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Today we’re going to be building the biggest most secure base ever made in Minecraft so that people can’t break in my back will my base be able to stop my friend kipley who’s creating an entire Army what is kidy doing is this man growing wheat who

Who grows three pieces of wheat so as we all know I have a house it’s a very nice piece of real estate I start think weirdness house huh any suspicious boxes but what you guys may not know is that within the butt crack of my house is a

Secret lever if I just there’s definitely something in that corner what did he just do oh my God he’s looking this way don’t see me don’t see me you don’t see me it opens up my swimming pool which leads to my secret laboratory which is under my house and if we just

Go ahead and drop in oh my gosh we made it you guys could see that my secret lab has had some refurbishments man just disappeared actually just disappeared hold on run run run run right here on the wall as you guys can see we have all my skidy Industries boxes but I’ve been

Working on something even crazier than just this wall okay right here is probably the most overpowered skidy box ever created what is that glowing thing oh my God he picked it up I want it and you know it’s powerful because it’s rainbow it literally tastes like AirHeads but this guys is the mystery

Box look he’s got in his hand it literally has the potential of dropping anything in the game it probably like more powerful things than you could possibly compr what are you doing in my lab oh hey skidy just thought I’d uh drop by oh hahaa you thought you would just drop by

That’s real funny kipley what was that in your hand oh nothing I I didn’t have anything in my hand no no there was something very rainbow okay fine fine I’ll fess up I have the mystery box what what’s in it I don’t know that’s the thing is that why it’s called mystery

Yeah that’s why it’s called a mystery kipley here I can find out for you okay you know what fine kly if you can prove to me that you’re worthy you can have the box really the colorful box yeah now go yo you have 1 hour ooh this looks

Nice hey hey don’t don’t touch that these are not toys okay the this is my tech yeah no worries no worries I I’m just I’m are you stealing my skidy tech I’m just borrowing where is your exit I I forgot to install one so um you could

Just give me the box back no don’t don’t ender pearl goodbye but you know what guys this is perfect because actually I have another new box that I’ve been wanting to show you guys and this one is the skidy industries lockdown box as you

Can see it has has a lock on it so it you know it’s for lock down usages I grab this one inviting look at it it literally says hypnotizer box boom but if we just go ahead and yo what was in this box look it’s like a gun or

Something okay we just pled out of here I kind of do want to see where kipley is yo yo this thing looks sick did you just try to shoot the hypnotizer Ray at me oh it doesn’t work on you huh yeah it doesn’t work on me my brain is too big

Yeah we’ll assume that’s the reasoning uh don’t mind me she literally has the hypnotize gun okay okay we we need to go we need to go it’s got to work on something though he said his brain is too big which questionable but what if we try it on a smaller brained

Animal but like I was saying we have the lockdown box and oh my goodness guys we get the skidy industries workbench and yeah it looks super cool cuz it has animated wrench and screwdriver he’s glowing do you love me are you my friend so I’m pretty sure if I just right click

It okay yeah we can make a ton of stuff which allows us to make a lock down base like I see rocket boots I see what what is this there’s something Diamond I like diamonds there’s like a massive wall we could build there’s even a massive

Lightning rod okay guys we we need to get resources right now huh what about you Mr Piggy no the literally just follow me to wherever this is crazy hey yo why the horse glowing this is awesome look at him I can literally build an army oh my goodness she’s shooting

Everything yeah she’s literally making an army hello creepers okay he’s coming towards me don’t explode yo have you guys ever been face to face with a creeper like this huh yo they break blocks look they’re mining all right let’s go ahead and make Soul campire there we go and then two

Redstone on top and then iron in the middle let’s go wait what what am I looking at rocket boots oh my gosh wait they’re already working guys they’re already kicking into high gear but if I just jump we’re flying and these are like actually perfect because wow wait

The fire is so glowy I want to lick it okay I’m getting distracted again but like I was saying these are so perfect because I could just find like a good location of where to put this box all right this whole village is now mine yep

Even you up there buddy don’t think you can escape boom sniped all right okay I’m just going to put the box right there and just in the meantime I’m going to cover it in Wood just so kipley can’t find it goodbye box I love you guys look

What I found unlimited Army Glitch all right so the next item that we need to craft is this diamond looking thing and I believe wait do I have enough diamonds wait I think I I also need yes a Nether Star if I just go down here oh my

Goodness guys I think we have enough I put the nether star in the middle yo we just made the diamond thing I don’t know why I’m getting like so excited right now I literally have no idea what it does oh wait forse field oh no this is

Exactly what we needed if I just fly back to the mystery box Hello mystery box I will protect you with my life and now I just put down the force field there’s like a boss bar at the top we just made like an entire world border

