Ultimate Minecraft Pool Party with Block Buddies!

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Today we’re doing a build challenge boys only we’re going to build the best house ever oh my another house dude we’re in the desert why can’t we build a pool or something wait a pool what do you mean dude why don’t we build a house bro who

Cares about a stupid house I’m dying out here we need to have a pool or something man yeah man I might pass out it’s getting hot out here oh cough my what what are you okay dude oh my goodness okay maybe we do need to build a pool

You’re right and wait we can have a pool party with the boys and the girls with the girls but boys are better all right let’s start by building this pool and wait we could use these blocks of Crystal quarts this will look so good guys everyone grab the blocks of Crystal

Course and guys if we’re going to have a party with the girls we need to make this pool as good as possible and we need to make sure that we don’t pass out because it is actually really hot here yeah man you’re so right we can get all

The girls out here we get in the nice warm pool dude and oh my God we can get like those floaties and stuff yes sir that’s such a good idea kmo what are you talking about you know those girls want nothing to do with you well I don’t want

Anything to do with them either I’m trying to have a good time with the boys yes sir anyway let’s keep building up this pool and here we go I really like the quartz that we chose to use this looks really good yeah dude this stuff

Is so nice looking I can’t wait to see how it looks with the water in it wait so when the girls actually come are we just going to have like a pool party or what like are you going to flirt with the girls I don’t know M are you going

To flirt with the girls if you do I will uh I don’t know I I I don’t know if poy likes me anymore but I don’t maybe dude from what I heard I think she likes you oh what in the what are you serious right now okay man don’t be crazy

There’s no way she likes you no offense oh what are you talking about dude I’m pretty sure she likes me so when this when we have this pool party it’s going to be so goated uh and wait Ka we should probably use a different uh I’m pretty

Sure this is hot spring water this is not safe to uh swim in oh yeah man we should put this in the hot tub though maybe you’re right yeah because it’s super hot and stuff you’re right okay maybe we should uh unfill this but wait

Maybe if we use a sponge we’ll be able to just fill it out oh yeah dude you got to sponge put it in here yes sir and there we go now it is fully filled out and now let’s use these blocks of crystal quartz and make this pool even

Better than last time so wait man how are we going to get these girls over here they’re like 10,000 mil away well I’ll use my special abilities and just teleport them over here or something wa you have special abilities you can teleport people why didn’t you tell me

That before uh silly we’re in Creative of course we can do that are you serious right now and anyway hopefully they don’t get mad at us for doing that but they they’ll probably like it because they like the pool and it’s a pretty hot day outside I mean yeah it’s going to be

An awesome pool party man the girls are going to love it I already have my own private pool this is so nice don’t have to do anything uh Jax are you serious right now you’re not going to help out at all dude come on we have to build the

Best pool ever because when those girls come uh we have to be on best behavior and have W RZ dude are you kidding me look I already built my own pool check this bad boy out uh that’s a bathtub are you serious right now C Mod tell them to

Stop bro actually stop man dude we are like actual sigas these girls are going to fall for us so easy if you would help why should I help I already finished my pool now you guys can go finish yours if you want I can give you some moral

Support uh J are you serious right now and anyway we got to add some couches inside of here or something like that I don’t know if that makes sense but it’ll look good trust me watch this yeah how like Hots us you have like you know you

Can sit down and stuff look at that bro that actually looks so good man oh and it’s actually bubbling up too that’s so cool yes sir there we go now we can sit in here and R the girls up bro it’s kind of hot out man we should wait till night

Time when it’s nice and cold oh yeah you’re right to go to the hot tub cuz it is really hot ow ow ow yep you’re right okay let’s get out of there are we going to teleport these girls over here now or what’s happening no no we are not

Teleporting them over for a little bit because we got to make this place look super duper cool like when I tell you we need to make this place look crazy we need to make it look crazy how crazy you talking man what should we add we need

To make this place like absolutely super duper insane like we need to have the most powerful and like crazy slide in the world and we need to have a super high high so what I’m hearing is you want the most absolutely crazy Bonkers pool uh yeah oh and what in the what

Guys I’m getting a call from PNE it looks like up PNE hello uh hi TV man so uh rathi and I were thinking of we were going to ghost somewhere because it’s really hot so do you want to come with us uh come with you guys uh I’m not

Going to lie we’re doing something right now but hey can you wait up for us like like don’t go out yet because we we’re going to do something later like uh but but uh it’s it’s a surprise so you’ll find out later oh okay uh how long

Exactly do you need uh just give us like uh CBO how much time I say like 2 hours we can have this place a whole water park 2 hours that is too long I uh okay 2 hours PD hey that’s too long we only have a couple hours of daylight left I

Want to do something really soon oh what in the what okay uh 30 minutes and then we we’ll uh we’ll show you where we’re at okay okay uh perfect see you then all right anyway we have no time to waste guys we only have 30 minutes left until

The girls come over here and uh cough though we’re going to have to Riz them up so we got to practice too oh man we got to practice our Riz I mean wouldn’t it be a little weird to practice it on each other though yeah that would be a

Little weird but anyway we literally have W Riz dude we actually have to build the best place ever so we can impress these girls man wait and I have such a good idea Kaa watch this dude and hey ja can you help out a little bit

Dude help I’m look at me I’m building my own pool man all right kma watch this I’m going to make like an underground like water cave thingy and it’s going to be so cool watch this dude bro don’t make it too deep cuz they’ll drown trying to get down there oh yeah you’re

Right but don’t worry this place is going to look absolutely super duper insane but I’m going to need you to fix up this wall right here we’re probably going to need to put down some Sandstone instead of normal sand right here yeah you’re so right dude let’s go ahead and

Change that real quick or uh wait no we don’t have to do that actually all we have to do is Place some Sandstone right here wait I have a really good idea watch this we just put Sandstone right there and then we can put sand right on

Top of it so it looks super duper like scary and stuff you’re actually so smart all right we’re going to put down some stairs right here and it’s going to take us right to the underground water cave oh my goodness this is going to be so

Cool what are you going to use the underground water cave for mate dude it’s just going to be an awesome place to hang out and like maybe I’ll put like like we’ll have like sodas and stuff in here dude that’s such a good idea all

Right here we go we’re going to use some of this right here and make this expand B it more here and what other blocks could we use let me think real quick uh can you guys shut up already I’m focusing on my pool since you guys

Begged me to help uh are you serious right now no ja you have to help us with our pool because the girls are going to be coming soon why the heck would I help you with that pool you guys have it covered trust me this will be perfect

Just combine it with mine uh are you serious right now all right jack you know I’ll Trust you do but you better not build some stupid thing like your head or something I would never my head isn’t stupid uh yes it is all right here we go we’re going to change this floor

To the super cool Co color thingy and it looks so awesome here we go and cough look at this we have like an underground cave doesn’t this look so cool go check it out man oh wow dude this is nice and spacious too yes sir and uh we have a

Lot more to do in this cave we’re going to make this place look so awesome so the girls actually like us the girls are going like us anyway once we get here we can rise them off wait so do you think when the girls come like uh they’re

Going to want to date us again maybe like py will want to date me again and rag want to date you dude absolutely man there’s no way they won’t want us M dude because we have like w is right for this like we’re building a whole entire pool

For that about a hot day dude we are the ultimate Sigma man we got this big old pool I’m working on a slide right now and Jack is doing uh whatever Jack is doing wait you’re working on a slide that is super duper smart I didn’t even

Think about that dude and wait let’s add some more blocks in here that is so smart yeah dude you got to come check it out when it’s done it’s going to be so cool that’s actually amazing dude so let’s add some of this right here we got

To make this place look super duper luxurious cuz again it is very luxurious for the ladies all right here we go we’re going to place those quarts right there oh my goodness this sand is actually so annoying are you serious right now well anyway we’ll fix this up

Later to make it sure it looks super secure but let’s use some of this and here we go we’re going to place some more quartz down here and we’ll finish it off like that and here we go uh CMO do you like this little thing I’m doing

With the quartz right here yeah my we got to make sure we cover it up on the top with sand again you know so it Blends in oh yeah so they don’t see that we’re literally building like an underground cave when they like walk in

To see the pool yes sir needs to be a surprise so we can rise them up when we get them down there you know oh you’re right and wo this looks so so cool oh my goodness this is actually amazing uh CMO I actually love this dude dude yeah I’m

Going to make it so we can all race down the slide we each got our own little track I actually love that so much dude wait should we add more slide should we add like a really scary steep slide dude yes dude get on that man that’s going to

Be so cool oh my goodness we have so many good ideas I am so excited for this all right here we go we’re going to change this over here we’re going to make this a little bit smaller and we’ll place the stairs right down there and oh

My goodness there we go here is the underground area now let’s just add a little bit of something like this and Booyah there we go now maybe over here we can have like a little stand where we can have drinks and stuff so we’ll put like a refrigerator in here and you

Could have like sodas and stuff like that and oh my goodness this looks so good dude I would kill for a Sprat right now dude you hav in that fridge yet no I don’t sadly we got to get some though that’s so truthful man all right get on

That so guys what do you think of my slide uh wait you built a slide are you serious right now hold on I’m finishing up building this let me see this in a minute Jack and wo this looks really cool but all right are you serious right

Now you have your face on it really dude well yeah I was trying to think of the best way to make it beautiful and the first thing that popped in my mind was to make it look like me oh my goodness no way the girls are going to like that

That is L RZ ja man I’ve never seen Jax with so much lrz in my entire life that’s okay more girls for us right TV man yeah I guess so but we have to prove that the boys are better than the girls anyway that is true we almost forgot man

Because Boys Rule and girls drule but anyway we forgot to add like a deep end to the pool right you know how there’s usually like deep ends in pools dude you’re so right man oh we got to get the stairs going to the deep end and

Everything yes sir so this side of the pool will be the deep end and uh we’ll add like a little diving board here but wait how big should we make the diving board we should do like three we got a little one a medium one and then a super

Tall one dude that is so cool oh my goodness I love this so much this is actually W RZ we’re actually sigas for this yeah dude this is so much better than a house yeah it is and it’s really refreshing right now but what in the

What is this is this Jack’s bath I’m sorry I’m getting rid of this what are you doing TV man that was my private pool uh I don’t care didn’t ask this is this is literally for the girls this is for our Riz methods dude okay we’re not

Using this for you little bro fine I’ll make another one all right and oh my goody goodness this actually looks so awesome I love this water slide it oh my goodness that’s so fun all right well while you guys are working on your slides I’m going to make a diving

Board but maybe we should add like another Pool I feel like that would make it really cool oh my gosh there’s so many things we have to do but let’s just build this diving board right now so we’ll put the diving board right here and we’ll just make it pretty small

We’ll actually add another diving later that’s even scarier but for now we’ll just add that one you know uh TV man I think we should work on some of our pickup lines uh okay okay you go first all right T man how about this hey girl

Are you a keyboard cuz you’re just my type uh that was cringy all right jack do you have any pickup lines for the girls when we rise them up at the pool party oh yeah dude I have tons but I’m not going to share them with you bozos

Uh are you serious right now anyways uh I’m just going to keep working on this and wait I completely forgot we need to have an area where we’re just chilling like we need an area where we we literally like have tables and it’s like a relaxing Vibe you know we didn’t even

Add that yet guys dude you’re so right man we got to have a nice table where we can eat our sandwiches and stuff yes sir I’m going to do that right now so we should probably add like like some laying down chairs if they even have

Those and oh my goodness are you serious right now okay we’ll just get some of these chairs hopefully the girls like these all right let’s grab one of these chairs booah and here we go now we’ll add some little shade curtains and that’ll make it look so good all right

Let’s add that right there and Booyah booah there we go oh my goodness this looks so good you know I’m going to be honest with you guys if the girls are actually coming over I’m not going to hold back I’m going to take all their attention sorry in advance are you

Serious right now hey you better not rise up pomy oh why uh because I uh she’s she’s mine or she’s my uh you she’s my friend so you know don’t bother her well first come first serves buddy sorry are you serious right now that’s not how this works oh my goodness uh CMO

Did you hear that jackon is literally being an lelf friend come on man you know TV man likes her come on bro be cool I don’t care if he likes her it’s not my problem if she likes me are you serious right now well that’s okay man

It doesn’t matter for me you know since you know Jax doesn’t like Raga and she likes me so I don’t know what to tell you kfo I might not like them but they’re the ones that are going to like me that’s just how it is you know how I

Am with the ladies terrible you know I think if you asked ragath about that she’d disagree man what are you even talking about bro if you don’t shut up I’m going come over there I’m going destroy your slide and stuff uh anyway what in the world are you doing to your

Slot Jack Are you seriously seriously serious right now what do you mean what am I doing what’s wrong with this dude this looks trash why is it purple it’s flowing into our place it looks disgusting uh cuz purple is the best color why would you want blue water when

You can have purple water are you serious right now come on ja this is gross all right well anyway I’m going to be building the coolest of coolest slides ever created but first I got to add more to this pool and you know what to make this even faster I’m going to be

Able to use my world edit command and all I have to do is use SL SL one and there we go now I have this wooden ax and I could actually break out blocks so much quicker now if you guys look at this I could literally break this out

Right right away doing SL set air booah there we go now I have another Pool and you know what we’ll get rid of this tree right here because we need to make this pool a lot bigger if the slide’s going to be huge cuz you know what if the

Pool’s really big then uh we’re probably going to need to make this slide really big all right let’s use SL SL set air and booya there we go oh my goodness this looks crazy yo TV man what you doing over there you build another Pool uh yep I’m building another Pool and

This one’s going to be even more insane look how deep it’s going to be dude bro the girls aren’t even going to have a choice dude they’re just going to come over here and they’re going have to figure out which pool they want uh yeah it’s going to be super crazy like this

Is actually going to be the most W Riz ever dude oh and wait I’m getting a phone call from pomy again what’s up pomy where in the world are you guys we’ve been waiting for more than 30 minutes if you don’t come over here we’re going to come over okay okay um we

Are basically we are basically doing something but please just don’t come over to where we are don’t teleport please okay well we’re just a little hungry so we’re going to grab something to eat but hopefully you guys are done when we get back cuz I don’t want to

Wait anymore okay it’s it’s not my fault pomy I’m sorry listen we’re we’re doing something really important busy doing what uh I can’t tell you yet it’s a surprise all right and wait kmo we should probably connect these pools I think that’ll be a really good idea man

You want to connect them I mean just get one giant pool uh yes sir that’ll look so cool and wait uh we’re going to build the biggest of biggest slides ever in a minute bro you know it would be so awesome if we built like a glass tube

That leads to this pool oh wait that is actually a pretty good idea but I think we should build a water slide first like a super duper scary water slide that’s literally like insane yeah you’re right man that thing’s going to be so so Steep

And Tall you got to get on that all right I’m just going to fill in all these blocks right here all right here we go we’re going to keep filling in these quarts and then after we fill this in we’re going to start working on the super scary slide but hopefully those

Girls don’t come over here soon I don’t know why you’re so excited to have the girls come over man I’m just going to steal them all sorry I don’t know what to tell you are you serious right now jackon you are such an lri for that why

Would you do that dude how am I an lri what am I supposed to do it’s not my fault if I’m irresistible you are not though dude you’re literally lazy and you’re annoying like who would want you little bro exactly women love that kind of thing man are you serious right now

Yeah I doubt that little bro all right we are on like the last layer of these quartz I’m so sick of placing these quartz blocks but once we’re finished with this we’ll finally be able to move on to the slide bro I’m down here in the cave right now I’m working on building

Ni sick room bro we’re going to have so many cool things down here you got to check it out oh my goodness I’m so excited dude but anyway I’m almost finished with this and oh my goodness we are finally done now I can start working on this super duper crazy slide all

Right dude I’m going to help you with that but first you got to come down here and check out what I’ve done to the underground pool area wait what did you do oh my goodness and W this is actually so cool is this going to be the second

Part of the underground pool yeah man I mean it’s not done yet but like we’re going to have so many cool things in here wait are we going to have like a party in here like what are we going to do in here this place looks pretty cool

Though we can totally have a party I could put in some disco balls some lats and stuff you know dude that is so cool but wait why don’t we have like a water party wouldn’t that be so cool we literally are like underwater in a party dude that’s actually so awesome you’re

So smart dude isn’t that W RZ dude that’s W RZ the girls are going to love it all right well CMO I’m going to need some help building this water slide because uh it’s going to be pretty difficult to build all right man how do

You want to build it all right well this is what I’m thinking we’re going to build this water slide and look at this CMO I want it to be this high up and it’s going to be going straight down straight down dude that’s scary yeah but

It’s fire it’s pretty fun the girls are going to love it I’m pretty sure uh poy loves like water slides and stuff do you think so man uh yeah of course I know her so well so anyway here we go we’re going to do this right here and I’m

Thinking it like drops you you know those RADS that like Drop you yeah man you want to like have to where we click a lever and it’ll drop them oh yeah but I’m really bad at Redstone so if you know how to do that dude that would be

Goed yeah I got you man don’t worry oh my goodness wait I didn’t realize we could just use a trap door that’s so fun so you press it wait let me put a lever down here we go we grab this lever right here and we just put it or put it maybe

Right here oh wait that doesn’t work we’ll put it maybe right there oh that doesn’t work okay oh that doesn’t work either don’t worry man I can just add Redstone I can make it all wired up it’ll be cool don’t worry oh yeah you’re right we could just add a little

Redstone thing so it could be right here and then oh my gosh that’ll actually open it no way honestly we should probably do a button I feel like a button would be better dude yeah you’re so smart so it’ll just open for a minute you know all right here we go we’re

Going to connect this Redstone right there and wait let’s put it right there and we’ll put it right here and we’ll PR put the button right here all right and this is actually going to look so awesome ready watch this it’s going to be right here and Booyah there we go oh

My goodness this is so cool a man let’s test it out before we even get the slide part in wait wait wait hold on we didn’t even start the slide don’t don’t test that dude that seems dangerous yeah man just drop me in the pool it’ll be fun

You made it real deep right okay yes I did yes okay ready 3 2 1 woohoo ouch are you okay dude that was awesome man yeah we got to add the slide it’s going be so fun oh my goodness that’s so much fun dude I’m so happy you like it but anyway

Yeah we got to add the slide part cuz that’s really dangerous dude that that is insanely dangerous I mean yeah but we’re the boys so we can handle it uh of course we can you know we are the boys right all right well we should probably

Add some like glass right here I think that would look pretty good what the heck are you guys building over there uh we’re literally building the best slide in the world what are you talking about little bro best slide ever who cares about stuff like that check this out

What do you mean slides are literally awesome I I don’t know what you’re talking about dude yeah that’s why I’m saying that come over here and take a look take a look at what dude oh my goodness at this are you serious right now this has nothing to do with us dude

How is this going to help us what do you mean this is awesome this is like the ultimate Mojo Dojo castle house set up dude uh that is not going to help us dude to get give us W RZ dude that is not W RZ how it has everything a woman

Could want all right you know what I guess we’ll leave it there and let’s see what the girls have to say to that oh we don’t even need to wait I already know they’re going to love it like you guys I’m sure I’m sure Jacks are going to

Love it so much all right well we’re going to add this slide right here and oh my goodness this looks actually so crazy are you seeing this right now dud yeah it’s going to be so dope man I can’t wait but uh we got to make this

Look less messy cuz it does look very messy right now all right cough how about you work on the staircase oh you’re already doing a good job so you work on the staircase while I do this part and oh my goodness there we go that looks so good this is actually amazing

Slide you ready to try it out speaker man I’ll let you get first honor I am ready to try out this slide is it going to be scary though I mean all I know is going to be a lot of fun dude just tell me when you want me to press the button

Go oh my goodness woohoo oh my goodness I was so flly all right come up here press the button for me TV man I want to try all right dude this is actually so much fun and woohoo woo yeah baby woo oh my goodness this slide is actually so amazing dude I’m so

Happy we did this yeah it was such a good idea you’re so smart TV mik yes sir and what else can we add to here to make it even cooler oh ja’s place looks so ugly we have to tell these girls we didn’t build this but wait a second his

Diving board does look pretty cool I’m going to steal that from him and use watch this TV man I’m going to do a triple back flip ready three W be careful be careful be careful wow my goodness are you serious right now oh okay that’s actually amazing though but

Anyway wait I have another idea what’s IDE TV M what if we added a trampoline here dude a trampoline would be so fun we can like build a tall one and like trampoline off the trampoline into the pool yeah we could do that but we could also just add the trampoline right here

That could be pretty cool I mean yeah can I get to the pool from here uh of course you can are you serious right now it’ll be an inground trampoline so you could literally jump from there to the pool hey watch this TV man I’m going to

Jump from up here ready wait wait whoa whoa whoa what’s going on over here man behind you oh that’s actually so cool you’re going to jump like that woo that’s so fun into the pool Baby Woo so TV man you heard my pickup line what are

Some of yours uh oh let me think okay um your oh gosh oh that’s really hard um dude at least I had one come on man say something okay okay okay oh let me think about that all right kofo uh do you have a name cuz uh I I could call you mine

Bro you called mine cringe you don’t hear yourself it’s okay bro I’ll be a w wingman for you all right I got you okay wait I I have I have another one if you were a fruit you’d be a a fine Apple fine Apple come on man Jax you hear this

Is that W RZ Jax I wish I didn’t hear that what was that I feel like I’m losing RZ just from having heard it what are you talking about dude that’s literally goated Riz what oh boys I have one last pickup line you ready to hear

It yeah I’m ready man do you play fortnite cuz I want you in my fort tonight oh my god dude no way you just said that right now bro dude isn’t the fortnite RZ RZ no dude that’s like negative RZ are you serious right now

Okay can you teach me dude or Jax can you teach me wait no Jax is all can you teach me CBO yeah man don’t worry I’ll teach you and I’ll be the best wingman you ever had TV man if you’re picking up pickup lines from kmo the only thing

You’re going to get is restraining orders what are you talking about dude okay so is my fortnite RZ any better of course not it’s terrible I’m surprised you can even say that with a straight face what are you talking about dude it’s a fortnite RZ oh you’re never going

To get a woman’s number in your life TV man I almost feel bad for you hey that’s not nice it’s all right TV man just don’t listen to him I got you brother all right all right you go you’ll help me out yeah man so just so you know the

First thing girls like is big strong man we got to make you strong uh how in the H am I going to get stronger I’m literally just TV man I don’t know how to get stronger I mean we can go to the gym that could work oh yeah you’re right

We could go to the gym wait we have to make a gym why don’t we make a gym dude yeah outside Beach gym that’s awesome oh my goody goodness yeah let’s do that before the girls come all right TV man I got a great idea let’s build a gym in

The party area what underground wait okay so we’ll change that party area to a gym we won’t make that a party area but that’s a really good idea dude we’ll have the gym underground that’s actually awesome but I do like it outside but underground maybe might be cooler and we

Could get stronger that way yeah man I agree I think we could just like hide down here for a little bit and lift some weights get some big old muscles you know oh yeah that’s goed all right well we should probably do some jumping jacks or something to get really strong ready

Go two three 4 5 6 I’m tired I’m tired this isn’t working yeah this kind of sucks man we got to get some weights or something we got to get weights or do like something else like is there anything else we could do I don’t know man you tell me any

Ideas gosh I don’t know we don’t have any weights or anything so I don’t know how we can get stronger so I can impress these girls yeah I mean I don’t know either but like I think we should head back oh wait what wait where I headed

Right now where are you going where you going what the what’s going on in uh what where are we right now I don’t know dude this is pretty weird I think the I think the floor caved in and dude we can’t swim back up the water’s gone oh

What in the what why can’t we get up wait I’m mean good thing I’m in Creative anyway but oh wait no I’m not I’m not in Creative anymore are you serious right now wait I’m not either I can’t fly no more oh no this is so bad the strength

Challenges what in the what wait it’s like they hurt us dude I don’t know why that’s kind of cool like I mean hey free strength I guess uh yeah I guess we could get stronger here for some reason we got Bond here this is like the weirdest thing ever but anyway I guess

We both need to get stronger so we can impress these girls yeah let’s do it man let’s go in there all right well let’s check out these rooms there’s a room in here and wa this room is crazy is this a parkour dude what is that at the end uh

