Top 10 Hidden Minecraft Secrets

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From a secret Sky Dimension to a Shuler without a box here are 239 super secret Minecraft things you probably didn’t know honey blocks have a crazy feature bely anybody knows about they’re actually just a little bit smaller than a normal block meaning you can shoot arrows between them like me later

Fortress Builders dolphins are one of the smartest animals in the world and it’s no different in Minecraft if you give a dolphin enough a fish it’ll actually begin to swim to the nearest underwater chest as thank you for feeding it Enderman already want the most creepy and Powerful mobs in the

Game they absolutely didn’t need another buff to make them even stronger but they got exactly that usually an Enderman will just teleport out to the way of an arrow or other projectile first if they’ve got nowhere to teleport to the arrow will just bounce off like it’s

Nothing cheaters luckily there is a way to make Enderman completely powerless yeah sort of sure you can just Place water at your feet but that’s old news if you accidentally trigger an Enderman by looking into its eyes don’t look away for some reason Ender won’t move at all

All as long as you hold eye contact and what do you do from here good question moving on this villager trade is so incredibly overpowered you won’t believe it exists if you have a villager who trades emeralds for wheat in a desert village you’ve just hit the

Jackpot baby all you need to do is go around the village collect an absurd amount of hay bales and craft all of them into wheat voila your very own Emerald machine the only downside to trading with villagers is that you’ll be running out of emeralds very fast so if

You’re a bit of a cheater like me Chan’s a ulty of Your World to hard with a slash difficulty command and lure a zombie to a villager with the best trades once the Villager gets zombified trap him in an iron blocks place a bed and start stuffing him with golden

Apples and Potions now you’ve got yourself the best deals on the planet although this does feel kind of wrong what’s better than food free food and you can get this easily if you use a campfire to cook it because this uses zero fuel I know I’m being a cheap skate

Here but a penny saved is a penny earned am I right you can even attach a hopper to the campfire and always have food ready for you be honest how many times have you died at the worst time possible and lost everything so if you don’t want

To end up like filza here’s a trick to get infinite health and save all your goodies first eat an enchanted golden apple and follow that up immediately with a plain Golden Apple wait for the absorption effect to run out and then do this all over again do this correctly

And even the Ender Dragon can’t do anything to you a campfire smoke is kind of pathetic it only lasts for about 10 blocks before fading away however if you place a hay bale beneath it it will use that extra fuel to create a 25 BL High Smoke stream it’s obviously super cute

That foxes can pick up and steal your items but did you know they can actually use them too if you try killing a fox while it’s holding a totem it won’t die and just runs away from you like the monster you are luckily this feature doesn’t work on dogs foxes can also eat

Chorus fruit of given the opportunity and presumably get really confused after you can go upstairs much faster if you’ve got Auto jump enabled finally may be a reason to use this every Minecraft players worse nightmare is having a creeper sneak in or spawn in their base

And having it blow up everything but to make this a little less disastrous you can water lug your chest to make them blast resistant I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve missil on a shipwreck because of not being able to see through the damn ocean however this

Is easily fixable with a little bit of a help back in 1.19 if you set your camera at just the right angle on the water surface you could see through the entire ocean and find anything on the seabed but but Maro isn’t this technically x-ray what else did you expect nerd you

Will never believe where the sound design for gas came from everyone’s favorite Minecraft song maker C418 had a cat that often made Disturbed noises while it slept during the development phase he thought that these noises would be the perfect tracks to use for the guest no wonder they seem so disturbing

For years Mojang has been fixing thousands of bugs but there is one that is detrimental to the entire game what is it you might ask cookies don’t have sugar in their crafting recipe I would actually be better off eating cement LA with TNT gunpowder than cookies without

Sugar is that even a cookie at that point for this one I want you to look at the sun very closely hey no not in real life not had some crazy ideas back in the day from a red dragon to a Sky Dimension there was one change that was

So weird no one could have guessed why it was even implemented I’m talking about not’s decision to make the sun round in fact he did exactly that for One beta pre-release weird decision for a game based on literal cubes personally I think dogs in Minecraft need more

Customization yes I know they are adding the wool Farmer in the next update but I want to dream bigger in the Bedrock edition of Minecraft there was a hilarious glitch that would actually let you die the entire dog why did they need to have more dogs oh no I’m going to die

In this lava well actually no as I have an expert way to get out of this certain death situation if you are burning in lava quit the game and then relo when you log back in you will actually have 3 seconds of complete invincibility but to

Be warned it won’t get rid of the burning so you may still burn to a crisp once you get out are a staple part of Minecraft needed for everything from exploiting the trade market to summoning their iron protectors just for them to burn in your iron farm however when

Villagers were first added they were only meant to spawn in the plains biome but one mistake within Minecraft’s code had them spawning in the ocean and having really nice wooden P Mojang realized the mistake and panicked thinking of how to deal with it so they decided to make it a feature instead

Yeah it’s now a feature not a mistake there is a secret item in Minecraft that Mojang really does not want you to know about certain blocks in Minecraft are unattainable with out the use of commands the command blocks barriers and this elusive item the debug stick this was actually introduced as Mojang kept

Adding blocks to the game that were becoming buggier and buggier hitting a block with this stick will actually change the state of a block and the funniest part this mistake is meant to fix other mistakes no this guy is going to steal my diamonds quick quick wait

What’s in this chest oh it’s scaffolding I can use this I just have to play scaffolding like this and then spam clicking and then I can get away yes this mistake is something that Minecraft seriously needs to remove as it can be very overpowered in these Manhunt

Situations but it is very fun to do Minecraft’s biggest problem is that the Ender Dragon doesn’t look like a dragon at all so we’re going to be fixing that with Ender Dragon revamped this texture pack transforms him from a harmless lizard to an actual terrifying Dragon combine this with these enhanced bus

Bars and your pants are going to be going from Blue to Brown real quick someone help there’s hot singles in my area if you want to have the same problem as me this pack allows you to change that awful boring message as you go to bed you can’t sleep yet

Mon get out of here looking at the textures for crops and flowers makes me want to throw up I mean why even use Sprites and 2D models in 2024 instead Mojang should have taken a page out of 3D Tomato’s book not only does this pack use much better models you can even see

The tomatoes at each stage of their growth axelos are amazing but can you trust them a secret message was found in Minecraft’s release notes saying the axelos are not what they seem one can only imagine what Sinister Secrets whose adorable axelos are hiding finding a large Diamond vein is great what’s even

Crazier is a maximum Diamond vein it’s a whopping 48 diamonds this only happens when the max Diamond vein in a chunk connects to four other chunks at the same time unlike regular skeletons nether skeletons don’t have bows but if they did the bow would shoot fire and

There’s already plenty of that in the nether already being stuck in a cave without any torches is one of the worst places a player can find themselves in but this rejected minus helmet would have brought an end to that this helmet was intended to have a torch on top of

It that would light the way as you explor the caves but why was this rejected well probably because it would require Dynamic lighting similar to how opined does lighting and torches but who knows maybe one day we will see this helmet Again Minecraft skins are kind of

Pointless you can’t see your own skin in first person leading to most single players just never setting a skin obviously you have access to F5 but what would Minecraft have looked like if our next rejected idea got into the game mirrors imagine the builds people would have made using mirror Maes huge

Reflective art and so much more this one is a real shame I just want to stare at myself all day hates having to take my bed everywhere in Minecraft I could be planning a huge adventure to find a hidden treasure and I’d have to pack all

The essentials my tools some food and an entire queen-sized bed it just feels wrong and I now see why there was a rejected Minecraft idea that was always intended to take over for beds in this style the sleeping bag the sleeping bag would have been more like a portable bed

But then Mojang realized there was not much point in adding this to the game when people could just make another bed everyone knows that you can’t stack different types of slabs on top of each other apparently if you go to the world border and make a set like this you can

