Ultimate Minecraft Challenge ft. @chancydf

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Will’ll pop up here in a minute it says you’re life yippee finally I can live now we pull up my my YouTube thing so I can actually look at the chat hello hello everybody they’re going to make it difficult I I want to look at the live on my on my

Thing I think you’re nuts I’m disliking I’m going to kill you I’m kill you I think you’re nuts started streaming 61 seconds ago I’m so scared guys I’m I’m scared y homework what prick that homework first they’re going to make you do work and then they’re going to make you do it

From home the freak okay okay I think we are all ready to go yippy yappy another sketchy stream yes yes yes with a friend with a friend what hello everybody my name is Bob my name is John my name is Mark John Mark Bob Minecraft it’s like a game where you

Mine and you craft and sometimes you craft mines and Minecrafts the [ __ ] what are you look G me for stinky and also why why why those feathers over there Frozen yeah I froze time that’s crazy yo yeah that’s crazy that’s crazy yo that’s crazy okay uh Rick we got about 12

People in here tell them the rules chancer let me just heal everyone can you guys see my Minecraft oh dang there’s it deaths that’s nice I like that bro got a calendar to be to be fair you look like you’re you’d be GRE called Greg thank you all right so I’m

Gonna in a second so basically how this is going to work what me and Skitty are both in the same Minecraft world are we we are what let me just do this so now you cannot regenerate OE guys that’s G to sting it is so we cannot regenerate in this

World however keep inventory is on oh when you die not lose your stuff you just lose a a life I guess I guess so I guess so there’s a counter on the uh the side of the screen that tells you how many deaths we have guys this goty this

Stream might go for a minute it might but you know you’ve played Minecraft with me before play mine with you so maybe maybe not all we got get give it a give it a snappier intro step uh chansy what give it a snappier intro give it a snap of my intro snap your

Intro I don’t have an intro really you be like you have you know you have whatever intro you have what if you did your intro no I’m talking about you you have to be like kid hello everybody today we’re gonna be doing something where that’s a little bit different we

We both have three hearts and if we die three times we do not regenerate we do and we lose a point blah blah blah you know stuff like that yeah I don’t I don’t do that I’ll kill you you do it then okay we’re good get out your hand and say suck Sky

Scrubs okay sup skitchy scrubs let me change over my other camera all right sup sketchy scrubs today I’m going to be playing a game with my friend chansy DF now we both have three hearts if we if we die we get one heart taken away we do

Not get a regen but we get to keep inventory so we’re going to see who lasts to the very end and who is going to lose last one to have zero Hearts is the winner now you better subscribe I’m going to block your mom oh yeah another rule is that if beat

The End Dragon I’m not doing that [ __ ] I assume we do not get to that I’m not doing that [ __ ] even if I wanted to I’ll I’ll die before I fight the Ender Dragon yeah but I just say if you do manage to beat the game to do auta which

Which I don’t think either of us are gonna do why does the music just randomly cut off I don’t know anyways I’m unfree freezing time huh you ready sure I am unfreezing time you’re on freeing time in three two one go yeah we’re going to be here for a minute

Guys or not really depends you’re going to be here for a minute bro the lag is bad bro I can’t get along you’re gonna be here for a minute I can’t get a log the lag how bad are you lagging I literally have broken the same log three

Times and not got a singing log it doesn’t say it doesn’t show you breaking the log on my screen I can’t get L what’s going on with you I can break the log why going to let me bring the log Sky’s lost his powers I feel like you there’s something with this SMP

Thing that you forgot to turn off there it is there you go I broke the same gu five times you didn’t have permission we go BR was trying to Gaslight me I wasn’t gaslighting you how bad is your lag I thought you were lagging I mean that’s usually what happens

For contact we played a we hey hey hey I’m taking some of those berries Hey ow ow why did I do that I’ve already taken two hearts of damage who oh who oh I’m out of here boy pigs okay I’m going pigs I’m going to eat them how dare you they’re going

To go into my mouth oh you better not oh you better not mining some wood or we’re gonna have a real bad time real quick sky is so delayed yeah I’m streaming as YouTube stream you want me to just uh do it on Discord no it’s fine it works you know

What else works you’re you aren’t delayed like your voice isn’t delayed just the video I’m sure you could do like a a stream thingy with that delay I don’t know anything about Captain America bro who the fck Flack is Captain America I’m not Captain America I am just a humble

Traveler oh you know yeah you know just travel things I bet you can’t travel at least 5,000 acres of land yeah I need a good cave another way you could say that is I need another I need to find a cool big hole guys where are we going I’m in the

Freaking I there’s a spruce All Around Me Baby Spruce s me huh huh watch out that’s a big old hole boy I nearly fell to me certain Doom oh more berries berries baby I’m going to have hella berries how many viewers you got I got about seven I

Got five oh man I’m not worried about it you got seven supporters I only got five supporters hey to be fair your supporters have you has anyone said uh the word in your chat yet probably Mr Beast yep Garfield let’s go Taco Garfield said Mr Beast

Yeah the hell happen here yeah I’m not I’m not really worried about it I’m sure more will come later and if they don’t then I don’t give a [ __ ] I didn’t like you guys anyways I found some cold you’re screwed L I just took damage water I’m just I’m just running

Away seeing what I can find I think you can heal if you get a golden apple cool hey yo come I’m looking for some Stone yo I wish I had a mini map mod that would have been epic what is vanilla Minecraft vanilla Minecraft don’t have map I don’t like

You it does just like [ __ ] and poopy say those words you kiss your mother with that I don’t kiss my mother do you no that’s incense hey hey oh Chanty why you kissing mothers I’m kissing your mother no you aren’t I did you don’t have a chance of

My mommy she like you n they don’t like you I found Stone baby I found Stone I found Stone I found Stone I found Stone Skitty why aren’t you he going uh because we can’t I need to get a sheep so I can go to bed speaking

That I’m not healing because we can’t heal y’all didn’t hear the rules stinky there we go are you sleeping no I’m just making so only one person needs to sleep it’s like so dark in here in sitch I’m getting iron or aren’t you do you have other job other than the

Content uh I work at a gas station parttime yeah you should work at the nerd store no they they Reserve that position for you they say you have the credentials the the contential well I know for a fact you do not just hear credentials no you said credentials I did not I said

Credentials you said credentials I did not though recorded it’s we can play back and I’m sure you’ll be wrong I know for a fact I said credentials chity Master G gas lighter the [ __ ] was that was that a was that a goat [ __ ] screaming I I can’t hear it you’re kidding

Me how are they kidding you skeleton oh yeah now I got attacked by a skeleton too but now I’m getting some sheep why get so dark here owie owie owie you’re dying nah this guy just shot me once are you’re dying nah how many hearts you at two oh you’re two

Hearts yeah aren’t you at two hearts oh no I’m not two hearts I have two hearts down oh oh five half hearts w w shut up I got iron I can’t see [ __ ] it’s dark as [ __ ] out here bro probably need one of these I can’t see [ __ ]

More I need one more sheep right uh chat my chat how you do what is that screaming sound is that a fox foxes don’t scream all I hear is like a shrill scream sound in the in the forest is there a crypted I don’t think those are in the

Game where the freak is this last sheep I had three sheep in front of me but a skeleton started shooting at me so I had to scattle yes last sheep come to Daddy ch’s stream is smoother than skit really that’s because you’re uh you’re like screen recording I play Minecraft on

Like the highest settings sorry guys again I’m trying not to I’m trying not to die so I can’t really pay attention to chat every moment of the day every moment of the day yeah we’re going to be here for a whole day I really hope not oh well it’s not

Dark anymore so I’m doing all right did you make a yeah I said you’re hello everybody in chat we Minecrafting we Minecrafting why you what’s up creeper I found a creeper too I was like I’m out of here a man I I dropped two I dropped from too far up oh

Man you son of a [ __ ] why do it got to be son huh oh my God on two hearts look at this creeper look at this creeper being all kinds of scandalous look at this [ __ ] bro what are you looking at what are you looking at

Stinky are you being me the creepers cuz he’s just like peeking out from behind a tree he’s like oh you better not walk towards me do you know you could use the sheep in the other way what are you implying sir what’s the other way yeah that’s what I’m what are you implying

Sir like eat them hopefully I hope so I need to be more mindful about large large drops why is the tree rotated the other way though I don’t know do it look like the Minecraft Messiah I know oh you son of a I mean ber [ __ ] I heard I heard a

Laurel bro why is there so much Woodlands let me out let me to like a plane or something so I can build a house why are there so many creepers down there the real question is why aren’t there more water just anything get me out of these Woods give

Me all these Woods sl’s gonna kick my ass got it oh my God now we got it moving on got it got it moving on hey anybody in the chat have have their Tik Tok fyp just over overridden by trolls 3’s that you don’t know what trolls 3 is no

SK do you know polish words I do not I speak English not very well but I that’s the only language I speak I don’t have a Tik Tok that sucks bro K oh am I finally out no my Woods get out of here let me go there’s too many trees I

That help help me that’s what I screamed on New York Alleyways that’s crazy yo you son of a JY what’s your debuff uh no yeah deep buff stinky you you said you said you use a debuff you wouldn’t lie would you I didn’t lie I don’t have Tac Tok because it made

My friend gay for s’s undertale I’m sorry bro but that’s not a Tik tok’s issue everybody’s gay for undertale Sands I think so jab cost keep your head up moving on still need more iron too I’m just trying to find my way out of these damn Woods Swifty yes that’s my name Swifty

