Ultimate FNAF Warehouse Build – Insane Security Breach in Minecraft!

Video Information

He You N M He H Oh where’ I go God damn it no what did I do why am I invisible where am I oh I’m just really tiny why is Freddy here oh boy this is welcome hi everyone to is the season to start the stream wa la la

Oh boy okay um all right am I muted oh I’m totally muted God damn it where’s why is this never working it never works all right oh there we go all right okay we’re not muted all right hi everyone it’s the green human amphibian Monty sit

Your ass down I will tase you all right so welcome everyone holy crap animatronics are invading the office it’s not ideal deal all right welcome so today we’re going to be finishing the Endo warehouse and we’re also going to be going and doing some a fazer blast

Because that did my tracking just die I don’t know what’s going on it is it’s Freddy get out of the office piss off all right so where did my TR where did my cool transitions go and why am I tiny oh this is going terribly why am I

Tiny okay uh can I make myself not tiny preferably where is okay can I oh god what have I gotten this is terrible all right can I can I not be tiny okay well that just got rid of me entirely all right I’ve I’ve disappeared Into The

Ether all right not exactly what I wanted to do all right can I like did did that fix it no but I am sitting now all right zoom and enhance actuallyit no if I instead of doing that can I all right I’ve I have I’ve scuffed this all up

Completely all right zoom in enhance zoom in enhance rise rise all right all right also I don’t have chat everyone or I I do but it’s like it’s being oh what the heck tracking is going a little crazy all right welcome to security breach why is everything really

Dark I have no idea where’s Minecraft why do security breach always launch on my vertical monitor it’s weird all right got Minecraft up there we go cool can I get chat up this has been you know it’s been eventful so far but it’s not as bad

As yesterday so I’ll take this over the entire stream imploding into a black hole and causing some kind of Singularity so also I got a Christmas hoodie yay all right can I get my chat up please I would like to read this can I all right I don’t want an

Echo all right twitch I summoned the all right all right there we go all right got YouTube chat up and I got twitch chat up we’re good everything’s great cool all right so who is here cuz I missed a bunch of a bunch of comments all right hello dust not Hello um drusen

I’ve I I will never get your name right I apologize and hello Pro Gamer welcome to the stream all right I saw you talked about McDonald’s for dinner and let me just say that is a both great and terrible idea it’s like oh yes it’s delicious but it’s so unhealthy but it’s

Also delicious all right let me uh I want to okay oh why do I have shaders on oh No No abort abort no RTX please have mercy all right we’re safe holy crap why am I still lagging all right that’s fine just turn the render distance down holy

Crap let’s turn it down to 10 all right let me turn on the replay mod this has been a crazy beginning of a stream there’s accent saying security bot my accent doesn’t really exist my issue is I can’t stick to one accent all right let me get FNAF security breach OST here we

Go you’re not sharing your McDonald’s no congrats on 6 wait I hit 6K wait when wait a minute I didn’t look uh did I hit 6K oh let’s go I did it I’m winner my hand tracking just failed Oh yay let’s go 6K I got a coffee and a bagel here

I’m eating this is a wonderful morning that is really loud can I turn that down oh God the frames let’s go I also have to go and uh take away Google crams or Google I can’t speak today my God I got to go and take away Google Chrome’s Ram privileges otherwise

It’s GNA completely consume the entire stream all right get rid of all of your RAM privileges I don’t want you completely eating all the RAM and destroying streamlabs all right you were being set to below low priority because I can do that because I I messed with task manager so I can take

Away all the ram all right didn’t you promise me something what did I promise CU I have the memory of a goldfish except that’s technically a lie since goldfish have pretty good memories but I got a memory worse than a goldfish 90% of the time half the time I got a great memory

Other time I’m a dumbass all right he there we go I took away Google Chrome’s Ram privileges we are good all right promised I would sing at 6K I don’t remember promising that but I also could have totally said that why is the game having a

Stroke all right there we go okay let’s head over to the Endo Warehouse to begin with and let’s go finish that it’s it’s right up here right all right so how do do I want to tackle this I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to restart the replay to begin

With delete that did that get rid of it yeah okay and start it back up here that way oh that’s why the the music playlist is is in 4k no anything but that please all right you my why what’s my why all right so we got all this loaded

Up now can I get the lighting turned off there we go all right debug mode Let’s go okay so where uhoh oh no wait a minute what save am I on oh am I about to have a really really bad time oh no what why is this

Closed I don’t like that are the are the endos out wait a minute why is this is the same save we had loaded up yesterday why is this am I about to have a really bad time did you move oh yep we’re going to have a real bad

Time all right um new plan wait if I turn this camera does that activate you okay you’re not moving with the debug camera I’m just going to leave Gregory there I guess I’m sure he’s fine probably okay yeah know the ends are active I must have loaded up a earlier

Save if I mistake yeah because the doors are closed okay all right so where you got in Minecraft and said why I meaning a bagel all right um so we did all of this in the previous stream so we want to go through this door right

Here so that would be where is that oh it’s right here okay I was literally standing on it on a French fly with c three I’m good I got my Bagels all right so to begin with let’s extend this out first up all right the stream is pretty good

And isn’t having any frame issues so that’s great unlike yesterday Okay so so let’s just pretty much continue this exact same design for right now I just bring this over to like here all right bring this around then I’ve already gone and textured some stuff for fazer blast as well so I’m

Super excited to do that why is this sticking out we’re not going to build all of fazer blast today but I do have some stuff that I want to work on will you play uh help one at two yes I will I actually already have uh I don’t

Know how much I’m allowed to say there’s some stuff on the channel right now you can look at oh God don’t fall in anyways um down here is this ceiling that’s the okay so let’s do I’m going to do slabs around the top and then I will put same ceiling as

Before okay it jumped over the wrong wall right here okay so I’m going to bring this all over so my main concern with the help wanted was if the uh the game was going to be a PS uh PS5 uh VR2 Point part 78 whatever was weird how

They labeled that headset I was worried it was going to be like an exclusive I don’t know what PlayStation was doing with the the naming of their headsets almost as confusing as uh the attack on Titan finale oh Attack on Titan the final chapters part 5.78 ending two it’s like it’s dumb I

Should probably get night vision you Minecraft night Vis there we go all right say what’s coming and I help wanted I’m going to record it and then send it to mad oh I’m AB I already have a video I’m working on doing that so my prediction video will probably come out

A few days before the game drops I accurately predicted both security ruin mostly off of a lot of the stuff in the AR game and just overall trailers so I’m at least moderately confident I can do it again one of the biggest things I keep saying regarding FNAF FL is people

Overly complicated for like no reason like okay Matt Pat was again Matt Pat already looked at like the actual trailer for help on wanted to and he was so like tunnel visioned onto like looking for lore and secrets like he he talked about like Roxy’s face textures

For a good like 2 minutes all right and yet he just failed to see the entire Atrium in the trailer from security breach and it’s like how did you miss that it’s the biggest thing in the entire game so yeah I don’t know how everyone keeps

Missing that I’ve seen no one talk about it the uh the AL chips mini game you can just see the H room in the background the the mini game that’s loaded up is the actual old map of security breach that has the arcade Crossing through into El chips and no one’s talking about

It I don’t know why it’s it’s weird when it comes to like FNAF and stuff it’s like everyone gets real tunnel visioned onto like looking for lore everyone seems to miss the very obvious thing that’s being thrown in your face and I I don’t know why it’s

Confusing either way so this room is pretty much done that Pat got the first script of FNAF movie yeah that was that was cool I I did see I’m sad Markiplier wasn’t in it but I’m very excited to see him in the second movie going to bring this up

Feel like this is fine how it is here right yeah I’ll I’ll just keep this as is yeah okay so like where is it located the mini game that’s shown in the trailer for help one to the one where like your oh God what is this let me look this

Up you can literally see like half the atrium which means that like probably almost all of security breach is going to be playable in VR all right FNAF security breach not security bre FNAF help on it too I can type that is trailer and I I see nobody talking about

This everyone just got real Tunnel Vision on the lore and and everybody seemed to just miss the very obvious fact that like half the atriums loaded up let me find this yeah right here okay I found it all right um can I put this on the screen without where’s

This am I able to do this okay no wrong screen yeah here it is okay yeah right here look you can see the entire Atrium it’s right there it’s like well this is terrible quality to begin with that’s like the the entire Atrium and nobody’s talking about it it’s right

There this is the old map for L chips this is not the one that’s currently in the game this map that’s being shown right here is the old original map for security breach that has the out ships like room or whatever the actual restaurant connecting straight into the

Arcade this is the old map for security breach and nobody’s talking about it this is the map that has like the backstage and stuff like it’s in the game and nobody’s talking about this and I don’t know why like okay this being here implies that most of security breach

Will probably be able to be roamed around in VR fully like they’ve already done this in in help wanted one they had the foxy corn maze where you can run around it’s probably going to be like that where you can free your room the whole pizza Plex and nobody’s talking

About this it’s like Matt Pat got so tunnel vision and again I’ve seen mult people talk about this trailer Matt pad and R host both got so tunnel visioned on like the characters none of them paid attention to the backgrounds like Matt Pat was talking about these nachos for

Like a good like three minutes and like he just missed the atrium like I don’t know what everyone’s doing every video I’ve seen of people talking about this trailer just misses the most obvious things and what I think is probably happening is just they want to you know

Find all the lore so they’re looking super hard and trying to find everything but they’re overanalyzing things too much where they miss the most obvious thing ever like there’s just the atrium here yeah helpy fing from the mouth is hilarious that’s that’s great like this entire area is not the

Current map of security breach it’s the original the one that like half the map is deleted all right like you can go to this counter in the game it’s in the game right now everyone was so tunnel vision tunnel visioned on the nachos and it’s like you can go view the nachos in

Game most of the stuff that was shown in this trailer is stuff that’s already in security breach in deleted files and stuff this stupid nacho game there’s stuff in the files for this and nobody’s talking about it like I’m pretty sure I I’m going to go and say that almost all

Of security breach is going to be in help one it too including all the deleted content because they literally show the deleted area for L chips right here and I don’t know why no one’s talking about it yeah music man’s literally in like half the trailer Matt Pat got so Tunnel Vision on

Music man he missed like the entirety of security breach being here yeah right here all right this is the hallway we found a few months ago in security breach all right this hallway is I can actually show where it connects wait a minute this is one of the coolest things

Or one of the things I most happy about because it was specifically found by me where is this all right it’s underneath the music band vent over here all right if we head let’s the it’s in this corner yeah right here yeah if I teleport Gregory to this door wait for everything to

Load oh this is down in the basement wait a minute wait no this is I guess I can get there either way okay so right over here and again this is something I have been talking about for almost like half a year now this hallway right

Here this hallway in the files has like a a few Music Man things in it I’ve had a theory for the longest time that there was there was originally going to be a chase scene with a music man in this vent or in this big tunnel all

Right cuz like there’s just holes in the walls here that you can find the same thing in music man’s area all right on top of that this is directly so this thing here is directly under music man’s room if I teleport to Gregory right here this loads up the entire Music Man area

