Ultimate Gaming Experience with LILMAC in Hive Live!

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Oh this guy’s doing the evident trap no way the evident trap isn’t that all traps aage evident Enjoyer isn’t the evid Trap every trap though it’s the one on uh on harvest I’m out of water I actually should got water before I started the stream quick didn’t he create like half the hive drops probably yo foxy welcome to the stream sssw wolf Miner welcome oh you’re streaming oh

Yeah oh whoops cloudy welcome Prime fire welcome there we go oh I’m going to die wait a second do this guy reach hi Little Mac and server Prime fire says hi uh who Prime fire who’s that oh oh the the penguin guy penguin the penguin like Prime fire okay um what are you Doing am I supposed to join a CS is is there a CS open no there is not yet I’m just watching you die oh and I I I didn’t get water though this is very tragic you’re showing the whole stream me yeah I’m showing them you dying oh

God wait I’m not going to die all right there we go we’re done watching him now that was depressing um no no no no I I have nothing I’m also very low don’t worry watch me toss this guy now watch no no no I already left you you’re good

You can die now why is my XP bar different color what happened to that that’s weird let me invite some people I’m going to do a bridge first cuz you know bridge is limited Bridge all right invite me all righty Little M I need to be in it I’m

Just going to inv I’m not winning I invited all the Nerds on my friends l there we go the penguin guy ww indeed he love the penguin guy server gaming I’m going to open up your stream yo yeah let play in the background make sure your audio is good I shouldn’t put

You too quiet oh yeah yeah yeah hello Harry Rose how you doing cotton welcome to stream me T Manan welcome to stream rden welcome to stream I mean you’re a little quiet but me I’m a I’m a little quiet I mean I’m are you slightly quieter than me

Though okay fair enough fine here I’ll turn you up a bit okay what’s up Chatters how’s it going I turned up a little bit there you go you got three I’m ready to be entertaining now I’m in Little Mac mode you’re not ready for this I was just watching Little Mac that’s

Crazy y look at you that’s wild that’s a w person right there you should give that person mod moderator or something or like I don’t know they just seem like a very trustworthy person you know what I mean yeah if you watch the Mac you’re trustworthy it’s how work exactly

Exactly bro Christmas packs make you go him that was actually the alter alternate title for today’s stream the best Christmas texture pack ask do you use a Mac no I do not use a Mac that would be wild if you made H videos on a

Mac oh my gosh it so fire you know what you know why I’m named Little Mac though the first three letters of my last name in real life is mac and my everyone calls my family the Macs right oh man you do never going to find you you’re

Done for well I mean that’s not my actual last name and you’ll probably never find me but you know yeah that’s why I’m called Little Mac fun join yeah there’s two spots we’re about to start though but there’s two spots if you want to join my welcome CS requests me

Uh I think I already did did I send you yeah I already sent I sent you earlier you never joined and then I It Up Little Mac I like his videos thank you I like you so also em hello tell Mac I like his videos em likes for

Videos thank you EMT regret not getting water Kon welcome to stream got member let’s go you do it’s very very epic written W well to talk about that that’s L news hey let’s stopy chill who someone said Little Mac is the best thank you mini hey what level is this

Guy are you max level you’re not even max level you boo I don’t want know like this game all right you’re such a nerd dude like like what are you doing then I probably should Max it some but like that’s effort you probably should probably that’s effort though it

Took me it took me a while I had to like grind this game like for hours every day for a while see Fair teams here is that fair I don’t even know this is so hard what level this guy here let me set teams I’m sure I can make them Fair well

You’re not going to be fair I know you I know what you’re going to do buddy uh red red let me see look everyone versus server blue blue you’re blue and you’re also blue you know what I think that’s fair actually put us on a team together fine whatever

Let’s go I thought be a little too op but you know whatever if if you think so server in Little Mac versus everybody definitely fair little hello wolf Miner I’m going to put I’m going to put little I’m going to put this guy on red and

Little Mac on Blue there we go eh it’s good enough wolf Miner I saw your message I say hello hello slender guy is that real Slender guy that is the real Slender I thought I had mod mod I don’t think slender gu cled enough Keys yeah I

Need to do that I I don’t know it’s weird channel members yeah I had channel members I don’t want to type code yeah yeah yeah what’s it called um Prime fire let me know your user I got you yo you talk so fast when you’re streaming though

Yeah a blana a cursed and yeah North America North America for me and ssw I don’t know are you guys have done the same team I don’t know I I can do it random I’m just going to L as get drawing done you sounds good send me a

Friend request send me a friend request Prime fire M has a point yeah it is true I don’t I talk way slower off stream no I’m the best defender out of blocks though I’m just try to rush cuz I’m out of blocks this may this may I I the same

Team oh I I should have put M on the other team my m j stop sweating I should have put on the other team that’s my bad oh no you can keep sweating it’s fine by me I’m just going to chill the base and not try very hard how about that yeah

Good idea just defend and you’ll be fine I’m just tossing a fell oh my God he just got tossed and I’m about to score I’m about to score like Slender guy I scored real Slender guy I am real you know is he real he is probably real I

Would bet all my money that he’s real probably you know guys you’re seriously going to let little Max on you yeah wolf Miner he double check it’s real I’m pretty sure he’s real we never know he’s pretty famous someone might impersonate him you know oh this guy wants the clout or the

The smoke I mean not the you know what I mean Momo raid yo Momo raid W sketchy how you do it I did all right I’ll add you prime fire than much for the raid ATB welcome to stream you know I’m just going to go AFK all right I’m going

Going to stand and watch you guys cuz we’re kind of winning by a lot all right you guys got this I believe leaving you no don’t go don’t stand still server what what are you no no no no do something useful server put yourself to use man come on we’re winning too much

Though I feel bad for the our team it’s pretty close it’s pretty close you never know it any second they can just get like I appreciate it hello God I am tossing this dude oh my God hello you welcome to stream mom W’s welcome everybody we have 33 viewers that’s

That’s a w I’m trying to score I scored again yo you’re too good why did you not tell me you’re this good oh my gosh what a bozo stop sweating Little Mac love sweating against these children oh my gosh I’m seriously not going to try I

Want them to score at least once I feel bad for them it’s unfair where’s buling I think I crashed or something yeah I crashed that’s fun well you actually crashed oh I crashed you now I actually to try oh my yeah what you going to do now bro you’re little now

Make me try oh my gosh hello Little Mac hello cloudy we have too many mods SK you we have too many mods that is so true yeah we need to I think we should demote slender guy um I think that’s the only option it’s the it’s it’s all we

Can do see I well I give him where a VIP I don’t expect him to actually do anything well yeah slender guy slender guy is a terrible mod okay he doesn’t do anything can a little mac why should we do that cancel what why yeah cuz he left

Cuz he crashed we should cancel him cuz he crashed he has bad PC so we cancel him good good idea server you’re like hello guy this this is it server what I don’t know you just said wolf I don’t deserve there’s no spaces I cannot comprehend your

Message I don’t know where that guy came from server I swear to God if you lose this game after all of these goals that I scored for you I will personally come to your house and um and and eat all your food out of your refrigerator no

Please there’s a lot of food in there there’ll be nothing there’ll be nothing you can do all right it’s all going to be gone and your mom’s going to have to spend more money on groceries all right wait what okay we’re actually losing did you just God Ser awward bro you need me

Okay you guys are hopeless without me what I got this I I got this you guys are hopeless no no no no no hold up you need me back dude wait a minute it’s all right I mean J you can sweat now by the way

His best is better than me oh my God that person’s a real one oh my gosh there’s so many of them you probably don’t even know what that means server I don’t know what you just said I was focusing chance guys cooking you talk fast I do talk fast a

Little M server talks server talks so fast when he’s streaming y’all are doing good we’re doing pretty good how are you doing I haven’t seen here in a while I you active my Discord server you never active in stream so how you been what is up you got to talk fast people have

Attention spans of like 5-year-olds you got to understand this guy just made fun of me for not protecting Gerald that’s out of pocket dude I tried my best that’s necessary kept me doing that hurt I tried my best I found him again guys it’s okay I found him we got him

Back I should be editing right now but I’m hello Breezy how you doing now this is better your team is hopeless without me like like what will you do I don’t know wait no guy there server I crashed one time and I we were like winning like four to nothing

And now you’re now you’re freaking dude is a is a w Little M sub guys yeah you’re you’re a real game if you sub to Little Mac you’re real gamer real gamer Gerald e is cool so true I’m head and grind m m all right see you lat sketchy

Have a great day I just walked in the void I’m sorry this Is server how are you doing this to me okay this is making me want to kill myself in Minecraft you saying that we’re live you can’t edit it out stop that no no no no no in m in Minecraft in Minecraft helloo what is up welcome

Welcome good how are you pretty good how you doing Breezy oh I should mod Breezy shouldn’t I no we have too many mods we were just saying this oh you’re right never mind I well YouTube doesn’t have a stupid VIP roll well they don’t deserve a VIP roll

Sub to Gerald e on YouTube is that actually a person that’ be wild though Gerald e wait what those you guys against Little Mac as SMH all right what game should we play Little Mac you can decide what game should we play all right we’re playing SkyWars Mega okay with uh with really

Good stuff oh okay I’ll do I’ll I’ll do a preset if you give me sure it’s open to all and then I’ll invite some of you yeah invite me dude join the game join the game will be up here in a second guys make sure North America region hope time and

Uh excuse me you’re excused oh yeah accept the friend request we’ll do we’ll do we’ll do oh my goly dude hey there’s code let me add Prime fire real quick oh yeah I need to do the uh I need to do the yeah yeah I’ll give

You I’ll give you hold on second I’m finding prime fire in the list of names I think I’m hi demo welcome to stream I think that’s a problem cuz I’m pretty sure you’re a child I’m feeling I’m feeling fancy today server I’m wearing my suit now I put the suit on yeah you

Should send me a I got the suit inside send me your suit where is Prime okay everyone we’re going to wear we’re going to wear Little Mac suit skin okay um let me send it to you server fire is it everyone’s everyone’s going to wear this

No let me add someone sorry whoever add I I add this guy there you go there’s the Su skin it’s oh W let’s go everyone needs to wear the suit SK guys join up also it’s an uppercase o guys in the code not an e uppercase o I don’t think

That’s how it works but code Cod on screen wait I’m getting on all right sounds good you’re not funny but okay Sun can One V one for my video jeez you’re reading every message oh my dude hello how you doing hi Momo you hit sub go Ser yo we hit sub go

W’s nice work guys thank you so much what is it what is what happens if you hit sub go do you like do I say thank you and you’re all cooler no that’s boring like do a little like like like how about you face reveal or something you

Know n that’s wild here I’m going to I’ll do a dance for everyone you ready watch this wait I need to I need to get different emotes I have all bad emotes too so like I join the game c down the screen join the game guys right now

You’re cool and done here I’m going do a little shrug what should we do for something what should we do for something this I’ll I’ll turn on hand cam turn on who I mean I’ve done it before but I just don’t feel like doing it today but I’ll turn it on hand reveal

Oh my gosh well I’ve already done that but no way dude that’s freaking crazy you guys better subscribe to server so that you can um see his hand um yeah if you got a better idea I’m open for suggestions why don’t you go vote for The Hive Awards 2023 and vote for Little

Mac in both categories wait hang on server where are you I need to do a little I need to do a wait wait yo I got the suit I need to advertise a bit oh nice going pretty good how are you I’m going to adver look at me you ready I’m advertising it’s

It’s thck Arms by the way but oh it is crap I need you all to vote for me all right in the 2023 Hive Awards best upcoming Creator okay I need you to vote for Little Mac all right I can’t even see you crowd here there are ways to see

The thing all right you going Jump by Paparazzi yeah so everyone wants to be you server you’re famous I wants to be wait let me change this to thick everybody go vote for Little Mac in the hive Awards 2023 we need we’re going to win this together trust me I have a

Funny speech all right you’re going to want to hear speech in the awards Wars me it’s nothing guys don’t say that guys wait for me bro I’ll try me all right Carri kiding let’s go to the secret SKS Lobby no no no don’t unvote for me I was just

Kidding guys You On A Little Fall McDonald’s skin can you can you unfriend me bro you can’t vote Danny for best upcoming Creator that’s not how it works I think I’m start this game by the way you have to vote Little Mac you have no choice yeah vote Mac that’s right that’s right

Guys there we go okay that’s set the game I love bread you’re so good but oh we just got kicked that’s awkward that is awkward ah uh that never happened oh Danny is online look at that oops that never happened oh yeah it never happened

I didn’t see any did you see I went to hit the start button and I hit my my my finger hit my scroll wheel and it kicked us from the game nice work server we’re trying again guys we’re trying again take two I start fter my

Bad what it just it just Danny I IED I queed Mega and it put me into a SkyWars what this game stupid Bo no I swear go back to my stream you can see me cute oh my gosh okay join through friends list open to all open to All Join the friends

List hold here in a second I didn’t oh I need water all right okay I need water everyone join the game guys Little Mac is going to entertain you for a minut guys get while I’m getting water and Little Mac entertain when we get back when I get back I’m going starting the

Game when I get back I’m starting the game so join fast all right Little Mac I trust you don’t get me cancelled I won’t I won’t guys is he gone guys I’m going to say the N word I’m just kidding just kidding guys I want everyone right now I

Want everyone to join the Cs first of all but on top of that I want you all to type the nicest messages to server in his chat right now okay when he when he comes back I want him to be flooded okay absolutely flooded with with uh with

Nice messages okay I want you to say that you love server gaming and everything um do all of that all right I want you to tell him that you love him tell him that you want to to marry him um I’m just kidding well I mean maybe I

Mean you do you if you want you know but you’re my best friend ever that’s right he’s racist no guys I was kidding I was kidding yeah guys keep typing keep typing guys we want him to be we want them to be so like flattered when he gets back you

Know wow your hair is so good today that’s fire back what what did I miss server oh you didn’t miss anything nothing happened at all there was nothing nothing that nothing that happened at all what did Little Mac do Little Mac didn’t do he’s racist what you could

Think I love server I love server well your hair is good today you’ll never know what I told them your BS are great yo I’m glad you enjoy them W’s the reason why I’m what do that even mean I didn’t tell them to say well I kind of did this guy all right

Well guys good job all right good job I’m proud of you all well done okay well done here we go all right there we y yo yeah Green Team we’re gonna win all te we taking it home how you pretty good how are you everyone saying I love you

Server what did you do Mac actually wait actually actually I shouldn’t be mad this is actually great everyone loves me now yeah thanks Mac see everyone listens to me you know so true thank you guys I appreciate it I’m remote what we to spread the love guys I’m proud of you

All you’re my best friend ever server W’s yeah guys keep it coming actually you know what now let’s switch it up now everyone say what you love about Little Mac I’m just kidding but I mean hey if you want if you want not going to stop

You true true I how you should cancel little back demo are you joking no I don’t think he is Demo’s 100% serious demo never demo never jokes guys I’m uh I’m racist I’m just kidding don’t I’m just kidding guys stop can’t edit this out it’s a stream chill I’m sorry I’m

Sorry I’m trying to like make sure I don’t get YouTube rank you know what I mean yeah right this guy really wants me dead all right you’re you’re a Ali what who you talking to Okay this guy might be cheating oh my gosh I’m crazy at clutching we need low on blocks though

Is there only one life if I like there’s there’s five you’re good okay cuz everyone wants to kill me dude I’m going to get like I’m going to get mered you know him Max over he’s done pop didn’t get to him all right let’s kill you ready for

This I just did like a decent clutch wait maybe not I’m getting tossed oh my God and I need more blocks oh my gosh dude what the heck I’m actually butter yeah butterf like butterfly butterfly is the best I’m washed we Little Mac he’s just Walmart Big

Mac W that’s a wild of take right there no guys um actually Big Mac is just Walmart Little Mac that’s actually how that works oh this guy has pants for me Lady K true you’re you’re a real one oh I just dropped the pants on

Accident oh no your P back on oh my gosh he just got trapped oh my God Ser click or dry click I butterfly click dragging J hurts my arm and dragging like cheating give me the pants drop the pants hey ma what do you mean

By that what do you that buddy wa wait no no no no no not like that not like that not like that I was just kidding guy dropped the pants thank you wild wait wait wait wait like like in Minecraft yeah yeah I had to tell orange nibbles that

