Ultimate Oliver’s Minecraft Journey Revealed! 😱

Video Information

For [Laughter] E E E [Laughter] Is E For The Lord Oh Good E E In For For You That e In For That for E People cheers It is Saturday and today we celebrate our Minecraft wrapup day how’s everybody huh Coke Zero sounds y it’s a Coke Zero always is I would be way too unhealthy if I drank the regular one two streams in one day yeah I felt like gaming today man and just chilling and I’m sort of addicted to

Rain world so I had to get it in there you know my day’s been great Nikki thanks for asking how about you oh wait you’re doing great nice good to hear it okay why do I get an ad now I don’t know um it’s automatic it’s not

Something I control maybe I am able to control it but I don’t know how what a gamer are you guys ready for today or what I think the plan is um I’m going to go back onto the server of course because I was nowhere near done walking around and looking at all

The stuff you guys made I’m just excited about that and then after that we’re going to watch more videos and people have made a playlist based on votes as far as I’m aware so people have actually been in there and voting on it so so we don’t

Have to sit here and think about what to watch in the moment you know I mean maybe we’ll do a bit of that but uh we’re just going to reminisce about good old times in this Game Soul Sand thumbnail does it mean something wait really it should be grass that’s the first I’m hearing of it what are you looking at on the TV I what are you talking about Oxana I didn’t have the address [Laughter] what I’m just kidding uh now someone in

The comment section of uh of the last ex stream suggested that I put in other junks instead of uh or blocks instead of grass and it makes sense so I did that thanks to that person Isanti let’s go thank you for the 10 I’m going to

Jump into the server I kind of forgot the IP of it hold on I think it’s on Discord or maybe it’s saved from last time I went In oh yeah I think it is um let me see if this works right so I kind of I locked into um I remember now oh my God the my mouse sensitivity is so weird I’ve been playing Talos principle and the mouse sensitivity is a little different than

There so when you jump into another FPS game and the mouse sensitivity is different it always messes with your mind so I jumped down here and it was sort of like a little uh yeah I’m not sure actually uh what’s going on here Jesus Christ I think that was a horn someone’s horning

Amazing okay um do I need to eat at all maybe I should eat first so I’m just going to check out what this is real fast whoops oh I don’t know if I’m supposed to be able to do all this I just destroyed something there I put it

Back I think what I need is a book because I do remember the Lecter doing things I’m just going to go through this real quick here book book book book book um I don’t think I have a Book I do remember the elevator down oh right there it is and there’s cooked cooked pork chops as well um so here’s how this works apparently when you turn a page yeah this is what that other I mean obstacle course I guess you could call it also did the rules of the

Shrine you are about to enter the shrine of knowledge part obstacle course part tutorial to discover the hidden pieces of Minecraft knowledge nice are you brave enough to enter and claim the reward waiting at the end yes I believe I am leave all possible gear here only

Food should be taken into these trials oh okay oh oh okay I’m going to put it in the chest I guess that’s the safest thing I will leave everything behind I am following the guidance I shall not break the rules here uh firework all of this goes in as well totem of undy

Let’s bring the food and I’m bringing the pork chops because they were the intended ones I think okay nice all gear includes possible armor take it off now before you have the chance to forget I did it breaking blocks is not allowed you should find everything you

Need in containers and in item frames along the way okay since you shouldn’t have blocks to place unless given this feels a necessary but still don’t go placing blocks unless allowed gotcha all the puzzles are self-contained you can leave everything you find in a room in that room when leaving okay uh have

Fun thanks um eat healthy I think I’m doing that brush your teeth twice a day definitely doing that don’t commit to a page count before starting to write a rule book oh oh it hasn’t reached the end yet I see reread the rules okay let’s let’s

Let’s just go back again okay let’s see here you are about to okay no I’m kidding uh okay I I have reread them all I accept the terms and conditions only one person in the shrine at a time it still requires manual reset between tries so keep out if you aren’t the one

They call Oliver be curious always and the team planner and organizer resin designer purple Hammer of faces I love that name thanks for oopa for coordinating trials avoiding overlaps guys you are amazing this is just incredible I’m already excited to see the rest of the houses up there I am

Just intrigued by all the constructions you guys have done um so this is open now so what is this place here map room that way PS wolf was here oh yeah Jesus Christ that scared me Um so hold on I need to figure out what I’m actually supposed to do I cannot place blocks I can only uh use what’s in the room oh but wait wasn’t this one of those that I could Ascend with maybe not H hold on is my game a little not bright

Let me actually turn it up a bit oh right this all looks different now because of the mod uh performance General brightness here oh it’s a we can turn it up higher I think that’s better definitely better what the what oh interesting oh wait is that real

What have I been able to do this I’ve got a boat oh wait a minute um we can oh it allows me to go underneath with that figure it out so I don’t know if I’m allowed to take this with me but I’m I’m taking it it oh it’s

Gone what’s this it’s Dior ride come on I know that now you can’t mess with me anymore paper bottle of enchanting wait I found some of this at some point bottle of enchanting that does nothing what does this do I can I can rename things yeah uh H what is

This what’s in here I keep wanting to zoom by pressing uh scroll wheel cuz I’m so used to T’s principal right now there’s a skeleton in a boat wait is that a hint that I should be in a boat maybe maybe I’ll drink this whoa that just scared the crap out of me

Cuz my game is very loud let me just turn that down a bit there we go okay let me see here so bottle of enchanting I do remember something about the bottle of enchanting what was it what can I can I what if I put in bottle

Of enchanting like this that doesn’t do anything that doesn’t do anything either but I need H some sort of gear no maybe the food can be enchanted to become better food maybe I can wrap my food in paper and uh throw it through the window here

To feed a guy on the other side who will then open the door for me so what what does this do this is like a weirdly delayed button I cannot destroy blocks right oops wait what insert paper here Wait what what the [ __ ] insert paper how much paper maybe just one maybe all of it will that do something whoops here where it says here I have no idea what is this even I have no idea what I’m looking at h Al what are these oh wait that’s players I

Think I was like is this a graphical glitch what am I seeing through the wall here maybe there’s some kind of pattern I need to go with here bottle of enchanting it’s got to be related to that maybe I need to do it in a certain pattern insert paper maybe like this

This yeah maybe I’m going to need a hint here I’m going to look at chat real quick you guys have a hint for me hit this in the room it’s in the room huh well I assume it is in the room what’s this wait do am I supposed to hold on

Diorite and now we insert paper I have solved the puzzle I have named The Block H okay I’m going to look at chat again guys I can’t figure it out [ __ ] can you give a another hint here what do you guys got oh someone said Anvil and I just got an

Idea uh lower case wait just one please okay I’m going to ask a quick question how do I I take only one item out of a stack is that possible in this game I’ve been wondering this since day one yeah when I right click though it it it makes turns it into

Halves it just hals it for me pick up and right click oh of oh of course oh of course wow oh my God incredible amazing okay ah amazing is this another one of those in visible paint is it this one I knew it oh listen to this very interesting footstep

Sounds I’m liking the footstep sounds um I I’m guessing I need to get over there there’s water down oh yeah I should leave things behind I kind of forgot there so I should not I was about to say how can I use my paper in here but

That’s not the point I think oh wait wait uhuh this is Terra Cotta bone ah I think I know what to do we’re going to do this what that makes a [ __ ] tree 2 by two okay first off I didn’t know I could do this with tree saplings that’s

Amazing second off you can [ __ ] oh my God I would love to do this with my home make them next to my house oh by the way I’m preparing myself mentally for a shock I mean I today I’ve already been super scared I was so scared today but I’m

Ready oh right I need to leave things behind no oh [ __ ] I don’t think I can let’s throw this I throw this through the door not really so I can’t destroy anything but I need to um keep this H we need a pressure on this plate maybe for quick actually ah not

Quite not quite so this needs to stay open so the connection needs to be maintained I can’t destroy anything right uh what am I supposed to do here so that there’s a certain time right I can’t do anything like that this is this I what the okay there’s some kind of mechanic

Here that I’m not that I’m not understanding I think I think it’s trying to teach me a gameplay mechanic with pressure plates what could it be though could we maybe just that actually works oh this looks cool what is this what no way you can make switches like that how does that even

Work what okay what’s over here here I can change these as well H there’s an invisible person who disappeared in front of me this will activate that one what happened oh did I break something I’m sorry did I break something oh it’s broken okay okay okay cool that’s good to know I was thinking that was something I missed here thank you uh whoever that

Was so let me just think here this goes here this needs to go like that and then this needs to go where does need to go anyway what is the end I guess it needs to oh oh interesting do that oh wait this is not oh but wait a

Minute so I there’s no reason to make it go here because like it can’t go there unless unless there’s enough speed on it hold on let me whoops ooh what the [ __ ] is going on what H okay wait what just happened over here it got sent there and then it went like

There and then things happened what the [ __ ] let me see that again now it’s going now it’s going back like that what the [ __ ] uh amazing so it’s going like this but then it because it has so much speed it just skips over here and what is this one

Do activates that one so maybe I think I need to get it to here let’s do that and let’s try again oops uh whoops like that and there Aha and now now I want it to so what does this one do again something’s going on here with this

Block when it passes this this one pushes the red block here which activates this right here and does something okay now it’s back to this dude it’s crazy that you can make this stuff in Minecraft like what the actual [ __ ] how is this even

Possible so I guess what I need to do is to make it uh turn a corner here that’s like that’s like the goal so I can make it go around like that and then I have to do something smart I guess so now it’s

Here so if I now do this it should go across but I don’t think I want that maybe I wanted to start going left turn right and when it comes here it should go this way unless it has too much speed of course yeah it goes across there

Interesting oh now the red one is here okay so this is now lighted interesting what the [ __ ] guys I I think I may be too stupid to understand what’s [Laughter] happening I don’t think I understand what’s going on this goes around and I need to somehow stop it

From going across here it needs to turn in there you know and I think it has something to do with this redstone block the Redstone Block is doing something it’s activating this Redstone here but I don’t see how that is affecting anything there let me just

Take a look at what happens when I turn it around so then it stops and then it continues so it breaks the connection I think the connection needs to stay broken while it goes through oh did I just do it that was unintentional I’ll take [Laughter] it oh wait go let’s go oh

Yeah oh [ __ ] Uh-oh oh [ __ ] oh what that’s possible uh-oh we’re going the other way now oh what the [ __ ] is this wolf was here not a clue and frog and flow art you may Place Us in this room oh yeah oh but wait oh wait I can just

Hey easy easy I learned that last time people taught me Um sorry sorry what these are note Blocks there’s water over there it’s raining leaves this is so nice oh oh wait no Way oh wait whoops I did not mean to place that I think I understand here no it’s this one what was It no wasn’t it oh number three is the click So yeah that’s amazing oh that looks cool go which way oh what oh my God we got more of this stuff oh [ __ ] um let me first figure dude I I’m getting Talos uh feelings from this I’ve been playing so much of this Rec it’s like okay it’s

Time to get my ass kicked here you know I’m ready um what am I supposed to do even I came from here I think I need to I guess yeah the only way out of here is here again so I guess I have to move

This block out of the way to go down or up and to move it away I need to activate this piston right there which is attached to Soul Sand so in order to do that this needs to be on and in order for that to be on I need

To honestly don’t know let’s see that does something what does this do oh this is the comparator Stuff so when I activate this a weird block appears on top of the comparator what the [ __ ] or like one of the Torches gets replaced by a uh rectangular block okay so this one is also rectangular block oh wait what does this do this just activates the Redstone

Underneath it I think but how does that work it’s connected to a gold block and it’s floating above the Redstone thing like guess gold is conductive is that the reasoning here why this works so in order for this one to be on I don’t know what constitutes the condition here for

That uhhuh but why did that work oh this is on when none of them are on ah ah okay but now I think I accidentally uh blocked it again my question is does it pulled it back no I should probably destroy this block then whoa whoa what the [ __ ] that’s so

Genius to use the fire block this an elevator it’s an elevator oh Brown die I’m taking all of this I guess I need to put one of these down there uh let’s do some coloring orange wait a minute also they oh okay hold on you you can do this in layers I

Guess so the layer all behind I guess is blue then we have red oh no blue yellow green no we have yellow blue and red okay so the behind is red yellow green red uh and I guess if the we mix that with blue I guess CU I want to combine what is

This uh let’s see I guess it’s is does that constitute is that the one I’m I’m a [ __ ] Genius that’s the one and then then we take this no wait we do uh we do the yellow one now oh wait that’s the yellow background but let’s try yellow I’ve never really played with this I think I’m made one and somehow I immediately uh made a racist symbol so I

Never went back to that that was not a that was not ideal back then um so let me do this and oh this makes something weird hold on yellow circle so wait I can just do this is that going to work a amazing okay and then we have a forest

Or like a green triangle Green Oh wait we have multiple can I even make it oh yeah oh wa there’s this one and that one so this is the normal green the other one is lime dye okay [Applause] wait no no no this does not look right yeah it does look

Right there and then this there oh my God is that not right isn’t that the right One is there a button hidden imagine if this solution to this puzzle is a button hidden beneath these and it’s just clicking it that’s the solution that would be amazing um maybe I need to make three different ones are these different at all what the

[ __ ] is this not the same hold on a second oh no wait it’s actually different it is actually different let me go back to the drawing board uh what is what am I missing I’m missing I wonder if I can do this what’s that is it orange in the

Bottom it is kind of orange in the bottom so more like this now here’s the question can I somehow combine these two no maybe in my inventory no I don’t know I guess I can just keep drawing on this no but we we would have to start with um blue right

Blue the gradient here is blue purple orange it seems so blue oh so more like red like or orange is it brown brown is the bottom one I can’t tell the gradient here guys I can’t tell what it is it’s blue and then red I think or brown blue to Orange

Okay so that right oh yeah I see it now yeah okay okay okay and then we do this one there right take that and then we do the green that one nice and now for the final touch the three trees there yes nice I couldn’t tell the color

Exactly it a little hard to tell oh what is this why am I nervous huh wait what also hold on I I I keep bringing all things with me I shouldn’t do that let me destroy these so I don’t get confused there nice now what is going on here there’s a skull There Great Balls of Fire Great Balls of Fire nice reference I like it so what can I do with gunpowder blaze rods and block of coal Great Balls of Fire I guess I can I can make that what happens if I shoot that oh wait a minute I I want to make a

Fireball of course oh my God I’m so dumb but I don’t remember how to make a fireball oh this is a block of coal oh [ __ ] I thought that was a skeleton head oh wow okay wait what I don’t remember the recipe for this um

Okay Fireball is a piece of coal on fire right maybe we just need to combine it in here with gunpowder no you have a book do I what oh right oh you’re right ah it’s that order I did remember that was a combination I just didn’t remember the order here

Amazing okay okay okay cool I kind of forgot I had a for some reason I I actually don’t think I knew that I had this I mean I kind of knew but I only use this usually when I’m at the crafting table I never thought about clicking it while I’m just standing

Here maybe I did that once but let’s shoot the boss of fire oh it’s made of wool it’s got to burn that’s so cool again more dude you can make turrets oh no am I Hold On this yeahaha you found me okay calm down there cororo glow item frame a lily

Pad did I killed the cororo did I break it hold on is this me did I cause the fire in here did I mess it up whoa what the [ __ ] oh I’m sorry cororo you go back where you belong what is going on here yo that’s the experience that down there that

Won’t come to me so this is burning I need to reach that trapo or pressure plate I mean and this does what it’s oh wait it’s a dispenser it’s shooting something so I guess the idea is to move the thing over there somehow and then shoot it what the what the

[ __ ] I am not sure what to do so why are there fires here is another question and why is this not burning oh that is the [ __ ] thing from the Nether and that is Soul Sand that’s why it’s burning blue gotcha so what’s going on in here I can’t exit right

No I think I need to move the fire along somehow oh I can’t use items that I have in my inventory I have to throw these out maybe I can do something with food God damn is that going to do anything I mean I can only click this button do I just keep

Pressing oh wait a minute do I need to no [ __ ] way okay I see how this this sort of works what I’m doing here but how is this going to affect is this going to affect the pressure plate at all oh oh oh my God that’s awesome that is

Amazing the fact that you can do that blows my mind fortune favors the Bold nice yeah no you can’t take damage really oh sorry oh [ __ ] oh oh ah get me out of here oh no oh no oh I’m [ __ ] no [ __ ] me I made it oh thank you I got [Laughter]

Saved oh my God that’s amazing I’ve got a bucket of powder snow so you put powder snow underneath huh that’s a trick that is very neat hold on what is what am I even supposed to do in here I can fill it up again so the carpet prevents me from actually taking damage

There oh wow you can pick it up like that with a bucket that’s interesting I want two buckets of this so the question is how am I going to going to what is the what whoops I think I just did something I shouldn’t have um [ __ ] I may have messed something

Up not oh I think I should have put them back with this maybe hold on I have an idea there is that the solution people are saying I broke it did I break it so let me just think about this I need to get out of here

Oh let me uh actually replace that there um so I need to get out of few right I need to find a way out I can’t break blocks but I can use powder snow buckets for something see why is there a block of ice there is that going to do anything H oh this just floats in the air when you do that I’m not allow wait why are these one of these is glowing and there’s this stuff behind it so there’s crying obsidian what does that have to do with powder snow powder snow how am I actually getting out is it

Oh wait a minute wait oh my God that’s how you oh my God this is super useful you don’t have to break the blocks that’s incredible this is a legit way to ascend I thought I discovered all the Ascension methods well in my own world of course but very nice cool which

Way that way this way I came from here fortune favors the Bold there aha hey cool this looks so badass I wouldn’t even think this is Minecraft when I look at this not at first glance I mean the Minecraft I’m used to let’s not forget I also have a mod

That makes the graphics different so that’s all that that also does something right let’s leave behind everything pressure plates whoa oh the greatest treasure [ __ ] the pork chop that goes in here that is amazing exit fire exit what oh aisle of dog cool oh wait how do I um

