ULTIMATE DANGER in Hermitcraft Vault Hunters! 😱

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Lots of awesome stuff has been happening over here on vault Hunters so let me catch you up I have been running a good few plunderers vaults to gain more loots and crafting and had a variety of luck one of those moments being finding and opening this xmark RoR and getting all

Of the loot in it seemingly not being able to actually find any more coins in the vicinity to actually complete the Vault kind of a big O if you ask me well with lots of knowledge points and gems gathered I was then able to unlock a few

Mods B any pots like i’ mentioned wanting before although I do only have this one copper one which puts it automatically in here this one I have to still right click which is a little bit awkward but uh it seems like I might as well do something sort of while I’m AFK

Uh just click on that on occasion I also got myself double pouches which just makes that a little bit more space which now looks a little bit like this and honestly this has been really nice I’ve just got to remember to make sure I have these ones stocked up and then I got

Waist stes which not only to get around different biomes and bases easier but I can also do a a thing where I put down either some of the war plates or some of these around people’s bases and yeah currently I already have my base and

Then uh this is isll don’t know why I named it that but uh you know you do you isll you do you so I did in fact roll some of the mod boxes that I have had for some other refined storage stuff which by the way is still working great

But we still don’t have a crafting grid um but I did in fact only ever roll the speed upgrade things that are in here and a stack upgrade and some of the much smaller drives that are in here uh we made two 16k 1es and then we got two 31k

1es and a 4K and instead plunderous vaults we did our best to find dungeons and uh yeah I haven’t actually been able to find many because of course I do in fact still have this Quest here which is the archives which is of course to find an Alchemy archive which is basically to

My knowledge in the very very bottom of one of the larger Dungeons and instead of that I uh I did this I got myself a bit Stuck um well I’m stuck in this Vault uh uh what the heck wait why have they made it so you can’t actually break that you kidding me more barer can’t break oh okay um I’m logging out uh I don’t know what to do so I have contacted the guys uh Vol

Hunters and will um put this in the bug reports since you know I’m in the the server with those guys uh since you know for those who don’t know I was on the actual official s SMP while they were in sort of development mode yeah I thought

I’d bug report this cuz well um it feels kind of a bit me more than anything I’m like you know fair enough bit bit bit of a bit of a derp but the fact is I don’t think there is a way wait unless I can wait unless I can get

In swim mode if so I’m going to have to get out pretty quick likeit I can’t even wait I can’t even get in there with water wait have I now placed the water oh no oh no I’ve placed water on top interesting how do I what’s the best way

To get into swim mode probably up above right H now I’m bug testing only have Myro would have made it easier to get into swim mode oh no I can’t even they won’t even let me out for that oh that’s so annoying oh wait no no no I got out I

Got out are you kidding me I’m out oh my goodness I need to leave I need to leave I need to leave I need to leave oh my goodness dude I’m leaving I need to leave I wasn’t I didn’t think I was going to get out of the Vault I didn’t

Think I was going to get out of the vault at all oh my goodness I got to leave I’ve been give another chance at life I actually thought I could have done this except for the fact I literally have not found like basically any um any uh ornates pretty much um and

Not enough or but oh my goodness am I even going to get out now I spent fary logging there oh I really really want to GRE this too I don’t even know where I’m at anymore I had to log out but I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know where I’m

At I don’t know where I’m at I don’t know where I’m at I don’t know where I’m at okay let me get my get my Ki ready M kiwi’s ready I’m greeding I’m greeding terrible idea but I but I deserve I deserve something I deserve something for my troubles

Right oh my goodness I’m actually really surprised those who don’t know the kiwis get rid of your health in uh return for um well kiwi are specifically 10 seconds I believe lemons are like 30 seconds and then like or just maybe like 2 minutes or something I don’t know but man oh my

Goodness wait this is my own room oh we C out oh my goodness that was tricky to get out though dude imagine you had mobs behind you spawning in as well and you didn’t like Block in front of you it would have been it would have been the

Worst but anyway I’ve made it oh my goodness I actually like I’m really surprised I got out like so surprised I got out so please tell me how that was my fault okay Quark is a little bit of a silly mod I’m not going to lie but uh I should