He kept on saying stuff and didn’t add in Minecraft I had to tell him add in Minecraft to end your sentences you’re going get cancelled and you actually listen to me not influential dude I’m going to kill this guy I’m always bored I’m sorry haven’t I don’t what to tell

You it’s very unfortunate this guy is making me mad okay get out of here oh that’s a person hello I’m going to go this Way Nick welcome to stream thank to $ Dono I appreciate it someone donated you money do I do I get a cut of the money that you that you get today like how much money am I making off of this I’ll give you 10% really oh my God okay wait so that

Means I just made 20 cents then right or yeah wait no no no YouTube takes 30% of that take away 30% from $2 then take 10% out of that use a math did you know do you know I’ve made 11 cents this month off of YouTube wow in the past in

The past three days I’ve made 11 sents he sure you got all your ads on uh yep I’m rich dude you buy you can buy so much of that I’m rich I’m going roll it right now you are rich can I have half of that that’s my fa yours not going to lie

5 and 1/2 cents yes please I need that 5 and2 cents I need to pay my rent okay what are you going to use the 5 and2 cents that’s him I I’m killing this guy he’s AFK that was toxic so I’m leaving to Australia tomorrow your W’s have fun in Australia make sure you do a bunch of cool stuff there my Chanel received what wait I canot read my channel reached 62 subscribers congrats w s my J isn’t good anymore s you still play sellout or no down there this guy this guy you win Your you died server you’re so bad oh my gosh guys can we get L’s in the chat for Server gaming he’s so bad at Minecraft you know know what I’m saying wait what team are you on what team are you on I’m I’m on Green Team what base are you at no reason

Whatsoever um somewhere you know you know what I’m saying guys I’m going to try and get a knockback Nemo how do you feel about that you know what I’m going to try and get 64 knockback Nemos if you if you 64 knock Nemos in this game I’ll give you

$1,000 okay wait guys guys everyone start buing Nemos all right I will split the money between the Chatters all right I got a Nemo already I actually got a Nemo that’s crazy guys everyone start mining emeralds start mining emeralds well whoever gives me whoever gives me Nemos I will give them money

Okay money I paid my chat to mine Nemos on the highve MC I pretty much did that too except I I didn’t pay them so you know what you force them to if I need pay isn’t that slavery isn’t that illegal it may or may not be slavery but

You know it’s no one found out you know so I bring slavery to the oh this guy has an emo let’s go all right we’re up to two guys we only need 62 more we’re so close that’s huge let you get there 100% I streaming on mics that YT ring stream

Don’t like 80 bucks I’m still waiting my share yeah I wouldn’t I would definitely make sure you get a share of that you were doing all the work true I was doing all the work too I was doing so much work it’s not even it’s not even true I went to get water

For 30 seconds and you held down the fort oh oh wait oh wait sorry this guy this guy has a Nemo let’s go let’s go we’re up to three all right keep going guys 100% then spent a whole minute you got three I know I know we’re on fire all

Right there’s no stopping us I’m low I’m low I’m low I Nemo W’s hello SK how you doing bribing you what the me I’m just trying to get knock back Nemos come on man does I died crazy well I was riding at wait what that’s wild I’m nominated for best streamer

Real Buddy Buddy Buddy get owned get back here oh my gosh you know what I’m I’m abusing my Nemos now all right I have Nemos now now I’m going to making me mad if I’m not in the wars might as vote for slender okay this guy uh this guy

Thought how you doing so we’re doing pretty good how you doing skell gaming J welcome to the gaming live stream I really want to kill Little Mac hold on I’m going to find him let let me look for you quick you’re not over here uh you over here no no

No uh hold on I’ll find you can give me a hint where you’re at trying to a fell I’m trying to kill a wait lady Kon has a Nemo what uh I don’t see over there hold on I’ll find you trust uh you Yellow base uh I don’t see that yellow I

Trapped Little Mac oh my God what a what a Dodge dude okay wow all right congratulations okay good job hope you’re no as near as jaido what what does that mean wait that’s what I’m in his YouTube video now that is great hi YouTube no best groomers of 2023 why is

There no best groomers of 2023 I win dude I’m just kidding that was a joke guys that was a joke my I’m kidding okay I’m joking oh my God gamed no and I found Little Mac I don’t know where he’s at hey hey hey hey hey hey

Hey hey hey I’m just trying to M Nemos in peace dude come on now oh you’re probably your base then let me come to your base real wait is that you no it’s not you never mind I’m this guy’s just trying to kill me dude I want I want to get my

Nemos let me get Nemos in peace Brother hold on time are run out no no get back here let’s go I hit you once oh wait you oh wait what I hit you once Cong that means I won that means that means I won yeah that’s why I said cancel

Back what game is next guys what game are we going to play next Bud any last words rematch yeah guys what game next what game next should I make a quick little poll or should we just decide that’s why I said cancel Little M what game uh you scrims I think we should

Play I think we should play Capture the Flag really are you sure about that you can’t any settings oh wait what yeah like go look real quick you any settings uh uh server tag actually no no Sky no no no free shop and also maybe you want play W Wars Little

Mac play what w Wars what is that it’s my own game where basically you do tras Wars Mega you buy a ton of wool and that’s it you just punch each other there’s no only item you can buy is wool that’s pretty hot I think we should play

That right now is an option there you go guys you got 30 seconds to 20 seconds vote in the poll hurry and vote you have 20 seconds so boring so true hard to say brb but I’m back welcome back wolf thens uh CTS sounds so fun Sumo everyone vote for world wars

Everyone vote for video 10K views y congrats the master W I’m rigging the vote I scrimmages what just like I’m reading for the hive Awards 2023 if you’re just joining the stream make sure to vote for little MC and server in the hive 2020 rewards are you going to stream it Little Mac uh probably not oh Oh you mean the

Awards I might actually cuz I’m pretty sure I’m going to win it so I mean like you know I already know I’m not winning CU I’m not you know in the running so I’m still going to stream it for like fun you know o yeah yeah I just

Want you know I’m I’m participate yeah I’ll stream it it’d be really embarrassing if I like didn’t win and I I streamed it so I mean it’s still content though you know free content it’s going to be a cool little event where B will put a lot of work into the

World so I know I saw the world it looks pretty cool I’m excited yes uh yeah let’s say World Wars one we’ll party we’re do SCS later on though guys we’re going to do scrims later on don’t worry SC scms with 30 people will be so chaotic would that be

Epic he quit the hive or something uh yeah he quit Hive content wait really yeah he’s no like no more Hive content he said it’s like oh my God it’s free say he’s doing General Minecraft now he he is not uploading the rest of his 23 videos whatever which is really which is

Really a shame we could have popped off of the 23 videos bro it’s free now oh my gosh it’s not even close now sorry Mike but you know poor Mike plus wait Mike’s going to get YouTube rank anyway the join the friends list oh oh for about that yeah yeah yeah there we

Go nice job finding 64 Nemos there’s code guys on the screen yeah dude why me against Mac Asage I know what’s up sorry slender sorry man maybe yo it’s King Aquarius King Aquarius is here King Aquarius oh my god king king Aquarius what’s up I don’t see him no he’s in my he’s in my chat oh he’s in your chat King Aquarius you should join wait wait where I don’t

See him kingt oh my God wait where I’m looking I’m looking oh boy it’s him oh my god king Aquarius I’m a huge fan dude oh my gosh yo your video um your video Elite koala has gone insane that is my favorite hive video of 2023 I think that

That video should probably win Hive Awards you can member if you buy him what my team hey my friend request uh I add all channel members if you become a channel member or if you donate I’ll add you or if you just watch my stream or if you watch my streams like 3 months then I’ll

Add you I want to I want to become a channel member away yeah you become an epic gamer if you’re a channel member get 100% more r i mean what can add if you buy member yes sir deal yo I had to go eat all right see you

Later Harry Rose have a great day guys join the custom it’s wool of Wars everyone buys wool and it’s Tre Wars Mega and it’s funny we’re starting the game in 30 seconds if you want to play join the game otherwise we can join the next one

Yeah did you get King on YT did you get trapped this were you playing SkyWars this morning by any chance cuz I I trapped someone who claimed um or I trapped someone who who like reminded me of you you know what I mean cuz they were they were really

Pressed I I would at least like for yall to look at the reasons why reasons why what oh that oh yeah we saw your reasons King Aquarius there really dumb y all remember emojis W’s it’s over to 2.9k so we can have hand cam yes Ser when hand cam well I already

Have had the hand cam on I made videos with it and stuff but I just don’t feel like putting it on to it because it’s kind brighten my room cuz during the day so when it’s bright it makes the rdb look weird but it make my room look dark

And turn the handcam on if we hit the sub goal I need to see the it server hand reveal it’s Jay what’s up welcome to the stream baby hands sh demo I I want to see your hands that’s I thought buddy ah no face cam no face cam I’m

Sorry I bullied too hard nah shush guys if server if server hits 3K on this stream I will face reveal on this stre y guys I’m never ending I’m never ending I’m never ending I’m going to stream I’m streaming for the next week guys oh my

God gonna pull an MCW mic I fin stream guys we’re going to do it we’re make Little Mac over oh my gosh okay that start yeah ah yeah oh yeah I I’m supposed to buy wool yeah I mean you can buy water Bridges and wool yeah all right I mean I won’t ban

You for buying other items but it is wool War so like you know it’s preferred if you buy wool all right guys there we go got all the necessary stuff only wool it’s wool Wars it’s wool Wars haha yeah I bought some wool now what you go fight people and you’ll win

Okay remember you die kind of fast the wolves are spamming blocks when you die you know who I’m going to kill I’m going to kill king onyt that’s who I’m going to kill it’s a goofy game but people like it revenge for uh taking my revenge

For elite koala you know know what I’m saying yeah Elite I mean to be fair Elite koala has gone insane though iquest a One V one from me to Little Mac that’s yo King Aquarius wants to One V one you oh no way I would clap him

That it wouldn’t be fair I I think that that’s got to be like child abuse or something you know isn’t he’s he’s 13 years old remember that’s his that’s his biggest excuse in his videos it’s not his fault cuz he’s 13 years old so I

Can’t do that to him cuz then if I kill him it won’t be his fault cuz he’s 13 years old so yeah you know yeah you can’t use the 13 yeah sorry King Aquarius let’s wait till you turn 14 you know what I mean yo DHR welcome to the

Stream yo ice atella yo thanks for the 2 lbs trying the worst player that’s awkward but yo than the 9 lb I mean the 2 lb yo I’m going to hard it W’s get to get to 3K yo that would be pretty goofy though if we actually did a stream for

Like the next week bro I’d be so mad icy iy indeed that icy indeed ice n tell I hope you know I’m sorry but I’m going to I’m going to win the uh the the award you you won it last year though so I can’t you know classic i w

Ww why is everyone here what does that mean what’s everyone who’s everyone the whole hiun you know what I mean 38 people it’s the whole Hive Community 100% yeah on the hive yeah we’re missing a couple people you know we’re just missing like just a few

Here and there I watching your stream on the floor while on my iPad is charging W’s that’s a w setup yeah yeah wish was doing that honestly oh this guy oh this guy built a house play this game what buil us that inj the community Rosie Blossom you’re a cool person all right

Rosie Blossom I’m sorry for what I’m about to do okay I’m sorry why the heck are you a fanboy for Little Mac who’s a fanboy for Little Mac I’m just wearing a skin we’re matching we’re matching not a fanboy we’re just matching you have a problem with that

Oh s please thankk you yeah ww no I’m not going to One V one you King on YT cuz I mean although maybe I should cuz you might start bugging me and like calling me over and over again if I don’t One V one you are you going

To ask for a screenshot too for uh screenshots with hi YouTubers part nine he probably will and server just tell me if I’m being too toxic on your stream all right I’ll tell on it back I’m just standing up for my boy Elite koala all right for

Real I have you blocked XD oh man what are you going to do now little M has you blocked King onyt has me blocked all W7 W7 indeed dude no oh my gosh someone F that duck they duck where’s the duck I want to see the duck dude I’m devastated

I hope you know also I’m pull the next game block me that’s very unfortunate Al I got to go also evid is better than me no my bad wait what EV best what I don’t know who best he blocked me I know right Prime fire is this like you this

Is very unfortunate oh my god dude Endo gamer what’s it called I don’t read what’s it called uh wait what was that a tragedy wait what language is that again wolf Miner you don’t wolf Miner you don’t need to delete it but if if someone of the mods wants to

Translate the guy’s messages into English or if that guy can Google translate message into English I could read them I not seen a living soul in this game for I just can’t read our languages guys can you go fight guys everyone get together and fight this is

Taking a while go beef I I have not seen a living soul for like five minutes but I see a living Soul right now fornite sucks hello George welcome to the stream I haven’t played the new update so I can’t I I can’t agree disagree with that

Oh wait what I’ll put scrims in the pole uh just see better set teams though if Wins are you ask may ask remove from hive Awards to be removed from hive Awards what I need tell the on to be removed from hive Awards maybe cuz you already quit yo yes please dude thank you so much thank you so much for the another two pounds I appreciate it

You’re a legend I’m just kidding I see you should actually stay in Hive Awards cuz you genuinely like you probably still could win it yeah you have good chance at winning I say like you’re still in the community like even though you quit it you know you can still win

It it kind it be kind of a good send off you know what I mean leaving hi with after winning the war no I’m I’m just kidding I want to win it please I you know what you should do you know what be funny is if you promoted me promoted it

That’d be funny it was like vote vote Hive Awards but vote for Little Mac instead of me oh hello he know English I don’t speak English bro trust really he speaks English bro man why you speaking our language if you can’t speak English oh my

Gosh oh I’m dead yeah I appr 2 PBS huge W already quit may ask T be removed from high rewards yo someone’s donating more oh my gosh for real little Max the not Little Mac iella I mean Li Mac’s also cool but iella is cooler for donating oh

True I agre what should the game options be I got scrims you can do free shop anything else Little Mac you want to play um let me think I think we should do survival games but with two giant teams surv okay SG you know what we should do here’s

What we should do we should both be team captains and then we should draft players to our team big teams okay there we go I made there we go I made as an option and we’ll we’ll draft people to our teams everyone vote for that option yo

Yeah if it doesn’t win now still it at some point though don’t worry all right um I don’t think I’m going to be here for too much longer no don’t say that well I don’t know server I got to I got to edit a little mac video you know the

People want to see more Little Mac content I have no choice very good your English level bre One V one he really wants that one V one LEL Mac even though he has you blocked oh yeah I think I mean yeah you might have to unblock me in order for

You to get that one V one pal yeah King Aquarius I hope you know you’re going to get destroyed if you try and fight me yo the is actually winning they’re listening to you I know everyone listen to me guys keep voting for also drop a

Sub and like you know if you haven’t already I’ll remind you yeah and uh yeah I’ll I’ll I’ll say that too you know what everybody while you’re at it while you’re like looking down in that direction you know make sure to check that you are actually subscribed to

Server gaming he posts some really good content and he works really hard and he streams all the time so he’s really worth checking out um and also make sure to make sure to like the stream yeah see even little Max says it now you got to listen can’t you can’t can’t make little

Max sad little Max I okay this is awkward I hit the end pull button and it changed so now it’s equal this is awkward oh uh I think we should just do the SG one then cuz clearly it was going to win you know okay how this we’ll

We’ll do SG and then we’ll do a scrims how about that that pretty goofy there we go open to all guys it’s open to all if you’re on the friends list join through it and you you better not leave uh okay dude if I have to we should we should draft we should

Draft our teams once everyone is yes we will all right everyone join up if you want to get drafted to the to team Little Mac make sure to type team Little Mac in chat and I will consider drafting you to my team and we’re going to team

Little going to say it probably right yeah I’m only I’m only going to pick my favorites so wa aren’t you going to pick them in one then I pick one you pick one is that how it works yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yo what’s up FY football team

Hey fresh I love your I love your skin oh it reminds me of a certain a certain Fox reminds me of a certain Fox team little MEC keep Little Mac don’t worry I will team Little Mac fresh fresh the pig hpe team Little Mac type

It just type just type it okay just just type it one you want me add me VC me mod me I got a CS invite from King Aquarius no do code yeah on COD on the screen join up y I found a banana what’s I’ll probably like not let people actually no

Yeah actually I’ll probably stop people from joining here soon and then I’ll start doing the teams so like I’ll give you like 30 seconds or minute to join so hurry server let’s let’s play Rock Paper Scissors for first pick oh okay DL where are you at person get I need to stare at

