Ultimate Hardcore Survival: 100 Days Spider Apocalypse

Video Information

The year was 2069 nice after centuries of disrespect from humans spiders have finally risen up and toppled our hierarchy leaving our world in a State of Decay now these horrifying beasts infest every nook and cranny of the Earth with their many disturbing shapes and sizes all hope had seemed to be lost

Until one person one gaming gigachad won me that’s right today I challenged myself to survive and Conquer our our spider infested world for 100 days and when I say spider infested I mean it for the next 100 days I will be at the constant mercy of the spider horde these

Monstrosities are so persistent that it makes even small tasks like getting wood an absolute Nightmare and if you think that’s bad every 30 in-game days that go by the spiders only get worse they mutate and become stronger faster and much more horrifying and if you know

Anything about me I do not like spiders so this was going to be Fun and before we get into it these videos take a ton of time and effort to make so if you do go on to enjoy what you see please consider subscribing it means a ton to me and for every new subscriber I get on the channel I will

Personally remove a SP from your house and trust me they’re there you just can’t see them also if this video gets to Fighters itself was made customly by me and some people that I had helped me out with it and the other mods are just a

Bunch of random mods from online that I put together to make the mod pack I do not own the rights to any of those mods but I will have links to all the different places where you can get the mods so you can put them together and

Make the mod pack exactly how I have it here the guide will be on my patreon which there is a link to down in the description below anyways let’s let this horrifying Adventure begin so here I I was on the first day I began looking around this desolate world only to see

Spiders spiders and more spiders things were going very well so before the freshly spawned horde of spiders decided to get some of my gamer meat I began heading off towards the only sign of life that I could see in the distance this yellow tent in every step of the

Way I was chased by more and more spiders and for some reason I was being shot by invisible arrows which was not supposed to happen I desperately attempted to get away from them until this skilled spider cornered me and um wow day one so many spiders I

Sure hope I don’t die from them this time I was for real I fixed a little issue spawning weird mobs and I was out here ducking and dodging spider Galore while on my way to the very first structure that I could see I followed the smoke in the distance until I found

Myself at this small little campsite however I couldn’t stay here for long because I was being followed I struggled to take all of the loot from the chest including some melon seeds in one iron ingot I stole the bed and I was out of there at this point I was already losing

Health and hunger so I desperately scarfed down the rotten flesh I had joed from the campsite before moving on to the next one in the distance the very one that I may have died at in a previous life hypothetically speaking of course I quickly stopped by the next

Structure where I found a cheeky chest tucked in the corner with more iron and an iron axe inside I had now found myself a weapon with my new tool in hand I ran back to the campsite to hide from the spiders to catch my breath and apparently there’s campers and uh

They’re hostile who who what to guess good good to note honestly so here I was day one attempt number three not much of an apocalypse video without death but today was going to be different I spawned in using the same seed because I was not going to let the camper win I

Ran up to the nearby very on brand camper settlement stole the bed and inside of the chest was a golden apple and Diamond horse armor honestly in this world I was really going to need them after borrowing those things I was back to dodging spiders left and right while

On my way to the next campsite even though this was the same seed I think something was different or maybe I went the wrong way honestly I have no clue I looted the second Camp which gave me a second Golden Apple but before I was

Able to get much more of the loot this place had become overrun with spiders I took off running in another Direction which conveniently ended up being the exact place I was looking for except this time there was no Camp I made my way back to the other structure instead

Where I was relieved to see the same iron axe hidden inside of the chest after quickly grabbing it I spent what felt like forever running around trying to find a spot to catch my breath from all of these spiders after jumping in the water to craft some wooden planks I

Tried to block myself in this t but no the spiders made their way inside and um yeah I died a third time this mod pack was really bringing back those rlcraft flashbacks so day one attempt number four and today was going to be different for real this time so to begin

I looted the first tent stole the golden apple and the iron from the second and made my way to the iron axe inside of the third structure before booking it there were some crazy custom spiders in the distance and I knew I was not going to stand a chance against them I needed

A place I could get resources for armor and fast I kept running in different directions just trying and hoping for a break where I could do something but everywhere I turned there were special spiders waiting watching while running I beat as much of the weed as I could for

Some easy bread and I jumped in the water after to think of a plan don’t worry even while in water I still had this beautiful Elite spider waiting for me on nearby land no matter where I go I get no freedom in this world after finally stopping to think for a second I

Noticed what looked like a huge Bridge off in the distance I began swimming towards it hoping for a fresh start but I was still trapped by more spiders and this time I didn’t have any wood to even make a crafting table to craft bread from my wheat I dodged some more spiders

While heading towards this abandoned looking city where the spiders finally gave me a break I mined a bunch of spiderwood apparently that actually looked pretty nice but guess what I could not make a crafting bench out of any of this wood and there were no other trees in sight besides them so against

My better judgment I headed into the City and very carefully began to explore the lack of spiders made me extremely uneasy and then the sun began to set so I figured I’d lock myself in this small portion of a building placed my bed down and I dozed off for the night finally I

Had survived the first real day so yeah as you can see this world is full of spiders and things are not going to be easy from here on out and that’s why for this video I made myself a couple of goals to get by number one obviously I must survive these spiders are

Everywhere and will not stop until I’m a pile of goo on the ground or there’s a pile of goo inside me but let’s let’s not talk about that so I want to make myself a secure Fortress in the perfect area and hopefully spawn prooof it so these monsters can no longer spawn

Inside because yes they can spawn anywhere including any light level number two I want to get strong I will harness the resources that this world has left to make myself beefier than a can of Chef boy Rd beeron and number three after obtaining the power of the

Beeron Gods I will hunt down and slay as many spiders as I can as I continue to spread my influence across the land these spiders stand no chance it was now the second day and I set out hoping to find myself some wood I wandered around

The nearby edge of the city for a bit with zero luck so even though there were more spiders hiding in the town I decided to go back for now I very carefully made my way deeper into the city City where I found not only trees but like every single kind I mined The

Acacia stole a bunch of saplings and I got some Spruce as a backup after getting more wood than an anime convention I made myself a crafting bench crafted myself 15 bread and before I could think I used one of my only three iron ingots to make myself a

Shield so I could now not make an iron pickaxe however that was fine because with wood I could just make a wooden and stone one that would mostly work out the same or at least that’s what I tell myself so with my new tool and resources

I left the city and search for a safe place to get some iron and I guess you could say I found it I entered this small quaint little cave with a few spiders until once again I was being shot by an invisible spider on a skeleton it was almost like the game

Decided to still spawn in the Skeleton on top of spider jockeys but you you just couldn’t see him it’s almost like Dad I barely made it out of that cave alive after afking for a bit to heal I went back down inside and one by one I control alt deleted each spider

Including the one that shot arrows as if spiders weren’t scary enough after cleaning out a sizable amount I crafted a wooden pick to get some stone for a stone pick and I began mining the nearby iron ores and smelting them however during this spiders were still very

Persistent if I could walk out of here with full iron I would stand a much better chance against regular spiders but even with that I would still be no match against the world’s worst spiders this world had to offer while waiting for my iron to smell I did a little more

Scouting of the cave system and everywhere I went there were just more spiders so I headed back to my base I guess where I made an iron pickaxe that I used to mine this Strang looking green ore as the sun went down outside I made

Some doors to lock myself in and I was smelting this green ore only for it to be uranium I looked up what I could make with this and these tools and armor pieces were absolutely cracked honestly these things were so good that I was thinking there must have been some kind

Of catch while I spent time looking at what I could craft the spiders around me spent that same amount of time moving in closer and closer on my location after opening my front door there were now no more Ores that I could get without a F I

Tried to make my way down to the nearby iron but my axe was about to break so I was forced to make a uranium sword with what I had now that I was a little stronger or so I thought I once again started pushing until this absolutely

Insane series of events went down I ate my gapple to fight these special spiders and after getting knocked around I fell down not only once but two times and I now found myself even lower in this hell hole and with pretty much no food however this area seemed a bit different

It seemed to be void of any enemies at least for now so I got to work mining as much iron as I could with this opportunity and I even built my way up to get some more along what looked like even more uranium things were appearing to have turned around for the better

That is until he showed up this disgusting disturbing longleg spider came out of nowhere and began bashing my health down faster than I could even think to block I panicked and ran back as far as I could to get away from him I desperately checked my inventory for the

First block I could use to block this man on the other side of the cave and now here I was trapped half dead in a deep dark cave and to make it even better the only method I had of healing this health potion turned out to be

Complete garbage so here I was trapped in a cave with minimal Health if if I was going to have any chance of getting out of here I was going to need more armor so since I had free time I guess you could say I sat here smelting all 11

Iron that I had gotten to make myself some Armor after smelting the iron I made a chest plate some boots I put them on and I began poking my head out the opposite direction for a possible way out while fighting a spider I accidentally right clicked my sword and

This thing shot some kind of radiation projectile that actually made contact this thing was going to make things a lot more manageable at least at least I hope at this point I was now in full on survival mode ended up getting out of that hole after the long La spider

Finally despawned and apparently you can eat cave Vines and they’re actually a pretty decent source of food after mining some more iron I walled myself in and I smelted it to finish off my set of armor I crafted the helmet but unfortunately I was one short of legs

Plus I was was once again out of food so I wasn’t quite free of this system of caves yet I continued on exploring while being extremely careful until I stumbled upon this room full of more delicious cave Vines and enough iron to finally finish my armor after collecting it all

I tried to get closer to the surface only to be walled off by yet another huge pile of spiders I blocked myself off in the area while using some Cobble and while doing that I learned that I could use to lag mites or the lag tights whichever on the floor I don’t know

Anyways I could hit spiders with them so I placed out my furnace again and I began smelting so I could get myself some pants which for some reason seems to be a reoccurring theme on the channel I never wear pants once it finished smelting I made myself some glorious

Pants and finally I had a basic level of protection so now that I had full armor of some kind and food technically it was now time to to make my great push to escape and boy was I getting nowhere I sat here for a good 5 minutes straight slowly cleaning up spiders special

Spiders and more spiders and just when I thought I could progress I ran into an elite spider and those guys do not mess around they are terrifying I pushed up while killing each new spider that approached me JoJo style and then I noticed the elite spider all the way

Down another hallway and I was not having it so I blocked it off so that way I could mine some more iron before I could finally get out of this gross sticky nasty cave now that I was pretty much free I started digging the dirt

Above me until finally I was free of my prison and back on the surface which was also a prison in a different kind of way however I still needed food and the sun was starting to set again and I kind of prefer seeing what’s trying to kill me

So I hobbled my way back to the city where I accidentally left my purple bed bed several days before which probably would have been useful for trying to sleep in the caves but doesn’t matter today after waking up from my beautiful night’s sleep full of hissing I picked

Up my bed and headed over to the nearby spot where I saw some exposed uranium ore that I could definitely use to increase my defenses after mining it I noticed even more hiding out in this surface level Cave System honestly kind of ironic this ore was almost as good as

Diamond and spawned basically in plain sight but you know what I need all the help I could get so I will not be complaining after mining more of the uranium I got a bit quirky and relatable by going a bit further down where I struck the motherload of iron this stuff

Was Everywhere by the time I was done cleaning up the iron I ended up with a clean 47 more ore and while down here I also noticed this structure that I originally thought was a dungeon with some easy ways to get loot from chests against the walls however instead it

Turned out to be a large Minecart tunnel system I explored it all the way until I hit a dead end and at that moment my hoarding instincts kicked in I began borrowing all of the golden power rails and regular rails so I can make my own Minecart system whenever I find a good

Place to call home I continued on exploring these tunnels while borrowing more rail until I kind of got bored of it while also running out of inventory to put said rail plus I kind of also noticed that this thing was like never ending it just kept going and going and

Going finally I came across this area in the tunnels with free glow stone that of course I took being the gentleman that I am and while doing so I also uncovered even more uranium however this is when things got scary I shot my uranium goo

As weird as that is to say and this time my health was permanently the color of poison I guess that’s what they meant when this weapon said it could irradiate people at this point I ran out of food and I was getting pretty scared of dying

Follow style down here so I made my way back to the surface and back to the city to sleep once more after waking up the next day I had hop to no longer be IR radiated but sadly I had zero luck perhaps I needed to eat or drink milk to

Cure it hopefully it was not going to kill me or at least that’s what I thought because after closing out of my game to take a small break in real life crazy that I actually have one of those I came back and my health was just

Normal so I guess I don’t know crisis averted so now that my Little M Adventure was done and I was hungry again it was time to head back to the much more spider heavy area of the world to begin harvesting more wheat and boy were things so much better regular

Spiders were now a lot less of my worries as I shovel this bread into my mouth after like 3 minutes straight of obtaining that grain I was up to over a stack of bread things were going uphill and quickly so what did I decide to do take risks of course with my food

Situated the very first thing I did was head back to that Tower I had passed several days ago when I couldn’t handle the stronger spiders and now I was much more prepared I mean probably not for the strongest ones but honestly I didn’t care I didn’t have a ton to lose yet and

I just wanted to rob their chest for some dank loot Sumi and that was a lot easier said than done because spiders spawning outside just constantly kept interfering one by one I began killing the longle SP spider guys and they started dropping spider meat in skin honestly they really shouldn’t have this

This is this is great I love I love spider meat it’s very tasty I spent pretty much an entire day here and I didn’t make a ton of progress this wandering Trader spawned in while I was fighting for my life and while trying to see him I was burned by this endeavor

Wannabe spider and his stupid firw after dipping in the water to cool off and eating to heal I tried to right click the traitor and instead I shot him in the face with my my goo Instead at this point it was dark and hard to see so I

Placed my bed in the middle of the water and I just slept my problems away just like real life now fully rested with visibility much higher it was back to getting that loot and things were getting messy sure I was a little stronger now but with how non-stop the

Onslaught of spiders really was I had a long way to go to be able to take them all on while fighting my way through these hordes it was starting to feel like cod zombies and with my dirt ability and food I was destined to run out of gear during these fights there

Was this insane spider who kept shooting Fireballs everywhere and I was having none of that by the time I had gotten rid of him in his whole Squad I had found two pretty rare spider drops that I was going to need for the ultimate spider sword these items were called

Spider fangs and apparently they didn’t stack which made my already rough inventory problem even worse but honestly when you see this thing you will know that everything was worth it anyways I went back to the Grind getting inside of that Tower and I even broke the first spawner before being

Confronted with a long-legged spider that also shot me with arrows at this point I didn’t know if they’re supposed to do that or if it was a glitch but either way it still made my life equally a living hell at this point a whole Army of spiders had respawned outside and

With the bow boy help they almost got me maybe I just wasn’t ready to take on the even higher levels of these dungeons yet I checked the condition of my armor and things were not looking great so for now spiders unfortunately you win this round

It was time for me to retreat I ran past the dungeons towards this new city and along the way I may have found a second dungeon where I pulled off the absolute Heist of a century I yed this pair of protection for chain mail leggings and these boys massively improve my defense

Basically just iron armor with protection for as it started to get dark I went inside one of the buildings because I wanted to borrow this brewing stand but instead I found myself trapped by this crazy looking Elite spider surrounded by a cloud of poison well in

Here I placed out my bed to sleep so I can get more light to figure out how to get away from this guy the next day so it was now the morning of day n and this spider was camping me harder than a Call of Duty player in one of those buildings

In New Town I began sizing him up to see if I could win until I noticed he was in Elite variant and those guys were a lot more unpredictable and nasty so while waiting for him to leave I figured why not smelt more uranium so I can make

