Ultimate Modded Minecraft Adventure with Friends!!

Video Information

Scen on way the screen behind his the screen screen screen come on everybody come on everybody Come on every You is Soon Screen behind SC J is on his way onto the screen screen screen come on everybody come onbody come Onbody Everybody Welcome to the stream J on his way the screen behind your make a is on his way on the screen screen screen come on everybody come onbody come on Everybody is St Soon To down his way onto the screen screen screen Come on everybody come on everybody come on Everybody Everyome to the’s on his way the screen behind your his way onto the screen screen screen come on everybody come on everybody come on CH is starting Soon Everyome to The Screen screen screen screen come on everybody come on everybody come On Everyome to the on his way the screen behind your Fe a scene is on his way onto the screen screen screen come on everybody come onbody come on Everybody is coming Soon everybody Welcome to the’s the screen behind is on his way onto the screen screen screen come on everybody come on everybody come on Every is Soon right welcome to the stream guys and girls I am joined by I am playing Minecraft today uh but I will also have other people playing different games so if you hear loads of talking back and forth the two of them are playing another game so but don’t forget to smash the like

Button and also no worries uh also yeah there will be a lot of digging involved I’ve done a lot while I’ve not been streaming so and we’ll pop over to CAD and Kat’s colonies as well if they well if ktie gets another raid get another yeah yeah I think is

The better option yeah so is it light up um no they’re just no they’re not as frequent but they’re still just they’re just as hard so we have people die CAD yes we have be everybody having aend we have Katie and we have Moon which is who’s just gone AFK but yeah

Hi so yeah um a lot has happened in the realm well in the server go to let’s go over to there and then let’s go hopefully that has just gone dark so what I’m going to do is I’m going to put you up there and why is why aren’t you showing

Up you showing up I’ve got to go feed my best friend’s dog I’ll be back in about about an hour no all right what is this sh up thank you very much right let’s see if that will work why isn’t Minecraft showing up I need to turn that music down too

Let me come out of this again oh don’t die I fell into um uh oh uh oh SP I was just getting ready to brag about how much stronger I am when I came in here before I was like um 15 levels lower than I am and man I I I got

Through the first part but oh shoot shoot shoot this is why I need the gun back up back up Q they have lasers where are the lasers uh why is this not showing up now video Scream Capture and Source Minecraft automatic Stupid Creeper let’s go with C let’s boild that back up hopefully

This will work hopefully this will B up now no because that will do that stupid creepers screw it I’ll do it this way so right but I need to bring you down there we go whoa really red there we go stupid dragon flies oh they’re they’re Ping On A but I’m I’m

I’m I want a big bug zapper so do I since I’ve cleared all of that I’m getting more and more and more of those dragon flies and they’re bugging me not pun intended all right so let’s go till we are loading in okay that’s better so this will take a while for it

To load in CU it has to load in okay I’m back welcome back welcome back and you are live um let’s see I gotta take this over to you no worries welcome back okay M stream works now good okay what the freaking there we go so as you can tell I literally um

Flattened the rest of this and this is what I’ve done so far when it wants to load the chunks in of course restart in 10 minutes of course it has to be the way I have to have a restart just before I start the stream it’s

Fine but yeah yeah uh I’ve done that so far that is no longer inactive because there’s no bumblebees anymore because I’ve kind of yeah it’s um got a lot bigger than but at the moment so what I’m doing is um I am doing inside here but yeah at the moment as Louis you I dude can’t stick around but have a good stream you’re right dude good to see you it’s all good dude it’s all good yeah I do appreciate you coming in I hope you’re having all I also Josh who’s Josh I’m confused oh I’m going to be doing

Something I need a protective suit and a level three hi Josh whoever you are yeah something about soil trying to test and welcome to the stream Bella and Abigail Angel and but yeah this is going to be kind of a no worries it’s going to be a um a stream of

Just sorting this Malak out that’s awesome I got second place again with my workshop nice yeah all right I need got enough Stone to last me a lifetime until you start your Colony then you depending on what you’re making yeah well to be fair I’ve got like how

Many stacks in my back one two three four five five Stacks so far I’m still using it Christmas light but no rose that’s all good enjoy you’re going to go look at Christmas lights what they G apparently she’s going to take you with her apparently so get to building and we

Have I have to I have I had to pick the timing I to go live oh no I don’t want to do that uh oh you won’t be missing much honestly actually actually that reminds me how much arrows do I have left yeah going off just just uh so think Kate’s becoming a

[Laughter] villager did I hum again uh uhuh you sure did easy done [Laughter] no I’m trying not to make any [Laughter] noise what I talking de side and hum and hard oh don’t worry we all do that Tres I’ll ask him when I see him on

Monday I wonder if renie will pop in let me turn let me go that and then that can look at my dysfunctional um let me turn you up a bit and turn you up a bit you’ll be fine right all right let’s so the reason why I’m doing this is so

When I go back into the inside I can I can have a I I can tell where the outline is to the building instead of me going straight into nothingness but we’ll be popping back out in a second so the server can restart just try to try and get most of this

Done watch before I get booted uh and there we go I was like I was counting down in my head I’m like yep he’s going to go in a second but I do want to show um an awesome piece that Katy has done there’s a few things there’s a few things I want

To show um that KY has built and made which and this is why I’m saying um I’m hoping we don’t have another raid because of of going to keep breaking my stuff yeah but the one a piece you need to make me a force field yes gotta come up that Forest beam got

To make me a force field that’s that’s one thing that uh techit used to have force fields oh oh I didn’t know that yeah um if you look at Shin no Duncan um oh Duncan okay Duncans um Castle build because he was the tech he was the

Mad scientist out of the mo so he was really Technic he did all the tech stuff oh okay and um it was it’s in he older I think it cuz obviously with your y SC they had um they had shin and shs they had Duncan they had Simon and

Leis rivan and all other people but um Duncan was more of he he knew how to build he knew how to do he knew how to was his techit his his teit side was a lot better oh cool I’ll have to look at it yeah I

Watched some of dun stuff but I didn’t see that one um it yeah it’s when he built the massive Castle the bad science Castle um cuz he dealt with and he did all the um old school right um yeah the um cuz I used those force field quite a bit all right

So oh is that it’s up yeah I’m coming in encrypting zry thing joining mode loading Terrain especially if it’s becoming daytime and you’ll see the what I will start eventually which will be the mine colonies and um I’m going to go with more of okay I’m in cool uh I’ll just what

I’ll do is I will come into I will I won’t TP I will come over VI the um Port oh the way Waypoint okay um KY car let everything load in so this is K’s there’s one thing that um there’s another thing that I I really like what

Um Katie’s done and hopefully I we see there she is give him a wave behind you behind you give him a wave hi I don’t know how just oh there we go but um before I go over to the railway track this is another thing that I really like what she’s done

With so in um instead of going into every building and I can see a dragonfly right be under me so yeah this is the her Library where are you I don’t trust you I don’t trust you stupid dragonfly go away don’t make me hit you with my here I’ll I’ll take him

Away come over here there’s another one us there he is come here there we go oh my God dragonflies you’re the pain of my existence but Um yeah so instead of Katie going going into each building to see what one is she’s done Little um pictures to show no that was a re game restart so this is a cool thing that she um K’s done and you’ll see the villagers have their own little mine carts on them so they can basically instead of walking they can use the mine cart and

I’m hoping oh you don’t I’m just hoping there’s like loads of them well it’s dark so I got to look for guards yeah that’s what I’m looking for they’re probably on the other side yeah there’s no Cs on the other side no but they normally you see them following

Each other in mine carts but this is what a mine colony is this is the sh Park that um K is working With and where and she is she’s right next to she’s right next to moons and Sarah and cads I think the cad moved CAD move yeah cat so she could make her own colony too she helped me get started because I didn’t know how to play yeah this was

Her house wasn’t it yeah this big big house that’s it’s empty it’s just sitting there I don’t want to take it down such hello J wanted to say hello give you a like how are these days welcome slge Hammer I am good thank you very much and

This is the piece of this is what I was going to show this this is what um Kate just finished and her railway station unfortunately due to some um a raid that has happened uh she’s had a problem with one of the track well the track which is

That I’m getting uh I’m getting a comp uh it won’t be I don’t think it will be on this server though um unfortunately a biger but yeah this is one of the mine colonies so far when CAD comes back um there’s a lot of chests around yours

Yeah you can raid them I’ve already taken them all I haven’t broke them yet I take the dark up even though I’ve got enough well this is all this is all done by um this is yeah the regular stuff is the mine Colony stuff but the cool builds

The bigger builds are the ones that we did yeah so the ones that so if you see on the bottom um Builder because I’m a part of uh I’m a part of cards and K’s um KT’s Colony so I will get notifications of what what’s happening why is there a

So oh that’s a lot of br oh I I I I missed it I must not have broke that one down um no I’m slowly knocking out the village that’s here so I can spread out more I will take all this spread though yeah whatever’s in those gold

Chests you can have cuz we’ve already graded them all yeah cuz I’m slowly what it’s just part of the pack there’s stuff everywhere oh my God there’s so much oh yeah okay I won’t be here I won’t be hungry for a while yeah there’s a whole bunch more in the village a

Whole bunch more yeah I I wait and I say hey if you haven’t gotten these yet then I’m going to break them uh I’ll put that in there I’ll take the Apple I have to it’s so much prettier on your screen in mind because I can’t do the

Shaders this is and this is a thing that I so I’ve been showing um Katie what her builds look like with the shaders on and like it’s so much prettier we’ll get we’ll eventually get you I just got to get a better monitor it’s not the monitor really cuz that’s what the

Thingy says on there it says oh something about monitor strength or something I don’t know but then again I am running I am running on um a Samson CFT yeah I have a generic off my laptop I have it connected to my laptop so H okay

Um I’m going to drop so much of this stuff so I can go actually I’ve got an ancient totem for you I need to go oh you want to keep those okay you need to keep those yeah you need to keep those I have a couple stacks of them so

I won’t need much more I’m using them just for research right now so I’m going to keep the I’m going to shift going go back to yours but um person that um has done a lot of uh the auto crafted stuff would be McFly just I I never knew you could get so

Many different color boats really I’ll take these oh look at all of this to of what did I make what did I do uh I need more white wall okay I didn’t see that before condensed blood that’s for blood magic ra bacon Everlasting bacon I mean be wow Min SP oh my God

O a map Um hold on uh what do I have I want to pull that out my I used to be able to bring out my bag uh I’ve never looked at Minecraft youres really you’ve never looked at Minecraft um I think you brought it out with B Jim oh shoot where’ my little buddy go

Huh B for your backpack no that’s my or is it just the normally oh you got to have it in your hand get your backpack out no I meant as in my have hold on where is my uh where’s cuz I used to be able to just

Left right click it and that would drop it hold on I’ll head back over I need to work on my uh key bindings anyway um but yeah this is this is more modded than normal it’s a lot mded yeah it’s got 100 how many like it’s like 400 and something yeah 400

Mods and I haven’t even touched I’ve touched one mod and that’s the laser so far uh yeah this is Mo all the mods known so yeah a lot of mods like for example beam has done a lot more and if the be she’s done she’s done B she’s

Done uh the automated side as well which is cool when I saw that I would love looking at that um once I get them all set up then I will actually um do the rest of the automation to the ACT to like I’m trying to decide whether I want to do it with

Refined storage or A2 since I have both of them yeah uh where was the other ones that I was picking up to be fair you were in the village yeah I found it um I’ve modded Skyrim I’ve modded um Fallout there’s been quite a bit I’ve modded so far there’s two more there

Now I have the song St in my head okay so there was a cutscene yeah at the restaurant right um Gloria had made she’s a horrible cook but then she made a drink and they were afraid to try it but they tried it and the farmer dude was there

And he drank it and all of a sudden he sings Mama live just be I’m like oh God now that song is in my head the whole song that’s funny that’s kind of that is funny oh Lordy uh is anything else why do I please don’t tell me I

Hear what I think I hear I yeah I thought I heard one is there a cave yes there’s a cave cave yeah so much stuff that I haven’t picked up to be fair I’ve been more you haven’t gone out looting much no I haven’t I have literally been stuck

On my my little area for the last time don’t know how many uh weeks but you’ve just saved me a lot of um time on go empty my backpack the only time I’ve really gone out looting if you oh um is if you have been going somewhere yeah come look come

Look then I would teleport oh you’ve got somebody who just gr grown up oh yeah I got to go put them in school yes they got out ofe out they’re out of elementary school now they’re going into big school so yeah there is schools and Library there is uh schools

And universities and whatnot in this game as well actually I’ve not seen this one before is this your Warehouse that’s one of them I have two that’s a different build style but um it’s still kind of goes with it but it was getting pretty full and because the couriers you can

Only have 10 couriers per Warehouse yeah so I did a second I did a second one cuz with six Builders and all my Farms they just it was taking them days to just get the products to each place and then pick up the products from the

Farms so I’m like you know going to have some more yeah um I’m G I was impatient I will be working on the lower section of the castle today uh at some point so still so still so blocky well it’s Minecraft you you won’t be able to get rid of the blockiness of

Minecraft um hopefully I’m going to change texture packs hopefully at some point so this is what it looks like without without if I disable that and apply that this is what this is what um ktc’s it’s so blah I love the night one when you did

It at night for me that was pretty cool took off your night vision and uh if if I go to video go to Shad enable that and if I go to I take that off so this is what it looks like without my night vision I do want to get rid of

That that’s annoying but yeah this is what it looks like a the shaders may just make it a lot more nicer I’m I’m not trying to rub it into Katie he’s rubbing it in he’s me no I’m not I’m just saying it he’s like showing you what your potential is when your

Computer grows up when my computer grows up yeah yeah oh you you didn’t show you got to go down into there and show them my cafe or whatever the ticket C C did you show him that oh no I didn’t fa I’m still I got to finish the inside what’s what’s with the

