Ultimate Penguin Game Play – Massacre SMP S2!

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Yo what the hell is up [ __ ] C you’re not Captain you’re a psycho anyway Oh my Jesus Christ I was gone for like a minute anyway time set 2300 23,000 all right can we all just get together to take one screenshot just one what wa oh to make a oh yes stop

That wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on I got a better idea God damn it come on just one photo come on please just one photo let me make my P one photo my God one photo one photo I just want to get it for the no armor no armor

Yeah no armor spice no armor don’t hold anything armor off all right give me a second dog one photo what the hell is that all right one photo one photo and actually should probably open up my YouTube tab where’s psycho dog get in here psycho dog I guess he’s kind of wait my

Bad I just he the D oh my God all right everybody so this is the official end of season 1 of the massacre SMP it kind of lasted a little while but yeah hope everyone’s well that’s not good and hope everyone’s doing good um but yeah so

We’re about to move on to season two I got I got a paid for Server so it’s up 247 if you want to join um join the Discord and talk to me and I’ll add you uh besides that yeah so this is our final moment in the original

Server um we had some good memories here we had a lot lot of bad memories but you know hopefully next time uh the server is going to be a lot nicer I already have it running it’s going to stay running 24 I am drowning help oh wait I went the wrong way hold

On your CH be interfering anyway but uh yeah so let’s just have a quick look around at the last server so um everyone’s in creative and we can clearly see the effects of creative mode oh hey ill no more server stop building this he’s gonna get huh he’s building the schats

Again yeah I I I I bought a paid for Server so it’s up 24/7 um the one problem is the adder huh I I hope you know you can transfer over the world I tried that the configuration I guess was off and it just kept lagging out so we’re starting over brand new

Fresh but if okay uh Ethan log on right now give me one of your items and one enchant and I’ll give it to you to start off with because of it all it can literally be anything huh I get off in a little bit okay do you know the item that you want

To do so I can just have it ready for you that would probably have to be my chest plate okay do you remember what enchant it had on it NE with the I uh trim gold uh protection four Unbreaking three mending okay you can you pick one of those enchantments that wait captain

Captain captain captain wait don’t blow it up don’t blow it up uh that would have to be I got a massive idea that would have to be what just just give me a diamond just give me a diamond plate with Protection One just to make it fair well

No no no like everyone’s getting whatever enchantment they want on their item that’s one of things if you want if you want Pro 4 you can have Pro 4 four okay also so apparently pengin said it’s any item but he lied it’s not any item with any inchant he couldn’t give it

Can’t he couldn’t give me a sharp D to 155 sword no I couldn’t cuz you didn’t have that on your person Captain I could right now that’s cheating you never saying anything about cheating just as long as you have it oh my God okay so what type of trim was

It an ey trim I trim okay yeah okay it’s the stronghold trim stronghold trim okay okay hey snail all right time to say goodbye to the server no wait can you put me in survival mode like I still want to play On Thomas and G uh streaming why is that the thumbnail why is it okay have y’all met Walter black you mean wavus white you mean wavus black thomasp hold on I gotta log into the server First I want to kill people I’m gonna kill people wait what did you get I gotta get Ethan’s it like a good thing oh you got the you got the Finn something he got the Finnish de finland’s decimation fin fin decimation okay okay so that and I need

Ingredient no remember we also have like a let’s have a we’ll have a 20 minute grace period 30 minute gra we’ll have 30 minut gra per yeah 30 minute grace period we’re gon 20 well I already I already set it up on the board on the Articles of Confederation every new

Player gets a 30 minute grace period make sure when you start it do like time set zero yeah got a number one protection production 4 okay and then I need the yo what is up YouTube Welcome Back to another Minecraft video and video we’re going to be recreating 911 MP season

2 oh it’s this wavy guy bro hey guys today we are going to recreate what happened in 1939 and 1945 you guys ready to [ __ ] die yeah good luck buddy can you like leave the server pleas you should like join in like 20 minutes because like where’s period no

Because he’s a new player so then he would have a 20 b Grace beard yeah meanwhile meanwhile me and skep would probably be [ __ ] it out fighting it out oh damn it wait did I I did it work he left who left what what are you guys talking about oh guys are mean

To love you too I never said that I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking so wait penguin is it like 34 a month or just a one time 34 34 a month God damn mhm I thought Apex was like 10 bucks no no no that’s if you want the

Shitty server that has like one gigabyte of RAM wait how many gigabytes did you get I bought four gigabytes 40 four oh fur four gigabytes of RAM yeah $34 all no almost 35 actually cuz it’s 34 or 95 so slow oh yeah that’s right hold on you’re literally just walking around

Survival what’s the thingy all right here I’m gonna post it in chat here’s the thingy enjoy thas like hurry up oh that’s a full on IP yeah damn 1300 wait psycho dog which did you get oh wait this is yours okay captain yeah here’s yours where skral scal

Here come on bro hurry up bro we got get the first hold hold on hold on hold on wait wait wait I want guys guys gather up guys gather up guys guys gather up guys gather up guys gather guys stop mining come over here come over here

Come over here these are the Articles of Confederation wait one sec one sec pause the Articles of Confederation alliances must be on paper use alliances must be formalizes must be formalized on paper using a book and quill there will be no hacking or use of F3 player hunting

Allowed player duels must have someone watching to make sure the Dual agreement is honored four there will be a 30 minute no kill shield for new players when they first join five only three minute combat logs over on this side six this Temple is a no Kill Zone which

Means that no killing is allowed here anyone caught violating these articles will be tried in court and if found guilty will lose one heart automatically and eight combat or command blocks are only used to for heart trading hey who punched me oh wait you said no killing not no hitting [ __ ]

Off what does it mean no use of F3 play which mean which means you can’t dig underground and use F3 to find players you have to to find them you know just like oh I see no but it seems hurry up oh yeah SL time set zero okay everybody run run go all

Right I’m not ready wait I’m not ready I’m not ready I’m not ready wait wait wait is I hold on hold on hold on everyone stop everyone stop everyone stop everyone stop moving all right is everybody ready now yeah cuz I’ll set I’ll set up the 30

Minute time well hurry up we got to hurry all right go go go all right timer Starts Now 30 minute grace period in effect oh wait you got a pickaxe right yeah okay so you can take care of the mining I’ll take care of the killing

Okay okay but we got to like stay in a place yeah I know here come here come here why don’t you guys go to a different VC oh yeah and then I’ll let I’ll let everyone know when the 30 minutes are up SC this VC I don’t care can I move

You another VC or do you want to stay in this VC I want to stay in this VC I feel safe and I’m with someone I thought you want to murder me I mean to be fair we are in a grace period so wow thank you mate I feel so safe for on

You yeah wait this thing is oh that’s what loyalty does but I can throw the honest with you I I don’t I don’t feel I think that Captain got that stuff legitimately he did not get that stuff legitimately I know that I know that he didn’t it’s like it’s impossible happen

Yeah yes please I beg you to have mercy when I W in my enchantment I meant fortune 3 not looting three I saw the screenshot I know but I meant fortune 3 I can’t mean what the screenshot says please have mercy no no I can’t I already made it please have mercy this

Is not the loot you can’t do anything with looting screen come on please you said whatever was in the screenshot I even said the thing for you come on bro come on what do you mean come on for come on bro no I it was a screenshot

That’s not like something you told me you said do what’s ever in the screenshot I wanted to tell you but you like put a screenshot bro please have mercy please have mercy no no I already gave you your item you accepted it you didn’t have any problems how you want to

Be sh come on that’s not even fair bro come on do mean I met Fortune three I didn’t even mean looting three come on no what do you me me no you said we could have any enchantment we wanted just take away this pickax and give me another one we

Have you had no objections when I gave you the item to it having I forgot bro I made a mistake come on bro please it’s not even fair I would need everyone to vote on it if the vote goes through then I’ll allow it just this once cuz it’s not even fair everyone

Else got their enchantment I didn’t even get the enchant okay hold on quick vote should all right that’s three yay okay that’s one yay nay that’s God damn it that means I have to decide I hate deciding [ __ ] bro come on just have mercy I meant

I meant fortun I swear to God I swear to God I meant fortune 3 whoa I know I know the the freaking screenshot said whatever but I swear to God I meant fortune 3 not loing three all right fine I will give you your enchantment once the grace period is over

No come on that’s bro what the hell is that what what type of rule is that come on bro actually the whole reason I want it was for the grace period bro come on H penguin you should give it to him but only give him Fortune one no no no

No no that’s not even fair I wanted fortune 3 that’s not even fair why do you want fortune 3 so bad because that’s the enchantment I wanted it’s just the one I wanted bro oh [ __ ] yo I’m stacked wait come on just give me it come on bro come on no you

Have to wait till the gra name a [ __ ] Slayer 24 come on hey okay you’re such an L freak This Server oh my God why do you complain so much bro if you had a problem with it why didn’t you tell me to start off with did he leave you see he’s gone

Oh what is his issue dude dude bro honestly I don’t even know what his problem was like he was getting mad because at the original server because he kept on dying even though that he wasn’t doing anything to defend himself he was going against oh wait

