Ultimate Dragon Survival: Insane 100 DAY Journey!

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On day 1, I spawned in and ate my way out of a  giant pumpkin as a Fat Dragon with ten hearts! “It looks like I’m way chunkier than  the average dragon. It’s okay, though,   because it’s what’s on the inside that counts!”

But my thoughts were interrupted by a huge  fireball hitting the ground next to me. I managed   to dodge it just in time, and looked up to see  a huge Fire Dragon floating in the sky above me.

“‘Sup, tubby! What’re you doing on my turf? You  know this is Chad’s place! Wooo! Chad’s the best!” “Hey, don’t call me mean names!  And who’s this Chad guy?” “I’m Chad, and I rule! And when I’m flying  around here, taking selfies for my red hot  

Fire dragon insta, I don’t want your goofy butt  sitting in the background, killing my vibe!” “But… But… You can’t just call  me names and kick me out!” “Uhh, yeah I can! I’m Chad the Fire  Dragon! I’m Number One! You aren’t  

The first loser I’ve chased out of here, and  you won’t be the last, baby! It’s FIRE TIME!” Chad The Fire Dragon blasted another  fireball at me. I dodged again in the   nick of time and flapped my wings – Flying  off into the air and escaping Chad’s fire.

“Yeah, that’s right, you better run!  Nobody messes with Chad! Woooo!” When I’d escaped Chad, I landed for a  bit to breathe and calm myself down. “That guy was a major jerk! Why would you be mean   to someone just because of what  they look like? He must be evil!”

My thoughts were interrupted by a big, angry Dread  Beast who thought I looked like a filling snack. “Oh no, oh no, no, no!” All I could do was fly off before  the Dread Beast pounced at me. “This world doesn’t seem too kind.  I need to make things better around  

Here before everyone hates each other!” On day 2, I landed somewhere that looked   a little safer. At least here, nobody  would start attacking me for no reason. “I need a roof over my head,   before I can do anything else. Maybe it’s  time to build myself a Fat Dragon base…”

I used some of my natural dragon strength  to break down a few trees. It wasn’t long   before I had enough wood to make myself  a wooden pickaxe and a crafting table. Then, I used my wooden pickaxe to dig up some   stone and create a stone  sword and a stone pickaxe.

“This is exactly what I need  to build a base! But first,   I need to get myself a sweet treat. I’ve  had a hard couple of days, I’ve earned it!” I flew off to a nearby area  and found a delicious-looking   cake just laying around. The perfect treat!

But then a Dread Ghoul jumped out  of the shadows and started laughing. “Hahaha! My fiendish plan worked!  I knew that a cake would attract   a perfect little fat victim, and I was right!” “Oh, come on! Why is everyone here so judgmental?”

“It’s the way of the world, Fat Dragon! And now  you’ve fallen for my trap, you’re all mine!” But before the Dread Ghoul could pounce,   I flew away again, all the way  back to my base to enjoy my cake. “Wait… I got so distracted by the cake  that I didn’t even start my base!”

When I landed, I used my stone pickaxe and  collected more resources, and started building   myself a basic base. At least it would give  me somewhere to stay at the end of the day. “I should work on a kitchen next…” On day 3, I decided that I needed  

To make my base a little bigger – I  wasn’t the tiniest dragon out there,   after all, and I needed the base to  be roomy to be comfortable in it. So I flew off to a new location to  collect more resources. Of course,  

It wasn’t going to be as easy as I’d hoped –  Because nothing seems to be easy around here. The second I landed, there was an  angry-looking Dread Knight waiting for me. “Avast! Thou art a hefty dragon, forsooth!  Alack, ‘tis a battle! A battle, good sir!” “I literally don’t understand  anything you’re saying,  

But I still feel like you’re being mean to me!” “Thou art correct! Battle me, knave!” I was really upset about being called mean  names again – probably – so this time,   I was ready to engage in battle. I  attacked him with my stone sword,   until the Dread Knight gave up and moved away.

“Thou doth won this’th time, dragon, but  next time, I will have my revenge! Forsooth!” “Stop saying forsooth! It doesn’t make  you sound cool or smart, it’s just weird!” With that, the Dread Knight  ran away. Moments later,   a different figure emerged:  A big Black Hippogryph.

