Ultimate Minecraft Adventure – Free Gun Action on Xbox Series X!

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It’s time for Minecraft but with guns so be sure to like the video subscribing is great as well considered becoming a channel member cool perks emotes icons there’s oh I can’t kind of thought I was going to be on a streak there patreon option the Discord for stream alert so

You know when the streams are going on and the uh Amazon store affiliate link if you’re grab anything on Amazon use the link I know riveting right so this is uh what is this pixel strike 3D which uh just kind of launched not too long ago on the Xbox it’s got crossplay so

It’s originally like a uh oh it’s originally a PC Mobile title and we do have crossplay here here this is a very cool level it’s a very exotic jungle map so there’s a quite a healthy amount of players and it’s free to play and yeah it’s actually uh a little

Little competitive I guess you would say it uh doesn’t doesn’t look half bad for something that is you know blocky and simplistic and concept and there’s actually like a ton of maps and everything like that too to this one and uh yeah it’s it’s kind of fun

Too I thought we would take an extended look at it for the stream and also so I can get some achievements hopefully but a lot of the achievements are uh kind of buggy right now so I’m hoping they kind of uh auto unlock uh when they’re

Supposed to get patched in the wee bit here at least that’s the dream well Bojangles got me good he’s a birdman anyways you got a wide range of guns there’s a bunch of different game modes this is gun game and I think I yeah I joined a well

I started playing a little bit late but there’s all kinds of stuff in this like gun game Deathmatch objectives team stuff all that stuff Lucky achievements is a great brand name or band name yes it is rock and roll Christmas Village snipers team death match in the sis Workshop or retro

Mall free-for-all I’m going with free-for-all in the Retro Mall let’s do it I can watch an ad for an additional selection of coins whoa just what I’ve always wanted anyways it’s time to get good but yeah it’s kind of quick fun action-packed kind of matches like you know the

Matches are usually like a few minutes and you’re just sort of rotating you might try like the competitive playlist cuz there is there’s like competitive offerings too you like level up and Prestige and yeah I’m kind of surprised this is free to play I wasn’t really expecting that

But uh no it makes sense I get it I was kind of jumped in I was like oh this is cool I was just a little uh pleasantly surprised by the concept of this one actually this would have been kind of interesting when I was younger but I

Mean when I was younger too we we just had Cod so didn’t really matter anyways right everyone played Cod H oh what was that I just play P an axe that’s weird oh yeah I forgot I have a secondary that’s an axe this is freefor all I thought we were doing gun game again that’s kind of funny so we do have a selection of guns and there’s like

Classes and everything so I’ve got mine kind of customized to a degree but I love the design of this mall it’s like really quite authentic and interesting and different what’s up just answering the call of pixel strike 3D at least I think that’s the name of

It I keep wanting to call it like pixel gun and other pixel variant names call of pixels sort of like one of those Roblox modes almost but it’s very much its own thing it’s pretty crazy yeah pretty crazy don’t know why I’m struggling so hard to

Uh get near the top of the leaderboards but uh hopefully I can pick it up here double kill where am I first I might be I okay you know what I think that’s my character’s face I think I’m first you can customize your character too there’s all kinds of different

Designs or you can like literally make your own entirely ah damn it I always think those guys it’s basically Batman right it’s basically Batman I think that guy’s a Robocop a weird spot to camp but yeah I just love those kind of like little little bit jokey references and

Names for like areas in the mall and stuff guys got like a hatchet in that store he’s just chilling he hello there Sail on now but what’s the sail on they must know it’s boxing week damn it dude I’m trying to keep my first place here out and I just lost it

Get killed by Bojangles and stuff doesn’t help oh come on that guy should have died they got these stupid halo rings for some reason it makes them harder to kill I could go with the assault rifle but the MP5 seems to do very good at Close Range close to medium range which is

What most of the maps are legally distinctive Marval characters exactly I think it’s cuz it’s user generated content and technically skirts the lines right skirts the lines because of that I mean it’s pretty smart to get around issues right and make money and stuff and all

That trying to end up with first place this is actually a pretty competitive Lobby God ah sandwiches the subway oh you’ve got to be kidding me you’ve got to really be kidding me uh this a Starbucks we’re in I could do with some Starbucks pretty tired had Mitchell’s family’s Christmas

Thing today it’s it took the whole evening some good food he brought his cat didn’t tell me so I didn’t have any allergy pills I didn’t want to mix the claron with my drinking are you kidding me I just just second place it I love how it says you

Lost like it’s defeat but you finished second it’s like come on oh I finished third I guess so it was a complete failure cyber factory for the King of the Hill hell yeah I will continue to rock the MP5 and Auto Select my team there’s also usually music that’s bumping through but

The music in this game is rif with copyright claims it really is a creative game though it’s it’s very interesting that they were able to get this on the platform but it’s actually got some like pretty tight shooting combat to it I think it’s just kind of a fun

Little silly easy going shooter game oh that’s an axe it’s not a throw I thought it was like a throwing axe for a second there that’s kind of funny I was like I was like I’m going to throw this axe at you but yeah it’s just like it’s

It’s a cutting axe not a throwing axe I thought I had like a grenade oh RB is the grenade thrower that makes logical sense ah coming from the side too where’s the rest of my team at they’re idling too hard but I find like grenades throw really weirdly in this

Game they got like a like a sort of loftiness to them they never seem to land and Destroy anything yeah upgrades what do you mean upgrades like weapon gun upgrades I’ve got like a red dot on my MP5 and stuff yeah you can buy like attachments for your guns and

Stuff you earn like in-game currency and you can customize your classes it’s just basically like Call of Duty it’s like a sort of streamlined strip down version of it but yeah we may try some of the competitive stuff later ler I I just been kind of doing the quick play which

Is Xbox only but be interesting to see what the mobile and PC players are kind of like cuz I think that’s in the competitive playlist or whatever which is kind of funny but this is like a good Slice of Life part of the game just like all the game modes and

That dude a lot of maps oh tons of the maps I’m assuming the community puts in levels or something cuz this game is like stacked with content it’s probably one of the healthiest launches I’ve ever seen for like content at a launch but yeah I think it’s had like

Years of you know mobile and PC usage so it makes sense got to hold this hill down yo I do kind of wish it had sliding though actually does it have sliding zombies yeah it’s got infection it’s got It’s got an infection mode which is basically zombies I’m sure you’ll see

That sure’ll pop up eventually got like basically every game mode you can think of and the community here has an unhealthy obsession with uh free-for-all snipers it shows up way too much oh and I get shot running in front of this guy great the only thing we’re missing is

Skeletor going grenade over and over again over and over and over we lost yeah our team wasn’t as good as that team but I’m leveling up I unlocked the ninja perk good for me good for me it’s got rolling lobbies so it just kind of keeps going through there well we’ll vote for

Infected so you can see that it’s zombies it either goes really really good for you at zombies or it goes really really bad for you it’s kind of fascinating I don’t know if I’ve played on this level yet what I thought are we not playing zombies did did zombies not oh mosh pit

Got voted in oh okay I thought we were doing I thought this was infected here all righty can I is there switch classes or oh no it’s random it’s it’s basically Fiesta boat okay that’s what MH pit is say Fiesta all right cuz I was just like the heck that

Guy just like blasted me I was like I thought we were playing Ed kind of surprised it didn’t get voted in all right H yeah it kind of reminds me of like Minecraft when you do those like multiplayer servers and everyone’s got like different skins going on that’s pretty cool well anyways hopefully

Zombies mode pops up later so you see it in action I’m sure yeah probably will but yeah there’s huge huge variety stuff in this I didn’t realize this they had DS it’s strange that they give it a different name then again outside of like you know Halo I’ve never seen

Anyone else call it Fiesta but it would be neat to see what the competitive offerings are suppose they just need to warm up more before that happens ah damn it and it’s interesting that you get two guns for to spawn you know you switch between the two

Guns okay we we uh was it exchange shots on that one exchang blows oh this like an lmg got like a Famas and this big lmg gun and I didn’t get to shoot a single bullet out of either of them the guns are very distinct it’s getting like blown away

Cuz there’s so many people on this on this map here oh the water gun I don’t really understand the water gun it’s really weird not what I have but the secondary gun I have yeah I don’t really understand it cuz I was doing gun game I

Had to kill someone with the water gun and I was like this weapon is like an actual water gun it’s so hard to kill somebody with a water gun unlike liking the stream which is super easy so be sure to like the stream subscribing it’s great donations cool consider becoming a channel member

Channel member gifting the patreon option the Discord for stream alerts chatter and great times and the Amazon store F link if you’re into that and gamer headquarters.com i r my site sometimes this is not not Roblox H yeah this is this is not Roblox it’s it’s true this is this is more than

Roblox this is an evolution of Ro actually Roblox has like literally like Call of Duty like modes but yeah definitely definitely not a Roblox it’s uh pixel strike 3D I did a review of it already but I was like I wanted to kind of do a stream of it cuz

The review did well so I was like maybe this will pick up good for the aftermarket watching all right so this is infected all right okay here we go so if we’re infected it’s usually good to get to a place where it’s sort of open that you

Can shoot them from a distance maybe the movie theater would be really good I’m a Zombie oh that sucks dude I didn’t even kill that guy I slapped him a few times and I did didn’t even kill him oh the zombie spawn in the movie theater ah anyways this is infection

Mode they’re going to kill me a lot I don’t know if this is a craft of the mind oh God damn it I thought I was throwing with lb so what is the throw is it ar oh it’s ARB okay good good good I got to get the throwing knife

There’s a bit more of a hold back to that okay I’m just going to die a whole lot here this is going to this going to be rough but this is basically how zombies should be ideally I wouldn’t spawn as a zombie oh smoke that guy and I would

Just sit back in the theater or something and just kind of like Kill the Zombies had some pretty good runs I thought I picked up a new knife I guess not h all right let’s roll so did I thought we like infected people so this just not helping at all with

This oh this is bloody depressing the zombies look sweet though they really do they they kind of nailed the zombie aesthetic we’re just going to die so much dude and I spawned in this questionable Chuck-E-Cheese bathroom oh that’s got to hurt this mold does look fantastic though

Eh it’s like aesthetically and stuff I just I love it but yeah the melee is like really really hard to perform in this all right I think we got him we won good job zombies what’s cracken just the rum and coke that’s it you don’t get a lot of XP for doing

Infected it’s more of like a fun mode I guess ancient city ancient city is interesting but it’s like a very tight level let’s see what we end up with but yeah the achievements they’re not um they’re not too hard to get they’re just a bit that they’re bugged is the sad part of

It that was the hope of the stream I can clean up a bunch of the achievements well you know me I love to throw twists and turns and everything I do right apparently I can’t hit the right side of a barn there there we go he’s dead

Anyways yeah this map is really freaking tiny we’ll see how that goes but all the levels they have a really nice like sense of Ambience and stuff H Team Deathmatch damn I thought for it being a smaller level I wouldn’t need an assault rifle but that does seem to be a powerful

Weapon cuz the streets are long and narrow I suppose long and narrow Serene fight in Quantum break I don’t remember ever getting stuck in Quantum break you just got to do time Powers Run shoot and dip and Dodge that actually might be a fun stream to do someday would be uh would

Go to go through Quantum break I I quite like that game I mean I enjoy most remedy titles but oh come on I finally snuck around the ledge and that guy finally shot me jeez yeah I definitely want to do more campaign streams and stuff over time sure we’ll get to

Everything but yeah like I said I thought this one might do well in the uh the post viewing live stream Market to wait and see yes hello folks hope everybody’s having a great time there we go jeez yeah was need to got a nice dinner this is a nice time at Mitchell’s uh