Ascension do I need to click something there’s a button there oh right let me take all these items there we go let me just put this on nice and then fireworks is kind of important too makes you fly okay I took my items oh wait I should put something

Back uh didn’t I have a book here oh wait it’s on the altar okay I think we’re good Ascension oh maybe I need to eat the potato with the wrong boots on light ooh oh I see Oliver’s helmet that’s so cool I yeah okay how do I get out of here push the

Button this one I can’t reach it but are you guys messing with me oh holy [ __ ] how does this even work well that’s the elevator oh my God look at you guys amazing I I I want to throw as well do I there we go amazing what’s up

Everybody that was really really cool thank you so much for that to all the people involved there now last time I really got lost walking around in here um also really quickly is the game too loud compared to my voice or is this fine just for the future here if people

Are throwing off fireworks and stuff it’s fine okay okay I’m going to sort of follow uh Follow the Leader who’s the leader here anoint a leader among you I see Jen I follow Jen this is so cool what a beautiful world I’m just wondering right now if

All these trees did you put all these trees manually or was this actually how it was it wouldn’t surprise cuz look at this path it’s been made custom you guys made this path didn’t you there’s cats everywhere too people are flying around what the heck this doesn’t even feel like

Minecraft but then again you guys did so much to the server so you guys are not only surviving in here you’re thriving hold on do I have a oh nice what is that GPH Griff I see you standing there on your boat okay is the horn the sign to

Follow I will follow the horn what a nice Bridge you guys have here in here do I go in here whoa holy [ __ ] this is what I wanted to make all along is this actually the world oh [ __ ] sorry I wanted to assom wait how do I zoom while standing here maybe I

Can’t I can sum yeah okay that that’s the way to do it you sort of look this way and then you go down let’s see where am I right now this is so cool tenno’s house let’s see we walked through sell the shrine what the [ __ ]

This is the this is where I was last time I remember the cube of course good times and then we walked sort of ac across here oh I can I can even see oh these I thought these were players these are the name of the houses okay that’s nice what’s that

Floats laboratory flow Arts laboratory you are here ah oh this is this was this the shrine I was just in a this is beautiful look at this it looks like an actual little village Vall hold on did Vall Vall did you make all of this on this island then luk

Len has a little place there cougar has a whole estate wow and norf is on even side with a little Hut that’s beautiful what is this hold on if you change something in the world does the map change in here or do we have to update it constantly you have to update

It oh okay okay so you make updates every once in a while I guess I see this is a tree farm when you say tree farm do you mean a [Laughter] forest Museum you made a Coliseum this is the oad din I remember this this was so cool hold on where’s the false

Cube there was a false Cube that I even don’t want to mention because it’s only for Heretics right the owl cow guys there’s even more upstairs really 128 and other Maps upstairs oh this is actually nice you can see from here badass I mean I had this in mine as well

But in much smaller scale like 2 by two around my little house you know but that is glorious oh my my [Laughter] God this is incredible so wait are you guys telling me that in order to make these you had to make them in the world right someone told me someone made this

In the world this is a landscape how how crazy is that hold on I’m taking my phone here and doing the obvious thing maybe everyone else will do the same let me see oh my God you you got me you [Laughter] bastards God damn it Maps 3131 someone’s eating a burger I wish it was me let me see this so this is a bigger map apparently is it spawn Island oh wait a minute I’m having a hard time seeing

Where the village is is it here is this oh it’s so small yeah this look and then we have the estate over here narf uneven tide yeah okay wow this really is a big one then holy [ __ ] oh this is where you made them I

See it now this is where you made those damn Maps right out here I almost want to go there in person just to see them that is incredible Trail ruins it’s really cool that you can see all the maps in such great detail here that’s awesome then you have oh what is

This what’s going on here Jen’s giant maze ad mini game Mountain what holy [ __ ] that’s a maze oh [ __ ] sorry I keep wanting to zoom on that what the [ __ ] I feel like this is some Next Level stuff happening here that I’m not even close to understanding the the daily

Diorite January 7th hold on a second Oliver visits the server the long wait is over during his wrapup stream Oliver logged on to the server for the first time he spent most of his hour on the server exploring spawn builds and getting lost and as followed around by an excited but hell

Behaved crowd Oliver said he’ll be back in a week and God damn it Oliver was back in a week but plus a couple days I love this name the daily diorite that is perfect Coca-Cola the drink of Champions new newspaper despite its name the daily diorite will update only intermittently

Fantastic someone actually made the British flag as well is that real is that also part I’m I’m sorry I’m just blown away by that that you like and this is this is not creative this is survival Jesus Christ oh gold Horn wait what is that the THX sound what the freak Ender Chest the alphabet brought to you by Ren AKA high energy Magic oh my God people are looking through the windows that is amazing maps huge thanks to hammer of faces for providing the majority of 18 so the map I guess

Um someone said something about a book which book is there a book I want to read a book downstairs okay I’m going to take a look look for blue okay I’m going downstairs oh this one what the hell is this there was a guys there is a head on

The floor here just right there just saying name map building Creator purple description the one to one map of the greater spawn area used to find itself in the community center at spawn but due to lag reasons it had to be taken down fast forward a couple months and

Here I purple am wanting to reinstate the map as I thought there would be no better way for me to learn all about this server and its history than by mapping everything out I chose this location quite far from Spawn and built this building one to one one block one

Pixel map is on the bottom floor oh okay I see I see yeah and the 1 to8 three times Zoom map is on the top floor huge thanks to lonate and luk Len for the mapping of most of the original one to1 maps to hammer up faces for the

Massive mapping of almost all of the one to8 maps to re for the map art and resin for inventing the alphabet inventing the alphabet written by purple alphabet I like this little information I am blown away here I want to go around and see some stuff you guys

I want to see the stuff I saw on the map where should I go a lot of builds have that information kiosk that’s amazing okay um so where should I go should I follow someone here where am I right now yeah I want want to see the tree farm that sounded

Very uh intriguing to me can we go to Tree Farm bacon bio tenno and tenno limonade yuo um is it this way guys would you like to walk there sure if it’s not too far let’s see that’s purple up there he’s standing there menacingly looking over the situation

Okay sorry I’m going to um should I should I follow you Jen I don’t know how to find you the other purple oh there’s two purples one is purple the other is should I go in here follow Jen okay I don’t know where Jen is I guess in the portal huh

Okay I’m in the nether where you guys did some crazy [ __ ] oh I keep forgetting I can fly if I want to but I don’t have that many uh I’m going to wait a bit with that I could also fly there I guess oh there you are Jen I see you now okay

I follow you I guess you have these uh somehow you manage to make the portals really close to each other in here I’m following Jen and the rest of the pack whoa I just did a bit of flying portal to spawn currently out of service

Holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that sorry I get distracted I’m coming what the hell was that here saner are we close to the tree for oh my God things are loading in holy [ __ ] wait I see the orad din whoa I’m hearing Thunder sorry I’m being distracted Jen

Uh I’m sorry there you are okay can I get in I’m in here we go we’re going for a boat ride first the trip of the aisle oh [ __ ] I think we got uh rocked off the boat I can grab the boat here I guess my voice is delayed so

Yeah I’m going to oops should I I think I just just follow one person for now I don’t know where Jen went oh my God this looks glorious with these graphics and the rain and everything okay off we go I’m excited what is this okay Isle of

Dog it seems I’m wanted here as well people are after me holy [ __ ] wait a minute guys this this is um are you guys trapping these people here holy [ __ ] this is dark what is [Applause] this oh that looks amazing return to the dock when ready okay okay oh my God hold

On what the sh hold on is this this looks like the bookshelf from you know what movie I’m not going to spoil it in case you haven’t seen it there’s a movie with a bookshelf should I Jump okay I’m Jumping oh my God there’s diamonds everywhere people what is this flashing means refueling it’s a hungry Beast I will readed the fuel system scoot says what the [ __ ] is this output chest how the heck are you guys figuring this [ __ ] out this oh my God there’s so much coal Auto furnace Dude you guys have made some crazy [ __ ] here damn there’s a skeleton right there is that for like Museum purposes my people are dying Isle of darkg contained a lot of resources for new players back in the day it still does what am I even

Look I am just in awe of everything I’m seeing here but I’m not understanding a lot of it I think I understand the idea behind it that you can somehow man like automate certain things in this game What’s Happening Here where are these skeletons going so there’s a spawner here it’s

Making skeletons and I guess they are being oh my God this is they just appear here and you murder them you’ve automated everything what how are they dying what’s happening is something being shot at them wait are they falling on top of each other you punch them hell yeah what the

[ __ ] the fact that you can do this it’s crazy so this is like a a huge Factory creating all kinds of things damn this is a nice decoration by the way I think this is meant for decorational purposes whoa okay what is this I don’t even I I can’t even okay

Let me get up from here I want to get in the boat again I need to go somewhere else this is blowing my mind already what’s this hold on break these two to refuel bone meal couldn’t yeah this is way this is above my pig rate I’m telling you

That it’s an elevator oh okay I thought it was like a a nice uh looking thing oh that’s cool that is awesome and then you arrive right here oh whoo no oh [ __ ] rip okay let’s go up again this is awesome I mean this is not the elevator

I had in mind when I wanted to build one but this is even cooler I would say than the elevator I had in mind what’s up everybody okay let’s get on the boat let’s get on the boat and get out of here oh wait Jen you are somewhere there you are and I’m

Off Isle of dog amazing I love is of dog what is that I now have way too much kelp since I’m switching fuel sources someone made a huge kelp block structure oh that’s a nice looking stable I think what is that oh dude what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] tree

Farm this is a tree farm uh I’ve what am I looking at it looks insanely Complicated so okay you you you say tree farm when you when you say Tree f do you just mean it makes trees for wood and where where does it appear you turn it on and wood goes into chests you’re [ __ ] kidding me but wait where where are the

Things act okay hold on I can do something TP accept uh TV name here oh [ __ ] where do the trees grow what the [ __ ] how did people figure this [ __ ] out is this what you guys meant when you were like experiment withed Redstone try and make [Laughter] something

What you you have switches for bro bro information oh I see right name fast nether Tree Farm Builder Kaki hopefully I’m saying that name right welcome to the fastest tree Farm on the server this Farm was one of the most expensive projects that I built on This Server this Farm supports only crimson

And warped trees the nether big shrooms right the red and green ones when running correctly this Farm makes and destroys five trees every second it uses 7 TNT per second to break the trees it makes the drops are placed into shulker boxes and then sent to the storage system loaded right wait to

Left each storage slice can store 895 shulkers of items which is 1,546 560 items per slice warning don’t use the F without my help and without watching a guide Jesus Christ so Now’s the Time I just uh Press buttons right guys I just pressed a bunch of

Boxes but hold on if if it needs all this TNT how how do you sustain that this Farm needs a manual to use if you press buttons we may all explode oh [ __ ] no no no I’m not going to press anything I’m too scared I am way too scared to press anything

Here if anyone’s going to destroy things here uh it it should not be me let me say that there’s a certificate I’m just going to read that I think I’m going to put it back by Jen the owl the chunk Chun loaders in this build have been approved by server owner

Please request certification before making any this is so cool you guys have a certification this is amazing you guys are incredible this is okay when I first heard you guys were playing on a Minecraft server I thought okay you guys are [ __ ] running around making some huts and stuff and killing skeletons

Together you know Jolly cooperation and then I arrive here and I see something that has scared to me to the Core Goodbye cruel world wa what the [ __ ] incredible that is amazing Kaki I I I have no words you did an amazing job here it I I can’t even begin to understand it that’s how how impressive this is okay are we back on the boat Jen where did we arrive anyway it was

Somewhere over here wasn’t it oh I see you now let’s go to the next place dude this is too much fun I’m kind of scared though this server scares me now I go this way jeez that’s a bird it’s a tuon or a uh am I saying that right a tan or

Something this is a tree farm as well guys I also made a tree farm on my server I bet you didn’t know that but I planted trees and then I chopped them down it was a bit of a manual labor but it worked so wait which which is this a

Tree farm over here near the two can I’m I’m joining you I’m on the boat look at all the beacons around as well oh not this [ __ ] oh wow this is so beautiful looking Coliseum Dead Ahead oh yeah let’s take a look or just keep going that’s also fine just go go go

Go take me to the spot that uh makes the most sense I guess I’m just having a blast seeing all of this oh here you get off here oh maybe not we’re going to visit the islands and then take the nether to the mini game Mountain the mini game Mountain what I’m intrigued

I think we definitely have to watch a video today that explains maybe a simple Redstone con thing I can actually understand you know by the end of the video I will actually understand how it works maybe something simple oh my God is that the false

Cube those islands oh oh [ __ ] I think I fell off I really like that Tower over there it’s pretty oh these wait are these fake Islands what’s in here can you recognize the islands can I hold on give me oh oh is this out of Wilds sorry I don’t want to say go too specific cuz of spoilers here but I feel like this bridge and that landing pad over there sort of

Uh I was like hold on a second I recognized this View smooth as a baby’s butt those were good times very cool oh here’s information giant deep uh okay if anyone hasn’t played the game out of Wilds don’t listen to what I’m about to say okay if anyone in the chat

Hasn’t played that game just don’t even listen to this now giant deep is a recreation of some islands from out of Wilds these islands are gabos Island the construction yard and statue island gab’s Island was built first and was later updated to be more accurate the construction yard was built second

Statue Island was built third and is the largest one so far written by Joshua nice one Joshua good nicely written I freaking love that you guys have made something like this I guess really imagination is the only limit in this game huh I mean it’s kind of a cliche to say nowadays

But truly oh my God look at this what is even going on Amazing false Cube okay I’m going to jump into a should I jump into a boat now Jen oops oh there you are I should recognize the uh the pink boat I guess ah here in the ride thanks thanks so

Much that was awesome there’s new structures well I barely remember what was here before I can’t even tell the difference if you were to show me two pictures what changed I couldn’t tell you but if the ship was gone maybe I’d be able to say that you know oh the ship is gone

Okay I will follow someone hopefully I’m going the right way oh my God what the [ __ ] is going on here Oaken Shield is running away I see you I see you buddy okay um are you in the where are where’s the portal is it over

Here go to the cube oh okay yeah I’m guessing not the false Cube cuz you wouldn’t uh say Cube if you actually meant the false cube right this is crazy definitely feeling laging here this is a huge ass portal I’m going in Cube oh wow you guys made a home in here

Oh sorry I keep getting distracted um what even is this place this looks so dope and the red so I don’t know if that’s actually red glass or if it’s just red because the nether is red but this looks amazing and there’s a pig sort of floating in the

Air weird amazing it’s the observatory cool it looks really oh wait a minute the planets it’s the sun right that’s what you’ve done here Cube NE I am completely overwhelmed man I don’t know where to go what is this come to the center oh and this leads to oh that’s so

Cool the way you you name things like that to keep track of it that’s awesome I’m at the center oh nice that’s a good way to do it just just poke [Laughter] me okay I’m going up whoops so many people okay I think I have made it I see you ah

Okay who I made it where are there you are I see you now like I can’t believe you cleared all of this we follow the carpets okay I’m following the carpet how did you guys even get all the materials to build all this stuff how many people are playing on This

Server Like how many people have been uh playing on this server throughout the time it’s been active maybe 100 wow okay that’s a lot really cool the hell crazy mechanism is going on about 20 active players weekly mini game Mountain okay let’s go let’s check it out do not fall in okay

Dude this is awesome oh wait I don’t have any food I got to eat my potato my potatoes that I won in my little course yeah that’s a huge TNT block over there and you can enter it [Laughter] this is actually so cool I didn’t even know these things did this until

Today welcome to drip Leaf sple by cup fan 135 remove your armor and gear grab some snowballs and do your best to plummet your opponent before they do the same to you careful not to stand in one place for too long oh yeah yeah that’s a great idea just run around

And snowball each other cool oh someone fell in twocan you fell in oh no you don’t okay is all of this mini games what is this over here what the hell is that mini game Mountain what is that you put the drip stones in here I like this music right now whacka moole

Wait really how does that work oh wait what is this is that a number what are you saying H is this a game in the big box with glass oh my God there’s so many items in here DDR wait Dance Dance Revolution no [ __ ] way what No that’s insane how did you make this and then you step on Wow do you think this is what the developers of Minecraft in tendas when they made this game that you were going to make Dance Dance Revolution and say you know what the whole fighting monsters and Mining nah I’m going to play Dance Dance Revolution what are you going to do about

It the guy who added Redstone probably did yeah maybe That is amazing I’m curious about the um the whole thing in here in the glass what is that I think I’m sort of stuck in here no wait I’m not whoa oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] oh that’s high up I do not know what the thing in the glass oh

Nobody even knows what this is that’s even more mysterious some kind of avoid falling dripstone thing holy [ __ ] hold on I need to increase something here yeah I’m okay I’m flying up eat potato I need to see I need to see further I can’t even see the entire

Thing uh wait where is it General here render distance 20 didn’t do much let’s go 26 huh oh Max is 16 okay gotcha uh let me go back to 16 oh really so if you have a Higher One it guess it lags the server more what’s up bacon this maze is

Insane the maze is not completed sadly what do you mean it looks very complete wow oh wait I think I see what you mean some of the walls are not high yeah yeah yeah want to see the racetrack yeah let’s go which direction is it this way okay

Whoa dude this is insane you can fly around like this am I going I don’t know if I’m going the right way that’s not Jen I think I got a little bit lost here hold on I’m on top of the TNT right now I see chimneys and some kind of game with

Colors okay I’m following the I think oh oh wow I see it now I see it damn ow okay so wait oh I see it’s ice and you go with boats oh of course I was like how are you going to make a race track but of course that makes a lot of

