Uberswe Plays Minecraft – 4 Ways To Get Infinite Lava To Your Base Using The Create Mod 0.5.0 – Minecraft 1.18.2

Video Information

Hello everyone, my name is Uberswe and in this video I’m going to be showing you four different ways to get infinite lava using the create mod. First we’re going to look at how we can combine a vanilla dripstone lava farm using the create mod. Then we’re going to throw some buckets of

Lava through a nether portal. I will also show you how to use a train to transport lava from the nether. And finally we’re going to make an infinite lava pool. I’m going to start off by placing on some cauldrons for a dripstone farm. I’m placing them one block up in the air

So we can fit some fluid pipe below them later. Now I’m going to place some solid blocks one block above them leaving room for the dripstone that we’ll add later. Then I’m just using trapdoors for the edges up here. And we’re going to need these to go all the way around so that

It will contain our lava. Then go ahead and get some lava buckets. You’ll need ten buckets to fill this. And this will serve as our infinite source. You’ll never have to place these lava blocks again. Now we’ll go ahead and put some dripstone on the bottom of our stone blocks here.

And as you can see lava’s already starting to drip. Then I’ll go ahead and place some fluid pipe below our cauldrons. And they will connect to the cauldrons allowing us to be able to pull out lava from them. You could also connect the pipe to the side if you wanted to.

That’s up to you. I’m going to go ahead and place down a water wheel here just to give our pump some power. And since this video is about lava we’re going to go ahead and power our water wheel with lava. And that will give us the magma wheel achievement.

Next I’m going to use some cogs to hook up our pump here. I’m not going to hook up the pump right away because we need somewhere to put our lava. So let’s go ahead and build a fluid tank right here. The size doesn’t matter here just build

It as large as you want it. And then we’ll throw on our pump right there. And just for a demonstration I’ve turned up the tick rate a little bit here so that we get lava faster. But as you can see lava’s now going into the cauldrons and it’s going into our tank as

It’s being pulled out by the pump there. Without changing the tick rate it is going to be a lot slower. But you could always add more cauldrons. Now we’re going to go ahead and build a nether portal because in this next step we’re going to throw some buckets through a nether portal.

So let’s light this on fire and we’re good to go. Hopefully we’ll end up in a good spot where there’s a lot of lava. And as you can see we have a huge lava lake right there. So I built up some stone blocks here to allow us to place a

Hose pulley above the lava. And we are going to need a hand crank to move our hose pulley down. Technically you could use any kind of rotation but a hand crank is the easiest I think. So I built up a few blocks here and then I can place my hand crank.

And as you can see we can now lower our hose pulley down into the lava lake. You’ll know that you hit the bottom when you can’t lower it anymore. And that’s what we’ve done here as you can see. Now we need to hook up some fluid pipe to this to extract our lava.

I’m also building another fluid tank to serve as kind of a buffer here. I’ll hook up a large cogwheel to our pump and then I’m going to stick a windmill bearing onto that. And that is what’s going to give us our power down here. I’ll go ahead and add some sails onto this.

And as you may or may not know windmills don’t care if they’re in the nether, they don’t care if they’re in the end, they’ll work anywhere. They don’t actually need any kind of wind to work which makes them great for our use case. I’m going to go ahead and remove the

Sails here as they get a little bit too close to our hose pulley. And then we’ll use some more stone to connect our sails over here. Once that’s done we’ll use some super glue to connect everything. You don’t need to use super glue on sails. And then we can just click on our

Windmill bearing with an empty hand and we have power. We can now see that lava is being extracted into our fluid tank. And if we go look at our hose pulley we can see that we do have a bottomless supply. And that’s because what we’re pulling out of here is more than

10,000 blocks of lava which with the create mod it makes it a bottomless supply. And therefore we’re not going to remove any blocks from down there. The lava lake is always going to stay the same. We’re not going to ruin anything. Now we’re going to use some gearboxes and

Some shafts to set up the belts which is going to carry the buckets of lava through our nether portal. I’m going to go ahead and use a speed controller to increase the speed of the belts a little bit. You could achieve the same thing with large and small cogs.

