Ultimate 100-Player Minecraft Chase

Video Information

I oh hold up what um hold up I talk to yeah sure hello um oh maybe nobody’s here well I mean if nobody’s here I I guess I don’t need to stream today what what was that what hello oh shoot uh Hey guys uh I I accidentally pressed

Live and uh oh oh look at the time look at the time it would appear that um I I I uh oh thank you for the one month um uh I was just asking brick cuz a lot of the hunter things were taking away and brick said he’s still like testing a lot

Of it it’s like buggy okay well I mean if it’s buggy guys I don’t think we could stream it oh thank you for the one gifted now come on show like you yeah you have you sh Shan what I mean I I I bought you this really nice

Outfit and you didn’t wear it yet you’re supposed to show everybody I bought you that for Christmas I bought you that your it’s your Christmas gift and you’re not wearing it much and there’s so much space in the chest area are you are you not wearing it I uh

Are you not wearing it I mean that’s not wrong it’s just um uh I bought it for you for Christmas you’re not wearing my Christmas gift Chad if I turn on my camera you promise you won’t laugh I bought him a Christmas gift you promise you won’t laugh chat you promise you

Promise put it on what do you mean put it on you don’t know um we are warning you turn on your camera are you sure are you really sure promise you won’t okay you sure okay five 4 7 6 where was I uh 10 9 8 7 6 5 five and a

Half four stoping it three two one wait uh actually it’s this one what’s good are you wearing it are you wearing it are you wearing my Christmas game it’s so tight dude do I have to wear the gloves yes bro why did it give me cat ears though like the actual character bro

And it’s so like breasy in here why are y’all laughing why are y’all laughing gosh damn do you like your Christmas gift I don’t know if like is the word I don’t why did you get me this I know you love you me to give this to

Somebody else no good Frank said that on the top of your Christmas list you wanted a maid outfit no I did not someone else wrote that well Frank told me that what you’re complaining about hey I was just given a list of the things you like from the server there we

Go made by Frank that was not and it told merry freaking Christmas all right well anyway on the top of your list that you wanted a made offit don’t didn’t you say you had another gift yeah can we do that instead no I already bought this

Bro what what else am I supposed to do you’re supposed to wear it I am then good you wear it at least for this dream okay so what’s the other gift what are we doing um she’s not here yet what do you mean I

To I have to I have to pay like $150 for some boxes oh look it’s jumper no I’m talking about the event oh um the gift the gift I’m giving you is I’m going to make you play a little game with me uhhuh you don’t

Say it’s going to it’s going to be 100 St taking pictures Z 100 picture I mean 100 people trying to kill you great do not sound fun oh don’t but don’t worry I have another gift for you okay well there’s going to be I I I

Asked four of the best pvpers I know to protect you yep and if you look if you beat the Ender Dragon before you die I’ll give you your bucket back okay well I know what I’m doing can I take the outfit off now no what mm- if you take the outfit

Off I’m burning your bucket bro okay okay okay well shall we get started let’s get started I’m joining the bodyguards real quick hold up what are you guys laughing at oh my you can kill a skeleton hello hello hello wait they keep spawning what do infinite snowballs glitch oh so when

When are when are we uh starting huh uh we’re starting really soon okay okay here we’re uh you guys even on the Ser snowballs yeah okay yeah we’re getting snowballs this the first time I’ve been on here look everybody’s here it’s Christmas it was Christmas

Where are you huh I’m at spawn I see Vice I see rev thank you for the two much love bro the chest area is so loose oh you got the ma skin in game huh what oh you like it I made it for it hey wait it matches the cave that’s hey

Yo what bro it does m cave oh gosh next year I’m making all y’all get outfit and I’ll be the one in The Bodyguard outfit I don’t know about that I don’t think you could protect anybody asard okay well uh when are we starting is there a time are we waiting

For people what’s going on do you want to start huh um start I can do the command well not yet not yet hold up hold up let’s wait for everybody okay so by the way I’m live right now I should mention that um listen up uh if you want

To participate in the event you can join the Discord Link in the description if not I think the mods have the link um if you want to participate the IP is also on that Discord server join the event you can hunt me down oh also the hunters you get $100

Each if they defend me oh what wait you mean bodyguards bodyguards each sorry body body guards body guards body guards body guards body guards rich not that rich $100 each if you don’t die uh yeah each of you get 100 each all right guys lock in lock

In now yeah now we got to win all right yeah yeah yeah thank you for the one gifted uh is there something going on unusual activity what the heck well I’ll let the mods deal with that are y’all ready yes made by who’s calling me that okay well how many people do we

Have right now in the server um um can we check this um um about a 100 we can start about a 100 I don’t know I can’t check one two three four five six yeah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 * 4 that’s about uh 30 what’s that 30 4 * 2 that’s 68 is minus one cuz and the last tab there’s one person all right I guess we can wait a little bit longer well let’s introduce the hunter shall we where the hunters at

Uh yeah the bodyguards why why do I say Hunters all the time bodyguards let’s get the bodyguards we got we got rasplin over here we got Rasin oh that is me hello everyone what’s up that’s one of my bodyguards we also got flame frags the heck yes yes we got pair I’m in

Spawn where you at right in front of you what no you’re that’s not you wait oh there you are what I’m just standing here oh Andre is here y yo Emma Emma that that guy that just joined q n d yes that’s the Andre is here Andre is here

Yes as a hunter yeah uh yes as a hunter not a uh guys lock in we got main pair here and where is mug there is mum did they join the why are you like a shadow what the heck did they did they join the uh I don’t know server server I

Don’t think they joined the Discord hey y bro no shot got the cookie Kings here sick dude this is exciting Chad y’all excited got a lot of people here today I say we start in about 5 to 10 minutes I think that’s enough time to wait okay and more people can join in

The event right like if there’s not enough um if there’s not enough we can manually put them in like even if it’s like yeah yeah so we can just manually add more dang though I mean even like half a hundred people still a lot of hunters yeah I don’t you might be

Overestimate enough a littleit I think it’ll be fine y’all are the best y’all are the best of the best uh yeah I have so much faith in you guys got team kalal we’re dead bro what threat bro he’s not a threat we’ll be fine bro why is someone like a negative

Version of my skin what is going on here you see this wrestling what the heck bro okay well let’s oh CO’s here nice nice nah I’m ain’t waiting bro just give it like 5 10 minutes man is Lily coming actually yeah where is Lily she was on

Her no Lily got a headache dang she hates us guys she doesn’t like no she’s just smelling a lot of burnt bacon in her house that gives you a headache apparent hey hey we don’t judge here now we don’t judge here what what if I judged you about wearing a m outfit huh

You do no bro suckly bro y though shout out to stellus though for hosting the event they’ve done some great work oh look there’s cool man I recognize a lot of people here all right so what is the Strat what are the strats right now

Uh for us yeah uh we want to get op bows okay yeah we’re going to try and get super crazy bows and just can I get a pick yeah yeah sure I’ll stand here I’ll stand here here we go I’ll just stay here where do I join um there should be

A Discord server in the description it is Java I’m mentioning that now and it is 1.2.2 yes sir say o and an o no I I for the fans 50 bucks as I’ll do that someone’s GNA donate yeah I ain’t doing that for free you think this you think I’m

Charity you been given like $300 with one donation don’t think that 15 stream not on this stream but on previous streams remember it’s not yeah but it’s not happening now so gosh my bro it’s the shoulder things aren’t staying on my shoulder yeah I

Think we got I think I we got you a bit big too big one yeah better bigger than smaller I’ll take that to be fair yeah what’s the code IP is on Discord there’s a corgi King look there’s jumper being free is too mainstream now

True true I thought that was Sark for a second what the heck what the what stay away from bar Kitty who’s bar Kitty and they left uh Emma you want to remind people how they can participate um Join This Server there should be a link either in our public

Discord or in is it in the mod chat I’m not sure um but if you join our public Discord server there should be a link to the F mil event and from there you can get the it’s a Paparazzi you can get the IP and with

The IP you just have to load up 1.2.2 Java PC version and join to kill Etho yeah it’s 60 oh oh one thing to mention for people who bab hey babo when Once The Bodyguard dies they become like cameras for 10 seconds so I don’t know

If you guys really want to kill the bodyguards as much because they be go in spectator for 10 seconds before respawning you guys get respawns I don’t wait do we keep inventory yes yeah keep inventory going for everybody oh yeah yeah yeah we’re locked in locked what the heck there’s a fake

Eth wait hello wait is baby joining wait uhoh no way bro uhoh that’s how not bad right oh my gosh look at vice’s skin yo it’s so cute got the Christmas festivities and everything there’s Matt dude look at all the look at all the famous people here we got

Mera yo why do you keep leaving sh that’s not me that’s not you hold on that’s you and Aon oh my gosh it’s mayo and sausan and how’ you guys get out here already and Sean oh there’s a way to get out there yeah there’s parkour

There is oh shoot yeah there is a way to get out but I’m I’m not even sure oh this place looks nice what else who else is here who else do I know there’s Lyra there’s Ethan there’s pinball smarty rev over there there’s John oh my gosh John what

The fck dude that sick no I’m not saying why does everyone in my chat saying that outfit yeah you are in a cat made outfit uh there’s a fake Etho here guys wait no that’s actually me yeah you guys kill this Etho guys kill this Etho instead oh Shadow’s here too shady

Shady W ow ah what the heck there’s snowballs wait wait wait wait uh where is the skeletons I don’t even know where the skeletons spawn the skeletons spawn somewhere they have little tiny hats and everything I’m going to right now I’m touring the map a bit 4150 is the you guys built all

This um no oh okay well this is a backup this is a backup oh zombies here divided oh backup mhm okay dope dude where are the skeletons all right oh oh my gosh it’s sunlight hold up you need to find a skeleton before anything find a skeleton skeletons in the

Closet what are you talking about what oh there’s a daisy plushy There’s real skeletons There’s real skeletons yeah the throw snowballs at you they’re very uh realistic what is that supposed to mean what where are where do they spawn hi guys yeah it’s like right oh I

Found it I found it I found it Ender’s here too what the heck e what wait Rend come over here render no Ender not render follow me I don’t think render wanted to participate or he was too yeah render didn’t dang’s a loser there’s Miro he doesn’t like me

Yeah from Rend is a where’s the SK kill them all now they respawn well oh do they yeah they they respawn near this area yeah but they’re one hit so if you hit them once oh there’s one oh it’s at a Santa hat oh oh I got a snowball oh my

Gosh wow yeah if you throw the snowball it pushes people oh dang wait is that Frost Fox is Frost here wait Frost arctic fox wait is that Frost I don’t know if that’s Frost um I’ll ask I don’t know if that is if it is that’d be

Cool I think it is wait where is he where is Frost forck Fox hi guys hello oh yeah sorry chat chat we’re starting soon we’re starting soon see guys it’s going to be easy we got this dang they got out there um all of management maybe getting on to uh hunt

Us down what no wait what that’s not real right okay guys it’s not real though right no you’re joking right you’re joking oh give me their usernames I can make sure they have a spot um we don’t have to do that no no no give them

Fake names R give him fake names give them fake names uh no oh Frost is trying and is struggling to join cuz of FR it’s uh yeah Frost make sure to get Frost to VIP struggling hey ninja hey ymy fighting cuz it’s what the hunters are

Picked by random but I have the power to just give people a permanent role not well not yeah a permanent role mhm that does not count shall we start soon yes yes yes hello hello everybody okay I don’t know what the map seed’s going to look like in this so I

Have little to no info really oh [ __ ] so I um I think it’s randomized however there is going to be like confirmed stuff like stronghold stuff you know things you need to beat the game with bro I like the thing in the sky that’s cool nice Graphics

Okay um miror hi miror uh however afterwards uh after we start I’m not going to see who’s joining he in the lobby Frost fo roll someone get that Fox on VIP I got it don’t worry get that Mana Shield I’ve been rewatching the Marvel stuff lately all right

