Ultimate Minecraft Party! Join Now!!

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Hi I’m alive oh my God this is crazy I’m not ill anymore I’m not ill anymore this is amazing so um streams over the next few days there will be more but after Christmas I’m not 100% sure what my stream schedule will be like as I do have plans for the new

Year so yeah but I’m going to try and stream as much as I can before Christmas Comes which will be fun so yeah hi Ruby Hi Navy hi proy Hi V hi Kurt I think that’s everyone for now yeah why are you busy on Christmas so for Christmas Eve

I’m I think I’m seeing my friends I think we’re going to like do something on Christmas Eve and then Christmas obviously not going to be streaming and then after that I’m not 100% sure yet um oh hi Mark no C no um I’m probably going to start with

Hive oh because of family probably I’m it’s more like I don’t know I have I I have an actual life now which is surprising um hi TTV welcome welcome I have been messing around with some of my um OBS settings so I’m just hoping everything runs smoothly hopefully

Maybe going to start off with Hive and then I don’t know see what happens I’m seeing my dad Christmas Eve off to play board games that will definitely not end in Anarchy oh it sounds like fun though I don’t know about anyone else but Hive

Has been very laggy for me like I can play other servers just fine it’s just hives very laggy I just learned you can close the preview on OBS and reduce lag with a life changer that’s a thing I I don’t really want to try it just in case all right

My very insane loggin streak I’m going to make dinner on Christmas and I got to be at a job with the hotel so I don’t know how sounds fun though my internet as a whole has been terrible recently mine’s never usually this bad it’s just been very it’s just seem it

Just seems to be Hive for some reason um yeah I’ll probably start off with parties and then 772 days almost 800 days geez proy turns out it’s 51 year old teacher assistant that’s slightly terrifying actually I was my 50-day win streak and I was mold oh no 50-day win streak

No what do you guys think of this skin I have another one I just prefer this one hang on there’s a hat that goes with it there we go it matches right I don’t know why I need to be at my mom’s job it’s no fair it’s fair

Enough I’m not going to lie this isn’t it it’s not it’s not the best it it’s not the best I prefer the cub a lot more I’m not going to lie um invite I’ll invite all friends see what happens Kon hi Warden wonderful skin thank you Paisley Hi V welcome welcome

That’s not good Ruby can you add me to the party I’m going to guess your IGN is the same as your username that’s the wrong thing no never mind then I can’t spell I haven’t slept great and I haven’t slept great in too long thumbnail says Hypixel I will be

Doing Hypixel as well I will be doing MCC Island it really just depends I’m only starting off with Hive because I haven’t played Hive yet today and I kind of need my doing streak and I kind of want to play hi right now so I will

Be I will be going on to Hypixel and MCC Island and maybe do some like Z and other things soon I just want to start off with Hive so see how it go I need to Actually I can’t spell I need to go back to bed I don’t know how why I’m someone mod for five five channels four people that’s mental oh he doesn’t know I’m streaming okay mute my phone let’s just hi teddy hi pickle MCC Island I’m getting on just give me 50

Years that’s fine don’t worry hi teddy there’s no men option well I’m not adding a men option that’s not happening so we’re going to start off with Hive for a few games and then what I’m thinking is I don’t know I might I might do a poll

After a few games and then you guys can choose what we do Wasabi raid no no no what’s up you raid oh my God welcome Raiders oh my God welcome welcome how’s everyone’s day going Wasabi how was your stream oh this is mental oh my God welcome oh my God

Welcome slay welcome Wasabi welcome cup duck oh my God it was good oh my God oh my God I don’t know how to react right now this is thank you oh my God I’m I I don’t even know what to say thank you oh my God I’m just

Shocked Ted uh Teddy I think you spelled something wrong Rock um rock if anyone oh I might as well just do us yes now okay let’s do free shop I like free shop since when was this ice I don’t remember this being ice okay I Permissions after all invite friends invite all and then I’ll do code in a second and you can all join I have to try and remember to put on free shop happy little accident like me no you’re not an accident we’ve talked about this I think Christmas game lobbies yes someone could

Put the code in chat that’ be amazing welcome what is that emot what what am I seeing things no we have not I swear I’m from Wasabi stream welcome welcome hope you’re having a great day bingus bingus bingus what I’ve never seen this this is why is this actually kind of cool what

I’m I was planning on just having a chill stream today and then I get raided and now this is a okay I’m very confused right now oh it’s a burger Hi O that’s cool you like my skin I like I like the skin the Skin’s really cool it’s more of the emote that’s

What is this she’s going have a nap on the floor pretty cool actually no that’s the wrong thing free shop that’s what I want there we go how is paisley hitting the gritty there’s a flossy Moe what I’m gonna subscribe thank you you don’t have to oh I don’t mean to fall

Then break my skin slight where you at I’m blind that’s really cool you look really cozy in that it’s pretty cool actually I like that that’s really cool I sub to you thank you how dare you teddy how dare you I’m cozy good C oh I’m running away

No Merry Christmas Bingo we got Santa Bingo Santa Bingo where are my presents can I can I have some presents please I I I would like some presents I spent 36 m coins on this why you’re getting coal thanks Bingo thanks just what I wanted some coal why do I keep falling

Oh my God Teddy no Teddy no just no all right does anyone else want to join if not I might just start I’ve seen a skin very similar to this I’m not sure where I’ve just seen a skin very similar to that do you like my profile picture I do it’s very

Cool I want to join my five other accounts don’t may maybe don’t I don’t know how you’re going to play on five account well six accounts I guess I’ll skip this game I normally die first anyways fair enough have you ever wondered what the inside of a shotgun barrel looks like

No I I don’t want to either okay I might just start there we go what am I doing it’s free shop I think I hope please yes there we go I’m hoping the noise isn’t annoying I did change a few settings I don’t have that kind of money

Neither how dare you not wait for me Teddy you didn’t say you were going to join how is that my fault I’ll be nice I I’ll be nice and steal them all no I was going to I’m not that mean cut this is this is the entertainment now oh

Well I think oh I got a skid out for good evening Ken thank you Wasabi again for the raid um yeah I don’t know what else to say sorry I’m still shocked I was planning on just having a chill stream I thought I have the

Energy you seem good at PVP this is a mistake I’m going to hide anyway bye Wasabi I really like your voice thank you some people say that I don’t know why um Big G I didn’t realize you were in the game um hang on you can you can have those just don’t

Kill me please oh Charlie why do you want me to join your party sir I will shoot the sun told you C and soothing and British soothing I haven’t seen Big G in ages neither to be fair I will fight you never mind I’m not going to PVP anymore this

Is unfair this is very mean this is bullying I’m getting bullied no oh well GG’s welcome Dr donor can someone tell me how to get the Gog skin you probably just find it on skin decks or something I’m not 100% sure any not 100% sure what is this is this like a little

Shop what we selling selling golden apples hold on I need to traumatize people oh no cuz don’t do that I don’t I don’t even think people are fighting no teaming team teamers won’t be banned teamers won’t be banned that’s a bit far I have a big picture of the hive

Logo on the front page instead of it being Minecraft what that’s weird Romania bull raid I don’t think you are raiding but welcome anyways do you want to see yeah I kind of want to see send it to me I’m I need to see this oh wait just dropping by eatting left a

Like well thank you for stopping by Lucky might join MC later okay what happened there I did not even click on that okay that’s weird what that’s high quality picture for real what okay that’s strange okay oh wait the B is not wait where’s the B chat no one mentioned the B wasn’t

