Ultimate Minecraft Christmas Village

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Hello hang on two seconds hope everyone is well how do I control my myself um just distracting myself really uh hello Pops cool how are you just um I need a good distraction speak to everybody get back on my worlds haven’t been streaming for last couple of days but um

Yeah yeah no I’m I’m I’m good it’s just uh something that’s happening in my close family I won’t get into it on on live stream and whatever not yet but um yeah it’s this you know it’s quite sad very sad but need a distractions so on with the stream I probably

Shouldn’t be streaming really like I’m not going to work today because of it um but I need something to take my mind off it So in Roblox you play for the first time so can I friend you if I redownload the game yes I um haven’t got the game downloaded at the moment and Sr right popsicle thank you though um it happens it’s life really I hello welcome back right I was building this big old

Mansion um let’s see if I can get rid of the water I’ve got a headache as well so we’ll make do we’ll make do but um I’ll be all right um little updates on the channel as well one of my videos smashed uh 1.8k views which I was very happy with how am

I doing I’m good thank you hello zoomi yeah feel free anyone’s welcome to join this world um hopefully everyone’s well um so yeah let’s right I was going to put stairs down here really be different layers of my house cuz obviously just step upwards you got the play button nice one

If you made a video on it um I’d love to see that’s so cool though I’d love to get one one day would be a nice achievement um that would be so cool but yeah know if you’ve done an unboxing video on it that’ll be unreal to watch oh not

There n not going to make a video I could send you yeah yeah um I’ve got a Discord it’s in the uh Channel description if you want to send it to me I’d love to see it man um it’s I don’t want to see if it’s um what kind of one it is

Oh God I don’t mind it being on this level yeah it’s fine can’t really be bothered to dig out the dirt too much um I will make some rooms in a minute and stuff um but yeah no that’s exciting though a play button Absolut unreal one day one

Day I don’t know which day but I’m hoping but I want to earn it um I definitely don’t think I’ve earned enough like to do it yet so I don’t want to so at the moment this is kind of my house in the village so I’m building a

You might no that’s all right that’s all right um you’ll come back to it and when it’s uh loaded up I guess but so far the Christmas Village is doing rather well it’s kind of like a Christmas Market um some houses a coffee shop sent to me on Discord nice let’s

Have a little look oh that’s so sick I love that dude that is a and it’s got your name on it nice I really like that that’s so cool where you going to fit that probably like see I was going to be really Vain One day if I ever got one

I’d put it in my bathroom so then every time someone would had to go to the toilet and stuff they see they see it but obviously I wouldn’t do that that’s that’s very uh bigheaded um I’d probably put it in my office if I had one or my

Bedroom but that’s such a great achievement getting an award is just like something else hang it in my set nice yeah yeah I respect that I respect that I I’m definitely if I make a new setup cuz OB see if I get one where I’m living now I wouldn’t put it up no

Worries um all righty yeah Discord 2 very nice um you’re going to try your ass for the 1 million how close are you now um I’ve have not I’ve not checked today um it is a verified YouTuber my insane isn’t it and he’s just got the

Uh 1 million plaque as well which is super cool no 100K sorry he’s getting he’s going for the 1 million next year in 2024 that’ll be unreal if you do it though that’ll be unreal um I’m rooting for you though I’m definitely rooting for

You so I don’t think I’m going to do the inside of the house just yet so I kind of just got to do a roof um but yeah I’m trying to take my mind off um a life events so that’s probably why I sound a little bit off um so it means everyone

Here is famous does that mean everyone here is famous I mean Zumi is like he’s got the 100K got that verification where do you get a verification at 100K I think um I just that would be un unreal heading towards 7K which I’m very chuffed with like 7K to me is it’s big

Time yeah 100K well I’m not famous no I mean either um yeah 100 chaos unreal oh that is that is pretty cool all right let’s put that there I want that there or do I no right um more than 100 Subs is famous are we saying that’s famous but yeah

100K that is like big I’m not counting that block there okay oh oh hang on no it doesn’t make any sense it’s going to go this way anyway you can’t play but thank you man the village is definitely coming on um I’ve taking my time to do a lot more creative at the

Moment just because survival is very fun I just haven’t built anything in a while and you know I’ve it’s Christmas time so I kind of want to get a little bit ahead of time and build some Christmas stuff like Santa got my little snowman some presents and a mushroom

Tree yeah man take it easy you need to get on that editing grind you know um yeah I should hopefully I’ll still be on um and I need to edit some videos as well actually some point it’s not an easy life know constantly busy n I’m joking um I wouldn’t I wouldn’t consider

Myself busy I do a lot of different things but I don’t I don’t consider myself to be busy oh my God we got another verified Jesus what is this what is this welcome to the stream flipping how got another verified Guy this is insane what’s my goal What on YouTube

Co I don’t even know I want to go as high as I can of course um I mean to be fair I don’t really have a a goal necessarily I just kind of want to do what I enjoy doing which is making Clash of Clans videos and Minecraft

Videos and then making some other star videos as well oh I got to turn off the uh the weather shoot for the moon and you’ll achieve amazing things fair enough why words from someone that’s am it I respect that no I mean it would be unreal to uh

Um to like reach 100K a million whatnot but if it doesn’t happen I’m not going to like lose sleep over it um I actually don’t know what I’m doing with this house I’m just eyeballing things I kind of just just hoping for the best really um going to bring that out by

Two like that I want it to have like a little overhang not there um oh my word what is this but yeah welcome bori hopefully I said that right um pronounciation on things is Dreadful let’s fill those in up there oh my word this one there we go right

Oh is that a three block Gap it is isn’t it let’s just fill that in I think that looks better filled in than F me than not I’m also going to overhang this part by one nothing like nothing crazy probably put some half slabs in this one it’s lower

Down why are you so such a noob are you a noob I’m a Noob we’re talking about Minecraft skills and stuff the biggest Noob going I kind of want to put these in here hello welcome to the stream oh oh I feel like this is a good level to have that at

