Ultimate Prank: Floki Becomes Secret Bosses!

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Today my friend R is trying to play on his Minecraft server peacefully but I’m going to mess that up by pranking him as cho cho chars but first we’re going to turn into a bunch of different creatures and even invisible to brag the absolute

Heck out of him our goal for today is to make him super scared and to make him scream like a little girl okay let’s go what I’m going to do now is I’m going to turn invisible first and get into his base he you guys ready for me to turn

Invisible if you are make sure to like the video in the next 3 seconds so I prank GR in the next video as well 3 2 1 boom I just turned invisible oh my gosh he’s going to have no idea what’s going on so first we need to find a way to get

Inside of his base but he’s still near his chest you know what that is actually perfect is he if he keeps standing over there I could just go to the front of the base right over here and I can type in his code over here because my friend

Rez is so stupid he hasn’t changed his code in over 2 years now whoever is this super smart person you got to make make sure to comment his code in the comments down below so we can all laugh at him for still having the same code as two

Years ago so his code is actually one one one one look at this it opened okay I’m going to hide in this corner over here oh my gosh we actually successfully infiltrated his base and he has no idea that his best friend is standing in in

This corner right here so what we have to do is we got to wait for him to start doing his minecrafty stuff I don’t know exactly what he’s going to do uh-oh this wolf knows I mean look at him look at him the doggy knows I’m here he

Definitely knows I’m here okay we just got to wait for Raz to get over here and we’re going to start pranking him super hard okay who it’s time to what’s that Mr Monkey it’s time to feed the chickens oh you’re so right you’re coming with me

And uh oh hey chickens okay I can’t let you out okay who want be fed first oh my go he wants to feed all of the chickens wa that is so perfect I’m going to get inside of the little cage with him and I’m going to hit him and he’s going to

Think that one if the chickens hit him and he’s going to get super angry at the chickens okay let’s hit him once what the hey whoa wait did the chickens hit me what hey the chickens don’t attack people in Minecraft do they look he’s starting to get paranoid I’m going to

Hit him again I’m going to hit him again he’s going to get confused again okay hey hey wow what the heck is going on you chickens trying to play a trick on me Mr Monkey you keep watch while I try to find some seeds in here oh my gosh

Look he still has no idea who hit him okay I’m going to confuse him even harder the next time that he turns around to look at the chickens I’m going to spawn a million more chickens right behind him so when he turns around he’s going to see a million chickens and gets

Super confused let’s spawn them all right now oh my gosh look at how many chickens there are hey hey is what the heck wait I got more CH where did these chickens come from Mr Monkey what happens why are there so many chickens now I’m so confused oh my gosh he’s absolutely

Confused okay what I’m going to do next is I’m going to make a little hole into a side fence over here so all the chickens are going to escape and he’s going to lose all of his chickens let’s do it hey hey what no what’s happening

To my wall no wait wait wait chickens no don’t leave don’t leave no no oh don’t don’t get back in the water no oh I need some blocks to block this off oh he’s going to try and get some blocks oh my gosh okay while he’s over there busy

Trying to get some blocks I’m going to kill every single chicken with this command so the next time he comes back they have all disappeared he’s going to be super confused the command is kill at e and then you this type is chicken and if I’m right and if I typed it correctly

It’s going to delete every single chicken let’s try that now oh my gosh look at that they’re all gone okay I’m going to pick up all the meat and all the feathers so there’s absolutely no evidence of them dying and he’s just going to think that they completely

Disappeared and he’s going to be so confused and don’t forget guys by the end I’m actually going to morph into Chuchu Charles and scare him even more oh he’s still standing he’s still standing I’m got to pick up every single EV okay there we go there we go go oh my

Gosh W okay I got the blocks what wait where’s the chickens no where’d they go wa wait why are the floors where is there a hole in the floor what where’s my chickens oh no did they all die from the electric fence oh look at how confused he is he

Has no idea where all of his chickens went guys he said this is an electric fence right and he’s completely right so what I’m going to do is when he stands close to a fence I’m going to hit him into one and he’s going to die look at

This he one go one why did I die why does something push me a man look at that Ras what Zapped that by offense oh my gosh he is so confused he has no idea what to do anymore wait did he just spawn here let’s see okay he actually

Did I see his name tag over there so what I’m going to do next is I’m going to turn into a little chicken and pretend like I’m the last chicken that he has and the next time that he sees the chicken he’s probably going to want

To catch it but I’m going to run away so he sees his last chicken ran away forever let’s change into a chicken now boom there we go we just changed into a cute little chicken okay let’s make a hole over here and let’s just enter through the hole and just stare at him

What the hey what the wait oh I have a chicken there’s a chicken here oh great okay well no wait where you going where you going come back here I I need you chicken you’re the only chicken I have wait H still hold still okay I I can’t catch him he’s so

Why is he so fast this is weird he hey go no I died again oh the fence got me again look at that r with that that by a fence again he can never ever ever catch this chicken this chicken is way too fast for him oh my gosh he thinks he’s

Being confused now but just wait until he sees cho cho Char show up and he’s going to be super confused oh my gosh why is this dog looking at me like that hey okay I’m flaky I’m not a piece of real chicken I’m a fake chicken stop

Looking at me wait this actually gives me an idea I’m going to change into his dog next because he probably has to feed that dog as well right oh my gosh that is so perfect wait I’m going to change it to this dog real quick and then when

He comes here to feed the dog I’m going to prank him as his own dog it’s going to be so funny are you guys ready to change it to a dog before I do that you got to comment your favorite animal cuz my favorite animal is a hippo cuz he’s

Big and fat let’s change it to a dog now boom there we go we just turned into a cute little doggy look at this okay so what we have to do right now we have to get inside and then we have to hide the original dog dude why are you standing

In fire bro come on the heck is wrong with you okay look we have to hide him somehow what do you guys think should we put him in the floor or should we just get rid of him forever and by getting rid of him I mean obviously kill no you

Know what I’m not going to kill a little doggy that is sad I’m going to make a hole in the floor right here there we go oh oh oh there’s a basement here oh that’s right okay just get in there get in there what the heck are you doing

Come on on one more one more one more no get in here I have to hide you there we uh oh uhoh uh you guys did not see that you guys did not see that no I feel so bad okay I think we have to comment

# sad doggy cuz that was super sad I actually feel kind of bad right now but we can’t forget we have to prank Raz so let’s continue I’m going to hide all the evidence there we go there we go there we go oh wait no no this was purple this

Was purple oh no no no no quick quick quick quick quick quick quick there we go there we go there we go there we go okay okay okay perfect perfect the next time is’s going to come over here to feed the doggy he’s going to have no

Idea that his best friend turned into his doggy and oh my gosh I’m going to prank him so hard it’s Cho Charles next let’s wait for him to get here oh man I lost all my chickens today’s been a bad day but hey at least I still got you boy

I oh what’s Dad you hungry you want some food yeah yeah of course I want food feed me feed me food okay okay here you go here’s some meat um oh wait uh there you go yeah oh wait I need to get more meat uh be right back boy don’t go

Anywhere wow I’m going to be so grateful for him giving me all of this super tasty meat so I’m going to give him something in return as a thank you I’m going to drop him a human head oh he’s going to get so confused okay let’s get

Like three of them and spawn them back let’s get like three of them and drop them whenever he gets here okay I got more meat and I got oh it’s time for walkies I think uh uh what what is that in your hand what what wait what are

These what are these heads what the heck these are heads why did you get these heads bad boy bad what who is he calling a bad boy why is he calling me bad hey guess what I’m got to try and hit him from over here what did you do that wait

I tamed you you can’t attack players hey hey behave or you don’t go for a walk hey oh don’t make me come in there okay I’m coming in there yeah you’ve been a bad boy dog bad boy we’re going to go for a walk oh no look at him okay I have

The perfect plan right now I’m going to escape and run away and he’s probably going to chase after me but then I’m going to quickly change it to choo choo Charles around the corner and chase him back to the base okay let’s run away and

Hide really quick so we can change it to CH CHS hey boy no come back no no you need to use the lead I have to take you for a walk you don’t run away come back oh wait he’s faster than me that’s what you get for being mean to a doggy rist

Okay let’s quickly Run Away really quick around the corner and then we’re going to disappear and change it to Cho Choo Charles so when he gets around the corner we’re going to attack him it’s Cho chuo Charles oh my gosh he’s still behind me so quick okay let’s fly R

Around the corner really quick come back wow he’s really fast oh I can’t keep up him now a man okay so now he’s trying to find me and I’m going to change it to cho cho CH so whenever he gets around the corner over here I’m going to prank

Him super hard are you guys ready to turn to choo choo Charles let’s go boom there we go we changed it into the real choo choo Charles oh my gosh look at his legs this looks so disgusting okay I think I have to increase my field of view just a little

Bit so we can see a little bit more oh my gosh this is so gross wait his wheels move look at this his wheels actually turned and move this is so cool okay let’s wait right here for Raz to show up around the corner o where are you it’s

Okay I’m not mad anymore where’d he go I can’t find him a what is that it’s a big spider thing someone help me oh my gosh did you guys hear that scream in the beginning of the video I said our goal for today is we make him

Scream like a little girl and he actually did it I can’t believe it okay you know what we all have to laugh at him together by typing hahaa Ras in the comments together for screaming like a little girl okay I’m going to chase after him again but where is he I’m

Going to wait for him in front of his base so when he thinks that he’s going to be safe inside of his base I’m going to be waiting for him right in front oh man that was scary I don’t want to see that ever again oh no he’s back no hey

Stay away stay away no no no no I can’t get run this thing no oh he’s so terrified of Cho Choo CHS this is absolutely hilarious okay what if we go over to his base and then we’re going to put lasers in front of his entrance so he can never ever get back

To the safety of his base oh he’s going to be so confused how the heck does this work hold on hello hello what the heck is going on I’m so confused wait okay there we go there we go we got lasers oh my gosh he can never ever ever get

Inside now this is going to be so cool what the heck is wrong with that one hey okay there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go right no yes there we go there we go okay we put lasers into his door okay let’s wait for

Him to get back up I quickly change back to my normal skin so I can hide around the corner here and see his reaction and then when he tries to go to the other side I’m going to be waiting there is chuch Choo Charles and break him even

Harder let’s wait for him to go back to the base oh I hope I don’t see that thing again is it gone oh okay I’ll just go inside and I’ll be safe in my base wait what are these are these laser they can’t be lasers they don’t look

Real oh no wait wait oh no they’re real oh man what I can’t believe how stupid my friend is he just walked he just walked directly into the lasers who would ever do that lasers is super dangerous look wait this changes my plan cuz I wanted to prank him at the other

Side cuz I thought he would walk to the other side of the base but now he’s actually inside okay we got to get him outside somehow so we can prank him as Cho Chu Charles again I’m going to get some DD and then I’m going to okay I

Already have a fling steel right over here I’m going to set up some explosions at the back of his base so he’s going to come out and investigate and then when he does that I’m going to run after him Juju Charles again and he scare him even

Harder let’s do it it’s going off right now what was that explosions oh I can’t check it out is it safe oh maybe that thing blow up yeah maybe that monster thing blow up that’s what you kept I can’t believe it he actually thinks that cho cho

Charles blew up guess what we’re going to change it to Chucho ch right now but before I do that you got toage your favorite Creepy Pasta down below my favorite creepy pasta It’s cartoon cat because it’s super creepy okay let’s change it to Choo Cho chars right now oh

There we go we’re choo choo Charles again okay let’s try and find out where Raz is oh he’s right at the explosion crater okay when he says something about the monster being gone I’m going to jump right in front of him and scare him okay

So if that thing blew up here then I’m safe so if I just uh I don’t know put all the blocks back yeah just fix the world make it all pretty again no no no I don’t want to die no I saw you blew up I can’t believe how much he screams

Every single time that he sees choo choo CH well I get it just look at this face it’s so creepy and gross looking okay let’s run after him and scare him even more oh no no no no leave me alone no what even are you no I just want to play

Minecraft no no no ah ah ah no no no no no you can’t get me if I climb up all these blocks ha I’ve got the high grounds you can’t get me what the heck is he doing he thinks he’s playing fortnite by building a tower okay you know what I’m

Going to do I’m going to change my name into Choo Cho Charles as well so the next time that I kill him with my super op sword it’s actually going to tell him that my name is Cho Cho Charles and then he’s going to try and figure out what

The heck is Choo Cho CH because I don’t think that he knows yet okay let’s get a super op sword and let’s actually get him oh he really thinks he’s safe down there this is going to be so funny he’s even building a tower oh my gosh haha

You can’t hit me from down there I’m safe up here oh my God he actually thinks he’s safe you know what I’m going to do I’m going to hit him with a bow so he’s going to fall off the backside and I’m going to get it with my diamond sword

Let’s do it ah wait no no no no oh no I fell no no wait no leave me alone no look at that rat was slain by Cho Choo Charles and we actually hit him off with the bow that was super cool let’s wait and see if he actually noticed that he

Got killed by Chu Charles wait what I but R was slain by cho cho Charles what does that mean what is that he has no idea what cho cho Charles is okay I think he’s back into his base so he’s probably not going to go outside again

Right because the last time that he went outside he got absolutely demolished by Chu Charles so what I want to do is I’m going to turn invisible again sneak into his Bas and the next time that he says that he’s safe inside the his base I’m going to morph into cho cho Charles

Right inside of his base and he’s probably going to have the biggest scream ever okay let’s turn invisible right now boom there we go let’s sneak into his base and let’s see if he actually tries to go outside again I think he’s not going to okay so you know

What if I just build some defenses that thing can’t get in here yeah just like that hard barck at the other tour yeah yeah yeah I’m safe now ha I out Ed you oh my gosh he thinks that he’s safe no way okay he has no idea

That Choo Charles is already inside of his base completely invisible so now we’re going to turn into Choo Cho Charles are you guys ready let’s do it right now and then we’re going to stand behind him and wait for him to turn around oh my gosh I’m right behind him

And he has no idea as soon as he turns around he’s going to scream so hard okay so if the lasers stay out there and he tries to get in then the lasers will get him no oh no you’re back no oh no I’m out of here I’m out of

Here what he actually went to his basement oh go okay we’re going to wait for him inside of the basement I’m going to wait for him right behind this door when he opens it up he’s going to see me right here is he gone is he gone I just

Take a quick peek uh hey I see you down there yeah you think you can outsmart me no you’re still oh no no you should be stuck down there no no no no no no no no oh no today my friend Raz is trying to play Minecraft peacefully server and it

Is up to us to break the absolute heck out of him and make him super confused and scared so I’m going to break him and seek from the Roblox mini game I forgot what the name is can any of you guys remind me in the comments so seek is a

Super scary creature which is stands behind the windows and stars at you as you can see right over here we’re going to turn it into an invisible monster first and then we’re going to turn into a cute the little teddy bear and by the end we’re slowly going to work our way

Up to seek oh my gosh look at how SC SC this thing looks this thing is absolutely terrifying okay what we’re going to do now we got to wait for R to go away so we can sneak into his base turn invisible and start confusing him

Super hard so by the end we can turn into s and prank him even harder okay let’s see what Raz is going to do to see if we can find a way to get inside oh boy it’s feeding the pets day okay do I feed them with steak or milk or this I

Don’t know we’ll find out okay uh P it downstairs this let’s go oh this is absolutely perfect Raz is going downstairs that is going to give us enough time to actually get inside of his base and prepare the prank on him so let’s try to get inside it looks like he

Has a couple of codes here oh my gosh I kind of forgot the codes does anyone of you know what his door codes are the last time it was something like 1 two three 4 but I think he changed it let’s try it out 1 2 3 4 oh my gosh it doesn’t

Work yo we’re going to need to find what his codes are okay okay I’m going to try something else because my friend Raz is actually a tiny bit stupid just a little bit he’s probably going to use a super easy to remember password okay I’m going to try

00000000 oh my gosh it didn’t even work no okay we have to try something else please help me in the comments below what do you think that his code is going to be okay I’m going to try the next one one one one one oh my gosh no way it

Worked okay we got to get inside that really quick and prepare to prank on him wait is he still downstairs okay it looks like he’s downstairs I’m going to turn invisible first and hide somewhere in his base and when he comes upstairs he’s going to be super confused because

I’m going to be invisible and I’m going to be messing around let’s turn invisible in the next 3 seconds you got to like the video 3 2 1 okay I’m going to wait where am I going to wait I’m going to give you guys a little tip okay

If you’re an invisible monster you always see the shadow under your feet over here so all we have to do right now is stand somewhere oh my gosh this is so perfect look at this you can’t even see the shadow under our feet anymore we’re

Going to wait right by his bed for him to come upstairs then we’re going to break him super hard la la la la la la la okay um what’s next on the agenda okay so if I get some more food maybe I can feed them uh o pork maybe pork or

Should I try something else well what if we start off the prank a little bit lightly by just hitting him and he’s going to have absolutely no idea what hit him because we’re completely invisible let’s hit him hey what what was that what attacks me is there

Something in here with me where’ that come from look at him he has no idea what just hit him okay let’s wait for him to go back to his chest and then we’re just going to do it again to see if he’s going to realize that he’s getting attacked by nothing that was

Weird okay let’s forget about that and continue okay so food I was going to choose poor hey what was that there’s something in here who’s doing that is it one of you is it one of you plushies what he actually thinks that one of the plushies hit him look he’s actually

Destroying them now oh my gosh re is such a giant Minecraft Noob those little plushies can’t hit you okay we to run over here I’m going to do it again and we can see if we can make him scream like a little girl let’s check it out

Hey hey what’s going on here who’s doing that there’s somebody could here where is it he starting to scream a little little bit again I hope part yeah we’re going to make him scream like a little go wait he’s actually trying trying to hit everything around him with a wooden

Sword look at that oh my gosh he can’t hit us we’re hidden right next to his bed okay you know what let’s hit him one final time just to confuse him super hard and I hope he’s going to become super scared now and scream just a little bit more hey hey wait what’s

Doing on what’s in here okay he’s starting to become a little bit more confused and scared because he’s starting to scream a little bit what if he randomly open and close his chest just one time let’s see how freaked out he gets what’s happening is that chest

Alive okay I don’t know if I want to go near other chest anymore okay I’m going to go somewhere that’s not haunted what is actually going to go away no way oh oh my gosh okay what if we keep opening and closing his chest but this time we’re actually going to

Steal something I have a feeling that this chest holds a lot of secret items because this chest has absolutely nothing look at how stupid all of this stuff is I’m going to open up this chest oh my gosh look at that there’s diamonds there’s blocks of gold and even obsidian

In here I’m going to take out one Diamond so I’m going to leave four in here then I’m going to keep opening and closing the chest until he comes back let’s see if he notices that one diamond is missing just one okay hopefully the chest has calms down now and it’s not

Alive oh wait oh should I investigate uh uh hey wait a minute did I have more stuff wait something’s missing in this chest what was it oh he’s trying to look for the diamond he has no idea it’s got okay let’s give him like 20 more seconds and hopefully he’s

Going to realize that the diamond is missing and if he does I’m going to drop it somewhere in this room and when he tries to pick it up I have a super big surprise for you guys it’s what am I missing I’m missing I think it’s a

Diamond one yeah I’m missing one Diamond where’ that go what’s going on where’ my diamond go oh look at him freaking out okay I’m going to drop wait wait first of all I’m going to change my name into nothing so the next time that I kill him

It will actually tell that he got slain by nothing so let’s drop one single diamond in here and when he tries to pick it up we’re going to confuse him super hard by killing him as nothing hey well the chickens don’t have my diamonds My Diamonds oh oh oh okay you come here

You silly Diamond what I killed me Raz was slain by nothing what’s going on look at that Raz was slain by nothing and he has no idea what’s going on okay I’m going to leave his stuff here and wait for him to respawn okay at least I

Have my diamonds back oh my milk okay uh yeah okay maybe that was just a glitch yeah it was just a glitch okay I put my diamond back oh yeah he thinks it’s a glitch well guess what I’m going to jump off the table here I’m going to hit him one more time

Normally so he thinks what the heck is going on and then we’re going to kill him again as nothing to freak him out even more and don’t forget by the end we’re going to turn into the super creepy seek monster from Roblox to prank him even harder let’s hit him hey hey

What’s happening what my house is haed where where are you there’s a ghost in here what’s going on where no no why I died again R was sa by nothing what does that mean something is in here oh my gosh she’s absolutely super duper confused this is so hilarious okay I’m

Going to become something else now I’m going to turn into a tiny little teddy bear and I’m going to stand right here between his other plushies let’s put this plushy back in so we don’t stand out as easily I’m going to stand right here and change into a teddy plushy boom

There we go look at this we just changed it to a cuter little teddy bear plushy this is so hilarious let’s wait for him to turn around is he going to realize that is a literal Teddy Bear right here that he hasn’t had before what is happening what why does he keep saying

That I’m dying by nothing uh maybe it’s the chickens yeah yeah maybe it’s the chicken’s fault what he has no idea that there’s a completely new plushy waiting for him on this table okay I’m going to get a bow and what I’m going to do is I’m going to open this door super

Quickly I’m going to try to hit him with a boat from here chickens own up what hey hey wa hey hey what’s going on which one of you did that huh ah hey what’s going on why am I getting attacked I actually hit him twice and he still has

No idea that is a super cool super creepy little teddy bear just waiting for him oh wa he’s right here the next time that he walks by the stable I’m going to hit him once let’s do it oh man I only have like five hearts and oh I

Just ate a raw chicken oh that’s no good okay hey hey no is again why do I keep getting attacked I don’t understand he’s so confused this is absolutely hilarious okay let’s try to hit him with a bow again a wait hey there something in here what’s going on

Oh no I died by nothing again what’s going on why do I keep dying by nothing okay you know what it’s actually time to let him know that there is something in the base it wasn’t nothing all along it is something so what I’m going to do is

I’m going to hit him once and hopefully he’s going to look at this table over here and then I’m going to fall off as the teddy bear so he’s going to notice that we actually moved let’s wait for him to walk past again there’s something in here hey what

The wait uh wait I don’t remember oh what the heck is that bear moving is that bear moving ah are you moving huh are you what the heck he’s throwing eggs at me he’s so mean you’re not supposed to throw eggs in a teddy bear hey guess

What we’re going to do we’re going to scare him super hard and I hope he’s going to scream like a little girl by running at him and just running away I don’t he hey what’s going on hey that bear just broke my door hey come back

Come back here you you owe me a new door where to go he actually screamed he was so scared of a tiny little teddy bear if he’s scared now just wait until he sees seek from Roblox that’s going to be so scary wait a minute hey are you the bear

That moved okay I’m going to I got investigate this what the wait there’s a hole in the wall where did that come from what is going on okay what I want him to do is I want him to try and chase me because when he does I’m going to hit

Him against the fence over there wait where is he going now why is he there okay let’s wait right there and wait for him to run after me I see you hey get back here bear you owe me a new door and you broke some blocks wait no no no no

Don’t push me in the F no why look at that Raz was Z to death by a fence he got absolutely demolished by a little fence that is so hilarious it’s his own defense as well okay let’s wait for him to respawn and then we’re going to scare

Him even more because we have to get him super duper scared until we change into seek and scare him even harder okay I need to find that bear where’s he at hey there you are hey hey wait you’re not taking damage hey hey stop why why are

You taking damage come on what’s wrong with this bear get out of here this is my base not yours oh my gosh he’s starting to become more and more scared or really hope is’s going to run away now so we can all laugh at him for being

Such a little noob come on speak to me why don’t you do okay I’m out of here I can’t handle the bear I’m getting out of here he’s actually running away I can’t believe this he’s such a Minecraft Noob wait a second do we have a scar oh no we

Don’t what is actually going on his bike oh my gosh he’s running away from a little teddy bear okay you know what this gives us the perfect amount of time to go back into his base and change it to seek from Roblox so we can position

Oursel inside of his base and scare even harder because he’s already scared of a super tiny little teddy bear this is so funny let’s change it to seek 3 2 1 boom there we go we just changed into seek look at how scary this thing looks this

Is so gross okay I’m going to stand right here in the chicken pen behind the window and we’re going to see if he notices that there’s something staring at him from behind the glass let’s wait for him to get back he should be pretty close now whatever’s going on it better

All be over now the that bear better be gone um with the ghost or whatever it is better be gone as well okay everything looks normal I mean what is that what is that what what did I just see what was that he thinks that I’m gone look at how scared he is

Okay what we’re going to do as soon as he turns around and walks away we’re going to walk behind him and follow him and then he turns around again and he’s going to see us okay wait did he do it okay there we go there we go we’re going