On the screen how are there 17 viewers oh no no one mentioned the be was not on the screen how dare you it’s just when text is over ah no where’s the B hang on I’m trying and to get the B back okay there’s the B There we go all is okay everything’s

Fine there we go that’s fixed be less views I don’t know um this game’s taking a while what honestly yeah okay next game H oh that bit Yeah the little bee let’s do some murder mystery why was it raining what that am I seeing things there was rain okay I think I’m seeing

Things to all invite player invite friend invite all okay okay oh no not this again insane not the first time this is the entertainment now I’m going to quit and this will just be playing constantly it will be in your dreams in your head constantly it looks even weirder with the grandma sking

True this will be in your dreams your nightmares When You Close Your Eyes even just during the day it will always be with you you will never be able to escape grandma doing the floss anyways Granny it’s not 2020 anymore clearly it is though men Yes Men Um code what am I doing code Oh my days closer to me that’s slightly terrifying McDonald’s workers I had I had a McDonald’s skin they are amazing I had McDonald’s when was it yesterday it was actually pretty good why didn’t you read my normal comment I’m not going to lie none of

Them are that normal Um it’s just one of those things in it apparently sea pickle water gets you kicked by the antiche what sea pickle water what what what this what hi Nuki welcome welcome what do you mean how that makes no sense that that’s very confusing I’ll wait a couple more minutes for people to

Join and then I might start right my skin H eight out of 10 I have seen it a lot to be fair I have seen it a lot so probably just eight out of 10 it’s very good though my voice is starting to car again this is not good

Ah hi Stella welcome welcome I like your Minecraft skin thank you it took a while my voice is going this is not good I lost my hardcore world no how long how long did you have it though that’s the real question why is my voice going again

This is not good oh my god um I want an emote but I have to play the game for it oh that’s not that’s that’s not too good I’m not reading the out well that’s okay I’m just I’m hoping everyone’s in because I’m just going to start this is just normal murder mystery

I can’t see the code properly oh I’m sorry I’m sorry I I was I will be doing a few more games of Hive and then I will probably um see what other people want to do and then might go onto something else I’m sorry Hi biscuit oh my voice no this is not

Good [Applause] wow that was a that was something I might move the B slightly just then you see it a bit better there we go that’s B kaan’s dead yeah just a tad um I was stabbed I wanted to show the thick like skin flossing God no I can’t oh my

God this is streams entertainment how am I on 15 viewers just for this how was HT the first one dead um who knows I want to show you a skin I made all by myself from scratch oh you can if I go back to the lobby then you can show me

Hopefully if we’re in the same Lobby classic c yeah I know what people want yeah clear clearly this is oh my God I love I love I actually love this that’s so cool oh my God I really like that that’s really cool my YouTube broke for a sec I

Refreshed that usually that’s usually what fixes it to be fa okay what flying cake can you not there’s a bear there’s just a little wild bear how does K how does Kon have 18 viewers who knows I mean I got a Wasabi raid but like hi why I’m guessing that’s how your name’s

Pronounced I’m very sorry if it’s not there’s a bear we got we got a bear we got a monkey skin we got rainbow I I don’t know this absolutely amazing skin and then we got fish what else we got whatever this is okay I’m running away NS um someone finally pronounced my name

Right first try hang on you made my day oh how do people normally pronounce it that’s what I want to know that ego I’ll kill you okay so here we have hang on where you gone here we have an ego um op SkyWars okay oh I I keep forgetting this is

Annoying uh do solos this is cute a pretty cool oh God no What PvP is it a white PVP oh why would you okay I don’t get that honestly I have two more skins I made that’s pretty cool I have to all invite friend all join and then I’ll do code in a minutes that’s the wrong thing that’s what I want to

Do I need to run away from Kurt this is do you accept friend requests I do mainly sometimes it would just be random people but if you’re like in no I do add people but if you’re not in streams for like a while um then I do unfriend

You just cuz it makes sense that way but if you’re active then I will keep you added oh God Teddy no I have to talk here since you can’t see my chat and I’m say Oh I thought if I change it to White PVP but like true fair enough oh there’s a

Bear all right um code Cod make lucky unlucky oh no if someone could put code in chat that’d be amazing I’m probably only going to do like an I don’t know hour and a half stream today I already know I’m One V oneing someone okay that’s fine don’t

Worry I can play so many songs with my guitar that’s pretty cool there’s so many people around me right now this is terrifying oh CT’s a made no no oh no I become my EST and be skin cool I’m very tired I don’t know if you guys can tell hopefully not

Why are you laughing that’s terrifying I don’t like that no I’m running I’m running I need to show Big G what the made flossing no no one needs to see that oh my God next stream we hopefully be more hype I’m just really tired and I still have

Things I need to get done so probably only going to be like an hour and a half stream just yeah worst thing I’ve ever seen it’s a banana that’s pretty cool I really like that oh there’s two bananas there’s one there high style Matha can’t hurt you hard stuff

With that’s kind of funny actually every time I look into IU IED one year of my life when can’t stand EU ping what did I just read all right [Applause] um I think there’s only one life with this that’s the only thing there go extra lives is everyone

In why do people keep saying moth is Mo I think cuz it’s just it’s how it’s spelled it’s just easier I did build some ffer in stat in Minecraft animatronic prototype glamor Freddy how big how big are the statues though like how how how many blocks tall seems pretty cool though all right I’m going to stop hopefully

Everyone’s in I’m very sorry if you’re not actually let me become losen oh oh no I haven’t use this pack in a while I’m wondering if it’s the other pack that now that was giving me lag cuz I’m not laging now maybe what’s everyone done today how’s everyone’s day

Been don’t think I’ve asked that but I will now unless I have and just haven’t realized who knows that’s what I wanted to do there we go is science out No how do people get mod if you’re in stream for a while and I trust you then I might give you mod it really just depends but I don’t want too many mods um like the amount of mods I have at the moment it’s fine but like I’m I’m not don’t know

Depends but yeah as long as you’re in stream for a while and I trust you then there’s a possibility of you getting mods in the future when I do need mods or if your name’s Kurt no Kurt I trust you that’s just mean lucky he’s not

That’s I okay I didn’t realize that you lose things uh that’s a bit broken we don’t talk about that Um this game’s a bit scuffed it’s fine it it’s fine it’s not it’s not it’s not the end of the world right should I should I redo it guys that you know I’m just going to Teddy and big out out to get me oh no also I can’t void repeatedly without

Saving a knock back Nemo do you have a knockback Nemo proy do you have an Nemo I’m dead yay who should I Okay C why not C in his wild habitat no I’m not even in the oh never mind then as soon as I get stuff someone just

Kills me bro I’m baby raging oh no it is slightly scuffed I’m not going to lie but it’s fine what do you guys want to do after this game do you want to go on to something else like Z cor or something or just stick to Hive for

Now how long have I been streaming 47 minutes that that can’t be right that can’t be right more Hive I’m not going to lie I’m kind of bored of Hive at the moment um oh have been live that’s the Prototype GL Freddy build is headless and has mouth in his chest oh

That’s that’s kind of weird I’m not going to lie time flies when C flosses clearly I’m just staring here um what’s Teddy doing oh well Teddy’s dead I’ve been brutally murdered by bug G who’s bug G I’ve given up I lose everything every time oh no now I would redo this game but

