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Oh I’m so sad I had 21 levels on me okay where’s my stuff oh I was so close to the edge as well I could have never Mind hey everyone welcome back to another episode of the Survival Series this is a brand new series of me playing Survival Minecraft with a bunch of mods and having fun the Minecraft Transit Railway mod is also included in that I know some people are curious how does

This mod work in survival and I guess this is kind of a chance for me to show you that so last time I made this enrichment chamber and the heat generator and today we are going to try to upgrade and get more progress in I’m really excited to play again I I really

Wanted to to play throughout the week but then I told myself if I’m not going to record I’m not going to play because I don’t want to skip ahead too much that you all won’t know what’s going on so here is the wiki for the main Tech mod

That I’m playing right now I realized that last episode I’ve been pronouncing it as mechanim but it’s actually mechanism which makes much more sense because this is ISM not sim so mechanim mechanism not mechanim okay so let’s maximize this image this is the flow chart for the mechanism ore

Processing okay so right now we have the enrichment chamber which takes in some raw ores and makes dust so every three ores that we get we’re going to get two dust or no I think it’s the other way I forgot three three ores give four dust or something like that the percentage

Isn’t that great so our next step to improve it is to make a Crusher a purification chamber and an electrolytic separator so when we put or in here so this machine just makes oxygen from water because water has H2O containing hydrogen and oxygen atoms so this separator it’s kind

Of like electrolysis where you apply electricity and you split the molecule so the oxygen comes here to the purification chamber and the or goes in as well and I think some kind of clumps will come out to the crusher which will make dirty dust which will make dust

Where we can smelt and make ingots I know this is this is a lot but I’m excited so the first step I think is to upgrade this heat generator because well it’s running on charcoal and it’s not very efficient I keep checking because I want it to be daytime

So that I can harvest my trees but I’ve been wasting too many charcoal in the last episode because I was trying to power my generator but that’s not the best way to do it the best way is just to have lava touching it because that would ensure power at

All times because it doesn’t drain the lava which is really good okay so I’m wondering if I have have some lava pools here or if I have to go deeper I don’t think we even reached why like the world minimum world I think 64 the minimum World level so

H i oh I’m almost at the bottom of my M shaft actually I just are missing a few stairs so I’m going to continue digging see what I get and and I guess I’ll see you after my mining trip looks like we’ve hit Bedrock already that was quick I guess we didn’t

Have that far to go so now I’m going to start digging to the sides and yeah hopefully I run into some sort of lava pool so that I can get some lava so I’m going to dig tunnels like this and then just keep going look at my tunnel

Look how far actually this is not too far but look how much I’ve dug and guess what I got nothing yeah nothing H sometimes it’s like this I’m all the way down at Bedrock so the chances of diamond should be the highest but I haven’t had any gotten anything so

Far while I was digging the stairway down I found a few pieces of few blocks of redstone or but that’s about it nothing else not even like osmium or whatever the other ores tin and there shouldn’t be copper but yeah it’s just digging and digging look oh I ran into some

Gravel and finally we’ve got something lapis and fluorite oh my pickaxe just broke good thing I made a couple earlier oh I’m I’m digging this gravel just cuz it’s faster to mine and there might be a chance that I’ll see other stuff and I’m

Hearing lava and I can also see it in my subtitles so that’s a good thing because we want lava which way is it coming from probably directly in front of me according to the subtitles so let me keep digging this gravel out maybe it’s somewhere in this direction H I’m quite

Hopeful so if I turn like this look the subtitles that’s where the arrow is pointing to so good okay let me use the torch method it’s much faster so you have to kind of right click at the same time oh actually I ran out of torches and my shovel broke h

H well at least I brought stuff with me down here so I can let me try doing the torch thing again does Breaking torches with a shovel break its durability I’ve never actually found out 127 right now break 127 oh good to know cuz in the past I’ve always been so

Stressed out that I’m wasting durability but if it doesn’t take up any durability that’s a good thing okay well there’s no ores here I’m so surprised that there are so few ores down here H okay let’s go find this lava I’ve change my strategy from torches to Redstone because my inventory

Doesn’t have that much well but there’s actually no more gravel so okay so where’s the lava I guess we’ll just keep going forward I feel like it’s really close like I can hear it quite loud now I hope I don’t just suddenly dig through it it’s on my

Right actually it’s like all around me H where could it be it’s kind of dark and scary don’t know why I’m scared right now okay I hear it like right here okay couple more is it here oh I see dripping o I see it it’s like there

Okay maybe a better strategy would be going up here to dig also Lava Lakes might have more Ores around it oh there it is I’m always scared oh I see light did I oh there’s the cave okay just have to stand back is this block safe y all right nice

Hot stuff cool I’m gonna dig around this area a little bit just in case there’s like ores on the walls because I don’t know it’s like already a m shaft Dugout for me so I might as well use it to try to find stuff oh well my pickaxe ran out so maybe next

Time but I’m glad we finally found which means we can also make a portal to the nether but don’t think I’m ready to do that right now cuz I have much more things I would want to do instead all right this is quite the long

Stairs all right I’m back is it oh it’s night time again it’s like always night time when I try to do stuff okay how do I make those cables they were talking about this one b basic universal cable so two steel and uh red stone makes eight I only have