Myself a new pickaxe after smelting and making my pickaxe I noticed that the spider had left and I decided you know what why not try to win at a game of range so I ran outside and I took a pop shot at him with my sword before quickly

Hiding and one by one I kept playing this game of cat and mouse while struggling with the crazy lag that these cities can cause using you know shaders until I whittel him down to a sliver of health and honestly I wanted his loot so

I took a risk and I got a bit courageous and ran outside to take him out to dinner one last time and this man dropped me two enchanted books which after checking out were pretty much both useless and to add insult to insult he didn’t even drop that much XP for me to

Enchant with anyways though with that Victory behind me I went back to my temporary hiding area of this day to smelt more of my iron so I could fix up my armor I replaced my leggings and helmet and while waiting for more to smell I began exploring the different

Levels of the building I was hiding in and uh it was becoming very apparent why my game was lagging because each floor had a lot of spiders waiting for my demise I cleaned them out as much as I could while continuing to climb up each floor until reaching the roof where I

Was honestly just disappointed by the lack of loot I spent the rest of the night trying to get to the downstairs basement to check for even more loot but there were just so many spiders non-stop spawning down there and because it was now night time they were even more

Hostile after slaying throughout the night I had hit Level 30 but unfortunately I still couldn’t sleep in my bed because there were monsters nearby almost like there was a pile of spiders directly underneath me or something H after waiting out the night as the sun began Rising I was checking

For different crafting recipes to help me survive where I found this backpack that I could make and all I needed was four Leather So I set out and began heading in a New Direction at first things were pretty Barren with a few spiders hiding here and there I did end

Up finding this barrel with some free fish inside but I didn’t really have any inventory space left so I unfortunately had to just leave them there after looting what fish I could could I moved on to a more dense part of this laggy City area and this is where things

Turned into the last of us this place was packed with more spiders including another Elite monstrosity never so quickly in my life have I turned around and noped my way out of there honestly the city life was never really for me I began backtracking towards a similar

Direction that I had started in until I found myself back at that spider tower that I drive by swiped the protection four set of leggings from I figured while in the neighborhood I’d come back for more and this time I managed to also break the Spawner in the ground floor

Area before being backed off by even more long legs at this point I felt it was time to move on I spent a few more minutes dealing with these annoying special spiders that kept trying to burn me alive and shortly after I found myself running around in the dark Forest

Full of even more spiders I stopped by this weird little campsite that had a toolbox apparently but I didn’t have enough time to loot it because of all the you guessed it spiders because spiders are fast while continuing to run through the forest I ended up finding this decayed looking building where I

Found the Holy Grail two out of the four leather I needed for my backpack I struggled to yink them while being jumped by even more spiders before I was forced to keep on moving for a spot to sleep to get some visibility back I kept

Moving until I saw a few Signs of Life in the distance I made my way up to the spot in the water where I could fin sleep and I’m pretty sure I made my way right back to spawn I ended up running in one big circle on the next beautiful

Sunny definitely nons spider infested day I was ready to check out this area again because this time I could actually survive the spiders more which meant only one thing loot a lot of it or so I had thought because this biome was just insane the spiders spawned absolutely

Everywhere and I was being jumped by a special spider after a special spider after another special spider they would not leave me alone at one point while trying to cross this bridge a Hast spider absolutely rammed me where the sun did not shine ended up using the

Nearby River as cover to take him out but it was clear that I was not going to get that loot anytime today so that kind of sucks but bright side I was now back in the wheat biome where I could get more food I grabbed almost a stack

Before I noticed another Elite spider not so far away so being the massive five head brain me that I am I began taking pop shots at this guy across the river I sat here doing this until he was one shot away so I figured you know why

Not get closer and use the water to take the final swing right no this ended up going horribly wrong somehow his poison hit me from long range along with what felt like potions of harming it was safe to say that I should probably at this point leave Elite spiders alone so after

Getting my health fixed I found myself back at the spider Tower I had attacked before and the Traer was still hanging around and that’s when I had the perfect plan I began slaying the two llamas in the hopes of getting leather and boom llama number two dropped exactly what I

Needed I swam back out in the water and made a small wo Island where I could craft my brand new backpack I placed out the CRA C in table and swam over to get some nearby sand to smelt for the two tanks that I was going to need so it was

Now the next day and I had my glass to craft both tanks and I was going to craft the sleeping bag but apparently I specifically needed red wool to make it but no worries because a short way down the river I grabbed myself some red flowers and boom I now had a sleeping

Bag and I could make the backpack that is if I had gold funny thing is I actually found some gold but didn’t have enough time to take it because of all the spiders and I’m pretty sure the only place I could get some easy gold would involve me going back to that cursed

Spawn biome full of spiders I prepared my inventory and made a replacement uranium sword for my almost broken one and I even tested it out to see if I could shoot the attack more using more swords but sadly the refresh counted for both of them anyways it was time to

Start my mission I began running full speed towards the first campsite except the game had other ideas for me because this magnetic spider pulled me in like an anime fan to crunchy roll luckily the spider wasn’t very strong so after crushing it in its tracks I was able to

Move on I checked the first campsite which had nothing left moved on to the second one where I was able to check all of the chests this time but there wasn’t really anything of value inside after looting site number two I dodged even more spiders while checking the last two

Spots with zero luck so with those all checked off it was finally time to go in the direction I haven’t been yet an area that I would like to call the forest of lag because with shaders on my PC was not having a good time here I kept

Moving through the cover of trees until I saw this new building that looked perfect to catch a break from the spiders in plus this place actually had pigs it was it was the first set of animals I could get in the entire world I went inside and climbed up each floor

To the very top where I found found the one piece and this time it did not take 1,000 plus episodes later I found an almost full enchantment setup with a chest full of food and a golden apple inside this place was like winning the lottery only without losing like 80% of

It to taxes today was a great day so now that I finally had a place that I could call a base of operations it was time to get to work making this area spider proof around the tower I made myself an iron axe and a shovel to make path

Blocks because these boys stop mobs from spawning on them no matter where you are and spiders need a 2X two area to spawn in so hopefully if I spam them around the bottom then maybe I can get a little bit of a safe area however I kid you not

The very second I stepped outside I was bombarded with non-stop spider aggression it’s like they knew what my IRL kill count was of their kind no comment I did a lap around the base of the tower while being ganged up on and lagging until I was finally able to get

Back inside of the base this was not going to be easy and easy it was not because the longer I stayed here it just got laggier and laggier so I decided to step outside and um this was my mistake because there were so many spiders literally everywhere I ended up running

For my life I actually didn’t have enough time to get back up my stairs because more spiders were camping it as I ran around I used my shovel to turn as much dirt into path blocks as I could to possibly reduce the places that spiders could spawn in but honestly this was not

Working out finally I decided just back off a bit to a nearby Field where in the distance I saw one of the best items literally in the game a godsend I found a wayist stone that would allow me to teleport to other way stones that I find

And set up anywhere in this chaotic spider field world this was perfect plus this spot was close enough to a lot of different structures including my new tower so it could potentially be the perfect place to call home but once again with theme of the video the

Spiders would not leave me alone I built straight up with my water bucket and before I could even jump they were on top of me after catching a break I went around tilling as much of the dirt as I could to reduce more spawns and I

Hastily set a waypoint using the map mod so I could come back here in the future to work on a base after this I went through the great struggle back to the tower in the dark while also lagging and apparently having lost half of my armor

By the time I got back I noticed that my armor was devastated two of my pieces were missing and the others did not look good not to mention I only had enough iron left to replace what I lost meaning it looks like before making a new base I

Was going to need to go mining more the next day after waiting out the night my FPS was getting worse by the second between all the spiders and this Forest even my dedicated PC could barely handle it I went downstairs and began fighting my way to get outside because if I was

Going to mine that meant I needed wood for ladders I pushed my way through all 20 FPS I was getting until I found myself at the much safer Edge by the river where in between spider combat I chopped as many trees as I could during this I was constantly interrupted by

More surprise friends but luckily trees were a single shop at the bottom to collect here because if they weren’t I honestly don’t know how I was going to get wood in between all the spider fighting and the tree chopping I also finally had this chance to Rob this

Nearby grave of a yet another golden apple and some other free resources my life is good when everything is free it’s almost like stop signs they’re just like free it’s crazy I spent the rest of the today pretty much doing the exact same thing by the time the night had

Fallen I made pretty good progress with deforestation and the place was still equally just as laggy but hey by time I was done I now had 2 and 1/2 stacks of spruce wood along with a ton of sticks and two more broken pieces of armor these spiders really know how to treat a

Gamer while back at my base I made myself a brand new chest plate with the last iron that I had I put on my almost broken backup pants and I prepared to go mining I crafted my two stacks of ladders to go down into the mines and I

Broke through the floor not realizing that the pig stall was directly underneath first I blocked off the front so no more spiders could get in and before I knew it one of my two Pig friends had already climbed up my stairs into my house not today anyways I was

Now ready to get mining I crafted two fence gates to stop the pigs from getting in and I began digging straight down with a two block method so I would never fall into any caves while digging down I began hitting different veins of iron quickly refilling my Supply and I

Even found some rubies along the way while continuing downward I didn’t place any torches because in this world they go out over time and spiders could still spawn even in the lit areas so it didn’t really matter I did however make sure there weren’t any 2x two block areas

Where spiders could spawn so this place would at least be kind of safe I kept mining further down until I finally hit one of the best things that vanilla Minecraft has ever added I broke my way into a geode I absolutely love amethyst I love calite and smooth Basalt these

Blocks are gorgeous and I will 100% be building with them in my new base but for now I found myself back in the mines I very carefully scoped out the cave and there didn’t really seem to be many spiders luckily spiders down here spawn a lot less often the further you go at

Least the less Dangerous Ones do but anyways I had already found more iron and even more gold that I needed for the backpack plus I also found out that Ruby armor is absolutely cracked and is also stronger than Diamond Plus it mentions weakening enemies with a full set which

Is pretty big brain not going to lie so with my goals in mind I set out Gathering nearby coal and iron while exploring and there didn’t really seem to be many spiders which kind of seemed off and that’s when I ran into this absolute gigachad huge cave centipede

Honestly I didn’t know these things even existed but that did not stop him from striking my health down in an instant obviously I was just a side character and he was the protagonist because his plot armor was massive I very quickly hid myself away as his overpowered

Poison brought me down to half a heart I really need to find cows or become immune to poison somehow because I feel like this this might become a reoccurring theme the next few days I spent some quality time down here in the mines for some reason almost no spiders

Were spawning and I was loving this opportunity I was mining tons of Iron Coal gold I got some Redstone and I even found lapis so now I could start enchanting my gear while down here I found this small campsite with some free loot including the newest music disc

That I didn’t take and I’m not sorry because pigstep is still the best bite me in the comments after enough time I found two separate veins of diamonds down here that netted me a sweet 8 dm1 days which honestly were probably going to be used to create that webbed

Calamity sword that I mentioned before at this point there was more that I wanted to actually explore but my inventory was thicker than a Pixar mom so it was back to spider City I went I climbed up the mines and back to the tower to smelt and clean up my inventory

For the rest of day 18 after coming back with that haul the next day was huge I placed out three furnaces and began smelting my iron and gold and while waiting on them I began checking the enchantment table for different enchants since I know had lapis and boy could

Things not have gone better I checked out all of my pickaxe types to see which I should enchant and it looked like diamond was still the best I crafted a pick using three of my diamonds and after giving it a level three enchant I had gotten Unbreaking 3 efficiency 4

This pick was a beast right after this I checked on the enchantment for my sword and I swear this is the only time in my Minecraft life I have ever been excited to see Bane of Arthropods five Bane of Arthropods five I jumped on that enchantment quicker than Crypt Bros jump

To new scams things were really looking up from here after getting those upgrades I grabbed some gold from the furnace because it was finally time to create the backpack I’ve been trying to make from the start and this thing was a game Cher at first I was kind of

Confused because after putting it into my extra gear slot I couldn’t access it but after a bit of figuring it out this thing was insane it comes with a built-in crafting table tons of storage space and even tanks to hold liquids like water lava and other unspecified

Liquids that we won’t be talking about this backpack literally had me speechless so now that I had a bunch of upgrades I figured it was you know time to take them out for a quick spin I went down outside and this sword was amazing with the radiation sword I could now

One-hot all regular spiders the tables had literally turned I spent pretty much the entire night just out here getting some payback while it was easy not to mention I got lots of and lots of XP while down here I even found this Trader that had spawned in who was trying to

Sell me cockroaches in Globes it’s like your average flea market in Florida so now it was day 20 and I was already moving up in the world but I still didn’t have a real base area that was spider proof yet and I was going to need

One and quickly because as the days go on the spiders will get more and more intense so after a little prep I found myself back outside debating if this spot was good enough because honestly I wasn’t really huge fan of it being downhill because all the spiders nearby

Could just kind of jump me and not to mention it was near the super dense forest full of lag so because I haven’t quite decided on where I wanted to live yet I figured you know why not explore the nearby terrain instead and see what

I can find I spent most of this day just not finding much minus the piles of spiders until right before the sun began setting I found the most ominous looking castle in the distance I very carefully made my way inside while dodging the hole in the ground which led down to

Probably death and while here I kind of just spent the night exploring around this place and although there were like a lot of chests it was mostly just a few iron or gold ingots here and there along with a bunch more books and paper that I

Could use for the enchantment setup I I guess but besides that there wasn’t really much going on I kept exploring this castle room by room until I stumbled upon this Walmart brand looking throne room on the surface this place didn’t really look like it had any real

Loot but I knew better than that my loot senses were tingling or as I wrote in my notes trinkling I checked behind the throne and this hidden chest had two Diamond helmets and one of them had Protection One I put on the better helmet after stealing all that dank loot

But I wasn’t done yet I knew there had to be something else I kept checking around the room until I found yet another hidden chest and inside of this bad boy was a diamond axe and a whole bunch more gold after finishing up the

Throne room I made my way up to the roof of this Tower and began looking the next Tower over inside of each room was the typical more iron scraps here and there along with a couple more mob spawners but overall nothing really that impressive at this point I had pretty

Much explore the entire surface area of the castle but I wasn’t done yet because I still had to go down to the dungeon huge dramatic noise no really where’s the dramatic noise I looked into one of the holes in the center of this Tower I was in and at

The bottom was a hidden chest inside of water I made my way down by using the sidewall where I accidentally revealed the spider spawner infested Cellar I checked the first chest inside of the water and this bad boy was plump with loot to be had honestly I was so lucky

That I had the Traveler’s backpack because there was no way I could fit all the STK loot into my inventory and you know I am a loot Goblin so after dumping my inventory into my backpack I began clearing the cellar of all the different spiders and there was just so much loot

Down here like R craft levels of loot there were chests everywhere with iron gold Redstone lapis and a pretty decadent assortment of other things that were also now mine with the ton of free barrels that I took and even behind those were more chests with more loot I

Finished up the main room before starting to check the others and that’s when things kind of got scary I ended up killing the special spider who had the ability infested which means silverfish and apparently half of the cell was built with monster blocks so the second

I hit one silverfish I got swarmed by tons these guys were eating away my health so quickly I pillared up in fear using Stone as fast as I could and I could have sat here for who knows how long just picking them off one by one but instead Minecraft RNG Jesus had a

Different plan I kid you not every single one of those like 30 silverfish all fell into this single block hole and I just covered them up as as long as I don’t break any more blocks they won’t break out and I was just kind of Gucci normally problems like that in real life