It looks like it might be a strength Crystal so let’s do this parkour but be very careful kmo bro we can totally give that Crystal to girls girls love gifts oh you’re right that is actually the most Riz I’ve ever heard in my whole life and Jax is never going to have Riz

Like that that’s true Jax is so poor all right I’m going to break this Crystal and Bo there we go now I have this Crystal and I’m going to keep it in my inventory that’s actually crazy RZ dude yeah you got to use the giftgiving RZ it

Always works oh my goodness this parkour is really scary though if we fall we actually die and there we go we did it man that parkour was easy that was a strength challenge I don’t feel stronger at all yeah I don’t feel that much stronger either but anyway there’s

Another challenge right here and oh no what in the what is this and wait there’s all this stuff here look at this we get all this armor and stuff oh my goodness this armor is actually goated too and now I have a diamond sword and

Wait what in the what is this place and oh it the door just closed uh are you seeing this cough wait the door closed dude I’m claustrophobic get me out of here oh no but I think this is how we’re going to get stronger we have to fight

These monsters anyway that parkour made me a little bit stronger and uh wait wait let me grab that Crystal hey hey hey it’s it just covered up are you serious right now wait so we have to fight monsters to get the crystal oh no dude oh gosh I’m really scared right now

I’m getting a call from pomy what do she want what are those are those zombies oh no a TV man where are you we’re on our way uh we are currently hey get away from me zombies ah we are basically a a weird uh uh I’ll call you back later

Okay I zombies uh what are you talking about nothing nothing I’ll call you back later bye oh my goodness we got to fight off these monsters because the girls are literally on their way this is so bad CB dude no way I mean I guess we are

Getting stronger for them but like we got to finish up quickly dude we got to fight off these Monsters come on oh my goodness they’re so powerful but it looks like we did it that was pretty easy yeah that was not hard at all man expecting like a boss or something oh my

Goody goodness ah are you serious right now fight off this guy oh like ow ow he’s really powerful mutant zombie bro I going to die do I have anything I do not have anything please I need food or something to make Meer oh no oh no oh no

No no no eat the rotten flesh bro it’ll make you strong like bear Grill oh my goodness come on fight him and wait there’s golden apples right there are you serious right now that’s actually goated no way dude I’m so low right now I just killed him but wait oh no he’s

Going to respawn but I feel like I’m getting a lot stronger kmo can I get some golden apples man that probably would help me oh yeah take one here we go we got to fight this guy off because we’re going to get stronger yes sir I’m

So ready to get all big and strong and oh that guy’s down already uh I don’t think he’s dead kmo but we’re getting really close come on oh my goodness got to get him dead bro he’s so close oh my goodness come on fight him ow ow he’s

Really powerful oh my gosh dude nice stuff bro that guy was so easy and thank goodness now we can grab this Crystal no way right now and there we go we got a floating Crystal let’s go dude that’s another one for the girls oh my goodness wait it’s

Telling us to place the crystals right there but should we place them there or should we give it to the girls I think we should find another way like like place them there and quickly pick them back up like Indiana Jones you know uh I think if we place the crystals there

It’ll make us stronger cuz this is a strength challenge right all right so do we have gifts for the girls or do we have muscles for the girls which one is it you know we shouldn’t be greedy let’s just put one there and then we’ll put

One there and uh let’s get out of here now cuz we have creative again yes sir wait TV man come back down here look at this oh what in the what what are you talking about dude why would we go back down there and wait a second a diamond

Ring just spawned what in the what is this let me grab this yeah dude we could totally give these to the girls yes sir and now we have a diamond ring and oh my goodness that was actually so goated dude all right CUO the girl should be

Coming any minute and now we are way stronger and we have W now yeah man you should give pomy a call and see where they’re at uh okay all right uh hey pomy how you doing hi uh it’s everything all right I heard zombies the last time you

Called me uh yes yes we’re going to teleport you over to us now okay are you ready I’ve been waiting forever and it’s almost night time now but I guess it’s better than not seeing you guys well uh it’s a very hot day outside so we were just you know building something special

For you girls but anyway uh the boys are going to be here and we’re going to have a party oh sounds fun oh you idiots are finally back where the heck did you guys go uh we went on a side quest and look what I got I got a diamond ring wait a

Diamond ring where the heck did you get something like that that’s wild give me it uh no you’re not getting that anyway the girls should be here any moment and CFO get ready we got to have W ra okay I’m going to sit in this chair right

Here and just chill yeah man you know act cool act cool all right CMO I’m going to teleport them in three 2 1 booah there we go they should be teleported what the where am I right now oh hey there ladies look who finally arrived I built this entire place just

For you guys yeah yeah Jack sure you did uh wait wait whoa whoa hold on a second Jack no we all built this together I mean yeah you guys helped but I’m the one who told you to Bro all you built was that ugly monstrosity over there man

We built everything else don’t talk about my Mojo Dojo Casa house like that bro who Do You Think You Are anyways wow this place is amazing and you guys built this all for us uh would you mind giving us the tour oh yeah okay um so uh here

We go we got a diving board right here and then we have this hot tub and then we have this uh really cool super duper slide that a cosmo made and I’ll show you guys the slide that I made now if we go over here this is my super epic slide

That I built and then if we go over here these are the chairs where we’re going to chill we have a trampoline and if we go over here you guys can make a little jump we have have Jax’s uh monstrosity of a build but whatever it’s fine and if

We go over here we have the deep end of the pool this is super duper fun if you want to go swimming wow this is really cool we should all go swimming uh yes and there’s one more thing I got to show you guys when we’re in the water so

Let’s get swimming all right guys are we having a good time woohoo yeah buddy yeah this is so much fun uh ew but uh what is that nasty looking purple stuff it’s Jack’s uh pool it’s gross but we had to keep it for is it gross what do

You mean it’s purple a color of royalty are you serious right now that is cat but whoo look at ragath cough mode this is your chance rise her up yo ragi you think that’s cool in the trampoline check this out oh oh I missed the

Pool oh my gosh um uh cuff are you okay do you need any help yeah yeah I need I need your assistance please date I mean I mean help me oh you say date me W is okay oh what do you need do you need

Like an ice bag do you need like a um a water I mean I’ll take like a maybe a hug that’ be that be that be nice okay um okay yo w r TV man to check me out oh my God I Y that was crazy what the heck

What’s so wrong with them why are they acting so weird around us it’s like they’ve never had any female interaction uh yeah I know right girls the reason for that is probably cuz they haven’t besides their mom’s uh no offense Jack oh wait where is Jack uh he’s on the trampoline I’m right

Next to you ladies oh uh but I don’t think you you’re no better than they are Jack you’re right I’m way better uh that’s cap yo TV man I just got my hug now it’s your turn to shoot your shot with pomy oh okay I’ll do it all right

Uh CMO I’m going to do it while we’re on the slide or something okay guys let’s all go on the slide together uh me and py let’s go oh okay all right are we all ready to ride this slide and wait P me I have to tell you something oh uh yeah

What you want to tell me TV man uh do you play fortnite uh no not really because because I I I I’m inviting you to my fort tonight was that good oh that one hurt me to listen to oh um what’s that re you

Want me to talk to you away from TV okay what hey oh oh gosh man bro TV man why’ you use the fortnite line bro that one was the worst oh my goodness are you serious right now come on that was W RZ right jack no don’t

Ever say anything like that ever again I feel Dumber having just listened to it oh whatever that was some real midr bro let’s just ride this slide let’s go woohoo woo yeah baby hey TV man let me show you how it’s done bro hey pom uh

Yeah uh what’s up Jack hey that’s my girl are you from Tennessee because you’re the only 10 I see that was cringy oh no what um no get it cuz it’s like Tennessee like the state but instead of Tennessee the state it’s 10 icy like you’re 10 out of 10 you

Know get it explaining it makes it funnier uh yeah I got it all right but yours was way worse than TV man’s was wow I am losing brain cells I’m just going to go uh do something else she obvious she’s obviously just embarrassed TV man look

At her let me show you how it’s done again TV man hey ratha um yeah do you do you need something Jack I’m glad I remembered to bring my library card because I am checking you out okay first of all that was horrible and second of

All ew disgusting come on pomy let’s go um I’m feeling a bit uneasy around these guys no no don’t leave guys come on no oh my oh come on no come on girls come on ladies come back come back come on we haven’t done the Epic water slide TV man

Bill you know what uh guys this has been uh so much fun and really not embarrassing or awkward at all so uh we’re just going to go uh see guys no no no no no guys come on oh oh my goodness are you serious right now dude they are

So into me did you see that no they’re not oh my god dude they’re in me too I actually got a hug from ratha you guys both lris man you all fumbled the B you know what I’m just happy I have my friends here it’s whatever we don’t need

A girl that is true man all I need is the boy today we’re doing a build to survive with pomni and Jack and wait who and the who are you oh hi TV man nice seeing you again I’m pom’s sister hey what are you doing here you’re not

Allowed here anymore remember last time no no Jax my sister’s here she can stay she’s really cool I promise you uhhuh yeah okay all right guys well there’s going to be a ton of monsters that come out of this super scary place over there so we need to start building now come on

And we need to build the best space ever so we can actually defend ourselves yeah we have to build the best space ever so we don’t die ja but I’m really happy I’m here with you TV man oh what in the what why are you happy you’re here with me uh

Yeah why are are you excited that he’s here don’t you remember I like TV man oh really is that so I don’t know about that pomy don’t get ahead of yourself I was just being friendly stupid all right I’m just going to keep building this and

Here we go I’m going to add some of this luring right here and wait I really like this well this looks amazing but anyway I don’t know why pomy sister is trying to talk to me that’s really weird I’m just a friendly person okay T man is it

So bad to just start up conversation uh it’s just a little weird like you know I have a thing with pomy why you trying to talk to me oh what are you guys building out of we should do something way cooler let me try something wait what are you

Doing jack no what what do you mean cooler dude and there we go what in the ew why you have got to be kidding me what is that I don’t know I thought it’d be funny my bad my bad yeah I’m sorry about that TV man I was just playing

Around I’m not going to do anything like that ever again promise oh okay that’s great dude please don’t ever do that again are you kidding me right now Jack I’m going to make you eat this dirt if you do that one more time I used to eat

Dirt when I was younger do you realize we have to fight all these super scary monsters and you’re trolling dude why would you do this what do you mean TV man dirt is obviously the best material uh are you serious right now how are we

Going to break all this ja what is wrong with you this is so annoying and we don’t have all day good thing TV man’s here to save the day I mean he probably knows how to do world edit and stuff what wait what do you mean save the day

Poty sister okay you know what whatever I’m just I’m just not going to talk to anymore why I thought we were just becoming friends is it weird to talk with your friends can you uh not talk to him you know him and I are you know uh

Well I don’t know if we’re official yet but you can talk to jck uh he’s available yeah wait wait what do you mean about official okay I’m pretend like I didn’t hear anything all right uh py sister why don’t you go rise up Jax

Jax R her up bro uh I’m good I don’t really like her like that bro well ja we could go on a double date if you could rise her up bro I guess that could be pretty funny all right let me try let me try you got this Jack oh hey py sister

Okay uh hey what do you want are you a library book cuz I’m chicking you out uh is this an attempt at humor yeah get it cuz it’s like checking you out like you check out book Library this is terrible RZ no TV man explaining it makes it

Funnier trust me man I think funny is your dumb face well that was definitely W RZ it definitely works ja no offense I’m not interested in a scani rodent I like someone else okay uh you do who is it then it’s not your business rodent

Now stay out of it all right anyway I’m just going to keep building this base and here we go I have some Cobblestone right here we have some andesite so I’m just going to copy the pattern they’re doing py this is a really good idea oh

Thank you I just wanted to make it practical but also very pleasing yeah this is actually awesome I love this but uh is this going to be able to defend us from the monsters that are coming uh I I I hope so but maybe we need more defenses uh yeah we’re definitely going

To need way more defenses but this is actually looking really good though hey sis uh what are you doing you’re just standing around oh um I just have Uh something’s on my mind right now it’s nothing big uh do you want to tell me anything okay so I’m trying to figure

Out what’s the best way to ask someone out cuz I may or may not have a little crush on someone what in the what what is she talking about wait you have a crush who is it tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me uh I I can’t really tell

You right now sorry what in the what why is she not telling her old sister who she has a crush on it better not be me or I’ll be really creeped out okay TV man let’s be real nobody’s ever going to want to go out with you what are you

Talking about dude I got W RZ bro I’m literally building you know I’m doing all the the manly things and you’re just sitting there doing nothing come on why don’t you just tell me who it is I’m your sister after all I can keep a

Secret yeah no I’m good what in the ew why is she not even telling her this is so weird but anyway I’m just going to keep working on this roof and here we go we’re placing these blocks and here we go we’re starting to fill it in all

Righty here we go and we’re about to close it off and booah there we go we just finished with the roof uh TV man do you have any idea when the mobs are coming uh I have no idea but we need to prepare so we actually can fight off

These monsters all right here we go we’re going to start working on the second floor so we’re going to make this really cool so we can like actually like use some bow and arrows and shoot them off so it’ll be pretty awesome all righty there we go we got the first

Layer now we have to keep building it up so uh TV man what’s your favorite color do you like purple by any chance purple uh no not wait I got give me kind of how do you know I like purple though um just a guess and maybe that’s what your core is

Well well yeah but uh why do you care like honestly it’s just conversation man L up no I don’t I don’t care like that but it’s just you know it’s weird like I’m supposed to talk to pomy pomy hello hi I think she’s busy right now she’s

Focusing on the house but it’s okay to just have a conversation to get to know each other yeah I know it’s okay but like I don’t really know you like that there’s no need to talk to you anyway you’re pomy sister I don’t like you like

That I never said you need to like me like that I’m just striking up a friendly conversation what you’ve never talked to a girl before are you scared no what what are you talking about I’ve uh no I’m not scared you’re just being weird oh you’re stuttering so you

Haven’t really held a conversation with a female before no female interaction oh no why why are you still talking to me are you serious right now this is really weird you know I have a thing with pomy stop so are you guys like official or do

You just like like her well well you know I I like her I guess a little bit are you going to ever tell her cuz you know maybe someone might steal pomy from you oh what nah that’s crazy I don’t know what you’re talking about I mean I

Don’t know like say you’re available and like someone else steals you from pomy or vice versa that would be such a shame no I I don’t know what you’re talking about seriously just go away now uh excuse me I’m going to live here too man like lighten up why are you so tense

What oh my goodness so yeah you are going to live here but you’re going to live very far away from me I’m going to make sure my room is as far away as possible from you cuz you’re being really weird yep you’ve never talked to a girl in your life that’s embarrassing

Uh uh Hey guys uh what’s going on I heard um I heard some conversations up here uh uh she she’s trying to talk to me but I don’t I don’t know it just we’re just talking oh I well I guess it’s good to talk that way you can know

My sister oh are you sure about that FY cuz he’s kind of flirting with her right now don’t you know what in the Jax are you serious you serious you serious right now what are you talking about uh flirting oh um I I got to go I I I think

No py no no no that’s not what’s happening that is not what no do not believe him okay I’m just going to I’m just going to go uh uh take my fish for a walk fish for a what in the what does that even mean I mean she doesn’t want

To talk to you stupid oh my goodness you you’re ruining my relationship with her or it my soon to be relationship I didn’t do anything and plus you guys were never in a relationship it’s just a little crush oh my goodness but why are you trying to ruin it for me like you’re

Being weird I’m not ruining it I’m fully supported of you and my sister it’s JX who’s ruining it he’s the one who said you were flirting with me yeah Jack you suck H excuse you no you’re a loser no no no I’m sick and tired of you playing

These jokes on me you’re just a hater man they’re funny lighting up a little you know what was funny your birth that was an apology from the factory it was pretty funny wasn’t it likes you you need to like shut up and get a life or

Get some maidens also don’t talk back to TV man he’s way cooler than you will ever be you’re just a purple rodent with big feet oh my it’s just banter chillax you wouldn’t get it anyway why are you defending tvman so much anyway it’s like you like him or something but there’s no

Way right your sister’s into him already right yeah um but why is this your concern why are you so interested in my relationship with people are you a stalker what in the what stop arguing why are you guys arguing this is so weird cuz it’s funny and he’s annoying

All right he’s annoying but you don’t need to talk to him and argue about me it seems weird you’re like really invested in this for some reason it’s arguing it’s what I do best that and besides sarcasm all right anyway I’m going to keep working on this moat right

Now and here we go we’re going to place some water and we’ll make it two stories high and this is actually starting to look so good and py sister why are you staring at me I just came down man you just happened to be here at the same

Time I was why are you so obsessed with me it’s like you like me what in the nah that’s crazy no no get me away from her right now Jax please get me away from this weirdo huh dude get out of my room you literally live in the same house oh

My fine I’ll get out of your room no can I please just stand here just let me hide for a minute uh pomy sister he’s in here I know he’s a big TV man I don’t think I’d not be able to see him oh my goody goodness this is so move move oh

My gosh what are you doing accidentally I accidentally placed this oh my gosh just stop it are you trying to drown me no my goodness a pomy tell them to stop being mean to me uh yeah I guess um guys stop being mean to TV man sorry he was

Just flirting with me and Jack it’s kind of weird oh what in the no no that that is crazy to say all right anyway I guess I’m going to keep building this here we go we’ll do like a little bit of a spiral staircase like that and here we

Go that looks so awesome and wait I actually love this design so much no way guys come on check this out look what I bu okay I’ll check it out so we have a little upstairs part where we can like shoot bows and stuff on the zombies and stuff that’s actually really smart

That’s a really good idea yeah it is a really good idea it’s pretty cool oh uh TV man there’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about what I’m pretty sure you hurt pne’s feelings cuz you know you like her she likes you and oh hi

Pomy oh uh what’s up pomy I don’t know what she’s talking about I’m just going to go jump down and do uh I was just building it’s nothing do you need me to go uh I can go if I if I’m in the middle of something all right ja I have a

Really good idea so you know that b sister might like me right uh yeah I’m definitely getting those kinds of Vibes what about it so I think I’m going to transform into PNE sister’s best friend and maybe I’ll trick her into leaking some information about me uh I don’t

Know if that’s a good idea man that seems like it could go really wrong really fast well it’s going to be funny here we go and booah there we go now I need to start talking like Kane cuz I’m Kane from The Amazing digital circus yeah that sure you buddy that’s a great

Kane impression yeah go ahead and talk to her let’s see what happens okay I will go talk to her Hey pomy sister I am your best friend Kane uh yeah duh I know that but um are you okay do you have like something wrong with your throat

You sound really weird any who what brings you here in the first place never mind let’s go gossip I have some juicy tea to spell uh oh oh wrong voice wrong voice um okay uh why did you say wrong voice are you working on on like ventriloquism or something oh nothing

There’s nothing wrong okay let me hear the gossip come over here you you sound like you’re like being a robot are are you genuinely okay do I need to like call the police or something and get a restraining order no no you don’t need to call the police now tell me the

Information now oh oh okay um okay I guess Jax you want to join I guess you’re purple so you can join I guess on second thought Jax scram we don’t need to uh go eat a carrot or something go play fortnite I don’t know whatever boys

Do yeah sure yeah just pretend I’m not here I said leave you stupid rodent whatever yeah let’s just go over here I really don’t want him to hear this so have you heard the news um what what is the news oh he is right behind you jack

Get out I’m not here I’m not here it’s just your imagination bye okay he is now gone tell me the gossip yeah I imagine Jack’s all the time is something wrong are you sure do you need me to get you like tea or something something is definitely wrong with your voice no

There is nothing wrong with my voice I I am cane from The Amazing Jack I am cane from the amazing circus are you okay you don’t usually have a stutter you usually just sound really annoying but now you sound like annoying and like stupid whatever I’ll just I’ll just spill the tea cuz

You know you are my Bestia after all so um you know like how pomy likes TV Man TV man likes pomy well there’s a problem cuz I like my sister and I respect her and like all her decisions and whatnot but I really like TV man cuz he’s like

Really hot and strong like you know like what yes yes that is very interesting are are you choking on something do do I need to do like the him like maneuver or something um no you do not need to perform CPR but I am okay

I am you you you don’t perform I need to go somewhere else for a little bit I need to go take a bath or something okay Weir to go back to normal I am freaking out right now oh my gosh oh my gosh that that was insane and uh I’m going to go

Back to my room up here I’m so creeped out what the ew she likes me that is literally so weird how your sister likes me I literally like PNE how can I do this to PNE anyway I guess I’m going to have to talk to PNE about this because I

Don’t know what else to do so PNE I need to talk to you oneon-one oh uh yeah what do you need so okay there’s something I need to tell you um I I overheard the sister she she said that you overheard what would you over here no no nothing

There’s there’s nothing okay I’m just going to keep building the house cuz again we are’t bu to survive anyway are you spying on me maybe he likes me uh no that is not what is happening no I well I generally wonder what he was wanting

To talk to me about but I guess I’ll figure it out later oh my goodness are you serious right now what’s going on this is so annoying uh ja I’m bored can we go gossip oh you know me so well yeah let’s go let’s go I don’t know where

Kane went so now you’re my only option I don’t want to talk to my sister about this she’s the last person I want hearing it all right what is it so like did you know that the longest living animals the immortal jellyfish first comes into its larae form so it’s just a

Larvae and then it develops into a PO and then it develops into its jellyfish form but when it gets a brazed or it gets frightened or scared were you going to talk about how you like TV man this is so lame whatever I’m out what do you mean like TV

Man I definitely don’t like TV Man TV man do you have any idea what’s going on with my sister she acts weird and mysterious but she’s acting extra weird and mysterious today um I have no idea but I I know how she’s acting really weird it’s creepy anyway I’m just going

To keep building the base there’s no need to like actually think about it to be honest so let’s figure out a way to make our defenses even better okay Jax how about some actual juicy gossip okay all right if it’s actually juicy I’ll listen if not I’m out okay did you know

Pomy still sleeps with this stuffed animal at night oh J what in the what are you doing what are you doing dude stop what do you mean I’m going to make this moat better why are you just using water what’s wrong with water dude isn’t that the best water dude are you serious

I mean you can drown in water right anyway I’m just water then you have to use CPR uh T man uh you were talking to me earlier about something about like my sister and something uh do you want to finish it since we’re alone right now uh

Yeah so basically so basically this is what your sister’s doing she is being really really am being what oh my gosh why is she always here I hear everything you’re so cute and you get mad you know you turn a little red excuse me um why

Are you talking to him like like that you usually don’t act this weird what in the ew nah that’s crazy chill out okay I’m just having fun you need to lighten up you’re always such a crybaby and you’re always a party pooper you’re so stiff sometimes oh my gosh what are you

Guys even doing right now we got to build the base isn’t that what you were saying fine I guess I’ll put down the best fence possible then whatever oh yeah that’s right oh let’s go you’re actually doing something for once let’s go Jack W men just’s wait for it just

Wait for it wait for what uh You Don’t Know Jack do you what do you mean he’s doing it right and huh what in the way is this is this poison are you serious right now and this fence is trash told you it’s trash dude this

Is this is actual baloney dude oh wait you’re right I used the wrong fence you’re right my bad man let me put this one down dude no that’s not that’s not any better why don’t use electric fences and actually be smart here dude are you serious seriously seriously seriously

Right now oh my God are you serious TV man what’s more important staying alive or looking good Staying Alive idiot what are you talking about ridiculous so TV man always looks good wow n that’s crazy hey I’m just saying you don’t look bad you’re not ugly like Jack sister can I

Pull you aside for just a just a little bit um why are you talking to TV man you know I’ve liked him for like ever and I really hope you don’t like him either cuz that would be a problem uh please tell me you don’t like him chill out

Girl I don’t like him she better not like me because I like pomy and she’s going to ruin everything for me and I really hope she doesn’t ruin everything for me because it’s going to be really annoying on me I’m just saying anyway I’m I’m sure she’s just trilling she’s

Just trilling if you don’t confess to TV man or vice versa someone might steal him or you might get your heart stolen by someone else just saying I would probably what no that’s crazy anyway all right I’m just going to keep on this build I’m just going to pretend I didn’t