But wait this is so C it’s round it’s a bubble guys we made a massive bubble yo how is kipley going to get through this oh shoot wait hold up I might I might have spoke too soon where are all these people going yeah that’s right good luck

Getting into my bubble it’s it’s mine not yours okay now Sho okay wait so it looks like the next thing in the workbench is like a firework with a slime ball all right well if we’re going to make fireworks we’re going to need some Gunpowder so I guess we’ll just uh

I don’t know where kipley is but I guess we’ll just use some of her Army for some Gunpowder oh oh oh no wait I just hit the force field on accident it it turned red oh no okay I’m breaking my own force field why am I stuck laying down Target

Acquired oh wait I just realized in order to make fireworks ow we need paper as well so I should Pro oh my goodness I just bonked my head on the Rock okay I’m I’m fine but yeah we need to grow sugar cane and wa wait I just realized my

Force field is underground as well okay that’s actually pretty sweet all right let’s just fly around Target spotted yo These Boots are like actually so convenient I’m literally Iron Man why why is that there um all right all right well now that my secret lab has been

Uncovered I might as well just use my pool for a sugar cane Farm now all right there we go farmer skidy all right let’s go kill more creepers okay so now I believe we can actually make a poop ton of fireworks I don’t even know what these do but I

Decided to make like a million of of them but now we just need slime balls using the power of editing we now have enough [Applause] slimes and it’s now time to make a butt ton of oh what I don’t even know what I’m making sticky firework what does that mean okay wait so can I just like place it down yo that’s a big firework oh it didn’t wao all right it made a big

Explosion but wait these are sticky uh hi piggy we’re just going to go ahead and real quick oh it didn’t work okay wait what if I use like a dispenser we can make a pressure plate and then we could put a sticky firework in there come here piggy I have carrot yes right

This way yeah no piggy I’m sorry what did I oh oh There are his remains but wait this is actually sick so we could actually just make like a landmine field if kipley somehow gets past the bubble barrier and yeah we can just put it like right here Landscaping skidy all right

There we go everything is nice and flat but now I’m thinking since we’re going to be using the dispensers with stone pressure plates we should make all of this into stone okay so now I’m thinking we just dig out random holes everywhere for the pressure plates and the

Dispensers and now we just got to fill these up with the sticky fireworks and then a pressure PL oh that’s not a pressure plate and then a pressure plate on top and I think I’m actually just going to put random pressure plates like everywhere just to make it even like

More confusing careful skidy careful skidy one wrong step and I’m literally getting blasted into that would have been me I would have been a skidy firework all right there we go we now have an entire landmine field and guys this is literally just stage two things

Are going to get a lot more crazy okay we are defending this rainbow box no matter what the cause Okay so it looks like the next item that we could craft actually has a super easy crafting recipe I think that’s obsidian and iron all right that’s easy enough we’ll just

Go into the cave Y 2 hours later okay I think that should be enough obsidian all right all my iron should be done let’s go ahead and grab all of that and I think we just need to make like a ton of iron blocks hopefully

This is enough and then we just do this and we add some obsidian oh okay I think we just made a ton of them on accident but yo there’s like spikes on these walls okay hold on pre-built wall okay so how exactly does this work do I just

I just placed an entire wall and wait I just realized we still have the wall in our inventory we can use this unlimitedly and yo what is this is this like electrical spikes or something ow okay yeah it hurts ow ah but wait guys I

Think we could just put like a ton of these and wait yeah they connect oh my gosh okay guys this is perfect because this wall perfectly separates the minefield from the next section of the base so now let’s just go ahead and clear out this whole entire next section

There we go this entire side has been cleared out which means ow that we could start creating a wall like ow so there we go but now we need to check the workbench to see like what we could put in this part right here oh it’s like the

Skidy industries tablet and it looks like we need a glass pane in like Redstone let’s go ahead and just convert this into blocks and now I believe we just do this and then the glass in the middle and oh my goodness yo it worked we have the tablet I’m literally an iPad

Kid all right so I think I just need to like right click it onto a wall like this and then oh my gosh it looks like I’m in some sort of like satellite laser oh hey skidy nice haircut why don’t I just uh take a little bit off the top

Okay wait I’m right clicking nothing’s happening wait I could shift yeah I’m dancing but wait how do I shoot this thing oh oh no oh no I’m on fire I’m on Green Fire ow oh wait why don’t I just go into the water okay I’m I’m good so I think we

Just shot a satellite laser at myself but wait this is sick okay wait I I think we need to make more of those boom there we go okay we now have three tablets well actually Four including this one and I’m thinking that we could just set these up like underground over

Here we could have like a secret tunnel that way if Kip’s Army makes it to this part we could go into our little like mole rat tunnel access the satellite laser cannon it just literally blow up everyone and actually I’m thinking we can make the entrance like right here