Do not solve themselves that easily but this was Minecraft this is better than real life after temporarily solving that little problem I began checking out those side rooms that I had mentioned before I climbed up this ladder only to be greeted by this heavenly room full of bookshelves I checked the chests inside

And they were also cracked inside this single chest was an enchanted book with feather falling four for boots and a power three enchanted book for a future bow as if a bow is going to work in this world full of spiders that are super fast anyways but you know what doesn’t

Matter after looing the chest I found this odd pedestal with a book inside that I lowkey thought was a trap I checked underneath it before moving it and nothing so with that kind of being a dud I cleared out the room and I stole all of the books for future bookshelves

Since I didn’t really have silk touch and I was just on my way after this I enter the next room broke the two spawners and broke into the obvious looking C casket and boy did grave robbing never feels so good because inside that grave was not one but two

God apples along with even more Danang loot after robbing what felt like the last of the rooms I began breaking walls just in case I missed something when I stumbled on this new hidden room with this chest full of goodies including another Diamond after looting what I had

Now thought was the real final final room I began looking for the easiest exit until I noticed the staircase that I ALS so apparently missed and after taking this bad boy up it led to a hidden kitchen I checked all the chests and they were just full of different

Foods including another golden apple and regular carrots which were perfect to begin farming with so I could begin breeding pigs unfortunately I couldn’t take most of the food because at this point my inventory and my bag were now very full so I just kind of left it all

Behind and I continued through the door back up to the surface and the second I opened that door I saw him in the corner this place had a skeleton horse in this world horses were rare in general but skeleton horses were super rare and I decided that then and there this was

Going to be my new friend and I needed to liberate him from his prison but first I still needed to find a place to liberate him too so for now left a waypoint here letting me know that he was also here and I went to sleep to get

Some daylight back to make my way back to my base the next day on the next day after leaving the castle I was quickly realizing that the nearby terrain wasn’t much better for places to build a fortress there were more dense forests to the left and after changing

Directions even more cities to the right I began maneuvering around the city until I saw this odd structure that was shaped like a cobra as much as I knew it was probably a trap my curiosity got the better of me I walked around the back to

Check things out where I found an acacia chest without that much inside but it was just out in the open after checking the contents I decided I should maybe build up to the top and see what you could find and what did you know inside

Of the head was a chest with another God Apple inside along with even more free real estate gold my defenses were moving up day by day and speaking of days the rest of today was pretty tame surprisingly ended up in one of the safest biomes around because all of the

Path blocks and leaves limited spider spawns completely at this point the sun was escaping me and I had found another spider tower that I was now much more prepared to take on so once the sun had set I slept out in the field excited for what tomorrow was going to bring after

Waking up the next morning and scooping my bed off the ground I was ready to take on the spider Tower without as many regular Spider spawns around I could focus more on the big boys without all the interruptions I ran straight in there and I began breaking spawners

Floor by floor the first three areas were overall pretty okay the spider still did serious damage to me but by now I also did serious damage to them unfortunately the chests were not really worth that much that’s technically not why I was here I was here to get the

Last spider Fang that I needed to craft the legendary webbed Calamity sword and speaking of Calamity team spider began catching up to me in this fight I end up jumping down to the next floor to break a spawner only to get rammed by this whole Squadron of hard-hitting spiders

Well in the moment I panicked and I absolutely choked by dropping my sword with a full inventory honestly things were not looking that good so just in case I did what I had to do and I ate one of my three God apples after getting my health back and grabbing my sword I

Began cleaning up the mess that I had made for myself until I was mostly safe after that I was not making that mistake again so to break the last spawner down below I lit one of the TNT from the castle I looted and I cleaned up the remaining spiders after that chaos was

Controlled shadow of the Hedgehog style I noticed I had hit a cave with a singular Ruby ore along with possibly other loot however it turned out this was not the final floor because out of the corner of my eye I saw another longleg spider trying to finesse his way

Into my light after erasing him from existence I not so casually noticed the 20 plus spiders that had now piled up malow me but not before finding what I had come here for the singular spider Fang that I needed had finally dropped I organized what was left on my inventory

And as I Was preparing to drop more TNT my Razor Mouse disconnected on the spot almost causing me to lose everything after fighting with my mouse I set up the TNT and I dropped it on the spawner below while preparing for the onslaught of spiders likely headed my way and boy

Was there a lot of them I sat here for a good 10 minutes pushing through the final two layers of spawns until finally I was at the bottom and overall the loot for these chests were complete garbage but there was still this strange Stone looking thing in the center not going to

Lie I was pretty scared to click it because overall this area was giving me mob Tower Vibes similar to those found in the mod pack arcraft meaning this could be a boss after preparing myself mentally I ate a golden apple and broke the stone egg and what came out of this

Was Terri terrifying I did decent damage to this thing but with a mere couple of hits I was almost dead I fled for my life through the caves and he was Lightning McQueen fast I ran into a small corner and I blocked myself in but he started hitting me through the wall

So I had to start digging and I kid you not one more second and I would have been dead this thing was scary I sat here for a bit healing and thinking of a plan and that’s when I unfortunately decided that I needed to eat a second

God Apple this thing just did too much damage to me after eating the Apple I broke out and even with resistance he still hit like a dump truck but with my crazy Bane of Arthropods 5 I was able to slay this beast at last and for some

Reason he dropped blaze rods and Nether wart which conveniently enough were perfect for making potions after stuffing the winnings of my battle into my inventory and catching my breath for a second I noticed this blessing directly from orang Jesus himself I had found a vein of rubies after

Mining them I had enough for a ruby chest plate that has ridiculous defense plus now my drip was so intense that I had an aura around me anyways though while down here I found myself surrounded by ores Prime for the taking and I couldn’t resist even though I

Still needed a base yes I know I spent literally an entire day down here harvesting tons of iron I got lots of uranium I found monium which is also super useful and the coveted rubies that I needed to finish off a full set of Ruby armor and within no time I found

Exactly that I made a crafting bench in one by one I crafted the remaining pieces of armor that I needed with the exact amount of rubies after putting them on my defense was so insane and honestly the armor just looked really cool I was very happy but even though I

Was happy and I had obtained exactly what I came here for I wasn’t done yet I kept mining more Ores looking for more rubies for tools to get the supposed full set defense buff until I saw this chest that was more obvious bait than a tweet about the new Harry Potter game I

Min the iron right underneath it and it turns out I was right there was TNT waiting to blow me up after removing the TNT I checked the chest which ended up having various fish and it turned out this is some kind of miners camp with the second chest full of not only gold

But also these gold pieces of armor with with like perfect enchantments if only I had some way to actually take those I camped here for a bit while condensing all the various Golds I had until I was ready to go and by go I meant more mining even though my inventory was

Entirely stuffed I ended up finding another chest area with a bunch more TNT and 22 gunpowder and I was ambushed by these two mimic chests who had zero knockback they would not take any damage it seemed like but after finally toppling the hierarchy of mimics they dropped me my very first Relic items

That could be equipped alongside my armor unfortunately one was a hat that increased trading with villagers who basically don’t exist in this world and the other one were night vision goggles which were kind of cool but lowkey also kind of useless because of my Shader settings which if you’re wondering what

They are in the comments don’t ask cuz I honestly don’t know how I got my shaders to make dark areas look like this somehow I did it I don’t know what it is I’ve just been copying the settings after getting those I originally intended to leave these caves however if

You know me I am a loot Goblin and I cannot resist resources so instead I stayed down here hitting the absolute jackpot I struck diamond ore after diamond ore after diamond ore these caves just didn’t end they were full of more iron there was more gold and I even

Found more rubies I kept pushing on until this fight with the second mimic that dropped me this Relic pair of boots that allows me to run on water super cool Power although in a world infested with spiders not quite as much as you would think by the time I was pretty

Much done with this trip I had almost a stack of diamonds along with tons more Loot and it was now the end of day 30 and it was time to head to the surface and at the time I didn’t know this yet but every 30 in-game days the spiders

Began mutating and things got a lot worse these mutant spiders will now spawn more and more as time goes on making this world World a living hell and I was now heading to the surface completely oblivious of what I was about to face things were getting interesting

It was now day 31 and something felt off the spiders on the surface were different they were now those long-legged spiders everywhere along with mutant spider cows who were super fast in these large Gray weird looking ones I began slicing and dicing the gray spider who ended up being quite tanky

And once he died he let out in army of smaller hyper fast spiders that hit way harder than I feel like they honestly should have this spider literally had like an egg sack inside of him and that very thought just it just gives me these gross chills even now reading this

Spiders are so nasty anyways conditions on the surface it was safe to say were getting a lot worse and I still did not have a safe place to call home besides my tower yet so for now that’s exactly where I was headed to clean up my inventory and hopefully get some cool en

Chants to get my armor stronger to fight back against these spiders after getting back to the tower hidden in the laggy Forest I began organizing my copious amounts of loot into my chest dump areas and honestly just look at this dank loot almost a stack of diamonds and plenty of

Iron and gold along with 11 more rubies I made out of that place like a millionaire explo never mind after getting all this loot out of my inventory I spent the rest of tonight working with enchants and let’s just say things didn’t go exactly as I expected

The first enchantment for my chest piece said I would lose Health after dying with it equipped which kind of scared me even though this was a hardcore World which meant one death was it but honestly whatever I kept trying for better en chants and I guess honestly it

Could be worse this enchantment called pestilence causes damage to any passive mobs that are nearby which is literally the worst thing I’ve ever seen why would I want that unless I was trying to have like an AFK cow Farm or something but anyways I kept enchanting until I

Finally got protection four for my chest piece with that useless death enchantment I also got protection three on breaking three for my boots and an enchantment called vatai if that’s how you say it three that gives me an extra heart of Health on both my legs and my

Helmet Plus for some weird reason every time I put on the final piece of Ruby armor that complet the set it plays this really cool sound with my armor even more powerful than before I began constructing the great webbed Calamity sword I crafted the handle from the

Spider skin in a stick I made the three infested diamonds and I began putting together the webbed iron ingots that I also needed however I ended up running out of string so since there was no delay I finished dumping my backpack out so I could set off outside to start

Owning some spiders except while checking my backpack it actually turned turned out I had two more stacks of string just sitting in there I I knew that I had string somewhere there was zero chance so using that string I made the remaining Ingot and I crafted myself

The sword and boy does this thing just look and make you feel powerful after crafting it I went to see what kind of tier three enchantment I could get for it but once again pestilence useless so I made myself a grinder to reset the enchantments in between but since I was

Now down to level 31 W this meant I only got one more tier three enchantment shot one opportunity to capture it I Enchanted it and all I got was Berserker 2 which increases your damage the lower your health honestly pretty disappointing but without enough XP I couldn’t really complain and with my

Inventory now clean I decided to go outside and take it out for a new test ride even without the good enchantments I began swinging at a bunch of spiders and not going to lie without the bane of arthropods 5 that was on my uranium sword this boss sword did less damage

Than the current sword I was using so I was back inside and testing out more enchantments on a second uranium sword to see if I could repair the first one and I ended up getting this enchantment that supposedly increases XP while occasionally giving me exhaustion I

Didn’t really know what that meant so I figured you know why not take it outside for a test and let me say I barely noticed a difference with basically no exhaustion happening minus my mental state that is but that’s not relevant and I guess also my FPS it’s like a

PowerPoint presentation here look at this but anyways these spiders were far more intense and because it was night time even the regular spiders began lunging after me so after enough testing I struggled to get my way back inside of my tower while pushing through the piles

Of spiders so that way I could check on my weapons once more and from that alone this new sword was already super damaged with all these spiders I’m really going to need Unbreaking three for everything while I was out fighting one of the spiders also dropped this really cool

Enchantment that increases your mining speed the longer I mine that I decided to add to my pickaxe so that way when I’m mining down in the mines and spiders are trying to attack my butt cheeks I can at least get things moving faster you know after this I made myself a

Third uranium sword popped into the enchantment table and I could get looting three which at first sounded super exciting until I realized the only thing I was going to loot is like spiders on the next day I added the two swords together at my Anvil and named them raid not Shadow Legends in

Parentheses because honestly I don’t know why I did this but I just thought it was like a hilarious play on like a can of raid spider killer but you know what it perfect name don’t care let me let me know what you would have named it in the comments anyways today was the

Day that I was going to find myself a place to start spider proofing which I know I say that all the time and honestly I made it a lot harder for myself by waiting this long because there’s going to be spiders everywhere now more than there already was so I set

Out once again looking for the perfect place to call home the next few days I traveled across the lands searching far and wide with little luck as I moved further from my tower I began finding some of the most gorgeous Forest I’ve ever seen and ironically they also made

Maneuvering around spiders even less feasible while out here I tried to loot the different structures I found but overall there wasn’t really much I got a spider to drop me this God tier fortune 3 enchantment book which is perfect for mining I struggled to try and loot this

Trap chest while this other special spider tried to burn the forest down I continued moving on to where I found this kind of magical feeling Enchanted Forest Area this place was really pretty to be around the water was filled with lily pads and soul lanterns floating

Above them which was one of the only ways I could get lanterns in this because you need real lit torches to craft them and all the trees had tons of cobwebs inside of them really fitting for the whole spider theming eventually while struggling my way through this

Place I found this really oddl looking dungeon that I was debating exploring but with all these spiders slapping me around I instead opted to sleeping in my bed above and honestly boy am I glad that I did this because upon waking up there was a message in my chat saying

The blood moon had risen if you know what the blood moon is it’s this event at night where mobs spawn like crazy even more than right now and you cannot sleep through it I began running back to my base Tower thing I guess full speed because in the odd chance that you do

Get to sleep before the blood moon actually spawns it instead spawns the very next night and there was no way I was going to find myself out here in the stew during that fast forward and I was almost back home when I found this interesting looking camp and at first I

Was hoping to find some villagers but no things were much much worse this Camp was an anime convention worth of smelly gamer pillagers and I’m going to be honest I spent a lot of time running around this place trying to loot it but the longer I stayed more

Pillagers and spiders there were and they ended up ganging up together to defeat me like I was some boss from World of Warcraft so finally after noticing just how much of my armor durability was getting destroyed I continued back to my tower which conveniently was only a couple hundred

Blocks away turns out this Camp was right next to home I began taking a small detour to dodge the area with heavy foilage because all the lag and spiders until I saw the love of my life in the distance finally I had found a second Way Stone with this bad boy I

Could place both of them down and transport myself from one location to another using XP more importantly dodging all of the spiders in between only problem was my inventory was full and I was panicking because the these damn spiders would not leave me alone so out of desperation I opened my backpack

Dumped a row of items in as fast as I could to pick up the way Stone and I quickly headed back home in the hopes that I had actually picked it up because I didn’t even notice and I kid you not the very second I was safe in sound at

The top of my tower the blood moon had risen after spending the night in my tower AFK I ended up having time to think about how I was going to tackle my armor breaking so fast because of all these spider beatings I’ve been taking I spent a bunch of time looking through

Items that I could craft since you know there’s pretty much no way of getting mending inside of this world until I stumbled upon something interesting I was looking at the relics or whatever you call them since I honestly don’t know and I began searching for rings and

There is this item called a ring of repair and this thing costed some absolute loot to craft however once you equip it in your inventory it would start repairing my items apparently this bad boy repairs items and armor in my inventory every 5 Seconds by x amount of