Use a piston and yep it makes a really cursed looking block this one’s true mangrove trees are super cool especially because they’re the only tree that can be grown under waterer right well the proper G is the only thing that can actually be placed down here and works perfectly saplings however get broken

Almost immediately almost immediately if you’re quick enough you can actually grow trees down here this definitely doesn’t feel right but hey the game’s a game this one says that if you spawn a cat in a witch Huts it’ll always be black I’ve spawned about 50 of these

Things in here and they all black so I’ll say that’s confirmed breaking blocks like clay under waterer is so annoying sure there’s the old door trick but that’s no fun compared to TNT but mow TNT doesn’t work underwater wrong all you need to do is Place sand or

Gravel on top before lighting it and it works perfectly it barely even damages you you can actually do the opposite as well placing an anvil on top of TNT before lighting it will stop it from breaking any blocks at all it doesn’t even damage the Anvil and again you take

Almost no damage from the blast and in case Le you don’t have a big enough iron Supply to waste on literally blowing up there’s a cheaper alternative in placing TNT on top of a half slab instead for some reason this also reduces the blast radius significantly but unfortunately

You still take quite a lot of damage if you’re still using oak acaia or wood you’re a massive Noob use bamboo instead this is because bamboo is wood but on steroids how you may ask well bamboo grows super fast and the best part you can Farm These almost instantly with just a stone

Sword the bamboo is mine wait maybe I should just buy wood from a villager instead there are quite literally thousands of duplication glitches in Minecraft but one of these is beyond overpowered all you have to do is Place fences below an end portal and drop a gravity block from three blocks above

The portal unfortunately though Mojang hates us having fun since this only existed in Java 1.19 wait what if I do this with when you leave and rejoin a world you get a couple seconds of invincibility so if you find yourself in a bit of a spicy situation you can leave

And rejoin over and over and swim to safety like you’re made out of obsidian The Shield is one of the most overpowered items in the whole game it can block Fireballs for God’s sakes but did you know that if you go through a portal while holding right click you’ll

Be permanently blocking in the next Dimension letting you sprint and attack while literally Invincible you can send secret messages with skull blocks skull usually spreads to stone blocks when it absorbs experience but it won’t take over Blocks made with slabs so simply write some letters out with slabs and

Find a way to cover it sometimes it can be difficult to tell just how load your ability or tools are while mining but if you hit F3 and H at the same time you’ll get the exact number of blocks that can mine left you nerd but how exactly do

You get lots of bone meal fast if you can’t find a cherry blossome biome one of the best supplies for this is the Soul Sand valleys in the nether you should be breaking each bone block you see here since they give nine bone meal a piece couple this up with the farming

Techniques I told you about and you could dominate your entire server with the amount of food you’d have yeah I’m starting to think I like food a bit too much what if I told you that it’s possible to have ladders without having any ladders for some reason Minecraft

Freaks out when it comes to scaffoldings and lets you jump on their Edge this means you can spam the space bar and get all the way to the top super fast however this isn’t limited to scaffoldings alone you can do this with powdered snow too and getting down is

Incredibly simple just hold Crouch while you’re on the edge bad idea if you thought that it rains because of clouds you’re a noob above the first set of clouds you see is another set of clouds that you can’t see according to notch this gray area is actually where the

Rain actually comes from what’s even weirder is that the rain falls one block into the void layer yeah this was definitely never meant to happen this is a Minecraft trails and taals trailer and this is normal Minecraft yeah this sucks but we can fix this by using the Bare

Bones pack this just seems to bring everything to life and we can make it even better by using the Nostalgia shaders I guess I won’t be needing to bleach my eyes now but but there’s one more pack that we can add to make this even better than the trailer I’m talking

About simple hot bar which changes all the vanilla hunger bars parts and even the UI boxes moving on to one of Minecraft’s most important items cakes according to the way cake disappears in the game it’s clear that good old Steve is eating it vertically this is clearly gamebreaking and ruins my immersion

Mojang should have used better cake slices instead which makes the cake disappear chunk by chunk instead finally the game is playable one of the most poor decisions was to make every every single enchantment book look the same look at all these books I bet you can’t even tell the difference however using

Visual enchantments that only adds these sick animations to each book but it also applies the same animations to whatever you enchant now this is something that should have been in the game for years talking about mobs there’s turns in Minecraft but did you know this mob was

Actually changed into an item that mob is the humble sign yes originally it was class as a mob which could only be spawned by pressing B and only had a pre-written message on it don’t try to rate a baby Strider as even if you use a

Command to tame a baby’s strier and have a saddle on it the moment you ride it into lava your catch on fire the baby is just too small to protect you from it did you know that Steve wasn’t always called Steve he actually didn’t have a

Name at first and they had to scramble to come up with one when they agreed to have him show up in the indie game Super Meat Boy this special secret about iron could save your home because it turns out an iron chain is the same resistance against explosions as a full iron block

Despite being made with way less materials for them in your walls and you’ve got a fortress being in the ground at night is to much safer than being above ground there are less places for enemies to spawn and more places for you to hide however imagine a world

Where this was perhaps not the case if this rejected idea had gotten into the game caves could have been far more terrifying ghost miners are intended to be added into Minecraft to be an exclusively underground enemy for you to fight able to slide through walls while slowly approaching you I do not like

Ghosts people often wonder why it took Mojang 5 years to add in a new Overworld biome and it is because of this rejected Minecraft idea originally Mojang were working on a giant redwood forest biome this most likely would have come out at some point around 2020 or perhaps even

Replaced a biome like the giant tree tiger I certainly hope Minecraft brings us back one day the most useful chests in Minecraft is certainly the Ender Chest but sometimes it feels way too small and as so there is never enough room for all of my valuable items if

This next rejected idea had been made you would have said by to all of your storage issues expandable Ender Chest were originally planned up around the same time as the end Islands update as Mojang wanted players to be able to transfer important blocks from one location to another however Mojang

Decided that the best way to do this would be through shulkers as opposed to expanding an Ender Chest all my life I’ve made this huge enchanting setup with all these bookshelves but apparently you only need 15 bookshelves in total meaning this tiny setup works just as well as this one and wait is

Actually true my life is a lie there are three different types of Overworld frog warm cold and temporary but supposedly there’s a for secret frog you can only get in the end if you take two frogs and lead them to the stronghold send them through the portal and feed them slime

Balls the Tad balls will grow into Super frogs Yeah I just made that up there just normal myth busted this m says you can shoot fire arrows to the bottom of a lava cauldron but there’s no way that’s true can you even shoot below them at

All huh well I guess it is true I I know that am I stupid or something are you one of those weirdos that prefers using donkeys over horses for the extra storage space first of all why are you using horses in the first place it’s 2023 man get elytra but secondly llamas

Are way better option they can have up to 15 inventory slots and form groups of 10 that follow each other around using Sher boxes you can transport up to 4,000 stacks of blocks with you that’s this many blocks more than you’d ever need and if you need another reason to make

The switch to llamas check this out while horses and donkeys just sink like rocks when you try to ride them in water llamas can swim you still can’t control them or anything but if you need a fancy pool float or something llamas work perfectly fireworks can be used for a

Bunch of things these days but I’ve bet you never thought of making a cannon with them that’s right fireworks launch from dispensers actually do damage to mobs meaning firework crossbows are out and this is the new best way to take out mobs speaking of if you’re looking for a

Block to build your TNT base Farms Out of Water logged leaves might be for you they’re totally blast resistant and super easy to get a hold of just be careful you don’t accidentally flood your Redstone and portal Flames are one of the only impossible blogs to break in

Minecraft right wrong using a red mushroom plat just right you can grow it with bone meal and use it to totally delete the frames chests usually can’t be opened when they’ve got a block above them so explain how this works it’s actually just a stair placed backwards

This also works with any other block that’s not just as big as a normal block such as farmland or path blocks and leaves you a bunch of new opportunities to hide away your goodies skeletons can usually see you from about this far it’s around 16 blocks which to be fair is

