Ultimate Lifesteal Server in Minecraft Java!

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All right nerds let’s get it started it is not day that is fun chicken Mc Nuggets yo Carl’s already in the chat good welcome Carl what is up net FedEx even though you’re literally in the server with me I can’t spell terrible speller did you say YOLO wait

Is it same Ser uh look in the description it’s in the description it’s kind of scary that net FedEx could probably just kill me why do I have a sword a I wasted that one moment I shall return welcome here we have my dog okay sit speak speak speak speak

Speak say speak you’re really good at this sit speak speak speak good girl good girl all right O’s going to chill in here because her mom and my mom left so oh it’s day okay all righty folks where is net FedEx said he’s mining for coal but I don’t know

Where uh dude the server went on offline no it didn’t how would I be on it if the server was offline let me in it or I find you no don’t find me please ug give me yeah it’s online let me see if the white list is on I might have

Accidentally turned on the white list time is yeah H what um no the white list is off it’s not privated I need food I just realized my mistake um okay let me think two three but no Food no no no no no okay okay we’re chilling dying in the server is like death check Discord ugly ugly no ugly it’s just me it’s it’s it’s it’s ugly it’s me you dumb dog oh no no no no drained that’s the wrong one it’s um drained it’s in uh the description

It’s not the same one it’s in the description check the description also my watch is going off oh there he is how do I so weird I die die die die come on come on get his Hearts get his Hearts get his Hearts got him one two three four five six seven

Eight oh no no no no no no no no wait why why Netflix kill me no cheers bro bro bro can have my items back now can I have my items back give me that thank you give me my hearts back give me my hearts back little boy thank you for the

Hearts it duplicated no way yes if we get our hands on some of this powder or wait that’s not powdered snow I’m so close and now I have so many hearts I think I think I’m like the richest on the server when it comes to Hearts no yes

Yes I still can’t join uh it’s because you’re on Bedrock Carl it only works on Java because the life steal mod doesn’t support um geyser bro kill him take him out take him out take him out take him out take him out to dinner and kill

Him get him get him get him get him bro get him get him I have to get him I have to get him I have to get him I have to get him I have to get him I have to get him I have to get him I have to get him I

Have to get him I have to get him yes come on come on I’m was so close I have to get him I have to get him I have to get him I have to get him good luck with that kill I have to get him I have to get him

I have to get him I get I have to get him I have to get him I have to get him I have to get him here we go there we go here we go here we go here we go dead end dead end it’s over pot TRS I have The High Ground

Yes I got the hit I got the hit no wait I didn’t get the hit I didn’t get the hit okay that’s fine he can’t he can’t SPM forever die die die die no die yes yes yes oh I got [Laughter] Heart that was fire that that took some dedication right there but I got him bring this back to NE FedEx my bro is dying to causes I can’t explain I get back you know that’s a zombie nope nothing I am low on HP and I still have to kill

Dre how many hearts do you have bro you probably do not have that many hearts do I get Hearts from killing zombies I kill a zombie does it count killing zombies do not count okay I now have figure that out oh crap he has four

Hearts are you kidding me if I kill you four more times than you’re banned you know that right five food for one heart that’s actually such a steal help I was stck in P yes Carl if you lose all of your hearts then you die forever you you like

Literally get banned from the server that’s what happens which is why I don’t want to kill him again I feel I feel like it’s better to keep drained on than to kill him early on almost he threatens me in which case I will murder him on the

Spot if he tries to attack me I’ll attack him back but for now I am going to that’s Dang if it supported geyser I wouldn’t even join yeah it’s brutal out here I’m I’m already thinking of some traps to set up to brutal these slers and people I like where this is Head sorry sorry sorry sorry I’ll spare you that was that was just too easy is my thing not food take me out oh and I have Full Hearts food please thank you GG make a vote to BD no how many hearts doesn’t it have don’t good stop he’s gonna get banned he’s gonna