Durability I don’t really know what the X was but after putting it on I couldn’t really tell if it did anything so I added a extra mod to the mod pack so that way I could see durabilities and yeah this thing was working in repairing my swords first only problem now was

That all of my tools were missing a lot of durability and I was scared that my armor could still break before it even fixed the tools so being the massive brain that I am I put all of my tools in a chest and I sat here afking with the

Ring on so it would begin fixing my armor also not going to lie I was kind of worried this item might have been too overpowered but with it only doing one item at a time lowkey this thing kind of sucked so after afking I got the genius

Idea to try and create more of them so that way I could speed up the process I grabbed all of the raw iron from my mining trips which ended up being so much more than I thought and I crafted a few blast furnaces to get more iron so I

Could craft more anvils to make make more Rings after getting the blast furnaces going I sat here moving resources around and I crafted an additional two more rings and based on what I observed each ring did add more repairing per second although kind of in

A weird way each ring was now on average giving two durability each time they repair but sometimes they would also give like an extra third one honestly I had no clue what was happening but my repairs were now actually pretty decent and once caught up these things will be

Super useful going on from here I made myself two more rings and now each tick was giving me a total of 10 durability these things were a little pricey to make but after the massive mining trip that I just went on it was probably not

Going to be an issue for a while so just like any other rich person I hoarded and wasted my wealth after repairing everything in my inventory using the new rings and waiting for the sun to rise since I couldn’t really sleep with all the spiders I set back out towards the

Pillager Outpost from before and today I swear everything was against me the forest was Uber laggy and after getting out and finding the small campsite with some easy loot I was jumped by a Pillager with a banner and a spider with Haring Potions all at once I tried to

Back off but my mouse decided it wanted to also lag and honestly I was I was just done with it here I wish Minecraft with shaders and mod packs would just run better this is with a super low render Distance by the way on a 3090

With a ryzen 95950 x after that mini crisis was a inverted I decided to stop back by the Pillager Camp just for funsies there were no funsies I fled that pile of mans while heading over to this nearby bridge where there was an old Cemetery underneath this was kind of

Like a metaphor if you think about it but anyways I started robbing all of these Graves and I was getting gold golden apples food leather and I was going to steal the anvils too until I was surprised attacked by this fat spider that gave me a literal mini heart

Attack I kept pushing on throughout this day finding an identical Tower to the one I lived in inside of this forest and for some brilliant reason the very second I stepped foot in this Forest no the very second my pinky toe or my big toe just went poop on a single Pixel of

The blocks my frame rate became a literal slideshow I did manage to get to the top but instead of there being an enchantment table I instead found a chest with some more golden apples inside and a brewing stand full of potions at this point it was getting dark outside and the spiders were

Closing in again so I struggled back through the lag and ran all the way back home to my temporary Tower where I slept down in the mines because the spiders would not let me sleep above it was now day 40 and while out in the nearby dead

Field area or whatever it was called I found the perfect location to finally make a safe base this little area has The High Ground so I could see everything around me and I still have access to all of the nearby resources so I began clearing this area out bit by

Bit for this spot to be even remotely safe I was going to have to level it out replace all of the blocks with dirt blocks and turn the dirt into path blocks so no spiders can spawn inside of the camp and I was getting right down to

That process I wanted this place as safe as could be as quickly as possible except for some wonderful reason none of the blocks here could be mined that quickly with any tools so I was just stuck beating my wood uh beating the ground with my bare hands axes didn’t

Work shovels didn’t work pickaxes didn’t didn’t work I tried everything I think I tried a hoe at one point which is stupid after clearing out a bit of the land and adding some fences I was now back to my base to get a ton of dirt from the mines

Where it was safer except on the way there I stumbled upon chickens a group of chickens were just waiting for me here I very quickly beat some grass for some seeds and I led them over to my brand new base where I also fence them

In it was almost like it was meant to be I grabbed some more seeds from the chest and I made the very first chicken baby of this world and um should I tell them or should you after getting chickens ED ED netti Style I ran back to my tower to

Look for more dirt upon climbing up my ladder I was jump scared by the special spider lurking in my loot room after taking him to dinner he dropped this beautiful enchanted book called absorber that honestly sounded kind of insane this bad boy takes status effects from

Mobs as a trade for durability this book sounded pretty cracked so I thought it was finally time to make myself a diamond Shield to replace what I had I also figured why waste this opportunity I could also enchant it this bad boy got Vitality 3 which gives me more health I

Added the absorber book to it and I rightfully named it Tommy mommy Defender don’t judge me I don’t know why I named it that any anyways I equipped this bad boy and it gave me four more hearts of Health this Shield was a godsend with my

Newly upgraded Shield at my side I spent the next few days Excavating dirt from the underground area above my mines away from the spiders and laying out the perimeter for my brand new compound I began adding fencing around the edges and originally I had thought this area

Was actually pretty small but at this point I had already blown through all of the dirt I had and I was only about 1/3 of the way done as always I overestimate the amount of work that I can get done inside one of these videos I turned all

Of the remaining dirt into pths in the meantime so they don’t spawn any more spiders and and I went to sleep for the night after waking up I was in need of more dirt and honestly I wanted to speed up this process I began heading back to

The tower before I ran into this beautiful guy I mean just look at this deluxe model sheep he was perfect I grabbed wheat from my backpack and led him all the way back up to my platform next to my chickens and I gave him a new home honestly even having one sheep is

Super Lucky right now because there have been next to zero animals in side of this world at least ones that didn’t have spider legs sticking out of them but anyways with Mission sheep complete it was back to my tower where I crafted a brand new diamond shovel I tried

Enchanting it at first but the options were pretty garbage so I chose efficiency 2 as a backup and I crafted shovel number two and this boy got decadent efficiency 4 I was going to use this shovel to do some work this shovel was speeding up the process literally

10-fold after digging for the entire day I headed back to finish up my compound Foundation but everything in the universe did not want me to I fought so many special spiders that my inventory was full of enchanted books overall I become so much stronger that I easily

Survived all of this but one interesting thing to point out was that this spider with the poison my Shields absorber enchantment entirely negated the poison effect by using its durability and that is just insane to me it sounds like I’m drinking like a bathtub of milk when this happens after successfully fighting

My way back to my base I spent the next few days placing dirt and killing any spiders that got in my way I was making such good progress until the game spawned wandering pillagers on my base I very carefully took each of them out without hurting any of my animals and

Apparently my Shields enchantment also works with them because after killing the guy with the banner I didn’t get a raid debuff which is kind of cool if I had actually had a village but since I don’t it doesn’t really matter after in the dirt I got back to more path making

Before this spider gave me a free show twerking on my fence and as much as I hate to admit I stared at this a lot more than I probably should have the next day I had finally finished leveling out my land and all I needed was more

Wood for fences and a little more dirt but out of nowhere this absolute monstrosity of a special spider climbed up my wall and this dude was insane a new Challenger had approached and he was Crazy Hand level of difficult I sat here dumping damage into him I kept using

Both of my swords abilities and I even had to eat two of my apples just in case to stay safe while fighting the spider boss he began pushing the fight over near my animals and I desperately needed to get him away about 10 plus more hits

And this Menace was finally gone and it wouldn’t be any video without me mentioning that he was now just like that anyways this boss dropped four enchanted books and none of them were even worth that much also I’m not quite sure if the spiders are spawning on my

Path blocks or not but I don’t really know where else they would be coming from and I’m kind of getting scared that they were at this point because that would make this place a lot less safe than I intended and day 60 is getting a lot closer but anyways I dumped out my

Inventory and headed back to the nearby Forest to begin collecting as much wood as possible and this took way longer than normal because a each tree only gives like four wood which is terrible and B I don’t know maybe the constant spiders attacking me making it hard to

Even chop down trees couldn’t be that speaking of spiders though on the way home there were so many special ones out and they were getting much much stronger the longer I live in this part of the world the more powerful the special spiders abilities also get so there are

More types of spiders that do more damage there are more spiders and now the special spiders that are enchanted have stronger levels of enchantments things are getting scary day 49 today was the day that I crafted enough fence and full finished fencing in my compound only thing was spiders were still

Spawning even inside of the boundary I mean just just look at the spider cow twerk for your amusement it’s horrifying after finishing the fence I began planning how I would build out my house on the inside preferably in a way that didn’t spawn more spiders inside of it

But at this point I don’t really know how to do that if I could just get one safe place before things get worse I will be so happy so because things weren’t working out I tried testing out some stuff out in the creative world and that’s when I discovered that even

Though spiders could not only spawn on path blocks but also slabs and other things they normally couldn’t spawn on for some reason they still couldn’t spawn on transparent blocks like glass so yes after finally getting all of this area turned into path blocks just like I

Did in my super flat world that stopped slimes from spawning that was not going to cut it here I now needed to replace all of the path with glass which meant I was now going to need sand and luckily I was near a desert I spent the rest of my

Day just collecting sand which honestly just like everything else in this world it was a struggle because during the entire time I was interrupted constantly by the time the sun had left me I was being jumped left and right by more powerful spider foes there was even some

Real Dragon Ball Z power scaling going on here while fighting I killed this legendary spider who dropped the literal best enchantment in the game Ender mending 2 the even better version of mending at this point the spiders were becoming too much though and I had a

Pretty good amount of sand so I decided to call it for the day and I ran back home while being chased vigorously the entire way home by the time I got back at my base and was ready to go to sleep I checked on my armor and this stuff was

Trash look at the durability my armor had taken quite the beating on the next day with all of my sand ready to go I set up a small Auto smelter with some Hoppers and chests so while beginning my base the sand would smelt and be ready

For when I needed it luckily I had four buckets worth of lava that I had stored inside of my tanks in my backpack back from when I was in the caves that I used to kick off the furnaces and save me some coal after setting up the furnaces

I sat around for a bit deciding what kind of house I wanted to build in no time I knew exactly what I wanted to use so just like the average stardew Valley player I yearned for the mines I went back to my old Tower and down to the

Mine area to collect all of the MSS blocks and then a ton of deep slate because it is honestly such a gorgeous block to build with also for this part I might just blur the footage in the background because that one enchantment for my pickaxe that increases the speed

The longer I mine I began instant mining these blocks and I was still in the forest area so let’s just say the footage is really really laggy after clearing up this area I ran into a strange skeleton with a red bow and arrow on his side I took this guy out

And he ended up dropping a hat that gives me like 100 luck unfortunately though it would replace my helmet which I desperately needed so it’s pretty much useless after taking him down I got a bit curious of where he actually came from so I began exploring this nearby

Series of M shafts which led me to loot Heaven I ended up finding this weird dungeon thing that had like zero mobs and it was just full of chests that had lots of iron lots of gold there was golden apples everywhere and even two more God apples inside the chest also

For some odd reason there were a lot of bows with random enchantments like this bow had fire protection 3 and inside one of the chests I found a regular mending book also a little bit of a fun fact while looting all this my game actually decided to uh not so casually crash

Twice and I had to relo this area both times but anyways at this point I now had so much loot and a lot of what I came here for so it was finally time to head back home to get building because yes I know it is day 50 and I have no

House and I am very easily distracted and speaking of being distracted and having a full inventory I may have just continued exploring around because I cannot resist Loot and speaking of loot not long into the next day I found myself in this ginormous cave area with

A couple of kind of sus looking chests that might just be mimics ready to drop me some more relics and boy were there a lot of mimics here and I got so many relics I found a pair of shoes that made me run like ridiculous speeds I found

Some Kitty slippers to scare away creepers as if there were any in this world I found a lucky scarf that increases my fortune for blocks I mine which is cracked may I add and I found a vampiric glove that allowed me to steal Health from any mobs I killed this place

Was making me stacked but also not going to lie even though these mimics didn’t have hands they definitely had hands if you know what I mean because just look at the damage they did to me I still didn’t even have any good source of food with any saturation so it was hard to

Heal this and it was kind of risky being down here on day 54 I got back home and officially began building my house for this I had a general idea of the size and style I wanted and what blocks I wanted to use I started off by placing

An outline of where the main house would actually be and I spent the next few days adding different parts to it I built a small area for a mine entrance I added the front porch with some walls and I added an upstairs area outside side of the balcony because I can’t have

Any of my builds looking super simple throughout this entire process spiders continued to make my life harder and harder and somehow one even broke my old helmet when I wasn’t recording so I had to also make a new one by time I was a good portion finished with the main

Structure before adding details it was now already day 57 and I was once again out of spruce wood and getting wood was way more tedious in this world including placing saplings at my base because yes I tried that and it takes like 8 million bone meal in this mod pack so at this

Point I kind of figured my chances of finishing my house by day 60 we’re looking quite slim and yes I know it’s my fault because I procrastinate building to find the perfect location but like honestly can you blame me just look at the view on the next day I sat

Out with my Sonic Speed boots back to the enchanting Tower so I could set up a new and improved axe to gather as much wood as possible before things got worse I crafted a new Axe and I sat here enchanting books until I found something good and after one Unbreaking 3 diamond

Axe and an efficiency 4 diamond axe with a telekinesis book later I created this Beast of an axxe that I named the exceptional negotiator because it was the perfect pun and it just came to me in the moment but anyways my brand new axe I set out to the nearby Forest of

The frames as I like to call it because it was so freaking laggy every time I get here you know what I spent so much time fighting spiders just to get a blood moon later that night that forced me to run back home and I netted myself

A grand total of one stack of wood trees take so long to harvest and I get like no wood plus the spiders do not let me exist so since I now couldn’t sleep because of the blood moon I guess I’ll just keep working on the house in the

Dark surrounded by even more aggressive spiders after adding some walls I needed even more iron for the iron bar glass that I had been using and at this point I was so tired of running back and forth that I placed down one of my wayist stones in the compound named home and I

Ran all the way over to the tower through the spiders grabbed my iron and I rightfully named the second one laggy Tower before teleporting home finally I no longer had to deal with the waves of spiders each time I needed anything also a little bit of a side note here every

Time I teleport and I go to a new area I get my frame rate back because it despawns all of the spiders in that area but anyways after returning home I finished a couple of the windows as the sun began to rise officially ending yet another Blood Moon Knight of hell for

The final day before the spiders mutate again I found myself hard at work adding more to my base added this extra inside deck area that I could use to observe spiders I finished the walls in the second floor area including filling in their windows and by the time the night

Had fallen upon me I had added walls in these incredible hanging lanterns to the front balcony outside I was nowhere near completing the house or my safe area but I was definitely getting close before things got got worse I went to sleep for the night to see what Horrors awaited me

On the next day as the sun began to rise the spiders of this world mutated even further most of the regular spiders had become mutants by now and there were even more strange new variants and species crawling all about things in this world were certainly getting

Interesting so here I was the morning of day 60 I looked outside my glass balcony and windows only to see so many new spiders there was a spider chicken a spider sheep and what looked like an Enderman spider after going outside in the distance I saw a spider pig it’s

Like The Simpsons Movie well now this world was even more dangerous I really was in need of spider proofing this area and quickly it’s obvious the fences don’t work because they just climb up it so I was thinking about turning them into iron bars instead but not before

Replacing all of the floors with glass to prevent spawns on the inside but just as I went to grab the glass from my smelter one of those Ender spiders teleported to me and started attacking and this dude was fast honestly I didn’t know these guys could teleport without

You know like a warning like typical Enderman you have to look at them these guys are like Enderman if they were always hostile after that awful three star Yelp experience I grabbed all of my remaining glass and I got to replacing all the path blocks with it and quickly