Hear anything that’s really weird I would probably make a move before someone else does you know just saying oh I I I think I get what you’re saying uh maybe I should confess to him uh do you have any idea how to do it okay I

Know I’m super attractive I get all the guys so trust me here’s what you’re going to do you’re going to avoid him at all cost avoid him like a a virus or something and then do not talk to him at all don’t look his Direction don’t acknowledge his presence and then and

Then I got it from there I mean you got it from there going to call head over heels for you I promise I got it from there she said I got it from there oh no she’s trying to steal me away from P oh gosh this is so weird anyway uh let’s

Just keep working on this building survive and wait there’s a sign right here the monsters are coming in 40 minutes what in the what wait we have no time and what it is night time oh no how is it night time already are you serious right now oh dang I guess those monsters

Are coming soon you guys better get this place up to stuff otherwise we’re dead yeah we are dead meat if we don’t figure this out I hope you die what excuse me no not you TV man I would never tell you to die I’m telling Jack to die cuz he’s

So lazy and he’s probably just going to sit in his room all day playing fortnite or watching TV well Jax is not going to die you bet I am you are not going to die dude because I’m going to protect you Jax okay I’m going to make sure you

Don’t die even though you’re really annoying sometimes and you leak all my secrets TV man why don’t you protect me as well huh wait why why why why would I needed to protect you you uh you have your sister well you’re big and strong and you know the man should always

Protect the lady you know chivalry right no that’s really weird are you not admitting to be a man pomy sister can you please just stop your r doing this for me and pomy you know I’m supposed to RIS her up and I needed Jax’s advice but you’re being really annoying you’re

Asking Jax for advice Are you seriously asking Jack for advice he’s the one who tried to rise me up yeah he he has good advice he has good advice now get out of the house get away what are you do I live here excuse you this is not a good

Way to treat a lady to get her to like you you’re lucky I already like you um what excuse me as a friend as a friend as a friend as a friend as a friend I didn’t say anything you didn’t hear anything oh you bet I did you know

That’s pretty crazy coning your sister is in love with TV man that’s crazy okay Jack you didn’t hear anything you got it yeah definitely nothing nothing I didn’t hear anything what did I hear nothing this is so weird oh my goodness all right whatever wait it’s ring that

Means the moners are going to be coming soon oh no all right here we go and wait what this there there’s another sign and it says the monsters are coming in 20 minutes oh my goodness all right we have no time to waste seriously 20 minutes

Just went by so Qui what else can we add to this house to make it even better we have the electric fences and what else are we going to need for these monsters to come all right let’s add some of this polished andesite and I think this is

Going to be really good because watch what we’re about to do so instead of just leaving another you know reinforcement we’re going to add a special reinforcement and it’s going to be some L lasers so we’ll put the lasers right there and we’ll Place another one

On this side and booah and we’re going to add another one right here and booya now we have two more lasers to add and we could also overlap the lasers too so we can make like two on one side here we go let’s add another laser right there

And here we go there we go Jack I have a proposal for you uh what is it I want you to rise up my sister so that way TV man doesn’t have any more options except me what I heard that I’ll buy you all the v-bucks you want just try to make my

Sister fall for you okay that way I’m not stealing TV man away from her if she already has someone interested in her that is absolutely wild I’m in okay good anything else you want to sweeten the deal got any carrots uh yeah golden normal by the way if you spill this

Secret to a single soul I’ll kill you all right I would never do something like that who do you take me for chillax okay you have your carrots now be a good boy and shut up oh hey pomy I got something to tell you oh uh hi oh um

What is it you French because I fell for you why is he talking to my girl right now hey I don’t quite understand and no I’m not French I’m actually American but uh can I help you with something why is Jack talking to my girl hey TV man what

Are you doing are you spying on Jackson pomy no I’m not spying on them I’m just uh okay I don’t know what I’m doing I’m just I’m just building right now come on just pay attention to me here let’s let’s focus on building okay you don’t

Want to die do you uh no I don’t I don’t I’ll build on this side why is she trying to distract me right now what is going on I have my eye on you all right I got to hide so I could ease drop on their situation right now this is really

Weird wait pomy come on don’t don’t feel like that I I really like you honest I swear uh ja are are you okay you sound like you’re crying no I’m definitely okay please please say yes I need my carrots and my life is in danger no I I

Really like you is what I meant to say J did you hit your head I I I’m sorry but I can’t accept this this you know I’m I like someone else but I’m pretty sure they might like someone else too please okay okay okay fine fine I guess

So I’m sorry ja I can’t go through with this I really like someone else but my carrots I mean my heart if you want I can buy why you carrots they’re they’re really not that expensive yeah normal carrots aren’t but golden carrots are whatever I’m out of here what is bro

Yapping about that was the worst thing I’ve seen in my life the worst thing you’ve seen so far okay you have one more chance cuz I’m feeling nice make her fall in love with you do whatever Love Potion I don’t care blackmail I don’t care just do it and if you can

Successfully do it this time I’ll double the amount of golden carrots also I lost T man slippery little he’s so cute though um can you also find him for me I don’t feel like getting my hand dirty right now but golden carrots are on the

Line look jck it’s a golden carrot I do like golden carrots okay I’ll try please don’t hurt me why in the why is Jacks doing this right now this is so weird oh I can’t say anything though we’re she’ll kill Jack but anyway I’m just going to

Have to see him attempt it’s Riz but he’s not going to be able to do it and anyway why is he trying to RIS up my girl too it’s really weird oh hey pomy fancy seeing you here again uh can I tell you something I we live here but yeah sure

Go ahead do you like Star Wars because Yoda only one for [Laughter] me uh sorry I don’t watch Star Wars I watch Block Buddies though maybe you’ve heard of that of course who hasn’t heard of Block Buddies anyway no no no that’s not the point that’s not the point the

Only reason I’m trying to do this is because your sister is forcing me to uh forcing you to H why would she do that well your sister just wants to go on like a double date you know you know you know oh uh wait but who will she go out

With don’t worry about that that’s not important just please say yes she’s she’s threatening me and my family you have a family okay all that aside uh what exactly do I have to do just just go on one date with you yeah just one just one and it won’t be anything more I

Promise it’s just you know for this for your sister think about it like that Jack so where is oh hi pomy what what’s going on oh this is cool uh Jax have you seen TV man anywhere hey guys what’s going on what’s going on here I’m totally wasn’t eat shopping everything

That was going on you seem very suspicious oh uh there you are TV man uh what I meant to say was what you meant to say was what did you meant to say the no that’s your own sister what are you doing it’s a fake gun chill out P you’ll

Be okay just just hide here oh that’s sweet the night in shining armor is trying to protect his lady but do you want to know something pomy TV man doesn’t actually like you he was just lying he in fact likes me isn’t that right what no that’s cap that’s cap Jax

Tell them that’s cap please please you know I like pomy yeah JX remember what I told you oh yeah I remember that and I definitely don’t remember whatever uh TV man’s talking about definitely not Jack really are you serious you’re doing this all for Golden carots you don’t care

About my relationship with you and me dude we have a good friendship why would you do this dude of course I care about it it’s just golden carrots are more important man sorry H what no you’re crazy for that what in the white is

Going on uh I okay I’ll just say it out now I really like T man and I really hope he likes me back so please don’t try to take him from me you can have Jack I’m sure he likes you you have a great personality [Laughter] pomy pomy you’re cute you don’t

Understand though I don’t just like TV man this isn’t your little school girl crush from kindergarten no I am obsessed with him I need him to breathe live get back here you are not going anywhere oh what in the what you’re literally so weird you’re the sister I don’t like you

Oh you will like me TV man one way or another I have my ways I would would just go the easy one this is getting interesting I got my popcorn out watch with me TV man why would you say that what’s wrong with you you know I like

Him why would you do this to me you’re my own sister how could you okay guys guys I don’t know what’s going on here listen um this is a very very interesting situation I I I don’t know what to say guys why don’t we why don’t

We split up for a bit okay and we’ll go way you obviously like her she probably put you under a spell or something no I can’t wow that was crazy I can’t believe you would do that TV man and also uh sister where’s my carrots Chop

Chop lying and all that remember you rat you weren’t supposed to say it out loud that’s awward Jack you know you know what you’re going to get from first filling the beans you know what you’re going to get instead of golden carrots you little rat I’ll take regular

Carrots have a fun time in there rabbit what no that’s crazy do you want to go in a cage next TV man I need your undying loyalty you’re crazy I thought I knew you once but you’re not the sister I remember what’s going on and TV man I can’t believe you like

Her this I I can’t believe this I I need to go what no py I like you more than her oh my goodness are you serious right now anyway the monster should be coming any minute so I guess I’m just going to do this build to survive all right let

Me check this sign over here and what the monsters are coming in 1 minute oh no I got to rush this and actually make this base better but wait how can we make this better oh and wait why didn’t I even think of this we should probably

Use like obsidian or something way more powerful so I’m going to replace a lot of this with obsidian and wait maybe I could use like a wand and then use world edit all right I’m going to use world edit SL wand and there we go now I’m

Going to use this and add some obsidian so let’s put some obsidian right here SL SL set obsidian and then booah and wao it just worked that’s a smart idea TV man you know what else would be a very smart decision if you would just date me

Okay oh no that is weird you know I have my ways and you do not want to see my bad side why why are you doing this like you know I like pomy this is just really weird and I like you so what bro nah that’s crazy what’s so crazy about love

But I’m crazy in love with you oh my goodness n that’s crazy anyway the monster should be coming any minute and then I can finally leave this place and I need to tell pomy I actually really like her instead of her crazy sister who’s literally being so weird too bad

She doesn’t think you like her anymore what no you broke her little heart according to her no how does that make you feel she’ll never want to date you py I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s your sister she’s being insane just leave me alone okay I don’t want to talk to you no I

I’m telling you I literally like you she’s probably blackmailing you or something just just leave me alone I don’t care no oh my goody goodness are you serious right now what is going on anyway we only like a minute left and the moners are going to be coming but

I’ll show pomy that I actually like her by Saving her during these monsters but wait we forgot to add swords and gear and armor and stuff oh my gosh all right let me do that real quick before we do anything else oh no this is really bad

We have no time to waste come on they’re so cute when you’re dumb oh no here we go now let’s grab some of this let’s grab some of these weapons right here all right I’m going to grab some my super super super Enchanted armor and

Put it in the chest and some of my super duper Enchanted Weaponry too there we go now let’s put it in the chest right there and there we go so we’ll be able to put some more in there but I got to spawn it in I don’t know why it’s such a

Hard decision TV man you could literally just date me I’m way better than my sister what in the N what are you talking about you are not better than your sister you’re literally insane okay insane and Rich I can give you whatever you want I

Don’t care about money I can you I don’t care about money oh you will care about money cuz money can buy you happiness no not from you I’d rather dat pomy you would not rather date pomy I’m much better she’s just kind and caring and

Like who wants to date a kind and caring person I can’t believe you why would you do this to me you know I like him I told you and you’re my sister you should support it and but you don’t because you’re a selfish jerk yeah that’s pretty

Messed up I’m going to be honest and you know you locked me in a cage and didn’t give me my carrots but who’s keeping track you don’t deserve carrots you rodent you messed up so bad how dare you you know what that’s it you know TV man

We’re best bros right I’m your best friend I’ll help you out with this chick if you let me out even though this place is pretty comfortable oh yeah here just get out dude I don’t care traitor you’re such a traitor Jack you’re going to

Regret that n doubt it by the way TV man yeah you definitely don’t want anything to do with this psycho trust me I know from experience you like pomy after all anyway uh uh yeah I do actually I said I do in the beginning that’s what I just

Said wait you weren’t lying you actually like me he’s lying uh he’s lying he’s been brainwashed he he doesn’t know what he’s saying I I don’t care I don’t care I got to keep working on this armor but good thing I added all this super duper

Good stuff in here and I got some really good stuff in there as well and we have another chest over there all right and we should have a chest over here with a ton of golden apples and Bros and we’ll have a chest right here with some swords

And stuff and this is super good now we’re ready to fight these monsters it’s a shame Jack you didn’t stay on my side you know what you could have gotten all right and wait a second I’m been survival so the monsters are going to be coming out any minute guys everyone get

In the base and go we got to go I think we’re already in the base oh yeah we are but late light in the light my friend cameraman dude okay this guy’s definitely not painful ow ow ow maybe he is oh my goodness why in the why is

There a cameraman right here though there’s literally three of them how is cameraman here hey I’m in the spawner where the zombies are oh no or not zombies but cameramen is that is that Kane what what is Kane doing here wait Kane’s here where is Kane oh Kane okay

He’s definitely a nice one but wait wait there’s a lot of them maybe he’s not nice I don’t know hey Kane how you doing buddy ow ow ow what in the what oh no these guys are really mean oh no close the door oh my go go go go goodness

There’s so many of them Kane don’t hurt him you know what I told you about earlier you know the gossip um yes I know the oh hey hey hey I did why were you trying to imitate Kane I have no idea um please get away get away oh no P

I’ll save you I’ll save you I save you oh my goodness you know I like you a lot pomy I’ll save your life oh my goodness I’m going to die I got it pomy don’t worry I’ll fight these guys off thank you T man you just

Saved my life how can I ever repay you don’t worry about it pomy I’m I’m going to keep fighting these guys because we got to beat this build stri so we can get out of here I just want to go home you’re the only one who’s going to go

Home Cry Baby the rest of them are going to stay here well actually you can shake take Jacks I don’t really need him he I’m not going home with you pomy sister I’m going to go home with pomy cuz I actually like her we’ll see oh wait do

You actually like me I thought you were just joking at first but you saved my life so now I’m thinking maybe you actually do like me of course I like you I said I did from the beginning but wait a what wait there’s rathas and zubal

What in the what fight these guys come on they’re almost dead in bubble what what is he doing here oh no no no no no oh ow stop it get away bubble oh my goodness why does he always do this are you serious or now we got to go to the

Second floor pomy come on okay okay by the way where is Jack uh probably um relaxing somewhere oh yeah where is he oh is he in his gaming set wait oh my gosh he’s playing in here and what in the N what are you doing get out of my

Room what the heck you two get out of my room too what the heck oh my goodness oh no no they’re breaking in everyone come on fight I can’t I can’t I’m cornered okay okay I’m saving you py don’t worry don’t worry I’ll fight these guys for

You help oh my goodness there’s too many of them I’m about to die okay I just saved you don’t worry that was really close it’s okay it’s okay I don’t think there’s that many monsters left but they literally just ate through our base and oh no stop

Bubble oh my goodness I can’t chase him he’s too fast ow ow I just went into the lasers what are you doing TV man you’re supposed to keep me safe while I game dude I’m try are are you serious right now anyway where’s the sister at uh can

Someone help me I’m like literally dying no I’m good all right fight these guys come on oh what in the what why is this guy so powerful I can’t even hit him ow oh no oh my gosh why is this guy so so powerful are you

Serious raino here I’ll help you now oh no no no come on in there we go we did it but oh there’s more there’s more there’s cameraman come on guys fight these guys yeah you guys got this go go are are you serious right now Jack are

You really not going to help us out you got to help your friend out dude I’m helping my friend out in fortnite we’re about to get Victory Royale all right guys it looks like they’re not here anymore but thank goodness I think we did it guys good job thank you TV man

For saving my life I owe you so much oh wait wait wait wait wait wait don’t say that yet there’s too many of them oh no a camera man a projector man oh no fight these guys are you serious seriously seriously right now they’re fighting me

Don’t worry it’s okay I’ll help Jack can you please get off your butt for once and actually help us huh what did you say something I’m kind of in the middle of a game right now you know what that’s it what what are you doing woman oh my

God uh did you just break her setup are you serious R now yeah I totally did all right here we go and I I think we actually completed wait there’s one more left let me kill this guy ready and booya has anyone seen my sister no but

Who cares but that’s true she’s kind of been a little cuckoo I’m right over here you nerds get me out I got trapped in one of those stupid Monsters oh my goodness ha you’re in a cage that’s so funny you know what the only way you’re

Going to get out is if you tell the honest truth on what happened you think i’ tell the whole truth you got all right see you then guys fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine fine okay gosh so pushy okay so I may or may not

Like TV man but I didn’t want to really hurt your feelings but um so I try to convince JX to flirt with you and win your heart but he sucks at that cuz he has lrz um and then I took matters into my own hands so yeah I guess that

Explains anything else I’m missing actually yeah uh let’s just leave her here byebye wait so pomy can we go on a date you you want to go on a date with me uh yeah of course I do well you just saved my life so uh I owe you one let’s

Go let’s get out of here let’s go I got take to man y Jax this mining trip was so good but dude I think we got lost lost what are you talking about I know exactly where we are see I mean look we can keep going like what’s over wait

What is over here oh there you boys are we’ve been waiting such a long time for you yo what bro we’ve just been mining hey yo why are the sister circus girls here what’s going on Jack why are you asking me how would I know but I mean

Let’s just get out of here man this is weird Oh no you’re not going anywhere yeah Jack let’s just get out of here dude oh an abstracted on me he kissing us okay okay I won’t leave please don’t abstract me please okay chill ladies chill you don’t

Need to like abstract this or anything we’ll uh stay I guess but what do you guys even want us to do we were literally supposed to go mining and now we’re stuck here and hey yo she’s guarding this area to get out Jack what are we going to do dude oh well you’re

Here to prove your love to us of course since we’re the circus sisters wait prove our love love to you what are you talking about that’s literally my sister and then I mean pomy sister you’re just kind of like mean and then Kane’s sister you know you’re like nice but you’re

Like super ugly like full off fense hey yo hey yo chill heyo there’s a door open in there we just got to go in there dude what even is this go go go go go okay guys you made the smart choice now you better complete our challenges

Or there might be consequences oh my goody goodness Jackson what did we get ourselves into dude dud what is this dude I have no idea let’s just try and figure out a way out of here this is crazy wa oh so you guys have decided to

Choose my path well does that mean you guys love me the most uh no this was the only door that was open what are you talking about wait uh ja I think we chose circus excuses excuses wait Jax I think we chose circus Kane’s sister’s

Path first oh no we have to prove our love to her but I don’t even like her like that bro you think I do I mean look at her like I really don’t want to but I mean we got to figure out a way out of

Here man maybe we just have to play along for a little yeah that’s exactly what we’re doing dude we’re literally going to do this parkour okay we’ll be fine oh my goodness but there’s literally all this lava here this is actually so terrifying I can’t believe

We got trapped out here after a whole mining trip dude I got so much good stuff too wait you’re right if we die we’re going to lose all the diamonds we found bro that would be so bad dude imagine we lose like everything dude we literally work so hard for all that

Stuff you know you’re too look like you could use some love and I know all about love I’m quite knowledgeable in fact oh no I’m good on that bro anyway I’d probably choose pom’s sister over you in a minute even Jack’s sister too what we literally dated once you might remember

That no I kind of like don’t care about what my sister does to be honest well you guys are going to have to choose one of the sisters of course at the end of the video and it’d probably be best if you choose me I mean I’m the best option

If you look at it statistically but of course TV man has three options while you Jax have two so I guess there’s that can I just like choose none of the above anyway Jack stop talking dude they’re literally kill us bro we need to be quiet okay all right next challenge what

Do we have to do oh my goodness is there more more parkour are you serious right now why do we have to deal with this man it’s always something yeah it’s really annoying dude I’m not going to lie but anyway let’s just keep going through this so we can actually complete this

Challenge and get out of here okay waa what’s in here say TV man how is it being a ladies man I mean you do get all the girls after all oh what are you talking about bro ladies man hey yo but anyways this a laser parkour are you

Serious right now this is so scary I mean I know who you’ve dated TV man in fact you have quite as the kids say w RZ really you think I got W RZ let’s go well let’s see you’ve dated PNE you’ve dated pom’s sister you’ve dated Jax’s

Sister twice actually um you’ve dated TV woman there’s actually a lot in fact yeah Jack’s fumbled pomy sister bro I can’t do this parkour bro I’m actually going to fail this dude at least I can jump don’t worry about compl it cuz if you fail TV man you can just stay with

Me forever I mean wouldn’t you like that oh my goodness I just got to go so I can complete this bro are you serious right now this is so annoying all righty here we go come on ow these lasers are really powerful too are you serious right now

Jax you better get move out my way buddy or you going to get hit by this laser well you’re the one in my way just go all right here we go oh my gosh this is really scary but I got to complete this so I don’t have to stay with Kane’s

Sister forever I mean you could always choose the smart option and just stay with me of course oh my goodness what’s inside of here here we got a chest and you will love me hey yo what even is this well you did it of course I see you

Got the proof of my love well now let’s just go up back to the entrance but I do hope you choose me it would be the wisest decision after all Jax might choose you I think Jax would well I’m probably choosing your sister buddy I thought we were trying to escape I’m

Joking bro of course we’re going to escape okay let’s go back to the beginning oh my goodness I think we have to move on to the next challenge which is that door over there and Jack’s sister a yo bro oh my gosh can we just leave let’s just get out of here bro

Come on dude oh no oh no no they abstract the body Shas us oh no we got to go I don’t think it’s going to be that easy oh well I see you completed um Kane’s sister’s challenge so now it’s time for mine come on team man come on

And uh ja you could come too I guess oh my good good bro Put the gun down what are you doing bro no this is weird what it’s rabbit season oh my goody goodness all right jack I guess we got to go hey yo I’m going to raise up your sister

While we’re here bro what I’m joking so if we just go right this way move your f fat body jack oh my gosh do you ever stop eating oh my gosh what are you talking about you weigh more than I do now when you say why are you guys

Fighting ja ja come on we got to survive this dude or they’re literally going to kill us dude you see that abstract Andi if we don’t complete these challenges like the abstract imp is going to try to eat us dude yeah I know but I’m not just

Going to listen to this girl slander me bro she’s your sister dude be nice oh you deserve to be slandered it’s sibling rivalry oh my gosh Jax you are so dense wait ja you know what maybe because sister you could actually talk to her and maybe like you could help us get out

Of here why don’t you ask her if we can leave dude that’s not going to work she hates me because I’m mom’s favorite oh no no honey no you’re not you’re really not you’re no one’s favorite actually all right let’s just do these challenges oh my gosh anyway Jack’s sister’s kind

Of cute I’m not going to lie what was that you know you’re kind of cute yourself TV man that’s why I might choose you oh really well you don’t really have any other choice uh what well he has like two other choices actually all right this first challenge

It says hide and kill survive for five minutes hey yo what does that even mean ow ow why are you shooting me oh it’s part of the game silly now you best better hide I’m coming for you oh my good goodness wait we got to hide are

You serious right now oh gosh this is really scary she has a gun she’s trying to kill us oh my gosh I can’t even do this parkour are you serious right now I’m actually fumbling right now okay I’m just going to hide right up here oh no

This is really scary are you serious right now oh my goodness I got to hide in oh God she’s right there hey yo good thing she’s not looking at me oh that’s for eating the last slice of PE Pizza in the fridge you fatty shut up what is

Your problem what’s your problem you’re the one trying to kill me you’re the one who’s fat a challenger she’s just trying to kill us bro this seems little a little too insane for a challenge no I just want to kill my brother all right

You know I need to save Jax J where are you Jax come over here I going to give you to good hiding spot come here come here come here oh there you are oh no oh no oh no ah she’s right there Jack come on do you guys think I’m

Dumb or something yeah dude what is my sister’s problem she’s like actually shooting at me dude I know bro because this is a hideing kill game we’re playing hideand-seek we just have to hide okay she’s really creepy and scary but hopefully she doesn’t see us oh she’s right there okay she doesn’t see

Us when I’m back on the prow oh no ja we got to get out of here dude the girls are getting actually insane and very very quick I know we need to find a way out of here dude but like how I have no idea dude okay let’s

Just figure out a way okay maybe we could like hide somewhere else come on come on oh oh she’s right there uh oh no oh no ah she’s coming up okay Jack follow me follow me I’m coming oh no what am I going to do what am I going to

Do oh what is that uh looks like there’s a vent right here what does that do can I jump in oh what in the bro hey yo Jack jump down here bro looks like there’s like a secret area jump down where oh my goody goodness bro all right I’m going