“Oh no, are you going to say mean  things about my weight, too?” “What? Heavens no! I’d never dream  of judging someone based on their   appearance! That’s a total Chad The Dragon  move! I’m Buck. Buck the Hippogryph.” “Wait… Chad the Dragon? You know that guy!?” “Ha! I wish I didn’t! He’s so conceited,  

If he was made of cake he’d probably eat  himself. Talk about a selfish meanie!” “Ooh, speaking of cake! I have  some back at my base. Come join me,   we can share it together! I’m Zozo, by the way.” “Finally, someone kind around here!  You seem hungry already! I’ll let  

You have some of my fish and Let’s go, Zozo!” I’d made my first friend, and we started back to  my base. Things were finally looking up for me.  From day 4 to day 5, I returned to  my base with Buck the Hippogryph. It  

Felt nice to find someone who was so kind  in a world that had been so mean to me. “Let’s build you a room, Buck, something  that really suits your awesome personality!” “You’re too kind, Zozo!” “You were kind to me first!  This was just me getting even!”

I started expanding my base, creating a  nice new room for Buck to stay in – I even   made it with an open roof, so he could  fly out and explore any time he wanted. “This is an awesome room, Zozo,  

I’m so happy that I met you! You’re the  coolest fat dragon that I’ve ever seen!” “You’re doing a lot to help boost  my confidence, Buck, I love it!” But our wholesome friendship moment  was interrupted by a bunch of Death   Worms slithering out of the ground towards me.

“Oh no! I need to do something about  this before it ruins my whole base!” I ran in and started battling  the Death Worms. Lucky for me,   in the battle of Worms Vs Dragons, dragons  normally win, and this was no exception!

And once the worms were defeated, they  dropped a delicious apples onto the ground. “Huh. Apples in worms. It doesn’t  normally go that way around…” I stashed the apples into my inventory  and went back to my base, where Buck  

The Hippogryph and I could hang out. From day 6 to day 8, with the Death   Worms taken care of, I could work  on expanding and improving my base. “First, I need to make sure I have  a fixed source of food. Breakfast,   especially. I’d love some eggs!”

That’s why I built a coop and some fences,  then collected a few chickens and let   them live inside. Free range, of course,  because that’s the kindest way to do it. “It’ll make the eggs taste better, too!” But while I was out searching for  more chickens to add to my teeny  

Tiny chicken farm, I saw the last thing I  ever wanted to see: Chad the Fire Dragon! He was flying right above me, looking  just as mean and arrogant as ever. “Ewww! What are you doing here, Chubby?  Didn’t the Chadmeister tell you that you  

Need to get off the overworld? Maybe go to  the Nether, that’s where all the other weird,   ugly beasts hang out! Haha! Nice one, Chad!” “You can’t ‘nice one’ your own joke,  Chad! It doesn’t work like that!” “Chad can do anything that Chad  likes! He’s the best! I mean I’m  

The best! Whatever! Look at what I can do!” Suddenly, Chad started growing even bigger and   stronger than before. He made  even his old self look small! “Oh no… You’re so huge! How!?” “I’ve been getting some extra reps in at the  gym. It’s getting me real swole. You’d know  

This if you followed my fire insta, like I said.  Instead, you’re gonna deal with my fire… FIRE!” Chad blasted an even bigger fireball at me.  It blew a huge hole in the ground. There was   no way I could fight him like this,  I needed to just get out of there.

I flew off as fast as I could, just hoping  that Chad wouldn’t follow me. Getting rid of   him was going to be a lot harder than I thought. From day 9 to day 10, I sat in my room at my base,  

Feeling terrible about all the things Chad said  to me – And how much stronger he was than me. “How can I ever expect to stop him from being so   horrible to everyone if I can’t even  stop him from being horrible to me?”

Buck the Hippogryph seemed to sense that  I was upset, and came in to comfort me. “Zozo, I’m so sorry about all those  terrible things that Chad said to   you. For what it’s worth, he’s  only like that because deep down,  

He’s so insecure about himself. He wishes  he had the kind of confidence you have!” “Those are kind words, Buck, and they do make   me feel a little better. I just feel  bad that I wasn’t able to defeat him.” “Maybe what you need is a little  inspiration. Go look out in the  

Yard and see a little something  that I’ve been working on for you.” I ran outside and saw that Buck had  been working on a statue. It looked   incredible. But it was early enough that  I couldn’t quite tell what it was yet. “Wow, this is incredible. What do you think it’s  

Gonna be when it’s done? Let  me know down in the comments!” Buck came up to me again. “Amazing work, Buck! I love the  statue! What’s it going to be?” “I couldn’t give that away! And besides,   there’s something else you should  see. I built you a base upgrade!”