To run right behind him now oh he’s going to be in his chest this is perfect the next that he’s turning around he’s going to see s from Roblox just staring at him wait let’s change our name really quickly as well there we go let’s wait

For him to turn around hey maybe my mind’s just playing tricks on me oh oh my gosh what is that I’m out of here oh he screamed like a little girl this is so funny okay we all have to laugh at him in the comments by typing ha Raz and

Laughing at him for screaming like a little girl okay let’s try to figure out where he’s going and then we’re going to break him even harder oh my God gosh wa’s going to hide in the dinosaur pen he has no idea that I already released this super crazy and big scary dinosaur

Into the wild so what I’m going to do is I’m going to spawn him back right here it’s called SCP 682 I’m going to spawn him right here and close the door behind him okay if I stand here I’m safe right I oh no oh no hey there big guy oh wait

Wait no wait don’t break the glass no no no no I don’t want to die look at that Raz was slay by SCP 682 hard to destroy reptile oh my gosh this awesome dinosaur absolutely ruined res okay let’s go back to his base and scare him even harder

Because I think he’s getting super scared now I’m going to stare at him through the window and wait for him to spawn back please let this all just be over I don’t want to oh no wait there it is again okay I’m just going to slowly

Reach for my thing in the chest and wait he’s gone no he was right here where’d he go where’d he go he has no idea I’m standing right behind him oh no no stay away stay away no look at that Raz was slay by seek oh my gosh he has no idea

What to do anymore let’s wait for him to actually realize that I’m called seek is he going to say anything about it does he even know seek what is seek I don’t know what a seek is what is a seek in Minecraft okay I don’t want to play this

Game anymore I’m just going to seal off the entire base and no one nothing’s coming near me what he’s going to seal off the entire base I really want to see him do this I really hope he’s going to put some super good as super expensive

Blocks as defense and that we can just break it to his base super easily and he’s going to realize that his defenses did absolutely nothing let’s wait for him to build his base back okay I’m going to put that there that there that there yeah that’s covered uh that there

Uh there’s no door but I was put that there yeah so nothing could get in and I’m going to cover up this door and yeah ahha they can’t get in now no one can get in here what no way he just used some tiny little bit of wood oh my gosh

This is so stupid guess what I’m going to use se’s super Secret Weapon It’s called The DFG 10K which makes me able to create a giant hole in the front of the building and then I’m going to go in through that hole and scare me even harder let’s do it right

Here what is that sound hey oh my gosh no stay away stay away no get out of here this is my base not yours no I have a sword too no no I died my S again as you can see right over there my friend

Dino is fishing right now and we have a giant problem he actually stole my dog my dog is trapped inside of his base so what we have to do to punish Dino is we have to prank him super hard as cartoon dog what we’re going to do is we’re

Going to break into his base and morph into to my own dog and by the end of the video the dog is slowly going to turn into cartoon dog and prank Dino super hard we’re going to make him scream like a little girl for stealing my dog let’s

Go let’s see what Dino’s going to do today oh well today is going to be so awesome because I stole flaky’s doggy and flaky’s doggy is actually kind of hungry right Bob are you hungry oh he looks so hungry so I going to catch a lot of fishy spram today oh this is

Perfect he’s actually going to go fishing to feed my dog so guess what while he’s busy fishing we can take our time to prepare the most awesomest pranks ever so let’s just go over to his base without him noticing and actually double check if he really stole my dog

Pop let’s see oh no there he is poob look it’s me it’s FY it’s Floy yeah you remember me right oh my gosh he actually stole my doggy I’m going to be so mad I’m going to break him super hard so the first thing we got to do do is we have

To confuse the absolute heck out of him because first I want to confuse him super hard before I prank him because that’s what he deserves so let’s go over here right behind him and let’s actually push him into the water a couple times while he’s fishing to punish him for stealing my

Dog what what the what the heck just hit me into the water yo what the heck what wait wait a second what the heck wait there’s nothing here wait how is that possible what he’s already sounding super confused and that’s not the only thing we’re going to do because we have

To make him super confused and super scared for stealing my little doggy so you know what let’s see how many times we can actually push him into the water before he gets super angry and screams like a little girl oh man I don’t know

That was so weird do I really want to go fishing again wait let me check on Bob Bob do you really want oh no Bob really wants to fish you look at him me look so hungry I got to go back to fishing wow

Why does he act like he knows what my DG doy wants I’m the only one that knows what my doggy wants we have to punish him for this I’m going to hit him into the water again what what what the heck what the heck I got hit again yo wait

There must have been a zombie or something around hello where did the zombie go oh my gosh you almost saw me he literally almost saw me how does he think that there’s a zombie here it’s literally daytime zombies don’t even spawn right now okay you know what I

Want to see how many times we can hit him into the water before he actually freaks out so let’s just wait for him to go fishing again oh man this is so weird I don’t see any mobs around my base there’s not even a skeleton or a zombie

Around but that’s so weird what could have hit me into the water he’s so super confused again okay let’s wait for him to go fishing and stand right behind him and then eventually we’re going to morph into my own dog and break him super hard and by

The end we’re going to turn into cartoon dog and break him so hard he’s probably going to cry and he deserves it for stealing my dog all right you know what this time I’m going to fish from the other side of my dog I’m going to stand over here

Hopefully I don’t get pushed through the water again oh hopefully he doesn’t get pushed through the water again well guess what I’m standing right behind him look at this hey if you guys drop a like right now I’m going to hit him so hard it’s going to hurt three two one wow

What think I got hit again yo wait a second no way it must have been one of you guys right come on chickens you better get to talking right now what he’s actually talking to the chickens oh my gosh he’s such a giant Noob why does he think the chickens can

Ever talk back to him oh let’s see what he’s going to tell the chickens you stupid chickens and you’re going to tell me I’m going to beat it out of you what oh my gosh D is so mean he’s actually hitting all of the innocent chickens no

Way if you guys think Dino is a meanie as well we all got to call him mean Dino in the comments below to stop him from hitting the chickens okay you know what I’m going to distract him from the chickens by ringing his Bell a couple of

Times what wait what the heck is that noise wait was that the Bell what the heck that is so weird wait why did my bell ring hello hey you stupid chicken you escaped that’s what you get you’re not allowed to escape oh my go she’s actually killing all the chickens now we

Have to take revenge on him for stealing my doggy and also for killing the innocent chickens d so mean but don’t worry cuz eventually I’m going to morphit the cartoon dog and get the biggest Revenge ever but now we have to confuse him just a little bit more so

His day is going super bad and then we prank him a you stupid wait what what the heck wait a second that was a bell again hey come on now wait who’s ringing my who’s ringing my bell wait there’s no one here what the heck is this so wait it’s ringing

Again what the heck wait oh of course maybe it’s just the wind I’m acting so silly today it’s probably just the wind what he thinks the wind is ringing his Bell okay you know what what if I steal the Bell I’m going to put it at the

Other side of the house and ring it from here he’s going to be so confused and he deserves it oh you stupid what the heck the B being wrong again wait wait wait a second wait where’s my M wait where the my bell go what the heck Hello Bell wait

I hear it I wait wait how did my bell get over here what yo this is so weird what the heck is going on right now look at how confused he is okay now we have to steal the Bell again and put it somewhere at the other side of the water

Because then he’s going to swim all the way over here and while he’s swimming over here he going to give us the perfect opportunity to break into his base and morph into my own doggy so we can prank him as my own Dogg ay I’m going to put the Bell right here I’m

Going to keep ringing it until he sees it at the other side of the water wait a what the heck wait the Bell is over there wait you stupid Bell hey what are you doing over there come here you stupid Bell I’m going to get you oh my

Gosh it worked no way we actually got him to go over there and now it’s time to be reunited with my little doggy Bob hey Bob do you remember me I’m I’m your boss I’m I’m Floy hello he’s looking at me he knows he knows he knows okay now

Bob listen I’m going to free you you have to run away to the base come on to to our base go back to our base I got a prank IO hurry up why are you not going go move there we go there we go there we

Go he’s safe go away Bob stop looking at me okay there we go now it’s time to morph into a little doggy so we can prank Dino even harder yes Bob run away boom there we go we just morphed into Bob but now all we have to do is wait

For D to get back and we’re going to prank him so hard we’re going to take revenge for everything that he’s done today oh man this is so stupid Bob is going to be so disappointed hey Bob how are you doing so uh remember how I promised to catch you some fish it

Didn’t work I didn’t catch any fishes today and today has been so weird like I my belt disappeared I have no idea what is going on but at least I have you right Bob right oh look at him he’s actually super confused about the bell

And he says his day is going so bad but what he isn’t giving me any fishies you know what we’re going to be super angry because he says at least he has Bob but guess what by the end of the video he’s not going to have Bob I’m going to hit

Him because I’m so mad at him for not giving me a little fishy whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa bom no calm down oh well I got you something I hope you’re going to enjoy this here hope you like this what is this he gave me a rotten egg what the

Heck why would he give me a rotten egg that’s so unhealthy that’s so bad I’m going to throw it at his face whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the he what the heck wait why am I poing right now wait whoa who what the heck is it

Ding me what is this even what the heck is that I didn’t expect that the rotten egg would actually spawn super awesome little mobs that fight Dino oh the what the heck yo I’m super nausey right now what the heck this stupid creature oh my gosh that’s what you call

A taste of your own medicine because he gave me the rotten egg and now it’s his problem okay so when he gets back here I’m going to be his next problem all right there we go I’m going to put this sword back in well I guess you didn’t

Really like the rotten eggs I mean I can give you some raw chicken maybe you like some raw chicken oh you know what I do actually love raw chicken cuz I’m a dog and raw chicken is so delicious he’s actually eating it oh wait wait there are particles around him now uh B

Are you still wait wait e b you smell e what the heck you know what you’re going to stay here for the rest of the day what he’s telling me I smell I can’t believe how mean Dino is okay what if we set fire to a little piece of the base

To start our prank on him because he stole my doggy and he killed all those innocent chickens so now I’m going to get a flint of Steel and I’m going to set fire to one little part over here and see if he notices oh man what the

Heck all right you know what I really got to grab myself a pickaxe a ax and I got to get some more wood so I can actually build bulb in because he’s super SM what the heck whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck wait why

Was there fire wait did you have a a fiery fart what the heck oh Bob you really got to watch out okay okay what he thinks I had a fiery fart what’s wrong with Dino he’s so weird he doesn’t even realize that it’s a d Li room is

Burning right now what’s he doing all right here we who wait wait there’s more fire there’s more fire no put it up put it out put it out quick quick quick quick quick no no no no no no wait why is there so much fire here no I got to

Stop it I got to stop it no no no no no whoa that was close oh wait I’m still on fire okay okay well now I’m cool down out again so uh Mr smelly Bob you can stay in here okay wait wait B wait B where are you going where are you going

Bob I’m going to run away because he does not deserve to be with Bob I’m going to run away and morph it to a super scary dog and then after that we’re going to change it to cartoon dog but first we have to run away super

Quickly and come back as a super scary black dog oh there we go we turned a little bit bigger and super scary and this is our almost final form our final form is going to be the cartoon D so now we’re going to come back and take

Revenge on Dino for doing all those mean things what the heck I can’t believe in bu right away this is so stupid what am I going to do without Bob wait a second there’s a bell in my chest maybe I can lure him over here with the Bell Bob

Please come back how does he not see me I’m standing right here B where are you please come back I got some nice f wa what D what D what D what D whoa what is that wait what was that thing wao what the heck what is that dude it’s a super

Giant dog wait why is he black I’ve never seen a black dog before wait a poison what the heck wait why did they poison me look at how scared do is of this doggy actually scream like a little girl hey you know what as a Revenge we all

Have to laugh at him in the comments by typing haha Dino for screaming like a little girl okay you what let’s fly to the other side and find out where he is and scare him again oh but I don’t know where to go wait that was a super creepy

Dog uh you know what what if I just start here and start living with the sheepies oh wait look over here I can hide over here this is perfect oh I finally found him I’ve been looking for him for so long but he’s right there

Okay I’m going to wait for him to have his back turn against me I’m going to stand right behind him and as soon as he turn around he going to freak out and hopefully scream like a little girl again wait how does this work how do I

Get hello how is this supposed to I have a guardian sapling what the heck whoa whoa whoa whoa whoaa whoa whoa look at him screaming I’m going to keep running after him and see for how long we can make him scream like a little girl whoa wait why is he up here what

The heck wait I didn’t know those can climb trees no no no quickly quickly quickly get up here get up here here get up here he keeps screaming this is hilarious okay now we have to go back to his base over here and we’re going to

Change it to cartoon dog and try to lure him back to the base oh there we go we change it to his super scary cartoon dog now I’m going to keep ringing the bell over and over again to try and get Dino to come over here wait he’s right over

There a sound Rock through the woods okay let’s do it wait a second wait what is that noise wait is that the Bell wait no way is there re Bell being rung at my base again wait let me check is there somebody over there hello wait I don’t

See anyone over there uh is it safe uh I got to find the safe way to get over there let’s go over here and go into the woods oh my gosh he’s actually going to come over here and I’m going to keep following him from the woods we got to

Wait until he comes on land there we go and now we’re just going to follow him around and see if he goes back to the base and when he’s back in his base we’re going to stand right behind him and scare him so much and hopefully he’s

Going to scream the loudest he’s ever screamed and he all deserves it because he’s been super mean and he stole my doggy all right so let’s see I don’t see anyone at my base what the heck all right let’s get a little bit closer hello who was the one ringing the bell

Come out here I have an ax and I’m going to get you he has no idea I’m standing right behind him let’s wait for him to go inside of his base and then oh my gosh he turned around how did he not see me y he’s de this little oh you cat kill

A little bird who who whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck was that what the heck wait w that’s a super big dog what the heck he’s going to swim to the other side again I’m going to wait for him and try and figure out where he’s going and

I’m going to appear right in front of him I think he’s going to go over here wow wait how did he get over there wait how did he get there so quickly we’re going to do it again let’s see it try and figure out where he’s going and then

We’re going to jump right in front of him we want to make him scream like a little girl for being so mean oh no where am I waa wait wait wait what the heck yo how is even possible Oh no I got to swim somewhere else wait where is he

Going to go to he’s literally swimming into the open ocean there’s nothing there oh no he’s going to get lost he’s probably going to drown oh no wait wait I’m doing damage I need some air oh yeah okay now I can go down again here we go okay what if I just swim

After him like this wait where is he going he’s going under an iceberg oh no he’s definitely going to drown this is so not smart what is he doing all right so let’s see wait wait I’m running out of air no I’m taking damage get up get up quickly quickly quickly

No what no way he actually dropped oh my gosh Dino is such a giant Noob oh no I don’t know what to do anymore you know I’m going to grab my boat and I’m going to try and escape this stupid house what is going to tr try and Escape we can’t

Have that we’re going to use our super awesome cartoon dog abilities on him oh man I hope I’m actually going to be save over here away from waa what the heck was that he has no idea what killed him but now we’re going to go over there we’re

Going to use our super awesome abilities on him again and scare me even harder oh no I don’t know what to do you know what let’s try and build a boat let’s try who wait he’s over here again oh no no no no where am I supposed to go where am I

Supposed to go oh he’s so terrified look at his dog running after him this looks so funny wait he’s in his boat again okay okay we’re going to try figure out where he’s going oh what he can’t even go that far it’s literally stopped here no no it’s a

Dead end hurry up hurry up quickly quickly quickly what it’s a did it over here as well no where is he going to go is he going to go into the open ocean that’s not smart Dino you’re not supposed to go into the open ocean yourself you know what happened last

Time oh no know or you know let’s justy try and get away let’s try and get away okay okay let’s try and figure out where he’s going and then we’re going to stand right there and use a super awesome abilities to punish him again what he

Actually left the game what we made him Rage Quit today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up by pranking him as a super scary creepy girl that will haunt you in your dreams but before we do that we got to

Change to a bunch of different super creepy creatures and then by the end we’re going to change into this creepy girl oh my gosh look at how gross and creepy this looks I think Dino is going to scream like a little girl but first we have to find a reason to prank him

Super hard so what we’re going to do is change to a bunch of different creatures go over there and prank and confuse him Super H so I think I’m going to start off being an invisible ghost and confusing the absolute heck out of him by opening his chest pushing him around

And he’s going to see nothing because we’re going to be invisible are you guys ready for me to turn invisible if you are make sure to like in the next 3 seconds 3 2 1 there we go we just start completely invisible look at how awesome

This is so all we have to do right now is go over to Dino and check out what he’s doing oh look at him he’s just chilling right now is he going to try and fish the biggest fish again I think so because Doo is actually super

Addicted to fishing oh my God what the heck is going on today I’m not catching any fishes look at him he’s trying to catch fishes again okay I’m going to go right behind him and I’m going to hit him into the water and he’s going to try a look

For what hit him and he’s going to see nothing let’s do it what what what the heck what hit me what wait a second there is nothing here what the heck yo that is so weird I can’t believe it something hit me into the water but there’s nothing here how is that

Possible look at how confused he is okay you know what I’m going to try and do it again let’s see if he falls for it again how does he not realize that there’s literally Something In The Water oh because I’m completely invisible let’s hit him in again wow what the heck oh my

God I’m going absolutely crazy how is this possible there must be someone here what the heck look at at me thinks that someone’s here okay let’s wait for him to go back to fishing and then we’re going to confuse him even more hold on wait he almost saw my shadow okay let’s

Wait for him to go back to fishing then I’m going to release all of his chickens by breaking the fence all right there we go I sure hope I’m not going to get H again because that is super weird there we go I’m going to release all of his

Chickens and I’m going to spawn like a million more all around him so when he turns around he’s going to see a giant chicken explosion happening oh my God come on Mr fishies I’m so hungry I want to catch some more fishies what the heck I can’t believe it

Something it be again this time going to what the heck what what what what why are all these chickens here Mr chickens come back look at him being confused oh my gosh he sounded so confused this is absolutely hilarious so while he’s busy with the chickens I’m going to sneak

Inside of his base and check out if we can steal anything awesome from his chest so we’re going to open the chest up and see if there’s any diamonds that we can steal as this invisible ghost and then by the end of the video we’re going

To turn into a Super creepy girl and prank and confuse the absolute heck out of him wait what is he doing over here okay okay let’s open up the chest and steal everything that we can oh my gosh what the heck is wrong with this chest

What the heck is this he has like a million sticks and like 50 wooden hoes who needs this many hoes I can’t believe it wait at least he has eight diamonds but oh my gosh guys this is the absolute biggest Noob chest I have ever seen do

You guys agree I’m pretty sure most of you guys agree reide okay let’s keep opening his chest over and over again so he hears the chest opening and then he’s going to see that his diamonds are gone wait a second what the heck is that noise all right chickens we’re going to

Investigate what the heck is that noise what wait a second that was so weird I thought there was a noise coming from over here you know what I’m going to do I’m going to open the chest up and now he’s going to see the chest opening and closing by himself he’s probably going

To be so scared what the heck why is the chest opening hey Mr chickens you cannot open the chest Stop opening the chest stupid chickens what the heck he thinks the chickens are opening the chest oh my God Dino is such a giant Minecraft Noob I can’t believe this every single time

The dino does something that only Minecraft noobs do you got to make sure to go to the comments and type in ha Dino to laugh at him for being such a giant Noob okay let’s open the chest up again because he has to realize that his

Diamonds are gone oh my God these stupid chickens keep opening my Chet wait a second what the heck oh my God why have the chicken stole my diamond he takes the chicken stole his diamonds okay this is perfect while he’s busy fighting the chickens and trying to

Get his diamonds back we’re going to change it to the first super creepy creature are you guys ready let’s do it right now boom there we go oh my gosh look at how creepy this is this looks like you know what it looks like it just

Looks like an eye oh my God this is so creepy okay I’m going to walk over to his house and I’m going to stare at him through the window and when he sees me I’m going to run away oh my gosh imagine you seeing this in Minecraft I would

Literally poop my pets this is so creepy okay okay okay I’m going to look at him through the window over here and as soon as he sees me we’re going to run away like nothing happened what the heck is that W what the was did you guys hear that scream Dino

Just scream like a little girl oh my gosh okay every single time that Dino screams like a little girl we have to laugh at him in the comments by commenting ha Dino I’m going to start right now wait is he on the roof now okay that’s perfect I’m going to stand

On top of a tree and stare at him it’s let’s see if he notices me yo what the heck that was so weird that was so super duper creepy I thought I saw something standing in the window oh no he’s getting super close I’m going to try and

Stand behind him oh no he’s on theof roof again okay wait I’m going to try and stand right behind him so when he turns around he’s going to see me and scream like a little girl again oh my God no way I can’t believe it that was

So weird I really thought there was someone around my base I guess it was no what the heck oh my gosh she screamed like a little girl again oh this is so funny oh my gosh I can’t believe how scared Dino is of this little thingy okay I’m going

To do something hilarious okay I’m going to stand over here and I’m going to drop a couple couple of diamonds right here and when he sees the diamonds I’m going to jump right in front of him and scare him again I want to see how many times

We can make Dino scream like a little girl so you guys have to count with me I think we’re on two now so let’s make it three when he sees the Diamonds oh man you know what it really is time to go fishing what the heck why are there

Diamonds over here wow what the heck oh my gosh we’re definitely three now he just screamed for the third time okay let’s actually enter his base and be a little bit more aggressive wait he escaped through the window I thought he would be in the side okay what if I go

Here and go through his chest so he sees the scary mon going through his chest let’s see if he’s going to come back to defend his chest wait a second what the heck my chest is being opened again I oh my God no way oh my God what the heck

Did it see me yet I don’t think it saw me okay okay I got amazing plan I got my fishing rod I am going to pull that Weird thingy into the water here we go here we go ah wait what the heck wait wait where did it go what where the heck

Did my chest go no I literally stole his entire chest well I don’t know if we should be too happy about that because it’s literally just a wooden hose some sticks and spider eyes but he has no chest now okay I think it’s actually time to change into the super dupy

Creepy girl because we already made him scream three times but the next model is so much more creepier I think we can make Dino scream like a thousand times how many times do you guys think Dino is going to scream today let’s change into the creepy girl right now there we go oh

This looks so disgusting I’m kind of pooping my pants guys because this is really creepy ew it looks like she has chicken legs but it’s actually her arms but it’s actually her legs I’m so confused okay I’m going to stand right next to his window and stare inside just

Like last time to see if we can make him scream oh wait oh that it was right here oh my gosh okay wait a second did I just see something what the heck that was so weird what wait oh that must have been a chicken okay I’m go wao I actually kind

Of look like a chicken we can actually pretend like one of the chickens daddy killed turn into this monster that is so perfect okay what if I put one chicken here and I drop one diamond so it looks like the chicken stole the diamond and then whenever he starts attacking him

I’m going to jump out come on stupid chicken stay over there wait a second there is another diamond on the floor and wait a second what are you chickens doing with this diamond why do you have this diamond come on boys you better get to talking why he really thinks the

Chicken stole his Diamond okay when he tries to attack one of the chickens I’m going to jump out as this creepy girl chicken and start attacking him yeah you know what you stupid chicken I thought it was you so I’m going to take you right into the water W what what

What we made him scream again okay let’s wait inside of his base for him to come back I don’t think he really saw what attacked him just yet so he didn’t even see this creepy face I think when he does he’s going to scream even louder

And louder what the heck Mr Chicken why did you attack me you’re coming into the water go I’m going to get you into the water what you get from being so stupid stupid chicken what does he not realize that chickens can just swim across the water okay I’m going to wait around the

Corner into his base for when he gets here what if I drop another Diamond that’s perfect I can lure him inside hey you better stay away you stupid chicken you’re not allowed back in the base anymore go away what you really just killed the chicken okay he’s going to deserve

Everything that we’re going to do to him now when he gets back no way more diamonds oh my God oh my God oh my God I got one more and here is there is three more oh my God I can make a diamond helmet oh my gosh he’s about to make a

Diamond helmet as soon as he turns around he’s going to see this super creepy creature just staring at him oh my God it looks so cool let me take a look at it wait a second is there something standing behind me please don’t tell me there is some what the

Heck is that no leave me alone leave me alone oh he’s so scared okay let’s actually run after him and see how much we can make him Scream by running after him oh my God no way I got to keep running away I am so super duper scared I think I pooped my

Pants he pooped his pants look at how scared he is he has no idea I’m literally running after him he probably thinks that he’s so safe okay let’s actually jump right in front of him right now what what the heck wait wait a second did I just get attacked again