See so I’m confident that that hallway you see music man walk down in the help one2 trailer is that hallway I’m going to die on that Hill I’m calling it now either way let’s go back down and continue building the Endo Warehouse before I get completely sidetracked with

Uh with lore where is the Endo Warehouse can I just that would be I could just teleport Gregory to this door again I’ve completely memorized the entire layout of the mega Pizza Flex like even when stuff’s not loaded I know where everything is I have memorized this entire layout down to the smallest

Detail so like I pretty much spot this stuff in the trailers like immediately all right so again steel wall Studios also tells a lot of their stories through the ACT ual environment so the fact that I got pretty much the whole pizza Flex memorized definitely makes this

Easier they tell their story through the map I teleport actually if I teleport him there he’s going to get jumped all right let’s just keep building all right I don’t know what this is but found M pet yeah again this is not I don’t want to

Like come off as like o i I hate mat pad boo mat pad mat pad’s great I love his theories but it it unbelievably infuriates me that like 90% of the FNAF Community is like blind to everything lore related this exact same thing happened when they released the trailers for

Security breach everyone got Tunnel Vision on the characters nobody looked at the backgrounds no one looked at the map and this is a thing I was saying for like months and then the game comes out and then the biggest talked about thing is like wow there’s all these deleted rooms break

This right so I’m going to bring actually I can just use my Builder want on this I bring that up oh no that’s fine and that over all right so looking at this here how do I want to do this so let me go grab the other green

Color I have which which is where is that this I’m also taking into consideration how different shaders work in Minecraft as I built this there are a few key blocks in Minecraft that like probably like 90% of Minecraft shaders make reflective and this is one of them I have no idea why

Doesn’t make any sense but people usually make the target block reflective for some reason so my my plan here is I want to make the map look the best it can be no matter what version of the game you’re running if you have shaders everything is going to look a million

Times better is my plan here I grab this how do I want to actually if I were to do this here yeah I don’t know again I this isn’t me on M pad MTH pad’s great but he really just has been continuously missing the lore like his theory video that he

Released about like the numbers like we solved that a year ago and I don’t know what he’s talking about that stupid number code he went on about for like 20 minutes in his last Theory video he released like yesterday that connects to the wall code in vany’s room like I I

Did a big video on this with like the entire FNAF Reddit like a year ago so it’s like he’s talking about theories that he thinks aren’t solved that were solved like a year ago and I don’t know why all I can think of is because he has

Like four channels now stuff’s kind of falling through the cracks and he’s not able to like sort of I don’t want to say damage control but he’s not able to sort of check everything all right do I do I not have green stairs I do how do I you know what I

Will actually I’ll use these instead let’s put this here all right L needs proof yeah we found the proof already bring I’m kind of winging it with this design here cuz I don’t well actually kind don’t like how that looks you know let me let just use bars

Whatever this looks better and then if I bring this all up by one here we go and I’m going to go and do that pattern on the floor with concrete lore isn’t lore without proof yeah I know it’s just the proof is like there and he’s just apparently not seeing it

The FNAF uh Reddit pretty much solved that like a year ago this will just be all gray sure I’ll bring this over the middle part again cuz the reason I get I’m getting so frustrated with the fact that no one’s talking about the fact that we have a deleted portion of security

Breach in the trailers is a large majority of the lore is told through the environment that’s how steel wall does things all right that’s how a large majority of the story for security breach we slowly unravel with like number codes on the walls and everything so the fact we’re getting an

Entire section of the pizza Plex that was fully deleted from the game in Help Wanted is unbelievably suspicious that screams we had lore here we deleted it because it wasn’t finished and we’re adding it back in because we finished it like we have no idea what are in

These rooms cuz most of them were unfinished they could pretty much annihilate every FNAF timeline we have and I I said this exact same thing before ruin came out and I was proved right steel will continues just to pretty much nuke the FNAF timeline in ways that are unbelievably

Obvious and everyone keeps like just being like nah we’re fine and then like the game comes out and everyone starts panicking and it’s funny oh wait this side doesn’t wait I’m being dumb wait a minute what the heck was I doing I’m I’m getting sidetracked from Lord I’m not paying attention to the

Map now again I I love Matt Pat Matt Pat’s great I also don’t want to come off as being like a dick cuz like at the same time I’m talking about like a trailer reaction so it’s like he obviously was going to miss stuff so let’s do like this two two

One two okay trying to think of like how I want to do this if I grab like a dark colored slab and then let’s do it like here remember the video where he explained yeah the Gregory stuff Gregory being a robot and I think that’s the biggest kind of

Proof to my whole argument is like Gregory is probably a robot and nobody’s happy about it because everyone kind of agrees that’s dumb all right so if no one wants Gregory to be a robot a lot of people are going to like as they’re theorizing are going to just subconsciously ignore that

Fact that’s why it took so long for everyone to realize oh wait he’s a robot cuz everyone just thought it was a really dumb idea cuz it kind of is a large majority though of the FNAF Community just aren’t like looking at things with like open eyes I guess is my point

Do three of these this is fine how do I oh if I were to do this wait a minute well I can’t place the carpet wait a minute how exactly did I do these benches before was it carpet yeah okay I swear this door never works when I wanted to okay there we

Go I spent like a good like three hours making that door and it only works like 90% of the time that’s why I haven’t gone and built any of the moving doors since then so I want to like get the design as optimized as I can and then I’ll just build it

Everywhere cuz it’s going to be pretty much the same door just going to be changing like the size of it and stuff all right so this goes down to here you know what I’m going to use wood I do the glass we had from before yeah that’s fine that gives a cool

Effect uh me out on the end the end of security reach we got this text you yeah you’re broken yeah the problem is we we still to this day security breach came out three years ago and we don’t know the ending no one can agree on which ending

Actually happened the closest we can say is like oh you see the ending we got we just never saw but it was a combination of all of them that’s the that’s the only rational explanation we can give as to like to make things make sense and that’s

Dumb like with FNAF 3 the the two different endings for FNAF 3 most people at least can agree on which ending of FNAF 3 is Cannon but the problem is regardless on which ending you choose for the most part you’ll end up with the same result timeline wise it doesn’t actually affect

Much on if the spirits are are freed or if they’re condemned to like the suits for all eternity because they come back anyways Cassidy and whatever in their birthday party of like o set the spirits free you know oh they they leave they go to the afterlife you know and then Na’s

Like Swiggity swy I’m going to go Harvest me some human souls and then you know they’re all like all right let’s leave the afterlife and go kick a shinzen and they they do that so the happiest day thing is really redundant in the grand scheme of like the

Timeline cuz like most of the spirits just kind of do whatever I completely forgot there’s going to be a hallway here yeah security Bridge ruin is just a big puzzle like I think the funniest thing okay most of Ruin makes sense with the context of Gregory was a robot all right

Imagine if the FNAF community did not figure out that Gregory was a robot before ruin came out all right most people would have thought Gregory was the mimic all right from just onwards from that point context is a very powerful thing all right if the FNAF community did not figure out that that

Gregory was a robot before ruin released most likely everybody in the community would be agreeing right now that Gregory never existed and the mimic was always Gregory all right but again with the benefit of hindsight we know that Gregory is probably a robot all right but the fact

Is we definitely live in the better timeline the fact of the the matter that we figured that out like pretty much a month before ruin dropped is kind of scary context is a powerful thing and if you remove it things can go bad real fast if we hadn’t figured out that

Gregory was probably a robot before ruin dropped we’d probably be making timelines and theories that were just completely wrong for at least another year until the next game drops until probably help one it too if the community hadn’t figured out that Gregory was probably really a robot um before ruin came out help

Wanted too probably would have completely destroyed 90% of people’s theories whenever it comes out so it it’s it’s a crazy thing context is don’t even get me sted on the books that is just unb I I think now this is a hot take I think the books are honestly the

Most pointless thing when talking about theories they add so much context but context you can find in the games as well and I I honestly don’t know why everybody holds the books to to such high standards the fact we’re still arguing about the continuity of the books also is moderately

Frustrating what’s the ceiling of this room like oh great rainbow yay a little take an eternity okay so yellow blue like an orange terra cotta okay all right so why I want to like add a middle part sure let’s do that to be honest I dislike how the hair

Colors of the characters were changed and the Personalities in the books yeah why like again we still don’t know the books make so many just strange choices and to this day we don’t know like people will argue of like oh the books are like you know the books

Are like the FNAF Bible all right it’s like oh we we look at them we they’re all Canon trust us all right but it’s like half the characters have different names some of them don’t exist the continuity of the books has been way too cluttered and doesn’t make any sense

Like okay so the tales of the pizza Plex most people consider to be soft cannon in the sense that we can fit them into the timeline if we want to most people though agree we shouldn’t because it makes things unnecessarily complicated and we’re still trying to figure out

What the heck’s going on with Gregory all right at the same time the tales of the pizza Plex a lot of people also think directly connect to fast Fair Freights which they very definitely don’t they make it the entire point of those books is that you know there’s all

The alternate robots of the children yada yada you know afon built or was it Henry I don’t know you know uh Elizabeth or God I’m I’m terrible again this is my issue I’m just I’m unbelievably garbage with names so like trying to like rationalize my my crazy theories on a

Live stream usually comes off as is rambling so it’s not scripted but there’s just a lot of stuff that doesn’t make any sense it’s orange orange whatever I’m just going to do colors orange red blue green I probably I should have just copied and pasted this

There we go I guess that’s blue but whatever that’s fine like who’s Andrew God Andrew is a I don’t care I care as much about Andrew in the FNAF floor as I do Enard as in I care about it greatly and also not at all Enard is such a amazing character in

Terms of the lore and and he’s the most unutilized thing in the entire franchise the fact of the matter is Enard pretty much roamed freely for like what 16 years before Pizzeria simulator and like we don’t know what the hell he’s doing this this massive Hearts just chilling somewhere for like 16 some

Years and like oh y he he he existed for that amount of time we have no idea what he was doing that’s another theory I have with nror to tying back the sister location and help wanted two there’s a big chunk of time there that is just gone and happens to be

Connected to security breach from what I can see so I check what was the going here wait right yeah okay yeah let’s just have all this be that right now are these two hallway exactly the same there’s a theory that Andrew the new kid in the movie that he oh God I

Don’t want to talk about the movie why are we bringing the movie Into The oh God no the movie is its own thing and I want I I oh my God please bu house do not try and tie those together okay so are these exactly the same yeah they

Are I’m copying and pasting this I’m not building this a second time all right uh she possesses Monty but it wasn’t even clear we don’t even know if they’re possessed we have no idea if the lamrock animatronics are actually possessed we know like an ungodly amount of people

Got offed in the pizza Flex between the staff going down to the cafeteria and having a real bad lunch and then you know everything else that happened all the missing people and missing kids and yada yada yada but like in the grand scheme of things we know very little and

What we do know doesn’t make any sense rotate 90 I think let me see right also thank you for the sub uh joose welcome to the stream welcome to my FNAF rambling stream is that right I don’t care I’m pasting it and I don’t care

So where do I have to stand for this to connect I don’t know what I’m doing I just go like right here all right one block Too Tall however no okay one block Too Tall and then I’m got to go right okay so here oh wait no two blocks down I’m dumb

