Ultimate Modded Minecraft with Nova and friends – EP2 (Insane Technomancy!)

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Oh Oh Oh oh oh Oh Oh oh oh Oh Oh Oh oh Oh Oh Oh oh Oh Oh Oh oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh oh Oh Oh Oh Oh oh Oh Oh Oh Oh oh okay so we’re back I guess so Riv and derminator are on now so let’s actually go say hello to them get my microphone to not explode there right so I they might be back at spawn so let me see if that’s the case I have no inventory space but well

I assume to be where at spawn would you like back over here where even are they I don’t I didn’t bring any food with me well that’s an issue I don’t see them on the map a owl I don’t know what that is what the hell x equals what how the hell Herber No yeah so we’re just getting everyone uh set up for the time being oh hey lemon I I forgot I I was supposed to be talking to yeah CU I was busy trying to get rever and uh and uh derp over here cuz like there’s a lot of talking or I guess

Typing right I guess in the meantime I should probably get back to what I was doing which was uh making heck stuff ah what the heck what what what what even is that achievement it looks it looks like it’s an achievement for getting a gun there might be guns in this game now

I don’t actually actually is there holy [ __ ] there is oh it’s a Mana Blaster it’s not actually a gun gun gun made a gun it’s a Mana blaster right back to making the technology I think I need to yeah electric furnace I need to make a generator’s coal generator I

Think I oh right I need iron H crap basket as long as you press trigger and it Pew pews I’m I mean I can pew pew with my I can just fire a fireball haha Origins mod and the ability to be a nine-tailed fox I don’t have any iron this is an

Issue why do I not I do have iron what am I talking what so I can make a coal generator and know we to give the other Adriel or origin origin so I can change it origin so coal generator a machine block is just that I can do that do I not

What oh I guess for plates you don’t actually need the tool anyways machine block wa do you mean wait wait where did my copper plate oh I guess if you don’t have the hammer it takes more what does the hammer even do hold on on what does the hammer do oh

Because you don’t need the hammer in the first place it oh it just makes it easier oh yeah cuz Okay you it makes it easier I guess that makes sense yeah that that makes sense cuz you can a lot of these metals are soft enough that you can just kind

Of use your hands especially when it’s like freaking 4 inch Cube fists of hand yeah I figure that much it’s so hard to see chat because of a stupid heart uh and now I need to make some power cables C so what’s the difference so copper cables is copper wires and rubber sheets

Oh oh yeah I don’t have oil to make rubber or wire Mill oh what about CU Mark I golden nickelite I guess the idea is that the Industrial Revolution versions of stuff is not as good they’re just not as good as the uh modern industrialization versions I think for boning

Reasons it’s a lot better but it’s a lot more expensive so now I should there we go temperature huh what what did that mean what happened with the temperature does it explode hold on that’s a cooling cell cooler cell what coolant bucket okay but how I make L and F

Huh oh it’s basically fancy word for coal-based furnace but it makes the electric furnace which can go faster and also eventually I can just not even need need coal it’s again it’s really hard to see the chat because of the heart so uh H I think now I do actually need the

Cooler or cool infusing INF infusing that’s a solid infuser the flute what the steel how do I make steel again steel dust actually couldn’t you just smell iron theoretically of course not so steel steel well I can only see the one from Modern industrialization so you need the solid

Infuser in order to make the liquid infuser I guess that makes sense right yeah okay so I guess the forge hammer for M industrialization is more efficient than just using the hammer from Industrial Revolution it’s weird how the Dynamics work uh so more iron plates I guess I guess also you can make

It just the same from what I’m seeing here but I guess also the one from Modern industrialization does things like casings and like rods I guess that’s the reason why so another one of these I don’t have a battery I don’t even have enough

Tin I don’t even have any tin cuz I used the timate freaking bronze unless I put some 10 in my inventory I think I put turn my inventory no I did not other inventory nope I like how they’re also destroying the freaking TPS because they’ve decided to just EXP new chunks Al

Together they causing the actual freaking thing to die what what happens when It Gos too high does it just work at decreased efficiency or does it actually light on fire I’m I don’t want to find out oh okay so I can’t make 10 never mind I can what was that all

About TPS or lack there I don’t have I’m going to make a shovel cuz I have a feeling I’m going to need a lot of sand We I don’t take fall damage so I don’t want need to care about falling from that I mean it will take a metric ass out of time to get back up there but I don’t really care oh God the TPS oh geez Rick I really should have used a world pregenerator

Ah did the load take great work to my advantage I think it did cuz if you if you don’t know uh what class I am well like class and race um I’m a warrior so I deal more damage with melee weapons but also I’m a nin tailed

Fox which is a fire fox for all intents and purposes uh yeah fire and water do not mix I take damage from just being in water but I’m immune to fire even lava and then Autumn is like a uh Sky Kid which yeah I don’t I only thing I

Know about Sky Kid they that they’re from this game called uh Sky children of Light which is like a mobile game or something um he has a mechanic where he only has three hearts but he also uses a light to protect himself and also use his abilities he can survive slash kill

Slash kill does the max integer limit of damage which is like two billion something or Mac 32 be limit um yeah that’s like two billion something he can survive slash kill as long as he’s near a light source and his light meter is recharging he can survive SL

Kill you just have to be fast enough to outpace the light recharge I mean if he’s not near a light source he can survive slash kill only once um but if he is near a light source he is literally Invincible unless something is is able to outdps that

Anyways like really I think that origin’s weakness is just DPS hey ah what the hell just happened rever oh oh yeah also rever you need to like bind your key bind to actually turn on the in-game voice chat assuming you’re able to actually hear me what even are you

Hello hello you hear me yes it works nice yeah I don’t know why but by default it’s turned off yeah I I noticed yeah I picked the wrong origin I think yeah I gave you an or of origin yeah oh oh yeah I thought thank

You but I I’m not sure if I like or hate this one I I can just fly and take no fall damage but also I I’m just very small and I see anything in first person there’s plenty of other uh Origins that are like that where you can fly taking a fall

Damage once where I’m not tiny hey I can f on some old spaces that’s what she said I’ll look around and try to find a place where I can build a little building or let’s see here some more on I need more gold damn it yeah so I think with Industrial

Revolution I can get use regular hammers or I can use the other Hammer if I want to but it doesn’t actually matter which Hammer I use unless I’m trying to make something very specialized God damn it Nappa there solid infuser so now if I’m reading this reading into this correctly in order to

Make let steel dust from here I just need coal and iron dust which do require the pretty sure how the hell did you make cold dust then oh I need a pulverizer why actually I guess that does make sense oh [ __ ] so bottom line um wait can I not can I

Huh oh yeah okay okay bottom line I need more iron I should probably go on a mining Expedition I also don’t have any coal or not very much unless I can use liite actually that’s that’s part of the mod I’m pretty sure legite is actually supposed to be used with

This but I should probably let it cool down I don’t want it to explode or something yeah I’m going to need to mine more iron [ __ ] did not mean to do that what does what bull crap that’s for the artifi origin do I have food we I have a frying pan I think

For uh I had a frying pan oh there it is the frying Pan uh do I have any no I can make a hamburger now poop I need a bread bber I guess now we’re ready to go back into the mines actually I think this is exactly where we went last mining Expedition I’m sorry was that a dragon

Yes it is holy crap nope nope nope dope dope dope dope I see DS made diamonds so hopefully that Dragon didn’t see me I think it did I’m leaving disturbing the Dead one wait what what enter a medium gr oh oh he going to Die let me see where were did we go to mine again I think we just kind of went down and then just like considering that most of us can like not deal with fall damage or we can deal with fall D we just don’t have to worry about

It I think literally just find like any random cave just jump down like we yeah just find a random cave and go down oh God damn it oh wait no I think this is actually the cave we once we in what why is there stri floating I can’t even really go through

The water to investigate that because I’m allergic to water ow wee I guess someone was trying to build down here whatever whatever happened to that I did I don’t know oh my God spoon disorder yeah I have to wait till this runs out there we go

So at least the TPS isn’t that bad like lowest it will go with like six which yeah not ex exactly good because it’s you know one one TI is 12th of a second second and though 20 takes supposed to be 1 second and if it’s taking a lot longer than 1 second to

Take it’s not usually that good of an idea but it working I I guess sort of maybe hopefully I think the big issue is that people just went off on their own well I think mainly derp and Riv uh um cuz it’s generating new chunks and at least the lowest will go

Is six I haven’t seen it Go below six that’s I guess fine just everyone needs to get to the center like together so that we don’t just destroy the server only with a goblin Trader here # o wait 1,000 blocks of what yeah this stream might be a bit of like

A more like I guess chill stream considering that there isn’t really anyone here and people that are here are like on the other side of the world for no reason I mean one makes sense because like well he chose Vex and spawned in like the closest woods and Mansion to

The world spawn which is still like the other side of the world from it uh but like I don’t know what those other two are do or Riv is back he was gone momentarily I don’t know where derp is I think he’s the one that’s also

Causing a lot of the lag cuz he’s just off in a direction and just ignored the fact that supposed to you know be over here oh yeah how is chat doing got to give it time for the stream delay good that you exist yeah I’m thinking about more or

Less making this like an SMP kind of deal cuz like I think that’s the idea behind it when autumn pitched it is like oh yeah it’s like an SMP where whenever you want to play on it you stream unless you’re not really a streamer I guess that wonder what we’re

Going to be doing now hey it’s also a good stop Gap stream for when I don’t know what else to stream cuz MineCraft with Mods is always fun until it’s not anyways uh sure I don’t know where the PO Blossom is it’s apparently part of Base game

What what cave biome might even I think this is a lush cave biome which I don’t think is a good idea for me to even be in because I’m allergic to water and usually those have a lot of water in them and yes I do have two inventories well I guess technically

Three you count the main one I have the regular inventory then I have a backpack and then I have the origin inventory wait what it it’s fun for when you have a lot of free time not like 3 hour before sleep and then back to the grinder but ignore my

Uh Hey lemon it happens right I mean it’s fun anytime right I mean hey think you can play uh when you’re like back from work I guess what what the okay yeah but it’s kind of needed I mean I guess that’s also kind of what the weekend are

For oh okay if I if I don’t need to worry about it then hopefully you’re doing fine with that so though I don’t have any more torches I should probably head back up assuming I can remember where up is should probably also M Some Coal uh where where did I come from

That’s not that’s not iron that’s nickel but I need nickel still yeah it’s supp even more ironic I can put down fire but obviously fire on Stone doesn’t exactly last forever I mean I guess I could do that well I mean I’m immune to fire oh right I forgot these are moth blocks

They’re flammable I should probably still go back up though I don’t I don’t I need more inventory cuz like out the inventory here for the most part I of inventory there so inventory that’s one thing with modded versions of Minecraft that are so heavily modded uh you just have no inventory

Space I don’t remember where I came from wor comes to worth I can just like dig through this ceiling or something [Laughter] I mean I wish I could but I don’t think everyone would like that never mind it went below I mean it’s barely below six what the

Oh my God I mean it would be funny but also no oh [ __ ] oh that one shot regardless h there we go yeah well dependent on how the person I guess handles it it might make your friendship a bit more Awkward not ruin it might have to restart the server here

Soon cuz it start it is getting getting kind of laggy and according to let me actually check okay no the thread that was stuck is no longer stuck so that it is just what fail to deserialize gossips Value must be positive what is a goth what hamburger huh

Oh okay I see what’s going on I might have to remove that bed mod cuz apparently it’s causing issues with the multi-threading uh oh I think I know what’s going on it’s that when you use the because it’s a warp sleep mod right it moves time forward uh when someone’s

Sleeping I think it’s like making it so that all of the ticks that it simulated is just going through regardless oh yeah that’s causing a bit of an issue yeah warp drive I mean it is airing out those threads and not causing a crash so it’s gonna get better yeah it’s getting better

Yeah 10 TPS so I think it what it is that it’s trying to simulate all the ticks that the warp drive moved forward but it’s just not it’s like failing to simulate those texts I mean I think it’s also the fact that it’s trying yeah it’s trying to simulate

Those tcks but the TPS o yeah I thought it was going to probably take a couple of seconds for the ticks to catch up uh huh so now I can probably make a p either never morning Flint really I don’t have Flint just just going to hopefully there the gravel Beach

Because God damn I cannot get the grapp that’s down there I will die unless I had enchantments on my armor that makes me not take damage from water I will take damage from [Applause] water I oh oh wait what did did the window capture just not work hold

On yes remove the window capture I think the window capter doesn’t like it when I move the Minecraft window NOP that’s not fully incoming screen there we [Applause] go yeah window capture is just o but there now I have eight Flint I should now be able to make a Pulver

Either so that I can make actually I can also make flint easier with that yeah I think it’s if I move the Minecraft window to a separate screen it to dive until I restart the window capture hello is your microphone even on I’m taking that of a no yeah you you’re

Muted if you don’t if you haven’t been able to tell by now we have proximity voice chat ironically enough I think it’s the most functional thing out of this entire mod pack ow well I didn’t take damage from that cuz I don’t take four damage it’s like with the class I

Currently am or I guess the race I’m effectively a human but I can fire Fireballs be immune to fire damage and I can’t take fall damage that’s it getting that 3x create a steam mining drill huh wait what oh oh also I will be right back so hold on

All right we’re back I was just hoping the other a with the voice um steam mining drill really I mean I guess diamond isn’t exactly that hard to come across in this world cuz you know it it’s just Diamond it’s kind of a bit more common when you have a lot of mods

So let’s just make some of these cuz I think that’s actually better is that better I think that’s better so I now need to make a bunch of copper dads so I need copper curve plate uh three copper bolts oh really uh one copper Rod I’ll make two of those and then just

Two furnaces I already have diamonds I I have 14 diamonds because of that last mining Expedition we were on so if I get that now I need to oh copper holy Jesus that’s a lot of copper yeah I need Okay so make copper drill we have everything that’s needed

But now we need to make more copper bolts so I actually need the hammer for that I can make that more efficient and copper Rings how do you make copper rings oh so I now should be able to make a copper gear no I cannot Copper gear sh hello hello

I’m so glad this works now where’s everybody else uh I don’t know like they’re supposed to be here cuz we’re the idea is to build a community so that like Center mountain right there where the center of the community is but I don’t know where they

Settled also I think I found an origin where I’m not opaque but you are opaque apparently it’s it’s be you mean translucent whatever uh it’s because I’m a Firefox hey just like the browser that’s the joke and I’m a Vex I can do this I don’t know how to use them to attack

Things ow they just go they just go they just go after uh sorry I don’t know how to make him go go away you you have to kill them yeah um I’m also really kind of op uh I have extra help um also uh the people in The Mansions don’t attack

Me apparently mobs are not supposed to attack me either but they still do it’s certain mobs that are friendly toward illagers yeah but it villagers I think I’m immune to pillagers they just don’t Target me cuz you technically are one yes I guess but I don’t pillage

Things you’re what the Piller call a failure no you’re a failure well you don’t pillage so therefore you’re a Pillager failure would that make me Pillager winner no because because you you need to pillage in order to be to be a proper uh illager but what if I don’t want to pillage

Then you’re just a freeloader according to them anyways now I can make a copper drill head now I can make the steam drill oh wait what huh uh well derp left I mean have a cake so I I’m reading the internet correctly so you do that

That’s all of my coal nope you do that and then you just go get some water and then there we go so I now have a 3X3 mining drill not exactly useful for like individual ores but if I’m going to do strip mining at some point then yes but that makes the

Question so we have mining drills but those I suspect are not as good as these ones they’re just substantially cheaper I think even though oh oh GE yeah so the ones from Industrial Revolution are substantially cheaper I don’t think they’re as good but they’re substantially cheaper

Because oh boy that looks like you need to have like a whole Factory working I should probably do that where is the Quarry inar rotary blade well then what the hell is inar in inar inar that’s nickel and iron okay I can actually make a quarry then

Assuming the Quarry well okay so the Quarry keeps chunks loaded but if it’s a near the spawn chunk it should be fine right cuz the spawn chunk is always loaded yeah I think the thing that might be causing all of the TPS issues is the bed stuff because it’s trying to simulate

All the ticks that the bed kind of fast forwarded through huh I’m going to make some toast what is inar again okay it’s iron and nickel but I also need to actually get a make a mixer oh my God oh my God the amount of bull crap I need right

So where do I put my bronze why my bronze play where my bronze okay there we go what happens when it it’s just too ,000 de C unless what that means is that the hotter it gets the faster it goes so speed to 100% heated up 200% what does that even

Mean should probably CLE yeah that H uh h so right so let me make the bronze stuff bronze ring bronze bolt and now the bronze gear I just needs glass yeah uh h right for now oh wait the bronze ingots bronze plates don’t exist in oh for now bronze machine casing copper

No I already made that Copper gear God damn it I don’t have any inventory space what the hell I died holy jeez the copper blade how do you make a copper blade oh really it’s that simple oh wait crap make two of these and then I need another copper

Ring oh and also copper thingies another one how to make fluid pipes mother [ __ ] bronze C I need six I need six of these I don’t have enough bronze do I have I have tin dust do I have any copper dust no I do not

Oh it’s three to one I need one more copper dust oh yeah but the server is not doing too well with the Sleep warp oh yep yeah yeah where did my sand go oh oh hey I also just have glass glass pain does it actually have to be freaking

Magenta are you okay God damn it do I have anything that could make magenta magenta D two red one blue one white oo ancient Rose I think that’s a joke about how Roses Don’t actually exist in Minecraft anymore God inventory inventory right boom boop boop what oh and

Now but you were saying you needed magenta a second ago oh is it because there’s it’s because there a different recipe so it freaks out where did my stuff go I had a rers probably in here no where did my rotors go huh did it just get eaten I think we just got

Eaten well [ __ ] that or I’m actually losing my mind I swear I made rotors yeah I think they may have gotten eaten due to the low TPS and it’s like oh yeah next thing you make it’s using them up I don’t know what that means I’m curious

I’m kind of curious but also at the same time I’m not sure if well actually it’s next to a crafting bench that is surely flammable I wonder oh yes I can I need actually smelt all of the copper now make those rotors again I don’t have a ring it’s not wasted

Now now I’m just missing Glass so fluid pipe do does that mean that it requires fluid I guess not weon offer anything useful anyway mind you that’s Cooper nickel electrum H what the plutonium Ur uranium two that’s not the what this mod is interesting wait does that mean hold on that at Astra oh my

God so modern industrialization have its own item pipe but they’re kind of hard to make however there’s item piped for Industrial Revolution but I think the item pipe are of our modern industrialization are better but obviously the ones for industrial revolution are a lot cheaper it’s literally just gold nugget

And yeah it’s just gold nugget and iron like bam item pipes but the item pipes are interchangeable for those but not the power so how do it okay cable so copper cable requires rubber which requires oil and paper I don’t have oil hold on if there an adapter so it’s tanks ching so

Battery there’s other battery boxes block of battery what oh yeah but that that that stores a lot more but that’s like uranium batteries so sodium oh my God electrolyzer which is salt to create chlorine and sodium but we don’t have a generator for it uh so there’s two types of generators okay

So is there a steam mixer there a steam turbine steam Blast Furnace fire clay brick dust oh oh so in order to do the the but you okay so that’s interesting so you can go Industrial Revolution and that has electricity but it’s not compatible with modern industrializations electricity even

Though there is supposed to be an adapter I guess it’s the so if I’m reading this correctly in order to do this I need to make fire brick which is part clay part brick which is that how how that work in real life I don’t know

So oh but you you need oh you need two of these so that is already three fire brick okay so I need eight fire brick in order to do this okay I already have enough fire brick now I think the idea might be that with modern industrialization it is better

Better it’s a heck of a lot better than Industrial Revolution but Industrial Revolution is possibly just a thing you can have probably if you’re more familiar with um or if you want to make your own like completely isolated system I’m not entirely sure so now I have

That oh yeah but you need to make them into blocks all right put them back in the furnace God damn it actually I just s right now I think I’m going to make the executive decision to just entirely ditch Industrial Revolution I’ve decreed this I’m going I officially made the executive decision

To ditch it cuz it’s weird with how it is working wait hold on so that’s get to yeah like I’m going to keep it installed obviously CU it works with Mod industrialization just fine it’s just it’s confusing me I’ll probably revisit it at some point I would have the material by then

But for the time being I’m going to go with modern industrialization cuz it seems to have a more thought out like progression I mean my dude I just entirely I can I just entirely skipped this te age Al together and went to the electric age because I had another machine that was already

Electric but also it can’t actually make half of the [ __ ] that I needed to like I know you’re going to say that oh yeah you should have uninstalled that cuz if they do the same thing but um they don’t really do the same thing like like it’s kind of weird they

Don’t do the same thing but they sort of do like I think Industrial Revolution gives you more options once you reach to that state where you can comfortably make everything but other than that it makes no sense to use an early game especially since they do they have seem to have

Balanced out modern industrialization to where you just can’t even use industrial revolution to just cheat past the entire mod it makes no sense to use early game and it wasn’t even that much of materials it was really cheap yeah it was a big ass process but it was kind of

Cheap so I made the decision to just ditch it all together so what I need is now a regular furnace or actually a blast furnace might work just as for well I’m not entirely sure does it no it does not how the hell is it not a wait huh so steam Blast

Furnace uncooked steel dust which is Coke dust which comes from the coke oven there’s Creo okay a coke coke oven do I not have any Cobblestone do uh I have more clay than that okay yeah okay why Coke oven that just requires normal ass bricks but the question is is that a multi

