Transforming Minecraft Mobs into a Digital Circus

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I’m going to be remaking Minecraft Mobs into the amazing digital Circus the first character I’ll make is pomy and I’m going to use a villager to make her first let’s get rid of this stuff cuz we don’t need it now let’s change the shape of her body and we’ll start shaping her

Legs next I’m going to give her some arms and I’ll just add a hand on the bottom here next I’m going to change the shape of her head and let’s start to add her hat on the top as well and I think that’s a pretty good body so now let’s

Start to color her in first let’s color her head white and we’ll do the same for our arms and legs as well now let’s color in these yellow Parts like this next let’s color in our clothes and I’ll make sure to add the blue spots on the

Other side now let’s put these buttons that she has in the front of her shirt like this and now it’s time to give her a face so first I’m going to add her eyes like this and I’m also going to give her a strand of hair on each side

Of her head as well and I think this is looking pretty good let’s see how she looks in game this is how pomy looks in game she doesn’t look that bad I like how I made her constantly looking around paranoid just like how she is in the

Show we’ll just ignore the fact that she’s bald on the back of her head though I’m pretty sure her hat is supposed to cover that in the show pomy throws up on the ground so I made it so that when she hits you you get the

Nausea effect it is also said that pomy doesn’t like being touched so I made it so that she runs away from enemies very quickly if she gets attacked in the show pomy tries to escape the circus through a bunch of exit doors so I made it so

That pomy can open doors by herself just like a regular villager pomy also gets teleported to the void if you right click her because I just felt like adding that I don’t really know why if you kill pomy she drops her red hand which gets glitched in the first episode

So if you hold this hand out for yourself you get teleported around randomly sort of like you’re glitching and a fun fact about pomy is that her favorite food is salmon so you can also feed pomy salmon overall I think pomy turned out pretty good and has a lot of

Interesting features so because of this I decided to give pomy a 9 out of 10 next I’m going to make Kane and I’ll use an evoker to make him first let’s get rid of all this stuff that we don’t need and let’s change the shape of his leg

And bend it like this next I’m going to work on his arms so let’s just rotate this piece like this and we’ll give him a hand and copy this over to the other side as well next I’m going to change his head into the shape of some gums

Like this and let’s just add some teeth on the top in the same shape as well next I’ll give him his top hat on top of the mouth okay now this is looking good so let’s give him some color first I’m going to color his gums bright red and

We’ll color the teeth white like this next I’m going to color in his eyes and let’s color his shirt a pinkish color as well okay now this looks good so let’s just add some detail to his shirt right here and we’ll give him his different color eyeballs as well now let’s give

Him a stick because I forgot to do that and I think that Kane is looking pretty good let’s see how he looks in game this is how Kane looks in game he actually looks really good also ignore the cakes that are spawning around him I’ll explain that in a second since Kane is

The host of the digital circus I decided to make it so that Kane is completely Invincible to all types of damage except for cactuses Kane has also seen teleporting throughout the episode so I made it so that Kane teleports away if he takes too much damage similar to the

TV people in my skibby videos Kane also spawns cake randomly around him as you can see because he spawned a cake out of thin air in the first episode unfortunately there is no bubble to eat this cake right now we’ll just have to wait until later for that it came

Somehow manages to die he drops a stick which can be used to either remove any block you right click on with it or you can send any mob to the void if you right click them as well overall I think Kane turned out really good he’s definitely one of my favorite mobs I’ve

Made so because of this I decided to give Kane a 10 out of 10 he deserves it the next character I’ll make is JX and I’m going to use a rabbit cuz Jax is a rabbit I think first I’m going to get rid of some of the stuff we don’t need

And let’s rearrange his body parts a little bit for now next let’s make his legs super tall like this and will’ll change the shape of his body to make make it a bit taller as well now let’s give him a neck like this and I’ll just

Change the shape of his head to make it a bit more round now let’s just add his ears on the very top and now it’s time to give Jack some arms and I think this is good so let’s give Jack some color first I’m going to color his head purple

And we’ll do the same for his arms and body as well now his color is overall is a pinkish color and we’ll do the same for his legs like this next I’m going to color both of his hands a yellowish color and we’ll just give him two

Buttons here and now it’s time to add his face first I’m going to give him a big yellow mouth and let’s just give him some eyes above that I’m also going to give him him a couple eyebrows above his eyes like this and I think this is