Do also why is no one talking about okay speaking of cuz it’s you know playing L Chips Theme why is no one like talking about the fact that shipper Sons is in FNAF like do we take shippers games as Canon now I really don’t know again I’ve jokingly talked about

How the joy of creation is technically Canon and I know that anger is everybody cuz no one wants to like talk about it cuz it’s one of those things that like if you try and think about it for more than 5 minutes you realize how much it

Makes sense and how dumb it is and it’s great I love it um making for f one cool reg’s father is one of the two main antagonists we don’t know we have no idea who his father is we don’t even know who um this is going

Back to again me being terrible in names it just left my brain the name of um oh God the girl in ruin it just left my brain it’s not Cassidy wait okay I I’m being dumb whatever names be named the lore so how does this connect does it

Just go all the way to the corner pretty much all right no it’s Cassie right okay this is annoying me wait a minute am I dumb I’m being really dumb uh all right is this am I just being stupid wait right yeah it’s Cassie why is no

One again this is another thing no one’s talking about the fact that the protagonist of Ruin shares the name with like you know oh he who shall not be named Mr goldbear it’s like I don’t know there’s there’s so many like little things that definitely mean something that a large

Majority of the theorist Community are just kind of blly ignoring also I don’t think anyone wants to like touch it with like a 50 feet long pole and I don’t believe him there was con there was context about Gregory’s father there is not that’s the problem we don’t know like pretty much

Anything we have context about Cassie’s like father that he was a FNAF technician but that’s pretty much it he probably got he probably went down to have a you know a lunch or whatever when vany was doing that staff meeting and you know went on you know committed Order 66 f as bear

Edition and you know had all the staff Bots you know give them all a friendly hug to the Grave all right here I’ll just have the room be here whatever all right so all right what I’m going to do for my own sanity I’m going to save this like separate

I go up how far do I need this to actually be before it connects so that be there I stand right here oh my God what did I do uh no what the heck how did I what did I copy it wrong I don’t even know what I just did

All right stand here copy I go right here okay that goes to about there I could move it I guess if I move it one block back so like here okay and this room will be here because okay the way I I do my own theories is very uh what you might call

Dumb all right so I know most of the FNAF floor I actually read the books and all that I got the log book and all that nonsense but when I go and form a theory for like FNAF for an example I’m not just drawing from like the pre-existing

Knowledge of the you know lore and all that I’m also thinking of it from like a developer standpoint of like okay if I was steal what would I do all right and that’s kind of how I predicted ruin cuz it’s like there’s only a few things they could have reasonably done without

Either a bringing back circus baby or B nuking half the timeline and whoopy dooo that’s what they’re probably doing unfortunately hello geod welcome to the stream you’re just in time to hear me ramble but FNAF L how do I want to do this I’ll just have it be this for right now

Actually if I do this again suus baby is definitely one of my more favorite characters in in FNAF but at the same time I don’t know why they’re bringing her back making an SCP map and it’s going yeah I’ve never actually played any of the SCP games I know there’s like a huge

Community around that but I’m pretty much a clueless idiot with those I’m going to laugh though if it turns out the uh the scooper ending in ruin was just like a reference everyone got real tunnel vision on that of like you know you know of the sister location bunker being

Below the pizzax which I do think is probably the case cuz I’m looking at this from like a sort of developer standpoint of like what would steel will probably do I want to do sure let’s let’s wait no um I do like this two one two whatever that that’s

Fine you will see what yeah know I’m I’m going on our tangent here uh for fortnite in Minecraft but wait what I was also making chapter one fortnite oh cool I buil that a while ago wait a minute how do I I do like a wall maybe yeah if I do like walls

Here yeah I I made a big fornite map like two I not two years ago a long time two years ago was like God 2020 it was way before the pandemic it was a while ago I used to do a bunch of fortnite content and then I escaped that game finally

So wait does this not line up no it does I want to do now I grab I don’t know what I’m doing I didn’t think a plan to how to do this uh can you see I have no idea what I did with it I can try to find it I

Really don’t know what I would have done with it I used to make like a lot of like Minecraft hide and seek maps and stuff God I have like a file it’s it’s close to like a goddamn terabyte of just nothing but hide and seek seek Maps I

Used to make a bunch of like hide and seek maps for like Pocket Edition and Bedrock so what do I trying to think of how I want to make this room not look just Square shaped wait a minute what happen if I teleported Gregory right here where is this Let go up still is there anything above this whenever is this just going to be the atrium uhoh no the game crashed no ah dang it okay the game just exploded now I got to go launch it again yeah the the other there’s one of

Those red rings over by again the one we looked at earlier that was connected to that hallway under music man’s room yeah that’s the area that like little little mini Music Man chases you through usually or that one was underneath music man’s area so I’m looking at that and I’m like there’s

There’s no way we’re under music man’s room right and we worked I need to find my actual like coffee mug tracker cuz like I’m sitting my coffee here and my model’s freaking out yeah let me see if I can find it when this is loading up and it’s crashing again all right

Um I don’t want to interrupt the time lapse actually can the game launch on security breach you can do it I believe in you I believe in you okay well it crashed again I didn’t believe hard enough oh what did I click nope go away all right you know what I’m just

Going to launch it through Steam whatever I was playing the PlayStation build fine game I will launch your less cool counterpart security breaches younger brother steam Edition just security breach and then the cooler security breach with the back rooms all right waiting for the game to Load God it is just continuing the crash why do I hear Van’s music oh hello Rachel welcome to the stream you’re just in time to watch uh the game completely explode sitting here eating my bagel as secured breach completely combusts into a singularity and consumes the universe there we go all right finally

Cool it’s back no no I want to go to the actual music All right here we go and if I can get unreal unlocker to launch without Exploding and you see the map I’m going to go and try to find it once we uh finish this section of the pizza FX all right there we Go you sub oh thank you welcome to the Channel all right so we were on this hallway here what is above this though is this just the atrium wait a Minute is this completely in line with the other one wait a minute I go down here where is okay so that’s wait okay wait a minute where’s the entrance okay the entrance is There no it’s over in that direction never Mind all right let’s just continue with what we were doing for right now before I get completely sidetracked I also got to go and move security breach back to my other monitor There we go okay um now what did I do with the floor here hello oxel Rose welcome to the stream I know I have this block where is it is it this we we can use this I guess thought I had a better looking block though let me see I feel like this is more accurate yeah let’s go with This all right so we just put this all in the floor so fill this all up all right so now anything like doesn’t this room change depending on what you’re doing Though is that a different room it might be oh know oh thank you for the sub ex Rose welcome to the channel again all right uh you know for right now I’m just going to do quartz there a lot of this I’ll probably make item frames with like map art

So for right now let’s go with this then what I will do then if I grab this I want this to go out you I’ll have this go out by one so like that on Minecraft a a what I have no idea what that is and then if I do like trap

Doors with that okay no this has the thing in the middle right if I get rid concrete it’s not really going to make a full circle though I could do it like this I guess oh this is going to look real scuffed okay not ideal oh this looks

Terrible should I just move the room that’s not as bad I guess I grab like a trap door I have like a bright gray wall if I do like this and it pretty much just ends all right then go and grab this and put this like here and I will

Put some sea lanterns up here as well kindy to give it sort of a glowing effect just to light this up a little bit more one two one two there we go and if I then just bring this all up and around I probably could have got away just using carpets but

Whatever there we go all right so now if I dropped back down it’s not that bad all right so looking at this there’s like a door here so I put that there and I will also go I grab grab the doors let’s go like That all right and now going all the way down here where does this have to turn about here What on Earth am I hearing is this FNAF music secur to reach VIP ending theme why does this sound like a Dark Souls boss theme is Freddy Fazbear about to like show up in like some battle arena and like some medieval armor about to kick my ass this literally sounds like a FNAF

Like Dark Souls boss theme Okay so that’s going to connect back to Here oh wait a minute this hallway is different wait why did I wait why do they copy and paste it it’s a different hallway that was dumb okay wait a minute if I just cut the the edges of this hallway off I fix this without having to redo it Completely actually that side’s pretty much the Same I just do that and if I then get rid of these One two one two one Two actually no it’s blue wait a Minute oh I know I have these blocks don’t I yeah I do so if I do that and if I grab the red or red again but like right here here and if I then bring that up to there up some iron bars and we’re going to bring this across like

That and select same block okay all right now I am going to go and get rid of the ceilings here because this does have a flat gray ceiling concrete this and let’s well actually what I’ll do kind of give it a little bit of like not I don’t know how it’s

Not not sure how I describe it’s not really a gradient but like shading I say with foration marks I don’t know yeah that’s fine whatever well I did not want to get rid of my axe I need that hello Grace welcome to the stream okay so I go down here and this

Pretty much just links all the way back around okay there is a door frame here as well so how do I want to do this you know what I’m just going to do the same thing we did before I break always use World it I do this why does it keep playing scary

Music I want Happy music let’s just go with a song what whatever bring on the copyright claim let’s go all right now I do have to speed this up get a night cor it otherwise YouTube will will slap me with the banhammer my throat is like dead for some Reason that gosh darn bagel I blame the Bagel What if I do like trap doors on this actually let me do like Um let’s go this for right now he got kicked out to close YouTube what happened YouTube’s Weird so bring this around and we’re going to bring this all the way the other the beginning of the Area if I grab this Okay so this pretty much goes all the way down to where the door is for this And I’m going to link it up with the same color but a little differently just can we look at the fortnite map yep I’m going to quickly finish doing the walls for this area and then I will try and find it again I want to preference I want to

Preference find it I honestly have no idea what I did with it I I have made way too many Maps I pretty much keep them all in like one big folder it’s just just one big jumbled mess I don’t label things oh this wall is just a ceiling so green yellow orange red

Blue my song playlist be like emo Rock FNAF music pop music pop yeah no my my my taste of Music I’ve been told is unbelievably garbage it’s mostly just like anime stuff my okay I I’ve been told my taste in music is as unhinged as my taste in

Like movies and shows which is like either like super dark horror or like super cute like bubbly like anime stuff and there’s like no in between go go watch alien and then go watch lucky stars and and that’s my my taste in movie summed up okay

So all right so this is the same Green from down here I grab this like I have a big Shelf with just a bunch of manga and like half the Shelf is like a bunch of really like horror novels and then the other half is like

Dragon made and like just a bunch of like like 50% of isekai but you know like how many isekai can I put on this shelf my answer is all of them so this is all my name is eg a dick way way too fast okay there has to be somebody in

Like recent years that named their kid like William Aton or something like I think we’ve talked about this before uh in the year 2020 there were 20 kids that were named Thanos all right I I’ve joked about this before but like imagine you have a kid and it’s like what do we name

This uh this this newborn child and your your first idea is let’s name a Thanos he’s going to he’s going to destroy all of reality one day but like I I saw that a while ago like there was a bunch of kids named Thanos in the year of

2020 but at the same at the same time if that’s something people are doing I worry how many kids have been named like William Aton cuz that’s both stupidly terrifying and also hilarious right so if I do like actually actually I just keep this as one

Block hor songs teach me how to get a pan attack I don’t think that’s a good thing do I want have this go across here all right grab a slab and if I bring this for there we go what was the ceiling here it was this right so if I