From the wall and then boom yes just like that we could connect it yo this is going to be so cool it’s like a bunker oh my gosh okay wait I can’t even finish the bunker yet I’m getting too excited I just had a great idea of what to put up

Here if we just quickly go into The Nether okay I don’t know what my rocket boots just did but we’re going to the nether why is there Iron Golems everywhere um okay you know what I’m just not even going to ask there’s there’s a lot of weird things that

Happened on this SMP if you guys couldn’t already tell but this is a perfect spawn because we need Soul Sand so let’s go ahead and just yoink all of this all right there we go guys we have like 13 butt tons of Soul Sand bye Iron

Golem see you later have have fun in here okay so now we could just fill up this entire area like all of this right here and now we’re just going to fill it all with Soul Sand and the reason being if we’re if we’re going to be shooting

An army with like satellite lasers it’s probably best if they’re going all slow on the Soul Sand that way they can’t like run away they’re going to be stuck in the sand I know I know I’m 9,000 IQ at least boom okay there we go this is

Actually perfect and so now we just got to go underground into our little like mole rat tunnel and we just need to make this look a lot better all right there we go this is actually looking pretty cool I decided to go with the mud brick because I feel

Like it just kind of looks like an underground trench and I made a little station for like every iPad skidy tablet thing so I should be able to put one there and down the hall we could just zoom down the hall and now every single

IPad has like its own location on top of the map so depending on where the Army is above me I could just choose which iPad works best and let’s go ahead and just throw in a trapo there we go and now it’s time to figure out the next

Thing that we need to make so that we could guard Rainbow Cube thing and it looks like the next item oh it’s like the giant lightning rod and I think we just need copper blocks and funny that it needs copper blocks I just happen to have oh whoops this is my

Poo poo dooooo chest I just happen to have copious amounts of copper don’t ask me why okay I I just do let’s go ahead and just convert all of this back into like copper blocks there we go oh my gosh okay we have 42 copper blocks so I

Think we could actually just make eight of these lightning rods oh my gosh guys we have the super lightning rod I don’t even know if I want to know what this puppy can do uh hello Mr Cow yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m just going to go ahead and

Real quickly put that there oh my goodness hey yo why is it like charging up oh no okay okay I’m going to take cover oh it’s actually charging up Mr Cow oh my okay yeah it has like an electric energy field I guess I didn’t uh I I didn’t scream that

Wasn’t me guys how do I stop this I I didn’t think how do I turn this off okay okay we’re going in we’re going in mine it skidy mine it before it zaps you oh okay I got it I think we could just put like a ton of these all over right here

But you guys already know boom now we have a nice cleared out area for our lightning rod things and then I’m also thinking that we could just fill up this entire side with terra cotta cuz look guys I I know I know even though these are deadly it doesn’t mean that they

Can’t look good with a nice matching landscape all right beauty is is pain or something like that all right there we go and now as fast as we can before we literally get shocked we just got to put these puppies down okay let’s just try to keep it nice and symmetrical oh

They’re charging up oh it’s okay skidy we got one more ah okay okay okay okay just put it down there we go oh my gosh yo kipley is like actually done for I don’t know how she’s going to make it past any of this but it doesn’t end

There because FBI open up I don’t know why I just broke into my own home but anyways we still have the next item which is like some sort of iron golem is that ice that I need all right well fortunately I’m right next to an ice

Biome ow okay I’m I’m stuck oh there we go all right there we go I think this should be enough ice and now we just need carved pumpkins which I’m pretty sure yeah we just Shear all these E I I don’t I don’t like that noise little little crunchy but now I

Think we could just make like a poop ton of these like ice Golems ice Golem spawn egg hey yo what does this do all right so if I just put him down is he going to do anything hello Gollum where you going oh hey yo he just one hit that pig he

Like froze it in an ice cube wait is that your power you freeze people all right well now that we know what the snow ice Golem guy does we’re just going to make a wallof area for him boom okay there we go and wait yeah this is like

Right where the heart of the force field is so it’s going to be their job to protect the force field at all costs and wait also I think I’m going to make all this ice boom there we go that looks pretty good let’s just spawn the rest of these

Dudes oh and I just realized since we have like the heart of the force field I do have like some extra obsidian so let’s go ahead and just make like a little protection house barrier thing okay there we go that should do it all

Right so if we now find the next item oh it’s the boom box we’ve used this one before okay thankfully we still have a ton of fireworks left over but now I need to sacrifice my jukebox cuz this thing is not used for playing music anymore okay we are literally making the

Jukebox bomb and oh wait it gave me eight of them so if we’re going to be testing this one I’m going to stand very far away from my home and we’re just going to put it down oh wait um it doesn’t seem to be working maybe it’s