Pretty good for a life form with bones for eyeballs but if you Chuck on a mob head like a zombie or skeleton skill this distance gets much smaller and allows you to get as close as eight blocks away without them seeing you the only problem is that now I can’t see

Anything speaking of skeletons there’s actually a super clever way to get music discs that I bet you didn’t know the arrows will turn to Fireballs when shot through Lava and can even light TNT this means you can collect a bunch of creepers in a pit and blow them all up

With a skeleton like this and end up with dozens of music discs almost instantly hitting a mob with a channeling Trident and a thunderstorm makes possibly the worst noise in the game it’s so loud you’ve heard of going above Bedrock but what about below it in an older version of Minecraft you could

Phase through the bottom layer of Bedrock by placing a boat on the thinnest part of the water okay this was a horrible idea dad I wish I couldn’t see the flower textures forever Mojang decided to curse My Eyes by using 2D Sprites for all potted plants and not

Making them 3D this almost feels as wrong as mining diamonds with a stone pickaxe where the the diamonds being able to BL floating lava should be a walk crime however by using seven slime blocks five sticky pistons four redstone blocks and four obsidian you can set up this machine that lets you place

Floating lava blocks the best part is this isn’t even limited to Lava you can do the same thing with water rails are one of the best things Mojang added to the game but we can make them even better by simply putting a trapo below them which makes it so they can float in

Midair Paar this up with a Contraption like the one shown to get mine cards with infinite momentum and you can quite literally have the most illegal rail we in the game you should always have a hoe that is Enchanted with fortune 3 when farming which will allow you to quite

Literally triple the rate at which you can get food for example you can get up to nine melon slices for each melon block farmed this enchantment is so broken bone meal is one of the most important resources you need in order to get riched fast and in the Cherry Grove

Biome you can get a huge amount of it in just a few minutes to do so quickly Harvest all the pink petal as you see or you can be even faster and use a water bucket and place the water like this to get a huge flow give me all those battal

If everything in Minecraft is a cube it only makes sense that the Sun and Moon should be two while Notch made them into squares in an old version of the game we can take this one step further by using the cubic Moon and Sun packs this makes

It so that your world’s day and night cycles are controlled by these massive cubes although you don’t want to look at them directly my eyes I can proudly say that I’ve never been scared of mobs in Minecraft but this kind of Pride goes down the drain after using Gray’s mob

Overhaul the simple texture p makes every mob look like a Frankenstein creation from the skeletons to the zombies to Striders to the weer every single mob is going to force you to either take a quick trip to the washroom or just set your monitor on fire did I

Also mention that creepers actually look creepy now instead of looking like Snot balls while gr’s mob overhaul is horrifying we can upgrade that to trauma inducing by using spawn animations instead of appearing out of thin air like they usually do mobs now dig themselves out to the ground even though

This is scary making mobs scarier than they are right now is something that Mojang should have added to the game long ago the current textures for leaves look as bad as a bald man sticking chunks of hair on his head yeah it’s disgusting however better leaves can fight this absolute Tragedy by making

The leaves look like well actual leaves by adding death to each individual part of the leaf block it was this simple a nether portal Mojang design just feels empty by that I mean it’s like someone threw up a purple poster however we can see its true potential by using the

Mystic nether portal not only does this give a massive texture over but also adds these ancient letters into the portal animations itself fun fact the symbols you see are the actual letters that Minecraft uses throughout the game the standard galactic alphabet but that’s not even the best part your

Portal can be green orange or even red depending on whether or not you use traditional texture packs the villagers are hiding a secret they’re actually super fast don’t believe me well it only happens during Nightfall when they’re under attack their top speed is actually faster than a player sprinting I don’t

Know you say ball was white Mojang but a secret that’s hiding in plain sight see this Crystal actually has a secret message written on it it’s the word Mojang it’s a fact that game updates can reverse so changes but in early Minecraft development this happened a lot at one point they stopped leaves

Disappearing when the trees were cut down then changed it back to disappear then stopped it again and then again chains it to disappear a Cool Secret your friends W know is that while witches can fight each other they might never win their healing potion is more

Than their damage so you can put them in a glass box and set them up as a permanent display Redstone can be used in two different ways we either a genius who can create a working computer in Minecraft or you place a button next to a note block this next rejected

Minecraft idea would have brought an entirely different level to Redstone engineering the timer block would have given off a redstone pulse after the timer had reached zero this would have been amazing for setting up traps and messing with your friends Minecraft’s Food Solutions are kind of boring the

Only food in the game you can actually place is the cake and the E it too however did you know that originally the pumpkin pie was intended to be a placeable block similar to the cake it would have worked the same way as the cake where you take a couple of slices

At a time until until your hunger is full I am honestly not sure I Mojang never implemented this step right up step right up come and try for your prize we have iron horse armor Diamond horse armor gold horse armor and a regular boring saddle well those prizes

Hardly seem fun I wish there was a different type of Saddle well originally there would have been before they decided to make horse armor they were originally planned to be different saddle types instead now we get the same regular boring saddle you can use these fire arrows to light TNT but what else

Does this work with eggs of projectiles do they work oh yeah they do snowballs would just melt wouldn’t they nope that works too okay there’s no way the fishing rod works too it does that’s insane oh no have you ever been to the cinema and had your eardrums blown out

By the super loud noise well Legend has it this was actually added to Minecraft if you find a 2% screaming goat it has a one in4 chance of dropping the coal horn and when you blow It I say that’s confirmed you can make a door with end rods that mobs can’t get through this one’s weird because the end rods are thin enough for us to walk through so why wouldn’t mobs be able to oh huh I guess it works that’s strange

Maybe they see them as full blocks so they do with trap doors grindstones remove the enchants from items so surely it makes sense for it to do the same for a nut apple right oh I guess not why would you even want to do that wait what

If I put an enchantment on it with an anvil and then put it in the grindstone after there we go I’ll call that one a maybe although it doesn’t look it villagers can actually wear armor they can even wear mob heads and pumpkins but nobody wants to see that you can use

Dispensers to equip it to them and even put enchantments on each piece of armor including Thorns enchantment God that’s an embarrassing death message oh and by the way that mob head thing works on piglins too and it’s somehow even worse everyone knows how cowardly villagers are especially around

Anything that even has a possibility of hurting them but I bet you never notice they actually sweat during raids at least I hope that sweat they really don’t have much to worry about though because some of these villagers actually have morals these scary guys called vindicators refuse to kill baby

Villagers so at least when they grow up they can rebuild the village never mind luckily this crazy lightning generator isn’t quite as loud you can make it with a piston lightning rod and channeling Trident and having a bunch of them allows you to do well not

Much really but I guess you can trap your friend in a box like this and give them an electrifying experience did you know that you can actually totally skip the ender dragon fight by building a simple flying machine like this you can fly all the way to the outer Islands

Without so much as touching the Ender Dragon allowing you to raid as many end cities as you want for all the loot you could ever dream of however the only way out is eh down there so do this at your own risk I guess Snow Golems will die almost instantly underwater while Iron

Golems will sink but just kind of chill this is already strange enough but it gets even weirder when you realize you can actually spawn Snow Golems underwater but not Iron Golems but while we’re down here here’s another Co underwater a fact that might even save your life next time you find yourself

Stranded outside at night swarmed by mobs and unable to sleep try heading into a river or ocean you’ll be able to chuck a bed down and sleep just fine you can even breathe down here for some reason everyone knows that the weather is immune to arrows in its second phase

First I bet you didn’t know that fireworks will still damage it letting you sit back and relax as you watch the show oh crap wait it can still hit me baby foxes might be the cutest mob in the entire game which is why I’m sorry

That I have to show you this next fact and some older versions that actually so adorable and Tiny and if they find themselves in water their mouth is actually underwater and they’ll end up drowning whole thing have you ever noticed how item drops in Minecraft are always vertical I’m no Einstein but how