That was so what still here what the heck God no way no way leave me alone no way this is a dead end I can’t believe this where am I going to go oh look at how scared he looks okay what we’re going to do real quick is we’re going to

Change our name to scary girl so the next time that we kill him it’s going to tell him that he got killed by a scary girl look at how scared he looks please stay away from me what the heck I was slay by a scary

Girl e that was a really scary girl look at that it’s going to I literally told him he was killed by a scary girl oh my God I have been safe for a long time now that’s actually really good I haven’t seen that weird scary girl in a long

Time okay I actually left Dino alone for a couple of minutes so now he thinks that he’s safe and what I’m going to do is I’m going to play some super scary sounds right on top of his roof and he’s going to try and figure out where the

Sounds are coming from but he’s not going to find anything so if you want to prank your friends really good this is what you have to do you get a jukebox and you’re going to find this number 11 look at this it already looks broken and

Cursed okay I’m going to place it on top of his roof and play it let’s see how scary this looks wait a second what is that noise what yo what the heck that noise is so creepy what the heck is going on wait where is that he coming from look at how

Scared he is oh my gosh it’s super loud as well oh my God I am so scared what the heck is going on why he just saw me standing across the water just staring at him oh my gosh look at how scary this face is this is

So creepy okay I’m going to go over there and get closer and closer to him every single time that he looks at me wait where is he standing right now oh my I got an amazing idea I got an amazing idea I am going to barricade my

House here we go I am going to place so many blocks of dirt here we go I oh no I’m short one block of dirt what is actually barricading his doors okay you know what I’m going to get into his base from under it oh he’s going to be so

Scared let’s see where he is exactly I think we’re pretty close I think he’s right here going to open this up and his base is going to be right here oh man it feels so good having a safe base that no one can ever get into oh my what no what

The heck was that what it came out of my floor how the heck is that possible oh my gosh look at him screaming he’s getting so scared this is absolutely hilarious I got to find a new hiding spell oh I know something I’m going to go right over here and you know

I can really hold my breath for a long time so I can just stay underwater for ever what he’s going to try and stay underwater to hide for me but he’s going to drown okay let’s wait for him to start realizing that he’s going to drown

And I’m going to keep hitting him under the water so he never gets out oh no I’m taking damage what oh no no I’m going to keep swimming swimming away swimming away what the heck I’m being it all the time oh my go you really thought that he

Can stay under the water forever I can’t believe this I have a super awesome idea guys I’m going to go away for a couple of hours wait for him and get back into the water and then when he starts fishing I’m going to poke my head out of

The water so let’s wait for him to think that he’s actually super safe oh man I haven’t seen her for a couple of hours life is going to be so good and I can finally get back to fishing oh look at him he thinks he’s safe okay what I’m

Going to do is I’m going to go inside of his fishing rod over there I Peak my head out oh he’s going to scream so bad let’s do it what a that’s going a fishy no no no no no she’s back she’s back look at how scared he is oh no no

No please please stop hitting me stop hitting me no today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to mess it up by breaking him as a super op boss I’m going to break him as a bunch of different super op bosses and

By the end I’m going to turn into Snake Queen which has some super awesome crazy abilities she can even make snakes come out of the round it’s so scary we’re going to make Dino super scared and hopefully he’s going to scream like a little girl so make sure to watch it

Till the end but now let’s see what he’s going to do so we can figure out what prank we’re going to do first oh man today is going to be so super awesome I’m going to getat so many fishies today what is’s fishing again oh my gosh

Dino is getting so boring why does he always fish I can’t believe this you know what we actually have to punish him for fishing again so we’re going to morph to a super super op King Fish this fish is so big the dino is probably going to be super excited and try and

Catch it but guess what this fish is super dangerous so let’s sneak it through the water and change it to the fishy oh this is perfect we can hide behind the reads over here wait there’s even lily pads in the water oh my gosh this break is going to be so awesome

Let’s change it to the fishy now oh there we go look at how gigantic we are oh my gosh din is going to be so excited to try and catch this fish but what he doesn’t know is this fish has some super awesome abilities okay let’s go over

There and start pranking Dino oh man no way it’s going to be so awesome today because I’m going to catch so many fish he’s going to be so super fun look at how excited he is to catch some fishes he’s standing on a lily pad as well okay

You know what let’s scare him a little bit first by hitting him off the lily pad I’m going to destroy this Lily Pad right under him and it’s going to fall fall into the water and we’re going to see how much we can make him scream like

A little girl every single time that he falls into the water what the heck yo wait a second why did the lily pad get destroyed under me wait a second am I getting fat was it me that destroy the lily pad no way oh my gosh he walked

Right past me how did he not see me okay you know what let’s do it again because this is absolutely hilarious he’s going to get so confused wait I have an even better idea what if just fish right behind him over here and then I’m going

To hit him off the lily pad what the heck was that hey wait a second not got hit by something but there is nothing here what the heck wait why is there nothing here hello look at how confused he is he has no idea what hit him off the water okay

Let’s see how many times we can do it until he starts getting super angry because he has no idea what’s hitting him off all right you know what I going to go I’m going to go of this Lily Pad because I really want to catch a fishy and now

I’m in the middle of the water so I can catch even bigger even bigger even bigger fishes oh he yes no idea that the biggest fish ever is standing right under him but we have super awesome dangerous abilities that we’re going to use against him but first we have to

Make him super mad because he keeps falling off the lily pad what the heck I fell off again yo what is going on with this stupid Lily Pad I remember yesterday the lily pads were so fun to fish all but no I keep falling off okay you know what let’s actually

Get into his fishing rod over here and let him meet this super crazy big fishy oh man wait wait a second what what the heck yo yo yo yo there a big fishy where did the big fishy go where did the big fishy go he’s still here wait where did

He go okay okay let’s do it again because he’s getting super excited but he has no idea that he’s about to catch the biggest baddest op boss fish ever man I really want that oh he’s right back he’s right back why am I not catching him why is it not working y

This stupid fishing rod must be broken or something ah go away I’m going to grab a new one quickly oh yeah he’s going to grab a new one well guess what the fish is going to wait right here for him so when he turns around I’m going to

Use my super op fish abilities at him wa what the heck the who what the heck what what the heck is that wait it’s something purple flying at me yo that is so creepy and it did so much damage wa no way what the a what the heck is that

It’s a super big fishy oh my gosh look at how scared he is of the big fishy if he’s scared now he has no idea that by the end of the video we’re going to turn into a snake Queen the most OP boss that has ever

Existed but now we have to keep pranking him as a super scary fishy and then he screams like a little girl all right so the water seems clear and I actually forgot the only fishing rod I had was in the water over there so I got to go over

There and grab my fishing rod quickly this is perfect sty we’re going to attack him no I’m being it I’m being attacked get the lily pad quickly okay okay at least I’m safe no I’m don’t save on the lily pad no quickly get back to the

Base oh my gosh this fish is so super duper op but guess what it’s time to change it to the next super op boss and this one is absolutely hilarious it’s so funny we’re going to have a lot of fun pranking Dino with this one boom there

We go I changed into an actual chest so what I’m going to do is first we have to confuse Dino super hard by making him a little bit scared every single time he goes fishing so let’s see if he goes fishing from the side of his base over

Here and then we’re going to confuse him super hard and eventually we’re going to change one of those chests over there to be me I’m going to be the chest and I’m going to attack him oh man that stupid fish he killed me I want to catch him

Today I’m going to get my revenge on him okay okay let’s go right behind him and hit him into the water but then we’re going to run away and he’s going to have no idea what hit him into the water this is going to be so funny he’s going to

Scream like a little girl what what the heck again I got hit by something again no way what is going on are there like skeletons or zombies around is there like a zombie my house wait there is nothing here what is going on what D is

Such a big Noob how does he not realize it’s zombies don’t even spawn during daytime he’s such a giant Minecraft Noob okay let’s see how many times we can actually hit him into the water wait a second he’s behind the fence over there what what is he doing okay you know what

We have to change our plan a little bit because now I’m just going to destroy this chest I’m going to stand right in between these things over here oh my gosh look at this this is going to be so funny but now I’m going to keep opening

And closing his chest and hopefully he’s going to hear it and when he comes over here he’s going to think that this chest is actually opening and closing the entire time and he’s going to be so confused but he has no idea that this chest is super duper op and it has super

Awesome abilities oh man I can’t believe it I only CAU one fishy what wait what the heck what is that noise wait am I am I hearing something wait it sounds like a chest he definitely hear this chest he’s going to come over here and think

That we made this noise but guess what this is going to be so funny oh no we got to stand still okay there we go there we go wait that wait what wh why did I hear a chest noise what that’s so weird wait I I

Guess I’ll just go back to fishing I guess I was just imagining it what how does he not see me how did he just walk past me this chest is literally opening and closing the entire time okay let’s open and close it again until he comes

Back what the heck I hear that stupid noise again what is going on wait wait wait a second what the heck wait what is going on with my chest why is it opening and closing all the time hello are you broken wait let me see do I still have

Stuff inside of there wait I can’t go inside of the chest what is going on yo this chest is like broken or something what the heck look at how confused he is he has no idea that I’m not a real chess but I’m a super op boss chess so let’s

Use our super op abilities on him what the heck who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is going on with the chest wait the chest wait the chest is moving why is it chest moving wait does it want to eat me no no no no the chest

Is so dangerous run away run away look at how scared he is he’s actually running away from a chest he’s such a little Noob who would ever be scared of a chest you guys are not scared of a chest right let’s all laugh at Dino in the comments by typing haha Dino because

He’s such a little noob okay let’s try and find him and then we’re going to make him even more scared of this chest oh man no way where did that chest go did I lose it wait no way I actually managed to lost it that means I’m safe

Oh he thinks he’s super safe he doesn’t know I’m directly above him oh my gosh this is perfect now when he turns around he’s going to see me and he’s going to jump off the cliff hopefully wait how am I ever going to get down here again I

Guess I’m got to go back to other direction no he’s walking away from me we got to wait until he looks at his base again and then we’re going to stand right behind him so hopefully he’s going to turn around he’s going to get super

Scared wait a second this is so weird I don’t see any chest moving around there I guess I can really go back to my base again W it’s right there he actually fell down okay okay okay let’s use more of our abilities no no no I got to get away you’re that

Stupid W have a heart no way I’m about to die I’m going to keep running oh my gosh he’s so scared of a little chest this is unbelievable guess what he actually has a chest in his face with a lot of diamonds so I’m going to steal all of

Them while he’s trying to run away and hopefully eventually he’s going to realize that he left all of his diamonds in his base and he’s going to have to run back and then we’re going to hide as another chest again I think this is actually his chest with the diamonds in

It and he left him completely open in his base he’s so stupid why wouldn’t you have a secret chest for this also this is going to be so funny because by the end we’re going to turn into the Snake Queen and Dino is going to be even more

Scared because imagine if someone gets scared because of a little chest how scared are they going to be when they meet the Snake Queen let’s open up his chest and steal all the diamonds let’s do it oh my gosh he has so many diamonds look at this this is insane this is the

Most diamonds I’ve ever seen in my life I’m going to steal all of them they’re all mine let’s go is he going to realize that he left all of his diamonds here I’m going to destroy this chest and I’m going to stand right instead of it right over

Here and wait for him to come back oh my God he’s going to be so scared wait wait a second I completely forgot my diamonds are still in the base I got to go back there quickly I don’t want to lose my diamonds I had like so many of them he’s

Actually coming back oh no no no no no no no no no no wait wait it wi is that my diamonds did I put them in this one wait no no wait where are my diamonds where are my diamonds wait did I put them in this one wait wait wait a second

Why is it not opening again hello my diamonds are supposed to be ah no it’s a stupid chest again he attacking me I got to get away from him what is’s actually getting into his fishing boat where is he going does he really think that chess cannot go into the

Water okay I guess I’m going to go to the right over here I have no idea where to I just got to get away from my basee as far as I can because I never want to see that stupid haunted chest again he actually thinks he’s going to safety but

Guess what I’m going to go into the water over here and as soon as he gets closed I’m going to appear out of the water and start attacking it with my super awesome abilities what the heck I just got killed oh my gosh that abilities was so

Op we literally one shot him but we have to go back to his base super quickly and scare him even harder oh man what the heck is going on here this is so stupid oh man this is so stupid what the heck is going on in my

Minecraft real so first my chest are cursed and now I lost all of my diamonds I worked so hard for those Diamonds oh look at how sad he is that he lost all the diamonds well guess what I’m just going to drop a couple of them

Right here so he gets happy again and Picks Them Up and guess what the super op chest is going to fall down and use his super op abilities again and by the end we’re going to turn into a super awesome Snake Queen all right you know

What I got a boat I’m just going to take my boat and I’m going to go away what wait a second there is a diamond here wait are those real diamonds wait wait there 15 diamonds no way why a chest is here again no chess leave me alone I

Can’t believe he baited me with the diamonds we’re using our super awesome chest fire ability when he turns around I’m going to use all of it right on top of him all right all right let me just quickly check is he still following me wait he’s still here leave Meo no no no

No no I’m about to die I got to keep running I got to keep running oh it hit me it hit me no no no oh my gosh this ability is so awesome it’s time for the next Super for op B and this one is so insane the abilities are absolutely

Crazy we’re going to become the Snake Queen let’s do it boom there we go look at how absolutely disgusting and crazy she looks and the best part is we have a super awesome ability which makes snakes come out of the ground and shoot you up

In the sky so let’s go over to Dino and see how scared he is oh my I don’t know what to do anymore guess I could just try and get with my boat and try to go away let’s see let me put my boat out is

There a chest around I don’t see any chest H that’s actually kind of weird wait where did my boat just go what the heck wait wait wait a second what the heck is going on I’m pretty sure I put out by whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

What the heck is that what the heck is that ah that looks so creepy why are there snakes on top of your head ah leave me alone oh my gosh look at how scared he is this is so hilarious okay let’s try and figure out where he’s

Going to go and then we’re going to wait for him right behind the tree with our super awesome snake ability let’s see where am I going to go wait this it right over there what the wo w w I’m flying in the sky I’m flying in the sky

W is so high I’m got to get away from her she keeps following me leave me alone leave me alone oh my gosh she sounds so terrified did you guys see that snake ability it was so awesome okay let’s go after it and try to use it

Again because I actually want to try and make him die due to fall damage this is going to be so funny oh but where am I supposed to go I just got to keep running away let’s go right over here into the forest oh wait look there’s a

Hill over here this is perfect now let me see where is that whoa what the he what the what the heck is going on no we actually did it oh my gosh he got skill do to fall damage this is so hilarious this is the awesomest most OP

Boss ever because she doesn’t even have to do anything the snakes just do the job for her this is so awesome let’s go back over there and scare me even more oh man I don’t know what to do anymore I don’t know what to do no there she is wait wait I don’t

Want to respawn here I’m going to destroy the bed now will you kill me I’m not going to respawn here so kill me kill me kill me what he actually destroyed his b with spa at the other side of the world that’s actually pretty SM hard well guess what what I’m going

To do is I’m going to walk away to pretend to not be interested anymore but what I’m secretly going to do is I’m going to set the World Spa to right behind this Bas over here what the heck wait where did she go why did she just

Walk away why does she don’t want to kill me anymore oh he thinks I don’t want to kill him anymore but now I’m going to walk back to him he’s going to tell me to kill him again but this time we’re actually going to do it and he’s going

To spawn right next to his bed ah there you are come kill me again kill me again I’m ready for it do it do it do it do it do it a whoa whoa whoa this actually hurts ah wait wait oh wait finally now I’m finally safe again wait a second

What the heck how did I spawn back at this house leave me alone you stupid that was so high let’s get him oh my gosh this is absolutely hilarious let’s see if we can actually make him Rage Quit oh man I don’t know what to do anymore this stupid This

Server is so stupid I don’t know what to do uh There She is again leave me alone what what what all right you’re know one I don’t want to play here anymore what he actually left the game no way we did it today my friend Dino is trying to beat

Minecraft and I’m going to mess that up by breaking him as a bush of super op buses by the end the video we’re going to turn into a super creepy void boss so make sure to watch to the end to find out what awesome abilities it has but

Now we have to figure out what Dino is doing and then we can find the perfect op B to prank him with let’s see what he’s doing oh man what a beautiful day for fishing and today I want to catch the biggest fishy ever what this is

Going to make it even easier for me cuz Dino is always fishing so what I’m going to do today is I’m going to break him as a bush of super op water buses let’s sneakily get into the water go to the other side and figure out what boss

We’re going to use first these fishies are taking forever but I don’t care nothing’s going to stop me from fishing all day long I catching super giant fishies oh did you guys hear that he said there nothing’s going to stop him from fishing today well guess what I’m

Going to stop him so the first boss we’re going to prank him as is actually a super duper op water creature it’s a void water bug let’s change into it and show you guys his awesome abilities boom there we go I changed to a super cool

Water bug look at the top of my head I’m some kind of water Queen like a bug Queen so let’s figure out how we’re going to prank Doo it seems like he’s still fishing so what I’m going to do is I’m going to get into the water and I’m

Going to pretend like I got caught on his fishing line over there and he’s going to try and pull me up but what he tries to do that I’m going to use my awesome void abilities to attack him okay let’s get in there what the heck

These stupid fish is are biting is my fishing rod even working wait let me grab another one oh no I was just about to get into his fishing line so he thought he would actually catch something okay let’s wait for him to throw it back into the water all right I

Hope this fishing rod does work let me throw it out as far as I can oh my gosh you can he threw it out let’s wait right here and pretend like yeah actually caught something oh fishy fishy fishy fishy wait fishy fishy wait why is the fishy all in my inventory what the

Heck I thought I put the fishy in look at how confused he is how many times can we do this before he actually gives up let’s figure out oh come on where oh the fish is back the fish is back okay okay wait uh wait where did he

Go wait fishy fishy ah what the heck why is it not working I tried to pull but I still don’t have him in my inventory what the heck is going on he’s getting increasingly more confused let’s actually try to make him a little bit mad because he’s not

Getting this fish to hook at all what what the heck I keep pulling it in but it’s not working this stupid fish all right if you don’t want to get caught with my fishing rod I’m going to go into the water and catch you with my sword oh

My gosh this is actually perfect because now we can just attack him from underneath his boat and he’s going to have to swim all the way back I really hope we’re going to make him scream like a little girl because now we’re going to destroy his boat let’s do it what wait

What’s hitting me what’s hitting me what wait wait where did my boat go my boat Go destroy no no I got to swim back to my house quickly there’s something in the water attacking me oh he figured out that there’s something in the water but

He has no idea it’s a super op void boss let’s see if he dares to go fishing again because then we’re going to start using void abilities on him all right you know what I’m going to grab my super op strong fishing roll and now I am sure

To catch that stupid fish oh yeah okay let’s get into his fishing rod again but this time we’re actually going to fly towards him and use our super op abilities ah I’m going to BL in there you go w w what what oh my gosh we actually got it with a super op

Voidability look at that we like one shot got him is he not being confused right now what the heck was that that was something super big and purple flying right at me that was so creepy okay you know what let’s creep around the corner and attack him again to

Confuse him even harder and make him super scared was that the fishy doing it where did the fishy go let me see I’m going to try and pull him in again come on fishy come over here oh my gosh look at him me standing right here should I

Just push him into the water to freak him out because then I’m going to run away he’s going to turn around and he’s not going to see anything behind him okay let’s do it let’s do it super quickly what the heck was that I got hit by something wait wait wait there’s

Nothing here hello wait is there there’s nothing here what the heck yo this is so confusing Mr Chicken did you see anything what happened look at how confused he is okay the next time he comes walking around the corner over here I’m going to attack it with my super op void ability again

Oh my God you stupid chickens come on why don’t you just say something to me why don’t you never talk back that is so stupid what what oh my gosh these vo abilities are absolutely op okay it’s time to confuse them even harder by changing it to the

Next op BS I really hope he’s going to be super scared of this void bug but now we’re going to change into something else ohom there we go we changed into the void sea boss Dino has no idea that he’s been fishing in the lake where the

Sea boss has been waiting all along and now we’re going to steal back what is rightfully Ours by going to his chest and stealing all of his valuables so the only thing we have to do is wait for him to go back fishing but I think he’s

Still freaking out about the void bug that he just got killed by what the heck was that wait where did it go I don’t see that weird monster anywhere that is so weird maybe I can lure it in wait he’s going to learn what is he even

Doing he’s just ringing his Bell he actually wants that bug to go back and kill him you know what guys let’s just change back into it go over there and scare him again as the void bug cuz he really wants to see it again but we have

To let him know that the void Boog has nothing to be messed with let’s change back super quickly boom there we go and let’s walk back into his Bas to scare him even harder and then after this we’re going to scare him as the void boss what the heck this St coming back

Yo that is so stupid well I guess I can just go back fishing again what what what the what the heck is hitting me what the heck was that whoa what that was so that did so much damage what the heck hit me wait how does he not see me

I’m literally inside of his face yo you know what I’m going to ring the bell to lure him here wait a second is it my bell wait wait somebody is ringing my bell what the whoa whoa what the heck is that it’s a d little bug wait what attacking

Me he’s screaming like a little girl let’s see for how long we can make him scream like a little girl wait okay I I got to I got to escape wait is it still chasing me it’s still chasing me leave me alone oh my gosh I can’t believe this

Dino’s actually screaming like a little girl we all have to laugh at him in the comments by commenting ha Dino okay let’s chase him again and use our super op voidability to let him know that he should never ever try to lure the water bug back to

His base ever again where did he even go I kind of lost him that was so creepy oh but I hope I’m save inside of my house wait he’s back at his house again no way okay you know what I’m going to get on top of his roof I’m going to jump back

In and let him know that the void bug is nothing to be messed with W there it is I’m being attack who what the heck is that what the heck was that there there we go now it’s time to change to the super creepy op void boss boom there we

Go let’s get back into the water and see what Doo is doing now we have to let him know that he’s been fishing in the cursed Lake of the Void bus so if he dares to go fishing again we’re going to steal everything that he has all of his

Diamonds and everything that he fished ever okay let’s go over there oh man what am I going to do there’s this super weird tiny bug annoying me it keeps me back I have no idea what to do anymore oh look at him being super scared well

Guess what I think he’s going to go back fishing because the only thing that Doo knows to do is fish now let’s see there is nothing around my house uh does that mean I’m safe I guess I can just go fishing but I don’t want to go fishing

Over at the house anymore I’m going to go fishing right over here this is probably a lot safer because it’s far away from my house what he going to go fishing all the way over there okay you know what that gives us the perfect opportunity to go into his Bas and steal

Everything that he has I really hope he’s not going to hear this chest opening let’s open it up and see what he has boom what yo there’s only four diamonds in here I really thought he would have a lot more items you know what I’m going to steal something that is wored way

More to dino than diamonds I’m going to steal all of his fishing rods let’s steal all of oh he’s going to be so unhappy with this okay now we have to somehow lure him back to his base so what I’m going to do is I’m going to

Ring the bell over and over again so he comes back wait wait what the heck is that noise wait is that the Bell being rung no wait is it something back at my base again let me investigate I’m going to grab my sword and let’s see who is

Ringing my bell wait what the heck there is nothing here okay so while he’s busy trying to figure out what the BT is doing I got to open up his chest wait is he had his chest okay no no he isn’t I got to open up his chest so he hears the

Chest that comes here to investigate and he’s going to see all his diamonds and fishing rods are gone wait wait what the heck wait what is that noise wait that’s my chest wait what the heck is going on let me check let me check what where did

My fishing rolls go no way all of my fishing rolls are gone I told you guys the first thing that he would notice is the fishing rods being gone I don’t think he notice that the diamonds are gone oh my gosh Dino is such a noob but guess what that’s not

The only thing that’s going to happen because he made this void boss very angry by fishing in his lake so I’m going to get into the water wait for him to start fishing and then I’m going to appear out of the water and scare him oh

Man I can’t believe it I only have one more Fishing World left this is so stupid well I guess I can just enjoy my last Fishing World he’s actually going to go back back fishing I can’t believe how addicted Dino is to fishing guys we have to stop Dino from being so addicted

Okay you got to help him in the comments by commenting stop fishing Dino cuz he’s so addicted and addiction is never good so now I’m going to go all the way to his fishing rod I’m going to poke my head out of the water and then just fly

Towards him because this character is so super scary I think he’s going to scream like a little girl let’s do it what what the heck what the heck fish fish fish wait what the heck what the heck that’s not a fish that’s not a fish what the