Block H 29 Oh so I already have bronze that is very easy to make I can make fluid Pikes P Pikes pipes once you’ve had enough the B Machine going start working in the first the coke block the first you need the coke OV itself so three hatches an item input and item

Output and a fluid input oh Jesus Christ that’s a lot so input oh my God oh my oh my God I am going to need way more materials than I currently have ah right boys freaking let’s just like grab everything and smelt everything I I need like 19

Furnaces actually does the blast furnace recipes work with the metals yes it does I still need like 19 furnaces I was need a metric ass ton of coal I a metric ass ton of iron oh my God so I need to make Hopper which is just a shield without a

Chest no no no no IR that that’s the wrong recipe in I need wood I you going to require some lots of wood good thing there’s some red woods so I probably shouldn’t cut those down cuz all them planted those oh dear I also need to make my house over here as

Well I need so many materials just all of the materials I also need to find oil find a way to extract saided oil which I think you can just use the pump for there’s diamonds in my place hold on I need like 9,000 chest I also need

To find a meteorite so that I can work on the freaking applied energistics stuff so I can get infinite storage I don’t need more bronze oh let me I don’t have any more coal Uh what is antimony even used for antimony Ingot what did that use for okay that’s a block of antimony but what is it used for what are you used for holy [ __ ] you can actually make random access memory wait what oh boy so there’s a quarry yeah the Cory is

Steel and ingvar and whatnot I can’t even make steel with Mar with the Industrial Revolution stuff for some reason right so can I use this Hammer though no so the this Hammer is kind of useless now so I need brick dust bam and then fire brick holy jeez I need more

Coal man have liite ligma yeah I need like 4,000 frecking furnaces everywhere I made a bronze mixer but that’s a it’s a steam thing I don’t have the ability to make Steam I need to also make my area but I don’t have God freaking damn it

Right so first things first I’m going to need to put away everything I don’t need right now I’m going to go on a big mining Expedition I need to also empty my mouth because according to L that’s my mouth even though that’s it it’s weird to think

About to don’t think about it I need to empty my backpack because I don’t need half of the stuff that’s actually in here actually don’t need any of what in here cuz that’s all just things that are crafting materials and then I’m I’m out of space officially from everything great just a great

Apple and food that’s good what can rubbish even be useful because explosive rubbish I think it can only be used for explosive rubbish Lima coal ligma oh hey AO there need a bunch of ligma right where did my other need in need organization I hear someone walking I am afraid oh

Wait what you’re invisible [Laughter] oh dear I forgot the a I am in your house I in your walls what house What walls I am in them I invisible aha ow oh no I revealed [Laughter] myself oh dear I need a lot more crap Hoy ho right I need to

Actually maximize that I can see the server is performance it should be fine I don’t know why it’s still at like 10 ticks like the CPU is barely being used where did aut moving go oh wait I may have lit something on fire yeah I lit I lit Spell blade ow

Right I’m going to need to mine everything like if my diamond pickaxe is still standing by the end of this mining Expedition then I did it wrong Canad Deo really really well I can’t see the performance of the server anymore I can need a bunch of lead I need a

Bunch of aluminum I need not aluminum it’s called box fite um I mean Li KN night works actually is Lig Knight even use for anything else yeah it can use be fuel oh energized Power Batteries but I guess it is just coal right like it’s just coal unless you

Unless you like make liite dust with it but even then liite is just just it’s just cold too yeah it’s just Cal too get a bunch of salt so I can make a lot of like sodium stuff I can make some really cool batteries that are I I I do

Think there are better like if I really wanted to I could go through like Industrial Revolution have that help me along with that but I don’t want to like yeah there there is a way to do it I most likely is easier in their end game with

That what the thing that really turned me off is the fact that they don’t use the same Energy System we have EU for exact renge actually now I’m now I’m thinking about it what even is the standard unit for Minecraft energy I always thought it was Jewels well okay in okay so

In so in Forge it was there was two options for energy there was Minecraft Jewels which is just Jewels which is standardized I think I think it’s the standard way of measuring power amount in real life like thec system but then you have Redstone flux which I think was more standard in the

Modding theme I don’t know what the standard in fabric is assuming that fabric even has a standard energy unit I guess the energy unit doesn’t necessarily matter right because it’s well the most mods that are going to be using energy are using the backbone of tech reborn well according to the fabric mod

Pit anyways Tech born is supposed to be the most compatible mod out there or it’s a it’s a API from Team reborn which are the same people who made Tech reborn and I think I I saw this when I was doing initial research though I could be entirely wrong or misremembering

Something but isn’t team Reborn the same as the cofh team from F from Forge who made a mod such a thermal expansion which I think thermal expansion if I remember correctly was the mod that standardized Redstone flux if that’s the case why isn’t Industrial Revolution at least using a

Standard IED API for like energy like you think you’d want to do that right because if you’re making a mod pack or just a mod in general you can’t assume that everyone is only using your mod and your mod alone what the oh it’s the

Ghost oh wow I like how I’m just doing what effectively could amount to like stat speedrun strats just always crit all the time no spoon disorder spoon disorder there we go I know it’s called mining fatigue but that’s just what Autumn calls it spoon disorder because it looks like a spoon

Got a copper nickel copper nickel sounds kind of a bit like pumper nickel which is a kind of bread that’s a lot oh God hold on inventory is full we never actually explored that M shaft up there because last time we tried to phanton ended up dying because he teleported into the

Sky got the wrong button that’s the wrong button as well oh Spoon disorder right uh let’s see if I can actually do just Yeet up there I over yeated I over yeated I think you need to get at a better angle like eat nope that wasn’t high enough I’m just going to go up there normally all this I actually have a

Floor for stuff like this I can probably just do this there’s so much Rite here oh huh rever Got Game ended start using my backpack now this is already not a good sign and maybe when I get up to that um when I eventually get over to that um oh there’s blue

Stone when I eventually get over to that M shaft I will get torches uhoh oh hey it caught up a bit I wonder what loot I might find Here ow I wonder can I crit one shot an Enderman it’s not a one shot but it does a lot of damage You are an idiot spoon [Applause] disorder yes yes I know I have mining fatigue can you please go away now zombie villager my ass that we’re in a cave how are you a zombie villager unless it’s a thing where it’s not that it’s guaranteed to be near a village I don’t know God

Damn sometime times it feels like I can jump twice before it does its check to see if I’ve already jumped but then sometimes it feels like it just immediately knows oh yeah you jumped you can only do that once oh come On God damn it I really need to repair my pick I should probably head up soon I need my verite how does a zombie that I don’t think is even wearing armor have one armor toughness the water oh [ __ ] oh hey that’s I mean I’m want I’m one to talk I

Actually am a well then again I also actually know proper things about Japanese culture but not everyone even huh spoon Disease spoon disease or spoon disorder I don’t I don’t really know which one so I’m wondering this now that’s the well I mean I guess that that works um what does okay so I can make torches using lignite okay out of inventory space out of inventory space doubly so God damn

It I need the lapis though so I can make like sodium chloride and hydrochloric acid and possibly Napal war crimes what war crimes whoa hold on so does that go in place no so it’s a traveler’s backpack right you can wear it oh okay so I think traveler’s backpack is placed oh oh

Oh okay well I can see in the dark now what’s the keybind for that traveler’s backpack backpack inventory I don’t know what else to do so freaking up Arrow I I don’t know that oh this is a really big dep positive to stuff right oh I think it’s high enough for just

Yeah time enough for nor normal Stone that’s interesting that means that this also connected to a lush cave I should be careful I don’t want to get dowed in freaking water uranium time to cause more war crimes God damn it Nappa oh you can put liquids in there

Ah not sorting it I don’t know what any of these other other ones do nikolly thank you so much of everything I also need a lot of clay so I should probably just swallow the fear and then just hopefully there’s no water e need toorish more before I f up my inventory

Water should I should I save the bread oh hey oh it’s a dungeon oh that’s a dungeon that is a dungeon Mo disorder no H hi another ring of experience oh my God there’s so much just random garbage oh I have like five backpacks now oh I have so many inventories but

They’re all full already what the hell should probably head back home cuz oh geez oh jeez wait there’s more I can’t even mine that box site wait there’s more no there I I freaking okay let’s actually sort this crap so sort this inventory try to put anything in there

That I possibly can sort that re sort that I missed all have to dig up a staircase cuz I can’t pick up any blocks or or I guess not I guess scw me then oh how did he go to limbo freaking dude went to Detroit Rite do I have any nope

Ow how do I go out again no uh ow no that’s water how I get what uh I was so busy trying to determine if I had enough inventory slot that I just blowed out didn’t even notice that I lost every I just I’m just lost it shouldn’t have been anything too drastic

Go down down here that leads to a dead end because there’s asphalt one and don’t hug the left wall if you think about it it’s just a maze what that’s nickel that’s why I found the dungeon okay this is another dead end I found o uranium I don’t have any space def an

Issue well I do have base somewhere for liite no I just went the wrong direction completely again follow the left no watch How It’s Something Stupid that I’m forgetting oh no this is correct place because this is where I found the backpack there we are there silver I wonder if the sulfur

Crystals actually do hurt at some point maybe it’s like um maybe it’s similar to like the dripstone where it actually causes damage as you fall onto it I like a sharp right got the wrong button not I don’t think that’s even big enough for me to fit into much

10 oh what else is in here so nothing that good I’m going to have more stuff for my Burber that the wrong button do I have anything in here for my lapis Yes actually I do okay but now I can mine some stuff again prob mine some some of these

Do I even have any storage or the gold yep I do my pickaxe ain’t dead by the end of this oh boy do I do I have any yes I do yeah let’s not let’s say we did let’s not but say we did what’s in here

Oo I don’t have space for any of this stuff I I’m sorry there’s another backpack well don’t mind if I freaking do there I can now walk on water twice now can walk on it twice as hard I’m not sure actually why don’t I have that

Turned on 2 I’m sorry what oh c Tools c yeah okay that makes sense what what that was a rubber band and a half [Applause] for well I guess I I’ll have to be right back then because um yeah we need to remove that bed mod so oh please Oh oh Oh Oh Oh Oh oh Oh oh oh Oh Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh Oh Oh Oh okay so it should be a little bit better like yeah it’s going to lag when people first join because it has to reload all the chunks but it should stay at a relatively higher TPS now my picka broke God damn it I have to leave [Applause]

Now I mean I could just get more clay into my inventory full uh I should probably be heading back I don’t have much food and I don’t want to waste the hamburger hamburger God I have like eight different backpacks and they’re oh I keep saying that but like it’s amazing how I can

Have three different inventories and it’s still full can’t even mine anything why am I still here just to suffer why are we still here ow water no well now I’m out of food you’re an idiot H we I have this nope that’s death uh so I’m close to the

Surface I think I went the wrong direction Al together this is a lush cave I didn’t enter in through a lush Lush Lush cave or I think I did that’s over there hm o verite I have faith for that good Now where’s the exit oh it’s up there

God I really wish I could swim in lava as bad as I could in freaking Water I really hate the fire effect I can barely see like I’m immune to the damage of fire I’m just not immune to the actual effect of being on fire it now that I’m back home and I have a bunch of materials I can now either actually I should probably build up my

Actual house first huh oh oh I need more chest I don’t have the ingredients to make a ham thing do I have the ingredients to make a hambur God I have like a thousand inventory Jesus CHR and they’re all full e either way like bro right I need to distribute this Lig

Knite and want not across my furnaces okay 103 to 64 so that should be fine for o for well I can rever died o just watching an entire drama unfold in real time in Minecraft underwater in space with a toaster I don’t even remember what that reference is but I know what the

Reference oh okay I we need more storage right I’m surprised Autumn didn’t do operation eat cake I just stole my cake is there a better so there’s drills of all different varieties I think the mining drill itself is is so there’s two drills you have this mining drill from Modern

Industrialization which is a 3X3 but then I wait what Ste what cuz like that’s the the copper that’s aluminum so what are steel and gold used for oh that’s Implement for the Quarry anyways need to make another pickaxe that isn’t that one that one has too good of enchantment can

I combine them together to make a full wooden plank then use that full wooden plank to no I can’t if I use a thill I could actually get sticks from it directly but I don’t have a me oh I just realiz I can actually if I

Get another thing I can actually make a enchantment table h ow gleaming feather what does the Phoenix just leave it down places there an L of wood here I’m just going to take this I’m sure no one would mine CU I’m pretty sure no one would even using that

Oh I should explore one of those dimensional wrists like one that right here well I’m busted I can just swim in the lava that you’re not supposed to be able to do I just got some free coal from that and free iron what yeah unstable Rifts woo don’t do anything because they’re unstable

Hello where hey hi I used up two Diamond Pickaxes worth of diamond pickaxe why I needed to m a lot of stuff lot of okay do you need a pick now no I’m just I’m just saying here these those are fancy looking it’s a gift make my no my roof uh

I need to make a hamburger now little do they know that I only keep that hopefully they don’t realize that some of the wood is gone cuz I need wood cuz I don’t have any trees in my land I mean I could just go get some trees

And put on here but then also I need to build up my stuff hey look oil uh oh yeah right I literally spent a while thing I need sticks so I can make a pickaxe but there you go pickaxe I could probably just have two the different versions of drill I need a

Hamburger do I have any bread I think the bread is in this one I have two backpacks for the time being I should probably there Herber God I’m so GL we don’t have the mod where like the nutritional value of each thing starts diminishing as you use

Them unless you keep your food VAR like I think that’s only really for like the hardcore like Crash Landing if anyone remember that mod pack now I Wish I Was An Origin that could fly or hover or something cuz some of the origins just flat out give you creative fly

Like I think one big origin that get you create a fly is gas you should flat out have creative fly as long as you’re underneath a particular y level oh my God I moved the window so therefore it died hold on reselect the window I actually up toates there we go

That’s literally like the only reason why it would die now what did this fail to deserialize gossip I don’t know what that even is actually I can Google that what the heck even is that oh gossip apparently I guess that’s how like your reputation spreads through villages e for

He I put all B oh wait not on my back anymore other backpack yes other backpack yeah it doesn’t appear to be directional like it’s like it’s a a raw counterpart actually I should probably use the drill so that I can get a block of dirt or some sand not grass there

Go oh my God I yeah [Applause] M already no more inventory SP again hello if you’re talking I can’t hear you for some reason I think you muted yourself a God damn it I hate this I have two of those these backpacks are weird yeah they don’t count as like an A

F or anything but you just put them on and they’re just on so you have like I actually have three separate extra inventories and they all get filled in like less than a second h okay I almost freaking died ow why do you have a cliff there I live on a floating

Island what do you mean I I jumped and I slipped off your entire Sky Island you need railing uh I almost died then I need help getting verite cuz that’s my wolf I I don’t barely have any all right wait are you streaming at this time yes hell yeah I’ll probably stream

Here soon I also have no inventory space at all I just emptied out my inventory no like not not even in my chest there’s no inventory in my chest make gold chests and stuff like this like this chest yeah but how do you upgrade chests that are completely full

Without you know putting everything on the ground you just slap the upgrade on it it upgrades itself wait that the thing yeah you just do that that’s what we’ve been doing in ours hold on what are they even called I don’t know you’ll

Have to ask Raven oh okay so I need I I I iron to iron to gold or iron to Diamond I can do iron to Diamond and also okay so you need iron to Gold where’s all my I have like a gig ton of gold somewhere gold hold there we go gold iron

That so gold to iron I have no inventory space help and then iron well ion to that obsidian seems to be quite good but I for the meantime I’ll just go up the diamond cuz Diamond’s more renewable well not really renewable but we have a lot of it add the wrong item

There I should probably I should probably uh invest into getting the me storage system actually I should find one of those meteorites there now I can actually offload [ __ ] holy B jesm oh that’s p in and take out everything when did I get the just regular ass gold ore

Oh that’s a crafting grid that’s why I didn’t know that was a crafting grid glowing Calamari cover me with various gems stick some rare gems on your gilded backpack well I have a gilded backpack what do that even use for God freaking yed backpack used emerald and diamonds to make a bejweled backpack do I even have emeralds I only have two well good thing we live in a

Mountain biome because they’re very common especially when you take into account that we have G get ton of everything and yeah I have two different types of raw Silvers like so so that’s a smithing upgrade Sterling pant in the meantime I’m going to fill out this semicircle until I get more

Verite like I know I can finish the circle so assuming what I’m assuming about expanded forage is correct and it’s using a standard like just a box standard way of storing the items inside of it by just serializing the item list to its NBT which it should be doing

Realistically right if for 1.20 you actually can’t just not do that anymore like you could before Minecraft 1.2 like you could just explicitly tell Minecraft to store like the binary data of the tile entity into the save file itself but as of 1.2 it’s I remember correctly assuming that remembering this

Correctly I don’t remember if you could have done that or not it should mean theoretically that you it it shouldn’t even be actually instead of guessing how about I actually just do this slash data get blck that okay so it is storing it as part of the NBT carry on should work

Yeah carry on works that is so useful oh hey you can carry furnaces and they’re lighter oh I mean I guess yeah cuz everything has to be NBT now right so it should all work why would this be useful and why is this heavy bro I can carry this on my back

And in my hand normally and it’s just fine what the hell why is phone is lighter than backpack I wonder if mixing I guess really it doesn’t because considering that how the chests work at least according to the code that I’ve seen because I made my

Own mod before how it works is that each chest is obviously something called a tile entity or block enti entity is the old name um and all it’s doing is that it when you right click it it plays a sound effect and it plays an anim

Um that’s called on the server than to the client and then it call tells the server hey open a client screen here when you put something into this screen it’ll tell the server okay they put something into this screen uh add it to the item list which is a huge list

It’s a 2d Ray actually well some I guess it’s not a i i I remember correctly it’s not a 2d array it’s literally just a list what am I thinking it’s just an item list because I’ve seen other implementations of it where it is a 2d array for some reason

Uh and then it just says okay well add it as part of the N NBT data for that entity and then also on place it finds if there’s another chest next to it and then uses some server magic to slap themselves together like I think it does I think

What it does that it looks for another chest and if there another chest it will copy both the original chest and the other chests uh items and then make a new chest of double chest Place those items into it and remove the old items from the individual chest and then it

Will just do the vice versa when you break it I have to recheck that again but that’s close enough to what it’s doing so I guess that makes sense why carryon will work still what doesn’t make sense why carryon does does carryon take into account everything is inside of the inventory

Cuz there’s hardly anything in this one and it’s pretty light I think it does cuz this is completely fall and just just I’m sleep in the corner I am going to need to to um get more verite now where did we even find verid last time I’m going to go ask Aram for

Help I’m more going to bring the empty backpack do I have my drone on me no I do not hash t o where even is my drill there it is and I have all of the stuff for it and there’s water in the cave as much

As I hate water I did kind of need it hello down there I wonder if there’s even I think it might be outside of the range getting him so high up for so considering that there are Sher boxes there I’m assuming that this is probably missing tunnel down to um a mine

I mean hey it’s it it it makes it faster for me to get down to verite level oh verite wait what oh I have no water why is it so much darker on stream what the hell oh okay yeah I see why there’s no torches here because missing can actually see in the

Dark Bur I’m assuming that the other AAL is over with with Autumn because I can hear him going what that noise and it’s probably Autumn’s call I wonder if this is a strip mine or maybe missing just made a M right down to like Bedrock or something H oo more verite spoon disorder

Wait if I’m if I’m reading how this is actually allowing with a 3X3 breaking of stuff correctly in theory if I put a block that breaks instantly and put it in a 3X3 area would that actually still work I don’t really know what block there

Would be to test me test out on that but um actually what do blue stone look like when it’s polished it actually looks kind of clean it kind of looks cleaner than antide and everything h I’m getting a bunch of this oh yep dad is how that works [Applause] [Applause]

Why there’s so much uranium oh yeah that that um h lot of blue St lot of paradite what the hell why is there just half a bed down here how is there half a bed down here oh [ __ ] that’s a Skull no mimic no mimic no mimic no mimic oh yeah I forgot the thing has silk touch wait does that mean that it’s really fast I can wait hold on oh oh I can I just ran no I don’t think they hold you can’t m a three by three of skull oh Huh but you can soak touch go well I tell you what when the water in my drill runs out which will be very soon actually I think then I’ll head back up to Bath and build stuff what find the unique weapon Brimstone Claymore L of blue stone you’re def a crafting grid

And there we go that’s now out of juice Oh [ __ ] yeah so there’s something wrong with that chest there I remember correctly it’s rule of Threes dep or dependent on how m the size of the diameter so I put 3 3 3 three so that’s two three one two three one two three and then one

Two and then you want to do the same thing on the other side that it meets together in the middle unless you have no freaking inventory space Oh my god oh like raw verad looks better than polish to me oh one two three one two three one two one two that’s three what

Did I do that wrong I know that this is supposed to be I know that this is where the one two three one two three one two three one two one two hold on seven but that’s the de Center there that’s one two three four seven three one two three one two

Three one two one two I may screwed it up on this one two three four five six s oh I lost that one two three center right there hello hello hello I’m trying to figure out how to circle like a circle you need help no I just [ __ ] it up for a

Second I think I still [ __ ] [ __ ] it up yes [ __ ] f yeah fcked it up is an understatement almost all of your Corners are [ __ ] up the only one that isn’t is that one yeah if I don’t remember how to do circles correctly okay’s a the