Can a piece of armor stay upright well item physics makes this much more realistic by making all items drop horizontal not only that it also manipulates how items lay on the ground to trick you into thinking that they are actually in contact with the blocks below them H I love playing Minecraft

For realism Brewing charts will be the end of me why couldn’t the devs have just told us what potion each item makes kind of like what Alchemy helper does by adding what kind of potion will be made if you brew an item this even goes as far as adding extra information to

Flowers to make it easier to craft suspicious stews in the 1.6 update of Minecraft they added horses and it turns out this was brought in from an unofficial fan mod Mojang saw Dr Zark’s mo creatures mod and even copied the horse model itself wanding Traders look great but what your friends don’t know

Is that you can breede their llamas and the babies will keep the clothes of their parents it’s a weird little detail but you can make a whole Army of fashionable llama Mojang love making secret references to other games such as when an avoka sees a blue sheep the

Evoker casts a unique spell makes a weird wolo sound and turns a sheep red it’s a reference to Age of Empires where monks would convert enemies to their side chanting wol l l and changing their color time to headit the town for a sharping spray let’s see a Fletching

Villager well that makes sense a librarian selling books that also makes sense a cleric selling and Engineering component wait what surely that must have been a redstone villager well actually it turns out yes there was meant to be a redstone villager a villager who would only sell and accept

Redstone components and torches the problem was the rest of his trades it was very difficult to find a balanced way to get emeralds and trade them back to him without being insanely expensive or way too easy to obtain decorating in Minecraft is really difficult and frustrating imagine a world where your

Furniture could look like actual Furniture now this is better this was actually Mojang’s original plan however at the time it was a lot more difficult to implement this and Mojang had so many bugs to fix across their versions so they just abandoned the idea leaving it to amazing modders to make this starting

To kick back and watch some mow YouTube videos where you should subscribe speaking of golden apples apparently there’s always one single Golden Apple in this chest right here and it’s actually the key to a secret room in the ancient city if you take it down here

And eats it in this exact spot this door will open all that’s inside is a bunch of redstone stuff I don’t understand but hey it’s true and if we head back up there’s this huge abandoned portal looking thing right in the middle of the city but have you actually seen anyone

Like this thing before here we go it works let’s see where it takes us oh just another probably because this is actually just obsidian this one’s false apparently you can actually make two block jumps with cactus or fire damage you just have to time it perfectly got the but I did it I’ve

Heard you can do it with a bubble column too oh yeah that’s way easier and much less painful you can get floating Minecraft tracks by placing them on trap doors and flipping them down aside from this just looking really weird you can make some pretty crazy traps of this as

All the rails disappear at once when anything updates them while testing this I realize you can actually walk underneath trap doors even though you’re way taller than this Gap and your head even sticks into the trapo yo mow is that a fresh cut no no no no no please

Shulkers are one of the most mysterious mobs in Minecraft I can’t even figure out what they’re supposed to be but it turns out if you throw inis visibility potion at one all is revealed the shuler’s shell disappears leaving the shulker at self floating in midair I’m still no closer to understanding what an

Earth this thing is but I guess he’s like cute it’s common knowledge now that villagers are the best way to farm items but it takes so long to cure them but it turns out if you place iron bars near the zombie villager you can actually

Speed it up a bunch the wiki says this works with beds too but when I tested this it seemed like it was fake but let me know in the comments if it works for you it’s no secret that Mojang is sometimes a little lazy when it comes to

Textures with bedrock just being an overly Satur at Stone and endstone being an inverted version of cobblestone but I bet none of you realize that the jungle log texture is just a rotated version of the oog speaking of being overpowered though did you know that creepers can climb ladders I’m already terrified of

Getting ninjab bombs by them in Ravines why do I have to be scared of this now too Birds creepers have been hiding another secret from us too if they’re affected by a potion effect from an arrow or you know a potion when they explode they’ll leave a lingering pool

Of that potion effect wherever they stood what can you use this for don’t ask questions moving on if you’re a psycho and actually play Bedrock this chunk visualizer is the only thing that can keep you sane not only that it even displays a coordinates without having to

Bring up this ugly menu that takes up half the screen but mow can we just use the F3 shortcut stop Bedrock players aren’t allowed an opinion imagine if Minecraft had a setting where you can make all the utility tweaks you ever needed better textures a real time clock

A coordinate H everything that’s why vanilla tweaks is the most overpowered mod to exists in the game this is the ultimate all-in-one pack that allows you to modify any texture and download utility within seconds most importantly you can rehaul way your entire game looks with tons of block textures look

At my massive crop field can you even tell which of these are ready to be harvested yeah not even Herobrine would be able to do that fortunately though easy Farm can be outlining fully grown crops in white this is especially useful for nether warts because they all look

The same for God’s sake mobs in Minecraft just seem to plop over as they die and this is awfully boring something like tortur will health bars is far better the warden loses an ear the Enderman starts looking like he went through war and Jaws for skeletons fall

Off fleshier mobs like the zombie and husk lose parts of their head wait this game just became pg18 a fish out of water bounces and flops but you can actually get them jumping way higher on a slime block they’ll gain height sometimes up to 17 blocks high the world

Famous creeper is the face of Minecraft but they actually have a secret past they weren’t designed they were an accident like my birth the developers are trying to make pigs but instead of making them long they made them extra tall this created the frightening creature we know today did you know that

Spiders never touch the ground that’s because of how the model is made even though it’s on the floor the legs never actually reach the block below it a secret dirty little trick you can do is build an end portal above your friend’s bed so when they respawn they’ll

Instantly teleport to the end and we’ll have to live there until the bed or the portal is broken the nether is a pretty and easy place and none of quite as uneasy as the soul stand Valley with massive expanses of sand containing trapped Souls but one day they decided

To add in these massive bone structures to resemble a long dead species now what if I told you that this species was originally going to have lived in the Overworld that is right as there was originally going to be large skeletal remains found deep underground but unfortunately they had some issues with

Spawning and were rejected and instead used as a structure for the Soul Sand valleys andesite boring diorite boring Granite boring Stone why are all these so boring did you know there was initially meant to be another Stone variant called Blue Stone why does was rejected is largely unknown but I

Imagine it would have looked kind of weird villagers cover the world in Minecraft but there are some biomes where the villagers were just kind of Forgotten jungle Villages are confirmed to have at one point been a thing but I bet you didn’t know that initially there

Were plans to have a village in the mushroom biome well this is one that certainly makes sense but I would argue that this biome was interesting and rare enough that adding a village would make it next to impossible to find I bet you never knew how weird coal generation

Really is usually Minecraft creates two batches of coal per chunk with each batch existing at different y values one of these exists between y = 136 and Y = 256 while the other is between yal 0 and Y = 192 this gives us a perfect estimate

For where we can find the most call which is from y = 136 and yal 192 since the ranges for both badges will overlap at these values but most times this generation isn’t equal and blobs spawn randomly with most of them being found at yal 96 now you know exactly where you

Should be farming when a warden starts chasing you good luck surviving that so what do you do in a situation like this well you’re going to have to make sure your armor is Enchanted with swift sneak 2 or higher which will allow you to get away however you still need to be

Careful of the warden’s ranged attack because that thing is no joke and if you have the time pull down your render distance down to two chunks the moment you stop hearing his footsteps means that he’s far enough and will most likely calm down I’m finally safe contrary to popular belief growing crops

Isn’t as simple as just smacking down a few seeds into the ground there’s actually a technique that goes go into how you plant them from your water source move out four blocks diagonally and then from this one continue tiling until you’re almost two blocks ahead of your water source then start tiling in

The opposite direction until you have an almost checkerboard pattern like this now I know this looks insanely cursed but it’s the most efficient way to farm and since these need at least a Night level of nine to grow properly don’t forget to throw on a few torches don’t