And let me tell you throughout this process I was non-stop harassed by teleporting Ender spiders spider chickens and even spider Pigs by time I ran out of glass it was already night time and the spiders were becoming more aggressive by the second so since I guess I needed more sand I figured I’d

Sleep to make my life easier the next day after sunup I dumped out my gear in a chest and I cleared my backpack out before setting off into I mean I don’t even know what I’m setting off into who knows what to expect out here at this

Point this time I brought my extra repair rings to fix my armor as I went just in case and even with those boy was I not prepared there was just way too much going on out here with insane spiders this place was more dangerous than deathclaw Canyon in Fallout but

Finally I did get to the desert again with my crazy fast boots and I sat here super struggling to dig any sand well under constant fire from the local spiders after getting about an inventory worth of sand I grew tired of all the beatings I was taking so I sped my way

Home through the Minefield that this area had become upon reaching my compound I wiped out the couple of spiders that had caught up with me and dumped all of the sand into the smelters to continue making glass and now that I was stuck waiting I had an idea inside

One of the chests I remembered getting an enchanted book called smelter that instantly smelts any blocks you mine with it and I was thinking maybe I could just use this enchantment on a shovel to get more glass because to be honest I did not want to keep building around my

Base with all the spider interruptions because they were drivve me crazy so I used the waist Stone to Tele back to the Tower of lag where I finally found my book along with a fortune 3 book for the pickaxe and an improved version of Bane

Of Arthropods that I wanted to add to my god spider sword just to see if it could get stronger than my other one with all 16 frames that I got here I Enchanted my sword again before adding the enchantment just to see what I could get

And I ended up with a enchantment called Perpetual strike three which increases damage to a target for the more hits you hit it with which was honestly was good enough because I mean maybe boss spiders could use it and I also didn’t have many more levels so I couldn’t really afford

To keep rolling for more enchantments so I gave it the new Bane of Arthropods and hopefully this thing will now outperform my good old uranium sword after this I added Fortune to my pickaxe and named it Fortune 500 and I gave my shovel smelter before going I checked my helmet and I

Could get protection for if I was level 30 unfortunately though at this point I had spent a lot of my XP and after going downstairs my games FPS went down to like one again I’d like to warn you if you are going to play this mod pack with

The spiders and shaders be very careful even with the best of PCS they will come to get you your frame rate will dip anyways I opened my front door and I struggled to even walk just in case I had a golden apple out but as soon as I

Was a little less laggy and able to kind of keep going that’s when I learned the real dangers of outside legendary magnetic spider was all it took to trap me in this highly dangerous horde of spiders and I could not get away even with the web calamity’s abilities I was

Stuck and they were melting my helmet fast I was forced to eat an apple just to stay alive and finally I had made my way out of whatever you want to call that after getting home just just look at my helmet look what they did to my

Helmet I desperately need to get mending on my gear because wow I was honestly shaking from that my hands were shaky it was literally like pvping on 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft I’m sorry I had to where your armor breaks before you do after that incident if I

Want to call it that was over I went to check on my glass and it turns out half my furnaces had ran out of fuel so I was also just wasting time nice I went back to my tower to check for more fuel and I

Was entirely out of coal and lava so I could use my new Fortune pick to mine some coal and inevitably get distracted by tons more loot but instead since I’m in a rush I opted to go back to that hell of a desert to test out my new shovel enchantment before leaving I

Tested it out on a piece of sand just to make sure and it’s beautiful it created glass now knowing that the enchantment worked I ran full speed to the desert my game crashed and after loading back in it was sand time and not only did this

Work perfectly it also gave me the XP for smelting So within no time I now had tons more glass and I was even closer to my helmet breaking because those repair rings only fix one thing at a time but I was also closer to getting level 30 so

That way I could get protection 4 for the helmet so I decided while I was out here I’d spend the night fighting for some more XP I put my shovel in my backpack in hopes of my armor actually catching up on repairs and I went to battle and everything was going

Perfectly fine until I ran into this legendary special spider that absolutely ambushed me into yet another massive pile of spiders who decided to crash my game again bad enough I didn’t have my helmet on so it didn’t break so I had less armor but now my game was also

Crashing things were definitely ramping up and I was a lot less safe anywhere in this world on the next day after getting through that I found myself back at the compound finishing up my kind of ugly glass floor that was already making such a difference with spider spawns after

Filling in the primary area I decided I’d stop back at my tower to collect some seeds to finally start up a farming area so I can get more animals and while here with the XP that I had gotten from the night before I gave my helmet protection or at this point it was

Already night time and I needed more wheat seeds so I ran home the long way while struggling to punch grass in between all of the spider drama halfway through they knocked me into a cave with some conveniently exposed Co veins that you know took before heading back home

And I was honestly done for the night can’t really do much outside of my compound so I kind of just went to sleep now that I had my supplies for the farm I crafted some iron bars and began turning this place into more of a prison

Than a home and I get absolutely no break with these spiders they are literally so non-stop that even having five repair rings on me my armor and tools cannot keep up with the constant beatings after swapping out the wall I laid out this decent size square area

For a little Wheat Farm over in the corner before adding a fourth layer of iron bars with a layer of wall on top the idea was maybe the spiders that decided to climb up would get stuck on the little like lip area at the top stopping them in their tracks after

Running out of blocks for more wall I planted all of the seeds I had in the square and I used some bone mail to harvest a bunch before fully filling in the farm to top it off added a small decorative brazer in the center over top the water source for some extra lighting

And decoration and immediately after finishing the farm I was jumped in my own house by a legendary spider with so many abilities that I could barely hit him this dude was like all for one from my hero Academia he had a shielding ability that required me to crit him for

Damage which meant I had to jump and his other powers stopped me from doing that so I literally could not hit him this guy was like a top 10 anime villain after finally taking him out for for dinner he dropped a bunch of garbage enchantments and wow I kind of realized

That I really needed to make this place even more safe even though I keep saying that and I keep saying we’re getting there spiders keep chomping me so it feels like I’m just never going to be safe in this world so anyways back to the Farms I went after the sun came back

Up I planted this small little farm melon area and I originally wanted to do more but I began worrying about the middle area on top of the melons being a spawning area for spiders so as a kind of solution I iron barred in the entire place I added some doors to the front

And I made framed glass for the edges of the door and the roof so that way it was also like another little prison even though this place kind of looked like a prison it was also giving me a nice little like Greenhouse buy maybe like a mevil greenhouse area inside of like I

Don’t know like Hogwarts or something while waiting for the melons to grow so I could add more to the farm it was time to also make myself a small carrot farm so I can get some golden carrots and maybe breed some pigs but first first I

Had the perfect idea for a small sugar cane farm right by my window just in case I needed more paper or sugar in the future and after placing them all what do you know the great melon had spawned I harvested the few melons before they kept just respawning and I filled in the

Entire Farm area Greenhouse with fully grown melon plants not going to lie I don’t really need melon for much I just kind of wanted to do it to make it look nicer after this I quickly added in a small area for the carrots and I replaced the rest of the path blocks in

Between the grass to fully spider prooof the area at this point it was nighttime and I kind of needed more resources to work on my house including a lot more iron to make enough iron bars to fully replace all my fencing overall though even with the weird glass floors I was

Pretty happy with how this place is looking my base was looking pretty cool at this point it was now the next day day 67 and I was ready to go mining I dumped my entire inventory and I mean my entire inventory into some chests before being jumped by even more spiders after taking

Care of the trash I teleported back to my tower and I went straight down into the mines to begin one of my favorite parts of Minecraft I mean obviously plus now that I had fortune 3 I was going to score unreasonable amounts of Loot and

That I did because within no time I had already found myself with a full inventory that netted me a total of 57 blocks of coal along with tons of other resources and yet I was only just getting started shortly after cleaning my inventory again I ran into this small

Dungeon structure that I wanted to explore I broke into the ceiling where I was greeted by a whole pile of those weird looking skeleton dudes just hanging inside with some Gucci bows and for some reason at this point my game’s frame rate just it just died I pushed

Through beating up these nerds one at a time until the coast was clear and now all of their stuff was now my stuff overall the chests didn’t really have much in them just a bunch of like gunpowder couple of golden apples but I did find a fortune plus book that I

Could use to increase fortune 3 to Fortune 4 on my pickaxe and of course because I was already down here mining lots of iron using Fortune I wanted to do that right now so in the middle of this dungeon I created a furnace and I began smelting some iron for an anvil so

I could add the book to it immediately while waiting I broke through the nearby wall to maybe find it why I was lagging or at least find some more stuff to mine while I waited and this was when I found a heart of diamond which I had zero clue

What to do with after digging around my inventory I found out that the only thing this was useful for was an item called a piang that based on the name I’m guessing is like some kind of like long range pickaxe that you throw like a boomerang I don’t know sounds pretty

Cool like you could maybe mine ores in the distance but honestly knowing me I will probably never use it after afking around for a bit while my stuff was mining I had enough iron ingots to make an Anvil and I turned my pickaxe into a

Fortune 4 and it only costed me all 30 of my levels that I wanted for my armor anyways now that I had Fortune 4 I had found this massive lava cave area and I was in heaven mining so many resources for the next couple of days by the time

It was Day 72 both my backpack and inventory was full of resources including Stacks upon stacks of iron and while fighting mimics I got a heart Relic that literally put me up to two rows of Health this trip was an insane success with my inventory stacked upon

Stacked I dug my way up to the surface to make my way home and on the way I was jumped by yet another Army of spiders at this point even with my super fast boots it was becoming difficult to run through spiders without getting smacked a couple

Of times and getting caught within a pile of them it was literally becoming unlivable outside of the walls of my BAS B but after a night of running I was finally safe I was back at my compound where I crafted some blast furnaces and began Mass smelting and organizing my

Iron and other loot that I had gotten and honestly just look at this Hall it is so pretty after turning all of the iron back to ore I had gotten 30 stacks of the stuff that’s right I had a fortune 4 pickaxe plus the item that gave me increased Fortune I printed

Resources not to mention just look at all the gold all the coal and honestly just everything else that I’d come back with I was pretty much now set for life after organizing I chucked all of the iron into my three Blast Furnace Auto smelters with a stack of coal each

Before crafting several stacks of iron bars and you guessed it I spent the next 30 or so minutes building this wall all around my base I built the wall for high like the rest and I added the regular wall trim around the very top to both make it look nice and hopefully block

Off some more spiders and now this place made me feel just like home that is if I was a criminal and this was prison which I mean if you listen to what my villagers say I I might actually be one but anyways my wall was almost completed

And I now needed some kind of front gate that was easy to use and more importantly safe so I used more iron frames around the edges to make sure there was no Gap in Between the Bars for spiders to crawl through and after a little bit of experimenting I kind of

Just gave up and imitated the door that I did for my greenhouse because anything an here would honestly just let more spiders in even though they could technically climb over anyways I mean I don’t think there’s any safe way to do this at this point without fully boxing

Myself in and having no access to the sky so now that the wall was finally done I had a couple of spots where spiders were spawning to clean up on the inside specifically the balcony of my house they kept spawning up there and climbing down which was getting pretty

Annoying at this point I was looking around for possible solutions that didn’t make my house look more ugly since they can still spawn on slab and I couldn’t really build anything else and that’s when I found you could make carpets made out of leaves leaves are also transparent blocks and they might

Even look good up there so my decision was made I crafted two sets of shears and I went to sleep for the night so I could go get leaves tomorrow after the sun was back I teleported to my tower of lag that I still needed to take all of

My stuff from and I went to the nearby Forest to begin Gathering leaves while doing this I was of course interrupted I mean it’s almost a at this point but after getting about two stacks I was ready to leave but not first before the obligatory anime convention of mobs

Jumping me and literally melting through my Armor’s durability after escaping that Ridiculousness and teleporting back home I went to craft the leaf carpets only to be distracted by these amazing Hedges honestly I love mods that make decorating in Minecraft feel a lot more like Animal Crossing if that makes sense

Plus I always use leaves in my builds anyway so so why not I made them and I put them in front of my house and after that I made the carpets and I coated the entire balcony in them and I mean they they didn’t look that like bad I think

It would have looked nicer if there was like a couple here and there so that way they would look like piles of leaves almost as if they’ like fallen off a tree but I mean then the spiders would kind of keep spawning so now instead it looked almost like those cheesy fake

Grass carpets that they put on porches in like trailer park homes I didn’t hate it but like it it kind of is what it is you know what I mean so after touching up my base I was debating on what to do do next I wanted to finish building and

Start adding things to my house but my armor was really taking a beating even with my rings of repair my helmet was almost broken so first I grabbed my pile of rubies and I went back to the tower to craft more helmets and test out what enchantments I could get for them after

Only a few tries I ended up getting protection 4 Unbreaking 3 which was exactly what I wanted but even better I was trying to get some other enchantments for it but after going under level 30 I was pretty good at what I got plus now I could swap the helmets

Whenever I needed so one could be in my inventory and heal first throughout the night while I was thinking about enchantments I sifted them all throughout the chest around my Camp looking for cool or interesting ones that I could also add to my armor and gear until my inventory looked like this

Went back to the Tower and started off by adding protection 3 to my leggings and after that I began experimenting with sword enchants I found this Spartan weapon enchant that increases damage if I have a shield equipped and unfortunately it apparently cannot go on the web Calamity so instead I added it

To my uranium sword instead and went outside to test this bad boy out just to see how it performs and this sword was now hitting over 40 damage I could now One-Shot longleg spiders in Ender spiders so besides its AOE effect the web Calamity was kind of out of its

League I went back to the Tower and began putting together enchantments for my chest piece that would give me absorption when getting negative effects they would increase my XP gains and I would have Vite for extra Health except with all of this enchanting I was now

Down to four levels which meant it was spider Revenge time after getting back up to level 20 I added the final enchantment for my chest to the book with the others on it and in order to add this to my chest it was going to cost even more XP except there was one

Problem my shield was just about broken because for some reason my repair Rings don’t affect my offhand weapons so if I were going to go back outside I would lose tons of defense for taking the shield off and the brand new damage buff from my sword so for now instead I went

Back home to AFK with my shield in my inventory instead of my offhand while waiting for it to repair throughout the night after waiting a bit I realized just how long this is going to take and since you know I was Now Rich and Powerful I thought why not build a bunch

More rings so I gathered everything I needed and I crafted five more Rings totaling me at 10 rings of repair to be honest I would have would have made even more but at this point I was down to five emeralds because there were no villagers anywhere and you needed at

Least one Emerald per ring honestly can’t really complain so after waiting all night my shield was now half healed and I was ready to go I began slicing and dicing spiders all the way until I hit Level 23 with all 23 levels I finished enchanting my chest piece which

Hopefully should increase my XP gains in the future and to test that out I went back to the field near my compound to get some more Revenge captain sparkle style I went out there slaughtering spiders all day and honestly I didn’t really notice them much of an XP gain I

Took out like a lot of Enchanted guys and by the time the night had fallen I ran back into that castle with my poor horse that had been stuck there forever with him on my mind I set off back home because tomorrow I was finally going to

Bring him to my house I went back to my tower and grabbed the diamond horse armor and a saddle and I had a book with horse protection for ready but before leaving I checked what kind of enchantments I could get at the enchantment table and this thing could

Get swiftness 4 My Horse could be Uber fast even though I probably will never take him out of the compound anyways but you know what a horse Boy Can Dream the next morning I set out and what I ran into was probably the most dangerous group of spiders I have seen in this