Get banned he’s gonna get banned I already know it he’s gonna get banned no I vote for net instead that’s that’s kind of hilarious though I’m kind of scared of N I have 81 kids and two wives isn’t that illegal it’s not illegal in the state of

Florida PA might be P first yeah I think I think we’re all thinking that thought kind of scared of net though that’s why I’m not killing him yeah PA’s definitely going to be banned first though we a team I thought we were a team that’s really awkward you’re We oo n had a fresh axe wait what The looks like it’s coming day 10 that’s crazy it’s actually crazy that he went for that that kill wa nope no thanks Mr skeleton oh sorry sorry sry not he doesn’t kill me okay we take game do you ever lose hunger it’s uneasy to make for the

Um whoa whoa hey man I ain’t even hurt your children that’s actually crazy crazy oh wait I did hurt your children um we’re not going to talk about that um your children are uh orphans now that’s fine anyway where did net go bro net is actually scary with how

Good he is so I I I don’t I don’t want to make him my enemy honestly I want to keep him as my teammate forever it’s Wy no it’s GD cologne there was a period where I actually thought his name was GD cologne just because everyone was uh saying it so

Much and I was like Oh I thought it was colon and I was like colon is probably unironically the best giam YouTuber so far like currently at this time oh I accidentally slapped him take that food Gories I’ll make them holy bro holy crap holy holy holy crap holy crap there’s so much

Coal holy crap bro I’ve gotten to 15 the vein’s not even done what wait how how bro how much coal I have 23 coal 23 coal from that one vein that’s actually crazy same two iron yet infinite cool just a water cave all right

Um um um um um do you know what be terrifying a baby creeper that would be like honestly just nightmare feel they should have baby creepers to Holy crap I don’t have a shield if there’s lots of coal underground there’s a higher chance of diamonds where did you find where did

You hear that I thought you said find I almost said find that’s kind of weird where did you hear that go go go go go oh thank goodness where is he speaking of baby creepers oh no baby zombie nice that’s just out and I’m at fuel all

Right let’s use some of my upper gamer strats how many sticks do I need to make a fishing rod oh oh a fishing rod I need one more I just need one but it’s beneficial than n fedics so probably give it to me what no way no actually freaking

Way he needs to give up try to kill us did he just take my crafting table did we just trade crafting tables that what that was right we go fishing how do I how do I do this where is the fish can’t br’s gonna die he’s gonna die bad luck to be honest

This didn’t work as well as I thought it would okay I’m back oh whoops that’s so awkward oh I didn’t know new rule no killing just don’t hurt us I B some leather Boots let’s hope Canan joins actually I don’t hope Canan joins Canan would destroy all of us in seconds except for maybe net FedEx because net FedEx is kind of goed give me your fish oh for I drowned and lost oh I really thought what for real for real decided nope you joined back

Where’s net FedEx did net FedEx go oh here he is a little bit of everything all of that time yummy prob light up the area we going won’t be here for a while smelting the ice oh my gosh I I think durin’s best chance is um for Canan to join Sayan joined

To eat what po Ro gets a pu fish there you go P Rox I’m sorry NE FedEx is mean it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s right there it’s it’s right there it’s right you be rabbit bro give him rabbit here here take take that hey he gave him food let’s go Tru he’s

Blind okay I kind of feel bad for him because I can’t like attack him at all n n promote one heart he is to if he unlocks it then he dies yeah you’re playing games with your life huh yeah that’s right that’s right you’re playing games with your life no excuse

Correct the only way the only reason he is keeping you alive is because I want your Al for now wait no no No where is he where is he did he die I think he died um anyway wait he’s here [Laughter] way I can just kind of like toy with him um no no no no no no no no NE no oh n you can’t no no no the Instinct

Bro okay okay okay chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill okay remove my ban or something it doesn’t ban B you I don’t think it just kind of like it’s it’s weird it’s weird there might be a command or something