Well um tell them what starts soon start uh you can just tell me and I I can start it okay uh want to start in like like two minutes two minutes two minutes or six minutes yeah actually that’s better we’re wait why is everybody leaving what the heck oh we’re starting in 7

Minutes seven isn’t a 7 Minutes six six minutes no it says oh wait sorry six whoops I’m excited man it’s been a while since we last event we did was the Bingo draft one right oh yeah that was a while ago that was a fun that one was

Crazy this one shouldn’t lag that’s the thing this one shouldn’t lag looking forward to that looking forward to that chat final reminder you can still participate in the event Discord is in the description with the IP Java Edition 1.2.2 what the parkour on this map is so good this

Parkour where it’s like the map is like parkour certain jumps hard to make wait where yeah you have to parkour out of the wall that’s how people are getting out e I’ll show you are you at spawn right now yeah yeah yeah I’ll go go go okay on the

Way all right um uh Theo Theo is a YouTube member right yes what the heck someone just splashed drugs on me what huh br br can you clean my house I’m not an actual mate it’s a bit okay it’s a bit this choker is choking me all right where am I

Going um come to spawn bro I’ll show you the I am that’s fun no I’m here right now oh hey okay ready the blindfold is too strong is it buto you couldn’t see flame when he was right there all right so you get into this corner right here

You have to make a jump you have to kind of like oh I see it’s actually hard bro cuz you have so little room yeah I see that I see that you you might want to BL your [ __ ] up bro too scandalous bro too scandalous too scandals two Scandal I already know

You changed in front of fire huh yeah oh Pirates here what’s up all right okay there I have to just press against the back of the shirt that way I can’t fall yeah clean my rby okay okay bro call a janitor not me I escaped I think starting soon 3 minutes wait is

This the actual map for like uh the hunt no no no no it’s a normal vanilla world oh bet okay I’m like a thousand blocks out of the spawn right now how you can do SL Lobby I think I just started walking just walked away yeah I got out

And walked to the Beautiful Homes I’m at the beautiful household outside the gate right now bro that’s Attack on Titan remember the attack on Titan lore what if Titan spawn you don’t know I don’t watch the T on Titan missing out first SE but season 2 is too scary I stop

Watching okay we have 80 people I think it’s almost time uh 3 minutes left three minutes three minutes three minutes no I’m not saying ah [ __ ] shoot can I be on your team unfortunately not Etho mate isn’t real he can’t hurt okay you missed the spot what are you

Saying bro I feel violated this chat’s crazy you’re the one who placed this bet on yourself and then lost 10 business meetings in three minutes bro why is someone talking like copy and pasting the Constitution um after just a reminder after the event actually starts you have

Like 10 uh 15 to 20 minutes to join up to get a a roll so wait we’re waiting another 15 to 20 minutes no no no because you’re gonna you guys are going to get inside but the hunters are going to stay here oh okay okay okay okay okay they still got to

Wait that’s my sorry sorry family friendly family friendly look at all the cool people out there how do you get out I want to be free I want to be free too bad someone found me at the world [Laughter] border can you find all the daisy plushies no that’s your thing I already

Have the real deal uh that’s one right there in my on my face cam one minute or less than a minute technically a few seconds left one minute I’m starting right at right at seven but let’s do I see that when I see that clock Change I’m starting it okay follow the

Wall oh shoot starting it’s starting what I was in the board oh never mind lock in lock in all right all right okay what are we doing okay uh wait what wait wait they’re here already wait they actually are here I think it’ss oh they are here oh they are

Here they are here they’re right here what yeah they’re all here bro wait what wait wait wait wait uh this supposed to be here again is that supposed to happen wait are these the VIPs or like I think those are VIPs I don’t think VIPs are

Supposed to be here I don’t know but uh oh where you at huh I’m chopping a tree I’m going to flash my cords once uh we should run we should run away where are we where are we uh uh I’m I’m I’m going to your cords

Cuz I found M I found mum yeah okay uh I’m staying with mum let’s just go this way yeah let’s just go I see flame down there hold up uh yeah yeah let’s all get together and we got to run okay okay oh okay that’s what that thing at the bottom does I’m

Dumb oh I have double Hearts what the heck okay well you have no items no items but I have doubled Hearts oh we’re finished we’re finished you can’t have anything the guys there has been a little no no I no I have stuff what do you mean don’t worry too much there has

Been a little glitch no one should be no no one but you guys should have able to join but the VIPs were pulled in so I I them to do nothing so you guys are okay wait wait we need to get the rest of the team where’s the rest of them okay I’m

Hurry up um um um um um um um why don’t I have cords on my F3 the heck don’t don’t P don’t pull up in your cours at the Bott can’t even see CS yeah you guys just got to follow the compass thing yeah you have Compass one of y’all

Message me cords on our screen yeah we can’t message cords you got to follow the compass oh gosh okay wait do you guys have compasses on the screen you number at the bottom you want to follow that until like it’s going down oh okay eat the my compass wait we oh

Shoot um we’re in the Stream we’re in the water stream right now okay people are the VIPs are preparing already we got to leave man we got to leave is PP on I see we we can’t hurt each other I think follow me wa are we which way are we going uh

As far way as possible I say we just run we book it yeah let’s take the water let’s get oh I see I see main pair main pair over there yeah yeah mum’s here okay bet I’m in the rivering oh thank you how you got where where are you huh

Every hereone everyone’s here everyone’s here yeah let’s leave we shouldn’t we shouldn’t okay okay okay let’s go let’s go get in the water get in the water yeah yeah get the boats get the boats yo let’s let’s get out of here okay I’m going Flames let’s go all

Right let’s go let’s we got we got to get as far as possible oh we have escaped spawn we have left we out okay the gam begin lock in lock in lock in lock in lock in all right um should we get saturation stew people starting already oh we could oh

Wait do you guys have double the hearts or is that just okay so all right a bit of a chance uh yeah drugs are Heth this like this is impossible bro impossible challenge we just need to play if I have leather and sugar can so

If what the heck is that cost don’t ask I lost a bed we don’t know where we are it makes it way harder huh how would we know cuz cords cords don’t work that’s true that means we have to stay together then wait what if he’s in the

Another wait oh how are we going to remember portals bro oh no mini Map works yeah as long as two people can get cords that’s all that matters oh I don’t even want to read out the C you have bro it is so atrocious you message it then what

The heck well we’re really far out we’re like 10 million blocks out we’re good we’re good okay so at what point should we try and uh should we try and look for a village or like yeah just until we find a village honestly we can get some

Shipwrecks too I feel very safe right now you shouldn’t bro you should sh ship ship right there yeah shipwreck yeah yeah yeah yeah so why did you jump out I need to get this I’m all about my can you got the sugar the sweet stuff you want speed like hey oh yeah that’s

Something someone recommended I certain somebody recommended me to get uh slow falling potions when we reach the end um no way no way you’re going to fall off if you fall off not that I fall off if someone could push me off some people could get there before we

Do no way no one speed I’ll be in disbelief we don’t know that we don’t know that if someone speeduns before us I’ll be in disbelief bro disbelief bro that’s crazy are they able to do that was spe run before us I got some iron from the ship break I can make a

Shield yeah make you throw a shield yeah okay uh hold up I need Stone stuff yeah I’m getting stone tools right now we need to rush a village for the flers we don’t even know where the villages are yeah e though we’re trying to get H good arrows good arrows good

Bows so we can uh arrows that’s smart yeah shoot him down yeah so we can save resources instead of trying to like fight them directly hey how’s it going M good I’m good oh okay I think power three and above is like going to be really good I that’s

Like I don’t know if we can get that high but that’ be awesome hopefully what are we getting then well we just trying to get as good as possible okay once we get stone tools should we just leave yeah or something we could oh shoot uh okay I see one of the

VIPs oh no what do you mean oh the timer at the Top’s the preparation time now for us oh okay okay first it’s Frost Arctic [ __ ] um I don’t think we have to worry too much about that guy we should be okay as far as I know

But that’s that’s not same thank you does does any any I’m going to make everyone a shield all right that’s all I need wood if people can drop wood I can make Shields all right thanks all right boom Oh my God I need food oh we don’t have food either no no

I I have a tiny bit here here here if you see animals CH we going back to the stone age should I give you a should I give you this armor piece sure well guess I mean we can respawn he can’t so that’s true take it I think you spawn wow

Where’d you get you got this already holy from ship bre loot a ship bre ship BRS go crazy should we leave or should we St keep grinding yeah we should try and we should probably get try and get farther yeah don’t forget to replant the trees oh about the trees all right let’s

Let’s dip then okay yeah all right we’re dipping oh we we have a physical compass in our inventory I didn’t even know everyone has that by the way not just me or not just you guys everybody wait maybe I got this from the ship break

Wait do you guys have one yeah I don’t have one um I’m just telling you guys now all Hunters have compasses or like ways to track me I have a GPS installed oh okay the GPS yeah Daisy hijacked it if you look at the cature of

The land you can see that this this must be what the Hunger Games feels like yeah kind of what it is I need food all right let’s find some animals v a village would go crazy cuz that means that’s food and like everything that would be everything

We need distance guys turn it up oh I’m out of hunger CH no way wait hold on I can scout a little bit hold up I can smell a little bit of Imagine This was like UHC where I couldn’t regen no I was I uh wait is that I’m going turn off

There there’s like a hill over there I don’t know if that’s a village though there’s more space if we keep going uh what is this I don’t even know which way we’re facing oh gosh bro enjoy actually we’re almost half our time down bro yeah it’s better that we’re out here bro can

You imagine how many people we’re going to see when they all start logging in I don’t know how we’re going to handle that I don’t know what we’re going to do we might want to try and get to the nether quick or something nether doesn’t

Even open for a bit if I recall oh it doesn’t no oh my she sheep yeah food food food wait what are we just supposed to survive for like an hour no we’re supposed to beat the game yeah okay yeah I KN that like how long is the like nether close for I

Think the nether is closed for either two or 3 days so it’s after preparation I don’t know the details we’ll see nice okay we could try going I don’t know I don’t know time for gear more time for gear okay you got to be smart all right let’s

Let’s get the coal let’s get the coal yeah kill the pig no don’t kill the pig I need food how do people keep drowning that’s my question how how are they dying before we even do anything 10 bucks from bacon thank you much love I want to chat in Discord hunters in my

Disc uh you can’t chat in there unfortunately here here put coal in here put Co in here where Miss furnace right here right here okay all right bro I made a smoker this is hey yo okay true got be efficient On The Run yeah true true true

True true is that no some pumpkins here we’re in a swamp man we got unlucky bro no Village bro hey he he hey we don’t know that we don’t know that there’s more water streams here we can boat on yeah yeah yeah we should just try and get as far

As possible get the food and then we go in there and we leave yeah yeah yeah um kill all the creepers that you see don’t don’t let them blow up trust and let let me get the gun po what is that buddy I’m in my mind yeah you got some plans you

Know got plans yeah no way over half our time is up bro yeah bro this is going about fast it’s scary oh man okay um should we start moving again or are you still yeah yeah I’m ready okay okay okay come to me or yeah just what direction is this I’m m

Flame look I want to show youall something if you want to know what direction you’re going start mining a block and if it’s north it always like those two little balls always face two little balls what the little oh that’s what you’re referring to I still don’t know what he means [Laughter] okay

Swear uh uh uh uh PG by the way oh shoot man I just fell get up flame bro we can’t die to Ravine oh but bamboo bro that’s op bamboo I said that that’s just not bamboo that’s sugar it is over there way back there you want see wait really

Really yeah we a jungle there like a here look wait can we actually get saturation still right now yo yo yo yo yo wait where’s mum I found a portal over here oh it has enjoy bro enjoy nothing well oh uh I thought you were the wait there’s cows to left there is

