Ultimate Pirate Adventure in Hardcore Minecraft!

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This is a beautiful boat that my good friend unsorted guy spent hours building for us to use to sail the Seas and here it is sinking just minutes after I got to use it oh boy go Kim go go go hey you know it’s good [ __ ] but lasted but uh I don’t know

You see Kim and I were on a crew together a pirate crew we had seven real life days to build a boat from scratch and survive until the final battle where was the last pirate ship sailing Robert and Shadow where you be now we got them on the Run fire him

Fire you cannons and the Seas that we were sailing on were no joke there was there was some horrible creatures down below the surface such as this this right here is a I believe they’re called I don’t know what they’re called we’re calling them swordfish you know it

Because they got a big long sword nose that they Ed to impale a man and I’ll tell you right now that that little nose that that thing went right into Kim many times and me as well oh they got right you see this thing right here that’s a

That’s a seagull you think it’s just a harmless creature not it is not a harmless creature oh big tornado ever seen one of those we saw him we saw lots of them and they sucked us right out of our boats that’s oh that’s just a bunch of sharks coming for US Sailing right

After our boat trying to trying to get a little bite and these weren’t even the most deadly things out there no the true enemy was the other pirate Crews that were sailing these Seas you see it wasn’t just Kim and I there was four other pirate Crews all sailing the

Waters hoping to be the ones that win because after the 7 days we all faced off in a giant Pirate Battle where the last ship sailing wins give them a taste of our inets pull it pull it now yes and it all started on this

Beach okay so we all started out on a beach well I say we all but what I really mean is they all because my partner Kim was late so they all started on the beach well I sat there wondering where Kim was Kim’s nowhere to be found there a Burger on a beach

Alone Captain Burger I didn’t want to sit around on this beach and wait for him so I started to get to work I climbed up a hill I got some wood came back down and mined out a small area next to the spawn I wasn’t sure what I

Was going to do I didn’t know if I was just going to wait in here for Kim or if I was going to try to just do something I decided to make a pickaxe and a a sword and I started looking I saw o across the Little River there there was

Some Pirates little uh skeleton guy I don’t know they looked like dead Pirates and I was assuming there’s probably treasure there I don’t know what that thing is Oh Oh oh Look at This look at all this stuff I got but it was getting dark and I needed somewhere safe to spend the night so I flipped up the hatch on the boat dug out some sand and made myself cozy while I waited for daylight and hopefully Kim to show up

While I was down there I made some seagrass salad yeah I found out you can make this stuff and I thought okay my man Kim when he gets online finally I give him a nice little treat nice little seagrass salad it’s going to be good and

Sure enough as soon as I make some food for him guess who gets online however there was a massive problem because I instructed Kim to wear a skin from Captain Phillips cuz that’s the movie that we were going to parody here instead he shows up wearing this I I

Don’t even know what this is like a carnival suit I was going to be Captain Phillips and Kim was going to be the pirate from Captain Phillips and he comes wearing this anyways as our captain I put Kim straight to work and told him to make me a Boat okay that’s not supposed to there’s Kim Kim what have you done Kim I can’t think this I do be the it do be the Flying Dutchman I you’re going to Splatter Me we have so many floaters seagull they stealing from me yeah I they do be stealing I you ought to park that boat somewhere else I so we just going to leave that there eh this is one crazy world an old Salty Dog like me see much on the Seven Seas

But to park your boat like this I’ve never seen such a thing in all my years you got to fix it I good thing you got it up on shore for us they what the the Pelican just took all of my meat all the meat that I hey dog bring that back down

Here he took 10 slabs of meat from me you don’t just do that okay I will fix the boat now you fix the boat and I’ll fix the flying rats get out of here how be the ship terrible he looks like we’ll be stealing a new ship when it arrives oh they here

He help he they be coming in awfully quick what is with everyone in their boat what’ you guys do I it’s the last time I let Ye Old Salty Dog up there Drive we boat no Kim you stay stay off our boat hey we be coming AB board as pirates too oh my

God hey stop looking in things do you see how fast this what my help me he we be leaving my ship I’m on that’s my crewmate right there me going on okay bring you leaving that’s my gr mate get back on Kim get back on hey this is not

Going to work for the game if the boats be going this fast I know not be what I thinking when we be doing These this would be making no Sense my eyes be watering I don’t know what be happening with these boats all we we have to fix this this is clearly not done I can’t oh no Shadow stop stop stop stop Kim stop I Kim I reckon you give him a treat it’s best we be getting out of these Waters

Kim you guys did this to us I but it’s not us who will be stuck in the muck weed is it it’s best we just watch and not trouble better not get involved it’s best we just watch something like this [Laughter] on so we had a boat but it h things

Weren’t exactly working that well as you can tell here there our ships are uh well you know just look look I mean what am I going to say look at this so uh we had to restart the entire thing this was we had to build the rebuild the entire

Mod pack complete different version of Minecraft but you know what it was working now I also uh changed the server icon I’m about to join now oh my God what the image what about it you took a picture of me and put a pirate test on me no it’s just a pirate

I I Googled pirate I searched pirate on Google that’s we came up oh yeah yeah he is that you you why is there why is there a photo of you on Google when you search pirate so I don’t want to I don’t want to hear this this nonsense I I

Googled pirate and that’s what came up is that you oh were you like in a movie before to be a pirate so we spawned at a lighthouse and as the captain I instructed my crew Kim to pick this place clean take absolutely everything we could get before other people got

Online cuz uh you know you got to live like a pirate right take everything you can take it all Kim before anyone else gets in line okay there’s a lot of books here we want it oh no they’re back what is back you know who no

Don’t there’s so much good stuff here oh the seags Yeah is that H iron yeah I got a steampunk chest plate too look at this oh my god oh o baby and now you come of course now you come this be one of them subscription checkpoints you best be subscribing to a man like me now otherwise he’d be going

Down to DAV Jones Locker I don’t want to do that subscribe okay subscription checkpoint I’ll uh hey make sure you do okay see you later we got absolutely everything we could from this lighthouse we got food we got I think I can’t remember this a long time ago okay we

Got a bunch of stuff from in this Lighthouse and the last thing that I needed to do before leaving was send a message to everyone else for when they got online I dug a grave and I put everyone’s name above it except for Kim and I this is where you’re going all

Right that’s where everyone’s going straight to the Grave except for me and Kim and with that taken care of Kim and I hit the Open Seas what is this a shck oh it’s a fishing cut this is perfect this just straight from one high bring us in Kim yes I oh sory I

Should be saying I this looks to be a fine Shack ah fish bones everywhere I look and the name tag feathers a Hoy I’ve never heard of feathers in such quantities until now look of experience I found the same sort of glow they have a a picture of you here what it’s a

Picture of you oh you old Salty Dog Say Something something like that again then I’ll show you to the bottom of the ocean we ought to take as much as we can from these places I there’s quite plenty of books in this place I reckon you

Should take as many as you can hold there’ll be many Saddles up here spectral Arrow I best be taking that sort of thing Kim and I were on a roll with loot we we were finding so much good stuff so quickly which is unlike what we usually experience in these

Types of things I was feeling good and you know what when a man like me starts feeling good a man like me starts wasting things right like this TNT right here that I decided to ignite in this house for some reason probably should have just held on to that don’t know why

It was anyways uh the plan was to find more stuff and uh we needed to make our starter raft so we just kept sailing hey look to your right more stuff we can loot ah Shadow be finding out about them seagull yes oh find ruin villager ruin diamond sword I’ll be taking that

Diamond boy I be taking this diamond as well boy I be taking this diamond as well boy I reckon I best swim down and find the other chest too looks as though everything we need has already been taken we best be moving on now we ought

To find a ship to start storing some of our belongings and perhaps find some sort of place to hide a chest exactly that is what the captain wants I that is what I want set a forward Mass don’t stop till we hit land things were going great except they were

It was about to stop going great Kim and I had no idea that we were sailing straight into one of the most dangerous things that exists in this scenario swordfish oh oh swordfish get us to that get us to that Island fast no no I’m about to get knocked out oh

Tarts I’ll be taking care of this land lover okay hold on I give my bom I I I I don’t want that happen to me again there happens to be another one though there’s multiple of them coming so please we need to get some torches down

Or something on this island uhoh we got something moving real fast in water yeah it’s multiple of those fish you can see the no no no drowned drowned is that creepers no they’re riding them fish they’re riding them they’re riding them I don’t know what to do coming on

Must let’s go surrounding the island did you get a hoard no all get in the boat get to the boat now the bo is opposite side don’t go in the water that’s where they be fastest here take this Golden Apple if you need it I’ll give it to you go sail full

Steam ahead get us away from this fou Beast ow oh no keep moving got to take the f we don’t no I can’t fight like this I’m going to get knocked out get on this Boat I get me up there we go woo we can’t be playing these games no we cannot we learned real fast that you shouldn’t be out here on a on uh one of the Minecraft boats if you you want to sail the Open Seas get a big

Boat and don’t be going on these little things so we spent the night on this little like structure boat and in the morning we continued our journey Kim found a large underwater structure and he wanted to look in it I I said Kim you sure you want to do that you sure you

Want to go down there and after those swordfish just got us there’ be plenty of swordfish we reck I reckon we best be getting out of this tiny little dingy and build ourselves a nice large boat get our feet up above the water so those swordfish can’t be poken us with their

But their Stingers there be sea octopus or sea spiders down below us did you see those I saw yeah I saw I do not want to be around those things I think this is a good time for me to tell you about my dream oh I don’t know what that be uh your

Dream to have a very successful Pixelmon server yes that is also my dream but but right right now my dream is to be the king of the Pirates if you bring up your dream to be king of the Pirates one more time I’ll be sending you down to David

Jones Locker my dream is to be sold at a million franchise locations I don’t like whatever that that Beast is what is that go to P something ahead it’s a bunch of it’s a bunch of Dead Sea logs it’s not that impressive no it’s not find us a ship that we can

Steal we found a small sunk of ship and it was okay it was he raised a valid point it was too hard not to check out so we Dove down and Kim got a bunch of iron from it well all this stuff was good and we’re happy to get it it was

The bigger problem that we’re facing was that we needed to build a proper boat and to do that we’re going to need an a lot of wood so we were sailing around looking for a small island that had a ton of trees on it and ideally some sort

Of cave or place that we could mine so that we could get iron to build the engine as well ah Straight Ahead precisely what I was hoping a much bigger one on the right what we’ll do is we’ll check the vute on this one and I will probably

Burn it so no one else can have it sounds like a plan the frame rate is dropping quite significantly so I believe that there is something scary on this ship is that Ron I see all right what’s the sound we got like pirates in BO here or

Something I believe even that might be pirate boy get back get pirat Kim oh just a second Kim they be thrown P what is happening to me you’re in a ice block this is why get out oh I made it out get out of there boy swim away from that burning

Ship what what did they do to me they threw a potion at you I had to use a golden apple to survive I don’t think we we should be messing about with those sorts of things I don’t even know where our boat is we be safe over here yes with the

Seagulls look at what you’ve done I that’s what we have to do is that a block of diamonds there’s a diamond block on that ship we’re going to need to get that block yes have a diamond block Bunch we got we have and there’s there’s Gold Blocks too

We got we got to get those very soon okay if you’re getting tired of the pirate voice just think how Kim felt I was doing that the entire time I did did not stop even when we weren’t recording and just talking on Discord I was doing

It I need I got to stop talking this for like 5 minutes my throat’s killing me I’m going to make a furnace cuz I need to I need to eat food right and then we’re going to we’re going to take that place down anyways so that boat that had

That guy was throwing blocks of ice at Kim that ship we could see from the shore that we’re now on had blocks of diamonds on it giant juicy diamonds right on that boat the only problem was was that we were going to die if we went

On that thing we needed to First build a proper boat and then we would commit our First Act of piracy and steal that man’s diamonds but I was nervous about the order of operations here because I was anxious that another crew would sail up to this boat and take the diamonds

Before we did so I wanted to get our boat built as fast as possible so that we could go over and get those diamonds but to build a boat we going to need to make a Helm and ideally an engine so to do that we’re going to need wood and

Iron so we both set out looking on the island for resources and it did not take long at all for us both to get distracted especially when we found a penguin Kim Kim come here right now gim boy you still got that cage I do

Bring it here a seagull no what is a penguin put him in a cage boy it doesn’t work it doesn’t work look you try I can’t believe this come here here what does this guy like to E I think I believe they like fish I’m going to offer this seagull this fish penguin

Penguin come down here got you I’m trying to play it but it’s not get in that cage get in that have like a l or something open I we do have in a name tag we best not be worried about this there’s a block of diamonds out

There should be grabbing that instead of playing with these games I noticed some dark clouds above the island which scared me so while Kim was playing with the penguin I started digging out a hole that we could hide in if a tornado rolls in or something like that when Kim was

Finally done doing whatever it was he was doing he returned with a seagull in a cage oh you have the penguin or you have a seagull that is not his yeah oh hey keep them in there there we go hey it’s good man man got a seagull

While I was making a shelter for us in case of an emergency anyway so we were ready to go out and do our first raid or whatever uh but we just needed some wood and while we were cutting down some trees uh I looks like I got distracted too I DED a

Dog all you’ll be coming with me now I’ll be watching over you you best be following me up through these parts not wise for a doggy to be alone I gave Kim the wood and he made a Helm and then we built the raft and we were ready to

Hit the Seas it was a big raft we made I I hope she floats oh I didn’t think about that so far so good he she floats I it’s always a good day when the boat be sailing for the first time what is our plan get to the get obviously get

The big diamond block okay we’re a bit back uh heavy we’re going to be very heavy in a moment once I put this diamond block on a boolt i loot what what the which she be dead he I’ve got the loot I take it all diamonds emeralds anything you can