Actually like that thing as well now going to kind of curve the roof cuz the roof is going to be in like that I thought the roof’s going to stay in the whole way pretty much until the end and then it’s going to Fan out at the sides I’m a gamer not a

YouTuber yeah I mean I’m neither I just play games and upload on YouTube I would not consider myself to be either one really I’d like to leave it but I just just can’t had some like glass panes there I think that’s a nice little touch the roof’s coming on pretty nicely

Though I can’t lie um I don’t know what the point purpose for this was I yeah I don’t know I just from the outside it looks cool from the inside it’s yeah it’s me it’s kind of me um but tell me my own name my name is Kieran

Uh nothing more special than that really it’s a pretty boring name I mean I don’t like my own name anyway but what does still look like from the front from the front this looks kind of cool I would say so myself anyway and then well I want to go kind of like

This around the side kind of thing if it matches up if it doesn’t that’s fine let’s see if we can make this look good uh very debatable no I don’t start snowing again um oh God yeah cuz then that joins up with that which is lovely that joins

Up with there and then that joins up with that which I it’s kind of messy I can’t Ethan uh it doesn’t look flush I don’t like that all that much like it could be better sculptured it could um however I’m no Pro Builder Um I don’t know who that is what I feel like this has going to come down further hasn’t it but I don’t really want it to oh hang on what about if I do like that I feel like that would look better I think it joins up better in my

Opinion I don’t like the rough edges that’s what I’m going for anyway the roof is a little bit boring I think this is where I’m going to stop the actual roof and just fill it in with a with a block um so I probably cut all this out here

Just fill this in with a block like So it’s a taller house than I expected it to be you know like it’s actually quite a big a big house it’s a polar bear as well on my house so you know am I talking to you I’m just talking to everybody the whole stream um my dog’s annoying me now

Though I’ll probably have this going around the entire way and I’ll try and mold it together and that’s purely because one I’m slightly lazy two nobody’s really going to see the back and three just again cuz I’m I’m lazy this week I have a lot I have a lot to

Do I’ve been obviously weekends I’m kind of busy stuff like that so today and tomorrow and stuff despite like what’s going on I need to continue to make get away from me um I just I need to make some new new content for the channel Etc what happened

There there’s a block here there we go and then I’m going to add some hallow not Halloween CH Christmas stream Halloween’s being gone um also I’m trying to hit 7K um hopefully at some point I managed to do that there’s no rush there’s no rush to uh the things I want to

Achieve again that’s a it’s a tough one here it’s just not lining up like I’d want it to oh they’re not going to be there anyway is that how high it is it is how high it is oh crazy didn’t realize it looks like more like a pyramid than an actual house but

Hey hi um your fans or my f i don’t consider anyone to be fans people just like to sit here and watch and it’s community community more than a than a something like that but I guess everybody’s kind of left the chat yeah people have lives I guess

So I’m not even I guess people do like I don’t stream every day so it’s it’s tough it is tough it’s a hobby not a not a lifestyle for me um and even if I earn money I’d still do a normal job it’s just just keep me socializing which I enjoy

Doing I feel like I’m going to kind of curve this in here like that I’m your only all I read that wrong I’m not sure all right this house is nearly complete probably I won’t do a big house like this again however actually looks really cool knowing that I’ve done it myself and

Like I haven’t had any help I haven’t watched any tutorials and stuff it actually looks pretty good just need to do a uh um a thing in a Bobby and what do I mean by that I mean I need to make a Outdoors sort of area that would be very nice hello all

Righty um let’s put this in we’ll go with this being too high in most places I want it to be a three part so it’s going to be one two three about here uh some of these are actual blocks as well when is this is wild you know yeah

I want the Hedge to go all the way around like this it’s a big mansion hello how are you today hopefully you’re well um if you scroll up the chat you’ll know why if I go quiet occasionally or I probably won’t I’m distracting myself at the moment but just some like heads

Up some good old family issues you know I have a good family issue I’m good though I’m all right I dealing with it um just taking my mind of things by doing some good oldfashioned YouTube got a lot more to do than just stream today though

So there snow in me out your house that’s ridiculous yeah hello Essen it is kind of like a Christmas house yeah um I built this without any tutorials or anything as well which I’m very happy with um this all my own own design it’s not even like amazing but it’s like I’ve

Built it knowing that I’ve built it has made me even more impressed um can you do no more lives you don’t want me to do any more live streams uh is it Thanksgiving it’s more Christmas I don’t do Thanksgiving in the UK but I mean if you want it to be it’s

Totally up to you cuz I think I like um I want it to be kind of for everybody so I don’t want anybody to be like singled out I might have a brick chimney will the brick chimney work for this probably like a stone chimney actually probably work better no I

Mean I enjoy streaming like I’m not going to stop streaming uh oh I don’t know how to build this let’s do it like kind of like this we’ll put it a little bit higher maybe like a how many how does that look I mean it looks okay maybe if

I I kind of prefer like that has a little bit of a ridge to it right let me need a campfire PL right I want to see if this if this doesn’t rise up I’ll have to get uh something else add spider webs oh would no it’s snowing please don’t

Snow oh not there is that going to is that going to ra right block damn it that block on top of the chimney I want to see if that rises up the uh out of the house does it reach that far no okay right right yeah we’re going to

Have to put it at um probably about this level we’ll put it there that’s quite cool I really like that me personally this is my favorite house that I’ve done out of everything on this um world so far that is the uh that is the best thing why is the chimney

Stopped there we go yeah all right now I need to add some like Christmas decorations so I’m going to add some like lanterns as like Christmas lights um on like the ends of things like here and then one here here they’re sort of like Christmas lights anyway Um and then I might add some of like not that Redstone let’s start kind of want to put that there and that there might have to go inside to put like a switch on it or something to like turn it on I don’t know if the switch