Um you’ve got a leaking problem I I didn’t realize they dripped until after I put them up cats’s like what’s dripping and I’m like oh my gosh it’s my little Moss thingies they’re they’re blue the blue moss vines or whatever they drip and I didn’t

Know but you can get all your snacks for your road trip oh wow I did not that’s so cool I didn’t know see here’s a cat here where’s my cash register oh my God that’s so cool you can get some coffee you can order coffee and you get there’s apple juice

Up there Ching drawers wow no I did not see I I briefly saw this but I didn’t see see it the kitty R oh wow that’s actually you oh wow I did not know you could do one of them I mean they can’t really sit on it or anything but it’s the thought

That counts oh you should you know what you should do you should put that um oh I should put the wheels on going around going around going around and so they can jump in and jump out instead of I have to um I have to look and see I got to

Figure out all right yeah I need a lever feels like um Harry Potter what the hell is let’s get this first where did I put up are they in this one this is a good thing where we can all we can um we can bounce around um

Ideas that’s a redstone ain’t it yeah I got a you need Redstone for that yeah I know I figure I can at least put down the two hold on I think oops I do that every dang time I always break more than one do I have

Okay so then I just put I just put Redstone next to it I don’t see I’ve never used Redstone you to um sled um I hope you have a wonderful day night wherever you are Uh uh NE on uh home Stick oh you need Cobble I need Cobblestone you need Cobble mhm hold on I’ve got Cobblestone oh okay It doesn’t work with stone there we go oh no go the other way I gotta pick that one up do I need the other rails cuz I have the other rails too I think so trying to remember cuz I have oh I just have one detector Rail

And then three more of the activator rails and I have a powered rail what’s a powered rail I don’t know it’s gold instead of the red hold on let me ah ah think I’ll have to look at this okay wait hold on really no you need a uh Power you need

Um W you need a power cuz I have this one too you need a powered R okay it’s right here I found the ground typhoon what would you do that for iig knocking my stuff down yeah so it’s a power you need power RS okay well then I’ll make some later

And I’ll figure it out right uh do you still work at the shop no Sledge I do not work at the shop anymore I work in I work in a warehouse now I I stopped play I stopped I left Co-op a few years ago now hey JJ how are you doe

Ah this isn’t helping me kitty cat well he jumped on my lap and now dog meets all jealous oh no not a dog being jealous daddy you’ll be home soon you can play with Daddy how’s Cod um yeah it has been that long um hammer and also how’s Cod uh

JJ I’ve been watching you I’ve been seeing you playing uh zombies quite a bit got orange okay huh yeah I I um stopped working for in ret I got got I know that well not I’m not B just having a quick break and you know what it’s not that bad just a long

Time nice yeah cuz um I’ve been seeing it’s from the DMZ or as you know it’s um on the DMZ map so but no at least it’s no longer rounds how’s that leave so the reason why I’m doing this is so when I get into inside I can I

Have a out outline to go by instead of me just destroying the whole middle bit which we eventually do I’m just fing to gra two AR mes waiting one at a time and um ah yeah cuz I’ve been watch I’ve been seeing Um H has been hitting hard it’s doing pretty good for himself as well with it some paper I was trying to say JJ you do realize I’m on um twitch as well right if you want to if you feel more comfortable of being over in twitch uh I need

To got so much food now I can make stuff get on and do you know way yeah I’m I’m streaming on both platforms I’m doing restream well I should be unless it’s come down again uh no yeah I’m on I’m on Twitch as Well uh let me just get rid of all this stuff and this is why I love having the the 40 40 series give me a head over I’ll just dra no worries yeah yeah you’re good you’re all good dude right I need to drop those of this

In here we go just going to go do that first Those pisky ads right so before I do that I’m Gonna and we are back off our loud welcome back dude there we go so now um oh yeah plus it gives me view time on here yeah I’ve been doing got a lot of I want to do and see how it goes and no no

Dude I didn’t set that up to do that mini ad I’m back again I didn’t even put ad on but then again I’m Affiliated so you don’t have a choice they YouTube changed it no it’s it’s not YouTube it’s uh twitch it’s twitch that does um I cuz I

Don’t um I don’t have the I can mock around with it but YouTube um there’s not many I don’t really have many adverts running in the background unless I unless I placed it on there I want to be creative of my content when the game comes out make it

Yeah I know what you mean dude I know what you mean because not to be funny you’re you’re good at what you do JJ this is why I like games like Ark and Minecraft and Conan because you it’s you can be as creative as you basically it’s like if you can think

It if you got the imagination you can do it no I’m I’m being on I’m being being truthful with you because you are good at what you do Um but we all have creativity in us like at the moment so beam who’s in the chat right in the voice chat she’s playing Sandrock correct correct which is another type of it’s would you like to explain what Sandrock is oh my goodness um if you’ve ever

Played Porsche it’s it’s similar to that but basically it’s a it’s a desert you come to a desert as a builder and you have got to build all kind of machines you have to upgrade your land you have to design your land you have to incorporate all kinds of things into it um

Um yeah it’s it’s a really good game um you got you got your fighting too uh you have plenty you have to work your way through the story it’s a story based game um but you have all kinds of um caves that you when you don’t have them

Right away you have to work to unlock them and clear them and and then you’ll have areas where you have to go fight that’s the only way you can get your resources um and in the inter term you’re working you know doing all the Quest for the People level leveling up your

Workshop um increasing your your base size designing it getting all the things you need set up learning the checks and balances because in Sandrock your power comes from water and you’re in a desert and there’s not much water no um so you know yeah die die

Die hey okay how you doing man welcome to the stream uh J like I so you have me right but I’m back out my seat I’ll will be luring I’ll keep everything show did on Twitch for you I’ll do my I’ll do my thing no rose JJ you have a great stream

If you haven’t checked out JJ over on Twitch he is playing some zombies if I’m not mistaken I will um have to do it this way uh my you on Twitch down here off the edge and call out oh that’s not what I want to do copy and that is um JJ’s twitch

Channelk you is another brick have you tried the uh front no JJ oh uh he’s one of my good friends um up north I haven’t tried the front yet I’ve been watching uh Tiggy play it though but yeah he’s um he play he does play aot of Arc um

Play I have thousands of hours in he and um yeah he’s just waiting for an exension to drop properly cuz he’s a um he’s a PS5 player this is a console player oh nice yeah yeah his streams do swear a lot though just FYI yeah um I look at the front at some

Point how’s the misses um okay she’s as well oh nice awesome that’s good to hear oh I’ve just found oh just found I’ve got another oil pit below me yay not and let’s get rid of actually let’s eat some C and where is my back there me grab some that so yeah eventually

This this will be gone oh uh okay that that might be a problematic this is a problematic um yeah I’m going to have to get rid of the soil I hear you boo sissies come play with me and they’re like all sacked out a just their eyes are still closed but

Uhuh not not now all right I need oh I might need to turn that music down actually all right so let’s where oh okay that’s where I put the sturdy all right let’s see see if I can get rid of most of this now I have to literally walk all the way around

I do need to God oh what I want F this he doesn’t bark like that just like well now’s perfect time the others are barking he say Oh Daddy got home oh he was happy daddy yay Big Brother okay you’re good are you good you’re not g to come out of your

Skin weirdo maybe when he bark cuz he doesn’t bark that often every time he does it it scares me I just jump oh I need to get some more okay so I’ve got three actually are they hard to make the llamas are in the C oh God I

Want to see hold on hold on hold on hold on I’m taping into you oh Jesus Christ um they wanted a ride oh yeah I think it only can have one card on it at a time but I’m working on that same locomotive I can add water to that steam oh that’s

Funny this place okay cool I don’t really S I don’t really make it it’s not really Christmasy until the uh December for me oh Lisa Lisa yeah this Quest was worth 1,600 coins I took it from original to rare got an extra 10 grand so I got 11,650 just from leling that the

Fun this is funny yeah trying to get I want to um do a build a house soon oh yeah I need to build a house soon oh ah um I’m going to stay away from you I can sense this is going to go boof no it’s a steam engine I can add if

Water and and and sticks and it’ll go at least that’s what I read oh I had to oh Jesus [Laughter] Christ what that is so hilarious think they’re called the upgrade tool um blackith blacksmith yeah that’s what I thought I was heading that way yeah whether you’re going to upgrade your

House or upgrade your tools or I mean your machines or your tools uh you get the kits um from the blacksmith all right so I gotta that’s funny activator oh that’s sco out of the way llamas we have so many places oh okay oh you I had to teleport when you started

Laughing what what did you do no it’s it’s definitely going now in rounded circles it’s just pushing the llamas it’s all it’s doing okay I need one more activator rail right here so I need to go I have to remember which Tower it was I know I haven’t close one off

Yet there’s one I haven’t close off this one oh it ran out of steam oh that was cool cuz I was like I accidentally um right clicked on it and um right I realized that you could add water and fuel to it this one all right you llamas you have

Fine I’ll see you later I’m done the the things that we do to make ourselves oh that is just great where did I put those it’s got to be this side uh this one ah so I need to hold on I need to break you for a second okay so I need

To find myself on my way out not sure I’m I can fly I believe I can Fly I believe I can tou this Every and day my wings fly away come on Miss Lisa come on Miss Katie I was chewing hubby brought me dinner he was so sweet what did he that’s nice what I McDonald’s McDonald bring it home I got hamburgers and Fries oh I would have took something that simple but she wanted

Mandarin and potatoes gra oh Lord I made breakfast all my leftovers are history over pie get get you thank you that when did CAD go uh she went to go feed the um pup and then she was going to be back her yeah she said it would take about an hour

Yeah cuz she had to let Luna out and play and stuff like that yeah I remember now cuz I joked about oh you’re coming to let my Luna out yeah yeah I just llamas are still riding the train oh Jesus God that’s funny I was just watching I was just um showing it

Off oh that is so funny all right I’m going to let the llamas do their thing I got other things I got to do I got to give these Builders their stuff you get that done yeah know what I’ve been not really paying attention to that much while you’re doing that I’m

Literally getting o I was like looking to see if I had any tanks and I I didn’t I was like I can run a couple tanks but I I used mine all up all mine are gone that’s what I’m going to look at after this uh where did I finish off I am

Here that was really nice buddy aha there it is no you don’t beam guess what I just made me chromium pickham oh sweet yay congratulations now if you can level it up that’ll be try to get it to rare get all your stuff to rare but yeah

It’ll work better for you um in some inst you can find that machine now right here I wish I could be more um original with their names yeah it’s not showing that one in there it’s only showing my iron one uh it’s there it just sometimes they’re

Hard to see done so much I had to go yeah I’ve been um oh I don’t have enough okay I gotta get that that happens to me almost every other time I go to do it what gave me that I saw it in the grinder oh I need that look at the

Moon I do like the clouds on this one no it wasn’t the grinder it was the you want to do it in the um or Refinery yeah that’s what I’m looking for that one’s uh turtoise yeah I moved all my stuff around so I’m like

Uh like where did I put it where did I put it yeah yeah you should see my place well you will when I go to house if you’re if I have the money by then not I’ll wait till tomorrow it’s granite and I don’t have granter Gran I haven’t opened yet I

Haven’t found it yeah cross the bridge not on gecko side but where the hyenas are remember I took you over there was h i guided you to oh yeah she like Oh uh my sword is iron now just go during the day when the hyenas are sleeping and just um skirt around them and they they shouldn’t wake up unless you get within their range all I think here opposite way I usually go right yeah you took me over there and

I saw how bad it was it’s like yeah I think I’ll finish the bridge and go that way you killed everything you killed everything oh you did great thanks that was because it was night time me I’m just a big chicken that’s all oh no you’ll get comfortable with it

Okay there’s my I’m looking for granite these are gravel okay these are not think they’re yellowish that it down here don’t go down just keep going across where that way CH you because otherwise you’re going to run into poison gas okay and you’re going to take a lot of damage quick that

Is I need to look down where those frog are yeah yeah the jumping guys that are jumping yeah don’t go down there yeah wait okay hold on dimensional tank what was the tank that you gave me big okay um there is some you can get right to your left right there see that

One I got one up higher but this time went down you were like don’t go down poison this gas and I’m like uh uh did you come through and you have a vacuum yet no okay get that one okay let me uh when you’re done with that turn rightish

So I can look and see how far you can go before Oh those are not actually wait hold on what is uh you can go a little further oh no you can’t I see the green see that green that’s poison so go up and hang a left when you get to the

Top and can I get these yes you can you’ll want those too lots of them so chop them while you’re there so I got to a SI I already knew that one okay yeah you did that when I came through so you’re going to make a left you get

There go around him you’re good put your sword on just keep your sword on until you have to there you go and then there’ll be so I need connect okay so I need oh God not that you have iron sword right uh this no yeah iron sword yeah

Okay when I brought you through here you had a bronze sword yeah so I need back to your sword now and then go around that rock don’t wake up puffer iard maybe you’re just okay you’re just I don’t know just yet I haven’t done I haven’t that I

Haven’t fought that much the wall and go around there you can see some more over to your left see you might have to fight that dude that’s awake though you can kill him go kill him so you can get comfortable ah okay okay so that’s this guy here yeah just charge

Him and you start swinging first see once you do that break you have an advantage because he can’t swing and so long as you get The Brak see he didn’t even get a swing on you so I need oh wow I got B oh I got one of those

Bars okay go ahead and get your stone see that bad thank you uhuh when I went through there I had the bronze so to have the iron to go through there is good I need to I am almost out of En now there’s more but your energy is

You’re going to have to fight your way to the rest of them so you might want to come back then I don’t know I don’t want you running out energy this Stu anything later you’re going to have to go through go through and find stuff there remember the hyena is going back

But you sort up just in case there you go hug them out oh you can go up and around yeah there you go nice now remember they’re sleep during the day but they’re awake at night so you don’t want to come until you’re really confident yeah until