I looked back at my base and  saw that Buck had built me a   storage room. The perfect place to  store all our weapons and supplies. “Buck, you’re the best friend I’ve ever had!”  From day 11 to day 12, I decided it was time  to rest and recover from the stressful last few  

Days. After all, it’s important to take care  of yourself and take time off now and then. But… While I was sleeping, I started having  the strangest dreams. I dreamed of how Chad   the Fire Dragon was first created: He crawled out  of lava deep underground, a dragon of pure fire!

“Whoa, I’m a dragon of pure fire!  This is crazy! I think I’m gonna   call myself… Chad. Yeah, that  feels like a good name for me.” But everyone was afraid of Chad, because he  was so big and so dangerous because of his  

Fire powers. Chad felt bad about everyone being  afraid of him, so to cover up how bad he felt,   he decided to pretend he was confident  in a completely over the top way. “The Chadster’s number one! Woooo!” But because Chad’s confidence wasn’t  real, he could only protect it one way:  

By being mean to others, putting them  down to make himself feel better. “Everyone is dumb and ugly except me, hahaha!  Oh yeah! Chad is awesome! And I’m Chad, baby!” Chad developed such a reputation for being  rude and mean, nobody would tell him to stop,  

And as the years went on,  he only got more powerful. Needless to say, it was a really weird  dream, but I definitely felt like I knew   more about Chad afterwards. I just wish  I knew how I could use it against him. 

From day 13 to day 15, I decided I  needed to settle a few old scores   to improve my confidence. This Fat  Dragon was through with running away! That’s why I flew back to where it all started,  to face the Dread Beast that thought I was an  

Easy snack. Now, I was going to show him that  fighting me was going to be anything but easy! I landed right next to the Dread Beast, ready  to battle, with the stone sword at the ready. “Let’s go, Dread Beast! We’ll see who’s  really feeling the dread when I’m done!”

The Dread Beast ran at me, but I didn’t  budge. I fought back, and this time,   I won! And with the XP I got from winning, I  leveled up into a bigger, tougher, fatter dragon! “Chad is gonna think twice about messing  with me now! I’ve got an entire 30 hearts,  

And a brand new weapon – DRAGON CLAWS!” I took to the skies, happier  than I’d felt in a long time.  From day 16 to day 19, feeling  encouraged by all my progress   lately, I decided it was time to  treat myself to a gear upgrade!

I found a nearby mine and went underground,  digging until I found some iron ore. “Perfect! This is exactly what I needed!” But I wasn’t alone in the mine,  because the perfect opposite of   a Fat Dragon was down there waiting  for me: A bunch of human skeletons!

“At least they don’t have enough tongue  to make any mean jokes about me…” I defeated the skeletons, then used my iron ore to  smelt and craft an iron sword and an iron pickaxe. “Looks like my fighting and mining skills have  

Just leveled up! Chad is gonna feel so  jealous about this when he finds out!” With all my new gear, I went back to  my base, feeling better than ever.  From day 20 to day 22, I was rudely  awakened by Buck storming into the room.

“Zozo!! Zozo!! You need to wake up right  now, something terrible is happening!” “Terrible!? Oh no, that doesn’t sound good!” “Quite the opposite, actually, it’s terrible! Chad   the Fire Dragon is waiting for you  outside! I think he wants to fight!” I got up and ran outside as quickly as I could,  

And just like Buck had told me,  Chad the Fire Dragon was waiting. “Heyyy, jabroni! It’s the Chadmeister!  Chadageddon! The Central African Nation   of Chad! And as usual, I’m happy to hand you a  big, steaming plateful of humiliation, baby!”

“You may be a fire dragon, Chad, but I think  you’re just full of hot air. Are you really   saying all this stuff about yourself because you  believe it, or because you want to believe it?” “Oooh, look at you, Mr. Big Tubby Head Shrinker!  You think you understand the Chadster’s brain?  

The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma!  You could never even hope to understand what I’m   about, and I’m actually super, duper confident,  you’re just way too much of a loser to get that!” “Sounds like you’re not that sure of yourself…” “I SO AM! Let’s fight, doofus!”

We charged at each other, and began battling.  He blew fire at me, but with my new strength   since our last battle, I was able to take the  heat. That’s when I showed him my new claws,   swiping at him again and again.  He seemed so shocked that I was  

Really fighting back that he broke away  from the fight and started to fly off. “I didn’t really want to fight you that  time anyway! Smell you later, Fat Dragon!” It wasn’t exactly a true victory, but I’d  seen the first crack in Chad’s confidence.