Heck is that F that looks so creepy what what wait wa leave me alone leave me alone what he’s actually screaming look at him I’m going to keep chasing him what the heck wait wait is it still following me it’s still following me what the heck why is it flying so

Weird look at how confused he is he doesn’t even know what to do anymore he is just running and running and running but I want to make him scream even harder okay I’m going to hide in the forest wait I’m still being a that he’s still behind me no way where am I

Supposed to go I’m just going to dig a hole right over here I’m going to escape here we go who that was so close I actually managed to disappear into the ground what the heck he actually dug a hole into the floor why would he do that he’s completely stuck now okay let’s

Open up the floor and just look at him what what the heck no leave me alone there we go we actually got it with our super op void abilities it’s time to change it to the next boss and prank him even harder now it’s time to

Change it to the void virus this virus is so creepy and disgusting it’s actually super scary and I might even poop my pants and I hope Dino does as well let’s change into it boom there we go look at this firus this thing is so gross okay let’s see what Dino is doing

And please don’t tell me he’s going to go fishing again he’s really addicted if he does oh my God no way that thing was so creepy you know I really want to try and catch it because it keeps killing me so the only thing I can actually do to

Catch it is go fishing again as it came out of the water what he wants to try and catch the other thing again why would he ever do that Dino is so weird okay what if we just get into his base and show up behind him and we’re going

To hit him into the water a couple of times again and run away so he’s going to get super confused again let’s hit him into the water what the heck I just got hit again wait what hit me wait wait there’s nothing here again yo this is so

Weird what the heck look at how confused he is okay the next time he goes back fishing I’m going to do it again and we’re going to see how many times we can do it before Dino actually turn Super super angry Dy there is nothing here or

I guess I can just go back to fishing again oh man that was so stupid what what the heck I got hit again wait hey Mr Chicken you better tell me right now what is going on or else or else I’m going to kill you so you better start

Talking right now what he just killed the chicken what’s wrong with him he’s actually being so mean to the chickens you know what I’m going to prank him even harder now because he’s being super mean to the innocent little chickens let’s wait for him to go back fishing

And then we’re going to prank him even harder for this what the heck you stupid chickens aren’t even talking back to me all right you know what stupid chickens if you don’t want to talk then you can just die what is he doing no he’s getting all of the chickens though I got

To save them with my voidability super quickly what the heck I got killed what the heck was that what happened he’s never going to know what happened but I really need him to go back fishing so I could do my little prank on him all right you stupid

Chickens if you’re not going to talk then don’t talk that means you’re not getting any food today I’m going to go back to fishing now okay so you better stop your stupid talking what he’s not going to give them any food well guess what we’re going to get Dino to be

Killed and we’re going to use him as food for the chickens let’s stand right behind him and push him into the water but this time we’re actually going to stay right here and he going to turn around and we’re going to scare him super hard and hopefully he’s going to

Scream like a little girl let’s hit him into the water what heck I got in again now whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is that thing that looks so creepy what is actually swimming away okay wa we have to beat him I’m going to

Wait all the way over here for him and when he turns around to look at the pace I’m going to be standing right behind him all right all right I think I’m safe here we go okay now let’s see what wait what the heck wait the stupid creature

Is gone I’m pretty sure it was standing right over there that’s actually kind of weird how did it disappear so quickly oh my gosh as soon as he turns around I really hope he going to scream like a little girl when he sees me all right

Now let’s see oh I did bring my fishing Road that’s perfect I can just go fishing over here what is fishing now I can’t believe it let’s hit him me through the water what oh no way no way it’s right here again look at how SC there he is okay

I’m going to go to the other side again and wait for him in his own base so as soon as he turns around the corner we’re going to get him wait it’s gone again no way that is so weird all right you know what I guess I can just go back into my

Why is right here this stupid base I don’t want to be here ever ever again that stupid base is cursed oh he’s actually running away from his base no way we scared him so much he’s running away you know what he’s never ever ever going to escape the

Void virus let’s wait for him right on this side over here wait for him to get around the corner and then we’re going to break him all right here we go what what the heck is over here again why does it keep following me around leave me

Alone yo he’s actually turning into a void cursed creature look at that his body is changing around what the heck what the heck is going on I got to keep running I got to find a way to escape these stupid creatures about he’s actually turning into a void virus the virus is working

All right let’s get it with our little void ability boom no today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft and I’m going to ruin that by cing him as a bush of super op bues but first we’re going to be a super cute little penguin that is actually super dangerous don’t let

His cute looks fool you because he’s going to absolutely destroy you so so let’s see what Dino is doing so we can figure out what to prank as first oh man I want to catch super big fishies today and I don’t want to catch two I want to

Catch all of them he wants to catch all the fishes in the lake over here what that so mean doesn’t he know that there’s a super op boss penguin that resides in this Lake that needs to feed on all the fishes and now he’s just going to steal all the fishies well

Guess what we’re going to change into that super cute little penguin and prank the absolute heck out of him let’s go boom there we go I turned into a super cute little penguin and now all we have to do is wait for Dino to catch his first fish and then we’re going to

Attack him with a super cool op possibilities what the heck the fish is are biting today what the heck is going on these stupid fishies hello fishies are you awake oh the fishies are not biting that is actually perfect because all the fishies are mine let’s get into

The water and swim over there come on bro what the heck is going on why are the fish he not buying this is like so super duper stupid you know what I have to do I have to stop Dino from fishing in my lake so what I’m going to do is

I’m going to keep hitting him into the water and then running away and he’s going to have absolutely no idea what hit him into the water and he’s going to be super confused hopefully we can make him super mad let’s do it what what what

The heck was that I got hit by some I I got hit by something what the heck wait why is there wait is there like a m in my base or something what look at how confused these sounds he has no idea that he’s fishing in the op boss

Penguins Lake and the more he goes fishing the more angry and angry I’m going to become and I’m going to use my super op abilities but for now we have to try to make him stop fishing again also how the heck did he get a green

Boat what is this it looks so gross do any of you guys know how he got a green boat cuz I’m super confused right now okay let’s not get distracted we have to hit him into the water let’s do it what what what the heck was that I got hit

Again yo no way what wait wait is there like a zombie around or something there must be some kind of zombie what zombie it’s daytime oh my gosh Dino is the biggest Minecraft Noob ever doesn’t he know that mobs don’t spawn at daytime oh we all have to laugh in the comments by

Typing haha Dino he’s such a giant Noob yo this is so weird there is absolutely no mob around but what keeps hitting me into the water okay you know what’s funny he’s getting more and more Angry every single time we do it so I just say let’s do it

Again to see if we can make him even more Angry you know what I checked every little inch and quarter of my base and there is absolutely nothing here so I guess I can just go back to fishing again oh my gosh he didn’t look that g

Stupid okay let’s hit him again what the heck I got hit again yo no way what what the heck just hit me is it like a super strong an or something come on chickens you got to tell me chickens tell me right now what was hitting me into the

One you guys must have seen something what is’s actually talking to chickens oh my gosh Dino is getting more and more newbie by the second how can you ever talk to chickens this makes no sense okay wait what is is he going to do now is he actually going to go back fishing

Again because I have to stop him from fishing and if he does it again it’s time to become his super angry op penguin boss all right you know what you stupid chickens if you don’t want to talk then fine I am going to fish right over here and every two seconds I am

Going to check on you so here we go I’m going to throw up my fishing rod one two one two oh my gosh though we have to try him into the water now because he’s looking that way and every two seconds oh this is going to be so hilarious

Because he’s going to be super confused okay let’s do it while he’s looking at the chickens what what the heck yo I what there is nothing here there is nothing here but but I got hit while I was looking at the chickens how is that even possible oh my gosh she’s getting so

Confused this is absolutely hilarious okay I hope we deter him enough from fishing so now if he goes fishing again it’s time to start turning into a super super dangerous and super angry penguin all right you know what if I keep getting hit over here I’m just going to

Go into my boat and I’m going to go fish all the way over here what no way he’s actually going to go in this boat this is perfect because now we can get into the water and start attacking him as the super op boss penguin and don’t forget

By the end we’re going to turn into more super awesome op bosses and use our super awesome some op boss abilities to prank him so the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to destroy his boat so he’s going to have to swim all the

Way back there but he’s not going to be able to cuz we’re going to attack him what the heck yo my boat got destroyed wait wait what the heck wait I’m being hit I’m being hit by something get out of the water get out of the water whoa

That was so weird what the heck was hitting me huh wait wait there’s nothing here in the water what the heck okay what I’m going to do now is while he’s looking in the water for what hit him I’m going to stand right be behind him

So when he turns around he’s going to see a cute little penguin but what he doesn’t know is that as soon as he turns around I’m going to start attacking him after he comments on me being a cute little penguin let’s stand right behind him and hopefully he’s going to turn

Around H this is really weird I don’t see any dangerous fish in the water but I don’t really want to dare to go back into the water I guess I’ll just want whoa whoa wait a second hello there little guy what are you doing here are

You like a penguin oh you look so cute oh look he said I look cute but guess what you’ve been fishing in my Lake for one day too long Dino I’m going to start using my abilities let’s do it wa what D wait whoa whoa whoa whoa what did you do

Wait wait what the heck the penguin is attacking me what the heck what is wrong with this penguin oh my gosh my abilities are so awesome Dino had no idea that he was actually talking to a super op pengu boss okay let’s see if he’s super scared of the penguin let me

See where did that stupid little penguin go I’m going to take my revenge on him oh yeah he’s going to take his revenge you know what I’m going to stand right here and as soon as he gets close I’m going to use my abilities again I’m

Going to pretend to not see him all right let’s go over here I’m going to sneak on top of this tree and then I am going to jump out of the sky and attack him let’s see where is he standing right now oh no way there he is all right three two one

W whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh that was perfect we got him so good okay I want to go over to his little base over there and I want to make him so scared of the penguin that he actually runs away but then we’re

Going to come back as the next super op boss what the heck yo that was so super oh there he is again hey you stay away from my house you stupid fuin stay away hey hey don’t go any further or else I’m going to have to use my sword on you

What the heck what are you doing to me stop it look at it being super scared okay let’s go away and come back as the next super op boss oh my gosh look at the next op boss it’s some kind of green nature dragon like a forest dragon and

Guess what we have even more awesome abilities with this op boss so let’s get into the water wait for Dino to forget all about the Penguin and if he dares to go fishing again we’re going to prank him even harder with this op Forest Dragon yo what the heck that was so

Weird but I haven’t seen this penguin in like a long time I guess I really did Scare him off and that is perfect because then I could go back to fishing again oh he’s actually going to go fishing again wait I have a super awesome idea I’m going to stand right

Behind him and hit him into the water again but this time he’s probably going to turn around and think that there’s nothing behind him but the forest Dragon Op boss is going to stand right here and hopefully we can make him scream like a little girl let’s hit hit him into the

Water what what the heck yo I got hit by something what the heck whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is that that’s a super big animal what is it doing inside of my base look at how scared he is okay let’s swim after him

No wait wait he can swim no no no no get on that quickly run away run away oh I know something I’m going to hide on top of a tree I’m Prett pretty sure he can’t reach over there oh yeah he’s going to hide on top of a tree well guess what

I’m going to use my super op Forest Dragon abilities to attack him inside of the tree wait where is he right there oh he’s right over there guess what what the heck is he shooting at me yo what the heck is that he’s actually running yo what the heck is he shooting

At me why that hit me y I’ve never seen something like that before what I’m missing everything no way I have to hit him off a tree so he gets on last so I’m going to use my most OP ability ever no no stop hitting me stop hitting me stop hitting me Please what is happening whoa what the he just happened oh my gosh look at this I have some kind of super op super gross veins coming out of the floor you know what I’m going to stand right inside of his base so as soon as he walks around

The court he’s going to see me oh man that was so wa and it’s still over here what is it doing inside of my house leave me alone W what the heck is going on look at this it’s all things from the floor getting him wait I have to I have

To get him to go outside so he can jump in the air with this who what dick is going on I’m going so high in this guy ow that hurt no stop it stop it stop it this ability is so cool he’s literally jumping into the

Air look at that he literally fell oh my gosh this mob is so awesome but you know what it’s kind of getting annoying because he’s so super big so let’s turn into the next super op boss to break him even harder with oh there we go ew look

At this m this thing is so gross he has like a billion snakes coming out of the head okay you know what oh my gosh that is absolutely terrifying you know what I want to do I want to hide somewhere behind a corner so he sees my tail

Moving look around is Doo still here okay he’s still here so what I’m going to do is I’m going to move my tail around over here he thinks it’s a giant snake oh man oh wait what the heck is that wait a second why is there de wait

Is that like some kind of snake or something at my base oh no wait no wait I got to grab my sword and when he comes around the corner he’s going to see me with all the snakes in my head I hope he’s going to scream like a little girl

Wow what the heck is that yo that looks so creepy what wait who who wait it has like so many Sak head no I’m going to run away that is so super creepy look at how scared he is oh my gosh this is so hilarious okay let’s run

After him and see for how long we can chase him before he gives up oh man this house is C or something I never want to play Minecraft here ever again I got to find a new place to build a house what is actually going to rage

Quit eventually oh he doesn’t want to play at his house oh that’s so sad wait where is he even going he’s going so far away okay you know what let’s actually wait for him to think that he’s safe and he’s going to build a house somewhere

And then we’re just going to turn up right behind him all right here we go I’m going to build my house over here it’s going to be a super simple dirt house for now but it doesn’t matter because it’s going to keep me safe from those stupid mobs oh he thinks he’s safe

In there guess what I’m going to use my super awesome ability on him oh you know what I’m just going to make a little whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is going on I’m stuck yo oh no way it chased me oh my gosh he thought he was safe

Wait he spawns all the way at his base again we got to go over there super quickly before he thinks he’s safe oh man wait this is actually perfect because now I spawned back at my house but I died so far away so that stupid creature probably doesn’t know where I

Live I’m going to be safe here again oh let me grab my fishing rod oh yeah he thinks he’s safe I’m going to show my snake deal again right here he’s going to be super scared again oh man let me no no no no no no way is back again

Leave me alone you stupid stupid Monster look at how scared he is this is hilarious whoa flying in the sky what the heck is going on whoa I’m so high this guy is is so crazy no let’s use our Alo abilities no no no no no please please

Please I don’t want to like out of oh is lava here oh no okay we have to get him to go back to his original base so we can change to the next super op boss and the next boss is so disgusting and awesome he’s going to be so scared okay

Let’s try and find him and then we’re going to kill him again to get him back to his base and we’re going to show up as the next boss oh no way this is so smart he’s never going to find me here I have dog so deep down into the ground

Where even is he I literally can’t find him anymore more oh no he might have actually escaped oh my gosh I’ve been walking around for like 10 minutes where the heck is he I can’t find him anywhere wait there’s a hole over here wait there’s a hole over here no wait no way

Is he actually all the way down there okay you know what I’m going to do I’m going to get a bucket of lava and I’m going to place it right here and eventually it’s going to reach him all the way down there oh this is going to

Be so funny what wait no way why is there lava coming down no way I am nowh to go where am I going to go no I’m going to drown in the lava did you guys see his name tag just jumping around he was panicking so hard

Okay now it’s time to go back to his base and change it to the next super op pass wow no way I haven’t seen those stupid mobs in so long this is perfect because now I can actually fish again yeah I’m so excited let’s go fishing

What no way why is Dino so addicted to fishing the only thing that he can do is fish no wait why isn’t he going to go mine for diamonds to make better gears so he can maybe hopefully defeat all the creepy mobs that has been attacking him

Today but no the only thing he’s going to do is fish and we have to punish him for it I’m going to stand right behind him and I’m going to scare him first wait wait let’s change into the penguin super quickly because now I want to hit

Him into the water a bunch of times again but then eventually I’m going to go as the super creepy op boss behind it but now we just have to run away real quick what the he I got in again wait wait there is nothing here yo no way are

We playing this stupid game again wait is there a mob somewhere here what p is over here what is this stupid pengin doing here again hey get back you super penguin oh no he F me that wasn’t the plan I wanted to hit him into the water

A bunch of times and not show anything and eventually come back as the super creepy red op boss but he already f me so I think it’s time to wait for Dino to go back fishing we’re going to change it to the super red op boss and hit him

Into the water and stand right there so when he turns around he’s going to think that it’s the little penguin again but guess what it’s going to be the super big red op boss you know what this stupid penguin managed to escape so I’m going to throw my fishing World out

Again I hope that stupid penguin comes behind me again while I’m fishings because then when he actually punches me into the water I can kill him oh yeah he’s thinks he going to be able to kill the penguin well guess what it’s not going to be the penguin anymore let’s

Stand right behind him and hit him into the water no way to see what penguin is back all right let me grab my sword let’s whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck that’s not a penguin that’s not a pengin let’s wait for him at the other

Side of the water and then we’re going to use our super awesome op possibilities wo wait it’s right over here what the heck is that that thing is super creepy oh my gosh my op abilities are so op I’m literally one shotting him okay let’s stand inside of his base

Again and wait just around the corner and try and scare him super hard so he screams like a little girl all right you know what I’m going to grab my sword I’m going to waa it’s right over there no what the heck we got him again oh my gosh this op

Bosses wait what he’s attacking me I got to find a way to escape this stupid stupid Bob I’m never going to let him Escape I’m going to wait for him right here no no no no why are you over here yo leave me alone do you want like

Redstone or something just leave me alone no no no oh my gosh we just used the most OP fire ability ever he’s never ever ever going to get be able to leave me okay let’s wait in his base again and scare him super hard so hopefully he’s

Going to scream like a little girl oh man I don’t know what to do anymore leave me alone you stupid mom leave me alone no a what the heck how am I ever going to escape this stupid mom today my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft

And I’m going to mess that up by breaking him as a bunch of super cool void bses by the end of the video I’m going to turn into a void God cuz he’s going to get super duper scared of it so now let’s figure out what Dino is doing

So we can figure out what for bu we’re going to prank as first oh today is going to be a perfect day because I am going going to catch the biggest fishing ever oh no I can’t believe it Dino is fishing again does he ever do something

Else guys we have to get Dino to stop fishing because he’s super addicted to it so now if you want to help Dino you got to come and stop fishing Dino because we you have to stop him from his addiction okay let’s go over through the

Water sneakily get in and change it to the first super op boss and because he’s fishing we’re going to change it to a a super scary fishy are you guys ready let’s go boom there we go we just doed do a super ancient skeleton fish and our

Goal for today is that we have to scare Dino so hard that he’s going to scream like a little girl and hopefully stop fishing for a while because as I said he is super duper addicted so let’s actually pretend like he’s going to catch the biggest fish he’s ever seen in

His life by getting into his little hook over here whoo whoo What the heck was was that wait was that a fishy whoa wait I got to try and pull him in I got to try and pull what wait wait wait fishy wait where did the fishy go wait the

Fishy is not in my inventory that’s kind of weird what the heck look at how confused he is let’s see how many times we can actually break him into trying to catching the big fish before he realizes that he’s never ever ever going to catch

It all right you know what I got to throw in my fishing rod again so I’m going to throw it in right now and let’s see come on fishy come here come here whoa who who who whoa whoa whoa that is a super giant fishy wait wait where did

The super giant fishy go wait wait I didn’t catch it no way I didn’t catch it I got to grab a stronger fishing rod oh my gosh he’s getting more and more increasingly confused and now he’s even going to get a fishing rod a stronger

Fishing rod to try and reel me in but this time when he tries to reel me in I’m going to jump towards him and start attacking him and hopefully we can make him scream like a little girl all right here we go I got my strongest best

Fishing run ever and I’m going to throw it in come on please I want to catch that super giant fishy today please please whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what what the whoa what the heck yo did that fishy just attack me what the heck fishies AR supposed to attack me that is

So mean but he was so super big I really want to catch him let’s hop into the P let’s see where did that stupid fishy go what no way Dino is actually getting into his boat to try and catch me that’s the biggest mistake that he’s ever done

In his life because now we can swim after him and actually destroy his boat from under him so he’s going to be stuck in the big lake and he has to swim all the way back wow what the heck that was such a weird fishy but I still haven’t

Found that super big wait wait whoa who who who who it’s right in he destroyed my boat I got to swim the shore quickly quickly quickly did you guys hear that we actually made him scream like a little girl oh my gosh okay let’s swim back all

The way to his base and see what he’s going to do next uh uh that was super weird my boat got destroyed but luckily I have a backup boat so I’m going to go into the water again and try and catch that super big fishy and this time I’m

Going to sit right over here and throw my fishing W out and now let’s hope that that stupid fishy comes back here here so I can catch it what no way he’s getting into the water with another boat oh my gosh Dino is never going to lure

Well guess what people we’re going to use our super awesome super scary fish abilities to scare him out of the water let’s go okay now we have a super awesome fish ability it’s called the tornado in the water look at this look at how cool this is okay let’s actually

Swim closer to him and we’re going to scare him with the ability oh what the heck where is that stupid fish here whoa whoa what the what the heck is that what the heck is happening what the heck that was so super duper creepy wait wait wait

What’s that it looks like some kind of tornado no oh let me get out of the water quickly quickly oh I almost died I’m like half a heart oh my God he’s actually running away he’s so scared no way the tornado is so strong I’m going to try and get

Right in here into his little do area and when he sees me I’m going to shoot the tornadoes right at him oh my gosh look at how creepy this looks H wait where the heck did that tornado go the tornado is gone wait does that me wa what the

Heck his entire base is being attacked by my awesome abilities wait where is he going I need him to come back cuz I’m going to use my next ability wait a second what the heck wow what the heck oh my gosh okay I think he has this see

That we’re actually a skeleton fish cuz we have to scatter him super hard but when he notices we’re a skeleton fish we’re going to swim away and change it to the next boss so he gets even more confused H that is super oh wait wait the big fish is right over there wait

Wait wait why is it coming into my base W it’s a fishy it’s right over here it’s attacking me wait a second it only has bones it’s I’m kind of skeleton fishy oh he realized I’m a skeleton fishy let’s get him no no beauly I got killed Again by the stupid

Fishy wait oh this stupid fishy let’s change it to the next op BS boom what Ido doesn’t know is that he’s been fishing in the cursed void Lake and he is awoken the void Enderman and the void Enderman is going to steal everything that Dino has ever fished and everything

That Dino has ever minded his chest so let’s sneak Le get over there while he’s busy trying to find the fishy and then we’re going to steal everything he has what the heck where did that fishy go I really want to catch him I want to

Get Fe back on it I’m going to throw in my fishing roll I’m going to catch that stupid skeleton fishy you know what matter of fact before we go in his chest and steal everything let’s scare him super hard first by going right behind him and pushing him into the water and

When he turns around there’s going to be nothing there what what I got hit I got hit what the heck was that wait a second what the heck just happened I got hit by something but there’s nothing here uh Mr chickens do you have any idea what the heck hit me

Please why is he talking to the chickens oh my gosh doesn’t he know the chickens can’t even talk back to you D is such a giant Noob okay let’s wait for him to go back fishing and let’s see how many times we can push him into the water

Without him realizing that there’s a super scary void Enderman standing at the top of his roof h the chickens aren’t really talking I don’t know why come fishes why don’t you just tell me stupid chickens what why is he attacking the chickens no we have to use our super

Awesome Ender and void abilities to stop him from attacking the chickens let’s do it stupid chickens why don’t you tell me what oh my gosh did you guys see my forid ability it was so strong it literally one shot Dino I don’t think he realizes what what going on let’s see if

He’s going to be super confused what the heck was that there was something purple flying at me and it killed me what the heck was that oh no he’s going to try and find what it was that was not the plan cuz I wanted to hit him back into

The water when he’s fishing okay you know what I’m just going to wait for a little while until he goes fishing again so we can confuse him even harder cuz I don’t want to let him know just yet that he has awoken the curse of the Void

Enderman oh what D I can’t find it there is nothing around my base that is so weird uh well I guess I can just go back fishy again because the big fishy is still somewhere in the water oh he still wants to go fish for the skeleton fish

But he has no idea that I have transformed into another thing to prank him and I’m going to hit him into the water right now I got hit again what the heck was that what what wait there’s nothing here again this is so confusing look at how confused he is

Okay the next time we’re actually going to stay right there so he thre around and he’s going to see the void and Theon and then we’re going to use our super awesome void abilities on him so let’s wait for him to go fishing again and then we’re going to scare him super hard

And hopefully he’s going to scream like a little girl yo that was so super duper weird you know what I am going to ring the bell let’s see if I can lure it here hello come over here what why would he ever ring the belt Dino is so stupid he