Have Mom name isar and you’re you’re a i God I can’t speak today holy crap and you are gole and you search yeah my life summed up partially except for the fact that it wasn’t me another all right so oh the wall actually curves I thought it was just

Door where put a hole in the wall didn’t I for the door and I blocked it off cuz I’m stupid right spectator there it is I break all of this I go to like here so assuming the door is here one two three one two okay name is their child I missing I just realized I might have to move this room back as well I didn’t really think of so one two three one two three watching this girl L um playing fortnite on which that’s like 90% of like the uh the just chatting streams like how far it’s like just chatting on Twitch is

Basically just how far can we push the sensors and that’s pretty much the the just chatting category summed Up I do like here all right there we go let’s go back one More you dare my cuz that way I can have like a door Frame I want this to wrap around This Frost here and connected with the side there we go holding back for me regret eating the fruit did you get Sick so next now what I’m going to do what do I actually want To actually wait if I were to if I just have this go down oh that works perfectly there we Go sure let’s go with that okay trap doors that’s terrible actually wait a minute break this and I will do them on the inside underground welcome to the circus power down are you feeling nervous do I don’t remember the lyrics and I can’t sing cuz my throat’s pretty much dead reload the

Surface bring that across the keyboard sounded like a gun jeez yeah I’ve had the same issue it took me like God I’ve been doing YouTube for years and only like this year here can I confidently say I finally have a microphone that isn’t unbelievably garbage and it’s the same microphone

I’ve had for like six years and it’s just like I finally figured out the perfect microphone setup that makes it sound not terrible like I had I had a bunch of uh like a while ago I had a really big issue of like you hear me typing on my keyboard like constantly

And it was really loud I finally figured out how to get that to startop name was Mr to l oh God all right so this pretty much done I think so is there a room in between these there’s not this pretty much just connects all the way to this cool hello David Roy

Welcome to the stream all right one last room to go do I actually want to do this room all right let’s do the the the floor first because I this wall looks like a nightmare and if I go break this is this pretty much the entire thing

Yep I’m I’m honestly kind of surprised YouTube hasn’t gotten buffered about me playing music but I don’t know how we went we we played music for like 6 hours yesterday and YouTube didn’t complain once but I don’t know if that’s just because we kept dropping frames constantly

And maybe it was just literally lagging too much for YouTube to comprehend what on Earth was going on which if that’s the case that’d be funny clean this up by three and then I grab this going to put some points wait a minute did I not build this

Room what how did I forget this room that was like the first room we did how did I not realize there was a room connected to it wow I’m dumb Earth name is that welcome Sophia my brain is dead now mainly cuz I’m freaking fangirling right now I don’t

Know why it’s the first time I’ve ever listened to Funtime danc really there there’s a lot of really good FNAF songs I also have it night cord cuz I don’t want to anger the Wrath of the YouTube copyright Gods it’s usually slower than this why is my like left arm stuck like

Down like it it keeps going back to like there weird like pointing to my little chest reactor thing so I go here bring all of this up break that and go here okay how do I actually want to do this door is a lot bigger than I thought it was wait a

Minute well actually if I break this yeah let’s go with that that’s fine I’m going to look at it after I’m done with this I meant after I’m done with this entire area and this is the last room so so the ceiling is just like this how do I want to actually do

This I have a block that looks like this I’ll use this actually I have no idea what this texture is from I don’t think it’s actually M I think this is like CU I reused the TD Origins texture pack when I started making this I think this is from something else before even

B so there are these are these they’re not really lights oh they kind of are all right where’s the middle block one two three four six seven eight two three four five 6 78 okay so the middle block is two blocks so I grab this so one

Two all right so now what I’m going to do I’m going to fill all of this in me Freddy Fazbear I’m coming to kick your Faz nuts in where exactly did the uh the uh the Freddy song thing come From the horror hor I guess it is just the FNAF one jump scare that me must have been a thing for so long I never really questioned it oh I did not want that to go all the way down there I do that and then break in

Here all right scratch what I said earlier about this being the last room I just remember there’s that one room forgot next to the first one we did which I completely forgot about guy who beat boxes on right I forgot about that so where’s the middle this one two

I can do four what am I doing one two three four six 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 so right there so that’s where the desk Is fry setting up a electronic fence around my bird bath in Minecraft what our electric fence is a thing like in the latest update Minecraft that is elect your fence no okay I’ve been fed up Mods okay I’m a clueless idiot with newer versions of Minecraft so I keep being surprised by

Things everyone’s like oh the glowing item frames and I’m like the what two three four five is this four blocks one two three four five 1 2 3 four one two three four five what is that Oh wait how did I get this off wait a minute oh I’m done if I break this road here that’s two blocks yeah but I already have the heal wanted two stuff already uh set to Premiere so hopefully that will be fun when those come out

I also do I also am going to do streams break through this how I do this Twice I’m I’m confusing the heck out of myself being real dumb all right whatever let me just get rid of this now okay now we got to do this this annoying Flor colors are here oh is this like the same thing in oh it’s like a daycare oh it’s like a

Daycare for the not realize that okay so in that case I’m just going to cheat spectator mode I’m just going to copy and paste the daycare floor cuz I’m Lazy and I don’t care if it’s not accurate CU it’s just colors I care if the scaling is right and the size but I don’t care about the colors it’s just a bunch of colors and it’s fine paste how big is this so I got a rotate 90 wait Yeah this when it comes to FNAF songs a lot of them are really good heast there we go oh it just about fits so what I will do I don’t want it to look like it’s been Sho up so what I’ll do okay so I go right here I go into the corner Then Here I’m doing it like this so it doesn’t look like from a glance like it’s been moved around and Shifted it’s a bright new day and it’s your time to shine thank you for all youve done that’s not what I wanted to do I move here Instead oh was I do it here and then bring this one and if I then do yellow there’s a 26 streamer on my list of saying hi to random streamers also the M okay oh the music’s very good well thanks somehow YouTube has not gotten angry yet

Because of it but I reckon it they’re probably going to attack me soon because of the music I expect them to bring the uh the copyright claim hammer down on me any second I’m surprised they haven’t already I do that to there all right that’s probably this done so what I will

Do if I grab a door let’s go trap doors all right so looking at this kind of goes out a little bit so I do these Here do well yeah let’s deal with That and then we’ll have everything else go up from there right now there’s just the one little tiny room we somehow forgot before and then I’ll go try and find the one map all right what exactly is this room is it just a warehouse it’s just a warehouse okay that’s easy

What I will do is I’m just going to literally grab this this and bring this all around and that will be it no crazy floors or anything like that actually I can speed this up as well by using the pillar one like so there and the playlist ended okay what’s

Another playlist let’s do this one and let me skip that because I know YouTube does not like that song all right gra is gray break the two blocks there and here and bring this up by let’s go to Three trap doors and I’m going to bring this all the way Around sorry you’ve been missing for this is a stream not what’s the seiling like oh it’s the uh the blue that’s different never mind this ceiling’s blue as Well uh I can’t play that song there’s some songs that again all of these are copywritten which will get all these streams copyright claimed eventually which I don’t actually care uh I’m I’m not like monetized or I guess the streams are I don’t have them set to be

Monetized but so I don’t care if the streams get like a copyright claim the wrong block cuz that doesn’t actually affect the channel or does it really make the stream get nuked off the the platform into Oblivion uh my main thing is if the streams get taken down

That’s what I’m mostly worried about and if a stream gets a copyright claim while you’re actually live then it gets struck down or it gets like chopped up into a million vods which isn’t great so and there’s some songs that seem to trigger YouTube more than others and that is one of

Them all right so that’s pretty much all of this done I think we are done is geode he still here are you still here geod save and Quit I uh yeah so again I was asked to show off the different Maps which I will do main thing I don’t remember which one is which yeah you’re still here okay all right let’s see they might be on the TD origin as well See which teleport Hub would they be at why are mobs spawning why don’t I have the uh the regular resource pack on not I not have this on this save wait a minute let me grab that resource pack All just about I think it’s on this map I could be wrong though it might be in one of the teleport hubs oh my God right this is for 1.12 oh no I made a mistake never mind we’re turning off right right this was last loaded up in

1.2 oh no I don’t know the textures are working all right whatever this is fine a damn is this still on oh does it not work without the uh oh right okay I can just go to the to fine game whatever’s go right we blew a hole in the ground all right I

Will any of the portals work one here still in here all right maybe the teleport Hub is still active thought I turned this off though all right which one I can’t I click this wait no uh why is it not Working it wouldn’t be wait a minute which one why are these just copied wait a minute is this now that’s this uh I don’t label my maps right chapter 1 season X I only Built chapter one though all right let’s just click all of them where’s this this is not

Right what the where am I uh oh no that’s this I don’t label my maps well oh come on what seriously game really oh and it disappeared that’s not great um what did I do how do I do this God dang it Howell did I Okay okay can I get the game back please there we go all right button let me try I do this will that I don’t want to just do slash kill all right Uh Island stuff okay well I have two of these wait a minute might be this one okay where am I now this is an older copy because it doesn’t have the teleport C right oh wow this is a real old copy is there nothing in here oh there’s some stuff no it’s the

Gemstone Pleas have anything all right I have no idea what it it’s probably in the first it’s probably it’s probably in here somewhere my teleport commands aren’t working all right okay whatever I don’t know let me check this I’ll be right Back All right we’re back okay where did this put me all right I’m back in the tower can I get out of here I we’ll just go all the way up we were both just staring at each other it was extremely awward I’m going to bust out the

Window back to the teleport Hub it’s one of these buttons oh actually is my old security breach map still on this where is that yeah here it is yeah this was my oh this would be like three years ago this is old this is from I built

This based off of the original teaser Image is there still stuff back here’s the build what all to the tel Hub I I’ll try a few more of the command teleports and if not I’m just going to go back to building security breach I can look I can look for it off

The stream and then I find it I can show it off L all right where would sec to breach just try this where does this puppy oh let’s this so I combined a bunch of them a while ago it it might be across the bridge depending on which version of the map this

Is by the way I built all of this it’s like oh Dar how many builds have you done like oh you know only like a world or does this just end what did my random distance at okay now this ends so it’s not the latest version right and then this just goes

This would us just teleport you back yeah right all right I have no idea what I did with it my bad what is this one this will be secur to R right heid do you think it’s oh wow this is old this is from like months ago All right let’s go back to security bridge Now all right now we’re going to go back to fazer blast oh god oh this looks terrible without the texture pack oh this is awful oh God Let me go load up fazer blast there we go oh unrelated we actually made a mistake sort of I I was going into getting text getting uh textures for fazer blast and I realized we’ve sort of backed ourselves into a corner in terms of the I guess caninos of the

Build so if we go over here all right so Bonnie bow is directly above fazer blast all right and if I teleport Gregory right over here if I teleport Gregory right here I wait for Bon B to load all right so this is Bonnie bow all right and Bonnie

Bow has this back hallway area which then goes all the way down here to this door now we actually made a mistake kind of all right so in security breach ruin we actually go down this Hall again and we actually see what’s behind this door