But I’d have to op myself ow oh that’s a zombie oh oh okay thank you good sir that’s kind crazy that’s kind of crazy EAS check let me check because we might be able to revive him I’m Bann till sometime today oh wait you you get unbanned it’ll be removed at

6 oh wait what time zone do SL unban yeah yeah yeah what what wait wait wait what time zone what time zone okay I’m I’m just going to keep my server operator I’m not going to do anything with it but you have been pardoned is there a hard

Command apatha tragedy and boredom as I Cry why’ he leave oh okay how many hearts I have ascended if you die again it’s permanent oh that’s sort of awkward where is my where where is it where is it what where did it go I have so many hearts

Like look at this it’s honestly Unholy that’s kind of crazy that you died that fast though do where is Canan bro he said he was going to join but he didn’t that makes me sad where’s n yo wait wait I might be able to get acid to the end that would be

Cool aathy is a tragedy and B is a CME an arrow for that come here Mr goat listen listen it didn’t have to be this way but I wanted it to okay so um I’m sorry Mr goat but it’s it’s just the way it’s just the way I wanted it to be

Okay I just want your horn all right Japan all right probably can’t type case a it keeps how how it seems like a skill issue I think n just has some minor skill issues bro this goat needs to stop moving going to hit you in the head with

A Glock 19 F to make you scream going to make it seem like like an accident and honestly it is immaculate tragic listen pal this is end for the Line This is the end of the line for you your friend jumped see you goat no no no no no

No I am going to hit you dog it’s not a dog it’s a goat anyway I thought there was a goat behind me when I turned around you know what get in here bro it’s not what I wanted to it is better than me at jumping

Okay I bet you won’t take my I’ll take your family all right I’ve taken several families um i’ I’ve murdered several families a ton of times actually I I have 7,000 kids in my basement actually can you like get into this hole bro that’s that’s what she said I was debating

Brother get come here sir why did he get timed out why’d he get timed out can you come here for a second Mr goat can someone just come here oh thank you listen bro it didn’t have to end this way but it it I wanted it too so

Get this was meant to be Mr oh you you sir into the hole you go yes hello Mr goat you’re gonna be here for a very very long time or at least until you drop a goat horn so um drop it please come on I can be here all day yeah I

Can I have absolutely no life whatsoever so I can be here as long as I want to be here what what is this what is this goat doing can can can you just drop it bro it’s been a long day it’s been a long day bro I killed a couple

Kids actually I guess that’s a good thing hey someone join let’s go D’s gonna get his hearts oh oh oh oh pod rocks that’s against the rules you can’t do that it’s against their Rules bro goat goat goat goat give me give me the goat horn just Ram into this wall bro what do you want money power Fame I can get you all those all you have to do is Ram into this wall bro what are the odds of a goat ramming into a

Wall what are the odds at ramming did it do it did it do it I think it did it um but I’m not 100% sure you please why’ he leave why why he left when I oh s lol7 got a heart goat man I will hurt you if you

Don’t drop a heart or a not a heart a horn come on Mr goat drop the horn drop the horn drop the horn drop the horn drop the horn drop the horn drop the horn drop the horn how is he not how is he not ran into this wall Yet just drop it bro I’ll hurt you if you don’t drop it I will un to be everyone will see oh no second kill are the odds of goat ring to a wall still hasn’t done it yet despite the fact that I want it to oh I have to stay

Stationary that’s what I have to do okay okay and then it says there’s a list of blocks that don’t work did it do it I don’t think it did it dang it and then any other tips baby goats cannot drop goats yeah yeah do I even have my audio

On yes I’m finally able to talk cuz I got muted yes you did can you please just smack me up top of the head bro please also it has to be made of stone apparently so maybe I’ll just put a zombie down here and see if it uh just hits the wall