Center where do you want the center of your building to be well I did originally make like a cross section like Center is like there 11 14 is odd so it’s actually 15 give me a second I’ll casually start stream this one you want to get building I got

All this wood in my pocket that okay this place is a mess can I see those blocks you were building with yeah I also recommend removing the walls that aren’t correct well I don’t know which ones aren’t that’s the thing we just start from scratch yeah you could do that

Too this one looks fine use totally for got that [Applause] dir dirt Dir see if I can actually get this correct because I might have calculated wrong might you’re to circle expert I’ve seen you build 300,000 circles how do you even calculate uh circles I just use a [ __ ] site oh yeah there’s a circle calculator site we also have Bania can make circles too but

It’s also botania so you have to get pretty far to even get that thing yeah it’s game it’s really bad my way okay no no I’m not okay well you might be actually okay I’ll Mo this up I’ll Stand in the middle I’m setting up my stuff so I can build my

House I should probably also move these back freaking [Applause] change the main screenshot I will I’ll go by Ru twos this is season one so season one gets same thumbnail ow what what I keep hearing cracking noises from everyone’s mics when you guys are so AB Adam on bending your own bones

Yes I must snap crackle pot I I I don’t think that was a good idea I can’t even snap mine mine don’t snap are you sure about that here let’s try snapping how do you snap ah exactly exactly maybe I do need to snap my fingers I don’t feel any better doing it

So I don’t understand the idea is that is just satisfying satisfying it’s not that satisfying satisfying well that’s you and because most likely because people were annoyed by it just like you kind of are they made up a whole myth that if you crack your knuckles a lot you lose your bones or

Something I’m not annoyed by it it’s just silly isn’t that kind of the same thing no no do I do a starting soon screen for Minecraft I mean you can if you want to want what would I be starting soon too I’m already here I’ve been playing for a bit

Touche what we’re just starting no indicator we’re just Minecrafting screw my viewers that’s it a the YouTube Im immediately ban you for saying that no no no it’s fine it’s fine I don’t we have a couple seconds it’s okay give give it time give it time

We’ll wait we’ll wait hold on we’re here hold on no wait wait wait wait wait I’m in Minecraft Minecraft up here MRA wait what CH ah the bottom of your island has a lot of diamond yeah I was getting around to that fix my failed calculation making circles is

Hard I gu two an extend even if you do have calculator I mean technically the circle I was about to make wasn’t going to be wrong true it was just going to be off center three three three two one one one one did I pick up my calculations again H

Bra this might just be the wrong calculation for this it could also be the fact that due to the irregular shape of the itself it may be confusing eyesight no I just have my calculations incorrect oh oh like in the actual generator calculator maybe I should use those more

Cuz I tried doing it by ey first time yeah no you’re getting hexagons like that circles get more and more complicated the bigger they get oh so that’s why it took me like four hours to make a circle for a structure that I’m making my Minecraft mod cuz it’s like a 64 Wide

Circle here some dirt here some dirt dirt [Applause] One one two one two three one two three Center two three two two one one one two three three there’s your circle Merry Christmas okay thank you thank you here here here’s three diamonds Diamond hey yep where all my SP go have to thunder all of this should be glass

So yeah now I know that there is such thing as the circle calculators I mean to be fair I should have actually known um it’s Minecraft anything you can dream of they probably already done it at some point like oh yeah I wish there was the utility to make circles e easier well

There go there we go circles are easier like I was using a chart for making a structure in my Minecraft mod I didn’t know there was a direct calculator I thought you just had to go bit off of the chart and then Chate from there I’m an idiot

Do I not have enough Rite Rite what no there should be one more Rite somewhere like I had so much that I actually had to put it up somewhere because I couldn’t there we go okay I was going to say I couldn’t fill it up the rest

Because I knew the circle was probably wrong either that or it was probably incomplete I don’t remember which one I thought first we have no more space god I think until until until I I can make the stuff for the applied energtic storage thingy I should probably go and just get some

Obsidian and make an obsidian upgrade I sure hell going to get netherite that will take way too long also to me that just seems like another reimplementation of um Iron chest if anyone remember that mod it’s just that it seems to be obviously more up to

Dat time to find the nearest bigest pool of lava actually why don’t I just make a door to that one cuz it’s in the redwood forest and the that one is literally just a lava pool why don’t I just go there yeah I don’t actually go there

I can make a door in here this is a crafting grid 3×3 crafting grid oh this one’s also unstable cuz I think what it is is that there’s two types of RI stable Rifts which are invisible unless you unless they spawn inside of a structure like

That or you have unstable RI which you can’t go through and they can be stabilized by putting a door in it ow can I actually mine the fabric of reality well yes but it doesn’t drop anything I don’t think yeah it doesn’t drop anything

Ow ow I can’t I can’t do that trick I can’t do that trick that hurts ow ow and it bypasses armor and everything well actually I don’t does it bypass I don’t think it would bypass armor cuz if it did why would an enchantment prevent the damage from hydrophobia

I guess no one knows where I am huh oh hey we’re at 20 ping I guess also I’ve not loaded anything I’m in a pocket Dimension what am I doing I can just do this cuz I can I can I can just just just exist in lava

Like as long as I don’t start losing obsidian because I’m in the lava and it’s like burning the obsidian before it gets to me actually the nether would be a fine place for me because I don’t actually have any reason to be scared of fire cuz

I can just swim in the nether it would take a quarter of a trilli in years because lava is a thick boy but um actually that’s the question does that actually change swim speed because in the nether lava flows like water and water evaporates well okay water evaporates

Unless you break that system by putting water into a Colden Cent cold Co cauldron but I I guess it doesn’t really matter cuz you kind of can’t use water in a cauldron for anything else Bes like washing leather armor and getting Potion bottles from it really I just want to get the most

Amount of obsidian Ow like I understand why I would have Hydrophobia I’m a literal Firefox but one of the other Origins that has fire or Hydrophobia is an angel why oh that’s 20 I I don’t have patience to get the rest of that uh H oh this must be a lily Luna’s

House hi hi so what do I obsidian upgrade Diamond to obsidian or just is a diamond okay that makes sense unless you know doing diamond into obsidian doesn’t actually change anything and all it really does that it makes the chest unable to blow up I mean it’s to tear up right you

Think you you think that it would do that I guess we’ll see tiny house honestly this is too big I was too much jump too much just increase jump height until you can jump to the moon no I do not want so let’s see are there any exotic

Glasses that can be done in this mod so you have glass from Minecraft then you have like beveled glass from blockus Jesus there’s a a lot of glasses you have pink what the hell oh yeah CU he didn’t have dimensional okay yeah what is there a glass that’s like Arcane glass or

Something oh for a second they’re I thought it was going to say glass pickaxe but why is verus v v v v [ __ ] whatever what why did it say that it’s not can it break glass elf glass Paine how do you make elf glass Mana glass oh Mana infusion living

Rock where do you find living Rock living Rock oh I think you need to go to the the Bania um biome for that that did not increase the size at all what the hell I think all it did was literally just what I said I thought it did and it

Just made it not able to blow up anymore okay so I can actually do that oh God damn it I I spped stupid stupid stupid I guess while this is going on I guess this is a good time to uh take a little bit of a break so I’ll be uh I’ll be

Right back I need to just change some stuff like a that and that’s not even on the correct layer all right I’ll be right back are you sleeping hey wake up wake up oh no well this circle looks better okay forgot that enable that we’re back right so now we can finish building

The the things actually put more stuff into smelt it’s do I have enough [Applause] R I don’t think I can have no drite oh no I yeah wood to Copper oop Huh oh you got to be [ __ ] me it’s because it’s not it’s it’s it’s a it’s a Minecraft chest not a chest chest chest chest was a chest yeah a Minecraft chest not a chest chest made of chest there now I have a chest chest made of chest chest with the

Chest don’t don’t ask wait what left shift button to on a wooden swor block to convert it to that’s a w this is a wooden that’s trap chest the chest chest with the chest chest chest chest that’s wood chest oh right because it need Shield that that won’t work on on non

Chest need be a chest chest with a chest chest what the hell wood to Copper conversion kit this is the chest chest chest the chest why aren’t you chesting one two the chest chest with the chest chest with the chest chest with the chest chest why what does because it’s not specifically

A wooden chest even though it is a wooden chest does old chest no oh because copper sh doesn’t exist anymore I need more iron then don’t mind me fish wrong button other wrong button still the wrong but where’s my iron there we go there can I upgrade the regular yes I

Can upgrade a regular ass chest to a chest chest with a chest I they’re going to wh that only the loudest the Ping actually I think I can make another gold chest on BR balls no no no no I wonder is there a way to disable the um particle effects around

Me I guess not There now have much more space to work with hopefully maybe I don’t know when did I get a golden shovel blue stone I’m going to get everything out of my inventory just everything out everything out why do I have two diamond Axes hello do you have any Spar wool no damn it what about food uh I the cake I have air cake thank you I almost ate all of it I still need to eat it hold on there okay then so I think I can start doing what I need to do now

So if I read back on the guide book so coke right so make a Coke oven which is just regular ass bricks so I actually need to smelt some just regular clay I that that need to be a whole stack I’m pretty sure oh right I for for some what why can’t you

Actually make so we have that we need bronze machine casings so I’m going to need lots of copper where’s the other there’s my tin I might need to make another hammer there now I have more bronze being made so let’s how do make a bronze machine cing

Again oh bronze PL it’s in a bronze gear which Bron oh dear so a bronze Gear is bronze bolt bronze Rings oh damn It ow you what I forgot to light this place up yeah I should probably do that oh my God and you f so much of these so what does it say I need to make So Three hat input output fluid input multi block controller you usually can inte the controller directly all input go through the hatches we need fluid input because C been powered by steam we need item input for the coal and output for the Coke and we W forget one of the hatchets of the

Oven wait hold on right Astra bits and chisels energ Power Revolution modern industrial God damn it so at the end of the day there so now for wrench so I can actually do stuff and then I need to make a few machine so bronze machine Cas things oh and there goes the iron

Hammer hold on this isn’t hard to make cuz you don’t even really need it just takes more no because you need to have oh God damn it never mind it takes a lot of iron there now I can finish making these damned casings now I don’t think I have enough iron to

Make all the Hoppers oh never why I do oh wait there is more W light for that was almost really bad not not I would have died it mind you I just thought it would have taken a 3,000 years to get back up here all right Hoppers good good so input output

Bronze tank require Bron go so many so much bronze so 16 of those so I thought I can make two of these are there any exotic glasses that look cool well I can I can I save the glass make a monocle input output fluid input fluid

Output no need for wood on that one we just need okay so I’m supposed to be able to do that I can make a bronze Barrel H oh I just need the machine casings I need to just turn all of this into that and now I’ll need a furnace assuming I

Can find my freaking Cobble after I get the coke oven thre up I’m going to try and find an a uh meteorite the wrench say about the power level I’m what hold a wrench to see the missing blocks and errors you can also hold a hatch in where it can

Go what blocks are you missing 21 bricks and okay so it just needs regular bricks for the coke oven so I wasted all my clay for next to nothing then well I guess the blast furnace requires fire brick right one two three four so that’s three wait what okay so that’s 3

By a 3X3 by 1 two so 3×3 by3 okay so the output has hat logically should be down here the input hatch should be on top like so like so the wrench should know what I’m trying to do it does not 21 bricks three and three

Hatches okay but we need 21 24 total 2 21 rocks so we that we need to make these freaking bronze bullshits bronze machine casing I don’t have a bronze gear here so now I can make a fluid input hatch I’m going to put here oh God damn it

And I have fire clay bricks and I do have a furnace I don’t have any More like I have a lot more 10 but because it’s it’s a seven so because it’s a three to to one ratio it takes so long yeah just turn all of we don’t need copper plates for the time being just turn all of the copper into that malchy there the input

Hatch we need the output hatch to Output the CAO no this is a Coke oven not not a no to get hold on coke oven let’s see so it does create Creo what’s Creo even used for it can be mixed with red stone to make lube turn all of this [ __ ] into that

So we can make a boiler so now I have a bronze boiler which is going to be the center point if that’s you know where everything come from I have fluid pipe some somewhere uh where’s the fluid pipe iron but what oh he’s doing the graveyard oh no [ __ ] League of Super Evil

Where where’s my what where is my fluid pipes oh there they are what the hell you can’t extract the fluid uh so I have no idea what to do with that then boiler right can you extract from the boiler maches every Mach output side you can enable auto reduce the Maxim uh I’m going so we have output hatch fluid input hatch we need a fluid output hatch for that we need to make another oh my God so much bronze so okay we need to make that and back in here we make another gigaton of bronze

Plating so that we can now make another bronze machine machine C thing and that’s now the output hatch and the rest is just bricks there so in theory CU it takes two EU per tick so how do you output from the boiler then if it

Oh I’ll kill you with the book I found I’ll kill you with the power of friendship and if gun I found whated here the back room I mean I’ll take a free furnace and a free bed oh you got to be [ __ ] me yeah so I’m not able to actually go

Through there because if I do I will die so how do you how do huh pretty cool nope the bridge is over there I need more Mobil I just need food Okay so now I just need to get food cuz I’m about to start taking damage I have some chicken here so oh my god oh and this actually needs copper I already used all my bronze oh my copper brick dust copper that I need to make two gears and then I need to get the rest of these and then I need to get rods and I can now make the rotors I think I hope I have no inventory space you better be able to make the rotors before I freaking throw TNT

Everywhere right rotors no I cannot because it requires it requires a ring and I need two rotors oh boy this is turning out to be a bit more of a pain in the ass than it ought to should be so I have that we can make the we

Can’t make the bronze machine case actually I think we can right nope we don’t have a bronze ring of course we don’t screw using the actual freaking Hammer bronze bronze bronze bronze bronze bronze bronze bronze no I need bronze plates bronze bronze bronze so now we need a clear inventory space and to be we make two copper gears and to make a copper gear you need copper rings I think we already have actually need copper bolts hold on

There bronze water pump oh that’s an oversight isn’t it yeah we you have a torch or something also make a bronze furnace I just need more more [ __ ] BR God Dam on plate there on the furnace and then I need to make some more coal or not coal need to make some more

Torches so that I can surround water so that I don’t need to worry oh my God yeah it’s frozen that was an oversight I forgot that when you get high enough in the world it just starts treating it like fre like freeing I guess I’ll just wait for this to fall out cuz

Yeah for is that last one not going to saw St you’re next to two torches oh my God there so it needs it needs steam in order to go but in order to get Ste what the hell no that’s the input sides right so output side would be up but it’s not

Connecting these fluid pipes right oh wait what Shi right click to connect got I can walk in the Water oh you you are you joking me that’s all I had to freaking do whatever what does this do if I can get more or less an infinite supply of steam considering that perpetual motion machines do actually exist in Minecraft because it’s a video game but we’re now past the boiling point of

Water so now we’re producing steam so since we’re now producing Steam and that requires steam to function if we now do this we now have a steam Network for and we’re bringing in water I so we have a boiler it is it because the idea is that you need to

No that’s flowing inwards right wait that has a you oh now there’re infinite water there a perpetual motion machine okay that took a while for me to figure out freaking perpetual motion machine cuz now I have okay so as long as I have coal cuz now I have infinite

Water pool that is drawing from there and being fed back so yes I it’s now a perpetual motion machine God these fluid pipes are really freaking finicky to make because you okay so in order to make a fluid P you require like a billion covers yeah like a billion

Bronze okay that’s not that much bronze I in hind that’s not that much bronze you just need 6 12 that’s not 12 I need rotors damn it requ so much copper and stuff if any of this deep slate Copper no it is Not do I need to mine more copper that answer seems like a yes yes I do there now I won’t get merked by freaking Phantoms and now go and get more copper that dragon is still there spoon to Thor there we go wrong button good thing I think um coal can

Light on fire at least from just what there to be like a fire charge and if we no surv fire do a lot of damage oh hey Emer dudes you you never saw it coming that almost that almost hit me there it’s funny that almost killed me oh God

Ow you’re in gold armor what did you expect was going to happen gold armor is kind of crap when it comes to uh protection like I think it does have really good protection but like also it’s not that durable but I don’t have spells that’s the thing I don’t have

Spells I don’t know where you get those spoon disord spoon disorder oh yeah I Can Walk on Water I keep forgetting I can walk on water oh what broke oh helmet broke and kill it before it even goes off so much copper so much CRA h here a lot of stuff hold on is that the biome for Bania ow H I like how it had just enough Health to attack me and then my Thorns killed it what is this place red tches like a stronghold stuck in time that is a chest okay

Nice try but I am immune to Lava all you really done is slowed the shite out of me being able to get back yeah good good job bud good job bud now if it was that I would have gone to limbo then I would have actually been kind of

Worried cuz limbo is not exactly a place you want to be critical I just came out here for copper and I’m going back with like an entire inventory worth of stuff again God damn it Ude potion of swiftness oh another Japanese boarding over there so I need to make it back home for where I don’t die and cry what’s in this one I’m in limbo great take no fall damage anyway so that’s kind of a move point There where the hell am I I’m sry 14 kilomet are you [ __ ] me well the server is going to die now too prob can’t get that oh a breakable ice I just wanted to come out here to freaking do do I gamble again sure why not I guess that one’s just not active

Or maybe too low of a TPS for it to work oh yeah bud oh yeah bud why is that lagging me whoa some some oh Jesus what the hell was that Uh for oh okay something is causing my game to just die hey what’s wrong yeah uh my game crashed what okay I’m going to have to restart my game I think what you yeah I’m going to restart my game I don’t know what the hell happened it just decided to die

That was in Interesting be back up soon there okay got what the actual hell happened what what happened to you what’s going on okay so here’s the breakdown of what happened I went into a dimensional door I got sent to limbo I got out of limbo limbo and I got smacked into the North

Pole when I tried to leave the North Pole the graphic engine decided to turn into ashes things happened to you I don’t know problem like my FPS went to like one and then everything just turned into like a singular Pixel yeah we have anen here hi one day’ll get a new mic never never okay I don’t app back in the server and I I didn’t know they want back in so they’re upset again did you unit list no he can join at any time in the M

Oh sorry I forgot they’re all connected yeah he can uh join at any time I’m pretty sure what the hell is the void render void render I don’t know inflicts increases damage and inflict against related but you can join a server anytime [Laughter] why okay we’re good we’re we’re good we’re okay hold

On things yes stop flipping it’s like flip which Galaxy from Galaxy okay yeah but now he he’s not unw oh my God I want the talk stand on the Moss you won’t fall through okay okay he is still Whit listed in server I’m pretty sure it’s just just he left the

Minecraft server and the group group idiot in in his frustration so it makes makes sense why he’s not getting notified and then I kind of forgot to invite him back but I guess he hinted at me he wanted an invite back that’s so I I don’t know did you

Send him an invite inv yeah I did let me check my DM DM oh now he’s upet upset he’s upset that he can’t play the game but now he’s upset that he can play the game he’s upset because he didn’t reply fast enough I have a problem with

DM literally everyone I talk to I read their DMS and I forget to respond and everyone gets upset because I do it oh my God I can’t speak what is wrong with me I I I don’t know why I’m saying random words I don’t [Applause] [Applause]

Know ah water ah don’t know why you didn’t we don’t need to have random I just leave leaving oh [Laughter] place he’s here I forgot it all seems to be already explored yeah to us we’re the one exploring it exactly we exploring this whole time wait what’s this why did this glow

For a second be careful opening those s a guy cuz ghost can spawn yeah we had a giga battle here I almost killed Raven multiple your daggers are evil Evil I don’t have any inventory space that’s even more Evil how do we get back home get back home I don’t know man good luck with that do you want at least know the way up to the surface the surface no no go up go up okay okay yeah that was an emergency teleport because holy B jesum uh why are

You bad guy got it that was a one shot H i it was an emergency TP I don’t I don’t see hello yeah I I did an emergency teleport because [ __ ] was breaking really hard oh okay that’s fine yeah cuz like okay so I I got I went into a dimensional door I fell in the limbo and then so

I like fell into the North Pole I guess it was a snow biome ice bikes biome uh and then when I tried to leave the ice spikes my game decided it’s a good time to go to one FPS and then it just I think it like made my fov

Negative a th000 or something what and then and then I wasn’t able to move anything cuz it was like half on FPS at that point and it wouldn’t stop disconnecting me that sounds terrible yeah it was wondering why you were logging on and off it was really confusing I bet

God yeah so I I I originally emergency teleported to bloopin and uh Missing but they’re in like Indiana Jones tomb or something um my original intent was to teleport back here so oh yeah cuz I I thought it was something to do with the server like dying super

Hard cuz them like at the other end of the world so note to self that might happen some sometimes possibly in snow biomes well that is funky yeah yeah um home is back up there okay thank you that was the most confusing glitch in the world you can un yall can understand why

I did that right I thought that my game was starting to lag cuz there was like a particle effect going on somewh no it just decided to die and I don’t know why I should have probably checked the logs when it was doing that like it’s possible that it what

Again again if it was a potion effect it wouldn’t cause the game to crash well it didn’t crash it just kept booting me I I don’t I don’t know yeah that was weird yeah that that’s why we made a rule to where we can only teleport or

Like uh do things like that if [ __ ] ends up breaking super hard cuz holy Jesus oh also the other rule is that if you die multiple times in the same spot and everyone else is there and you’ve and you’re able to get to that spot every single time but you still die

They’re at that same spot you’re able to teleport there cuz youve already proven that you can get there very quickly or without dying again but um yeah we that that was weird I I don’t think it even did damage to me I don’t think it was a damaged