Will work like a lever it may do I’m not the brightest when it comes to Minecraft put hay block under the campfire it will make the smoke taller huh you love talking to me I love talking to all of you as well I don’t know what block it was on

Now oh my right let’s uh I’ll do the hay Block in just the moment I just need to oh God I forgotten where I built the uh the block right let’s go in through here right will this work oh not there yes it does cool I’m happy with that it just

Adds a little bit of um extra lights upstairs um and then I’ll try and build I’m going to try and build a light or something so he yeah I just show you what I plan on doing in a minute I’ll fix the roof in a bit let’s do the hay Bell

Thing like you said I don’t know where the hay bells are but I’m sure I’ll find them I thought he was just looking at when I I’m sure I’ll find have I gone past him I feel like I’ve gone past him hey Bale I see I don’t know where

Any of these items are so we’re going have to just search that there we go hey B I didn’t know that was a thing like it uh made it go longer all right let’s put that there and oh yeah fair enough wow that’s really coming out of

There Fair play fair D I like that I like that all right let’s uh make a snowman now I feel like snowman’s quite fitting for Christmas uh we need snow but I feel like snow would melt in that daytime it probably won’t but I like concrete blocks they just they just look

Good white concrete or quartz i’ concrete it’s just a solid block Then uh let’s do the Snowman about yay big there’s going to be a bit of a blocky snowman not going to lie but it’s all right we it’s not meant to be anything like amazing that’s going to be the body and then we need a scarf I think

I’m going to just stripy scarf for him what color should we do I like the color blue so we’re going to go for blue and no you know what we’re going to go for red and green it’s Christmasy red and green are Christmasy so we’re going to do red and

Green um that is a bit mad not going to lie uh it’s not the perfect snowman I’ve built but anybody can build this so and then I’m going to have that there and then that that that you can make out what it is meant to be basically it’s

Not it’s not a perfect snowman the my perfect snowman that I’ve built it’s not perfect either I just wanted to make him small and kind of melted is this one I’m actually I’m actually quite happy with this one it’s not too bad um he’s a massive snowman jeez

Oh my God talk about a Christmas light this is gigantic oh my life let’s do his head about three big then he needs a top hat as well so let be even bigger oh my God right eyes are going to go here and here I know it’s nothing nothing like amazing like

C I could probably do this in my sleep the same but it’s not about that it’s about the creativity oh wow he’s he’s really ler than that right and then I don’t need to put it too tall just one more block do and and I need an orange nose for

Him where’s orange orange orange orange orange orange yes what a snowman beautiful that is beautiful I mean I could have done better but hey it could have been a lot worse I actually really like these for lights so kind of going to put them on the uh on the floor as

Well this is slightly high up cuz you know not all Earth is the same and then I’m going to get a oh where is it I’m not repeating that wood I’d like to read out my comments but that one probably make me a bit weird if I

Repeated that um so I’m going to leave that to you like that and if we do this I also heard that uh fortnite OG map comeback I’m not sure what it’s like or anything I haven’t played it but um if anyone has let me know if it’s

Worth going back on fortnite for a bit I don’t know I probably won’t even if it is it’s just not my game anymore that as such right I’m going to switch the time to dark oh it’s always day in this world okay I was just going to see let me

Change the settings in the uh in the chat uh always stay turn off Roblox okay fair enough anyway let’s just do night quickly I feel like he should have a light on him maybe just a torch on like his hat or something but I quite like it from afar the whole village

Has your chat on this nice one oh but I actually quite like it it’s um it’s looking good in the dark it’s looking homely the city’s well lit wait hang on I need this to be turned on the street lamps aren’t even turned on go there we go Street lamps are turned

On as well it’s quite pretty everything’s sort of well lit you got some dark areas for sure and then this probably needs a little bit more of a lighting just to brighten the area up a little bit but realistically like it is looking bright you’re looking at the house and everything it’s all

Very well lit and then this place is definitely well lit I’m very happy with it at the moment it’s looking looking colorful it’s looking pretty just need to add a few more areas to it but realistically oh this has this is a bit um I’ve forgotten about this house

Here this is needs um a little bit updating and I need to add it more into the village I I was going to add more behind here that’s what I wanted to add as well trees trees are such a good uh they break up the scenery kind

Of thing that’s what I want to say they just do they just look perfect I feel like a little river will look good for like terrain and everything like we got trees we need like a a water stream now don’t we uh I’m trying to add also like Pathways

As well is a difficult one so I’m trying to figure out where a pathway would go there’s some loads of mobs spaw in now which is you know it’s nice they can all have nice time in my uh thing in my Bobby can I add you you wanted me to add

You on Roblox didn’t you I don’t have it downloaded at the moment cuz I don’t know it’s not really my type of thing now I started playing it um right so I do need to add the pathway here I need to sort of angle it a bit like this

Like a bit like this um and then so it joins that with the rest of the village no don’t start snowing no no no no no no don’t want more snow to like fall on already snowy ground just because it makes it so difficult to build on it’s nice when it snows when

It’s finished but when you’re getting used to it it’s oh in Minecraft yeah I mean send your uh game tag in the um in the chat and I’ll add you um yeah we’ll go from there right where is the pathway going to go from here I thought the pathway is

Going to have to break again here just so I can get it to go through like this and then sort of twist like like that a bit and then it was going to go through such a weird sort of concept and then I’m just going to

Have to go by three here and then to like to it’s like it’s so hard to do and you’re like sort of terraforming in a way I have to do it like here now and then yeah I mean it works it does link up eventually I feel like another tree is

Needed around here or something maybe in between these two houses yeah I mean and then in between this sort of place I feel like some trees are needed around this it’s not it’s not the prettiest thing in the world and it’s a little bit of an I saw I’m sus am I

Sus don’t know about that one but there we go we got some trees around it um some Christmas lights there I don’t like building in the night time so I’m going to turn it back to day um yeah it’s looking looking pretty good I feel like I’m going to go back over to