Naturally can you please hit me see this beautiful wall just hit the wall bro just hit you know I give up did that go just scream did he just scream down there holy crap that’s crazy I locked it in and it screwed beamed BR wait it is how rare how

Rare how rare is it how rare is it like5 o that’s that’s intense do% per tickets crazy so close to dying our return For Wait did at join the server at joined L to kill all right but what happens if you hit zero Hearts Let’s just say you don’t want to hit zero hearts is you get banned don’t hit zero hearts why did you l bro if I killed everyone on This

Server I would have so many hearts I’m not going to obviously but like have I took out everyone’s Hearts I forgot I have the goated boots for where are they I want to show them my page there he is is he okay I like dying inside thank you bro so many snowballs

Why does he have why does he have so many snowballs bro what what is he using all these for it’s like actually crazy three six one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 um here blue SN boom that makes me the richest on the server

That’s all I wanted drain is to be the richest I’m not going to steal any of your hearts because now I have the most power yeah net net FedEx is definitely the strongest I’m the richest but I’m not the strongest know teammates I’m scared of him sorry drained drained is the most

Peaceful 7 lol7 uh has the most like brain NE FedEx is the strongest and I’m the richest the version is uh um 1.2.4 who’s 77 I don’t a viewer br stock up on health if I need to see him no can’t can’t teach an old dog new tricks and now you’re requesting to

Cheat bye-bye [Laughter] Drained y’all are dead it’s it’s good net FedEx n FedEx that gives us the upper hand it’s the three most powerful people in the server bro really dang it bro seven is just asking for a death sentence bro peace he’s asking for peace the most powerful player on the server is asking for

Peace they’re making a mistake a second most most powerful player on the server is asking for Beast you respect their Bres 346 this is probably a trap isn’t it Oh when the Minecraft music kicks in this probably a trap Oh wait is 176 a bular bear finally some food bro come here little boy I know you want to live but it’s not worth it just want your good it was starving anyway back to my adventure no A here’s my now now we all all we got is chaos why you leave oh it Crashed two polar bears that’s enough to feed me you can break anything on my inventory but you can’t break my armor or my axe that’s pretty important Too did did not drop anything are you getting no we’re just going to keep going even though my health is incredibly low give me a send for a lot of dollars you want to pay me money to cheat no sorry mate what do you mean must NE FedEx seven l s Team why did you do that bro we were on a team weren we give me a what’s the favor what’s the favor no I’m not ascending you we bring that be bye r BR too dramatic all he wanted was a heart I guess I could kind of respect that but still he was

Mean but I think he’s tring now oh he does ow stop he’s hacking wait I already know he is cuz he was spam clicking so fast I think he’s hagy bro you just admitted to cheating that’s crazy I didn’t mean it what do you mean I don’t have all is he going to

Play high pixel don’t act sad you were literally hacking bro also I guess I can’t which is kind of unfair cuz he was literally hacking but sure what’s good at we found someone who literally get admitted to using an auto Clicker join join up join up join up join up it’s still

Haging if you stop hacking and give me my hearts back then I’ll un ban you okay my dog is being loud but anyway Auto Clicker 1.8 no hacks hacking is not allowed but if you stop using an auto clearer and let me have my hearts back then I’ll unban

You I’m just going to wait till day waiting at the clock going to grab my glock my dog’s better than you done cap good choice give me my hearts back hearts still two I always love say uh and his like snarky comments I know where this is it’s our old

Base I don’t trust him very much so I have to get food first I don’t have any fuel okay who’s lapped that who did that food N fexs N fex goated Stay Stay Stay Stay Stay have all right he’s eating o bling I know right I’m goed I I’m eating popcorn by the

Way not just am I eating but I’m eating popcorn it’s going to be useful when we buy in a village andw lost my no bro okay and time to fish for I have no idea what that means see no I think I should live you let me Li holy