Thing I think it was just the game deciding to die oh because that does require steam as well are you kidding me you actually you actually need a pipe in order to connect it can I just can I not just use a wrench like doesn’t actually have to be the

Pipe oh I guess it does oh God damn it wait what wait uh okay so that’s that there now I can smell stuff for yeah um that was so weird I need copper rotors I guess it makes sense why you need rotors for a fluid pipe because it’s like it’s like

Um I guess in a way like Uh saying that you’re just like moving it long it’s like a pump I put my iron hammer it was on me I I don’t think oh it was on me yeah I need two rotors so so in order to make a rotor you need a gear for or a ring for

Blades and to make blades you require two of these we actually need two or three of these we need six copper rods need copper ring C plate oh I overdid that oh crap baskets yep I ordered that so hammer [ __ ] I don’t have enough iron for that

I have still a lot of magenta stained glass there now I can power the freaking stove there we go so now it’s converting coal into coal Coke and Creo I need a a Sal or something is it not making Creo then what the hell makes Kus out anyways we now have coal Coke

Which is can be turned into Coke dust by a maor okay so now that I have what can be classified as a perpetual motion machine I don’t know how or why I have that I now need to hunt for the freaking there we go upgrading to Steel if I steel

Upgrade okay yeah but I don’t have steel yet do we have Coke oven okay so to make a Coke oven is the same or a blast furnace is the same thing now you have fire bricks and you use the Blaster don’t know my Minecraft doesn’t

Already have steel I mean it has a blast furnace which is how you actually make steel exhibit a bam Blast Furnace I need more freaking oh my God I need more bronze I need a lot more bronze oh yeah I can buy my other two freaking

Emeralds there we go can I make a b jeweled backpack oh that’s the full chest on my back now I wish I could find one of the freaking a E2 meteorites without the game deciding to die on me I should probably just go do that rip out the Band-Aid do I have

Food I do have I guess food yeah I’m just going to head start heading in in the direction and going I know that’s how you like go the Ser I don’t care I a going to walk in the water this really isn’t much of an issue for me oh

Hopefully I don’t run into that weird bug again where the game just decides no like I think that’s literally what happened the game just decided to just not it was like no bro yeah I’m not going get this better than It you know I’m kind of surprised the server hasn’t actually crashed recently it’s just the game back died for I wonder if that might crash the server so that means that there has to be good loot on these ships over here right am I suppos to get up on here actually H you

Can owow ow ow owow Are there just spawners is that what it is H wow I can really take some damage I’m too bad I can’t get into any of these islands is there like a potion of flying or something oh I mean the levitation that’s slow as Hell Sil nugget why oh I was sneaking wait what don’t oh God it’s water I really hope we can find one of those meteorites quickly that zombie is carrying a backpack really mobs can just spawn with backpacks protect our protection too yeah I don’t want to save you bud Oh that is some really bad loot please don’t say that it’s doing the bug again The only thing that can end my adventure now is the freaking weird pixel two pixel one pixel bug oh hey oh how do I name it then oh I just going I’m going to be the collector of freaking backpacks aren’t I sh yeah I don’t have any space in my chest

And I can make more chests but that’s going to only be like a Band-Aid solution there I forget how rare these things are I mean I wish I could fly all I can do is die I’ll just go because I think you need at least one right cuz if I

Remember correctly with applied energistics you only need one uh meteorit to get all the materials you need to start making the me stuff diamond armor for potential Mount I don’t know I don’t know how to same Mount So no no no WR okay you made your point I’m Leaving wait that one low enough for me to launch on too nope no it’s not is it the Villager strand okay well I mean I’m going take your you don’t even have I’m to take a for you it is a volcano my home I don’t actually know in lore where

The nin tailed fox came from in Minecraft lore it said that it was nine Divine wizards but I I don’t think that’s actually the folklore behind it and I don’t know the folklore behind it it just that in every depiction of the niled fox net tailed fox is

Always um going to be like a fire fox demon thing it’s not depends on which folklore I guess yeah this is a volcano we I don’t think there’s any under here cuz you’re not supposed to be under here but hey this one is verifiably close enough to launch onto

Yep I can all jump to this one oh hey shoulder boxes even though there wasn’t really anything much else on here Sher boxes are worth it your stupid ass can’t even get back over here m oh hey it’s a cherry Forest Beast game too need to get lucky and get a sapling from

This no that why is it dropping it dropped the Elderberry and a freaking white Cur these are cherry trees oh these are sakura trees they probably not just replace cherry trees with sakura trees considering that sakura trees are kind of the same family Yep this is a cotton

Sakura need to get back to that Japanese building I think it’s cuz it has like noodles in there right well okay that’s just Asian in general uh but it has like those guys with the the weird masks I don’t they’re suppos I think they’re like Yokai or something or they’re supposed to be

Yo-kai considering that there’s no actual yo-kai in the game which they could have added but I don’t guess they didn’t or either they’re yo-kai or some kind of like unde I don’t exactly know what those things are I didn’t know the mask and it looks really weird weird when it’s rendered in

Minecraft what even are these they’re dark Oaks the dark Oaks don’t look like this oh it’s because of the biome we’re in like the only other thing I can think of is probably like a show thing bur B I wonder if Bania or bewitchment is closer to th craft anyone remember th

Craft that was an OG mod like the OG magic mod where for those of you who don’t actually know what th craft is and think I’m crazy which okay yeah that’s a bit mean but also um th craft is a magic mod from the old

Days of M well I mean old day I mean like 1.12 um and like how it would work is that you had crystals that naturally grew every everywhere and you use those crystals extract like I think it’s pronounced V from it either V or VI it’s it’s spelled v

You extract it from it to do magic and there was a limit to what you could do if you were doing it not very eco-friendly because there was actually poll in the air so there are nod start floating around that one of the items allows you to see

Where um if you though naturally the world would always have V it to have V everywhere um there would be one node of flux every now and again and flux is like the evil magic and usually how it would work is that the flux would disperse throughout the

Environment and then try to and then it like gets neutralized over time by the V the like the elemental V so it’s air water Earth fire stuff like that or also like life and like Mana and if you like were doing experiments with trying to mix the V into making other magical instruments or something along those lines and those experiments failed or you just threw it away without actually trying to filter it out or whatever it would release flux into the

Environment too much flux in the world starts to explode so first what would happen is that there would be a new biome created called the flux biome and it’s that is not a real biome because that’s not how Minecraft Works biome is by World Generation maps and not by how much

Blocks there is but it does count as the biome Because I Said So in Terraria terms it would be a biome because it’s spreading and then it would start spawning creatures that are powerful and then eventually it would spawn a rift that would destroy blocks and it will insta kill

Players and uh it will keep growing until there’s no more uh flux in the in the current node I know I went and wait too much into detail about that but I needed something to talk about we’re heading back home oh yeah and th C to also like make

Your own spells well you could make spells that do certain things based upon what’s already in the mod uh because you had like a wand and you like a proper Wizard and then also like you also had things like being able to create like um machines that can do

It for you machines that can extract the essence of V from the air and instead of the coalesced versions of the V that’s in the crystals that you can find in the caves it was cool I don’t know whatever happened to it cuz last time I I checked

Even to this day it’s still on 1.12 either I’m missing something or I haven’t checked it in recent enough or much enough in order to know that they have updated it to this version of Minecraft even though if they did it’s still in Forge mostly likely or there has to be a

Reimplementation of it because it’s still not actually in for or person in Minecraft either here oh [ __ ] hello hello hi hello hello we were going to make a quick Dragon taming trip before you got here but you got here now that you’re here yeah I mean I found like four Phoenix I

Don’t know how to Golden app exclusively I have two if you want a phoenix you can grab one I mean I don’t know where they are now oh there’s some phoenixes over there that way correction that way sorry oh okay okay okay so what happened to Mad hyper madad oh oh yeah then

Want this way he left the server and I didn’t catch the hint that he wanted to come back I thought he just left and said I’m going to go do my own thing where was the entrance to the cave over here oh Dragon this way yeah I didn’t catch the hint he

Wanted to join back so I thought he was just going to join the server when we started so I that was kind of my bad on my part so you sent him an invite to the server again mhm and now he’s mad because you sent him an

Invite no it’s cuz I called him a baby are you K what pretty sure I called him a baby I’m pretty yeah I’m pretty sure Raven did you just agreed I did agree well I am as well but he did leave the server without talking it out or

Anything he left both the group and the server before we could resolve anything at all like we could even use our words to begin with yeah we we he didn’t give us a chance to use talk no J yeah like I’m pretty sure it would have

Been over like that a snap of fingers we would have just brought phanton and Raven together and say I’m sorry I I didn’t mean to angry you that bad and we’ll just teleport them over and it’ll be done easy as that it was even earlier game as well so

Like all the stuff you lost you could have replaced it by now yeah we could have helped them cuz we’re playing the game they probably even gotten better stuff h MH mhm so I I I don’t and like the house that he has next to me though has a boat

Lord of [ __ ] in it that he Got oh my God I’m afraid to hit anything I could cast my daggers but it’s not good good I wish I had Mobility they have op Mobility they have this extra separate bar for just flying and then they have fireworks as well well to be fair it’s G

Magpie a magpie is an actual bird they can fly forever fly forever mhm but they also have weaknesses they can’t eat any food at all no food no f i can eat food but food doesn’t recharge my health doesn’t heal me so there there’s no real point to

Eating also I don’t think it drains naturally so that’s weird don’t you don’t you gain regain hunger by the XP bar no I regain Health with exp oh oh it doesn’t take from my bar so so we taming dragon or we going to Tech house first I’m fine Tech

Is by the we are right next to the dragon it’s literally down in that cave right Luna it’s up to you you got this and of course we can always grab a phoenix for Ezreal so we don’t have to like Bo we should just I can walk in

Water that’s but it’s a long distance okay okay I can so I I don’t know if that is like a thing where you required to Sprint no no I just have a ring of walking on water water oh to ring I had like boots in a different one

Where I had I have both I have both both you have both okay I’m basically double Jesus sweet swe I probably should look to see how to turn off Phantoms no I need them but they’re annoying I don’t care I need them for Wing light unless you can just say hey

You know what you can SP in all Sky touou yeah yeah sleep sleep like and having less people under the sky okay well let’s go in the cave cave yeah if we’re in the cave they can’t spawn it is literally right there be careful

Hi I can’t I I I had to like jump around it because it’s cling the waterfall they have an insane amount of reach I think I was taking damage from the water not the dragon oh my God I have this insane oh yeah I forgot I could level up yep there’s the

Dragon stuck in the water a little bit how do you even get spells SP spite spells there’s a spell book you can craft or you can make a spell table not really sure but if you get a signature ability you can cast spells spell binding table oh we can

Make that we can make that M just diorite diorite and like amethyst and that’s it diorite you mean diorite that I I keep pronouncing everything incorrectly based upon how I laughard it heard it I do the same thing except I’m I screw I’ve been screwing up words just because

Today honestly di is one of those weird words where it could be pronounced either way and you don’t really know mhm looks like you need don’t forget your other backpack like at least with diorite or Dior or whatever whatever you can make the argument for both AR for both I

Still don’t understand why people say aluminium Alum because they that’s a British thing where is the second ey I I don’t know things are just pronounced differently in different places that doesn’t mean it’s always correct going to be a pain what if you come from having a feure wiggle wiggle wiggle

We could always use knockback and push us out of the water we can get rid of the Water I’m not going to go take an actual bath if you don’t mind ah cuz the the bath that you think is a bath actually hurts me yeah ow oh my light I have nothing it’s fine you can just you can just be next to me cuz lava is very

Bright it is I know uh I realize if I go into an ancient dark city it reduces my HP in half Goblin man oh hey the goblin yeah hey where have you been my boy boy uh I don’t have anything to trade well crap I have emeralds but he just

Wants to trade other stuff I have three invent four inventories Careful actually I technically have like eight inventory cuz I’ve been collecting like a thousand Travelers backpacks mood I even have two shulker boxes two shulker boxes you guys are obsessed with having inventory space I like having storage damn it I don’t have storage at home that’s why I’m trying to find the A2

Stuff cuz that can that’s infinite storage I’m going to set up an infinite Community storage yes fig it out it’s really not that hard you to show me how it works the only hard part is um until we get like the actual infinite cell the lower level cells have an actual like space

Limitation that’s fine so we make a community house yes Community House like a spawn house or Community House is like just a place to hang out yeah place for everybody I don’t know where true spawn is I only know where my spawn is no just on on the mountain top where

We all get together I think that’ll be best Fly what true spawn could be found by using a compass so I I know that but I’m just lazy and I don’t what would make this class broken if if lava healed me yeah it’s like having light heal you Luna no here La a pit for you perfect yeah I

Don’t have to to worry about moving for no reason yay ah yeah don’t you you’re not immune to lava’s damage ow ow ow I don’t have to care about armor for my class I’m just wearing it to Slow Me Down angry dragon the dragon is right there um the dragon is right there

Okay he just going to go back in the water here Mar or Miss like lad freaking everything ohel just you’ll be okay why do I recharge so fast beside you I don’t understand what are you I’m a I’m a nine-tailed fox I’m a fire being Are you sure you should be doing that yeah I don’t die to fire though I take damage oh you want to see my dagger ability prepare yourself hold on I have to find an enemy this thing’s I think we lit the cave up to a good we

Did it’s all right I can shoot it at Players you sure can how much Diamond does it even do like one I can shoot 20 or 10 oh well oh my it’s ass it was good when I had a weapon out it does a bit of damage I a blad

Storm you’re like a budget Virgil it was cool it kicked ass before you don’t have you don’t have the plastic chair that’s your issue I have a katana though but no plastic chair one day I’ll get a plastic chair that’d be funny if that was actually a thing to equip in

Here oh yeah you also need to have some Boomer juice AKA like the white version of monster Boomer juice that’s exactly what I need also I have 80% attack speed what did that even mean I don’t know I don’t feel like I attack faster cuz like I think the skill cool down is

Still counted so or the attack cool down yeah I just think it recharges faster and I know I can hit use his hammer whoops I can swing it pretty fast I can do do Giga damage I I did a lot of attack damage yeah I had to Nerf myself so it

Was one-shotting everything so I got this Hammer instead or the katana I am the storm that is appro yeah Hammer just too good I think I can one shot you if I’m sneaking though oh yeah most definitely cuz like I’m I’m for most part I’m wearing still iron armor with the padin chest

Plate and I think like every other second I get 10% damage while I’m sneaking want a cookie sure oh no what would be cool if if a Sky Kid it had the same effect Al where it heals your hunger more if you eat a cookie ah that’ll be broken hey there you go

Yes you’re only here for one thing what are you here for Nemo meow are you here for a Meow Dron going he’s okay he’s okay okay backing up I’m intimidating I’m tiny here maybe if I take aggro it’s too high for me I was freaking eating some Goldfish I’m eating distance that’s hilarious here build build some Towers they’re on Me got get closer H tool tips B F3 B ow ow ow will this be the time that Autumn dies I I got the half HP they they would have killed me if I didn’t eatng light ow what the [ __ ] do anyone remember Jonathan Tyler Thomas by no oh jeez that’s might put

The fire there so that he gets light did I get yeah Y is it good now now yeah yeah it’s just a friendly dude friendly guy a handsome fellow neighborhood Spyro oh we freaking did it I almost died all my armor broke oh no sorry well you were only wearing two

Pieces of armor anyway so yeah but he was doing it for a reason he need it to slow down I need it to slow down now I’m too fast look at me I just zoomed maybe I just embrace my speed uh okay helmet with protection goodbye now I’ve been Unleashed

Unwed now if I had a bow I would be doing damage okay let’s get the hell out of here I have such a long recharge on this what the hell I know it seem goes for my light ow ow I have to use your staff to teleport them hello hi no

No I’m apparently okay at Minecraft parkour I’m too goddamn fast someone stop me I can make my stealth attacks to poison now you know if you don’t murder them in an instant first oh God Wait the dragon dragon strong Dr even stronger because they’re a beast teamer yeah they get boosts to their stats hello your nostrils look like eyeballs those are my nostrils yeah I should put googly my nostrils I was talking to the dragons oh well now arm the

Dragon all right do we actually want to sleep no should be fine as long as they keep moving they should to bother us damn it okay let’s go up damn it nope I [ __ ] that up PO okay I finally made it for [Applause] for uh put the frying pan and Berber

Don’t worry about that hey you got a burger yes here have one oh my God I need this it’s so easy to make them but they’re so good wait how many items do I have on my oh I can’t check I have so many items Hot

Fire you think you have you think you have a lot of items have my Katana and my hammer I dual wield these roll the dexterity check I’ll do it all right how you rolling that one and you end up exing your armor all right roll 1 D20 let’s go 14 you sued hell

Yeah what what what’s your modifiers I have 20 inex oh oh so it’s a plus [Applause] four at least so would be an 18 okay okay you know the way you know the way I do know the way hi it’s just moon walk I think they have natural slope

Fall okay well everyone’s showing off that they can fly I can only do this ow well I’ll walk with you I mean can you walk in water no actually do you want the boots to BU water no I I can literally fly I’ll just swim oh okay what happened to my walking on

Water boots I just disappeared I’m over here yeah the boots that I had for like which your sprinting they’re gone now for some reason but the ring still uh a boots that if you’re sprinting you can walk on water yeah I had I had those on Once

Upon a Time I just have the I have the ring [Applause] that’s what oh that stops my freaking upper momentum what what does apparently walking on water stops most upper momentum momentum oh yeah I think it doesn’t like it happening it it tries to keep you glued to the surface what’s

This and then you end up in limbo you good Lena rep to message oh I’m just fast I just don’t I don’t have to do anything I just have to run nope that’s the wrong that’s the wrong animal entirely that is a freaking sheep not a cow you’ve killed

A I mean it should still be possible to make sheep burgers sheep Burger yeah you need meteors right I don’t know what kind though Uh there’s quite a few on the way so I mean I think the only mod we have that spawns meteors yeah but there’s like different sizes and there’s different stages that’s what I mean oh yeah I think that means like what level of stuff they have these are blocks of

Coal okay so apparently this is just just diamonds and stuff hell so it’s just a basic no fanciness yeah is a chest there is one that I saw a while ago that had does it have Sky yeah oh hey hey hey you [Applause] good uh Happ to there

Coal and a chest with a diamond in filled with coal oh this Ad Astra then didn’t know how after m so much coal this is worth it never want coal again I I I no longer need coal for my steam Escapade I’m going to get down here and

Pick up some big ass coal blocks did you enter the electri cage come here all how far are you uh so I’m in the steam age I tried to also do Industrial Revolution at the same time but it was getting confusing you can’t do it and IND how it

B Revolution stuff is cheaper but not as good but also Industrial Revolution can like Skip and entire like Okay so this revolution is already electric but it’s balanced where you can’t use it to skip to another age so no skipping so I admit like a d decision to the [ __ ] Industrial Revolution oh

Okay I’m probably still going to get into I’m going to get into and the two flowers oh yeah I can’t take Diamond from these you can take damage from that well yeah but there’s less water water I’m getting stutters every now unting and reconnecting oh yeah that’s what

Happened to me to uh you should probably restart your game just completely yes just completely before it like just turns into one pixel okay I’ll do that I’ll be back then he’s having some [Applause] issues Soul Sand what wings that is so ah behind you he lives once again

Hello hello I’m back what what took so long Minecraft takes several years to launch oh did you have a hard crash yeah he almost did he was starting to have random starters for no reason that’s what happened to me before the game like turned into one pixel and sto rendering all together all

Together so I have a stack of coal I also have a stack of coal well that was worth it cool all right so this wasn’t our Target but it was worth it yes I ate a burger burger you ate the burger burger uh there is a flying Island and a very

Dangerous uh windmill no I can’t go up to the island you can just ride on L’s Dragon oh wait I can do that I can do that yeah uh I think it’s one seat I don’t I don’t think multiple people can get on it yeah I guess not um there is

A interesting looking meteor that has purple on it over that way but we would be loading new chunks I mean as long as it’s not loading so much new chunks and we’re all all together anyway so it shouldn’t be that big of an issue yeah it should be fine the issue

Is that a lot of people just pick a direction and just go at Ma speed yeah I do that sometimes I did that when I got teleported into the next Dimension well you didn’t really have a choice in the M yeah like when I got teleported to

Freaking limbo I saw the TPS go from like 20 to 8 I almost caught a chicken no chicken for some reason in order to make a ham sandwich you have to have cheese s zombies attacking me they is certainly crying wow gra snails are enemies of slugs they have hes upgrade once

More upgrad I had a home you have a home I do ow what I’m leveling up yeah know these great aren’t uh loot compatible so it’s it’s just the one I mean it just had redone anyways yeah they’re usually not that great to be honest unless you find like a graveyard

Instead of just a grave site then they can have some good stuff like apparently the other other from the graveyard we were in like a we were in a CAC yeah y all going this way I don’t know I saw a zombie oh yeah let’s just head towards the meteor oh actually there’s

A chest over Here what the hell was This guarding strike hey boots hellrider allow you to glide through molten rock oh hey I need this because I I don’t take damage from lava but it’s like walk through molasses sword the other sword I been given weakness I have spoon disorder spoon spoon disorder I’m getting a crank

Aidian a crying obsidian d uh it’s decoration it looked pretty uh better better nether has blue version Oh really there is a yeah there’s like there’s the the base version where it’s just like crying blue obsidian but there’s like more crying like I think it’s called weeping yeah weeping I