Take I I just dropped a block of emeralds into the ocean this is the life of the Pirates you must be getting out of here the drown BEC coming what’s 9 divided by two oh it’s 4.5 I I be giving you four diamonds then there you go I’m scared of throwing them that

They’ll go through the did did you get that it’s all good I only got one I’m going to throw the others but I’m nervous there they are uh thank you I used my diamonds to make a very cool chest piece and Kim used his to make a saber you know things

Were going well for us usually usually for Kim and I it’s not uh you know it’s things don’t go like this for us we were finally out on open water with our soon to be very large and impressive ship but for now it was just a a small raft but

We were sailing around and we found another ship that we could loot this one uh this one had a bunch of drown on it they were they were starting to appear and they were they were starting to get a little bit spooky so I let the thing

On fire and told Kim to get off and then we found out that they were coming from a massive underwater city next to the ship so we sailed above it and thought about swimming down to loot it if we were going to go down we were going to

Need like doors and gear and all sorts of stuff and we thought okay you know what we’re going down this is the whole point we got we got to start looting these things and getting gear as fast as we can so we got our supplies in order and went down into the sunken

City copper plenty of copper to be going around in these houses what do you find plenty of good things protection books blast protection fire protection I’ll share it with you at the surface all there’ll be a diamond block right here there’ll be so many of these things following us

Around straight to DAV Jones Locker get back you beast when I resurfaced after a bit uh I made myself a beautiful Diamond saber absolutely beautiful weapon right here after we finished looting the place we had a ton of stuff to use Kim made floaters to keep our raft up off the

Water and uh I don’t know what I did I I think I was just watching him build the ship to be honest oh no look at this I was I was fishing I’m just doing a little bit of fishing before we get going I like that one fellow Jeremy Wade

That old Salty Dog the YouTuber no the host of the show River Monsters ah have you ever watched such a show I have I have not seriously have you you’ve never watched that show seriously I never watch that show I I will never watch it so while I

Was fishing Kim was working tired lessly on building this boat making it absolutely beautiful and getting it ready to go he had an engine built he had floaters in place this thing was ready to sail and just as we were about to sail off to Sea I uh I I reeled

Something up on the fishing line that uh oh you know what I just look oh oh oh my God what are you do I what did you do oh my God K get up oh I want Dr maybe oh I have my helmet oh my goodness Kim it was TNT oh I get rid of the ones below I mean I wanted them gone but not like this oh my goodness you can you can fish

Up TNT but TNT was the least of our concerns right that there was a storm rolling in and these storms can get get very brutal out here on the water they can suck a man right off the boat and launch him 1,000 ft into the sky so we

Were trying to sail away from this thing we sailed all night until the storm broke coincidentally a large storm rolled in for me in real life too which uh caused me to disconnect about 50 times wondering if this one was going to suck me out of the window and ruined my

Ability what am I saying right now anyway so I managed to get a lot of uh what no I managed to get on long enough for Kim and I to find and explore an abandoned Village I found found iron in a furnace so I thought we could dig up

Some stuff and that was just a waste of time we were just digging a whole bunch of holes in this Village and finding absolutely nothing so I got back on the boat and we left who lightning in in game lightning out of game same thing is happening outside

My window right now immersive all right big storm it’s like pushing me it’s blowing me off the boat Kim Kim I’m being blown by the storm K we’re in the storm are you I know I’m being blown by It wait these are the the boat we so where are you going what do you mean where am I going oh on my screen you actually I’m going away I I’m getting blown away by the storm we managed to get through the storm but these these storms are going to become a

Big problem not just for us in game but also for the server these things are woof these were toast in the server that we were using but we got through the storm and uh in the process of doing that we learned that the ship has cruise

Control so one of us doesn’t always have to be guiding the ship you can kind of just set it on a course and walk around while that was going on though I made Iron boots and then I made pants which made us feel like we were in a pretty

Good spot cuz now we had armor we had weapons we had a decent supply of things our boat was forming we were starting to think that it might be time to go and see what some of the other Crews were doing so I started asking Robert and Shadow what their cordinates were so

That we could sail over them however this time I I think because of the the events of last time they were unwilling to share that information with us instead we ended up sailing into this Cove where Kim wanted to try out his fish shoes and yeah I I don’t know what

Was going on here oh look at my Boots what can you do with those St this go real quick can I run in water or something enabl gliding by jumping out of water o I’m swimming so fast oh no no what oh my speed catfish they’re biting me I don’t know there fish is biting me oh those are

Ugly help me God what do you want me to do Oh my God Kim there’s so many of them chasing you I’m coming up I’m on board Kim set sail these are well they die with one H these are dangerous wait wait wait no no no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop we have to kill them you guys

Kill them what’s up they they dropped good stuff b b me no they’re whiskers we gave up looking for Robert and Shadow and just kept sailing and looking for things that we could Loot and just make our character stronger we are spending a lot of time sailing over things and looking

Down into the ocean to see if there was something that was worth swimming down to so I had an absolutely beautiful idea to make this boat have a glass bottom so that we could just sail over a structure or whatever and look down into the water without having to jump in and get

Impaled by swordfish speaking of glass bottom boats okay I was when I was younger I thought this would be the most insane thing that a person could do go on a boat that has a glass bottom so my entire life wanted to get on one of

These things so I could look down at the bottom of a lake see what was going on down there while my dreams finally came true when I got on one I was Furious they are not worth it you you cannot see anything you just see Rushing Water and

Just darkness I couldn’t believe my eye I I was Furious all right you know what who cares why why am I talking about this focus on the script yeah that’s nice can’t really see anything yeah I was going to say s like gu much but it’s cool

Yeah Coy you know what I mean all things considered our boat was Kim had done some fine craftsmanship on this boat right he was doing a very good job in building this thing he was he was working away at it and it was looking good and you know what happens when

Things are looking good well things start to look bad all right because it was a perfect time for something to go wrong we sailed up to another one of those boats with the the Pillager boats and considering that the last time we fought one of these guys it was uh that

Man went down easy so we thought okay this man this man’s going to go down easy as well well you know what wasn’t just one man on that boat there was there was many men on that boat he returned fire sure did oh look look at the shards coming down where’s he shooting

From it’s oh my God all right you know what I’m going to deal with them how we dealt with him last time Kim there’s magma underneath our boat I see him oh you going down for death I hope hope there’s not burning up a chest in there oh there’s eltern on

The front of it we should get that before it burns I see who okay get him Kim there’s something going on on there he’s doing stuff our boat sinking Kim oh no I’m I me nice Kim the whole boat’s sinking oh no what what has he done get out of here

Kim oh no no no it’s cuz the magma underneath oh what do you mean Retreat Kim to heal I have two hearts Kim our boat is sinking he’s going to hit me with the how do you keep hitting me I don’t understand Dam we got to do something about

This you got to can you burn him down more I can try how do I keep hitting me I’m so far away okay I’m going to deal with this guy I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming are you broken out of the thing yeah I think so I can see through

Glas I don’t know if I’m able to break it or it’s just melting how did he hit me if for did that business you dead again yeah you heal cuz you’re on the magma oh yeah just H in front of me what is happening he’s dead I killed

Him you must be be drowning soon right you did I killed him oh look at our boat those things are still active their entities that are still flying so Dodge them how’s it going I killed them all there’s so many of them on here there’s three of

Them oh good oh these boats are dangerous yeah I did not expect that look what they did to our beautiful raft if we don’t if we don’t get diamonds from that I’m going to lose it did we find an emerald block last time yeah I did there’s another emerald

Block yeah no no diamonds huh nothing so that was a big waste I used a god Apple for that that okay that was an absolute disaster I had to use my enchanted golden an item that I was sure that I would never ever use until the very very

End but you know what here I was using it just hours after finding it because we there was a guy throwing ice bombs at Kim there was a silver lining toall this though I for once it was me who was in there killing the enemy and the other

Person was dead or needed to be saved usually it’s the other way say you know what hey look at this it was me killing him feeling good about that but uh you know things were starting to kind of slip away from Kim and I and and it just

Got worse after this because while we were sailing away and we thought that we were safe we take took a little peek behind us and what do we see oh look at that oh old pack of sharks chasing us down hey that’s good uh Kim oh

No Kim give the right on the they’re they’re they’re on us K they’re going to eat us are they going down oh oh my God now they coming back up it looks like can they attack from the side I got to bomb him maybe yeah throw a

Bomb oh he hit one oh but it it didn’t go off they’re too deep on the water they’re just still following us oh this guy looking at me this gu looking at me it jumped it jumped jum stay away from the walls that was swi around C this is terrible this is

Terrible oh my God I saw him through the glass oh my goodness Kim we’re going to we’re going to hit a thing we’re going to hit a thing steer us away from it how do you cruise control how do you do cruise control C see see see them

What I’m doing it now they’re still chasing us we have to get to land I don’t like them following us like this okay I think we’re losing them that was um not fun no we they’re back they’re they’re catching up again don’t do not push

Me I miss how many bombs you have I only have one left I Kind Kim oh no storm I fell through the oh my God that so scary we got to ditch these sharks this no don’t care careful go to if I’m here you go to the other side stop going he told me to go to the other side what are we going to do about

This this is a huge problem how much health oh my god oh hey you get him is he dead yeah no he survived okay I’m going to find a way to kill him from here it’s been so long all right you can bomb them look at this all

Right this would be a perfect spot to bomb them I might be able to pull one on land oh imagine if we could get one in the cage why is that why is that that doesn’t make sense they’re all coming on land ah that’s so scary you land lover get

Back oh I think it bit me or you hit me I might have hit you let let him bite you Kim all right test your Waters with this one get in the water with it you want me to fight it in the water get in the water see if he gives you a

Little nibble o did he hurt you like yeah he did I give you a little bite I’m going to give him a little bite go into water let him fight you in the water he loves You he loves you all more than your own mother he’s leaving try Escape oh he be taken B out of me how much health this guy Got there we go we got him good now I check the barrels now we can rest now that that was taken care of Kim and I were free to explore the island and stock up on supplies to make the raft better but while we were doing that I

Started uh started looking up animes and I found out that Kim uh was being some guy from something called one piece and uh that we were supposed to be parodying Captain Phillips not not this it was Captain Phillips I was on the Google last night and I’d be looking up pirate anime

And I came I came across something called One Piece hey what is that that’s where we’re heading now through Grand line no we’re going to put a stop to that right now okay we’re not parodying that we are parodying Captain Phillips so go put on

Ye skin and I’ll put on the skin of I go put on put the skin on Kim I’m going to be the king of the Pirates no I’ll be putting on the skin of Captain Phillips and E be putting on the skin of the Pirates in that movie either that or we

Can summon cthulu ooh what’s that that monster Kulu I Kim had to leave to eat so I I sailed through the night we were having very good luck on these seas and I think this is because while Kim was offline or busy or distracted I had been going into

His chest and making tributes to the Sea by grabbing his emeralds and casting them into the ocean he thinks he’s a captain a captain never keeps his emeralds in the open they always keeps emeralds just enough so he thinks he hasn’t lost them Captain must never reveal his

Emeralds for I take these to the Grave with me I’d rather they go down to DAV Jon’s Locker than be in the hands of that Captain they say on a cold night at Sea it’s best to make an offering to the ocean so I I offer the emeralds of on

GED guy I cast them away into the ocean for good luck and while Kim was gone I made another tribute to the ocean casting more of his emeralds in for good luck I as is tradition he best be taking his emeralds and making an offer into the Sea I for Clear Weathers the captain’s emeralds or no sorry the crew’s emeralds it was the next day and I realized that I I had been sailing with no fuel this entire time and after that was fixed uh it didn’t take long for me to find something oh

Oh who who whoa whoa whoa whoa we just park right here I there be good stuff in that Tower look at all this look at all this look at all this look at all this oh shots and power oh okay want to try to get as much as I

Can oh I thought there were arrows coming flying out of that oh stop my microphone is like on my hand on my keyboard okay oh any Javelin throwing is the better stuff that gu guys got a fishing rod oh oh W yay oh look at a whale showed up all

Good good thing I came out now wait for Kim things are going well and like usual uh that that could not continue so a giant storm had to roll in uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh this is not good this not good at all I’m just

Sitting here eating Smarties uh-oh what’s going on it’s not good I think I’m fine on the boat it turns out that it was not thankfully not a tornado it was a tornado o I would not be not be on this boat anymore I would be somewhere else

And Kim wouldn’t be here we’d have no idea where our boat was so that would have been an absolute disaster but when Kim got back online we looted the boat uh but as it turns out it had already been looted there’s already a pirate crew who went through this place and

Took took basically everything there’s still some scraps for us to pick up and I don’t know I was bummed that this thing had already been loaded however there was something interesting about it because it appeared to have been looted very recently so recently in fact that

Near the ship floating in the water I spotted a shoil bird which is a bird that would only spawn if someone had a horde event and considering that this was here it meant that players the other pirate crew had likely been sailing in the direction that it was pointing

Giving Kim and I a pretty good indication of where another pirate crew might be and that they were likely here not long ago at all and considering that lagundo and r were the only ones online it was likely that it was them but we didn’t have time to figure that out

Because we were hit by a storm uh this one had a tornado Kim where are you I’m me me what have you done are both me in the storm I I thought you were driving I thought you were driving thought you were driving why swordfish there not Good oh no oh a sword f up here with us I hope we land on Solid Ground And like I mean water I hope I hit the I not again I’m in K there there’s a villager so no no no no

No no no no no no no no no oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh I don’t want to be in this tornado there’s two tornadoes get here you are found you how do we get out of this oh no no no no okay no I be things up again we’re

Going to lose our boat I don’t even know I to be trying to find a r i get on a rout i’ be sa it St storm here I got to stop with the p during the storm lagundo and Ryan gave us their coordinates so once we got safely back

On our boat uh we sailed over and met I hey oh what do they have on board pirates pirates hold for inspection hey what be going on on your boat over there I see you got some sort of cow let me take a look they have Contraband they