This area to sort of you know rekindle this house here sort of been left in the dirt asn’t it as such I feel like this needs some like trees behind it though there we go it’s a lot of trees behind the uh what’s it called the coffee

Shop um but it’s needed it’s needed and then it can disperse into this next part of the city or town it’s definitely coming together though uh feel like I want to put another house here or something but a polar bear is just coming over to say hello let me grab some

Blocks feel like I’m going to do the house from here to about here it’s not going to be a big house just kind of a small house same as before it’s a blit lopsided obviously um all right um let’s build it about there again it’s not going to be even

Cuz this is built on a bount edge I feel like the door front door is going to be this side it’s a two two front door okay it’s a double front door this one I might do a stair roof for this one I have feel like I haven’t done much

Stone lately I feel like a stone roof is warranted and then I need to see what else a Christmas Village would kind of have it needs the main Christmas tree that’s what it needs it needs like a I feel like over there I’m going to build a big Christmas

Tree um and then I’ve like you know concrete around it and stuff I bit like the one in New York they do I don’t know for sure cuz I don’t live there but I’m guessing that’s what it looks like well I haven’t built it yet but be a big Christmas tree

Nonetheless I might do oh no it’s fine sorry about that uh I’m only going to do it for that row not going to continue it just going to put it there and then there and then there no more house why why no more houses houses are fun man oh snowing again

I enjoy making houses they’re fun uh let’s got one more like that oh for God’s sake uh bit like that yeah I like it it’s kind of nice nothing too like you know out there but just enough just enough so you know what it is it’s a little little

Cottage hav’t done the walls yet don’t know how the roof’s even standing like that but you know right and then need some half slabs of concrete coone even not concrete if you stop making house I’m out so I should continue building the house okay good to know oh I don’t like that at

All I feel like no does that work better yeah it does I like that cool beans need a little wind at the back so like that a that’s a cute little window I don’t really want this wall to have a window but I do want the other wall to have a

Window all right I’ll see you later right let’s put a doorway in I think a nice dark oak doorway would do quite well I like that to me that looks cool to other people it might look like trash but to me it looks kind of cool big 3×3

Window uh get some glass panes now let put them in like that it’s definitely coming together quite nicely I don’t like that anymore I just feel like it’s an addition to the house it doesn’t need to be there yeah so it’s not ah it’s a bit

Flat on the side now actually okay I feel like I might have to just just yeah oh no it needs it needs this it needs it it does it does and now the only diff only downside is I don’t have a pathway linking to it

So this is going to be kind of difficult now I’m going to have to Loop a pathway around the back of the farm just so you can go to these houses it’s going to be kind of uh difficult um if you’re new here as well

Don’t forget to uh like the video if you enjoy it and subscribe I guess because I I try and stream as much as I as much as possible um today’s definitely you caught me on one of my worst days uh due to family circumstances but other than that

It’s uh I’m I’m normally pretty chipper so I I don’t mean to sound like an absolute drain I don’t this isn’t this isn’t who I am usually um I just you know life sometimes ain’t brilliant so that’s all I say um you never leave me I respect it um but yeah

It’s getting dark again I actually quite like it getting dark and having to reset the time it’s not too bad um and then let’s Jo join up to these here lovely lovely little pathway linking up these two here so yes it’s definitely coming along if you look on the bigger picture it’s

Actually over what I think three streams it’s definitely um it’s definitely looking better I’ve got the crop area so I’ve got a little farm oh see that’s my per this is my little little village um change the time today hurts my eyes going from night to daytime it really especially because it’s like

Snow yeah um I’m trying to think of other ideas a Christmas Village would have what would a Christmas Village have I’m going to look it up I want I want to look at some new ideas Christmas Market have a have a look just have a look at some images and

See what our fancy building I feel like yes I can you jump down 300 blocks in Creative I could in survival probably not uh but but yeah two seconds I just need to do something a minute uh right I was just waiting for something to update all right I’m going to build a

Clock tower I feel like a little Clock Tower will look pretty cool bit like Big Ben if you’re from the UK you’ll know what that is I know most people probably know what Big Ben is it’s just a pretty big Landmark but I feel like a bell tower will look quite cool

I’m just trying to think of where I should put it I think I might put it back here I just need to get rid of all of this entire floating block this is in my way right big big big big clock tower well in terms of the village don’t

Want it to be like monstrosity massive yeah I be I feel I want to be five wide in between that’s four that’ll be five and then we’ll go up you know I want it to be kind of tall want it to be noticeable it’s got to be noticed from far and wide you

See um I’m just thinking of how the middle is going to look it’s not really going to be a a clock face as such cuz it would just be like a bell cuz I don’t think I can redo a clock um but yeah let’s uh let’s go for the base to be

About this tool this is the base of it and it’s it’s going to be taller don’t worry uh I just need to fill in the top part all right I’ve got to do the walls as well right I start with this one I want Stone thingies going up of it up up of it what the hell I kind of want you know what water coming out the sides would actually be kind of kind of cool at the bottom I know it’s a bit of a weird one but just go with me on this one

Um I feel like I’m just yawning um it’s got to fit the vibe of the village as well it’s got to be hello welcome to today’s stream how are we doing uh I’m going to put some lanterns on no I don’t know I don’t know you’re literally building this in

Your world that’s so cool that is cool I don’t have a YouTube play button though I got a Lego brick one that YouTube sent me which I’m very happy with but I haven’t got a um an actual one of those silver plaques or anything like that um

Uh okay let’s see what we can do here so I’m going to kind of do this for the background of it but it’s not going to just look like this it’s not like a wall um I feel like this at the foot of it is going to look quite nice

Um and I kind of want like this type of thing and then inside there’s nothing going to be inside so it’s absolutely fine that nothing is there I just obviously I’m going to contain this I just want I want to get rid of the snow as well to be fair so