You’re confident you don’t want to come over there at night be careful there’s an alpha to your right there you go now turn on this side there you go there’s one right on the other side there you go nice job Lee hey okay I will go back to mine I’m just standing

Here killing time while the stuff is crafting for me ah honey I’m home welcome back C welcome welcome thank you thank you got me a taco salad and we have a cat good wanted a cheeseburger I just was not feeling the cheeseburg welcome back I’m chewing too uh so I’m

Almost you’re trying to get rid of oil yes I’m watching your your stream I need to use rest back in a minute no worries I’ll dare you it’s easier if you get a um just container and take it down there with you and it right there I need to make them I of

Bar oh I only buy two oh I have connecting glass do in that what you need uh um I may have some as soon as I get in I’ll check uh I need connect connecting glass I have a it I made a ton extra my thing yeah cuz I have I have

100 that would um come in handy okay is what isn’t it like glass and iron or something uh yeah it’s the singularity tanks aren’t they yeah I um give me a minute before you make any though because I you might have okay I’ll and I don’t need them I do

How’s your game going Moon good I just made the CR Cranium whatever pickaxe and I’m working on the pickaxe now I did the yeah pickax I got I love the clouds on this one they look really clouds are gorgeous I love them but I can’t have mine on again I

Know I don’t hardly ever use shaders or any of that don’t go back they is just so pretty oh yeah know it’s beautiful no he went through my whole Colony on the stream in the dark without his goggles without his goggles on the night vision oh it was so pretty I was

Like it’s so pretty I was going to say I’m going to go I’m going to come over to yours um cat and when okay mine’s not as pretty as hers but noine a little older but you’re actually doing stuff on the ne as well you’re doing other stuff yeah

Mostly and you did all the um hi Paris hi Paris hi Paris hiis what happened she didn’t want to talk to us she changed her mind oh there she is Maybe Can’t You Hear Me yeah now we can hear you just to let you know you’re live we’re live I

Know I’m seeing you on YouTube oh how about you I started to say I started to say I don’t like you Jim in chat but I decided against it so she just oh yeah take him over there yeah I’m just messing with you Jim hello hi hi

Beam oh my gosh par you sound better than yeah I was talking to uh I was talking to uh Destiny last night and she was like why don’t you just take one pill I said that’s smart oh thank you perfect I didn’t think about to be and I slept from 12:30 to 5:

30 so I was happy I slept 5 hours straight I was happy yay I get mad if I only got five hours sleep I’m only getting two or three hours a day is five hours is I’m winning yeah that would just there they would would want to divorce me because I’d be

Horrible to be around yeah I was trying to talk and could not make my the words from my brain go to my mouth I was just like stumbling on my words I was so tired yeah I had to get sleep but I’m good now Y and I feel a lot

Better I recorded some videos well not videos I sure yay I did my uh I’m trying to do my 100 day video and I got uh like halfway through stardew Valley this morning nice I played spring and summer straight I was like bro yeah sitting inside pretty funny come back come back where

Beam she said she’ll be right back I’m used to her saying stranger danger stranger danger I’m back stranger danger I had to utilize the facilities how dare you yeah so you still need a shield okay I’ll go back and get you Shield aren’t you wearing your breast plate there’s your

Shoes go get your Shield I’ll be right back I can’t wait to see what’s in this 1.6 update to start in I can’t either it’s a major Festival too many festivals late game concerts new items and craf and recipes joa alternativ new lines of dialogue winter outfits eight player

Multiplayer they could change it to where the money wasn’t shared that would be awesome new type of reward for completing billboard requests new Farm type new secrets and more it still doesn’t say when it’s coming out though but I’m excited about that um I don’t know why I thought it was already

Out hi Jims Chat they like you there somebody to be in his chat there they always ask about me where’s Paris that Paris in the back yeah they’re in here who it was I’m getting get I can see yes they I know I feel like so important you are important not everybody not to

CAD that doesn’t mean you’re not important that means I expect you to act better no oh you guys you guys show each other that’s how you guys Show Your Love yeah yeah what she said if CAD didn’t like you she wouldn’t rash you and I think it’s the same vice versa I know

For a to same because of our talks so yes I’m sorry I just rolled on you both yeah I’m G need you not to be a snitch don’t tell my secrets I know you love me I’m adorable oh heck yeah arabel you can come over and visit me for six months it’s

Cold I say come to my house going cleaning so you don’t want to come to my house you don’t have to clean over here you just sleep on the floor and we let the rats roll over you the rats I think i’ prefer to clean thanks um where are you Colby I’ve

Recalled you twice Cole I know per said when I come to visit I can sleep in the bathtub wow that’s awful nice over right but I have to clean it that’s the only terms and condition wow requ I called you twice and you won’t come pick that stuff up I really didn’t

Have to but if I want to you know sleep in slime otherwise I’ll be slip slide Yeah I feel so loved in this chat man you should right yeah talk about Harry Potter’s chat oh my goodness is that [Laughter] fight that’s fighting talk right there the Beamer off be’s going to go build an Airship wait a minute same game yes we are ma’am and

You’re building an Airship yes ma’am every time you’re good there oh I thought she was just playing oh yeah it’s warming sunny in Florida I live in Nebraska you w’t come here just snow today you don’t want come here which part of Florida are you in my daughter lives in Florida

Too uh oh I think mama’s home so they’re gonna mental that’s fine don’t worry about it my boy got to see and you didn’t cry this year that’s always a good thing right last year what I thought oh my God he was being tortured um what’s the arm

For I want a mod but I can’t why can’t you because I have to then I have to take it back off my 100 days is vanilla H uh C oh yeah I can’t mod no go tell Daddy go go lay down Oka Okala oh yeah Okala where she’s living I mean visiting

C over in Okala okay my daughter is in um like like like oh my God I just went blank like like like like L Lakeland that’s it Lakeland my brain wouldn’t click it was like it’s so funny cuz she’s not that far from my mom

Yeah go lay down where when I go visit for her for us all to meet up somewhere Ed how dare you tell me to lay down and I just got up are you a dog I prefer not to answer that no she’s a lot lizard it’s not the same

See I wasn’t even going to say anything okay I just but I’m sick everybody busting me out we are we wear short shorts knows are just so really really oh my God gr need jelly that’s going to go into my building sometimes you need jelly are you having

Toast I’ve never played the Four Corners farm and it’s freaking amazing oh yeah I love the Four Corners Farm it’s one of my favorites and this is crazy because I’m on like summer 15 on this one winter winter 15 and I haven’t even gotten my iron

Pickaxe and I’m all the I made it all the way to the bottom of the mine so must have been doing something good you just went to the mine every day I got a good sword though all right you’re happy and you know it say so what so what why is It God I feel like par who you are yeah you meant you know what I mean all right now my smel so down below is my smelter my St smelter my glass blower a couple checks concrete mixer oh yeah I have a chicken oh I should probably feed you probably be dead by

Now blacksmith Hut my mechanic and my stone all that’s all right you’re happy and you know clap your hands clap clap in the phone serial killer Katie right there hey I got my um my Black Friday headphones and I’m like you can hear everything now and I’m like oh no Paris

Is really going to hear me breathing right I need arrows I’m sorry Abigail but I promise I’m not going down to Florida that’s too far like 20 hours away kicking and streaming you know what it’s probably longer than that hold on let me see how far is

Oh I probably shouldn’t put it in the YouTube search no how you doing you decided to come back I’m calling you dude you know you’re an Archer running around with a wizard hat on come back here I like to take 25 hours I like to take the

Scenic trying to give them better armor and they all keep running off while I’m talking to them recall thank you oh crap crap P your butt uhuh you say shake your butt shake your butt I kind of can’t do that when I’m sitting down I’ll wait till I get up shake shake

Shake shake your booty dud you need to stop running off while I’m in the middle talking to you dude it’s rude awesome you can travel North that’s fine I’m okay with that just like wear a Parker and some Long John I need wood you know what I need to go I’ll just go get my oh I was just going to say Bobby yes didn’t finish it Bobby you’re disappointed in me Lisa already you didn’t finish it you know that’s my favorite oh I’m sorry na it

Bobby there you go you use either of those weapons because you’re a druid you don’t use the bow or the sword why do you have bow he’s like just in case oh she has a steel sword and a bow owner and that’s cool she’s going to use

It but I have never seen any of my Druids use no just throw the water bottles on your head Bo some of these sandstorms it is so hard to see yeah those get they get rough man all right where is there I know there’s scaffolding over here

And I’ve hit the point to where they’re being picky about what I can let them wear oh God I’m having to like run around with different types of armor on me to figure out who wants what uhhuh and they’re in these stupid overalls they’ve only got

Two armor why are you wearing overalls y that’s what they want to wear no that’s why they y don’t tell them to live their life I will that’s my job if they don’t want to put on Armor then they don’t have to put on Armor cuz

I said so that’s not how life works that’s how their life works you do as you’re told and you come no call ring the bell I’m no I don’t want to ring the bell I want to call my guard back I’m recalling a worker thank you come back

Here he didn’t want to listen he’s running around with just a breast plate don’t your people don’t like you cuz you rude I am rude give you they’re Like right you actually had on decent armor so let’s pop I’m very very glad they don’t do that cuz I would have been like no I can’t I can’t play the villagers did it too I mean uh you know what I’m talking yeah now that would just make me mad be

Like we need some armor I’m calling back come back where are you I’m back welcome back back welcome backf youf you’re useless what do you need um you have to walk along oh well if they take a trip and go visit you Paris they see half the United

States on their way to your house Florida I’m going to live with Katie okay Undertaker I’ll take dog meat out in the middle of the night I think that’s a fair trade here we go having I have unemployed it’s not me knowledge of the

Th oh see you I like you got all your hang on you need a you need a new sword dude uhoh everybody can come I don’t know where y’all going to sleep at but everybody can come visit that’s fine get a hotel I’ve got a place to

Sleep if I really need to go there I’ll hotel I have to go back out the only reason why CAD would come visit me is to beat me up because of something that I did that I didn’t have no business doing okay that I wouldn’t beat you up I might have a

Yeah like dang it per she wasn’t listening when we were talking so I had to come all the way to Nebraska to tell you to do this this way yeah yeah that sounds about right see the sad thing is she knows it could happen are you too hot honey I am that’s

Why I got the fan on me beam thank you I tried to turn the heater up for Linda but man hi Linda good morning Dve I don’t know why I thought today was Wednesday and I know Thanksgiving was on Thursday oh guess I wanted two Thanksgiving I thought it was Sunday today don’t worry oh you’re out the way fired okay I fixed it hun we W roast now I see my little sister today I was so

Happy who wear short shorts occasionally I wear short shorts I believe it why are you requesting you have I need some acorns did I repair the bridge I don’t think I Bridge all my scrolls are not working like squirrels my Scrolls oh they’re not they’re saying all my blocks are missing on my

Building that’s all the way back out no yeah oh I got a sweet pee I did not go to the dance because I was going to get rejected by my girlfriend of course I didn’t go all right it is Sunday for you guys haha well it is

Now hey don’t blame me blame Abigail I didn’t do it she bought it up I didn’t darn it Bobby bro how did you see me dig in the trash can stop looking at me have a why do you have a door watch you you have a door one of my

Guards had a door in his inventory probably walk by wants his house to be his home maybe but um no they’ve had some really crazy things that guards have cuz when other people walk by and they break things they walk by they them up yeah I was like what on Earth I mean

Building Supplies I’m like but especially if the if the guards live through the raid all the stuff that The Barbarians break they’ll scoop up but CAD doesn’t get raids so not fair I very seldom get raids it’s kind of funny and a little boring I’m trying to give you

Armor what yeah I need to go and get all that about looking E I need to go make up a whole bunch of random armor and get it on every citizen I have keep almost it’s not BR you obviously don’t want the chain mail I gave you I think I

Don’t so you got p we’ got really picky cards oh my god do I ever looks like either they’re wearing the diamond armor or they’re wearing m match armor like they want leather pants chain mail shirt a gold hat gold boots that sounds like that looks like me then so funny who

I’m this is the only Towers I’m going I’m done with my Towers I’m just doing the bottom part um thank God for the amount of stone I have I like how the iron oril looks now it’s GL I know all of yall want breast plates

I get it but nobody is taking the ones I have leather and iron on me so I don’t understand and gold and I have every piece of armor on me so we’re almost there now how you doing hey you actually got on the chain mail look at you all right I’m

GNA go AFK for a bit okay AFK everybody needs those crap nobody nobody knows it’s like I have a whole rack full of stone axes you know all the garbage ones from you know the barbarians they have them yeah I do combines and if I can’t

Combine them up and prepair them I trash them I just need to do a day of getting rid of all the random bits and bobs out of my warehouse because it’s taken up at least three racks because nobody uses them anymore all of my people that use A’s gonna you right back here

Sophia is mad because David left without her uh oh I try to talk him into taking her she’s going to Roberts but he’s like I don’t want to deal with her while I’m trying to get meat because we he got his deer in I like I get it that dog does not

Like it when you leave yay he took all my armor give me your crap back what you got crap that’s because this I haveu for you get the sheld hang come back gry with me I’m trying to take stuff from you see if I can give you a better sword

Yeah jingle Belling Bell I got the hiccups oh I see where they’re getting the doors when they’re doing the working here they’re Dro knocking doors off I just CAU one myself we call worker let’s see what you got on you okay it’s saying that my colony is no longer here what

Yep I restart it all the way back to curse Forge and none of my blocks are showing they exist it’s telling me in in the town hall I I’ll click on a block and it’ll say this block does not exist youi to that right here where the um Pi are right

Here it says it’s here there is there’s an existing Colony you own delete it before creating a new one yeah it’s it’s but it’s acting like that it’s just huh it won’t let me use my source Scrolls or anything um that’s a horrible bug to have yeah that that’s going to be bad