“Maybe I can beat him after all…” From day 23 to day 26, I decided that I needed   to treat myself to a new enchantment for all my  hard work surviving my first true fight with Chad. Given how much he’d helped me so far, I  asked Buck what he thought I should do.

“Seeing as you got yourself an iron  sword a while back, maybe you should   apply the sharpness enchantment. Who knows?  It might even make your claws more powerful.” “That’s a great idea, Buck.  You’re always looking out for me!” On Buck’s suggestion, I crafted and applied the  

Sharpness Enchantment. All my weapons  were a lot more effective after that.  From day 27 to day 31, I got  more good news from Buck. “Zozo! Come take a look! I’ve  been doing some more work on   the statue and I think you’re going to love it!”

“Ahhh, that’s so exciting, I can’t wait to see!” I ran out and took a look at  the statue. It wasn’t done yet,   but it was coming along so well. Buck  really had a gift for making statues. “This looks amazing, Buck! I can’t wait  to see what it’ll be when it’s done.”

“That’s actually something I wanted to talk to  you about, Zozo. The statue is coming along great,   but it needs something else. Think  you can go get something for me?” “No problem, Buck! I’ll set off immediately!” Buck told me what he needed, and sent  me off to the West. I headed out with  

My iron pickaxe ready to mine like my  life depended on it. It didn’t take   me long to find the blocks that Buck needed,  but there was a Wither there waiting for me. “Nothing is ever easy around here…”

I took a few Wither skulls, but soon managed to  use my claws to turn the tide of battle. Once   the Wither was gone, I mined the blocks, and  went back to my base. Buck was waiting for me. “Here, Buck, take these!” “Thankz, Zozo, this is exactly what I needed!” 

From day 32 to day 35, I went out exploring  again, wanting to increase my strength and   confidence. If there were any quests for  me to take, I’d be happy to take them. But my confidence was shaken a little by a huge  Creeper Spider suddenly skittering towards me.

“This is not how I wanted to spend today!” I ran away as the Creeper Spider exploded,   taking out a bunch of blocks  beneath it, but thankfully, not me. “Creepers are one of those problems  that take care of themselves!” While I was wandering around  the explosion-scarred area,  

I saw another strange creature, a Rabbit  Wolf, hopping around and looking worried. “Are you okay, Miss Rabbit Wolf?” “The truth is… No. Things are awful right now!” “Awful? Oh no! What’s happening?  Is there any way I could help?” “My friend, the Rabbit, was kidnapped by  the Crimson Phantom – He’s a local weirdo  

Who thinks he’s a supervillain. And if we don’t  save the rabbit soon, who knows what will happen?” “We’ll never have to find out! Wait here,  I’m gonna go save your rabbit friend!” And with that, I flew off, ready to become a hero! 

From day 36 to day 39, I arrived at the location  where the wannabe supervillain the Crimson Phantom   was holding the rabbit. He was every bit  as weird as the Wolf Rabbit had told me. “WEE HEE HEE! It is I, the Crimson Phantom, the  lord of darkness! I am the most powerful and  

Evil villain in the overworld, and nothing will  stop me from taking control! I’m number one!” “But isn’t Chad the Fire Dragon number one?” “OH NO! CHAD! IS HE HERE!?” “No, no, he’s not here, I was  just talking figuratively.” “Phew. That’s a relief.  Almost lost my cool there.”

Hearing all that gave me an idea. The  Crimson Phantom may not be afraid of me,   but he was definitely afraid of our  mutual enemy, Chad the Fire Dragon. “Maybe Chad can be useful for once…” From day 40 to day 43, I flew out towards  

The Crimson Phantom and the captured Rabbit,  trying to look as intimidating as possible. Both of them turned to look at me as I approached. “BEGONE, FAT DRAGON! For I am the Crimson Phantom,  the vilest villain in all of the Overworld,   and this Rabbit belongs to me!”

“FOOL! I work for his Chadness,  Chad the Fire Dragon! And he is   extremely displeased that you’re  out here tarnishing his rad name!” “Oh no! Oh no, no, no! Please, tell  His Chadness I’m sorry! I didn’t mean   to cause any offense! I’ll do  whatever he wants, I promise!”

“You’ll give up the Rabbit and let her  go! His Chadness requests your presence!” “Of course! I’ll… Wait… Fat Dragon?  Chad’s been making fun of you on his   dragon insta for weeks now! You’re not with him! You’re trying to trick me!” “You can’t blame me for trying!”

