Ultimate Minecraft Seed: All Biomes in 4,000 Blocks!

Video Information

A desert temple inside of a swamp biome Hey everyone how you doing my name is echo I hope you’re having a great day today’s minecraft video i bring you a brand new seed showcase for Minecraft Pocket Edition the bedrock version but actually today’s seed also works for Minecraft Java now on occasions some seeds from Java version work perfectly a

Minecraft bedrock and this is one of these seeds now today’s seed is very different because it’s not about having seven villages or ten mine shafts or loads of temples today’s seed is all about the biomes because within 4000 blocks from spawn you pretty much have every single biome you are going to need

Which is incredibly rare because if you play the Minecraft pop condition the bedrock version on some occasions you have to travel 10,000 even 20,000 blocks to find a specific biome now if you do enjoy today’s video please be sure to hit that like button if you have any

More unique seeds or cool seeds Survival Islands really strange things happening let me know your seeds down below in the comment section let me know the version you’re playing let me know the coordinates and let me know what we can find so I’m currently doing this in the

1.13 beta but this will work for all versions being iOS Android Windows 10 Xbox and switch and even the Java version have not tried this on PlayStation 4 and it will work for one point twelve and one point 13 going forward right so the credit for today’s seed is

Somebody posted this on reddit so it’s obviously Alexander he’s the founder it was posted one month ago found a Minecraft seed that has all microbiomes ranging to 4000 blocks from spawn and then he’s obviously outlined that this is a bedrock seed now it says the seed

Right here which is nine eight one five zero six three three two for a PC one point fourteen now again it does work for PC but I’ve tested it on bedrock and it’s exactly the same as it is on PC obviously some of the blocks and some things might be slightly different but

It’s basically the same so just to clarify the actual seed number in case you guys want to check this out nine eight one five zero six three three two all right guys let’s go into game and let’s check this out so I just want to mention at the start of

This video wherever you guys do see a glow stone tower pillar that is a point of interest I have went ahead and marked a couple of things throughout this map now again it is within 4,000 the start of map doesn’t do this just this this is just a couple of the biomes

That are available to the right of me you have a vast Mesa biome I’m a big fan of a Mesa biome and going in the north direction we do have a mushroom island which we will be going to in today’s video so this is the area that you are

Going to spawn in give or take a couple of blocks this is what you have in your bonus chest a little bit of food you are getting a little bit of food because the jungle you’re in it’s pretty vast it’s a pretty big start to jungling I’ll be

Really careful in this jungle because with me doing some exploring I found so many hidden ravines most of them you wouldn’t even realize are there I don’t want you guys to go walking and end up falling down them also right at spawn you have bamboo as well but that’s like

Really common in Minecraft these days so just doing a quick 360 right here you can see the biomes that we have there’s the Mesa biome and not that far away from the Mesa biome we do have ourselves a jungle temple now this one’s pretty obvious to find keep an eye on the

Coordinates on the top left if you guys are really interested in there also chunk loading on this version in the latest beta is absolutely do do some of you probably noticed that as well so we do have this it’s quite exposed as you can see here we are gonna break our way

Inside of here and see what Louie has although I find myself not getting that much good loot from these anymore I mean I prefer jungle temples well in all honesty the temples in this game they just don’t produce as much goodies as they used to used to get a lot of like

Golden apples and stuff I find it doesn’t really happen that often watch me get fooled here it’s a little bit of bamboo Bowens a little bit of gold that’s okay we’ll break our way behind here there should be a chest there better be a chest there is a chest

Alright so this one has gold see what I mean like they’re really not that great I if you’re looking to grab yourself some free Pistons or some free loot start off with I usually take the arrows especially the brand-new seeds you can’t complain so yeah the loot here isn’t amazing but

The coordinates for this one as you guys can see it’s it’s literally in plain sight so focus it on the biomes if you guys are interested in gold this comes with a huge maze set but it also comes with maze herb rice which I believe is the spike version haven’t fully explored

This now you are gonna find gold you are gonna find mine shafts and you are gonna find a lot of goodies I’m a big fan of the the maze is just pure and simply because having gold at unusual levels for me is an absolute massive bonus now