I’m just going to need a lot of this more than enough hey snail all right what are my cords being back yo give me the freaking pickaxe bro it’s not even fair everyone got their enchantment and I don’t even get my enchantment bro fine just this once but you can

Never complain to me this once my ass just this just this once I’m not kid once everyone else got their enchantment I don’t even get my enchantment you know how say is I’m going to give your enchantment but just this one yeah but you just wasted like 15 minutes of my

Time bro it hasn’t even been 15 minutes I’m looking at the clock how many minutes has it been six it has been six minutes add six minutes to the timer no yeah [ __ ] you bro [ __ ] you end this [ __ ] server I hope you die kill yourself what the [ __ ] is wrong with you

You’re very salty it’s not even [ __ ] fair you’re not even being fair right now how am I not being fair because everyone else got their enchantment I didn’t get my enchantment all because I made a mistake yes exactly it’s not my fault that’s life dude yes it is your fault that you made

The mistake dude that’s why not you Lally said and I I even told you psycho dog I’m willing to honor your mistake but just this once because you made that mistake and it’s kicking out of my time with shut up and give me the pickaxe already you’re wasting my time you’re

Wasting my time dude what do you mean I’m wasting your time you could have just given me the pickaxe already but be like nah I want to be autistic and like freaking make hey hey hey watch it you can’t say that stuff on my stream you’re

Autistic bro you cannot say the stuff on my stream [ __ ] [ __ ] you’re autistic I will server mute you you’re going to what I will server mute you you’re going to what server mute you all right Ser mute me then be unfair like you like you’ve always been bro

What wait so what did you want on your thing I swear to God just tell me what did you want because I have to look at it now pyer dog did he leave again no he’s still here psycho dog what enchantment did you want on your pickaxe

No I’m a [ __ ] waste your time because you wasted my time then I’m just going to leave it and I’m going to say good luck to you sir I’mma wait a full minute and then I’m GNA tell you what enchantment I want cuz you wasted my [ __ ] time okay you

Can either tell me now or not get it how about that [ __ ] fortune 3 bro fortune 3 can’t [ __ ] listen just like freaking that’s all you needed to say see Fortune three there it is okay I can’t wait for Captain to first die it’ll be so amazing

Okay okay give me give me the pick hold on here can you TP me to Captain no bro we supposed to do everything together then you waste my time that’s not even fair wait what it’s not my fault that you walked away from Captain I didn’t walk away he walked away from

Me again that’s not my fault oh my God y’all can’t even freaking accept a freaking mistake sure like do you not understand what a mistake is God damn knock back can’t you just that could also cost your life get my knock back one actually like all right do this that’s

Wa uh penguin so what if someone during like a fight M like runs over to like the temple well that’s a no Kill Zone like it basically will be treated as a combat log so yeah pretty much what if it’s what if it’s well the way I see in the rules of

The duel like you can’t go over to the temple well you can it would just be treated as a combat log so they’ have three minuted immunity no but that also feels really overpowered because then because in a combat log you can’t really heal but at the temple you can

Look I can’t appeal to everyone so I I will appeal to the majority I need this I need this oh I need wood that’s crap much time is left 1 or yeah pretty much 18 minutes close to 17 minutes yeah that’ll give me enough time

To get suited up [ __ ] oh wait no wait I’m fine let just wavy we’re still in the young people to find a chest did we find someone yeah wavy just ran up on me and I freaked out for a minute then realized huh still in the immunity period so does w know that

Yeah if I ever get out here oh wait you my a village with like like a blacksmith yeah and a giant nether portal in the middle have to use me Pitchfork how do you can you repair Trident or no only with mending or another trident suck I need to find

Something at the 15 minute Mark I’ll let everyone know it’s about halfway done dang it I really have to kill Captain as soon as possible why CU he’s getting stacked so am I why is Captain so special I’ll butt hurt over not being skepticals first choice of

Murder what if we kill you huh what what if you die first h i mean that’s probably what might happen since a lot of people are going to be going for me yeah you’re the iron Menace you’re a wanted man I am I mean to know what they say what

Don’t take a Fin’s meal because he will rip your balls on I don’t think a fin has ever said that h i I said it usually people in Finland don’t speak English they do they do speak she to I’m going to throw this at you I missed

I just have to get one kill and then just like look at Captain and just stare at his soul and then like murder him and then when Hep logs on me and him are going to recreate Finland oh you’re siding with the fins yeah bro they’re my people you’re not from Finland

Though oh wait have to be that’s not uh you know 18 minutes I got to turn this light off to turn this light on so I can see better in cave P I go on left oh I guess when he logs back on I’m just going to that terriable

That I I do I I love bro but bro be salty a lot of the time yeah so it’d be hard to love bro but I still love bro I need to turn these into a stick yes yes no oh no wait oh wait never mind I’m swagging I could just do this

I didn’t even think ha that was such good timing dude oh my goodness no no no no no no wait I have an infinite ranged weapon where you at I have a shield you have a shield damn it by one flaw flawless Victory I didn’t I see more IR so predictable Flawless Victory

Predictable we got to find some coal what you going to do when you get out of jail I’m going to find some coal what do you consider coal well I find it in caved so what do you consider consider coal stupid oh wait I just realized if I fall I

Die socer dog has diamonds no way I mean I’m pretty sure everyone but Wy has Diamonds oh I found I found I found somebody you did you can’t kill him yet I found I made I found Captain but you found Captain Captain’s kind of broke Captain’s kind of broke though I’m

Already in full iron I was in full iron at like six minutes what you going to do when you get out of not that epic the period I know that GNA want to Su was shot what is sucker do doing I don’t think cave suck wait what dog doesn’t really want to do

Anything anymore oh no Captain Captain’s getting chased by zombies what you gonna do when you get out babes I’m going to have some fun what do you consider fun fun fun can I help wait can I help a mobs kill him no it’s Grace perod if if you assist in

His death in any way that’s technically murdering him how I no I would say that it’s allowed if like I don’t if I don’t hit him at all I mean you you don’t have to kill the mobs but you can’t insist the mobs in hitting him like how would you assist

The mobs in killing him how would you do that by breaking him down his three his three block tall pillar no I just realized just leave people alone for 30 minutes I just realized me and Captain’s caves are linked this absolutely ja sh

Down here I got to go back up this is a boring ass cave what you going to do when you get out of Ja I just realized I I don’t have full diamond I just realized that when bro is so good that he forgot he didn’t have diamond armor

On oh sorry my bad gentlemen I forgot to put on my diamond armor this side looks a lot more promising and I already see some iron I need that W what is n doing here wait oh [ __ ] diamonds give me give me give me oh freak I can’t see anything I

Where in my cave and I need to kill you guys for your balls give me your balls I’m tell you this right now no one’s killing me in this server I’m not going to die once I don’t think you’ve met the IR Menace yet then

I have you’ve met the Iron Men He has he ran from me and then he had to call Captain he is the iron Menace so a lot of people do run from him actually he’s pretty much the the only feared person on the server well he ran for me when I

Was fighting him so I mean that technically W up to everyone wa well I just didn’t want to fight anyone I am wait you didn’t want to fight me haha I am mighty I’m 20,000 blocks away from Spawn yikes wait how did you run that

Far I’ve been on a boat oh that’s how did you accomplish 20,000 in less than 30 minutes I a horse like after I Found You The Village I got a horse you found a saddle in the village yep lucky I’m kind of looking for a notch

Apple right now my goal I’m feeling to die bro terrorist Take Me Out terrorist what the [ __ ] there’s toads yeah toad honestly I think this is going to be a a lot better I mean we all get a fresh start season Two I get I oh crap what I forgot about Katniss kiss everine no oh your bow my cat my cat catniss and yes it is after catniss everine I love The Hunger Games too much uh hang on hang on I guess it’s uh I guess it’s uh I guess it’s um right for

Me to tell you now but during season 1 Ram may have told me your base courts I know he would uh so basically Yeah so basically um while you were online I would just wait at your base so I I as cuz we were talking about it in

VC and he was being really sus about the cord so I just was like okay okay how about you tell me your base cords and I’m like okay cool cool cool how about you tell me yours and then I captain yes [ __ ] Captain bro brother Captain selling I accidentally just ate a

Suspicious d o diamonds I have no I have not acquired any diamonds yet wait okay I had a small panic attack wa I would I would have joined the server instantly but I was in I was in a ranked OverWatch game over clotch you play OverWatch MH what is that oh there’s a

Squidy squid thing squid game what’s your coordinates right now there’s like literally notive -2 5721 hey oh yeah you’re [ __ ] so far away from me like 15,000 blocks no I’m joking I didn’t even look up I didn’t even open F3 hey Peng hey Ethan I give me your home address I’m

Going there no I’m not going to be no I’m busy right now I I just want to watch man can have my address I I know I know where you live it’s fine okay I’m coming oh oh wait Ethan yes skep told me what you

Did what did I do you gave into the fear Anakin Skywalker well I didn’t give into the you gave into your fear no actually I was both sides oh so you were the Sith Lord all along yes I was so you’re the the Sith Lord you’ve been looking