Remember and of course there’s just also blue obsidian it’s all pretty neat anyways this one oh my God it’s like the Avengers and I’m freaking [Laughter] Hawkeye it’s like everyone can like fly and like kill gods and I’m just kind of here with an arrow kill God but that’s the thing if I

Arrive in time anyways I like this coar dirt it looks good I’ll be like water I can walk on water you walk on flowing water oh no apparently it’s fine I can jump actually even better yeah it is still not the one we’re looking for but hey that was worth it all Blackstone

And GED Blackstone and what not it’s cool I do like builded black stone I think we can put this in the stone cutter I think so that is a lot of gilded gilded Towers oh without her juice how could your drill uh really good cuz it can cuz like

Okay so if I if there was Black Stone on like below obsidian all I need to do is mine the Blackstone and the obsidian will break how what it’s a 3X3 oh that’s really good okay but the thing is I require coal to to use it well coal and

Water oh we have barely we have 60 blocks of coal computer times must Lo chunks you should be good now at least for now Gill Stone used to have like a really shitty drop right well I guess not anymore there go there’s moon sand in here from asra

What moon sand even used for uh let me see uh it just makes glass Moon glass I think it’s literally just sand but from the Moon what there’s a moon yeah my God there’s an entire solar system you can explore two of them I came from the Sun I didn’t know

There was a moon we’ve been to the Moon before Michael what no yeah in a different universe that’s a different timeline I don’t remember different universes fine fine baby I am the biggest oh yeah Luna can’t get out there probably not no they’re over here hi you breaking in thought we just built

Out I had to use freaking blocks because for some reason my jump doesn’t go that high directly upwards if it’s angle it goes higher I have a secret ability fire my wings are the same way to be honest if they fly straight upwards it does jack [ __ ] I think it’s just how Minecraft

Deals with directly upwards I think so yeah you dancing I guess so here we are I don’t know why I have this weird thing where I have to check my inventory every two seconds or I die or you die or your brain dies my brain dies I don’t know I just want to

Check my compelled to crazy you know I was crazy once you locked me in a room please a rubber room a rubber room with rats I’m going going and rats make me crazy at least he went in the right direction hello oil in the ocean oil in the

Sea invade oil good yes really good for me does it do for you it allows me to make things like Rocket Fuel and Diesel now do you die touching oil uh yes cuz oil is technically Still Water ah map let’s let’s go towards yeah they do that sometimes they’re coconut Crabs I’m pretty sure if you trade them from drown one of those coconuts it will give you the helmet or shell that dude’s naked so you can also kill them I guess and if for no survivors anyways there is A fairly big oh yeah I see on the map yeah map this crab is hel on we talking about that that way oh I see the meteorite okay see what the heck is a hemlock hamlock log hamlock planks I’m pretty sure it’s just another goodl looking

Wood oh hey this is this is yeah this is Sky Stone mysterious Cube yeah I saw one of those before and I didn’t touch it cuz it was spooky hey I got all of the the presses do you find it yeah yeah what’s this SE this

Quartz it’s it’s uh how you make some of the Machinery I guess technically in applied energistics the Machinery you make is actually alien technology oh how do you know how to craft it um that’s what it that’s what it did gave me it gave me the blueprints to craft it

Oh no I can’t make it out and Sky Stone in general just cool it’s it’s it’s a little like rainbow speckly it’s neat hi how it going hi there hi there’s a village nearby there is yeah right there so s random Shack it’s part of a village so it

Is the bit out of the way give it a little explore I think that’s enough Sky St for today or maybe we can go for a little bit more sky Stone I mean there’s a still plenty of meteor here and I’m sure we’ll counter another one if you

Require more sleep what oh Michel out a bed brains oh that’s an issue I guess they did actually change how the internals of the sky Stone Works it gives you all the quartz and then all the freaking things are in a cube what I’m streaming don’t worry

About it right by the way there’s like a phoenix right above us so I have 20 Golden Apple yeah you need to settle the WR it though [Applause] [ __ ] you okay oh you almost died yeah yeah I can’t give you anything recharge my light I got these hemlock trees cool yeah had nine

Saplings nice I can cut down one in an instant wouldn’t dare maybe I would what if I just lit the entire Forest on fire probably burn out I got a br Point did you know to do the mod that makes everything framable you can even light fire on fire that is

Hilarious here’s all the sky Stone I picked up a few oh it dipped in the water I’m sorry I need to get that enchantment that makes hydr Foria not as big of an issue does it just instantly kill you no it just does damage I think it does damage like half of lava

Oh Dear ah probably I don’t think they’re much different from chicken Oh no I got spoon disorder look at what you’ve done I have caused this I have spread this F looks like a freaking spoon they did that because it’s like you’re digging with a spoon I guess so instead of a shovel

That that’s what it is applies to everything yeah spoon disorder it works you’re a spoon disorder I’m not a spoon disorder I’m a spoon a child yeah I that’s as much as I’m willing to mine freaking water does so much damage to me insane child has been

Defeated but I have like four stack of Sky St all right that’s great well to the tech building then yes oh they there they’re Jolly llamas they’re so cute What just you just instant the thing here yeah we need hi I have a stick you’re going to need it for your T that with me how do I do how do I use this you just right click your bird don’t slap him right click make sure they’re on follow and we’ll

We’ll get a sadle for you soon okay might find at the tech place we might but I didn’t see any chests in there it was just like Tech machines okay here have a feather hey where did Raiden go I everywhere and nowhere we’ll follow you Hi how are you holding

Up I’m alive I’m a Potato I just ate some potatoes that that thing to teleported into a wall yeah it does that good thing I have enough golden apples to make it not die yeah how many golden apples do you have I had I had 20 yeah we can go practically like

Straight North and we’ll hit it at some point I’ve been eating bad food for the past year you’ve just been eating nothing but freaking rotten flesh yeah I had a burger once that was good the burger was good stop teleporting into a wall please here maybe I can heal them with my light that the doesn’t to do anything

No I think you can feed them normal apples too well I have a lot of normal apples as well I’ll bre get two stacks oh hey does another meteor yeah let’s go that let’s go other meteor ow hey another Sky Stone meteor more water water just Cube mysterious Cube what does this Cube

Do I’m mining it it blew up yeah it give you the it give you the blueprint blueprint the blueprints I’ll give them to you uh looks like I’m eating flesh again so I’ll just throw them in my backpack so you’ve been at this all day asrael right more or less yeah

Damn I have no life I should I should get a more of a life than I already do I’ve been trying to get one but I can’t freaking find a job I just don’t know how to apply for one to apply for one nor do I apparently I’m doing it

Wrong apparently it’s not just send a resume at a job cuz they never respond back my resume sucks or maybe it’s because I can’t speak English yeah you’re you probably need to know least a little bit of spelling watch how would that you need to know

French oh probably I was looking at jobs said I need to know Spanish mini dungeon ah we all just dive in I chat have you o pile enchanting you can use that for a color module more bread more Redstone more iron I need to put some stuff in this other Sher box I

Have you at all Yes it it delays the damage from Hydrophobia oh okay thank you I also did actually oh yeah cuz I technically now can get water protection three yeah you can the sugar cane unnaturally green for everyone what you mean look how green this

Is it is very it it’s definitely a different shade of green than normal maybe one of the mod that just changes texture just don’t understand supposed to be lighter than that normally I think it’s because in real life sometimes sugar cane is darker like that and one of them mod was like let

Make it like real life well knowing the fact that there’s like 3,000 different types of sugarcan we made it more accurate to this one species it’s like the sugar I know took care of it have the power of the one shot god over here I mean I can’t just one shot

Normally I have to do a critical Fair anyways you get all the stone you wanted yeah I don’t have enough inventory space to get more so well we’re going to a tech place so you have to make some more inventory space yeah I’ll just check to see if the

Auto short can actually do things correctly I probably didn’t stack things at all yeah Auto s perfect Oh My Flesh moved up no heading straight North yet I entirely forgot about my Phoenix yeah don’t forget to make them unsit guys you forgot the bird that’s what I’m

Doing about it when I said that you had to go grab your dragon wandering no follow not the the the follow follow follow or not or not help I don’t know how to help you I can help get off the bird it’s just wandering Now it really changed it so you can’t command other people’s mounts anymore oh no you’re right how the hell do you stop this bird down down Luna can I borrow your saddle they landed they’re norn falling mode I have to hit shift for it to activate and flight hello go down there

Hey gleaming feather what did that do that’s a torch oh you get it from your little bird here they sometimes drop feathers stuck I wish you could craft a saddle same well even with all the mods you still can’t actually craft a saddle what the hell it’s kind of

Funny there’s a way Stone over here oh we can head Back damn it Dam it I keep Failing Getting hurt uh wait oh crap basket I think it I think it died yeah oh no it it’s a one heart I found a saddle though you’re lucky I told you otherwise I was going to die I wasn’t able to hear it for some reason but I can fly it oh oh

Oh there you go where’s the it’s at the top yeah where’s the at top of the tower top really yeah like up here ow how do you get it to hover tippy top oh I found a it was scary that once too anyways you see that little cave right

There that’s my spawn I have I spawned in there oh so you spawn next to a wooden mansion there’s no wood Manion over here there’s one oh I not a woodland Mansion I thought it was no that’s the tech building oh it’s just in the same or yeah it’s

The same biome that you should spawn then I think I don’t know oh no no isn’t the Dark Forest never mind you having fun flying around just yeah actually actually mobile for once you have the ability to move places you’ve done it it hello hello you good at fly

Or do you need a second I need a second to recharge my light it takes half my HP to heal you all right I have fireworks though I can use those it’s not that far away it’s only 200 blocks okay and I’ll follow okay this it yeah this is it

No I’ve done that before there you go but I have no food for myself well actually wait a minute never mind I can make a Berber if I can find my freaking frying pan FR this is a weird place where you brought us I brought you to the tech place is there an

Entrance Barber oo like a ruined Factory looks like it’s all part of uh energized power so energ Power full of it so I don’t know if it’s going to be any use prush uh Transformers e okay yeah so huh it might be of use at some point I think all you got to hold on all you got to do is power it yeah and I think the charger allows you to charge ingots yeah I charge ingots so you just need more ingots to

Put in there no you need to actually put Power into the charger and then it will charge the in bucket food coal it needs to be from a generator do is up a yeah I guess so yeah this is the tech place I’m mer it on my map so that if I

Need it at at a later point I’ll just be able to come back here all right yeah energize power you use like energized ings that like do stuff like I guess probably just more you’re able to create lightning huh actually let this is the generator coal engines they’re right

Here you can power it right in this spot oh oh we have a lot of coal so we could do that how much coal do we want to invest yeah oh my I’m a rat in the ceiling I join ceiling rats ceiling rats ceiling rats bro we’re tiny so this place actually getting

Power uh I don’t know say anything they don’t have energy on oh it’s because it has it has to charge these Chargers and then what what is energized power supposed to even do really besides just like Auto extract stuff automation view recipes for Crusher cuz it might I’m not sure if it’s compatible

With the energy stuff of modern industrialization okay this just brings blocks to their base form after you polish okay what what the okay that’s another Crusher there blocks of silicon o what does Sawmill do saw dust what do you do with sawdust block of sawdust

Okay you can do a lot with these you can make sawdust like crazy and string I think it’s like if I when I eventually get the production line of like infinite processed ores and whatnot up and running I think this is supposed to make it even easier to do

That wait you can get infinite ores how do you do that uh so in moderate industrialization there’s a quarry it just mines from the topest of the world to like the very bottom and it Ms everything and it goes lava and everything but if you use stuff like

This it doubles the amount of or you get oh it that that I need to um like get all open running before I ever have for this blocks of sawdust okay is that it a power generator weird okay I guess that’s it I I’ll I’ll come back here if I need at some

Point bber what one Burber yeah get burer tired of rawten Flesh yes it really even Hur make a burger you just need a frying pan and a blaf of bread and some some beef blaf of bread wait what is that little Cube over there you think that’s techy too uh Poss

Possibly where’s everyone else gone okay oh oh my God what the hell is this oh it’s it’s a haunted western town can’t be that haunted yeah this is the saloon oh there’s ghosts in here actually it is haunted there is do anything good in here oh d The Vindicator ghost leave me

Alone go away ghosts oh jelly ow what the hell there’s a music disc in here called Lal Loco What’ you find it’s a it was a music disc there’s another one wait we can play at the music box you think this is copyright I hope not if it’s copyrightable I am Destroyed it just sounds like generic old western music though yeah okay just leave that plane that’s the jail oh I found an Infinity book that is really good oh my God I have no space hold on I can just use the backpacks of crafting G of space apparently I found a jail cell

Or or break the door oo cowboy hat really that is that’s so good this better not have a durability it does no I need to put mending on this just an enchanted freaking old western ston yeah I Enchanted my cowboy hat with mending this oh like a diner like a smaller

Diner than than Saloon I’m going into the water tower watch how there’s no water actually in there it’s probably why the city is there’s nothing in here my immersion’s ruined Ash oof we’ll take all that paper for fireworks though oh yeah I need paper for rubber cuz apparently how you also make

Rubber is that you make um you take oil and paper oh interesting cartography table howy partner this Town a’t big enough for the two of us it definitely is is definitely big of big enough for the two of us this place is empty yeah it’s a ghost town duh

Unless you want to be alone and then go ahead big enough for the two of us we’ll draw I don’t have a weapon lava bucket take that you just almost destroyed yourself I have an actual crossbow I don’t have a crossbow do I have any range attack I

Can throw daggers at you with my special ability they’re not fast at all I can throw myself at you what did that even mean look I’m a projectile if I’m fast enough I wonder how much damage does it do to you uh I’m not a good metric CU I have

Light hold on let me take ow well you did a bar and a half of my life oh wow I mean I guess to be fair yeah base game weapons aren’t that strong for anything oh hey there’s an island up there oh yeah ow what are you doing hey guys they’re the freaking

Black myth up here stick uh hey there’s a blacksmith up here cool they have food and all lanterns where’s the guy where’s the Blacksmith you dead what oh with Heavenly tea and Heavenly cookies this guy had a god Apple wait where in his grave oh amethyst I that a

Nautiloid what the hell is that that looks like a nooid whoops all of those m everything should we go there we have to consult the crew either that’s a notal lord or it’s an Airship it looks like a not Lord from distance there’s some gay cboard why am I throwing crap stop ow

Ow that’s my dumb special ability this dude decided it’ be a good idea to just walk into a roof there okay let’s go talk to them let’s go my light oh is gone uh there’s a big uh thingy there damn it oh [ __ ] not mean to fall into that guess it’s my bird

Now derp is sleeping where you want to go up there he probably home it’s pretty dangerous I’m going to say this again we’re dangerous can can you fight Withers sitting on top of hoglands yeah perfect combination what you do Heavenly tea with cookies it’s be Tumblin a ghost hello what is

That I killed it you killed the tumble weed I thought I could get Dro but usually it’s just sticks yeah if wizard raiding hog so it’s basically not aloid we can we’re Brave we’re strong I mean they’re not really bra there’s a pretty decent chance that they’re also

Going to be wearing a diamond armor have you heard of the bulk the bulk I can jump over fences I can jump over fences technically your birds wandering dude you need to sit them down I’m going to go up there I I’m going to do

It well be careful I will not not die sure if 5 seconds later you just come back and go B up there guys well it’s night time and on the edge is there is a Phantoms like massive Phantoms that find a Heavenly Challenger oh he’s going to encounter mine

Flare I wish that was actually in a a Minecraft mod I mean there might be a mod that has that possibly probably Forge though Ian it might be a fabric version you never know maybe it is so it’s not that bad [ __ ] [ __ ] smile oh no chat you know what that means all

Right for hey Neel no this way nether already Che it out oh Jesus it’s good netherite helmet Dragon Blood yeah that’s a blue obsidian oh my the place is burning down what did you do uh so that wasn’t me that was I think an an enemy an enemy oh my God Diamond

SW I not fact resist is op they don’t appear to be aggroed I think it’s because hoglands are neutral they have a netherite sword they could drop that you know maybe I keep oh yeah I think we can get them to drop that NE sword oh my God the amount of freaking

Gold they do so much damage azreal oh we’re okay but you do so much damage as well apparently I do a gig ton of damage okay yeah it it’s noroid what the hell is the reflex no it’s a netherite diamond holy sta I have no freaking inventory what the hell oh

This level is Okay that’s okay it is on it is on fire oh [ __ ] it is very much on fire I don’t know where Brin is he found another sword dagger time let’s go it’s literally it’s literally an aoid the design is is very similar wow I got some netherite behind

You where did you find the netherite boots uh they drop off and drop too okay I have no Health oh my god oh netherite sword I don’t have any freaking uh inventory space for any of this here I have three of them I found a chimpin nugget here take this

One I’m just combining the netherite swords I got together this is this place is insane I wonder oh oh H oh Jesus that’s act I think it’s actually supposed to be a mine flare huh hey I want to stand by these shroom lights so I can recharge my light

It immune the fire it immune the fire it’s me the fire it’s not IM immune to being sneaky right I want to sneak attack it I have a bow it’s not it’s not immune to a crossbow I don’t have any arrrow anymore I’m going to go kick its ass

Quietly okay with skeleton prepare yourself to get your ass handed to you H yes we killed the final boss of Boulders gate [Laughter] there’s a chest here diamond leggings a netherite Ingot oh my God oh my God with some of the mods we have we can clone that

Even holy macaron I have a sword pants the runic tablets we’re rich I have no inventory space Rich oh that boo went yeah this is the big leagues wble now I just need mending here I we killed what I think is to actually be M player yeah we kic we

Kill who knew God wasn’t immune toing them on their head in steth just Bonk also I want to keep these around so these guys drop good loot this ne’s burning down so maybe a different one yeah a different nooid oh yeah my boy just doesn’t care about

Being on fire because he’s a phoenix that’s the kind of his whole thing yeah one more we w it’s wanding oh my in the green mystery chest plate yeah okay this cross is way better than the one I currently have oh oh okay time to move Mounds a

Well crap that just was getting go as well who did that who crash I don’t know it was not was it I I originally asked no no I originally asked for leather no one responded so I just started making an iron chest I have a leather I know I was

Asking no one said anything you we were busy we were out fighting a gig of ship or something we were literally on a naid I would have love to join but I I couldn’t see anybody we were already there when you join I know y’all are streaming for like

Eight to or not eight six hours Minecraft’s great it is but I was playing rainbow and then went to VR chat and then went right back to Rainbow rainbow VR chat rainbow server up yeah uh yes do we do we know the cause I loaded in and then instantly

Died because there was a phantom on top of me oh yeah that’s a i as do you know how we could fix that theoretically uh fix what um the Mojang Studio loading uh and then it being stuck uh on loading for a while I don’t know there might be a mod that just

Remove it outright oh yeah I have that problem too I wait no that’s the issue uh like I can’t do anything besides wait it’s either I wait and live or wait and die who who died on here uh let’s yeah just give them a Teleport that’s doesn’t seem fair the die loading

In cuz I also that was a I I don’t know if there’s a I don’t know if you can add the a mod like that boss during now um azra are you able to make a backup and add a mod to test to see if it does anything or are you not able

To oh so my shit’s totally going to have we’re kind of busy right now the fire is I was asking like if you were able to oh yeah I’m able to okay perfect I was going to ask if you were able to make a a gravestone or

Add a gravestone mod to to here though there even if in death uh we load in a mod we used before in the past yeah not sure if there’s one up to date now but that affects death usually causes a lot of problems yeah that’s what I was saying especially

Now I’m not sure if it would cause any problems that’s why I was asking if you were able to later on make a a copy and see if it would work I don’t think break it I don’t think it should either but you know it’s always safe to well whenever whenever there there’s

A a server crash or something uh a backup is made I’m going to die for real oh no you might want to leave I have no more light I’m going to sit by some lava I guess I’m going to see what the hell causes to crash um my bed is broken light source

Um oh yeah that it okay so I think it was the bed that derp says was broken that caus it to crack whated so der banator is bed what it’s been there the entire time and then it when I loaded in it was half of it then yeah that something happened cuz

The CFT log says that nothing to do with like trying to load a bed so what terator yeah how the [ __ ] was it my bed I was in here for six hours and when I load in it crashes I I don’t know it’s weird I’m oh wait hold on I might know

What it is hold on oh good I got my Sher boxes back are you sure it says something to load with a bed uh let me verify that if it says something with loading in a block then I know what it is uh let me see not then uh I couldn’t tell

You yeah it’s it’s loading it’s loading a loot table apparently that’s what it is okay knew it all right it was a chest fix it done God damn it no no you remember when I said uh it wouldn’t even let me make a double chest when it was

Lagging oh my God they’re uh the issue with it was it had half of the double chest Sprite but still acted as a normal chest oh so you crashed the server derer is that what you’re saying which I feel is weird because it’s been like that throughout the entire time while you

Guys were playing I think I think I think it’s because it like now it like oh yeah it should load but now it’s just like it it was a glitch beginning with so Um I mean the weirder part is I would see it crashing if I interacted with it but it didn’t crash well the thing is with Minecraft it’s really inefficient with how it handles chests um chests always reload every every now and again then it should have crashed way back when you guys were

Playing well that trunk was that chunk was unloaded yeah I was going to say yeah I was about to say although the trunk for a while that is very true there my gold backpack was disintegrated no I mean there wasn’t anything useful in there luckily it was just random stuff my

