Ultimate Minecraft Base-Building Strategy

Video Information

Hi dudes welcome back to another Minecraft adventure with me and Biffle yay best for life today me and bi are building the strongest base in Minecraft so if you look at this right now doesn’t look like a whole lot but it’s about to be attacked by zombies in massive waves

I know oh my God I know so every wave we’re going to get points by killing the monsters we can use it to upgrade the base we have to survive as many waves as possible see how far we can make if you boys believe it that we can make it all

The way end hit the like button also hit the Subscribe button so that we can both get to 2 million Subs of the exact same time nobody wins really quick before we get into today’s video guys I have a quick announce uh you know how recently uh I released book two dandelion audit

Of of my urban fantasy series right um book three comes out on Wednesday yeah yeah that’s right November 15th you guys will be able to get I guess that’s actually technically midnight but whatever uh midnight November 15th you guys will be able to get this the pre-order links in the description below

You can go grab it on Kindle Audible and the physical editions will be available on release date don’t worry I’ll tell you guys all about it also if you haven’t left review for book two and you’ve read it make sure to go leave one okay that really really helps on Amazon

Go get your pre-order it’s just $4.9 on Kindle and I’ll tell you more about it soon here we go the wave has begun I do this thing so we have a thing that’s a plus4 attack damage what is this radar oh that’s cool I have a lightsaber oh it

Makes some glow oh and they’re trying to get to the beacon Biff don’t let them get to the Biff no they’re coming to the beacon yeah wow they really yeah oh okay you be the DPS I’ll be the oh this guy’s a drill bro don’t let him ow they’ve all

Got a w block oh wait this is robot this is uh this is Pocket Edition oh easy don’t hit me okay please jeez so now we have 10 points we don’t heal oh oh we should probably get weapons and food yeah um let’s see bro we can I think we

Can only okay I got leather armor for myself that was I’m going to get some food oh you can buy food yeah I’m wait we share points don’t we no we don’t okay good I’m getting a lot of food actually I got I got like 30 food bro

That is not okay so that’s actually part of how this gets so difficult is if we die I assume we go on respawn I don’t know I don’t know if it’s one life you have armor I just bought food why’ you only buy food well all I had enough was

For food uh all you ready for the next wave oh yeah I should have here we go next I know oh they look more scary uh they’re getting stronger I don’t you should have said that I don’t know man I’m new oh if I just kind of like do

Like a little backtrack thing like a little back robots they’re freaking oh no yeah they’re robot husks man this is y oh they sure are do you think they’re going to be and they cuz hus give hunger no oh no no no no no no no no no I hit

The wrong was going to happen I was going to Wi and be handsome can we just Spam yeah this is bedrock dude oh I I totally forgot we could just I’m buying an auto clicker oh he gave me hunger yep great this fine I have 31 cooked

Chickens all right this time I got 20 points all right that’s better so regeneration potion so you don’t die oh no okay should I save my my points for the next one so I can get diamond armor CU I have 20 points ooh Cals that’s not a bad idea

Actually that’s actually not a bad idea at all I yeah I’m at 20 I might as well just get 30 and get the the armor these aren’t that bad and then we can get walls the next time and then yeah I could buy your book that’s right star

Audit fraud oh gosh that I didn’t like thing next wave next wave I didn’t like anything about it but hey guys that does remind me oh they’re faster don’t forget if you guys uh I haven’t gotten the book already the description no audit book to

Get star fraud audit what okay you ow oh my God I’m going to die hey we should maybe have not done this um yeah this was bad I didn’t think it was going to scale this much I didn’t think it was I have pH I have Dan’s on me uh the bees

Are killing me the bees are killing me I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die the be the bees are ruining me the bees are ruining me I’m dead you resp back here yep I respawned okay cool they’re on the way

Oh I died we should have bought a wall I’m buying a wall I died I died they’re in they’re Biff bi they’re in they’re in they’re in they’re in I’m keeping them off I’m keep bro what do you want for me I want you to do more ow I can’t be more