Mind me and my infinite supply of melon we’ve all felt the disappointment of not receiving rainbow wall from a Jeb sheep but apparently if you surround a wall block with eight different dice you’ll finally get it H never mind there’s that disappointment again my bad but speaking

Of dyes I was told that The White Tulip doesn’t actually give you white dye the red orange and pink tulips or give you the right die but yeah the white one doesn’t I absolutely love alyss and it turns out they’re even better than I thought apparently they soly immune to

Our attacks while holding an item if you punch them normally they’ll just run away but if you throw them an item literally nothing can hurt them these things are just so cute but alyss aren’t the only mob that can pick up items zombies and foxes can too so let’s try

Giving each of them a to of undying and see if they can use them okay zombies can which is just terrifying and Fox’s can as well but what about Al I feel truly horrible doing this but let’s try it out oh thank God I wouldn’t have been

Able to live it myself speaking of beds did you know that there used to be a Sky Dimension plan for Minecraft it was supposed to be a magical realm in the sky that you could access through dreams each time you went to sleep there would be a chance you’d wake up here instead

Unfortunately this idea was eventually replace by the end but I’d love to see them bring back this idea while you were busy having sniper dos or hiding away praying they wouldn’t see you skeletons have been hiding a dark secret okay it’s not that dark but around 11% of them are

Actually left-handed and hold their bows differently to the rest apparently this is to mirror the amount of real people who are left-handed also even though wither skeletons can’t spawn naturally with a bow they still have a line of code that lets them shoot fire arrows when they’re given one with commands

Weird right have you ever noticed that the sky actually changes color during the weather fight that’s right as soon as the fight Begins the Horizon turns a deep ashy gray and some clouds become much darker too bad nobody will ever see this because we all fight the weaer

Underground now like mole people no matter how high they fall from cats will never take full damage you can send them all the way from build limit to bedrock and they’ll walk away like nothing happened conversely dogs do take damage and Anvil damage it’s just so beautiful zombified piglins are terrifying to

Fight in the nether but if you manage to get a weapon powerful enough to kill them in one hit they won’t get mad and you can take them out one by one flower forests are one of the prettiest biomes in the game and one of the easiest

Places to farm all the different dyes too but strangely the flowers don’t actually generate in random places each area in this biome can only spawn a specific flower which means you can map it out using bone meal to create a really cool effect bees in Minecraft actually work really similar to how they

Do in real life when they sting you they don’t just lose their stinger and end up dying shortly after they actually leave it inside you it’s easiest to see when you turn invisible and when are they adding tweezers to the game let’s take tortur will health bars a step further

By using stren’s health bars although having each mob display their health feels like it’s cheating it’s an awesome addition for newer players and could even potentially save you from an Al living a villager or two let’s use x-ray wait hit me out there are tons of illegitimate ways to get X-ray in the

Game but using x-ray ultimate is completely okay if you intend to use it in a single player world this can be super useful if you’re looking for something like ancient debris or emeralds but are the world’s unluckiest player but this is only for noobs having

Used it at all what else was I supposed to do maybe the wrong Banner patterns has driven me insane I wish I had known about Banner pattern Clarity much earlier this allows you to see small symbols on banners or you put them in a loom to ensure that you don’t end up

Wasting resources I’ve missed diamonds hundreds of times at this point all because this game is way too dark however mining helper is one of the most OP textures to exist since it gives every or a glow-in-the-dark effect I’m never missing an ore after this the blue Axel is rarest version of

That mob in Minecraft but the announcement for caves and cliffs part one shows off the green Axel this was an early version of the axelo that never made it until the release game making it even rarer than the blue one The Heart of the sea is as blue orb but it holds a

Secret when fully activated as a conduit it the heart opens showing a staring orange eye this ancient fact is from even before Minecraft was made it turns out the original Apple Sprite in Minecraft is from a previous game made by NCH called legend of the chambered

You should always have a hoe that is Enchanted with fortune 3 when farming it will allow you to quite literally triple the rate at which you can get food for example you can get up to nine melon slices for each melon block farmed this enchantment is so broken farming levels

Can be one of the most timeconsuming aspects of playing Minecraft especially when you don’t have an XP farm starting out so one of the best ways to get levels while being relatively safe is by farming nether quartz in the nether not only does this have a 45% chance of spawning meaning it’s literally

Everywhere but it is also the best source to farm for experience right after Diamond since it will give you experience ranging anywhere between two to five points once you reach higher levels you might find yourself struggling with experience so here’s how to get infinite XP while using a furnace

Smelt a material like iron and just as it’s done swap it out with an already smelted iron the only currency this will cost is your patience have you ever been sitting watching YouTube in your bed at 2: a.m. and suddenly the brightness on your phone screen has gone up a rejected

Idea for Minecraft was to have an opposite potion to the darkness effect a brightness effect where the screen would become so bright that you can not see anything and you essentially became sunblind I can see why this one was rejected is wow this is bright careful

Don’t make a sound CH oh no run away I think I got away I wish I had this next rejected Minecraft idea the potion of Silence which was as you would expect makes you silent Swift sneak is a very useful enchantment but sometimes I do not want to break my finger holding down

The Crouch key if I had this potion I could run straight by this Warden and he would not even Flinch BS have not had many updates since their release besides new or retextured versions popping up here and there there was however originally a plan for an iron boat but I

Think we can see why this one was rejected the boat probably would not work very well I want a pet no I’m not after a cat H parrots are kind of boring dogs e wait I haven’t seen this one before Yes you heard it here originally Dolphins Were Meant To Be table and

Ridable like an underwater horse why this idea was scrapped is beyond me please Minecraft give me a mob I can ride underwater apparently you can repair Iron Golems if you see one or cracked up after a fight should be able to take some iron ingots and right click

On it hey yeah it fixes it right back up that’s super cool I recently learned you can place beds underwater but what’s the point if you can’t sleep in it I mean surely I can’t hold my breath down here for 8 hours I oh I guess I can okay but

Obviously that doesn’t work under lava as what the hell Mojang in real life people think gold and diamonds are both made out of the same thing this means that if you apply enough pressure like with a piston you can literally turn coal into diamonds and surprise surprise it doesn’t work probably because it’s

Not even true in real life it’s a myth there too double busted it’s been forever since we got a new note block sound but apparently Mojang secretly added a new on just recently all you have to do is place them on top of an iron block and right click them 64 times

Each then when you activate them oh God why putting Carpets on top of fences let you jump over them while keeping animals in but did you know there’s an even better way of doing this animals can jump over trap doors just fine going one way but if they try to

Leave they walk straight into them this makes it 100 times easier to collect animals and get in and out your pen without 1,000 chickens escaping through the gate oxal lotos are up there with with bees for the cutest mob in Minecraft they come in these four normal

Colors and one super rare shiny blue Axel that’s actually a reference to the Pokémon mudkip and speaking of fish you kind of some cool player discovered that if you take fish out of their favorite aquatic home and place them on a bunch of slime blocks they’ll start to bounce

Really high super fast however it’s not likely to last long as there’s a few shall we say aru bional hazards for our Bounty swimming friends the only thing I like more than this little guy has to be the frogs that got added in 1.19 I just wanted to show you what a heating

Animation looks like in slow motion that’s it that’s the fact everybody knows that naming a mob dinner bone flips it upside down but I bet you didn’t know there’s a second secret name that does the same thing if you call the mob grum with two M’s instead it’ll do

The same thing this was added at the same time as dinner bone so I kind of feel bad he didn’t get as much attention poor grum if you’re like me you probably still manag to get lost even with a map but if you name a banner and place it

Down at your base you can write cck it with the map and a marker will pop up showing you exactly where home is remember the last time you used a furnace mine cart yeah me neither but there is actually a way to use them that