Family’s house and stuff drove his uh Grandmother home afterwards cuz she’s in the uh the area and stuff it’s kind of like oh okay brought some nice flowers was very happy with how the flowers turned out cuz I got to tell you I went to go get

The flowers today and they were like they were very like droopy and I was just like I was like how is this going to turn out and I stuck them in the pot or well they stuck them in the balls and then they like kind of flowers kind of

Popped up and went to life I was like good good good good reload the damn gun yeah it was kind of interesting to run into everybody there cuz I haven’t seen a lot of them in like a year or so couple years some of them problems with YouTube no s

A progression bug in Quantum break that’s odd sorry you came across that I don’t really call any issues like that well I guess my stream from two days ago hasn’t rendered still which is a bit odd but yeah processing’s been all over the place for YouTube so I I would say

Nothing out of the ordinary if anything I’m surprised I’m not having more issues with YouTube H yeah actually I’ve been quite enjoying the uh December bump you get from YouTube for metrics and stuff I’m looking forward to the the great decline that’s going to happen uh in a few days and

Stuff cuz if you guys don’t know like in the fall usually ad rev ticks up quite a bit and then January and February are like bad months so the ad red like gets cut cut in like half and stuff so it’s like so that should be fun but that’s just the economy you

Know it’s bad we don’t get to a point where the economy is just hot fire like all year round that’d be nice H I guess that’s kind of one of the unique work areas where it’s like there’s actually like fluctuating earnings flanked for one person that wasn’t even worth the

Flank we lost how should we lose by John wi game the atmosphere Val way too I wonder if we’ll ever get like another well there was one John Wick title but I wonder if we’ll get another kind of like triaa like actually a remedy title might fit de well Alan Wake

Is or uh what is it not Allan Wake but uh John Wick isn’t weird enough for remedy to do but I guess like a control or Allan Wake type game but with John Wick would be kind of neat maybe like the Hitman devs I mean they’re working on bond but

They actually might be able to put a good John Wick game together but maybe they they would probably need a bit more speed with their game but they need that for Bond as well to make bond work right but yeah it’d be cool to get an

Allen wake to or not Allen wake well it was cool to get Allen wake 2 funny still can’t believe that ever happened but yeah it’d be cool to get a qu break too but uh I’m doubtful that’ll ever happen cuz I don’t think Xbox is going to give

Up the right on that series anytime soon this map’s really neat this like a kind of an aquatic Park sort of thing oh what was that dropped Like a Rock there I’ve got the stupid water gun talking about earlier it’s like how do you kill someone with a stupid water gun

It’s like it it shoots water like how do you kill somebody with that the gun play of qu well Quant break I don’t know if quantum break was interesting because of the gun playay to me quantum break was more interesting because of the uh a this the story that remedy always does

And be the uh the time like the time abilities the time abilities are really cool in Quantum break yeah where you can like freeze time and freeze bullets and send them off and yeah maybe we should should do a stream of that someday I think it probably be like what 5 hours or

Something I don’t think it would be too bad yeah stupid water gun like who wants to shoot a water gun dude it’s a dumb idea like I mean other people have actual guns and we’re shooting a stupid water gun I killed him with the water gun good good good

Good now I will run in very close proximity and try to SN people damn it dude there we go oh I can’t aim in with that one okay interesting did I have a shotgun is this the shotgun that I have now kind of a bit old but all right we we’ll make it

Work H yeah there’s a shotgun there somebody behind me no there is I had a feeling that I’m not the only one all I want to do is have some fun kid that going trying to like butt end me with something H the quantum break live action stuff

Yeah I watched all of them I was reviewing the game you know I wanted to take it and also I wanted to taken the full experience I like remedy’s concept of merging video games and you know TV type stuff I think it’s fascinating but you get like a fuller story it’s it’s

More like B characters though in the live action stuff but you do get a fuller story if you actually sit there and you know taking the TV episodes and stuff it was over that fast how wow that must have been quite a gap in cuz I

Didn’t even go that far up the tree H I wonder if those are stream friendly the remedy episodes yeah this game is pretty entertaining that guy was six kills enemy holy yeah freefor all snipers damn it dude yeah I know I know I I find this

One kind of fun I just wish the achievements were working so I get those allev unlocked there I think this one probably SK itself a little bit more to the younger audience as well but have some pretty decent matches in this one the other thing I love is the

Simplicity of this being sort of like the older cods in the terms of rolling lobbies where it’s just kind of one match goes into the next match goes into the next match and miss that kind of Simplicity for multiplayer is that Mario but totally not Mario from a copyright standpoint a user created

Mario the live action how was the live action immersion breaking it was a supplementary storter piece you got to be kidding me I think it’s cuz I almost fight this game’s auto aim and that makes it harder to snipe I think you’re almost supposed to just embrace the auto aim instead of fighting

It you be one with with the auto a feel the power of it hello there damn it I’m third so I’m not doing too bad I also got to remember to do the five days there’s an achievement for doing 5 days in a row on this

One I forgot so I reset after 3 days I was like damn it damn it damn it damn it you know I want to get the achievements done and move on and stuff right but I have a little bit of fun along the way with this one I mean is basically

Basically just like a Cod light more for the younger audience but it works definitely works in the presentation everything like that is pretty clean come on dude well there goes my winning this match I fell apart pretty fast there damn it did I get that I think I got that

Yeah I got him too okay good we traded traded sniper Blues aiming feels weird uh yeah well I think that’s cuz the like I said the aggressive like auto aim where it’s kind of like I fight that a little bit cuz I like do a little bit of my own aiming

But yeah my joinable probably I don’t know dude I yeah I I think so I I want to say yeah you probably can oh damn dude this gun yeah it’s it’s like a sniper thing right there’s a guy coming right behind you I I just shot the barrels instead of

The dude I’m glad that’s done look at me leveling up yeah they just got to fix the achievements it’s pretty nice it’s it’s a decent game like it’s kind of entertaining I earned candy gun game in Sandstorm I want to play infected again anyways we’ll do few more matches or

Something and then we’ll try the uh competitive competitive lobbies I’m curious to uh give that a whir all right it’s gun game time get back here panda is this a remake of dust from Counter Strike it is yeah oh God like this game’s got all

Kinds of maps it’s got like Call of Duty levels and everything it’s yeah this is dust this means I should be able to remember the layout what oh now he’s dead I was like that’s some delay on killing that dude I was like what the hell i’ll shot right

At him they didn’t die or anything people love yeah people are obsessed with snipers on this game it’s probably like the most common game mode that seems to like pop up as team snipers or free-for-all snipers I really don’t understand it but I think when I was younger it was

Kind of an obession in a lot of games too was just sniping and stuff soy bunny killed me well that’s depressing F of and short shorts I I’ll remember dying from that that’ll that’ll haunt my dreams I guess that’s more in climate than my Santa outfit

Is Le I think I’m wearing a Santa outfit it’s quite an experience hello there oh no the remakes are like really really good on this like I said this is you know this is Counter Strike right off the bat right oh that stupid water gun where’s the person at I got to remember

Too people they’re most likely children I’m fighting too which is kind of funny being stomped on by like 12 year olds oh now I’m on that stupid water gun how do you kill someone with a water gun it’s like kind of a shotgun but not really it’s a very very useful is

Duel well I didn’t stand a chance there Canadians were Canadian goose it’s actually like a pretty common thing among women in Canada yeah Canada Canada goose is actually pretty popular and there’s certain demographics it hits even harder I hate the water gun makes me give up on life

Life it’s such a stupid idea for a weapon like how do I kill people with this I can’t crack the code like do you see this I’ve got a water gun and I’m getting blasted yeah it’s it’s totally a familyfriendly stream every stream is familyfriendly depending on the

Family ah this is embarrass ah if I wanted to feel emotional turmoil like this I would have just played Cod again although we’re done the battle pass so that’s a the equation maybe it’s time to start doing weird streams I finished the water gun guys now I’m back

In the game and never mind I got shot in the back back in the game is in my back is getting shot in the game oh yeah I did bad that match dude Showdown orbit infected freefor all I don’t want to play any of these maps at all uh freefor all snipers not Again oh my God it’s nuke town you see I made that guy do like a flip that was crazy double kill double kill double kill I keep trying to build it up so it’s like a triple kill or anything but I keep not like running out of people to

Shoot yeah it’s basically like Minecraft where we recreate Maps but they’ve actually done that and added guns makes a lot of sense and I bet on mobile and stuff that they they make like a killing off of this cuz it is like it’s on mobile first

Right anyways guys it’s been a while so be sure to like the stream subscribing is great donations cool consider becoming a channel member Channel member gifting the patreon option the Discord for stream alerts Chan great times and the Amazon store play link if you’re grabbing anything on Amazon use the

Link although I think the target audience for the stream’s a little little different but yeah damn it love when you hit them so hard their body like flops up they’re like it’s crazy this is a Roblox mode that’s what I was thinking too it’s like basically

If those Roblox people kind of I think some of those Roblox games are like interesting enough that they could probably spin them off into full games I mean some of them just like you know use content and stuff and recreate other things but some of them are actually pretty impressive levels or

Game creations and stuff that guy’s got bananas b well that was a terrible spawn nice it’s getting shot up here dude it’s it’s pretty Fierce trying to fight for first place me it’s like slipping away at any time right especially since there’s like 50 seconds left at the time is clocking down damn

It yeah now I’m in third ah my heat just like totally ran out that just getting spawn killed how she goes sometimes how she goes to his Vicious Circle but yeah I do not really care much for sniping stuff like this just reminds me of those like 12 year

Olds well I guess when I was like that age or whatever and all the kids just wanted to do quick scoping over and over again it’s like I grew out of that concept for a game anyways let’s try the uh I think the ranked mode or whatever the competitive I earned 23 candies

Excellent you get an exclusive cave or Cape if you join their Discord casual event playlist custom games competitive core free they’ve actually got splitz that’s so funny cap the flag tactical bomb to fuse and King of the Hill core uh let’s let’s try some CTF let’s let’s go for

It yeah man it’s like original Call of Duty rolling lobbies it’s great Let’s go Team let’s get this flag I wonder if the achievement for capture the flag works like I said most of the achievements in this game aren’t working I hope they at least retroactively unlock that would be

Helpful yeah cuz what is that 15th Prestige is that actually an achievement when 10 capture the flight games reach 15th how do you reach 15th Prestige that sounds like a lot of work I mean I hit Prestige one for getting to level 10 which was kind of funny but uh 15

Prestigious that that sounds crazy dude crazy Dragon Quest Builders I played Dragon Quest Builders 2 I think I have a video it too yeah it’s kind of a cool game it’s sort of like Minecraft honestly grab the flag Santa Santa why did you run why did you grab

The flag and run right behind me like an idiot I was literally like distracting them so you could grab their flag oh my God what was that guy thinking H it’s like pretty tight map so there’s not a lot of like options for flanking and stuff like that

P pie should be on a lot too many calories for you yeah that’s what I’ve been trying to do this this holiday season is like trying to watch the calories and stuff CU I’m just like damn dude it it sneaks up on you quick quick you get all these treats and

People give you all these goodies and I’m just like hot damn yeah like I said that Mitchell’s family ‘s Christmas thing or whatever and it was like oh I don’t she eat as much and I was like it’s cuz I’m like fit now I was like you I don’t need as

Much this is kind of funny oh yeah this stuff adds up fast it’s not like I don’t like to indulge but like man people just give really good treats and you get them for gifts like people give you chocolate and stuff and it just oh so many calories yeah battle

