Ultimate Minecraft Car Tutorial – New Update!

Video Information

Well hello and welcome again to Minecraft dad with me P J now today we are building a car in Minecraft using only command hands um basis for this is a pig with lots of things attached to it um first all this idea on uh Channel called FedEx

Gaming where he made a uh similar sort of car but what I found is obviously all those commands are 2 years old um so I’ve updated them for the latest version of Minecraft and changed a few cords here so here’s my pig I just uh brought him to with my

Diamond sword sword there another cool thing I’ll show you to do so this is how we drive him get our our carrot on the stick Mount our car or Pig and drive around wherever you want to go sort of reminds me of like a mini armor personnel carrier not not quite a

Tank as you can see it’s going around nicely um it’s got a radius of about 50 blocks before it will stop working um but uh you can extend out the area by uh cloning and copying all those command blocks when another another location if we get out the pig will stay uh completely

Still even better if I get my diamond sword out in a moment you’ll instantly come to me so let’s go out a bit further and then come car pretty cool eh so without Ado let’s get into the video so first things first let’s go into our settings show

Coordinates must be on also activate sheets and command blocks enabled so we need to give ourselves a command block first of all um order to do this following command the command pop screen so give a clear command underscore block enter it and you’ll be given a a command block on your invent tool

Bar I’ll put the next command in which we’ll need to get rid of all the instructions and commands running on the screen it’s going to be a game rule Command right command block output FSE and usually where You’ got all your commands right in the left hand corner these will all now disappear

So we need 27 individual tags and you need to name following so the first one’s going to be car cuz we’re building a car of course and then the 26 letters of the alphabet that’s the easiest thing that’s 26 characters long I don’t know you have a

Pattern you can use really anything you want as long as they pay nicely together because these commands are going to be running in pairs so we need uh our first label which is car um we’re going to need to make a p so let’s get a spawn Pig egg out you

Could always use a summon Pig command if you want to so just going to build ourselves a little pen to put our Pig in cuz we don’t want to moving around um let’s put our Pig in there jol little Fellow oh no we don’t want a pork chop got a saddle stick a saddle on it and now we’re going to name in car so get your tag out and car so very important cuz you’ll want to be able to write this thing later on so we don’t need this here

Now so let’s get our Command Block out and place one down face it up and then go into it put the following command so for/ effect at ENT near plus car visibility one space one true this will make the pig invisible he’s not invisible yet because

We need to set this to repeat and also always active now you can see thing’s gone now this is very important this is a little hack CU going to be right to get cound out 26 times so get coordinates for this block um if you start go top

Change it to the Y axis four and then go into the command make sure it’s set to repeat and always active and write the following inside so for SL execute at NT name equals car brackets run SL teleport at MD facing uh another entity with three upwards brackets in the

Middle so if we just want to copy this to another spot just go into command prompt and put the following command In Clone now the coat you top of your command block so in my case it’s 16 4506 we change that white to four and 164 56 again and then three after sets and square as you can see CL the block to that position and it’s got exactly the same

Command in there as I said we’re going to be doing this 26 times and then changing uh a few aspects in each command block so I just want you to put um two pairs of command blocks there so four in effect but they’re going to be paid

Together so it’s important you have them in an order uh which way you know they’re going to be paired together so we’re going to go into that first one this going to be our first set of wheels for/ exit and we changing uh one value to a

One value to B and then in the brackets got 1 – 1.58 and then second one we’re going to be changing the first value to B the second value to a and then put minus one – 1.5.8 and let’s go back into into our chest we’re going to need a few things we’re going to need a and

B and we also going to need an armor stand and we need uh something to place on our arm standand to represent the wheels so no I haven’t got a with hang in here so I’m just going to get myself one let go there’s my w and Skull so just go to anywhere put your two armor stands down make sure the arms are down and put the skulls on the heads and we’re going to get our first name tag a call one a and call the second one b and as you see can see they

Just flow and attach themselves to that invisible Pig on each corner so we don’t need a and b now let’s just put these away so we’ll now need our C and D tags for the next pair of commands C and D so our second pair the first of the