That’s more my issue at the moment the snow I feel YouTube Iron play button that’ be cool wouldn’t it that would be pretty cool to get an IR an iron or a silver play button I think they’re called uh definitely would be pretty damn cool uh I got to deserve it first though

Right let’s grab a cobblestone block as well I don’t think it needs to be oh any further than this not even there no not even there here and then kind of just going to put that across it like that that’s what’s going to come out the

Side I’m going to fill this with the dirt in a minute so it doesn’t look so ugly um yeah let’s get rid of the dirt here as well just I need it to look fresh I need the ground to not look so icy and so snowy so I can actually see what I’m

Building it’s 2023 it sure is it sure damn is right I uh this the entire way across the bottom did I go right to the end I did go right to the end that’s fine I feel like adding like a a pillar here would do wonders I don’t know I quite like

That uh let’s do two of these is it on that block yeah it is two of these two of these poke poke this is only for the bottom as well that it’s going to be hopefully looking even better eventually how far away did it go about

Three blocks so I’ll go one one F cuz of the water needs to have a place place to go right let’s let’s have a look at what it does okay you need to sleep I do I don’t get enough sleep at the moment but I don’t want to sleep yet I’m all

Right right so that is what this is going to look like let’s do the next one two Three I feel like I’m going to shift these to there and I’m going to hello welcome back just make some like weird pattern kind of thing like this um I need another block I kind of want some half slabs let’s go with let’s go of a a spruce sort of half

Slab I want any more water in it how I fix your Minecraft oh nice so yeah feel free to do some Redstone stuff oh I need set and quit I need to change it back to daytime far more right man thank you very much actually I feel like a fence panel

Fences will do nice here you know like that and then I’m going to put a half slab across that I’m just trying to make the side of it less boring ultimately like ultim I feel when when building stuff stuff just looks like a block and

It’s just it’s just kind of me not there I want it in inwards like that you liked my video I appreciate that thank you very much um and then going to do the same with this kind of thing doing like that last what I want the side of the

Clock tower to look like so it’s less like an actual just a whole building and it’s actually got some character to to it it’s actually got some form of life within it I feel for this next part though going to use black stained glass uh to fill in the rest of this

Little part here this is where the clock tower is going to be um I’m going to do like just a plain thing for this with a roof the roof don’t want it to be too you’re not really going to see it from down the bottom so it’s nothing too major all right let’s

Uh do oral block around here like that there is a center which is lovely right just get the Bell where’s the Bell oh I forgot where the Bell is there it Is there you go got Bell Tower obviously I’m going to I’m not going to just leave it looking like that don’t worry um oh and oh my word right now it does look very na yeah I know the new boss yeah not faced him yet but seems scary does

Indeed I feel like I’m going to put some gold on it I feel like a clock tower needs gold I don’t know like a solid gold block cuz Big Ben kind of has some gold on it like a bit like this and then I’m going to just do another

Little and then on top of that going to add a little quartz block to lighten it up how’s oh it’s a bit sore uh SD I ended up losing my rank a little bit um so it’s a little bit sore at the moment it’s a sore subject that is no

Thank you I love these comments keep them coming brilliant stuff um right I’m just going to add a little bit of gold here now just interwinding it that’s a perfect question to ask me uh not the Pillager Tower I guess kind of is yeah I I see that I can see

That I keep com good stuff good stuff I’ve got M videos planned um I can’t believe one of my videos managed to reach uh 1.8 okay I was ecstatic when I saw it Rising I was out um just doing some Christmas shopping and I was like oh my

Word what no I was over the moon with it over the moon um that’s actually crazy like and then the other one R managed to reach like 800 or something like that which was stupid ly good as well like I couldn’t wish for anything better it’s the highest I’ve ever had on

My channel anyway oh I need some stairs now God you can’t hold enough in your barracks barracks in your uh thing here can you it’s ridiculous okay that’s there and then your video is 10K likes no I never hit 10K likes that would be that’d be something else wouldn’t it that would be

Something else that really would be like you know oh wow we’ve we’ve done it 10K likes I just want to say though this this amount of detail going here is unusual for me like even if people don’t like it I mean this is a lot of detail for my

Standards I I normally just go ah yeah that’ll do but no I’m actually putting the Graft in today it looks good I’m not going to do the other sides yet I I’ll leave them I’ll fill them in but I uh hello but I will get round them another

Day what I’m actually you know what I am going to be lazy I am going to be stupidly lazy do you know what I’m going to do I’m going to make I thought I no you know what it’s probably just more effort me making that spawn pillages no I’m not going to spawn

Pillages I was going to be lazy but I’m not actually going to be lazy now so I was going to just make it into the mountain side but then i’ have to actually terraform and make an actual proper mountain and you know what I don’t know if I can be bothered to do

That but I will get back to this other side later you just don’t see it from here um which I like cuz then it’s just there but this is what I built so far built a clock tower um it doesn’t look like a clock tower from there I know it’s more like a

Wat Tower big snowman on my roof this is my home and I get to look over um what did you do let’s have a look what does it do do I have to like hit the target or something Uh oh that’s so cool I like that that’s that’s pretty cool that is pretty cool I didn’t think you get it to work that’s cool oh little that’s so cool that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool what I will do then I’m just just for like aestheticly pleasing looks just

Going to cover that in uh this is one of my subscribers um very good at Redstone I don’t know how to do redstone in the slightest so very thankful for him joining me um I’ll just fill it in like that um then it can kind of just look at the back okay

This but no that is PR cool um but yeah no it’s definitely um starting to take shape the whole Christmas Village and stuff like that um it’s quite big now it’s actually if you look up in the sky it’s actually quite a big area where it takes up

Now if you go and look at like a a Minecraft village they are they’re more spaced out but my Village just looks so much bigger Bolder I love it we got a proper Village this is a this is a real Village no I like it this coming together really