Bit yeah I’m kind of surprised we haven’t seen any well I guess this a small team for battle bit isn’t it it’d be interesting if they brought that over to the consoles yeah I think this one does well because it’s crossplay right he’s got the PC and the

Mobile see look that guy’s on his mobile phone he’s number one he’s too good to be kept alive okay so that’s win one win guys we need we need 10 CTF wins okay I accidentally just threw a grenade grenade damn dude dude hey that guy’s a stormtrooper but totally not a

Stormtrooper oh yeah this map is kind of like uh Team fortress’s two40 this is Team Fortress 2’s team Fort that’s that’s exactly what this map is yeah this this is literally I didn’t even realize the last few times I’ve played on this map this is literally Team Fortress 2’s to

For God damn it melee and this sucks so much dude venison oh sounds like you had good food today h yes a Merry Christmas indeed well yeah like I said battle bit didn’t come out that long ago and I think it’s a small team that works on it h

Always excited to try different things out it’s a roundabout way to get to where I’m trying to go holy wait you actually have to sit there and return the flag ain’t nobody got time for that although I probably should have that gingerbread man’s going for our flag

How come our team only has three players and theirs has five and this is competitive this is ridiculous how are we supposed to compete here melee hit detection yeah the melee stuff doesn’t really work very well there and the auto auto aim is a tad aggressive and how come this team size is

So oh damn it I’m trying to get outside yeah the the team size is so disjointed it’s that’s literally it’s five all three what where did I get tomahawk from what that’s Insanity I think the map size is too large for the freaking players yeah like three players for our

Whole side to defend it that’s nuts dude why hav’t other players Joined might be better off joining another Lobby yeah this map is like way too big for eight players like way way too big oh there we go we got a new player now it’s five on four this just got interesting and is there like a way for

Me to drop this flag or am I just kind of stuck with it cuz you move like really slow with the flag like you just like you’re like a crawl speed you’re just like in no hurry to get anywhere fast Dude I almost got it back I just need some team support out there they return their flag of course they did oh now we’ve got some players joining but it might be too late look at that woman just camping up there with their festive Santa head on just camping away watching us come

In unbelievable now we don’t want to go that way cuz it just Loops up around again now that wasn’t worth the loop around my teammate shot that person oh kind of surprised I didn’t kill that guy there we go damn it I wish I had something a little

Longer range than the assault rifle that other teams just like way better man H the r tracing for Minecraft it was a tech demo it was never going to be an actual release it was just attack ammo people get really confused by things they see which I think is interesting

But yeah the Minecraft R tracing was literally just Tech demo to show off that the Xbox could do that if they wanted to it was it was never meant to actually be a thing I mean there’s no reason it couldn’t be but it was never meant to

Actually be something they could do it was just to be like hey the console can do this h die Stevie Steve really didn’t die are you kidding me wow that sucked that was a horrible match I mean we were down five on three like most of it but still sucks a lot a

Lot jungle oh jungles ooh the mall would be fun for to capture the flag a negative to I guess it’s not as bad as doing uh Call of Duty though for for deaths and stuff eh h H I love this mall level it’s so well crafted I don’t know how well it’s going

To work for CTF but I’m embracing the weirdness of it you move so slow so wait I have to bring it all the way into the cinema to capture this H you’ve got to be kidding me now it’s our turn to be up 5 to three

Watch them be camping our flag and I just get shot nope I got this I got it I’m bringing it into this Christmas Cinema to capture the flag God they make you move so slow all right there we go I brought the flag back guys what what a pain that was that

Was ridiculous for dragging that thing it’s one thing to make the flag hard to capture is another thing to like make the flag TDS to capture at least we have the benefit of being up five to three for players they really need to work on making sure their lobbies are

Not lopsided especially in like competitive right it’s a little ridiculous that we’re playing competitive and the team sizes aren’t even see yeah cuz it’s like five on two this is kind of a bummer somebody else you want to bring the flag in weird gingerbread guy that’s got like 3D glasses hovering around him

Remember when 3D glasses used to be like that with the red in the blue lenses what a tie to be alive yeah Actually I don’t even know the last time I went and saw a movie that was in 3D in the theaters do you guys have any of that

Stuff played what city wars I don’t think I’ve played Block City Wars no I don’t think I have okay he’s going to bring the flag back yeah now there’s only one player on their team I mean they’re going to take the easy win but uh kind of a bummer I was

Expecting like a really good competitive match should we go to Star blocks I’ll take a double chocolate chip Frappuccino and a snowman cookie I guess uh why not this is how I like to spend my time alone at the Starbucks throwing grenades grenad anyways I’m sure they’ll capture that last flag anytime

Nice do I have a rank uh well it is ranked I I don’t know if I have a rank specifically yeah but that gives me two out of 10 wins like that’s not even fair like it’s a level five too it’s like it’s ridiculous like why doesn’t this mode have

Crossplay another question I guess oh my God is this that Counter Strike level again already is it no trying to think of it is maybe we need like a new Lobby yeah this is dust double kill yeah it’s dust if you guys are familiar with dust then you should be

Familiar with the concept of liking the stream subscribing great donations cool consider becoming a channel member Channel member gifting the patreon option the Discord for stream alerts Chann great times and the Amazon store F link if you’re grabbing anything on there use the link how the heck did that

Guy not die dude he took a lot of bullets a lot a lot of bullets double kill walk with the flag slowly kill oh come on dude so it’s like two on two oh yeah yeah we we’ll try for another lobby after this cuz that that just seems

Ridiculous nobody wants to play in tiny Lobby sizes it’s just boring oh come on but yeah I know this this was on or this is also on like mobile and and PC I believe as well it is a mobile first thing which makes sense I I bet they do a killing on

Mobile surprised to see they actually want to Port this or you know wanted to Port this over to console it’s a little interesting that that was something they did I’m kind of hoping Xbox next year gets uh some of the more interesting free-to-play games like uh you know like

Genin impact and uh was it honai star Rail and like Tower of fantasy and stuff I’m hoping we start to get those as well CU it looks like X or Playstation has like a grasp on those titles yeah they seem to have a grasp on that

Industry or the I guess that market of games or whatever I’m assuming this Playstation sign some kind of contract with them but yeah I’d never give up the might of this MP5 see now the problem is I kill kill and I grab the flag and then they

Respawn and I die CU you can’t to drop the flag at all you just get blasted yeah I think I might just leave this Lobby and try to get a busier one there’s there’s just like two on two I just don’t want to play that I don’t mean to

Leave my squad made behind but that’s just lame dude Capture the Flag so it’s supposed to be like a 20 player game of like capture the flag and it’s like two on two here we go this this is what it’s supposed to be like holy yeah this is

Way better and on nuke town as well okay wow here we go that’s what I’m talking about I guess you just got to leave the lobby when players dip a little bit all right so what we at two CTF wins we need 10 guys for an achievement that may or may not work

Do I buy stocks uh not really I’ve I’ve always wanted to but there’s not a direct way to buy it with my bank and my bank advisor can’t handle or do anything around that based on like the rules they have so I’m hoping that changes over

Time but also I’m not really into long term right now I need to I’m trying to buy a house but uh I wanted to get stocks I definitely have some picks that would have made me some money over time time but yeah I’m just more into shortterm

Kind of quick investing so I can get a little bit of return and then I’m want to get my house spot and then later on when I start making money again after I’ve got everything settled which will probably be in 5 to 10 years at least uh then I

Will likely start doing stock stuff yeah but yeah I just I do gic’s got like a mutual thing well my mutuals and my uh fhsa and yeah then I got my tfsa and I’ve got a few different like GIC things under those everything is like done in March

And I think or not March sorry January and March all my stuff’s finished so I got to decide if I’m going to reinvest stuff for another few months or if I’m going to be able to get my house right away or what’s happening there yeah have a what hire a stock

Broker yeah yeah you know it’s it’s cool and all but that’s just not currently my direction for for what I’m going to be doing I’m not doing long-term kind of stuff yeah well it’s never usually a bad time to infest to like the video Nvidia Costco Microsoft stalk stuff like that usually pretty

Good usually just goes up to only had more money to play around with when I was my mid 20s would have been nice but yeah it’s I’m not here to like to long-term investing or playing around with cash it’s more focused cash usage in the next uh year and few years to follow

But hopefully someday I’ll have extra money and I’ll be able to sit there and play around with stocks or you know have some gic’s and have some other stuff going just not not right now this is not the right time cuz I mean like technically I’m investing but I’m not like really doing

Stocks right cuz mutuals are like kind of a stock thing but yeah not not specifically in sense that you’re going to be asking about damn it you’d have to go look up a video on how to do video recording and stuff dude I’m not going to sit here and hold your hand through

It it’s actually a bit of a weird question to ask somebody streaming honestly but yeah there was there there’s been some picks that I’ve seen change over the years and been like God damn it I could have made some nice money like I really should have put money into ax

Vision blizzard when they were getting acquired I was going to but all my money is locked up in my gc’s it doesn’t get out till January so I couldn’t get anything cuz I was like I could have I actually had like a dollar amount I could have made like

30k off of Activision Blizzard getting bought in like the summer if I would have grabbed it I was like G yeah sucks to suck sucks to suck oh well it’s just unrealized potential money anyways it’s not like I had it or anything and knowing my luck I probably

Have boughten it and they wouldn’t have been able to buy Activision Blizzard and that would have been funny God that is some aggressive auto aim it’s literally making me not able to kill that dude cuz it’s just aiming to his chest not to the side I take it we’re not getting any

Flag progress capturing on this a we’re not even going to like touch that flag GameStop G I don’t even want to hear about that GameStop crap I can’t believe idiots kept that business going want to see business or GameStop topple already but yeah stocks and stuff are

Fascinating it’s just whether or not you ever ever have like extra you know cash and stuff to gamble on that kind of thing right ideally you want something that like pays out dividends and stuff 4.5 4.5 is pretty high dude Ah that’s like one more thing I got to

Deal with too cuz all my stuff gets out on I think it’s like mid January or something oh my god I’ve got so much crap I have to freaking get done right now it’s ridiculous absolutely ridiculous cuz I didn’t get everything done that I needed to get done

Today I’ll finish this I got to get like the sponsored video ready for like a day and then they have to okay it within like a day and I have to get that out and I got that interview with manar’s voice actor tonight after the

Stream’s done as well so I got to get both of those finished and I still have to watch a movie before the year ends I have to pick what I’m doing with my hosting eat it hm absolutely hate all the effort I think you’re supposed to get

Like a break over the holidays but I actually feel like I’m busier than I normally am right now it’s a lot to do H yeah I seem to strangely remember in previous years I usually get two to three weeks off around the holidays where I don’t have to do as

Much this year it just seems like the year is just going to bleed right into 2024 like it’s nothing it was actually funny hearing like people was it Mitchell’s sister and her Guy Mitchell in his gown you know they’re like having to do all these Christmases and I’m just like God I got

All this like business work I got to do like just like piles and piles of business work right now I’m just like holy imagine trying to juggle family Christmases on top of that I’d be going crazy absolutely crazy saving bonds oh don’t even get on that I find the uh pipeline stock that

Pays a decent dividend oh yeah that’ll be good for you uh the the big craze right now is the uh gold and silver cuz Costco is selling it and apparently Costco sold a lot of gold bars and then I guess Walmart and the states is starting to

Sell gold bars cuz that’s like a big thing going on right now people buying like gold stuff so I’m wondering if Gold’s value is going to go up quite a bit cuz common people are buying gold at like a store like it’s a commodity item it’s like if I get my special card