You while we do this where you at no Let’s do let’s do it over Discord so so get an emoji and get either rock paper scissors rock paper you there we go hold on there okay there we go okay okay all right I’m not going to screen your

Discord but yeah I know I know we’ll do it you know it’ll just be between us tell me when you’re ready okay I’m ready I’m ready wait what are we doing for the wait wait hold on uh wait there actually emojis for it yeah oh there are okay

This okay ready three yep two one go okay that that was a rock right that was a newspaper that’s paper okay I sent the wrong one but it’s fine okay wait we’re both paper then right yeah ready rock paper scissors rock paper scissors we both did Rock we both did

Rock okay okay um okay rock paper scissors okay rock paper scissors shoot shoot no okay I get first okay fine okay fine you’re on my team give me Fresh Prime fire just dm’d me rock you’re not playing Prime fire you’re not in rock paper scissors you how stop delaying I trying to decide bro te’s taking super fast and I was thinking what did you m did you want add me m have

Give him op oh yeah I should give him op shouldn’t I yeah give me yeah give me op yeah okay uh where’s your name uh I’ll be I’ll be team two you be team one all right um here I’ll yeah okay settings set R all right so guys every everyone

Come line up guys everyone come line up everyone get in a big line over here everyone get a big line over here by this Castle thingone line up line line up over here guys line up over here oh wait I can’t I can’t choose uh I can’t

Choose what team to put him on every oh wait is it solos it may be so oh bro should I redo it yeah redo it ah we won’t redo the I Ved no that’s awkward we need two teams that’s important guys join through friends list if you’re on my friends list that’s

Awkward guys it was blame Little Mac it was his fault wait what no team little I’m sorry team Little ma that’s awkward yeah I I’ll start right away guys everyone line up right away guys everyone line up right away yeah everyone line up everyone everyone get

Over here and line up right away FR said nice one I’m sorry fresh okay everyone line up everyone line up right here everyone line up right here fresh is still on my okay guys when you join immediately come line up and like be this Castle all right and we’re going to

Pick you out it’s not letting me join your game what the heck oh I put the code up but you’re so slow bro you didn’t tell me it was open oh my gosh here invite me invite me invite me now I got take code down they’re joining too fast soon Are You

Full you oh my I got to take code down full it’s almost hurry oh my join you goof the server’s full okay kick someone kick someone oh my no no more players there we go six more spots six more spots there we go join inv me again invite me

Again you have to invite me oh I it’s open to oh my whatever where’s your name goof is it there’s your name join there we go there I’m in I’m in I’m in guys there’s guys there’s code four more slots four more slots four more slots true fresh code code there four more

Slots nice little line here back in line every everyone get line in line yeah stay in line all right I got to decide who to pick okay all right give me okay so you are you one or two are you one or two I’ll be

Two you be one okay okay uh okay fr the pig team two all right let me gra now let me see uh I’ll do I’ll do CS team one all right I want Kaba Kaba you’re on my team now all right all right then I’ll do I’ll do I’ll do demo boy okay

I’ll take you better not full I’ll take just Momo I’ll take just Momo all righty uh I’ll take I’ll take loud I’ll take not loud mid school this is like Middle School gym class football all over again I’m back hero welcome back um okay I’m going to take um ja Jackie I’m

Going to take Jackie okay rolls where’s Jackie uh I’ll take let me scroll I’ll take G I’ll take gaming J all right I’m going to take take a hive guy all righty we’re trying to get this over with quick don’t worry yeah we’re trying our best

Here uh I’ll take should I take Little Mac I should put myself on the right team no you can’t there put yourself make sure you put yourself on your own team I’ll take no actually I’ll take ninja I guess okay um I need to find myself

There I am team being you’re not being Ed I’m sorry hello sorry I’m not I’m not ignoring you the wolf I’m concentrating I apologize um who should I take uh wait wait wait oh yeah your turn I’ll take Aiden YT or Raiden whatever all right I’ll

Take wait should I maybe you should take King Aquarius I’ve heard he’s pretty good I’ll take bressy good good choice good choice um okay I’m going to take um that I’m going to take by the way guys the game is full by the way guys so I’m going to take

Habent take oh I should have taking him uh is prime fire good you know if he’s good I don’t know you know I’ll take Prime fire Prime fire I’m trusting you you better be goated at the game all right I’m taking gaming J no what’s wrong j you’re on my team what’s wrong

Loud why did you say no this is some intense drafting right here this is like the NFL for more intense NFL draft cuz little Max here uh I’ll take uh I guess I’ll take pizza boy there you go okay I’ll take um who’s left I’ll take uh you know what I’m taking X

Bouncing okay I’m taking you better be bouncing the whole time all right that’s the Only Rule you got to bounce I’ll take you know what I’ll take lady Kon all right I’m taking oh it’s sssw all right you’re on my team now we’re going to

Win I uh wait how people are left even there’s only people left uh there’s a few people left uh I’ll take whoever this fella is there we go I’m taking XD YT all right the goat he’s on my team I don’t even know who that is but he’s the

Goat I know I can feel it he’s going to carry who’s left ah uh who’s left any got options here I don’t know uh fine I’ll I’ll take this guy here at the top I’ll take a a I’ll take zos Soo or whatever I’ll take that guy is there

Anyone left mcit it’s my turn it’s my turn it’s my turn yeah yeah yeah yeah wait I there’s two left there’s only two left wait actually only two no there’s one two I think there’s three I think there’s three I guess I take this guy

There we go all right screw it that’s it I’m taking King Aquarius downar is on team Little Mac W’s what if I was on a solo Team bro it’s your it’s your turn should we put should we put King Aquarius on his own team all no okay F can’t bully him that

Much okay fine it’s your turn wait is that everyone all right scheller Mo you’re on my team okay that’s everyone I think uh and then this guy’s on your team there is one extra um okay I’ll set the I’ll set the stuff speak English some Fanboy right there

Disappointed in server gaming what did I do Ser tell Little Mac my name can’t wait Ser tell my server tell Little Mac my name he can’t say it right oh it’s ridden crafter okay ridden crafter my bad dude all right team Little Mac we’re going to win wait should be actually no

It’s fine just normal SG we’ll do normal SG cuz I think weet OPG I might reset the teams right uh wait what if we if we set the opsd preset and maybe the teams right I already I already said it I just set to the loot distribution okay okay

We’re good then okay let’s go all right start start set OPG I I I think I may the teams if we did also it’s fine no we’re good we’re good all right team Little Mac we’re going to the airport all right everyone to the airport uh I go to the train tracks if

You’re on team server team little map we’re going to win all right I want I want everyone on team Little Mac to stick together guys go to the airport if you’re on not airport go to the train tracks if you’re on team server and grab and grab loot as

You go everyone spread out grab loot as you go and meet up by the train tracks yes yes yes we are going to we’re all going to stay together and we’re all going to share loot all right make sure everyone grab tons of Loot and share

With the team all right sure make sure everyone on my team we’re sticking together okay that’s important never leave each other yes work as the team guys I’m want to play my game now your team’s about to die I think one person one person left guys team guys say oh my

Gosh team left one of my team left bro I wouldn’t take that if I were you oh my God that’s disrespectful for Real Every go to the train tracks I’m gathering some gear before I head there I do the same just make sure to stay away from

The airport yeah everyone stick with me fresh where where are you fresh fresh come find me okay there we go I got I got tons of food now W’s I have an activ activity tracker guys we’re going to we’re going to track some activity guys where is where is our team

Everyone come over here bro we only have XX bouncing scheller Mo Jackie Packy pens and Zeke where’s fresh and where’s everybody else dude we’re right here waiting at the airport I’m everyone just follow me okay there we are server gaming oh wait wa there’s a

Person do rap there we can be Mr Beast what does that mean what I don’t understand that I’m sorry oh someone gave me a chest plate let’s go dude wait I should probably Slayer down right nope can’t throw Bas is full guys everyone come to the train

Station if you’re not here yet does anyone have a flare Dude where’s fresh fresh come on over here bro we need you oh wait some of your team is just on their own dude Guys these guys let’s guys come guys if you’re on server gaming team if you’re on my team all

Right if you’re if you’re set to my team guys come to the train tracks guys come to the train tracks oh my gosh a bunch of my team is missing you guys you’re not listening yo thank you guys come to the train tracks oh my you guys are so

Silly all right guys let’s leave him alone let’s leave him let’s leave him you stole oh my wait there’s one of your team members over here all right let’s just Chase oh my oh dude this guy got stuck I feel like a bunch of our team is in here

I don’t know where they all went guys let’s all just stick here let’s stick here um all right let’s go we’re going to go this way okay we’re going this way everyone follow me wait is that fresh is that fresh got guys fresh oh my gosh we killed one of your team we’re

Better we got fresh all right guys I should probably change my skin for the people know my whole team is together we’re unbeatable now all right let’s track some we’re going to go jump them me and fresh all right with me and fresh on a team we’re unbeatable oh wait there they

Are are we charging guys are we charging no sorry I was getting stuff another SG buto I didn’t realize I was in your team L bro you guys you can see in the chat if you’re set to quad general you can see in the chat guys throw a bunch of flares of

Stuff at him y someone gave me gold app this freaking epic oh wait dude I’m going to die oh actually L as well dude I just got blown up oh my guys they don’t have a leader now they don’t have a leader this is our chance they’re in chaos team Little Mac

You can do this still I believe freshed war war team Little Mac Retreat we’re pushing them back guys nice work oh my god dude we’re going to lose we lost their leader for real bro I got blown to bits I tried to rush and everyone just like blew me up they all

Team it’s fine fresh is going to carry fresh is carrying for to viewers W’s FR I need you here buddy I I don’t have enough food that’s why I’m walking slow I was wondering wait Momo no no I was eating food I I realiz Momo was

There oh my gosh wait both now guys you got this demo I made you the new leader demo you’re the leader you got this fres leader for me all right car the team to Victory by the way thank you all for sticking around also also I’m going to mod you little M

For for VIP oh yeah you got to mod me there you go thank you and oh God it’s raining two tacos what hello y welcome to stream paint P welcome how you doing over it’s over here I wait what do you mean why was I

Last picked I don’t know I don’t know I Wasing the people like I know they’re super good who deleted little Max message oh my gosh someone deleted my message it’s so goofy I drop my team is definitely losing sorry I left accidentally I escape and save and quit no

M rip H guys it’s all good though sry that happened wait is my team losing my team might be winning is this their team wait why does crack just have a red name was cracks never wa what I swear but crack might no no no they there it’s red

And and dark red on one and two it’s so annoying oh so you’re dark red I’m light red so I think my team’s actually winning that’s weird well some people said that it says the name for behind you fresh behind you fresh behind you let me let me a demo

Demo still alive or did he die I was yeah he’s still alive demo nice you’re getting them fresh is in a sewer fight right now this there a 4v2 though it’s not looking good for them oh my God wait they’re they’re getting they’re getting jumped oh ninja coming from behind nice

Work ninja you’re pinning them in keep him there cobweb cobweb ninja cobweb uhoh nice work ninja fresh run uhoh fresh fresh is getting jumped oh my gosh he got jumped back together no one likes guys can we get some 07 team little Macs in the chat 07 team

Little Mac wait how many left are in your team how many how many do you have left I think we still not that many I think I lost I think we still have like eight left something like that or nine left I think you how many do you I don’t

Know where your team is I don’t have many by the way none of your team’s hiding right all your team actually I know okay there’s no hiding guys by the way they don’t prolong it should we do this something like this again though maybe in like TS sure

Maybe I’ll play I’ll play one more game all right but then I need to edit sounds good I’m on that grind you know I’m on that grind guys if you’re just joining the stream let me let me wait let me remind you to to vote for Little Mac in

The 2023 hve Awards all right thank you thank you for listening to my TED Talk h H well it was a close game dude team Little Mac went down with our honor and our dignity all right guys vote in the pole vote in the pole we win is well it was going fight

You know team Little Mac it’s very Epic War you know people I don’t think that was close I think I just picked more op people I mean I think I knew people’s skill a little better I think I had a little bit of Advantage I just picked all the high levels that’s

All I did there free shot Mega should we do a giant free shot Mega and we pick the teams you promise to scrim we’re still going to do one at some point guys chill chill all right we’re still going to do them all right Little Mac you sound really bored

Are you Dory yes I’m Dory I found actually I’m Marlin cuz I found Nemo so you know actually I found 64 of Nemo so I think Nemo just like Nemo like I joined through friends my friend list guys could up here in 10 osmosis or something like he just he like he

Duplicated himself 64 times and I found all of them he said after SG though yeah but that was fun all righty and we’re going to we’ll do little scrims after after this game do SC I’ll do scrims after this yes it was it was real fun it brings me back

All right I used to do that with an old friend that has left the community yes so sad oh very sad oh my God my Wii rip can last this time okay Little Mac you picked that guy right I wait what yeah okay you’re in this game right

Little Mac oh I’m not wait I didn’t know the game was open what oh my I said the okay I’ll I’m in now I’m in now now all right there’s code code on the screen join up if you can’t see it I’ll read it out loud for you otherwise join the game

Chat should I stream like ever like like would you want to see a little mac like would you actually like watch a little mac stream I think they would I’m not I don’t I don’t know though I think if you did customs with viewers I’m pretty sure

They’ watch also thanks for 42 viewers guys that’s that’s pretty pogers thank you a second around we were doing better than the little than the Slender Man hacking Little M mik Mac stream whatever Mac Oh my you know what I meant guys I think server forgot how to talk oh my

Goll there guys we’re good though yeah it’s fine seizures aren’t that serious you know I’m just kidding you terrible that yes yes yes little Max stream Max stream no don’t Su my viewers well not right now I’m joking I’m joking you can stream I don’t care actually I’ll stream one day you should

You should like do a subathon to 3K sometime I’m going to hit I’m going to hit 3K like next time I like hit upload so you know should you all for I mean it’s a really true remember four bucks for reals I remember that guy you do yeah he

Played my man hunts back in the day yo he s left the community OG we four box I actually know I actually know what happened to him I actually talked to him just a couple weeks ago but I can’t say though I I say I can say after stream to

You secretly okay King Aquarius no way read my last MC message I’m sorry I never read MC messages I apologize oh the game is full oh my gosh oh my gosh I didn’t realize oh my are we are we drafting teams again okay guys everyone line up guys everyone line up line over

Here everyone go over here by the parkour everyone go over here by the parkour and line up everyone line up right here right over this right here yeah right here this is oh right here all right this pretty good everyone everybody line up in orderly fashion

Over here line up everybody line up and Weck you out out where’s your name where’s your name where’s your name where’s your name there we go that is is annoying remember first pick this time you got first pick lagg in real life what is T stand for T stands for Treasure [Applause]

Wars guys make sure to line up so I can pick you get in the line everybody all right um okay you go wait can I go first this time you going first last time yeah you go first actually no you lost no you lost you can go first never mind oh okay

Okay okay I’m going to take um actually wants to be solo are you sure about that yeah put him solo I mean if you really we actually know Mega we can’t do that never mind oh yeah never mind you have to to unfortunately draft you okay you can go first pick I’m

Taking I’m taking pizza boy I have a good feeling te by the way I’m going to take you know I’m going to take I’m going to take cracks I he’s cracked the treasure Wars wait are you red or blue wait you red or blue oh fine I’m blue

Never mind my bad okay I know crack crack guys get in a line I need to be able to see everybody bro yeah guys guys line up guys get back guys this in a line single file single file on the same block all like you know what I mean like

Oh my gosh do you like waffles if so pick me I actually had pancakes for breakfast yesterday dude okay so I’m not picking you okay um I’m I’m going to take cracks YT with you is it coming out soon I is it coming out w i very high level skyar

By the way w I’m going take I’m going to take okay uh I’m going to take I’m going to take who’s good on gaming J I guess wait I’ll put put him wrong team my bad wait bad my bad there we go I’m taking I’m taking silly ninja

Green it’s your turn I’ll take also Little Mac put yourself on the right team there we go okay and then I’ll put look like demo again I Demo’s good I demo again a hive guy are you going to leave again if I pick you bro no he’s he’s

Crashed es I’ll take Momo again Momo seems like he’s pretty good ATB me or else I’ll vote for evident no I took loud he’s loud he’s a gamer if you vote if you vote for me in the hive Awards I will pick you okay um I I

Picked it’s your turn I I L I did loud loud all right I’m going to take um uh I’ll take x m m m is that his name I can’t remember I don’t know wait where that guy he’s on my team mow or Meo he’s on my team okay I don’t know

