Ultimate Fairycore Minecraft Renovations!

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Hey everyone my name is lar welcome back to my fairy cor let’s play today we are going to be having a very exciting episode because I finally updated the mod pack and I added some new content so I am going to show you guys some of the

Things that I added however a lot of the mods are um we’re probably just going to have to discover them as we go because first of all I don’t really know how much of them work because I was just like oo this looks cool let me try it

Out um so I didn’t really do that much research but I just kind of added some new mods that I think would fit um and also it’s really really orange now because we’re in Fall so check this out everything is like super bright orange

Wow okay so first of all let me uh feed my cows and um you might have noticed that there’s something new in my hot bar and this is actually what I spawned in with when I loaded up my world um so I got this Soul spell and memorizable

Ganso I’m not sure if I’m saying that right but um so one of you guys recommended eny to install the mod uh too’s little mate again I’m not sure if I’m pronouncing that right but yeah so this is what I spawned with from that mod and I I’m I’m assuming it’s kind of

Like you get like a personal Maid of some sort um so I’m just going to spawn in my maid with this Soul spell and see what happens oh my gosh whoa whoa she has a name yatsu yatsu wait yatsuhashi suumo oh my god um okay so this is our

Little Maid um I’m going to put her away cuz I I don’t really know what to do with her yet um so I guess this is the guide book The a mod about the maid and the Tojo project Okay cool so uh I will look into this another time because this

Is not really what I’m doing today um but that’s pretty cool we can actually put this in our library so we can have our book stored away and also I am using sers vibrant shaders today because because um I wanted to I don’t know I for some reason I think that uh silder

Just kind of it fits the the series really well because it’s super vibrant and like nice looking uh but you guys let me know if you prefer how um complimentary looks which was in the last I think two episodes now um since I got my computer upgrade uh so I’ve been

Using uh what’s it called complimentary but I’m using sers today just because I wanted to kind of compare and we’ll go back to the roots uh so I don’t know I kind of like how solers looks honestly I’m not going to lie uh complimentary is a really beautiful

Shader pack but there’s just something about solders that I really really enjoy especially for this world I think it fits so well like look how pretty this is um also it’s it’s just a little bit brighter so you can see better at night which I think is important for um for

YouTube for YouTube videos uh anyway so I actually made a few additions to our world uh off camera so I’m going to show you guys what I did so first of all uh very small upgrade but very small change but I changed the doors from per I mean

Yeah from purple to this spring planks and they’re so cute this is so pretty oh my gosh and I also should probably decorate this little place here um I don’t really like how that looks okay wait let me put a Mage Light um I’m going to put it uh we’ll put it here

Yeah so it’s a bit hidden okay so we have our son rooms and they’re sleeping right now Eric and Grover oh my God hi um I forgot about these girls hi um can you not you know what’s a shame I love how these wear cats look but they’re

Just so annoying but they’re really pretty I like them okay there we go did they just run away it’s kind of funny okay so that’s the first thing I did which is very small uh the next thing I did was I actually finished making the leaf wall um so everything should be a

Bit safer now I made sure that everything on the inside is kind of easy to walk in and out from but on the outside everything is two blocks tall oh wait there we go so we can’t have anything come in here from the outside which hopefully I fixed everything

Correctly I’m not sure if I’m if I missed anything however there is still like there is still an open space here in the village but you know at least the majority of our space is closed off so it should be pretty safe um if you you

Also might notice I have um this what’s it called the mod that shows the what the hell am I looking at or whatever Peach’s low Health oh my God now I can see everyone’s health bars which is actually really important so you know what I’m going to take spook with me cuz

I haven’t I haven’t taken spook with me in a while and she used to follow me all the time in every episode so I’m going to take her um and we’re just going to walk around also there are butterflies I don’t know if you guys noticed but I

Just saw one flying somewhere oh over there you see this is from The Little Wings mod and I installed it and look how cute it is oh my goodness you look so beautiful red apple fly butterfly I don’t know how to um capture them I think you have to put the what the

Heck is this a fairy made oh my gosh it’s a made fairy ah oh my God that was a weird noise I’m sorry um I don’t know why she’s attacking me that’s really rude okay well that kind of sucks I would not expect a maid fairy to want to

Attack me but apparently they’re hostile okay well that kind of sucks maybe you can tame them or something I don’t really know but that’s so cute fairy Maids that’s perfect for our fairy core World okay so what else um the last thing is uh I oh wait let me enter from

The other place so I actually finally remodeled our basement and it’s not completely done it’s still work in progress um but check this out it’s so cute so I put these um pink planks oh I like this little little when you uh break the block it like has a little

Okay anyway I added the pink planks and um I think it looks so cute we actually like pink planks we can just make so easily now that we can duplicate whoa that is weird Okay I don’t know how I feel about that um now we can duplicate the pink planks very easily or

What no we can duplicate pink dye very easily to make pink plank same with green dye um so yeah so I basically oh yeah I also added the the signs finally and I made this Angel’s epic closet so this is where I keep my hats and my

Clothes and I also put my mushroom hat up there because I’m not going to wear it for now cuz I do need armor see I’m wearing my iron helmet and we also have this place over here which is a cave so I’m thinking of adding something else in

Here maybe like um a workshop or something or we can just expand our storage when we need to but I like that it’s expandable anyway so I think that’s everything I did um minor adjust the uh the sugarcane farm I added I think I just put like spring Planks on the floor

Oh oh oh no oh no oh my God wait stop stop I’m so glad I can see their health bar now that’s actually quite helpful okay come on die die she’s almost dead there we go oh she dropped something huh I thought she dropped like a iron thing okay whatever um okay let

Me show you really quick and then I promise will actually get to doing something um so it’s still it looks very Barren in here actually oh did I place grass okay I placed grass in here actually so check this out it looks just a little bit nicer um I didn’t do the

Walls yet because I was thinking of expanding this place but I I’m not really sure also that is night vision from water because I have my mermaid tail thing which is pretty awesome love my mermaid tail it’s a little bit harder to see there but I am so happy that we

Finally got our mermaid tail and now swimming in the oceans is going to be a breeze even if we run into like octopus ladies we can just swim we can just swim away it’s going to be so awesome um okay let me put away some stuff here because