Come in and remove all of us beside you as officers okay what about maybe her restarting first I just did I went all the way back to curse Forge and started over okay okay I was I was away so I missed that okay yeah what happened my Colony has um not working at

All is the bug on my Colony oh no yeah and I have a feeling it’s a non-f fixable bug oh no yeah remove all of us and then relog again MH and see if it gives you access in it may have bugged because of

But what I can say is you got a lot further with your Colony than Cad and I did the one time before we bugged what what considering I wasn’t really hungry I sure did demolish my salad okay definitely removed because it just said Beware I should be

Fine wait why is my audio not playing what’s going on no I thought my audio was bucked but no it’s not it’s fine music is too loud they said oh oh there having a hard time hearing you yeah your music’s too loud I hear the lady but Jimmy tends to

Be mumbled to be fair Jimmy tends to mumble it’s a man thing uhhuh uhhuh yeahuh my husband does the same thing I was cing at anymore about it earlier in the store the lady behind me was smacking her husband going Ste okay as soon as I removed everybody

Everything back to normal it’s fine now okay so me and Jim because you know we’re the ones coming to help you the most yep and see if it doesn’t bug if it doesn’t bug or add Jim then add me then does hold on TP at least that was a

Fix he gonna get shot by the llas are riding her little yes they’re still riding it J it’s so funny isn’t that great I got them Redstone rails on them it’s hilarious all right um I’m like why is the Traer over here looking like what the hell oh he’s

Looking like what the hell because his llamas are like help stuck they spawned on top of me I was over there playing with the stuff over there and they landed in it it was great and then I’m trying to figure out how to get gem was helping me with the with the

Switches on the thing to get it to run on its own oh my gosh it was so funny and then they um the steam locomotive ran out of steam and so the just the carts are running now oh what do you need to do this oh you need water for

The steam locomotive yeah it ran out of water I filled it I have buckets I have buckets too oh I had I mean I filled it but I was like I’ll be back later okay gems been how do you fill it um you just um in a empty hand right click it

And then you put the water bucket one at a time in the top slot on the far right and then they’ll drop down and you take the bucket empty bucket out no it’s not giving me the option guess probably because I don’t have rights oh it’s right I haven’t gotten

Because it’s just inside my colony to Second hey Gem’s been added no oh no so you so C so you see the you see the you see where the top part is yeah but you had access I didn’t oh all I get is you do not have rights on this this this this Colony just wanted to watch the train go vroom vroom he’s almost fed it there goes there you go the take yeah it’s it’s great I was like that is too funny that’s oh that needs I don’t know what it needs um does it need does it need is the wood all gone that’s

What I’m just about to okay there we go oh got a little Ste coming out of it Too they’re like let’s go already uh oh it’s going the other way that is adorable isn’t that great yeah that’s that is the thing I think I’ve seen all night that’s right up there with the Villagers riding your trains oh that’s so easily entertained oh llas that we had this going right to

Eat Paris I don’t have anything to eat real life or game a game I’m not eating hops there we go there we go if chocolate coated it I would try it no no thank you my dad my dad said if you put chocolate on it that girl probably eat anything

Baby my ex-husband’s like no she won’t you got it there we Go today it’s Tuesday my head get my ey hit her in the head good you do the hokey pokey and turn yourself I don’t want her to CLA me in the head that’s all right oh that’s it sounds like fun though she back of my chair and I really

Don’t want to be cloud in the head I don’t want to eat hot peppers um don’t then do I want to eat grapes yes I go find me some fora sber I’m in summer ohs I wonder if oil works on understand why Myers are not who wrote the book of love

Hey what do you got on you do you have nothing okay thank you let me check your inventory oh yeah I can go to the what yeah called yep bath house yeah I got take a bath yeah there we go yeah my Booty’s dirty well you’ve been

Forging playing let me go in the women’s locker room I have to go into the men’s I’m so happy I beat Jasmine in the egg Festival hun it’s the best isn’t it it’s like the whole highlight of the playing the game you got to be the

Abigail yeah I was so happy happy I was like oh my God that’s the first time I ever beat her ever and then I beat her twice I hear this she likes Violet Violet guys are awesome all the guards are running you’re turning violet Violet you what happened I missed my

Girls now we need is Destiny yep I want to thank her my voice but she saved my life I can’t thank her in person so I have to thank her by voice oh by telling you to take your medicine mhm no she just told me to take half the dose and I didn’t even think about

That oh to be fair you are sick thinking par you’re sick thinking hard I mean if the doctor tells you to take two then you take two I do what the doctor says so I can get better but feel like I was on a bender or something I like why can I not

Sleep oh not fun can I get to Clint that’s pass oh I have mine carts open in this one yes yes yes yes okay I can get my iron not the iron ho I don’t want the iron ho all right so that’s done so I can do I want the steel

Axe or the steel pickaxe probably want pickaxe yeah I’ll get the pickaxe first Hy do you want some sammon Berry jelly did you just call me dirty wow do you need to take a bath e why are you dirty you need to take a bath is that anything

Like I’m mad at her she just called me dirty yeah I’ve never seen that you’re mad at her CU it must be true I’m mad cuz she shouldn’t have just told everybody she should have pulled me to the side and be like hey you kind of stink okay okay that’s why you’re upset

Not that it’s not true I just you didn’t no yeah she had to tell the whole world she could have just told half the world you know what I’m saying is it messing up again sh it’s not registering that I just gave him something it’s registering computer my whole computer yeah the half

The computer going to log everyone so I will see you tomorrow okay no night no night Moon still getting better so keep getting better Nabbit Bobby I’m sorry par I said it for you before you got off I know and I’m glad I heard it Willie I need a rod

Sir please go back in your shop so I just gave you a piece of aridium and you spit my face okay all right all right This Means War this range wall he was like oh you like things like that who doesn’t like a rium you

Ass stop it Paris just stop it you need to take a break I didn’t even mean to give him that when you start your day you know what beam that is not a bad idea I was all the way at the end though I was at like 900 p.m. yeah but if it

Bothers you that much restart your day he took my already up pretty but you gave it to him I didn’t mean to I tried to give him the peach it’s not his fault it is they should do like the other game and be be like you know what

I don’t like this I’ll let you keep it in your inventory who’s not going to like it it’s a good quality uh item exactly okay then you should be more careful about what you give away uh-uh you know what B I don’t like you B can’t ad she

Up no I did not he did he messed up he didn’t take it for my love and affection and he took it because he’s like wow what an idiot all right fair enough like you want to give me this crap whatever like I don’t feel the love

Tonight yeah and he probably put it in his dress or drawer is like yes Paris gave me this right he’s going to save it forever and ever and wor it see aren’t youy going to worship you I mean it probably got pee on it every

Night I just want to give him stuff so I can go in the back room that’s it oh she wants to get in the back room with him the truth comes out she wants to get are you trying to get in with a mayor who left his shorts at someone else’s bedroom

Uh yeah I see I can I sense your come leave short in my room I S you’re digging yourself a grave again yeah it’s already yeah there’s no getting out of this right there’s no getting out of this one I’m not even going to try no thank you for the laugh Parish I

Appreciate that yeah get Forest yeah I guess I’m glad I did start the day over because I made a chest by accident all right I’ll be right back wor I have a star fruit nice nice are you okay yeah I’m good sorry I thought you was singing I didn’t

First then I realized she wasn’t I moved in a direction I probably should not have but it’s okay it’s all right things going to be all right all right okay I’m just going put my gas Oh e I don’t want to eat the blueberries I got to eat the melons blueberri

Blueberries cuz I passed out I don’t feel the love tonight cuz you’re not thinking really hard about it everybody mess with me but Moon she’s not here she didn’t mess with me before she got off um that’s cuz she’s was um really tired yeah she she wanted to get off a

While ago but she stayed yeah a she knew I was coming on a well actually be honest about it she’s like when’s CAD getting back I’m going to yeah I’m like about this time she goes okay oh so she stayed off for CAD she didn’t think you were she didn’t

Think you were showing up cuz usually you show up by now or at least message that you’re going to show up later I’m sorry no you had a life today that’s good I had to sleep today hey that’s that’s that’s that’s even better yeah that that trumps at all man

Yeah yep you needed that everybody’s like God parachute sound like crap like you look like crap stop talking about me welcome back Katie well welcome back I was like oh dang Paris you look like crap oh why why do you guys mess with me because if we don’t gold Harry Potter yes hi

Hi bye hello how rude I am not rude how rude CAD is rude how rude you in your quiet room I can make a quiet room no can you not I’m in here minding my business I restarted my day upgrade tools I need a h i want an axe or a

Pickaxe ax or a pickaxe a digging in the Trash chras Christmas party I need a horse the I gota go it is out here move to act a ladylike and be polite and look like a girl don’t burn when you do all those things okay that’s innocent polite I’m polite when I need to

Be my old boss used to say Mary is a good a cat is a good chameleon blend in wherever I need to some days better than most really that’s all your me is that door pick it up flying everywhere is that Spruce boun a lo I need a trap B

Right yeah let it rain now let it rain let it rain Me and this catfish we going to fight we going to get it all I need another thing stop you get hang on your sister stuck oh God blind dogs are oh I just I shouldn’t have uh yeah it’s okay I canix eat some trout soup is your Colony

Working properly now Katie I’m still loading in CU I was all the way out so it’s taking an extra minut for it to load [ __ ] one two fall down oh yeah of course I just got a I just got a jav checker saying you have an update available there you

Go of course as soon as I start to load in it tells me where was this Rod all my life shut up C shut up har Potter you said it not us you laughed at it not me we didn’t answer though we l worse we could answered Goodbye is a bre wow but we love anyways I don’t like can you not do that sir no I like aggravating you oh I caught a puffer fish let’s go puffer fish the worst thing you could ever get out of the game I’m sorry I need this treasure box okay dang it

Bob I missed the fish I got the treasure boxes so but it didn’t matter because I didn’t get the fish yeah don’t work like that can I get this one yes I got this one a fish and tackle wore off all right so now should be all done now are you

Really now I can go back inside I do have horn still no sh horn and wild crocodile there’s my gator girl today I miss your pretty face did I not buy this now I can Zippity Zippity it’s only some of the blocks it’s only some of the blocks that

Are messed up not all of them so weird I did it why CAD doesn’t mess with any of main stuff like that CAD would have done it if she did had access so CAD did it I don’t think I do have access I just ate bread out the trash

Can why am I not shocked shut up CAD fzy oh fuzzy me where did you come from fuzzy me stop it it’s not fuzzy it’s furry I was corre oh my bad my bad oh furry me oh furry me Shut Up’s Gonna Hate both of us today this is not just me here

She mad at you too right now not mad mad s it if you’re not then I’m not doing my job properly upset with myself around no I’m not doing the annoy properly heck thanks I do appreciate it so I can oh my God I love this fishing pole

Man oh it loves you too can you stop it does not this fish don’t I didn’t get the treasure chest that time a cuz the fish was more important he did you at least get the fish I did I got the fish hey hey hey goodbye let’s go one by one Lot come on let me catch you I put you in my Lake awesome yes I got two oh God my nose is the is it Right I caught so many sturgeons but I cannot sell them why not because I need them for my um fish tank thing I forgot what they give you I need them the fish ponds they give you the surgeon row yeah there we go see trying to be rich like

Katie right now I only earned 81,000 and I’m in Fall I don’t think I’m hitting a million go get there yeah you will I wanted to do it before the end of the season I mean the end of the year I don’t think that’s going to

Happen and I was also supposed to get married I don’t think there’s enough time no to the chapel and she’s not I’ll be right back Guyss with who with bars who’s bars jail oh wow I’m getting married in jail Wow I was surprised you didn’t get that Paris no I thought you said with bars I’m like no yeah like bars on the wall [Applause] wow I thought that was stardy person I was missing like BR do you take your WAFF what what the hell yeah my Waffle

Leed husband she had some beer with long as beam and dib come I’m okay yay could be the Y invited to my inmate wedding yeah what if the inmate that’s in there for life is the one I put there right I not going to be good that’s okay you be a

Witness I couldn’t go visit my brother in prison all he wanted was me to come see him and I’m like I can’t do it Bud they’ll kill you as it was the sheriff’s I thank them so much because you know uh they protect him but he was it’s not a

Tower um better it’s not a tower it’s a castle what about no better is saying oh he’s busy building his Tower like it’s not a tower it’s a castle it’s a castle about you looking so good Joe oh he’s not paying attention liby yeah liby that to be fair we all are we

We go he wants to who want to show all his uh shiny teeth you know no he don’t want to be blushing all in the camera make him look kind of conceited I don’t know I’m just making things up I’m trying here Jim are you still playing mod

Free am I playing what mod free on your started oh yeah yeah what did you think she said I don’t know what I thought she said I can’t even I think I did yeah mod three that’s I thought she said Miss Molly please please please

Don’t do that Mama might throw up on you please don’t do that cuz I I could I couldn’t it’d be horrible we’d all start a big old train of it it’d be horrible I thre open Katie’s hair first I got lots of hair too it’d be a

Messer the other day and had to warn Jim and Katie they were going to hear me occas remember that I play out the fridge it’s really gross to do it like once every other week because I just we we oh we’ll eat this later no you don’t yeah

I usually do to do pretty good about it but my men don’t eat leftovers except for Thanksgiving leftovers that’s different okay but wish I knew somebody was Thanksgiving leftovers I do not oh I have none left we do they scraped the last DT sorry last night I have the room

Ready for you you uh you said you C that big we didn’t but they don’t eat like oh yeah yeah yeah that’s right debb on so it’s like I will be um probably doing some seal tomor while I’ll be doing some let’s see I’m going to pretend that

I know what that is but can you explain it to me sealing meal it’s a machine where you vacuum seal the food in it and takes all the air out preserves it and then you can freeze it and it’ll last a long time won’t get freezer burn or