To make some noise you have to follow the noise dude what are you doing oh oh oh you’re right there okay uh let’s just hide in here are you guys in pain right oh my goody goodness I’m really scared right now what are we going to do ja oh

Oh she’s right there oh no she is somewhere around here really scared right now where are you I will find you oh let’s have a look see oh no Jack dude why are you running away from oh no she’s right there oh my goody goodness I

Just duked her out are you serious right now oh crackers I only have like a couple seconds before I have to move on to the next one okay oh my gosh Jack we got to go up the stairs it looks like the second area opened up oh my goody

Goodness hey yo what even is this though oh my goody goodness Jack come over here dude it looks like this is another hide and seek but it looks way scarier dude bro it feels like there’s nowhere to hide compared to the first floor yeah that’s facts bro but you know what maybe

We could figure out a way to hide and actually like win this so we could just get out of here but you know I don’t want to prove my love to her too because they’re really weird you just got Stu help me out all right you know I’ll help

Your friend out right there all right there you go okay well time for the second round Ready or Not oh and just so you guys know I have a little extra help this time say hello to my little friend Jack’s abstracted here I can see that

Sh okay um here’s the deal I actually really like TV man like it’s insane I can’t live without him so uh if you could just like capture him that and please don’t Hur him anything’s fine knock him out whatever whatever you have to do but if you find my brother kill

That annoying pest I need him dead I want his head on a stick do you hear me okay yo what there you go here’s a little something something to help with the hunt Okay um off you go oh my goodness Jack’s just hide dude just hide bro this is really scary what

Do you think I’m doing well you know I can make you the happiest man alive team man you know I I can cook I’m a very good cook actually um I no she isn’t I heard that you know you’re not a very good cook either you know you only eat

Doritos and you sit on the couch all day that’s why you’re so fat and don’t you dare think about saying the cut will be insane cuz it’s not going to be insane you need a cut out food period you fatty all right jack we got to go dude I think

They’re coming over here now oh no oh no oh no come on come on but I’m also I can also clean up your messes I’m I’m I’m actually a great cleaner no she is yeah oh my gosh I will mop the floor with your stupid ears Jax you need to shut up

Ow ow she’s shooting at me oh no go go go Jack ow there you are you’re on your own buddy bro are you serious right now oh no they’re all chasing me oh no I’m getting cornered oh no oh okay pomy I want you to try to get him

Oh gosh oh gosh oh no oh no oh no the abstract of pom’s right here are you serious right now what am I going to do she’s trying to throw potions at me dude oh gosh get away ow ow it made me really slow are you serious right

Now come on I know you love me I heard you say I’m cute and I don’t blame you I would date myself too oh no no no maybe I don’t think you’re cute hey ja what’s your problem bro oh so you were lying you know what happens to lias don’t you

Oh no no no no no no I don’t did not say you were lying wait Jax just be quiet bro we can’t get caught come on I’m not even talking now you are hey where did they go because you were talking to me shut up oh it’s tea time um I think it’s

Okay to have just a little bit of a tea break right what kind of tea do you like I I’ll go get some cookies Jack be very quiet bro we can’t get caught dude this could be bad again I’m not saying anything you’re the one talking now you’re talking loser because you’re

Talking to me you smell bad where do you order it next time okay at least I’m not wearing that disgusting cheap cologne you do this tea is absolutely amazing did you know one of my old boyfriends they didn’t know I was British in fact they made a lot of anti-british jokes or

Something I don’t know I don’t know why people don’t like British people I mean we have lots of cool things we have um what do we have actually uh we have we had the Queen of England wait Jack how is your British the king of England she’s not British she just talks like

That for some reason it’s kind of cringe actually oh uh guess tea times over looks like the door opened uh okay I guess we can just leave the biscuits over here um but now time for business get them by any means Possible Oh no Jack I think we just got

To make a run for it go to the door just run run run oh my gosh okay juk them out just be very quiet Jack okay go go go go go oh my gosh oh and what’s in here is there a chest let’s go I got the love

Crystal ah too late too late yeah we win losers I knew you could do it shut up I wasn’t asking you jack shut up oh my gosh you need to shut up do you ever stop yapping oh crackers I guess I can can’t capture you now since you got the

Crystals so I guess we’ll take you back up congratulations and Jack T man was right you really need to wear deodorant it’s actually nasty says the one who didn’t take a shower for over a week one time are you talking to me I I no that no our shower was broken because

Someone’s fatness caused it to clog up well now I see you’ve completed both sister’s challenges but you know what they say always save the best for last come on on get inside go inside he yo why a weapon out bro Jack be careful be careful I can see that oh gosh chill

Ow what are you doing what’s wrong with you bro how am I supposed to choose one of you to love if you guys are acting like this oh you don’t get to choose you’ll be forced hey hey whoa oh no this is crazy hey yo Jacks they’re actually

So weird dude they’re so sus yeah I notice all right well it looks like I just got all this armor so we got some of this Crusader armor oh my goody goodness what is this going to be used for though oh YY what do you think I

Really don’t know what it would be for though we’re going to have to fight be prepared hey yo bro are you serious right now Jax I don’t want to do this dude I want to go home why do we have to go on this stupid mining trip it’s all

Your fault dude the mining trip was your idea you know if you guys really don’t want to do this you can just tell me uh what happens if we don’t want to do it though okay well then you’re going to die oh myo are you serious right now no

No no no no okay we’ll do it fine we’ll do it hey y what’s wrong you no no W my goody goodness hey yo there’s a a lot of these girls are you serious right now fight them Jack what do you think I’m doing oh no e they’re so grossy poo too

What in the actual Reese’s peanut butter heck you know you guys are very cute I think you’d be cuter if you were dead and in a pool of blood I would disagree you know you don’t have a choice your love will be mine I will take it hey yo

Bro no you’re not like I am not I am good on that bro honestly like I I honestly like Kane’s sister the most oh you don’t have a say in this you don’t have a say in this hey yo Jackson what are we going to do your love will not be

One it will be conquered I will take what’s rightfully mine and I guess Jack I’ll take him too does this chick ever shut up yeah do you ever shut up like Jesus do you ever shut up Jack dude TV man we can’t keep doing this man we’re

Going to have to figure something out we’re going to have to choose soon oh and if you don’t choose me you’re dead by the way and I mean you’re dead dead like you’re actually dead if you understand what I mean that’s what the other sister said too bro oh my good

Goodness yo Jack we got to get out of here dude They’re copying me oh my goodness Jack we really need to find a way out of here dude this is really really bad man I I don’t know if we can stay in here we’re going to die either

Way if we even pick one of them I know what are we going to do dude uh let me think let me think okay I think the only thing we can do is escape and maybe because she’s shooting your weapons right now uh it’s actually breaking the

Blocks and we’ll be able to leave hey wait Jack I think it’s actually working wait she’s breaking stuff over here uh just have all your uh have everything over here so she can start shooting weapons over here come on come on come on come on oh my gosh it’s working Jack

Jack is opening Jack get me out of here run there’s so many of them okay okay we should be able to out run them though go go go go go okay guys games are over where did you go Jack come over here follow me follow me follow me come on we

Got to be very quiet oh no no this is really scary but I think it’s actually working we’re going to be able to get out of here kill this guy that’s literally right here are you serious right now there are more of them chasing us hurry oh no they’re all chasing us ah

Go Jack just run I am okay this is actually not good okay okay sisters the boys have escaped and no it was not my fault it was all your fault so let’s go get them and uh I guess that’s it and get them by any means Possible Oh my good goodness

Hey yo Jack bro we could just leave let’s just get out of here maybe we’ll have a little Hideout over here just for a bit so we can get away from these creepy girls and hey yo are we in the girls sister’s town right now why are

The trees all pink wait wasn’t this I remember this this was near the entrance when we went mining yeah it was near the entrance I’m never going mining here again but uh I don’t I don’t know if we’re going to be able to escape oh you

Guys are not running away from us oh no J we got to go there’s no Escape where are we going though ja they’re everywhere they’re everywhere dude okay U we got to figure out a way to hide or something this is really bad dude hey yo they’re everywhere you that’s what I

Just said Jack follow me dude follow me there’s nowhere to hide I am oh my gosh okay I have a good idea we’re going to build a little underground hideout or something like that I think that’s the only way we’ll be able to survive this okay let’s go up here Jack follow me

Okay come on TV man I know you love me I’m the prettiest and I’m probably the best out of all of them no you ain’t girly pop you need to shut up yeah exactly L Jack’s tell her tell her what an ugly rat she is come on you got Go

Jack stop talking to them dude they’re trying to kill us they’re crazy me of course oh but arguing with each other ever and ever and ever oh no oh no oh no this Forest I think you guys are mistaken I think you guys are all mistakened I’m going to be the one to

Date TV man in fact I am the smartest I am the brains of this whole operation and you guys are just pawns after all oh no Jax just run dude oh my gosh I think we have to figure out a way to get get out of this really scary

Forest I think that’s the only way we’re going to survive cuz it keep spawning everywhere well maybe if we stopped running in circles we could there’s there’s an exit right there wait there’s an exit oh my goody goodness there is an exit right there you’re right dude okay

Let’s go oh my go Jacks uh they’re blocking off the entrance to get out of here dude oh no oh yeah I not guess we got to go oh no what are we going to do dude are we actually trapped in this Forest right now this is such a mess

Maybe we can just build like a little base and then like hide until the heat dies down oh yeah maybe you’re right okay I guess we do have to build a base or something but wait do you have blocks of course I have blocks dude I mean we

Were just mining remember oh my gosh thank you so much Jack that’s so goated bro no way right now all right ja as long as we can build up this base a little bit you know hide for a little bit I think we’ll be fine you okay maybe

We have to choose a different location Jax follow me oh thank you guys are I guess you’ve seen our arm me oh no uh uh oh this is really bad oh no she’s right there one’s right there okay Jack if we can kill this one girl off we could just

Stay right here oh did you just kill her let’s go okay let’s just stay right here there’s no way they’re going to see us on top of here dude I don’t get it these girls are completely Bonkers like why they like us so much well I mean I

Understand why they like me but like why you oh gosh he get away hey yo oh my goody goodness I’m really scared right now okay Jack as long as we can stay in here we’ll be fine all right here we go we’ll build a little base like that and

We’ll add something like this too just for some more protection all righty there we go and oh gosh there’s one com in oh there you guys are oh wait wait a second uh is she right there oh no ja keep building this base dude these guys

Are really scary right now ja come on build it up oh you have glass too that’s pretty goated yeah we were just mining again of course I have supplies oh yeah you’re right I guess where did yours go uh I threw it away wait was that actually stupid oh gosh there’s a cade

Sister right there you guys do know that you’re just making this worse for yourself if you keep on hiding we will find you eventually and when we do hey yo bro Jack she’s right there dude look at her she got really big and scary oh

Gosh yeah I can see but there’s no way she can see us here right I don’t think so all right so I guess we just have to make this Army even bigger and we need to expand okay search everywhere leave no stone unturned we will find them and

We will take them as our hostages hey yo Jack oh bro we got to figure out a way to get out of here I don’t think we’re ever going to be able to leave we’re just sitting here dude what are we going to do should we just

Like go to sleep and then like like just hope that we can wake up in the morning I don’t know if that’s a good idea man they’re just going to end up finding us okay yeah maybe you’re right wait I have a really good idea what is it what if we

Got on top of the trees instead and we get on top of the trees we just are able to run out from there because they can’t actually climb on things cuz they’re just Bots they’re not real that’s a good idea and then we just need to make it to

The exit yeah that is a really good idea dude okay let’s do that oh my goody goodness it looks like they’re all storming our base hey yo wait there’s one right there Jack I think that’s the real one oh it is hello go go go go go

It’s actually your sister Jack go jump off a bridge or something come on TV man Jack Go Jack Go Jack go oh my goody goodness there’s way too many of them oh no what are we going to do move it ja oh my gosh Jack follow me dude follow me

Where are you where did you go ah ah no no no I fell off the tree okay just jump it boom Oh my good goodness oh Jack there you are come on come we got to get out of here oh crackers I fell come on T

Man I I know you love me you really do right hey yo oh no he do no no no I do not like you like that Jack keep going keep going we’re almost out of here dude we just have to get away from all these

Girls you said I was cute oh my goodness he ends right here Jack come on and here we go make a break for it go run make a run for it oh my gosh Jack oh uh uhoh I got stuck in the sand Jax Jax this is

Bad good luck Jax hey don’t leave me you loser oh my gosh Jax you just left me you’re actually dunzo dude what is wrong with you what do you mean I knew you could make it let’s just get out of here dude wait Jax come over here dude

There’s a hideout right here let’s just stay in here until the morning okay there’s beds and stuff they won’t be able to find us in here that’s super convenient yes sir let’s go and this place is really cool too look how cozy and nice it is awesome oh there’s only

One bed uh I call it today we’re doing a build challenge boys versus girls yeah this is going to be so much fun except oh why is my sister here but uh hey pomy oh uh hi Jax um what’s going on I haven’t seen you in a while uh wait Jax

What’s wrong with your sister bro she’s really cool actually no she isn’t she’s so annoying you’re so annoying I have to live with you every day and you know what you smell musty bro what Jax is like the best colon ever what are you talking about bro anyway uh we’re

Supposed to be building a boys versus girls Build Challenge so we’re going to build the best house ever let’s go Jack hey yo Jax I can’t wait to destroy these girls dude are you ready yeah this is going to be so easy man my sister is

Terrible at everything uh I heard that I don’t know about that I think she’s pretty good at a lot of things though all righty here we go we’re going to start by building this place super duper large let’s go we’re going to make this place crazy Jacks yeah man we have to

Prove that we’re better than these girls you know what we should do we should make like challenges for them you want to make challenges for them wait that’s such a good idea hey yo girls we’re going to make you some challenges to prove that the boys are better than the

Girls in your dreams the girls are way better than the boys so if you’re making challenges I guess we’ll make some too oh my goody goodness are you serious right now yo they’re making challenges too jaon did you hear that yeah I did but they’re going to be totally lame man

Although I mean you know I do kind of like PNE she’s pretty cool but the boys are better so what can you do uh yeah they are better but anyway uh wait ja why you making this place purple ew bro what do you mean purple’s the best color

Oh my gosh uh so um T man I haven’t seen you in a while so uh you’re looking as um handsome as ever so is there anything new going on do you uh are are you single do you have a girlfriend what hey yo what are you talking about uh I don’t

Know just striking up some small talk friendly conversation or something is that weird I’m sorry if that’s weird uh I don’t know I mean I’m not really into you like that I’m more into uh Jack’s sister to be honest you’re into who nothing I’m not into anyone you’re into

What no nothing this is supposed to be a boys versus girls Build Challenge anyway guys come on this doesn’t matter TV man you’re in who all righty here we go we’re going to add some windows right here and let’s go this looks so awesome so far yo ja I’m loving this house so

Far dude I know it’s great man I just finished my setup too ew bro did you just build two beds one for me and you right next to each other hey yo I ain’t doing that bro I’m going to build my own bed no this was my bed you idiot bro

What are you talking about dude why would you want two beds anyway I’m going to add this one gray bed right here doesn’t that look awesome are you sure about that Jack you’ve always been a little you know um zesty fruity um let’s see what is there any other way say that

Can you shut up like who cares anyway it’s 2024 and I don’t like guys not that there’s anything wrong with that all right here we go we’re going to girls you stop talking to us bro we’re just trying to build this base bro like I don’t know what’s going on actually all

They do is Yap yeah like what is happening right now okay you’re I don’t have time to deal with stupid boys come on pomy let’s just work on the challenges I guess and hopefully they won’t be able to complete them cuz they’re stupid and they have the brain

Of goldfish all righty here we get and uh this place is actually looking so futuristic so far yo Jack there’s no way we’re going to lose to the girls bro well obviously we’re boys all right there we go I just added this little area right here yo this looks so awesome

Bro uh so um hi T man I was just uh strolling by the um the house and I was noticing how nice it looked this is all you’re doing right it’s really nice actually oh thanks I guess I mean yeah I’ve been building this base uh been

Working on it well we’ve been building this base well yeah me and Jack we’ve been building it are you serious right now Jax doesn’t do anything the most he does is just sit and play on his computer and that’s pretty much it well he was helping a little bit I mean he

Built this setup that he uh bought a ton of v-bucks on oh um I mean I that’s cool I guess but uh do you like playing games TV man uh yeah I guess a little bit but it’s kind of boring to be honest I would rather just like hang out with people or

Something really maybe we could hang out or something I know a really hey yo no no um like like friend hang out all the time um acquaintances hang out um uh PNE shouldn’t you go back over to your base not that I mind your company of course

Oh uh yeah you’re probably right oh my gosh ja you really do smell musty ew disgusting TV man did you see that she is so into me man bro what in the dude n n no you definitely should not be going for pomy bro why don’t you go for like

Kane’s sister or something she’s pretty cool e Kane sister she’s so ugly though oh my goody goodness bro I don’t know if pomy likes you though to be honest like she was flirting with me BR no bro but she was literally flirting with me she was literally flirting with me she does

Dude Everyone likes me no she wasn’t dude stop being delusional uh so uh just girl secret between you and me um Jacqueline don’t you agree that um TV man is a little he’s pretty cute I mean and he’s he’s very muscular and he’s so strong and he’s so dreamy uh yeah I mean

I mean I I guess he’s all that and maybe more I mean wait are you saying what I think you’re saying uh no am I saying I have a crush on TV man no no maybe sort of yeah okay what’s so wrong with that dude do these girls ever

Shut up but you know maybe it’s going to be kind of Juicy I’m going to go listen I mean yeah I mean there not really a problem that you have a crush on TV man it’s just I may or may not have taken a

Liking to him he’s caught in my eye he I fancy him if you um you understand what I mean um right oh yeah totally um but so I was just planning on maybe asking him out on a date because you know uh I probably will have to make the first

Move and you wouldn’t mind if I I don’t no just became his girlfriend oh um become his girlfriend that’s kind of funny cuz I was actually going to become his girlfriend whoa whoa whoa what are they talking about bro hey yo ja are you hearing what they’re saying bro what are

They even saying I don’t know I I started listening and then I just kind of tuned it out cuz they’re kind of boring yeah facts bro anyway ja we don’t have time to listen to them dude honestly like we got to beat the girls because we got to prove that the boys

Are better than the girls yeah obviously okay so these challenges are going to be near impossible for the boys to beat I mean I do kind of want to go easy on TV man to make sure he you know feels good about himself you know fragile

Masculinity and all but I do also want to prove that the girls are way better than the boys cuz you know it’s a fact it’s a fact of life hey ja did you hear that bro they think the girls are better than the boys bro are you serious right

Now no way man that’s a good joke there’s no way they would say that right yeah that is such a good joke bro like who who do they think they are bro cuz like dude where the girls and we’re better than you you’re not you are not

Better than us and anyway why don’t you why don’t you go talk to your brother like make some conversation you guys never have talked in your life like how about that I’m good I don’t want to talk to her have eaten him in the womb bro

She’s your sister bro be nice bro just cuz we’re siblings doesn’t mean we have to love each other you don’t even have to love your own parents if you don’t want to that is messed up bro no no it’s really not I mean you can’t really Force

Someone to love you I mean I mean of course you can you know I just forget what I was saying it’s nothing um already done what were you talking about you know TV man there are only two times I talk to my sister when I tell her to

Cook and when I tell her to clean bro you are the most misogynistic piece of garbage I have ever seen in my life you’re a waste of good auction the Gin you know that right this is why I’m the better sibling at least I know how to treat women with dignity and respect

Fact I would even date one cuz I could treat them better than you can at least our parents love me you know what this is why I’m going to date TV man cuz he is a better man than you will ever be uh what first of all no he ain’t second of

All no you aren’t you’re not dating my friend well I’m only going to date him because you know he’s your friend and would get on your nerves you know just pushing your buttons a little plus it’s fun to see when you’re angry your tail puffs up and your ears get all in a

Twist hold on wait a wait who whoa who I I didn’t actually catch what was going on here yo uh I don’t know what’s going on Jack can you tune me in on what just happened yeah we do have a problem TV man my sister said she’s going to date

You to make me mad so don’t you dare go along with that whoa whoa uh I don’t know what in the way you are talking about bro I’m not even dating your sister dude that’s that is not um I’m good bro wait wait I thought I was going

To be your girlfriend T man I thought we were going to date I mean you have mentioned before that you like me those weren’t lines were they Who TV man you’re trying to steal my girlfriend too bro what she pomy is not your girlfriend

Bro first of off and she’s going to be I didn’t even ask her out bro they’re asking me out dude what do you want me to do you expect me to believe that you’re probably like mind controlling them or something bro are you serious right now dude I would not be doing that

Bro I’m just trying to build this base cuz the boys are better than the girls bro well yeah obviously so just leave them alone oh my gosh are you serious right now bro fine I’ll stop talking to them so uh TV me I would like to you

Know ask you out on a date maybe I mean usually the men make the first move but you know it’s 2024 I decide maybe we can switch things up a bit um uh sorry I I don’t talk to you sorry I I have to not talk to anymore sorry what’s wrong are

Are you afraid of females are you afraid of XX chromosomes afraid of girls bro I’m just doing this out to my friend I’m doing this to it out of respect to my friend that’s a good one you you actually respect Jack oh wait you’re not joking yo TV man

Thanks for not talking to the girls anymore that stuff was like really weird we got to just focus on building the best house we can and I mean it’s looking really good so far bro of course dude that’s what I’ve been trying to do this whole time but you thought I was

Literally trying to like hit on them bro nah dude I like the boys better than the girls wait what what I haven’t been hitting on them I’m saying I haven’t you like boys better than girls no bro congratulations are you serious right now bro I just said that in the way

Where you know boys are cooler than girls bro like obviously I might like pomy and Jax’s sister like you know that’s like wait what uh you know as a as a a friend so you’re admitting that you like me uh oh I shouldn’t have said it out

Loud I mean you don’t have to be shy around me I mean I’ll take good care of you I can cook I can clean um I can even like uh sing a little would you like to hear a song um I don’t know I don’t know I don’t

Know I I can’t I can’t talk to you I’m I’m respecting my friend Jax okay are you’re still going on about that what are you yapping about Jax doesn’t even respect women why would you want to respect him oh my gosh these girls are distracting me I need to build these

Challenges bro cuz that’s way more important right now oh so you admit you’re being distracted by women oh my gosh you’re actually distracting me can you please leave me alone please I’m begging you are you blushing no I’m not bro get away right now before Jack sees

Me with you please it’s not that bad he’s just my brother what’s he going to do throw tantrum all right anyway I’m just going to keep building this parkour right here because this is way more important than the girls is it though is it it really is actually is that what

Your heart wants is that what you want TV man uh is it what I want maybe I mean the boys are cool than the girls but yeah but wouldn’t it be nice to actually be loved for once uh I am bro no silly I mean like have a girlfriend um maybe but

I can’t right now because I’m building uh this parkour and I got to prove that the boys are better than the girls I mean you can still prove that I mean I don’t know what if we went on like one date and you can just see how you feel

After that uh I don’t I don’t know if I’m going to do that to be honest I’m sorry it’s just kind of weird come on just one date it’s not going to be that bad I promise you’ll like it um will I really like it wait why are you right

Here bro of course well that’s kind of how a conversation works you got to be next to the person or at least talk to them ey to eye face to face lips to lips yo TV man get away from my sister man what are you doing bro oh bro are you

Serious right now no it’s her bro she’s literally following me around dude she’s being weird ja why do you have to ruin everything you just ruin everything every video you’re in you ruin it okay the men are talking shut up you know what Jax this is why pomy will never

Like you no one will ever like you just ask her yourself I will you’re so dumb pommy’s madly in love with me let me go ask her hey pomy can I uh tell you something oh uh yeah sure um of course uh what is it are you Tennessee

Because you’re the only 10 I see gosh Ja Jack answer me this how many times have you said that dumb pickup line what do you mean first of all it’s not dumb second of all this is the only time I’ve said it no it it it’s really hasn’t been

I have been hearing it over and over I get that stupid pickup line in my dream sometimes hear your annoying grading voice saying are you tene cuz you’re the only 10 I see well you can shut up I will never like you you’re annoying go