And it’s an entire area of the map we mapped it all out a few streams ago now the problem is in the base game of security breach this door actually goes here which I did not know it connects straight into the vany office in fazer blast so we have a

Door that depending on your version of the game goes to two completely different places all right and I don’t know which one of them I want to do for right now I’m going to keep with the ruin build just because the other door you never actually access in the base game

I’m going to keep it how I have it here for now anyways so what I’m going to do now I already get yeah here’s the textures I did so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go and activate the replay mod I’m not sure which one I want to go

With for now but right now we’re going to keep the ruin build for now the middle section here let me get rid of everything in my even all right clear there we go we go I make the V mask work in ruin I have no idea I haven’t the slightest clue I have

Not got that far yet yet worst case scenario I just build two of the same maps and have it teleport you in between literally just how it works in game but I don’t have a plan for that yet how do I want to actually do the lights right so are these raised

No so what I’ll do I grab this don’t know let just see mess around with this for a little bit I do like that how could I make this not look Terrible this be too tall I feel like that would be too tall but I don’t know I also need to get sea lanterns in here somehow oh thank you for the follow welcome angle M welcome to the stream what I could do I guess this that doesn’t look that

Great if I do like this that would make it only one row it’s not that bad all right think of is to build the ruin map directly below the regular one then just teleport the player yeah that’s what I was thinking of but the issue is how would you have them

Teleported cuz I can’t really like the only other thing I was thinking of is using like chorus fruit but you don’t have any control over that that’s the only other way I was thinking of is to how to manually teleport Them right so what I’m going to Do will invert this right now the animat are to Ison to get for me I want us to go all the way around actually that’s not that Bad the problem is I can’t use any item frames for this yeah let’s go with that uh cuz I’m going to use uh structure blocks to make these change is my plan Do you know what I’m going to make these slabs I have carpets actually what minute do carpets no carpets would break under a structure block I use this that’s terrible Slab Maybe no let me see are there a trap doors do I have access to use this and then I could do This what if I have all of this here no that won’t work I can’t use buttons either right so I’m going to continue this here okay cuz my plan here so if you actually look at the layout of Hazard blast the middle row the very middle of

The area is pink all right can we move this there we go all right the middle section is is colored pink the one side is green and the other side is all red all right so my plan is to color code the lights so what I’ll do to start

With and then I also have if I grab a lamp is I can replace these like so so I can have them turn out on and off basically right for right now I’m just going to stick with this let’s go and get this laid out I grabs every two

Blocks so like that I grab Red I want to alternate wait I grab this and if I were to have these all grate and then these these are just sea Lanterns thing is I I feel like that’s too bright I don’t I don’t know need put these on First cuz the thing is these are going to be the only things lighing up the area cuz this is going to have a ceiling what I’m going to do let me do the other side as Well I grab green all right what is your favorite show that’s a good question um I don’t think I really have like a favorite show more of like kind of more of a top 10 Up all right let me see how this looks if I make if I turn my shaders on and I’ll make it night times cuz that’s how it will look when the roof’s On feel like yeah no the the white is way too bright how can I make this not this bright it’s overshadowing the actual neon colors all right how could I change N Rods wait a minute what am I doing I have n Rods wait let me use n

Rods yeah those will probably look much better how could I do those in a way that will look good that will look good though all right what could I make this work I don’t want to do ass either what if I grab like this like a coal what about beacons wait a

Minute oh beacons are transparent no I don’t want to be able to see through the wall it’s meant to be am Maze Look Like a Block that glows but isn’t that Bright cry does crying obsidian glow probably help if I didn’t have a night vision it does okay I did not know that reting The Queeny Tik toks oh I do this and then if I just make that blue I think that would look pretty good yeah let me let me see how that

Looks I fill this in go to textures you have bleach or you’re traumatized I have no idea if I actually have bleach textures blocks what is this called a crying obsidian obsidian I grab the texture if I just make this blue file save there we go also you might have noticed I have

Carpets laying down that’s because I’m going I’m going to switch out the Floor I can probably do that now Actually so how does that not that bad actually I feel like I should darken it a bit I do like this and then one two let me do it again and I’m actually making it more of a pillar rather than the entire block all right save the texture and

Then we’re going to reload it Again I’ve been Tik Tock free for almost two years I love how most people basically treat like being off Tik Tock like being off like alcohol oh that looks significantly better that looks great wow oh that is this looks perfect wow that looks great holy crap let me turn shaders

On oh this looks amazing oh I love how this looks this is is perfect oh that’s perfect look at that that’s awesome imagine all of this is that oh this is going to look great the green is really bright though and I don’t know why why is the green so much

Brighter I don’t know whatever that looks perfect youv yeah imagine all of this with lights this is going to look great right shaders off and then time set Day that’s perfect all right now what I’m going to do I don’t want to switch these out yet okay what I’ll do for right now I grab this and that all right so what I’m GNA do why is Tik Tac becoming a dating out oh

God I have no idea I I don’t really use Tik Tok I uploaded Clips onto it a while ago and then gave up on that almost immediately so it doesn’t matter what color these are cuz they are pretty much all the same taller in terms of the blue part what

I’m going to do I’m going to lay these out across the entire thing and then I’m going to use a command and replace all of the blue wool wait if I do this backwards wait I do like this yeah well that’s fine that was amazing by the way shroom

Lights are more brighter than the purple lights are more brighter than the purple and the green flood light I’m guessing which is dimmer oh I did not know that bring this around oh yeah that’s where the hole is right I also realized this is the wrong color

For like the like this brown thing here the ring around there was meant to be gray or is it red wait a minute is it red no it’s wait if I teleport to gr doesn’t it change I teleport Gregory here what The right come on on the stairs there we go yeah it does okay so yeah I’ll just keep doing this for right Now cuz my my plan here is to use Carpets on the ground to give the floor some depth but I only have blue wall left for carpets and I don’t want to do that yet if I retexture blue wall the same as the floor it’s going to get very

Confusing very fast I’m trying to be careful with that otherwise it’s going to be unbelievably confusing this maze is already a nightmare I don’t want to make it worse like this only way I could think to fix it is to use frog lights for both colors and they are green and

Purple I have one Frog Light Frog Light left so I could definitely do that I could absolutely do that that would probably fix it oh I just had an idea wait a minute I had a idea to fix both problems okay so this is the yellow one the same let’s See it’s the yellow one the same level of brightness I’m set night no it’s the same as the others right yes okay all right what I’ll do grab I already that all right I’m going to replace these with the yellow one and I’ll make the yellow one green

And then I’m going to replace the crying obsidian with the bright one I go to my textures all right so what block is this is Light light so if I grab the yellow frog light and I want to make of this the green one wait what block was it it’s a shroom all right copy paste and then if I take the shroom light and I want to make that crying Obsidian all right so I turn this off all right so we turn that off I’m going to then save these textures so I’m going to have to basically replace all this with world edit as well I think well that’s not ominous at all that’s terrifying I turn the texture pack back

On it looks ominous with the texture P off we know we’re doing good usually the map looks awful with it all the fact it looks decent that’s great there we go wait that didn’t work wait no it did right I get rid of these oh that looks

Great how much more would be streaming I’ll be streaming for a while more right now we have two options we can either one of those is much better than the other but I don’t know I feel like do if I just do it in the middle let me

See I’m going to just have this in the middle block things I feel like if I have it be the full it’s going to overshadow it let me see how this looks I all of these let me do one with one block and I’ll do the other side with the other

One and see which one looks Better I’m afraid it’s going to do the exact same thing that happened before it’s going to overshadow the actual colors of the light let me see which one of these looks better they both look really good which one which side do we think looks better they’re practically the same

Though this one’s brighter and this one’s this one’s less bright I’m going to go with full for right now just cuz I think it looks better all right there we go do I want to retexture the rest of it though I could do that wait a

Minute what blocks do I have left that I haven’t textured oh this is lagging like crazy oh frames let me go back to let me steal some blocks from The Music Man area all right I I’ll turn R tracing off in a second as well right over here right is this music

Man yeah all right uh what blocks do I have that I can use I could use Emerald I guess okay wait does redstone glow red always or is it just or dependent not sure oh it’s a deep SL Redstone you know what yeah I’ll use this why not I guess I

Could I’ll use Emerald well what block is this de SL Diamond that’s a block I haven’t used there’s to be something Left what’s some those be Huns I could do a craphy table go all right come back anytime I have no idea what you actually do with these I haven’t used Bedrock I don’t want to use any of the skull stuff I could do I could do dried Coral I haven’t used any of

This yeah let me do that I go to my textures I grab it doesn’t really that matter which I can FP the dve portal better just being dumb oh it’s dead I grab that what I want to do I fly back I’m also going to go and turn off the shaders All right so I want to go get the shroom light Block and then if I go and grab the original texture for trying obsidian I can actually find what I did with this I have no idea what I did I delete that puy lers I’m going to brighten the other part and it’s fine all right so if I go to Resource packs and turn the pack off for a second I’m going to basically try and make it look a little smoother all right F save turn it back on so now what I’ll do is I’ll

Replace this with the what there it is there we go Oh that that does look Better I was afraid this would look too Dark and a lot of this stuff I can reuse in other areas of the pizzax as Well There we Go I place all of this on top of here and if I grab this actually that’s fine how it is all right yeah that looks really really good let me see how this looks like with um actually no before we use shaders let me replace the rest of

This let me just see how this looks so if I do I want to do this I just do this this is not helping my frames that’s for sure so I want to get rid of all of that and if I oh wait never mind never mind all right

So I put this on top of these this would probably be easier to build with the shaders off but whatever and then we’re going to go and put the top the game is not happy about the lighting it is laging a bunch so if I then just bring this

Up if I restart the game it’ll probably fix it or reload the world oh did the playlist end yep and I will fill this in go and if I then go and place all this proba should have done this first is that all of it yep And if I then go and put these on the end hey kids nice to are you ready for some Faz pizza’s this give it a little bit more depth IAC about time we had a brand new play listen gang I say the we specifically on ones that have like the

Edge of it stick out respond IAL I do these same thing on the back here Hey where did our new friend go don’t worry he’ll be back again tomorrow so what does he not go to the so that’s pretty much what it will look like but with multiple colors so what I’m going to do extremely awward I could world edit this actually wait a

Minute yeah if I were to world edit the entire thing let me just do that so this is stone bricks so replace I just do stone bricks hey there we go oh that worked perfectly so now what I want to do I grab the shroom light and I’m going to

Go and do this oh this speeds this up Significantly have this go into the wall Raise up three right let we put these in the middle All right so I’m going to just do this part first and then we’ll see how it looks with Shaders cuz we were getting a decent chunk of lag specifically because of the lighting I Think why are these sticking out oh it replaced the trap doors oh see I replace these how many of these did it replace quite a Few there we go is that all of them yep okay so looking at this is looking really good God these are meant to be green what am I doing wait a minute God I’m dumb what the hell my God I’m dumb why did I do red these have to be green composure breath

Closer wait no what is this called how you spell That how see H there we go okay all right yeah that looks good co and then we can probably do the middle row super quick I grab the p and we’re going to do this just like that and then fill the middle part like so and just raise all of this up before