I I don’t really like SkyWars I’m not going to lie I’m not very I’m not a fan of SkyWars yeah bug G Big G is now a bug quit the target man no how am I on 17 viewers still this is actually crazy 36 Subs that can’t be right cake

Sam Hi how are you welcome welcome have I traumatized Big G maybe it is right no welcome welcome I’m good how are you I’m very tired but other than that I’m really good thank thank you for asking I’m very tired I’m I need to get some things done but it’s fine We

Vibe I knew I should have just done a hive stream but instead I was like yeah why not I could do like a bit of everything but now it just seems like I’m just doing Hive because I have to end in like just over half hour oh no can we play Capture the

Flag go yellow where’s yellow have I gone past it no it’s here never mind what was it yellow I drank too many I drank two blue cows today so I have enough energy for the rest of the night oh no I’m losing my mind from this game

Okay let’s do Capture the Flag I’m going to guess this game’s going to take a while unused unlocks I don’t even remember playing this how am my level eight who knows I don’t play this I don’t like this game honestly but you know what actually it’s not too

Bad wrong thing what am I doing I have to all inv there we go I’m losing my mind slightly I think it’s you and many people streams I watch too many people streams I think I’m subed to like 140 people and the majority of them do like hive Minecraft

Content I show some on the skin quick all right cut I’d only got 5 hours of sleep last night so I needed them fair enough I just got spawn killed at my Island rigged proy skin what skin what’s up get down it so I can see it bit that’s so cool I love

That oh my God the little snowman that’s so cool I love that that’s so cool oh my God I like that one as well that one’s cool I think this one might be my favorite Hall Halloween wrong one Christmas skin wrong time of year oh my god oh Sam

What Sam what I just kept getting spawn killed someone control the sweats oh okay um code I can’t think straight I’m fully Saye I swear oh that’s what I say I’m fully saying I think the code’s right it’s the C if the code is not right then I might cry lucky

Lucky no bad lucky 17 viewers and only 12 likes you don’t have to like stream like I don’t really care I’m not really picky with it you don’t have to watch me I’m really don’t mind this was literally just meant to be like a chill stream just to like I I don’t

Know cuz like I like streaming I wasn’t expecting to get a raid like the first what 20 minutes though so like it’s fine I’m somehow on 136 Subs that’s mental I’ve SE I’ve seen I’ve seen that skin before and uh they turned out to be a hacker who raided um Wasabi

Hi you’re you’re very blue I must admit ve very blue why am I a T-Rex I don’t know it’s like a basic Hive skin kind of goofy start the game if you want I don’t think I don’t know if everyone’s in oh no C why I have the best Christmas

Skin I Sam you even in the game isn’t it the same skin am I seeing things no it’s not the same skin wrong one it’s pretty cool actually the gradient is very cool I must admit I like it I think I prefer the other one though I’m not going to lie

But this one’s very cool should I quue cake cake tin or tin don’t you can call me cake or cake tin I don’t mind just don’t call me what Teddy calls me that I don’t want to be called sponge all right uh is everyone in what what do you

Mean I get called sponge can I call you mark no you’re not calling me Mark why sponge I don’t know ask Teddy um is everyone in Ro is going crazy where is Luigi am I blind oh I am blind Luigi oh my god oh this is sponge cake oh God what about Denny

No Kur come on oh no it’s bluing no no no no run run run run run run Sam Sam what’s your skin hang on that’s I think I think it’s a basic Minecraft one but that’s still pretty cool run all right is everyone in cuz I think I might start sponge

Cake technically I a sponge cake more like a lemon Dr cake but yeah that wasn’t me I swear it was who was I’m going to turn you blue don’t turn me blue don’t don’t don’t don’t yep we lost what just cuz I’m on the team wow

Cake is an actual cake but pfp is a woman oh Nuki come on we be friends we can talk about this please no big G oh oh yeah we’re screwed oh no cake is an actual cake but PP is a woman I’m a female cake there we go oh

That I just hit my mouse on my phone that was not good I don’t know if I should say poor mouse or poor phone bananas bananas that’s very confusing are you man woo man or cake I’m a cake I’m a woan cake there we go Apple what is going

On anyway hello Oakley hello C duck I have no idea why you just joined just to say that but okay oh someone’s just stol on the flag that’s not good oh are you a tin no I’m not a tin I am a c C I’m a woman cake there we

Go o made me say it in my defense okay fair enough Paisley Paisley how dare you die die please thank you there we go lucky don’t spam I will protect there we go protect welcome J dot I’m going to guess that’s how your name is pronounced I’m

Very sorry if it’s not welcome welcome how’s your day going doing good that’s good no one saw on the flag yet that’s good we go pink stabby sword there we go oh no cup duck said that she ate a duck yesterday the poor duck I doubt she would but I mean I

Don’t know I did not I I think I’m going to believe C duck on this Paisley this is very mean there we go no not back who yes you did C that get on high I something to show you no C no I killed someone Sam that’s slightly

Illegal unless you mean in the game then that’s good but murder there we go Kon can confirm it’s not terrible it is terrible please I mean get online if you want I guess but like don’t get online just for the sake of CT um that sounds really bad I I take it

Back cup duck say she wouldn’t smash Ryan Reynolds how could you okay but Ryan Reynolds like not too bad to be honest sorry chat a second I just need to murder a couple of people there we go I’ve been looking for people to stream with and have plun fun playing

Minecraft with would you want to collab playing H whatever probably not I’m very sorry how did we win that’s that’s mental probably honestly um how of my team was AFK oh that’s that sucks honestly okay chat um and you had sweats that’s why yeah do I

Do okay I’ve been I’ve been live an hour and five minutes now so what I might do one more game on hive and then maybe I I kind I kind of want to go to Java I’m not going to lie I do like a bit Java at the

Moment I got three fly captures cake well done one more game so you can see skin okay what what game do you want to do for the last game go stop yeah I have I have to agree with proy this time it’s getting a bit much now

I’m back sorry I had to deal with some Kon guess what what Oakley okay yeah don’t spam it please okay death run death run hide block party free shop SkyWars SkyWars I kind of don’t want to do SkyWars cake or cookies H I got a guy for

Cookies C duck said that she is going to kill you if you choose Mur mystery I I I kind of don’t believe o on this one uh let’s do some murder mystery cookie tin no no I’m still cake tin I’m a cake in a tin why would you have no hang on you

Would have cookies in a tin I take back what I said um invite player invite friend invite all and then what happened there there we go that was weird let’s do run from Kon let’s do a little bit of run from Kon who does anyone want to be Sheriff cuz I

Think that might help and then I’ll do code in a second for people bake a cake put it in a tin and now you’ve got a cake tin true you’re exposed to murder oh oh no I’d rather run fair enough okay let’s do code if someone

Could put code in chat that’d be amazing new kitchen gun oh no um hi Stella welcome welcome unless you’ve been here the entire time I don’t really know honestly Navy I’m going to trust you on this uh please do not shoot me unless it’s like right to the end what is your

Skin just so I don’t kill you okay that’s fine how did you come up with the name Ken um I like baking things I like baking cakes I like baking cookies and I was just yeah something along the lines of that I’ve had it for the last what

Three years four years something like that it just stuck the code what’s wrong with the code see my skin Sam my mouse is gone it’s the same one it’s the little it’s the little snowman guy it’s the little snowman guy it’s really cool you got a little party hat I like the