I can only be less pay less I don’t ex anymore oh sorry you got another danger zone sorry sorry sorry I got I got diamond armor I’m good oh well you can buy mid round you get points still just cuz like per based on the per then when

And oh it’s a freaking bee dude I can I can drop you chicken here I got lots of chicken sorry stop me I I I killed him and it teleported my sword is breaking got you chicken oh Mine mine’s good I dropped how many points do you have right now

20 um so I bought my armor and then I thought the points weren’t shared but they might be no I just I was doing work you know I was doing I put in work hold on buy wall buy a wall buy a wall I’m buying the wall okay our points are

Shared no they’re not yep all my points just went away no no no cool thanks man nope don’t go out there don’t CR it come back in you open the door open the door bro okay listen they break through I broke the door diamond armor and I’m tanking all

The ramage I didn’t sign up for this you didn’t sign up for anything you they got robot bees yeah oh yeah the robot bees almost killed me last game dude yeah but I got they’re in pi they’re in pi I’m fighting bees and creepers I blow up

They’re in they give me poison yeah yeah they’re in Biffle they’re in Biffle they’re in think they’re hitting they’re hitting the beacon piffles the beacon okay I’m literally here I’m you’re not I’m okay we need to upgrade our sword I think that’s yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah my sword’s about to run out okay we did it it kind of okay and whose idea was this H oh good there’s still many left oh yeah go just buy your upgrade buy your sword I’ll go okay I’ll buy a sword okay buy a sword buy a sword or armor probably

Sword I think more damage is better than armor right now I agree dying doesn’t seem to really matter wait kind of maybe all right there okay you got your sword uh yeah I have purple lightsaber now you got a purple and I’m over here with the

I’m MWI doing it up dude but I’m going to use the red to runs out we got ourselves durability okay I get the next lightsaber fine okay okay okay and then you get the next armor yeah man or you get the next armor then I get a light

That we’ll see how much damage they do but that might be the case you ready or I can save up to get the laser SW okay we’re not ready for that yet okay let’s we’re only on Wave five okay and our doors are gone or maybe we get a

Turret wait can we get a turret those are golems yeah but they make a little I’m they hurt yeah this is but diamond armor is great must be nice man all right I’ll kill one and you’ll get your armor ready get ready to buy armor

I can’t do damage to them I can’t do damage to them they’re coming in they’re coming in I can’t damage I can’t do damage my AR my weapon not good enough bro bro what is this scaling bro you shouldn’t have bought diamond armor you should not have bought

Diamond armor you should no one said that I shouldn’t can’t how are we those get scill like this buy something what would you like me to buy what would you like me to buy armor I can’t even move my sword’s broken go cool this is great B are we

Winning buy a sword I can’t bro I have one I can’t I don’t have one I I’m going to try to run away I can’t I’m scared at least they’re hitting me and out the Beacon yeah I’m trying to run I can’t run I’m running I got some of them out of the

Room I got two out of the room thanks man they wer really the ones that were hurting me yeah okay I’m going to get the sword I can’t get the sword they’re in the way I got the sword wait we’re making progress we’re making progress I got the

Sword now I’m good I’m I’m helping okay think I might have hit you once oh I’m sure I’ve killed you positive I’m positive we’re doing it s are we this the way the game is intended to play all right now that I have the lightsaber it’s much easier yeah uh

Should I buy armor what should I I don’t know yes we have enough you st dying so easily yeah they’re like two shotting me by the way yeah they take like a couple shots from me all right there we go they’re almost dead please just

Cool buy the Armor All right uh that was a nightmare um we have 35 points points what should we get getting like something to help us kill would be great should we just save up and get the green lightsaber ASAP green lightsaber or magma pit all right yep I agree magma pit here

We go about to be so bad wait oh did we not finish the wave nope we didn’t oh my God there’s more there’s more this is awful oh wait this is so much better though now that I have actual armor oh yeah you can actually we get the magma pit yeah this great

Actually wait this is actually really good for us bi I’m dead no that’s fine it’s fine cuz these guys are just free these guys are free money more spawn no they didn’t shut up I’m scared they’re not free money they’re free money cuz they don’t do damage to the thing they