Have Contraband and we had to confiscate it what is it now listen closely for I won’t give you this warning more but once deep within the ocean there lies a dark secret and that secret is about to be revealed for he will be coming out of

The ocean in 2 days time what you’ve got this Bell for explain it to me you want to purchase that instrument no all do you have any of them shards get our get diamonds Sean I want that instrument we’re going to pay we we’re going to buy that instrument I offer you a

Diamond offer us music two diamonds two diamonds I you pay the man you’re not taking me diamonds for this I don’t I don’t care of music I care of weapons and gunpowder food diamonds please don’t give it to him he’s going to be doing this the whole uh whenever we float

You’re welcome Kim I’m sorry Sean all now you best you got any of them Alchemy shards or whatever hey be quiet now I I will be putting you into the ground if you keep playing that damn flute and you might have noticed your dog your dogs be gone hey Kim they did

Not survive the storm no your dog is gone too I know both of them got sucked off the boat totally forgot about them yeah we had we had a cat for about 4 minutes all your Bo you looks like a mighty fine vessel we’re good Kim do not do what we were

Discussing doing to them it was a ship wait what no we don’t be doing it to them something like this we’ll be doing no it is not the bombs they don’t do anything to the ship I want one of them shards Though that’s what I want one of those give me one of no no sorry not that there you go that’s exactly what you I want the one that comes from the crystal in the Earth the ameth that’s what I want one of them Alchemy shards hold on one second

Oh oh you want to make a spy glass I he ref Robert and Shadow refused to meet with two nice Pirates like ourselves these boys pirates wait pirates pirates you’re Pirates aren’t you Pirates I’m going to be king of the Pirates I knock it off knock it off with

That sort of talk pirates pirates in Her Majesty’s Waters Pirates oh you part of of the I don’t I don’t know what there’s called we’re going to have to inspect inspection this is an in I don’t Reon you do that all right give do what

I said to do do any Contra oh my gosh so much Contra oh my God there’s a bone they’re just carrying around people’s remains on their ship this is just unacceptable it did not work we’re going to have to confiscate this I’m sorry this is just not okay allate that

Obsidian too you did not you did not just do that I thought we would look pretty he well I mean if you see any other Pirates make sure to let us know because we’re going to have to we’re going to have to inspect their also inspect all out of

Curiosity have you been chased by a flock of birds anymore we are different P type of pirates flock but we the good kind a few a few yes a few ah they be SE they be coming after us they be taking my meat out right out

Of my hands right well we must be sailing on our ways what was What’s Your Name by the way Captain Sean burer no I am the captain my name is Sean and this is Kim I am Monkey D you’re not this I’m tired of you’re talking about this

Monkey all right what else you have to offer me i’ be checking every chest I see just out of curiosity you don’t get your own inspection those are those are ours Kim tell me what sort of armor they got on all right Kim give them our final pting GI

Wow to enjoy that mixed chemical straight from the Porta party to okay we got Cobblestone under our raft who did that I did he do it stop the let me check 10 seconds into my conversation with lagundo and Ryan I determined that these guys had to die

And their ship had to be sunk and I’ll tell you why they were being they made the decision to become pirate hunters in a scenario where everyone is Pirates they were sailing themselves down to Dave Jones Locker by doing that but why are you going to be pirate hunters in a

Pirate scenario where everyone is up but you know what I’ll we’ll deal with them later okay the bigger the bigger problem I was facing right now than that was my throat was killing me from doing this stupid pirate voice for hours at this point we’re talking like 10 hours of

Just doing oh like this this is probably annoying never stop why am I doing it now in the script who just don’t do it anymore I was like writing in my notes please stop doing the voice you are going to lose viewers people are going to be annoyed there there’s going to be

Comments please stop doing voice stop doing voice now like but I couldn’t I just got stuck doing this voice I was like locked into it we recorded all of this footage a long time ago and I I’m scared to do the voice again I we haven’t filmed as at the time of me

Doing this voice over right now we have not filmed the finale I do not know who wins we’re about to do it in 2 days I don’t know I got to do the pirate voice again though for what am I going to okay what this I don’t even know where I am

On the script anymore I’ve gone so far off the script at this point okay back to okay so we were sailing and we happened to run into Robert and Shadow shortly after meeting up lagundo and Ryan hey looks like we found him light it up boys stop

It stop it light it up and take them loots let’s go are you serious hit him with the bombs G get up you got um you got a tree on your thing I we know we do that sort of thing will you can stay on

Your boat get off get off the boat get on your boat oh my God Kim Kim Kim get off of our hey stop going in our you must know what’s up no you don’t must know you guys have a pillage area in a boat outside yeah he was in that

Cage and now he’s not got get off our boat both of you both of you off the boat go on your boat I am the P King oh watch out get inside Shide was that there’s Guardians oh my God I’m getting pegged we need to get ship part get us

Out of here get us out of here no Shadow you’re going to get killed you’re going to get killed out there Shadow you believeing me what is going on I just hear so many sounds okay I just got a that’s what happens when arrows get stuck on your boat yeah it’s hordes of

Guardians I get the yeah it’s awful these Guardians hit you through everything ah Kim I’m getting blasted you’re going to you’re going to die but these things are going to kill us all right get me down into the brick is that them shoot me your create your crewmate be getting hit by

Outo creatures I don’t like this boat it’s not safe ref it’s not a good oh oh what’s that oh my God Kim Kim get in the boat Kim get in the boat oh oh my go Kim where are you going what are you doing Kim oh he’s got those

Shoes on we better get moving what’s underneath us right now go look at the guardi oh there there’s there’s like 20 of them right under our raft maybe we can shoot their head up you can hit them don’t fall in I don’t know if that’s a good idea do not fall in

There oh now they can hit us Kim stop the boat we can hit him through here I don’t have my shield oh cim cam move oh what do I do there no there’s no good idea this is a bad idea should we jump in the water I I

Can’t even hit them if we kind of build down my pirate back oh oh no Robert we’re in trouble oh my gosh they’re everywhere give me my pirate back all right we be getting hit by these sorts of guys I no who Sho wait your ship’s going off the plank off the

Plank this is the worst place if this could have happened you will die get them up die these Guardians are driving me insane now tell me about it Robert yeah help me no get this is your feet you’re the only one who can I’m going to die too help Robert

Robert what am I supposed to do I’m just a lonely sailor I someone rescued me but I died help Robert please Ro Kim get your God Apple ready Kim you got to you got to do it Kim yeah trying it’s in my second inventory I have no

Time what happened I fell in the water too that’s not good Ro we need help Kim we’ll save you but there’s got to be got to be a deal put in place he’s going to give you a diamond we’re Pirates no not just a diamond no we need more than a

Diamond we need to know that you guys won’t attack us I I don’t can’t promise anything for any any time all right good luck K okay here here watch out watch out let me go let me go rescue him I see now where I need we need to go you got

To come straight up oh my god oh get me fin oh my God that was the worst that was oh all right you owe us some diamonds Kim give him a give him a diamond Kim yeah those guys got to die too all right those guys those guys got to go down as

Well that probably doesn’t make sense right now but keep watching the video and it’s going to make perfect sense why these guys I get like I said we’re going to film the finale in a few like a few days from now I got to sink those guys

Don’t know how yet but I’m going to figure it out those guys are going down and there’s a reason for it you’re going to see it real soon here in the video what they did absolutely unacceptable absolutely unacceptable all right back to so Kim and I were sailing and uh we

Arrived at a small island to look for more supplies to make our ship even bigger and for food we we were getting so hungry and Kim was telling me no longer am I allowed to fish on the boat while we’re sailing because I kept uh I kept getting like dynamite and just

Stuff that he did not appreciate landing on the boat so I I was fishing on the shore now or at least I wanted to be fishing on the shore instead we were there was a we had sharks and bald eagles chasing us no oh oh yeah what is that

Kim what type of cord is this it’s they’re Eagles B Eagles get him oh my goodness get a door up get a door up I’ll fight him you you get a door close the place they can’t get in oh sorry oh my God where did those guys

Come from hey hey hey are you joking me he’s pecking you ping you what a guy oh No look at the Sharks coming oh K why you have no Health why would you walk that I forgot to heal I’m on top of the RO I I I know where you are but there’s don’t go outside remember going to heal there’s going to be there’s another bald pecking at

Your there’s another here comes another here comes another badge if only we had a hel inside of here there’s sharks all around the boat are you pushing me what are you doing I didn’t push you you’re going to get get us both killed Kim look at the water right

Now oh Hammer Shar sharks here comes another here comes another one Kim yep got more sharks on the Sharks oh no seagull too seagull are eagles B Eagles how you get in There the bald eagle means nothing to me oh my God oh my go oh BR them in here do you have a hoard as well uh yeah do you have a hord yeah so we all have a hord at once right now look at the Sharks up okay these Eagles are

Driving imagine seagull we wouldn’t have anything left after we had dealt with all of that things and things were more calm Kim was able to capture a shark in a cage while I fished for food yes you got one I got it I got one I got a hammered hammered shark hammerhead

Oh you good well they’re they’re trying to oh my God this one’s climbing this one just doesn’t care I’m trying to fish Kim you good no I got an angler fish on me now the food situation wasn’t good so we agreed to look around the island for something and we found a

Temple which was good because there was a sandstorm that was like coming AC cross the island Aller in there so we got down there got some TNT and left next we found a big pirate ship hoping it had food and uh we attacked it look look at all the food they

Have yeah they have so much food okay so one guy already jumped out he’s on board our ship what he’s almost on board our ship I don’t think they can board the ship can they they’re they’re boarding our ship all of them they can’t get off watch out they’re going to shoot you

They have crossbows it takes them forever to shoot oh oh oh w w wo more like machine guns if you ask me oh my god oh no a storm okay we got we got to do this fast all right loot as much as you can as fast as you can oh diamonds diamonds

And that is on Deck too oh my God I found a compass all right ready oh there’s so many so many what so many of The or Pirates I mean I don’t like the storm is foring over us right now yeah no that’s no bu there’s T they have TNT all over the ship oh yeah they’re going to will that trigger the explosion the lava and P yeah it might how many for

This oh Kim Kim Kim the whole thing’s catching on fire oh boy oh there’s no stopping it now okay we got to get down there and loot and I want those cannons we got to get those cannons oh Jesus like that was bad come on storm go

Away oh my goodness oh the Cannons are just dispensers we’ve been Li to yeah oh there’s so many of them there’s more food blow deck Kim they’re all shooting each other down there [Applause] yeah just don’t fall down ah we got him now there’s only two more careful down there if there’s any with axes we’re screwed K I think there’s a tornado yeah it doesn’t doesn’t sound good I don’t know how much is going to be left with the ship oh my God this

Ship is going to be gone yeah oh my God it’s sucking everything up above us get the water well we are actually in the storm now yeah let’s just waited out on this boat may may as well oh my God there’s not much left above the boat what’s go oh no

Kim this was I didn’t mean to oh No I was safe and then Kim what are you doing up here I moved a centimeter to see where where you were I got sucked right out of the ship he went he went away but then he turned back oh no oh no no no no no no

Oh we’re being moved we’re being pushed across the we’re going to land on land Kim I most likely one of us is going to hit the water right I hope that’s an entirely different boat there where where are we going I don’t know I can’t remember seeing that there’s a rattlesnake up here

It’s it’s trying to bite me I got it we’re stuck in this tornado we are so far away from our boat are you still here yeah I’m just floating around us and the the birds and the snakes how do we get out of this Kim Kim we’re going down Kim I’m falling oh

Kim Kim hey we got to get back yep on it we tried to sail back to our raft but we had absolutely no idea where we were or where we were going and because Kim and I are we don’t usually write down our coordinates so this was a huge task to find boat

Again can’t recall seeing this island I can’t recall seeing a jungle either oh you can’t recall seeing the jungle oh so many monkeys we got to height to them afterwards that’s where we’re going to park our ship okay okay well where’s our ship should be right out here why I

Recognize that what oh there’s a sun ship right there stay away from it stay away from it stay away from it go right go right go right go right don’t go go anywhere close to that ship okay I don’t know where this is you have no idea where you’re going do

You is that it oh no that’s just a random boat where somebody’s getting attacked by something so maybe I went like the wrong direction why is this all like unrecognizable to me because we’ve gone so far from that storm I don’t know about this I don’t see anything this

Look familiar I wonder if I went to wrong direction so look at this I finally found it there we go is this it though I told you can trust me I hope so it looks familiar oh look do we have here oh beautiful raft all right there we

Go we kept sailing and looking for wood uh to upgrade our raft uh I keep calling it a raft it’s a boat right or is it a ra I don’t know I I I sailed a I added a small oh no it’s a raft at this point I

Had a small roof and some post uh but we wanted this thing to be way big we wanted a ship right we don’t want a raft want a giant pirate ship we eventually found a village and I wanted to trade with a villager to get some arrows but I

Ended up just walking into this cave oh my God Kim oh my God Kim Kim what’s going on run what is that I don’t know oh my God oh my God oh W it’s going up somehow I had not died yet many people in the server had already died at least

Once and lost a heart but here I was 10 Hearts feeling good and seeing that thing in a cave I was just going to run straight out of the cave right anyways the reason why I was messing about in a cave and doing all this stuff was cuz I

Was trying to get a Fletching table so that I could bring it back to the Village so that I could get Kim and I just basically unlimited arrows so that if we got into a ship battle we would be able to shoot at people on their ship or

Something but the problem was when I got back to the village with the Fletching table I had accidentally with the hordes mod left on the infection mechanic all of the villagers were now infected and uh likely dead because of the zombie virus so uh there goes the village it

Was good real good and with that I told Kim my man build me a beautiful boat I’m going to go make a sandwich and stop doing this pirate voice for a little while I got offline but when I got back on Kim had made the boat much bigger