Swifty VA Swifty VA schwifty oh yeah gotta get Swifty gotta get shwifty in here uhoh stick out ja oh [ __ ] there’s like a whole Enderman in there that’s crazy yo a whole Enderman one whole Enderman I know damn it’s a lot it’s definitely more than one I can tell you

That I got Co baby Co baby got got Co baby Co baby hey Morty pull down your pants Morty whoa wait what hm what do you I wasn’t talking to you man I wasn’t talking to you compare Shrek Shrek’s ear to a peashooter someone on Earth managed to make those two up

Okay thought you only showed up in halves and caves what are you talking about these people in chat yapping I got iron baby got iron iron for iron iron for the iron you know what I mean see what is yeah Taco said they made you say something who what’ you

Say what’ you say I don’t know what that means I’m not going to say it what kabasa yeah it means it means sausage oh you never had a kabasa no am I really one iron short zombies after me get this guy with me get this guy

With me oh he’s so spooky oh he’s so spooky yappy yappy y yappy I’m doing good ja jab Cost I hear you wither I’m too focused wither I got to make sure chansy gets himself killed hi hello what if leg Minecraft is Lego but homosexual not going to lie I I’m pretty sure Minecraft is is Lego but straight Minecraft’s pretty straight wait then what’s Minecraft Lego Minecraft Lego is by

Yeah Minecraft Lego is by freaking uh Legos are gay Minecraft is straight and Roblox is pan what about Terraria terraria’s trans start Val stard Valley is not not the same no stard Valley isn’t even the same gam play do I want to go down and get

Gold col to the lamb and stard Valley have more in common than uh Minecraft and stard Valley you’re saying valid no I’m saying it’s valid just not the same kind of valid well I found a nice place I got my stone pickaxe picking at the stone stoning at the pick looking at the

Axxe yeah it’s about 4: it’s about 4:12 p.m. so maybe we’ll have school people coming in here soon maybe not I don’t care I’m in a hole like I’m in a hole man whoa what why are you in holes I don’t know babbe I’m Different it’s so dark in here boy I

Need some torches Minecraft additor oh my God what that for fire youed right sleep in it yeah but like what if I didn’t go to sleep and just made you fight skeletons I don’t really want to wait that’s the name of the Game Boy you should have gotten the bed

Boy I wanted to but I was in the caves or are you outside I am but I’m about to go somewhere else uh I’m not going to sleep maybe I don’t need to go to sleep maybe you don’t need to know how this goes I’ve never done this we’ll see

We’ll see if it tis up so got so chat how you doing we’re just gonna wait out Chan’s death hey that’s not fair you said we could you didn’t say that we couldn’t do that you should have got a bed boy I I didn’t but it’s kind of mean Sky

Short no fair nuh I’m not short I’m 5’8 that’s like not short not tall that’s average boy I’m in the middle oh yeah you’re so average Skitty short no I mean shirt oh yeah yeah Dollywood baby Dollywood sleep with the homies hey yo that’s crazy yo hey don’t plug your

Merch I’m not even wearing my Merch this is Dollywood shirt all right guys let’s have a little Song I do got merch if you go to my if you go to my link down below you’ll find my merch what what not on my stream if you go to my live stream or any of my videos on my YouTube channel you can look down below and you’ll see a

Red bubble merch that will take you you’ll see my red bubble link if you click that it’ll go to my merch we got shirts we got socks we got mugs we got aprons oh whoa you’re going to get whatever you want bro and at affordable pricing you can

Get on it’s so funny I’ll kill you so buy like uh 100 100 shirts 100 mugs 100 hamburgers 100 chicken sandwiches 100 pies are you referencing that one scene from that one movie I didn’t watch Tim Robin Tim Robinson no it’s a Tim Robinson sketch where he’s

Like I’ll pay for the guy behind me and then he like speeds around the corner he’s like 100 pies 100 hamburgers 100 chicken nugget 100 sh no no let me go I’m doing something really cool gety how long is your dead why do you want to know are you a

Child I’ll kill you you you like huh you like oh no I’m just chilling in my hole I’m just chilling in my hole I’m just chilling in my hole oh no I’m just chilling in my hole chilling in my hole with my homies chilling in my hole with my homies the

Daylight comes and I’m going to walk out but I’m chilling in the hole with my homies daylight com in ch W to go home huh you moving no I’m not moving you can’t do that you didn’t say I you didn’t tell me how I could play the game that’s fine kind of

Cheating you ain’t got a bed you ain’t got a bed and I don’t want to be outside well you just yeah but you see uh you could also sleep that w w oh that sounds like a you issue my friend NE Port I just made and I just do some

Else if you go if you go to the nether that’s easy LW yeah I’m actually trying to beat the game maybe not yeah you could try to beat the game but I can tell you you’re GNA die a lot during that point so I’m on Quest I’m drinking a

Carrot cake soda guys for what I don’t know it’s not very good but it’s not very bad either I’m it is not it’s freaking night it’s still night I’m waiting for you to take the night skit skitty’s in the hole chat’s full of fright will he even survive the night Oh you know what I mean you spawn there what’s up there’s a skeleton that’s SP right next to where I was well you better well you better start running I’m just trying to find a place that has food did you know that everybody did you know that every one of

Us has a skeleton inside of us I think that’s pretty crazy like bro just come out and play some video Gam me and [ __ ] sand is inside of me sand is inside of all of us and sometimes people wish they were even more inside don’t eat your

Fans this is definitely me when I eat the the the the this is definitely me when I eat the Elf on the Shelf M yummy I need to sail west I need to sail west all right turning day it is not day though just doing [ __ ] it is not day yet

Though it is almost day Minecraft just made this 100% harder for [Laughter] me all right what I can do is make I waited till the last very last second to go to bed shut up zombie stop being so cringe fun fact there are fun fact there were 206 bones in

Your body now they’re only 156 bro give those back I need them those need them for those are the bones I use to to freaking roll up roll up toilet paper and you know Shop with a shopping baskets you know it’s small things like that it’s like if you take a

Small part out of your frontal lobe so I can’t use that right let go yo all these sheeps yo get off my ass sheep Y what up Taco we were making fun of you while you were gone we like look at Taco I bet they’re like Taco Bell here we

Go back in [ __ ] business how many hearts you got six bro I just got some bury treasure I got some Berry treasure sadly there were no diamond but there was gold what I need that all that gold for you that’s so many gold yeah I know I’m

Popular you’re just like that one moment in in trolls three where they’re like ah and they like oh and he’s ah you know what I mean that again M yippee whoa I just want to test y look at that hole bro I’m not a genius hello one of one

Of Fame I’m going to live forever ever I’m going to learn how to fly damn that’s lava yo don’t like that I don’t like that I don’t like that I don’t want that no it wasn’t peace I don’t want that owie yeah we ain’t doing good

Machos I fell down a hole and now I have two and a half yippee there were like three creepers in one area and a skeleton hello Nick powera okay but the the anniversary of the Mr Beast meme is coming up here soon so I’m going to make

A video and then I’m be like okay there’s your video Leave Me Alone main goal right now probably find a village why you trying to find a village huh what kind of what kind of sussy ass [ __ ] you g to do I’m GNA trade you would trade steal their ha

Bells you going steal their hay bells you’re cutting out so bad so yeah steal their gold bro they ain’t got no gold though they better right Fame I’m gonna live forever I’m going to learn how to fly hello Kyle I know there’s a Kyle in the chat what Kyle going to do huh

Kyle what bro why is there so many so many woods everywhere give me like a plane or something I’m going like on like an Epic Journey just a find thing that isn’t filled with trees find myself a nice Village but I can’t find be careful don’t you tell me what to do

Boy I might just what to do I might just die in retaliation but that would give Chanty too much pleasure I already lost a life you mean an I mean an let me out the ons let on bees won’t give me regeneration what’s up I saw bees D no bees bees

Knes he will cause the whole chant to implode Kyle you have the power yes it was loud and correct buzzer I am I am a man of many skills one of those skills Being that’s not a skill uh [ __ ] you I’ll kill you shut up chy I’ll kill you wello this see sucks yeah all I see are trays actually walked into a restroom instead of my gym which restroom though don’t be sus muchacho why are there so many trees there’s so many

Trees let me out of this tree hell Escape oh r restaurant uhoh what uh oh I read I read restaurant as restroom instead uh by accident man freak you I’ll see it work don’t be hating me just because I got barriers in my hand and a bed in my

Inventory better yet better go get yourself a stone pickaxe so you can find some iron for your head ass Minecraft that’s a deep hole I sure hope somebody doesn’t push me off the edge no one pushed me off the edge you know I know bro it was like a whole

Meme and I keep on top of the memes I mean uh I’m a bit of a meme myself hey Peter I’m a bit of a meme myself Peter what are you doing CR no CH you can’t you can’t say that you’re going to get bannned you’re going

Get sent to the shadow real no no CH no why you get sent to the shadow real can join though nah it’s a it’s a it’s a one-on-one challenge damn it gold would be really great that’s so freaking funny with her I’m I’m literally dying laughing right now I’m

Literally [ __ ] myself laughing right now I’m literally pissing pooping and [ __ ] and coming I’m literally dying you should be comedian and a podcaster guys we get the ambulance uh charge me $3,000 because I might just be dying and I need an ambulance guys you know who wouldn’t

Charge $300 the fance why because fam is fam famine oh oh the fam went never do that oh [ __ ] I found a abandoned nether portal uh oh don’t say it has a golden apple inside of it because I can heal you uhoh it might probably doesn’t but

Maybe nah just just just useless stuff like obsidian flint and steel iron nuggets and obsidian FL steel iron nuggets and obsidian yeah you supp stu by that it a useless all I had was a was a kind family and enter an Enterprise for me to inherit and parent who love me useless