With my plan foiled, I attacked the  Crimson Phantom with my powerful claws.   Despite all his bragging, he was one of  the easiest enemies I’d ever defeated. “You saved me! Thank you so much, I was worried  I’d never get away from that awful villain!”

“Don’t just thank me, Rabbit, you’ve  got a friend who cares a lot about you!” As if on cue, the Rabbit Wolf hopped in. “Thank you for all you’ve done, Zozo.  Here, take this potion of swiftness,   it’s the least I can do. You’re a true hero!”

“Oh, stop it, you’re gonna make me cry!” From day 44 to day 49, I gave more materials   to Buck the Black Hippogryph so he  could continue work on the statue. “Great job, Zozo. You’re really  pulling your weight with this project.” “I’ll take that as a compliment  considering how much my weight is.”

“I mean it, buddy. You’re  a kind and reliable person.   Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend.” “Thanks, Buck. Now I feel like a million bucks.” “There’s only one me, Zozo.  Just like there’s only one you.” “That’s deep, but you knew what I meant.”

I let Buck continue working on  the statue and realized that I   was hungry. After all the quests I’d been  doing, I had really worked up an appetite. It was time to add something to the base  in order to help out with that. A proper  

Kitchen! I’d craft a couple of cooking  surfaces and shelves to store ingredients,   that way I’d be able to make the most nutritious  meals when I was in the mood for food. “It’s like they always say: never trust a  skinny cook and always trust a fat dragon cook.”

Once I had completed the kitchen I went back  to see how Buck was doing on the statue. It   was starting to look even more like what  it was supposed to be. I couldn’t wait  

To see how it would look when it was done. From day 50 to day 53, I was minding my own   business at the base when Chad The Fire Dragon  decided to rear his big overinflated head. “Oh hey, Chubster. Still your lame roly-poly self  I see. Lucky for you the Chadmeister decided to  

Take some time out of his busy insta schedule  to insta-gate a little one-on-one conflict.” “Leave me alone already,  Chad. I’ll fight if I have to,   but I didn’t wake up this  morning choosing violence.” “Too bad because Chad the cool and rad always  chooses to dunk on losers. By the way, when I  

Said one-on-one, I meant, one-on-several  because I’ve brought my fans with me.” It was true. Chad had rolled up with  a bunch of fire guardians who listened   to everything he said. They must  have been followers by nature. “How is it fair to outnumber me, Chad?  

At least fight your own battles  if you’re gonna be a bully.” “Well, sorry. There’s so much of  you to go around that I thought   I should bring more guys. Get ‘im, boys!” Chad’s fire guardians tried to gang  up on me, but I was a fighter now,  

So I shredded through them with my claws. I was so focused on the fight  that almost didn’t see Chad   and the other guardians kidnap Buck from the base. “Zozo! Win that fight and  come save me! I know you can!” “Buck! How low does Chad want  to go in order to ruin my life?”

I took down the rest of the attacking fire  guardians like Buck said, and I felt my confidence   rising. I grew larger and obtained 60 hearts.  I could also breathe out a big blast of fire. “Looks like Chad isn’t the only  one with fire around here.”

With that I also set the front yard on fire. From day 54 to day 57, I spent some time   putting out the fires left over  from the attack on the base. They sure did set a big part of my base on fire,  

But it didn’t bother me that much  because I could easily extinguish it . Once I had extinguished the fire , I thought  about the one thing I couldn’t repair. “I need to get Buck back. He always stuck up  for me, so I want to do the same for him.”

I went to the desert to go visit Miss Rabbit  Wolf. I knew a thing or two about friendship. And because I helped her rescue her friend not too  long ago, she would probably help me rescue mine. “I’m so sorry that Buck got taken away by  Chad’s henchman. I know exactly how that feels.”

“I wanna do something about it,  but I don’t know where to begin.” “Why don’t you try checking the selfies that  Chad posts? There’s got to be something in   the background that could help you  find out where he’s taken Buck.” “That’s a good idea! He posts pictures of where he  

Is all the time. It should be easy  to find his evil lair from that.” “You can turn his false  confidence into a real weakness!” “Thanks, Rabbit Wolf!” From day 58 to day 62,   I went mining for diamonds  so I could upgrade my tools.