Looking pretty good let’s see how he looks in game this is how Jax looks in game he honestly looks pretty similar to the actual show the only difference is that he’s obviously made of Cubes though so he could never be as good as the original it was kind of hard for me to

Think of features to give Jack so he only really has a couple to start Jax is super tall as you can see just like he is in the actual series and you can also see Jax Run Away really quickly in the first episode so I made it so that Jax

Is super fast in game as well you can also ride on Jax’s for some reason I’m not really sure why I added this it just seems like something that he would be able to do if you kill Jax you get a rabbit’s foot because he’s a rabbit so

That’s a less evil version of making him just drop rabbit meat and overall I think Jax looks pretty good but he doesn’t really have that many features so because of this I decided to give Jax an 8 out of 10 next I’m going to make

Raga and I’m going to use a witch to make her first let’s get rid of some of the stuff we don’t need and I’m just going to make her body a lot smaller for now and I’ll just add a few layers underneath as her dress next I’m going

To give her an arm like this and I’ll just give her a hand on the bottom as well now let’s copy this over to the other side and next let’s work on her head first I’m going to change the shape of it like this next I’m going to start

Adding her hair on the side and I’ll just copy these hairs all around her head and we’ll also add her bow on the top like this and I think this is a pretty good body so now let’s give her some color first I’m going to color her

Head and her arms in like this next let’s just color her hair a reddish pink color as well now let’s color her entire dress a purplish color and we’ll color the bow on top slightly darker next I’m going to add the patches on her dress in

The same color as the bow and now let’s add a bit more detail and we’ll start to give her a face all right after like five tries this is the face I’m going with it still looks weird but it’s the best I’m going to get now finally let’s

Add a bit of texture and I think this looks good let’s see how she looks in game this is how Raga looks in game I definitely think her face looks a little weird she also makes witch noises which I’m not really sure if it fits her or

Not it’s kind of strange also we’re just going to ignore the fact that you can see through her hair just pretend the back part here is fully covered in the show Raga gets attacked and becomes completely glitched out so I decided to make it so that ragi glitch glitches

Whenever she gets hit which looks kind of funny more than glitchy this is also the only feature that ragi has because I couldn’t really think of anything else if you kill ragi she drops this red thing from the nether because it was supposed to be her hair and overall I

Think Raga looks kind of cursed and she doesn’t really have any features so because of this I’m going to give ragi a 6 out of 10 I just made her face look too weird next character I’ll make is gangle and I’ll make gangle from a skeleton cuz they’re both kind of built

The same first I’m going to make her head a lot smaller like this and now let’s shape the head into a mask as well and I think that’s good so let’s just work on her left arm like this and we’ll make the right arm similar but rotate in

A different direction next I’m going to make her legs a lot thinner and we’ll rotate the bottom part a little bit like this now let’s copy this to the other side and it’s time to color her in first I’m going to draw a red spiral for her

Body like this and I’m going to color her arms and her legs the same color now let’s add a bit of detail with a slightly lighter red and next I’m going to color in her mask and now finally let’s give her a face like this and

We’ll also add a little bit more texture to her body as well and I think that is looking pretty good let’s see how she looks in game this is how GLE looks in game despite being very simple to make I think she actually turned out pretty

Good I will say that having the arms like this is kind of strange though they don’t really move that much in the show gangle has at least two masks the comedy mask and the tragedy mask but she falls and breaks her comedy mask at the beginning of the first episode so I

Decided to make it so that when gangle dies her comedy mask Falls and reveals the tragedy mask you may have also noticed that the comedy mask drops as an item when she dies and if you decide to wear this comedy mask you get speed for and jump boost for because those effects

Are kind of fun I guess the mask is also off-centered when you wear it but we’ll just ignore that it’s the only way I could make it fit overall I think gangle turned out pretty good and I think her mask is a cool addition to the game so

Because of this I’m going to give gangle a 9 out of 10 next I’m going to make kinger and I’ll use a snow golem to make him first I’m going to get rid of these layers cuz we don’t need them and let’s make the bottom smaller like this now

Let’s add another part on top and we’ll make it way taller as well next I’m going to copy this part on top and we’ll bend it so he’s hunched over a little bit and now I’m just going to add a part on the front that is going to be his