One iron right now and one raw iron okay guess that’s not happening I’m going to pick up this enrichment chamber first well first I need wood oh I really like the look of the Cherry it’s so nice okay so let me make a couple of pickaxes cuz I know I’ll need it

Later and put away some of this oh my chest is full maybe I’ll make a second one in a second but I want to break this and this as well wait my copper is my copper stuck inside or did I just lose it forever oh

Okay this is a good mod this is a well polished mod if I lost my copper then that’s a really bad bug but yeah good thing I got it all right so we need to make a little area for the lava to safely go around the generator without us having to worry

About the lava flowing out so according to the wiki the side withd the hole is the sidew power is going to come out so all I need to do I think is set up a little space like that and then the lava can just flow around

It I’m going to dig the ceiling a little bit so that I can see from the top down what’s going on I think just like that should be sufficient and then I’ll place my lava Source on top of here and then I do need to make some barriers on

Here like that so that the lava won’t flow out but other than that let’s try it oh this is water loggable or lava log oh I did not expect that and I almost fell in okay I’m going to put it here like that and now it’s all all sides oh I hear a

Zombie okay let me check it yeah it’s floating on that side too great that’s exactly what I wanted oh okay so I just have to be very careful not to walk into the lava this way so I’m gonna block this off there’s still a little bit of light

That can come out the top so it’s like ambient lighting as well and if I break this block I should be okay because yeah that’s not connected too or the lava doesn’t flow down to there actually no there’s lava right here I just want to check yeah

There’s lava right there so got to be careful but anyway this output is perfect for any machines that need to go here so see powered up immediately look at that that’s great I don’t have to feed it charcoal anymore and this is the lava will last forever all right

So let me just make another chest just to store all my other stuff because this is not sustainable so I’m going to put all the nonsquare blocks in here that’s usually how I organize stuff in survival is everything that looks like a square will go into the square

Chest and everything that doesn’t look like a square will go in the other one so this might fill up really quickly so this is just a temporary solution until I get more stuff yeah I mean it’s like basically full almost couple more items I think yeah that’s

Full okay so this is the square chest and this is the nons square chest let’s see is it daytime why is it always nighttime like seems like every time I am checking or every time I need wood it’s nighttime and let’s see if I can get some spiders right now cuz I would

Like to make a bed so that I can sleep okay how many did I just pick up two okay four nice so that’s one wool block I don’t know if spiders tend to spawn in the crowd cuz that was like a bunch of spiders Al together oh there’s

A dog is the dog attacking the skeleton oh that’s funny what’s that tiny oh zombie I didn’t see that I do not want to deal with a baby zombie I think I saw one over there somewhere but it looks like the baby zombie doesn’t see me so

Uh-oh what’s that that mob I don’t want to know okay I just want the spiders I got to get rid of this creeper first and two more hits oh oh oh oh that was scary okay so this gravel hole I don’t want holes in my world so I I want to patch it

Up yeah I don’t like having holes like this maybe I should just turn off mob griefing completely oh I got eight eight string that means two wool come on oh no string for this guy oh what mob is that oh creeper I thought that was a baby zombie come on two string

What that gave zero that’s not fair oh no there’s a baby zombie ah I hate baby zombies okay okay that wasn’t that bad O Come on yes 10 I just need one more string I think cuz I have one at home ah it’s daytime now well I mean yay

It’s daytime but I also miss my opportunity to get more spiders that’s okay well I can chop my trees in peace now yeah I don’t see any more spiders anywhere I’m just one short that’s okay and goodbye zombie zombies are like the easiest to kill I understand why moi

Wanted to make them better better as in more scary not better for the player okay so more Wood’s always good because we’re always going to need wood for smelting at least until we make those electric furnaces actually that might not be a terrible idea because now that we have unlimited energy at least

Unlimited low amounts of energy then we can just keep keep it on all the time I am also curious this 94 can I use this to break leaves 93 okay so it does take up durability I don’t want to put a block on the snow because I don’t want to mess it

Up okay there’s one more wood that I can barely reach nice any more here nope I think that’s it for this tree each time I chop a tree I get like 24 wood so that’s pretty good uh this one only gave me 17 let me chop one more tree and I’ll go

Back to the house all right finish that one and back home so we have 30 I think it’ll be wise to just smelt 24 and then leave the rest for like for normal usage okay I have so many cherry saplings I should probably be planting them outside but it’s okay and I have yeah 11 string so I just need one more spider then we can make a

Bed oh we have two iron ingots how did that happen I think I killed a zombie and it dropped the iron that’s crazy okay now I can make the cables actually is that a waste doesn’t matter I’m going to need more iron anyway so let me just make the cables real

Quick and then I’ll go on another mining trip so it’s so nice having the Ad Astra like the recipe in here because we can also make steel that way instead of having to make a blast furnace using the mechanism mod okay does this connect I hope it does let me test it with

Maybe some uh do I have tin yeah yeah let me test it with this tint if the energy refills that means it’s working yeah I think think yeah I think that works fine so the cables can connect in any direction but the the power only outputs in the back of this