“I’m a confident dragon and I deserve  to treat myself to nicer things.” Of course, not everyone in the mine  agreed with me on that point. There were   a bunch of warped phantoms swarming  around where I was trying to dig. I could use my fire breath to scatter them,  

But they’d always come back. This seems  to be more of a task for my claws. “Can’t a dragon mine in peace!?” Once I had cleared out all the warped phantoms,   I was able to gather a good  amount of diamonds from the cave. I crafted a diamond sword and a diamond pickaxe,  

Both of which would come in handy when  the time came for me to go rescue Buck   from the clutches of Chad. From day 63 to day 66,   I was looking at the unfinished statue and  feeling sad that Buck couldn’t be here.

The two of us had been working together on the  statue for a long time now, and seeing that it   was unfinished was a reminder that without him  I’d never see what the statue could become. I thought about working on it myself, but  that wouldn’t do any good. Buck is counting  

On me to rescue him from Chad. I couldn’t  back down from facing that terrible bully. “For now, the statue needs to wait. Hang on,  Buck. I’m going to find you, wherever you are!” And if you want to find more of my awesome  adventures, make sure to subscribe to the  

Channel and ring that notification  bell so you’ll always be able to.  From day 67 to day 70, I found a place that looked   a lot like where Chad the Fire  Dragon took many of his selfies. The crimson gardens were definitely red  like one might expect for a fire dragon,  

And there also seemed to be a  huge lair designed to show off. “That’s gotta be Chad’s Pad!” As I approached, I noticed that there were  a bunch of fire guardians hanging around   outside. My guess had to be correct since those  mobs would do anything for Chad’s attention.

Including trying to keep me out of Chad’s Pad. I   knew I was looking at a fight  if I tried to get past them. “Hey, you guys! Is my friend inside there?” The fire guardians said nothing and  charged me all at once. I knew fire  

Breath wouldn’t do any good against creatures  of pure fire, so I stuck to melee attacks. Thanks to my increased health, even fighting this  many fire guardians wasn’t much of a problem.   It was true that I had gotten even bigger and  stronger since my other fight with Chad’s minions.

“I’m not just fat, I’m large and in charge!” I was able to battle my way through to the  inside of Chad’s Pad. I just knew my friend   was in here somewhere. From day 71 to day 74,   I explored Chad’s pad and fought off  more of the fire guardians as I did.

“This base is gigantic! Chad must really enjoy   having a lot of space that he  doesn’t need all to himself.” While I was sneaking around, I saw Chad. He must   have just finished taking  selfies in a nearby room. “Oh yeah! Chad Rules! The camera loves  Chad and so does everyone else. And Chad!”

He seemed to be really into his routine at the  moment, and it felt awkward to interrupt him. I   came here to rescue Buck, not to pick a fight.  So I just let him continue bigging himself up. Of course, I couldn’t help  myself from sneaking some  

Potions of Healing from one of his pad’s chests. “He won’t miss it, and besides he’s hurt me  enough times that one little potion is the least   of what he’d need to do to make up for it.” From day 75 to day 78, I managed to find the  

Dungeon where Chad had been keeping Buck. It  was time for a good old-fashioned prison break. “Zozo! You made it. I always  knew you had it in you, friend.” “Thanks, Buck! It was hard making it all  the way here without your kind words,  

But I was still able to do it because  I’ve got confidence in myself now.” I used my fire breath to destroy the  bars of the prison, setting Buck free. “Nicely done. Now let’s get out of here.” “Whoah, whoah, whoa! Who said you could  leave? Chad didn’t. And if Chad didn’t,  

It doesn’t matter who did. Haha! Chad.” Oh no, it was Chad. There was  only one thing I could think   of to make sure that Buck would be  safe from this kidnapping bully jerk. “Get out of here, Buck. I’ll catch up  with you after Chad and I have a talk.”

With that, Buck ran off, leaving  me alone to take on Chad. “Haha, like Chad would talk to  you for any reason other than   reminding you that you’re totally stupid looking.” “Actually, I meant ‘talk’ as in fight. Let’s work   things out like dragons with  our claws and fire breath.”

“Can’t get enough of Chad’s fire  breath? Okay, you asked for it.” Chad breathed his fire blast at me, but  I returned with my own. He was surprised   that I could do what he did, but that made  sense, because he always underestimated me.

We started to fight with our claws, and  even more than the previous time I was  holding my own. I got several good hits in on him  before he started to show a bit of nervousness. “What’s the matter, Chad? Not able to  pretend as well as you normally do?”