Bamboo wait the Jungle jungle could be op jungle is op bro move once what does jungle have Heights cool it just looks really cool oh I we do not want to go down there could be a bunch of resources though you want to go down there maybe over here

Okay I might separate for a tiny bit see there’s wait there’s a there’s a calside block down there yeah that’s emth this geode we can get teles animals Grace periods about I want to say need armor I’m not going to lie all right we’re very far away we can

Start mining no I’m in a plan B and I’m looking for one the people who do get those first are not going to be that geared so like just some IR armor I’m by myself right now I’m going to go down the cave yeah I’m going to come down

There eiz the mobs and we lose yeah I’m on the way uh what’s down here have a shield I found some iron here found a village let’s go oh do we go do we leave yeah yeah yeah we we need to how are we going to go to him how far

Are you m oh right we don’t know his cords bro I know okay that’s an issue okay I’ll go back to where you guys are at I’m like 530 blocks away okay why don’t you just say like what what he’s coming to you so he just keeps going

That way yeah do like hotter colder hot cold okay wait start moving now we get proximity chat and then we just scream as loud as possible the right direction going the right direction okay I’m going back I’m going back up I have like seven uh piece of

Hey I’m on 25 right now all right I’ll meet you then cuz I can see where you guys are yeah yeah you know where I’m going get iron okay uh I see you rest yeah oh arrows W where’s Daisy Daisy’s hunting me with about a 100 other

People can you go in that direction you’ll uh meet me oh dude Maya with a five gifted much love okay I’m hiding right here real quick was hiding wait why are you hiding H nothing I’m just adding something to my stream oh has a compass a compass would go crazy well

Not really cuz I mean we already know where he is and I actually have a compass what am I yapping about guys welcome all members o gold nice sh here ooh I’m going get cobwebs should I go back down yeah yeah yeah that would be useful no no no no no

Try to go to mum where’s mum uh okay here I’ll just okay you’re going the we’re at the jungle right now we’re at the jungle right now or I’m at the jungle I’m near the jungle you’re getting way further away okay uh yeah yeah you’re getting closer

Yeah yeah that’s the right direction how do you know this cuz your number’s going down oh yeah we have a yeah we have wait that’s smart that’s really smart okay so I’m going the right direction right now yes this is kind of dangerous being by

Myself low key I mean we still got a little time try get I see a name tag oh it’s you flame I see you flame oh okay never mind all right so all right so it’s that way I think so okay you’re going the right way but it it’s taking you quite a

Bit your numbers going down really slow okay now you are now yeah yeah all right I was in the water yeah all right yeah this this way is perfect perfect welcome level one membership bacon much love welcome to the team oh yeah actually wait I should say this uh

YouTube members actually do get priority to join the event so you can join the Discord and start hunting me oh boy it’s going to be fun all right boat up bro the hunters haven’t even been like fully released yet I’m scared here bro like what do you

Mean it’s fine as long as they don’t actually coordinate and work flame wait uh we can get an enchant table I think oh wait no we need obsidian we can get OB we need to go mining how far are we mug uh 470 blocks away okay we’re close close

Closer you’re going the wrong direction you’re going the wrong direction here I got uh shears wait right direction right direction now okay this way this way this way you got shars yeah cop ups op they really good e where you at huh uh I went towards the

Pig I also I need food I need food here I can uh where’d you go place a smoker real quick I’ll look for the smoke bro I have so much food bro I get I get hunted here it’s over I see I see you flame you’re going

The wrong way flame you’re going the wrong way no it’s this way no it’s not yes mug am I going the right way no I told you oh okay you’re going the wrong way flame no no aren’t we going the right way mum uh no he’s going the

Right wa no no he’s not wait what what did I say it’s this way give me the food give me the food give me the food thank you so this way this might want to group up soon I’m just getting full iron huh yeah yeah oh wait use the the moon use

The moon what wait the Moon the Moon West the moon sets West moon sets West yeah yeah it’s straight west on you okay then we’re going west okay bro we’re like our ancestors right now we’re so smart man this is why I’m in the mid outfit crap I’m no you’re fine you’re

Fine you can still join as long as there’s still a room oh shoot I fell uh I thought that was a death message bro oh what type of Village is it uh planes really okay yeah yeah so for those that are in here uh go towards the moon go

Away from the Sun away from the sun we they can track your C oh yeah they can what am I saying all yeah I see the village all right yo this is some creative strats right now I see it all right we really need armor now so we got to start

Locking so I say we stay at the village stay at the Village right now that’s probably the Str yo M and I got a bunch of iron we’re going to beat up soon I think heck yeah bro this is good too cuz the village you see that Tower it’s on

The top of the mountain so we get high ground here if people come cuz they’re not going to be coming from the opposite way yeah and hopefully they’re not coordinated enough uh it’s not the 100 people I’m worried about for coordination all right we got jumper

They got they have some people they have some people they got members oh I found some they’re all here oh gosh we no no no no yo yo uh flame where are you I have a chest plate I have a chest plate here uh oh you’re lagging for me what the

Heck oh the server is lagging from all the people joining yeah oh I see mug I can’t move I can’t move I can make sure there’s no mobs around you all right GG’s pause oh I moved a little bit oh I saw mug move a bit

Wait s was right oh wait wait another 10 memberships much love thank you bacon bro oh wow my members are recruiting more people are we good are we wait uh we not oh wait wait okay now we’re good now we’re good oh and did it roll back or is

It is it wait I’m at spawn now what the what what wait I’m at spawn yeah me too the server crashed I’m pretty sure did it yeah so did we win or lose wait we lost already I made it yay or they put you back or no no no I just

I jumped made the parkour uh what’s going on hold up pause uh if you were disconnected just do SL jooin and you should be able to join back okay oh thank you thank you oh okay okay all right well yeah yeah and we’re back there some armor yeah yeah yeah

Flame come here I have a chest plate for you she should have messaged us that and then not told the viewers dude imagine where are you flame where are you extra come here come here come here okay still lagging a little bit be careful that is a creeper hello oh man

All right I also have a five obsidian if we find a portal um wait yeah wait wait no we CRA table right now no no no no I have no diamond here here take the obsidan take the obsidian wait I need a furnace I need a

Furnace I don’t have Cobble all right I got like a stack of webs oh my God scar oh mug has one there’s a 0.05 chance of me winning okay I like those odds water well there’s a lot of food in here you though come enchant your gear huh I

Don’t even have that much gear but all right wait we don’t have there’s no lapis though on already oh I I have a we can’t punch each other I think hold up can can you but they can already no oh I can punch you for some

Wait can you give me a water down here uh yeah okay okay I use we need to we need to lock in right now we’re good we’re good we’re good they they’re very far away right now trust me it takes time it takes we I think last time we did this

We weren’t even that far away this time we probably have like 15 to 30 minutes before they find us all right go for a stacks of Arrow trade it’s the first on okay there are villagers here I’m full iron and I got like 30 more iron

Cooking for yall you need it get gosh there’s so many man man are you on your way over here no I’m mining iron for everybody shoot okay I’ll stay here then I was going to go mining well e you want to go mining huh um I don’t think on you

Don’t have much yeah probably yeah I’ll go hold on uh don’t die to I’m just getting the bread here so we get a lot of food yeah someone should be with Etho like around him at all times no it’s fine guys you guys go have fun

Okay just stay just stay I’ll be the stay at home mom it’s okay you’ll have fun okay just stay safe okay members uh members get access to the server sooner I’ll remind everybody so basically just 25 people just got VIP immediately uh let’s see if this cave

Works uh oh gosh I’m starting to feel the pressure now actually yeah me too bro I’m starting to feel it you ever been hunted by this many people no well yo I’m going head towards yall right now cuz it’s like 800 blocks away Hey where’s my fabrite my fbr’s not working

Man all right bro have tor we’re done bro all right okay there’s got to be stuff here all right got an ax L on bucket you would know yeah he guys priority stra why are you wearing gay anime C what bro yo dri dripstone could go crazy I’m

Not going to lie no no no where where we’re mining right now a little bit okay well there’s like another Village like straight next to ours oh really oh yeah we should probably do that all right I got like let’s get a furnace cooking need GE immediately the heck where I’m going up

Man I’m just take this take this I just dropped you thank you all right um my trip okay um all the iron I’m smelting iron right here okay you you take it I don’t need as much well you need a I need a helmet but you can get it to me

You need the armor more yeah I have Enchanted iron so what are you wearing your mother’s outfit oh thought I’d cosplay today thank you for the two what’s your server name you don’t need to you don’t you can just name it whatever the name doesn’t

Matter I think I meant the IP but oh the IP why why is that tree on fire wait oh it’s lava okay I see the other Village I’m going to go to it yeah all right I’m on the way to y’all right now oh there’s a light here

Yeah get webs yeah oh my God we got lock in bro shoot haven’t seen anyone yet hey it’s exciting it’s exciting R I’m going to the Village that’s near be careful bro you’re you’re alone kills me today you know wait guys remember $100 guys lock

Inck if you need a motive oh there’s a big wait Wait Flame you should come here there’s like a big area open area with the cave here all right bab I’ll head over there I get you a helmet too uh can uh I’m going make sure uh no

One uh no I’m not even going to say it I don’t want to give no one the idea all right I’m on the way bro I feel like all the hunters are watching my stream right now they want to know where I am that’s not what

That’s not what I was going to say but I’m not even going to mention it I’m just head over to you I don’t want to give no ideas you put too much faith on the viewers it’s fine damn they’re what are you trying to say they’re mad huh I’m

Saying I’m I’m better than them they don’t know how to they don’t know how to kill y hear that guys they they’re not going to kill me they’re not there’s a reason why I chose 100 and not you know 50 that’s L he has no Fame I needed to

Make it easier besides you guys do fation he’s going to make them try harder now lot of beds here oh a horse if we get a saddle horses could be op yo someone got to covered me with diamonds all right uh someone Spate that person wait was Fizzy too it’s F oh

Oh don’t worry I don’t think she’s that good hopefully wait yo if they get some diamond armor and they’re not that good and we just drop them hey yeah if we just be careful about it just have Etho run and then we just get some drops we have unlimited lives so

Like oh wait yo yo yo Flame come here two water two water buckets here two water buckets oh bet b b bet here I got a helmet right here thanks thanks yep all let’s kill this uh Golem mhm let’s this a Golem shut up Golem all right guys um hey I just want

To say keep inventories on for everybody oh no all right guys wait I just realized is I’m hunt wait Daisy is hunting me too right I don’t know no bro I want to get so if someone gets full prop for and we somehow killed them they’re they’re just going to come

Back we just break their armor uh that me we need to go for a good AR too uh I got plenty of food for yall when you get here yeah me too like two stacks of bread going rely on drops now I actually got to grind wait do you have boots

Flame no come here y you’re geing me bro yeah man I got to take care of my my bodyguards wait someone was killed by a wolf hello I want to get a dog Army going for real th 1,000 wolves 1,000 wolves versus 100 players who would who made that video I don’t

Know wait wait who’s that wait wait who’s that who’s that is who’s the full iron right there I see somebody I’m I’m here I’m here oh okay okay it’s probably me are you swimming yeah yeah it’s you yeah it’s a full iron guy just hurdling his way here

Bruh I’m so sad they get keep inventory yeah no BR I want here it’s the cards were dealt yeah okay I can SP cobwebs all right by bye I think I know where Etho h no you don’t that is um a a portion a portion I’ll give you more e oh thank

You dang all right now we just need to find mugam and uh tracking Target no I think they’re just now able to track cuz it says track and Target now all tools I think that’s been up there no no it said getting Ethan died already what the heck uh should we get

Fletchers yes uh wait are we just going to get emeralds so fashion or we going to like set up like a string duper oh I don’t think we can actually hold on yeah we probably can’t no it requires another tracking Target oh gosh break all the the tables and stuff I’m on way