How to say his name either uh guys get back in line line up oh my gosh line up line up everybody line up uh I’ll take bressy all right I’ll take Rosie Blossom uh I’ll take gr look guys does anyone know if um if King Aquarius is like unironically

Like actually not bad I’ll takea okay um H you like it guy I’ll take a song what a hive guy just don’t leave on me this time dude all right please no never mind I do care server please help me okay um is it my turn you said my

Turn yeah it’s your turn I’ll take ATB he says he’s good okay I’m going to take hell Stone all right I’ll take yeah I’ll take okay you took hellstone you I’ll take that guy I’m going to take insect claw just because he really wants to be

On my team all right you’re on my team now congratulations dude I took I took Prime fire okay I’m going to take XX bouncing you know what I’m taking King Aquarius I was just about to take him okay I’ll take glitch Ru YT okay I’ll take Harry Rose o I’ll take Zeke I’ll

Take a PP VV how you say his name that I took Lady K lady Kon okay I’ll take little midnight ah okay I’ll take Chanel I was going to take little cuz he has little his name no I got him the little little M can fight now and then okay all

Right make sure by way yeah we are playing uh what’s it called there we go free shop treas on or off should we keep them on actually or no uh yeah sure keep them on keep them on keep them on okay okay I’ll keep them on and then I’ll turn the

Generators off yeah yeah all right guys this is free shop um let’s do this team captain we’re going to win all right team Little Mac versus Team server all right here we yeah team captains win this time all right we can’t be embarrassed any map you want or

No uh pick western western let’s see where’s Western here we go all righty let Mac cook Little Mac let Little Mac cook that’s who let Little Mac cook all right let’s go let’s do this guys team server we’re going to win all right everyone work as a team nobody

Go Rush up by yourself guys nobody go Rush by yourself all right guys we got to work together we got to work as a team guys all right everyone everyone stay together until we all get plenty of loot then we’ll all Rush together yes yeah same for same same for

Team Little Mac everyone stick together there we go guys the number one thing for team Little Mac I do not want us splitting up okay team Little Mac I want us together the whole time yeah work as a team guys in a team game it’s pretty crazy where making the

Worst decisions bro what do you mean guy be the leader I’m jump in the void no Rosie please don’t I wish it a void in real life bro that’s wild don’t jump in the void in real Life oh guys we got our treasure destroyed already did somebody did anyone destroy their treasure uh oh wait actually wait actually someone come destroy our treasure then to make it fair okay no one kill the member one member from Little Mac team come destroy our treasure nobody kill him just let

One member come destroy our treasure all already all right someone go do that someone from Team little do here nobody killed the guy nobody killed the guy that’s breaking your Treasures all right just I want to be fair nobody kill that one guy that’s breaking Treasures just

Let him break it all right just let him break it don’t kill the guy I they’re probably they’re still probably not going to listen but I’m I tried buy a little more stuff then we’re almost good guys we’re almost good all right guys guys are you stupid

Guys I swear don’t kill stop oh my guys all right let’s go to Mid team to Mid Little Mac to Mid let them break the treasure guys guys team Little Mac to Mid stop let them break the treasure l oh my loud let them break oh my there we

Go now now now the guy run away that guy run away I just oh my you guys whatever I tried I tried it it’s whatever it’s fair teams now 14 alive right now all right let’s go all right guys come on blue team we can go now all right all right Blue Team Guys everyone team Little Mac to Mid let’s go we got to we got to win this together all right leave that one guy leave that one guy blue team we leave that one guy I feel where’s blue team Blue Team guys you got stay together why you all

Going by yourself get BR get BR get BR is dead br’s dead br br is going to die someone shoot him someone shoot him got got ninja guys we’re not working as a team you guys all right guys let’s go let’s go pick off more of their members let’s go

Let’s go guys got work as a team make sure we’re sticking together though make sure we’re sticking together guys this guy’s on his own let’s go jump him is everyone else with me no wait where did my team go team stick with me team Lil Max stick with Lil

Mac yeah everyone stick with me all right cool all right let’s go in now let’s go let’s go come on get off the map oh careful careful careful oh my God hey ninja get back here team Little Mac we can do this guys let’s go and just stop running What’s the point of us rushing it breaking the treasures after maybe we should back because I I I what’s it called I forgot to make the real no breaking Treasures right away but I I I didn’t think about that one guy would go also Little Mac die die oh my God

Wait Mac get back oh my God wait no I’m getting jumped I’m getting jumped I’m getting jumped chill chill chill guys kill him kill him kill him server you’re going to die chill come back server oh that gapple didn’t eat no wait I hate this oh my gosh I got jumped

Let’s go dude let’s go team Little Mac oh my gosh te little hi I’m stream yo welcome to stream how you doing today we’re doing some big customs with Little Mac right now if you’re wondering Watch Little M goal is to Target me XD oh kill me I was doing what server

Said yeah I’m sorry they don’t listen very well it’s hard to do coordinated events I this is a very CCT stream I agree Al the W stream I message Ali something hello glitch hello all right let’s kill some people let’s go all come on guys I believe in you you got this right now guys we only members come on guys blue

Team work as a team kill pick them off one by one we got this take the can we do skywar we can SK at some point 100% I’m pull for the next game right now while you guys are finishing this one Up there’s five people left this is one of the last ones Spence dog come here oh wait I’m getting okay never mind all right let’s go guys kill him kill him kill him um guys type w in the chat if you think Little Mac is going to win oh my

God tossing him oh there’s a giant fly on my computer that is disgusting oh my God what what even is that it’s like peeing on my on my monitor screen what the heck what the freck oh my gosh guys guys there’s the server tag by the way

Guys is uh death tag with Max Hearts everyone vote in the poll for next game everyone vote in the pole for next game oh my God there’s a GI SC is are competitive treasure Wars by the way guys you know that thing when like your mind plays tricks on you and makes you

Think there’s a giant bug on your like like your body like every couple that’s what I’m getting right now it’s oh my God I don’t even know where it is right now the feel you see a spider then it crawls away you think it’s on you I know

Dude team Little Mac is winning wait you did you die Little Mac no you didn’t no I’m alive I mean you might die isn’t scared of much but Little Mac is scared of bugs okay for real bugs are the SC let’s be honest the bug did more damage

To me this round than team server did okay n that’s wild yeah sorry server I I box and Rosie oh my I oh how did Rosie get oh Rosie how did that even happen guys buy a compass buy a compass wait I think and wait is Rosie

On my is Ros on your team I yeah Rosie is here guys whoever the last guy is don’t hide we kind of got destroyed this round I folded as well but we don’t talk about that scrims yo guys what on theot pole what’s op block op block drop

What server should I join more of your streams in the future you should that be pretty epic this stream is doing well that mean he want more Little Mac right you’re so entertaining thank you thank you oh I’m sorry I’m typing to I’m typing to Alie Alli hello X

Alli I got pinged in the Discord server who pinged me I don’t know I’m off oh I’m off W’s scrims is insane yes scms are a lot of fun also Brut you will to set teams are you still here brus yeah you are brius you want to set teams in the

Scrims you good to do that or should I find someone else is demo still here yeah demo I try get demo do I’m not sure how good he is I don’t remember n do me I can do loud as well as loud I wait I can’t remember loud you

Got to set in team still I don’t have the people here so I can’t do it okay loud you want to do it okay I’m fell okay I’ll let loud do it then loud can set the scrim teams Al also who’s the last person alive let me

Find him real quick oh never mind died GG it it was a good attempt guys well um this is going to be the end of the road for Little Mac for today’s server stream so I am going to hit the road and well not hit the road I’m going

Staying in my chair still I’m just going to edit now all right see you lat Little Mac go work on Little Mac video chat go vote for me okay I’m working on a video for you right now okay goodbye chat all right there goes Little Mac we’re still

Going to stream though guys don’t worry we’re doing some we’re doing some scrims now do me BR ain’t no way you said that okay we’re doing scrims guys join the friends list if if you’re on my friends list join the friends list we’re doing some scrims if you don’t that if you don’t

Know what scrims are they are competitive treasure Wars one big team where versus the other big team it’s it’s not like official scrims but like it’s it’s a rules that work for our streams and it’s pretty chaotic and fun so yeah if you want to join if you want

To join make sure to do so code will be up here in a second so can I play Little Mac you don’t BR you never added me on Discord you goofball you got to join my Discord server and add me on Discord also why are you spaming my DMs

Mini tan can can you I’m trying bro you’re not spamming me DMS down guys go down screen join up join the game I to give you op here in a second to start doing teams to start the game here in like a minute or two I’m I want to do the

Scrims games a little faster because scrims go kind of fast depending on how the teams do guys okay everyone listen up if you’re joining the game listen up you listen to yours on here’s how you play scrims listen L Len no breaking Treasures until 23 minutes no using

Block Breakers and work as a team all righty work as a team Rush mid mid control is very important get Max gens stuff like that work as a team yep that’s how you play no breaking Treasures into 23 minutes and noing block Breakers those the main two rules

Though right pretty simple it’s highve rewards Cosmo is he running for president or something yeah highve Rewards well it’s not pres yeah it’s basically where um it’s basically where on a certain date everyone gets together in a server that her bixel made and some other YouTubers I helped build it by the

Way um and we all get together and we yeah we meet up we all chat for a bit and then we all go to a stage and rixel gets people out of the crowd and gives award to the gives Awards to them for doing like the best High video of

2023 and the most upcoming creative of 2023 different stuff like that it’s pretty cool it’s pretty cool and then people get nominated by the Google’s forums the Google Doc forums thingy whatever you want to call it and all all the different like things you can vote

On so you can vote on all the different creators and awards and the winners of each category get picked during the event it’s pretty cool what we get from this do our main character break treasure as fast as you can Target server actually don’t don’t oh my gosh

Also I think I think the exclamation point SC wait exclam exclamation point scrim is that’s that’s still work or scam I don’t remember all right everyone join I think everyone joined loud 25 people so do your best loud uh do your best at teams I don’t know I’ll

Tell you the music the music’s good there we go uh what should I change here I set map I know a good map is Rome there we go everything else is fine yeah there scri in chat if you just reading it helps you remember it better to member yes

Remember very cool uh exclamation point P hey yo Cosmo should exclamation point points no I was thinking adding that though I was thinking adding that I may do that maybe though I maybe add that actually add gambling Ser bro I don’t want to give my whole chat gambling

Addiction all right Squad Boz gave us gave his whole chat gambling addiction I want to do the same thing Point Discord that’s not a thing just because for some reason people like not people for some reason YouTube won’t let the Discord link go in chat just like doesn’t send I

Don’t know it’s weird but but it is in the description though so if you want to Jo the Discord server guys Link in the description join the Discord it’s pretty cool let me know let me know you’re down have teams by the way where’s Little Mac

Little Mac had to go he is editing right now he’s grinding out the videos yeah drop a sub and like though if you want to see him come back for another stream in the future yeah gambling like Bozo his whole chat has a gambling addiction now like half

His chat sled of gambling all Right is coming out very soon W’s W W’s can’t wait I’m scrams after what happened yesterday the teams were noobs bro well how about this how about this rap rap look how look how this team look how the scrims go today see how the

Teams are set up and let me know if you still want to join might do another one after this depending on how this one goes this is going to be very chaotic though there’s 25 people he loud I feel bad for loud right now I just gave him like the

Worst job in the world oh my gosh I I like punished loud I feel bad oh my gosh I’m noted anymore that’s good guess what my favorite chip wait what your favorite chip color I don’t know you a favorite chip color what hello pup though I stopped at 6 1,000 points oh my

God that’s crazy yeah did did I st after I stopped after to get 200,000 I feel like an addiction I don’t know I see I I told looks like gambling to me but okay yeah this isn’t going to work it probably won’t play oh play Oh My

Gosh okay people say fave to be favorite or favor or like what’s it called favor or oh my gosh favorite chip but oh my I’m done you’re right I I don’t know guys don’t talk about it it’s fine don’t worry about it I’m fine actually I’m not fine favorite chip color your

Favorite ship flavor oh my gosh I’m I need help uh I’m going to say your favorite one is barbecue I’m going to say barbecue that’s my guess a barbecue type person I don’t know that’s you mean what your favorite color what my favorite color purple obviously purple is like the best color

H yeah favorite color is purple shap I don’t have favorite shape what and also the other team is done he still do okay check teams I’m I you know okay okay I look okay say as long as see like uh I mean you know I’m not going to mess with them

Even I think they’re good it looks pretty good to me you yeah you’re on red you’re on red well well actually well red looks a little op actually because I’m want wait I’m on red BR is on red kabuga demo loud well and ninja red might be a little well red

Might be a bit op I don’t is it I can’t decide uh maybe not though maybe maybe not might actually be fine you know I’m going to you know we can go yeah sure yes no breaking Treasures until 23 minutes we can go with it we’re trying

To we’re trying to rig I’m not trying to rig oh my I don’t know it’s a little I it seems a little bit off keep it C it’s good now it’s good now are we going to start are we going to start bro why oh people are still joining what you

Know what loud just put him on some random team loud loud just put him on some random team it doesn’t have to be perfect all right with this many people loud with this many people it doesn’t need to be perfect like this there’s going to be

Chaos it’s you know what I mean it’s more whatever this is this is the most chaotic scam of all time you you want now okay there we go I don’t know nice job it’s even all right yeah you can’t really do much remember guys no breaking Treasures until 23 minutes no Z block

Breakers and work as a team only one person sit on gens at a time I’m still here Ser thank you for sticking around sorry about that late Che the teams uh you overrated wait you rate me server n you’re you’re the best I don’t know it’s it’s hard this many people

Though you know what I mean like if he actually did a good team with this many people I would give him an award I’m going to nominate him for five Awards oh my gosh guys don’t all sit in the gens guys don’t all sit in the generators

Also someone buy blocks and Rush mid somebody buy blocks and Rush mid I I don’t uh you gave me you gave me okay he stole it guys don’t all sit in the generators guys get off the generators bro you guys oh my gosh you’re hurting me why would you buy a

Sword we need blocks you guys you’re folding you’re folding we need block stop buying us why do you both by swords oh my gosh wait you gave me your why did you give me your okay whatever Prime fire thank you thank you prime fire I’m no longer mad at you let’s get

Him W’s mid control I’m going yeah break the bridge break the bridge guys break their Bridge remember no breaking the treasure until 23 minutes why is some guy on yellow whatever guys ignore yellow I don’t know what happened if that I don’t know what happened if that that’s someone must someone must have

Left rejoin guys see this is why you don’t leave and Rejoin got him W’s oh my gosh nice nice Nice break it break it break it break it break it break it oh never mind they built their own Bridge oh we yeah the time’s up now we can actually Rush Him oh I fed I folded I folded yellow server yes I don’t know yeah I don’t know I guess ignore yellow I don’t know what’s happening if that that’s yeah someone left to rejoin it’s whatever well someone did yeah I don’t know I don’t know I I think it’s pretty

Good hey Momo oh thank I just need to get some thank you there we go uh you know what no I’m not going to get that one I’m I’m going to leave that oh we actually need a better treasure defense actually I’m going to yeah someone someone upgrade the treasure

Defense guys someone upgrade the treasure defense someone buy some stuff please I beg one person we need better treasure defense it’s kind of looking sad right Now all righty I misplaced that block uh place that one right there yeah actually here well you’re putting wool on okay then let me see here uh break the treasures yes guys we can break Treasures now we can break Treasures now uh put me alone it’s because what’s it called

No okay listen nobody put you by yourself oh I almost crashed nobody put you on your own team all right it’s because you joined last minute and um what’s it called when you join last minute then we can’t I I hit the start button right as you join so then we I

Didn’t see you joined and you know what I mean I had to start or it was a misclick and it was an accident right we didn’t mean to put your on your own team all right it was an accident chill out all right you got to join

Earlier if then yeah it doesn’t happen or don’t leave and rejoin guys I’m stalling them I’m stalling them guys get some get some break get some blocking material never mind I fell down I fell dead oh my gosh I should probably change the title nah it’s fine

I would not change the title in the thumbnail it’s all right if someone asked I just tell them that’s up you know mean I can’t I don’t want to change the title on thumbnail let’s go we got the treasure oh my gosh W’s W’s W’s W’s nice work

Team nice work nice work nice work nice work also there’s a pole up now as Well there’s some blocks team I get someone Blocks they is coming I already read that har Rose I already read that I read that like three times now can you stop spamming please Bon camping trust capping wait what beacon say what oh I put me on yellow what some common sense and put on the