Little party hat Place message what is the meaning of tin it’s I just bake stuff you bake cakes in a cake tin just makes sense I wasn’t paying attention I’m very tired is does it does anyone actually have Java I’m a cake lucky you’re a cake oh my

God that was my old main skin does anyone actually have Java cuz I kind of want to go to Java after this I’m not I’m not going to lie but yeah just a couple games of like MCC island or something my birthday’s on Thursday what day is Thursday I’m I might be streaming

Thursday do you know the meaning of not table no aop Java I do okay so after this do you guys want to go on I I’ll go on Java after this all right and then you guys can choose whether we do Hypixel MC Island and then I’ll invite you guys to like party

Whatever obviously up to you guys I just don’t really want to do Bed Rock right now yes but I’m terrible that’s fine I’m not great either don’t worry my birthday’s on January 32nd I think you got something wrong I don’t think there’s a 32nd day

In the uh in in January I have free Bedrock Edition I don’t think that’s a thing oh bye Sam have a cookie thank you thank you okay oh c that’s gone oh no Java or Bedrock which I prefer well this is bedrock but I prefer I I prefer Java all right C do I’ll wait for you to get back and then I will start access

Permissions that’s not what I want to do never mind it is what I want to do never mind I was born in 1935 in 1935 oh can we do a stream for joining anyone’s builds just like Wasabi’s done maybe not cuz I’m not 100% I’m I’m not 100% sure on what people

Will build and I don’t really want to get banned um remember Grandpa Grandma K is 417 468 years old geez wait cup duck okay cup Duck’s in um hang on coins per Zappa there we go that would do that’s fine okay start this is oh this is a good map as well okay

Run from ceton I will I hide this Plum mango child needs to learn what vpns at oh I preer Bedrock cuz it’s more fun fair enough to be fair Bedrock public servers are a bit better but Java Java survival is just so much better okay bye slate

Okay um okay I’m I’m going to try and find people now oh there’s someone here my buying a game I I to be fair I just play a lot of free games other than like Minecraft and a couple others you’ve got the gun there we go well it’s not

Yeah you don’t see me lucky I’m not 100% sure where you are can you hop on PVP Legacy for One V On’s on Java I don’t think I will I’m probably just going to do like MCC Island and like H pixel I I don’t really want to stream for much longer as

I do still have things I need to get done uh I completely forgot until like earlier where is everyone so like after this I’m probably going to go on Java oh hello I’m very sorry um I got targeted you didn’t get targeted oh I see someone in the

Window I now don’t see someone in the window where did you go hello I’m very sorry you didn’t kill the other dude he has the gun that’s the only reason why all I’m not going to kill the sheriff six left I see you nope I got smacked by a fish

Oh am I actually I swear I’m blind you’re teaming it’s not teaming oh they have the um Gun there’s a difference this run from CED and she doesn’t kill the sheriff yeah oh hello what you doing no that’s I’m seeing things where is everyone they all going to be upstairs I swear how

I will get you one way or another I’m blind where have they gone uh um no ah get back here no a i after to go it was good playing with you bye bye Ro sorry I wasn’t paying attention to chat that’s not murder mystery technically the game is murder mystery

It’s just a different like I don’t know how to explain it all right Java let’s go Java time let’s go I’m very tired okay close I might change screen just so I know I’m not do I change screen okay I’m going to this screen just so I know I’m not going to leak

Anything bye lucky you have escaped flossing C good this won’t load fast enough I was in plain sight and you somehow didn’t see me near the dino oh oh okay no I just oh well I did the wrong thing that’s not what I wanted to do I’m on the wrong no wrong thing

Ah what Java server probably Hypixel I do like a bit of Hypixel one 20 that’s what I want thank you very much I’ve just dropped a lot of viewers then oh well MCC Island okay I can’t play on Hypixel m this isn’t even loading I’m regretting my choices

Uh it says pick a new this says pick a username but I already did um close it reopen it I have to remember to change this there we go oh please tell me this is going to work please OBS oh thank God that scared me okay W done there we

Go I tried this it’s not great honestly um h hi pixel blocks MC haven’t heard of it I’m not going to lie could do some hot PL it’s not great but I kind of yeah let’s do some h pixel I really have dropped viewers oh no it’s not not that bad 85% off

Jeez why am I on build battle that’s not what I want the lag okay wow okay that’s very lucky most people are console players I know but I want I I love Java I want to play Java let me play Java yeah to be CT’s console player and he’s he he

Stays I don’t know why he just stays um I don’t know what I’m doing party anyone want to join party invite I can’t spell there we go Cherry cape on jav as well wait I never got any I can claim them all wait oh this is so cool

I didn’t know that’s a thing I didn’t know okay that’s kind of cool actually okay party invite you’re not online apparently hi play for fun welcome welcome we agree the m chaotic Bean invite me Navy oh why am I why did you send me a question mark okay if you

Okay NY I’m going to guess your IGN is just oh there we go party invite here you go anyone else one moment sorry sorry don’t worry don’t apologize it’s fine I’m just going to check something real quick I’m put my phone as well I’m very sorry if you he’s not he’s not in

Stream uh huh C what oh proy was your again how long have you been proy TI oh I noticed earlier play for fun what proy is that it yeah there we go okay I’m so smart you can start without me you sure I can wait if you want I really don’t mind

Okay so I would stream tomorrow I’m busy tomorrow um so I’m streaming Thursday what am I doing Friday Friday I might stream maybe possible stream Friday definite stream Thursday no stream Tomorrow possible stream actually I don’t know what I’m doing Saturday I might be going out Saturday do party warp some party three to a server okay so four of us what should we do um um play for fun if you’re putting your IGN in chat it’s not coming through I’m

Sorry I forgot I had to picture something I did in my art class I need to see this I have a look off stream if you do send it to me Santa says do you guys want to try this do you guys want to try send it in the Discord

Wow okay I keep getting notifications now this is annoying this guy he doesn’t know I’m streaming okay let’s try Santa says cuz it seems kind of cool okay I just need to message someone back her pixel is Mur a mystery o let me try it jump down the chimney I’m

Trying there we go craft a torch I crafted a torch here we go okay forgot forgot I had my Spider-Man skin on oh kill the zombie villager oh a wrapped present wait Roy present take okay he doesn’t know I’m still streaming but I keep getting notifications Santa there we

Go it all started when Bry was born when he was a baby rock oh god wow inflo from birth that’s that sounds really bad eat until you’re full no which one’s slowness there we go oh God treat npol okay should we do a protest to free him cob stop there we go poor

Proy oh that was that that wasn’t the best I thought it was going to be a lot better than that let me leave please oh my God okay um how much do you pay on mods Miss Cake and what are the benefits I don’t pay my

Mods I don’t have enough money for that and I don’t get money from YouTube for that um that was so bad to be fair it was and the annoying music that came with it yeah not to nothing nothing I’m starving help I gave you enough cookies for the

Week what did you do with them all um what game now M Myster let’s do some bedw Wars anyways you gave me three No I gave you more than that wow okay how do I kick someone from the party is that a thing there we go

Okay there we go guess the music didn’t entertain you no you gave me the ingredients to make the cookies no I for one think all curles deserve a good life this this probably makes me seem really bad now what did TP do they were offline so we couldn’t like queue into a game

Like it’s annoying for some reason in like Hypixel when you go offline it doesn’t like kick you from the party it just says you’re offline you can’t Cee for the game so it was either that or like yeah need to get bedw Wars strats in before Hive when does Hive bedw Wars