Away dude TV man did you hear that I am so in man in your face stupid sister dude this is exactly why guys are so much better than girls cuz it’s so easy to pull bro are you serious right now yo ja whatever dude whatever keeps you

Happy man as long as we can beat the girls in this Build Challenge I don’t really care dude whatever I am about to lose my sity ja just just step away for a second let the grown-ups have it a talk so TV man what about that date I

Offered you I mean still on the table hey uh wait a second I thought I was going to go on a date with TV man why are you trying to steal my man sis do you want to throw hands come on come on wait uh py what are you talking about I

Thought we were going on a date later heck to the no I like TV man haven’t I made this obvious like I’m his love interest like almost every video wait TV man you couldn’t have meant you did brainwash her bro what are you no you’re actually you’re actually tripping right

Now he’s still Lulu all right anyway I’m just going to keep adding to this base we got to make this place awesome hey yo ja can you start working on some challenges too I already finished the first challenge yeah yeah whatever man I’ll do it all right bet all right here

We go we’re going to add some of this blue carpet right here yo this looks amazing bro it’s such a good boy color G this stupid purple though I got to change this but uh TV man back to the question who will you decide today I mean I’m probably cuter I’m more

Memorable in fact and and something about Jax’s sister she’s British like yeah that’s a big issue not going to lie yeah British people I mean like good good riddance I mean plus um I’m cuter and you don’t really like tall women do you uh but I’m not really here to talk

To you I’m just kind of here to uh beat you guys in this Build Challenge to be honest girly Pop I did not just hear you dissing me okay there’s so many cool things about people who are British like the queen oh wait she’s dead uh like um

Fish and chips like I uh British flag England what are you even talking about you’re not even British anyway can you stop all your yapping you’re always so annoying I need to focus on my date plan with pomy Excuse me uh ain’t no way I I

I wouldn’t do that if you and I were the last two people alive oh my bro dude did you hear that TV man I’ve got such W RZ she’s playing hard to get so well I’m going to throw BR are you serious right now n that’s not what’s going on dude

Anyway let’s just keep working on these challenges Jack cuz I already built the parkour now I’m going to work on a m room let’s go so uh TV man do you have an answer yet I mean I know pomy was talking trash about me but really she’s

Just jealous I mean look how fit I am compared to her she’s built like a small little bean it’s kind of embarrassing not going to lie I that’s kind of mean though be nice to pomy what’ she even do oh so are you saying you prefer pomy

More than me why didn’t you jump to my defense when pomy was dissing me do you have something wrong with British people watch no bro oh my goody goodness bro I’m just trying to build this base bro leave me alone oh I can’t leave you alone we’re practically dating at this

Point hey y bro wait no we’re not what are you talking about we are dating okay what you don’t have a choice oh dude TV man how many times do I have to tell you back off my sister dude bro are you serious right now are you serious right

Now bro I’m not doing anything dude it’s her bro oh well it seems like Jacqueline is trying to distract you so uh TV man uh can you come to the front of your house I made you a special little something uh okay and ow my bro why is

There a heart in front of my house no no no I don’t like this what’s not to like it’s a heart what do you mean bro means I love you I love you now when are we dating we’re dating now dating now W wo why don’t you date Jax pomy Jax likes

You way more than I do uh hard pass very hard pass oh man dude TV man she is so into me dude it’s so free oh my goody goodness are you serious right now anyway let’s just keep building these challenges and this one’s going to be a

M room hey yo ja can you add some like armors and stuff to this one I’m busy working on another challenge dude do it yourself but whatever I guess I’ll do it after I’m done with this let’s go so we’re finished with the second one now I

Mean I don’t really like to be mean I’ll just say I’m um just going to be BR honest but your guys’s base isn’t looking that impressive it’s kind of just looked the same from the start whereas our base has a lot of decorations a lot of color and it really

Makes things Pop I mean I know I love you TV man and you love me too but that doesn’t determine the fact that I’m not going to beat you in this challenge because you know girls are better than boys uh yeah not true at all ja the boys

Are so much better right dude like we’re literally the best yeah obviously bro I don’t know who you guys think you are like you guys are cool and all but you know you’re never going to beat the boys because Boys Rule and girls Dro so uh

Anyways TV man what do you think I should wear for my date with pom what are you talking about what should you wear bro are you serious right now dude I don’t even think she wants you like that dude dude she’s so into me man you can’t tell bro Jack you should

Definitely just go for someone else I’m telling you dude she she does not like you at all I don’t think dude you’re just jealous that I can pull and you can bro oh my gosh if I thought that dude I would say good job dude I’m one of your

Friends BR I just care about you dude come on Jack how delusional are you both me and pomy like TV man no one likes you right now maybe TV man likes you good for him if he swings that way but right now no one loves you and no one ever

Will be nice to my friend JX what is wrong with you we’re siblings you never fight with your siblings ibls uh no not like that I don’t have any siblings oh that explains a lot a lot well uh my girl my girlfriend at home TV woman like

She’s pretty cool oh wait you have a girlfriend no I mean I mean uh I mean um yeah yeah kind of well that’s that’s weird cuz I don’t know you said you were interested in me and pony yet you have a girlfriend and oh she’d probably be

Heartbroken to find out if you were cheating and see other women um no that’s not what I’m doing anyway um we’re going to add a secret chest in here this will be the next challenge let’s go and it will be right there don’t try to escape the question I’m not

Escaping the question I’m just talking about you know my new challenge I’m building and it we’ll put a flower in there too I’m not challeng will probably be if TV woman will ever want to take you back after what you done I know I could just make a quick phone call tell

Her that oh he he’s been flirting with me he’s been flirting with Pony and she won’t even want to see your face again you wouldn’t want that would you um no I wouldn’t want that but please don’t do anything weird please don’t don’t tell her don’t tell her I’m sorry okay I

Won’t tell her on one condition we get to go on one date um one date are you serious right now okay um I’ll think about it I’ll think about it okay can we just do these challenges please okay I’m sorry please okay I’ll give you to the

End of the challenges to decide and if you haven’t made your decision then we’re doing things my way okay okay only if the girls win then okay if boys win then I’m not doing that oh you just sealed your fate TV man well the girls

Are going to win but you know uh might as well make you think you at least have a chance bro oh my goody goodness yo Jack this is starting to look really good dude good job on this challenge bro this is the first time we’ve actually

Done something before what do you mean I do everything in like every BL buddies video bro no you don’t dude hey how about about let’s let the comments decide if you do stuff you actually build are you just lazy yeah yeah sure of course the comments are going to

Agree with me bro no they’re not bro everyone says you don’t do anything and you’re lazy bro I’m the one who does all the work in the videos yeah yeah whatever just let me finish and then we can start the challenges man yeah you need to finish this challenge already he

Also gets all the girls in the videos just just saying uh depends it depends Jack Jack pulls Kane’s sister lot e really I don’t remember that I have a pretty good memory actually all right ja are you ready to tour their base yeah but who cares anyway ours is obviously

Going to be better oh of course it is dude but we need to win this or else I’m going to have to go on a date with your sister oh wait I didn’t me to tell you that wait what was that nothing nothing okay oh hey girls oh uh hi so welcome to

Our base uh uh come inside and uh make yourself at e okay so if you come in here this is like all Liv in quarters or living room Jax please don’t go through our stuff that’s weird H don’t tell me what to do anyway wait a second where’s

My bed it should be right next to pomy L bro L that’s actually quite gross you know where your bed should be dude TV man you should join me these beds are so much fun to jump on Jo please let’s go bro did you just break your fat feet I’m about

To all right let’s just keep touring the house come on come on let’s just keeping yeah yeah t in the house to in the house uh J can you please get off um my bed you’re messing it up and you kind of smell really bad um so um here we have

Our little gaming setup it’s really nice and aesthetic so like we can see the star but we also have some nice what is this everybody knows girls don’t play video games what do you think I’m doing right now yapping what are you talking about I literally play Duos today on fortnite

Wait seriously you play fortnite We Should Duos sometime uh yeah no I i’ rather jump off a bridge oh yeah that’s cool and all let me just give you my uh username real quick here you go um no no no thank you that’s really not necessary

Please get away with me get get get away from me I mean dude look at how flustered she’s getting she’s so to me man she’s totally in love bro are you serious right now I’m about to call the cops and get a restraining order if you

Don’t get the heck away from me okay so that’s pretty much our tour of the house it’s um it’s very nice in fact it’s better than the boys I might say so let’s get on with the challenges shall we all righty uh let’s go inside of here

And do these challenges let’s go hey yo ja these are definitely going to be easy bro and oh my goody goodness yo look at this parkour bro wait this parkour is so easy look at it I mean this lava does look a bit dangerous but I mean it’s

Going to be easy I mean the girls made it oh yeah 100% we got this dude oh my goody goodness come on and we have to win this or else I’m going to have to date your sister and go out on a date with her bro you’re going to what I’m

Going to nothing I’m not going to do anything of course oh okay man yeah you’re you’re not going on a date with Jacqueline you’re cuz you’re going on a date with me right um no that’s me pomy all righty here we go let’s jump it ow

Oh no no not in the lava dude W cell man that jump is so easy it burns it burns no ow owow come on don’t be babies it’s not that bad I take showers hotter than this oh well it looks like you boys lost the first challenge that that’s too bad

So I guess we’re just going to move on oh my goody goodness jackon this is all your fault bro you distracted me dude what you’re the one that distracted me by failing bro we can’t lose these challenges dude we haven’t even showed them our challenges bro oh my gosh we

Can’t do this right now your challeng is probably suck you’re the one that fell first I’m not going to go out with your sister bro we need to win what what are you talking about you know T man you’re one step closer to dating me aren’t you

Excited uh what is this place I don’t know what is this place I’m scared I’m scared all righty here we go let’s grab some of this armor right here and right here we got some of this armor oh my gosh this stuff’s actually really good

What the heck yo Jax are you excited bro yeah another challenge it’s going to be so easy as long as you don’t mess everything up TV man dude I hope it’s going to be easy bro I really do oh uh Jack uhoh this is bad oh I spoken a bit

Too soon that’s a lot of mutant zombies oh is it too much for you guys are you wanting to back out now no it’s just H it looks like a lot of work uh I think I’ll set this one out you got it TV man you know what honestly these challenges

Are just so boring I’m not going to do any of them I give up bro why no you can’t give up bro if you give up I give up oh bro you can’t do that what how can you just quit dude what I’m going to have to date your sister bro you really

Want that dude you’re not dating my sister what’s what’s wrong with you just do the stupid challenge bro I can’t do it alone I need your help I’m going to Bro all right I give up I guess I I guess dude but the boys the boys are so

Better boys are so better oh that means we get to finally go on a date TV man uh pick me up at my house by 5 and we can stay out however like you want we could even have a sleepover what uh oh uh dude

TV man what is wrong with you what are you talking about with my sister oh you know too men since we like dating now we could do the challenges you made for our date oh wait can I dude what are you talking about you’re not dating TV man

And TV man you’re not dating my sister you know Jax he actually made a deal with me he he didn’t tell you about that TV man why would you keep secrets from Friends what yeah TV man what are you doing dude you know what I don’t I’m not

Dealing with this right now pomy can we just let’s just go on a date together like these guys can do whatever they want I don’t care anymore um no please get away from me in fact stay like planet away from me move to Mars for all

I care please just get away for me um good night actually you know what it’ probably be better if you were just like dead in general so um bye-bye Jack oh my gosh W oh my gosh he shooting Oh no I got to go dude she totally wants me

She’s chasing me now oh get away from your Jack’s sister T man you don’t know how excited I am today we’re having a sleepover boys only uh yeah boys only except for the two girls over there oh what the what there’s girls over there are you serious right now oh hi there

Boys I guess this is going to be a sleepover battle since you know girls are better and we’re going to win no boys aren’t better than girls in your dreams I mean to be honest I I’d say girls are pretty equal to guys you know

Hey girls how you doing y get away freak yeah you’re a total weirdo oh man you know what let’s just let’s just build a better sleepover than the girls man they suck anyway yes sir we got to build the best sleepover ever with like the best coolest things we could ever build in

The whole world all right boys let’s get to work and by us I mean you two hurry up Chop Chop Jack you’re helping out today no I’m not oh R anyway we’re going to start by building this Interior right here and here we go let’s make it out of

Spruce planks and we have some Spruce Wood as well here uh cough mod take some red wool we’re going to need that man what do I need this red wool for because we’re going to make our base super red and blue like really manly because we’re

Boys man I say we use a lot more yellow uh no I know yellow is your favorite color but no we’re not doing that man that’s so lame I think everything should be yellow you boys are trash why are you using wood that looks so lame what are

You talking about wood literally looks so good are you serious right now yeah what are you even talking about wood looks great like what even is that a house that’s going to be yours boys anyway let’s just ignore what these girls are saying we have no time to

Waste okay we got to keep building up our base here we go we are getting this roofed on right now and cough mod good job good job on the helping and Jax can you help out a little bit right give me one sec let me put down my supervisor

Chair are you serious right now all right you boys got this I believe in you man get out of that ugly chair and come help us bro look at this nice house we just built we’re slaving away while you’re over there all comfy we built I’m

The one that did all the work what are you talking man I’ll show you what work man get over here what are you doing that’s it I’m telling pomy you’re not doing anything hey PNE snitch uh what do you want hey uh Jax isn’t doing anything

Over here and you told me you think I care I mean yeah I figured you would I mean unless you’re available kofo stop talking to the girls okay we are literally better than the girls the girls drool and the boys are literally the best they rule so we need to keep

Building okay yeah you’re right man the boys forever all right well anyway what else we’re going to add to this sleepover do you have any ideas Jack well isn’t it obvious we got to have a place to chill out like a pool or something oh yeah you’re right because

We are literally at a sleepover right now that is a great idea all right well I guess I’m going to start working on the outdoor areas because uh that is more important right now and uh cough mod you want to help me out or you want

To keep working on the house man I think I should build us a sick gaming room okay but we need to keep working on our house or else uh we literally aren’t going to have the best sleepover ever well wouldn’t you want to like get some

Gaming setups for the boys yes of course I want to have a gaming setup but we got to make our house first and then we can do all the fun stuff right yeah I help you out with the pool here all right here we go we’re breaking some of this

Right here and here we go we got a pool but we should probably fix the interior of the pool cuz it looks really bad right now yeah man I’m thinking some nice good looking marel that is a really good idea but wait I have a better idea

What if we added like these Crystal quarts inside of here and wao this looks so good that actually looks so cool wait what the heck are you guys doing this looks terrible uh why don’t you like it ja are you serious right now why don’t I

Like it what is that why are you making a pool out of wood that’s so ugly I’m not oh my goodness I was going to use quartz but are you serious right now you really don’t like it wa if you think it’s so ugly why don’t you come over

Here and build a better one yeah how about that Jacks cuz that’d be too easy I want to make things fair for the girls all right well anyway I have a better idea we’re going to add some of this really cool material right here and make

It look super duper awesome look at this CBO man this is so cool I love the colors I can’t wait to invite the girls over for a pool party my they’re so going to love me after this uh what in the what no this is a boys only hangout

And a boys only sleepover kmo who do you think you are well I mean yeah I’m kmo kmo no one likes you you’re like really weird wait no one dude everyone liks me look it’s right here on this sign that I’m about to write uh cough are you serious right now you’re getting

Distracted again and Jax can you help out a little bit oh my goodness are you serious right now huh did did you say something I was kind of just staring off into space uh yes I said you need to help out dude what what else did I say

What do you mean I am helping oh my goodness just help why are you breaking my chair dude oh my goodness because look at this these girls are are literally building a huge base already we haven’t even started our base barely we only have a pool and that’s about it

Well then you should build the base then what do you want me to do do you want to be better than the girls jacks or do you want to be a lazy person forever lazy person forever that sounds pretty nice oh my goodness are you serious right now

Don’t worry we’ll impress these girls just me and you building I hope so kfo but it doesn’t look like we’re having any hope right now but anyway you know what we’re not going to make our house taller we’re going to make it bigger and you know what we’re going to have this

Area right here like the sleepover area so let’s add some beds right here so uh Jax’s favorite color is purple and then kao’s favorite color is yellow and mine is gray because I’m TV man here we go let’s put one right here we’ll put the other right here and Booyah there we go

That is our sleepover bed all right but now we need to add so many more fun things so let me think what we could do all right here we go we’re going to put some ladders right here going up cough isn’t this such a good idea dude ladder

Is going to where uh it’s going to go to the second floor are you serious right now what else would it have gone to what are you going to build on the second floor you going to make some cool stuff or something dude we’re going to make a

Gaming setup because we’re the boys oh and wait we probably should have used this out of spruce wood not Spruce planks T man you’re actually so smart dude there’s no way the boys lose this you boys suck look at your build and then look at our house it’s much more

Moderate and bigger than yours guys what the heck are you doing what is this garbage I mean their house is like 10 times better oh what in the what are you talking about Jacks you’re not even helping dude if you maybe would help out a little bit maybe we would be winning

Why would I help that would be Fair it’s already three on two whatever hey girls don’t tell the boys that I said this but can I come stay with y’all what yeah you know I think it be a lot of fun you know I mean maybe we could even combine

Houses or something you know well if you admit girls are better than boys then I guessed you could come over but we’d be we’d be sleeping far away from you oh wait so let me get this straight you want me to lie to you man no the boys

Are better for life but you know tell that that ragi over there that I said hi oh hey hey what are you doing over there kofo I’m I’m networking man just seeing what’s good to build you know uh you’re actually you actually have El Rizo bro

You have the most LL Riz I’ve ever seen hey they call me the rzl what are you on about no they don’t dude uh ja do they call him the RZ nobody has ever called you that in your life kfmo what are you talking about yeah the only thing I call

Kmo is fat oh mean she’s not wrong you know what it’s okay guys you guys have fun building no cough mod cough go cry we need his help oh man no one likes me especially them girls man I’ll never get a girlfriend well CMO if we could build

A better base than the girls I’m pretty sure you could probably date one of them like they’ll literally have a crush on you if you build the coolest base ever you think they’ll be impressed if I build a giant nice house uh yeah that’s literally what we’re doing dude come on

And anyway we got to keep building up our base because we don’t have a lot of time left all right man I’m coming back over here to help you I got you my okay pomy what I’m thinking is for our house we’re going to have the biggest house

Ever like reach to the the clouds and we’re going to fill it with super fun things like you know um nail polish like spa days and ooh and then we can talk about boys and how stupid they are hey wait a minute I’m not stupid you kind of

Are yeah you are anyways these boys have no chance uh no no you guys have no chance because you guys are trash okay okay I know the really fat TV is not talking okay are you serious right now you guys are literally trash Boys Rule

Girls Dro I think he needs to go back to all right TV man check it out dude I’m getting the gaming center for each of us oh I love that idea so much good job cofo that is a great idea but I think we need to work on the interior of the

House and the exterior before we do all this fun stuff I mean oh yeah I guess we do need to protect our computers from the rain yeah imagine it starts raining and all the computers just like disappear that’d be pretty bad all righty here we go we’re going to do some

Of this right here and uh why is it getting darker what’s going on oh man I sure hope nothing bad happens let’s hurry up and build this exterior it must just be getting more late in the night uh what in the way it’s raining are you serious right now no man quick protect

The computers protect them dude oh no this is so bad we got to protect the computers are you serious right now oh they’re actually ruined bro man I can’t do anything right see this is why we should have worked on the interior before are you serious right now hey

It’s raining guys come on help me out what are you talking about Jackson are you even helping out at all and uh are you serious right now get out of that chair and go inside dude it’s raining no you were supposed to lift me in the

Chair up into the house what are you doing I’m not doing that Jack you I am not your maid little bro I am not your maid some friend you are oh my goodness anyway uh we got to keep building our house but it’s literally raining and I

Don’t want to get soaked you boys are such babies you’re scared of a little rain we’re going to keep building in the rain we’re not scared of it in fact the rain is so nice yeah guys what the heck are you doing getting beaten by girls

Come on step your game up oh my goodness are you serious right now it is raining dude but yeah I guess we’re being kind of babies for that so like it’s raining y’all think we should just connect how houses now you know to be safe e shut up

Country boy you don’t want me to protect you from the cold weather and keep you warm e that’s that’s nasty um please get lost go play farm life or something yeah you have El rof though I am man says you the guy who’s never had a girlfriend oh

My good it’s just cuz I’m a skib toilet it doesn’t mean anything dude you’ve never had a girlfriend either kmo what are you talking about girls run away from you oh I have so many girlfriends you just don’t know them cuz they go to a school oh yeah sure they do buddy kmo

I wouldn’t be talking if I were you you’ve literally asked me out every day this week and every time I said no a you mean you said yes you hear that guy she said yes every time yeah right uh no no we didn’t hear that but anyway let’s

Just keep building our house and here we go I really like what we’re doing with this glass wall right here yeah man I like it too it looks real good what should we add in this room I have no idea we could honestly add anything wait

We could add like a whole movie room or something really fun like we could literally get the coolest things ever be so cool oh my we can watch every movie ever made oh my gosh here we go CBO and wait we should probably put the TV like

Right here we don’t have to do this right now we can just do like a little sketch of the TV and we can put like all the chairs right here but wait should we have it facing the gaming setup or like here let’s have it fa in the gaming

Setup you know so it doesn’t distract us while we’re gaming all right I really like that idea but wait no we should probably put couches instead of chairs why would we do couches why’ we do chairs D had couches would be so much more comfy and uh wait if we want to

Make it like an actual movie theater we should probably do something like this get ready for this you’re going to freak out CBO dude I’m so excited let’s see what you got planned here we go and wait we can even make it one more level higher are you serious right now this

Will look so cool dude the girls are actually going to be so jealous of what we’re building uh yeah of course they’re going to be really jealous because they’re literally girls and oh my goodness this looks so good kofo dude this is actually perfect man it’s a

Whole TV theater yeah I actually love this but wait do you like this color of the gray I actually really like it but we should probably add some like carpets or something to make it more like homie yeah I agree man all right here we go

We’ll do a little pattern of this gray carpet right here and oh my goodness this looks so good yeah man I watch movies in here all the time all day every day facts I’ll literally watch movies here all the time but here we go let’s add some carpet right here and oh

My goodness this looks so good man this room needs a little bit more color it’s a little uh a little dark in here uh uh yeah we should probably add some torches or something how about you add some glow stone oh man glow stone is so cool yeah

Let’s add it you know what to be honest too I feel like we should probably make the TV a little bit far back more because I feel like it’s a little too close what the heck are you guys building in here oh wait is this a movie

Theater just for me thanks guys I’ve been wanting one uh it’s not all for you it’s for when we have a sleepover but yeah sure dude no problem yeah that’s cool and all but you mean it’s for me and I’ll share it with you right I’m not

Going to but I could uh sure like I guess I mean I don’t know that’s kind of weird all righty here we go we’re going to put the TV right here and oh my goodness this looks so good guys I love this dude whole movie theater was such a

Good idea yes sir now here we go we got to finish up this and wait we should probably add some like maybe Oak Hedges to this this will look so good watch this bro oh wow guys your base looks absolutely trash you’re are you even

Trying what do you mean pomy you know me I always give 120% while these Slackers are doing nothing while I do all the work uh what in the what are you serious right now that is Cap all right guys I’m going to start working on the more fun parts of

The house yes sir it’s funny how these boys think stand a chance against us look at their house it looks like a taller build hey that’s not nice pomy are you serious right now our house looks really good but wao your house is crazy I’m not going to lie impressed I

Know you are you guys should just give up and admit that girls are better than boys why would we admit that are you serious right now no that is not even true uh because it’s true no it’s cap that is literally it is not cap hey

Girls you all want to come over and watch a movie on our brand new movie theater e no get away freak I mean we can watch like like a Romance movie or a scary movie hey hey hey what are you doing cofo oh my goodness are you

Serious right now that’s disgusting I I was just uh telling them how much boys are better yeah Girls Drool boys rule woo um number one you guys don’t have a movie theater cuz you guys are too stupid to build that second of all kmo no disgusting wait we literally do what