The lag gets too bad that my game explodes and building becomes impossible and then trap doors on Top God wait what am I doing I forgot the uh the pills what the hell not paying attention want this be twos or yeah here now we do trap doors here okay they’re not alternating though I need to fix that so I just break all these

Actually oh to the Jak and joshes but I’m getting nightmares of cringe or the Jakes and joshes I do one one so right there and there yeah welcome back okay this looks much better I don’t know what I was doing at the beginning there okay so I get

All right this is looking pretty good if I turn my shaders on again and the game not crash there we go oh that’s awesome that looks cool so again imagine like all of these is all of this and this is going to look really cool like imagine running through

Here and it’s just the lights this is looking great all right now what I’m going to do if I going to turn shaders off turn it to daytime and I’m going to close the game and restart it hopefully this fixes the oh God no YouTube’s complaining about the music I

Catch it in time are we good we’re good I think hope so all right right yeah Okay click that how did you map out where the walls were with maximum effort and a lot of going insane it it took like a long time we mapped it out in a previous

Stream and I lost my mind doing it so what we’re going to do wait why is this is that right wait I don’t feel like that’s right all right there’s a staircase okay how nightmares of cringe no not the cringe all right how do I want to go about this actually I should

Probably YouTube is still complaining about music all right now what I’m going to do now I will I’ll do the floor first I turn this off go back to paint. EXE the best texturing app to ever exist and I’ll die on that Hill I save blue

Wool there’s that and if I reload how does this look like without shaders not that bad actually I turn this back on waiting for the game to update what are you plan to do with the pulex when you’re finished will you release it for download I

Will I’ll be releasing it for Java and bedrock and a modded version as well for Java separately so now that we’ve gotten that if I grab carpets grab I already have them over here there they are okay I need to darken this a little too bright actually that might be

Fine what block is this this is moss curent let me let me change this what block is this dark oak or dark like the dark wood whatever it is right M Stone Zer Z Z all right and then if I textur if I reload this

Again I save the MOs block now but it’s not as dark because I don’t want it to look like it’s a different block I want it to look like it’s the same thing but just shade it a little bit all right file save there we go now

If I reload this up we should have multiple variants of the same block we can use here we go all right so now is the difficult part which is can we whir edit this without breaking everything so I click That we’re going to spread these throughout the higher Flor all right so blue carpet and Moss carpet place air Moss carpet and carpet perfect do we not have oh I have do this right blue perfect uhoh undo I need to add air there we

Go all right so that just adds a lot of depth is much Needed so now we just got to go and do this all to this I’m sure it won’t take like a million years all right Pink’s going to be the fastest to do let’s do that I grab all of this so these are always one block apart so if I do

This here let’s keep it to this block doing homework right now well I hope you do well just walk here so there and There I’m just going to do the parts first these are only in the middle I do this here oh my God I’m lagging like crazy holy crap I got to turn this down why is the floor different heights uh because it gives it depth and it looks

Cool plus with all the light reflecting off of it I think it’ll look really Good I go down here to that too far yeah that’s too far I break that I keep that there this And here wait there there there and there okay you make a fazer blast playable I will try my best to make it as playable as possible not quite sure how I’m going to do that I might to do like mine carts or stuff you got to shoot actually thinking about

It now it’s probably not that far way then stack these Up we’re still getting a decent chunk of lag but that’s just the game really not happy about all the Lighting I’m getting an ungodly amount of lag and I don’t know why turn this down more I look up everything starts liing terrible go back here and do some there hiding in the shadows thinking I was unaware well who that the birthday favorite FNAF song probably join us for a bite

Catchy most of the sister location songs are really good I think the I think the FNAF music Community definitely Peak with sister location so we’re just going to raise the rest of this up and again this will then Branch out into all of the different colors is why I’m not filling the rest

Of this in yet only this middle roow was pink my knowledge how I mess this up that’s be like that let do work on your laptops I never like actually I graduated before like I guess online classes were like a thing which on one hand it’s like you

Know I’m kind of disappointed I kind of missed that or missed out on that because that seems kind of fun on the other side it’s like that sounds like a terrible experience so I’m kind of glad I did miss out on it YouTube is complaining about the

Music again so I got to turn the music off it’s like once they detect one song it’s like they focus like more intently on it and they catch it more bring all of that up let’s get some undertale music though there we go and I can put it to

Normal speed because Toby Fox is awesome and didn’t copyright his Music feel like this is mostly done I grab this now I bring this all the way Around yeah I I graduated before Chromebooks as well which I know those were like a thing before as well but my school never got the Chromebooks by the time I graduated all right yeah that’s that’s good I want that to be pink nah all right so now let’s do this

Blue actually let me do the the blue Parts first oh I got like the perfect height flying to do this I want to do all the blue first that might be the better way of doing This probably is I probably could do some world edit Shenanigans as well to to speed this up I could like do a pillar wand with only three blocks with raises of the wall and then I can do a command to replace only the raise Parts with

With the shroom light I don’t know how I don’t know how good that would work learn Spanish at school I never took any language classes I don’t even know if my school had Them keep bringing this around that sounds fun there once small or year six of trying to learn Japanese for me hji hani’s a pain in the Ass continue wrapping this Around and there This is going to take a bit one eternity later placing the shrim Lights this is like the tedious part of builds like this where it’s like just the same thing over and over again which it’s not really entertaining but it’s like it has to be done pretty boring in terms of comparing it to like other parts of the build where like you

Can do more creative stuff again it will look great when it’s done I’m absolutely confident about that cuz we already saw what part of looked like with shaders so all of these having lights is going to look amazing I’m basically going to have to rebuild this like several times though

To do the the changing lights though I want to do structure blocks with them I’m not quite sure how I’m going to go about doing that is there a size limit to structure blocks like can I just do this entire room as one structure block or structure blocks are

They like dependent on each individual chunk cuz if that’s the thing that I can’t speak my God if that’s the case it’s going to take forever can I just make this two I just change this to two blocks does that work oh that’s significantly better I mean it’s still

The same but one less click and I’ll take it though the blue outline being the same color as the neon light on this block is throwing up it keep bringing this around size limit I’m pretty sure sure but I don’t know okay I don’t know if structure blocks have a size limit

Did it replace oh it put these in the air I get rid of all of these okay we’re good V you’re going to eat breakfast breakfast what time is it there bring is up to Three is that this side pretty much done looks like okay now we just got to do this side you just hit Dinner break that and this Here 6 million years later placing a shroom block it is near the year of 358 I have been placing these shrooms for over over many decades and I have been here for so many years oh the shrooms that sounds terrible placing 1 million shroom blocks All right I can actually close paint I had it open this whole time probably would make the Stream Run a bit smoother are there any other other I can’t are there any other game osts that like aren’t copyrght like undertale we’ll do this here actually we can always go back to like

The actual secur to breach playlist in terms of the actual game OSD M loud isn’t that the guy who does the uh the troll songs Right right is that this yeah right yeah this guy does all the troll music everybody uses sure let’s go with this for a bit why not unironically listening to troll music thing is if he copywritten all yeah no if he copy wrote copywritten is it copywritten or copy wrote I don’t

Know if he did that like 90% of YouTube videos would pretty much get nuked like overnight the dude could pretty much like Thanos snap the entirety of YouTube if you wanted to which is hilariously terrifying Does connect anywhere it does dude pretty much holds like the entirety of YouTube as as hostage if he wanted to if he copy wrote any any of his like even just one of his songs we’d all be Doomed all of the uh the Minecraft Trolling videos on YouTube would like pretty much be gone in like an Hour anything left there is this over here okay so that’s all of that so I can pretty much get rid of this block Completely all right so now I want to do like grab red I pretty much want to alternate back and forth not sure if I want to do all this at once like layer by layer I guess I could it’s going to take a while though 1 million years Later this area self-contained yep I’m pretty sure this one’s copy written but I could be wrong but we’ll see we might be about to get get slapped by YouTube they might bring down the copy R Hammer oh thank you for the follow FC uh Lake shifts

Welcome I feel like this one might be copyrght but we’ll see we’ll no pretty fast if this one is copyrighting it’s probably very copyrighting like the hollow nights Os Oh okay that’s another game I need to play oh I didn’t bring these up either wait not purple wait how does this

Work okay I do that and That and if I kind of just wrap around this Side before I go insane with colors I’m waiting for like a YouTube to like or will strike me I saw a video like a week or two ago which was uh some guy playing every single copywritten song at the exact same time on YouTube and seeing what it would

Do and he somehow got away with it really funny it sounds really intense it’s like oh it’s it’s very dramatic and I’m just placing these uh these lights And now it’s not intense now we we lost any sort of Intensity the intensity is Gone you saw that video I think what happened is like YouTube Just liter couldn’t comprehend what the hell they were hearing cuz it’s just all the songs at Once is this going to wrap back around yeah it does doing this hello number one88 fre fan we’re in yesterday’s stream I remember welcome back I’m just in time to watch me place a few thousand lanterns except replace thousand with maybe a few Trillion slowly losing my mind with the lantern One billion years later of placing Lanterns I’ve been placing them for many Decades wait what am I doing these ones need to be green damn it okay wait I can fix this I click that there and then I go all the way down here flick like there what block is this frog PL okay I want to replace this with the green one So okay there we go we’re good except I got to get rid of these these need to be Pink all right grab this so This 21 hours ago I might as well have I’ve been placing these for an Eternity this link up no it Doesn’t Okay and these Here the reason I’m leaving space is is cuz we’re going to alternate the heights so that’s pretty much all of that so if I then grab This oh God I just realized I could have just done this all out of wool and then world edit it cuz it’s the same distance oh I’m dumb not much I can do about that now now we get to place these all again is that wrong wa that needs to go there and

Wa I’m trying to like think if there’s like a easy way to world that it this but I really don’t think there is like I can do like a randomiz command where it places them all but it’ll be in a random texture and that won’t really

Look good thank you for the uh the sub uh Ellie J try I’m so sorry I most certainly just horribly mispronounced that my the worst or what we’re maybe like 30% done not even like halfway this is great I love building the exact same wall for 6 hours

This is rivaling um actually never mind I was going to say It’s rivaling Entertainment quality of building the daycare but at least the daycare had Variety in its jungle gym this is just the same thing this is tedious and it’s Boring This around here we Go can I copy the first row actually I probably could yeah I definitely could all right what I will do why are these empty wait a minute all I only really have to do the middle row and then I can copy the rest of it I also somehow didn’t do

This it sounds like a music that would be in like Subway Surfers Why does this only have Done say hi Hello I put that there H this is going to take forever I can feel myself rapidly losing brain Cells let’s go back to the FNA playlist All right so yeah we’re about halfway done with just this row we’re getting there very slowly but we are getting there home school for the rest of your life I wish I was homeschooled probably would have S soled many of my Problems let’s continue bringing this all the way down Noe not There so once we’re done with the the row in between that’s black then all we have to do is do one more layer of Lights in between and then I can pretty much copy and paste the bottom row on top they’re completely identical that will speed things up

Drastically play play a five minutes of Freddy song we are playing a five minutes of Freddy Song This middle part here we do kind of wraps Around wait that goes there your siblings are sibling are home school it’s cool okay is that it Done looks like it okay so now we have one more row and then we can use the world edit oh that ended all right fine I’ll go back to regular FF music and we’ll see how long we can play this until YouTube gets upset where is let’s go with this one