Well I don’t know what else to say about it really it’s it’s just it looks good I have a bit of a headache I haven’t Tak any water this one Tak any water drunk any water um I’m trying to think of what I can do next on the clock tower over

There now the sound is the sound is good though man I like the sound um all all right I I probably suck at it so oh okay ah that is quite cool that is quite cool right there needs to be something behind the farm I feel like maybe we haven’t

Done enough animal areas you know we haven’t really but what I’m going to do I’m just going to quickly take a drink get take a drink get a drink and I’ll be back in like 5 minutes so I’ll see you in in just a sec hello sorry about that guys just went to

Get a drink think uh I don’t have like a pause screen or anything you think wouldn’t you for a Channel of my my size I’d be a to do stuff like that now but no not quite cuz I’m probably the most oldfashioned person you’ll find call it

Lazy call it old fashioned don’t know but either one works for me I’ll see you later man take it easy uh but obviously things happened in my life recently so probably will take a few breaks I shouldn’t be streaming this long actually I said to myself that I

Wouldn’t um but here we go it help take your mind or things done it so well I feel like I need a river I want a river uh but I need don’t know see you later man see you I’m going to fill this in here with

Water this is where what do I make anything christmy anything like that you feel like you should make like for a village um do that kind of thing like I i’ I’m running out of ideas like my brain hurts uh just in case you’re not on the stream uh why is one of

My can I decorate it feel free to decorate if you want to um yeah I mean I’m just building houses and stuff to help right this is this is going to be my stream because I can’t be bother to fill this in so I might as well make use of what I’ve got

Oh weather clear oh I go for that um what the weather was going to yeah can you set the weather to always clear weather I can’t put weather to always clear can I weather oh weather cycle there we go no I’ve done it I’ve done it thank you

Back right let’s put some of the welcome back let’s put some of these things out I feel like these look good for like present type of type of stuff I feel they look like cool little present things kind of kind of kind of not kind of do um right I’m thinking of what

Else I could make I feel like a lot of houses we’ve done they’ve done a a lot of houses I feel like I’m a bit housed out now you know what we need a big we need a big snowman we need a fat off snowman

We do we need a big boy we need a big boy let’s grab some concrete where is that uh I want to take a tree down can I yeah yeah go on um right snowman’s going to go over here I need to put the time to always day as

Well all right it’s going to be one two 3 4 four five by five one two three then I’m going to do three three three and three right this is going to be my snowman one 2 three four five six seven High oh my God it doesn’t do that big actually does

It no it needs to be more fat God sick let’s take away all those threes are confusing my brain oh you know what this snowman’s going to be a bit bulky right let’s do this by the way I’m going to chop off all of these type of blocks just

To give it that edge that Edge Edge of a snowman right that’s three all I want to do is three and then I’ll have to just Edge it there as well oh I didn’t think about that block in there just didn’t think about that huh okay whoa to

F that and that oh and that and that God damn oh that look right though no there we go and now we funnel in woods this is just the first snowball it’s not like you know Minecraft is blocky ain’t going to be like stupidly round

So don’t hate on the build I know it’s not going to look amazing I personally don’t think it looks awful but it could look better could look better could look worse um n you’re all right red Stone’s not really for me I’d end up ruining you you do your thing I I’m honestly

Me and Redstone it’s like me and creepers they don’t go hand in hand I’m afraid that need to be white oh I feel like I could put that straight yeah like I’m I’m the worst person to do redstone you don’t want me doing that be embarrassing for me yo what

Up I know the Snowman doesn’t look brilliant I understand um but snowman has feelings it has feelings it does it snowman has feelings ones that might hurt it so he can’t can’t hurt snowman’s feelings right let’s take away that block as well how are we right there we go that’s

Lovely and then we build a top hat around him again like we did before that look pretty amazing why is it wonky all just need to take off the sides take off the sides like that and then go in like this going like that trying to work how where it all is

It’s hard to see don’t any toer n all right just in and then a carrot for his nose yeah it’s not my finest finest design but you know there’s my snowman out there all far and wide oh God he’s got a hole in him he’s already melting honestly doesn’t look that bad

I see worse mainly from me but I’m not unhappy with that thank you um yeah anyone got anything else do you want me to build and then here is half 10 now so I didn’t want to stay too long but Oh trying to think of some new ideas to bring to the table um what is Christmas here I’m trying to think I’m really struggling now God I want make a train I’m going to do a train I’m going to do a Christmas train with a little Santa set in it

Yes it’s going to be a no uh yes yes this is what the the front of the train is going to like and then I can’t build a train trains are difficult how did you build a train what why they Christmasy as well they’re not they’re not Christmasy oh my God my brain has completely fried yeah no that’s all right um I’m trying to think of uh something else I could do I might actually do a water ride because since we got some we got some like you know obstacles here no cuz you wait how would you do

That I need like a little roller coaster only a small one yeah I going do a little small one but I want the attractions to be either side of the uh the village I feel like a little one here would be quite nice but I no I need it to be away from

The path can I make this what’s uh I mean yeah you can do if you want to yeah yeah if you want to then definitely go ahead yes this is where I’m going to build the roller coaster I’m going to build it I don’t want it to be too big I don’t

Want it to be invasive you know what I mean no it’s going to go over here I’m put it there I’m going to get rid of this black train that I started creating it’s not going to be anything spectacular the roller coaster it’s going to be a tiny little little small

One and then someone mentioned to me earlier like like a horse Carousel which would look quite nice um let’s just get like a the Black Block as to like rails I don’t want it to be big at all and it be like a little gentle roller coaster

Um actually I might have it on the back of here just cuz this is where this is but where do I want the entrance Rance I kind of want the entrance to be like here to the roller coaster well this is a que kind of thing where you

Come through around here queue up here and the ride starts about here so I feel like and then we need to put that there that there going back up it’s really going to be more like a tractor ride rather than rather than anything will that work there no that will work though