For yeah while you two were chasing each other I got the dragon a I don’t know what that so I I want to ask like I generally want to ask why does that matter like it doesn’t do anything because whoever has it has the most power on the server they make people fear

How because the dragon egg is one of a kind powerful thing most powerful thing well I’m pretty sure if my netherite axe goes up against your dragon egg I’m pretty sure I’m going to win no it’s indestructible no I mean like if we’re in a fight and you bring the dragon egg

The most powerful thing in Minecraft to the fight where I bring my Nether right axe I’m pretty sure I’m a win I’m just going to use an auto clicker with the dragon egg does nothing Auto clickers don’t do [ __ ] oh wait see this is the shitty thing this

Is why I hate put put KN on it you can’t enchant the dragon egg wait can you I don’t know if you can can oh you can oh [ __ ] you probably could yeah all right maybe in that case then if you got an enchantment arm that’s what I was

Thinking about I should asked for a dragon egg sh five well it has to be something you had on your give me all you didn’t you didn’t give me all my ench way you only got one everyone everyone only got one I thought it was

Like their thing to that no no you can get the item you had you can only get one enchant from that item though cat’s going to be so upset I know she was just building a giant house too I know but I just got tired of people complaining so now the server is

247 well I don’t know can I still play on the old server no well I mean like I would have to go back in and relog into everything but yeah I mean maybe for like 20 minutes just just let me just let me have your information

No yeah I learned my lesson I ain’t giving out willy-nilly no more Captain bro what is bro doing I kind of like being locked in a prison that was fun escaping I think that Captain is trying to retrieve his stuff but he can’t anymore penguin you should make a

Prison I’m currently in a cave when you’re not in a cave and when you’re not like trying to find my stuff dude leave it it sucks no not this [ __ ] hey and I know where you are everyone knows where I am I don’t care I mean your

Walls so are are you two teaming up no I don’t team with anyone any knows that [ __ ] you teamed with me you teamed with me last time what are you talking about you have no excuse I did yes I’m not spectral that’s wavy you’re talking with W this is me man

[ __ ] you [ __ ] yeah come on get on the server then [ __ ] you you you you love me okay yeah but you know it’s a new season people new season new allies for me anymore I have a I have a teammate isn’t here right now yo bro

What’s the timer at a minute hence why I said one minute I know but like just tell me exactly when every everyone will know exactly watch all right now exactly one minute I just got off of work so yeah I got to wait there’s a but I

Can’t why do these guys keep waiting Jesus they give up so fast I don’t like the cave sounds see 30 seconds all right all right all right all right all right oh no James [ __ ] you p p not is way all right tell me exactly when I know please dude up

We’ll just get new stuff 10 seconds our spal items oh I’m G get netherite with sharpness ready waitu is it time three two one he keeps following me hey hello all right it’s over what’s over the the thing first time stop stop following me Jesus Christ fine I’ll stop following

You I hate that stupid witch [ __ ] lightning is it raining where you guys are I don’t know look up it’s lightning storm oh yeah let me look up h i see deep slate look for you oh he left where is this why Ethan avoid me no

One can [ __ ] with me I have all leather gear oh [ __ ] I don’t rock with diamond no one can [ __ ] with me I have all leather gear you want to [ __ ] with me and find out sure mate all right yes actually come on BR [ __ ] on both you

Guys I don’t identify as a guy okay you’re bad sucker dog don’t give up I’m going to [ __ ] kill myself don’t give up because we lost all our stuff so Jesus Christ it’s Minecraft dude bro how are we going to get our stuff when SKT has a freaking sharpness five netherite

At I see the Diamonds the diamonds call me get your Shield we found like hella diamonds we lost all of it ELO ratio do a little T Dog a little don’t hang around the mobs if you we were caving and it’s hard to kill me bro hammer me hammer me damn kill me

Again all right don’t feed him feed him Hammer me kill me again stop I will I will just kick you for feeding why here come no but I’m letting him do it just kill yeah I know but that’s feeding what does that mean that means you’re purposely feeding a

Boss you’re Fly what feeding a boss is that again a what is that against the aration I have to I would have to get a vote to amend the articles scap just kill me take my hearts I also can’t do that CU then I also get in trouble bro I’m

Literally in trouble how how does that even make sense I’m literally letting you what penguin say go apparently apparently that goes against some sort of thing that wasn’t stated that’s why that’s why we’re having a vote we’re going to vote to see if we should alter the Articles of

Confederation so that’s a nay I will also says nay you know what a nay you’re [ __ ] big forehead wait that’s a nay okay two n what are those coordinates am why are you in the ground all right hidings anybody want to come with me cuz

If I’m going to lose Hearts I might as well lose a I might as well someone benefit from it yeah but why do you why are you guys me but space it out like two minutes apart you guys are so hard and so bossy last time like oh my God

Like why do you guys keep giving up it’s not like it’s not even cool like slay keep giving up bro you legit gave Captain creative on the server well no I gave him the ability to open the server oh to what I just took advantage of the coner

Oh I’mma just kill myself I don’t I didn’t even anyways why I spent 34 bucks on this guys yeah well it kind of sucks how God bro back my gu I know I think the I think the freaking getting the freaking items one item thing was kind of

Stupid well I mean you you were like was kind of gay would you rather have nothing yes I think we should all start with nothing you know like how normal smps are okay fine y that’s fair that’s fair but we’re not going to freaking restart the server or else we just

Wasted 30 minutes for nothing then why are you complaining about well I’m just being fair I want to restart okay but skep just wasted I don’t want skep and wavy to waste 30 minutes of their life then we will have yet a vot always a vote I don’t got [ __ ] who’s who said

That I guess no one likes Skol yeah no one does like skep trol you’re right I like it’s just no one else does I don’t I’m joking I don’t I’m just saying like I don’t think we should restart because a scapol what are you saying but I also want to

Restart I want to I just don’t think it’s fair that’s why we’re taking a vote so vote to restart no one voted I know no one voted I’m waiting for people to vote guys vote well obviously schedule says nay so I me I’m not going to give a say to it anyway

That’s a yay so a yay from wavy BR that was what what what wait why does his why is his name like that like wait a second no wait skep said that skep said that wait how do you do that no I didn’t I didn’t say that someone if it’s a

Command you can yeah you can type in someone’s name like another person can type in someone’s name and then put a text into it I didn’t say that this is all just um who the hell is doing just who has wait don’t you have to have op do that

No I just did it no how do you do it slash me okay can we actually have the vote please yes no wait how do you do someone else’s name it’s random coming so did Wy say yes or is it someone else I said yes so yes all right

So that’s one nay and one yay captain what are you saying I said n you’re [ __ ] you don’t want to restart I’d be down actually restarting you okay so that’s like restarting the server and chunk and everything like no no no no just basically I teleport everyone back to spawn everyone has

Nothing and we just go from there what no then all the natural resources are already gone you should just start a new all the natural resources are gone okay okay I could start a new world but it would be another hour so I can build yet again the Articles of Confederation

You could just build that later okay all right so fully restart starting the server yay or nay yay yay type it in chat yay I guess yay yay okay okay that’s three y all right that’s enough for the vote to tie the party has agreed to restart the server

Fully actually it depends what I get out this uh chest yeah you’re banned what the [ __ ] I’m restarting this yeah I’m reporting your YouTube channel for false advertisement how long is it going to take for it to restart just a few minutes five minutes oh how how long just a just a

Few minutes I don’t know actually long gra period only grace period for [ __ ] yeah yeah this time we’ll have a 10-minute grace period run away one minute to run away fine 20 minute grace period one minute okay yeah I’m not playing let’s just do 10 minutes I like

10 minutes no one minute all right let’s do one minute I like one minute one minute gives enough time for like everyone to run away in separate directions like three minute how about 69 seconds I’m good with that for real oh my God I’m getting sexy what’s

Going on Gamers today I probably have to turn that down we’re going to be going over how to reset your Minecraft world cut on myb I have to listen to these stupid things we probably have listen toin penguin I’m getting a ball cut on my PE before we get into this

Tutorial don’t forget to give this video a like in your Minecraft life maybe the generation of the current world doesn’t suit you or your friend blew everything up by accident and you just want a fresh start by accident for whatever reason it could be a bit tedious to reset the

Entire world today’s guide is going to be on how to reset your Minecraft world and start a new let’s get started what’s going on Gamers the fastest way to reset your world is to change the name in your Minecraft Panel so let’s go ahead and start off by stopping our server okay

What’s your server comes to a full stop and you get an offline notification here then you can go ahead and scroll down to the world input at the world input you can changes to literally anything new test oh okay um hold on it’s going to be a minute everyone just calm down and

Relax no we can’t calm down go crazy go stupid go crazy you’re stupid all right uh let’s try wait so what happened I’m resetting the world how long is that gonna take uh let’s see because as soon as it shows that it’s offline then I can start

It up probably 17 hours and it might hold on let me check the to make sure this guys I’m in the server how oh my God is is it actually online I’m speed running holy [ __ ] it actually is online what the hell I’m so good stop oh wait it’s not online anymore rate

Me like the is it is it letting anyone else into the server no it’s in connecting to rapist mode oh my God it says there’s two people in the server cuz penguin’s in no I’m not in I farted I turned off the server you’re such a [ __ ] is