Out of batteries or wait hold on maybe it just needs some Redstone okay wait hold on let’s grab this okay so I’m actually going to use this in the cave because if I’m not mistaken just put that down if we just turn it on oh my gosh it actually worked okay yeah

They’re attracted to it yeah okay time to fly away oh okay yeah we literally just blew up all of them so now that we have these Juke boxes this is actually perfect because if Kip’s Army gets through like every single one of these defenses somehow the boom box is perfect

Because it could just like distract any mobs that somehow got over here away from the rainbow box that’s exactly what we want so using some stone brick I think I’m just going to make like some platforms for the Jukebox thingies boom okay we have like this weird platform thing and I think we’re

Going to do like three per side should be good and then let’s go ahead and make it on this side as well and then just to be safe I have some repeaters I’m not the best At Redstone but I know that you need these thingies I don’t know why but

But you do all right there we go it’s perfect and now for the last and final item it looks like a beacon laser and wait I literally have a beacon right here y all right let’s go ahead and throw this in here and boom Oh wait we

Just got 16 of these farm animals you know the drill hello Mr Pig we’re just going to go ahead and place that there and now we have cooked pork chop okay wait guys should I touch I don’t even want to touch this he died instantly oh okay I touched it I shouldn’t have

Touched it and wait I just real realize that these are getting like even more out more and more charged yo what is about to happen down there I’m not getting anywhere near that okay so I’m thinking that we could just make like a little ring around the mystery box like

This and then under it let’s put some stone brick but then on top yes just like this we could literally just make like a prison okay wait so since the levers can turn off the lasers I’m thinking what if we have two levers and

I play a little bit of a mind game with kipley one is going to blow up the mystery box and the other one is going to turn off the lasers but she’s not going to know which lever does what I know I’m actually evil I also added this

Concrete just to like throw her off but guys chef’s kiss this is a completed base let’s go look at this we’ve amassed our army they’re so annoying they’re so close to me but it’s fine we’re on a horse wait Kip’s rolling up look at him is he flying over there this is the

Moment we’ve been waiting for oh what is that skit oh did you just fall into a pit why is there a hole here yo okay this is not part of my master plan hold on bro okay listen the time has come skidy wait why do they

Like love you so much what am I looking at thanks for Lending me this uh hypnotizer beam it was very useful hyp it’s called the hypnotizer Ray all right it definitely says Beam on it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay guys I’m armoring up

There we go end go get in there oh my gosh the Enderman no oh my goodness rip oh that almost blew me up okay guys I’m muting dude there’s no way she’s getting in attack go yo wait what are they doing break the force field bro the spider oh

My gosh wait okay the force Field’s already done yo they’re actually just charging oh no let him up onwards horse yo pull me down put me down yo kly just blew up okay the rest of them are actually breaking in you think death can stop me huh yo yo yo yo

Yo light up the chickens go go go creatures get in there get in there okay wait hold on I’ve been preparing for this day we got to get to the bunker dig in villagers dig in go go go go go go go there’s no time go go go oh my gosh I

Can literally see all of them raining in okay turn on the lasers ow not me add new ones to the Army yo they’re walking right into the laser oh my gosh light them up light them up skidy this has got to be a quadruple kill at least what is

That ow ow ow ow okay I’m shooting myself I can hear you where are you oh hey unfair that oh my gosh wait yo why are they frozen freeze them my son wait these guys are sneaking in oh no they’re breaking the wall they’re literally breaking it everyone file in file in why

Is there so many of them okay oh no I’m shooting kipley get out of here skidy oh my gosh this one’s powering up come on can it reach for democracy get in here oh my gosh okay the ice Golems can’t even keep up right now go attack the ice

Golems no these guy’s got in get out okay he’s dead he’s dead okay guys we might need to activate the boom box here I’m put in work I’m stabbing I’m helping oh bro is breaking the entire wall he’s breaking like 18 at a time get in there

Ravager block it up skidy block it up ow oh my they’re leaking in okay that’s it activate the lever what is that noise let’s go it worked oh my they’re all going to blow up they’re actually all going to blow up what do you let’s go oh

Wait it wasn’t enough there’s still so many of them what is that time to activate this one let’s go wait no get away from the bo box oh the laser oh my gosh the be be yo what yo get your butt out of my wall pal am I worthy yet huh

Can’t believe it’s not looking good for you your army doesn’t really seem to know what they’re doing they’re big and stupid listen I made it all the way right this toilet CS I literally see it right there all right listen I will say you got through everything except for

The last defense which was premeditated yeah wait what are these lasers I knew You’ get to this point so I made two levers for you kipley one destroys the mystery box and the other turns off the lasers so you pick wait okay so I can only choose one and it’s either I win

Everything I win the box I win my hopes and dreams and I can feed my children exactly or I die all right good luck okay wait I have to think about this no spider don’t okay at least I know the lasers are real you got to turn off