I can go to Costco on the uh reserve and not pay any taxes on that gold which would increase potential profits on said gold which would be interesting I guess technically even smarter would be then selling that gold well there cuz then I wouldn’t have to pay taxes on selling that

Gold man business is fascinating honestly we’re not going to touch these flags at all this is BAS basically like death match yeah this is fun wait did it say we won how did we win like we didn’t Capture the Flag like we didn’t capture a single flag and

Neither did they did it say we won movie studio we’re not even going to capture the flag op movie studio other thing is it doesn’t track any of your unlocks either 15th Prestige what a pain in the ass that is to do like how would you ever get

That like seriously how would you ever get to 15 it would take forever I damn yeah I don’t like I just don’t even know how you capture the flag with this many people especially with the flag positions not designed in a way that you can like move the flag quickly or get

The flag like down any sort of like extra hallways you’re just kind of stuck brute forcing it it’d be like a miracle an absolute miracle damn it dude I don’t know how we’re going to C this or maybe they just play Capture the Flag but they treat it like it’s just

You know like a team death masch kind of thing double kill cuz yeah you move so slow with the flag there’s not really extra like flanking routes H this is a tricky one that grenade killed me ow who was outside I was inside what did I get oh he sniped me

From the top up there okay interesting guess that is a pretty good line of sight isn’t it damn dude I don’t know if we’re going to yeah I think it’s just going to be a lot of killing push forward team I think I think this is our big

Flag push although I think most of our team is kind of dying yeah there’s only three of us left the other team just keep spawning there yeah we’re never going to get this flag H I keep thinking that you can crouch in this actually can you crouch in this can’t remember if you

Can H all right I think we’re in no we’re not in a good position how the hell would you capture this flake how would you get in there to get that thing I I literally cannot figure it out should we try pushing up the left

Side CU I just kind of feel like you’re just they’re just going to keep spawning cuz there’s no like spawn penalty right you basically die and just reappear h trying to be creative in my tactical approach also the sheer quantity of players just the way that you move

Slowly with the flag I I don’t think this is doable yeah this is not a very smart setup Capture the Flag but the streams are pretty smartly set up in order to get them to like or be liked by you guys God I totally missed the

Uh I missed that one uh subscribing is great donations cool consider becoming a channel member Channel member gifting the patron option the Discord for stream alerts Channel great times and the Amazon store play link if you’re into that does that person have a Canadian flag on their back that’s kind of

Cool and I got tomahawked from where where did I get tomahawk from yeah this seems like very nonm smartly sent up Capture the Flag to be honest this amount of players would be perfect for that Team Fortress level cuz then the players are more spread out

Right dang this is what I have that I have those oh that’s so funny it’s like a streamer setup holy yeah those are uh Nano leafes I I have Nano Leaf they’re right over there it’s kind of funny huh we got to get out of there cuz

There’s a grenade oh my God we’re never going to get this I think that’s the closest we’ll get to getting to that flag as being like right there like a room behind it cuz it’s like it technically this should not be a capture the flag map cuz it just doesn’t work

Functionally or you should at least move faster with the flag once you grab it get good they’re up to date on the term so that’s funny now it seems like our team’s kind of trying to make a push on the right here maybe you just have to like

Overload them with players or something freaking Wall of Death dude I’m going to touch it nope not even going for a second there I thought I was going to get touch a flag man I don’t know I just I find this frustrating because I personally like

When I play CTF I like to actually like touch the flag move the flag around and it’s just like this is n impossible I got a head shot with a grenade okay that’s some grenade eh too bad you can’t revive people like in Battlefield yeah damn dude

They’re starting to push through oh come on that grenade the grenades are so floaty in this oh he got a grenade in there nice that was that was a good grenade maybe there’s a reason people want smaller CTF lobbies in this this is the only way you’re

Actually going to be able to like win CU it’s like I don’t think I’m doing too bad on kills but wait did we capture a flag how did we did we actually capture a we have one point how did anyone touch that flag what somebody actually captured

It how when when did that happen was I I wasn’t alive for that that is like a miracle that is incredible like I I don’t even know how they touched it that’s Insanity I mean technically codes are region free so they should work anywhere at least on the Xbox side of

Things region free my friend unless it was like a gift I code then those those might get those to get region locked yeah well I I think we got the win on this one cuz I don’t see how in any form or way that the other team would be able to

Capture a flag but uh yeah good on them if they somehow manage cuz I’m just like I don’t even know how we got this I’m so surprised damn it dude maybe I should just sit back and get some kills bring out the AK and kind of lean

Back it’s kind of cool to get get odd PC Mobile experiences like this on Xbox kind of hope we get like battle bit would be kind of need in some other ones was it like ready or not I’m surprised they didn’t try to P that one over

Here is it is it scum I think we’re supposed to get scum on Console think that one will be pretty popular damn dude I I’m doing pretty good though number one I guess shouldn’t really complain at that point I suppose thought I was doing worse but guess

Not yeah I mean if they if you bought it it’s like a gifted thing it might not work because of regional stuff but usually codes and stuff that are just sitting there are like supposed to be region free now I’m dying a bit we won is that four wins or three wins I

Think it might be three wins four wins unlock scavenger cool it’s like I’m playing Call of Duty little town jungle ancient city ancient city would be hilarious that map’s pretty tiny I was kind of hoping for that two for though because it’d be a little bit more Dynamic for like the level layout

It would be more like a proper CTF map this it just seems like they take any map they have and they just shove CTF on it and say yellow St seriously that guy actually grabbed our flag the flag ended up right in the middle of the air that’s funny so the

Flag doesn’t have any like fall physics or anything like it doesn’t dynamically fall when it gets like Drop that’s weird did very very very weird good thing I was on that cuz like I don’t think anyone on my team even like saw the flag was taken they were just like in their own

World their own worlds maybe the AK would be good on this one cuz it is a little bit of a range thing these innocent Minecraft female characters and they got guns that guy on our team’s actually pretty clever with that flag hey pretty clever indeed double

Kill oh come on like I should have died I yeah one one this is a little easy to capture the flag on this one actually they’re holding us at our spawn pretty good here but the map is relatively tiny you would think we’ have a bit of

An advantage since you know we have The High Ground but not as much as one would hope ah it’s terrible shooting on my part it’s uh definitely like Call of Duty isn’t it you not able to shoot through the waterfall did you see it was like stopping bullets that’s

Weird I’m trying to De click a little bit of flanking if I can to grab the flag but they’re uh holding her down pretty good maybe I’ll try the left side yeah there’s a whole down pathway a you’ve got to be freaking kidding me dude I don’t know how that guy didn’t

Die put so many bullets right there h a damn I’m try to think we’re not going going to capture any more Flags I’m glad you beat Serene finally now kind of all this chatter recently of quantum breaking kind of makes me to stream it be super cool to be one of those

Streamers that’s just like hyper hyper popular and you do whatever and you get lots of views it’ be very intriguing you could just like do really bizarre experiments really bizarre experiences okay I got the flag for about half a second half a second flag grab guys I was so

Proud guys just shooting at this wall I don’t know what that’s doing but it’s fascinating where did my grenade go I feel like grenades are just so floaty they don’t go anywhere they’re supposed to oh I’ve got it I’m going wait they captured one of our flags huh I can’t believe they captured

A second one of our flags like I had to work so hard to even go and touch theirs and they just easily I didn’t even notice they just grabbed our flag I was too busy trying to grab that unbelievable how could this happen what did I do to deserve this punishment

Did he grab the flag oh he died right away and that guy’s aim is atrocious like what is he even shooting at seriously I’m very conf confused as like what he was actually blasting at I kind of f Oh no I got shot I thought I fell I was like oh damn

Yeah just kind of looks like they’re throwing bodies at it which is probably the smart way to do it to be honest it’s kind of like what we do with the likes on the Stream So throw your body on it and like the stream subscribing is great donations

Cool consider becoming a channel member Channel member gifting the patreon option and the Discord for stream alerts chatter and great times there’s also an Amazon store play like if you’re gra anything on there use the link I’m doing my part trying to trying to do my part I’m giving it my

All out here there’s no support anywhere defeat I thought we would get good good progress on that map but I guess I was wrong at least I’m leveling up yeah it take a long time to get 15th Prestige dude like a long time oh dude retral would be insane oh I

Guess we’re going for Jungle holy okay jungle is a tighter kind of narrow map from what I recall unless I’m thinking of a different jungle level uh I think it’s it should be a little better for player spacing but yeah this this is going to be a weird one triple

Kill actually no this this map is really tight yeah this going to be not impossible capturing this stuff why would I spend $3,000 on microtransactions I don’t think I make enough money to waste that much money on microtransactions and cod I mean if I like win the lottery I’d

Probably waste more money on microtransactions I guess I wouldn’t care that person with the Frog hat that’s a great position up there on top of the uh the plane I think this quantity of players on the mall level would have been super we this is uh this is going to be a very

Tricky tricky level to get a fly capture on and it’s up on the plane too are you kidding me how do you get to that how would you get to that flag dude Persona 3 or Yakuza why not both I’m actually very interested to see how they upgrade Persona cuz Persona 3 I

Think has like a really kind of interesting good story but it’s just kind of locked behind like really really old gameplay but I mean the next one is like I guess kind of the last Yakuza for you know at least our core character I think I don’t know is they always they

Say it’s the end and then they do like a new one so I don’t know cuz I thought six was supposed to be the last uza with the you know our main dude there and then all of a sudden he’s back and he’s doing all these other ones you know he’s got a

Spin-off and then he’s going to be backing for the wealth I’m just like kyus like you know it’s cool but it’s just like yeah it’s hard to actually tell what will be the last last if that makes sense so it’s kind of like you might sit

There and be like oh it’s the last one I should be more interested in it but like is it the last one for that guy it’s like I don’t know man he so much they’ve been given I thought they’ve been giving out free gold on rise for like a long

Time really need to try to organizing the rise stream it was it was fun I don’t just last one wasn’t that uh popular that we did but yeah be fun to stream rise again be fun to actually do a stream the campaign of rise to look at how long it

Is trying to redo some of my older like walkthroughs as streams and then just get rid of the older walkr video cut down on the video account a little bit as I was watching some funny compilation video things on Mass Effect Andromeda I’m I’m strangely tempted to

Uh to do like a stream run of of Mass Effect Andromeda cuz like I I did what was it I did more of like a straightforward roleplay stream of of Mass Effect Andromeda but I guess I missed out on the female Rider cuz apparently she’s downright hilariously

Awful and I’m just like cuz yeah was I was just watching some like funny compilation things of that character acting and I was like wow I missed out on some magic not a good way but yeah I miss I miss out some magical bits magic is this game legal to

Make uh yeah I mean it wouldn’t be on the store otherwise so what they do is it’s like it’s a game where it’s kind of user driven if that makes sense like they give the game mechanics and then other people kind of make this stuff so it’s it’s sort of

Like it falls under the rain kind of like Roblox it’s it’s more like used created content if that makes sense it’s like yeah sure you might see like a stormtrooper or characters recreated and here from stuff but that’s people doing it so you kind of skirt

Around the rules it’s it’s kind of like uh you know the WWE games where people create like the characters like the wrestlers but there’s no issue there it’s cuz people are making it right so that’s how they kind of skirt around the rules on things for the level designs though I do

I think those ones must also be us to created because like they literally lift maps from other games and I’ve seen like Call of Duty like Activision is gone after companies like or individuals that make fortnite levels that just you know recreate Cod Maps so that that one’s interesting but I

Think the yeah the way they get around stuff is user creative content rise 2 H that one’s been talked about for a long time but I I’m kind of doubtful about it cuz like krych they’re they’re working on crisis Force they wouldn’t I don’t think they’ve had any other teams