We’re just gonna go to the bottom here because there’s a couple more biomes that I want to show you so in case you guys are new to my seed showcases I tend to just usually explore the first map that you can see in my hand anything

Outside the border is up to you guys now I did do a lot of exploring in this map and there is a whole range of different biomes that you are going to find usually the biomes that you are having to travel thousands of blocks now there

Is a ton of villages on the outside of here and if I remember correctly I did see one or two desert temples as well so we’re going to swing ourselves round to the left-hand side of the map and go for a couple other changes over there before

We do that though I did just go outside the boundary the reason why guys it’s because this is still happening this is not meant to happen and I’m not entirely sure if this happens on the Java version however they said that they didn’t want cold biomes spawning next to warm biomes

So in the near future this won’t be a thing so if you’re looking for a seed that has some kind of unique biome generation you can do this the cold biomes shouldn’t be spawning next to the warm biomes you’ve also got a savanna which is classes of warm by them as well

Now again a little bit further I did come across a village even more jungle but to the left of this village we do have a pillager outpost we’ll go over there and I have noticed that pillar outposts are really common in savanna biomes and Plains so if you like to live

Life on the edge pillar outpost village to the right but also a village to the left as well again this is pushing the boundary and I probably will do that a little bit more in today’s video to show you guys the various biomes that we do have

Available all right we’ve got a couple more things to explore on the left-hand side and then I’ve got to show you guys a zombie village because this is what this seed has so I hope you guys have been keeping an eye on the biome so far we’ve had jungles mesas Plains swamps ice

Weaver deserts we’ve had extreme hills in the north which we’re gonna go to I nearly missed this by the way we do have ourselves I don’t know biome to call this as a mega Tiger is it just a tiger biome either way it does come with I’m

Guessing it is a tiger biome because we’ve got a tiger village and this one also has a pillager outpost this one’s bottom-left it’s literally on the edge of the starter map as well yeah it’s it’s a pretty decent one I don’t really remember which building produces the

Best loop but if you guys are interested in finding yourself a couple of things I would come here but just be really careful cuz we all know that you kind of don’t want to activate a raid here so I believe these are classed as the new and improved blacksmith’s where you are

Going to find the chests that have loot this one comes with gold couple apples and golden horse armor it also comes with another one so there’s two them right next to each other and this one comes with that’s a very average loot again the things that you find that

Naturally generate these days they’re not really that useful I always find these houses useful because they do have bring stands although you really can’t do much with them until you go to the nether I think it’s a pretty decent thing to start off with this seed is producing a

Couple of things now if you are are in beta and you are using this seed on 1.13 onwards of course in this kind of biome you are gonna come in contact with foxes as well notice that this one doesn’t seem to have any villages though no villages and I certainly haven’t found

Myself and iron golem Eva so I think this is the last blacksmith that’s why we’ve been staying around here a little bit longer I mean it’s not too bad but it’s just not great things used to be a lot better and you certainly don’t find any kind of enchanted books in here

Anymore anyway again keep an eye on the coordinates bottom left of the map you gonna find yourself a tiger village and you’re also gonna find yourself a pillage or outpost and even further behind you more jungle and more ice biomes right let’s head towards the north so the further north you go we

Have a very very big extreme Hill you’re gonna find your emeralds in there but I’ve noticed eggs in extreme Hills there’s a lot of ravines as well so yeah if you guys are interested in exploring that’s up there we will be going further past that because there’s something I

Want to show you however I did come in contact with this which is classed as a dead village a zombie village the reason why you can tell is two reasons we do for such time set night there is not really any form of light the only like that’s happening it’s from my glowstone

So we do /time set day there is no form of light here it’s classes a dead village it took me a while to find this because I was doing it at nighttime I use night time to find torches to find myself villages like that one over there

Now we do have berries we do have zombified villages that guys were gonna die very soon but as you can see here you can tell by another way there’s always cobwebs there there’s never any doors and it’s also made out of the life of your mossy as well now it does have a

Blacksmith over here and I think there’s another one over there so I think you can still find some decent looting yeah you can in fact wow this has produced much better loot compared to the other one and that one wasn’t that wasn’t a zombified one so I guess the zombified