Nothing yeah I know what you’re talking about I never knew what it was called yeah she see I’m I’m pretty smart a little bit all right what was I doing Harry Potter you are being summoned in your chest yeah I know said yes I’m I’m reading I’m just waiting for the

Reply your light on your laser is so bright I I know I changed mine to purple I’ve changed it as well and it’s still the same color this is why I look like yeah you just it in the inside yes better dang it you dumb chicken dang it chicken stop making me

Leave the gate open same can I I can’t jump the fence in this can I nope probably not um I got spoiled on other games that shall not be named I need my freaking axe back okay I know you no it’s I thought she said assets hey

Dude yeah dang we nuking the humans I like that name he’s an old old friend of mine as well um I like that name he’s n of the humans what is he put away part of my to yes all right I’m going to the UK to meet Ray so we can have

Coffee you come to the UK and don’t meet me I’m gonna beat you up well if I go drink coffee with Ray then I’m drinking coffee with Jim too so yeah I don’t think they drink coffee without each other [Laughter] I just need friends to drink

Coffee I drink lots of coffee I drink creamer coffee with my creamer does that count yes yes same CAD same I was like I want to go drink coffee un you going where you going Mom dad’s already gone what’s going on she does not like shoes dog me always thinks if I put

Shoes on we’re going somewhere I’m like I’m just going to put the garbage in the can that’s all I’m doing she’s treding to crawl in my lap so I can’t leave well dog me carries my shoes off she’s touch Sho she knows better oh no dog meat carries he doesn’t hurt him he

Just Picks Them Up and Carries him around not even allowed to acknowledge they exist he does it with um shoes and socks those are the two things baseb hats yeah she’s probably eat 20 20 baseball hats oh yeah B expensive eyasses the only thing he rips up are

His the babies that I give him he doesn’t do any ripping of anything else she doesn’t she doesn’t tear up any of my stuff she goes after David’s but now he’s I’m a little spite for some days what’s really funny is when he carries no issues they’re as big as his

Head and so it’s funny I’m like really swimsuit what I want to know swimsuit I don’t like this all right guys I’ll be back in a few minutes I’m just going to stay in chat no worries no get out she been messing with me all day

I’ve been messing with her all day well not all day since I’ve been on MH we love each other all right there we go be mess with me but she mess with me as much as she usually does not well I’m glad I got to talk to you oh I

Have a new account as my TVs got hacked I’m not having any Lu with my accounts I’m okay I will be reopening the um realm again at some point this it’s down for the time being as soon as I bring it back up online yeah I

Will uh yes I am building another Castle there I am and I’ll see how I go I like my cars this one’s better than the will stream Tonight did you say you’re going to stream tonight no I said she said are you going to stream tonight I said he probably will heck no I’m not streaming I’m making a 100 days video I’m not he no I still got 30 hours left I can’t no

You can’t but then again you can’t you can’t destroy the other one as the Realms down at a moment be don’t be breaking his stuff oh bear I know um I know bear from Bear’s a close friend of mine okay never should hey Mikey how you doing man welcome to the

Stream be like Jim when I grow up when you grow up when I grow up I want to be famous I want to be a tell where our generation is it worked awesome um hold on that reminds me um You know what Paris I think Jim needs something at his house he needs something fabulous they want know I said I need to take stuff that’s fabulous to your house okay let’s see how many should I take oh all these this will this will work uh

Stop making me laugh cuz when I laugh I cough H isy where should I put them that warm water is so good they should go right here beis thank you what do we put in chat for that not cookies damn um hashtag hashtag yes hashtag boring we put Eiffel Tower for

Paris in chat right there what what where is it there you well I shall not not I shall give what is the there we go I’ll do this a dude you have not I’ll do this a dude have not what you weren’t supposed to see anything what I do no now I just

Saw um about three months membership dude thank you so much much say what do we put in chat for it oh yeah it’s fine but no I do appreciate Tower in there too I do appreciate the um three months yeah do appreciate it it goes a long

Way um no I haven’t be I haven’t tried uh the front yeah oh what is that it’s another game I’m going to look it up it’s but I like it What did airball ask it didn’t get answered I have no idea I don’t know I didn’t see anything did you mean to tell me I’ve actually played okay yes you have but uh you’ve actually played a game before I have do you want know cookie do you want know God

Metal I would like both what game are we talking about the the front go yeah me and you played it with army manom oh I did I give you a cookie I forgot about that oh wow everybody played it before you apparently it’s a really cool game let’s

See J if it makes you feel any better I didn’t play it better you me as ining at the moment am I streaming tonight it depends I already answered that didn’t I I think you did I’m Wai for her to answer yeah she asked was he streaming

Tonight that’s the only thing I saw streaming no this their Sunday right now she deleted the question she originally asked I didn’t get um so I am I’m in chat with Paris kti ktie hey hello C and hello guys ban hey everybody oh yeah my signature wait good

Morning yes I was wait I was waiting for that Governor threw us all off we were all like what huh hello Governor me well I guess you could say you’re the governor want to be the governor hello oh m this I just picked up Stone off the

Ground I’m trying to follow around your your Castle I was walking and I’m like oh thank you I have stone remember I’m you you’re just whacking remember my oldest yes I remember your oldest what’s happened barrels barrels what mods do you have on your we

Have all the mods we have so many mods it’s called all the mods nine mhm so it’s probably easier to figure out what we don’t have than what we do have because I think there’s like what 404 yeah just I I just rebooted three times yeah we are as hell now

Dang H still older than us Yeah what well at a moment um no worri there um I have to sort that out as well at some point sort out the baby no sort out the um I was going to say I don’t have a kid no um have an adult I don’t have a kid no more I’m an

Adult I have to SW how did you how how did you get in there lady hang on Angela here I’m just GNA say rose can’t for you hello welcome to the stream welcome welcome welcome to the stream I hope you’re having a wonderful evening night wherever you are I see what okay

I was like yeah it took me a second well I was trying to figure out where he was digging at and I couldn’t find him anywhere then I’m like oh never mind there he is I’m below um yeah I I found your path I was trying to say I’m

Right if you go to the front over here here hi down here oh I was like I was following everything around I’m like I figured I’d come see what you’re doing no oh there there we go wor Place pleas just sucking up all the stuff having fun

There and why do you have a question you need compost okay I’ll get you some I got plenty I got to make that bigger uh hold on one two three four two three okay so I need to I didn’t see that so um so what was your

Um what was the these gifts you’re going to give oh they’re already upstairs oh Dr best stuff off a while back dude I know do been [Laughter] pishy this to BU my enchant is this five if you are can yes my Plantation is you get your cocoa beans or the other

Yeah well I’m also going to lay down more Co U Plantation Fields this should be good night good night sweetie so we should be technically now the r has fine oh not you fine fine okay I see how it goes kill kill him no the guy that was trying to fight

Me hey s welcome to the stream dude uh don’t go I was going to say just be careful cuz yep I saw it right here just this is the next Tower I’m clearing right okay uh now we can kind of I love this now good where’s the I need to charge my thing

Soon oh that’s not the right Child I watch too much song means something completely different to me horck on that one first time I heard that song was a movie a heads and a de bag wait I heard sex education and the rolling in a b what I said Back to the Future that’s I

Mean I had already heard it before that but it’s in Back to the eight heads in a duffel bag it’s a movie yeah I’ve got the doctor came out you go to sleep you’re the the Sandman takes you over and body watch really weird crap it’s not better than uh Hannibal

Wait Hannibal cannibal the movie The Musical welcome back could be interesting maybe miss the rain in the other game I was just day years old when I found out that I don’t have any freaking um excuse me I don’t have any uh those I don’t want to eat the freaking pepper e the

Pepper but I look so proud carrying the pepper that I’m just grew like yes I just screw Peppers I’m amazing so I have to hang it above my head how how proud Yeah I’m glad I made beam laugh wait hold on I need to not right she misses me I miss Jojo I Know I just want to give her oh it’s that that’s that Rafe yeah the r is our friend yeah ran out of water hi you little dumb chicken huh okay so that’s where it is if you eat my plants you will get sold I’m assuming she’s talking to her game right yeah hope

So you never know you never know when it comes to Paris I will sell you told you not to eat my crap M that sounds like me welcome back Louis uh stream sure good thank you very much dude it’s going Splendid thank you very much for asking how do I get in the

Back I have not done this side whoops how dare you I’m like I’m just clear in the middle that’s why I don’t break anything no no no it’s not you I thought I did this side apparently not how’s work being D um it’s been good thank you yeah I’m a

Do the monsters I got to go slay some GS okay have fun with that um I did a dumb thing oh God what did you do that was too easy oh okay ter did not PL any tomato seed oops oops it is day 18 yeah don’t they take quite a bit to

Grow they take 11 days I’ll just I’ll just thinking I head I’m like 11 days and then it’s like every cor oh Lord how many days were there in a mon maybe if I put the 28 shut up CAD maybe if I put the speed grow on them 10% you’ll

Save a day and a half a day that’s good that’s good I’m okay with that cuz I need them for the community center I was like dang why is it taking these tomatoes so long to grow everything else is grown but the tomatoes okay that’s what I

So does this go up to the other blocks then in the ceiling yeah it you should see the you should see yeah you should see um but I need to so this technically should be oh there it is okay I see it now I it want to accidentally hit anything

Yeah don’t want to break his Tower the tower of power Break like I just Did duct boes around I don’t know how to count seems building the M I know this is this is what we’ve been talking about for I don’t know why I have no idea okay um open up your menu to change your mining supposed to be so is that is that you

Yeah you want those colors yeah I just see I lighten mine out so you’ve got it set for bright that’s why so you have to you can just do them in the middle they’ll still be the same color it just not be as bright if you put them like in

The middle of the bar no that changes the color because that’s the actual colors um oh wait that’s not bad right there are you trying to preview me try that it stays green do edit edit do Fade blocks click where it says fade blocks I wonder if it’s his shaders hold

On click yeah click that shrz mine don’t have that click click click that again because it should be give me a second um video Shader enabled no it is my shads it is a shaders it is the shaders yeah okay so if with shaders you’re going to have it bright

Yeah yeah cuz that’s what mine has mine doesn’t have like the the bright light bulb with it yeah mine doesn’t either and I’ve got hot pink on mine I just have to I just I just have to use this for the time being and then then you can always change it

You’re out and about yeah so it’s the shaders okay but that’s easy to fix too so yeah is and I need to I totally on the wall no I’ve uh I just you should have oh God e e e e e e don’t look [Laughter]

Um he just went past my present what I did not see your wait what oh okay you’ll never be hungry ever again you do realize I’ve got like some of oh my I just saw that I just flipped over to the video and looked oh [Laughter] Well oh that was a l and off now I did that um when you jumped in dude uh speaking of Ro you I have seen it but I’ve never played the game uh Deep Rock Galactica oh it’s so much fun it’s it’s been in my wish list

Forever and I still have it broke down and got it it looks so fun it’s Fun I think they like it I’ve watched people play it and it’s just looks like it’s a lot of fun get out from under my desk Mister that is not a thing your desk he’s as tall as my desk it shakes the whole desk care they’re going to make me play that game

Now not right now but in head play this game y yeah that sounds like fun I miss that game they actually have a DLC out for it be are you are you good are you okay I’m okay I’m going to bed night night night nuke

I will catch you in the next one dude thank you so much for coming in I do appreciate it good night nuke I still love your name have a good night she going to blow up the world with you and I’m not joking she probably would thanks for the

Follow thank you so much thank you so much for the follow um what was his name the big melon apparently um how did you get out of there dude I think I got it on sale like last year for a dollar and I was like you can’t beat the

Dollar and I played it and I have fun be right back no and they online multiplayer people ain’t toxic well the people that um Mike Plays with they’re funny as hell anyway well I don’t I don’t have any friends that play that game so I was just like in random

Matches usually when you play with randoms they’re butt faces some of them are y I say usually not all the time don’t worry Jam I put it back what did you do I just took I ended up taking a block out by acent it’s fine don’t

Worry I think she did it accidentally on purpose cuz you didn’t like her [Laughter] gift it was only about 50 chickens but it was like 200 eggs wow okay now now now no oh no when I I took like 200 eggs over there it only got about 50 chickens

So it was a yeah that was it that was so I was like you got to put him in the dangest places like on top of paris’s roof right on the top bar with glass and she could see them but she’s like how the heck did he get up

There I try to get him all to stay in the where his squares are welcome to the stream dud they kept jumping out yeah it has been a long time my dude I am streaming over on Twitch as well um Power I need a barn I like when I can being busy no

Dude you’re all good I’m not fuss about people Ling L away I lur well that’s a I be twerking and and lurking now got to be different I just be in my chair twerking and lurking watching videos but he is smiling I’m playing with ACH ladies better than playing with many

Guys have their own playing with it all right let’s see um that goes there be twerking and lurking that’s fine it looks like you need an upgraded pickaxe to destroy this okay so CAD yo uh Kae huh I was just about to say if you

Um click on go over go on to my stream I’m on um the green button she’s just gifted Subs if you click on that um if you click on on the um the two you should say it should say accept uh allow gifts yeah then when when she does a you told

Me where to click that I don’t remember where to click that if a that’s so cute thank You wow thank you so much for the five gift um gifted memberships much appreciate it um it will be so if on so you see the green bar where she’s yeah just iow yeah allow them I don’t see the green bar click click where it says she gifted I don’t see any um

Chat really what refresh it takes a second if you just got in yeah I’ve been in uh no I just hit it now show it yeah it just it doesn’t show did it show my where I typed in test no are you in the right yeah I’m watching Jim he’s he’s taking blocks