Be doing that again I’ve learned my lesson I did also run at my into a nether vault which uh is is not my favorite of the themes um it’s one of two I very much do not like the other one being void which uh if you don’t

Know you don’t really want to uh it’s terrifying but uh you know what the nether one went pretty well and we got out okay not a problem and then I also did run a couple of vaults with the likes of XB crafted and isol which I

Believe they have pretty much in full on their channels if you are interested but uh let’s just say I have a little bit of a highlight of that um it won’t be xp’s highlight that’s for certain but uh it was too funny not to include so enjoy oh

Monolith come on should we just do a new Crystal I hate monoliths yeah but we can do this quick right yeah I suppose it’s a cute theme um where do you guys want to go I can go any direction it’s usually easiest to go straight forward I don’t mind I’ve got a

Compass yeah I’ll go I’ll go one the is that how you mark the vaults yeah it’s a not just put like one and then a torch because that’s really hard to see yeah yeah if you’re coming if you’re coming through like with the like you know on the side tunnels anyway you’re

Going that way wait yeah I’m going going north did you go south is uh yeah yes sir so I’m heading west and okay cool works for me I mean if we find an impossible dungeon should we like group up and do it uh yeah as long as I don’t get locked

In again oh look what I found don’t place blocks and you won’t get locked in well it’s Minecraft funny enough there are blocks be placed yeah but but but but but oh I know it’s annoying part of is’s plan to like lock me in a dungeon I’m okay with that and have me

Did you just say you’re okay with that okay what no right I would never right I’m leaving you inxp if you if you no no we find a dungeon plan is like she’s just going going accidentally place blocks behind yeah I can do that I can I can do

That send them in send them you see how it is I’ll give you three minutes to to find your way out again oh that’s funny that would be so evil you can actually do that that’s hilarious well do you cuz cuz I I do something what the oh my goodness uh you

Were North uh North weren’t you he did so much damage yeah hold on I’m going to uh yeah it was down below like down below did you block in did you put a block in the middle of the room yet yeah okay cool cuz I’m I’m was there

A monolith in the middle of the room uh no there’s that was the first room no I’ve I’ve just gone taken a right and yeah this room’s not um I’m looking to I’m searching you probably back at a couple probably actually I didn’t see if there’s a block in the middle yeah this

Is not the first room where we are now wait you went North one just oh I know you went North completely didn’t you the whole way yeah I kept going north I’m in I’m in the second room North come on is this the room do we think no cuz

It’ll be in the off the off the spawn room right second room North yeah from from the first room that we went two I see you explore weirdly sir weird I may not have marked the second room but I think I did look look at this marker Falls look look at this

Mo this is his marker Bri oh my goodness he marks with a brick in a brick Vault but there’s on top of a floating over a wood slab or or is that the first look at look at racing to get to to go to a resue XP oh my goodness here’s another one

I mean how often is just like a random brick block just sitting in the middle of the room with a torch on so was it one that was Vault Cobblestone or was it the one that was uh Bri I think it’s down here F I think it’s down here you

Can rescue I see the door no what do you mean you’re there you you want it to do it you do it no I don’t want to do it I just want to help you find it you you then you were sprinting for your life no

I got on Falls okay we leave him down gling okay I’m joking I do if if it’s in the yeah I will to be you wait you know what ESC I better go down then you can rescue me then you can rescue me as well

Yeah yeah can you carry us both wait you haven’t even been down there yet go I can no I haven’t dude you know that I’m going to die in here right you’re not you’re going to be you go kill that that’s a champion brute I can’t I’m too low of level you

Know you got this quick go in I can put a block down oh I see X’s body you probably di to the champion that that’s probably that’s tough right a dungeon and a champion wait is it’s freezing xp’s body oh my goodness wait wait wait wait a don’t freeze him I’m carrying the

Man he’s Frozen Wait can you throw can you throw him through the uh through the portal yeah through the portal yeah yeah that’s what I got to do now that’s so funny kind of want to come watch hurt a lot for some reason actually false go down I’ll wait here go down and

Loot those orade chest in the dungeon oh is it one okay uh yeah and then uh we go back and throw him out and then we end the Vol why if I die in the dungeon but it’s clean now it’s clear oh the whole the whole thing not downstairs yeah it