Once that was done I placed out a few shafts and now I’m hooking up my belts here. So I’m going to have one long belt and then one belt that ramps up a little bit to throw the buckets. And I’m using in case chain drives to connect the belts to give them power.

Then we need to hook up a spout to our fluid tank here so that we can fill our buckets with lava. Here I’m just going to use a bunch of cogs to power our pump. And there we go. We can just change the direction here. And now lava should be

Flowing to our spout. If we go ahead and throw some empty buckets onto our belt here you can now see that they’re being filled up with lava. And as they go down the belt they will be thrown into the portal. And if we go to the other side here you

Will now see that there are some lava buckets on the ground. We just picked them up there. So what I’ll go ahead and do is I’m going to put a belt on the other side here which will catch our lava buckets. There should be some more lava buckets in the nether now that

Are going to get thrown. Let’s watch this one here go through. And if we check on the other side we should now see the lava bucket. Oh there’s two of them. Now as you may have noticed I have to walk through the portal to make this happen.

So what we can do is use something called a chunk loader. I’ll go ahead and link the mod that I’m using in the description below. But there are many ways to do chunk loading which I’m not going to cover in this video. So let’s go ahead and hook up

Some belts on the other side. Once again I need a ramp up here at the end. And just some belts to make the buckets go around in a circle here. This is because we want to send back the empty buckets once they have been emptied of lava.

And right here we need an item drain. So when the lava buckets come down the line they’re going to stop on this item drain and empty. And then we can use fluid pipes to pull the lava out of there. I’ll use the main case chain drives on the other side.

So I’ll hook up the power here. And once again use a water wheel to give ourselves some power. And we’ll go ahead and place a large cog on top of our water wheel. Our belts are now moving but they’re moving in the wrong direction. So we’ll go ahead and flip our water wheel.

Once we’ve picked up this water we can use our wrench to flip the water wheel to the opposite direction. And now we can place our bucket of water again. And we should see that the belts are moving in the right direction. Now we can hook up a pump to our item drain.

And then we’ll go ahead and connect some fluid pipe onto that. And finally we need a fluid tank once again. Doesn’t matter how big you make it. Just make it as big as you want. And now we can use some cogs to power our pump and also the last belt.

And we should now see lava buckets fall onto the item drain and lava is being pulled out via the pump. And it will now start filling our tank. So this side is now done. I forget about the chunk loader. We’ll stick another one over here just to keep this side loaded as well.

Now we’re going to put some more belts on this side to handle our empty buckets as they come back. I’ll use a gearbox to bridge the rotation here. And then we’ll just bring over a shaft with some more gearboxes to get our belts moving in the right direction. And there we go.

All our belts are now set up and running. We should just be able to throw some buckets onto our belts now and everything should be working. I decided to use the speed controller to set the belts to match in speed. But once that was done everything seems to be working.

So that’s our second farm done. We now have buckets of infinite lava coming through our nether portal. And now we’re basically going to do the same thing but we’re going to use a train instead of buckets. This means that we need a slightly larger portal.

So let’s turn it on and go inside and we’ll see where we end up. Well this is probably the worst nether portal spawn I’ve ever had. I’m right up in the roof over a lava lake. So after building out some stone here we can finally place our track.

And if you didn’t know track can actually go through the nether portal like so. This is going to go ahead and generate some track on the other side of the portal here that we can hook up in the overworld. I went ahead and built a windmill to give us some more power.

I then set up a hose pulley and brought some cogs over to give our pump here some power. And now we’re once again pulling out more lava from the nether. Just like last time we have a bottomless supply. And now we’ll place down our portable fluid interface which is

Going to hook up to our train. I’ll go ahead and place down a train station right here. This will be the train station that our train goes through to pick up lava. And on the other side I’m going to place down another train station which is where our train

Is going to go to drop off lava. I’ll go ahead and set up another portable fluid interface here with a pump and some pipe which is going to allow us to pull the lava from the train and store it inside a fluid pipe. I’ll once again use a windmill

To give us some power here. And some cogs to connect the power from our windmill to our pump. I’m going to go ahead and call this station lava drop off. And then we need to activate the assembly mode on the station. And now we’re ready to build a train.