One only two teams out of the players I don’t know it must have been an accident chill out bacon I’m so sorry it must been an accident let’s go yo oh my gosh I fell it down so bad got to get back here I’m out of blocks

No guess this one blocks me there’s an accident I’m sorry anybody tell me about don’t tell me don’t leave Rejoin CH something’s wrong what this totally fair BR ninja we’re doing our best all right it’s hard to 30 people guys vote on the poll vote on the poll vote on the poll vote on the Poll not real bro waffles what is up welcome to the stream to op definitely I don’t know okay listen it’s very hard to set teams when when there’s 30 people all right we’re doing our best we’re trying L is trying as best L is trying as best you’re good enough stop doing scrims

Bro the pool is very like tied guys any other game ideas besides scrims any other game ideas any other game ideas guys what game should we play scrims should we play some op SkyWars what are you thinking guys guys what are we thinking guys what are we thinking op

Okay I’ll add that make a quick pull for what game we should play quick pull what what game we already did a World War Z not thing we already did that I don’t know scrims op s g uh uh we already did free shop op SkyWars op block drop op SkyWars

Yeah there guys there guys on the pole oh well oh wait we should do servers I I’ll do I’ll do add mm to the next guys mm to the next poll 100% guys I’m adding mm to the next poll yeah yeah I got you I got

You server s scrims yeah here here’s the problem server says you guys are really good at server says that’s the issue I can’t you it’s so hard for me to that English it’s so hard for me to get you guys out that tag uh well look at all the mm

We yeah I’ll do I’ll do mm next all right mm next mm next why you putting skull emojis what did I do blind what no join okay I had already made the poll and then I looked at chat and you guys are saying mm all right yeah I guys I’ll do

Mm next I’ll do mm next all right I will do mm something oh my gosh server I’ll do M oh my gosh op block drop server says SG we could do that we could do that oh actually that’ be fun guys we do guys do server SG guys guys we type yes for

Server say yes or no you I want to see yes yes or NOS in the chat type it once type it once guys yes or no servers has an SG actually kind of fun does anyone have the preset for that does anyone have the precept for that like the like

Like what prime St does the bows and stuff you stupid yes no who who has the preset respectfully yeah it may not work we should we may try it though I’ll give some people off that I trust to kick people if we need to I give people off and stuff they I

Kick people fast hey I got to go stream see you later wolf Miner thanks for sticking around sorry I read your messages kind of delayed um this it’s very chaotic stream I’m doing my best to here wolf yeah have a fantastic rest of your day hopefully I’ll see you around

Another stream and have fun in Australia yeah do some fun things have a great time enjoy yourself it’s a great opportunity getting to go there you’re the most original PE people BR it sounds like fun all right so mod bro wait what it won’t even type that

What it won’t TP dot dot dot huh there four-year-olds bro I’m are winning scrims are winning okay guys St this we’ll do guys I I I’m doing scrims one more time and then we’ll do server sets after this guys all right I did solos I’m so smart we’ll do server says server

Says next and we’re doing scrims now all righty loud you want to still do teams open to all your my friends list open to all if you’re on friends list will be up here in 10 seconds guys um yeah loud you still want to do teams or should I have

Someone else do teams you’re not serious this we’re do it really fast guys all right really fast I’m starting in like 2 minutes all right and I’m actually actually cap it all right I’ll cap the players at a certain amount after 2 minutes I’ll C the players all right so

If you want to join you have like 2 minutes to join please join fast yes I do all right all right you guys join up join up fast you got like 2 minutes and then I I’m going to cap the players and let loud do the teams and by the way if

You try to leave and or rejoin I’ll kick you from the game so do not leave and rejoin all right and if you’re on yellow team by mistake that’s kind of your fault for leaving and rejoining so just like make sure stay in the game and like

Let loud do the teams yeah and don’t yeah welcome back what welcome back what what I’m confused what do you mean welcome back I’m confused uh give me mod anyway Ser wait scrims says then mm all right sounds good or sounds good like yeah um I kind of want a server says an

MSG kind fun that’ be kind of fun I just like not sure anyone here has a preset for it I didn’t see I don’t think I said it I like to B fix not uh I’m pretty sure if he’s onx then you don’t what then you don’t do it you can’t do it

What what what we talking About H winning do Ser sayg I want to ninja do you have the preset do you know how to set it up the way Prime St does it 25 people oh my gosh W thank you for Joining what’s the pack the pack is server gaming also the hot bar is glitch ignore that but it’s server gaming 2K a link in description go download it guys pretty good pack best 20 best defa edit of 2023 I should get that award I Mo bro what this hell

Funny always been a bot okay yeah wait actually a bot I never left and rejoin I never said you were bacon I never said you were all right I never said you were guys get 10 seconds to join um I never said you were all righty also I’m going to C the players

At 20 28 people then one one more person can join there we go all right all righty loud L do your thing do your thing lad there a Prestige two level he’s 900 plus oh my gosh she Prestige I’m not prestiging I don’t play enough also I want level 100 level

100 to help H when comes out says server says what what’s that server says scrims win scrims what I’m so confused right now wait what I’m so confused right now did that say something what’s that what’s that server says Y is that server says no it’s I am

Dumb it is not server says no um this is scrims we’re doing server says next server says SG server size and SG next all righty this is scrims guys here’s how scrims work I’m going to say it again uh this good song want an ad yeah sure guys here’s how it works

Guys um no breaking Treasures until 23 minutes no using block Breakers and work as a team bu only one person sit on a generator at a time buy blocks one person buy the sword you rush mid Min control is important uh upgrade your generators you know defend your treasure

All that kind of stuff work as a team then when the timer hits 23 minutes you want to you then you want to try to break the treasure you can’t no block Breakers so you have to use you have to block in with Block in materials and break it manually does does everyone

Understand can get that yes and check understand ah no way two people left what that’s wild bro why this scrim bad I said we’re doing a server SS next chill I got kicked no massive sadge bruh please wait bro say it again you just re one the stream if I

Said it too fast no ban Treasures until 23 minutes and no using block Breakers there you go but yeah ex Point Instagram yes guys read the rules a read the rules drop a sub and like if you haven’t already you know it’s it’s pretty cool pretty cool play free sub and like

Anyway I’ll stop um ex Cosmo no that’s crazy know the team’s good do you on uh start oh my bad wait I need do one more thing I need set the map to Rome and then now we’re good oh why why did two people leave oh now two

People join back oh don’t start why did everyone oh guys stop leaving and rejoining guys stop leaving rejoining loud they rejoined bro can you throw my team real quick quickly throw my team then I’ll start quickly throw them on on team and then we’ll start guys stop leaving or joining oh my

Gosh Prime F stop leaving rejoining guys you’re you’re wrecking the game all right it’s so simple oh my you’re making me mad now oh my I need to chill got start start the game start the game start the game when you’re good start the game start the game start the game

When you’re already allowed start the game when you’re ready oh my gosh guys don’t leave join it wrecks the game it makes it so much harder the teams there we go okay guys remember no no breaking the treasures until 23 minutes and nosan block Breakers if you

Break one of the rules you’re banned from the rest of the stream don’t break the rules guys it’s pretty simple I’m sorry I kicked if you got kicked it’s not your fault it’s fine but the amount of people that got kicked is kind of sus it was a common enemy now bro them

There’s no yellow okay hey hey guys move away from the generator guys give Prime fire the gold give him the gold 1 person on generator please one and and also please buy a well oh my one person give the gold to one person you guys are hurting my soul I said leave and

Re I said don’t leave what I said don’t leave and rejoin what when did I said Le join if I did I’m sorry I I’m losing right now ah scrims are too hard so many ready BR Team sabotage so many guys here let’s go I got ninja let’s go oh my

Gosh this is so funny bro guys we need diamonds gra the diamonds and the come up for the generators yes oh my gosh didn’t do anything I need sword server yes bot down bro what oh my gosh I’m doing my best all right chill bacon I’m uninstalling real We need get emeralds there’s so many red guys there guys we need get the red guys out of the way then get the emeralds better than real scam kind of true though I did not see there wasn’t a bridge there Ah that’s awkward bro guys we need to get the emeralds Oh my that was awkward I saw that server what did I do clip it what did I what did I do I I was walking in the wood I don’t know what my favorite shape is bro I don’t have who that favorite shape give me m or blackmail you bro what n it’s

Wild looky run this C here to say it where funny is you did say it for this bra that’s Wild that’s the bra where are the emeralds the emerald guys oh my oh yo he actually had stuff taking this back I’m taking this back I’m taking this Back thank you bacon I appreciate it never mind we got upgr J but still I just I’m still going to take this back Alo this music is Horrendous T that I’ll do that song sounds good guys don’t spend that save the emeralds actually here yeah save the emeralds guys save the emeralds don’t not spend them also we need a better defense I’m going to stay right here also yeah see guys I said don’t spend the emeralds

Sssw I said don’t spend guys hurting myself Soul anyways uh I want to put wood on w wws we got them stop putting wool in here oh my gosh there we go W defense W Defense I need armor there anything over there nothing over there not enough Anyways here we Go yo thanks wait here I’ll split with you hold on I’ll split with you hold on wait here here I’ll split I’ll split but I need two more there we go I I need one more Prime fire there we go yo you y y yo I I give no

Wa okay there we go that works nice work yay splitting yay that’s why I want mod W uh wait what do you say my goal is to get mod everywhere W’s you know what’s funny actually the same goal like two years ago that’s wild also the treasure gone that’s also Wild they all dead they’re almost all dead yeah server gaming hell defect more like server we shush I want to hear at the Effect mod sucks oh my gosh I almost died I hate this game this is oh my gosh I just fled oh Ser I was L I got shot RI server to tell your chat to say R should be mod XD one I just don’t need mod that’s the thing I

Just have I have a bunch of mods I don’t need them and I yes I give mod away as VIP but at the same time it’s like I have so many moderators I I but did Ninja timeout defect that’s wild oh my gosh I used to mod I used to mod

Everywhere but then I realize how terrible it is you still have my every what what are you on about you still have mod everywhere I don’t know what you’re talking about right now where is the last guy don’t hide by the way don’t hide guys if you’re the last

Person don’t hide never mind he’s not timed out okay Ian maybe it was for 10 seconds but not permanently one day you mean ever actually BR I have a lot of moderators my whole I feel my whole chat is mod I want to give you a mod I just I

Don’t want a whole chat being blue there we go hey let’s go got a compass wait this back here wait what is he wait why is he Down wait a minute what we all jumped in the same you got to be kidding me that’s awkward that’s like glitch on the map rip everyone is mod kind of yeah after this then whenever had nibbles mod oh you’re right I have mod for five people who didn’t quit yeah same same kind

Of bo boo has more mods than you yeah he has too many mods though in my opinion his whole chat is blue I I don’t know I try to have a good mod to viewer like ratio sense make the chat blue and green Gray’s ugly color I can’t give everyone

A green name though what I would promise Little Mac would be here he was here he just left though a little bit ago and I’m not changing the title and thumbnail it’s too much work and not making a whole new if I make a if I change a title people be confused

By the thumbnail and if I change the thumbnail then that’s a lot of work we got Sky yeah we can do sky wars in a bit but I promised you guys the server says all right guys we’re doing server says now I promise you guys server says join through friend list if

You’re my friend list otherwise could will be appear here in 10 seconds also one you guys better have the preset for this you better have like the bow preset or whatever all right does anyone have the bow only preset also do another PVP gaming thing after this or am I don’t

Know what’s mod they’re stupid that’s wild only three people I have mod for have quit that’s wild that’s good though those not bot view bro all right it was an accident you put in yellow Team all right it was an accident chill out it was an accident hello Prime fire

Any he has to grief BR Al we’re starting in like two minutes I’m start this one a little faster because it’s probably going to get griefed because you guys are silly don’t listen now who is who here has the preset who here has the preset anyone here of the preset no it

Wasn’t ATB is right I got the preset okay the boat only pret whatever in the one heart yeah should be like 20 but it depends like H I don’t know I feel like someone’s going to I don’t know someone is going to grief but at the same time it’s

Like no you know we’ll try how about that we’ll try guys all right guys everyone listen up guys everyone listen up can you all here stream right now can everyone is can every hear the stream right now is everyone listening is everyone watching the stream okay is preset one yeah looks

Good okay guys everyone listen up here’s how this game is going to work all right everybody is going to get a bow and like a as an arrows okay everyone gra a bow and just a bunch of arrows then everyone is going to follow me to like the edge

Like just like just just right outside the little border everyone just follows me right outside the little spawn all right anywh into that little flat grass area okay and you’re all going to line up and then I’m going to start doing the server Sal already

Right if I say server says you do it if I say if I don’t if I don’t say server says you don’t do what I say all righty guys it’s pretty simple and if anybody shoots anybody with the bow unless I tell them to all right if anyone shoots

Someone randomly for no reason then you’re getting kicked all right and if you shoot me with the bow you get kicked from the actually no you don’t get kicked from the game because the game will end if you if you shoot me with the bow guys listen what happened do not

Shoot me with the bow if you shoot me with the bow are you getting banned from chat and banned from streams permanently so yeah I would literally ban you in chat and you’re you’re no long allowed to join Customs all right so do not shoot me with the bow guys do not shoot

Me with the bow all righty can you join yes you can it says server says all righty Check your stream delay first what do you mean there you I I just checked it there we go how fast was that permanently permanently sounds like a checked said he to three there I read that message right as it came in said he to three how fast was that was that

Pretty fast you stream delay test all guys guys you guys check ready ready ready stream delay test everyone say e 4 seconds there we go it’s 4 seconds for brsy so yeah yeah say look it looks like it’s 4 to7 seconds that’s not too bad all right 47 seconds all right it sounds

Good can’t wait for can’t wait to ban people yay guys remember okay there we go you can stop saying e now many times me can you stop like you don’t need to spam e just put it once guys don’t don’t spam when you going to end stream I don’t know I don’t know

Yet I’m having fun we’re all still having fun where’s Little Mac Little Mac left it’s very sad he left us if you want to see him another stream you know drop a like and sub anyways he had to go edit so he left us he was here for the

First like hour and 20 minutes though then ma did die so true the the fly in his room killed him I mean what all right I think we’re going to start now let’s let’s let’s start yeah remember guys no killing me guys do not shoot me

With the bow do not shoot anyone with the bow right do not shoot me with the bow do not shoot me with the bow do not all right guys do not shoot me with the bow and do not shoot other people unless I tell you to already not shoot

Me and do not shoot other people unless I tell you to all Righty don’t shoot wait it server says guys server says it server says let’s see if this works not work guys server says every follow me guys everyone follow me do not shoot guys I saw I saw someone shooting server says don’t where is that don’t shoot guys everyone over here everyone

Line up over here server says server says everyone line up right here like everyone line up over here in this Scrap ah R oh my someone ran oh my you guys I’m sorry Ren oh my gosh R ran in front of me you guys are so ah okay well we can’t do coordinate events you guys do not have brain cells oh my gosh oh

My we tried we we gave it a shot we gave it a shot we we tried guys you know we we I don’t know we tried all right well let’s do something mm now and then we’ll do a SkyWars or someone treasure Wars afterwards all let’s we

Tried give me the tag moderator please B bro you guys do not listen oh my gosh B yeah I’m going to kick him bro oh my gosh you guys I said yeah guys join through join through code code on the screen guys join up I’m Banning that one guy bounce say yeah

He’s not allowed to join oh my I’m Banning I’ll just ban him from this stream though I was from this stream I’ll be a nice person he he did techically punch me punch me and then shoot me he only he only sort a half this but he didn’t shoot me which is

True but he still punished me I said I said do not kill me and he killed me all righty it brought oh my gosh well we wait we tried doing a coordinate event guys we tried all this this will this a server says I want to see what

Game guys I’m making a poll server says um run from server every one gets a roll uh what’s last option run F run from Rosie guys join the custom join the custom guys if if if you don’t want to join vote vote on the PO pole po in chat in YT

Chat if you don’t want to play this feel free to stay chill in the Stream and wait until the next PVP game otherwise if you want to join play Feel Free V the pool to side what game this is yeah he actually supposed to be a full heart

Oh that’s not how Hive works well whatever whatever did I to one Punch when you ending stream yeah I yeah I don’t know I don’t know uh want to stream I don’t know yet in a bit and what says Rosie it’s wonderful hard on Prime say and fair says p is not showing up for me try scrolling away the pin message and it