Are you even talking about yeah sure sure maybe I’ll come over and see it uh girls what the heck are you talking about we do have a movie theater I built it myself yeah yeah sure you’re always so hardw workking Jack yeah you know me

So well all right well what else can we add to this sleepover let me think about this let me ask Jax and kofo all right well boys meeting in the movie theater I have a boys meeting in the movie theater can you shut up TV man I’m trying to

Watch the movie oh my goodness no no no we need to talk this is a serious boys only chat okay I have a really good idea to troll the girls I don’t care I’m trying to watch Ghost Rider you want to troll the girls I thought we were trying

To get them on dates uh kmo no we are not trying to get them on dates we’re trying to prove that boys are better than girls I mean that’s kind of like a given everyone knows that boys are better than girls well I mean what are

You even thinking about TV man okay what if we built some challenges for the girls and if they can’t complete it then boys are literally better than girls dude you’re actually so smart man let’s get to work on some challenges yeah I don’t care can you guys just do whatever

It is somewhere else I’m trying to watch the movie oh my goodness no Jax Jack I’m serious dude you need to help out like I swear you need to help out or I’m kicking you out and you’re going to the girl side what do you mean I’m helping

I’m making sure the movie theater works the one I built man I’m getting real sick of you jack bro you better help out why don’t you get some maidens and then tell me what to do loser man I’ll show you some maidens okay boys how are we all going

To win if we literally don’t get along are you serious right now we all need to get along to win this all right well anyway we should probably start building some challenges and cough do you have any ideas for challenges well if you come down here brother man I already

Started to build a spooky basement a basement oh my goody goodness no way you build a basement are you serious right now we could have like Parkour in here or something dude we can put anything in here we can spawn mobs on them we can make like a Laser Maze anything bro I

Have an amazing idea so we’re not going to tell them we’re doing challenges so when they like come to our house to tour it they’re just going to fall down dud we can totally just trap them that’s such a goated idea but we should probably make this place a lot bigger

And watch this C if I use SL SL wand I get a world edit tool and I can make this place way bigger dude how are you going to do that uh so if we go over here watch this I’m going to be able to right click and then SL slash set Aon

Boo there we go oh my goodness wa dude how did you just do that man that was actually so cool like I said I’m using world edit isn’t that goated dud that’s actually so goated on the sticks bro yes sir so I’m going to keep using world

Edit over here let’s just do this and here we go SL set air and Booyah there we go sweet dude this place is so much bigger now we can do anything in here yes sir so we’re going to keep doing that let’s do red wool and up what in

The letter are you serious right now world at it messed up bro what is I don’t need all this sugar cane what is this for I have no idea so cofo I’m thinking we’ll add a parkour down here for the first set of challenges okay all

Right man yeah I’m down let’s get a parkour going and we got to make this place look super duper scary too how do you suggest we make this scary like some cobwebs maybe some uh some spiders in a cage uh yeah we’ll do all of that dude

That’s going to look so amazing sweet dude I’m so down way we’re going to have like a whole house under our boys house yes sir so here we go we’re going to add some cobwebs right here and some more cobwebs over here and you know what we shouldn’t make this too difficult for

The girls but we should make it really scary to scare them man this could be the easiest Parkour ever and the girls will still lose yeah it’s cuz they’re literally trash that’s why that’s right cuz the boys are better all right here we go I’m going to put some lava right

Here so we’re going to make this like a parkour slash maze why don’t we do like a little two in one that’s a good idea man oh we should get some lasers oh lasers would be pretty good and I’m not going to lie but you know what we’ll do

Lasers later R TV man whatever you say Hey where’s Jax at anyway I have no idea I don’t really care he’s not helping out man what a loser why don’t you watch your mouth considering you’re trying to hit on these girls and they’re running away from you man I’m not hitting on the

Girls the girls are hitting on me what are you even talking about Buddy you sure are a clown aren’t you buddy e hitting on you we would literally like smack you if you got 5et near us I just wish ragi that would admit that she

Really likes me dude uh is is he okay or are we going to have to like take him to the hospital for like a mental illness hey hey come on now I know you really like me don’t even lie the only way I would like you is if you like were the

Last man on Earth and then even then you might not even stand a chance oh man that that’s unfortunate anyway kfo who cares dude we’re literally better than them we’re the boys that’s true man we’re actually the boys yes sir so let’s keep making this parkour and this is

Actually starting to look really good there’s no way the girls are actually going to be able to complete this Raa I wonder what the boys are doing they’re probably being stupid but let’s go check on them just in case cough mod we got to go to the surface we cannot show

Anything that we’re doing this un C look it up here man it off it off hey girls how you doing uh I don’t know where pomy is but we’re supposed to be checking out your house to see what you’re doing I’m chowning in the pool help uh oh never

Mind I’m good well uh I see you’re building your little house uh it’s cute in a trashy sort of way but um I I thought that counts we’ll be visiting your house in say 20 minutes uh we’ll also be in survival mode just so you

Know so if you try anything we will end you can you guys keep it down down there I’m trying to watch oh it’s the bunny up so we destroyed his movie theater time yeah actually go cry about it all right anyway can you guys shoe because we’re

Working on something not going to lie girls you need to work on getting an attitude adjustment buddy why don’t you say stuff like that to me do you want me to kick you in the head I mean does that mean you like me kmo in the nicest

Possible way are you mentally stable all right anyway here we go let’s see what else we’ve been working on and wait let’s see if Jax has done anything up here all right Jack have you done anything while we’ve been working on the challenges oh yeah I finished this movie

It’s great I’m about to start another one uh are you serious right now all right uh I got to talk to my friend kofo kofo should we just destroy the movie theater I don’t know man I really like it but I don’t like that ja isn’t doing anything oh my goodness whatever we’ll

Give him one last chance but we got to finish up this parkour because we got to make this thing super scary for the girls for real man we got to do things that girls are normally scared of yeah they are really scared of lava so here

We go we’re going to put some more lava right here and oh no I accidentally placed it right there whoopsy Doo here we go we’re going to make this into like a little maze and C Mod check this out what are you doing over there man that

Thing is scary for even me Kaa what in the what are you placing over there uh definitely not spiders oh that’s pretty cool dude they’re going to get really scared at that yeah dude girls hate spiders all right here we go we’re going to place some lava right here we’ll do a little

3×3 right there and like that okay this is actually starting to look really good I’m not going to lie cough mod doesn’t this look amazing dude yeah this place is actually so scary huh where did I put those carrots what the what the uh ja what and what are you doing here dude

What do you mean what is here what is this place uh it’s literally for the girls because we are building a girls only dungeon that they are literally going to die in who cares about all that you should be building me stuff for my boys only house how are we going to win

Against the girls if we don’t build anything like this I mean sure maybe you’re right but I mean winning isn’t everything it’s more important than I have a good time no man I am not losen to those girls I mean even though I kind of like them okay who cares cough mod

They don’t like you they’ll come around well they might like us when we win this Build Challenge all right well anyway that is the first Challenge and oh my goodness this actually looks so good I’m not going to lie should we have a mob room here too dude I think we should

Like make it like another trap into a mob room like oh my god dude you know those stairs I made at the end we should put a trap there that makes him fall into a mob room okay but I have a actual better idea that’ll take way less time

So we can actually focus on the house what is it bro so we’re going to put a mob room right here and if you look CA we’ll just put it right here and then it will connect over here once I complete it to the next area dude you’re actually

So smart this is why you’re the best friend I ever had yes sir all you have to do is stop being a weirdo to those girls a weirdo I thought we were friends oh my God it’s I joking but you are being a little weird but anyway we’re

Going to put down some TNT right here and uh because we’re probably going to have to explode it because it’s going to take too long to just break my hand that’s true man go ahead blow it up oh my goodness then here we go woohoo there we go she nice man good

Stuff this is like a huge looking mob room here we go this should be good for the mobs and this will be the Second Challenge and once they complete it we’re going to put a little door right here I’ll make it a reinforced door so I’m the only one who can actually walk

Through it they’re perfect hey man what kind of mobs do you think we should put in there dude we should do like the scariest of scary mobs we could do like mutant zombies mutant skeletons literally anything dude do mutants man I don’t know that’s a little bit too far

You think so you really think that’s too far mutant zombies maybe I I think so what if you give them like a bunch of really good gear uh oh yeah we should probably do that too just so they can actually fight them bu and we’ll see their fighting skills all righty here we

Go we’ll grab a little armor stand right here man come out here I’m already getting the man come out here I’m already getting the supplies ready oh awesome here we go so let me do SL clear so I have an inventory where I actually put armor in there we’ll put some

Diamond armor in here wait should we put diamond or like other things I think we should get some of that really cool looking armor uh yeah we could do some of that too let me grab some of that it should be right over here and booah here

We go we got some medieval armor this stuff looks crazy here we go and wo this looks so great dude that’s actually so cool looking hopefully the girls actually survive with that stuff all right and here we go I have another idea look at all these super goated weapons I

Got we’ll just put that in there dude those things look crazy powerful can we get some of those for the boys yeah of course here I’ll grab one for myself sweet dude yeah I kind of want one for me too man I think that should be good

For the challenges let’s get back to work on the house yes sir let’s do that so I’m going to go back up to the surface I’ll meet you back up at the surface CB all right I’ll see you there brother man all right here we go and uh

What in the what Jack are you really playing video games right now what do you mean what’s wrong with that oh gosh I’m stuffed I had way too many carrots man carrots how are you stuffed from carrot who even eats Carrots bro I want me some donuts yeah carrots smell bad

They’re trash okay TV man you probably haven’t eaten a vegetable in your life leave me alone wow all this time and you still haven’t made progress on your house this is why the girls are better ew it smells like carrot juice disgusting uh it was not me okay it was

Jack huh it wasn’t me it was kofo he’s the one spilling everywhere bro you think I’ve eaten a carrot and uh what in the what what is going on they literally built the craziest base how in the how are they doing this this looks crazy because we’re the girls that’s why oh my

Goodness you know what I need to make a better base than them I can’t handle this oh my goodness and they probably didn’t even build challenges like us all righty I got to make my base taller than theirs because they want to make their base so tall and oh my goodness I

Already made my base taller uh you realize making your base taller won’t make it look better first you got to fix the way it looks hey why are you being so mean to me are you serious right now I’m not being mean I’m just giving constructive criticism hey TV man guess

What I’m going to go dress up as Jack and I’m going to go troll the girls wait what where did this come from that’s really weird dude and if Jax finds out you do that that I don’t think that’ll be a good idea but anyways we’ve been

Trying to troll the girls so I guess that’ll be funny all right bro watch this all right I’ll be right back and you dude you have to hear my Jack’s impression all right wait did somebody say my name H never mind I don’t care

What in the what no way no way dude yeah it’s me CMO are you ready to hear all here it goes play hey what’s up guys it’s me Jack uh that that does not sound like Jack I’m not going to lie I think it sounds pretty close kmo what the heck

Are you doing what kind of voice is that see he even recognizes it’s close to him hey girls do you mind if I enter your home uh who is it it’s uh it’s me Jack oh uh okay uh nice surprise visit I guess um oh my goodness this is so funny

Dude they’re totally falling for it oh hey hey girls yeah let me in uh I’m just going to wow you all got a real nice looking house here so uh ragi do you like me uh I mean yeah I I do kind of like you Jax but wait how did you know

That did did someone tell you uh no absolutely not and don’t you mean you like cough mod e that fatty ew no he’s disgusting hey hey don’t talk about kmo like that okay sorry I forgot you two were friends my bad my bad yeah yeah best friend she’s my best friend in the

World yep mhm what the heck are you guys yapping about out here can you shut up already I’m trying to focus on my movie Jack hey man how you doing what’s going on TV man what’s with all the yelling I I don’t know just nothing just go back

Go back okay wait a second is that me uh uh hello I’m actually a mirror oh wait mirrors don’t talk uh uh where you going you very handsome impostor get back here okay uh whatever is going on can you guys just leave this is really weird uh

Uh okay fine we’ll leave okay buddy who do you think you are cuz you’re definitely not me I mean you are very very handsome looking right now but I know you’re not me I’m me uh I uh I I got to go hey hey what’s this woo

Where’s he going oh hey what’s up guys how you doing wait cough mod did you see that guy who looked just like me down there yeah he just jumped in the lava and died wow that’s crazy what the heck happened I don’t know man but uh he was

He was a pretty cool fell you know all right anyway guys we got to keep building up our house that was super weird I’m not going to lie but anyway we got to build the best house ever cuz we are literally better than the girls

Facts man boys for Life man T man that prank was actually so funny yes sir that was literally the funniest thing I’ve ever seen and he didn’t even realize it was you I Know Jack is so shilly man all right boys we’re coming over in 10 minutes so hopefully your um base

Doesn’t look like that when we um you know visit oh my goody goodness are you serious right now we only have 10 minutes left oh no this is so bad okay we got to keep building up our base and we got to make our base taller than

Theirs because our base is still small I mean if we’re just going for hot dude I could just build us a big old Tower oh no it’s not going to look good though remember we have to make it look good oh that’s true man I mean our house already

Looks pretty good I can’t even lie yes sir and like I don’t know like is this good for a sleepover though that’s my question dude yeah we got so many cool things in this house I feel like we should add some more cool things here K

How’t you add some really cool things to the house while I finish up on this interior and exterior all right dude sounds perfect here we go and W that looks so good I actually love that we’ll do this we’ll add a little bit of that

And oh my gosh that looks so good I really like this pattern I got going here with this I can’t wait till the boys just admit the girls are better they’re being so stubborn for no reason but I guess that’s just how boys are hey wait a minute I’m not stubborn why are

You calling me names I thought we were like dating kmo I am going to get a restraining order against you all right you know what kmo please stop talking to them okay please just please TV man control your weirdo friend over there he’s really get back on your side oh my

Goodness are you serious right now what in the what are you doing right now kfo I’m just being chilling man having a good time disgusting all right cough Mo I’ll give you a deal if you admit girls are better than boys you can stay on our side that’s ragot to

Speaking oh guys got to stop with all the questions man I can’t do it oh my goodness dude you just need to get on our side and help with the base and wao this base look is starting to look so good we need to add probably some like

Support beams down here this will look a lot better and make it more secure hey what are you two bozos doing can you build me some more stuff I’m all out of movies already you know what Jack I’ve had a really bad day with these girls

And if you want to go watch movies and be lazy go over to the girl side huh that’s a good idea actually later oh no no no Jack oh my goodness are you serious right now uh I don’t I’m not good at boring I mean I guess I am but

Okay I you you’ve never been to a girl sleepover have oh hey girls what’s up uh can I come over and hang out can I watch like some movies or something uh uh we don’t have any movies but uh H we do have a sodoku corner if you want to like

Play some games like sodoku do you like sodoku or you get at M I’m not going to do any of these dumbb grandma games peace out okay you’re lost it’s really fun well um we weren’t really going to let you in unless you said girls are

Better than boys so um good ridd all right well since the girls are going to be coming any minute we should probably finish with every single detail now and make this place super duper cool yeah dude I’m so down let’s get all the coolest stuff we can let’s get some item

Frames with some awesome stuff yes sir oh yeah we probably should get a ton of super cool weapons but you know what we should probably add like a really cool fence or something I feel like that would be pretty dope be honestly awesome and oo some lasers right here would be

Pretty cool hey uh pomy I’ve been building a lot down here and I’ve been making a lot of progress but I’ve been hearing some really weird sounds like spider hissing almost that’s a little weird don’t you think uh Spider hissing uh oh I bet it’s like one of the boy

Stupid pranks or something uh let’s just ignore it for now all right if you say so all right anyway Cal I have another really good idea here we go this is what we’re going to do we have to add like a huge diving pool or something we could

Have a huge diving pool dud that’ be so awesome man I’m lowkey kind of scared of the high dive though well just don’t be a baby little bro and you should be fine yeah you’re right man I’m going to stop being a baby and I’ll jump off the high

Dive wait should we add like a slide too would that be fun I think that’d be so much fun I’m going to build this little campfire dude so we can roast marshmallows oh my goodness the girls could never do anything like that dude we are actually so much more ahead of

Them we’re so much better than the girls all right well uh there’s no way these girls have anything like what we’ve built like we liter have this huge diving board and we have a slide but oh wait they literally have a pool but that pool looks really boring hey our pool is

Really good and it’s heated uh cap your pool is trash your pool is boring you don’t have any slides or anything like make some slides little BR I first of all I’m not your bro second of all you want to talk about boring look at you TV

Man you’re literally a TV head that’s so basic what’s wrong with being a TV I’m from Scooby toilet what’s wrong with that uh no one cares if you’re from Scooby-Doo toilet okay oh my goodness are you serious right now you guys are never going to get it right wa did she

Just say scuba Doo Toilet Man is she okay yeah exactly like Jax does that too huh did somebody say something about Scooby-Doo toilet oh my goodness are you serious right now it’s skib toilet Scooby-Doo skib same thing it is definitely not the same thing okay but anyway I’m going to keep building my

Slide and this place is actually looking so cool now look at this look at this cuff Mo hey Ste man you know what screams for the boys uh what a jet ski down the slide a jet ski that is correct are we actually doing that yeah man give

Me just a second I got to figure out how to open it up okay we should probably make the pool a little bigger or they’re literally going to fall into the uh hard sand and that’s going to hurt a lot all right and wao we have a whole jet ski in

The water now this is actually so cool dude no girls would ever know anything about how awesome a jet ski is yeah we would we just wouldn’t do stupid things like you’re doing a jet ski is for like flat water surfaces not a really ugly looking pool well we have a big enough

Pool where we can have a jet ski little bro again I am not your little bro bro okay but boys are better than girls so it didn’t last Wow Wow TV man when are you going to get it through your brain that girls are better you’re just so

Slow man the only thing slow about us boys is Jack man we’re the smartest fellas ever kmo what are you talking about you almost failed high school man I have an IQ of at least 48 bro I’m smart as heck you do buddy I bet you do all

Anyway guys we got to keep working on our builds cuz we are actually almost finished now oh man I can’t wait to trap the girls in our secret base wait what what what what are you talking about C I don’t even know man I think I’m just saying stuff you know you know

That things they were saying about me being dumb yeah that might be true a trap traing what oh it’s nothing it’s nothing don’t worry about it I’m just you know just saying you know crazy Cosmo over here whatever it’s not even worth my time oh my goodness you almost

Just ruined it for us coso oh I’m so sorry man yeah that was pretty close all right here we go this is where the slide’s going to start and woohooo this is so much fun H cough mod this looks really dangerous this is about to be so

Sick are you ready for this make sure you record it dude hey girls look at me ready here we go 3 2 one woo yeah jet ski oh my goodness that was pretty cool but that looked really dangerous are you serious right now dude you should

Honestly give it a try go ahead that was the worst 5 Seconds Of My Life I wasted all right well we should probably build like one more thing for our base what else do you think we should build C what would be cool for a sleepover you know

What we can ask Jack hey Ja Jack we have a question we need to build something and we don’t know we should build uh help us figure out an idea can you do one thing at least you haven’t done anything the whole time can you do one

Thing I built this entire place off of my own Blood Sweat and Tears what are you talking about oh my goodness Are you seriously serious right now all right kmo I have such a good idea dude we’re going to add like a little outdoor kitchen isn’t that so cool bro a whole

Outdoor kitchen M how are we going to cook outside all right uh I don’t know how we’re going to build an outdoor kitchen but uh we can make it look cool okay we have to press the girls okay cuz we’re going to have like food and stuff

When they come over wa dude this is actually some massive W RZ uh yeah I guess something like that dude that’s what we even try to do we got to build the best base ever so that they actually like us and then we we can say boys are

Better than girls well they already know that boys are better than girls that’s kind of like we were boring better you know I mean yeah technically but like you know we have to show it all right well we should probably add some of the kitchen utensils here we go uh let me

See what we can grab let’s get a microwave let’s also get a oh no not a dishwasher oh no we’ll get a toaster we also get a kitchen cabinet there we go here TV man I got you a fork what in the light are you serious right now that is

Actually so cool yeah man I’mma use this and I’m going throw it at the I mean I’m going to eat steak yeah all right there we go we have finished off this outdoor kitchen this looks so cool and we can literally cook burgers here and stuff

Okay I’m going to put some steak here for when the girls come wait do girls like steak uh I don’t know man I think they just like candy and stuff uh candy I guess we could give them some golden apples dude yeah they would love that

Yes sir we can also add some cakes and some cookies as well there we go that looks amazing all right boys we’re going to come over but first you guys need to tour our house because the ladies first you know so oh no and wait we’re in

Survival mode are you serious right now okay we’re going to go over there and tort their house are you guys ready yeah of course I’m ready this our place is definitely going to win I work so hard on it after all anyway get out of my way

TV man let me see this house all right let’s walk in it where are your manners you got a knock first oh man y’all didn’t hear me banging and yelling and and begging for you me e oh uh there you guys are okay uh let me show you around okay so if you

Follow me cough Mo cough Mo don’t go down there oh my bad my bad sorry sorry get back here okay any who if we’re just going to go up this is where pomy and I will sleep Jax get off the bed you’re messing it up yeah uh Jax I I just made

The bed could you not kmo not you too huh I’m just testing it out seeing how bouncy it is guys come on we need to be respectful come on boys are better than girls come on we need to like explain to them that that that’s how it goes you’re

Right you’re right we got we got to be prim and proper gentlemen what are you talking about we have to assert dominance yeah we’re already the sigas bro just just be just be you know gentleman like any who uh continu with the tour here is the balcony where we

Can look at your pathetic poor shamble of a house what what no our house is cool excuse me oh yeah um I think you’re misunderstanding the word cool uh here let me introduce you to more words okay uh we have dilapidated we have ugly we

Have run down we have warant oh my it’s not ugly hey hey stop okay can we just see the house okay okay fine e Cosmo get away from me your breath smells man I just brushed my teeth what are you talking about with what sardines

Disgusting uh if we go up here we use like the water so hopefully you boys um aren’t afraid of water as you had a little tantrum about the Rain r I literally like went down a slide and a jet ski what are you talking about yeah

That was really lame okay oh we’re like halfway done so any who this would probably be a great time to stop and say that we built challenges for you boys and I doubt you did anything like that because you guys are too incompetent to do anything uh what in the what they

Copied us cough what do you mean well I mean theirs isn’t even half as good as us man let’s be real uh where’s Jack oh me I’m just hanging up here why what what did you complete the challenge already all right we got to do this

Challenge come on we got to show the boys the girls wait this was a challenge I think so it probably was trash I’m not going to lie but anyway this is so easy what the what oh I already did it look man I can just go across their

Chandelier check it out I’m actually on their chandelier right now dude this is so easy but wao kmo get off of it this house is actually so big though kmo kmo you’re gun your fatness is going to cause the roof to collapse man I’m not

Fat I’m big bone n you’re fat man all right uh since you completed the first challenge your last challenge to see if you guys are really Brave since you whine over everything is to jump into the pool and make it oh that is so scary

No I’m not doing that I’m sorry I’m good no man that’s actually super easy ready here we go wo oh oh dude I landed in the shallow and I broke my leg oh oh my it hurt so bad we’ll be fine well even though he

Cried like a little baby at least he was man enough to do it unlike you twoo oh wait no I’m not going to lose the cough mod I’m going to do it and come on don’t let the sh end oh my goodness oh that didn’t hurt really yeah I’m going to be

Honest I’m good I don’t want to have to climb all the way up again oh I no it’s it’s really easy you see like oh wait Jack is that fortnite over there fortnite where wait wait what that wasn’t fortnite I hurt my leg cuz of you you psycho what’s your issue you’re a

Bunny aren’t you supposed to have like super strong legs well we already knew that girls are better than boys but I guess it’s time to tour your house to see if it’s actually not as bad as we think it is all right well you guys are

Literally going to love our house and it is the boy only house it’s like the best house ever are you guys ready to see it uh do you not have a door like where are we supposed to knock and whatnot H what are you talking about uh if any mobs

Came they would just come directly in like are you okay all right well if you guys open this door right here here is the entrance to our beautiful boys only sleepover home and here we go this is cmo’s bed this is my bed and this is