Shulkers are fine Luna I moved your dragon off the ship because the ship was burning shulkers yeah yeah because of because of how some of things like some of the structur spawn you can for some reason just find a freaking End n city ship in the Overworld oh yeah that’s

Fair so what’s the new endgame then like we already have the elytra or not elytra we already have actually we do have an elytra I found one well then go we have elra well the end game has changed dramatically how end game is to kill God yeah the end

Game like okay we have mods that add like four million bosses there’s I am ready for there’s also new different Nether and a different end yeah like the end the whole game on itself same thing with the nether there you are like my my dude

Getting an elytra isn’t the end it is a requirement unless you want to die a requirement like you could you could try finish the game with the an elytra good luck with that with the noral elytra yeah you need to have like a giga 69420

Ltra I see a freaking dragon or is that a I am short so I can reach hey I found an ominous Pearl I use this what ominous Pearl isn’t that part of the graveyard mod it’s a boss I killed a corrupted Enderman I threw it um alone the Pearl

Is powerless but you need to combine it with oh it’s a boss I’m in yeah I killed a random Enderman that said hey how’s your day and then you played some music and tried to kill me I would love to join you on your journey I have only a

Very really far away no yeah no no not only that but not only am uh we am I far away from you guys guys I have no backpack to carry more items and I don’t even have good armor I mean I can’t wear armor we collected a fair bit we can probably

Share stuff with you yeah like I have that’s fair I’m just saying yeah we have netherite already but bro netherite is like the iron like iron armor is like wearing literally nothing at all hold on you know what’s even funnier the armor I have is less than like the chest plate for iron

Arm and I also have like a shite Lord of diamonds I I think I have like two three stacks of gold from that oh damn oh were you all just adventuring and just doing whatever the hell well we we wanted to go to a tech

Place and we saw a sky ATT and we accidentally burned it down it’s literally a nautiloid nautiloid you found a [ __ ] nautiloid yeah like let me send you a screenshot of this such a thing that’s awesome uh should I I think I should head back I going take the way

Down here it’s basically an aoy hell yeah I knew I’d be on the oh my God there is what the [ __ ] looks like it looks like a mixture between like an Airship and a Nao yeah I think that’s kind of what they were going for CU it would make no

Sense for not Lord to just be in Minecraft or whatever the hell the place is called yeah but like it had like wither skeletons and there were the big Main guy that had like a tentacle mask on he looked like an actual mind flare yeah but you know BL just one shot

Him I I I snuck up behind him and hit him in the back head with a big ass hammer and you just dead boom I’m heading back as well I have zero inventory space I need to make a dumping pit oh I for got to have a

Mouth question are the drills still of use to us uh so if you want to m is 3×3 yes uh we don’t actually have anything faster than a drill currently I mean to be fair you don’t have to worry about just the 3X3 you can Crouch and M one block that

Time but is it about the same as a diamond pick at that point yeah it is just with silk touch yeah I mean unless you want the drop then you would have to have a diamond pick but fire fire fire fire get something that won’t burn God

There’s so many sky islands with so much cool stuff on it literally to of the freaking Kingdom yeah I would love to I I’ve been doing nothing but like mining trying to get a bunch of stuff from for what I have to you guys is just scraps like I am

Picking up like that bottom of the barrel we have I haven’t even gotten into anything yet I’ve just been looting uh I’ve been getting into the modern realization hey theme I’ve been trying to Dragon delivery I actually already have a Coke oven I was trying to make one I don’t

Know how to uh so there a guide that you spawn with this is true but to to be fair uh I forgot not about the guide but I I remember making the guide not making the guide uh looking at the guy making some of the stuff and then forgetting what

Else I needed and then moving on to another project oh backpack I keep forgetting yeah you just need to you just need some clay uh so that you can make some in bronze as well you bronze of though yeah I got the I got the Bronze let me see I don’t think I have the coke other do I steam AG isn’t steam AG yeah steam AG oh do you like C here it is oh my [ __ ] I forgot about this [ __ ] okay how do I make a oh my God can can the Phoenix not follow

If he go through a w Stone correct because the choke has become unloaded [ __ ] I can go to the way Stone I know where it is I got another Hammer let’s go okay smash that oh no it did follow I think did nope never mind that’s autums it is

Mine there we have so much junk in our boxes this is why this is why I needed the A2 schematic to make infinite storage I need the gunpowder to make fireworks hold on uh fireworks is what you’re concerned about yeah it helps me fly have you not upgraded the wings at

All wings what do you mean the elyra I I have them I am the lra no I’m saying have you not upgraded them you should be able to upgrade I can’t upgrade my own Wing yeah he’s a class that has wings by default oh do you yeah

Oh damn lucky ass I’m also An Origin that has them by default a bird did I just go down the wrong class is that it no you’re better in other ways I’m very I have three hearts I everything is lagging so you’re like a glass can so

It’s because I’m trying to head back home just manually no I’m just really tanky still even with and I’m going really fast because bird my health I can actively see the bird see I somewhere have a I don’t know what it is it’s like a flying creature

Not a dragon or a phoenix but a flying creature I just don’t have a saddle I wasn’t I don’t know there’s a recipe for it I wasn’t able to find one there even one even with all the mod we have you still can’t actually craft the FDLE 220

Some mods and not one has a saddle like a saddle recipe yeah should we pop back in uh procs where are you where’s your house uh my house is uh 260 and then 650 260 650 yep uh where the hell is that 260 6 I’ll head to that now I’m still dropping off

All the loot I want to see your place oh it is not impressive trust me oh same mine’s not impressive at all same my place just is just a big circle I eventually want to have a focus to get all of this flattened out and

Then make a house out of it but right now it is just a kind of like a circle of chests oh my God good thing I have the A2 stuff God damn A2 yeah Applied Energy sticks too oh yeah oh I have some of that stuff

Too if you need it oh my God I don’t have any of it also earlier it said it said the uh the skill still thing with K it lied I kep pressing K and nothing happened it probably is it is K but it’s probably conflicting with another

Key all right uh do you know what the config is for the skill it I know that I just don’t know which one of is uh it’s it’s just called skill tree I’m pretty sure are you at spawn no hold on the TPS is going back up because the thing recovering from me

Going across the entire planet in two seconds okay okay make that stop moving and you turn around hell yeah half of the wordings are uh just messed Up okay there we go okay I get it makes a lot of sense for me to have a phoenix at the mount why because I’m literally a Firebird or not bird Fox hello hi I can’t see derp and A’s place what what you said 260 so 650 yeah 650 that’s SC

Me oh no that’s yeah the place is scary I’m scary El was okay I’m confused okay 650 by 260 260 uh 650 we need an me controller which is an me engineering processor I need an inscriber how do I make that got sticky Pistons yeah is there a way to make

A uh slime farm you just have to find a slime chunk I don’t even find a slime chunk cuz that’s the only chunks that slime spawn In no I was saying I didn’t know if there was a mod in here that helped with farming like that but if not then we’d have to go all the way either to um a swamp or go I think it’s below 40 and then make a flat

Area I’m surprised there just isn’t an alternate way to make slime balls like yeah you can you can cook purple jelly shroom caps but that’s a better end thing I think you can do it with botania too The Alchemist Catalyst oh with with yeah Alchemist catalist and your Cactus

You can make a slam ball using a Mana pool but isn’t that like very far no no no no no no no it’s mid game [ __ ] sake it on a goddamn it was in the keybinds I still can’t find you you still can’t find me what do you

Mean what are the cords looking like well how about if you type them out maybe I can remember my brain is okay let me type it out slow please better I don’t know where you typed it but okay you know what would what would been fun

Is is if we all also decided to add a freaking digital circus mod so we just can’t leave the world I’m T the SC this oh cheating I see you know what I found you all right what are you called the deror not exactly cheating if um where the hell

Are you right here oh my God you you’re like in my ears what the hell oh sorry oh yeah we need to head back to procs yeah we need to head back to proc I’m going that was certainly interesting we found a nautiloid I was joking at first but then

It actually was like freaking lots of strong enemies a gigaton amount of extremely good loot and literally a guy at the end that just straight up looks like a freaking mine flare I was joking then again I guess we did actually add a mod that Mak this GES more similar to like

Um to like DN D Rune etching I have a lot of these runes how do they work I assume I can actually find them so does that mean that you just put them no I guess you it means you make a EnV out of them right hey that means I can now like

Explore some of these other Sky Islands it’s a unique weapon what can it else can it leave holy [ __ ] so what you’re saying is we should save this it’s like I was joking that it was D and D how i g a ton of name tags you know what no the stum and is the community and I’m making my own oh for a second I lat get TCH to some Heavenly

Tea with cookies how do you make Heavenly tea oh I can a lot of heavenly te I have one slime ball how many slimes did I kill do do I just have another slime b h around somewhere I’m guessing that the answer is no never mind I can make sticky pistons

I can make the infuser yeah iron copper sticky piston that’s a lot of iron a couple flame tags where my name tags go oh there named appropriately after my D and D character from the previous session that ended up if anyone remembers that I hope you can need match planks to make a

Piston yes you can so now I need so I need so first need make an M crystal crystal growth chamber is for amethyst bluex Crystal nether quartz Redstone charge cus order to make a charge start you need a charger to make a charger uh tame buff and have a permanent reg hello whatever

I hey hello this is azriel’s place up Azel hello who’s uh who’s the cherries one over there that is Phantoms okay that’s Phantom I don’t know it’s charging time what you what are you making I made a crystal charger o so now it can charge a serat quartz

Crystal the [ __ ] is a serator crystal uh it’s for Applied energtic all right well I’ll try to learn that later I mean to be fair according to how you get the uh blueprints to make this stuff it is legitimately alien technology fair enough it’s just I don’t

Have the material for the [ __ ] is that on your left side uh what it looks like a an looks like a mob IM system looks like oh it thows Hammer from the whatever it’s called the yeah this thing is insane Soul keeper 14 damage flat

Yeah did you find it or did you make it found I found it Dam I was hoping I can make it yeah I’m going to make my own weapons eventually and stop using borrowed weapons actually finally enough I am blacki so I could just funny little

Buff to uh things I can make oh yeah uh5 attack damage that’s really good yeah yeah so do ask do ask me to because I can do more damage I will and for armor as well yes okay let’s go so I forgot how to generate electricity for Applied

Energistics so I need to be able to give it energy energy sell G up more energy storage energy buff effect energy draw energy has so that’s not is there a generator that’s for upside energistics the energy except to provides come from energ mods into a the M controller can also do this

Controller faces or vulnerable or valuable so it’s often better to use instead ra verion oh so it has to be from a separate thing all together so I have to get to the electricity age in order to use this anyways I should probably still energy except so that requires quartz glass which is

Searches quartz glass and searches quartz okay quart quart Bud for sprout from buing simar to ameth found there four to the FL blood chipped and damage it can be more easy identified the with Dam every time St building chance one turning into plain quart block fling the gr from blood act infite

Broken with a regular pickaxe building brok with the pick tou the unless they were Flawless means that the Flawless picked up and moved to the pick inside the special storage can be used to [ __ ] we have chipped and flawed and damaged okay I should probably focus on building out my house first

That does seem kind of important I’m going to need a metric ass load of sand what before I do anything else netherite helmet can you not can you not add enchantments okay obvious I don’t think can enchant that oh how do you can you not the hell you can’t add them to stuff

That’s the just sharpness one you should be able to add onto a netherite sword hello hello so how does this work exactly oh it’s a multi block all you do is you just give it some steam and then put in some coal and it makes coal

Coke how does it no I mean like how does it work exactly like uh the I I assume the block of is it a solid block or is it a hollow inside uh it’s missing one block at the top okay and that’s it it’s more or less a solid block

And then is just all of the different components and just bricks okay item input looks like and item output then fluid pipes leading to furnace well the furnace is also taking in I’m actually getting it out of a boiler okay oh is it oh is it actually getting it out of there so

There’s this is just all you need practically besides the outut well you also need the boiler cuz if there’s no steam it won’t turn on oh okay like that’s why it’s called the steam AG where’s the boiler the boiler is right here enough so it’s pretty much boiling all of this

Into like into that yes or sorry boil sorry having the the water pump go to the boiler the steam going to the oven and then the steam going back to the furnace yes cuz a cuz like apparently you see those little tiny arrows right here that’s how that’s how you can tell

It to like export or import oh okay okay I got you to got you reminds me of te funly enough well this is supposed to be a modern reimplementation of industrial craft 2 so nice um they do have nukes they don’t work sadly big sad so what type of wrench do you need

For that um a bronze wrench bronze wrench yeah just the wrench from onization I’m not sure if the other R work I I would assume not hell yeah thank you for thank you for teaching us you’re welcome I will hopefully start working out soon soon okay does that mean you can’t

Repair you can repair using these but how do you apply enchantments cuz I’m assuming water protection is I’m assuming that water protection is on something right or are you not able to apply these are enchanted books can’t just right click on them can’t just craft them in the inventory how do I build

This the Autumn yeah we may have a little bit of an issue uhoh what is that I don’t appear to be able to apply enchantments from enchanted books you Anvil damn is it just for any what enchant enchantments are you using uh I have four enchanted

Books um one has okay so three are moded enchantments but one is just sharpness one here let’s try uh let me go get a basic sword hold on and let’s see okay let’s see Boop sharpness one oh why I I don’t know why you can repair things you can repair things perfectly

Fine okay that’s weird the armor it could be a bewitchment thing I don’t think this is a bewitchment thing this wasn’t a problem before like there is anything that should be missing with enchanting H I know there’s mods that add more enchantments I don’t know if that’s preventing

It uh or could be the books Let’s see uh reflex has not been added okay why why is it like this okay this is a problem I’ll have to resolve later CU I have no idea I don’t know either cuz it’s not the biggest deal as long as we can enchant normally it’s

Fine it’ll just be a painy ass I can rename the item that’s it genuinely don’t know what would be messing with it s No hold on okay now I’m going start cheating and just get a normal base game Anvil Anvil I mean I have one at my house spawn went in be a this this it’s not the Anvil okay just delete that okay what what y’all talking about uh we cannot use anvils to

Enchant books or with the use of books can’t apply book enchantments with handil that’s broken yeah that’s a problem it’s broken in a problem yeah and I don’t know what it would even be I know there’s a way to apply book enchantments with Bania but that’s that’s later in the

Game that’s a lot later but otherwise we have no really need for enchantments but it’s still [Applause] sucky yeah not something I can fix cat oh yeah I have my gilded blocks in my yeah I don’t know what’s causing that if anyone know what’s causing that

Um to be fair I don’t think anyone actually actually cares about my stream so I don’t think anyone cares I think that’s all right I like it yep a them yeah can I have some help getting a metric a ton of sand uh yes I’m currently uh could you help me build

A Mason stable Raven sure I’ll go help get a boatload of sand but what pattern were you looking for I don’t know you have the artist ey so you hold on need you need to clear up my inventory okay yeah now you see why I’m so desperately trying to get to able to

Power I mean I think I’m not far from being able to make steel I just need to make a blast furnace which is not exactly hard to make I just haven’t made it o cuz I need to be able to power the charge if I can make charge T this

Quartz so that I can so that I can um make the other things make you know you know what want you know on me make the thing thing the thing with the thing thing so I have all of the prees so I can make everything I just need energy little

I like how I just hear muff just know probably Ezreal yeah I got the shovel I need clay too so this will be perfect yes yeah and you can you’re able to go under water yeah I can too but my wings don’t like it my wings hate it too I just

Die if I touch fire I lo is there more sticks in here we need a better Community Zone what’s wrong with this one but making this to commun Zone this is our house you said he wanted it on top of the mountains true we can put the community Zone over here or

Something I don’t want my garbage place to be the community zone for all of our okay do you know where sand is um I mean there is we can go to original spawn cuz that’s the beach spawn original spawn I was going to ask if they can come along

But or if they want to come along but it’s too late we’re gone okay I remember when clay used to be the rarest Block in the game yeah go for the [Applause] Dave I remember when we first joined the server and it went down to 2 DPS

That was a good time I remember during testing we had that weird bug where if we die we kind of have think there’s two of [Applause] us duplication person bug something is causing the TPS to die again could be deror possibly he might be just going up in a direction at full

Speed deror is not that fast it might be raen maybe they have wings could be that possibly she’s probably trying to she’s probably trying to regenerate uh the world I also did ask for clay I out doing that how much sand do you really need yes yes how much is yes just yes

Huh I need like I need like four stacks of stand or something cuz I want to make a very big window you want to make a big window I have a three stacks on we may already have enough well you see when you think you have enough in Minecraft It’s never

Enough yeah but then it’ll just be sitting in your chest for six years I mean I also have uses for glass as well in general like a lot of glass of you from M industrialization you what we need we need the realistic block simulation mod no that would kill the

Server it also kill most people frame R to zero people’s computers to explode actually I found it on a video once it was titled I troll my friends with the hyper realistic Minecraft and like every time like every minute of the video he would like roll a

Wheel to see what new realism mod that would be added to the world and by the end it was so realistic it actually did legitimately look like real life it it wasn’t even blocking anymore everything was around but it like caused their computers to crash so hard that everything became a mything

Texture and then Minecraft crashed I want to crash a boat oh yeah that’s my boat from the very beginning cuz I I can still use boats just as soon as I di my toe in the water I explode where’s my shovel I have a diamond actually maybe I should be

Saying a lot of this quieter guys real saing yes I’m I not water oh no water whatever shall we do hold on do I have a block I do have sand okay so I have like eight stacks of fand I that should be enough here that

Does not include what I have so here put mine in your pockets and see if we have enough yeah definitely enough sand okay I’ll go get some clay okay also bring me back some clay as well cuz I need that as well oh you need it okay your boat on the water oh

What eat more flesh I like how it’s like everyone’s like oh you’re so allergic to water and then I’m just like you a say I’m not allergic to water watch this I’m I’m so allergic to water that I just float above it I’m glad I found that ring for you I

Figured you would like it yeah is that clay God I need so much glass like I think I I think what I’m going to do because I’ve been going for like eight hours now right uh I’ll take a 10 minute break probably another hour and then we’ll wrap it

Up you okay with that that okay you okay with that chat the chat that doesn’t exist because there’s currently zero people watching my stream yeah although I want to get back back up to my house and I put all the sand up to smell I’m going to take a a

Little bit of a break I’m thirsty uh what the hell what what what why is that a freaking achievement why what the hell you know I’m surprised there isn’t floating islands in Minecraft by default right because like think about it Minecraft blocks don’t have physics and I and it it’s all very

Commonly explained Away by video game logic Mojang should have just leaned in hard and instead of going oh yeah we don’t have any we want to make the world look more realistic they sure oh yes we are Chads we should probably make the world look as fantasy as possible with floating islands

We need all hands on deck when it comes to Coal where’s all my liite I can do a stack that can do a stack that definitely can do a stack that most definitely can do a stack that can’t do a stack so we add that to that one

Boom all right so while go they’re going I’m going to take a little bit of a five minute break I should probably change the text to say I need a better image as well the pizza won’t serve it anymore so yeah anyways that that’s okay so I have a

Drink how’s all my glass doing still not done cooking there’s still more sand where that came from what the hello I have a question yeah the backpack I have uh I don’t know how to it’s the uh travel’s backpack I don’t know how to get it off of my

Back you go into the inventory and in the bottom left there’s a icon of like Steve taking it off I don’t see that anywhere like in the bottom left of the actual like backpacks inventory you can see like a a player holding a backpack I I don’t have that anywhere on my

Inventory like you have to open the backpack’s inventory itself which is a key bind I don’t know what key is you have to change it most likely because it’s it’s conflicting also there’s a lot conf was there’s a boss Enderman right here hold on uh Yeah it like did a whole I like how it did like a whole like intro yeah uh oh floing where where did it go should T what the boss Bar’s gone I I think it’s I think it’s because it’s just far enough away I should not be on the edge I don’t

Have an elytra why don’t you be like me and be immune to fall damage I don’t have that origin o don’t mind me just growing some alien crystals honestly it’s gone um I guess back to trying to find the key behind yeah it should be under trav’s backpack or something yeah

I’m also making a metric ass ton of glass I would assume so yeah because um apparently for modern industrialization you need a like a couple of thousands stacks of freaking glass same thing with bronze same thing with lead same thing with everything honestly that’s why I need to

Get up to the electric era so I can charge the AE charger so that I can actually start making the uh me system need to make an eny system so badly yeah and it’s going to be uh the community system because anyone should be able to access

It yeah but we would need enough drives to do that that’s why yeah that’s why the ultimate goal is to get a spatial Drive which is just using weird magic to make it infinite God oh [ __ ] wasn’t there I don’t know if this is in the

Same mod I’m thinking of but I remember there was there was an En System Mod where you can make a drive which would essentially be a dimension but you would make it like by hand oh yeah that’s a spatial IO that’s the part of the mod oh this is that mod

Yeah oh [ __ ] yeah and also because it does actually have uh I’m not sure if it still works but it should have integration with Dimensional Doors to where if you remove the spatial IO drive while someone inside of it it would coun to the pocket Dimension hell

Yeah and so that means if they fall if they fall off of the uh the predefined place or they fall asleep in that Dimension they just end up in limbo oh if they die in that area they’re just dead well they don’t die they end up in limbo where they have to

Just go to the very bottom of limbo and then they reappear somewhere in the world randomly uh and when I mean randomly I mean if it really wanted to it could just spawn you at the W border oh yeah like that’s actually what happened with me a couple of of of hours ago