Because I was in before everyone in 30 seconds all right ping me in like 10 minutes well no no the server’s on I’m it’s Ono I have to go you have to go okay here let’s I just farted and it smell like asparagus I’ll be back in like seven

Minutes that was you said 10 minutes babe wonder if I could get a new IP port well no that one should be fine actually you monster you monster monster you get in my way and I’m going turn into a monster I’m I’m going to deafen real quick all right so hi chat hello

Everybody hope everyone’s doing well yeah tonight’s been a bloody disaster first off you know last night actually went pretty well and then we we everyone’s been complaining about the server not being up and so I went out of my way to purchase a new server but it cost me $34

Cry and now everyone’s disliking the new server but it’s like bro I I don’t know mucho depresso mode right now mucho depresso I feel very sad I’m also going to put on some more deodorant um yeah so a lot of things are happening tomorrow uh I feel kind of bad for not

Doing a full you know Whatchamacallit like a full like good ending to my Thanksgiving special thing so I’m doing my eight days of Christmas to where I will upload a video every Monday and Friday no Monday and Thursday and it’ll be something completely random like uh Monday I have a video

Planned for Monday that I’m going to edit tonight or yeah tonight and it will be the most cringy thing you have ever seen in your life like not even kidding anyway I am saying go I live my life say baby go I never to like this Walter heart will white oh the kelp series I forgot about that about this video it’s my most popular one I don’t know why I freaking hated this thought the Video Jesus look how young Furious looks in this one what one the one I’m watching the my Magic School Bus YTV Jesus Christ no it’s vile I look so [ __ ] stupid show me it you want to okay here let me send you let me send you the screenshot of what I’m looking

At my God I look a lot better than I did back then Jesus Christ [ __ ] stupid I look that was 2020 that was 20 20 that’s you kn20 I know I look so I thought you had long hair in 2020 I have long hair I did have long hair in 2020

This is what this is like literally the Hat see when was this July 16th yeah I cut I cut my hair the first week of July that year you got thiss having thiss you called you a ner oh my Lord dude do you see my stupid

Face and my stupid hair Christ I love my hair now I love my hair when’s server up now server up as soon as psych dog gets back so it’s fair what what what up now no I psych do your Twitch account’s gone your YouTube career is over like serious hold on let

Me send you a picture of me now versus a picture of me then you’re get Gonna Knock instead of doing that just send me your penis you send me your what no I look a lot better now I have to say at least I like my hair a lot better now

That is okay that’s actually not too bad a picture of me I have my glasses on for that one hair’s also longer yeah that’s an image from like a few like a month or two ago first one is best one out of that one what Chbg guys watch this Cher My Hands Up In The Go Weck light it up like it I forgot the dinner was a thing my dad hasn’t made me dinner in like a year D the [ __ ] I’m not gonna eat for dinner wait so you haven’t had dinner for a year

Probably no breakfast no dinner only lunch at school where you diet yes yes Captain yes what happened to barol you cuz Minecraft is boring but we make it interesting no I do that trust what is the 1800s my God okay I’m glad this isn’t on stream I’m glad people on stream can’t

See this [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no are you sure you what the hell f c I swear to [ __ ] stop stop enough of this [ __ ] where did you even find them one Captain hey hey hey bro stop W no the two-piece he had the two-piece McNugget my

Girlfriend whoa hold on stop stop stop he so like out of pocket on uncan I got to watch my stupid YouTube Bo Club welcome to kind of a new thing I want to do welcome to kind of a new thing I want to do are you sure want a part with the

Demons are you sure you want to play With oh it’s Jacob hey yo hey this is when I was using my old skin I remember this one why is it so Mass I didn’t make that made the one I made but you can tell he’s sof cuz it’s drooping down yeah that thing would godam munchy munchy

Time oo thank you munchy munchy time oo who’s watching my stream penguin said a cuss oh I mean my bad what the hell was that it was barol no I saw a penis yeah Bartholome get penguin pengu penguin the penguin just DM it to him just DM to

Him all right all right all right everyone ready to start the SMP back yep I’ve kind of given up on waiting because it’s been more than 10 minutes all right and oh my God that turbulence is crazy did you say turbulence yeah this man this monkey got

His whole penis out s are you streaming or not I am streaming Captain I said monkey you did you just said his Willy Dilly his penis you can’t say that which would say penis give go all right I’m in hold on I gotta Start like dite I gotta start the timer for 20 minutes 20 minutes grace period people it says loading ter rain I’m not in is anyone else in I’m loading in right now the island Oh wait we’re on an island hold on I’m sorry draft in the island I’m in but I’m

Falling I’m encrypting I’m joining I’m loading Terrain bro you know what you should do some of these one of these days like do like a like a speedrun video I well okay yeah I guess I could we haven’t done it since since uh since stream became since

Star became popular [ __ ] I need to turn off my all right ready everybody in ready yeah is everybody in all right timer Starts Now go go go go go there spawn protection yes a new feature added to what how about you [ __ ] me okay no killing remember 20 minute grace

Period why can’t I break anything Captain you want to team what do you mean there we go Captain do you want to team and be boyfriend and girlfriend [ __ ] psyo dog sure all right betex 20 minute grace period 20 minute grace period I have a timer going right

Now over here what the [ __ ] got all that BL [ __ ] okay so where’s my uh where’s my uh my efficiency where’s my where’s my efficiency 500 pickaxe uh my sharpest 1000 netherite sword where’s my balls penguin can I get your dildo no no you I’ve given up on life I you know

I’m just done I’m going to screw YouTube screw twit yes I’m done forget this no no no trust me don’t no trust me trust no no see you penguin see you have a good time okay have fun tell my mom tell my mom I’m ask my mom how

She doing no Wy that gu damn I feel bad and that’s my sister too if I didn’t tell you my sister died recently that’s not what how did she pass away I don’t know some drug thing oh oh did she overdose I’m so sorry yeah I

Think so I’m so sorry how old was she 28 dang where’s my boyriend waving I don’t know I’m in the desert I just got a Notch Apple you didn’t tell me you were gay where the hell my crafting table go it was all an illusion but seriously

I am sorry that that happened to your sister mate I hope you and your family doing well h no not really do you want to talk about it Oh I thought a lava pool where are you can we all have a moment of silence for for wavy and his

Family no you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you don’t need no but like seriously that’s it’s it’s a hard to lose a family member especially someone like a sister like M it happened on Halloween too oh that’s even you know actually a lot of people

Died this year on Halloween I was looking at the drug well yeah so a lot of candy was laced with fenyl this year which you know if ingested and not like now why would they just give about three a lot of people just want to see the world

Burn I mean yeah sure I’m one of them but like that’s too much money I love you that dog killed all the sheep for me was I want to set the World to set the world fire I’ve lost all ambition the world has become uhoh getting an upgrade doesn’t that mean he found iron pickax my God he just got an iron oh wait I just wait hold on I’m not using Pirate no must use pirate must use pirate I must become a

Swashbuckler what do you mean I now speak the lingo matey I’m plundered return to the fight all Nick like look I have me fuel me Pebbles me filth me piece of Timber and me planks of spruce we don’t give a [ __ ] I need I need some fuel

Did your sister die yeah that’s what we were just talking about you said overdose I don’t know if she died like you could overdose and not die but yeah usually when they describe it as an overdose though that means they did die unfortunately sorry bro can we can we

Actually do have a moment of silence for w this family no we’re good please no okay if we must I don’t oh actually good timing where your uh I’m in I’m in a water cave is is n yeah it’s a water G but it’s not that big but you got diamonds babe I

Don’t got diamonds yet I got like a single thing of iron and that’s it I’m like on the surface the perod is so stupid how about we just just don’t have a grace period are desert a thing deserts are a thing you know what happens happens when

That I think I think penguin’s getting depressed if you keep hating well it’s not like that’s not I don’t know talking about my feelings is hard that’s why I don’t talk about my feelings everyone no but it’s like I I flat refuse to talk about my feelings like

Ever again ever honestly bro same see just got to keep dead down well I wouldn’t say I’m dead inside I just I don’t I don’t know I would oh I’m very sorry what the [ __ ] is the the complete how you not giving you strike if so are

You implying that you had money you would get a strike uh I mean I wouldn’t want to give myself a strike but give yourself a stroke strike like a YouTube strike what’s a YouTube strike well let’s just say I a white man were to say the nword on YouTube Ninja

Nigerian yeah now let’s just say for some reason YouTube let’s just say some reason YouTube decides that I am no longer you know just you know playing with myself if you playing with your what if I’m black well I mean I I don’t actually I don’t know how it affects

African-American creators you mean black people yes I don’t know I don’t want to offend anyone so I’m playing the safe card but like the black people that like used to be whipped back in the day yes okay just Mak just I don’t want to set the world my

Cob oh I built up hey it’s called Pebbles matey me and Jordan B beat you already know he got little ass de you know oh speed I love I love speed he makes me laugh and he sh his me on stream one time and it was really funny

We was in the trenches let me not mention his [ __ ] two Ines he was in the trenches how old is he in the classroom we was in the Halls you already know we got some little ass balls did you make that one up yourself Pebbles it was I