Wow I already cleared up my or cluttered up my inventory with a bunch of this crap okay I should probably feed spook so I think she can heal from this oh yay okay let me just give her the rest of this here I don’t want you to die spook

That barely like heal S I probably should make spectral cake but I don’t really don’t really want to right now oh my god there was a motorcycle outside of my um in my neighborhood just making the most loud Ruckus so I went to collect some crops

Anyway oh my God that was is really annoying don’t you just hate it when it’s quiet the whole day but the second you start recording it just everyone decides to do things oh my goodness okay um anyway so today is going to be a building episode because last time I

Don’t think I did much building well we did make our son’s um bedrooms I guess but that was like barely anything and speaking of our son’s bedrooms today I’m actually going to decorate them um oh rain yay okay um so I’m going to put away this stuff I really need to

Organize my kitchen I think I’m going to do that probably off camera because everything is so messy right now um but anyway um I wanted to decorate my son’s rooms today because oh are you okay Eric um let me talk to you uh let’s chat um the weather is not remarkable

Right now um objectively speaking but I do enjoy it and Grover is getting his house flooded I’m sorry gr I should probably cover this up with glass that’s actually a good idea let me do that um um okay so what I wanted to do was I

Wanted to um I wanted to decorate their rooms with a new mod oh my God you scared me with a new mod I installed called fantasies Furniture now this is a mod you guys have been recommending to me for a while and I finally finally

Installed it um and I’m so glad I did because dude I’m actually blown away by the screenshots I saw of it I think it’s such a cool mod and um I I totally slept on it I should have installed it earlier do I not have any coal oh god oh no I

Think I’m out of coal okay wait um this is kind of be a predicament because mining is very scary um I don’t really have anywhere to mine anyway okay well we can try to get a little bit of coal cuz I do need it to smelt the glass and just in general

Obviously do I not have any that is really sad oh no I do oh thank goodness okay I really didn’t want to do mining today I wanted this to be a bit more chill um last episode was a bit crazy hello cover oh my God he got a job as a

Mason look at his little apron oh my gosh Grover congratulations on your first job yay so now he’s a uh I forgot a stone cutter what is he a Mason not a stone cutter what the heck that’s that’s the machine not the okay anyway okay

Wait so I need to put the coal in the furnace sorry I’m all over the place as usual ah goodness goodness gracious anyway so we are going to be using um fantasy’s Furniture hopefully the recipes aren’t too difficult I’ve not looked into the recipes I just saw

How cool the furniture looked and I was like w I need that oh look we even have coal here I was totally freaking out over nothing okay cool so we’re going to try to make some stuff and there’s even like themes there’s like um n Nordic theme I think and like

Medieval and like I don’t know I don’t remember but it was like a bunch of different uh themes and I think that’s so cool so let me actually open up the mod interface here look at this stuff so cool oh my goodness I’m like so in love

With this there’s also a lot of little decoration blocks which is really cool um Nordic bed we o whoa what is this oh we need to make a Furniture station okay hold on so Furniture station uh smithing table okay leather and a crafting table we need to make a

Smith smithing smithing table that’s pretty easy just planks and some uh we should probably actually move our like tool stuff downstairs but uh Grover just got a job so I don’t want to steal away his job site um so we can probably just make another stone cutter later but I’m going

To place a smithing table um here here on the left side and we’re going to put it here all right so we need a crafting table which we have but I’m going to make a second one just in case I need it and leather I really excited oh and by the

Way after we are done doing a little bit of decoration I’m actually going to start working on our village so finally right I know I’ve been neglecting that Village and I’ve been procrastinating for like ages um but I’m finally going to do some decorating so I want to make

Uh not decorating more like renovation so I want to make some extra houses and it’s probably not going to be anything too fancy for now but I just want to get it started so we can actually give our villagers like freedom to roam okay so how does this work

Um they have a very interesting uh crafting station thing um so I guess you just have to uh okay I I don’t really know how this works but we’re going to try oh I kind of like this Dunner bed because it’s green so maybe we can do o they even have

Purple ah oh my gosh this is so cool all right I might do dner so we need oh planks uh Stone and Clay okay I think I I should have some clay I hopefully didn’t turn everything into uh bricks or whatever I was using it for but I do

Remember I collected clay recently uh e yeah we have a lot okay I’m just going to take that with me um all right I’m really excited I hope you guys are oh and I will have to update the mod pack so I probably will do that soon um all

Right let me try to make this thing uh okay oh whoa what we can make all this with just that oh this is insanely awesome oh dude are you kidding me this is so cool I’m just going to have to make a bunch of stuff now oh my God this is awesome are

You kidding me I can make all of this stuff dude this is insane this is so much better than I expected this is like so easy I I love this mod Nordic carpet oh hell yeah um I make four oh this is so cool dude I’m like trying not to freak

Out right now but I’m like oh my God okay sofa absolutely bookshelf yes um drawer yeah dude I’m just going crazy now um we probably should make a light thing some sort of light uh floor light yeah we’ll do that okay we ran out of planks that’s fine we can just make some

More oh my God this is this is incredible I love this so much this is like way better than cluttered because cluttered I I do say that the the crafting system is pretty uh easy for the most part but this is like a whole another level oh my god dude how did I

Not know about this earlier this is incredible okay so um they even have like doors and stuff oh my God wait this is everything this is like bro bro I think this is all the sets what are you serious oh my God I’m so blown away right

Now dude cookie jar hell yeah um book stack dude oh my goodness I’m amazed I’m amazed right now I’m just making everything they even have presents we can we can totally make oh fairy lights by the way I added fairy lights to the mod pack and also another mod called

Nightlights which you guys are going to love I’m going to actually try to uh try that mod out in a second but dude ah oh my God okay so I’m going to oh wait can they actually sleep in this hold on hold on okay they can I’m not sure if the uh

The villagers will like read this as the the thing you know uh come on okay let me put it this way there we go yay I like that that’s so cute okay um we can put the uh drawer we can put it here it’s a little awkward

Maybe um maybe this way that’s so cute okay and the carpet a so so cute oh my gosh dude dude this is incredible I’m like amazed right now okay I’m going to give the bookshelf uh wait maybe here that’s awkward wait let me move the bed