Thing is we’ve already done the purple ones I can do these here we only have to do the one row all these are pretty much done though that’s pretty much done I grab the red then I already have that never mind so am I out of coffee nope now I am all

Right now a little coffee you know the the stream is going to end soon whenever I run out of coffee there and there this row done almost one two three four oh uh thank you for the sub Cat Mario welcome to the stream part wants to turn on

Shaders it will look cooler but my frames are already terrible enough with the lighting again the frames will drastically increase once I put a roof on this wait why Is there we go and here all right so and we’ll just keep going from here I’m specifically not doing the top row cuz we could place the top row as we’re doing both rows here but then we have to do we have to go through it

Twice and it would be faster to just do this row and then copy and paste the bottom row onto the top because it’s an alternating pattern which means I can copy and paste it there shouldn’t be any issues with it probably he was the one who made us yes Mr William

Al I keep seeing a lot of people calling him Appleton and I have no idea what that’s from I imagine it’s from something I don’t know what anyone’s talking when to say Appleton all this is pretty much done it seems to me like CU is that all of this completed this one

Here this one YouTube that calls oh okay there like a YouTuber called Aton Appleton and then everyone else R it okay did not know all right is this side done it looks like it let’s do the Green Oh I have my guitar Play song For You there’s a lot more like disconnected

Sections over here than on the other side I just realized we haven’t even heard a disconnected like the actual FNAF song it seems like this playlist that I’ve been looping is mostly a lot of really OG FNAF songs like really early ones I haven’t heard like anything by oh YouTube’s complaining

About the music again you know what let me try playing disconnected actually spell let’s see if this song is copywritten one way to find out which is to play it and if they get upset we know I should probably make like a list of like what FNAF songs are least likely to cause you to to get upset cuz I reckon there is probably I should be like writing this down I as I do it because there are definitely some songs that uh seem to trigger YouTube system

More than others specifically like stay calm you play like 5 Seconds of stay calm and it’s like instantaneous YouTube like Flags it all right yeah now YouTube’s YouTube immediately detected or disconnected that’s disappointing I like that song all right let’s go back to or the regular playlist let’s go back to Undertale there’s a YouTuber called Johnny the night guard on his YouTube and in one of his shorts he calls him that ah I have not heard of Them It’s all of this done am I missing anything through here right here anything else what Is I think that’s it okay cool all right let’s now copy and oh wait never mind wait is that wait no we’re fine all right so if I were to stand right here and do this I think this should work one way to find Out so if I were to stand here and copy then one two and paste oh one more up wait wait a minute no one down right yeah there we go I think right yes we did it let’s go it’s done it only took a year Here bring now we just got to do all the trap doors and then I’ll turn on shaders and we can see how this looks which I assume that’s going to look really cool all right um actually no I can wait a minute I don’t have to wait why is that

Actually on second thought instead of doing that if I just put this here now wa one up okay and if I then go here click that click this and I’ll just replace it There we go oh that worked Perfectly and now I’m going to get rid of This oh God oh my God no I do not want to do that This looks perfect go fix That I also want to have this be visible there we go all right that looks perfect let’s see what it looks like with Shavers lag inbound incoming Lag whoa this looks awesome and this isn’t even like it’s going to be brighter than this cuz again we have the roof on currently time set night wait now in reality when we put the roof on it’ll look more like this this looks so cool oh I missed one here Oh this looks awesome I get rid of these look how cool this looks this looks so awesome oh the lighting is perfect yeah this is why I did the the alternating layers with this is because again the sides of this will be casted in Shadow so it gives it a real cool

Look which I really do Like let’s do the ceiling actually what is the ceiling oh it’s literally just that okay guess that answers my question simple enough though why grab this deep slate Co or okay oh I don’t have my elytra on what block was it um what is this deep slate po that looks awesome this looks

Great all right so now looking at this what else can we do real fast I guess we can do the rest of the Underground actually where does um where’s V’s Room okay that’s the entrance Dome so it’s in that corner which would be over here okay So that would be somewhere around here is it touching the ceiling it is right yes Okay all right so oh thank you for the follow uh XTO on YouTube thank you welcome to the stream all right so look at this does this go past the wall it does okay so I got to actually cut out the Wall blocks do I want this to be so assuming the bed’s two blocks and I want to space in between the desk going like here so about from here all right I bring that out assuming the desk is going to be two you want to block through the wall the white pillar another two blocks and the door sure and then one two so like here pretty much so if I break all of this and then I forget does this go into

The wall no Okay so I want to cut this in half so that would be like here break this so what I’ll do if I grab red concrete I have slabs that are red I do okay if I use this I grab this you have a like okay there we

Go I then break this and grab endstone also going to go and break this wall here we go I break this actually keep that there this is going to be raised up what’s the floor in here okay it’s Checker so we want coal If I then go and grab like let’s go with This and then there’s a door here and a door there right are these across from one another they are okay and then there’s the window so if I put this along here and then there’s like a a line going across this I’ll use where what’s that metallic block

That I had that was like brown where is that I think it was that look I’ll use This and again this is all gray from the outside so I will use um trap doors to keep it Gray break that and bring that there unsubscribing to me all right that’s your Choice trapo so what I’m going to do is I’m going to bring all of this around so but I I’ll have it cover up the smooth Stone from the outside and and then but I’ll I’ll have it I’ll keep the Brown Line exposed don’t want to do that JK all

Right we have a trickster in the chat and there’s a window here I want this to be up by one block I could bring the line down wait what am I doing I’m using trap wa I have an idea wait AE I have an idea I undo this break all of This and if I do this this and that okay so if I have it be here I can put trap doors on the inside to block it off And then break These one two three and as for the inside this is where the window is one two bring this around there we go that’s better I go in here the walls and entrance for SCP facility is are done so’s name is is called site 99 cool Java or Bedrock uh I

Prefer Java not really a Bedrock person what I’ll do so how do I me I grab like this and then put this here I gra terracotta break that and that’s where the vent will Go So from here and pretty much go straight Down how do I do the vent actually moving though I might have to make this two blocks actually yeah cuz they can’t really go up at them it’s the only way I can see getting around This yeah guess so one one one and there Okay and then I can put this here right can you get through this now yep cool yeah what did you mean by a Java or Bedrock uhoh that’s fine can I break that now all right that’s where vy’s room is going to be right now is this the lighting or it’s the lighting being weird what a shock or Minecraft lighting not working never happened go update all the lighting Manually now if I go in here let me do the V room oh it’s that I guess if I grab IR doors sea lantern This I bring this all the way across to There I then just alternate these so And then grab trap doors and put these here Cool all right what are you planning on doing after security breach uh currently it’s looking like Cybertron uh I did a vote a while ago which it’s still up and you can still vote on it I have a video up that then also links to it but if you scroll down

On the community tab I have a a few polls for what to build next I haven’t checked in in a while again you can still vote on it and then whenever we finish security breach and ruin whichever one is the highest by that point I’ll probably in the building next let me check

It oh no Ninjago city has beaten out Cybertron it looks like we had on the poll we had Academy City sevastopol station the Clover Kingdom the entire continent of Ninjago Cybertron genin impact again and spider kumu all right break that and put that there door I put a pressure plate down or let’s

Also activate the trap doors no it doesn’t okay cool what about on this side what no it doesn’t I want to make this go the other direction though there we Go Buttons let’s detail this room why not I get little bed I can type This This one looks better let’s go with that got some Stairs I completely forgot about the princess Quest arcade machine I I put that there no not there Door all right I’m just trying to make this look like it’s lived in for right now Grab like this actually instead of that No wonder if I Purle sure let’s go it like that and I want to get a button and put that I put this on here there we go so that way you can actually click the thing which will you know disassemble vany in reality I’ll probably just make it like slash kill

All cuz you know if someone downloads the map and they come in here they’re going to want to click this oh my God I actually made could like replace the whole map with TNT and just see how many people click the button that’d be funny all right um this

Will this would have gone there but I want to keep what’s in ruin I can I can Loop it around some other way probably I think this is good though there was a thing up there though me put that in can I put an item frame on top of that

No I’ll keep it how it is then let me add a slabs actually around the outside give it a little more depth looking very ominous and spooky though oh that looks good I like how that looks very f for I can’t speak today my God my words do not work english. stop

Responding looks amazing thank you I’m definitely happy with how it looks and that looks cool all the way up there this assemble Freddy I don’t have my elytra I do put my flly there we Go and again the actual fazer blast is is is it three floors or two is it it’s three right yeah it is it’s three floors cuz there’s the ground level here there’s then a raised area and then it goes up even higher so it is three floors yeah cuz Freddy gets gets bopped

Off the one by the staff Bots and then has a real bad day ready just I’m tripped and i’ I can’t get up Gregory Gregory please my my legs they do not work Gregory I have fallen and I can’t get up you know he he has a real rough

Day his fast day was ruined he had a very unaz day should I do the tower I can do the base of the tower for right now I guess in terms of like the actual pillar this almost goes to the ceiling there’s a simple solution it’s called tax evasion you think Fazbear entertainment

Uh pays their taxes they got they got like what 30 Pizzeria full of a bunch of dead dead younglings that they’re pretty much hiding knowingly like they they knowingly locked William in that room for like 30 some years they are Absolut absolutely not paying their taxes the Fazbear entertainment’s absolutely pulling some tax

Evasion I have no doubt about it oh yeah how’ they pay for the Mega pizz Plex tax evasion Faz entertainment is the sketchiest company to ever exist they got like a closet full of like a million skeletons they they have more like dead kids than in their closet than Anakin godamn

Skywalker so that’s where the tower will go and then that will go across I can actually add this now probably yeah let’s see if I grab a red concrete I think what I want to do what I will do I want to I’ll rotate this with a world

Edit for right now let me max out the Builder’s wand 2 64 one two let me extend this out by four blocks and I’m GNA copy all of this and rotate It so I want this to have a middle block though but out by one there we go I put that there and then click this that gives it a middle block so I stand right here and copy and then h rotate 50 let’s see I stand like pretty much right

Here and paste let’s see how terrible is this going to end up looking nope undo rotate 50 okay cuz it’s 90 how do you math all right now that would be 40 right oh is this on an axis that I can’t do a diagonal at uhoh Uh I’m do I’m trying to think of like okay so if 90 is diagonal how do you me brain no work rotate cuz 180 would put it right that does that yeah rotate or undo 180 Okay 45 yes okay my brain was just not functioning there okay what what’s the ground level for this has to be here which is one block down from where we were cool I stand right here and paste and this should link up perfectly least again does that go too far yeah too

Far do me go to like Here oh wow that was perfect Cool I need to move the bridge over a bit other than that this is perfect all right undo what I’ll undo Again so if I go over in this Direction to like here paste is that right H I’m a little bit too far honestly probably like here actually I go like here paste okay I go all the way over to here yeah paste right is that perfect oh wow that lined up perfectly Awesome that was absolutely Perfect I’m just going to fill in the holes and I’ll cover this all with carpet what I could do then is use the Builder wand to make this two layers thick and then I just replace the top layer with carpet instead of actually placing it all manually why don’t I hear almond is