Sense get rid of the wheed seats even in here my inventory is a mess it’s incredible I’m taking a boat on joining you guys uh I’m going to put it here okay I guess you can do a countdown in the chat in the server or something Here we go oh this is going to be great this is made of bamboo oh [ __ ] oh you can fall off of course oh I’m getting uh I’m getting uh Super Mario 64 vibes from this whoa you know the one where you have to slide oh drifting this so

Cool my two render distance oh no that’s terrible whoa there’s an Enderman oh [ __ ] there’s people on the track dude it’s so genius with the sides being made of uh something that slows me down that’s awesome whoa oh my God I’m getting good at this look at this [ __ ] look at this [ __ ]

Bro you can’t stop me oh yeah whoa that was a bit too there’s a creeper on the track first to 500 laps deal let’s go I’ll see you in 4 hours you can go quick on this oh that’s way too fast actually it’s perfect it’s perfect this is so wait

Cave holy [ __ ] you can turn right here a Ah that’s cool okay I need to go slow in here this is this is difficult whoa oh there’s water dripping awesome oh [ __ ] okay we’re taking the long rate it’s so cool that you can make stuff like this in freaking

Minecraft I love it who made this one is there an information boo Booth I should go check out the information booth oh no that almost fell down oh [Laughter] no I got beat rip I need to go see if there’s an information booth Whoa probably over here oh let me put the boat back uh oh did the boat go back Auto automatically we can put back up boats oh what’s that powder snow buckets please read rules before racing oh [ __ ] I forgot welcome to ice boat racing by me Reef thank you to midnight

On planet Minecraft for the template of the track used thanks to serapium who helped in laying rules please make an effort to return boats after use if any damage is caused to the track repaired materials can be found next to this lecturn best racing experience is found

During the daytime to avoid mobs check the nearby clock cool enjoy I love it well done this is awesome how do I return the boat I feel like the someone replaced the boat I’m going to put the oh here I see it this is the one I took I think oh never

Mind it is now there this is an extra boat we will go to otell next okay I just need to locate you again oh I I guess let’s just follow people that right that fly there right that’s probably the easiest just follow the stream whoa dude flying is awesome is this it

Is this otell what is otell I don’t know what otell is oh it’s not here look at all the these people flying around it’s like small birds in the sky this looks like a cool building though whoa people are lagging around hey ananti I see you is that your Harry Potter outfit very

Nice I will never not be amazed by this I agree this is incredible that’s actually how I look in real life my hair is longer right now though oh okay so you’re actually a magician that’s amazing now that’s cool which way are we going guys where where is uh otell

Please open the blue shulker box we gave you last week oh this one hold on I have a bunch of uh random [ __ ] in my inventory let me get rid of some of these polish deep slate even on This Server the the pics are polishing the Deep slate for some reason I don’t

Understand like why would they why would they do that I don’t understand oh sorry Jen you uh tried to teleport me I I I I missed it if you you can do it again I will accept uh so how do I I put it on the ground right hold

On uh there nice I did it hold on oh my God there’s all kinds of goodies in here potion of invisibility 45 of these holy crap that must have taken a while Oliver’s Wings silk pick the master sword holy crap look at all the enchantments on this ask no questions very fortunate

Amazing thank you so much for that uh so the way to take this it’s not going to break right I’m not going to break everything right now everything’s fine right yeah okay thank God okay so what are you saying oh [Applause] [ __ ] guys I don’t know this game what is this

Game it is a functional board game I’ve never played otell I don’t know what that is this will be a blind playthrough of of otell look underneath oh managed to in time go under Oh you mean like up here under whoa Jesus Oh gently gently

Gently over to oh over to the score dis place I see oh my goodness what what am I witnessing whoa all of this to make the board game wow I even made it to the bottom damn that looks crazy what is this place times since last accident 2 days base of

Operations what is this yeah they built a computer for sure Jen Jen jenden Okay this is blowing my mind what is all this over here holy [ __ ] is this an explanation guys when I said I didn’t mean how it worked I didn’t mean how it technically worked in Minecraft I actually meant I never played the game or hello I don’t know the Rules oh my God it snapshots over time oh I see wow is there an information booth that I can read about this the last thing that I can think of to show you is the cathedral but if anyone else has more ideas let me know yeah let’s check out the cathedral and

Then I just want to saunter a bit around the village and just look at people’s private houses you know I just want to go inside their living rooms and do things oh my God I cannot spell there we go wo by the way who made the uh otell game

That is some seriously impressive stuff Dr purple did oh the one I mistook for purple earlier that is crazy super well done man incredible designed by purple with help from purple okay and resin too cool hold on so let me see this the cathedral huh damn that is so

Cool I I cannot understand how you guys I’m making this this like this is not even in Creative you have to find all of this oh my God we have a Priest I’m sitting they even have’t a got God damn uh what do you call it an owl not an owl as in they are not what they seem but in Danish we say it all I don’t know what the English name is for that an organ yeah an organ that’s right thanks so

Peipi I think I did that name Justice let me know We Gather in this whole place to worship the only true God we know the cube fantastic praise the cube praise the cube who died in my church what the cube is all powerful I swear my allegiance to the cube I

Pledge my allegiance to the cube I actually want to see this up close here what are you hiding behind here huh [ __ ] you are actually hiding something behind there what are you hiding in there interior unfinished this looks pretty finished to me but okay this is incredible I need to I need

To you know what I need to do I need to fly through a window I need to I need to I need to yeah no not right there hold on I need to go here I I wanted to go to the rooms up the rooms that I see up there I

Want to go there I just want to see all of this stuff this is absolutely Incredible wow excuse me but what are these pictures and these are in the game I don’t understand Minecraft is Weird I’m getting some PTSD from these paintings here I I I don’t know I don’t like those very much they can only be one Big W Bob to what’s up Bob Office of the mayor Office of the diorite Grandmaster it’s my my office hey office hours closed it’s me my

Office I like my office nah I’m kidding this is not my office it I was just a temp the castle manager let’s see the view from here you have a nice view of the main building in the courtyard it seems very pretty oh there’s more you oh what a

Nice little staircase look at this that is so efficient I’m liking that staircase wow and you have all of these rooms too incredible V Call’s base yeah let’s go to V Call’s base that sounds good I’m right here Jen I see you w call is close just North okay now

Unfortunately I don’t know what this North I’m following Jen here for sure oh I think I lost already oh oh wait there dude I this palace here was incredible I love the Simplicity of it and the like it just looks so good really really well done

It makes me want to flourish or like not flourish what am I even talking about it makes me want to Map Room to our front right by the way oh is that the one oh cool looks nice okay um yeah it makes me want to build

Stuff like this in my own world you know I feel like the stuff I build is like nothing compared to all of this it really it really is humbling to see this stuff just incredible like you guys have actual Beauty in your constructions is this the one I need to eat a

Potato oh someone’s up there I see you holding a totem and a firework this whole area really what a nice Garden though ow [ __ ] oh that hurts yeah don’t walk into that oh my God he’s preparing a fish he’s got a little parrot over there where is vuk is he in his

Study why are you hanging out huh at least he’s not imprisoning these people just want to point that out oh my God look at his chair that is some incredible creativity to make this damn the Thirsty man two reclaim oh my God these signs hang in this is incredible

I am liking see this is a house that I would like to make you know something like this this is super cool it has a little balcony too looks so pretty who calls Observatory let’s go see it is it in this building higher up or did he like build an entire estate or

Something oh [ __ ] I’m going up uh are you okay there sir frost bird 347 let’s see oh is that the one up there I see people over there wow Oo it it it hurts oh I I’m terrible at this okay okay okay okay okay okay come on and yeah whoa [ __ ] look at this place incredible we’ll call likes reading yeah I can see that I want to go to the top real quick and see this is absolutely

Fantastic how many bookshelves do we need that’s what I that’s what I’m saying why do you think I collected all those books I mean I never used them but I was planning on using them wow that’s the estate I saw on the map before wow incredible and I think this right here

May be the flowers I ran into oh [ __ ] sorry I was just merely eating a potato wow no wait these are the flowers super pretty a windmill damn just look at the roofing how do you even begin to do this and and know that it’s going to look good that’s what I wonderer

Damn is it just like practice or is it it’s incredible like how do you even come up with this stuff you know when you when you look close it looks like a mess but that it everything is in its right place it makes sense when you see it from a

Distance what is that made of just just like drawing practice makes perfect yeah I guess so I want to see this she’s getting around it seems I should have known right right oh no I got [Laughter] disconnected amazing maybe it’s a good idea to uh take a break from the server anyway now

And come back to a little bit later today maybe we can watch a couple videos to get some uh variety into this I don’t know maybe I shouldn’t have looked at that at that frame damn it what do you guys think should we do that Jen thank you so much for showing

Me around I’m going to jump back in later and watch some more of the um of the houses that people built did you see how the conduit works not yet poker Stuart’s wife was too much yeah that broke the Connection okay so you guys made like a list let me see if I can find it how’s everyone doing by the way are you having a nice Saturday man it’s only 19:30 at my place it felt like it was later but it’s not so that’s Awesome oh just want to say um if any of the videos contain copyrighted music it’s it’s going to get muted on the VOD so that would that would not be too great so I don’t know if that’s a thing probably not I’m just saying new thread okay hold

On I’m trying to find it here oh wait someone actually linked it to me in general but that’s right yep thank you Carl Marx’s bathwater that name just still makes me laugh dude so specific okay so I have the list let me put it on screen so you guys can see um

Wait do that do that and then the key bind wait T oh wait so the chat I think it’s okay in the top left so this is the playlist that was made and I’m just wondering apparently this is the one that explains how how someone made a version of Minecraft inside of Minecraft

Which by the way is in insane but it’s 3 minutes long three that’s one condensed informational video holy [ __ ] oh yeah turn mic yeah you’re right let me actually do that uh sound there we go it’s finished is it though I feel like they keep updating it so I’m not so

Sure whoops accidentally clicked on one of them okay I guess we just start from the top right and I see some of them are maybe this one is the limit but I see one at one hour that’s definitely too long but let’s start from the top I’m curious about this this I can’t

Even I’m not expecting to be able to understand what’s going to be presented to me right now I’m just going to take it in and accept you know things for what they are hopefully it’s not too loud let me know afterwards if the sound of the

Video is too loud compared to me okay let’s check it out I’m curious about this a lot of text hold on what did it say I I need to see this the Redstone build that lies ahead was built over a period of many months significant amount of planning and dedication some viewers for

Example those used to those used to videos of simpler farms and piston doors may not be able to comprehend the scale of this build and may suffer adverse effects including but not limit to having their minds blown in a spectacular fashion so in other words there’s no chance I’m going to

Understand what’s happening okay got it for the people that took the time to read and pause this message or switch that you may have noticed that it has changed since my last video this has become an intro according to all known laws of Aviation there is no way a be should

Okay you know what let’s keep going I don’t know what that is all about oh I guess he did builds Before hey I saw a comparator nice vs Code I’m just going to assume that that is how that works you can add memory and RAM using these blocks What absurdly massive operator on Graphics by uera and Sam Yuri you know what’s crazy about this so I understand that these are like components put together in some form of fashion there’s no way this is going to run in real time I’m assuming this is

This has to be some kind of sped up thing in the end I just can’t see how this can ever run in anything close to real time but we we’ll see and the funny thing is this even looks a little bit like a computer like visually oh that’s the screen No what he’s got a tree sapling and a stick wait a minute every single one of these blocks is being updated this has to take so long though I wonder how fast this is run oh video sped up roughly 2 million times okay okay thank you now I now this makes

More sense I mean it still makes no sense but now it makes a little more sense Jesus Christ wow so what I’m guessing here is that all of these movements he’s making in the game and running around clicking on things they have to be pre-programmed basically right because obviously you can’t do it in real time so it’s all like python IED in some way for the

Inputs or clicking the buttons in the game World here to perform actions it’s all been put in a sequence I guess nope really Oh [ __ ] really but wait so wait is he playing it in it says video sped up though so you’re telling me he’s playing this at a one over two million of a like in time scales here yeah I see the bottom that he’s pressing but buttons but this is all sped up

Remember oh a server mod speeds up updates oh okay I see okay I thought it was sped up in in video editing later on okay that’s crazy wow probably both yeah okay yeah wild you made the game inside the game but when will he make the game inside the game inside the

Game we know that’s going to happen in 10 years right someone is insane enough to try that I just I I I know I think that would be a little too much maybe see at the bottom right stack double flow creator of MCH PRS a server

That runs Redstone at up to 20,000 times speed ah okay yeah so it’s sped up for sure in the game and and then also in the video of course so you can actually sort of get a sense of the movement but it’s a proof of concept it works you can actually do it

Incredible I almost just want to see when one button is pressed what that leads to throughout the entire thing like what is being affected when you said you want to see a calculator in episode one we’ve been waiting to show this since then yeah but

I mean like 1 + 1 equals 2 and what’s the logarithm of something or taking the exponential and [ __ ] I mean I guess that’s technically also what’s happening here because that’s what games do it’s math right so this is actually a calculator it’s just a very Advanced one I guess this one has

To have a calculator somewhere for this to work incredible amazing wow wow what is this Oliver World zoom out oops you made this you made a video let’s check this out I’m curious what this is uh let’s put it in the best quality I can Wait that’s my house that’s my farm Jackie oh this is so weird seeing This the Cosmetic boxes Memory Lane it’s here all the way down here dude yeah Memory Lane oh [ __ ] that’s my house there that is Nevada or sorry not Nevada um I keep forgetting the name of that place TNT location place this is where I fought Big W actually it’s more like here where I killed

Him and down here is a mushroom right there I don’t know if you can see my cursor maybe you can there’s a mushroom right there and if oh my God I remember all of this isn’t that crazy it puts it into perspective Los Alamos that’s right Los Alamos

Thanks I cannot believe I went this way every single time all the way around and out here that’s awesome cool video oopa whoops let me go back one absolutely cool I love it good job that is awesome yeah I knew there was going to be a more efficient way to get to my

Second house but man seeing the map like that really hello makes me appreciate just how big of a detour I took every time wow did he rebuild it no no no um I think he used so I uploaded my server file or my world file or whatever on the

On the Discord you can go on there and check it out you should have stuck with making your own Maps you would have found out you are so right you are so right man I should have done that I should have stayed committed to the mapmaking God damn

It you if I had seen that in the game I would totally have had the same reaction as right now wow wow Eagle sandness sandness thank you so much I just wanted to say that you have an amazing personality thank you for taking computer games seriously and

Being a lovely weird gamer oh dear Potato Man and thank you so much Eagle that is so so nice of you I’m so glad you enjoy this have you been following the entire Minecraft series that is super nice of you thank you so I don’t know if um are things

Working yeah it’s insane that’s a lot of money eagil did you just watch the Minecraft or did you also watch some of the other ones that I made back in the day computer games are serious you are so correct I don’t I mean I don’t think I take myself too seriously with with

Games I I honestly just live and breathe video games it’s it’s it’s the best thing ever it’s even better than my job and it’s been that way ever since I was a child ever since the first time I played video games I I’ve been hooked computer games inside computer games are even more

Serious isn’t that what we’re already doing though we’re all living in this simulation right if you breathe video games how did you not choke on World of Warcraft because I love World of Warcraft I could eat that all day M so good okay so what is this Minecraft 1.19 all secret advancements

Right you guys did say there were Secret achievements in this game Oliver never chokes true gamer I got to say though rain world is really testing my um my skills as a gamer I mean I am hooked on that game but God damn is that game difficult holy

[ __ ] but I’m I will push through watch me okay anyway let’s let’s watch this one all secret advancements I am so curious if I even got one of these Hello everybody welcome back to oh let me turn this up start from the beginning Hello everybody welcome back

To another video and in this video I’m going to showing you all the secret advancements in Minecraft 1.19 is he wearing a headset in game he looks like one of those people from the call centers I love it he even has a little butterfly so if you like ma videos like

This one then please make sure you leave a like And subscribe to the channel for more M videos about secret right let’s like the video that’s very important actually everyone like the video in Minecraft and so in total there are 102 advancements currently in Minecraft 1.19 they’re only available wo

How many 102 advancements currently in Minecraft 102 1.19 they’re only available for Minecraft Java Edition and not for a console or bck Edition where over there you have achievements instead of advancements but in Java edition if you press L you can open the advancements Tab and so if you want to

Know about all the advancements in Minecraft I have made a video on it for I believe 1.18 link to that video will be in the top right of your screen I’ll go through all the different advancements in the game but today we just cover the secret advancements

Because if we flick through all of these different tabs we’ll see that pretty much all of these have been completed they’re all yeah those are the same achievements that I see in the game where are the secret ones gold once they’re not completed they would be

Grade out but as you can see in every single tab all of the advancements here have been completed however currently I have only completed 96 advancements and so there are six that are missing and these six are the hidden advancements in Minecraft they don’t show up unless you

Actually do the advancement oh [ __ ] there’s only six man I hope I got one of them probably not right I’m curious so you can’t just look at this screen and see ah I need to do this advancement this is how to do it no it’s not in here at all only once you

Actually perform the action that grants you the advancement will you actually get that advancement and so there are six of them so let’s go through them one by one so we’ll start off with one that most of you probably already know about it is how did we get here and this

Advancement might be you guys talked about that I remember that I thought you said I got it or maybe you meant I didn’t get it hm the most difficult one of all time because you have to have 27 different effects applied at the same time that’s absorption bad Omen blindness conj power

Darkness dolphin’s Grace fire resistance glowing haste he of the village hunger invisibility jump boost levitation mining fatigue nausea night vision poison regeneration resist slow falling slowness speed strength water breing weakness and the Wither effect and the Wither effect bro how did anyone figure that [ __ ] out there’s no

Way definitely didn’t even get close to getting it yeah I guess you’re right I was I was not even close yeah but hey I had the Wither effect on at one time so I was kind of close have to have all those 27 applied at the same time and then you