You uh yeah yeah mug if you can bring the enchant table uh you want me to go up right now what the heck uh no I have to be right this second okay I’ll go up in like 3 minutes do we already have a FL table oh

Wait do you have food r no oh yeah I do you no no I’m saying I I can give you food if you want I got a bunch all right you’re good then yeah I think we’re all good on food oh what if I got a horse do you have a

Saddle yeah that’d be good oh it’d be huge we got like a stream of camels together camels bro camels camels bro someone leads them and we all just run like a little train that’ll show two people can be on a camo so I mean be on a horse too what I don’t know

If camos are on this one though oh creeper hold up oh man are you like underr you still no a shoot um who are these people who are these people oh it’s y it’s just y’all hello okay bro you trying to scare us because it’s not working I’m going start

Getting fle tables it kind of worked okay I mean it worked a little but not on me I’m a big strong maid love you bro see marshmallow thank you for joining wait can you type can you see me type in chat if I type this yeah yeah

Okay I don’t think I think Hunters have their own chat and like bodyguards have their own chat I think that’s how it works yeah you see other people typing right now right and the stream would be canceled yep all right I got a FL the table

Nice um you’re villager oh yeah yeah we need to get stick it’s night time yeah no but that’s bad we can’t trade though can’t trade oh can we sleep no no server we don’t know the server limit we don’t know the server limit all right everybody let’s go to bed guys everyone

Go to bed one out of 82 hey guys let’s sleep real quick yo everyone that’s hunting me can we all sleep real quick please yo can we all just sleep just for just for a minute everyone stop hunting and make a bed yeah everyone make a bed right now all

Right bro people are give me cover me with diamonds BR I rather it not be keep inventory honestly then go get some diamonds right now man oh my so I’m lazy okay wait wait okay while we’re waiting while while we’re waiting for the um for the villagers get sticks get six

Yeah lava would go crazy I just I believe that nether opens after day two also we can go nether yeah that might be useful I think somebody’s on you we need what on you we’re here full IR oh my gosh his main pair oh gosh no I saw was an F5

Ah oh what what the just happen What scared us bro was fighting like mug or something guys Mug’s betraying me he’s killing me imagine wait you want gunpowder I don’t want this in my inventory thank you wait I need um to Minecraft that can’t hold anything let me col Hotel

California can you clean my room so my mom and dad they’ll tell me at least twice every week okay buddy listen here just cuz I’m in this m outfit doesn’t mean I’m here to do your job dang I’m going to guess your age e though are you 16 thankfully no thankfully

No all right I’m going to make a stick chest we store all our sticks inside or should I just keep compare size wood cuz people might steal wait wait wait what what what the sticks what are you guys what are you guys thinking about okay okay what what what you think I said

Said nothing nothing what are y’all talking about I don’t know man y’all crazy w w m what are you doing are you betraying are you sending cords this is like the worst time that have to use the bathroom in this what what I landed on driftstone bro did you die

No wait so if you die you can just TP to us right wait yeah just die far away yeah true oh and we keep our stuff wait you’re right yeah did we keep our levels though I’m going to test it right now someone kill uh wait you

Sure I can’t levels I can hurt you but are you sure you want me to do it yeah we can test it okay who am I killing who am I killing me I mean if there’s a if there’s a time to test this right now you don’t have anything let me see my

Spawn just in case all right now follow me let’s go like away from the bed all right all right let’s go okay ready yeah okay I’m in spectator wait I can TP the people see wait I can’t well I can’t okay they’re all at spawn with like

Shields oh gosh how does it look like uh one of them has like iron gear oh and now I’m back with all my levels and stuff okay we could just we could just go on spectator like at will then yeah well that’s why that’s why that’s why

Daisy warned everyone don’t try not to kill them because they’re spectator he wait kill me again I want to see what team CLW and jumper who up to we say don’t damage your armor though oh you’re right iron armor bro I’ll be sorry shut up this is

My Professionals for Reon I found the stronghold I found the stronghold where what he already has eyes ey what wait how I I just found it in a cave what what the the chest wa wait wait that’s huge it’s right underneath our village bro what really no shot yes no shot wait

Crazy wait wait just we don’t have eyes but that means we already know where it is okay that’s huge that’s huge wait make sure you get those cores or mini map yeah I said it uh hey guys I’m going to go in this house and I’m going to go

Pee real quick all you have to do is protect eth until the second night Guess we can not yet I pick up I can pick up that many we can get a level 30 eat table bro what what cuz he at the strong Cod yeah can we get that in time yeah yes oh sure he has all the books

All we need is the levels can get I don’t eat those like off of this here but oh oh uh corns are going to be turned on cuz people cannot find other people yeah same same for us it’s hard so uh CS are going to be turned on in

Just a second all right oh and chords are turned on so be careful when F3 wait careful when F3 okay it’s especially since the compass isn’t working yet careful with that you could just move your face cam over the cords if you wanted to I may or may not have flashed

It all right GG’s guys let’s get off all right over what’s the plan right now uh we need the we need to so I think nether is opening so probably go there first okay B we can just beat the game do you want to just go to the stronghold

First no there’s no reason to yeah portal there no oh actually hold on wait yeah let me I’m going to be trapped as well oh M just kill yourself in game or eliminate yourself in game I said in game I said in game 5 Second am I 17 no I am not

17 these guys do not accept jobs yet wake up wake up cover me with diamonds okay y every every kill we we get we should get a diamond piece people are making do getting dogs too wait mug where’s your armor I haven’t any of it yet oh my God bro you’re

Throwing it’s in here what the H do you mean bro dis find the stronghold I mean that’s true you have the book with oh yeah all right throw them down to me specifically you can have that if you want it I’m not 92 yes I’m 21 oh my gosh

Man wait don’t don’t use the bookshelves yet about to I already do this why no don’t place them yet cuz you don’t have silk touch right oh I mean it drops the same but do we have any lapis I don’t even think we do no okay so everything we need is

Underground we need the what we need diamonds we need ne’s open ne’s open’s open let go we got to go then we got to go we got to go lava pool uh there was some there was some trees burning there was some trees burning nearby uh where’s the guy I’m

Screenshotting these cores he’s just not converting yet one no that’s a fish guy what are they doing we need we need two Fletchers I’m looking for the lava pool what are they doing they’re actually tweaking where are they going what are they no they’re looking for this Blast Furnace right here

Delete all the other uh work tables oh Fletcher you trade arrows all right I I I have some how are we supposed to find the lava where’s the lava po here I got more arrows for people okay I’m just going to go back hold up wait there’s a

Barrel here does anyone have string I do I do I have oh I’m dumb I I bought the wrong guy oh my gosh I got the wrong one now they’re making out craft the compass TR oh were they not able to like track US before no oh thank

God uh someone have a piece of string oh yeah trying to get another Fletcher too oh wait you do you guys have spare iron hold up I have two it’s in the chest oh wait never mind uh if you guys get spare let me know I need some delete these guys

Other workstations the fish guys so they can there no iron uh I don’t know if we should stay here bro I’m kind of like regretting guy bro flame give me IR Andre is in the nether bro we got it we really should go I got bow trade flame

Give me your iron give me your iron give me iron I have four but that’s fine that’s all I need I think we really need go can you give some arrows uh I I only have 50 uh what’s he going to find some chickens crossbow

Uh oh have 30 T do you guys really think it’s smart to do this plan so yeah uh we have to commit man we have to commit could go nether right now we should we should go NE definely should I’m ready all right let’s go find the lava pool

Then please don’t die to natural causes I’m going towards the Birch forest does anyone have arrows or no I dropped some does anyone have lapis so I can we’ll find we’ll find the PE well we’ll kill people when we find them right we’ll figure it out we can’t get

Gear though I know but like for all we know we don’t need that many arrows we’ll find chickens we’ll find chickens along the way yeah there’s one here there like a couple ch way to make arrows come on bro what else do you want to do want to trade then trade power two

Easy okay nice nice nice okay I’m still using that flame oh okay I’ll place it down for the two uh you’re alone e just good luck huh all right good luck guys bye bye okay I’m just looking for the lava pool mug can you drop another Str

Remember they can track you oh that’s true five four three wait the thing on isn’t is on isn’t at the top of the screen anymore I’m good now place it again place it again place it again there no how about you place it buddy oh hold on wait some I got power

Two here A bunch wait I like you want to get power three no we need to go bro all right yeah like he has no bodyguards on him right now is bro bro bro escaped huh I’m at the bridge forest hold up I’m coming back guys all I’m I’m

Going go over here hey guys wa did you pick up the lapis no it’s in the T table you guys notice the thing at the top of the screen’s gone now yeah okay that dirt tow me by the way just not so you guys aren’t scared that’s me uh that

Was me all right all right let’s find lava pool lava pool yay okay how many webs do you guys have each 14 a stack and 21 I’m 11 15 you a stack and 21 I can split I can split okay everyone throw me your webs all right

All my adrenaline’s gone you guys well wait till people p up let go get it back are you sure you guys all gave me your web yeah okay one 32 wait we all get half a stack exactly nice bro I two stacks I have I have a whole

Stack oh where’s mine oh I got I got your I got yours lava pool all right let’s go I’m left does anyone know how to make the portal like I’m not saying that you’re not going to make me say that I could get like a sharpness to

Diamond swur fire aspect bro I just uh need lapis lapis that’s it you mean levels I need no I need enchant I know that one thank you for the two much love say hi we have cords now so I’ll just go this wayes does anyone want the

Saturations too like uh I got it but like it’s kind of wasting a lot of my I want to say wasting but you taking a lot of inventory space how cuz what my cob disappeared I just threw it out I feel like we saw a lava pool earlier I

Swear I want to eat ribs so bad bro I’ll buy them for you in a bit oh B I forgot about that I keep forgetting get a meal bro I’m going to you can buy more than just ribs with the player behind us what do you mean he has

No armor though but he he’s right behind us wait wait let’s just look at him let’s just look at him let’s intimidate him wait is there a level P right here I know he’s peeing his pants wait wait who’s that wait Ender gamer MJ mcj end gamer M yeah keep going

Okay yeah wait no they could just just kill them anyways but he could but he could tell everybody where our quarts is there’s more people them okay how many should we try to hold them off or keep going wa how many how many how many how many people there three three people are

Coming you guys should just go all right m m let’s leave let’s leave let’s leave okay nice we got one we got one good all right I’m going just kill them to set them back how far did they get set back spawn can they set their kind of

Question is thato First Blood they can have a bed they could but we don’t know where I’m going go behind them hey shoot gu all right I’m right here oh my God I’m getting destroyed uhoh I’m behind them I got him okay remember if you guys

Die you get teleported back to us and we don’t lose our stuff so we’re f fine yeah take off your armor and just die if you like have to take off armor your arm wait if they catch on on that they could just stop killing us all you guys we can

Kill them well we can kill them so yeah see this is what I’m telling you guys it’s fine bro they’re like way too far to hunt us oh my God nice okay we cleared out the first wave okay first wave the scouts we it’s been an hour and 20 man

We’re fine hey I have a question yes can can can I turn on respawn points for everybody what’s that I think so what’s respawn points like beds oh wait that’s not been a thing no I didn’t know that until like a few yeah yeah yeah turn that on turn

That on 100% so they can come back where they di bro it’s too hard if they go at SP mine disappeared oh we’re done bro too easy for us I have I have 31 I can split them like even just a couple in case uh main kill me I’m going see

There’s like a level p I to wait oh that a l well I’m my wait there’s one beneath us yeah like should I dig down right here okay wa uh no I Mark the way point where it is so just wait for me to respawn where are you going you get Archer

Tower I eliminated myself why are you wearing a made up bro we’ve been over this it’s for today 5 mil event did you guys find a lav yet yes yeah yeah it’s right here all right guys got hry we got to hurry man uh e though don’t just jump straight in I’m