Stuff like that but if I had the wish then I could be so much more I could be John de I could be John Delaney and be a comedian what the hell yeah buddy uh you’re getting cancelled for being offensive or not allowing the friends to

Join the game see you in the shadow round buddy bro this is this really be this really be fans when they’re not allowed to join game because they might say nword Roblox doors I already did there’s a video like from back in the day remember the scribo incident I did

They said like they said like three slurs in the span of three minutes well y that’s what people do guys be like slurs they’re kind of funny kind of Comedy I’m laughing jokes not so funny slurs though very funny I I’m kind of got I’m kind of dark humor uh I’m a little

Edgy you’re Edy I’m edgy I’m edin guys I couldn’t even Edge this I exploded immediately clean up an aisle my pants man this version sucks we should have play the boat update the boat update the vote update oh the vote also I finally found a planes so uh yeah you’re

Dead I’m still stuck in a spruce yeah I found an area where I’m not going to get attacked uh by by things and people so um Checkmate boyo still attacked not likely though we your cords wouldn’t you like to know WEA boy I would like to though hijack the plane bro bro that’d

Be such a funny prank hello everybody on this episode we’re going to hijack a plane ask for $100,000 then jump into the middle of nowhere and become a myth Legend today we dropped a geod desert Pro in a random location across the globe and we’re going to leave them

There guys we’re going to drop a a bomb on a random country and see their cool reactions it’s like the Mr Beast country War video but whoever loses in their country gets bombed it’s like Hello everybody today I made my very own country and Russia is trying to start some start to start

Starting to start some stuff so we need to build up a military this is sponsored by YouTuber YouTuber or whatever R shadow bad Monday simulator guys I hate Mondays lasagna frick I’m just on this I’m just on this Plains Island and I’m just stealing all the resources stealing on your resources

Stealing on your resources not yet found a village I don’t care I’m I’m only worried about surviving I actually need to heal up yes yes I found a thingy what Golden Apple nope then what then what matters I found a ruin portal but all the items are

Useless okay I see you yeah buddy uh you’re getting cancelled for cutting down the tree Wrong by pixel so yeah buddy your time is over guys the other day somebody was uh accusing me of grooming on a Tik Tok stream when I like literally didn’t even I always was just talking about people

And they’re like um uh of course I was going to happen you were grooming on my mic I wasn’t somebody said you are the worst I don’t know what if that’s a joke or not if you don’t like me why you here bro well obviously tell you that you are the worst

Somebody said that some my friend sent that from my computer I’m watching at school D that’s crazy I’m crying why are you watching this at school do your homework bro if they’re at school they’re not doing homework do your classwork bro really like do your homework that you get after school at

School and do your homework homework at school you don’t wait you don’t do your homework in school I did usually I didn’t even do my homework cuz [ __ ] homework well don’t do that supposed to do it nah down with the down with the system wait you’re gonna [ __ ] the

Homework oh finally homework is useful oh finally I can learn bro it’s not producing that’s a crazy that’s a crazy come back all right well time to find this bu treasure um I’m going to going to get the booty hey yo that’s crazy yo I’m GNA build myself a

House you’re going to build yourself a a house yeah in the world that we’re supposed to be fighting in we said we were fighting oh yeah we’re guess we’re not fighting we’re just living you are at three hearts though I think two and a half two and a half to go down

H to go down idiot I went down because uh a skeleton and four creepers were trying to hit me and I had to do a Bas of Maneuvers I’m also on two half yeah but I’m based and you’re not you’re cringe I’m about to find a bre treasure what yeah I know Y I might have made a a lapse in my judgment let’s go somebody said the house already looks like ass bro I literally just made a square and a one thing of logs I still don’t have enough for a golden apple bro is a professional hater I still don’t have enough gold for

A golden apple on one yes yes I I built four up and I’m realized I’m like okay if I jump off this thing I’m probably going to die so I freaking spam the but the bed on the way down but it’s daytime say what but it’s daytime what about it what the

[ __ ] did you know that on when I did a Mario Kart 8 stream with purple for this game y well for Mario part 8 I legitimately did not curse once because I feel like if I did you would leave I don’t I don’t think he’s that strict

No I feel like dude yeah oh my God I was trying to steal a chest in this little drown area and I see the exact thing that killed me a drown with a trident oh boy that was the exact that was the exact thing that killed me last

Time that’s crazy yo and I’m not going to deal with that again I’m on two and a half and so I’m just right now just you I’m just trying to find shipwrecks to get bre treasure maps so that I can get uh gold so that I can make golden apples and then heal

Myself that’s crazy yo I’m I’m just gonna I’m just going to wait it out yeah but no it’d be funny though get out oh my God you’re taking the skillful approach I’m taking the Phil philosophical approach I’m taking the poop out my butt why are you doing that

Funny okay so this is going to be quite a doozy because it’s about to be night time you sleep I don’t think I will I don’t think I will I think it’ be funny if I didn’t yeah but you also are outside yeah but you see uh I don’t have

Any problems right now so I can’t see I have I have eyesight problem so sleep or else your ableist um actually your ableist for forcing me to try to go to sleep so IDE of like a sleep disability who knows not you because you’re not even asking I I just I’m in

The middle of the ocean I just made a little platform so I can sleep that helps go in the Shipwreck well that helps both of us and in there wait was this the exact one I came to earlier can’t be can’t be imagine being a professional

Hater oh my God this is the exact shipwreck i i i looted earlier wait I need my bed I appreciate everybody who’s come to the stream today even though uh we’re just doing this it’s G to be for a while it’s going to be for a while

Guys however I think sk’s going to lose how so you know yeah you’re right I always come back ew you yeah come back heyo there’s a village right across from me I didn’t even notice that what oh I got food now I hope the iron golem Attacks you and you

Die well you see the only the only way IR golem Attacks you is if you attack it so you’re out of luck buddy do that no why would I you need iron okay and I’ve never attacked an iron golem for it how about I Attack yo look at all that bread and

Potato potato potato boy you got the potato oh you need to make a house I can just steal one of their houses now that’s what I’m saying bro H also for I got armor mag block under me that’s so true with that’s so true started to be like sunk and I’m like

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah oh this is a nice shipwreck that sounds like a freaking insult that sounds like a backhanded in compliment this is a nice shipwreck minecra was written by VIP bro that’s that’s my reaction by Simon cowl this is a nice shipwreck if he was by viy

Pop no Vivy pop would be like [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] come Su my I love hello boss but I think this is less of a less a matter of Vivy pop and more matter of Brandon Rogers because Brandon Rogers always been cussing his stuff Brandon Rogers yeah Brandon Rogers is

Like one of the head writers and also the voice of blitzo I don’t know who that is he’s one of the characters in Hell boss how about I H your boss hey you stopped that right wait is there only one chest in here I said you stop that sir

Oh you have the only one chest here br there’s only one chest in here guys you ain’t got [ __ ] for me to take from you I going to kill you now I need a very treasure map I’m going to the very top of the mountain I’m going to the top of the

Mountain to speak to the magic man do you got something it’s such an open field then got sh it’s not really a field cuz it’s a beach you’re a beach hey yeah hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey stop yelling at me stop don’t don’t

Say that hurts my feelings [ __ ] I hate your feelings guys uh obliterate this twink I’m not my quest for gold has gone so bad L cuz I literally in one gold I got gold nuggets gold nuggets stiny gold can you make gold nuggets into gold

I don’t want that fool’s gold you know I don’t know you sound like you got his Fool’s Gold I don’t got Fool’s Gold I only got real real okay guys uh guys in the chat P your bet am I going to instantly die or am I going to make it into this

Water do it push your bits ladies and gentlemen Yi did you make it yeah you you’re using eternos aren’t you I don’t know what that is no this is a paid server turnos is a free um server I guess it sucks but this is a a paid for Server 247 247

Guys all the time there’s a turnos have like a time of it uh turnos doesn’t uh but if there is zero players it automatically closes that sucks I think it takes like five minutes and there’s no one on for five minutes and it closes but it’s also you can’t use your own mods

Uh you have yeah it’s it’s less controllable than uh a server oh Chancey I didn’t know you were s controlling e o what’s your health at uh still two die hey just try young man kill yourself I you see my entire strategy right now is I’m going across the ocean searching

For shipwrecks so that I can get a bar treasure map so I can get more gold okay you sad nah I’m still going to outlast you I last me in what oh you know you should tell me your coordinates you like that wouldn’t you B guys it’s getting Saucy in here what kind of sauce any sauce you want baby can it be relish is that what you want maybe honey mustard eating a burger with honey mustard all right musty old when I say this but I honestly just don’t like mustard any kind of

Mustard I like honey mustard I don’t like yellow stuff that you know hot dog stuff bro called it yellow stuff I don’t like that yellow stuff don’t make it sound racist I wasn’t going for racist that was you finally a come on what you mean come on would you like to know I

Would Sky X chy now you’re thinking what they ship us Chancey they ship US ship us where I don’t know uh Madagascar probably no no there’s a line and a zebra and a hippo and something else there yo this is definitely me when I get sent to Madagascar who are the the the

Madagascar uh well you know there’s a line there’s a zebra there’s a hippo there’s a giraffe oh it’s a giraffe yep I got one whole iron ingot Yi I got one whole Emerald [ __ ] you I don’t this [ __ ] maybe I’ll swap that up an apple bro racist against Simpsons chansy why’d you do