Where I went Ed into a dimensional door it was a pitfall trap there so I was thrown into limbo oh [ __ ] yeah I got out of limbo I was 15 kilomet away from everything Dam and I was in an ice biome but for some reason my computer just

Doesn’t like the ice biome so as I was walking out of the ice biome uh um a I started to lose a [ __ ] ton of frames and then everything just started turning into a singular pixel hell yeah so I had to emergency teleport out of that cuz I had no idea what was

Happening oh yeah and at the in the end I had to restart my entire game oh no that would have sucked for me cuz I remember there’s a pocket or there’s a not [ __ ] it there was the dimensional door area near my my base

And I went I didn’t know what it was at first and I went through it uh thinking all right don’t know what’s here and then I I immediately realized it was a pocket Dimension so I was like all right I’m going to head back out I’m going to

Put some stuff in the chest and then head back in then I realized that it was a one time use well what it is is that when the Rifts spawn they they’re stable obviously would be able to go through them but once you go through them once they

Become unstable or fractured Rifts all you do to stabilize them again is just place the door on them oh okay gotcha and then you’re able to use that Rift as much as you want gotcha gotcha uh if you want to what uh what’s in the Dimensional Doors anyway random entirely random what do

You mean like it can be like to it well the goal is to eventually get out of it safely without going to limbo there’s no I mean there’s a there’s a bunch of loot sometimes it can be just a singular room that’s just full of lava that has a

Barrel in the middle sometimes it could be in a full maze sometimes it could be a full puzzle you want to explore with me sure let me get the materials for a door and I go head to real yep do you know where the base is I forgot uh it’s over there no

Way oh wait it’s your base that’s over there yeah oh yeah it’s uh just past that house you’ll see the um you’ll see a cobblestone thing that goes directly down to like a flat area on the mountain oh okay trying to build that out all right I think I’m going to die um

Here yeah yeah you go than I seen the spider I was like all right I can get the spider but then I seen the skeleton I was like all right twitch Al we we came across another issue um we can’t seem to apply Enchantment books using an in using an

Anvil really yeah we don’t know why were you using modded Enchantment books or normal we were trying to use both so there is ways of doing it without an a Anvil but that’s like near end game all right I mean we don’t really use enchantment book mod well I kind of

Wanted to because there’s an enchant called water protection and it protects me from water cuz I’m Hy I’m hydrophobic cuz I’m a fire creature oh I got you um the backpack you have is It upgraded at uh so I have two backpacks that are on right now I

Have the one from in inmou which is a BJ backpack and then I have another one on my back which is from The Travelers backpack and I have like five of those oh [ __ ] I Gra ellot I was about to say the Traveler’s backpack has a squid one which is water

Breathing talking about a whole different thing a whole different thing it’s a whole different thing for Origins my since I’m a Firefox um just being in water is enough to damage me got you you know what’s funny I have the fire creature as well but I don’t think

It does anything if I’m in water like it doesn’t do anything if I’m in water I can I’m just immune to Lava oh yeah I’m immune to Lava but I start taking some damage in water it’s it’s not as bad as lava but good lord it’s

Fast the hell did my a you know [ __ ] it I’m making another axe oh of freaking course this is an MC Dungeon armor what so I have a green mystery chest plate that we got from the natil nautiloid oh yeah and it’s a freaking MC dungeons armor

Yeah if this isn’t DND D I don’t know what is honestly I Minecraft dungeon is Dungeons and dragon so you know oh [ __ ] and it does it doesn’t help that we also explicitly added the simply skills I need to there we go we added simply skills ex

With the explicit purpose of making it more like an RPG yeah honestly see this [ __ ] yeah like there is one because it’s an up it’s an updated Port of the old uh Dimensions Mod from 1.10 Um o um they actually added a a part of the backro into it oh hell yeah be all right before we go uh give me like one moment I need to go to the bathroom real quick okay so yeah this is going to be our first real Expedition into a

Dimension yeah that I I I think missing is just going in a direction oh gez oh geez Rick that’s shipped buding I need to do so much stuff I’m back okay ready sir first oh so this is a potentially very dangerous place for me where is I got building blocks

Actually wait I can walk in water what am I talking about you can I can’t well it’s just water for you I actually take damage in water oh yeah true I didn’t know I don’t know what happens can I break this oh my God I

Can the drill works here wait so I think this is the reference I know that there was a reference Yu-Gi-Oh in the original one this is the ref puzz I don’t know muche brother I’m honest with you uh basically it’s just it’s supposed to represent a dude’s broken mind that’s

Fair I almost kill myself now as long as we don’t fall all the way off I don’t think there is oh the water’s fine yeah the water’s fine as long as you don’t fall out of the water into the void you won’t die I don’t know how many

Block have barely little blocks oh cool like you won’t die it’s just that you will just be in good uh next time we should bring a lot more block what we should I mean I have a metric ass ton of sand that I just got oh cool you can turn it into um

To yeah well obviously not much of it because you want it for the I mean you can just mine everything this is true we have the we have the ability to [ __ ] let’s see where I end up Now oh you have got to be [ __ ] me 19 kilometers oh hey there the Wast though that oh my God you scared the hell out of me that wasn’t the smartest idea so where did you did you respawn somewhere else and then just come back to the door or uh if I respawned

Someplace else 30 km away from home but I found a way Stone oh you have the warp Stone yeah I forgot about that like you don’t you don’t die die like you don’t lose any of your items no I know that you just spawn what very far

Away yeah yeah that’s what I figured like I’m honestly surprised I didn’t get the W border this time I got it one time during testing oh really yeah yeah oh no I’m just trying to get as many blocks as I can um I mean since there’s a healthy amount

Of waist Stones darted across the world I don’t think it really is that big of a deal that is true but I don’t have the the warp Stone though to like hold the you all you have to all you have to do is just right click it

And click on the other one that you’ve already activated oh yeah sure yeah I forgot about that yeah it’s a Dark Souls version so I remember I used to use the warp Stone uh on a pixel one server for my that feels weird to do I’m going to be

Honest not having to press a button it’s just staying open yeah Yep this is this is back rooms yeah I was going to say this feels back roomy to me God I freaking love this so much oh wait wait wait hold on altered fabric please tell this

Words it doesn’t oh that just lead to the void oh uh don’t go that way so yeah um I highly recommend no no no no I highly recommend walking the line of this just in case you fall into the void no it’s because you mind cuz this

Like the altered fabric is the glowing Line This is just black concrete no no no I know that but because it’s the back rooms area and it has you know the the funny little thing I highly recommend just in case because it is the back room to okay uh

And okay this might be a trap yep it’s a trap I knew I should have Crouch [ __ ] you this is the same trap that got me to glitch the game for me don’t worry CL that only so it doesn’t crash the yeah I was going to say I knew

I should have crouched there just in case something bad happen okay oh there’s only one mine cart do you have any iron yeah I have like I have like 30 okay uh are you able to craft a crafting table to do that uh no need to crafting table crafting grid

Is already part of the uh the backpack oh [ __ ] hell yeah I just thought my crafting grid is full because my backpack is so full do you need mine um actually wait no I have two backpacks what am I talking about I have one in my back all

Right I’ll meet you there that is the wrong direction direction of Iron God damn it It even further well I was bound to happen at some point yeah so I don’t know what in the hell that was well actually I do it’s Um yeah it is um it is just a regular trap I don’t know how you I I guess it’s assuming that there’s only going to be one person at a time but that’s kind of stupid oh no I’m getting starters again oh no oh no it’s becoming a pixel I’ll be right back

Okay we’re back I don’t know what c is that and I haven’t exactly seen a Way Stone in a while God 20,000 why would you put me 20,000 blocks away like this wouldn’t be an issue if I had my Mount but uh it can’t fit through a [ __ ]

Door you just need to find Way Stone unless I want to walk 20 kilomet that is the Leviathan yeah we good toal so how is your day chat I know for a lot of you your day is probably just starting go I really really need to find

A way Stone cuz 20,000 that’s just too much I mean there’s at least a ruin portal ring of lava sponge oh I can’t Burber I don’t have inventory yeah it it’s getting real bad I can just find a [ __ ] way out like aren’t there usually W stones at places of interest like

This okay what the hell that just dumble it nope nope nope nope nope nope that was a [ __ ] ton of indicators even been what uh I guess I’ll just wait for derp to eventually make his way back I’m a lot of cool places of interest though God damn it oh hi it’s you

Again where that Go h yeah derp is probably like freaking the hell out right now like if he dies he basically loses everything cuz he doesn’t know where he spawned okay H I’m like nice nice lanterns metric gigaton of sand where did derp go oh yeah that’s the ice place that I

Was at that caused my game to explode and I move the freaking screen on the accident God I’m here I’m here did you find a way Stone yeah holy [ __ ] that took forever I found a shaddle though oh cool you can you can now right amount

Yeah oh I found a really cool sword too called uh it’s called The Whisper wind how much Diamond does it do uh nine H it’s not bad but it’s not like the best though it could be yeah but with the skills you can get from the MMO

Thing it can be really good oh no I’m going straight for [ __ ] melee damage I’m going to be honest what about melee speed for the skills for the skills I I am trying my damnest to unlock all of the melee attack so you’re just turning into a Berserker practically yeah I

Wanted to go wizard but I’ve seen how useless that is uh so there’s a lot more W can actually wither can actually be quite quite powerful yeah but there’s a lot more melee weapons to be had in uh especially different mods as well true but um that’s why I’m I’m being a

Spellblade yeah the unique uh effect it says it says fatal flicker chance on hit to refresh ability cool down uh on click form Swift uh for dash forward Dash what wait ow oh [ __ ] that attacked you I’m so sorry I didn’t know I thought it only dashed that also

Almost that almost killed my Mount hold hold on how do I how do I there we go how do I it’s already already at full health cuz I just healed it with golden apples I’m so sorry it’s fine I didn’t know that was the ability that happened

I should probably read more I seen forward Dash right click I was like okay let me try forward aiel honestly uh is it okay if I toss some stuff in your chest um if you can my chest are so ungodly full uh no wonder why you have uh four separate bows that

Aren’t even enchanting and then a sh ton of snowballs that could be compacted yeah but even still I have things that I need to put into there still uh like the biggest chest I have is here and there only one freaking slot open I put K in

It have that have that have all of that I wish the inventory sort of mod also added support for like click this button to add everything that you can in there honestly honestly oh give me my drill back I need it oh are you going Fire by the

Way uh what do you mean this oh I don’t know how to use these uh it uses hold on you have like One Singular cold I use I have 32 coal uh okay I’m not like when when like before you got on we were going to like

A tech building and like um on the way we found some meteorites yeah those meteorites had like like seven stacks of blocks of coal damn I need a stick now hell yeah I can actually get my my Mount to stop wandering around aad what on a lead hold on I’m currently there Why do you have a freaking like like umbrella I found it in a chest huh um to be fair I don’t need to worry about fall damage anymore I don’t know what that does um it if an enemy is in like close range to

You you can and do that and once the red bar is completely filled it will light it on fire a small amount of damage I can just do this to be fair it is like the first one you ever get so true you know I don’t even know how to get the other

Ones uh I was looking at that um the next step is quartz but you probably already have quartz let see hold on uh so now the that’s the wrong mod entirely Arcane wand oh yeah wizard stuff okay fire staff is nether brick blaze powder which we have blaze powder

Gold uh next up after that is um the fire staff with one netherite Ingot and smithing template oh I can already make the final one oh hell yeah I can just there need a fire one which a golden gunpowder fire wand what do you mean there a there there’s a fire wand hell

Yeah there is a person here hello hello hello why is there fire curl just sitting there uh if you from [Applause] a actually I probably should uh that uh I will get rid of you I’m probably going to regret that bam fire wand oh uh you oh hey thank

You need to clear up my inventory holy crap huh I need to clear up my inventory hell yeah the thing with mods you like after you try to do anything your inventory is full forever honestly honestly honestly okay I need to do this blocks you go there everything I

Need I’m going to just stick here and then try to get give it to you all right take literally everything that can fit in my inventory please he I have like 19 chests so you can put them in whichever one you want are you sure you’re not trying to

Organize any of them no no that’s what the the me system is for oh you’re just you’re just tossing [ __ ] everywhere until the me system yeah like it’s probably blocks of silicon D it’s probably not the best idea to do that but I don’t know what

Other idea I mean if you’re close to getting the EM system it is fair enough I just need to get the electric age up and running uh oh [ __ ] here’s your here’s your Co I already have a CO a bunch of Co myself hello there I require your

Assistance what’s up oh I forgot the iron crap I have iron on me oh okay you’re lucky I always carry iron I need you to craft a mechanical short bow which needs two Pistons a short bow a string and three iron and three iron I think let me look at it

Again Dam it where it go no freak okay okay so this builds like it’s just the short bow in the middle iron on top of the short bow on the bottom the short bow and to the left the short bow and the Pistons are right of the iron top and

Bottom and bottom and then string in the middle of that that’s It uh okay I didn’t can you not buff I don’t think I think it’s just with anything you C it should be because that’s just a a modifier to its ums that’s true I don’t think think well that sucks like with with theal oh Yeah you want it it no I might help you actually fly does it SL yeah you already has a ring for that I do have a ring for it but I will put it on how the hell do I wear this uh you don’t wear

It just hold it well you can wear it yeah put my off oh hell yeah oh now you see why I needed so much glass yeah are you making a or you making I’m making I’m making a a tower oh my God ites so uh it’s like my you can keep

It thanks for the bow I thought you could give it a I thought I that’s fine there’s a chance you just can’t buff bows that thato well yeah blacksmith can’t exactly do with B that would be a Fletcher that would be a fler oh you see a lanterns I put down here yeah

Knife you just put all of them here yeah I did no one was here so I just SLA them all down and stole tor I can’t really appreciate your building because I’m so short for us it’s going to be a normal tower for you it’s going to be like a

Coll it’s not going to I’m it’s going to be at like from here to World height height what build how high is world I don’t know uh is it the newest update where it goes negative yes yes yes okay I think it’s 600 something yeah we’re

176 yeah you got a wild brother you got a long that’s a lot of glass yeah that’s I I aim to automate this how do you autate building oh you can automate you can automate glass making oh GL but not building upward uh I don’t want to automate that I like the

Process jumping and pressing right click that up I mean hey you can you can talk with chat in the meantime yeah I have ability hell was that ow why does it do that hold on wait wa wait I have the uh I [ __ ] warped [ __ ] I don’t know

Why it it for some reason even damages my Mount even though it’s behind you it hurt me too yeah I’m going to not do that from where anybody it apparently I it apparently brings the suck move did someone say amethyst amethyst what where did you get amethyst you said

Suuck how is amethyst add that oh God my God all right um what do we do what we do I am growing bamboo in trees or the weird wacky rainbowe C is 1:00 a.m. makes sense that they leave at this time yeah oh yeah holy freaking hell maybe I should

Go I feel like my viewers have passed asleep I have two viewers I assume it’s myself and someone else here yeah I don’t have viewers so I got a guy asked me about Jonathan Taylor tayl th who the hell is that That he came here with that one question I forgot do you want to go try to go do the doors again uh after I use up this next a few stacks of glass and yes would you like to like the universe again you want to join us the doors [ __ ]

No sure I will join the doors if you provide arrows I will I have like 15 stacks of is my chest then I will take all your arrows good luck finding them can I just take anything in here you have the Bania book I mean don’t you have them too I have

Two oh for [ __ ] sake yeah now I have a bow wow the short bow is no Hit how much damage does this do Dar how much armor do you have here I’ll hit you hold on hold on just okay okay I three that’s with all the all the bow Buffs I have I think like 30% increase weird neat how about sneaking goodbye you

Okay I’m going to regenerate my light here light yeah I have a different HP I need light To see you you have a cool skin I had to steal uh raven made my partially you stole one off the internet and then I modified it yeah this skin I have is completely original I would have but I have time and I know this this is very near nice I just like

Birds I like bird being a slug also like oh I like this I’m ready I’m ready okay should I empty out my invent probably yeah I’ll be back let’s go be quick hold on give me a second better be [Laughter] quick how y get here so [Laughter] quickly

Bro oh yeah I forgot I have a hot dog in the toaster oven hold on okay I’m ready we got to wait for AZ for hot dog in the test oh my God okay that gives me time to get a snack too so the hot dog wasn’t properly cooked so

I put it back in the toaster oven so you’re going to have to leave halfway through it if I remember that there’s there’s hot doged to make rice we go make rice no why is like the only thing you eat rice it’s not no no no I heard him make chicken one time

I literally made potatoes earlier it’s not not potatoes sty something it’s not potatoes it’s potatoes there a tater is uh our other friend joining Raven I think they said no all right well just just one no ask joining room should probably just oh that’s probably why it was boarded up um Che you

Jerk I’ll uh I’ll meet you at the door okay actually I’ll meet you at the door hey no both of you at the door you don’t even know where it is I mean okay so I’m not sure how to get through that cuz we we went in far

Enough with with like a minecart thing and it like triggered a minecart trap yeah um see about that it was just enough for me to get past and it left a thing behind uh what it was was a trip wire funnily enough I’m pretty sure bloopin would have not have even phased it

Because because he’s so small it was a it was a two block oneand yeah if it’s if it’s like a for normal people I won’t trip it yeah only downside is there is another one that we kind of got to watch out for it which is a floor one but

Uh yeah uh I want to try to go to a different door considering we already went through that one should be there’s a lot of chests in here and he fell into limbo cuz apparently the water has a different property here where it no I think it’s

Just a one layer of water I’m going to be honest but like the thing is even even on one layer of water I’m supposed to be able to walk on it wait wait wait wait did you oh hi yeah I’m supposed to be able to

Walk on water but even one oh yeah I think yeah I think it different properties it might have different properties where it will just not allow anything to go through it oh you know what we could do um you remember the back room area yeah where the [ __ ] did bloing go he’s

Shifting hey oh doesn’t it doesn’t have your name tag you know how it’s grayed out instead for you it’s just gone he’s a rogue he can when he sh he just goes completely gone yeah it disappear forever there’s a back room area but um uh there’s two doors there’s one

Directly forward and then forward slightly to the left I want to try to go to the left one that way actually yeah oh my God it’s so bright now oh yeah I forgot because of how these dimensions are made usually there’s a lot of lighting glitches I’m so glad it’s bright in here

Oh it’s beautiful the heck is this road this is supposed to be a really dark area I’m not sure if it’s dark for you or not it’s I don’t think it’s supposed to be a thing just lighting error yeah wait wait hold on on there’s something in the back is

It don’t push there’s nothing yeah wait all right I have no idea what oh my God hello yeah see lighting errors a lot crouch crouch crouch crouch Crouch what do you mean there could there could be traps trap yeah I don’t see any traps it’s fine I can’t wait for blooping to

It there’s no traps I’ve been through six of these it’s fine yeah we’ve been through a few of them but yeah please Crouch with all of us here this looks like it’s getting close to being the ruined stronghold was crouching even do you’ll still Trip buttons and everything yeah but if it

Like falls out from under you you most likely won’t be fast enough to actually fall into it yeah because there’s no there’s no traps here I’ve been through this one it’s a transitional okay what do you mean conditional oh transitional oh transitional wait isn’t hold on look behind us that’s the

Road what what do you mean off in the distance what do you mean that’s the road I don’t see it oh you know what it’s because I the distance to very high and the far sight mod is keeping it loaded oh yeah it’s so it’s in the same map it’s

Just in a different place all right guess let’s continue I can’t put torches down here the hell oh there we go up up up this this might be the ruined stronghold puzzle to go up I like how oh my god um oh all right oh so this might be an end point

True wait there’s stuff down dark light am I ready [ __ ] not ready there is there a door down there there’s nothing down there it’s just um yeah I would not recommend doing that yeah okay okay I was going to say if there’s anything important down there I’m screwed yeah all right let’s

Go careful there’s a block missing right here right I fixed it all right blin we’re heading back uh we’re going to try to go I guess to the center right I almost died oh my God what is this parkour don’t tell me this is parkour I it’s h block parkour oh boy

No okay [ __ ] this what is this I don’t care what it is I’m going to wherever the end is can you stick to there is no end yes you can it’s with a wall running thing is oh there is an end to it where over here okay oh

Hello ow we game it was just honey oh for me it was too strong no this this is a normal chest it’s not a not my chest so well I’m yanking the chest oh okay what’s up so true that I don’t know what this place is I think it’s like a prison or

Something cuz that I’ve seen that fabric before this place before it’s like oh ow freak ah stronghold yeah careful careful it’s just a silverfish hey what oh it’s you oh I guess sorry I was throwing daggers at you sorry please don’t wait wait wait okay he is just Dr is

Approaching I don’t want to go in there in case it’s a small area dagger won’t do much damage oh we’re back here there a okay no no no I know it doesn’t do much damage but the knockback is what I’m I’m worried about you don’t have to worry about knockback

Wait what the hell oh can we just continue going on I see red cubes in the distance wor about it this is some real back room Shenanigans right here honestly all right let’s keep going let’s keep going we’re going to freaking die wor about it we’re fine question is left or

Right the question is is this the same roads or is it different Road doubt it I highly doubt it let me just put a Tor wait actually there’s one way to find out hold up go this way okay I was making sure yeah it’s different cuz there would

Have been torches on the other side oh did what my brain where the hell are we I don’t know hold on let’s check the walls y equals question mark we don’t what um it’s the void what did you expect oh um I think I picked up the door