Kind of makes them useful I guess if you push a furnace mine cart into a chest mine cart they’ll actually couple together allowing you to transfer a huge bunch of resources easily without choker boxes it all completely falls apart the second of corner or Hill appears but hey

They’ve got the spirit honey blocks are so sticky that mobs like villagers can’t actually jump off them them meaning you can use them to hold them in place and if you’ve spent ages pushing villagers around or using boats to move them I’m about to blow your mind you can’t bait

Villagers around with seeds or carrots but you can get them to follow you simply by having a chat with them it seems they’re so excited to trade with you that they just won’t leave you alone letting you bring them pretty much wherever you want and if anything was to

Uh happen to your villagers don’t use potions of weakness to heal them instead you should use tipped Arrows with a crossbow if you have a high enough piercing level you can shoot through multiple villagers and then pick the arrow up after allowing you to cure hundreds of villagers with just one

Arrow nether stars are incredibly important for crafting beacons but there’s something about these objects that you never knew these are in fact explosion proof and this makes sense because they need to survive the weather’s death but that’s not the best part they are still not immune to Lava

Cacti and anvils wait hold up NE star can survive TNT but not my diamonds Minecraft has had a massive run of bugs and items that should never have existed but there was one that was far more insane than anything you’ll ever see in one of the earliest Alphas in 2010

Pressing F4 would allow you to spawn in Nether Portals what was Mojang even thinking did you know you can make TNT blocks freak out completely by placing an anvil on top of TNT before lighting it up you can make it do zero damage you can do this for massive amounts of TNT

And give your friends a heart attack or if you want TNT to explode under water place a block of sand above it and then light it up and you might be wondering how this works well you be surprised to know I don’t know either one of the most

Hyped features for the game was the Sky Dimension that nut wanted to add during early development but unfortunately this never happened however there was something similar in its very first year of launch in the inev version you could set your map type to floating island this was similar to the buffet World

Types we’ve seen recently and the entire surface used to be covered with bedrock yeah we definitely need this back Mojang missed out on one of the best jokes of the century by not making suspicious sand sus additionally since as pack gives sus blogs such a unique texture it’s impossible to miss them unless

There’s an impostor if you haven’t used Z’s potions yet you’re missing out on one of the greatest textures of all time this gives every kind of potion its own unique texture and also works for both lingering and splash potions Mojang can need to take notes you might have heard

Of faithful first have you ever used kingdoms this is one of the craziest Texture Packs to ever exist as it completely overhauls the games from medieval fantasy version of Minecraft from the UI to the animals to even the nether the Creator of this pack have missed nothing hell take a look at the

Striders and I guarantee you won’t be sleeping for a few days this is a must try don’t be so Hasty with enchantments some have hidden properties like quick charge at level six and above crossbows with this enchantment stops the reload animation at the first frame which is

Before the crossbow is loaded and so won’t load at all here’s a trick that will freak your friends out carpet can actually be placed on any non-air block even lava It’s Tricky and dangerous but you can walk on lava like it’s nothing it’s easiest with musar bit as that

Doesn’t burn slabs are one of the most useful blocks in Minecraft for building a roof seriously I don’t ever use them for anything but what if I told you that at one point could have been able to use slabs as a war well originally Mojang planned on adding in vertical slabs but

Thought people would use them as a wall so instead they created the wall block right I can definitely find the stronghold now let me just throw this Ender wait where did it go oh it is trapped down there time to mine for it I

Guess how did I not find it I just wish the Ender ey cleared the blocks in its past well at one point this is an idea that Mojang brought to the table however they were concerned this ruin the adventure aspect of finding a stronghold so they removed it yeah there it is this

Is a straight Redstone Trail pretty simple right well this is a straight line of redstone going up why is this so complicated well originally it wasn’t supposed to be Mojang actually rejected the idea to have Redstone be vertical as well as horizontal imagine all the amazing elevator builds and more I could

Make if they had not ruined this for me camels look just delightful when they’re walking around yeah look at that little leers I love them apparently cauldrons can totally absorb full damage if they’re filled with water surely I won’t die oh okay what if I actually try to

Get in the middle that even that doesn’t work I literally fell into water fine if that doesn’t work what if I try without water it works they even bounce you crazy right I’m just kidding these are slime blocks tricked you though didn’t I whenever you try to run under water you

Just get put into the swimming animation and apparently this changes when you run on mud hey it’s true I think this is because mud is just a little bit shorter than a regular block so it should work with Soul Sand too right oh wait bubbles yeah I’m not smart we’re all pretty

Aware of Minecraft’s food chain now creepers hate a lot foxes hate chickens and rabbits mow hates dogs but one toxic relationship you probably don’t know about is that polar bears hate foxes it doesn’t usually go too well for the polar bears though as foxes are way faster and because foxes can step on

Palder node just fine the Bears are sometimes baited in and get stuck on the topic of foxes though I have to know am I stupid for not knowing this next one foxes don’t just attack rabbits and chickens by walking up and biting them they also sneak up and pounce on them by

Jumping super high into the air what’s crazier is that if they land on snow they’ll actually get stuck and Shake around trying to free themselves I swear these guys have been in the game for ages and I’ve never seen this that must be an idiot right slime blocks honey

Blocks and hay bales can all be used to reduce fall damage when using a drop shoot but they all have drawbacks instead put a waterlogged chest at the bottom you won’t take any fall damage you don’t bounce and it doesn’t slow you down the light of a beacon looks great

From close or far a Cool Secret aspect is how it reacts to Stained Glass each glass put in the way of the beam changes a color making millions of possible Shades it’s a fact you might not know the illusioner can’t handle boats they get so confused that when shooting their

Bows the arrows go backwards in the original trailer for Minecraft way back in 2011 this mysterious other variant of Steve was present he’s not available as a choice in the launcher so this is the only example of him that exists the end wasn’t always where it is now during

Early developments the end was supposed to be a Sky Dimension secretly they saw the Sky Dimension as Heaven and the nether as hell this spooky fact runs a chill down my spine because if you play the music discs 5 11 and 13 after 5 11 and 13 seconds they combin to play the

Sound of a survivor’s terrifying story does blowing up BS give you XP I know it gives you 100% of the resources now but I’ve never dared to mine diamonds with it oh yeah it does give XP I think I’ll stick to my pickaxe though this just feels wrong apparently you can’t spawn

Weathers in snowy biomes yeah snowy tiger Frozen Peaks even snowy beaches don’t work wait what if you break the snow layers below ah there myth busted it works I should probably run away now according to this myth is actually a time where looking in an Ender’s eyes is

A good idea obviously they became aggressive when you first look at them but from now on whenever you lock eyes they’ll freeze completely in place I don’t know what you do from here but hey this myth is true Swift sneak is already an amazing enchantment but did you know

That if you run and jump into your sneak instead of just sneaking normally you’ll sneak around 33% faster I really like saying sneak could you tell speaking of sneaking I just really wanted to say that you can create secret ladders out of powder snow that only you can use

It’s literally as simple as place a column of powder snow somewhere and chucking on some leather boots and only you will be able to climb it what item do you think is used in the most crafting recipes in the game wood maybe sticks how about diamonds turns out it’s

Actually iron ingots they’re used in 34 different recipes which is more than anything else well kind of with the introduction of chiseled bookshelves in 1.20 wooden planks are now also used for 34 recipes in Java Edition riveting normally to craft end crystals you need

To have an Eye of Ender a gas tier and seven glass last but what if I told you that you could get it within a fraction of the time with just a little bit of luck in Minecraft 1.9 snapshot 15w 44A it was possible to obtain end crystals from Skeleton Trap horses although

Finding one is rare it’s much less annoying than having to deal with the Ender and gas I will never figure out why Mojang ended up removing this do they hate us or something call me a weirdo but I love the sniffers because I’m a massive fer so you can imagine my