Just kill us yeah but our weapons are taking durability hits our armor is my armor is almost gone oh no okay that’s actually very bad um that means I have to buy more armor it’s actually very bad Biffle we’re struggling out here Biffle this is bad this is bad but maybe we

Have to bump them into it yeah yeah yeah hold the line hold oh God the Phantoms kill kill the Phantoms of the Opera all right they’re going in the lava okay the wait Pi P bees aren’t this is working this is working okay yeah but the the Opera are killing me fall

They’re falling in the lava wait wait wait are we we’re winning I need to heal wait make sure to hit them make sure to hit them when they go in you need to get the kill credit oh my God you’re right I’m trying I’m dying I’m scared

Just hit them for 70 points don’t fall in the long I did on purpose I did it on purpose to get the the the the money we need the money we need the money we need the money okay yeah okay weave complete oh that was actually really worth it

Okay wow okay magma pit lit what are you doing come on losers let’s oh my your sword looks cool oh my God these guys are scary and stay in and stay in oh come get me stay in there what just one oh he crossed it oh he crossed it like it’s

Hot some of them can cross some of them can cross you got to angle them you got to angle I’m in there what oh they can build they can build Biffle they got they got they we got to break them over the bridge over the bridge break it you got

To break it I’m a little I’m a uh it’s not going well for me we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine oh We Can’t Break It We Can’t nope we should have killed them beforehand we should have got the we should have got the other thing I

Literally said it no you didn’t oh my go okay so let’s see the turret I kind of want to just put right here by the door on top of the roof maybe wish I could I don’t think I get up there place it wherever you think you can okay that’ll work that

Works 75 points what do we want next now in armor or maybe I get a laser sword yeah you get the laser sword get the laser sword yeah more damage damage to do uh 10 or do we save it for the hammer the hammer save for the

Hammer okay here we go here we go we’re star to scale yeah going we’re doing a lot better now oh it’s oh oh oh the or the tur or maybe we just get more turrets wait yeah can we just buy oh yeah wait can we just we just buy more

Turrets unless they break the turret get off my oh no they’re hurting the turret get them off keep them off the tur keep them off the tur okay we should have placed that tur somewhere better then I know all just just move the move the move move all these guys around so the

Turret just do damage stay stay on me stay on me oh yeah okay use your bar for the turret to do damage oh dude the turret’s out here popping off I’m saying dude kind of have to move around them you know ow should I get another turret can

You we have enough do oh see if it’ll let you buy a second one yeah yeah bring it up bring it up bring I’m going to bring it on uh bring it on this side guess turet boys dude turret boys oh we got another turret oh

Oh wait this might be the vi buy more turrets see and now we have 75 wait wait we save it for another turret tur going in the lava with them into the lava they go saying we’re not I’m not doing enough damage and I’m not doing enough I they

Can’t heal why I said we need netherite we’re fine you were listening oh dude we got them oh they’re burning we got them in here we got them in here we have a lot ins we we have a lot inside of our building ow oh boy yep you weren’t

Listening to me did they um did they kill all our turrets uh they’re attacking him right now cool I don’t know if they kill them yeah cool cool cool this is fun I’m having fun I’m having fun Sur I cannot survive having F I’m having fun this is

The dumbest wave of all time y the Golems are rough I think my armor is about to break yep it’s about it’s all almost gone you buy netherite first then I don’t think I can make it to the corner well once it I

Mean I I pulled a lot of them out by the way all I bought the armor okay all right now I can survive oh nice that’s much easier yeah actually another it’s cracked wait we have so many points I about the hammer yeah why don’t we just all up why

Shouldn’t we all upgrade you know what are the defenses what are the defenses uh so oh never mind we’re down that was all our points all right well we went big big upgrades big upgrades and we still have two time oh we still got them they’re

Fine now I’m going in baby oh the hammer is cracked yeah wait what look it Sayes a AOE oh is it a oh we AOE now we’re AOE baby oh we are oh we are oh this is much oh plus now we’re doing now we’re doing