No oh it has to go one more back doesn’t it yeah okay and then it joins up here which I’m going to I’m not going to use that block there but that’s going to be the end block a little roller coaster nothing like crazy at all it’s just it’s really

Going to be small and gentle for everybody more like a it’s more like a Ste think of it more as like a a steam train type of thing I just want to see if it does work kind of thing if I just put a mine cart probably need a one power rail or

Something but I mean it works if I hold if I hold it down it works and then you can go all the way back round nothing too crazy um that’s where I want to start and finish just grab the blocks that I like using at the moment like Cobblestone and

This this is where the start’s going to be anyway I’m going to put a lot of trees around it though I really just think this is like needs to be kind of hidden by like all forms I just feel like if it gets hidden up then it won’t look so

Ugly that’s a nice one it’s a nice one oh I’m place it there place it there though can’t place one there does it get in the way of the track it gets in the way of the track I have to cut it back but that one does okay

This is nice actually I like this this is looking pretty cuz now now the actual like roller coaster looks nicer you got like scenery block and everything and stuff I want that cut back a little bit just so it’s not touching I feel like once we get the uh

The ride set up and everything as well it’ll look good just need it off the track here and yeah it looks pretty cool cuz now it’s sort of like shielded away like when you look at it from afar you can’t really tell that it’s a roller coaster unless you’re looking for one angle

I feel like another tree here would look pretty good just to give us some more like depth maybe another one there I don’t think it’s too foresty but I just think why is that not like that it likes it there though snowman’s a bit far out but I

Know I quite like the trees it makes it just a nice sort of area like a little bit of a Woodland area with a little roller coaster in the middle uh um actually what would be easier just to build it in line wouldn’t it one ways in one Way’s out so but

I don’t really know what else I want to do today necessarily I need even stream for two hours now so I might um I’ll stream until this guy is done with the music thing with the Redstone um but then after that I’m going to

Go I’d like to go now even but I just don’t know what he’s doing no not cuz I’m not enjoying the stream I just I need a break my head’s hurting now a bit um that’s pretty much all can I even walk through that yeah I can very small

But if you are new here and you want to see a lot more don’t forget to subscribe it’ be amazing to have more people you can’t do it no worries man no worries but yeah more people than merrier that’s what I like to say I it’s on a three pathway due to the

How close everything is nice yeah I like that I haven’t figured out the rest of it yet but yeah I thought this is a good time to end it um and then I can come back tomorrow with a fresh brain um but yeah thank you for everyone for

Joining and yeah I’ll see you guys later thanks popso as well but yeah see you later guys thank you everyone for watching bye-bye

This video, titled ‘A Minecraft Christmas!!! Christmas Village | Survival | Creative PT 2’, was uploaded by F R E T on 2023-11-06 23:29:56. It has garnered 332 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:34 or 6574 seconds.

Hello Welcome to the Fret channel, if this is the first time you’ve found me come say hi by commenting below and i hope you enjoy the content 🙂 working every day too improve and i know im rough around the edges currently but all i wanna do is learn. —————————— Sub Goal 7.5k by December —————————— Equipment I use to Stream, Record, Edit & Create: List: Console: Ps5 & Switch Headset : Razer Kraken –https://www.amazon.co.uk/Razer-Kraken-Headset-Cooling-Ambitious/dp/B07MJFZS9V/ref=asc_df_B07MJFZS9V/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309964054975&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9757401785482623006&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045777&hvtargid=pla-680499253586&psc=1

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    Sam's INSANE WOLF IQ Skills in Minecraft! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information [Music] hello it’s nice to meet you can you tell me where I am I don’t know how I got here but I I think I’m starting to understand I don’t belong among the angels and maybe that’s just fine with me the things I did up there were high school but now I’m going for my degree hey sorry but you just got in my way I promise honey I can feel your pain and maybe I enjoy it just a little bit cuz that makes meain haven’t been the same since I expired doesn’t mean that… Read More

  • Azure Network

    Azure NetworkA Bungeecord Network Proxy Chat Enabled via forge/ fabric Earth, Survival, SkyBlock/Oneblock, Creative and Backrooms What was originally a one server survival world for anyone i gave the IP to play on spiraled into a network of 6 servers and soon more. was looking for a small playerbase. azuremc.playit.gg Read More

  • SkyGens PVE 1.20-1.20.5 Custom Resource Pack Skyblock

    Welcome to Skygens! Features: Custom Enchants: Acquire unique enchants through quests or enchantment tables! Minions: Customize and upgrade minions with more skins coming soon! New Server: Enjoy frequent updates, ensuring fresh content! Free Ranks: Ascend through the ranks simply by playing! Staff Needed: Join our team as a builder, developer, or moderator! Pet System: Collect and train pets to assist you on your island adventures! Join our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/jr4bSrPpBD Play on our server: play.theblind5.com 1.20+ Port: 25565 Read More

  • BrunhildMC

    BrunhildMC[​v1.19.4] ʙʀᴜɴʜɪʟᴅᴍᴄ is a FREE TO PLAY Minecraft server-multiplayer that features FREE Ranks obtainable by votingupgradable Skillspayable Jobsplayer Shops, Crates, Economy, Minions, Casino, Gacha and more!NOTICE: Server is still in development but it is playable. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine’s downfall: It’s time for payback!

    Minecraft Memes - Herobrine's downfall: It's time for payback!Looks like Herobrine finally realized he can’t hide from those update patch notes forever! Read More

  • Minecraft: The Hottest Meme Ever!