Coat now let’s add a piece for his head up here and we’ll add another part on top and we’ll also add the king thing on the very top like this next I’m going to change his neck area a little bit so that he can have his coat and this looks

Pretty good now let’s Color Him in first I’m going to color his body a purplish color and we’ll just color in the rest of his coat as well now let’s color his head slightly darker than his coat next I’m going to give him an eye and we’ll

Copy this over to the other side and rotate them a little bit as well now let’s give him a hand and we’ll color it the same color as his coat next we’ll add a little bit of tail to his coat like this and I think this is looking

Pretty good let’s see how he looks in game this is how kinger looks in game this guy is honestly a little bit larger than I thought he would be I also decided to make it so that kinger sways back and forth quickly because in the

Show he seems to be a little bit on edge wait where did he go why is he hiding underneath these randomly colored blocks since kinger seems to be crazy in the show I decided to make it so that when you rightclick kinger he shakes really quickly similar to when he did this in

The show this also makes him look kind of funny if you just Spam it if you kill kinger I made it so that he drops one one scaffolding and you might be wondering why I chose this random item and it’s because it has a checkerboard pattern on it and kinger is a chest

Piece overall I don’t think kinger looks that bad but he’s also not the best looking mob so because of this I decided to give kinger a 7 out of 10 the next character I’ll make is zubal and I’ll use the blaze to make them cuz they both

Have a bunch of body parts first let’s remove all these cuz we don’t need them and I’m just going to make the first leg like this and we’ll just add this hook shape on the bottom of the right leg and we’ll also add a spiral on the top next

I’m going to give zubal a body and we’ll just copy the spiral for their neck as well next I’m going to work on making a triangle shape for the head and I’m also going to add a left arm like this and we’ll also make a right arm that has a

Lot less spirals now I’m going to color zubal in so first let’s color the body yellowish and we’ll Color zub’s head in pink next I’m going to color the rest of the body a bunch of different colors now let’s add some spots on zub’s body like

This and now I’m going to add a few more parts on the body that I missed and I think that looks good so now let’s just add their eyes like this and we’ll also add this zigzag thing that comes off the top of their head as well now let’s add

The wi on the other part of the head and we’ll give it some Stripes as well and I think this is looking pretty good let’s see how zubo looks in game this is how zubo looks in game I’m honestly kind of surprised that I was able to make them

Look good with all the different pieces I will say the blaze noises are really annoying though I definitely should have removed them but other than that this actually did turn out pretty good in the show zubal gets broken into a bunch of pieces so I decided to make it so that

When you kill zubal it breaks them into a bunch of pieces as well ignore the fact that they’re able to stand back up you also might have noticed that zubel drops a zubel head when they die and you might be wondering what the zubo head

Does no you are not able to wear it instead you can eat the zubo head and you will gain bad luck for a minute this is because zubal seems kind of unlucky in the first episode overall I think zubal turned out a lot better than I

Thought they would so because of this I decided to give zuil an 8 out of 10 next I’m going to make bubble and I’ll use a Vex cuz I made cane from an evoker first I’m going to get rid of all this Vex stuff and I’m just going to generate a

Circle like this now let’s color this circle a purplish color and I’m going to rotate this circle a bunch of different times and until we have a bubble next I’m going to remove some pieces like this so we have some teeth and let’s just color these teeth white so we can

See them next I’m going to add an eye on the side and we’ll color it reddish brown and now let’s just copy this to the other side and I think that looks good let’s see how bubble looks in game this is how bubble looks in game this is probably the least minecrafty looking

Mob I’ve ever made the teeth still look minecrafty though I didn’t really add that much detail to them since bubble is supposed to be Kane’s sidekick I decided to make it so that when you right click Kane he spawns in bubbles similar to how the actual evoke spawns vexes bubble has

Also seen licking stuff in the show so I decided to make it so that you get licked by Bubble if he attacks you as well if you kill bubble he has a popping animation which actually looks kind of cool and you might have noticed that he drops an ender pearl and that’s just

Because it’s the same shape as a bubble that’s really it overall I don’t think bubble looks that bad but he’s a little bit weird compared to my regular mobs so because of this I’m going to give bubble a 7 out of 10 subscribe if you want me to make the rest of the


This video, titled ‘I remade every mob into The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Eider on 2023-11-27 15:15:43. It has garnered 227260 views and 4113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds.