Show I I showed yep that’s me I showed that’s SI I’m I’m going to have a calling card for this season this season you know where I am if you see the wow poor wavy he got so excited that he couldn’t hold it in anymore dog it’s

December he can do it all he wants oh wait oh my God you’re right it’s December holy [ __ ] yesterday what aund times in November no Trill failure well I’ve been failed that [ __ ] first 10 minutes that reminds you of someone else I know whoy hold on I’m gonna I need to do

Something and then you’re gonna see a very funny thing in chat bab not that I just dripped off oh my God babe you’re so hot can we not do this in my nasty Master oh I can’t say that murb murb iron fader I mean you but weed is Haram that is

True see it wasn’t it was fentol probably I don’t know yeah it’s a it’s a drug but we Haro oh what’s drug uh 21 21 can you do some for me can you hit a little Rich Flex for me like that one no I think you said to go 9 101

Stupid 10 minutes bro no no way you said it to 30 minutes you’re such a [ __ ] queer no I said it to 20 minutes oh that shit’s gay as [ __ ] you’re queer did you turn structures off no yeah you’re banned penguin if you don’t give me uh 100 stacks of nether

Right now I’m reporting your server for sexual harassment Okay g doesn’t give you netherite don’t test me I know the moderators in Minecraft who is the moderator not yes I know the retired actually I know God Notch is pretty much the Minecraft God also I do not know who’s calling my

Dad but can they stop who Jaan Joan wavus Jafar I can’t do that I can’t take it anymore in a cheeseburger with no honey mustard you know cheeseburger my mother’s calling me oh it’s my mother hold on penguin how would you get the [ __ ] downstairs I’m in the snow guys this

Polar bear is trying to eat my [ __ ] up no that’s a double to be honest they’re pretty furry so it feels good on my butt cheeks how is everybody doing pretty horrible actually same same same I’m doing great I’m doing horrible oh wait I might day might actually get a little

Less great in a second I just I just finished on my monitor can we not talk about this in my stream yeah we more than ever talk about this in youry go follow go follow rzy wavy on uh twitch oh my God I just creamed can we

Stop and then go stop to my only fans you do not yeah you’re too young not what w you’re actually too young Daddy’s ID oh oh my god oh wait I don’t have enough Health oh I just post straight up CP on my only fans Thomas you’re literal pedophile

Shut up how I yeah I don’t know ask dog oh [ __ ] wait that’s a dungeon hold on I can live there you know who’s so hot who penguin’s mom no well I mean maybe the other people that’s a me oh yeah that’s your mother that’s smash I got our an accomplishment scurvy

Dog Slaughter any start going on Grand why is it called scurvy dog Slaughter for killing mobs you know I don’t know penguin why do you have x-ray I do not have x-ray why are you x-raying I’m not x-raying false advertisement false advertisement I’m looking at stream you’re using now I’m fighting for my

Life right now everyone go sub to twitch.tv penguin gam plays twitch.tv/ pengin playay games and then twitch or not twitch youtube.com pengin plays games also sub to also follow me twitch.tv War send me all your money or I’ll rape you or uh subscribe to me at uh www.youtube.com scap trol no one knows

Him everyone’s just Dro on their own thing right oh Haram everyone goes sub to my only fans daddy bigdick.com that’s not only fans then because you made your own web address no I didn’t you just only fans. W dick daddy cringe you call that cringe at least I

Milon a day you do not yes I do only fan is the life bro only fan is love only fan is life only only exactly bro fan fan fan fan only no we don’t allow though is here on the penguin plays games Channel anymore [ __ ] fanfic Daddy [ __ ] fanfic

Daddy I don’t like your tone sir my my my penis is like half hard right now chat you guys want to see not aboard me ship thank you deflect a bolt or fork with a large Target why do you have uh creative mode on Peng I just seen you flying in there

Yep cuz I’m giving up are you psycho dog you’re not you’re not in invisibility right now iuki can’t find [ __ ] I’m in the worst [ __ ] biome ever can we my God man IAP GM Crow penguin going back to the Sea of Thieves can you not do that in my

Christian my care eating cheeseburger with no honey mustard eat a burger with no honey mustard isn’t it Dave Jones power to your Stone’s best friend getting an IR pickaxe oh scurvy dog Slaughter I know what that one is yep don’t we all H only one puss o puss [ __ ] run your [ __ ]

Blood shut up KSI run your [ __ ] blood F you know [ __ ] immunity F you know do it all over your face in a minute yeah what bro baale damn we only got three people on the server right now technically we have bro why is there like more people

On like because it’s I don’t know it’s 7 o’clock it ly feels like like way later than 7 o’clock it’s like 5:30 oh yeah you’re like two hours ahead turn this Timber into that and then I’ll grab this furnace or what is it called oven penguin wait

Penguin did I tell you that I woke up at like 8 in the morning I woke up at in the morning yes this morning I like you you like you’re sleeping right and then you just like open your eyes you look at like your block and then like you see the time

Right yeah you say open your eyes look at your [ __ ] massive hairry cck well apparently it was like 7:30 in the morning I’m like bro what went to sleep at 3 o’ everyone’s accomplishing scurvy dog SL oh I should have made a bucket [ __ ] me in the dick I would where’s your

Brother your brother would join he’s at work tell him to come home he doesn’t get home until 93 10 10 at night I’m gonna be gone by then you’re going to be going yeah is it because you can’t play fortnite late at night because uh they get mad at you no

No no I promised my brother would watch a movie with him you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] sure mate with brother brotherly love oh this is a stupid water log Ravine if you’re real person wait what skep how are you finding this you’ve been very silent yeah I’m just uh I’ve been really

Focused in my cave because actual challenge to get stuff yeah what what oo Outpost Capt I see your name tag oh hell yeah W do you really want to Murder My Soul do you really want to make me cry yes everyone answer yes yes make him cry make the innocent

Suffer [ __ ] him in the dick um that big get do the good old bug Shaker what does that mean there’s a ruined portal a shipwreck a village on me bro oh my God I’m B penguin doesn’t know what two girls one cup is that’s right I still

Haven’t looked that up haven’t I do not look that up look it up actually yeah never mind look it up look it up I was thinking of something El look it up look it up no it’s better if you look it up it’s a better experience the ne

[ __ ] Let Go baby go to the nether just kidding I don’t have enough brain power to build portal with water Anda just got to follow dream oh I mean um no do not follow pedophile fck blade as well hey all right that one’s out he died he died on purpose he

Did yes yeah the guy wait how does snail know what it is yet I don’t know what it is what Tom no two girls on oh yeah I’d do it all right snail yeah you can tell me what it is I don’t think want to oh rip that [ __ ] hey Hammer is

Up Hammer me hammer me two two girl one cup I don’t know what that means it’s based on when a girl um no I’m waiting for snail to tell me it’s a porn that’s all I’m going to say to you it’s a porn the hottest porn in the world this

Is Java right yes this is Java I don’t think is very hot I’m no offense to your type of stuff Bury Me With Diamonds diamond armor saves your pirate lives in keep chipping whatever I already have full nether what you know I I don’t know whether to believe you sometimes or just

Say like oh my God why do I have why do I have 64 apples why do I have 64 dirt actually I do need to get 64 dirt hold on you know I wish for 64 apples I wish for 644 [ __ ] oh wish sure 6 yeah 64 wet gushing

[ __ ] can we like not no Hammer me I don’t know why a feeling that someone’s near me I am near you I’ve been stalking you I’m your biggest Man actually tell my cords right now they’re 68,000 damn how are you that far the iron Menace is in VC dude what you

Doing oh my God I almost miss those iron suck this dick oh wait I have more than a stack you know I’ll just am Hammer me okay please stop stop I can’t contain myself I already four times what I can’t pengin nut penguin’s nutting after two days no

Nut is it wa huh speaking of nutting I need to send my [ __ ] I need to stand my [ __ ] back what is that do never mind never mind you want give me that SN just told me what two girls one cup was what do you think like in full detail and like

What it is uh so I I want to die please kill me please did he tell you where the girlse is here did they tell you when did did did she he tell you about like the [ __ ] in a cup C kill me I’m ready I I’d eat it no

What the [ __ ] is wrong with you what do you mean wait I don’t remember are they hot yeah all right what skep if they’re if they’re 10 do you mean what do you mean skep oh I thought I thought you said that my bad if there

Were 10 out of 10 I’d for sure eat it okay you got some problems mate no he’s got class that is not class that’s why I got R that’s why I got R that’s that’s not a RZ my friend that is giz all right that’s bro it’s not RZ it’s

Jizz mix with jizz stop [ __ ] mixed with jiz is so good oh oh oh I I got what I came for so holy [ __ ] Lois I’m coming oh Lois the horse P the never knew it got so small oh Lois P the is here because I am [ __ ]

The horse P at this point just running around still waiting for penguin to bring back the Bedrock series honestly after tonight I got a puke a few times before I can really do anything no you got to see the video first uhuh oh hell yeah watch the video