Heat generator seems like all right cool let us go on another trip do we have everything we need we have planks we have pickaxes where’s my sticks I guess we didn’t get any and the bucket just in case yeah I think we’re pretty solid to go on a mining trip I’m going

To go down to y16 again because that’s where the iron is the most frequently spawned so remember last time I started digging here at y = 16 and I actually gave up at this tunnel so let me just connect this real quick and try to find more iron that’s the goal

Today oh I just realized I forgot torch es so good thing the charcoal is being smelted right now so that I can make more torches oh this is smelting so slowly ah I wish I had a faster furnace and it’s done the power of video editing okay so we have 12 which will

Make 48 and now I have 64 nice let’s go back down oh and guess what right when I lit this up there’s actually iron right in front of our face Perfect all right is that only two seriously two blocks of iron okay well Two Is Better Than Zero I guess I shouldn’t complain

Ah but I really really need more iron hopefully there’s more whoa just digging and I saw this lead ore I don’t think we’ve had any lead yet lead is actually really dangerous in real life like even by just touching it you can get lead poisoning so that’s

Pretty dangerous there used to be a lot of things like paint that contains lead in it and houses that were built a long time ago might have lead paint but nowadays the safety standards are much better so that’s not going to be a thing anymore but yeah I can’t be just holding

Lead in my hand like this it’s not good but this is Minecraft I’ve held uranium before and we’re fine oh some more tin that’s good and some lapis as well lapis is actually so common now it’s even more common than like gold I forgot what the old generation was like in Minecraft

1.17 and Below but now lapis is so common I have to look at the diagram again all right I’m going to go to the end of that tunnel and dig backwards so that I won’t overshoot when I’m digging this way it’s always nice to get osmium oh wait the these are neither of

Those this is and fluorite but that’s cool too better than nothing when I was at y = -64 I was like digging forever and there’s nothing but this seems like a much better mining trip than before actually I don’t really need this coal but out of habit I’m just going to

Dig through this I just heard like spiders I’m like really close to a cave because there are bats everywhere and it’s really annoying maybe if I find the cave I would be able to it’s like right in front of me but like if I find the cave maybe I can just

Go caving and find stuff much quicker I’m going to try doing that so I’ll make a few pickaxes and I’m going to continue digging this way to yeah it’s like all around me I’m really close to the cave oh it’s like I hear zombies bats everything I’m a little bit scared

Again oh oh it’s a m shaft oh wait no it’s a structure okay I have to come up really carefully oops I right clicked this dirt and it became a path okay where’s the mob I need my sword ready too uh I should probably make another sword in case that one

Breaks the zombies are so close maybe I should just run out okay I’m just going to go for it ready ooh this is scary there’s so many things around ah no no no no no go go go is it chasing me ah no I guess exploding wouldn’t be the worst thing down here

Right okay well I killed it oh wow my heart is beating so fast I’m not the best at like moving around okay let’s go I still hear the zombies though okay I’m going to explore the structure once I get rid of some of these mobs oh wow that last hit was using my

Bare fist cuz the ooh good thing I made a second sword cuz I’m definitely needing it right now come on come on that one’s dead that one fell in the hole all right that’s gone O Okay way too close way too close and let me light up this place real

Quick I hear a spider somewhere oh that’s here okay using these Vines to help me oh seems like the spiders fell a few times cuz its Health was pretty low and I see a bunch of ores which is good but let me like up this place before I start digging iron

Good yeah caving is definitely much better than strip mining when it comes to getting basic materials that’s it I guess that was like four so we have 11 total come on okay okay let’s keep going there’s like 10 but we have plenty of that yeah I’m just going to get

More all right let’s continue to explore o dark dark cave Osmium okay this seems like a similar mushroom cave as the other one we saw in the last episode oh I keep doing that I don’t like doing that I don’t like having dirt paths everywhere randomly oh more iron good good okay let’s do this just one are you

Serious there has to be more connected to that what singular iron not even a vein just singular iron okay let’s go back where was the osmium we saw tin okay and osmium good oh wow this leads to another part of the cave I guess so I’m going to light this up before anything

Happens what do we have here more tin I guess it goes in a circle okay let’s see what else is here some more tin and then this is the big part that we need to explore okay so that was just the side cave now we’re back at the main

Part oh pickaxe broke again good thing I have a couple more all right let’s not waste too much time digging out all those things and let’s go into the big structure I remember seeing one of these in another world and it was underwater so that’s pretty crazy I see another

Spider so maybe I should ooh that took some damage one hit and that’s another creeper can I use it to I’m too scared to like purposely blow a creeper okay I was going to say because I don’t know how much damage it would deal did I even oh did it just break

That iron that was a waste I thought it could help me harvest the iron okay less learn for next time there’s a lot of iron here though so I’m happy so I’m going to okay this is the end good okay so I’m going to go through

And mine out all these ores you see and I’ll cut to when I’m done doing that I keep hearing a zombie can’t tell where it is and also my inventory is like full is it that one no that’s a creeper oh oh oh oh oh oh

I I knew it was going to blow up where is that zombie I keep hearing it okay well if I go in here I’m not going to have enough inventory space wow amethyst wow oh all this iron I’m taking this first wow look at that this is nice