Ones yeah they did they seem to produce a lot more loot I guess because it’s a little bit more challenging for you to take on but look at the loot compared to the previous one I don’t think there’s gonna be any more over here but if you guys are interested in a zombified

Village you could always take the time to heal these guys is there gonna be one more it’s not that one I don’t think this one’s gonna be one either no and yeah so if you’re looking for a zombified village we got this one alright so we’re gonna go towards spawn

Again oh yeah this is what I wanted to show you tons and tons of ravines I explored this one there really wasn’t anything major down there but I did go ahead and explore another one and that one I think this is really close to spawn I think it’s this one yes so

That’s near the spawn point that’s the the temple and then over here which is hidden by some kind of oasis there is another of there is another ravine don’tjump panda and down this ravine is expose diamonds I just had a little bit of sneak peek finally exposed

Diamonds to me is always a good thing so I thought hey let’s have a little look now it comes with okay it’s coming with at least four it might be even more in here now I think it’s just gonna be a solid four diamonds hey well that’s not bad okay

Expose diamonds that I’ve taken the time to find for you guys I think you’re gonna be in for a really really good one well again I didn’t fully explore down here so there’s more likely gonna be tons more diamonds and iron and God knows what else is gonna be down here I

Also found like this the old small shrub area this is just a couple of these things which are your friends yeah a little bit of a weird one but yeah if you find any specific coordinates guys for something useful please leave them down below in the comment section because people would really appreciate

It since this is a very vast seed I think a lot of people will be looking for specific biomes they’ll also be looking for villages and maybe mine shafts as well so towards the top right we do have even more changes in biomes a lot more ice as well looks like

Ourselves a birch forest here again with Mesa huge Mesa it just continues forever I don’t use the show you guys all the shipwrecks but this one was a pretty big one with a ravine right next to it with a ravine right next through it that has even more exposed diamonds I love me

Some free diamonds so if we go down here I can show you guys that’s the gravel it should be right there here it is I think this one might just be one though I think we might be a little unfortunate with this one this is just one diamonds

If I’ll just break it yeah this one’s only one diamond but you’re gonna go to the shipwreck anyway so you might as well risk it a little bit more and grab that one diamond there might be even more down yeah this is at level 11 diamonds spawn rough there is there is

Okay it’s so there you go okay if you guys are like dime like diamonds like me this this is going to be three diamonds down here enough for a pickaxe plus the other ones that we found before but again right next this we do have a shipwreck it’s a

Pretty big shipwreck obviously the full ones are the best because these have the captains quarters which is where you find treasure maps emeralds and other goodies as well so this one oh it doesn’t have the captains quarters chests so that’s a massive move that’s a massive bit of an unfortunate this right

There TNT not great to go in treasure map there is a treasure map how far away is this treasure map it’s actually not far away it’s it’s over therefore I’m not here to show you guys the treasure I’m here to show you guys the seed so

Again this see if it’s all about the biomes hopefully you’ve been keeping track at the biome start or near spawn if you go advanced you’ve got even more ocean more Mesa you are gonna find a mineshaft I guarantee you cuz you’re gonna find them unusual levels these

Kind of mine shafts are usually above ground in some cases so I will do a quick search before I show you guys exactly where the mushroom islands are you will have to do a little traveling for that but it’s still within the 4000 block radius just when you think this II

Can’t get any better there is a desert temple inside of a swamp biome I mean it’s cussing this is a small desert but that’s that’s very very unusual alright well we’ll go and check this out cuz in some cases you can find a lot of goodies down here we’re gonna try this I

Never seen anything this random before aniseed like this okay so let’s see what we can find let’s not get myself killed it does come oh that’s a very good book okay another piercing not great Diamond armor I noticed that the horse armor no golden apples no God apples however a

Lot of iron bunch of gunpowder and even in chanted books I’m not taking them because my inventory’s starting to get full but this is this is a very pleasant surprise I mean you can’t really cast this as a desert sorry as a swamp temple I mean it’s on the edge of a

Weird-shaped desert so it didn’t take me long guys it’s a matter of minutes there’s the shipwreck and down here we have ourselves the exposed mineshaft now you will find more than these they this one looks like it does go inside the terrain and the thing about the population better