That what why you racist Against The Simpsons The Simpsons what they do to you bro some be Ros I don’t know their newer Seasons aren’t that good and you think that’s all right to hate racism little bit guys let’s CH let’s CH let’s Chanel chansy let’s Chanel

Chansy I’m G to consult your mother about bro why you looking Mr Beast bro you are so funny I’m literally laughing so hard wow they made a Mr Beast guys let’s clap for him comedic genius literally never met someone funnier yeah freaking it’s like I wish I could

Tell him to go all to just go away but even then uh they won’t go away so it’s like okay I’ll take that that’s looking pretty good for Tong I’m going to take a nap I’m gonna take a nappy wappy sure I I look like Mr

Beast I can pull off Mr Beast but I wouldn’t say I’m like a one toone comparison GNA pull his pants off what thought you said I’m hard of hearing huh I’m hard of I’m hard of penis yeah all right I got my apples now I

Just need my golden my gold I got I got many apples you got many gold a little a be [ __ ] oh hello du you know you know that one image of him just grabbing the Beast I don’t like how you saying grabbing the Beast no he’s grab like he’s

Legitimately grabbing his John his John his [ __ ] I I got that like don’t he’s like naked thank you chansy thank you he’s not he’s not naked unless you’re talking about like the the photoshopped one no like the one where he’s holding the CH the one where he’s

Posing uh for the camera in the mirror the mirror I guess he wasn’t naked he was a little naked that’s how I like him hey yo hey how the hell do I make a chest uh with wood do I need more wood need eight wood okay ate wood I was

Like God damn how many how much wood do I need he grabbed his Beast I don’t have a Nintendo get with the times uh I will get with the times when you hand me just enough money to get with them just get more money you’re an influencer dang I

Wish did you call would you call yourself an influencer no cuz influen would imply that I’m getting influence Oh no you’re influencing people I’m influencing these nuts they’re about to drive under the influence hey yo yeah I know this house doesn’t look very good but like yeah it

Doesn’t I don’t expect I don’t expect to be playing this game for super long this house doesn’t look very good yeah it doesn’t let me go see it I’ll kill you you die found a say what I just found a plane spawn think I’m near you no you’re not oh I

Am it the snowy Place yeah wait really yeah wait you actually made your house wait I thought you said you were in Planes no I was lying you were lying yeah I was a lying influencers don’t have parents damn got to take him out yo nice that is awesome

Sauce hey uh I love you what that is awesome sauce what are you doing it’s a it’s a quote from uh community oh yeah uh Chris Chris Pratt’s love interest is like being all shine they I I love you and he’s like what that is awesome sauce wait Chris frat Yeah Yeah Chris

Fat when he’s fat commun uh parks and wck I think it was actually okay I’m like Community I don’t remember Jeff Winger saying you’re bad at Minecraft I would have beat the Ender Dragon the time it taken make house oh go oh watch out guys we got a master gamer in chat

Really he’s going to get all your [ __ ] and he’s going to drink all your Kool-Aid speed running what guys I’m scared I don’t have a girlfriend but I feel like if I ever did get a girlfriend I’d lose her in a second to this guy get a look at this

Fella he’s so cool cuz he can beat Minecraft in Under 12 minutes this guy can beat Minecraft guys that’s like so crazy he beat it a video game oh my God I I’ll click the bed there we go now we’re respond for me man save some girls

For the rest of us Jesus like oh jeez Rick but yeah my house is not that good but I’m not expecting to put a whole lot of effort into it [Applause] he’s not he’s not crying he just got cardiac arrested you should do like this

So I can raid you you should get cardiac arrested uh I can kill you what am I being detained for raid me on YouTube what am I being detained for why am I being cardiac arrested oh skit you got a a raid suggestion for

Who who do you want me to raid what do you mean raid oh yeah you’re on Twitch uh somebody playing Minecraft I don’t know just someone playing Minecraft yeah yeah usually Minecraft I can’t raid you you’re on YouTube oh you can raid me all you want Max said where’s all the mom do

It’s behind me Stinky hello Eagle you’re better than Andrew should you’re flipping Mr Beast yeah sure you’re flipping Mr Beast I might be flipping Mr Beast guys which way hey yo upside down inside out e e that Mr Beast Mr be Mr Beast like yes Mr Beast

Mr Beast come on bro Ved Place bro there’s illers outside to be fair right if Mr Beast died I feel like they would vote you to take this Place probably I mean get this guy Mr Beast get this guy to be Mr Beast I’m like I’m

Like the Avatar I gotta I gotta freaking master all four elements of Mr Beast gaming philanthropy main Channel and whatever the hell hell he does would you go back to being Mr Beast if the actual Mr Beast told you like Hey we’re doing a video where we’re getting

Look Al likes of me to fight or something I think about it for sure fighting I’m not sure but being in a challenge yes beat each other to death of well you wouldn’t say no to a Mr Beast challenge I don’t know if it meant me dying I might Mr be will not

Let you die feed him to the death and we’re like all clading like [ __ ] uh Mad Max attire today I got me to fight me to fight me to fight me and me and me and me and me and me and me and me bro this chest has an emerald a

Feather and a dandelion in it that’s that’s the most the most Bonkers ass inventory ever bro who and they weren’t even like together they were like just separate parts of chest bro this chest is owned by a [ __ ] astrology girl oh I’ve Just Seen lava went to one of the

Houses hey what up nobody important that makes me feel bad to say your username what somebody my chat’s name is nobody important that makes you feel bad to can say their username thank you for the bits nobody important the name was what if their username was dumb [ __ ] imagine their username was dumb

[ __ ] oh thank you for the thank you for the $100 donation dumb B dumb ass your mother your father never loved you thank you for the $5 thank you for the5 dollar come go but we we like you nobody Horton unless you give us a reason to not like

You but at the moment we like you I get a drink oh my God I’m so mad wait do Sky just leave perfect time to strike all right let me get this gold finally make a golden apple in here myself is it you guys hear skitchy I don’t know why I’m [ __ ] my

Chat my chat not saying yes I was going to wait till tomorrow to do my ginger ale stuff but I have like so much Ginger that I want to crack into one right now because I have no other drinks Sky I didn’t make anything while you were gone what’ you

Do I didn’t do nothing what you gonna make another you like a golden apple or a nether portal I made a golden apple and I ateed it it won’t last long yeah it doesn’t but I I can make two how many can you make I found a room

Portal it has some gold blocks in it how many can you make I made two but I I could probably find another gold block make some more no happy Birthday Adam the be back up to six hearts happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you You’re yeah I’m going to sleep I’m GNA make it a m shaft later how I just left what the hell and I’ll make more golden apples you cannot make more golden apples than me how many apples you got uh well I only made two well it’s like I have more apples

So but what’s what’s funny is that I I could have got another gold block but it burned immediately you mean it burned oh my God don’t make that noise bro just right on top of the mag block yeah that’s that’s a Chan we know didn’t you say

Didn’t you say before the stream yeah CH kind of [ __ ] just walk on a MAG block yeah like there’s our chansy oh I found a chest yeah there nothing put on it who wants a golden helmet with curse of vanishes H well you better not lose it happy birthday copyrighted

No happy birthday’s copyrighted yeah because people like money can you copyright that yeah I mean technically it is a song that somebody made I’m looking for resources stinker I can make two more golden apples what oh that tasty goodness it’s like I push my my glasses up you may have a chance

Yet I knew I thought you will oh my God I’m back up to full health cool you should be on America’s Got Talent uh maybe one day what’s your talent I have many talents it’s just a matter of making thing that sound sound it be good for

Stage I can fit this many wieners in my mouth I don’t think you put that on the stage guys but Sam would be like the way you’re holding that Hilt is absolutely and then he would go get another plastic surgery he’s like let me come up on stage show you how it’s done

And then and and then he goes next to the fans like heater and he starts melting oh no tell me to tell them to bring back in my past ex surgeon this is her thank you nobody important I think I’m decent at singing I wouldn’t say I’m a great sing nobody

Important oh my God I’m bridging on a one block thing I’m bridging oh I’m bridging shut up guys I didn’t even I didn’t even bridge I burst Immediately shut up it’s just such a stupid running joke well it’s only running in your Tik Tok comment no it’s on every Tik Tok true it’s not just mine Tik Tok has even pledge to this I liberated everywhere my flag they’re starting to jolif the [ __ ] edging comment oh my

God like I couldn’t even I couldn’t even Christmas I jollied everywhere I’m assuming that’s not what they say that’s dumb huh I’m assuming that’s not exactly what they say well yeah obviously not exactly but generally I got more apples oh you’re so done SK see yeah but you see I’m just like a

Little guy in the countryside and you’ve already died once again not going to last very long it is if I try hard enough I hope damage after I said that bro is Bros is not bridging man take that Chancey bro every time I burp I smell a

Little bit of Chinese food that ruined nether portals have gold inside of them yeah oh and then I can use that gold to make golden apples to heal myself I need oh yes the poison the poison for Cusco the poison especially for Cusco cous Go’s poison oh yeah it’s all come

Together I’m c goinging n no you’re chill you’re show nobody important we think that you are epic and cool and awesome and that you get all the [ __ ] nobody B Sky do you want to do you want phone phone phone phone I don’t know what that means I do not speak this

Language I do then what’ he say I can assure you that not what he said close not even close I burst immediately oh my god do you like my sword sword SW my diamond sword sword do you like my trump Trump trump my Donald Trump trump what yeah oh yeah like hardcore Republican

Took me a while to get that come on chant I’m so mad that Tobuscus went down the path he did I know he he fell he fell off I three diamonds this whole time and nobody told me how do you have three diamonds I could have got obsidian you guys suck I