Was a tiny no it’s a tiny dungeon oh dungeon yeah it’s a tiny dungeon just with a champion piglin cold dead body you come speeding past me I’m gliding with elyra yeah so us rescuing your body here XP makes the price of your body a lot cheaper okay you got a hero

Discount okay FS you throw him through though wait what why cuz I want you to experience it it’s funny I’ve done it before yeah that is true wait no have I done it before I don’t know wait can you go un alive in the dungeon so I can throw you

Through as well no I’m good I’m good you got to take your Shield off oh you got to do it with your off wait what oh I got Hy oh my goodness you want you aim and then you press shift to throw it yeah I’m watching I’m watching can I throw him at

You we yeah yeah yeah yeah no that’s perfect next oh okay here it comes it goes back it goes back cat with my body yes we are yes sir go it wait how how did you R further wait what you got to you got to like Run

And Jump and then okay okay just like a b side on your head on your head got a header you ready you ready you ready you got to try and pick him up catch him oh that was a bad throw that was was a terrible throw my

Bad you having fun XP hope you’re enjoying this oh oh yeah every single item XP holds is just being thrown [Laughter] around all right okay throw him through throw him through FS oh okay sorry I you just feel like the rest the rest of the time yeah yeah it’s great we got 9

Minutes left I mean through just going to stay there for 9 minutes oh my goodness so now we’re up to date let’s head straight into a vault because I already have one of these made there it is in my inventory a level 26 which is my current level and I have another one

Ready to roll pretty soon as well and I have two main goals one of which being to get some black opal so we can actually uh uh upgrade our bony pots and to uh actually try and complete this Quest here um because you know uh yeah

So depending on what the actual aim of the vault is we’ll be trying trying to find a dungeon pretty pretty much instantly I guess I’ll also just keep this in mind which is finding silver scrap and killing some mobs just so I can get some extra Loot and if we look

At tab right now um yeah we’re going to be leveling up in this Vault hopefully so no more PL this for a little while we got to join those guys over in the 30 Level Club I guess doesn’t sound very exciting but uh but it is I promise so

I’m actually going to be testing something right here we’re actually going be taking in a wand because I think potentially that might be better for the build I have currently in my head which is Nova uh ability powered um with a little bit of the storm Arrow too although I haven’t

Unlocked very much this cuz it’s it’s a relatively okay right now actually at level one uh but of course I will need to start leveling certain things up at some point uh but I just kind of don’t want to like spread out myself too thin

But that does in fact mean that we do now cost 18 instead of 11 um but that’s that’s still reasonable I still have uh 36 gold saved over here specifically before that and um yeah I guess we’ll start off with that just in case we get any early lag which I have been

Seemingly getting and um yeah I think we’re pretty much okay with the rest in fact what is my sword oh yeah I didn’t mention this one uh I got quite lucky with the attack damage um which I’m sure at level 30ish not sure exactly the number we should be able to get

Something that that maybe is better but we we’ll run that for now it’s not a bad idea in fact I’ve just thought to I do have a pickaxe on me that I do not need so um yeah in fact I have room for the oneand then that’s pretty good cool and

I’ve got my scav bag my extra pouch and my double pouch over here wonderful and well there we go we got a south facing Elixir Vault with the I forget the name of this uh theme but it is a pretty cool one we get this one uh fairly fairly

Often I feel like or at least I have had it fairly often but anyway I need to make sure that hopefully my audio is all okay actually I might need to turn things up a little bit cuz I can’t actually hear mobs very well right now

Um Al I think something changed in my shaders that I now get this like Smokey effect I kind of like it anyway this means that we should be able to hopefully search for dungeons I’m going to head down for dungeons I think right now so that’s what we’re going to do and

I’m a little bit Rusty cuz I’ve not played in a little while how is that only a baby slime there’s no way that’s only a baby slime what else is here that I can’t see yet really just a baby slime no one else that seems really suspicious that seems very

Suspicious that’s not normal is it h let me check my uh sounds just in case no uh they are at 100 just seem to not have anything I guess I shouldn’t complain really but I shall uh anyway dungeons we’re looking for dungeons apparently uh I think orms