Not not that dumb should with my bow how much damage does this do I need that back after but huh who said you’re getting it back I’m joking I need I don’t have arrows oh I gave you two for you ready yeah I did

Half my health bro oh my I one let’s go oh okay yeah yeah I found it I found it so how do we get down yeah can you water where that let me just make it so I can clear out the lava okay never mind there you go can you yeah thank

You dead right there I just drained it right there uhhuh well I think I would have that actually okay yeah there we go where is R oh there’s hey there just died we about to go all right we’re out okay remember Andre is there Andre is there

Wait watch for beds oh my god oh oh my god do we have beds I don’t going to use beds someone mark this portal mark this portal do not use beds we might kill you oh gosh okay I’m going to I’m going to scout out on spectator it’s lagging a little peaceful

Mode I mean easy no what okay like what’s there’s a b way you guys are heading really is it looted okay and no there’s a fortress right behind us okay okay we could get gold from the this Vector kind of busted wait EO EO I think

You should uh I think we should split like maybe two and two cuz this bad important should I go back to the Overworld then no no no no no no okay three people okay no wait I go Fortress I’ll go Fortress I I don’t think I should go Bastion I shouldn’t go scary

Yeah I don’t go Bastion I don’t go Bastion Main and Flame stay with the Etho me and no no Main and Flame go in the Bastion me Ras mug and I go to the Fortress Yeah easy cuz they’re already inside cuz there going to be people here

As well so you want we can just die to come back so yeah all right bro imagine you participate in this and you just never see me throughout the duration of the event get a lava bucket here guys lava why oh wait yeah you’re right what

Am I saying I don’t I I don’t have another bucket Golden Apple thank you’s going to need yeah I’m going get a extra bucket to drain them too because there’s no like pearls basically what is the outfit you’re wearing it’s my it’s my pajamas where’s I’m behind

You just be careful bro watch out for Andre’s bro he could be in the walls right now between us yeah what if he comes from above or below imagine I’m a block off our path seal the door behind me Crouch okay I’m starting to feel the

Adrenaline again I have a the nether is scary bro you guys got to try to get out quick oh we need pearls too oh we’re done no we’re going to trade for them yeah what do you mean wait trade villagers or no no no piglins oh piglins bro shut up bro bro

You’re the expert not me no no no I’m betraying now J tripping uh okay I might need a new pickaxe in a second yeah you can’t do it oh sh I literally have one you scared me all right yo [ __ ] bro what are you doing why would you try to fight them

All right guys I’ll be there with you guys in the lava B I just fall in right now yeah watch your stuff watch your stuff um this is kind of sketchy where’s the Fortress wait I can Spa I can look oh this is sketch this is sketch yo

Yo yo H H get a boat may wait is it not the border is there not a border right there I don’t want to go down here right now hold up jump down no it is a two block fall here oh watch out player Collision all right right

Here okay am I tripping or is there not a border right here take your step watch your step take your step uh I don’t see a border there’s a border right here guys really is there yeah this the Border uh can we expand the Border temporarily I don’t think we’re

Allowed to do that yeah this is the border is it I would love to know I can’t see the Border oh you’re right there is a border supposed to get to another Fortress cuz this is like the closest we’re at the wrong one there’s only one all right let me kill myself I

Mean eliminate myself yeah whoa just ask ask if we can like expend the border no no no that’s not allowed that’s not allowed we can’t do that that’s not allow I don’t think we’re all all right I’m looking for Fortress quick quick quick I’m going jump in this laob really

Quick wait yeah me too hold up guys no all right guys advancements it was fine hot tourist destination all right I’m looking in spectator I don’t see anything yeah this okay what’s the Border in nether oh that’s not good that’s not good what what

What guys oh my god look how many oh no oh no no e you need to hide you get in the back I think should I go back hey wait what if it’s our portal it’s probably our portal okay uh okay put your arm you’re naked where you at I’m right behind go

Yeah just go back to World bro it’s not but we don’t know if the Portal’s we don’t know if that portal is ours or theirs let us go in front low key how do we get back wait I see a oh holy I’m dude this is this insane it’s fun right

That big this is pretty fun I don’t know you might not only 100 bucks online all stay really far back you please tell me it’s are they are they going are they going to spawn are they going to spawn back here like spawn point oh the portal

Portal okay wait if we go through the portal we don’t know what if oh actually never mind go first yeah send somebody else to a sacrifice okay I’m I’m going to TP to them I’m going to TP to them okay I’m going to end myself wait wait

So yo di arm was that what’s that what’s that here here I’m going through the port wait do I go portal portal yeah yeah yeah yeah wait there’s a fortress no there is a fortress I may have worked out alliance with Andre’s but I don’t

Know what do you mean oh he’s giving us diamonds yo please team player okayo he just came nowhere wait oh guys guys guys there’s a fortress this way there’s got the PE who got the pearls people guys so watch out is he going to betray us um it

Seems like he’s helping right now I think he wants to catch fries I uh kind of um I don’t trust jum who jumper who and like oh I got the pearls it’s four pearls I got four pearls I’m with mug right now yeah no just follow me

There’s all right I got jumper who he blaz spawner so he’s following so like I I don’t like this man he’s talking us he’s talking us I’m actually sketch no he’s going to do something sneaky bro he’s going to he’s going to use a bed on me he’s going

To use a bed I’m scared bro like tell him to dump out his armor yeah tell me gives the armor if he’s on our side who who is it Andre yeah Andre all right what are you doing yeah this a little sketch bro out there’s a lot of people in the nether

Bro I know and it keeps adding up just Bey with him he says he wants to give you his armor I don’t trust that drop it okay I’ll I’ll pick it up for him I’ll pick it up for him I don’t trust him we can pick it up he’s getting

Closed yo I’m just going to stay close to mum oh I don’t like that drop hold up I’m going to back up a little bit we can’t we can’t you can’t see our messages go back go back E bro I don’t think they can see our chat

They get over here get over here yo yo yo he dropped it oh he dropped it dropped it okay grab it grab me grab grab watch over B yeah yeah keep back keep back keep back keep back just put the armor on put the armor on put the should I kill him

Hug what the take my armor take my armor take my armor take my armor what take my armor take my enchanted armor what just happened somebody just going to okay what happened someone went to the end shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up

Yeah watch out hogl what happened to him I don’t know yeah no he just got shuck by Lon and died bro what how was he a ghost is he the ghost of the nether oh no bro all right uh what are we doing I don’t know what do we do it’s straight

This way bro shoot this wayy kill my kill me bro this feels so like this is scary now this that was terrifying that was pretty scary why you get struck by lightning are off the ne uh oh yeah wait no that’s good both way good both ways

Wait I don’t know where on your over hereo over here over here oh sorry sorry sorry sorry I thought you wanted to go again eat those and then what someone say somebody say that oh there’s another portal portal someone just went through oh my God there’s a portal yeah yeah there’s people over

Here we oh my gosh we’re yeah we’re 220 block wait they might have destroyed the spawner hold on no they can’t they can’t that’s a rule that’s a rule they can’t break the spawner wait I could just just camp with a bed cuz I it’s not like I’m losing anything

True oh come here what what what you goodies bro oh my gosh thank you imagine I got knocked off here be careful bro be careful I saw a portal right here bro EO yes EO what uh you got to stop like saying so far back bro I you told

Me to wait no oh yeah there’s a guy over there bro where there a guy yeah yeah over here we can eliminate just one guy it’s just one guy there two watch this ready yeah yeah should I just go that’s not it okay should I go eliminate them

Just because no no there’s no points just a waste of time and what if I grief their portal on the other side they might have us like some set up someone got blaze rods oh that’s that’s Emma of course of course of course okay so there is a what’s the

Strat here what’s the Strat here there there definitely a fortress that’s how they program the event is someone looking for him right now uh I’m looking oh he’s right here I see it I see it I just died and then I see it yeah exactly it’s right here oh yeah

There’s Caleb’s there bro Caleb’s there oh no yeah this way yeah yeah [ __ ] I’m yo my bad I mean all right guys we got to lock in Bro you’ve been saying that for the past hour man no but it’s lock in time wait so do they spawn back where they die or

No uh they can spawn back to wherever their spawn point is oh okay good but they there’s no beds in the nether man well I guess I get a respawn vacon but what are you going to do that’s why I should have just went through bro and

Just wait you can’t eat in the nether you can’t eat what do you mean you can’t eat yes you can no you can’t I could we’re not losing hunger yeah I’m not losing okay oh yeah it’s right here oh there’s a portal right there where oh bro this like some sort of freaking

Moveie right now what’s happening wait uh let me go this way oh that’s I found their base they have a whole base desty destroy it in the nether I killed one of them they they’re dropping your stuff what wait Warden why did someone get killed by a

Warden oh my gosh okay I’m going drop I’m going drop down on a another one all right uh um where you I’m behind you all he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead got sure yeah yeah yeah bro you need it you don’t want that g yeah but you to

Wait okay okay we’re at the Fortress right now hold up yeah we just regen still wait yeah yeah wait it’s like it’s on peaceful mode or something yeah I think so you can’t eat bro I’ve been tell huh in the nether maybe you just reg really slow mom’s on SP right I just

Swipe the whole nation wait yeah cuz he’s seen hog and stuff here someone’s here wait wait you see that you see that name oh get her kill isn’t she wait blaz is right there blaz is right there okay okay ow die it doesn’t matter yeah but I’m

Behind you too if someone okay well you don’t need to get all right well I’m just standing here no I lost you all right go back down I will get blaze rods I’m seven eight yeah someone’s mining down y oh my gosh you guys scared me you

Guys scared me you want me to kill you uh no actually no yeah I’m sure yeah yeah mug mug mug mug I’m gonna be right here okay m m oh more people more people Emma Emma Emma Emma Emma e hide I’m hiding I’m hiding yeah yeah yeah yeah I see uh two

People right here all right I’m going to come to you guys I’m going to end myself here we go here we go she’s crouching you got to kill this though jumper who jumper who here jum jumper jumper I come out Emma Emma down can I come out jump no no no I’m on

Jumper I just launched her off yeah I got both of them I’m out I’m I’m out I’m out I’m out okay okay bro you got to be careful all right we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good all right let’s get these rods that

Was scary bro it was two people man bro you don’t understand we’re not stress about us bro we’re bro is going to betray us guys m is going to betray us all right all all I’mma yeah lapis nice y let me kill the blazes I have a

Looting sword it’s oh here take these then oh thank I’ll give it back to you but okay I’m going to oh I have feathers yall need feathers the feather Master take somebody with that tickle somebody with that what so why is hunger off I don’t know that might just be a

Glitch oh there are people in like full diamond I have 12 rods on me let’s put them across the team so we don’t like lose everything CR what do you mean keep inventory W who whoa who fire use it fire fire fire yo that man what careful with the lava yeah okay how

Low were you I was not even that low who who’s this okay it’s an easy mode remember okay probably wasted that low key oh it’s a normal mode remember lava’s fast man lava’s fast okay so we got enough blaze rods just tell me if you want me to kill you

Man I have 17 whoa whoa who’s that that’s more than enough then yeah I want to make pots all right we just need pearls then huh yeah should we uh get you guys get gold I have four already oh wait how about I have gold I have gold I

Have gold I have gold come me me need a lot of gold okay any blue bombs near there’s a lot of people in the nether but where they at though actually I saw spat I don’t know there’s a blue bom it’s close to our portal kind of yeah

Yeah yeah yeah I think we have to go like that way yes this way okay um main going put on your gear yeah is Etho like okay yeah I’m going just be behind you hey Ember wa we’re going we’re going where we going uh to the blue biome the warp