It okay okay oh now we’re gaming build a mega wall oh I’m going to buy it you buy it oh oh we’re so dumb no this is good this is good this is so good no I meant we’re dumb like we should have done that earlier well we’re we’re holding the

Line they haven’t gone here in a long time dude okay yeah true just cuz there’s going to be 60 of them doesn’t mean you need to be afraid up losers I am the line I am the line I have the line oh dude look at the

Turrets do their tur oh they get stuck in the cobwebs oh oh cuz they tried to go over the oh dude oh we’re frying oh we are we are literally fying we wi are we flying right now hey yeah it’s probably uh oh lasers yep doing that

We’re at five we’re at five okay okay oh oh so they probably hit these and they probably get hurt okay okay yeah uhhuh uhuh what what other ones do we have I want more more Z one more levitation levitation is that just like blocks around that caus yeah I think they’ll

Like hit a space while they’ll start floating I’m not really sure oh right in front of it yeah look into the turrets dude look at the turrets go and then we hit them yep uh-huh oh this is oh oh this is broken the fact that we survive

This long is the shocker H it’s just just it’s just that we’re cracked it’s into the cobwebs look yeah oh this is now you know what I think we do is we just set up way more turrets yeah we set up more turrets closer in or just oh

Maybe oh no we don’t even need to do closer just yeah more turrets all right 185 okay listen I know you want to get turret but please you bought the laser ax all right then I buy the next thing plus 20 Pi I want cactuses so I’m buying

Cactuses all right buy some Cactus I bought cactuses I’m buying some food okay oh can I buy obsidian too yeah buy obsidian you know what throw it all in all right we buy Cactus and obsidian oh my God start the round pi start the round

I’m going back to start the round but we might be a little low now so this does uh damage by the way I just want to see you do it I’m not I’m not even I’m just going to stand back with the turrets hey guys oh wait these are nope this is less

Fun this is less fun oh you can’t do it by yourself well look at what it is oh I’m coming let’s go wait wait for him to come through dude I want him to be weak oh yeah let him come back yeah this is the first time to attack um no cuz the

Cactus hurt us oh the cactus hurt I bet you can hit between them can you look at look at all the damage they’re taking oh oh oh my gosh wait do we even do we even need to work anymore I’m going to take a nap I’m hanging out

With the turrets dude these the Golems are just all getting stuck they’re just dying so the Golems just can’t get past these defenses no and they’re just slowly dying on our cactuses and the turrets are just blasting them okay how about I buy cobwebs yeah why not okay cobwebs what does that look

Like I don’t see them yet maybe next wave oh we haven’t bought this yet wait there’s there’s more there’s more there’s ice and honey honey honey I sh the kids wa wait a minute what we need 70 points don’t look don’t look don’t look you don’t want to see I don’t want

To see go get points go get points go get points dude I can’t even get to the Golems if I go in like they’re all just grouped up but they’re stuck like they’re just dying over time we just let them die just I need I need one more

Point I need one more Point come on they’ll die soon don’t worry one more point sigils and then you’ll see all right you ready yeah press it here you go sigils what’d you spend it on our new friended get him buddy he’s where’s he where is he why is

He attacking our own did you did you buy it did you buy it I spent 70 on a Golem guard and he’s attacking our own turret and now we have to put him okay thanks man what it was I thought he would like I thought he would fine I’ll buy

Something else look see right here strength 50 points though N More defenses oh I’m sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry don’t hate me all right well I’m drinking this all right well I’m going in all right now you can uh what’s the point of having defenses when you’re

Just you going in oh my oh my there’s so many there’s so many but our defenses are too strong dude we already got up 100 points yeah nobody’s even made it through P yeah yeah I know I one shot that guy what else can we buy let’s see

Uh he those the bees the bees um stop okay this guy’s like Sky bridging he needs to not I’m buying ice ah okay they built a br okay no B problem problem this is a problem and honey oh you sure did Ice and honey how does that look very funny