Are definitely one of the better options for that yes before you say anything I know everything false here there’s a dungeon literally in front of me in front of my face and I do not see it that proves just how dark the screen is and how little those doors I feel like

They need some glowing effect or something I am so embarrassed I’m so embarrassed okay okay um just ignore I guess any time I I’m worried about finding a dungeon from this point on because uh uh let’s just say I probably missed more so I guess countown in the comments

Below oh dear you apparently missed that okay good I wonder if that prioritizes don’t know if anyone knows does it prior priortize lower level mobs or something cuz it didn’t hit that that that tier 2 guy which would have been nice if it had gone for him first but I guess guess

That might not be possible and now we got the compass I think we’re okay anyway right I guess it’s time oh I need to change my to my wand to try it out need to try not to get hit but there is a cool down which I don’t know how much

It is is it 30 seconds did know but there is a cool down so I need to remember that um on changing things so we can’t be CH oh actually didn’t hear you even spawn but I guess we will see how this goes maybe my ability power will be better but I’m

Kind of focusing on my sword quite a lot at the moment so it’s going to be interesting whether or not it’s going to be worth it right now I guess we’ll see when I use some Powers when I use my Nova I’m going to try that a little bit

And uh my storm Arrow some more we’ll see oh there’s a there’s a thing in this room cool that’s in the second room I’ll try and remember that and uh hopefully not need this one cuz it’s a bit of an awkward not to get to at least these

Guys will be cleared out anyway I need to remember dungeon is what I’m looking for let’s let’s remember that and also remember to try and use lva my Loa is not ready wait it is ooh wait is my NOA actually powerful now that I give it

Gave it 14 extra ability power with a wand maybe I guess uh the whole Vault be the test I guess I’ll I’ll catch you up on how it did oh wait I’ve got to go for you First okay the one might be the way to go at least with those guys and Nova okay Nova just needed the extra ability power the The increased area of effect actually has helped Nova massively I did think that that would be the case and I don’t think

When you update Nova that’s what changes but anyway that’s that’s very nice okay I’m glad I tested it and I’m glad I kind of got one that had Nova as well it feels like I’m testing two things at once right I feel like I’m testing Nova

If I upgrade it some more um and increased effect and also that okay well there’s one in this room that’s nice it’s going cool down that’s annoying uh where were the other mobs or was that it or was that it okay just some slimes you guys finished okay you

No I thought I thought more of you guys were there than you weren’t it’s a shame oh God I knew there was going to be some lag I knew it I could feel I could sense it sense it coming H there’s few people voting today so

It’s B to happen I don’t I’m a little oh yeah picking up that was a bit delayed oh flip I didn’t real I forgot there was another Spawner in here can I do that now oh I can’t it’s still on cool down I want to just get you guys out of

The way for a bit you know oh dude the lag yep trying to get me killed guys trying to get me killed I want to go in a dungeon I can’t go to dungeon with lag I yes you can’t probably with the amount time I have left then I haven’t found

One yet oh let’s do this first starting to think I need a bag for uh rubbish uh right anyway think I’ll just gather a little bit of the old wood and then we’ll be off let me see as well is this like a sneaky room over here I think there’s a good room

Somewhere I’m going to I haven’t got a lot of time left but got at least see if this what I think I think oh no oh wait there is a sneaky room I don’t know where the actual like way way to it was but dude what the

Heck um am I even going to be a to find my way out I’m glad I cleared my inventory though oh good of course that was a trapped One n of course it was a trapped one dude get out way I need to I need to Greed I need to

Greed I actually might need my um my these guys out give myself a little bit more time I think I deserve it that was I deserve it for finding the finding this amazing thing I a little bit full I’m so full on stuff it’s kind of ridiculous okay right

Um one more of those let’s see if there’s anything I missed got some mobs on the way out there is or here but I don’t think there’s anything though that’s cheeky anyway think I’ve got to go down oh my goodness okay and I’ve got to then I’ve got to go down

Down see if I can get there first before these guys follow me there and then hey I don’t even have to do anything right XP beautiful oh wait did we level up twice okay we left up twice I wasn’t expecting to level up twice again that’s quite funny um H thought