Could have got obsidian no that’s not how you do it what do you mean what do you mean wither what do you mean huh what do you mean we’re have to make like a part two to this or something now we got to do it all in one

Shot I have dinner soon I didn’t expect to go for this long well then get dinner come back eat the dinner Minecraft just straight back in yeah you made the game you got to play it you got to play it I chose Sunday and Thursday CU those are

Calculated well those are the days that which I have nothing going on that statistically likely I have nothing going on what wither what since I usually have sing on Wednesdays Thursday uh Tuesdays and Mondays and Friday I want that to be a meay and then Saturday obviously that’s

Like a day off and then Sunday a really going on on a Sunday I his day off he has cucumber slices over his eyes with the green goop all over my face and like a recliner and he says Ah know I really needed this I have a pink robe on with little

Towel on my head yeah no my my pickaxe it broke he broke does having cucumbers on your eyes actually do anything probably cuz that feels like one of those 1920s like Like Cocaine makes makes you good or something it probably does something don’t know if it’s good something or bad thing but I

Don’t think it’s badic okay let’s see uh what is the percent Mountain de in your body 0% at the moment what is the percentage of Mountain Dew in your body if you’re 99 pounds and you drink a pound of Mountain Dew are you 1% Mountain Dew I need minute to think about

This if you’re 50 pound and you eat 50% of if you eat 50 pounds of nachos are you 50% nachos if you’re 170 PBS and you eat a 170 pound person are you 340 lb or are you or are you just very heartily filled are you a hungry little

Fell good job Sky yeah I’m so good at it your your body is 100% nacho cheese nice I want to come find your house hey CH are you 100% nacho cheese no [ __ ] you be nacho cheese be nacho cheese [ __ ] uh I don’t know I’m feeling mozzarella today bro mozzarella is Bland as

[ __ ] I know but you know like you know mozzarella bro just stretchy what I said bro just stretchy yeah Monella sticks are really good pizza’s really good like mozzarella’s mozzarella and good things the way I’ve always thought about it is mozzarella is a good proone no I’m

Not provolone [ __ ] you you’re proone I’m not provolone you are so proone right now I am not provolone guys which kind of cheese I am cuz I not proone you’re Swiss I’ll take Swiss no you’re blue you’re blue cheese no don’t you put that [ __ ] on me you’re blue cheese blue

Cheese sucks booty hole fine then you’re a that really big cheese what’s what wait uh guda cheese guda is cool no no no isn’t your body is 9 98.6 % Adams uh I guess the amount left overs Eve wait what what is not Adams in your body

Eve bro has like dark magic in his body no it’s 98.6% Adam uh and the rest percent Eve is that like genetics bro I understand my joke I’m going to kill you I know oh Adam and Eve like yes no have you ever got a sponsorship that you didn’t go through with

Yeah I need a crypto one that you want to do but I don’t remember yeah there’s plenty of of sponsor I don’t take because either I don’t think my well there was one sponsorship that really stuck it in the mud what double your coin double your coin

I don’t think that was a sponsorship bro it was not they were taking money they didn’t give no money did they actually take any money from no but freaking they took my Twitter account and I and they had a uh a hold on my Amazon and stuff for a minute so they could

Have do you think they still have an account you don’t know about probably but they haven’t uh caused any issues the moment so your Tumblr no not a Tumblr no what are they going to do on there oh I can’t I don’t even go to that thing there’s already

Too much porn on that site [ __ ] difference there ain’t no porn on tumble anymore no that’s like the entire reason why everybody left tumor no everybody left tumour because they stopped allowing porn ra Shadow Legends Tumbl and seeing these funny jokes I wish I wish Twitter was like that again don’t we

All dud the tumler days were the best days yeah was I also had like one of the easiest UI to use it did and it also didn’t have an eight a month subscription that lets you talk more than other people basically getting rid of free speech on an app that’s

About free speech I would say Twitter’s about Free Speech it’s just one one of the Outlets of free speech I really hope if there’s ever another Twitter CEO that isn’t endorsed by Elon Musk I think they should revert every single change who knows at this point we’re would would

Just be lucky if there is a Twitter at the end of this yeah Elon is known for not letting other people tell him what to do and he had the idea of getting rid of the block button uh very good what about your Facebook I don’t use my Facebook bro I

Haven’t touched that thing in years it probably has some information you don’t want people knowing about on it no I already looked again besides some of my family you know us regular Facebook stuff it’s pretty boring yeah few videos at you like water Parts yeah yeah when you were like 12 okay

Yeah what really scared me is that uh in a Facebook post from like 12 years ago you said oh I’ll I’ll be back with another update about the uh what I’m doing you never post it again yeah Facebook is stupid yeah social media is stupid but we can’t quit it because where else

We’re GNA go yeah but Facebook yeah Facebook is especially stupid just because like you you have like all these people who you think would care about what you say and then they just like never respond to any your posts I’m like why am I making putting

In an effort to uh come up with post if you’re not going to even like any of it what happened to threads man uh it was really popular for a second because people thought it was going to be a new Twitter but it was actually like garbage so everybody stopped using

It is it still available to download yeah how old are you uh nobody important how how yall answer yeah that’s what I was thinking again uh freaking how y’all think about lgbtq people uh they chill as [ __ ] I’m LGB no you’re chany I know I’m just as surprised as

You I’m not surprised I’m horny now you’re chany shut up now you’re bullying me guys destroy them no I’m chancy obliterate this twink no I’m chancy n you’re twink what yeah what but you said you’re chansy the twink guys CH is homophobic homop homophobic homophobic CH I hate the chy

Goes into a [ __ ] panic attack every word every time he hears the word dope to be fair again the newest Simpsons episodes are horrible uh it’s more they changed it from being like actually funny from just guys Jen’s ears always in our phones uh but can you think of anything

Like deeper than that because you just sound like everybody um come with an actual opinion libtard uh they said a poo couldn’t be in it and he’s my favorite character no a poo could be in it he’s just like re Voice by another guy why because he’s Indian I don’t

Know oh maybe it’s cuz they had a white person playing him yeah yeah it’s like what happened to Cleveland yeah yeah a white person was playing Cleveland so they had to change it that’s not however you feel about that kind uh that kind of decision uh

Rick they fixed it and it goes on I guess I don’t know where is all the shipwrecks uh probably uh probably on Cameo cameo.com Mr D me Beast Das me yeah may you should change that what’s up maybe you should change your cameo then can’t change your

URL so you’re always going to be the Mr piece name well I kept it like that because you know that’s the only reason people go to the Cameo for me oh boy I can’t wait to get a cameo from Skitty uncore VA oh I lost the half

Heart this going to take a while how how long you playing uh stream started two hours ago ah well not really like an hour and 40 minutes do you want to make a part two not really like on Sunday or something I work on Sunday then I don’t

Know because I don’t want to be playing this for a whole ass day but I also want to win I feel like Golden Apple should be abandoned because freaking that just going to take forever you should die but I don’t have a gold app two and a half

Yeah my God how have you not taking damage because I’m not fighting anybody go fight somebody I don’t want to I don’t think it’s interesting tell me your cords yo uh You’ like that wouldn’t you I would make the game way more interesting okay let’s see running in

This plan by uh did change Carl and Dr hiber voices okay they haven’t showed off at all much if there is like a super duper high level Minecraft expert in chat can you look at sky stream and determine his SE I don’t have my screens I don’t have my uh coordinates pulled

Up oh hold on for real Amo for real Punch The Rock Punch The Rock Punch The Rock Punch The Rock Punch The Rock This decid is doomed to fail you’re not wrong ow I Mis jumped he some damn food mind your business [ __ ] You’re back seating I’ll kill you I’m back hello sorry you didn’t sleep I was gone no I was building pickaxe yep we can’t heal are they like can you heal can you heal why are you healing important just said I’m going to bust nice glad to let you good to

Know I’m on nine and a half hearts you know what I’m already a death in but I feel like I found the spirit of Christmas did you know yeah I got to ship I got to go to ship I’m not going to tell you what it is though

[ __ ] you thought I would well my dad works at sanis factory so he knows the spirit of Christmas do you he’s going to make sure you get on the naughty list oh I have been pretty naughty this year yo just kidding I’m so nice go on the mediocre list what the [ __ ] is

That it’s when you don’t really he doesn’t really think you should go on the nice list but didn’t really think you’re really that we that naughty either he’s like yeah you’re all right the yeah I guess you on the I didn’t know you would chill like that list that’s better than the nice

List you think s Santa only has better naughty or nice and na yeah what’s the deal with that the evil list and why they use why do they use the word naughty that’s so Saucy CU naughty is a word for B it’s like we have two lists ho ho ho

The niess and the naughty list e is there there probably is a porn called Naughty List oh yeah for sure for sure 100% if there isn’t I’ll eat shirt buy a Skitty Skitty shirt merchandise to eat it why would I do that because you’re going to need a

Shirt anyways make sure at least I bought your merch at redbubble.com whatever the hell thank you chansy I I cannot remember that L way too long I got a [ __ ] Bro oh hopefully I don’t die I hope he dies pretty funny maybe I can go get him I can go find his

Location go get him nope there’s something down there but I don’t screw it I oh it’s nothing all right considering just putting skitty’s chat on my stream honestly not a bad idea that go work I just oh oops all right where do I put this there we go Sky will be none the Wiser yummy oh jeez long as I don’t have Trident I should be fine why did I just jump into them chancy that’s so cheating shut up you son of a poop don’t go that way I just took a few hearts of damage oh I took damage do a back flip on the CP