Crap ET you good I’m might time you out for spamming I’m nervous I have no idea where he Is I approve yo let’s go let’s go I got hearts subject is here can I op no not even netf is op give Arrow please there go I’m still banned here you know what that’s the last one you get that doesn’t yo I got a heart with let’s go and then slash withdraw

77 and there’s the tax wait I withw I think I withdrew myself no wait oh no wait no oh wait yes yes I I I I would through myself a stop spamming bro that’s crazy it’s actually insane I just went like oh yeah yeah yeah so just do SL

Withr if you want to withr I should have permanent oh um okay I have withdrawn my hearts and I gave mine back Last Christmas I gave you some hearts and the very next day you gave them away this year no haror accidents have come to that um

That creeper do you like balls yes like meatballs yes oh wait that reminds me um what’s the command how did it make it my server operator bro’s using hags I didn’t even do that okay thank you neex me neex no long Aver operator walking in a winter wonderland ow holy crap

Bro said no no tried to run for their life oh whoops that’s awkward bro tried to run for his life was slain by your mom’s I’m gonna Rec claim my heart and you’re gonna be dead yeah yeah yeah you wish net net net he now has a

Heart an arsonist D6 remember me of course I remember you you’re an arsonist I love arsonists I love arson and I love arsonists those are like my two favorite thing in the world I found a glitch oh no he found a glitch it’s going to give him infinite

Hearts wait oh wait he’s not kidding how well I need to go never mind oh oh you can St all mom is are deletable no no no no no no no okay netics let’s go coming in Col what in the n n n n bro n wait no no no no we’re camping here in all our camp fire we’re rising up Miners and beating kids we’re making sure Aron is committed and if it’s not then I’ll beat more Kids is all right do a live that sounds cool actually I actually think it’s cool though read other lies on the server what was that okay we got the charcoal that’s all we really need just in case all righty let’s go BR was lucky for

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT JAVA EDITION LIFESTEAL SERVER (info in desc)’, was uploaded by Ewumd68 on 2024-01-05 14:57:33. It has garnered 52 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:00 or 7500 seconds.

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  • Join Our Free SMP in Minecraft & Crafting

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  • Ender Pearl Chunk Loader?! Update Snapshot 24w37a Minecraft!

    Ender Pearl Chunk Loader?! Update Snapshot 24w37a Minecraft! Minecraft Snapshot 24w37a Introduces Exciting New Feature: Ender Pearl Chunk Loader! The latest Minecraft Snapshot 24w37a has brought a groundbreaking new mechanic that allows players to use Ender Pearls as chunk loaders! ๐Ÿคฏ What Does This Mean? Now, when you throw an Ender Pearl, the surrounding area will remain loaded within a 3×3 chunk radius. This opens up a world of possibilities for automatic farms and exploring new horizons! Unleash Your Creativity! Just imagine the incredible structures and contraptions you can build with this new feature! Will you be incorporating it into your survival world? The potential is limitless!… Read More

  • Join Me in Private Bedwars on Hypixel LIVE!

    Join Me in Private Bedwars on Hypixel LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Private Bedwars Games Live With You’, was uploaded by MitBlade on 2024-07-27 20:45:08. It has garnered 129 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:03 or 8163 seconds. Leave your IGN in Chat to Join https://discord.gg/BnGNxnU2 #hypixel #bedwars #pvp #minecraft #bedwars Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Damage-Free Challenge

    Surviving Minecraft Damage-Free ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Beat Survival Minecraft WITHOUT Taking ANY DAMAGE (Hitless Run)’, was uploaded by Bubbo on 2024-07-22 14:00:29. It has garnered 25705 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:36 or 1416 seconds. I Beat Survival Minecraft WITHOUT TAKING DAMAGE (1.21 Hitless Run) In this video, I push my skills and knowledge of survival Minecraft to their limit. I attempt to beat Minecraft without taking a single point of damage! Is it possible? This is the hardest Minecraft challenge video I have done yet… Minecraft Hitless Run Check Out My Merch: https://bubbo.store Need… Read More