Operation is the mine shafts are a lot bigger compared to Java so you will find yourself a lot of chests and finding yourself the chests that are exposed that come with going apples you’re not going to complain and you’ve also got another one over here as well come on

Let me open you okay yeah says any that’s its some decent loot so anyway we need to go north because I want to show you guys the mushroom islands now we need to specifically go to these coordinates but I’m gonna speed it up and show you guys how far it actually is you

Now don’t get me wrong you are gonna have to do a bunch of traveling if you are doing this in survival but this is like perfect because I’ve had to travel like 1020 thousand blocks before just for a mushroom island so it might be Ella bit of a journey however going

Forward in 1.13 you are gonna want to come here and the reason why is because the mushroom islands produce the mushrooms and we now have the option of getting the brown mushroom which is done with the channeling trident so yeah and don’t forget by the way guys no negative

Mobs no evil mobs will actually spawn here but the biomes will continue to be very different you are gonna find tons and tons of different biomes so if you’re interested in biomes and you just want to have a well that has all biomes within 4,000 blocks then

This is definitely gonna be a seed for you if you found it useful please be sure to hit that like button any more seeds you have leave them down below or post them on my discord it’s just not it’s just discord GG /f dowse guys have

A great day stay beautiful I hope you did enjoy today’s video cross catch you next time

This video, titled ‘THIS SEED HAS ALL BIOMES WITHIN 4,000 BLOCKS! Minecraft Seed (MCPE,Xbox,Switch,PC)’, was uploaded by ECKOSOLDIER on 2019-10-18 14:00:09. It has garnered 158923 views and 2881 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:21 or 1101 seconds.


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Hello and welcome back everyone to a brand new Minecraft Seed showcase. Today I bring you a seed for the Bedrock version which is ALL BIOMES within 4,000 blocks from spawn. This is a rare seed as usually you are needing to travel thousands of blocks in order to find what you need. I’m always looking for the best Minecraft seeds in the community so remember to leave them in the comments or my discord page.



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  • Insane Azuya Family: 10k Villagers vs Enderdragons!

    Insane Azuya Family: 10k Villagers vs Enderdragons!Video Information This video, titled ‘10,000 VILLAGER BERJUANG DI ONEBLOCK MINECRAFT ! BISA MANCING ENDERDRAGON DI ATAS LANGIT’, was uploaded by Azuya Family on 2024-05-13 08:34:03. It has garnered 24655 views and 1278 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. SKY BLOCK HARDCORE 100 DAYS WITH HILARIOUS VILLAGERS! FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO CONTINUE LIKE AND SHARE THIS VIDEO OK! ENJOY THIS STORY IS JUST A ROLEPLAY NOTE: ALL YOUTUBERS HERE ARE NPCS (NOT REAL) Want to continue? First like up to 10,000 likes to continue part 2 inspiration: GroxMC, remanrhn, not safe, reff Join the… Read More

  • EPIC: SuperNorm VS Villagers Circle in Minecraft

    EPIC: SuperNorm VS Villagers Circle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Players Circle VS Villagers Circle in Minecraft’, was uploaded by SuperNorm on 2024-05-13 01:00:16. It has garnered 509123 views and 4241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. Players Circle VS Villagers Circle in Minecraft in this video I organized a challenge, a red circle of players against a red circle of residents, the last one to leave the circle will win! players built traps, residents fought with zombies and passed the Challenges and simulate civilization just like Grox Watch my other video I Made 100 Players Simulate Civilization in Jurassic… Read More

  • “🌭 FF KING KAMU 3300 DESTROYS ENEMIES in hilarious gaming showdown!” #funny#technogamerzgtav

    "🌭 FF KING KAMU 3300 DESTROYS ENEMIES in hilarious gaming showdown!" #funny#technogamerzgtavVideo Information This video, titled ‘hotdogs 🍔🥪 #funny#technogamerzgtav#ujjwalgamers#minecraft#gaming#techongamerzujjwalchaurasia #games’, was uploaded by FF KING KAMU 3300 on 2024-06-05 01:18:36. It has garnered 117 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Dolliv – 🔴 CRAZIEST Bedwars Moments!! 😱