No M then I’ll die and then I’ll lose the goal is like not to die rting content sky he didn’t even put his b back on Emco you know I’m live right like you could totally come into my twitch stream and actually watch my POV too lazy to switch chats are you even

Watching my PO to be fair nothing’s really going on in my POV I’m just kind of boating trying to find shipwrecks so I can get some gold I have returned ity I have your chat on my stream now oh yeah so I can actually see what they’re saying you

Ging so far I lost I lost my live stream so I got to reopen it there we go yes Pro Skitty came back and I have lived H back to my anain nonsense where are where are you chansy you sleep where’d you where are you chany uh uh um ocean where are

You I’m in the underground I’m the highway man welcome to the underground how was the fall if you want to look around give us a call we don’t see humans often we hope that you just dropped in I’ll be so popular when I all what I just brought give us a call

Exactly I know that’s why I’ve been saying this entire time but people just they just don’t want to listen to be honest yeah because you’re saying that it’s got to be because I’m saying it there’s no other reason they don’t like you yeah iron ion for the iron you mine

Yeah maybe that’s what I should do oh oh yeah I lost a couple Hearts mod when we were G oh yeah are are we still using seven and a half are we still using golden apples or what yeah well then that doesn’t matter I’ve struggling to get

Them they only gain they only give you like two hearts per Apple do they i’ I’ve remember get an entire bar up with the golden apples no if beat one Golden Apple a regular one not Enchanted but now know I’m just I’m just looking for gold and ores and such looking for diamonds

That’s funny stop calm down skitchy where are your friends shut up Steve I’ll kill you I’m sorry creeper we make commends shut up zombie I’ll kill you all right why can’t we just talk it out about this not this time drowned I can’t figure out which way I came in oh goo

Flo you said it maacho you said it y you said it boy guys in chat did they or did they not say it say that I’m a guy huh I’m a red dude are you though can I run oh wait I just make where can I place the crafting

Table I didn’t think it’s through I’m so good calm down Woody about that part what if we have matching pfps and it’s cursed Woody concern Buzz I don’t know if the word we’re looking for is concerned buz just looked irritated calm down Woody we’re your friends he look at you like Cal down

Woody we’re your friends Cal down Woody Cal calm down Woody we’re your friends and then buy was like we’re all in this together we’re all in this together I’m in the Minecraft and you know it’s kind of crap all right I’m back to full health Su

What get you I just think you need some uh some golden apples man at this point I’ll just be like okay I’m going to kill myself well okay never think that that’s not that’s not it’s not good again I’m like you’re taking too long to die and I don’t want to be here

Forever why can’t I oh okay no it doesn’t matter don’t kill yourself cuz that’s not good oh that was the I had placed it underneath that calm down Woody CH is hacking that’s crazy bro hello hello creeper you think I’m looking at that [ __ ] I ain’t looking at that boy what’s

Up I’m just mining around here that’s that’s funny cuz I need some gold blocks that’s funny oh I just smacked a dolphin that’s funny keep saying that’s funny that’s funny oh is there not a single golden block in here W wamp guys I’m in the same server hacking the

Diamonds K you also have administrator PRS okay what about it you so you can see I’m cheating n you’re cheating all right wait how did I lose that heart uh that was your uh that was your UN based heart now I need to go back down there

And actually find block my pickaxe is about to break I’m going to have to go walk back up maybe stop mining I’m G give her gold why need gold so much cuz you got gold I did now I got so much gold Duke game mode creative skiter oh that’d be crazy

That’d be a little silly Morty I’m bored I’m going to kill you calm down Woody who are your friends shut up [ __ ] cursed Woody would never say that curs Woody would say that no I’m tired grandpa I say give me your boards this what I’m considering it this game taking too damn

Long what if we just said no more healing forever who No more healing I I brought that up and you’re like no yeah but now am I considering it I haven’t been using healing this entire time lucky you then uh let me go I need to go Northwest I what your cords tell

Me hello no I don’t want to find you yeah that’s I don’t want to if I give you a cord then that’s cheating how is that cheating because then you’re going to help me down and kill me it be more entertaining what’s going on right now if you find me you can kill

Me but if I let you find me then that’s cheating oh God no get out so I found another uh little little goober for real I found a little Buri treasure again for real for real dude I’m I’m like 2,000 blocks away from Spawn yeah you see my you see my chat

Chy ard’s pulling up some facts what what look at my chat do epic dream man Challenge and give me your cords Sky no at this what I’m just considering beating the game I as well at this point yeah I’m I’m going to do it basically this is if if I go to beat

The game this is B just just is chance you going to die try to beat the game or chance going to beat the game yeah and then while you’re just building your little house over there imag if this world just didn’t get saved either what the

What what’s there all right I’m going to beat the game let me just get my bucket I just need to find a lava BL I will be okay um my name is Walter harur I live at 308 real world I don’t remember what it was I I hope at this point you beat the game before I kill myself whoa wait yeah I’ll be over here beating the game and you can just enjoy a little

Shack whatever the hell you made the zombie got a freaking a Ping On Me a ping on you yeah he even he didn’t even touch me he killed me you like telekinesis power yeah he’s like he was like half a block away and somehow got uh touched me well finally

Someone lost the damn life I know for real I think I can actually finish this nether port all right this is really risky for this game but I’m going to go to the nether bro I’m just I’m just thinking just uploading the VOD straight to my YouTube yeah yeah no one’s gonna watch

It see look at this guy this guy is is freaking hacking the zom hit me like from a like 5et away you haven’t killed a mob until now no I have but why are you hit me so far away why are you getting so close hey FR I’m

Not getting close they’re hitting me from like go walk away well I’m making another portal I’m just let them go up upstairs so that I can hit them on flat land cuz maybe that’s why they’re able to hit me like that yeah come on all right I’m almost done this portal

I need to get one more block stop it [ __ ] I’m going to die maybe stop fighting zombies I’m not you’re going to hit me like a block away God how are you already how low are you I’m on two hearts oh you’ve just died yeah that’s what I’m saying

Freaking the these zombies are [ __ ] are hacking we’re by by time I get close enough to hit him they can already hit me because like I said they hit me from like a block away all right freaking made Hello AJ what did did the nether yeah I’m in the

Nether imagine if like this stronghold just like right under you perhaps I don’t know you just kind of beat the game well I wouldn’t beat the game anyways because I’d probably die to the Ender Dragon I would never I just took damage Chanty why’d you do that maybe I

Should make some gold armor perhaps you should but this game is [ __ ] bugged because they hitting me from like a block away it’s like how supposed to get in there and attack you if you keep hitting me before I can get close to you so I can go around here I don’t see

A fortress but hopefully there’s one near me or calm down Woody where are your friends shut up buz I’m gonna kill you now I’ll kill you stupid no no I got 22 gold ingots to trade I’ve never needed a shield I’ve never needed a shield to attack a zombie emo

It’s got to be bugs because like I said freaking usually I don’t get attacked just by being near them maybe the zombies are better in order for to attack a zombie you have to get close to it and I’ve been able to do that literally every time but this time Rick and

They’re able to hit me before I even get close to them so clearly they have extended to reach on something where are these piglins for real emo for real that far yeah I’ve never I haven’t fought an enemy in this playthrough but I know for a fact that I’m not bad at

Killing uh zombies maybe you are shut up oh give me ender pearls bro this block is is tripping this block straight tweaking look at this thing bro J what do zza you know it bro you know it we need the zazza every day bro I really want to eat something Savory right

Now and go eat something that require me to leave what do you have like shift in your house no I don’t want to show goddamn Soul Sand give me ender pearls these are not end pear we should play Monopoly maybe if we ever get out of this

Game they’re not giving me what I want um tough luck buddy they’re about to rinse me from all my gold plurol what the freck is plurol oh I’ve just lost all my gold why did you die no cuz I’m I’m giving it all the pigs I haven’t got a

Single not even a single ender pearl okay I have to go kill some Ender myself then which I’m not in the right biome for I have a fire resistance potion for three minutes if I can try to hop over there hey if some if somebody donates $5 I’ll kill myself right

Now you killing yourself for money yeah really hope this fire resistance don’t run out I don’t want to go there build here they can’t oh Dam we got another op zombie out here and skeleton Opie no sir Bobby a Shadle I can ride one these stupid shers there’s nothing up here somewhere

Else that place would be up first let me get blocks to go up last Christmas No I gave you my heart Last Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day but the very next day I’m giving but the very next day oh give it

Away but the very next day you gave it away next Christmas who’s saying that uh CH bro get the [ __ ] out of my door spider get the [ __ ] [ __ ] with my store spider you’ve been streaming for two and a half hours I want to be obliterated I’m trying to beat the game

Here get the [ __ ] out of here spider get the [ __ ] out of here spider I hit something okay I’m up wait why I go up here burn you [ __ ] burn you skeleton [ __ ] CH is doing illegal trading Chanty I’m currently bridging I didn’t even bridge I bridged everywhere clean up Minecraft oh my

God oh God Hogs what about in cartoons son of a poop what Chanty you’re going to jail they’re saying poop you know it Buster I took some damage I do not hear a gas you are not a gas you are not a gas are you trying to a gas impression I

Like to see you do a better one wait no come on cheny give them what they Want poop is a level two naughty word I can’t say that what what level what level is the word [ __ ] is that like a level 10 curse word what is a level 10 gach level 10 gach requires surgery what about level 12 you are dead dead dead I’m bridging I’m

Bridging offer still stands if somebody donates I will kill myself right now not in the in the game in the game in the game make sure you clarify that one I don’t know why I should it’s a Minecraft wait in Minecraft guys $5 just get I don’t see why you