Actually I’m going to move the bed uh let me you know what Grover I I’ll keep the pink bed for you but I’m going to actually make more carpet uh so I can cover up that glow stone okay so put this in here and make some Nordic carpet

I love this so freaking much oh my God absolutely incredible okay um wait I might move this actually to here that’s a bit better um and then we can put the little table and oh wait table and chair obviously we need to put it like this okay that is so cute are you

Kidding me Cookie Jar oh you can actually put stuff in it um okay I’m guessing it needs to be cookies ah this is so cool oh my God wait oh this actually has storage too dude I so cool so freaking cool oh my God okay let me make some

More of those uh stand Standing lights or whatever they’re called bro bro whoever recommended me this mod thank you I love you I actually love you okay so we’re going to put this here okay that works and we can also put one here yeah just a little bit of extra

Light okay so we need to put the glass already I forgot oh my gosh so cool okay let me try to think of what other mods I added um I don’t really know how much how most of them work though so we’re going to have to research and do one

Thing at a time I’m still working on arso um I really want to try to upgrade my spell book now that I know what to do to get the tier 2 glyphs so that could be something we can try to do what do we actually need to do again I totally

Forgot um so we need the the Mages which is diamonds obsidian quartz Blaze Rod okay so we’re going to basically have to kill blaze rods I mean what’s it called uh blazes not blaze rods we’re going to have to kill Blaze blazes and hopefully that’s not going to be too catastrophic

I’m a little bit worried but oh my God that’s so cute oh oh no oops okay wait let me get more leaves actually I want to I want to actually add a little bit of more leaf leaves to their to their uh place um okay it’s in here freaking

Awesome dude I love this mod this is probably the best furniture mod yet well I still really like clutter just cuz it had such a cute style but this mod oh my God fantasy’s Furniture is incredible wow like oh my god dude I’m just so

Blown away I’m so blown away okay let me put some glass here too yay now this looks so much nicer okay so I think that’s all the holes um I’m also going to put some oh wait yeah we have one here hi spook are you enjoying our new

Mod spook cuz I I think this is like amazing and I’m like so happy and my freaking axe broke broke oh gosh Come on there we go okay so we’re going to put the fairy lights um honestly I don’t really like how they look but we can just add them there what

Is that what Grover what are you doing over there how what where is he hello where what are you doing why are you trolling me like this stop it come here no come follow go over okay there you are don’t be like that here let me show you let me show

You what I’ve done to the place you know I did tell you guys that you were going to have to move in your own stuff but I’m just such a generous parent that I actually just decorated for you so what do you think this is your room you still

Have your pink bed don’t worry I know you like it um move freely there we go let me talk to you how are you doing Grover I’ve been needing to travel to the other Village near here oh he has friends there well that’s good um we are

Going to be working on that Village soon don’t worry Grover okay and I also made these little red mushrooms oh they’re so cute oh my goodness okay let me make a little bit more I’m getting so excited um let’s see let’s see stackable pumpkins oh my God yes I’m going to give

That to our gorgora girls ooh Soul Gems wo that sounds cool Mead bottles sweet rolls oh my God god dude black soul gems oh my God I don’t know what those Soul Gems are but they’re cute vent here tea set hell yeah what is vent here I guess that’s just one of the

Uh the themes perhaps oh my God this is so cool dude I hope they update this mod to get more sets oh my God I’m so amazed right now this is just so cool so freaking cool oh my God ooh o paintings oh I totally want

To give them a painting let’s see I can make the small painting oh yeah vener is one of the sets okay there’s a bone set which is pretty cool that would actually look really cool for I wanted to make a graveyard at some point um I’ve not

Gotten around to it yet this is such a goth set just pure black okay there’s a royal I’m not a big fan of gold though and I like this necro Lord that’s a very spooky name uh okay I think that’s all I’m going to make for now I don’t want

To get too ahead of myself here cuz we have a lot to do today but I want to see what do these Crystal or gems what do they look like let’s see oh that’s so cute oh my God wait where should I put these H we should probably say that

These gems are like magical obviously and they will help us h H perhaps we should put them in the gardens and they will help our crops grow yeah mhm okay I’m going to put one oh oh my God the night vision I’m going to put one I’m going to put one here and

Another one here oh so cute oh my God they’re adorable I love it okay and lastly I made the pumpkins and I need to put this chair down I’ll probably give that to Eric okay so let me go visit the gorgora girls cuz I have these pumpkins

For them oh my goodness I’m so excited dude I love this world I know I say that like every single episode but I am so this is like the mod pack I’ve been dreaming of all my life and now I made it which is pretty awesome it’s a very

Cool feeling to actually make like the mod pack that you like have always wanted why is this like not stacked do I have to make more I probably have to make more okay but anyway this is really cute just a little tiny pumpkin how are

You girls doing today whoa she has a lot of Health that’s crazy okay um I gave you guys a little pumpkin outside I know it’s really small but you’re welcome okay they’re still hanging out with that little creature which actually wait I can see what it’s called

Now whirly sprig that’s a cute name whirly sprig okay um let’s put this stuff away a little painting and Tisa is for me because I love tea actually just drank tea uh cuz it’s freaking cold today it’s really cold I I was like editing a video earlier and I got so

Cold that I just like sat in bed and rolled up rolled up in a blanket okay I’m going to put it oh can it not fit oh crap no it’s quite an interesting color okay it needs too too wide of a thing um I’ll put it here on the floor uh that’s a

Little weird but you know what actually we can put it oh I don’t have an axe damn it oh there’s a crafting table okay there’s literally a crafting table right next to me I ignore that oh my goodness okay I’m going to put this is there a coffee table or

Something that I can make cuz I would love to have that in my own bedroom uh let’s see uh desk stool wide table bench maybe maybe the bench let me try um if not the bench maybe the desks I can just make one anyway cuz why not uh okay let me

Try so we can put the bench there that looks like a coffee table so hopefully we can place this on top oh shoot please oh no not like that okay wait let me try to put this yay that’s so cute okay wait actually I’m going to move