We do do a live wait does anybody want to do the gauntlet challenge with me what is the gauntlet challenge so it’s take a bunch of gore videos how do you know about the gauntlet challenge what the [ __ ] I am the gauntlet challenge do you know the

One where the the girls like handcuffed to like the like uh the two Japanese lesbian like lesbian and like [ __ ] CU each other huh have you seen the one where the girl is trapped to her bathtub like naked okay can we can we for love of God gentle on

And then like she’s like a special like escape artist but then she like T got tipped a weird way and she drowned in oil in her bathtub oh my God that went a lot worse than I was hoping I don’t think so I don’t remember that where’s the chest

It doesn’t what do you mean there’s no chest hold on there has to be a chest you have to be [ __ ] in my assle right now I don’t where’s the chest I can’t even take the Gold Hammer me hammer me P that’s all [ __ ] I need [ __ ] I need [ __ ] [ __ ]

Ball I’m going to rap my Dad wait dog what I swear Daddy I didn’t want mean to say that either I get more Diamond I’ve been edging let’s go on live leak why are you edging what are you doing if I ever if I ever get on live League that’ll be

Pretty funny I think that’s the epitome in my career if I end up on live League want want to have want to do a quicky famous YouTuber star what famous you white famous YouTuber star penguin plays games AKA Thomas caught jerking off oh amig I can’t shut down I can’t even like

Yeah amig shut down no he didn’t oh yeah only TV now that’s what people use only TV only TV I thought was like only chat or something only TV Wait no that’s only no no it’s it’s quickie want to bust a quicky no why to meet thousands of girls who are

Online now no waiting can we stop Jesus Christ meet thousands of horny waiting to get penetrated why can’t I find diamonds I’m actually going to cut it off you have found diamonds yet skep why are you so quiet bro I threeforce Diamond that’s how much diamonds I have what what what what you

Have reinforced Diamond no I have reinforced Doos I know they don’t break on me whether at my butt I’m just trying to find a good place to settle down what what time does Bedrock die what is is that even a coner sentence what do you mean what time does Bedrock

Die I found a dungeon oh my God the dungeon I just rap myself in a corner with a B with an ex okay what type of dungeon was it Captain zombie oh wait then it wasn’t the same wait I got to go back to the dungeon hold

On did it have torches on it no did you loot it no oh py ass it was night and I didn’t want to die wi level- 34 no okay then that’s a different one it’s a surface dungeon oh because I’m all the way down in the

Cave dog I’ve been mining like the coal miner I am dog I am yearning for the mines do you have the dog in you I got that dog in me bro I’ve been dogging everywhere this whole time um we we do do anything else but like

That n that’s like my whole life that’s like our whole life hour yeah hour we both send each other porn on Snapchat it’s funny so you guys are gay after all yeah we send each other homeo photos wait no we did that like once okay even that’s a bit far Captain

Why was big why was it so big don’t tell me you were just experimenting like all the cool kids do hey I’m just I’m just packing like that that’s it Wy it was like 12 your game BL Oh my he wants my C no I do not on her I’ll

Take the C pinguin no off disappointment dungeons Dungeons and more dungeons Dungeons and Dragons play free oh cherry blossom thousands of girls are online now I’ll do a cherry blossom one I can live in the Cherry Blossom I can cherry blossom your mom I want cherry blossoms why do I full gold

Gear cuz you’ll be swagging like that duck boy I’m Lally full yellow black and yellow black and yellow no you’re yellow and yellow shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up please tell me it’s a lava pool Batman was black and he wore yellow would he still be black and white black and

Yellow yes black racist black racist okay that’s something different Diamond uh three for three for I’m whenever I decide to do like a penguin random moment compilation most of this is going to be you do ASMR I have I’m not spoiling but yes I’ve done something like that that you’ll see in a

Video very soon him saying I’m not spoiling literally means he literally just spoiled it I know I couldn’t hold myself in blood is full autism possibly maybe he wa guess what oh my God we need we need to syn our ship we need to sink our yeah I’m in

The nether now this is the worst SP ever penguin can you TP me to Captain I’ll give you a million dollars no a full fresh server penguin it’s a million bucks no no no not the witch not the witch not the witch not the witch Kill The [ __ ] I

Can’t she smart to me if I had a better weapon I would but bro my [ __ ] is like turning on and turning off dog what hey she’s still throwing [ __ ] at me what is she Amber herd okay Captain bro out of pocket no that was not out pocket that em her the

Baddie I don’t know what you mean by that she’s a 10 but she shits on beds you should really rethink your just I think I think W is dying not we were only alligators are on our what penguin I would do that a lot allegations I swear what type of

Allegations your mama alligated all my car those aren’t allegations though yeah [ __ ] those are congregations are conjurations abortion SH now I’m I’m not gonna say nothing I’m gonna say that’s a you know what I don’t even where is a dang you know it’s it’s funny how women went from

To vote to wanting to kill children my I hear I hear penguin remember my butthole remember when you wanted to eat my butthole I never said penguin penguin I thought you were straight so wait penguin the great spirit is over right yeah it’s been over

For a while God this girl’s so hot holy [ __ ] smash I’m trying to find even one Village I don’t know why it’s so hard I mean I am in the mountains you wouldn’t be able to walk I’m just an in I am in the Andy mountains he’s just an Incan

From the Incan Empire spare him his life from no I’m going to die oh my God I’m better I almost just lost my first Canon life Cannon a Canon event what Canon event was a Canon event penguin almost loses his life find out this time in Dragon Ball Wy W wavy almost stroking

Penguins take to death I feel like I’m breaking snail I feel snail’s fine I feel like I could break you and your m of what I don’t have any addictions I feel like I could get broken my [ __ ] is down but my dick is up you mean the syndrome’s down but the

Dick but the money’s up my [ __ ] should be on my cck you’re using me for money if she’s down I’m down for real that’s like like for real C like if she down I’m so down I mean Down syndrome by down Oh I thought you meant down the [ __ ] no if

She down I’m down that’s what I meant please stop I think so many people are going to get offended by this stream well this stuff isn’t made for children how is it no but can we at least try to make it so it is just like a little bit for Christ’s sake

No what do you mean no I want to I want my I want to express my rights W down but that ask that I’m down I don’t know what see you’re using like weird context now I need [ __ ] what if it can she giggle if you can make it laugh

And giggle You Can Make That Ass Clap and jiggle You what did you learn why did you finally got diamonds in the beginning how many Diamond you get 100 let’s see what did Snell say you’re breaking me I’m confused and I’m feeling a stroke I cannot process anything or

Save the memory of a goldfish I’m stroking it as well dos I have three hands I’m currently stroking my [ __ ] right now okay Jesus I I have three legs all right I found me some iron I’m swagging I’m doing pretty well I and syndrome the syndrome down but your

Money up the syndrome down but my game is up that’s not what I down but my dick up why do I even try wa wait she got down Sy actually wait wait I need when I have to rethink when I have to rethink how offensive I am yeah

Exactly I’m not offensive enough oh I have two ovens now that’s fine I guess rip him in his buckle you know me you know me bro you know me G you know me oh bro I love sucking on them I love sucking on my uh fishing chip 123 welcome to a new

Video I’m gonna be honest I’m not the biggest fan of vickar oh yeah you’re banned what I’m not the biggest fan of vickar I think he’s cool I just don’t see the I don’t get the hype who the [ __ ] is vix you know what never mind you

Don’t who vickar is not really I probably do I just forgot oh he was a big name in the dream smpp oh it’s a dream SMP monkey no he’s been big he’s no no he’s just a dream SMP guy no he’s how [ __ ] am I back here I’m back

Here again it’s like I didn’t even go anywhere Bon’s the James name okay I’m gonna go fight everyone James Bond’s having a strong call a bondulance Bond’s name the Jane why is your [ __ ] so fat the Bun’s name is the James bames DS having a Strunk call a

BN penguin why is your [ __ ] so fat I don’t know what that means you’re using terms I don’t understand why your booty so big babe I can’t help it I’m just beautiful like that a f a fog i f a fog no you have you have to say fog

Fog why a f the sp sp it’s a fog I want the Frog it’s a I want the Frog let me get the Frog it’s a fog I can’t put it it iall no I don’t have balls wait if I camp the swamp I can get slime

Balls and then I can make the the the flog F and then and then the and then when the fog [ __ ] I get the SW I get the tple and I put the Tad ball in a bucket the F and then I get and then I get

Fog I have a I have a horn I forgot I hang what the [ __ ] are you do [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] this I’m burning down the forest you’re playing The Forest now I said I’m burning down the I I don’t think there’s fire penguin say he doesn’t penguin doesn’t play the forest

I don’t play the forest actually would you play that I I play Minecraft and fortnite and you know the cool kid stuff you know you know bro you know you know like fa and come simulator that’s a real game on Steam it’s like two bucks five

Times yeah it’s called IRL bro and then free okay I should not have laughed at that but that actually made me laugh I like anyone dead silent and me knowing you means oh my God this guy is St he’s like what the [ __ ] did he just say my my

Brain Captain I think we should meet up yeah where do you want to meet up though want to meet up at spawn or SL the burning Forest wait wait can you T to Spa no yeah okay what then staring why does your mom not down Indian bro come on don’t be like