Get this how do we get here advancement and so if you want to know how to do this advancement I have not made a video on this why is he always crouching and looking so weirdly into my eyes I I get uncomfortable when when this call center

Guy does this B other people have I will leave a link to one of them that works for 1.19 in the description down below so you can check that out if you want to know how to do that advancement but for now we’ll just grant it to ourselves using the advancement command it’s

Called Minecraft nether all effects oh that’s how you get the advancement I should have just brute forced commands I guess right I wouldn’t have figured that out I’m kidding and enter and there we go we get how did we get here and so this advancement is located in the N

Section and it is all the way over here after a few years cocktail there oh at least it’s shown in there that’s nice oh I was about to say wasn’t this wasn’t this wasn’t Secret at all I remember reading about an achievement where you had to have all the different

Effects on but I guess that was just potions this is uh the next level of that yeah okay how do we get here have every effect applied at the same time actually it’s not every effect but most of the effects so there the first hidden advancement then let’s move on to the

Second one and that one is called arbalistic so arbalistic is hidden advancement under the adventure section okay and it is an advancement to do with the crossbow because it comes after the all bety advancement so it’s one of these three there’s two over here already those are normal advancements

You can see them beforehand if you unlock the all betti advancement you can see these two but there’s a third one that’s missing here and that is the arbalistic advancement so for arbalistic you will need to kill five unique Mobs with a crossbow in just one shot so that’s

Oo wasn’t there there was another achievement where I had to kill two of the Flying Bastards with one shot and I actually did that but if you somehow end up lining up a bunch of different enemies and have them on low HP and you upgrade your crossbow

And then you shoot with piercing that’s how you would get that I guess sounds really really difficult it is but it’s a lot easier than how do we get here at least and so what you will need is well five unique mobs it can be these five it

Can some other mobs as well you’ll need some way to damage them and you’ll need a crossbow with piercing four which means the arrow from this crossbow can go through four mobs and hit a fifth mob and in that way kill all of them so what

You will need to do of course in survival mode you just have to gather the MS yourself but here creative will just summon them in with the spawn X but oh my God he’s a genius in my mind I was like oh yeah I’m just going to pull five different

Enemies and just run around in a circle and have them all line up and then shoot them of course you just make a hole and put them in there oh that’s so obvious of course but the procedure defer more is the same so get a rabbit

Into a hole like this and then hit it with the wooden ax so it might be safer to do this with a wooden pickaxe or even a wooden hoe or just your fist but what you can also do is just switch over to your axe immediately hit the rabbit this

Will not kill it like this if you wait too long the rabbit will die though if you wait too long before hitting it so we can do a similar thing with the chicken now we that’s why the chickens never died with one hit it was so inconsistent sorry that that’s just

Occurred to me I’ve been think I’ve been [ __ ] raping about it for so long go as for the pick we want to hold the a longer until it’s fully charged and then hit it that’s the same thing for the Sheep so get the sheep in there and hit

It with a fully charged wooden axe and finally the cow put it in there and hit it with a fullly chared wooden ax like this so now there’s five mobs in there all unique and they’re all damaged so they can die in one hit from just this

Crossbow they just grab an arrow load it up into the the crossbow like this and look right down into the one by one by two hole directly into the center and right click and there we go you get arbalistic and I feel like I mean yeah

That makes total sense just put them in the hole and shoot them like [ __ ] fish in a barrel you know it’s just yeah I don’t know it’s it makes sense it makes sense indeed it’s over here after all Betsy arbalistic kill five unique Mobs with one crossbow shot all right and for the

Third Secret advancement we will need to travel over to a Pillager Outpost there we go there’s a Pillager Outpost right behind us this next advancement is called voluntary Exile and to get it the only thing you need to do is kill a raid captain or Pillager captain and so this

Is a mob that you can find either in the patrols that spawn around your world with pillagers or near a Pillager Outpost but you just need to know it’s always the one with a banner on its head the ominous Banner so this is again I got this one I must have

Right you definitely got this one yes so I did get this one yeah hey at least I got one of them that’s nice I even found one of these outposts did you ever figure out raides I don’t think so I mean I think I understood the basic premise that the

Enemies arrive in waves and they become harder and harder and then you I don’t know what happens if you complete it though I don’t think I ever completed it I died to one of them because well Jack was there with an axe and he just split my skull in half yeah

That was crazy again an advancement under the adventure section it doesn’t show up if you don’t get it so it’s nowhere to be found anywhere here it only shows up once you kill a raid Captain so let’s just do just that let’s kill this guy and there we go we get

Voluntary Exile volunt actually just a basic advancement not a purple one but it still is hidden and now we can see it has appeared at the top over here so there it is all the way at the top voluntary Exile kill a raid Captain yeah I actually remember having this

Achievement now because that icon I’ve seen in there all the time I remember seeing this this little uh thumbnail maybe because they’re staying away from Villages for the time being and that is because if you go into a village a will get triggered which is exactly what we’re going to be wait what

Did he just say hold on exile kill a raid Captain maybe consider staying away from Villages for the time being and that is because if you go into a village a raate will get triggered which is exactly what we’re going to be doing now because the fourth hidden advancement is called hero

Of the village a raid will trigger when you enter a village oh bad omen so that is what that does kill Banner guy get bad Omen walking to village with bad Omen raid [ __ ] that explains a lot because you killed their captain Oh and they want revenge they’re

Like [ __ ] we got to get him have to drink milk to rid of the effect yeah you you Chuck that glass of milk and they’re like holy [ __ ] who is this guy this wasn’t the guy who killed our captain let’s move on boys it’s not him he’s drinking milk clearly not him

And it comes right after this voluntary Exile one is the parent advancement of that one and for that you just need to successfully complete a raid by making it end in a victory so let’s TP over to a village here we go this will automatically trigger The Raid I don’t

Think I ever completed a raate then you said one of them was bugged yeah I do remember something being or like seeming a little bugged at the time and now all we need to do is just defeat the raid here and if you want to know

How to defeat the raid very very fast using commands I made a video on that link to it will be in the top right of your screen but let’s just go over here and get these guys and then once you’ve killed all the Raiders you’ll get the

Hero dude I can’t get over H when he crouches down and he looks like intently into my eye it’s just it’s weird of the village advancement there it is very nice so once again this one is also under the adventure tab right after the other hidden advancement

Voluntary Exile so both these are secret advancement that don’t show up in this advancement tab usually one is to get the bad Omen effect pretty much and the other one is to get the hero of the village effect because yes we have the hero of the village effect right there

And we have some beautiful fireworks thank you very much I did so much work in defending this Village all right so then now there’s just two advancements left that usually don’t show up in your advancement Tab and both of them were introduced in Minecraft 1.19 and have to

Do 1.19 is that recent or not like I’m trying to understand how recent 1.19 is because I played in 1.20 I’m pretty sure when I first started maybe even 1.20 something 1.20 is right now okay so it’s a year ago oh oh okay so it is very current

Thanks by the way the hero of the village effects give you trading discounts yeah I would hope so if I’m a hero of the village I better receive the key to the Village among some discounts I mean it’s not obvious at all but that’s cool with the LA so the first

Of these two secret advancements is actually quite easy to get the only thing you need to do is the [ __ ] La why are they imprisoning them am I ever going to get an answer to this guys answer me right now why are they imprisoning these flowing or uh [ __ ]

La you can’t just say lore what is what is why is the lore though I mean I understand there’s lore but Lord no one knows because they’re evil okay that makes sense actually yeah that explains it I mean pillagers they seem evil they would do such things too complicated oh

No turning them into vexes I okay they perform weird things with them probably I see we do know guys vexus okay now now everything makes sense thanks is just give an laay an item and then throw an item on the ground somewhere this makes delay pick up the item and throw

It back at you here we go and you get You’ve Got a Friend in Me hey so didn’t I get this one I I seem to remember that text am I crazy I gave it something at some point and it it it did I get it I did get it

No h by complete accident yeah I mean I can imagine accidentally threw a stick oh I was so confused because it took my weapon at some point and I was so annoyed by that so this is an advancement under the husband RAB it is located over here between whatever floats your goat and

The parrots and the bats you get You’ve Got a Friend and me have an deliver items to you then again I don’t actually remember having that little icon in my uh advancements of the cookie so maybe I didn’t get it people are saying yes in chat some are saying no not sure I’m

Really not sure why this is a hidden advancement because it just feels like it shouldn’t be but for some reason this is a hidden advancement and you have to first get an L to deliver you an item before it even shows up in this husand R tab of the advancements screen and there

Is a second hidden advance M right behind this you’ve got a friend at me advancement it is the final secret advancement in Minecraft 1.9 and again it has to do with the LA and so what you need to obtain this advancement is two cakes and a note block that’s it that’s all you

Need oh my God this is Minecraft in a nutshell you know it’s like oh you didn’t get all the achievements why you you all you needed were two cakes and a note block how couldn’t you figure this [ __ ] out huh just go to the LA and you

Should have figure it out just grab two cakes in a note block and I’m not going to say anymore cuz it’s obvious from here God damn it so you can just place down the note block and then go over to an LA give an LA a cake like this and

Then next you want to hit this note block this means that this note block is now linked to this LA and if you it’s it’s linked to the LA what what what do you mean what now throw this cake on the floor the LA will pick it up and and

Then throw it at the note block there we go why does it throw it at the note block why is this a thing I don’t get it and then you get the final secret advancement Birthday Song and as I said this is okay I mean maybe that’s why it’s a

Hidden advancement people are not expected to get it need in the husbandry tab right behind You’ve Got a Friend in Me birthday song Heaven late drop a cake at a oh they like music they they love music oh okay that actually makes sense then try liking music oh I’m sorry

Yeah this is hilarious I love this note block and so there we go those are the six hidden or secret advancements in Minecraft 1.19 did you know about all of these let me know in the comments down below and if you enjoy this video then please make sure you leave a like And

Subscribe to the channel for more MRA videos like Max stuff okay I did not know about this did I I don’t I did not know about any of these not at all good okay that was awesome that was cool the next one sounds crazy Minecraft in 20 seconds explained in 20 minutes

What what do you Mean next one is cool will I actually understand what’s happens in this one I know it’s explained in 20 minutes but maybe I maybe that’s too little For Me Maybe okay hey JBS 47 thanks for the $2 Oliver please play a public server I I did actually do it earlier we uh

Where I jumped on one of them and I just ran around and looked oh wait you mean something that is not uh the community server I don’t know maybe this one is good okay I’m going to check it out let’s see how much I understand of this m I’m guessing it’s it’s a

Minecraft uh speedrun that was done in 20 seconds and it’s it takes 20 minutes to explain why that is possible in 20 seconds here is Minecraft beaten in 20 seconds huh it may look like absolute chaos right now but I assure you that by the end of this video you will understand

Everything that’s going on You know what I I think I actually understood that we don’t need to watch this video I I totally understood it like the video this was a good video I understood what was happening um I’m just I’m just quick like that you know no I have no idea what just

Happened I’m curious to see what the hell just happened what did I just see Let’s start from the beginning what oh let me remove the uh close captions is the goal of Minecraft despite its primary nature being a three it’s to have fun 3D Sandbox game Minecraft actually does have some sort of progression a final boss and an ending the goal of Minecraft is to defeat the

Ender Dragon found in the dimension aptly called the end to do that one must typically get rid of end crystals sitting at top tall pillars of obsidian that regenerate the dragon’s Health then take it down slowly but surely of course players are free whoa bro to completely ignore this Quest

And sink thousands of hours into the game recreating Middle Earth or building a computer that runs Minecraft itself but the goal of the speedrun is to reach that ending as fast as possible now those with a Keen Eye may have noticed the Ender Dragon was nowhere to be seen

In this run don’t worry we’ll get to that this is a tool assisted speedrun made made by Dylan dc14 of a category called any% set seed the four main categories in Minecraft are any% set seed seed glitchless random seed and random seed glitchless glitchless category wait what hold on I need to see

That again set seed glitchless random seed and random seed any% set seed means you already have a seed that you’ve practiced on and you just by any means necessary get to the end without cheating and the next one is just without glitches and then any% random seed is

Just you’re not allowed to practice on a seed and the last one is you win by any means necessary on a random seat without glitches gotcha okay and this is different from that glitchless glitchless categories disallow abusing any bug in the game and while they are more popular among real-time Minecraft

Runners they typically result in a slower run time here the ultimate goal is to create the fastest possible speedrun so glitches were used any% simply means to reach the ending by all means necessary with any amount of the actual game completed this is by far the most popular approach but there’s a

Myriad of other arbitrary goals players can race towards set seed refers to the World Generation here the two options are set seed and random seed a core element of Minecraft’s identity is that the world is procedurally generated randomly the random World Generation uses a number as a seed a specific seed

Would always return the the same world but change one digit and the result is completely different speeduns that use random seed cannot set this number so Runners are dropped in a completely random World in every attempt luck plays a massive role in that seems so insane though doesn’t that technically mean

That the winner or the highest on the scoreboard is simply someone who got the most luck basically that I mean of course it’s kind of insane to want to speedrun a game like Minecraft to begin with but you know just saying I mean obviously

You also got to be good at the game and know what you’re doing and and you have to put in a lot of work you have to play tons of Worlds yeah random seed speed runs in setti the runner is allowed to replay the same world over and over this means they can

Choose a world with favorable conditions learn where things are and figure out the fastest route resulting in a much more optimized run so what is a tool assisted speedrun in short instead of a performance like a real-time speedrun a tool assisted speedrun or task for short is a carefully crafted creation it was

Still done by a real person in this case still in dc14 but what the what is even happening with his menus dude it was made using tools to slow down the game and to retry segments if he ever made a mistake typically a Tas is created on an

Emulator using safe States memory watch and frame advance but this is not actually possible for a modern PC game like Minecraft instead mods were used to slow the game down to a fraction of its real speed so that when the video of the run is played back at normal speed the

Player looks like they have superhuman speed and reflexes yeah to replace emulator Save State I think I saw a tool assist the speedrun of Super Mario 64 that’s actually one of my favorite games to watch Being speedrun I just love Super Mario 64 I’m following that [ __ ]

Very closely I love it so it’s cool to see that people do the same thing in Minecraft the game was simply saved and loaded back when Dylan wanted to retry a specific section for most of the Run he slowed the game down by a factor of 40

To 80 if you’re still confused about what a Tas is please watch this video keep in mind yeah it’s pretty much just recording a bunch of uh predefined movements and sort of inputs to the game right and then you just replay those inputs back when you actually log into the

Game that this speedrun is in no way trying to compete with real time speedrunners it’s a demonstration of what’s possible with perfect gameplay here’s the basic premise of the path Dylan took to beat the game okay the ending is triggered by entering this portal which appears when the Ender

Dragon is defeated like I mentioned before the Ender Dragon is actually skipped in this run to reach the end the player must fill in and enter the end portal found in the stronghold a unique dungeon found underground in the main world the portal is completed using Eyes

Of Ender a special item created by combining an ender pearl with blaze powder hey I knew that so somehow he has to create this end portal or not the end portal but the credit portal I guess you could say without defeating the dragon so I’m guessing there’s some kind of

Glitch involved there an ender pearl is an item dropped by Enderman creepy slender enemies that attack you when you look at them creepy slender enemies it can also be found in chests in few rare locations or required by trading blaze powder is made by breaking down blaze rods which drop dropped from

A blaze a fiery enemy found in Nether fortresses to reach a nether fortress one must build a portal to the nether using blocks of obsidian and light it up with a flint and steel obsidian is generated by the Collision of water in lava and it can only be mined using a

Diamond pickaxe yep luckily it can be found in small quantities in random chests as well same goes for the flint and steel while it’s normally crafted by combining Flint a random drop from digging in gravel and an iron in this is what’s blowing my mind doesn’t it take

Like 20 seconds to mine an obsidian block and then this guy somehow just beats the game in 20 seconds or the tool dust I guess created in a furnace from Iron Ore it can also be found in random chests so in short Dylan needs to find a

Flint and steel obsidian in ender pearls in random chest create a nether portal find a nether fortress kill a blaze collect it rod and break it into powder combine it with the ender pearl to create Eyes of Ender repair the end portal and defeat the Ender Dragon All

In 20 seconds let’s dive into it and see how he did it yes please the first obvious thing is that Dylan spawns directly next to a chest that contains a golden axe with a silk touch enchantment obsidian and a flint and steel just how lucky is that well this is where the

Importance of the set seed comes in Dylan was able to choose a string of numbers that would get him the world with the most favorable conditions to beat the game the fastest however the set of specific conditions that he needed for the optimal result was mind-bendingly unlike likely right next

To his spawn is a ruined portal a naturally generated damaged nether portal that also has a chest containing four to eight items from this list that’s why there’s so much gold in those chests I wondered always I get gold [ __ ] items it’s because it only spawns gold

Items I was secretly hoping for diamond stuff all the time he needed the chest to contain flint and steel obsidian a golden axe and an item with the silk touch enchantment in this case the axe itself has the enchantment to his right is a woodland Mansion a large random structure that’s typically generated

Very far from the starting location tens of thousands of blocks away spawning directly next to one is astronomically rare the two rooms here are F Jesus Christ one in 30 billion so as far as I understand this people told me this in the chat last time people don’t actually just try seat

After seat after seat they they they use external tools to somehow dig into the game files and somehow use a minimizer or an Optimizer to try and find the optimal seed for what you’re looking for there’s just no way you would do a random walk in in this parameter

Space yeah I was about to say you can kind of reverse engineer the seats that’s what I would think B end portal room in the lava room those two are among the rarest in the Woodland Mansion so them being right there is wait I found that in

Mine I I had this remember it’s also incredibly unlikely once Dylan goes into The Nether he needs to end up near I feel like this guy needs to start using uh scientific notation here this this is getting a little NE Fortress where he can find a blaze even better is a blaze