Available to work on another rise I mean rise 2 did get kind of teased during the battlefield 2042 the future of Xbox gaming trailer they kind of showed aise sequel but yeah I don’t I don’t think aise sequel is happening but I’d be cool cool yeah uh no you you make your own

Character skins the the devs do sell skins they sell design stuff but for my knowledge they don’t sell any IP owned skins they make creative custom new skins and they sell you like color paletes and stuff to make your own characters cuz this game has like a pretty comprehensive create your own character

Package it’s kind of like Minecraft right you can make your own skin and put it in and it’s no problem but they’ll sell official stuff too yeah at least that’s how I’m assuming this one’s all good to go otherwise yeah I think it would have gotten shut down at this point if it

Wasn’t all right to get around all this stuff cuz it’s been out for quite a few years on PC and mobile yeah that snowman just like blast mive that one I don’t know if we’re ever going to be able to touch this flag either on this one actually the flag just seems not

Impossible this game yeah as I said I think this game’s been operating since like 2020 or something earlier so it’s like I’m sure it’s all fine all Dandy and gravy I’m just actually kind of surprised they didn’t release this on Playstation as well unless it’s like easier for Designing on the Microsoft

Site of things or something but uh yeah it’s it’s kind of fascinating but damn dude I wish we had things like hunai Star Rail and Tower fantasy and things like that on here I mean we’re finally getting Final Fantasy next year but yeah see what happens Final Fantasy

14 like dude we don’t even have like genin impact and that’s like that game is huge man and it works on Console cuz PlayStation has it no you guys aren’t supposed to see me so I could sneak up and grab that why would you put the flag above the enemy

Spawn in a place for which we have to climb ladders to get to it you you know how like impossible it is to capture the flag in this situation like literally impossible like our flag is actually pretty capturable cuz it’s on the ground I know we spawned beside it but

Yeah it’s it’s hard to get to like an aerial position cuz the only way to get up there is like literally climbing that ladder for which they can just Camp the top of what the kills looking like oh just added another death going hand it to some of these devs

Though take the vision of being like yeah let’s just take Call of Duty and just throw a Minecraft design on it make tons of money and Bam here we are with this game like I’m trying different strategies to kind of like get in there but nothing works dude

It nothing works at all but you know I will say it’s like it’s a pretty clean interface it does visually look pretty decent got some good gameplay Gunplay and stuff so like yeah not bad I’ve played worse games like this yeah like I said I’m a little little surprised they didn’t drop this

Bad boy on Playstation yet so we’ll probably cover it when it goes on that platform too with a quick review assuming I notice it drops as well right wonder how long it would take to go through Mass Effect Andromeda I think I beat it in like 12

Hours or something if you go through like the main crap just the main stuff sit there trying to do the planet building and just be like oh God this is horrendous this guy like just shooting through the wall oh that’s a good corner to Camp that’s that’s a really good little

Corner to Camp nobody seems to knows that dude at all there clava oh he’s dead now H we’re just dying trying to get there Red Dead Redemption 260 FPS never happening Robo Quest I I think I I did a video of Robo Quest I believe I don’t think that one was too

Watched thank the video for this one it was kind of like I wanted to do a stream of this but I was waiting to see how the video for this one did and the video for this one’s been doing decent so I was like okay we’ll do the companion stream

For it cuz even if it’s not super popular live I can I think this one will get good replay visits people trying to check this game out question is though will ballcap 3 ever turn Ah that’s what I want to know can I ever catch up on Ro or on boulderers

Gate yeah you know what it feels honestly super Bri cuz like I am pretty tired and I still got to stay up later after this to get stuff done I think it’s going to be a long night I kind of want to get up early do stuff if I

Can I don’t know how it’s going to work out yeah this is basically just team death match with extra steps I I don’t think either team I think the other team touched our flag for like two seconds and I think that was it like I I don’t know what kind of

Idiot does like capture the flag structuring and puts the flag above another team spawn where it’s like literally one entrance way but that’s just like stupidity we climb this no for a second there I thought we could climb the vines I was going to be like oh maybe you can

Sneak up through the top but no like look at that’s not even fair they have like this infinitely High position over us like even if I sat here and shot at them with the AK it’s they just keep spawning it’s like it’s not even designed as actual

CTF and like hypothetically if I grab the flag you move like one inch per second did we actually how did we win we didn’t even like is it buy kills at that point more balers gate I haven’t been able to catch up in balers gate cuz my

Save is still so far from behind from restarting the only reason I even restarted again was because like I need footage for my like interviews that I’ve got set up Kingdom that’s that’s two Fort from in VTR 2 what map did we get ah freaking no oh

No it’s like the lobb’s dying a bit down a bit from doing this I’m making a move on the flag run like this is unbelievably slow for the fact that you just get blasted and they respawn instantly that’s so dumb dude like how are you ever supposed to move that

Flag without like literally just throwing bodies at it he knew I was there H I guess I can like flank on the left side like if I could only flag juggle like Halo 3 I could move the flag a lot faster but like you basically does this guy what the heck how does he know where you are that was so

Weird oh he’s playing on his phone he’s probably cheating cuz I’m like how did that guy I didn’t even shoot a bullet or anything I don’t think there’s like uavs on this I mean did he hear like footsteps or something that’s strange and I will note you guys are

Missing out on like really cool music but yeah the music’s just like copyright like crazy Shadow heart I that was a terrible S I literally could not find a contact for shadow heart I I literally could not so I I don’t think we’ll get a shadow heart interview oh

Crap also I’m like I don’t think the the the l z interview could have done better I think and that’ll probably make it harder to get other Boulders gate interviews but hopefully the menar W do well we’ll see how that goes from there cuz usually you know if the interviews

Are doing very well they they’ll attract the other actors and stuff but uh yeah we we’ll see how it goes it would be that was the one I wanted to get really was the The Shadow heart interview but it’s not looking I I don’t know and it’s also the holiday season

Too so it’s like harder to get in contact with people but I did inquire on a a few different interviews so we’ll see what happens it’s definitely something I want to do more of next year is the energies so if you see them be sure to

Check them out so that they look good cuz that’s how you pitch to get other people yeah but I think you know LEL men that’s some pretty good selections it’s actually funny the uh the Youtube shorts for can’t shoot through the waterfall YouTube shorts for LEL was was really good for did pretty

Good this is like huh I still don’t get YouTube shorts but yeah h yeah flag movements painful but you know what’s really painful guys when people don’t move over to liking the stream so be sure to like the stream subscribing great donations cool consider becoming a channel member

Channel member gifting the patron option the Discord for stream alerts chatter in great times and the Amazon stor l l if you’re grabbing anything on that use the Amazon surfly Link in the video description huzzah I think the other team’s going to get our flag last match we played the

Flag was in the upper area so it’s weird that it’s on the side this time what the hell how’s that guy moving like that and how’s nobody on our team noticing this guy that’s like flying up in the air is he cheating froggy man was convincible this game’s got really weird

Like for this being a competitive version of this game this is some strange stuff dude like honestly CU I as I said this is supposed to be like the rank competitive mode and it’s so weird The Incredibles review video I just I don’t know I just kind of filmed

It because you had mentioned it and I hadn’t done it yet and uh yeah I don’t think it performed great but all the Lego stuff kind of is an overtime and it does so so kind of thing so not not too out of the ordinary I suppose it’s mostly because I

Don’t have videos to do right now I’ve got no new content so it’s just kind of going through some older things doing some different stuff yeah I had fun revisiting The Incredibles Lego game it was pretty enjoyable see that’s the sad thing is like streaming wise I missed the ability

To be able to do all of those Lego games it would have been a lot of fun I guess if I’m still streaming when I have kids someday we can have them sit there and do the Lego games completely free roam oh yeah no all the

All the Lego games started doing that uh at a certain point they all kind of became open world sort of stuff have you not done like the Lego Marvel games they’re they’re open world huge huge open worlds Lego Dimensions as well if you do Lego Dimensions is like every single

Character pack has like its own roaming free roaming open world thing that actually might be a good candidate for a stream as the Lego Dimensions stream might be entertaining oh thanks for the donation there game master thanks yeah like I said I’m just preparing myself emotionally for when

The ad rates drop on January 1st they come crashing down so hard so fast it’s going to be in like tears again just be like oh my God damn dude can’t get anywhere near this flag I wouldn’t call this competitive this is just Madness it’s not like competitive play

Is supposed to be organized there’s no organization here like it’s not even designed for you to possibly like work around that flag at all to kill like everyone and go and touch it he has four games that never made it to Xbox I’ve I’ve got a quite a few

Uh PS5 videos on that kind of stuff I got one on like bloodborne and then some other titles I have like I think just under like 200 PS5 videos I’m just waiting for them to kind of refill my ps+ at some point so I can go film a

Bunch of other stuff that’s been like strangling or straggling see the thing is is like doing the PlayStation 5 videos when I like release them they tend not to do as well right off the bat but like longterm the PS5 stuff always does well but it’s like always feels

Weird to invest the time and just not get like a quick return and then just be like way later being like Oh no this ends up doing very very well cuz I don’t know if I don’t know how to describe it like the Xbox viewer stuff they seem more interested in older

Things and on the PlayStation side of things the viewers seem less interested in older stuff if that makes sense City skylines yeah still supposed to come out I think that’s what going to be the spring or something nice cozy City skylines to stream nice cozy okay here we

Go oh God I touched the flag guys I touched the flag oh he’s teabagging me that’s that’s great was he teabagging can you even crouch in this I don’t even know if you can crouch in this but God damn dude oh they have our flag literally right over there okay

This doesn’t feel very competitive it just feels like they’re killing each other in an area it’s like team death match with extra steps minus anybody taking those extra steps how come they did win I thought they had like had our flag over there strange very very strange I thought they had

That very very odd well they earn that Wolfenstein versus the Metro Trilogy I don’t know dude they’re not really quite the same games new affiliate programs uh I just got the Amazon stuff I haven’t really had any time to look into that anything else pretty swapped pretty

Swamped I kind of started doing like a slightly new merch option and then ran out of time to finish that like a couple weeks ago yeah I’m I’m pretty pretty busy did this Lobby die out do I have to find a new Lobby see if everybody starts loading in or

Not yeah it’s like five on three new Lobby new Lobby multiplayer shooter is is that what this is so where do I check my stats I’m new to the game I’m level 31 but I’m new to the game okay interesting where the hell do you check your stats at okay so there’s my

Inventory I can have Saturn rings look like an idiot tasks that’s not it VIP become a VIP today no thanks oh you get like a free microtransaction crate oh I’ve got two free microtransaction crates guys I unlocked mistletoe as a hat it’s rare cool how many of these do I have okay

Let’s let’s see skip a blue tiger skin oh oh and I have one more free crate you’re supposed to be able to check your stats somewhere but I don’t see where that is Magnum candy apple right on okay yeah I I literally I I don’t see anywhere where you check what your your

Stats are oh player stats is right over there well how do I get to player stats what how do I how do I get to player stats I don’t have a okay he’s there but I don’t have a cursor that allows me to like see my player

Stats okay well I could change my bio but huh what what did I just do okay this is dumb we’ll just get into another match that’s terribly designed does this like that Premier mode is CTF yeah I didn’t get the achievement for Rank 10 a level 30 I think I’m level 30 over

Level 30 I didn’t get that yet did I what level am I yeah I’m level 31 I didn’t get that achievement OG Pixel Gun Xbox hey man we’re getting 4K soon on Xbox Battlefield 4 yeah Battlefield 4 operation Locker never stopped being chaotic damn it I got spawn killed by a panda