Even get like added there we are did I just I did drop it I’m not seeing things there we go what is that oh I got present bring to the shopkeeper okay I can get a little gift at least py gets his nutrients from the floor I need the biscuits suffering

Of others tea and cookies I thought curles were amphibians K you can oh five more coins there we go pretty C Fu okay there is a person there I need to get a better sword there we go I dead yes they are never mind C you’re a fish now okay

Okay oh someone no they just died never mind then how am I 16 C honestly I don’t know guess I’m not going to kill you then um please we can talk about this please please no that’s painful oh my God I’m going to actually kill this

Man why is my sensitivity so high on my mouse what the hell wrong thing why am I going there there we go chat do you ever have like a day where you’re just losing your mind or like feel like you you losing your mind then you’re not actually losing your mind you

Know now it’s a chill stream this is what I wanted this is what I can deal with right now that’s fine I’m going to try get yellow’s bed maybe not I guess not wait hang on hang on chat 140 Subs let’s go 140 got there in the

End I don’t know why I’m saying that 140 let’s go okay Um we now don’t have a bed okay let’s go I was going to say maybe 200 by the end of the year but it’s uh almost already the end of the year so can’t really say that okay do I risk it all and get

Blow I’m not going to be able to do this I’m not I’m not I’m going to die I’m going to die 141 by the end of the year I mean hope I don’t know I think it’s I think it’s bit too far away I don’t think I don’t think it’d be possible Maybe

Hopefully we got to try and not die okay um 12 gold okay does anyone have two gold like can just steal real quick I just need one more gold if anyone has any okay thank you oh it’s still there never mind I had it anyway hey there we go okay careful some gu

Here by thank you very much okay they’re dead um blue okay n let’s go hi Gabe I can’t think of the word not asleep tired exhausted sleepy I don’t know I I don’t know but anyway hello Gabe how are you no I’m actually going to die H this is a mistake Navy

No no you don’t die I’m dead I’m dead damn it no when you’re not asleep I was asleep now I’m not you’re awake there we go how was your sleep how are you I haven’t spoken to any of you in a while true yes awake got there in the end there we go

Finish my college term sounds amazing honestly you get bright now that’s good I’m still trying to figure out when I should stream okay I’m the only one dead I’m that’s kind of sad actually all right um it’s almost been two hours that’s crazy I’m too tired to be hype

Now it’s just going to be very chill for the rest of the stream okay um Red’s bed defense is a questionable to say the least why okay I’m not even how are we all I’m honestly doing really good just very very tired what is this there’s okay okay yeah

I’m doing really good just very tired how are you Gabe I fixed it well done well well done wrong one I guess I I’m losing my mind at this point you can invite okay um I’m you know what I’m just doing I think that’s right that’s there we go woo

I might just end stream after a few games and then go to sleep sounds good actually wait it’s The Hang On the Minecraft event thing when is it I’m going to go because my head hurts good luck oh hope hopefully your head gets better I guess hope hopefully your head doesn’t hurt

I’m slightly losing my mind I’m very sorry but bye-bye Gabe what happened I what okay oh we’re all dead now okay Universal Minecraft Shrek Minecraft Shrek Gren need is that now I’m confused when is it when is it I kind of want to watch

It I mean I I I would stream it but I don’t really want to at the same time do SkyWars okay could they I don’t know have I have I tried Sky no not Sky Block wrong one SkyWars actually I think it’s now now damn it I on chat back to bedrock

No I I don’t really want to we need Shrek I love Shrek and all but I Don’t I’ll I’ll just watch it later it’s fine it’ll probably be on YouTube somewhere I don’t know how many people are actually in the part I think there’s four people in the party um there’s only Jews can we do doubles shru hat sh sh shro hat it took me a second

To get what you meant then oh my God can we play something we are we’re doing what it SkyWars there we go oh I’m actually losing my mind this stream’s been a lot better than I thought it’ be oh Spider-Man I’m guessing yeah it pretty cool actually I really like that I’m very

Tired i’ just like to watch you guys that’s terrifying oh my God I don’t want multiple okay I don’t want a shovel what am I going to do with a shovel oh it’s empty you’re joking is there anything else oh there’s another chest that’s a sword better stabby ooh fun

Funsies that is slightly offensive okay well that was not fun C did you actually um did you find any more awful movies on like YouTube or whatever could Watchman a VC again no you should put on some CM I I don’t know some some of the some of the

Non-copyrighted music I find is very it doesn’t like suit my style so it wouldn’t Like I don’t know I could try and look for music I guess but like what is that is that a giant fish what was that what there’s a game about Wizards I don’t think any of us managed to fully comprehend the room in a singular viewing okay uh everyone go back to the

Lobby all right everyone go back Elemental Wizards where am I looking Warlords Grinch simulator where is it Elemental Wizards party games is in the party games Pixel painters my beloved we need to get stellar and cup duct to watch it and proy I don’t know if they want to Elemental

Wizards I don’t see anything called Elemental Wizards watching the room live with viewers no that’s not going to be a thing maybe on Twitch oh okay you know what THS no not Thursday wrong one Friday no wait hang on okay maybe Friday I’m literally okay I’m pretty

Sure I’m doing nothing Friday so I might do like a twitch stream on Friday and then it will just be like a bunch of random games and then maybe maybe actually maybe not cuz I don’t really want to like leak anything or you put like random little games

Is a game I don’t see okay we could do like party games I don’t want to bore anyone so like KFC C that will be uh Valentine’s Day um Ender sple dropper guys do you want to do dropper gotic phone oo VC on my Discord later we could do

Gtic phone I still have the reminder yeah the KFC dating simulator that’s going to be um something to say the least I’m I’m still going to do it I don’t really yeah you’re trying too fast where is it from oh everyone’s here I’m blind my bad Wizards is in TNT

Games oh have a look after gotic f with us would be chaotically fun oh God okay Discord my Discord server VC later so I end stream get some food oh hello I’ll end stream get some food and then I’ll just chill in my Discord VC

For a bit people can join we can play games whatever yeah we’ll just play some gtic phone it’ll be funny how there was a gap I swear Define later I like I don’t know half seven eight I don’t know somewhere between then why am I going into the

Wall die uh don’t attack me Mah wait can I kill the pig no no no no no ah never mind that’s Navy how dare you yeah like half seven 8ish cuz I am I still need food probably play couple more games after this is that a good oh gosh C or a bad

One probably a bad one the fact it’s a KFC dating simulator oh my God you know what I love spiders that’s a bit scary honestly I don’t know anyone that actually likes spiders the poor guy he’s dead no no no no is that end no no no no no no no no

No I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die no no it was particularly paid for by KFC themselves yeah that’s um s concerning oh this has been a good sh I’m happy I think it would have been better if I wasn’t so tired but you

Know I to fix fix OBS real quick cuz Uh something’s gone wrong why do I have a Discord ping that’s not very good is it um my friends just dm’d me a bunch of times okay then well that was very fun if I was to do like a what why is everyone

Voiding if I was to do hi Mr Josh welcome welcome how’s your day going if I was to do like a fortnite twitch stream would anyone actually join I don’t really want to do a fortnite stream on YouTube cuz I don’t think that would do too well knowing my

Like viewer audience cuz like I don’t think most of them play fortnite um but like I don’t know maybe C would you would you get fortnite actually have you ever played fortnite I don’t know it seems it doesn’t seem like something you play honestly a