Has no idea that he’s calling the cursed void Ender you know what I’m going to give him what he wants I’m going to go into the water and now because he rang the bell I’m going to come from right in front of him and he’s going to get super

Scared let’s get out of the water and scare him whoa what the heck is that yo what the wait wait it’s some kind of purple ghost thingy what the heck wait it’s coming closer no it’s so creepy I’m going to run run away what why is he

Running away already no way I just wanted to talk to him okay okay while he’s running away let’s actually scare him super hard we’re trying to predict where he’s running to and then we’re going to jump right in front of him so no matter what side he chooses to run

Towards we’re going to be waiting for him at every side wa wait he’s right here what it’s here again what the heck it keeps chasing me no no where am I supposed to go it keeps following me around being it again oh my gosh he’s actually screaming

Like a little girl he’s so scared does he not realize that Ender can teleport around okay let’s try to do it again where is he right now waa what the heck this place is so cool there’s like super weird trees over here uh hello huh that’s weird I’ve never seen this biome

Before a what the heck look at him running he’s so scared oh no wait where am I supposed to go I’m going to get lost in these Woods I’m just going to keep running until I finally lost that stupid creature oh yeah he thinks he’s going to lose me

Guess what w what the heck where did that come from I’m going to use my super awesome abilities look he’s turning into a void creature already no I got to keep rning I got to keep running where am I supposed to go oh luckily I am back home that means

That stupid creature is super far away in the forest all the way over here wait that means I can go back fishing again oh my gosh no way Dino is so addicted to fishing I can’t believe this okay we have to punish it because everybody knows that Enderman steal your stuff oh

Guess what I’m going to go Snoop inside of his chest and steal all the diamonds and resources that he has let’s do it there we go oh what a newbie chest how has he only got four diamonds he’s been fishing for months where’s the rest of his treasure I can’t believe this okay

You know what we’re going to steal his diamonds and we’re going to steal his boat as well so he can never go fishing again and then what we’re going to do I’m just going to escape through here and I’m going to keep opening and closing the chest so Dino comes back

Here and he’s going to realize that his diamonds are gone oh man this stupid fish is aren’t biting anymore what the wait a second what is that noise wait wait is that my chest wait a second that’s my chest being open what the heck wait wait a second why is this window

Broken that’s weird wait let me check my chest wait a second where did my fishing rods go wait what wait huh huh wait my fishing rods fishing rods where did you go what he only realized that his fishing rods were gone he didn’t even realize that I stole his Diamonds oh my

Gosh I can’t believe what a noob Dino is it’s hurting my brain so much but guess what we’re about to change it to the super op void God and it’s going to be absolutely insane because the void God abilities are so powerful it’s going to make Dino scream like a little girl even

Harder okay you know what I’m going to keep opening and closing his chest again because he has to realize that his diamonds are gone cuz I’m going to use it for my plan okay let’s open the chest again from over here wait wait a second this stupid chest is being opened again

What the heck wait what is you stupid chest what do you want wait a second wait wait my diamonds are gone what the heck where did my diamonds go oh no this is bad this is bad where did my diamonds go where did my diamonds go oh look at him he trying

To find his diamonds well guess what I’m going to go into the water and then I’m going to change it to the void God and I’m going to lure him into the water and break him even harder are you guys ready to change into the void god let’s go

Boom there we go I changed it to the super op scary void boss and now it is only got to be a couple minutes before Dino goes fishing again because he’s super duper addicted but this time he’s going to get absolutely attacked by the op void boss let’s wait for him to be

Here this is super weird my diamonds are gone and my fishy rolls are gone what the heck am I supposed to do now but this doesn’t even have one single fishing rod oh no you know what I’m going to drop him a fishing rod from the

Roof over there so we can get him to come fishing again because then we’re going to lure him into the water with his diamonds and attack him as the void God what the heck wait I did have a fishing rod no way I can go back to

Fishing again oh my gosh look at how addicted he is this is absolutely insane okay you know what we’re going to go right in front of him and drop the diamonds out of the water so he tries to go inside over the water what the heck

Wait wait did I see that correctly waa Diamonds In The Water Diamonds In The Water uh uh I’m going to go and get him whoa wait I’m being attacked I’m being attacked no no no no no no no what the heck is that what was attacking me what

What the heck that’s such a creepy creature what the heck is it doing in my water look at him being super scared we’re going to chase after him to see how long we can chase him before he turns around and gives up I got to keep running I got to keep

Running where am I supposed to go wa it’s still chasing me what the heck why does it keep chasing me leave me alone what do you want oh my gosh we used this super awesome op abilities to get him guess what we’re going to wait for him right

Inside of his own base so when he respawns he’s going to the first thing he’s going to sees me no why is it back here why is it back here leave me alone oh look at how scared he is it’s actually starting to get a little bit

Sad but guess what I got to use my super op abilities to scare him even more let’s try to hit him from over here to keep running I just got to keep getting away from it leave me alone you st whoa what the heck is that what is he

Shooting at me that’s so creepy ow oh my God he’s running away he’s so terrified look at him oh no no no no no I’m almost dead I got to hide somewhere and I got to heal up I going to eat some food Dino is no MH for the super op Ford

God let’s wait for in his Bas again come on now I respawn it’s right here wait wait I have an awesome idea I’m going to run around and I’m going to go back inside of my house and I’m going to destroy my bed so when I get killed I actually respawn

Somewhere else what the actually thinks he’s being super smart by deleting his own bed so now whenever he dies he’s going to spawn at the other side of the world where the world spawn is well guess what we’re going to kill him anyway he thinks he going to be safe but

Then we’re going to surprise him at the other side of the world let’s do it come on kill me D stupid stupid F kill me come on kill oh that actually did hurt no way the world spot was right next to his own base oh no you know what I’m

Just going to swim away quickly let’s swim away ah he got me again no way how can I ever get away from here I keep respawning at this house I could just keep killing him over and over again this is so hilarious St this is so

Stupid what the heck am I supposed to Do today my friend Dino’s trying to beat Minecraft and we’re going to mess that up by pranking him as Sonic EXE aka the super creepy version of Sonic so what we’re going to do exactly is we’re going to be morphing into multiple super awesome creatures in order to infiltrate

His base and steal his resources and then by the end of the video we’re going to change into super creepy Sonic EXE and prank the absolute heck out of him so let’s see what he’s doing right now I think he’s fishing like always because my friend Dino is actually pretty much a

Fishing addict okay I think he has a problem if you guys agree that he has a problem we all have to comment in the comments right now dino has a problem because he is addicted to fishing so how we’re going to prank him right now is I

Think we’re going to first turn into an invisible version of me so he cannot see me at all and then we’re going to Snoop around his base and find awesome ways to prank him so let’s turn invisible are you guys ready make sure to like the

Video if you want to see me turn invisible three 2 one boom there we go look at this I completely turned invisible this is so cool okay I’m going to go over to his base over here and I’m just going to check out if I can sneak around him without him noticing because

Look at this I’m completely invisible and he’s still fishing oh my God what the heck why I the fishies but the fishies are acting so stupid today oh look at him he’s so busy fishing he’s going to have no idea that his best friend is standing right behind him

Being completely invisible what if I hit him into the water and just stay right where I am he’s going to try and find something that hit him into the water but he’s going to find nothing because we’re invisible Let’s Do It Bop wow what

The heck was is That Yo there must be a mob around let’s see where the heck wait a second what the heck where did the mob go that is so weird there’s not even a m around I’m going to keep pranking him while being invisible he’s going to be

So confused let’s get a bow and arrow out here and let’s shoot him with an arrow I just keep standing where we are and he’s going to see absolutely nothing what the heck yo that sounded like an arrow wait a second there is even an arrow inside of my body but wait

What the heck in his name there isn’t even supposed to be a skeleton out here right now look he can’t find anything oh being invisible is the absolute funniest thing ever all right so I just came up with a super funny invisibility prank I’m going to change my name into nothing and now

I’m going to actually kill him with this super op diamond sword over here and it’s going to tell him that Dino got slain by nothing and he’s going to be so confused let’s do it what wait a second what the heck I was slain by nothing

That is so weird I don’t even know anyone who’s named nothing oh wait wait a second that’s not even possible how could I be killed what the heck I don’t know what the heck is going on look at him he’s freaking out so bad because he got killed by nothing oh I

Love being invisible yo what if I walk over to his chest because I’m pretty sure I just picked up his fishing gr so he’s going to have to go over to his chest and get a new one and what I’m going to do is I’m going to keep opening

And closing his chest while being completely invisible he’s going to think that his chest is super cursed okay let’s go over here I wait for him to come back to get his fishing rod yo what the heck this is so weird I can’t even find my fishing rod again oh my God I

Got to grab another one out of the chest wait wait a second what the heck why is my chest open and closing this is so weird what the heck is going on look at him being confused okay I want him to get inside of the chest and then I’m

Going to steal the diamonds from out of here while he’s inside let’s actually hear him say anything about being inside of the chest and when he does that I’m going to steal the diamonds where he can see it yo this is so weird why is the chest still open I guess the chest

Really wants me to come take my fishing roll all right let’s see oh my fishing roll is right over here wait wait a second what the heck wait my diamonds are right next to the wait where did my diamonds go wait a second what the heck what wait I got a triple

Check what the heck where did my diamonds go they were right next to my fishing world but now they’re gone look at him freaking out he has no idea where his diamonds went he has no idea that his best friend is literally standing on top of his bed oh my gosh

Let’s see how sad is’s actually going to get without any Diamonds oh my God I cannot believe leave this my di is are cold oh he sounds so sad wait is he actually going back to fishing he doesn’t even care about the diamonds anymore where is he going you know what

I am going to fish from over here because my base is super awesome it looks super cool so at least I’ll get a little bit happier right looking at my base with all the funny Piggies oh okay you know what let’s change it to the first little creature that we’re going

To prank him as and don’t forget guys by the end of the video we’re going to turn into Sonic EXE and prank him super hard okay I’m going to change it to a cute little rabbit and sneak up behind him so we can prank him super hard oh he’s

Standing so high above the water what if I hit him into the water we that be funny okay there we go I’m standing right next to him I’m going to try and push him off oh my God it’s working what the heck yo that was so

Weird why did I fall into the water it s like something hit me wait a second what the whoa would you look at that what a cute little rabbit bunny where are you going oh my god look he’s jumping so funny where are you going oh look at at

Me thinks I’m a real rabbit yo what if we scare him super hard by just turning around and actually attacking him oh my God no no oh my God that was a really angry buddy I am so sorry for jumping like that I didn’t mean to mock you or

Anything I thought it was fun okay let’s wait for him to go back fishing then we’re going to change into a fish and prank him super hard all right you know what I can’t even find a stupid bunny anymore I am going to go back to fishing

But this time I’m not going to do it from the tree I’m going to do it from all the way over here I’m going to build a super safe place for my fishing Adventures oh he’s actually making a little fishing platform okay we’re about to change into a fish but I’m still

Thinking about what fish I should change into is it going to be a super big fish or just a tiny cute little fishy what do you guys think should I morph into a super giant dangerous fishy or a small fishy you know what I’m going to let the

Comments decide that so I’m going to change into whatever the comments are saying now boom there we go wo I turned into a super creepy giant fishy okay I’m going to go into the water wait for him to start fishing and then pretend like he actually C me and jump up and attack

Him all right here we go now I got my super SA fishing base ready so I can fish from all the way over here here we go okay there we go his line is right over here I’m going to pretend like he actually caught me and when he tries to

Pick the fish up I’m going to jump at him and scare him oh oh my God super cool fishy whoa whoa whoa what the that’s a really big fishy what the heck that fishy was so creepy wait is he still in the water hello fishy oh my God

That was so weird I’m going to break these blocks so he falls down and then he’s going to turn around and see this giant mouth waiting for him to eat him up W what thing I fell into the water wait uh what the heck am I supposed to

Do now with the water Oh no I got to get up I got to get up whoa I’m being attacked I’m being attacked I’m being attacked what the heck whoa wait a second what the heck that’s a super giant fishy with a lot of thief oh look

At how scared he is but what he doesn’t realize is that this fishy actually has legs so I can get on top of the leg land over here and start walking towards him with my stupid little legs oh my God wait the fishy has legs uh uh you know

What Mr fishy you can stay right inside of my house and I’ll just run away what is actually running away wow what the heck that was so scary I’m never going back there anymore I’m going to keep running away oh no he’s actually running away okay it’s time to change into Sonic EXE

Because Sonic is super fast so we might actually have a chance to catch up to him okay let’s change it to Sonic right now boom there we go oh my gosh look at how super creepy this looks oh my gosh this is so scary okay I’m going to

Change into the super quick version and then we’re going to catch up to him and prank him even harder oh my gosh we just turned super quick are you guys ready to see how quick we’ve become okay let’s go try and catch up to him waa oh my gosh

We’re so fast look at how fast we’re going okay let’s try and fight Dino and just zoom past him to confuse him he’s probably going to have no idea what just went past him oh there he goes okay I’m going to zoom past him a couple of times

Oh my God I got to keep running I’m so scared Who whoo What the heck was whoa whoa what the heck is that there’s something W there again oh my God that was super fast what the heck is going on oh he’s so confused okay what if we

Actually kill him really quickly while jumping past him okay and then he’s going to see that he got killed by Sonic.exe I’m not even sure if he knows what it is let’s find out okay let’s get a sword out the super op sword let’s try

Oh there he is he’s still in there wait let’s wait for him to actually walk on on this field over here and then we’re going to to attack with the super op sword oh my God that was so weird where the heck did that weird blue thingy go I

Don’t even see it anymore oh you know what this is my chance I got to run he’s running he’s running he’s running oh no no I missed I’m way too quick okay okay BP no I missed again no I keep missing did I just see something I thought I saw

Something moving again there it is what the heck I’m going to keep running the circles around him he’s going to be so confused oh my God wait a second where did it go it was who wait did I what what the heck it’s so quick how the heck

Is it so quick boom there we go what the heck wait a second I was slain by S Sonic.exe what the heck is a Sonic but he doesn’t even know what a Sonic is okay you know what let’s wait for him to actually think that he’s super safe at

His base now and then we’re just going to run around this base and scare him even more all right so I have barricaded the door I am going to barricade this part over here and then I’m going to be super safe inside of my house oh look at

Him me D he actually got to be safe when he’s barricading his entire house with dirt okay I’m going to run around his entire house and scare him oh this is pretty awkward okay wait wait wait I’m going to run at the backside and see if he catches me run around the windows

Wait a second did I just see something running wait a second no way I thought I saw no way wait a second that called me that weird blue fast guy which is called Sonic right I don’t want him to be here okay I’m going to open up a little hole

At the backside run inside and scare him what the heck what the heck what wait wait did I just leave again oh it’s it we again oh my God it is so quick what the heck is going on I’m going to run away I’m breaking his entire base oh my

Gosh he’s so scared wait a second what the heck happened to my P it has all been destroyed this is so not funny oh look at where he is he is at the other side of the water okay I’m going to very creepily stand there just stare at him

Oh no oh no there is the blue guy again no no no please Mr I got to hide from him here we go here we go I’m going to go over here here we go oh my God this is so smart he’s never going to find me

Inside of here wait a second he’s under the water is he not going to drown what the heck oh my God I’m taking damage no way no way oh no I got to destroy the dir quickly I got to go up I got to get some air

No no no no I’m help hard please oh no I got to run away I’m hungry I got to eat something oh whoa would you look at that I am full HP again what did he just eat rotten flesh please don’t tell me I saw that right he literally just ate rotten

Flesh oh my gosh he’s such a Minecraft Noob okay what if he actually thinks that he’s safe on that side of the river because there’s a big body of water between him and me wait does he even see me anymore where is he right now oh my

God what the heck wait a second there it is ah look at him he’s so stupid he can’t even get over here because I am on the other side of the water loser I am safe here you are stupid wow he thinks he’s safe at the

Other side of the water well guess what I’m going to walk all the way around the water and go back to him and scare me even more he’s probably going to think that I walked away oh wait a second he actually left oh my God I am so smart

Now I can finally get back to fishing okay I walked all the way across the water and I’m currently right behind oh no I messed up I messed up I really hope you didn’t see that okay okay okay I’m literally right behind him I’m going to

Hit him into the water and scare him again what the heck I got hit into the water again no way is that stupid bunny back I can’t believe it oh my God wait a second is that weird blue guy no oh look at how scared he is okay I’m going to

Make a super big jump and jump directly at him and start attacking him again oh he’s absolutely terrified of me okay let’s wait for him to actually think that he’s safe there again because now I’m going to have to walk all the way back or so he thinks because I’m going

To jump across oh I God look the stupid blue guy is right over there again haha you can’t even go through the water because you’re stupid now you can just stay over here I’ll stay over here with all my biggie friends oh yeah that’s what you think I’m going to jump in

There woo W what the heck W happen how could he jump I’m going to hide in the water again oh no he’s going to hide in the water again why would he do that it didn’t even go that well the last time oh my gosh I can’t believe this dude

Okay I’m going to stand right behind him he has no idea that I’m right there as soon as he turns around he’s probably going to scream like a little girl and what I want you guys to do is every single time that Dino screams like a

Little girl you got to comment ha Dino to laugh at him but where is he going oh my God I am so smart I can just stay over here inside of the water and no one can ever get me oh thinks he’s going to be safe but

Guess what no he’s right in front of me look at him being absolutely terrified oh he’s such a little girl let’s see how many times we can make him scream like a little girl and don’t forget make sure to comment haha Dino if he does so we

Can all laugh at him for screaming like a little girl where’d he go I can’t find him anymore all right here we go here we go oh my God I so smart I am going to live under a crow like I’m a mole he will never find me over here what is

Actually make it like an underground dunnel but guess what Sonic EXE has a super secret weapon which makes me able to blow up the entire floor let’s get it out of here TFG 10K I’m going to use it and boom W what the heck where is his underground base now

Huh okay I think we’ve scared him enough as the tiny little Sonic iie but guess what we’re going to do next I’m going to change into a super super giant version so he’s going to be even more scared and scream even louder are you guys ready

Let’s do it now boom look at how gigantic we are okay I’m going to show up right at the front of his house and just stare at it while being super big oh my God that was so weird I never wanted to see a stupid blue guy again he

Was so stupid and he was ugly and he was smelly and he was stinky what he has no idea I’m standing right inside of his base and he calling me stupid and stinky as soon as he turns around he’s going to be super scared and hopefully scream

Like a little girl oh my God that was so weird and blue guy but now I want to go back to fishing so let me grab my oh wait a second my fishing rod must be in my wow what the oh my gosh what was that scream he

Actually screamed like a little girl okay let’s try and chase him as this super big Sonic ixie until he actually gives up and quits the game oh my God I got got to run away this house is definitely halted I can’t live here anymore I got to find a new house no

He’s right over I’m being attacked I got to hide I got to hide in the cave oh my God oh my God oh no I’m way too big to fit in the cave oh wait there he is okay I hope he runs on that open field over

There so we can scare him by being super quick oh my God oh my I got to keep running I’m so scared right now I think I pulled my B we’re right over there look at him be super terrified okay we’re going to get him there we go boom what the

Heck I don’t want to play anymore what he actually left the game my friend Raz is trying to beat Minecraft and it is up to me to stop him from doing that because today I’m going to be pranking him as siren head so I secretly installed a morph mod into the server

Without him knowing and what I’m going to do exactly I’m going to change to a bunch of different things and by the end of the video I’m going to turn into siren and make him super scared but as you can see right the first thing we’re

Going to do is we’re going to prank him as a bunch of normal things just to confuse him super hard and by the end he’s going to be so confused he’s going to turn scared there he is already okay so he’s around the chicken pen so I

Think the first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to troll him a little bit as a chicken to see what his reaction is okay so the first order of business is we have to change it to a chicken real quick are you guys ready hey if you love

Chickens drop a like I’m going to give you three seconds three two one boom there we go wow I think so many of you guys actually like chickens that it turned me into a chicken okay so what we have to do now we got to somehow get

Inside of this little chicken area over there what he’s throwing eggs at the chickens yo that gives me an idea I’m going to get some eggs I’m going to get inside of the chicken pen and throw eggs at him oh my gosh yo what if them

Escaped look at that we got to have a name for him what do you guys think will be an awesome name for that little dude he literally escaped containment he’s a real Hustler I’m shcking get back in your pen come on he’s trying to get him back okay let’s get this opportunity to

CH some eggs at his face and see what he thinks about it on chicken where the eggs come from was that me what’s happening is it raining eggs or something oh my gosh I haven’t told you guys yet but my friend Raz is such a giant Minecraft Noob he has no idea

What’s possible in Minecraft and we’re going to absolutely utilize that to our advantage because we’re going to prank him super hard because all of are Minecraft professionals right if you’re a Minecraft pro make sure to comment it down below so I know who’s a real Minecraft pro okay so now that he’s

Inside of this pen let’s hit him once and see if he freaks out hey what the wait can chickens actually hit look at how confused he is okay let’s do it again we doing that where’s one of your chickens is doing that hey stop all right fine no seeds for you then wow

Look at how mean he is he actually stopped giving the chickens any food what a little meanie okay you know what let’s make it the little a little bit more interesting what if I actually get a little bow and arrow and I shoot at him he’s going to be so

Confused what the get hit by a skeleton where’s the skeleton at the coming from I’m going back inside oh I actually scared him inside he’s going back inside what a little Minecraft Noob oh my gosh okay you know what I want to actually annoy him so much as a chicken and he’s

Going to do something very mean and if he does something mean then we can all comment down below haaha mean r has still laugh at him for being so mean okay what if we just end up inside of his base oh he’s probably going to be so confused let’s just walk inside all

Right so I need seeds I got what the heck wait a minute well how did you get in the door was closed I just broke open a window I didn’t even think you realized okay let’s do it again wait what’s breaking in here wait how’d the window break what what happened look at

How confused is okay what if I run away as this chicken he’s probably going to be super confused because he doesn’t want to lose any Chien okay let’s just run away no I need you to come back wait I got seeds come back oh where’d he go

Look at him he’s trying to look for me okay let’s get back into the chicken coop and irritating some more yo we got to actually irritate him so much as a chicken that he gives up on the chicken and he’s going to do something else and

Based on what he’s going to do next we’re going to turn into the next little animal to prank him and don’t forget guys by the end we’re going to prank him super hard as siren oh he’s going to be so scared he’s probably going to scream

Like little girl and let’s annoy him so much that he’s going to do something else come on chick I’m trying to feed you here what’s going on why are they so mad what does he mean why is he so bad he’s literally throwing X at us look at

Him yo let’s hit him with a bow again so he gets scared I’m getting sick of these chickens you know what I think it’s time to I go hey okay you know what I’m going to go fishing I don’t care about chickens anymore oh my gosh are you guys

Hearing this he’s getting more and more agitated and more and more Angry every single time that something happens hey but this is perfect he’s is actually in the middle of the water right now we can change it to a little fishy and start pranking him over there okay are you

Guys ready hey who loves fishes say that you love fishes drop a like if you love fishes if enough people like I’m going to dir do a fish right now 3 2 1 boom there we go W look at that I turned into a little Nemo okay we’re going to go

Inside of the water and prank him as a little fishy let’s see how we can prank him what if we hit him on the water he’s probably going to get so mad and Confused well why’s hitting me wa is there F in the water I’m going to steal

Oh no no no no no okay I want him to get outside of the boat again and then I’m going to steal his boat he got me what the heck he actually CAU me what the heck is this come on fish come on oh no

He actually caught me I got I got to escape somehow how do I escape this Oh Come Back fish there we go my line broke let’s try to get him outside of the boat so I can steal his boat and drive away with it I got one fish wait what’s that

Me whatever do that stop it all right no my boat why is my boat moving away oh look how confused he is I literally just stole his boat he’s actually trying to get it back hey guess what I’m going to put his boat right here and when he

Walked all the way over here as soon as he’s nearly here I’m going to destroy his boat so he will have walked for nothing look at him he’s so close as soon as he gets close I’m going to destroy the boat okay I’m almost there I’m almost there okay boat no wait what

Happ to my bows w why where’ it go look at how mad he sounds he’s super Fus right now and the best part of the video is not even here oh my gosh he’s such a big Minecraft Noob he’s going to have no idea what siren head is this is going to

Be so funny okay wait he’s walking all the way back now let’s see what he’s going to do let’s see if he wants to go fishing again I’m going to wait for him right at his base fine I don’t care about fishing either I’m just going to

Go find some food chickens you stay here I’m going to find some cows oh he’s actually going away every single thing that he was planning on doing today like feeding the chickens and fishing we have already ruined and now he’s trying to go and find some cows so he can get some