Much much much much bigger this man had been hard at work it was probably like 5:00 a.m. Norway time and this guy was just sitting there building away at a boat for me to sail off was H thing was good but what good is a massive boat without weapons and that is exactly

Where I came in Kim was in charge of building a beautiful boat and I was the Master of Arms the man in charge of building our weaponry and designing something that will destroy other people’s boats a talent that I I possess to ruin things that other people build

So I started experimenting with some of the or looking through the menus to see what I could possibly make a Canon with I was hoping that there might even just be a canon in one of these mods there was one it was called a schematic Cannon but I don’t think it shoots like

Cannonballs so I wasn’t going to bother with that also I did not understand how to make it so that’s probably why I didn’t make it if you click on it to make it you need to use mechanical crafting which you need a mechanical crafter and you need to make that you

Need electron tube a brass casing and a crafting bench to make the electron tube we need need polish red quartz and to get the Polish red quartz you need to put it into a deployer and a Depot and to make a Depot you need an Anders sight

Casing to make an Anders sight casing we need a deployer and a Depot and a mechanical belt and then you put it in when you’re using with Anders alloy and stripped logs and you put it into the machine now that makes the first small 115th part of it and that’s just to get

The one of the machines to make the other stuff but you need about 15 machines we need a whole L my head we need a whole laboratory for this but after some experimenting and messing about with things I thought that there might be a way to make a cannon that

Launches TNT there was a new item called a spring launcher and I thought maybe if I set one of these things up and put a lit TNT in front of it I could launch the TNT at someone else’s boat but to make a spring launcher we are going to

Need a lot of slime so we set saale looking for a swamp let’s see if this thing floats Kim kind of kind of sits right on the water eh beautiful look at that beautiful it’s even like maybe we almost floating too much you know what I mean yeah it’s it’s

It’s up but Kim didn’t last long this man was very tired because again it was like 5:00 in the morning Norway time so he said I’m going to bed and once Kim went to sleep I started talking to kipley and sneeve because they were now online again no idea where these people

Live they live somewhere else in the world where it’s when it’s the middle of the night it’s the the daytime for them so perfect time for me to meet up with them but I did not want to take Kim’s massive boat for two reasons number one this man had just spent hours building

This thing and I wasn’t about to destroy it in a potential Pirate Battle and two I I was just scared to drive it so I parked it got in a little raft and I sailed over to where kipley and sneeve were I’ll spare you this whole conversation but basically what happened

Was apparently when I was offline Kim had sailed up to these guys and just absolutely ruined them he had flipped their boat or something you’ll have to watch their video I don’t I I I still don’t quite understand what had happened here but I was talking to them a little

Bit and they were desperately needing gold and I thought hm these guys want gold eh well I happen to be a man with many many many many many many blocks of gold and uh I’d be willing to give them some gold if they were to do a small

Task for me three gold bars to start one two three but that’s not a a block of gold do you are rich ho balls Captain but that comes at not a free cost there’s always a cost involved when it comes to dealing with me I want you to

Place this on the boat of lagundo or better yet sorry no I changed my mind in the spur of the moment the boat of Robert Robert’s boat yes I can say nothing it will be done it and free so it only seems right do it and

Then you can say that it was a mysterious man told you to do it for gold I don’t know just don’t tell him it was me cuz we he’s already trying to kill us so almost immediately after sailing away from them I completely forgot that I uh basically put a bounty

On Robert and Shadow’s head or I guess I sent assassins after them without really even uh considering the inevitable repercussions of this this this kind of sent uh set in place a a chain reaction of sorts that you’ll see later and it’s all because I just randomly decided to to send some

TN it’s so funny what all happens because of this one interaction okay anyways I I got back to the boat and I thought okay I’m not I’m just going to wait for Kim to get back online or should I say when I get back online because Kim had gone online

Before me and he had built the boat even more Kim Kim is officially my deck hand he’s my deck boy who builds stop stop stop don’t be bu don’t be don’t do not start the accent here he made the boat nice all right I looked around on when I

Got it was looking good but I had another idea of how we could attack other people’s boats so I showed him okay so picture on the side we have a block that comes up like this right yeah yeah and then out and over like this it

Almost looks like it’s like one of those like life raft things right mhm but at the bottom of each of these is a dispenser oh and it dispenses lava so all we do is pull up to the side of someone we hit the button and both of

These go and they pour lava onto their boat I love it I love it a lot all right that’s we can also do anything like we could do TNTs and lava it doesn’t matter right anything we want we drop it on them good I like it I love it we still needed

Slime though we we need it badly so we looked around around the island uh that we were at and we found a found a we found a tower what am I talking oh yeah we found a tower what is he selling slime bucket of slime oh beautiful Nether wart too golden frog

Leg a it’s a little guy what you do I got two slimes okay I I know it seems like we might have put a bucket of slime in that Tower but gen genuinely speaking that was just the craziest coincidence to find a bucket it’s we still needed a lot more slime

This was just this was a small little amount but we needed a lot so I was I was shocked that I could just say I wanted slime and all of a sudden slime appears in a tow why doesn’t this ever work for me in any other circumstances

It’s just when I’m playing pirates with Kim that things go well for me but we got back on our boat and uh we set sail cuz we’re going to need a lot more slime and while we were sailing I did my did my daily tribute to the sea

I it’s best to give thanks to the Sea for the sea has been good to us we must be good to the Sea do understand me young boy oh W I understand I cast upon emeralds to the Sea this man had no idea that I was uh throwing his emeralds into

The ocean he was just watching me throw them in didn’t know they were his after about 40 minutes of sailing though we found a large land mass and decided to explore it and Kim immediately got himself killed again hey it’s good Kim loves doing this oh no my stupid

Shoes my stupid shoes okay I’m coming why do you do the things you do it was my shoes oh Oh okay what do we do here you pour lot water or pick up the lava or anything oh you you just made everything worse why I don’t know how much time you got 70 seconds oh my God what’s breaking on you prob me all my

Armors oh boy what are you doing I don’t see anything now I’m going to get you out of there don’t worry I’m oh my God oh get you pirate up yeah you yeah you can’t be Captain a captain doesn’t get killed every five minutes once we had dealt

With that we looked around and we found this Haunted Mansion oh what is that it’s Luigi’s Mansion I’m home oh boy spner oh Kim there’s there’s a l did you hear sound yeah do you have your if I have my what your

Bombs no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you know what it is oh M oh mosquito is it a hoorde or just one it’s just one a we got it why are the zombies

Running can I borrow your flint and Seal okay I’ve cleared this room out oh do you What’s your deal I clear it out and you take everything we are on the same crew you still don’t get that yeah exactly so you got to start going in these places as well ew this place is nasty it stinks

Yeah still not wearing armor right nope e this is not even like a cooked moose ribs yummy a hidden a hidden chest flash have red stones for days oh look at that what I’ve go they’re called oh there’s a lava bottle what is that oh ghost today we’re making this

Sound I thought it was actually a cat what are you doing over there uh there’s ghost in this room oh oh boy had my shield up but now it’s full of smoke up here there’s a big creeper that was no normal creeper bucket of lobster that was my loot how you

Forgotten no slime eh You’ think that a place like this would have slime we’re back on the Seas after that and and just still looking for a swamp we were swamp boys trying to find find anything but you know what our boat was looking so nice now that even being out on the

Ocean and sailing for so long sometimes like hours at a time looking for something it look it was it was very cozy being on this boat like look at our little room here we had little stuff on the walls we even put up some fish uh put some candles up was this was

Some nice stuff in here I I do you believe in ghost stories Mr Kim I do not believe in such nonsense well you best start Believing on them cuz you’re in one I you made me do this you made me do this don’t you be

Pulling your Gat on me boy I be G you no no falling off hurry stop the ship how he looks like you ain’t much of a captain Iz He oh you were supposed to shoot at me back absolutely blasted Kim that that man that man ought to know that I keep that thing on me I don’t know I don’t know why I said that I wrote that in the script and thought don’t read that joke

Just move past it but you know what I can’t help myself I just read it so okay let’s just move on here okay so I finally made a weather detector it’s called a weather deflector it’s a it’s an item you can put down that ideally will deflect storms away from you but I

Didn’t know if it would work on a moving boat or not uh but we set it up and just kept sailing for another 40 minutes and stopping whenever we saw something interesting I’ll be taking the second the second set of the ship’s leaving ship the ship the ship

Kim after after about 2 hours of sailing and Kim having to listen to my pirate accent we finally finally found a swamp so we jumped off the boat and uh started looking for slimes oh slime yeah yeah yeah I’m on it incredible yep yep yep Kim gave me the

Slime and I made the launcher uh then I set it up outside and we tested it stand like stand in front it launched you yeah maybe it needs to be like a moving thing so like if the TNT is active do you have a put one down and light it if you can

Here that’s your TNT Flint Flint seal I do yeah okay I’ll light it and I’ll hit the button hopefully it doesn’t blow our thing up oops yes oh that’s perfect okay okay yes that’s so good yes that is amazing that that we got our Cannon

Yes we wanted to get more than one of these things cuz we’re going to want to be able to shoot stuff out from multiple sides of the boat so we’re going to stay here for a little bit longer looking for more slimes and we also kind of need the

Iron too so while we’re waiting for some rain to pass we noticed that both Robert and Shadow had died to something so uh Kim and I celebrated oh oh Shadow and Robert are dead oh boy oh boy oh boy oh oh what a what a what a what a shame you

Know there goes our foes we spent the rest of the night in the swamp looking for more slime but we were coming up completely empty we ended up going down into some cave and that was just an absolute disaster this is quite the cave Kim yeah I know a lot of spikes wouldn’t

Want to fall down there there’s spawners down there what is that why is there a spawner down there why does a oh Kim accident it’s a red spawner oh no what is that just get down here and start fighting with me I saw diamonds I want to get them

Oh no Kim what is it what are you doing don’t break it don’t break it just leave it it’s a trap it’s a trap Kim don’t don’t break it oh that’s why why would you do it stop get in the water I think go on Kim you have to help

Me this go you got to come back I’m going to die cuz of you Kim no no no come I can’t I cannot come back back I cannot come back you’re such a Warrior Kim yeah what’s that PO is that a Pokemon that’s not a Pokemon I’m furious with you I you furious with me don’t oh diamond yeah that you if you take that diamond I will kill you I just earn that diamond what B you bu you bu you

I’m going to take my diamond now yeah you take it go get as much iron as you can I ended up burning another enchanted golden apple but I got two two diamonds so is that is it was it worth the trade hey not probably not but uh I can’t keep

These things can’t I cannot hold on to an enchanted golden apple for more than 5 minutes challenge impossible I wish I I keep them but I can’t I I ended up making a diamond helmet with the diamonds that I found so that’s good I guess and we also made player tracking

Compasses something that we should have made a long time ago back when we were looking for people would have made that way easier I don’t know why we didn’t make these but hey here they are we got player track encompasses so we can both see who is approaching us and who we’re

Approaching it doesn’t really tell you how far people are but at least I don’t know you can kind of use it to find people or I don’t know and we were about to test it out on Robert and Shadow so we started looking for them what was interesting about was that Robert and

Shadow they were close really close and sailing directly for us so it’s likely that they too are using their player track and Compasses and coming for us so clearly these these guys were up to something but you know at the same time we were also sailing to them so I uh I

Don’t know I I didn’t really have time to think about it because I had spent the almost the entire time meeting them explaining to them that I wanted to go to an ice Labyrinth now the reason I wanted to go to an ice Labyrinth was I couldn’t make this clear to them but

Inside the ice Labyrinth there’s a bunch of plants and meat that you can get and if you combine them you can cook some very powerful food which I was planning to use for the final battle the problem was is that I knew if I went to the ice

Labyrinth with just Kim and me we would likely die so we were going to need back up and I needed to convince these guys so that we could go and I could get my plants and ingredients to make food that I would then later use to kill everyone

Else besides Kim convince them and luckily Robert knew where an ice Labyrinth was so we all agreed to sail there together Kim yay Kim step on in nope come on nope go o go go go go go I like to drive close you know what I

Mean hey this is fun I get to go back and [Laughter] forth don’t run into the ship we’re going straight I Already ran into our first problem to get to the ice Labyrinth there was a problem there was land in the way and if we wanted to get our boats through this channel we were going to need to dig it out and make it bigger so we hit land all jumped out of our

Boats and started digging after we cleared out the land and made the channel bigger Shadow jumped on our boat and then jumped off of it onto their boat at first I thought okay well he just got on our boat but the more I thought about it I thought okay you know

Why wouldn’t he just get on his boat in the first place again I was thinking these guys were up to something so I decided to follow Shadow without him knowing I snuck behind him jumped off of our boat onto their boat and hid in their gear room as a stowaway there I

Sat crouched and I just listened to see what they were up to yeah we we okay I perfect plan we we go down with them but we come up earlier and we we sandbag them okay it’ll be it’ll be great what do you mean my sand back like we must find a cave

And then leave the cave before them after I say something like yellow I’ll say yellow pajamas somehow in a sentence and we both book it out and and blck it up oh but that might be too obvious yellow pajamas no say I’m going to put on my yellow pajamas okay and then we

Both just run where are they they should be behind us do you see them and check oh there they are yeah they’re coming sleeping I there be no yell pajamas oh my God are you okay Shadow yeah I’m fine turn the vessel around gim we’re at War what’s going these Scotty Wags were planning to steal our ship I heard everything were you on their ship I was on their ship and I heard it all what have you done to it I blew it up

Because they were planning to steal our ship turn around really yes activate the lava I will one f are you ready bring us up beside them uh right side uh whatever this side is yeah I hold on I don’t know my lever is I lost my lever I don’t have my lever

I’m panicking right now I’m activating it right now that was a big mistake you said you were going to steal our ship that was a big mistake of you why did you try to steal our ship with yellow pajamas we didn’t even steal it burn him Kim oh