Surprise when I found out how to insta hatch their eggs all you have to do is place two Moss blocks and a sniff egg in front of a sticky piston let this run for 10 minutes and the Moss blocks will now be glitched permanently allowing you to insta hatch sniffer eggs hey stop

Coming after me hey no I bet you wouldn’t believe me if I told you that it’s possible to loot Ocean Monuments not even entering them Mark the spots I’m showing you on these pyramid-like structures that are on the outside of the monument you can pick either side

And all you have to do is place down a door and dig the block under you if you see dark prismarine congratulations because you’ve just hit the jackpot this makes finding gold a million times easier this cool trick let you explode TNT under waterer if you put a sand

Block on top and then ignite the TNT the block will fall into it making sure the water doesn’t stop the explosion use this crazy secret to Spook your friends there is no limit to the amount of bats that can hang from one block for other animals The Game Stops this from

Happening but you can pack the bat in as much as you want stick them in the walls and watch your friends unleash them all by accident creatures from the nether hate the water except for the magma cubes they can swim just finding it without getting hurt worried about

Invisible players well this little fact might save you because enchanting tables will react to you even if you’re invisible llamas are amazing and even more so when they hit the water unlike pigs or horses llama actually floats on top of the water like a boat when you

Ride them but only the richest players can test this myth out apparently nether stars are disappoint when you explode them it feels so wrong to do this but let’s try it hey it actually worked you can even do it with stacks of them without losing any I bet you can even

Put them in item frames and oh no this works because it would really suck if you killed a Wither and a star got blown up by the final skull but what if you were fighting it near lava would you still be safe nope easiest bust yeah apparently armor doesn’t actually

Protect you from potions of harming okay so I take six hearts without any armor let’s try with full diamonds yeah look six hearts as well okay what about with full protection four now it’s just two hearts I guess I may as well just use leather armor now myth confirmed bow

Charge animations are straight up boring Mojang should have done something similar to this bow charger pack instead this changes the color of the bow as it begins to charge from red to green and fully charged nothing hits harder than losing a bow contest to a skeleton one

Of the most annoying things is this disgusting overlay when you put on a pumpkin luckily for us though we can fix this easily by using this no pumpkin overlay with that overlay gone you can finally see it’s like wearing glasses all over again waterless glass is something that we would never have to

Download just look at the difference with and without this pack it’s crazy the best part is that you don’t even need OptiFine to run this finally my OCD is fixed what do you think of when I say deg grading tools no we aren’t going to be yelling at them this pack makes tools

Lose parts of their UI models as you use them this works even for something like the flint and steel it’s a small change but makes a world of difference villagers are a team and even the ravagers share traits with them as the first and third ravager hurt sounds are

Actually the Pillager hurt sound pitch to sound much lower this secret TNT technique can save your life if you place TNT on a slab explosion damages much much fewer blocks around it making it much less scary to handle you could even have TNT decorate your home if you

Brave fishing Yang’s fish out of the water at speed but it’s actually not an automatic animation the fish are actually fly F through the air and if you step aside they’ll zip right past you use the secret to launch fish at your friends slapping them in the face

At high speed but when you’ve got this many nether Stars what do you even use them for you obviously don’t need this many beacons well this myth says that if you use a Nether Star and a beacon instead of iron or emeralds you’ll actually receive double the effects

Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to work but come on Mojang you may as well add this for the people that are insane enough to use netherite to power their beacons they deserve something even though it’s easily the scariest biome in the game it’s said that mobs won’t spawn

In the deep dark at all I spent about 5 minutes flying around here and I didn’t see any so I’ll just call this confirmed obviously there’s still one mob that can spawn here but you can even totally disable this as well with this command suddenly this place isn’t so scary when

Copper was revealed to the community we all jumped with joy to finally get a new type of armor and new tools and all we got was a weird Brown Rod what does this even do now ow thanks Notch wasn’t wearing an entire suit of armor Dad wait how did this happen originally copper

Armor was meant to be attainable until Mojang realized having the lightning rod be made of the same material material as armor was perhaps a bit dangerous it is so unfair this poor group of pillagers are trying desperately to take on this Village but somehow they have a 100 Iron Golems defending their base

Unfortunately for these pillagers this rejected idea would have given them their own version of the Iron Golem one that wasn’t said meant to attack the villagers instead of defending them although they do have the ravager now so I think they win actually the World of

Color update really did add a lot of new opportunities to the game but the different colors they added are kind of restrictive you could either have pink wo or pink concrete however this next rejected feature would have seen various different colors of Oak planks by having them be diable imagine having a house

Made of entirely bright yellow wooden planks Perfection wait hang on these are just regular planks speaking of speed normal slimes are slow but this slime will catch you slime speed is based on slime size so size eight and above goes faster than even a player sprinting want

A chair you can actually sit in try this secret technique by guiding a llama to your house disguising it as a chair and turning the Llama invisible all that will be left will be the carpet which looks great as a cushion it’s a fun fact that also happens in real life in the

Game axotal will not follow you unless you have a live fish in a bucket if the fish is just dead in your hand they won’t care this is because real axelos only eat live fish and the developers wanted to show that in the game squid can survive out of water for about 15

Seconds before it runs out of oxygen but there’s a secret fact here the fact that the squid is a special change to its animation slowing down as the oxygen runs out one of the oldest myths in Minecraft is that sugar canes grow faster on Sand so I’m here to finally

Solve this debate I’ve placed 20 25 sugar cane on every type of sand and dirt and when I type this command we’ll be able to see exactly which group grows fastest and see they all grow at pretty much the same exact speed it’s just random it doesn’t even change if you

Grow it on Cobblestone or something even though it does look super cursed consider that myth Ultra busted look we want know how strong the warden is but I’ve heard it’s so strong that he doesn’t even take damage from fire Okay lava doesn’t damage him and neither does regular fire what about fire

Enchantments yeah it doesn’t affect him at all I guess it would be kind of easy if you could just dump lava on him and run away myth confirmed and apparently wardens have so much health they can survive a drop from the very top of the world all the way down to bedrock so

Let’s test it yeah it survives it turns out you’d have to drop the warden exactly 504 blocks to instantly kill it which is literally impossible in a normal world this thing is so powerful witch HS have the ability to spawn you know witches but also each time one is

Generated a black cat will also spawn inside they do have a tendency to walk off but this is actually one of only two ways to find this Sleek variant of kitty the only other way is wait until a full moon and venture out into a village

Where each cat has a 50% chance of spawning as this magical Black Version have you ever run out of gold for powered rails because you never collect it when you’re caving don’t worry so has literally everybody else that plays this game but that means there’s a solution

Putting a saddled pig in the mine cart makes it Go much faster on iron rails it’s kind of weird because you have to press the backwards key to move forwards but it works just fine otherwise piglins are Primal tribal creatures and do everything together as a group most

People know they hunt down hoglands together but you probably didn’t know that there’s a small chance that they’ll dance together after taking one out setting the survival mode to Peaceful difficulty will not save you the fact is there’s one mob that can still attack you in peaceful mode and that’s a llama

And it’s angry spit attack so don’t get on that bad side you can fly with a rocket and elytra but the fact is the best way to fly is to shoot yourself with a slow fall Arrow if you do that then launch off with a Riptide Trident

You reach the top of the world before the slow fall runs out then at this insane height launch your elytra and fly for miles what do you think the best item for fighting mobs is axes maybe some people prefer swords or bows but you’re all wrong boats are actually

Extremely powerful as you can just Chuck one down and completely immobilize any mob you want they even stop Enderman from teleporting you can name a chest in an anvil and the name will actually show up in the GUI it even keeps its name when you break it unlik any other Block

In the game maybe foxes can’t swim or at least they can for a little bit but the fact is they’re so small that they can’t keep their head above water to breathe did you know you can create your own skull biome with a secret technique the skull block reacts and spreads when mobs

Die nearby so you could make a mob spawner lead onto a skull Catalyst with every death the skull biome will spread with no limits one fun fact is that he used to be able to feed parrots cookies to tame them this got changed and now the cookies will kill the parrot the