Second pair and then go into the command so C is going to be facing D and then the value is going to be 1 – 1.5 and -1 and then D is going to be facing C and the Val is going to be -1 – 1.5 and -1 let’s put our armor stands

Down make sure the arms be in down again put the Skulls one C Leal 1 D and that’s also moved now to the other corner of the pig right so we going to need our second pair so we need e and e on our next pair also going to need a DI chest plate and a zombie

Head now we’re going to use the Chone command from that block again and we got to make five different pairs of commands here 10 in total and then another section with three there two there two there three there and two there so we’ll go into the first of these

Section and we going change uh e facing f with -7 -9 and -1 and for our second it’s going to be F facing e 7 -9 and -1 so we know the drill is get our arm stands [Applause] Out something slightly different this time so arms facing down arms facing down and let’s get out the chest pit one two and get our zombie heads no I realize we don’t need zombie heads I’m going to get a skeleton skun instead it’s little better one

Two we’re going to need one e and one F and we’ve got the first of our size in the vehicle one caller let’s put those away and this the next pair which is G and H into this command we going to have course G facing H and m. 7 m n and one and this one we’re can to have H facing G 7-9 and one out stands arms down chest pit chest pit and get some [Applause] skulls one G and one

One H wonderful and there’s the top bit there so we don’t need GH and put [Applause] way and then get [Applause] I and G on to our next [Applause] row I and a and then 7 -94 and the next one J facing I -. 7 -9 and4 arm stack stone arm Stone chest plit chest plit skull skull LEL one I LEL one J as you can see we’re going to be starting to fill all those sides in now I and J away now we want k

L into the next row so K facing L 7 -9 and -4 and in that one lping kyus 7 minus four arm stand down arm stand down arms down chest plit chest Plit skull skull and 1 K 1 L those now position and the next pair of name tags M and n and into this last pair Here M placing n and it’s 7 -9 and zero and then this one incasing m- 7 -9 and zero of course again arm stands chest plate chest plate and of course skull skull then one m and then the other n so we’ve got our two sides

Done so for this x one we’re going to need three so we’re going to need o p and also Q let’s go across to this row so we going to have o facing p and it’s 3 -9 and -1 then we want P facing o -.3 -9 and -1 and then thirdly we’re going to have q facing P then 0 -9 and -1 so it’s a little bit different this side so this time we put in three armor STS Down should the arms is down and we’re going to put a chest plate on on the first two and one on the third also But we going get with SKS away and now we need going need our zombie heads going put a zombie head on each of Those so one o one p you see that they thrill out the frontal re the car Q we are so we’ve got another bit of sticks out there so we can attach them to later on so we’re going back to PE now we’re going to need R and

S so in there we’re going to have our facing S 3 -9 and -4 and and then this one s facing R -.3 -9 -.4 armor stand out armor stand out arm Street D chest pit D chest pit zombie head one named R One S as me see this go in another section in the middle and of course we’re going to need te and you let’s go into the third row T facing U 3 -9 and 7 and the next one you facing T minus. 3 minus .97 Stand Down stand down for simply all again but different values and then we got to put our chest picks on again and know what’s next zombie head zombie head need one t and we next with

You now as you can see we’ve created a little Gap in the middle so that’s where our seat is on our Pig and get our V and our W now I haven’t got three tags out because we could going to be coming to the one later so V and w.3 – 1 1.2 and then our W facing V -.3 -1 and 1.2 and this third one is going to be a z so we’ll do that last we now need to go the pair at the Bottom so let’s get our arm stands out down down chest plate chest plate zombie head Zombie Head then one V and need one W and we now need our x and our y actually we need a Wither scale again not a zombie head so is going to be X facing y -. 7

-1 and 1.4 and the last one there W is X7 7 – 1 and then 1.4 so let put our arm St Down chest plate chest plate skel to skull skeleton skull X and Y and up with the at the front of the car in a slightly lower position and our finally we’re going to do our Z let Z and Z Bing V with Note Min -7 and 1.2 um just the one arm stand D chest pit on I’m going see there we go seem now we play so we’re going to be attaching something to Z later on in the build so that’s all the