Those lasers the obvious one is the red choice you know red for turn lasers off right but that’s too obvious so I should go with the green but then maybe that one’s too obvious maybe you’re doing psychological warfare and I got to think opposite so really I should press the

Red one cuz that’s the opposite but maybe you thought that I would think oh my gosh just pick one before I kill you okay all right what’s my favorite color your favorite color is red um I didn’t know how to do the Redstone for this it was a little too complicated but

Red was the right answer so I I’ll just uh mine these real quick can you mine faster ah yeah uh okay I’m back um you didn’t see anything whoops all right you know I could just parkour my way in a little bit you know and all right there

We go all of the lasers are gone kipley you are worthy mine the mystery box yes it’s so pretty look at it all of the colors you are mine give me what are you let’s see what you get come on be something insane what’s it going to be

Ooh yeah bad luck uh well thanks for playing well uh I don’t want your brown dye poop is to scooping get in the laser or something I don’t want want that it looks like you’re worthy of brown dye woo thanks for playing the skidy industries Mystery Box get in the laser

Ah all right I I guess I deserve that maybe just a little bit I guess I’ll take the brown dye

This video, titled ‘I Built Minecraft’s Safest Base’, was uploaded by Skiddzie on 2024-03-09 13:00:07. It has garnered 443863 views and 8468 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:41 or 1481 seconds.

I Built Minecraft’s Safest Base…

My editor 😁🎥 https://twitter.com/offstagevitor

Friends in video 💪 @Kiply

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    Mind-blowing Time Travel with Rijakpreet Singh - 2013 POV @AltraxuVideo Information This video, titled ‘pov it’s 2013 @Altraxu’, was uploaded by Rijakpreet Singh on 2024-05-05 04:31:50. It has garnered 114 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft shorts minecraft memes herobrine gaming memes minecraft meme meme funny minecraft steveee #shorts laggy friend minecraft challenge funny minecraftjava minecraft funny minecraftshorts animation #tiktok best minecraft memes new world funny minecraft memes fyp lags minecrafthacks funny lags minecraftbedrock that laggy friend in minecraft when your dank minecraft memes gaming mandeer minecraft tiktok cartoon minecraft mods minecraft animation minecraft pov minecraft pov shorts… Read More

  • Becoming a Minecraft Master: 100 Days Challenge

    Becoming a Minecraft Master: 100 Days ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days – [Minecraft Creative 2]’, was uploaded by Luke TheNotable on 2024-06-15 17:00:07. It has garnered 1207327 views and 52928 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:21 or 1821 seconds. Get my new Plush today! – https://youtooz.com/products/luke-thenotable-plush-9-inch I survived 100 Days in the Creative, this is what happened… Thank you to all my subscribers you are all amazing! If you want to become one hit that sub button! Other GREAT 100 Days videos, The ORIGINAL 100 DAYS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYzfeWaenlU 100 Days with Cheats – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RnG5T0f_IU 100 Days on XBOX 360 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsgL5k1LkIk 100… Read More

  • Insane gamer creates op armor in Minecraft pt 3!

    Insane gamer creates op armor in Minecraft pt 3!Video Information This video, titled ‘I make my fully iron armour in Minecraft survival series part 3’, was uploaded by extreme gamer on 2024-05-09 09:42:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Can a Nerd Survive Hardcore?

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Can a Nerd Survive Hardcore?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Starting Fresh!’, was uploaded by NerdKambo on 2024-06-15 06:23:45. It has garnered 149 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 06:28:30 or 23310 seconds. Today we will be embarking on a new Journey! i know i have a 100 days world but tbh, i got bored and forgot what i was doing! This series will go on forever! Either on this world or many to come! I hope you enjoy! GoFundMe Link for Char: ​​https://gofund.me/c43b8ba4 ________________________________________ Follow Me: ▷ Twitter:https://twitter.com/nerdkambo ▷ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@UC-5OK1w-I2RXYTGE-eUE_zA ▷ Discord: https://discord.gg/FsD5EcCA _________________________________________ I made up… Read More

  • Dubious Dean Discovers Minecraft Wall Hack!