So I’ll just grab some train casing and place it down to give us our first boogie. And place another train casing here to give us our second boogie. And that’s going to serve as the base of our train. Then I’m just going to use fluid tanks to kind of build the train itself.

The fluid tanks on the train will actually fill with lava and the more fluid tanks we have the more lava we can carry on each run. We will need a portable fluid interface on our train and it needs to be one to two blocks away from the portable fluid interface

That we place down our station. These fluid interfaces also need to be pointing towards each other. I’m also adding two controls on this train. By having two controls we can go in both directions. And then I place down a blaze burner to be our driver.

This train is not going to be the most beautiful train I’ve ever designed but it’s going to look alright I think. So I’m trying to add a few touches to make it look better. Here I’m adding some glass which is going to be around the outside of the train and

Just the ladder for our final touch here. Once we’re done we need to glue our train. So I’m going to place down some extra blocks here just to make gluing a little bit easier. These are going to be removed once we’ve actually done the gluing.

So one in the bottom corner and then two in the top corner here. Add our glue. Like so. And now we can go ahead and remove our temporary blocks. And that’s all we need to do to glue our train. It will now be considered one train as we assemble it.

I’m going to go ahead and name this train “Hot Stuff” as that makes the most sense to me. And it’s looking perfect. Oh hello there! I also forgot to name the station in the nether here so we need to go back and do that. This station will just be called “Lava Pickup”.

Now we can go ahead and grab a train schedule and then select our first station which is going to be “Lava Pickup”. Press the check mark and then select a different condition here. We need fluid cargo condition. We don’t want this train to move until it has picked up 300 buckets of lava.

And then we need to add our lava drop off station. And once again I’ll select the same condition here. Fluid cargo condition. And we want this train to have less than one bucket when it moves away from here. Once that’s done we can go ahead and give our schedule to our driver.

And now we can see the train as it goes through the portal. I went ahead and skipped forward a little bit and also changed the conditions to make the train go a little bit faster. So in this example it’s just dropping off one or two buckets here.

But hopefully it shows you what it should look like once you have this up and running. So yours will be a little bit slower than this. But now we have infinite lava from the nether using trains. The final part of this video we’ll look at an infinite lava

Source by creating a 22 by 22 cube which we’re going to fill with lava from all our other sources that we’ve now created. To do this I’m going to set up a hose pulley with a hand crank and I need to get it to that level over there.

Which means I need to lower this about three blocks so one, two, three and that’s the highest point of this cube which I’ve measured out to be 22 blocks. And by using a pump we can pull lava from our existing sources and start filling this with lava.

And basically this hose pulley is just going to fill one block at a time here. The lava is actually not going to start flowing. It’s just placing one block at a time. As you can see it’s kind of slow now with my current setup. So I’m going to go ahead and speed this

Up so we can just fill our hole quickly. And now we need a hose pulley that goes all the way down to the bottom of this pit to pull the lava out. As I’m editing this I did realize that I could just have reversed the pump that I was using

To fill this hole. But I decided to set up a new pump with a new hose pulley here. And then we set up a new water wheel, a new fluid tank. And once all that was running we flipped the pump direction here and we started pulling out lava from our infinite lava pool.

And if we set everything up right, and if we set everything up right we should see this hose pulley. Oh, there we go. It changes to a bottomless supply. So that means that our cube of lava is not going to empty at all. It’s going to stay full pretty much forever.

I mean unless you do something to it I guess. So now we have an infinite lava source. You can pull as much lava as you want from this. There’s really no limit. Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video. If you did please do give it a like.

And if you want to see more content from me in the future hit that subscribe button. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you next time.

This video, titled ‘4 Ways To Get Infinite Lava To Your Base Using The Create Mod 0.5.0 – Minecraft 1.18.2’, was uploaded by Uberswe Plays Minecraft on 2023-03-17 18:00:12. It has garnered 50031 views and 1206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:40 or 1000 seconds.