Commands for the car done we just need to customize it a bit now now uh these name tags are now redundant and all the commands the car done so let’s get these all out of our ventry and back into our test now we’re also going to need um some leather

Tunics we’re going to need four of Them we’re also going to need a cauldron and also a bucket of water get your cauldron out pi two of them um we’re going to put water aled each of them and we’re going to get some dye red and yellow of course just d one lot

Red one lot yellow and we’re going to Dy these two Nicks as well so we’re got to do two red and two yellow so we have our yellow tunic just going to go to the front of the car where’s where we’ve got X and Y we’re going to

Try and change them so x one and Y oh don’t move it should have been this hand smaller we don’t move around so much there we go and we’re just going to go to the back and do the same with red if it stops bloody moving right one on F we have on

E uh we just need a Shield there it is we’re going to get our shield and we’re going to put it on Z there we go let’s get our fish our carrot on a stick and a diamond sword so we’re going to do a new set of commands here now so do place a command here and put the following command in test for that player it’s a hasatan command so it’s

Searching for a carrot on a stick at the location which is the uh your weapon hand slot so this will test if you’re holding a carrot on a stick in Your Weapon hat so make sure this goes down exactly correctly and we’re going to put that into a comparator so let’s change that

To always active so when we’ve got a carrot on a stick our comparator comes on and when it’s not in our hands it’s off as you can see it’s connected up to that red SL torch there which is going to activate a second circuit so so when that’s off it’s activating

This secondary circuit here which makes the car stop or pick up move for so it’s going to be an exec en command VI your car and at that going to run in a another en car with some up slashes and that will point two at the end well that’s going to tell the

Car2 uh blocks that way then we go the same command with minus Point uh 0.2 so it’s going to be teleporting the car back and for really really really really quickly 0.2 blocks so it can’t move anywhere so I’m just going to activate uh I’m just going to complete

The C put the rest on there so now if we look at the car now it sto moving looks like as having a bit of a bit of a fit but it’s it’s now fix to that spot it can’t move anywhere else unless we get our car and a stick

Out and it’ll start moving then going put it away and now we still again can’t go anywhere so let’s take in for a ride let’s get rid of this things first of all let’s get our car let’s M him let’s get our C the stick and now we’ll start

Moving so we can now go any direction that we want we can now go any direction that we want driving around and if we get out of the car it will then stop oh we don’t want to go That cool does drive over things you can go over different terrain I suppose that’s the benefit of using a pig rather than any anyone like a horse or anything that let’s get out as you can see car stops once that’s away now if I get my diamond sort

Out car comes straight to me we’ve got a separate set of commands uh doing that which I’ll show you in a moment you could that is really really cool so we’re only going to need two command blocks in this fin section so this is going to be another test port

Command on always active and instead of using a c stick is going to be detecting a diamond sword in your main weapon hat let’s run into that Comparator make sure that’s always set to always Active so when we get our di sword out it should switch that comparator on and then this impulse block here see and now the impulse command is a Teleport new car app player so it just instantly teleports uh your car to you wherever you are and ay this is it’ll

Work for any distance as long as those commands are in proximity so if you want to go somewhere else in this world you’ll need to clone those commands um within a 50 block radius of your car so if you want to do this easiest

Way to do it is um to get a structure block essentially um clone command only works over a certain distance so let’s give ourselves a structure block which is structure and block so give app player structure under underscore block and let’s place our structure block here so you can see those four

That those uh axes there and grid so we want to adjust these values inside the block so it covers the whole section of the command blocks um we don’t want our peg in the middle of this because it also copies entities we don’t want anything muing this up so he come over

Here and Stay so let’s go back into our structure block here make sure that’s set to save so we’re just going to change uh the X Y and the Zed actually on here so oh no we don’t so let’s change X to 13 go back out yeah covers that area on the x-

Axis and let’s change the second value to 15 yeah just kind of that we chinger y to three me save that what whatever struct you want to call it so we’ll just call it car and let go to a different area of our world to see if this