Down um it’s basically gemstar 89 power gamer yeah uh thanks for the follow let’s see I’m I’m watching the YouTube One yeah which is am I watching the well I see you I don’t see test do it share your screen real fast okay mine says allow so now it’s allowing so next Time let me and then there’ll be a oh I got the chat I I went and redid it in the chat there now okay do you see still share my screen do you see oh yeah I just did allow okay so next time next time they do it next time turn it

On there go yeah so next time next time she uh she does gifts you’ll be you’ll be into grab one so they are only a monthly one just to let you know oh yeah yeah yeah so I’ve donated many in places and see them in places when I drop in to check somebody

Out but no I I thank you very much for the gifts much appreciated can I get a hashtag in can I get a hashtag IG girl Rose in a chat for me please he I’m going to going to be a butt you’re going to be different I know you are mhm is

Different what are you going to do oh Arabella did it that was nice arabel that was nice of you to do it for too click the wrong button Jim how did you get the restream B to your YouTube chat um are you free tomorrow um

Power if you are I will I’ll um go through it with you bud yeah I will go through you um tomorrow or today cuz technically yesterday now no is it what is it really today is it really yeah yes unfortunately it is for us because power is British as well

Sorry not that you’re British it’s already today yeah I know sucks for it sucks for us don’t it yeah I know trust me feel sorry for me feel sorry for the he said we’re British I’m sorry no it yeah did to be fa to be fair

There’s aies that come in are coming to the stream and they’re like 12 hours ahead of us um we’re living in the past it’s okay no worries dude thank you so much for coming in I do appreciate it me the lottery numbers if y in the

Past we’re in the past they’re in the future being British isn’t that bad uh you might want to say that um that cat is fired no it’s because a good friend of mine she’s Welsh so she’s fired no read the chat read the chat crazy lady read the chat read the

Chat oh okay said something I was like I didn’t say anything no it’s um me and go me and uh PA no you know when I say oh you’re so pretty yeah it’s a southern thing a blond moment that was what you just did I know you

Are I don’t even know what that means what are you’re so pretty no what is Welsh what is that is this country Welsh so UK is made up of Scotland ass and with a Welsh an Ireland just fired because I failed well she’s basically right next to us is a part of us

Yes uh or Paris I’m still pretty though right CAD of course you are thank you thank you cuz I feel a little less dumb right now just a little bit just a t quiet I think I’m sorry she’s like what happened what it’s all right you’ve been sick well you’ve been sick yeah

Notame we can blame it on the pain meds blame blame it so I’m trying to move my barn right I thought you was going to say something C I did too it’s not built it’s not built yet it’s not built getting mad is my barn you’re

Fired just a little bit you’re tired and don’t feel good you might need to take a break I’m sitting up here like why do I not see the outline of my barn because I’m trying to move it yeah it’s okay it is the UK the English pick on

The wor and the Scotti of yeah that is true well in the US they pick on the Paris so she asked for it somay she enjoys it sometimes not all the time which way is I don’t making said I’m so pretty though so that’s all it matters nobody tell her very

Bright the f is bright the future is bright the future is pris A I know I feel special haha take that I refuse to be assimilated shut upow World War 3 Wow Katie do you watch Doctor Hood yes I do okay that’s what do we what we talking about now well assimilation is Star Trek the board it’s also don’t the actually my bad extermination extermination extermination extermin exterminate um I’m still working on your pickaxe don’t rush me

Ma’am I’m a stir thank you very much he was he’s joking um say I don’t pick on Irish yeah you do you pick on me you don’t care you’re Texan you’re Texan not Irish I’m trust honey I’m Irish I’m Irish and Me I’m Irish I don’t know what my parents were thinking

Breeding look my dad they were like we’ll just name Indian my mom is Irish do you know what p no need some like it’s very it’s very very you know muted out at this point so I don’t want to be all by myself all by myself I knew it was

Coming it’s the best Song it’s like the signature song No I’m not never CAD never going to be by Myself won’t let me be by myself you have to do what brag it eventually oh just got to get up and do it what weapons do you have oh I mean I got to get all that done too I’ve been working on my Colony not the yeah you know how I

Am she’s got her clubs and sticks and rocks right I’ll go throw bow at them yeah that that is true that is true U Mikey most of the best metal bands are from W was like Detroit of the UK okay tells me a lot about Wells to be fair the um so

Whenever because of if you’ve ever seen uh how because of the Welsh has such a long uh they name the towns in the most weirdest names ever and um everybody would go over to W and go go science broken because it’s because it’s so they have it’s not like a simple name

It’s every syllable every letter Under The Sun It’s like there was a there was somebody who said could you pronounce such and such um can you pronounce this a Welsh name or town name I have to find it but yeah the Welsh has um have the most intrigued G

Thing one two three one two three I can’t count that high stop it we’re helping you count that half 1 two three four oh no beam guess how many coins I have many coins yeah I said guess 10,000 zero trans what that the Price Is Right what happened to your money

Honey I just bought a a barn the one that I tried to move oh jeez how did that go it then I moved it pass a whole lot I have to go to the mines and I have no pickaxe but I have to smel yes I am I just have to my smelters

Over there but I hope I could pick him up with his axe yes I Can I love Gold Austin Powers a freaking dandelion well I thank you why thank you a Viber really I haven’t heard from him Oh I thought you talking to me is what are you talking about no um a British comedian I need B I haven’t heard I haven’t heard anything from him in a

While buy my cards B wake up we have a visitor oh you see him over there oh I sold all my weapons I got a thousand now let’s go hopefully she don’t get attacked yeah I was just about to say that no I got my obsidian Edge you sold some of your

Weapons okay Miss technicality lonus will you please take my root um kill me and I’m like me he doesn’t like me chopping down the trees and the forest so I can get some wood I don’t want to be out by myself I want to be with other people go to the community

Center good sh them is junimos them is not people I don’t want to talk a little dancing boogers I’m okay really they’re green and they look like they’re slimy I’m okay they’re not dancing boogers that’s me haris how I didn’t even do anything I can’t help what they

Are they can’t help what they are they should learn to help it they are what they is and then they they fix things in the middle of the night and then they just dance on your screen like E makes me want to just get the tissue and put it on the screen like huh take it I have no wood anywhere I chop down every piece of wood in this game a lot of clay I need 5,000 more goodness gracious great balls fire okay um I knew I needed them bat

Wings so Lee Evans um Mikey he comes from where me and Ray live well he’s a um he’s an N boy I want no parts of this Stone 999 wood I can’t make hops in there whatever happened to Army mom coming back um she she wasn’t feeling good did she call was she

Here no she was our channel oh I I thinking I don’t remember okay guys is done I am heading out okay no worries good night good night I’m sad she out quick she tired girl I didn’t do that that was like that

What oh no no no no no no I know I know there was uh I know there was water down here oh no there’s no water down here no it was um the it’s not lining up there’s a couple spots no I will line it up once

I I’m just taking the stone out and the gravel don’t believe her no I am following the lines I’m fixing if I accidentally go outside the lines I fix it that sounds like a lie she’s giggling no I am fixing it I could see outside so I put the blocks

Back okay that doesn’t sound like a lie well I have a laser beam and it kind of goes to the other side funny though that could so she sounded so innocent when she said it like I saw it I had to fix it I seen outside and I just left it

There would have been like n fixing that yeah you paid me to take crap apart not put together that sounds like me do I need a hard wood fence or a regular wood fence I think I need a regular wood fence no no I just need a

Gate what oops country songs in my head sorry better Katie broke it again I think she doing it on purpose no it’s it’s actually when I’m up against the wall The Good The Wall I’m not supposed to break I’m using my diamond pickaxe so I don’t laser beam it but then my diamond

Pickaxe goes to the side too it’ll sometimes it’ll um it’ll um do two Blocks I just don’t feel like dealing with my Colony right now so I’m digging I’m mining you know what I can’t even be mad about that I just passed out where’s kibble when I need him cbles and bits and cbles and bits CRA e a thunderstorm is coming JoJo Mar

Took all my freaking money Deus wants a no she pass out oh yeah mind you I only had zero coins and then I had a th000 and then I spent them so I probably had about 30 coins so they can have a little three coins I don’t think I’m going to miss

Them too much that later I’m about to throw a party party party because I have lightning rods let’s go lightning rod coming in a store cuz I need batteries I can get in Willie’s back room bring Demetrius a melon Demetrius uh you know what I love

You we are like best best as friends but um I don’t think I want to give you my Melon No F hey Noah he’s being a weirdo hi Noah he’s being a weirdo the dog I don’t know what he’s doing Noah he’s been like this for the past half hour

No there’s something outside I don’t know what it is oh I don’t know I don’t know he’s crazy you talk about my dog me he’s seeing um Sophia’s unicorns oh yeah oh man that dog I would really like to know why I got a barn and I can’t afford a

Cow don’t have a cow man I have to have a cow don’t have a cow man cuz I need is milk and I need to make cheese I didn’t name any of my animals after CAD this time I appreciate that although I wouldn’t mind being AET if you find a parakeet and stardo

Please let me know those are the things I would like to be parakeet I wish mind being kitty cat oh no I don’t know what my cat’s name is I ain’t seen my cat since I got him my bad pet on her grab his dumb

Melon don’t want to get him I was trying to say melons are not dumb I don’t want to give them to him CL can I can we have me pickaxe thank you thank you I can’t upgrade it to Gold because uh I only have 58 gold

So I don’t think that’s the thing that’s going to happen anytime soon what I can do all right I’m going to quickly have a smoke I’ll be right back okay that’s not allowed keep telling that nobody okay he didn’t listen to me either I thought was horrible for him oh

Wait I think I tell Paris the same thing and she doesn’t listen either I’m going to need you not to mess with us you like how quickly that changed dirty dirty habits dirty girl oh this is gonna get expensive got to do my town hall upgrades on for level

Five and it’s a lot of gold and and honestly gold has been harder than diamonds to keep yeah gold block well it doesn’t help that they want gold uniforms and gold tools right oh yeah they’re very particular about what they want yeah and gold is garbage all right so I’m thinking um I

Need a whole bunch of Yonkers I can put some cows now in this front yard too I’ll the wait till he goes back to work then sneak over all right send him a message and be like Katie’s over there messing with your your area I could just cover it in

Flowers well I figured it was covered in flowers when he got it because it was my um flower power area or no it was was it my Lavender Fields I don’t know all I know was it had flowers it was and it wasn’t too hilly until he

Decided to level it even with the water there’s is going to be all by herself right this goes this way dude dude oh I broke through to the other side he shot green stuff at Me well I’ve been just um going the opposite way he was and I finally came back Around I’m just glad my gun was mostly charged oh that’s why okay like this isn’t right there we go now it’s fixed I was like okay I just took this Dirt away and there’s a big opening it was like a dip in where he must not have put any blocks down yet

I’m watching these vultures attack this zombie oh wow they just killed it three vultures killed a zombie in real life in the game I know I was just messed with you I hope you Ain watch the zombies really cool she’s got them in her backyard you know that’s what Sophia’s always barking at

People stop be alert be alert like Mom Mom I know you see these zombies out here quit playing show me the way out come on gotta do something come on you want to see this how do I get out uh oh Jim they’re doing something how do I get out I’m

Telling you passed it come back come back to me oh okay then inside is up here Dam they’re doing something what happened they’re doing something I told you I’m telling they’re doing something they’re Whispering they’re like try how do you get out they’re doing something teleport to them they did something

Bad I’m a good friend I told wow what you guys do what did y’all do there oh my God two cows and a [Laughter] sheep Katie quick how do I get out wow that’s funny I told you they did something Jim he wouldn’t have been able to miss

That one I do have something for you but I don’t want I need a place to put it oh here’s chest right here it’s giraffe I wouldn’t trust that Jim I give you a couple of animal yers so that you can pick those up if you want I wouldn’t

I trust I don’t trust that Jim there’s that I need room in the chest okay here it is last item in this chest fre later look come back that was funny how do you get out well awesome what where how do you get out Katie very last one no keep going oh

Okay and then you just shift click to pick them back up beam left at the wrong time man that was funny whated Abigail least I left you a way to pick them up was just saying good night to beam oh maybe I see oh I don’t know yeah I saw that

CAD I threw eggs I always throw eggs I’m always throwing eggs but I’m didn’t getting them out of my inventory they came from your area it counts they go back to your area my fault did you Katie did it that’s fine God that was funny get out one

Of yeah Abigail was saying good night to beam oh okay so you saw the funest Abigail um Um don’t don’t hit there don’t hit there okay all right so now this all right gotta figure out that way okay oh maybe you’re not ignoring me did you hear me nope nope what did you say I said I asked if Katie know the purpose of the skull

Key the skull key opens up the sewers I don’t think that’s correct ma’am do not open the sewer no it opened something though oh no the skull key Caverns at the desert I’m sorry Sorry funny all right I’m need’s probably like they’re never coming back in my stream again he we’re entertaining if all those f yeah never bored with us in the room nope you never know what we’re going to do yeah that is true all right I gotta make seven I mean 11 Gold

Fences what yeah my people be like boie they’re like all the gold seven gold walls uh I need to okay so later on today me and this catfish is about to have the biggest battle ever you go ask your brother dog me go I about say I don’t have to ask my

Brother to fight a catfish pretty sure that’s not how that works dang it Paris you ask me before you fight that catfish I take a no for an answer dang it I missed the traveling no I didn’t I was gonna say I missed the traveling cart lady but I

Didn’t I didn’t had no money she don’t visit poor people she visits them and then plants what she has yeah be like you can look but don’t touch oh my goodness I break can you take him out please thank you no it’s a trap it’s a trap it’s a Trap wait can I bomb my area oh I’m yes you can you can bomb it don’t do it you’ll break a whole bunch of stuff there’s nothing down there I accidentally dropped a bomb in um one of my sheds once did I restart my bom I did restart

My day I restarted my day that’s a restart to day one yeah no I was just putting things in chest and I accidentally put a bom on the ground I was like oops no I need to clear out this area super quick ain’t nothing down