Actually is it actually funny looking yeah they’re making it through yeah they look all this oh they’re good oh my God they are sky bridging what is this a a game of bedwars true go give me more points working on it I mean do some work put the work in they’re having a

Hard time I’m going be honest with you yeah I think they’re straight up not having a good time do you think we can lose maybe if they Sky Bridge enough ow my own turret hit me I know dude you got to you got to not be in the oh hey robot

B sorry oh they’re actually making it wait hold on no they’re not no when one made it through like what what do you mean they’re actually making it okay uhhuh yeah I haven’t I attacked like one thing yeah but I’m going in boys we’re pretty broken we’re pretty broken I

Think we’re literally as broken as we possibly can be yeah no one more trap to BU and then like literally that’s it like I don’t these ravagers are doing nothing to well the ravagers can’t get past the obsidian bro oh sorry hold on I you killed me you were the one that

Killed me I’m the only one that can bring you down bi oh I bought an enchant table sorry what is enchant where where is it I don’t know you have in your inventory nope is it outside I don’t see it get robbed probably got robbed pretty sure we

Cannot it’s impossible to lose oh really you think so pretty sure yep pretty sure huh boys I think we built the strongest base in Minecraft possible we’ve survived 100 mob waves no problem do us a huge favor if you like it hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we’ll be

Back soon with more content and hit you know uh I’ll see you later

This video, titled ‘Building the STRONGEST BASE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Sigils on 2023-11-13 23:45:00. It has garnered 73962 views and 4835 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:09 or 1269 seconds.

Today @sigilsand @BiffleWiffle defend the strongest base in Minecraft! 📖 PRE-ORDER STAR SUMMIT: https://amzn.to/3u5xwwr

▶️Map: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/marketplace/pdp?id=e84574ec-a4c0-4aa9-98e9-0326d857872b#

👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 Friends: ▶️ @sigils : http://youtube.com/Sigils ▶️ @BiffleWiffle : http://youtube.com/BiffleWiffle

This Video was Edited By: 🦊 http://twitter.com/MightyHumbleFox

❗ About Minecraft Adventures Minecraft Adventures is a series where Sigils and his friends play mini games in Minecraft with custom forge mods to earn random loot and then fight to the see who the ultimate champion is!

#MinecraftBut #Sigils #Minecraft #ad #amdredteam

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🕹️Playlists: ▶️Crazy Craft Modded Minecraft Survival: https://bit.ly/2PVySD0 ▶️Camp Minecraft SMP: https://bit.ly/39u9f3X ▶️Minecraft Modded Adventures: https://bit.ly/2IqzH2H

Becoming a ROMAN SOLDIER in Minecraft https://youtu.be/rTOplSwZPLM

Sigils http://youtube.com/SigilsPlaysGames

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    Gaming Niham - Fix Minecraft Lag NOW! 500 Subs SpecialVideo Information [Music] so hello and also 500 subscriber special video so thank you for supporting me SC [Music] [Music] [Music] let’s [Music] [Music] and second render clouds so [Music] beautiful obious smooth lightning lightning strike the Thunder and the most important setting [Music] FCS [Music] obviously can be altered by game play and [Music] [Music] [Music] FPS SP seriously so guys hopefully 100% [Music] fix till then take care bye-bye This video, titled ‘How To Fix Lag In Minecraft 500 Subscribers Special Video’, was uploaded by Gaming Niham on 2024-04-14 14:30:53. It has garnered 36 views and 6 likes…. Read More

  • Insane Gameplay! Alsshine’s Crazy Gaming Adventure

    Insane Gameplay! Alsshine's Crazy Gaming AdventureVideo Information e e e e yo what is up guys welcome to the stream how is y’all summer doing yo what’s up Twigs how’s it going I’m like you know what I haven’t streamed in however many months and haven’t uploaded in probably about a month now and today’s like a free day so you know what might as well stream and see what’s up also please let me know if my mic sounds okay I haven’t like done any tests so if it sounds kind of choppy or weird or if my voice sounds off just let me… Read More

  • Cody C’s Insane Minecraft Fail: I Lost Everything!