O I just fell on died then what happened there no I’ve never touched that game why you should I’m going to miss that one oh well blob what oh no we got fish CT now I just realized my mom hasn’t joined the stream I’m actually slightly offended like she’s been into my room

Twice but she still hasn’t joined stream oh God fish C I tell you what not the worst C there’s been there has been worse fly chicken fly that’s a bad name for a game I’m not there’s something fishy oh my cat I think no no we know bring him

Back cat I think that was the worst one no oh my God all right well that was there’s something fishy about this that’s bad joke a very very bad joke what are those sounds I don’t know honestly what sounds I’m guessing it’s coming from the game cuz

Why was cat I think bad cat I think just went a bit far why is my shading so off I’m guessing it’s the game sound you mean cuz uh I don’t know what you mean otherwise I’m hoping you guys can’t hear my parents in the background because that would not be

Good dictator C that one that’s dictator Curt is not bad chicken sounds oh okay I was going to say if you can hear background sounds I really hope you can’t but like if you can it wouldn’t be the end of the world I guess but wouldn’t be good how

What the hell is this oh I like this one Grandma C and lobster C are the best ones I full on failed that one there we go I got to focus no okay how many grandchildren does Grandma Kurt have who knows at this point wait how many actually no get away get down

Hant no that seems too mean actually no and why does she have so many grandchildren but no known children oh oh yeah oh I never realized that oh that’s ruin my day now I’m not knowing Grandma C where’s mother C that no that doesn’t seem right actually

Uh no no no no no no no damn it who wants to be my child no one okay that was that wasn’t the best yeah let’s do some Wizards where is it which one which one was it in again Navy TNT games thank you thank you where Wizards

Mah let’s try this I’ve never played this different Wizards different Wizards have different spells make sure oh okay okay infinite double jumps kind of funky seems up I do like Hypixel I’m not going to lie I do prefer Hypixel to Hive in a few ways um like I love hiol but Hypixel is

Just a little bit better let capture the Zone but I’m just having fun okay is proy grandar C’s grandchild oh I don’t know I don’t want to know I’m very tired how long have I been streaming 2 hours 10 minutes wow wow this game’s underrated I’ve never heard of it before

Now oh my God 140 two subs when did that happen 142 okay that’s a that’s crazy that’s that’s that’s crazy still let’s Go don’t know how to play this oh hello defense wand oh okay attack it’s just a okay that’s bit confusing really no I’m dead okay this is slightly confusing I don’t know how to play this this is Goofy if Pro’s Grandma Kurt’s grandchild that would name her a few billion years

Old what the hell you know what I’ll I’ll be I’ll be Grandma Kurt’s TR child there we go mother CT I’m never saying that again attack why is no one dying this is actually mean honestly I don’t get what’s fun about this like it’s just confusing like it might be fun once I’m

Used to it but like it’s just slightly confusing you know no no no if Grandma CT need children then I’ll just be a child or da deal with your little devil some kind of bingo okay okay to be fair Rosie and cup duck are like technically my children there’s

Like a little bit of law behind it and then my children um I don’t know why it’s just been around for ages uh I need okay I don’t want Ice Wizard blood vampire ooh stop making me go bloody this is confusing this is actually annoying me at this

Point oh what the hell was that no what the hell how many children does Grandma Kurt have I you tell me I have no idea is this within the law now cuz like okay Rosie and cupu are the grandchildren though cuz they are my children and obviously if I’m your child

Then that’s how it works um okay oh this is this is confusing I don’t like this what is that skin okay I’m not even going to ask how am I still on nine viewers that’s crazy what is fov it’s cuz I’ve got it like set to full and

Like like it’s normal when I do this but when I’m like sprinting it’s like full on you know no this is actually mean oh how long does this game actually take cuz this is annoying me know we’re not good at this no offense but we’re not that good at

This if I don’t my on for then it’s like really dodgy ancient wizard I’ll be old why not never mind okay that was not fun I’m not going to lie um that was something yeah I I agree it was definitely you know a game it was can we

Do something actually good okay Stella what do you want to play cuz yeah bedw Wars okay do some bedwars um there’s four of us right I think four yes the grandchildren are C duck Rosie Emy pringo V shy scarf so scarf is my child scarf is now my child okay okay

Okay I don’t know how to feel right now guess I date back to billions of years ago okay all of them are your children that sounds painful I must have no I think I adopt I must have adopted some of them cuz that would be something to say the least

Um no they must be like ad some must be hang on yeah some some of them are adopted maybe not all but some will be adopted what is that bridging okay let’s see some amazing bridging skills let’s go that didn’t happen do you have a brother or a sister

Or a potato or a sibling I have a brother okay you know what scarf can be his child welcome manour but please do not don’t join and say that maybe not first thing cuz that’s a how you get hidden sure you don’t want to be a grandchild

Well if I if I’m the grandchild then technically you’ll then have that’s upgrades I don’t want that I want the item shop then technically C duck and Rosie will then be the great grandchildren no can’t say that uh that’s not what I want no that’s not what I want either that’s what I

Want there we go know beautiful not buy me stuff okay you don’t want to be one of those you don’t want to be like that what am I doing we need about bed defense cuz this is um something to say the least oh D it’s fine blob blob

Blob I just that didn’t happen uh did not happen that that didn’t happen we don’t talk about that that definitely did not happen um please everyone erase that from your memory cuz uh it it didn’t happen right if anyone tells anyone outside of this stream what has

Happened you might be murdered and your whole family might be murdered as well anyway moving on from that that was oh and lilia’s Grandma CS many friends maybe Partners depending on the day but defo Bingo buddy what is this ASMR I’m not a fan of ASMR honestly um it was

Just yeah moving on um that didn’t happen it didn’t happen right yeah mhm you know what I should set up like an ASMR shorts Channel um the views I’d get oh my God I forgot how sweaty bedward squads is ASMR do up yeah to be honest it

Is but like I I thought it’d be funny it’s it’s a little bit um silly goofy just little little silly goofy I’m actually starting to lose my voice again this is actually annoying chat I’m losing my mind slightly if you can tell that is Brian how dare that’s Brian Bri I’m giving

Up oh my God I just noticed that this is a cat themed stage what oh I’m dead oh they’re cats oh there’s a blue cat the blue cat’s so cute the yellow one’s cute the red one looks a little bit evil the blue one’s cute the green one’s a little

Bit I got to go all right bye proy hope you have a great day I’m surprised you stayed this long honestly um oh my monitors just I monitors just fell on turned off that’s kind of annoying there we go that’s better I think I’m going to go to oh if

Everyone’s going to leave then I might just end cuz makes sense that way byebye all right byebye byebye Stella I don’t know what happened there um hi I hope you have a great Christmas thank you buggy you too yeah honestly I might end everyone’s leaving then I might as well

Yeah I might as well end been streaming two hours might as well all right bye-bye hope everyone has a great day

This video, titled ‘Minecraft with viewers!! Join for parties, cs’s and moreee!! :D’, was uploaded by Caketin on 2023-12-19 19:09:34. It has garnered 203 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:32 or 8612 seconds.

Discord server: https://discord.gg/q3fYFtxYNh

~Rules~ 1. No spamming. 2. KEEP LANGUAGE IN CHAT APPROPRIATE PLEASE! 3. No racism/sexism/homophobia or any other kinds of discrimination. 4. Keep chat to English only just so then myself and mods can make sure what your saying is appropriate. 5. Don’t ask for mod. 6. No time-out / ban evading. 7. Be respectful.

