the images are building a dreadful Forge under the mountain alright let’s go back to the camp yeah seems like another relatively short episode today righ still around 30 minutes though

Which is actually good I don’t want to upload too many one hour long videos either way mission summary zero players down 59 items used 117 thousand five hundred thirty damaged L that’s amazing damage taken only 2793 healing done forty man that we almost died like two

Or three times there like we were so low I think during that evoker battle during that resto Gollum battle that’s good another fiery girl that’s even better our current one is what 220 range damage 222 and it’s record I guess we’ll switch over to it hey we

Just outand so there you go boom and we have six hundred and twenty four or five emeralds so you know what let’s buy some stuff from the blacksmith’s middle at a while let’s go over here let’s see what he has buy some stuff trade soul knife I

Love in this thing power level 36 this was like our main weapon for like one or two episodes and I loved it thrust attack 116 melee damage oh my gosh +2 soul gathering as well this thing seems amazing that’s more than the glue that’s more than the gleams like

High-end of course it’s not gonna be longer melee range or anything like that unfortunately only has one inch ants lot stunning chance to temporarily stun enemies that seems good for this freezing slows mobs for after a hit for three seconds I don’t how good that’s gonna be poison cloud has a 30% chance

To summon a poison cloud that deals damage to enemies in an area for three seconds that could be interesting I don’t think I’ve ever had that before I think I think it seems like we do all races done things when we melee him so I

And a 5% chance really low so I’m kind of leaning towards poison cloud right now you guys and I can’t believe I’m about to say it cuz this clay was amazing when I got it off camera but I’m thinking about I’m thinking about grinding it up you guys

Now I’m still gonna keep these daggers right here at least for right now because I want to continue to test them out the shockwave especially because it’s a powerful enchantment I want to keep testing that out but I do want to get an enchantment for our soul knife

Here now see how much damage that does it does 116 – haven’t apparently but don’t we do extra no just damage reduction okay yeah we should do oh that’s that’s still decently wait hold on so we’re behind these cobblestones right there really believe how far away are we

We’re at the same range whoa hold on hold on let’s go as far as what and then just click on them but of course it does have the AoE the day I don’t think the soul dagger has the AoE does it it does have the extra it’s slower

It’s slower to legally the speed right we hold on those faster yeah it’s faster than the glaive but the aerial effect is of course a lot lower powers better oh wait what in the world why the speed go down I don’t know I’m spent a static or

Something like that that made the speed go up substantially or maybe I was looking at the daggers are accidentally whoops if the speed is yeah it is it is slower than the glaive yep see right there it goes down but of course the power is a lot better leave that and

Then the area is lost smaller but of course the Damned but just the overall damage 116 116 foot damage four second wise how much is it 7-5 7-5 7-5 110 7-5 7-5 110 75 75 110 and it’s AoE and it’s weakening I may just keep the glaive

Just cuz I don’t know what’s better right now but the soul knife seems amazing I wish it had a better enchantment but for right now I’m gonna make that my main melee so that seems really good you guys it’s good right to the light Smith though because we still have money to

Spare we can buy like five more of these so we’re gonna get fee-farm or power level 36 plus 25% male attack speed that might be good for this this kind of thing the way I’m going down to Seoul knife because it is relatively slow let’s see how much

Faster it is now at the leaf armor boom boom boom let’s go back to wither armor yeah I could feel this a lot faster with yeah not a lot faster but a little bit faster with the thief on what was it yeah 25 whoa 246 health that is incredible

That’s why I want to get the wither armor where did I get this thing I need to go check my episode because it so oh and then we unlocked fire Forge for next episode of course I really I think it was either cacti Canyon or desert temple

That we got her right I think it was desert temple it’s not shown to here though there is apparently one thing that’s unknown I may end up doing this off-camera again and hopefully finding a better piece of armor cuz I don’t know if I don’t know if you guys want me to

Do like it actually still repeated the same level again unless of course when we missed out on a lot of Secrets I don’t know if we look missed out on last secrets over at desert temple probably by the time we did that we started actually looking for them maybe I don’t

Know either way next up fiery forges actually read the story for this one monstrosity zuv war the beating heart of the ill germ or machine is the source of the arch illa Girardi’s power Vindicator axes redstone golems and enchanter spell books all originate from the fires of