Works so I’m just going to go as far as way as I possibly can this will do nicely so let’s put our structure boock down put that to load and put whatever your D structure in this case I take the car load my command box together going to

Get my diamond sword and my car has instantly come to me from the other end of the world and we can just get back in the raid it Road within 50 blocks okay I come back here right so uh that’s it for now on this video If

You uh like what you saw pick the like button and also subscribe and I shall see you again on the next video ciao for Now

This video, titled ‘How to build a WORKING CAR in Minecraft – Tutorial – [Updated] Bedrock Edition 1.20.51’, was uploaded by PaulmcJ on 2023-12-15 00:34:04. It has garnered 202 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds.

How to build a working car in Minecraft using commands. No MODS. Full Tutorial, using commands and command blocks.

Enjoy, like and subscribe.

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    EPIC MCPE WAR MOD! 🔥 Minecraft PE AddonVideo Information BL F to the kill [Music] the know [Music] the that so going [Music] he [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] in [Music] the sorrow blacking all staring down the Barrow waiting for [Music] the This video, titled ‘Warfare Addon for Minecraft PE’, was uploaded by MCPE Mods on 2024-03-16 17:48:59. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:13 or 253 seconds. Addon name: Warfare Tags: Minecraft, Pocket Edition, gaming, sandbox, building, exploration, crafting, Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, game modification, game customization, virtual world, block-based, survival, creative mode, adventure, multiplayer, redstone,… Read More

  • SCANDAL: Jamesy’s AFFAIR with //MIX in POPPY PLAYTIME 3 Minecraft Build Comp!

    SCANDAL: Jamesy's AFFAIR with //MIX in POPPY PLAYTIME 3 Minecraft Build Comp!Video Information today we’re combining our favorite characters so for example if we combine AAU and a snail we get this AAU Abomination look at it’s got googly eyes coming out of her head but lizard do Lou and Gracie know I’m going to be cheating using SL slash pace which means I can get these giant builds in 1 second guys are you ready to do a build challenge I don’t know if I’m good enough to do what I’m slipping and sliding uh just get off the eye all right Gracie press the button and see what we’re… Read More

  • Hunter vs Evil War Gamer: EPIC Minecraft House Build Tutorial 🏡#viral

    Hunter vs Evil War Gamer: EPIC Minecraft House Build Tutorial 🏡#viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘house build easy minecraft house build tutorial minecraft 🏡#viral #trending #minecraft’, was uploaded by Hunter evil war gamer on 2024-05-28 06:15:04. It has garnered 476 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecart house build, minecraft house build, minecraft house build tutorial, minecraft house build easy, minecraft house build hacks, minecraft house build video, minecraft house build battle, minecraft house build ideas, minecraft house build challenge, minecraft house builder, minecraft house build shorts, minecraft house build app, minecraft house build modern, minecraft airplane house build challenge, minecraft airplane… Read More

  • Become a Minecraft Legend | Join Our SMP Now!

    Become a Minecraft Legend | Join Our SMP Now!Video Information हेलो हेलो हेलो हेलो सभी को वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम दोस्तों आज थोड़ा सा मेरा दिमाग खराब हो गया था इसलिए थोड़ा और नेट भी चला गया था मेरा तो इसलिए बहुत ज्यादा लेट हो गया बहुत ही ज्यादा लेट हो गया दोस्तों माफ कर देना बस सिर्फ माफी मांग रहा हूं सिर्फ मेरे को आना था च बजे मगर डिले होते होते होते होते बहुत डिले हो सभी को सॉरी यार सभी को सॉरी दोस्तों सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी सॉरी बहुत लेट हो गया बहुत ही लेट हो गया फिलहाल हम लोगों ने स्ट्रीम चालू कर दी… Read More

  • The CRAZIEST Minecraft Challenge 🤣🔥#shorts

    The CRAZIEST Minecraft Challenge 🤣🔥#shortsVideo Information la masa es tan bien un lente fluye bien Por eso hay que volverse un poco TR Mister trans TR trans te va a hacer bailar This video, titled ‘🤣КАЖДЫЙ ДЕЛАЛ ТАК😂#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-08 12:05:57. It has garnered 9521 views and 250 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any… Read More