  • ๐ŸคฏEPIC Minecraft Starter Home Build!! #shorts

    ๐ŸคฏEPIC Minecraft Starter Home Build!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beginner House๐Ÿ  #shorts’, was uploaded by CraniazShorts on 2024-04-05 11:30:24. It has garnered 5731 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•โ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•— โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•šโ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•โ•ฃ โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•โ•‘โ•‘โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•โ•ฃ โ•šโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•šโ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ• For More.. minecraft,minecraft funny,minecraft challenge,munecraftsecretbase,minecraft survival,minecraft fr,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft bedrock,minecraft gameplay,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft pocket edition,minecraft mais,minecraft java,minecraft 1.19,minecraft phone,aphmau minecraft,minecraft horror,tรผrkรงe minecraft,minecraft videolarฤฑ,mob battle minecraft,clean minecraft videos,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft pc,minecraft pe,minecraft nl minecraft,minecraft build,minecraft build tutorial,minecraft building,minecraft build hacks,minecraft builds,build,minecraft house,minecraft survival,minecraft 1.20 build hacks,minecraft redstone builds,minecraft tutorial,minecraft timelapse,minecraft 1.20,minecraft building tips,minecraft building ideas,minecraft building hacks,how to build,minecraft build hack,minecraft build hacki,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE House Build Hack by Snody Insaan

    Insane Minecraft PE House Build Hack by Snody InsaanVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Easiest House in Minecraft PE | Snody Insaan’, was uploaded by Snody Insaan on 2024-01-02 11:16:00. It has garnered 130 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. How to Make Easiest House in Minecraft PE | Snody Insaan Hello Blue Gang! Welcome to Snody Insaan Channel. You See Gaming Videos. ________________________ ๐Ÿ‘‡Mention๐Ÿ‘‡ @liveinsaan @SpunkyInsaan20 ๐Ÿ‘‡Hashtags๐Ÿ‘‡ #snodyinsaan #liveinsaan #spunkyinsaan #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecrafthouse #houseminecraft #easy #house ๐Ÿ‘‡Links๐Ÿ‘‡ YouTube: https://youtube.com/@SnodyInsaanOfficial X: https://x.com/SNODYINSAAN Instagram: https://instagram.com/snodyinsaan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091743647525 FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552389688304 Threads: https://www.threads.net/@snodyinsaan ๐Ÿ‘‡Keywords ๐Ÿ‘‡ Easiest house in Minecraft tutorial Simple… Read More

  • 24/7 SMP Minecraft – Win Real Discord Money Now!

    24/7 SMP Minecraft - Win Real Discord Money Now!Video Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-06 17:57:43. It has garnered 103 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:10 or 9550 seconds. ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to the World of MineCraft! ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŽฎ Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether itโ€™s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, weโ€™ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: GTGpublic.aternos.me Port: 57892 Discord :- https://discord.gg/5th88qx2pg Youtube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35xyHiGkrb-kvz-p3uWZzQ Instagram… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft’s Scariest Myths?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Surviving Minecraft's Scariest Myths?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Myths..’, was uploaded by RageElixir – Minecraft on 2024-04-12 16:00:24. It has garnered 184571 views and 3438 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:03 or 3063 seconds. Day 3 – We Tested Minecraft’s Scariest Myths.. w/ @Darkomode @YaBoiAction Subscribe if you ENJOYED the video! โค๏ธ #Minecraft #RageElixir Read More

  • Insane New Update in Minecraft PE – Riad Craft Lobby 2024 & More!