Loot okay anything up here cauldrons wow the gold what is the sharpness one and blocks of copper you know I am quite tempted to take it right now so let me just dump some Cobblestone this should give me okay so that’s over a stack iron sword nice ni

Okay I’ll leave the rest of the stuff here I’ll be back for it and what is that block clay yeah I’ll come back and I need to go home and drop off some stuff because yeah this is yeah I need to go back I can’t take

Everything with me oh I missed a gold when I was mining earlier okay I think gold veins are bigger now and in the old versions of Minecraft gold veins always spawn in like a 2 by two Cube and sometimes they’ll be missing so it’s not always eight blocks

But now I feel like gold veins are pretty big okay where oh I’m hungry how do I get back to the m shaft I know I place torches on the right side but it seems like everywhere the Torches are on the same side uh-oh there’s some stuff up

There I just want to get back right now though I don’t need to keep exploring why are the why is this on this side so confused which way back I think this torch is misplaced I am thinking well but these are on this side uhoh my torch method is failing me right

Now is it like some hole that I came out of I remember I came out from the ground there it is okay no wonder that was confusing and then I have to go through the M shaft like that okay so next time I come I’ll just go straight to the end and then

Find the hole towards the structure oh this way yeah okay so nothing smelting right now and I’ll put my iron in first thing because that’s like one of the most important things we need and then the rest of this stuff I guess I can make another chest

Now if only these chests were pink that would be really cool oh now I also have enough string to make a bed nice finally and is it night time we’ll find out okay it’s daytime that’s cool too the time when I have a bed it’s

Daytime and the time I don’t have a bed and I want to go break trees it’s night time I think I’m just unlucky okay so all the non square blocks is going to go into this chest I think I’ll need further like organizing later but for now this is enough to deal

With right now and I’ll put the rest of the stuff I don’t need don’t think I necessarily need to go chop trees right now wow look 24 right off the bat okay cool I am really happy with with all that iron now and I feel a little bit more

Comfortable okay what’s the next thing we have to make let’s go back to the wiki okay so Crusher is next Crusher purification chamber and electrolytic separator so let’s start with the crusher I realized I didn’t full screen my Minecraft sorry about that so the crusher wow mob Crusher

That’s actually a cool machine the industrial foregoing one okay so we need two lava buckets with okay this is pretty basic stuff Actually okay I need to remember what the machines are let me go back Crusher purification chamber and electrolytic separator all right so I searched all of them up and I added it to my favorites so they’re all here so this one needs four steel okay four steel and then this one

Needs for steel also and then this one needs I don’t know what is this stuff so we need eight steel Al together so I might as well just start smelting that right now I almost tried to put this iron in there and it didn’t go in okay so I do need more

Wood good things daytime I’m going to go chop some trees and I’ll be back with the crafting okay I think just in time for the night to set in good thing mobs haven’t spawned yet I think mobs are going to spawn in like a second so I’m going to go back in and

Smelt some wood before we actually run out so I have 16 perfect and extra wood right there all right the eight steel ingot seems like we need a lot of glass as well so I’m going to need to go find more sand later

Is there a way to make sand out of oh I need the crusher that’s fine I think we have enough things to make the crusher right now let me see Crusher needs steel casing there we go basic control circuit the infuser hm oh I have it in my hand

And now that we have the cable I can put the infuser somewhere and we need Redstone to infuse right oh oh oh oh my Redstone went into the tank Oh I thought it would just go in the slot but okay that’s fine we’re going to need these eventually anyway so

I just need two first so after we get that we can I think we can craft this directly yeah oh wait no we need more lava I don’t want to make two buckets though oh I guess I have to yeah are there alternative recipes for the bucket nope that’s

Annoying okay I need two buckets of lava so that means I need to go down to the mines again and then I just need the red stone and then I should be able to make the crusher all right okay so we’re at the bottom I think we just had one tunnel down here

There’s actually quite a long tunnel now that I’m coming back to it and I think while I’m down here might as well go back to that big house that we found in the cave and try to get back everything as well I think the Lava was up here yeah one and

Two I wish I could bring back more but yeah now’s not the time since I have a Sakura sa sapling in my hand I think it’ll be funny if I just planted it somewhere random underground like here no that’s not going to grow there oh there’s some

Copper that I missed earlier okay I think it was somewhere here yep and I shall plant this Sakura here where’s there’s more space I don’t think it’ll grow but we’ll see maybe it will all right time to loot the barrels actually why don’t I just break

The whole thing cuz I want the barrels too wow cool and I want the cauldrons just in case they will come in handy in the future villager trades leather worker oh no that’s just the a the workstation I guess I don’t know are iron bars useful

Oh also the cobwebs could give me string but I don’t need string anymore because I already made the bed okay let’s go back home and this time I found the exit pretty quickly nice I just realized oh this way that I’m short on food so which means I need

To go to the ocean or the river again and Hunt more salmon until I make a like an auto Fisher cuz that’s one of the blocks in mine factory reloaded or well it’s now it’s called industrial for going okay so I have everything that I need make sure that I don’t waste the

Red stone now that was so sad watching all my Redstone just go away like that okay Crusher great I’m going to crush a little bit of cobblestone like half a stack I guess to make some sand wow I really like this mod mechanism it’s really well polished