In this video I remade minecraft mobs into the characters from popular series the amazing digital circus using blockbench.

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    EPIC Minecraft Duel: NGUYEN JD MC vs Yoizol #insaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Me vs Yoizol (minecraft skills)#shorts’, was uploaded by NGUYEN JD MC on 2024-01-15 14:03:09. It has garnered 763 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Me vs Yoizol (minecrft skills)#shorts =============================================================================== Discord: nguyenjdmc Donate: Tiktok: Facebook: IGN: NGUYENJD1234 =============================================================================== Pack: Dewier 5k =============================================================================== Recorder: OBS 30.0.2 (60FPS) Video encoder: x264 Rescale output: 1280×720 (720p) Rate control: CBR Bitrate: 30001 (my setting) =============================================================================== Edit: CapCut (mov) File video: 0114 – blur ~ 60fps (1440, 1.3).mp4 =============================================================================== Specs: Windowns 11 Version: 10.0.22000 Build 22000 SSD: 137 GB… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!

    Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server | Turnip Live Stream |’, was uploaded by Dolt on 2024-04-05 20:09:03. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:37 or 7117 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip @Dolt_601: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More

  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

    Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! - BoomMC SMP - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft’, was uploaded by BoomMC on 2024-03-25 14:59:13. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:30 or 5850 seconds. Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft Thank you for viewing. It is an honor and a blessing to be part of Slackville.  I wanted to livestream a little bit on this server as I try to get my mojo going! Free for everyone,  is my Thank… Read More


    🌱 EARTHLING PROBLEMS - STOP BULLYING ME 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME 😥/Gacha trend//’, was uploaded by Earthling🌱🐌 on 2024-07-06 10:35:52. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. TAGS:gacha,gacha life,gacha club,meme,trend,adopt me,dance,girl,boy,gender reveal, robot,fortnight, Minecraft, Royale high,battle Royale,brookehaven roleplay,Brookland,role-playing,rp,preppy,emo,scene,outfit,trendy dance CREDITS: Credits for sound:WMG,RHEI MUSIC/REHI MUSIC and Credits for original creator sound of their video Read More

  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

    EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz’, was uploaded by Demon Playz on 2024-03-28 12:02:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz HELLO GUYS😃, In This Video We Made An Enchanting Area So That We Can Enchant Our Tools⚒️ And Can Get Overpowered In Future Episodes And We Also Made A Small Beautiful Mine⛏️ To Collect Underground… Read More

  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: My discord server: My second Channel with other games: Become a member here: Donation link: Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Online In-game map: Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

    Please don’t nerf this meme, it’s already at level 309 and ready to take on the Ender Dragon! Read More

  • Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Alarm Charade

    Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Alarm Charade In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts tales that bring laughter, day and night. His channel is a haven for kids to explore, With content that’s safe, and so much more. Each video a gem, filled with fun and delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. So come along, join the fun and the cheer, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, have no fear. For in this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, He’s the storyteller who truly thrives. Read More

  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

    Minecraft Tutorials be like: "How to Die in 5 Easy Steps" 😂 #shorts Minecraft Tutorials be like: Step 1 – Punch a tree. Step 2 – Build a mansion. Step 3 – Get lost in a cave for three hours. Step 4 – Accidentally blow up your house with TNT. Step 5 – Cry. #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💣 Read More

  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

    Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay Exploring the World of Minecraft Embarking on a New Adventure In the realm of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a sandbox game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. The thrill of starting a new world in Minecraft is unparalleled, as players dive into a world of creativity and exploration. Roohsclues: A Gaming Journey in Hindi/Urdu Roohsclues, a YouTube channel dedicated to gaming in Hindi/Urdu, has embarked on a new series featuring Minecraft gameplay. Episode 2 marks the beginning of an exciting journey in the blocky universe of Minecraft. Immersive Gameplay and Entertainment With a disclaimer emphasizing the entertainment nature… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

    Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Expanding my Elden Ring inspired Kingdom | Minecraft Creative 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-06-21 22:07:38. It has garnered 5715 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:47 or 16967 seconds. Subscribe! Donate to the channel: Become a member to join us in building up this giant city!: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our build server has been generously provided by DedicatedMC. Get your own server today by using code “JermsyBoy” for 15% off your first month. Valid for normal plans, excluding Dedicated Servers and Discord Bots. Check out DedicatedMC:… Read More