This oh my God this takes forever okay there we go so I’m going to move this stuff and we’re going to put the desk here and the tea set on top there’s storage little little drawer oh oh it’s so cute oh my God I love this mod so amazing

Oh not like that okay there we go and we can put our glow shroom back oh so cool oh I’m so happy okay um let me put this stuff down we can put the bench somewhere too maybe like here actually uh let me move this put the

Bench down ooh now we can if we have visitors that are waiting for us we can just sit here yeah okay um and I’m going to put the mushroom back we’re can to put it here and let’s give our sons a nice little painting very cute and the

Sofa we can put Pro put a chair there I mean not a chair what’s it called a table okay I’m almost done guys I swear I’m having too much fun with this this is way too fun uh let me give them a little uh what’s it called this one the small

Table put it right here yeah okay and okay I wanted to add a few leaves like here this needs to be cleaned up okay um I need to make a little dirt pillar if only I had fairy wings okay so I wanted to just add a little bit of extra leaves here give

This place a little bit more sturdiness well that’s all the leaves I have so I guess that’s it all right you know I like it I think it’s pretty cool and it Blends in so well it’s like you can barely even notice it’s the uh

Actual building or like a a room um I haven’t se oh there’s Grover I was like I haven’t seen my sons though okay let me just have a quick chat uh I I can like barely read what they saying cuz the chat is like too small I need to probably fix that okay

So I’m going to move this into my basement the furniture station is now my favorite block ever oh my God so cool dude I’m amazed I was not expecting this mod to be so awesome okay let me put this red bed away I’m glad I I changed that bed out

Cuz I actually don’t really like the red beds in this uh what’s it called in this texture pack okay so now that we’re done with that um I’m going to have to get some resources for our project so we can cut down some trees I’m probably going to use Oak uh it

Would be nice if we had got Spruce actually but I don’t think I have any any uh saplings for that okay so it’s going to be winter soon I keep forgetting about that but I am not looking forward to it very much cuz snow is going to get

Everywhere okay oh yeah I was going to talk about what what mods I added I completely forgot um so one of the oh hi one of the mods I added was um the little wings mod Toho I mean you guys know about that already and then I

Added this one mod called I forgot it was like okay so it was actually called hanu Village and it’s like about another dimension you can travel to and then you can you can find like these villages with little dragon creatures in them or something at least I that’s how I think

It’s uh it’s supposed to go um so it’s another dimension which is pretty cool I love love traveling to new dimensions in Minecraft so I’m definitely going to try to check it out um it’s supposed to be a peaceful Dimension but you can get lost in it or something according to the

Curse Forge page I’m not really sure how to actually get to the dimension though it’s called another that’s the name of the dimension so it’s called Another Dimension which is very uh bizarre it kind of confuses me but yeah that’s what it’s called puty awesome so I’m excited

I really want to check it out um let me go to the uh page here is there a book there’s an unknown diary um experimental journals I don’t think there’s any like guide oh yeah pledge for another oh I think this is how you actually I think you have to do some

Sort of ritual to get into the dimension or something I can’t remember but I remember hearing about this pledge so we’re going to have to craft that um okay well that’s going to be an adventure for another day get it another haha okay um another mod I added is

Actually a very nostalgic mod for me it’s a mod that I used to play on or I used to play with all the time and I would add it to like all of my little mod packs I would make I don’t even know why it’s such a random mod but it’s

Inventory pets and you guys probably know or have heard about it if you’ve been around uh the Minecraft moded scene for a while it’s a very popular mod and I I actually forgot about it like completely until I saw it on Cur Forge the other day and I was like what

They’re still updating that mod like I haven’t heard heard about that mod in so so long I completely forgot about it and then I saw it and I was like what I have to add this I used to play with it all the time I remember like loading up a

Super flat world and just like causing just wreaking chaos and Madness onto my little world there with these little pets so I’ll go to the mod page and you can make or I think you have to find them oh wait you can craft them now I didn’t even know that maybe that was

Always a thing okay so you can craft or find these little pets and when you hold them in your inventory they’re supposed to do like certain things so let’s see the snow golem gives you snowballs um knockback and then this one you can throw like a boomerang um Illuminati pet that’s kind

Of funny yeah I’m really I’m really excited to play with this and hopefully we can find a pet at some point or just make one I suppose but yeah that’s so awesome um I’m not really sure which one to get uh we’ll have to look into it but yeah

That’s one of the mods I added the little creeper pet is so cute um okay I also added which which mobility and hex I think that’s how you say hex so those are two like witchy themed mods and I feel like witchy stuff really coincides or like correlates well

With fairye so I wanted to add a few witch mods because I think it fits very well and I don’t really know how they work but oh sage seeds H this is from hexar dude that is weird that is like a that’s kind of creepy I was just talking

About hexar and then I got a hexar thing that is freaky what oh my gosh guys maybe this is a sign oh this mud is actually has a lot of stuff here uh well oh yeah we can make uh witch’s brooms and satch ooh oh my God I’m excited I don’t know

How this works but I totally would want to do some sort of witch witchcraft in Minecraft um okay well I guess we can grow this I’m going to plant it we can put it here just where our carrots are um since we don’t really need a lot of

Carrots anyway okay so hopefully that grows I’m excited to see what you can do with sage um let me breed my cows okay so we we have quite a lot of wood now um I’m also probably going to have to get like Cobblestone or something which uh

Oh I actually do have quite a lot oh yeah cuz I dug out a lot of it with the uh with our little sugar cane project which this yeah I’m glad I made it underground cuz now I have a bunch of cobblestone I can use which is really

Awesome so we’re going to make just a few little houses they’re very tiny houses or they’re going to be very tiny houses because uh yeah building in survival is not my forte but I want to check check up on Alex Hello Alex wo you have a lot of Health too okay so I’m

Glad she’s still around and didn’t run away we’re mysteriously die speaking of death I’m still sad about Alexander um once we actually make our grave graveyard we should probably put him oh my God Eric what are you doing here are you running away huh you need to go back

Home you know oh wait does he have a spawn point hold on let me show you to your bed maybe he doesn’t uh he doesn’t recognize the fantasy bed as an actual spawn point that’s not good I don’t want him dwelling in the village cuz he can die come on