Forest me on your left I will be behind Okay o oh my gosh they’re in another yo I think they can see that yeah some I’m leaking for no reason they already know hey man it’s an information game no no don’t give them information bro we learned from them too

Remember I need blocks back up back up back up back up back up a this is sus sketch man oh what the netherite yo now I’m joking netherite mining bro I’m just like looking back and forth all right so we’ll go warp forest all right the pearls hey we’re making

Good progress we’re making good progress I died bro hey claer how’s it going oh there’s somebody over there like on our way wait who’s loing the way right now oh someone going where are we going this way okay ow this way oh God all right watch your step for

This part please don’t fall bro make a wide path what what the heck oh oh my gosh mug you scared me I saw pitch black below us look below us that way oh that hold on wait wait wait wait hold on oh my God oh bye malum I I’ll go okay oh they’re

Stacked they’re stacked bro most of them are stacked okay okay how about we just go fight them and Etho just be careful no no no there’s a portal here there’s a portal here bro eth Etho let’s go let’s go let’s go I Dro down I Dr

Down with I’m I’m res I’m res I’m resting okay I’m going check it out in the another Fortress wait how do we know how do we know if it’s safe I just dropped on them yeah yeah I I’m watching you all right I’m coming down wait wait wait we don’t

Know we don’t know if it’s safe someone else go through first yeah wait wait I fell yeah there’s people though got him got him got him all right come on come on come on go go okay I’m going I’m going I’m going going I’m going get these guys somebody’s here it’s jumper

It’s jumper okay I’m about to get TV back all I’mma hold them off get jumper get jumper oh my bows hurt wait check check for beds check for beds okay we’re good oh oh that’s m Jumper’s still there Jumper’s still there hey who’s that Diamond Helmet Diamond

Helmet oh my gosh you yeah yeah we got to be careful oh you’re right there’s somebody here oh they’re probably respawn at the Village yo break the beds true we can respawn but they can’t like on te true y who’s dog sorry about that yo

Shush why to go huh cuz they’re my dogs here we go oh gosh never mind right come here oh it’s grab oh my gosh I’m sorry grab okay got one got one I just two shot him what the Yeah use the Bow Man full iron how are we going to get uh whatam

Call it emeralds I mean what end Pros uh we were going to trade all right I don’t know how we’re going to go about that now oh yeah he respawned over here I’m going to try and go break beds oh God there’s a lot of

People here how many wait why is it on peaceful mode I’m in the ne Fortress Is it I’m getting hry here I’m getting H get hry I’m getting hungry I’m not weird okay I killed them I killed them there’s no more in the nether fortress maybe I was turned on because of

Something oh he’s hurting bro hey I’m not complaining a shoot oh I I am oh wait no but pearls don’t spawn you’re right end don’t spawn okay where did he spawn at get the bed where’s the bed it’s somewhere over here I saw respa there’s a bookshelf

Here oh we don’t need bookshelfs though did somebody go to the end I can’t heal I’m fighting jump and I can’t heal wait wait they they get Hunger but we don’t like I want hunger anymore that’s hold up yo shh there’s a diamond player coming to the

Portal right now in the other side I’m going push him out of it though we’ll kill him bro these sleeves keep falling off of me I don’t know that player wins I got him I got him I got him oh my God good job okay I’m going

Reset okay we’re fine right now man we’re fine all right how was jumper here again I’ve been fighting her for jumper never died I’m playing defensive cuz I can’t heal cuz don’t have hunger yeah so where is she going dogs are throwing yeah the dogs are maturing dogs

Are not Lo thin they got that dog in them oh all right W Arrow you guys are trying to kill it right yeah yes I’m just getting the footage just survive in the buau hold up I don’t know why I placed that water I wasn’t even on

Fire hold up maybe I can cut her off if you kill her that’s good cuz we can know if she spawns here or not or just break all the beds in the village I have a feeling half of them I have a like if you think about it I don’t think she

This is wasting time it kind of is but the thing is anyone trying to get right now but the thing is if jumper follows us yeah we need to get broadcast Accords oh she died wait oh check check che check the port um cuz I have a ver you can like get a

Cleric are we going to trade for our pearls are you sure that’s like a good idea something I’m worried about though is someone already is in the end so if we go be GG yeah someone said we can go in first though yeah if they already

Went to the end is that mean there’s a portal good point wait are they in the end wait where are they cuz saw I thought I saw we we never we never heard the like portal opening oh okay never mind never mind okay well the ne’s here back no

Uh all right I have IR FL all right it’s lit L we’re good all right I mean it’s safe I bet uh eth yeah did I go all right I think I saw somebody out there be careful bro I’m still like kind of creeped out about

Andre BR just Zapped away and he’s gone he’s a freaking Mage all right um so what now all right pearls pearls oh my gosh okay I’m here all right I’m going to reset real quick to um where the blue b yeah I’m tping to like everyone

There’s like no people in um what’s it called nether oh okay we’re good killed them all wiped out a population I didn’t I didn’t see it yo is there a hard players in the server like where are they uh it’s very spread out yeah they’re they’re spreading out

Bro you’re not working as a team I bet like half of them aren’t even tting me so there’s three ways we can get pearls villagers piglins or oh I see I see a Warp I’m going start doing it there yeah but where uh it’s oh courts are enabled in

Like now there’s like no, 14007 you want me to kill you let me tell ammo that we can’t all right uh I can eat for I see it yeah I see it it would be bad if you oh I can’t say the cards uh oopsie 1500 20 all right

All right oh there’s a bat in here too like a new one a new one all right what’s the GS I’m going just follow you guys following main pair yeah 1480 40 14 did we build that no they built that bro kman sucks oh do not go there oh my God

Okay ooh I don’t trust this all right no no no don’t jump don’t jump do not jump yet all right all right someone’s going to creep up right behind us I swear there’s now huh that’s a a lot we don’t we don’t want you to die

Where we going e watch out I’m going to spawn near you oh okay don’t get pushed I’ll just stand near the lava hold up okay all right bet let’s go what are the cords again uh 7374 where’s mug this way where is bro I just said okay what I didn’t know you

Were there in game yeah what hey I just wanted to say once you kill yourself and respawn uh you should be good what what for the Hunger for the Hunger Hunger okay oh yeah oh yay okay guys eliminate your actually I don’t think I want to do that bro [ __ ] o

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey can’t say that all right take his heart take his heart away now I’m taking it away BL his house I’m on life support bro oh no I’m dead I’m Dead mods blow up his house mods crush your skull all right oh you guys are like

Right here okay I’m chilling yeah yo E crouch crouch crouch I’m fine I’m fine Crouch he’s teleporting oh FL you suck I feel like we should get a fire potion in case uh I actually have one give it to mods we can give the IP

To the to the viewers you can type it in chat if you want oh God there’s more okay watch out for they can’t join the Discord is what I mean yeah don’t bro SP near you why is this alive still what he doesn’t feel like dying

Today oh oh how would I yo okay uh don’t do that okay well now we look for Enderman okay um eth don’t kill any end yeah we will uh do that for you okay we got the so if it attacks you place a boat I don’t think it was fixed oh no it

Doesn’t work for me b oh see end two of them it’s a couple going teleport to me I’m interested where I’m I’m T there is somebody in the nether bro where is everybody yeah I I kind of feel underwhelmed though where are these end I thought going to be like

Constantly like pressured but I guess not so far nothing much dang I I didn’t know you were right about your viewers I didn’t know they butt bro I guess they’re just not built for this hey man you guys can’t take that bro more money for y’all I’m about to eat so many wings

Tonight I swear the Bro has his priority straight oh wait no one’s with e though hold up let me die no I’m fine I could just hang out in the middle here oh he scared Meo he said no you’re not bro someone going to that Bastion oh that was looted

110% the see it yeah you can see just now I think that’s where Andre’s was yeah both like stacked yeah where is he now though that’s is he still online wait how many pearls do we have I have five wait wait give me all your wait

He’s not even online we have nine we have nine we have nine pearls h’s not even online anymore is it Miss oh sorry hold up I took it my bad okay he just joined and dipped was a supporter true okay where’s the Enderman I’m about to go oh spectator for the Enderman cords

Wait okay I got one here okay so we have 10 pearls we just need two more we can go out yeah boming oh it probably doesn’t do that much damage but it’s on normal mode it’s going to one shot okay who who has string

Or I see I see K oh watch out he he he probably try to B bomb me oh it’s oh it’s someone else as well shoot no come over here come over here come over here I got it I got it I got

It I see I see them I see them like yeah they’re up there do we leave no no no no no we we need we need these BRS there’s a there’s a guy in like almost full diamond oh there’s a whole team like coming towards you guys all right well

Is there yeah I see two end up top hide in the wall or something bro all right yeah cuz we can just come protect the wall and kill them on the I see above above where okay Bridge the briding okay your Abus your bows oh got one okay they’re running they’re running

Bro this is tense no it’s not bro there’s only one guy engaging you know what I might as well I might as well join you might as well join this is pretty good content right here pretty good content yes it’s a very good engagement it’s quite CLP oh jumper jumper behind us for

Wait she’s going straight for you bro no I’m above I’m above I’m above he’s dead 100% watch out there’s people above you as well oh [ __ ] you’re right all someone get on E I just died hold on where where’ he go there’s people below too got got got where’s res reset reset

I I don’t see him oh God okay eth hold out for like 10 seconds yeah yeah I don’t see you I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m in the trees okay do you see us no you hiding oh oh I see you I see you people down there bro that actually gave me

A ow oh my gosh I’m a strategic reset yeah sure okay I’m looking I’m looking for people where these end at I feel like there should be more people than that I saw all the money disappear yeah there more than that where are they where are they I don’t know where they

Are though we kill them all right hey David what’s up hey helpus I don’t think we did no we didn’t fory sure not there’s more they’re just hiding right now waiting for how many pearls do we have have two I have eight Okay we okay we have enough we

Have enough we can leave all right all right all right let’s go okay cuz we already know where it is where are you come here come do people other people know where the portal is that’s a real question then this this is where it’s might start getting harder the end this is where

They could find us yeah okay so where’s the nearest portal chck uh the nearest portal is 300 blocks so I shoot this way all right you got blocks yep what kind of block is this what it’s a spruce oh looks weird with the green background green background like the the Warped

Blocks the name tag who is that who is that who is that I see it watch she might build up build up bu wait they could be up here too yeah I’m I’m on you all right where’s jum jum jum assassinate US she’s up there she’s up there careful careful I’m on

Jumper so I think the thing that’s scary about this is not the 100 players but the fact that we don’t know how many people are watching us yeah above us I’m above you I’m above you in the trees I’m with okay get over here get over here get over here there’s someone coming

Towards you m and uh flame where watch out M oh this guy oh he dead okay okay get over here get over here get over here where where oh be careful no e don’t cross the bridge yet okay e get B I know I still have the I’m going to put

On the potion now real quick your sh I used it already I used it already go hold up a shield in case fall damage too oh okay I see one guy over there he’s not looking at us hurry up hurry up hurry up oh yeah you can f is

Okay yeah if someone has a bed just hold up your Shield bro we’re good we’re good we’re good this is actually scary now bro it’s not behind us there’s people no it’s cuz I have a weapon I can just one shot eat though bro I’m scared my food’s gone

Food the meal the meal for today bro no door Das no door Dash no wings no life no ribs see one guy right now but he’s way behind us okay there’s a pro right there all someone there someone there who is that who is that who is that uh oh shoot I

Lagged you oh that scared me oh there’s no no no no there’s like four people over here all right mug oh my gosh above you above you there’s people jumping on behind him sh up wa oh watch out get him there’s people there people the port people in the P

People portal hi hide wall hide under ground hide under ground over here over here over here jum here jump here watch out okay be careful careful oh sh sh [ __ ] jum is there Cale and jump right there they’re they’re bed bombing they’re bed