Jack’s bed um that’s uh wow that that that’s really something I guess um I uh either of you girls want to put your bed next to mine no no no cough not right now okay anyway come over here guys if we go upstairs here is the next part of

The area now if we go right in here you can see we have three gaming setups you guys don’t have any gaming setups cuz you guys are boring uh we don’t have any gaming setups cuz there’s more to life than staring at a screen all right and

If we go in here we have a whole movie theater isn’t this so cool oh wow I thought you were joking about this is actually really cool wck though we should get one of these yeah no wonder you’re impressed I built this entire thing all by myself I mean it it’s

Really not that cool pomy relax we have better things like you know the sodoku and like knitting boring I just lied about liking sodoku it’s actually really boring he I’ll play soku with you ra you’re serious wait wait wait no you’re cough never mind ew ew ew I’m sorry what

Was I thinking man ew man I’m just I’m just trying to you know it’s okay guys let’s show him the rest of the house all right anyway if we go over here uh this is actually the end of the house over here and if we go over here we have a

Kitchen and uh where in the where is all the food cough mod did you eat the food no it wasn’t me dude it was probably Jack no it was definitely you you fatty bro what why you call me fat man I thought we were friends we are friends

But you ate all the food uh you can be friends you can be friends and still be fat kfo it’s really not that deep I mean yeah I agree kfo is a really big pig but maybe you guys should be a little nicer to him oh

Ra no one’s ever been so nasty to me before I’m I’m touch Shut up I didn’t mean it like that don’t get your hopes up oh you made it in a flirting way yeah I all right C let’s show them the rest of the house anyway get get away from me

If we go over here you guys can see we have a basement now if you guys jump down here if we all go down here and oh my goodness you girls have to do some challenges you thought You’ be getting away all right Kao follow me over here

And oh my goodness this is so funny and uh Jax you’re not going you’re doing the challenges too buddy cuz you haven’t done anything this whole time no I ain’t I did everything what are you talking about guys let me out this isn’t funny well too bad little bro cuz you’re trash

Anyway you guys have to do this parkour now and let’s see if you guys can do it this is uh really scary I don’t know if I can do that uh is that a spider oh no I hate spiders girls stop being babies we have to do this we got

To prove her better than the boys let’s go what do you mean Burns it burns you are literally a boy are you Series right now not anymore apparently since you kicked me out what happened to being Bros okay uh let’s just get this over

With girls and uh Jack I I yeah I guess he can join us you don’t get it I don’t want to join you guys I’m the one that did everything here I built this entire place too that is C you didn’t do anything little bro ja we uh we’ll get

You some dinner if you join us all right sounds good to me oh that was easy surprisingly all right guys you just did the parkour now you have the mob battle and uh cough spawned some monsters okay you have creative I’m going to distract them all dude I got your man all righty

Here we go this is the last challenge you guys did pretty well with the parkour there’s actually more parkour over here but oh my goodness you guys need to complete this now wait I spawn in the monsters and uh what no what are you doing c i i spawn in the mobs like

You told me to mate a they’re so cute oh what are you doing comoo oh right right right big scary mobs yeah this is so stupid why am I suck here fighting these things with the girls I should be just watching and laughing at them no no

You’re doing this too little bro cuz you did nothing this whole time time are you serious right now guys come on I did everything you’re so disgusting TV man I I can’t take this this is too much for me okay I fold boys are better than

Girls can I just get out of here woo yeah let’s go baby boys are better than girls hey gra does this mean you’ll date me uh maybe I don’t know I’m still thinking about it oh man that’s better than a no you hear that TV man I’m getting a

Girlfriend yes sir boys are better than girls let’s go we did it woo yeah boys are better all right girls do you guys all want to have a sleepover now boys and girls we could like connect bases now I mean I guess that could be fun we could show each other different things

And we can find similarities between us I mean your games seem really fun I’ve always wanted to try fortnite today we’re doing a build challenge with the ja family oh my gosh this is so exciting I love you oh what hey yo what I’m just

Here with Jack I don’t even know who you are what I didn’t say anything dude TV man why are you hitting on my sister dude bro what what uh are you serious right now dude I was not hitting on her bro I thought we were here to just play

A build challenge with the boys only and I thought your like whole family was going to be here I didn’t know it was just going to be your sister the others were busy yeah we don’t have a whole lot of family even though we’re rabbits but

You know it’s it’s nice it’s a nice group you know my brother and you of course hey yo all right anyway I’m just going to start building my base away from you guys because I am really creeped out right now I’m not going to lie all right I guess I’m going to start

By building this Oak area over here because I got to make the best base ever to prove my love to py because I actually have a crush on PNE oh you like pomy that that’s nice I mean pomy is pretty cool I guess but did you know

That she’s afraid of spiders uh don’t really care and how do you even know that you don’t even know pomy like how I know her are you sure you haven’t been to a girl sleepover you don’t know anything about Pony and plus I’m much better than Pony is in fact I’m tall you

Probably like tall woman don’t you uh no I actually don’t because you’re Jax’s sister and Jax is like my best friend I would never do that to my best friend are you serious right now you’re not doing anything TV man I mean I know you

Like me I mean look at my nice slim figure e stop talking to me sister you’re going to make Jax really angry I don’t care Jax is angry all the time okay but I really really really cannot go out with you I promise you like you might be cool even though you’re a

Little insane but I literally can’t it’s weird it’s no weird it’s only weird if you make it weird dude TV man stop distracting my sister she needs to help with the house bro are you serious right now I’m not even distracting her dude it’s her bro she’s all over me right now

You expect me to believe that you have zero R dude I mean he was trying to rise me up but he could Ed some lessons but it was a cute attempt I mean huh what what are you talking about bro I was not raising you up you are insane bro oh see

He’s doing it again so what’s going on what you making uh what am I making wait what are you talking about bro hey get away from my house wo this is not your house sister I don’t know what you’re doing this could be our house you know

We can move in together I’m a very good cook in fact I can make lots of things do you like cookies uh well I really do actually but n no n that’s weird bro I I don’t want to be around you are you sure you haven’t tasted my cookies yet come

On just try a bite they’re not poisoned or anything um okay I’ll try a cookie oh my goody goodness oh they’re really good actually thank you you’re welcome and you can have tons more if you know we we got married or something oh my bro are

You serious right now okay why are we talking about marriage here can you stop talking to my sister TV man like what’s your problem dude bro are you serious right now I’m not even talking to her it’s her bro why don’t you talk to your sister she’s annoying and I can’t

Believe she would talk to you stop making up stuff Jack what in the world is wrong with you you got your ears in a Twist or something what’s wrong with you don’t talk to me like that and leave T man alone he’s a bad influence I talk

You know what shut up if you want to act like that you can act like that in a cage you rat what excuse you watch how you talk to me oh oh I will watch How I talk to you I can talk to you however I

Want hey yo yo this girl’s crazy bro I don’t even know what she’s talking about anyway I got to start building the inside of my base because I got to make it awesome and homie because I have a crush on pomy and I got to surprise her

With this anyway here we go we’re going to add one of these cabinets right here Wait no that’s a bedside cabinet let’s add one of these right here an oak cabinet and then we should probably add an oven as well because those are awesome and we need to actually cook

Food even though I don’t know how to cook but whatever anyway we need a microwave too oh you want someone to cook for you I can cook I know how to cook a lot of things I can make spaghetti I can make um hey hey why you

In my house are you see right now get out of my house par no come on it’s our house you know don’t you want a loving wife who can cook you whatever you want do you want homemade pizza o or or what about what about um uh french fries you

Like french fries right uh what in the bro why why are you in here I don’t understand I don’t understand you’re I I mean okay I do kind of like you but I can’t like you because I’m literally best friends with Jax and I’m not going

To date his sister that’s weird bro who cares what Jack thinks he’s always annoying he yaps all the time he gets you in trouble at times is he really even your friend what excuse me um you know what I I do actually really like

You but you know Jax is like what no no you really like who excuse you are you serious right now no that’s not what I was saying I said I really like you but I like Jax more bro that’s what I was going to say are you serious right now I

Didn’t know you swing that way you expect me to believe that what do you mean I don’t swing that bro are you serious or not I don’t like Jack like that are you sure so you do like my sister oh my gosh I like her as a friend

Like not like that though cuz I I have respect for you I wouldn’t do that to my friend well it sounded like you were confessing to her when I walked in bro are you serious right now can you please come on jackeline whatever your name is

Can you please tell your brother that I don’t like you please oh you know I can’t lie to my beloved brother yeah ja he he doesn’t like me at all we’re just talking we’re talking about um boring stuff like like cooking and and cleaning and um women uh yeah we’re talking about

Other girls cuz I actually ja you know how I like pomy right I don’t like your sister like that well then it sure doesn’t seem like it when you’re flirting with her this entire time all righty here we go we’re going to add this bathroom right here because uh we

Need a bathroom of course and we’ll add a little glass door right there or a window and then we’ll also add a little door right here and also I forgot to add a door in the front too so we’ll do that and that and oh my gosh my base looks so

Good bro ja you’re taking up too much space dude what do you mean dude the space is here why can’t I use it we have two people on my side anyway bro are you serious right now dud all right fine you know what use your space dude but just

Don’t get in the way of my base I will don’t get in the way of my base ja why are you being so selfish oh what me or Jax Jax Jax not you TV man you can never do anything wrong you’re perfect no he ain’t Jax you are far far away from

Perfect look at yourself you got bug like little eyes you got tiny little grippers and worst of all those overalls are not your color like it’s actually tacky like please oh yeah well at least I’m not obsessed with someone from Scooby-Doo toilet that stuff is for kids

For kids for kids okay J I have been gracious with you as your sister I have tried to guide you in the right direction but you keep messing up like you always do and for that you have to be punished what what is she talking about

Didn’t ask oh you’ll see just you wait Jacks you’ll get what’s coming to you hey yo what is she talking about bro she’s definitely just yapping right now wait why’d you put me in here let me out oh why’d you put me in here let me out that’s what I

Said okay what wait wait what just happened oh my good goodness Jax are you okay buddy oh oh he’s fine he’s fine shut up no I’m not I’m locked in a cage get me out shut up what in the wait where is he where is he where’s Jack oh

What the heck he’s nowhere he he’s nowhere he’s just you’re not saying come on uh tman uh I have to show you my homemade pizza recipe come on come on just let’s just wait let me get my friend Jack’s out Jax come on dude wait a second uh I can’t

Break through this Are you seriously serious right now yo Jax what’s going on bro dude are you serious let me out of here bro I’m trying to break it dude I can’t how about no uh what is that put that down man if you know it’s best for

You you’ll come up with me and forget about Jack you know he was getting us your manners oh my gosh that’s disgusting anyways you know how JX has acted towards you he doesn’t approve of our love we can just let him here and leave him to die whoa what bro are you

Seriously Ser n no we’re not doing that you know if if you don’t come up with me like a good boy I’m just going to like set off the explosives that I have rigged all around this map and you want that to happen the explosives you dimwit

Oh my goody goodness all right yo ja I’ll save you later okay dude I don’t know what’s going on with your crazy sister but dude I’m sorry dude are you serious this is all your fault you better get me out of here bro what hey

Yo it’s not my fault bro why do you think it’s my fault oh my goody goodness are you serious right now see TV man see he’s not even really your friend he doesn’t approve of our love and he’s treating you like garbage is that what a

Real friend would do oh my gosh are you serious right now no it’s Jax Jax is being crazy I don’t know what I don’t know what’s going on Jack is being crazy if he’s in the way I can just get rid of him now I I would do anything he’s your

Brother bro TV man what are you playing that bro oh my okay I got to go back up Jax I’ll save you later BR I’m sorry I I can’t risk my life anymore this is crazy that’s a good decision on your part oh my gosh bro yo you’re crazy dude anyway

I’m just going to keep building my base mind my own business and hopefully I’ll be able to save Jack but I can’t even get through those bars so what if I’m crazy I know you like it you have a thing for crazy ladies don’t you who

Whoa oh no bro I ain’t like that are you sure Jack’s sister please can you act normal and maybe I would like you but anyway I I can’t even like you because you know uh Jax is L my best friend so why would I do that to my friend okay uh

Sorry I’ll act to normal um so what do you think about um British people uh I don’t like them really oh why not would you like it if I had um a different accent hey Jack your sister actually British no she just talks like that for some reason it’s really weird and kind

Of cringe nuh-uh I I am a fully raised Brit what the heck are you on about she’s never been there in her life TV man oh J would you like to meet the Queen of England I can give you a one-way ticket to meet her wait really

That’d be so cool I always wanted to meet the queen BR she’s dead idiot oh never mind I don’t want to meet her yet yeah you should stay silent yeah play your little games play your fortnite play your play your whatever okay just be silent and maybe just maybe

I’ll feed you something later okay oh my bro no you can’t act treat Jack like that that’s crazy come on dude Jack’s like my best friend bro I’m not going to turn my back on my best friend I can treat anyone how I want I hold the power

Here and if you go against me you’re just going to see how crazy I can be oh my bro I’m just building my base right now this is supposed to be a present for pomy oh pomy yeah I love Pony she’s like my bestie which reminds me um in a

Couple minutes remind me cuz I have a present to show you whoa whoa and pomy doesn’t even know who you are I don’t think so who do you think you are talking about pomy like that she’s my she’s my girlfriend her future girlfriend oh she’s your girlfriend what

About me you said you liked me so who do you like or are you just a player TV man bro can you just let me build my house in peace like what is wrong with you you’re actually insane bro I just want honestly leave there’s no way you can

Leave not yet at least you’re insane bro oh my goody goodness hey yo Jack look what you got me caught up in dude uh-uh Jack can’t respond I’m the one in the cage yeah but you’re the one who said we were going to have a fun time today oh

I’m having a fun time what about you guys oh my gosh this girl’s so annoying I’m in a cage okay so there’s worse thing to be in are you serious right now you’re actually crazy lady I’m not that crazy compared to some people maybe it’s just cuz I’m British maybe that’s why

You think I’m crazy maybe this is just normal British people Behavior uh maybe honestly yeah see for all you know you could be the one going crazy and I’m just acting normal all right all right you’re actually insane you are actually insane bro can you please please just

Let my friend Jax go he’s literally your brother how could you do this to your own brother have you heard the things he says to me go back to the kitchen woman stay in your spot women you think he deserves to be let out of that cage you really think he

Deserves to be let out of that cage I should be let out of this cage and TV man this is your fault dude fix this already bro why do you keep blaming me for something I literally didn’t do I told you TV man he’s really not your

Friend why would you even want to let him go he’ll just start arguing with you he’ll just call you names is that something a friend would do you really have to choose your friend this is all your fault this is all your fault Jack’s sister Jack Lina whatever your stupid

Name is it’s all your fault oh my gosh is it that hard to remember it’s kind of weird though that my name’s French but I’m British jackeline it could be pronounced Jacqueline or Jacqueline it depends didn’t ask didn’t ask raciel bro did you say did you just ratio me I

Might need to put you in a cage too for you to learn your lesson no no uh-uh uh-uh I ain’t doing that I ain’t doing that oh you don’t have a say no I’m building my house please don’t do this to me please please get over here now or

Else this whole place goes down whoa whoa whoa hold on a second I’m I’m literally building my a base right now I said get over here where where do you want me to go I don’t even know where you are bro I’m just building my base in

The cage you stupid no n there’s no way I’m not doing that I’m not doing that I don’t want to do that oh okay then we can all just go boom okay okay fine fine oh my gosh relax I can’t even get oh it’s open Jack come on come on come on

On oh uh you men maybe I should just rid the entire planet of men in general but I think I can make an exception for you TV man e we oh my gosh yo ja I’m telling you I think you need to learn some proper manners TV man I don’t want you

To be like are you serious right now e you sound like a childing like me you are not him yeah I’m not him I’m her can you shut up already why do you sound like Eric cman anyway TV man I can’t believe you do this to your best friend

Man now I’m trapped in this cage this is worse than prison like look at it bro you have a whole gaming setup bro how do you have 100,000 v-bucks dude bro whose card have you been using uh nobody’s uh wait a second Jack remember we went to

The amusement park and you still have my credit card right you didn’t use my card right for that v-bucks your card what card uh yeah I’ve been using it he totally dead he he totally dead bro oh my gosh dude why I’ve even using my card

Are you serious right now bro you’re a loser well you know like Finders Keepers dude oh my gosh are you serious right now I found it in your wallet in your pocket so it’s mine okay well I guess I get to date your sister now since you

Did that huh yipp I’m joking I don’t want to date her bro I like pomy anyway she’s never going to get my love anyway she can’t hear us right now but you know how I like pomy so much Jax I’m right here oh no she’s not look at that she

Didn’t even hear me uh oh hello oh my gosh wow we really need to work on your IQ as well we need to I have to whip you into shape man oh guess what TV man I have a wonderful surprise for you oh wait really you have a surprise come on

Follow me yeah of course anything for my beloved boyfriend whoa whoa whoa hey hey we’re we’re not dating Jack hey I don’t know what she’s talking about bro yeah no no no come in here come in here Jack shut up um okay uh what’s inside of

Here pomy pomy oh my god oh no there’s lava um can someone let me out of here please I don’t know what happened one second I was just I was just mind way own business thinking about a good date or something like that and then the next

Thing uh this um rabbit who looks exactly like Jack but a female decided to tra me in this cage and it’s boiling hot here and I don’t know what’s going on so can someone please save me for let her out now oh someone trying to be the

Night and shining armor how about no how about I just shoot her instead oops ow you just shot me that hurts okay well shut up no one asked any who your friend Pony is here because you know I heard TV man had a little crush on you pomy w oh

Yeah I did but oh and we can’t have that you’re in this situation because he has a crush on you and you know if I can’t have what I want then no one can have anything they want my happiness is more important than anything in the world

Isn’t that right yeah this is all your fault TV man bro are you even listening to anything what’s going on dude listen to your sister she’s crazy I wasn’t listening I normally tune her out I think he has his airpods in okay well um I’m about to shoot pomy and yeah it’s

All TV man’s fault and you guys will be my hostage forever my happiness is the only thing that matters and you guys can die for all I care except T man he’s fine I I think I see what you mean now TV man that’s wild but I mean she is

Still kind of my sister I mean she’s nice when she’s not talking and when she’s cooking for me Fu in your cage you copy bar looking rabbit rodent thing he be nice to ja bro he’s my friend dude what’s wrong with you oh he’s my friend

Yes some friend he is TV man he was blaming it on you it’s all your fault TV man it’s all your fault oh you’re actually insane you are insane weirdo this is called gaslighting bro have you never been gasl before Oh My gu are you serious let pomy out my girlfriend or

Not my girlfriend but my friend pomy please let her out oh we’re going oh she’s your girlfriend oh well that just makes her life more in danger no no stop stop breaking okay I’m sorry I’m sorry listen listen Okay Okay team please please don’t talk anymore I I

Prefer to live um okay okay going to go going to go I mean it would be kind of funny if you fell pomy you know it would be kind of funny if you shut up Jack n that wouldn’t be funny okay um I think you guys have had enough underground

Time for a while why don’t you go up and finish building me my lovely house and oh TV man you better have some nice lovely notes for me tell me all the things you like about me and Jack shut up shut up you Manchild stop whining all

The time wine wine wine e gross no nor no nor how do you bro you’re actually you you actually need help like I’m not even kiding y Jack get your sister in check bro she’s insane dude what am I supposed to do bro oh my gosh I’m

Telling you bro I don’t even like her dude she’s speaked crazy bro we we just got to go Jack come on come on okay okay first you tell me oh I kind of do like you and now you’re like no I don’t like you make up your mind what is it I’m not

A mind reader oh my God bro oh no you are actually weird I think they’re what you call insane I’m a psychopathic liar I’m a manipulator I’m a gasl or whatever you want to call it but I’m also your future girlfriend e we bro oh also Jack say

Goodbye to your house what it’s kind of uglyit what are you doing it’s kind of C my sty gosh uh oh that’s bad bro are you serious right now man I love explosives bles are very cool bro that’s py right there are you serious right now uhoh well um hi Pony how’s

Little pom pom doing are you holding in on there is the is the weather good down there everything good you feeling comfortable uh actually uh I’m feeling okay it is kind of hot so if you could maybe to shut up I didn’t ask my house I

Work so hard on this why would you do this to me oh um probably cuz I don’t care about you oh my gosh bro that’s literally your brother how could you do this yeah and he was literally an accident that was you actually but whatever guys no that was you that was

You I should have ate you in the womb don’t shoot bro you you sister whatever your stupid name is you’re crazy yo Jax can you please please please trust me that your sister’s insane I’m not doing anything I noticed but what do you want me to do uh fix her bro cuz you’re

Literally the brother you know we’re better than anyone else right no I never talked to her she’s annoying fix me there’s nothing wrong with me you know the only there’s a lot wrong with you actually okay shut up I was I was didn’t ask Gra shut up but the only thing wrong

With you T man is that you’re not my boyfriend yet and you will be you will my gosh you’re a weird okay we’re also going to have to work on your voice you don’t sound um you you sound like a child basically okay first thing we’re

Going to work on your vocabulary so I’m just going to come in you can’t you can’t I I do not allow you in my house please go away and I do not care um so there okay first things first we’re going to work on your

English so I want you to be exactly how I am so it’s kind of like dating myself so let’s work on your accent first so so first off we’re going to work on your accent and your voice so first let’s have your voice be lower cuz right now

You sound like um a 20-year-old forcing your voice to be like a little child so let’s work on that let’s okay bro wait who who I’m not I’m not changing my voice for any girl bro who do you think you are now this is my okay okay that

This is my normal voice okay chill out oh no it’s not honey no it’s not come on um I I don’t know how to talk lower how do you want me to talk like this no you know exactly how I want you to talk now talk use your vocal cords or this [Laughter]

Okay oh my gosh he’s literally a man my voice hurts shut up you didn’t have an asthma attack before this bro stop no you are insane please please just leave me alone oh Jax what are you doing what dude I’m trying to build rebuild my secret setup leave me alone oh no are

You serious right now please please just leave me alone please I’ll do anything okay you’ll do anything huh okay well um you have to go out with me then simple as that my gosh can I do anything else like anything in the world seriously um

No you have to go out with me anything else I said you have to go out with me Jax please Jax please help me help me she’s chasing me she’s weird la la la I’m not here I have double guns do you really want to mess with me please leave

Me alone all right Jack I got to go hide in your base I’m sorry about what base to hide in I blew it up uh oh oh oh oh so that’s what you were doing you’re building a secret base you sneaky little rodent oh no she good thing she doesn’t

Know where it’s at though oh my gosh Jax we definitely just need to chill in here bro I think we’ll be fine in here let me help you with this setup though oh I see how it is haven’t you done enough oh well I guess you guys just want to hide

Out and if you don’t come out I guess you’ll never see your beloved pomy again it would be a tragedy if something bad words to happen to her isn’t that right Pony oh my gosh fine okay all right fine oh my gosh relax oh my gosh I can’t

Believe she’s trying to kill pomy like what is wrong with her what’s wrong with me nothing really I told you all you need to do is go on a date with me it’s really not that hard in fact it’s a wise decision and I still don’t see how you

Haven’t gotten through your thick head all right is there anything I can do to like calm you down like seriously yeah you can calm me down you can give me a little kiss little kiss on the lips all right I got to go back to my Hiding

Bas give me a kit okay well okay well I guess you’re going to see the queen tonight no no no no no no okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry okay well now you have to stay by my side at all times oh what the what is that purple blob uh um

I’m just going to just a little not again bro you’re set up why not again shut up you rabbit don’t be mean to Jax bro he’s like my best friend you know what that’s it I’m ow ow oh my chill bro oh yes yes yes yes

How I love it when I have all the p power and the men have none this is invigorating isn’t it okay listen here you gotten really out of hand don’t make me call the police or something oh oh my days I’m trembling there is no police I

Am the police I am God herself whoo whoo whoa cut the ego little bro you don’t you don’t even know who like you are bro who are you bro I told you I am her what in the Bro n no this can’t happen again ja come on dude we’re not stuck in here

Right we are like the other cage better I like the other cage better stop complaining so much oh my gosh you know what maybe maybe I’ll just let you out if you agree to be my servants or something of course T man you’d be a higher rank oh my gosh you with your