~Tags~ minecraft,hive live,hive minecraft,hive,hive minecraft live,minecraft hive,minecraft bedrock,minecraft hive live,hive live stream,minecraft live,minecraft the hive,hive minecraft live stream,hive skywars,the hive,the hive minecraft,hive bedrock live,the hive live,hive live stream minecraft,minecraft hive bedrock live,minecraft hive skywars live,hive bedrock,hive mcpe live,the hive live stream,hive live with viewers,hive treasure wars,hypixel,mccisland,mcci,java,zeqa

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    Lose Yourself in Minecraft: FitCereal Never Walks Alone #12Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Never Alone… Minecraft From The Fog #12’, was uploaded by FitCereal on 2024-02-10 02:52:59. It has garnered 136108 views and 2035 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:38 or 2258 seconds. Here Are Most Of The Mods That I Used. I Probably Forgot Some.. 1. Backpack Mod https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sophisticated-backpacks 2. Corpse https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/corpse 3. Alex’s Mobs https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/alexs-mobs 4. Herobrine (From the Fog) https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/from-the-fog 5. Cave Dweller Reimagined https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cave-dweller-reimagined 6. Sanity: Decent Into Madness https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sanity-descent-into-madness 7. The Man From the Fog https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-man-from-the-fog 8. The End Of Herobrine https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/endofherobrine 9. Horror Elements https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/horror-elements-mod 10. Realm RPG Fallen… Read More

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    Find out Piglin's favorite gold on Wspidy!Video Information This video, titled ‘Which gold is Piglin favorite?’, was uploaded by Wspidy on 2024-05-26 11:45:02. It has garnered 410 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:02 or 482 seconds. Thanks for watching my video. I hope you enjoyed it! I make content on Minecraft with experiments, comparisons, reviews of mods and texture packs. If you like my videos, subscribe to my channel wspidy. #wspidy #minecraft #minecraftexperiments #minecraftvideos #minecraftcompilation #minecraftarmor #minecraftmods #minecraftmod #minecrafttest #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Insane Skyblocksb737 Penguin.gg Server Secrets Revealed – Minecraft Bedrock

    Insane Skyblocksb737 Penguin.gg Server Secrets Revealed - Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘prt 2 DAY 70 – SEASON 7!!!! SKYBLOCKSB737 PENGUIN.GG SERVER – MINECRAFT BEDROCK CJSGOOSE’, was uploaded by CJSGOOSE on 2024-03-20 12:13:39. It has garnered 70 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:58 or 9478 seconds. We have had a productive day today and we hit 400 subs!!! thank you everyone I really appreciate all of your support ===================================================================== Meanwhile in GOOSEVILLE 400 subscriber challenge :- Let’s return 2 or 3 Elder Guardians to our Guardian Farm! – that should be ‘fun!’ 450 subscriber challenge Find an actual Ancient City – not… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Crazy MineCraft Stream!

    Unleash Chaos in Crazy MineCraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Chaos™ Stream | MineCraft | Vanilla | Survival | CasualCraft SMP’, was uploaded by Jumbosale.Streams on 2024-03-16 13:00:47. It has garnered 72 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:02 or 10862 seconds. Trying to do a new build while server mates create some chaos. Stream Date: 2024-03-15 Broadcasted Live on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jumbosale_gaming — CasualCraft is a private Minecraft survival multiplayer server set up by like-minded members of the Spawn Chunks podcast discord to play and have fun together, though it should be noted we are not official or affiliated to… Read More

  • Insane Titanium Dice & Watermelon – Win Prizes Now!

    Insane Titanium Dice & Watermelon - Win Prizes Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar🎲/Karpuz🍉/!500k Çekiliş 🎁’, was uploaded by Topsyy on 2024-04-03 09:31:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. rozzy pvp rozzy titanium rozzy titanium pvp rozzy duel rozzy open area rozzy titanium duel minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, … Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mob Encounter! #viral

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Mob Encounter! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mob face #games #viral #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Unknown Gamer 17 on 2024-01-11 04:11:09. It has garnered 2438 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Bichotas de la cripta.

    Bichotas de la cripta.Nuevo server, en crecimiento, Survival vanilla -Zonas PVP kit. Economía, tiendas de los jugadores, tienda, sistemas de rangos y donaciones. Activo todos los días….Ven disfruta y diviértete con amigos Read More

  • DiplomaticaMC SMP Towny Earth Map Geopolitics Building Politics Non-P2W 1:500 Gold Economy

    Server Information: Server IP: diplomaticamc.com Discord server: Join our Discord Dynmap link: Explore Dynmap Version: 1.20.4+ About DiplomaticaMC: DiplomaticaMC is a survival Minecraft server with a custom earth map where players can engage in geopolitics, form alliances, build cities, and more. The server features a unique economy and no upkeep system, providing a true towny experience. Custom Staff-built Dungeons: (COMING SOON!) Explore custom staff-built dungeons regularly updated to provide a different experience each time. Players can find rare items and unique tools in these dungeons. Support Our Server: Players can support the server by purchasing rank subscriptions in our server… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Bedwars Beast Mode Activate!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Bedwars Beast Mode Activate!"Me in bedwars: accidentally builds a sky bridge to the enemy team’s base "Oops, wrong neighborhood!" Read More

  • Minecraft Parodies Clash with Ferited: A Blocky Battle Royale!

    Minecraft Parodies Clash with Ferited: A Blocky Battle Royale! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Minecraft Parodies and Ferited take the dives. With millions of subscribers, views, and fun, Their channels shine bright like the morning sun. Minecraft Parodies, with 6.29 million strong, Their videos and rhymes never go wrong. Ferited, with 5.44 million in their crew, Bringing laughter and joy, always true. In the battle of views and subscribers galore, Minecraft Parodies takes the lead, for sure. But when it comes to fun and videos to see, Ferited brings the score to a tie, with glee. So let’s celebrate friendship, in this gaming land, Supporting… Read More

  • “Snow Golem: The Villager’s Frosty Racist Friend” 😂🔥 #4k #minecraft #memes #shorts

    "Snow Golem: The Villager's Frosty Racist Friend" 😂🔥 #4k #minecraft #memes #shorts Why did the snow golem get kicked out of the village? Because he kept making inappropriate snow sculptures of the villagers! Oi Oi Oi! Read More

  • The Ogre King: Bandit Adventure Life

    The Ogre King: Bandit Adventure Life The Ogre King Unveiled in Bandit Adventure Life – Minecraft Animation In the latest episode of Bandit Adventure Life, titled “The Ogre King,” viewers were treated to a thrilling exploration of the Nightshade Assassin clan and the enigmatic Samurai. This installment, part of the Pro Life Season 3 Minecraft Animation series, delves deeper into the intricate world of Minecraft with new revelations and exciting adventures. Unraveling the Nightshade Assassin Clan The Nightshade Assassin clan takes center stage in this episode, showcasing their stealthy tactics and deadly precision. As the protagonists navigate through the shadows, they uncover the secrets of… Read More