Here all right Sean let me go unload and come back 32 freaking swords who needs 32 swords what are you making dude maybe he’s a Magician maybe that’s what he does on the side yeah and you haven’t had a raid or anything for him to pick up stuff no he’s a he’s a sword hoer literally building my town hall what the flip are we doing with 36 swords in the town hall he slicing and Dyson prob sound

Like to me going my you know it’s pie all those guards keep throwing their stuff on the ground and he just Picks Them Up he build yeah I am H I am oh maybe it’s going to be like a Armory room or a war room I am I’m live streaming on Twitch as

Well I’m a twitcher as well twitcher yeah just twitching oh yeah yeah he’s a twitching twitching okay did you give me eggs yet I tried you want me go take eggs to your area no all for on are you sure I am like positive but you know what I appreciate

You asking I mean if you need eggs I’ll bring you eggs me and Katie got I need them in stard I don’t have them I mean oh I have them in stard but I don’t think it’s gonna do you any good in yours have to restart my stard so sorry can’t help you

There supposed to be thunder Lightning supposed to be right now oh those are refined quarts those are not iron bars I need more refined right I literally just filled up my netherite bag plus my inventory from his inventory I should probably clean him out you know clean his give him Ana don’t

Like I need to give him some medicine here’s some chocolate sweetie it’ll taste great I saw special poop chocolate a m was a meme that said this bag has brownies some have chocolates some have xlax good luck sounds like Star I want to play a game

Yeah that’s so so messed up I have never seen that me neither I’m not a horror girl it’s my husband’s favorite horror movies he’s got them all and I refuse to watch them I’m like nope I’m good thanks yeah there are certain on oh I was about to pass out again no

Don’t pass out just go to sleep Paris go to sleep over the why I thought I used to thing to death oh wow she was like a year old she didn’t understand what I was saying that’s just me not all us have motherly instincts I definitely that person evil the evil okay this

One has a spot that’s open to the it’s me and this catfish today man let’s go forget the farm forget everything I need the Boer e did you strike my lightning thing yes it’s moving I need lollipop lolli oh I got five pieces of bait let’s go baby okay

So is Katie still helping you build the stuff and the things yeah just clearing out Stone in the hallway the things the thing yeah many things F thingss oh yeah you’re not getting away from me that easily can you stop moving thanks I don’t want to

Die first try catfish let’s oh that’s a pike I think I told a big lie oh yeah oh yeah that’s a that’s a catfish there buddy it better not be a pike oh it’s a Dorado have to be confused El Dorado oh you can’t catch a catfish till night

Time ain’t it I don’t know I mean that’s how it is in real life yeah you can catch them in a daytime it’s just easier to catch before somebody comes in check your hand fish go noodling stick your toes in the water they literally stick their hands into the hole where the catfish

Live um little nuts no thank you I like my hand you know yeah I think Katie would do it no I’m just messing with you I would it but I think i’ flip out and have to stop in the middle of it my mind I changed my mind

It’s like I always say I want to go SC but I found out that I have phobia guess who can’t scre it up it’d be funny you stick your hand in a catfish hole and then it’s a walleye in there yeah right or a pike you come back with no fingers

Yes so yeah I wouldn’t chance that here happy birthday to you this fish is in my shoe get out be missing to toes that was not a catfish that was another Dorado I’m tired as freaking catfish dude wish when you were learning stuff you didn’t CLI you all the way out and

To go all yeah liberty liberty liberty liberty that’s what I think when I see that name sorry I watched too many commercials what happened your what name oh Liberty you know the Liberty Mutual commercials no okay they show up on my YouTube all the time I’ve got 12 I’ve got 12 I think

I got 12 missile toe missile toe yeah my alchemy table is finally leveled up high up for they get it that level now I want a hat made out of missile toe I’m going just walk around all December get all the kisses kiss me she G have the funky diseases shut up

C going especially in [Laughter] Walmart oh good you love us gem shut up here’s some interesting AR there’s someting architecture what this is supposed to be what did you do no I’m taking the stone out and there’s random blocks in the middle of it oh right here yeah yeah I think that

Was a misplacement of by the architect yeah I think the architect screwed up what do made the Statue of Liberty they can have it back they have one they got the Eiffel Tower mhm God now I’m going to think about this stupid commercial all day and what’s the other

One with the little what was not a llama what is it I’m going to Google it no um Liu emu and Doug all right I need to who oh oh oh I Got updated and REM all and duck no are you in France abig girl no she’s do that woman don’t be doing stuff like that she’s in the US mhm she that the one that lives in Florida yep you can’t tell us we can’t get a Statue of Liberty

Away they can have it it’s stink it smell like like PE where were you in the Statue of libertys like I’m just playing it look like it smell like pee it doesn’t they keep it actually pretty clean that um what’s that thing in Missouri where you go up in the Sky Lift

Thing have no clue I mean there’s the Space Needle but that’s Seattle no what did can’t think that smells like PE hold on let me Google it got kind of screwed up here the Gateway Arch oh when you go up in the Little the little righty thing M yeah it stinks like PE it does I’m sorry you had to experience that yeah I am I am honest about that I am sorry you had to experience that barbecue around the corner was good though that helps a little thank goodness I ate the barbecue

Before I smell the pee right whatat can you please just let me catch you please I’m asking nicely catfish no I’m welome back nuke hi nuke hi nuke that’s my homie don’t get excited n she does that say that to everybody nobody has a name like

Nuke no no no I think you’re not WR on reminds me a Fallout yep D nuke him great guy he want to Nuke the humans not the animals so he all right my butt have I it so just don’t make any sense i fs plantations why did I do

This G is just freaking amazing I don’t care see animals are amazing unless you go fishing and the they were not beavers they look like water squirrels come over eat your corn they are not cool thank you Noah don’t know oh all right what hopefully that’s what they are she’s like now wait

Let me let me test before anybody else hears this because I kept calling it a water squirrel and they like what is that but it was not a water squirrel yes it’s an otter I’ve never seen one I was like it’s not a beaver beaver are f Water Dog no an

Otter more like a dog they look like squirrels how how did I look like squirrels well they sure do like corn I can tell you that much I was I jumped so hard cuz it was sneaking Like a Lion Man I mean it was down and crawling through the gra

BR had s was like bro the water squirrels ate my corn like what are water squirrels I don’t care why have you been smoking I don’t know but smoke nothing man that was so many years ago all left out of it they’re too small to be dogs look

Like squirrels and they was eating corn shut up C no you knew that was coming yeah yeah I did it’s okay probably like why did it take so long Katie there’s a train passing through stardew I don’t want to go get it though I I’m I’m I kind I think I’ve screwed up somewhere uh oh because of no I don’t grow corn not that this is a bit shallow once I’ve done this I yeah I’ve been just following the

Lines no no no no it’s not you this is I’ll I’ll look at it once I’ve finished all of this are we just talking about this in chat the other night when I was working about the corn here yes it was at least you didn’t ask me to drive a tractor to

Work I try I try the combined Harvester promise I was just R cornfield other day I was going to say she’s still asking you no I do not I don’t grow corn no I live in the city I don’t grow corn and I don’t have a horse and I live in

Texas I don’t know what you can say about Alabama everybody always says that where’s your horse I have a car I drive door Dash I know what a grocery store looks like I pee and it’s toiling in the house I don’t have an out house pee in the

Poty yeah I have a big red tractor parked in the yard in front it’s green tractors the best tractors are green Joh Abigail is so funny [Laughter] I love it yeah we’re just on tractor life driving man dude these tractors some of these tractors cost more than a house I a buy no tractor right now Jim thinks my tractor’s sexy yep and I shut corn for a

Living make the big box yes heck yes now do it for free what you talking about Let’s see we got the cocoa this glowberries they’re the um those ones I hung up in your room oh it’s just um it’s like my I think it’s like my well I guess every field is

Different never mind you think my tractor’s sexy take your ride big green tractor F you can only ride on a tractor if you live in Nebraska so you don’t count I’m in trouble then CU I’ve been on and I have never been on one really Robert’s dad the one that David’s always

Going over to the hunt and stuffff his dad has air conditioned tractor fancy CW in it’s got the heat on the AC whatever you need a radio it Bobby where is my moon at she had to go to bed yeah she needs to wake up little wake up I need some solar Essence

CAD dang it I’m so sick of not petting this dumb chicken and I think a cow is like 8,000 I have 585 gold sorry shut up CAD no I was serious you’re laughing on the inside I don’t believe you I mean no not Today I’m just going to turn these stupid eggs into mayonnaise Robin can you like do your job and hurry up how much is that dog in the window I do did my cat just bark I did you that doggy that is in the house and the cat I

Bet the cat and all I was like bro that’s a cat her game is brok what dad you are not funny I swear I thought that was my cat I literally just pet it and the Heart came up and it barked that’s bro fire for

That wait a minute oh okay hang on I could it here she can walk out right all right so now I need to work out why made this so tiny I hear llamas yeah wasn’t me this time I do giraffes so what I will do I deliver the giraffes not the

Llamas oh it’s because that’s okay I’m going to charge my let me it do you need to charge your um no it’s still half Oh wow I can actually see your laser oh yeah yeah okay so that part is meant to be like that that’s fine it’s meant to be narrow to like I’ll put I’ll put random animals in your in your front yard but not no structure changes maybe a random purple couch you

Know or something but Hey yes Al for Pete sake for Pete sake can you do me a favor can you zap there zap that uh zap one of these blocks for me one of them yeah that one there that one oh yeah I didn’t I didn’t zap it stay thanks y he needed a elevator

Yes cuz a s person forgot to take his bring their gun back with them after they charged it yep who would do that I know such a dumb dumb no talking bad about the help no I’m not talking about you talking bad about yourself all right let’s see we’ve got that fild

That already got bamboo that’s I I’ve needed I think some glowberries for a couple builds just like you know one especially when you get um some of the other things maxed out welcome back and thank you for the um hi Bella thanks for the um giftsly Okay

So oh another fun guy or is that oh crap is that the vines or the fun guy hi I saw your laser I was like oh he’s aiming at me I know it hold on I’m going to switch to 3×3 Okay uhoh not there I’ve added so much thing to B build I think I ran out of room on my little oh what honey no it’s okay I can do it right now I’m safe enough right here yeah you’re fine Gra okay’s becoming the vacuum take it Paris

Was I muted that whole time yes I was wondering why you was so quiet yeah I was talking crap about ya and I said it’s I’m not supposed to have any caffeine so there’s nothing I can do about it I’m back are you having fun being the um

They now the cat needed his medicine so and it’s a pain and now I’m covered in cat hair and apparently you’re covered with Cobblestone too I would have put a giraffe on her head why would you do something like that Katie how do you get out of here didn’t do

It no that’s what CAD said no I’m saying Katie didn’t do it while would put a dra on her head I just need chickens cuz she was she was there I was an accomplice and she could have did the right thing and told like I did

No sorry K you might end up with chickens on your head or giraffes on your head sorry good stop me cuz she was in a crime and she did not report it so she’s just as guilty there was a drop by giraffing nobody can you know like how

What’s the clause on that we need be on we do we need be is that a is that a section G or dou F section i youu f happing today giraffing giraffing be like what would y doing when I got off last night what if y’all been smoking and

What y tell me about it sorry I know um CES what do you mean better oh you have cat allergies are you allergic to cats no I’m not I’m not my husband is but we still got a cat when we were first together was awesome yes Bread he the reason I can’t name any of my animals bread you want to do they di I think it’s a cur did oh no we don’t oh yes we do no we don’t go down there in the dark in the night dang it Katie on what are you

Doing I don’t remember where to get the stupid plant fiber from sickle I know it’s some mine floors oh um the best ones are like the first 10 or go to the Sewer if you go to the Sewer where all the bugs are you can get a lot of fiber there

Too you’ll never believe this okay I has ancient seed yay no not one thank you so much now is time for me to H the hey no he’s got to um make it all balanced now no it’s I’m always trying to make him go to sleep like Harry Potter go to sleep

You’re tired I hear you yawning I think that was you yawning today yeah again I can’t help it because I’m not supposed to have any caffeine some cheese I need to oh so now Katie’s double team aing me with CAD now all right okay so you’re just as much of an ass

Okay for get it get it I’ll just call the ambulance wow Katie you been hang CAD too long I’m telling y Katie Ain ain’t me Katie Katie is innocent yeah until right now she’s just oh God CAD Junior what are you doing mister I have to make this into um break this into

Cobblestone it’s deep S I can’t do the um blocks you need a Crusher uh I could use a Crusher but I have one at my base he doesn’t like to take help from ladies get down you’re GNA get it mister I’m messing I’m messing with him so you need

Cobblestone deep slate Cobblestone yes oh deep slate Cobblestone I thought CAD said that was right underneath you stop you’re you’re pinching you’re pinching my Cobblestone I’m right by him and I’m sucking it all up wow Katie today she is being maybe I am a bad in

Yes all right I shall Katie used to be so sweet God yeah I’d go with sweet but she does have kids all right she’s still innocent no there you go there 10 cob deep slate Cobble that I took um if you’re over 20 and have children you are

Not in I’m going to come over and use your Crusher then if that’s all right with you yeah hang on I will go home and go down there so you can just T to me please toilet paper house while you’re there it would make me feel would

Be so funny if you could do something like that yeah right or you can maybe like put up a bunch of spider webs everywhere dad deserves it I a good girl today I have been an Angel Today operative word today like you don’t believe me look

Even Harry Potter is like the lies come out of your mouth my D need to pick my feet up you may and you caused that my feet are up why do I do this I know not if your feet are up oh there he is so the second machine up is the

Crusher it’s getting late all right where we goingon to need a speed thing on that aren’t we yes he’s like yes please noce got to find okay we need some signs that say no trespassing storage will be shot storage room is this direction I got mine better I have like