Boy go Kim go go go I don’t even know what the fire is what are you doing Jim get us out of here oh they are on board they are on board no our both AR no no I knew it they were they were planning on taking us down so I had to

Act prematurely you strike first before they strike us all right that’s what I had to do so yeah we lost I mean Kim died and our boat kind of got destroyed but at least I know now that they were up to I was right all right and

Thankfully I kept all my stuff I kept most of I don’t know this was a whole this was a disaster but it wasn’t a disaster right this is why these guys got to die they betrayed us or they were planning on betraying us I wasn’t going to betray them they they started this

All right they attacked us first by planning they tried to steal our boat anyways you can see me here I sailed away in a little raft and hid in a this little boat my heart was pounding I was sitting there crouched again just staring at them thinking that they were

Going to soon sail over to me and kill me luckily I destroyed their Helm before I did it so their boat was not operational and I knew that it would give me a bit of a getaway but this was I was scared here after hiding for about

10 minutes I got on the little raft or whatever it was the little Minecraft boat I sailed and I picked up Kim and warned him that they were likely going to come for us now what don’t what are you doing don’t go this way you fool get

Out of the boat I just saw that ship over no no no get back on get back on now get back on now get on get on I’m going to leave you no no and no we don’t you don’t understand on board a ship no they’re chasing us you dumbo they’re chasing us

Yes we can’t be traveling around in this we don’t have time right now we need to get far far away maybe take it take the ship we had nothing our only chance was to somehow steal their boat from them and maybe get our stuff back so we got

In our raft and sailed only to realize that sure enough they were pursuing us then for some unknown reason Kim decides to jump off our boat and swim over them and immediately get killed again so I started to panic yet again here I was in a tiny little raft with them chasing me

And the only way I could think to try to keep them back was to put TNT in my hands and other items that might scare them to keep them back I circled them for a while making it seemed like I was planning on attacking them again hopefully to confuse them or or dissuade

Them from attacking me and eventually I hid behind an island and got away and the only thing I wrote in my notes was there be no honor among PIR don’t do not don’t don’t after I had safely gotten away from these guys I got offline for a little bit

Because I I we had nothing we lost everything in this battle Robert and Shadow had likely looted our boat and destroyed the REM and Kim was who knows where it was just me and our raft with some of my supplies later that day I was I managed to find

Kim Beach wrecked or Shipwrecked on a small deserted island with next to nothing he’ explained that he had briefly met up with Robert and Shadow again that they had found him and decided to show him Mercy but I on the other hand I wasn’t going to I wasn’t

Going to forgive them for what they had planned on doing to us Kim didn’t hear them say it so he they likely had told him a bunch of stuff and that I was the one to instigate this was that was them and I was absolutely going to get my

Revenge on them but for now Kim and I had nothing we didn’t have a ship we didn’t have supplies and Kim was now down to Heart Kim had explained to me that in the battle Shadow and Robert had also lost all their stuff when I had

Blown up their gear room but still this was this was a mighty blow to I guess both teams of pirates and the problem with these battles is that they strengthen everyone else because now Shadow Robert me and Kim had effectively lost a ton of our supplies while sneeve

Kipley laguno and Ryan had all not lost all their stuff in a big Pirate Battle this was going to be a bit of a problem nonetheless Kim and I were stranded not knowing what to do next Kim had spent the last little while Mining and trying

To get himself built back up and he put everything in these barrels and then I just I gu I started fishing right next to them next time when we’re in combat I think what the move should be is whoever boards their ship they break the first

Thing they do is they break their helm and then they do the thing and the other person jumps off and we swim oh oh oh Kim Get Away Kim Kim K Kim Kim oh my goodness are you joking me oh my goodness oh Kim we can’t cat

Your break can we no Kim showed me the mine that he had been working in and so I went down oh this is scary K why are the these things swimming in the water are they they’re they’re fine oh they don’t they don’t attack this is scary

Yeah it was here that I saw it and I had to go back big creature you say yeah like a it had like thousand legs oh cave centipede it went straight for me yeah they’re easy to deal with oh how do you get a diamond sword oh you never died never mind

Yeah hey what do you do wa what you have something for a man like me no I have nothing that’s why I’m going through the caves poor guy what gem does this guy got all we need him if we have him on our ship he can we

Can provide iron for us yeah one iron hour oh look at this place have you gone down here yet nope I never been here oh perfect so I can get some diamonds yeah I never been here but be be careful okay of what a ghost things yes for example

Oh I almost just made a whoopsie W there we go diamonds more diamonds right there that gu’s got a diamond right there in his hand right there look at this oh I think that’s what I need oh diamonds right there again oh oh you found me I I was standing right

Here really yeah really standing right there okay I came over here for a reason though look up oh you see the Crystal Cave yeah we we can get spy glasses if we can get up there wait I can’t see come here help me what where is it oh right behind us

There’s one there’s one that’s way closer right there where can I see it Kim it’s it’s right there like are you sure 2 ft away I’m going to be in it in 1 second look at me no no look at me oh you have one okay I to lose

It I want one so bad did you go further in the cave no this is this is as far as I’ve gone what is that what is that what is that oh that’s from the boss they’re down here too what are they that’s the boss that’s the boss yeah there’s many plenty of

Them how strong are they I don’t know they shot me and I uh 3,000 okay I just went invisible we has we has a sword Too wa I’m want to fish him into the lava almost have him now you got him there we go entire room oh my God he’s shooting flaming ones I can’t Sprint oh oh help me help me I’m coming I’m coming I got to eat Golden Apple

Oh I have no food I I can’t go on like this let’s back run while we were down there Kim explained to me that he had found a dungeon nearby and that it had some stuff in it but there was a lot of scary people or I don’t know when I hear the

Word dungeon I think okay I’m going there no matter what even though I had nothing at this point I was thinking okay you know what maybe I can get something right so started walking started looking for it he was offline at this point and so I was just kind of

Seeing what was around there trying to take a peek and it was mostly looted when I got there it was like this giant Clock Tower or something or like Workshop place I don’t know what was going on here but I hung around here and

I waited for Kim to get here uh cuz he was getting online and while that was going on Robert arrived here what you want me to kill you too right now I don’t think you would I think we could get you right now what is what is that in your hand

Especially if I drink this oo you you don’t want you don’t want that Robert and eat my golden apple and then I run at you Sean ship because you plan to steal ours that was I’m telling you it was if you guys didn’t there was no if I if I

Heard if I would have I wouldn’t have you think me and Shadow would deliberately do something like that yes cuz I would do it to someone if someone does it to us okay you know what right now I’m about to play a black and white screen where it shows exactly what you said

Go yeah but that doesn’t show the part you only do oh my goodness you guys are missing out on the fact that we weren’t going to do it only if you guys betrayed us but we we we didn’t betray you and Shadow tried to do it listen we didn’t do anything do you

Not see the clip I can’t see it wait show it again show the clip again I can’t see I I gotta watch Sean’s video now all right I’m going to drink this potion now Robert oh God stop it stop your stop your crew mate kill him K are are you certain about this

Yes do do we want this crewmate you better stop your cre him oh he has a TNT I got TNT too oh why me I didn’t attack oh oh you did now my God why are you killing me drop it Robert drop your stuff I didn’t do anything drop

It give me those Enchanted Bo stay away from me I’ll drop it from you I’ll drop it stay away But leading up we’re just draining our resources we lost so much you guys have lost so much we need we need to just gain Alliance even if we don’t harm each other for the rest of the time or don’t see each other we can’t fight each other

We we need like even if we don’t work together even if we just part ways right now um it’s okay but we can’t keep fighting with one another after speaking with Robert he was right that fighting was just going to pull us both down to

Daav Jones lock why did I WR in thisp but I wasn’t happy that I had used my strength potion on killing Robert here I I needed to replace this and I still wanted to get all that food from the ice Labyrinth not to mention all the armor

You can get from that place that place is that place is potent with good stuff so after talking for a little bit longer we decided that we were going to try to go again Kim was very against the idea he was saying we we just decided to go

Here and it ended up with all of us attacking each other so you really want to do it again I said yes Kim absolutely cuz I can’t say this out loud to you but there’s a lot of food there that we’re going to want I got to try to tell him

Telepathically uh it did not work at all he this is one man that sometimes has absolutely no idea what’s going on so I don’t know how I could expect to speak to him telepath what why am I talking about telepath I don’t even that isn’t that when you move stuff with your brain

What am I talking about get back on the script we’re going to the ice ma right I told Kim we’re going as a captain I I declare we’re going to sail with Robert and Shadow again to the ice Maze and I will secretly without drawing attention

To it try to get as much of this food stuff as I can so Robert sailed with his non his boat that he still had over to where Kim and I were on the beach and he picked us up and with that we set sail

To the ice maze I’m also dying of hunger right now again y feed feed my boy you want food Kim I’m so hungry let me see what I got for you okay is that our clock yeah it is are you joining me your clock Shadow was like oh my God a clock

I am familiar with this room yeah you blew it up all you want to check out what’s in here boys yeah yeah oh oh careful oh I see something really Bad we’re going to get sucked away in a tornado I think oh my God this is a tornado dig into dig into one of these spikes so we can be safe we spend the night here I’m hearing the fog horns get in here get in here did you guys hear

That sound just now the horns yeah yeah that’s that’s a hoorde isn’t it oh no no that’s not a hoorde that’s something different I don’t think it’s a tornado I think it’s just windy you want to risk it I it’s freezing gold the storm’s getting worse too I be

Shivering in my and in my ponds I see a building what do you be seeing where you be at I see something too it’s a tornado a tornado I hear it it’s forming get in the get in the hole where get to that building get to

That building Kim’s going to no no this way Shadow we don’t have time oh wait this is a building yes go that way hurry it’s pulling me it’s pulling me go go go run run run you guys will never make it yes I’m good I’m all right thanks think

Are you okay Robert I don’t know if it’s safe in this building we’re going to have to probably fight our way in I oh yeah it’s not safe blast anything you see on your way in it’s full of pirates we must we must take them out take them all out they’re loaded we’re

Look is oh boy take out all the Pirates come here come here I be B yeah there’s there’s polar bears aree wa I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m oh my God I got okay you okay I got

I’m okay I’m okay are you up where you up to so many sounds coming from this place yeah sound of a thousand men going to a thousand barrels it’s got to be a oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no no Storm’s getting worse again finding there I

Don’t know oh help me I’m trying get out get out get out oh Jesus that was close all right still after me I see a I see a beautiful sight a rainbow I didn’t not expect that close your door tornado let me in let me there’s a tornado butt get indoors look

We’re not safe in here oh blocks of breaking C no I’m stuck in a corner I can’t move but n die I’m stuck in the corner wait where go SE got swept away no I’m still here still here I’m stuck in a corner I can’t move hey yui blocks seal up your doors

It’s going to be a bit of a day we’re going to have here oh my god I’ve been looking at Shadow right now stuck in the corner I was looking Kim is he safe it do be safe out there Look what I have Sean the shell horn for Captain Cornelia you find it so we have to find the key now in this boat there’s a prisoners in here oh even be some pretty good stuff in here he yeah everyone Sil they so yeah this this uh the ship just tells us

About the awful C Captain Captain Cornelia uh we must summon her and kill her she’ll drop her key and a three bolt helmet that’s how you get the three bolt helmet and with that key we must find a underground villager illager Hideout and that’s that’s the last place we go to

That’s that’s the big gona place I don’t know where we’re going to we’re going to enclose make a big box and enclose it in spikes and Su inside it so let’s head back to the ship and and put I want to put some stuff away and geted

First I do have sand so we can make more bamboo you guys know where the ship is keep I have no idea which way it was the that way uh go towards 6800 1800 it’s just straight this way you guys stop hitting Kim I going to die the Hans

Oh in my way almost almost no one made it Kim oh God I’m going to kill you oh my god what happened okay this is not good help coming thank you they started be eating me a cold night we’re not colder than this I hit the button Kim

Button you’ll be knowing the button when it gets pressed where are you let’s go do this all right Kim we be doing it spikes oh this is going to go horribly wrong I am prepared have to run I is a trap but only a dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

Dumb man could fall for are you guys ready wait wait do you have more do you have more more what traps yeah oh my goodness I’m scared walls on back walls as well good luck come me mes doesn’t work we we seal up the hole

In a run all but um my my thing is that she she pulls Us in right we’re all going to die inside going to die in the spikes hold on we don’t do that we won’t die that be way to go here ready all we are

Just did you do it just know there she is she’s in it I’m so ah she pulling me in oh boy it’s working it’s going down yeah it’s going it’s working beautifully I don’t see anything though uh her help don’t be dropping no more there

Oh oh my God it’s actually working get a nice little view here I need to get a view Kim Skipper boy get in there let’s sacrifice John oh no no no oh boy ow ow ow ow ow Ow I can’t see she’s healing okay okay all right get me out of here ow ow I don’t like this one bits I am leaving that I’m leaving that death alley okay so I I know we have to all be able to hit her from different angles

When she goes there that’s the only way we kill her hold on can we widen this a little bit so yeah not trying to push each other through oh she hit me she if she’s damaging you she heals from damage he does to you

So oh help me get I’m Sor I’m about to get knocked out I don’t we need we need to make that a little bit bigger come out just let if she whenever she hits you she gets Health back so all right so stay back here let let it just

Go down let let let fate work you know sitting here with one on half heart she might actually die yeah she she only gets Health when she hits you oh hold on oh she’s stopping oh she’s regenerating I’m going to throw something out there okay oh careful you might let her out I

Can’t see I can’t see oh jeez no what’s going on you br she’s going to kill me she’s going to kill me did you get is she out oh my God what happened so quiet now he’s not out yet guys a the the fire is going to let her out

Oh God food sh please I you I have nothing Shadow we’re going to go in and finish no I can’t see anything Shadow you ready I can’t I can’t see anything you trust me no I can’t see anything I’m trying to get you food right now