    Cody C's Insane Minecraft Fail: I Lost Everything!Video Information I have had so much fun with this I am so excited for more this is going to be exciting episode three Baby Woo all right yeah baby whoa what is up guys how the flip are we doing Slinky Slinky how you grooving how you smoing hope we’re chilling hope we’re chilling so we need a nap real quick yeah baby okay we got a lot of Brewing to do today I’m Uber excited rest up okay sick oh what a beautiful day wow our beautiful world that’s so excited to see what we get into today… Read More

  • Escape to the Digital Circus Hideout!

    Escape to the Digital Circus Hideout!Video Information welcome class it’s so nice to see you are you ready to learn yo what in the it’s literally the weekend why are we at school right now what’s going on well you guys have to go to class or else I might send you to detention okay I don’t know what to do we’re locked I think we should run Jack what do you think we should do you’re really smart at this stuff like dude what are we going to do dude I don’t want to be here I hate school let’s get out of here… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft vs Roblox Showdown! #shorts #gaming

    Epic Minecraft vs Roblox Showdown! #shorts #gamingVideo Information gjc é brabo da This video, titled ‘Minecraft vs Roblox #shorts #minecraft #roblox’, was uploaded by Gamer_We on 2024-06-01 08:24:13. It has garnered 8755 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft vs Roblox #shorts #minecraft #roblox keywords – minecraft vs roblox,roblox vs minecraft,minecraft,roblox,minecraft roblox,roblox minecraft,minecraft gamers vs roblox gamers,minecraft vs roblox rap,minecraft animation,minecraft song,roblox in minecraft,minecraft or roblox,minecraft versus roblox,minecraft vs roblox song,roblox vs minecraft rap,minecraft vs roblox rap battle,minecraft vs roblox gas gas gas,roblox vs minecraft rap battle,minecraft vs roblox which one popular Read More

  • CraftBob

    CraftBobAhoj všichni Znovu otevíráme váš oblíbený server CraftBob rádi váš tu zde uvidíme **Pařbě zdar** Nástěnka Web – www.bob-web.cz/ Steam – steamcommunity.com/groups/CeskoSlovensky_Bob Facebook – www.facebook.com/BobKomunita/ Telegram – t.me/CeskoSlovensky_Bob Read More

  • TwoBearsOneGame – Modded, Whitelist, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Mature 18+, Fabric 1.20

    Server Information Server Name: TwoBearsOneGame Server Location: United States CST Discord: Join our Discord server Access and Whitelist Info: Whitelist Access Form Version: 1.20.1 Mod pack: Better MC [FABRIC] 1.20.1 v23.5 Modpack Link: Download Modpack Description Two bears looking for mature 18+ players to join our modded server. We are a relaxed play LGBTQ+ friendly server. Fill out the short form linked above for server address and whitelist access. Server Owners: 51-year-old male who builds like a 5-year-old, focused on hunting and gathering 45-year-old creative type who has been playing since beta Rules No Griefing or Theft No advertising Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mending NOW, or I Die

    Looks like someone is getting impatient for some mending in Minecraft! Maybe they need a good book to calm down instead. Read More

  • Crafting Feast: Minecraft’s Emotional IQ Buffet!

    Crafting Feast: Minecraft's Emotional IQ Buffet! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan entertains with humorous refrains. With animations that bring joy and delight, Each video a treasure, shining bright. From funny classroom moments to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, set free. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonebad Read More