    Dolliv - 🔴 CRAZIEST Bedwars Moments!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Grinding Bedwars and then idk we’ll see’, was uploaded by Dolliv on 2024-07-31 17:24:07. It has garnered 88 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:38 or 7838 seconds. 🫒 Hey, Dolliv here! Hope you’re doing great! 🫒 Join my Discord: https://dsc.gg/dolliv 🫒 Tags: Minecraft, Minecraft Java, Minecraft Bedrock, MCBE, MCPE, Minecraft Gameplay, Minecraft Let’s Play, Minecraft Multiplayer, Minecraft Server, Minecraft PvP, Minecraft Strategy, Minecraft Guide, Minecraft Tips, Minecraft Tricks, Minecraft Mods, Minecraft Texture Pack, Minecraft Pack Folder, Minecraft Shaders, Minecraft Competitive, Minecraft Pro Player, Minecraft Ranked, Minecraft High Level Play,… Read More

  • Insane Zebra PG Invents Auto Oven! | Minecraft

    Insane Zebra PG Invents Auto Oven! | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘АВТОПЕЧ | Minecraft’, was uploaded by ZEBRA PG on 2024-03-26 16:42:56. It has garnered 949 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraftbuilds #bridaljewellery #minecraftmeme #meme #minecraftbuild #mcpe #funny #minecraftpc #stone #minecraftxbox #l #minecraftpe #lol #dankmemes #tutorial #red #minecraftersonly #fortnite #minecraftps #mojang #minecrafter #minecrafttutorial #minecrafters #gamer #gaming #minecraftindonesia #fortnitememes #hipbeltsforadults #mcpeindonesia #minecrafts #minecraft #minecrafters #minecrafts #minecraft_pe #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftindonesia #minecraftmemes #minecraftonly #minecraftbuilds #minecrafthouse #minecraftersonly #erpanituminecraft #minecraftparty #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftart #minecraftmeme #minecraftuniverse #minecraftdiaries #minecraftcake #minecraftanimation #minecraftparody #minecraftedit #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftps3 #minecraftskin #minecraftstorymode #майнкрафт #майнкрафтвидео #майнкрафтприколы #редстоун #redstone… Read More

  • Disenchanted SMP – Survival, Discord, Java, 1.21, NEW! Events

    The Disenchanted SMP Welcome to The Disenchanted SMP, a survival server with quests, player-run shops, a PVP arena, special events, and more! Join us today to help us grow and have some fun along the way. Discord: Join our Discord server Read More

  • Craft a Scarecrow in Minecraft: How-To Rhyme Galore!

    Craft a Scarecrow in Minecraft: How-To Rhyme Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re diving into building, with Scarecrows to revive. A tutorial for you, to craft with delight, In the pixelated world, where imagination takes flight. Inspired by others, we give credit where due, Sharing the love, for the builds that are true. With a Witchcraft Mod, by the talented 𝓜Ꮛ, Adding magic to the game, in a brand new way. Don’t forget my skin, a cute guy you’ll see, On Planet Minecraft, where I roam free. For more content and fun, check out my YouTube, @barryz_ is the channel, where the adventures… Read More

  • Hot Mess: Fitting Test vs Random Junk #minecraft

    Hot Mess: Fitting Test vs Random Junk #minecraft “When you’re trying to find the perfect outfit in Minecraft but end up looking like a hot mess instead. #fashionfail” Read More

  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 3

    Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 3 Welcome to Spanish Boost Gaming! 🎮 Are you ready to learn Spanish while exploring the world of Minecraft? In episode 3, the plan is to head into the mines and search for valuable minerals… but unexpected battles and surprises await! Join Martin, your passionate Spanish tutor and gamer from Argentina, as we fight off enemies, gather resources, and improve your Spanish with clear, comprehensible input. Perfect for learners who want to expand their vocabulary while enjoying a thrilling Minecraft adventure. About Spanish Boost Gaming Martin’s goal with Spanish Boost Gaming is to help you learn Spanish in a fun… Read More

  • Insane Twist on Hive Minigame Now on Taco Tuesday!