World yet I mean just look at this insane Army of different powered spiders knocking me around if I didn’t have strong armor this probably would have been the end of it because this there was no way in hell I could Escape all of this but finally after clearing out

Enough of the spiders I made my way to the precious new friend the skeleton horse after jumping on him I realized he couldn’t even wear horse armor so honestly it’s a good thing I did not waste that XP in advance anyways our new horse friend had been acquired and I

Spent a lot of this day leading him back to our base surprisingly without getting a single hit from any spider after getting back to the compound I put him in with the forever alone sheep so they could be friends while he was inside of an actual area so we couldn’t escape

With our new friend finally home I figured it was time to give him a name especially since he will remain dripless until the end of time because he cannot wear armor so I grabbed a name tag and I named him sedok Kaiba because he had this intense quirky villain energy I I I

Don’t know why I named him that let me know in the comments if you know what franchise he’s from after that huge spider incident was over and I got the horse back I was already up to level 2 7 now so I went back to the tower where I

Added Enlightenment 2 to my helmet as well to increase my XP gains I added looting three to my sword for almost zero reason I guess and lastly I added my only regular mending book to my shield because realistically there is no way I could keep up with repairing it

Even with the Rings now that my enchantments were all kind of sorted for now it was time to get back to collecting wood from the forest so I could finally finish the top of my house before day 90 rears its ugly head spent the whole night out here struggling with

Spiders while collecting wood the slowest possible way plus my game even crashed so I had to go and harvest a lot of the trees again and yeah things were not going that well by the time the sun was up I really hadn’t gotten that much wood yet but one of the enchanted

Spiders dropped this insane sounding book immortality this thing said that it would allow me to cheat death upon a fatal hit I wonder if it was more like a totem of undying where I could take a single hit and then just have like no Health left or if I

Just took a fatal hit then just got all my health back honestly this enchantment sounded way good to be true and I was wondering what the catch was going to be I continued on dealing with spiders and chopping down more trees until I had found myself all the way through the

Forest near that one building I wanted to explore next to spawn by the time I was done it felt like I had gotten a ton of wood but after getting home and checking my inventory it turned out I had only gotten just over four stacks I guess when it becomes this difficult to

Harvest wood time just ends up flying and you really don’t accomplish that much anyways during that trip I guess since just leaving my base is so intense I came back with 23 more levels my shield was almost fully mended and I had a bunch of new enchantments including

Another Ender mending I went back to the tower to try adding the new Ender mending book to my helmet because it always takes the hardest beating and that’s when I realized Ender mending can actually only be put un tools and elytras I contemplated adding it to my

Main sword but honestly with the repair Rings it kind of wasn’t worth using the XP at this point the next day I climbed up to the top of my base with the spruce wood from my trip ready to build a nice roof that is until realizing a roof

Using stairs would be a literal spawning ground for more spiders so instead I was going to need to make it flat using deep slate which I needed more of so I grabbed some books went over to the Tower of lag and I added this momentum enchantment to my pick to heavily speed

Things up and while I was at it I also gave this puffer fish enchantment to my sword to give mobs debuffs and I went down into the mines eager to do what I needed to get more resources after getting down to the bottom of the ladder

Of my mines I went to break one block to dig deeper and um my game crashed so since my game crashed I reloaded did the same exact thing and it crashed again and this is when I learned that apparently the momentum in enchantment along with the god of M fast enchantment

Do not get along so I would highly recommend not using them together anywh who after loading a backup save to fix the issue I went back down to the cave this time without enchanting anything and I began digging down only to be greeted by an Ender spider guarding

Exactly what I needed not that far away after defeating said spider I collected tons of resources until my pick eventually started breaking everything lightning fast from the godam mine fast mod and you you know what it kind of makes sense why the two mods don’t get

Along with each other and would cause an insta crash after harvesting a ton of the deep slate I also cleaned up all of my iron ores which netted me a solid Three Stacks before going back home after getting home I crafted my Superior deep slate bricks and I started laying

Out the perimeter of my makeshift roof that is until I was interrupted by being yeed into Oblivion by this Enchanted spider after my little Interruption I finished placing out the edge and I began filling in the Middle with with Spruce Wood while leaving a small spot

For the upstairs ladder so I can get up top after finishing the floor I used slabs around the edges for a bit of an overhang and I added some walls on top of them after climbing down to look at it it definitely doesn’t look as good as

If I would have used like a traditional roof but honestly after adding some more hanging lanterns it could look pretty great you know now that the roof was partially on it was time for detailing I started off by adding a ladder from my second floor in the house to the very

Top roof and I created a second second ladder from the ground floor up to the second one which was honestly kind of useless and only for looks but it doesn’t matter after that I scrunched through my chest to find the only real Minecraft torches I had to make more

Lanterns to begin lighting up the area I added them to different areas on the bottom floor added a bunch to the second floor and I put some somewhat out of place ones on the top balcony that was still kind of sitting weird with me but as Courage the Cowardly Dog always says

The things I do for love I spent the rest of this day adding more finishing touches to the house at this point the only weak spot left was my little Glass Room hanging over the edge of the compound so I added a perimeter of slabs around the edges after I crafted a stack

And a half of framed glass using iron to fill in the roof this way I could use it as a kind of safe Vantage Point area and nothing will spawn on top of it after finishing up the roof I added more lanterns inside added a trap door to the

Ladder to the third floor and now all I needed was more leaves to make make said third floor platform a lot safer and I was finally ready to start moving my stuff into the house assuming that I actually do that so after the sun came

Back up I was back at the lag Tower and out and about collecting more leaves to fill in the roof floor I grabbed about four Stacks before breaking my shears and heading back home to continue working I crafted a few more gorgeous shrubs to put out front of my base and

Then I filled in the entire top floor with Leaf carpets followed by my second main floor and now my base was both super cozy and more importantly super safe because I could already feel the lack of spiders coming at me from the top of my house to celebrate my house

Finally becoming whole I harvested my crops that were ready with my fortune for a pickaxe and this thing was kind of nutty this little carrot Farm produced 3 and 1/2 Stacks from a single Harvest after replanting them I also gathered all of my wheat from the wheat farm and

For some odd reason the fortune seemed to only work on the seeds because I got like five Stacks delicious anyways after after finishing off being a farmer for the night I noticed even more spiders on top of my house I climbed up to the roof and even more head spawned so at this

Point honestly I don’t really know what to do to stop the spawns I guess the leaf carpets also didn’t work or maybe they were spawning on top of the walls I could replace the floors with glass but that would end up looking kind of awful and while looking around my base I also

Kind of needed more sources of light but being out of regular torches and not being able to craft more for land turns this place I guess was just kind of stuck dark when the Sun goes down unless I fill in the area under the glass with

Lava but I’m also kind of scared of it you know burning down my house so for tonight instead of dealing with all these problems I’m just going to sleep the next morning I figured it was finally time to clear out my laggy tower for good I could add my enchanting setup

To my house and I could use the wayist stone as a way to explore more of the world instead of using it to teleport back and forth from my crappy Tower I especially needed to do this because day 90 is going to make everything even

Worse that is if it can get much worse originally I was going to spend my time taking everything from the tower until I realized just how much clutter it really was and how many trips that was going to take so instead I just filled my inventory with anything that I found

Still valuable I mined all of the bookshelves which gave me all three books for some odd reason I took the enchantment table and the wayist stone and just like that I was out of here hopefully never to come back again I made my way through the the field of

Spiders one last time and honestly exploring anything at this point was going to be rough because these guys were brutal after arriving home I built a nice enchantment area in the corner and I added a ton of barrels as a makeshift storage area next to it I wasn’t really planning on organizing

Much here though because of all the spiders around you really don’t know what to expect and I take forever to organize the only part I did organize was these few chests next to the enchanting area that were pretty much just my rare material chest including things like diamonds iron Etc you you

Kind of get it for the rest of the night and throughout the next day I continued cleaning up the dump chest around my base organizing all my rare resources into those chests and adding more Furnishing to the bottom floor of my base while doing all this I came to the

Conclusion that I just cannot be safe in this world spiders continue to spawn in the stairs inside of my house they spawn on the roof they spawn in the melon farm I mean just look at them all camping in the middle of my roof I can’t even feel

Safe in my own house I woke up on day 86 just four mere days days away from the Next Mutation and the atmosphere of my house had completely changed it started to feel cozy and it had all of the resources I needed to survive I started off today by preparing for my journey

Far away from my home I crafted all of my carrots into golden carrots for more efficient combat food and I dumped and prepared both my inventory and my backpack with the necessities and space for more loot just in case I also packed rubies for an emergency armor repair and

Iron to make anvils with for said repairs and just like that I was now ready to set out on the journey further than I had ever gone before before day 90 gets worse before setting out I made some fence gates and I fenced in the area in front of my house that was

Originally meant to be a mining area I grabbed my best boy sok Kaiba and I turned it into his brand new crib just look at this guy he’s glowing inside of his new home with my horse now more comfortable I double checked from my wayist stone in my backpack and I set

Off on what might be my fin final Journey real quick before leaving I remembered I still had an Unbreaking two book so I used one of the anvils and I added it to my chest piece just for some extra defense against all of the emotional and physical damage these

Spiders were going to throw at me now that I was ready I set off in the direction towards the horse Castle from before and there were still plenty of spiders camping outside waiting for me after getting by a lot of them I veered to the right away from another abandoned

City where I found yet another serpent statue next to some cozy looking cabin as the sun started to set I absolutely struggled to get to the top of this thing for whatever loot was inside the chest that only ended up being to Gold since the spiders were more hostile at

Night and it was now harder to see where I was going I decided to explore the nice little cabin nearby before taking refuge in it for the night luckily there were pretty much no spiders here and inside one of the chests had eight obsidian which would be almost perfect

For a nether portal if they existed in this world the next morning I left the co little house only to be immediately jumped by a pile of spiders in the nearby desert all it takes is One Enchanted boy and it could all be over it’s like AMC’s The Crawling dead out

Here get it it was a bad joke I’m sorry anyways after escaping that fun situation and that bad joke I noticed this interesting structure in the distance with a Wandering traitor inside and after getting closer it got even better there was a nearby horse stable

With a horse inside of it for now I ran past the horse to check out the structure and it was pretty cool looking but it didn’t really have that much loot that is until I saw it in the middle this place had a sand wayist Stone after

Clearing out the current wave of spiders that was emerging from who knows where I was thinking about ways to get the horse home since I didn’t really have any saddles on me and then it hit me I could use the wayist stone to temporarily teleport back home get a saddle and

Maybe the horse could teleport too if I was on top of it while teleporting I went back to my base to find a saddle but after turning up every chest in the place it turns out the only one I actually had was on sedok Kaiba so for

Now I borrowed it from him and went back to befriend my new horse pow after becoming his friend I gave him the saddle and some Gucci Diamond horse armor and I tried teleporting home with him with zero luck it turns out you cannot teleport while riding on mobs so

Unfortunately it was time for Plan B I rode the horse the Thousand or so blocks I had traveled all the way back home and surprisingly with no way issues whenever I’m on top of a horse the spiders just don’t care so anyways after getting him

Home I put him in the horse table with his good friend sedok Kaiba and I used my wayist stone to teleport back to continue my journey but not of course before stealing all of the lanterns around this building so I could use them to add to my compound just as I was

About to leave I accidentally fell in a hole near the horse table where I found some wool buried underground thinking it was kind of sus I broke inside only to find a hidden chest room there wasn’t really a ton inside but I did take the lantern before leaving I continued on my

Journey finally leaving that spider field desert when I honestly don’t know what happened here I killed the spider and everything was fine until my screen started bugging out like crazy and all of the hearts of my health went invisible and my character was like stuck slanted I I have no clue what

Happened here but it freaked me out cuz I had not backed up my world and who knows how long I tried restarting my game and I tried teleporting using the way stones but nothing was working none none of the spiders here were attacking me but the XP still tracked me and I

Couldn’t pick up any items it was like I became a ghost even though I didn’t die I tried fixing this for like 10 minutes straight until I unfortunately just had to load a backup save luckily I backed my game up very frequently so I didn’t

Lose as much as I had thought I was going to honestly ever since I lost my OG hardcore world I have been backing up worlds like consistently because I terrified of losing data now so anyways after the backup I had restarted back in the cottage that I had loaded the day

Before and upon arriving at the trader building this time the horse stable was gone my horse didn’t spawn I lost the horse the only horse in this world that was not a Zombie horse or skeleton horse to some stupid garbage glitch so after raling all the lanterns I just kept

Going back to where the glitch happened and maybe I could find another horse along the way and that’s when I saw this in the distance there was a village I thought there would be no chance of finding a village in this SP SP infested world and I was so excited to see this

In the distance but wait guess what happened yep if you guess that the glitch randomly happened again in the same exact area you would be right I had no clue what was going on at this point it was now my third time taking on this area because I loaded my backup again

This time I grabbed the sand waist Stone and I just dipped I didn’t feel like breaking all the lanterns again because who knows if I was going to just randomly glitch out again for some reason though now that there were spiders everywhere and my game was

Acting like a slideshow it was so laggy I ran back to the Village but I could not get a single fright from the spiders so I stole a second Way Stone from the village and I just kept running I ran past a few more structures but my game

Was not having it at all I finally ended up near another abandoned city which was the last thing on this spider infested Earth that I wanted to deal with right now so I turned to the right and just kept running and honestly I think it was

Too late to Journey like this in this world because I did not see a possibility of me getting a break in spiders for even a second I spent the rest of this day non-stop High adrenaline being chased by spiders constantly being attacked just running and running I kept hitting ocean areas

And I was getting ambushed left and right until finally I just gave up and I started heading home but I didn’t want to sacrifice a Way Stone so instead of teleporting home I just ran home the hard way and I was feeling very defeated and very Horseless while running home

All night the spiders began feeling different they were getting more violent which I feel like I say every day but today they were especially extrav violent at this point every time I stepped foot on land I was being attacked by incredibly brutal spiders I I could not catch a single second for a

Break and that’s when I realized it was already happening the day 90 mutation had begun it was now day 90 and things around the world were too far gone the spider mutations had gotten so strong that the odds for survival were slim to none at this point there were hardly any

Regular spiders left they’ve all transformed into something worse and do you remember that spider that I had encountered at the bottom of that mob dungeon early on in the game play those things were now spawning everywhere after getting home and clearing my inventory I didn’t quite

Know what to do the world was even like safe than before just while looking outside my house window I saw six of those spider beast bosses if I didn’t act now my house was probably going to be overrun I stepped outside because I had an idea of how to make things safer

And upon looking back in my house I was greeted by two of the spider beasts up top so I was going back inside I found this spot in the corner of my base to make a new M shaft so I could go down and collect lava I crafted a ton ton of

Buckets and I began building down but not too long into it I ran into a small cave where I was ambushed by luckily some easy baby spiders after pretending to be Aaron joerger I kept digging down until I struck another cave after building down into the cave I began

Exploring very carefully just in case there were any of those big beast spiders down here however instead I was greeted by something a lot more friendly I found this huge network of dilapitated M shafts that were full of or and other things to be looted however I

Was not here for the tons of iron and other ores at least not today after a little bit of running through these M shafts I had located my target lava and I began filling every nook and cranny of my inventory and my backpack with the spicy water goodness that was after

Filling everything up I left a waypoint here so I could find my way back and after getting back to the bottom of my ladder it had turned out to be surrounded by way more lava so I left a second marker to make it easier for me