Bear imagine just going to keep spawning in this area oh come on dude it really is bugged a lot of this game is pretty buggy like I said the achievements for a lot of stuff doesn’t work at least the shooting works I guess that’s what matters is being able to

Like you know fire and stuff as long as you can kill other players that’s that’s what it’s all about right I threw a grenade behind that panda bear how did that Panda not die from like literally being in front of that grenade see guys you finished the Call

Of Duty battle pass this this is what you’re stuck with now this this is actually it’s decently fun yeah the UI is less cluttered than Cod oh you’re not wrong yeah you you’re not wrong how didn’t I kill the panda I was shooting right through him and his spawn protection had

Vanished they’re running away with our flag somehow considering how slow they freaking move when they have the flag that is nothing short of extraordinary God damn it the battle pass there is a battle pass yeah there there is one obviously there’s a battle pass you got to have a battle pass in

This kind of self-respecting multiplayer game doesn’t have a battle pass these days even single player games have like battle passes oh that who uh killed The Suicide Squad kill the Justice League or whatever as a freaking battle pass which is nuts yeah I don’t think we’re going to get this

Done it it is dust from Counter Strike yeah Roblox has incredible shooter games honestly it’s the some of the Roblox stuff I’ve seen is nothing short of extraordinary that Halo stuff is like god tier battle pass why are there so many battle passes cuz battle passes make money and

Keep people engaged in the game keeps them invested in a game it’s actually a genius technology like forces you to sit there and spend more time kind of like a Rewards program for like a company surprised casinos don’t have something like that where they you

Know you do a daily login at your Casino those habitual gamblers eh actually I bet casinos wish they came up with the whole Loot Crate I mean gambling’s kind of like that but I’m sure people would go nuts if you could like spin a wheel and get like open up a

Loot Crate and see what she could win we’re not touching that flag are we or do we have a flag cap already am I on the losing team I’m on losers team it’s uh is this on PS5 I think it’s just on Xbox at the moment which I’m not sure why that is

The case maybe it’s just they wanted to scale it I don’t know I’m just sitting here on Xbox waiting for all the weird three to play Asian Games genin impact act Tower Fantasy unai Star rail why can’t we have fun anime lady games I got the flag but I move like you

Just like why would you make the flag they hate flag players in this why would you make the flag movement that slow that’s like trying to punish people for capturing the flag like straight up punish you for touching it at least give us flag juggling you little camper oh what a

Fall think they’re going to cap our flag again somehow that guy just like quick scope me oh my God I’m just trying to get over there to kind of stop them from getting our flag or to go attack their their flag it’s just not working oh there’s there’s a lot of

Stuff in this game that’s like used assets from other games and stuff I mean we’re playing on freaking dust dude as I said earlier I think they get around all that cuz a lot of this this is like user generated content right I don’t know how it works for guns but you

Know I mean it is kind of fun like the Casual modes are kind of fun I’m just doing Capture the Flag CU I’m trying to see if I can push to get those achievements and it’s just like this game there was zero thought put into Capture the Flag they were basically

Like okay we’re just going to slap a flag position on either map and we’re not even going to like you know we’re not even going to try to balance out flag captures at all and it’s just basically like the sheer will of some sort of DD is the

Only way to actually capture flag in those this is just crazy H there’s three levels why a that guy got on my ass pretty fast it’s like basically every match is like playing on shipment for rust or something all here we go we got a whole bunch of players here on this

Flag let’s see if we can grab this and get it do do we actually make a move we actually capture in this triple kill Overkill I got it yeah you just you just kind of keep throwing bodies at it I guess like look at this that so dumb

Like you don’t stand have a chance you can’t even drop the flag or anything like you you’re just literally like freaking Cannon F trying to touch that thing as I triple kill them I will again hop and attempt to capture this like look how freaking far this flag capture is this is so

Stupid okay if we don’t capture this flag and we all spawn in here this is going to be embarrassing a second okay I got it again I got it can somebody go kill that woman over there she’s just okay she’s just not interested in me go go go no surprise the woman not

Interested in me haha ha okay I’ve got it I’ve got it I’m making it guys I’m making I did it holy hell it took three lives and like probably 12 kills just to move that flag over there holy man that is like spiteful towards objective players to make make the capturing that hard

Oh PlayStation didn’t want it I doubt that the first game that had a battle pass I think it was like fortnite I think it was fortnite my best guess is they want to Stage releases and kind of test things and I think the developments format was a little easier

For them to go to Xbox I’m I’m guessing that’s the sort of thing on this one there’s no reason they would PlayStation would want this for free money and they wouldn’t want to put this on Playstation I get free money off of it it’s hugely successful on like mobile

And stuff and PC or yeah PC so it’s like there’s no reason they wouldn’t trying to capitalize on this I got it I got it again this is like impossible I’m hopping for my life go this is so stupid I have to rely on my teammates not dying

As I try to hop the flag back ah look how stupid that is he just like you’re like really really slowly going it’s like watching a baby crawl capture the goddamn flag there we go okay so there we I can’t believe we actually were able to grab these

Flags I mean I had to do a lot of leg work but we got it there Man there’s so many shooters out there dude if you can’t find one you like it’s it’s really U issue in that regard like there is there is so so or there are so so many shooters out there it’s probably the most popular we lost after I worked my ass off to grab

Those two flags we lost I think I H oh I forgot to tell you guys to like the stream did I did I forget to do that I don’t know like the Stream stream subscribing is great donation cool consider becoming a channel member Channel member gifting the patron option the Discord and the

Amazon store fling so the only map actually designed for capture the flag is the map these guys do not want to play on I live in some kind of weird dystopian hell did everybody quit we’ll give it a second see if everybody loads in but yeah it’s like four on three four on

Four five it’s kind of wonder if everybody like left I don’t know people seem happier with with battle passes than they were with loot crates so six on four okay I got to find a different Lobby call in a nuclear strike by getting 25 kills without dying this game has a nuke uhuh

Fascinating I can’t believe that’s actually a thing that’s very very odd yeah I joined a team where they’re uh MST capturing the flag cool cool cool cool it’s nice to join a team that’s winning I have like a paper bag over his face that’s kind of

Funny reminds you of Cs go a little bit it really most of all it reminds me of of like literally like Minecraft with gun sounds you know it’s like accurate and it kind like is eye-catching but like it’s basically it’s just another one of those Roblox type games that just split off

And became its own thing is kind of what it comes across to me as it could be a different situation there but that’s sort of The Vibes I get from this one I don’t know Gears of War 4 the loot crates were too expensive off the bat

And they changed it and like I don’t know dude I I didn’t really mind loot crates in Gears 4 I didn’t buy any of them and I ended up with like hundreds of character skins and gun skins I was like oh okay well I did I ended up getting the

Carmine pack but I think that’s cuz somebody paid for it or whatever and I was like okay I’ll buy it there like a donation thing or something so yeah that’s how that ended up happening and then but yeah I know I got like and cuz you could just earn enough

Credits while playing just to get stuff but like yeah I unlocked like hundreds of character skins and gun skins and spend anything I was like oh okay that’s Fine stolen asses user generated yeah that’s I mean you’re you’re not even hearing it with the music on dude the the music’s like remixes and stuff too cuz yeah I had to turn off the music cuz when I did my first video it was just like freaking copyright claims left right and

Center which doesn’t mean it’s like stolen stuff they could be licensing it too that happens yeah hello there thanks for being useless I know is that’s like a chicken or something a duck no there’s too many of them h a lot of Roblox there is some really incredible Roblox

Games I find it pretty entertaining when we do a stream of that one and we look at the maps and I’m just like holy dude I don’t know I’m fine with it I’m really really not too bothered sounds and stuff are familiar powering imagination oh my God it’s the Roblox

Way I mean yeah I think that did pretty well or okay for me on when it launched on PS5 Roblox Roblox on Xbox has done really well for me I know when uh PS5 Pro or ps6 comes out one of the First videos I’ll do will be showing off Roblox running on it

Easy use dude easy use yeah although for like captur the flag this this whole concept of map flow and stuff is just non-existent it’s like this is supposed to be their competitive thing and it’s just like just just seems like is a silly thing your name is skiny spider that’s kind of

Cute Skitty spider is doing very well with the kids though obviously I mean it already has on mobile and PC stuff you know it is astounding how many games are out there that are multiplayer play games and have lots of people playing them cuz obviously there’s like a few

Multiplayer games that are like dominated mult or dominant multiplayer games that most people play but there’s like dozens and dozens of these other multiplayer games that somehow have tons of people playing them where does everybody come from sucks to suck Thomas at least you got the bunny to make it

Feel better all right I was watching midama murders and they had an episode with rabbits is it like a British thing to have cool rabbits in the countryside to compete with other like British and or similar country people folks is that why you have a rabbit is so you can show

Off at the county rabbit Fair against other rabbits yeah I need some of murders I watched someone get murdered by rabbit forur I I was like oh my God what are the odds what a way to go death pip rapid fur crazy episode yeah I mean technically skill-based

Matchmaking has always been a thing since like the 360 era even the original Xbox era right we had halo2 had a skill-based matchmaking system it’s just like the way they do it in like cod is really um like it’s designed in a certain way that’s kind of aggressive if

That makes sense where it’s design it’s supposed to be designed in a way that like maximizes their profits and stuff but like yeah it’s a little noticeable in that game little little noticeable times I didn’t really feel it much in mod Warfare 22 but like man I don’t know sometimes longare

32 is just like freaking brutal ass thing I don’t know how the hell a flag was captured on both sides this this is mindblowing to me a posh thing I don’t know man I just love the idea of all these British Countryside people having rabbits and

Doing a rabbit show and showing off who is the best rabbit well they drink tea and commit murder yeah that episode was loud there was like a rabbit kidnapping there was like a few muras rabbit for a murder almost got murdered in like a truck thing all kinds of stuff

It’s hard to keep competitive when there’s so many episodes it’s like what I think they’re on the 25th year of sum and it’s like how do you how do you keep coming up with like new ways to creatively Mur people there’s another one I didn’t get to watch the episode that someone got

Like someone in a plane hit someone in the head with like the uh the wheel of the plane and I was like that’s just statistically unlikely and going to be super easy to find out who the murderer is because how many people are skilled Pilots enough to be able to do that not

Many it’s some a bacon burger you’re going to join if it’ll let you good luck man I don’t know how joining and anything Works in this game but I think it’s open inside my bed go for a bacon burger actually you know what I’m pretty full like I said it’s Mitchell’s fames for

Like Skitty spider that’s kind of cute I went to to Mitchell’s families for like Christmas dinner kind of thing I am full half the more than half the town Alem in the middle I never really watched that I think there’s one other show that actually has a higher higher murder rate

Per capita cuz I’m just like damn dude like if you live in Midsummer like murder must just be like a daily part of life cuz it’s like there can’t be that many people there considering the amount of murder that happens I just be like it’ be like no one left every single

Person would have like someone that’s like died from Mur ah I’m glad you like the streams that work tiess underrated underappreciated sometimes I feel but you know this is what it is is that what it takes to get the flag just kind of like hopping around randomly so you’re harder to

Hit I’ve been trying to come up with like different strategies to try to touch this flag and it’s just freaking impossible I can’t believe I worked so hard to get like two flag captures last match and we lost two what Malcolm or midama Malcolm was like what early 2000s and midama still

On going like I said 25th anniversary it’s nice to have the have me over well MIT wanted me to meet his new Galla or whatever and then it was like yesterday at like 9: or something he’s like we’re doing presents and everything too and I was like oh