  • 12 Best Minecraft Shaders for Bedrock/PE 1.21

    12 Best Minecraft Shaders for Bedrock/PE 1.21 Exploring the Top 12 Shaders for Minecraft 1.21 (Bedrock/PE) Are you looking to enhance the visual appeal of Minecraft without compromising performance on your device? Whether you have a low, medium, or high-end device, here are the 12 newly released shaders for Minecraft PE 1.21+. 1. Solar Shaders Experience stunning visuals with the Solar Shaders, adding a touch of realism to your Minecraft world. Download here. 2. Solitude Shader Immerse yourself in the Solitude Shader’s serene atmosphere, perfect for creating a tranquil gaming experience. Check it out. 3. Newb X Stars Transform your Minecraft world with the Newb X… Read More

  • UNDEAD DUNGEON! Solo Leveling Mod EP.14

    UNDEAD DUNGEON! Solo Leveling Mod EP.14Video Information This video, titled ‘THE UNDEAD TYPE DUNGEON! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 14’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-24 20:00:18. It has garnered 3167 views and 222 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:17 or 2777 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyZ0Eihh8Q&list=PLgBu0fvAd3cvSxMfnY7Emj9CYgRTXkX9g&index=1&t=17516s STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs THE UNDEAD TYPE DUNGEON! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 14 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of… Read More

  • Sneaky Hypixel SMP Shenanigans

    Sneaky Hypixel SMP ShenanigansVideo Information This video, titled ‘hypixel smp be like.’, was uploaded by Gavrielmiller on 2024-07-23 23:47:20. It has garnered 179 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. gonna start today a smp, maybe, JUST MAYBE i wont die on day 1 discord- #skyblock #hypixel #minecraft #live #livesteam #gaming #entertainment #bedwars #smp #letsplay #answeringyourquestions #trending #bruh #random #hypixelskyblock #discord #dungeons Read More

  • The Ultimate UNO Survival Challenge! #minecraft #xbox

    The Ultimate UNO Survival Challenge! #minecraft #xboxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sirens #minecraft #gaming #hardcore #survival #video #videogames #xbox #preview #shorts’, was uploaded by UNO Mations on 2024-05-06 16:51:53. It has garnered 361 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Adventure Time Vault Hunters Ep. 9 – Master of Puppets!

    Unbelievable Adventure Time Vault Hunters Ep. 9 - Master of Puppets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Adventure Time Vault Hunters Minecraft – Ep. 9 – Master of Puppets’, was uploaded by Fnee on 2024-04-17 22:04:40. It has garnered 44 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:14 or 10634 seconds. Welcome all to a new series where Jay, Ori, and I take on all Vault Hunters has to offer. Come watch as we loot, scoot, and make our way through the mod pack’s many skill progressions. Also, do some building along the way… For more information on the mod pack please visit their website : https://vaulthunters.gg/ Streaming Sundays… Read More

  • “Minecraft Ramadan magic: I ate a samosa!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft Ramadan magic: I ate a samosa!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘ماين كرافت لكن جربت سمبوسة رمضان السحرية! #ماين_كرافت #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zerw on 2024-03-25 13:50:01. It has garnered 727248 views and 60533 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Minecraft but I tried the magical Ramadan samosa! In this channel I will make Minecraft mods, challenges, stories and other beautiful things in the game. If you want to see more videos about the challenges I make, subscribe to the channel and follow me too. #Minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft gameplay Reaction!!

    Terrifying Minecraft gameplay Reaction!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Played Horror Minecraft for the First Time’, was uploaded by FunkyJ13 on 2024-03-19 00:00:14. It has garnered 2447 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:34 or 2734 seconds. I got an amazing opportunity to work with the legendary FitCereal! This was my first experience playing horror Minecraft, and I had a really fun time! I hope you all enjoy watching us get jump scared and try to survive creatures such as the Goatman and Herobrine! Thank you again to FitCereal for putting together the mod pack and inviting me to… Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server NOW! HD Stream!

    Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server NOW! HD Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock and Java Community Server Open To All 60 FPS HD LIVE Stream!’, was uploaded by Smokies Lair on 2024-07-23 06:23:25. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 05:18:07 or 19087 seconds. Minecraft Bedrock and Java Community Server Open To All 60 FPS HD LIVE Stream! Join our our Community today!! Smokie’s Lair’s Community Page! https://SmokiesLair.com Smokie’s Lair Discord! https://discord.gg/b5DdcgphHr ————————- NEW TTS service active for donations over $5, super chats over $5, tips over $5, or Twitch Bits over 500bits This means A MESSAGE YOU WANT READ… Read More

  • EPIC Sleepy Minecraft Hardcore Twitch VOD

    EPIC Sleepy Minecraft Hardcore Twitch VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing some minecraft hardcore | Hardcore Twitch VOD 1’, was uploaded by Sleepy on 2024-06-11 05:29:45. It has garnered 70 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:29:15 or 16155 seconds. figuring out settings, playing minecraft and chilling — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/sleepyyzzz__ — Join the discord to chat with me or to get notified when I go live! discord.gg/5mmcjjCakq Read More

  • “🦎 GECKO GAMING: Ultimate Meme Showdown! 😂” #parotter #minecraft #shorts

    "🦎 GECKO GAMING: Ultimate Meme Showdown! 😂" #parotter #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘which which meme is best of all 😂| #parotter #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by GECKO GAMING on 2024-06-16 04:30:53. It has garnered 11 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. which meme is best of all 😂| #parotter #minecraft #shorts . . . video by @parotter . tags the best moments in minecraft history funniest minecraft clips minecraft minecraft tiktok minecraft funny moments the funniest minecraft clips of 2023… notvixios best of minecraft minecraft 2023 the best minecraft moments the funniest minecraft moments best of minecraft 2023 the best… Read More

  • Lands of Eden

    Lands of EdenLands of Eden ⋙ https://landsofeden.com ⊀Survival⊁ ⊀Creative⊁ ⊀Bending⊁ ⊀Factions⊁ Come join us on Lands of Eden! We feature a survival world, a creative world, factions, and more! You can even bend the four elements (plus Chi Blocking) like in Avatar: The Last Airbender or The Legend of Korra. play.LandsofEden.com Read More

  • Draconicraft SMP – Semi-vanilla Java 18+ Whitelist 1.21

    Draconicraft SMP Semi-vanilla Java Server Features: Community-focused environment No world resets 20k world border Adults only (18+) Whitelist server 1.21 version About Us: Draconicraft is a semi-vanilla Minecraft server where you can build and explore within a large world border. Our community is friendly and diverse, coming from different parts of the world. We focus on creating a respectful and chill gaming experience for our adult players. Server Details: Our server includes various Quality of Life improvements such as Anti Ender Dragon Grief, Player Head Drops, and more. We also use Simple VC for in-game chat and DynMap for easier… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mojang Madness

    Looks like Mojang is really raising the bar for dad jokes in the gaming community. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Ultimate Tool

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Ultimate Tool In Minecraft’s world, a tale unfolds, Of emeralds and trials, and weapons bold. Six million emeralds, a fortune to behold, In Trial Chambers, treasures untold. The Mace, a weapon of immense might, Defeating the Warden in a single strike. With Wind Burst and Density, the power takes flight, Breach through enemies, in the dead of night. Mods and updates, enhancing the game, Dark Loading Screen, for a new frame. Fabric API, for mods to claim, Replay Mod, to immortalize your fame. Zayvander, the player, with skills to flaunt, Crafting Minecraft stories, with every jaunt. Follow on Twitter, for updates… Read More

  • Herobrine heating up the memes!

    Herobrine heating up the memes! “Herobrine: the original Minecraft ghosting ex-boyfriend.” Read More