Might show up I otherwi refresh stream just refresh stream yeah we’re going to start here guys in 30 seconds if you want to join looks like the game is for Server said yeah all right guys we’re doing server says again we’re trying it again we’re doing an mm server says an mm

Already how would Rosie say get more how run from Rosie get more votes than from the server that’s wild all right guys everyone line up by the pool everyone just line up by the pool I do that map again where’s Hotel where’s Hotel uh and then

Rolls who do I trust I trust Rosie Rosie you don’t do anything with that just hold on to it all right guys server says server says everyone line up by the pool all righty if if I say server says you know you obviously you do it if I don’t

Say server says you don’t do it yep pretty simple stream delay is at 5 seconds so so I’ll take that in mind all right let’s just let’s go guys every L up by the pool come to the pool guys come to the pool I do got the preset from Momo bro

Momo as line up by the pool server says server says everyone come down and line up by the pool server says make sure you have your stream stream open with audio up and make sure like you actually you know not rewind in the Stream whatever make sure you’re

Like had latest anyways you know what I mean make sure you’re no stream delay all right now everyone jump in the water Okay jump in the water now guys yeah from the past with it bro I pretty sure I saw you server never said guys server never said to jump in the

Water all right now server says find a chair server says find a chair you got find a chair nice nice nice now oh actually make sure you’re on the pool of chairs everyone get off your chairs and make sure you’re on only on the pool of chairs all right make sure

You’re don’t yeah make make sure you’re only on the pool of chairs did did this guy move did this guy move was he on the other chair okay why did you guys leave your okay yes I think you did also I never said server never said to leave server never

Said to leave your original chairs I’m you you got server never said to leave your original chairs I’m Prett sure this guy left too I saw ninja leave server never said to leave your original chairs you you shouldn’t have moved guys you guys got listen you didn’t say exactly I didn’t say server

Says exactly demo boy they I I told I said server says get on the chairs and then I didn’t server says for the rest of the stuff then it didn’t say server says for the rest of the stuff did you not leave I I thought I

Saw you I thought I saw you over here on these chairs and you moved server never said to get off the chair these chairs and you moved to these chaires oh my God where’s Little Mac Little Mac was just left to edit a little bit ago he went to edit if you

Want to come back though drop a like on the stream and sub he’ll come to Future streams yeah yeah whatever I see I’m bad at this guys all right I’m bad at this all right you guys want me to do this but I’m terrible at this game all right

You guys are too good at it all right server says server says stand over here server says stand over here just like server says come stand over here get off your chairs and come stand over here BR I’m so I’m sorry all right I’m sorry

Ninja I apologize I I’m doing my bet I’m bad at this game all right yeah I’m oh I’m sorry all the time I’m sorry I apologize I do my bad at this game all right now server says everyone jump start jumping already everyone start jumping server says everyone start jumping

Ser Little M left I still have 30 I fell off what what’s fing off what I’m so confused all right now server says Crouch server says Crouch let’s see if I get him you stopped I saw you he stopped okay that’s I’m sorry I’m sorry Prime fire I saw you stop for a second then you realized but all right all okay yall doing good okay let’s see what should we do now um server says you can stop Crouch

And you can stop jumping server says you’re Good now server says stand right here now server says stand right here on this exact block right here server says come stand right here child labor what tell money to get you a victory Crown go yeah now server says last one to me dies server says last one to me Dies no hey come back no don’t run away oh my gosh r no oh my guys okay Rosie can you actually no I give Rosie give Rosie ad oh my I should give Rosie admin whatever it doesn’t matter Whatever well GG’s those last four won Lady K timbery ridden and ATB congrats you guys are the last four I’m I’m terrible at this game I’m I’m very bad at doing that I apologize but yeah anyways what game now guys what game now I’ll make a little po

Thing my guys give me game options give me game options uh what give I’m give you game options say something tell me tell me what you want to play uh okay skin okay skin contest got you I got you run shield with me and Momo later

Should I wait isn’t there a q though isn’t there a super long a super long Q death tag I got you death T SkyWars death tag and I do server tag by the way server tag is SkyWars death tag with Max hearts and then what else you guys saying mm uh

Where well you know wait no we haven’t done OPG I’ll do OPG there you guys vote up on the poll I vote up on the poll go guys Vote Q’s done I think all right sure if the cues are done I can do some fortnite later I really got to record a new video though I yeah I’m really behind I’m slacking I just have no good video ideas I that’s probably the reason my videos

Aren’t doing as well as I hope CU my video days are kind of lacking so I’m not sure if I do something boring or if like I really don’t think I something more unique but vote up on the poll vote up on the poll I’m ending the poll in 10

No 20 seconds so if you want to vote hurry hurry vote up see say skin contest OPG better yeah skin I no Q demo W’s Banger video for you you want me to DM yeah well I I I okay demo I need some right now I I may still do documentaries

In the future I probably will but currently I’m trying to do every da the uploading and seeing how that’s going and I recently got on a thumbnail maker and not miss thumbnail maker can’t say who they are I recently got a thumbnail maker so that’s pretty cool so hopefully

My CTR can go up on my videos but part my CTR is bad cuz I bad thumbnails which is going to be fixed soon but my my titles are just very boring not my ideas for videos are very like lacking so any better some any better challenge ideas

Like any video ideas kind of like what quintar and Casey were doing any videos like that but unique if you have any demo please DM me and if anyone watching has any video ideas challenge I don’t know challenges something goofy you know if you want me to see play with some

YouTubers or doing some crazy challenge with which with a certain mouse or something like that please join my Discord server tell me in video ideas ping me yeah I I’m open to W video ideas or if you don’t have Discord tell me right now uh but I might forget if you

Tell me right now should be me and demo wi do you know I could be a second on channel B you never know all right uh new game new game new game skin contest all right let’s do it okay guys here’s how this is going to work um every where

Your best skin SL costume everyone your best skin SL costume all righty um the best the the best costume I mean the best skin will get the messages pinned to the top for 5 minutes all right yeah a little little reward it’s not much but

A little reward it can be self promo can be anything you want just obviously not like you know no like bad words and no links um yeah also cont guys let’s do it contest we got to do it it’s best yes uh hi Sky but food eating

As n that go crazy all right guys on the screen if you want to join skin contest join up also this a little bit like you know personal preference should I Addy BR you how how long have you been coming around for I don’t remember has been coming around for a long

Time I remember I think so right I’m adding I don’t care who’s o what who is U kitten 1428 68 bro who is that n someone I changed their name no I would never add somethingone like that who changed their name uh I’m in the restroom bro what you watch

My stream video yeah let’s ask you random experiment sub to server so true also there’s code by the way code guys join up join the game guys code on the screen right here guys code on the screen join the game uppercase y lowercase k uppercase V H uppercase F uppercase P

Join up also turn notifications on like and sub no notifications anyways I’ll stop let me server DM’s all right give me a second yo do8 demo what happened to do8 he left us he promised weekly streams he abandoned us demo oh my gosh can’t

Believe D oh my gosh this guy I gave him all my money anyways he still didn’t stream can’t believe him Kyo uh all these people are like OG people lemon John 101 remember him this a weirdo Little Mac oh my gosh what a weirdo ah

You see all people I know on here that’s the problem I know every I find list that’s the thing they’re all like old friends you know who’s this guy I don’t know I can always read him later if if I if I add you by mistake

Guys if I un add you by mistake I guys codee’s right here I already said it out loud and code is right here join the game guys it’s skin contest if yeah put your best SL costume on and winner gets the message pin at the top give me

Shareff sure guys join the custom the code is right here all right I’m trying to add bruy though what is this user again oh my God brutii add actually think you’re ingame user the same as your chat user there you go W’s friend me uh if watching streams

Consistently for a couple months like your active chatter and actively join the game so they I’ll add you U or if you become a channel member can you also can you add me I added him because brisy has been a supporter he’s watching my streams for several several months he’s been active

And he’s been nice and he’s been you know a nice chatter and helpful yes I’m also on W’s where’s Little Mac little Hey Little Mac had to go he had to go edit but I I just too much work to change the thumbnail you know me it’s I yeah it

Take me too long to change the thumbnail and you guys don’t yeah it’s too yeah it take too long all right Um I’m going to do the same map again cuz yeah everyone L up by the pool again P best skin SL costume on I’m going to say one more time who wanted Sheriff I don’t I don’t remember who wanted Sheriff this Sky sure I’ll give sketchy Sheriff sketchy don’t do anything with

It obviously just hold on to it and yeah best costume server uh give her the share she is TR trustworthy I don’t want to you doing whatja did H sketchy we can trust you right sketchy what is that wait bro please wait what oh what I’m confused loud huh

Actually I’m trusting you yeah it got is costume or skin right guys it can be a costume or a skin cuz not not everyone has a lot of costumes PVP after sure a PVP game after all right guys uh start loud okay yeah make sure you have a good skin SL costume

On all right everyone come to come to the pool come to the pool every line up guys every line up along this pool every every line up in an orderly fashion make sure to give a person next to you space cuz if they die you don’t want to die as

Well the movement is crazy can you check oh my gosh fine I’ll check DMS guys line up oh my gosh stop yelling at me what the freak do you send me what the hell I’m not reading all that I’ll read that later I I just saw the video sent me now I’m disturbed

Okay okay guys you’re way down here can you go to that or whatever go down there whatever I guess to live for now you’re goofy uh this guy is going live I guess this guy is unique uh no I’m sorryy I really do I

Feel bro I’m sorry I feel so bad Ro you can I have to eliminate people guys it’s the game I have to eliminate people get back in the line get back in the line oh my gosh you’re you’re you’re wearing the server game in SK you get to

Live it’s kind of funny I like that guy I you live for now can’t I guess you don’t live I see this one way too much I’m sorry uh I like yours it’s not Halloween yeah sure you’re funny I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure it’s a default skin so you’re going to

Die okay you scared me I’m sorry loud I’m sorry you scared me stupid is insane to me I’ll look at it in a second loud it’s the game I have to eliminate people loud all guys I got listen I love wait where my key I love everyone’s skin here all right everyone

Here has a cool unique skin all right but I have to eliminate people it’s the game I have to get through people all right it’s the Game I’m I’m sorry life chill not life loud to chill I’m sorry you can live for now I guess yeah you’re kind of cool you’re in the server game you can live Rosie I guess it’s Unique gu is funny so heal it for now too plain I’m sorry it’s

It’s a tiny skin so I don’t know I guess for now you can live that’s that’s still a good Christmas skin and that’s hilarious let that stay what let what stay uh sorry I’m sorry that’s a waffle I like waffles uh that’s H style it’s fine I guess it’s Unique this is loud

Bro BR loud chill loud it’s the game oh my gosh I’m sorry I’m sorry Ry I can’t be biased I’m sorry that server gam also can’t be biased also the face is way too big nibble scuffed my face up so badly Ser IGN I’m not ignoring you R your last

Sorry I’m sorry uh was last message uh yeah I got a banger the story when I mute when I muted rden twice and then shot him in SG server says bro I’m sorry r I I didn’t shoot you I accidentally tapped you I accidentally tapped you and

Since it was only half heart I killed you I’m sorry I I should have did a full heart I didn’t realize I’m sorry it’s wor I’m doing the game I apologize I have anger issues I’m sorry loud okay um uh it’s a good it’s actually it’s good never mind I can’t kill

You too much green you’re so funny it’s that tiny skin also get a little Clos together don’t spread out so much H I almost don’t hiding I think we’re good all right uh I should kill one more person they let you guys aside uh and uh who should I

Kill Christmas one’s good that one’s also kind of funny this could this one could be better I’m sorry guys get little closer together please get little closer to together I’m not sure that tin can win like come on come over here waffle man come over here uh who’s the last guy this one’s

Kind of goofy uh I’m sorry lady K I apologize you’re a tiny skin I’m not sure I went I can’t be breaking High rules all right guys who wins guys who wins guys who wins guys who wins waffles um ridden or banana waffles ridden or banana I’m

Calling this guy waffle waffles r or banana which guy what guy wins what guy wins who wins guys tell me hurry 20 seconds guys hurry just say it once just say it once waffles Ren or banana okay see I see two riddens you you got to

Pick someone don’t say none of them guys just pick someone please I know you’re not I know you didn’t I know you might not be there but pick someone Ren r i see a lot of R yo s s horse welcome to the stream s horse how you doing I see a

Lot of Rens I uh I see a lot of waffles as well um let me count it up real quick one one banana two banana uh let me see three B I see three bananas um let me see W I’s see one wa let me see I’m start from the top uh

Waffles I only see one waffle two waffle three waffle I see three waffles I see one ridden I see two ridden I see three ridden four I think ridden wins I see I see a lot of riddin I actually going to say ridden wins I

See most a lot of riddin it it was pretty close though guys that was pretty close Okay Ren what message you want pinned you want say a message I’ll pin it to the top for 5 minutes congrats guys all those Skins are good they’re

All amazing but I had to get I had to pick go down to one winner and looks like guys like ridden so w w Christmas againin congrats congrats rden oh my go just do a pole I want I want to move on to our game though it also doesn’t matter that

Much it’s just like a little contest it doesn’t matter that much not that deep just little Minecraft skin contest you know the rain what the what the rain is so scuffed what all right let’s do that was the worst Co what costume wins I don’t know it was it

Was a good Christmas skin also I saw like four or five people say ridden so that’s what I’m doing TNT is cool all right there we go guys guys doesn’t matter that much a little contest all right chill out it’s just a little Minecraft contest it’s not that deep um let’s

Do what I’m make a really fast pull really fast guys trust really fast really fast op uh op op skywar op SkyWars we’ll do op SG we will do uh we’ll do death tag Sky SkyWars SkyWars death tag Sumo do CTF BR CTF takes so long though

You know what you know fine I’ll add it see free shop CTF what there we go there we go if it goes longer than 8 minutes though I’m ending the game how about that if people start leaving Bard him I’m ending the CTF game if it wins all

Right and also I free CTF I free shop right if CTF wins I’m ending the game right like if the game does not end in less than like seven minutes I’m going to end it myself because and call like whoever wins whoever’s closer or winning winning because CTF lit takes two

Trillion years all right to play why is CTF winning guys don’t vote CTF stop it bad no oh my gosh you guys are goofballs stop voting CTF it’s bad it says free yeah free win for no my I meant free shop I I for had the shop

Part I was lazy guys you know what I mean it means free shop free means yeah you understand what I mean you get the message you just you just can’t change hardly any settings in CTF though and it gets very and it takes forever to play

You know what we play I haven’t I haven’t a free shop to CTF in like months and if you guys really want it I’ll do it a one time thing one time server gaming free shop CTF experience whatever you guys know what I mean why why is AP

Guy oh oh my you not can you not spam me if invites please uh what experimental CH what’s that mean I don’t know what that means uh where is where’s custom server there we go OB Sky wins as I’ll give you 10 more seconds guys 10 more seconds to vote 10 more

Seconds to vote 10 more seconds to vote um Little Mac is here little who is Little Mac Little Mac just went to go edit a little bit ago but I I don’t what’s it called it Chang changing the thumbnail is too much work but Little Mac Little Mac was here for the first

Like hour and a half and he went to go edit if you wanted to come back for another stream though drop a like and sub and he’ll come back for another stream in the future who is Little Mac uh he’s an upcoming High creator with probably some of the most unique videos

Currently he’s a very W person guy too bad okay we’re doing SkyWars it’s winning I guess I’ll I I’ll free shop CTF to the next poll as well though so don’t worry if you want to play that I’ll add to the next poll we’ll do squads so why not AR what’s up

Welcome to the stream how you doing welcome welcome too many servers made yo um loud can you make a op for me please thank you please I need help skars yeah CTF CTF lost but we can I can use CTF here in a bit if you if you guys

Don’t want to play that I’ll do it in a bit Oneal more Big Mac that’s wild hello best hi Creator right now yeah little ma actually well I don’t know I’m not going to say fa but Little Mac is probably popping off he’s he’s he’s

Going to get YouTube R soon and he’s a right Future No CTF I’ll do CTF in a bit I’m sorry oh wait I have my custom servers oh my oh I swe I have it off yeah bro what is that timing seriously I had I oh my what

Is that timing that is so unfortunate for me thank you loud appreciate it that timing was Goofy oh my gosh T I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry who is this guy thank you open do all guys join three friend list guys join three friend