“As if Chad needs to pretend. I’m the real deal,   Lame-O. Check this out!” From day 79 to day 84,   Chad flexed his dragon muscles and totally  hulked out into a super beast of a dragon. “Awww yeah! Chad was already the best,  

But now you can say hello to the even better  Super Mega Ultra Deluxe Chadmeister Supreme.” “Yikes! I didn’t expect he’d have another form.” “Chad could totally have beaten you in his  regular form. Chad just didn’t feel like it.” “Right, so you transformed for  absolutely no reason at all. I’m  

Really not sure I believe you, but I’m  also really afraid of your new form!” I ran away as fast as I could. Behind me I could  hear Chad laughing and calling me more mean names. We would see who would be laughing the next  time we met. But this time it was definitely  

Chad who was laughing. From day 85 to day 89,   I returned to base and found that Buck had  already made his way back there before me. I was really glad to see him home, the  base had not felt the same without him.

“Did I miss anything, Zozo? I was gone for a  long time at Chad’s Pad. That fire dragon was   so annoying and talking about himself the  whole time. I’m really glad to be back.” “I’m glad to hear it, Buck! Sorry  you had to go through all that. ”

“It wasn’t all bad. I did manage to  swipe some relaxation supplies from   Chad’s relaxation room. I bet we could  turn those into a room of our own.” “That sounds awesome! I love relaxation!” I got to work on upgrading the base  with a brand new relaxation room  

While Buck chose to make up for lost  time and work on the base’s statue. I made sure to put all the right  details into the relaxation room,   including lots of couches for  Buck and I to lounge around on. “I bet both of us will really appreciate the work  

I’ve done on this room after Buck is  done putting together that statue.” When I was done with the relaxation room,   I went to see the statue and found  that it looked absolutely incredible. It was only a statue of me, but I never  looked at myself so proudly before.

“Remember how you feel about yourself at this  moment, Zozo. That confidence in who you are,   recognizing your own best qualities  is the key to defeating Chad.” “I did almost have him last time, but  he’s got this new super duper form  

Now and I think he’s gonna knock  me out the next time I see him.” “In that case, you just take what you  already like about yourself and make   it even more powerful. There’s a spell you  can cast that will bring your inner strength  

To the surface. Show him who you really are!” From day 90 to day 94, I sought out the book of   spells which was said to contain a spell that  would bring my inner strength to the surface.

It was located inside of a deep cave that was  full of wither spiders. There was a time not so   long ago that I wouldn’t have dared to fight for  myself, especially against such powerful mobs.

But if what Buck said about this spell was true  than I couldn’t wait to get my inner strength on. “I’m becoming more like who I  want to be every single day,   and there’s nothing that some bully can say that  would make me feel like I’m less than that.”

The wither spiders had powerful attacks,  and could shoot deadly wither skulls,   but with my chubby body and huge amount of hearts,  I could withstand equally huge amounts of damage. “Big is beautiful!” I burned the spiders away with my fire breath  and found my way to the book of spells.

“This must be the right one. I’ll  read it when I get back home.”  From day 95 to day 97, I was back  at base preparing for my showdown   with Chad. I was determined to use everything that   I had in order to win this fight and  overcome that bully once and for all.

I knew that I’d be having the fight  at his place, so instead of doing any   sort of upgrades on the base, I focused  on what I would need to fight at my best. “Potions are the way to go! I can drink a lot  of those at once to give myself an advantage!”

First up, was a standard potion of strength  to increase the damage of my claws attacks. Secondly, I chose a potion  of regeneration so I could   get even more use out of my high amount of hearts. And the third potion that I picked  was a potion of fire resistance.

“Chad is always bragging about his fire,  but this should take the heat off of me.”  On day 98, I decided to relax so  that I wouldn’t stress out too   much about the impending fight  I was going to have with Chad.

I couldn’t let him get in my head, so I made sure  to fill my brain with fun and positive feelings. And if you want to feel fun and positive too,   you should type Z-O-Z-O into the search  bar so you can find more of my videos.

Also, while it’s just us relaxing, go ahead and  leave a comment about what I should be next.  On day 99, it was time to settle my  score with Chad once and for all time. I walked through the Crimson Gardens  and straight inside Chad’s Pad.

That mean and nasty fire dragon  himself was lying in wait,   and he was still in his tricked-out new form. “Back for more, you little dragon tender? Chad  is better than Chad has ever been! This new   form is totally awesome and definitely  better than anything you could do.”