Spawner this seed has a blaze spawner only seven tiles you never found the diamond block in the middle of that lava though what sorry what you no I was considering so hard that something was in there and for some reason I didn’t do it I should have trusted my got Instinct

[ __ ] away Dylan also needs an area where a gas can spawn in favorable terrain to navigate inside the nether the stronghold where the end portal can be found needs to be uncharacteristically close and don’t tell me it also spawned with all the Eyes of Ender in there probably right finally the spawn point

In the end Dimension can be underground or exposed it needed to be exposed for the optimal run Jesus Christ quick side note throughout this video watch out for numbered notes in the bottom right corner you can find a link to additional notes that provide context and clarifications in the video description

In order to get this incredible combination of rare occurrences Dylan ran a script that parsed through about two quintilian seeds and he looked through dozens of the most promising ones manually that better be multiprocess this is the single best seed that he found it’s possible that more solutions exist but the script Dyan

Ran looked at over 10% of every possible seed in Minecraft so this one is at least pretty good from the check takes out the obsidian the flint and steel and the Golden Axe with silk touch the obsidian and flint and steel will be used to build and light up a nether

Portal to travel to the nether Dylan gets the Golden Axe so he can break down the wooden walls of the Woodland Mansion as quickly as possible but why the gold ax why not go for a an obsidian or maybe the obsidian cannot even spawn in that yeah okay never mind golden tools have

The fastest base Gathering speed in the game what what what am I is this right even better than diamond tools but their garbage durability makes them very rarely worth using this is one of those cases because Dylan doesn’t need the durability only raw speed he needs the

Silk touch and oh but what if you put Unbreaking on it could you technically made it make a better axe then with the right enchantments still bad it still breaks fast oh still not worth it okay okay okay fine I just felt yeah the gold sucked

Every time I used the gold tool it sucked enchantment to gather glass for later the first room he breaks into is a fake end portal room it’s made to look like the end portal room what wait what fake end portal room I don’t think I had that instead the

Structure is made of wool and there’s a trapped chest when the chest is opened the TNT next to it goes off breaking infested Cobblestone blocks that release silverfish enemies the chest always contains two ender pearls which is perfect because Dylan needs those first off he breaks a Dylan needs those Block

In the wall while climbing to the chest to allow him to go into the next room over afterwards there’s a noticeable cut here because Dylan saved and reloaded the the world Minecraft speedruns are usually measured using the in-game time which removes all variability from loading screens and other factors as

Such any time spent paused loading or outside the game doesn’t count but time spent crafting or looking inside a chest does only the time where the game is actually running was kept for this task so transitions like loading screens or quitting and reloading the save are completely removed there will be more of

These Cuts throughout the run but this one is perhaps he’s mining while moving well I guess the tool is doing that but a human programmed this in he played it in slow motion the most obvious Dylan first breaks one TNT block then he picks up the ender pearls from

The trapped chest which activates the other TNT TNT takes 4 seconds before blowing up which gives enough time to get out of the way the explosion will actually be useful later Dylan then immediately puts the pearls back into chest along with his obsidian and a

Block of wood he picked up along the way why because with his sprinkle of magic as soon as he reopens the chest the items are both in the chest and still in his inventory huh effectively doubling them how does that happen the answer is very simple the game saves the state of

Chests and your inventory independently of each other after Dylan puts the items in the chest the chest inventory is saved but his inventory isn’t saved yet then by quitting and reloading the world he can reload the inventory state from before he put in the items and the chest

State from after he put them in resulting in the items being both on him and in the chest but the game is not that dumb whenever you quit the game either through the menu or by force quitting using Alta 4 it will save your inventory however if you crash the game

By force using the task manager and task function it won’t get the luxury of saving your inventory before the process is killed therefore you can quit the game and reload the save and the items will be in both places at once [ __ ] kidding this is what happened in between

The two chest openings remember the run is timed using in-game time which effectively renders this process instantaneous this process is done five times so Dylan ends up with 32 of each item in the middle of it though he throws an ender pearl into the other room through the hole in the wall he

Made earlier throwing an end I was wondering about that hole I was like why are you mining that is it to gain some sort of speed is there some sort of in-game when you mine you gain a little bit of speed or whatever but nope it was

For the future he had to throw something through it pear allows a player to teleport when the ender pearl lands a player is instant ly teleported to its location and they take 2 and 1/2 hearts of damage but it takes some time for the ender pearl to travel in this case 1/3

Of a second this gives enough time to finish the chest duplication then make a crafting table for later oh my go when the ender pearl finally lands Dylan doesn’t actually take damage this is because whenever a player Rel logs into the game they benefit from a 3-second invincibility period this is intended to

Give players enough time to find their bearings but in this test 3 seconds might as well be 3 minutes as as a result pretty much all sources of damage won’t hurt Dylan in this run note that no dylans were hurted in this run there’s a purely visual bug when playing

The run at such low speeds where the under Pearl is still visible after landing Dylan landed in the lava room of the Woodland Mansion the rarest of all the possible rooms contains a block of diamond surrounded by lava encased in a glass and obsidian pillar in the center

Of the room the obsidian here is helpful because it allows the Lin to build a nether portal using fewer blocks than usual however when oh that’s genius man he everything makes sense here he’s using the obsidian from that to as part of the portal building the

Portal he’s Limited in how fast he can build it regardless of the visual frame rate Minecraft has a fixed tick rate of 20 G dude I figured out speedrun strats I made portals without the edges I did that yeah I HT it I’m sorry hurt up dates per second this means Dylan can’t

Do more than a single meaningful action like placing a block or using an item every 12th of a second oh really as soon as the portal is lit up Dylan now needs to wait to be taken into The Nether the player needs to stand they are cutting Corners as usual

I love that comment thank you butcher B that’s fantastic end in the portal for four seconds if they step out for any length of time this timer resets in the meantime he harvests a block of glass which he’ll need to defeat the Ender Dragon in a creative way later in

This yeah was you going to stab him with the [ __ ] Shard of glass or what I thought you said he didn’t kill the Ender Dragon what run blocks of glass can only be obtained in three different ways using sand and a furnace which takes sand a furnace and 10 seconds

Trading emeralds for it with a villager and harvesting it from this very room using a tool with a silk touch enchantment otherwise it would simply break any other form of naturally generated glass in this specific version of Minecraft is a glass pane not a glass block this is the reason why spawning

Near this specific room and finding a tool with silk touch were two crucial requirements for this run as soon as that’s done Dylan gets to work on building a second nether portal this one against the wall of the fake end portal room he uses an ender pearl throw to get

Across from one portal to the other wow the game actually doesn’t care that you’re standing in any specific nether portal because a Teleport is instantaneous Dylan never spends any time outside the portal so he can travel from one to the other and oh my God he

Uses the loading in of the first portal and finishes the loading in the second portal that’s how optimized this [ __ ] is keep the 4sec timer active Dylan is nuts now that he’s against the wall he can wait a bit did you forget about the TNT from earlier well it just blew up

The wall the chest and the TNT blocks were what he did all of that in that time that’s not possible sitting on a ring of green wool which gets Fung in the explosion this is why Dylan created a second portal here so that he could stand in the path of

Those wool blocks and catch them he places the crafting table and gets to work first he makes planks out of his wood block so he can craft the rest of the items then he makes two chests and more crafting tables fin so that’s what happened in that sequence where the inventory just

Flashed he makes four beds with the 12 blocks of wool he just collected and he reorganizes oh he’s making beds to kill the ender dragon that he’s not uh killing apparently his inventory while the rest of the 4-second timer plays out Dylan finally lands in the nether

First order of business is throwing an ender pearl for future teleportation second order of business is placing a bed to take a well-deserved nap but as soon as he tries to slide under the covers the bed explodes Lo this is actually not a bug the Pearl is flying

Through all this it’s a feature if you don’t believe me if you die from a bed explosion you get the message player was killed by intentional game design normally yep in Minecraft sleeping in a bed skips the rest of the night until it’s daytime again and it sets your

Spawn point next to the bed but you can only sleep in a bed in the main World instead of making it so you couldn’t even place a bed in the nether or in the end the developer decided to add an Easter egg attempting to sleep in a bed

In these Dimensions will make the bed I loved finding that Easter egg I love finding Easter eggs especially this Easter egg if you don’t believe me go back and watch me find this Easter egg I loved it explode and set fire to nearby blocks in an explosion even stronger

Than TNT Dylan actually places and explodes three of his four beds in very quick succession again these explosions don’t damage him because of the invincibility period but they move him faster than walking would have they also affect the ender pearl flinging it away further and faster than a normal that’s

Crazy he throws the Pearl he puts down a bed he explodes it which accelerates the Pearl it throws him away he take no damage because he’s locked in and he does another explosion which I guess further accelerates but now I’m wondering how the [ __ ] is this guy going

To murder a dragon with a piece of glass throw when this Pearl lands it will transport d close to where the stronghold is in the main world now after a quick reload Dylan throws a second ender pearl while the first one is in motion normally there’s a 1 second

Cooldown after throwing a pearl but this cooldown is reset upon reloading the world this allows him to throw multiple pearls in quick succession something that he will abuse for the entirety of the run this SEC and that’s not the only thing that Dylan Abus abused on this day

And pearl will land it’s only been 9 seconds that just occurred to me the timer in the bottom right I didn’t really pay attention that much in about a second and a half he places a chest throws a pearl just a couple blocks forward to better position himself and

Another Pearl down below towards the blaze spawner while this one travels he uses the chest to duplicate his remaining bed his second chest the glass block and some obsidian he doubles up the glass and beds to four of each and his Pearl lands next to a blaze Dylan

Places a bed right next to a blaze and blows it up he makes sure to punch to blaze first to mark it as being damaged by him bad explosions don’t count as damaged by a player and a blaze killed by environmental hazards never drops anything it drops a blaze rod which he

Picks up and immediately doubles using a chest he also duplicates his glass and beds again he now has it just occurred to me all of this is good right fine he can do all of this Dylan is a monster but one thing is setting the seed and

Knowing that you get all of this another thing is getting RNG on actually like what if this guy didn’t drop the Blaze Rod I guess you would have to do the tool assist to speedrun again and again and again again until it you get a good time

Right you you you can’t escape the RNG here in some form of fashion RNG is based on seed wait are you saying that if someone locks in with my world that I played on they’re going to get the same drops on the same enemies they’re going to

Kill it’s predetermined RNG based on the seed as well okay people saying yes and no um all the ingredients to craft Eyes of Ender and open the portal to the end at this point the second ender pearl he threw which I said would land about a second and a half later finally lands

And he’s teleported next to a gast a large random enemy in nether note that although the world can be generated using a set seed randomly spawning enemies like blazes and Ghasts depend on in-game random number generate there it is okay or RNG this ghast holds the last

Ingredient to the secret method to kill the dragon quickly a gas tiar Dylan blows it up with a bed then he quickly repositions with an ender pearl places down a crafting table in a chest gets to work he gets to Dylan gets to work mean to say he hasn’t been working yet

Doubles his blades Rod twice to get to eight turns them into 16 Blaze powders combines 13 of them with ender pearls to make Eyes of Ender and he uses one of those eyes seven glass blocks and the gas tier he just obtained to create an end Crystal end crystals are the objects

That heal the Ender Dragon in the end but they also serve another purpose when crafted and placed in a particular Arrangement they can be used to spawn or respawn the Ender Dragon this is the key to the strategy to defeat the Dragon quickly after creating all of these

Items does a bit of inventory management then warps again this is when the first ender pearl he threw when he entered the nether finally lands in order the first Pearl traveled the furthest and the longest then the second landed near the Gast and the sword throw to the blaze

Spawner below him landed first did all of this while one of the pearls was in air now builds another nether portal in 4 seconds he will return home but this time to a new location portals between the main world and the nether are linked to each other at the same relative

Position however the nether is eight times smaller than the main world eight times that’s the conversion I was wondering about that therefore portals that link the two dimensions are eight times further apart in the main world than they are in the nether this ender pearl throw in the

Nether netted d a displacement of 1200 tiles in the real world bringing him all the way to the stronghold where the end portal can be found oh my God after an excruciatingly long wait Dyan is finally back in the main World his portal conveniently sits right in the entrance

Of the end portal room of the stronghold a quick ender pearl throw gets him up the stairs and he quickly places all 12 eyes ofender in the portal wait this is not optimized this could be better why is this portal not by RNG filled with

Ice you know what this is not even that fast this can be done better repositioning with a pearl when needed as soon as the last eye is in its socket the portal activates instantly sending him to the end immediately upon arriving Dylan’s position isn’t quite optimal so

He has to use two Ender throws to reposition but between these throws he places down the end Crystal when entering the end for the first time it takes one second for the Ender Dragon to spawn however placing this Crystal throws a wrench in the process the

Dragon in the exit portal appear at the same time when an end crystal is placed before they spawn it finds that there’s no exit portals so it spawns a new one and opens it by default then when the Ender Dragon tries to spawn it’s prevented from doing so because the exit

Portal is already open the end result is that the Ender Dragon is banished into the void and simply never appears since the exit portal is already open all Dylan needs to do now is to get there he throws an ender pearl towards the center of the arena and again resorts to the

Bed explosion technique to boost the speed and distance of his throw this time using four beds this tosses him off the map and into the infinite I didn’t even see him placing four bets even in slow motion in at void where he can contemplate his existence just before he

Falls to his death the ender pearl lands close to the portal one final quick Pearl throw lands him directly into the portal and the game is beaten in 19.9 seconds of ingame time damn that’s it that’s the fastest possible way to beat Minecraft that we currently have it

Requires a one in aqu quintilian seed perfect RNG superhuman Mouse precision and speed and crashing the game a couple dozen times but it is technically possible I want to thank Dylan dc14 for making this task for allowing me to break it down and for helping ensure this video’s accuracy and now I will

Keep my promise you can watch the run again but this time if you focus really hard you can actually keep track of what’s going on thank you for watching thank you what a great video dude I understood everything at the beginning the guy was like I promise you at the

End you will understand everything that happens and I do I do understand everything that happens fantastic give it a try all I think you could do it I love your optimism Nikki but uh somehow I doubt that this video was amazing holy [ __ ] dude I understood That and what a beautiful end falling down into nothingness huh it’s not only impressive it’s also Beautiful Dylan incredible you figured out how to make maps bigger you can surely do this H maybe with enough patience maybe that was a great video wow that was a lot of fun I’m going to take a quick break I’m going to go uh do some

Bio stuff grab another drink and I’ll be back and we can watch some more videos maybe even jump on the server we’ll see I’ll be back in like two minutes see you in a bit man that was such a cool video so nice thanks for recommending that video that was awesome

Yeah I I say let’s jump on the server a bit again maybe it’s working now uh also I muted the game it seems uh no I only muted music I guess we can put that up a little bit 50% something like that um hold on

Uh which one is it nope that’s the wrong button I’m going to join server I don’t know why it Scrolls like that hey it works again oh oh my God Jen is already here that’s perfect Jen you had an idea for uh oh yeah I I don’t have to write I

Guess you had an idea for another place to go J never got off oh okay so only I disconnected I must have done something Then can’t believe someone beat Minecraft in 20 seconds dude I think it would be fun to try to try a speedrun of Minecraft actually I mean not something full of glitches something without glitches you know or most of it would be proper gameplay I think that would be kind of fun to

Try are all wings fine yeah my wings are good maybe I need uh a couple more fireworks though I’m oh no oh yeah you’re right I I just want to check out these houses we are still on V’s Island I think I just want to sorry check out this uh windmill

Here I got something oh thank you that’s an a that’s awesome a what a nice design here hold on Jen I’m going to take it in a second I just need to quickly see I love the Simplicity of this as well I want to build things like this

Man I wish I had more time in this world uh how was it uh TP accept uh gen there teleport request accepted I don’t think it’s working oh it was a misclick oh okay I see okay looks like we need some Furnishings in here looks like a work in

Progress the cat is chilling by the fire though that’s nice is Vall even here right now if you are amazing job on this place I can’t even begin to understand how you have this amount of talent wait what Oliver’s house information book V okay yeah I don’t see him right now I

Don’t think Community Center where is the information book near the bridge at the front I mean that okay but where’s the bridge and where’s the front oh is this one ah Vall is online okay ah here we go name V’s base Creator VL the main house to the right is a

Fantasy Observatory Library atellier mish mash with a massive basement and underwater Greenhouse initially it was planned to be built in steampunk style but I decided to just build it at random as I go resulting in what it is now the interior is the highlight of the build

So feel so feel free to explore the inside particularly the library Tower and basement The Village on the cliff to the left is a farming Village which features some aerodynamically poor windmills here I tried making some unique Interiors with limited space and make them H habitable for villagers but

They keep on killing themselves by jumping off roofs they seem depressed I think I also made the bore gear and wanted poster map Arts but they’re out of the way in the end oh you did that Vall cool the wanted poster many people have is actually a faulty one including

Three red pixels try to find them though a fixed version does exist ritten by vuk cool I need to see this basement whoa I’m fast I I I I want to see the basement with the greenhouse thing is it down here there got to be a way down

Then we’re all looking for the stairs down where is it dude I love the oh man wait how do you just do that how do you put oh how do you put food on a plate ah thank you wolf oh my god he has the same layout of

The spiral staircase that I did but it’s better cuz he uses actual stairs see this is a godamn basement he needs to clean up a bit though there’s spider webs everywhere what is that is that a bird’s nest dude this is a sick basement I’m Blown Away how do I get

Further down I guess I can jump jump what’s happening here this way okay oh what the heck is this ocean wait ocean Farm how did you just do that how did you just Go everyone’s eating food under the ocean Farm I don’t know how to get beneath I don’t want to destroy anything but when you say ocean Farm is it like is it farming fish or ingredients from the the the octopus or something like that Al what’s going on with this little mine cart thingy