That would only happen early on I guess I I got quite a lot of XP I don’t even know from Elixir I guess guess it gives you a good amount right well that was nice that that one feels really really good I’m kind of glad that we uh we

Tried that and because people always request to show me a little bit more uh show a little bit more of uh this kind of stuff I’ll just put the junk in here for now um I’m going to have a quick little look what I got ooh I’ve got a

Relic fragment oh one I haven’t in fact probably ever had before it’s part the dragon R I never I don’t remember having that one ever um I’ll put you in there uh Eternal sword goes in there might goes in there you might as well go in there another orament

Lovely s those out in a bit um I guess let’s put the jewels away I’ve got now a uh best Jewels thing which is this is one for the sickle for the type of chests and then this was a mining one and then I’ve got like you know other

Other good stuffs so I guess picking and stuff go in this one over here though CU you know you know how it is um ciously worth keeping worth keeping um least not that are worth it no unlocks but let’s see put our chest plate on see what we got I mean rubbish pretty

Rubbish pretty rubbish oh got the same one as we have but with fire volley on it probably good to hold on to in case we want to roll roll it and we can just roll that one instead we’ve got one that’s I mean it’s not bad having a low

A low type that one’s prettyy awful yeah okay you know what I’ve need to actually enchant this so I don’t accidentally throw away right well I had a look at the actual loot I actually got from the Vault itself and there’s actually a reasonable um upgrade I guess

To my shield if I can get some better stuff on it it’s got the same block chance but I feel like resistance is pretty good but the other two can definitely go so I thought you know what let’s have a roll have a little gamber Thorns I don’t know if that’s

Quite worth it and maybe it is I I’m worried that I’m only getting like knockback resist on this though in fact I feel like I’m getting that like every you know it’s probably not worth rolling at least at this point Shields or at least like maybe I’m getting really

Unlucky with the suffix in fact all I can see in suffix is actually is knock back resistant durability so maybe I’m maybe maybe those are the highest uh the highest percentage you can get for those options right now so maybe maybe maybe we’ll stick with these two as I’ll back

And forth for now and uh see how it goes although saying that if I’m not going to use my shield all the time oh I was going to I was wondering if this one is the same technically could be I was thinking it could be a little

Bit better if it was soulbound so it’ basically be free if I did lose it but no the only one that’s soul bound is the Thorns so the all went well and it felt very very good and I’ve learned you know what I value and actually this is very

Very high value I’m going to run it a couple more times with this as like spare sort of on the side in fact I’ll probably wear it going in okay take two try to find the dungeons at level 28 Vault let’s go oh green one wait hoorde 50% item

Quantity oh dude I need to find a dungeon but come on now do I need to find a dungeon are we sure how you sure oh man I hope your dungeon’s okay anyway it’s north okay we’re good to we’re good to go it’s north North North facing I’m

A little bit worried that I might I might mess it up though anyway um dude this is a weird Vault I’ve never been in this one the way the shaders work with the glow liing is really nice though it’s very pretty it’s a very pretty

Green Vault short is will be proud oh D we got spiders in this Vault though okay let’s see if item quantity does much let’s let’s really Lo let’s really l oh I got to find monoliths oh dang wait a second oh I should have put one so I had

Two skill points I should have put one in Hunter in reality I but I put oh my goodness but I put one instead in uh one more in Nova and one more in storm Arrow so I’ve now got two two storm arrows and I think four or five Nova oh my goodness

Speaking of which Speaking of which there’s some NOA for you for you little guys is there a monolith down here I didn’t see one we we got to run this far oh man dude we got to run and loot and trying oh dude this is wild I might just

Focus on looting oh dude there is a guy though it’s a champion not it’s not it’s not really worth the risk I don’t think with Champions at the moment espe is I think they’re able to like throw stuff now or do use their ability or something better I think they’ve been improved or

Fixed or whatever whatever uh anyway oh dude we’ve got our first bit of gear though I don’t even oh monolith monolith okay I think we go down loot what we uh open up with Mobs and then uh oh dude noa’s going to make it nice and quick oh dude wasn’t good anyway oh