Humming oh God I’m falling no skip this song Back to the the happy music back Up why is there a pillar going into the Ceiling you’re getting a decent chunk of lag as well All right there we go and then what I’ll do I bring all of this up by one did that reach the end it did not so if I then go and click this I go all the way down here to here and I want to replace red Wool

With what perit do I want to use let’s do brick sure that’s gray carpet place red wool it’s at the bottom isn’t it yeah red wool with Gray great am I Done am I stupid I’m stupid no I the first time I’m just dumb all right place red w r there we go cool perfect and I’ll have the again like the actual like again cuz it’s meant to be like sort of a great I’ll have that afterwards but for right now this is

Looking really Good this is looking perfect so I think that’s probably what I’m going to call it cuz again we built a lot of stuff today we finished off the Endo warehouse and then we also did all of this we also have to go and do the redstone lamp at some point

So basically my plan with how I’m going to do the redstone lamp is I will pretty much copy using structure blocks I can let me see if there’s a limit on this Minecraft Structure block is there a limit on structure blocks I see anything I have no idea

Basically what I’m going to do is I’m going to put a structure Block in each corner of this room all right and I will then save the entire grid here as a structure all right I will then go through this entire thing and randomly select random colors of these and

Replace them with that all right which is just this but turned off all right and then I’ll do it again and save the entire thing as a second structure and I’ll do that maybe four or five times and then I will simply just set up a redstone device that makes the entire

Thing siphon through all the different phases of the structure which will make the entire thing look animated so it will basically look like this like see these turn off and on so it’ll B it’ll be like that and I’m hoping it will look really cool but for right now I think that’s

What I’m going to call it this is definitely looking really cool that’s for sure go into spectator mode cuz again we have fazer blast here and then right above this we we have Bonnie bowl is going to go right here and then we have Roxy Raceway all the way over here it’s all

Interconnected so should be very cool when it’s done I also had some people ask for me to show the sinkhole it’s it’s the exact same as how it was before there’s there’s nothing new I have not built def on F6 Pizzeria yet it is exactly the same as it was here so

Nothing has changed it’s exactly the Same so for right now that’s I think where I’m going to call it again I I wasn’t even planning on streaming today we would have built we would have done this at a later date but again we had some technical issues yesterday and you know I figured if we did a stream

Today it would be pretty short you know since we’ just be finishing the Endo Warehouse I figured hey why not let’s do some fazer blast so I definitely love how this came out it it looks amazing let me actually see what it looks like with different shaders

Actually I assume it looks terrible with these not that bad however we are missing some blocks here I’m noticing so I just forgot to put these in that’s the good thing is since you know it’s all lit up it’s very obvious if there’s a block missing like this

Here so I’m I’m assuming there’s probably going to be a few more of those but I’ll fill those in while we find them let me see what this one looks like that gives it a pretty cool atmosphere spooky what does the vanity room look like pretty much like regular Minecraft with more Bloom oh this looks cool a little too yellow I think though you don’t really get that neon glow and then let’s see the TD origin shaders that work oh this is the one with the flat colors right or not I guess that’s just it did I I might have changed the settings on

This one or it would have been for 1.2 I guess this looks about the Same complimentary shaders is definitely the best one and it does have different versions of the Shader pack there’s like 20 different versions of each Shader pack so it will work on whatever version or whatever PC you have hopefully so regardless of again you know PC specs or whatever if you use

Complimentary shaders with this map you can pretty much make it look like this and since complimentary shaders has all the different versions of the Shader pack you should be able to find a version of the Shader pack that is pretty much lag free depending on you know your PC

Specs which version am I running I’m just running the normal one and I got some RTX chips powering my my buff PC so even if your PC is garbage or if you’re running a laptop you should be able to get one of the light versions of complimentary shaders I think there’s

Also like a potato version so regardless you should be able to get a version that works with your device that does not cause any lag so I’m only lagging right now because I also have again so if I wasn’t streaming right now I would have pretty much zero lag the reason I’m

Lagging with shaders right now is again I have Minecraft open with shaders and RTX I have security breach launched I have a vroid launched with my my avatar loaded up which has like 4K textures I have full body tracking loaded up as well which is a whole another tracking

System that has to you know eat the ram I have then streamlabs loaded up streaming and then I got you know Google Chrome so I can read the chat and watch the stream to make sure it’s working which you know Chrome goes and you just steals all the Ram from every other

Program on my on my PC so I didn’t have any of those on I would be running probably 100 some FPS with you know RTX on again the fact right now I can run around like this with moderately decent frames it’s pretty good so either way

That’s where I’m going to call it so I hope you all enjoy today’s stream hope you all had a great morning a great evening and a great existence that said and done hope you have a great day I will see all of you next Saturday and

Then I got some videos I’m working on in the mean time involving some help one and stuff so with that s done we’ll be back next Saturday as well as some help wanted stuff so have a great existence and I will see all of you next time peace Out A

This video, titled ‘Building The Endo Warehouse And F azerblaste35.2 (Building Security Breach In Minecraft (FNAF)’, was uploaded by Nar on 2023-11-26 19:43:47. It has garnered 176 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:26:06 or 15966 seconds.

Mapping The Endo Warehouse

The Current Build Now Has A Page Over On MCplanet https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/mega-pizzaplex-security-breach/

Thanks For watching this stream also this is a dual stream so check me out on all other platforms as we slowly take over all of streaming one respawn at a time

{Twitch}. https://www.twitch.tv/nar1bunnytda

{TikTok}. https://www.tiktok.com/@nar1bunny TikTok Dual Streams Coming Soon

Some awsome people.

{CouchPotatoGaming} https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEi7_51T5q3ns5ieSEo45xQ

{JamesTheFoxHugger} https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAAL1lQPJT4tLqQPCmyW7hw

{Cam Deathstalker} https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYdE5ediglpGKNugIstjfJA

Check out the discord server for behind the seens updates on TDA Origins and random chaotic nonsensical chats in general literaly nothin there makes sense {Discord}.https://discord.gg/GyBdeX7

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Golden C in Minecraft Livestream #16 – Too much already?

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  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE! Join Anytime

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  • TotallyNotSuspicious – Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.4 LGTBQ+ Friendly Hermitcraft-like Whitelist Fabric Java

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  • Modern Beta SMP | Beta 1.7.3 Recreated In Modern Minecraft! | Bedrock + Java Support [NO GRIEF] [NO STEALING] [NO HACKING] – 1.20+

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  • Minecraft Memes – He actually beat it… EP2 MADNESS!

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  • Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep

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  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! 🔥

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenges

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  • EPIC Ambi Boy vs Noob Witch Showdown

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  • Insane Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels!

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  • Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraft

    Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Created New Minecraft Private Server|| Can You Join Our SMP? || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Syntax Gaming on 2024-03-07 21:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read All To Join Our SMP ❤️ Step No.1 Create Application Video With His #ApplicationForStrongSMP Step No.2 Request … Read More

  • Tech Support Villager fixes VIRUS! Mine Smashed in Minecraft!

    Tech Support Villager fixes VIRUS! Mine Smashed in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tech Support Villager in Minecraft! COMPUTER HAS VIRUS!!!’, was uploaded by Mine Smashed on 2023-12-29 19:30:01. It has garnered 247 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Tech Support Villager in Minecraft! ICT support – COMPUTER HAS VIRUS!!! Checking out the new tech support villager in the latest snapshot of Minecraft and I found them to be very helpful for all your computing and redstone needs. Thank you again, tech support. @MineSmashed Read More

  • Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizo

    Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uhhhhh what do you mean yet? #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-29 21:45:01. It has garnered 449 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Having fun with Skunk and Jay on the AfterLife SMP when Skunk mentions his… dungeon :0 Read More

  • INSANE Pixelmon Server – BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!

    INSANE Pixelmon Server - BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!Video Information This video, titled ‘IS GRM PIXELMON THE BEST PIXELMON SERVER?’, was uploaded by Impulse Pokemon Trainer on 2024-05-13 22:45:02. It has garnered 672 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:17 or 1757 seconds. #GRMPIXELMON #pixelmon #minecraft IS GRM PIXELMON THE BEST PIXELMON SERVER OUT RIGHT NOW?? COME WITH ME AS WE EXPLORE THIS PIXELMON SERVER TOGETHER, ADN SEE IF THIS PIXELMON SERVER IS THE BEST SERVER OUT THERE! GRM PIXELMON IP: grmpixelmon.com LET ME KNOW WIN THE COMMENTS DOWN BELOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT ABHOUT THIS SERVER AND ABOUT THIS VIDEO. THE BEST AND WORST… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!

    Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!Video Information This video, titled ‘COLLECTING EVERY MOB IN MINECRAFT…again – Minecraft Bedrock Live 🔴shorts stream’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-05-09 09:06:14. It has garnered 608 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:41 or 4241 seconds. Watch the longform stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hxl9Ct_tIMs ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Chazyyyboi/join 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: https://bit.ly/mobprices 🙏Special thanks to @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🎚️Music used (credit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks3DUf4Emog ==================================================================================================== Like my videos? Feel free to support me and keep… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Don’t Copy Me! Part 3 #shorts

    Insane Challenge: Don't Copy Me! Part 3 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Try Not To Say The Same Thing As Me! – Part 3 #shorts #grasstoucher27’, was uploaded by grasstoucher27 on 2024-03-22 18:07:42. It has garnered 13630 views and 546 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. idk man minecraft @therealsubman Minecraft gameplay Minecraft tutorial Minecraft let’s play Minecraft survival mode Minecraft creative mode Minecraft mods Minecraft building Minecraft redstone Minecraft adventure map Minecraft resource pack Minecraft farm Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP (Player vs. Player) Minecraft mob farm Minecraft server Minecraft command block Minecraft speedrun Minecraft mansion Minecraft village Minecraft rollercoaster Minecraft underwater… Read More

  • EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!

    EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘FTB Skies: EP29 | Conquering the Castle in the Sky! | Minecraft 1.19.2’, was uploaded by TheAndrata on 2024-05-02 11:00:32. It has garnered 242 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:57 or 2217 seconds. Today we conquer the Castle in the Sky, just like in the movie! ✱ MODPACK INFO ✱ FTB Skies is a modpack that offers a unique and immersive experience unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. As soon as you enter this world, you’ll find yourself on a floating island, high up in the sky. With no land… Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon! PVE 1.20.4+ Java & Bedrock Mature Community Grief Protection Custom Features mcMMO

    Join Stormy Lagoon Today! If you’re looking for a unique survival server running on Minecraft versions 1.20.4, look no further. Stormy Lagoon, established over four years ago, offers a welcoming community and a range of custom features to enhance your gameplay experience. Server Details: Version: 1.20.4, Available on Java & Bedrock Server IP: play.stormylagoon.com Bedrock Port: 25566 (No port needed for Java) Discord: Join our Discord Server Discord Username: Duvahl Tiktok: Check us out on Tiktok What Sets Us Apart? No Chat Report: Enjoy hassle-free communication Organized Discord Channels: Get guidance on all server features Quality of Life Commands: Access… Read More