A half of a diamond backpack fil yeah what [Laughter] happened I think Harry Potter did something he’s laughing maniacally oh I almost sold my ancient seed bro don’t do that oh that have been horrible yeah especially since I don’t have the mod where you can get it out the

Box talk about somebody being mad I be like you know what I ain’t never playing this game again my fault not if I would have went to sleep ma’am oh been horrible unfortunately this isn’t um umude forun this my inventory right here and type in cob the storage scanner at the

Bottom uh don’t do it it’s a trap oh right here this little machine right here underneath the crusher go in there type in Cobble um under name what see see all that deep slate right there 5,636 Cobble deep yeah um unfortunately many towns you won’t be able to play I’m sorry

To um yeah unfortunately the server is a private server because we have it limited on how many people can come on because we are using it also for somebody elsea who is streaming um so I have it limited on the amount of people because um to cut down

A lag because it isn’t all the mod mods nine so with there being so many mods and everybody doing so many different things it um it can lag out the server really bad there’s too many people on it yeah we may be adding more

Later and if we do I’ll let yall know um we may have to like do like a straws or do like a little spin the wheel or something to see who all can get in but um as people go off I may add more people because I know we have some

People who are done and some people who are taking breaks but coming back but I know mine and um Kati towns our colonies are up in hundreds of people and they do lag out the server sometimes if we’re not careful yep they lag our areas out I want to play

Too but yes as soon as we can get more room we we will gladly um see who we can get in I I’m going to T TP back okay did you get all that Cobble I will come back for it okay let me know uh what the hell

Have you left yet oh something finished have you left no I’m here over in this corner right here yeah this will take you to cat BAS take you directly down below Okay cool so all his chests are full and I still have a lot does he need more

Chest yeah I think he has more somewhere but I don’t know where they are oh wait I can just throw some into his smelters because I’m giving him all of the stuff that I got back I’m full you oh me yeah duh Harry Potter should got

It oh my God how much I just felt like mess with Harry Potter you lay those down for him okay those are extra ones I used okay what I didn’t say anything oh oh so many fruits no vegetables that’s is that good spot for him yeah that’s

Fine you could do upgrades in those to for stacking upgrades on the side so that you can make it hold more they like some salmon berries it’s like when you have Stone and Cobble stack to 2,000 three times yeah IR bar yeah what’s up who am I going to

Marry Harvey I’m sorry can you repeat that said who am I going to marry Oh I thought you said when are we getting married who are you talking to Jim I’m sure you have to live there first do I really wow really I know that came out of nowhere I

Was actually talking about stardo but hey what’s the question uh getting married no no Abigail what Question that’ be funny you love how she’s just having so much fun with this his face you lost your lips man BR he’s not gonna he’s not gonna talk to us ever again like I don’t think I want to play with you I’m just picking I’m just

I recommend if you get married get married on a cruise it is awesome no Stress so I can eat jaffa cakes all right let’s see do I have any more coal never mind we made speechless no it’s just a question not never mind and I have a question about what when are we getting married I was talking about stardo it was just funny the K said we

Were getting married that’s all okay I would marry you but I’m already married par thank you I’m a marable type well yeah we already had this discussion yesterday definitely not a sharing my husband type person sorry my spouse is my spouse yeah nobody wants to marry Paris

I’m going to be crying and sad now I got rejected do you need to shut us to shut up for a second so you can answer question no it’s just I’m just getting annoyed with the same question um I’m I’m I’m working on that because right now I oh [ __ ] go game

I’m not getting I think he’s working I don’t understand the question Oh’s something do with his stuff well considering that we play on a different game so that means I’m a game review as well so he doesn’t game with me have a cow I’ll told you after

There I think my backpack is finally empty what happened to what happened to Nuke he’s around oh is he lurking and twerking too I think he here somehow berries that’s knowledge theberry we can actually get theberry well there we you hi nuke you upgraded

It you upgraded it I didn’t put a gun to your head all right there we go all right go over hello cow how are you doing did you miss me I was only gone for a couple days never mind no no no you’re all good um nuke

You’re all good don’t worry that was me asking what happened to Nuke be afraid nuke nuk just chilling and eating I feel you on that one back go here back over over hey I Paris likes you that means you’re amazing No oh for pet sake I’ve done it again I don’t know why you keep bringing Pete into [Laughter] this Pete’s a decent old you no CAD I like Pete Pete’s cool lot I have things to sell but I don’t know how to sell them because okay there it is Marne is closed on

Wednesday that’s here Mar’s closed randomly loser we do you have a perk that says if they increase if they pay more they get to play with you Mara yes but it’s but the that’s the thing there’s no games that we can actually play so you can play with me what do you want

To play I know I’m not important but you know I might be up there somewhere than prise I’m trying here oh no we can play we can play Escape from tarov she doesn’t know how to play but we to say she doesn’t have a p you want to play you want to

Play The Sims 4 we can play this yeah no yeah I don’t even that is if I have it I will play with you add me on Steam she doesn’t have a puss we can play fortnite crossplay Abigail how old are you she’s old Abigail’s getting one from Santa

Thank you very much that’s right that’s why I ask get it right oh Minecraft oh I’ll play Minecraft with you when you want to play um oh crap where course oh yeah I know that he he’s not going to tell me he’s not going to tell me your age without your

Permission he’s polite about that I I that’s that’s his thing I’m just we used to Santa it took me for a second yeah I got that much jingle bell jingle bell oh look at you with your PR pretty pink dress Miss Alexandra I’ve done this wrong people who don’t have a job

How they grew up and you didn’t notice I got three buildings going up four buildings five buildings they just got to hurry up yeah they’re just not gonna be happy they don’t have jobs right now oh you know what I do need to do I

KN I need a do do so I need to turn off the babies turn off the babies today that way I don’t have this issue no more after this although I don’t want Alexander to change her dress I kind of like it all right so we got that there this year

Is Minecraft cosplay no well no it is for um what Xbox and PC it is but not for Java I don’t think yeah I will play single player with you but I’m pretty sure she said there’s no room on the server I’m like the only one in chat that don’t have a

Life hey I have a I don’t have much of a life you do do I you do you have CIA agents he is not she is insistent that my husband is a CIA agent oh let’s see you have Sophia you have CAD oh by the way my dog name is

Calie that’s kind where I got the name I’m not you have zombies in your backyard and ghosts no no no unicorns unicorns unicorns thanks nuke oh my God I’m pretty sure y’all can play solitary together separately everybody has that all right let’s see um I’m actually getting a headache

Now all right let’s see I got that Okay that gets put away I can warp to the beach oh I don’t want to warp there right now though cuz I’m already there it away Mar I’m going to end the stream in 5 minutes yeah you got to go to bed it’s getting late for you yes very much so okay a

Glass I I’m pretty sure if you whisper him when when he gets off stream you guys can work something out just throwing that out there and of not nice to disrupt the stream just saying thank you Paris welcome that’s what mods are for all right well he said he’s ending in

Like five minutes so you go ahead and go for it where is this beauty I am not a beast though bless you oh my God I can see okay the chat is not the place for that just do it later okay building building yep for some reason if I have

Anybody on my team it does that right now what’s up don’t put anybody in right now then everybody had to X off cuz I had I added youw back on and it was fine for a little bit but then when I just came back it

Did it again so I took you both off and both all of my stuff is fine dare you take me off’s Colony doesn’t like us I mean I was say guess I missed that is not a freaking holiday it’s International I love Paris and I want to

Give her food H ask the C agent please do he can send you some by secret satellites exactly what did I Bab baby come here for a minute they can’t hear me if I go in the garage come here for a minute tell them it’s National mess with Paris day

See that’s what I heard well you know it’s right coming from the CIA agent so I’m okay with that you’re CI agent if he says it’s right then it’s right I’m fine with that we can’t even take cat’s word for it we heard him ourself he did say if

You come to Texas he’s gonna give you decent barbecue not the crap he had last time thank you cuz I did not like that bro I was like BR like I said I didn’t like uh Memphis either I don’t like Memphis barbecue but that’s because I’m trading to Texas

Barbecue and not CRA Texas barue all right I’m going to start ending the stream now all right guys have a good night good night everybody thank you so much for coming in or staying in the chat much appreciated um but yeah thank you so much I be God

For those gifts much appr praise and to everybody who who has turned up much appreciated to the lovely people in this chat also um but yeah I will catch you then don’t be nuking no humans today wait till I come back anyways yeah and yeah I’m going to end see you

Later I’ll try PR no Promises Oh

This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft I All The Mods 9 I Chill Stream I with friends!!!’, was uploaded by Gemster on 2023-11-26 04:13:29. It has garnered 68 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 05:30:15 or 19815 seconds.

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———————————————————————————- PC Specs (R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz 3.70 GHz GPU – Gigabyte RTX 4060 TI – 8GB 32.0 GB Vengence Pro RGB Corsair Hydro H100 x 240 mm Radiator Dual 120 mm 1TB Samsung SSD External HD – 500GB External HD – 1TB Mother Board – Z390 D 1x 32inch Samsung 1x Asus 24inch Black Yeti Mic with boom arm Logitech HD Webcam AKAI – Headphones Aula Mouse and Keyboard —————————————————————————————– Rules No Self Promoting No Rasicist comments Dont be a Dick Mods Have the Final Say ——————————————————————————————- Links ZombieGameZ – https://www.youtube.com/user/lvghosthunt RayKit – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_lZ…R3J3ECT 13 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIgM… Visable Solutions https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJl-… ArmyMomStrong(AMS) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClLd… KYlS6xXUA No1wrench https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGwn

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  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

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  • Minecraft Mod Madness

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  • Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9

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  • Block Battle: JAVA vs LEGO in Minecraft

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  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

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  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

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  • ModArchy

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  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

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  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

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  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

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  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

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  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

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  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hacks – EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!

    Minecraft Build Hacks - EPIC Pocket Edition Tricks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Build Hacks Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.20 [ Part 1 ] #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo #mcpe #build’, was uploaded by Creyou Playz on 2024-03-23 11:30:11. It has garnered 10142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #minecraft #short #trending #minecraftjava #mcpehindi #minecraftshorts #youtubeshortsr #youtubeshortsr #shorts #shortvideo #shortvideo #subscribe #shortsvideo #shortsvideo #status #shortsfeed #song #share #sad #music #meme #motivational #naruto #mobilelegends #m#youtubeshortsr #makeup #asmr #anime #art #attitude #army #animals #amazing #alightmotion #alightmotion #ajjubhai #minecraft top shaders 1.19 #minecraft #roblox #cake recipe #chainsaw man #chod video #cubecraft #evident #eystreem #famous water park #football… Read More

  • play.earthside.nl

    play.earthside.nlEarthside Network Survival Server Welkom bij Earthside Network, de ultieme survival server voor avonturiers en bouwers! Op onze server beleef je een unieke Minecraft-ervaring op een prachtige, uitgestrekte wereld. Of je nu een ervaren speler bent of net begint, bij Earthside vind je een gastvrije gemeenschap en eindeloze mogelijkheden om te verkennen, bouwen en overleven. Read More

  • Master Realm now live! PvE

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season – “The Corrupted Chunks”! Join us on our latest adventure as we explore a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, complex structures, and new mobs and items. Season Features: Explore a Corrupted World Experience Blood Moons and enemy swarms Engage in Economy & Trading with coins and exclusive items Discover new Slimefun Enhancements Conquer 100 new Dungeons & Bosses If you’re ready for a unique challenge and a diverse community, join us at Master Realm today! IP: mr.enviromc.net:25573 Discord: https://discord.gg/bwUwd9b6BS Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – German voice actor unites Jack and Wheatley

    Minecraft Memes - German voice actor unites Jack and WheatleyLooks like Jack Block and Wheatley are bridging the language barrier in Minecraft with their shared German voice actor – now that’s what I call a block-buster performance! Read More

  • Villagers vs Explosive Donut Showdown! #boom #minecraft #lol

    Villagers vs Explosive Donut Showdown! #boom #minecraft #lol Why did the villager bring a TNT donut to the test? Because he wanted to see if it would blow his taste buds away! #boom #minecraftlogic Read More

  • Crafty Leti: Minecraft Education Adventures

    Crafty Leti: Minecraft Education Adventures Exploring Cloudcraft in Minecraft Education In this episode, players are taken on a journey through the five scenarios of Cloudcraft, an adventure designed to provide a detailed look at data centers and everything that happens within them. Recycling The first scenario, Recycling, introduces players to the concept of sustainability within data centers. They learn about the importance of recycling electronic waste and reducing energy consumption to create a more environmentally friendly infrastructure. Security Next, players delve into the Security scenario, where they explore the various security measures implemented in data centers to protect sensitive information and prevent cyber attacks…. Read More

  • GAME THEORY: Minecraft’s Ultimate Destruction – SHOCKING!

    GAME THEORY: Minecraft's Ultimate Destruction - SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘Game Theory: The Mace Just BROKE Minecraft… Literally – @GameTheory | Reaction’, was uploaded by Fort_Master on 2024-09-10 16:00:30. It has garnered 322 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:26 or 1766 seconds. Game theory has come to the conclusion that the Mace breaks the world… How do they come to that conclusion?! ————————————————————————————————————————— Original video: https://youtu.be/_peGTPzC0ZI?si=KYx9rge1pYq5U7Uw ————————————————————————————————————————— My twitter: https://twitter.com/RealFort_Master My Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Fort_Master My Discord: https://discord.gg/bXCKa7ngsB PlayList: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz0GK3geO7IILJUFb0ZYroIlZJVVztPQe My Wishlist: https://throne.com/fort_master ————————————————————————————————————————— Theme – Ninja Sex Party – Unicorn Wizard (Blast Processed): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYlDIYtzJGE #gametheory #reaction #Tom #GTTom #Minecraft #Math Read More