  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy | Raiding | No Claims | 256k Border | 1.20.6

    Feather64 Semi-Anarchy | Raiding | No Claims | 256k Border | 1.20.6About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the Permitted Modifications Guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • FredBobbersSMP

    FredBobbersSMPWelcome to FredBobbersSMP! This server has a Earth based map with a claim plugin (lands) that allows you to create towns and nations!We are constantly adding quality of life and game breaking plugins!Dynmap: PMCd629222cacea6cf7c0aab186124ab8aeDiscord: discord.gg/nmavmfqUvV Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is it really worth it gamers…

    Is it worth it to spend hours building a giant house in Minecraft just to have it blown up by a creeper? Probably not, but at least you’ll have a high meme score to show for it! Read More

  • Upgrade Galore: EP 3 – Java Joy Ride

    Upgrade Galore: EP 3 - Java Joy Ride In the world of Minecraft, adventures unfold, As Alexa searches for sheep in the jungle so bold. With iron armor and shield, she faces the night, Crafting bread and trading with villagers in sight. Two blacksmiths, a stroke of luck so grand, As she explores the village, with wheat in hand. Donkeys and chickens, a farm to tend, In this Minecraft world, her journey will never end. So join us next time for more fun and delight, As Alexa’s Minecraft playthrough shines bright. Like and subscribe, don’t miss a beat, In this world of blocks, where stories meet. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Jef’s Hilarious Minecraft Prank!

    Jef's Hilarious Minecraft Prank! Exploring the Hilarious Adventures of Jef in Minecraft! 😂 Join Jef on a side-splitting journey through the world of Minecraft that is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face! Watch as Jef navigates through the game with humor and excitement, creating a truly entertaining experience for viewers. Unveiling the Laughter in Minecraft As Jef embarks on his Minecraft adventure, the gameplay is filled with laughter and unexpected twists. From hilarious encounters with mobs to comical mishaps while exploring the vast landscapes, every moment is sure to keep you entertained. Humorous Gameplay Moments Witness Jef’s antics as he navigates… Read More

  • EPIC Pizza-making at Domino’s in Minecraft!

    EPIC Pizza-making at Domino's in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey MAKE PIZZA In Domino Pizza in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mizer Craft on 2024-02-23 06:32:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: One Life Only!

    Hardcore Minecraft Challenge: One Life Only!Video Information where’s my music dude I just can’t hear anything oh my god dude Nvidia is a like a curse I don’t know what it is hey Jack how it going D blue how you guys doing my Nvidia broadcast Nvidia broadcast is a thing you’ve seen that can make your background a green screen even though you don’t have a green screen and you can like remove the background noise on your mic and it just keep keeps launching despite me saying I don’t want it to launch when I turn on my computer and it keeps launching… Read More

  • Insane Throwback Minecraft Pics! 😱 #viral #shortfeed

    Insane Throwback Minecraft Pics! 😱 #viral #shortfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘i make minecraft old photo #shortfeed #viral #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by TG gaming on 2024-05-03 10:09:44. It has garnered 4272 views and 163 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what… Read More

  • Escape ALL Traps in Minecraft 🎮 (Epic Strategies Revealed) #shorts

    Escape ALL Traps in Minecraft 🎮 (Epic Strategies Revealed) #shortsVideo Information [Applause] [Music] huh Grandpa fought in World War II he was such I can’t even finish school him violent my God that’s so insane that’s shame next don’t feel so bad but I can’t help myself I’m feeling bad feel [Music] like the worldest violin needs an audience so if I do not find somebody soon I blow up This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT : HOW TO ESCAPE TRAPS AT EVERY AGE🤯 (WORLD’S SMALLEST VIOLIN) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by All Gaming on 2024-04-05 08:00:07. It has garnered 865605 views and 25679 likes. The duration of the video is… Read More