  • CraftyRohit’s Epic Minecraft Bathroom Build

    CraftyRohit's Epic Minecraft Bathroom Build The Bathroom in Minecraft: A Unique Build Hack When it comes to building in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have pushed the limits of creativity within the game. One lesser-known build hack that has gained attention is the creation of a bathroom within Minecraft. Creating a Bathroom in Minecraft While the primary focus of Minecraft is often on survival, exploration, and building, some players enjoy adding realistic touches to their creations. Building a bathroom in Minecraft involves using various blocks and items to mimic a real-life bathroom setting. Players can include… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Chest Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Chest Trick The Secret Chest in Minecraft Have you ever wanted to add a touch of mystery and intrigue to your Minecraft world? Creating a secret chest might be just the thing you need! In this short video by VABLOCK, the process of making a hidden chest in Minecraft is showcased, sparking creativity and excitement for players. How to Make a Hidden Chest in Minecraft Creating a secret chest in Minecraft involves cleverly concealing a chest within the game world, making it invisible or difficult to find for other players. This adds an element of surprise and challenge to the game,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Cookie Factory Build by JeromeASF

    INSANE Minecraft Cookie Factory Build by JeromeASFVideo Information hello hello everybody what is up jome you’re along with the buddies and welcome to an awesome Minecraft fil live stream except that’s a lot cuz there’s a perfect Ty there we’re doing Minecraft Lucky Block SkyWars with the Mario Lucky Blocks the way it works is we have 20 minutes to break these Lucky Blocks then we do a 15 lives battle Steve isn’t here with us today he’s off to war so instead we have the budget Steve AKA The Intern who’ll be tabing in for Steve which means Levy all your targets to that man… Read More

  • Escape Room Chaos with Marzian

    Escape Room Chaos with MarzianVideo Information doing how do hi comments of vaud Watchers hello vaud Watchers if you guys are watching past 2024 say yo I’m in the future 2024 man nothing Happ that year that’s crazy is it already over I mean it eventually yeah okay that’s true okay let me get I’m predicting that nothing happened this year but it could be nothing crazy nothing crazy like like Co 2 could happen what if we just like make predictions and it’s in this 2024 VOD oh my no no Co 2 oh covid-19 was worse enough I don’t want Co 2… Read More

  • Shocking Twist in Aria’s Strike SMP Mayor Election!

    Shocking Twist in Aria's Strike SMP Mayor Election!Video Information it’s live it’s unlisted right now so you can’t actually watch it yet huh I got yeah I’ll do a public stream if you want I got Comm I got got I could do a pivate as well which is just so you guys can watchever can you even stream the yeah yeah it’s a content creator SMP it’s like you meant to make content on it crazy crazy why am I on this game why is this [ __ ] actually got me gambling bro cuz gambling is good for no this isn’t gambling because we’re not… Read More

  • Insane HIVE Live Action with Viewers!

    Insane HIVE Live Action with Viewers!Video Information okay I think the stream started wait for people to get in whoa let me load in the hive okay and I’ve already got cs’s server suspended D that’s weird Hello Universe I’m already getting surrounded I’ve been on for like 2 seconds okay let’s start a party because do you know what happened yesterday yeah yesterday spofy gave me high Plus for no reason so that’s W okay wait who have I not invited let’s go for off msh yeah yeah we could find all the banners I haven’t been bothered to find him fight just died… Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Spiderpig vs. All Mobs!

    Crazy Minecraft Spiderpig vs. All Mobs!Video Information sh he [Music] ow [Music] a fu f [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft spiderpig vs all mob fight||Minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-27 11:00:07. It has garnered 707 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:23 or 203 seconds. minecraft spiderpig vs all mob fight||Minecraft mob battle|| minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC MLG Chipi Chipi Chapa Dance in Minecraft! 🕺🎮

    EPIC MLG Chipi Chipi Chapa Dance in Minecraft! 🕺🎮Video Information क्यूटीज की चैट ये देख रहे हो इसको हेलो स्नेहा बोट पे चढ़ा नहीं जाता है स्नेहा भाई आ जाओ सारी जल्दी करो चलो चलो गाइस टाइम नहीं है बिल्कुल चलो वन टू थ्री गो चिप्पी चिपी चापा चापा रूबी रूबी राबा राबा मैजिकल से रूबी रूबी बूम बूम बूम बूम चिप्पी चिप्पी चापा This video, titled ‘Mlg God Chipi Chipi chapa dance in Minecraft #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by KrishCraft on 2024-04-23 05:30:07. It has garnered 1831 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. minecraft shorts hero team minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Dungeon Grind in MASTER MODE! 🔥