Okay see like I said brought brought his mother some flowers and yeah it was it was riveting and I’m like well we have to do this again sometime next year and he’s like yep and I like yeah that was it a murder in the small village there’s like a murder

Like freaking every other day in mid Sama I don’t even know how there’s that many like seriously you’re you would have everyone in that town would have someone they know that’s been involved in a m I guess at that point it would just be how gruesome the murder

Is that doesn’t sound like it’s a big place mid s but yeah it’s kind of crazy but M for capita is unreal I kind of like the original Dude like I mean after 25 like Seasons unless your guys started really young your lead you like they we lost God damn it yeah

Cuz they’ve had two main leads that kind of look similar funny but yeah the original lead was was way better the original babe a tooth pulled out o sucks to suck oh Slaughter’s here too oh so what do we enjoy or what do we owe the intense uh I don’t know whatever

Just come up with a fancy greeting thing for yourself Slaughter and then just call it a day to what do we owe the pleasure there we go I got it I made it work all right let’s go with the 5 I don’t know if there’s been too many maps that actually justify the

Uh the AK cuz like distance and stuff right all right let’s do it looks like players are leaving we’ll see if this fills out or not this actually seems like a map that would be good for captur the flag like actually has like different lanes and

You could probably use the AK on this one too H yeah this actually it sucks that it’s four on four if it doesn’t get new players I might back out but like this actually seems like a map that’s designed for capture the flag like actual captur the flag play I mean

Running with a flag like this is just stupid Beyond every level cover me skdy spider no this is just hop hop hop hop hop up short notice for gift well I I don’t think I was expected to bring any gifts they just kind of gave me like a like a

Kind of a silly sort of thing it’s like a ball thing that like hovers without batteries or anything so that’s they asked me to do a video with it or something so I was like okay I’ll play around with them or whatever but I was just like literally 9:00 he’s like oh

Yeah we’re going to do some presents and stuff I was like oh okay was like thanks I mean I had already planned bring like flowers for his mother or whatever but that wasn’t it wasn’t really expecting that sort of thing I mean I definitely don’t need

Presents or anything I I I do fine on my own but uh I was just kind of like oh this a surprise there’s a lot of people too relatively all right guys we’re bringing out the AK this map has the distance I don’t know I I haven’t been

To a Dan this in quite a while then again I’ve I’ve take decently good care of my teeth I like to think should still probably go get a cleaning but I don’t really want to waste money on it yeah it was it last time I went to

The dentist the time before they’re like oh we need to do fillings in all your tee and I was like what and I like I need to talk to this dude that’s coming here cuz it was like the nurse person or whatever kind of mention that and the

Guy sat down he’s like and I’m like so I need fillings on my teeth he’s like well no but it’s like it’s a preventative thing and I was like so I don’t need to do fillings on any of my teeth and my teeth are fine he’s like yes and I was

Like well why the are you trying to force me to get fillings in all of my teeth if I don’t need it he’s like it’s preventative and I’m like off so it’s like yeah I don’t really it was cocky Australian dentist dude and I was

Just like I don’t like you cuz I think my usual dentist I don’t know if he’s even there anymore freaking that guy’s old but he’s not going to do that kind of crap I was just like this cocky guy just needs to like f off like

Honestly cuz like if I have a feeling or or like a cavity or something I need a feeling it’s like okay whatever I’ll do it you know cuz your teeth are important blah blah blah no problem getting a filling but you know just to like blatantly lie and say that kind of stuff

I was just like the hell it was weird I didn’t like it in this economy right no red Dead’s not getting any updat or they would have already done it and they’ll charge you if they do an update to that they’re they’re all Hands-On deck

On GTA cuz they make more money off of it have really gotten like a scope on this we lost they did they actually capture Flags what the heck how did that work out that was so fast like seriously like so did they capture all the flags

And I’m so confused with how quick that was like I feel like we didn’t even do anything and they they got all the flags that’s crazy yeah also I don’t like how fillings feel on the teeth which is a bit you know but yeah I was I was really

Like rooted out by it I was like you just want to like fill all my teeth with fillings even though cuz I guess I’ve got like I don’t know you said deep arches or something but I’m like if I don’t have a cavity I don’t need to get

A filling it’s like what are you talking about cuz like yeah I have like a couple feelings from when I was younger and stuff and it’s like you can like feel like with your tongue and stuff you can actually feel the feeling and it’s not great of a feeling they are like a

Really good dentist place though they’re pretty like luxury but it’s like God damn it dude yeah I kind of kned out of there I was like that is ridiculous that’s actually probably why I haven’t been to a dentist in so long a cost B I’m not really interested in see that

Really pissed me off oh did I forget to tell you guys like the stream subscribe donations all that great stuff Channel membership stuff patreon stuff all that stuff I know like I said though like he was he was decades of economic decline well like he wasn’t even my normal

Dentist he was just some like Australian dude that was like I don’t know if he’s maybe still there and became for permanent dentist to that place but I was like you’re not even my normal dentist dude and it’s like what are you it just I felt F so

Dirty like I’m just surprised that guy didn’t feel like kind of scummy by doing that or trying to like pull that by me like how many other people is he just filled all their teeth with filling for no reason at all other than like lws yeah I’m still like I I’m pissed about

That like I said this is not like a a money issue or anything if I have to get it done I have to get it done but just to like not even need to and just want to do it it’s just so messed up oh my God it’s Mario Mario

Guys dental insurance oh nice nice good for you man I think I get some of that or cheaper Dental when I get my card I think I can get cheaper Dental so maybe I’ll have a more regular cleanings and stuff in the future I’ll just have to wait till that

Card arrives which should be soon I also love living in like ignorant Bliss of not having to think about it problems yeah the uh the achievements in this game are bugged so when you hit Level 10 you get the achievement for prestiging and none of the other level achievements work none of the

Achievements work for like getting any like uh wins or something like that I think the daily one works for like signing in 5 days in a row but I keep forgetting to get that going uh but apparently the devs are fixing the achievement soon so hopefully they retroactively unlock hopefully olypic Village

What that to do with the Olympic Village like this is flag capturing should like the flag position should be in the house cuz it’s like how the hell do you capture the flag on this I guess you kind of just have to get lucky and the other team doesn’t

Notice you take the flag or something or you just like spawn Camp the other team so hard they can’t do anything cuz that’s this is so stupid on every map here H your teeth get holes it’s fillings are for cavities cavities are like a rot in

Your teeth and they use the they drill them out and they put the fillings in that’s essentially the purpose I’m sure there’s a more scientific way to say it but that’s the purpose of a a filling cuz the cavity will like rot your teeth out if it’s left unchecked and blah blah

BL it’s not a good thing to have but yeah he wanted to do preventative fillings so he essentially wanted to smooth out like my teeth basically which is also kind of weird what a weird situation that is H very very odd but yeah I just to to put this map

Or to put this game type under the competitive playlist when there’s literally been like absolutely no thought put into how Capture the Flag plays is just like a laughable this it’s not designed around capturing the flag at all like it’s it’s literally impossible if you sped up the

Character by like 60% then this would be like when they grab the flag if that sped up by like 60% I think then this would be playable or if the FL positions were moved but yeah whoever set this up does not understand how Capture the Flag works improve your English you can take

Classes I guess there’s there’s apps and stuff I don’t know dude think we had somebody that was learning from the streams in 1.2 teeth repair themselves I I think that technology is still all in like conceptual phases I think the stuff though where they’re like regrowing teeth is relatively

Fascinating cuz it’s like I mean it’s really weird that like you get you know basically two sets of teeth and then it’s just gone you know what I mean cuz it’s like you get one you get like baby teeth right and then you get one other set of

Teeth and it’s supposed to last you like you know 50 plus years this this other set of teeth and it’s just like God damn dude but I mean obviously we have the mechanism to grow teeth otherwise you know we wouldn’t have new teeth that come in after you

Know we replacing the baby teeth so like obviously the mechanics there I guess it just be about triggering that I think I’ve seen some people like kind of grow teeth in like milk and stuff or like a special formula but the other thing would be the question of like how

Would you attach those teeth to like nerve endings and stuff too rightz it’s like once the nerve endings kind of go you’re just kind of effed I don’t know I think our Dental Care is still pretty barbaric honestly can a Dev remove an achievement from account I

No why does Starfield get so much hate I don’t know people just love to come together to complain about stuff that they don’t even understand sometimes mobile well I think this is a different one from the mobile one like this is on mobile this is on PC it’s got

Crossplay and stuff but this is I think this is a different game from the other game you’re thinking of Cu this one I believe is only a few years old I don’t know for sure yeah as as I’ve talked about before I think this game go you know kind of

Skirts by any sort of legal issues CU they do it’s like user generated content if that makes sense where the maps are slightly different and that makes it okay I don’t know H but sounds crazy life living yeah life is strange God damn dude yeah I just have to kill my way through

A small village and then I can touch the flag and get immediately shot H pixel strike 3D I I don’t know dude I think there’s other versions of this yeah dentists are way too expensive I don’t know how the hell this topics come up but yeah they

Are I always say that is like Canada everybody’s always like oh Healthcare blah blah blah but it’s like it’s so bizarre to me that like dental care and pharmacare isn’t covered like you know if your teeth are like sickly or they’re damaged or they’re falling apart that’ll make your body

Sick it’s like why why are teeth why are dentists allowed to like Farm you as if we’re Americans getting farmed for regular healthc care I I’m just like it’s stupid and same with pharmacare it’s like oh you can you know free D or free health care but like if you can’t

Afford the medicine you just died it’s like what the hell this is just stupid concept it’s like okay well we can find out the problem and we could clear you but you can’t afford the medicine it’s like what the hell such a stupid idea so like I literally just some stuff’s perplexing

But yeah it’s like same with Optometry it’s like why does it cost money to like take care of your eyes when your eyes are part part of your body it’s like you could go if you have like a issue with your eye like a medical issue where it’s

Like making you sick or something they can deal with it but like eyesight and stuff get a checked with that is like nope it’s not an important part of your body and then like dentists they they they act like Dental Care is like uh what’s the name terminology for that is like

Selective ah God I’m trying to think of the terminology for it elective kind of Health Care the dentist must have done like a sweet lobbying or something at some point yeah yeah this game has a battle pass the NDP for for prime minister are you out of your f mind dude no I

Will not vote for the NDP absolutely not the NDP are like literally they they live in a fantasy world where they just say whatever they think people are going to like to try to get any votes they can they’re they’re not even really a party it’s it’s kind of depressing they’re

Worse off than they were with was his name Jack Leon or something like that guy goes kind of like able and stuff and relatable but like I absolutely would not vote for MTP those guys live in like a sugar plum Forest of dreams for how things can work

Yeah they’re like those leakers that just throw stuff at the wall and hope for the best that’s their party and their like platform is just like it yeah no man sorry the the MVP are like i’ I’d rather vote for like the communist party over the NDP cuz at least the Communists have

Like a plan that’s actually like workable to some degree oh God yeah no sorry not not the NDP definitely not not at all yeah he’s a good man I mean he says a lot of things I’m sure a lot of people think the current prime minister is a

Good guy or the guy that runs the conservative is a good guy but they just want Power that’s all they want that’s what any government official wants there’s so few government officials that actually want to like better where they live and stuff oh that’s kind of lovely out there but n

That guy just says a bunch of crap just to try to get people’s attentions and he I don’t think he has any strategy or his part is any strategy that’s actually cohesive coherent or even doable yeah that’s I I can’t do that wisdom teeth I don’t think I’ve ever had