No move back move back what have you done behind Meely not tra right uh it’s trapped goodbye guys move back move back I think I’m trying I can’t there we go here move move what six oh all you had to do and we’re back to this is so confusing

About hell yeah there’s one side which isn’t gated there’s one side that is I want to go to the Gated oh I step on this what’s this oh [ __ ] what uh uh we’re we’re stepping on reality y I’m confused I’m scared I don’t know what to

Do wait hold on I have something funny to try hold on oh what wa let’s just go to the Gated side where the hell are we okay oh I know this place oh no what is it what is it tell us tell us uh so there’s

Targets I don’t have any to do with I have a bow I have a crossbow wa hold on hold on I have an idea you can’t activate Target manually and that’s also the void there down there as well here let’s just shoot one okay see what happens what’s the

Word that could happen guys come on get here you have to Sho I think you have to shoot all of them oh yeah just stand back here is it is it a trap I don’t know it might be I don’t know well at least blin is on something that isn’t

Trapped what’ that do oh hole there was gold in this thing gu oh it’s a trap chest look at that [ __ ] out here [ __ ] that [ __ ] leav oh oh now this I don’t like oh wait enter a public pocket what does that mean I don’t understand what the [ __ ] is it a public

Pocket oh wait I think I might know where it is can just build here I think it might just be a pocket that like all of them eventually lead to maybe uh do you want to try to go back and what I think what it might be is

That it might actually be what can be considered um the player Made pocket Dimension you want to try to head back get more stuff oh about it you can just leave something here for someone else to to find I guess here you go that’s why I leave

Behind oh I want that I actually like that it’s it’s a green screen I can’t destroy it yeah it doesn’t drop none of the Fabrics do you just have to find them I’ll leave them a single Diamond you took my freaking diam hold wait does anyone else have uh rotten flash on

Them this is so we so if you if you manage to survive all the tri of the nether Dimension or whatever the [ __ ] it’s called you can just make your own and someone can find it potentially all right uh let’s uh do you want to try

To head back try to open more doors we get yeah yeah all right uh question being hold up back up back up I mean I can just jump good for you I can’t why is there a pressure plate underneath that trap chest I put it there

Oh yeah I do know one thing about a lot of this the Redstone that’s in these places it’s broken but intentionally is it yeah some of the restone are just outright broken because it’s supposed to represent a fragmented shattered stronghold the blue are you still here

Okay you are still here yeah you dash and then Crouch somewhere here so I thought you jumped off the [Laughter] edge I’m doing that just in case okay so before we go let me get my hot dog okay I’m going to go get another ganol

Bar then all right I’m going go to the bathroom then

This video, titled ‘Gigaton Modded Minecraft with friends – #2 – Technomancy (I think)’, was uploaded by Luminous ‘Nova’ Dreemurr Plays on 2023-12-13 10:26:10. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds.

this time I was invited to play some good ol’ minecraft with some friends

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    2024's Ultimate Minecraft Duping Trick Minecraft Duplication Glitch Unveiled in 2024 In the ever-evolving world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new tricks and glitches to enhance their gameplay. The year 2024 has brought forth a new multiplayer duplication glitch in Minecraft Java 1.20.6 that has the community buzzing with excitement. How Does It Work? To execute this duplication glitch, players need to utilize UI Utils and the /printer command on the server. These tools work in tandem to create a seamless duping process that can significantly boost a player’s inventory in a short amount of time. Step-by-Step Guide: Install UI Utils for Minecraft… Read More

  • Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure

    Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure Welcome to Cubed Chaos SMP Server! Welcome to the exciting world of Cubed Chaos SMP server, where Minecraft adventures come to life! Join NastikCraft on a thrilling journey as they dive into a new Minecraft community network reminiscent of the popular Hermitcraft server. Cubed Chaos offers a vibrant and engaging community that promises endless fun and excitement for all players. Establishing a Strong Foundation As NastikCraft sets foot in the Cubed Chaos world, the first order of business is to establish a solid foundation for their adventures. Starting with the basics, they gather essential resources such as sugarcane for… Read More

  • Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide

    Minecraft: TikTok, Twitch & Creeper Cape Guide Unlock Limited-Edition Capes in Minecraft! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add some flair to your character? Well, you’re in luck! Minecraft is offering limited-edition capes that you can easily obtain. These exclusive capes are available until May 31, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to customize your avatar. The codes for these capes will expire on June 30, so act fast to secure yours! How to Get the TikTok Cape The TikTok cape is a trendy addition to your Minecraft wardrobe. To get this stylish cape, simply follow these steps: Visit the official Minecraft website. Log… Read More

  • Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft City – Day 2

    Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft City - Day 2 Exploring the Minecraft Gamepass Challenge – Day 2 Introduction The Minecraft Gamepass Challenge continues to captivate audiences as players delve into the intricacies of this virtual world. Day 2 brings new adventures, challenges, and surprises for participants to navigate. Live Streams and Events The action unfolds on Twitch, where viewers can tune in to the live streams hosted by TheGuill84. The channel offers a mix of gameplay, commentary, and interactive events that keep fans engaged and entertained. Platforms and Social Media In addition to Twitch, TheGuill84 maintains a strong presence across various social media platforms. From YouTube to Twitter,… Read More

  • Blind in Minecraft: Mob Hunt Gone Bust

    Blind in Minecraft: Mob Hunt Gone Bust In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, I can’t see them, it’s a challenge for me. If water appears, then it’s game over, But don’t worry, I’ll keep the fun in my endeavor. Follow me on Instagram, for more Minecraft delight, And on YouTube, where I showcase my might. Donate if you can, support is always grand, Join my Discord, where we all understand. Minecraft Indonesia, where the adventure begins, Survival mode, where the excitement never dims. Shorts on YouTube, for a quick gaming fix, Minecraft memes, building tricks. So join me in this journey, where rhymes… Read More

  • Cottage Witch Shenanigans: What the Fig!?

    Cottage Witch Shenanigans: What the Fig!? Welcome to the Enchanting World of Cottage Witch Episode 2 in Modded Minecraft! Embark on a magical journey through the whimsical world of Cottage Witch Episode 2 in Modded Minecraft. 🍀 Unveiling the Cottage Witch Modpack Step into a realm filled with enchanting spells, mystical creatures, and charming cottages with the Cottage Witch modpack. 🌿 Craft potions, brew magical elixirs, and explore the vast landscapes teeming with hidden treasures. 🧙‍♀️ Immerse Yourself in Captivating Music Enhance your gaming experience with the enchanting tunes of “Evening” and “Midnight Tale” by Kevin MacLeod. 🎶 Let the music transport you to a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft RPG Challenge – 100 Days Survival!

    Ultimate Minecraft RPG Challenge - 100 Days Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘SOBREVIVI 100 DIAS RPG MEDIEVAL DO CISCO’S NO MINECRAFT – O FILME’, was uploaded by Lokolow on 2024-06-04 21:00:39. It has garnered 237603 views and 22022 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:04 or 3724 seconds. #100days #minecraft 100 DAYS AT CISCO’S MEDIEVAL RPG – THE MOVIE! Can we survive for 100 days in this modpack, the most difficult RPG in Minecraft today! Check out how we accomplished infinite capitalism, broke the modpack with the strongest items and beat the level 130 dragon all in one video! So what are you waiting for, leave… Read More

  • Mischief Mania: Aggro’s Solo Gaming Adventures

    Mischief Mania: Aggro's Solo Gaming AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘While The Family Is Away, Aggro Will Play! | Minecraft/Phasmo/Whatever Stream’, was uploaded by Aggrosk8 on 2024-05-19 02:15:51. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:24:24 or 19464 seconds. We are going to start off with Minecraft, and probably stick with that until 6:30ct, where we will transition to phasmophobia to play with @WillDeez and the gang! Come hang out! Surviving Bedrock is a survival series put together by @RaythMinecraft Please check his channel and discord out! Rayth’s Discord: http://discord.raythnetwork.co.uk/ I would greatly appreciate you hitting those like… Read More


    LION ATTACKS KING TRAIL 3! JACK ALMOST DIES IN MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREMEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tochan King ke 3 trali|JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME’, was uploaded by OPEN LION on 2024-04-21 12:25:00. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Tochan King ke 3 trali|JACK ALMOST DIED IN HARDCORE MINECRAFT😱 | EXTREME #GamerFleet #Minecraft #MinecraftHindi #tochan #swaraj #jattlife #tractor #mukaabla #jattwaad #jatt #tractors #punjabi #farmer #tractorloverzz #newholland #pendu #jattlifestyle #tractorpull #jattgarh #tractorpulls #farm #tractorshow #ford #wale # tractorlovers #swarajfarmtraclovers #tractorlife #crackmehkma #farming #khetibadi #pb #tractorlove #agriculture #punjab #newholand #sonalika #tractorsupply #shoot #stunt #jattjattian #tractortochan #swarajlove #tractorpulling #tractorride… Read More

  • Unbelievable ASMR Minecraft Episode 4: A World of Relaxation

    Unbelievable ASMR Minecraft Episode 4: A World of RelaxationVideo Information This video, titled ‘ASMR Minecraft Episode 4 (New World)’, was uploaded by CopelandRelaxation on 2024-01-16 13:56:25. It has garnered 578 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:47 or 2447 seconds. I try establishing myself on an Amplified world type. Hope you enjoy the video! World seed is Gargamel, 1.20.1 https://www.youtube.com/@CopelandRelaxation?sub_confirmation=1 #minecraft #asmr #gaming #relaxation #sleepaid #sleep #lo-fi #chill #vibes #chillvibes #calming #relaxing #letsplay #playthrough #malevoice #whispering #whisper #chatting #chat #asmrtalking Read More

  • “Escape the Bedrock Igloo! Vortex Virtos vs Noob Brother #shorts” #minecraft

    "Escape the Bedrock Igloo! Vortex Virtos vs Noob Brother #shorts" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Vortex Virtos on 2024-05-12 13:37:37. It has garnered 770 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #chapatihindustanigamer Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft Noob Brother Trapped Me in a BEDROCK IGLOO #shorts #minecraft #andreobee #imbixu #noobvsprovshacker #minecraftbut #minecrafthindi #funny noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft diamond mining noob vs pro vs… Read More

  • Romantic Drama in Minecraft Anime School – Love and Anger Unleashed!

    Romantic Drama in Minecraft Anime School - Love and Anger Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘SAKURA and ITACHI LOVE but NARUTO and SASUKE ANGRY – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Minecraft Anime School on 2024-01-14 12:33:32. It has garnered 250 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:10 or 730 seconds. SAKURA and ITACHI LOVE but NARUTO and SASUKE ANGRY – Minecraft Animation Read More

  • “Spin to Win!! 😱 CAPRIYO Gets Surprise Rank Prize!” #clickbait

    "Spin to Win!! 😱 CAPRIYO Gets Surprise Rank Prize!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spin Dapat Hadiah Rank❗❓ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #dubbing #shortvideo #sakura #viral #funny’, was uploaded by CAPRIYO on 2024-01-07 00:33:18. It has garnered 13586 views and 820 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey Spikey: JJ in Police Van, Mikey as Cop in Minecraft

    Mikey Spikey: JJ in Police Van, Mikey as Cop in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Got Into a POLICE VAN, But Mikey Is a POLICEMAN in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-01-14 15:00:39. It has garnered 33983 views and 247 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:15 or 975 seconds. JJ Got Into a POLICE VAN, But Mikey Is a POLICEMAN in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Villager Ruler – AI Tally Hall Cover

    Ultimate Minecraft Villager Ruler - AI Tally Hall CoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager is the Ruler of Everything – ‘Ruler of Everyhting” by Tally Hall AI Cover’, was uploaded by NathanNWCW on 2024-01-17 22:17:26. It has garnered 1109 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:08 or 248 seconds. Read More

  • Zetapixel.net

    Zetapixel.netExplore Our Extraordinary Server Features – Custom Terrain & Biomes: Discover breathtaking landscapes and explore custom-designed biomes, adding a touch of awe-inspiring beauty to your Minecraft adventures. – Custom Enchants, Armor, Tools & Weapons: Unleash the power of exclusive custom enchants, armor sets, and weapons, elevating your gameplay to new heights. – MCMMO: Experience the thrill of MCMMO with unique skills and abilities, enhancing your gameplay and progression. – Immersive Decorations: Immerse yourself with our custom décor, enhancing your overall gameplay experience. – Dedicated Hardware: Experience unparalleled performance on our server. We spare no expense in providing the best gameplay… Read More

  • mateee’s small friendly SMP server – Semi-Vanilla 1.16.5 with Dynmap.

    Welcome to MateeMinecraft 1.16.5 SMP Server! Join our small and friendly community where you can have fun, meet new people, and build together. Our server offers vanilla gameplay with quality of life improvements like Dynmap, Horseoverhaul, Multiplayer sleep, Instant tree cutting, and more. Interested in joining? Visit mateeeminecraft.uk.to and send a message to be added. Don’t forget to join our Discord through the server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The Gateway Drug for Kids

    I guess you could say that Minecraft is really ‘mining’ for trouble with the younger generation! Read More

  • Crafty Commerce: Minecraft Shop Surprise

    Crafty Commerce: Minecraft Shop Surprise In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a player who opened a shop, so bold. From zero emeralds, they made millions, it’s true, With a Super Pickaxe, mining blocks through and through. Roaming the world, gathering resources to sell, Their shop thriving, a success story to tell. But beware, for a thief tried to rob their store, Yet they prevailed, cutting down forests galore. Upgrades bought, licenses acquired with glee, Even selling stone shovels, earning emeralds free. Cheating the system, their profits soared high, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams can touch the sky…. Read More

  • Minecraft Sense meme 🔥🤣 #lit #trollface

    Minecraft Sense meme 🔥🤣 #lit #trollface When you’re trying to find diamonds in Minecraft but end up getting lost in a cave for hours, that’s when your Minecraft sense starts tingling! 🧐 #lostinthecave #minecraftsense #wherearemydiamonds Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Transforming Mobile Home!

    Minecraft Madness: Transforming Mobile Home!Video Information This video, titled ‘creating a mobile home in Minecraft’, was uploaded by RetroGrade on 2024-05-24 13:16:39. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. I got inspired after watching some old school Top Gear. In this Minecraft Short, I created a Mobile Home. #creative #creation #ps5 #playstation #playstation5 #topgear #grandtour #thegrandtour #jeremyclarkson #jamesmay #richardhammond #minecraft #smallyoutubercommunity #youtube #youtubeshort #youtubeshorts X ytRETROgrade Instagram RetrogradeYT Thumbnail Maker https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ryzenrise.thumbnailmaker PowerDirector https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cyberlink.powerdirector.DRA140225_01 Follow These Guys MythN3rd https://www.twitch.tv/mythn3rd?sr=a Trickaliz https://www.twitch.tv/trickayliz?sr=a Mercy Shadow https://www.twitch.tv/mercy_shadow?sr=a NerdHarder88 https://youtube.com/user/2001civicex5spd Rynogaming_dubs https://youtube.com/channel/UCmo7Z1Bq48RDWZu7if03sKA Ragebreak Gaming https://youtube.com/c/RagebreakGaming SlickRuzick https://youtube.com/channel/UCfCL-a7sqvzCOX7rEFfi4hQ shadow… Read More

  • Choose Your Minecraft Troll

    Choose Your Minecraft TrollVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 PICK A MINECRAFT TROLL LIVE!’, was uploaded by Zedar on 2024-03-16 00:26:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. tiktok – zedarmc twitter- https://twitter.com/itsZedar Business email: [email protected] Minecraft, But this challenge is the … Read More

  • 🔥 RAREST Minecraft Block Revealed?! 😱

    🔥 RAREST Minecraft Block Revealed?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Which is the Rarest Block In Minecraft 😱 #shorts #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Golden Gamerz on 2024-05-03 02:30:03. It has garnered 13085 views and 283 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Which is the Rarest Block In Minecraft 🤯 #shorts #viral #ytshortsminecraft minecraft but shorts camman18 minecraft facts minecraft mod minecraft rarest minecraft challenge minecraft 1.20 minecraft but challenge minecraft hardcore minecraft how to minecraft speedrun minecraft seed camman18 minecraft minecraft funny minecraft update canman minecraft survival canman18 #minecraft 100 days minecraft but i cant touch grass minecraft whats… Read More

  • Unlock Martin’s EVIL Lair on Channel 64 SMP!

    Unlock Martin's EVIL Lair on Channel 64 SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Minecraft EVIL UNDERGROUND LAIR on Channel 64 SMP’, was uploaded by martin_smartin on 2024-02-18 04:33:45. It has garnered 69 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:01 or 6301 seconds. Join me on Channel 64 SMP as I’m building my EVIL UNDERGROUND LAIR live in #minecraft . This is all prep work for the next episode so if you like sneak peeks, you came to the right stream. Channel 64 is the home to great adventures and storytelling with friends. I hope you want to come along and take part in… Read More

  • INSANE! BlueSmen Survives 650+ Days in Minecraft Ultra Hardcore LIVE!

    INSANE! BlueSmen Survives 650+ Days in Minecraft Ultra Hardcore LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultra Hardcore – Ziua 650+ [LIVE]’, was uploaded by BlueSmen on 2024-02-18 13:23:39. It has garnered 2203 views and 239 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:48 or 11628 seconds. 🎮 Gamivo : https://www.gamivo.com/?glv=BluMC 💰 Use code BLUMC for 5% discount 🎁 Minecraft figures: https://www.instagram.com/blu.crafters/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🌐 You can find me here: https://linktr.ee/blue.smen 🌀 Animelist : https://myanimelist.net/animelist/BlueSmen 🔥 Playlist of the series: https://tinyurl.com/UHCPlaylist ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 📡 Do you want a Cheap Host? : https://bisecthosting.com/blu25 💳 Use code BLU25 for a 25% discount #BlueSmen #MinecraftHardcore #UltraHardcore Read More

  • "INSANE Hive custom servers LIVE with viewers!"

    <p>"INSANE Hive custom servers <em>LIVE</em> with viewers!"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Custom servers *LIVE*! (With viewers)’, was uploaded by splu4ug on 2024-04-22 20:16:28. It has garnered 623 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:55 or 9355 seconds. Today I will be streaming Bedwars cs’s on the Hive minecraft bedrock edition featured server (we may do some other cs’s too like treasure wars and skywars)! Discord: @skylord Discord server: https://discord.gg/Mcw5V3bggY Xbox: @splu4ug @spluwg Hello and I am splu4ug, I am a Minecraft bedrock edition player that grinds the Hive (The Hive is a featured server on Minecraft bedrock edition, Unlike minecraft java… Read More

  • Zombies Strike Back in Epic Minecraft Battle!

    Zombies Strike Back in Epic Minecraft Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zombies Get Revenge #minecraft #funny #minecraftmemes #memes #funnyshorts #fight #fighting’, was uploaded by Abz on 2024-04-03 18:13:30. It has garnered 417 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #phonk Read More

  • 😲 TOP 8 INSANE New Mods for Minecraft! 🔥

    😲 TOP 8 INSANE New Mods for Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods For You (1.20.1 to 1.18.2) For Forge & Fabric’, was uploaded by Minecraft TGK on 2024-05-03 10:30:19. It has garnered 983 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods For You (1.20.1 to 1.18.2) For Forge & Fabric Witness the transformation of your Minecraft world as you integrate these cutting-edge mods, each one designed to enhance the core experience in its own remarkable way. Embark on thrilling adventures, construct intricate builds, and delve into the depths of enchantment – the opportunities… Read More

  • Join me in SL! Building mansion in Minecraft!

    Join me in SL! Building mansion in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘1 Building Our New Mansion in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Play with me in Second Life on 2024-02-25 15:10:47. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:01 or 901 seconds. Visit me at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kryophelis/185/31/41 [ No Copyright ] Soft Piano Music For Relaxation | Snowing Background | Relax Music Meditation https://youtu.be/DRnyxlaqqLk [ No Copyright ] Coffee House Jazz | Calm Jazz Music | Relaxing Music | Relax Music Meditation https://youtu.be/5mgYnwhM4eg Please help: https://www.patreon.com/Charles_Brobst Please like and subscribe. Hit that RED button! Then ring a ding my little bell…. Read More

  • TurtleWorldSMP S2

    TurtleWorldSMP S2Create mod based server with a ton of other mods Enjoying Modded Minecraft together Open to all that wanna play with others to have a good ole time Read More

  • Torrent Network: Lifesteal MMORPG, Survival, Creative, Quests, Boss Fights

    Minecraft GANG Lifesteal Server Announcement Attention all Minecraft players! A new custom Lifesteal server has just launched. If you’re wondering what makes this server custom, let me tell you, everything is unique. From terrain to skills, advanced enchantments to boss fights, regenerating loot chests to custom structures. You can even start a team, betray your friends, and start a war! If this piques your interest, join us at torrentsmp.com on any version, Java or Bedrock. For more information, join our Discord at https://discord.gg/torrent. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder

    Minecraft's Useless Blunder: Rhyme and Wonder In Minecraft, the most useless item you’ll find, Is the golden hoe, not worth a dime. It can’t till the land or harvest crops, Just a shiny tool that’s a flop. But fear not, for in this game so grand, There’s always something new to understand. So keep exploring, keep digging deep, In Minecraft, there’s always more secrets to keep. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness!

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness! “When you accidentally build a house in Minecraft that looks like Spongebob’s pineapple under the sea and now all the creepers are showing up thinking it’s a Krabby Patty stand.” Read More