    Insane Twist on Hive Minigame Now on Taco Tuesday!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive but Taco Tuesday (Minecraft Bedrock Stream)’, was uploaded by Quapot on 2024-09-04 17:45:36. It has garnered 370 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:27 or 7107 seconds. Hope yall enjoy the stream! (don’t forget to like the stream) ill try not to leave again lol ———————————————————– To become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxp2nvG5IV1wmnkt9RcpXdQ/join Discord Server: https://discord.gg/erz4ekPHHs Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/quapot 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@quapoop5883 Texture Pack: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hepok9r5etothsv/Quapot+1k+pack.mcpack/file Minecraft Skin: https://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/16348862/quapot/ PC Specs: SkyTech Blaze II Gaming Computer PC Desktop – Ryzen 5 2600 6-Core 3.4 GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 6G, 500G SSD, 8GB DDR4,… Read More

  • Unveiling the Next Minecraft Dimension!

    Unveiling the Next Minecraft Dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘Does Minecraft NEED A New Dimension?’, was uploaded by Techbot Gaming on 2024-09-03 18:00:33. It has garnered 4793 views and 268 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:38 or 458 seconds. Today I discuss whether or not Minecraft needs a new dimension and if introduced what it would need to fit into the game!! ENJOY 🙂 If you enjoy this video, I would appreciate a like and subscribe to help me reach my goal of 10k subs! Wanna see more? Look Below! What Could An End Update Actually Look Like:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mAa2d-oJVI&feature=youtu.be Whats Next For Minecraft:… Read More

  • Insane Realistic Minecraft Dogi Gameplay!

    Insane Realistic Minecraft Dogi Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft | Realistic water | lava | Slime block’, was uploaded by dogi on 2024-05-03 11:08:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ultra Realistic Minecraft / Realistic Water / Lava / Slime Block Authors of realistic videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/QuasarRM … Read More

  • Enter the Deadly Realm: Don-Poison uncovers Lost Villager in Minecraft

    Enter the Deadly Realm: Don-Poison uncovers Lost Villager in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Journey into the Unknown: Exploring the Lost Villager in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Don-Poison on 2024-01-13 13:30:07. It has garnered 55 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:25 or 205 seconds. Get ready for an exciting adventure as we explore the lost villager in Minecraft Survival mode! Join us as we journey into the unknown and uncover the mysteries of this “lost” villager. Are you up for the challenge? Let’s go! #MinecraftSurvival #LostVillager #Adventure. #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmovie Minecraft: The Lost Villager Like and Subscribe Thanks! Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Minigames LIVE ft. Viewers! Don’t miss the GGS NEW TRIM 🫣

    EPIC Minecraft Minigames LIVE ft. Viewers! Don't miss the GGS NEW TRIM 🫣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HYPIXEL Minigames | LIVE With Viewers 🫣 | GGS NEW TRIM 😤🥶’, was uploaded by Kappa on 2024-09-28 00:01:44. It has garnered 42 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. Minecraft hypixel, Minecraft hoplite and Minecraft 1.20 are gamemodes that I play on too. I also play Minecraft 1.21. JOIN DISCORD TO JOIN SMP : https://discord.gg/CvGExGTzG6 This is RealKappa or Kappa, and my instagram is: thekappareal https://streamelements.com/kappareal/tip Read More

  • JJ & Mikey hide in TV swimsuit!

    JJ & Mikey hide in TV swimsuit!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE in TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT! Mikey and JJ prank GIRL in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN and MIKEY on 2024-07-04 11:30:21. It has garnered 3276 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE in TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT! Mikey and JJ prank GIRL in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Cat & Dog Tutorial 1.12.2

    Ultimate Minecraft Cat & Dog Tutorial 1.12.2Video Information This video, titled ‘Animania Cats & Dogs. Tutorial / Guide 1.12.2 (minecraft java edition)’, was uploaded by Minecraft Easy gaming on 2024-05-27 15:00:13. It has garnered 511 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:07 or 907 seconds. Review of updates mod Animania version 2.0.3 for MAINCRAFT 1.12.2, How to install a new version of the mod, as well as how to add to the game kitty cats and dogs. !!! ATTENTION !!! To run the game you need to install: “Animania Base” and “CraftStudio API” And to add animals to the game, install three… Read More