To get more lava in the future and I went back to the surface to begin operation lava trench if I couldn’t stop the spiders from crawling over my base I can make a bit of lava around my base that would stop them from getting even the chance to climb over my base after

Getting back to the top I went outside to see if I could start adding lava but everywhere I looked I was being camped by more of those spider beasts so for extra safety I tried to sleep at least to slow down some of the quier spiders

At night while I tried to tackle this project but I also couldn’t do that because even more spider beasts were camping underneath the glass area of my house things were getting scary after waiting until dawn I was ready to go back outside and those spiders on my

Roof were still waiting for my juicy gamer cheeks and until they’re gone I can’t really do much so it was time to face my fears Kingdom Hearts 3 style I climbed up my outside ladder and luckily the first Beast spider being the micro brain that he was got stuck under the

Slabs around the top of my house and he was an easy clap after crushing my first disappointing foe I easily destroyed the next tube surprisingly it turns out I was now so strong and powerful just like in real life don’t quote that that I easily ruined their KS with them gone I

Decided to just go up to the roof and place glass blocks every few blocks to stop any more potential spawns and my game crashed again so after clearing them out again I finished placing out all of the glass so hopefully they just stop spawning up here cuzz honestly I’m

So tired of dealing with it well add it I also added some more random glass to the areas on my second inside floor to hopefully stop any more spawns in there too as sad as it is to say doing this took like half of the day but now that

My roof would stop hopefully raining spiders on me I began scoping out the area to start building my lava pit I open my front gate only to be immediately jumped by several more boss fighers and even with my defense they still hit hella hard and they stick

Around for so so long because of all their stupid Health after clearing the nearby aggressors and seeing their drops it gave me a new idea I could brew potions to make my time outside of the walls a lot safer or hopefully just more efficient I began looking through

Potions and favoring which ones I wanted to try and brew and I spent a lot of time researching these potions and I even found this insane one called potion of bug pheromones and this thing made all bugs including spiders neutral to me which in a world full of spiders sounds

Pretty useful and then I learned that it needed tons of crazy mob drops from things like cockroaches and whatever drop bears are which are all things that are pretty much extinct in this world so instead I was stuck Brewing basic Minecraft boy potions like regeneration and strength I placed down two Brewing

Stands and got straight to brewing potions I made a handful of glass bottles and filled them up with the nearby water and while outside there were more spiders assaulting me from my roof and at least there was you know less of them but I guess I just can’t

Win at this point so I spent the rest of this day experimenting with potions but mostly unsuccessfully I didn’t have any gas TI for regen potions and the only other thing I could actually make that might work would be potions of invisibility but with there being so many spiders outside there was zero

Chance I was risking everything in this world by walking out there with no armor on because the spiders are ruthless and unforgiving so all I came out of this little Brewing spree with was potions of strength to after the sun was back up I filled my inventory with lava and I was

Ready to start burning things the second I walked outside of my house there were still a few spiders on my roof but I also had some new visitors I had this roaming band of pillagers ran outside while there was a surprising break in the spiders and I took each and every

One of these guys to a five-star dinner with Gordon Ramy himself serving us honestly my base was getting kind of lonely though so I kind of wish I had lured some of them inside so I can put them inside a boats and break their bows and make new friends because that is

Exactly how making friends works at least you can tell that to the people in my basement anyways with them gone I decided since this part of the ground around my base was so whack that I was just going to pour lava everywhere down the side of it and be done with it and

That is exactly what I did I used most of lava that I had but it was now a lot safer to say that no spiders were going to get into this part of my base and honestly since the nearby ground would take forever to break to make a proper

Lava pit I was thinking I might just do the same thing around the other sides I mean it’s not like this place looked that nice in the first place so that’s exactly what I tried to do before one specific spider kept crashing my game I had to lower my render distance all the

Way down to almost one so he wouldn’t load in and since I no longer had my tower Waypoint I tried to run back over to the castle where I found my horse instead and um yeah I’ll just I’ll just let you see what actually happened Here the spiders were now Unstoppable when I got caught in that horde there was virtually no way out the boss Fighters had too much health to quickly kill and in that tiny amount of time my armor was melted down almost 1/4 of the way in durability by the time I got back

Home I managed to lose a lot of the spiders but these four boss boys would not leave me alone and I couldn’t bait the into the lava either I managed to get rid of one of them but the others just kind of left almost like any father

Figures in my life also I’m sorry but I love these jokes way too much to not say them all the time but yeah I didn’t really accomplish much today because the spiders would not let me they just would not let up and I needed to make sure whatever was crashing my game was

Actually finally gone so uh yeah it was now Day 94 and I am actually just speechless just what happened just look at all these spiders during this encounter I could not move at all they were melting my armor within seconds I desperately struggled to place down my

Wayist stone and I teleported back home it was official I can now no longer leave my home my helmet was half broke and just look at my shield it was seconds away from breaking which could have taken away like half of my sword’s damage and a lot of my defense including

My poison immunity at this point the spiders had died off at least that’s what I had hoped so I unequipped my shield to repair it because mending was apparently now too slow and I went back outside to continue placing more lava surprisingly I actually managed to get

Most of my inventory of lava out and I went back inside to figure out what I was going to do with with my almost broken shield since mending just won’t cut it anymore and all the spider damage out produces it anyways I guess I was

Just going to waste diamonds and XP to a parot which is you know super lame especially since I have mending but the second I walked into my house to think about this I was ambushed Again by even more spiders I cleaned up what was running around and afterwards spent some

Quality time with my new cushion prisoners after clearing out my house like I was in some stereotypical zombie show I wasted my resources fixing my shield after that I went back down into the mines to get myself some more lava while down here I may have gotten a bit

Lost though even though I had way points in place but eventually I did find a new source of lava and this one came with diamond I minded out this juicy eight vein and these guys dropped me 23 diamonds my fortune was absolutely cracked after hiding those diamonds in my backpack it

Was time to collect myself some more spicy water after filling up I figured since I’m probably not traveling anymore why not just place the waist Stone down here for some more easy access and after getting home I found another new friend on my couch the next day with my copious

Amounts of lava I finished off the rest of the Lava Moat thing outside if you could even call it that and my house was now a lot safer but apparently not safe enough because somehow spiders were still spawning on my roof so today I lost it I gave up I placed out glass

Blocks all over my second floor balcony in the hopes that there was just some way that they would stop spawning up here and while I was at it I figured you know I might as well replace the stairs in my house with more glass 2 because apparently they were also spawning

Spiders however I had some uh visitors under my staircase apparently my glass floor was a beast spider Paradise because I had a little Entourage also if you saw how I spelled that word in my notes you’d be disappointed but yeah I had an Entourage of spiders waiting just for any move

That I made they were just waiting watching sniffing my feet as I walked by so with my new audience I began replacing the nice staircase so much for looking nice I guess with a much uglier set of glass blocks they don’t look better in the slightest but hopefully

Now things at least won’t spawn inside of my house after my stairs were replaced I had even more friends watching From Below including this fun poison guy I don’t know what to do at this point I kept using my sword’s ability to damage them but those spiders

Have so much health it would take several days just to kill them the next few days I didn’t really know what to do I could barely step out side without being destroyed and I didn’t really want to decorate much more under these circumstances so after the sun had come

Up I teleported back down to get more lava because I was going to try and block off the area under my house and spread some lava near it that doesn’t you know burn down my house along with it and hopefully stop more of the spiders from just camping under there

Cuz I can’t sleep in my own house literally they keep me awake I can’t go to sleep because of the spiders so after getting more lava and a bunch of glass I ran out and immediately this plan was not not going to work the sheer mass of

Spiders that started beating me up for my lunch money there was this stupid magnetic spider that just kept pulling me back into the pile of other spiders I couldn’t even get close to the spiders that were stuck under my glass floor at this point I knew I needed to leave

Before getting trapped again but if I was going to come out here and struggle I at least was getting something out of this terrible encounter so while being tossed around from spider to spider I very desperately ran underneath to try and place out two buckets of lava that I

Had in my hot bar on the ground in the hopes that it would get at least some of the spiders and stop them from spawning there and after this I struggled to run back home to get to my front gate while being pulled back by that stupid magnet

Spider also not to mention every time these spiders hit me I would like get stuck and I could no longer run which just made me get hit even more so it’s like every time a spider smacked me I was getting pulled backwards into the pile of other spiders but anyways I I

Finally got back into my base and the spiders that didn’t catch on fire while chasing me just sat on the edge of the wall dodging my lava even without actually making a pit these guys still managed to escape my lava Cascade honestly I was just defeated at this

Point I did not know what to do and then my game decided for me by also crashing again so I did the exact same thing again and I fled back home again and I went inside my house to see the Carnage which turned out to be nothing the lava

Was pretty much doing nothing the spiders were on to me they were once again learning but even though they thought they could catch up I was still two steps ahead and I had this brilliant plan I broke the glass floor area right next to my fencing from before and here

Is where the plan came together I sat in here killing off each monstrosity one at a time and sure they hit me but I was perfectly safe until finally I could catch a moment of peace I had killed all of the spiders and now since the lava

Was down there and they weren’t spawning I had my opportunity I began dumping bucket after bucket after bucket of lava down the side just far enough down to hopefully not also burn down my house in the process and to be extra safe I also removed all of the fencing that was

Already Catching Fire so it didn’t spread to my house and I closed things off this took way too long to do but finally the spiders were at least a little further from home now it was now day 98 and to be honest there wasn’t

Much I could do with my base and I was getting antsy so today was the day that I was just going to go outside again as probably dumb as it sounds I literally just sat here complaining about how I couldn’t leave but that just makes me

Want to leave even more I grabbed all of my current repair rings and I even used six of my seven remaining emeralds along with a ton of other resources to make a ridiculous six more at this point the majority of my inventory was just repair rings but honestly that didn’t really

Make much difference because it’s not like I was going to be looting stuff anyways How likely was it that I was going to get enough time to stop and open a chest let own take the stuff out of it with my inventory full of repair

Rings and a wa Stone in my hot bar as a backup I was now ready I grabbed strength potions opened my front gate to see this ocean of eight-legged monsters this was going to be fun so I set off and my first goal while being out was to

Retrieve the first waist stone that I used a couple days ago to escape death but the spiders obviously did not want that to happen because they used game Crash no jutu and my game crashed again so after prepping again it was on to round two and this time things went

Equally as bad this was a fight for my life I was being being thrown around so much that I lost track of where the wayist stone even was after catching a tiny break I noticed the waist zone right over to the side and I very quickly ran over to

Break it and I fled for my life I ran through this Minefield of spiders until I finally made it back to the desert where I was getting all of my sand from next to that City and while here I finally began to catch a break and as

Soon as I caught this break I was then knocked into this little hole where I was bered by a pile of even more spiders but finally after killing off the remaining spiders in the hole I had escaped The Horde I climbed my way up and I was now free to move on and

Explore I ran past the nearby City and after making it to the other side of the desert I stumbled upon this little Pillager infested graveyard and while enjoying my break from the spiders I was getting some pretty dank loot from all of the graves which by the way it is

Definitely not a crime in Minecraft while looting all of these Graves I got a bunch of golden apples I got some cool skeletons yes I said skeletons like the whole skeleton I got skeleton heads zombie heads and even another God Apple after finishing borrowing I was planning

On sleeping here but the Blood Moon had a different idea so to dodge all the spiders for the night I swam out to the oce to make a small platform where I just existed in peace for a while just chilling here enjoying the Aurora Borealis in the sky and that’s when I

Noticed a nice ship off in the distance not really spider themed but I still wanted to explore it so honestly I don’t really care I sat here for the night until finally day 99 the blood moon was over and my shield was also super healed from the ton of crafted rings in my

Inventory so now that the spiders were a little more chilled I crafted myself a boat and made my way over to the ship and since there was nowhere else for spiders to spawn nearby you guessed it they spawned on the ship I sat here for like a solid 2 minutes straight

Butchering all of the spiders as they poured out of this boat and then I saw it the boat had villagers if I had found this sooner I could have set up like a small little trading Camp here that would have made enchanting so much

Better but for now I guess all I get is all of their belongings sucks to suck nerds they all had a couple of emeralds here in there and a saddle for the horse that the game wrongfully stole from me and after I finished stealing from these Port Chumps and maybe killing one by

Accident you’ll talk about that I got back in the boat and set off looking for something else interesting to do and while I had the chance to talk about it this is the only time throughout this entire world that I’ve actually had time to stop and think and I was enjoying

Myself I boed my way casually in between these two different cities when I found something interesting I found a warped wooden ship flow floating in the sky above the city this thing was going to be insanely dangerous to get up to but you know what I had to do it I broke my

Way into the city only to them be yeed by this legendary spider pig I quickly defeated this guy but Homer Simpson would still be proud after clearing the nearby area I had some time to think about how I was going to get up top since spiders can climb up anything I

Was going to need a pillar that was separate from the blocks down below I climbed up to the top of this building using my water bucket and after starting my pillar I successfully broke the bottom out and began my long sweaty Palm fi trip into the sky after expending

Most of my blocks I finally built my way over and very carefully broke my way in while being very ready for any surprise spiders to try to knock me off but luckily this place was clean and there was an easy spawner to break in the

Middle and it also came with a bunch of free chests full of some diamonds emeralds and even a gold block inside after exploring the whole ship the sun began setting making it the final day I placed out my way Stone giving it this very mature name and just to say I did

It I slept in this bed in the sky at this point it was now the final day and every single spider in this world has fully mutated into these absolute killing machines after surviving all of this time in this world it all all came to this if I had thought the hordes of

Spiders were hard to deal with before things perhaps just became impossible so here I was on the final day honestly I didn’t really know what else I could do in this world at this point it was now too late I looked down off the ship only

To see a literal sea of Beast spiders and honestly I don’t want to go home anymore if I could even call that struggle of a compound home I mean sure sok Kaio was there but he too like everyone else was already dead and the one living horse that I was excited to

Exist in this world with was gone so while looking down off the ship I jumped well I didn’t really expect this outcome but after jumping I still didn’t die it’s almost like a metaphor I was so strong that it took both that insane fall and damage from all of these

Spiders to finally get me I wanted to take the easy way out but sadly this is what became of me the key to being a good content creator is to actually be thankful for what you have and then thank your audience so yeah bit of a

Somber outro there but this mod pack end world were honestly so so so much fun to play in if you got this far into the video you are absolutely amazing and I love you if you do want to get a hold of this mod and mod pack and even the world

I played in there is a link in the description to support me on patreon in hon ly means so much to me that I’ve been able to do super cool things like make this mod pack because of all of you genuinely thank you and thank you to all

Of my current patreons I’m glad I can finally offer something bigger than a world download for your support anyways this has been pain domination and don’t get eaten by spiders out there peace

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in a SPIDER APOCALYPSE in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Pain on 2023-10-31 18:00:06. It has garnered 20274 views and 1019 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:07 or 8707 seconds.

Today I survived 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft in a world driven to its knees by an infestation of spiders. Everywhere I go I am under the constant threat of them hunting me. Will I rise up and survive my arachnophobia or will I be eaten alive? ——————————————————————————————————————- Get The Mod HERE By Supporting on Patreon!

✦*Patreon* – https://www.patreon.com/PainDomination ——————————————————————————————————————- Other Ways to support me! ✦BRAND NEW LINKTREE LINK WITH ALL OF MY SOCIALS – https://linktr.ee/PainDomination

✦Join my Discord – https://discord.gg/cVudFq8

✦Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/paindomination

✦Twitter- https://twitter.com/PainDomination ——————————————————————————————————————- Hardcore Minecraft will flip any casual minecrafter upside-down with an onslaught of hostile mobs that do insane damage to you. In this video I spent 100 days surviving the harsh elements that hardcore minecraft has to offer and I thrived in it.