Would just gifts get to your money why saying you’re going to K keep yourself safe if you get $5 said that’s why come back to no no I got to do my first impression that’s what I come back to I like fren to get mad I said that was actually pretty

Good you should be a voice actor yeah be like that’s not what I sound like jump off here stop playing Minecraft right now sk’s making fun of me on stream bridging I’m bridging so awesome sauce I’m bridging so awesome sauce um guys I think we did thing here

$5 guys $5 can end my suffering you’re like a Tik Tok live person I’d be doing this we only need one Galaxy we only need one Galaxy we only need $5 for me to kill myself chut chat let me kill myself please please let me kill myself it’s like those those

Like edging Tik toks where like they’re about to do it yeah and they got that stupid filter that I’ll do it and they got that stupid filter that makes them look like they’re crying yeah guys guys if we get 10 Galaxies I’ll do it I’ll finally do it little apple hey hey

Guys oh there little apple hey what are you guys do done we’re annoying pair shut up is Annoying Orange do Peter GFF yeah Annoying Orange be like that’s Peter no no Peter’s Peter what are you doing Peter what are you doing crack but yeah literally what CRA hey hey Apple hey hey

Apple how you doing Apple what if I submitted this one as a knife knife really wish I could find a fortress but I can’t find the Fortress I wish I could find the antidote my family are dying I just took damage huh little Goblin oh [ __ ] is that a little Goblin hey guys uh welcome to my Vlog of San Francisco today we’re going to be looking at oh [ __ ] is that a little Goblin what the [ __ ] little Goblin what’s the little Goblin doing there why

Walk a gun what gas is shooting at me kill him kill him kill him no God yippe I learned the power of friendship and how to kick you in the nuts in 10 whole seconds yeah that’s what happens when you go to the nether it’s kind of burny over over

There it’s kind of it’s kind of it’s kind of hot over there bro you go to the nether I don’t want to that’s why I’m not going to yeah but it’s free yeah uh free from safety how about I free you from your suffering kill you if you can find me big boy

What the hell was that I know heart attack what that was a scary ass Minecraft Chef noise scary ass Minecraft it’s like they’re trying to make me Edge what stop edging how much deaths does chant he to like lose or something just one more one more I loseit indefinitely Or definitely if you

Guys give skitchy five I will kill myself5 and he’s finally going to do it when I’m happy I say boy I love Minecraft when I’m sad I say this I’m going to do uh I lost I didn’t lose anything when I when I first saw that meem it was a

Simon Petrov edit yeah I saw it was really [ __ ] funny [ __ ] love my little glasses [ __ ] love my little glasses this time I’m really time I’m going to do it sky is showing up in the game awards am I what am I doing over there best content creator of the

Year um guys I think this guy fell off best edger of the year I everyone I is he gonna release my his new game what’s my new game I’m gonna release my Edge yo Skitty vaa just released his new game Mr be simulator everybody is rabbit at the mouth that’s so funny

Yeah I tend to be a little humorous here and there no say what WT [ __ ] WT um LOL I need to go back to the nether hello loud I remember a SMH my head what the what the WTF I like WT [ __ ] way more WT [ __ ] LOL lolol LOL loud La

Lao you guys aren’t going to believe this um YOLO once don’t even bother watching you all you YOLO once guys I’m like nuh I’m going to send you on I’m I’m going to send you to the I’m going to send you to the Crocodile Island emo United States of USA I’m going to

Send you to the to the Crocodile Island that they sell uh send criminals CU you’re a criminal you’re also a crocodile see you later crocodile L crocodile now you know that meme yeah they start they start freaking cooking them and [ __ ] oh yeah I would too yo ly kind of kind of

Tasty ly kind of kind of delicious yummy yummy l l y crocodile see you later crocodile American versus non- American uh one has a gun and one has a knife I’ll let you decide what happens next the European be like Ard you Savvy Swan and then get shot on God [ __ ] you

[ __ ] only seven viewers dude what happened uh well I went poop for a minute and a lot of people left and uh uh I’m not doing the Mr Beast thing so that’s two reasons you’re not doing the Mr Beast thing anymore I know I’m literally not even awesome sauce no more

Oh my God you’re literally so falling off you fall off so hard you fell off this Penis guys I had a dream and even though it’s not true I still believe it to be true Mr Beast fake is making out in Mr beast real it was so hot guys all right it’s time to Nether you fell out the Flat Earth yeah oh I found the Enderman

Biome the Enderman biome no there’s another gas right there oh yeah I forgot about that guys I’m literally going underground this is a metaphor for my YouTube career Sonic Underground Sonic Underground Sonic Underground they made a bow the mother must be found I think some people got

Tired of the Mr Beast thing to be honest I mean I hope so I wish they would leave me alone about it I don’t know if you’re trying to apply that no one got I don’t know if you’re trying to apply that I was the

One who ruined the meme or if the people just didn’t want to watch my stuff anymore because I wasn’t doing the meme I don’t know what you’re trying to apply because I haven’t been doing Mr Beast stuff I will be doing a Mr Beast thing here soon just to commemorate the

One-year anniversary of the meme and then and then I’m going to let it die forever unless Mr Beast wants be wants me to be in a video I’m just slowly killing Enderman slowly you can’t kill that fast that’s Saucy yo I like that ter Saucy I don’t like you saying that SAU

Bro Saucy is like a gayer way of saying zesty here let me just do my for sure Amo I love Mr Beast Mr Beast me and I love Mr Beast but freaking ever since that shout out uhing everything’s inflated and nobody’s been watching my [ __ ] like you guys are useless sometimes

Like you know the people who only follow for Mr Beast if you’re here for my for my videos then you are stupid cool and epic yeah I’m here for Mr Beast shut the [ __ ] up I’ll kill you where did that Enderman go um it went to your mom’s house sorry

Bro could you die I’m getting bored I’m trying not to I want to beat the game but I’m bored though I need to kill Enderman the viewers are going up though that’s a plus yeah I don’t know why it does that sometimes maybe because people were done with their homework or

Something I don’t know but there’s going to be a new video here soon that’s be cool usually usually I stream on Twitch but you know since it’s off of the scheduled time I’m doing here on uh YouTube I’m going to be doing a twitch stream tomorrow at 3 p.m. uh EST and I’m

Going to be drinking a whole bunch of uh ginger ale and telling you which one is the best um check please yeah that’s what I was thinking it’s Ste but the timing uh with streams can be very random sometimes turn on subtitles how do I how do I check my coordinates F3

Well I’m in the nether so I can’t go over there dude there’s one Enderman I don’t know where he is making me feel very unsa I’m only negative 30 damn I thought it was closer yeah about 62 p.m. for me forgot about Mr bro yeah I’ve been here hello what’s

Up just kill an end don’t wor don’t worry uh wither uh Rick and if I do this long enough I’ll eventually uh get a new audience oh yeah Mr bro okay yeah I forgot about Mr bro this is a real dooy here I mean to be

Honest it looked like he was doing the exact same uh kind of content as Mr Beast but like less fun so oh my God what’s up my pickaxe broke Jesus Oh D I found diamonds I found diamonds before gold um guys I can’t believe we found D diamonds before GTA 6 hello

Lucas hello Lucas how are you doing today I don’t like that you been Val naughty alone was I with fellow courage and his F was very Fage which I miss it did encourage me to be very Nory courage Your Hair it reminds me exactly how I felt about hair hello

Ms hello Ms my dear friend how was your day and how could it be then when you’re in the corner of a town to me do you hear it when the rain falls down no or do you wait until the wind picks up blows you and your family way

Without a stop down there you know what I mean you know what I say what I’m trying to say dear is you are very gay St names buddy let’s go Mars what’s up chany I’m going to die that’s crazy you Die there’s hello me music welcome back what’s up these Endermen are mad yo why they why you think they’re mad though look within your heart ask yourself why is it because you just not fly your one big cup so cool bro bro is gibbering blabbering flipping bro I hate

This guy he’s just teleporting away uh L go do something who you no I don’t think I will I’m digging this is a story this is a story of a man named Stanley what’s up this is a story all this is a story all about how my

Life got flipped all whips upside down now let’s just take a minute just sit right there yeah oh that’s hot that’s hot yo you two rewind this is a story of a man named Stanley he could just walk across the H hallway and make all of our jobs much

Easier but he’d rather fiddle around with some secret thing that isn’t even there you’ll never find it Stanley so why don’t you just give it up [ __ ] you knew it Stanley saw a sign right across from his desk he knew what he had done to torment the narrator and it said

Kyss and if you need help decoding that message it means from me to you Stanley kill yourself hello will will Maxon you’re mean one Mr Grinch you really are Mr gr I went in touch you with 11 and a half you’re nasty Mr Grinch I killed all these Ender you have no ready

Karma your Discord nitro’s gone then you ain’t got no [ __ ] sky are going to be in GTA 6 Skitty in GTA 6 before GTA 6 guys this is crazy to go do something you really are a here for as poopy as a poop and asy as a mrop GTA 7 releases before GTA

6 guys this is crazy now why would they do that how many hearts you on you know what GTA stands for gun titties ass guns titty ass guns titties ass guns to the ass guns to the ass what does a man like me gota do pearls

Uh in order to enter pearls you first you must end your life that hey why did you do that you really are you know what’s going to take longer than GTA 6 to what probably a new Spyro game my best bet I just keep living is to find a ruined portal in the

Ne yeah cuz then I can build it up no I’m going to cry versus T and Arrowhead V4 I don’t know what that means wait my God the best idea ever I want a new Spyro game I want Spyro SP doesn’t want you sp doesn’t want

You I for sure hope he does hope he doesn’t he’s like a he’s like a dude whoa you n I’m homophobic [ __ ] you Chanty don’t you come near me Chanty no it’s already been established that you’re homophobic I’m epic and based I love hom hey yo I sh for the

Simp boo Amo yeah night night and wood was based as [ __ ] I get why they ended it but yeah it was based found more diamonds bro where the hell is all the gold I have so many diamonds no no Golds that’s what I’m saying emo that’s

What I think I think I’ve already told you the story but Pepe the pigeon my mascot is based off of A Night in the Woods uh uh character that my friend wanted me make to represent me so they’re like I’m drawing a character make your make a character I’m

Like okay then I made a character my arm’s starting to cramp well there you go I just kind of sat there and let it happen yeah well we can finally hit the leave button yep we did it guys Chanty died bye-bye I’m actually glad it happened so [ __ ] done

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Challenge with @chancydf’, was uploaded by Skitzy_VA on 2023-12-07 23:45:39. It has garnered 510 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:07 or 10207 seconds.