Compared to another mod that I’ve played in the past oh I guess it makes gravel and then we have to crush the gravel again to make sand but another tech mod that I used to play it was really buggy and like some stuff didn’t work and yeah didn’t really enjoy it that

Much but mechanism is really well polished the ores look nice The Ore textures and the and the sounds wow even the animations wow okay yeah I’m really impressed but anyway I want to make more sand so that I can I don’t need to wait for all of

This just one sand I mean yeah just one sand so that I can have a multiple of eight to smelt but what else can I be doing okay so I have eight sand I can smelt that cool I have 16 charcoal and I usually leave a couple just in case I

Forget and use it up by accident and then I can’t smell more charcoal all right so what’s next purification chamber infused out alloy we need Redstone iron and that makes infused alloy cool how much do we need we need four 6 7 8 N9 okay we need nine

Iron I bet we’re not going to have enough so that’s this machine up here yeah I don’t think we’ll have enough iron to finish everything we need osmium oh we need an enrichment chamber which is this guy right here so the purification chamber needs an enrichment chamber which means I’ll

Need okay I guess I had that ready already the steel I had it ready cuz I need the steel casing again there we go I need to make another enrichment chamber which means I need four basic control circuits which means four osmium ingots raw osmium and I can do

This to crush some of them I guess I don’t need to do that many right now I forgot it’s multiple of three or four multiple of three but 12 is both my multiple of three and four so that doesn’t matter but after I smelt this dust I’ll get more osmium like

So okay okay so now I have more glass to make more machine cases in the future steel casings and I need iron Redstone and then this one oh I need two more Infuse alloy four irons and five more okay wow yeah I definitely don’t have enough okay we need the alloy that

Started it all Infuse iron with redstone nice okay I need like four right yeah I need four so I guess it didn’t matter that I accidentally click all the Redstone in here anyway because this is going to get used up pretty quickly I think all right and that is done there’s nothing in

Here cool smelt that osmium just in case and and what were we going to do with this make this yep got it and then we need this we need this shift click will move as many as possible and then we need that yes purification chamber and I don’t know how to use this

Yet so I guess you can put shard and stuff H it makes clumps oh okay let’s try it with some copper oh wait what was the thing that Flint basic chemical tank or Flint okay interesting why it needs Flint I wonder why and how do you make flint enrichment

Chamber with gravel we have an enrichment chamber here so I might as well put in some gravel here so that I can get more flint and oh oh the Flint makes oxygen that’s why if we have a what’s that other machine the electrolytic thing that makes oxygen so then we wouldn’t need the

Flint I see but since Flint is like cheaper Then wow that got used up really quickly but since flints Flint is cheaper than charcoal I don’t mind just making Flint like that but yeah I guess the long-term goal we should be making this electrolytic separator okay and this looks kind of ugly my setup currently I’m just kind of patching cables everywhere

So I am going to kind of arrange my machines a little bit better and because there’s an order that stuff is working in I think it’ll make the most logical sense to put them in the order that stuff will be processed which is I think uh I don’t

Know okay we’ll figure it out when we get back but we need to go mining again yeah all right meanwhile what does Copple deep slate do smelter enrichment chamber is there more nope combiner okay is it raining outside yeah okay this space is getting kind of tight

But I need more iron so I’m going to go get more put back some of my valuables and after I get more iron I can do more oh Redstone would be nice we’re going to run out of redstone pretty soon I didn’t think we would actually let me go and get some salmon

Because we’re going to need that no no no no that was such a stupid way to die I should have just broken the ice on top of me no I can’t believe it oh that was so stupid I was really trying not not to die in this game I guess that’s all always

But yeah oh I wasn’t watching my bubbles oh I’m so sad I had 21 levels on me okay where’s my stuff oh I was so close to the edge as well I could have never mind okay guess we have to restart the world I’m just kidding ah and I’m going to die

Again come on I don’t want to die again well on the bright side our hunger bar is restored okay let’s get some of this fish and get out of here this is such such a silly way to die it’s like the same thing as like dying by getting pricked by a cactus or

Like dying by hunger or something it shouldn’t happen ah I’m so sad okay that’s eight fish let’s go back ah silly me it looks really nice in the snow There’s a Zombie over there okay I might as well get some wood because I’m here so that I don’t need to

Always try to get out of the house all right is that it for this one I don’t need that many nine is good enough okay my salmon is done and looks like that is also done and so we will go back down to the mines to get more iron just like we’ve

Always been doing all right I think we need more pickaxes too so when that breaks I’m going to craft more here we are at y level 16 I’m going to start digging from here this time and then just dig to the end of that tunnel oh yes finally nothing much happened though

Like I got some lapis a coal which I didn’t bother for finishing this but yes this is quite a decent size iron chunk though so I think we actually have enough to finish the oxygen thingy the electrolyzer okay so uh I’m going to just go back home after this nope I

Wanted to go back home but my brain decided to keep digging so here we are okay I’ve dug through to the other side and no iron maybe I’ll dig a little bit on this side too oh where was the path to the oh it was up here

Okay I’ll just dig this way back and then I’ll call it good oh just hit some gravel and use the torch trick no iron behind this well the torch trick is nice because it saves some durability on the shovel because you don’t need to break