That is she paying back huh is she she what no what were you saying how do I make a why is your mom not Indian oh wait is it like that I’m going to be really stupid if it yep I got a lock I got a flint

Lock prepare to die I got a flint lock before you what how did you get a flint lock before me I’m the FL lock there’s guns in Minecraft yeah I got a flint lock right now oh no he’s just using pirate speak so a bow is like a flint no

No no I actually have a flint lock what is Swift riging I got a flint lock wood flint lock wood yes exactly see Wy gets it flint lock would okay I’m going tell you the coordinates to come to I’m good okayga 2,6 I said I’m good and then the last one is uh

290 do SL MSG calm down what’s SL MSG it’s where you can privately ebound and down I’m loading up and trucking we’re going to do what they say can’t be done oh my God it’s [ __ ] night time right get on your hand and stroke my [ __ ]

Immi has no one has no one died yet what you at whats you at what you at there’s only four people Inver and we’re all a mining problem I know but skep is here normally people die when skep is here [ __ ] up skep come on bring It [ __ ] hey be nice be nice

Bringing [ __ ] ass [ __ ] I be nice for God’s sake it’s not you’re literally the reason why I cannot post this video we’re literally like the wait you’re recording I yes I’m recording you didn’t tell me I would have said something away sooner yo what’s up guys welcome to this new video

Today today we’re on the massacre SMP season 2 well guess what that sucks for you here’s the today’s host it’s skep trol he’s got a bloody murder everyone in it [ __ ] no guess so was wrong then he ain’t going to murder bloody everyone he’s going to murder bloody everything instead

Bra I’m going to Nuke the he’s we should have had a we have a world border a world border real yeah that’d be good like a more confined one you realize that would require me to completely reset the world yet again no wouldn’t no it wouldn’t yes it would it’s a command

It’s a command oh you want oh you want me to do that I can glitch out of so well you can only out of it like a few blocks I know how to glitch out of uh anything that’s why I got that prison so easily yeah you xrayer

Xrayer what does XR have to do with glitching out of a prison I think he’s accus you of cheating I didn’t I did everything normally probably yeah I did know to do everything multitask Captain what’s your cords Captain’s gone mate nothing here dude I just raped at alpaca

See skep this is why I live stream they they can’t fornite’s up it’s nothing new season though yet skyp this is why I live stream so then like if stuff is said I can’t control it I’m live BL taking a pu feel like must yo did you say you’re Su Bro got around yo that’s kind of sus bro oh yeah no no no no you’re I thought I didn’t no no no no no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no get me out how oh my Christ you’re welcome I hope you post this video I just hope it’s really [ __ ] no offense love you babe

God damn itst it because I don’t because I don’t have a video to post I thought you were recording yes I am I can’t use it anymore why not all of my intro cuz all my intro is filled with you just staying off sexual stuff dude what like com in

But wait I just made you an intro though no like the actual like start of the server I can’t post any of that because wavy honestly I don’t even know what’s wrong with you dude like he’s just wavy whatever it is fix it he’s just wavy yeah but him being him

Being wavy stops me from doing my stuff that’s when I have to get you know I have to get involved I mean I think that’s wavy in the background yeah he a little cray cray sometimes you’re crazy okay KSI yeah bring it on mate you ain’t got nothing blood you’re deaf blood you’re

De no you’re de go he’s not even here he’s just talking wavy isn’t real he’s just an NPC sometimes he’s L he’s literally just an NPC just an NPC he’s just an NPC see skep this would be the time to get content mate cuz he’s gone yeah but I don’t have anyone to

Acquire content from because I can’t find anyone it’s okay you just make content from yourself that’s how I do it hi Pie by Lily I’m finding so so struggling to try to just figure out what to do have you made a base yet no cuz I’m just trying to can’t like find

Anybody it’s because the world is very spacious but in the end it’s just another obstacle eh I want to find some this is like a perfect thing but Captain messed up the first world so then I couldn’t really get much off of that no one’s online here so I can’t I

Can’t get really any hearts happens don’t FR my my whole goal I just I want to be on the real thing you want to be on the real thing gain enough track yeah if I can gain enough traction from this maybe it could catch the player’s eye and Then up and then I mean that’s a good way of thinking about it I can’t I don’t have anyone to get the content out of and I can’t just really go on to PVP Legacy and just destroy some people because it’s a lot different I want to go against like a

Server at every server that I try to join it’s all just like I know everyone’s already stacked and just kill me off spawn I mean I would say don’t worry don’t mind him either he’s just blowing off steam oh I found o wait someone’s oh so wait someone’s been here what’s there Pillager

Outpost a Pillager Outpost does it have a bunch of dirt on it yeah yeah that was me yep I just find the crafting table were you there like a while ago oh yeah a long long time ago like seriously like five hours ago no not

Five hours but it was like one of the first things I found I made a sandwich and then you like from the village right after there’s a village oh I got that Village yep it it didn’t have anything in it but there was a village what damn I could have used a

Village uh what armor do I I can make Leggins actually I’ll keep those I’ll use one of the rose bushes because it gives me two there go uh I should also make a shi oh no way I’m out of iron oh well oh well and then I need to keep the potatoes for

Food this I’ll set up or at least the thing so I’ll probably have it here and then I’ll dig no okay um do that just do bro I picked an actual like water cave like a huge water cave to get my stuff mhm and there’s two pluses but one negative two

Pluses is that diamonds are more like well the two positives are that yeah I mean at that point [ __ ] God damn terce take a boom boom I need to go take a [ __ ] actually maybe I can perform the two girls one cup okay no no that’ be funny that would not be

Funny I would get all the [ __ ] come on Dolphin give me that [ __ ] there we go God I got two dolphins stroking me at one time that’s how big it is I worry about you w I really do where’s Captain he’s dead mom rap I have a bro I have a Scarlet bed get on Deck get on dick

Deck why do I have three doors why do I have three oak door I don’t remember getting Oak you probably stroked it too hard golden dreams something penguin would never have golden dreams I don’t know what golden dreams are I got a lot of golden dreams what’s one of your

Dreams me blowing the [ __ ] out I don’t know what that means you keep using terms that you assume I know but I don’t know um me hitting a girlfriend in the back that’s just ass salt okay there’s no way you don’t know you’re just trolling on what definitely

Knows I don’t oh my God you both you all oh my God these Dolphins [ __ ] behind me forever oh wait there’s a stupid no girls in the cup no no no here is why would I put my award for being in a penguin stream if I had one oh see look

Iron and it leads to nothing oh oh at least there’s like I can get water that’s good I guess put that in there for now don’t really need that because I already have 44 on me what I want to do is I want to see if I can go

Caving Wes to find shine and it’s gone swag you live in like a cherry don’t you live in like a cherry blossom Forest no I thought about it but I moved away from there he’s in a cave and he’s trying to set up like gay [ __ ]

For oh yeah he is in a Tre bosson forest with ice should kill him and break his bed him again I swear to God if I already went to the Shipwreck actually going to get off take a [ __ ] Jerk it holy [ __ ] this shit’s [ __ ] stacked do you really want

To curs of binding on them curse [Laughter] of Bing on a it’s not that bad but penguin uh do you want to buy a curse of binding condom you’re on mute you want to buy a curse of binding what curs of binding condom like Captain

Might like he has to be here oh my God you guys are going to literally the death of me you should make a prison how would I enforce a prison if I’m constantly on the Run no like later tonight or something no oh hello good idea I’d Escape it

IG the dream prison the prison the dream was it okay I am not a redstone engineer I want to start off by saying that I am in no way a redstone engineer the [ __ ] that that Creeper Man did I will never be able to replicate in my life I can

Make it and Escape it dream could escaped so easily I seen so many flaws in the [ __ ] thing but I wouldn’t have been Canon Canon yes Canon What’s Canon um life oh SK he’s probably bored I’m going to get yeah D he just like full like well you know it’s depressing being a

YouTuber he’s going through his depression Arc I’m a twitch streamer and I’m not depressed yeah there’s a difference between a YouTuber depression Arc and a twitch streammer depression are oh my God why can’t I finish any of these Nether Portals I found like aund of them how do you turn crying obsidian

Into normal obsidian you don’t you can’t it’s a two separate blocks was just see I have what’s a what’s a gled melon slice uh melon with gold raw I love raw stuff oh smoker give me this mine Sheamus I mean penguin call me Sheamus yeah wait can you click F3 on your

Keyboard for me no I know you’re stream sniping me I’m not you literally just gave away my location like two minutes ago it cuz I had a feeling and I seen you you seen me yeah while I was inside my home em and Tac I love Tac o grass ah rare

Item what the front door where did this stuff come from oh o Mr butcher man oh I don’t have enough pork I need more Haram thank you snail you’re cool too you’re actually the coolest of them all yay butching butcher give me your smoker now let me slutter your

Har where’s the fence gate gu let’s just go through the do you really want to Hur penguin plays Skylanders I have played Skylanders when I was a kid pales just what I was looking for sick sick all right hold up give me this now we swagging