    Insane New Update in Minecraft PE - Riad Craft Lobby 2024 & More!Video Information This video, titled ‘Open Member Server Minecraft PE Official Versi 1.20 Raion Craft Lobby Terbaik 2024 Dan Baru Update!!’, was uploaded by AFKEWERRRR on 2024-01-07 07:32:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IP : play.raioncraft.com Port Java : 25565 Port Bedrock : 19132 Fitur : – Vote Reward – Survival Only – Land claim – Pinataparty … Read More

  • Insane Villager Battle in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Villager Battle in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘OP villagers fight in minecraft #shortvideo #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Taufiq Tricks on 2024-09-18 12:30:15. It has garnered 430 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. OP villagers fight in minecraft #shortvideo #youtubeshorts #shorts #shortvideo #minecraft #mimecraftbuildhacks #youtubeshorts #gaming #mimecrafthacks #games #mimecraftbuilds #memes #mimecraftpocketedition Read More

  • Unbelievable Royal NRN gameplay in Minecraft & bgmi!

    Unbelievable Royal NRN gameplay in Minecraft & bgmi!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft and bgmi’, was uploaded by Royal NRN on 2024-09-11 00:44:37. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds. Pls Sub ๐Ÿ™‚ need ur support ๐Ÿงธ Device-POCOX3PRO ( key binds) pubg live stream / pubg live telugu / pubg live tamil / pubg live custom rooms / pubg live tournament / pubg live room / pubg live malayalam / pubg live kannada / pubg live video / pubg live custom / pubg live dynamo / pubg live lite / pubg live jonathan / pubg /… Read More


    PLEX SMPTHE BRAND NEW Vanilla survival SMP for Minecraft Java 1.21! While this is vanilla, we still have all the useful commands + more! – /echest – /sethome (You get 2!) – /spawn – /rtp – /warp (to shops, spawn, ect.) – and more! We are brand new and would love to have you try us out! Discord: https://discord.gg/FPTD7GD2ca IP: play.notakari.com play.notakari.com Read More

  • TreuCraft | Semi-Vanilla

    Welcome to Truecraft Server! Come join us at truecraft.mc.gg! We are a new server working on growing our player base. Our only rules are no hacking or cheating – everything else is fair game. Enjoy freedom of speech in our chat and use commands like /tp, /set, and /spawn. Check out our website at truecraft.tebex.io. Think 2b2t, but without the hacking and cheats! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – minecraft trailer if they locked tf in ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Minecraft Memes - minecraft trailer if they locked tf in ๐Ÿ”ฅI guess they wanted to make sure no one could escape the absolute chaos of building a house out of blocks. Read More

  • Building Our Bastion: Minecraft Vanilla EP 3

    Building Our Bastion: Minecraft Vanilla EP 3 In Minecraft Vanilla, we’ve found a new home, A bastion we raise, no need to roam. Sign up, leave a like, share the delight, Enjoy the vision, it’s a beautiful sight. Subscribe to FishingANDdiving, don’t miss a beat, Follow me on TikTok, where the fun is sweet. Watch the full video, see the house construction, In this Minecraft world, there’s no obstruction. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, Crafting Minecraft news with a rhyming zing. Keep it fierce and funny, engage with delight, In every pulsing line, let the truth take flight. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot & Hilarious! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Minecraft Meme: Hot & Hilarious! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Bioscar vs. Dalek in Minecraft Fortress Battle

    Ultimate Showdown: Bioscar vs. Dalek in Minecraft Fortress Battle The BD Forteresse: Dalek’s Deadly Fortress Welcome to the thrilling second part of BD Forteresse! Today, we delve into Dalek’s fortress, which promises to be far more treacherous than Bioscar’s. Dalek, a trap enthusiast, has surely prepared some devious challenges for our adventurers. Challenges Await The journey through Dalek’s fortress is fraught with peril. From intricate traps to cunning puzzles, each step our heroes take could lead to danger or discovery. Let’s explore the challenges that await: 1. The First Trial As our adventurers enter the fortress, they are immediately faced with the first trial. Will they overcome the… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server!

    Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server! Are you a fan of parkour in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the thrill of jumping from block to block, testing your skills and agility? If so, then you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server right now! With a dedicated parkour biome that will challenge even the most experienced players, Minewind is the ultimate destination for all your parkour needs. Imagine the adrenaline rush as you navigate through intricate obstacles, trying to beat your own record or compete against other players. The possibilities are endless on Minewind, where the only limit is your own imagination. So why wait? Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Jujutsu Sorcerer Mod Fun

    Minecraft Jujutsu Sorcerer Mod Fun The World of Jujutsu Sorcery in Minecraft Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft mods, players can now immerse themselves in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery with the Project JJK mod. This mod brings a plethora of characters with stunning visuals, adding a new layer of excitement to the game. Unleashing the Power of Jujutsu Sorcery With the Project JJK mod, players can step into the shoes of powerful sorcerers, wielding incredible abilities to combat evil forces. From summoning spirits to casting powerful spells, the world of Jujutsu Sorcery in Minecraft is filled with endless possibilities. Meet Iconic Characters One… Read More

  • Crazy Anime Secret Revealed!

    Crazy Anime Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Don’t You Take a Seat Over There? | Castaway Anime #103’, was uploaded by Castaway Anime on 2024-08-27 16:30:00. It has garnered 304 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:55 or 14035 seconds. On this episode of the Castaway Anime podcast, the boys discuss Twitter vigilantes, acquiring Adobe apps in Minecraft, and the ongoing war between gatekeepers and tourists. Plus, Oshi no Ko turns up the heat, My Adventures with Superman finally gets good again, and My Deer Friend Nokotan starts to fall off. Timecodes: ——————– 0:00 – INTRO 7:25… Read More

  • Terrifying Catgirl Cave Build

    Terrifying Catgirl Cave BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft cave horror project’, was uploaded by Catgirl Iris on 2024-09-08 12:29:01. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:32 or 11972 seconds. Read More


    EPIC 1 vs 2 MINECRAFT MANHUNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘1 VS 2 MANHUNT WHO WILL WIN LETS SEE.. II MINECRAFT II’, was uploaded by KhalsaGamingTaran on 2024-08-16 12:12:48. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:30 or 7530 seconds. DISCORD LINK – https://discord.gg/fTyqtXKBqQ LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE . Join us on epic adventures in our Minecraft SMP {Radiance} server! We focus on [briefly describe your channel’s main focus, e.g., epic builds, survival challenges, community interactions, etc.]. Whether you’re here for the towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or thrilling survival quests, there’s something for everyone. SEARCH SOURCES :-… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial | Mughal Gamerz

    Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial | Mughal GamerzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building the ULTIMATE Minecraft House! | Epic Survival Base Design Tutorial’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-09-24 03:55:58. It has garnered 142 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Hereโ€™s a full viral description for a Minecraft house video: — **In this video, Iโ€™ll show you how to build the ULTIMATE Minecraft house โ€“ perfect for survival mode!** ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ”ฅ This epic design is beginner-friendly, with a unique style that makes it both functional and stunning. Whether you’re looking for a modern mansion, a rustic… Read More

  • JOIN NOW! Epic Minecraft World & SMP! ROAD TO 4K SMILES ๐ŸŒŸ

    JOIN NOW! Epic Minecraft World & SMP! ROAD TO 4K SMILES ๐ŸŒŸVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creating Our Epic Minecraft World & SMP with Viewers! ๐ŸŽฎ ROAD TO 4K SMILES ๐ŸŒŸ | B T O GAMING Live’, was uploaded by B T O Gaming on 2024-06-12 11:33:12. It has garnered 102 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:56 or 10496 seconds. **Creating Our Epic Minecraft World & SMP with Viewers! ๐ŸŽฎ ROAD TO 3K SMILES ๐ŸŒŸ | B T O GAMING Live** Welcome to B T O GAMING Live! Today, we’re diving into the creative world of Minecraft, building our own epic world and SMP (Survival Multiplayer)… Read More