Eric okay let’s see if he oh hi Grover let’s see if he goes into this bed come on it even matches your skin Eric uh locations home what oh okay so this doesn’t work no that’s such a shame it’s such a nice bed too okay wait stay here

Hello I’m going to give you your other bed back since you apparently prefer it over my beautiful green bed that I gave you fine whatever I don’t even care okay I’m going put this bed away we can use it for something else okay good to know so we

Can’t just kind of cheat our way out of making beds we have to use the Minecraft Beds which kind of sucks but you know it’s okay all right so well fell off the staircase that’s not good let me put this bed here come on there you go okay

Now will you set your house or home hello let’s see okay good thank you so please don’t don’t wander through the village because that is just dangerous at least for now um I’m going to try to make it safer um so maybe we have to

Make some sort of like wall ah it would be cool if we actually made it into kind of like a kingdom that would be awesome very very uh uh that’s a very uh what’s the word that’s a big project I’m not really sure if I’m up to doing that maybe after

We get pixie wings because we can get them after doing the fave wild Quest um but for now we’re just going to make some nice little houses so I also probably should light this place up okay I forgot that we actually had villagers in here and I left the door

Open so I’m glad they’re still alive lawren looks cool I like such a big fan of all the guard skins because they have like the coolest armor like look at this that’s so awesome oh hello Stefan why aren’t you sleeping at your own house okay now that it’s daytime uh oh thought

That was a cat it’s a ferret I think they’re ferrets are they I think they are wait no I don’t whatever okay so the first house we’re going to do is here we’re just going to make a little tiny villager house so um let me see here

Uh I’m going to make it I guess five blocks wide we’re going to try to squeeze in as many beds as we can into one Village while not making it like a villager Camp if you know what I mean um so we’re going to probably do let’s just

Do like a square so we can do a a 5×5 and yeah I just want to make like one design that’s kind of like easily rep rep repli repli rep what replic replica replicable is that a word replicable replic whatever dude you you know what I’m trying to say oh my God

What the what K’s English apparently oh my goodness okay so we’re going to do three yeah three is fine oh damn it why you do this why you do this okay um let me do another three so we’re going to make it like a wait that’s fine we’re going to have a

Roof anyway so we’re going to do TW story house and this one is going to be two blocks wall and then a roof so it’s going to be big anyway oh yeah this is so off topic but I was um I got this really awesome suggestion from one of you guys who said

That I should make a 100 days uh EP or a 100 days video of like me living as a mermaid so like 100 days as a mermaid since like you know I have the uh the mermod thing with the tail obviously I don’t know why I had to

Say that but I think that would be such a cool idea I don’t know if anyone has ever done that before I’m sure it has been done like 100 days underwater at in some way or another but like specifically as a mermaid and like making it underwater like Civilization

Or something like that I think that would be so fun cuz I’ve actually never done that before I’ve never tried to survive like underwater before even like without the mod so I really wonder how that will go actually one of the things I really wanted to do in my vanilla like

Single player world that I play on my own time is actually to make like an underwater base uh which like I’ve like only I’ve never done that before so I think that would be actually super fun to do like 100 Days episode or uh video

Not an episode um however I am like not a huge fan of how 100 days are done in the Minecraft Community because you guys know I’m not a big fan of fast Pac like modern Minecraft content um like the you know stupid like 100 days uh Hardcore

Minecraft I like beat the Wither 300 times in 20 days like bro I I just don’t like that type of content it’s way too like ridiculous for me but okay so I’m going to try to get some Spruce Wood uh I don’t think I have any so we might

Have to go in a little Adventure I just want like an alternate wood type so we’re going to do that uh where where is Spruce I think there might be spruce somewhere over there next to where our dark oak forest is so actually hold on

Something I’m going to make is um a gyro dine which is a aircraft from the immersive aircraft mod and I actually made that in my uh fairy Cottage cor Series in my last episode so I’m going to make it again because it’s actually freaking awesome um so let’s do that

Really quick cuz it’s it’s a lot faster than the airships okay anyway so um I was thinking of kind of doing it my own way um probably a bit more slow paced obviously and just like a little bit less chaotic um but I’m wondering if I should make that into like a little

Miniseries too like I can film kind of like let’s say 10 days and then upload that as like an episode and then at the end we can have like the movie version obviously with the whole like the entire 100 days so let me let me know what you

Guys think of that if I should do that like the series and then like the movie quote unquote um cuz I would be I would actually be down to do that I know that it’s probably going to be a lot of work um but I’m super willing to

Try okay so let me make this we need holes which we can do pretty easily let me get some oops I didn’t mean to throw that let’s get some iron and we need two holes one two we need sail which is with carpet oh my God we have a lot of wool

Which is good we need that and also string hopefully we have yay we have a lot oh my goodness okay so we need two sails oh okay there we go I’m probably going to have to put spook away too cuz I don’t want her to get lost um and the propeller there we

Go and that should be everything I think it’s like this woohoo see that was so easy okay so uh spook you stay here I’mma go on a little adventure oh and I think you need fuel which is with Co or does it not have fuel actually I

Don’t think it has fuel okay so I’m going to have to do this from the ground because it needs a little bit of charging up to actually take off so we’re going to do this in the field I’m going to put it here uh and then we got to slowly

Slowly okay that was close I almost like ran into that grass block awesome so now let’s try to find some Spruce I think there should be a spruce Forest nearby hopefully if not we can just use dark oak I’m sure it’s not a big deal um but

Yeah anyway I would love to do 100 days as a mermaid I think that’s going to be super fun um as like a little short series I really don’t know how I’m going to do that um it might have to be like voiceover I don’t really know how

I’m going to have to do that I’ve never looked into how people actually make 100 Days videos the only 100 days I ever really watch is uh the what’s it what’s his name Luke the notable like the one who created the actual uh concept I’ve only been keeping up with his 100 days

Because he’s kind of the the one who started it all and I actually like how he films it he’s very funny and he has a very interesting play style I always when I watch his videos I’m always like super amazed because he does so much like Redstone and like super like

Intense engineering and I’m like whoo like I don’t know I do not know how to do any of that he’s like a big problem solver which I respect cuz I don’t do that at all in this game okay so there there’s actually Spruce right here this