What’s this house it was already in this house oh it’s the butcher man’s house right yeah butcher man give me that Emerald I don’t have any rabbits I’m sorry can I Slaughter your pigs I mean oh you don’t have any pigs sorry can you not eat a gold melon

Slice uh yeah you should be able to actually armadillo I hate armadillos I can’t believe that shitty mob won the remember when you had that one SMP and I caught you cheating on it which one I don’t know it was like a long time ago I remember I used to cheat

On a lot of my smps like seriously I think the first one I did I was like uh you know what I’m just going to give myself some this no no I remember I caught you you in your base like I was full snooping on you I caught you in

Your base popping uh enchantment bottles which oh um describe the surroundings I don’t know like we had that big ass Beacon I remember Beacon yeah like a beacon pill with diamonds it was in the center and then that and then the server got corrupted cuz like everyone started fighting and

Me and it was back on Star start was that the vapor of SMP I don’t know probably I don’t need more wood I have enough wood holy moly man holy holy moly donut shop holy moly man captain gets off I’m getting off Captain is oh he’s

Not yeah I’m going to get off here in a minute too I’m pretty sure the server will stay up I’m pretty sure if not let me know that means I just wasted $34 for nothing and we can still be on the other shitty server no that

One that would take me forever for that for me to reboot that one oh my God what is my [ __ ] luck oh my God I can actually finish this portal portal portal I can finish and there’s oh my God there’s insane [ __ ] loot here actually I should probably at cat to let

Her know what happened who’s cat I don’t think you ever met cat she um is my thumbnail artist sounds like a [ __ ] she’s not I love her very much and a seual matter no in truth I I don’t even think I know what she looks like she probably like big and fat

No but even if she was it’s still like there’s nothing wrong with that yeah there is no there’s not there’s a lot wrong with that what’s wrong with that being big and fat yes you want to know what’s wrong with it yes I generally want to know your opinion on

It see can I cook that up swiy shooty we’re going deeper baby put that the crops put this with the crops I don’t place that I can finish I’ll place it everywhere I’ll place all over you babe make everything look nice and nice a god NE spawn I better not spawn

In lava okay that’s that I got to keep that that can go in here this can go in there can place my smokers and my things I can also make my boots now so what I’ll do actually is I’ll take that I’ll take that take that take that take that take that and

Then I’ll break these portal and then replace them with the smokers I’ll put the 29 in there and then I’ll put Alabama Arkansas that’s in there you get off no then why’d you log off I need to give myself a minute see if captain gets on we can meet up in the

Nether because there’s no way we’re meeting up in the game in like normal world because like million blocks away you know actually have pirate mode on I do build [ __ ] where could I put these I could put these there up your butt um I’ll put them over here I think

That be good place for them your but gunfight at the okay Corral what’s the what’s the sword called cutless uh let’s see cutless o rock yeah huh cutless it is called the cutless yes my God Daddy’s so smart oh I need to make them red first where’s my diey cutless o boots Swang

Oh wait I have one ha big brain time holy moly willing on that Co so oh my God Tori Eng is so [ __ ] hot why can’t more people get on I should M cat now it gets boringer when like no people are on it like heing conversations

I’ve been live for two hours and 19 minutes uh it’s going to be the death of me all right take that do do that charge nice you’re by Gorilla it hurts me I feel like Captain would have died already why I mean if he if he dug like

A 2 by two he should be safe for the time being no like from Hunger no no that’s not how hunger works you died from Hunger oh yeah I mean if you take damage if you you don’t take any damage you should be fine if you sit still and your hunger do

The T first actually put that there did they say anything no they didn’t No yeah I’m probably gonna get off I I seriously cannot like what I don’t know my brain is scuffled all right let me know if the server turns off all right everybody I appreciate you all for coming and watching the stream I’ll probably be back again sometime later today yeah you’re streaming

Again I might do some bedwars I haven’t done bedar it’s only 8 o’ it’s 6:20 right now so I just need a break anyway hope you have a good one take care everybody and I’ll see you all next time goodbye

This video, titled ‘Welcome to the Massacre SMP Season 2!!!’, was uploaded by Penguin Plays Games!!! on 2023-12-03 16:37:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

gaming #gaming #youtube #2023 #minecraft #college #thanksgiving #hypixel #halloween2023 Today you get to see what twitch …

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  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Satisfying

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  • INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWalt

    INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWaltVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft server mode:vee craft server (Modded)’, was uploaded by jon dewalt on 2024-04-05 00:50:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/evildragonx1. Read More

  • OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmau

    OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘#short Is this My Inner Demon Noi coming out??? #aphmau #minecraft #roleplay’, was uploaded by Ori_Moon on 2024-03-31 14:36:00. It has garnered 44 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-05-28 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you … Read More

  • EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55

    EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55Video Information This video, titled ‘April Fools Day Minecraft #minecraft #youtubegaming #shorts’, was uploaded by DonPianta55 on 2024-04-02 23:48:38. It has garnered 1621 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. Become a part of Don’s Crew⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaB0-gpDobPMhK8FFGc19iQ/join Join the Discord discord.gg/mhfHSspBk8 Read More

  • Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!

    Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Groomer Baby — Hazbin Hotel Loser Baby Parody’, was uploaded by Duke Rancid on 2024-06-17 13:28:45. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:52 or 172 seconds. My friend and I spent way longer on this than we honestly should have. We were originally gonna do a Minecraft parody and then I was like, wait I have an idea. Read More

  • DreamZone

    DreamZonegreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfv Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP – Java 1.20.4 – Age 18+ – Whitelist – Hermitcraft-like – LGBTQ+ Friendly – Community-focused – 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ Hey! Thanks for checking out Project Nebula! ▶ Nebula Photo Album! ▶ Dynmap ▶ Discord ▶ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-driven Minecraft server focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players. We value diversity, transparency, respect, and commitment to the Vanilla Minecraft experience. ▶ What’s new on Project Nebula? 1.21 update coming soon! Successful Emu Freedom Fest event Opening of the Cobblestonewall Inn ▶ Applications If you’re interested in joining our server, apply through our Discord channel. We have a thorough whitelist process to ensure a friendly… Read More

  • Island PVP

    Island PVPCreate your island and upgrade to become the island top!You can use a boat to stalk your enemies with stealth!Or take them head-on when they least expect it!If you leave your chests unlocked, they can be raided! So make sure to strategically build your storage area! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not a Noob: logged 1287 hrs in Minecraft

    “1287 hours in Minecraft? That’s just the warm-up! Ain’t nobody got time for a score of 9, we’re aiming for a perfect 10, baby!” Read More

  • Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft!

    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Hack: Trollin’ & Rollin’ #lit #trollface

    Minecraft Hack: Trollin' & Rollin' #lit #trollface When you try to hack in Minecraft but all you end up doing is trolling yourself with that troll face meme. Maybe stick to playing the game legit next time! #minecraftfail #trolledbytrollface Read More

  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

    Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack The World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition offers players the opportunity to delve into infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game has something for everyone. Game Modes In creative mode, players have unlimited resources to construct their dream structures. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine resources, craft weapons, and fend off mobs to survive. The choice is yours! Marketplace and Customization Explore the marketplace to discover unique maps, skins, and texture packs created by talented individuals. Slash commands allow you to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods – Must Try Now! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Mods - Must Try Now! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-07-03 11:00:33. It has garnered 43176 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:38 or 1838 seconds. TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1) 00:00 -Create: Protection Pixel 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/protection-pixel/files 01:42 -Blood Mages [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/blood-mages-more-magic-series 02:51 -Druids [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/druids-more-magic-series 03:58 -Integrated Villages 1.20.1 (Forge and Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/integrated-villages 05:07 -Remapped 1.21 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/remapped 06:05 -Just Enough Guns 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/just-enough-guns/files/5493575… Read More

  • Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!

    Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-9 )’, was uploaded by CRK ki duniya on 2024-02-16 13:09:44. It has garnered 1283 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

    EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘This is a family friendly channel (Hardcore S23-Ep.2)’, was uploaded by Castmann Gaming on 2024-05-08 19:25:21. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. Look forward to Minecraft hardcore episodes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2pm EST!🎉 Minecraft Hardcore Series Rules: The Masons try their best to make the best Minecraft world possible without dying. They must delete the world and start a new season if either dies even ONCE. Every season is played on a randomly generated bedrock edition world on hard difficulty with… Read More

  • Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!

    Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!Video Information This video, titled ‘there is an echo in the cave’, was uploaded by M3m3~Chan on 2024-04-12 14:48:56. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. minecraft beta 1.8.1 Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More

  • Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viral

    Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 01:30:07. It has garnered 837 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I… Read More

  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

    From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-05-17 11:53:42. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:28 or 11068 seconds. – Greetings from Two Towns – Children arrive in Rosa Ouro and one of the family homes gets the living areas furnished. In Prasino; taking some time to solve a building problem on a coastal house and planning for a retail pottery store in town. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #Shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

  • Potato-Network

    Potato-NetworkWelcome to PotatoSMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Experience! PotatoSMP is not just a server; it’s a vibrant community where players come together to create, explore, and embark on epic adventures! Immerse yourself in a custom 6k map, teeming with wonders and challenges. play.potato-smp.net Read More