    Dubious Dean Discovers Minecraft Wall Hack!Video Information This video, titled ‘I clipped through a wall in Minecraft Dungeons!’, was uploaded by Dean DuBose on 2024-01-14 21:35:25. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Its crazy! #xbox #minecraft #minecraftdungeons Read More

  • Unbelievable fix for Vizag OP queue problem 😱 || Minecraft PE 1.21

    Unbelievable fix for Vizag OP queue problem 😱 || Minecraft PE 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE Aternos Waiting In Queue “Problem Fix” 😳 || Waiting In Queue || Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by Vizag OP on 2024-07-13 07:14:00. It has garnered 16246 views and 1123 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:43 or 163 seconds. Minecraft PE Aternos Waiting In Queue “Problem Fix” 😳 || Waiting In Queue || Minecraft 1.21 Hello Guys, welcome in Vizag OP youtube channel ——————————————————————— ➤ ABOUT THIS VIDEO : salutation for all my youtube family, friends iss video me mene apko [ Minecraft PE Aternos Waiting In Queue “Problem Fix” 😳 ||… Read More

  • 🚨 Insane Minecraft & Valorant Action LIVE! 💣🔥

    🚨 Insane Minecraft & Valorant Action LIVE! 💣🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft & Valorant LIVE Stream! Build, Battle, and Dominate 💥🔨’, was uploaded by MrNexxt on 2024-05-12 07:51:02. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:03 or 11283 seconds. Minecraft & Valorant LIVE Stream! Build, Battle, and Dominate 💥🔨 #valorant #valorantlive #minecraft #Gaming #ChillStream Description: 🎮 Welcome to our gaming universe, where the action never stops and the excitement is contagious! 🚀 Join us for an unforgettable gaming experience as we dive into the virtual realm and conquer epic quests LIVE on YouTube! 🔥 Live Stream Highlights: 🕹️ Engaging… Read More

  • Unbelievable! From 700 to 1K Subscribers?! 🤯

    Unbelievable! From 700 to 1K Subscribers?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘THANXS FOR 700 SUBSCRIBE| NEXST 1K|’, was uploaded by MBF TAHMID on 2024-07-05 06:03:16. It has garnered 11487 views and 778 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. THANXS FOR 700 SUBSCRIBE| NEXST 1K| minecraft,minecraft tiktok hack,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft hacks,testing minecraft tiktoks,real minecraft hacks,trying viral minecraft hacks,minecraft tiktok,minecraft viral hacks,testing viral minecraft hacks that are real,tiktok minecraft hacks,minecraft tik toks,tiktok minecraft,minecraft tiktok compilation,minecraft build hacks,tiktok hack,testing tiktok minecraft tricks that are 100% real,minecraft tiktok hacks 1.20,minecraft tik tok hacks minecraft,minecraft funny,funny minecraft compilation,minecraft funny moments,funny,funny fake minecraft speedruns,funniest minecraft clips,minecraft manhunt,minecraft… Read More

  • SAM’S HEARTBREAKING Minecraft FRIENDSHIP Story 😭 #Shorts

    SAM'S HEARTBREAKING Minecraft FRIENDSHIP Story 😭 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Minecraft FRIENDSHIP story will break your heart 😢 #Shorts’, was uploaded by sam is playing on 2024-06-16 06:30:25. It has garnered 12839 views and 1131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. This Minecraft FRIENDSHIP story will break your heart 😢 #shorts TAGS IGNORE triggered insaan,fukra insaan,nischay malhan,abhishek malhan,abhishek,nischay,dimple malhan vlogs,triggered insaan roast,triggered insaan sourav joshi,fukra insaan vlog,fukra insaan bigg boss,fukra insaan live,fukra insaan song,sourav,sourav joshi,sourav joshi vlogs,sourav joshi new car,news,youtube news,neon man,elvish,elvish yadav vlogs,elvish yadav,elvish yadav song,bebika,uk07 rider,ashish chanchlani,mrbeast,technical guruji,virat kohli minecraft naruto mods , miecraft live , minecraft… Read More

  • Elysian SMP

    Elysian SMPWelcome to Elysian SMP! Embark in an exciting journey on our Origins Factions server! >> Join one of three factions or walk alongside the peaceful faction of Aethra! >> Has mods such as Lootr, Oh The Biomes You’ll Go, Better Animals Plus, Croptopia, and Origins++! >> Plenty of origins to choose from!! >> Java Fabric Server 1.19.2 !! Join us today!! You MUST be a member of our Discord: https://discord.gg/Mz6tPeVwAN elysian-smp.com Read More

  • TFL semi-vanilla whitelist

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! We have a friendly, global 18+ community where PvP, griefing, and stealing are not allowed. Join us for pure fun and building experiences on both Java and Bedrock platforms. Stay connected with our active Discord for gaming discussions and updates. Server Update: New World Launching on July 28th! While the server is under construction, join our Discord to meet members and stay informed. Explore our temporary creative world to pass the time. Community Features: Shopping District Nether hub for fast travel Community megabuild project Survival & Creative worlds Special Events (contests, games, and more) Gameplay… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Gotta give the people what they want, Random Video Part 2!