Hello there’s no one over there dude I’m very low on Mana now though oh dude there’s a big big Burpee guy okay let’s hope it was just him and not anyone else we need to listen out here for for mobs spawning especially trap chests and stuff don’t want to mess

Around with it too much but dude that’s that was nice that was nice we need more of that please and also mon left would be good oh dude there’s a Burpy guy again oh man we go spawn you in why not trying get my Mana back up and kill

You guys with my sword instead oh this is dude I have to loot I have to loot here this is not no we only got two of you oh God I didn’t realize you were on my right these guys are so camouflaged so camouflaged a dungeon dungeon would be

Real nice let’s not worry about that oh there’s a the wait how did I miss the middle of the room res this up a bit no I literally missed uh middle of the room don’t see any oh KN I see it I see it I’m going to take some damage

You think I know what’s going on nope that would be wild o I did take the wout die wait that was w die right oh I did take a rout die thing just cuz I wanted one for the vault even though I couldn’t take two that they were on cool

Down and only then we’ll have time though to complete I don’t know I guess the quantity does probably doesn’t affect that but anyway let’s get a move on but also watch our Mana that’s going to be low hey keep going you even getting good like quantity from this guess you

Probably are but doesn’t feel like it does it um I don’t if there’s a monolith in here and of course my phone is ringing oh God I lit got a dungeon as well it’s a spider one I don’t know if I like the fact that it’s a spider one it’s a

Little concerning I might set this one off real quick I don’t really want them to be a pain when I come back out might only be it might just be more um things though right where’s the dungeon dungeon’s here it’s normal I should I should have just opened it first right

Okay that SP is very very close wait this is the literally the one that I almost died in earlier so spiders interesting oh God that wasn’t ready I was hoping that was ready it’s not it wasn’t ready need that height Advantage coins as well oh oh

God what even where are they even where even are they they are around that corner aren’t they okay let’s regen get extra Hearts um probably you can’t really block spiders very well can I do this oh God there’s a lot of spiders around this corner that’s for sure

I I just want the height on them a little bit it’s really weird I know trying to work my way to figure out how to get around them maybe I could use water against them I wonder that’s going just push them towards me when they get this side isn’t it though how

Dude I actually got to go I think I think I might have lagged there a little bit that didn’t feel good that didn’t feel good something fell off there no don’t be greeding don’t be greeding God get out okay that’s not happening that’s not happening that is not

Happening that was terrifying spers are actually the worst one to get but I did get some good coins there but man it’s not worth the uh my Mana is bit low and stuff it’s not D it’s not going to be worth it it doesn’t didn’t feel didn’t

Feel didn’t feel good there you know not with the time I have left dude you need you definitely need a lot a lot more time you’re running out of rooms to check here with the Vault oh my guess I found okay wait I do really want to stay and do use

Do the mining but I think I think we take that as a sign that maybe we could do it if there’s one in the next two rooms oh come on come on FSE you got it you got it you got it you got it you got

It you got it you got it you got it I might not have it but you know you can maybe give it a go I think it could be up there right I don’t know let’s s that oh dud it is up here wait wait wait that

Was such a good guess I seem to remember that room oh can have some I didn’t I actually didn’t hear those guys spawn that wasn’t very nice but only need one more and then I can do whatever with the time I have left which isn’t a

Lot I think I’d probably have to go find them The Home Room hi guys oh my goodness I found it okay we are heading out of here oh dude that’s not the way to go going to head north again I think okay we go we go go we go we go I’m not

Going to I’m not trusting The Vault right now there little tiny lag Spike all that up and if they happen at the wrong moment it’s uh real bad there we go oh my poor little uh my poor little ding I’m sorry dude I’ve got like no

Space for you I’m sorry mon left great oh man okay almost level 30 dudes oh dude we got one more skill point I’m going to have to really think about what I put that into but let’s see what we get oh I left my my thing

On don’t if it actually I don’t know if my storage keeps running when I’m not here if I leave it on or not I don’t know if that that’s how that works or not but anyway got a few things to sort help out here by the way but uh yeah

Once I S out of these Jewels real quick I guess I’m going to have a look at what I actually picked up in the vault I mean look at this copiously I’m only keeping it cuz it’s copiously cuz man it’s not worth it otherwise is it blind me literally just shoveling an