Block by block and I’m not doing it very well I’m not the best at it but it works when it works oh yeah I’m not the best gamer out there if you can’t tell okay got rid of most of the gravel and there’s nothing behind what a waste

What about this please have iron behind it nope okay and here okay I’m just wasting time now and my shovel broke as well oh tin but that’s not iron oh I can’t believe it I thought I was just digging just for the sake of digging but there’s actually

Iron behind the gravel and on the very last two pieces all right that was worth it then but it’s kind of dark is there any more please have more iron no okay any more Behind These now I’m just digging because of superstition okay okay okay I’m going to

Stop and probably get this tin as well all right I ran out of torches so I guess I’ll go back didn’t get any more iron after that lucky find with the gravel so so oh 15 not bad 15 that can get me what’s 15 * 1.5 2

22.5 so I’ll at least get 22 iron out of that so h i shouldn’t use that much I think that’s the oh that’s the trick I think yeah because I want to save this for further processing after I’ve set up the the other machine the electrolytic

Separator so after I do that okay I need five infused alloy so I have one right now so I need four more oh wow that was fast yeah after I make that machine then I can process my iron at a better rate so it’ll be more worth it

Okay let’s dump all the rest of this stuff here and wait for the iron well at least have four pieces that I can put into this machine and then that will make me the infused alloy and oh I actually need seven pieces Gold Dust osmium dust iron dust what do I

Have oh I need one 1 two three three osmium and one two three three gold dust so I think this yep and I’ll put this in there as well and then what else do I need I need I need an iron dust H Gold Dust iron dust infused alloy oh yes

Ha now I don’t have to make even more okay so I actually needed one more I think I needed one more so make that perfect and I need two infused alloys that’s one and two and then four iron and two Redstone oh I’m just one short

Ah oh I had iron dust right here I didn’t even need to do that furnace thing okay well I just need that one iron and then I should be able to make all my stuff now this is exciting okay can we do it yes yes we can okay now we place this somewhere

Here okay how do we use this we need water I know that let me put my valuables away and then we’ll go outside to try to get some water okay it’s daytime I’m using my bed as a clock if I can click on it that means it’s night

Time if it doesn’t let me sleep that means it’s daytime a very accurate clock okay while I’m at the water I might as well get some more salmon and this ice sheet is really dangerous okay now I got two buckets which I can make infinite water

With why do the salmon only spawn under the ice sheet that’s it’s like a trap for me oh there’s some over here so I’m going to grab some and then go home that’s one two and Three oh I left one so that’s four five nice I have to be really careful I don’t die 6 7 and 8 oh there it is all right time to go back these spruce trees are really nice I think these are actual Spruce leaves yeah those are Spruce leaves and

These are oak leaves oak leaves are one of the few Leaf types that change color according to their biome dark oak as well okay let’s go home oh look at that look at that bee up there I think that’s a be it’s kind of going crazy and while we’re here we’re going

To chop a tree as usual okay last piece all right I haven’t been collecting the drops but the sticks are nice to collect oh I’m hungry now good thing we got more salmon and this is my hole and I really need to make my area nicer and I probably need to expand soon

Because this is feeling quite cramped but it’s okay for now is good okay I need an infinite Water Area it’s really small in there uh maybe I’ll move my bed I’ll make the water area here there we go I’ll put my bed here respawn Point set okay how do I use this thing

And how does the air come out so I need the air to Output to side config wow this is a really nice UI it even shows you the Block it’s connected to input output energy none so they’re all set at none I guess oh I’ll set them all to none first

And then set the right side to Output fluids oh energy fluids gases items oh interesting I guess you can filter it so fluids none input uh none input none oh I can’t eject to any of of the faces Auto eject is not supported manual extraction may still be possible why isn’t it supported

Okay I’m not sure so if I put water here will that do it h how does that work input dark red red front so right now this is items config fluids input dark red input yeah sets all side To None okay so that’s input right now do I need a pump strict input off I don’t know is there a pump oh that’s the add Astra one electric pump okay maybe that’s what I need so I need a steel casing wow it’s kind of expensive let me check the wiki

Okay it doesn’t say here oh but I just saw it splits into hydrogen and oxygen of course and then the oxygen the hydrogen can be used to fill a jetpack or feed into a gas burning generator h a significant source of power for a growing base so I can feed

The hydrogen back into a generator that’s cool okay so a water pump yeah I need water pump to fill into the electrolytic separator yeah that answers my question okay another steel casing which needs four steel do we have enough please please have enough one two three

And is that enough for what we need to do cuz we need let me add this to favorites for the pump we need two infused alloy so that is six six iron total so we have four here and oh just right okay this is six and I am willing

To sacrifice a charcoal to burn six okay so we have that so we need two infused alloy I don’t think I have any iron ingots left left that’s why we’re making more and we have 10 buckets 10 Milli buckets of redstone left so each process takes 10 then interesting

Okay so we just need two of those and then the rest can be used to make the machine case in I keep calling it a machine casing because that’s what some other mods call it wow my computer keeps running out of storage and I even had to delete my old installation of