In this video I show you 4 different ways to get infinite lava using the create mod.

All my links can be found here: https://linktr.ee/uberswe Chunkloader mod from the video: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/simple-chunkloader-fabric

00:00 Intro 00:29 Dripstone Lava Farm 02:17 Lava Buckets From The Nether 09:05 Nether Lava Train 14:02 Infinite Lava Pool 16:25 Outro

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    "Insane Minecraft Edits! Techtrayd Gameplay" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘edite de Minecraft #minecraft #minecreft #minecraftgameplay’, was uploaded by Techtrayd on 2024-06-13 07:10:30. It has garnered 474 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft edit shorts viral minecraft meme #minecraft minecraft trending minecraft viral minecraft memes minecraft animation edit minecraft tiktok minecraft 1.20 techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft phonk that chess edit trending minecraft funny minecraft trending shorts minecraft videos minecraft trends minecraft challenge minecraft mineral edit minecraft but minecraft song minecraft villager minecraft mod youtube shorts minecraft mods himlands yessmartypie dream roblox yt shorts… Read More

  • UGC SMP – SMP Vanilla 1.21

    Welcome to UGC SMP! Join our newly launched SMP server! UGC SMP has no significant modifications to the game or commands; this server has started this week, so you won’t be behind! RULES Treat people with respect in chat. No griefing; this includes killing and breaking builds. No hacks or outside manipulation of Minecraft. Optifine is allowed. No using duplication or other Minecraft bugs to your advantage, if you’re unsure, ask an admin. Report server bugs, if you’re found using the bug to your advantage your player will be wiped. Do not AFK by a mob farm that doesn’t automatically… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Player reactions to Mojang announcing SMALLER updates:

    Minecraft Memes - Player reactions to Mojang announcing SMALLER updates:Well, apparently this meme didn’t get the memo about the updates being smaller – it’s still scoring a 5! Read More

  • Blockbuster Memories: Minecraft TV Time

    Blockbuster Memories: Minecraft TV Time In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Cube Xuan brings joy, making us thrive. With humor and fun, each video a delight, Bringing smiles to faces, shining so bright. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content, never falling flat. Child-friendly and safe, for all to enjoy, A channel that brings happiness, no ploy. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Cube Xuan’s world, a pure delight. Subscribe and follow, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we all can be free. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes πŸ”₯

    Spicy Minecraft Memes πŸ”₯ “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” πŸ˜‚ #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Adventures! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Fleetbhai Dar gaye😱#gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts,” then you’ll love the immersive experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant community of players from around the globe and embark on epic adventures, build stunning creations, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. With a dedicated IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, accessing the server is quick and easy. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a newbie looking to explore the vast possibilities of this sandbox game, Minewind offers something… Read More

  • Sneaky Mobs Hunt in Minecraft

    Sneaky Mobs Hunt in Minecraft The Exciting World of Mobs Hunting in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky world of Minecraft as you test your skills in hunting down mobs. From skeletons to zombies, every encounter is a chance to showcase your survival abilities and strategic thinking. Let’s dive into the exciting realm of mobs hunting in Minecraft! Exploring the Minecraft Universe In Minecraft, players are transported to a vast universe filled with diverse biomes, resources, and creatures. As you navigate through forests, caves, and deserts, be prepared to encounter various mobs that roam the landscape. Each mob presents a unique… Read More

  • Uncover Snowee’s Top Secrets in Minecraft

    Uncover Snowee's Top Secrets in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘5 SECRETS About Snowee in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Snowee on 2024-09-03 16:00:13. It has garnered 477 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:05 or 1685 seconds. Inspired by Cash Nico Aphmau Sunny Melon Jeffery Marvin Johnny Omz Dash Friend Maizen Milo and Chip #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #flamee #snowee #flameeandsnowee Read More