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    Welcome to Pandamium’s Snapshot Server! Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: TPA Homes Mailing A Discord-to-Minecraft chat link Ranks Mini blocks Mob heads for every mob in the game and all of their variants Snapshot Highlights: Experimental features like bundles, 1.21 content, and more Monthly End resets for new players Enhanced dragon fight with a dragon egg prize Connect with Us: IP: snapshot.pandamium.eu Version: 24w40a (Latest… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft

    Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft Minecraft: Discovering a Cute Little Creature at Block Pavilion Welcome to Block Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content while avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Block Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I produce funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated and unauthorized. Every day, a new exciting original video is released, so make sure to follow and subscribe for some fun content! Let’s spread happiness… Read More

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

    Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6 Minecraft Survival: A Brief Mining Adventure Join Catrophy in the latest episode of Minecraft Survival as he embarks on a short mining expedition. In this exciting gameplay, Catrophy stumbles upon coal instead of diamonds, adding a twist to his usual adventures. Let’s delve into the highlights of this mining episode! Exploring the Depths As Catrophy delves deep into the underground caves of Minecraft, he encounters a variety of ores and minerals. While his goal was to find precious diamonds, luck was not on his side this time. Instead, he uncovers a rich vein of coal, a valuable resource for… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅยกEL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados๐Ÿ”ฅ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅยกEL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK๐Ÿ”ฅ Minions, Skills, Enchants Custom… โœ…Java y Bedrock/PE Minecraft 1.16 a 1.21’, was uploaded by CarloScore Minecraft on 2024-10-05 00:35:07. It has garnered 111 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. NEW SKYBLOCK SERVER and CUBY Modalities Available For JAVA and BEDROCK/PE No Premium and Premium in version 1.16 to the most updated 1.21 ๐ŸŒŽ IP in the Description and Commentsโคต ๐Ÿ”ฅSimilar Videos๐Ÿ”ฅ https://youtu.be/xHZwRjxwSos https://youtu.be/MfOKq3JdRmw ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————- ๐Ÿ”ฝCubyMC Network Server๐Ÿ”ฝ โœ…JAVA AND BEDROCK IP: cubymc.net โœ…Port: 19132 โญYour Discord: https://discord.gg/cubymc โญWeb: https://cubystore.tebex.io/ โœ”Versions: 1.8 to… Read More

  • EPIC TNT Run Fail! ๐Ÿ˜‚ (98%)

    EPIC TNT Run Fail! ๐Ÿ˜‚ (98%)Video Information This video, titled ‘TNT Run Failed ๐Ÿ˜‚ (98%) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-05-02 13:30:33. It has garnered 9125 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. TNT Run Failed ๐Ÿ˜‚ (98%) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!

    EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mikey Cartoons on 2024-10-03 19:00:02. It has garnered 1017 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #maizen #minecraft #jjandmikey Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!

    EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿซง [SATUNYAWA EP16] 1VS 1 WITHER | CaptainYani | MinecraftเผŠ*ยทหš’, was uploaded by CaptainYani on 2024-01-10 20:37:55. It has garnered 26286 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:39 or 10059 seconds. ห—หห‹ ๐˜ผ๐™—๐™ค๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™ˆ๐™€ หŽหŠห— เช‡เช‰ Moshi Moshi Captainyani here เช‡เช‰ From Malaysia เช‡เช‰ Love video game เช‡เช‰ Streamer เช‡เช‰ Sometimes I do many different types of video just for fun… ———————————— ห—หห‹๐™’๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ฃ๐™– ๐™…๐™ค๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐™ˆ๐™š๐™ข๐™—๐™ง๐™จ๐™๐™ž๐™ฅ?หŽหŠห— https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXNVXsyNfwo617jVvviL9g/join ๏ฝกโ‹†สšโ™กโƒ›ษž If you donate or join membeship please let me know, thank you๊’ฐ๏ฝก โ€บ ยทฬฎ โ€น ๏ฝก๊’ฑ ———————————— ห—หห‹๐˜ฟ๐™ค ๐™๐™ค๐™ก๐™ก๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™ˆ๐™ฎ ๐™Ž๐™ค๐™˜๐™ž๐™–๐™ก ๐™ˆ๐™š๐™™๐™ž๐™– โ‚ห„ยทอˆเผยทอˆห„*โ‚Žโ—ž ฬ‘ฬ‘หŽหŠห—… Read More

  • UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis – EP 190 – Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 Server

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  • Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!

    Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-09-12 13:00:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT. Read More

  • Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna’s Fake News!

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  • ๐Ÿ”ฅCRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)

    ๐Ÿ”ฅCRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ดHYPIXEL Skyblock Starting a New Profile From 160b NW/Max Skills (Day 68)’, was uploaded by Info on 2024-09-07 00:56:45. It has garnered 557 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:01 or 12961 seconds. Hi my IGN is “Info” we are here to vibe have a good time. I stream Minecraft mainly and some other games like CSGO. Youtube / @infowastaken Twitter https://twitter.com/infowastaken Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infowastaken/ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/infowastaken Discord https://discord.gg/8Pna5ExB3H Kick https://kick.com/informations Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shorts

    Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-02-18 15:59:32. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. #freefire #ajjubhai… Read More

  • โœจ Aeltheria SMP Java 1.20.4 Jobs Towny

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  • Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse

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  • The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚

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  • Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe

    Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe Exploring Magical Mods with Ice, Fire, Thunder, and Poison Powers in Minecraft Pe Embark on a mystical journey in Minecraft Pe with the enchanting mod that introduces powers of ice, fire, thunder, and poison. Dive into a world where magic meets reality, and where your imagination knows no bounds. Unleash the Elements With this mod, players can harness the power of various elements to enhance their gameplay experience. From freezing enemies with ice spells to engulfing them in flames, the possibilities are endless. Experiment with thunder strikes and toxic attacks to dominate your foes and conquer the Minecraft universe…. Read More

  • Fleetbhai’s Diamond Scam Exposed

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    MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE CHEAT! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2024-09-21 14:13:09. It has garnered 2433 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:10 or 1750 seconds. I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft) Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ra1neyX Addon : Tiredy #minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx #daxxandxoe Read More

  • Ultimate Overgrown Storage House Build

    Ultimate Overgrown Storage House BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Overgrown Storage House | Relaxing Modded Minecraft Longplay’, was uploaded by GlowKing on 2024-09-06 17:01:01. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:57 or 4077 seconds. Hey everyone today we build a storage house because i really need it LOL ill continue to add more I just needed to structure layout first. please leave a like, comment and subscribe if you want to see more! :} Thank you Modloader – Forge Mods Used: Entity Model Features Entity Texture Features Creative Core Entity Culling Not Enough animations… Read More

  • Unbelievable 2h2b.org Secret Revealed!

    Unbelievable 2h2b.org Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why you should play 2h2b.org’, was uploaded by 2hotdogs2buns on 2024-09-02 13:58:56. It has garnered 527 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 2h2b.org 1.12.2 you can join all versions #2b2tpe #2b2tjp #2b2tmcpe #2b2tpe #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #dream #sad #sad #crystals #anarchyonline #anarky #mcjava #minecrafthacks #caseoh #ermwhatthesigma #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftlive #minecraftmeme Pugman2013 Crystal pvp config 2b2tpvp.net Future Client FreeConfigs Free Configs Free Config Tuffty, 2b pvp, Pugman2013, 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on 2b2t.org, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp, montage, tutorial,… Read More

  • INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #Minecraft

    INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft highest mlg || minecraft shorts || #minecraft #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleet #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by MR. LIGHTNING on 2024-05-22 10:29:12. It has garnered 14953 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft 9 ways to host a minecraft server 9/11 minecraft 9 minecraft mod minecraft 94 minecraft 93 minecraft 9×9 house minecraft 9/11 8 minecraft techno gamerz 8 minecraft account minecraft 8×8 texture pack minecraft 8k minecraft 8 bit 7 secrets about cash in minecraft minecraft 777 minecraft 7 segment display minecraft 747 64 bit minecraft download 6 minecraft… Read More

  • Zzapz – Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!

    Zzapz - Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Reasons to JOIN OneCraft! | Join a Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Zzapz on 2024-04-07 17:49:28. It has garnered 121 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Are you looking for a Minecraft server/ SMP to join? OneCraft is the server for you. With many performance mods, and entertainment mods, you will never get bored of this world. Join OneCraft today and start your adventure. Join us @ onecraft.sytes.net Bedrock port :19132 Discord : https://discord.gg/TAAwV6wU #minecraft #smp #french #polska #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viralvideo #blowup… Read More