Kim I was stand right there she’s stuck at a health just hit her we all need to hit her I don’t see she’s at I can’t see her she’s coming out let me out oh oh no block it block it block it oh this has been be free but do you

Have do you have more um she can’t move forward from that it’s too tall oh good oh you can’t shoot her either oh we’re at a point right now where we can’t hit her and she’s not regenerating we need to we need to do enough damage

Fast enough to kill her yeah let’s try to make our way over to her oh oh oh that’s water that’s cool oh Robert what did you just do I need to get out of here shees keeps pushing me back I can’t go forward she’s going to put you in the

Box I got to tr I’m going to die I’m actually going to die someone has to hit her someone please just hit her do anything oh my God oh my God no come over here Robert oh shoot I can’t I I can get you up Robert don’t you be

Worrying now I think I got you am I got you don’t you be some’s rescuing me get out of there oh my God let me out let me oh she broke my shield I got get another one wow she just BR me in I’m going to get another sh oh that was

Almost there’s almost far away I can’t get close to her all right we got to come up with some sort of plan here and perhaps I have it I if we all hit her at once we can kill her should we all eat to Golden Apple go in and do it she’s distracted

On me right now you guys have got her so low and close ow okay okay okay can I hit her from this side Sean oh you guys are czy close to her oh she’s on the she’s on the she’s on the traps you there I’m here yes I’m just nervous she’s on the

Traps ow all hit her hit her like Thursday on Thanksgiving oh my God there’s too much stuff in the way I can’t be getting it hit her she’s smacking me hard she’s focused on me now keep smacking her it’s not we don’t we don’t do enough damage fast enough oh

You’re getting so you’re critting her pretty bad I’m critting her yeah what are you doing jumping and hitting yeah oh my God she hits me so hard she’s getting hit by those things oh you guys have so low it’s so close we got him now we got her she

Keeps hitting me a she dropped me oh man we can do it me in careful oh Sean back out back out this way shift shift shift it’s like she won’t she’s not healing anymore which is good but she’s not going to die either can’t heal she’s almost there she’s almost there W that

Was so close hey what if we all do to like count of three and like keep that Unison 1 2 3 oh you’re getting so close I’m going to try a different strategy going above her oh my God she’s so close go oh she hit me now Robert just hit me now all yeah I’m getting a oh oh oh oh God she’s killing everyone one by one but she’s not

Happy oh Kim why are you standing next to her when you just got up guys I got I got an idea come to me come to me okay I got I got sand maybe we can suffocate her I don’t know but she should be dying with those traps those things hurt well

All of you come up here I think oh she’s got her head stuck in It oh we’re so close yeah yes we got her I’m dead oh well that’s the sacrifice we had to make you got to get rid of the spikes and B of me I pick up me up when you can oh my God how’d you die Kim what’ you do

I I had so little Health like I just I fell down a block did you not have any food nope okay let’s see what everyone got I got something I got I’m coming him treasure pouch thank God for shadow oh what Sean oh uh no I don’t think so Sean stop

Saying you go let’s see what everyone got and then Sean I’m just sitting there like oh I found no treasure I’ve been looking for oh you got the spear oh wow that’s a really rare drop chance I and I’m going to be using this spear on the man who’s been pushing me around

For a few days now canot believe that shadow had to come rescue me so what’ you got you got treasure pouch from her I got treasure pouch I got one Diamond one gold ingot and one gold nugget out of that treasure pouch but wait you didn’t get any like I

Have the key okay good and one echo of the ship graveyard so we’re going to how do we get underwater now we can make another treasure pouch with that how do we you can get the three bolt helmet yeah I have the three bolt helmet okay

But we don’t need to go underwater with right now we need to find the the iller Hideout now that’s where that’s what this key is going to be for we’re going to go find the iller Hideout cam is that okay with you all right let’s go they’re leaving

You do realize you’re leaving yeah let’s go we not moving very fast in this thing we do not have the engine it’s okay we have each other it’s about pretty far that way but it doesn’t look like we’re going to be able to sail any longer all

Right let’s get on foot we’re going to go on foot take whatever you need get some food I don’t know what’s going to be down there yeah this is it this be it we’re here down down down down way down oh man how deep are you going down we’re go all

The way to the bottom boys you guys just jump down I don’t just dump down well there is water so you would be safe oh this is this is cold it’s not all water down here oh okay now I see now oh there’s a Creeper down here yeah a

Man oh my God this is kind of scary tortured sword you remind me of Kim when he’s on my boat oh look at this look oo look at this building it’s full of tortured Souls I this does definitely remind me oh T-Rex what is that it’s the worm what is what is going

On it’s that guy it’s the serpent why is there a serpent down here shible I thought it was supposed to be underwater what is coming after us oh it’s a tortured Soul what I know how to straight down to Dems watch out you SE behind you behind you

Oh this is so beyond me it sounds like they ripped the Jurassic Park I Kim you that is absolutely a T-Rex sound effect Kim what oh it’s moving it’s in moves I thought Kim killed it in one foul swoop I I got this guy he’s mine oh my

Goodness get out of here attack oh SE watch out Sean watch out you oh we’re we’re we’re we’re doing it kill him kill him stop screaming at me where’ K just go I fell down in the water help me he’s not fa what is he doing very scary oh I’m

Going to die down here don’t die just keep them distracted how much health there it is oh my gosh it took forever I don’t know he pushed me down there guys there’s a lot of tortured Souls down there I don’t know what you want us to do with that oh know get him

Away ow Kim yes you got to get up yeah oh shout out oh okay I’m okay I think yeah I’m all right everyone okay no give more torted sh down there there we go why we came is in that building yeah yeah we got to get in that

Building get your butt up there I here a town take all the fish if you can cuz we need food yeah there’s like nothing in these barrels oh there so many behind this wall oh what wo wo w fin us guys there’s Vex there’s Vex no no we’re I’m

Leaving that’s not fun oh my God there’s so many of them there’s an evoker there’s an evoker just don’t run run I don’t even have a shield anymore my shield broke oh you already ran out kimim Kim releases unimaginable hell there’s got to be stuff in there there’s

Got to be good stuff well this is the next step isn’t it yeah there’s the chest I found him found who he’s dead the evoker yeah oh nice don’t worry I got I found about th what is happening oh my God you guys want to see see this place get real crazy really

Fast you shooting yeah you want to see this want to lighten this place up let me know no I’m in it I thought it was yeah this is it I guess oh Frozen key that’s what we’re looking a frozen chest we oh my God music I did did you

Guys hear the music yes a lot of guys down here huh there were so many more I killed a lot of them oh they’re coming oh my God ow ow where are you guys down downwards find oh there’s a chest right here what where are you up

Here right at top I went outside and yeah climbed up you I think is there see you found it you found it yeah where be I finding you it’s up here up here bust open the chest see what we got is it going to blow up like blow up

Bust it open Shadow he be standing on the Chest Kim draw you BL don’t blow it up We Gather here today has four men open but it chest up sorry sorry We Gather here today cuz us four men have perversed the depths we’ve slain opilia fair and square Kimberly what did he get there is nothing okay so I have a rune there really wasn’t anything we got a bunch of Echoes of the ship graveyard that will make the terrible sword the whatever but we don’t have any Anglers fangs yeah so I can I’m going to

I’m going to distribute these um Echoes at the ship graveyard between us how many you got I have 10 on me I’m going to give two to you each I’m going to give you guys an extra actually since Shadow and me are just share you know so there’s two to you

Sean and I’m going to give Kim the other three or you guys can choose what do with these three but we each have five of those now well that was that was fun I’ll say that was fun let’s get out of here let’s get atle we finally made it

Out of that place we were there for hours hours in that ice maze doing all sorts of stuff but you know what it was I couldn’t have been happier with everything that we got I mean yeah we were sailing away on a tiny little small little raft that Kim had built in the

Ice maze but you know what we I was coming out of that place with extremely good stuff I had mostly everything I needed or I did have everything I needed I can’t quite remember to make the food and I got that cool spear yeah beautiful spear that I will absolutely be using in

The finale I’m not going to lose that thing leading up to the finale I’m going to keep that thing tucked away in a chest where no one’s going to get not to mention I had all this other stuff that I would use for you’ll see I got I got

Some good stuff here on our way though we stopped at a ship to get some food and we found sunken stuff underne whatever I don’t know we started looting this place I’m in trouble I’m in big trouble oh my God Kim I’m I’m right next to the ship

Ship I was trying to go on board but I couldn’t yeah cuz there’s no steps good so I haven’t been talking about real life days yet but it was now day six we were we we’re very close to the finale here and Kim and I still

Weren’t in the best of positions but you know what hey it’s going to turn around for us so Kim got online and there there was just this massive storm oh oh my God Kim yeah it’s a full tornado I know get underground wa you want to leave we Sail

Out U just sail sail out of the direction of it okay get us out of here I’ve been on the ground for too long what if it no I’m I’m fine I’m I’m holding to the helm you’re the one in the you’re the one who should be scared you know

There was no way we were going to sail into the final battle on this log so we sailed into this small Inlet and the plan was just to build this thing up as fast as we could with what little time we had here so while Kim got to work

Building I started fishing and yeah look at this I fished up an angular fish and we killed it and that fish dropped two angler fangs now the angler fangs are incredibly important because you can use them along with some of the other stuff that I got from the ice maze to make the

Terrible armor and don’t don’t be mistaken by the name it’s called terrible armor but it is anything but terrible this is a very special set of armor that you can build and with the two fangs I was able to make a chest piece and I forgot to mention this but

On the previous day I made legs as well so now all I needed was helmet and boots but that was going to require way more angler fangs and I I did something so stupid here look look at this I already had legs so what do I do I make a second

Set of leggings I I don’t know why I did that all the while we were working on the boat I was speaking to Robert and Shadow and they wanted to meet up again because uh well there’s a bit of a problem it turns out that kipley and sneeve attacked their boat which

Uh yeah I want you to place this on the boat of lagundo or better yet sorry no I changed my mind in the spur of the moment the boat of Robert say nothing detonate it and free okay that was that was on day two and I I completely had forgotten

That I had told sneeve and kipley to attack Shadow and Robert and we had just just settled our differences with sha Robert and Shadow and now they were on their way here and they were pissed but here’s the thing I didn’t know if they

Knew that it was me who who had set the hit out on them I had no idea if they knew that or not so I I couldn’t I couldn’t risk losing everything and just immediately getting rid of all this new armor that I was building and all the

Stuff that I had gotten from the ice maze I I was freaking out I I thought I was about to lose it all so I panicked and I dug a hole and put all of my valuable items including my beautiful weapon that I had gotten from the ice

Maze in this chest and filled it in wrote down the coordinates and now in the event that shadow and Robert killed us I would at least be able to come back here and get my stuff back but I wasn’t happy about this this this was the worst

Timing possible for this to happen and apparently because of this kipley and sneve were now at war with Shadow and Robert and somehow legunda was mixed up in the whole thing and apparently all of them had entered this giant battle and now they’re heading right here because

They wanted answers and this freaked me out I started thinking that they were already here and they were sitting somewhere in the woods near where we were crouching and listening in on Kim and I to see if it was us who are the ones who set the hit on them so I tried

To tell Kim without verbally saying it that he should hide his stuff in a chest in case they come and attack us Kim hey it’s me I uh going to message you wait what do you mean you message me like on Discord uh no Facebook okay okay they might be

Closed it might be oh my God you just read it out loud right that’s so dumb I didn’t know what you I’m so it’s late for me okay then they arrived and thankfully they didn’t try to attack us but I was still kind of navigating this conversation trying to

Figure out what was about to go down and in the middle of it I got a horde and killed a ton more angler fish while Kim was speaking to Robert and Shadow I was I was gone just killing as many angler fish as I possibly could trying to get

As many of these fangs so that I could complete my set I only needed a few more too I was very close and after spending a good amount of time killing more angler fish uh I was able to finally finally make the rest of the terrible armor but anyways we were talking to

Them and they told us about the kiple and sneeve attack and I I came clean I said that it was in fact me who put the bounty on their head but I only did so back when we were at War and it finally got to them so I was I was a very

Innocent man with which of course wasn’t true uh I put this hit on them long before we were at War before they attacked us um they didn’t know that though they didn’t need to know that right I kept that kept that little fact to myself but a bigger problem in this

Was that they took notice of my armor and they started talking about how they wanted to make it themselves I didn’t want them to make this armor I I wanted to be the only person with this armor the reason why this armor is so good is

Because when you have a full set it gives you a very very nice bonus which is when you get hit by any enemy they get poisoned if also gives you a huge speed boost in water if you get hit so it it would be very crucial for me in

The final battle to fight people in water and this is the biggest end for them not to have this armor I had to be the only person with it so as soon as they said that they wanted to make it themselves I thought oh why did I have

To put it on and show them I kind of just left it in a chest and wore some diamond armor or something because now I was worried that they were going to go make it if they made the armor it wasn’t wasn’t the biggest deal because my my

True Secret weapon was the food that I was going to make but still this was not good for them to be thinking about making this armor and speaking of making things Kim was making the the boat look amazing this this thing was looking great uh but we needed weapons and our

Our idea was to build a massive Crab Claw that could grab other boats and then force them into a a wall of lava or something or some sort of I I I I don’t know it was a crush PE I I I don’t know I have no idea what our weapon was of

I’m being honest I just kept telling Kim if he’s ever I asking him if he’s ever seen the show Battle Bots cuz maybe we could turn our our boat into a battle bot like this this didn’t go anywhere later after Shadow and uh Robert had left we finally set sail on this very

Very large boat and I also finally had a journey map because we were allowed to now which would give me minimal information about about where people were just it would allow me to make way points for things so that we could find Islands I don’t know I just I had it

Okay I want to explain why it’s there now but Kim had to go and before he left he told me he pleaded with me he said please please while I’m offline do not get in a battle with anyone do not do anything stupid with the boat and do not