  • Uncovering the Secrets of Minecraft’s OG YouTubers

    Uncovering the Secrets of Minecraft's OG YouTubersVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Happened To Minecraft’s OG Youtubers???’, was uploaded by Web Defiler on 2024-02-16 11:41:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. StampyLongHead, IBallisticSquid, L For Lee X, CaptainSparklez, SkyDoesMinecraft, Bashurverse, PopularMMOS and more. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The BEST server for magic & mayhem! #lifesteal

    UNBELIEVABLE! The BEST server for magic & mayhem! #lifestealVideo Information This video, titled ‘This is the BEST server #minecraft #minecraftsmp #lifesteal #lifestealsmp #shorts’, was uploaded by PunkMagic_ on 2024-07-28 15:00:28. It has garnered 8808 views and 210 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. This is the BEST server #minecraft #minecraftsmp #lifesteal #lifestealsmp #shorts πŸ”₯ Server Name β€” MineWave πŸ’» Server IP β€” punk.minewave.net 🧱 Bedrock Port β€” 19132 ❓ Need help joining? πŸ“± discord.gg/minewave πŸ–±οΈ Subscribe… IT’S FREE! βš™οΈ This Server supports the latest minecraft versions! #minecraft #smp #join #java #bedrock Read More

  • Insane Nether Portals Across Ages in Minecraft! 😱

    Insane Nether Portals Across Ages in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘nether portals in different ages in Minecraft (INSANE) #shorts #meme #memes’, was uploaded by STEVids on 2024-02-07 10:41:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #meme #memes #shorts #tiktok #gaming. Read More

  • Join Froggygion’s SMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Froggygion's SMP - The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Join The Winds Of Change SMP! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Froggygion on 2024-04-26 01:27:11. It has garnered 165 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. discord link https://discord.gg/BE9n4zNkQR Read More

  • SHOCKING! Funtime Foxy discovers hidden room in Minecraft FNAF

    SHOCKING! Funtime Foxy discovers hidden room in Minecraft FNAFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funtime Foxy Finds A SECRET ROOM In Minecraft FNAF’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-07-27 21:18:57. It has garnered 5877 views and 439 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:46 or 1786 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In today’s Video, Funtime Foxy discovers a SECRET ROOM in the backstage area of the Mega Pizza Plex. He has many questions… WHERE did it come from? HOW did it appear? WHO did it?!… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Molten Freddy Found in Minecraft Fnaf!

    SHOCKING! Molten Freddy Found in Minecraft Fnaf!Video Information This video, titled ‘Molten Freddy Found? In Minecraft Fnaf’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-08-03 19:41:37. It has garnered 8122 views and 548 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In Todays Video, Lefty has brought funtime foxy the sister location animatronic to the location Molten freddy is being kept. Will Moon or Sun the daycare attendants try to stop funtime foxy from finding the old ennard?… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Music Beats & Builds – NOT Tanjiro Shorts! πŸ”₯

    INSANE Minecraft Music Beats & Builds - NOT Tanjiro Shorts! πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘#music #minecraft #beats #shorts #minecraftshorts #redstone #builds #tnt like and subscribe for more’, was uploaded by Not tanjiro shorts on 2024-03-15 05:51:05. It has garnered 448 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Discovery at Moo Bloom Sanctuary! #shorts

    Insane Discovery at Moo Bloom Sanctuary! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Moo Bloom Sanctuary #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-06-17 08:45:02. It has garnered 10 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Thanks For Watching πŸ™‚ Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- The Moo Bloom Sanctuary #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords :- Minecraft Minecraft Shorts Minecraft But Minecraft Mod Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Speedrun Shorts Minecraft… Read More

  • LuckyGem Vanilla SMP 1.21 Active Dynmap Discord Hermitcraft Feel.

    New 1.21 Map! LuckyGem SMP: A friendly, whitelisted community with no game altering plugins. Founded in 2020, we value friendship and fun. Join us to explore and grow together! Features: Whitelisted Server – Apply via Discord Active & mature community with responsive staff No teleporting plugin – Travel by foot or nether tunnel highways No economy plugin – Join our trust-based diamond economy No land claim plugin – Find a spot and start building Player-built environment – Donate materials or build with others Participate in weekly events, competitions, and UHC. Show off your builds and be a part of our… Read More