    🔥 Insane Dungeon Grind in MASTER MODE! 🔥Video Information [Music] yo zukes first yes sir yes sir [Music] how you boys doing today how we doing how we doing yo what’s up DOI what’s up Professor welcome welcome welcome what’s up Zilla oh we got everybody joining hold on okay buy him a dinner all right all right we’re going to start off stream solid we’re about to drop a um overgrown grass what’s up Michael what’s up Jake hope you both doing good um me not watch my own stream and murder my internet let’s not slip up this time what do you mean what are… Read More

  • 🔥Build Epic Wall Fast in Minecraft! #shorts

    🔥Build Epic Wall Fast in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information how to build a cool wall in [Music] Minecraft [Music] sh This video, titled ‘How to build a cool Wall in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by CedoxMC on 2024-03-07 09:00:07. It has garnered 522 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Wall Designs in Minecraft! Version – 1.20.4 Shaders – Complementary shaders Texture pack – Prime’s Hd #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts TAGS: minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft parodileri minecraft farm minecraft house tutorial minecraft ev yapimi minecraft rp minecraft haus bauen minecraft icrimax minecraft stadt minecraft welt minecraft song… Read More

  • Wet Hands Surprise Singing in Minecraft

    Wet Hands Surprise Singing in MinecraftVideo Information B B B B B B B B B [музыка] [музыка] мммм [музыка] B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B This video, titled ‘WET HANDS, BUT I SING IT… (goofy style) | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Kev1nTheKev1n on 2024-06-03 03:41:09. It has garnered 29 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:30 or 90 seconds. #minecraft #kev1nthekev1n #wethands so uh i got bored again and decided to sing another song this time i did… Read More

  • Hyde Network

    Hyde NetworkHyde Network Earth SMP! Join us today to enjoy the best Earth SMP on Minecraft! We have active staff and an active community for you to take part in! Read More

  • GALESTA – semi-vanilla roleplay, nation-building, magic

    Galesta Minecraft Server Welcome to Galesta Minecraft Server! We offer a completely unique and unmodded Minecraft experience, where you can enjoy our custom features: NEVER BEFORE SEEN COMBAT SYSTEM: 12 Unique classes and items for customizable combat styles WORLD BUILDING & POLITICS: Create nations and engage in wars 20K X 20K WORLD MAP: Hand-painted by our team RICH HISTORY: Community with deep lore CUSTOM ITEMS & PROFESSIONS: Form communities around professions Join us now! IP: PLAY.GALESTA.COM DISCORD: https://discord.gg/aVqQzbUQfN Read More


    FLEETMC | GENS | MINING, DUNGEONS, PAYOUTS, FARMING, GENERATORS, CUSTOM ENCHANTMENTS | JOIN NOWWelcome to FleetMC, the ultimate Minecraft experience where adventure and innovation collide! Explore our unique, dynamic and ever-changing mining area with shifting terrain, elemental zones, and a plethora of resources waiting to be discovered. Each visit promises new challenges and rewards, ensuring an exciting and fresh experience every time you delve into the depths.Craft custom tools and armor with advanced recipes, including our exclusive “Enchantment Infusion” system. This feature allows you to acquire powerful enchantments and apply them to your items using an anvil, enhancing your gear’s performance and unlocking unique abilities. With tools like the Silverstriker Pickaxe and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost and Forsaken

    Looks like this meme got lost in the world of Minecraft, but at least it’s not forgotten with that impressive score of 1625! Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft: 9K Days Survived, Epic Strive!

    Hardcore Minecraft: 9K Days Survived, Epic Strive! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin. In this Minecraft video I survive 9000 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world, Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had, unfurled. More 100 Days Episodes, the… Read More

  • Warden Girl Slaying Golems 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Warden Girl Slaying Golems 🔥 #minecraftmemes Looks like Warden Girl is about to have a “rocky” time with all those golems! #minecraftstruggles #watchoutforflyingblocks Read More