    Minecraft: The Hottest Meme Ever! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #funny #shorts Read More

  • Minecraft Creepyfasta: Unveiling the Spooky Secrets

    Minecraft Creepyfasta: Unveiling the Spooky Secrets The Mystery of Minecraft Creepyfasta Have you ever heard of Minecraft Creepyfasta? This mysterious element in the world of Minecraft has intrigued players for years. Let’s delve into the top four Creepyfasta of Minecraft and uncover the secrets they hold. The Haunted Mineshaft One of the most chilling Creepyfasta in Minecraft is the Haunted Mineshaft. Players have reported hearing ghostly whispers and seeing shadowy figures lurking in the depths of these abandoned mines. Dare to explore the Haunted Mineshaft and uncover its dark secrets. Key Features: Ghostly Whispers: Players have reported hearing eerie whispers echoing through the tunnels. Shadowy… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Power Moves

    Mastering Minecraft Power Moves Minecraft: Herobrine’s Quest for Ultimate Power In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new adventure unfolds. Herobrine, a mysterious figure, is on a quest to gain ultimate power and rule over the Minecraft universe. This thrilling journey is captured in a short trailer that promises excitement, challenges, and the ultimate showdown. Herobrine’s Ambition Herobrine, with a menacing aura, sets his sights on achieving unparalleled power. His determination to conquer Minecraft and establish his dominance creates a sense of impending conflict. As players delve into this narrative, they are drawn into a world where danger… Read More

  • Insane Money Grind in LIVE DONUT SMP with Viewers!

    Insane Money Grind in LIVE DONUT SMP with Viewers!Video Information all right so just need to change some settings I think actually no they’re good all right wait why is my mic so far away from like where I am all right there that should be louder now oh wait all right there we go hello four watching already so last time I streamed I was at 600k I did a little bit of grinding obviously I got donated a bunch of money too but yeah all right so is that mending yeah that’s mending just class nine and I think I need six levels and St oh… Read More

  • Upside Down Minecraft Prank on Friend

    Upside Down Minecraft Prank on FriendVideo Information I’m turning my friend’s Minecraft world entirely upside down but at any point he dies the video is over hey buddy sit buddy oh oh yo dude hey what’s up dude what’s up dude what are you doing oh I’m about to ruin your day well not entirely listen dude dude dude that’s not how you say hi to somebody you’re going to tell them you’re going to ruin their day oh sorry okay put it this way if you do not die with the challenges that I have set in place for you I’m going to give… Read More

  • Intense Hardcore Raid Prep – Minecraft History 1.14 #27

    Intense Hardcore Raid Prep - Minecraft History 1.14 #27Video Information [Musique] bienvenue en 1.14 alors l’ point la version pardon 1.4 s’appelle la village n pH update voilà donc qu’est-ce qu’il y a ça qu’est-ce que ça a rajouter et bah les villages ont été améliorés et nous avons maintenant les pillage et donc tous les fameux mobs qui viennent défoncer nos nos villages avec des raides alors plus particulièrement quel a été les ajouts je prends mes notes bien sûr et je vous dis ça tout de suite déjà dans un premier temps nous avons eu le bambou qui est apparu d’accord donc les pandas également il… Read More

  • EPIC OIL REFINERY & CRUCIBLE – Minecraft UniversIO!

    EPIC OIL REFINERY & CRUCIBLE - Minecraft UniversIO!Video Information hey hey hey everybody welcome back to some more Universe s hey Universe episode Universe iio universe. hey Nick how’s it going universe doio doio is becoming more and more of a popular domain I feel like it’s been yeah it’s been it’s been trending for a while man you know people have been yeah everyone’s in a oh my Lord a is the one that’s really freaking up and coming now man have you little bit of uh inside baseball oh yeah a domains are really like the minimum price is like $200 wow for a a… Read More

  • Stumble Guys Server Glitch – Mind Blowing! 😱

    Stumble Guys Server Glitch - Mind Blowing! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘*NEW* SERVER GLITCH IN STUMBLE GUYS 😱’, was uploaded by Gamerz Alii on 2024-05-30 13:15:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. NEW* SERVER GLITCH IN STUMBLE GUYS ABOUT MY CHANNEL :- I AM BOY AND A GAMER. I PLAY MINECRAFT … Read More

  • 🔥WITHER KING SEEKS REVENGE!! 😱 | aFrostGod Minecraft Adventure 🌟

    🔥WITHER KING SEEKS REVENGE!! 😱 | aFrostGod Minecraft Adventure 🌟Video Information first there was fire then there was smoke then that Preacher Man was hanging by a rope and then they all fell to their knees and beged that drift and begged him pleas as he raised his fist before he spoke I am the rightous hand of God and I am the devil that you for God and I told you one day you will see that I’ll be back I guarantee and that hell’s coming hell’s coming in Hell hell’s coming with me hell’s coming hell’s coming hell hell’s coming with me This video, titled ‘The Wither… Read More

  • Mind Blowing TikToks – Overwatch 2 or Minecraft?

    Mind Blowing TikToks - Overwatch 2 or Minecraft?Video Information this video by saying that I think OverWatch is going in a great Direction new DPS hero Venture is awesome the new battle pass changes like getting coins in the past Heroes no longer being locked behind the pass are cool as hell there is one singular aspect of OverWatch 2 that I think drastically needs changing the tank roll tanks and OverWatch 2 Face a lot of problems counter swapping getting focused by debuffs but I think the biggest source of the all of these problems is the passive or tank the tank passive is basically just… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Boss Battles! Join the Journey LIVE!

    EPIC Minecraft Boss Battles! Join the Journey LIVE!Video Information yo stream what’s up man what’s up man like I’m talking to one person what’s up yo I know it’s late as hell compared to the usual stream I do another two hours but it’s whatever um part three of live Minecraft on a journey to defeat all the bosses now I’mma say this some [ __ ] happened off camera it was has nothing to do with me it was completely another player I swear I promise um but I will I’ll show you guys what happened in our Minecraft world we tried to get the uh… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Mining Technique! #minecraft

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Mining Technique! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘type of miner in Minecraft#minecraft #shorts #mclol’, was uploaded by Noob_Boiz_91 on 2024-01-15 07:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. type of miner in Minecraft #minecraft #shorts #mclol type of miner in Minecraft #story voice Cradit : @Mc-lol Minecraft Techno … Read More