Is not like a this isn’t like a spruce for oh there’s a valkyrie over there um this isn’t like a oh damn it oh my God can you not trying to speak here anyway this isn’t like a full Spruce Forest but there’s a few trees here that we can cut

Down okay please don’t don’t do this to me I’m not trying to sink I should have brought leather boots okay so I’m going to take yeah this is probably going to be enough for now I’m going to actually take these saplings back home and plant them so we can grow

Some spruce trees at home okay let’s do this woohoo this is so awesome I can’t believe I didn’t know about the guy di before I thought the Airship was kind of like the best and easiest thing to do but this is like so much better and it

Even has storage we can actually put some upgrades in here um which I should have done that but you know it’s fine uh we also can upgrade the gyro and give it a uh what’s it called gyroscope which makes it a bit easier to control because you don’t have the wind effects

Which is really annoying that’s like the one thing I don’t like about the gyro but hopefully you can fix it okay slowly make our little descent here and try not to crash the plane come on there we go oh my God so awesome I love it okay so I’m going to plant these

Trees and also oh my God these snowballs are so annoying this is how my inventory is going to look when when um when winter comes freaking awful oh my gosh by the way it’s December now which means Christmas is coming up do you guys have

Any plans I don’t know what my plans are but I really want to make cookies actually I think tonight I’m going to bake some cookies cuz I saw this recipe um called Thum print cookies on my YouTube and I was like wao that’s so

Cute I want to try it so I’m I’m going to try to make some Thum print cookies and I’m going to put uh lingan Berry Jam in them because lingan Berry is my favorite Jam actually I’ve not really tried that many chams you know I’ll tell

You one thing this is going to be a really random story um let me sleep so when I used to live in Spain um I I used to live in Spain for a year back in like two 2021 I think or 2020 I don’t even

Remember but 21 or 22 I used to live there for like about a year and I before live there I’ve never ever tried a peanut butter and jelly sandwich which you would probably expect me to because I’ve been living in America for like most of my life now um but I’ve never

Had one before so I decided when I was in Spain I was like you know what I’m going to try to make a peanut butter jelly sandwich and I I I bought like a jar of jam from my little like neighborhood uh grocery store just a

Very tiny store and um in Spain they have a lot of like British products because I don’t know just how just how it is there so I bought like this British jam and I I don’t even remember what what type of fruit it was but it

Was really good it was like a dark purple Jam I think it was like a mixed berry or something and this Jam was so good because it was like not too sweet that was like the main thing I liked about it and it had like this nice like

Tangy flavor um obviously it was sweet but it also had like a little bit of that like true like Berry flavor you know like when you eat a raspberry it’s kind of a little bit like Tangy I don’t really know how to ah no oh my God I was

Pressing my my S Key by accident oh no okay wait we’re putting dirt everywhere in here this is a mess okay so anyway it had this really nice flavor that I loved and before this I never even like bought jams except for lingan Berry Jam um where’s my crafting

Table oh I should probably sleep I totally forgot oh no fairy fairy made very evil evil stay back okay oh she dropped something what is that whoa what oh that didn’t give me anything what the heck was that also the XP looks different I don’t know what mod that’s from but it looks

Weird anyway so yeah I bought the jam and I bought the peanut butter and then I bought the bread so I made myself a peanut butter jelly sandwich and I loved it so much it was like the only thing I would eat well no it would it would be

The thing I ate every single day for like the entire duration of me living in Spain and I just fell in love with peanut butter jelly sandwiches and then I forgot to make stairs damn it what the heck why am I so bad at this where’s my

Crafting table I’m trying to tell a story I’m just getting distracted okay so then when I moved back to the US um I tried to I was still under my peanut butter jelly spell so I tried to recreate it in America and I bought like the GR grocery store Jam Jar and then

The bread and the peanut butter right um and I hated it it was awful and God damn it it was because of the freaking jams here it’s so godamn sweet and I hate it like dude I cannot enjoy American jams because like they’re just way too sweet

And I I don’t like them at all um so that that ended my peanut butter and jelly sandwich phase cuz I just I couldn’t anymore it was aw it was way too sweet the reason I liked it so much was because of the jam it was like a nice delicate balance between the

Savoriness of the peanut butter and the sweetness of the jam but the jam wasn’t like overly sweet it didn’t taste like eating freaking sugar but here in the United States that’s what it that’s what it tastes like now I’m sure obviously you can probably find some nice jams

From like you know a market of some sort like a what’s it called Food Markets or whatever but like grocery store jams yeah no never again that was awful I hated it it was so bad oh my God it like crushed my heart um I could try to use oh wait

No I don’t need that I could try to make some with lingan berry jam cuz I don’t think I’ve ever tried that so maybe that would taste a bit better cuz I do think lingan berry is a pretty good balance of sweetness to non sweetness hello otter

Um I’m not really sure honestly I just kind of stopped eating the the peanut butter sandwiches after that um however one thing I have been enjoying a lot recently is this uh like what’s it called like butter jam toast or something hi um which is something I

Found in a cookbook that I have and it is so surprisingly good like I when I first saw that in the recipe or in the in the book I was like this does not look very tasty but then I made it and it was amazing like I I I ate I ate it

Like twice yesterday I I ate dinner and then I made myself a little toast because I was like you know what I I kind of want one so yeah um they’re really good it’s literally just a slice of toast and um uh some salted butter

And what am I doing I need a chest and some jam on top so I the trick is not to put too much Jam at least for me cuz I don’t like it too sweet just a little bit but it’s so good I think sweet and

Savory is such a nice combination and I enjoy it when it’s not too overpowering sweetness um what are you fet okay so yeah that is my little ramble about um sweetness and how much I don’t like American jams so I am going to continue working on this build and I will be back

Okay guys so there is an evil fairy over here can you not can you not thank you okay so I made a little bit of progress on the village and I have two questions for you guys so number one is what should we name it I made the entrance

Over here a little leaf ENT entrance as I made similar to our actual fairy Grove um so yeah we have a little entryway here and I need a name for the village so I’m thinking of putting like some sort of hanging sign over here and just