List open du all code will be up here in 10 seconds make sure North America region TNT is not cool Bro could do it oh my bad that’s good it’s fine I already got allowed to do it thanks for thanks for offering though guys the code is up code is up right now here we go join the game uppercase Z lowercase G lowercase x lowercase R uppercase R lowercase I mean uppercase M

Upe them at the end my bad you guys can see it whatever you’re fine am I toggled off no I’m togg online I’m to online cuz you’re not on on friends this what yeah because I don’t I don’t probably have you added I don’t have you added what’s up okay I

Feel like so many people get confused by this I say join through your friends list if you’re on it if you’re on my friends list you can join through it I have some like the people that watch my streams all the time I have them added

Or if your member I have you added um but if you’re not on a member you don’t have me added that’s completely fine you know what I mean what’s called you just wait like 5 to 10 seconds and then I’ll put code up all right like yeah just

Chill for like 10 seconds and I’ll put code up yo big G is cool oh my gosh I know like what’s up big G by and look like that I don’t know man I don’t know it’s just Minecraft font I think I think there anything different than normal Font insant kid Cheats by the way I think so uh he might I don’t know he’s level 19 I don’t know I I haven’t fought him yet so I don’t know and no one else called him out I don’t know I’ll see I’ll I’ll see if anyone

Calls him out for Chey I’m in all I’ll see if anyone call him cheatting maybe or whatever I’ll fight him let see actually cheating guys this is Opie SkyWars if you want to join op SkyWars and join up and join up join up join up yeah why are you in North America I

Don’t know because I live in North America so I’m in I’m in North America region I don’t know I don’t tell you be honest I don’t even know how we joined L that’s crazy also yeah I know the message out of order but it’s fine Asian yeah I’m an Asian I’m streaming

And they region yep 100% gas he is back oh my gosh his little MC guys he’s back oh my you guys TI to editing my te that’s pretty crazy my B bro Is back crazy it called mini Tasmanian why did you message me in Discord beat me in Skywars what is that supposed to mean is Asian what is Asian I think it is yeah everyone join that wants to I’m going to start I think we’re going to start Here found the Hub a few days ago Little Mac is everywhere all right good look guys you got big G on our team we’re going to win this big G is going to carry just sping song bye bye ran thank you for being here have a fantastic day thanks scking

The stream I appreciate it hope you had a fun time here I Dro My pickaxe I’m so smart also new video probably tomorrow no guarantee but probably the video is done I’m just waiting on the thumbnail maker whenever whenever the thumbnail gets done should be tomorrow if he gets it done And no stuff no oh why is there no stuff here I need stuff oh why is it only giving me boots and the helmets no this is so tragic and I’m going to sleep I live in y oh okay well good night then oh there’s a helmet thank you for giving me Stuff I don’t I need leggings though do they have leggings it says invalid IP address why impal what shouldn’t say invalid IP address if it says that it probably is because you’re either not in an NA region or it’s because you type the code in wrong probably because you had the code wrong

That’s probably the main reason got to make sure you have all the capitalization and spacing correct and all that kind of stuff you to have it exactly like how I tell you if that makes sense I guess I’m not playing I guess wait I guess I’m playing cubecraft

What well you got to make sure you like capitalization is basically correct I to tell you if it says that it’s yeah probably all probably because you have the capitation wrong I don’t know it’s easy to type the code wrong I’ve done that a bunch of times myself like if you

Accidentally like have caps lock on or you just click one wrong um what’s it called button I you have it wrong yo thank you for the blocks I appreciate it just you want to fight no okay then I’ll fight someone else pack is server gaming 2K it’s my 2K

Texture pack you should go download it the Link’s in the description if you want to get it for yourself yeah Link in the description go download it guys it’s the best default edit of 2023 trust it’s like it’s like the perfect pack for everything the armor is custom shaded by

Hand not by my hands by someone else’s hands but it’s custom shaded which is pretty cool ah stop drawing loud oh my gosh stop being good blocking I’m pretty sure L’s been here the whole stream what a legend And I think has been here almost the whole stream as well you’re also Legend Bry okay I got to run you guys are beating me up oh my gosh no one saw that um I decided to come back yo welcome back wolf welcome welcome back oh what it’s really well made thank you

Yeah I didn’t make it someone called Gabe did he he made a bunch of other texture pack for other people as well gab is a very cool texture pack maker uhoh oh I Ste that kill hey wait a minute wait a minute you went through that our account name

Yo that’s very cool I don’t know why but for some reason I love I love users of three lat account names they’re very clean I don’t know why is there an ad no are Recs yeah there might be Recs actually maybe maybe Well normally default edits don’t do recolors but maybe for

2.5k I could get the guy to do recolors no promises though we’ll see what happen I I may do a whole new texture pack for 2.5k kind have to see how fast we get there and how much channel is doing and all that kind of Stuff they should drop a sub we to 2.5k Get out of here wait by the way I won the tournament the other day the tournament I just ah that was awkward which tournament what tournament what what tourament was there there uh which tourament was there there oh the basketball one okay I’m sorry loud I’m slow um basketball one yo congrats on

Winning I just cracked at basketball guys massive W nice work cloud like the MC and basketball what a w only have two arrows this unfortunate Who am I fighting right now I did get dunk though you know it happens it happens the point is you won that means you must have contributed and that means you’re a goated player yes I tall you he must be pretty tall if he’s playing basketball it must be

Taller than demo boy that’s all I know I got to stop bullying demo oh my gosh I have a problem get over here never mind your AFK you want to fight py oh oh can you give me those likings please sir sir can you give me those Lings please sir

Sir he took the leggings he took the leggings oh my sir I want those leggings you you took the leggings oh my oh my gosh whatever it’s fine no I’m going to Simo you oh my God sorry BR rolling you oh my I got to feel bad I apologize guys you gave you

Tried to give me the leggings and I home sorry no I’m over 511 you’re W’s I feel is wild you’re like 411 shush demo I know you’re saying that because you’re 411 ha I don’t know I don’t know why I said hi I wasn’t even a roast um oh wait do you have

Leggings wait no no give me leggings no this guy took the leggings bro this guy took my leggings oh my guys you got stop stealing stuff you ever heard stealing is bad stop stealing no I’m in half a heart uhoh uhoh spaghetti good you’re not funny don’t

Say the what the lord’s name in what what did I say what did I say oh I died it I CED that what did I say bro like me you ever six fo for real for real And I’m sorry I’m sorry chill chill chill chill I’m sorry I’m sorry for This yo yo yo take take these gapples in turn oh oh oh okay you can have the boom box actually not here right wait actually go take take those dou use thank you so much thank you so much the game’s almost over but still I appreciate it yo I’m going arrows

Now everyone to fight do you want to fight you want you want to fight you want a Sumo no I no do you want a Sumo game is almost over come on let’s fight come on let’s go oh my gosh I real quick oh my gosh timing hits GG’s

Hello yeah hello why say hello oh server uh what did wait what did y’all do when I was gone uh not much we just I don’t need it much much we just more played I don’t know you can we the stream to see the games we played I already forgot what we

Played pack server gaming 2K texture pack Link in description if you want want to download it guys download this pack download this pack it’s it’s a banger pack it’s the best defal edit of 2023 trust pack Link in the description top of the description and go download

It also as long as you’re in my description you should join my Discord server as long as you’re down there if you’re a YouTuber you get a YouTuber rooll if you have over 250 Subs give you a YouTuber role a bunch of cool roles you just join it don’t even question it

Also a Nitro giveaway Nitro giveaway happening right now in my discords Nitro Basics I’m po but still Nitro I think inspect yeah I don’t know people saying cheat you might I don’t know W uh what’s I don’t I prefer not to share my religion just best to stay

Neutral on stop on top looks like that the server all right see you later rden thanks so much for being here guys what game should you play guys what game guys tell me a game tell me a game should just CTF yeah CT wait CTF u a quick little pool what

Game uh I’m going to do op I said op that’s G I’ll do no I’ll do free free I guess they wanted it last time free shop CTF I guess cuz I all did well last time and then I’ll do server tag SkyWars server tag by the way is

Death tag with Max hearts and then last game option will be this song is horrendous hold on I got to change This you’re such a good listen no not ads bro stop giving me all these ads hold guys technical difficulties there we go better better song Let’s do op block drop guys hurry guys V open the pole guys V open the pole hurry guys vote vote votee Guys open on the pole vote fast

Also need water I’m out of water again this is tragic Amer what I I read that oh my gosh have to go download the pack all W’s what you want me to make uh hold on let’s see what the poll says no loud we already tried that I no

Maybe maybe another time but not today we we already tried it once today that was enough also already services in m one Ser say enough per stream I’m terrible at it you guys always want it but I’m not good at server say I’m St it’s gapple I know that

Guy end in the pool in 10 seconds guys hurry and vote in the poll in chat hurry and vote Wars that could work well uh maybe yeah I don’t know the main problem is that like at the point of the game is to have low Hearts then you know you like shoot

People and eliminate them but as if you have low Hearts also you can die very fast and so one person doesn’t listen they can ruin the whole game it’s kind of hard bye all right bye glitch thanks for being here have a fantastic day guys vote on the poll I’m going go

Stream but I want to stay here stre okay sounds good yeah I’ll probably here actually I I’m going to DM you I’m Ending I DM right don’t I wait no not wait Li not have you in the MS wait L are you my Discord server are you my Discord server I don’t think I have you my DMs I don’t think I do I am what here DM me send me a DM but then I can like reply to you just send me something uh where’s the OPG OPG now oh yeah loud can you make one loud can you make one real quick oh my gosh already forgot I’m a Genius should hold up all right guys we doing Ops G make sure North America region hold on I close my to rip what up a second guys we’re do ops G but yeah uh uh do solos solos first yeah OBG teams here’s the thing well actually maybe we

Could do OBG teams yeah I mean you could do that we’ll see let’s see we play a join first though have to see all guys I’ll wait loud Yeah all right oh whatever wait uh can I have op maybe maybe maybe all right guys the code is six I well here I there we go I like to there open to all guys open to All Join the friend list if you’re my friends list code will

Be up here in a second I just want the friends to join you know first that’s easier for them and all That there we go join up guys join up lowercase Q uppercase h51 lowercase o lowercase m join the game codes on the screen OPG it’s fun join the game yeah yeah Uh no I I give meing loud Guys join up join up join up a little custom on yeah join through code custom yeah Jo up I need P H I’ve been streaming I’ll be streaming for almost 3 hours yeah I’m hungry and thirsty tr get a little bit of headache so yeah also I really need like give away some food and work on some videos Uh um um um bro I folded uh it’s all Right allor right Ser it’s all right loud it’s all right sorry guys loud got loud game crashed technical difficulties technical difficulties yo yo hello crazy crazy indeed I was crazy once locked me a room room rats or rats I’m sorry def got that stuck in my head oh my gosh I can’t believe

Effect Uh sorry about that guys here rejoin real quick apologies I owner though first owner thank you guys join the friend list join the friend list join the friends list there we go There we go guys C down the screen seven up seven lowercase H lowercase k uppercase X lower case Q zero I mean o lower lowercase o guys lowercase o lower case o at the end no zero lower case so get Little Mac out here out of here well

Little Mac already kind of left lose he was here for like an hour and a half hour 45 minutes and then he had to then he wanted to go edit but yet I but it’s too much work to change the thumbnail if I change the title I also have to change

The thumbnail and that would take too long so I’m just keeping it the same I click baed you I’m sorry BL I I’m sorry I lo I click I’m downloading the pack all it sounds good everyone download the pack Link in the description only real ones have the Pack download Little Mac Little

Mac it’s my time to shine BL if you want to join you can oh yeah Blues is the new fortnite update good I heard people saying it’s bad no no no no should I download a new update or should I just wait till next season or next

Chapter sup yo welcome to the stream how you Doing oh fishy yo welcome to stream how you doing yeah it’s fire W’s yeah I’ll try it out then uh running sucks what’s how do they wreck the running bro what how how what I don’t understand that way they wreck the running stting the game in 30 seconds if

You want to play please join or tell me to wait a minute yeah how many time is bro ninja n ninja stop gaslighting me bro you you don’t have me added in Discord ninja join my Discord server right now now and I’ll add you to VC right now do

It Ninja join Discord server right now and add me and I’ll add you to VC right now do it then join the Discord right now do it right now actually serious n do it to have done how am I gra bro join join the VC n n join the VC bro not you’re

Growling oh my gosh join the VC if you’re actually serious you’re in the VC yeah huh do it do it Ninja do it Ninja let’s on toast toast is delicious I love toast eggs and toast is great oh yeah yeah some some crispy bread with a

Little bit of butter and uh a little bit of butter and garlic guys a little bit of garlic and butter maybe maybe a little cheese you know if it’s a special day throw some cheese on there get some eggs oh Perfection I’m telling you just

Try sometime how do I join the VC I mean what’s it called one second uh well BL placement instead of Little Mac there we go this is the new Little Mac guys that’s what server gaming just told me no don’t shush sh shh don’t know all where that yo

F now welcome to the club I mean what what this is Little Mac enemy so true oh man I should say that I sh with little Max greatest with little Max greatest enemy oh my gosh that be all right let’s start this game I’m just going be playing some

Fortnite playing some fortnite you’re fortn iting in the victory Roy what level are you already six good that’s grass oh my God start getting for my downfall why need bro he get confronted he just starts to dodge like for real for real now we should out ninja someone expose Him what for being Ninja when do I start or you start yeah I started we’re good One Second there we go live check by the way Uh Yeah oh it’s like the game is so much more different there we go ow how did they change it that much though just one little update it’s ah I can’t sleep oh man I got Prime two bred up I I got Prime Fire 2 bred up our

Stream our stream was too chaotic and it’s chaotic now we can’t sleep I’m I’m sorry Prime fire I apologize Prime fire if you can’t go to sleep then just go to sleep it’s that easy oh man or just like if you have melatonin in your house just like eat all of it

Okay no what what did you just say if there’s melatonin in your house not Mel nah what’s your opinion on cream cheese I haven’t had cream cheese in a very long time so I don’t have an opinion on it I haven’t had cream cheese in a while

It’s good though I think cream cheese on bag is good iate if if you please do not actually eat all the melatonin in your house bro no don’t do it BL you’re going cancel BL please don’t down no I said please don’t Prime fire Prime fire Blues is high don’t listen to

Him he’s high on Skittles he’s high in Skittles oh my gosh look at you done now BL I said please don’t but then you cut me off on the stream and oh my gosh look those guy is done what did I walk [Laughter] into ah n what’s up Daniel gave blue

Some Skittles I think Ser explains I see I bring Blues into the stream and now this is H what’s happening it’s not my fault guys I mean it is but it isn’t my fault is your fault you’re right I should I you join this what do you mean cancell we should

Cancel Blues you’re right so true though guys all can can we get I in sh for canceling Blues I in sh canceling Blues what are you thinking all right demo my wants to canel lose that’s great hey yay I and Dave wants to cancel you okay

Then okay what about what about one more personil man is being spammed oh my no the new was oh my bro I’m not mean I just had an energy drink maybe that’s why yeah doing an En drink for fortnite that’s crazy no no I you’re active sweating right now in for fortnite

Energy drinks 100% I had Sports oh okay did you win you’ll never know oh okay then he didn’t win guys this is tragic rip in chat lost I lost I lost this this is this is tragic this is he’s highing energy drinks oh my gosh for real my is

93% W W’s indeed it’s a great day my 93% how did you just lose like almost all my health that what the Heck oh my gosh I got to kill you now you jump Me oh don’t put me on cobwebs just explain I am not Little Mac okay I’m not no no no this guys this is little Mac’s greatest enemy Little Mac Little Mac go edit so we little Max greatest enemy instead yes guys you want to join the

Game and see if you can beat little Max’s greatest enemy yeah he’s not he’s not in the games but you know that makes sense yes we One V one me in fortnite yeah who want one one little Max greatest enemy in fortnite yeah any any any takers any

Takers I’ll say GG’s to that guy also everyone’s right here right now oh my gosh They changed like half of the UI really yeah that’s weird same side inventory though right I am high on soda that’s goofy what is that emoji oh that emoji looks so scuffed whatever Emoji just put it looks so scuffed on PC oh my gosh I Don’t I don’t play fortnite but I do have an account W’s what what did I just say I don’t know that was SC all right see little loud yo loud send me your stream link for no reason whatsoever oh no no it’s not good no no no no no no no no no No I shot myself on cobwebs I’m I’m very intelligent W oh oh don’t start swinging don’t do it don’t do it you why you start swinging when we’re inside oh my gosh touch a goofball W sorry we’re still I am still alive hey we’re doing well