    Minecraft Memes - Gotta give the people what they want, Random Video Part 2!I guess the sequel was requested even more than the original, must be some good meme magic at work! Read More

  • Gate Grind: Tinker World SMP Struggle – Stream Replay

    Gate Grind: Tinker World SMP Struggle - Stream Replay In Tinker World SMP, on a quest so grand, To finish the castle gate, with tools in hand. The viewers cheer you on, with hearts so bright, As you build and create, under the moonlight. With each block you place, the gate takes shape, A masterpiece in progress, no time to escape. The challenges you face, with skill and might, Crafting and building, in the soft moonlight. Your fans adore you, in every way, For the joy you bring, day by day. So keep on building, with passion and glee, In Tinker World SMP, where you’re truly free. And… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi meme 🔥 #lit #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi meme 🔥 #lit #minecraft #memes When you accidentally hit a Minecraft villager and suddenly hear “Oi Oi Oi” coming from all directions, you know you’re in for a world of trouble. It’s like a tiny, angry mob of villagers ready to take you down for your crimes against their kind. Watch out, they may be small but they are mighty! Read More

  • Ultimate Skin Editing Guide for Minecraft

    Ultimate Skin Editing Guide for Minecraft Minecraft Skin Editing and Modification Tutorial Are you ready to take your Minecraft gaming experience to the next level? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to edit and modify your own skins for actions and more using Blockbench. Let’s dive in! Step 1: Get Creative with Your Skins Instead of sticking to the same old “Rana” skin, why not customize your own unique skin? Express your creativity and stand out in the Minecraft world by designing a skin that truly represents you. Step 2: Join the ECKODILES Community For even more inspiration and… Read More

  • Exploring Allay’s Fishing Hut – Let’s Play Minecraft

    Exploring Allay's Fishing Hut - Let's Play Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Allay’s, Fishing Hut, and Exploration In the latest episode of Vanderzone MC, players are in for a treat as they embark on various exciting activities in the Minecraft world. From testing out new features to encountering unexpected challenges, this episode is packed with thrilling moments. Testing the Mini Smelter with Lava Farm Fuel One of the highlights of this episode is the testing of the mini smelter with lava farm fuel. Players get to witness the efficiency of this new feature and how it can enhance their gameplay experience. The use of innovative tools and resources adds… Read More

  • Mikey Gets Pranked While Asleep in Maizen 3D Story

    Mikey Gets Pranked While Asleep in Maizen 3D StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ made a Bad Prank on Sleeping Mikey – Maizen Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D Story on 2024-06-06 07:00:06. It has garnered 12011 views and 81 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:48 or 3588 seconds. JJ made a Bad Prank on Sleeping Mikey – Maizen Minecraft Animation Hello, I’m creating 3D animation based on the game Minecraft! #minecraft #animation #maizen #jj #mikey Read More

  • Capturing a Wild Girl in Minecraft Jail!

    Capturing a Wild Girl in Minecraft Jail!Video Information This video, titled ‘I PUT A CRAZY GIRL IN A JAIL CELL… ON MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by NYANA BANYANA on 2024-07-17 01:14:21. It has garnered 1647 views and 298 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:41 or 10841 seconds. #animegirl #anime #envtuber #vtuber Minecraft Server Download Cursforge 1.0 Vshojo mod origins server : port:25564 Questions? Join the discord and ask! https://discord.gg/8tkUERpe Collab with https://www.twitch.tv/parasi -Support the lil Banyana cat and her donothon here : https://streamelements.com/nyanabanyana/tip Nyana draws ! ——————————————————————- $ 20 activates tts = https://streamelements.com/nyanabanyana/tip ——————————————————————– Merch : https://otakubon.com/collections/nyana-banyana-merch-collection New model reveal here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCluEHs5e2M&t=0s •… Read More

  • EPIC FAILS in Minecraft Survival 1.20 😱

    EPIC FAILS in Minecraft Survival 1.20 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Part 1: My Unlucky Day in Minecraft Survival Series 1.20 😭’, was uploaded by GAMERZ SOU on 2024-04-28 20:34:00. It has garnered 7 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:24 or 804 seconds. Welcome to GAMERZ SOU is your go-to destination for immersive gaming content, featuring a blend of gameplay, reviews, tutorials, and more. Join us on our gaming journey as we explore a diverse range of titles across various platforms. Follow in INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/gmrz_sou?igsh=ejR5bnlwZDhiZm1h FACEBOOK – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557523673755&mibextid=ZbWKwL THANKS FOR WATCHING **Title: “Pocket Survival: A Minecraft PE Journey”** **Concept:** Embark… Read More

  • EPIC Warden Battle on Minecraft Resolute SMP!