This vile place this fortress has long been impossible to breach and none would even dare try but even a place like this must have a secret entrance ooh all right well I think we might know where that secret interest is because we can start a next second episode right

Either way as it’s tradition now let’s go over here let’s go to the house let’s actually go or that I I guess we’d call it trophy oh whoa whoa with these these new I don’t know but speed of things renew yeah that’s Rose Room over there it does occasionally have new things and

Let’s go see if there’s anything new over there now see if I could actually notice anything around that let’s go a little bit closer so we can actually see it looks I don’t see the new me personally that is something above that bookshelf is that Neal I don’t know if

That is maybe like a pot I can’t see it something right there that might be something but if we compared to Lando last episode it might just it might still be there from last episode who knows but just just me looking right now I’m personally not seeing anything different are you guys

Seeing anything different if so let me know in the comments down below because there are things here that get added apparently as we’ve seen from previous episodes these flowers were new the anchor was new I think these mushrooms might have been new at one point in time that that shield right there was

Probably new at one point in time and I think they creeper statue right there that like a tap and a topical creeper statue I think that’s always been there so that’s cool either way like I said earlier oh let me find this all Lobby chest before while I do the outro hey

Noise figures all very much watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to let me know by leaving a like down below and if you guys want more of these awesome videos be sure to hit that subscribe button that’s what my latest videos aren’t eat you bone beige as soon

As they come out so you don’t miss an episode is next time we come back with some more minecraft dungeons we’re gonna go over to the fiery Forge and take out the beating heart of the art schillingers armory apparently right that sounds really cool either way I’m

Not having any luck funny sloppy doll there it is right there I found it but anyways you guys already know the deal be sure to hit that like button if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to hit that subscribe button if you guys want more of these awesome videos and I’ll

See you guys here next time with some more minecraft dungeons where we’re gonna be going to the fiery Forge so I’ll see you guys here next time Oh bye You

This video, titled ‘🤖 REDSTONE GOLEM, POWERFUL ENCHANTS, REDSTONE MINES! – Minecraft Dungeons Ep.9 (Gameplay Let’s Play)’, was uploaded by TheWaffleGalaxy on 2020-06-16 21:00:08. It has garnered 23608 views and 602 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:22 or 2182 seconds.

Minecraft Dungeons gameplay / let’s play / playthrough with Waffle! Minecraft Dungeons is a dungeon crawler inspired action-adventure game in the Minecraft universe! ▶︎ Be sure to LIKE the video if you enjoy! 👍

▶︎ Become a member of the 🧇 Syrup Squad to get your name in my outro, access to our Discord server, and more! –

Fight your way through an all-new action-adventure game, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers and set in the Minecraft universe! Brave the dungeons alone, or team up with friends! Up to four players can battle together through action-packed, treasure-stuffed, wildly varied levels – all in an epic quest to save the villagers and take down the evil Arch-Illager! • Power Up! Unlock dozens of unique items and weapon enchantments for devastating special attacks. • Multiplayer! Up to four players can team up and fight together in co-op mode. • Options! Personalize your character, then fight up-close and personal with melee swings, hang back with ranged attacks, or tank your way through swarms of mobs, shielded by heavy armour! • Epicness! Explore treasure-stuffed levels in a quest to take down the evil Arch-Illager!

▶︎ Minecraft Dungeons (Gameplay / Let’s Play / Playthrough) series playlist –

▶︎ Play Minecraft Dungeons on Windows PC here –

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▶︎ Minecraft Dungeons is a family friendly, PG, clean video series.

▶︎ Thank you to Xbox Game Studios for providing a free copy of this game to play on my channel!

▶︎ #MinecraftDungeons #Minecraft #Dungeons #Gameplay #LetsPlay #Playthrough #Gaming #TheWaffleGalaxy

▶︎ Outro Music: The Funk Hunters – Soul City –


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    SlyCraft: Downtown Saint Ender - The MovieVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-06-16 22:20:06. It has garnered 31059 views and 789 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:12 or 13452 seconds. MINECRAFT DOWNTOWN SAINT ENDER: THE MOVIE If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Scary Reactions / Gaming] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / PG13] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial Intro Music: Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more… Read More

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  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

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  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,,,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More