Bomb go go up up up oh yeah the bed in oh my God I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead okay uh hold up hold up hold up go up going up going up build right here top I’m up top okay focus the guys who

Actually have armor by the way okay I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here where areale right up there I’m above I’m above okay oh my God hold on hold on I’m going clear them out I’m clear them out okay I right next there he is there he is you see

That you see that right there right there okay Mug’s got him it might be on the other side of the portal bro we don’t know I promise I’m going go through I’m going to go through oh there’s so many of them actually now okay how do two oh there’s an army there’s an

Army y put a c guys go to portal come through portal e jump in jump in come on go go go good you’re good you’re good are you I’m going in Portal going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going hold up your Shield hold up your Shield hold

Up your Shield I’m holding off I’m holding it oh nice you’re through you’re through are you through okay e where are we just BL it off BL it off okay just follow me I’m with you I’m with you I’m with you all right I’m I’m

I’m okay uh how do we get out of here holy dude there’s so many diamonds in this cave oh my gosh jumper reset she might be near you no I think we’re chilling I think we’re chilling they can’t like one shot him anymore we’re fun there’s still still people coming through the portal

By the way so watch out I broke it I broke it okay good okay holy did you get low at all you though no not really okay bro you were being attacked by someone my heart dropped can’t eat bro I’m bro I have double the hearts remember that true oh

Yeah right and diamond armor it’s going to be hard you guys would have to all drop live any bed bomb the end is going to be interesting I need my blocks yeah me too I need to get lapis bro again I can get like sharp Two Fire aspect welcome back to the landed

Living oh my gosh bro that was a movie bro petrified bro was diamonds n we’re fine man we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine holy all right your your food isn’t online right now right yes bro my ribs and wings bro I need it they’re they waiting for you man only a few more

Minutes I’m about to place my pre-order right now okay too distracted where’s the um freaking uh what is it called hello yeah yeah uh I have the course to it oh my pickax broke bro dude we need to get out now we need to get out now bro why why what’s I

Just help map there’s so many players surrounding us there’s like 30 we go where do we go where do we go anywhere bro anywhere that’s not oh no it ain’t over oh no all right let me craft the extra set just oh my gosh they could be

In the walls they could be in the walls oh yeah we need to go oh no man you sound very SC lock in bro lock in bro all right they can’t bed bomb so that’s good that’s good that’s true that’s true where you going my oh someone’s got main pair I’m with main

Pair if someone has an an I’m going just start crying sh is that loud is that L you see them right there what the that’s aure that’s a trap the surface oh I see somebody who is that there’s oh there’s a lot of people above us guys I don’t have a oh

My God there’s a lot of people dropping all right what do you mean oh I see people be stand back oh they’re here they’re here in the cave yeah y hold up hold up hold I’m going to back up a bit I’m going to back

Up a bit oh someone has a good bow okay I’m going near the M shaft area they’re respawning near here so we should just leave you got to get out somehow I know but I’m going to stay behind you no matter what okay okay there’s people over there watch

Out wait wait I see someone up there there up there see that there see I see okay that guy back up back up back up take the LA take the LA here you have iron reset all right okay there’s one guy tring us or shoot

Him yeah we need to get out bro okay you guys want him they’re all piling in now all someone needs to make a staircase or a way out just ESC through a different way cuz they obviously are spawning nearby here maybe they have a bed actually there’s somebody here there’s

Somebody here what nice nice there’s one guy here M right look oh my gosh what the hell is he doing bro he had a bed and it worked imagine there’s a guy here there’s guy right here wait this guy’s respawning here what the heck there is a bed here wait

There’s a bed right here look hello we should just him oh my God he hurts why does that do so much damage there’s so many people here good okay okay okay there’s people above us look oh my God yeah there’s people dropping oh my God I’m foll following

You you guys fight that m going to d right push him we have cobwebs okay he fell oh my God that kill coming out there’s like seven people here bro the K is going to end soon bro um okay we’re going to have to get to the surf

Som hold them off hold them up bro okay you guys did me I mean oh my gosh I’m stay though all right go up go up just distract them all right I’m falling down from here I don’t have a good pick man uh iron yeah I don’t have any yeah I have

An iron one I have you you m up you m up I’ll take it I’ll take it yeah I don’t have it oh there it is they’re trying to St by us there’s wait eth what are you doingit what the hell this there’s more people right next to

Us we don’t want to be cornered like this 10 people on me I have like 10 people on me bro just get out entr to the surface over there there’s a fake e water yes there’s a fake there is a fake should I don’t know if we should go

About this way oh my God eoo don’t go this way don’t go this way don’t go this way guys guys we’re kind of cor oh shoot go back go back go back we can fight these guys fight these guys here instead holy you just oh my God I guess

You got to go that way oh my God yeah this isn’t I’m on E though this isn’t ideal just hide just hide this is an ideal there’s people now remember when we okay y’ remember when we said this was easy I think you should just dig up the surface we

Got but like flame flame flame oh my God he’s dead okay there’s a m shaft U that’s a Running Room I’m going to die I’m going to die follow me follow me follow me where my going where my gun oh we just go upwards cuz like I see name I see yet oh

Many name tags oh my God hold up hold up back back down this way we’re kind of screwed okay bro come on we got to get out of here shift shift okay okay I’m going fight these guys all right e get in this hole I’m here I’m here I’m here he knows

Where we are already so come on come on get in all okay just go just go just okay they’re naked they’re naked these guys are at least there’s a lot of people you guys mine up you guys mine up bro we’re just going to reset the moment

E when I say reset you guys have to reset cuz there’s going to be a hord of people okay yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah okay is anyone on E right now I’m with M make sure there someone on you all time okay okay okay let’s split up um

Not one person you have a 50.7% chance that you can win yo our chances are increasing yo wait where’ you guys go what you have the tracker we’re going up we’re going up okay um oh shoot okay okay okay at the stronghold at the stronghold bro no shot I think I’m going

Reset I’m going reset oh I need to eat bro what up go go up there go up there go up there Place box behind us if you can they’re behind there’s so many people here bro let us know we need to reset I’m going to reset right now reset reset reset reset reset

Res oh my gosh oh my gosh look at that I’m going on them I’m going on them I’m going on them I’m just distracted oh my God are you guys on how many people that oh my God there’s like 40 in there don’t have a lot of good armor

They don’t have good armor probably surely here block it up block it up I just threw block keep blocking keep blocking yo yo yo yo yo okay just stay shifted oh my God this is calm down boys calm down calm down calm down someone’s in our tunnel wring place blocks behind

You place BL behind you I think oh no no no the there’s people waiting at top for us you guys are going to have there’s people you got to be him I killed I killed like 40 of themo not 40 like maybe us and they’re in front of us bro

Pleas BL I don’t have anym I don’t want to here here some more here some more I threw some more I thre some more oh mug not sh down here are we all here make sure they’re coming in fast they’re coming in fast wait wait some of Y should stay there

Fight I’ll put on their heads I’m they’re here they’re here they’re here oh my God I’m going down he’s bra four like bra four Bro e come on I’m going going okay some make sure someone’s on you to all times I’m with you I’m with

You I’m just in can I say so when they we have to I know I know I know know I’m blocking off I’m blocking off I’m blocking you guys now they’re going to fight they’re going to fight and while we W there’s people at the surface they

See us they’re on top of they’re right on top of us reset reset reset res there’s two right above you there’s two right above you I know there’s oh no there’s like 30 right above you bro oh my God there’s so many yo gosh that’s a lot of people guys going

Going going going oh I’m I’m Le I’m leav run just run e don’t run run e don’t run wait no get them off them hold on I’m eating I’m eating I I’m I’m lagging Hees I’m leaving I’m leaving run run run run go go go there’s

So my godb I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving oh my God yeah just just oh my God just dip just dip flame flame don’t run with us there’s person here there’s another person just run just run don’t fight that don’t fight that try and find their bed if possible uh you keep

Running keep running keep running bro I’m good I’m good I’m I’m fine I’m fine I’m safe I’m safe I’m safe I’m safe I’m at uhga uh 10,600 146 just lead them somewhere else yeah that’s yeah they’re all on me I’m going to the I’m going to the Birch

Forest which way am I facing anyone I’m going west I’m going west just run this way crafting table yeah yo I think I know where the bed is I’m going reset I don’t know where he went I’m resting oh shoot there’s people here there I could probably fight this do you

Guys need help don’t don’t don’t try it don’t try it run run they’re coming out of the Woodworks they’re coming out of the Woodworks I found their bed I found their bed I found their bed I’m about to break it yo let’s go flame there’s so many people a

Boat use a boat I don’t have a boat okay we’re going to try I have watch out ready ready I’m in a boat I’m in a boat you go go go go oh my God guys guys they’re going to shoot us though if they have bows dude dude it’s

A b fight bro it’s fight Marine this Marine combat Marine combat right now should I reset Should I reset should I we’re not going the right way to the stronghold bro I’m I’m in rasman boat go go north rasman go north you have to go

North um um um um we’re going west we’re going west we’re going west go north yeah trying to go oh my gosh it’s it’s a it’s a wholefully okay I’m I’m going to start killing them all I’m start killing them all okay we’re going to have to go on

Eventually so get ready to run oh my God there’s so many I’m in one of their Boones guys it’s a fle it’s do I run do I run here yep you’re going to have to run ready I’m trying to go shoot I don’t have a bow

Bro just keep running keep running go no shoot they on me put your on webs I’m going stay on you I don’t have webs I don’t have web keep running keep running you are you good I’m good h no I’m not I’m going to reset I’m going to

Reset shoot wait no I’m right behind I’m dead okay shoot um is anyone at Etho no you guys need I’m so I’m so low where are you I’m might die we in a cave what is this guys I’m really stacked what is this no I’m dead I’m

Dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead no bro no my God no bro why you C bro there’s no I could have go was too low yeah I know it was oh my gosh dang bro well that’s n no meal dude they added up so quick at the

End dude that was actually kind of scary dude that EO the other like Etho guy heed like prop four or something bro what y bro we didn’t make it to the end oh it looks like a certain jumper who killed you jumper killed me apparently yeah I

Don’t think it was jumper it was not jumper no oh the heck bro are you trying to get free Cloud free Cloud no jumper said she killed you that was a good like 10,000 people that was like a fleet of people on votes man oh my God you guys shouldn’t have

Went near spawn we didn’t know where you at yeah you guys are near you guys were literally right at spot that’s wild that was crazy at the end holy crap good game guys good game that’s crazy our food our food trying um to Yo fix it your chat

Just made more people go hungry bro no I’m talking about I’m talking about food in real life our real meals we won’t be eating good tonight bro no it’s all right y’all may not have won the 100 y’all didn’t win the 100 but I’ll still give you guys 50 each y oh my

Go that’s enough that’s enough it’s enough it’s enough enough to get something give me your PayPal give some give me your paypals give me GG’s GG’s that was that was so freaking close that was so close crying I’m so pissed dude oh my gosh you like it’s so easy bro you

Diamond armor tooo bro it’s 100 people yeah I didn’t I really didn’t expect expect what did he have on his armor bro I C him seven times and he was still not focusing no no no the thing is that I think the Unlucky part was we just like

We dug at spawn that was like the most random thing that happened we didn’t know that we should have went we went through their portal and it was like right near spawn we should have gone ours that’s crazy though that’s actually crazy dude R did you see behind us how many people

Were on the boats uh yep I was recording all that oh my gosh that’s a video on a half right there that was crazy making dude bro it went from saying that like the chat was incompetent just like oh my God yeah it went from oh my God I don’t think you

Understand every time jumper Caleb would find you guys Caleb would join the VC tell them the cour everyone would rush bro we should have gave you the per we should have gave you some per so you can oh my God our our tactic our other tactic if we couldn’t kill you was to

Just camp in the end no I think what happened also was we were too split that’s the thing I think we were trying to like take take them on cuz I feel like we thought we could take them on right but then the thing is it’s like a zombie