Food so I guess it is up to us to ruin that as well okay let’s change it to a cow as I said guys if you love cows you got to like the video between 3 seconds 3 2 one boom there we go we just changed

Into a cute little cow okay let’s get a cow spawn egg we’re going to spawn a bunch of them in front of him now when he gets close he’s going to realize this cow cannot be killed but this cow will kill him so what I’m going to do is I’m

Going to fake name set my name to cow so whenever we kill him it will actually tell him that he got slaughtered by a cow he’s going to be super confused okay let’s find him and then Place some cows in front of him okay he’s right here I

Found him so I’m going to place a bunch of cows right around this area so he’s going to find them super easily and I’m going to stand right here and pretend I’m a cow wait what do cows even do uh uh just walk around I guess Mo okay

Let’s wait for him to get over here where’s all the cows cows where are you oh he’s getting super close oh no he has to go to the left now he’s messing up wait where the heck is he oh there he is so when he comes here when he tries to

Attack a cow I’m actually going to defend my cow brothers and sisters by attacking him back oh he’s such a Minecraft Noob he has no idea that cows cannot even attack any humans oh cows okay um hold still hey stop attacking them you meanie hey wait wait wait

What’s going on cow’s cat attack let stop it cow’s cat’s attack what’s going on look at how big of a Minecraft newbie is he’s literally trying to kill cows with a wooden sword he doesn’t even have any IR tools yet what a big Minecraft Noob let’s all laugh at him in the comments

For being a Minecraft Noob by typing hahaa Raz okay cows you know what’s going to happen if you don’t comply n n n n n so come on let’s go what he just ate some beef in front of the couch that is so mean okay you know what’s funny

He’s actually in the middle of the Forest right now so what if we kill him as a cow he’s probably going to be super mad and come back and then the siren ad will be waiting right here in the forest for him this is going to be perfect what

He’s trying to trap the cows okay let’s actually kill him as a cow let’s scare him a little bit first hey what the hey let be alone I’m just trying to catch the cows all right and now we’re going to actually kill him so he sees he got

Killed by a cow he’s going to get super mad and come back let’s do it leave me alone leave me alone cow get out of here no what I died look at that Raz was slain by cow I really hope he’s going to get super angry but now what we have to

Do really quick before he comes back is we’re going to change it to siren head are you guys ready to do it oh my God siren head is so creepy it’s the best Trevor Henderson creature ever hey what’s your gu favorite Trevor Henderson creature mine is definitely siren at but

I think Caron cat is pretty cool as well okay let’s change it into siren Ed right now whoa look at him okay you know what we’re going to make him a little bit bigger oh he actually looks look so realistic look at this I’m going to make

Him a lot bigger are you guys ready how much bigger should we make him are you guys thinking like twice three times 10 times bigger okay I’m going to do two times and see how it looks let’s type two boom wow that is actually pretty big

Already hold on okay that is way too big I can’t almost even see anything okay so he’s probably going to come back super angry and I’m going to be waiting for him a siren Ed right behind this tree let’s see if he notices anything oh I finally got my stuff back now where’s

That cow wait does he not see me how does he not see me I’m literally standing right here as a giant siren head okay cow now I’ve trapped you I need to trap another one where where are the other cows hey Mr Cow you want to

Meet a friend but he still doesn’t see me oh my God okay I’m going to stand right above him on this tree as soon as he looks up he’s going probably go get super scared I can’t take this cow it’s a little baby maybe I just what is that

Oh I’m get out of here oh my gosh did you guys hear that scream he screams like a little girl wait he’s actually running back to his base oh that is so perfect wait let’s see a wait for him to actually go inside of his base oh he’s inside already that

Was so quick okay let’s stand behind this tree and just stare at him from over here a gone where is it oh no it’s not gone it’s not gone what’s he doing look at I’m being so scared he doesn’t even want to look at me he’s that scared

Let’s get a little bit closer let’s get a little bit closer let’s see if he recognizes that it’s actually cus head maybe he knows it’s siren head I want to peek my head right here hello what is that is that siren head what the heck what’s it doing in Minecraft I why don’t

Break my windows no no no no no look at this my head is completely inside of his base oh my gosh he’s so scared I’m going to open up his little wall over here and just peek inside oh wait he’s not above anymore I thought he was upstairs wait

When he comes upstairs he’s going to get super scared let’s wait for him right here let’s make some noise by destroying the windows and Hope hopefully he’s going to go upstairs is he gone what was that oh no no no no no wait no no no no

Leave me alone no’s get out my house oh look at it being super scared this is so funny W I have a super awesome idea guys seeing a Cen and is really this massive what if we make him so scared and he goes into the water with a boat and he’s

Probably going to think that he’s super safe because it’s deep right but we’re going to make siren at 10 times bigger and scare him even harder by getting into the water and coming out of it because we’re so big okay let’s try to scare him into the water by getting into

His boat where is he okay he’s right here I’m going to open everything up and scare him oh no no no no sir okay I’m getting out of here oh no the house is done far I’m getting out of here what did you guys hear that the house is done

For he literally giving up okay I’m going to follow him I’m going to turn into a little fishy real quick I’m going to follow him until he thinks that he’s absolutely safe and then I’m going to change into a massive siren and emerge from the water to attack him oh he’s

Going to be so scared at least I’m safe now I’m in the middle of the water and nothing can hurt me right oh look at him he thinks he’s safe okay we’re going to set up this siren to be 10 times bigger let’s put in 10 and see how big he

Becomes wa okay let’s stand in the water and emerge from out of it he’s probably going to get super scared oh look at him I’m right here I’m going to emerge from the water right now and Scar let’s get out what the oh my God go what is that

Oh no no leave me alone look at how scared he is he’s actually going away let’s get his boat stop chasing me I’m a good boy why am I being punished not my boat leave me alone stop it stop it stop it oh my God we’re so massive I can

Barely even see myself look at how gigantic we are okay let’s scare him even more I’ll leave me alone stop I got to escape I got to get out of here I got to tell no look at that rash was slay by siren and oh my gosh he probably thinks

That siren is so far away from his home that he’s probably safe all the way back at his home but guess what we’re going to change back into a little smaller siren that because because this camera angle is super Goofy and then we’re going to prank him even harder okay

We’re back at his base I think he thinks that he’s safe over there because he’s been acting very very relaxed for the last couple of minutes let’s actually wait until he says something about being safe here and then we’re going to show him that he’s actually not that safe

After all and I can rebuild the house I just got rebuild the house and everything will be fine look at him he’s going to rebuild the house hey guess what what if I walk right up to his front door as sir and just stare inside just Peak my head inside again wait wait

Wait wait his heads back dir towards me I’m going to stand right behind him right here and scare him oh no no no get out my house no why do this keep happening to me he’s actually screaming now or he screams like a little girl okay okay okay this is what’s going to

Happen right he’s probably running away into the forest now he thinks that siren that is over there but guess what I’m going to appear somewhere in front of him and wait for him behind the tree but I think he’s walking here he only has to walk straight forward I’m going to wait

Right here and wait for him behind this tree and scare him even harder is he close he’s right there I get out of here I got build a Bas no no no no I see you no why are you following me he’s so confused look at him running

Away let’s see how far we can make him run away before actually realizing that he’s running way too far away from base look he’s all the way over there already okay I’m going to keep running after him as siren head for as long as possible no

Let me alone no I just want to be left alone and play Minecraft leave me alone no oh he’s actually screaming he sounds like a little girly oh if some of you guys haven’t commented ha rash yet this is the perfect time to do it look at him

Running where’d he go I lost oh he’s still running he’s right over there I got to get to The High Ground The High Ground oh my God he’s actually swimming to the other side okay we’re going to wait for him right at the other side

Right here oh there he is as soon as he gets up I’m going to jump down a sir and and get him again oh he’s right there okay let’s jump down oh he’s getting up in the water I’m going to wait for him right here hey buddy oh no no no no no

No no no no stop all right as you can see right over there my best friend R is is standing in his Minecraft Bas today I’m going to be pranking him as Grimace as you can see at the top of the screen I changed my name to Grimace as well so

He’s going to think he’s going to made the real Grimace and I even have a giant surprise because I actually have a Grimace Shake in my hand that I just throw it at him yo what do you think will happen when we throw this grimy chick at him and actually hit him right

So as I said we’re about to prank razas as Grim but first we have to wait for him to do something so let’s see what he’s up to today and let’s try and figure out how we can ruin whatever his plan is for today all right I got my

Milk fishing rods better check everything’s okay down stairs before I leave yo this is actually so perfect he’s going downstairs in the basement and his basement is so gigant he might be down there for a while so I think what we have to do right now is we got

To somehow break into his base and actually change it to Grim so when he comes back up there we’re going to pank him super duper hard but now first we have a giant problem he secured his base so well look at this there’s so many fences around how are we ever going to

Get inside I see this keypad over here but I think actually changed his code it used to be one one one one look it doesn’t work anymore oh no guys what do you guys think his code can be D we have to go inside in order to prank him super

Hard um okay think think think think what is Razz’s birthday I’m supposed to be his best friend uh uh oh my gosh I actually don’t know his birthday to any of you guys that was birthday okay what I’m just going to mash random numbers in that doesn’t work that doesn’t work at

All okay what what about five 3 2 4 dude that doesn’t work either okay okay Vantage D D D D yo I know his birthday I know his birthday because his mom always makes the best cakes on his birthday that’s how I remember his birthday is on

The 5th of May yo there it is yo that’s awesome his bir is 55 okay now wait is he still down there let’s see if we can actually see his name tag somewhere yo that’s perfect we got to be quick we got to hide somewhere in his base right here

And I’m going to change to Grimace and what if I stand behind this window he’s going to walk past and if he doesn’t see us oh imagine that it’s going to be so hilarious are you guys ready to change to the Grimace let’s go 3 2 1 boom there

We go look at this freaking model this looks so hilarious dude he looks like a big fat Grimace okay I’m going to stand right behind this window he’s going to come upstairs oh jeez hello there he’s going to come upstairs and let’s see if if he actually notices a giant Grim is

Just staring at him oh God all in a day work um okay I got the milk the back of the chest anything else I need what how did he not see me dude I was standing right over there no way okay we got to mess with him even more what if we break

Out the back over here okay I’m going to walk over to this window and I’m going to break one and run away super quickly and hopefully he’s only going to see a little bit of purple so he’s going to be all confused like what is that creepy

Purple thing doing behind my window okay let’s break it open wait for him to turn around and run away what the oh y he turned around he turned around what what was that I saw something what was that look at him he’s acting super confused

What if we go to the other side and we’re going to break a window over here and we’re going to make him super duper scared bu yet we’re going to actually show up his Grimace and shoot my Grimace Shake right at him to see how crazy he’s

Going to go okay let’s stand on this side and open it up and hopefully he’s going to scream a little bit how did my window wait why are my windows breaking what’s going on are you guys hearing that he’s sounding more and more confused what if we break one right over

Here the big window let me just get some what why is everything breaking what what’s going on let’s wait for him to turn around from the big window I’m going to run past them and break open a bunch of them okay where is he looking at right now oh he’s still looking here

Has to look the other way let’s wait let’s wait let’s wait okay Wood’s there so the wind windows are not going to break anymore right your windows are going to behave what the wait hey what’s doing that hey what was that something purple out there what’s going on I got to check

This out oh my gosh he’s actually coming outside yo we got to run away let’s go on the roof and stare at him what the what the heck was that oh yo where’ it go I know the perfect thing to do right now I’m going to stand right here I’m

Going to open up his door again I’m going to get inside and stare at him from the inside I don’t know what that was but it was something but what was that what was that hey hey come back here oh my God he sounds so scared yo oh

No he’s coming come here what the where’d he go y did he actually see me I really hope he didn’t see me right there oh my gosh I think he almost saw me did he disappear where’d he go okay okay okay I’m going to go back downstairs now

I’m going to open up this door again but this time when he sees me I’m not going to run away I’m actually going to run towards him so he’s going to see my name tag Grimace and he’s going to realize I’m the real grimace okay let’s get back

Inside again why is there a hole in my wall what what’s breaking my base hey oh hey wait what the heck wa what is that Grimace guy oh what R was slain by Grimace what the heck is that look at that razes was slain by Grimace oh my

Gosh the name changes working absolutely perfectly dude does he not realize does he not even know who Grimace is because he was so confused Okay let’s listen to what he has to say oh he broke my chest as well this whatever this grimmest thing is is breaking my base apart

Ah where is he at I got to find him he’s going to find me what is he going to do he’s going to actually try and attack me or something look at him oh he’s so stupid yo what if we actually upgrade the Grimace Shake okay we’re going to

Make this Grimace Shake do so much damage look at this I’m going to turn the damage all the way to 100 oh let’s go let’s see wait wait does this work yo I can shoot him what the heck oh my gosh how did I die oh my gosh you didn’t even

Realize he was walking there no way dude this grimma shake is so op yo I’m going to try and lure him okay I’m going to change into a grimma shake myself and then I’m going to stand somewhere and hopefully he’s going to stand right next

To me but when he tries to pick me up I’m going to change it to Grimace and scare him super hard okay let’s change into a Grimace Shake super quickly boom there we go I just changed into the actual Grimace Shake look at this now

I’m going to stand in front one of his doors uh I think I’m going to where’s he at no no no wait I don’t want him to see me yet I don’t want him to see me yet I want I want to try and lure him

Somewhere yo I’m going to stand in the middle of his own base and I’m going to make some noise by breaking his window so he gets back here oh I heard something where is he at wait what is that what is that look at him he has no

Idea what the Grimace Shake is oh he’s going to try and pick me up but I’m going to change to Grimace and attack him whatever that is I want it can I catch it what catch wait what’s Grim’s birthday what is that it’s literally a milkshake why is he acting so weird like

He never drank a milkshake in his life how do I pick this up can I pick it up okay okay okay okay let’s give it like 3 more seconds and I’m going to pop into a grimus and attack him three two one boom oh what the heck oh wait you’re the

Thing that broke my windows hey I’ll tranquilize you get get back get back he’s trying to attack me with to tranquilize gun it’s not working buddy okay let’s confuse him by running away super quickly and changing into a SHP get out of here okay okay okay I’m running I’m running I’m running

Oh my gosh we’re confusing him so bad he has no idea what to do anymore let’s change back into a grim shake and let’s look at him freak out but he’s actually looking for me and I changed back into the grimma shake let’s see if Raz is is

Actually so stupid that he’s going to fall for the same prank again okay I’m going to try to get back into his base right behind him oh my gosh this is perfect he’s standing still as soon as he turns right’s going to see me oh there you are okay wait wait the it

Doesn’t work how do how do I get rid of this thing dude why is he attacking a milkshake bottle bro that’s so weird why is he attacking it yeah you know what I’ll try something El I need to find some wood and trap it oh my gosh this is

So perfect he’s going to get some wood he’s going to go over here try and trap me inside of the wood but guess what we’re just going to make our way downstairs and blow up his entire base with our super op Grimace Shake because I’m going to make it even more insane

Let’s wait for him to get back with the wood all right 16 planks that’s enough all right where is he I want to trap it and I want to experiment on it I’m still here buddy oh wait he wants to experiment on me yo guys do you think

The next prank that I should do is some kind of experimentation prank that’s going to make me into like a super Grimace and I’m going to prank him even harder let me know down below if you would like to see that okay let’s wait for him to actually block me in oh he’s

Almost there there okay all right I’ve got to heal all right now how do I contain this thing for real I’ll see if there’s any room downstairs look at this I actually made my way down wait he’s actually going to come downstairs as well I’m going to stand right here and

Wait for him to come inside oh no he’s going into the wrong area has to come over here oh there’s no room here oh he’s going to have to be held up with the other scps he’s going to be so confused what wait wait is that two is

That two of them now wait oh I need more wood oh I got trapped this one as well I’m going to follow him as the real kous they just keep following him and hopefully he doesn’t turn around to see us as soon as he’s inside of the chest

We’re going to stand right behind him oh he’s going to look at the other one he has no idea that one is gone wait what this one’s gone guess what what the heck what the wait no no no no wait oh my God no way I actually trapped him this was

So awesome let me out let me out I’m going to make a super op exploding Grimace and guess what in my inventory I have the most OP Grimace Shake ever it’s actually green as well got you now I’m going to trap you going trap you he’s

Going to trap me as soon as soon as I release this he’s going to be absolutely blasted what the heck W my base razis was blown up by Grimes oh wow vintage’s left his stuff here he won’t mind if I borrow it now will he oh my gosh wait a

Second we have a giant problem Reus is sitting in my base using my resources and using all of my food I can’t believe this we have to take the absolute worst Revenge you’ve ever seen in Minecraft ever so today I’m going going to be pranking him as Speaker man and I’m

Going to be pranking him as a bunch of different versions of speaker man super tiny normal little bit bigger than normal and gigantic we’re going to take so much revenge on this dude he’s going to absolutely cry his little brains out let’s see what he’s doing is he still

Stealing my stuff okay there’s a sword there’s a o there’s an axe oh I got an axe okay cool what he’s stealing all of my iron tools which I’ve worked so hard for all right so what I’m going to do right now is I’m going to fake name set

To speaker man and guess what the next time that we show up as a real speaker man if we touch him if we kill him if we do anything he will actually think that the real speaker man has come by to attack him and punish him for stealing

My stuff are you guys ready to change it to speaker man the super tiny one let’s go there we go I changed to a super tiny little speaker man I’m going to stand right next to the window here and freak him out by yo let’s play some siren

Sounds like the police are going to show up because he’s stealing my stuff okay I’m going to play the siren sounds right now wait what is that a siren wait are the police here what’s going on where’s that sound coming from look at him he’s already super confused and we have just

Started to prank him this is going to be the best video ever okay let’s see now that he thinks that Sirens are coming for him is he actually going to steal and use my stuff again okay uh I just took an axe and a sword that’s no big

Deal I’m sure it’s fine okay let’s use this axe he’s going to use my axe no way okay you know what I’m going to play this siren sound again and I hope he’s going to realize or at least think that the police is going to com for him from stealing my

Stuff wait where’s that sound coming from are the police here what’s going on where are they look at how confused he is yo you know what seeing as I’m so super tiny I’m going to try to actually walk up to him and stand right next to him to play

Play this sounds even louder yo he’s going to be super confused dude I’m so tiny I can hide in this little Bush over here okay I’m standing right next to him and I’m going to play another siren sound and hopefully he’s going to run inside let’s go I don’t see anything

Where’s the sound coming from uh okay let’s get this word let’s get back in the house oh wait is it louder where are they I don’t see anything okay I’m get back in the house we actually made him run away I can’t believe he doesn’t even see be

Standing here yo let’s try to get into the base before he gets there oh no oh no we did it we made it can I hide anywhere oh no I’m so tiny but gu I’m still kind of obvious okay you know what it’s time to change into a little bit

Bigger version of this little speaker man over and let’s do it right now oh my gosh look we’re actually as tall as a single block over here I’m really wondering if razis is going to realize that there’s a speaker man right now okay let’s stand right in front of his

Window over here and just to confuse him super bad I’m I’m going to play what am I going to do yo I’m I’m going to play a dog barking oh my God he’s going to be so confused let’s play the dog barking right now is that a dog wait is there a wolf

Nearby oh maybe I can t it where is it what does he mean is there wolf hereby that wasn’t even a wolf sound it’s a dog sound yo we all have to laugh at razis in the comments below for not knowing what a wolf sound or a dog sounds like

He so stupid that’s all coming ha Raz you’re so stupid okay now I’m going to try and make myself a little bit more obvious I’m going to try to give him the biggest jump scare ever now I’m going to warn you guys this sound is super loud

Okay so turn down your volume just for a little second here cuz I’m going to stand right next to him and I’m going to play the worst sound ever let’s do it I’m going to stand right behind him ah what the heck was that that was so loud a what is

That oh my gosh we scared him so bad he literally fell into the water over there oh my gosh no way okay I’m going to quickly run away and pretend like I was never there and we’re going to look at him from a distance and see him be

Absolutely confused wait where is he is he still back there okay let’s see how confused he is what the heck was that that was the loudest thing I ever heard and was there like a tiny person here or something what was that tiny person you literally didn’t even realize that I

Have a speaker on my head how does he not realize I’m a speaker man yo what if we give ourselves a super duper op diamond sword I’m going to change back into the super tiny one I’m going to walk over there and I’m actually going

To kill him so he’s going to see that he got killed by Speaker man let’s do it so the command for this super secret sword is this make sure to write this down somewhere because this sword is so insanely op if we go over there right

Now and whack him in the head with it he’s going to die in one single blow okay let’s change it to the tiny one let’s freak him out first by hitting him a bunch of times and because I’m so tiny he’s not even going to realize what’s

Going on ah what the heck was that hey who’s there something hit me what was it look at him yo am I literally that tiny that if I just walk up right in front of him and hit him he won’t even realize oh my gosh no way Rus is so blind yo we

Really all have to laugh at him in the comments by typing Raz you’re so blind how does he not see me okay I’m going to hit him one more time w what the what is that what’s hitting me ah W hey hey wait

Did he see me why did he go quiet all of a sudden did he let you oh what’s going on okay you know what I need to get a better view of this no why is he going up there okay you know what I’m going to keep flying

Above him as soon as he’s done I’m going to drop on the block with him and I’m going to kill him and he’s going to see that speaker man got him let’s do it what the how did I die why speaker man white slay by Speaker man what does

That mean look at that RIS was slay by Speaker man yo what if I go stand on his roof I’m going to change into the normal speaker man skin wait one second I’m messing everything up over here ah hurry up okay I’m going to change into the

Normal speaker man size which is this and now I’m going to play some super obnoxious loud music and hopefully annoy him super much what is that song oh that’s a terrible song wait where’s that even coming from wait a minute He’s Calling My Song terrible hey I’m speaker

Man my songs are never terrible okay you know what it’s time to refal myself I’m going to stand right behind him hit him once but actually stay standing here to freak him out who oh my gosh wait oh spe come on hey get back get back I got a

Sword I’m to use yeah oh yeah you have a sword I have a better sword come here wait you got no God you can one hit kill me that’s not fair look at that razzy’s was slay by speak man it really worked okay let’s see how freaked out he is I

Got to get my stuff back but why is Speaker man anyway and what it do in Minecraft dude how does he not realize he’s still in my base and he’s literally being punished speaker man is my guardian okay he’s my my my my my my my

Body guard my security for my base guess what I’m going to change into a super giant speaker man and hopefully we can scare him away from my base forever are you guys ready let’s do it oh there’s not enough space Oh my gosh that will tell you how big this thing is Boom

There we go yo I’m going to stand behind the house over here so he just sees my head floating above the ceiling over here and now I’m going to play some super annoying music again to hopefully annoy him so much that he’s going to want to run away but when he sees giant

Speaker man his head poking out of the ceiling I hope he’s going to get super scared okay let’s play the music now okay I got my stuff back oh wait what is that song where is that even coming from I hate it turn it off what’s doing that

Wait a second does he not realize giant speaker man is literally staring at him from behind the roof over here wait is that him is that speaker man wait did he get bigger hey hey what are you doing get away from my house no no no no I got to get out of

Here what is actually going away did you guys hear that he’s saying get away from my house that is not his house okay it’s my house we actually successfully send him away is he never going to come back here I’m just going to find a new base

To build and vintage could have that ha to speaker man house to himself what yo that’s not enough I have to get it one last time I’m going to use a super secret speaker Man weapon oh my gosh look at how that thing looks it’s a giant speaker that will blast him to

Another reality let’s try and find him and use it okay if I just uh I’ll just stay over here so I can keep an eye on the house from this distance and I got the boat whenever I need to escape are you guys ready as soon as I release this button

He’s going to get plasted through the nether let’s go w w what happened how did I die as you can see right over there my friend Dino is fishing right now and we have a giant problem he actually stole my dog my dog is trapped inside of his base so what we

Have to do to punish Dino is we have to prank him super hard as cartoon dog what we’re going to do is we’re going to break into his base and morph into my own dog and by the end of the video the dog is slowly going to turn into cartoon

Dog and prank Dino super hard we’re going to make him scream like a little girl for stealing my dog let’s go let’s see what Dino’s going to do today oh man today is going to be so awesome because I stole flaky’s doggy and flaky’s doggy is actually kind of hungry right bul are

You hungry oh he looks so hungry so I going to catch a lot of fishy s today oh this is perfect he’s actually got to go fishing to feed my dog so guess what while he’s busy fishing we can take our time to to prepare the most awesomest