Axing and a pulverizing what is going on here okay so 28 yeah 28 is the number I was thinking see how it’s maxed 10 on the armor now it’s a pretty rubbish like it’s got crit resist which I don’t want right now but even the axe

Is definitely a lot higher now so I’ll probably sort those in a bit when I can compare to what I currently have and I guess let’s see what we got in the vault we definitely got some jewels and I’m thinking we probably got some other bits too how close was I with

The woed die you know what I got three that’s not too bad actually I I wasn’t sure if I would make that but I took it just cuz like I was waiting on the cool down uh for those two but yeah you know knowledge in a echo gem probably not a

Bad sh I might keep that one and then do a quicker one next time like uh uh maybe I’ll roll one those are quite great okay and in the vault we got I mean other than the junk and stuff we got as well oh wait there’s a bit of sumon in there

But summon summon that’s what we got in a quantity I mean I guess it was it’s not whoa it’s not I guess it’s not bad I mean that’s not great actually um I guess this isn’t bad for someone who wasn’t actually fully just looting probably could have done better yeah

Let’s roll these things and see what we got maybe maybe we I mean we should definitely get upgrades being 28 now we can also wear the armor that um Isco got in his VA ah dude that one’s rubbish implicit I’m not going to probably mess

Around with it that could be good to try I do really love training historically I love training uh crw resist again why dude is that gonna wait is that GNA be the the why have I got crw resist one basically pretty much everything and a low ability pack what’s going on here

What’s go it’s just like hey Force we’re going to give you the Armor that is now fairly good but also it’s just going to only have cryosis on it maybe the chances are higher now that that would be a shame that would kind of be a shame

But anyway I guess I should probably sort out the rest of this junk oh and I should probably show you this this is this is probably the most important bit oh we actually got a trinket oh dang okay 16 all adj which is actually 20

Less than we got in the last vault which wasn’t the item quantity dang you know what I mean you know it’s not bad it’s not bad at all I’ll take it right well it’s time to open this trinket I think let’s hope we just not a

Duplicate oh I forgot it’s going to do that of course might well open the mod box too it’s just another storage disc oh 4K that’s nice oh wait plus one to all un abilities I’ve never actually seen that one um that’s pretty sick I yeah I mean

It’ll go in my collection of those three I guess you guys rank these I mean I know this one’s pretty good that’s an extra 2 minutes 30 which isn’t bad I forgot I actually had Cher boxes up here oh yeah I should probably put that up in

There actually I don’t need to add it to my storage uh that’s the stuff I can either give to someone else or uh whatever oh I forgot that’s where my cranic iron is as well see this problem this why you don’t leave things in a random thing above your head you forget

Although it’s probably quite a nice surprise to actually see that it’s there oh I want to also do these I don’t usually get that many and we only got one Relic from it is it a duplicate no it’s an elemental Relic in fact that is wait wait the pedest wait a second that

Is don’t you need only five I guess over we’re here is well we might as well make yet another one of these or I should put that back in my thing uh cuz we have enough to make yet another ner I’m I’m gaining these quite quickly that I might

Save them up for something that’s like quite expensive put those in there for now so I am running out of time for this episode but I was just thinking now I am due oh wait a second I just missed the orange one um what one’s this the the

Ashum um I was just thinking right I’m pretty close to getting this I say pretty close uh editing false has already happened uh I’m very aware that I missed the dungeon and also failed the spider one miserably but it’s good because I need to have those testers and

Sort of moments of like learning what the dungeons even look like because they’re the one thing that is completely new to me completely new when I last played they didn’t exist like at all um and the Champions sist they were were instead these gigantic mobs that would spawn in rooms randomly which Were

Somehow more awful than the Champions have been so far I think they’re actually going to get way worse so anyway uh I was just thinking so I have currently about in here five pogs right so I need I think eight pogs five six seven eight so if I get three more of

Those made and then I make this which I think I can make perfect Echo I in fact wait I have the echo on me I can make a perfect Echo and then if I do that guess what I could just make the crafting grid right now problem is I’m a little little