Sail it into anything that will sink it he he just asked me calmly not to do that I wrote in my script Kim gave me Specific Instructions Not to get any into trouble not to battle anyone not to do anything he keeps a building and I

Keep a sinking wh wh why why was I writing in the pirate accent now what is anyway I was trying to figure out a weapon system for the boat that was my goal to make weapons so that we could use them to win the battle so I was

Sailing around looking for ideas or looking for things that I could use to make weapons for our boat and shortly into my sale I spotted some Netherrack uh but I was interrupted by a horde oh here they come more angler fish all the way out there oh no oh

No oh no look at all that here they Come Oh why is there dogs here oh my there’s More okay I have no idea how I’m going to get back on the Ship One wrong step I am dead I lose everything I do not want to fall doing this sort of stuff right now alone is not the best because here’s what could hypothetically happen in the event of my death if I were to die Kim would not be there to get me back up and

I would then respawn back at the main island uh leaving our boat somewhere out in the ocean so it was very crucial that I didn’t die while doing this stuff uh so I had to be extra careful and you can see that because I was putting bamboo

Spikes on the outside and trying to kill fish that way but when I started sailing I I noticed how cool these spikes made our boat look it made it look like a giant fish which was very cool giant giant deadly fish kind of like a a

Tribute to my man uh Jeremy Wade from River Monsters this boat was like a Giant Goliath tiger fish this this was a very cool boat and this also solved one of the problems the the boat was now the front of it was now a weapon because it

Was permanently on fire and hopefully it wouldn’t spread to the rest of our boat but the front of it was on fire we could just drive into other boats and light them on fire or if someone was in the water we could just grind them down to a

Pulp with all the bamboo spikes on the front this was this was a good start to developing weapons for this thing one of the problems with the boat though and this is the way Kim designed it was that we wanted the bottom of it to kind of

Sink in the water but a consequence of doing this was it it made the boat get stuck very easily if it was in even remotely shallow Waters one of the times I got stuck I saw a lava pool on an island and so I thought okay I need lava

So I went to go get it and while I was out there getting the lava I saw something else that stops a man like me dead in his tracks always a crocodile I wanted to get that man in a cage oh my god oh

No oh no I knew had Kim had cages on the boat so I went back to the boat and got some of Kim’s cages and accidentally released this thing in the bottom of our boat Kim Kim Kim kimim kimim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim I felt bad releasing one of

Kim’s creatures but I knew if I could get this crocodile in a cage he’d be happy so I I I tried to get him in but he was he was too big so I uh got back in the boat and you know I kind of feel

B I still feel bad about releasing that thing that Kim had caught but I was trying to get a Croc I didn’t mean to release I was trying to get a crocodile for us anyways I wanted to see if the fire worked so I sailed up to an outpost

And uh tried to light it on fire oh it works while this was going on i’ had been talking to kipley and sneeve and they wanted to meet up and uh kept thinking about Kim Kim’s rules for me don’t do anything stupid don’t get in a ship battle don’t

Sink the ship and here was kiple and sneeve saying they wanted to meet up with me so uh yeah I decided I’d go meet up with Them you best not want to be sealing too close to I you probably want to back that thing up thing on fire I just going to light your boat on fire if you get too close do you like our a a mighty vessel sir I itd be looking good to

Remind me of being back on land Robert and Shadow paid me a visit earlier today and he said that you had completed your task so for that I say thank you I did I I tapped him with my axe in the we we clapped his cheeks black and blue

Captain I must say though it complicated things between me and them because I might have told I might have told you to do that before I was on good terms with them and now now it kind of complicated things a little bit well that’s all right Captain what what what’s a little Mutiny

Between C friends I guess there was a bit of a standoff when they came to see us and I had to speak my way out of it yeah well we were going to blow up their ship like you specifically requested but uh it didn’t really happen cuz they they

Claimed to not know where the ship was so we settled for uh chopping Robert’s head off I heard that’s good stuff right there they once uh we weren’t able to blow up their ship but unfortunately they blew up ours in return they sunk our our ship straight down to the ground

And I I missed that ship you bamboo I well we I can’t do this my throat is killing me from doing this seven days I the bamboo was stolen off her Shadow ship we we were drive we were driving the uh the Flying Dutchman with all of

Its bones out Captain uh once they were done with our ship it was nothing but pretty much just the the roof there we’re fly flying an invisible ship cab the whole thing burned down how are we feeling for the pirate the pirate War a coming k i I’ll be honest with you it

Put me in a difficult position because this is after all a pirate scenario where everyone do be trying to be Pirates and there be one man who be saying he hunting Pirates oh yes me and Kim will likely sail into the sunset and hope not to do battle with

Anyone but if it comes to it we are prepared to fight are you on good terms with uh Robert and Shadow I we be neutral at best at best he says they uh they T us right now yes the TNT things surely complicated things with

Us and then also the giant fight that we had that was that also complicated things I so iy I’s doing a dungeon with uh Robert and Shadow and we get stuck in a channel just like the one we just you sailed through and we have to get out to dig

The boats free to get them through and I hear a particular man try to jump aboard my boat in his shadow he gets on the boat he gets very close to the helm but Kim surprises him and gets on it so he goes oh no I was not trying to get on me

Helm I was trying to get on to meots so he runs and jumps off the front of their boat and lands on the back of their boat because they’re sailing in front of us and I think what is this man doing so I follow him and I jump on the back of

Their boat and I shift click and I hide behind a chest and I sit there and I wait and I listen to what they have to say to each other and Shadow tells Robert he be he be trying to steal our boat but it did not work because Kim

Came up and I think this men was truly trying to steal our boat and then I hear them speaking their plans and they say once we get to the dungeon we are going to s sandbag them and then he says how do we know when we going to take their

Boats and steal their supplies and kill them and Robert goes when I say something along the lines of yellow pajamas say I say I found yellow pajamas in a chest and I’d be sitting behind a chest this whole time listening to everything they has to say why so after

I couldn’t take any more of this betrayal my heart be break and I pull out every stack of TNT I had and ignite their treasure room a fire and blow it Sky High I jump off the back of their ship sail over to mine and at this point

Kim a very confused man has no idea what’s going on gets off the boat Fu him and goes over to Robert and Kim where he has had his head removed oh he goes what is going on you guys and then he is he’s killed L yes and then they was killed

Yes and then they took our boat and took our stuff and sank our boat and I had to escape on a dingy and they chased me down for a better part of an hour my one mistake Captain was I shouldn’t have resurrected poor rbert that was a

Foolish I stabbed him and then sne rested him yes I I too after later killed Robert and resurrected him and felt remorse after doing so it just sounds so sad when you stab him he just I know my heart was bleeding he’s like why would you do this to me why I know

He why are you killing me why are you killing me right now what are you doing what are you doing just like I was like I’m I’m breaking this man’s heart I can’t I can’t he uses it to his Advantage the man have has puppy dog

Eyes captain yeah I know well to be to be honest Captain we we uh we’re in a bit of uh muddy water shall we say ourselves uh young kiers and I were initially going to be allies with Robert and what’s his face Shadow and um but then uh things didn’t really turn out

That way because they got on our boat and started spawning sharks and other bloody nonsense so they blew up my wall I spent 3 hours building our shiper they blew it up right in front of me and laughed at my face so we we we used our

Powers of telepathy to talk to lagundo and lagundo promised he would back us up if we decided to stab one of them we gave Robert the old stabby stab and lundo booked it the second ran away instantly instantly faded Over the Horizon I I so I don’t really feel like

I don’t really feel like we have an alliance with the good or if we do it is certainly not yeah not a very trustful one to be to be honest Captain do you have uh do you have one of these puppies Captain what would would be that a totem

Of undying I know Shadow found one would you like one Captain ah yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes but if only if this guarantees our alliance right you well no I an enforced neutrality we’ll say that a defensive Alliance perhaps if we could attack first maybe all yes we’ll be

Coming to help whoever needs help coming okay good we we we sh we should be necessarily attacking anyone per say but we we would like some people to at least think of us as friends rather than enemies I know I’m not I’m not be looking at you i’ be looking at the man

Who be hunting Pirates all right we we we’ll leave you be to hunt the pirate uh Hunter I’ll offer you something oh blue gem oh beautiful we have like 12 of those i’ be taking them if you don’t want them we’ll take it we’ll take it but you

Know I this be the coral l oh you get it from destroying a boss and it wasn’t easy I had to grab it before anyone else grabbed it and I didn’t do anything ball that [ __ ] be overpowered holy I especially when I combined it with my secret weapon my

Entire you got the gear C I got it all I spent almost 4 hours fighting them stupid fish yes the stupid fish and now yeah we got a we got a set of that as well Kevin it’s good stuff hey look at this there’s me putting on the armor in front

Of them I don’t know why I decided to show them this this was why why do I have to show everyone everything I I was wanted to keep this a secret here I was first group of people I see next to Shadow and Robert I’m showing them my

Armor I don’t know why I did this I was beginning to trust them and it seemed like they weren’t going to do anything to us so I I don’t know uh please don’t fish uh one of them uh a big shiny fish up onto the boat here captain please all right there you

Go I’m not allowed to fish on my boat anymore on account of I’ve destroyed it too many times by fishing up TNT I’m starting to think that we may want to implement some kind of common maritime law surrounding fishing on boats I my as my partner calls him you better better

Not be fishing up some of them TNT blur since you’ve been so gracious to me I bring you something good let me just eat some raw fish quick oh there you are good God Kevin running around like a headless chicken trying to find that be

For you hey there he is what is it it’s a kodo dragon he oh you he’s killing me he’s killing me Captain um all you got to give him a bit of meat and he Cals right down oh oh well I think he’s calm now Captain I we we

Seem to have slaughtered your gift I’m very sorry I don’t that’s the second animal of Kims I’ve released today he’s going to be absolutely Furious when he gets back with me all right I have a gift for you one more gift bring this to lundo set it off

On his boat what was it I T TNT all right I can if we do if we do this though Kev I want you support against Shadow he if you if you see Lund’s boat start to blow you’ll know we’re Allied I okay then this is it we take

Care of lagundo we take care of shallow and Robert then it just be us left all right Captain sounds good Captain we never met don’t be telling anyone that we had this meeting late at night don’t be telling anyone about the fish don’t be telling anyone about the kodo dragon

Especially not Kim I will fill him in but we will work together to make sure that both lundo Ryan sneeve no no sorry not sneeve Shadow and Robert I was going through the list of everyone’s names they be going down to DAV joint locker and then once it’s just

The four of us we fight it out all right good Kevin we decided that we would go look for a dungeon together so I jumped in their house-shaped boat and uh we went sailing looking for something it didn’t take long but we found this Treetop Village thing uh and

We looted it and I found something truly amazing Vine what oh where’d you get captain where did you be indoors Captain I when I see you next you’ll see exactly what I got let let’s just say this is about to be a western scenario there’s twool boxes in what is oh oh [Laughter]

No oh God uh I don’t think so where’ I go oh I got you sh please let go of me this is going to be quite traumatic if I fall off the tree oh there okay cool I sneeve where you be this thing was incredible it was like a

Lead that you could throw and you could use it on players I I was so happy to have this thing but as we were leaving a giant squid showed Up look squid hey jump uh please help uh oh my God oh my God oh my God this is an experience in a half good God okay okay I think I’m going down captain Oh a gapple eat a GLE eat a gapple I’m alive my gosh I that was very intense oh there’s

Another squid I I don’t like these things I will I will I will certainly say it was not the best of times Oh Captain Sean [Applause] yeah oh well done Captain I just Ked me don’t give me beig time okay it was the final day and Kim

Had been busy working on our boat I guess when I was offline look take a look at how good this boat is now holy moly you built this thing real good I see you took my design yes I did holy moly you’ve been a

Busy boy oh oh oh this be your great I keep losing things because of you I it not be me but it best you know that I you know that I was missing some hearts well I have full now thanks to something something I on me I think it’s

Um hold on I got to make I got to be doing something quick I think this item Maybe I’m holding gives you full hearts or or is this item one of these items is giving me Full Hearts actually no I think it’s this one I have two of them you want uh yes

Please I think it’s this oh yeah it’s kind of like giving you like uh saturation holy moly Kim this item dragon’s ey where did you get this I I can’t honestly forgot now I think I found it in a ship this is insane I have

Yeah 12 Hearts now if if I put my off hand do I get oh my God you can put it in your inventory too and it just stays with 12 Hearts oh my God Kim we mustn’t tell anyone about these no no no who I just took damage the final battle was

Just hours away and Kim and I had a lot to do we had so much stuff to do the first thing that we needed to focus on was was making the special food that we were going to use to win this battle I can make you see stew which is extremely

Good it gives you strength and fury and when consumed you get third uh you get three attack damage it’s very very powerful but we need it’s very crucial we need to get um puff I have puffer fish so what else do I need to make this

I need Bulls fins Esa potatoes we have potatoes uh let’s see I got potatoes you got everything okay but we can make more stuff I can make SE casserole rush and strength one two we need more puffer fish so we got to go do some fishing

Then I guess yeah Kim I’m going to put two sea stews in your chest here okay don’t use them until it’s time o look at them but we need puffer fish we need puffer fish badly let’s see I have a fishing rod you had a fishing

Fishing yes we need a puffer fish we need way more puffer fish because they were the crucial ingredient here so we started fishing trying to get more puffer fish and as we fished I explained what our plans will be for the battle we were allied with everyone except for

Lagundo and Ryan and I assumed that everyone would try to kill them first as uh for some for some reason they decided to be pirate Hunters but maybe we could use that to our advantage when everyone was fighting lagundo they’d be weak and then we’d hit them but we need more of

The special food I was making so uh we needed we needed puffer fish I I had I had I was a man with puffer fish on the mind and it was very crucial that we got more puffer fish so we started sailing around looking for places to get it we