Pranks ever so let’s just go over to his base without him noticing and actually double check if he really stole my dog pop let’s see oh no there he is pop look it’s me it’s Floy it’s Floy yeah you remember me right oh my gosh he actually

Stole my doggy I’m going to be so mad I’m going to break him super hard so the first thing we got to do is we have to confuse the absolute heck out of him because first I want to confuse him super hard before I prank him because

That’s what he deserves so let’s go over here right behind him and let’s actually push him into the water a couple times while he’s fishing to punish him for stealing my dog what what the what the heck just hit me into the water yo what the heck what

Wait wait a second what the heck wait there’s nothing here wait how is that possible what he’s already sounding super confused and that’s not the only thing we’re going to do because we have to make him super confused and super scared for stealing my little doggy so

You know what let’s see how many times we can actually push him into the water before he gets super angry and screams like a little girl oh man I don’t know that was so weird do I really want to go fishing again wait let me check on Bob

Bob do you really want oh no Bob really wants to fish you look at him he looks so hungry I got to go back to fishing wow why does he act like he knows what my doggy wants I’m the only one that knows what my doggy wants we have to

Punish him for this I’m going to hit him into the water again what what what the heck what the heck I got hit again yo wait there must have been a zombie or something around hello where did the zombie go oh my gosh you almost saw me

He literally almost saw me how does he think that there’s a zombie here it’s literally daytime zombies don’t even spawn right now okay you know what I want to see how many times we can hit him into the water before he actually freaks out so let’s just wait for him to

Go fishing again oh man this is so weird I don’t see any mobs around my base there’s l even a skeleton or a zombie around but that’s so weird what could have hit me into the water he’s so super confused again okay let’s wait for him to go fishing and

Stand right behind him and then eventually we’re going to morph into my own dog and break him super hard and by the end we’re going to turn into cartoon dog and prank him so hard he’s probably going to cry and he deserves it for stealing my doggy all right you know

What this time I’m going to fish from the other side of my dog I’m going to stand over over here hopefully I don’t get pushed through the water again oh hopefully he doesn’t get pushed through the water again well guess what I’m standing right behind him look at this

Hey if you guys drop a like right now I’m going to hit him so hard it’s going to hurt three two one wow what thing I got hit again yo wait a second no way it must have been one of you guys right come on chickens you better get to

Talking right now what is actually talking to the chickens oh my gosh he’s such a giant Noob why does he think that chickens can ever talk back to him oh let’s see what he’s going to tell the chickens you stupid chickens you’re not going to tell

Me I’m going to beat it out of you what oh my gosh D is so mean is actually hitting all of the innocent chickens no way if you guys think Dino is a meanie as well we all got to call him mean Dino in the comments below to stop him from

Hitting the chickens okay you know what I’m going to distract him from the chickens by ringing his Bell a couple of times what wait what the heck is that noise wait was that the Bell what the heck that is so weird wait why did my bell ring hello hey you stupid chica you

Escaped that’s what you get you’re not allowed to escape oh my go she’s actually killing all the chickens now we have to take revenge on him for stealing my doggy and also for killing the innocent chickens D know is so mean but don’t worry cuz eventually I’m going to

Morphit the cartoon dog and get the biggest Revenge ever but now we have to confuse him just a little bit more so his day is going super bad and then we prank him a you stupid wait what what the heck wait a second that was the Bell again hey come

On now wait who’s ringing my who’s ringing my bell wait there’s no one here what the heck this is so wait it’s ringing again what the heck wait oh of course maybe it’s just the wind I’m acting so silly today it’s probably just the wind what he thinks the wind is

Ringing his Bell okay you know what what if I steal the Bell I’m going to put it at the other side of the house and ring it from here he’s going to be so confused and he deserves it oh you stupid what the heck the B being wrong

Again wait wait wait a second wait where’s my bell wait where did my bell go what the heck Hello Bell wait I hear it I wait wait how did my bell get over here what yo this is so weird what the heck is going on right now look at how

Confused he is okay now we have to steal the bed again and put it somewhere at the other side of the water because then he’s going to swim all the way over here and while he’s swimming over here is going to give us the perfect opportunity

To break into his base and morph into my own doggy so we can prank him as my own doggy I’m going to put the Bell right here and I’m going to keep ringing it until he sees it at the other side of the water wait what the heck wait the

Bell is over there wait you stupid Bell hey what are you doing over there come here you stupid Bell I’m going to get you oh my gosh it worked no way we actually got him to go over there and now it’s time to be reunited with my

Little doggy Bob hey Bob do you remember me I’m I’m your boss I’m I’m Floy hello he’s looking at me he knows he knows he knows okay now Bob listen I’m going to free you you have to run away to the Bas base come on to to our base go back to

Our base I got a prank Ido hurry up why are you not going go move there we go there we go there we go he’s safe go away Bob stop looking at me okay there we go now it’s time to morph into a little doggy so we can prank Dino even

Harder yes Bob run away boom there we go we just morphed into Bob but now all we have to do is wait for D to get back and we’re going to break him so hard we’re going to take revenge for everything that he’s done today oh man this is so

Stupid Bob is going to be so disappointed hey Bob how are you doing so uh remember how I promised to catch you some fish it didn’t work I didn’t catch any fishes today and today has been so weird like I my belt disappeared I have no idea what is going on but at

Least I have you right Bob right oh look at him he’s actually super confused about the bell and he says his day is going doing so bad but what he isn’t giving me any fishies you know what we’re going to be super angry because he

Says at least he has Bob but guess what by the end of the video he’s not going to have Bob I’m going to hit him because I’m so mad at him for not giving me a little fishy whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa B calm down oh well I got you something I

Hope you’re going to enjoy this here hope you like this what is this he gave me a rotten egg what the heck why would he give me a rotten egg that’s so unhealthy that’s so bad I’m going to throw it at his face wo wo whoo whoo

Whoo W what what go wait why am I poing right now wait w what the heck ising me what is this even what the heck is that I didn’t expect that the rotten egg would actually spawn super awesome little mobs that fight Dino oh what the heck yo I’m

Super na right now what the heck is this stupid creature oh my gosh that’s what you call a taste of your own medicine because he gave me the rotten egg and now it’s his problem okay so when he gets back here I’m going to be his next problem all

Right there we go I’m going to put this sword back in well I guess you didn’t really like the rotten eggs I mean I can give you some raw chicken maybe you like some raw chicken oh you know what I do actually love raw chicken cuz I’m a dog raw chicken is so

Delicious he’s actually eating it oh wait wait there are particles around him now uh bul are you still wait wait e b you smell e what the heck you know what you’re going to stay here for the rest of the day what he’s telling me I smell

I can’t believe how mean Dino is okay what if we set fire to a little piece of the base to start our prank on him because he stole my doggy and he killed all those innocent chickens so now I’m going to get a flint of Steel and I’m

Going to set fire to one little part over here and see if he notices oh man what the heck all right you know what I really got to grab myself a pickaxe ax I got to get some more wood so I can actually build Bob in because he’s super

SM what the he whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck wait why was there fire wait did you have a a fiery fart what the heck oh Bob you really got to watch out okay what he thinks I had a fiery fart what’s wrong with Dino he’s

So weird he doesn’t even realize that his Ena living room is burning right now what’s he doing all right here we who wait wait there more fire there’s more fire no put it out put it out put it out quick quick quick quick quick no no no

No no no wait why is there so much fire here no I got to stop it I got to stop it no no no no no whoa that was close oh wait I’m still on fire okay okay well now I’m cool down again so uh Mr smelly

Bob you can stay in here okay wait wait B wait B where are you you go where you going Bob I’m going to run away because he does not deserve to be with Bob I’m going to run away and morph it into a super scary dog and then after that

We’re going to change it to cartoon dog but first we have to run away super quickly and come back as a super scary black dog oh there we go we turned a little bit bigger and super scary and this is our almost final form our final

Form is going to be the cartoon dog so now we’re going to come back and take revenge on Dino for doing all those mean things what the heck I can’t believe it bu right away this is so stupid what am I going to do without bul wait a second

There’s a bell of my chest maybe I can lure him over here with the Bell B please come back how does he not see me I’m standing right here B where are you please come back I got some nice F whoa what D what D what D what D whoa what is

That wait what was that thing whoa what the heck what is that dude it’s a super giant dog wait why is he black I’ve never seen a black dog before wait I’m poison what the heck wait why didn’t they poison me look at how scared D is of this doggy

Actually screamed like a little girl hey you know what as a Revenge we all have to laugh at him in the comments by typing haha Dino for screaming like a little girl okay you know what let’s fly to the other side and find out where he

Is this scare him again oh but I don’t know where to go wait that was a super creepy dog uh you know what what if I just start here start living with the sheepies oh wait look over here I can hide over here this is perfect oh I

Finally found him I’ve been looking for him for so long but he’s right there okay I’m going to wait for him to have his back turn against me I’m going to stand right behind him and as soon as he turns around he’s going to freak out and hopefully scream like a little girl

Again wait how does this work how do I I get hello how is this supposed to I have a guardian sapling what the heck whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa look at him screaming I’m going to keep running after him and see for how long we can make him scream like a

Little girl whoa wait why is he up here what the heck wait I didn’t know dogs can climb trees no no no quickly quickly quickly get up here get up here get up here he keeps screaming this is hilarious okay now we have to go back to

His base over here and we’re going to change it to cartoon dog and try to lure him back to the base oh there we go we changed it to a super scary cartoon dog now I’m going to keep ringing the bell over and over again to try and get Dino

To come over here wait he’s right over there a s Rock through the woods okay let’s do it wait a second wait what is that noise wait is that the Bell wait no way is there a bell being rung at my base again wait let me check is there

Somebody over there hello wait wait I don’t see anyone over there uh is it safe I got to find the safe way to get over there let’s go over here go into the woods oh my gosh he’s actually going to come over here and I’m going to keep

Following him from the woods we got to wait until he comes on land there we go and now we’re just going to follow him around and see if he goes back to the base and when he’s back in his base we’re going to stand right behind him

And scare him so much and hopefully he’s going to scream the loudest he’s ever screamed and he all deserves it because he’s being super mean and he stole my doggy all right so let’s see I don’t see anyone at my base what the heck all right let’s get a little bit closer

Hello who was the one ringing the bell come out here I have an Axe and I’m going to get you he has no idea I’m standing right behind him let’s wait for him to go inside of his base and then oh my gosh he turned around how did he not

See me y he’s attacking this little oh he you cat kill a little bird W whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck was that what the heck wait what it’s a super big dog what the heck he’s going to swim to the other side again I’m

Going to wait for him and try to figure out where he’s going and I’m going to appear right in front of him okay I think he’s going to go over here wow wait how did he get over there wait how did he get there so quickly we’re going

To do it again let’s see and try and figure out where he’s going and then we’re going to jump right in front of him we want to make him scream like a little girl for being so mean oh no where I whoa wait wait wait what the

Heck yo how is even possible Oh no I got to swim somewhere else wait where is he going to go to he’s literally swimming into the open ocean there’s nothing there oh no he’s going to get lost he’s probably going to drown oh no wait wait I’m doing damage I need some

Air oh yeah okay now I can go down again here we go okay what if I just swim after him like this wait where is he going he’s going under an iceberg oh no he’s definitely going to drown this is so not smart what is he doing all right

So let’s see wait wait I’m running out of air no I’m taking damage get up get up quickly quickly quickly no what no way he actually dropped oh my gosh Dino is such a giant Noob oh no I don’t know what to do anymore you know

I’m going to grab my boat and I’m going to try and escape this stupid house what is going to try and Escape we can’t have that we’re going to use our super awesome cartoon dog abilities on him oh man I hope I’m actually going to be safe

Over here away from wa what the heck was that he has no idea what killed him but now we’re going to go over there we’re going to use our super awesome abilities on him again and scare him even harder oh no I don’t know what to do you know

What let’s try and build a boat let’s try who wait he’s over here again oh no no no no where am I supposed to go where am I supposed to go oh he’s so terrified look at his dog running after him this looks so funny when he’s in his boat again okay okay

We’re going to try and figure out where he’s going oh what he can’t even go that far it’s literally stopped here no no it’s a dead end hurry up hurry up quickly quickly quickly what is it did it over here as well no where is he

Going to go is he going to go into the open ocean that’s not smart Dino you’re not supposed to go into the open ocean yourself you know what happened last time oh no you know or you know let’s just try and get away let’s try and get

Away okay okay let’s try and figure out where he’s going and then we’re going to stand right there and use our super awesome abilities to punish him again what he actually left the game what we made him R quid my friend Dino is trying to beat Minecraft but we have a big

Problem he is actually a super big Minecraft Noob so today I wanted to morph into a helpful little choo choo Charles to help him beat Minecraft but first we got to make him a little bit scared so I heard he actually wants to go inside of his scary big cave and when

He go into that cave I’m going to first prank him as a couple of creatures that you will find in a cave normally like a zombie a creeper and even a cave spider so we’re going to make him super scared and by the end of the video we’re going

To turn into a helpful little chooo Charles and help him be Minecraft is going to be so funny I also have dis 11 in my inventory and while he’s in that creepy dark cave I’m going to play the disc so he’s probably going to get super scared but don’t worry because helpful

Chu Charles will help him get out of that creepy cave at the end of the video before we go out and prank him for a little bit as creepy monsters do you guys want to see this super awesome cute little helpful Cho Choo CH model if you

Do you got to like the video now I’m going to give you 3 seconds 3 two 1 boom there we go look at how cute and tiny we are oh my gosh this is so cool he’s going to probably be super scared at the beginning but eventually he’s going to

Realize that this cute little Cho Choo Charles is super helpful all right let’s change back into my normal Minecraft skin and wait for him to go to the cave oh my God no way today is going to be mining day and I’m so super excited so

First I got to grab my pickaxe to make sure I can actually mine all of the ores so I got my pickaxe now and oh man look what a beautiful day I’m so excited to go mining my objective for today is actually to find as much diamonds as

Possible and luckily I have a super big giant cave right over here oh it’s so deep I got to make sure I don’t fall in oh this is so perfect look Dino’s actually standing right next to the giant cave what if the first thing that

We do is we actually hit him inside so he will be stuck in this big Ravine wait he can’t see that it’s me I’m going to change to a zombie really quick and hit him inside let’s do it wa what the heck yo I fell down here what the heck

Happened yo no way was that you stupid zombie oh man once I get back from mining I’m going to get you oh he’s actually stuck down there right now so don’t forget our objective is to make him super scared and literally begging for help and then we’re going to show up

As a super helpful Cho Choo Charles and help him get back up and beat Minecraft so okay let’s see what he’s going to do right now I’m going to get inside of the cave as well as a little zombie and scare him for a little while all right

Wa where did that zombie go from he just fell out of the sky zombie stay away stay away no oh my God all right I’m going to run away I’m going to run away oh man oh man oh man oh look wait where did the zombie go what the heck where

Did he go that’s so weird he’s actually starting to freak out already okay let’s scare him a little bit more by changing into a creeper and showing up behind him but we got to escape somehow our really he didn’t see me fly up here okay let’s go

All the way up and let’s try to actually position ourselves right behind him wait where did he go I don’t even see him oh there he is I’m going to stand right behind him and as soon as he turns around he’s probably going to scream and

Run away all right there we go going to get some more coal for my furnace back home here we go and W oh man I fell down there whoa Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper run away no no no no no I don’t want to be blown up by the creeper I Hate Creeper

Wait a second where did the creeper go that is so weird it was right over here I’m going to go investigate where did that stupid creeper go you know I’m going to show that creeper what there he is oh no I’m going to run away again I’m a little bit too

Scared oh my gosh my Noob friend Doo is so easy to scare and he actually screams like a little girl so what I want you guys to do is every single time that he screams like a little girl we all got to laugh at him in the comments below by

Typ in haha Dino let’s do it right now okay let’s scare him even more what if I actually go I got to find a way to turn invisible cuz I actually want to follow him around and kind of haunt him so he becomes super scared give me one second

Guys okay I’ve just found a way to turn Super invisible when I press one button I’m going to turn invisible do you guys want to see it okay let’s go boom there we go we just turned invisible okay I’m going to try and haunt him and make him

Super scared because he’s not going to see any anything I’m just going to hit him and he’s going to wonder what hit him what wh wait what what what the heck what hit me y there must be some kind of skeleton somewhere uh Mr skeleton where

Are you what I don’t see any skeleton that’s so weird okay whatever I got to continue mining because I got to find some diamonds wow he has no clue that his best friend is literally right behind him I’m going to hit him again what the heck was that yo this is so

Creepy I’m I’m being hit but there’s nothing here oh what there a zombie oh no oh no watch out zombie stupid zombie stay away from me all right here we go I got the zombie but wait oh there’s no more zombies ah what the heck I got it

Again yo there is no way there’s nothing here this is so creepy he keeps screaming like a little girl this is so funny okay what if we actually turn up the creepiness level by creeping him out super hard with dis 11 I’m going to turn invisible try to find

Him again and then I’m going to make a little hole in the wall and play dis 11 wait let’s see where he is I can’t find him oh he’s so far where the heck did he go okay I found him he’s right over there I’m going to play dis 11 right

Here what the heck is that noise what am I hearing yo this is so creepy what am I hearing oh my God I’m so scared I’m going to run away where the heck am I supposed to go I got to run away from the noise oh my God she actually ran

Away from the Jukebox okay let’s Place one here again wait what the heck the nois is here again this is so stupid Oh my God it’s so close I got to keep running he’s actually getting into such a deep cave now oh my gosh okay guys do

Not forget by the end we’re going to turn into helpful little Cho Choo Charles and actually help him get back up there oh no I heard an explosion what was that what creeper oh no no that did so much damage oh but I got to really

Watch out I’m not supposed to die with all these resources let’s turn it to a little cave spider right here and as soon as he’s around the corner I’m going to start attacking him all right here we go I’m going to get some more iron a

What the heck you I’m poison I’m poison e no no no I can’t die got to run away wait it’s a dead end no no no no no no no stop please oh he’s actually building himself in oh my gosh okay this is the perfect opportunity to actually turn

Into a super cute little choo choo TR and the next time he’s going to open up the blocks to try to escap his go to see Cho Choo Charles but we got to let him know that we’re actually friendly are you guys ready to change it to Cho Choo

Charles let’s go boom there we go oh look at how cute we look okay this is what we’re going to do okay I’m going to grab a bunch of diamonds in my hand so when he opens up that little wall over there he’s probably going to be super

Scar but I’m going to drop him some diamonds to let him know that we’re friendly he’s going to be so happy all right oh but you know what I’m going to try and Escape I hope that stupid spider is gone where the heck did he go wait

He’s not here what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what the heck is that yo it’s like a super small tree rain spider kind of thingy what the heck is this oh he so has a stin he actually thinks that we’re like a super creepy spider yo I’m going

To drop him one diamond right here soon as he turns around it’s going to see the diamond wao no way a diamond wait is that for me uh uh oh no way it is actually a real diamond oh look at what a giant Minecraft Noob my friend is he

Gets so excited by a little Diamond What if I give him some more maybe we can actually make him scream of excitement W there’s so many diamonds no wa no wa no way whoa I got eight diamonds now I wish I had a crafting table so I could craft

Some diamond armor oh he wants a crafting table what if I pretend to lead him to a crafting table I’m going to put one somewhere that he hasn’t been yet and I’m going to pretend to lead him to it okay let’s just go away real quick

There we go I’m going to put a crafting table right about here what if I hit him and tell him to follow me whoa whoa whoa no no don’t hit me into the lava please I’m sorry oh my I’m going to give your diamonds back no no no he has to follow

The trail of diamonds there’s going to be a crafting table right here wa no way there is more diamonds oh that must be so being shot almost fell in the lava oh no wao no way the little Spidey boy was helping me oh thank you so much you’re

So nice you know what you want a steak boy maybe you like some steak what he’s trying to feed cho cho Charles with steak oh what a giant Noob but he hasn’t even seen the crafting table yet it’s right there look who more oh what the

Heck a crafting table wa good job at finding this I have no idea how the heck there’s a crafting table over here but I’m sure you’re happy that there’s one here we go I am going to create armor and now the only thing I’m missing is panss but it doesn’t matter all right

You know what because you’re actually really nice maybe I should give you a name um so what would be a good name for you oh I know I’m going to call you Choo because you’re a little Tren come follow me Chu wow he actually got super close

To the real name he’s going to call me cho cho what would you guys call this super cute little choo choo TRS do you guys think that cho cho is a fun name okay I’m going to follow him follow me Cho we got to whoa look at that there is

Gold right over here all right we got to get all of it here we go look how I’m excited he gets about a little gold what if I get some emerald ore and I’m going to spawn it around the corner and together with some diamond ore he’s

Going to be the happiest new Noob ever wait let’s try and get ahead of him and we’re going to get a lot of emerald all right here oh this is so perfect wait where did Cho Chu go what did chuch Cho go over here oh he’s going the wrong way

He’s going the wrong way wait if he thr oh no he’s going super the wrong way now I got no I don’t want to hit him now he has to turn around follow me Choo Cho I found you wait where are you going Chu stop running wait where are you going

Stop being so fast look there’s a lot of emeralds here what the heck there is emeralds and diamonds at the same place this is so awesome well good job of finding it cho cho I’m going to give you some more steak he keeps feeding me steak but I’m

A little train you’re supposed to feed me like gasoline or something or oil not steak but you know what he is a big Minecraft Noob so it doesn’t matter look at how happy he is oh man I am so happy I am going to craft emerald tools and

Emerald armor this is going to be so cool we got to go back to the crafting table where is the crafting table what did he just say he says he wants to craft emerald armor oh he’s such a giant Noob this is the perfect opportunity to go through the comments again and type

In haha Dino for being such a Minecraft Noob you know what by the end of the video I want to lead him to a big V where he can trade all of those emeralds for something more cool so let’s try and find a way out of here so we can

Actually try to beat Minecraft with him okay I really got to get Dino to follow me now oh no watch out waa there’s even more oh no wao look at that Chucho is actually helping me oh Chucho you’re such a good boy you want another steak

Yeah you do yes you do oh my God he keeps feeding me steak this is hilarious but okay I found a way out of here it’s it’s time for us to go away let’s go all right let’s see how are we going to get out of here cho cho and don’t forget

There was a super mean zombie up there and I still want to get him yo look at that Choo is actually climbing the wall like a spider that’s so cool I’m going to help him so hard I’m a spider so I can climb the wall and I’m going to make

It super easy for him to get up by pouring down some water so he can swim up oh this is going to be so cool I can’t believe it Choo left me wait there’s water wait wait what oh Choo you did this oh my God that’s so nice of you

I’m coming up oh my God it’s going to take him so long to get up here and while he’s swimming up I’m going to go to his base and leave a couple of surprises all around the base so first off we’re going to get him a source of

Food I’m going to give him a little farm right in front of his house oh this is going to be super helpful for him let’s give him a tiny little farm right here we’re going to need some fences as well there we go let’s fence everything in oh

This is starting to look super awesome now what kind of animal are we going to put in there what are you guys thinking are you guys thinking about sheep about chickens you know what I think chickens would be cool because it’s such a small little area I’m going to get a chicken

Spawn egg and I’m going to put it all around the area oh it’s going to be so happy about this when he gets back he finally has a good source of food oh man I am almost up this to so long oh man I can’t believe it I’m finally back up

Made Choo Cho how have you been boy oh man you want to go and check out my house look I have a super cool and awesome what the heck wait a second how the heck did all of these chickens get here what are they doing right next to

My house I don’t even like chickens they’re like smelly and they do all these ewie farts I don’t want any of those chickens here I’m going to kill them all what wow did you guys hear how ungrateful he is I literally gave him so many chickens and he says he’s going to

Kill them all wow he’s such a little meanie okay you know what I know I’m a helpful Cho Choo Charles but when he tries to kill them I’m going to attack him back hey stop doing that here we go I’m getting out of oh little Chens are

Fighting back ah w wait the chickens are escaping where are they going stop it why am I being hit what is that like some kind of mean chicken hitting me all the time wait Choo Cho watch out there’s a mean Chicken on the loose oh my gosh

She thinks it’s a chicken attacking it but it’s me I wanted to know that it’s me stop killing the chickens being hit again was it you zombie I can’t believe it this stupid zombie was hitting me all the time all right luckily Cho Chu took

Care of the zombie so I can kill all of these chickens oh my gosh he’s still killing the chickens okay you know what it’s time to teach him a little lesson I’m going to go around the corner and change my name to cho cho Charles and

The next time I’m going to kill him he’s actually going to know that it’s me cuz he has to stop killing the chickens wait Chuchu watch out watch wait wait Chuchu are you attacking me no no no stop hitting me stop hitting me no I look at

That Dino was slay by Cho Chu Charles okay I want him to come back here so I’m going to rebuild the farm and put some more chickens in there so he realizes that I want to keep these chickens for him yo what the heck I was slain by cho

Cho Charles what the heck his name is Charles that’s actually a stupid name oh he called my name stupid guys I’m really thinking about not being helpful anymore but you know what how the heck did all of these chickens get back here this is so stupid I can’t believe there are

Chickens here again no I don’t want these chickens I’m just going to try to lead him to a village to turn over those emeralds because this is not going well I can’t believe I’m still being a helpful Chu Charles after being disrespected so many times would you

Guys still be helpful after all of this disrespect well you know what I still have to be so I’m going to try and find a village for him so he can actually beat Minecraft Dino has been cutting trees for so long right now but there’s very good news I have actually found a

Village right behind this Forest over here so I want to get him over there so we can turn in those emeralds so we can actually beat mikraft together okay let’s try to get him over there uh where is he now I lost him oh he’s so easy to

Lose I can’t believe this where the heck is Dino oh there he is I found him okay let’s get his attention who what the heck I was hit wait what hit me come on Dino follow me cho cho wait CH Chu where are you going wait cho cho let stop

Running you’re so fast oh my God wait Choo Cho what the heck cho cho you found the village no way this is going to be so awesome I’m going to trade in all of the emeralds so let’s see which Villager has a good deal uh hello Mr villager what do

You have for me do you have like a trade I can’t even trade yo this villager is stupid whoa this villager oh my God no way six emeralds for a iron shovel with Unbreaking three oh man I won one no I ch ch I got a gift for you here you go

Now we both have the same shovel look it’s super duper fast oh my God he literally spent and wasted 12 emeralds on a stupid iron shovel I can’t believe this guys I think even the biggest Minecraft noobs can be helped by any creature ever oh my gosh

This video, titled ‘Morphing Into CUSTOM SECRET BOSSES To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-01-24 01:45:01. It has garnered 9054 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 03:47:42 or 13662 seconds.