Stupid setups and you know so much screen time Ro you’re such a hater I am not such a hater I’m also your sister and I’m also looking out for your health too much screen time is bad for you why don’t you go outside why don’t you touch grass I don’t know why don’t

You you know this has been going on way too long I’m just going to play some power world man some some what oh no you don’t a he’s rabbit upset what is wrong with you a you’re so upset little rabbit I don’t really care so yeah I’m upset

Cuz I have an annoying ugly sister who will ever shut up girly pop girly pop we look the same love you you’re not him you’re really not you wish you looked like me Ugo chill you know this could allend and if you know you just decide

To take me TV man don’t you dare TV man bro what do you want me to do in this situation this could all end right now if I just go on on one date with your sister come on you can literally join us dude yeah see see it’s a I care you

Can’t give her what she wants okay but she’s literally going to keep us trap yes you will give me what I want I have observed your past lovers and how they all went psycho they all failed but I won’t fail I’m smarter I’m better I am

Her and you will do what I want I wasn’t asking you you copy a bar looking R um okay fine you know what I since I want to get us out of this mess Jax I will go on a date with your sister but Jax has

To come with us third whe oh okay fine I guess one date is better than no date but um if you do have feelings for Jax it’s okay I I I really don’t mind I mean I don’t mind I’d feel bad if I would if if you liked my brother

Instead like I I would totally let you go if you did like my brother I mean I mean love is love I don’t like you like that TV man I mean it’s 2024 man it’s cool if you’re into that but I’m not I mean are you sure maybe the viewers want

To see some jack bro you’re you are not funny bro what is wrong with you say because I’m a woman that I’m not funny is that what you’re saying yeah kind of oh my bro can we just go on this dat let us out of this stupid cage what is wrong

With you oh yeah you’re right all right we’re going to go let’s get ready be on your best behavior if you act like a Manch or will Smite you in the face okay Wooh wait a second oh my gosh are we on a date right now how did we just spawn

Here oh no need to worry about that you know I am am pretty powerful myself in this universe so um well this is nice um I this actually worked pretty well because you know ja doesn’t really care and he’s just on his computer and he’s not really annoying us so okay well um

Give me one second oh I’m in survival mode you we’re in the middle of the oh yeah don’t worry I thought of that before Oh my gosh fine I don’t know why you guys think I’m dumb I’ve planned out everything ahead I see what’s about to

Happen before it does happen I told you e yo Jax bro what are you doing bro can you help me out here D it’s called a foreseer I’m a foreseer or would you rather like the term psychic ow bro bro you’re crazy dude can you leave me alone

TV man I’m watching Block Buddies bro oh that’s that that’s fire actually that’s actually really fire I I all right anyway just get this date over with can you shut up and just let me eat this food whatever give me this food oh no no

No that’s not how we’re going to do it you’re going to talk to me you’re going to look me directly in the eyes and we’re going to end the date with a kiss that’s how it’s supposed to go or have you never seen a woman in your your life

I’m scared of girls oh anyway of course you are of course you are oh come on come on this isn’t cool seriously please can we just eat the food and relax and calm down you know um yeah so Jack’s sister I have a question for you mhm of

Course um do you like fortnite or um Minecraft better um actually I’m not into that many games I mean screen time is I tried to eliminate even on social media I try not to scroll too much cuz that can get depressing and whatnot but oh I I like night walks sometimes I

Asthma oh by the way TV man uh when you’re dating me we’re going to have a lot of rules first of all we’re going to work on your language so no like are you serious right now or Booyah no no I’m done I’m not doing this I’m I’m not

Doing that that’s what I say that’s literally what I say every day what what do you mean are you serious right now I can’t say that what is wrong with you y you just said it you just said it every time I hear you say it there will be a

Punishment oh my gosh okay also no video games also you’re not allowed to set eyes on another woman that’s not me in fact you’re not even allowed to go outside without me oh my wait no video games at all like at all come on oh and that includes you too ja because you

Know um I don’t know I just felt like it I have power and when you have power you can do anything you want hey by the way say goodbye to your PC don’t care how much it cost oh my bro that’s his brand new one too he just bought that one what

Is wrong with you oh my God you’re so cringe this is why Mom and Dad hate you I’m so dumb with this oh wait where you going to go bro there’s nowhere to go well there’s a boat right here wait what there’s a boat oh my gosh okay let’s go

No no no no no no come on we are having a wonderful dat please please don’t leave me pleas I need you to live I need you TV man no matter how hard you try you won’t be able to run away from me you will be mine eventually I’ll be

Waiting for you I’ll go to the ends of the Earth I’ll do anything also Jax this is all your fault and you will pay you will oh my gosh thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video

Tomorrow please subscribe please my sister sucks BR you’re still crying after every video are you serious right now well duh it’s my thing

This video, titled ‘POOL PARTY With POMNI SISTER & JAX SISTER In Minecraft!?’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-02-04 18:00:22. It has garnered 15284 views and 126 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:49 or 11569 seconds.


Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

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    Rocket Building in Minecraft JAK ZBUDOWAฤ† RAKIETE W Minecraft Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the exciting features in Minecraft is the ability to build rockets and explore the vastness of space. Let’s delve into how you can construct a rocket in this virtual world! Materials Needed To build a rocket in Minecraft, you will need a variety of materials such as: Iron Ingots: For the rocket’s structure Gunpowder: To fuel the rocket Feathers: For the rocket’s fins Paper: To create the rocket’s nose cone Construction Process Once you have gathered all the… Read More

  • Jagatbhaiya’s Gamerfleet: A Short YouTube Hit!

    Jagatbhaiya's Gamerfleet: A Short YouTube Hit! In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Jagatbhaiya op, shining bright in the light. Crafting news with rhymes, a true delight, Keeping the viewers hooked, day and night. With each update, a grin and a spin, Delivering facts with a playful spin. Engaging the crowd, drawing them in, In the world of gaming, where you always win. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Sneaky Sister Kick Challenge in Minecraft

    Sneaky Sister Kick Challenge in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Challenges Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft challenges? Join Alex and her sister in the Long Kick Challenge Minecraft Animation for an adventure like no other! ๐ŸŽฎ Setting the Stage In this thrilling challenge, Alex and her sister embark on a journey filled with obstacles, surprises, and, of course, plenty of fun! As they navigate through the Minecraft world, they encounter various tasks that test their skills and creativity. Gameplay Highlights From building intricate structures to overcoming tricky puzzles, the Long Kick Challenge Minecraft Animation offers a unique blend of… Read More

  • PondFairyVods: Outrageous Shenanigans

    PondFairyVods: Outrageous Shenanigans Minecraft Puzzle Adventure with Pond and Majikz Embark on a Challenging Journey In the world of Minecraft, Pond and Majikz dive into the intricate world of puzzle maps. As they navigate through the various challenges, they find themselves faced with mind-bending puzzles that test their problem-solving skills to the limit. ๐Ÿงฉ Unraveling the Mysteries From deciphering cryptic codes to navigating through labyrinthine structures, Pond and Majikz encounter a wide array of obstacles that require both wit and teamwork to overcome. Each puzzle presents a unique challenge, keeping the players on their toes as they strive to unravel the mysteries… Read More

  • Town Hall in Town Hole! Minecraft 1.21

    Town Hall in Town Hole! Minecraft 1.21 Exploring the Truly Bedrock Town Hole in Minecraft 1.21 Embark on an exciting journey through the expanded Truly Bedrock Town Hole in Minecraft 1.21! In this episode, PlodPlod takes on the challenge of building a magnificent Town Hall in this unique setting. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling adventure! Digging Deep and Gathering Resources PlodPlod kicks off the episode with lots of digging and resource gathering. The Town Hole provides a vast underground canvas for creativity, but first, it’s essential to gather the necessary materials. From mining ores to collecting wood, every step is crucial in the… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois Podcast

    Minecraft Movie Rips Apart BrokeN Bois PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘BrokeN Bois ep. 184 | MiNecraft Movie’, was uploaded by BrokeN Bois Podcast on 2024-09-09 17:00:00. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:15 or 4395 seconds. Sit back as Mike and Colin relax and talk about whatever is on their minds, usually leading back to music in some way or another! This week, Colin and Mike discuss the Minecraft Movie teaser, the Linkin Park return, and other news from throughout the week. Links to Song of Week playlists: Mikeโ€™s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2qHnCpMr9EFV8LpDxl2ALz?si=Papz11C4Q5CwKuKbcNc6FA Colinโ€™s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2OqA9mgAaFd3Coi3HjYvAE?si=Y-ipjPLOQh2eF20nsHk21w Combined Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/64NaXkzBSNjMCYNKKW07yX?si=Ytqa2q5kTPa6NytTG9k6WA… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp Mostly-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you would like to be part of our growing community and help us with builds and shops on our mostly-vanilla 1.21 server, feel free to join us on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join Here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Catastrophe

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting CatastropheWell, I guess you could say it’s not just a meme, it’s a high-scoring tragedy in the world of Minecraft humor. Read More

  • Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters Series

    Desert PvP: The DreadMinecrafter Masters SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-10-05 01:01:04. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:46 or 226 seconds. PVP MASTERS SERIES: XV941 OF NRVA -AKA- DESERT PVP https://minewind.com YT.Minewind.com … YT.Minewind.com. DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Girls vs. Boys in Minecraft: Battle of the Blocks! ๐Ÿ”ฅ Why do girls always build cute little houses with flower gardens in Minecraft, while boys just dig straight down and end up in a pit of lava? ๐Ÿคฃ #genderdifferences #minecraftstruggles #boysvsgirls Read More

  • Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr!

    Iron Farm Madness: 1300/hr! New IRON Farm In Minecraft – A Must-Have Addition to Your Survival World! Looking to boost your iron production in Minecraft? Look no further than this new iron farm design that promises an impressive yield of 1300 iron per hour! This fully automatic farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, taking under 15 minutes to complete. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is a game-changer for your survival world or server. Farm Details Farm Performance: +400 to +450 iron per hour Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 Platforms: Java… Read More

  • ๐Ÿฆ– Jurassic Fossils Madness in Shizaradise! Ep. 18

    ๐Ÿฆ– Jurassic Fossils Madness in Shizaradise! Ep. 18Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded SMP2 Ep. 18 | 1.12.2 | Obtaining jurassic fossils’, was uploaded by Sharadise on 2024-05-15 16:25:51. It has garnered 27 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:10 or 7570 seconds. Yay for the Prehistoric Nature mod! This is an archived ‘Minecraft: Prehistoric Nature & Thaumcraft’ modded SMP stream. It was streamed live over on twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sharadise Featuring: CangoFango, Emichu, Willys1961, mr_w_l, Albastru916 & RealHansWasser Cango’s POV: helping with organism pronunciations. Mod list: https://www.sharadise.com/streaming/Sharadise%20-%20Prehistoric%20Nature%20and%20Thaumcraft%20mod%20list.pdf Game: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/store/minecraft-java-edition Seed (1.12.2): I have no idea actually, I may update this later. In case… Read More

  • Trapped by Scary New Monsters – Minecraft Maizen

    Trapped by Scary New Monsters - Minecraft MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ got Trapped by the Scary New Monsters from DIGITAL CIRCUS Minecraft Maizen JJ and Mikey’, was uploaded by JJ And Mikey Best on 2024-05-08 21:45:00. It has garnered 16586 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. How JJ got Trapped by the Scary New Monsters from DIGITAL CIRCUS Minecraft Maizen JJ and Mikey This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Caps Compilation!

    INSANE Minecraft Caps Compilation!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft caps derlemesi part 1’, was uploaded by Minecraft capsleri on 2024-06-13 18:57:27. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:13 or 73 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft capsleri, Caps, Minecraft capsleri global, Minecraft capsleri resmi, crystal pvp, crystal pvp montage, crystal, pvp, cpvp, pvp crystal, 2b2t crystal pvp, crystal pvp, how to crystalpvp, crystalpvp crystal pvp,crystal pvp montage,crystal,pvp,pvp crystal,2b2t crystal pvp,crystal pvp 2b2t,minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft end crystal pvp,2b2t pvp,2b2t pvp montage,2b2t crystal,2b2t – spawn pvp,2bpvp,2b2t 00 pvp,pvp montage,crystalpvp,0b0t pvp,crystalpvp.cc,2b2t 32k pvp,anarchy pvp,2b2t pvpbot,2b2tpvp,2bpvp.net,2b2tpvpbot,2b2tpvp.net,pve,list,best,meta,minecraft anarchy,blast,salc1,2b2t how to get started,wurst +2,how… Read More

  • LHxNinja DESTROYS in EPIC Minecraft PvP

    LHxNinja DESTROYS in EPIC Minecraft PvPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE PvP Compilation’, was uploaded by LHxNinja on 2024-01-13 16:07:17. It has garnered 52 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. Totally random Video Was ABIT lazy on the editing but hopefully this one does good! I won’t be posting for a while Since I’ve got School But I will be active on Discord So be sure to drop by(check community post) Yes, there is a big spoiler in this really short video As My Best Friend And I are Working On The First Official Project TFNAFMP-… Read More

  • EPIC Adventure: SPIDER PIT in Isle of Oblivion Minecraft Map!

    EPIC Adventure: SPIDER PIT in Isle of Oblivion Minecraft Map!Video Information This video, titled ‘INTO THE SPIDER PIT FOR THE LIGHT BLUE WOOL!!!: Isle Of Oblivion Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by Dahl Dantill on 2024-04-04 14:00:16. It has garnered 46 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:34 or 1774 seconds. Weclome to Isle Oblivion, A Minecraft CTM map in Minecraft version 1.20.1 I try to survive, gather resources and build epic things. #Minecraft #Hypermine #HypermineSMP Hope you enjoy it and if you do “SKELP” that like button Check it out here :- https://minecraft.net/en-us/ Minecraft is a sandbox construction game created by Mojang AB founder Markus… Read More

  • Enchanted Tree House in the Twilight Forest โœจ๐ŸŒฒ A Fairycore Minecraft Adventure! Ep 23 ๐Ÿ’–

    Enchanted Tree House in the Twilight Forest โœจ๐ŸŒฒ A Fairycore Minecraft Adventure! Ep 23 ๐Ÿ’–Video Information This video, titled ‘Twilight Forest Tree House! โ™ก Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play โœฉโ‹† Ep 23 โœฎโŠนโ™ก’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-02-04 18:08:00. It has garnered 8466 views and 430 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:20 or 5840 seconds. ๐ŸŒˆBecome a Channel Member for exclusive posts, early access videos, BTS, exclusive chats, discounts on stickers, and more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCcRwVLEk-0ouoHIKUjKQqg/join hey everyone my name is luvstar! welcome to my fairycore-themed relaxing modded let’s play! this series will include episodes of me living as a mage elf and exploring and transforming a beautiful fantasy minecraft world. i chose the… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Golem Fail! ๐Ÿ˜‚ #gamerzfleet #survival

    EPIC Minecraft Golem Fail! ๐Ÿ˜‚ #gamerzfleet #survivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft golem funny short #minecraft #gamerzfleet #survival #technogamerz #gamerzfleet #lilyville’, was uploaded by ProWinx425 on 2024-10-01 07:48:24. It has garnered 3886 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. minecraft parkour gameplay, minecraft 100 days, minecraft video, minecraft minecraft, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft cartoon, minecraft luna mod, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft parkour, minecraft song, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft animation tutorial, minecraft anshu bisht, minecraft animation movie, minecraft automatic door, minecraft adventures, minecraft animation video, a minecraft video, a minecraft house, a minecraft server… Read More

  • Minecraft Unsune News ๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ | Crazy Funny Moments ๐Ÿคฃ

    Minecraft Unsune News ๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ | Crazy Funny Moments ๐ŸคฃVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ke Kuch Unsune News ๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ | Funny News ๐Ÿคฃ’, was uploaded by ZdravoXGaming on 2024-05-02 03:30:08. It has garnered 99 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. Minecraft Ke Kuch Unsune News ๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ | Funny News ๐Ÿคฃ Discord_https://discord.com/invite/KXhVWMhJH8 minecraft shorts minecraft shorts viral youtube shorts skibidi toilet short comedy shortsfeed funny viral shorts memes shortfeed gaming trend trending shorts trending titan cameraman respect timing asmr entertainment monster school sand art news minecraft shortsfeed skibidi funny shorts games minecraft sand art mc flame minecraft animation reel reels skibidi… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!

    Mind-Blowing Reveal: Crazy Encounter with SLAW!Video Information This video, titled ‘#shorts ุฒู„ู…ุฉ ุฑุงูŠุญ ุฒู„ู…ุฉ ุฌุงูŠ ๐Ÿ˜…’, was uploaded by SLAW on 2024-06-05 20:00:42. It has garnered 52 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. ุชุงุจุนูˆู†ูŠ ุจู„ูŠูŠูŠูŠุฒ 0 minecraft songs, 0.16 0 minecraft, 1 9 minecraft, 1 and 0 minecraft song, 1 minecraft, 1 minecraft day, 1 minecraft girl 69 minecraft girl, 1 minecraft intro, 1 minecraft juegagerman, 1 minecraft songs, 1 minecraft stampylongnose, 1 minecraft story mode, 1 minecraft vida, 1 minecraft video, 2 minecraft, 2 minecraft account giveaway, 2 minecraft accounts one email, 2 minecraft girls, 2… Read More

  • Odyssey SMP | smp | realms

    Odyssey SMP: Seeking New Members! Welcome to Odyssey SMP, a small community of friends inviting new members to join our long-term realm. Current members range from students to retirees, all 18+. Our realm values chill and relaxed gameplay with zero tolerance for griefing, hacking, cheating, stealing, or aggressive behavior. This vanilla realm includes a Creeper and Ghast block protection mod, ensuring a smooth experience for all players. Stay connected with our active Discord server and engage with our friendly and social community in-game and on Discord. If you’re seeking a welcoming and long-term community, reach out to Tiger McStanley, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do it

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do itThat’s a pretty high score for a meme about placing blocks in a virtual world! Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya’s tough choice! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya's tough choice! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraft #memes “Jack Bhaiya trying to choose between building a house in Minecraft or going on an adventure is like trying to choose between diamonds and dirt blocks.” Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4

    Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4 Minecraft Adventure with Dziru! A Fruitful Expedition In the latest episode of Minecraft with Dziru, our intrepid explorer sets out on a new adventure! While the journey may not have been long, it was certainly fruitful. Back at the home base, a new companion has joined the ranks โ€“ a trusty weapon-wielding ally. And to add to the excitement, the skilled craftsman Andrzej pays a visit to offer his services! Interactive Experience Dziru encourages viewers to engage with the content by commenting and sharing their thoughts on the gameplay. Suggestions for future games to feature on the channel are… Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem: A Clash of Titans Get ready for an epic showdown in the world of Minecraft! The Warden, a fearsome new mob introduced in the latest update, is set to face off against every type of Golem in the game. Who will emerge victorious in this ultimate battle for supremacy? The Warden: A Formidable Foe The Warden is a powerful new mob that lurks in the deepest, darkest parts of the Minecraft world. This blind creature relies on sound to detect its prey, making it a formidable opponent for any player brave enough to challenge… Read More

  • Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!

    Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!Video Information This video, titled ‘ใ€Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Editionใ€‘The block game sure looks different today…ใ€#1ใ€‘’, was uploaded by Nurl Whurl on 2024-09-19 16:00:38. It has garnered 102 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:01 or 9301 seconds. Originally streamed on September 1, 2024 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/nurlwhurl Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10

    Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10Video Information This video, titled ‘Rate this 1 – 10 ๐Ÿ’€โš ๏ธ #minecraft#horror#shorts’, was uploaded by GJ GAMER on 2024-06-18 00:35:21. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay – Part 21 – RTX ON!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay - Part 21 - RTX ON!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 21 – RTX ON’, was uploaded by FaHaDDxHR on 2024-05-26 12:58:45. It has garnered 1272 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. Keybaord – Redragon K552 Mouse – Glorious model o – Like and sub – PayPal Support me : https://paypal.me/fahaddxhr7?country…. – Server CubeCraft Download on Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/apps/de… Download on App Store – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minec… ( What is Minecraft? ) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Traveling Into A NEW DIMENSION In Modded Minecraft! (SILLY SOULS MODDED SMP #16)’, was uploaded by enduurrrVODS on 2024-04-13 10:44:13. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:11 or 7271 seconds. In this video the adventures on the Silly Souls Modded SMP continues with the defeat of some Minecraft Bosses and the exploration of numeral new dimensions- one of these being the Otherside, a horrifying trip into the world of sculk. The Entity SMP Finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7b6ciq_I7g โ–บCHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE MAIN CHANNEL! https://www.youtube.com/@enduurrr3433 โ–บCHECK OUT MY TWITCH! https://www.twitch.tv/enduurrr… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVAL

    Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVALVideo Information This video, titled ‘NUEVO SERVER FACTIONS para MINECRAFT PE 1.20.51 | SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Alex Workout on 2024-01-17 22:00:08. It has garnered 448 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. ใ€ŒโœจWhen to the description! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqMu_5oE5Adusq4q9anUHw/join โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚ ๐Ÿ“œใ€ŽSERVERใ€๐Ÿ“œ โžก๏ธ MystiCraft IP: PUERTO: 25591 ๐Ÿ‘พ DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/3py85sYkmw โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚ ๐Ÿ‘‘ใ€ŽSocial Networksใ€๐Ÿ‘‘ ๐Ÿ‘ฅ-Facebook โžœ https://bit.ly/2zNbqCP ๐Ÿฆ-Twitter โžœ https://bit.ly/2z9jzl7 ๐Ÿ‘พ Discord โžœ https://discord.gg/pB2qPwWDTj ๐Ÿ˜-Gamertag (MCPE) โžœ Alex Workout574 โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚โ–‚ ๐Ÿ’ŽDO YOU WANT ANY REVIEW/WORK?๐Ÿ’Ž Channel Promotion, Banner , Miniatures, Logo , Custom Designs, Overlay, Animated Overlay, AND MUCH MORE… ASK FOR PRICES and place… Read More

  • CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!

    CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Hardcore In Less Time Than IShowSpeed’, was uploaded by MythicalTimmyLive on 2024-08-22 23:27:00. It has garnered 483 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:19 or 12859 seconds. https://twitter.com/mythical_timmy https://streamelements.com/mythicaltimlive/tip (Donate Here) https://www.instagram.com/realmythicaltimmy/ #kaicenat #mythicaltimmy #ishowspeed Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘ใฉใ‚Œใ ใ‘ใ‚นใƒ”ใƒผใƒ‰ใ‚ขใƒƒใƒ—ใงใใ‚‹๏ผŸใ€ใƒ‘ใƒญใƒƒใ‚ฟใƒผๆ—ฅๆœฌ่ชžใ‚ขใƒ‹ใƒกใ€‘Study Japanese in Minecraft! @SakuraMiko’, was uploaded by ใƒ‘ใƒญใƒƒใ‚ฟใƒผๆ—ฅๆœฌ่ชž | Study Japanese & English on 2024-09-06 08:00:19. It has garnered 15898 views and 743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. My music stream โ†’ https://linkco.re/3zFvc7uC My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. let’s check itโ†“๐Ÿ˜Š My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. Please check it out! https://www.youtube.com/@hololive https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji Let’s Study Japanese in Minecraft! main chโ†“ https://www.youtube.com/@parotter #shorts #minecraft #anime #education #language #Minecraft #Game #Education #English #Japanese #hololive #hololiveen #hololivejp Read More

  • “Shocking: I destroyed my friend’s Indian SMP in Minecraft” #gaming

    "Shocking: I destroyed my friend's Indian SMP in Minecraft" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Why i destroyed my friends Indian SMP? #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #smp’, was uploaded by garvwasthere on 2024-09-26 07:45:05. It has garnered 910 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:24 or 2064 seconds. This video is not scripted at all I made the owner / operator user to do it with greed and he did it and we destroyed whole smp nothing was scripted neither my friend did knew. Want more spoiler? Nah just watch the video. minecraft,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mods,minecraft seed,minecraft funny,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,minecraft but challenge,minecraft how to,minecraft facts,minecraft… Read More