To deal with wisdom teeth I think I have some that came in they’re like kind of there but dentist treatment should be part of healthcare right this is ridiculous it’s literally a part of your body that doesn’t make any sense the dentists the dentist cartel made this happen is a silly thing H I like to more talking about gold bars let’s do another match I don’t think any of our parties in Canada are very like competent but it is what it is I still wouldn’t vote ntp though I I’ll go vote for the green party they don’t even exist anymore

Really I feel so bad but like yeah no man sorry politics life is politics I mean technically on a government scale as long as you don’t do anything that like interrupts my dayto day I just literally could care less damn it how did we win with when it’s z z i I

Think they use kills to determine who’s winning yeah yeah did she just shoot an RPG where did you get an RPG from Santa Claus is shooting people in the movie theater just here to watch Aquaman wow are they actually capturing the flag don’t we have more players than them oh

No they have more players I think speaking of that I still somehow have to fit in another movie before the year ends G okay so I need to get gas finish a sponsored video do the interview get the interview up deal with changing the podcast here

Of a podcast I don’t even use deal with my servers for my computer watch a movie before the end of the year and do other day-to-day stuff and do the streams and the videos dayto day it’s Madness right now and then I have to revamp all my

Dating profiles cuz January 1 I want hit the ground running oh too much too much run I’ll I’ll help I’ll grab the flag too man go I’ve got it I’m running with it help me frog man frog Batman take some bullets for me go go he didn’t kill me somehow I got

It I I got it the Lesser evil I think it’s just more like like all the parties are just terrible they don’t have anything special or unique to offer at this point there’s a reason there’s such voter apathy it’s just like people are just so uninterested in that kind of thing

Yeah the only thing I have to go off of is when I was younger we had a conservative party lead for a long time and life was way better so that’s that’s that’s all I think of is just the reflection of time in my life when

Things were way better not that I’m not doing well but like you know it’s just the country overall seem to be doing better just like the likes on the stream used to be doing better when we have more people like it subscribing is great donations cool consider becoming the

Channel member you wanted to be non member gifting and all that other stuff grab the flag dude somebody else grab the flag bring it over there do snipers exist yes there are real people that do sniping in real life did you know how Canada is actually

Kind of known for its sniping in the modern era I always find that fascinating I guess that whole like situation where you know the US dragged all of us to like the Middle East for like a couple like a decade or a bit but yeah the Canadians were like really

Proficient snipers and I was like oh that’s odd but cool cool cool cool it’s kind of fascinating I guess we hold the record for like one of our guys maybe it was gal I know one one of our people has like the furthest kill or something like

That they got to return the flag and capture their flag go slender man go go Batman froggy we got to capture this and return our flag I’m hopping for my life oh God damn it dude tacken I already did a Tekken seven isn’t Tekken 8 coming out I did a video for Tekken

8 75% of your population voted Jesus Christ that’s a lot that’s incredible you kidding 75% of the population hot damn that’s pretty good yeah I keep getting all these emails and invites to go to like CES cuz apparently I’m going to CES in like a week but I’m definitely not cuz my

Passport isn’t renewed but it’s kind of funny all right here we go let’s get this flag going Capture the Flag we’re going to capture this flag traum and loss is what it Is so the flag kind of changes positions in some maps come on skdy spider let’s get in there and kill some folks still like 75% of like people that can vote voted that’s incredible that is actually like incredible that’s that’s really really good numbers H my favorite thing is the people that

Don’t vote always complain about who ends up going places I do think it’s interesting though cuz I I’m very interested in you know the voting and stuff like that and because I’ve had interest in it I’ve actually swayed my both of my parents now actually vote and like a re-election

And stuff because I talk about it and running it up it’s it’s very interesting it’s otherwise they just never cared oh yeah dude voter apathy is so bad can’t like us too 75% % of like the eligible vote would be just incredible that’s that would be an amazing turnout probably

Historical I mean people work and they have other things to do and they don’t really care usually wonder if we going to touch this flag you know you’ve got a bad captur the flag game mode when I’m sitting there being like I wonder if I’ll ever touch the flag on every single

Map God damn it kind of a neat level is this taken from any other game like I’m actually curious if this is like a map in like an old Bond game or something this is like original is it I think it’s the map maps are too like narrow there’s no like

Flanking routes fun plans for New Year’s I don’t think so I think Kevin kind of floated the idea of doing something so I’ll I don’t know I haven’t really heard anything from him though and it’s getting pretty close so I’ll probably just stream I would imagine besides like honestly New Year’s

Is sometimes a good night for like donations and stuff usually New Year’s is so yeah but we’ll see if anything comes up I don’t really have any plans specifically also it’s like what do you do for New Year’s yeah know I got to I got to have

Like a gal I guess I could go if I had a gal I could go like downtown you know they do like a thing but I don’t know if I even want to I’m also at that age where it’s like it’s funny cuz I think my age group is aged considerably

Because of Co basically but just kind of would want to chill in anyways like dear do you want to go out in the cold even though it’s like warmer than it’s ever been here you want to go out to the cold and go see them do fireworks downtown M really movie

Movie if he kind of the thing on that one I would imagine tacken I I don’t even own tacken 7 dude I have tacken I have Tekken six I got Tekken seven yeah and Tekken Tag Team tag team tournament to I got on here as well got that Tekken

Six Tekken eight beta but I already uninstalled that for space yeah oh my foot’s asleep that’s not good I don’t like that feeling never get that feeling of deja vu OverWatch 2 that game that we thought would be super successful for streaming it is hilarious when like my planned out

Like games that I assume are going to be really big aren’t and I just sit there and go hauh did not see that coming some stuff goes to plan some stuff doesn’t oh thanks for the donation play Tekken yeah you and you’re uh your Tekken play Tekken can

Funy my controller batteries are low oh by the gods how can I play Tekken on a low batter I actually got to get prepared here soon for the interview that’s coming up tonight and I got to get that uh sponsored video done G God I hate that too cuz we had like

Certain agreements on the sponsor video and they’re like we need to move this up by like a week or I think it’s like 12 days actually they’re like we need to move this up and I was just like holy hot damn I was not expecting that like

Whatever want some extra cash so get the spy stuff done when you can I mean it’s basically done I just had bad voice not too hard kind of didn’t think this match would go on this long but I don’t know why I didn’t think this match was going to go on this

Long I’m surprised this kind of got like the achievement aspect of this got to Microsoft like Certification testing you think that would have been like a triggering thing fighting games well I did the the Xbox fighting game stream it really wasn’t very successful yeah I literally sat there I

Streamed a bunch of different like fighting games on Xbox I had fun streaming but yeah really just wasn’t a big hit we did all kinds of games we did Killer Instinct CU Killer Instinct had its big anniversary update but we did yeah we do ki ki classic Ki 2

Classic uh Mortal Kombat 11 and Mortal Combat versus DC and then we did Injustice 2 I think what else we did there’s there’s quite a few fighting games on that one Tony Hawk Pro Skater you want Tony Hawk God my stream of that would be so

Bad people would get so pissed about me streaming that cuz I just do not play those Tony Hawk games incredibly well I think I’ve streamed it before too haven’t I it’s kind of bummed out we never got the uh Tony Hawk what is it 3 plus4 remake or whatever they were going

To do and then Activision was like not enough money and they swallowed V vicarious visions and the blizzard I was just like oh wait but at least Diablo 4 turned out really good so it’s probably worth it but still kind of sucks to see Tony Hawk get sacrificed like

That and we’ll never get another Tony Hawk game like that because the team’s already been absorbed into lizard forever sucks as suck Xbox wants to rework achievements I think they want to add more value and stuff to achievements but I don’t think they’re going to like crazily revamp it

I think they’re just going to try to evolve it a little bit more they’ll probably add like the equivalent of a platinum platinum trophy from from play like PlayStation has that they’ll probably add that and maybe some different tweaks to it but I don’t think they’ll change too

Much with the achievement system or at least I hope not cuz you know it’s fine as if CU it just would be nice to have more tracking or more purpose type stuff to them but yeah I think if they wildly changed achievements it wouldn’t be as

Interesting to me because it’ be like oh well I worked on all this you know these achievements over the last freaking God when did achievements come like 2006 or something like that 2005 oh wow yeah know 15 20 15 almost 20 years or something like that of achievement or anything that’s just like

H you know didn’t work that hard for these achievements to all of a sudden have differing values and stuff I think the larger problem though for achievements is just like the market like it’s become super saturated like like easy achievement games it’s kind of like devalued unlocking achievements like

Some games are too brutal and some games are way too easy I was like why are those guys flying and then I’m like oh there’s a ladder yeah so like kind of like a 100% trophy yeah so like sort of a I don’t know maybe like a special achievement

Because you finished all the achievements in a game or something on your profile and you have X amount of completions the other thing too is like I I don’t see the point because you can just go on true achievements and do the same right like you get all that information from True achievements

I just don’t really see the point in taking that further if that makes sense like it’s already available on another site like I just I don’t like Xbox kind of taking away from the cool things true achievements is done because I I like true achievements and they’ve done great stuff for a long

Time but yeah I’m just trying to get to the flag I hate when you’re playing like an objective game but it’s not based around doing the objective in the slightest such a bummer just getting kills basically maybe everyone else is accepted that and I’m just the one that’s too stubborn just go kill

People well we’re kind of getting close they all spawn right there like how am I supposed to get that yep Minecraft with guns oh they have our flag is a silly game mode this is a silly game inde yeah the achievements are all Bugg too and some of them are like grueling

Like 15th Prestige youd have to play a freaking ton of this game like a ton of ton of this game I have 51 kills and I’m negative oh maybe I should put more time into just killing I’ve been trying to play the like objective Beat Tony Hawk that’s just not economic do wonder if XBox would bring Tony hot games back oh we won good anyways that’s enough for tonight you guys have fun we’ll have something weird different and crazy tomorrow obviously

This video, titled ‘Minecraft, with Guns! Pixel Strike 3D Xbox Series X Gameplay [Free to Play]’, was uploaded by Skycaptin5 on 2023-12-30 01:55:42. It has garnered 2159 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:28 or 11968 seconds.

Pixel Strike 3D Xbox Series X Gameplay Review, Frame rate FPS & resolution details of this free to play shooter merging Minecraft with guns to provide fast paced action like Call of Duty with deep levels of customization & general personalization to develop neat creative battles.

Pixel Strike 3D Xbox Series X Gameplay Review of what is a Multiplayer First-Person Shooter that features fast-paced gameplay and a wide variety of player customization. Battle friends and foes from all around the world in over 20 unique game modes. Climb the leaderboards in competitive modes like Free For All, Team Deathmatch, Capture The Flag, Bomb Defuse, and many more!

Site: https://gamerheadquarters.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/skycaptin5 Amazon Affiliate: https://amzn.to/3zGZi2D Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/skycaptin5 Discord: https://discord.gg/JTY29Wx Twitter: https://twitter.com/Skycaptin5 Instagram: https://instagram.com/skycaptin5 (Note: for clarity, Xbox Store & Amazon Store links are affiliate links, supporting my work)

#PixelStrike3D #XboxSeriesX Gameplay Review where you level up your character, unlock new snipers, machine guns, pistols, RPGs, and even lightsabers! Upgrade your guns with attachments like silencers and red dot sights! Create your own loadouts with over 70 weapons designed for every playstyle.

Customize your character with new hats, boots, gear, skins and more! Create your own style with the Skin Creator, and share your designs with friends. The ultimate best Pixel Strike 3D Xbox Series X review and gameplay. #PS5

00:00 Pixel Strike 3D Xbox Series X 02:38 Quickplay Battles 42:50 Competitive Capture the Flag

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    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More