“I now understand why you  decided to take that form, Chad.” “Because I’m a beast like that?” “No, it’s because you have something to prove.  You may have scared everybody else, but I was   able to rattle that fake confidence of yours.  You’re the one who is actually scared, Chad.”

“What? No… You… you don’t know  what you are talking about! Chad   is the man. Or the dragon-man.  Actually, I’m just a dragon.” “Yes, and I’m just a fat dragon  who’s got inner strength.” I downed my potions and used the book of spells to   cast the Spell of Power and  unleash my inner strength.

My heart rose to 100, and I now  had a mighty tail slap attack. “Ready to throw down, Chad.” “Chad is having second thoughts… I mean,   now, Chad’s the best! Chad will  take you on in any form, tubbo!” The fight began, and whipped him with my new tail  

Slap. He tried his fire breath  of course, but I was resistant. “You’re fire can’t hurt me anymore!  And neither can your words!” I gave him serious claw strikes and even more  tail slaps, then I unleashed my own fire breath. “No way, you can’t be FIRE. Chad  is FIRE. Chad is FIRE as FIRE.”

“Not anymore.” Then I tail slapped Chad one more  time, and he was done bothering me.  On day 100, I was once again relaxing at  the base with Buck the Black Hippogryph. “Chad won’t bother me or anyone  again. I really taught him a lesson.” “You sure did stand up for yourself,  

Zozo. And you never let anyone tell you  who you should be or how you should look.” “You said it, Buck. I’m the best at being me,  and that’s what counts more than anything else!”

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as a HUNGRY DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-06-03 21:15:00. It has garnered 1303576 views and 20411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:42 or 1962 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a HUNGRY Dragon in Hardcore Minecraft! My tummy is rumbling and I’ve gotta get a snack! But the bully dragon Chad is intent on making fun of me and ruining my day! I’ll have to show him it’s what’s on the inside that counts, and stop his bullying for good!

#minecraft #100days #fatdragon

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  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

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  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: https://discord.gg/Yga84m78bJ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft’s Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft's Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!"I guess you could say this meme really knows how to moss-tivate people with its score of 8! Read More

  • 100 Days: Minecraft’s Explosive Score

    100 Days: Minecraft's Explosive Score In the world of Minecraft, a challenge arose, “100 Days” series, where the story unfolds. Luke the Notable, a gamer so bold, Survived and thrived, his journey retold. From humble beginnings, with just a few views, To millions of fans, all eager for news. The challenge was simple, but not for the weak, Survive 100 days, with dangers to seek. Creepers and zombies, skeletons too, Luke faced them all, with skills so true. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Each episode gripping, fans at his command. The series took off, like a rocket in flight, Capturing hearts, day and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes for You!

    Hot Minecraft Memes for You! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle

    Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle – A Death-Defying Challenge! Embark on an epic adventure with the ‘Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle’ map in Minecraft! This thrilling boss fight created by Tape_Eater will push your skills to the limit with its three challenging phases. Intense Phases and Deadly Attacks Prepare yourself for a battle like no other as you face off against the Hellfire Reaper. With nine different attacks, including Missiles, Napalm, Shockwaves, and Sawblades, each phase ramps up the difficulty, keeping you on your toes throughout the fight. Unlockable Phases and Chaos Unleashed As you chip away at the boss’s… Read More

  • 肾结石喵的悲惨生活17

    肾结石喵的悲惨生活17 Minecraft Character Model: Klee from “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to add a unique character model to your game? Look no further than the Klee model from the “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” series. This character model can be used in the Minecraft: Java Edition by loading it with the Yes Steve Model module. How to Get the Klee Model To access the Klee model, you will need to download the Yes Steve Model module. You can find the module link here. Additionally, you can obtain the… Read More

  • Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥

    Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴TERTINGGAL JAUHH! | BRUTAL HARDCORE II #14’, was uploaded by Samsul CH on 2024-07-23 00:09:22. It has garnered 5553 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:41 or 5861 seconds. #minecraft #brutalhardcore2 ==================DONATION===================== You can help me with donations yes, friend. You can use: GOPAY / OVO / FUNDS: https://sociabuzz.com/samsulch/tribe Hopefully I can be helped by your donations ^^ ======================LINK================== ========– Join My Discord : https://discord.gg/jx7KwxGyX5 / discord Follow My Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bagascipta_/?hl=id / bagasbuat_ ~~~ Command ~~~ !ig !age !original !donate DON’T FORGET TO SUBS, LIKE, AND SHARE YA GUYS! Read More