    EPIC Warden Battle on Minecraft Resolute SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Fought my FIRST WARDEN On Minecraft Resolute SMP – E12’, was uploaded by Dukester on 2024-04-18 19:00:19. It has garnered 897 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:26 or 1526 seconds. You are watching: I Fought my FIRST WARDEN On Minecraft Resolute SMP – E12 In today’s episode of Duke plays Resolute SMP, we meet our newest member Thom, fight a bastion with him and Miney, follow that up with a bastion on our own, and even begin designing rowhouses at the swamp! Enjoy 😀 ———————————————————————————————– Important links: Resolute Youtube:… Read More

  • “Dream_pro shares HUGE secret in Minecraft 😱 (don’t miss the surprise ending!)” #shorts #minecraft

    "Dream_pro shares HUGE secret in Minecraft 😱 (don't miss the surprise ending!)" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Nobody Knows That 🤯 (wait for end !) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Dream_pro on 2024-04-20 12:21:00. It has garnered 19746 views and 845 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #notch_temple #shorts Read More

  • ZappyLIVE: Watch me get my gun permit! 😱

    ZappyLIVE: Watch me get my gun permit! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘mi-am tras permis port armă pe server 😎’, was uploaded by ZappyLIVE on 2024-05-10 14:38:05. It has garnered 6509 views and 640 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:13 or 8533 seconds. Welcome, you are in bad luck! Cloud Center Partner Server (Discount Code ZAPPYTV15) Cheap Minecraft Server Hosting and more ► https://www.cloud-center.ro/aff.php?aff=709 Want to play Rustic Craft? Complete the registration questionnaire ► https://forms.gle/jyUwdeTjmMJFLEsM8 Your requests will be analyzed and if the server staff thinks you would be suitable candidates for our project, you will be contacted later on Discord. Tip ► https://www.tipeeestream.com/zappylive/donation Rustic… Read More

  • Insane Trick for Live Streamers in Minecraft! Alern’s Easy Clip (Tournament) #clickbait

    Insane Trick for Live Streamers in Minecraft! Alern's Easy Clip (Tournament) #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Clip on Live Stream!!(Tournament)#minecraft #hypixel #pvp #gaming #bedwars #proof ps #moonwalk’, was uploaded by Alern on 2024-03-23 04:50:47. It has garnered 2589 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash Your Superpower: Compassion for Connecting

    Unleash Your Superpower: Compassion for ConnectingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Compassion: A Superpower for Making Connections’, was uploaded by CCM Time on 2024-05-28 13:59:42. It has garnered 5 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #mindfulness Moments in #minecraft #368 Elevating wellness one sandbox at a time. #motivation #help #selfimprovement #mindset #relax #relaxingmusic #selfcare #viral #shorts #shortsvideo #mentalhealth #healthandwellness Find out the meaning and purpose of CCM here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fola1ZOmCEY Check out the Coffee, Cannabis & Minecraft Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/767085214082112 (Adults only, sorry kids it’s not personal, it’s a legal thing.) *”CCM Time” videos are intended for mature… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Zombies vs Chicken!

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Zombies vs Chicken!Video Information This video, titled ‘Funny Battle in Minecraft Zombies vs Chicken Anime’, was uploaded by ANIMATION on 2024-06-23 04:34:50. It has garnered 29 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:47 or 107 seconds. Ready for some unbridled fun? In this anime video you are waiting for an epic story of zombies and chicken in the world of Minecraft! What happened in this series? You are waiting for: An exciting unexpected turn of events plot. Funny moments that will make you laugh till you drop. Beautiful anime graphics that will immerse you in the atmosphere of… Read More

  • AcuaCraft Network

    AcuaCraft Network¿Buscas un servidor al que su calidad es su prioridad? Lo has encontrado. ¡Y no te pierdas nuestra inteligencia artificial integrada! AcuaCraft Network cuenta actualmente con tres modalidades, aunque con el tiempo si se recibe mas apoyo seguiremos desarrollando nuevas modalidades y aventuras. – Survival – BoxPvP – Gens acuacraft.vultam.host https://sites.google.com/view/acuacraftnt ¡Te esperamos dentro! acuacraft.vultam.host Read More

  • Hardrada Worldbuilding: Factions, SMP, Towny.

    Conquer the World with Hardrada Worldbuilding Unleash your creativity and explore endless possibilities with us! Why Choose Us? Unmatched Freedom: Build and rule your empire as you desire. Fair and Supportive Staff: Dedicated team for a balanced experience. Player-Driven Stories: Shape the server’s history and create legends. Community and Collaboration: Join like-minded players for epic adventures. Dynamic World: Your decisions shape the environment. Features: Economy and Trade: Custom shops, currency, and trade opportunities. Quests and Events: Regular challenges with unique rewards. PvP and Warfare: Test your skills in battles or focus on diplomacy. Join Us Today! Discord: https://discord.gg/YD7TbkM569 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Cave vine’s vengeful transformation

    I guess you could say the cave vine dug itself into a hole! Read More