In this Minecraft world I morph into a CUSTOM SECRET OP BOSSES and then I pranked my friend as a OP CUSTOM BOSSES in Minecraft By Morphing Into a SCP to Prank My Friend Because With this OP CUSTOM BOSSES Mod I Fooled my friend in Minecraft! because I Became OP CUSTOM BOSSES in MINECRAFT! Then I tried to prank my friend Dino who was trying to beat the game! Will the prank work, or will Dino find out it’s me? Watch to the end to find out! – Minecraft Trolling Pranked

Inspired by Cash and Nico Omziscool Maizen Aphmau

Like Carty and Smirky Minecraft and Cash and Nico Minecraft Prank and Pranked videos, like Omziscool and Kory Minecraft Trolling, This Morphing Into OP BOSSES To Prank My Friend inspired video is made for Minecraft Enjoyers 🙂


#minecraftmod #noobvspro #minecraft

  • Sneaky Bath Prank on Senpaispider

    Sneaky Bath Prank on Senpaispider Exploring the World of Minecraft: Bathing in Front of Senpai Spider When it comes to the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players are constantly finding new ways to interact with the environment and push the boundaries of the game. One such intriguing scenario is the concept of bathing in front of Senpai Spider, a unique and humorous experience that has captured the attention of many players. Setting the Scene Imagine wandering through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, when suddenly you come across Senpai Spider, a larger-than-life arachnid with a mischievous glint in its eyes. As you approach, you… Read More

  • Discover the Magic of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Magic of Minewind Minecraft Server Are you a fan of creating cozy, magical homes in Minecraft like the ones featured in the “Cottage Witch” modpack? Do you enjoy the thrill of exploration and the satisfaction of building your own unique world? If so, you’ll love the immersive and dynamic experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of like-minded players who appreciate creativity, collaboration, and adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. With unique features, exciting events, and a dedicated staff team, you’ll never run out of things to do or new… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Hottest Mods June 2024

    Minecraft's Hottest Mods June 2024 Exploring the Top 30 Minecraft Mods of June 2024 Grimoire of Gaia Step into a world filled with mythical creatures and new challenges with the Grimoire of Gaia mod. This mod introduces a variety of unique mobs to the game, adding excitement and unpredictability to your Minecraft adventures. From powerful bosses to friendly NPCs, this mod enhances the overall gameplay experience. Download Grimoire of Gaia Alex’s Caves Delve into the depths of intricate cave systems with Alex’s Caves mod. This mod expands the underground world of Minecraft, offering players new challenges and treasures to discover. Explore vast caverns, uncover… Read More

  • Jugando en MyUsagiLand con Gioseth – Server de Minecraft Gratuito

    Jugando en MyUsagiLand con Gioseth - Server de Minecraft Gratuito Jugando en MyUsagiLand con Gioseth – Explorando el Mundo de Minecraft En un emocionante directo de Twitch, Gioseth se sumerge en la búsqueda de escombros ancestrales para forjar netheritas y mejorar su armadura en el mundo de Minecraft. Acompañado por su audiencia, se aventura en una fortaleza de piglins, enfrentando desafíos y recolectando valioso loot. Una Aventura Llena de Sorpresas La travesía de Gioseth en busca de escombros ancestrales no estuvo exenta de emociones. A pesar de su valentía, una inesperada muerte en la fortaleza de piglins añadió un giro inesperado a la historia. Sin embargo, la perseverancia y… Read More

  • Mutant Mobs in Minecraft!

    Mutant Mobs in Minecraft! Minecraft: Mobs Bermutasi! 🌟 (Mutant Evolved Mod) Welcome to the most epic Minecraft adventure yet! In this exciting journey, players will encounter mutated mobs that have evolved into terrifying mutants. With the Mutant mod, every encounter becomes more challenging and thrilling! Get ready for epic battles against mutant wardens, Ender dragons, creepers, and many more. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and ring the notification bell to stay updated on more exciting videos! 🎮✨ Exploring the Mutant Evolved Addon The Mutant Evolved addon introduces a whole new level of excitement to the Minecraft world. Players will come face to face… Read More

  • Mop Villager Madness: Minecraft’s New Twist!

    Mop Villager Madness: Minecraft's New Twist! In the world of Minecraft, a new tale to tell, Becoming a Villager, hands fused, oh well. The excitement, the wonder, in this unique twist, Don’t skip the video, don’t let it be missed. Hasyblock, the player, with skills to show, In the land of blocks, where adventures grow. With Instagram and YouTube, his presence known, Crafting content, in a style all his own. Donations welcomed, support the cause, Through Saweria, Trakteer, and Social Buzz applause. Join the Discord, for a community to find, Sharing the love for Minecraft, in a bind. Shorts and videos, a format so neat,… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks That Work

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks That Work Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks That Actually Work Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for creative ways to enhance their gaming experience. From building intricate structures to mastering redstone contraptions, the possibilities in this virtual world are endless. Recently, a set of Minecraft build hacks has been making waves among players, promising to elevate their gameplay to new heights. Unveiling the Minecraft Build Hacks One of the most intriguing aspects of Minecraft is the ability to manipulate blocks and create stunning landscapes. The build hacks being tested by players offer unique shortcuts and techniques to streamline the building process…. Read More

  • Meow Island: Minecraft Shenanigans

    Meow Island: Minecraft Shenanigans Minecraft Mod Showcase: Island Adventure Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with the “Island” mod pack, featuring a collection of exciting mods that enhance your gameplay experience. From new weapons to unique mobs, this mod pack offers a diverse range of content to explore. Guard Villagers and Yes Steve Model With the Guard Villagers mod by “almightytallestred,” players can enlist the help of vigilant villagers to protect their settlements from hostile mobs. The Yes Steve Model mod by “Tartaric Acid” introduces a fresh look for the player character, adding a touch of customization to your gameplay. Timeless and Classics… Read More

  • Cat-astrophic Chaos: Efekan’s Feline Fiasco in Minecraft!

    Cat-astrophic Chaos: Efekan's Feline Fiasco in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, mischief runs wild, With cats causing chaos, like a mischievous child. They prank and they play, driving Baldi insane, But their antics bring laughter, like a playful refrain. From home to the street, and even at school, These naughty cats break every rule. But their charm is undeniable, their spirit so bright, They bring joy and laughter, day and night. So join in the fun, subscribe and see, The antics of cats, mischievous and free. In the world of Minecraft, where anything goes, These cats bring laughter, from their heads to their toes. Read More

  • Iron Farming Made Easy!

    Iron Farming Made Easy! The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Game-Changer for Resource Gathering Are you ready to revolutionize your resource gathering in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21+? Look no further than the best and easiest iron farm that promises to provide you with a steady stream of iron ingots. This fully automatic farm design is a game-changer, offering exceptional performance and efficiency. Unleashing the Power of the Iron Farm With a staggering performance of +300 to +350 iron ingots per hour, this iron farm is a must-have for any serious Minecraft player. The farm operates in fully automatic mode, allowing you to focus on… Read More

  • Escaping the Floating Minecraft Village

    Escaping the Floating Minecraft Village Exploring a Floating Minecraft Village Imagine spawning on top of a floating village hut in Minecraft, with nothing around but void and a tiny island. This unique scenario offers a thrilling challenge for any player brave enough to survive in such a precarious setting. The Challenge of Survival Surviving in a floating village presents a myriad of challenges. Players must navigate the void below, carefully gather resources, and build structures to ensure their survival. The lack of solid ground adds an extra layer of difficulty, making every decision crucial for success. Resource Scarcity With limited resources available in the… Read More

  • Survive the Undead in Minecraft’s Closed Tunnel!

    Survive the Undead in Minecraft's Closed Tunnel!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-06-17 13:00:47. It has garnered 2710 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:52 or 2332 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Building Battles

    Insane Minecraft Building BattlesVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft #minecraft #minecraftbuildingminecraft #gaming #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-02-09 22:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More

  • Insane 28 Hour Minecraft Marathon! New vs Old!

    Insane 28 Hour Minecraft Marathon! New vs Old!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new vs old – Nostalgia #bnl #craft #games #minecraft #oldisgold #old #ruokff’, was uploaded by RAUNAK 28 HOUR GAMER on 2024-05-11 09:53:28. It has garnered 11857 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More


    INSANE GAMER MUST COLLECT ALL DOGS!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i must collect every dog in minecraft’, was uploaded by Skippy T on 2024-06-16 14:03:00. It has garnered 37897 views and 2143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:21 or 1401 seconds. i must collect every dog in minecraft 1.21 Edited by NOOBster —— Featuring: @branzybits @JayMojiDeluxe @FailboatsDinghy and me 😀 —— Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2024, by the Skip the… Read More

  • Endorwitch – Secret Decked Out in Minecraft!

    Endorwitch - Secret Decked Out in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft? Decked Out? Time to die!’, was uploaded by endorwitch on 2024-05-20 09:04:41. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:38 or 7058 seconds. FYI there’s a little bit of swearing in this. Etho’s fan community hosted a Decked Out event this past weekend and you can watch me be bad playing co-op with my Dogcraft buddies. I found the compass and got out ONCE! haha. Also I still sound very sick lol! Thank you to the SLABS folks for hosting this and letting us play! It was… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Mods: Can I Survive 100 Days Hardcore?

    Terrifying Minecraft Mods: Can I Survive 100 Days Hardcore?Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Minecraft’s Scariest Mods for 100 Days in Hardcore’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-07-03 16:31:58. It has garnered 365402 views and 10813 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:43 or 2503 seconds. The man from the fog and herobrine are in my hardcore world. My goal is to survive 100 days in hardcore Minecraft while every 10 days I add another one of Minecraft’s scariest horror mods. The world will become unbearable very quickly so I have no time to waste but most importantly… can I survive the entire 100 days? This is… Read More


    MonkeyDFNAF - 🐒 CRAZY 🔥 ROBLOX /MINECRAFT STREAM 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴ROBLOX /MINECRAFT +MORE,STREAM🔴, SUB AND GET A SHOUT AND A SUB BACK🔴,SubGoal-900’, was uploaded by MonkeyDFNAF on 2024-07-10 05:00:05. It has garnered 59 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:28:01 or 19681 seconds. #stream #gaming #roblox #fortnite #entertainment #comedy #funny #chill #🔴#stream #gaming #roblox #Valorant #fortnite #entertainment #comedy #funny #chill #🔴#chill #roblox #fortnite #gaming #entertainment #stream #comedy Read More

  • EPIC Fox Vs Wolf Fight in Minecraft! Watch Now!

    EPIC Fox Vs Wolf Fight in Minecraft! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fox🦊 Vs Wolf🐺 Fight||#shorts #shortsfeed #viral #minecraft||’, was uploaded by HAPPY KING 67 on 2024-03-12 07:00:04. It has garnered 479 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. build hacks,minecraft build hacks,life hacks,build,hacks,easy build hacks,101 build hacks,build hacks and ideas,build ideas,simple build hacks,bloxburg build hacks,15 summer build hacks,security build hacks,minecraft: 30+ laboratory build hacks!,build hacks minecraft,build hack,minecraft hacks,minecraft building hacks,minecraft bomb build hacks,how to build a,simple redstone builds,minecraft redstone build hacks minecraft build hacks,minecraft,testing minecraft build hacks,what to build in minecraft,minecraft build,cool minecraft builds,minecraft build tricks,build hacks,minecraft building hacks,minecraft build… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days As KING In Minecraft?! 😱

    Surviving 100 Days As KING In Minecraft?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days As KING In Minecraft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-07-22 02:54:25. It has garnered 28779 views and 1508 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:46 or 2446 seconds. I Survived 100 Days As KING In Minecraft Buy My Shirts: http://www.jeromeasf.store/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe Or Caveman Jerry Will Cry ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF Follow My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JeromeAceti Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF Check out my… Read More

  • Olympians Network

    Olympians NetworkWelcome to Olympians Network! 1. Custom Gamemodes: – Immerse yourself in our handcrafted custom gamemodes. Whether you’re battling fierce mobs, exploring mysterious dimensions, or solving intricate puzzles, there’s something for every player. 2. Survival at Its Finest – Brave the wilderness, gather resources, and build your dream base. Our survival world is both challenging and rewarding. Team up with friends or go solo—the choice is yours! 3. Skyblock Adventures: – Start your journey on a tiny floating island. With limited resources, you’ll need to be resourceful. Expand your island, create automated farms, and unlock new challenges. Skyblock is all about… Read More

  • Aurora SMP 1.21 Hermitcraft-inspired Java Whitelist Bluemap 18+

    Hello everyone! Are you ready to embark on a journey like no other in the enchanting world of Minecraft? Look no further than Aurora SMP, where the possibilities are as vast as the starry night sky ⭐ A World of Imagination Survive and thrive in our season 3 world. An engaging multiplayer experience awaits where the community matters. Join forces with friends or go solo; the AuroraSMP realm is yours to conquer. The only limits are the ones you set yourself! Community: Join a warm and welcoming community of fellow adventurers, where bonds are forged and friendships blossom. From sharing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Reality is the ultimate shitty joke writer

    I guess you could say that innocent gift really set off a “trans”formation in that child! Read More

  • Trade Mine for TF2, USA’s Minecraft FOMO

    Trade Mine for TF2, USA's Minecraft FOMO In the world of TF2, where the battles rage, Players from USA to trade, turning the page. But anger arises, homophobia in the mix, A problem that needs fixing, not just for kicks. Join the discord, share your thoughts and your voice, Together we can make a change, it’s our choice. Minecraft and TF2, games we love to play, Let’s keep the community safe, every single day. Shoutout to Shiny for the gameplay shared, In the world of gaming, let’s show we care. With music by Kevin MacLeod, setting the tone, In this montage of TF2, let’s make it… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftrelationshipdrama Read More

  • DadMeene’s Epic Fireball Showdown

    DadMeene's Epic Fireball Showdown The Unforeseen Demise in Minecraft When diving into the world of Minecraft, players often encounter unexpected challenges and surprises. In a recent gameplay session, a player faced an unforeseen demise that left them reeling. Let’s explore the events that led to this unexpected turn of events. The Setup Equipped with a powerful gaming setup, the player delved into the virtual realm with high hopes and grand ambitions. Their PC boasted impressive components, including: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600H with integrated graphics GPU: AMD Radeon 6500M RAM: 16GB DDR4 SSD: SAMSUNG MZVL25 12HDJD-00BH1 The Fireball Fight As the player navigated… Read More

  • Sneaky Sewer Block Tricks 1.16.5

    Sneaky Sewer Block Tricks 1.16.5 The Sewer Block Tutorial for Industrial Foregoing in Minecraft 1.16.5 Are you ready to dive into the world of Industrial Foregoing in Minecraft 1.16.5? This tutorial will guide you through everything you need to know about the Sewer block, including automation options that will take your gameplay to the next level. Tested Versions Before we get started, let’s ensure you’re on the right track. This tutorial has been tested in the following versions: Minecraft version: 1.16.5 Mod version: Video Breakdown Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect in the video: 0:00 – Device Purpose 0:30 -… Read More


    🔥GOLEM STEVE vs. MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE - ULTIMATE VILLAGE SHOWDOWN!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE : BABY MUTANT ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN SKELETON IN VILLAGE HOW TO PLAY My Craft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-07-10 14:00:45. It has garnered 1240 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:06 or 1806 seconds. MINECRAFT MOBS BATTLE : BABY MUTANT ZOMBIE CREEPER ENDERMAN SKELETON IN VILLAGE HOW TO PLAY My Craft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3

    Mystery Revealed: Minecraft Iceberg Layer 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iceberg – Layer 3’, was uploaded by marlboroluvur on 2024-06-19 10:15:14. It has garnered 2286 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:04 or 1864 seconds. Any feedback or changes I should make? Lemme know down below 😀 Read More


    STRIVERSUMIT - SHOCKING NEW REVEAL! 😉Video Information This video, titled ‘New Episode Out 😉’, was uploaded by STRIKERSUMIT on 2024-07-10 13:30:31. It has garnered 4201 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #gaming 🎮 Welcome to STRIKERSUMIT ! 🕹️ 🚀 Dive into the ultimate gaming experience with STRIKERSUMIT , your guide to the vast world of virtual adventures! 🌐 🔥 Immerse yourself in a universe where pixels come to life, as we explore the latest and greatest games across genres. From heart-pounding action to mind-bending puzzles, this is the hub for all things gaming. 👾 What… Read More

  • Minecraft Kids Song: Crazy Tricks with Siddhi and Babu!

    Minecraft Kids Song: Crazy Tricks with Siddhi and Babu!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft song for kids | New Generation Rhymes | Kids Cartoons | Kindergarten Songs’, was uploaded by Siddhi and Babu show on 2024-07-09 08:03:55. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Newborn Baby Songs | Newborn Baby Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Popular Collection Of Rhymes | Popular Collection Of Newborn Baby Songs| Collection Of Rhymes For Kids | very special compilation of Nursery Rhymes | New Generation Rhymes| New Generation Poem | New Generation Kids Song | New Generation Music for Babies |… Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Minecraft Challenge | PietSmiet

    Unbelievable twist in Minecraft Challenge | PietSmietVideo Information This video, titled ‘Damit hat keiner gerechnet. | Minecraft Challenge’, was uploaded by PietSmiet on 2024-02-29 19:05:00. It has garnered 141234 views and 5959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:15 or 2955 seconds. That’s bitter! You can find our merch with shirts, hoodies and caps on https://pietsmiet.store Don’t miss any livestreams and follow us on http://twitch.tv/PietSmiet More videos from Minecraft Challenge can be found in the playlist on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5JK9SjdCJp_jPpLReQoYtqqJBBNLczl5 More videos from Minecraft Challenge are available earlier on PietSmiet.de: http://ptsmt.de/p/104797 This is a multiplayer Let’s Play gameplay of Minecraft. We played the game on the… Read More

  • Unveiling Demonic Secrets in New Town | Minecraft Roleplay

    Unveiling Demonic Secrets in New Town | Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Demon’s in a New Town – Demons Life Trailer MCTV//Minecraft Roleplay’, was uploaded by Night_Films on 2024-03-31 06:41:42. It has garnered 147 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:08 or 308 seconds. A Demons MCRP ROLEPLAY thumbnail by @JackHeptic #mctv #minecraft #minecraftroleplays #roleplay #mcrp #minecraftrp #demons #supernatural Cast @MrMatrix69 Read More

  • 🔥ATS MAXXA LIVE – JOIN FOR FREE NOW!!🔥 #minecraft

    🔥ATS MAXXA LIVE - JOIN FOR FREE NOW!!🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP LIVE HINDI | JAVA + PE 24/7| CRACKED SMP|FREE TO JOIN| #minecraft #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by ATS MAXXA LIVE on 2024-07-13 04:43:32. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:28:52 or 8932 seconds. public smp,public minecraft smp,minecraft smp,minecraft,minecraft smp servers,public minecraft,public minecraft server,public java minecraft,minecraft public smp,minecraft server,public bedrock minecraft,join public smp,join minecraft smp,free to play minecraft smp,minecraft public smp 1.19,minecraft public cracked smp server,smp,survival minecraft server,minecraft survival server pe,minecraft hardcore,minecraft survival server,minecraft server ip ⭐️──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──────⭐️ ✨ Connect with me on social media! 📸 Instagram… Read More

  • 🔨Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Tutorial 🏘️

    🔨Ultimate Minecraft Starter House Tutorial 🏘️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔨How To Make Starter Minecraft Wooden House 🏘️” || Minecraft House Toturial Video || Not Yash 09’, was uploaded by Not Yash 09 on 2024-06-05 18:30:21. It has garnered 3 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. 🔨How To Make Starter Minecraft Wooden House 🏘️” || Minecraft House Toturial Video || Not Yash 09 IN THIS VIDEO I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO MAKE STARTER HOUSE IN MINECRAFT THAT WILL HELP YOU TO MAKE A HOUSE IN YOUR SURVIVAL WORLD THIS IS EASY TO MAKE AND ITEM LIST IS… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret in Minecraft Original AMV/MMV

    Uncover the Secret in Minecraft Original AMV/MMVVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Find” A Minecraft Original AMV/MMV’, was uploaded by Starline_Creationz on 2024-01-08 17:00:22. It has garnered 152 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:21 or 201 seconds. Welcome to my channel, on this channel you will be seeing just a little not many non-related topics, but what you all will be seeing mainly on this channel is Minecraft Related Content and more of AMV/MMV’s! Subscribe, Like, Turn on the Notification bell so you never miss a single upload! Credits: @NightBirdTheAnimus @ArcticWoLfANIMATIONS_ @Alansilvershadow @LilDaeDreamer @EthanAnimatez @JeffVixTM @K2AnimationStudios @CaptainSparklez @AntVenom @TheKingApdo @fredisaalanimations @ShadowCreeperAnimations @ThunderAnimations152… Read More

  • CraftUniverse Bangladesh

    CraftUniverse BangladeshWelcome to CraftUniverse Bangladesh, an excellent Minecraft server known for it’s amazing experiences. We are a laid-back, no grief, economy, SMP server where we value community above all else. The server is running 1.20+, and everyone is welcome as both Java and Bedrock players are free to join! The server offers a variety of plugins that enhance the player experience while also staying true to Minecraft’s roots such as keep-inv, player warps, grief prevention, and more! Show your support for the server by voting to earn free ranks which grant perks such as VIP rank, cool prefixes, money, vote crate… Read More


    Welcome to StellarismC! Join our brand new survival style server at play.stellarismc.net! We are looking for active players to join our journey. With a great discord community and amazing staff, there’s plenty to explore. Drop your discord below for more details. Experience jobs, prestige’s, skills, and more! Read More

  • Novadia {1.21} {Semi-Vanilla} {No Griefing}

    Novadia {1.21} {Semi-Vanilla} {No Griefing}The Novadia Minecraft Server is happy to open its doors to all players for the 1.21 update – Tricky Trials!We are a community-centered server focused on player interaction and sense of community. Here’s what you can expect from our server:Vanilla-adjacent gameplay – at the core, Novadia focuses on vanilla gameplay, but includes minor modifications that provide interesting depth of gameplay to the server, such as player heads, or being able to sit on stairs.Friendly community – Minecraft is always better with friends and new players, and during your time on the server you will no doubt meet new people looking… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s OP Power Trip

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's OP Power TripSteve: “I’m not abusing my powers, I’m just creatively exploiting them for my own amusement. Plus, who’s gonna stop me? The sheep?” Read More