Timestamps: Day 1 – 2:30 Day 10 – 24:30 Day 20 – 40:05 Day 30 – 54:30 Day 40 – 1:08:34 Day 50 – 1:17:17 Day 60 – 1:23:55 Day 70 – 1:37:26 Day 80 – 1:47:31 Day 90 – 2:02:15 Day 100 – 2:21:54 Thank You All – 2:24:25

#Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #100Days

PainDomination – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWNH3vyDfAToVG8UVqewdjQ

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

    Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6 Minecraft Survival: A Brief Mining Adventure Join Catrophy in the latest episode of Minecraft Survival as he embarks on a short mining expedition. In this exciting gameplay, Catrophy stumbles upon coal instead of diamonds, adding a twist to his usual adventures. Let’s delve into the highlights of this mining episode! Exploring the Depths As Catrophy delves deep into the underground caves of Minecraft, he encounters a variety of ores and minerals. While his goal was to find precious diamonds, luck was not on his side this time. Instead, he uncovers a rich vein of coal, a valuable resource for… Read More

  • Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe

    Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe Exploring Magical Mods with Ice, Fire, Thunder, and Poison Powers in Minecraft Pe Embark on a mystical journey in Minecraft Pe with the enchanting mod that introduces powers of ice, fire, thunder, and poison. Dive into a world where magic meets reality, and where your imagination knows no bounds. Unleash the Elements With this mod, players can harness the power of various elements to enhance their gameplay experience. From freezing enemies with ice spells to engulfing them in flames, the possibilities are endless. Experiment with thunder strikes and toxic attacks to dominate your foes and conquer the Minecraft universe…. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack

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  • Sonic’s Yellow Portal in Minecraft

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  • 100 Days: Minecraft’s Explosive Score

    100 Days: Minecraft's Explosive Score In the world of Minecraft, a challenge arose, “100 Days” series, where the story unfolds. Luke the Notable, a gamer so bold, Survived and thrived, his journey retold. From humble beginnings, with just a few views, To millions of fans, all eager for news. The challenge was simple, but not for the weak, Survive 100 days, with dangers to seek. Creepers and zombies, skeletons too, Luke faced them all, with skills so true. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Each episode gripping, fans at his command. The series took off, like a rocket in flight, Capturing hearts, day and… Read More

  • Minecraft: Story Mode Finale

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft servers and why you should consider joining Minewind. While watching a hilarious YouTube video like “Jackbhaiya roast jack 🤣#gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts,” you might be looking for a new and thrilling Minecraft experience. That’s where Minewind comes in! Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. With a vibrant community of players and exciting features to explore, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash… Read More

  • Wild Minecraft Quest! Boost My Pal!

    Wild Minecraft Quest! Boost My Pal! Epic Minecraft Adventure! Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure in this exciting gameplay video! 🎮 Join the community in supporting a friend’s channel as they showcase their epic Minecraft skills. Let’s come together to strengthen our Minecraft community and show our support by liking, commenting, and subscribing for more exciting gameplay! Exploring Minecraft 1.18 Discover the latest features and updates in Minecraft 1.18 as our friend dives into the game. From new biomes to exciting challenges, there’s always something new to explore in the world of Minecraft. Watch as they navigate through the game and uncover hidden secrets along… Read More

  • Frosty Craft: Surviving the Coldest Minecraft World

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  • Summoning Kuyang in Minecraft PE

    Summoning Kuyang in Minecraft PE The Mysterious World of Minecraft: Exploring the Kuyang Portal Step into the eerie world of Minecraft as players delve into the creation of the Kuyang Portal, a portal shrouded in horror and mystery. In the realm of Kalimantan, particularly among the Banjar community, the Kuyang is a legendary creature believed to be a shape-shifting entity with a human head but a skinless body, known for its ability to fly in search of the blood of infants or women who have just given birth. Unveiling the Kuyang Portal The Kuyang Portal in Minecraft PE offers players a glimpse into the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mob Sounds: My Original Creation

    Minecraft Memes - Mob Sounds: My Original CreationLooks like someone needs to hit the “mute” button on their imagination! Read More

  • Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Rhyme

    Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Happy Planet Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With humor and fun, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, in rhymes so free. Read More

  • I felt that… in the Nether! 🔥

    I felt that... in the Nether! 🔥 When you’re mining for diamonds in Minecraft and accidentally fall into lava, but the music is so soothing that you just feel like “I felt that” 😔 #minecraftstruggles #lavaissues #gamerproblems Read More

  • LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft

    LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft Exploring the Latest Minecraft Updates in October 2024 As the world of LEGO continues to expand, the month of October 2024 brings exciting new additions to the lineup. From Star Wars to Batman, Super Mario Bros, and Minecraft, there is something for every fan to enjoy. Let’s dive into the details of the latest Minecraft updates featured in this month’s LEGO releases. Discovering New Minecraft Sets One of the highlights of the October 2024 LEGO releases is the introduction of new Minecraft sets. These sets allow players to bring their favorite blocky world to life through intricate LEGO designs…. Read More

  • Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock

    Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock The Easiest Iron Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Farm Details Looking for an efficient iron farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21? Look no further! This iron farm, designed by OinkOink, is a game-changer. It operates in MCPE, PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox, making it versatile for players across different platforms. The farm, built in a Minecraft 1.20 Survival Farm world, is a fully automatic setup that guarantees a bountiful yield of iron and poppies. Farm Performance The farm boasts an impressive performance, producing between 300 to 350 iron ingots per hour. This high output ensures that players have a… Read More

  • Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story Mode

    Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story ModeVideo Information This video, titled ‘L’histoire de MINECRAFT STORY MODE¹ en 41 minutes’, was uploaded by Sun on 2024-09-20 15:00:07. It has garnered 68761 views and 3362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:58 or 2518 seconds. The game tah the times, SUBSCRIBE! #minecraft #minecraftstorymode #nostalgia #cartoon Read More

  • Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMP

    Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 2 🔥FACTORY BUILD START IN SMP | 🔥GG SMP |🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | !insta @tanuj_gg’, was uploaded by GALAXY GAMING on 2024-02-26 20:04:28. It has garnered 62 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 04:07:59 or 14879 seconds. ============================================================================= ⚜ If All of Enjoying the Stream? Make sure You Like & Share the Video and Do not forget to Subscribe the Channel ⚜ ============================================================================= Top Donation ❤ 🔰Info Gamer Shiv: 💲166.51, 🔰Anuj Roy: $87.83, 🔰REB SANJU: $81.37, 🔰Dibya Dash: $65.29, 🔰Ustaad JoKeR GaMinG: $64.41, 🔰Manjot Singh 99.9%: $47.49, 🔰Ajay sbj: $46.89, 🔰Kulnoor… Read More

  • Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye Now

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BUILD with INSANE GRANITE - Tim Horn EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MUCH GRANITE II: Minecraft Series #70’, was uploaded by Tim Horn on 2024-01-17 19:54:18. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:04 or 3004 seconds. Here is the long awaited Minecraft Series i mentioned before, This World is on an Amplified World, Which is full of lakes & mountains, this actually makes it harder, so good luck for me on this one, Im going to play at my own pace & enjoy building & civilizing this world! Support me on Patreon! Really would appreciate it! https://www.patreon.com/Thunder103093 My… Read More

  • 🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑

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  • Yoeurn Mutta’s Massive Space Adventure

    Yoeurn Mutta's Massive Space AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘He’s better off to space (@eiaz.yt on IG)’, was uploaded by Yoeurn Mutta on 2024-08-25 12:30:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraftmeme #minecraft. Read More

  • 10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi’s Minecraft Adventure! 🔴

    10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi's Minecraft Adventure! 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】anyone got any red flags | #Fantasia_SEA’, was uploaded by Mofutari Megumi Ch. もふ多里 恵美 on 2024-09-07 15:12:18. It has garnered 82 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:55 or 8695 seconds. -: ❁ :- 『NEW COVER RELEASE』 – ≪ Giga – Ch4nge ⨠ https://youtu.be/hvUaGxMCD1w -: ❁ :- 『Memberships』 Join memberships to get access to emotes, badges, and exclusive members-only content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_DgDtYIP4mBTZxCSnDeFg/join -: ❁ :- 『Support Me』 https://streamelements.com/mofutarimegumi-8249/tip https://ko-fi.com/mofutarimegumi ※ Tips are voluntary and nonrefundable ! Please make sure you’re prioritizing yourself first and foremost! ※ Majority of the funds will… Read More

  • EPIC SHIZO REALMS – Thagnogs vs Viewers

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  • EPIC Marble Minecraft War – Z-Marbles Showdown!

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  • SwipeSMP – smp, Mostly-Vanilla, 1.21, Whitelist

    Join our SMP Server Community! If you’re looking to join a mostly vanilla SMP server on version 1.21, we’re in need of more players to contribute to builds and shops. Join our community by adding me on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: https://discord.gg/9vNqQk5Xzx Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Haters Gonna Criticize

    Minecraft Memes - Haters Gonna CriticizeWow, that meme must be criti-seeming pretty good with a score of 105! Read More

  • Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper’s Mixtape Drops!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper's Mixtape Drops! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #gaminghumor Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft: Epic Stop Motion Kill

    LEGO Minecraft: Epic Stop Motion Kill Epic Minecraft LEGO Stop Motion Animation: A Blocky Battle Welcome to a world where Minecraft and LEGO collide in an epic stop motion animation! In this intense crossover, crystal minifigures and blocky landscapes come together to create a thrilling battle against an adult adversary. Get ready for heart-pounding action, lightsaber mayhem, creative storytelling, and stunning visuals! High-Octane Action Experience the adrenaline-pumping scenes filled with shooting sequences and dynamic sword fights. The clash between the worlds of Minecraft and LEGO brings a new level of excitement to the screen. Lightsaber Mayhem Witness the dramatic lightsaber duels and head cuts, along… Read More

  • Experience Lag-Free Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Lag-Free Fun on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we’re diving into the world of Optifine for Minecraft PE 1.21. If you’re looking to enhance your gaming experience and fix any lag issues, Optifine is the way to go. But why stop there? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server for even more excitement and adventure. With an active community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your skills and creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why wait? Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and let the… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR

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  • Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯

    Galactic_RoGamer LIVE: Roblox With Viewers! What will the wheel decide? 🎯Video Information This video, titled ‘Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel’, was uploaded by Galactic_RoGamer on 2024-07-25 21:18:32. It has garnered 582 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:18 or 9798 seconds. Roblox With Viewers!! LIVE!! #spinthewheel #fyp #viral #gaming #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #minecraft #roblox Like and Sub if you enjoy!! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/p6sZptAgz7 Keywords (DONT WORRY ABT IT): roblox roblox story roblox brookhaven 🏡rp roblox doors roblox bedwars roblox storytime roblox gay story roblox song roblox memes roblox the hunt roblox edits roblox horror games roblox avatar ideas roblox anime games roblox asmr roblox animation roblox adopt me… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox Games

    Explosive Minecraft TNT Showdown with Green Monsters in Zooflox GamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft’, was uploaded by ZOOFLOX GAMES on 2024-06-05 22:41:41. It has garnered 3131 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. 🧨MINECRAFT TNT BOOM vs GREEN ZOONOMALY MONSTERS in GREEN WORLD 🟢 #shorts #zooflox #game #minecraft scary,horror,nightmare,cgi,creepy,cursed,shorts,meme,jumpscare,terror,lights.are.off,lights are off,3d animation,zoonomaly,horrorgame,game,video game,horror game,8bitryan,8-bitryan,8 bitryan,zoonomaly all jumpscares,zoonomaly game,zoonomaly full game,zoonomaly ending,zoonomaly horror game gameplay,zoonomaly horror game,zoonomaly all monsters,zoonomaly jumpscares,zoonomaly all bosses,zoonomaly horror game full game zoonomaly, zoonomaly horror game, zoonomaly trailer, zoonomaly song, zoonomaly horror game 2,… Read More

  • Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Gingershadow Strikes Gold in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-07-31 22:00:10. It has garnered 3585 views and 259 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:56 or 2696 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs IM RICH! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 5 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon… Read More


    GET SCARED IN MINECRAFT - ONE LUCKY BLOCK SURPRISE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft First map scared map then doing part 2 on one lucky block and come and join :)’, was uploaded by trill_smoke2002 on 2024-02-19 00:35:52. It has garnered 158 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:11:34 or 18694 seconds. Making Gaming live streams And small video (first time trying tho) Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToast

    Unleashing the Ultimate Minecraft Beam: XerxesTexasToastVideo Information This video, titled ‘blasting you with the minecraft beam again’, was uploaded by XerxesTexasToast on 2024-08-13 06:19:46. It has garnered 21 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:38 or 17078 seconds. Support: https://ko-fi.com/xerxestexastoast Check out the playlist section on my channel to view whole series! GROUND RULES – No racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any other flavor of bigotry. – No sexual harassment. This includes both lewd jokes directed at me or another chat member and unsolicited confessions. – Don’t ask for personal info. I will not tell you real names or locations,… Read More

  • Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!

    Minecraft FreshSMP: DUMBO Goes Insane?!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft freshsmp’, was uploaded by dumbo on 2024-07-08 01:20:54. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:22 or 5302 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won’t Believe Her Reaction!

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on BANZOUIN Hakka! You Won't Believe Her Reaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】HONEY WAKE UP, IT’S TIME FOR YOUR MINECRAFT SESSION ! ! !’, was uploaded by Banzoin Hakka Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-10-02 05:05:39. It has garnered 5561 views and 843 likes. The duration of the video is 04:31:59 or 16319 seconds. MINECRAFT TIME BABY. ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ CUTE AF ART, THANK YOU SO MUCH KIIRU ! ! ! https://x.com/Kiiru_Invader/status/1841176111042171056 SUPER ADORABLE DANCING HAKKITO ANIMATION https://x.com/nagii_iza/status/1835098539640361123 cool custom chat CSS by chroneco! https://x.com/chrone_co Awesome captioning & translation by Jimakuchan https://www.sayonari.com/trans_asr/asr.html ✦•······················•☼•······················•✦ So much to explore, it’s dangerous to go alone, take a subscription! Make sure to ring the bell,… Read More

  • INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥

    INSANE Eggwars Gameplay with Subs! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Jugando EGGWARS con SUBS en MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro’, was uploaded by Ciktro on 2024-09-02 23:48:14. It has garnered 40 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:11 or 5291 seconds. Playing EGGWARS with SUBS in MINECRAFT BEDROCK – Ciktro —————————————– ———— SOCIAL NETWORKS ———————————— —————– TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@ciktro?lang=es TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ciktro DISCORD: https://discord.gg/dZA3kZ4Xg5 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/_ciktro_/?next=%2F ————————————————– — CHANNEL INFORMATION ——————————————– ——— As you know, my name is Ciktro and I really like talking to you and entertaining you. My main content is based on Minecraft, where I usually do tutorials for both… Read More

  • Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. Shabirzzgamer

    Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. ShabirzzgamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts’, was uploaded by Poki Mine Gamer on 2024-10-02 12:12:03. It has garnered 2903 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:38 or 7598 seconds. Minecraft But You SUB I die school smp | #shabirzzgamer #minecraft #livestream #shorts 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and collaborations. Viewers… Read More