Were thinking that we might be able to find some in a chest on a boat or just in the ocean as we sailed over if we were looking overboard we could find somewh from fishing I I don’t know we just needed a lot of puffer fish we had

Everything we needed to make the stew all of the special ingredients except for puffer fish the the one thing that’s so annoying to catch is the thing that we need the most now Kim also wanted angler fangs cuz he now too wanted to make the special armor which was fine by

Me cuz this man had SP hours and hours and hours building this boat while I was basically getting armor for myself so you know what we got to get this man some armor too so uh lucky enough we got a horde we sailed to this little island

And we spent a long time killing angler fish just shredding my armor in the process but killing all these things and while that was all happening a giant squid showed up and that squid gave me an idea so I may or may not have knocked

Kim into the water I let’s just say he slipped in the water uh to test my idea out is he dangerous still I don’t think So oh no what’ I do I don’t know I needed to get him out of the water so I I used the lasso and for some reason it worked I could retrieve him with the lasso so I pulled him up and saved him oh I you’re on my

Lead oh you got me yeah that’s perfect yeah it do stand there get me up are you going to try to capture the squid yeah oh you going to do it easy oh my God it shoots his little tentacles at me our plan was to put this

Thing in a cage and use it during the final battle so Kim grabbed his cage and tried to capture it oh my God Kim you are crazy Kim did I get him did you get him I sure did oh my God oh my God he like launched me far away okay good perfect and you can release him out of the cage anytime anytime okay good good good good good

Good good good good if anyone boards our ship we’ll use that during our giant fight with the angular fangs Kim had gotten enough fangs to uh build all of his armor and I had a few more so I made the poison shock okay I’ve built the poison shock active ability summons for chakras

For 39 seconds dealing four damage and poisoning targets when held in off and 10% critical hit boom we still had a bit of time before the battle and we while sailing around we found this Crystal Mansion thing and this was a good opportunity for us to try out our weapons our armor

And just get get ready to fight kind of like a practice I guess oh my God how do I use this thing oh that’s exactly what I wanted what these Crystal Things yes it’s it how do oh my God Kim look at this blade that’s spinning around me is said I thing you through or what what is that that’s my Defender so what happen if I get close all it’s going now no it’s here what if I hit you

Oh it’s still following half oh I’m going to die now oh my God run what do you I I don’t know how to make this thing go away now there’s two of them I have a totem of dying I want to use that right now we can’t use these in

The finale so as well oh boy Sean I need some help where are you outside of what happened there’s so many of them run run run run why is there so many oh my God something’s happening how many bombs you have oh I think I killed

Him he drops like carrots for us no I did not kill him yeah there’s a lot of crazy things what are these a French I don’t jum boost we need that fluid pipe red condenser Golden Apple wrench splash potion of poison obsidium oh I found a bunch of enchanted books sharpness three that’s

Good I take that protection three I will absolutely take that depth Strider sweeping Edge power three distance straddle jump fire protection Bane in the anthropods I used the enchants that I got on my Coral Lance and armor and I was for once I was was actually feeling

Pretty good about a finale I I was walking into this thing feeling pretty confident the problem was is that we still needed puffer fish puffer fish were still on our mind so we’re trying to get puffer we needed puffer fish Kim we need puffer fish more than we need

Anything else for every puffer fish we get we increase our chances of winning by 100 400% that’s a lot of percentage yep so we need puffer fish we need puffer fish more than we need toilet paper oh my God that’s not what I wanted throughout this whole

Thing we were talking about our plans and how we were going to go about battling and one of the ideas that we had was how crucial this squid would be and what we could do with it but we kept coming back to the idea that ender pearls were going to be very important

So we found a little island and started looking for ender pearls and unfortunately we didn’t get any but we we found some Monkeys ohoh uhoh oh they’re coming they’re coming can I swim but time was up we didn’t find more popper fish and we didn’t find more ender pearls everyone was online and the final battle was about to begin this was the very first time in any of these

Scenarios that I did not die I survived the entire thing without dying and better than that I was walking into the finale with a solid plan a ton of great armor and a bunch of really good food everything was in place for me to win this Kim is that them that’s them Kim

Kim hold where is he keep keep him at a distance Kim I oh keep them at a distance they’re dancing he do we do we still have our agreement hey what agreement you be talking about stop moving oh my God so we don’t fight each other right away we take out the

Enies he oh your ship looks so good now the ones that left us to dry it’s true but you’ll be you’ll be scaring us with some sorts of things on the edges of your boat no don’t know I I request I request if that if we if we be

Allies you keep some distance from us we will we will from you now kly and sneeve need to die first do you get I got whip don’t be worried about what I got remember we worked together to get that weapon let’s work together to take them out and then go down honorably all

Do you go first do you guys want to take them out in your own W separate part ways I I I think you guys you guys go first then we come right behind to press attack called third partying Kim that’s that’s picking up the scraps no I’m

We’re going to sandwich it’s a t i just say we go together in all fine we go we go and eliminate him together Robert not been double crossed the whole time double crossed by you so who will be taking the I let’s not get into it right now otherwise I’ll be sending this

Thing over your are we tur smash usim they’re us no I’m following Robert I don’t have a comp smashing us go straight go straight where you going Kim you better be Kim you best be careful with this fire going to ignite their boat don’t don’t catch us on fire we will fight at

The end I swear who left you’re going to be igniting the boat like that no no no you catch boat on fire no no I don’t think you can that’s so scary it’s like you’re going to eat the you’re going to eat our ship I how are

You going faster than us oh oh oh oh oh oh there they are I I you be fire at him we haven’t even spoken to him yet just throwing bombs in them already I need you to help controlling this [ __ ] F just bark it Kim what do you have they’re backing up

Too I be the house that helps me coming too oh my God he directed Kim fuel in the fire Kim put fuel in the fire Robert and Shadow abandon us is chasing us they’re too far away keep them at a distance we got to do a different [Applause] Maneuver Kim activate the long tongue the long tongue oh we’re getting some good H see hey hey beautiful I’m sure you don’t get me with that thing oh watch out where we going drive him I’ll keep him at Bay oh that was a last moment thing okay

Special move Sean you got to bring us around they’re firing at us hey Robert and Shadow where you be now we got him on the Run fire him fire you cannons what’s your special thing I drive you fire come oh what’s happening they fired at

Us all right pull we ready to pull the lever I will tell me when it’s going to be hard with the house you got to be theu I be open fire with a machine gun give him a taste of our regrets pull it pull it now

Yes give him a taste to the old medicine oh hello oh no I can’t get out k I’m trying oh lava oh that’s that’s a clever trick that we’re not made of wood be careful sea is get be on fire pull out pull out the

Fire now try I trying get up Shadow what Robert we’re on the same team as you I’m not getting you you where even is it I got look the ship I got sink it come here ran Shadow what shadow come with me we’re boarding the house oh boy oh boy we got where

Ryan Kim get us out of herey Robert hold on ship we got to wait stop moving stop moving our on fire you got to release me from Theo ship I got I’m trying to put out the fires gim oh my goodness our ship be set a blaze

Yeah I’m burning up like a ship I’m our ship be burning up and Ryan help me put on the fires should I go finish Ryan off who be down right now we got we got many dead bodies around here yeah I’m trying to get get rid of this ship slain by

Kipley they’re fighting down there you can you destroy their ship this disable it I I don’t know how to do that go to the helm and break it break Helm just break it I don’t know where they hel be on the top this should be burning

Up at to wear top break it how do I break it break it with A it’ be broken there we go do not leave me there we go give me me no no tell me when you’re inside I’m inside got It how how’s Ryan ship what the hell yes we go what is happening how do you rescue please come you had to put your Shield away and rescue me oh sh’s trying to L us he’s he’s he’s channeling the powers of the cowboy what I hate this I’m under water oh my God

I’m I’m completely down at all times I’m underwater dying over and over again come help me in the water I’m coming me what has happened to our ship se you in the water I’m it’s impossible to get me got ship hey oh I see you Ryan no no

Squid oh my God there’s a squid here there’s a squid here I did that to myself I did that to myself get Shadows on the boat give us Kim’s down no Sean don’t kill me yet we got to get sorry Shadow it’s got to be

This way we got to get them first oh really there be a squid down there good luck shadow no no there’s no way to save us we’re underwater yeah we’re dying by Drowning I’m in the water I’m holding space I’m holding space Shadow On where’s our boat Shadow I don’t know in front of us where’s our boat what is hitting me nothing try not to worry about it promise got my boat sure you see me Kim there’s so much going on right now where are you Kim where are you be so fast you little rat

Come here that’s what happens when you left Us I’m drowning I can’t get you let take this boat let’s take this boat wait oh oh wait they shot they shot let’s get shot he’s in the water let’s take let’s take this boat shadow Sean Bo it’s ours now we near this Bo oh

SN oh my God shot me that’s you we going to die in D now we got him seanan is everyone dead I got Shadow you better Shadow revive us you guys do not stand chance against Sean he to shot we do no wait wait wait are we the last

Ones left come in the water the water be good cuz of that spear he’s got he’s a crazy B we can all kill guys die you guys you guys will is Kim dead Kim’s dying underneath his okay Robert we just we just got to go in after them together okay okay let’s

Go okay this was it it was me versus Robert and Shadow it had all came came down to this and for once I was going to win so I fought them come on in you order this is it we’re going after him we’re going after him this is for you

You dead dying people that are going to that that attacked Us where did where where oh that’s there Shadow where’d you go right here right here get him get Him get him Shadow poison this poison isn’t nothing I can take poison all day me too not really ah he’s running he be running get him shadow dude dude The Impossible it’s best you not be doing these things now get back here come here this is it it’s over with it’s over for

You he’s fast he is a fast one but he can’t keep running forever is that armor make you guys Fast He’s too fast he’s too fast hold on I got to do something I’ll be right back he he got me blood rate going High where are the youan all I had to do it I had to do it don’t get on this ship I’m blowing to smithin no they have no ship left this out to try He he be running hey get him shadow I’m trying no let’s go there it is this was the closest I have ever came to winning one of these I was I had it in my hands I was so if we had found more puffer fish I would have been able

To make more sea casserole and I would have absolutely slaughtered both Robert and Shadow but you know what they played very well and they won just like Kim and I they had their boat destroyed they had battled with everyone else Robert and Shadow played an excellent game and

Because of it they won you know even though I didn’t win I I feel very accomplished this was this was the best I’ve ever done in one of these scenarios and I was uh pretty happy about it also Kim did an excellent job building our

Ships and uh just you know I had a lot of fun with this scenario and here’s what’s left a bunch of skeletons of ships bound to sink to the bottom of the ocean so there it is the pirate scenario make sure you subscribe because we are already working on the next One

This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Players Simulate Being Pirates on an Ocean World’, was uploaded by Forge Labs on 2023-10-21 14:08:18. It has garnered 546735 views and 26791 likes. The duration of the video is 02:58:32 or 10712 seconds.

I Simulated being a Pirate on a Hardcore Minecraft Ocean Server

Appearing in this video: @SneveYT @OkRobert. @Legundo @unsortedguy @Kiply @It_Ryan @ShadowMech

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#Minecraft #ScenarioSMP #minecraftsmp

Video Includes: 100 Days Minecraft Players Simulate Medieval Times Players Simulate Civilization Hardcore Minecraft

About ForgeLabs: Welcome to Forge Labs! I review video games and discuss video game industry things. On the channel I post gameplay experience reviews, video essays, and satirical pieces that I hope you find entertaining. Enjoy!

Minecraft’s Best Players Simulate The Purge https://youtu.be/bjyQ4OBeoc0

Forge Labs https://www.youtube.com/AirsoftXX

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    Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & RusherhackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Surviving 2b2t Anarchy Server. Trail Hunting for Base, Stash. Meteor & Rusherhack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-07-26 05:30:06. It has garnered 129 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:21 or 4461 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. As of October 2023, 2b2t is over 28,300 gigabytes in size and has had more than 821,220 unique player 2b2t… Read More

  • 100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!

    100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL SHARK in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-03-23 14:00:38. It has garnered 2641527 views and 24323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:08 or 2768 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as an Elemental Shark! I had to save Minecraft’s ocean from the ender leader, Terminis! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More


    M3rc - INSANE MINING UPDATE REACTION!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW MINING UPDATE W OR L | Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by M3rc on 2024-09-25 05:33:46. It has garnered 171 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:33 or 6933 seconds. Lets Grind out this New Mining Update! And Get Some Growth on this Profile | Hypixel Skyblock | Minecraft | mods | Gaming Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!

    Insane Minecraft Mod: Only 1% of the World Left!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted’, was uploaded by RocketF on 2024-04-05 19:00:30. It has garnered 1151 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:54 or 954 seconds. I try to beat SKYGRID on HARDCORE! Playing SKYGRID Minecraft! I hope you enjoyed. Please like and subscribe! SkyGrid Download: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/skygrid-minecraft-1-20/ RocketF – Hardcore Minecraft but 99% of the World is Deleted Previous Video: https://youtu.be/Dg3mnrH9cUQ?si=NlXpHC3ehwsPBb7p MINECRAFT VIDEO: https://youtu.be/jvHi2iAcG3k?si=MZr7FGDnZTeEQ4ey #minecraft #minecraftharcore #minecraftbut #minecraft100days Read More

  • 🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine – Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shorts

    🚀 Turbo Gamers Mine - Watch the Chota Bheem Trend Explode #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding’, was uploaded by Turbo Gamers mine on 2024-08-16 13:00:50. It has garnered 5369 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. poipoipoi❌ Chota bheem✔️ new trande #shorts #minecraft #viral #tranding Tags:- minecraft poi poi poi, minecraft poi poi poi mod, minecraft poison horror map part 2, poison map for mcpe, poi poi poi shorts, r minecraft, potion counter mcpe, poi poi poi popoi poi po pi minecraft, poi poi poi po pi trend minecraft, poi poi poi meme minecraft, poi… Read More