Naming it something so if you have any suggestions please let me know and I’m actually going to get rid of this over here um but the other thing is I also want some suggestions of what you guys of what you guys think I should build in

The village so I just made a few houses for now I think I made only three um because they do take quite a while I also put a little bit of these um floor lights here as kind of like Street lamps and lastly I made a little farm over

Here so we can have some Farmers working I’m probably going to have to make some composter blocks so they can actually get get the job um but yeah I just want to give them a little bit of food and this is flax because I actually need

Flax so I thought of just growing it there um so yeah I also just tried to light up the place a little bit so I put some Mage lights and some torches and this is turning out really cute this is kind of like the neighborhood street so

I think I can add more houses on this like little row um I also kind of want to switch the uh the the like front of the library to be on this side rather than like on the back cuz I don’t know why it’s I don’t know why it’s like this

This is bothering me so I might change that in the future um but yeah I think this Village has a lot of potential there’s a lot of space to work with I need to build like a lot of stuff over here on on this hill um I’m just not

Really sure what to add so if you guys have any suggestions on what you think I should add please leave a comment and let me know um I yeah this is going to be a multi-episode project this is going to be an ongoing little uh building

Project um but yeah so I think that is basically it for this episode I’m going to try to work some more on this next episode but yeah I also got this really cute hat from killing um a zombie or something but anyway I hope you guys

Enjoyed this episode it is very close to Winter as you can see it even snowed a little bit but thank you so much for watching please leave a like if you want to see more fairy Corp content in the future and be sure to check out my Etsy

Store to buy some cute products made by me and my art and I hope you guys have a great day Bye

This video, titled ‘Village Renovations! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 13 ✮⊹♡’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2023-12-10 19:00:01. It has garnered 208 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:52 or 3412 seconds.

hey everyone my name is luvstar! welcome to my fairycore-themed relaxing modded let’s play! this series will include episodes of me living as a mage elf and exploring and transforming a beautiful fantasy minecraft world. i chose the mods myself, trying to stick to a fantasy, rpg, fairycore, magical and cottagecore theme. please enjoy this magical series!

today i decorated my sons’ bedrooms with some NEW MODS!! then i started working on renovating the village.. which needs a name! leave a comment with your suggestion on what we should call the village :3

in this relaxing modded let’s play, i am going to be living in a magical world with fairies, dragons, woodlands, dungeons, and other whimsical things! this is a fantasy, fairycore, RPG style let’s play ♡

🌷JOIN THE FAIRYCORE SERVER! IP: fairycore.workisboring.com (uninstall Mystic’s Biomes mod before joining) ===================================== ✉️join my discord server! https://discord.gg/4nnuNPhPwb 👾my art instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luvstaar/ 💜my etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/LuvstarKei 🎧support me (or request an art commission!): https://ko-fi.com/luvstar 🖤for business inquiries: [email protected] 🐈‍⬛my art channel: @AngelLuvstarArt =====================================

🌸music credits: all music featured in this video is composed by Adrian von Ziegler. find his music here: https://adrianvonziegler.bandcamp.com

🍓RESOURCES USED: shaders: sildur’s vibrant shaders texture packs: mizuno’s 16 craft, froggy hotbar, gothic medieval RPG font, monsters & girls cottagecore edition

🌼DOWNLOAD MY FAIRYCORE MODPACK HERE: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/luvstars-fairycore (requires Curseforge and Java 19)

Live in a fantasy, RPG-like world where you can play Minecraft through a magical lens. Choose your own Origin to customize your play experience! Explore a fantasy world with new creatures, fairies, dungeons, dimensions, woodlands, magic, and other mystical secrets! This modpack focuses on exploration, creativity, and magic. Go on and play your own fairytale!

ignore tags! modded minecraft,cute minecraft,kawaii minecraft,calm minecraft longplaymagical minecraft,minecraft longplay,modded longplay,cottagecore minecraft,fairy minecraft,minecraft fairy,fairycore,cute minecraft mods,cute minecraft house,cottagecore minecraft house,aesthetic minecraft playthrough,minecraft fairy aesthetic builds,minecraft fairycore,minecraft fairycore lets play,minecraft aesthetic lets play,relaxing minecraft longplay,aesthetic minecraft,celtic

Village Renovations! ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 13 ✮⊹♡

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    Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!Video Information I’m going to play the intro [Music] St [Music] CH what’s good what is up fellas um second stream today cuz I’m bored whoa I know so Chatters today actually let me put this light on who crazy um I’m alive again I’m alive I’m streaming I know I know kind of crazy um but I’m going to go in here screw that dumb song it’s actually not a dumb song It’s a sick song but we got we we we’re gaming here we’re gaming here Momo raid no way yo Momo thank you for the raid W… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!Video Information cette nouvelle technologie va révolutionner les serveurs Minecraft ça faisait un an que je n’avais pas rejoint un serveur multijoueur et j’ai été choqué par ce que j’ai découvert Minecraft a autoriser les serveurs à utiliser des packs de texture grâce à ça il y a des nouveaux objets incroyables comme ce multitool qui permet de casser des blocs à l’infini ce boss est ultra stylé mais un petit peu dangereux ah on peut même avoir des pets celui-là est vraiment trop mignon pour jouer lance Minecraft clique sur multijoueur et rentre d’IP go.iping.fr This video, titled ‘Cette… Read More

  • Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️

    Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист но цветных кра искупалась ми начинают ики рисовать дала не спрятать не потерять моё зание справляюсь ятим с нами немножко пока Да это не забрати не справляем ничего не хитрого ло не чудес Я даю поила смея нет Потому что дети три собак Y This video, titled ‘Minecraft traps at different ages 💀#viral #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Black Devil Af Gaming on 2024-07-04 04:55:54. It has garnered 10593 views and 413 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. minecraft but minecraft minecraft animations minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Sights at Sinj’s 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMG

    Shocking Sights at Sinj's 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMGVideo Information [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] derivative that I love I absolutely This video, titled ‘2024 annual Minecraft Art Show #memes #minecraft #greenscreen’, was uploaded by Sinj on 2024-06-04 15:52:36. It has garnered 608 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • GingerShadow’s life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!