Horde even if you take on like 5 10 there’s still another like 20 after Meo how many players did I kill during that cuz I swear I was going on a massacre and they just kept coming back yeah bro I didn’t know we new spawn that

Was crazy I know that’s a crazy Str that that that was climactic that wasn’t even like steamed I didn’t real yeah no I didn’t realize you were like right at spawn bro cuz I couldn’t tell cuz the coordinates were like 10,000 out n we got to get a rematch we’re going to get

Like an extra hunter or something I swear or extra an extra we’ll get like an extra extra Hunter no extra bodyguard bro extra bodyguard well keep adding until you win get minut get minute MCH get AJ get M Andre yeah bro Andre is literally was the fifth teammate

Legitimately uh GG’s though yeah yeah uh it okay um welome do have you added M hold up oh I don’t think you yeah that was that was really fun actually yeah I enjoyed that yeah we got to do a rematch sometimes yeah yeah yeah yeah I feel like we need to do a

Rematch yeah I mean this everything is ready for another one literally we can do SL start and it would start another one so not right now not right now all right guys round two okay round two uh this time uh I’m on the hunter team uh

We’re hunting flame oh no no all right I’m I’m it’s over you win I’ll give you 1K this time um whoa all right guys let me lose oh my gosh that’s fun pretty fun all right hold up uh should we I can go thank everyone on stage real

Quick um I’m I’m probably head out yeah yeah you can have if you want Hunters you guys can come if you want but you guys can head on now at this point bro keeps calling us hunters sorry Hunter I mean bodyguards not Hunters oh my God they protected you and you call them

Hunters the dises bro it’s hard my bad my bad shame shame shame bro sh shame shame shame shame shame my butt man all right well all right GG’s it was fun yeah PE all right bro if we ever rematch this we got to have a genuine strategy we

Can’t just like pray how do you prepare for something like that that you wouldn’t know until now I know no there no I feel like we could set up stuff like ahead of time we just like have a general like fallback plan right here like the bodyguards are kind of just

Like killing and praying mhm yeah no that’s crazy that’s crazy oh gosh um em Emma do we well I mean I guess we don’t have we don’t have to start a stage actually hold up uh should we um probably because even if we join the hunters like YouTube members will be

Able to like talk and you want like full silence to say thank you right so uh I mean I don’t want everyone on stage all once otherwise it gets too loud I mean I mean yeah that’s what I mean I mean like yeah yeah yeah I mean in the like on

Like behind yeah yeah in the crowd okay uh yeah yeah let’s do it real quick oh I’m lightheaded man bro that was really stressful at the end that was fun though it was it really was fun I am making this into a long P video for yeah yeah I can’t wait to

Watch that low key yeah it was pretty engaging all right hold up you guys can join the stage if you want hold up um wait did did you start it shorts would go crazy too bro I think it’s crazy because in the beginning it’s so calm for Preparation then we get like

One or two stragglers then when we go to the nether it’s like platoon right it’s like groups of four groups of five they’re starting to coordinate bro we had Andre come in as a snitch man as a sneak bro oh yeah I thought that was

Like an I thought that was an easy 100 right there bro me too people want to do a screen at spawn there we go okay yeah they started a stage okay hold up let’s go you should be okay um can we get Hunters on stage yep okay there there and there and there

Okay bro y’all are crazy y’all are insane man okay like that was oh my gosh y’all went from like being the least threat to the biggest threat I I don’t think we realized though we went to the spawn that’s the thing so you guys were’re

Crazy oh we are doing screeny at the at the front if you want to take one flame I thought oh flame St oh get flame get him up here about to eat you guys power level is like exponential for real yeah yeah you guys destroyed us I’m quit in the game

I actual nah thank everyone for participating we appreciate it um low key since we I didn’t think we would lose that quickly if we end it at the end I probably wouldn’t have done a rematch but hey if y’all want to do another in the future maybe we’ll do

Another we’ll get like an an extra bodyguard see if that fixes anything yo you guys are pushing me off the St holy cow get back up there there we go you call divs w n this was fun though this was genuinely fun thank you to stellus for setting this up we

Appreciate it oh shoot I’m not full screen on uh I’m not full screen on stream there we go shout out to all the VIPs and YouTube members for joining as well you guys made it extra fun all the people that showed up I recognize a lot of names

Y’all it was a pleasure to be hunted by yall thank you to raslin main pair mum and Flame for bro like they see like babysitting me the whole time I’ve never felt more cared for my entire life how how was it guys how was

Baby yeah how was it it was fun what was it like the best the scariest what was the scariest part in the event would you guys say the end the nether bro end not not the nether when we got in that cave and there was like everyone you guys

Were like raining from the like the ceiling man yeah that was crazy it wild I was like where are they coming from bro bro whenever mean main like inflame or like rasman killed someone bro like another wave came in it was so they were multiplying after we killed him

Seriously it it was no I think that I think for me though it wasn’t that it was just always The Dread anytime we were anywhere that people could just be hiding underground above ground in like the walls they could just like come out of the walls literally I’m genuinely

Like so surprised and so proud of how like the hunters were so coordinated at first I thought they were just like lacking and at the end bro everyone y’all went crazy bro I was like no cuz cuz you guys couldn’t see it but in the hunter chat a lot of people were

Sending cords Caleb whenever he died from you guys he would join the hunter VC and scream cords like it was so coordinated and I was so shocked it was also kind of on us bro we gave them like the perfect opening dude like going to spawn I didn’t even realize we went

There that was such a bad idea and we were right under the cave in a cave we no knew where you were near the end of it however uf3 and then I I know I know just sent in those cords bro I still think it’s c that Caleb just kept shouting the courts

To everyone H know I think we were screwed bro we were 2,500 blocks away from the stronghold we were like just dead I was surprised no the thing is I don’t know if people know this but we found the stronghold like ear in the beginning of

The game bro we do a rematch we ain’t getting that lucky bro that’s going to be scary for rematch no bro bro bro we’re definitely doing the rematch we’re going to gety though mhm well uh I how much that’s going to help but you know well we’ll get somebody maybe we’ll get like

A Tracker or something WW all right well thank you everyone for so much for participating we appreciate it we will end the event for now but stay tuned we will we look to do another event sometime next year maybe for six mil who knows or just for fun we always do these

For you guys we always appreciate you guys showing up stay safe join the YouTube members if you want access early uh I want to make that clear YouTube members will always be prioritized thank you again for participating we’ll see you next time byebye bye now what are y’all do no what are yall

Doing what the [ __ ] fake oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that was the real bro it’s actually the real Etho it’s the real Etho dude it’s the real dude I’ve been trying to get into the event as soon as I realized it was happening no you’re good you’re good now

Thanks all for joining yeah D no problem we saw your you saw your live and like wait oh Sho oh shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot is

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Player MANHUNT’, was uploaded by Ethobot on 2023-12-29 05:05:45. It has garnered 26851 views and 1386 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:40 or 8680 seconds.

Minecraft 100 Player MANHUNT

I have hired 4 Minecraft PVP Masters to Protect me Against 100 HUNTERS! Our Goal is to BEAT MINECRAFT Before anyone can kill me!

EVENT DISCORD: https://discord.gg/VpJAuxnQ?event=1187569199825035274

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ethobot Discord: https://discord.gg/ethobot

Hunters: @FlameFrags1 @ManePear @RasplinYT @mugmv2

#shorts #minecraft #ethobot

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    Insane Minecraft Server 24/7 Stream + Giveaways!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server | Turnip Live Stream |’, was uploaded by Dolt on 2024-04-05 20:09:03. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:37 or 7117 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip @Dolt_601: https://profile.turnip.gg/BMNi4UxVRETRcMLfA Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More

  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

    Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! - BoomMC SMP - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft’, was uploaded by BoomMC on 2024-03-25 14:59:13. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:30 or 5850 seconds. Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft Thank you for viewing. It is an honor and a blessing to be part of Slackville.  I wanted to livestream a little bit on this server as I try to get my mojo going! Free for everyone,  is my Thank… Read More


    🌱 EARTHLING PROBLEMS - STOP BULLYING ME 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME 😥/Gacha trend//’, was uploaded by Earthling🌱🐌 on 2024-07-06 10:35:52. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. TAGS:gacha,gacha life,gacha club,meme,trend,adopt me,dance,girl,boy,gender reveal, robot,fortnight, Minecraft, Royale high,battle Royale,brookehaven roleplay,Brookland,role-playing,rp,preppy,emo,scene,outfit,trendy dance CREDITS: Credits for sound:WMG,RHEI MUSIC/REHI MUSIC and Credits for original creator sound of their video Read More

  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

    EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz’, was uploaded by Demon Playz on 2024-03-28 12:02:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz HELLO GUYS😃, In This Video We Made An Enchanting Area So That We Can Enchant Our Tools⚒️ And Can Get Overpowered In Future Episodes And We Also Made A Small Beautiful Mine⛏️ To Collect Underground… Read More

  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/sweetin-in-pvp-16x-cute-pvp-texturepack-minecraft-bedrock-noraiy/ Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@Lillvy. My discord server: https://discord.gg/d2pF3s7SyV My second Channel with other games: https://www.youtube.com/@UC62sXHjU8ZANvGQuCWGOYeQ Become a member here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF-kZ-Lic3CSQ5KZg0y_L9g/join Donation link: https://streamlabs.com/pinkman294 Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: https://www.patreon.com/TheOrderOfSapphire?fan_landing=true #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Voidedmc.net Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): https://discord.gg/qbdA4Gs3f8 Online In-game map: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

    Please don’t nerf this meme, it’s already at level 309 and ready to take on the Ender Dragon! Read More

  • Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Alarm Charade

    Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Alarm Charade In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts tales that bring laughter, day and night. His channel is a haven for kids to explore, With content that’s safe, and so much more. Each video a gem, filled with fun and delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. So come along, join the fun and the cheer, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, have no fear. For in this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, He’s the storyteller who truly thrives. Read More

  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

    Minecraft Tutorials be like: "How to Die in 5 Easy Steps" 😂 #shorts Minecraft Tutorials be like: Step 1 – Punch a tree. Step 2 – Build a mansion. Step 3 – Get lost in a cave for three hours. Step 4 – Accidentally blow up your house with TNT. Step 5 – Cry. #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💣 Read More

  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

    Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay Exploring the World of Minecraft Embarking on a New Adventure In the realm of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a sandbox game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. The thrill of starting a new world in Minecraft is unparalleled, as players dive into a world of creativity and exploration. Roohsclues: A Gaming Journey in Hindi/Urdu Roohsclues, a YouTube channel dedicated to gaming in Hindi/Urdu, has embarked on a new series featuring Minecraft gameplay. Episode 2 marks the beginning of an exciting journey in the blocky universe of Minecraft. Immersive Gameplay and Entertainment With a disclaimer emphasizing the entertainment nature… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

    Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Expanding my Elden Ring inspired Kingdom | Minecraft Creative 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-06-21 22:07:38. It has garnered 5715 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:47 or 16967 seconds. Subscribe! https://tinyurl.com/JermsySub Donate to the channel: https://paypal.me/JermsyBoy?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Become a member to join us in building up this giant city!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCICnSwa3x5sHTWmTP6YO30w/join ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our build server has been generously provided by DedicatedMC. Get your own server today by using code “JermsyBoy” for 15% off your first month. Valid for normal plans, excluding Dedicated Servers and Discord Bots. Check out DedicatedMC: https://dedimc.promo/JermsyBoy… Read More

  • Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!

    Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re Trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-02-15 04:44:25. It has garnered 591518 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:14 or 1394 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico and his friends are trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft! Nico gets trapped in a phone and must escape! How will Nico and his friends get out?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpoNseXJmTHGnsttTuUEPYQ?sub_confirmation=1 —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More