Windows just to get enough space to keep recording hopefully I didn’t like cut out the recording too much and okay I need the steel so that’s for whatever I’ll just put it in I’ll need it anyway or I’ll get more automated charcoal in the future anyway

Okay so to make the pump we need that that bucket H it’s going to use my bucket I’m going to miss the bucket sorry bucket okay last one and can we do it oh I need one more osmium I try to calculate it there we go okay wow it’s water logged does that

Work maybe I should have more space back here but I don’t know I don’t want to touch the lava okay so how does this work H does it work if the fluid is all around it guess we’ll find out so that’s probably the power source it’s

Not wait I’m so confused how to use the pump oh place the pump one block above or adjacent to a source block of any fluid you desire then it’ll collect the source block okay so is green power I keep forgetting and then and then orange is the output cuz right now this isn’t

Powered let me try putting this one block above like that I need more space though and I’m exposed to the nature to Nature like that oh there we go the water’s pumping but then how do we feed it into that we can’t okay so I had to change my setup a

Little bit I think that’s what I’m going to do so instead of the pump facing that way I think what I want to do is to move everything over so that we’re using the pipes to block off the lava that might be a risky idea

Though so like if I put the pump like that oh no I wanted the power to be on the other side H okay so if I do this there’s lava right behind this Cobblestone so I have to be careful so if I do that is this enough

Power I guess it is and then this this block oh forgot about that okay so that one this electrolytic thing can go up here ah there we go the water is going in but we also don’t have power so we need the power to go up

One which means break this and put that pipe up there okay H actually okay so after this oh wow it’s already doing stuff okay so the oxygen needs to Output to where needs to Output to this one purification chamber okay which we can connect Maybe like that is there oxygen now we have to configure gases they’re all set to input and what about this eject on front output is it doing anything oh that’s not the front of the machine is it wait input let me clear this set up so gases eject

Output wait I’m so confused why are there different colors output one output two oh the different gases I get it there we go the Oxygen’s coming here now this will need to go into the wait what machine Crusher yes the next step is the crusher so the crusher can

Output where is this items output blue right okay and then this is the input yes wait input for items will be on the left good wait how come it’s not outputting oh ejecting off auto eject oh there we go okay now the items are going in there now I want to break

This one cuz I don’t want the infuser to be up here cuz this is not it’s not needed to be connected to the other stuff so I put this down here or something um and then the next one is the enrichment chamber which will go here and so the

Output ejects on output blue right there we go nice and then we can put a chest on at the end okay I’ll save 16 Wood just for charcoal and this can output there and I should do Auto eject there we go so the this is like an assembly line here the whole assembly

Line the copper or whatever I put in it will go out to the right all right this is satisfying this is really cool okay now I just need to expand this area a little bit maybe I’ll put the doorway closer to the entrance of the hole cuz I do need more space now

But like I’m all exposed to the open here H maybe a little more space so like here yeah good enough like that all right yes here we go the hydrogen’s full so is it going to stop making making oxygen I hope not and this stopped how come this stopped no

Energy okay yeah that’s what the wiki said like the next thing we need to worry about is to upgrade our energy as well yeah there’s no energy that’s why the thing’s not moving oh it’s cuz this isn’t even connected oh okay yeah that’s that turns it on now but then

This looks ugly now H can we actually set the pump to Output to the back I wonder no the pump has no configuration all right this is like barely enough power for this machine okay well anyway I’m happy with the progress that we’ve made and the assembly line is working really

Well so I think we’re good to end here for the episode yeah I’m happy with the progress an extra generator would be nice I think let me put iron in here and dead because that’s the one we need the most we have so much copper and good amount of tin

Lead osmium osmium we’re kind of low but tin is really or iron is really the one that we we need more of so yeah I’m really excited about the upcoming progress that we’re going to make apparently you can convert the hydrogen to a generator so maybe it’s I can search that

Up um bio generator maybe not gas burning yeah this one we need this one so let me bookmark that why did I bookmark a stick okay so this is what we’ll make next and I’m happy with this progress so this is crushing the dirty iron dust and an

Enrichment you turn it into a nice iron dust okay wow this is really cool what else can I do with yeah just do that okay thank you so much for watching make sure to like And subscribe to get notifications of future videos I am going to continue making more videos in

This series hopefully you all enjoy it I’ll be making more updates for the 4.0 update for the Minecraft Transit Railway mod as well so if you’re interested in that please go check it out and the let’s play series that one is primarily focused on that mod so I hope you enjoyed leave a

Comment of what you think and I’ll see you next time Bye

This video, titled ‘Doubling Ores – Sakura Survival × Minecraft Transit Railway S1E2’, was uploaded by Jonathan Ho on 2023-10-14 19:00:21. It has garnered 851 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:22 or 4762 seconds.

Sakura Survival is a brand new survival series with a bunch of technology mods in Minecraft 1.20.2 Forge, including Minecraft Transit Railway! In this episode, we will add a few more machines to effectively double the ores we get.


Check out Minecraft Transit Railway! It is a Minecraft mod based on Hong Kong’s MTR, the London Underground, and the New York Subway. It adds trains, boats, cable cars, and planes to the game along with other miscellaneous blocks and items. With this mod, it is possible to build a fully functional railway system in your world!