    GingerShadow's life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!Video Information hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more Bach Sky Block with me and brother why is there a we H uh didn’t it exactly um um um um I don’t remember this being here when I logged off what have you been up to well me remember that really funny thing that happened where uh we recorded a video and I forgot to press record oh yeah you’ve been doing that a lot the last week yeah we don’t need to talk about that thanks very much um yes let talk about it so… Read More

  • INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Construindo casa simples de madeira #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-06-13 12:45:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts herobrine minecraft memes #shorts minecraft meme memes minecraft challenge meme funny … Read More

  • Tico Anarchy Server

    Tico Anarchy ServerThis Server Is Created By Tico Group Full Anarchy Server Whit No Rules discord.gg/JyZhYBfFt2 Free For All No Pay2win ticoanarchy.falixsrv.me:22237 Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon server: Progression system, Endgame PvE, Weekly Tournaments, Fun Events

    Silvermons Pixelmon Reforged Server Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. Join our custom level cap and rank progression system featuring exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. Enjoy Weekly Tournaments, Player Gyms, Fun Events, and more! Server IP: play.silvermons.com Current Version: Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack – Download Here Read More


    1 BLOCK ANARCHY MINECRAFT SERVER (REBRAND)Welcome newbie!😎Normal survival but we can hack and soloIts an anarchy server but it a variation of anarchy(1 block map in the server lol)*I installed a few things to make the server interesting*You can join the server from 1.12 to 1.21Make your history in the serverGoodluckDiscord:discord.com/invite/SHvzfr9Z5G Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands”

    Minecraft Memes - "From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands"Looks like the builder in Minecraft has some serious fashion sense – even when it comes to choosing blocks! Read More

  • Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4

    Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4 Labloush, the Minecraft news reporter, with a twist, Bringing updates in rhymes, never to miss. In Sin of Suspicion EP.4, Labrasi takes the lead, Shutting down the Mafia’s money printing greed. Labloush, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing each move, in a rhyming scene. Labrasi’s mission, to end the Mafia’s reign, With interrogation and twists, in the game’s domain. Labloush, the narrator, with a playful tone, Engaging the crowd, never alone. Crafting Minecraft news, with a grin and a spin, In every update, let the rhymes begin. Labloush, the favorite news reporter, in the gaming land, Spinning rhymes that… Read More

  • Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF

    Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF “Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 10: panicking and running in circles. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 20: calmly strategizing and building a staircase to freedom. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 50: calling my grandkids for help because I can’t figure out how to jump.” Read More

  • EPIC Funny Moments in English Class!

    EPIC Funny Moments in English Class! Minecraft: Hilarious Moments in English Class!【方块轩】 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one creator stands out for his humor and joy-sparking animations. 方块轩, the mastermind behind a series of entertaining Minecraft animations, brings laughter and fun to his audience. Let’s delve into some of the hilarious moments captured in English class! English Class Shenanigans In a typical English class scenario, 方块轩 finds himself in a predicament when asked to translate a word on the blackboard. The banter between classmates adds a touch of comedy as they navigate through words like “banana” and engage in… Read More

  • Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans

    Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans Welcome to Herobrine SMP 2.0 Season 1 Episode 1: Making a Food Farm! Shadow Striker, also known as Chirag, is back with another exciting episode of Herobrine SMP 2.0. In this episode, he dives into the world of Minecraft to create a food farm that will sustain him on his adventures. Let’s join him on this thrilling journey! Setting Up the Farm As the sun rises in the Minecraft world, Shadow Striker wastes no time in getting to work. He starts by clearing a patch of land near his base to make room for his food farm. Using his… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz – Rate my skills now! ⚔️

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz - Rate my skills now! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥rate my skills Minecraft pvp! ⚔️’, was uploaded by Godz on 2024-06-19 16:16:02. It has garnered 31 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:44 or 1244 seconds. 🔥 **Welcome to [Godz]** 🔥 🎮 **About Me:** Hey there, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! I’m [Your Name]and I’m passionate about all things blocky and pixelated. On this channel, you’ll find epic adventures, creative builds, survival challenges, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or a newbie to the Overworld, there’s something here for everyone. 🌟 **What to Expect:** – **Let’s Play Series: * Join me… Read More

  • Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!

    Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!Video Information man that’s another successful store trip my brother I’m saying now is the party at show crib or mind you know what I’m saying we about to turn up ain’t that right M don’t we hosting mush done made mushroom soups for the whole gang let’s go they starting to grow on me I’m really enjoying the mushroom soups nowadays man y’all getting into it y’all get into it come on guys walking is healthy let’s walk the rest of the way home and then we’ll be solid oh so we going to your crib to party that’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥Video Information and done our new house is completed oh this house is ugly well it’s much better than the old one Grazy it’s not my fault that you burned it down well I’m sorry I just wanted to put all my cakes in the outfit at once now they’re all burned wait what’s going on you put the house down again Gracie no it’s not me it’s a fire girl what are you doing stop buing our house down we just built this terrible news the ele mental Army is going to come here to destroy everything I need… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Satisfying

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art SatisfyingVideo Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:17:12. It has garnered 1932 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWalt

    INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWaltVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft server mode:vee craft server (Modded)’, was uploaded by jon dewalt on 2024-04-05 00:50:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/evildragonx1. Read More

  • OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmau

    OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘#short Is this My Inner Demon Noi coming out??? #aphmau #minecraft #roleplay’, was uploaded by Ori_Moon on 2024-03-31 14:36:00. It has garnered 44 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-05-28 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you … Read More

  • EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55

    EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55Video Information This video, titled ‘April Fools Day Minecraft #minecraft #youtubegaming #shorts’, was uploaded by DonPianta55 on 2024-04-02 23:48:38. It has garnered 1621 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. Become a part of Don’s Crew⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaB0-gpDobPMhK8FFGc19iQ/join Join the Discord discord.gg/mhfHSspBk8 Read More

  • Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!

    Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Groomer Baby — Hazbin Hotel Loser Baby Parody’, was uploaded by Duke Rancid on 2024-06-17 13:28:45. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:52 or 172 seconds. My friend and I spent way longer on this than we honestly should have. We were originally gonna do a Minecraft parody and then I was like, wait I have an idea. Read More