Here it’s a farm on the ocean this Farm is under the ocean oh okay I see that is awesome who man I feel like the uh the flying speed here is crazy fast like sometimes you cannot even tell what’s going on because it’s so fast what’s this what is this what’s

That it’s like a oh it’s like a Distillery of sorts I think these are huge ass barrels he’s making moonshine nothing this way yet oh yeah I don’t believe that for a second I don’t believe it I’m going up there’s a hole in a wall yeah this is another kind of crazy Redstone

Farm whoa smooth Landing a getting so good at that I wonder what’s happen Happening Here something is being led to the bottom what’s happening in here whoa Farm me extract materials from me oh no somehow I made it up don’t go into death traps oh okay

Whoop dude this looks so good some of these structures here look amazing from a distance I mean they look amazing up close but looking at this like out of your out of the corner of your eye you wouldn’t think this is Minecraft you know like

When when I squint my eyes and look at that I go holy crap that’s beautiful uh yeah limonade let’s let’s go back to spawn that’s like the main village right someone’s saying eat the fruit okay oh someone’s uh TP accept uh lonate oh my God there’s alpacas hanging what’s happening holy [ __ ]

What the [ __ ] is this huh how do you guys even coordinate this stuff I think it was in here let me just go see what else is going on there’s a huge Banner there also I should be following the roads I’m sort of going Offroad here the cube in there’s an in for

That what is that picture of oh it’s a picture of a temple sort of in the desert no it’s it’s in the nether I think or or that’s a sun behind it very cool now what’s over here did I miss something what did I miss I missed the

Thing number one rule don’t build on stuff that has already built on them oh that makes sense so people just sort of pick a place and start building and then it naturally comes together welcome to spawn this [ __ ] picture right here it’s incredible basically don’t step on

Someone’s toes yeah I figured now this looks kind of neat what’s this ultimate Steve’s house interesting pattern for the flooring here this is such a great idea with the signs on the chests Rybeck he’s at it again I love this so much this is very good oh is this the one

Oh my God it’s not even that complicated I bet I could make something like this it’s like a simple tune so cool the community center Ultimate Steve was one of the OG’s on the server this was one of the first houses to ever be made oh okay

I see and what a nice house it is let me actually go upstairs why is there no upstairs oh there is an upstairs there’s a ladder hidden away the Brewing room see now we’re talking I like this this guy likes his weed the Ultimate Steve what’s going on here white flag of

Surrender and a trophy look at that wait a minute is that the [ __ ] guy I was fighting in the arena remember the arena from last time it looks like that guy hi who made the mirror images of himself is he actually in the game how did I never find

Him seems like a pretty crazy guy the Armory whoops wait how do I please ignore the goats this is so cool I never ever put down this thing I don’t know why I didn’t do it I unlocked this armor stand I just never tried it it’s an unused mob

Okay weird why why is he unused he was pretty cool I thought it was pretty neat also difficult okay let me see the uh Coliseum from inside just so beautiful wait a sec is this the thing from the end end rods they’re used to light things oh what happens with an Ender

Chest on a server how does that work is it the shared Ender Chest across the entire server information book oh yeah right right right uh let’s see it’s a personal inventory okay so everyone gets the private one so wait does that mean if two people open the same chest they see different

Things or or can someone who oh okay okay I was I was wondering how that would be handled name Coliseum wait how do you make bold Creator rafinha description started at the very beginning of the server the Coliseum is a place made for the fools strong enough

To wield a weapon and battle to the death lower incoming okay what was originally an old battle arena is now a place of bargain and trading occupied by the merchants from a far off village with its renovation the Coliseum became a beacon for all and a place for Community battles and a good

Time walking up the stairs will take you to the first floor where you can either watch the fighting below or get in on the action using the elevators up on the second floor you’ll discover raf’s bedroom and storage free for public use if needed what I don’t think I’ll do that that sounds

What after a very long break the Coliseum was finally completed on the very day Oliver arrived there are some hidden secrets like the or the but it’s a challenge reserved for only the most daring of fools we hope to see you there written by rafina thanks rafina

That that’s a that that was nice let me see this What rafina is dead that’s terrible let’s see who wins this we’ve got who’s who’s who’s here I can’t see the name bo coblin boblin versus Jen what a cool Arena yeah nice first round who can challenge the mighty genen wait did I read elevator before did I read that right you have elevators

Here wait are you wearing a Christmas outfit what do I look like hold on what do I look like nice I I look glorious I like this look it’s a nice skin I’m going to put on this helmet cuz I want to be protective of my S you are Steve wait what

Is that the name for the default skin Steve where does that come from Steve but that’s something the community came up with though right it’s not Real about Steve is it it actually in the game it’s official Notch named the default skin Steve okay wait Steve is in Super Smash Bros I’ve actually never played Super Smash Bros I know what it is but I’ve never played it I think I would get my ass kicked I’m terrible at fighting

Games hold on that looks super cozy whoa it’s way too quick what is this starter house Star Swirl potatoes hey there’s other things than potatoes in there dude this is genius the way you put items in the item frame to show what’s in the box what a nice little Hut see something

Like this is what I would love to build I think I could do it I give it enough time of course but this is so I like the Simplicity of it and the way it has this little place here on the water and with the little Roof oh so

Nice I feel like I would make everything way too Square you guys are so good at making it not square if you know what I mean what is that it’s like some kind of B to chill ax in it’s hip to be square nice you’re right it is hip to be square

Okay let me actually just take a quick flight and see what else is here this looks like a Longboat house or what whatever the name is for that so sort of thing let me see oh hores it was a stable ah this is what I want to make

This is what I had planned for the other side of my second house across the bridge where I had my two frogs building something like this over there oh that’s so good Samir wait a minute Samir Samir listen to me turn left Samir you’re going too fast Samir come on

Samir you’re not listening to me Fallon seea orella and gdpt jump horses what medium left sharp right medium left [Laughter] Samir amazing and then we have the pony pen Jackie you died oh no it’s the undead version of Jackie the world of Minecraft horse breeding is an interesting one

Really I don’t know if that’s a joke or not if you’re being serious what is all this are these server stats what is this there’s a book oh sorry I keep forgetting books there’s a book they used for oh they are used for testing horse jump height I see we have a

Formula what is X here though and why are the units on these numbers H this looks cool hold on let me go check this out man this ship is so badass I saw it last time but wow it even has music from the game there is sans’s Al house wait a minute Al

That is from out of Wilds again if you if you haven’t played out of Wilds I would probably say do not watch this right now or mute the stream or look away or something a amazing can I actually oh this is creepy how cool is this what the

[ __ ] yeah this is creepy as hell and I like it let’s go to [Laughter] sleep so cool I guess I can’t I guess everyone has to sleep that’s how that works on a multiplayer server otherwise you can’t just Advance time while everyone else uh wait how do you how do you make

This guys how do you make an invisible wall I’ve seen it many times now but this here how how is that done you have to place this on a sign oh wait so is this the back of a painting it looks like wood that’s what’s so confusing put a painting on some signs

Okay or item frame cool you can just walk through paintings ah I wonder if that’s done on purpose because of stuff like Super Mario 64 really neat though really neat I just love this entire area right here it’s so dense with different things that Tower is awesome I see you up

There I see you reef reef reef look at that plant what’s up plant this is cool I’m going all the way someone is someone is kicking a dog oh that’s so cool it’s a lighthouse of sorts Joshua noises hey Joshua noises you’re making uh summaries on rain world videos it’s really

Cool I remember you smitz what are you looking at there you’re all holding this totem in your hand you really like the totems don’t you I see you from up here the [ __ ] is that I’m Leaving that’s uncomfortable let me close the door after me and look at this little house with two fun machine oh yeah Joshua noises is someone who gets on the server says nothing builds the coolest things ever refuses to elaborate and leaves that’s amazing I love Joshua noises in

Fact I love Joshua I’m thinking of The West Wing now Joshua from the westwing my favorite character from The West Wing look at this house Owl House Creator wolf originally built during the first few weeks of the servers it was first a house made out of stone and Cherrywood

But after Wolf’s burning of the egg an unknown server member Set Fire to the house house did I read this before I don’t remember then after it was fixed up it was set on fire for a second time it was abandoned for quite a while after that I think I did read

This yeah I remember this because look at this steuart’s wife painting hidden away in the corner there I have memories of this I shall not soon forget okay let me go this way what is that I love the little information boxes uh I think I was also here I’m not

Sure Frog’s house although this home may look humble it is actually one of the oldest Builds on the server construction commenced on the very first day I like that they have the houses right next to each other here uh due to apathy and laziness amongst the workforce me the basement of

The structure would not be fully furbished until the day before Oliver’s arrival one notable moment in this building’s history was the construction of the elevators it should have been a simple task yet it took assistance from almost the whole server and several hours of Labor however it is

Now mostly operational written by frog really I’ll be the judge of that elevator where whoa what’s going on here Furnishings are a little Bare Bones at the moment but the Vibes are Immaculate I can’t deny that what is with this hole guys do you mind elaborating on this

Hole right here in the center of town why have you done this come read the book where’s the book lime has a lovely hole someone randomly decided to do it the first weeks okay I’m getting better at flying uh uhoh oh oh someone died I think I picked

Something up I shouldn’t have I’m sorry lonat pit am I supposed to read this is this a secret diary don’t look at me name limonade space Creator limonade where’s this originally built in the first week or two of the server being up this house was constructed to be the primary

Residence of the Creator hold on before I read this where is your house limonade I see you if you fly I follow after I eat my pumpkin pie okay you’re fast yeah come on whoa I found you I’m so proud of myself for finding you just

Now this is the one oh wait the book was there okay there we go okay let’s see uh where was I however soon after its completion the Creator never moved in and decided to dig a giant pit behind the house that is where they currently reside it is based

Off of a base the Creator lives Liv in a previous life the house is just a front to the base behind which can be accessed through a trapo on the back porch or a door in the basement okay uh this guy is on a boat in the middle of the room it

Seems let’s go see what you’ve done limonade do not believe in a false god okay I should I should forget all my false Cube teachings oh whoa this is not a sign or is it these are coordinates right Jesus Oh man wait there’s not torches in

Here okay this makes sense see this is how I also organized my [ __ ] I feel like we’re on the same page here wait how did you make text pop up like that quartz blocks oh my God see this is organization I am envious wait a minute is that a freaking slug cat

Hold on am I losing my mind this is in-game picture what that’s awesome that’s Frank wait it’s a map oh oh my God I was recognizing the Jesus thing there’s a Jesus picture in the game wow hold on you made that whole map just to have a picture hidden away on the on

The roof here yeah let me can I see I want to see the real location let’s go I need to see where the hell this is I I have to see these maps with my own two eyes this is just too incredible uh let’s see whoa load it in load it I’m flying

Off the world whoa what’s happening let Maps may not look like what you expect East okay hold on let me see what the sun is so that’s West North East okay let’s go whoa oh my God look at this hold on a second I need to take a detour yo that’s

Awesome this is fantastic man you guys are amazing that’s that’s really all I got to say to this this is incredible wow the islands where Joshua built oh man look at this a so good so good wow man this is where I was jaunted for the first time I will never forget that

Moment in gaming I’m just saying this now to all the people watching I don’t know how many are watching but if you’ve never played the game out of Wilds then you are in for a treat and I envy you very much we have something to look forward to I’m following limonade I’m I’m

Getting I’m I’m thinking he’s going to lead me wait I see something you [ __ ] M you made all this is this a troll face let me see it from up here how far can I even go up oh but I can’t actually see anything hold on yeah you’re right I won’t see anything

Okay hold on oh my God no way that’s fantastic amazing dude wow how long is this taking people this I can’t even imagine you have to collect I mean okay if you have all these Farms that produce materials for you I guess that makes it a lot easier right go south from

Trollface okay so this way I’m going south from Trollface that’s sort of this direction then oh here we go what the [ __ ] is that hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on what the [ __ ] is this go up and okay wait this is not some kind of redstone

Stuff hold on what is this do I just go straight up it’s the art the stairs are for shading Jesus wow so wait does that mean when you actually look at the 2D map it has a certain effect that you wouldn’t get if you hadn’t done the stairs like this that’s the QR

Code a Block’s vertical position affects its h on the map how okay you’ve got to have put this through some kind of calculator to know where to place these things though you can’t do this in your head can you there’s just no way wow wow guys I’m

Scared this is scaring me a little bit I feel like this this advanced technology this knowledge you guys have the way you are manipulating this world the way you’re trapping the villagers you’re actually enslaving them you have completely bent the world to your will it scares

Me I don’t know how I feel about it it’s all inspiring and insert whatever other synonym I feel like there are certain things that maybe maybe you shouldn’t have done it you know like yes you wondered whether or not you could but should You look at these monsters here they have no idea what’s going on they don’t know they’re on the they are on some Flag it’s incredible whoa look at this little house I love this Riverside Cottage norf even tide the foundation of this Cottage was set up in October of 2023 its owner then started playing balers Gate 3 and gave his triumphant return after beating it on tactician difficulty well done

Narf it first started out as a basic one-story starter home later a Sellar and waterfall was at it the original home was later demolished and replaced with a cozy cottage in front of you later a hobbit hole was added to increase confidence even more written by narf please sign your

Book this is my kind of [ __ ] right here I love This I feel like that Lantern is blocking my view I’m checking your views okay they’re decent views I like the views what a neat little cottage a that’s nice oh my God you can see through the waterfall from inside how do I get down oh wait oh of course wait hold on

How did he then do this this is what I’m curious about I had trouble because I couldn’t place the ladder on the top one I guess you don’t need to what’s up reef reef reef reef look at this little area we need to go north okay I’m in but you have to uh

Guide me CU I can’t tell directions during the night I I can’t remember whether or not the Moon Rises or sets in the West in this game or or or the East I mean my home is right there where oh I’m following you couga that way oh I see it let’s go

Wait that’s your did you just say home this looks like a goddamn Japanese estate holy [ __ ] this this is incredible this looks so good cookie Dragon wait do you have a handgun dude it totally looked like you had a handgun dude this is so pretty reminds me of the starting level of uh

What is the Souls game called in Japan forget I don’t know why I’m blanking on this I never forget this name you know which one I’m talking about securu yeah yeah securu reminds me of that starter level look at this it’s so cool wait what oh my God bamboo

Obviously right oh no this is bamboo oh my God you’re using those as Windows that’s so smart sushi I’m assuming oh this is so Co wow I have to say this is some next wow this is incredible the inventiveness here to create this I would never have thought

Of that is so tranquil yeah that’s a great word for this I like how you say a little tranqu home it’s like huge well I guess the estate is this is fantastic wait what the hell beacons oh my God wait how did you oh I

Was about to say you can’t plant this at everywhere but this is not what I was thinking of I was thinking of sugar look at this neat wall you have here my wings are fine they’re like 90% durability a few hundred bamboo I plac those all by hand damn cougar

You have a really nice home here this is so pretty well done wow this is incredible this is really inspiring for me no don’t you [ __ ] do that at me don’t no I don’t like that okay people are saying binkle is that another one who made a home let’s check it

Out okay let let’s quickly see the hot spring where is it and then we go to Bingley oh Bingley is is your pet up I’m just going to follow where people go I guess over here no this is the stable isn’t it the glass oh wait here what the

[ __ ] wh what hold on explain this to me why is he next to a uh piston that goes back and forth this is confusing me I died a lot getting this guy here how did you even get this guy here oh it’s blind and follows noise oh of course that makes so much

[Applause] sense damn I love this you know when I said I didn’t uh I didn’t know what to think about you guys enslaving people and bending the world to your will this here I approve [ __ ] this guy he can stay up here forever for all I care oh my God it’s

Oopsa you’re the one you are the one hold on someone is saying something think we got a little excited head north and we get to a cool place okay hold on okay let’s go no dude this never ends how much did you guys manage to build in here

I what I also see stuff over there sh ship in a bottle the amount of glass you need for this I keep reminding myself this is not a creative server uh I mean it is a very creative server but it’s not made in creative mode and I just

How much time this must have taken I can’t wrap my head around it I want to get inside of this there we go oh that’s smart you have a pressure plate on each side that way the door always closes smart oh I guess it also leads to kind of weird

Situations what is what is happening here what is going on here what is this place cool it looks cool as hell though super dope I see you kich you look scary though you look like a monster okay I want to go to this place I saw over here

Whoa yeah it’s a gate to the inside of a mountain yo that’s dope what the heck ow information name ancient Mountain Temple Creator jut GD wait I thought JY putut was a horse Okay an ancient Mountain Temple which was discovered and uncovered in an archaeological dig when the one of the

Two enormous pillars was found protruding from the earth its Origins are unknown but the inside decor and artifacts have sat untouched for a millennia and still in a pristine condition gut I love saying jut I bow to you how do I do emotes in this game do I just ride SL bow

Okay this is not World of Warcraft it doesn’t work like That F there is no emotes how are people then doing beckoning emotes and stuff people are like waving their hands and doing things oh you just [ __ ] oh just oh okay never mind I overthought this completely with the emotes oh my God that scared me stairs what is this Actually dude this track slaps I don’t know if I’ve heard this one Before dude we got to have a VR stream of Minecraft at some point maybe I’ll try that in hardcore I know there’s vivecraft I think that would be really fun dude this is so cool looking though that is a rare song yeah I haven’t heard this song

Before at least I’m pretty sure I Haven’t very very cool place wait what are these what is it what is it how did you do this guys what are these blocks they’re walls oh they just don’t look like walls at all super Cool what’s up Lin bean I am now emoting in Minecraft look at this by the way I feel like doing this emote usually is associated with teabagging and that’s usually a bad thing isn’t it cookie Dragon oen shield rafinha Lin Bean wolf jut oop rafinha epic one Epic One this is awesome pressing shift is also an indicator of I common peace oh that’s exactly what I’ve been doing throughout all my Years playing first person shooters I’ve just been saying I come in peace after I kill Someone what a cool ass place I love the building in the mountain thing now look at this modern home here what do we have here hold on let me see if I can find an information tablet Oliver toxic gamer confirmed I have to say I think the only game that can truly get me well not toxic but I will definitely be angry probably Dota 2 but that’s many years ago I played that that game man yeah that game could really make my piss boil as we say in Denmark how many hours you got in Dota I do not remember but it’s probably over 500 but this is from many many years ago