Useful Links Mod Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/minecraft-transit-railway Get 25% off server hosting on Shockbyte: Use code MTRMOD https://partners.shockbyte.com/minecrafttransitrailway Mod Wiki: https://wiki.minecrafttransitrailway.com/start Be part of the community; join our Discord! https://discord.gg/PVZ2nfUaTW Support my work! https://www.patreon.com/minecraft_transit_railway Help translate the mod! https://crwd.in/minecraft-transit-railway

Social https://www.instagram.com/minecraft.transit.railway/ https://www.facebook.com/Minecraft-Transit-Railway-102713049454897 https://twitter.com/MTRMinecraft

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#sakurasurvival #survival #technology #letsplay #mekanism #minecraftforge #modded #technology #industrialforegoing #adastra

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  • Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One!

    Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One! In this video, I test pickaxes with glee, From basic to enchanted, for all to see. Stone and deepslate, they all get a try, Calculating speed, no need to be shy. Efficiency and haste, all put to the test, On iron, diamond, and netherite best. Tick speed and mining, all in the mix, Results in the end, no need for tricks. So if you have questions, just drop a line, I’ll answer them all, in rhythm and rhyme. Hope you enjoyed this test, my English may lack, But if you liked it, consider a like and subscribe back. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraft #funny #meme Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP

    Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP The Ultimate Showdown: Stop Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP Welcome to the epic clash between two powerhouse Minecraft SMPs: Stop Lapata SMP and Loyal SMP! AaryanshMC takes us on a thrilling journey through the intense rivalry, highlighting the unique features, gameplay styles, and community dynamics of each server. Get ready for a showdown like no other as we delve into the world of Minecraft! Stop Lapata SMP: Unleashing Creativity Stop Lapata SMP is a hub of creativity, where players push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft. With a focus on building, redstone engineering, and exploration, Stop Lapata SMP… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Wacky Industrial Zone

    Minecraft's Wacky Industrial Zone Minecraft’s Goofiest Industrial District Seven Missions is a project that has been in the works since June 2021, showcasing the creative potential of Minecraft. The creator sees it as more than just a series within the game; it is a testament to the power of imagination and determination. With a focus on inspiring others, Seven Missions serves as a stepping stone towards a career in filmmaking and composing. Music and Artistry The series features a majority of original music composed by the creator, available for streaming on platforms like Spotify under the artist name “Cem Hagemu.” This unique blend… Read More

  • “Piggy Pag’s Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

    "Piggy Pag's Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨" #minecraft #shorts #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘This magic wand works wonders in Minecraft ✨ #minecraft #fyp #shorts #gaming’, was uploaded by Piggy Pag on 2024-08-17 15:15:10. It has garnered 1915 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. ►Hi friends 👋 thanks for watching my videos! Did you like the video? Click like 👍 and write any good comments🗯️, it will help me a lot and I will see that my videos are interesting to you and I will be happy 🌝, I will make videos more often. Also… don’t forget to click the bell… Read More

  • Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate Challenge

    Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft BUILD and SEEK!’, was uploaded by Daaash on 2024-09-22 19:00:16. It has garnered 148712 views and 2390 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:01 or 8101 seconds. Minecraft BUILD and SEEK! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing build and seek in Minecraft where they each have to build a hiding spot, and who ever is last to be found wins! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #minecraftmod #Dash Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadness

    Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘combo 1.9 #bedwars #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #minecraftshorts #vime’, was uploaded by P1aNo_Shorts on 2024-09-23 18:15:52. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, combo, minecraft combo, minecraft smooth, best minecraft combos, minecraft combo lock, 1.9, minecraft combotage, sumo, mc pvp, sharpness pack, pot pvp, skypvp, minecraft sumo tournament, combos, sumo pvp minecraft, sumo god, minecraft sumo 1v1, bedwars, serb-craft, insane minecraft, sumo combos, sumo combo, minecraft 240fps, how to combo in sumo, sumo tips and tricks, minecraft hacking, minecraft sumo,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by MR GAMER 08 on 2024-02-04 11:07:00. It has garnered 2488 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server Tutorial

    Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft using Aternos (Free Server Tutorial)’, was uploaded by BoltX79 on 2024-02-26 15:58:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Make your Lifesteal SMP Like Loyal SMP Using Aternos #subscribe #like #aternos #aternosminecraftserver #minecraft … Read More

  • JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!

    JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-04 23:00:11. It has garnered 7479 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More


    SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHI TANTAN - MINECRAFT ANIMASIVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN – ANIMASI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by DUHIN on 2024-07-21 10:00:36. It has garnered 21456 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Characters @KoboKanaeru @KureijiOllie @AiraniIofifteen @MoonaHoshinova @AyundaRisu @KaelaKovalskia @VestiaZeta ••••••••••••••••••••• Subscribe for more animation from duhin:) •••••••••••••••••••••• social media: Instagram :@duhingram TikTok: @duhinuwu •••••••••••••••••••••• Track: – •••••••••••••••••••••• back to video guys, dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe #Shorts Read More

  • Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!

    Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Crazy Mikey on 2024-08-04 19:00:24. It has garnered 957 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:51 or 3831 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Store promotion: https://shop-maizen.myspreadshop.com/ Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More