Man I got take advantage of it I’m not Little Mac Little Mac turned into little Mac’s greatest enemy okay into we slowly transition from Little ma to Little ma enemy yeah it wasn’t even slowly quickly revive into Kirby music I think yeah wait is this Kirby

Music uh music we okay right now we got some Super Smash Bros Super Mario we got everything we got zeld some Z Legend of Zelda music oh my gosh we got over theme Overworld theme Super Mario oh my gosh we got everything right now we got Super Mario Galaxy Sonic yeah we got

Everything right now this is the ultimate Playlist oh my Gosh also so I check my I’m check my CPS and CPS test because I’ve been playing Minecraft now for 3 hours I get butter T so fast that I should I think I’m my game is bugging sorry it’s fortnite I don’t what else to tell you stuck in the stupid

Cobb server now whenever you’re doing like now whenever you’re doing like the average pace inside like fortnite when you’re like just like walking no when you’re running but you’re not walking nor you’re not sprinting it it’s basically just like walking it’s so goofy that’s so

Weird you move like not even a mile per hour BR that’s dumb yeah I’m clicking I’m clicking yeah I’m clicking what’s it called 15 to 18 CPS right now who who knews the high CPS was just playing Minecraft for like 3 hours straight actually kind I add you what am bro what just

What J’s murderer I support this that’s me I support it that boy One V one rival of random player what that’s not English now I’m going start a debate Zelda was mid that’s that’s some questionable stuff right there you cancel L play fortnite with me and demo

Please do public mm why public mm what also I’m trying to decide what I should do when bed comes out do I stream it do I stream it every day for 12 hours straight or or until I Max it or do I grind out videos on it I really want to

Max out fast and streaming but at the same time I also think video would be really like good for that channel cuz it’s I think I think it’s going oversaturated really fast Al GG whoever one I didn’t even see you make a video quick and profit yeah I don’t know I probably make

Like one video on it first one one like a news video then I’ll grind it for a bit and then I’ll like start making it I don’t know we’ll see what happens anyways um uh what’s the what’s the word going say did you send me the link I think you did

Uh I was playing my wrestling game and I hit a five wolf bites Spear and I and I still lost that’s rip that’s unfortunate oh my God Ser gaming guess what just happened that’s unfortunate wolf server guess what just happened thaty really good what happened Blues rubel YouTube

Just joined my fortnite party that’s goofy I forgot that had rixel YouTube added his name rixel YouTube that’s his name on fortnite he what’s up y fortnite requests play I’m like freezing inside my room right now that’s unfortunate uh can you my friend request uh sir need 23 more

Subs or 13 also yes stream bedw War when it comes out gaming I will come after the short message all right sounds good Dave yo yo Bob what’s up Bob it’s kind of unfortunate timing because I’m ending stream right now I’m sorry Bob I apologize but yeah I’m sorry Bob yeah

Every guys every say server gamer guys everyone spam server gamer L chat’s been here the whole stream’s an amazing guy he’s yeah he’s here the whole time go to Ser game support him you can play with him if you want he’s probably doing parties or cs’s I don’t know he’s doing

Something cool yeah thank you for being here uh I’ll be streaming again probably Tuesday so if you want to play join in on Tuesday stream no no promises but probably Tuesday also hope video either tomorrow or Tuesday yeah all right guys thanks for being here let’s for game

Raid like And subscribe all the cool stuff thank you all for 140 views on the stream 45 likes and average of 25 to 40 viewers this stream actually popped off so I thank you all for the support Little Mac maybe back in the future we’ll have to see if I can weasel him

Back into the stream I don’t know we’ll see what happens anyways I’ll see you on the next stream bye-bye guys byebye oh yeah I think also thank you to is Nutella uh and Nick beefy for donating all right byebye bye

This video, titled ‘Hive Live But With LILMAC!! (Customs With YOU!!)’, was uploaded by Server Gaming on 2023-12-03 23:06:51. It has garnered 577 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:21 or 11421 seconds.

Hive With Viewers | Customs And Parties | Minecraft Bedrock!!

2k Texture Pack!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e8OznbGQm4&t=154s

• memberships – https://www.youtube.com/@ServerGaming/join

• join the discord – https://discord.gg/5kyzAMYVWB

• follow my kick – https://kick.com/servergaming

• follow my twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/itzserver

• my second channel – @ServerExtras

channel banner made by @_pup_

The Hive Live With Viewers! I’m a hive content creator and in my streams we play Minecraft and mainly the Minecraft Bedrock server The Hive and Zeqa. Some other people that stream hive are Tman1010, GM19, Evident, Rubixle DannyIsDahBomb, Slenderguy, PrimeStrat, Fair Rose, and I also make videos about pvp, commentaries, pack folders, montage’s and much more on the hive Minecraft bedrock server. some other youtubers that also make videos on hive mcpe/mcbe are CmanWizard, Osian, FreshThePig, WspDaniel, Icynutella, lil tub bubble, lil mac, ignacioblade, Diecies, and many more.

#hivelivestream #minecraft #live #thehive #hivemc #minecraftbedrock #zeqa

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    "Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!" #minecraft #moddedminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gotta Catch Em All!! #minecraft #moddedminecraft #cobblemon’, was uploaded by Krimsy on 2024-01-31 18:00:03. It has garnered 2506 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Hello Everyone! I am Krimsy and I am a Minecraft youtuber. I Upload multiple things such as stream highlights (I stream on Youtube now, either this channel for Minecraft or my 2nd channel for other content) and even other things such as Lucky Block Battles, Letsplays, some 100 days, and even My favorite, Minecraft videos with a twist! Maybe more things in the… Read More

  • DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE 🔥

    DOLT is Losing His Mind! Insane DC Driving LIVE 🔥Video Information तो गाइस कैसे हो वेलकम बैक टू अने वाला ह डॉक्टर [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] अ च [संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] भा [संगीत] हाट एमपी ऑन करो भाई ठीक है आप आप जाके खेलो मैं हा ऑन कर रहा व न है यार शायद तक मैं अभी देखा हूं छोटू भाई खेल रहे थेम में शायद ओके ऑन नहीं है चलो भाई मैंने ऑन कर दिया है ओके ओ [संगीत] यार भाई बहुत अच्छा है [संगीत] आप लिया कैसे क्या [हंसी] ओ माय गॉड क्या खतरनाक ड भी बहुत करते है 80 नहीं दो भगाए ये ट्रक भी ना स्पीड… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!

    EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!Video Information Minecraft Manhunt but I get to play as overpowered superheroes I put together a special movie just for you guys to Showcase my best superheroes that I’ve ever morphed into so grab yourself a cookie and find a comfy spot because you are about to watch the most epic superhero Manhunt in Minecraft history it’s hunting time siren let’s get him atam we’re the Scarlet Witch my friends are hunting me down right now as two women where is he we got to get a wood and we got to get out of here quick click take all… Read More

  • INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO – MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayer

    INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO - MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘how girl build house and……….#minecraft #demonslayer #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMING WITH SADDIN on 2024-02-17 12:23:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft – Omz Roblox Exposed

    Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft - Omz Roblox ExposedVideo Information today me and my friends are going to be trying to beat Minecraft but what they don’t know is I have access to all commands like game mode creative and I’m going to be pranking them with all of these awesome items they’re going to have no idea I’m cheating so are you guys ready for this awesome survival Minecraft enjoyable experience sersi I’m already on my grind getting some wood yeah everyone we have to get some W Heather buy the wood Alexa buy the wood I’m going to go into this villager’s house and see if… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2012 VS 2022’, was uploaded by Woggy Man on 2024-03-24 15:41:07. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos, uberhaxornova,… Read More

  • Pvp Legends

    Pvp LegendsWelcome to our Minecraft Factions server! Immerse yourself in a dynamic and competitive world where alliances are forged, battles are waged, and land is conquered. Build your faction, strategize with allies, and engage in epic PvP encounters. Join us for an exhilarating experience where survival depends on both skill and cunning. Will your faction rise to dominance, or will you succumb to the challenges of this unforgiving landscape? Join now and embark on an adventure like no other! Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Welcome to Deep Season SMP! Hello, Deep Season is striving to create a hermitcraft-like SMP, with a community of active players of all types. We are creating a chill environment where people have the opportunity to create cool things and have fun together. About the Server: The 1.20.6 server officially launched about a week ago on a fresh map. Our shopping district is still in its infancy and the end is locked until next Saturday, so there will be plenty of time to catch up. The server is mostly vanilla, with just a few additions: A few vanilla tweaks datapacks… Read More

  • Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}

    Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}🌐 Server IP: play.bucketry.netDiscord: https://discord.gg/eZXqDPj3kEWelcome to Bucketry Minecraft, where the most epic Minecraft adventure of your life awaits! 🌟🌍 Explore a world filled with endless possibilities and challenges, where survival is just the beginning. Here’s a taste of what Bucketry Minecraft has in store for you:🏰 Progression System: Ascend the ranks, conquer challenges, and become a legendary player in our immersive world.🛒 Shops Galore: Build your empire with a plethora of server and player shops, where treasures and riches await your discovery.💼 Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills to stand out in the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!

    Minecraft Memes - 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!That’s a lot of textures for a game where everything is made of blocks! Maybe they should add a texture for every type of dirt block too. Read More

  • Mob Mysteries: Minecraft’s Savior Lore

    Mob Mysteries: Minecraft's Savior Lore In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of ancient Builders and their trials bold. The trial Chambers, a place of training, For soldiers to fight, their skills attaining. The breeze, a mob with wind charge might, Designed by Builders, to train for the fight. Illagers, allies in this grand scheme, Providing magic and items, like a dream. Crossbows and axes, rewards to gain, From completing trials, a victory to claim. The illagers, a crucial part, In creating the breeze, with a magical art. From Gail Sanctum to trial Chambers deep, The collaboration of friends, secrets to keep. A… Read More

  • Minecraft meme on fire!

    Minecraft meme on fire! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft

    Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft Enhancing the Farm: Day 10 in Better Minecraft On Day 10 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid explorer set out to improve the farm by adding a touch of natural beauty. Armed with a variety of materials and a creative vision, the farm was about to undergo a stunning transformation. Materials Used: Spruce Fence Dark Oak Fence Ancient Ochre Froglight Crop Heater Crop Chiller Season Detector Redstone Dust Magenta Flower Birch Leaves White Flower Acacia Leaves Apple Acacia Leaves Charcoal Block The farm was about to receive a makeover that would not only enhance its… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3

    Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3 Minecraft Dungeons & Dragons Adventure: Fighting a Ghost Armor Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Lennert and BearSpirit embark on an epic adventure in the official Minecraft Dungeons and Dragons DLC. They navigate through the sewers of Candlekeep, facing off against a formidable foe – a ghost armor. Join them as they encounter challenges, puzzles, and more in this thrilling episode of Minecraft D&D. Exploring Candlekeep As Lennert and BearSpirit venture deeper into the dungeon, they come across various obstacles and enemies. From battling janitors in the sewers to discovering hidden treasures, every step brings new surprises. The duo’s… Read More

  • Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!

    Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!Video Information all right y’all what is going on everybody and welcome back to my channel you feel me or if you’re new welcome to my channel you feel me so we’re doing Sky Block again and this is Hypixel Sky Block so it’s like very complicated and [ __ ] from what I from what I’ve noticed let me make the chat smaller actually uh chat settings chat size turn it down to 50 turn this up because it looks weird yeah that’s better that’s better so um I actually tried to play this before with Dennis and my… Read More

  • Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 Begins

    Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 BeginsVideo Information [Music] iwhere find with you Lon strikes or any shade of blue the J the best part even when the RO is hard I Anywhere [Music] With You This video, titled ‘Minecraft Aquatic Survival Season 5 V2 Intro’, was uploaded by Golden Primvally on 2024-04-20 03:17:39. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. ***************************************** Theme song Credits: The Glitch Explorer’s Theme by Dalekium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmYYB_8xLg8 Intro & Outro themes: GP: Brand New Journey By Brian Skeel: https://youtu.be/kl4qLokmyzA GP: Journey Into The Haunted Manor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQWNjHlytI8 GP: Journey Into The… Read More

  • PurpleGecko’s Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memes

    PurpleGecko's Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Worst Ways to Die #minecraft #mc #memes’, was uploaded by PurpleGecko on 2024-04-29 14:40:04. It has garnered 4508 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

    Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed - Modded MinecraftVideo Information greetings humans it is I Bay zipster and today I’ll be showing you how to get to the Aether dimension in modded Mindcraft without the need to find diamonds or mine obsidian step one your typical start punch trees for wood make a pickaxe mine Stone mine coal step to find iron three minimum for one bucket but I recommend finding as much as you can to make more optionally find flint but I forgot to this run so instead you’ll me try a different way to ignite the portal step three find a lava pool preferably on… Read More

  • “SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!” #minecraft #smp

    "SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!" #minecraft #smpVideo Information कैंडल लाइट हैज गन आउट सम वे विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथ डर क्लोज न साउ टेक लक ए आ एला स्ल आ प् स्लो ड स्लो डाउ स्लो डा [संगीत] स्लो कैंडललाइट है गन आउट सम विल विन एंड सम ल लूस नथि मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथि क्लो न साउ टेक अ ल आ [प्रशंसा] स्ल प् स्लो ड से उ से उ से [संगीत] उ कैंडललाइट हैज गन आउट सम वल विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से… Read More

  • Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱

    Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱Video Information लोगों को बताऊं यार ये वीडियो एंड ही नहीं हो रही है मैं कर ही नहीं पा रहा यार ये भाई पागल भाई पागल पागल पागल ओके हम आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं हम पोर्टल में घुस तो गए थे मुझे लग रहा था हम दूसरी विलेज में आ जाएंगे लेकिन इस बार हम अलग ही एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में हम यहां पर आ चुके हैं और यहां पर मुझे कुछ तो गड़बड़ अब यहां पर लग रही है वेट व्हाट यहां पर गाइज एक घर… Read More

  • Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON’T Mine at Night 💄🌙

    Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON'T Mine at Night 💄🌙Video Information don’t mind at night I know you’re looking at that cave and you’re feeling kind of Brave go to bed you’ll be all right don’t mine at night there’s nothing This video, titled ‘Don’t mineee at nighttt #makeup #makeupartist #viral #fyp #minecraft #makeuptutorial #meme #funny’, was uploaded by PorcelainxDoll on 2024-05-25 01:30:52. It has garnered 332 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!

    Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!Video Information [Music] good morning Mikey how did you sleep what are you doing there good morning JJ I thought you’d sleep the whole day as usual I’m just looking at what we can do with our resources and what can we do let’s take a walk around the village hm what is it there there seems to be a seller selling something let’s go there soon and see what he sells mhm Hi man we saw your poster there what does it say here buy a plane hi guys I’m selling a plane that you can buy and fly… Read More

  • Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block – EP. 5 #Minecraft

    Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block - EP. 5 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] I [Music] so [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] you [Music] no [Music] a This video, titled ‘Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-03-04 12:35:18. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:51 or 351 seconds. Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft… Read More

  • Fabelized

    FabelizedWelcome to Fabelized, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities and unleash your creativity with our vast collection of exclusive items, skins, and accessories. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting your adventure, Fabelized has everything you need to elevate your Minecraft experience to new heights. Explore our meticulously curated selection of skins, ranging from fierce warriors to adorable creatures, and find the perfect look to express your unique style. Enhance your gameplay with our premium plugins, and texture packs, designed to immerse you in stunning new worlds and enhance every aspect… Read More

  • Aether Earth – Semi-Vanilla Factions SMP PVP

    Welcome to AetherEarth! Features: 1:1500 Scale Earth Map LifeSteal Fully Customized Shop Towny Make your own Vehicles (MoveCraft) Cross-play Welcoming Community Professional Staff Will you make peace or will you start the next world war? Join to make history! Join us on Discord Read More

  • AND Factions

    AND FactionsServer launches on July 10th, 4pm CET!OGFactions is a server dedicated to bringing back the nostalgic feel of classic faction servers. Where items are actually valuable, and players must grind to achieve them – there’s absolutely ZERO way to buy any kind of in-game advantage.The server is run by 2 seasoned MCPVP veterans who are committed to prioritizing gameplay and fun above all else.Discord: https://discord.gg/gCXuvCA4rh Read More