Close back to when Dota 2 came out yeah still enjoyed it though dude I’m liking this modern construction here I think I was going for something like this with my second home I was imagining uh in my mind you know these rich people homes on the hillsides something like that I thought

That would be cool to make but I I don’t know if I succeeded a little bit I’m I used a lot of glass just like this right here so people are talking about an oasis let’s check that out Do we also go to Wolf space yeah sure we can do that yeah this music is new to me I haven’t heard this before follow me where are you Limonade that’s Joshua over there I’m trying to see if I can’t find where are you hiding I can’t see you that’s GD I’m I’m oh you’re going to fly to base sand stocks are low wait are you talking about like graphs here stock graphs stock market sand is

Low lime is in front of you oh right yeah I see you okay let’s go I’m ready yeah let’s fly I’m getting I’m becoming a pro at flying with this thing I cannot believe I never figur out the flying in my game [ __ ] hell I would have lost my my chest

Piece that’s a night hold on hold on lemonade cool all right let’s go I am next to the uh The Illusionist man meet me there limonade and we’ll we’ll go to uh wherever you wanted to take me oh you’re here nice never mind I see damn this place looks sick from up

Here you really get a different perspective on the world like this game is lagging a little bit oh sh what bro I joked about this on stream some time ago that instead of getting invisibility potions to get to the center you could technically just excavate all the water out of there this

Mad man went ahead and did it apparently I help with this though I have no memory huh this is that thing again about just because you can does that mean you should well let’s take a look shall we name the Oasis creator limonade object class description an ocean Monument

Drained and surrounded in a 126 diameter Glass Circle history this Temple was originally looted and then abandoned early in the server’s life on the 8th of January work began to drain the interior of the monument whoo that’s recent soon after drying out the inside I began draining ging an 89X 89 hole

Around the monument with the help from smitz and Oak as well as sponge donations from FF 135 vuol and ren on the 9th of January the glass perimeter began construction conting constituting of over 9,000 glass blocks [ __ ] this was completed quickly with the assistance of resin draining of the Outer Circle began on

The ninth and was finished the following day the final phase of the project was lighting and terraforming major assistance was provided by vuol as well as his excellent design skills on the 11th some decorations were added this was overall one of the largest projects I’ve ever taken on and I greatly thank

The assistant of smitz Ren and vuol who donated time and effort to this build thanks for reading written by limonade dude this is crazy and you just finished this I want to see what’s inside how do you even be bro subnautica much what’s that sound why am I hearing a heartbeat

Incredible that’s the conduit beating cookie drag that’s some architect [ __ ] what wait what conduit conduit really looks like subnotica right avok I think it looks exactly like the the feeling and the and the humming in the background too is oddly uh subnautica does he know about sponges

Wait what do you mean mean buer beenin squiggle squirrel I don’t think I have encountered sponges what’s that about down here where oh here what the [ __ ] dude this is amazing you can breathe and see under waterer due to the conduit it provides buff in a radius it’s dark

Wizardry dude that’s amazing how did you even go about draining this place you didn’t use bucket right like you would you didn’t just oh sponges and Insanity lots of sand okay this is kind of crazy I love it it’s a whole another perspective on this ocean

Temple it really is it’s so weird seeing it out of water and what’s even crazier is knowing that there’s an ocean surrounding it you can see into the ocean look there’s a fish what’s up fish so cool I really really dig this let me see it from up top doesn’t this look

Unreal pretty sick okay wolf let’s go check out your base and then we can uh watch a couple more videos and then we have to wrap it up soon actually I am I I am on top of the ocean monument that has been excavated which direction do I go I am going to

Accept uh TP accept loner wolf there the [ __ ] oh I think’s loading in what’s this place there used to be a mountain here you you removed the mountain you you went in here and you removed the mountain wolf why have you done this why did you remove the mountain wait wait wait a

Minute that’s that’s cool as hell but why did you do this wolf oh you’re fine to to prove your power okay yeah I I see you you are quite powerful man also this this uh zombie right here or the creeper didn’t even touch you did it somehow you managed to stay completely

Unharmed oh we have creeper explosions disabled oh okay creepers were neutered on This Server because creeper holes are annoying okay um let me accept from someone is tping me here what is this what where am I even whoa damn guys are [ __ ] nuts Jen is like what is this

Place I didn’t even know this was a thing right even people on This Server are like surprised it’s massive what the hell the information booklet it’s not present maybe there is no information home of endwin this is why the map room is important I guess the map room hasn’t

Been updated ever since this was made huh damn wait where are we are we on some kind of Island why can’t I see further is it just not loaded what’s happening 3,000 blocks away oh [ __ ] wait here we go owner endwin November 2023 a small house on a hill built far

Out of the way of all the craziness at spawn later a suspension bridge was built to cross the Gap to a hill for animals so they wouldn’t be constantly making noise right next to the base trust me I understand that I completely get that endwin what a nice pool oh my God you

Can oh what where what oh my God how cool is that bro I’m losing my mind every time I’m like okay I could maybe make something like this then I see something new and I’m like no I will never ever achieve this level this is a vacation home I completely agree cookie

Dragon this is it this is where you want to be very high up with a nice view to everything man there’s flowers everywhere look at this pretty cool okay I am going to disconnect let’s watch a couple videos sip the Coke and uh take it from there let’s

See let me just take a look at the list again that we had thanks for visiting the server no problem I’m going to be back here again we may have to do a third one just to hang out and chill and maybe even in VR I think that would be super

Cool I don’t know when that would be though I think I just think this is amazing I love watching all these creations it’s so awesome can you show us your screenshots of your journey oh [ __ ] that’s a great idea but wait I reinstalled windows at some point so hopefully it’s not gone I

Have my world folder are they saved in there because if they’re not then I may not have Them it’s gone no in oh in Minecraft yeah it’s gone then crap I didn’t think about that my still be there let let’s just check I’m checking real quick also it’s Lo it’s located in a really annoying position uh Minecraft hold on I have to Google real

Quick what the uh install location of Minecraft is app data Minecraft okay there it is and is there a hold on screenshot I Googled screen [ __ ] but Google understood in the and you’ll find the screenshot folder in the Minecraft folder yeah I don’t even have a screenshot folder that probably means

There’s none right I lost them I am in I am in my DOT Minecraft folder right now and there is not a screenshot folder in there yeah crap I should have thought of that actually damn it for some reason I assumed it would save together with my world yeah that’s

Unfortunate oh you can open it through the launcher that’s right toasty I actually forgot about that you’re right now it’s just uh Ethan Cub I took some screenshots during the let’s play and it would be fun to just peruse them again you know I think I took

Screenshots of things I found pretty and some constructions in the world that I thought was cool that I wanted to remember and build myself just to see those things okay um let’s see here I’m going to choose one video here now or maybe a couple if they’re really

Um short let’s not make it a long one I need to uh go eat something at some point what do we have which one should we go for should we just go for wait why is one of my videos in this list Minecraft blind no backseat gaming seven scene is in the

List oh hold on I actually missed some people donating I think I’m so sorry an income poop $20 thanks for all the streams seen them all Isle of dog had an elaborate ad for my out of Wilds inspired short film but it didn’t work everybody look up what the axe

Forgets thanks for the great Minecraft and more scoot oh an income poop you’re scoot oh cool that sounds awesome what the axe forgets I’m going to write that here that thanks for the 20 bucks man and nope I’ve been watching the vods of this series I’ve been absolutely loving it

Also watching your subnotica playthrough right now keep creating amazing content Oliver thank you so much noop honestly it’s it’s so heartwarming to hear that I mean I’m just playing my games but people are finding so much enjoyment from it it’s it’s wild to me it’s so cool to talk to people about

It though thank you for the 10 bucks and then we have Isanti again thank you for visiting and huge thanks to the community for all the Creations supportting company today is a great day it’s just been overwhelming how friendly everyone has been throughout this entire start of Minecraft and everything

That’s happened in the last couple months and on This Server especially people have been so welcoming and so nice to show me around and and it it just warms my heart that you guys have had so much fun together on this server and I bet you didn’t even

Know each other before this right so you just met each other in there and had fun and you made some friends that’s special and I can I can tell just from being on the Sur server and seeing you guys jump around fly around and do your

Thing the way you talk about each other it’s just so cool I love it you guys are amazing people all over the world this community is awesome talk about an awesome community that manages not to spoil anything in a 50 episode Minecraft blind let’s play in 2020 three you guys are

Incredible some of us aren’t from the US EU even right yeah for sure people from all over the world stream 17 skip to 4424 it’s the moment you get your first disc look at your inventory after the creeper gets killed by a skeleton okay hold On let me turn down the music for a second even though I love this music so much oh wait I don’t think I turned it off completely there we go so you’re saying let me see this or maybe it’s already time stamped it’s not oh my

God uh hold on 44 24 oh you can’t see my screen um there 4424 let me just go to 4419 what’s happening here oh [ __ ] they’re fighting each other that’s a big old W play safe I should really equip food so wait what is happening here oh nice well done ah

[ __ ] what am I missing it’s the moment you get your first disc look at your inventory after the creeper gets killed by a skeleton hold on oh wait I see it hold on oh [ __ ] when a creeper gets killed by a skeleton it drops a random music disc that’s how I got that

Disc dude you didn’t notice you got it I’m pretty sure I did notice but later right I mean I definitely didn’t notice this in the moment you can see the disc on the ground for a second actually really let me see oh probably a little bit further okay so when the

Creeper there it is there it is clear as day yeah I I did not notice that in I must have been so mind fought when I figured that out cuz I I I didn’t find a music this this was my first then I guess rafina hey Oliver I don’t comment much

In live but I’m always here thank you for everything with this amazing playthrough glad you enjoyed my Coliseum I loved your Coliseum rafina it was so nice really cool and thank you so much for watching and for donating thanks for the 5 you noticed a few minutes later but

Didn’t know how you even considered going back in the VOD but didn’t end up yeah I always think this in the moment but I never end up remembering to do it when I say that out loud I never end up going back checking it because I forget

People voted to show you this moment oh okay that makes sense yeah for a second I thought maybe this got in here by mistake like I accidentally added it to the list somehow alliver title screen what’s this oh my God Los Alamos now watch the whole stream Oliver director’s commentary version nah I

Think that’s that’s way too much no way no way no way that’s not going to happen I’m sorry I know it was a joke that’s actually really cool how did you do this I guess you just modded somehow but that’s a that’s a cool title screen can I can you give this title

Screen to me oopsa I would love to have this and use it why don’t you watch at least the first minutes of your first Minecraft stream to see how clueless you okay that’s actually pretty funny we can do that real quick um Oliver one I guess

Here yeah I I played on the uh the other version of it too when did I go in first okay yeah game I have to sustain my hunger and I have to go foraging I mean I got the right idea is that a she oh this is my first home I remember

This I remember remember this [ __ ] okay I’m just going to start with a small I don’t even build a bed I mean I I didn’t know beds were a thing so I was just staying in there all night oh my God let me just skip through a little bit

Here something yeah look at this oh I know these look how big I made it I didn’t even have enough wood I’m hiding in the corner this is [ __ ] hilarious these guys explode I’ve seen this online they sure do wonder what happens when I die nothing good Agro from bro I totally suppressed

This memory here this is amazing okay that’s that’s really funny actually and no no roof no roof look how big I made it why did I make it this big fantastic you know what this reminds me of reminds I don’t know if you guys know uh Day

N he was a I mean he still is a streamer but he used to stream Starcraft a lot and that’s when I watched him a lot back then Starcraft too and he had this really viral clip uh where he he he was laughing a lot about something

Right and then at some point someone suggested he should watch that clip back and then he s sat there watching the clip of him laughing and that made him laugh even harder so there was this whole video was just him laughing at himself laughing and it was the most hilarious [ __ ]

Ever reminds me of this right now a little bit now you know how much people were laughing at you yeah I guess so I mean this is actually this is actually so weird seeing this it hasn’t even been this long ago when you think about it but what was I even

Doing oh my God look at the UI it’s so different so it’s dirty look at my wooden tools bro obviously but I can’t interact with this either oh there’s more coal there I got the hey this is a nice looking house a handle dud the way his tracks me

Is this is so weird see I had a loom I knew I had a loom I was I I I had this memory at some point during the series that I had a loom in my first house and I did so I wasn’t crazy dander art thanks for the two two pounds

Man Loom he was looming this whole time God damn get back in oh my God I have one HP time to eat some rotten meat this this was back when I was totally into the whole rotten meat thing yeah this this was this was amazing what what did I end up doing at

The end here how much did I accomplish this first time perly real yo this is totally spoiler what the heck I don’t even remember this you could see everything the video is a bit too low yeah that’s on purpose it’s just I hate hearing my own voice like that it’s just

Weird how did he switch over to Java people in chat told me back then yeah people were like you got to play Java and I’m glad they did because look at this this is all spoilers Java it was definitely better for playing it blind in hindsight

Now when you have no no idea what it does I guess it doesn’t spoil much that’s true but but you can see like this is clearly a boat you know you see some kind of weird Loom the loom the loom right it’s a little bit of

A spoiler I think and it’s also a little bit overwhelming the way it is like now but if you get it in stages when you unlock and find new things it’s not as overwhelming in the beginning so you’re not thinking oh [ __ ] what should I be doing you sort of have a natural

Progression in the game I really dick that God forbid you find out about the loom early yeah I mean as you saw I forgot it anyway I put down the loom and I forgot everything about it this is so oh wait what is this oh right they had a whole [ __ ]

Book explaining things I think I read half a page of this and I was like okay this is this is way too much when did Minecraft click for you that’s a good question it definitely didn’t click after the first episode yet I can tell you that after the first episode I was

Like okay this is it was fun but I don’t know you know like I need to and then I tried Java and I played a little bit more and and I think I it’s a good question I actually do not remember probably around episode 3 yeah something like that that would make

Sense between episodes two and four I would say it was quite early the problem with the Java version is you unlock recipes based on blocks you pick up that’s why you never got the recipe for grindstone wait did I not you need Stone slap laps ah yeah I guess they can still

Improve the progression there for sure it was a bit odd but it was fun should watch Minecraft doesn’t need you is it a long one uh this is create that’s a mod isn’t it I heard people talk about that I mean maybe this is a classic me being blind but I can’t see

It Minecraft doesn’t oh here it is oh it’s by Retro Gaming now too it’s a bit long though I am I’m starving here let’s let’s watch a little shorter one we can watch this one real quick that’s 27 seconds rushing kit raging that sounds like fun let’s watch that bot if it

Loads inappropriate for some guys this is inappropriate for some users just be be Aware what just happened mom his mom is screaming at him what happened to the house why did it disappear should we should we watch create okay let’s watch create it’s not that long sounds good it was also uh the next in list anyway someone deleted his home by

Commands Okay oh that’s sad that’s really sad okay let’s let’s see what this is full screen this is create hold on let me just see when this was released one year ago okay pull for cake wait elevator wait what oh wait where watching mods so it’s not in base game this is something New whoa wait this is not blocks anymore though I see round shapes isn’t that illegal yo What this is Factoral this video reminds me of the Drone fly through of the Tesla Factory right now if you haven’t seen that video it’s actually pretty badass oh my God it’s turning the milk why are they doing that why would they turn the Milk whoa you can rotate things at various degrees Oh that looks cool uh-oh oh that’s a mining thing dude the mine the trains look awesome look how smooth it is I keep wanting to turn my mouse because I think I’m in game holy [ __ ] the cows are being transported what oh my God they’re being milked there’s Pipes dude this is totally Satisfactory What dude I wonder if the [ __ ] actually react like so the co are in the background right now right can you actually make things with that like something that makes sense or is it just like visual oh it’s just cosmetic oh Okay I’m kidding guys [Laughter] I’m sorry everyone was like yes and I was like I was just playing into it man come [Laughter] On space suits what the Thirsty Man but why would they turn the milk I don’t understand yo that’s cool it’s flipping pancakes bro is this actually Real what yo they’re making a Cake look at the cloth physics this is a cool video this is create Damn how is this real doesn’t this require a [ __ ] ton of work this seems like a whole overhaul I don’t know this is crazy is this the biggest mod in Minecraft it’s a [ __ ] ton of work I I’ve helped the deaths a bit in the past yo that’s awesome

Terra I knew you did some uh some Dev work with mods and stuff that is awesome n just all Cosmetics yeah this mod is one of the biggest I could imagine so answer me honestly does this mod actually deliver on what this video seems to be promising or is it more a

Case of you you you install and then you’re like okay I see the cracks sort of in in the in the wall it does damn wow okay could be fun to try out at some point you can create rocket ships and airships what that’s crazy bro there’s more mods for this

Game than sky I believe that I believe that I know Minecraft is insanely popular it’s probably the most popular game ever made isn’t it also is is it the most bought game ever most sold game ever Minecraft 238 million copies damn that’s a lot of copies sold

Wow let me see if there’s a really short one let’s watch the simplest redstone elevator also let me uh oh I did already put a comment nice also I should actually um can I even post links in the chat or will it I don’t know if that works for

You guys oh I should actually uh do hold on share I think this link may work that’s a better link I think just if you want to like the video or something I thought it was at 300 million this is insane though I mean maybe this is a bit outdated number this

Is from Wikipedia so could be I don’t know when this was last update 2019 no wait this is the PC version 20 references 2021 okay it’s it’s kind of recent okay let’s just quickly check this out by one minute Minecraft that’s a cool name for a channel oh no he’s doing the

Thing show me the elevator you’re putting pistons and wood I understand maybe uh what’s that hold on what what’s happening why do you need all this see already now I would have given up because this was not what I had in mind when I thought of an elevator at my

House I’m going to explain what I thought I thought we put a piston and that’s the elevator there we go just accept Okay Whoa bro I feel like the one minute thing here is a bit cheated now I could accept it up until Now oh he’s just making a tall elevator I Guess how does he know this by heart or maybe he doesn’t I don’t know wait what oh so that sort of just worked damn so it just sort of shifts everything up one every time wait it defaulted to this video that’s funny uh see see what he does with his hand

How does that not look like come here I’ll show you something come with me come with me nice elevator I like that that’s this is uh a bit too advanced for what I was thinking yeah I I walked around with this thought in my mind this whole time thinking oh my God

I’m I’m such a genius I’m going to put a piston and people are going to have their minds blown but this guy is like okay [ __ ] your piston let me show you some green goo and magic and it’ll happen honestly I have no idea how this just worked but it

Did why did you never try I don’t know why did I never try God damn it why why did I not do any of the other things I put down in my book you know it’s a good question I can’t answer that yeah yeah redstone used to be so simple I

Guess people started developing more Advanced Techniques right Oliver elevator stream when I don’t know probably in the hardcore I’m going to make an an elevator I think it would be cool to have not just beat the game in hardcore but just play the game and just see how

Long you would be able to keep going I mean I die a lot I’ve died a lot in Minecraft but now that I have all of this knowledge I think I could do it I think I could do it anyway people this has been incredible I’m having so much fun doing

All this with you guys and talking and just shooting the [ __ ] it’s cool tomorrow more rain world if if you haven’t played rain world yet guys you should totally play it it’s [ __ ] fantastic I’m playing it right now and it’s blowing my mind yeah we we definitely are going to

Have a third wrap up stream just to wrap up the wrapup you know it’s going to happen at some point will there be another MC stream yes of course and in the future and I’m not sure when but in the far future not too far either but we’re

Going to try another series of Minecraft in some form of fashion maybe with mods maybe just hardcore I haven’t thought about it yet maybe VR I think that would be cool but at some point in the future yeah I’m so glad you’re liking all the games you’re playing dude me

Too me too so many good games out there okay I will be jumping out of here grabbing some food and you guys have a fantastic Saturday thanks for watching I see you guys next time adios

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Wrap-Up #2’, was uploaded by About Oliver on 2024-01-13 21:53:25. It has garnered 7094 views and 366 likes. The duration of the video is 05:28:40 or 19720 seconds.