Reason for this deadly change is at feeding cookies to a parrot in real life is very dangerous and they didn’t want people killing off their real pet birds by accident it’s a fact that Golems are the villager’s loyal protector but it’s actually possible to witness a Golem go

On a rampage age villagers celebrate by launching fireworks but if they’re not safe and a Golem gets hit by a firework it will see the villagers as enemies and wipe them all out did you know that if you enchant a trident with loyalty it will follow you around until it gets

Into your inventory well what happens when your inventory is full it actually follows you around like a pet bird but what if I told you this myth says cats are even more powerful sure they only have literally 2% of the warden’s Health but they have a special secret no matter

How far you drop them from they won’t take any damage apparently this is because in real life cats can literally fall from 200 ft up and survive you’re so much better than a dog hey I didn’t kill it I’m still keeping my promise but what about us for some reason Landing in

Just an inch of water is enough to completely survive any form so I mean a watermelon is mostly water surely that can save me right yeah no but berry bushes can right 1.20 finally added armor customization with armor trims but did they add the ability for our horses

To get dripped with us all right it doesn’t work with diamond what about leather a guess not looks like it does work for turtle shells over extra swag for us sorry horsey oh and by the way if you have a loot 255 sword and kill a screaming goat actually get a secret

Goat horn that plays a super special sound

This video, titled ‘239 Minecraft Secrets You Didn’t Know Existed’, was uploaded by Mallow on 2024-03-28 20:54:43. It has garnered 49691 views and 712 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:04 or 3664 seconds.

These are 239 Minecraft Secrets You Didn’t Know Existed!


#mallow #minecraft

  • Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3

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  • Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What’s New?

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  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

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  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

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  • Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill

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  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

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  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

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  • Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash!

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  • Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!

    Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-9 )’, was uploaded by CRK ki duniya on 2024-02-16 13:09:44. It has garnered 1283 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

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  • Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!

    Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!Video Information This video, titled ‘there is an echo in the cave’, was uploaded by M3m3~Chan on 2024-04-12 14:48:56. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. minecraft beta 1.8.1 Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More

  • Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viral

    Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 01:30:07. It has garnered 837 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I… Read More

  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

    From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-05-17 11:53:42. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:28 or 11068 seconds. – Greetings from Two Towns – Children arrive in Rosa Ouro and one of the family homes gets the living areas furnished. In Prasino; taking some time to solve a building problem on a coastal house and planning for a retail pottery store in town. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #Shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

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  • Potato-Network

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  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

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  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

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  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

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  • SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS!

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  • British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft!

    British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft! American Independence Day Celebration in Minecraft Bedwars On July 4th, Americans across the country celebrate their independence in various ways. Some enjoy fireworks, barbecues, and parades, while others take a more unconventional approach by dominating Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars! This year, join the fun and show off your patriotic spirit in the virtual world. Dominate Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars What better way to celebrate American Independence Day than by engaging in some friendly competition in Minecraft Bedwars? Gather your friends, team up, and show those Europeans who’s boss in this exciting game mode. Whether you’re building defenses, collecting resources,… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

    Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos Creating a Box PvP Server in Minecraft Aternos Introduction Creating a Box PvP server in Minecraft Aternos can be an exciting and engaging experience for players looking to challenge their skills in a competitive environment. With the use of various plugins and commands, players can customize their server to create a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. Plugins and Commands To set up your Box PvP server, you can utilize a variety of plugins such as GeyserMC, RealMines, World Edit, EssentialsX, EssentialsSpawn Shopkeeper, Item Edit, and WorldGuard. These plugins offer a range of features that can enhance the gameplay and… Read More

  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

    🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a Farm Witch ✨ – Cottage Witch Modded Minecraft Episode 4’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-06-14 21:00:17. It has garnered 6972 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:38 or 2678 seconds. Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 4 💜 Seed: -824306812584453536 I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think! *✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: Added Mods:… Read More

  • Daring Minecraft Horror Mod Showcase

    Daring Minecraft Horror Mod ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Every Horror Mod in My Minecraft World’, was uploaded by GamerWolf on 2024-03-24 03:26:30. It has garnered 118 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:52 or 7492 seconds. Powered by Restream Go follow my kick – Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nether Portal Makeover 🌟 12-01-2024 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rohaan TV on 2024-01-12 15:30:02. It has garnered 8444 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Glow stone and Honey Block #viral #minecraft #ytshorts Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!

    Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎’, was uploaded by Prank king on 2024-05-07 14:54:24. It has garnered 495 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. This Minecraft Portal Build Will BLOW YOUR MIND! #Shorts 🌍 nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎 Get ready to have your mind blown with this incredible Minecraft portal build like you’ve never seen before! Watch as we create a mind-blowing nether portal build that will leave you speechless. This trending Minecraft gaming video showcases some… Read More

  • The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!

    The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7’, was uploaded by Zeelophoney on 2024-04-16 17:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7 w/ Xylophoney – Minecraft Roleplay! Help us get … Read More

  • Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥

    Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT na żywo🔴NOWA STREFA ! GIGA LIVE🔴Wolne? Wbijaj pograć szefie🔥’, was uploaded by neak on 2024-05-16 08:49:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Give me a sub ▻ My minecraft server! IP: version: 1.17.2-1.20.1 here I talk: … Read More


    ASIANJEFF PREPS FOR E DATE in FortnutBr!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASIANJEFF GETS READY FOR HIS E DATE… #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #gaming’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-09 15:21:10. It has garnered 5100 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gaming

    INSANE Minecraft Morning Madness! #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some morning minecraft today #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Basicallyzs on 2024-07-03 14:50:36. It has garnered 228 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:42 or 9162 seconds. Thanks for tuning into the stream check out my discord Donation Link :$Basicallyzs DONATORS NAMES GO ON MY MAP (larger donation = larger name) #gamingshorts #funnymoments #warthunderjets #warthundertanks #shooter #minecraftmemes #livestream #ww2 Read More

  • Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. Minecraft

    Insane Mashup: Fortnite vs. MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fortnite in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ChaosJul on 2024-02-22 13:46:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mooinn guys!! What’s up?? In this video I played Fortnite in Minecraft. I would really appreciate a like and a subscription… Read More

  • Sarkarnetwork

    Minecraft lifesteal 24/7 Online Join now And not forget to vote our minecraft server For more information Join our discord server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Y’all better accept it!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Y'all better accept it!Looks like this meme has a better score than my GPA in high school! Read More

  • Bedrock Battles: Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay Galore!

    Bedrock Battles: Minecraft Bedwars Gameplay Galore! Welcome to the world of Minecraft Bedwars, Where players battle with swords and stars. Fiizy and Wallibear, they’re in the mix, Crafting strategies with a few neat tricks. Hypixel Bedwars, the ultimate test, With teams of four, who will be the best? Roblox Bedwars, a different scene, But just as fun, with a twist so keen. Fiizy’s texture pack, a sight to behold, Making the game feel fresh and bold. Wallibear’s lucky block Bedwars, a thrill, With surprises at every turn, a true skill. So grab your gear, and join the fray, In Minecraft Bedwars, where legends play. Subscribe… Read More

  • Minecraft meme #hotshorts

    Minecraft meme #hotshorts “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Creating BoBoiBoy Blaze Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide to Creating BoBoiBoy Blaze Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Blaze Portal Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft adventure? Join UzeMing as he delves into the creation of the Boboiboy Blaze Portal, a unique addition to the Minecraft universe. Follow along as we explore the evolution of Boboiboy Api and witness the power of Boboiboy Blaze in action. Materials Needed To create the Boboiboy Blaze Portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, Flint, steel, and magma blocks. These materials will form the foundation of the portal, showcasing the strength and fiery essence of Boboiboy Blaze. Building the Portal With a 4×5 layout, UzeMing constructs the… Read More