Worried that if I destroy this something bad will happen to it I don’t think that’s the case I think it’ll be fine because you know uh be fine right so I’m thinking yeah you know what I’m going to do that even though I’m going to get

Another POG and this is a pretty big moment the first Echo POG is made and all I need is a crafting bench and this grid so uh let’s get the crafting PCH out and then I’m hoping it’s okay if I destroy this the St isn’t attached to this so we

Should be okay and then hopefully we should therefore be able to make this crafting grid and put it back there it’s called just missed that he just missed that he doesn’t know oh I was trying to find it some gray dy I don’t have it cuz I want it to be gray

Cuz the blue kind of stands out a bit but look at this how nice is this oh I still need to work on of course upgrading the storage itself but man but man this is this is looking great with still at only 73% full and I have been

Taking liberties with it I’ve been chucking some things in like without without crafting them down like for example these but look now I can just do this uh and it’ll grab every single one of the item Driftwood and I’ll just be able to craft it all the way up and so I

Can basically minimize this fully a lot of these items you can craft back as well if you need it for the alter or what have you so it’s going to be so so nice um I’m even going to do that with I think the rotten flesh yes it just means

The storage goes way way down because of course you’re crafting everything up uh into a much smaller amount and so it’s so so nice I think I can craft these back again doesn’t really matter I’ve been using those in the path that spawn in fact you know what let’s end over at

Spawn real quick so I can give you a little bit of a show and tell so if we just go on through here we will get to spawn hopefully not teleport back again if you look at the mini map you’ll see look at this there’s some paths going on

And yeah I’ve just been making some of these um this is going to be where the main portal and sort of area will be for the final Vault so keeping this fairly the ready to roll hence why we just left the crops there I’ve got a little bit of

Storage system over here which is mostly just for where I was actually building the roads and yeah these are the Sandy bricks these are the the Brick stuff you can get from the vaults and if you use it with I think the stone cutter you can get these cracked and stone brick

Variants as well as some more I then also use some frame slabs of course I like using those so we can’t just run around without any issues and yeah I guess I’m kind of wondering what else do you think we should add other than shops and things like that that people might

Want to add of course it’s rainy over here right now as I’m showing you but yeah what do you think let me know um and yeah I’m going to be kind of working on this here and there in between vaults mostly on stream probably it’s nice to

Have a little side project that isn’t overly modded and Vault heavy cuz things might get expensive with the alter anyway that’s going to be it for this episode I’ll see you next episode when I’m hopefully level 30 it’s going to be very exciting and catch all then see you

This video, titled ‘DANGEROUS DUNGEONS 😭 | 06 | Hermitcraft Vault Hunters (100 days)’, was uploaded by FalseSymmetry on 2023-11-25 17:30:06. It has garnered 16032 views and 1224 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:02 or 2462 seconds.

Welcome to ‘Hermitcraft Plays Vault Hunters’ Join me, FalseSymmetry as we dive into the heart-pounding world of this Minecraft RPG adventure.

With a ticking clock and a race against time, we have just 100 days to conquer the formidable Vault Hunters modpack. Craft unique Crystals, modify them, and embark on risky but rewarding quests as we journey into the unknown. With epic loot, rich treasures, and challenges at every turn, this series promises to be the adventure of a lifetime.

Don’t miss out on the action – subscribe now and let’s unlock the secrets of the vaults together!

Find out more about Vault Hunters: https://vaulthunters.gg/



FalseSymmetry Official Merch: https://falsesymmetry.bigcartel.com/ (Limited Edition) https://teespring.com/en-GB/stores/falsesymmetry

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#Minecraft #Hermitcraft #Season8

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  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

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  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

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  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in Minecraft

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  • Trading Post Modded Whitelist

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  • All The Mods 9 To The Skys 1.0.7

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  • Minecraft Memes – Undertale meets Minecraft madness

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  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

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  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

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  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

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  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

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  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

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  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

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  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

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    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/dynastycraft-official-modpack.1982222/aboutDiscord Server: https://discord.gg/fRKxthEv32View our Dynasty Tree: https://app.mural.co/t/dynastycraft4614/m/dynastycraft4614/1703342169285/7d3e8296da894640518ff985c62981ae56bd74bb?sender=u4466355caa360503a5113250 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More