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Intro music by @co.agmusic

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  • Free Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock

    Free Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedrock Hack Clients For avid Minecraft players looking to enhance their gaming experience, the 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock is a game-changer. This versatile mod works seamlessly with Windows Mobile, MCPE, and iOS devices, offering a wide range of features and functionalities. Unleash Your Creativity with Nitro Lite The Nitro Lite version of this hack client provides players with a plethora of tools to explore and create within the Minecraft universe. From cheat codes to texture packs and shader mods, Nitro Lite opens up a world of possibilities for gamers looking to push… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Mini Blocks for Minecraft Masters

    Crafty Creations: Mini Blocks for Minecraft Masters In this Minecraft world, a tale unfolds, Of custom mini blocks, a story untold. The Wandering Trader, with trades so rare, Custom heads and blocks, beyond compare. Download the datapack, from vanillatweaks, Explore the menu, with trades unique. Create your own pack, with blocks so fine, Try it out in-game, let your creativity shine. Join the Discord, for questions and more, Live on Twitch, with content galore. Business inquiries, reach out and say, For Minecraft fans, a bright new day. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, Crafting Minecraft news, a rhythm to beat. In every update,… Read More

  • Nether Quest – Minecraft Survival Ep. 4

    Nether Quest - Minecraft Survival Ep. 4 The Quest for the Tower in the Nether – Minecraft Survival Episode 4 | The Challenging Adventure Begins Welcome to the thrilling world of Minecraft, where Catrophy embarks on a daring quest in the Nether. Join us as we delve into the heart of this fiery dimension, facing dangers at every turn. Get ready for an action-packed episode filled with excitement and suspense! Exploring the Nether In this episode, Catrophy finds himself trapped in the treacherous Nether, a realm filled with lava lakes, dangerous mobs, and mysterious structures. As he navigates through this hostile environment, he must use all… Read More

  • Blockbuster Bliss: Steve & Alex’s Big Screen Adventure

    Blockbuster Bliss: Steve & Alex's Big Screen Adventure In the world of Minecraft, Steve and Alex stand tall, Awaiting the release of the movie, ready to enthral. Curious and excited, they wonder what it’ll be, A cinematic adventure for all to see. With music that sets the mood just right, And animations that shine so bright, The movie promises to be a delight, A journey through pixels, a thrilling sight. So let’s wait and see, with bated breath, For the Minecraft movie, a new kind of quest. Steve and Alex, ready to embark, On an epic adventure, in the world of blocky art. Read More

  • Herobrine’s Hindi Horror: Minecraft Brother’s Tale

    Herobrine's Hindi Horror: Minecraft Brother's Tale In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Herobrine’s brother, a story untold. A real horror story, chilling and bold, In Hindi it’s told, secrets to behold. With each video, the mystery deepens, The viewers are hooked, their interest peaks in. From animations to stories, the plot thickens, In the world of Minecraft, fear quickens. So dive into the realm, where legends reside, Where Herobrine’s brother, in shadows hides. A tale of terror, where darkness abides, In Minecraft’s world, where fear collides. Read More

  • Virtual HQ – Semi-Vanilla Java

    Server Information: Server Name: Virtual Headquarters IP Address: vhq.falixsrv.me Welcome Minecraft Enthusiasts! Welcome to Virtual Headquarters, a community-driven Minecraft server for players of all ages. Whether you’re a builder, adventurer, or looking to hang out with friends, there’s something for everyone! Features: Survival Mode: Gather resources, build your base, and survive! Custom Plugins: Enhance your gameplay experience with unique features. Community: Join a friendly community to make friends, collaborate on builds, and go on quests together! How to Join: Have the latest Minecraft version. Add the server IP: vhq.falixsrv.me Get whitelisted when joining. We look forward to seeing you in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mastering the Craft: Still Not Good, But Better

    Well, I guess even in the meme world, some things just barely pass as “better”! Read More

  • Undead Love: Mutant Villager Meets Zombie Girl

    Undead Love: Mutant Villager Meets Zombie Girl In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, Mutant Villager and Zombie Girl, their tale foretold. With stunning builds and mods, their journey takes flight, Facing challenges and battles, their love burning bright. From heartfelt scenes to hilarious surprises, This video is packed with thrilling rises. Will they live happily ever after, or face despair? Share your thoughts in the comments, show you care. Maxi playz here, bringing chaos and fun, Gaming adventures for everyone. Subscribe, hit the bell, join the fan, In the world of Minecraft, let’s make a grand stand. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it. Who needs enemies when you sabotage yourself like that?” 😂 #minecraftstruggles #minecraftfail #minecraftprobs” Read More

  • Risky Business in Minecraft’s Dangerous Dunes

    Risky Business in Minecraft's Dangerous Dunes Minecraft: Rush of Kings Episode 6 – Dangerous Dunes Introduction In the sixth episode of Rush of Kings Minecraft, players are taken on a thrilling journey through the treacherous terrain of Dangerous Dunes. The episode features gameplay with ScrumpeyB0ttle, WaterB0ttle, and Thekillerkreeper as they navigate challenges and obstacles in this original board game recreated in Minecraft. Gameplay Highlights The episode kicks off with a captivating cutscene setting the stage for the adventure ahead. As the game progresses, players take turns strategically maneuvering through the game board, each facing unique challenges and opportunities. From ScrumpeyB0ttle’s decisive moves to WaterB0ttle’s calculated… Read More

  • Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments

    Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments The Ultimate Minecraft Skills Challenge: Learning 24 Skills in 24 Hours! Mastering God-Level Skills in Minecraft In a thrilling challenge, a Minecraft enthusiast embarked on a quest to learn 24 incredible skills in just 24 hours. From mastering the art of god bridging to executing speed telly bridging, the journey was filled with adrenaline-pumping moments. The player also delved into the intricacies of PvP combat, honing skills like timing clicks, ladder clutching, and running on lava using boats, reminiscent of Dream’s iconic moves. Pushing the Limits: 100 Impossible Minecraft Bedrock Skills Not one to shy away from a challenge,… Read More

  • 1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft: HARDCORE Madness!

    1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft: HARDCORE Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft HARDCORE! – Mythical Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-10-01 01:15:00. It has garnered 7990 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:03 or 12303 seconds. I Survived 100 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft HARDCORE! Today, I’ll be trying to save the princess while trying to get to the top level of this SECRET BASE. As ZOZO, the Minecraft hero my goal is to save all the people, animals and creature I can find while defeating my enemies. During my quest,… Read More

  • Unhinged SMP Art Tuber Shenanigans

    Unhinged SMP Art Tuber ShenanigansVideo Information This video, titled ‘Art Tuber SMP Shenanigans (Live #9)’, was uploaded by Adrotic on 2024-09-14 01:37:23. It has garnered 202 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:00 or 13080 seconds. Art Tuber SMP is a Minecraft Server where everyone is an artist content creator!! #ArtTuberSMP #minecraft Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT REALM - JOIN OUR LAZY ADVENTUREVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT | NEW START | JOIN OUR BEDROCK REALM🔴’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-07-06 10:47:54. It has garnered 179 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:43 or 6103 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft! Feel free to join the bedrock realm and the discord! — JOIN THE DISCORD — Discord Server: – https://discord.gg/BGpyeV3vFR — CODE TO JOIN REALM — Realm Code: By4vxuw58BA Lets see if I can get 700 subs by the end of this livestream!!! Day 31 of Daily Livestream!!!! Read More

  • EPIC SKY ISLAND CHALLENGE – Day 100 in Minecraft!

    EPIC SKY ISLAND CHALLENGE - Day 100 in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 hari Minecraft sky island part 2’, was uploaded by DPG_78 on 2024-02-03 06:51:27. It has garnered 341 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:52 or 352 seconds. 100 days of Minecraft sky island part 2 is my struggle to survive for 100 days in Minecraft sky island with the sky island version error 422 #minecraft#skyislands#100daysinminecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PvP – 金錠GT gets 10 EPIC kills

    Insane Minecraft PvP - 金錠GT gets 10 EPIC killsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP 10 kills’, was uploaded by 金錠GT on 2024-02-19 09:17:18. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. ║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Server: zeqa Read More

  • “Dancing with Linkin Potato in Minecraft” #crazymonsters

    "Dancing with Linkin Potato in Minecraft" #crazymonstersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft monster ” #music #song dance”‘, was uploaded by Linkin Potato grant on 2024-09-12 03:53:59. It has garnered 3 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • Insane transformation in VSMP server! Kawaii RPG village build!

    Insane transformation in VSMP server! Kawaii RPG village build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building RPG village in #VSMP server!【Minecraft | Production kawaii】’, was uploaded by Lethe Bonapuchi Ch. レッテボナプチ 【kawaii】 on 2024-09-18 14:14:34. It has garnered 610 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:37 or 13477 seconds. ╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗ Buy me donuts? ✦ Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/lethebonapuchi/tip Special alert at $6.66, $20, $50, $69, $100, $200, and $500! ╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝ Ohapuchi! Let’s eat! ♡ Welcome to my channel, everyone! My name is Lethe Bonapuchi from Production kawaii. Thank you for checking out my videos! ╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗ 🌌Ephemira Debut Merch🌌 ✦ https://productionkawaii.booth.pm/items/5541616 ✧ 🌌Ephemira… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT HACKS - AstralMC PVP & MORE! 🚀🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #astralmc #hacks #minecraftmemes #cpvp #humor #minecraftpepvp #fortnite #clips #resucting’, was uploaded by asadito on 2024-07-05 03:28:17. It has garnered 548 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Si ves esto dale like y suscribete 🔔 tags (ignorar): #minecraft​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #Hacks​ #PvP​ BEST REGEDIT EVER+ DNS✔️0 KB/OP REACH✔️+ FPS BOOST [BadLion & PvPLounge] 😋😋😈 THE BEST REGEDIT FOR PVP + DNS | NO KB AND OP REACH (TESTED) 💎GET 3 MS PING & 0 KB & OP REACH 💎🌐BEST REGEDIT REACH + .BAT 🌐1.9 ✔️1.7 ✔️ 1.8 ✔️ COMO… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!

    Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft music + val clips’, was uploaded by kwaixy on 2024-03-21 16:04:51. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:35 or 215 seconds. had no music ideas In-game Settings: Sens: 0.175 DPI: 1600 Crosshair: 1-6-2-2 inner lines white Resolution: 1440×1080 Graphics Settings: All low (ignore tags) Minecraft music, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft music video, Minecraft building, Minecraft parodies, Minecraft funny moments, Valorant clips, Valorant funny moments, Valorant highlights, Overwatch clips, Valorant, Phoenix, Aim, gaming, fps, First Person Shooter, FPS games, movement, valorant, valorant montage, minecraft, valorant highlights, montage, montage… Read More

  • Insomnia SMP

    Insomniacs SMP – The Minecraft Server That Never Sleeps! Hey there, night owls! Looking for a Minecraft server that’s up and active 24/7, just like you? Then come join Insomniacs SMP—where creativity and adventure never rest! This is a Minecraft Bedrock server with plenty of add-ons to enhance your gameplay. Why Join Insomniacs SMP? Active and Supportive Staff Growing Community Always Active Laid-back Vibes Server Staff Owner: Billyjr(Definitely Real) Founder: Fumi/Sam Co-Founder: Deadpool Head of Admins (HOA): Cody Head of Staff (HOS): Existing Admins: Existing, Cody, Deadpool Ready to dive into chaos and adventure? Join us now and help create… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Demise of the Villager #9 🔥

    Looks like Villager #9 didn’t quite make it to level 10 in this game of life! #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Blockageddon: Ohio’s Minecraft Mayhem

    Blockageddon: Ohio's Minecraft Mayhem In Ohio, a crisis, blocky and bold, Minecraft players, stories untold. Milad FPS, the channel to see, For all things Minecraft, come join the spree. Tutorials for beginners, tricks for the pros, Adventures and challenges, where creativity flows. Mods and plugins, reviews galore, Milad FPS, always wanting more. Subscribe and activate, don’t miss a beat, Join the FPS family, where gaming is sweet. Lenovo laptop, specs so fine, For Minecraft adventures, it’s time to shine. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals

    Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals Minecraft Shorts: Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse Are you ready to survive a zombie apocalypse? In the world of Minecraft, this is a real possibility. Zombies are known for their insatiable appetite for brains, making them a formidable threat to players. Why Would You Survive? What sets you apart in this apocalyptic scenario? Your survival skills, quick thinking, and resourcefulness. In Minecraft, players must gather resources, build shelters, and fend off hostile mobs like zombies to stay alive. Exploring Minecraft Shorts On the channel, you can find entertaining Minecraft shorts that showcase the challenges and humor of surviving in this… Read More

  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

    Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft: How to Create a Custom Superflat World on Bedrock Editions Are you a Minecraft player using Bedrock Editions and looking to create a custom superflat world? Look no further! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of making your very own unique superflat world on Bedrock Editions. Minecraft Versions Before diving into creating your custom superflat world, it’s essential to know the Minecraft versions you’ll be working with. For Bedrock Editions, ensure you have the latest updates to access all the features needed for this customization. Shaderpacks and Resource Pack Enhance your gaming experience by incorporating shaderpacks and… Read More

  • Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD

    Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Thoughts On Minecraft LIVE and Working On The Zoo – Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD Stream’, was uploaded by GoodVodsWithScar on 2024-10-03 14:00:45. It has garnered 60936 views and 690 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:22 or 11362 seconds. I share my reaction and thoughts on Minecraft live and the new update / drop. I hope you enjoyed the Hermitcraft live stream see you in the next video. ———————————————————- My Links and stuff: * Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21298347 * Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/GTWScar * Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/goodtimeswithscar * Instagram: http://instagram.com/goodtimeswithscar *TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goodtokswithscar *Business Inquiries Send to: [email protected] ———————————————————… Read More

  • Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarry

    Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial – Goo Canoe’, was uploaded by BushMasterHarry on 2024-01-21 01:00:15. It has garnered 73 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. This is a neat little flying machine that can be used for traveling long distances! Whether it’s the nether, end or overworld, you can set the control down and watch the slime do the work! Thanks for watching and leave a bushy like and/or comment! Help me hit that 7k sub mark for 2024!! Read More

  • Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!

    Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FEELS: Minecraft Story Mode Episodes 2-5’, was uploaded by Azetlor146 on 2024-09-16 02:46:11. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:25 or 21685 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

    Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by AiroKun on 2024-05-19 19:00:09. It has garnered 326707 views and 7306 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:47 or 5207 seconds. Today I participated in a 100 Player Minecraft Hunger Games Event, will I win? Watch the video to find out! Special Thanks to @Sword4000 for hosting this event! Feel free to join his discord for future events like this ► https://discord.gg/sword4000 ————————————————————- 🚪 Second Channel ► @airoextra 💬 Personal Discord ► https://discord.gg/fkHNmnkfE4 💬 Events Discord ► https://discord.gg/phytor 🔴 Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/airokunlive 🐤… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

    EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars With Subscriber join fast #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Sudhir_Playz on 2024-04-27 04:29:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore … Read More

  • Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shorts

    Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-15 02:30:27. It has garnered 1299 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! https://www.patreon.com/fearsona 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 https://streamlabs.com/fearsona/tip ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/FEARSONAYT ✨INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/fearsona/ ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops mc.rajce.pro by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops mc.rajce.pro by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘mc.rajce.pro dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- https://discord.gg/hkAgVFZd #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More